n .» \^ i i .-«î^ ^:.f V »v. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-d^ y. # S ^ .^ ^->-:^, I < ixi r j 1.0 !if i^ m ^m lit lu 122 Il ?.■* ES IL25llV liA I 6" 't -i- y' t- A: ^^ ^'■^ ^ ^"^ ^4?^^ <> ;\ Hiotographic ■ ibi'ii^^iiri]i n «MIT MUUN STMVr «nMm.N.Y. 14510 (71é)m-4S03 <^^^ ^ » - ■■ . ■■ . '■ ' ■ ' , '-.';■ ' ' ' 1 ■■-■-■''■ .■■..■■ ■■'"■'■ ' -■ -^ ■■■■'■ CIHM ♦■ -.- ..*.:■■■■■■ ■■*■■■■--.-"■ f\, ■ ■ ■; -. ■ . ■ V '. ; 0,'" ■ 4 ■ ■" . '■ " ' " • à . ' -H ,!..-■■♦ ICMH Gollection de ■ ■ ."'■_■ ■ ■ - > . Serjés ' microficl;ies ■; " *""■■- ■ ■- \ (Monographs) •■.'■■ (monographies) * • ■'■-.■■■ i ' - . '• ■ • ; ■•■■•■ ■>^-.," ■->."■ . ■ "^ .- ■ • . \ ■ t '■ .' / . • ■ ■ ■, ' ' - *' ■ ' ■ . *' ■ -■'^'- ■ ■• ■ " V """"'v ■ s ■ ï- \' A 1 Cànadian Institut* for Historical Micror«productions / Institut canajdisn ds microrsproductibns historlquss V Ttchnical and éibliofraphic Notas / NotM «MhnkiiMt •% bibliograptiiqiMit Tlw liwtitutt hat attiimp'tMi to obtain th* bnt origiiMl copv àvailabl* for f ilming. FaiturM of thit eofiy wrhieh may. ba MMiographically unéqiia. iwhich may altar aiM of tiM imaga* in ttia rapraiduction, or which may ^ lignif ieantly chanaa tha inua| mathod of f ilming, ara 'Chackadbalow. .m ■ □ Colourad covar*/ ' Couvartura da coulaur □ □ Covars damagad/ Couvartura andominaféa Covart rastorad and/Or lamiiiatad/ Couvartura rattauréa at/ou palliculéa □ Covar titia miitinQ/ La titra da couvartura manqua □ Colourad mapt/ Cartas giographlquas an coulaur CokHirdd ink (i.a. othar tnan blua or Uack)/ Encra da coulfur (i.*. autra qua Maua ou noira) 4' L'Institut a ïinicrafiimé la maillaur axamplaira «l'JI lui a *té possiMa da sa prooirar. Las d^if* da cat L. axamplèira qui sont^aiit-êtra uniquas c|u point da vuâ .biMioirapliiqua, qufpavvant modifiât une imafs raplbduita. ou qui Pfujrant axifar una modiiiGatioQ dain la méthoda norïnïla da f ihnagâ sont iiMliqués ei-dassous. ,/ □ Colourad pagas/ , Pagasd^couli □ ^iagas damaïad/ Plifis andommagaas ^' . -' l □ P^flas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastauréas at/ou paMIculéas 0P»ias diseolodrad. stainad or làutif Pag^ déeoloréas. tachatéas ou piquéas □ Pttgas datachad/ * Pfegasdétaehéas 0Slio«vthrougli/ ^ Transparanca -^ _ „ _ : V >*■,•■ n Colourad platas and/or illustrations/ ' ^ Planchas at/ou illustratimis an coulaur * Bound with othar matarial/ Ralié avac d'autras documants □, Tight binding may causa shadows or distortion along intarior margin/ ' La raliura sarréa paut causar da l'ombra ou.de la distorsion la long da la marga intériaura □ Blank laavas addad during rastoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar possiMa, thasa hava baan omitlad from filming/ Il sk paut^iuacartainas pagas blanches ajoutées lors d'une