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Vol* ABBOTT, John, S.C-^ Columbus, 166 V; Terror of th« Indiana, 263; Hero of the Plains, 261 V- David Crockett, 221; History of Prussia 122; liist^j of Austria 118; History of Italy, 119; History of ^^ Russia, 120; History of Turkey, 117 ABBOTT Jacob-Force, ; Heat, ^' Light • Excursions to the Orkney Islands, ; Grimkie,' ; Naples, ; Holland, ; On the Atlantic T '/*'"' ; Scotland, ; Switzerland. ; AnAitf«Ti°% 5 Rhine, ^ ; Rome, . AUAMb, J. D— Famous ships of the British Nary, 156M: Lana of the Incas, 224 V; Mariners of England, 209 V; Secret of Success, 69M; Light Houses and Light Ships, 428; Field and Forest Rambles, 134 AGUILAR, Grace- The Mother'. Recompense, 199- AT FYAtJ^Tp"m ^"'J^i'Tj Women's Friendship, 691 ALEXANDER, Mrs-The Admiral's Ward, 756; Freres, AINSWORTH, Ha*rison^Ovingdean Grange 124- Rookwood, 126; The Miser's Daughter,126; Guy Faux 127; St James, 128; Crichton, 129; The Spendthrift 130; A Flitch of Bacon, 131; Lan! caster Witches, 132; Star Chamber, 133; Mervin Castle'''l36 ^""^^ ®*°°"^' ^^^' Windsor ALGER, Horatio-Ben the Beggar Boy, 269; Mark the Vnr^u T4i^^^' ^^F^^. J?''""^^ 270; Fame and Fortune, 271 ; Rough and Ready, 272; Rufus and Kose, 27o; APPLETOKS, Home Series-^How to Furnish a House; Home Gro^unds; Home Amusement; Home; "^"'5 Amenities; Hume Building; i! AUTHORS. "^^^^^ nlanl'ls^t^ "^~ ^^'«" '•^ Uw,»2S; Primeval ^^^'^^^^^jJJ^^f ^"»« and Sensibility 670; Manafield, BALLANTYNE, R. M- Hudson Bay etc. 108 V- The Fugatives, 714; Battery and Boiler, 376; Dusty W^M •^'' fV ^i'^'^ S^^' 730; PosJ Haste, 362; Wild Man of the West, 360; Gascoyne, the Sandel Wood Trader, 380; Iron Horse, 363; Grant of f^\.^?«u'TT^^' ^'«^^ «'^"««' «17 Float ng T f ' ^«»i P»8»^«» 364; My Doggie and I, 372; T,Ues of Adventure, 371; Dog Crusoe, 365 Martm Ratler, 370; Deep Down, 361; Three Mr,n.hs Rusticated, 373; End of a O^il. 576; P^;!/%^'"r'' ^^^jLife Boat, 487;MHdnmn and Pirate 366; Young Fur Traders, 374; World of U^' . ^^^W^"T?^r ^^^ W*^««' 13 M; Gorilla ?"S%';'i^7',^'*^'"« ^^^ B'^'d, 772; Philosopher .lack, 771; Tales of Adventures on the Sea, ?70; lales of Adventure on the Coast, 769; Tales of Adventure by Flood, Field and Mountain, 768; t, A i^^«it *" ^*'* ^^^ ^"8*^^' 377' The Fugitives 714. BANCROFT, George-^History of the United States, 7 BESANT AND RICE-Chaplain of the Fleet, 444- Bv Cehaj Arbour, 446; The Ten Year's Tenant, 448; This Son of Vulcan, 449; The Case of Wm Lucraf t 447; Sweet Nellie 267; The Seamy Side, 741 My Little Girl, 443; Twas in Trafalgars Bay, 649 BLACK, William--That Beautiful Wretch, 205; In Silk Attire, 209; -Adventures of a Phaeton, 208; Monarch of Mmcing Lane, 207; Shandon Bells % Sunrise, ^2; White Wings, 204; McLeod of Dare, 201; Kilmeany, 203; Yolande, 733. BLACKMORE, R. D -Alice Lorane, 641; Cyril Thornton ,,^«,., J ^"PP" ^^^ ^*'"«'' ^^^5 Mary Annerly, 616. BOWMAN, A-Bear Hunters of the Rockv M"n"*-«- 082; Clever Jack and other Tales, 519; KangTrw Hunters, 172; Young Yachtraan, 260 S; Primeval ; Mansfield, 108 V;The I", 376; Dusty It Haste, 362; 3, the Sandell 63; Grant of 17; Floating J and I, 372; >us()e, 305; 301; Tl.reo a Coil, 576; ric:ade, 376; ^Hdman and 4; World of M; Gorilla Philosopher he Sea, 770; 69; Tales of untain, 768; ^itivea, 714. ed States, 7 et, 444; By 'enant, 448; iVm Lucraf 6 rSide, 741; 8 Bay, 649. !06; In Silk leton, 208; adon Bella, 1; McLeod B, 733. 11 Thornton nerly, 616, !ifo«,',nt^ins, Kangaroo AUTHORS. 9 BRADDON, Miss— Birds of Prey, 507; Captain of the Vulture, 510; Fentons Quest, 612; Story of Barbara, 514; Strangers and Pilgrims, 608; Charlotte's Inheritance, 511; Bead Sea Fruit, 513; Lost for Love, 546; Weavers and Weft, 609; Doctor's Wife, 702. BRET HARTE— Episodes of Fiddletown, 20; Thankful Blossom, 285; Wan Lee the Pagan, 9. BRONTE, Charlotte— The Professor, 266; Villette, 569; Jane Eyre, 305; Shirley, 30(J; Emma, 266. BROUGHTON, Rhoda— Red as a Rose is She, 640. BUCKLEY, Arabella— Fairy Land of Science, 124 S; Great Cities of the Ancient World, 51 H; Winners in Life's Race, 2 S; Life and her Children, 123 S. BUCHANNAN, Robert— Child of Nature, 528. CARLETON, William— Stories of Irish Peasantry, 157. CARLYLE, Thomas — Apprenticeship and Travels of Wil- helm Meister, 69 B; Essays, 44-51 E; Sartor Resartus, 684 F; The French Revolution 86 E; Oliver Corm well's Life and Letters, 847 B; 88. Past and Present, 87 E; Reminiscences, 89 E. CASTLEMAN, Harry— The Boy Trapper, 211; The Mail Carrier 212* COBBALD, R— Mary Ann Wellington, 17; Zenon, 16. COLLINS, Wilkie— Armadale, 29; Black Robe, 83; No Name, 727; Fallen Leaves, 579; Hide and Seek, 709; Poor Miss Finch, 708; The Moonstone, 707; The Woman in White, 705. COOPER, J. F— Cecils Tryst, 34; The Deer Slayer, 167; The Prairie, 170; The Water Witch, 171; The Pathfinder, 35; Eva Effingham, 169; Ways of the Hour, 760; Lionel Lincoln, 803; The Wept of Wish-ton- Wish, 803. CRAWFORD, F. Marion— Doctor Claudius, 669; Mr. Isaacs, 668. ORAIK, Mrs— Poems, 48 P; John Halifax Gentleman. 599; Mistress and Maid, 572; The Unkind World 597; Christians Mistake, 257; Agatha's Husband, 596; The Ogilvies, 600; The Woman's Kingdom, 10 AUTHORS. 598; The Head of the Fainilv~693. tHa tC CROCKTON.Henry-Sylvester Sound, 45; Valandne BAWS0^7\^!:g-t^S^S. 1 r Worlfl qq 45- «. • * .' i**' ^' Ongm of the son, 639, Old Curiosity Shop, 631j Olirer T%,ri.t, DrSRAKLLi Benjamin-Oariositie. of L.teratare 144- 173 S; Intellectual Developement of Europ^J 17J DUMAS Alexander-The Regent's Daughter 59- Th« i-HERSON.R. W -Essays, 39 E; Conduct of Life 40 E- o the Republic, 177 M; ?he" ki't^rfv-Jr ??S \Vaterioo'''T8f 6J: 'm^' T ho Blocad'e, 180 M "Jterloo, 181 M; Madam Therese, 182 M 593; The Two 15; Valantine s Mould, 63 S; f Naturalists, Origin of the id man, 33 S; ^ 529; David 532; Pickwick rtin Chuzzle- 536; Barnaby Dombey and Oliver Twist, >rature, 144; ^eming, 147; >• rok the age ehfifion and and Science Europe, 174 Jr, 59; The If Brothers, Taking the iato, 66. Red Eagle der, 278 P; 'seth, 24 B; Holt, 630; 531; Daniel Life, 40 E; aits, 131 M; I; Year one irasinn 1 '7Q ■ — = — *^^ « J o ie, 180 M; , 182 M; AUTHORS. 11 Alsacian Schoolmaster, 183 M; Stories of the Rhine, 186 M; The Polish Jew, 186 M; The Campaign of Kabylia, 187 M; The Illustrious Dr Mathews, 188 M; Friend Fritz, 189M; The man Wolf, 190 M; The Wild, Huntsman, 191IM; Daniel Rock, 192 M. E WINGS, Mrs— Jan of the Windmill, 213 F; The Great Emergency, 214 F. FARGEON, B. L.— Gantron, etc, 300. FAWCETT, H— Janet Doncaster, 554; Kate Danton, 219; FARRAR, F. W.-- Julian Home, 517; Eric, 518; St Winnifieds, 688. FENN, G. M.— Bunyip Land, 484: In the King's Name 677; Dick-o-the Fence^726. FIELDING, Henry— Works and Novels, 165 M; FLORA, Glen Series— Archie Hamilton, 76; Breach of Trust, 77; Walter Neil's Example, 78; Hartz Boys, 80; Heart's Content. 81, FLEMING, George— Mirage, 386; Nice Novel, 387. GABOREAU, Emile— Other People's Money, 259; In Peril of Her Life, 260. GALT, John— Annals of the Parish, 66; Entail, 57. GARRETT, E.— House by the Works, 389; By Still Waters, 388; Dead Sin, 521. GEORGE, Henry— Progress and Poverty, 64 M. GOLDEN, Mottoe Series— Foremost if I can, 294; He Conquers who Endures, 295; Bear and Forbear 296; Nil Desperandum, 297. GRANT, James— Adventures of Rob Roy, 229; Letty Hides Lovers, 232; Jack Manley, 227; Laura Everingham, -233; Arthur Blane, 231; Aide- de-Camp, 233; Captain of the Guard, 228; Philip Rollo, 230. HAGGARD, Rider— King Solomons Mines, 189; Jess, 190; She, 191; Dawn, 192; Allan Quartermain, 193. HARDY, Thomas— A Laodecian. 327: Wind of Destiny, 286. HAKLAND, Marion -Alone, ; Her NVedchnj. T.»ay, JiJ2; Hiddou PHth. I'i. 12 AUTHORS. HAWTHOKN, N. A. -Tragic Mvsterv 4S7. T ^ ~T the Province Hou8e?329; A Lrlet* ^^f^rM^ «J3iX^ii, Ijt. A— Dickof the Fens TO^. Tr«« t«^ Fame, 359; Bonney Se CharHr l^'Tn'he Reignof Terror, 710; For the Tem^e Vii^ Pnnce Charlie, 698; With Wolf in SdL 111' HOTHTfI^iJ?