'^^Ji^'-^'J^'JsiJi. JOHN BERTRAM & SONS - DUNDAS, ONT., CANADA - BlIKQII^S m WEM^ MIMIl^i Mf -FOR- l^ailrsad, ^acomstive and dar SKcps, 3^CacKin.c Shsps, l^^alling I^ills, Slcam, "Forges, Ship IJards, Sailer and Sndgc'V^srrts. ^c ^M This photo reprosenta our new IMPROVED IRON PLANER, built in sizes from 20 inches to (5 feet square, and of any lonRth desired. On all sizes from 20 orosB head is elevated by hand, and from 3ti inches by power. The following are the advantages which this machine has over all others : The machine stands parallel with the overhead driving shaft, thus economizing room in the shop. It is perfectly noiseless in operation, and has a return motion of three times the cutting speed, and reverses without shock or jar to the machine. The feed (patent applied is positive, and absorbs power while feeding, and will feed from to } inch. All journals of the driving shaft are oiled from the" outside. It is complete with counter shaft and wrenches, a plati of foundation, showing how to set countershaft, is sent each machine. Weight of Planer, 8 feet by 30 inches, 8000 lbs. m^^^mmm^^ f ^-.1 4 ^•JfJ^v^ ♦VW -»-*