.a^ wVU '^o>^ \..\% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5 ^ t'^/' {■^ f/j ^- 1.0 I.I 1.25 Hf K£ 2.2 S Id 1^ IIU U il.6 — 6" <^ W /a ^a ^. <$> C^ oW •7" /^ /A '/ w Photographic Scmces Corporation M m-^ ^ iV m \ \ ^x-^ <^ 'I, #^^^^ '^ '^ 23 ) .£ST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145 JO (716) 872-4503 'eiiss ,i,„| i„ r„nvar,l any prl- ticiibli' M'hcui,. l„ conmci oui-jjivat Inlami I,ak.'s u itii llio soi-boanl. Asyst.n, oCliMj, w.ik'iw.iys was .liM^ussud. via tlw ,^t. LawioMu,' ami Ilu.^mi Hiv,.r>. Tl,.. grrat cost „l sn.!, „ ..,.1„,,„., bas,,! upn,, tli,. cii.stoiiiaiy loc-ka,;;.' systn,,, w,,nl,l i,i,.l(Hibtciliy involve it« pr„ni, iters in iiitiuiato llnancial diMistei- ,', l.i Panama, ami ibiMv lb.- inatlo,- ic-lnl. in so Car as ibe ninventi,ni was eonciTni'd, and sinn- tin n, will, Ibc ex- ception (if a few easnal ivniaiks I'runi an „ecasi(,n:il en,ivs|,Hi,ileiit in the local press, we have lieanl iiotbin;.' more of ii. Wbil,' improvements „re cnslantly beii,^- inlr„il,i,T,l i,, on,- metb.Kls of transport by him) in all its various branelies, very little apparently has been areom|ilisbe,l in ,1„' meantime to imp,oi,' ,,iir methods of transport in eonneetion with i,nr \vat,'nvays ; metlio.ls that were inlio ■ luccd (wo or mor,- .^I'luM'ations ba.k ar,- stiil in v.,-ne lo-day. In this ficl.l of ,:n-i„eeri,ii: we seem incli 1 to f .|low too elosely. and some times blindly, in the lliotsteps of the early eiif;ineeis, eonteiit to accept their plans an, I .1, 'tails liir our modern works of tliis eliiss, without ipiestion, not presiimi,,'.-, or p.ihms b'arin;; to aher designs, which have answered the ivciuirenietits so well, and have withslooilthe test of years. It is always prudent to 1,-t w 11 ,.,i,,u;jh al,.ii,' . but in this par- ticular the tiiiu' has aniv.d f,,r an mlvame o. keep up with tlic ai;e wc live in. Tb,' wi ii,r pr, po-,s. ibn.n.jb tli,- n„>,liiim „f tbis p;,,,er, to suggest fordi>eiission ine important innovation to the ,.xistin- methods in our canal transp.^rl. The principal leaso,, Ibr the in(i-,.,lncli,'n of this innovation is th,' vital i,ni' of cost, as i',iinp;,ii il with the loek,i','e system, and if it Ciiii be in ide to w,.rk a- ,(Vici,i,tly, -o ninch the b.tt.'r, eiisniingto the promoters aio'. -barehol.lers ,i ivasonahle return lor eapital invested, by virlii,' of the iinnienv reduction in the ,-tiiii:,tes. At various timi s in walebin^ tb,' pr,i,urcss ,'f vess.ls, tbrnii-b a seri,- id locks ill mir cinaU. it h,,- I'ceuired. to the writer that here mi-ht b,' aiiop,nin'4 lor im|ii,o,'U,. ,ii. m -iil'sl iliitiiiL' s, „„■ otii, , at ran_','meiit to overcom,' sun,, nits ibao thai "f elimbin- by an as, li,,'.; ami .hseenil ill'.; laibhr ,.r Inek-. and n,,w proe, . ,1 t., ,le.'