^ ^r^'S'* «f Terror, 710. ^*' ^^^' 258 OmL' • ^ Chateau D 'Or and Kitty Craig Wnnir it ' Q«eenie Hetherington, 302. / ^«»g HOOK, Theodore— Cousin William 4fti itr Friends 48^- pli- j'^°^' ^*^ of many HUXLEY, Professor-Elementary Physiolo^v 72 S- or i^ignt, 01; The Sun, 52; Maa before the Mefcak row 5rT ^'' Vi^'^ ^^' ElementSJy Mete! Ia¥' i' ^"'™*^ Parasites, 57; Animal Life IRVIN I JAMEf KAVA KEAR KERR KINGJ KINGI KINGI LEE, LEIST LENT LEVI AUTHORS. 13 437; Legends of rlefc Letter, 14: ilea, 332. For Name and lie, 144; In the Temple, 711; 1 Canada, 219; )rtal Antipathy ers, 187: Daisy tid Kitty Craig Man of many ipie, 480; The Maxwell, 479; new ; Seven ath, 340. stock, 195; A Practice, 635. . Tom Browns xford, 678. gs seen by V. >logy, 72 S; 8 S; Physiog- 145 S. of the House ication as a xact Sciences f Cultivated The Theory I e Chemistry * Bthe Metals intary Mete- m inimsA Life, I i, 60; Ants, I orriiation of 'Oligion and I IRVING, Whashington— Salmagundi and Knickerbocker, 3 E; Biographies and Miscellaneous, 11 E; Sketch Book and Life of Goldsmith, 4 E; Astoria Praries 7 E; Brace bridge Hall and Newstead, 5 E; Conquest of Granada and Spain, 6 E; Captain Bonnville and Florida, 9 E; Mahomet and His Successors, 10 E; Life of Columbus, 12 E; Alabama and Tales of a Traveller, 6 E; Columbus and Companions, 8 E. JAMES, G. P. R.—Gypsey, 22; Philip Augustus, 7. KAVANAGH, Julia— Queen Mab, 736; Seven Years, 561. KEARY, Annia— A Doubting Heart, 696; Janets Home, 097, KERR, David— Boy Slave in Bokhara, 560; Wild Horse- man, 304. KINGSLEY, Charles— Memoirs of, 26 E; Alton Lock 628 F; Two Years ago, 627 F; Hypatia, 626 F; Yeast, 602 F; Here ward, 601 F; At Last, 6 V; Westward Ho 7 V. KINGSLEY, Henry— Austin Elliott, 390; Godfrey Hamlyn, 761; Ravenshoe, 84. KINGSTON, W. H, G.— Digby Heathcote, 165; My 1st Voyage to the South Seas, 175 V; Three Lieuten- ants, 108 M; Wnds of Florida, 109 M; Young Rajah, 111 M; South Sea Whaler, 317 F; The Missing Ship, 319 F; In New Granada, 222 V; Twice Lost, 743 F; Voyage Around the World 177 V; The Wanderers, 316 F; Old Jack, 729 F; In the Forest, 318 F; The Young Llanero, 746 F; With Axe and Rifle, 699. LEE, Margaret— Against Wind and Tide, 158; Gilbert Messenger, 5; LEISURE, Hour Series -A Laodicean, 327; Freres, 328; Legends of the Province, 329; In the Olden Time 330; Snow Image, 331; Twice Told Tales, 332; Dick Netherby, 333; Geraldine Hawthorne, 334; Beyond Recall, 335; Heaps of Money, 336; Yesterday^ 337. LENTON, E. L— Jfatricia Kembali, 282; With a Silken Thread, 525. LEVER, Charles— Charles O'Malley, 2 vols. 356 7; Dodd u ATTTHOKS. i 349 60; ODonhuea, 346; Arthur OXearv 358- LOVER Samuel-Handy Andy, 342; He would be a LYTTON Wd-Ahce, 429; Disowned, 430; The Caxtons, 419 Eugean Aram, 416; Fables in Song, 30 P Last days of Pompei. 427; Night and Morning 42o; Paul Cliflord, 432; Strange Storv 433 Zanoni, 433; What will he do with it, S iJila * g8;Rtenzi, 422; Coming lUce, 418 'Oodol^^^^ 542; Devereux, 431; Earnest Maltravers, 41? f^^ Mv* N '^^,^'y^»^' ^26; Kenelm ChillingleV 435; My Novel, 2 rols. 4201; Pelham 415- Pausanius, 423; Last of the Baironr ^34; The MAPATT, !rr:,^^t^^'^"«"™"^f ^« Bhine 424^ MACAULAY Lord-History ot England, 2 vol«. 23-4 MACDONALD, George-Mary Marst^n, 675; Robert Falconer, 242; Whats Mines Mini, m MARK TWAIN-Prince and Pauper, 488; Jumping Fro^ fwL^m ^*~""PP'' 303; The Works of MARRYATT Captain-Dog Fiend, 407; Japheth in search of his Father, 405; Newton Foster. 41? FathfM?'^^'.^A^^*'««"'"-' 413; jS Re^'fe^ 4JS. ""*"^ ^*^*"' 4^' ^*"»'« ^1^; MARRYATT, Florence-No Intentions, 153- Written in Fire, 275; Prey of the Gods, 551 MAXWELL, WH. -Captain O'Sullivan, 472; Luck in Aj. -,ijfj,, ^,0, X luuu ana Fiela, 474: HivniiAr> 82^Pemm«!»r War, 473; H.ghl.„d. of So„Z3° AUTHORS. 15 Gwynn, 2 vols, O'Leary, 368; 'gan, 352; Jack »l;Tom Burk, ols. 363-4. 53; Riginald e would be a '; The Caxtons, 1 Song, SOP; and Morning, > Story, 433; it, 428; Leila 8; Godolphin, Itravers, 417; >lm Chillingley Pelham, 416; ona, 434; The e Rhine, 424; 2 vols. 23-4 U Writing and 675; 565. Robert fumping Frog 'he Works of i Japheth in Foster, 411; 413; Jacob antom Ship, Battlin the 53; Written 72; Luck in 174; Bivouac of Scotland, MELVILLE, G. J. W.— Digby Grand, 198, Interpreter, 197; Queens Maries, 24; Good for Nothing, 26; Kate Coventry, 46; Gladiators, 49; General Bounce 732; Katerfelto, 698; Uncle John, 636 MILLER, Hugh— Lectures on Philosophy of Law, 184 S; Testimony of the Rocks, 147 S; Footprints of the Creator, 148 S; Old Red Sandstone, 208 S. MOLLEAUX, Harriett-Adventuresof Don Quixote, 640F; Biographical Sketches, 3 B; Eastern Life, 198 V. MOTLEY, John L— United Netherlands, 63; Dutch ^ Republic, 62. MUHLBACH, L.— Life of Empress Josephine, 58 B; Daughter of an Empress, 59 B; Mahomed and His House, 60 B; Prince Eugene, 61 B; Fredrick the Great and His Court, 62 B; Goethe and Schiller, 63 B. MULLOCK, Miss— See title of Mrs. Cralk. NORDHOFF, Charles— Man of War, Life on, 215; Whnling and Fishing, 216; Tne Merchant Vessel, 217. OLIPHANT, Mrs.— Kellys and the O'Kellys, 722; Perpetual Curate, 606; Rector and Doctors Family, 607; Srm of the Soil, 610; White Ladies, 613; John, a Love Story, 608, The Curate in Charge, 612; Makers of Florence, 75; M. Rose in June, 614; Salem Chapel, 609; Valentine and his Brother, 550; Young Musgrove, 611; Sir Tom, 605; Wizards Son, 751; Ladies of Lindores, 752. OUIDA— Ariadne, 392; Chandos, 394; Friendship, 393; A House Party, 398; Cecil Castlemans Gage, 396; Dog of Flanders, 397; Idalia, 395; Under Two Flags, 396; In Marremma, 717; Princess Napraxine, 802; Strathmore, 672; Pascarel, 692. PARKMA.N, Francis— The Jesuits in North America, 106 H; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, 103 H; Old Regime m Canada, 102 H; Pioneers of France, in the New World, 104 H; Montcalm and Wolf, 105 H; PANSY, Series— Chatauqua Girls, 235; Esther Reid Yet Speaking, 238; Echoes and Reechoing, 236; 16 AUTHORS. From Different Standpoints, 234; Helen Lester,«r"9fio" J^K^^^S"*" ^^^^ 2^^' Miss Priscilli ^fiO ? Up^i^T^*^?"^ ^"^' 256; Those Boys, 250; Little Folks, 239; Robert Falconer. 242 Mrs Deans W 247; Christies Chri«tmai, 257 ^54 nJ^"'"* fu' ?«"I«i^J«. 240; Five Friends 254, Getting Ahead, 253; Tip Lewis, 237; Hall in lis- ThT« p'' ^^S.?"^"' ''^' RandcJphs" lit' I^- %> ^^^""Sl^; F' ^'«° »»d Otherwise 249, Juha Reid 241; Endless Chain, 244; Eighty Seven 255; Judge Burnhams Daughter, 690; Pocket Measure, 791; Kings Daughter, 790 Interrupted, 789; Ruth Erakins Crosses 788 Man of the House, 787; Divers Woman, 785 > Spun From Fact 786; The Master Hand 783 Ihree People, 783; ' ' PAYNE, James- Some Pi-ivate Views, 105; Carlyons in« 'w^f; ^'r ^/'b ^^' Confidential Agent, 108; Walters Word, 108: Family Scapegrace. 32 Best of Husbands 549; Cecils Tryst 34; Like Father, Like Son, 30; Under One Roof, 550. PORTER, Jane— Scottish Chiefs, 36; Winter Fire 90 PRENTISS, E.-Nidworth and his Magic Wand,' 15*; Percys, 10. » "» PRESCOTT, WH -Charles v., 65 H; Philip 2nd, 2 vols. 66 7 H; Conquest, of Mexico, 93 H. Conqu- est, of Peru, 91-2 H. v^""4" PROCTOR, R. A.-Familiar Science Studies, 65 S; Half Hours with the Telescope, 166 S; Light Science for Leisure Hours, 78 S; Other Worlds than Ours i» to; Our Place among the Infinities; 91 S. PHELPS A Stewart— Fireside Friend, 56 M: Ovosevs Year at the Golden Crescent 11 F Gypseys Cousin Jay, 88; Gypsy Sowing and Reaping, 92: Hours with my Pupils, 26 M; Gypsy Breynton, READE, Charles-Foul Play 38; Hard Cash, 37; Love J} h h 't?''.^-^*' ^""5» 4^' ^ever too late to Mend, 156; Griffith Gaunt, 160; The Simpleton, AUTHORS. 