IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) (/ ^ V €S. 7- f^j^H 9 .'^ 5^ ^^ C^ %^ ^^'^ L^ 1.0 1.25 u Hub Itf 2.2 2.0 Li U IIIIII.6 <^ /a '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STRUT WEBSTER, N.Y. USBO (716) 873*4503 fV A \ ,'>• ' ** yi> % y. <#/ v, i ■-% I POLLING 8UB-DrVI8ION NO. I, Compriaing lots nine (9) to the townline between the townships of Lobo anblion' doc, inclusive, in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth conceasions, and the south half of the seventh concession. "Part I. — Persons Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Roll No, Jl37 Jl62 173 j250 176 j336 336 ^233 j212 213 219 220 221 NAME. Alway, George . Alway, Reuben . . Arraud, George . . Arrand, Robert . Barker, George . . . Batie, Arthur . . Batie, John Boston, Robert . . Bowman, James . Bowman, Wm T J Brown, John Brown, Archibald . . . Brown, Donald .... J314 363 364 .)360 J 380 j381 j382 j383 .)384 Jl72 216 Campbell, Duncan D Campbell, Peter sr . . Campbell, Robert .... Carmichael, Duncan \ Caverhill, William H Caverhill, Wm A.... Caverhill, Adam T.. Caverhill, James S... Caverhill, Thomas W Challoner, James H \ Cohoe, Andrew N.. LOT. N E pt 13 g P 1 Q middle pt of N ill Gore 16 Gore 16 S £ pt of N i 12 . gore 18 SWcorof 18 ... rre 18 W cor of 18 .. S W pt 13 E pt 15, pt E pt 15 ShalflO Shalf 10 S half 12 S half 12 . . Shalf 12 2 3 3 4 3 6 Nhalf 10 Shalf 13 Shalf 13 Shalf 12 S Wi 13 Ept 17 Nil8,Nptgorel9,Sptl8 Nil8,Nptgorel9,Sptl8 N^18,Nptgorel9,Sptl8 N^18.Nptgorel9,Sptl8 ptll, SWptl2 .... N W pt 12 S Ept 11, S W pt 11 Lobo Village E side Main street 1, 2, 3 ... Con. or Street. 4 Other Descrip- tion. Owner. Owner.. Owner Tenant Owner . Owner. Fanner's Son. Executor Owner Owner Farmers' Son. Owner Fanner's Son. Fanner's Son. Owner Owner Farmer's Son. Owner O Owner (see D 5) Owner (see D 6) Owner (see D 5) Owner (see D 5) Owner (see D 6) Owner Owner. 1 12 12 I 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 /./ ■.»T"W^1flf«T - s POLLING aOB-mVlaiON NO. 1. Roll No. 217 J290 j357 j281 j276 122 Jl23 NAME. Cohoe, Benjamin L < Colvine, Alexander .. Crawford, Archibald Crawford, Peter .... Dark, Matthew Dickie, John . . . Doane, Israel A . Doane, Henry . LOT. SEptll, S W part II Lobo Village, East side Main atreet lots I, 2, 3 N half 16 S half 11 8 half 11 Con, or Street. S part 12 S half 11. S part 10. 8 part 10 Other Descrip- tion. Owner Owner. Owner. Tenant Owner.. Owner.. Owner . Tenant O 31 1 11 11 Re N< 1 jl jl Jl Jl ji j5 J 124 Jl25 127 166 169 170 Jl74 175 Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Kenry {Frederick J John ..... Jeremiah... George F . . Richard W Charles H . RichM.. j Wm B.. j j240iEdwarH8, Thos 8... J244 Jl3d 118 1:34 20 J 21 Jl84 186 Jl87 25 J132 JI77 Edwards, Albert F . Evans, Charles N half 10 i2 N half 10 2 NEpt 11 2 S part 10..: 3 8 part 10 3 N W J 11 3 Nill 3 Sptli>, NEpt 11 3 ptNil2 .2 Sptl2, NEpt 11 ...i3 pt N i 12 2 pt 13, Lobo Village E cor 4 S&NR,VVN Riots 3,4,5 4 S half 10 6 8Ept 14 4 S W pt N J 13 Fares, Henry S!W pt9 Fearnly, Joseph |S W pt N i 13 . Npt9, NptlO. Npt9, NptiO. Npt 14 t gore 15 Ferguson, Robert Ferguson, Daniel.. Ferguson, Robert. Ferguson, Andrew Ferguson, Andrew Fletcher, William .| sEcor9 Fonger, John iS pt 13 Foster, Benjamin W. IN E pt 12 jr pt gore 15 sr N;E pt 14, pt gore 15 .. J N Wcor 12, NE cor 11 Owner Tenant Owner Owner Fanner's Son . . Owner Occupant {Owner, (see D 3) I 'Farmer's Son.. 2 25 .) 2 23 Owner . Owner.. Tenant Owner i 2 Owner j24 Owner j 2 Tenant : 2 Owner . Owner , Owner . Owner . , Tenant Owner.. 6 6 6 21 1 I ^! J*: j5 J^ j5 j! J 19 178 179 Jl80 181 226 277 J278 J279 249 Gordon, Graham, Graham, Graham, Graham, Graham, Graham, Graham, Graham, Guston, Edward Duncait Alexander. . Duncan jr .. Dougald . . . PL, M.D. j Neil Donald . . . . Neil J Eliphlet iSpt9and 10 lWh»lfl3 iWhJilfl3 8EJ13 lNEil3. Lobo Village E Main St lots 8, 9, N R lots 8, 9 NWpt 11 NEptll S>rof Ni n ptof Ept 15 Owner j30 Owner , 1 Farmer's Son ... 1 Owner ! 1 Owner 126 Owner Owner , Owner . Owner . Tenant o 31 1 11 11 2 2 25 •1 am Dn.. 2 23 1 1 i i 1 .. 1 1 1 • 2 24 • . • 2 2 • .. . 6 • • 6 6 21 • « • 1 1 1 ..|30 ■I 1 ».., 1 ..! 1 .. 26 ••i J ..! 1 ... 1 .. 1 .. i 1 roLLIKO SOB-DIVUION XO. 1. k Roll No., NAME. 121 Hall, Joseph Jl82 Hall, John S Jl26 Jl28 Jl38 139 Hambly, Reuben. Harrison, Harrison, Harrison, 140| Harrison, HllHarrison, j275 I Herbert, j287 Hodgson, j325 Hodgson, Benjamin. William . George H Franklin . JohnW . Philip.. .. Thomas . . . Nathan . . LOT. • • • • • N half 9., NE^IS , S £ pt 13 S Wi 11 tNjn Wil2 gore 14, S E i 11 gore 14. S E i 11 gore 14, SEi 11 gore 14, gE|ll NhalflO SWil5 N half 13 Con. or Street. j214 J215 j280 j282 185 272 j273 Jl29 130 jI83 Irvine, James iN half 10. Irvine, Washington Irvine, John .. Irvine, Joshua NhalflO.. S W pt 12 Nptl2 .. Jary, Richard.... Johnson, John sr Johnson, Neil .. Jury, William ... Jury, Alfred.. .. part 14 Whalf 9 E half 9 . N £ pt & S E i 12 . . N pt 12, N pt gore 13. N E pt ft S £ i 12 . . N pt 12, N pt gore 13. Knight, iJavid Spt U 3 24 Ling, Edwin . 131 Livingston, Dougald 136 133 J2.38 239 J3I9 j320 j321 322 227 j242 Mann, John M isson, George . Monger, Wm F Monger, George H.. Moore, William .... J Moore, Wm H J Moore, Joseph ...... Moore, George E Murcb, George. part II SWi 11, S part 13 N Wptl3 N pt S i 13 part 1,3, SptNi 12 ... *13, SptNi 12 ..». 1 Wptl2, S Wptl3. g g 1 IQ S Wpt 12,'s"Wptl3.*. SEi 13 SEptl2 S E pt 12 Lobo Village E side Main St 6 & 7, N R 7 W S Main St 3, 4, 5 McArth«r.DonaldCJNjj;3,^« Komoka 10 . S 8 Other Deacrip' tion. Owner. Tenant Owner, Owner.. Owner Owner Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner. Tenant Owner.. Owner. Owner. Owner . Owner. Owner Farmer's Son Owner* Owner Owner Owner... .•«. .. Owner Owner Farmer's Son. Owner . .. ... Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's Son. O 2 1 Owner. Owner (see D 2) Owner 2 22 rpLLINa SVB-DIVMIOW MO 1. Roll No. j286 j286 ^326 jS27 j328 230 288 j330 j331 jHOS 309 1«7 NAMR McArthur, Aroh A . Mo Arthur, James A.. McArthur, Colin McArthur, John McArthur, Dougald . McBain, William , . . , McCall, Duncan . . | McCall, Duncan ... | LOT. Con. or Street. 