^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Y ^0 ..V '/'^ .v^ /'*,\' isr ^■P' 'I,-: *;- ««; •x ■;• 7 :H'. ►..'«. )♦'. tv i'>' X'' n <\i s ,•*!* I' • *■'■* k* »*•< i ..!•. •i>i; , ,.Xi. :.*?', :*.'> ' ■■< ,.!,>., ,t ■■■•!. ?»..•. fj' '}' !»t' .•'•!i"i» . I <; I V SEVENTEENTH llEPO RT or Tin: im nr.mi; \i;:i, CILURCH SOC^IETY UK TllK DIOCKSK OF .AlONTllKAL, rnu T II !•: V i: A 11 i: N I n N ( ; j i < r .i a n r a k v 1868. l.NCMlll'Oll ATKK ilV A<'r CK PAHI.1 AMKNT, 11 AM) 1 ■"• V M I 'li! I \. t ' ,M'. 171 1'|;INTK!» !;V .K'ilX \M\KLL, ST. XMMK M.AS STI.'KKT ' '» i>,)': fe mm, ^ ».(.•.. »t^ % SEVENTEENTH REPORT OF TUU INCUUPUaATSD OF THB DIOCESE OF MONTREAL, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 21st JANUARY, 1868. Established Hth OcTonEH, 1850. iNCOIiPdpATED BY ACT OF PaULIAMENT, U AND 15 VICTORIA, CaP. 171 Poutvcal: PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET 1SG8. CHURCH SOCIETY I m'..•'■■^,: • »• *:;■».» ''-J-'?' 1 ' < ■•aj>.-i' V i 5. ^- : "'■>: ^!. -■■/'« • If:'' WM ; s 'i. . 1; •;■; . ■"!<■;; ■*-.-4<-.' ..\ . ^•^•' r .:i lULL. AN ACT to incori)or;ite the lucinltois oftlic " J-ynodof tlie DioooAO of Montreal," and to merge "Tlic Church Soeu'ty of the Dio- ccHo of Monti'fiixr' ill siich Synod. WirEUiJAS, hy virtue of the Act passed in the Session heM in tho I'.ith and liOtli years of Majesty's reign, intituth-d "An Act to enahh) the Members of tlie I'niti-d Church of England and Ireland in Canada to meet in Synod," tho Bishop, Clergy an:r.- ►' la ' • ^ • V V- ■■■■'• * -* ■ • f -- * • - S'. . • v.- •?;■:, ^1?' x%i v "U -: ■ l'-. >■ !•'■ ■• , ■^', {".' '•■'■ ■: ■^'iJ •■ .*i •V:; '.r—--: -1- " ■ ii ■Ci. 4' ■ %<• !^-l ^:-* ''■.'v*!. 1 •'•:-' if'*'' '^i/^** '' ' g.igo, (•xcli;»ii<^(\ or ()tlu'r\vi.-((> jilieiiiite, subject and wit'ioiit ppf. i>';'}j j'i .'^ ' judico to such 'rni.sts as m ly lit> dfcliirotl ol'and (ronci'iiiLug tho 'M- ^-1 . I same ill lln' titlo undiT which tlit-y aro or may be licM, and to do. il: V'' ^^^ V ! '#'' '.■?■ . ■ ?'• '\ 'P- \ .; rv>;^ m 5^;xv f K*1 1^- ..ft H^m ^ I. ■ . '>■( <,-fln V ■■- , 1 '■'■'>.■■> >s#'- \ . .^ -Vv , r 'I* • ,; .^ A same in the titlo undor wliich they aro or may bo licM, and to do, liorl'oini and oxcciUo all and ovory lawCnl act and thin^' uscl'ul .mikI uc'cossuiy, lortho jiuiposcs alorosaid. in as lull and aniplo a nuvn- nor, CO all intt'iits, constructions and pnritoscs whatsoever as any other I'.iuly Politic or Corporatt! by law may or ouglit to bo. II. 'I'hc said incorporated Synod shall have j)u\ver from fimo to lime to amond, repeal, or alter the jiresont Constitution, Canons, llules and llogulations of the afoje.-aid Synod, in suoli manner and to such extent as they may deem (ixpedieiit; l»ut, until so amended, repealed, or altered, the Constitution. Canons, liules antli March, 180S. Hi;v. AM) Bkah Siu, The ibllowing communications arc sulmiittcd for the inforniation of tlio ('l(M-f.'y : 'I'Ik! Aiiialjiamittioii 15111, subniittod to lli(> L<>gislntiirp of(^nrl.oc, ]>y the ('liurchS)ci('tyof tlu" l)ioccs(' of Moiitn-al, and tlic Diocesan Synud, having' become law, thcCliurcli .Society has ceased to exist, nn pi-opertyof theChuic'hSociety, and entitled and bound to exerciser all its powers and privileges, and to carry out all di<> trusts which t\u\ Society was bound to fullil. Tlie Synod is now a Corporation, and its i)rosent Constitution, Canons, Rules, and Kegulations arc to continue in force until duly amended or repealed. As tho Synod is i)rovided, under its Constitution, with Secreta- ries, a Treasurer, and a Kegi-strar, it would seem that no i ^ ... .>%'• \ t. i-i^: i • \^^"'K lf> )ii 6 MoNTUKAr, ;jnl Miiivh, ISC.S. My DEAK Dii. B.\i.< It, I undiTstand that tho i'tl't'c't of tilt' Act rctu'iitly piissofl for tlio IiK'orponition of th«' Synod und Clmicli Society, liiishcon lotraiisfci' tlio diitit'sof tlic S«'crttary of the Church Society to mo, as Secreta- ry of the Synod. It will, however, he impi-acticahle for nie to dis. charge those duties, in consi>(|ueni'e of my having aeiu-pted a ciill to another siihein^ of lahoui', which will nei'essitate in a short time my removal from this city. May I ask, then, tliatyoii, imdertheso circumstances, will ht« so good as to perform those duti(>s for me, so far U3 matters connected with the<'huri'h Society arc concern- ed. I remain, Yours truly, EDWARD SULLIVAN, Cla: So: Si/nod. MoNTKKAr-, 4tli Mardj, iSftS. My Dkai£ Di:. Bai.cii, I will he muchgratilled if you will kindly accede to Mr. Sullivan's reijuest in the letter on the other si\ lor tlio Widows' a\d OnnrAXs' Fcnd is ap- pointod l.y th(i J.ouu Ilisiioi- to bo proached (lining tho month of Jlny. An.l tlKitfor tho Missiovakv ri-ui'osi:s of the Society during tho month of St'i»teinl)('r. ttfiX„ Parliouliir attontion is call(>d to this, as it is dosirablo that tho ("olUM-tionsshoul.n)o math; tlu'onghout tho Diocosoat tlio samo time, anil all returns forwariled to tho Troasuror about tho samo or may roipiiro. ( )fUco 77 Great St. James Street, Montreal. ....,,, t.: ,»- • *-. IV r. K ,1: Is , :.:> ■:'■• .;-*« •• \'.i ■ ■ -V. , ■' ■ , ■;'• '* 1,1- ■» ■. .1. •■-, • ..•»;..;. >r-i'- . . ■ -■' 1 ■:.■ 7: m p\^ m iSM *i»:> '(if \y^ CLERGY IN TUB DIOCESE OF MONTREAL, 18G7. MOST IlEV. rilANCIS FULFOJfD. D.D, Lord Bisuop of Mom'real (1800; am> Metkopolitan (ISCO Canons. CITY OF MONTllKAl. ncan VKHY IJKV. .lOIIN BKTIIUM:, D.D. Archdeacon VKX. \V. T. LKACU, D.C.L., LL.D. — " KKV. P. W. LOOSi:Mt)l{E, JI.A. - " REV. L. r. \V. BALCII, D.D. ■— KEY. M. T()\VN.SEXD, M.A. — '" Ki:V. (". IJANCUOFT, D.D. — ' UEV. AV. ANDERSON. REV. W. B, BOND, M.A., Rural Ih'un. THE VEX. THE ARCHDEACON. . — • -j REV. CANON LOOSE.MORE. \ t REV. CANON BA LC H . i:isho2}'s Exam'fiChaplainSr See'y.llEy. CANON LOOSE.UORE, MA. — " I REV CANON BOND, M.A., R.D. ) Assist.. Mill. a \ Honor aril Canons. Bishop's Chajilains. Sv. George's Church. rREV. CANON BANCROFT, D.D. - Trinitv Church i ukv. J. r. DUMOLLIN, Assist. Mhi. ( REV. J. ELLEGOOD, 3I.A. ST. James the Apo.stle j j^^.^, ^^ WRIGHT, M.D., Assist. Min, St. Stephen's Church REV. W. B. CURRAN, B.A. St. Luke's Church REV. M. S. BALDWIN, B.A. fREV E.WOOD, M.A. St. John THE Evangelist ■( nV,V. NORMAN. [rev. C.A.DANIEL, A.tsist. Min. — -" .St. Thomas REV. J. A. MACLEOD, M.A. .ST. Mauy, Uochelaoa REV.J.D. BORTHWICK. " rhaplain to the Forces REV.T. U. M.BARTLETT, M.A. -^"^ Chaplain to the Montreal G. Jlosp' t. REV .E. WOOD, SLA. - Chaplain lo the Gaol *REV.J. D. BORTHWICK. " ' 9 *AnnOTT, KEV. C. P South Slukehj. ALLAN, IlEV. J St. rincent da Paul. ANDERSON, RZV. CANON, Rector Soi-et. BANCROFT, REV. C, Assist. Min. BRATinVAirE, REV. J., M.A. (ret. ) Chnmhhj. *J$RA n 11 VVAITE, REV. F. G. C., M .A Onslow. BRETIIOUR, REV. W., M.A Ormstown. BROWN, llEV. W. R., Assist. Min Aylwin. *C0DO, REV. F Aylmer. CONSTANTINE, REV. L, M A Stanhridgc East. DARNELL, REV. II. F., Rector St. Johns. ♦DAVIDSON, REV. J. C Coicansrille. DAVIDSON, REV. J. B., M. A., Rector Frellghsburg. ♦DUVERNET. REV.E., M.A., Rural Dean Hemminoford. EARLY, REV. W.T Huntingdon. EVANS, REV. II. J Christieville. *FESSENDEN, REV. E. J., Assist. Min South Bolton. *FORTIN, REV. A. L Elij. FOR TIN, REV. O., B. A., Assist, Min Sorel. FULTON, REV. J., M.A llusseltown. F VLES, REV. T. \V West Drome. GODDEN, REV. J., Rector Dunham. GODDEN, REV. T., B.A Mascouche. *GRIB REV. J Portage du Iqrt. ♦IlEATON, REV. G., M.A Montreal. JENKYNS, REV. E. H Mansonville. JOHNSTON, REV .J Hull. JOHNSON, REV. T., (ret. ) Ahbottsford. JONES, REV. W Granbg. JONES, REV. J., (ret. ) Granbg. K AAPCllE, REV. C.J Thome. LANCASTER, REV. C. H., Assist. Min Clarencevillc. LEACH, VEN. ARCHDEACON, D.C.L., LL.D.. Lachine. LEWIS, REV. B. r., B. A Sabrevois. LINDSAY, REV. D., M.A Waterloo. LINDSAY, REV. R., MA Brome. LOCKHART, REV. A.D Lacolle. LONSDELL, REV. R., M.A. .Rural Dean& RcciorSt. Andrews. •MERRICK, REV. W. C, M.A Berthier. MACMASTERS, REV. J., Retired. *MERRICR, REV. J Kildare. 3I0NTG0MERY, REV. U., Rector Philipsburg. MUSSEN, REV. T. W., M.A IFest Farnham. ♦NEVE, REV. F. S Grenville. .»»'.,n^-..-.f < ■■r'.'i. #?.>■■' "v ^•^•'.■..•' ^■.^i •'!'»; i m >i ■ .'•'M m 'if' iiiv ■:!♦■:■ j|?i F i - •f ^ -r 10 TYKE, RET. J Pointe a Cavagnol. KOIJINSON, REV. P., M. A Abbottsford. R0I5IXS0N, REV. GEO. C Clarendon. ROLLIT, REV. J Laleflcld. ♦SEABORN, REV. W.M liavdun. *SEAMAN, REV. J yorth Wakefield. *SII AND, REV. A New Glasgow. SLACK, REV, G., M.A., Rural Dean Bedford. *SMITII, REV. J Sutton. S3irni, REV. r.W Eardley. *STRONG, REV. S. S Duckingham. ♦SUTTON, I vEV. E. G Edu-ardstoicn. TAYLOR, REV. A. O Milton. iHORNDYKE, REV. C. F .'.... Chambly .TOWNSEND, REV. CANON, M.A., Rector ...... Clarencerille. WHITTEN, REV. A.T JFest Shetford. VVUBTELE, REV. L. C Acton. YOUNG, REV. T A Coteau du Lac. ♦Receiving Stipends from Diocesan Cburcli Society, CnANCELLOU OK TUB DiOCKSE, The Worshipful STRACUAN BETIIUNE, Q. C, Reoistkab of this Diocese, L J. GIBB, Eiiq. Candid.\te9 for Deacons' Ouders, HENRY BURGESS, Student in Theology, Bishop's College, Lonnoxvillo, JAMES II. DIXON, formerly a Student of Bishop's College, Lcnnoxvillo, and Catechist at Morin. JAMES D. 3I0RRIS0N, Clarenceville. PRAYERS TO BE USED AT ALL MKETINGS OF THE SOCIETY, AND OP ITS SEVERAL ASrSOClATIOxVS. Prevent us. Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious fiivour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A^nen. merciful God, who hast made all men and hatest nothinf; that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather, that he should be converted and live ; Have mercy upon all Jews Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy word ; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they miy be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be one fold under one Shep- herd. Prosper, Lord, the labours of those Societies of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this object, and which have nourished the Church in the Colonies ; and bless in like manner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providential succour the Society in whose cause we are now met, and the undertaking which we have now in hand. " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; prosper thou our handy- work," for the sake and through the merits of the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God world without end. Amen. Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth. As it is in Heaven. Give us this day or daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation : But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. • -''■'■a'. '■ ■fV ■ , •,.; .»r'--*'.Ji.' . ^..^,.M V?' :j , :*. • **.%,• ■1'. *v .. *• S' •'' •'■■ ,;.y:.,r-, ''•■■■^ " • »; ..* .- ' * ■ V /■'}■-■■ ft * ■" ■ *• -y r »j Sit"', V.I ■*. - . ... t'^ "+--.■•■;■: ■y- y :i?f m% v^: i?? :♦■»; ,*'■' fyt, I ■ . I. a. ■^.; ■r '«, 12 Although the Churcli Society has ceased to exist, j'et tlio follow- ing may be useful to the Synod when legislating for the incorpo- rated Synod and is therefore jirinted. CONSTITUTION op Wlu amth ^md'B ^t tlu S^^^^xm ol lllci«:tr.cnl IXc'OUPORATED BY THE SXATU IK OF CANADA, 14 AXD 15 ViCTOKIA, Cm\ 171, FOR PR0510TIXG THE FOLLOWING OIUKCTS, VIZ: 1st. — The encouragement and sui)port of Missionaries and Cler- gymen of the United Church of England and Ireland, within tlie Diocese of Montreal, including the creation of funds towards the augmentation of the Stipends of poor Clergymen ; and towards making a provision for those who may bo incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. 2nd. — Circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Striptures, and such j)ublications as have the sanction of the(/'hurch, viz. : — I'rayer Books, Homilies, Catechisms, Collects, and C/anons, with the addi- tion of Books and Tracts circulated by the Society for Promoting Christion knowledge in London. 3rd. — Obtaining and granting aid towards the endowments of Parishes or Missions, according to the establishment of the said Church in the said Diocese, and the management of all matters relating to such endowments. Ilis Excellency the Governor-General, if a member of theCliurch of England, shall be requested to become the Patron of the Soci- ety. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Montreal shall be the Presi- dent of the Society, and shall be ex-officio Chairman of all UKH^tings of the Society, and of all Committees thereof, at which he may be present. The Vice-Presidents shall consist of such Chairmen of the different District Associations of the Society as are heroiiiaftor provided for, and such others as shall be nominated at the Gener- al Annual Meeting of the Society from among its members. i:^' 18 The Patronaoe op the Rectories in this Diocese is by an Act of the Legislature (U & 15 Vic : c. 175) and by recent act of Parliament now vested in the Synod. At a general meeting, -held on 5th October, 1852, it was re- solved : — Resolved, — That, in accordance with the terms of an Act i:)asscd, 14 k 1.') Vict., c. 173, respecting the patronage of certain Rectories, estahlished by letters patent in Canada, on a vacancy in any Rec- tory so established in the Diocoso of Montreal, the Churchwardens of the Parish Church, having received notice of such vacancy from the Lord Bishop, shall proceed to summon a meeting of the Ves- try, as constituted under the Church TL'm})oralities Act, (notice of such Inti'nded meeting having l)oon affixed to the door of the Church on two previous Sundays,) for the purpose of chooshig two or more Clergymen, in priests' Orders, whose names shall be forthwith returned to th(> Bishop, in order that his Lordship may, if they shall be i'ouiid otherwise canoni- cally (jualitied, select one of them for institution to the said lli'ctory ; and no informality in the manner of choo- sing sufh Clergymen by the Vestry, shall invalidate the institu- tion, unless notice in writing shall have been sent to the Bishop, or his Connnissary, within twenty-one days from the date of the nomination. But if no such nomination shall be made by the ves- try, and returned to the Bisho}), or his Connnissary, witliin three calendar months from the date of notice of the vacancy sent to the Church-wardens, then the right of presenting an Incumbent or Minister to the said vacant Rectory, shall rest absolutely with the Bishoj). No 2)ubl.c meeting was held in January. The Metropolitan and Central Board, deeming it (4xi)cdient under existing circumstances to postpone the Public meeting until June. The annual business meeting was held in the Cathedral School Room Tuesday 21st. i '■ - i. V 111 ,1 » .-■ J*/! ■.:•!!■ C-- tvm^ -ll ;*.v. ■(■,.•1 ... A..:- r ••. ■*■. ■' •- ''■•■•.;•'■■ ♦•■"'$■••■■'''■ "^i.. m ■i^f '-■•..■■■+ ri 1.1? V, yj^ 5«.: '■■I; .' ■>>;> i{?'^ fe ■■■■■*,-■■ I. >•■;■ 'Air? '1.^1, Mi i?- :,v* CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF MONTREAL. The Annual Business Meeting of the Churcli Society of the Diocese of Montreal was held in the Cathcilivil Si',hool Kooni at noon on Tuesday last, the Vi;uv Rkv. thk 1)i:a\ in the Cliair. By the recjuest of the Chairman, the Secretary, Rev. CaxoxBalcii, D.D., oi)ened the meeting with prayer. The Dean suggested that it might he advisable, in view of the proposed amalgamation of the Cluirch Society with the Diocesan Synod, which would probably be eti'ected in June next, to re-elect the officers of this Society until that time. Rev. Canon Bancuokt, D.D., moved, seconded by Rev. Mr. LoxsDKLL, ''Tliat the various office-bearers be re(iuestcd to con- tinue in office until that time, Avliich was carried. Tup: Dean explained that in conscfjuence of the absence of Ilis Lordship the Metropolitan in England, and for other reasons, the Annual Public Meeting of the Society would not take place this year until Easter. The Annual lleport, however, would now be read by the Secretary. Rev. Canon Bai,cu read the Report, whicli is as follows, — the Treasurer's Statement being read in its i)i;oper i)laco by Mr. James Ilutton : — The Central Board of the Diocesan Church Society in presenting their Seventeenth Annual Report, do so with a devout expression of gratitude to Cod, for the blessings which lie has graciously vouchsafed to the Society, during the year that is past. The Officers of the Society and the Missionaries in the field, in good health, with diligence and Hdelity, have discharged their respective duties. The reports of the Diocesan Clergy are herewith submitted, giving details full of interest to every member of the Chui'ch. Before making tlie analysis of those rei)orts, or indicating the work which lies before us for the coming year, there are one or two matters of special interest which demand attention. We are again deprived by absence of the wise counsel and hearty sympathy of our venerated and beloved Bishop. But our loss is the Church's gain, in other directions. The Society for tlie Pro- pagation of the Gospel, to which the Colonial Church owes a debt of gratitude lasting as time itself, has availed herself of the Metro- V io politan's presence in England, to obtain his valual)lo aid, by scr- mons, public addresses, and more private eftbrts, to enlarge tlie Society's revenue, and to increase her efficiency. Our Bishoi) is thus paying back, part of the debt, which the Church in Canada owes to the Church at Home. The important part ho has taken in the late Council of Lambeth should also reconcile us to the loss we sustain by his absence. The real bearing and abiding effects of that great Synod of the Church, cannot, for some years to come, be duly estimated. Time must be allowed for the moral forces gathered in the Council of the 19th century to work out their legitimate effects. Of one thing we may rest assured — the unity of the Church will be strengthened, and its missionary life, be increased by that Synod. Before long his work in England ended, we hope to welcome to his Diocese our Bishop and liis amiable wife, wliose grace and affa- bility made the See House so pleasant to the Clergy — and for whose continued health and happiness they sincerely pray. Another fact of special interest is this: We meet to-day as the Church Society of the Diocese of Montreal for the last time. The Act of Parliament incorporating the Synod of the Diocese and the Church Society into one corporation, is now, or will be soon, in force. Henceforth, with every right, immunity and privilege of each separate corporation carefully preserved in the new, but with superadded facilities for good, we shall occupy, we trust, an enlarg- ed sphei'o of usefulness. IXCO.MK AND EXPENDITURE. It appears from the Treasurer's report that there was received, In 1SG6 from subscriiitions and collections $5103 00 From legacies 375 00 In 1HG7 from subcrii)tions and collections 5391 67 Legacies 00 Grants to Stations, 18GG $4714 67 " " " 1877 5540 81 The income from collections and subsciptionsiu 1867 ex- ceeds iiie income of 18GG by 288 67 Th<> income from the city parishes in 18GG was less than that of the year 18G5 by 468 72 The iucreiisc from the city parishes in 1867 over that of lS6Gis 62300 The increase of subscriptions from the country in 1866 over that of 1865 was $79 93 The decrease in 1867 from tliat of 1866 is 559 CO \ 5- -■ * :.•■•■' m- r.' Jr-. ^■■■■: 'r--;".i- i.v ■ it-- - 1? ■ .t^«ii.. f ■45"' ,S;-* . in' .-» '.'(•■• OtV.-i m^ vi|;^ ::■■■■ -'1 >;•!' i / ■ ■ ■ ■■»' riVM*v...i,,' ' , « 1:1 iii The grants in 1SG7 in excess of those of ISGG, and tho docrcaso of income from soukj ruri.shos and Stations, together witli tho ordinary expenses, leave a hahinco due the Treasurer of JjlltO (j!) All the Parishes and Stations visited by tho Secretary, inertsased their collections, some of them, largely. This abstract is nf)t com- plete, because all tho returns have not b(»en made. The Tieasurer and Secretary will make a thorough analysis of the reports of botli years, and in the i)rinted report furnish tho Church with all the information which may be desired.* We come now to tlie (question, — What shall we do for tho better .sui)port of missions ? Look at the facts for a moment. Facts are said to bo tho foot- prints of God, — their logic is the voice of God. If in obedience to the Divine command, the Gospel is prcu-licd to every creatm-e, so far as the Dominion and the British L'loviucos in North America are concerned, the ten dioceses now erected within its borders must do the work, and the Metropolitical Diocese of Montreal must do her fair share of it. God re(]uiros this at our hands, because lie i)Ut us here, and gave us the ability to do tho work. — Ability and opportunity are God's coniunmd in Providence. Without anticipating what properly belongs to, and must in time become the work of a general Missionary Society of British North America, let us conllne our attention to the Dioc(vse of Montreal, and let us try and combine th(i thorougluu^ss of sp.ulo culture, with the broad furrow of tlie plough. After carel'ul con- sideration by the late Secretary and tlie Treasurer, they estimate that 20,000 persons belong to the Church in this Diocese. By the Chancellor of the Diocese, after investigation made by him, tho number is supposed to be still greatcu-. On consulting tlu; statis- tical work of Mr. Lowe, the Year Book, we find it stated tliat tho Chvu'ch of England in (iueljec, formeily (Lower Canada.) eon- tains 03,487 members. We have no means of ascertaining what proportion of this number belong to the Diocese of Montreal ; but we are sale in assuming that the Church jjopulation is 20,000. The probability is, that it is much greater ; and this, of course, woukl, for all the purposes of our argument, make every point taken still stronger, and the conclusion more safe and reliable. * Tho publication ofllie .loiiiiial lias t)e('ii deliiyud in order to coniploto the ana- lysis, but up to tlie i)rpf*i'iit diitc, ."