■.'h^ v«> .0^ \^ ^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y A ^4i6 ///// "•' //A ^ /A, -% 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^MIIIM 12.5 W 11 2.2 140 2.0 nil' I 8 \A. Ill 1.6 (9 /^ ^ el ■c'l o ^. >C^ ^//, //%, ^ / Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREKT WEBSTER, N.Y 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV '^^ ■V ■^ \\ 6^ rd witli the approval of the late Dr. Feild, when Lord Bishoj) of Newfoundland, in the latter part of the year 1873. Partly dirough difficulties in ])ostal conununication between my own Mission aud other parts of Newfoundland, and partly from my time being much o('cu[)ic'd in parochial work, the publication of the Map has been delayed until the present yeai*. Tliis delay has not, however, been widiout advantage, having afforded me opportunities ol' obtaining information during Visitation Voyages m the Church Ship, wlien it has been my privilege to accompany the Bishop. Yet, in spite of these advantages and of the assistance so readily and Idndly afforded by my brother Clergy, for which I take this opportunity of rendering to them my best thanks, I fear that many mistakes and omissions will be found both in the Map and Handbook. For such fiiults, I can only ask the indulgence of those who consult cither one or the other, and retpiest that I may be informed of them, with a view to their being corrected, should any copies be called for at a future time. It will, I trust, be remembered Unit my aim has been to take account for practical purposes of the work of the Church of England. 1 have neither had opj)ortunity to ascertain, nor ':",ce to recount, the large ajuount of work, both religious and educational, which is being carried on by the Roman Catholics and the Wesleyaiis in the Colony of New- foundland. IV. It was originally intended to i)lace tlic information contained in this Handbook upon tlic Maj) itself; but tlic i)rescnt plan was finally adopted for die following reasons : firstly, on account of the large amount of space upon the Maj), which the list of Sctdenicuts would have occupied ; secondly, on account of the expense of ))rinting being less than that of enirravinn- : thirdly, on account of die variable nature of die statistical infornuuion, which, it is hojjcd. Clergymen in charge of Missions may find it more convenient to kee]) u]) to date in the Handbook, dian would have been die case widi Tables upon the ^Maj). At die Session of die Synod held this year, a Conunittee was appointed to define the boundaries of Missions, and I very much regret that I am net able to avail myself of their labours, which are not yet finished, but it does not seem desirable to delay any longer die com]iletion of die Work. To die Right Rev. Bishop Kelly, DT)., when Coadjutor Bishop of Newfoundland, and to the Rev. G. M. Johnson, I am indebted for nuich assistance in determining the general plan of the Map, and the form of the Statistical Information. To the courtesy of Alexander Murray, Es(|., F.G S , C.IM.G., I am indebted for all die details of die interior of die country, which he allowed me to have copied from his (Jeological Survey of Newfoundland ; and my best diaiiks are due to Sir Bryan Roitinson, of die Su])reme Court of Ne\v^'>undland, for drawing up the General Iiiforniation u])on the Map concerning die C(»lony ; also to J. Delaney, Es(|., P.M.G., in St John's, for Statistics concerning the weadier. It will be a cause for much thankfulness to me if this Map and Hand- book arc fouutl of any service in carrying on die Avork of die Church of Euffland in Newfoundland and Labrador, a work with which die names of the Society for die Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts and our much loved and lamented Bishoj) Feild, will for ever be tl^ssddatcH. J. J. C.^.^ F. of AH Saints, 1877. EXPLANATION OF TABLES. S p. G. jiitcr a Mission shows that it is mainly supported by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The year placed in brackets alter a Deanery or a Church, indicates that the Deanery was formed or the Church built in such year. 2nd or 3rd after a Church means that it is the 2nd or 3rd Church built upon the same site. In the first column, Roman Numerals refer to the Mission, and Arabic Numerals to the Settlements in each Mission. Licensed Lay-Readers are Laymen licensed by the Bishop to conduct certain services, and to read sermons ; the work of the Church of England in Newfoundland is largely indebted to their assistance, which is usually given almost gratuitously. In the column lor School Houses, cc indicates that the School is maintained by the Colonial and Continental Church Society, and an asterisk shows that the School House is used also for Divine Service. N after the name of a Settlement, shows diat the population of adjoining Settlements is included. The extent of a Mission in Sea Miles is intended to show approximately the distance to be traversed in visiting the chief Settlements, when pro- cecdiuir from one end to the other of a Mission. If considered in con- junction with the number of Members of the Church of England, it affords some means of estimating the relative amount of difficulty in working a Mission. 'Chapel' means a building used solely for Divine Service, but not consecrated. Tn St. John's there is n Theological Colle^'o for preparing Cftn.lidateH for Holy Onl.rs in Iho Chur.h of KnK'lmnl; uls.