IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT^3) 1.0 I.I l^|28 12.5 ■50 '"^™ HiHH •^ 1^ 12.2 u 12.0 1.8 1.25 1 1.4 < 6" — ► 71 alls, ( h, St.. ,„<.,• Dnnkin, \al..iilin.. Vuukr, Ucury K.^'m- ■•""• "'rpornte l.'n,.mn.^U,ll:amSkri,.,>|{..lH,.s, K.Kvanl ,l..|,„ IjiauiHin'; "" Jnsj-,,1, |,.Msv..., Kol,,,., .lanu.s Miliar, T!,eo,,l,iln IJ.,,..., H' a Hi Jrsse D. Ivoi.ins,,,,, Ks-iuiirs, will, all s,u-l, „il,er .K-rsons ; ;i . 2J Vict. (iip.OtiofC.p.. «. All iIk- |)n«visi()iis (it''''nic Uiiil\v;i> Ad" shnll !..• iiicnr- Htiit. to nviily poratcd willi this Act, save in > where su.'h Station or Depot may he recjuired I'or any of their works lierrhy auliioi'ized, may laki' land to the extent ol' twenty acres, without the con-eiit ol'thc propriet(a' thereof, hut suhject otherwise to the pro\ i->ions ol' The Kadway .\el in that hcl'ialJ'. wav. Hraiuhcs. Briilpcs may tS. The ('oiupaiix may erert and con-trnet such |>rid:,'e>, U^v lie niliifitoil tor the purpose^ ol their Uailway or 'I'ramway, or of any Mraiieh jrciHMiil I'lir- ill, .ivot". over anv part ol' any Hiver, as tliev mav deem neco iiosi'S anil tolls , , • ' i " i n • i ' . '. i I takvii. sury ; and also may adapt such Uridijcs to llir pa-sai.'"' ol' horses, vehicle"- and passe Hire i-> : and a I -o ma \ take, receive, and exact such rates ol Toll upon all horses, auimal<, vehicles iiiid l)assenu:ers pas^itiLj o\ei- any IJrid^e mi adapted to the p :e-^ai,n' theveol', as by the tlovernor in Council shall Irom time to time riiin^ to 1.0 he fixed and allow id ; i^it the Company shall not <'oiumeiice iil.piovi-.l i.y ill,. f(in>1riiction ol' any Hri(L'e over any stream ol' a width, at e'miiui'l." '" Hood xvater, exeeediiie: lll'ty _\ards, until alter the piaiis thcreor, ami of till works thereunto relatinir, sh;dl ha\c i.ceii -ubmitted to, and approved by llie (lovianor in Cnuneil. e,it,it;\l aii'l ^». 'l"he ('a|iital Slock of the Company >hall be the ■^\\\n of liow to 111- eijfht Imndied ilii)U>and dollars, to be divided into forty tliou- nMM-,1 aiul ap- ^,,„,| shares of twiiit V dollars each, and shall be rai-ed'by the persons and corporations w ho may lieeoiiie siiareiiolijers in such slock ; and the mone\ so rai>ed >liall be applied, in the lirst place, to the payment and discliarLTc of all fees, expenses and disbiirseineiils lor procuring th" passaije of this Act, and for rnakinij the surveys, plans and estimalcs, eonm cted with tlu; works hereby authorized; and all the remainder of such money siiall be applit'd to the iiiakiiiir, maintainin<^ and yvorkin^' thereof, and the other purposes ol this Act, and to no other piir- .\c fo iivdinii- pose whatever ; and until siicli preliminary ex|)enses siiall be '""T''-M>«'||^'»-'^- paid out of the said capital stock, the ^Iunicipality of any County, Town, Township, Parish or Villaije on the line of .such works, may pay out of the i>-eneral funds of such ISlunicipality its fair proportion of such ))relindnary expenses^ which shall thereafter be refunded to such Municipality from the Capital Stock of the Company, or be allowed to it in payment of stock. 