\larcli 23rd, only a lew rt'pli«'s to tlio circular liavo boon' received. If all are rcciived in tinu! it will be given in a supplementary re- port at the meeting ot the .Synod in June. 17 Those 20,0(X) persons arc, by God's command, in tlieir several «l<'gr. OS and stations, entrusted with the work of maintaining the Church for tliomselves, and extending its blessings to those who are destitute of the moans of grace. This requires money and personal labour. By the Lord's ordi- nance, Himself the great missionary, missions are just, righteous, holy works. They honour (Jod and bless man. They are not gra- tuitous acts of pity, but higli and noble acts of duty ; the highest and noblest work man can do— angels would be honoured by dis- cJiarging it,— angels and archangels have been employed in some of its subordinate function-!. We show our appreciation of missions by the labour we bestow and the money we give, and the prayers we otter. Our present income, by which we mean moneys given to the Board to distribute, is |5,391. When a parish or station gives money to build a fence, paint the church, put up an organ, or j)ay their clergyman, they are all part of the duty of maintaining tlie Church, and are good works, but begin and terminate in them- selves. What we now speak of relates to missions in their proper sense, and the amount is |5,391. Shall we go on as we have done ? tloing no more, attempting no more? That is impossible. Our income from the S. P. G. is every year becoming less ; soon it may cease altogether. On the other hand, the number of stations and places demanding missionary labour in the Diocese is increasing, and the faithful men now in the field are not half supported a* they should be. The Board, feeling this pressure, have voted more money than they have in hand, and hence the deficit in the treasury. What shall we do ? Go backwards and retrench, stand still and struggle to keep from sinking, or go forward, and with bold and determined effort win conquests for our master? Forward is the word. The Church is aggressive, and must be if she is a living Church. To retreat and retrench, is voluntary decay. To aim only at maintaining present status, is to ensure feebleness of heart and effort, if not actual paralysis. Life, growth and success with God's blessing attach to the onward policy — (Ex. 14, 15). The Board have no radical changes to propose. The plans now in operation are, so far as they go, good, especially those in charge of the Daughters of the Church. What we need is, more work, and more frequent work. Where one cent has been given, to see that two are hereafter given, where it has been given once a year, to see that it is given twice or four times, — better still, weekly, ^'requent Ruri-decanal meetings pervaded by the missionary ele- B •i -' ■J/-, ■"si ''*•■"-■ . 5.<' > :■; ■* A. :",Af. -■•! ¥' .y .^'S' r-'"-''^' ^:;4v A i 18 ment; viHits of the Socrotary, undor the dirocf ion of the Rector oi- Jncumbont, circulating Missionary information ; overall, the watch- ful eye and wise counsel of the Bishoj), giving unity and force to every effort, strengthening the weak,directing the j»ovverful. These and kindred efforts, combined, determineiiir and says it is im- j)racticable — he will not attempt it. This is a wrong way of re- garding the matter. Suppose he tries with one step to go from the bottom to the top of the stairs he will find this is a wrong way of ^loing it, but if he take one step at a time and keep on, he land.s at the top, securely and easily. So of this work. Let us take one step at a time. The first step is to satisfy ourselves what is the right thing to do — the next is to persuade others to be of the same mind, and so on until full success crown our efforts. Or suppose you go to a labouring man or a laundress, and ask for 50 cents for tho Church, probably they will say, it is beyond their means. Go on Monday and ask for one cent and who will refuse, and so of each Monday, and this one cent alone given by the 20,0(X) weekly would yield $10,(X)0 per annum, instead of the $6,000 we now receive, and no one would feel the burden. But is it our aim to give to God what costs us nothing ? Do we wish for a standard so low, that th« 11) rocommondiition of any i)l;m is, that nol)0(ly fools the tax ? Suroly not. But it irt a new i)hin, says anotlicM' of thoso ohjoctors— who aro l>oworful to obstruct, but fecblo to help on Missions. 'J'l,,' alloL'a- tion is not correct, the phui is not n(.'W. It is as old as Christianity itself, it is the Apostles' way, it is the Bible's i.hm. <'Let every one of you upon tlm Hrst day of the week, liy by him in store as " God hath prospered him." — (1 Cor. xvi. 2.) ' We admit that novelties in reli<,'ion are dangerous in proportion as tJK'y arc new— ann. But thousands of years el ipsed before men ii'ai»eartial manner. To give it a fair trial we must h ive living personal agency. The Secretary must be ready at all times when directed by the Bishop or re(iuested by the clergy, to give his aid, in such a manner as they deem best. The laity must be taught that they have a share in this work, by the Lord's own appointment. The children of the Sunday School and Parochial School must, witli line upon line, and precept on precept, be fed on Missionary food. The Missionai-y box should be a household fixture, a recognized necessity of every cliurchman's home, I^et us avow distinctly and boldly, that we mean no half-way measures, but thorough work, growing and increasing work j work that will honour God and blesa man. Others have done so and succeeded. We can do so and succeed. But there must be notliing indefinite. Let us propose a clear, -. li »' -' ■ ,' '■ '. < •V'V Ml I'M tsi ''i^' ■'"■ < V..* I. '. -. .i';ii|jUi.'JKl'i.'> i'**! tu ,».•:< !^ i'^:. ♦.■rb-' .-.v i ..a- --if* w.^ri; 20 (liHtinct arul |iractioiilil»> object. Wo mUMt attempt groat things, if wo would acooinpliHli them. No man and no Chiireh acIlievo^ t'uelj results l»y accident. TlH'y must he sharply and str()n;.'ly defined. I)ifli«'ulties wo iXpoet. It' there Wore none where would he tho test of our faith, or proof of our love? I)inieultios are ■.'onorally in proportion to the greatness of the work to he aeoom- jilishod. And the dang«'r we iiave to guard against, is that of ht'lieving ditlieulties insuperahle, which only nujuire a resolute effort to comiuer. Now what wo proposes for tho coming year of our now organisation, is to make tlu^ minimum avt'rago of oojitri- hution for each of the li(),(K)() persons belonging to the Chinch, at 10 cents weekly. What tho lioard asks every member of the Synod to do — what, in fact, is the groat woik to b(^ accom])lished for tho *^teady, enlarged and successful working of missions, is to establisli as a minimum rate of average contribution for tho 2(),0(X) C'luu'oli jiooplo of this Diocese not loss than 10 cents per week. This is ;i definite object for every clergyman to sot before himself and his people, lie may work it in any mode ho and his vestry and ptojilo may think best; but tho Board asks, as tho (,'hurch's agent, with tho known sanction of our Bishoi), for every such earnest ottbrt, with the .solemn conviction pressing on our consciences, that wo nnist come to .some such result if wo would j)rosper and have tho Lord's blessing, with a firm belief that it is a plan wise, feasible and full of promise for good to the whole C'hurch, — tho beginning and earnest of greater things, — the Bible plan of sui)i)orting mis- sions. Tho i>rimitive Christians sold all they had and laid the j)rice of their possessions at the apostles' feet, so that distribution of food and raiment might be made to their poorer brethren. God asks us to give living bread to tho soul, and what is oui lesponse so far as such gifts are concerned? Hardly a cent a week, although God foods us three times a day, though His angels aro ministering spirits about our paths, though He gave His son to redeem us by the sacrifice of Calvary, though His tlirone of grace U ever accessible to our wants, and sorrows and sins; though He gives us the consolations of the Gospel in this world and the man- sions of bliss in the next, — in return for all this, as a Church, as a ]>eople highly favoured in every respect; politically, with a bene- ficent Government; socially, with every blessing we could reason- ably ask ; and spiritually, with a pure Apostolic Church ; what is the measure of the proof which, of all proofs, God most esteems as the daily evidence of our devotion and grateful acknowledgment for all these blesshigs? Little more that three-fourths of one cent 21 liings, if ifhievo.H tr(Hi;:ly «• would ties ai'e lu'cnm- that (>r |•^^«tlutu yt'iir of ' ri)utii- urcli. at It' Synod lor till' L'stahlisli )(']imvii This is a and his ll ItCO]lll.* nt, with st eflort. , that Wf luive the , feasihle leginning ting niis- hiid the tribution iren. lat is oiu it a week, ngels aio [is son to ' of grace lOUgh lie the miin- urch, as a h a bene- Id reason- i^hat is the ms as the jment for one cent given weekly by these 'JO.OOD l)apti/.ed ehildren of (Jod. Do w« thon ask too nmeh? Is it a heavy bin-den, grievous to be borne. whiMi we ask that our niinintuni average h.-real'ter shall b.^ at least ten eontrt weekly? We do not take the Law'n standard and ask a tenth of the whole income. Ten cents a week is but #5.20 por an- num. Will any person be oppressed by siieli a measure? Ami yet, this would swell our in(M)me to over #100,000. |t would support deeently the Missionaries now in the field, and would make the minitnum stipend of a single (,'UM-gyman about sUTiK), ami that of .^ married ClergynuMi not less than !fl,(HH» per annum. It would (loul)le the stations, and enable the Hishop to plant a (Jhureli wherever and whenever need.«d. What is more, it would far more than double the al)ility of the ( 'hurch to obey her Lord's command, "for look," saysScriptur.', "what a man layethout, it shall be paid liim again, (Jod will bo no man's debtor.'' "There is tliat scat- tereth, and yet inereaseth." The Board will close their Uei)ort l>y reminding the <'lergy who occu})y the smaller stations, Dk; outlying posts of the eamp of Israel, how important to the safety and success of the great cause of missions it is, that those posts should bo held by able and faith- ful men. They may appear small and comparatively unimportant. Tlie work done may not, in the annual report, swell out in numbers or amounts ; but this is no sound rule of judgment. TheUedeomei' Jiad but one solitary woman as a congregation when he preached the glorious sermon of the water of life ; three disciples only were present when Moses and Eli^is talked with Christ'on the Mount ; the infant Church, twelve in number, were in the banjue, when II o walked on the waters and calmed their fears. Mary alone was firoxy for the human race to welcome the ris^ii King on the morning of His resurrection, and the Judge of all the earth declare■ ■; i®'.? *.;li £»,S> ':;■.■■.?■,, . i' ■;•*■'. '■* ' A ■■'.>. 'i? -■ '■ ?Svi;.i.:<.(S.;V- .■ |r '.!,■? C"^? vv: ,, ... Ti.-. .1 ,.! ' , «1 22 j)ray that under our new organization, liberal things will V>e devised,, and so by liberal things shall we stand. Rev. Caxox Balch explained that it was proposed to analyze the sources of revenue of the Society during the past year. Some parishes had largely increased their contributions, and yet there was a deficiency, which must come from somewhere. It was proposed to ascertain how this arose, so that an exact statement of the deficiency might be laid before the Society. Ven. Akchdeacon Leach would move that the Report be adopted, and — since it seemed particularly well calculated to have a beneficial effect upon the finances of the Church — that it be printed and circulated. Rev. Geo. Slack, Rural Dean of Bedford, seconded the motion. lie was sure that they must all have listened to it with deep satis- faction, and nothing could do more good than its circulation. He felt a good deal of difhdonce in differing from the Secretary iu regard to the average which he had placed before the people. Rev. Canon Bond said that the suggestions contained in the ro. port had fi'equcntly been thrown out, but had never before boon demonstrated as feasible, and therefore had not been acted ui)Oii. lie suggested that the part of the report which had been rea. ' . ■ .-'■ i ■' i 1 ..« .1 ;, ^ ■* ' " i. :'■;■■' - . ■!'-!■ ., . i*' .w; m ;^;;>; 1^ p»if f^'rly./s^.ii- ^rvl^-::t f :;i-:';, >'/.•.-'* 24 The Collection for tho Widow's and Orphan's Fund was uninten- tionally omitted. It is proposed to make up the deficiency next year. ST. George's ciiurcu. Rev. Canon Bond and Rev. E. Sullivan report : Communicants :- Easter 210 Average 186 Whole number about 460 0^'ces.— Marriage? .30 Baptisms 'JS Burials 27 Services .—Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (Mission School ), through out the year, twice a week during Lent; Services preparatory to Lords Supper, Friday evenings. Sundnyschools .—Teachers' services, Sunday afternoons and Friday even- ings throughout the year. Attendance (largo't) 486. On tho Books 567. District Visiting Society .—'Meeting Tuesday after Sacrament Sunday. Dorcas Meeting Society .—Wednesday from October to Lent. Contribution? in 1867 for Church Society: Church Missions Regular Sermon ?105 67 " " preached by Canon Balch out of which is") to be taken an average for the Widows and Orphans' > Total. . . ,302. Fund,S20100 J Subscriptions and Donations Church Missions (Thanksgiving Day ) 46 28 For Local Purposes : Weekly Collections $1581 58 Pew Konts 4620 50 Offertory for D. V. S 30" 00 Wood for poor 261 68 Dorcas Society (about) 350 00 Sunday-schools (2) 276 25 Collections in Sunday-school for Missionary purposes : City Mission .«120 00 Bible Woman 100 00 New Mission house 670 00 Contributions for other purposes : Sabrevois Mission .'?80 00 Pan Anglican 100 00 Labrador Mission ^about) 300 00 TRINITY CHURCH. Rev. Canon Bancroft, and Rev. J. P. Dumoulin report : Communicants .—Christmas Day 2(«"> Candidates confirmed 30 Holy Communion .—First Sunday in the month at 11 a.m. On Easter and Christmas Day at 9 a.m., and 11 a.m. 5en?ice8 .—Sunday at 11 a.m. : 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 7J p.m. in Lent Fridays, 4 p.m. and Good Friday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ■M 25 Offices .—Baptisms 5T Marriages 42 Burials 37 Sunday-school at 3 p.m. Largest attendance, No. 1 302 No. 2 48 3 Libraries, 1551 volumes. Church Society, Subscriptions $88 50 Sermon for Missions 86 01 "Widows and Orphans "0 09 Pew rents Eastor to Easter {paid in) 3575 10 Sunday Collections 1639 35 Collected by Box L. L. in the Church for building fund . . 696 65 Quarterly Collection 137 98 Extra Collection for Poor in Nov 131 53 " " Christmas 116 31 Dorcas and other Debts 180 00 Diocesan Synod 20 00 Sabrevois Mission 12 00 Sunday- chool 376 82 Toung mens' Association 168 5ft $7298 70 CHURCH OF ST. JAMES THE ATOSTLE. Rbv. J. Ellegood reports : Missionary purposes ^1271 25 Widows and Orphans 30 00 Local purposes 4600 00 Special Missionary purposes 39 50 $4910 75 ST. Stephen's church. Riv. W. B. CuRRAN reports :— Baptisms 60 j Marriages 18 ; Burials 16. Subscriptions to Church Society $68 50 Missionary i)urposcs 32 00 Widows and Orphans' Fund 15 0*> Contributions to local purposes including pew rents, 55 collections, and about 1^27 0* Total $1927 50 ST. THOMAS CHURCH. Rev. J. a. McLeod reports: Collected for Clmrch Socictij. Missionary purposes $12 32 " 2nd Collection.... 5 52 Widows and Orphans' Fund 6 40 Subscriptions 20 00 40 83 for the Poor. Offertory '. Ladies' A.s80ciation 3100 Donations -'-'"" 44 24 94 43 i -y?' I. i ,»' -I 4: ' v.^ .. . .111".-.? mm- ti.-vT'if.- -' mi ^r*^ ■ "'.'ii.'" ''V •.y-;t '.■1'. ^i.v. 26 Collected for Sunday-school. Library, Festival, &c 90 IT " for Synod 3 26 Sunday Collections 117 67 »349 66 DEANERY OF BEDFORD. ABBOTSFORD, ROUGEMONT, AND MILTON. Rev. F. Robinson reports that, although he has not yet receivo(( full returns he is confident that a detailed financial statement would show an aggregate income, for the whole Mission, during the past year, of five hundred dollars, including interest on the Endowment Fund, and $140, raised and expended in the erec- tion of a Horse Shed at Abbotsford. Much to the regret of the Incumbent and Congregation of Rougcmont, the labours of the Rev. C. F. Tliorndike, at that place, were discontinued in July last, and the Sunday duty there has again wholly fallen upon the hands of the Incumbent. The Rev. Mr. Thorndike was unwearied in his labours, and especially amongst the younger members of the Congregation, who all entertain a grateful and affectionate remembrance of his faithfulness and kindness towards them. In August last, by appointment of the Bishop, the Rev. A. (>. Taylor removed from the Deaneiy of St. Andrews, to Milton in this Deanery, where he is labouring faithfully, as well as at St. Ilyacinthe and South Roxton, in which places he holds services on alternate Sundays. It is pleasing to state that Mr. Philip Norman of St. Simon lias signified his intention of contributing one hundred dollars towards creating an Endowment Fund at St. Ilyacinthe, or increasing the Fund at Abbotsford, as may be heieafter found most desirable. Mrs. 11. Robinson, (of Watei'loo), has placed at the disposal of the Incumbent of this Mission the sum of one hundred dollars towards increasing the Endowment Funds of Abbotsford and Rougemont. May these examples " provoke others also to love and to good works." Missionary purposes Abbottsford S4 50 " " Rougemont 6 00 Widows and Orphans' Fund Abbottsford 4 40 '< " Rougemont 3 60 «« " Milton 1 55 Endowment Fund Abbottsford 63 04 " " Rougemont 30 00 Thanksgiving Abbottsford 10 00 •' Rougemont 4 00 27 Collected at Missionary Meeting : Abbottsford .. Kougemont. .' ." ° «"t- :::::::::;:::::;;::;.:J_S $5 00 BEDFORD. The Rev. George Slack in sending his Annual Report regrets to be obliged to say that the amount of the Annual Subscriptions from this Mission have fallen short of that which was contributed last year. The only reason that can be assigned is one, which must be admitted to have weight— viz : the general failure in the grain crops and the shortness of the retuin of dairy produce which constitutes the chief dependance of this part of the coun- tiy. Farmers, mechanics, professional men and merchants all unite in declaring it to have been one of the hardest years that has been known for many years past. The details of amount raised in tliis Mission during the past year are as follows. In addition to these the Incumbent has to return thanks for the liberal present from Mr. Spence of seven beautifully illuminated texts, which have been placed over the windows of the Church : Annual Subscriptions. . . 847.50 Collection for general purposes 5.00 " for Widows and Orphans Fund 6.75 Missionary Meeting in October 8.25 Collection on Thanksgiving Day 5.38 Subscription to add to S. S. Library 6.00 Added to Endowment Fund 104.26 Total *183.14 BROME. The Rev. R( bt. Lindsay writes: — The work of the Mission has ]»roceedcd as usual. Our subscriptions to the Society are not large this year as we are making an etibrt to support an assistant to take charge of outlying districts. By the assistance of the Rev. (.'. Bancroft, jun., three new outstations have been opened and regularly attended and an extended work being carried on. Our Church School has been enlarged at an expense of $650 and in suc- cessful operation under Mr. J. S. Archibald, B.A., of McGill College. I have much pleasureinacknowledgingmany acts of kindness and particularly the presentation of a crate of crockery from the ladies of the Congregation of St. Paul's Church, Knowlton, by Mr. L. M. Knowlton and Mrs. Dr. Foster. ► ■■■"■••>*" ■ 'M ... , r^- • .;■..» ■ • , » ■ ' i , •'! i •'■ 'rij. 'li^R- ^v;i^ii-:t r^ ■■■■ fj. ■ ) tH .it' ' "•■.Kt^tfc-'i' 28 Missionary delegation $24,21 Church Society 22.00 Missionary Sermon 10.30 Thanksgiving Sermon 6.25 Widows and Orphans 7.41 Subscription to Mission 380.00 School Building 500.00 Offertory Collections 130.00 $1080.17 BROME WOODS AND FULFORD. The Rev. T. W. Fvf,ES .sends in the following account of money collected in his Mis.sion during the i)iist ye.ar : — HOLY TRIXITY, BRUME WOODS. For rarsonage: Proceeds of Fostiral $92 40i Subscriptions of I'arishiouers 155 85 Contributions towards Clergyman's support Offertory For Church Society : rroceeds of Missionar Meeting — 84 70 Clergyman's Subscription 7 50 $247 75i 60 75 12 471 12 20 2 70 Collections in Sunday School Total $335 88 ST. STEPHEN'S, FULFORD. Contributions towards Clergyman's support $12 50 Offertory 3 64 Total. $16 14 Subscription to Church Society Rot. T. W. Fyles. Missionary purposes Local purposes 7 50 4 70 339 02 Total $352 02 BOLTON. The Rev. E. J. Fe.s.sendkx wiites : — The Church's woik in thin part of the Mission of Potton and Bolton has suffered during the last two years from serious <' lets and hindrances." The new Church in East Bolton remains still unconsecrated. There has been as yet no confirmation held amongst us, and, owing to your Missionary being in Deacon's orders, the Holy Communion ha^ been administered at rare and uncertain intervals. Still, we aie able, through God's blessing on work thus imperfectly done in His name, to report that our Congregations have steadily increased. '■f^^ 29 and that several heads of families have been added to the Church. A Parsonage, with a glebe of two and three-fourth acres, thi-ougli the praiseworthy /.eal and liberidity of the people of Willard's Mills, has been purchased in their village, which is about equi distant from the Churches of East and South Bolton. In East Bolton a very fine cabinet Organ, costing $123, has been pur- chased and placed in the Church. The Organ, duiing the past year, has beee i)layed by Miss Annis Randal, a young girl, to whom the Congregation owes many thanks ; and I would also say, that the melodeon of John Hall, Esq., is now played by his ton, John Hall, jun., in our services at Willard's Mills. Hereto- fore our services in this place have been, for the most part, with- out music or singing. Subscriptions to Cliurcb Society $5 00 Local purposes $3^,4 94 COWANSVILLE AND SWEETSBURG. The Rev. J. C. Davidson writes:— All things have gone on with usual regularity in this Mission during the past year, and the ibl- lowing are the subscriptions and collections for 1867: Churcli Society $47.25 Uissionary deputation 9.00 " Sermon, Cowansville 3 20 " " Sweetsburg 0.45 Tbanksgiving 4.05 Widows and Orpbans 1.82 Weekly Collections, Trinity Cburcb, Cowansville. . . 71.72 " Cbrist Cburcb, Sweetsburg 15.45 Pew rents. Trinity Church, Cowansville 99.00 Church Decorations 6.55 Endowment Fund 150.00 Clergyman's support 229.50 11637.99 DUNHAM. The Rev. J. Godden wiites : I am sorry to say that our collections towards the funds of your Society have not been equal to those of last year, although special meetings were held by the Rector in different parts of the parish with the view of stirring up an increased Interest in the mis- sionary work of the Church. Last year we could report an increase •f $13 over any former year ; but this year we have fallen back, and, by a strange coincidence, in exactly the same amount of $13. On the whole, however, 1 am glad to say, more money has been raised in ► ;>- 1». , M ■•<■>.' if, t .■^•■-. ' 'i I i ■:'"•: : -. 'i r*-':!-.!;: ' ■*'. I I <■ , i;-' i..«.Ut«>,f.-,. mm. :^"0 ■ ; s.-r >.i.,t-»' • '. 