« a Church of Kn^'ln.ul Aoa.U-my. whore h liheral clucutio,. i. provi.lo,! fur hoys, an.l Pupil Teacher, are trftin..! ior the position of SchoolmastorH. There are two O.plui.n.ycs of the Cluuvh .f Ki.-.'h.n.l in Si. .h.lnis, .....^ Ibv hoys ami one lor (^irls.open to any orph ai. in Ih. Diocese ahove the age of six and under twelve. A Synod of the C'liurch of Knylahd in Ncwruunclland is hu'ld hionni.illy in St. John's. o. Of this number 10,710 are llomun Cu ..oiies. ,i\. It is ditlicult to apportion the innuhers exactly to each church in St. John's. The Cathedral is tho third church hnilt upon tiio same site. 6. R. C. U7;{. Torhay is at present (IS^^; in chiiiu(c dt tli.' Vi. e-Prii.'ciiMl "f tlie Theological (JoUege in ^t .Inhn's. c. n. C. 3(18. For some years past Top-ail hna Iieen worked as a separate Mission. The Mi-^sionarv in Im)x I I'ap and Lim^' I'on i was sui)|)(irt,ed liy the S. r. G. d. Including Manuel's. e. Including Holyrood, South Sitle. I V it I' S I.— ST. DEANERY OF AVALON (1841.) o ■t. NAME OF MISSION. [ N. nltci' a Nmno shows that the Noi«hlioarhooil is inchulod.] JOHN'S (I70;<). The Ciithedml. S. John Bapt. (1850)^ 3nl ------ S. Thomns" Church (I>^i0) S. P. G. QuicU Vidi. Christ Church (iBt I ) •[ South Side. S. Mary's Church ( I »')<))' Total 3 3. O u*jr,{) ''•5 J) o a ■iV.HW" IT.;?"' :i •17:*7 ■D OS S 1' § Z 33 S o o B O 3 « lis 2 1" & I I 1 • • ■ •• • II.— POUCH COVE (1840) S. P. G. 1. Torbay. S. Nicholas' Church (IS-U) 17-11'' . Thomas' Ch. (1h18) SOI Total Pouch Covo. 20:iy nio I alio I ITT — p(nrruGAL cove (Ihio) s. p. g. 1. Portui^'al Covo. S. Peter's Ch. (1854) ^nd 2. Broad Cove. S. Philip's Ch. (1818) 3. Bell Isle, Lance Cove. S. Mary. (1843) - - - ■ Total 100:5 411 1 I !'<• 1 • • • 352 :;n7 ... • • • 1 1 • • • :)7U'- 203 • • • I 1 1 • • • inai !J51 1 2 3 3 H IV.— TOPSAIL. S. P. G. L Topsail. S. John EvangoUst (18(51) 785'' •>. Fox Trap and Long Pond. St. Paul's. (1848) - - - - 1047 3, Hopewell. All Saints' Church (b^75) 030'' Total - - 27r.2 321 !):j5 3S7 1643 14 1 ... 3 14 fi 8 The Mission in I'ctty Harbour is self-supporting. V /. Iiicluiling (i]8 at Fermensc. Many H.-iiernien come to Itcncws from Conception 15uy during tlie summer. g. All K. c. /». The first Churcli was dedicated to the Holy Trinity in 1827. At English Cove, in Collier's Bay, there is 10 acres of Cliurch laiul. a. Between Holyrood, North and Brigus inclusive, there are iUOl 11, C • and in Brigus (with Bull Cove), 1122 Wesleyans. b. Including Cupids. c. Including liould's and Juniper Stump. rf. 483 R. C. €. At Ilibb's Hole. II. '( a o I NAME OF MISSION. [ N. after a Nnnio shows that the Ncih'hbonrliood is inchulod.] v.— riyi'TY HARBOUR. 1. S, Andrew's Church (IbiSj - VI.— FERRYLANl) (17 !):.>). S. P. Ct. 1. Biiy of Bui's Holy Trinity Ch.(lS(54) 2. Fcrrylund. Chi'ist Church (1808)'' - 3. Aquaforte. S. Bhillip's Church (1857) 4. Renews. S. Bartholomew's Ch. Renjws to Cape Racc- Total I lo;}-i (•.•J!)C. «'§ ■w OS 13 HI ai »tB •s| 00 t- ID (U 2 o a 0) 0)0 as O ■73 ■">-:.'/ 27 27 DEANERY OF CONCEPTION BAY (1800.) 1 -BRIGUS (1812). S. P. G. 1. BrigusanclN. S. George's Ch. (1845) 675(i' 2. Burnt Head, S Augustine of Can- terbury's Ch. (186!)) - - V^\W 3. Salmon Cove. All Saints' Ch. (1804) 557 4. Clark's Beach - - - - ^ys\< Total 9574 (;57 258 37 1 105-2 1" 1 1 I 1* 13 3 13 II.— PORT Di: GRAVE ( ). S. P. G. 1. Port de Grave. S Luke's Ch. (1827) 1252 2. Bareneed. S. Mark's Ch. (1860) 2nd 723 3. North River - - - 7:37-/ 012 05(1 233 V^ k V 1 1 3 1 ... Total !712 17!»5 I) /. At Big Pond. Harbour Grace, Soiitli Side, is willi Bryant 'a Cove worked as a s^^parate Mission. g. Tn TTarbour Grace there are 2870 ]{. C. and 1140 Wcsleyans. a. Between Ciirbonear and Bay de Verd there are OODS inhabitants, nearly all of whom are Wesleyaua, a o o 11 NAME OF MISSION. I N. after a Naino shows that the Neighbourhood is iucludetl.l III.— KAY ROBERTS (1818). S. P. G. 1. Coley's Pt. S. John Ev. Cli. (1801) 2. Bay Roberts, S. Matthew's Church (1827-01) 2n(l and Spaniard's Bay Pond Total s I* {»H0 - 2307 3317 5i §1 884 1485 2300 X 'S 1 o i5 O I "o o .a u c "•' Si "" a IV.— UPPER ISLAND COVE (1840). S. P. G. 1. Spaniard's Bay. Holy Trinity Ch. (1KI3) ... - 2. Bishop's Cove. S. John's Ch. (1827) 3. Upper Island Cove. S. Peter's Ch. (1827) .... Total 1331 iJ'.tl • • • 1 \cc & \V 1 415 389 • • • • • • 1 101)0 UU I ... 1 I 2842 22'.) 1 1 1 3 3 v.— HARBOUR GRACE (1707). S. P. G. 1. Bryant's Cove. S. Andrew's Church (1855) ... - 2. Harbour (irace, South Side. S. Peter's (1873) 3. Harbour Grace. S. Paul's Church (1707—1840) 3rd - Harbour Grace. Christ Church (1876) 4. Musquito .... Total VI.— CARBONEAR (1707). S. P. G. J. Carboncar. S. James' Ch. (1827) 2nd\ Perry's Cove - Total 303 204 • • • ■ ..114 74;; 'hJ 00 oo # 10:> IT) 5 ... ... I ... • • • .180S 17(1^ 19 ^i II.-KING'S COVE (lSi->). S. P. G. 1. King's Cove. St. James' Church 2. Keels. St. Philip's Church • 3. Hed Ciitle. S, Michael's Ch. (1857) 4. Tickle Cove - • - - 5. Open Hall . - - • 0. Indian Arm - - - ■ 7. Seal Cove - - - ■ !<. Goose Bay . - - - Smaller Settlements in N. - Total 45 77 'J 221 707 282 1)3 79 •:i^'^ 91 220 85 280 118 lo.-i 10.-) 784 318 209 118 3.^99 m.-SALVAGK (1822). S. P. G. 1. Salvage. St. Stephen's Ch.