17 lelen Lester, Miss Priscilla Those Boys, ilconer, 242; ristmas, 257; 'ivo Friends, 237; Hall in Randolphs, I Otherwise, 244; Eighty lighter, 690; ighter, 790; rosses, 788; ^oinan, 785; Hand, 783; 5; Carlyons ntial Agent, pegrace, 32; St 34; Like of, 550. r Fire, 90. Wand, 15; lip 2nd, 2 H. Conqu- 65 S; Half ;ht Seience Is than Ours 91 S. t; Gypseys ^; Crypseys eaping, 92; Breynton, 37; Love too late to Simpleton, REID, Mayne— The Giraffe Hunters, 620; The Cliff Climbers, 621; The Young Yagers, 622; The Lighthouse, 617; Patty, 618. The Head ot Medusa, 619; The Dosert Home, 623; The Death Shot, 624; The Flag of Distress, 625; The Young Voyagers, 207; Afloat in the Forest, 104; The White Gauntlet, 746. ROE, Rev. E. ?,— Day of Fato, 310; Without A Borne, 311; Looking Round, 95; Barriers Burned Away 39; He fell in Love with his Wife, 782. SCOTT, Sir Walter -Bride of Lammermpor, 667; Anne of Giersteen, 662; Montrose, 661; Black Dwarf, 661; Monastry, 664; Red Gauntlet, 658; St Ronans Well, 660; Woodstock, 666, Ivanhoe, 665; Betrothed, 665; Antiquary, 654; Old Mortality, 659; Waverly, 657; Quentin Durward, 656; Surgeon's Daughter etc. 663; Guy Mannering, 653; Fortunes of Nigel, 759; Castle Dangerous, 663. SKETCH LEY, Arthur-Mrs Brown on the Alabama Claims, 3; Mrs Brown at the Crystal Palace, 1; Mrs Brown on Woman's Rights, 2. SMEDLEY, Frank— Fortunes of the Colville Family, 264; Harry Coverdale's Courtship, 277; Lewis Arundale, 471. SMITH, Sidney— Essays, 17 E; English Statesmen, 70 B; English Literature, 12 H, SMOLLETT, Tobias -Works and Novels, 81 E. SPENCER, Herbert— Treatise on Music, 114 S; The Modern Gymnast. STRETTON, Hesba— Through a Needles Eye 580; Note Book of Bertram Family, 83 B. STOWE, Mrs.— Dred, 485; Uncle Tom's Cabin, 485; and, 767. STERNE, Lawerence— Sentimental Journal, Ji73 M; Tristam Shandy, 173 M. SUE, Eugene— The Wandering Jew, 256; and 720; and 7d4-&, Jjlysteries Oi x nris, ^0( - (Vi^-u. SWIFT, Dean— Gullivar's Travels, 31 E; Tale of a Tub, 34 E. 18 AUTHORS BIH > III i™ THACKERY, W. M.— Barry Lynden, 494; Esmond, 491; The Newcotubs, 2 vols., 497-8; Pendennis, 2 vols. 492-3; Paris Sketch Book, 241 V; Lovell and the Widower, 500, Memories of C. J. Yellowplush, 499; Irish Sketch Book, 601; Vnity Fair, 504; Four Georges, 503; Virginians, 2 vols. 496 6; Rose and Ring, 44 P: Students Quarter, 490; Book of Snobs, 502; Philio. 779: Catharine, 779: J'. " » THOMAS, Anne— The Violin Player, 445. TOLSTOI, Count Leo— War and Peace 153 H; Anna Karenna, 689, The Cossacks, 176 M; My Religion, 18 R; Ivan Ilyitch, 299 F; Katie. 656 F; Sebastapol, 6 H. TROLLOPE, Authony— Cicero, 2 vols. 66 7 E; Editors Tales, 644, Golden Lion of Grampere, 652; Is de Popingjoy, 648; Orley Farm, 642; Lotta Schmidt, 651; Lavender 647; Macdermots of Ballycloran, 645; Sir Harry Hotspur, 650; Cousin Henry, 646; Eye for an Eye, 649; Lady Anne, 64 3; La Vendee, 647: Marion Fay, 641. TYNDALL, John— Forms of Water, 49 S; Hours of Exercise in the Alps, 80 S; Floating Matter in 17'13'T^xrw'^^® ^^^' ^'^ ^' ^ragmenks'of Science, 178 S. VERNE, Jules— Adventures of three Englishmen and Russians, 460; Around the World in Eighty Days, 463; At the North Pole, 464. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon, 465; Five Weeks in a Balloon, 706; Field of Ice, 454; Meridiana, 466; Tribulations of a Chinaman, 742; Wreck of the Chancellor, 452; Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, 461; Voyage Round the World, 456, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 458; Floating City and Blockade Runners, 457; Fur Country, 455; From the Earth to the Moon, 453; Brothers in Arms, 459; Desert of Ice, 462; English at the North Pole. 775. ^V^LLACE, Lew^^Ben Hur, 198 M; Fair God: 104. WAKREIS", S. L- Diary of a late Physician, oM M; Ten Thousand a Year, 47 F. E:8mond,491; ^endennis, 2 41 V; Lovell es of 0. J. B..ok, 501; ; Virginians, P: Students Philip, 779; >3 H; Anna L75 M; My ^ Katie, 656 7 E; Editors J, 652; Is de tta Schmidt, Ballycloran, Henry, 646; ), 64 3; La I; Hours of ig: Matter in », 178 S. ishmen and in Eighty 464. Eight 465; Five )f Ice, 454; Chinaman, 52; Twenty 161; Voyage le Centre of 1 Blockade From the Arms, 459; ^orth Pole, i: 104. V^ M; Ten AL'THOIW. 19 WEALS, Elementary Series— Roofs for Public and Private Buildings, 105 S; Painters Art and Grammar of Coloring, 106 S; Architectural Modeling, 107 S; Electricity for Beginners, 108 S; Foundations and Concrete Works, 109 S; Stone Blasting and Quarraing, 110 S; Machinery its Construction *ud Working, 111 S; Acoustics, the Laws of Sound, 112 S; Power of Water, 113 S; Musio Rudimentary and Practical, 114 S; Building, 116 S; Perspective for Beginners, 119 S; Heating and Ventilation, 120 S; Water and Water Supply 169 S. WETHERELLS, Miss E— Daisy, 103; Wide Wide World 87. WHITEFRIARS, Series-Whitehall, 223; Madaline Graham, 224; Westminster Abbey, 22S; Owen Tudor, 226. WHITNEY, Mrs. -The Gayworthys, 86; Patience Strong's Outings, 99. WILSON, Augusta— Amos Huntingdon, 515; Infelice, 48; Letter of Credit, 592; St Elmo, 633; St Elmo, 777; True to the Colors, 293. WINTHORP, Theodore-Edwin Brotherton, 339; John Brent, 575. WOODS, Mrs. Henry— East Lynn, 439; St Martins Eve, 440; Oswald Grey, 441; Waif of the Sea, 442. YATES, Edmond— A Righted Wrong, 66; The Yellow Flag, 67; A Waiting Race, 68; Kissing the Rod, 69; The Rock Ahead, 70, The Forlorn Hope, 71; Black Sheep, -72; The Suspended Sword, 73; Two by Tricks, 74; Broken to Harness, 693. YONGE, Charlotte— Prince and Page, 111; Golden Deeds 112; The Little Duke, 113; Love and Life, 114; Caged Lion, 115; Pillars of the House, 116-117, My Young Alcides, 118; Unknown to History, 119; Magnum Bonum, 120; Dove in Eagles Nest 121; Th« Trial 195?- nftn<»ir/»rToi.wwM» lOQ. Tk^: Chain, 210; Hopes and Fears, 127-126; Hearts- ease, 289; Lances of Linwood, 110; Heir of Redcliff. 290. ■? i| 1 No. 1 ^1 11 ^ 1 17 1 ^^ \ 1-2 12 02 3 87 66 23 77 M 29 81 104 1 49 1 93 1 ^^ 1 6 r 14 E 53-4 h 66-7 ^^^1 ' 31 ^^^^■l] , i 66-7-E 1 1 55 1 ^ 12 £ 94 ^^^H ! 70 ^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^H' .% V ^^^^^H' .i. S^iograpfty. 7/V/.... Adams. ....Thornbury. '....Stone ....Greenwood. ....Strauss, •...Adams. ....Muirhead. .... ....Adams. >... Strauss. •...Parkman. Qx^^^aijx^. 6 7 30 11 5 15 76-8 14 9 44 51 73 66-7 13 40 8 6E 88 144 F 129 M 83 33 126 F 34 37 42 69 69 68 82 Title. Author. Alhambra and Tales of a Traveller... Irving *i.«. Astoria Prairies Irvinj? Bacons Essays Whately. Biography and Miscellanies Irving. Bracebridge Hall Abbottsford News- tead Irving. Brevia Burkes Speeches Bohn ■ — • Caesars Lives of the Twelve Tranqillus. Captain Bone villa Florida Irving. Carlyle Miscellaneous Essays Card Essays Cavendish. Cicero Cicero's Offices and Moral Works.. .Edmunds, Conduct of Life Emerson. Columbus and Companions Irving. Conquest of Granada and Spain Irving. Cromwells Life and Speeches Carlyle. Curiosities of Literature Disraelli. ---^ De Quincys Waitings Educational Monthly Canadian. Eloquence British Treasury of England and the English Lytton. English Essayists English Ex^entrics and Excentricities. Timbs English Traits Emerson. English Men of Letters Morley. English Men of Letters Swift.' English Men of Letters Sterne. English Literature Smith. 9R * . "'" . ESSAYS. 16 English People etc Freeman. 25 Episodes of History 23 Episodes of Foreign Life.....!...!!.,*.*.' 24 Episodes of the Sea in Former Dayi 43 Episodes of Discovery ^«2^ Episodes of Personal Adventure b7 Errors in the use of English Hodgson. 17 Essays of Sidney Smith 21-2 Essays Familiar and Humorous. *.'!!!chambers. oo JliSsaysofElia.. Lamb 39 Essays by Emerson .V.'.'.'oiiphinfe. % l^jrilS^e/sa-.vz::;:-"-'''*'''''"'- 91 Essays from the 19th Century Payne. 70-2 French Literature History of... 86 French Revolution .'.!!!!carlyle. SS*^ German Novelists Roscoe 32 Goldsmiths Works Goldsmith. ?i^^^ 5*" hour with best Authors Knight. 135 H Heroes of Britain Hodder ..«i g««>f and Hero Worship .'.'Carlyle.' •>61 Herodotus Stories from nn r H"<»ry of Education .'..!!! ?9 S w*^''^ ""l S^^i*."? Literature Taine. \i o S^Jo'y of English Literature Smith. 70-2 History of French Literature 74-5 Historical Essavs Macaulay. 62 Homer Stories from ^ 65 Homers Iliad and Odyssey !!!!!!! 50 M Humour and Pathos of Dicken8.....*.*Kent. 24 M Juninns 79 H Juventus Mundi .V.'.'.V!**.*,*.'.V.Glad8tone. 259 B Life and Speeches of John Bright... Smith. 1^ JLife of Columbus Irving. 89 221V 18 87 3 84 4 81 79 41 80 85 27 Author^ Freeman. ►ays iure ....Hodgson. ....Chambers. ....Lamb. ....Oliphant. ....Oliphant. ....Payne. ....Carlyle. ...Treuman. ....Roscoe. ...Goldsmith. ....Knight. ....Hodder. ....Carlyle. »t • #•• ...Taine. ...Smith. ... ...Macaulay. *•• • •• ••Kent. ..Gladstone. ..Hoey. ..Smith. ..Irving. ISiUiAy'H. 27 ^0. Title. Author. 