restauration apparaiqent dani la texte, mais, lorsque cela était possible, ces pagas n'ont pas été filmées. / n Additional commants:? Commentaires supplémentaires: This item is f ilmed et tha réduction ratio checked Ce document est filmé au taux de réduction indi( 'ox * 14X ^Bt n jL T □ (^ality of print varies/ Qualité in^le de l'impression I il Continuous pegination/ L_U Pagination continue □ Includes index(es)/ Comprend un (des) index ~)^ Title on header taken from:/' ' Le titre de l'en-téte provien< □ Title page of issue/ Page de titre de la livrais □ Caption of issue/ Titre de départ de le livraison j [ Masthaad/ / ^ ^ K L_J Générique (périodiques) de la livraison ; -\ 22X 26X XX 12X' 16X 20X 24X 28X 32 X V Th« «tpv filinéd Hêtê hM h—n nprùà%»têè ijhankf to th« O«n«rosity Qf: Library of tht Nitiontl Archivés of CanMto ■^' . \---: ,-/.:■■ :r:.-^ ■■:'■' l- ■■ Ttw imagM «ppafrihg h«#» ar« tiM bMt quélfty pçMiblé 6en«id«iing th* condition and togiMiify of tho original eopy «fid.ln kooping «vitti tfio filmlng eontfoot tpoibiiHfatioria. Original eopioa .in prihtod papor eovora ara fUmad baginning with^tha front eovar and anding on tha laat j^ga witfi a printad ormuatratad bnpraa- aion. or tha baek covar iMian èpproprtata. Ail othor original cbpiaa ara fHmadbaginning on tha f irat paga with a printad or Hluttratad tanpraa- aion. and anding .on tha laat pa^ wMi a printad or Hlualratad imprataion. Tha laat racprdad frama on tach mierofleha ^ ahall eontain tha tymbol '•^^ fmaaning "CON- TINUED"!. or. tha tymbol ▼ Cmaaning "ENÛ"). whichavar appliaa. L'anamplaira filmé fut raprodult grâdiè i !• /génirotiti da: ,^ U biblioth«qu0 dM Ar^ivn "^ ■ mtipnêln du CmM* ? ^ LaaJmagaa suivanta* ont été raproduitës avac la plut grand tpinu compta tanu da la condition at da la nattaté dal'axampiaira fillné: at an . conformité avac laa condltiona du contrat da fllmaga. /Ua aaamplfjraa originaux dont la eouvartura an papier éjHlihpriméa aont filmée «n comifif nçant par la piimpir plat at an terminant toit par la darniéra paga gui comporta una amprainta d'Impraaaidh oudUluatratlon. toit par la tacond plat, aalbn la ait. Tob| lot auuat axd^plairat ori^lnpu» |ont fllméa ah^commançant par la pramlé^paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraation ou d'illuatration at an larminant par la darniéra paga qui comporta una tai|a ^amprainta» Un daa aymbolaa auivantt apparaître tur la darniéra-imaga da ctiaqua microficha. talon la cat: la tymbda — ^ tignifia "A SU/IVRE", la tymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". V / > Mapa. plataa, ehartt, atc.. may ba filmad at diffarant taductlon ratioa^Jhota too larga to ba ontiroly includod Jn ona axpoaura ara filmad baginning ki tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to *right and top tb bottom, aamany framat at raquirad. Tha following diagramt iliuttrata tha mathod: . s ô ^ lat cartaa. planchât, tablaaux. atc. pauvant étra fiimét é daa taux ^réduction dlf^rantt. Lortqua la documam aat trop grahd pour étra faproduit an un taul cliché, il att jfilmé é partir da l'angla tupériaur gaucha. da gkuéha é droita. at da haut mn bat. an pranant la nombra d'imagat nécatbaira. Lat diagrammat tul ilhfttrant la méthoda. diagrammat tuivantt 1 A ** :2 . -:- ■S ' ^ ' "8~":ï ■■■V f^;-.-'' /i^' 'flLLIJUH SCLATBR & CO., Limited, ^MINEfi^ iND àNUFAGTllftEeS? OF ASiSTOS MATERIAL, AND DEAtERS IN Steamboat,' Engineers' and Manufadturers''? Supplies, 42, 44 & 46 POUNDLING STREET, MÇNTREAL, CORNER br ST, PtiçR STREET, NEAR ST. ANN'S MARKET \ ■ ' " 'UV» . i 5>0Lfc A6EKIS tf«" THE DÛMINloiNîOR ASlte'IOS T'ACKINC; Co.. Hostoi». ^. B. T^JiNlING cK: Co.,C)ils, lùliijl)uioli, ^îbntlaïul, JIÎFFHW ASUl'SrpS MIN'1;H. banvillc. IV HoT'SlîPi^IJ) l'IRH liXTINC.lISIUÎkS, WbLF^tO^ SOAPSrON'IÎ gUAkK\', MONT|Kr'AL\llJ': WORKS. M HG/\|NTIC "a^1:S roS C o., Colcraiiic, WOLlfS rOWN ,.™HST()S Co.. CAN/\JDA IvXlM.O.^li ( .>.. I.imitcii. I brrnnif^ix. MANUFAiCTURERS OF T» tatiînt sai-hiy kxplosivhI > ROBURITE r '^ "S ;? FIFif DLPARTMENT. - SUPPLIES: ' ■ ♦ ■ ♦ ■ ' STI-AM I-IRH KNCINKS. HAND FIRK F;NGL\ES. I-IRH HOSIi COUPLINGS. I PIPES, !.• I R li^ HXTI NGU ISH K RS, l CLEÀNERS. ilEIiR COMPOUND, PHITE. WHï*yE & COL) QNWA: Ootton Waste, 0)]8 (Os^fnder and Lubrioatlng), Lubrfcating Greases, ShafUng OUers, "WIOÊ^.. JX "TF '¥^ -"-«^^ w^ -.^^-^ ■n»'^ Belt Dressing, -JL,A>.. _àriht ,A.. .aT^ ,JkZ _JLf^ JL^ JL m flags, Tenta, Fendera and Tarpatdina. . . ^ T.A.RÏ!»-A^TTI-I1TS TO ÏBB3iTT: \^n,.-r/A!V)-SCLAT're-^CO'S • ' ' / . ÂSBE^TOS + WA^EHOUSE, "W\ 42, 44 de 46 Foundiing Street, Corner 8t. P^r St., near 8t. Ann>a Market, ■••••• ( '; ■ Iilitéitiiiililili-, Si-ir.l.'iiUricatiii);. fur t'istiiii KihIs. Valvr ^ A ■ ri:. 1 1 IN l'Ai. '■; i ■ ■Sifiiis, ThfliUle ViilvKt, SliiffiiiK Utixes'iiriliKli miil I.im rrii«iire«uil Rotary ,KhKiliu». ami wlitTcvtr Sii|>t'rlu'.:ilt'il SU'iini Wr Ai-iiUnrt' iivii., \ •- . , l'rinn tlu- cxtiaunliiKirv proïK-rtics cif AsIk-nIos, its iiii|H-risliiil>ility y niiy iK-){re* »f Iicat (l'ivlu'r wtl or^ïry) or any arijI./liiKl it<. iiiHiri'iit liilirivutiiif; c|inililu'>. iliis Milistaïui- alnive ail otlicrs si-eins |H'('iiliarly »iiileil' fi>r hsï itt a sti'Hiii packiiiK, «iihI wmleni it • aila|ilal>lf 1<> ail llie iist-s for Atlilih. lurflulorf. iiiaiiv iJilTi'U'Ut ami s|il'i-ial kinil» i)f pacIyjiK l'ave lietii HSf "'l 'wmrc ii»iiiK.) \; '^'v > «perlh. .Ma.le fniiii purv AsIhsii». liiif^t i|iialiiv ami strniiKist liliri-, fm use in I/icoinolive IJoimii, Ste«m-che»V:x"ovfrs. Manholes,' Haml Mole!", CylimU-r