( 1805) 2nd 470 2. Salvage Bay and N. School Chapel (1S70) - - - - 3. Flat Island and N. School House - 4. Gooseberry Island and N. School House Total iir I- 1 1* 1 1- 1 I* 1 1 1 470 I ... 1 3 4J> re O 25 200 212 • • • 1 V 1 ... 258 191 ... 1 V' 2 • •• 241 223 • 4 4 1 y * • • • »» 1002 1185 1 3 4 5 2» r IB (ft.) Incluiling Dating Cove, jMusgrave Harbour, tu Kockj Bnj', 11 19 il s. NAME OF MISSION. [ N. after ii Nanio shows that the NciKhliourhood is includi'd.] II «e >- a ►» • S!!"o 1 1 "3 as o a (2 6 u IV— (HM'.KXSPOND flRlO) S. P. G. 1— Fair Islands. St. Barnabas Church (1840) ■ - - ■ Settlements in N. of Fair Islands - 'J Groonspdnd and N. St. Stephen's Church (1840-1800) 2nd - [\. Pool's Islands. St. James' (1865) 2na - - - • ■ 4. Swain's Island and N. St. John Baptist (1801) 2nd r». Pinohard's Island and N. St. Stephen (185.'0 2rnJ' with Mainland in C. Freels - Total 200 200 ... 1 502 .SI 8 1005 440 1 .^)25 2^20 1 1 4 t/ m 3 o S3 *-» o o pd o M i a _ 1; " •' "lA SaS S ± a o-^ "5 8 2 a B e-*^ O CD Cv, 30 • fl • •• • 1527 045 1 fl* • 1" 1 070 542 • •• ... • • • 1 491 200 • • • • • • ICT 1 'M) DEANERY OF NOTRE DAME BAY (1848.) I_FO(iO (182;3). S P. G. 1. Indian Islands and N. (^J 2. Seldom Come-by and N. :{. Fogo Harbour and N. St. Andrew's Church (1841) 2nd t. Barred Islands. St. John t v. (1853) Total ;{5 87.-. 224 ... 1 1*^ 301 280 • • • 1 1* 1053 940 1 2 2&1'' 1 ... 807 022 ... 1 1 1 4080 2025 1 4 G 2 35 ll.—IlERHINa NECK (1851) S. P. G. 1. Gander Bay - - * - 170 2. Change Islands. St. James' Church (1S40) - - - - 3. Henin"Nock. St. Maiy (1849) Total 3'.> 102 710 4or> ... 1 1 1 ... 1000 860 1 2 2 1 ... 1805 1494 1 3 4 2 32 20 11 n. 1491 ■\VeRleyans. IV There is a Saw Mill at Dominion Point. V. The members at Belt's Cc ve Miue huve increased rapidly since tlie census was taken in 1874 ; it is supposed there are ;iOO Church of England Members now- Extensive mining operations for copper and nickel are being carried on at Belt's Cove and Tilt Cove. 21 6 y. . S* r 03 NAME OF MISSION. [ N. iiftor n f^iiino uliuWH tliat the Neighboiirhooil is included.] HI.— TWILLINGATE (1817 ) S. 1'. G. Si's ■a & 3 o E tJ 4) a V gas 3 O a 1 u I I "Ss? «? •9 J fi'C .s'sa II i.^ a B B< 12 1. Twillingato. St. Peter's Church (lW(i) and ... - ;U)71« ;i. Moreton' Iliubour and N. St. Thomas Church (lHi6) • - - 831 3. Tiz/ard's Harbour St. John Ev. (18-lG) Total 1537 257 \cc I 2 2^ 2 2 ... • • • u • • 1 1 ... 20S GO ... • f ■ • t • 1 ■ • • 4200 1863 1 2 G 4 12 IV.— EXPLOITS (J871.) S. P. G. 57 1. Exploits Burnt Island and N. All Saint's Church (1805) 2. Dominion Point, Exploits Bay and N. 3. Leading Tickles and N. 4. Ward's Harbour and N. Christ Ch. (1W53) - . . - Total 811 159 313 144 835 330 1203 3222 •ta ••• 147 780 1* • • • •• • tt • •• • 57 v.— TILT COVE (1873.) S. P. G. 90 1. Nipper's Harbour and N. Mark Evangelist (1857) - 2. Betfs Cove Mine and N. 3. Indian Burying Place and N, 4. Round Harbour 6. Tilt Cove Min<>. Christ Ch. (1873) 6. Shoe Cove and N. St. James' (1805) Total 400 181 26 10 200 153 101 70 543 198 203 70 1* 2 1* 1 1 1 1* 2 1563 788 96 ; ^.•i'•«;1 I' 22 VI b. Cemeteries ready tor Consecration. a, 3t)6 Roman Catliolics. .^1 ft' 1 i i .1 «. Roman Catholics living in Tropassoy Bay, St. Mary's Bay, and the East side ol riaceutia Bay, between Cape Race and Mooney's C(tvo. b. Includfid in the above. M c. At Sound Ibland 195 Wosleyans. 23 o Z . .a) NAME OF MISSION. [N. after a name shows that the Neighbourhood is included.] VI.— WHITE BAY (1864). S. P. G. Hra'bour Round and N. Seal Cove and N. - - - Middle Arm - - - - Bear Cove, Western Arm and N. Western Cove and N. (Church ready for Consecration) - : iver Head Sop's Island - Little Coney Arm Grand Vache - - - ■ Harbour Deep and N. 11. Hooping Harbour and Canada 12. Englee and N, 1:}. Southern Groais Island 14. Hilliard's Harbour to Fichot Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. § i 2G5 \.\) 42 54 82 54 60 45 40 82 42 101 110 367" -I be £'3 a 2 -'5 49 45 42 54 82 54 60 45 40 80 21 43 30 I o o >5 as o a o .a o S2 g.2 1° = §1 O 4) OO «« o 180 • • « St* 1* 1 1* I *ta •• • 1 1 1 b b 1* 1413 646 U 180 DEANERY OF PLACENTIA BAY (1789.) I.-HARBOUR BUFFET (1848). S. P. G. 1. Great Placentia Church 2. Little Harbour and N. 3. Arnold's Cove 4. Woody Island (Church not Conse- crated, erected in 1844) 5. Spencer's Cove and N. (). Rugged Island;^ 05 773'' 11 218 108 77 58 401^ 67 333 90 89 80 1* 1 > ■ ■ 1 1* 1 1* 1 d4 d. Including Wd i;. C. at i.od Island. if a. 352 Wesleyans. b. As far as Beau 15ois, including .Alortier Lay. c. Chiefly Roman Catholics. d. 1280 Wesleyans. tf. Ready to be Consecrated. 25 § 6 & 8*^ namp: of mission. [ N. after a Numo shows tlmt the Xfii^'hbonrhood is inchidod,] I I — II ARBOU R B U FFBT— continued 7. Harbour BiifFet and N. Cliurcli (ISm H. JMerushcon and X. n. Jack's Beach and N. 10. Isle of Valcn. St. Jolm's Cli. (iHin 11. Paradise Soinid and N. 12. Baine Harbour and N. VI (^dorni. Church of St, Michael and All Anoels (1855) - Total 4^!1 4:2-m i OS bo !i;i o St. Paul's - 523 450 1 - 477'/ 23 ... - Kil 04 ... 3h. (jMin) 7«5 H8 ... - 4H5 05 ... - 200 1 !1 ... 133s I >. 0) cs fl m £V} , H QJ C a) . *f^ • « . o •d i so 'r a -w I - s| o (U ^ o 6 3 o "3 o .a fi'C So Sa OS) . _ B.2'- B. 0«. ./ about 130 1 171HI.V S2. 91 211 207 t • • 1 l-r. 1 • • 271) 100 • • • I [■■:■■ I • • 2'.H) 247 ... I 1* 1 •• 204 177 ... I* ... •• Hi;! 