'r ' V'l" '■■■■•■ m/i .1*!:! ■'■1 80 llie pai'irth than during last year, and I am thankful to be able to report another great work, done by the Ladies' Association towards the completion of the Parish Church. The basement has been made habitable, chiefly with funds wliich tliey had on hand, at an oxjtense to them of $110 ; and we have commenced to take advan- tage of that great accommodation by the holding of Penny Read- ings therein, which we hope to continue every Thursday p.m. through the winter. During the year we have commenced the nucleus of a Parish Library, which numbers nearly 20() volumes, and which i)laces within the reach of the parishioners, at a very cheap rate, an amount of valuable reading not otherwise to b<» liad. To Mrs. Lowe, of Montreal, we are indebted for a donation of useful books towards the Library. The young members of the Congregation have erected a new fence to the Kectory, and also l>aid for a book-ease for the Rector's use, both at a cost of $45.77, In material things, then, we have made considerable progress, fr*- our church is now very church-like and respectable, and all that we need to muk > the facilities and conveniences which we possess honorable to Uod and real blessings to ourselves, is a more boun- teous supply of divine grace. May it come down upon both i)riest and people — yea, as ''rain upon the mown grass." Many thanks to the kind Collectors for their interest in the Society's work, and, not least, to the Organist and the other members of the Choir, who have given us their valuable assistance. The following are the amounts contributed during the yc,»r, ■exclusive of the Rector's stipend. Church Society subscriptions 872 00 " " Missionary Mcpting 9 09 " " Sabbath Scliool 102 982 11 Offertory for ordinary purposes 71 55 " " Brome Woods Mission 6 17 " Pan Anglican 4 20 " Thanksgiving day towards Endow- ment Fund 5 70 " Holy Communion " do.... 7 45 95 07 Collected towards Library 108 65 Fitting up Basement for use 18 00 Kew Fence to Kectory g;26 77 Book Case for do : 20 00 45 77 Total $349 50 oi FKELIGIlSBrRG. Tlio Rov. J. Bl'urows Davidson writes : The amounts actually paid t'.iis year surpass those of any pre- vious one in the history of this parish, excei)ting, perhai)s, the contributions towai'ds the C'hurcii itself at its erection. ' The finest organ out of the cities, in hower Canada, now adorns our ancient temple, and more suitably enables each worshipper worthily to render our weekly sacrifices of praise and tlmnksgiv- jng. as we sing with the assistance of sucli lofty melody to the Lord. This, with att»>ndant improvements in the chancel, in- volved an outlay of about !?11()0. The fences of the Chiu'chyard liave been almost entirely renewed, at considerable cost ; and Gods acre, and the entire Church enclosure, present no longer a dila- }.idate'■■■■ ^ 32 choorful givor. Tlio nectov again acknowleilgOH many npccial acts of kindncsH. On roview of tho gonoral i)ro.spority, vouchsafed from on Higli, wo would laiso our Ehcnozer and say vvitli dec]) giatitude " llithoito liath the Lortl lielped us." We thank (Jod and take courage. May every successive year only add to the fail- records of the past. Church Socic'ty siibjcriptiong *64 W) MiMHioiiury C'ullociioii8 19 00 Dioct'san Synod 2 76 Willows and Orphiins 5 07 I'innaclc and Church Society Endowmont 70 90 TowurdH Kt'<'tor'8 Stipend— paid .310 00 Organ. L. L ll(K) 00 Sunday Colloctlons and Fence Subscriptions Wlh S4 Lad'sB' Society— Surplicp, Screen, State L 47 02] Total »1947 08^ ORANBY, NORTH SHEKFoRD AND SOUTIF ROXTON. The Rev. W. ,)ones at Granhy reports that having heen relieved of a portion of his work in South Roxton by tlio re-appointment ol' a Missionary in the adjoining township of Milton ; ho hfts roopeno 'J '".,1 'lS:i(. ^v ■li'v--^ ^:i' ,:^ ••'■;' ?/^-j^.f:vi:' J^n^l'Jh-*' '■• ••'Kr^vsV,';- ■•".■•■ '■■'' •;■■« .'\vv-a.','-'-i;7".'',-^ ,-,J**;' f.!ljJM! ^Cv. ■ A. ■V »„l!-i 84 Collection at Missionary Mcotin^f $5 00 ilo fur Willows iiiid Orpliiinit (j (K) do I'or Dioccsmi Synod 135 do for Hundny .Scliool Lihniry 6 US do TImiilc.iK'vinK dny 140 SiibscrlptionK for ('lMiri:li Soi'icty 'M 'M do und |i('\v-iriit!* towards !^•(•tor'lt^ W I'UiKON HILL. Weekly Otlbrtory sifU 70 OH'crtory at C'onuniinion 7 M Colk'ction for jjcnerui purposes of Cliiireli Society. 2 aO do nt Missloniiry Sli-etinft -i 80 do Widows an I OrpiiiinM 2 4'> do Diocesan Synod ()5 do Sunday Scliool Library 1 35 do Tiianksj{iviuK day iV2 Subscriplionsfor;,'eii(Tal purposes of L'liurcliSocioty I'A 00 do for Rent of Cliurcli Lot 12 01) do towards Rector's StiiiiMid for lSi;;-7 Di 10 Ladiea' Association towards balance duo on Ur^an . 02 ;Jl Total &2()2 02 Income of Ulebo lii» OO Total income of rarisli 8tJ47 71 rOlTON. Tho Rov. E. II. Jkvky.vs writes : — Tliis circular was missont by being forwarded to Duiihani instead of Mansouville, P i.^ and con- soqucntly did not corne to hand until Monday, Dec*Mnl)er 23rd. I had spoken to tlie (,'hurchwardens u^^on the (lUesLion of making their annual collections for the Church Society, itc, but they ail- vised me to put it off until the spring, when the collections would be greater. I was not aware then that the yearly accounts of the Society would be made up by the -1st January. The statement, therefore, under the circumstances is, that they have subscribed $l(X) towards the clergyman's salary, and >:l<25 have been expended in the repairs of the Church Tho Church at East Bolton has also purchased a new bell, at the cost of $L'25. SOUTH STUKELY. The Rev. C P. Abbott writes: — Changes during the past year have occurred in my mission, which I think, are too important to be passed over, viz : the removal of two devoted Chmch families 85 (old inhiiMtanls) tlui ho;uls of which htwo boon twoof my provious (;imrchwai(hMis; iin.l another, who was ulso a Clmivhwanh'n a I'.'W years sinco, and who ri«i)ros(.ntod my con-n'«ation at tli.> JJiocosau Synod hist yoar, after a short iWnosi cndod hi.s earthly raco. At th(> HuMtiiigdon min.>, which isa eompirallvoly now station, I continue a,s last yoar to giv(^ fortnightly s.M'vices, and from the ro- gularity of attendance) of many of tluMu, and their demeanour thereat, I am hoix'.ful, that they are attondod with much religiou.s honotlt. I acknowledge with pleasure the gift of $'}{).{){) towards an endow, mont fund from L. II. Hohinson, Esij., of Waterloo; also iJaO.OO from Mrs. S. liohinson. The I'oUowing sums have been raised iu ui> mission during the yoar. Aniinul subscription to ("liurch Society 824 75 Aniiiinl .St'rinon for Missioniiiy purponcs l 21> " " Willows anil OrpliHii'.s Fund... 2 12 Collection on tlianksjjivinj; 132 At nioi'tin;^ of Dcputiiti'Wi (J 8i Sundiiy < XliTtory 20 00 Towards oxpcnsiKs of >Synod 1 QO Hack I nsnranco 25 50 Towards .Support of .Mi>sionary 101 85 S181 G7 STANBRIDGE EAST. The Rev. J. Con.st.wtink writes : — Our subscriptions to the Church Society are not large this year, the Church having still many (;laim.s for local purposes which are pressing. Otherwise we are thankful to have hatl a year fully as iirosperous as any heretofore. We liavo had .several additions to the Church fabric or furniture during the year: among them a circular gable window for the Chiuu;el, very kindly presented by Mr. Spence of Montreal: two other gable windows, also a memorial window prcsentetl by Mrs. E. Cornell. All these are in .stained glass. We have also obtained two Corona' for lighting the Church at evening Service, an improvement which is much appreciated. A new fence has also been erected hi fi'ont of the Churchyard. There is still much to be done iu succeeding years. But of more importance than these material matters is thi^ spir- itual work, and this has been encouraging. The enlarged atten- dance at the services has been fully maintained, avid with an in- creasing devotion. The Sunday School has fully maintained its former efficiency. It is especially noteworthy that the daily even- ■'■.': ' "■'. » \J-:.' ^ '.*■•.■*■ ''»•!'•• If- •'' t. • • - f. ' "- ^:;:'1 mi 4 «7-- .■.„ ,-.i ~ < .v- w ^m ■In*",* '^ii'^: ;..^;'w ..■li 5.^:; i?."^. i'fft '{^ .in-'' 4f/ ..•:*"t':';L'.i';-fr' ';W'"''^C:'''^*" ■■■'.;: ■>vr.v.- 86 ing service in the summer season ^vas remarkably well attended for a rural village. We have been able to maintain all special services, and with an increase, and we are still hoping for enlarged devotions and charity. Subscription to Church Society S 23 15 In Parish 18 25 Missionary durposcs 2 50 W. & O 2 75 Local 253 37 Total »282 02 SUTTON. The Rev. J. Smith writes : The works of our hands have been prospered during the past year, results have been attained that call forth devout acknow- ledgment to Almighty God for His blessing on our humble labours. The church at Abercorn is completed, except the bell-turret, smd was opened for divine worshij:) on the 10th July last, upon which date two years had elapsed since the laying of the corner stone. It was a day of grateful interest to the friends of the church, who have struggled through all difficulties and succeeded in erecting an edifice creditable to their zeal and energy. The sermon was preached by the Rural Deim, Rev. G. Slack, the following clergy- men also took part in the services : the Revs. Canon Street of Chicago, F. Wadleigh, Rector of Bei-kshire, Vermont, R. Lindsay, J. B. Davidson, T. Mussen, and your missionary. The occasion was edifying and impressive, the large congregation manifesting a deep interest in the services of our Zion. A harvest home festi- val was held in the month of Octo])er, the proceeds of which en- abled the ladies of the congregation to make a payment of $100 on a cabinet organ, there s*^ill is a considerable balance due, and they are exerting themselves to raise the required amount during the present winter. On the conclusion of evening service on Christmas night, the largo congregation adjourned to the adjoining school house; where a Christmas tree was freighted with numerous articles both useful and ornamental, provided for the children of the Sunday School. Your missionary was surprised and gratified to find that he with several members of his family was kindly remembered at this plea- sant gathering. The kindness of Mrs. J. Ilutton of Montreal, has again to be recorded, who has presented a carpet of very suitable design for the chancel ; your missionary has also to thank the v'> ' f '•\i-,: n iind 87 Rural Dean for a chancel chair similar to the one noticed in last year's Report. The congregation of Grace Church has to mourn the loss of three valued members, they departed in tlie faith of Jesus, and the com- munion of His church. Mrs. Squier the latest survivor, widow of Capt. Stiuier, was suddenly warned to set her "house in order," — active in life in the interests of the church she remembered it in death by bequeathing of the little she hud at her disposal the sura of $50 to the enilowment fund. One of the congregation has ren- dered himself eligible to become a member of the church society, the first ever returned for this mission. Although forming an en- dowment fund, and otherwise largely drawing upon the resources of the people, still it is hoped that this will not remain a solitary instance of making some direct return to the society, without whose fostering care the mission could not exist. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. SUTTON. Church Society $23 00 Widows and Orphans 2 50 Tlifuiksgiving 1 50 Offertory 21 Gl Missionary's Support 19ti 50 Insurance •■ • 1" 00 Endowment (Interest) 120 Ct) Total ^80 11 ABERCORN. <:hurch Society *4 50 Thanksgiving 1 00 Missionary's Support 101 00 Offertory 1'' 00 ■Church edifice 200 00 Cabinet Organ 1*^ ^'^ Total g ^82 50 Total increase of Mission $802 61 WATERLOO. The Rev. David Lindsay writes : In making up our annual Report, I cannot refrain from expressing my sense of the obligation we are under to the deputation meetings for the interest which is taken in the Church Society. We have also a collector whose heart is in her work, and to whom the Society is indebted for the unwearied labour she has bestowed in gathering the offerings of our people. The Church is I trust doing her Mas- ter's work in this mission. We have several stations, at each ot i ■-■'v,i' '' *<* "■r •■■ ; 1, <• •:. ■;^l ■\irn '• : ■"'■•I ' 1^ h Mi .•'■1% ■*- ! 'V . , ' ■ ' 1 . I ' :'^^^ vV. ■ I' V 'J m ^u- 5*;>^ !i ■■■... ■ ■K-^-'prt; ' ■' 0im \ * i '4'."i!'.'i 5'' ^,.. I i ,, .M* ■■■"■■ Uj;,;fe '3- ■ 40 Oflertoiy $84 08 Kndowmcnt 22 CS Ladies' Association 30 05 General Purposps 207 II Clergyman's Salary 14600 School Building Fund 597 SO »1240 57 WEST SKEFFORD. The Rev. A. T. Wiiittux writes : — In presenting a report of this mission for the past year, I am thankful to say there is some en- couragement in the work up to the present time, and sufficient grounds to give hopes of more in the future. It pleased God to afflict me, the past summer, with a long and severe illness ; but through the kindness of the neighbouring clergy, the mission was not left unprovided with services. There is I trust a growing at* tachment, amongst the young, to the services and ordinances of the Chm'ch, though not so general as we could desire. May God in mercy enable each in our sphere to be foithful in the discharge of the important duties that devolve upon us ministers and people : then may we expect to see the Church increase in numbers as well as in love to the Saviour and zeal for the promotion of God's glory in the salvation of sinners. I have to return my sincere thar.ks to Mrs. I. J. Gibb, of Mon- treal, for a donation of $20.00 towards the purchase of an organ, and to Mrs. Adams for the sum of $42.00 to procui-e a baptismal font, for St. John's Church, West Sheflbrd. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Church Society $25 25 Clergyman's Support 14150 Offertory Collections 27 43 Thanksgiving collection 2 03 Missionary collection 4 45 Collection for Synod 2 00 For Missionary purposes 1 59 Local expenses 42 73 Lamps for pulpit aud desk 5 00 $251 98 Baptisms Ift Marriages 4 Burials 12 Average Communicants 2S \t t of this >ome en- ufficient I God to oss; but ision was wing at* lances of May God lischarge I people : [•s as well (d's glory of Mon- n organ, aptismal 41 DEANERY OF HOCHELAGA. BERTIIIER. The Rev. W. C. Mkrrick writes :— In endeavouring to cstaMi.-^li a parish of our scriptural and Catholic Church in any new place, —one of the great objects before us, after supplying the spiritual need of those now identified with us, in the present stage of Mis- sionary work in colonies,— four foundation.': of a temporal nature are very necessary, a Church, Parsonage, Sustentation or Endow- ment fund, and a Parochial School house. Having been permitted by the good hand of God upon us, to make a goodly advancement in the first three of these objects, during the past years, as presented in former reports, our attention has been mainly directed last year to the erection of a suitable school building. By the blessing of God upon the efforts made, I have the plea- sure to announce to the Society, an onward step in this important movement. The foundation stone was laid in faith on the 30th July, and the building has so far progressed as to be covered in. It stands on land adjoining the Glebe and in a central part of the town, acquired at the suggestion, and mainly through the generos- ity, of the ladies of the Manor house, Lanoraie, to whose liberal- ity the Church of Christ in the valley of the St. Lawrence is so much indebted. It is built of strong frame-work on a substantial stone foundation, will be lined with brick, has two full stories, with large attic if necessary, and while furnishing a room 36 feet by 20, for school and other public purposes, will contain ample accommodation for a teacher's family. We trust "if the Lord will," to have the building ready for full occupation after the en- suing mid-summer recess, and it is the prayer of many hearts among us, that God may accept this offering to His cause and render it a means of extended good in the community. A second investment, on landed Scurity, of $500, has been made for the endowment, and the following, as required by the By-law of the Central Board, is the present state of the fund : Mortgages on real estate $1500; Subscription notes $60; interest $102.65; total $1662.65. It was our great privilege, during the summer to receive visits from two of the chief pastors of our Church. The Bishop of Quebec, when on his way to the portion of the extended Mission under my charge, in his Lordship's Diocese, kindly took part in a special service at Berthier, and next day was accompanied to •iSi"' ''' V- ..-ir. " ■ - - > 1 ■ * •■ '•*:' ■n'\ ii > ^>*>i l.^h/ rfiiry :^';f! i'i>!.l tvft!..<,ii-;v-)- ?^ '.I;: K.V kW. . !t>, "h iv.Vt ,.'.'54* ''^i^.jHlv^'it'.tf 1j' I'; J^v>^ 1 MM ■•v*-r .•vts »■(■( 'VjT--.">. • ],.■■,:• .'.t.i' ■"-■ • ■!■,•■. '^S- .-» .Vm.' ... h; Wf.' e ■" t;. ii' y ...s. ;., r " It'^vfi V V,' -If-; rv'.' 1 I •.^'.■.. ilj^ A .SI.! ', JlW ^f 42 Riviero clu Loup, by a large number of the Congregation and other friends, in a steamboat chartered for the occasion. It was a season of much interest and I trust good to all. In tlic following month, July, we were cheered and benoiitted by the i)rescnce and minis- trations, at a confirmation service here, of our own esteemed Bishop and Metropolitan. In the earlier portion of the year a school festival was held, at which in the presence of the parents and visitors, prizes were pre- sented to every pupil in the day school, according to their various grades of merit, and the oijportunity was taken of making presen- tations of "Church Services" to Miss Mary Forneret and Miss Georgiana Coyle, for the purpose of marking the high estimation, in which their untiring services in the choir are held by the con- gregation. With regard to the Church Society, I feel it a cause i'or tliankfulness, that, notwithstanding the pressure of many local calls, which are severely felt in a small community like this, some- thing has been done each year, by contributing to its cause, to promote the progress of the Church in the newer Missions ; and there is an incident, which I may mention, as a stei> of another kind in this direction, which has afforded me no little satisfaction and encouragement, the unanimous decision of our Sunday School children last autumn to forego their usual sui')iily of Ijooks, and to devote the amount of the collections on hand to the i:)urchase of a library for the neighbouring Sunday School of the Mission of Kildare. May God raise up among us all, an increased missionary s})irit, that co-operating together, we may i)rove how much may be done, even by a small community when properly alive to Christian duty; and may feel the blessedness of being permitted in any degree, to advance the kingdom of Christ and to confer religious benefits upon others. The following are the amounts raised for Church purposes during the year : Church Society, Mission FnwiX S?54 80 Widows and Orphans' Fund 14 00 I'an Anglican Synod, expenses 10 00 Offertory Collections (including So3, on Christmas day for Missionary) 1G2 19i Tew rents iff60.50. Donations ¥37.25, towards Missionary's support 97 75 Endowment Fund 102 65 School Building Fund 132 82 I.,and for School and Globe purposes 97 02 St. Francis Mission Ill 00 lis, somo- 43 Donation to Catccliist i*'''" in ' To assist a inoniber of tliu Church in dinicult)- . . 22 00 Sunday School purposes 25 tX) 'fotal »i35G i)3i COTEAU DU LAC. The Rev. T. A. Yorxo reports :— The following sums were col- lected in this Mission for Church purposes during the year 1867 : Subscriptions to Cliurch Society ^17.25 Sermon for Missionary Purposes 5 25 " for Widows and Orphans 4.05 Tiiaiiksgiving Day 2.30 Towards Clergyman's Stipend C6.50 I'ow rents 43 95 OfTertory 19.78 I'arochial Library 5. 50 Sunday-Scliool Collections 7.50 Poor Fund 7.26 Towards cxpctises of Synod 1.23* Total S180.12 ELY AND NORTH STUKELY. The Rev. A. L. Fortin writes : — This is what has been raised in tlus Mission during the year : For ^lissionary's support 960.75 For Widows and Orphans' Fund 2.50 For Church Society 7.50 KILDARE AND RAMSEY. The Rkv. Joskpii Mkrricic writes : — ^The Mission of Kildare and Ramsey, upon the duties of which I entered in July last, is situated in the north eastern section of the district of Montreal. It com- prises a portion of the settlements of British origin, at the rear of the French parishes, and formerly was included in the extensive Mission of Rawdon. There are about 40 families who identify themselves with the Church, 28 in the Tomiship of Kildare and 12 at De Ramsey. The people have always taken a warm ?nterest in the Church of England, and though few in number have accomplished some im- portant steps in the founding of a parish, a comfortable church has been built and furnished, around which a neat cemetery has been enclosed and laid out. It is proposed in the ensuing winter to erect a tower answering for a porch and belfry for the church, together with a shed to receive vehicles during the hours of divine service. In the year 1862, a farm of 100 acres was purchased to provide a ?• • • ■■.«.;•: . "'-■li.:' - •- • ■ • ;'.= ". f • -'■A m ' ' x.^ • ? -I r-ir"^ vm 4: iir^A liS't y*«' 'H' .« ■ l~i'«s * 'ti,;' •,•1 «.»'• (V (,. i^ i ,*.■■'• . • 44 glebe and residence for the Missionary. The people have contri- buted largely towards the object, and aid was obtained from the venerable S. P. G. and kind friends in Montreal. Three fifths of the property has been sold, thereby jjroducing an entlowment of $84.00 a year, which proves a great help in sustaining the Mission. The most pressing want now is the repairing and tinishing of the parsonage for which we hope etforts will be made (D.V.) next sum mer. Divine service with Sunday School is held each Lord's day in the fore-noon at Kildare, and a Bible and singing class during the week. Ramsey and Lake Cloutie are served alternately upon the Sunday afternoons. A good day school under the Colonial Chuicli and Scliool Society is in operation in Kildare, and a Dissentient Scliool at Iliimsey, doing a good work. A school is mucli needed at Lake Cloutie, in a French locality lor the English speaking children and others. I beg to acknowledge with many thanks the following gifts : — Twenty-four valuable and well chosen books, as a commencoment of a library for our Sunday School, fn >m the St. James' Church Sunday School, Berthier; two oak chair.s for the chancel of our church from William Bursey Esquire ; we have received also seve- ral gifts and experienced many acts of kindness from the congre- gation at Kildare since our arrival amongst them. Offices : Baptisms, 2 ; Burials, 2 ; number of Communicants in Mission, 35. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Proceeds of Thanksgiving Service, Mission Fund. $4 70 Missionary's own Subscription 7 50 Towards support of Missionary, subscriptions, &c.. 63 50 Total $75 70 MASCOUCIIE AND TERREBONNE. The Rev. T. Goddex reports : — The circumstances bearing on a Mission of this description convey very little matter of import for publication, when mostly we have to depend on the common tem- poral efforts as a source for information, for generally it is difficult to predicate with any certainty the spiritual condition or advance- ment of individuals, much less a congregation ; for that inner life is " hid Vvich Christ in God," which is not always foreshown as the cause for the temporal growth of any Mission. On the same prin- ciple the many scenes and occurrences which natm-ally come under 45 a Missionary's notice from time to time, are not of a character for publicity, and may bo omitted, though these particulars and details, lie is aware, may add an interest to his report which it rar.'ly yields without. This Mission like many such in this i.ro- vince, composed of a paucity of old-country people, scattered among a large French population, has in it no tokens of increase as in most English and Protestant communities, where a gradual growth is visible in numbers, and Church interest. If we cannot speak favourably of the former, the latter we think has in no Avay diminished. The services during the year have been duly main- tained and appreciated, and the principal holy days of the Church observed. The order and decorum of the congregation has been very creditable, and the responses and, singing, an index of life and feeling, no less of a character comparably laudable, and Church like. From death, and removal, which the Congregation this year has witnessed, I once feared being able to make any retu'-ns to the Society or in fact seeing the Church maintained under the condi- tions of the few years past ; but I am thankful I can forward to the Society, lai'ger receipts than the preceding year. Regarding the Church's support some were disposed to add to their former sub- scriptions, yet a deficiency, respecting the arrangement with the Clmrch Society, exists. The death to which I allude was of the Hon. J. Pangman, deeply lamented ; he was ever liberal in the matters of the Church, and mindful of the comfort of the Clergy- man. The measure of his loss we trust is being filled up by his son and successor who, we hope will continue to follow his father's exami)le. To him and his lady and few other members of the Con- gregation, we are greatly indebted for the beautiful and appro- priate decorations of the Church for Christmas. I would do injustice to my feelings were I to allow this opportunity to pass, and no mention made of the great loss the Church sustained on the departure to England of Mrs. Pangman, wife of the late deceased. I will reiterate my words of last year's report that, " she was always foremost in every good word and work, exemplary both within and without the Church." To her I would record my sincere thanks, for the gift of ?20 each to myself and wife, on her bidding us fare- well. I am also indebted to a lady in Montreal for a very service- able and compact pocket communion service, — a "Christmas ofi'er- ing"— which I often felt the need of, and which I dearly value hoping many will follow her example, to those in want. The number of our communicants during the year has been good — on Christmas day 35 partook of the sacred rite. Four burials- five baptisms, one marriage were registered. If"!*.- '•■-Jf % ■il' '. %:■ ';■■'■ ^' * liT": c , ■' '•-■ 7-:•■■ J?':* :\'-' 1 • i;'4 .'is?! • f , '..::J 'i '.III. '■■>,-■?'> ]• - . . ' 1 46 Financial Stafcment. MASCOl'CHK. Subscription to riprgyinau'8 .supiJort 8820.00 " to Cliurcli Society 41.50 OfTi'itory Collection 28.00 Collection lor Missionary purpo.«o O.Ol " for W'idowa luid Orphans 8.70 " for Tliank!s, 2 • Burials, 10; Communicants, Easter, 57— Christma.s, 40. " Total nunibor in tho parish, 113. This total exhibits an increase of lour- teen on tho number reported last year, notwithstanding tho death of some, and tho removal of other members of the Congregition. This addition to tlio Church membership is owing to the very gratifying fact that nearly the whole of an interivsting class of Conlinnation candidates, who were this year the recipients of that apostolio rite, immediately afterwards united themselves with the Churcli as communicants. Among the Confirmation candidates was an adult female, a convert tVom Romanism, being the fourth French Canadian adult and head of a family, who, on as many suc- cessive occasions in which coniirmation has been administered in this parish, has seceded from tho Church of Rome, and united with the Church of England. sul)se(iuently maintaining strict ad- herence to tho Church, and Christian consistency of life and wnlk. The contribution to Foreign Missions amounted this year to !ij''-•"■■ I' ii. ^ V.;:: ■(l- I •i'»l [n't ■ I! r'« Vt,- >,.!•' "•?:,r? ■{••■.■-• f 1/ 'If;; «^■^• pl^isf^t/ •i/ •fV" r.. »f >;•>l'.)-'■■'M'^•• ^/pi-:^; 1:1 ■;;;^ ^;-:^ ■^£1^? '■■■•; . ' ' i ov 48 dobt still remains upon the latter linil(linj», which the Missionary trusts will shortly ho discharged. Tlu> contrihutions to the Cijurch Society, from suhsciiptions and sermons comhined, amount to $I4().S4, an advance on th<>. amount raised last year, and for tiio collection ot" the suhscri])tions, the (Society is again inhted, as for several years past, to t!ie self-nying etl'orts of Mr. .lames Jones. The hope was expressed in the previous report that, with- out hiivhig recourse to bazaars or concerts, tho Lord would put it into the hearts of the friends of tho Church to contribute a sufK- ciency for the accjuisition of a nuu-li neetled organ. And now, tho Lord's fulfilment of that hope is most thanl^fuUy recorded. With the good hand of their God upon them, some ladies of Sorel, Miss Kittson, Miss Lunan, Miss Turner, and Miss Nelson were success- ful in raising the handsome sum of ^41'.>.Tr) from diHerent kind friends in the parish and elsewhere. And with this amount, ft very sweet-toned reeJ.' ■.■•■vr. V. »'• %^7 62 their neat and substantial church edifice from the debt which still encumbers it and it, is pleasing to note that these efforts are rapidly bringing to a completion the desired achievement, and wo look forward confidently to the coming year producing its happy realization. The Sunday schools of both parishes are in a flourish- ing condition, and the children of each are now catecliised fort- nightly in the presence of the Congregation at the afternoon ser. vice. A Sunday school festival and Christmas tree was held in St. George's parisi. m January la,-,t when prizes and gii'ts were dis. tributed to the children. Our annual '' Harvest Home" in con- nection with the two parishes, took place in September last and was held this year in the: parish of St. Thomas. It was a great success, and the sum of $100 exclusive of ( Jtfcrtory ^ ' ^^ ^ i ^alized by the same for the purjjoses of the Church. Tlie Lac •« ^ cieties of both parishes are active as usual and foremost in every work connected with the Church. Our communicants are steadily increasing, and altogether we have much reason to be thankful to the Giver of all good for the prosperous condition of the Church in this Rectory. It is worthy of remark that on Christmas Day, although the roads were in a bad condition for travelling, 40 communicants partook of the Sacrament of the Lord's Sujjper in St. George's Church. Services: Sundays, Morning and evening. Afternoon, Litany and Catechizing at alternate Churches. Evening Prayer with Jjocture on P"'ridays at St. George. Service with sermon on all Festivals and Siiints days throughout the year. Holy Communion monthly and on the greater Festivals at each Church. The following is the statement of amounts raised during the past year : — TAHISU OF ST. GEORGE. Assistant Minister's stipend from Hector $100 00 do do Iromrarisli 200 00 Ladies' Society 40 f)7 Subscriptions towards Altar ClotL 20 00 , do do Organ 150 00 Christmas Tree lor Sunday School I'rizcs 2f) 00 I'roceeds of " Harvest Home" (Jo 80 Collections for Missionary i)urposc8 4 08 do Widows and Orphans Fund 1 67 do Dioc(?san ftynod 1 46 do liishop's Fund 163 do on Christmas Eve for Church Decoration 1 70 Subscriptions to Church Society 26 50 Offertory 46 25 $700 65 53 PARISH OF ST. TIIOJIAS. AssiBtaut Minister's Stipend from Rector 8^100 00 do do from I'nrisli 200 00 Doiintioii to do South St. Thomas 25 oo Ladies' Society.Soiroe &c., applied to Church debt. 75 00 Proceeds of" Harvest Home" with Offertory 79 80 CoHoctious for Missionary purposes l 55 do Widows and Orphans Fund 2 00 do Diocesan Synod 90 Pew rents 50 00 Subscriptions to Cliurch Society 11 97^ Offertory 18 55 $664 77J EDWAPtDSTOWN. The Rev. E. G. Sutton writes : — Necessity has this year forced nie into the difficult and distracting work of building a house to shelter myself and family. There being no Parsonage, and no prospects of obtaining one, it was the only course open to me ; but 1 am thankful to say that much of the care and expense attem^mg it has been saved me by the willing assistance rendered by the people in every part of the Mission. I take this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging that assistance so freely afforded by all. On the whole I have to report that the general aspect of the Church's work in my sphere of bibor is hopeful and encouraging. Subscriptions to Mission Fund $22 37^ Missionary Mooting Collection 8 60 do Sermon do 2 33 Widows and Orphans 1 88 Total sent to Church Society $35 23i Support of Mission $123 80 Offertory Collections 33 llj Sundry Church Expenses 16 75 Contributions for Local purposes 178 66^ Total »213 90 1IE.M.MINGF0RD. The Rev. E. Dlviminet writes :— Owing to absence from my mission during the month of December the amount of subscriptions to the Church Society is much less than that of last year. I hope, however, next year to make up the deficiency. The do})t so long resting on St. Luke's Church has I am thank- ful to say been reduced to $70, and 1 hope next Easter will see it '0 * \\% •■■■ ■■?■•;- ■'*• ■ X* :■! ■ •- 1, ' ' ' Ml 'm ,f,:tet r. ■;'V-t ■ .■.''■\' ::ii Pmt rv»;j t^'J'-!-''', ^;?^■ '•'■< ■■'■;'■■ Jtl :'..■■> A/ > I 54 entirely effliced. The Church population in this Mission has fop sometime past been gradually decreasing from the fact of young persons of both sexes removing to the United States whore there is a much greater demand for labour, and where the remuneration for services rendered is much higher than in this Section of Canada. St. Luke's Church since last Easter, hns through the zeal of the Churchwardens, been mucli improved both internally and externally. Tlie Sunday School under the Superintendence of Mr. Edwin Eichardson has been successfully kept uj). I cannot conclude this report without thanking many of my people for many acts of kindness and especially for services per- formed in the Glebe. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Annual Subscriptions to Cluirch Society SI') 00 Collections Widows and Orphans 4 50 Missionary pur])08cs .- 4 00 Tlianks;jiviug day 4 25 After Jlissionary meetings 15 00 Contributions for removal of debt on St. Luko's Church. . . 63 00 " Sunday School Library 17 00 " Towards Clergyman's Support including I'ew rents 175 OO " ForFont 30 00 " OflTertory 50 00 " For stove pijjts It; 00 ii?3'J3 75 LACOLLE. The Rev. A. D. Lockhakt writes : — The following sums have been raised in this parish for Church purposes during the past year : Paid instalment on the parsonage 5?100 00 Insurance on Church I'roporty, 1S6G 12 50 Do do do 1867 14 1(1 Missionary Meeting for Church Society 8 00 Collected for Sunday School Library' 20 50 Sermon for Missionary ])urpose.s of Church Society 4 00 Do lor Wide trs and Orphans 4 25 Collected towards expenses of Synod 2 00 Do towards I'an Anglican to England 4 00 Rev. A. D. Lockhart's Subscription 7 50 Paid in towards Clergyman's Salary from I'ew rents and Subscriptions 360 84 55 ORMSTOWN. The Rev. W. Brethour writes:— The following sums were col- lected for Church purposes during the past year of 1867: Towards Incumbent's Salary $150 00 Offertory Collections 30 00 Annual Missionary Meeting 5 35 Donation to organist 20 00 Towards tinishing parsonage 32 75 «238 10 FRANKLIN. The Rev. J. Fultox writes:— I have great pleasure in being able to report an increase in the year's subscriptions to the Society and also a donation to myself of sixty dollars from the congregation at Franklin. We have likewise prepared the Burial Ground tit for consecration having surrounded it by a substantial stone wall and iron gate, making it one of the best enclosed burial grounds in the district. At Ilavelock owing to the sudden and continuous cold weather we have not been able to complete the plastering of the Chan- cel, but hope to do so when the weather moderates. We will yet require to expend one hundred dollars to complete it as in- tended. I have nothing further of any special interest to report as the year that is past has only afforded another illustration of what I liave before experienced that those who can and ought to support Christ Church liberally; have not, and many from whom I looked for little, have done what they could. Subscriptions $32 95 Towards Huiial Ground at Franklin 27 00 Donation to self 61 00 Collected Jlissionary Meeting. At Franklin 5 00 At Ilavelock 3 CO Widows and Orphans 2 50 Missionary purposes 2 00 Offertory 25 00 Synod 2 00 $161 05 ST. JOHNS. Tlie Rev. II. F. Darxkll writes :— In forwarding the customary returns from this parish, the Rector, (Rev. H. F. Darnell,) would remark that the services of the Church have been conducted in ■Sv ■- .. . t*-' /'V;: m if y'.. '•"■ ''jii-wiflC- .P V ■;^'!i;;,|A,..,;„tl )j- '■■■■ '•>!:' '-ti'trf % Mm Mm ',(■.'•': Ur^:? > Filial ■V..,.,.- .1'-., 56 the usual quiet and orderly manner and have been upon the whole exceedingly well attended. Complete unanimity has prevailed among those who have co-oi)cratcd in the work and substantial progress has been made both with respect to the spn'itual and tem- poral condition. The annual meeting on behalf of the Church Society was well attended, and highly interesting addresses were delivered by the Rural Dean, and the Rev. R. Lindsay, who formed the deputation. Whilst it must be admitted that some of our church-members might evince a deeper interest in this Society which is now the main stay, and will soon j^erhaps be the sole stay of the Church in the poorer portions of this diocese, it is yet only fair to others to observe that they have come forward generously to assist in defraying the debt yet remaining upon our school building. Several sums have been paid in towards this fund dur- ing the past year, and more are in course of collection, it is there- fore within bounds of reasonable expectation that in our next re- port wo may have the pleasure of recording its total liquidation. Our high school, which has been considerably repaired and im- proved at the joint expense of the Church Corporation and the School Commissioners, re-opened last term under most favourable ausi)ices. From its healthy and accessible situation, and the well known zeal and ability to the present head master, (Mr. Masten,) it bids fair to take a high place among the educational institu- tions of the Province. The Church has been recently beautified by the presentation of a second elegant stained glass window by J. C. Spence of Mon- treal in memory of the daughter of R. Wright, Esq., M.D., of this place, erected by her grandmother, Mrs. Wright, of London, Eng- land ; whilst Mr. James Macdonald exchanges the Chancel win- dow, recently erected by hnn, for one of a handsome and more suitable character, now rendered a memorial of his deceased wife. — '^Dominion dai/,^^ was observed in this town with every manifes- tation of loyal feeling both by the English and French residents. Divine service was held in St. James' Church, in which the Revs. Mr. Street, of Chicago, and the Rev. J. Slack. Rural Dean of Bed- ford, assisted; after which a suitable address was delivered by the Rector. The attendance was very satisfactory. The remainder of the day was devoted to out-door sports, followed by a general illu- mination of fire-works in the evening. Large numbers of people poured into the town, but everytliing was conducted in the most peaceable and creditable manner. 57 Pow rents paid in j,^,j^ j ^ Sunday Olloitory 330 00 Holy Coinniunion OITiTtory for poor 713 qo Cliiircli Society Subscriptions 67 50 Collt'ct'ul f.T MisHioniiry purposes, per Uural Doan 16 00 Wi JoH :i ,1 . jrplmn's Fund g yo Subscription to Debt on High Scliool 33 (jo From i^adips' Association "9 77 Subscription to Charitable and Bcnovolent objects in a^l'l't'"" 3000 Stained windows 259 00 From Collections and Lectures for Sunday School ^'•l>'"ary 45 3^ For "llluh Mission," (Uishop Crowther,)from Sunday Scl'oul 2500 Diocesan Synod 5 qq Total S1G55 C8 ,"pi;i;' DEANERY OF ST. ANDREWS. AYLMER. Tlie Rev. F. CoDD writes : — la my last years report I alluded to the loss we were sustaining by the removal of several of our Church families from this locality. As the pecuniary loss which tlie Mis- sionary has thus sustainetl is not likely to be counterbalanced by the greater liberality of our remaining numbers, it has necessitat- ed my removal to another sphere of labour, and Aylmer has been placed by the Bishoi> under the charge of the minister of the ad- joining mission of Eardley. In consequence of my inability to refer to the Church books of Aylmer, my financial rejiort includes only the half year between April Ist and October 1st. Bearing this in mind and also that the collections for the Church Society are not included in this half years report, it will appear that the deficiency as compared with former years it but a small sum. The several special collections ai'e all included this year under the heading Offertory CoUections. The amount raised during the time above mentioned is as follows : Towards Clcrpyman's salary S133 72 UU'ertory Collections 53 48 Towards tlic I'arsonage House (now building) 128 00 S320 20 I enclose collection for Widows and Orphans' Fund 2 50 Mission Sermon ^ ^^ !?4 54 Also S7.60 Diy own annual subscription. I ■ ■: p \^i^^ )''<:*>' ^h: ',..<: , •-'♦. mm m:- I^A! <=;;' ■>•.>■• ■', Ml. 58 AYLWIN, TTPPER GATINEAU. Your missionary having only received charge over this Mission in July last, cannot be expected to have much to report. How- ever, short as the time has-- been, something has been done to- wards building up the people in our most holy frith. In sending this report, I may say, that it is one of few things that remind me of my connection with the diocese of Montreal ; so far is this Mission away from the Cathedral city, and so far is its Missionary away from a brother clergyman (the nearest being about 27 miles), that he is apt, for the most part of the time, to forget that ho is in the Province of Quebec, connected with the diocese of Montreal. It may be that, at no very distant date, it may become part of a new diocese, having the city of Ottawa as its centre, Your Missionary, upon his arrival, found the Church people de- lighted in having once more among them one duly conunissioned to preach the Word and administer the Holy .Sacraments. They had nearly given up all hope of se(Mng their beloved Church, and the Church of their forefathers, established among them ; but once they saw a priest of that Church among them, and for them, their hopes revived, and they gladly welcomed their pastor. Thanks to the exertions of the pcoi^le while under the care of their first missionary, the Rev. A. C. Nesbitt, your Missionary had a good and handsome parsonage to enter into. This parsonage is a good-sized house, in the cottage Gothic style, built of wood, and in plan cruciform. The design was one of Mr. Nesbitt' s own, and reflects credit on his architectural talents, for, when properly finished, it will be one of the best parsonages in this deanery. Its full completion has been prevented by an incubus of debt. This debt, however, has within the last few weeks been greatly lessened by the sympathy, kindness, and exertions of our dearly beloved Metropolitan, who, though in England, and i)ressed, no doubt, forgot us not, but sent us with other and more urgent business, out the welcome sum of '<'2'2{). This sum will take away half of our debt, at the least. During the fall our people gathered and erected a neat stable on the Parsonage ground, which cost, in laboui', &c., about $80. There remains yet work to l)e done, to make the Parsonage comi)lete, e.r/., painting interior and exterior, fencing, &c. Some, if not all, of this work will be done probably dur- ing next summer. The services of the Church are given in the Mis- sion as follows : on two consecutive Sundays services are given in 69 . All(»yno, and Aylwin eacli Sunday. In Alleyne (14 miles from rursoniigo) the congregation gathers in a dwelling house ; hut soon we expect to enter into a proper Church building, for the people in Aylwin have this fall covered in the walls of a building originally put up for a Union meetingdiouse. It is intended, as soon as i)Ossiblo, to have this building properly finished for the use of the Church only. For what has been done for the Church in this township thanks are due chiefly to Mr. Ileeney first, and to Mr. Carruthers next, for by them and their sons has the building been taken in hand, and put in its present forward state. Our congregations in this Aylwin are generally pretty large, and are made up of all classes of belief. In Aylwin our congregation meets in the Pres])yterian preaching house. Hero the number of Church people is much larger than anywhere else in the Mission. The services are very regularly attended by the peojjle. The congregations average here about 60 persons. This number is greatly increased in the summer by people who are now away from home, or who have not the means of being carried to Church, the roads thereto being exceedingly rough and rocky. The Sacraments have been duly administered — that of I5aptism when required, and that of the Eucharist on the major Sundays. Our communicants are very few at present, num- bering only ten persons. This number is larger, however, than at first. There are persons who would be communicants, but who are prevented, by various circumstances, from being so. A great number will not commune because they are not confirmed. As we expect His Lordship the Bishop up here next summer, for Con- firmation purposes, one will naturally expect the number of com- municants to be increased. Till within the last month, the children of Aylwin were gathered on Thursdays for two hours' instruction in Catechism and singing by their pastor ; but thanks to the Colonial Church and School Society, we have been enal^led to open two Church Day Schools ; one in Aylwin, and the other in the township of IIincks,on the other side of the Gatincau. By these Schools about 40 children are brought under secular and religious instruction, which they would not otherwise receive, for there are no other schools of any kind in the whole Mission. Every third Sunday your Missionary goes up northward to the township of Cameron, where, at the Depot farm of the " Hamilton Brothers" (distant from the Parsonage 25 miles), he holds an afternoon service, the congregation being for the most part composed of the clerks and other persons employed in this ^v^, -••»*. :.•;■' ,4 v^3'l> \m 1^®! f .1., S'.r j;-. , I',' ';i<(M : ft '.fijr/i-U' 4|..M> ■ »■"■.