.,'ril„' ,be Mvnv pi,,p„M',| as an .iflsi'i ,,, lb,' l.„ka^i' -y-t,'nj in on, ,an,il~ ami u.iteiwa\s, lor th. tian-l,r of vi'-.-els. "vr '-iiininii- „■ (Voni ,,„, w:ii, i l,v. I t,. aimther. The aeeompanyin:; drawin'.;s ill.isi r.,te a -ystem ol ,kidways, cmil.ineil with pontoons ami slip-, .ipplyinu tl„. prin,'i|,l,',.mpl.,y,.,| \,y the l'',-enel,. in their "C'liiiuiinle I'", r dle-fanl," l,itw,eii tin' sliditiL; surf ices ,,f the ways, to eliminate Irieti, I, I ,,s fa,' as possibl,'. when lb,' vessel i.< bein- diawn np (he iialii,,., ,,r ( , act a- l.iake p,.w,'r, wl„ii b.dii;.; I,t down the iiaiine a. ,b'Mr. d. To nii.iv I. -nalest a,lvaiila.;e this sy.steiu of skidways, the eni;iiii','r must -i.'Ur,' a siiit.ibl,' site ; g,'iitly slopin- hill side is the „,ost llivonrahle fir lb,' purpo.se. as (hen the w.irk of firiiilino up thi' ways, bein- mostly -nrf.iee work,,i;iv'S L-i-ealest sli','ni,.ili with least expense. There are a v^iriety ,>l wajs, iii which these slibls eaii be placed aecoriliiii: to the itutuiv id irrcnin,! .selected f,,, sit, , but the simplest form o( ibeir use would obviously be up ami ,b,wn i,i one dircclioti. ■\ >• illl|lirtiiMl lU.y.ilirilliHIl in ll lini.-i' nC :i -itr |;,i [h .. -liiilwaj.v is lllllt (111 V -llcilllll 111' lilCili'll IliMI- II -IIMIMI nl' .milli.-iilpl voliiiiir Idopirntc Itir livlrBiilii' niipliiiif.-i ( IlicicniU. and lnilMi- -iirli vi'liiiiii', n stiiiiine ri-rHdir omi Ik' ccii.-tiui'lMl nl „ i-miv. iii.'iit |iMiiit (,11 thf hillsidf, tobc ,iii|.|iliMl I'nuii ili.' ii.'iir.,i ^||■, aii.lcl cir'jallhM.il I'lniii >priiii;s mid siirliici' ilrniiinuc. Ii i. nm>t i-.-. niiiil in ,1 ,|,.,i..,|i lor llu'sc -liitlwujs to liavo an : liMilntc'liliinc niiliiii lulwi 1 o llio -lidirn; way. Tliv ulilisntioii of tin so way- In i-miiKi tiio. \vl|li il (ii.snnil woiis, I.t till' iinprofomont nC nniurnl w.itiT ooiir-os. .-|«oi..||v in iiiiuin'.- or ifolntcil ilistri.ts, as aio lioiiid in iIm- Kool.iiny Misliid ■,)■ llrilish (Vilmiibia, anil many otliir parts of llio iniorior oC raimdii, woiiM L^- nn ri'onnniical means of local trnn |orl to ihc M-lnvays of tradi' for the products of tlioso districts, a'.d tlion l.y ilcvclop tl.o country, ami licnilil our uiinini; and otiior in, crests whiili li:iv,' lucn s;: Uy ncLdcolcd — and wliidi arc in inuc'i need of some encoiiia_L.'i iinnt. Seme may doulit the