AnMMtaalirMMpifli»Miliiii»lliiiati •■■*■•. :^ ?5 >' t •■»* V • •^■. /•> \ i^ CenedlMi ifiiihwte fl^ Mmetioei iH luimnw e-s>». " « T* , Siif -^•i ■ V- ■..;■' / Tha Imtlttttt Hm ■mwpud to oMilfi tiM of tfM iHMfM in tlM ftpfWMStiOII, Of WMtfl lof •^v L'iMlHifta iMiola lost □ ColOM««rf co««n/ CoMVirtvro tfi I I Co Wl OMMfM/ I I CoMMvnwo / □ CoMn mtofoi md/or taMhiaiM/ CoUMTtMM rattMNte Ot/OM pflNioiMs □ Co«w U titra di «mi«ir«ir« • ►-. D Cartn lAoprapliiquM «i □ Colouftd ink ft.a. oIlMr fiMn Mot or Maiii)/ Encrt dt eoutoor (i.«. Mitrt qot 14mm om noirt) □ Coloorad platM Mid/br itltntrMiom/ flanehM at/oM illiittrationt w ooulMir Bound willi^ otiMr mattrial/ lloli*MM#« 13 r~~| Ti#itMndinf may iiiado«M or diitoriion aloni iniarior marfin/ -y U laliMra parf4a pant aaiHar da i'ombra ow da la dittorsion la lonf da la niarfa intiriaiNf oonni laiiiNaiNin may ap wHIiin tlM taKt Wlianavar pe«iM|. tfMM lia«9 baan omittad from ffilminir ./i^ II ta paut qua eartainai pafM Maiidhas aiovttet Ion d'una rastauration ap p y ai w a n t dam la taxta, OMit. loraqua eala Mait poM^Ma. oas papn n'ont palMfilni4«k Additional c owiwantt;/ Cenunantairat tupplimantaifaf: This itam it fHmad «t tha raduetion ratio diaekad balow/ Ca deeumant att film* au tau» da rMuetion i ndiqut ci dai i o w . □ Pli|M ratlorad and/or laminatad/ Papaa ra i t a uriai at/ou paWlau H ai 0^ n ^^^^^^w^^q^^^w^^^B^^ ••^^^■^^^^1 ^po w^p^o^^ap# PiiaaB rfkalarAai tachatAai ou niouAai p. 1/ V*' OuaHty of print variat/ Qualit* inipala da I'impraOion □ Continuout pafination/ fafination continua a Indudac indax(a<)/ Comprand un (daa) indaK Titia on haadar takan from:/ La titra da fan-tlta prOviant: □ TitIa papa of iMua/ Pifa da titra da la livraiton D Caption of ittua/ Titra da dApart da la livraiton □ Matthfad/ ^ Giniriqua (piriodiquai) da la livraiton •s. :^; "/- ' 1QX 14X ISA 2ZX :6x 30X -\ v/f > :';:|-; ■ ■■ .. '-■J^'-' laX liX »X ^*^ 2SX 32X — * — ^— / '^ Ml Bx 32X i ■:j:- ■y. to ttw gawtfo i lty of; ^ Matropoll^an Toronto Refercnc* Library BuslflTdss and Social Sclancas. DapartoMnt; ■:t- ■■ t-- ,5jS ■xompiMiv iHffio Twi rapvwun 9*** Matropolltan Toronto Rafat Bualnaia and Social Sclanc I no HiMifoa ooo^"'*'fi Aff tho odolnal US J9IW(9S MIMMlMS out 4M VOpfOOt In pliw ■vond ootn. oomoto tonu do 00 10 flOCIOtO 00 rOKOni01OifO nlMO( loa . t tfuoi NO* OO0O wtin o pnnioo o* Willi o pnniOH Vv Of MUOlfOCOQ IMipfO00iOfl« Tbo loot loeordod fromo on ooflh mi or ofl oh o ohoN Obntoln tho aymtool -^^ (mooning "CON- TINUID"). or tho tymbol ▼ (mooning "fND"). Mopo, plotoo. chorta. ote.. moy te fllmo#ot diffovont rodyotlon rotloo. Thooo too lorgo to bo ontMoiy MoiiiflOQ in ono oogoouio oio fomoo Miglnnlng In tho upporloft hond oomor. loft to ' right ond tofi to bottom^ 00 mony fromoo 00 foqukod. Tho following dtogromo Muotroto tho ; dHhiotrotlon ot on f ohoouo mlerofloh »>algnlflo"ASUf toua do r4duetldh dm* dooomont oot trop grond foproduit i)n un ooiil oHeh*. H oot fNi ^> do Tonglo tOpMowr gouoho. do go«i .^^' . oti^.hoiitonboo. onpronontlonof d1mogoo°ndo9ooolfO. Loo diogr o mnw onMwom 10 inosiNMo* ■■'' t' ■; 2 '"'''3' o ^ 1 •■'■2- ; 3 ;.;.;,:; 5,,:: 6 :^iLr ABSTRACT OF REPOkT ' *- 'I5,, W ovTna PROCEED I N is or tHrf ' PROHIBITORY CONFBMNCS ' , HKLDIN OTTAWA, - - WEOHESOAY AMD THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd and 23rd, 1874. to the moath ht Pebruary 1874 r oiroultf Blgned by the PrMidento ..