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Notre Dfttne , ndntrealt ON u mi & 28th flAY, AT 7JII OHJLdCK. / AMI • At 310 O'CLOCK. • 'ALTER M. Kl :n ^r^HMHfV' i: ''/-Si':*. .,-i»a r. ♦Ti' ^^ I ?•-■■ ^ , , vv^o • \ \i.ij:£:j&^ Z-H^-T. \. / XATALOOUE A Very Intereflting: Collection of •■:\.- I * * DviV/IVi 3 ■ * ■ . . m ^ ,^^^ ^^^ ■*'^ ■■^^ ■ ' \ ■ >x ■ (Includlni; many rare and valuable works). •■"•■ ■ " • 'M 1: ■■■■^ .■■..■#:../■-__ TO BE SOLD-r-— ■■'■. ; :. '■ '1; r cdv ix\ /r^T^irVN ' •■ ' ^ "' f 13 Y /^ Vy V-r. 1 l^^l^ • , -v' • ^ . f ; At THE UNOERSIQNEO'S SALESROOM. ^ •1 1828 N6tF0 Oame Street, Tlontreal^ ON 27th & 28th HAY, At 7.30 O'CLOCIC, AND. AT 230 O'CLOCK. WALTER M; KEARNS; Auctioneer . %i ?»•. ' ' n Ip^ . ' " ■ '^f'^^i^BS^' •' ■ '"^% ■ -' f ' • • . ••'- ■■-.r' v W' ' •,.•■..■"■, ■ ■ ■' ■ ■ • - .w' ■" .■■"■■ ' . • . '■ -: ■ ' •*t ''. •■ t* ■ - ■ ■ ■ . » ■•.■,••■•■ ■■«■-■ - - . ■■ ■ ■ ■ \- . :. .\:-^'-::: ..■.■■■: y'^'.\. . , . ;.■ -^ ■■"::.; ^■-■'-■■" ■ '■•<". 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Commissioners, folio . ^ 1881 Ainsworth's English and Latin Dictionary, with Additiona by Morell. 2 vols, 4to , .\ V 1778 Album Religeux des Chefs dWAivres de TKcofe Flamande, three {lortraits and sixteen tine plates after Reubens, Van Dyck and Quinten Mattys, royal folio , \ 1878 Alexander's (Sir J.E.) Trans-atlantic Sketches, Visit»to Interest- ing Scenes in North and South America, with Notes on Slavery and Canadian Emigration, many etchings by W. Heath, 2 vols in 1, half-calf, gilt 1883 — L'Acadie, or Seven Years' Exploration in British Ame- rica, 2 ma|)B and plates, 2 vols: scarce 1840 — — Passages in the Life of a Sohlier, or Military Services (in Canada 1848-64 and the Crimea), colored front, 2 vols; scarce 1867 Alison's (Sir Archibald) History of Europe, from the Commence- ment of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the - Bourbons, 1815, Library Editionj^w^potlraits, with the quarto atlas of 108 military maps ajm|[ans, 15 vols 1849-76 Allen's A Parson's Holiday in India, Blnna and Ceylon, map ' ^ ■ 18B5 Alpine. Beaumonts' (A.) Travels from Francejto Italy, through the Lepontine Alps, and across Monts Great St. Bernard, _ ^ -fiimplon and St. Gothard, map and 27 plates in aquatinta of the Alpine scenery, etc., royal folio 1800 -— — ^— Bourrit's Relation of a Journey to the Glaciers in the Duchy of Savoy, translated, 8 plates 1776 ' " . - 'Tableau Historique et Pittoresque de la Route du 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 .:m*. .1 Simplon, de Geneve ^ Milan, map and 40 fine aquatinta plates, imperial 8vo ; scarce 1824 Amos's^ (Sheldon) Political and Legal Remedies for War 1880 Amusemens des Baux d'Aix-la-Chapelle, enrichi de tallies douces, 3 vols ; very quaint 1786 Amusement Curieux et Divirtissant, propre it egayerl 'Esprit \ ■ ' 1782 16 Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Hundred Years Y After Christ, written in Greek by Eusebuis, Socrates and \ Evagrius, translated by M. Haomer, folio 1660 Aiicillon (F.) Tableau des Revolution du Systems Politique de XTEurope, 4 vols, and 6 others, 10 vols Andlersen's (Hans C.) Rambles in the Hartz Mountains, 1848 nd 9 others, 10 vols The Antiquary, a Magazine devoted to the Study of the Past^ th»firflt5Y0la4tQ — _ — .^ . .. — 1880 - 2 . .-^.^mm-- :*:'. ■ iT 90 22 23 24 25 20 28 29 SO 31 32 38 34 85 86 37 38 89 40 41 42 43 Ant»nti« Bronzei PIccoH T\tomf> d«l Real Munco nornonloo. 6 from PomiMslI, et6.» royal folio , , , . ,, , AntLiue ( J«m«. Pl«rr6« ^ntl.iuoii Grav6«i, dewln^e* nar liflrimrd Pirart, 70 l>riUiiint ))liito« of the mo«t exquleite Ant nue ^ KuKraved Genml fojio , « , . » »• AntlnuSerraCottft. IW,uell de Fragmonte de 8cul nture Antique •11 T«rro-C.ilte, 37 line platen, 4to, with ex-ilbl of the famous imtiquary, ('• U'>R«U^'"'^' ,, , ,.,,,» im i Arbuthnot'8 (C.) Tables of Ancient Col nn, Weights and Measuree, 4to ' AriHtopiianU Commdim, (turn vewlone Latlna, 4 vole 1810 Arnold'H(l)r. ThomaH) FliHtory of the Later Roman Common- wealth, 2 voli ■ , ,. rv- 1 .1 ^ Arunort, or Two Thousand Paradoxes Merrily Arguf^ to Amuse and Divert the Age . , * Atklnsim's (J. B.) Bchools of Modern Art in Germany, 16 choice etchiiigsaml many wood cuts, foho ,?» Atlas. Jamieson's Celestial AtlaH, a Hystematic Display of the Heavens, 30 mkps with Scientific Descriptions and Cata- logues of the Stars, folio ,»..,, un ui Bacon" Kssays, with Annotations by Archbishop Whaklev Bailey's (Philip J.) Pestiis, a Poem ; the complete edition Baker's (Sir RichardV A Chronicle of the Kings of England Xi^m the Time of the Romans, folio ^\^'^ Barante (M. de) Ilistoire '^. 44 46 Jk^'4fl J^M 47 M 40 80 61 62 68 64 66 66 67 68 59 60 61 ^2 «8 64 65 66 «7, 68 B«»ttrain(I^Chev.de)Hiftuireagne« du Mar/'otial tie Turenna en 10721076, enrichle det <'artfi]i •t d« mIiidh topoffraphiqueH, roynt folio 17^2 —^-^ Histoire Mtlitnire de Klniidrn, dopuiit lOlM), jut<.(U' «n v^» f694, qui caiiiprenil I« detail den Mardiert; ('aiii|)«iiiena^ DatallleH, Hlegea et Mouveinena doM Ariii^«H du Roi et d« oeileH cra, ou ('helMl'CKuvre I/yrinucB, iUuntr^a l»nr Inn prendcrH iirtlHteH d« I'urls et 1846 Bourne's (H. R. Pox) The Story of Our Colonies, with sketches of their present. CQnditi on 1869 liowditch's (N. J^ Si^flfolk Surnames, best edition, portrait, royal 8to ' Bostori, 1861 Boys' (T. S.) Picturesque Architecture in Paris, Ghent, Ant- werp, Rouenj etc., twenty-six beautiful plates, colored in • imitation df the original drawings, of the Architecture, Scenery, etc., with Descriptions, royal folio, half morocco, gilt , 1839 Brackenbury's (George) The Campaign iii the Crimea, and Historical Sketch, illustrated by 80 tinted plates, from drawings taken on the spot by W illiam Simpson. Both series 2 vols, Imperiol 8vo 1855-6 tfv\ ^^^^h^rv^' ' ' ■^ J'' ftlfisalm' 94 95 96 97 98 99 •. . . ' Brand's (J.) ObaervationB on Popular Antiquities BrMinon's (G) Vectia Scenery, the. Picturesque B 1777 ^ ,. . Beauties of tlie " Isle orWight, thirty-eigfit plates, 4to " r Bray'ffTour inlDerbyshire and yorkshire, and 9 others, 10 vols Biitton's (John) Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities, about sixty fin«f plates and many woodcuts of Ancient Buildings, Streei Scenery, etc., 4to (about 1860) Broadley's (A.) The Last Punic War, Tunis Past and Present, with Narrative of the French Gonqnest, map and plates, 2 vols - . 1882 Brock's (Major-Gen. Sir Isaac) Life and Correspottdence (chiefly military gervice in Canada, 1802-14), with notice^ of the "Indian Chief Tecumseh ^ ]^ 1847' Brown's (James) The Life of a Scottish ProbaJ^er, being a Memoir of Thomas Davidson W7 Browne's (J.) History of Highlands anxi Highland Claris, fine portraits and armorial bearings, 8 vols 1836 iUr^rowne's (J. Ross) Land of Thor (Russia, Icelartd, Sweden, etc.), profusely illustrated 1867 Brydges' (Sir E.V Censura Literariaj Titles and Opinions of Old Books, 3 vols . 