124 .. • 1- 1 • • 71 (i7 ... ... 1- 1 •• :!r)il 277 1 1 ,, 122 02 ... 1 1 •• •Hi 00 ... 1 ■ • US 3.^) ... 1 • • or, 82 ■ • . 1 .. 1 3.-. 13.-. ... 1* 1 ■• 38R 252 1 ... 1 , , on 03 * • • 1 1* 1 . 2SH 213 ... 1 I* ... - 200.-> 2201 1 1 13 13 25 700 561 1 • • • |tc 1 ... 188 97 • • • • • • 1* 1 • • • 77 77 ■ • • « 1 • ... 1 • « • nor) 735 1 ... 2 3 25 28 (I. Commencod in 1^1';, in union wi'li Forlnii ■ Bay. r. CImpel indicates a huildinfj nsed solely for Divino Service (I. Tncluding the TTeiul and South sides of I l(dt ' i'.aie d'esimir.' ■•■^ g. The Nonconformists in this IMission arc Eoman Catholics, e I NAME OF MISSION. [ N. after n Nuiiic shows that tlio Neighbourhood is iuchuled.] 29 IV.— HERMITAGE BAY (1854)'' S. P. G. a e as 0) 03 a «; 1) II 3 O a "o o ,.3 o T2 ™ s| -as-* UO ■< o 90 1. 2. IJ. i. 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1-^. 13. 14. Connaigre Bay Pass Island. Chapel '^ Grole Hcnnitago Cove. S. Saviour's Ch. (1854) .... Furby's Cove - . - Gaiiltois .... /Despair Bay .... I'uslitlirougli, Church ready lor Con- secration Bonne Tiny. Chapel Richard's Harbour N. Chapel Rencontre and N. S, James' Ch. (1807) New Harbour. Chapel Fran9ois. Chapel Cape la Hune and N. Total 104 100 •215 212 117 117 • • • St* 244" 2653 2:34 1 47h6 278 417-- 147 15!) 158 99 99 173 173 139 137 125 124 96 95 227 220 21006' 1- ... 1 I It. 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 • ... 1 1 1 • . « 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • ... 1 10 9 90 j v.— BURGEO (1842). S. P. G. 1. Little River and N. - 2. Fox Island and N. ■ 3. White Bear Bay and Wolf Bay 4. Ramca Islands 5. Lower Burgeo and N. S. John the Evangelist Church (1845) 2nd 6. Upper Burgeo and N. S. James" Ch. (1845) . . . . Total 89 89 108 lOs 187 180 111 141 r04 131 1306 • • • • • • 688 1 1 I 135 30 • I • •» • I* 1* 1 ... 1347 I 1 3 3 30 30 f. TItc Xoni'oi)n>rmists from linv In (;iiaiiiii'l iiiv chielly Woslcyans, a. Tliis inclndos 47 .Micmac Indians. Tho Settlers aro Scotch Tioman Catholics, and I'lirni to a ((uisidorahle ixtent. They are skilful weavers, and spin the cloth for their own use. /. 'I his is thd Southernmost Settlement on that part of the shore of Newfoundlnnd betwet n Cape Hay and Cape St. John, upon whioli the French have equal ri^'hts with the inluilulants to the Cod Fishery. The rreiich may only erect temporary liuildin;is for pui'poses of the JMsInry. e 1 he Schools on this part of the coast are assisted hy the Colonial Government through the I'.ishop. h. Including 80 Roman Catholics at the Highlands. c. A School Chapel is being built here. d. School House bein^ built. €. Those not leloni^ing ;i the Clr;i'ih of England in this Mission are chiefly Koman Cathohes. f. There is a lead mine of consideraldo value at Port au Tort. 31 i S5 NAME OF MISSTON. [N. (ifter a Name shows tliut tlic Neighbourhood i8 includeil.] VI.— ROSE BLANCHE (1847). S. P. G. 1. Grand Bruit and N. - 2. La Poele and N. S. Thomas ( 1848) 3. Seal Islands and N. - 4. Havbour-le-Couv f). Ptose Blanche. S. Michael and All Angels (1875) 6 Baziel and N. Total VII.-CHANNEL (1851). S. P. G. 1.— Burnt Islands and N. Church ready for Consecration - lies aux Morts Channel and N. St. James' Ch. (1855) Capo Kay . - - - Codroy lUvers and N. Codroy Harbour (/) - Total I. 181 .'M(5 1!)7 453 52 1007 snc) li to ^ o i" o rr ^ ^ '2 in es 2 o <■■=> c ^ (1. y >'. ij 1 1 5 /• • • • 121 ISM 414 52 1017 •527 [Vili 200 2:i2 701 •180 158 12:} 5;o« 9 405 285 1 J5M a! o ID s o rr. c = <~ 80 1 i 30 38 1 1* ... 1 I 1* 1 1* 1 38 MISSIONS UNATTACHED TO DEANERIES. I,-S'l 1. 4. GEORGE'S BAY (1842). S. P. G. Crabb's Brook. S. Michael and All Angels - - - - 201'' Middle Barachois - - 42 Rolnnson's Brook (') - - - 151 Robinson's Head to Head of Flat Bay 184 Sandy Point. S Stephen (1845) - 344 Head of S. George's Bay, including Main Gut with N. and S. Shores 741 The Gravels, Port au Port Bay and "SJfJ 338 Total ■ . 2001 45 121 • > • t 150 .. 13 ls4 1 130 16 ... 1 1 • t • 1 1 1 .. ... (1 1 ••• ••• ••• (356 4 45 32 There are two Saw Mills in the Bay of Islands. i h. 5G7 R. C, 70 Wosleyaiis, 1!1K Presbyterians. Upon the N. W. Const oi' Newfoundland, and upon tlio Liibnulorlm-Ke quantities oi' herrinf:? arc caujjht in SepU^mlicr and October, whilst in lionno Hay and Bay oi' Islands the luMTin;,' fishery is continued during November and December, and thruugli the ice from January to April. 130 R. C, 270 Wesleyaus, j. Ready for Consecration. 1 i I a. School House building Nus. '.', lU, li and 12 are on the Labrador side of the Strait. ? '\ 33 o V. . a e as NAME OF MISsrON. [N. nfter a Nnmo sliows timt the Nci},'libnm-lio()(l !« iiicliidi'd.] 11.— BAY OF ISLANDS AM) I'.ONNK I'.AV (imcc, > I. ^ ,; f 1. Lark Iliubonr 2. The Bench • - - - )■ ]:\\(];i ,M. BirchyCove. S. Mnry's Ch. (1871) 4. Tvdiit Bivi'i' - . . 5. Woody Point - - - .\ ■ «. Birchy Hc-ad - - - -i ,7. Nonis' Point - - - H. Rocky Haibonr and N. n. Cow Head and N. - 10. Daniel's Marbour, St. .Tohn's Island, and smaller Settlements 'I'otal >■=■ a S o ^* P3"" ■5 J -a 'o iVl:] •^6 2(5 '.».1S/' UM!» (U 4S .•)',) 50 100 07 172 O.'j 20^^-) 1 .•!07 -' 1-! T. U 4 a ai a o S3 "o e tl a u M ^ u a -< . 5"" " I5u 1- ... 1 1* 1 1 \ > ... 1 1* .—1 1 1* 1 1* 1 1 • • ■ • ■ ■ 1 I 1' ... s ir,:, lll.