1-2 Literature of Europe , Sismondi. 66 M Literature, Great Masters of Dupuy. 64 Livy, Stories from. Macaulay Writings and Speeches... Mahomet and Successors Irving. Memoirs of Charles Kingsley Memoirs of Madam de Ramuset Miscellaneous Essays Carlyle. Modern British Essayists Stephen. Modern Men of Letters Friswell. 17-R Nemises of Faith Froude. •«- 74-5 10 26 44-51 28-9 67-B 90' 87 10 H 52-9 2fi6F -20 10 Oratory and Orators Matthews Past and Present Carlyle Popys, Memoir and Diary Penny Readings Carpenter Professor Bronte Professor at the Breakfast Table. ..Holmes Prose Writings of Heine 89 Reminiscences Carlyle 221 V Retrospect of a long Life Hall 18 Rocks Ahead Grey Sartor Carlyle Salmagundi Knickerbocker Irving Scottish Readings Sketch Book Life of Goldsmith Irving "Sniollctts Works Smith's Essays of Sidney Society and Solitude Emerson Sources ot Standard English Oliphant Soma Private Views , Payne Spectators Minis Sterns VVorks ] Stories from Herodotus Stories from Homer 87 3 84 4 81 79 41 80 85 27 173 M 61 62 28 ESSAYM. No. 64 - 63 .^ 60 31 18 25 B 19 33 ^ 69S 69 B 30 Title. Author. Stories from Livy Stories from Greek Trajediana Stories from Virgil Swifts Works Tales of a Traveller Irving Tally rand Correspondence of The Twelve Caesars Tranquillus Treasury of British Eloquence Wealth of Nations Smith . William Meister Apprentiship and Travels Carlyle Wit and Wisdom Beaconsfield Author. • ft t • • • •• • •• ...Irving • •• 696 ...TranquilluB 214 • ft 398 776 ...Smith 755 id 437 ...Carlyle 53 ...Beaconsfield 694 747 756 640 460-46 208 229 y -256 104 " 158 596 2,33 541 429 193 29 145 628 .^ 174 M 515 689 662 56 654 401 695 76 392 iJicti on A Doubting Heart Keary, A Great Emergency Ewing A House Party Ouida.' A New Exodus A Sea .Ray. ^ Queen Russell. A Tragic Mystery Hawthorne. Adam Blair....... Lockhart. Adam Garlakes Will AdamBede.. .'.'.'.'.'.'Elliott. Admirals, Ward The. Alexander. AAH ^fi«" A 5''®"?"''®* f J^'''' Quixote Molbeaux. 460 466 Adventures of three Englishmen &cVeme Adventures of a Phaeton Black. Adventures of Rob Roy Grant. Adventures of a Young Naturalist... Biart. Afloat m the Forest Reid A-gainst Wind and Tide.-. ...Lee. Agathas Husband Mullock Aidecamp, The Grant Alice Lorraine Blackmore. Alice or the Mysteries Lytton Allan QuaifetfiEmain Haggart. f^"« Harland. A roy etc. Disraelli. Alton Locke Kingsley. Amelia......... Fielding. Amos Huntingdon Wilson. Anne Karenina Tolstoi. Anna of Geirstein Scott. Annals ot the Parish ..Gait Antiquary, The '.'.'.Scot't. Nights Entertainmenti'--- Arcady For Better for Worse Jessopp. Archie Hamilton Ariadne .H '."Ouida, 30 FICTION. No. 29 231 28 368 463 61 556 464 137 390 718 563 *t 591 637 150 39 494 375 63 582 296 552 590 574 269 198 M 549 (JfiS 298 507 673 82 ^61 83 72 102 M litie. Author. Armadale Collins, Arthur Blain Grant. Arthur Bonnicastle Arthur O'Leary Levor, Around the World in Eighty D.ij^s... Verne. Ascanio Duiaaiii. Atherston Priory Comyn At the North Pole Vumo. At the Eleventh Hour Edwards. Austin Elliott Kmgaley. Aunt R-ichel Murray. Autobiography of a Thief Reade. Barringtons Fate Barnaby, Rudge Dickens. Biron Munchauson Barriers Burned away Roe. B^rry Lynden.. Thackery. Battery and Boiler BiUantyue. Beau Tancrede W>itchmiker Dumas. Bear Hunters of Rtcky Mountains. ..Bowin;in, Bare and Forbaro Pitt. Behind the Blue Ridge Baylor. Bells and Ringers Smart. BellonasHudbHud Genone. Ben the Lugage Boy Alger. Ben Hur Wallace. Best of Husbuids Payne, Betrothed Sc»jtt. Between two L-jves Clay. Beyond Recall Sergant. Birds of Prey Braddon. Bits from Blinkbonny Strathesk. Bivouac Maxwell. Black Dwarf Scott. Black Robe Collnis. Black Sheep Yates. Blockade and the Cruisers Soley. FICTION. 31 Author. Collins, Grant. Levor, iiy8...Vtirae, Duiims. Coniyti Vuinio. Edwjirds, Kiiii^iiley. Murray. Readti. Dickens. !'."..*.*. Roe. Thackery. Billantyiie. Dumas. ins. ..Bowman. Pitt. Baylor. Smart. Genone. Aljijer. I VVallace. Payne, Scott. CJay. Sergant. Braddon. Strathesk. Maxwell, Scott. Collnis. Yates. Soley. No. Title. Author. 457 Blockade Runners Verne. 180 Blue Eyed Meta Cherbuliez. 144 Bonny Prince Charlie Henty. —502 Book of Snobs ft» Thackery. 721 Bot)n the Backwoodsman Griflin. 5()0 Boy Slave in Bokhara Ker. 211 Boy Trapper Castlemain. 77 Breach of Trust 0()7 Bride of Lammermoor Scott. 093 Brckon to Harness Yates. 459 Brothers in Arms Harrison. 484 Bunyip L-ind Fenn. ()(>4 Buried Treasure Castleman. 44() By Celias Arbour llice. 388 By Still Waiers (iarrett. 115 Caged Lion Yonge, 681) C'lptain McDonalds Daughter Campbell. 228 C'iptaia of the Guard (xrant. 472 Captain O'SullivR i Maxwell. 510 Captain of the Vulture Braddon. 701 Captain Nofalgar Westhall. 5.53 Carbridges, The Branton. lOfi Carlyons Year Payne. 447 Ca^e of Mr. Wm. Lucraft Besant. ()t)3 Castle Dangerous Scotc. 779 Catharine Thackery. 419 Caxtons, The Lytton. 39(5 Cjcil Ca-itlemans Gage Ouida. 3.38 Cecil Dreeme 34 Cecils Tryst Payne. ' 458 Centre of the Earth Verne. 394 Chandos ...Ouida. 444 Chaplain of the Fleet Besant. 511 Ciiarlotte's Inheritance Braddon. .35(5-7 Charles O'Mally Lever. 258 ^ Chateau D'or and Kitty Craig Holmes. 235 Chautauqua Girls Pansey. 528 Child of Nature Buchanan. 01 Chicot the Jester Dumas. ))2 FICTION. Ml JVo. 267 615 538 278 619 164 686 621 700 725 179 «^5+< -418 108 352 578 147 8-9-10 65 646 481 129 543 754 612 774 50 103 210 188 192 M 690 545 353-4 530 221 192 310 613 624 ^f^^^- Authof. Christie's Christnms Pansev Christie Johnston Read cjevor«ud other ^;i^::::::::^^^- Chftords of Clylfo Cleffords Castle V.V.'.V.V. .".".'." Mackav Cliff Climbers Z^Z. Reid Colleen Bawn Griffln Collegians, The or the Colleen Bawn.'oiftin' Oolumba and Carmen Monim'en Confidential Agent, A p^yne. ConCregan L^vor. Oontarino Fleming DisrHolli Cornelins O'Dowd. Z (mmd Count of Monte Christo ".".Dumas. ' Cousin Henry... ; Trollope. Cousm WiUuun Hook. Crichton Ainstvorth. CnTr I ^'*'"'' Blackmore. Crue London Hatton. c^: rnd^X::." ." ^"^^-^• Cyril Trornton ".'.'."."Blackmore. ^^I^J' •""•: ••• Wetherell. Daisy Cham Yor. Daisy Thornton .*.',*.* .".*.* .".".'Holmes Daniel Rock ir..„k^ " Tw ■ 1 T-w : ilircnman. Daniel Deronda Elliott Daughter of Bohemia Reid " Davenport Dunn Lever S:vt teelt:!^-:::::::::: •■••'■Sr- S:ny i^;z:: :::::::;;:::::; "•g:f '"• Dead Sea Fruit Brrddr.n I^^-thShot .......".".ReS? No. 521 ;]6i 167 623 402 431 53 M (03 333 726 198 165 430 785 035 1181-2 f)69 1249 V 524 J 702 ;M3.4 305 397 407 539 102 <)40 034 121 82 B 485 377 123 564 417 439 236 1184 • 644 Author. Pjwisey. Read. Dickens. fij,'gle8t.()n. Bowman, Mackay. Roid. Griffin. rtwn.(;''iftin, Monimeo. ......Lytton. Payne. Levor. DisraoUl, O'Dowd. Dumas. Trollope. Hook. Ai as worth. Black more. Hatton. Oliphant. Blackmore. Wetherell. Holme.s. Erchman. Elliott. Reid. Lever. Dickens. Abbot Haggard. . ...xvuo. Braddon. Reade. FI< TION. .^T No. 521 ;wi 107 623 402 431 53 M 703 333 726 198 165 430 785 035 181-2 t009 249 V 524 702 ;}43-4 305 397 407 539 102 040 034 121 82 B 485 377 123 564 417 439 230 184 ' 044 Title. Author. Dead Sin Garrett. Deep Down Ballantyne. Deerslayers Cooper. Desert Home Reid. Desert of Ice Verne. Deveroux Lytton. Diary of a late Physician Warren. Dic^^ of the Fens Henty. Dick Netherby Walford. Dick-o-the Fens T^enn. Digby Grand Telville. Digby Heathcote Kingston. Disowned Lytton. Divers Women Pansey. Dr. Breens Practice Howells. Dr Claude Malot. Dr. Claudius Crawford. Dr Quies Startling Exploits Dr. Jolliffes Boys Hough. Drs. Wife Braddon. Dodd Family Lever. Dog Crusoe Ballantyne. Dog of Flanders Ouida. Dog Fiend, The........ Marryatte. Dombey and Son Dickens. Domestic Stories , Mullock. Don Quixote Cervantes. Donald and Dorothy Dodge. Dove in the Eagles Neat Yonge. Dray tons and Deverants Oliphant. Dred ; Stowe. Dusty Diamonds Ballantine. Dynevor Terrace Yonge. Earnest Bracebridge Kingston. Earnest Maltravers Lytton. East Lynne Wood. Echoes and Reecobeing Pansy Edith Lyie Holmes. Editors Tales Trollope. 