1.805 Buckingham's (J. S.)" America, Historical, Statistical and Descriptive, 8 vols; Belgium, the. Rhine, France, etc., 4 vols ; many illustrations, together 12 vols ^ 1841-9 \-r -^ Autobiographyj portrait, 2 vols 1855 Buckland's (A. W.)The World heyond the Esterelles (Travels t; 100 101 108 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 11« 117 in the South of France and Italy), frontispieces. 2 vols 1884 nn's The Stage Before and Behind the Curtain, 3 vols, 1840> , and 7 others ; 10 vols Bnnsen's (Baron) Memoir, chiefly from F; 1846 Biiry's (Viscount) Exodus of the WestiBrn Nations (the Peo- ^ pling and Progress of North America), 2 vols, half calf, .'gilt:-" ;'-:';-■■ :: ■ '. ; '■ ■ :-'V1865 Butler's (Si) Hudibras, with Dr^ Gey 'd Annotations, best edition^ two portraits, two plates, and many fine woodcuts, 3 vols, tree-marbled calf, gilt, uncutj a choicely bound copy , ' 1819 Byron's (Lord) Works, with his Life, Letters, and Journals, (by Thomas Moore),i Murray's complete edition, fine por- traits and fac-similes, 20 vols, royal 8® 1838-9 •. ., ' " ^- Life and Journals by Thomas Moore, 2 vols \: • . ': -. , : ■ ... . •". . — . -;/.■■. , — Hambur g , 1831 pi '> ..y '\'^ ■v#, f ' 118 119 120 121 122 123 ^ j24^ 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 •■"■ •• 135 136 137 138 1 I _^ » ■ ■ — — — Larai, a Tale, illustrated by C. B. Birch, oblong folio ''■ ■'■,•'.' 1879 • ' ' — ^ Pintleh's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, one hundred and twentv-six choice steel portraits and plates after Turner, Stanfield, Prout, and others, 8 "^ • vols. sm. 4to V , 1833-5 Byron Gallery, a>Se:$es of Historical Embellishments^ to the Poemst thirty-^ij plates, royal 8vo 1833 Caldcleugh's (A.) Travels in South Ainerica, the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres and Chili, two maps, and aqua- ^tinta plates, 2^vols 1825 Calloott's ^Maria) Scripture Herbal (a Dictionary of Plants and their/Uses mentioned in Scripture), mahy woodcuts. 1842 Calmet*s Dictionary of the Bible, with 160 large plates, of the Antiquities, Habits and Curiosities of the Jews, 3 vols, • folio , 1732 Calvini (Joannis^ Cominentary in Novum ^Testamentum, Geneseos, et l^salmorum, editit ThOluck et Hengstenberg, 9 vols, half calf, gilt • 1836-8 Campbell's (Sir Geo.) White and Black: the Outconle of a Visit to the United States ." 1879 CampbfeH's (J.) Political Survey of Britain, 2 Vols, 4to 1774 CampbeU's (J. F.) A Short American Tramp in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, lAbrado^, etc., view of St. John and map 1865 Campbell's (Thomas) Life and Letters, by William Beattie/ fine frontispieces, 3 vols 1849 Campbell's (wl) British India, and 9 othew, 10 vols Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetolric, 2 vols, and 8 others: 10 vols * < Campion's (J. S.) On Foot in Spain, a Walk from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, plates 1879 Canada. Hogan's Canada, a Prize Essay, 1855, Morriss* Canada and her Resources, Lillie's Canada, Physical, Economic and Social^855, 3 vols in 1 The Canadas as they Now Are, a view of their Climate, Rivers, • Laws, Towns, etc., by a late Resident, large map '* shewing the position of each Township without reference to the particular interest of any Land Company or Corporation." 1833 CJapefique,; ' Elliu'fl (G. A.) True History of tlyj State Prisoner called " Th« Ito^ Mask" ° ElliB'fl (MrH. C ) A Summer in Normandy with my childwrw BlliB (H.T Voyage de la Bayo de Hudson, traduitdeVAngjalfl. folding map and 9 plates, 2 vols ^ , ,, i;l„J Elvot's mr Thomas) The Boke named thaOovenour, edited. ^ Tom the First Edition of 1531. by H. S. Croft, 2 l^'ge vo^s The Emigrant Churchman in Canada, by^ a Pioneer of the , WildeFness, ed. by the Rev. Henry Chnatma^, 2 fro^Js^^ Enc7clop«odia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ■ General Literature, with I'rel.minary UiKsertMionfl.-over five hundred maps and plates, Seventh Edition, 21 vo^s, EnglaAd Diunea\ed!about 150 copperplates of Castles, Monas- teries, Views of Cities, etc., 2 vols, royiil 8vo \ i»U4 English Illustrated Magazine and Contemporary Rev^ew,^ vols, royal 8vo \ ». , i/ , ' laia Englishman in Paris, a Satirical Novel, 3 vols^ ^18W Frflkine'B (Lord) Speeches at the Bar. on subjects connected ^ wUh thVUeS^y of the -Press and against Constructive Treasons, collected by J. Wdgway, portrait, 4 vols 1810 Eulogy of Louis the Dauphin, son of Louis XV., with His- torical Illustrations of his Life_ „„^ *.Un« of jstace's ClaBsical Tour through Europe, map and plan^^J ^Ghurches, 3 vols • , -ri' . }* laV? Ewinc's rBishop) Memoir, by Alexander Ross, portrait 1S< 7 E^icaS ffiorique d^s frincipales M^dailles rapees poy ^rv*ra>Histoire des Pays-Bas, brill ant front by Picjrt lar^e loldiS^iew of " La Grande Sa le a La Haye," and engravings of^ut 400 medals, royal folio > ^^^J Extraordinary BlaSook, exposes ol Abuses m Church and State, caricature etto by R- Seymour , _im Eyton's The Somerset Sur^ey^nd the Somerset GheldlnquCTt FabivOi^ L^Fls^ies of theMriatic^nlthe Fish thereof, witVa Deecri^ of the mS^ Fauna of the Adriatic Gulf, many illustrations, 4to -^ . „„ f!!; Falb'8 (Rudollf) Das Land der Inca in Mmer Bedcutung fur die Urgeschichte der Sprache «nd Schlift. i»»i FarmWG0AgricultureoftheCounty"ofMidl>tbwn,map,l<95 iSe (P) Lettres, Opuscules et Memoires>de Madame Verier Vt deJiicqu;iin?,s«^^^^ Pascal, etde Majquei^ Fell's (J.) Dsemoniacs, the Doctrine of Demons ./ 1779 Ferguson's (Adam) Practical Notes ^niade. during a T^ in Canada and a portion of the.U. S. m ladi ^Ja*^ Field's <;.■, \ \ ■ V-- einguen« (P. L.) HiBtblre Llteraire U'ltalle, continue© par P. ^Ifi, 14 vol*, tree marbled calf, gilt, a cholceiy bound mV I8II-00 Gleig'8 (Q. R.) Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Ih i^J^J> voli ^ *ox Government of Canada 5 Debates of the House of CommonB in 1774 on the Bill for theObv. of the Province of Quebec, drawn up from the Notes of Sir H. Cavendish, now first, pub. by Henry Wrighi, two large mai)B, rare 1»3» Greoa'B (Hinry) Shakespeare and th« Emblem Writers, an JUxposition of their Similarities of Thouj^bt and Expres- sion, Large paper, many (juaint fac-similes of l|:ar]y Embleinarical devices, imperial 8vo ,■ . '_ „'" Grant's (James) Memoirs and Adventures of »»if •!«"»«" ,ff«P* burn, Marshal-of France under lAiuiH XIH.; Firftt Edition m 380 281 282 288 284 Gray's (Hugh)TietteT8 from Canada, during a Reside in 1806-8, shewing the Present State ot Canada, [ence there m 286 287 28a 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 289 300 802 !.