-STPtAIT OF BFLLK ISLF (184U). S. P. G. 170 1. Anchor Point and X. - 2. Mowers C(n-e and N. S. Piaiiialms Ch. (Is7l) .... n. Cape Norman and Cook's Ilarlxnir - t. li'anse a Maria ;■), Quirpon .... 0. Griqnct .... 7. St. Anthony and N. - s. Ireland and N. - - - 0. L'anse Sablon 1(1. Fortean. S. Peters Cli. (1S57) -| 11. li'anse aux Morts - - -) 12. Bed Bay. S. Panl's Ch. (1800) Total 228 ].->(; I" I 412 1M6 100 75 :>•■] 20 125 71 isn 04 252 99 200 02 130 00 ISO 101 *■■ :{44 100 ... 2220 1027 ... n n 170 ^ H IV. Tlio rcsidoiils of Siiinlwicli Hiiy ami ITuiniltoii liiU't lire i'iifj;iif,'0(l iilinost oxelusivt'ly iu suIukju fishery, iiud during the winter iu trapping and liuutiug. 85 lost iug. \ o L as NAME OF MISSION. [ N, iiftiir ft iiiinif hliowh tlmt Hm NiiKliboiirhood Ih iuoluil«J ) ;]. Spoav Harbour [. S. Fram-is' Harbour. S. John Baptist Ch. (l«'>:0 ■ " ■ 5. Venison Island n. Seal Islands <'l'- (l^^''') Total v.— SANDWICH BAY. ,. Indian Tioklo to Cape Povcnpine- ■Z. llaniilli)n lulct and Indian Harb.'iu' Total s I C.'.ll II •» e ©a Co -- d 110 41 r)77 12.^ I4() 1(»K in 86 l:V.» 106 1071 TOO 9) OS b • t • •• 'ill 1^0 d o 33 1 a ^« 9) ,2 i ai s »> ^ Sis « •• ■ «;') I* I n.") !200 1 ... 1 '2'UI! . *]\iV. T. Xrtlrn. 1'"eKUVI,AN1) . . I'dCdllf. DEANERY GF CONCEPTION BAY. P.inoT b . . . . *!;ev. lt(M !. li. Taylor- J'oKX DK 'JjiAVK . *i;ev. J. C. llnrvey, R.I). Day RoiuaiTS . . *Rev. V\'r\[. C. Sliears. 1,'ri'EK I^r,ANli('( VE *l;cv. A]lf( i\V. Waireli. HAnBoiJii GiiACP. . Rev. J. M. ^'oel. HaIUUHU (iKACK (South side) , \ Cai;bonear . . . *Rev. W. .1. Ployles. P)AY PE Veiui . . *l'i V (i.S.Clii'inherlaiii. ■*RijV. .lolill tioddell. DEANERY OF TRINITY BAY. HeAIM's ( '(iNTKNT ISEW HaHBOUU Teinitv, W. . TniNiTY, E. Cataexna . . Rev. (1. (iardiit^r. *j;ev. S. M. Wuii. Rev. II. Dmilield. *Rev. Ron. Smith, R.l). *J!ev. W. Netten. FoGO . . . Hkiuung Neck Twiij.ingate . I'^xri.oiTS . . Tilt Cove . . Wiirn; P>av *R0V. C. ]\h'rk. *i:ev. A. S. Wii *i{ev. Kobt. Tei *Ri'v. John Hc\ *Rev. W. R. Sn DEANERY OF PLACENTIA BA IIaubour IjLFI'et *J'ev. ,J. Kiiiswi Reuin .... *Jtev. J. l.ockwi I.A3IALINE . . . *Rev. J. Dairel DEANERY OF FORTUNE BA^ S. PiEl;i:E . . LLxLLOUl! ]',I;lTON ]5elleoi;aii Helmitage Pay I'.EliGl'.O . . Rose Jh-AMUE CHANiNEI. . . Rev. A. C. \Va *l;ev. W. K. Wli Rev. J. Bishoi; ]'(ica)it, *Rtv. J. Ciinrii *,'>ev. ]•'. SkiuiK *Ri\. T. a. Go MISSIONS UNATTACHED TO DEA St. Gkoi!ge's I^ay *Pev. C. Jetltr^ Bay of Islands . Rev. .J. J. Cur i;ev. T. 1'. i\Ii Strait of Belle ) ,. Isle . . . .} ''"■«'"• Battle Harbour "'Rev. George 1 Sandwich Bay . Vacant. *S. P. G. JNIlSSIONARIE'^ OF NEWFOUNDLAND. 7. Vacant. ■* "J ANERY OF BOKAVISTA BAY. A . . 3VE . ♦Rev. A. K. Riiyly, R.l). *rif V. Vt'm. IviiViy. *]'acaiif. *Ilev. .Tolin (i. Cragg. NERV OF NOTRE DAME BAY. . . . *Rov. C. I\I. ^.■k. Neck *1Njv. A. s. Winsor. ATK , *Rcv Robt Templo , , *]:(-v. J(i ]in Howilt. K . . *Rov. \\' . I! . .Smith. A^■ ANERY OF PLACENTIA BAY. IjUFI KT *Rev. ,J. KiiiKWell. . . . *Rev. ,T. Lockward. ^. . . . *\U.'\. J. Darrell. EANERY OF FORTUNE BAY. K . . . Ri V. A. C. Witf^horn. i RiuToN- *\Uy.\\. K. 'Wliite.R.J). AM . . lUn'. J. ]3islioi). .OE 13ay . \'acant. . . . *la V. ,1. C'uimiugliam. ANCHE . *;,ev. I'. Skiuncr. . . . . *R(-v. 1'. A. Goode. I ^S UNATTACHED TO DEANERIES. ;oE's 15 AY *l!ev. C. Jtll'ery. si.ANDS . Kev. .J. J. Cuiliiij>. Rev. 'r. J'. J\Jassiii]i. !• Re LEE It I- I acaitt. ITaebour *Rev. George Rishop. II ]>AY . Vacant. *S. R. G. jNIlSSIONARIES. TTH LIST OF MISSIONS OF THE DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY i ENGLAND '\ ' SPECIAL COLLECTIONS NDLAND ^DO R. ■J' " II y. 4- -Hi ',„,_., ■gBBHBEsaa i'^ ,.■<'..-•:' t . " J TWO WEEKS BOOK TO -SE RETURNED ON OR BEFORE i S^. , ^_^^:" 1 Mr ^M [coll J !cii 1 O 1 •■ THE ROYAL PRINT a LITHO LTD. HALIFAX. CANADA ! *. 57" linher Rjf ■i GiJl Hh- n> ' ace 1° (7 ' ■^owvorhvhujockshook 0°o. « Btf GREENLAND .^ i^'^-^ '« ,7/'//// M a H T H I *« fir. t. .V i' /I : , N Y ', ^'/// / /:'^ /y / / ^ ^ "C"^ U R O P J- F H A N «' E Berm tnlas flrtvci/irt; ^^^JJ^^I^I^-p^VEST'^ -INDIA !• j n^BA^^^Jj^v," " t/amaj'cA / A RICA CdeVardei? 20' S'~ "Ei:zrfS'::iJ?''::-^'''i^aaiE2aMfei^ * Q Ciwnotodxiuji Q _^ \y/ )s.s,vrn, 56" » j4-\ i ^ " ^7^ ^m^^^w i r JBrf \t.n H A i*i I (^ A 1-IW 55" 54" A IMOTESA. OF THE CHIT II CM OF 15 AIT ID Sliowiiip' the DEANERIES and COMPILED CHIEFLY FROM ADMIRALTY SURVEYS & A GEOLOGICAL WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE CLE BY ONE OF THEIR NU 10 5 O Scale of Eng-lish Statut] 10 20 30 4| RoaiLt in the A^'oloji Ffninstila . - — --_- , Ch'eiiivtd lelcimiph Lines X- Suhrmuine Teli\ Heiphts of Mountains . LiiAvitX-c. w Fnttlish Feet nhove the Seti . Hlow nw liowh Ls^^is!'" jto*" Enrr.uuY tc the Sarhoiu- cr" S^JL-'hns. iVtm Tlio Ciitheih-al Cluurli of the riiiu'i The Rom >m uufwiie Lathed?\ii lies re t/ie led rfrJieyr it Li a liUve hidldinc in die Ftaliiui style, and is cons It is hoped t:> complete die Jiureh of E/wLuid Cathedral andneaii] i-WtV kin e been subscribed towiirds that eb-'eei. (237'', ^ 53" 52' OF THE I j OF 15 ,.NC^l.iANII> Sliowinp' the S AND MISSIONS I I 'EYS & A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BY ALEX? MURRAY, ESQ".', F.G.S.. C. M.G., "ANCE OF THE CLE ROY OF THE DIOCESE, DNE OF THEIR NU MBER. t)l' Eno-lish Statut^ e Miles ■JO 30 4 50 60 ifih Lines X- Snhnuuine Tt'U\ jniph Cahlei'-. .