Htails, t'i|H; Joints, KlaiiKi-J"inl«, AiiJJoiii»!», ito. ' \ Wi- claiiii for tliis l'arkiiiK : - * . \\ ist. It is 4litvr tliaii KntilH-r. It iloes iiot ri-(|inre t<» Ik- iisi> ix/MnJ, it iI lie .1>ct. It Clin lie useil t>ver ami over «Kaiii witlioiit iiijnry. ~ ; ' Il wtll ailapt itaelf to unrviMi surfai'vs, . *— r- - " It tiiakea n perfect and iterniniient joint, anr use in packing sniall valve stems, punipa, and other spécial tues. • ^ Il consista of fine fibres o( pure Asbcstosi prepannil in such a uianner that it can be twisted iiito any desired sliape, and on account of its fire ani'acking thoroughiy liefoie usîhg. (Minerai oils are tlie nioat suited, btititot absbiutely necessary.) . 4th. The I>ackin((shon)d l»é ]-% largerthan space in stuffing liox. Stl|. Oil of any kind wlll not injure the l'ackiitg. ''' a\bLSTI).S ,SHEKr,P,\rKIM. FIIH STKAM JIIINTS. FROM sV" TO i" THliSK. It is ^% lighter than rubber, will cost less, make a better nnd more lastiiiW joint — in fact, Asbestos is the best jointing material in . the world. \ Oiven'ci»! of Blacklead, and it can l>c takeii off and on as often as you likVwithout injury. - roR vaiNO , ¥ILUAM SOLATEE & COMPAJT'S ^ ASBESTOS -fî^ ; CB-MeNT i- F^I_TÏNG. THB ONLY PERFRCT FIRB-PROOP Cft^ERING FOR STtAM PIPES, BOILERS, «c, KMOWN. ist. Work up the material to the ccnsistency of ordinary mortar, with water, in the muai way. •* 2nd. Por covering Pipca, cutstrips of coorse cotton or f anvas aeven or eight inchca wide, long enougli to fàsten arçund the pipe to be covered ; sprcadthe cernent (prepared as above) on the stripi, about oue-half incU in thickntM. then appj^ to pipe as Jrou would . a poultice. Wheo dry remove the cottort, and the PHpent wtU stick to the pipe. Sutnequentcdtts ihoutd beapplicd w^lPa trowel, same as ordinary mortar. Care to be taken that eacH coat ia dry before the ncxt is applied. Score each coat but the laat, and you will find that the next coat will adhère better. jrd. CJ^^ WET 01 4-PI 8*P1 1«-F Por Boilers, make a thin wash of the material, and apply lisNÎiil h a ,yiyi»_ " The surface of the pipesorboileis when covered slioBtdbe as smooth to the surface of the Boiler as you wonid whitewa^ : this ' improve the cément adhèring to the iron. Apply with a trowel, and ue that each coat is dry and scored be/ort afplyimg the next. as a fiiiishe■' • . For covering Htk Air and Steaiu l't|>e», Itoilt'rs, Slills, &CJ / This material is composed of Asbestos fibre and a «ementing compound, which foniis a light poroiis covering, partaking of the natn|« - of a Peit aiilied reatly for use if _, desired. Il is applicil witnSt trowel, and forins the inost ecunomical and effective noii.conductor in use. Oile barrel will oiver a service of ~^ almut 40 S4iuare'feet, one