practieiihility of hnnillinj: hiaded vessels in (his manner. Those may lie rclerrcd to an article hy Sir liinj. Baker, on Ship Hallways, in the Miiilini>\ Cmhirii M,iii:r.U.i\ of M.nrch, 1891. as to what has been done in that way. The lollowin'.' is an abstract : " It is very rare in cujiinccrlni: prohlans to lind (hut what has heen ■'done siicer.ssfnily on a smnll scale is iinpiacticMilr .na lar-c one : " but rather the reverse is the truth. "The same truth, 'liat with modi rn appliances and inereiiscd cx- " perlence, cnuinoers of the pnsint (la\ 1 mountir less dinienlty in '■ earryin;; out lar.L'c works than their prcih ces,^ors successfully "sur- " mounted in dialing with sin.ill ones. holiN i;oiid of stcauibo.iis and " countless other tlilnus. imd dnnl.tle- will li.M Mood as ri-:inls ship " railways. " Hut, alter all, a ship railway adapted to modcin vessels is but a " "iw < ihiniitiou of niichanlial eontrUMnces, every one of 'vhich has •' been well tested sin-ly to at least as .■ievi re an extent as it would be " tested in the combination. Thus, in the ease of a shi|i railway the " vessel has to be lifted out of the water, and ll has to he h:'uleil aloiii; " a railway, 011 a propeily eoustructi d car. It is neees.-nry In order to "prove the above proiiO'^itioii, then lore, to .show : (1) That heavy " ves.sels can be floated our and hlmki d mi ^1 sulunerired cradle, and '• that the ciadlc and bloekini; will earij the ship salily hIicii • 'ovim; " aloni: the rnilway. (l!) 'Il,:.l the v.-s, I and crioll. can he lifti'd to " any nipiired height out nf ih. v.ai.r f rail I. v,l. (;i) That the " riiil" 1 -hitlers will sujiput the heavy lollin- IomI, The>e point.s " will now he dealt with very Iridly i ■ the li};ht nt past e.xiKrience. " A Vessel's home is iipiai the n.is.'r, hut she is built on land, and " .she has !o return there whim \er the .liubicsl repairs to her hull ■• have to he ert'eeted. .''^hc .iin-l !.,• -liMn;.; enough, ihenfore. liir both •• conditions— .•isl.oie .u ;ill,,at. It is ii,.w seventy yar- -lip- h\ Mr Mori f l„iih ere ih.ship was " floated over II Milaioijed er.MlIc, hi,,, k. .1 ilri,,.ii, an, I haul,,! up an " inclined niihun hy m, i-li.iiii,- .1 |„,«, r. Iliiiiu'u th,' pasi seventy " years tli,.u.-aii,l> ,.l .,--,1-. up |,, ihr., il„iu-iind t in dead weiuhl, ■' hiivc been so h.n.l, ,1 ,,111 ,,1' ih, »al, . ,n, 1 n -;i,,ri I, icih ,if rai!wiiv, •' without the sliuhtisi .lilhiulf, or -liii.iunil iniiiiy an, I i.s a re.-ult ■' of pastc.xpericn,-,'. 11,, i,.i,-onah|e ,|,,uhi leid ,\isi as lo praiiicaiiiliiy " ofeonstruclin;.; n eradl,. ,iip.,l.