«« -•-"*"- -- the Man- nirs^of 'tiie"Peopte,'^'the Commercial Importance of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Cape Breton, etc., *«^'8^ n»aP. Grievances Complaihod of In the Lower Canada. Heijorts of Commissioners on, fine map of Montreal Island, folio iSd/ Griswold's (Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, U. S. A.) Memojrs of Life by John Stone, portrait, Phila. 1844 Grotius' (Hugo) The Origin of the Native Baces of America, a Dissertation (1542), with a Treatise on Foreign Languages and Unknown Islands, by feter Albinus, translated, with Biographical Notes and Illustrations Privately P""|«^ Gruisen'fl (N. L. Van) Holiday in Iceland, photographs 1879 The Guardian, frontispieces, 2 vols }^^b Guicciardini (Francesco) Istoria d'ltalia, con .una prefazione de C. BottA, portrait, 4 vols . tfoa Guizot's General History of Civilization in Europe^ — — —-History of Civilization, translated by W. three portraits, 3 vols, ' •, Deinocracy in France, translated — — — The Married Life of Lady Rachel Russell Gully's New Zealand Scenery, fiftieen very highly chromolithographic plates, with Text by Dr. Von Haast atlas folio ■ , , i. h-. Half Hourt with the Best French^ Authors, translated, thirty illustrations after Bavard, royal 8vo^ _ ^ }°^' (Haliburton's) The Bubbles of Canada, by the Author of 'The Glockmaker" ioo» -^ Rule and Mis-Rule of the English in Amaka; First U. S. Edition : . . ,,^|5.;„\^5f Halkett (John) Historical Notices respecting the TRdians of -: North America, with Remarks on the Attempts naade .to Convert and Civilize Them, scared i»^» Hall's (Lieut. Francis) Travel? in Canada and the United States in 1816-17, fine map of the Niagara frontier 1818 ,^_ — Travels in France in 1818 -^ — ^^^^ Hall's (Robert) Entire Works, with Memoirs by Gregory, iwr- trait, 6 vols 18ortrait, royal 4to 1791 Hawkins's (E.) Annal* of the Pioceses of Toronto and Quebec, ina|)e and cuts, 2 vols 1848-® Hay's. (W. D ) Three Hundred Years Hence, or a (voice froar Posterity / 18^1 Head's (Bir F.) A Narrotive (of hU Administration in Up|)er Canado) ( 1839 The Emigrant (in Canada) \) 1846 Head's (Sir G.) Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of l^rth America, a Winter's Route from Hatifiix to the Canadas, and Four Months in the WotAls of Lakes Huron undSimooe 1829 Heathcote's (Mrs. E.) The Admiral's Niece, or a Tale of Nova Scotia^etched front " (1858) Hebois' (Bishop) Journey through Upper India, illustrations, 3 vols / 1829 Heeren's Manual of Ancient History '' I • 1840 Helm's (L. V.) Pioneering in the Far Easti and Journeys to Califprnii^ in 1849 and to the White Sea in 1878, illustra- tions 1882 Henderson's (E.) Biblical ReseAches and Travels in Russifi, 1^26 y maps ana piiiies ^ » lo^o Heitgstenbeirg'B History of the kingdom of God under the Old Testament, 2 vols 1871 Ileriot's (GeorgQ) Travels through the Canadas, the Pictur- esque ScenerV and the Productions and Inhabitants of the Provinces, With a Comparatjive View of the Manners ^nd Customs of ihe Indian Naticins of North and South America, map and twenty-seven plat^s^, 4to, half calf, |(ilt 1807 Heussey, Etudes et Aspirations, Poemes, etc., 3 vols 1859-62 Hind (Henry Youle) Rappoijts de Progrds sur I'Expedition d'Explof'ation de I'Assiniboine et de la Saski^hewan, large maps and illustrations, im^rial 4to Toronto, 1859 Hindmarth's ^R) Risie and Pirogress of the New Jel-usalem. Ch urch' in Bnglaqd, America, &c,, portrait 1861 Histoire de Glustave-Adolphe, Roi de Suede,. brilliant portrait after/Vandyck and. map, 4to ^-^•- — ,_ 1764 History of England during the Reign of JaniM I., b^ David Hume, Bensley and mwyer's Grand Edition, printed in very large type, beautiful plated after Smirke and others. al foil Q, moro c co, gilt ^Sm- — T^ History of England, frojn the text of Hmne and Smollett, continued to 1852 by T. Gaspey, iiaahy portraits and j|;>late8, 23 vols, imperial 8 ^ --."-^n 325 ^i-i^K^fe^^'* ■' . .■'"'■ ■■•■■' K "■'•■■■' ■ ■ 12« "Hoaffnon'iiVAdiim) UXit^n from North Ainerlc*. ami » Tottf m "^••J"^;;"^}''^ ^,,i c;,„»„,u. llluBtration-i of Aboriginal KorUftj 827 rioS?iT'am:«')Vmv%''lX by the KttrlcW Hheph.rd. vol I 827 llogg^J ^2,) 'rtrait, an.l plate by Crulk-hank jHaj -m nel^^ i ) Tntrid^u^ to the Study u.ulK'nowle.lge of rUoly Scripture^ mapH and fac-H.nil on 4 voU IHM 881 Howl" H cJoU«rHket.;i.e^ no,ne«tlc.l..J^a 832 HowiIU'YnW Hket^H of the QueeuH of 832 »»«"» " ^ , ^,firty.o„e rt ne portraitrfTi v«dH. iini». Hyo M^ ll3'« (UXin) Th« RuHflo-Ti.rkl«h War, including, an ^^ "Sunt ;7 lo RiHe and Uecline of the Ottoman RM.,«re — many portraitn, maps and nlate«, 5 vols, 4to Xl8i ») IlugheV (J.) An Itinerary of Wovence and tlip tthone, eleven etching!* ,' / 18MJ Hugo (Victor) Torquemade, Drame {SS 834 lO !6 3:i7 338 339 \ 940 841 942 843 344 345 846 not The French froiesiaui, nunc, i»"..« ^ --- s^ -^-The Revocation of the Edict of Nante«. and M«meWginal '"txW^^ngm Poeticar T^^^^^^^^ James Hardiman, mezzotint^ portrait 2 v^ i»|J Irvine's (D.) Lives of Scottish WriterB, 2^^ in 1 J^^^^^ Sia VfaaKio Pittoresco dair Alpi all^^a, di Stieler Paulus, CostumeB, Architectur e ; 6ne;Ctfiginal Edition, thick foho . 347 348 849 350 351 1879?= 862 lJ:"t& Po««,J«a5«^^» «",Sc.m di^ Italiane, fine front^iM^iece, royal 8vo^ / o«« ^• ^•.■ F'i"' I- IB Jaokaon'i (R.) «yiiemlo View of the Foriimlion, Disci pUne •lul RconoYny of Armie«, 4to ' 1H04 864 Jf«ubert (P.) Voyage en Arm4iii6 «t •u Parw, napf and many r platM of Gontumea 1821 JfaUfry the Knight and the Fair BrunlMende. n Tnlo of the TimcB of King Arthtir, trnnHlnteti from the Krenph of Mary Ufon, illustrated hy (iustave Dore, royal 8vo/- 18W Jophson's A VVallcing Tour in Hrittany, royiil Hv^o IgfiO Jerrold's (HIsnchonI) At Honui \^ Paris, at IWce and at War, 2 vols / jg7j JcBidtH. Hur la Dontruction den Jesuits en Firano« \1M JcwB-Bunnnge, Antiquite/, Ju''0 (wanting title and last leaf of tli«|'«blo) ^ 1602 ■—-—^%nuiiw Works, Antiquities and jVars of the Jews, Ac., trrinHJated wilh- Notes by Whiston, maps and plates, vol#, 4to, buiding broken ' ••> . (i«i Journal of a Party ot Pleasure to Paris, in 1||2, thirteen curio j-platcs m nouatinta, scarce "^ ^^ Jouhkal of a Heeidence in England, by two Persian Princ printed lor vprivate circulation only, 2 vols JuvenalV^lires, translated, with the original text airtTNotes 870 871 872 (by 8ti Kane's (IiJ peditioh portru ts, g'it Kavnnagh's ( > 2 voTe,8ca__ ,, Ken's (Bishop^'Life, Keppel's (Capt.) E ^ 1739 'ations, the Heccmif^rinnclt Ex- John Franklin^r).'}-'r)4^'55, mapB> \ nea^l^aytf^its, 2 vols, half calf, -,. ,./ i^S . Phila., 1866 ich WorfW^f Uttert, First Edition, 1862 lyman, fine portrait, 2 vols 1854 Vt"c" ^''-*"< tiasr'V'.^**'" to Borneo of H.M.8. "Dido" for If^fZf SS^f^^^'J**"*'' V^^ Extracts frorti the Journal ol James JIfSoke, of Sarawak, maps and platea, 2 vols '^^"5gJ^'8 (W.) 'fhe Canadian Canals, their Histo^ ^ '"f£" ^W K- ^ '*2'%H"t^? ^^^^ 1°. ^ Picto^al^nd L^ cuts, 4 in 2 vols, imp. 8to / j^^q n 876 876 877 871 88( 881 88 38 3« 81 ■J.. 3! V 8 8 "^ i . .