„d«of the Ontario, Qaebeo, wd New BriiBjwick Temp^ ranee and Prohibitory Leigaes wo. addre«ed to the preridmg officer, of the iiTeral Grand Difisiont Sons of Tenipettnee;-Graad Temp es. £^. 6oodTen.pl4ra;-^lf*.nd Lodge, of BritidiAmetioanTnnpU« -and Grand Lodge, of British Templar^ in the Dominion of Canada. The oironlar requested eieh of the«. officer, to name thbii memberaof their respeetiy^order. to meet in Ocmfereneo with delate, from the Leinc. in the oity bf OtUwa during the seseion of Parliament. A i^nd circular named Wednesday the 22ad of April a. the day of ^t"mr The«>nferenco wa. called, in view of the inttoducUon into rSminion ParUament of the question of Prohibiting Uje traffic in m- toiioatinK Bever.g^.-to promote the united and concerted action of aU Temperance organiaations in reference to the Probatory .gitation and U,ai^«n opportunity for conauhation Vith fiien^^ TToonfe^Snie wL alw expacted to oonsiderNhe propriety of brganiiing League, in the Provinoe. where none exist, and a Council of Leasueit.fbr the Dominion. . , Vi^^Lnt to the call contained in the above named circular., a number of delate, met in Ottawa on the day named. Rev. Wm. go6tt WM appointed temporary Chairman. MlMBiBS OF THl OON»llt«HC». The foUowing gentlemen were found to be in atlendwice with cre- den^atoftom the officer, of representaUve temperuice bod««l :- MoU WoHhy Cfrand Lodge of BritUh remi>torf.-Samttei Watt., WoQ^Btoolc, N.B. *. A t tl ■ii*-tiivl \ S^vA-^^i5*Mvi; ■*ft«»' it' i:'r l^: '$ / ONTAIIO. Ontario Temperance and Prohibitory League.— B^f. Wm. Scott, Oshtwa; Key. J. M. Cameron, and Rev. Jxcob Spenee, Toronto. G^nd Temple I. 0. Oo6d 2%m/)Iar».— Jobn QriDUton, Oananoque ; • Dr. OroDhyateka, and W. 8. Williamt, Napai^ee. Grand JHrneion Sons of Ttmperance.-^G. M. Roto, Toronto ; Thomas Webster, Brantford; J. M. T. Hannnin, Ottiwa. ^ Grand Lodge Britieh 7Vm;>Zgr«— Hon. A^ Vidal, Sarnia. , . QVlBSO. Quebet ' Temperance and Prohibitory League. — llev. R. F.Burns, D.D., Rev. A. SntherUnd, and Rev. T. Oalev, Montreal. Grand DivieUm Sone of Temperance.— John G. Beoket, Montreal ; Rev. A. Duff, Sherbrooke. ^ NEW HBUNSWIOK. New BruntvoickTemperance and Prohibitory League.^TX, T. Babbit, Oagetown; Samuel Wattf, Woodstock; Rev: W. H. Beckwith, : 8ti JobB« ' ' ■ .^- • . NOVA SOOTlA. Grand Divieion Son's of Temperanee.—yi. H. Goudge, M.P. ; C. E. Chnrcb, M,P. Oiredentiala were also received from tbe- officers of the following bodies:— Grand Lodges o/BritishUmeriein Templars.— Ontario and Qaebce, Grand Lodge 0/ British Templars.— }ieir Bmnswick. ^ The following gentlemen were sIm presenf, (Some of them with sredentiala fronTSttbordinate Bodies)— ' ' lUv Wtt Moor*, Rev D M Gordon, R«v A A Camomn. Rav W J nnaUr, Rar Wm HaU, H 8 Wataon, J O Howa, J B Halkatt, O J Duff, F naator, B B Taaktoa, aad — Haaly. of OUa^a, Rev Robt Wallaea and Thoa Niioa, totonto} Thoa W 0a8«7»Napan«*; Jobn Beatty, M.D., Cobonrf j Rev Tkos Brook aad Rov Wm Baroa, Perth i Rot 8 Bond and H Hatehlna, KomptvUl* ; Mitohal IfaviUa, New- bargk^ Jamea QaHlley, PidKonhamf SForgaaon and Wm Handaraoa* Napoan; ReT E Robaon and J ¥ llaillaar, MorrUbnrg; Rar W Raaaj, QarltoB Plaoa ; Joka Rvbortaon, MoNab; J McEwaa and W H Ifagaa, MorriekviUai Jamea Yoang/RoekviUo) Wm Faraival. VMiklook Hill,*aiid othara who nagloetad to enroll tkefr namea in the hftok prorided for that^pnrpoae. ' MEMBBRB OP PARLIAMRNT. V The Membors of Parliament were cordially invited to participate, in the. deliberatifios of thctCoofereooe,— there were present ^ Stnatort.