o>f^>^^ # \^ ^ IMAOE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IfiUS |2.5 ■^ 1^ 12.2 US u 2.0 1.4 1.6 6" vl ^1 ffiotographic Sdences Corporation 33 WiST MAIN STRECT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 873-4503 ^9> »^n o( ^ < • r • • • •••••• •• • •• • • • • < « •• * • • • • • * • • • .• • ••> This Bibliography of Canadian Poetry is based on a collection of about four hundred volumes and pamphlets brought together by the author during the past ten years, now in the Library of Victoria University. The other principal sources of information have been the Toronto Public Library, the Library of the Ontario Legislature, the Library of the Ontario Department of Education, and the Library of the Dominion Parliament, Ottawa. It has been restricted to publication£ in English. The author will be pleased to be informed of any omissions or errors, and also to receive additional personal notes of any authors mentioned. He is indebted to Mr. A. E. Lang, B.A., for much valuable assistance in the preparation of this volume. C. C. JAME& Toronto, August Ist, 1899. LIBRARY COMMITTEE OF VICTORIA UNIVERSITY. J. F. McLaughlin, M.A., B.D. L. E. Horning, Ph.D. J. C. Robertson, B.A. A. E. Lang, B.A. C. C. James, M.A. A. L. Langford, M.A. (Librarian).. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Note. — The references to Morgan in this volume are to " Canadian Men and Women of the Time," by Henry J. Morgan. Published by William Briggs, Toronto, 1898. Adams, Mary Electa Born in the St. Francis Valley. Teacher at Cobourg, Picton, Sackville, N.B., Dundas, Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton ; Principal of Brook- hurst Academy, Cobourg, and Lady Principal of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Died at Toronto, November 5th, 1898. From Distant Shores. A collection of nine poems, published at Toronto in 1898, after her death, for circulation among her many friends. Illustratsd. Alden, Margaret H. Of Saginaw, E. S., Mich., daughter of William Thomson, and sister of E. W. Thomson, both well-known writers. Born in Simcoe County, Ont. Author of two small collections of Christmas poems. Alexander, Armstrong: J. Songs op the New World. Toronto, 1896, pp. 74. Alexander, James Lynne According to Dr. Scadding he was a teacher in the York Grammar School, and afterwards Incumbent of Saltfleet and Binbrook, Ont. (See Gagnon'fl " lissai de Bibliographic CanaJieune," p. 525.) Wonders of the West ; or, A Day at the Niagara Falls in 1825 : A Poem. By a Canadian. (York), 1825, pp. 46. Note. — This is one of the earliest books of poetry published in Ontario. There was printed at The Herald office, Kingston, in 1822, a 13-page pamphlet, entitled " An Address to the Liege men of every British Colony and Province in the World, by a Friend to his Species." It was in rhyme, and published anonymously. (See Gagnon, pp. 18, 19.) 6 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETKV. Allan, Lieut Adam Bom 1767, in Dumfries, Scotland. Served in Siincoe's Queen's Rangers ; Lieutenant of the King's N. R. Regiment. Died at Poquiock, York County, N.B., in 1823. (See Morgan's " Bibliotheca Canadensis," also " New- Brunswick Historical Society Collection," Vol. I., 1894, pp. 36, 37.) The New Gentle Shepherd. A pastoral comedy originally written in the Scotch dialect by Allan Ramsay. Reduced to English by Lieut. Adam Allan, to which is annexed a description of the Great Falls of the River St. John, in the Province of New Brunswick. London, Eng., 1798. Allan, Peter John Born at York, Eng., in 1825. " Third son of Dr. Colin Allan, a surgeon in the army who held the appointment of Principal Medical Officer in Halifax, N.S., which place he quitted on retiring from the service in 1836, and passed the remaining years of his life at Fredericton." Died in 1848. The Poetical Remains op Pkter John Allan, Esq., late of Fredericton, New Brunswick, with a short biographical not? 36 (by his brother, J. McGregor Allan, Aberdeen). Edited by the Rev. Henry Christmas, M.A., F.R.S., etc. London, Eng., 1853, pp. 171. Allen, Grant Son of Rev. J. A. Allen (see below). Born at Kingston, Ont., February 24th, 1848. Educated at Oxford, Eng. Graduated in 1871. Now resident in England. Author of many novels and works on evolution in nature. (See Morgan. ) The Lower Slopes. Reminiscences of excursions round the base of Helicon, undertaken for the most part in early manhood. London and Chicago, 1894, pp. 79. Dedicated to Edward Clodd. Allen, Rev. Joseph Antisell Bom in Ireland, 1814. Came to Canada, 1842. Ordained by Bishop Mountain. Married a daughter of C. W. Grant, 4th Baron de Longueuil. Still living at Kingston, Ont. (See Morgan.) Day-Dreams by a Butterfly. Kingston^ C.W., 1854, pp. 156. Published anonymously. The Lambda-Nu Tercentenary Poem on Shakespeare. Strat- ford-upon-Avon, 1864, pp. 46. A BIBLIOQKAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Allen, Rev. Joseph Antisell— Continued. The Church of the Pope, and Primitive Christianity. King- ston, Ont. (1891), pp. 104. The True and Romantic Love-Story of Colonel and Mrs. Hutchinson. A drama in verse. London, Eng., n.d., pp. 88. Allen, Jacob D. A Book of Poetry. London, Ont., 1869, pp. 240. The Musings of Uncle Jake. London, 1866, pp. 208. Allen, Rev. John S. Methodist minister, of New Brunswick. From Appollyonville to the Holy City. Halifax, 1880, pp. 302. Almon, Sophie M. Daughter of Rev. Henry Pryor Almon, of Nova Sootia, and granddaughter of Hon. M. B. Almon, of Halifax, N.S. Married Mr. H. A. Hensley, of New York, in 1889. Poems. For private circulation. Halifax, N.S., 1889, pp. 16. A Woman's Love- Letters. By Sophie M. Almon - Hensley. New ^ork, 1895, pp. 82. Anderson, Rev. Duncan, M.A. Of Quebec. Born 1828, in Rayii^ Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Came to Canada in 1854, and located at Levis, Que. Lays op Canada, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1890, pp. 116. Anderson, James Now living in Scotland. Sawney's Lettbrs and Cariboo RiiYmes. Toronto, 1895, pp. 49. This is a reprint of songs and poems that were popular in the gold diggings of Cariboo, B.C., many years ago. Appleton, Lydia Ann. Of Whitechurch, Ont. Miscellaneous Poems, Moral and Religious, written on various occasions. Toronto, 1850. pp. 92. Archibald, A. K. Of Colchester, N.S. Poems. Boston, 1848, pp. 200. 8 A BIBLIOORAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Ascher, Isidore G. Bom at Glasgow, Scotland, 1836. Came to Canada, 1843. Educated in Montreal ; graduated at McGill in law ; called to the Bar in 1862. Went to London, Kng., in 1864, where he now roBiden. (See Morgan.) Voices from the Hearth : A Collection of Verses by "Isidore." Isidore G. Ascher, B.C.L., Advocate, Montreal. Montreal and New York, 1863, pp. 168. Awde, Robert Of Toronto. Of English birth. Jubilee, Patkiotio, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1887, pp. 50. B-, P. J. Pbncillings by the Way, during a vacation visit in Chebuoto. By a student who is a native of Halifax. Montreal, 1868, pp.24. Baker, Henry Of Owen Sound, Ont. Translations and Choice Pieces From Some of the Best French and German Authors. Montreal, 1867, pp. 286. Baldwyn, Augusta Daughter of Rev. — Baldwyn, Rector of St. John's, Que. Poems. Montreal, 1859, pp. 163. ; ' Bannatyne, William i Poems and Songs. Toronto, 1875, pp. iv. 198. | Barr, James ("Angus Evan Abbott") ^ Of London, Eng. Son of Robert and Jane Barr, still living at Windsor, Ont. He was born at Wallacetown, Ont., in 1862. Journalist on Windsor Becord and Detroit Free Press. Editor of "American Humorous Vorso " in the Canterbury Series of Poets. His brother, Robert Barr, is the well- known novelist and short-story writer. His sister, Miss Jean Barr, is also an author. Robert Barr was born in Glasgow in 18.50, and came to Canada in 1857. (See Morgan.) Baylis, Samuel Mathewson * , Of Montreal. Camp and Lamp : Rambles in Realms of Sport, Story and Song. Montreal, 1897, pp. 316. Edition limited to .500 copies, numbered. ' y A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 9 Beck, George Fairlcy Daybreak : A Poem. Toronto, 1873, pp. 13. Bell, John Allison Chrbucto, AND Othku Poems. Halifax, N.S., 1890. , , For private circulate n. Bengough, John Wiloon Journalist, oaricaturiat, locturor, political economist, and poet, of Toronto. Born at Toronto, April 5th, 1861. Founder and editor of Grip, 1873 to 1892. (See Morgan.) MoTLEV : Verses Grave and Gay. Toronto, 1895, pp. 172. Bentley, E., Sr. Epistles and Poems. Toronto, 1896, pp. 31. Betts, Craven Langstroth Born at St. John, N.B., April 23rd, 1853. Now journalist in New York. (See Morgan.) Translations op Beranger. New York, 1888. The Perpume-Holdkr: A Persian Love-Poem. New York, 1891. Bigney, Mark F. Born at Pugwash, N. S. Removed to New Orleans, U. S. , in 1848. Journalist. The Forest Pilgrims, and Other Poems. New Orleans, 1867, pp. 258. Blackadder, Edward Of Wolfville, Kings County, N.S. Fancies op Boyhood. A series of poems, original and translated. Halifax, N.S., 1890, pp. 73. Poems : Sonnets, Lyrics, and Miscellaneous. Halifax, N.S., 1895, pp. 34. Blair, John, Jr. Born in Lincoln County, Ont. Now living at Jordan, Ont. Poems Serious, Sentimental, Patriotic and Humorous. St. Catharines, Ont., 1875, pp. 132. Blenerhasset, Mrs. The Widow op the Rock, and Other Poebs. By a lady. . Anonymous. Montreal, 1824, pp. 192. 10 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Blewett, Mrs. Jean Born, of Scottish parentage, in Kent Couuty, Ont., on Novembpr 4th, 1864. Maiden name, McKishnie. Now reaidint at Blenheim, Ont. Author also of a novel, " Out of the Depths." 'See Morgan.) Heart Songs. Toronto, 1897, pp. 264. Bliss, W. B. Translations from Catullus, Horace, etc. Halifax, N.S., 1872, pp. 70. ■ ■ Boyd, William Born in Scotland. For many years a printer in Montreal. Now re; dent at Manchester, Mass., where he celebrated his golden wedding on ' »ay 26th, 1898. SwARTZKN. An imaginary advertisement, principally enumera- tive of the furs worn in Canada. Montreal, 1859 and 1865, pp. 4. Breakenridge, John ("Claud Halcro") Barrister at Kingston, Ont. Educated at Upper Canada College. The Crusades, and Other Poems. Kingston, 1846, pp. 327. Breckenridge, Rev. James Born in Scotland. Teacher at Georgetown, Ont. Ordained as Presby- terian minister at Streetsville, 1^71, where he died, December K.th, 1879. Poems. Toronto, 1860, pp. 256. . \ Breeze, Rev. J. T. i The Poet's Glance of Kingston Scenes. Picton, Ont, 1864, pp.24. The Beauties of Belleville. Anonymous, n.d., pp. 20. The Poet's Rambles Through Toronto. Toronto, 1864, pp. 24. The Poet's Memento of Picton. Picton, 1865, pp. 24. The Great Theme of the Age. A Poem on the Confederation of the British American Provinces. By J. T. Breeze, Brigh- * ton. Ottawa, 1866, pp. 23. The Martyred President. Third Edition. Montreal, 1867, pp. 8. Welcome to the Princess Louise. Collingwood, Ont., 1879. IS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POEVRY. 11 Brooke, John The bard of Brantford, Ont. Born in Toronto. Poems. Toronto, 1882, pp. 84. Brown, John Henry Born in Ottawa, 1859 ; still resident there. In the Post Office Department of Dominion Civil Service. Poems: Lyrical and Dramatic. Ottawa, 1892, pp. 2Ci. Brownlow, Edward Burrough ("Sarepta") Journalist of Montreal. ■ Orpheus, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1896, pp. 96. " Those poems are now collected and published in memory of Edward Brownlow (born in London, Eng., 27th November, 1857 ; died in Montreal, Canada, 8th September, 1895), by his fellow-members of the Pen and Pencil Club." This volume was edited by Wm. McLennan (q.v.). Brymner, Douglas, LL.D., F.R.S.C Dominion Archivist, Ottawa, Ont. Born at Greenock, Scotland, July .3rd, 1823. Came to Canada in 1857. Appointed Archivist, June 26th, 1872. LL.D. (Queen's University), 1892 ; F.R.S.C, 1895. (See Morgan.) The Twa Mongrels : A Modern Eclogue. By Tummas Treddles, Esq., Thrums Cottage. Toronto, 1876, pp. 7. Bullock, Rev. Wm. Songs of the Church. Halifax, N.S., 1854, pp. 235. Buftis, W. :R. M. * Born at St. John, N. B. Died in 1882. Lawyer and journalist. The New Dominion : A Poem. St. John, N.B., 1867, pp. 16. Bush, Thomas Santiago: A Drama in Fiv°, Ajts. Toronto, 1866, pp. 55. Butler, Martin Born in Kings County, N.B., in 1857. Peddler, printer and poet. Maple Leaves and Hemlock Branchrs: A Collection of Poems. Fredericton, N.B., 18(<9, pp. 60. Caldwell, James Ernest Resident of Ottawa. • Songs of the Pines. Toronto, 1895, pp. 142. n A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Cameron, Rev. Charles Innes, A.M. Bom in Scotland, 1837. Died at New Edinburgh, Ont., 1879. tcrian minister. Poems AND Hymns. Toronto, 1879, pp. 60. Presby- il! Cameron, George Frederick Born at New Glasgow, N.S., in 1854 ; educated at New Glasgow, Boston University of Law, and Queen's College, Kingston. Died September 17th, 1S85. Lyrics on Fkekdom, Love, and Death. By the late George Frederick Cameron. Edited by his brother, (Rev.) Charles J. Cameron, M.A., formerly of Brockville. Kingston and Boston, 1887, pp. 296. Leo, the Royal Cadet. An entirely new and original military opera, in four acts. Libretto by G. F. Cameron, music by Oscar F. Telgmann. Kingston, 1889, pp. 32. Cameron, H. D. Principal of the Central School, Goderich, On*', The Garland : A Collection of Songs and Lyrics, original and selected, for schools and families. Goderich, C.W., 1865, pp. 120. Campbell, Charles Of St. John, N.B. Author of the "New Brunswick Prize Ode on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee," etc. Canada : A Metrical Story. Toronto, 1897, pp. 32. Campbell, (Miss) M. A- Posthumous Poems. Woodstock, Ont., 1865, pp. 26. Campbell, William Wilfred, F.R.S C. Ottawa, Ont. Born at Berlin, Ont., June 1st, 1861. Educated at Univer- sity College, Toronto, and at Harvard. From 1888 to 1891, Rector of , Church of England at St. Stephen, N.H. Appointed Clerk in Department of Secretary of State, Ottawa, Ont., July Ist, 1893. (See Morgan.) Snowplakes and Sunbeams. St. Stephen, N.B., 1889, pp. 18. Lake Lyrics, and Other Poems. St. John, KB., 1889, pp. 160. The Dread Voyage: Poems. Toronto, 1893, pp. 190. MoRDRKD AND HiLDEBRAND : A Book of Tragedies. Ottawa, 1895, pp. 168. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 13^ Carlon, J. The Crucifix : Poems and Songs. (Peterboro'), n.d., pp. 29. Carman, Rev. Albert, D. D. Toronto, Out. General Superintendent of the Methodist Church. Bom at Iroquois, Ont., June '27th, 1833. Graduated at Victoria University, , Cobourg, Ont., in 1855. Principal of Albert University, Belleville, 1868- to 1874. Bishop of the M. E. Church 1874 to 1883, Canada. Toronto, 1896, pp. 7. Reprinted from The Methodist Magazine, July, 1896. Carman, (William) Bliss Born at Fredericton, N.B., April 15th, 1861. Educated at Frederictoik (1881), Edinburgh and HarvanI (1886). Journalist. Now resident inNew York. The mothers of Bliss Carman, Barry Straton, and C. G. D. Roberts were sisters (Bliss), granddaughters of Judge Bliss, who was a cousin of Ralph Waldo Emerson. (See The Magazine of Poetry, Buffalo, July, 1896.) Low Tide on Grand-Pr^ : A Book of Lyrics. First Edition, New York, 1893, pp. 120, Second Edition, Cambridge and Chicago, 1894, pp. 132. Songs from Vagabondia. By Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey. Boston and London, 1894, pp. 55. A Seamark : A Threnody for Robert Louis Stevenson. Boston,, 1895, pp. 10. Behind the Arras. Boston and New York, 1895, pp. 102. More Songs from Vagabondia. By Carman and Hovey. Bos- ton and London, 1896, pp. 72. Ballads of Lost Haven : A Book of the Sea. Boston, New York and London, 1897, pp. 117. By the Aurelian Wall, and Other Elegies. Boston, New York and London, 1898, pp. 132, Carnochan, Miss Janet School-teacher at Niagara, Ont. Born in Stamford Township, Ont, Author of many historical papers and pamphlets dealing with Old Niagara, includ- ing the two churches, St. Mark's and St. Andrew's. Author of several well-known poems. "The Lonely Sycamore" and "Has Canada a His-^ tory ?" first appeared in The Canadian Methodist Magazine, " For',/ Missas- sagua" in The Week, and "Canada" in the Dominion Illuairaied, (See Morgan. ) 14 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. [\\ it i Cartwright, Rev. Conway Edward, B.A. Born May lotli, lS37t c^t Kingston, Ont. Appointed Protestant Chaplain at the Kingston Penitentiary, October '25th, 1875. Brother of Sir Richard Cartwright. Son of the Rev. R. D. Cartwright. Lena : A. Legend of Niagara, and Other Poems. Dublin, 1860, pp. 72. Carus- Wilson, Mrs. Ashley (Mary L. G. Petrie, B.A., Lond.), born in Surrey, Eng. Educated at University College, London. Married Professor Carus- Wilson, who came to Canada in 1890 as a member of the Staff of McGill University, Montreal. Returned to England in 1898. (See Morgan.) ToKiwA, AND Other Poems. London, Eng., 1895, pp. 357. Chamberlain, A. F., M.A. Born at Kenninghall, Norfolk County, Eng. , January 12th, 1865. Educated at Peterlwro' Collegiate Institute and at Toronto University. B.A. in 1886, M.A. in 1889, and Ph.D. at Clark University, 1892. Lecturer in Anthro- pology since 1892 in Clark University. (See Morgan.) An Ode on the Queen's Birthday. Toronto, 1891, pp. 12. Chandler, Amos H., M.D. Born at Dorchester, N.B., 18.37. ' " Lyrics, Songs and Sonnets. By Amos Henry Chandler and Charles Pelham Mulvaney. Toronto, 1880, pp. 230. ; Chapman, Edward J. " '■'. Professor in Toronto University until his resignation in 1895. Songs of Charity, and Other Poems. London, Eng., 1839. A Song of Charity. Toronto, 1857, pp. 80. A Memory. By E. J. C. Toronto, 1874, pp. viii. ' East and West, a Summer's Idleness. Toronto, 1887, pp. 18. Clarke, Mrs. W. N. Of Toronto. The New Song, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1883. Cochrane, E. G. Eblana, or Dublin Doings. A poem in twelve cantos. Quebec, 1846, pp. 124. Nil lii A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Cochrane, Hugh . - . Of Montreal, "Ideal," and Otbeb Poems. Montreal, n.d., pp. 11. Rhyme and Roundelay. Montreal, n.d. pp. 16. Roundels. Montreal, 1891, pp. 9. Cockin, Hereward K. Bom in England. Now of Guelph, Ont. The Happy Family ; or, Deacon Brown's Dream and the Lord Mayor of York and His Brother Ned. By Hereward. Toronto, n.d., pp. 16. Gentleman Dick o' the Greys, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1889, pp. 126. Colgan, John C Poems. Toronto, 1873, pp. viii. 197. #Cowdell, Thomas D. A Poetical Account of the American Campaigns op 1812 and 1813. By an Acadian. Halifax* N.S., 1815, pp. 139. Cowherd, Thomas Of Brantford, Ont. The Emigrant Mechanic, and Other Tales in Verse. By Thomas Cowherd, the Brantford Tinsmith Rhymer. Jack- son, Mich., 1884, pp. 319. Cox, Palmer Born April 28th, 1840, near Danby, Que. Now journalist and artist in United States. He wrote his first Brownie Stories for St. Nicholas. These have been collected and published in five volumes. (See Morgan. ) Crawford, Isabella Valancy Born at Dublin, Ireland, December 26th, 1851. Came to Canada when five years of age. Died suddenly at Toronto, February 12th, 1887. Last sur- viving daughter of the late Stephen Crawford, M.D., of Peterboro', Ont. Buried at Peterboro'. (See article in Canadian Magazine, October, 1896, by E. J. Hathaway. See The Mail, Toronto, July 15th, 1899, p. 10, " The Neglect/)d Grave of a Poetess.") Old Spookses' Pass, Malcolm's Katie, and Other Poems. Toronto (1884), pp. 224. " Just given time to reach the goal Of some warm hearts before the call. Like golden gauze her fancies roll Across the heaven of my soul. " — James Barr. X T 16 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Crawford, Mrs. John Songs of all Seasons, Climes and Times: A Motley Jingle of- JuMBLED Rhymes. Toronto, 1890, pp. 117. , Cross, Ethelbert F. H. Of Toronto. FiBE AND Frost. Toronto, 1898, pp. 240. A volume of stories, essays, poems, satires and dialogues. Currie, George G. How I Once Felt: Songs of Love and Travel. Montreal, 1893,, pp. 142. Currie, John Allister Of Toronto. Born February 25th, 1862, in Nottawasaga Township, Simcoe County, of Scottish parents. Educated at Collingwood. In 1886, reporter on The Evening News. From 1888 to 1898, on the staff of The Mail^ < Toronto. In 1898, became mining broker. Is now President of the Toronto-g| Mining Exchange. A Quartette of Lovers. Toronto, 1892, pp. 65. Currie, Mrs. Margaret Gill Of Fredericton, N.B. Gabriel West, and Other Poems. Fredericton, N.B., 1866,. pp. 127. John Saint John and Anna Grey : A Romance of Old New Brunswick. Toronto, 1897, pp. 128. Curzon, Mrs. Sarah Anne ( "S. A. C") Born at Birmingham, Eng., in 1833 ; married Mr. Robert Curzon in 1838 ; came to Canada in 1862. Died at Toronto, November 8th, 1898. First President of Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto. (See Transaction No. 2 of same. ) (See Morgan. ) Laura Secord, the Heroine of 1812 : A Drama. Toronto, 1887, pp. 215. Cushing, Mrs. E. L. Born in Massachusetts. Authoress and journalist of Montreal. Esther : A Dramatic Poem. Daniel, Charles T. William and Annie, and Other Poems. pp. vii. 112.. Guelph, Ont., 1864,, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY, 17 Darling, Rev. Wm. Stewart Born in Scotland, 1818. Ordained by Bishop Strachan in 1842. Church of England clergyman at Toronto. Diod in Italy, 1886. The Emigrants : A Tale (in verse). Toronto, 1863, pp. 39. Reprinted from British American Magazine. Darnell, Rev. H. F. Born at London, Eng., in 1831. Rector of St, John's, Que., in 1861, since 1883 at Avon, N.Y. (See Morgan.) Songs by the Way. Montreal, 1862, pp. 186. Verses in Memory op the Rt. Rev. G. J. Mountain, Lord Bishop of Quebec. St. John's, L.C., 1863, pp. 7. Davidson — (" Judson France") A Lapful op Lyrics and Merry Muse-Whangs. Toronto, 1885, pp. 32. Muse- Whangs. By Judson France, citizen of Toronto. 1887, pp. 104. Davin, Nicholas Flood. M.P. Now of Regina, N. VV.T. Born at Ballyscallan, Limerick, Ireland, January 13th, 1843. Barrister of Inner Temple, 1868. For some time journalist at Toronto. Author of " The Irishman in Canada," Toronto, 1877. Estab- lished The Leader, at Regina, N.VV.T., in 1882. (See Morgan.) Album Verses, and Other Poems. Ottawa, 1882, pp. 32. Eos: A Prairie Drama. Ottawa, 1884, pp. 36. Eos : An Epic of the Dawn, and Other Poems. Regina, N.W.T., 1889, pp. 141. Davison, Leslie Loring Born at Wolfville, N.S., April 18th, 1871. Died April 13th, 1889. Book op Wonders (Prose and Poetry). Wolfville, N.S., 1890. Dawson, i£neas McDowell, LL.D. ("Father Dawson") Bom at Redhaven, Banffshire, Scotland, July 30th, 1810. Ordained Roman Catholic priest in 1835. Came to Canada in 1854. Died at Ottawa, Ont., December 29th, 1894. (See "In Memoriam, Recollections of Father Daw- son," by Henry J. Morgan, Ottawa, 1895.) Author of " Pius IX. and Hia Time," 1880. Also author of " Massacre of Oszmania," a poem in blank verse, Glasgow, 1844.. Lament for the Rt. Rev. James Gillis, D.D., Bishop of Edin- burgh, and Other Poems. London and Ottawa, 1864, pp. 58. ''A m 18 A BIDLIOORAPHY OP CANADIAN POETRY. Dawson, JEneas McDowell, lA^.D.— Continued. Solitude. 1866, pp. 11. Our Strength and Their Strength, etc. Ottawa, 1870. Contains 80 pp. of poems and lecture on the poot3 of Canada. Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra. Ottawa, 18.3.3, pp. 108. Dominion Day, Caractacus, Malcolm and Margaret. Ottawa, 1886. Dawson, Samuel E., F.R.S.C, Lit.D. Queen's Printer, Ottawa, Ont. Second son of Rev. Benj. Dawson. Born at Halifax, June Ist, 1833. Bookseller of Montreal (Dawaon Bros.). Author of a study of Tennyson's ' ' Princess " (2nd ed. , 1 884). Also of several • monographs on the Cabot voj'ages. F.R.S.C, 1893; Lit.D. (Laval), 1890. Queen's Printer, 1891. (See Morgan.) Champlain. Montreal, 1890, pp. 8. " A poero printed for private circulation. Reprinted in The Owl, Ottawa, 1892. De Mille, James Bom at St. John, N.B., in 1834. Educated at Horton Academy, Acadia College, and Brown University ; in 1861 Professor of Classics at Acadia ; in 1864 Professor of English Literature and History at Dalhousie Univer- sity, Halifax. Died January 28th, 1880. Behind the Veil. Halifax, 1893, pp. 30. " The MS. of this poem was found in Professor De Mille's papers after his death. Even his wife did not know of its existence. It had been pro- pared for the press with the greatest of care, and had apparently been offered for publication in vain." Dermot, Walter H. The Autumn Wreath. Ottawa, 1869, pp. 14. Dedicated to I. B. Taylor, Esq. , editor of the Ottawa Citizen. • \ Dewart, Rev. Edward Hartley, D.D. Bom in Gavan County, Ireland, in 1828. Came to Canada in 1834. Methodist minister. Editor of the CAma'ctn (Jiian/ian from 1869 to 1895. In addi- tion to the following he compiled a volume of poetry and prose for High School readings, and in 1864 issued " Selections from Canadian Poets, with occasional Critical and Biographical Notes, and an Introductory Essay on Canadian Poetry," (See Morgan.) Songs of Life. Toronto, 1869, pp. 256. Essays for the Times. Toronto, 1898, pp. 198. This volume contains 28 pages of Dr. Dewart's later poems. It also contains an essay on ' ' Charles Sangster, a Canadian Poet of the last Generation," pp. 38 to 51. A BIHLIOGRAPIIY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 19 Dick, Alexander Splores of a Halloween Twentv Years Ago. Woodstock, C.W., 1867, pp. 22. * Dixon, Frederick A. Little Nobody : A fairy play for fairy people. ]»y F. A. D. Toronto, 1875, pp. 37. Maiden Mona : A fairy play for fairy people. By F. A. D. Toronto, 1877, pp. 