\%' ■fi- ^p 879 881 882 388 884 v llchltlftial, Wttiulerlng* orouml Lnko Hu- among ih« 0)il>b«w»y«), calf, alU, rare IWlO ill Ottuiulrt ttn«l throMnh New " York Mcl^ nt«»«r lamous French engruvera, 4 vole, r<»yal folio, ryiJffla, gilt, "^^t rare • . -.J^ „, , J Lfthontan (Haron de) Nouveau Voyng^inH I'Anjorbmo Sei^ tentrianalo, avec la Suite, et un,^tlonnaire de la liangue du Puis, three niapH and twji*fy-flix quaint platCH, 2 vols, very rare v****^ . ,. , . lo *'*^* Lainartlne (A. de) UiHtoj^^tleB (iirondinB, Imperial 8o gump- tuounly bound Uk^orocco, gilt, gilt edges, by "*ydd ; Kent Kdition ot _-„, >li||»HeHt Hritisb Dictionary, 4 vols, 4to 1882 ■ilF Lfttimer'fl (Bishop) Sermons jiiid Reniuins, 4^vol9 7^ J?^\ 388 Lavater (J. C) Essai aur la Physiognomonie. Parts I to III of the grand orininal edition, full of ftn© plates, 8 vols, rttyal 4to. binding broken ' » -r i I 880 Lavator'8 Essays on Physiognomy, translated with Life, by / Thomas Holcroft» ijortrait and eighty plates containing /; 400 profiles ^ / , * -1 wi. W- 390 Law. • A Briefe Tre»liHe of Testaments and Last Willes, very Profitable to b© Understood of all the Subjects ol this Realme of England, desirous to know and by what meanea they may make their Testaments, etc., gm. 4to vellum Coulson & Forbes's Law Relating to Waters, Sea, Tidal and Inland 1880 Lawrence's (Major) Border and Bastile (an attempt to reach the Confederate Army), by the Author of " Guy Lmng- gtone" 18o3 Lawson's (J. P.) The Episcopal Church of Scotland from^the Reformation to the Revolution . ^ , „^^* Leaves from a Lady's Diary of her Travels in Barbary, 2 vx)l» — T — — — ■ ' ' — 1850 ■/ 891 892 893 894 o rr 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 \ 4(52 "V ' .i__ 1403 404 405 406 407 408 409 \ ^^ ; 4lV 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 Le Sases Asmodeiis, or the Devil on Two Sticks, Bachelor of: Salumanca, and VaniUo GQnzales, etchings by Los Rios, on Japanese paper; large paper (only 100 copies printed), 3 vols, royal 8to - 1881-2 Letters during Ten Years at Tripoli ; Domestic Manners of the Moors, etc. ; colored portrait, 2 vols 1819 •Lettrea de Ninon de TEnclos, and 9 other "French books, 10 ' ■ •' vols ■ "'.■.. ■^. .'.'_. Louis XVI's Political and Confidential Correspondence, 3 vols. 1803, and 7 others ; 10 vols - ' Lever's (C.) Charles 0' Malley, plates by Phiz, 2 vols 1857 Lithgow's Nineteen Years Travels through the Habitable World, also an Account of the Tortures he suffered under the Spanish Inquisition ; poor copy 1692 Lives of Scottish Poets, by the Society of Ancient Scots, por- / traits, 3vol^ , . j ig2i ■Livingstone's (l^avid) Missionary Travels and Researches in ^ — South Africa. Best Edition ; large map, portrait and etch- .^"K» . 1857 Livy's History of RolVie, translated by Baker ; large type, 6 vols ^_ 1814 Lockhart's (J. G.) History of Matthew Wald, First Edition London and its Environs in the Nineteenth Century : many plates depicting the Public Buildings, Churches, etc., wi th Historical Illustrations by Elmes, 2 vols, 4to 1827 Loudon's (J. C ) Encyclopoedia of Gardening, hundreds of Woodcuts 1826 LowerCanada: Report froi^ Select Committee and Minutes of Evmence on the Affairs of Lower Canada in 1834, folip . - 1 QOA 7 Lowth's Wanderer in Arabia, 2 vols, 1855, and 8 others : 10* vols - ' Lyell's (Sir Charles) Travels in Nortli America, with Geologi- cal Observations on the United States, Canada and Nova ^ Scotia; maps; Hennepin's view of Niagara in 1678 : fossil . plates and cuts, 2 vols • 1345 — r-— 7 -A- Second Visit to the United States, 2 vols 1850 MacFarlane's (Charles) The Cabinet History of England, 26 W n . ,T ^ XT. . . V Charles Knight, 1845 McGregors (J.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the • Maritime Colonies of British North America; large paper ^ ■ 1828 , , British America ; 9 maps, 2 vols 1832 Mackenzie's (Alex.) Voyages from Montreal through North Amenca to the Frozen Ocean in 1789 and t* the Pacific in 1790,^ with Account of the Fur Trade: fine portrait Cno maps), 4to 1801 Mackenzie and Irby's Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of' ,Turkey-in-Europe;illustfated, 2 volsinl 1877\ M?ickie's (C.) Historical Description of the Monastery, Chapel < , Rojral and Palace of Holyrood House, plater" 1832 Macknight's Literal Translation of the Apostolical Epistles, with Commentary and Notes, * vols 1816 v^ \ \ / •^pV'<|i^ ... ^ ■) t. ■i .-■ I . ■. r' ). ■ J- -. 21 418 419 420 ; 421 42^ 423 424 425 426 427 ' 428 .429 430 431 Maclatfn'9 (A.) the Fuiry Family, illustrating the FairY Mythology of Europe ; two plates ,. • *j MaSllan'8 Magazine (A Monthly Journal contaimngcontri- ^ butions in ProBe and^rersehv^Eminent Writers) edU^^^^^^^ David Masson ; vols.l to X^VI (wanting vol. XXX^85 MactaLart'ft (John) Three Years in Canada an"^ Account of ?WctuaT State of the Country in 1826-7-8, including Sketches of the State of Society; 2 vols, scarce ,\18f^ MaErath's (LW.) Authentic Letters from Upper Canada, with In Account of the Canadian Field Sports ; four humorous hunting scenes etched hy Samuel Lover, scarce 18.W «loguire" *(J. F.) Rome. its'Ruler and Instilutions 5 PO'ft''^J*gj| MaS^(r).H.) Elementary Course of Civil Eiigineerin|^ Malllel!''D^c.ii)tion d* I'Egypte.^ contenant P^J^jf^^^' marques Curlouses ; tine portrait, map and plates J 2 voK half morocco, gili ^ « i lR7a Maitland'B Higher Law, a Romance, 3 vola ■^. J°'" Mafor's rR JO The True Date of the English Discovery of the ^Cerkan^S^ent under John and Sebastian Cabo^ MaS^^'«e"db<.ara^ „, Life in Moodie'8 (Sa.ann»). Roughing It in th'""'"' jgsa _^i%ri'n' S'c«' v.r,„s the B-h CCnada), 485 ■ .£!!l"Fl«™4nd».y. 4.N0V.1 of 8co«and and Can.d.^2 463 464 465 468 469 470 471 47.2 473, 474 47q 476 ■ 477 Moor8omiR< :Zr- iaiiiBlpokh, «nd 9 »*««iJ^;"s-"„Ua, Oompri.ing ' Morton's Travel, in ^rf Vffllef »uV*«r°lt 4 I'Histoir. ^ Mo!;Srir(G.J.,Bi»hop.t Quobeo), M-»'"'J,i™Si»^ ■ \t-'l,;i;S'c3airiU4?"th-e inUative.o.e..| plates ^ ^TTTT Prinp** Arthur and Cardinal Mor- "i S ."S,.Tp.S- ^'-"-'" """"■■ '""'iB^S Chromolithographs, .^W fol>P . ^ . ^^^ti, aDescrip- . , French Palaces, «ff a ^yf.^^*^^^^^^^ the United States, Cuba *'"S:^^"e"no^ «U'SEt,TnrLn.ote PraiH^^ Missouri, fronts, 2 vols ^ Descriptive Account of «"-• »iK.»^J"'^c o^^nt'-of liifc" - " -- =- 479 480 481 482 ,aps and cuts', 3 vols, c»^f;.f'**^-rieg ^^ in Historical Account of Discoveries aim ^^^^ Africa, m a^8,^s.^^^ Land. 1 40 designs in Colors 1888 S > 483 Murray's (W *';;"f» — 24 484 Mu8grave'» (Captain T.) Castaway on the Auckland Isles, a Narrative of the Wreck of the "Grafton" and Escape of theCrew after Twenty Months' Buffering; portrait and map 485 Myle8'8(W.) Chronological History of the People called Methodists from 1729 to ;812 - ^^.