168 j210 j211 j283 j284 376 377 j291 245 j315 316 317 j352 J355 332 :133 J334 McCall. Neil McColl, William .. McColl, Archibald . . McIntyre,Hugh,Jp| Mclntyre, John . < Mclntyie, Hugh jr.. Mclntyre, James C... I Mclntyre, Duncan N I Mclntyre, Alex .... Mclntyre, Peter .... Mclntyre, Nichol D... Mclvor, Hugh McKellar, James .... McKellar, Alex McKellar Malcolm . . McKellar, Peter .... McKinlay, Donald j McLurg, Edward .... McNeil, Alex McNeil, Alex McNeil, John .... 8 half 14, S R ^ 13 . . Nhalf 14 S W pt 14 Nptl4 SEpt 14, SWi 15. S cor of N A of 13 ... . NhalflS N Eilft 8 half 16, 8 half 17 .. 8 E i 15 " 8 half 17 S half 16. is E i 15 Is half 9 |8half9 , IN pt 10 . iKomokaSS, block M 6 «ind7, DS6 In pt 10 IKomokaSS block |and7, DS6.. lSEi9 In Wi 9 N half 13 , N half 13 8 half jl6 ;7 Sf half 16 17 gore 17 . . !6 M6 • • ' • • • 4 Other Descrip- tion. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner. Own*^ 3 0.' Owner Owner N part 14 8 half 11, 8 half 10 S half 11, 8 half 10 8 half 11, 8 half 10 8Wi8, S Wi9., N W pt 8 . . . . 8 half 10 V Nhalfn 6 Nhalf 17 .. 6 Nhalfl7 i6 Owner Owner.,,,.... Owner Owner (se« D 2) Farmer's Son , lOwner.... Owner I Owner Ownel" Owner... Farmer's Son . . Owner Guardian .... Owner, Tenant Farmer's Son.. Farmer's Son... Owner, (see D 4) I 3 Owner ill Owner |12 Farmer's Son.. |12 Tenant 1 12 J 23 222 224 J 28 J289 .7329 Oliver, Wm iS W pt 11 I Owner... Powell, Thomas R . . jN part 12 ,4 lOwner 1 Powell. Thomas ...|N part 12 j4 lOwner . ..j I Pulham, Francis H . ;S pt gore 151. 8 E pt 12 1 jOwuer i 2 i i i Robsou. Riginal JS half 16 5 jOwner ; 1 Robson, George JN half 15, N half 16. . . . i6 lOwner ' t j248 J371 372 373 26 378 Scott, Arthur , . . , Shauklin, George . . Shanklin, Thomas Shanklin, Holmes Shephard, George. . Simpson, Win . . , , W half 15 8 i 15, Si 14, Ni 16 Si 15, Si 14, Ni 16 . Si 15, Si 14, Ni 16 . 8 Wpt 12 Wptl7 • • • • • 9 Tenant Owner, (see D 5) F. 8.. (see D 5) F. S., (8eeD5) Owner . . Owner,(8eeD5)'12 11 12 m.. 112 ....Il2 • • • i ••i 1 1 1 2 1 1 D5) D5) 1 1 1 1 2 fOLUMO tUB-MVtUOir KO. 1. No. j379 j31u Jl64 j274 4209 j218 J318 J243 171 J 27 241 324 NAME. Simpson, John HlncUir, Neil -.... j Smith, Henry Smith, Theophiliii .. . Stallwood, Charlei ... Steele, Daniel .... j Stewart, Donald I Tuokey, Wm • • • • !•• •«■ Wpt 17 N half 9 8Ei9 N half 9 Shalf 10 S W i & N E i of 9... . NUl,ptNil2,ptSil3. Waters, John Wilkie, George Wilson, George.. ,. J Wilson, John LOT. / • • • • t •< ••*• •••* un,] 8 N pt 12, N i II 8 W pt U centre pt S half 11 .. centre part of 12 . . part 13, Lobo Vil. E cor a & N R, W N R 3, 4, 6 N comer 12 Con. or Other Desorip- Street. tion. S .... S 4 4 3 a • « . 6 ■ «• • • •• 3 .... I .... V • • • 4 e j246 Young, Isaac IN part 14 '4 Owner (seeDfi) Owner. Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant O o; 12 3 2 1 1 1 1 PART It.— Containing the Namea o/tho«e entitUd to vote at dfunieipal Wection$ Only. 23T 3I£ 231 236 188 189 228 Coakley, Fred E . . . . Edington, Abram P. Hardman, Ellis . . , part 13 Spt 10 LoboVilUge NRlft24 Mitchell, John {part 13 Rudd, Chaa B j part gore 16 Scott, Robert Steele, Anthony 3851 Wood, William. pt gore 15 tobo Villiage lot 6 . S part gore 19 w *•*»• •• Owner . Tenant Tenant Owner. Owner., Tenant Owner. 1 7 Owner , 1 1 21 12 PAJiT IIL-^ontaining the Namea of those entitled to vote of EUctioiu to the Legialattve Aaaembly only. NONE. vouiifo ntniyvaon xo. S. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2, Comprising lots cutnl>er one (1) to eight (S), inclusive, in the first, second, third, fourth and lifth concossions, and the south halves of the aforesaid numbers to the sixth concession, and the north halves of lots number one (1) to seven (7), inclusive, in the sixth concession. Part I. — Persons Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Roll No. J261 i 39 40 103 NAME. 78 116 Jll7 34 467 j468 92 J 143 90 91 j497 J 12 J 52 .1 2 Alway, Joseph W. .. Barber, James . . . . | Barber, John | Birr, Alexander. .. . \ Brunton, William Campbell, John j Campbell, Alex ] LOT. Con. or Street. Campbell, Archibald Cassidy, Johnston I ^1 Caverhill, Thomas Caverhill, Ed. T Challoner, George Craven, George I Cuniminga, David . I Cummings, George Cutler, David . . . . | Shalf 1, SWpt2 £ pt 3, N E^ 1 Konioka Wellington St lot 12 .. EptS, N Ei 1, Well- ington M street lot 12. . Komoka S 8 blk K lot 9 Wellington lots 61 ft 62 ! Komoka S 8 blk P all, 88 blk 9 all, 8 8 blk 10 all, SSblkQall, 8 8 blk Blot 13 Komoka SS blk I lots fl 7 S Ni of Ni'of" 7, "Konioka 8 8 blk L 11 N pt8, N Wi 1 8 W cor 4, 8Ept I 8 half 17 Komoka 8 8 blk B 14 ... Wellington lot 54 8 half 17 Komoka 8 8 blk Blot 14 Wellington lot 54 .... Komoka 8 8 blk L 5, 6, 7,8,9 Nhalf 1 Komoka 8 8 blk D 2, 3,4 Komoka 8 8 blk L2, 3,4 8 Ki, Ni 8, Ni of Ni 9 Gray's survey lot 4 blk A fi Owner Other Descrip- tion. 2 iOwner.. Fttrmer'a 8on. 2 Tenant Owner. Day, George H Dewar, Archibald . J Doau, George ... ..Owner ..j Fanner's Son.. ...|Owner. lOwner lOwner, (8eeD6) • i jTenant(see D 5) 2 lOwner. SptSande Wellington lots 14 & 15 Komoka 8 8 blk V & W X E part 1 'Owner. ; Owner. ,j Owner. '1 Owner. I Owner... . Owner .. Owner . . . . 2 2 12 12 2 32 2 3 2 2 •» icnp- o a; • •• •• 2 S 5on.. 2 k • • • 2 2 2 12 12 2 2 32 2 3 9ZT No. NAME. rOtUKO ttTl'DtTTSIOII XOk 3. Cod. or 8trMt 43 Ducker, WillUm .. 29 Dunn, William «r.. 30 Dunn, William jr.. 83 EdwATds, John W 48Fioch, O H. ... j296 Fletcher, Archibald i lOOlFoiter,. Fuller 'C.. 1 1 : fiOQeddii, Patrick H LOT. KomokaSSblkDM.ft, 6.7,8,9. 10, II. 12, 18, 14, 1/V, 16, 17..«..> •... 8 W 8W w • • • • • •#• I.':. KomokaBSbtkK4 47 Wellington Main St 4,19 Ki 20 Komoka S S blk 8, 9, Komoka S 8 blk 8 half 4 « Komoka S 8 blk R, lota 1, 2,3,4 35 36 37 J160 J191 194 J 195 198 J 199 j202 205 j206 J207 j208 J203 J 204 J200 Graham, Mathew.. .. Giahaiii, John Graham, Jamea Graham. Archibald A Graham, Donald .... Graham, Donald . | Graham, Dougald W | \ Graham, Duncan . . I Graham, Donald F Graham, Alexander F Graham, Alexander < Graham, Alex A .. | Graham. Dougald A j Graham, Angus .... { Grant. Angus ..... ) Grant, Archibald . 