«. ■•;..'k>} ' ^<^' . j.i.' : :#^%^ ■^-•'n I: :J': 60 lirm, with ono or two families who reside in the vicinity. One of tlieso families uro Fren<^h rrotesiunts, to whom your Missionary has i)aicl visits and baptised some: of their children, usin^ tho ['"rencli version of tlie J'rayer-hnok. On my way up to this last- mentioned station, I stoj» for th«^ night previous in the house of a lumbei-er some lifteen miles below, but three miles back in tho bush, where next morning a congregation gathers for i>rayersand sermon. To comlurt our service there in the usual way is rather a task, for many of them cannot read, and by far the greater numV)er havi' never heard our servit^^ or seen f(Ur ritual. Indeed, to those among thein who are Church nicMubers by virtue of their baptism, the services and the ceremonies of tlieir Church were both alike novel. There is, however, a decided improvement of late in the way tho services are used, though there will be always the difficulty of making the service congregational, seeing that so very i'ew know how to read. Being but a short time u^) liere, I caimot jiresent a great list of contributions either to tlie Minister's stipend or any other pur- pose. The people seldom or neviu" have money before the spring, when they receive it for logs maile dui-ing the winter — the mak- ing of timber being the only way by which the people are able to subsist. Whit has been done is stated below. During the last six months there have been, in connection with the Mission, 9 baptisms and .3 burials. suDscKirnoNS TOWARDS MlN'ISTEIl'S BTII'KND. In kind !?2S 00 In Cash ICO Total !i?2'J 00 By Stable in Labour SSO 00 " (y'lmrch CcUeclions in Ayl win 7 53 " Thanksf^iTiiiff ( •iFcrtory for Church Soci ty 2 GO " Subscriptions to Church SociL-ty. lioT. \V. U. Brown 7 00 Mrs. lirown 1 50 OH f,3 Tot.il $127 f)3 CLARENDON. The Rev. Geo. C. Robinson writes : — The amount raised in this mission during the past year, exclusive of foreign aid, is in excess of that of the previous year, notwithstanding the absence of so 01 populiir an ol.joct of liborality as the purclmso of iiChu.rh l„.ll A call for improvomentH in, and nUout, tlio Parsona^'o, was faiily rcspondi'.l to, and a much noedod ad.lition l.uilt at" an outlay of nl.out liTO dollars. A dd.t of about OO .lolbu-s remains upon^lio building, but will probably be all paid bofoio East.-r. Witli a littlo more expense the house will be a credit to the mission, and eom- fortablo for its occupants. The mission was visit. -d in August last ])y the most reverend the Metrojiolitan, for the purpose of administering the rit<^ of Conlirmalion. Forty persons ri'ncwed their baptismal vows before God, and in presence of a hu'ge and devout congregation. It was an occasion which called forth deep thankfulness for the i)ast, and way a stiundous to increased exertion, in humble dependence upon the Divine blessing, for the future. The attendance at pul)lic worship is good, and the Sunday schools are flourishing. Tlie numl)er of connnunieants is slowly but stt>adily increasing. May God grant increase of grace to both ministi'r and people, for Jesus Christ's sake. The contributions for Church purposes were as follow viz: Animal Subscriptions to Church Society ijss 38 Collection at Missionary Meeting 550 Ollertory, Church Society (j 19 " Widows and Orphans' Fund 2 50 " Ordinary 4933 Subscriptions towards Clcri^yinan's Stipend 29150 " buildin;,' addition to Tarsiinage 94 50 Donations Croni without the Mission lor do 55 00 Contributions in labour tor do 20 00 Proceeds of Soiree in aid of building fund 40 75 Collected for Sunday Schools 10 10 Donations from without the Mission lor do 17 75 Total $034 50 The jx'ople have also shown many substantial proofs of kindly feeling towards their minister and his family, whoso thanks are heartily tendered for the same. EARDLEY. The llev. Pkrcy W. Smith writes : — In once more reviewing the work of the Church, in this mission, notwithstanding pecuniary discouragement, I have every reason to be thankful. The congre- gations have shown a decided increase, more interest has been manifested in divine things, and there has been an addition to the number of communicants. The visit of the Bishop, has I think, "1« i'l.l :. ; ■ ... ■ .t . "•t , m -'^-^4 ■■■"••!*. ,; *s, ';...■; pf *-■ ^''vfi -J_, • f^ 02 cft(!ct('(l u (U>(!i(li>( I the l)('0])lo, nnd ho ns a natural conso(iuonco, has Htrongthciu'd tlui in- flucnco of thoir missionary. During tln' i)!»st year I Iiavo l)ai>tize(l thirtoon infants, and ofH- ciau'd at two I'unorals. I jnention<'d that I had mot with some "jiocuniary discourage- ment;" and as 1 am bound to give a faithful rciiort of tlio work dono hero, it would bo well to parti(nilari/e. Tho amount of the ministor's stli)ond in this mission, is wholly inad(»(|uati'. Thf sum total of my last years receipts was only $4:!'). 00; house rent, and expense of keeping horse out of tills, leaves hut a small margin for housi'hold and personal expenses. Thci mission has, 1 knntc, been well canvassed, nnd nil that enn bo ensured is !?1')0,00, tho Church Society granting !?300.0(). I shall midce no suggestions n.i to a remedy of this, but lonvo tho facts ns they stand. CJRENVILLE. The liev. F. S. NicvK writes: — Thv. state of the mission, and tho occurrences within it have been so similar to those of jtiTH-eding years, that the missionary has nothing of interest to report, unless it be, that n cabinet organ having boon substituted for a hand ono in the Church at Crenville. The musical part of the worship of God has been greatly improved. Tho sum total raised in the mis- sion during the year is $1.'86.45. HULL. The Rev. J. Johnston writes : — During tho j)ast year we havo lost some truly excellent members of our Congregati* n at St. James' Church, Hull, in consequence of thoir i-cmoval to (Juebec and Toronto. Our Congregation is ns yet neci^ssarily fluctuating and must so continue to be until the village of Hull sh.'Jl be('omo better settled. Most of the Congregation attend fi'on-. a distance, still the Church is well tilled. Much earnest int' rest has been shewn by the Congregation generally in carrying on the work of the Church among us, as may be seen from the etlbi'ts mad(>, by them. Tho fourteen hundred and thirty dollars raised have been exclusively contributed by our own people. I hoi>e during this new year we shall be able to do more for tho work throughout the Diocese, but as yet we have had so much upon our hands within the mission that we have not done nuich for that good cause. 03 Upon the wholo I thank (rod tho givor of every Mossing f'oi' tho miinirost advunceiuont we havo boon pcM-niittotl to Nvitnos» in thia portion of his liold. Tlio niiioun < rnis'-U durliij^ tho j .'nr Imvo bmi, for local purpost's.. ipi KW) oo Mi'iii»i" I'lirpos" Hciit to Sucioty ,„.., 2') W WUlowf* mid Orpliuiis' Fund T) 0() Synod ,-, (M) NoKTir ,' \KEFrELD. Tho Ki'V. .John Se'Mav wntos :— hi 'viewing tho past year if wo were to judge hy the U))p''ovomont wo havo mado financially, this Mission has come l.ir short of formt>r years. I think this lias been owing to tlie Huhscripti'ns to the (.'hurch which should have l»ecn paid last year l)ut were not colloctcil until April last. But although in money nKltt»'r^ wo havo cunie farsliurt of other years, it ia "-'ith thankfulness to tho Chief Shephi>rd tliat I see a maiked improvement IidIIi in tho regular attendance of the Congregations, and also an increase in the number of connnu- nicants. Owing to bud health I had to give up many of the outstations during (he sunnuer. It hi 'en impossible for \is to collect anything for the (;imrch Society, as all we can collect has gone to pay otl' tho debt due on the Chiu'ch and Parsonage. 1 am h i))py in acknowL dging the sum oi':?42.()() from ^Irs. Adams of Montreal, to purchase a font ; also ijr^U.UO from Alonzo Wright M.r.P., towards Church debt. MONKY COLLIX'IKD DUHINU THK YKAU. (MiTfryiiiun's Salary .*98 00 Tdwanls t'liurch Debt 80 00 Otr.Ttory t'olU'ction 28 49 Total •'?20G '19 OFFICES. Baptisms, 25; Conlirinatioii, 21; Marriages, 0; Rurials, 2. (WSLOW. The Rev. J. C. Buaitiiwaite writes :— There is but little out of the ordinary routine of work in the Mission, to notice particularly. On Passion Sunday, we had our first Service in th. new Church of St. Matthew's, North Onslow, and on Palm Sunday, in the new •' '/-J '1 ■ ."„ '•. t* ,- I ' .•■ I i h m ;'■ *ii,'' T' '^a vVV'I' r^':V-^ '■'■§ I>'-^^1<^^?^ :<.< ••■■' ■ ;rt:' 6-1 Church of St. Mark's, Bristol. In August, the Bishop, attended by the Rural Dean of Bedford, as Chaplain, visited the Mission, and confirmed two men, and four women and girls, at St. John's the Evangelist, Onslow ; four girls at St. Matthew's, North Onslow ; and one youth, and five women and girls at St. Mark's, Bristol. The Bishop preached at St. John's the Evangelist, and at St. Mark's ; and the Rural Dean of Bedford, at St. Matthew's. It will be a great gain to the North Onslow part of this Mission, if a Clergy man (especially if he be in priest's orders) can bo sent to reside there. Between North Onslow and pait of Clarendon, Bristol, and perhaps i^art of Thorne, plenty of work can bo found for him to do. I trust, that before lohg, it will be found practicable to send a Clergyman to reside in North Onslow, especially as there is now a Church there, in which he can minister. North Onslow and its neighborhood requires more work bestowed upon them, than either Mr. Robinson, of Clarendon, or I, can bestow, living as we do from eight to ten miles from these stations. The number of Communicants at St. John's the Evangelist, for 1867 were 75 men, 189 women, = 2G4 ; at St. Matthew's North Onflow, 10 men, 16 women, = 26 ; at St. Mark's, Bristol, 1 man, 2() women, = 21 ; at Steel's School-liouse ; 1 man, 12 women, =Ui. There were also 2 men, and 8 women and girls admitted to Com- munion for the first time. The numlter of Marriages for the year were 4; Bai^tisms, 9; Burials, 6. The items of money contributed were : Missionary Jluctiii;; So 05 Offertory during' Holy Wock, for Mission Fund 3 42 do (Ml Eii-tcr day for do .... 4 08 do on Wliifsuiidiiy for Diocosan Synod 2 00 do on llarvf'st Homo, J hanksgivingdiiy for .Misssion Fund 4 .^il do fur Widows' aiuKn-plians' Fund 2 40 do iKWiuiis I'an-Anglican >Synod f) 2ii do >li>sion Fund, (St. Matthew's N. Onslow) (» 07 do do (St. .Mark's, Bristol) 120 do ilo (Sl('('l'.s Scliool-liouse). ... 00 do j.v'ncral at .St. John's the Fvi'. , Onslow 47 01 do fortnightly at St. Mark's, IJi i.,i ,)1 IS 3.') do do at St Matthew's, N.Onslow.. 3 52} do do ut Steel's School house 3 30) Collected by Jlr. Walton Smith, forCh iiiiild. Fund 155 00 Subscriptions towards tinisliing St. Matthew's Church, ^•orth Onslow, and St. Mark's, Uristol. . 150 03 er Collected by a member of tlin Congregation, for Carpet and Cusliiuiis for the Chancel of St. John's the Evangelist Chnrcli 23 gs Collected for Sunday .School Christmas Tree and for prefents for the Choir j- qq Subscriptions for Church Society 15 qq Towards Missionary's Stipend 218 '5 msi 21 PORTAGE DU FORT. The Rev. J. Gribule writes :— The services of the Church have been continued regularly in this mission during the past year. A Confirmation was held in the summer by the Lord Bishop of tlie Diocese, the sixth which has been held here since the formation of the Mission in 1856, when nine persons were confirmed eight of whom have since become communicants. I am glad to be able to report an increase in the subscrijjtions to the Church Society, from !?18.00 last year to^SU.lO this year. The amount raised during the year is as follows : — Subscriptions to Clergyman's stipend $178 25 do in produce do 35 35 Offertory devoted to do 54 94 do do current expenses 19 78 Collected for Insurance 10 00 do expenses of 1'. A. Synod 3 00 do for Church Society 22 GO Sermon for .Missioimry Fund 3 53 Collected after Missionary Meeting 5 12 Thanksgiving collection fur Mission Fund.. 100 Collection for Widows' and Orphans' Fund 1 CO $334 57 HAVELOCK. Collected for Clergyman's stipend 18 GO Oftertorii's 5 35 Collected for Church Society 7 50 Sermon lor Mission Fund Uu 32 40 .«3GH 97 ST. ANDREWS. The Rev. K. Loxsdell, Rural Dean, writes : — Oxn* Congregation I'ontinues much the same as during the last year with respect to nimibers. It is a cause of thankfulness that order and reverent ibuueanour prevail in the House of God amongst those who come to worship. On Christmas day, sixty of our oommunicants testitiod E ..."s^ hm r&^^ pirn MB I'h* .■•■■ „„,,- .- ;^■i>:!■^ M>•^•-■• >;. ■.■•"» ■4' rt,,j wwfm ,V.*,rf , > "■;: ■••'•t ''f. 1, ! Ml- 66 their allegiance to their Saviour by partaking of the most blessed means of grace — the memorials of his Cross and Passion. I may be permitted to record here my grateful acknowledg- ment of the handsome gift of a very fine pair of sleigh robes pre- sented to me by my kind congregation a few days since. Mrs. Edward Jones has very kindly furnished our Chancel with a handsome Episcopal chair. The sums collected in the parish during the past year are as follow : — Subscription for Church Socioty Missions SCO 25 Sermon for Missions 10 50 ThankHgiving Day 7 00 Widows and Orphans 3 00 Towards expenses of Synod 2 00 Collected at parocliial Missionary Meeting 9 00 Contributions for Local purposes 600 00 Total 8704 05 THORNE. The Rev. Mr. Kaapcke reports : — Being in charge of this Mis.«ion since September 22nd, 1867, I have very little to rei)ort about the Church in Thorne. I tind a large field of labour, and it is my constant prayer that God would make mo a faitliful labourer in patient submission to his good pleasure. In many instances I can discover, I hope, a growing zeal for religious duties and Divines , vices. The attendance in Church has been pretty good in general ; but very small is the number of connnunicants as yet. Services are held twice each Sunday (besides ibur on Christmas, and several in German, my native language.) Number of communicants: Leslie, 3; Thorne, 3; Clarendon, (I. I have received several presents, though small in value, yet very welcome. Towards my salary there has been contributed till now in liay and oats $9; given in work for stable, $9; Sunday collections,:<2.2(t]. During the winter 1866-67, \ have taken great pleasure in visit- ing an English settlement in Portland, in the rear of Buckingham, and to eat the Lord's Supper with them, and constantly the cry sounds in my ear : 6ia[idg jiofjdriaov T/fxlv. n: 67 VAUDREUIL. The Rev. J. W. Pyke, writes :-The progress of Church work in this Mission, during the past year will best appear from the accom- panying statement. During the psust summer two new Churches have been so far completed as to enable us to open them for Di- vine worship : one at Como, a neat gothic structure of stone, capal)le of seating from 25U to 300 people. This church has a very pretty western window of stained glass. The ceiling is boarded and stained, with open roof. The other Chapel is a smdl wooden building erected for the accommodation of the Church people at Cote St. Charles, an English settlement in this neighborhood. It will seat about 150 people. In the erection of these two churches $1,800 have been expended, a large proportion of which sum has been given by the people themselves and others interested in or connected with the place. St. James' Church, Hudson, the parish church built in 1842, has also been thoroughly repaired outside, and enclosed with a neat substantial fence the past sum- mer. The outlay on this work including the paying off of an old debt,— the only one of ihe Church— has been overf!350. Towards the ordinary expenses of the Church $275 have been paid -a ; and we have sent to the Treasurer of the Church Society for its purposes $43.87. Thus it will, I think, be manifest that there has been neither want of will, nor lack of liberality on the part of those connected with this Mission, whether residents or temporary residents, to supply the wants of the Church, local as well as general. May this blessed spirit of liberality increase among us till the members of the Church everywhere feel it not only a duty but a sweet and blessed privilege to give to God of thoii substance for the service of the sanctuary, as freely as He has given them. The decorations at St. James', at this season of sacred joy in honor of the Nativity, are beautiful and appropriate. The arches of the Chancel, the windows and pillars are all wreathed with ever- green festoons which hang in graceful folds from one window to the other. Over the altar, round the Chancel wall, is placed in i-aised letters the text " Glory to God on High,"' and on the walls of the Church api)ears the appropriate text " Unto you is born a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." The Ladies of the choir, who have been always foremost in this good work, were occupied two days in beautifying the sanctuary, assisted by a few of the Congregation. 11 '» *,".| - .1 Oi m-i. IK (J^'i; ¥> I'/'C is- 'Mi.:. is '-4, .0 v>;m :.tv ■,;■» . cA; =iA!^^ ^5 l.-V.i.''. ^% ■ m 'SiJl 4.i If. . ' •■■. "1 'V'"' •ft; ••v ... ■■■*'■'■ , •••.lv,--,t 08 The Bishop visited the Mission in August, confirming 34 young people iuihe million had no sermon for the Widows and Orphans' Fund. Yours faitlit'uUy, BEN J. P. LEWLS. P. S. Please have my name on the clergy list put dovvn as mis- sionary at Sabrevois instead of Brandon, and adtlress all commu- nicfttions for the latter place to the lay missionary there, Mr. Plulip Dfe{Jruchy. B. P. L. '^'1 (19 8T. JOHN THE EVANCIELLST'S (Fukk Skat) T'ITAPEL. Tlie Rev. EiiMUND Wood, the llev. Charles A. Daniel, and tJie Kev. Robert W. Norman rei)ort : — Olll'i-tory fnim Easter 18i!7 S1822 00 Clmrcli Society (Colk-ctcil by Miss O'Connor) ' ys 00 Free Scliool for poor ciiildn-ii j^q (,q HewiiiR Society for poor y-Q qa I'liid for Wood for poor |,y) />« Collected for Sunday School Festival sc, Qg do do do Library, &c 12:j 35 '^'ota' S24;iiM3 The Curate acknowledges, with thanks, a supply of Wood for the VviH^ School. tVoni the Vestry of the Cathedral, dining the winter ; also gil'ts of Rooks for Sunday School Liljrary, and gi^ts of elotliing, and hlaidcets, and Christmas Dinners for the jjoor. from members of the Congregation of the Chapel. The following Services are held : — Daily Morning Prayer (throughout the year) at 7 a.m. " Evening '< " •< at a i-.m. except on Wednesdays when there is Service with sermon at 7.80 P.M. Holy Comminiion: All Sundays and Saints" Days, at 8 a.m. Second Sunday in each month at 12 xoox. The Litany is sung on Sunday afternoons, as a separate service, at 4.15. In Lent there is an .additional celebration of Holy Communion, on Thursday mornings, and a Sermon on Friday evenings. Number of Communicants at Easter, 217. Valuable offerings have been made by Mr. J. C. Spence and others, which the Curate of the Chapel gratefully acknowledges. Litany anil Sermon on Sundays at the Hospital of which the incumbent is Chapter. ST. LUKE'S CHL'RCIL The Rev. Maurick S. Baldwix writes:— I beg to report that we expect by the coming Eistei' to be entirely iVee from dcl)t, by which time we will have piid oif some fifteen hundred dollars of indebtedness — a proof of much earnestness and zeal in these times of ai>athy and carelessness. :' \i lb? ■:!*»u»<*'* Mi Lu?!,;^ ^:;' ,.tc '.A. 70 FINANCIAL STA'lEMKNT. Expended in Parish $1072 00 Ou C'lmrch debt 700 00 Iniiirovomeuts on Cliurcli 400 GO For Poor 61 37 Church Society 27 00 Widows and Orplians 8 32 Soldier's Home 22 00 From Sunday-school for Cliurch Missionary Society 20 00 From Sunday-school for Homo Society 25 00 $2335 09 David Smith, II. II. GlODDES, Wardens. ST. MARY" 8 CHURCH, IIOCHIilLAaA. There lias been a steady increaso in the work and prosperity of this parish for the last year. The numbers attending both morn- ing and evening services are satisfactory, and the evening service is commending itself to the favorable notice of others besides the members of the Anglican Church. The best thanks of the Con- gregation are given to the Dean of Montreal and the Rev. Canon Balch. To the first for permitting a collection in the Cathedral in aid of the funds of the Church, and to the latter for kindly advo- cating the claim in an earnest and eloquent appeal to the congre- gation. To the Incumbents of St. James' and St. Stephen's they also return their sincere thanks for collections received from the respective Clmrches. The Sunday school is still in a flourishing condition, the Incumbent himself catechising the children every Sunday. Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the amounts collected for the past year are reserved for a future occasion. ERRATA. 27, instead of $15— $150.79. 36, $299.92. 38, instead of Endowment for Subscriptions, read Subscriptions for Endowment. • ■^ 71 H f5 Pm W tn W CO Ph Q PS o t/i ^ a p^ u p S2 •^ O » o n a M « 00 ■<* h. ift a -o 5 o i 35 CO n O 1^ O Si 1- ?5 X H s» t- •N ■* — ri , »a f/) -M a 1" . : : : IS a W 73 ■1 — I'l .. »o ^. _ ,. _^ r. n t 6 I- tC »— w w ^ <: •£ ,* rj ^^ M X m ?! »c Y J- T. '■£ •J 9i « -/^ /)■ i\ Cl ^ ti •—• « •** -tt • '^ 2 2 »o c- ■ :o w r4 I" 1- T • 1-. 1- X. ,, >0 *!• Cl X ^ I'. ' 1-I CI i~« «t. c* /— ''-^ ¥ rT'P.^ in m m m i^ W J e ^ \M o a ^ <= fJ M K jS pj tf g pj p; pa *tH C ^ p '^^ ;= s *^ 2 s S fM s K pH cJ C C3 iJ O w \^* ^ >.ll, Cfi ■m 74 .U'i m v>.+ t w % *:\''a ,t.>! ^.■m m W: VTi^f' h\-}.!i ''H m M't '*W H- \y.i'jA M . ,v 'M HI* , srV!, ■f^' ,;H. fc^^ l*^''.^ 03 u » BQ ?! S S? c ■■; p Ci « ►- t.-^ -J M $ 4 = •* et j» s rt -J 1 i"i '* ^ S X 3 S ?i J H ^H PN ^ «j ■ ... . . a \ \ '• • ' li ... • • O 3 ... . . -Sfci • • • • . a ■ • . « * M • • • • 1 .4.. 'l^ C -ii V 5, o » « = 1^2 e> o 1- © » « ■r. X i> 5 ij ri ^^ ft -i r- M t H » .-0 «0 ■? •i fl O 3J O -J — 1 :6 r. ■M -. OC n ^ - '*- -*--^N ... .0 o : i : ill d • ' • :?■ = C ! ! . -*( o • * • • u Q : : : i:^ d • • • • , , ^_- 1*^ c* : :§ : 4 S S : •? E? 'A . X Tl * c-i '. \tti '• a\ ^ n '• • '^ ^ Pi '=*! (» : \ \ \ \ i 5) Si A • • • 1 5 u< \ \ . ■ ^'^N , g .i:*.-? ^ ** '• '• r-. '. i» X ri o • I s ^ '— ' «?i 5 » s . • © . O -r — '-S ; • « , y. S 9 3i ?« I* t : .-5 : .t -r '.s O • • 1- H ca <» . ■ r< . ^ • o t:^ — - : : : — : 1 .... . ^ St.- ■■•5 e r: T. '• '. '' ^ p 3 1-5 * 1 — . . . . 5 p« e-< . 3 rt j^ ? ^3 t- — X ^ ! i 1 ; 1.^ 3 o • ? 5 ri «e r-« ... . -, rs « ; - f — 5 ^s- ^ t ' ' % s 'Ji — -- : : : : : n , , , , I ' ' t * . '.'.','. '. ', ; . . . . . ij c H •i •, - a S ( • .1 ... * *j \ '• '• \ \'% : ii 5 ^-'►^? -t P^ ^ t: 3 Ph fl< t-3 •§ '-9 '•' '^ P^'J'-J . . • (M > > '. * t't*.'-^^ t» > >>> . ^ . . : ^ : : ; "o ; • a • > • . c : ^ : ; o "S •HI • • a ! ^ : : o s s • • : : is : f». ;« : J e a CS 1 • • d s= .. : ■« S :• a c3 »- d "i rdley envil 111... irin . Wak slow rtage And orne udre ^ |i « 2 <1 « «1 C 5 ( -*• -1 t- Ji — T. -< x 6 o !-; ■«' ^ - p :c X 1-} *t* X — i" Ti N J> S PJ.- is O « C« • • • \^'■l : : o *■" :ir: : : 5 . p« . . Tl I * * r/) He«-t-. ^-i X ^1 " X :? M .^ <0 31 X M — _ X -" X Tl .-: 3> :^ o r> *I i-r — It :■? 35 O i-^ X M •.■? M 1- -t* •■c tfi -?5 : :* : n so 35 •.c . . — . ..• e« : ; ; eo ■M Ti I- » > > B (D i) Oi O . • ; . 33 Montr y of Bt lb St MH l« o 1> .. ,. ^ '^ c3 .-a S o« 1 :^:; ? 75 ^SfiSS >s5o>oir5oSi5SS |'*as N IS'"" S s ' 5 I s 8S'58SSSS^S88SSS3SSSSSS3SSSS3SS8SS a i' i ^1; i i^ii 3 * '^ 3 3 5» a b .'.: !: O Si— 1 . -■•>-! -H l2 ■- s3iea *.J3 IH 4-1 N to ® (Ot^'OV) s-o ^ - * 2 ■o .-.rh bo .3 a - a «'-' ■^ _- ^ -1 - ^•a o p m 91 0) b > :^ 'U ►r> y ? I ^ C O I. csM a £_ o o 2 u '/) a 2^.5 5 2 . ^ a> a) « cs o u-s ra- QCy;3 S^J- 3-as.5S -/3 ■Ji-n'Ovi'-n-^i-Ji o o h a - "s; 32:3; o r, 3 o J- ^ ;^ •>;i-H 3 u 4 u ■a 5 ? i-i L a o ^*-a >.ft»>t»t» l»>>>t.