^ " 1813 486 Nantes Cathedral. Tonibeau de FrancoiflTfj-oianMer Due de Bretngne, et de Marguerite de FoiXj 1507 ; eignf^n plates, rpyal 4tO about 1850 NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 487 .(Alison and Tyler's) Travels in France during the years 1814^5; Residence at Paris during the stay of the Allied Armies, and at Aix, at the Landing of Bonaparte, 2 vols __^^^.....,...._^_^,,__,^. ■ ^: ;i8i5r 488 Benson's (R.) Sketches of Corsica, with its History, the Lan- guage and Poetry of its People ;^ colored plates of costumes and four auuntint plates - 1825 489 Benvenuti's (F, F.) Episodes of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1795, examined from a Political and Philosophical PointofView 1880 490 Bourrienne's Private Memoirs of Napoleon. Original Lnrge Type Jfdition, 4 vols; shabby i? 1830 491 ' Broughton (G. D.) Letters from Portugal. Spain and France, yrritten during the Campaign!? of 1812-4. m&p 1815 492 Bussey's (G. M.) History of Na^ioleon ; numerous illustrations after Horace Vernet, 2 vols, imp. 8to 1840 493 Burdon's (W.) Life and Character of Bonaparte, from his Birth to 1804; portrait ' 1804 494 Campagne du General Buonaparte en Italic (1796-7), par un Officier G^n6ral ; map , 1797 495 Chaboulon (Fleury die, Kx-Secretnire de I'Empereur) MemoirCs pour servir a I'Histoire de la Vie Privee, %du Retouret du Regne de Napoleon en 1815, 2 vols 1819 * 496 Characters, Moral anpl Political, of the Principal Personages y throughout the French Revolution ; the Consulate, and the \ Virtuous Imperial Government ; with The CaitiflF of Cor- sica, an Historical Drama- 63 portraits on 4 plates 1808 497 Chronolgipt of the Present War, containing the faithful Series of Events which have occurred in* Europe from 17b2 to 1795 . 1796 498 Cobbett's (VVm.) Letters to Lord Hawkesbury and Henry Addington on the Peace 0|f Bonaparte 1802 499^ JDompafative Display of the Different Opinions on the Subject of the French Revolution, followed by a Review and Com- parison with Events, 3 vols 1811 500 Confession du General Bonaparte k I'Abbe Maury, etc., par le , Gen. Sarrazin ; portrait of Kleber ^^ --^ - 1811 501 Copies of the Original Letters and Despatches of the Generalsr*^ Ministers, Grand Officers of State, etc., at Paris, to- the Em* ^ peror Napoleon at Dresden, intercepted by the Allies ■ 1812^ •K 502 Court and Camp of Napoleon ; portraits 1849 508 C 504 I ^505 I 16 1 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 51' 51 5oa 504 ^605 507 ;-508 509 510 511 _.jj5— • ■.■•:•■ ;■,<;.,•■;;■■• C^okert (Hon. J. W.) Essays x.n Ihe Karly Period of VhV Family, sixteen fir^Po eon ; inui. nnd plan^^^^^^ Foy's (General) rfistorv «t ^he W r Jn ine ^^^^ ^Napoleon/translateJ, a vo 8 rscaice (j«vard : Galerie ^ ^"^^^^iTr'J^l^e. ^:;!!rpi^alis. three plans ^ lurope, contain- jivinK who have -P^cr«l-fS>nl;higaCon;iS^ ^Arthur, Earl of Wellington) 512 513 514 515 516 517 618 -.51a Heweston'B (W. B.) ""l"'y ' ' ' "' . i,-,„„ce to the Termlim- „t Europe from^lh.RevoW. on ^.^^ Anecdote, of t^e njost Historic^. Amount of the B.t«^^^^^^^^ cidate the Topograph cnl \'«"„J'y ;*Ti"teg bv Captain Ar- from the French with ^/Pj^^SJ;^^^^^ the princi- thur Gore, 30th Begt ; fifte^accura^^^^^ ^i pal places mentioned. Large paper, roy» ^^^^ gilt,; rare - ^ '^ , rs.-manv Italy, Switzerland History of the Campaigns -"^^^^«'™jri\nding broken 1801 ■ an/Holland ; map «»f. J^Si^^'l'^of the Fir^st Exile of ihe^^ The Island Empire or t^ ef^^^^^^^^^ and plate 6 ^^;::^:.Na;Siri; color e d port rai t , map :■,/■■ .the Stella Fort .rffe 520 621 522 -.%! fc 526 627 52« 529 Labaume'8 (Eugene) Circuinstaatial Narrotiv^of the Cam pK of bTuS '*'' ^"''^"'^ ''" •" f y-Witneea, two lar.f ^^WIuttin?H^""P"«T^*2.'''*'^»<'«'«» Sa^^ Dominique^ X«t Refutation deareproches.fijiteau Cap..Gen.RochambT^^^ /.eechV, (Joseph) The Apophthegms of jlapoleon, a LectJe " anil plana, 2 vols ' ^'«"®"«»' autographs The. Loyalist. Papers to Rouse and Animate the British ^^, tion against a Hialignant, cruel and impious Foe, Vol I "^Anfe'^^S^^i/?^-^ «"? Eniploym^^ folding plates '^"- ''°'^"«^' ^""^^J"^ *"^ '^t- Sebastian, ^'ad'lS.l^P''^°'*^''^'^^'"«'"«"^ ^«« Cotes, avec pJSa J aJhin "^^"^P" aPPJ^uvfti par Napoleon, 1837 f with mv other military pamphlets (French), ik l^ol ''"•'*'' il (Antoine)„Hi8toire de I'R«n^^;H«„ a A iC-_„.._ ' 630 531 532 533 534 ^' 535 536 SS,^™"""' '•'"" Opmio„,i the Council of S, OccurrenceH during Vk- i J-rapp^ 1/93 Journal of Clirv fi?ft^-^ "x? ,the^ confinement of Louis XVI bv M lemy SSn 1 r'^' W^"^". *° Cayenne of BarthI: ^^lS;?^,fZ^ ^ruelidor, by Rea^ead's (T.W.X The French Revolutions, 1789 to 1848, 3 Ritchie's (T. E.) Pnl jf^^ «»^ w-Mi._ ,- . ! 1848-9 t\. "from iVyto 18Q2^fr vt^'"^ ' \ ^« ' "oi^8 of Europe, vi /■; ■ V ) 887; 538 530 540 641 543 JB4a- 544 645 548 549 550 551 552 55? *M eGal- 1 637 1817 1 Cam- 638 scting large 1816 iique, 639 ib«au 1806- 540 iire 1864 '"* * 841 otters ■ \ •itten 543 1803 * ty of 543 esne, aphs ' ' 1863 644 Na^: V;-,:. »,- >M" Robespierre (Maximilien De) Memoires Authentiques," nor« trait and fac-simile, 2 vols 1830 Roland (Madame). Appel a rimpartiale Post^'rrite, i)ar la s Citoyenne Roland, ou Recueil des Ecrits qu'elle u rfcdigtfs, pendant sa detention aux Prisons de I'Abbayeel de Sainte [ 1802 ?avy tian, 1819 tana sev- 30US otes de 825 ate, 837 1 in, be- lili- 814 the 797 du ut, 310 ar- of M. .es, ' \i6- :' by 3 t-9 646 548 549 650 551 P61agie, 2 vols 1795 Seeley's" (J. R.) Life and Times of Stein, or Germany and Prupsia in the Napoleonic Ace, three portrnits, 3 vols 1878 (Sherer's, Colonel Moyle) Recollections of the Peninsula* 18a4 Simpson's (Jus.) Visit to Flanders in July, 1815, chiefly an Account of the Field of Waterloo, plan 1816 Suchet's (Marshall Duke d'Albufera) Memoirs of the War in Spain, frOih 1808 to 1814, portrait, 2 vols ; scarce ; 1829 Talleyrand's Memoirs, containing the particulars of his Pub^ ^ lie and Private Life, of his Intrigues in IJoudoirsas well as in Cabinets, portrait, 2 vols ^» Transactions of the Parisian Sanftedrin, or Acts of the As- sembly of Israelitish Deputies of France and Italy, con,- voked by an Imperial Decree in 1806, with illustrative Notds ^ ISffi Triumphs of Europe, in the Carapaigns of 1812-14, a seriea of ' twelve highly colored Views of Moscow, the Kremlin, Leipaic, etc., with a concise History of those lYnportant Events, royal folio ; rare Bensley, 1814 (Vnderwood's, T. R.) A Narrative of Memorable Events in Paris, preceding the Capitulation and during the Occuy pancy Of that City by the Allies in 1814, also Anecdotes of '• Buonapiarte's Journey to Mba ,„ ? Warden's ("W) Letters written on the "Northumberland' and at St. Helena, in which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon and his Suite are faithfully related; portrait, medal plate, and faC-simile, 1816. Manuscrit veuude bt. H^lene d'une riianiere inconnue,. 