2.J Vict. I Itc itit'or- iiicorisis- ll .'I (il)Ulll(' llic (iriiiiil the County 11(1 Arllia"- ■lioi) ; iiiid r hniiu'lics 1 any f!isi', litis licrcUv Kits, at iiny •I I for any lln' CNtcIlt (ir tlici'f'of, va_\ Art in 5ii(l;,M's, lor my Mniiich rill IKTo- |ta>s;i!.'<' ol iccivc. ami ■liiclf^ 1111(1 III' ins'-aiji' no to tinier rolillllCllco I w'ultli, at n^ ilicrrol', iiliiiiilti'd lie >Jiim of i'orty tliou- -ri\ \)\ till' ns in siicli in the lirst )ciis( s and it, and for I with tlu; iicli Mioiiry 1 workinif other piir- s shall he ity of any inc of such inicipality hifh shall li(> Capital it of stock. 7. -< ninv lH()(t. Dnimiihtiid i)- .irihuhiiska liiiihrdi/ Cii. Cup. III. 5 7. All Maiinfacliirini,' or Miniiiif Corporations, carryin:,' on riii.liin: dir- tlicir operations, in whole or p;irt, any wli'-rc within the limits l"'>i"|;ii> of the Coimlies of Driiimiioiid, .\rlliai)ie-ka and l!ai,'ot, \\ liether iiieorporated hy Special .\ci, or under any (ien<'r:il Act, l>y a vote ol' the Shaieholders represent iiii.' at least iliiee foiiiihs of the value of the slock, but not otherwise, may siiliscrilie for, or otherwise acipiire, and may hold, any niimher of Shares of the Capital Stock of the Company ; and iiiiv di^•|)o^e of the same at pleasure. S. Tlie s;iid William Slieppard, iJoliei't \ii;,'e||t Walts, I'i:^t Ulnrt- Chrisiopher Miiiikin, \aleiiliiie Cook, Henry Kecnc llenimini,', °''-- William II. .\. I)a\ ies mid ,|cv^c |). Kohin-un, ;ire lierehy eoiistitiited and appointed the first Directors of llie Coiiipany ; and, until olheis sli:ill h" named as hereihafler provided, -ihall constitute the Moai'd ol I Jircelors ol the CompMiiy, \\ illi poucr N'mimcii";. to till vacancies occur riiiii' thereon, to associate w it li them -elves ihcrcdti iioi more than three oiher peisoiis, who, upon iicinir ^'o l'"\vi'rs. named, s|i:ill liccome and le Directors of the Ciimp;i!iy ciiiially with lliemsclves, to open Slock IJook^, to make a call upon the stnrli 1mii!<.-, shares sul)scrilied therein, to call a iiiceiiiii^ of tlie Siil.scrihi'rs ^^^ thereto, lor the elcetioll of oilier Directors ii-. herein:: Iter provided, and wilh all mk'Ii oilier powers as, uiidi'r liie l\:iilw'y Act, are vested in such M(>ard. O. So s(H>n IIS (.a:'-i'.;!i:!: ( f i' • 1" 'm;;;i| S;ne!., -Iiall li;i Ve Kira -■••■i tiI hceli siili-crilied, and one 1 ■nlll tln'ien!' dlilv p:i::| i!i;o some ""■'''i"i' Chiirlcri'd Mnnlv (wliieh sli;ill .m im iieeounl he w iilidrawu [),,r|'\v^'^!_ '' therelVoiii unless for the si !\ lee ol tlii' ( 'uinpiiny) it shiill he lawiiil liM' tlie said Director.-, vv ;[ miijority i ■;' 1 hem, hv piiMic nolle:', to lie :,dveii nt i":i-i t!iir;\ day- previous in ihe Ca/niild ^/'(/Cf'//' , and also at leiisl lilteeii day ^previous in at le;i-l one I'liinli-h and oil;' i-'iench \ew-papei, piiMisiied in the City of .Montre;d, ;iud in two ol ilic niai-csl c'liiiitry piipcrs, to ciill a Jir-^t Ceneral Me:'iini:ot' i!ie SIrirehoMers, at such time and place as they iiadl thiiil. prnper; ;ind ;!l siicli uieetine', luid at I'.li'i'inin ni' every r.nmi;ii ' ■'er:d lueeini .