42. FiFiNE, THE Fisher-Maid ; or, The Magic Shrimps. By F, A. D. Ottawa, 1877, pp. 50. PiPANDOR. A Masque, entitled "Canada's Welcome." Ottawa, 1879, pp. 19. The first three were written for the children of the Earl and Countess of DufFerin ; the fourth was given in the Opera House, Ottawa, before the Marquis of Lorno and Princess Louise. Dixon, George The Baud of War. (Pamphlet.) St. John, N.B., 1868. Dole, William Peters Born at St. John, N.B., in 1825. Teacher and writer. Carmen AcADiuM. (Jubilee ode.) St. John, 1887, pp. 11. Our Country. By W. P. Dole, James Hannay and H. L. Spencer. St. John, N.B., 1889. Doughty, Arthur G., M.A. Born March 22nd, 1860, at Maidenhead, Berkshire, England. Second son of William James Dougiity and Esther Hobbs. Educated at Eldon House, Oxford, and Dickinson College, Carlisle. Now in Civil Service at Quebec. (See Morgan. ) Rose Leaves. London, Eng., 1891, pp. 79. NuGAE Canorae. Portland, Me., 1897, pp. 70. Also, printed for private circulation, " Helen and Aphrodite, "and "The Song Story of Francesco and Beatrice." Author of Tennyson's " In Memo- riam," in shorthand (1887), and "The Idylls of the King," in shorthand (1889), illustrated by Henry Sandham. Also author of "Tennyson, His Life and Works." London, 1893. I '■• R 20 A HIHLIOOKAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRV. Drummond, William Henry, M.D., F.RSC. Of Montreal. Born in Leitrini County, Ireland, April 13th, 1864. Came to Canada when quite young. M.I)., Bishops' College, 1884. (See sketch in Canadian Magazine, May, 1899 — portraits.) (See Morgan.) The Habitant, and Other Fuench-Canadian Poems. Illustrated. New York and London, 1897, pp. 137. Phil-o-rum's Canoe and Madeleine Vercheres. New York and London, 1898, pp. 12. Both volumes illustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn, a Canadian artist. The first was issued in two editions, one with thirteen fuU-f age illustrations, and the other with one illustration as frontispiece. Up to June 1st, 1899, the sale of " The Habitant" had reached 26,000 copies, and " Fhil-o-rum's Canoe " 6,000 copies. Duncan, Eric Of Comox, B.C. Rural Rhymes and the Sheep Thief. Toronto, 1896, pp. 64. "These 'Rural Rhymes' are not the rose- tinted reveries of a rusticating rhapsodist, but the regular rough reminiscences of a real rancher, written by himself." Duncan, Sara Jeannette (Mrs. Everard Cotes), resident since her marriage in India. Born and edu- cated at Brantford, Ont. As "Garth Grafton," contributed to the Toronto Otohe and the Montreal i:itar. Author of a long series of successful novels- Some of her poems are to be found in the Anthologies. Dunn, Mrs. C. A. Fugitive Pieces. Woodstock, 1867, pp. 94. Duvar. See under " Hunter-Duvar." ».. Eaton, Arthur WentVfOrth Born at Kentville, N.S. Now living in New York. (See Morgan.) Acadian Legends and Lyrics. New York, 1889 and 1892^ pp. 148. Eaton, Oliver Mowat . Of Athens, Ont. Synchronisms of an Hour, and Other Poems. Brockville, 1897,. pp. 105. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OK CANADIAN POETRY. 21 Edgar, Sir James D., MP. HarriHtor-at-Law, of Toronto. Born at Hatloy, Quebec, August 10th, 1841. Uarri8tor,1864; onterod Parliament, 1872 ; Speaker,1896 ; Knighted, 1898. Author of "Canada, and its Capital." Toronto, 1898. (See Morgan.) Died at Toronto, July .Slat, 1899— 8oo The Qlohe, August Ist. The White Stone Canoe : A Legend of the Ottawas. Illustrated- Toronto, 1885, pp. 27. This Canada of Ours, and Otheu Poems Toronto, 1893, pp. 64. Edgar, Pelham, Ph.D. tiraduate of Toronto University and Johns Hopkins; Associate Professor of French in Victoria University, Toronto. Son of Sir Jainos I). Edgar (ivhove), and of Lady Edgar, the author of " Ten Years of Upper Canada, 1S05-1815." Toronto, 1890. Poems. (Privately printed.) N.p., n.d., pp. 32. Edwards, George Poems. Clarence, U.C, 1867, pp. 50. EUwood, Thomas Night op Doom. Halifax, N.S., 1865, pp. 28. Elmore, Blanche "f Toronto. "Born blind." Born in England. For many j-ears resident in Toronto. Poems. Toronto, third series, 1896, pp. 23. Fifth series, 1899, pp. 22. Emberson, Rev. F. C. Of Montreal. . - The Yarn op the Love-sick Parses. Montreal, 1897. Evans, Robert Tabor Melodies. Toronto, 1878, pp. vi. 125. Evans, Walter Norton Of Montreal. Born at Wolverhampton, Eng., in 1836. Died at Montreal, October, 1896. Mount Royal. Montreal, 1886, pp. 27. This poem was re-issued in 1893, with illustrations by Elizabeth Warren and A. B. Clarkson, pp. 06. Cartier and Hochelaga ; Maisonneuve and Ville Marie. Two historic poems of Montreal. Montreal, 1895, pp. 28. T •)<) A BIHLKMilUI'HY OK CANADIAN POETRY. Fairweather, George Edwin The Stone Ciiuucii Bkll, and Other Poems. St. John, N.I5., 1895, pp. 60. " Publishod in loving memory of Walter Cardwell Fairweather, a good son." Contains portrait of \V. ('. Fairwoatlict, wiio dii'd Novombor ITtli, 1804, aged 2S years; also illustration of St. John's Church, •' The Stone Church," and portrait of Rev. John do Soyres, M. A. , Rector of the sanio. Fenerty, Charles Of Sackville, N.B. Betula Nigua : A Poem. Halifax, 1855. Fleck, Widow Poems on Various Suujecth. By Widow Fleck. Moativiil, 1833, pp. 12. * Written hy a lady of New Olasgow, whose husband was carried ofT by the cholera. Fleming, Mrs- Ann Cuthbert Born in Scotland. Came to Canada about 1815. Resided in Montreal. Home: A Poem. Edinburgh, 1815, pp. 98. A Year iv Canada, and Other Poems. Edinburgh, 1810, pp. 126. , Fletcher, Edward Taylor The Lost Island. Ottawa, 1889, pp. ii. 24. Foran, Dr. J. K. Of Montreal. Born at Ay Imor, Quo., 1857. Educated at Ottawa Univer- sity and Laval (LL.B. 1880). Called to the Bar in 1881. Kditor of The True JriVeew (Roman Catholic). In April, 1890, appointed to a position on • the Montreal Harbor Board. Published The Pen. (Sec Morgan ) Poems and Canadian Lyrics. Montreal, 1895, pp. 24-1. Forsyth, William Langdon ("Sauda") Born at Quebec. Stationed for a time with a cavalry regiment in India. Zebunisa, and Other Poems. By "Sauda." Montreal, 1873, pp. 99. Published under pen-name, as above. Eraser, John (" Cousin Sandy ") Of Montreal. A Tale of the Sea, and Other Poems. Illustrated. Montreal, 1870, pp. 87. A HIHLIOGHAI'IIY OV CANADIAN PUKTllV. 2a Toronto, 1880, pp. 24. Gahan, James Joseph Of Quebec. Canada. Quebec, 1877, pp. 21. Dodiofttoil to L. H. Freohctte, M.P. Vivian : A Talo of Clmtoau Richer. Gamier, John Hutchison, M-D- Horn in Scotland of Ii-ihIi parontiige about 1810. Kduciitod at Dublin. Came to Canada about 1860. Practised a» physician at HagurHville, Ont , whence ho removed about 18(10 to Lui.know, Ont A prominent naturalist. Died at Lucknow, February iHt, 1808. Pbinck Pkdko : A Trugudy. Toronto, 1877, pp. vi. 168. Garrett, Rev. John C. Church of Kngland clergyman, of Niagara. TuE Centknnial, 1792-1892. A poem written on the Centenary of 8t. Mark's Church, Niagara, Ont. Illustrated. 1892, pp. 21. Carvie, Alexander Rae Journalist. At one time was on the stafl of Stewarfn Mayazint, QueRiB?!"" Thistledown. Toronto, 1875, pp. 274.. This volume of proso and poetry was published after Mr. Garvie'8 death. Introduction by (Jeorge Stewart, Jr. Gay, James Formerly of Guelph. Dead. Canada's Poet. Yours always, James Gay, Poet Laureate and Master of all Poets this Day, with an introduction by James Millington. London, Eng., n.d., pp. 102. " To Dr. C. L. Alfred Tennyson. " Dear Sir, — Now Longfellow is gone there are only two of us left. There ought to be no rivalry between us two." Gerrard, George Of Montreal. The Consolation. Toronto, 1881, pp. G4. Gilbert, Sophia V. • Wavside Echoks. Portrait. Toronto, 1894, pp. 179. Gillespie, George W. Born in Scotland. Miscellakeous Poems. Toronto, 184.3, pp. 152. 24 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Gillespy, William Born in England in 1824. Came to Canada in 1842. Collector of Customs at Dundaa, 1871-1886. Died at Hamilton, 1886. Fugitive Poetry. Hamilton, 1846, pp. 100. Gillies, Rev. A. C Presbyterian Minister. Born at Lotbiniere, Que., in 1834. Daily Meditations ; A Collection of Poems. Kingston, 1860, pp. 96. Glendenning, Alexander Rhymes. By Alexander Glendenning. Sometime in Eskdale- muir, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Vol. I. London, Ont., 1871, pp. 240. Goldsmith, Oliver Born in 1787, in Annapolis County, N.S. Died in 1861 in Liverpool, Eng. " Collateral descendant " of the author of " The Deserted Village." The Rising Village. A Poem. London, Eng., 1825, pp. 48. The Rising Village, with Othek Poems. St. John, N.B., 1834 pp. 144. This poem appeared also in The Canadian Review and Magazine, Mont- real, 1826. Gordon, Alexander McGregor Rose Born in Scotland in 1846. Educated at Aberdeen University. Called to the Free Church, Banffshire, Scotland. On account of an unfortunate weakness he left his Church, his family and his country, added Gordon aw his surname, came to America and became a wanderer, a Bohemian journal- ist. He walked and worked from city to city across the continent. He spent his last few years in Montreal and contributed to The Htrald. His end was a sad one. He died at Notre Dame Hospital, Montreal, May 11th, 1898, and was buried by his Montreal friends. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Progress. Illustrated by John Innes, of Toronto, (iordon's poem, " Hoch der Kaiser!" was reprinted in The Critic, March, 1S99. The same journal for April, 1899, contains a personal note by one of his Montreal friends. Graham, Alexander Of Otonabee, Ont. Leisure Hour Musings. Peterboro', pp. 256. Two hundre I and thirty-five miscellaneous pieces, written 1840-73. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 26 Grant, Mrs. J. P. Stray Leaves : A Collection of Poems. Montreal, 1865, pp. 166. Gray, Rev. Archibald Rector of Digby, N.S. Shades op the Hamlet, and Other Poems. Woburn, Mass., 1852. Greaves, Arthur Bubbles from the Deep ; Sonnets and Other Poems, Dramatic and Personal. Halifax, 1873, pp. 194. Hagarty, Sir John Hawkins (" Zadig ") Born at Dublin, Ireland, September 17th, I8I6. Came to Canada in 1834. Cilled to the Bar at Toronto in 1840. Raised to the Bench in 1856. Made Chief Justice of Common Pleas in 1868. Chief Justice of Queen's Bench, 1878. Knighted 1897, in which year he retired from active life. A Legend of Marathon. By an Ontario Judge. (Printed for private circulation.) 1888, pp. 35. Also author of " The Funeral of Napoleon." Haliburton, Robert Grant Son of Judge Haliburton, author of the "Sam Slick" Stories. Born in Nova Scotia in 1833. Now living at Toronto. (See Morgan's Bib. Can., also Dawson's Lecture.) Graduated at King's College, Windsor; B.A., 1849; M.A., 1852; D.C.L., 1877; made Q.C., 1880. Author of "New Material for the History of Man. Ethnologist. (See Morgan.) Voices from the Street : A Series of Poems. (Privately cir- culated.) Halifax, n.d., pp. 20. For other poems see Blackwood's, May, 1873, August, 1873, and Novem- ber, 1886 ; also Temple Bar, April, 1875. Hamilton, Pierce Stevens Journalist. Author of " Union of the Colonies of British North America," and of a dramatic poem "The Solitaire." Born at Brookfield, Colchester County, N.S., January 23rd, 1826. Studied law and called to the bar in 1851. From 1S53 to 1861 edited The Acadian Recorder at Halifax. Then took up mining, and for a time was Chief Commissioner of Mines for Nova Scotia. From as early as 1848 he was an ardent advocate of Union. He died February 22nd, 1893. On June 2l8t, 1899, a monument to his memory was erected in Halifax by hia friends. (See The Nova Srotian, June 24th, 1899, and The Star, Montreal, July 15th, 1899— illustritions.) The Feast of Ste. Anne, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1878 and 1890, pp. 165. W: I I 26 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. il ! I • ! Hammond, George Arthur The printer-poet of Kingaclear, York County, N.B. According to Maofar- lane's " Bibliography of New Brunswick," this poet has issued about a dozen volumes of poetry, the last being "The Recluse, and Other Poems," 1893. Harper, Dr. J. M. Educationist, of Quebec. Born in Scotland, 1845. (See Morgan.) Sacrament Sunday. Montreal, 1894, pp. 15. Author, also, of the poems, "The Battle of the Plains," and " The Old Chateau." Harrison, S. Frances ("Seranus") Of Rosedale, Toronto. Born at Toronto (maiden name, P.iley). Married in 1879, Mr. J. W. F. Harrison, musician. Author of "Crowded Out, and Other Sketches," and of "The Forest of Bourg Marie." Compiler, also, of the Canadian Birthday Book, 1889. Pine, Rose, and Fleur-de-Lis. Toronto, 1891 and 1896, pp. 208. Haultain, Theodore Arnold Of Toronto. Born in Madras, India, November .3rd, 1857. Eldest son of Major-Gen. Haultain. Came to Canada, 1876. R. A., Toronto University, 1879; M. A., 1880. Contributor to leading magazines. Versiculi. Toronto, 1893, pp. 32. Hawley, William F. Of Montreal and Quebec. Born 1S04. Died 1855. Quebec, the Harp, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1829, pp. 172. The Unknown; or, Lays of the Forest. Montreal, 1831,^ pp. 240. Thw Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences of Quebec bestowed an honorary medal for the poem, " The Harp." Haynes, Dr. J. Poems. Quebec, 1864, pp. 152. Hayward, Mrs. Catherine Of Ravenscourt, Port Hope, Ont. The Battles of the Crimea, etc. Port Hope, 1855, pp. 68. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 27 Hazlewood, Hetty A Garland Gathered at Mohn Toronto, 1871, pp. 79. A Collection of Short Poems. Heavysege, Charles Born at Liverpool, Eng., in 1816. Camu to Canada in 1853; resided at Montreal till his death; was a cabinet-maker by trade; when "Saul" was coming from the press he was a wood-carver ; gave up this calling, however, to become a journalist ; writer for many years on the Montreal ]Vitnei>s. Died July 14th, 1876. Revolt op Tartarus. Montreal, 1853, Saul : A Drama in three parts. First Edition, Montreal, 1857, pp. 315. Second Edition, Montreal, 1859. Third Edition, Boston, 1869, pp. 436. Count Filippo ; or. The Unequal Marriage. A Drama in Five Acts, Montreal 1860, pp. 154. The Dark Huntsman (A Dream), Montreal, 1864, pp. 8, The Owl. Montreal, 1864, pp. 4, Jephthah's Daughter. London and Montreal, 1865, pp. 94. "Jezebel," a Drama, and "A Shakespearian Tercentenary Ode" were pub- lished in Montreal magazines about 1864. His novel, " The Advocate," was published in 1865. One writer says that " The Revolt of Tartarus " was first published in London, Eng., in 1852, and that he afterwards pub- lished a volume of fifty sonnets in Montreal, both anonymously. (See the Dominion Illustrated, Vol. III. , p. 266. ) Hensley, Mrs, Almon (See under " Almon.") Herbert, George Miscellaneous Poems and Songs. Fredericton, N.B., 1885, pp.32. Herbert, Mary E., and Sarah Sisters, resident in Halifax, N.S. Of Irish parentage. The Eolian Harp; or, Miscellaneous Poems. By Sarah and Mary E. Herbert. Halifax, N.S., 1857, pp. 237. Herbin, John Frederic, B.A. Of Wolfville, N.S, Canada, and Other Poems. 1891, pp. 10. f I! i! I ih i! I 28 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRV. 1; I Ik ! L Herbin, John Frederic, B. A.— Continued The Marshlands : A Souveuir in Song of the Land ot Evange- line. Illustrated. Windsor, N.S., 1893, pp. 33. The Marshlands (second edition) and The Trail of the Tide. Toronto, 1899, pp. 99. Higginson, Thomas Poetical Works. Portrait. Vankleek Hill, Ont., 1888, pp. 199. Hill, Thomas Born in England. Journalist in New Brunswick, 1842 to 1860. Died 1860. The Provincial Association : A Tragi-Comedy. Fredericton, 1845. The Constitutional Lyrist. Fredericton, 1845, pp. 240. Hindley, Rev. John I., M.A., Of Barrie. Indian Legends : Nanabush, the Ojibbeway Saviour. Moosh- Kuh-reng, or The Flood. 1885, pp. 22. Hodgins, James Cobourg Born at Hamilton, Ont., in 1866. Unitarian minister, now of Philadelphia. Fugitives. Toronto, 1891, pp. 16. i A Sheaf of Sonnets. Philadelphia, 1896, pp. 20. Hojg, James Journalist. Born at Leitrim, Ireland, in 1800. Came to Canada, 1819. Edited The Reporter at Fredericton, N.B. Died, 1866. Poems. St. John, N.B., 1825, pp. 270. * Poems : Religious, Moral and Sentimental. Fredericton, N.B. Hooker, Rev. Leroy Formerly Methodist minister in Canada, now in United States. Stanley: A Christmas Ballad by Jason and Boaz. Toronto, 1882, pp. 14. Also author of poem, " The United Empire Loyalist " (July 3rd, 1884). Hornsell, William Of Montreal. The Ics-bound Ship, and the Dream. By W. H. Montreal, 1860, pp. 48. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. ^ ^V Howe, Joseph Printer, journalist, poot, orator, statesman. Born at Halifax, N.S., ia 1804. Died June Ist, 1873. {See Canadian Magazine, October and J^oxem- ber, 1894 ; also, Notman's " Portraits and Biographies," Vol. I. Poems and Essays. By the Hon. Joseph Howe. (Selected and published by his family after his death.) Montreal, 1874, pp. 341. Howland, Oliver Aiken Barrister, of Toronto. Son of Sir Wm. P. Howland. Born at Lambton Mills, Ont., April 18th, 1847. (See Morgan.) The Redman's Council. Suggested by the researches of Mr. David Boyle, as contained in his Archeological Report for 1898. Hunt, William Edward ("Keppell Strange") Journalist. Of Montreal. Poems and Pastels. Toronto, 1896, pp. 137. Hunter-Duvar, Lieut-Col. John ("The Bard of Hemewood") Of Prince Edward Island. Born August 29th, 1830, in Scotland. Author of " Annals of the Court of Obcon" (London, Eng., 1895). In Dominion Civil Service from May 16th, 1879, to May 16th, 1889. Died January 25th, 1899. (See Morgan.) The Enamorado : A Drama. Summerside, P.E.I., 1879, pp. 120. De Roberval : A Drama. Also, " The Emigration of the Fairies," and "The Triumph of Constancy," a Romaunt. St. John, N.B., 1888, pp. 192. Also, printed for private circulation, " John a' Var, His Lays," lyrical, (See Dominion Illustrated, Vol. V., p. 127.) Hutchison, Rev. D. Faloon Clergyman, at Bridgewater, N.S. Satisfaction of Justice : A Poem. Kingston, Ont., 1851, pp. 50.. Imrie, John Of Toronto. Printer. Born at Glasgow, Scotland, in 1846. Came to Canada in 1 87 1 . ( See M organ. ) Sacred Songs, Sonnets and Miscellaneous Poems. Toronto, 1886, pp. 210. Songs and Miscellaneous Poems. Toronto, 1891, pp. 348. Third Edition appeared in 1895. A Bouquet of Sonnets. Toronto, n.d., pp. 32. 30 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. I'M 1 1 V'i'l Isard, Mrs. E. A. Wayside Songs. Newmarket, Ont., 1896, pp. 224, Jack, Annie L. Of Chateauguay, Que. Belated Violets. (Illustrated by hand.) N.p., n.d., pp. 4. Jakeway, Charles Edwin, M.D. Of Stayner, Ont. Born 1847, at Holland Landing, Ont. Graduated M.D. at Toronto in 1871 ; settled at Stayner. Also town clerk. The Lio.v and the Lilies : A Tale of the Conquest, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1897, pp. 278. James, William T. Of Toronto. Born February 22nd, 1861, at Cheltenham, Eng. Printer. Rhymes Afloat and Afield. Toronto, 1891, pp. 144. Jennings, Clotilda Born in Nova Scotia. Resided for about twenty years at .Montreal, where she died in 1895. (See Morgan's Bih. Can.) Linden Rhymes. By " Maude." Halifax, 1854, pp. 152. The White Rose in Acadia, and Autumn in Nova Scotia ; A Prize Tale and Poem. By " Maude." Halifax, 1855, pp. 36. North Mountaiv, near Grand-Prk. By " Mileta." 1883. Jerdon, Gertrude (Mrs. Waller), of Montreal. Author of " Keyhole Country," etc. Flowering Thorns. London, Eng., 1886, pp. 63. Johnson, E. Pauline Of Brantford, Ont. Born March 10th, 1862. Daughter of Chief Johnson of the Mohawks. (See Morgan.) The White Wampum. By E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake). London, Toronto, and Boston, 1895, pp. 88. Johnson, Frank Giles and Janey : or. The Kindly Gentleman. A Canadian Tale. Second Edition, Montreal, 1872, pp. 14. The Village of Merrow. Montreal, 1876, pp. 208. Prose and verso. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. tl Johnson, George Washington ' knd'oTnirer"?' ^«^"':t«-'^-ok.Ont..l839. Removed to Clevo- land, O., m 1864. Now on staff of Upper Canada College, Toronto. Maple Leaves. Hamilton, U.O., 1864, pp. 204. Johnson, Helen Mar Born at Magog, Que., in 1835. Died at Magog in 1863. Poems. Boston, 1855, pp. 249. Canadian Wild Flowers. Boston, 1884, pp. 200 Contains portrait and life-sketch. Jones, K. L. Meeting op the Waters. Kingston, n.d., pp. 6. Joussaye, Marie Of Toronto and Belleville, Ont. The Songs that Quinte Sang. Belleville, 1895, pp. 91. Kearney, W. D. , Of Carleton County, N.B. Kernighan, Robert Kirkland ("The Khan") VX^l\!riJT' and journalist. P. 0. address, Rockton. Ont. anTTt'on;o''%Xg!:.V ' "" '' ''''' ^" "'"""""' ^^""'P^^' The Khan's Canticles. Hamilton, 1896, pp. 240. Kidd, Adam Born in 1802. Died at Quebec, 1831. The Huron Chief, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1830, pp. 210. Kingsmill, Colonel A Story op the Old Marine. Guelph, 1869, pp. 24. The old marine, Cordingley by name, was in his 107th year He was a survivor of The Nile and Trafalgar, and lived near Toronto inanidrhm eared for by charitable persons interested in his behalf. (See Toronto Mormng Telegraph, January 2nd, 1869.) loronto &^ ^•^ 32 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Kirby, William, F.R.SC Born at Hull, Eng., October 13th, 1817. Canio to Canada in 1832. Journalist. Appointed Collector of Customs at Niagara, Ont., July 1st, 1871 ; superannu- ated, 1895. Author of the Canadian novel, "The (iolden Dog" (1877), and "Annals of Niagara" (1896). For portrait, see "Canada," edited hy J. Castell Hopkins, Vol. V., p. 126. (See Morgan.) The U. E,: A Tale of Upper Canada. Niagara, 1859, pp. 178. Canadian Idylls. Welland, Ont., 1894, pp. 175. The Idylls of this collection were issued separately for private circulation from time to time, beginning with " The Sparrows," in 1878. Knight, Dorothy Daughter of R. S. Knight, of Lancaster, Leeds County, Ont. Echoes from the Thousand Islands. Verses by Dorothy Knight (eleven years old). Montreal, 1893 ; Brockville, 1892 ; pp. 41 and 29. The Vision of the Seasons, and Other Verse. Montreal, 1898, pp. 68. Knight, Rev. Matthew Richey Mothotlist minister, now stationed at St. James, N.B. Grandson of Kev. Dr. Matthew Richey. Born at Halifax, April 2l8t, 1854. Graduated from Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., in 1875; ordained Methodist minister in 1877. (See Morgan.) Poems of Ten Years, 1877-1886. Halifax, 1887, pp. 143. Laidlaw, Thomas Born in Scotland. Now resident at Acton, Ont. The Old Concession Road. Guelph, 1892, pp. 54. Sprigs o' Heather for Scottish Gatherings. Guelph, n.d.,. pp. 28. Lampman, Archibald Late of Ottawa, Ont. Born at Morpeth, Kent County, Ont., November 17th, 1861. Son of Rev. Archibald Lampman and Sara Gesner, both of U. E. L. descent. Graduated at Trinity University, Toronto, in 1882; taugiit school ; appointed clerk in Civil Service at Ottawa, 1883, in the Post Office Department. Died at Ottawa, February 10th, 1899. (See Dominion Illuntrated, Vol. IV., p. 182; also sketch by A. J. Stringer in Canadian Magazine, April, 1894. Illustrated descriptions of his birthplace are to be found in the Supplement to the Saturday Olohe, Toronto,. February 18th and March 18th, 1899.) (See Morgan.) Among the Millet, and Other Poems. Ottawa, 1888, pp. 151. A BIBLIOORAPHY OF CANADIAN P(3ETRY. Lampman, Archibald— Continued. Lyrics op Earth. Boston, 1896, pp. 56. A third volume, " Alcyone," in press at time of his death. A oomplets edition of his poems now in preparation, edited by D. C. Scott. Langstaff, Launcelot The Charivari, or Canadian Poetics. 1824. (See Canadian Magazine, 1824, p. 376.) Lanigan, George T. ("AUid") Journalist. Writer for the press at Montreal, New York, Rochester and I'hila^lelphia. Born at St. Charles, Que., December 10th, 1846. Went to New York in 1867. Died at Philadelphia, February 5th, 1886. Author of " Fables Gut of the World," New York, 1878. His mother was a second cousin of Daniel Webster. (See Le Courrier du Livre, Quebec, July, 1899 — portrait.) National Ballads op Canada. 1865. Contains translation of " Un Canadien Errant." Four of Lanigan's poems, including " The Akhoond of Swat," are to be found in American HumorouH Vtrse, published by Walter Scott, of London (The Canterbury Poets). Laskey, John K. Journalist, of St. John, N.B. Mars Hill, and Other Poems. St. John, N.B., 1838, pp. 70. Leisure Hours : A Collection of Original Poems. St. John, N.B., 1838, pp. 70. Lawson, Rev. James Reid Born in Ireland in 1820. Came to New Brunswick in 1845. Died in Kings County, N.B., 1891. Songs op Zion. St. John, N.B., pp. 32. Lawson, Thomas Of Waterville, Kings County, N.S. The Poetical Works op Thomas Lawson. Halifax, 1888, pp. 44. "Mr. J. B. Lade, who is totally blind, being in this place lecturing on tem- perance, and spending an evening with me, I read him a few of the versea, and he earnestly requested me to let him have them for publication. Think- ing it might be the means of assisting him in a small way I cheerfully con- sented." (Preface.) Lawson, Mrs. William (Mary Jane Katzman.) Born at Preston, N.S. Died at Halifax in ISQO* Frankincense and Myrrh. Halifax, 1893, pp. 152. 3 I 84 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Irs Lefevre, Mrs. Lily Alice ("Fleurange") Formerly of Brook villo, Ont., now rerfidont at Victoria, B.C. (See Morgan.) The Lion's Gate, and Other Verses. Victoria, B.C., 1895, pp. 95. Leggett, William Martin Bom at Sussex Vale, N.B., in 1813. Methodist minister until 1848, when ho joined the Church of England. Went to London, Eng. ; turned hia attention to literary work. (See MacFarlane's " Bibliography of N.B.") The Forest Wreath. St. John, N.B., 1833, pp. 194. Lehigh, M. Stanley Of Frankville, Ont. Youthful Fancies and Ione. Brockville, Ont., 1897, pp. 95. Leonard, Mrs. Carrie Gems for the Home Circle. London, Ont., 1869, pp. 150. Lepage, John Of Prince Edward Island. Died 1885. The Island Minstrel. A collection of the poetical writings of John Lepage, late third teacher of the Central Academy, Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1860, pp. xiii. 242. The Island Minstrel. Vol. II. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1867, pp. 216. Leprohon, Rosanna Eleanor Born in Montreal, 1832. Maiden name Mullins ( "Miss K.E.M."). Died in Montreal, September, 1879. (See Morgan.) The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon. Montreal, 1881, pp. 228. Lesperance, John Talon Born in St. Louis, U.S.; for many years a journalist in Montreal, contrib- uting poems and critiques to the current Canadian periodicals. Wrote over the pen-names of "Talon" and "Laclede." Author of a valuable review of Canadian poetry in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol. IL (1884) Section II, pp. 31-44. Lett, William Pittman Born in Wexford County, Ireland, in 1819. Son of Capt. Andrews Lett, of the 26th Cameronians, who served under Sir John Moore. Came to Canada A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 35 in 1820 ; settled in Richmond ; moved to Ottawa, then Bytown, in 1828. In 1840 he married a daughter of Joseph Hinton, of Hintonburg. Mr. Lett was Clerk of Ottawa from 185S until his death, August 15tli, 1802. He contributed to the press over the pen-name of " Algonquin." Recollections op Bytown and Its Oldest Inhabitants. , Ottawa, 1874, pp. 96. Lighthall, William Douvr Advocate, of Montreal. Born at Hamilton, Ont., December 27th, 1857. Compiler of "Songaof the Now Dominion" (London, 1880), and author of "The Young Seigneur," 1888; also, of " The False Chevalier," 1808. (Sue Morgan. ) Thoughts, Moods, and Ideals : Crimes of Leisure. Montreal, 188^ pp. 24. This was privately printed : supplement in 1895. Liston, James K. Of Clinton, Ont. Niagara Falls : A poem in three cantos. Toronto, 1843, pp. 100. Songs of the Canadian Winteb. Toronto, 18G8, pp. 96. Livingstone, Stuart Barrister, of Hamilton, Ont. (See Morgan.) In Various Moods. Toronto, 1894, pp. 100. Lockerby, Elizabeth N. Born in Prince Edward Island. The Wild Brier ; or, Lays by an Untaught Minstrel, E. N. L. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1866, pp. 196. Lockhart, Rev. Arthur J. (" Pastor Felix') Of Scottish descent on his father's side, and of Huguenot on his mother's. Bom May 5th, 1850, at Lockhartville, N.S., eight miles from Windsor, N.S. and four from Gaspereau and (Jrand-Pru. Learned printer's art at Wolfvillo, N.S. ; worked one year at the University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Maine : now preaching at Pemaquid, Me. (See Dominion lUmtrattd, Vol. V., p. 70. ) Lockhart. Rev Burton W., D.D. Brother of A. J. L. (above). Born at Lockhartville, 1865. Educated at Acadia College, VVolfville, N.S.; 1882, pastor of Baptist Church, Suffield Corner; 1888 to 1893 atChicopee; now pastor of Franklin Street Congre- i S6 A lllHLIOaRAPHY OF CANADIAN I'OETUY. f Lockhart, Rev. Burton W., X^.D.— Continued. gatlonal Chinch, Manchester, N.H. Sketch, with portrait, in Magazine qf Poetry, Fohruiuy, 1896. The Masquk of Minstrklh, and Other Pikceh, Cliiefly in verse. Hy Two Brothers (Arthur J. and Burton W. Lockhart). Bangor, Maine, 1887, pp. 3(51. Beside the Nakka(U'A(iu8, and Other Pokms. By Arthur John Lockhart. Buflalo, N.Y., 1895, pp. IIU. All but a few of the latter were destroyed by fire at Buffalo (The Peter Paul Book Co.) Logan, John E. (" Barry Dane.") A Voice from the Saskatchewan. 1885. Lorimer, J. G. At one time a journalist in New Brunswick, The Recluse of New Brunswick ; or, The Hermit op Point Lepreaux. St. John, N.B,, 1842, pp. 24. Lome, Marquis of Governor-General of Canada, 1878 to 188.S. Memories of Canada and Scotland : Speeches and Verses. Montreal, 1884, pp. 360. Contains 63 pages of verses on Canadian subjects. MacCoU, Evan Bom at Kenmare, Scotland, September 2l8t, 1808. Published "The Mountain Minstrel," at Glasgow, in 1838 (six editions). Also "Clarsach Nam Beann," in 18.18. Came to Canada in 1850. Resided in Kingston till 1880, when he came to Toronto. Died at Toronto, July 24th, 1898, and was buried at Kingston. " The Bard of Loch Fyne." (See Morgan.) The English Poetical Works of Evan MacColl. First Edi- tion, Toronto, 1883, pp. 360. Second Edition, Kingston, 1888, pp. 232. MacColl, Mary J. Daughter of Evan MacColl (above). Bide a Wee, and Other Poems. Buffalo, 1880, pp. 113. Toronto,. 1882, pp. 113. Several editions. MacDonald, Mrs. (See " Miss Roberts.") A HinMOORAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 87 Macfarlane, John ("John Arbory") Of Montrual. Horn in Scotland in May, 1857. He oditod in 1805 a ool- lootion of poems, songH ivml ballads, "Tho Harp of the .Seottiah Covenant." (See Morgan.) Within thk Nioiit, and Othkr Lyrics. Toronto, 1892. Hkathkr and Hahehem. Montreal, 1S92, pp. 62. ^acfie, Archibald TuK Farmkr and His Son. A dialo<;;ue. Chatham, 1888, pp, 28. JMacgeorge, Rev. Robert Jackson Jiurii in Scotland about 1811. Caniu to Canada in 1841. Returned to Scotland in 1858. Anglican clergyman and editor. Incumbent of Trinity Church, Streotsvillo, Ont. Editor of Street ti'ille. Reriew, 1848-1858, con- tributing frecjuently over pen-name "Solomon of Streetaville." See The Canadian Journal, No. XCII, October, 1876, pp, 207-270. Editor also of 7'Ae Awjlo-Amtrkan Maijazine published by Thomas Maclear, Toronto, J H" 2-55. Died in Scotland, May 14th, 1884. The Canadian Christian Offering. Edited by R. J. Mac- ^ george. Toronto, 1848, pp. 102, Poems by various clergymen of Church of England in Canada. Tales, Sketches and Lyrics. Toronto, 1858, pp. 269. Machar, Agnes Maule ("Fidelis") Of Kingston, daughter of late Rev, Dr, Machar. Her late brother was married to a sister of Grant Allen. Poems not yet published in collected form. Author of fugitive poems, which are to be found in all Canadian anthologies. .iVuthor also of many historical tales. Her poems a]>pear frequently in The Canadian Magazine and The WestminMer. (See Morgan. ) Mackenzie, George A. Malcolm : A Story of the Day-Spring. Toronto, 1887. Mackenzie, J. B. Of Toronto. Thayendaneoea : An Historico-Military Drama. With historical notes, Toronto, 1898, pp. viii. 179. MacKeracher, William M. Of Montreal. Verses of Feeling and Fancy, Montreal, 1890, pp, 96. il i tr i f Vi lii 'II as A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. MacKnight, Samuel John Lyric and Other Poems. Halifax, N.S., 1892, pp. 28. MaclCv \ Mrs. E. S. Of Charlottetown, P.E.I Carols of Canada. Dedicated to Sir Donald A. Smith. Native of Great Britain. (See Morgan.) Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1893, pp. 198. Mac Lean, Mrs. Kate Seymour Of Kingston, Ont. The Coming of the Princess, and Other Poems. 1881, pp. 12+1175. Toronto^ MacNeill, A. D. Of Orangedale, N.S. Died 189—. Woodlands, and Other Rhymes. Kingston, n.d., pp. 40. MacNiven, Mrs. C. Born 1823. Died 1865. Aileen : A Poem. IngersoU, Ont., 1865, pp. 52. McBride, Robert Of Oil Springs, Ont. Poems, Satirical and Sentimental. London, Ont., 1869, pp-. 304. The Canadian Orange Minstrel. Toronto, 1870, pp. 32. McCaig, Donald Of Collingwood, Out. In 1886 appointed Inspector of Public Schools for Algonia and Parry Sound, Ontario. Born in Cape Breton, May 15th, 1832. Brought to Hamilton in 1836. Moved to Wellington County, 1840. Attended Normal School ; taught at Rockwood, Berlin, Gait, and Ottawa. (See sketch by David Boyle in Canadian Magazine, March, 1894. Portrait.) (See Morgan.) Milestone Mo.irs and Memories. Toronto, 1894, pp. 132. McCallum, John Patriotic Odes. Kingston, n.d., pp. 16. McCarroll, James Journalist. Born at Lanesboro', Longford County, Ireland, August 3rd^ 1815. Came to Ontario in 1831. Died at Buflalo, N.Y. Madeline, and Other Poems. Chicago, New York, San Fran- cisco, and London, Eng., 1889, pp. 321. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 39 McDonnell, William Of Lindsay, Ont. Born at Cork, Ireland, April, 1824. Came to Canada, and was clerk in post office at Peterboro, Ont. ; then moved to Lindsay. Studied law in University of Pennsylvania, Returned to Lindsay. Marina: An Operatic Romance. 1883. Manita : A Poem. N.p., n.d., pp. 29. A poem bearing the title, " The Beautiful Snow," appeared in the Chrvitian Ouardian, Toronto, February 17th, 1841. It was signed " Mc." William McDonnell was the author. It was set to music and sung in London. It was reprinted in the Guardian, February 24th, 1897, with notes as to claim to priority over other poems of same title. McDoug^all, Mrs. Of White River, Ont. Wrote under pen-name " Nora." Verses and Rhymes. Pembroke, 1880, pp. vii. 180. McEvoy, Bernard Born at Birmingham, Eng., in 1842. Educated as a mechanical engi- neer. Engaged in journalism. Came to Toronto, Ont., in 1888. Began work at once on Toronto Daily Mail, at first as reporter, soon after as editorial writer. Left the Mail .a 1898 to join the staff of 0. N. Morang & Co., Publishers, Toronto. Secretary of the Canadian Society of Authors. Away from Newspaperdom, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1897. pp. 144. . With decorations by G. A. Reid, R.C.A. A Second Edition in cheap form issued in 1898. The Feast ok the Dead. Toronto, 1899, pp. 8. " To David Boyle," Toronto, July 6th, 1899. McCee, Hon. Thomas D'Arcy Born in Ireland, April l.^th, 1825. Came to Canada in 1857. Died at Ottawa, April 7th, 1868. Journalist, author, orator, statesman. (See biography with portrait, in N«itnian's " Portraits and Biographies," Vol. II.) Canadian Ballads and Occasional Verses. Montreal, 1858, ■ , pp. 124. Sebastian, or the Roman Martyr. New York, 1861, pp. 52. The Poems op Thomas D'Arcy McGee, with copious notes ; also an introduction and biographical sketch by Mrs. J. Sadlier. Portrait. New York, 1870, pp. 612. IS I 40 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. it * Mclntyre, James The " Dairy Poet," of Ingersoll, Ont. ^ ' Musings on the Banks of the Canadian Thames. Ingersoll, 1884, pp. 128. Poems. Ingersoll, 1889, pp. 198. Mclver, Mary A. Formerly of Ottawa, Ont. In 1870 became wife of Carroll Ryan {q.v.}. Poems. Ottawa, 1869, pp. 176. McKenzie, William P., B.A. Of Toronto, Ont. A Song of Trust, and Other Th >UGnTS in Verse. Toronto, 1887, pp. 42. Voices and Undertones. In Song and Poem. New York and Toronto, 1889, pp. 1.57. Songs of the Human. Toronto, 1892, pp 132. Heartsease Hymns, and Some Other Verses. Toronto, 1895, pp. 44. McKillop, Archibald " The Blind Poet of Megantic." Son of Capt. McKillop, who was placed in charge of a band of settlers sent out by the Duke of Hamilton f-om the Island of Arran. TemperanC'-, Odes and Miscellaneous Poems. Quebec, 186P pp. 96. McKinnell, Mrs. George Of Orillia, Ont. CoucHiCHixG Carols. Orillia, 1889, pp. 51. i McLachlf>n, Alexander Born at .Tohnston, Renfrewshire, Scotland, in 1820. Son of Charles Mc- Lachlan, a mechanic and poet. Came to Canada in 1840. Died at Orange- ville, Ont. , March 20th. 1896. ' ' The Bard of Amaranth," so called horn the name of the township in which he lived for many years on a farm presented to him by his admirers. (See sketch by Donald McCaig in The Canadian Magazine, November, 1897.) The Spirit op Love, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1846, pp. 36. Poems. Chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Toronto, 1856, pp. 192. Lyrics. Toronto, 1858, pp.. 151. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OP CANADIAN POETRY. 41 Died at Brookfield, N.S., Halifax, N.S., 1843, McLachlan, Alexander — Continued. ' The Emigrant, and Otiiek Poems. Toronto, 1861, pp. 236. Poems and Songs. Toronto, 1874, pp. 223. Re-isBued in 1888. His latest poem appeared in the Toronto Saturday Night of February 22nd, 1896 — " Address to My Old Dog Yarrow," twenty-four verses. McLachlan, James Inhumanity : A Poem in three parts. Montreal, 1868, pp. 40. McLennan, William, F.RS.C. Notary, of Montreal. Born in Montreal, May 8th, 1856. Graduated B.C.L. (McGill), 1880. Author of " Spanish John " and in collaboration with Miss J. N. Mcllwraitli, of "The Span o' Life." (>ee illustrated sketch in The Canadian Mcujazine, July, 1899.) (See Morgan.) Songs op Old Canada. Montreal, 1886, pp. 83. The above is a volume of translations from the French. McPherson, John Bom at Liverpool, N.S., February 4th, 1817. July 26th, 1845. Teacher. The Pkaise of Water. A Prize Poem. pp. 16. Poems, Descriptive and Moral. By John McPherson, styled by hi.