-^^^ 40?^ ^^^ ^ w. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V /. // /J^ •-.■■ ^ €^r :/ 1.0 I.I IIM 112.5 IIIIU |||||Z2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► o % ^i ^ cr-l c-. (fl ^># <-^ yj ^^ = iMNNi HASOmC IIUTUAI iliniMM 1 BENEFIT ASSOCIA TION. A\ A' Mawm»AM9mm9 9#crAv##jrirrjp« i9H ^tMtvX, \i ■yC.->' REV. BRO. G.M. INNES, M. A., CuwnBl> Paol'i CatlMdral, Mtd du^bda Taacan Lod|«. Lmi4mu R W. BRO. F. WE8TLAKE, P. D. G. K^ "S r»»: ^ / mm ,^ ^;. i*) fj( 'lUl mim smars issoounotr. » ' 1 The advantaffes which Life Insurance con* fers are so welfknown to all who have con- sidered the subject, that they need not be rdterated here. While the thousand and one companies which have sprung up all over the land^are doing a good work, and have conferred a boon upon mankind, they are at the same time enriching themselves, and de- claring enormous dividends at the expense of the insured* To enable them to do this, their annual premiums are placed at extrava- gant figures — so extravagant, indeed, as to confine the advantages to few, and put them beyond the reach of the masses. The plan which it is here proposed to sub* mit reaches all, and embraces all in its com- prehensive scope, and must commend itself to any who will give it a moment's consider* alioO} asbNMng simple, feasiblei secure and i I If- •I li ^^ 6 cheap. It ie purely mutual, and hence the dividend remains in the pockets of the mem- bers; and what may be denominated the|^#*> mium is so spread over the whole year, and called for in such small sums, as scarcely to be felt or missed. This plan is one which has been in success- ful operation for the last five years among the united Btates and Canada Kailway Con- ductors, and the annual calls made have been comparatively trifling, con$idering their haz- ardous occupation. Bince tn^ir organization , they have issued upwards of 4,000 policies, and out of this larffe number, during the whole ^\e years, only 151 calls have been ju^de, the majority of which were for injury, ( w .A t. The Express men also havj an association based upon the same plan. i)uring the year 1872, their membership numbered 3,020, out of which onlv nine deaths occurred*. How much lea3 may the mortality not be expected to be where the risks are not so gg:eat? f^h • » - . ■ Upon the death of any member of the or- ganization, the Secretary shall issue a circu- lar to each member, notifying him of such death, and calling fot the stiln of one dollar. This amount, when collected, ehaU rem^j^. as a reserve fund to mdet t)^ ,nest c&S» ^- ■,-.h f^lrO'-, i."»i-. J.:> r\-» •4. ^^ ir.. It is confidently believed thc^t jthis scheme rtMMIiaiM >i11 bo found to work admirably at a trifliDg ezpense — at least it is worth the trial, aiiQ can 1)6 dropped at any moment if unsafSi^ factory, by a simple refusal to pay a call. •u »- To render all who join this organization safe, the Secretary, Treasurer, and Travel- ing Agent, into whose hands all monies will be paid, have entered into bonds for sufficient sums to secure the Society, and the Execu- tive Committee, who have been instrumental in the formation of this Association, will ex- ercise a due supervision over them, and see that all their duties are faith Ailly and ^S^ ciently discharged. All who desire to have their names enrolled as members of this Association, will fill up properly the application, which will be fur- nished them by the Secretary or Travelling Agent, including the required amount as per dcale. See page 18. I ,. l iif/ in.. ■■f?rt^ tion* or, in his absenee, the Vice-President ^m officiate j9ro t&m, '^>- ^•^> V'» ^^4. — ^Tfae Biicretary and Treasurer shall ndceive all monies for the Association, and {my the same subject to the (>rder of the Sz* ecutive Committee. He shall keep a tru« record of all the basiness proceedings of the Association, and shall register the names of all the members in a book provided for that purpose, and make :; correct quarterly re- port of all the receipts and expenditures, number of members, and condition of the Association, which shall be sent to each member annually. The fiscal year Assod- ation shall end on the 27 th day of December Tin each year* .-/« 5 — ^It shall be the duty of the Traveling Agent to receive applications, grant receipts for the same, and make a correct return of the names, ages, and amount received from each, as often as practicable, but in no case to exceed one month. 6. — The Traveling Agent shall give se« curity to the amount of $1,000, and the Sec- retary and Treasurer tothe amount of $2,000 for the faithful performance of their duties. 