■ el the Cumpany tlieri'afier, there "''>''•■"'■• shall he elected not less than seven nor more thanteii Director-, to serve until the next annual ;4:eiier;il meetinu', iiiid until their successors are appointed ; aiul at every sui li iiiecliny, each \< to Muiiici- INTunicipai or other Coiponitioii, holdinir stock to the amomit of iiiH;u'-; ami twenty tlioiisaiiil dollars or more, and not hein:' iu arrear for '!,'^ti^I,|!^'l,o'l°^". any call thereon, may either tak«> part in such election as an stock ordinary Sharcluilder, or may abstain from so doiiii,' ; and each such Cor|)oration, as sliall so abstain, may, eithertheii oral any time thereafter, by Hy-Iaw in that behalf, name one other Di- rector, who need not himself be a Shareholder, to serve for the like term, — tlu; thirty-fourth and s"V( nty-eii,dith Sections of the Railway Act bcdntj; in this behaU hereby superseded. 10. The annual general meetings of the Company shall be Yearly gene- lirdd thereafter, on the first Wednesdiiy in the month of May ral meetings yearly 1 (« Nului V', niro. I. r-. (■•.j). 111. !)ii.,ii>iini'il ,\- Arlh'ihdHka liitiliriii/ Co. ■,';{ V'ur. \(:ir!v, oi' oti Midi iiiliir (liiy lis >li;ill !)'• npimiiiti'd l»\ ari\ li\- i;i\v (if till- ("diiipjuiy, !iii(| ill such pliicc iiiid hour !is l)y such lJv-l:i\v >hiill li:- iipiMiiiilcil ; smd piihlic (inticc ihcrrdi' sh.ill l)r .'/ivi'ii ;it lr;isl ihirly (l;iy-> |)rfvi(iii-^ in ihc ('(tixitld d'ltzcltf, :iMil ;i|<(> ill lr:i>t lil'li ( II (l;iy^ pn'\ iniis in ;it Ic;!--' oiir Klltrli^ll iilid niii- Kiiiii-h ii''\\^p:i;ii'r piil'li-l 'il in ihc City ul' MuiiHriil, II. Nc |)i">(ili >li;ill lir (|ii;ililii'(| III he ili'ctrd such Director li\ thi' Shiirchi'ltl. V , unless 1.' he ii Sh.i.i'holdn-, holiliiit; iil k i';1 Id! kIkju's n!' Slociv ill t!ii' Coiiiprill) . \i,i,;; !!*i. Al ;i!l iii:'cl:llLf"' o|' ihc Coiiipiiliy, the Slock held hy i. ■;, li..n VI- \|i;nici|-i;il iiiid other Coiporiil "W- uiiiy in' rcproeiited hy >iich •■"''■'"'■' pir.'Oii i\-i ihcy sirill rc-pccliv^ !y hiivc iippoiiited in ihiil liehiill" liv r<\-l;i\\, :iii>i -iich person > nil, iil siicii nieetini,', lie eiitilled \.. , II.. to v,t,> •'ii!in llr-reoiror the lii,ii'-;e'ii(in ol' hiisiiK rK h.Ti'hy aiilhorize<|, into not more than four ai\ii..i iiit , si'cliotis : iumI in ihat clise, anv on" or more of siicli sections ■-*'''i"i'-- when coiepf 'lid, wlietlii ]• e(>iitie"i in;,' with the (irand 'rnink KilVct i.f -urh Uaiiwiiy of ("miadii, or with tlie 'llin'c 1,'ivers mid 'loi-i. II. IJraiK h Ixailway, shall (with any hraiich or liranclics tiicreof) h" known as, and h-'coine the KiuKvay or Traniwav liendiy initli<>ri/'(!, iildionufli anv other sec'lion or sections inaV not be e(>tnpleted ; and the piiiiini,' into operiition of ;inv one or more of such sections. Avithin ioiiryeais iVoin tli(> passintf of lliis Act, shall secure the corporate cNistcnce of the ('ompnnv, and its riifht thereafter to construct any remaining: sect ion or sections, — ( on. Stivt. Ihe one linndred and seventeenth section • wliiUcvcr, holder sllilll V :i|i))(iit)tr(i )!' the ("om- is ;ir()n>;ii(l, (•"iiiiil, ^h;ill (I il iiiiy v;i- ,isi', iiiiKiiii,' [• rciiniiiiiii,' rchi'Mi'T to ir the l)i- llll'V liV ( 'niiipaiiy -nil ss ; ;iiiil •r as |i;ii(! , the [Joanl ■ thi' wiiiiii than Idiir •!i si'clions and 'rnink Ailhal.aska Its iheiTdl) way hcri'liy may not lie lie or more of 1 his Act, ly, and its sections, — ailway Aet 10 l,s(!