>!» >!>;,>t»>^:.>>> S.ls'iaa- ^S5^-S3-<5! 4l5y^^3^323333^ «:^qHQS^5acc5;S M«MSSM«-««MM«:iy WMS:4«;sy24MM«MMMa ^. ( •llioo Ro;vr(«rs foi- the lust yoar of tlio Hopamte oxistonce of tlu* Cliiircli Sx'ii'ty wert^ n^ I'ollovv : PATRON. His ExiKM.nsTv Tin-; Jlu.m IIonokaiim.; Lnui) ViscorNT Moxi k, Gov- kunouOknkkai, ov liuiTisii NoiiTii Amkuica, \,(\, A(!., Ac. PRESIDENT. 'I'm: Most Uuvkuknd thk Lonu iJisiioi- of Montueai, and Mktko- riM.lTAN. VICE-PRESIDENTS. U lion, Mr. -lustioo Ayhviii. Hon. Mr. .Iusli('(> Uudglcy. C. I'liillips. Ks.]. Mnjor < 'iiiiii)l)(.'ll, C.C. Col. Stcphi'iis Hakcr. Tho \'cry R(^v. The Doan of Moiitrt'iil. 'rUo Veil. Ari'luleaoon Lciich. The Prinoipiil of Lcimoxville Collcg*'. Ilov. Ciinoii TownsoiKl. Hov. Canon Bancroft. Kcv. ('anon Anth^rson. '!lit< Rural Doiins. .1. Mutton, Es(i. T. 15. Andorson, Escj. ^ MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL BOARD. Foil TiiK Yhau 1867. The Prosidont, Vico-Pro.sidonts, and the other Officers of the S '■<: .^ ■.'"K ?.' /*.! ■ V l^f '>, »;\ 78 C. Smai.lwood. W. TUIINKU T. R.Johnson.. R. A. YouNO R. CONKOY , E. E. SirELTON.. S. U. SMITH a. Dawson H.Tuo.-vtAS H. S. FoSTEll K. S. Whitney .. Sir W. Johnson. W. McGlNNIS Cait. C. S. Uow. J,LOWK I St. Stephen's, Montreal. St. Luke's, Montreal. Aylmer. Bcrthier. Brome. Chambly. Chilsticville. Clareiiceville. Frclighsburg. — Arnold , B. ClIAMHERLIN . F. D. KuLPORi).., T. B. Anderson W. Bauuett . .. I Granby, E. Jones, jun , J G. SlMTSON I C. S. Pierce J.COOTE R. W. Shepherd. W. Donahub llemminjrford. Philipsburg. Russulltown. St. Andrews. St. Johna. Vaudroull. West Farnham. MISSION BOARD. Rev. Canon Bancroft. Rev. II. F. Darnell. Rev. Canon Bond, Rural Dean of ITochelaga. Rev. E. Duvernet, Rural Dean of Iberville. Rev. R. Lonsdell, Rural Dean of St. Andrews. Rev. G. Slack, Rural Dean of Bedford. Rev. R. Lindsay. Rev. D. Lindsay. E. E. Shelton, Esq. Robert Leach, Esq. J. Simpson, Esq., St. Andrews. R. A. Ellis, Esq., Waterloo. M. H. Gault, Esq. Rev. Canon Balch. Rev. G. Slack. Rev. E. Duvernet. S. E. Dawson, Esq, The Treasurer and Secretary of the Society. BOOK AND TRACT COMMITTEE. Rev. Canon Loosi:moue, Chairman. Rev. R. Lonsdell. Rev. D. Lindsay. G. Moffatt, Esq. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND COMMITTEE. E. E. Shelton, Esq. | M. H. Gault, Es(i. T. B. Anderson, Esq. G. Moiiatt, Esq. James Hutton, Esq. 79 CLERaY TRUST FUND COMMITTEE. The Lord Bishop of Montreal. 1 T. B. Anderson, Esq. The Very Rev. The Deun. ' Jamos llutton, Esq. Bev. G. Slack. ! And all the Clergy who have commuted. ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE. Rev. Canon Bond. T. B. Anderson. Esq. E. E. Shelton, Esq. James ITutton, Esq. Robert Leach, Esq. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. I. J. Gibb, Esq., the Treasurer, and Secretaiy. HONORARY COUNSEL. Strachan Bothune, Esq., Q. C. NOTARIES. Messrs, Gibb and Hunter. AUDITORS. Messrs. J. H. Winn, and G. W. Simpson. SECRETARY. TREASURER. James Hutton, Esq Rev. Canon Balch, D.D. m , ■ i>4 m ■1(7'..' I'M ^<;^'*vvv^ m m •1-.., I ■■.'.■ '.,»'}, 'v-,1. LIFE MEMBERS OF THE DIOCESAN CHURCH SOCIETY. PATRON. His Excellency the Governor General Viscount Monck. PKliSIDKXT. *The Lord Bishop of the Diocese and Metropolitan. •His Excolloncy Lt. Gen, Sir John Michel, K.C.B., Administrator of the Government. Right Honorable Sir Edmund ifeafl. Bart.. K.C.B. His Excellency Ll. Go)i. Sir W. F. AVilliams (of Kars) Bart., K.C.B. General Sir W. Rowan, K.C.B. *Anderson, 'V. B., ]\Iontreal. Ayhvin, Hon. Judge, " Badgley, Hon. Judge, '' *Bon< I. Rev. Canon, R.D., Montreal 'Lraithwaiti . Rev. J., Chambly. 'Ciimpljoll, Major. C.B., '' •Crawford, John. Montreal. (/'hristie. Mrs.. (Jhristieville. •(iault. M. H. •Gil)]). Isaac J.. " *Gil)l). Mrs. I. J.. " (Jritfin.F., " •Johnston, W. P.. Montreal. •Lovell. Jolm, " Miiokie, (Japtain. Mackie, Rev. Gc^x.D.D., Engl'd. Macrae, William, St. Johns. Maclai-en, James. Montreal. Modbury, W. Montague, W. Montiz'inibei-t, E., Quel)ec. •Pangmau, Mrs., Mascouche. Pil^on. Mrs. C. Jersey. •Robinson. Rev. F., AbI>ottsford. Sealv. J. Sewell. Rev. H. D,, Quebec. •Shelton. E. E.. Montreal. •Simpson, G. W., '* •Smith, Alexander, "' Smith, (ieorge, '' Stavner, T. A., Toronto. Stuart. Henry, (J. C,, Montreal. Taj'lor, Maj.Gen., R.A., England. •Thomas, hcmrv, Montic^il. Wait. R(!V. W.W.. Fngland. \Vill)rahun. Rev. C.l'.," England. Williams, John, Wilniot, Col., R.A., * Annual Subscribers also. ORDINARY MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF MONTREAL. Abbott, lion. ). Akers, Capt. Adams, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. G. 11. Bakor, Mrs. J. C. Bagg, S. C. Bagg, Mrs, Balch, liev. Canon. Baich, Mrs. Balch, Miss. Balch, Lewis. Balch, Alfred. Balch, Kate. Baldwin, Rev. M. 8. Bancroft, Key. Canon. Barnston, George. Bartlett, Rev. T. 11. M. Bartlett, Mi's , Bi'thune, Stii-cban. Bethun:^ Mr- A. H. Blac'twood, Mi..-,-i. Bond.-T. B Bo',vk'. •, P/i. Brew-it. r G. Brooke, John Brown, Willx .m. Brown, Mrs. W. Budden. H. Bulmor, £1. Campbvli, R., jun. Carter, George. Chamberlin, B. Cochrane, M. IT. C'onverse, J. A. Cowie, Mrs. Covvie, Miss. Crathorn, Mrs. Crawfoi'd, Mrs. John. Crawford, M. A. E. L. Crawford, E. S. Crispo, F, Cunningham, Mrs. Curran, Rev. W. B. Davies, W. II. A. Dawson, S. E. Day, J. J. Dean, Very Rev. the. Drake, J. M., M.D. Drummond, Mrs. Dumoulin, Rev. J. ?. Dyde, Colonel. Ellegood, Rev. J. Elliott, John. Empey, Alex. Falkuer, J. S. Ferres, J. M. Ferres, John M. Fowler, R. J. Phraser, Dr. Fulford, Mrs. Gault, A. F. Gault, Mrs. A. F. Gault, Mrs. M. 11. Geddes, Charles. (iibb, Beuaiah. Gibb Charles. Gi!)b, J. D. Gii)b. Mrs. J. D, (iodfrev, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. B. Hamilton, R. H. Hai'ris, J, Hill, Mi's. Benjamin. Hollan<(, Mrs. Holland. PhiHp. Hooper, A. (.". Hmvard, Dr. Howard, Mrs. Ilutton, James. Hutton, Mrs. Hutton Mrs. W. II. Johnson, T. R. Johnson, Professor. Kerry, John. King, E. H. Lane. John. i Leach, Yen. Archdeacon. i Leach, Robert. i Lindley, Charles. I Loosemore, Rev. Canon. ^>? 82 m m m m !,t'!i ■ M ■ ;■(■». ■ ■»■■(■" I •■)■■■■':'. ht rh m M '■■ 'K-h'f mi n>? SI; Ml 'Vil •;-''.; r- ^^S' ii im,., :if0Si'-i''\ >•,■'*■ Lovell, John. Jjovell, Mrs. LudLiin, W. Macdonald, W. Macdougall, D. Lorn. Macdougall, H. Mackay, Mrs. 11. Mackay, Robert. Macrae, George. McLeod, Rev. J. A. McMillin, J. P. Moffatt, Mrs. Moffatt, Miss MofFatt, George. Molson, Mrs. M. Molson, Thomas. Morgan, Mrs. Morhmd, Thomas. MulhoHand, 11. Mussen, Thomas. Mussen, Mrs. Mussen, Henry. Newdigate, Major. Parkui, James. Rae, Mrs. Jackson. Ramsay, Mrs. Ramsay. Mrs. W. M. Redpath, Miss. Robertson, Mrs. A. Rose, Mrs. Ross, Miss. Routh, II. L. Sache, W. Schneider, T. H. Scott, C. J. Scott, Dr. Scott, Gilbert Shaw, George. Simpson, Mrs. A. IN Simpson, Mrs. G. W. Simpson. Thomas. Skakel, Mrs. Smallwood, Dr. Smith, G. F. C. Spence, J. C. Stanwaj', George. Stanway, Mrs. Stephen, George. Stephen, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. SuUivan, Rev. E. Sutherland, Dr. Svvanston, ,J. Swinburn, Mr. j Tate, Miss. i Taylor, Reuben. I Tempest, John. } Thomas, Mrs. ! Thomas, E. E. j Thomas, Henry W. ! Thomas, Claude. Thomas, Amy. Thompson, S. II. Thompson, Mr. Townsend, W. Townsend, Mrs. Tuggey, Charles. Turner, William. Whyte, Mrs. J. J. Whitney, II. H. Whyte, John. Williams, Miles. Williams, Miles, jun. Winn, J. II. Wooil, Rev. E. Woodward, Mr. Wright, Rev. W. Wright, Mrs. THE COUNTRY I'AKISIIES. Abbott, Kev.C.P., South Stukely. Allan, Rev. J., St. Vincent de Paul. Anderson, Rev. Canon, Sorol. Anderson, Mrs. John, Sorcl, Armstrong, James, Sorel, Baker, Mrs. W.. Dunham. Baker, W. S., Dunham. Baker, A. L., Freliglisburgh. Brown, Rev. W. R., Waterloo. Christie, Mrs., Christievillc Clark, Mrs. E. A., Sorel. Codd, Rev. F., Aylmcr. Constantino, Rev. I., Stanbridge East. Coote. J., St. Jolms. Cuthbert, Miss, Berthier. Cuthbert, Miss, Sorel. Darnell, Rev, H. F., St. Johns. Davidson, Rev. J. C, Covvansville Davidson, Re; v. J. B. Frelighs- burtrh. Dodwell, Rev. G. B., Chambly, 83 Donalmo, W., West Farnhiim. Duvernet, Rev. I'LJIeiumingtbi'd Ellis, K. A., Waterloo. Evans, Rev. II. J., (Jhristio U. Fenn, Rev. N. V.. Sabrefois. Fortin, Rev. A. L., Ely. h'oster, lion. A. B., Waterloo. Fulton, Rev. .]., Husi^eltown. (iilson, Von. Ari'lui*s»cou, Van- couver, (todden. Rev. John. Dunham. < iodclen,Rev.Thomas. Mascouche Gribble, llev. .lohn, Portag- du Fort, llimtingdon, lion. L., Waterloo. Jones, Rev. J.. Granby. Jones, Rev. W., (Iranliy. Jones, lion, R.. Christieville. Johnson, Rev. T., Abbottslbrd. Lancaster, Rev. C. 11., Clarence- ville. Lewis, Rev. B. P., Brandon. Lindsay, Rev. D., Waterloo. Lindsay, Rev. R., Brome. Lo-,khart, Rev. A. D., Lacolle. liontrueuil, i5aronde, St. Johns. Lonsdell, Rev. R., St. Andrews. Lon-dell, Mrs., St. Andrews. Lowe, John, Frelighsburgh. Macdonald, J. K., St. Andrews. Macdonald, Mrs. J. K., St. An- drews. McGinnis. Williuni, Christieville. Merrick, Rev. J., Morin. Merrick. Rev. C.. Bertliier. Montgomery, Rev. 11.. riiilips- burg. Mussen, Rev. T. W., W(>st Fani- ham. Mussen, Mrs. T. W., West Earn- ' ham. ,Neve. Hev. F. S., (Jrenvillr. : Pyke. Rev. J., Vaudreuil. Reid, Mrs., Frelighsburg. Robinson, Rev. (i. ('., (Jlarendou. Robmson, Mrs. 11., Waterloo. Seaborn. Rev. W. M., Kildare, Shepherd, Capt. R.W., Vaudreuil. Slack, Itev. George, Bedford. Smith, Rev. John, Sutton. Smith, Walton, Onslow. Strong. Rev. S. S., Buckingham. Sutton. Rev. E.G.. Edwardstown. Tate, Rev. F. B , England. Thompson, Rev. .1. 11., Engl;;nd. Thorndike, Rev. C. F., Rouge- mont. Townsend, Rev. Canon, Clarence- ville. Westover, Col. D., Frelighsburg. i Westover, Mrs. Asa,Freligh. burg. IWhitten, Rev. A. T., West Shef- I ford. I Williams. John. Waterloo. Young, Rev. T. A., Coteau du Luc. W^-A- <^i;:i 'lil?:*.v LIST OF CONTItlJJUTOKS FOR 1867. MOMTUKAL. CATUKUllAL. The Lord Bishop *oO.OO. Abbott, Hon. J.C Abbott, Mrs Adiiiiis, Jamei D Ai kTsoii, T. H. . Audorsou, rutricL A. 15 Brooke, John UaflglL'v, Mrs Kal'-li, JJev. Canon andlaniily. I'.acon, G. 11 J^iijfK, S. C liugfi, Mrs HaKg, U. S. O UaKf^T, Catherine S iiagH, A melia J Hagf?, Mary 11 Ba«(,', Helen F HetUune, A. B Hakcr, Mrs Harnston, Geo lietliuno, Strachan 15ellin{,'bani, .Sydney Mrs Blackwood, Miss Coaverse, J Converse, J . A Campbell, 11. jun Carter, (jao Catchpole, Mi.'^s Cainj)ll>('ll, .1 Clerk, J Jiia CloUHtui; ,1.S Co wie, Mrs Cowie, A. M. Iv Cowio, Miss . . Cowie, 11 Dawson, S. E. Mrs Day, virs. Ch. Justi<'<' Davidson, Tbos The Very Kev. ihe Dean Evans, Alessrs Hmjjey, A Evans, J auc Ekcrs, Mrs Ford, Col Friend Eraser, Dr Friend per Ilev. the Dean Fowler, 1{. S Fowler, Mrs Fowler, Miss Friend by Miss Cowi«; Gordon, Jas. . — Grant, II Glass, Mrs Geddes, Mrs Uault, M. 11 $5 00 1 (X) 1 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 i") 00 2 00 50 00 5 00 5 00 (■) 00 2 00 2 00 2 (X) 2 (K) 2 00 2 50 5 00 5 01) 7 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 0.) 5 00 1 00 50 5 00 00 00 00 V.\) 00 5 00 2 50 10 00 4 00 5 00 1 OC- 50 1 00 50 500 10 00 00 10 00 Ganlt, Mrs. JI. II »5 00 Ganlt, L. 11 (ianlt, A. S Gibb, Miss Gibb, B Gongh, A Hall, Henj. Mrs Hoilanil, Mrs Holland, r Holmes, Miss Mill, B. Mrs Hill, B. Mrs 11 o we, M rs Handeock, Mis Hoo])er, A. C Huntingdon, Mrs Hallowell, William Jones, J. -M Joyce, 3Irs Johnson, II. A King, Airs Kerry, J Leiich, Ven. Archdeacon l-egge. Miss E Legge, Miss C Legge, Miss Annii; Lowe, J Ludlam, William Loosemore, Bev. Canon MacCnlloch, Ford .MucCulloch, Mrs. F MacCiilloch, Mrs MucCulloch, Mr. F MacDonald, DcBellefeuil Mae Donald, William MacDougall D. Loru Mrs Mc Kenzie, Fred Mnssen, Henry Musscn, Thos Mnssen, JItk Mussen, William Morland, Messrs. Watson & — Molson, .Maikland Mrs Molsoii, I'hos Moifatt, Miss Moffatt, Mia Murray, .Mrs Murrav, Sliss Niehol, C Ogilviy, Thus Ord, General Ord, Fanny Miss t)rd, (jeneral Major UGti ()rd, Faimy Mi,-s r 4 0(' 4 tMi 2 W> 1 00 85 riiillips, Mrs. {University Street) 82 00 I'liillips, Mrs 2 00 rarkiii, ,J r, (iq I'arkin, MiH8 j fjo Pardy, Miss 1 00 lioSS, Miss 5 ()Q IJoss, I>. A 2 (i(. Kitchio, T. VV 3 qq I{at', .lucksou 4 00 «linu', ti r, ,|„ Skc'ltoii, Mrs 2 IV Sniitli, Mrs !io .Skakcl, Mrs f, „q Siiniisoii, r f) oo .Swanston, .) 5 (k) 'rr'nii)est, J no 5 00 Tyl<"", Mrs. U. 8 4 00 Tl/Hn, Mrs 5 oil Tare, Mrs f, tx) Tate, Miss 2 oO Tate, Miss Fanny 2 t)i( Taylor, Itonben 5 !H) Turner, Misses 2 00 Tooke, Mrs. Thos 1 (hi Tugjiy, Clis 5 oi) Thomas, llenrv 20 (i(j '1 honias, Mrs 2 ) 00 Thomas, Mi.sh Kva .'i (H) 'I'homas, Mi,' s Ann f, 00 Tliomas, H \V 600 Thomas, Claude 5 Oi) Vonner, Mis 2 00 W. I' 300 Webster, A. C. Miss 2 00 White, .1. J. Mrs a 00 Wood, Kup. Mrs 4 00 Wheeler, W . U. D .'j Oo Williams, Miles ,000 AVillwoii. H 1 00 Whvn*., J . J ,5 (K) Ittitteiwuary Boxes ^ 75 95 ST. GSCRUE'.H CHtTBCM. Henutield, Mr?;,* ,.„. 100 Itpauiield, Mrs. It. jun 50 IMackman. t'lus 5 00 Bond, Itf'V. ( au«ai 4 00 liond, .Idiin li ,') (H) Hroch, Mrs. .1 2 OO IJroiidsdon, .J. li 4 00 lUidden, H. A 5 00 llulmcr, H 5 (K) C'Implin, Kdward 4 0<» Cliarters, ICd ward 1 00 <'hri.stian. S. li 5 00 t'laro, W. H 10 00 (Mork, Alex 2 00 Coclirane, M.' H 5 00 ( raw tjrd, .John 50 00 l>nrey, I'ml'^.-sor 2 00 DcOcturcey, i'Jiza I 00 Dennie, Airs 2 00 Donnelly, Mrs 1 Od Dupuv, Miss 60 lilliott,John 10 Co i:>'»"^-«-H j^i 00 [/■••'•"^.•'.M :::;:■;;:::• Im I'lM-ies, John - nn iM.otner, Mis 1 ,,,< Krcor.Mrs. K. ,S ., n" t Miiiil, (by Aliss Gault).. . .'...'.'." 25 ^'"iilt, Mrs , - n,, <.ault, Mi.ss '. o <. unit, Miss !•• :.::: ^.,^^ (iuuit, A. F... ;; ;, (.ault. Mrs. A. fV. ■.:■.■.; ''. ^ t 5 00 Kirkwood, J. K 1 qO Lanii)loii;/|i,H.S 5 00 Lewis, Mis., 2 OO Lovell, .John lo (}0 Lovell, .Mrs lo on Lunn, Miss 1 00 MacDutr, Thos 2 00 Milne, .Mrs. l oit .MoHiitt, (M'or^e 20 00 Monk, .Mrs. (jeoige 2 00 Moore, .Mrs '. 1 Qo Morpan, .Mr< 2 00 .Moss .Mrs. W 1 00 Mulliolland, Henry lo 00 Meld, .Alls. !•; 1 00 Niviii, .Mr. W 1 00 Parker, \. I) 2 50 ratterson, Mrs 5 00 J'limsoll. ,)olin 2 0) Ueddv, Dr 2 00 Keeves, .Mrs 1 00' Uouth, II. J 5 00 Uyan, .Mrs 2 00 Scott, Dr. W. F 10 00 .seott, ( J 5 00 Schneiji'-r, I'bos. II 5 00 Seiiltht.rp, .lames 2 00 Slielton. K. K 20 00 Shepherd, .Mrs. li. VV 5 O'J Shepherd, II. W 2 00 Simms & Co., U 10 OO Smith, O. F. <.' 5 00 Stsin wuv, Oorge 20 00 Stanwav, »rs 10 00 Striheni, Mi> tO Sullivan, Uer E 7 £0 Tate, .Mrs 1 00 Thoma^, C. 1* 1 00 Thompson, Mr 1 00 '•'"i Sttt ., )i ■ ■.■'..'"jr- ■■■;' m vS M' 86 Vnss, Miss *1 00 Vi'if, Mrs ir, Waddell.Mr. S 2 00 WftiHl, Ali'x 1 (10 Wliitnoy, 11. II b 00 WhifiiPV, Mrs. N. S ^00 Williams. Miles, jun fi 00 Workmnii, Mrs 6 00 firm r.o Jligi'ioniiry Hoxos 37 STi^ i?70386i CHUnCH OF HT. JAMK8 TUB APOSTLE. December 18G7. Collected hy Mrs. H'oodirard. Wright. IJov.W., M.D 7 50 "\Vrigi4t, Mrs' 2 50 Woodward, Mrs 5 CO Urummond, Mrs 10 00 JMy. Mr. .J. J 5 00 Kprrv, Mr. A 2 (K) IJedputli, Miss 5 00 »37 00 Collected by ^f>•a, Dorinin. Archer, Mrs 5 00 Stuart, Mrs. 11 2 (lO Lamb, 3Ir« 1 00 I'orteoiis, Mrs 1 no Isaacson, Mrs 1 <"i IJiirhuid, iMrs 8 OO Slacken/ie, Mrs 5 00 » $18 00 Collected bji A. Friend. Hill, Miss 2 00 Gale, Mii-s 2 (K) riiiirips, Mrs. W. E 2 00 Kyte, Mr.«. V 1 00 Eadie, 51 rs 1 00 Laslett, Mrs 2 00 Crispo, ,Mis ")() Cramp, Mrs 2 00 Freer, Mrs. W. M 2 (JO 9U 50 Collected by Mr. C. Linhy. Hull, Mr. J. S 5 (H) MathowMin, Mr, h 5 00 Liuley, Mr. C 3 (M) Linley, Sirs S 00 J^inloy, Miss 1 00 .«17 00 Collected by Mi$3 Ramsay. Raillie, Mrs 1 00 Hlack, Mrs L. S 4 OO ('rat hern, Mrs 5 00 Kftii.suy , Mrs , 5 Clarke. Mrs JfS 00 Tliomp80ii, Mrs. S 6 00 $23 (10 Collected by Mi, llandcock. Mrs 50 llaiman. Mr 50 Hempstead. Mr 1 OO llannlton, Mrs. .lohn 5 OO .loiies, Miss 1 0(» .lones, Mrs. Dr 60 Keith. Mrs ] 00 Mead, Mr- 50 McKireber. Mrs 50 Norman, Kev. U. W 2 00 Noxon, .Mrs 50 I'ipon, Mrs 2 00 I'rentiee, Mrs 5 00 Hoss, Mrs. A 2 (H) Knssell, Mr 50 Shutcr. Mrs 50 Shaw, Mr 1 00 ' .' !■ 87 ;;i (1(1 00 (10 Stuart, Mrs. W. W ^55 oo Swinburn, Mr 5 (jg Sponco. Mr. J. C , 5 00 Tatt", Mr \ f,o Thomas, J[r. W 2 00 Tew. l)r r,o Wood, Ut'V.E (i (X) VouiiB, Mrs 2 50 Young, Alias j ()^) ... , ^ »yO H7J Missionary boxes 8 00 S'JH 87i ST. STKl'HENS CIIUUCH, Collected by Mhsts Smith. Koclh, Mrs SO fjO 50 00 00 Howes, Mr. Cnrriin, W. II. 1{ht. ('larli(>, i<'. Mrs Craino, Mr Dyer, Mr Dunninj;, Sir Enipson, .Mr i'niicott, Mr Kl(l)itt & IVardon.. Fuller, Mr« Fennie, John S (iaiablo, -Mrs. . .... Harris, Jlr 1 1 arris, Mr. .Tohn . . llaunhfon, Mr. .. . Ileaiy, Mrs .lolinstoii, Mrs Hall, Mr. J.S Kyte, Mr ilorton, .Mr. (i. M.. , Moville, Mrs iMcCrudden, Mrs... ISniallwood Dr , .Scott, .Mr. G , Nniifli, Mr. Alex Smith, Mrs. Alox. . .Smith, Mrs .Smith, Miss M. . . . .Swain, Mrs. (i .Swain, Misg .Scott, Mrs. Tate. .Mrs. ^'onii^i, .Mrs White, Mr. Harry.. Wilson, Mr. W . .. Total .. SG8 60 PT. TnOMABCHUilCH. Fcst, W $1 00 Gaw, II. Hawkins, r Jones, Hon. U.(W. &0.). Mason, Jolm McLpo.I, Rev.. I. A TlKMupson, .loseph Vincent. H White, Thos Sums undor oO cts hd f)l) 5 00 2 00 7 "lO 1 00 1 00 . 1 0. M) TniMTY ciiuncir. Ilancron, Uuy. Canon D.D «: f,0 I'ninl, C. J \ /,, 15ailey, Jumcs D i rL ("hapiiuui, Geo r ,„ <'ratl.ern,llio3 V. r q <'lmrdi,J .;•. Vm HuMouJin, Uov.J.l'..,:; 7 r" I'letchcr, W id) tiarth, It ;;;;• { o,; (jarth, Chas r. no Cioiildon. J 1 00 Haldimand, Mrs •> 00 Henderaon. W '. t ^M Henderson, L). H " " r^ 00 .ludgo Edgar ;.■.■;.■; 2 r,„ ii Atricani, Goo 200 "".'"i.W; •••'•• 2 (to I'rincp. Henry 1 mi I'eii.A.j..... :;;;:; \l\ SavagcJ.G 1000 h'l--". J 1 00 Smith, W. 2 » Walton, J. A '.',[ 2 dO Walton, Mrs ...,..' 3 ii') Wray, Joa 1 o,, Walker, W.S 1 00 Cash 1 (II) $88 &0 !gi20 00 DKANERY OP BEDFORD. BEDFORD. FOIl CHURCH 80CIKTY. Collected By MUs Alcomhrack. Adams, Kelson SI 00 Adams. Abel 7;') Alcombrack, Ebi^nnzer 1 00 Alcombrr,ck, Hichard 1 (10 Borden, A. M 1 (h» Beck, Alexander 1 00 Butler, Mrs. H .'iO Knight, Mrs A. S 50 Martin, Sarah M 50 .Martin, Annie 50 .Martin, Mrs. Itichard 50 Uixford, E 1 00 Reid, James ,50 Woodbury, -Mrs. I'hilip 50 Woodbury, Miss L 50 Whitcomb, U. M 50 Sll 25 Collected by Miss M. Foster. Brown. M«. N. S SO 50 Brown, Mrs. A. L 50 Briggs, .Mrs. J, N 1 00 Caslott, Mrs. E 50 Dickenson, R. N. P 2 00 Dickenson, .Mrs. R 100 Decker, Mrs. R 50 Decker. Barnaban 50 Moigs.Mri.D 1 00 •.., M. mw '•■j;i;>.i i.ifij I 88 MoiffH, IMii. M Jl (10 Olivor. W f)(» Niillcy, (icorpo M Sums under oO ceutB W) ISIO 00 Cillcctidhy Mr. 11. L. Sl-tch. Harnos, Lyman SO 75 Crei'lor, J«ri'iiiia]i fiO Frolipli, (inllowHv 1 (lO llnnvcr, Mrs. .lohn T)*) Mills, John. \ W) MillH. Mrs. JdliuX 50 Mills, (iiillowiiy W) I'ritiiincrniiin. Mrs. U M .Scliodicratt, Mary Td) SuiMK inidt'r f>0 ctiitH 50 Sf5 75 Col'ected hy Rev. G. Slack. Corr/, Jirotlicrs $2 00 <'oroV, John 11 1 00 (^Inflin, Alrn 1 (M) MoutIc, John 1 00 Slorgan, William 2 00 Son)v, Jo.s»'ph 1 ro .slack, Ucv. (jleo 7 50 Slack, MrK 2 00 Chait. $17 Watson. »1 50 Collected by Mr PIioliis, Hiram SI 00 Ueiil, John 5(> V'auKlnin, ^'elfion o ,')0 Watson, Charles 100 S3 00 Total S-17 50 150LT0N. FOR OnOAN IJf E. nOLTON, CFIUUCH. Uaispd ir r>. Holton, Oyster .Sup- per proceeds of SS7 10 I'roceeds of Concert 7 00 Davis, Hetsy i oo Channel, S. S 1 00 Mattiin, Mr (),'■,() I'oinel, David () 50 Smyth, M.&T 175 ^4H 94 liaised »n Waterloo. Lindsay, Rev. D $0 50 Kobinson, II. L l oo Fourdrinier, F. K 50 Foster, Slack & Co 1 CO Allen. C. Williams, John Small sums 1 00 1 00 50 »5 50 Total Amount raised 5554 Amount still due Mr. Jas. Austinps who purchased the or;;an, and has paid for it $68 94 14 rcin tinRCH sotJK'iv. Taylor, W ift] oO Austin, Jas. jr i 00 Sargent, Ale.x 100 l''t'HMenden, Mrs \ oi) Sargent, Mis 60 \\ iUiuuis, Mrs n 50 *5 00 IlKOMi;. Fo.ster, U. S 52 0^ SVilliumH, S. R -^ ot> llewson, Isaac l (i<) Alills, F 1 ()0 Lvncli, Mrs 1 0'' Cliandler,A \ o') I'rinie, hr 1 5O llancrott, Mrs i o'> Harber, Misa 10'* Chandler, K 1 yO Chandler, A l 0'* Fo-ttcr, Mrs. S. W ,50 I'ettcs, Mrs. >' 55 Scott, Airs, (i . 1 70 Lindsay, Rev. 1> 7 5 FOR MISSION AT KNOWI.TON. Foster, H. S $(){» no Dunkin, C. lion r,{) 00 Knowlton, L. M ai» CO llewson, Isaac 15 00 Mills, F (i 00 Mills, Albert \> no Lynch, Thos lo 00 \\ heeler, Mrs -j oO lloneyman, J 5 oO I'ettes, N 10 00 Uepan, W. O 5 OO Kimball, L 4 00 Mitchell. A. E 2 00 Archibald, J. .S li (»o Marsh, I' 50 Sanborn, J 400 Knowlton, T. A 10 (lO Foster, S. W 25 ( Farmer, J 2 IJall, Jacob 2 Tibbetts, K 4 Tibhetts, U 2 (iilnian, Mre 2 Hall, J 2 Fldridgc, '->■ Sanborn, J 1 Wil.sou, F 2 Marsh, S 2 Thompson, W 1 Farmer, G 2 llewson, Jos 1 I'ibus, John 1 Chumberlan, T 4 I'atterson, M 3 i'atterson, G 1 Holston, F 1 Macfarlane, J 4 Kobb, G 4 Foster, Ur 25 00 Hlunt, F 2 00 Knowlton, 11 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 89 imoMK conNKns. rhniminn.Tlios u,j „o rrimc, Dr. I. M ,• ,,„ ,\V"'"r' '.!•'' • alioo ( haii.ll.-r, h 7,^ •;;"""'■< :,• 100 '," '-^^ 2(K) * , <• 100 ''"""• •' 1 00 ?J,I'"»<'1|- <-" 1 00 '•'"'. •' loo • •loi. Mn 2 00 I'otts, il 2 (to r'H*:!'. I- '.'.'." f) 00 riitcli, A 1 (JO .Iiicksoii, K ". J 1^) I{ 1 00 Scot', Jeilcdiali 5 00 Hasliiij;s, .loim 5 00 llaHtiii},'s, Amos. ., 2 00 Scott, Ira 2 00 Robl), W 1 00 JltMiliam, KnoH 5 00 Scott, .John., jr 1 00 MolFatt, .loliu 1 00 McClay, Win 75 Smitli, Henry 1 50 Sliul'elt, .1 2 00 Shufclt, Lnvi 7 00 MeCnini, G 2 00 Wilkiikson.Thos 9 00 McClay, J 2 50 S155 35 For Clergiiman's support. Scott, Jedcdiah 5f5 00 rainier, K. M 5 00 Getty, James 5 00 Courtney 1 5 00 .lenk nson, J. W 2 00 I'eacoek, II. V 8 00 Shulelt, J.I) 5 00 ShuCult, II. D 2 00 i>'jjH..i. n... ■■.■.■. ■.■.■.::;:■•• :; J^ Itarb.r, .Iol,n T, l«arl.rr, Diiwd o McCrum, Martlia '.■.. 'I rll Mollatt, W lf,\ Whit.lu.ud.l /, 'r Cook, Otis '.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'. ofr, S'iO 76 For n,r>iyninn''< support. Graves, .liinien C ft.T "5 (iraves, J. I) '\ j, ."• Arni^lrnnir, Hotiprf ...'..'.."' 4 Tii) ISIiiin, J. ,s '" 1 (ui i'l.eips. K.I- ■.:■.::::.•■ ] oo ISooih, It. (, 2 (^^ McLauphliii, A 1 00 ?12 50 rOWANSVILLK AM) .SWKFTS- lU'IU;. l-OIl CI.KIKiVMAJi'S PlIPl'OUT. Adniiis, (ieorge })!20 oO Abbott, A. 8 2 00 Haker, Geo. B -ir, 00 HoriKlit, (ieo r, 00 Howker, I). A ] oo Rowker, M. II 1 oi) Brown, Ur. Clias 4 oi) Hrown, L. S 2 50 IJnclianan, G. C. V 10 00 Cftiter, Wm.jun 500 Church, Henry ;{ I'o Cotton, Dr c, 01 Cotton, (icorpo 14 ;)'> Cotton, I homas fi no Cowan, Peter 10 00 Dent, John 2 fO Dent, Joseph 4 X) I )ohert V, Robert 4 00 Ford, Auj^ustus 2 00 Ford, John 4 00 Fuller, E. I) 8 OO Fuller, Hiram .'i 00 (Joddard, Eli.sha 1 > Hall, Cnlvin 4 00 Hurlburt, Anmi=8 2 00 Jones, Joseph 5 00 .Icnes, Lafavetto 1 00 Kathan, William 5 00 Kathan, Carter C 4 00 Kempt, Ed-'on 5 00 Miller, Edward 2 00 McKinlev, Wm 2 00 McLaufihlin. Wm 1 00 Pharaoh, Jolm 2 00 Pickle, Abraham 3 00 Robertson, W 1 00 Ruiter, (ieor^e 1 OO Ruitor, James 10 00 Scott, P. P 1 00 Shulelt, George 10 00 :-i iS^i^SRSl ,%, ^. v^^^o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l££ P'- .2 I.I ^ 140 IH0 2.2 2.0 1.25 U ill 1.6 lU Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WfST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ,-\ •s^ N> ^9> V 4^ 4^" 6^ z 90 Smith, Misfl.Tane 81 00 Snii'hoiio, Mrs 2 00 Traver, Hiram 8 00 Vinccnt.N 1 00 Wells, & Quackenboss 3 00 Williaiiis, Uoorgc 2 00 Wood, Dr 2 00 Wood, Samuel 2 00 Total 8229 50 FOU CIICUCH SOCIKTV. Collected by MisK Davidson, and Miss Brown. Adams, Geo 81 00 Adams, Mrs. Geo 1 00 Adams, G. U 50 Adams. Mrs. G. A 50 IJori(,'lit, G 50 J{orif,'lit. Mrs. G 50 Hori(flit, Hiram 50 Uoright, Curtis 60 IJakor, G. IJ 1 00 Uaki'r, Mrs. G. B 1 00 Brown, Mrs. Chas 1 00 Jtucliauan, Mrs. G. C. V 50 Carter, Mrs. William 2 (lO Cowan, Peter 1 00 Cotton, 00 Miircliall, Mrx. Jas 60 O'lliioii, Mr«. I{ 5' O'lJiifii, Miss* Alice 50 Sunia under 50 cents 1 26 »7 76 Collected hi/ Misx Abbie Brown. Krown, E 81 00 IJrown, C'. T. C 1 00 OlpiiKon, If 25 Oliver, James 1 (lO Staiiilaiitl, S. II. S 50 ?3 75 Chamberlin, Miss M. A $1 00 Gudiieu, Kev, J 7 50 Total S72 00 FKELIUllSmJUG, ST. ARMAND EAST. FOR CHURCH BOCIKTY. Collected btj Rev. J. Burroios Davidson. J. Hurrows Davidson $7 50 Mrs. Keid . 