201 J1.65 J301 422 Other Deacrip«0 tion. 0* Tecjutt 6 Owner Farmer's Son... OwMr. Teiuuil Owner. 2 'Owner Gray, Angus. ... j Gray, Malcolm . . . . | Gray, William Gray. David Gray. Malcolm .... J Wellington 1. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 21,22,23,24,33 34, 36, ,S7, 38, 41, 42,43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51.65, £i of 66. 57, 58, 59, S E i 60, 63, 64, N pt S i 4 middle pt4 middle pt 4 middle pt4. XWi8 8 half 1 . . Wellington lots 11, 27 lot o «•. •■>>••• •••* lot 3 Wellington lots II, 27.. ShalfS Shalf5 Shalfe Npt8 lot7 N pt 8 . . S half 8 jN E pt 8 N half 8 N half 6 .. Nhalf6 NhalfS , Spt6 G 8 park blk A I Nhalf5 , 8 pt 6 Gray's s'y park blk A 1 Nhalf6 W half 7 .... Si&N Wpt7 ptSi2 ..Owner. !••■•• •••• •••••••*• Owner ....... Farmer's Son.. Farmer's 8on.. Owner.... .... Owner Owner > • • • « • • > • • • • « • • ••• •••• Tenant Owner.. Owner . Owner. 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 Owner. . . . Owner i 2 1 Owner \ 2 Owner i 1 Owner ...•> 2 Owner \ 2 i Owner i 8 Farmer's Son... 2 Owner Owner Owner, (see D 4) 8 No. 423 J 1 J|16 81 NAME. Oray, Iiaae tOLLtVQ SCB-DIVISIO^f MO 2. LOT. Si&NWpt7. ptSi2 Con. or [Other Descrip- Street. I tion. 8 g jFarroer'a Son... O Harris, Robert |S W pt I jl Komaka n Healy, William AJ pt 1 .... of N i 7. m IS S blk L 11 Hedges. Samuel |Komoka S S blk K 5 6{2 Hord, Robert . . i 79 i 84lHord. Mark t dslHume, Robert i {KomokaSS blk K I, 2,i jOwuer j 2 Tenant ! 2 . lOwner 12 , i3, 8, 16, 17, S W J of 18i2 jOwner ( [blk I 4, 5, blk O 7 .... I Komoka S S blk K lot 9 I I Wellington 61 & 62 |Ept6 I KomokaSS blk N lots 3 1 &2, blkO 1, 2, 3, 4,5,2 6, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, is! 2 {Owner. " ■ * Owner 2 12 2 No. J 142; Irvine, Samuel iS half 1 ..'3 Owner j270 J271 Johnson, Thomaa . . . . j W half 8 Johnson, John jr JE half 8 ■♦••• •••t 155|Lamout, Peter 254|Keir, James S £ pt 2 51|Lamont. 'Neil {Wellington lot 13, E^ 29 N half 8 Komoka D S 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 149. 150, -I ,151,152,153,154,156,205, ] 1206, 207, 241, 242, 243, I jaho all lots north of Vic- Lltoria avenue N half 1 i2, Si3 jNhalf 1 252 253 Lamont, John Lamont, Hector ijN ••• I S Owner 2 1 I Owner ■ 2 g ■ IFarmer's Son.. | 2 68| Martinson, William l{ Morrison, Neil.... Komoka S S blk E 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, U, 12, 13, 14, 16, blkF 1.2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 13. 14, blkG all Komoka S S blk A lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 17, i of 18, blk B 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, blk C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, blk H 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18 Tenant 2 Owner ; 2 ruLLINQ SCB-mVISION MO. 2. Descrip* on. '■ Son... 3 2 2 2 12 .! 2 r's Son. ! 2 Roll No. NAME. j157 McAlpine, Alexander j158 McAlpine, Daniel. . . . J 145 Mc Arthur, Dougald .. j242JMeArthur,Donald C 255 McBain, Peter .... j256|McBain, Dougald.... j257jMcBain, Peter L J SjMcDougall, Alexander J 16 McDougall, James .. jl96[McDougall, Malcolm j197 McDougall, Donald.. 3l|McIntosh, James. ,. 1 2 2 J 150 167 168 J296 j297 2 jSU i i 112 J 109 Mclntyre, Donald D Mclntyre, Peter A Mclntyre, Hugh . . 168 Mclntyre, John . Mclntyre, Donald . . Mclntyre, Duncan .. Mclntyre, Malc'mA J McKay, William . . . McKellar, John L . .. LOT. 69 McKellar, William 89 McKellar, Peter .. j .1 258 j McKellar, Peter . . . . j263|McKellar, Donald j j292| McKellar, Alexander J293i McKellar, John J 294 J 144 J260 j261 McKellar, Neil.. .. McKinnon, Roderick McKinzie, Alexander McKiuzie, Angus. j267 McKinlay, John 268 j269 McLachlin, McLachlin, NWi7.NEpt6 3 Si&NEi7 3 N half 3 3 Npt 13 4 Komoka S S blk I 9, 10 2 Ni2, S W pt2 5 Ni2, S Wpt2 5 Ni2, S Wpt2 5 pt2&3 1 Nptsof 5&6 1 S half 4 4 Nhalf4 4 part 2 Komoka S S blk R 7, 9, iO,ll, 12,13,14,15,8 Sblk 87,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 16, 16, 17, 18, 8 S blk U 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, S 8 blk 15, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.8,11,12 allblksT, 11, 12, 13, 14 16, 17, all Welli'gt'n p'k N half 4 Komoka 8 8 blk K lot 15 Npt 10 Komoka 88 blk M 6 &7 D S lot 5 Npt 10 Komoka 8 8 blk M 6 Jk7 D 8 lot 5 N half 4 N half 5 Shalf 7 N Wi 5 8 8 blk 15, 9, 10 pt 2 & 3 ( Komoka S S blk E 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,13 14, 16, S 8 blk F 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,15 16, 17, 18, blk F 13, 14 blk Gall, all of blk 7,2,1 Komoka 8 Sblk LI & 18 D 8 145, 146, 147, 148, 208,209,210,213, 215, 101 jS 4 3, 8Ei4 ... ... 5 8 half 5 5 |pt2&3 1 8 half 1 6 Nhalf 1 6 N half 2 6 part 2 3 Nhalf 4, 8 Wi4 5 Nhalf 48 Wi4 5 Whalf? i5 John . E half 7 15 Donald E half 7 iS Con. or 8ireet. Other Descrip- O tion. Ph Owner..' 2 2 2 Owner Owner Owner (see D 1) Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner. Owner Owner Owner. Owner. Owner (see D 1) Farmer's Son. Owner. Owner Owner (see D 3) Owner. Tenant Owner.. Owner . Owner j 2 Owner i 2 iOwner 5 Owner . Owner. Owner. Owner, Owner, Owner . Owner . Owner Tenant Tenant 10 POLLIKO srB-DIVTSlON NO 2. Roll No. J337 NAME. LOT. Con. or Street. Other Descrip- ' tion. McLean, Duncan j259iMcLellau, J266 ...j lotl 7 Wellington 39,49 2 Archibald IN half 3 5 r IS half 6 N pt S i 6 5 MoLollan, A D . . . . -| Komoka S S Victoria pk'2 • I all blks 3, 4, 5, 6, N E i' i I of S W pt 2 ! TllMcMillan. Duncan \ ;^_«T.!j* ^,'ll'^h.»*"^"*i2 I Owner. I Owner . Owner. O 2 2 lone-fifth of N cor . . . 86|McMurphy, ArchibaldlK'a S S blk K 10, 11, 12i2 jl93iMcTaggart, Donald... N E one-fifth of 1 ;4 147 McTaggart, Lauchlin lot 2 i4 Owner : 2 Owner . Owner . Owner . 97 'Oliver, George Komoka S S blk M 5 J264|0gden, William A..NEi5 ;2 iOwner '5 Owner. J 17|| J 18i I Parsons, Kilvert . 87 ^Pepper, Alexander J 4!Phanner, Jamea.. . . lOOPhanner, John j386iPincombe, John ... | 387'Pincombe, John jr 388,Piucombe, Richard | jl63Piuyon, Thomab L jl92jRobin8, Walter T... J 46 1 Robinson, David... llORobinson, Robert... lirRobinson, William . 7&8, 7 and 8 1 Komoka S S blk K 13, Wellington W^ 20 .... pt 2 and 3 1 K'a S S blk S ?., 4, 5, 6 2 Wpt 1 8 IN 4 3 JH W part I 8 N half 3 fi VVptl 8 N half 3 6 Komoka DS 2, S^ 3, 6,; 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.! 