incVthick, pi.at lueasurenieiil. It can easily be applied by any one. * " KXTRA CRMBNT Plfl^TINC,," for Ilot lllust Pi|ies and Furnaces, also especially valuable for " filling" or "deadening" floots of factories, storehoiises. Sic. It i^perfeclly Fire-proof. , 1 - A8BB8T08 I,UBRICATIMO COMVbUND. To be u.seil with or wilhout ou^'ompression Cups, for Kiigines, or Copper Pin Cups for Shaflihg. - ' There are to^lay séventy-five Ste^ets running on Ihe UPP" »ml l(«; as neiirly ii iRffect iioii-coiiiliicliir of ln-iil m il i» pimitite to olrfafn. jTd.'î-ll •"»** '"•■.«^''''''Tly ffi* fi^"" '"Kfii''"-"!''» '"j"""'"' '•• i""!! " . 4^11. Il iiiilHl In- ofMi^li^iiiiU'riiil lliul il will iiol «itU- lo lljf iHdwm of ils eiivvInpiiiK wru|>|H.T niiil iniisl iiol crtinil>lr or crack çfter bav)iiK,tjn-i>-rx)>o!ikit for, iiiciit^ lime to tlic liiKlicst Kiiipi-ruliire aiul lo tliv jifrriiiK oftlic pipt-Hatiil lo tlu'ir cx|iAii»ioii ami contraclion, liiil mu»t Cm-p ils orinlitol «liapé. , , ' 5II1. — Il iiiiisl!;!».' msjiy «pplii'il iiiiil'asiiisily ryiiiovwl ami n'-applliil-. " ' . «i((l. -Il miisl'ln; li^nMO wc'ijjlit aiid iiiiltaiii l'ilinilHrlt.'Ss iiruiitta air-rills. ITllicairspacfsariMif appr«-ial>le»i/c, tlieairshiil iip williiii iiof liiit liltK- lise asiyi|uua««luliii:tor olUcat, (HviiiKlo lomwlioii ami i-iri-(iUilioti,williin llie s|>ait.-s. A lovfriiiK iisiiiK llu-st- visililc air s|>ace«, if itfcel fairly i-îî^ tii llie iom'li, siiiiply slmws (liât a iiirrriil i.f air witliin iî i'arryiilK ilic lirai to s<|iiU' ollier point wlitre it niay «ica|)g, 71I1. TlicblfusivJor j;Mitiiioiis priiintiiis oC a Coviriiix slioiilil !«■ coiii|NMVtl. of iiiaUTjals NOT. ani-cliili ami cU-stroyeil liy loiijj exposurc lo lu'at ami m1s 12 •• ^ , 1 I-'.' •• ! I."> " 2 •• IS •• OR HVrPLIKI» «V THI! •f BRRREU-f W£T OR DRY FORN. ■ ♦ ■ 1J.-2 » a 1 a» 21 ai :«> :m 44 48 53 , )t5 73 ■ t';tiiV4K .liii k. Ifl l!MI IN 211 »i 44) 4t 47 nu (M 73 Nil Ml K U 10" _^_^ TIh- niTituii» »rfK litrlifn lit |.-iiKth. .A ■ulUetnit iiuailh-r ot rM(t4*iiiiix4 iiir- ■«ibhrtl wlthuuk ibliliUiiiuil cfaBrg«. Miild in full 1 eduin inlr FHit; ►'irriNdH.v, Kll>ivv< niDl Vt- '$(• 2il\ HHI ^\ J 40 i, «5 ' 8» i 1 110 l 10 ; 1 2â :iii :« »( ' rît ':« :«t m \ Oi [ " 75 i 00 ' l-3> 1 :<5 1 an 1 7.-I 41 , 48i SI ' M ; ta I 75 |. , uo I 20 i t :43l 1 ûO'l I 75 i $0 :et 4:». i:< 4:< 4:« IN SI 110 IW 75 HO ' «0 I 110 1 10 I 20 I 35 »I M ^'ItlIIIIC :l mnd iMteknl wltbfMi r«ii«if ing ^t> eo*ering. •V:-^- SOLA TFR S RED S fV TC.H^EL.-i C< ' '" TiMW . REl. TING. FoB Main Drivinii, Cotion MilLs, Papkk MiLust Puip MiLUt, 8a»v Millb. Machine 8hoi>h, Mink^ &r. 