IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4ij ^•^' / -iT^ #? ^ M 1.0 I.I 1.25 » 1.4 ;^ii£ iim ■^ iii IIIII2.2 12.0 1.6 ->* m V] /, 7 W' Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (7t6) 872-4503 # iV :\ V 4 \ 6^ ^ ^^ Ll iiii'iiiii PI iii.'i iiiii I iiiiil iniimi i^.ky.'i:^ Promis & Saunders, GROCERS. PROVISION D£A.L£iRS and WiNifl AND fepiRiT Merchants, BEG TO INtUllM PAIITIES llEQUIRINU A STUCK OF UouitH lor till- (>iiiiui;ca Mui)>8 that tbey hold tliu lai'goat, moet foinplete, and ln^st assorted Ktiuk in tiie Colouy, and arc prepared in stdl ut th« lowest posKible wholenalu pncoH. ji^jif All articloK wiirninteducnuiue, and of a suporioi- (quality. W© invito inspection ot oni xtook prMl!s, Joliacon Htreet, opposite King rt Head. ^M K'ell & FiNL.\vsuM are prepared to supply oiiuers nod tirtvelers wiih everv descriptiou of groceries Aod provisions pin up in convenieut sized pack- ages tur tr&nsmi.isiuti to nny part of ttie Uolouy, at the lovvt^at prices. Pariicuiar attention is paid to the selection of goods for parties desiring to piouure supplies tor the mine.*'. They may rely upon gel ung a superior article at our store. Coffee roasted and |, repared on ao initiroved principle; and Spices, guaranteed free from adulteration, may be haa in^ any desired quantity. Fell & Finla-ssojs Coffee and Spice Merchant.^ and Family Urocers, Victoria, V. I. n^^. Always ask for Fell's Coffee ai the Mines "^^ ^§aii¥r i it lit it UOVlii RICUAKDM, I i i' to ■'5' ti 6U " •' per D (Iff » OU Single Meals U 37.^ peds 50 The Bar is well supplied with Wines, Liquors, Ale, Porter and Cigars. Jt^- A Fireproof Safe in the House. lEilv ^di* Wi '^, ■,li:HiiiiiiiiUii:'.. ::i iliilpiii^i:- :'!!)!;!i!!'iM!!'(jj'''|';j'i'ir'>;:;,' liiil!y»iSi!!J:;;;!}i!:.:.:;::'^^ IliiliiiM^^ ■"liiifiiijiinsiiiiii'i'liii!''' iii illiii ii!? k i.\U'(unKH> MK n WlIOIiKS.M.K AMI KKTAIL DHALKUS IN Vlr\^ NU' UaLI., (ioVKKNMfCNT StKEET, VICTORIA, V. I. _ iiyortrrh. ||oolv^ellm, and ^^ialionm, ERSiiBicais mn hewspape-hs, MASONIC BUILDING, G I EH NMEN T S TUEET \irr(»iii.\, !; <:. 3D W ABU ^WATSON, GovBiiNMKN'T .srriKat. CHRO^OMEieV AND WATCHES I L K A s K I' . i I hi' . . U !•> 1» '. > 11 \\ .\ [i U \ \ I 1 li ery Description of Jewehy Made lo Ordtii* LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL ENCR/^VINC NEAi';.Y i:x:;ci. TED. ''■^I^^^la Mm^. -s ,' "is . V; ^4? ill li'^:' ■' fii %v\ Mi'lJ.!;i(i;i::iii,.,;:Slill.:ill!!: m III iiiiiii liiiiiW^^^^^ ''W^ m iiiM illiiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiilililiwi' liiii i|iii||i|!i!imh!iii!ji!i!!p!!!; mfrsmmas: ms m :i,:':!:'ii!!i;!;: !ii:!!i:!!!iii!i: Pacific Telegraph Hotel, STORB STRBBT, bet flerald and Pisgard, VICTORIA, B. C. Andrew Astrico, - - Proprietor, Tho MOST 00MM0DI0U8 and CLEAN HOTSL, ia Yictoria. It is conducted on the European principle. The Table \h supplied with the vory beat the market afforde M E/U.8 at all hours of the day. Private IHning Roomn for Fauniliei. 