34 i 1 No. 389 460 266 704 520 26(i 670 244 42(1 A\) 775 57 262 20 518 27 772 804 491 256 238 416 160 28 M 649 301 313 222 194 579 271 32 93 630 512 \^.. 464 '■''/^^'174M 379 FICTION. ^'>'V. Author. Edwin Drothertu,, VVinthi.n,. lliigut Hundred Lungues on tho Am- tt/on Verne Eighty Seven " pmjHv Eli Perkins at LurytH Elsio Dinmoro ;;;;;;: ".Dlnmore. Emma Bronte End of a Coil Rjilkn^vnA " Endless Chain .:::.:: PhiIbv ^ ' England and the Engligli Lytton English Novel ^,,^^{^3; English at tho North Pole. . . Verne ^"'J" '..W'.iUh. ' Eothen .DiarHelli Episodes of Fiddletown ... Hrtrte ^"^••- .'ii^Farrar. Ernie Elton at Schoc.l Eiivart Erling the Bold ] iBHlUntyno. Escaped from Siberia Frith Esmonde Thackarv Esther Reid .:;.:.:: : ; ;pX Esther Reid yet Speaking Pansy Eugene Aram j.ytton. EveEfhngham Cooper. Experiences of a Barrister BalUntyno Eye for an Eye Trollope. Fabrics Face, Illumined A R^e Facing Death '.■.■.■.■.;: Hen ty. Fair God Wall.fce Fallen Leaves Collins Fame and J'ortune Aluer Family Soapegrace .■.;;; .PHyne. Father Clement Kenedy. J'^^^Holt Elliot. Fentons Quest Braddon. J^ leld of Ice Verne Fielding's Works ... Fighting the Flames ..;.:; ." .' .' ." .' ." ." .' Ballantyne. 376 8 264 706 629 131 467 369 474 71 294 264 769 369 280 711 38 503 240 328 393 234 107 453 176 466 714 380 300 86 732 141 334 686 100 263 368 Author. . . . . VVinthor}). , . . . Verne. . . . I'dtmy. . . .Diiunore. . . .Uronte. . . .BullHutyne.l . . . Pniigy. . . .Lytton. . . .L'lurior. . , . Verne. .,. .(iult. .'. .Diamelli, , . . Hnrte. , . . Farmr, . .Elivart. . .UaUHntyno. . .Fritli. . . Thackery. . .Punsy. . . Pansy, . .Lytton. . . Cooper, . . Ballantyno. . . Trollope. . . Roe. . . Honty. . . Wallace. . . CoJlins. .Alger, . Payne. . Kenedy, .Elliot. . Bradtlon. .Verne. - . Ballantyne. FICTION. '60 No. 37« 8 254 706 «29 131 457 369 474 71 294 264 759 359 280 711 38 603 240 328 393 234 107 453 175 455 714 380 300 86 732 141 334 685 100 603-701 253 368 Title. Author. Fire Brigade, The Ballantyne. Firat Families of the Siaras Miller. Five Friends Pansy. Five Weeks in a Balloon Verne. Flag of Distress Reade, Flitch of Bacon Ainsworth. Floating City Verne. Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands. Ballantyne Flood and P'ield Maxwell. Forlorn Hope Yates. Foremost if I can Atteridge. Fortunes of Colville Family Smedley. Fortunes of Nig«l Scott For Name and Fame Henty. For the Major Woolcott. " For the Temple Henby. Foul Play .., Reade. Four Georges ...Thackery. Four Girls Pansy. I^'^'es •: Alexander. Friendship Quida. From Different Standpoints Pansy. From Exile Payne. From the Earth to the Moon ..Verne. Fromont the Younger Daudet. Fur Country Verne. Fugitives, Tne Ballantyne. Gascoigne the Sandalwood Trader... Ballantyne. Gautron or House of White Shadows.. Fargeon. Gayworthys, The Whitney. General Bounce Melleville. George Bailey Oldroy. Geraldine Hawthorne Bute. German Novelists.... Boscoe. Gertrude's Trial Jeffries. Geoffrey Hamlyn Kingsley. Getting Ahead Pansy. Giant of the North Ballantyne. 3B FICTION. f^^H mI "'I !■ JVo, ■-713 6 620 49 542 174 753 112 652 26 98 367 214 160 •31 E 127 138 M 218 653 22 88 92 11 96 246 62 342 37 277 80 295 6 782 593 619 336 81 289 Tit/e. Author. Gil Bias Gilbert Messenger Lee. Giraflfe Hunters Reid. Gladiators Melville. Godolphin Lytton. Godson of a Marquis Golden Shaft Gibbon. Golden Deeds Young. Golden Lion of Grampire Trollope. Good for Nothing Melville. Good Wives Alcott. Gorilla Hunters Ballantyne. Great Emergency, The Ewings. Griffith Gaunt Reade. GuUivars Travels Swift. Guy Fawkes Ainsworth. Guy Averall U. S. Array. Guy Earlscourts Wife Guy Mannering Scott. Gypsey James. Gypsey's Cousin Joy Philps. Gypsey's Sowing and Reaping Philps. Gypseys year at the Golden Cresent. Philps. Gypsey Breynton Philps. Hall in the Grove Pansey. Half Brothers, The Dumas. Handy Andy Lever. Hard Cash Reade. Harry Coverdales Courtship Smedley. Hartz Boys Hoffman. He Conquers who Endures He would be a Gentleman Lover. He fell in Love with his wife Roe. Head of the Family Mullock. Head of the Medusa Fleming. Heaps of Money..,.., ,.,,.,,,,„.,, ^^Morris, Hearts Content.' Sims. Heartsease.*.... Yonge;. 261 290 155 148 161 102 601 261 A 709 12 476 48 B 571 780 684 279 127 579 547 389 43 152 81 E 626 85 395 73 717 260 789 209 318 677 330 710 719 — 48 197 FIOTION, 37 No, 261 290 165 148 161 102 601 261V 709 12 476 48 6 571 780 684 279 127 679 647 389 43 152 81 E 626 85 395 73 717 260 789 209 318 677 330 710 719 -48 197 Title, Author, Heather and Harebells Marahrtll. Heir of Redcliff Vonge. Helen Lester Pansey. Henrietta Temple Disraelii. Her Lord and Master Her Wedding Day Harland. Hereward Kingsley. Hero of the PlAins Abbott. Hide and Seek Collins. Hidden Path Harland. Highlands of Scotland Maxwell. His Majesty Myselt Hogan, M. P '. Perrard. Homespun Stories Hope. Honour is my Guide .....Hering. Hoosier School Boy Eggleston. Hopes and Fears Yonge. Hopes Little Hand Tabor. Hope Meredith Tabor. House by the Works Garrett. House on Wheels Danvers. How Marjory Helped Carroll. Humphrey Clinker Smollett. Hypatia Kingsley. I've been Thinking Roe. Walia Ouida. Impending Sword, The .Yates. InMarremma Ouida. In Peril of his Life Gaboreau. Interupted Pansey. In Silk Attire Black. In the Forest Kingston. In the Kings name Fenn. In the Olden Time In the Reign of Terror Henty. Incoulds (Mr) Misadventure Saltus. Infelice Wilson. Interpreter Melville. 38 FICTION. No. Title. Author. 501 Irish Sketch Book Thackery, 363 Iron Horse Ballantyne. 766 Iron Cousin, The Clarke. 648 Is he Popinjoy TroUope. 665 Ivanhoe Scott. 299 Ivan Ilyitch Tolstoi. 355 Jack Hititon •. Lever, 227 Jack Manly Grant. 412 Jacob Faithful Marryatt. 135 James the Second Ainsworth. 568 Jan Vedders Wife Barr. 213 Jan of the Windmill Erving. 305 Jane Eyre Bronte. 276 Jane Shore 697 Janets Home Keary. 554 Janet Doncaster Fawcett. 405 Japhet in Search of his Father Marryatt. 190 Jess Haggard. 100 M Jews of Barnow ...Franzos. //i/i>^e^ 256-720 Jew, the wandering Sue. r^^i 764-5 Jew, the Wandering Sue. 715 Jill and Jack Dillwyne. 163 Joan Carrisbrook Warboise 40 B Joan the Maid 575 John Brent Wintrrop. 599 John Halifax Gent Mullock. -139 John Inglesanl Shorthouse. 608 John a Love Story Oliphant. 174 M Joseph Andrews Fielding. 458-466 Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Verne. 690 Judge Burnhams Daughter Pansy. 91 Julamerk a Converted Jewess Naomi. 517 Julian Home Farrar. 241 Julian Reid Pansey. 489 Jumping Frog &o Twain. 172 Kangaroo Hunters Bowman. 48 Kate Coventry Mellville. 219 698 565 722 203 436 632 409 790 189 69 258 349-51 101 167 V 762 643 680 195 110 132 327 434 427 233 A 647 329 428 187 676 592 232 471 303 377 636 487 617 Author. ....Thackery. ....Ballantyne. ....Clarke. ....Trollope. ...Scott. ...Tolstoi. ...Lever, ...Grant. ... Marry att. ...Ains worth. ...Barr. ....Erving. ....Bronte. ...Keary. . . Fawcett. ...Marryatt. ...Haggard. ...Franzos. ...Sue. ..Sue. ...Dillwyne. ...Warboise. ...Wintrrop. ...Mullock. ...Shorthouse. ..Oliphant. ..Fielding. Ii. Verne. ..Pansy. ..Naomi. ..Farrar, ..Pansey. ..Twain. .Bowman. .Mellville. FICTION. 39 No. 219 698 665 722 203 435 632 409 790 189 69 258 349-50 101 167 V 762 643 680 195 110 132 327 434 427 233 A 647 329 428 187 676 592 232 471 303 377 536 487 617 Title. Author. Kate Danton Fawcett. Katerfelto Melville. Katja Tolstoi. Kellysand the O'Kellys Oliphant gelmeny Black. Kenelm Chillingly Lytton. lyings Men Kings Own. .!..! Marryatt. Kings Daughter Pansey. Kmg Solomons Mines Haggard. Kissing the Rod Yates. Kitty Craig. Holmes. Ivnight of Gwynne Lever Knight of the I9th Century Roe. La Compagine Irelandaise Kirwan. Ladies of Lindores Oliphant. Lady Anna Trollope. Lady Lees Widowhood Hamley. Lady of Aristook Howells. Lances of Linwood Yonge Lancashire Witches Ainsworth. Laodecean, A Hardy. Last of the Barrons Lytton. Last Days of Pompeii Lytton. Laura Everingham Grant ' Lavendee.. Trollope. Legends of the Province House Hawthorne. J^^i^a---: V" Lytton. Lena Rivers Holmes. Les Miserables Hugo. Letter of Credit Wilson. Letty Hydes Loves... Lewis Arundel Smedley. Life on the Mississippi Twain. Life m the Red Brigade Ballantvne. Life of Charles Dickens Foster " Lifeboat, The Ballantyne. Light House Ballantyne. 