(). Ih'iniitiiainl (tinl Arthith.iaku fliiili'iiij ( o. (ap. III. ^ tn. All Dii (U and Conveyaiieis o|' hinds lo he i'oiiveyed (',,tiM\iitir.M to die ('oiii|iaiiy lor die |iiii|io'e> ol this Act, may, in so far as '" ''"' ''"''. the tide III the saiilland- or the eireiim-ianees o| the parlies [|'',!||'| „[.',;'|','.^'J[ win admit, he made in die joriii ol'-i'hedide A, to this A<-t .lui. a. aniiesed, in preseiiee ol' Iwooriiioic uilne-sis; aiidl'orllie due eiirei^islrilliol! thereof, tlie ( 'ojllpailV sh.dl, at tiieir ov. ii e\- |)iii>e, furnish the |{ei;i>li ir of each Coiinly, trav« i-ed hy llie Uailway, with a hooK or hooks ha\iii^a siiliiei' nt iiiimher of i'opies ol' siieh form therein printed, one on each pa:,'e, leaviii:/ the rei|nisile hlanks to ->nit tlie\ariolis eases ol eoiiscsaiiee, siieli hook or hooks aiithi lit ieated in the manner in \\h eh the ordinary l^':,dsters ol such Uei^i-trar are hy 1 lu rM|iiireil to he aiithent ieated ; and siieli hook or hooks >hall hy siieli Keyistrars he received and kept as, and -hall he, no many |{eL;islers ol dieir re-peeti\e ( )dices ; and they >liall therein eiireyister such |)ceil>, upon prod net ion thereof, and proof of their execution hy the oath of one eiedliile W it ne>-., \v II iell o;illl they are liereiiV nnthori/ed to adminisier ; and ihey shall certify siieli eineyiv. Iration and the date thereof, on each such Deed ; niid the Com- panv shall pav for -iieh enre;^ivtration ol, and c 'rtilicale upon ciieli siii'li Di'cd, tile >iiiii .>|'!i;ilf u dollar, and no more ; miil such eniei,d>l ration shall he to all intents valid in law ; and iti tlie ah«e|ice oj the oril^inal o|'an\ >ncll Deed, copies thereol', tidvcii iVom such |{''yisiir and duly eerlilied h\ the l!ei;islrar lia\ iiii; charge ihereol, shall he held imd treated ;is antlu'iitic copio of such Deed ; and siieli lveL(i-lrar shall he entitled to a fee of one dollar, and IM more, lor escry -ucll ceitilied copy. 17. In the l)orro\\ ill!.' oi IIKiIH \ li\ \\a\ ol' hi:ill, the Dehill- [icKonluri'-i tn lures oflhe I'oiiipaiiv niav he in therorm of Seheihde 15, to f^" '» ''""n " • this Act anncseii, or in any other like joriii, ami neeij not he ,i,^>,.j,,,c. pasM'd hefore Nolaric^.^ ; mid the ciire<,'ivtiation, in the manner licreiiiatter set forth, of any siieh Deheiiiiir" in tli<' licLristry Ollice lor the Col I Illy ol I )rumiiiond oiil_\ , v||;il| pr|-|cct the Iii/jhi- ///('■«///«' the re hy ere, lied ; :iiiil Mieli liiijiolhi niii >liall rank from HyimtlH'i n- the date of the pre-eiiiu;, m of Midi Deheiiture lor eiirei^Msl ration, ~"1H"K "'«'''- II I r 1 ■ I ■ • trom. irrespecli\ely oi the ilale o| the t\eeiilion or ol the issuilij^ ihcrcol, and lliis, e\eii ihoiiudi the same he pn'sinted for eiirc- ^istration hejoie ilie i-«iie thereof, and hefore the contracliiii,' of the deht therchy evidenced ; and e\eiy Mich Dehentlire, heilli,' ciireijjistered and issued, >hall