18, 19, 20, 21, 81, 82,83,1 84, 85, 86, 87. 88, 89, 90! 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97' 98, 99, 100, 102, 104.1051 106, 107, 108, 110. 112,! 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, i:i5, i;^6, 1.S7, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 2.S0, 231, S S blk S 1 & 2, N S i 3 con 3, S oor of N 4 lot 4 con 3 N W ;| 1 4 N W pt 4 WellingtonL M St 10 p N pt 6, S pt N i 7 .... 2 N pt 6. S pt N i 7 ... I Owner... . i Owner. . .. j Owner . . . Tenant . . Tenant . . I [Owner (see D3) JF. S., (see D 3) 4 !F. S., (see D 3) Tenant Owner '^ Owner 1 2 Owner Farmer's Son.. 2 2 )e8crip- O n. ^ 2 2 . .. 2 2 2 • • • • • • 2 2 • . . * 2 • ■ • 2 • • 2 ? see D3) 4 see IJ3) 4 Bee D 3) ; 2 ! 2 ^ 2 '8 Son... 2 POLLING srB-DIVISION' KO. 2. 11 Roll No. J303 J 14 .) 74 53 .1298 299 300 j302 J 6 J 7 8 96 J 156 38 151 NAME, Robinaon, John. Seabrook, Arthur. Shipley, John.... | Sinclair, John Sinclair, Archibald | Sinclair, John ... | Sinclair, Duncan . . j Sinclair, Alexander Smith, Angus P . . . Smith, David S Smith, David N . . . . Smith, Archibald Smith, RobtR,MD Spedce, Smith , Steele, George . j218 Steele, Daniel .. LOT. Con. or I Other Descrip S half 8 6 .. middle pt 6 ft 6 KomokaSSblk39, 1&2 NptSi6 Wellington 16, 31, 32 . lot 6, S i 6 Komoka S S blk B 5 . lote, Si5 Komoka SSblkB 5... lot 6, S i 5 Komoka SSblkB 5... E half 7 N E pt 3 Npt4 N pt 4 Komoka SS blk M3& 4 W half 6 Komoka D S 7, 267, 272 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280 Spt4... . Komoka D S lot 1, N^of 3, all of 4, S S blk U 17, 18, D Slot 109, 103, 111 Nill. ptNil2,ptSil3 SWi8 65 II Street. Thompson, George | I'itfany, Dean J 1 13 TurnbuU, Thomas T. . I jl59!VVaugh, Edward Komoka SS blk D1&2 blk C lot 6 S pt 4, S pt 3 S pt 8, S pt 7 S E^S j486iZavitz, .Mniel .. \ S Wcor7, SiNEie.. , ,NiofN4 6 ( Gray's survey 2 & 4 ... . I i !S Wcor7,SiNEi6.. 487 Zavitz, Edgar M . . ] JN i of N i 6 ( jGray's survey 2 & 4 . . . .56o'Zavitz, Ephraim.. j ij^l^.ta D S iVo i:::!. 9 8 3 . 9 . 8 . 3 10. 2 . Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. tion. Fanner's Son.. Farmer's >Son.. Owner Owner Owner , Farmer's Son . Owner.... Owner. Owner. Owner. 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Owner, (see D 1) Owner Owner.. Owner.. 2 Ownei 0'r,(8eeD3&4) FS,'ieeD3&4) Owner (see D 3)1 4 PAHT 11. —ContnhiirKj tht Namen of those entitkd to vote at Mvnicipal EltctUmt Only. 94, Black well, George HI Ghabiiere, Jolm. . . . .'ifi Corcoran, Daniel . Komoka SS blk M lot 1 Wellington, Hamilton St lot 36, 52 Wellington lot 28.... 12 POLLING 8CB-DIVI8ION NO. 2. Roll No. 44 77 69 152 45 55 108 54 66 70 95 102 67 107 63 148 149 NAME. Falls, Thomas LOT. E pt of S H Graham, Donald Komoka SS blk 1 1. 2, 3 Lince, James. Con. or Street. Well. Ham. St 53 12 McCallum, Daniel McDonald, Donald . McDougall, Alex ... McGibbon, Norman . . Mclntyre, Malcolm . . McKellar, Dougald j Komoka D Slots 10, 11, 12 N E pt Si 4 Wellington lots 25, 26... Komoka SS blk U lot 16 Wellington lot 18 Komoka S S blk E 3, 5, 17, S S blk F 15 Nash, John IKomoka S S blk F 4 ..2 Pender, Lawrence . . . . Pender, Lawrence Komoka S S blk M lot 2 Komoka SS'blk;0 10,11 12, blk I 11, 12. DS221 Rowland, Lewis .... (Wellington W | 29 . . . . Ritchie, James | Komoka S S blk U lot 16 2 ... 2 ... Stilson, John | Stevens, John Swales, Isaac Weruham, Joseph < Komoka S S blk A 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 .. NEcorSH NEcorSi4 NEpt4 Komoka S S blk H 6, 7, ( 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13,14, 15 Other Descrip- tion. Owner , Owner Owner . Own«r.. Owner . Owner , Tenant Owner.. Owner Tenant Tenant Owner . Owner . . . , Owner Owner . Owner . Tenant ■ ' ! Owner. O 2 2 2 27 PART I/l.-'Containing the Names of those entitled to vote at Electwiu to tht. LegMlative Aimembly only. NONE. rouj5Q iVh-uiyt^iov no. 3. IS ►escrip- O 2 2 tu to the POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 3, Comprising lota cumbers one ( 1 ) to six (6), inclusive, in the seventh, eighth ud ninth concessions, and tlie south halves of the aforesaid numbers in the tenw con- cession, and the north halves of lots numbers one (1) to seven (7), inclusive, in the tenth concession, and lots numbers one (1) to seven (7), inclu- sive, in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth concessions. Part I. — Persons Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Con. or Other Descrip- O Street. tion. ^ RoU No. j614 j399 J406 624 j606 j607 NAME. Aches, Joseph Barclay, Eli R Barclay, Joshua £ | Barclay, Albert E. j Barf ett, Charles . . . . Barfett, WiUiam.... SWpt4.. pt ENEi4. NEi7 SWptS ... NEi7 .... SWptS NWptl ... NWpt 1 ... 480 J481 j666 667 j668 j340 742 J743 j544 .1651 552 Campbell, John Campbell, James . . . Campbell, Alex Campbell, Thomas. Campbell, Peter ... Colvme, William .. . Crawford, James. Crawford, John. . Cutler, Jeremiah ... Cutler, John Cutler, Edwin . . . . I I J746 il74 J345 J677 j878 j612 J613 j7.^2 j733 j734 LOT. S half 6 .. S half 5 . NWpt 3 NEptS. NEptS.. N half 3., 8*5 S half 5 ., SWpt2 S pt 3, S Wi N S pt 3, S W - Dingman, John. Edwards, Richard M Fletcher, Malcolm Fortner, Lewis . . . , Fortner, Henry . . . . Fraser, Alexander Fraser, Henry , . , , Gare, George Gare, John Gare, Moses 8 . 11. 12. II. 12. 11. 11. 11. • ••••• I 9 . 9 . 12. 12. 12. 7 . 13. 13. 10. 10. 10. Owner. Owner Owner, (see D 4) F. S. (see D 4) Owner , Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner , Owner. ....... Farmer's Stm 3 3 7 28 7 3 7 7 4 4 4 N half 5 Nhalf 1 NhalfS NW*6 Nhalf7 Whalfa E half 3 wl llftlX o •«•••••«••• Shalf3 S half 3 13.. 13. 7 .... 12. . . . 12..., 11... 11.... 'Owner. Owner (seeD 1) Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. Owner. 13 [Tenant 13 (Tenant 13 Tenant POLLING aOB-DIVISIOH HO. 3. Roll No. J418 419 762 761 J649 650 J663 735 j389 NAME. i Qray, Alexander \ Gray, John LOT. S EH. Si of N i 6 S EH> Si of N H Harper, John Harper, Samuel .. . Harris, Benjamin . . Harris, Marshal . . , Harris, Hiram . . . . Hays, Shackelton . . Hunt, Edward L . , Con. or Street. In Wi7 13 .NWi7 13. !n Wpt2 10. iNWpt2 10. lNEpt2, Npt3 10. N half 3 13. S Wpt2, S Ept 1 ....18 Other Descrip- tion. Owner . . Owner . . O 3 3 Owner Farmer's Son. Owner Farmer's Son. Owner Owner OM-ner 736 Joies, David iN half 3 13 lOwner ■ i 7 I 4 •I •* 3 .'i: J39rVLadell, FrcdM.. J392! ) Ladell, Wm F . j400| Lambert, Elijah . 