-'Ron. A. VIdal; Hoa. B. Flint { Hon. J. Ferri«r} Hon. X 0.' Atkana. Jir<«i^« o/tke Jfeute 0/ Coai»ioii«.-^J L Biggar, Korthonberlf n^ J C. Barpee, *v*iy*i^ <*r»? . SaBbwry. N.B. | D. B. OhUhola. Halloa. OaUri* | 0. 1. Oharah. LaaMburg. H.8.1 0. €. Colby. Staaitoad. Qaa. I Jaaoa OaaalagbM. Now WoiUalaitor, B.O.t O. nomlof . Braat Onl. | Dr. Torbot, Qaooao. N.8. , A. Oordoa. Nortb Oatorio 1 M. H. Qoadgo, N.8. j 0. W. Ro«t, Woit Middloaox, Oat i R. Sailtb, ?o«l. Oat. orriciRs or TBI oonriBBNOB. . Tbo following were elected offioen of the tonfereoM r Bit. Wa. 800TT, OfbRwa,'^Oat:,-*>Prwtif«iii. ^ K-TBA»B»,0*gotowa.W.B.,-rt(«o.Pr«,M«,l. . Jf . 8. WiLLUMi. Napaaoo. Oat. 1 e ^ , TlKV. T. OAtM, Moairoal. Qao., 1 ^•'^•"•'••• X vv Intoreetin;; a($coaDts of the preseot portion of the temperaooe mht- ment were given bj gentlemen from the Tarloni proTino^i represented , and the conferenee wee ferored Ay Hon. A. Vidal and 0. W. Roai,' M,P., »nd others, with a statement of the work done by the Com' ^ittecs of both Hoosei of Parliament, as well u the plans resolved upon by the rcspeetiye Committees^ The following resolatioos of the Conferenee will^ it is hoped, meet with a hearty respoose from temper ince reformers in every part of (|he Dominion. (1) /;Mo/e«<2.— Tbat tbU Coaforoaoo rojoiooa la tho growiag'titoaf tb of pablle ■oatiaioBt throogboat tbo DomlaioB ia favor of TBlBporaaoo aad Problbittoa %M maalfMUd bytho poUtioa BioTAmeat aad tbo rtporti ^soaUd by dologatot from Tarloui ProTiil^i. (f) J?«fo/e*rf,-Tbat la tbo oplaloa of tbtt Coaforoaoo tbo tlBio baa arriTod wboa a problbltory Uw (If oaaoUd by tbe loglalataro) woald bo laiUiaod by pabllo •oatlnoat t ' (S) laartiBeh at tboro oztit ooaflioitBg opIaioBi u to tbo laoooia of probibttoiy logUIatioa la otbor eoBatriof. Jtnolvtd tbAi wo approTo of tbo appoiattaoBt of a Royal OobubImIob to obUta rollablo lafomatioB oa tbii ■BbJoot, bolag ItaUy aatlallod tbat tbo roralt of tbo aatborlUttTO iafonaatioB tboroby aooarod will fally Jaitify tbo ooBdaaioB at wblob wo bavo arrlrod la favor of tbo pauago of a problbltory Law, aad wo most roipootfally laggoit tbat aald OommlMloa aboald bo laitraotod to ifport at aa oarly data and that tbo OovomnoBt eaaio raob roport to bo pabUth- od, aa aooB aa poaaiblo tl^roaflor, for goaoral lafonaatioa. (4) i^MoJoMf.— Tbat wo gratofBlly aokaowlodgo tbo offonaof oarf^loBdi la ParllamoBt oa bobalf of a Problbltory Lt^aor Law.-wo bog to oxproat oar approTBl of tbo eoarao bow bolag peraaod by tbom and tbo plaaa wbieb baro boon aaggoaUd to atUIn tkat doalrab%ond, wo alao aaaaro tbom of »U the anp- port wo oaa giro la aay fartbor offorff noooaaary to aooaro for Oaaada a aouad aad workable Problbltory Law. ,y^^; (4) i;MoI««"•<« f .^^'T *"'„,|.". rf tk. 0.-1.10. 1. I.».t rfPwklkltl...*lk.U,~f|..dl.t<»»««««"» J o«i-ltt«.' !>••'• ..d tk. H..« ot 00,-oM -itk »k. ~p.r" of «"• '^,'";., J, ta ,u „l.a.. • «t»oLll«tTr.m. tk.pwllUm.f.I'"^ »*"J° ■* . _ J ,.rt„l,„^dU-'WI"!'.''''"- ^ „» j„ ,f „ ^ionoftbeprohibUorysgiUium./ \ • W. 8. WILLIAM?, I Stcr,tar/e$, T. GALK?, ) w. scor • * ;''■;; '• , ^.' : ■ ; \ tT'sWT^^^^^^^^ Z'* " ■-«^! 'WB*f'sr«>7°5f *{i " ,-'ti^'».»f* ': : \. ^r its- >; 4v // •t ■