he iransl'erahlc hy didivi'ry, and hindiiii,' to all intents aifaiiisl the ("ompany and all parties wlialsoevi r, in favor oflhe hearer thereof, and shall hypotlic- caic in his favor all the lands, wharves, huildini,'s, and real property whatsoever of the {'ompany, iiudiidinir all rails, and iron thereto alii\ed, and all other the appurtenances thereto hclon^Mni( ; and the (.'om|)any, if at any time they shall sec lit, Kurtlier pro- may rciiuirc the siimdtancoiis enreiristratioii of any numher of vision us to such unissued Dehentures, upon presentment of the same to- "e'^''''^'iou. ifctlicr to the Hc^islrar with that view ; and in sncii case, the K(>^istrar shall receive and enre;,Mster the same, under date of the (lav and hour of sueli [)resentment thereof ; aiul the same shall 1 8 fllllipMllV I'l Iiii'iikIi IIi'i'm. I I'll I' H lili ri |irip|ii'r I It, Clip. III. Dnihtminiil i)- Arlliu/iin/.v liiiHi'-aii Co. !»;{ Vn-r. «.|i;ill lli('P'ii|Miil hi'iir ciilKil /iiil>()lliiifUi . ii'-nrsMcli diilf, iicrnrd lli;;l>. In. 'I'll'- C ,ii|)iiiiy, iiniisi- (iI llifir iv(|iiiriiiu iIm- inrf^is- lr:itn'ii itl'iiin |)rlirriiiiii'<* ii" alnn'^niil, -liiill, ;i' ilirir own rx- (M'lisr, liniii-^li ihr Hi'iri-ti'iir Willi ii H<'"l« "i' H"<'U, liiivin^' :i Hlilliriclll lllllliltrl' (if ('(ipitw u( till' ^«;liil I'Tlll ••( Dt'lii'llllirr llicri'iii |ii'inlr(|, niic oil t'licli |»:i<,'i', |i';iviii^ lln' ri'i|iii«il(' liliiiiKs, !iiit CoiiiioiH ihcii'lo, Mich hook or llooUs ;Miiln'iitii'.ili'il ill ll' iiiiiiiin'r ill wliii'li oriliiiiiry Urui«^l<'rx ;iri' li\ l;iU |i'i|liiiri| Im he iiliilli'lHii'lllt'il ; llllil -llrll linok or Mooks ofiiill liv till' Ut'tri'ili'iir ill' III I'iM'tl Mini ki'|it ;i-, iiiul >li!ill lie, -o iii;iii\ |{ri,M>i'i" ol' ilir Miiil Olliri'; ;iMil In- >li;ill llii'ri'iii • 'iii'i':.'i<'li'i° till' ^:iiil Di'lii'iiiiiri'^, ii|)ii>i proiliictioii tln'ii'iil', mihI proor ol' tlirir I'M'rillioll, l>\ llir o:itll ol nlH' ci'i'ililili' vvitlli'ss, u liicli oMtli 111- is hi'irliy ;miliori/.i'(l to :i(iiiiini*ti'r ; iiiiil In- >.li;ill crriilV Mil ll i'inri,'i'»li'alioii ami lln' ilali- ilirirol, on cai'li micIi Drlii'iiiiiri' aiiil liir siirli rtiri'^'i-.tialioii of ami Ci'itilli'ati' iipou I'lH'li smli Di'lic'iliiri', III' -hall In' I'titltli'il to a I'l I'oih' ipiaili" ol a tiollar ami no moir. Kriii.tniiinii 111. If al'ti'i- Mirli r!irri,'iNiiaiioii aiivsiU'Ii Drlti'iitiiri' ln> pri'- ..i .an.' Hull III Miiti'd at th'' -;iiil Ki'i,'!^!! v Olliir, with tlir word " ( 'aiii'i'lli'd " "''''■'" ""• iind till' >it,'iiatiiiv to Mirl'i word adih d of ihi' I'ri'sidciit or Si'rri'tar\ ol'ilir Coiiipaii), w riitrii anoss ihr lari' thrrrof, tin* Hi'tji-trar, on ri'iript ol a tcr ol oiir ([iiartrr ol' a dollar in tliiit hi'iiiilt, and on piool' of Mirli -iLMialiiir hy llir oath of «im' rri'dilili' \\ itiii'ss, wliirh oalli iir is lirirhy aiilhori/.rd to adiiiinisti'i-, shall I'orthwith luaki' an nitry in the iiiar;,'iii ol'thi' Ili'Lfislcr, a;:iiiiist tin' llririslry of siicli Dcht'iiturc, to iIm- rirccl that till' saiiii' has ln'i-ii caiii'i'lli'd, addiiiLr l"> siii-h i-ntry tin' date Ihrrcof and his si^iiaturi' ; and thrrriipon siii'h Di'hi'iitiin' ''hall hiToiiic and hr Inld caiicidli'd, and shall In- lilrd and ri'iiiain of ri'mrd in !lir said Ki'iristry (Mlii'i-. iiiicriur'* to ^O. In casr of tiir siTviri' upon tin- Company of any writ of ii|.