|,. ,.| ,Mir>iii-.; :i v.-,l over any ien.iith •■ ofiailway «iih -al, ly. ciliiiniy .111, 1 .h>p,,i,li. It ha- h,, n iijually '■ demoustralid hy p.isl ,Npiii, nee ili.l l„a\y i,--, 1- ,-,,n h,' -aii.-f.ic •• lorily lified to liny ri'|Uiriil heiijht ,,ui ,,| k.aw fhe Imuest dock • ill cxisi.nee, known us the ■ liemiiida iLiek. wa- hiii,l .ihont tweiitv- ■■ live years .i^o. ,,1 -uflii'ieni p,,wer :,n,l e.ip.oin 1., hit innielads -.vcif;!!- " ing l(l,i; «,it,'i III •• r.e,-ni ib-;..;n are " the • l),,positin;.' |i,„k- ,'l ^l,^sl^. llMrk ,V .•'^tni .ll,i,l, wh,!-,. ih,, " visscls arc lilt,, I hy |.iiinpini: inil nhiner-,,! p,i;il 1-, and are " deposited oil lixid Ma^in-. and 11 i- si ii, d ili.t ll p,ralioii occu- " pies only ahoiii tw. nty miiinte-. As nn i{liis>iiilion of the -reat '■ streiiL'th of ship.s, it may be inentioiH',l ihaii al lli,' Nieolaicfl' Dock. 2 w " till' -li iiliii-lii|i ' Ril»>iii,' iiliiilil II.UIIO liiMK III wi'liflit, :int1 1III»1I|'I«IIIiiI,11IIi1 llllll. Ilnlwilll-I llllllll'.' llli* 'jr"lt llVlTlrilt'.'. III! '' ■*imi lit' >trill'tlll'lll Wl'llklH'M* W.l>> I'XIllllirrij. ■' A» rij;iiiil> il"' iiliilil.v m| ilic «iiy> Mini -li'iiMi. 1.1 I'Mitvili'' liiJiitiif •• ii fliiimiiil I'liiilli'. ill till' III11III11I' prniiiiMil, lilii.' iii'iil Im' Miiil ill lliis " mjf (il I (ImlH'Cll im rlillliicill ll|i|i|i;iliri i>." Illlvill^ lliiiii, )> nil ii|i|»iil III (iiirt I xiH rii'ici' in I iiniiii'tiiiii witlillii' riilfll ft nt'!-lli|w lltlll till' li:illlii)(i' lit Ili'llV)' jiiiiils, jllnlitii'il tlii> Klntrllli'lll lluit, i.tirr III), thru' skiilwiiy* arcliul a mw iiiiiiliiii;itiiiii lii' itioii nf tlinii' iiutliuilK ill till' I'liM' iiiiw mull r cnii-iili riicinii II. nil alli'i iiiitivr Inr Im'kH ill iiiir I'liimU Miiil wiilrrHii)M. 'rill' iiliji'Ct "I llii' |iri'|ii'«i il iiiiiiiVMiiiiii i- 111 rill ii|iiii till' ii'-l I'l'wiii'k" 111 llii- cln^n. lltlll Ml |iluii' 1 iilri'|iii.i'« i.f llir kiiiil ill till' tiri-l nitik, ii" ]i:iyiiiL' '"iii'ii'iiKi "'III 'liiii'li.V M'l'iiri' iIh' I'mitiili'iiei' nl tin' invi"-*inu I'liiinniinily I" ili n iiii^lriili-j il iil llii' i n|iiiiil rri|iiiiri| Im- il. I'lHi.niirli. i iniilil nut I'r lntliT iiiiplnji'il. Tlirn' :iii' iimiiy [ilri'i's in Ciiniiilii, wliiTi' llii' iinlnriil lii|iiim,iiili.v "t tin- i i.iiiiiiy wnuiil pi riiiit nl' llicn' ."kiilwiiyK liiini.' (•iiii"liiii'i('il in idnnii'linii with iliiiii> mnl wi'irs, ciin- nicliii).' llii' nulnriil woIit Htnlrln's iit n (■uiii|:iriiti\i ly ^niuH I'lii-t, cnii- hIiIiiii jr till' urrnt