^^ Lirw or' Roilwiiv Suf\ev etht'Sea. Blow tne down, M':'. Bqv of Isldiith 2(>86 t'! heirui tfie hu^hAtt point . Harboui- LT\'^'^J,'hns. N'ewi\ vwidhmd . Shcwirto il Climrh c)l' tin' Cliuri li i>l'Eii'a;laiid 'y-di lies w tiw led cf the ji\ 'und sh^wfi in dus skeie/i . ;' rcaliiui style, and. IS corii] r/c7a'7w nvm the yan-i^ws. irch of Eiwhnd ihthedral i u-- a Memcmrd to Bishop Feild I towards that object fld?'^, i'ut more than £25.000 will be required J56° r3r:7!rr:2T 55" V-^',--.»-v';..j .i wip i> - fyjtiuht J* 54" 53"AI (c^P'"* HM-br I urLheB. 0,, '4u7eaawi ^^ 'Aiuitokl. 58' 52", ?d P- Eokkok M*^ CUiv^ Saeg-JecJc'S^ CZ^ ^^kkatoj soak I. ^ t«*aw«*/, EvaJoju ■'VorrA fl- ^••myiiin MiM^\SY .v«,/,//^/.(S MORAVI The first Mo in 1750 byJohr in Ni8bet Bay i barter goods, bi Subsequently Eskimoe langn landings on th( manent Station There are nc Mission Statioi Hebron, and Ri and lire as Chri hearty, being ac The work has difficulties, and A system of order to ward of unscrupulous tn vessels visit thi them the necess cargo es of fish, < entirely devo the brethren ei regarding their Missionary 8ervi( under God's ble 108th voyage to present barque « has been employi The number c Cape Harrison i being nominal C witli their familie time 5 brethren. The United B copal Succession sian Church in published yearly much informatioi stitution. Extracted chief, Rev. H. W. Tuck, with additions by i

hi '^ ttMMMi n .MILTON IN, INLK T on """^^^"^'^v. ^,, e . W. /fa« «/,t/ a/ Itiyoulette ,;, ILwulton InleJ ,wd •er and Cartwriphl in Sandwioh' n,and fur! The p7om!irfir trad £ bS^n'« ^"*° ?« maintenance of the Mission ' relrrl f? .«°»Ployed in the stores at the Stations regarding their work in this department as indirec ^nST^'^^Z'""^'- '^^« Moravian Missionary SWp has 108th vn?' ^^T?' ''f'" V^rmitte^ to complete he 108th voyage to Labrador in successive years The present barque " Harmony," is the eighth vessel which has been employed in this service r J?y""°^'"' -^ Eskimoes on the coast to the N. oi Cape Harrison is estimated at 1,250, all but nbmtt an being nominal Christians; the Mora'vian MLtna ies tTme tZlCn'^' "^""'^^ '' ^^^^^ •' ^^^^ ^ a"S ecSsS^So^l^rr&^r^^ M^t;?ii^JSdonS^r^e« hev. H. Jf. rucker, M.A., Assistant Secretaru S P r unth aamons ,y tke Secretary of the mSn^mSn. f'-I^iix-ujiiup 'i!iintu-l If '■'• ^^n'^Q C^ MMm H7ii/i' Bvftr Arm ■A- XUharlr.i H i^_. .v'/>,y,., .»■ /■/,.. Bvooh at Blatw Sailor, form ami the (olonv ol' SWloiutdlnmi I,' Ihocxci ol' Quehev ,„„/ X.-H/h,,,. has n:fi,le,l on !/„■ Lnhnulnr holh h,ft,vrrn At,l{,;,Mi and Jilanr Soldo. Newfo„„dl.,nd riernyman I. t,wWn> Sr/i,..,n,.,. it,,y in \y;„i,.,. : i;i~: ■s (J,eBon.,.l„ry h^lwoc, the Dominmn of (n,uuhi Mn,, ,„e U„-.,d,.r) ,„ ^,-11 ,„. ,,^,^^^,^ „^^, ■.{land . A Mi.,sion,iry oP the Oion-.ie of Q„eher .Sum,ne.-on,i Winter fo,- ..nme yeurs pax, „nd ,uxded , !,u,d <-,v„,v,„„„//v f,./{,,f /y,,^, ,„ ,y,,. „/,^„,^,. ,,,.^, ; Mull..,, //„,. hi., /lend i>,.,u-lrr. in Su.unn;. „;,l Templi- ;f\\j->k5 illen 1— ^^»-T-i iiiiui.ii III int^^rwmr^^r^^^^^^rw Mv -Wolf It ("• " "A'-^ -s. §^^ \i>: ,Sj>l>tt<'fl f. M.W.KXC.VII.l. .^/''4\-, y. Domino Hiiu ^^^^:^V«i' ■& \ Mn.'klenbufi}h t W^-^g-^^ , 7 - 'ST i.Kwis sovyii < /l^of^^ Op*" (iltUp IS. * ^!? i*"' I"*" '"'««■•' andmdrlv L40cV have" been subscfihed tiJWiirds thiU object fJ877, GENERA The Island of Newfoundland was discovered by Cal being distant therefrom 1700 miles; it is situated betwec — thus St. John's lies to the south of Paris. Its greatest is about 130 miles, being nearly as large as Great Britain In 1623, Lord Baltimore established himself on the, Avalon. About the same time the French made a Settl were at variance, until, in 1713 at the peace of Utrecht, i in Great Britain, subject to certain fishery privileges coni Upon the N.W. and N.E. Coast, l)etween Cape Ray i English in the Codfishery ; this piirt of Newfoundland is by treaty, to erect permanent buildings thereon. The ni and from St. Pierre, was, in 1874, estimated at 5621. The population of Newfoundland and Labrador consi with the chief merchants of the Colony, reside either in The number of Lighthouses and Beacons is 25. Revenue in 1876, £221,175. The Colonial Debt is abo^ £1,700,000 ; the total value of exports varies, and is abc fish, seal and cod oil, sealskins, some fur, copper, and nic The Government of the Colony is what is commonly a nominated Legislative Council, and an Elective House c in 1833 — the "Responsible" form was established in 18.' The population is wholly of British origin. A line of country for a Railway has been surveyed I The Atlantic Telegraph passes through Heart's Cont CL The soil of the Island is light, and is better adapted interior consists of barrens, ponds and marshes. The c winter than that of any part of the neighbouring continent which usually drifts along the Eastern and North Westei April, chilling the air, but at the same time carrying on i Diu"ing July and August fog is prevalent, especially not penetrate far inland. It is caused by the warm mois condensed by the cold Polar current. Icebergs are found upon the N.E. Coast till late in / The Mean Temperature, taking an average for 8 yea Abstract of some Meteorological Observations, i i°T*iid f^waamm E7 Jan."" 29.810 19.7 37.0 —13.0 22.90 2.34 ISarch. 