'AFT'S 't* NG. iTlAM larymortar, m or f anvas nd the pipe n the strip^ » you woalol . c^ent will i«r« trowel. coat is dry ut, aiid you , and anply h : thia^iil th a trowel, t^ Ike ntxl. Iwassmooth >r the natafe ^ rty for iiae if ■ a service of "^ ik" flootsof ipound, at a ido/lifuid. ng over oil ; apontaneoua MtlenMUIi, and perfect 4*Ur.{ 2 n 18 ao) il 22» m •vnr. a 31 42 4 4à 48 54' 6 . 11 VPkf. 5 •7 I.U6 8 g i.ao i.»5 10 t. 69 u i.a5 1 Il 10 - 4. 81 flO 12 ^14 15 la H iAOlNO THIS SILT UU «M AWL INBTCAO Of A PUNOH. 3 :4i 4- 6 a 7 8 27 3Ï7 38 45 51 83 72 7 8 » 10 12 13 14 IS ^ 18 84 M rÔ8 râÔ \M MO 1.68 1.80 1.92' 12 14 15 IB 17 18, 20 24 30 H» 2M 2^ 2M) 2œ 2:70 3.00 3;60 4.60 18 21> 22 2t 20 28 :40 30 40 44 48 U 12 iBOhM. w l.mpmroWt. 17 18 iMbM. 2.ot 2jiâ par rt sa 40 laehM. 5.40 a.oo par rt. 61-60 laehes. ( X ^ l»-njr.| ^^ 2!» iÛ» s!» 3ÏiÔ 4.110 4lÔ*4.80 5.20,5.60 8 00 7 20 8.00 8.80 O.ao 10.80 12.00 per «. COTTON'FIBE HOSE Ganvas Rose, ptain and Rubbé? Lined. HUNT h GQNNELVS kTnbeCntter. l>M«tadJ>l(^ailk,UKu>IMt.lW. , I^or CUTTIMO OAUOIt OlfABSBS to I,BNOTH. One arm haa a scale in incires and fractions of an incli, a slide slop wilh sel screw and a f«tary cutter at tlic eiiiU Thisariu is Insertfd in the end of the glma tube to the reqiiireil distance, aKainst the slide stop or K^nK^, the ouLside of the ({lasstulie restiiiK in thecircleD. HaLK itOL'NU, FLAT*NI>S8gl-AHK. ■0. Pvrdiu. Perilui. Perdol ,„ !p»ra<«. PérdiK. Plrdoi. ■An. "»«1 17 4.80 5 20 5S2 18 4 80 5.20 5 02 18 5.44 0.00 a.72 ; IIOHMK RAHPtl. • . TAI-CK «lAW Fll.n. In. {Perdez. In.. l'er doz. 12 $2.10 3«:41 $ 32 IH 2.88 4 an 14 344 *i 40 15 4.00 3 44 10 4.80 a 00 7 76 .8 00 e 1.24 « 10 1 ae REViaED PRICm UST OF FILES AND RASPa. MillanëRoundr -< Flii and Square. Hand, Warding and PHIar. Naïf Round and Thrda 8q. IM'II. lUKttHU MUI't'T. HMOimi « HII.HI) lUtt.l.'i 112.10 5 1! fai -J 10 2 m ' e- 2 25 2(kV 2.J» 7 2 .Vi HUI a.mt 8. 2 IM :i 10 ' .170 8 ;»;io 1 aKV 1 20 10 MH) i.io 1 MO 11 1 no 1 ri.2ir ô.OTi 1* « .-> 10 ! 1120 « 7.-I 13 «no ' 7 lô N.K'i lil , 7. HO 1' N.ilO 0(15 15 » :«» ' lo.ft» Il 15 18» Htm 12. ai I:Mo 17 12 m M («1 I5II0 18 i:> 10 j 10 Hi . IH 10 .Mll.1.. lhHil>li'4'Ul. '• NiirrMW ISHnU^ •■ l..r.tll..miaMt(in l*Hi»i««l'i"T H*» (H)tiii(l A'Ivuticr 1 liicli ! ■' I ■• iMri|. 4 S '8 7 8 8 10 11 la 13 14 15 18 17 18 IIA(«T.%lin 'iNIM'I'T: «12 111) I|I2. m 2.21» 2 5«) 2.00' :t 10 I mt I 70 5.0MB 0.7O )<. 17 25 11(75 «! (» a. Ml ajJ5 a 75 I :» 5. 10 5 Ml 7 (»5 I H. 10 j 10 Ml 11 Mil ia.75 III.OO- IH 15 21 .20 I.NI II. , 8 7 '8 8 10 11 13 13 14 15 10 17 18 lltHT.%1111 1*2 25 •2.50 2. Mil I !l.2il I a.7H ' \x, 5 21) lui 7 50 .S Ml 10 50 I2.:«i li.:n 10 )KI 10 20 îsiK ir. KI2 7ir a. Ml a :iii a 75 i,:i5 5 10 oim 7 :«i K II. 10 ' II.MI .la.Mi 15 10 17 50 2.:'t!llirrT. NMtlIITH. IHUail un. Ml Ij».») 