|i>iiiii III! ndisii ■(trri'l, nr t)\ tin- ('oiiipany hi'inu rri|niri'd to ajiswcr to l',, ,',',.' t'o.'i.rtiii 11 inti'rroi.jatorirs.sHr/(/»7.s' il itrlir/fs, or tol.'ikr \\\i-.sirin'titiliriNoirr priKM"*'* ir or Hiipiili'toirc, any ollicrr of thf (.'oinpaiiy, lii'ini,' thrrcto duly w'i'vcl iiTi till' (iiithori/i'd 1)V voti' or irsolulion of tin- Directors thcri'of, iiiav ' ii|li|iiillV. 1 " I 1 I • I • V .'ippcar and make declaration to sim'Ii writ, or answer to such inturrot,Mtorics, or take sik-Ii oath, as the ca>c may he, for tlic ('ompany ; and such declaration, aiiswi.'rs or oath, as the case may he, shall he taken iis the declaration, answers or oath oIiIh! Company, to all intents whatsoever; and the production and lilint,' in Court, by such olliccr, of a eopy of such vote or tl'so- liition, certified hy tlu; Secretary of the C'orupany under llieir seal, shall be conclusive evidence of his authorization as in and by such t'opy set forth. Saio ofnooilH til. In case of neglect or refusal to pay the toll or freight on which fj„p ^o ||,p Company upon any goods of a perishable nature, or which f f). ill Vmt (|;itf. nt'fttnl Iii'ir own rx- k>i, liiivinw => it| |)i-l)i'iiliirr ni^iti- lil;iiiUs, \^\t^\ or HooU- link «', >li;ill llHTfill tin rt'ol, :ili(i lililc wilni'?*?*, • ; iitltl lif chilli ii) f;n'li Midi llilicilll- I.|MII1 iiroiii' (pmili" MMitiirc lie pn-- l '' Clinrrll.'d " I'loidciil or \cc tlirrfor, till' III' a ilitllar in (• (lalli dl" »iMi' iiiillioiizfd ti> iiiar:,'iii nl' tin- re, 1() llif fll't'ft siicli fiitry 'li'" iii'li l)fl)fiiliirt' I hv lilfd and ot ;iny writ nf lo ajiswcr tt) I'ltviil dtnisoirr iii,' tlicrt'lo duly US llicifol', may inswt-r 1() siu'li ay lif, l'i)r tlu- !itii, as tilt' cast; rs or t)atli ttl tlit- |)rt>tlin'lit)n and ell volt' (»r ruscH ny undt'r llifir liDfi/ation as in loll or freight liable nature, or which |H<) tir st'r- I"'' vaiils ol llif Coiiipiiiiv, iipoii llif v> liMcii ffililii all' ol' two ilisiiilfri'^ii'd and t'oiiipi'ifiit prixnis in dial I'lli'il, and idler jfiv'»'.' oiif iiionili's Molit'i' \\i }\\i' Coiiiuld <»(/:r//r, ainl in two newspaper^ piilili>lii'(l ;it, or as iii'ar a-^ iiia\ in' pn^'^ililr to the loealilv where -neli yood'. may he, may ili-po»i' ol' tin- saiin- lis piil'lii' aiielion : ami in "urli ca^e, die proci'ids >liidl tlievi- aiiiT III- di>po>i>i| ol, ill inaiiner a> in and liy tin' Railway Ael is provitli'd ill rt'H|)cil ol any sale mailr a- llirirli\ aiilliori/i'd. '■M*-^. 'I'lir ( 'ompaii) may Ihtoiiii' a pail_\ lo promissory noifs I'lniiiianv m ly and I'ilU ol r\r|iaiii;i' lor slim- ol mil !• -■ i' an one liuntlreil '"' '""''"|' ' i|oliar> ; and aii\ siuli promi->ory iioir mailr or rndor-i'il, ami any siifli hill ol' ext'liaiiyc, ilrawii, iicri'plcd or cmloiscd liy the I'n'siilt'iil or N'ifi'-Pi'fiidt'iil ol iIm' Compaiis , and eoiinli'rsiyiu'd liy lilt' Si'i'i'etary-'rrea»iiit'r, or l>y \\u- Seiii'laiy or 'I'li'asiirer llit'it'ol, iimli'r aiillitirily of a i|iioriim ol' iIk' Din'ilors, shall he iiiiidiiiL,' upon llif Conipaiiv ; and >'\i'i\ -inli promissory ni»te or hill ol e.