40 FKTION. 1 I No. Title. Author. 30 Like Father Like Son Payne. 243 Links in Rebeccas Life Pansey. 723 Lionel Fraulins Victory Sonimeo. 803 Lionel Lincoln Cooper. 534 Little Donitb ."....Dickens. 113 Little Duke Yonge. 239 Little Fishes and their Nets Paiwey. 514 Lofty and the Lowly Mcintosh. 95 Looking Round R(je. 54() Lost for Love iJraddon. 220 Loat for a Woman Fleming. 110 M Lost, Twice..... Kingston. 061 Lotta Schmidt , Trollope. 114 Love and Life Yonge. 40 Love me little love me Jong. ..t Reade. 500 Lovell and the Widower Thackery. 475 Luck in Everything .Maxwell. 351 Lutterell of Arran.., Lever. 13 Mable Vaughan 645 Macdermota of Bally cloran Trollope. 585 Madame Delphine Cable. 182 M Madame Therese .'...Erchman. 724 Madcap Violet Black. 366 Madman and the Pirate Ballantyne. 224 Magdeline Graham Whitef riars. 120 Magnum Bonum Yonge. 805 Maid of Stralsund De Leign. 604 Maid of Sker Blackmore. 750 Maid of Athens McCarthy. 38 M Maiden all Forlorn 212 Mail Carrier Castleman. 787 Man of the Bouse, The Pansey. 573 Man every inch of him Wray. 215 Man of War Life Wordhoflf. 483 Man of many Friends Hook. 071 Mansfield Fark 52 Mansie Wauch ....Moir. 641 Marion Fay r .Trollope. . FICTION. 41 Author. ...Payne. ...Pansey. ...Sorameo. ....Cooper. ....Dickens. ....Yonge. ....pHiwey. ...Mclutosh. ...Roe. ...IJraddon. ...Fleming. ....Kingston. ...Trollope. ....Yonge. ....Reade. ....Thackery. .. .Maxwell. ...Lever. ...Trollope. ...Cable. ...Erchman. ...Black. ...Ballantyne. ...Whitefriara. ...Yonge. ...De Leign. ...Blackmore. ...McCarthy. ...Castleman. ...Pansey. ...Wray. ...WordhofF. ...Hook. • • • ...Moir. ...Trollope. No. 481) 274 33 535 370 542 17 510 676 784 570 173 479 201 566 499 217 466 134 631 438 288 386 126 252 572 196 664 207 /--637 661 707 142 19 185 199 -668 1 2 Title. Author. Mark Twain, the Avorks of Mark the Match Buy Algor Married beneath Him..., Martin Chuzzlewit Dickens Martin Rattler ".Ballantyne, Mars White Witch Douglas. Mary Ann Wellington Cabbold. Mary Annerly Blackmore. Mary Marston Macdonald. Master Hand, The Pansey. Matthew Morrison Whitehead. Maugers Junior Maxwell [\ Hook. McLeod of Dare Black. Melbourne House Wetherall Memoirs of C. J. Yellowplush .Thackerv. Merchants Vessel Wordhoff Meridiana \ Verr e. Mervyn Clithero '.'..'.'.','. . Ainsworth. Middlemarch Elliott. Mignonette Sangre. Mill on the Floss. Elliott ^i'^ase Fleming. Misers Daughter ; . Ainsworth. Miss Priscilla Hunter Pansey Mistress and Maid Mullock. Modern Instance Bowell. Monasfcry, The ." .'scott. Monarch of Mincing Lane Black. Monks of Theh)ma Besant Montrose gcott. * Moonstone, The Collins. Moral Pirates Olden. Mornings at Bow Street ."'Ight. Mortal Antipathy Holmes. Mothers Recompence Mx. ioanta UraWlofU. Mrs. Brown at the Crystal Palace. .Sketchly. Mrs. Brown on Womans Rights Sketchly. 42 FICTION. No. 3 247 143 107 M 372 443 420-1 118 577 257 762-3 (588 758 60 309 728 156 497-8 411 632 15 425 297 387 153 727 176 83 B Title. Author. 346 600 531 729 648 659 XJXJXJ 540 312 Mrs. Brown on Alabama Claims. . . .Sketchly Mra. Dean's Way Buntingdon Mrs. May burns Twins Bubberton. My Desire My Doggie and I ■■.'.'■ .' ." ." .Ballantyne. My Little Girl Rice My Novel. i.'.Lytton. My Young Alcides Yonge. Mysteries of Montreal Fintner. Mysteries of Paris Sue. Mysteries of Paris.. , Sue. Mysterious Doctor Nabob, The Hooper. Nanon the Two Dianas Dumas. Near to Natures Beart Roe. Nestlenook Kip. Never to late to mend Reade. NewcDmbes, The Thackery. Newton Foster Marryatt. Nicholas Nickleby... Dickens. Nid worth and his majio wand Prentiss, Night and Morninfir Lytton. Nil Desperandum Langbridge. Nile Novel.. Fleming. No Intentions Marryatt. go Name Collins. Notarys Nose. About. Note Book of Bertram Family Stretton. O'Donoghues, The Lever Rfi^n^"' '^I'^cu Mullock. Old Curiosity Shop Dickens. ou M-^J^i'i-;-- •••;^ Kingston. Old Middletons Money Har Old Mortality .": .Scdi. Oiive....... Mullock. Oliver Twist.. Dickens. Opening of the Chestnut Burr Roe. FICTION. 43 -^^^- Title. Author. «42 Oiloys Farm Trollope. <^\ ^JT**'^^ ^""^y Wood. JOS) Other. Peoples Money..... Gaboreau. 529 Our Mutual Friend Dickens. 124 Ovinirdean Grancre Ainsworth. 22b Owreu Tudor Whitefriars. 406 Pacha ot many Tales Marryatt ^n^ E'^^sians, The , Lytton. ' <)y2 Pascarel Ouida. 480 Passion and Principle Hook S Pathfinder, The Cooper. 99 Patience Strongs Oudngs Whitney 282 Patricia Kemball Lenton 432 Paul ChfFord Lyttin. 75 Pari and Virginia f?? P^u^ani^s .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Lyfeton, 415 Pelham Lytton 01 Pen Owen Hook. 492-3 Pendennis Thabkery. 473 Peninsula War, Stories of.... .......Maxwell 10 Percys...... Prentiss." ;io^ Peregrine Pickle Smollett. 478 Peregrine Bunco Hook Jj06 Perpetual Curate Oliphant. -iyi Persuasion iS? Kf''^'' Simple .'.'...'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'Marryatt. ll\ Eh"*^''''* ^^^P Marryatt. » P?1!P -^ Thackery. ooA E V fP Augustus James. 230 Philip Rollo Grant. -ol Philosopher Jack Ballantyne. o33 Pickwick Papers Dickens, 424 Pilgrims of the Rhine Lytton. 42 Pilgrims of New England Webb 116-7 Pillars of the House Yonge' 730 Pirate City Ballantyne. 44 FICTION. No. m 1 791 ^^^^^H llHll' 708 j 639 ( 1 362 46.B Hi i 170 ^^^^HhI V i\ 651 140 44 ^^^^^^^H w\i 111 ^^^^^^^B jj''' 488 ^^^Hiwiii 802 ^^^■■H 413 ^^^^■■Ul 266 ! <^^ -681 183 21 ^■^ /^^^'•'^ -526 736 24 ^^^^H 302 656 ^^^^^^H' ^^H 97 270 PI 1 248 410 84 ^^H 159 III J 607 if 540 ^^■ll^ i 1 658 178 ^^■i cnffi 69 Hh 54 ^■11 Athenian Empire..... ^J2 t'!;^!*-^ T". '..'.".^i^Abbott. 6M Authors Roman Antiquities .,.,.. "-•■^60 Babylon, Voices from ..,..., -•"162 V Babylon and Ninevah..... ..Newman 180 M Blockade The.. ...ErchmaS; 11 Bntam Early Celtic... Rhys. 114 Britain and Her Colonies....... Hurbbert, 14 E Caesars, Lives of the Twelve...... .^ t }«7M Campaign in Kabylia ..Erchman. / JXo S""**^* ""*'®*' ^"^^ Dufferin Stewart. \ 108 Canada under Lord Lome... Collins ! }«! o S*"*?* V?.P®' ""** ^^®' Martin. ! 164-6 Canada, History ol 3 vols... Garneau , ^ 102 Canada, Old Regime in. , Parkmail. 100- 1 Canada, Conquest of HochelaKa ) 107 Canadian Chronicle of War 1812 Coffin ' S Canadian People, Short History of...Brice.' 98 Canadian History, A Sketch of Crojl 168 Canadian. Crusoes Traill. ( 9E Captain Bone ville Florida ......Irving. HiSTORV. 63 ^o. Title, Author. 58 Caricature History of the Georges... Wright 131-2 Cassella Franco German War 136-7 Cassells Universal History 65 Charles the Fifth Presoott 89-90 China and Japan Elgins Mission to...01iphant. 113 Chronicles of the St Lawrence Lemoine. 107 Chronicle of the War 1812 Coffin. 68 Civil Wars and Monarchy in France. Rankes. 150-1 Conspiracy of Pontiac Parkman. 19-20-1 Constitutional History of England... May. 26 Constitutional History of England... Hallam.*L 179 M Conscript, The Erchman 1-4 Crimea. Invasion of...., Kingslake., S7 Derry an' Enniskillen Graham, 98 Dur , A Sketch of CroU. 62 Du enublic, Rise of Motley. 79-80 Edinburgh, Old Wilson, 116 Egypt, History of McCoan. 3o M Egypt, Letters from Wbately. 23-4 England, History of Macaulay 1428 England, National and Domestic... Aubrey.^^- 88 England, The Making of Greenii««« 426 F England and the Engluh Lytton^ 13 English Constitution .....Amos.^ 14-18 English People Green.^ 103 English Literature, History of Collin. 154 English Literature, History of Collier. 22 English Literature, History of Taine. 12 English Literature, Smaller History. Smith*. 25 English History Lupton. 67 Epitome of Universal Photz. 32-7 Epochs in Ancient History 30 Europe During Middle Ages Hallam.«^ 174-5 S Europe Intellectual Development of. Draper.*^ 60-1 Ferdinand and Isabella Presoott. 236 V Figi and the Figiana Williams. ^ t ^ HISTORY. 503 F Four Georges tu— i. 70-7 I ance, HiJtory of. Thackery. 67 French History «"??**• 70-2 E French Literature...... *'^*' ^,^149 French Revolution The... .".*.*.'.*.'.*.*.'.*.'.'.*.* CarJyle. 121 Germany auu ..i. '"kV «»"^»i'p«"»d p^;;nt;::::::::::Go5rd- kT Granada^^Coiique.t of and Spain Irving ?