^nself, "Harp of Acadia." Halifax, 1862, pp. xlvi. 252. This contains memoir by J. S. T. (father of the late Sir John S. D. Thompson). , Mair, Charles, F.RS.C. Born in Lanark County, Ont., April 21st, 1840. Was for a time on the staff of the Montreal Gazette. Saw service at time of both Riel rebellions. In 1896 went to Prince Albert, N.NV.T. Later settled on a farm near Okanagan, B.C. (See "Songs of the G^eat Dominion," p. 457.) (See Morgan. ) Dreamland, and Other Poems. Montreal and London, 1868, pp. 151. Tecumseh : A Drama (with notes). Toronto, 1886, pp. 205. Manners, Robert Rutland Pasco : A Cuban Tale, and Other Poems. Cambridge, Mass., 1877, pp. 170. Cuba, and Other Verse. By Robert Manners. Toronto, 1898, pp. 155. The second is a revision of the first. '42 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Marham, Rose Pallex Rose Leaves, Gathered and Pressed. Toronto, n.d., pp. 96. Martin, George Born in 1822, near Kilrea, County Down, Ireland. Came to Upper Canada in 1832. Resident of Montreal since 1852. (See Dominion Illvstrated, VoL v., p. 166.) (See Morgan.) Marguerite, or the Isle op Demons, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1887, pp. 12, 285. Matthews, Richard F. Poems. London, U.C, 1866, pp. 68. r Mayne, Daniel Haydn Of Toronto. , Poems and Fragments. Toronto, 1838, pp. 126. Menzies, George A journalist of Ontario. Born in Scotland. Editor on The Reporter , of Niagara; also The Chronicle, of Niagara. Established The. Herald, of Woodstock, in 1840. Died at Woodstock, March 4th, 1847. The Posthumous Works of the Late George Menzies, being a collection of poems, sonnets, etc. Woodstock, 1850, pp. 95. Merkley, George E. Of North Williamsburg, Ont. Canadian Melodies and Poems. Toronto, 1893, pp. 104. Merrill, Helen M. Author and journalist. Born in Napanee ; daughter of Judge Merrill, now of Picton. Is the author of many fugitive poems, also of the following volume of prose and poetry. Picturesque Prince Edward County. Picton, 1892, pp. 128. Merritt, J. P. Of St. Catharines. Son of Hon. Wm. Hamilton Merritt, the promoter of the Welland Canai. Canada Seventy Years Ago, or Prince Edward's Visit to Niagara. Third Edition, St. Catharines, 1860, pp. 13. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 43 Minto, Charles Of Montreal. The Howes o' Buciian and Par awa', with Other Poems. Montreal, 1896. t Moodie, Mrs. Susanna Susanna Strickland was born in Suffolk County, Eng., December 6th, 1803. In 1831 she married Lieut. J. VV. D. Moodie, who for many years was Sheriff of Hastings County, Ont. In 1832 they came to Canada, living at Cobourg, Peterboro', and Belleville. For some years she was editor of the Victoria Magazine, published at Belleville. She contributed poems and sketches to TTie Literary Garland, Montreal. Autho. of " Roughing it in the Bush," "Life in the Clearings ventis the Bush," etc. In 1830, before coming to Canada, Susanna Strickland published in London a volume of poems,, entitled "Enthusiasm, and Other Poems." Died at Toronto, April 8th, 1885. Agnoa Strickland and Mrs. Catharine Parr Trail were sisters of Mrs. Moodie. (See G. M. Rose's "Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography," Toronto, 1886.) Moore, S. Of Quebec. Manager of La Compagnie dea Chars Urhaim. Poems. Montreal, 1887, pp. 315. Moore, William Wallace Of Moorefield, Ont. Random Rhymes. Toronto, 1885, pp. 224. -Morgan, merchant of Mont- Morgan, Miss Mary ("Gowan Lea") Born in Scotland. Daughter of the late — real. Now living in England. (See Morgan. ) Poems and Translations. Montreal, 1887, pp. 12, 195. Sonnets from Switzerland. 1896. Marguerites. London. Eng., 1898. Morrison, Llewellyn A. Bern on the farm of his father, Mr. Robert Morrison, J. P., in Peterboro' County, Ont. Mechanical and Mining Engineer, Toronto. Heart Bells. London, Ont., 1899, pp. 303. Religious Hymns and Poems. " Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage." .1.' 44 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Mountain, Mrs. Annie "A Wreath of Ruk " for Lent; and the Sacred Lake. Toronto, 1873, pp. 49. Mountain, Rev. George Jehoshaphat, D.D., D.C-L- Born at Norwich, Eng., in 1739. Came to Canada in 1793. Educated in England. Bi.shop of Quebec. Died at Quebec, 1863. For full biography sje "The Last Three Bishops Appointed by the Crown for the Anglican Church of Canada," by Fennings Taylor (1870). Songs of the Wilderness. London, Eng., 1846, pp. 28, 153. These songs were written while making a missionary tour of the North- West Territory by canoe and trail. Mountcastle, Miss Clara H. ("CarisSima") Of Clinton, Ont. Born in Clinton. Artist and author. (See Morgan.) The Mission of Love ; Lost ; and Other Poems. With Songs and Valentines. By "Caris Siraa." Toronto, 1882, pp. 200. Muchall, Mary Elizabeth Of Lakefiold, Ont. Fourth daughter of Thomas and Catharine Parr Traill. Born at Ashburnham, Peterborough County, Ont., November 7th, 1841. Married Thomas William Muchall, December 30th, 1863. Died May 28th, 1892. Her mother, Mrs. Catharine Parr Traill, one of the Strickland sisters, died at Lakefield, Ont., on August 29th, 1999, in her 98th year. The Blue-Bottles' Ball. Step by Step ; or, The Shadow on a Canadian Home. Toronto, 1876, pp. 59. The Stolen Skates. Mulvaney, Rev. Charles Pelham Born at Dublin, Ireland, 1835. Died at Toronto, 1885. Lyrics, Songs, and Sonnets. Toronto, 1880, pp. :i30. (See "Chandler.") Murdoch, William Born at Paisley, Scotland, in 1823. Came to Canada in 1854. Died 1887. Journalist at St. John, N.B. {The Daily Newn). Poems and Songs. St. John, N.B., 1860, pp. 152. Poems and Songs. St. John, N.B., 1872, pp. 232. DiscuRSORY Ruminations, A Fireside Drama, etc. St. John,^ N.B., 1876, pp. 233. ^ A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 4^ Murray, George, M.A., F.R.S.C. Bom at London, Eng. Graduated at Oxford. Came to Canada, and for many years was Classical Master of the High School at Montreal. Founder ' «L!h r'^'-Vr'' f-?^'"'"' ''''° "^ ^'^^ ^''' ^«»'^«- S'"^-'' 1882 has Onlnf h' T^'',^^^;"; Q-"-" -l»n>n in the Saturday Montreal Star. One of the charter Fellows of the Royal Society. (See Morgan. ) How Caxada was Saved. Toronto, 1874, pp. 15. This poem won first prize in the Witness competition. Verses and Versions. Montreal, 1891, pp. 8, 403. Myers-Funnell, Rozelle V., M.D. Of Ottawa. A Jubilee Offering: "A Booklet of Verse." Ottawa, 1897 pp. 25. ' Nelson, V. H. Bookseller, of St John. N.B. His son, Edwin J. Nelson, was author of My Own Canadian Home." The New Brunswick Minstrel. St. John, N.B. Newell, J. R. Of Woodstock, Ont. The Times, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1881, pp. 151. Newton, John The Emigrant, and Other Pieces. Hamilton, 1846, pp. 48. Nickerson, Moses H. Of Clarke's Harbor. N. S. "The fisherman poet. " • Carols of the Coast. A collection of songs, ballads and legends, original and translated. Halifax, N.S.. 1892 dd 10, 288. ' ^^" Nobile, A. A., B.A. Miscellaneous Poems. 1883. O'Brien, Rev. Cornelius, D.D. Archbishop of Halifax, N.S. Born of Irish parents in the Parish of Rustico Prince Edward Island, 1843. Made Archbishop of Halifax, January 21st' 1883. (See Morgan.) ' Aminta : A Modern Life Drama. By Cornelius O'Brien, D.D.,. Archbishop of Halifax. New York, 1890, pp. 187. Translation from French and Italian. 'i' i I » 46 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. O'Grady, Standish Of Montreal. The Emigrant: A Poem in four cantos. Montreal, 1841, pp. 204. O'Hagan, Thomas, Ph.D. Teacher, journalist, etc. Born near Toronto in 1855. Graduated at Ott3,wa University in 1882. Ph.D. of Syracuse University, 1889. (See sketch by Emily McManus ia Canadian Magazine, October, 1893 — portrait.) (See Morgan.) A Gate of Flowers, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1887, pp. 64. In Dreamland, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1893, pp. 84. Songs of the Settlement, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1899, pp.70. Contains portrait of author. Dedicated " To the Pioneers of the County of Bruce, Ontario." Page, Rhoda Ann Born at Hackney, Eng., in 1826. Came to Canada in 1832. Married in 1816, becoming Mrs. Faulkner. Settled near Rice Lake, where she died in 1863. Wild Notes from the Backwoods. By R. A. P. Cobourg, Ont., 1850, pp. 62. Palmer, David Born in Queen's County, N.B., in 1789. Died in 1866. New Brunswick, and Other Poems. St. John, N.B., 1869, pp. 171. Palmer, Lizzie £. Wife of Ambrose Palmer, son of David Palmer (above). Selected Poems. Fredericton, 1889, pp. 40. Parham, Charles J. Of Ottawa. Lyrical Translations from the Oc, Italian, Spanish, Portu- guese and Provencal dialects. (1887), pp. vii. 88. Park, Shubael The Smuggler. Hamilton, 1852, pp. 76. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 47 Parker, Gilbert Son of Capt. Joseph Parker, of the Royal Artillery (still living at Belle , n 861. Mucated at Trinity College, Toronto, where he was for a tim^ leeturer m Enghsh Literature. Studied for the Church, but never t<^k orders. Correspondent in the South Seas of the Sydney Morning Herald t rf « ;i-^^,«"gJ-d in 1890. where he Lw 'resides. Iw^t (See TAe M Buyer, July. 1896.) Full-page portrait in "Canada." edit d by J. Castell Hopkins, Vol. v., p. 133. (See Morgan.) A LovEu's Diary : Songs in Sequence. First Edition, Chicago and London, 1894, pp. 147. Second Edition, Toronto 1898, pp. 147. ' Parkinson, Miss Amy Of Toronto. Born in Liverpool ; came to Toronto when quite young. Love Through All. Toronto, 1893, pp. 36. " A Voice from a Sick-Room." Reprinted from private edition. Patterson, Henry Of Montreal. Songs in Travel. Montreal, 1872, pp. 186. From Preface : "They say Poetry is at a discount in this country I trust our men of letters will wipe away this reproach, and efface this stigma that brands Canada's fair name." Pollock, J. E. Of Keswick, Ont. Lorenzo, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1883, pp. 117. Porter, Miss Jane Of Toronto. Published a volume of poems in Toronto about 1879. Porter, V. R. C. Vindesorae, N.S. Epistola Poktica ad familiarem auctore V. R. Josepho H Clinch, A.M., E. Coll. Reg. N.S., Latine Conversa V. R. Carolo Porter, S.T.P., Ejusdem Collegii olim praeside. Olicanae 1864 pp. 17. ' ' English and Latin on alternate pages. Dedicated to Dr. W. B. Bliss. Prince, S. O. (Mrs. S. 0. Davis.) • PoKMs. Toronto, 1890, pp. viii. 179. -■*■] 48 A BIBLIOOHAPHY OF CANADIAN POETllY. ,^* •^v#' ; Procter, John James Born at Liverpool, Eiig , in 1838. Camo to Canada in 1856. Toachor and journalist; at present on Quoboo Daily Teleijraph. Author of "The Ragged Philosopher" and "The Philosopher in the Clearint^ " (1897). Voices op the Niqut, and Othkr Poems. Monireal, 1861, pp. 118. Ramsay, A. J. K Of Weatover, Ont. Ho is the author of the following five hooka of poems, though the reader might be led to atioribe them to two (lifFerunt authors. The Canadian Lyre. By J. R. Ramsay. Hamilton, 1859, pp. 126. Win-on-ah; OB, The Forest Light, and Other Poems. By J. R. Ramsay. Toronto, 1 809, pp. 98. One Quiet Dat. By J. R. Ramsay. Hamilton, 1873, pp. 193. I Shall not Tell. New York. Muriel the Foundling, and Other Original Poems. By Andrew Ramsay. Toronto, 1886, pp. 282. Rand, Rev. Silas Tertius, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D. Born at Cornwallis, N.S., May 18th, 1810. Died 1889. Baptist minister ; ■nissionary to Micmac Indians for forty years. Resided at Hantsport, N.S., 1853 to 1889 ; voluminous writer on Indian matters ; " Dictionary of Micmao Language," 1888; "Legends of the Micmacs," 1894. The latter containa full bibliography of his Indian publications, and a sketch of his life. The Dying Indian's Prayer. Halifax, 1872, pp. 15. The Dying Indian's Dream. Windsor, N.S., n.d.,pp. 28. Rand, Theodore Harding, D.C.L. Professor in McMaster University, Toronto. Born at Cornwallis, N.S., 1835. B.A., Acadia College, N.S., 1860; M.A., 1863; Superintendent of Education in Nova Scotia and afterwards in New Brunswick ; D.C. L., 1874 ; 18S3, Professor in Acadia College ; 1885, appointed to McMaster Univer- sity, Toronto. (See Morgan.) At Minas Basin, and Other Poems. First Edition, Toronto, 1897, pp. 173. Second Edition, Toronto, 1898, pp. 206. Dr. Rand has compiled a " Treasury of Canadian Verse " with bio- graphical notes, to be published before the end of 1899. Ratcliffe, Walter A. Of Listowel, Ont. Laurier and Victory : A Souvenir qf the Campaign of 1896.. Toronto, 1896, pp. 8. A HIULIOGIIAPHY OF CANAJ)IAN I'OETRY. 49 Ratdiffe, Walter h —Continued. Morning Songs in the Night. Toionto, 1897, pp. 151. "The author . . . lias for years boon cut olF from the ordinary pleasures of life by an unusually heavy affliction, having become almost totall; blind and deaf."