\iliaiiLri', >o madi', diaw ii, ai'reptetl or i'iiilt)rsf(l, hy till' I'li'siili'iil or \ ii'e-l'residi'iil o| die Company, and eoiinler^iuiH'tl hy llii' S ■■rclary-'rrea-iiri'r, or liy the Si'i'retarv or Treasiin'r tlicicol, shall hf pti'siimcil tt) have hei'ii properly so maili', draw n, at I'l-pteil or I'lidorsttI, as the i-a^e may he, nnl('>> ilir coiilraiy In' «-lio\\ n ; and it shall not It iifci'ssary to Sriil not n- liavi' iIm' sral of till' CtimpaiiN alli\ri| to -luli piDiiiissory tiolc '!"'''«''' or hill ol' lAiliaiiu'e ; nor sinll ilii olliccis uT the ( 'oiiipaiiy, si;,Mrnii,' or loimii'i-^in^iiiiii^ tlii' -aiiif or -in li ai'icplaiitf or I'litlorsi'iiicrit tlii'it'ol, he ilici-fhy ■"iihiccicd iiidi\ itliially lo any llahiliiy whatevi'r ; hiil the Company shall net issiic any note rninpaMj- not or hill "pavahic to hi'aivr. or iiilemlrd io he tireiilalcd as money '"'""'<'• ''"'"'^ 1.1, '' "<"•"*• or a> llir notes (i| a hank. *2lt. 'riic ( 'ompaii\ ,iiay I'lili-r into any ai,Mri'mi'iit with any imni'iuiy nin; other liaiKvav Comiiaiiv, w ho-r line ol oofralion- mav in any •'"<'•''""" Wise t'oiiiit'cl ui ii the liiir ot I'oiilt' ol the ( (i,iipatiy, hir tin' „ m, ,,ti,pv hasitii,' ol llirir Uailway tir aiiv pari llifreol, to such other ( 'oiii- llnihviy paiiv,---or lor the Icasini' or hiriiiL' ont to -iicli oilier Ciiiiijianv, i'"""" i"'" >*'■• r ■ I ,• /• i' • -I- 1 .1 I "i l:iui I'liri'iPbC.H. ti| ;iny Coconioiivcs, ( ars, ( arriairc^', I cmlcis, orollicrmovcahlc propcrls ot die Company, cithr;' alto:^('tlicr or lor any time or limes, occasion or occasions, — or lor the Ica-ini,' Iroiii such other Cip|ii|)any, of any liailway or part ihercol', or lor the leasint,' or hirini,' Irom siich tither Company, of any l-ocotno- lives, Cars, Carriaijes, 'renders or other movealde properly. I'ither alio^etlier or lor any time or times, occasion t>r occa- sions, — or lor the iisini,'- of the whole oran\ part of ilie Uailway, t)r moveaiile properly ol'the Compain , or of the Railway or iiii>veah!c property tif such oiher Compain, in common hy the two Companies, — or tfciierally, may make any a^n-cement or ai,'reements with siieli other Company loiichiiii,' the use hy one or t>tlier or httth of such Companies, o/' the Uailway or move- able property of cither or both, or oi any j)art thereof, t)r touching 2 any k 10 Ciij.). 111. nruoinio'id i\- Ar/'iabc'ikd A*. Co. 23 Vut. i'uHio A.i. liny service to lir iciKlcrcd hy lli" our Company to tlir other, and the (;oiii|i(Misiiy ihrsr prrxMits, that J, (or we, as t/ic cdsc inaji he,) A. H., of , in euiisidcratioii of paid to nic (or cs t/ir (v/.vc ,nni/ hf\) hy " 'I'lie Drnniniond and Arthahaska Counties Kailway Company,'''' the receipt whereof is licrel'V ackiiow i('d_;eclccle(| arid laid out hy the said Company, lor the purposes of their Uailway ; 'I'o have and to hold tlu' said laiiils and premi-i'^^ with all appurteiianees thereto, to the said'" Driimmoiid and ArlhaliasKa Counties Uailway Company."' their siicee-sors and as>iiriis for ever, (here add rkuisv for rc/cusc of Uoavr, ifoiii;.) Witness my lumd and seal, (or, oiir hands and se;ii>, ^/.v l/w case may bi\) this day of , in the year of Our Lord oni' thousand eight hundred and Sifjned, sealed and delivered in | the preseiKM^ of i 1. M. I N. () I A. H. L. S. sciir<:DrLi; li. DRfMMOXD AND ARTHAHA.SKA COI NTIKS KAII-WAY COMPANY. No. JC sterling, (or !