5 00 Miss Wostovcr 100 Mis.s Julia Westover 1 00 Miss (^aroline Titteinore 25 Asa Westover 1 (10 Jlrs. A. Westover 1 (lO Miss Mary Uosonberger ii 50 Rust;el (iilsou 7 00 A. I>. Haker 5 00 D. Westover 5 00 Mrs. O.J. Kemp 1 00 A Friend— as usual 1 00 W. M. I'atfison 1 00 F.J, I'arker 1 00 Mrs. Chamberlin 2 00 Lester Reynolds 50 Miss Marv Reynolds 50 ]Mrs. H. Reynolds 50 II. N. Whitman 1 00 Mrs. r. Whitman 50 C\ F. Warner 50 Mrs. r. F. Warner 50 Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Itliun 50 T. V. Whitman 50 Mrs. T. V. Whitman 60 Mrs. lliram Krans 1 00 Mrs. G. L. Krans 26 IJinfrham Krans 50 (J. L. Krans 1 00 tFanies Westover 1 00 Mrs. James Westover 1 00 James (;. Tell 1 00 A(|uila Knap 100 Iliiniphri'v Chadburn 60 (Minrles W. Hastablo 1 00 J.B. Seymour 50 »54 50 GKANHY. Annesley, J., and family $2 50 Apothecary, G o 60 Anderson, W .". ' o 75 Brack, Mrs. A j oo Brack, John "..'" i oo Brack, Mrs. John j oo Butterworth, S ; ."." i 75 Baillie, Mrs 2 CO Baird, Mrs. R., and family ....'..'. 2 00 Bordwine, '^liss 2 00 Bradford, John ,.', 10 00 Cairns, Mrs 300 Coburn, M q 50 Coupland, F ". 1 oO Cook, I'eter ', 1 00 Cummings, Mrs '. 1 oo Cutler, U. W l oo Drew, George 50 Erskine, Mrs 1 oo Frizzell, Thomas 50 Furgesson, A l oo Furgcsson, Thomas l oo iTost, W 1 00 Gray, W 1 00 Gray, Mrs. W 1 00 Gray, Miss 25 Griggs, Jared 2 00 (ifiggs, Alonzo 2 00 Griggs. Truman 2 00 Gilmour, F. C G 00 Gilmour, Dr. W 6 00 Gilmour, Edward 4 CO Harris, Olden JO Horner, James 1 CO Johnstone, Thomas 1 f Johnstone, Andrew tO Kennedy, Robert 1(0 Kennedy, James 2 (0 Moran,Mrs 1(0 Mitchell, Aug fO Mitchell, Aug., jun 15 Mitchell.G.S 1 (0 Murray, James 1(0 McLane, Thomas f Musgrove, W fO Neil, Joseph 1 < Nicol, Robert 2(0 Penny. Samuel 2(0 Pow,'Thomas 1(0 Payno, Josiah 4(0 I'aync, Mrs. Josiah 1(0 Pilsworth, W fO Reynolds, James .'0 Reynolds, Mrs. James f Reynolds, Miss 55 Ray, .'Samuel 2(0 Ray, Mrs. Samuel 1(0 Ray, (harles 3 10 Rav, Mrs, Charles 1(0 Roder, George f Rodor, William 1 CO Smith, S.(' 6f0 Streeter, W 1 f Spackman,T 4 00 Starr, Henry 1 CO Savage, Alonzo 4 OO Vipond, John 1 <;0 \\oolley, Frederick 2 rn Watson, Robert 50 Watson, Thomas 1 CO ''■.:., .IM IT. f •tf 3 92 Wntpon, Mrs. Tliomas 91 00 Wullact', Mnry 1 00 WiM'cdon, llfiiry 1 00 AVhitcomb, l)r 12 00 Warren, Oliver 4 00 Wurrcn, Miss 1 00 Warren. (ioDrpo 1 00 Wilkins, Mrs. .1 1 00 WilkiiiH. Miss Mnry 1 00 Wood, Franklin fi 00 Williams, Mrs. Daniel 60 West, John 4 00 FOR CHUBCH SOCIETY. Abbott, Dr 1 00 Hordwine, Miss f)0 Bradford, John 2 00 Ulainpin, Mrs f>0 Gilmour, V.V 1 00 (iilmour, Kdward 50 Cairns, M rs 50 Spackman.T .W Jones, Kev. J 7 50 Jones, Hcv. W 7 50 Warren. Oliver 50 Warren. Miss ."iO Wood. F 1 00 .Sava;je. Alonzo 1 00 (.'umininKH, Mrs 50 Wilkiiis, Mrs .50 Eight Subscribers 25 cents each ... 2 00 8 27 50 KOUTII .SIIKFFOHD. Ashton, William 5 00 Ashton, Williaip, No. 2 3 00 Ashton, Henry 2 00 Ashton, Matthew 2 00 Ashton, Uaniul 2 00 llurton. .lames 2 00 (jleer, NelBon 1 W) Ualbraith, Alexander 3 00 Galbraith, Mrs. Alexander 1 00 Gtilbraith, John 3 00 Heffcrnon, Mrs. W 2 00 Hetferuon, .lames 1 00 Hefl'ernon, .John 1 50 Hettl-rnon, Robert 1 00 Kennedy, Walker 1 00 Kennedy, Robert 1 00 Kennedy, Miss 1 00 J.«wis, fczekiel 1 (X) Ix>wis, .lames 1 oo I^ewis, Mrs. James 50 Martin, C 2 00 Martin, .Sylvester 100 Martin, Mrs. SylvestiT 60 Martin, Elijah . 2 00 Martin. Mrs. Simeon 1 00 Nicol, John 1 (K) Outhet, Mrs. 8 2 00 Oiithet. 11. U 3 00 Spencer, J. C 2 00 Spencer, Abel 1 50 Siandish, Joseph 2 00 Standi"!!, Mrs 1 oo Standish, William 1 (K) Staudish, Mrs 1 oo Scott, Jlatthow J|tt 50 Savn(,'t«, Abraham 3 00 Savage, Mrs. Abraham 1 (X) Savage, ( liarles 4 00 Savage, Sylvester 3 (X) Savage, William 1 00 Sava,!;e, Mrs. William 1 26 Savage, Itoberl 1 iK) Savage, Erastus 50 Talbert. (ieorge 3 00 Whitcomb, Leonard 50 Omitted in jtiul Jlf/Kirts. Savage, Miss Amanda, 180;") 5 00 18,0 5 00 Koii rnuncii kkiktv. Ashton, Mrs. W 50 Asliton, Mrs. W., No. 2 50 Savage, Abraham 50 .Savage, Mrs. Sylvester 1 00 Subscriptions linder 50 cents 1 75 «4 25 riiiLirsBiitci. Collected by Miss Whitwell and .Misa .Munsou «'J8 OO Cheesman, C. U fl 00 Cheesman, Mri< 1 1). cker, L. W 1 dO Duel, Mrs. John. . : i> 50 (iili.ert, Mrs. (i. W 1 M Gilbert, Mrs. D. 11 1 00 Henderson, .lohn 1 00 Jam*>son, Mrs. S 1 00 Keeiian, Mrs 1 .Montgomery, Rev. 11 7 50 Munson, Miss 50 Nvo, D. T, R 50 Olcott, Miss 1 00 Roberts, ( hcster 1 00 Roberts, Mrs. T. R 50 Russoll, Mrs 50 Smith. .Mrs. W. W 1 00 Somerville. Mrs. A 50 Strict, Mr. L. F 1 00 Strict, Mr. II. IJ. . 1 00 Strite, Mrs. L 60 Whitwell. Mrs 2 50 Wickliir.'. Samusl 6<) Young 5Iis8 1 00 PLEASANT VALLEY. Collected by Miss N. Hun- gcrford »1 88 Duel. James »0 50 Hung'-ribrd, A. A 1 ' Sums under 5 )c 38 CKNTllE UOAI>. Collected br Miss Throope and .Miss Rosenberger. ... ffO d't Bingham, Mrs. C »0 50 Luke Mrs. r. 2nd 50 Moore, .Mrs. Hon. I'. H I 00 Rosenbergor, Mrs. E 50 m 93 fiewcll. Mrs. A 5050 1 liroopc, Mis^ 1 Sums uiuI«t60c '. 3 15 For Clcrtfyinnii'n Mippiid, iucliidmjr |H'W rents !?1&6 00 Ilrij,'hiuii, .J.S., M D 9 6 0) JSuilcy, Lutlicr 5 (jo CliccMiiiui. C. U 1 ) I Cr issftt, Mn 2 00 l>('CKcr, L. \V 10 00 I'L'llcrs, Mrs {•,(>) Ford, Miss 3 (.(j Hi'iuliM noil, .lolin {■) 0(1 Ciclliiiijis, 1M1J8 1 fo Iliilt, Mrs 2 00 .lanifsoii, H J'HK) •l()linsi>ii, ,1 3 (J, I Kwiuiii, .Mrs 3 (i(j Krans, (jiiriior 5 00 I^'ikt'. r. K 5 00 J-u c, i'. K. (2n(l) 5 00 Mociri-, lion. 1'. II 15 OO M"on', II. I> 2 00 MorKiiM, \V 3 00 Murray, Mr 6 00 >M', 1). I'. II 8 0,1 Oliott. Miss 6 (1(1 Hol)(v,-i, T. U 10 00 Ku! Camniil, .Martin 1 ,,,< Canipliell the Misses ....■" <> m CrosK-tt, Miss ;::; ft,H) tinruiner, .1.1' 1 ,u, Gutiitrie, ij ;;••; { ;, Guilierii', D. (i '" j qo Iltilsupple, John 1 0(1 lliliiiaii, Joseph ' 2m) J^/"''"' J"'"' ■.'.■.■■.■.■.■.■.■.■ 1 50 Mirlm, Mry 1 |,n .Mitchell, E. H ■■.'■.■'.■". 4 Oo Mitchell, Chas ' 4 oy Mitchell, George 3 on I'alnier, L. U.. '. 1 1,0 'cils, Mrs. h 1 on I'elKMissK '.'..'.'.'.'.'. 1 vo I'riinmernmn, I'eter 3 00 I'rininiernian, F ,s 00 I'rinniieini 11, J. J 2 OO Kosenberper, Dp icl .. s iO Sap''r.''M 300 f^apT, N 3 00 Smiih, Mrs. V 3 50 Tittemore, II 3 o.j Tittemore, U. L 2 CO Tittemore, ( 'harks 2 00 Thomson, Miss 5 (,() Yates, K 4 00 latcs, Ciipt, r 3 00 Small sums 1 50 rOTTON. CLKROYMAN'8 STIPEND. liaised at Wlllard's Mills. Marsh, Palmer $10 00 Arthur, John 10 00 McGowan, II. W 10 00 Willard, John C 10 00 Hlaisdale, John 10 00 Hall, John C 10 00 Merriman, F. G 10 00 Plielns, S 10 00 Hinds, Mrs 1 (h) Fuller, Luther 2 00 Fuller, Mr 1 00 The subscriptions at E. Bolton have not been taken up, owing to recent changes in the mission. FOR FABSO^AOZ. Merriman, F. G 26 00 Hall, John C 26 fMi Willard, John C 25 OO McGowan, H. W., M.D 5 OO Halds^vorth, Beuj 3 OO Sargent, Alex 2 00 MacMannis, John 5 0( 1 Austin, Jos., jr 5 00 Thompson, P. E 1 00 Allen, Wm 1 00 Taylor, J. W 2 (Ki Channel, Henry 2 00 ;, •' ■■"I 94 Uamlal, Wm iJl 00 I'caiiley, Kdwiii ;f O" Ad»ins. Charlas ;i pO rorklns, li. A 2 00 Manson.li.N : J 00 I.oneloy, K 1 0» rorklnsVU 100 Maiison. N 1 00 Downing, U JOO Mauaon, D. A 1 00 Maniou.U 2 00 SOUTH STUKELY. FOR CLKBOTMAN'A STIPEND. Armstrong, 1* Urown, J Blake, A Itrid^e, VV. II HVL7.7.0, H. U liruokti, H. L Itlake, S Clarke, D. L Carrs, Mr Cniwlbid, T (Menion.", 11 (.'haniieil, F. 1*.... Cairns, (r Dobaon, T Dunl p, R (Jreavea, S Giddinj<3, G (ioddarii, C. A.... (jialbraitli Ham, Mra Jlumiihrcy, W — Kuowlton, S Knowlton, L. VV. Knowlton, M. A.. Knowltou, W. K. Knowlton, L. H. . . Lobb, U Ubby, L Martin, H. J Martin, It. Ci Alartiu, G. A Mudge G I'arsons, W I'earaon, R I'oamon, II IVrdue, T refers, R rnrkcr, .S. S Parker, Mrs. H... Kicliardson, C Kogan, r. M Spencer, G. H. .. . Sargount, W. A. . Htuart, T. J Savage, J Sheplierd, J Sarg ant, R. A. . . Taylor, L Tangey, W. 11... TamTalyn. W. A . . Todd,D.T TrecthGWoy, T. . . . Willard, W \f hitehouse, K. . . , Williams, S .1112 00 60 2 10 .^0 50 6 00 4 60 1 00 3 00 1 00 105 1 20 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 2 50 1 <0 1 00 1 00 050 50 « 00 1 00 1 00 60 50 5't 1 (JO 100 1 00 50 050 2 00 1 00 60 101 10 00 1 50 200 1 00 300 200 100 2 60 100 060 1 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 200 Warren, J 93 00 Wells, J 1 00 W hitney, C 60 Whitney, B iO Worth, J 1 00 To'ttl 8101 85 P. S.— The Hon. L. 8. Huntingdon'! subscription for 18G6, «10.00. FOR OnURCU iOCIKTY. Collected bi/ the Jlev. C. P. Abbott. Rev. C. P.Abbott.... Abbott, Mrs Blake, A ••••.., Brooks, H. L Blake, S Bailey, Mrs. L Bailey, Miss A Brown, Mra Billinga, W Currier, II Channel], J Channel], Mrs Dunlop, R G. ddard.C Goddard. Miss M. A. Hand .' Collected by Miss Liicy Baker. Coroy.lirs j)i oi Oorcy, Mosox 1 OO Bakor, Thomas l 00 .SandtTsoii, I) o 50 Cort'j^, J. C 1 00 A Friend 50 For Local I'urpuses 4 75 Collected bij Miss P. May Cornell. Coriicll, Mrs. Z J|0 50 Cornell, Mrs. E 50 Cornell, Mrs. S.H 1 75 t'oniell. Miss P. M 100 Coninll, (".II 1 00 Coriipll, M. K 75 Coriu'll,(". K 50 Knight, Mrs. E. C 50 Ulivur, A 25 Anderson, (). U 40 For i^ocal Purposes 7 00 Ilev. \. Constantino's, subscription S7 50 Collection lor W. & O. Fund 2 75 " " Missiy Purposes. . . 2 5i) " Synod 2 00 Special Collection 3 00 Special (Missionary Meeting) 6 39 Collected lor Sunday School 8 10 Special Offering .... 3 00 l*or Ladies Society 18 80 For I ncidental Expenses 8 53 Offertory 63 27 Special Offertory 5 53 (iablo Windows & ilounting 40 00 Cornell's Mrs. window 35 • Sponce's, Mr. gable window 25 00 Siihscripiions for Lamps. Urigg:*, W. .F 51 27 Cornell, .Mrs. K 1 00 Cornell, Mrs. Z 1 00 Vincent, Mrs 50 .lenne, Mrs 25 Elder, Mrs 5t Sheldon, A 25 Gardner. I> 50 Pierce, W 1 00 Free. J. A 50 Free, Miss 2.5 Palmer, Mrs 23 Oliver,A 60 Baker.John l'» 00 llakcr.T 1"0 Corcy.B 100 Corey,.T. C 100 llhienrd.L.F 47 SUTTON. POn CUUUCH SOC'IKTY. Boright. Mrs. (i.T §1 00 Horight, Mrs. S. N CO Davison, A so f>ycr,C.C 500 Pypr, it,. A 1 00 i?yer.A. 50 Irary, Asa i oo Frary, G.G i oO Hamilton, Mrs so pjnP.K ; 1 00 Lalanne, Miss i oo Niblock, A 100 Scotield. Mrs ."".*." 50 Smith, Kevd. J 7 60 Squior, Mrs. S 1 00 FOR MISSIONAUT'S BLPPORT. Allen, Jeremy CoopUnd, John Boright, G. IL & S. N. Copeland, T Davison, A Dyor,G.C... Frary, Asa Frary, G. G Frary, G. VV Ur.le,.>. W Hunt, A Hunt, J. P Kemp, E Lalleur, A Lalanne, Miss MoHktt,T Newton, T Niblock, A Uobinson, J Uoyce.E. C 815 00 2 00 15 00 1 00 3 00 , 30 00 15 00 . 10 00 . 10 00 400 . 3 00 , 6 00 . 20 0-) . 1 00 . 5 00 . 3 00 ,. 8 00 . 3 00 ,. «00 . 1 W) ABERCORN. FOR CUUUCH 800IBTY. Anderson, J. D $ 50 Fayo. R. E 1 00 Nield,A 50 Jaquays, H.L 50 Soaton, B 1 00 Seaton, Mrs 50 Spencer, R 50 FOR MISSIONARY'S SUPPORT Boright, Dennis $5 00 Fayo,R. E 8 00 Newton, S 4 00 Nield, A 12 00 Jenny, C 6 00 O'Brien,!' 10 00 Robinson. S. & A « 00 Ross, G. W 5 00 Sampitr, Levi 6 00 Sawyer, Ed 6 00 Seaton, B 14 00 Shepherd.L. L 5 00 ^ h ,:J ■l 96 Sppncor, It Willey, Jainos. $10 00 5 00 3M WATKHLOO. FOR CnU«CII SOCIETY. Collected by Mn. Ellis. Arnold. A 1 00 Arnold. Mrs 60 AlliMi, D. L 60 Allen. K. n 1 00 Allen, Miss 50 Asliton. Mrs. U 75 IMackwood, John 2 00 Hell. W.J 60 ButU'r, Mrs. J. C 1 60 Uiitlcr, Eninift 50 IJiitltr, Lucia 60 IJiittor.-'hv, Ur 1 00 IJcanl, >Irs. C 5" IJucon, .Mrs. H 60 Booth. Miss M.J 1 00 Chamberlain. Miss .M. T 6(J Clark, Mrs. \V 1 OO Cousens. Mrs 50 Derry, Mrs 50 Kastiniui, Mrs 60 Ellis. It. A 5 00 Kills, Mrs. R. A 2 00 Ellis, Louisa 50 Ellis. Charlotte 50 Erskino, Dr 1 00 Erskine. Mrs 1 00 Ellis, Mrs 50 Ellis, Mii»s 60 Ellis. t>. \V 50 Ed^'arton, J. W 1 00 Fonrdrinior, F. E 1 00 Fonrdrinier, Mrs 1 Oo Fisk, Newnell 50 Flood, Mrs 50 Foster, Hon. A. IJ 5 00 Fostor, Mrs 2 00 Foster, C. W 1 00 Goold, VVm 50 (jalor, Mr. and Mrs 1 00 lloldon. Mrs 50 Hall.Mrs. C. S 50 Hall, Mrs. II. C 50 Hall, Miss U. A 50 Ilungerford, Miss 60 Howard, Mrs 50 Hill, Mr .• 50 Hill, Mrs 50 Hamilton, Miss 1 00 Johnston, Mins L 1 00 Jameson, Ur 1 00 Jameson, B. W 50 Jameson, Albert 50 Jameson, Henry E 60 Jackson Mr. and Mrs 50 Knowlton, Mrs. A. E . . 50 Knowlton.Mr. A. E 60 Keef, Elleu 60 Lay, Mr • 60 Lindsay, Kev. D 7 60 Lindsav, Mrs 1 00 Lindsav, Ruth 50 Lindsay, William 50 Lindsay, Walter 50 Lc". — 80 60 Laing, R. W i (ki McCurdy, — o 5(i Noyes, J. 1' o 60 Nutting, M rs. II . s i oo I'armeleo. Mr. W. G 1 0(» I'armalee. D. E l no Tickle, Mr i oo Robinson, Mrs lo oo Robinson, ILL 4 oo Robinson, Sirs. 11 . L 4 (Hi Robinson, F. U o .'io Robinson, tJ. E o ,10 Robinson, Ellen 50 Robinson, Mrs. E 1 OO Robinson, Mrs. J a 00 Robinson, W. II oO Riopel, .S. n M Reynolds, E. .S 50 Reynolds, Mrs. E. S. 50 Reynolds. Mrs 75 Slack, T 1 00 Slack, E 2 00 Slack. Mrs. E 2 00 Sache. Mrs 1 00 Snodgraf=s, A 1 00 Tenny. Mrs 60 Taylor, Clara 50 Taylor, Mrs. W. A. .. . 1 00 Taylor, J . and R 1 00 Webster, .Mrs 60 Willard, .Samuel .10 Vonng, Mrs. (J, .Kt \oung, JamosA 5tt Young, .Miss M.J 50 Sums under 50 cenU 5 Oi) *110 GO Collected by Misa Armstrong . Armstrong, Mrs. J 60 Under 60 cents 1 27 81 77 Collected by Miss M. A. Ashton. Carter, Mrs. T. II $0 50 Codd, Mr. James 100 Codd, Mrs. James 100 (;odd, Mr. Henry 50 Dampier, Mrs 1 00 Dampier, Miss 50 Foster. W. D 1 Oo Under 60 cents 100 Total $0 50 Colleoted by Rev. I). Lindsay. Dimock, Mr $0 50 Ashton, R 50 Cash 2 00 Friend 1 00 Jones, Thomas o 50 Lawson,.F 50 Parker, J. M 0.10 Winchester, Mr. U 2 00 Williams, John 2 00 Armstrong School-house 1 87 $11 37 Total »130 24 '■■A 97 Bmhtr mc.nl and SithfrriuthuM for CUv' !/!/ man's .Snlary. Intrrost on Mortj^affe, Sl.OOO, for tlie year, Mm. KobiiiMnn 60 00 IntiTi'st (111 .Morfcajro, *1.600, for tlio year, lion. A. H. Fontcr. . .. 90 00 IiittMc^t on .MnrtjfUKo, ?«», for the yt'ar, flio late J UohinHon,. SO 00 iMfcrcst on Mortgage, !if500, for tlio year, U. A. Kills 30 00 InttToston Mortnago, t50'>, fortho year, 11. L. Koi.iuHou 30 00 On otiior Invt'.xtinonts 105 20 Arnistron^f, •!. (' 4 00 Arnistron;;, .Mrs. .Tainu^ 2 00 Aiin-'tron>r, h'obcrt l 00 Afijiton, llciiry 4 OO ..\-ihfiin, Danii'l 4 oo Arnold, AtnbroHC, 15 0() Allch, (}. 11 4 00 ..Mien. 1). L 2 00 A^liton. It., jnn 1 (K) illac.kwootl, .lolin 2 00 ItntliT, .MrK. .1. C 250 Kovvinan, John 2 00 Itooth, .lolm 3 00 IJootli, lhi)?li 2 00 <;o(M, .lanu'.i 5 00 • odd, Henry 3 00 f'artpr, VV. J 3 00 Carter. 1'. II 4 00 Carter. Tlionns 2 00 <'urfis, I' 4 00 ('atclijHile, A 100 Crowliurst, W 2 00 (,'obnrn. (_i, 2 00 Cook. VV 2 00 Clark, W 4 00 Counen.x, K 2 00 Cutler, K. NV 1 00 J)iuiock,.l 50 Ki.xon, A • 2 00 Knirick. I) 2 On Krskinc, l)r 15 00 i:(lKar>s(ni, J, ]\ 3 00 Fonrdrinier, F ". 10 00 Foster, (.'. W 6 00 Fisk, Xowell 2 00 Flood, W. II 2 00 Foster, \V. D 2 00 Fescncien, Elsie 1 00 ( ; rior, Jamos 2 00 Hall.C. .s 4 00 Harris, Lloyd 100 Hill, E..) 1 00 Hill, John 1 00 ilill, Hubert 4 00 Jones, J. U 2 00 Junes, Thomas 5 00 Jones, Thomas, jun 1 00 Jackson. J 2 00 Kcef. J 1 50 Lpwi?, Ainasa 5 00 Lewis. G. S 1 00 Lawson, .lohn 4 00 Lav, J. H 5 00 Lee, Selby 4 00 Laing, 11. W 5 00 McKcnna, T 2 00 Martin. Mrs. J. S 1 00 31cLaughlin, — 1 00 Moffat, U »1 00 Midr«, Isaac o ru, M"',^^w'"i :.;;::;:: iw. Muirs, ■ nrius j q^, Mctiovern, David ,", 1 oo McLean, Robert [" " 1 ;;(, Nixon, Joseph i 00 I'armfloo, w. U unit I'armuleo, D. E 4 ^ {I'^kio.o ::::::::: Jgi learson. W r> W learson, J ^ («i w«.';'-w :.::::::: oS I'orfer, Laura 3 00 riiillips, Joiin 15,, I'ay ton, Uennoy " •> (K» rarkcr,J. W. 2 (J, Uichardson & Tittemoro '> w Keynolds, Mrs. Z 5 oo llpynolds, E ;> 4 00 S'ack.E ; ir.o,, ^•ttck,T 10(H) .Snodgras.s, A 2 00 Suodgrass, .1 2 (lO .Spearman, Mrs 0511 Seymour, J 2 0(i Temple. A 2 00 I aylor, Samuel 2 00 Taylor, James l oO Taylor, VV. A 2 00 'i>'uny, A 2 00 iodd. J. 2 0(1 Unwin. J 1 f,,i Williams, 'nhn 20 00 Williams -..Milam 4 (H( Winche.HKi-, 'Jri 5 (k) Webster, J 2 Od Vounp. C 4 (M) Uout of Ulebc, F. V 8 Oil !5(]65 20 WEST FARNHAM. Allsopp, Mrs. G. C Ill 00 AIUopp, M 50 Hrodeur, Mrs 50 Brown, VV 2 00 Buck, R i 00 Chillingworth, H 1(0 Cook. L 5i» Corran, E 6'i Dickson, W 1 0(t Donahue, W. 10 00 Douglass, J 1 (.O Friend 1 Oo Hage, J 50 Hibbard, W. L 1 0'» Hoskiiis, VV 5'i Uoskins, ^Vliss 50 Hungerl'ord: J. A 1 Oi» Hnngerf'ord, Mrs. J. A 1 00 Ingalls, M 1 Oil Leslie, J 1 00 McCleary, Miss &•: Meigs, II. 1 (0 Meigs, D. B 1 fO Meigs. Mrs. D. B 1 00 Moshcr, Jas 1 Oil Musson, Rev. T. "W 7 50 Mu-sen, Mrs. T. \V 5 On Oshier, 1' ■ 1 00 Oshier, E 1 Oi- .('III G ti 98 I'earnon, W $1 00 I'tarson, R 60 rondleton, K 1 00 Kiploy. Mrs. E. H 60 KobtTtsuii, J 60 Uobi.rt»ou, W 1 CO Soalo, J 2 00 Sealf, O a 10 he.le. VV 60 Tabor, Mri 50 Truax, Mrs. U 1 00 Welch, (i. (66 fc 67) 2 00 WellH.F. B 1 60 Wilson, W 1 to 60 60 Discount 1 H 968 G6 Clergyman' H Sulanj, Alliopp, Mrs. (t. C SRl-i 00 Allsopn, Mrs. J. C 10 " «uck,K 4 00 Chilllngworth, 11 6 00 Corran, E 1 60 Dickion, W 1 00 I>on«huo, W 16 00 Douglass, J 4 CO Flrniin, U 3 00 Friend 2 00 HoHkins, J 2 00 Ifunjtorford, J. A 10 O^ Ingalls, M 2 0« Loslitt, J 4 (to Mitchel, G 1 00 Mosher, 1 4 00 Meigs, D.B 5 00 Ushier, r 2 00 I'eaMon, W(66fc67) 4 0' I'earson, U. (06 & «7) 4 00 Kipley, E. H 10 00 Robertson, J 60 Robertson.W 50> Robinson. J 800 Seale.0 5 00 8tarke,A 2 00 Taber, Mrs 1 00 Traux, Mrs. G 5 00 Welch, G 300 Whitlleld,G.( Barbados) 10 00 Wilson, W 5 00 9146 00 WEST SHEFFOKD. FOB CHUECH 80CIETT. Allen, Miss Anna..... SO 26 «ell, Samuel 50 Bell, Richard 60 Bell, Mrs. Samuel 25 Itoll, Samuel, iun 26 BaM, Mrs. (widow) 60 Bbi; Mrs. Nelson 50 Booth, Mrs. (widow) 60 Booth, John T 55 Booth, MissE. E 25 Booth, Miss Victoria 50 Booth, JamesT 50 Booth, Mrs. James T 50 Booth, Tliomas E 50 Early, Charles 60 Cox, Miss f M) llayeti, Mrs. James 20 llaypR, Mrs. William 60 Hayes, Wni. Jun 60 Kilburn,Mr8 26 Kamsar, Mrs o 25 Nash, AliHH 1 00 Scott, Sptnscr 1 00 Savage, Mrs 26 Savage, Mr». Jun 25 Stuppel, Mm , 60 Todd, Mrs. John 26 Todd, Miss M. A 1)10 Todd, Miss N 26 Tail, Mrs 1 00 Wood, John 60 Whitten, Rov. A. T 7 60 FOB CLKROYMAX'H SlTPOllT. Allen, Mis« Aiiim *2 00 Allen, Abralinin 2 00 Booth, 'I lionias, 2nd 2 (H> Booth, Jiime.s T ('. CK> Booth, Andrew 4 <0 Booth, Thos.E 4 00 Bell, Nelson 3 00 Bell, John 2 00 Carty, Charles 3 00 Coolcy, 11 10 (0 Davics, W 6 00 Hayes, James ; 6 (K) Hayes, Mrs. J 2 00 Hayes, W 2 00 Hayes, Henry 2 00 Hayes, Mrs. H 1 00 llenrv, Jones 5 00 Kllburn, 6 00 Knott, Charles 4 00 Levingston, Elmer 4 00 McKenney, Elmer 2 00 Quail, Richard 3 00 Ramsay, William 6 W Roberts, Duke 5 00 Roberts, William 5 00 RobertH, Hallan 6 00 Scott, Spenser 5 00 Stuppel, Mrs 4 00 Tait, Geo 3 00 Todd, Wm 2 00 Wallace, W. T 1 00 Wood, John 8 50 9121 50 GRANBY SOUTH RIDGE. roB cnuBcii socibtt. Cunningham, William $0 50 Dimond, George 60 Latf y, Mr 60 Neil, John 50 Neil, Samuel 60 Taylor, John 50 925 20 rOR OLEBOYMAN'S BVPPOBT. Cunningham, Wm 93 00 Cunningham, Robt 2 00 Dimond, SamI 2 00 . 90 no . 20 . 60 . 50 . 026 . 26 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 25 . 26 . 50 . 025 . 1 00 . 26 . 1 00 50 . 7 60 T. . #2 no . 2 00 . 2 00 . 00 . 4 (0 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 . 3 00 . 10 (0 . 5 00 . 6 00 . 200 . 200 . 2 00 . 1 00 . 6 00 . 5 00 . 4 00 . 4 00 . 2 00 . 3 00 . 6 no . 5 00 . 600 . 5 (lO . 6 00 . 4 no . 3 00 . 2 00 . 1 00 . 8 60 90 60 60 50 50 50 60 9|i26 20 f3 00 200 200 99 Kennedy, Thomas i oo Liitty , JiimcH 2 00 Neil, Siimuol 3 oo Noil, .John 2 00 rHrk«T, II 1 (X) Hobinonn. TI108 loo Meal, Kdward 1 oo Taylor, .John l 00 Taylor, Joseph 1 oo S20 00 Total till 60 DEANERY OP IIOCHELAGA. IJKUTHIEH. FOR CHURCH SOC'BrV. Collected hg Atisa Dixon and Mi$$ For- ncrtt, Itost wick, MrH 91 60 Uiurk, Mrs. K. A 3 oo C'uthbort, Miss 5 oo CutJibcrt, Mrs. Oct 1 00 Clt-niunts, Niny 6 > Coyk'.John 1 oO Dixon, Mrs loo Dumaray, Mrs 1 50 Fornoret, C 2 00 Fowler, VV 1 oo Forneret, G 060 Gurent, Mrs 1 00 Friend 1 Ott Kittson, A 100 &Ic Williams, Mrs l 00 McConncll, \V l 00 Merrick, Kev W. C 7 10 lialston. D 60 MIBBIONART BOSKS. Clark, Miss 17 05 Dixon, Itcrtha 50 ,lulitt and Hal 3 26 I'arsonago 3 00 Total 64 80 COTEAU DU LAC. KOU CHURCH SOCIETY. UaTcrhill, W.C SO 50 Caverhill, Mrs 60 French, Gcrshom 50 Grange, Thomas 2 00 Ilosmor, H. 1' 60 Houston, Mrs 1 00 Mace, Henry 60 I'easp, CO 1 00 Terry, Alexander 60 lloay, William 60 Koebuck, Henry 1 00 Scott, Joseph 50 Sullivan, Ralph 60 Valance, William 25 Young, Rev. T. A 7 60 Total «17 25 ELY. »OR CHURCH SOCIHTT. Rev. A. L. Fortin »7 60 WORTH ELT. FOR OLBHUTMAN'B SUPPORT. Collected by Mr. W. F. Davidton. A Friend. 91 r,o Hartlett.G 1 00 Hartlett, Ira 1 oO Hartlett, W 1 00 Davidson, J. L 1 oo DavidHon, Thomas 1 0(» Davidson, M. W 2 00 iJavidHou, Mrs. M. W 1 25 Davidson, W. F fi o<» Davidson, W. L 2 00 Holmes, J. A loO Lancaster, Mrs. R l 00 Mi'Douald, Jas l oO Millrtte, Octavo 1 00 Parker, J 1 oo I'hillips.M. J 5(» Truax, G.R l 00 BOSCOBEL AND NORTH STUKELY. FOR CLKRQYMAH'S SUPPORT. Collected by Mr. David Oborne. Beers, Elizabeth !S4 00 Caasidy , Thomas 4 00 Cookman, John 1 00 <'ookman, Samuel 60 Copping, George 3 00 Copping, Henry 2 00 Copping, James 1 00 Kcvnan, Charles 2 00 Kicid, Eleanor 1 00 Kidd.Mr 1 60 Oborne, David 2 00 Oborne, James 6 00 Shepherd, Thomas 1 00 Shepherd. William 1 00 Soliman, William 1 00 Truax, Ada 60 Truax, Anna 50 Truax, Benjamin 6 00 Trump, Thomas 1 00 MASCOUCHE. FOR MIBBIOMART'B SUPPORT. Alexander, John f40 00 Alexander, Thomas 8 00 Alexander, Henry 4 00 A lexander , William, sen 4 00 Alexander, Launcelet 2 00 Bereton, Henry 8 0© Bereton, Arthur 3 00 Connor, Patrick 20 00 Ewan, Andrew 30 00 Ewan, Mrs. Robert 6 00 lit 100 ( I mint/, .lumen fi 00 llodL'soii, ( lirlKtoplitT H 00 llctlii>riii|{toii, lliuiiiRt 4 (10 lliitflii on, Mil 'i 00 Hill, C.fOiK'' * '"J IIuiiiihIi, MIpii 1 00 Mi.oilv, Willlftiu f) 00 l-aiiui'iian. J- »» '^ Wt rftiiKmun, Mm (wi(l) 20 00 rHiiKiiian, Mii«!4 Louisa f> Oo rniijjmiiii, Kdward 6 • I'aiiprion, .lolin 10 00 UubiiiMtii, llioiiiaH, noil 82 00 Kob iiHoii, llioiiius, juii D 00 KotiiiiMiu, Itodi'rick, sen 5 CO KcltiiiMiii, Uodorick, juii 4 00 l{ol)iii»nii. (icornf f» *'0 l{obiii>on, Willinin (Thomas). ... 4 00 Ki bill-. ,11, |{icliard 4 00 KobiiiHon, llciiiy 4 00 Will Iter, «ic((rf;«' 6 00 AVIii.c, AiiiliDiiy 6 ©0 WriKlil, Uobert 2 00 Total... $336 00 KOK CHURCH SOCIETY. Alexander, Tlionias »0 60 Ab'X.uidor, Henry 60 A l('xundt»r, Eliza 6(i A Kriend W 6" Alexander, Mr«. Francla 60 Hell, Mrs 60 Breretoii, Henry 60 t'oiuior, I'utick •' 60 Kwan, Andrew 1 W Kwun, Mrn. liobert 60 Uwan, Koberi, jiiu 60 l<"o.'ay, Mrs. Charles 20 V ay, James 26 Foster, Andrew 60 Burton, Tli:, 1 00 1 0(1 «0 60 '2.j 2r. '^5 , 25 60 26 25 26 2.". V> 0« 26 25 W 3.''i 12] 25 26 60 »tj TS clBrknon, Mm. Jo^ioph 26 Morrld.m Mri. Win.. 12J r(i.»k»». Mm.