30.0^3 26.9 44.0 —10.0 17.12 4.29 A Mean Heiaht of Barometer 29.875 18.7 47.5 — 5.5 28.96 4.36 9 Mean Teitinerature F Absolute Max. Temp, in Shade ... Absolute Min. ditto Depth of Snow in inches and tenths Depth of Rain, Melted Snow, in ) inches and tenths The average Temperature in the winter ou the Nort The Temperature of Labrador, at Hopedale thermon as the greatest heat (July 26, 1871),— 104°, or 72° below 1873). The average temperature for the year is — 5° F. there was not a fall of snow. The average temperature < as Hopedale, is +47° F. By comparing the average temj some idea may be formed of the temperature at stations i EDL Education in Newfoundland was, for many years, chi This Society had, in 1876, 18 schools with about 265' Government; the Educational Grant for 1876 was .SS Roman Catholic and Wesleyan Schools according to thi Chiu-ch of England with 5071 pupils under tuition. In St. John's there are several Higher Class Acaden: ^tt mm ECCLF •h ,h' Eih'Lvid Cuthedral nv.i/:h thuu i^b^ect I 1877 A w a Memcnnl tr Bishof\FeiLl butiTwri' tJia/i L 26.000 will be r,\juired GENERi L REMARKS. ! iliscovered by Cal t is situated betwei I'aris. Its greatest ge as Great Britair led himself on the ench made a Settl peace of Utrecht, i lery privileges con )etween Cape Ray . f Newfoundland is s thereon. The m mated at 5621. and Labrador consi ly, reside either in I Beacons is 25. lonial Debt is abo ts varies, and is abc ur, copper, and nic what is commonly m Elective House c s established in 18;' ish origin, las been surveyed I rough Heart's Cont CI id is better adapted marshes. The c jhbouring continent 1 and North Westei 3 time carrying on i revalent, especially by the warm mois . Coast till late in / n average for 8 yea qical Observations, i )ot in 1479, and is, of all her Colonies, the nearest to England, in 46^30' and 51' 39' N. Lat., and 52' 38' and 59= 25' W. Long. . length from N. to S. is nearly 300 miles, its average breadth I . Its estimated area is 40,200 square miles. South Eastern part of the Island, and called it the Province of ement at Placentia, and for many years they and the English ;he exclusive Sovereignty of Newfoundland was declared to be oeded to the French, which are still in force. md Cape St. John, the French have concurrent rights with the the '' so called French Shore," but the French are not allowed, unber of Frenchmen employed in their Fisheries on the Banks sts almost exclusively of fishermen. The Government Officers, St. John's or Harbour Grace. The Colonial Expenditure in 1S76, £221,693; the Colonial ut £250,000. The total value of imports varies, and is about >ut i£l, 600,000, which exports consist of cod, salmon and other kel ore. termed " Responsible Government," composed of a Governor, f Assembly. A Representative Government was fii-st conferred i8. )etween St. George's Bay and St. John's, ent and St. Pierre. IMATE. for grazing than for agricultural purposes; large tracts of the 'imate is very healthy, less warm in summer and less cold in . ; its principal drawback arises from the presence of Arctic ice, •n Shores during the months of January, February, March and ts surface the wealth of seals. upon the Southern Coasts and in Belle Isle Strait, but it does t winds, which blow across the G ulf Stream, meeting and being Vugust. rs, was 42=02 F. aJcen at St. John's, Newfoundland, for the year 1876. m ^"mf iViarch. "a rs 29.810 3U.0'.»3 2 r 19.7 26.9 ) 37.0 44.0 ) —12.0 —10.0 6 22.90 17.12 5 2.34 4.29 '*rWT^ „^,...,„U.,- 1 . ■ ..-W £sept. iMw(OV. 29.954 * aV' DEANKiry O F AVALON DRANEUY O P CONCEI'TION BAY UEANKUY O V TUINITY HAY 1>EANERY O F UONAVISTA IJAY DEANERY () F NOTHE DAME HAY 'Inhl.-H-f 4^ lit„.vM < % i- -^''..v, "EANEUY O K I'LACENTIA HAY DEANERY U F FOKTINE HAY L I A'i't iitchuhii in f/w J/rarirri>s m m Tin- lifooh at Bliini- Sulilon tlir/ii anii the Colonv o/' .\'fHl'i>i,ii,ll,iii,l i i Diocesen nl' (,)iifl,i',' ,in, . ""*""' \Z"^^ I"!,,,,.! II'. r^tiltll-'l'n (1,' '-\Amliitr (uvi- (,iir,;,l l.aK Simlhit tiiutttt'tn-riy l.^ y .V.vi/ ii,v,-^r-C„-iu-\-i>-v,- n. 1)1,1 y,.,.,.!!,. ijjot.l h;.r,,ll,- If ll.W.F.*.(MX.»U. y ^ r7JM,„/) f/^/Wy/ l„v,- 'ttt,ii:v it*' li \ X % v., '^.'■ r. (,>c ^Ijtuv .V/(..„ /rf'' iM .S?./oJui ,s-..I„l."»''- 1',,1-t „„ Ch„l.j£^.^^ , Jtiftt vtisi^r^oiii Pu,t „„ a„».,- rffi I-/, n..: i«m. \ S.I'""' /Pill''/' f.i , J i rr w. K. fr c . y . 4 5 . iX^-jj\\»i»'^--v, ^^ Juuttttinihoix /(. ' 'Sj'f)~-^ r/ I I, Mji ij.'rSb ^■'•'-vk, ^^^, ^y». y .\'.f.;..-r.. y/r^ fj'.i/,/ c;w». ".V .v H' .i/T»i y^ I '»■.»./ Sh.;l ,,^?^ JHil^ l.SI../Yi-i.(.v /'.ill.; -p''>r*'?;vi,..: .,-,■. I, II. L." \^/U S'^"^^'^ ■"■' '' i'iS'LimiiJif li- p.il.l>r.,h, It. -r,>?/)/'.i/i.i /) * .s?.i,..;K«..v«r^^^;-;"'/; ''' >; n .1 1' 07- ,^^ ■ ■^ ■f.lhniunMiultif ,.\;„„.„- v. lii-nlB'i,'^''''"''''"'- ■■Xh:.IU,rh I A.'v • -^, ,- Stiiai-lw- /? 'Flfiu- .// / JuSt Johns there nro sevural Higher Class Acadon: ECCLI By the Census of 1874, the population of Nowfoum Church of Enj^land ... ... 59,oGl i Boman Catholics... ... ... 