«f, as the case maij he.) Thi.'< Debenture w itnesseth, that "■ The Drummond and Arttiabaska Counties Uailway Company," under authority of the Statuti' of the Province of Canada, passed in the year of Mer Majesty's Ueign, intituled: " An Act to ineorporafe the Drummond and Arthahaska Counties Railway Company," are indebted to the bearer hereof in the sum of sterling, (or as Ike case may be,) as a loan, to bear Interest from the date of the issue hereof, at the rate of per centum per annum, payable half ycLrly on the day of , and on the day of ; which said .sum of sterling, (or as the case may I 'I •| 'M 2;J Vict. )aiiy t«> lilt' I ;ii;r('('nient Kill oiu' year •li year it bo J assoinl)le(l I860. Dnimmoml iji- Arthubaska Railway Co. Cap. 111. viai/ he,) till! said ('Diiipaiiy licrcijy hind and ()bii<^(! themselves to pay oil the (hiy ol' , in the year of Our Lord OIK! tliousand eit(ht hniii'iy III' ilic Ctnipnn dierefor now forming part lii'nMif. 11 , (7,s' the vasr m of iiuiioiid and ei|)t whereof I in, sidl, <'on- ceessors and )se traets or dtsi'rU\. till il iiy the said ) have and to ppiirlciianees ska ("oiinlies nis for ever, seals, (IS till' in the vear of L. S. \Y rOMHANY. man be.) umniond and r authority of the to incorporate ay Corn|)any," a loan, to bear ate of le f (US the case may And I'ti;- :lu' due payiiiciii of the said sum of money and interest, ii:;' said Coiupany, iiiuh-r aiiHiority of the said Statute;, do li('i-i'i(y liypulheeate the whole ol' liicir Railway, known as the " I )iii:;ii!i( ad and Artliabjiski ('oimties Uailwav," and all biaiulic- iln-rcut', iiirlinliii;^ all the lands, wharves, buildin<,'s and ii'wl pi'opcriy wliat.-oi vcr ol ilie said Companv, and all rails and iioii tlirn'io allixcd, and all other the appurtenances tiii'rcto hci()iii,ri!iL;\ III ti'slimony \\ licicof, A. I), of , ('resident of tin; said Coinpaiiy, hath licrcln -it his simiaturi' and affixed tlie eoiiiiiioii seal ol' llir said Coiiipaiiy, at , this diay of , ill the year ol Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and L. S. ('uun!ersi;,Mied and eiilered. ('. I)., Secretary, A. IJ., President. 1 certifN lliat this Debeiilurc was duly |)reseiiicd for enregis- tration in die Ke^isiry Olliee I'it llie County of Drummond, on the day '•! , in the year of Our Lord oik; thiiiisand eiiilit hundred and , at of the clock in the iKioii, and is accordingly enregislered in tlu? llcgistcr for siuli Debentures rnarki'd , at page number K. F. Registrar. Issued to L. M. of , thi" (lav of m the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and QuKBEc: — Printed by S. Deubishirk & G. Desbakats. Law Printer to tlie Queen'a Most Excellent Majesty-