— W. D. Lighthall in preface. Read, Mrs. Jane B. Of Brantford, widow of the late Rev. Samuel Read. Poems fok Young People, embracing Temperance and Religion. Brantford, Ont., 1871, pp. 16. Poems on Moral and Relujious Subjects. Brantford, 1872, pp. 16. Reade John, F.R.SC. Born at Ballyshannon, Donegal County, Ireland, in 1838. Came to Canada in 1856. Still living in Montreal. Journalist on The Gazette, Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature of Great Britain in January, 1896. For list of contributions to magazines, see Proceedings of Royal Society of Canada, Vol. XII., p. 64. Editor of "Old and New" column in .Montreal Gazette, signed R. V. (See 8ket<3h in Canadian LUmtrated News, May 13th, 1873.) For portrait, see "Canada," by J. Castell Hopkins, Vol. v., p. 164. (See article by Reade in same work on " English Literature and Journalism in Quebec") (See Morgan.) The Propuecy of Merlin, and Other Poems. Montrei.l, 1870, pp. 8, 237. Reid, Robert ("Rob. Wanlock") Born at Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Came to Canada in 1877. Now resident of Montreal. (See Morgan.) Poems, Songs, and Sonnets. Paisley, Scotland, 1894, pp. 24, 264. Rice, William Of Toronto. Born at North Thoresby, in Lincolnshire, England, on Feb- ruary 22nd, 1817. Apprenticed early in life to a large law firm. Was managing clerk with them for some years. Went to the United States in 1853. Came to Canadi in 1871. Has followed the calling of a book agent for over forty years. Poems. Toronto, 1898, pp. 22. With a portrait and introduction by A. Dickson Patterson, of ToroHto. ff] 50 A HIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRV. Richey, Rev. J. A. Churoh of England clergyman in Prince Edward Island. A Skkies of Poems by J. A. R. Montreal, 1857, pp. 46. Vbbsks: Devotional and Miscellaneous. Halifax, N.S., 1882, pp. 164. Second Edition, Halifax, N.S., 1886, pp. 180. Roberts, Charles George Douglas Son of Rev. George Goodridge Roberts. Bom at Douglas, N.B., January 10th, 1860. Until recently ProfuHSor in King's College, Nova Scotia. Now journalist in New York. Goodridge Bliss Roberta, Theodore Roberts, and VVm. Carman Roberts, brothers, and J. Elizabeth (iostwycko Roberts, •Liter, also have written poems, the latter having issued, in 1888, a sixteen- page brochure of poems for private circulation. Goodridge Bliss Roberts died February 4th, 1892. (See under " Carman." ) A volume of poems " Northland Lyrics," by members of the Roberts family, is soon to appear. C. G. D. Roberts is author also of the following prose works: "Earth's Enigmas," a collection of stories (1896); two Canadian novels, entitled "The Forge in the Forest," and " A Sister to Evangeline" ; also a "History of Canada." A third novel, a companion to the two above-named novels, is now in preparation. (See sketch of C. G. D. Roberts by T. G. Marquis, in Canadian Magazine, September, 1893 — portrait. Sketch of Goodridge Bliss Roberts, by C. G. Abbott, in Dominion Illustraltd Monthly, April, 1892— portrait.) (See Morgan.) Orion, and Other Poems. Phi idelphia, 1880, pp. 113. In Divers Tones. Montreal, If- 7; Boston, 1886, pp. 8 + 134. Ave : An Odk for the Shelley Centenary. Toronto, 1892, pp.27. Songs of the Common Day. Toronto, 1893, pp. 12 -f 126. The Book of the Native. Boston, New York, London, and Toronto, 1896, pp. 156. New York Nocturnes, and Other Poems. Boston, 1898, pp. 85. Roberts, J. Elizabeth Gostwycke Now Mrs. MacDonald, of Fredericton, N.B., sister of C. G. D. Roberts. (See Morgan.) PoKMS. (For private circulation.) 1888, pp. 16. Rogerson, Mrs. Isabella Whiteford Of St. Johns, Newfoundland. The Victorian Triumph, and Other Poems. Toronto, 1898 pp. 232. A niBLIOOKAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 0| Romanes, George John Born May '2()th, 1848. at Kingston, Ont., where his father wan a Professor in Queen-H University. Died at Oxford, Kng., May 23rd, 1894. Uraduate.l at Cainhridgo, Eng., in 1879. A distinguished naturalist. Author of ^" Animallntelligemie " (1881); "Mental Evolution in Animals" (1883); "The Philosophy of Natural History Before and After Darwin" (1888),' ato. A Ski.ection prom the Poems of George John Romanes, Londor, Eng., 1896. With an Introduction l.y T. Herbert Warren, President of Majjdalen College, O.xford. Russell Euphemia Poetry. (Toronto), 1869, pp. 23. " The writer of these poems is a young woman who lost her sight while studying at the Normal School to fit herself as a teacher. She had previously lost her left iiand by amputation." Rutherford, John Tales and Poems. Montreal, 1868, pp. 144. Ryan, Carroll Born at Toronto, February 3rd, 1839. Served in Crimea. Journalist at Ottawa. Now resident of St. John, N.B. Married Miss Mary Mclver (7. V. ) (See Morgan. ) OsoAR, AND OruER PoEMS. Hamilton, 1857, pp. 120. The Sonus of a Wanderer. By Carroll Ryan, of the 100th Prince of Wales' Royal Canadian Regiment. Ottawa, It 67, pp. 10, 289, 20. Picture Poems. 1884. Ryan, F. B. The Spirit's Lament; or, The Wrongs op Ireland. A Poem. Montreal, 1847, pp. 194. St. Clare, Reginald Transatlantic Sketches from Life. Hamilton, Ont , n d pp 46. ■ ' St John, Charles Henry Poems. Boston, 1859, pp. 144. Sabiston, Magnus Of St. John, N.B. • Grenada, and Other Poems. London, Ens. ti A niHr.lOORAlMlY OF CANADIAN I'OKTHV. Sangster, Charles Born at KingHtoii. Out,, vhily KItli, 1822. Died iit KiiigHton, Dodcinlur l«th, I8»;i. Jouniiilist. Son of ii shipwriHht. 18HS to IS48, in Onliianco OHifo, Kingston. 1849, mUIov of AinluTBtburg Coiin'ri: 1850 to 18(17 jounmliHt in Kinnwlon. (Soc Moi>{iin'n Hih. Ciiii., LiglitliaH'M " SongH of (Iroat l)i)inniii-\ also 8kct(^ii by Dr. l)i>wiut in Caiiadiun MiKjazim, May, 1800.) MSS. aro now in McOill Univi , • ■ Wayside Flowers. Toronto, 1876, pp. 255. Victor Roy : A Masonic Poem. Hamilton, 1882, pp. 128. Wilkinson, J. R. Lieut. -Colonel, of Leamington, Ont. Canadian Battlefields, and Other Poems. pp. 292. Toronto, 1899, Willard, Mrs. F. J. " Of Louisiana. " A Life Idyl. Hamilton, Ont., 1869, pp. 92. Williamson, Dr. A. J. Journalist, of Ancaster, Ont. Original Poems on Various Subjects. Toronto, 1836, pp. 151 There is a God, with Other Poems. Toronto, 1839, pp. 24. Devotional Poems. Toronto, 1840, pp. 24. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 61 Wilson, Sir Daniel Born at Edinburgh, Scotland. January 6th. 1816. Came to Canada in. 1853 as Professor of History and English Literature at University College Toronto. President of Toronto University. 1881 to 1892. Died August 6th, 1892. Author of " Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time " '•Prehistoric Man " etc. See sketch by Dr. (ieorge Stewart in Dominion Illustrated Monthly, November, 1892 (portrait). See In Memoriam, by W m. Kmgsford, in Transactions of Royal Society of Canada. 1893, Spring Wild Flowers. London, Eng., 1875, pp. 243. This was a reprint of a volume issued many years before under the ingenious no,n de plume of ' ' Wil. D'Leina. Esq. , of the Outer Temple. " Willson, David Of York County. Hymns and Prayers for the Children of Sharon. New- market, 1846, pp. iv. 108. Another Edition, 1849, pp. 207. To be sung in worship on S-bbath days. Wingfield, Alex. H. Of Hamilton. Died, 189—. Poems and Songs, in Scotch and English. Hamilton 1873 dd 255. ' . * ^^' Wright, Frederick Born in Ireland. Came to Canada in 1833. Resided at or near Brockville.. Wayside Pencillings. Ogdensburg, N.Y., 1855, pp. 200. Lays op a Pilgrim. Brockville, Ont., 1864, pp. 150. Wright, Rev. R. Walter Methodist minister. The Dream of Columbus. Toronto, 1894, pp. 64. Wylie, David Journalist, of Brockville. Ont. Born in Scotland. 1811. Came to Canada in 1845. Died December 21st, 1891. For many years proprietor and editor of The Recorder, Brockville, and " Poet laureate " of the Canadian. Press Association. Recollections op a Convict, and Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse. Montreal, 1847, pp. 200. Metrical Waifs from The Thousand Islands. Brockville Ont., 1869, pp. 62. ' A BIBLIOORAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY, 4^ /CC<. -tt-*T4- Young, T . F. Of Huron County, Ont. Canada, and Other Poems, Toronto, 1887, pp. 117. Yule, Mrs. J. C. ("P.S.V,") (Mi88 Pamela S, Vining), of Ingersoll, Ont. Prior to marriage, teacher in the Canadian Literary College. Woodstock, Ont. Died March 6th, 1897. Poems of the Heakt and Home, Toronto, 1881, pp. 8, —0. Anonymous G-. ■x«.l {i 1?^ ^Constance: A Lay of the Olden Time. By Maple Leaf. Montreal, 1874, pp, 50. V An Address to the Liegemen of Every British Colony and Province in the World. By a Friend to his Species. Kingston, 1822, pp. 13, (See Gagnon,) The Charivari : or. Canadian Poetics ; A Tale after the manner of Beppo, Montreal, 1824, pp, 48. Authorship attributed to Launcelot Langstaff, •^ Leaves prom the Backwoods, Montreal, 1862, pp, 166. (/The Beauties op Bellevii^le. (See under " Breeze,") ^•^Maple Leaves. By Sasl^ D. London, One, 1871, pp. 200, • A Legend op Marathon. By an Ontario Judge. (See under " Hagarty.") >^The Widow op the Rock, and Other Poems. By a Lady, Montreal, 1824, pp. vi, 192, See under "Blennerhasset." 1/ Scraps and Sketches; or, The Album of a Literary Lounger. Montreal, 1831, pp. 246, Prose and poetry, chiefly prose, >^ Vacation Verse, By W, M, M, Montreal, 1891, pp, 23, /Songs of a Sophomore, By W. M, M, Montreal, 1892, pp, 24. y The Norman Conquest ; The Saguenay, Montreal, 1860, pp, 237, 31, By the late Justice Cornwallis Monck, I^The Canadian Temperance Minstrel, Montreal, 1842, pp. vi, 108, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 63 Anonymous. — Ctf«//««^^. •^ The Book-keeper, and Song op the Bell. By Mercator. Montreal, 1868, pp. 61. ^The Final Crisis. (Wni. Spiers.) Toronto, 1882. vThe Two Elders, and the Meal Club Plot, By Toots. Toronto, 1856, pp. 16. L/The King of the Beavers. By Sam Scribble. Montreal, 1865, pp. 20. [ Dolorsolatio : A Local Political Burlesque. By Sam Scribble. Montreal, 1865, pp. 22. V Orpheus and Eurvdioe. By Sam Scribble. 1866, pp. 25. VThe Unspeoipic Scandal. Ottawa, 1874, pp. 19. ^ CoucHiCHiNG Carols. (See "Mrs. McKinnell") ^ Hours of Childhood, and Other Poems. Montreal, 1820, pp. 94. Probably by a native of United States. V Canada. A descriptive poem, written at Quebec, 1805. With satires, imitations, and sonnets. Quebec (1806), pp. 52. ''Remiviscences of a Soldier. Toronto, 1843, pp. 118. ^Variety : Poetry and Prose by the Bard of Niagara. Montreal, 1872, pp. 254. 1/ Canada : A Satire. By one of her sons. N.p., n.d., pp. 24. "There's something rotten in the State of Denmark." ^Warblings and Wailings of Leisure Hours. By Scotus. Three Rivers, Que., 1859, pp. 4, 78. •^ A Military Mite to the Mountain of Literature : or, The Rhymes of a Redcoat. Quebec, 1858, pp. 140. By , of Quebec. Published for the benefit of thQ India Relief Fund. " To the troops in the Garrison of Quebec. " ^ Hunting Adventures in Utopia. Toronto, 1880, pp. 30, ^ The Logs' Lament. (See ''Mrs. Spencer.") The Young Minstrel : Being a Collection of Original and Selected Juvenile Songs. Published by E. W. Bliss, pub- lisher of music, at the Toronto, 1843, pp. 31. > Derry Harmonist. By " A Prentice Boy." Ottawa, 1861. 64 A UlULlOaitAl'HV OF CANADIAN I'OETUV. AnonymouB.— Continued. ^ A Month in the Marsh. By Saw-waw-gooah, or Tho Yellow Fox. Chatham, Ont., 1860, pp. 32. / Descriptivk Sketchkh op Nova Scotia, in prose and verse. By a Nova Scotian. Halifax, N.S., 1864. V The Ciikistian's Weddino Ring, containing five Letters and a series of Poems. Written by a Lady with the sincere desire of sowing the seeds of union in the Christian Church. Montreal, 1871, pp. 287. ' A Memory. By E. J. C. Toronto, 1874, pp. viii. A SoK(} OF Charity. Toronto, 1857, pp. 80. The above two volumes are by Prof. Chspmun {q. v.) " Curious Facts. Toronto, 1895, pp. 124. i Proceed; Gs o*' the Toronto Tandem Club, 1839, 1840, 184L Toronto, 1841, pp. 66. A collection of humorous poems. Rhymes for the Times : Original Poems on Popery, Slavery and Intemperance. By a Protestant. Montreal, 1857. •^ CuRiiE Canadbnses ; or, The Canadian Law Courts. By Plinius Secundus. Torouto, 1843, pp. 44, appendix. / According to Dr. Scadclii g, in The Canadian Journal, April, 1877, the author of this volume was an Knglish barrister named John Rumsey, at one time a resident of Toronto. According to a manuscript note in a copy owned by Mr. Lawrence Heyden, of Toronto, the author was a Mr. Baldwin, an Irish barrister residing near Shanty Bay, Simooe County, Ont. He returned to Ireland about 1845. Miscellaneous Entries- The Maple Leaf. By Alexander Muir, Public School Teacher of Toronto. (See The Canadian Magazine, December, 1895.) My Own Canadian Home. By E. G. Nelson, of St. John, N.B., The poem, with music by Morley McLaughlin, of St. .John, is to be found in The Canadian Home Journal for March lat, 1898. Illustrated. Mr. Npilson is also the author of other patriotic poems. (See under "Nelson.") A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 65 Miscellaneous Entrits.