764 j765 j756 j347 Lewis, William . . . , Lewie, Edward Lewis, Levi R Lindsay, Leslie N half 2 !8 NEi 10 ilO. N half 2 l8 . NEi 10 jlO pt N Ei 4 8 . S half 8 '13 N^ofNi 1 110. NJofNi 1 10. S half 8 NiofNi I. N half 6 . . . 13 10. 7 . j346iMitchell, John . . 503j Mitchell, Peter... ■ j 504!Mitchell, Neil ... i I 606 Mitchell, Hugh... ( I 506 Mitchell, Alex .... 607 1 Mitchell, Daniel .. 10. 7 . 11 sw^e . 7 Nhalf 10 9 SWill SEi6 'S half '8 IN half 10 |9 JS Wi 11 110 is Ei6 '7 iShalf 8 11 iNhalf 10 :9 S Wi 11 ... 10 ;SE46 '7 IS half 8 ;il Nhalf 10 9 is W4 11 ;io is Ei6 7 :Shalf 8 ,11 Nhalf 10 !9 jS VV| 11 j 10 |S ¥j^ 6 i7 IShalf S 11 'Owner (see D 4); 3 I Owner (see D 4)| 3 , Tenant ; 3 jPM'ner,(seeD 4)129 Owner | 3 Owner { _ Tenant I ' Owner ; 3 , . . Owner , 3 • 'iOwner,(seeD4): 3 F. S. (see D 4)1 3 t I F. S. (see D 4); 3 F. 8. {uev D 4)1 3 F. .S. (ae* D 4)i 3 J474 j476 J726 McArthur, John ... McArthur, Dougald McGarey, Janica . . . lot 2 .9 . SptSi2 ilO. lot 2 !9 . SptSJ2 jlO. Nhalf 1 -....13. .Owner 4 Tenant j 4 Tenant i 7 escnp- O 1. PU 3 3 w Son.. 7 4 Son... 4 4 17 3 . .M: 3 7 3 3 4 4 m $ 1 rOLLINO SCB-DIVISIOV NO. 3. 16 Roll No. J339j j390! J473i J344 .1395 J398 j425 .1479 J664 JG74 675 4337 338i j753 404 .1554 j417 NAME. LOT. McGugan, Archibald McGugan, Godfrey . . McGugan, Duncan . . Mclntyre, Malcolm i Mclntyre, John .... McKay, Alexander.. McKay, Angus . . . | McKay, Nathan McKay, Francis .... McKay, John McKay, Norman McLean, Duncan .. j McLellan, John McLellan, Duncan McNeil, James B . . McPherson, John . , McVicar, John . . . , S half 3 S E pt 2 pt'l S half 5 , N W^5 S^&N WH NEpt'4 Wipt4." NEpt7 E.haff 4 NEil S;half/6 S half 6 lot 1 Wellington 39 & 49 E half 2 N Ei 7, N W pt 8 WiofW;i»2, .... NWptS S half 4, Shalf 1 . NEi5, S Wpte.. Con. or Street. 7 . 8 . 9 . 7 . 5 . 8 . S . 9 . 8 . 9 12. 12. 12. 7 . 2 . 7 . 13 7 . 8 . 10. 8 . J671|Neff. Samuel IS 4 5, S i 7 J672!Neff, Emerson |S ^S, S i 7 12. 12. .i543lOake, John . . . . jG69!Orvi8, Myron.. 744; Owens, Jenkin J745' Owens, David R. SEptNi^ 1 Shalf 4 .... N W pt 5 , 5 ., 10 12 13. 13. j673 Patterson, Dougald.. .) 7 38; Patterson, Daniel. . . . j739 I Patterson, Hector. . . j740' Patterson, Duncan .. j741 ; Patterson, Neil ... . 341 Paul, Malcolm .. .. .i342:Paul, William J343Paul, Dougald J622 Perry, Richard.. . j j386 Pincombe, John ... | 387:Pinconibe, John jr J 388; Pincombe, Richard Jt>17'PoBt, Edwin :12. il3. 113. 13. 13. 7 . N;half5 Siof^NH S i of S i 4 Wiof SH jN f of N W is half 4 is half 4 . 17 !Nhalf4 7 iNhalf 6 llO ;Ehalf6 Ill IWpt 1 i8 ;Nhalf 3 i6 W>t 1 8 N half 3 je Wpt-1 18 N half 2 6 Nhalf4j ill N E pt 7 & 8 n\ J.'iflOlRae. William 557 Rae, William . . 558 Rae, Jamea .... .■i59 Kae, David JSJ 5 & S W J 6 . S half 5, S W i 6 Si 5 & S W i 6 . . . SA5&S Wi6., .10. 10. .110. Jio Other Descrip- tion. Owner Owner Owner Owner (see D 2) Owner Owner Tenant(8ee D 4) Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son... Owner (see D 1) Owner Owner (see D 4) Owner Owner Owner Owner.. Tenant Owner. . Owner . Owner.. Tenant Owner . . Owner . . Owner . . , Owner . . , Owner . . , Owner . . Tenant Owner . . , Tenant O 5 4 28 7 4 7 17 7 ,11 Owner Owner (see D 2) F. S.. (see D 2)1 4 F. S., (see D 2) Tenant(8eeD4) Owner . . . Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Farmer's fSon. _-:^' 16 roLUNo aos-DrruioK mo 8. RoU No, 412 j394 j728 729 730 j556 j665 NAME Shotwell, Zacharifth , Sinclair, Archibald Smith, Leonard.... Smith, Judaon Smith, Burton .... Stoner, John Stoner, Ellis LOT. ,NWpt6 lots Si2 8 pt Si 3, N W i 1 . , S half 2 S pt S i 3, N W i 1 . , S half 2 SptS43, N W| 1 . N half 4 N half 2 Con. or Street. 8 . 8 . 13. 12 13. 12 13. 12. 10. 12 Other DoHcrip- tion. Ownm. Owner Owner Farmer's Son. Farmer's Son. Owner Owner 3 » 7 7 i :i J548 J609 J615 J560 561 J749 j750 J661 j662 J863 J472 410 J608 j618 j401 415 J416 476 J477 J478 J482 483 J484 J486 487 J.562 .)565 j610 j619 J620 j623 .»760 Tomlinson, Thomas. Trehame, David .. Trehame, John ( SEpt2 |10. Shalf2 11. SEpt4 In. ptsWg |9 . NEil2 113. Tenant Owner.. 4 7 Walters, David | Walters, Thadius.. I Walters, Joseph. ( Walters, Isaac . . . Ward, Truman H .. Ward, HylandB ... Ward, Oliver D Wark, Thomas .... Webster, George .... Woodward, Thomas. Woodward, Francis. N half 5 S pt 1, S pt N i 5 . . N half 5 S pt 1, S pt N half 5 N half 6 N half 6 S half 1 & 2 Shalf 1 &2 S half 1 & 2 SWcor 1 NWpt5 Nhalf2. NEptl .. Nhfof N half 6 .... 10. 11. 10. 11. 13 13. 12. 12 12. 9 . 8 . 11. 11. Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Zavitz, Benjamin P . James , Daniel M . . . Benjamin Joram Alfred Isaac Jonah D . . . , Benjamin F . Daniel I :Edgar M .. j Hugh W.... Ephraim... | Edmond H... Ephraim John C Charles Samuel ... . Wpt5 N pt W hf 5, W pt 5 EptWhfS lots W half 3 E half 3 N half 5 Nhalf 5 iN Wi6 iS WcorT, Si& NEi6 N half of N half 6 Gray's survey 2 & 4. . . S W cor 7, S J & N Ei6 N i of N half 6 Gray's survey 2 & 4 SEi6 N half 7 Komoka D S 110 Shalf2 W half 6, S half 5 .... Shalf; N Wi7 N half 4 Owner,(8eeD 4) Owner. Fiinner's Son. Owner Owner Owner.. Tenant Tenant Owner , Owner Owner Owner 8 8 8 9 9 ... 9 .... 9 9 .. .. 9 i 8 ;0'r,(seeD2&4) 9 ■:::::.' 8 iFS,'8CcD2 44) 3 j '0 lOwncr. . . . . . Owner (see D 2) Owner Owner, Tenant Owner .... . Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Farmers' Son . . Owner 2 . 11.. 11. 11. 11. 12. Tenant 4 Tenant 7 Owner 4 Owner 7 Owner 7 i i .1- .'7 rOLLINO StTB-DIVIfllON NO. 4. 17 )8crip- O • • • . 3 3 7 4 7 3 3 :^ 4 4 4 3 3 3 Rolll No. I NAME. i j676 Zavitz, Jonas . j726 j Zavitz, David j7iJ7 I Zavitz, Waltwr .. Jim Zavitz, John , .i747 Zavitz, Abraham . . , 748 Zavitz, Albert .... LOT. N E quarter 6. S W quarter 9 S half I Shalfl N half 2 S half 6 and 7. 8 half 6 and 7. Con. or Htreet. 12. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13 Other Descrip- tion. Owner, (see D 4) Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son . O PART 11. — Containing the Names of those entitled to vote at Municipal Election* Only. 411 Atkin, Richardson., part W half 5 8 4l.'i Delamote, Andrew .., .... Owner 3 N W part 5 N W part 5 408 Huston, Robert,,. . 421 Vail, Samuel . .' !N corner N half 6 .'i4e Winters, John 's part S half 2 , . Owner. PART III. — Containing the Names of those entitled to vote at Elections to tht Legislative Assembly only, NONE. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4, Comprising north half of lot cumber eight (8) in the sixth concession, and the Houth halves of lots numbers seven (7) and eight (8) in the seventh concession, and the north halves of lots numbers seven (7) to fouiieen (14), inclusive, in the seventh concession, and the whole of the aforesaid numbers in the eighth and ninth concessions, and the south halves of the aforesaid numbers in the tenth concession, and the north halves of lots uumbens eight (8) to fourteen (14), inclusive, in the tenth concession, and the whole of the last menticued numbers in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth concessions. Part J. — Persofis Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. .1403 024 428 .i7(i' .i7ll .')1'2 513 (jrahnm, Duncan P. Gruhani, Duncan . . . (jirahain, John ... Graham, William .. Graham, (ieurge . . 4*22jGray, Malcolm 4'2H!(^ray, Isaac J514 682 j6S3 Jti84 N half 13 , ;SWil3 , S\Vcorl3 ISWptl4, SEil3. S Ei 13, SW ptl4 .S Ept 14 S VVpt 13 i.Shalf 13 SW pt 13 iS half 13 IN half 13 N half 13 S half 9 Shalfi9 Shar9 S 4 & N W pt 7 pt S i 2 S i & N W pt 7 ptShalf2 .... 757 1 Harper, Benjamin.. j5 161 Henderson, Rodcri'k J617 JO 18 J628 435 685 686 Henderson, Chas . . j Henderson, Hugh, j Henderson, John Hil'is, James Hunter, Robt Hunter, Robt j692|Huuter, William i JStilLadell. FredM... . j J392:Ladell. Wm F . . j j693|Lamont. Archibald j j696j].ianiont Peter J636:Leng, Robert j68l|Lewi8, Alexander. 754| Lewis, William.., |N pt N i 8 IS E 1 16, S W i 16 |N half 14 Is E i 16, S W J 16 'N half 14 S E i 16, S W i 16 Nhalfl4 lot 10 N half 9 N half 9, S Wi 11 N half 9, S Wi 11 SEiU 11 13.... 12 O * • • I 8 8 8 8 .... 9 .... 8 9 .. . 9 .... 9 .... 12 ... 12.... 12 . . 8 ... 3 .... 8 .... 3 .... 13.... 10 9 .... 10 9 10.. .. 9 .... 11 8 12 12 12 j7o6; Lewis, Levi R . «29| Lloyd, Robert .. .ilKiO Lloyd, Henry. . j761 LuHiby, Philip , j493 Marsh, Jacob J488 Marsh. Elihu. Nhalf2 8 NEi 10 10.. N half 2 8 N Ei 10 10. N half 11 12 SEi9 13. N half 12 12 S half 13... N half 8 . . . S half 8 ... NiofNil ilO. S half 8 13 NiofNi I 10 Whalf U 11 Whalf U 11 Npart 9 13 Other Descrip- tion. Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son. Owner Owner. Farmer's Son.. Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner (see D '.:) F. S., (see D 2) Owner... Owner (see D 6) Owner, (see D 6) Owner (see D 5) Owner Tenant Owner ... Owner Owner It 6 0^ u 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 m I 7 7 S 3 7 10 10 10 3 3 7 7 7 Owner(see D 3): 3 Owner (see D 3) Owner. Owner 11 jOwner. 12... jOwner. 13 ... Owner(see D 3) Owner Tenant(8eeD3) Owner Owner Owner 8 11 19 7 29 7 3 3 7 S pt 7 & 8 E part 7, S W^ pt 8 JOwner ! S Owner ' 3 rOLLINO DCB-DIVUtlON NO. 4. iri I' •!• i; % I k ■ I' Coir No. NAMK. 603 604 605 506 Mitchell, Peter. Mitchell, Neil . . Mitchell, Hugh . Mitchell, Alex . . f •■/ ixyr. Con. ur .Street. [Other Dciorip- I tion. Ownrr.lseeDa) O F. S. dee D 3), 3 607 Mitchell, Daniel . j427 Munia, Christian . 430 Minna, Michael R Nhalf 10 » S W ill 10. H EH 7 . .S half 8 .. ;ll N half 10 |9 1 ! S VVi II JO L ^ , ,, „,: , S half 8 Ill I , Nhalf 10 '» H Wi II ilO. S K,t 6 7 . S half 8 Ill » i H»..... .. p ^ ^^^ p gjl 3 II !'..... 9 }P F. S. (Beo I) 3) 3 S half 8 .'.'.'.. "....'.'.'. II N pt8 8 Owner 3 Npt8 8 Owner 3 ( N half 10 ) S VVi 1 1 i S KiO.. f S half 8 ( Nhalf 10 ) S W;^ I 1 ] S Ek « f :s' "" «94;McAliator, Archibald j349 Mc Arthur, Lauchlin j364 Mc Arthur, Malcolm . . J634 McBain, Alex Jtilij McBain, .John J«9y McCallum, John J7U0 McCallum, Dougald JtibT McColl, Thomas j689McCo11, Duncan .... «90 McColl, John 691 McColl, Donald J77iJ McColl, John ;<04 McCollom, Robt L .. 496 M(!ColIom. .Janios K... 760 McDougall. John.. .. 437 Mclntyre, Nichol... J439;McIntyru, Peter L j440 Mclntyre, Hector . . 443McIvor. . \ J42i)!McKay, Angus. / j352^McKinlay. Donald | J432 Mclean, Tiieophilus JTOSJMcLellan, John . . . j j753 McLellan, Duncan | 306.McV^icar, James .... 307lMcVicar, .John j4'26 McVicar, Peter S half 12 8 pt Nhalf 7 S pt N half 8 N half 9, S4 of X hf 8 Shalf 12 Shalf 12 SEi l.S,NiofNil3&14 Shalf 14 .Shalf 10 Nhalf 10 Nhalf 10 N part 10 SWil4 \ parts pt.S 4 7 N W cor9, ptN ^8.... S part 12 E& \V pt 12 j |E& W pt 12 ' iSlW pt 13 NEpt7 'W pt4 S VV i 8, S VV i9 N \V pt8 S half 9 N iof Ni 16, Nhf 15. Shf of Nhf of 1.S&14. N Ei7, N W pt8 . . \V hf of VV hf 2 N E pt8 N E pt 8 .S half S .3 8 , Owner Q Ownei ..... |7 Owner ... . ill Owner II Owner 12 Owner 12 , Owner 12 Owner 12 Owner 12 Farmer's .Son 12 Farmer's .Son 13 Owner . ... 6 Owner 9 Tenant 13 Owner 8 Owner .. . . S Owner 8 Owner . . 8 Owner .... 8 a Ti'inint(8(H> D ^ Owner (see Dl)^ 3 3 .. I .19 .19 ..10 . ,10 m • ;'. * . . I 7 ■ . , I I - ' I ... H . . I .'{ .,13 ' m . II ..II .11 .111 3)1 3 S .... : Owner 12 iOwner {see D 12 Tenant . , 13 l.y iOwner(see D iFarmer's Son 8 Owner S)I 3), 8 1 3 ■A 4 j4| A J4I ncBorip- (HeeDa) >«e D 3)1 .1 ie« D 3) 3 I i 8ee D 3)! » I Heu I) 3) 3 3 3 ■ 8 > !' r I r 19 r 19 r 10 r ,10 r ,ll r I 4 bt'h Son . . , 7 er'H Son . ' 7 r S r ' .» It 13 ■r i ir 11 ir ill T 11 ir Ill 1 it(soe I) 3)1 3 r (Hee Dl), 3 ^l■ 3 !V (seeD 5)1 i^ lit ! ' ^r(8«e I) 3), 7 M- I 1 ier'8 Son . . , 1 ■v 13 P'tLU^O 9CB-l>IVI«IUl« SO. 4. Roll No. NAMK. ,V)H I'uiil, William . jnOH I'liul.Oiailt'H A JU17 Punt, Kdwiu . .f.'')7'inH(>n. ThuniaB N half 14 . J77ni I RoliinHon, Albert.. N half 14 8hf 12, 8Ki 11 Con. or Htreet. 13 13. 564 I J4i-|0j J451 3f)(> 361 jri7l SaUbuiy, Homy .. , . Sal.> 7.V.I TlifiiiiuM, .lamcH R . . I hdiiuiH, VN'm J . . . 'I'lioiiiji.s, David .1 .. .itil."ijTiLliiiiiie, .loiiii J(Wt7rrunil.ull. Adam JdyS'WatteiB, .John j;M«|\Vaugh, John ... 