^i - g.w'o'y of Our Oto Tim«, McSJthi, -78 Hugenota in France..:.:.;. ;:;;.: ;;;|^J^r 125 Hungary, Storey at the Nationii..::.:Vamb^'ry It "^ iX'..!".^. ^^'^^ ^^ ^<»'^- 148-9 India V.V.V..V .Hunter. '"ni' it^J^"*'"" ^^e«iina;d-:;:::;::;::r:.p"ttt. ^ • Abbott. ^m .t:|Si':.?'''' ^"'*"" • ^-!^-»- 8-9 Journal of the^Riij^'of Gio;;;;* iy "' ^^o\f - "*^ WiUiamlV Gr««n^;iio - .9 M ^uveutus Wundi GfadVtoie: HISTORY. 55 ^'^- Title, Author. mm 103 La Salle and Discovsry of the Great ---40.3 Livy Tran8?atei\\\\\\\\* v;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; spSr"* 110-11 Loyalists of America Ryerson. ^H! ^ Maintoba and the North West Williams ►,?T> March to the Sea Sherman Cox 74 B Masters in Histcfry Anthon %? JI®"^'''"m/ ^;^"*^® Soverigns .Jamison. 909 V M^''-''°' ^}^ Conquest of Prescott. Z^iZ V Mexico, A story of 152 V Mexico, Travels in ............Ober ??t? Mexico. Conquest of and Monteaumi! Eggleston. 115 Modern History Taylor. 63 Netherlands United Motley 64 Netherlands Shillers, Revolt of the . . Morrison. i2J Tr g?^^o"ndland as it was 1877 Tocque. 162 V Nmevah Newman 2X6 y Ninevah, Discoveries at Lavard * 22 M North West Territory Its Hist<,ry &c. Adam. ' 152 Old Regime Jackson f(K ^^^^^'^f 5?^ ^^^ Revolution TocqueviUe. 56 Outlines of General History Collier, ^59 Peninsular War Lanier ^\f S*'"' ^^*^'7 ^^ ^^« Conquest of^lPrescott. -10 Pepys Memoir and Dairy.;........ 66-7 PhiUip the Second ."Prescoifc 42 P Pilgrims of New England ..ii.iiwTb '' 104 Pioneers of France in New World...Parkman. ""pmv g«"?P®»L,a°d Herculaneum Adams. fl ^ S'*»".« Province HamUton. 122 Prussia Abbott. 112 Quebec Picturesque ...Lemoine. M * No. 8-10 176 78 192 >*129 163 53 — '•^42 I > t 49 133 67-E 41 25 194 156 153 174 134 56 75 4^17 189 162 208 52 70 -66 138 81-3 101 68 26 30 W/e. Author. Cornelius O'Dowd on men and women Cossacks, The Tolstoi Cyclopedia of Little Things Cox. * Daniel Rock Erchman. t>e Quincys Writmgs Dean Stanley, Recollections of.'.'.'.'.'.'Bradlev Diary of a Late Physician Warren.' Education of American Girls Brockett. Jinglish Traits Empmon |»sph No'fi. The ::::::;.;:::&»?"• iippigraraiatists TicAA Every Day Topics Holland. Jixpenences of a Barrister ...Ballantino. Familiar Quotations Famous Ships of the British Navy*.'*Adam8, Familiar Quotations Fielding's Works .'.'.'.""Herbert Field and Forest Ramble .'.'Adams ' Firesiae Friend pheC fcr^'f'^^^ o*''^^ °^ ".'.'.Oliphait.' fS fI^I^.i:^.^.*;; Kin Friendship of Book;::;;;.;;;.';:;::;;:;;;Sa„*'r^ Gazetteer, The Lovell George Moore Smiles Great Schools of England Stauntin. Great Masters of Russian Literature. Duduv GuyAveraU...., U.S. Army. Half Hours with best Authors Knieht Hand Book Dek office and Platform. * Hours with mea and Bookn . . . . , M i**^*'"^- Hours with my Pupils Phelpa. House of Commons Anderson. \ No 68 197 23 50 — »149 M.. 188 f4t^^f-M09 126 f'V-*— 174-i 601 J 100 164 "*»'24 -79 ««*128 I 18 63 165 48 37 164 51 35 155 105 74 •121-3 -"132 110 182 " 26 R 38 190 - 65 hor. 1. lan. n. 9tt. on. >n. d. ine. t. It. n. n. rmy. rs. a. MISCELLANEOUS. ^0- Title. Author. 58 Flow to Succeed Abbott. 197 lioyles Gnmes 23 Human Wit and Wisdom 60 Humour and Pathos of Dickens Kent. -^149 Hurry.graphs from Life Willis. ^,(__388 Illustrious Dr. Matthews Erchman. ^^*r^09 In the Wilds of Florida Kingston. _^126 [ndustries of Scotland Brenner. ph^'^Vi^-^ S Intellectual Developement of Europe. Draper. 601 P Irish Sketch Book Thackery. 100 Jews of Barnow Franzoa. ^154 Judahs Lion Elizabeth. ""^24 Junius Woodfall. •■^79 Juventus Mundi Gladstone '^128 H Joaephus Whiston. 18 Knout and the Russians De Laguy. 63 Labour Question Brown. 165 Lambs Tales from Shakespear Bell. 48 Land and Labour Moody. 37 Legal Anecdotes Timbs. 164 Leisure Hour 1886 51 Lessons from my Masters Bayne. 35 Letters from Egypt Whately. 155 Life Letters and Table Talk Haydon. 105 Lives of Labor Brightville. 74 Loitering in Pleasant Paths Harland. •^121-3 London Labor and London Poor Mayhen. "132 Lord St Leonard on property Laws... 110 Lost^ Twice Kingston. ^ 182 Madam Theresa Erchman. 26 R Mahomed Budda and Christ Dodds. 38 Maiden all Forlorn ^2= Man Wi^f .'.'.'.'.'.'.! .'.'.'.'.'."'.'.".Erchman. ^-' 65 Mental and Moral Culture Bates. 59 \ % 60 MISCELLANEOUS. No. Title. Author. 36 33 166 172 32 Military Anecdotes Miscellanea Perthensis Modem Gymnast Spencer. Modern Vikings Boyesen. Morals of Mottoes James. filU^**^^^^ Mummies and Moslems Warner. ^106 Mutmeers of the Bounty Batcher J2J I^y P®«^? WetheralL 167 My Sturdy Window Howell. North West Territory Its History &c. Adam. Our Buisiioss Boys Clarke. Paladine of Finance .....Jenkyns. Paris Sketch Book Thackery. Parradox and Puzzles Paget. Party Leaders Baldwin. People I have mot Murray. Perkins Eli Saying and Doings Landon! Persia Through by Caravan Arnold. Peterkin Papers Poet of the Breakfast Table Holmes. Polish Jew lErchman. Post and Paddock Druid. Practical Poultry Keeping Wright, Premiums Paid to Experience Garrett. Progress and Poverty George. Prose Writing and Heine Ellis. Proverbs of all Nations Reiley. Recollections of Dean Stanley.. Bradley. Representative Government ...Mill. Revones of an old Smoker r.., Lewis. Romances of West of England ....Hunt, Sargant Bftllanfcrnes Exnsrience , Scenes in the Commons Anderson. Schools of England, Great Staunton. 22 62 29 31 124 ^161 201 71 -*194 127 >^80 186 193 168 27 64 169 20 163 —•28 -195 159 25 - 30 70 No. 112 69 59 64 46 60 165 85 170 -.^130 163 73 84 176 173 x85 490 F 11 -^-•12 61 135 4i 86-97 34 202 57 180 178 111 179 55 104 108 45 204 i'.'>H^7i -=^o3E 196 MIS(.'KLLANEOUS, 61 No. or. 112 69 69 r. 64 n. 46 60 • 166 all. 86 170 >-*^130 163 73 84 176 173 i. a85 ry. 490 F 11 1. -—12 • • 61 136 48 86-97 rt. 34 202 57 180 178 111 179 55 104 108 45 204 'Jf-^71 Oi> Su ti. 196 I. Title. Author, Scottish Life and Character Ramsav Scottish Soldiers of Fortune Grant Secret of Success in Life Adami. ^^fj«^ ?"* Frikell. g^'f **|,^P-. ;•- Smiles. Seven Heroines of Christendom Yonge Shakespeare, Lambs Tales from Belir Sketches of Irish Character Hale Social and Religious Reciter Mair Spanish Novelists Roscoe Stanley Dean Recollections of '.Bradley Standard Tales by Standard Authors. Johnstoie. I "^^"gv : McLeod. fy^ wT*^ Erchman. Sterns Works Herbert Stories of the Rhine ErchmaA. Students Quarter Thackerv Successful Merchants Smiles Superior Fishing Roosevelt Superstitions and Demonology Grant. Tales from the Borders Wilson Tales from Blackwood Tarus Bulba .'.Gogol Teachers Manuel Robinson. Jf <^if r? ^*''®"* Northend. The Blockade Erchman. The Great Invasion Erchman. The Young Ragah Kingston The Conscript Eachman. Ihmgs not Generally Known Wells Things seen by Victor Hugo Three Lieutenants Kingston. ThnllingTales Macaulay. Tramps Trip Meriweather Treasury of British Eloquence Travels in South Kensington Conway. ft2 MI8CELLANE(>U8. No. Title. Author. 44 Uncle Remus Harris. i; Under the Waves Ballantine. 40 Vprdant Green Bede. •'ISl Vincents Dictionary of Biology 15-16 Walks in London andR)me Hare. '160 War and Culture Helps. 7 Watches on the Long Ships dbba. 181 Waterloo Erchinan. 19 Waverly Manuel Cornish 128 H Whistons Jusephus 70S Whist i. Drayson. 191 Wild Huntsman Erchman. 21 Wonderful things &c. ot all Nations. 205 Wonderful Stories Macaulay. 177 Year One of the Republic Erchman. 7 9 13 29 3 ^6 32 30 27 38 46 '65 E 16 -34 4 11 2 42 36 poetrij. No. 5 8 22 1 39 18 19 ^ 7 9 - 13 — 29 i— 3 6 32 30 E32 27 38 46 65 E 15 34 4 11 4 r\ 36 Title. Author. American Poetry Aytouna Poems , Bab Ballads . Bide a Wee !*fcColl. Brownings Poems ,.. irowing. Burns Poems ....... Byrons Poems „ , Chaucers Poems Cook Eliza Cowpers Works Dante Carey.... Bohn. Drydens Poetical Works Emersons Poems Epic Songs of Russia Hopgood. Fables in Song Lytton. Goldsmiths Works Harold Tennyson. Hemans Poems... Holmes Poems Homers Illiad Odyssey Pope. Hoods Worlj;^ Horace Smart. Hudibras Butler. Ingoldsby Legends Lamb3 Poetical Works Legendary Baliada Longfellow y\\ 64 No. 51 26 17 '28 50 >^35 48 10 .