—Confi»t4ed. Tramp, Tkamp, Tramp, thk Boys are Marciiino was composed in 186G, by Lachlun McGoun, a painter and decorator by trade. Mr. MoCtoun was born in Glasgow in 1837 ; came to Canada about 18S7, and tirHt settled in Montreal, later lived in Port Hope ; moved to Napanee al)out 1867, whore lie died November 11th, 1890, death residting from a fall from a scaffold while painting in the Public School building. He nerved at the time of the Fenian Raid of 1860 in the artillery under Capt. Kennedy, and composed this popular poem at that time. The Land of thk Maple. Words and music by H. H. Godfrey, of Toronto, will be found in The Canadian Maga- zine, January, 1898, Emigration. By Henry Scadding. The prize poem, as recited on 20th December, 1832, at the Upper Canada College- Printed in T/ie Canadian Literary Magazine, No. 1, April, 1833, York, U.C. The Grand Magazine of Universal Intelligence and Monthly Chronicle of our own Time (London, Eng.), for the year 1769, contains a notice of the appearance of the following poem which is entered here since it was written at an early date in what is now part of Canada : The Reduction op Louisbourgh. A Poem. Wrote on board His Majesty's Ship Orford, in Louisbourgh Harbor. By Valentine Neville, Esq. ; Is., Owen. , Anthologies of Canadian Poetry. Selections prom Canadian Poets, with occasional critical and biographical notes, and an introductory essay on Canadian poetry by Edward Hartley Dewart. Montreal, 1864, pp. xix. 304. This was the firut collection of Canadian verse (English). The author and editor was Rev. Dr. Dewart {q. v.), himself a poet and critic of recognized ability. This book is somewhat scarce, and kj^vld bo the foundation volume of a collection of Canadian poetry. Songs of the Great Dominion : Voices from the Forests and Waters, the Settlements and Cities of Canada. Selected and edited by William Douw Lighthall, M.A., of Montreal. v**S- 66 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAN\D1AN POETRY. Anthologies of Canadian Pottry.— Continued. pi I London, Eng., 1889, pp. xxxvii. 465. biofrraphical notes. Introduction and' This volume from the press of Walter Scott appeared in two different editions. It is still in demand and forms a good companion or supplement to Dr. Dewart's collection. It appears in " The Canterbury Poets" under the title "Canadian Poems and Lays." (See un.Ier '• Lighthall.") Poems op Wild Life. Selected and edited by Charles G. D. Roberts, M.A. London, 1888. This is one of the volumes in the series, "The Canterbury Poets." It contains poems by John Hunter-Duvar, Arthur W. Eaton, Agnes M. Machar, Charles Mair, C. G. D. Roberts and Chas. Sangster, with short biographical notes. American Humorous Verse. Selected and edited by James Barr. This volume in " The Canterbury Poets," selected and edited by the Canadian-born journalist, James Barr, contains verse by Robert Barr, W. H. Drummond, George T. Lanigan, John E. Logan, Wra. Wye Smith, with short biographical notes. American Sonnets. Selected and edited by William Sharp. This is another volume of " The Canterbury Poets," published by Walter Scott, of London, England. There are selections from Charles Heavysege, Archibald Lampman and C. G. D. Roberts. The Canadian Birthday Book. Compiled by Mrs. S, Frances Harrison. Published in 1889. Patriotic TIecitations and Arbor Day Exercises. Compiled by Geo. W. Ross, LL.D., Minister of Education, Ontario.. Toronto, 1893, pp. xii. 374. Thi3 book contains 83 pages of patriotic poems by Canadian writers. Later Canadian Poems. Edited by J. E. Wetherall, B.A. Toronto, 1893, pp. ix. 187. This book cuitains selections from the poems of Geo. Frederick Cameron, William Wilfred Campbell, Bliss Carman, Archibald Lampman, Chas. G. D. Roberts. Duncan Campbell Scott, Frederick George Sortt, (with portraits) ; also poems by E. Pauline Johnson, S. Frances Harrison, Agnes Maule Machar, Ethelwyn Wetherald, Sara Jeannetto Duncan and Isabella Valancy Crawford. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Anthologies of Canadian 'Poetry.— Continued. 67 -A, Victorian Anthology, 1837-1895. Selections, illustrating the editor's critical review of British poetry in ohe reign of Victoria. Edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman. Boston and New York, 1 896, pp. xl. 744. Pages 6.33 to 676 are gi\en to Canada, and comprise poems by Susanna Strickland Moodie, (/has. U. Shanly, Chap. Heavysege, .lohn Hunter Duvar, Chas. Mair, John E. Logan, George M'irray, (jeo Frederick Cameron, Isabella Valctncy Crawford, \V. I). Lighthall, Chas. (i. D. Roberts, Wm. Wilfred Campbell, Frederick George Scott, Elizabeth G. Roberts, Archibald Lampman, Bliss Carman, S. Frances Harrison, Duncan Campbell Scott, Gilbert Parker, E. Pauline Johnson, Arthur Weir and Ethelwyn Wetherald. iSladen, Douglas, B.A. : Younger An-erican Poets. New York, 1891, pp. r)l 7-633. Contains appendix, "Younger Canadian Poets," edited by Goodridge Bliss Roberts, of St. John, N.B. Ross, John D., LL.D. : A Cluster of Poets, Scottish and Ameri- can. New York, 1897. This book contains portraits and biographical sketches, with selec- tions from the following Canadian poets : Rev. Duncan Anderson, John Imrie, William T. James, Rev. A. J. Lockhart, Rev. Dr. Burton W. IjQckhart, John Macfarlano, (ieorge Martin, Robert Reid, Rev. W. W. Smith, and Albert E. S. Smythe. A Treasury of Canadian Verse. Edited by Dr. T. H. Rand, of Mc Master University, Toronto. With biographical notes. To be issued in 1899. The Caledonian Society of Toronto has had in preparation for some time a collection of Scottish-Canadian poetry. Articles on Canadian Poets in Magazines, Etc "Some Canadian Women Writehs. By Dr. Thomas O'Hagan, in Catholic World, September, 1896. Many portraits of writers of poetry and of prose. Some Canadian Writers of To-day. By W. Blackburn Harte, in New Euyland Mayazine, Boston, September, 1890. Illustrated with portraits of Goldwin iSmitii, Sir Daniel Wilson, A. Lampman, W. W. Campbell, C. G. D. Roberts, Grant Allen, Agnes M. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Articles on Canadian Poets in Magazines, "Etc.— Continued. Machar, Sara J. Duncan, Ethelwyn Wetherald, J. Hunter-Duvar,. Nicholas Flood Davin, Chas. Mair, W. D. Lighthall, and others (prose writers). Canadian Poetry. By John A. Cooper (editor of The Canadiarv Magazine), in The National Review, May, 1897, Edward. Arnold, publisher, New York and London. GoLDWiN Smith at Home. By Frank Yeigh, in The Book Buyer,. New York, April, 1899. Five ilhistrations of Professor Smith and his home, " The Grange," Toronto. Bengough : An Artist of Righteousness. J. W. Bengough,. Canadian Caricaturist and Humorous Poet. By Dr. With- row, in The Method, st Magazine, Toronto. Illustrated. Canada : An EncycJopsedia of the Country. Edited by J. Castell Hopkins. Vol. V. includes the following articles, containing much information as to the poets and poetry of Canada : A Review op Canadian Literature. By the Editor. French-Canadian Literature and Journalism. By Ben- jamin Suite, F.R.S.C. English Literature and Journalism in Quebec. By Johni Reade, F.R.S.C. A Sketch op Canadian Poetry. By Prof. A. B. DeMille^ M.A. Canadian Women Writers. By Thos. O'Hagan, M.A.,. Ph.D. This same vohune contains portraits of C. G. D. Roberts, Wni. Kirby,. Chas. iSangster, (iilbert Parker, Dr. Goo. Stewart, John lleade, A. Lamp- man, W. W. Campbell and Hon. T. D'Arcy McGeo. Acta Victoriana (Victoria University, Toronto), in its Christmas number, 1898, contains portraits of Gilbert Parker, D. C. Scott, J. W. Bengough, W. W. Campbell, A. Lanipman, Dr. Theodore H. Rand, Dr. Goldwin Smith, C. G. D. Roberts, Dr. G. W. Ross, Miss Wetherald, Hon. David Mills and Bernard McEvoy. The same number contains many Canadian poems, including "The Minstrel," by Archi- bald Lampman, dated Ottawa, November, 1898, the last poem published by him before his death. U I i" A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. 69^ Articles on Canadian Poets in Magazines, 'Etc— Continued. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Vol. II., 1884. " The Poets of Canada. ' By John Lesperance. Vol. XL, 1893. "Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness." By Dr. John George Bourinot. This was issued in separate enlarged form under same title. Part of it deals with Canadian poets and their poetry. Vol. XII., 1894. " Bibliography of the Members of the Royal Society of Canada." By Dr. John George Bourinot. This valuable bibliography contains full lists to date of the publications of W. W. Campbell, Rev. ^neas Mel). Dawson, William Kirby, Evan MacColl, Charles Mair, George Murray, Rev. Cornelius O'Brien, John Reade and Chas. G. D. Roberts. Some Canadian Noms-de-Plume, identified with samples of the writings to which they are appended, by Henry Scaddingi D.D., in The Canadian Journal. The Journal for April, 1877, pp. 449-457, deals with the following Canadian poets and their writings : " Roseharp." James M. Cawdell. " A Canadian." James Lynne Alexander. " Erie-US." Adam Hood Burwell. "Plinius Senundus." John Rumsey. "Claud Halcro." John Breakenridge. *• Zadig." John Hawkins Hagarty. "Isidore." Isidore G. Ascher. Prof. Chapman. " Wil. D' Leina." Prof. Daniel Wilson. List of Articles in " Canadian Magazine." September, 1893, " C. G. D. Roberts." By T. G. Marquis. October, 1893, "Thomas O'Hagan." By Emily McManus. January, 1894—" Wm. Wilfred Campbell." By Colin A. Scott. March, 1894, " Donald McCaig." By David Boyle. April, 1894, "Archibald Lampraan." By A. J. Stringer. October, 1894, "Joseph Howe, I." By Hon. J. W. Longley. November, 1894, " Joseph Howe. II." By Hon. J. W. Longley. January, 1895, " Frederick G. Scott." By J. E. Wetherell. 70 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. List of Articles in " Canadian Magazine"— Co«//««(fd?. October, 1895—" Isabella Valancy Crawford." By E. J. Hatha- way. December, 1895, " Alexander Muir." By J. A. Cooper. May, 1896, " Charles Sangster." By Dr. Dewart. December, 1896, "Canadian Poetry." By Gordon Waldron. March, 1897, " A Vindication." By A. B. DeMille. November, 1897, " Alex. McLachlan." By D. McCaig. June, 1898, "Frederick G. Scott." By Principal Adams. May, 1899, " Dr. W. H. Drummond." By E. Q. V. July, 1899, "William McLennan." By E. Q. V. Pen-Names of Canadian Poets. Algonquin — William Pittman Lett. AUid — Geo. T. Lanigan. Angus Evan Abbott — James Barr. Barry Dane — John E. Logan. Caris Sima — Miss C. Mountcastle. Cinna — Robert Baldwin Sullivan. Claud Halcro — John Breakenridge. Cousin Sandy — John Eraser. Erie-us — Adam Hood Bur well. F. A. D. — Frederick A. Dixon. • • , Fidelis — Miss A. M. Machar. Fleurange — Mrs. Lefevre. Garth Grafton — Sara Jeanette Duncan. Go wan Lea — Miss Mary Morgan. Harriet Annie — Mrs. Wilkins. Isidore — Isidore G. Ascher. J. A. R.— J. A. Ritchie. John Arbory — John Macfarlane. Judson France — Davidson, Keppel Strange— W. E. Hunt. Khan, The — R. K. Kernighan. Laclede — J. T. Lesperance. Maude ) ^, ., , ^ ■ Mileta f ^'°**^'^* Jennings. 71 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN POETRY. Pen-Names of Canadian Potts.-Co»f/„ued, Nora— Mrs. McDougall. Pastor Felix— A. J. Lockhart. Plinius Secund::8— John Rumaey • P. S, V.-Mrs. J. C. Yule. R. E. M., Miss.— Mrs. Leprohon. R. A. P.— Rhoda Ann Page. Rob. Wanlock— Robert Reid. Roseharp— James M. Cawdell. S. A. C— Mrs. S. A. Curzon. Sarepta— E. B. Brownlow. Sauda— W. L. Forsyth. Seranus— Mrs. Harrison. Talon— J. T. Lesperance. William Talbot- W. T. Allison. Zadig— John Hawkins Hagarty. The Bard of Amaranth-Alexander McLachlan. Ihe Bard of Hernewood-John Hunter Duvar The Bard of Loch Fyne-Evan McCoU. The Blind Bard of Megantic— A. McKillop. ADDENDA.* Bannerman, Frances Mra. Bannerman is a daughter of Hon. A. G. Jones, of Halifax, N.S. Milestones : A Collection of Verses. London, Eng., 1899. Bengough, J. W. Medley: Verses Lively and Severe. In press. ? v Frame, Elizabeth Native of Nova Scotia. Sketches in Prose and Verse. Hunt, Robert \ OfSorel, Que. A Canadian Colonist's Welcome, and Thirty-Two Acrostics. Montreal, 1860, pp. 52. Machar Agnes Maule ("Fidelis") Lays of the "True North," and other Canadian Poems. London, Eng., and Toronto, Ont., 1899, pp. xii, 243. Medley, Bishop Of Fredericton, N.B. Author of an admirable translation in blank verse of the Book OF Job. Spedon, Andrew Learmont Tales for Canadian Homes, Prose and Verse. Montreal, 1872, pp. 112. vVanless, Andrew Born in Scotland. For many years bookseller in Toronto, whence he moved to Detroit, where he died. Poems and Songs. Detroit, 1872, pp. 168. Second Edition, ' Detroit, 1873, pp. 192. * The Editor is indebted to Mr. E. B. Biggar, Toronto, for most of these additional entries, suggested after an examination of the proof pages of the book. r^