30o\Vhite, Dmiean... J«7y! Wilson, Thomas . J«iS()| Wilson, Fernando j4'J4! Wood, John T 4lt>S\Vood, Wm j48«|Zflvitz, Daniel 487IZavitz, Kdgar M S K i 7 S K i 7 N part 14 Shalf ID N pt 14 S half 19 X part 7 N part 7 Shalf 12, SEf 11 Shalf 14 N half 12 lot 12 N half 12 S pt 7 N pt N half 8 N k cor 8 . . . SE'pt4 pt S half 9 . . . N E i 12 ... N half 12 10. 10. 8 11 8 . 11. 7 . 7 . 10. 9 10. 11. 9 . 13. 13. 11. 9 13. 12 I j494:Zavitz, Nobl(3 .if>()6 Riivitz, S.amuel P. Jijli? Zavitz. George O . S half 12 Shalf 7 . N cor 8 . S E pt 8 , s ]•; pt s , N E pt 7 S part 9 S part 9 . Other De«orip< tion. ft b Owner Ten«nt Tenant ... Owner (M«t D S) 10 Tenant Owner. Owner . . Owner Farmer '■ Son.. Owner (see D 5) 11 19 10 3 3 11 Owner, (veeDO) 11 Owner. ..... 3 Farmer's Son.. 3 Owner 11 Owner .... Tenant . . . Owner . 11 11 Owner.. Tenant Tenant Owner (nee D 3) Tenant .... 3 7 7 7 8 12 ITenant I 8 7 iOwner : I 8 iOwner . , I 12 {Owner . ] 7 12 iTenant 7 8 9 9 Owner ' 3 I Owner 8 Wcor7, S^A N EH|9 | NhfofNhfH 18 |0V,(8eeD2& 3 ... Oray's survey 2 & 4 . S VV cor 7. S.i& N Ei6 N hf of N hf 6 (iray'f suncy 2 & 4 . . .. |Spt7&8 IS \V .^ of 7 and 8 'S E i 8 9 ■I 8 'PS,'BeeP2& 3 9 JTenant .... 10 Owner. . . 10 'Owner 3); 3 3)1 3 I ( 22 RoUl No. I NAME. POLLING Srs-DIVISIOK ITO 9. LOT. Con. or [Other Descrip-jO Street. tion. jftl Jo68|Zavitz,ElwoodM.. j iwYofV^O * ^^',^10 jowner j 3 j626JZavitz, Elijah ;N part 9 U 627 Zavitz, Eugene N part 9 . jll j676jZavitz, Jonas !'sWi9 13 iOwner i 3 Farmer's Son 3 ■jOwnerisee D 3)i 7 PART II. — Containing the Names of those entithil to vote at Mvnidital Ehrtions Only. 429; Clare, Samuel . . . , WcorS 570!Coughliu, .^ames « . . N E pt 10 ...18 10. 771 iOray, Archibald . . . . W cor N i 13 13 Owner . , ..... i 3 Owner 3 Owner 19 PART III. — Containing the Names of those entitled to vote at Ulect ions to the Legislative Assembly only, NOXE. PULLIKG SlJJi-mVISIO.N ^O. 5, Comprising the remaining part of the saifl township of Lobu not hereinbefore descrilied. Part L — Persons Entitieii to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to tht Leyiatatwe Assembly. 586 J535 J594 588 J605 537 J538 J539 J540 Alian. Robert . . .' S half 17 . '.". ■"'■'. .'jiO. Attwood.Adolph.cj||5j»^^-,i;- ;;;;;; ;|» Farmer's Son . lO Tenant Owner .... Barclay, Arthur :N pt S lialf 18 N E part 18 iiU Owner. ID . . Owner , Barnes, John. Brettell, Thomas... N half 21, N' pt gore22|lO Owner Buikett, Wm sr N VV i 20 9 Tenant Burkett, Wm jr. . . . N W i 20 ;9 Tenant Lurkett, Joseph ....'NWi20 i9 Tenant Burkett, James N W i 20 9 Tenant 469|Cameron, Donald IN half 17 8 j460'Cameron, John D, . . . 'N half 17 8 Owner . 'IVniuit 10 10 26 10 10 lU 10 10 12 12 Descrip-iO ion. iCu I» i a '8 Sou : 3 see D 3)i 7 \l Ekrtlonn 19 ms to the iiibtfore tiona and rSoii "lt> 10 10 26 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 Roll No. NAME. POLLING srB-DIVISION ITO. 5. i LOT. 23 j580, Cameron, John j581 Cameron, Alex L j641 Cai jron, Duncan .. . . j441 Ca. tbell, Duncan W j523 Campbell, John j524 \ Campbell, Duncan J j525 I Campbell, James ... j526 Campbell, Alex . .. 527 Campbell, John j528' Campbell, Peter . .. J.531 Campbell, Robert. . . . .(673 Campbell, John D ... j71] Carson, .John .)380 Caverhill, WmH... .1381 Caverhill, Wm A . ,. J 382 1 Caverhill, Adam T . .i.SSSiCavcrhill, James S . . J384 Caverhill, Thoa W . Con. or Street. 4r)7 Caverhill, Thomas i4J8;i;averhiIl, Id T C a."iS7iCluulton, Edward r)yOiCharlton, Jtmeph . j.'.y2!Charlton, Wm B . . .JoiKSlCharlton, Joseph T .)(iOl!( harltoii, David .. (i.")6!Chiult«iii, Wni .iUr»7i('hiirlton, (ieurge ... JlioSlcharlton, Ed W .. .i597 Coikrane. John ... N VV i 15 NEi 16 Ni 14, N Wil5... iSiof S i 16 'S i of S i 16 Niof Si 16, Nhf 16 Ni of Si 16, N hf 16 IShalf 17 N half 17 N half 17 N half 18 Shf 13. N half 16... N half 18 E part 17 Nil8,Nptgorel9,Sptl8 Nil8,Npgorel9,Sptl8 Nil8,Npgorel9,Sptl8 Nil8,Npgorel9,Sptl8 Shalf 17 Komoka S 8 blk B 14 Wellington TA S half 17 Komoka S S blk B 14 Wellington "i4 Ni 17,NW>18,NEpl8 part 18 S part 18 S part 18 N part 20 S i 21, S i 20, E cor of N half 19 N half 21 Si 20, Ecorof N i 19 . Shalf 21 N half 21 S half 19 Other Descrip- O tion. ^ 10 Owner 10 Owner 11 Owner(8eeD4) 9 .... . . Ownw 9 Owner 9 . . . ... Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Tenant 9 .. Owner 10 Owner (see D 4) 12 Tenant 7 Owner (see D 1) 7 lOwner, (see D 1) 7 [Owner (seeD 1) 7 |Owner,(seeD 1) 7 |Owner(8eo D 1) 8 1 2 IOwner,(8eeD2) 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 . 2 2 10. 10. 10. 10. iTenantCaeeD 2)112 Owner, Owner. Tenant Tenant 10 lOwner . 11 , Owner . Tenant! 10 |l0 !10 !io i^*' ;io 11 j Owner. ■ * ■ ■ 'Tenant 11 [Tenant 11 jOwner. 10 lOwner. 779|Dewar, .lohn W J465 Dixon, George . 5201 Forbes, John... j521iForbe8, Duncan .ir>22;Forbei3, (ieo ... j46;J Fraser, Donald . j464'iFra8er, Arch . . . IN half 16.. IW part 19 [13 lOwuer , 18 jOwner. :io 1.0 lio |13 il2 jNhalflG !9 ........jOwner ilO 'Tenant ilO iTenant jlO !N half 15 |9 IN half 15 i9 jN i 18, SW i 18 18 jOwner |12 IN i 18. S W i 18 iS lOwner 12 .(644 Gibson, Thomas . . 645Gibson, Thomas T 777. Gillies, Neil 778 Gillies, John N. . . . j4,'>2 (Jraham. Donald L. . 529Havs, Thus N E pt 15, N Wpt 16..;il lOwner !lO N E pt 15, N W pt 16. ..ill lFarmer'8 Son . ;10 Shalf 15 Il3 Owner : 9 Shalf 15 ;13 Farmer's Son .: 9 lot 15 8 Owner ill .iShalf 18. ■9 Owner '10 POLLINO StJB-DIVlSION NO. i). NAME. LOT. Cou. or Street. Hays, John .... Headly, James Headly, James R . . , Headly, William . . . . Henderson, Rod 'rick | Henderson, Charles | Henderson, Hugh . . | Shalf 18 i9 iSi21, Sptgore 22 iSi21, Sptgore 22..., 18^21, Sptgore 22... SEi 16, S W i 16 iNhalf]4 S E J 16, S W i 1« • • . ■ IN half 14 . . ,. S E i 16, S VV i 16 .. N half 14 10. 10. 10 10 9 10. 9 10. j45^ 454 455 j456 793 Johnson, Donald .. Johnson, Hugh Johnson, Hugh D . . Johnson, Archibald Johnson, John 794 1 Johnson, Alexander I S W|16 ... N / S Ept 16, N E pt 16 ...i8 . . SEpt 16 !8 . , N Ept 16 i8 . , N Wpt 16 8 . N half 20 ii:{. iN half 20 il3 600 Lanib, John iS jmrt 20. . . , Sll Lambert, Richard sr ..'pt N half 24 «*12 Lambert, Richard jr.. !pt N half 24 ^l* Layng, Michael pt gore 25 . 10 13. 13. 