^»49 25 -*21 -^12 -^20 33 43 44 — 37 -*41 .11.40 24 47 16 31 .14 23 POETRY. Title. Author. Jf*"i<^J; ; Macdonnell. Manr Stewart Swinburn. Miltons Works Mmstrelesy of Scottish Border.'.'.*.'.'. Scott. &«Vwort;r;:;::::::;:::;::::z^^^^ Mulock, Miss Poems MusQ Whangs '.'.'.'.'France. Night Thoughts Young. Picture of St John Tavlor Poes Poetical Works "" Poetical Literature ...Moir Pope's Wo^ks Prout, Works of Father '.'.'..'Kent. Rogers Poems Rose and the Ring ....Thackery. Shakespears Works Shelleys Poems ],**.'* 3winboures Poems .*..'.*.*!!!!!! Tecumseh Ttr-:- Telford, Wm The Poems of...'..*;;;.*.*.*; • Teimysons Works Troubadours ;;;;Rutherford. ^»'8iJ D^den. ^«^"n"a Sanda. I^ePigioa^ biterature. ill ^''' Title, Author. 15 ,,Anftlogy and Sermons Butler 19 Ancient World, Religions of Rawlinson. 16 Bible Handbook Angus. 23 S Elements of Moral Science Wayland. 21 Gentile World 199 V Greece, Mission Life in.'.*.*'.'. ■'.■.'.* '".'pitman. 8 Heavenly World pijjg 29 Rf-^^i;f%'!^*^^^ ^""«" Field.'.'.r.Pitnmn. ^ History of Mormonism Beadle g History of the Reformation Fisher* ^ Home Beyond or Views of Heaven. Pallowi. 154 M Judahs Lion Elizabeth. 22 Lectures to Young Men Beeoher. 9 I uther and the Cardinal 26 Mahomet Budda and Christ Dodda. in JI*nometand Successors Irvinir >— 18 M^^'^r'"'?' **^* Parish Priest Roux ^ 18 My Religion Tolstoi, 12 National and^Universal Reli(rions...Hibbert. 17 Nemiaes of Faith Froude. ij- 60 REtlOlOUS LlTEllAfdllE. ^0. Title, Author. 23 Paleys Natural Theology , 24 Pilgrims Progress Bunyan. 60 ar Seven Heroines of Christendom Yonge. 20 Social and Religious Reciter Kirton. 6 Spiritual Wives.... Dixon. -o^* 7 Stones Crying Out. 61 M Superstitions and Demonology Grant. 123-4 H Switzerland Pioneer of Reformaion..De Ister. 45 B Swiss Reformation Blackburn, 1 Testimony of the Ages Morris. **- 26 Throne o6 David Ingraham. 6 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan... Bird. 193 V Visit to the Roly Land Cheyne. 27 Weaver Missionary Boy Livingston. 14 Young Brahmins Story Kingstone. 1] 4^«13 S 10 3 10 11 — 16 8: 3^ £6 »( 141 13i! 181 76 115 w. 177 155 61 -»82 46 109 ^47 16 'hor. in. >. M6 1. i 31 112 8i )er. ^138 ourn. 58 67 s. 61 tarn. 104 30 107 115 e. 161 as fston. . 9 37 tone. 74 66 B . 90 ^^ -14J» 132 181 76 115 ^^^^219 • 177 155 51 ,*-82 46 109 .,— 47 16 Iclence anc| oKrt. Title, Author. Acoustics, Wonders of... Acoustics *..^*;r:";;smith. American Nervousness Beard Animal Chiemstry Liebes Animal Life ".".".'Semplr AnirR^*""*'''?-™; VanBomdon Ants Bees, and Wasps Lubbock. Architecture, Treatise on. Garbutt Architecture, Wonders of Donald * Architectural Modeiiing..... Hunter. 1". L "'r '"^ I>obson. Art Education Smith Astronomy, Outlines <^i^SZZZn^x^h^\\, ^♦^**"^»'' Donelly. Baloon Ascents, Wonderful.... Beekeeping, Manual of ..V." Hunter. Biology, Dictionary of Vincents. {^*^^«Py-- — •• - Cook. »r!rS;:::.:::;;::;::;;:::::;:::«^<'v Book about Roses ...Hde Botany, Lessons on Grey Breeding and Raising Poultry! .'."'.Wsxtts, Butterflies and Moths Ross, Catechism of the Steam Engine Bourne. • Chemical History of a Candle Brewster Chemistry of Light and Photography, Voeel * Common Frog Mivan Common Sense &c Oliffoi-^' r,"— ' -■•" f^vriiLa, ireaciae on.. Crayfish HuxIpv Cyclopedia of Science..'.,'.'*,'.!*.'.* pi ■m 68 SCIENCE AND Altf. No. Title. Author. ^--«*^ 137 Ddwn of Life Dawson. 141 Dictionary of Country Life Beeton. 166 Discovery, Triumphs of Fyfe. • 103 Drawing for Brick Masons Davidson. 118 Drawing for Carpenters Davidson. 117 Drawing for Stone Masons Davidson. 22 DulceDomum Perry. -*** 199 Dutch School of Painting Havard. /^ -«**216 Dwellers on the Nile Budge. 198 Education of Man Farabel. 189 Education of the Artist Havard. 45 Education ai a Science r. ine. -—190 English School of Painting Havard. 108 Electricit-y, Treatise oii Harris. -^ 19 ElectK .ity, Centuryof Mendenhall. 79 Electricity and Magnetism Angell. 23 Elements of Moral Science Wayland. 56 Elementary Meteorology Scott. 72 Elementary Physiology Huxley. 1-6 Encyclopedia of Science 20 Engineers Mechanics Pocket Book.. Haswell. 124 Fairy Land of Science Buckley. ' ^*-62 Fallacies Sidgwick. 65 Familiar Science Studies Proctor. y*^ 69 Five Senses of Man .". Bemstien, ^192 Figure Paintings of Holland... Qower. —•ir-l Flemish School of Painting Havard. 146 Floating Matter of the Air.. Tyndall. 148 Footprints of the Creator Miller. 4d Forms of Water Tyndall. 68 Formation of Vegetable Mould...... Darwin. 109 Foundations, Treatise on Dobson. 178 Fragments of Science , ....Tyndall. 87 Freehand Drawing Smith. 128 Fruit and FruifcTree«=,= =.,-....,„=„=.«Downing, 160 Fuel and Water Browner J .-i-60 Fungi Cook & BucH 1 4 13 -1 20 10 4' 20! m Si -^IGf 12C i5r^ 172 IOC 193 187 85 162 80 64 24 52 121 212 174- 140 142 38-9 27 184 172 123 78 ►202 42 78 A 130 r. lall. mH u ^ SCIENCE AND ART. ^^^- Title. Author. mIS S"^^^'^!"g» £«'» anArtiats Portfolio. Freeman. 139 Geoogica Excursions Winchell. 9m ^?"A^«^^*^ ^o««'P Anstead. ^u» Giotfco Quilter •106 Grammar of Colouring 44 Grape Culture '* ' " ph;„ 209-H Great Artists ....■.*.*.*.;'.■.; "1^ Habitual Drunkene., Buckoill. }^ S*i**r^" .^'^^ ^^^ Telescope pSr. 1* Hardy Lhrubs pfi^y }?2 Heating and Ventilation, Manuel* of! JK History of Wonderful Inventions... Timbs. inn 1 Sl'°'y ""f Religion and Science Draper. \ml tt '*''7u"^^**'^ P°y^^ Academy Sandby. Vii' Hogarths Complete Works . ■ 187 Home Decorations Rees 1^ w"*"^: Its Diseases ".'.".'.'.Jennings. «n Hospital Management Smith. w Hours of Exercise in the Alps TyndaU. B4 Houshold Science Handbook Youman. 24 How CropsFeed.. ...Johnson. o^ Hygeneand Sanitary Law Wjipn. - il2 {nlT w''^?^^^^"^ «" ^«*^^^ Troves. ■ili Insect World, The Figuier -^ 174-6 Intellectual Development of Europe. Draper! '140 Landscape Gardening Smith. io o landscape Gardening.. Kemp J Leavesfrom a Naturalists Note Book! Wilson. ^7 Lectures on Food... Lethebv ,?i Lectures on Philosophy of Law !Miller. 172 Leisure Time Studies Wilson. - i-t> Ijibrary of Science ^S j%^ ??.^.^^' c*^iidren...::::::::;:::;::Buckiey. ^20« T •? —.^7 ''^ ^^' P^*°«*^- Gunni4 19 T • t.'^'r?* ^'''''^' ^"^""^ *<^ Gosse. itr T * . Science for Leisnre Hours...... Proctor. -^^^ ^°«^« Whateley, 69 •■») i 70 'SCIKNCE AND ART. No, \\A 86 126-7 135 176 179 102 -*204 213 208 •1^28 48 207 *93 / to 91 Title. Author. Machinery, Treatise on A bell. Magnetism and Electricity Angel' Mammalia..... Schmidt. Man before Metals Joly. Manuel of Heating and Ve»tilation,.S Human.. Manuel of Molusca ,. ..Tile. Manuel of Marble Works Booth. Martyrs of Science ,......, B:«:( >, ivsUtr. Mechanics for Encnneers Overmta. MeshanK's for Millwrights Wormetl* MeGtmnU>& Friend.,,, Aton. Mental P . violo ?y ,„ Carpenter. Microbes Fecnie.te »ad Moulds Troossant. Microscopy fvi l^egkmers Stokes. Microscope, ^ Vijrimon objects of Wood. Mill Dams, Construcuon of....- Laffell. Minerals and Geology of Canada Chapman. Modem Gymnast Spencer. More Worlds than One Brewster. Muscular Power Flint. Music, Treatise on Spencer. Music Theory of Sound in Relation to.Blasema. Nat the Naturalist Fenn. Natural History Goodrich. Natural History Illustrated Woods. Natural History of Selbourne White. Natural Philosphy Garrot. Nature Series Darwin. National Communism Capitalise. Ocean World, The Figuier. Old Red Sandstone Millar. Order of Creation.... Gladstone. Origin of Cultivated Plants De Candolo. Origin of Species Darwin. Origin of the World Dawson. Other Worlds than Oui» Proctor. Our Place Among the Infinities Proctor. No. 143 106 «*119 ■•■'^•183 66 .154 122 214 — 157 43 ^ 185 ' '■ ««.163 •^133 217 '**%.201 20* 106 170 211 15 —^188 145 164 178 216 * 150 14 7 55 182 171 125 110 No. 106 • « '—119 '^'-ISS ■ 66 154 • 122 ■t^. ^9 1* 214 b. — 157 43 "* 185 o'!'f*!:•. ••••••o«^=s^- Water Works r„„u«. Waf^y w„_j-.. ; Hughes. ...,,,^r, TTvuucrs of JKaW Wealth Of Nations ."."si No. 9^ 99 70 - 12 31 . 29 30 32 94 161 - 7ft .S(.'IENC'E AND AJt-r. Title. Author. WhatD^invin Shw Darwin. Whiat Diayson Winners of Lifes Race ...Buckley Wonders of Acoustics Wonders of Animal Instinct Wonders of Architecture , Donald. 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