nilvniilaiii'i' lUrivnl In ilii' I'lninlry al liir(ii'. in llii' ilevilnpnicnl ot'lln'w otliorwiw wauli' plaris wliric inimTuls nlmiinil, a- iiliiisi'lialc, iinn, •nunc ami liiiiilii r omI valuable nrrn -111 w two melluids nf liandliii}.' ve-'H'ln en llieiie ineline-. In Nil. 1 it i" prnliesiil tn nii.e tlie vcm-cI tii the inelini' hy liieinH ef imntniinw, In wliieli i- alliii'lieil a -win^iimi priilimn, einiHistin;.; nfa very stilTeinnliinatiiin nf loiiuituilimil ;iml ern-.- '.iiiilerB iinnle nf •n tar as ic^arils tin «.i\. ami .laille slips ;ii fnni nf inclines, I- similar In ilial in plan Nn. I . a- In ih i'.^n ami n|«'ialinii, the mily iliflcleiice hein'.; the iiilrnilneiiiin nf a tlnaliii^ tnnilalilc at the tup nf inclines, which rcinnvcs the mcis.ily liir e.vpcnsivc piinipin.' inaehinciy rcipi.icil in piunpiii'.' the pmilnniis used in plan Nn, 1. Sir Hcii,iamiii liakcr stales that vatiniis plans have liceii prn|'ii-e.| from lime In lime Inr llie (|nick iiinl cllieicnt lilnckini; of the cinvcil mrfaee nf a vi ssd's hull In ihe Hal Inp nf ihe cnnlle. Iliiieeil Ml^c- * lilocks, hyilraulic rams, elastic tnejs lilleil with air nr water, ami many nihcr such cnnlrivances have hceii siiL-ni'stcil. lull the prescnl nniversal a •"'';""""'«'■ ^" I" .i".ki.,« ,, , , ,„„r;y ,h,. „i,!,i.. „r ;"■'"'"; i'i...iM-u,.„.,i,i.,i, i,i,A,u.. i;wi„ '"'■; ';»'-'"i"'"> inr.i 1,1 |,|„,,,|„| ,1 ..i,i,,vi.,,j„i, '"'•'"'"'''"•^"^'"'''•" '■i*;i"i. M.,„.i,,M,i i„ k,..ii,i.;k. '"'""'■;; l""".l.inu «,.^,,M, n.ul, ,i,l..„( ,1„ 1,^. „, , „,■ „ ;■'";'■''■;• '"""■* ;■"""•■» •■' '"i* i-m. -r ur,\ « i. , ^ ,.,, ,„ ,i„. ■nl, d ,1„. w,M.l l,v .„(, «„..l ,il,i,„. .,.,„„ „„„,|,, ^l ''"*",'."' " '""'"'y '"''''"' ""I I l"'""''i"^' way, at ,. ;'"'■''" "" '"''"■ "'''^" '"' '"""■ A, ,1,. u.«l i. |..„vin, .1,,. lH".Hlm,, wu,, |,.,,„,,n i„ «.«t.rl,„r,„., «|,||., ,|„. lowi, ,,n^«,„K 1 ■'-. .,.,„• Vi»i.i,l .VM, M.iiItT ihi» ,ii,(.,il„rly rui.«l, iiT.miiuit TlM.l,.,t «,.y „ri,K.ki„j.„ vc..,..|„„ ,|„. „r.,||,., ,vill I,. ,,„i,Uv ^l.'t.r,„,„c,l u|,..r . ,;.„ «,,.k„. ,.,^,,i,.,„.,, |„„ i„ „„. ,ir,. i,„„.„„, „,, "■';'"■'"'""-• "'■'!'"'"■'• !-■-■ I I'll.v l,l„c.k-. n.,,,,.,. 1... f,„- „.,r„y I III' lulliiwiMf,- .■xtr„oi, rr,„n Trauiwinc, rrliiiii,... t„ tl... Uw,s KMTcrn- "",' ' '""""^ "" ""■'" ''' ■'' "'" ''-■•' "'"""JS 'it Ihi' lUhjcct ; " MidinK limi i|ii.ialM tiif.urfiic(iul'pIiiiiM . \V Si,, M N () IWir.. (,,„r|,. )'- W, ■ .'„« M N O '•"""""^ ^I'""»"'' )- W, •■ •■ ,.„.Jff,of Vncf,,,, ,|u..s nut vary a- .1... aii, C i|„. ,,l.u,u, Im. a, ihe ™,i„e ot lliat .mKl„, or ,„ ,1„. ,«,„„ ,„„„„,p „, ,,,, ,„,.,,,,„|i,,|,, ,,,^„,.