64,317 CHUECII In 1703 the Society for tho Propagation of the Gosj and from that time to tlie present the Colony has continv i'290,000 sterling having been expended in the work. Tho growth of the Church of England, jf late yer liishop Feild, 1),D , and tho zealous Clergy who worke biennially in St. John's, and is comiiosed of three orders. The Annual Grant of the S.P.G. is about £4.000. T Synod, was i'3,000. The Bisliopric Endowment Fund is ; logical College Endowment Fund is about £7,000 in the College. The Bermudas have formed part of the Diocese of distant from the I. of St. Thomas, from Halifixx, N.S., and this number being coloured people ; they are chiefly mei in the Islands, and twelve churches. i les and bcliools ISIASTICAL. Hand and Labra , Wes: ' Otlie OF ENGLAN »el in Foreign V tally been tlio ol irs, has been m,' d with him. the Bishop, Ck ho amount colle( xbout £11,000, g hands of the S. Newfoundland from New York, ubers of tho Chi Suwmary of Statistical Information concerning tl le Church of En<^ Colour on Name of Rnral Deanery or other portion Map. of the Diuceso, Avalon Conception Bay ... Trinity Bay Bunavista 15ay Notre Damo Bay ... Placentia Baj Fortune Bay Missions unattached to DeaneiieH Ch No. of arches. ••^•^IJ^fffi-tv Portions of Coast cliietiy inhabited by Roman ^ Catholics or Wesleyans not included in >• the above ... ... ) Total 17 17 U 10 18 9 13 10 .02 Popalation. 30,6W 31,457 12,973 U,033 10,379 10,140 11,918 8.688 15,815 lt31,027 BISHOPS OF THE DIG Aubrey George Spencer. D.D., 1839; Edward Feild, D.D. CESE OF NE ,1844; James B, For fuller information concerning the Missions In each Dean ery, see Handhooh .Rl' H, .V,,.,.,r.v B!.^ *^/S.(© N O T It t: D A M K n A ^ / ArltiLlr- '• l^\l>,\ MS,- ) .\V,.,..7-.v / rm„r,^f •;,«•/.«..( Su.re li'" . iUI ,K-Yinu\fi Hurry Haiirv-il. '*„^ Dnnn iiw.F.tc.vn.2n."'>^ TftT\ «<»"""!' ' ■ rien imtfn mM^i ^ r^^oUi- 9 Br. •(7.in.«V >'R'f?",v..-^'' ,VJ, ./ 4 ^s-** J2HV. r^OllfM- *•'•'*'"■'•' ,1'^' 0'' .'-W/ll' lleiubniin lih' . Prnilmitn /'■ 11 >" Y •Ch.ir.l, \^ ■ MMrr' I i',,,-/^ "^ • Mill''' O/. :'/pl^;.-<.u>.h l'_' 'H„wr.l h. mm ios and Schools. ISIASTICAL. llaad and Labrador consisted of : — Wesleyans 35,702 1,794 No. of Popnlation. Members of the Church i re Si II a am arches. of England. u 3| 1' 14 |S| 17 30,630 8,333 18 7 19 66 17 31,457 18,067 & 13 21 12 32 14 12,073 8,113 6 18 23 13 80 10 14,033 7,133 4 10 20 14 117 18 10,379 7,688 7 14 25 22 412 9 10,140 2,8H6 3 4 13 13 150 13 11,018 9,171 7 18 37 33 305 10 8.688 4.308 1 1 !•. :■'< 4 *T..:,-,-/.>-,-.v'J 6 13 31 605 02 15,815 161,027 101 50,0lt4 50 00 ! 171 l')-> 1827 :0 CESE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. D. , 1844: James B. Kelly, D.D., Coadjr. Bp. 1867-76, B(,, 1S76-T aw ery, see Eandhook, icith Tabular Statement, to acconpany this Map, .fi" . hunk Ve*j fUltl'O ■I Brent'-n lib- ■t^ \^*' ■ oiiii^ t:i<"'i'- IJeaihiiiir l(V Dr.tilnuin i^f Stilll.iiul /idllA- /.7„--rv /■ Otlior DenominationB ... OF ENGLAND. lel in Foreign Parts sent the first Missionary to NewfouncUand, lally been the object of that Society's fostering care, more than irs, has been mainly due to the unceasing labours of the late d with him. There is now a Diocesan Synod which meets the Bishop, Clergy, and Lay Dologates. ho amount collected, in 187o-G, in the Colony and paid in to the xbout jeiljOOO, giving an income of i2540 sterling. The Theo- hands of the S.P.G., who pay £300 sterling per annum to the Newfoundland since 1840. They are from 700 to 800 miles from New York. They contain about 12,000 inhabitants, half of ubers of the Church of England. There are sevan Clergymen ' 5. ,0 / tl le Church of England in Newfowidland and Labrador. ) 50' JT^ "■'ft- 'Fhf Hvuiuti A'u/iuf The Anthu- III inch Min.sii'ii .. (lis ji'lir Ir iJir Mi.ssirnN .. StUlrnii II4.S 1 ■ O G U L O F F hi-,1 H,,i i.m C.SU}m»g;f 18" fmrii ff-'— "* '^'t-"-n iT*^!*-^'-**^" *■• ■' ■■'""•— ^■■ X" iMiriTMi If > Hfri****" ""-^ S L 4 W R E N ^ liiytmli. Tlw Cull' ill' S! i.itn/'ciicf is ii.siiiiilv h Cliri.iitnan fn l/(;r. Naviitalion coiiiinoi in tin- Soiitlicirtultitys .iirul die Sirail o^' i ,,. fi-Diri /<■<■ oih the Netiioundhiitd side !«/ yf,«A-.v , I / . ,1 ' fn,pn„;l l.tirof leehems cniinot pasn i/i ' Litiht \lled with Drift fee from ires to open eartv in May 'telle lie la eoiriiiwiilv five hout the middle of June rough the SfniitA: Hucky Potrh CiulfilY If! ll.W. F. t C. IX. 15. ' p< .S'tor"',* ' ' / *' '%) y^/imlja-st J. 47° / Sr Paxil I,/ 5^-*''^'»'"'^" % ..■■'■ 'S* ^,«,* .\'=^ •;^ .-t^ ( -S. Jsawrent r.y„rai' Hfd Cape r^ I -t- CiipnEgix, lont r A p E TAULE OK niST SfJohnii if <'■ ^'■' Fraiu-ix CSf Francis to .•< P.' /laccahei S. /'.' Daecnlieit to C.llojiaii.'ito C. Do!UH'i.itn to f./'ivr/.v C.Frerl.i to C. Foao C-Fooo to C.liauUi C.Bauld toJiattle //' liiittle UV to Domino linn Oomino Nun to Indian UT Indiim II'' to Hope^lale ffopedale to Main Xain to (^/cixiL t^k-kai: to Hebron Hebron to C.Chidtey lliirliour Critee to S* Johns llarlxiiir (',raee to S J'i tim enli 7/ H H K r (} ^ '=^,' c. . (^ • " x-^ ^t,^H-, Smoke ■MBIl \fiA £raii< /'. Lit Ui.-ef l&'^f'^.^^ ^f <■ ^ Hin4- i^ , r .ViM L«ppn.ii linrihs- i.a /M , •>« "^Woificr "linn . r ACvm.a3*j;. '', ' -.•*4-- - • rv 1-''' .i.>:i'' .'•' " ■ii^* ,.''^ ./W-ZiAr ^ ...V , ''^ 'Ainin >' iiwr*i:.vti ^: M^/-'"' "'• /-^^ /y r;,:«aA^.^5^' g H.w. F. i- r.^ 1 i<«iSS>» )l /i/i»-<(iJi<''i / y, ' '(IOC ' V Y f IJJ ,y i.,i--.s ,V,.,i/ / L^y'. ;,.(.'••■••"'' 4^P.-.-r //•■ ,(tjT«V^l»ALi7aM...-" 11.1) WJH..S-I.77I /■ V (Hi»,.iillM) I; '<-r C Hi«iit.v y)''«ir.;_^ /.J,, ;,„.,„( il*'' (5.^ ,\\\' ■ / ■/;rTY;..V..;...nnri..«A <'- '"■ 1 4jr I 1 54 Lonj jitudf Wlpst of nrpfiiwiTi 53" '„lh,»^^'^J\^UiHJ KstaLbsht/ieut . Li.ndoB.^