0HAR6E8~Board and Lodging per week, $6fi0 to t6 60. Board and Lodging per day fi 00. Single mealti, 37^ centw. Beds 60 centv. TERMS— Oavh in advance. 49- A Fire-proof safe iA the Hoose. Lowe, Stahlschmidt & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VirTORf.A, VANCOUVKR T8I-AND. AGENTS FOR Uuioii Inaurauce Co., (Marine), of 8an Pranciaoo. Baena Vitita Vinicultnral Society, of California. Henry Brace AOo 'h Saddlery, Walsall. Great Britain. Hold full stocks of staple imported goods. Liberal advances made on approved merchandise ship- ped to their fMends in South America, Sandwich Islands, Australia, China and Europe. R. MAYNARD, Boot and Shoe Store^ Occidental Bmldinga, ISi.. FORI STRKKT. .BATHER AND FINDINGS OF uU kiodd for sale on the moat favorable terms. I J <'. .\<< ^- .'//• d < / ' s ^ J^:%'' /^.riT/wW-i? ■-'-^ '^. V ^'P' v-'-^ ^N ;fii; ^%^ oV X ?c- ; ■.1^, >»::: ^-.X L ^^ ^4^ ./ ^•"^a^ _,) V f H '^ 6'4S . /'It?-* \ T HE Vrfy yiiiffr ',iysij» ^"«sr'J«T^'v'' LD FIELDS A H RO U TE S^ T H £ R ET O |:;>^<>^1|^ COMPILED &,DftAWN FROM RELIABLE AUTHORITIES ^ ar M D PATTERtON C E :!>^ 0. \y :??^ ^ ^\^': •«t«i4;r> \ ...» * ^■v/^'^- , « , • * f-^>^*. A, j "^ r \ ^. 'X y *< :i/ ■ >> "I ■■■. X ^- ■■'''^,.r>K '■•■■>* - ■ M •^''^^'^^^''v:'vf^'vV//!% Distance Tables and Miscella DOUGLAS noVTS— To Glikton fROH New WtiTuiHaTCR. Mila. From Vew WeitiiilDi(er (p Donglas, 96 Tbeneo to Lillooet Lnke^..^.. 36 " end of Lillooet Lake.... l?i *' Anderson Lak« 30 " end of Anderson Lake... 14 •< Beaton Lake.... 1 '* end of Seatcm Lake 14 " Lillooet 3^ •• Clinton 40 Isi tORT YALE ROVTS-^ To GlIHTON AMD WltLIAUS CBBKK moM NBW WlStMIMSTlCR. Milt*. from N. Westminster to Ft. liope, 72 Thence to Ft. Yale 15 •• Lytton 57 •• Clinton 79 " SodaCfpek 130 " per Steamer or Waggon Road to Quesnel Mouth 55 •• Williams Creek 65 473 LAND ROUTE— From New Westmiwbtir to Hooem CiTT, OM THE OmINBOA BivEB, fBR Wist Roae Ritee aid Ft. Fraeer. MUti. From Nev Westminster to Qnesnel Mouth, per Fort Tala Route 408 From New Westminster to Quesnel Mouth, per Douglas" Lillooet Ronte 436 Thence to West Road River 46 •< NoolkiLake 69 «' FortFrazer, 26 " Fort St. James 45 " Tatchee River 36 '< Trembleur Lake 16 " CrossioK do 9 " Middle River.... 26 " Bulkley Hoase, north end of Lake Tatlab 50 " Ilogera City 50 Total distance from New West- minster, t>er the Donglas-Lil- looct Route, to Hogem City. ..806 Totnl distance from New West- minster, per Ft. Yale Route, to Hogpm City, on the Omin- oca River 778 From N'. Westminster to Victoriti, 75 Froni Virtorin to Hogem f^ity, V-t YiUe Route.." ". 853 From Viclorii to Hogom City, per Donglus Route JSl LAND ANL From New GiTt, or Fort Qeor From New ^ ne R( From New Vi ne Ro Thence to Po Ch " Fo " Ho dc! From New W City, per From New W( City, per From Victoria Total distune* Ilogera Cil Total distiinc( Hogem Ci' I3:3ret£:Ll OX' FLotlia MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION OF RAIN, FALLING IN IM Over the Westerly Slopo of the Cnscnde Mountains and Vancouver Island, ...., Over the Eastern Slope of the Cascade Mountains, .4. Over the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Over the Bastern Slope of the Hocky Mountains, Over the Saskatchewan Valley Over the Country Bast of Red River and West of Lake Ontario, Over the rest of the Canadian Provinces, including New Bruns-vick and Prince Edward's Isl MAGNETIC DECLINAT] The variation of the Magnetic Needle may be approximately assumed to be about one degree, (1°) and Longitude 119 West. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED IN THE COMP Meisri. Oermabsen, Anderson, Hankin and White's Sketches, and Leech's (R. B.) Maps of tbt the years 18ei-'6a-'63-and-'64, in the Upper Country ; Admiralty Charts by Oapt. Ponder and ot Gftnadian Htps, Professor Da««'s Isothermal CH- .ts, Professor B^he's Magnetic Observations in t WmmKmmm\mm\m\m im Miscellaneous Informatioa lA^D AND RIVSR ROtfK— Fbom Maw WaaTk:rv.-iTiK to RoctiM GiTV, m TBI OmiiaoA Rtvaa, ^ia. foRT Otoaoi. ifilM. From New Weitminater to Qaat- nel MoQth, pef TaU Roate , 408 From New Weatminatar to Quea* nel Month, per Do^glai Route 6 Thence to Port George .. ....<.... 96 " Chinlac 60 " Fort James 70 " Ho(;em City, (as before described) 195 From New Wpslminster to Kogera City, per Douglas Route 867 From New Westminster to Iloj^cm Oily, per Yale Route 829 From Victoria to N. TVestminster, 75 Total distance from Victoria to Ilogera City, per Yule Route. ..904 Total ilistance from Victoria to Hogem City, perDuUglas Rtu, 932 TO Hoobm EtivCB, faa ■. Fracbr. MOu. ineanel t Tale 408 ineinel luglaax 436 46 69 26 45 36 16 9 25 north ah 50 60 Wcst- las-Lil- City...806 West- Route, Ornin-* 778 ctoriH, 75 ...853 ...381 8KEENA ROUTE— Fron Yletoria to the Month oftho Skeena Rivar, per BtoBaar...! Thanca to If amford'a Soatk tui4> . ing If « KltaalBg* t# *• Ritwangar, 44 «• Hankia'aStorafBtrorlM H *' Lake Babina 60 •' BnlklayHooaa 80 " Hogem ,0i(7 50 From Victoria to Hogem City, S80 GISCOMBE PORTAGE ROUTS— As yet almost nntravallrd, and report* ed rough. To Fort George, as before describ- ed from New Westminster, per Yale Ronte < 604 Thence to Portative 40 " Summit Lake < 10 " Crassin do ^ 4 '< McLeod's Lake k Fort, 40 « Mouth Findlay Branch 120 " Germanseu Creek 16 " Following the win linga of^the river^to Hogem, 30 From Viifewa to Hogem City, 839 or IFLoLlm Ta^Tol©- l!^, FALLING IN INCHES, IS DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS ! Pbboipitation. er Island, 60 Inchaa. 20 " . 26 •« 20 •• , 16 •« ; 30 " ick and Prince Bdward's Island 36 " ETIC DECLINATION. o be about one degree, (1°) additive for each parallel of Latitude to aboat Latitude 67" Nertb| ud Longitude 119 West. D IN THE COMPILATION OP THE MAP. jeech's (R. "&.) Maps of the Union Telegraph Surveys ; also, Compiler's Sk«tchea« kt.t daring ts by Oapt. Pender and others ; Wylde's (Geographer to Het Majesty Qaeea Tiotoria) Mapt) Magnetic Observations in the United States, Jcc, &o> ^nnvmvHPVanniimin' l!»™(H^WW«'^«>»P^^»!.l""iiiM BIW''^*^F^'*^iW"W^*»T'??''i''«^'f^TT^*"^""'''^'^'^''''''^