13 J7t*»|Marshall, Arthur N half 19 ^ySlMarshall, Arthur S ...JN half 19 J082(MiIler, Robert iS half 15 13. 13. 10. Other Descrip-O tion. 3u I ! IFarmer's Son . . 1 10 Owner '10 Farmer's Son...! 10 Tenant . . 10 Owner (see D 4)! 10 Owner (see I)4)iU) Owtierisee D 4)10 Ownei- II Tenant Owner 11 Owner 26 Owner j 1 1 Owner '13 Farmer's Son . ^■'' Owner 10 Tenant i'T Tenant jI7 Owner, Tenant! 13 Owner il3 Farmer's Son il3 Tenant 10 Ji JD J7 ■ ^ I 7 J 7. j8i 466 467 468 a802 J7S3 795 796 797 j798 799 .Jo32 533 J534, J780I j781! J782I J784I J705 j787| 7891 790' .1801 i .)462! McBain, William McBain, William . . McBain, Duncan . . McDonald, Duncan .. McDougall, Allan . McEwen, Donald McEwen, Hugh D . . . McEwen, John D . . McEwen, John McEwen, Hugh Mclutoah, .John . . Mcintosh, William . Mcintosh, W illiani . i McKeiohan. Doug'ld ' McKeichan, James f McKeichan, Arch . McLachlan, John McLellan, John .. . • McLurg, John . . . McLurg, Henry . . McLurg, .John . . . McLurg, William. McTavish. Tavish. ■E part 19 E part 19 iEpart 19 S half 23 S half IT ,S half 21 iS half 21 |S half 21 \ h.nlf :-) A 21 N half 15&21 S half 19 Shalf 19 Nhalf 19 Shalf 16 Shalf 16 Shalf 16 N half 17 N Aof N i 16, N hf 15 Shf of N hf 13 & 14 . S * 19*. 20, Nhf 22 .. S I 19&20, Nhf 22 . . Si 19 & 20, N hf22 'S half 22 S E i IS 8 lOwner . . . 8 I Farmer's .Son . 8 P.irmer'.-^ Son. 13 I Owner 13 i Owner 13 iOwiier. . . 13 I Farmora' Son . 13 Fanner's Son. 13 Owner . 13 Farmer's Son. 9 'Owner 9 IFarmer's Son. 9 ;Ownpr 13 iOwner 13 Owner. . . . 13. ..iOwner 13 Owner '2 .'Owner(see D 12 Tenant . 13 Owner ... 13 Farmer's Son 13 IFarmer's Son 13 'Tenant 8 Owner 13 13 13 13 13 10 10 10 8 8 8 S 4)! 9 9 9 13 12 37 J45 J45 J641 J64i 6i'c 371 372 373 J659 •'7181 J7l9l J806 J8O7' J808'^ J809'J 813, 378 J379 •/5J9,sl 110 .!10 ilO 11 11 26 . ill ii:< i. ;i;; iU) ilT ..117 ant! 13 1 a n 1 .. 1 3 1 •2 m.. l-J m... •J •t ■ ' 1 jii . . on. . i:'. l;{ 13 i\i on. 10 on. . 10 10 8 « 8 8 D 4) 8 9 "^on . 9 Son.. 9 IS 12 \ Roll, No. NAME. JOLUSO dr«.WVl8ION wo. LOT. 595 Oliver, Thomas L Joyy ^ Oliver, John •'724|0'Neil, John t".' Con, or Street. as Other^bescnpTp tion. N half 19 Nhalf 19 ..' IN pt gore 24 10., 10.. 10.. 12.. Tenant 10 Owner .! . 10 Owner Owner jtehain8&20 . ( N half 19 853 Parker, Wni 654 Parker, William jr } jN half is &" 20 J707 Parker, Edward ' SMP^ Nhalf IS* on * ' 10 14 71 12. U 12. Owner. ii.....!rr'*""«»''«Son. Parker, Thomas S I JN half Is'ft 20 * *^ • }2-....;.:|0wner. (Nhalf 19 . lif- Ste*«"on.Wm.. 716 pfJJ^"''"' A'^drew a708pf-.*r''^°°' James... J«05jPhill,pa, Joseph....; •'.^.^fe'^^"". John W. NEi 17. I1..7..'.'.'.P'a»'mer'8Son. Son •NEil7 .. jf Owner.. S half 20, . ,i Farmer's S half 20., ••• \;i jOwner. N half 17, S W i i;' • • Jl jFarmer's Son NWi23,, *^"- •)* Tenant .. NEi23.... J? Owner... ^3 Owner... "" 10 flO 9 113 18 fl8 9 9 9 113 13 470 Robaon, W T M n ' ' .^o* P^^ 20 . . . L •'471 Robson Arthur fe* ^ ^^ ^ove 20 | fewner Jo98Rob8on James M#ore20., J (Tenant .. . J720Robson Robert ?t^*^^22 f, Owner •'722Rob8on:WmB fe'/22 .. ,. i;:' .'-K fewner ^^^ JSOS Ross. John '^^^J'^- lot 18 3 Owner -J S half 23." •' '.Scott, Henry A 'S Hf ^^ .1. . ' Nhalf 15 ,J? Owner! '^3 Tenant 14 13 13 J450 J45l\ Sfott, John Scott, George .. ig^lScott, Thomas B . ''J*? Scott, John B. oJ.J^fa"^ in. George.. !i^fej^«H?n. Thomas.. je^qfeJ^",''^'"' Holms.. S«t?Pi'^^' Lionel E. SJSfJ?P«y. Kdward .... J8(^fi #/', -^0^° T. . S ^l^dall, John. J807; } Siddall, Thon: jN part 14 S half 19. W part 14 S half 19. . •^pt gore 21 ... Iq ■Sptl5&i6 ... ' •f pt 15&16 .. '" S|l4&15,Ni*i6 f* 4&15, Nile p i 14 & 15, N i 16 ot 22, gore 23*. IW^ half 12 , ;Ehaif2i...; ,,„ :Wi24,N "•'-•• • "2 7 7 8 . 11. 8 . 11. Owner (ji jFarmer's Son.V 111 pwner(8ee D4) 11 Owner(see D 4)|ii Owner Owner ...... Farmer's Son Owner(see D 1) *• »•, (seeDl) ^ S., (see D 1) 12 lOwner, Tenant Jo (Owner.. Own 11. 11 I . 7 . 7.. n. •^SOSiSiddall, Joaeph In'S^^J' William ;i;^>^i^.rfall, Robert H ,3^778 j simp;oCwm:...:^p^^^^ 24 ..;; . ,IJJptEi24 4 25,ptNir O^ner *°* W J: .*?*&. 25 ,3._ I Jl /Tenant 7 .'.'.' 12 10 10 1 1 1 9 9 9 13 13 13 ,p - 13 JFarmer's Son.. 13 Owner,(8eeDl)12 ..fe ;• •• ; |S!^!5'('»«ei>i)i2 'Owner. 26 Roil No. j702 703 k596 j647 j648 POLLINQ SDB-DIVIHION NU ». NAME. t Squires, Richard . . Squires, William . . . Stonehouse, Edward C Stouehouse, Henry Stonehouse, Edger. R j655 Thirlwall, Arthur... 712Thirlwall, Arthur.. ;i3 714 J541 536 Thirlwall, Isaac Thirlwall, Thomas Tindleys, Richard Topping, Michael . . LOT. S half 16 S half 16 SptNhalf 18 .. NEil6 S i 17. N W i 17 J 709 Walker, Isaac. j652 Walker, Joseph . . j701 I Wilson, George.. J646 WoodhuU, Joseph ■■■} N half 20 . N E A 19, S half 22 N E i 19, S half 22 N E i 19. S half 22 NEi20 N W J20 Shalf 18. S W i 19. Shalf 18 SEi 17 Nhalf 18 SEi 17 Con. or Other Descrip- O Street. tiou. CW 12 Owner 12.... 10 11 11 .... 10 Farmer's Son . 'lO Tenant ilO Tenant |17 Owner ;10 11 Owner 9 12 Owner 12 : Farmer's Son . 12 Fanner's Son... 9 Owner • 9 ... ... Owncir 12. 11. 12. 11.. 12. Owner.. Tenant 9 9 9 10 10 10 Owner 10 S half 15, S i of N i 16 12 Owner Iq NEi 16 hi Owner iQ PART II. — Containing the Name» of those entitkd to vote at Mimidpal Elections Only, .'J9l|Nichols, Joshua B |N part S half 18 10 Tenant 1 1ft PART III. — Containing the Name» of those entitled to vote at Elevtion» to thv Legislative Assembly only. NONE. Total number of qualified Juroia, 426. I, E. R. BARCLAY, Clerk of the Municipality of the township of Lobo, in the County of Middlesex, do heri^by certify that parts one and three of the within list constitute a correct list for . ic year 1881 of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly ; and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for said year of all persons appearing by the said roil to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality ; and I hereby call upon pll elec- tors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated tiiiv Thirtieth lJ«y of July, A. D.. 1881. K. H. BARCLAY. Clerk vf Toumship of Lobo, Poplar Hill P.O. 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 >I» <*>tn ^'^'ijf -^frA** W V V ■■?-«'? '3i -A,- ' J ft. S; i»..'V.,,.-i>At,