7. — There shall be an Executive Commit- tee, to consist of six members, to whom all applications for membership shall be refer- them, the ad- i:' Ill ;i Vance fee sball be refunded. No claim will be recognized unless accon^panied by medi* cal certificate, or some other satisfactory evidence of the death, or disability resulting Qrom lo§s of si^ht, hand, arm, or leg, or from some severe spinal injury, and in the event of such disability, the member so injured shall be entitled to receive fifty cents irom each member ; but the heirs, or those named in the will on the back of the Policy, shaU only receive the sum of fifty cents from each member at bis death ; and in case the bro- ther shall die intestate, then the sum payable as aforeasid, shall be disposed of by the £z* ecutive Committee conjomtly with the will of the Lodge, of which deceased was a mem- ber. 4»' 'O 8. — It shall be the duty of the Provincial Directors to assist the officers and Executive Committee,in carrying out the business of the Association, to aid the Traveling Agent ;a securing membership in their respective lo- calities, and to communicate with the He^d office any irregularities that may come under their notice. Thai tn/uture, each district shall — from the Elected Officers of the Lodge in their dis- trict, nominate a Director to represent such district. 9. — It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to examine the accounts quarterly MM A Le and to see that the business of the Assocja- tioD is honestly and properly conducted. .^ 10.— Ea<^ member shall be entitled to a certificate of membership under the s^al ojT tho Association, which shall be attached \ff the President and Secretary, apd signed by themL Duplicates will be supplied at 25c» :i \. • : :^KiiiU uODlJ i>7fej bi^tOW 6sJ ik. Rf„:^ 11. — An annual fee of not more than oner dollar will be required of each member, pay* able at the call of the Secretary, on the SS7th day of December in each year, for the pur- pose of defrayin|f expenses, ^nn ,eji;j i/.;r:. j 12. — ^^The Secretary shall, as soon as con- venient, notify each member of the death or disability of any member or members ai& aforesaid, and require the amount of one dol- lar for each of such deaths from every mem- ber of the Association, or, in the event of such disability, as aforesaid, the sum of fifty vontfl. 13. — As soon as possible after all collec- tions shall have been received by the Secre- tary, the amount collected shall be deposited in a Bank approved of by the oflScers of the Association, and shall not be drawn out with- out the signature of the President, or, in his absence, of the Vice-President and Secretary and Treasurer, I in 14. — 'That if any member omit to pa^ the UlaxoB mentioned in the 11th and 12th articles, €r either of the said sums, for one month tfter the date of the circular requesting pay^ memt thereof, he shall cease to be a member or 15. — The Association will not be respon- sible ibr money paid to any person except the Secretary and Treasurer or agent, who have entered into good and sufficient bonds fi>r the due performance of their duties. Money can be sent by mail, (properly regis- tered) to either of the above parties nt the risk of the Association. ~n ft.. 16. — ^That all members of the Association diall be affiliated Masons. Should any mem- ^ be demittod from any Lodge, and not ^Ijiiate again for twelve months, his name will be erased from membership in the Soci- el^, depriving him of benefits. 17. — ^The President and Vice-President - ■,....■- -^.,;.Aii^.^-A.;i^.ip- ^hall be ez-officlo memben of ^I committee^. 18. — 'two auditors shall be appointed ta^ The following shall be the scale of fees fof^ admission :— ^t From 21 to 80 inclusive .. r. . o r. ...-...». f a fifr •* 80lo85 « *..-.r.,...., 4 OJ^ '^ 85to40 « ,. 5C6 •' 40to4« i» V... ,.M. 7 Op " 45to60 » , 1006^ ♦• BOtoeO " ^, ^....•.20 0^ Above the a^e of 60 years no applicani will be admitted- ^i; r;^?i'«f u -A ;..iri-,,. ,. ' "ti > ji vipi «» < » t i .■■!■■ Ill •A t.-y .r ••*'.. ■■■—I ;i A Idett ^ 'i!;: ill' ^ .^. jtovuAL Statement of the London Mabonic Mutual Bsnsfit Association. BECSIFTS. Amount received on 1139 Applications.. t!2j289 00 do do fer4 do >^«*^^' over age, as per sliding scale . . , . . 80 QO Amount received on No. 1 call.|409 00 '^ t t i't 88800 do doonaccH 4 do.. 68100 do do 5do. . 815 00 2249 00 Interest received on Deposits. . . 32 37 $4594 37 SZFENDITtJBE. Commission paid M.L. Aldrich^ Travelling Agent |588 25 Commission paid Wm. Phillips 12 00 do do J.M. Dean.. 10 50 do do B.Lewis.... 6M Expenses, Ac-^-Postages $77 77 Postal Cards... 24 25 Books &Stat'y. 85 94 Printing H5 75 R.R.Fares V.P. 15 00 JSalary p^d Bee. to Dec. 27, '72 160 00 Paid Policy of Bro. Button .... |430 oa do doT.R.Westcott 466 00 do doN. Watson.. 466 00 do do T. Storey. ... 736 00 Cash on hand— 'Balance, . . |61T 2$ 478 71 2098 09 1400 41 14594 37 mtmim Mabosk 80 0!e 3249 00 32 37 4594 37 ♦1457 87 :i5; *^ 29 71 *1457 S7 Audited and found correct, aA.B^T2B, Sec. J^^/® f Andltora. ^^don,Ont., 7th January, ,873. ^617 2$ 478 71 098 00 400 41 5r37 •■»■:. I if N N»