„ v„r.n,. h„p, OHC « .. dt.„ir.. til >li,le « v..,.,.! „( »„y MH. ,„„,, i„ ,|,„ ,„„„. mTpropo8e,l,ui,aniii,.|in.,l,,la,u., .sl,,,,,,,^, 8^ ,„ i, livi i„ lO.l f,.p, «■■• hnv,. tc- nvnci „:.• tli,. , arallil sliilinu' lir... aw\ thi. tVictin.i. Slillitljr ||„e, W W .. lidll tuns. H5..'1 imih. iial liiii' S Krictiou =^. mn Inn., nm. ,.„m„ 8'; x e„ ,.ff. „r |,.i,,,i„„ ==t;o(( .im:i .1 1 lai.i,. ,.nviciin„ tn pr... — Hl,7;i tciiLs (uiiL'lc ufi'ric 7'' ,'i!i'). inmlined llirco ro ov(r.»imi sl.Tii s:!.,",!' Id,-, :i| ton-i Tlii^ for..,, Lul halaniv, ,|„. .Imvnwnrcl M,j"„,.y „, '(hr |.,a,l t,i.-,.(hcr >v,th .., Irution. and i„ ,l,i- ,..„idi.ion. it is plain, ,1,,,. „, i^npar. |»"<"ii. til thu „„w m,r,.»i„in.i; load »,■ n,„« a,,|,lv ,.,.„,.. adililinnul .'-.M. ; m- do.,n. a.ain .n slid. lli,. load ,|„„„ ,1,, pU,,,, „.|,,,,^ ,.„„.„ ,„^^,^, wr In .n.pl.iy ■/ I|,,,. ,„„l,i„. r,,,,_„, |,„^ „,,, ,.^.^,j.^,^^ ^.^ , j. ^ .^ i«n,, and llK, ,.!idin.,^ ,„r,\U: limv l„lp> ,., , uiiit of s.xr. ton- lliinliirr II, 111,,. ,,,.,■ w,. «„„ld liav,. l„ apply al,„„i 1.7:1 ,„„. „| i,,,,,,; l""''"''^'>l'l Ilii'in -lidinu .l.,H-h III, pi.,,,,. , •""•■' i;""-i^'i., I , , ,„ i,j,,,„ni„. „„|,„, i„ i,,i„.i„„ '7"""''™'-^""^^-"-^! ^'1' l.-.^l paiviluilli'il,:. ''"''"'-'' "-^^ ■ '" ''"'i'-l I'luv. «l„.r,- a s,ii,>,.n,„.k. would l„. nm.>«i,y ,r,., „,,, ,, ,1 ,„. ,„„ ., ^„ 1,^^,,. _,^^^^ ^|, |^^__|^^ Wlllly, ,1„. ,„a„.,, ,;,vi„j; „.,.iil,| I,,., 11,,.,,, I ,„ ,|„ ,,.,l,„.,.,| ,„„;. "••"" '"'"'■•■" "1"' <'in-(li-«,.il> Ml III, ...nal a- a «l,„|,. Tl,,' Ai,l «:i.v.Maii li,.|,.n„l.,„.,l „i.l, v.ry lit,|.. addilional ,.sp „-,■ In, .l„- pur. I'l'.-iiil ph„-,„^ il„...,.,il„. Iiu..„f ,|„. ,;„,„| ,,,„|„, „„ ,|„, ,„„,„„, ,„ iniiiiiuuui<'.v,Mvuli„„ . l,y ,1,1, „„,„„. , ,,„„ii,i,., ,.„u l„. ,.,,n,i,|,.,.„bK ■vdu,.,,l,wl,i,|,. iak,„«iil, lli..s,uu,:;.ir,.,r., Ii.p,.„si„., will, 1,.,^: ("-.■ili.r «..iil.| i„,ik,. ,|u;i,. a ivspivlal.l,. sli„tti„._.. ^^ '"'■'■ '"' •- ""!>■ i' ri'ipiiii'd i,> ,.v,-ruMii,.. a siii„inil. ih,.,,. .kid- w.iys ,.Mi, „li;.| n.. ;,.|v,,nta>;,.s „v, r ili,. 1,„ ia^, .vm, i„ .'," '■""•■l"-i"", Hi" wnlir l,i.p..s il.al ,l,i., „„,„",, .,.1,,,,., „,„ „,,.., '"";." >"l"ali.,i,rr ,l„. „.,„li rsmili. .S„.i,lv.au.| draw out :'"■''''"""" • i"' '''-'■'^•- • ^'l'l'""-li ", inu.uail„i,, i, may "■ 111., im-ai,.. uliHiujili dis..u..,>i,MO ,.ri,iii..i,,, .„ li^Mil ,.„u,.. ,„.a,-ti™- lil. -Ii..!,,,. fi .i.T,uupli.li til,. nl,j,.ci lu vi.-w. lu wlii..|i ,-,M.tl,iv paper "■'" ""I l'"^'' I " "riil.i, i„ vain. ,„,r N.viA I;,!,,,,,,. l„st 1