1817. Enghsli iransla- tion of ditto, 1817. The 3 vols in 1 .■„. . Wellington. The General Orders of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal, Spain and France, 1809-14, and the Low Countries and France, 1815 1°^^ Williams's (Constantine) The Campaign in Egypt, a Poem in- tended to Celebrate the Valour of the British Forces in the Expedition to Egypt, etc _ . ^ loll Williams's (Helen Maria> Narrative of the Events in France, from the Landing of Napoleon on March 1st, 1815, till the Restoration of Louis XVIII . ; ,.-. ^^t Wilson's (Sir Ro'bett) Higtory of the British Exi)edition to Egypt, portrait and inilitary plans, 2 vols 18U «^— of ^he Harem, 3 voIh. and 7 otl^s' 660 661 662 568 664 665 566 667 668 10 vols — ^— =■ and 66d 670 671 572 ^73 - De^cri^ptloir^o' '"«">^^"««t««^" plates after Barf lett. with Parish's (Sir Wood hiiiP^ Rn«.^«o A ^ /. ' -alx'ntWS the Rlode hiPlatr BeS FdiM^""'' and the Provinces „of l^.tianC^o.^^^ Pe^V^Sir Robert) M^moirs^ vol.. 1842. a„4 8^ 674 P«li«vv»*",'™8'87 588 ; 58a 59C 591 69^ ennants (D Bntl^h Zoology, above 300 plates, 4 vols 1879 1776 59' ;.■ •. '■ ''* .'-..V' '. : 59 Ov iture, 3 1863-4 o, gilt, 1784 all the 1802 le Life 188fl ^ ^ T -' V we 577 ,578 679 680 681 582 . .; :68;{ I* 684 I 685 / 58<') fir— *^'™»«7*' 688 689 590 691 692 693 694 t ^ ■ ■'■■'■". ■ ' . ■ .' Pernety (Antoine .ToBeph) Les Fahl*a E> Pinkerton's (John) A Disfiertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goth?, maps 1787 Planche's (J. R.) Extravaganzas, hy T. F. Croker & Stephen Tucker, portraits, 5 vole ; '.^„l**S Platon, Dialogues, La Roouhlique et Lo«x, 6 vols ..M&^'i'^ Pliny's Letters, transhiteti with Remj^yjkavJby-Me^iWBni, i^vols, „v»..«""'"*'^'*'*"'"*'*'*"* \<48 "ITiilaroliTtTve'^? translated, with Critical and Historical Notes, by J. & VV. Langhorne, Large Type, portrait, 6 vols 1801 Four Chapters of North's PI utarch. Sources of Shake- ,„««.«««"*•"' ^CWW"*""** 595 ^96 Poetry »••» ,^» ...»»..,-.-. — , — -^ ,_---_, „ Helena") pretty cuts after Scharf, Privately Printed 1850 Poggiana, ou le Vie, Caractere, lea Sentences, et les, Bon Mots de Pogge Florentin, portrait, 2 vols ia:;l . 1720 Pompadour's (Marchioness of) Letters from 1746 to 1752 1772 Popular Encyclopadia, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Bio- graphy, History, etc, with Dissertations by Allan Cunning- ham and others, many maps and plates, 14 vols, imperial, 8vo 1846 Porter's (J. L.) Through Samaria to Galilee and the Jordon, finely illustrated, folio " _ _1889 Portraits, Iconographic Francaise, ou Choix de Deux Cents Portraits d'Hommes et de Femmes ooi se sont acquis en France, depuis le Regne de Charles XVI, two hundred and two brilliant portraits after Holbein, iRubens, Van-Dyck, -1. Titien, Ac* each with Autograph under it, royal folio, half morocco, gilt tt « ^ • Ports de France, Peonts par Joseph Vemet et Hue, 2 portraits, and 24 clever plates, morbcco, gilt 1812 Pott e r's (Bi s hop) Antiquitie a of Gree c e , an a int plafec , 2 vo l B 30. I •(VKivoivitn 11 *nvi>rt.*ii *iv "I* 507 Powell'! (J 0)Re,H.rt on the Land, of the Arid Region with J more detaJe.1 Account of Utah. Urge colored iapo Utah, map showing increoM of Orent Salt Lake, eto!r4to Uinncla, 1837-9, with Notes of a Winter Journey to New il!i"l 'r^re ''^ *^""'*' *" ^^' """"** Posaesalon.. 2 vZ Pri^ce^(5onsorf. (ir.R.If.) Life, by Theodore Martin, ,K,rtrlui;; Le Prinee Noir. The life and Feats of Edward tl.e^ bLY Prince, a Metrical Chronicle (in old French), with EnLhSh p^^T^l'"'' »"'' N"*«" "'y I*"- Michel ^' TfS'i iW* ,>*"*■* «««"1 604 606 606 f ursuits of Literature, a Hatiriail Poem, Notes and Trftn«l« teo'n 4:;'o^"'''^«*'' ^*^«'^' ^'- Bulme?rfinely Sed Edition,4to,morocco, gilt, fine copy iJI? """ "'*;^'\' *"?.* Visit to the Mormons, map is7t Ramsay's (Mrs.) Summel- in Spain. frontisDieoe ia-? Rawlings' (Thoma^) The ContSder'ation oF the British NoJS iT'^ r^i?^'"^' i^^'^ P„t History a^d Future p7*S pets including also British Columbia and Hucfson^s Bat Territory la^e map and plates, royal 8vo scarce & ^ iL'st^L'tl ?u^rT ^*»»°-PH"e et P^itire'des B^ab^ iissemens et dii Commerce des Europeens dans le/ d«ii» ^^^^^^"^^""^^"^^ «17 KeNlH^8iuScotlandml638.60.1689;1715andl745,4^ /' 1827-8- 607 608 609 610 611 613 614 615 616 ^ii / ■-~^T^t" '?fk%'*'-' I. with nap of , 4to ., 1870 >oe 1i^ • Hew 2 vols 1840 trnitA, J77-80 Black igliah 188;j^ 1 WtffT d hy Cupe ritinh 1746 liord 1760 aJQr, 1823 . by 1838 land n*****' 618 Rec«nt K«colleotioni of the Anglo- Ainericnii Church United Htatei), by an Kngliali l^iyninli, live yeanuM^onl. 2 vols J^^'^"^ '«**^ 619 Relisioun ThoughtH in Qerninnv, reprintciU^ffni "TlioTinien'' ," ■ ^.rf****^^ ^^'^^ iB2U Retzflch's OutlineH to Hiirgliuai0»'1taTladH, iil'teen platen, with the Text and Kxplan^tiiMrtfoblting folli) 1875 6^1 Rich's (C. J.) JourivgijM*'^'" '^'t* of l»iil)yltin, and memoir of ^ "|t"- , tlie Ruina-jwiltnind ulutoH I8.'{1) .|Ik2 RitcljgM»iwi!t!<>Uch) WanuoriiinH l)y tl»e Heine, nineteen beanli- • T'n ^i**'r»irj)latefl after J. M. W. Turner 1834 ••lis? The River Mouse. Delineation of the Pictuiomiue Hconcry on " . . tbe RanlcB, from Liege to Mcziercn, ninp and tlurty-fivo . niezzotintfl, etched l>y G. Arnuld, engraved l)y G. W. Rey- ' nolda, C, Turner, T. Lupton, and other fiunouH Mer.z<»tint ^ Gngriivers, folio, rare 1828 624 Ilol)eft8'8 (David) I*ictu»oin\ue Sketcl>e« in Spain, twenty-six • large plateH after the original drawingn of the Scenery. A r* chiteciure, &c„ royal folio ^ 1837 The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Aral)ia, Kgy.pt and Nubia, portrait and 2r)0 fine platen from drawings iiuulo on the spot, with description by Croly, Gin 3 voIh, imperial 8vo 1865 Robertson's (William) Works, with Life, by Dugald Stewart,' portrait, 10 vols, calf, gilt 1821 ^_ — — History of the Reign of Oharles V, 4 vols, and others; 10 vols . Robinson's (W.) Parks, Promenades and (Jardens of Pans, 'four hundred illustrations I860 Roger's (Charles) Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wiealth and Civilization, Vol I (all published) 185C Rollin's Ancient History of the Egyptians, Ac, Dooe's Large Type Kdition, portrait and maps, 8 vols, half calf, gilt 1823 —.— History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, plates, 3 vols . 