2 HO a 20 a 70 i :«i 5.0.1 5 Hit Il 10 10 Ml 12 10 M.50 10 Ml 10. ni aas »,:n 5 Mi 5.H5 , 0.75 7.75 0^,MI 10 J«^ 12 io 11.15 10 50 10 10 22MI a. 70 4.15 ' A.m 5.50 0.40 7 :)0 H 45 75 ,11.25 là^lOt, 15 25 17.711 ai.flO )S<.50 KXTRAK 'am: Hi.i nTllhniMIi- rut), Ailvum WIlirAM SCIATER A 00.. 1-.;'m. MONTRBÂL. ' K.XTIM» l£s\r%, -^ . Atlvmioe i^ luoli. Ilii>ii llxn llAiVniilHliiiill " 1 " > rK.tw. . - - . " / 3 ■' KKtTI|Ktt;KlNIR. ' 2 " Inob. !P1 .T.\l-KIIH - .»• -^iiiKU-tiil I IO l' 10 SUM'I\M-KRH 'V ->) •• / 4.21 i 1.2(1 l'iTHWV IJl.l ST - - •• 2 10 2.10 i'.vr. "l>miii.K'KMiKit"'.s.\\f KiLKH 4i I 211 1 :«i 2 211 1.10 2,:io I 70 I 70 2..'iO 5.J J 2.00 2 40 I.M) 2 IO Imo a 211 a. 0(1 2. .5(1 a.7o 2.55 a HO : a (m : I :«i i 2.H0 ! 1.(1(1 a. 7(1 5.(10 a. 15 18 5 70 I .->o 5. HO a 7(1 11 i 18 13 I 14 7 211 5.50 7(1 O.OII fl.HO 7.70 ILOO Hlaii 13.20 lauo IKSlmAH. Ili«»y 111iiiil-l«li.' Tiilnr Ikiulil. l'utiirice. (TiHi.N IMint». ««lin' wic». ^' l'Itffil ■' Mli|ii THpt-r I Itliiiil, Slll||^-^llt liiki- l'itni» lirict'. ..lit )iiiii'll.'Ht iluiiriU- thi> |)rk-t. iii Kahi'm, IIai.k Rouni» asi> Ki.at C.^IIINKT HAHI'k ...... •• KiLKH ' - - • . - •SlIOK ItAin-H, OVAL - - - - - IIalp Round ajuu Ki.at I. 4.211 U.OO a.Mi a.GU a M) 7 8 •0 18 11 18 13 14 15 18 17 18 ■-'' '^ 1 i'^" U.M i.m 0.00 10.70 12.7(1 I5.MI ! 17.MI 2051 23.7(1 :...;;.* ■.;■...:. 0.(10 10.25 12.(10 1 1.OII l«..'iO 10.50 2:^(10 . :. . .\ } n.oo 1 «10 7 :«i H 75 10.40 ; I2.:)0 UÀ '10.M) 111.(10 22.50 - * : 7.00 1 H.30 o.ai 11.20 laMI 15.00 17.20 HMIO âJ.ao 25(10 as») ,4. Ml 4.60 5.25 «.5(1 MMV 14.50 KMW ltl.(H> 22.50 4. Ml 4.5(1 5.(10 5.75 1 .7.50 K.ni * 3.B0 4 (XI 4. -Il .5.25 1 7.00 aMi •■• -■ '?:■ ( '■ . tr U.XTltAH (GKXICHAU) ^ BUNT Kli.iw. noi BiHH'IHifl.nilvan™ oïlr imiioD im<|i»!llv<'Klll. takfiHxl lii(«!nrfiilllni-)rpriw. ,.,,,,. 3IMIMI 011 |ri.o.»T l'iT, nul «pAimul on Ib'KllIar Hhil|N!i). (nk« Duiiblv tu) lirlct'. ^ Asl)estos Piston and Wick Packings. Aslié.stos Mill Board. 9 Âsbestos pire Pr(H)f SlieathiRS. AslHJStas Cernent;!. Asliesto.s Wastic Stoye Lining. Asliestoi Retort Cernent. ' • . , Asljestoli Cloths. * . ^ ^^ Asl)estos I^ocliinotive Coverings. Asl)est ont* Inrhoii n^iN-ctlvi' KliHUanil ('ulH. ' iHRKni'i.AH ChioDH.— .MI loiiglhs aliovo thiNio liMl4>d, ami KO<>h vnnr4ng froin >(■ RiaiHlaM BivM. ta \» cloiiMid as Irrosiilar and «iIOm'I (o >p«oial \ y priée. , . ■ ^-. ' Rnbber Slieet Packing. i' •f Rutjlier Core Packing. Square Flax Packing. Square Core Klax Packing. . Usidurian Packing. ' ^-^ ' . Pliinibago Slieet^ Packing. . \ Asbestos and Rubbet Piicking. « Jenkins Packiiig. ■\, ., Soaiwtonc l'ackiiig. ', Klax Packing. \ Jute Packing. ' Russia Packing. Italian Packing. Galvauized PaiLs, Indurated Buct^ets. White Lead, Copper Paint. Oxides, Grôuiîd and Dry. M.ignattest9s Dry Cernent in Bags, f^r Pipe and Boiler Coyeringa. Asbestos Sponge Cernent.