-Iohn 26 llfn)l«>rH<)n,ll><>iiiM 12^ ▲ frioud 1 00 Total t7 02J NViauwiand Orpliaiii .*) oo Total »10^ K.WVDoX. TOWARDS MIMSTKB'H STU'END. Unyco. 1{ *«00 l!(.yco, \V 3 00 llrowii, l{ 3 00 Hrown. \V 3 00 < Nipping, 11 , sen R 00 ("(ippiiiK, ll.Juii 2 00 <;i)pphi)f, iin 1 lit) Fleming, William 60 (.ilil), Mr 2 00 Hart, Mrs, H 1 00 Holbrnugh, Mr-». T 1 00 JohuHon, Mrs. K 60 Johnstone, l)r 2 00 Lunan, William 2 00 MeNanghton, T. W 2 00 .Mountain, Edward .. 1 00 UaNhall, Mrs 1 00 . acfirlane, Capt., II. M. 100th Regiment 10 00 Meigs, Mr 1 00 Martin, Mr 1 00 McLoughlin, Mrs. U. U 100 Kettletod, T I 00 I'ldwarth, Miss 60 ranghourn, Mrs. 0. W 60 Smitli, William 1 60 .saxton, William 1 26 .Shoppard, Janu ' 1 00 Woolley, Thimias 2 00 Wurtelo, C. T 1 00 Wurtelo, »Irs. C. T 1 00 Wurtelc, E 1 00 Wright, 60 Vincent, Mr* 60 Total 9% 25 COLONIAf., CONTINENTAI., AND KOKKIUN WI.'JSIONS. Anderson, the late Mrs. John . . . .910 A. A 3 00 Ancmymous 50 Anderson, Miss J. II 2 00 Allen. Mrs. E 1 "0 Allen, James 100 Hrown,Miss 2 00 Hramley, Miss 2 00 U.T...:. 4 00 H.M 400 Cutlibort, Miss 60 00 Charley and Helen .37* D.T... 406 Friend. A 10 OO Fo.>*brooke, Captain 1 00 Forgraves, John 1 00 Kittson, Mri 12* L'lnan, William 2 60 I'olwarth. Miss 50 Thank-offering 6 00 Saxton, William 100 WooUoy, Thomas .... 100 Total »110 00 ENDOWMEItT FUIfD. Pope, Mr. T. (contribution) SIO 00 -i,i 102 TOWAKVB OROAV FOR CHKI8T CHCBOB. Collected b]/ the Rev. Canon Anderson. Tarter, Edward Q. C »10 00 Matthew8,G 23 00 Scott, W 6 00 A'^on Iffland, Dr 6 00 Total J44 00 Collected by Mita Lunan. Allen, A. E «4 00 Aiid, W.B 400 Uuttery, W 10 (0 Buttery, Mri 5 00 Bell, W 1 00 Carroll, Y 2 50 CraiEO, Sergt., K. O. B 5 00 Carter, W. CO Dedman, Corporal. R. E f.0 Deibishire, H 50 Finlay,D :.... 5 00 Jisli, K 4 00 Fosbrooke, Captain 2 00 Fell, A. G 1 00 Forgrave, J., jun 100 Fleming. Mrs 60 Gowin, Mrs 2 00 Hutchison, J 2000 Hunter, J 6 00 Jeremy, J 1 00 Lunan, W 10 00 Lunan, W.. jun 6 00 3Iartin, A 5 00 McNaughton, W 2 00 Nisli, A.G 2 00 renton, Mrs 2 CO Kooney, J 2 00 Sliepperd, Chs 4 00 Saxton, J 50 Vincent, Mrj 1 00 Vallance, H 1 00 Woolley, Sergt 4 00 Woollcy, W 4 00 White, 4 00 Wright, Mrs 2 OO ^ $127 50 Collected by Alisi Nelson. Pickon, Mrs $4 00 Friends 6 00 Johnston, Mrs. B 100 Monteith, Mrs 50 Sawtell, A 2 00 Well-wislier 4 00 Wurtole, Mrs. A 1 50 »19 00 Collected by Miss Turner. Arnstrong, C. L >5 00 Armstrong, J., Q. C 5 00 Armstrong. F 5 00 Armstrong, C. N 100 BailcyJ 6 00 Bowles, Mrs , , 2 00 Campbell, Mrs. W. 2 0© Dunn, T. H 5 OO Ounn, C. E 2 00 i<>aser, A. R 5 OO Fry, Mrs 2 00 Friend 1 00 Friend 50 GloTer, Mrs 1 0(> Home, W 5 00 Johnston, A 2 00 Jones, Mrs 100 Merrick, Kev. W. C 2 OO Mountain, M. G., Mrs 2 OO Mountain, Edward 2 00 McGie, Mrs 1 OO I'aston, Mrs 2 00 Scott, H. S 2 00 Scott, Mrs 1 00 Shaw, Mrs. S 150 Turner, Miss H. E 3 00 Wood, Mrs. G. A. L 5 25 WurteU,Mr8 1 00 872 25 Collected by Miss Kittson. Anderson, Miss $5 00 Antrobus, J 1 00 Bramley, G. H 10 00 Bramley, Edward 7 00 Buttery, Miss 1 OO Cuthbert, Mies 20 00 Clark, Mr 10 00 Cowie, Mr. and Miss 5 OO Cash collected by Miss M. B. Kittson 5 00 Lemaray , Mrs 4 00 Elliott, Edward 2 0(> Friend 1 (K) Friend 26 Gourd, Miss 1 00 Hart, A 400 Johnstone, Mrs. J. E 3 00 Johnstone, Dr 2 00 Kittson, Mrs , 2 00 Kittson, H.N 1 00 Lemoine, L 125 Leith, Edward 50 Macl'herson, Mrs. A. F 10 00 McNaughton, J. B 10 OO Marshall, Mrs 2 00 McGi«, A 1 Oi» Nelson, Captain 1 f Parsons, E. H 15 00 Sawt«ll, Dickson 23 00 Stayner,Mr8 6 00 Swuoney, Mils 100 Wurtelo, C. J. C 3 (0 $157 00 DEANERY OP IBERRVILLE. CHAMBLY. FOE CHURCH SOCIETY, Collected by Miss Bur land. Mrs. Samuel Bell $0 50 Miss Burland 1 00 •=s:- 2 09 6 00 2 00 BOO 2 00 1 00 060 1 OO BOO 200 1 00 2 00 2 00 200 1 OO 2 0« 20O 1 00 1 50 3 00 5 25 1 00 00 00 Do (K) 25 00 00 00 00 00 OO 25 60 103 Mrs. Ben. Burland SO 50 Miss Carpenter 50 Mr. Ed8on 50 Mr. Inglodew 100 Air. Matt. Ineledcw 50 Mr. John Ingledew 50 Mr. SuinmouB 50 Mrs. Vitty 1 00 Smaller sums 1 00 $7 50 Collected by Mist Eliot. Captain Auitin S Mrs. W. B. Austin 100 Mrs Brown 50 Mr. Chaloux 60 Mr. R. A. Cooper 100 Miss Jane Cooper 50 Mr. Charles Cooper 60 Dr. Gl0n 1 00 MtssEliot i 00 8ir VV. Johnson, Bart 2 00 Miss Johnson 50 Mrs. Marjr Ann Johnson 50 Msis Annie Johnson 50 Capt. Johnson 1 50 Lieut. Lowe 1 00 Dr. McDowell 6 00 Mrs. Owen 100 Mr. John Watts 160 Miss Watts 60 Mr. Yule 6 00 Mrs. Yule 2 50 Mr. J. Yule 1 00 $28 60 Collected by Miu Sarah Ward. Major Campbell $20 00 Mrs. Gelineau 60 Mrs. Linsdaj 50 Mrs. Mark 50 Mrs. Stoddart (widow) 60 Mr. Sparks 1 00 Mr. Thos. Ward r,0 Miss Sarah Ward 60 Miss Mary Ward 60 Smaller sums 50 SIr.Farrell 1 00 $26 05 Collected by Mrs. Findlay. The Rev. J. Braithwaite (paid) . . S Mr. J. Braithwaite (paid) Mr. Bower 50 Mrs. Bower 50 Mr. John Chaloux 50 Mr. Cooke 50 Mr. Findlay 1 00 Mrs. Findlay 1 00 Mr. G. Fillingham 1 00 Mrs. Sylvia 50 Mr. Stoddart 60 Rev. C. F. Thorndike 10 00 Mrs. Thorndike . 5 00 Miss Thorndike 2 00 Mr. Willett 1 00 Miss Yule fs 00 Smallar sums i 60 S30 60 Collected by Mr. J. N. Britsett. Mrs. Brissett 50 Mr. J. N. Brissett 60 Mrs. Calcoto 1 09 *Mr. Farrell 1 00 Mr. W.Stoddait 50 Mr. Peter Stoddart 50 Mr. John Stoddart 50 Mrs. Stoddart 50 Mr. l^n 1 00 *Sent with the former collection!. CLARENCEVILLE. FARISH or BT. OEOROB. Collected by Mita Maggie McNeil. Bullock, J 1 00 Curtis, James 2 OO Hunter, John 1 00 ilunter, Mrs. Thos 1 00 Lancaster, Rev. C. H 7 .50 Longeway, A 100 Macfle, &lrs. John 1 00 Macfie. Mrs. Robert 60 Nutt,Mr8.E. A 1 00 Sawyer, D 1 00 Stewart, Col. C 1 00 Townsend, Rev. Caron 7 60 Townaend, Krs 1 00 $26 50 PARISH OP ST. THOMAS. Collected by Miss C. Derick. Derick.P.C 100 Derick. MissP 1 00 Filer, Mrs 60 Gunn, Mrs 50 Griggs, Mrs. M 1 00 Lodge.Mrs.S 50 StrutherF, Mrs 1 00 Sums under 60 cti 1 40 $6 90 Collected by Ui$s Sarah Vaughan. Derick, Norman H 100 Derick, Mr. T 50 Flagg, Mrs 100 Sums under 60 cts 3 (i2i $5 07i EDWARDSTOWN. FOR CHURCH SOCIETY. . Collected by Miss Sutton $2 12^ >' " Jliss Sever 185 " " Miss M. J, Toynton. 1 67i '!^i 104 Collected by Slis-s Wlieatloy 3P1 12i " Miss E.L.Sutton.... 1 07i Sutton, Rpv. E. G »7 50 Toynton, John 62] T wecdie. 3Ir9 50 Wheatley, G 1 00 Sums under 60 cents 6 97^ S16 60 SUPPORT OK MIBSlOJf, Charters, J «5 00 Charters, W 1 00 Curry, J 1 00 Curry, W 1 30 Grasby, J 1 50 Hart, G 1 75 Livinpston, Mrs 2 00 McComb, F 2 50 McFee, & Boyd 1 00 McFee, M 1 00 Nolen, Mrs 9 < Sever, Mrs. J 2 60 Sever, A 7 55 Stacy, K 2 50 Stacy, H 4 80 Stacy, T 2 50 Stacy, J 60 Stewart, Mrs. R 50 TeIlard,Mr8 1 50 Toynton, R 4 00 NVheatley. G 4 00 Wilson, Mrs. W 1 00 Sums under CO cents 25 Law, Alfred $1 00 I'arker, Mrs. A. D 1 00 WrJRlit, Robert 1 0C< A Friend 60 mS 75 HAVELOCK. CHURCH SOCIETY. Collected by 3Irs. Wilson & Miss Raskin »2 80 Sums under 50 cents 2 17i SUPPORT OF MISSION. Raskin, T $1 00 Raskin, 1 00 Cowan, Mrs. W 50 Flood. K 100 Flood, J 1 0« Maxwell, W 1 50 McKee, J. 1 00 McNauffhton, A 50 Rroceeas of Tea Meeting 20 50 Sums under 60 cents 25 HEMMING FORD. $28 26 For Church Society. Beacant, W 81 00 Beatic, Martin • 100 Clarkson, Francis 1 00 Du Vernet, Rev. E 7 60 Hodgson, John 1 GO J15 CO Towards svpport of Misaionartj. Cookman, Major W SS 00 (bookman, Francis . 10 00 Collins, Charles C 00 Ellorton. Charles (1866-7) 16 DO Fisher, Miss 2 00 Keddy. Mrs £ 00 McClelland, Duncan 4 00 Quest, John S 00 Quest, Robert 5 OO' Whyte, Robert 8 00 A Friend 12 50 Total »81 60 HUNTINGDON For the Pariovage Fv.n(i. Smith, Mrs. D »5 C0> Howe, Wm 4 OO Coulter, John 10 00 Boyd, A 2 50 Henderson, Henry 1 60 Donnelly. Wm 1 50 Ewing, Mrs 1 00 Johnston, Meredith 5 00 McClean, Wm 12 50 Henderson, John 2 50 Piatt, Hy. senr 4 OO Cottingham, 2 00 Morrison, John 50 CC' Fee, John 5 00 Henderson, Archibald 10 00 Neely, John 5 00 Breadner, Joshua 5 OO Levers, Matthew 6 00 McCoy, Jas. senr 2 00 Foster, Jas 5 00 Layers, George 5 00 McClean, Kd 10 OO Shaw, Robt 10 00 Blachford. C 7 50 GilliKan, Brian 2 50 I'eake, Mrs 1 hO Irwin, Thos 8 00 Kyle, John 3 00 M cCoy, John 4 OO Henderson, Thos 2 50 Thompson, Hy 4 00 Burns, John 2 00 Piatt, H. senr S 00 Fee, John 6 00 Sparrow, Robt 2 00 Foster, Arthur 7 00 Henderson, John 2 50 McCoy, George 4 OO Henderson, Samuel 2 00 McKie, John 1 50 McCoy, Jas 2 50 By the Rev. E. Du Vernett. . »2 00 Collected by Mrs. Smith 1 00 Miss Wyde 2 80 " MissFrarey 2 00 ■X: s;i 00 00 oo 01) 00 00 00 00 oo 50 60 105 Collected by Miss rcuke 2 Gb Harrinpton, .lane 50 Miss Bruce 1 52 '< Miss Han ett 2 00 " Mrs. Bissetr 2 00 Total f244 97 Contributions towards neit'/oice armmd Parsonage lot. Coulter, Menry SI 00 Uytlc, John 2 50 IJissett, Jas 50 Bradford, airs 50 Karriuntoii, John 50 Uarriiipton, .Iiiinec 26 harriiijiton, Diivid 25 Cottiufjhuin, Mrs. John 1 00 Cottiuffhani, William 50 Cottingham, Mis 50 ("ottiMRlinni, James 50 Cottingham, Samuel 1 00 CuUen, Mrs 25 Coulter, William (iilbert, Mrs 2 tircer, Andrew Hooker, Edwin 1 Hooker, William 1 !!!^^Ft;-;i,i„---;:-:: ::::: S20 Kidney.M-s 1 Uradford, Sophia 20 Bradford, Thomas 20 Bifsett, Fredic 20 JJooth, John 1 00 McGarvcy, John 1 00 Leslie, Wm I 00 Shaw, Robt 1 00 00 50 00 00 (0 $9 GO Additional Confribiitious towards liqui- dating Parsonage Debt. Marshall. Mrs 8?0 M Munro, Allan Botham, Wm 00 00 Clark, Kobt \ ^^ Booth, John » 00 Bell, James j.OO Bennicks, John 1 00 Chalmers. Alexander J 00 Barrett, Wm 5 00 Hunter, Wm 50 Third, Wm 100 Kelly, Hugh 50 Dineen, John.. l ou Purcel, John 1 f 5 Sillies, John 50 Smith, David Sparrow, John 1 McNarland, llobt 1 Fury, John : 1 Sparrow, 1 Laberge, Jlrs 50 Leggite, John 60 Lucas, Charles 60 Lucas, William 50 Lynch, Mrs 25 McAlister, Daniel 1 00 Morrison, Isabella 25 McNeil, Mrs 50 McCormick, II. K 1 00 McCarty, James 50 Moe, Mrs 50 Onterson, Miss 50 I'ickard, James 25 Porter. William 50 Rembcrs, Bobert 50 Beid, James 50 Bice, Mrs 50 Sadler, John 50 Sadler, Mrs. Thos 1 00 Sadler. Joseph 100 Sadler, Abraham 6^ Simpson, James 1 OO Sadler, Thomas 50 Sadler, James 50 Sproul, Edward 50 Taylor, John 75 Taylor, John 25 Traverse, William 50 Williams, William 1 OO Williams, Thomas 1 00 Whithall, William 25 Whithall, James 50 S 6 25 RECAPITULATION. Contributions for Parsonage f244 97 " " Fence 9 60 Contributions towards liquidating Paisonage Debt 26 25 Sunday Offerings about 30 00 Missionary Purposes o W Widows & Orphans Fund l 00 Clergymans Stipend 28d 00 8599 82 ORMSTOWN. Collected by James Cnttingham for Re- pairs on Parsonage House. Alexander, Mrs 8100 Armstrong, Francis o p, W. & J 2 00 Moran, J 50 Montreviilf , K 50 Morrison, Isaac 1 W Murphy, J 100 Kohin.son, Jas 5 00 Uooncy, L) 50 Soaman, S 3 00 Shivw, Jas 10 00 .sliHW, Win 4 00 Smart, A 13 00 Smart,! 3 00 Smiloy, T 2 00 Smilcv, K 2 00 Smith", J 3 50 Smith, M 3 00 Smith, r. A 2 00 Smith, Mrs.E 60 Sturgeon. A 60 Wilson, Ih09 9 00 Wilson, Thos 3 00 Wilson, .las 4 00 Wilson, Jas G 00 Wilson, Wm 6 00 W il ^on, Elizabeth 2 00 Workman, A 3 50 Whelan, 1'., jun 100 Young, Mrs. J 100 Total »294 60 EAUDLEY, FOR CHURCH SOCIETY. Collected by Mrs. N^athan Jowsy. Clergyman's subscription Sf7 50 A friend to the cause 25 Smith, Miss 50 Herdman, Mrs. W 26 Hcrdmau. Mrs. J 75 Beeby, Mias E 50 Herdman, Mrs. C 1 00 Lusk, J 060 Leonscnow, V 25 Evoy, Miss 1 00 Moore, Mrs. I^vi 60 I'roulx, Miss 26 Moore, J 25 Moore, E 50 Andrew.s, G }!!0 25 Vi' right, N 50 Total S14 75 (i RENVILLE. TOWAUU8 MISSIONARY'S SUPPORT. Bnrch, Mrs $4 00 Porunian, Mrs 100 Foreman, John 1 00 Hildroth, Geo 3 00 Murray, Jns 2 00 McMillan. D 4 00 Owens, ( )wen 20 00 Owens, Thos 6 00 Owens, William 6 00 Owens, Geo 1 00 Pridham. Edwin 20 I '0 Kecves, Daniel 10 00 Whinfiold, Geo 5 00 Whinfield, Mr 1 Oft Whinfield, Mrs 1 00 Welden, Mrs. Thos 1 00 Willman, Afrs. E 1 00 Willman, Mrs., sen 50 LA PETITE IfATIOH. Carson, Wm S2 00 Carson, Jas. Si Robt i 25 Dole, Lt.-Col 5 00 Cochrane. Jas 6 00 Reily, Robt 2 00 Reily, John Sc Mrs 5 00 AUGMENTATION. Crawford, John $9 00 ("rawford, John, jun 6 75 Kelly, Robt 4 00 Kelly. Jonathan 2 00 Morrow, George 3 00 Stewart, 2 (H) Falloon, Mrs 75 Falloon, John 1 00 Morrow, Mrs 1 0() Tompkins, John 1 00 Collected for Church Society. Crawford, Misses 50 Forsyth, D. G 100 Foreman, Mrs. W 60 McMillan, Mrs 60 Neve, Rot. F. S 7 50 Neve, Mrs 1 00 Owens, Mrs. 1 00 Owens, Owen 1 00 Owens, T. & W 2 00 Owens. Mrs. G 60 Pridham, Edwin 2 10 Pridham, Alex 75 Reeves, D 1 00 Reeves, Mrs. D 1 00 Wilson, Mrs. R 50 Williamson, Miss 60 Sums under 50c 1 54 109 liyriH', Jolni Jirophv. Mr 1 Clark, Ur 1 CrRvv'^rd, Mi'sec 1 Cumuiiiig, Mr. & Mri 1 Dixon, Mrs 1 Dewar, M rs 1 For purchasinff an organ for St. Mat- theto'i Church. IJurch , M rs SI 00 Ik'swurick, Wm 60 IJurna, .Jamos 50 - - " f.0 00 00 00 00 00 00 Evorett, Mr 50 Foronian, Mrs. T \ 00 Foi-einaii, 'hos 1 00 Foreman, Mrs. W *' 50 ' 00 50 50 60 1 00 roPH & Co »40 0(1 feiiiitli, Walton 50 CO $155 O'l For St. Ferguson, Jas ^ (iodwin, Geo tiill, .liiss lirew, Mi>i8 lieatli, Mr«. C Howard, John 50 Hope, Isaac 1 00 Wftfclo, Capt 1 00 Hildretli, Mre. G 1 00 Hutchinson, Cico 60 Hamilton, Hon. Jas 10 00 Hamilton, Robert, (Quebec 5 00 Hodgins, Jas., Clarendon 1 00 liawlcy. Miss 50 H igginson, Thoa 3 00 Johnston, Mrs 60 Matthew's, Korth Onxlvw, and St. Mark's, JSristot. Hamilton, Brothers StO 00 P.O. S 1 30 My 2 riiotographs 2 00 K. B 036 Mrs. Adams, for Font lor St. Matthew'8, Onslovr 44 Collected by Friendn in England. 12 Turner, Mr A. B L. C. & Co E. L Kev. Douglas Bontflower 6 St. James, Montreal, part •!' offer- tory 15 00 Hopkins, J. W 1 0<> Smith, A 5 00 A Friend 5 00 00 48 00 00 00 0<) 00 D. D. T.. 60 1 00 1 00 60 200 60 00 00 00 Kirkpatrick, Little, Mr McVean, Mrs Mackin. Mrs. McMillan, D McxNeil, Wm 1 00 Murphy, Miss 60 Neigle, Mrs 50 ^eve, Kev. F. S 6 00 Owens, Owen 2 00 Owens, Wm 2 00 Owens, George 100 I'orter, Mr I'ridham, Alex 1 rridham, Mrs. Fred 1 llitchic, John 1 Kobinson, li 50 Keevos, Dan 2 00 Shepherd, John 1 00 Williamson, Miss 2 00 Wilson, Mrs. K 1 00 Williamson. D 1 00 Walker, Miss 50 Welden, James 60 Whinlield, George 2 00 Whinlield, N 1 00 Whinlield, Miss 100 Welden, Mrs. T 50 Welden, Mrs. K 50 Under 50c 95 ONSLOW. Collected for Church Building Fimd. Burstall, J. & Co S40 00 Gilmour, Allau 26 00 Collected by Mrs. C. DelAsle, {for St. Mark's, Bristol.) Bradley, Mrs $3 OO rercival, S 4 00 Magrath, Bolton 4 00 Smith, Mrs. W 1 00 Smith, Miss A 50 Fenwick, Miss 5(» Muuro, J. & W. 11 1 OO $150 08 Collected by a member of the Congrega' tion,for Carpet and Cushions for the Church of St. John's the Evangelist, Onslow. Percivftl. Mrs SI 00 Snow, Mrs 50 Smith, Isabella J 50 Wright, Charles 50 Thompson, Carrie 50 Wright, riilomen 60 Wright, W etherall 50 Armstrong, 3Ir 1 00 Conroy, Mrs 50 Foupore, J., MP 1 00 Beane, M 60 Amm, J 60 Flockhart, A 1 00 Shattuck, J. B . 50 McCrea, John 50 McKaskel, Donald 1 00 kicliards, Hiram 1 Oi) F. B 1 00 Meredith, B 1 Oi) Serimgeour W 50 Harrison, Mrs 60 Wyman, Mrs 60 Davis, Mrs. E 60 Davis, E., juu 75 Smith, Walton 1 00 110 \m Mli •,*;■; Smith, Mrs. Walton »2 00 Hiinsworth, Miss 36 hy Hovcutcen, 25 cents 4 25 928 85 Colleeted/or Sumlay School Chriatmat tree, and for preaentt for choir. Aarot, J SO 60 Aylwiii, G. C, M.D 1 00 Jteano, Mra 1 00 Black, Theodor* 100 Brathwaite, Rev. ¥ ii 1 Oo Davi«,Mr8. E 1 00 Davis, Henry 100 Flockhart, A 1 60 liccder, Chas 1 W) McClcllan, James 50 Meredith, E 60 Percival, A. G 10' .Smith, Walton 4 00 Tliompson, R 60 Tliompiion, W 60 Wyman. J 1 00 fl7 00 For Church Society. Amm, Joseph 80 60 Aylwin, G. C, M.D 1 00 Beane, Mrs 60 Black, Theodore 26 Brathwaite, Rev. F. G. C 1 00 Campbell, Mrs 60 Davis, Mrs. E 1 00 Davis, Henry 60 Friend 60 Ireland, Ellen 'i& Leedor, Chas 60 McColgau.Mrs 25 M. E 26 Percival, S 1 00 Smith, Martha 50 Smith, Walton 6 00 Smith, William 26 Wright, Mrs 25 Wyman, Jos 1 00 $16 00 Towards ^f%saionar}| Stipend, St. John's the Evangelist, Onalmo. Agret, James 85 00 Allen, George 2 00 Amm, Josepli 6 00 Armitage, Richard jun 4 00 Aylwin, Geo. C 12 00 Beene, Mary 4 00 Black, Thos 4 00 Bradley, Albert 1 00 Davis, Edward 5 00 Davis, Henry 3 00 Flockhart, Alex 10 00 Hutchison, Mrs 4 00 Leeder, Chas. R 3 00 McKay, W. H 4 00 Meredith, Edmund 3 00 Moore, Benjamin 6 00 Munro, John 2 00 Munro, W. H 82 00 I'ercival, Samuel 15 00 Shattuck, G. B 2 00 Smith, Walton & family 75 00 Smith, William 6 00 Sunitrum, Samuel 2 00 Thompson, William 8 00 8185 00 St. Matthcxo'a, North Onslow, If Bristol. Armitage, John son 81 00 Armitage, Ricliard sen 2 00 rhiliips, Henry 3 00 86 0* Steel's School House, for 1866. Campbell, A 81 00 Campbell, William 2 CO Davis, James 2 00 Davis, Joseph 2 00 Douglas, Robert Mrs 2 00 Jrvin, John 1 00 Irvin, Robert 1 00 McKinney, Robert 1 00 Reynolds, Samuel 2 00 Turner, George 2 00 816 00 St. Mark's, Bristol, for 1866. DeLisle, C. A 80 60 DeLiale, L 50 DeLisle, M. A 60 Gilpin, Henry 1 60 Gordon, Mrs 26 McCarra, James 00 McLormick, H. R 66 McFall, Andrew 1 50 I'otts, William 1 00 Sheffield, Joseph 1 00 Taber, E 4 00 PORTAGE DU FORT, FOR CHURCH SOCIETY. Amy, Mr 81 00 Batey, Mr 1 00 Bennett, Mr 26 Cash 60 Diaper, Mr 26 Everill, J 50 Gorby, Miss A 1 00 Gorby, Miss M 1 00 Gribble, Rbv. J 7 50 Gibbons, Miss C 1 00 Ingram, Miss S. J 60 Murphy, Mr 1 00 Murrell, Miss 25 Purvi8,Mr 1 60 Reed, Mr 1 60 Rimes Mr 100 Rimes Mrs 1 50 ShearnMr 100 Sullivan, Miss 26 Mann, Miss 80 Lambert Mr 50 Ill BUUDOCK. Arnold, Mr M liiRrain, Mr 1 (Mj .hulgson, Mr 2 00 Grant, Mr 2 00 SomerviUo M. F 1 00 Worrell, Mr 1 00 SxibacribeilfoT Clergyman in Portage (hi Fort. Amy, Mr «8 00 Jieniiett Mr 1 00 Batey, 5Ir 2 00 Burrows, Mr 2 00 Diaper, Mr 1 00 (jlorW Mr 2 00 (ilichriit, Mrs 2 00 Hall, Mr 1 00 Uoare. Mr 4 60 Uumphroy , Mr 1 50 Hardinee, Mr * 00 Luker, Mr 2 W Bl'Fetera, Mr 2 00 M'Luughliii, Mr 3 00 Murphy, Mr 2 00 I'urvis. Mr ,* xx Uiine8,Mr.J 12 00 Kim8s,Mr.C » 00 Kos8,Mr 200 Kiinkin, Mr 5 00 Slicarn. Mr 8 00 Slack.Mr 6 00 Shouldyer, Mr 25 rhacher, Mr 1 00 lj8borne, llev. H 100 00 \Velm,Mr 3 00 S172 25 Produce List in Portage du Fort. Wallace. W 8 60 Wallaco.P 7 00 Amy, Mr 7 50 Gosling, Mr 7 00 Diaper,Mr 75 Purvis, Mr * "Jj Lambert, Mr }^ Reed,Mr 1 »0 Clarke, A 50 ,933 35 Hodgson, J. R 75 Jones, E 60 McLaughlin, Mrs., jun 60 Copleston, Mrs 100 Coplcston, {;. F 60 Copleston, M. E 25 Copleston, Herbert 25 E»erett,Tb08 60 »5 25 Collected by Miss Barnstoii. Macdonald, Mrs. J. R 5 00 Wainwright, Mrs. J 60 Mcintosh, Mrs 1 00 Jones, Edward, jun 100 Burwash. Mrs 1 00 Burwash, Miss 60 Albright, Mrs. Nelson 6 60 Hyde, Nelson 1 00 Burwash, Mrs. Matthew 60 Sll 00 Collected by Miss de Hertel. Hooker, Mrs. G 50 Center, Mrs. J 025 Cole. Mrs 25 Rainy, Mrs 25 Albright, Mrs. C 26 Robertson Mr. H 1 00 Center, Alfred 25 $2 75 Collected by Miss F. Hoy. Schneider, G 200 Forbes, Mrs. W. B 1 00 Gaudry, Mrs. C 25 Forbes, Geo. S 60 Friend, A 25 Jones, Geo 85 I'alliser, Mrs 25 Learing Joseph 60 Forbes, Mrs. Com — 50 Stykeman. Mrs. O 050 Hoy, Francos 26 Jones, Mrs 50 S6 75 Subscribed for Clei'gyman 'n Havelock. Ingram.Mr 2 60 Judgson, Mr ' "" Judgson, Mrs., Collected by 4 50 Somerville, Th08 1 00 SomerTille, Wm 2 00 Huston, Mr 160 S18 60 ST. ANDREWS. Collected by Mrs. Copleston. Crosby, M. L . . . St. Denis, Alex . 050 060 Collected by Miss S. A. Burwash. Burwash, Albert 50 Burwash, Captain 1 00 Burwash, Matthew 60 BurwashM 25 LeRoy,M 100 Howard, Doctor 1 00 Albright, W 60 Wainwright, Mrs. J. W 25 $5 00 Collected by Miss E. Kempley. Short, Captain J 2 00 Lonsdale, Rev. R 7 60 Lonsdale, Mri. . 5 00 112 ]MiicNaiiKlit<'ii, Mrs r.(i Kuniplcy, Mth r.O lvoin|)l<'.v, .MiHH 2') Kciiiplcv, Mi"^ Klizii '2.') JMcArtliiir, Mf. W. H 50 McArflmr W. H W rallisfr. Jo^cpli 2.') ."MoArtlHir, Mrs. II. F, A I (Mi I''rit'iiil, A 2') JoiU's. .Mi."!! tii) .Sinip-toii, Mrs 100 KobtTLM)!!, v., M.I) 25 K'niHTfsoii, Mri. \V f.d Frifiiil A r.O .SiiniisDii, iMrf. t> 1 00 Sini|is()ii, Kiiicry 2.') Clirnic, .Mrs. VV.U 1 (H) Sudifrliiiid, Mrw W) lliiiisiiii, Mi» 1 Oo Siniii.son, Sirs. .M. D 75 Wfi;.'liiiiiim, .Mrs 2.'i AlNri-lit, .Mrs. M. .SLii 2;') MncODiiald, Areli 50 Wanloss, Thos 50 I'lirktM-, Jolm 25 WaiiliMs, Mr->. M 25 Mavraiul, Mr.^ 25 Hctliiiiic, Mrs 1 00 Jictliuiic, Mr 1 00 $2!) 50 Total $00 25 VAUDKKLIL. FOi; CllUKCH HOI IKTY. Aurto, Richard 50 Aiido, Mrs. U 50 ilodffsoTi, .lolin 2 00 Ivisdii, •laiiiu!; 1 (XI lvi..«)ii, Mr-s 50 Jlatllicw.-i, (ieorf;c, jiui J Oo I'ykc, K(,'V.J. W 7 50 I'vkf, .Mrrt 1 00 I'vkc, Miss 1 00 I'Vlif, .Miss Mary 1 t Ifobiiisi.ii. .1. N 1 00 Uoljiii.-Di), (Jliristopiior 50 .Sliepiiord. n.W 6 00 Sprigginj,'?, Kdward 1 00 «23 50 To Como nnd (^oto. St. I'lnirlci^ < 'Impels, and Repairs to St. Janws Church. Aiido, Kicliard 1 00 AdaiiLS, Mrs lo 00 I'l'eiikiiisliip, .Jo. Canicroii, John 5 00 Carter, (jl 2 00 David.son. Mrs. Ann 00 Dow, William 10 OO (iibb, J..1 50 00 (.iltb, Mrs. J.J ()0 00 (iibb, J. 1) 150 00 Uibb, 15. (En-land) 13'J 20 (iibb, n., Jiin., do . . . (iibb, (• (•rabain, ^V'illialll Iliitton, .laiiii's Ilaniilton, lion. John. Hamilton, Kobcrt Ilajfar, (i. !•' Ilod^-'on, William Iliid^'son, John llod/isoii, (ii'orf(o Ilodtri'soii, W ilod;;(!son, .lolin llodjfHon llrothyrs Ilalcro, Andrew McCuish, Jiilin Muttlicws, (}('or;,'i', ni)U. Mathison, .1 A .Matthews, (ioor^^e, jun. I'yke, .lames W I'ark, .lames Parsons, Timothy I'arsons, 'riiDnni.s I'vke, .Miss I'yke. .Miss Mary riirkin, .lamcH Keay, I) Kohinson, I{. (i Itobinson, W. >« Uobinson, Albert .Shepherd, liev. .Mr... . .Shepherd, Airs Shei)herd, II. W .Sclineider, T. 11 .Schneider, ('. W Sehni'ider, .lohn .Mark . .Sim|)son, Isaac .Saiinderson, .lo.scph.. .. .Stejilicnson, Nancy Simpson, .Joseph .Simpson, Leah 'rhom])son, .lohn Thompson, llejiry 'Tliomjison, William. . . . Titiin, .1., jiin Whitiock, .Mrn Williams, Miles Williams, Mrs A Friend In .small sums 00 5 ()0 1 00 2ii (fl 10 IM 10 00 10 0(1 111 II 1 52 (111 lo O'l I 00 1 IK» 1 5) 1 00 5 o't 125 1 2 O'l 5 00 lo O'l 2 0) 1 Hi 7 0') 5 00 5 00 2 00 (•„-) 11 (10 1 00 1 00 52;') 00 50 00 10 00 25 0') 20 0) 5 (10 lo (H) ,•'» 1 00 5 00 4 0) 1 (h) 1 00 1 (Kl 5 00 2 00 50 00 lo («l 6o (N) 15 50 Collections in Como Chaj 1 for 18(io, 18tiiJ, and ISiiT 100 00 S1826 00 Sul>scri])fi<»is (oimnls Staimd (Itas.t W'indoirfiir St. Mury's Vhapd, Como. Angu.s, (i. F 10 00 Ilapar, .lohn 10 00 Hodcson, .1 5 00 Matthews, G . II., jun lo oO Matthewi-, Georfje, son 5 (Id Heay, U lo (lO Shepherd, K. W., sen 10 Oi Shepherd, 1{. W^., jun Schneider, T. H Torrance, C Torrance, F Williams, .Miles Kobinson, K. G $liW7 00 3 1 ;; (HI 3 0) 1 t;o 10 01 1 00 CONTENTS. Act f>r Jii(.'<>rpoi;ati<)U '•*> ('liiiiu't'lli)i'",s 0[>ini(iJi •'i Notices 7 List of Clcfgy f^ riayns • H Conslitutiuii 1- rati'oiiagc of loctoiios 1 •> IJcpoi't of Annual Meeting - i^ Hoi)Ovts fi-oni tli:' several ravishes .;.*{ 'rnl.ulai' stivtemont of contrihutions ill the cUfFevent Tar- ishes "J • 'ri'easui'Ci's accounts T-) J/ist of Office bearers 77 '< Life Members f^<> '' Ordinary Mi'iubcrs ^^ '' Contributors for 18()7 — < -ity <>f Montreal .S4 T)<'anev>- of Jk'dford ''^7 irochelaga -»^» <' IbiMville J"-" << St. Andrews 107 Tlie reporfc-of the llev. Mr. Eirly, of I[untiiigdon. was rrc-ivod too late for publication.