1768 Roman Catholic Breviary, Brevarium iJituncenee, printed in ftne large type, with copper plates, 7 vols, royal 8° , ^one wanting) ; contemporary morocco, gilt, handsome old bind- ing 1783- Rome. Raccolta della Principali Vedute di Koma, Autica e Moderna; about forty-five plates of the Ancient Buildings, Trtnples, Ac, oblong 4to . _ 1846 Romer's (Mrs.) A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt and Palestine, fronts, 2 vols (poor copy) 1846 Roquefort (J. B.) Glossaire de la Langue Romane, avec le Supplement, front, 3 vols ; rare \ '„ 1808-20 Rosini, Giovanni.) Descrizione dell«, Pitture del Campo Santo di Pisa plates ' • *" 1816 Roulliard '(Sebastian) Les Gymnoiwdes, ou de la Nudity des PiedP, disput^e de part et d'autre. Large Paper, 4to 1624 Russell's (Sir W. H.) Canada, its Defences, Condition and R^ " — sources, 2 large maps, half calf, gilt — .1865 HeSperothen : Notes from the West, a Ramble in the United States and Canada, 2 vols , 1882 '4t ■n '^ Hl.tory of the DefonoiVf 18(i5 •■V ,( 649 65U 051 052 668 6o4 0.% 6.50 657 Hebniito >im i - rifVa'lf'gr.r''™"" » '-"^n.d^ Ti.^ of (iJc '^^m''ffii'i\'''''M"''''"''",'''"l''>'"'«l»''v.lolho<-.,,,|,i!l;? II Turkov, Ama Minor nni llio CriiiiiM laMM w.lh l^ri- BcliliiiiiKl peliniitk' (,VI«r» A > s.l„. A ' , .. .. "' " ^ Hest K/i.t.o„. 2 vX;;?afce •'''' '''"'"°'" "^ *"'^ «7JV/ Scorosby's (NV.) Voyage to the Northern Whale K.„herv in- oi Weat dreonluncl, folding „,«,, and chart, plates, scarce Scotland. Beattie'8 (VVilliam) Scotland nh.8trat«.l S ^TxikS.^^T.Tl'^^'''' ""«^ AnolnTiurtl^t gilt - . , ". -——.Her Songs and Scenery as Sunjf bv her fiardaS Seen in the Ciimera, (poor cony) * ^ ' ,^ ^JZ 1868 Seen in the Cum^raTrHoor cZyV" """« "^ ^^"'^ "«* ^i;;;;Sr:£s'''^ Loch Ktlve and the Son. of UiBnuch. 1>^^ •" Teviotdale, twenty plates by W. H.Lzars of the Architectural Remams, folij r^^'^^ ?*^r '""^^ '^T »^« W-^« etched b?hKrJu!2 "=" Scoti-siTho^'J P*'''* Powerful plates, royal f dio^ iSe? 659 600 061 662 First FM tiorK,TiV * ^"'^'e» of iCngland and; Scotland. 2 ^ s 4 o bilf ""*"* "npressionsof the fine copperplates ^^voiB,_4to, half morocco, scarce *^*^'*'?i^ "-" /an^n*!;:^^?;!^""^^^^' ^"""t" ^ *'^' ^ ^y the in ,o r t ^ of four pencil drawinm 663 7 m 665 AAA 687 m fl70 m m 678 674 676 676 677 678 67» 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 . Tlbmtrfttioni of Old !^orUlUy,tUplat«t, folio im IlliwtriitloMH of Kol« Hoy, nix |»lttt«i«. folio 18» - Uay/)f th«> Luke, and U ollinrn ; 10 v.^ln Rcolt-Htflven«uii'H ( MjW.) On Humi.u.r H«iih, map IHH. B«nior'H (NaMuti \V4 tJviwematlon* «•.K»>«rry to iranilet !r~Hln,,«on'Hd^)ThoS«d.o<,lofShako.poaro.n,clud.n^ ,e Life u.fd Dciith of Cuptain Stuke y,« .^. 2 voIh S. H 688 thn Life and Doiith of CJa|>tHiii .-.mivci n ••■ -i - ■-■ , 8h.»°. (Mm) A B«„.l.l., Ih'rougl. ll,« ^^^.i^«.l «>«l«*, Camjjlu 8l«U.t'l\Vr.")'li-W«» m(l.,ru,a.>y «..rt Italy. 4 y.lMM4, and 8 ot'iiers : to voIh , , - > ShoUon'B (F. WJ Up tho RIv.r (UudHon). wood «"t»^j^^ «iw«.nKTa-« AV ) I'jirh in ISOiapd ISl l, and 9 othcmi^M> vol! nn liiHtoticul 8llHmrn'8 (H.) A Tour to Quebcc^.o Autunu. .d' ISlM vlewH two of Lttko Oo..rg^^^ ^^^ ^,^,, j^,,-,; Bay \ ompany dnVi.m^3(V-«.> ; no .nap ; poor copy 184. TtSnneH'ikO^loyen Ak«. largo typ« Lhrary Kdi .on :■ f^rvSri<) v4 cufH-imw culf ; u cho.cely l'ou«'«\^ Six Epi^ngH iov the R. A. of Fine ArtH in ScotW..d, heh.g ^eul^acS iK^'of the Scott vBshe Ky nge, the earlie^ EngH^^^^ ballad, fucsi.n.fi repn.dnct.on w.tly^^^ w?Kln«r.ii»hiral ,lntro«luctu)n by John Aston, HnuvU 4to in^-i of Canada and the Canadian Cl.urch, by a I '^^^y'^^Jg^Q Slei^'^iSo'lS'l^-Bts^fi^ '' IraveVLifeVnd Adventure in the Ikitish North Amer.^can Provinces; scarce,,. ^^_^^_^ -.,i xitL.^jmka3^ 68» Smith's (Adam) Wealthy of yation s , a nd ■ - — ■ - - ' ^3 - ^2 600 — — ^^AdiL Sinith et Thomas Paine, Eseai de Critix^. - .' morocco, gili __ — ;;..;;-" . ■_ ■' _-'. — _ ^ — - ;.-;;■. ■ '-^— ;-f^ 69% 693 894 695 .— 34 . , ' Smith's (W. H.) Canada, Past, Present arid Future, a Hig- , torical. Geographical, Geological and Statistical Account of ^ Canada West, maps, and some views of towns, 2 vols, royal o ^1°, ,.. ^ X • ' •" . Toronto, 1861 Smyth's ^ (Professor) Lectures oit Modern History to the American Revolution, 2 vols Pickering, 1841 " ^ 'l861 (ountains, . . - T "^ - - --..--., .., «..« Adventure during a Journey through the Hudson Hay Company'* Territories in 1859 and 1860. 2 maps aud beautiful wooe^ large maps of Upper and Lower Canada, and plates of Indians Stewart's (John) An Account of Prince Edward' Island, in the irult of _bt. Lawrence, containing its Cultivations, Dis- covery Conquest, Government, etc., map ; poor copy 1836 -Stirling's (Earl of) Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceed- ings and Other Measures resorted to by the British Govern- ment to Overpower him, written byliimself, with Genea- logical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earl of ^tlrllng, and an Historical View of their Hereditary Poa- sessiona in Nova Scotia, Canada, etc., with Appendix of Charters, folding pedigree and facsimiles, 4to, privately printed '^'' 1836 no 711 712 713 714 715 7ia 717: 718 719 721 722 723 724 ■ ■ i 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 ■-:.■'■,.-..'.'-"-"■■ ■. ■■— 86— ^,. ,;.:■ ■■■■; ■.-■■ .-——Register of Royal Letters relating to the AffaiM of Hcotlnnd^nd Nova Hcotia 1611V to 1^5^^e^^^ BloKrairhital Introduction, by Charles Rogers, 2 voU,4io (iKoiL issued at £5 58. each) for private circ^ Stone^fl (Olivia) Teneriffe and its Bix S«tenites or the Canary '^^^ iBlaids Past and Present, .naps and ^^^«f J^^^^ ^\»f, Stoughton's (John) Church and bt ate Two J\»'jf'^^. J^^^^ Ago, Mcslastical Affairs in Enghmd frojn 1660 to 1663^^^ ^town's rTohn) Ani.alH, or a General Chronicle of England, ^'"o'nuiiuedUl augmented by KdnmndH^^^^^^^ Letter, folio; poor copy, wants title and several leaves^^^^^ Strutt's (P.) Inductive Methody. of Chri^ian Inquiry^^ . Loch ; portrait and plates, royal 4to, Wot ruuiisnea ^^^ Slid (Jondemnation tor High Ireason, ac.;, i"" v j_^.^ -J^^'lF™"';,! by «. Meadley, »nd 9 others ; 10 vol, Robinson, 180 wood cuts _ , t^ • ^•__ Sduy, interest- Taltot'B CSir R.) T eiteM on the French Nation, With mieresi. ^^^hig Particulars relating to its Plr'^'^'n^he Canadas hi- Taffi's (R^ A.) Five YearVResidence^n theCa^^^^^^^^ eluding a-Tour, through part of the u. b., "on^^P**" ^'^34 TatlSfA^ucubf«tions of Isyc Bichentait; portrait «^ vols, 1843, and 8 others ; 10 vols nnmmuttea of Testa'8b.B.V.Warof Frederick I against the CommunM^oi Thim7 CM Wt? des Temps M^rovingiens, 2 vols in 1^^ • v- 1' ',1-1 V M 732 Thomson's (W.) Two Journeya through Italy and Switzerland, ' and 9 others; 10 vols 788 Thornton's (R. J.) British Flora, or Genera and Species of Plants, arranged after the Reformed Sexual System ; many plates giving hundreds of Figures of Flowers, &c., 6 vols, royal 8vo 1813 7S4 Thoughts on Finance and Colonies ^(Oregon and Colonial Corn), by Publicco, royal 8vo 1846 735 Thucydide's History of the Peloponnesian War, translated by li^mith, bust 1836 736 Touron (A.) La Vie et I'Esprit de Saint Charles Borrom^e, 3 vols, with fine ex-libris 1761 737 Towers's (J.) Tracts on Political and other Subjects, 2 volsy and 8 others . 10 vols 738 Trementreere's (II. S) The Constitution of the United States ' compared with our owp 1864 739 > Notes on Public Subjects, madeduring a journey in ' the United States and ('anada ■" 1852 740 Trollope's (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans, with all the 24 caricature plates by Hervieu (that so deeply wounded the feelings of Ladies in the States), 2 vols, half calf, gilt; scarce ' 1832 •^ — — — Petticoat Government, First Edition, 3 vols ; poor cop3^ i850 Trollope^ (F. A.) Story of the Life of Pius IX., 2 vols 1877 Tucker's ?S.) The Rainbow in the North, an Account of the First Establishment of Christianity in Rupert's Land by the C. M. S., map and plates 1852 Turner & Girton's* Picturesque Views Sixty Years Since, edited by Thoinas Miller, portrait and- 35 plates of English scemery, imperial 8vo ; . 1854 Tyernaan «fc Bennett's Voyages and Travels Round the World, plates and wbodcuts, royal 8vo 18^ Tyrrell's (H^nry)The History of the Pr^ent War with Russia, Giving Full Details of the,Operati0ns of the Allied Armies, maps, portraits, battle scenes, etc., 6 vols., imp. 8vo 1866 Tytler's (W.) Histbucal and Critical Enquiry into the Evidence of Earls Murray%nd Morton against Mary, Queen of Scots - 1760 Universal British Traveller, or a New and Complete Tour Through England, Wales, Scotland and Neighbouring^ Islands, containing an Account of Everything Remarkabl^ in the Cities, Towns and ViMages Throughout thfe Kingdom, maps andniany old copper plates, folio! 1790 Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, maps and plates, including a colored maH| " The Present War in North America," fine plans of Lo^burgh, etc., 5 vols :-■. 1767-9 Unprotected Females in Norway, with Scandinavian Sketches fromNature, colored plates and cuts 1867 Valerii Flacoi Argonauticon, curante Petro Burmanno, bril- liant portrait, 4to vellum, gilt, arms on sides in gold, old Chippendale, ex-libres • 1724 Vandam's (A. P.) Amours of Great Men, Dante and Bi^tHce, Raphael; Moliere, Swift, Mirabeau, etc., 2 vols •^ 1878 741 742 743 r44 745 746 r47 748 749 760 761 752 t 757 758 758 754 765 756 . T^ J vr i» VT nnfl VTT. about 60 colored cjvrricaturea, V.„'ictS"°.tiere Utrutio, 36 plate, of *. ArchTUctu^oJ' ^«?'''l w.MT.«PiiViniide.ottheTriompli»of Viiluo ^•'^8:?^!^?"rT^lwih ;;le Sted .he Ch.mctar. and 757 Vetus «VCTrey»..che)^^.Pa«a«c^;,-^^ Kne'^'o"^ Celbt^Uai in K„^.»a^,;>;S. ediUf tu8 Testamentum Gra3ce, juxta i>-\a. uu« f ^^^ vitAtX iini>«rial 8V0 _ - i :_ ii.» UirrVilimrla 758 769 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 •771 ■ 772 773. 774 "::775 ■^776 veiuD icoiu.. — ""--- • -• 18;)*.) Field, .imi>erial 8vo Tnnri\ftl in the Highlands, Victoria'8 (Queen) LeavcB F«f ,^ur Jou u^^^^^^^^ 8 ^^^^^ 1848-61, with More Leaves, 1362-8^, uiuBwu , ^^^^^_ View^of Canada and the ColonistB, by a Four Year^ Resldj^ . ViiS?tM& de> Cinq-Mars ouune Conjuration sous I.o«j|; ; XII,, finely printed, 2 vols _ ^ .g^g ^^.„ portraits, Villani (G.) Istorie Fiorentiae, fino all anno ^o-* , i802-3 — ^^_ L. H.nriad«. «t»t complete e^Uon, WUiaM plaiej • and vignettes after ■EiBen. 2 TOl»i"we.^„ ,8S8 wJpSfe-s (Horace) Hirtoric i)o«bU on Richard III. ,».*.... WarurtonHEliot) Hochelaga, orEnglandin .he t;ew Wld, """' ?rjrconq«e»t.of Canada; portraits of C.rtier and ; Wolfe, 4vol8 „. _ .jv^iies of America J»-f yrwJyi^P^- hSnT^rThf HW^y of Lady Sedley, 2 ,.d, Wehster; an Ode W «: C, WUki»,o„, «i.h Biographical^ ■ WetSt^aarTrat. of .he World, our SysUn. of W riierce Kxamined u 4V,o cttatps of N. America ^^tice HistSrique sur le Canada ; anaps and P^^eiiy P^^^ W^llS^er Review for 777 '^^^ ' r- . fc _-."■, ' •4^-^^ . ■ -♦ ■ 778 1 1 7«0 781 782 783 784 > 786 ■786 788 7{fe 790 WJiite'a (J.) Sketches from America, Canada, the Rockies, &c f- 1870 While's Three Years in Cotistantinople, 3 voIp, 1845. and 7' othei-sj 10 vols > " t: Whjtlingtoi.'s (G: D.) Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical AntKiuitiea of France, Avith a View to Illustrate Gothic Architecture in Kuiope; fine frontispiece, royal 4to; scarce ' ' I " • 1 QAO Wilkinson's (J. <»v) A rch(:ologiedes Monuments Relig«nx sel'Ancien' J?eauvJ)isis pendant la Metamorphose Romaine, Archeo- logical map and 129 fine plates, figuring above 2.000 archvtectiiral derail.., royal folio, half mdrrecco 1839-4tf Woods cN. A.) The Prince of W>les in Canada and the United States ♦ . jQgj Works of Thomas Becon, Archbishop Cranmer and Bishop JeM^l, / vols, imperi»l 8vo •*'1843-7 Wyatts (Djgby) Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century a penes ojt i-. ustj-litions of the choicest specimens of Sculpture, Metal-work Porcelain,^ Glass, Furniture. Ac, about 160 beautilul colpred platqs of differenjb Works 6f -Art, 2 vols, . row! folio, hall luorocCo, gilt \^{ XenOpTion's whole W^orks transl.ited by Coopef, Spelman and • otners, bust • - > 1889- / •• .^k _-/ -.: > . • /'. . 170 !al lie ce 09 in 76 i> )1 Id li- 8; a» ' rt ■ •• , . i4 h y •9 n' >- » d 1 I <■ >■ ? . / .'■■■' ' , * 4 1 a. 1 ■ . / a .■'■-■■' "■.-'■"*-*■- ■' " * > " s- ,: '- '■. * ' ^ .'■' ■:'■ .': - :-^".-- /■■■•"■-■;■'.•: , * « * - ■' '■■.'■'■ ■' ■ ■. ■•' ■■ ■ • ■ ,'■ I i. . i ••■'■-'■/' i . ' •i ■ '■ • •. .'■''■ ' 't^ - . ■ .-' :. '-:,■; 2 i -:::■ .:. \: :. ■'■ .: '■■■■- ' ■"•• ■ ■-• • i . ' , fv: V :r . ['■. " ► •■. V - ■■■..I'- ■■■^*\ ,;■_■•■: . .^ " L " • . ' ■■ ■'' " . « - . . ' -C-' ■■.■•.•■,..;. .:^'-l '■■■■: ^ * / ; '.-- . . ■■■■_ ■ ■ --, . e 1 ■ ■ ■<' : : .\ -' ■ ■ -V " ■* c« ** :■''.' »?S/. ■::\:v> ■;;:..::/::';:,•: « ■■ >T ■ , ' '- iT > » ^ . ■ .*• ■- ■ v-:-' ■^* "'■■ .• ^ , ■ , *'-!.. « '' _;" ■',■■"■ ■- . *" ' ■ ; ■ , * ." 1 : V '" ■; i ■ ■ ; ■ f * ■ .■■:-'C-r:i:}-'^. ^-'': ,_ -# ■..■"■*--■ -a^ ■• * T ' • - .■■:' :\f H/y;-: ^T* — •' » » .' .' !'.■.;■-■ '■ - ' • - -. :•■'> .:'^.v', - / ^; ..-■ •.; f'- V ,'■,: " ♦ ■-'■■■>-' *■.■ \ ■ V- ,■.■■■;' . '; : s'; ■■;'.■■.■ ..•■.' ^ ^ ^ t . ■■ * ■ -.r — '■:"/■;• ;"-; :'\ ^'-y,;; "'y%;Siail * W; 'f^i f»e / V */. I I ^1 •>!i. ■ K H 'i*t 1 m li^ !-• :■.^^;.■ 1 1 >-■'«■■.■ :j; ' - ■ » , ■ ^ <♦■■ ■ -' .'■ ' "■ ;- s"'' /.'.- ' CitF''Ty'-»v'*i-t>J!."?' J* I'^.V / CJ i3ftS»^ ■ffH^irt'iv'*-^' ;^f^^ ..j.-'-« ^ ^p^ M. Kearns, SlXr ESTATE "^ AND ^OPPlCe. SALESROOn and / 8T0RAQB WAREHOUSE, / . ^-{ Ir,. 1S28 NOTRE DAME STREET, \ UHfjipll^ .-•' -■ ^i "■A , • -'' '' ^ ' . ' , • ..■ ■, ■■ 1 ■c^-vv : fr .•'■■.. 1" ■ -• ' ■ /■ 1 • i . J t 'X : _ •>» •* . ■ . • . ^ :■-■...■■.:: ■' i • . .■ ■ , . ■ ■ ■■ ■ • . J . • ■ 1 .:■' ■■ ■ * . • • * ' / / . •■ ■ w- ■ ■ ■"..,' ^ - . : , . ■" . ■ ' ^ I^^^l ■ [■ ■■ r ■■■ ■ ■ 1 H^^^^^^^l iHI ^^^1 ^^^^m , ^^^^^L ■ ^^^^^pF ' » » ■* " ' . , ' "•■'' ^B.'-'"' ^ -^■J^^^^^ V «►, / ■'■." ■- ''' ■ ■* ■ ■■■'.,•; ^ ^^^^|k - ' --^^^^^^^^^k ^ ^ ■ ■' ■': ■ '^^^^1 A ^ A - : .. ■' ■■ ^' :' ' . :'■■"' w. ' :■ \yiy - /. :- '-*-. ■ "■■■ . . ■■■" * ' -J. ■ ' ' ^^^^^r. ■ '■*•■' ■^ ■#