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'•»^Ci.l' >'!:;.i<|gg^E:i:;;;q^tSi'^ avBi W 4- ■ - J PREFACE. Our one object in sending forth this little book, ii to promote the cauic of ••pure and undeflled religion" We are profoundly convinced that the prcaent is an age of shams and superficiality. The great arch deceiver hu coined iniiutions of Christianity, which, in some respects, so closely resemble the pattwit of Jesus Christ, that " he would deceive, if possible, the Very elect." Everywhere we see men blinded by " the god of this world." So far as expcriraenul godliness is concerned, the great (pass of the people are practically heathens. Hence, the great need of publishing, tar and wide, the pure, illuminating, radical truths respecting salvation from sin. A few sections scattered throughout -the book, are choice selections from able writers on important themes. Most of the matter, however, was originally written for the Aadica/ ChrisHan , but it has l.een considerably -revised and enlarged, specially for publication in the present form. To all lovers of pure religion, we earnestly appeal (o aid us in the circulation of this book. By the agony and bloody sweat of God's dear Son."; by the streaming blood from his pierced side; by the awfuhiess of an end- lesii hell; by.the vastness of an approaching eternity; And by the priceless value of immortal souls ; O help us in this effort to spread salvation truth throughout the Jand. Wiil you help f Will you ? WILL YOU ? We do most fervently hope that this huipble treatise wiUshed holy light on many a benighted soul; and bring around a wide spread tevival of primitive life and pof^er. With this prayer, we send it forth to the world, on its mission of truth and of love. ; '^ ^ ' ' . — The Author. — - ■^• iiii'.--^*ls5fi:ia^ «.4 book, if cligion " s an age iiver h$M respectt, hat " he rywheie So far rpais of le great linating, >ok, are themes, itten for derabl/ in the appeal ! agony earning in end- emity ; help us >ut the treatise ; and ifeand world. iOlt f' PART l-Popular Religion. Chap. i. -EMPTY PROFESSION. Talking religion, professing religion, putting on t good appearance, and crying " Lord, Ix)rd,'' is not heaven- born religion. If this constitutes religion, then Christ would not have condemned the Scribes and the Pharisees, as hypocrites and whited sepulchres. Who has ever made a louder pi^ofession i^^ligion than they? Or who— of our modem professiW^has exceeded them in . rigidly conforming to the externals of religion ? If fair words and a specious profession, mean religion ; then Christ would have had no need to declare, that those, who think of fitting themselves for heaven by so doing, are awfully deceived. Yet, how great the number, who vainly misUke plausible appearances and a sancti- monidlis ffhoW, for the religion of th4^ Bible 1 Do not think it is impossible to deceive yourwlf in this matter. Christ most solemnly affirms that; ''Maiu|^^%iU fay ta me in that day, ' Lord, Lord, have we npt^rt)phesied in ^hy name? And in thy name have cast out devils ^^ And in thy name done many wonderful' wo)^ ? ' And then will I 'profess unto them, I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matt. 7:22,83. Morality is good; but morality of itself is not reli- gion A profession of religion— when it is the natural £Vl«WJ. _W -a^imq-- > outcome of the grace q( God in the •oul^—te alio good, But, to put on the garment of profewion, and to beiieve that we thua cbnititutc ounelvei Chriitiani, ia to build our hopct for eternity upon a foundation of land-Hi foundation that will, at death, totter and crumble beneath ui, and sink ua into everUating ruin. " Not every oo« that laith unto me, ' Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the kingdom ef heaven ; but he that doeth the will of ay Father which ia in heaven."— Matt. 7:ai. Chap. 1.--SPURIOUS CONVERSIONS. Men love accurity. Other thingi being equal, they give a decided preference to the lafe side. They apart neithw pains nor expense to guard against possible calamities. For this reason, insurance companies of all kinds carry on a profiuble business. There is generally an instinctive fear of the future. Upon the brink of eternity the boldest stand and tremble with an indefinable dread of their impending doo'm. „ . *♦ Why .brink* the soul Back on henelf, and startles at dettmctlon ? Tis the DivinitTthat ttin within as ; 'Tis heaven itself that poinU out an hereafter, * And intimates eternity to num. Eternity I— thou pieaabg. dreadful thought I Through what variety ofuntried being, Through what new scenes and changes must we pass t Tne wide, the unbounded prospect Ues before me } But shadows, clouds and darkness rest upon it I ' Such is the sentiment of humanity as expressed by this tavorite poet. Any system that gives plausible promise of carrying man safely through this darkness into the unclouded light of eternal day, will have its votaries. The iiiore plausible the promise, and easier the con- "■ Ions, the greater will be the number of adherents. Jio good I to bdievt to build MIld^HI ) tMneftth (veiy 0Q« into the U of ay ual, they tey spare possible ies of all e future, tremble in. il ssed by lausible ess into otariea. le con- lerents. i Modem spiritism, which is but the worshop of demons revived under a new form, claims a greater number of fol- lowers than Christianity did in the sairdength of time. Francis Xavier, the celebrated Jesuit missionary, made more converts irt.one year than John Wesley did in the whole count of his .ministry. Make the standard of Christianity sufficiently low. and you can very easily multiply sidherents. Give to men an assurance of heaven, without requiring them to deny thcmsetvea, and take up their cross daily and follow Jesus amid reproaches and persecutions, and many will be found eager to embrace the advantageous offer. That many who profess religion may yet fail of being truly converted to God is apparent. I. From the declarations of our Saviour : Afui thin will I projtss unto thimj rnvtr kneiv you ; depot t from mt y4 ^^jJf'^^ iniquity. — Matt. 7:23. Mark this lan- guage, ^^e does not say you have backslidden. But \ NBVBR KNEW YOU.' Then, of course, they were never converted, (i.) This class is very numerous—" Many.'' (a.) They make a high profession of religion. (3.) They were deceived to the last *' Many will say to me in that day, (the day of judgment), ' Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied inr thy name ? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name have done many wonderful works?'" The same lesson is taught us in the parable of the ten virginSi The fo«lish virgins did not lose their oil — they did not take it. They had the lamp — the pro- fession — but the grace they never had. They, too, were not flagrant hypocrites, but wei^e self-deceived. If there is any truth clearly taught in -the gospel, it is the very great liability of our being ^deceived in regard to our h J ⅈ. :.A, being converted to (;od. ••The rooliih man who built hii hoiiM upon iht wnd." itandt u a repretenutive of thoM who i|)end their live* aa respectable memt>er« ol the church, but who build their high proTcMio^ upon unconverted hunuin nature a« the foundation. f. Many oT thoie who proTew to be converted imrtt bear the marki of conversion. " By their fruits ye shall know them," is the criterion which the Master himself gave* for the puriiosc of ascertaining here who are his true followers. It is not " judging." in the sense in which it is forbidden, to apply to ourselves and others the te«t which he has given. But that many conversions are spurious it evident, because— (i.) The so-calltd converts do not truly repent of their sins. They have no godly [sorrow— no deep, sin- cere sorrow because of their transgressions. They never exclaim, like Paul, • O wretched man that I am I who shall deliver me (torn the body of this death ? "—Rom. 7:t4. Tbey never cry out, like David, " There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger ; neither is there any rest in my ^es bccauie otmy lia For mine iniquities are gone over' tkune head ;\s a heavy burden they are too heavy for me/— Ps. 38:4. You never hear anything like this from them. On the contrary, they act more like patrons than penitents. Their whole bearing would seem to mdicate that they think they are confer- ring a great favor upon the Almighty. They go forward for prayer, and perhaps kneel ; they make no confcwion of their sins, never shed a tear, nor utter a cry for mercy, nor manifest in any way the earnestness of a soul long- ing to be delivered from the danger of hcU. Where they have wronged other% they make n o restitution. A fc man who built fprttcnUtivc of >tc memti€n ot rofcMioiU upon tion. onveited iMvcr r fruits yc ihall Muter himielf 1 who ire hii lenae in which ixheri the tent out it evident, truly repent of —no deep, tin* k They never at I am t who ;ath ? "—Rom. " There it no ger ; neither it lia For mine > heavy burden 'ou never hear itrary, they act whole beahnK ley are confer- ley go forward no confettion cry for mercy, >f a toui long- . Where they lutioii. — A few / 1 pnyert are offered tof them, inttnperted, if they are per font of wealth or iwaition, with conipltmcntt ; they ♦• feel better," Join the church, tleep on with othert, and Anally wake up in hell t— (f.) 'I*he tubjecu of thete tfltriout convcraiont do not have ally real victory over tia In thi^istpect, they are the tame at they were before. If they were frelAil and impatient before, they are fretful and impatient ttill. If they were the tlavet of tobacco, they itilt defile their bodies with ttt vte. Those who were the devotees of fathion, in any degree, before their totalled conversion, remain, to the tame eitent, "coMormed to the world." The word of tk)d does not (XMseta tufiicient authuri|y with them to induce them to diacontinue, for the take ot Jetut, " the wearing of gold or pftrU, or costly array." If before their profettion, thef were fond of the light, Satanic literature of th« day, they read it still with at much avidity at ever. 'I1ie grotter vices wl^ich would injure their respectability they avoid. . (3.) They are strangers to the Joys of salvation. When they tee othert '• rejoicing, with joy unst)eakahle and full of glory," it looks to them like the wildest fanali- cism. They do not know what it means to have the bictting of the lx>rd upon their soult. What the Joy of the Holy Ghott^nsists in, they have not the remotett conception. The same things that made them happy before their tuppoted conversion maket them happy now, and they feel their lott just as keenly as they did before. (4.) They have no love for closet duties. If they read the Bible and pray in secret, it is not because they have a relish for these means of grace. They hurry through them, and are heartily glad when the unpleasant task is finished. — Close, pointed, s e arching p r eaching <.-t.mMm»mitltt ". -Y ---;,',-"--Wf^f-».-5^^-,T'^^-' ;■»■• r diiturtis them, and they seek the minittry of thoie who speak with enticing words of man'i wiadom. (5.) They are ladly wanting in genuine humility^ Horn ever great an effort they make to appear humble, and however depreciatingly they may talk about their attain- ments and doings, ttill there is so much of self in all they do and say, that it is really painful to a spiritual person to be with them. Their very confessions are full of self They try, at times, to be humble, but the effort is always unsucceuful. They need to be converted to God, and then there will be At all times a subdu^, meek manaer about them. # (6.) They oppose Bible holiness. Let the necessity of entire consecration to God be pressed upon their con- sciences, and the opposition of their hearto will be mani- fey4^*t once. For a superficial, iashionable holiness. ***^r^^ h«vc sympathy, but they manifest bitter hostility against true holiness. Do they give up worldly associations ? They would leave the church befoce they would the lod^ j Secret societies have a stronger attrac- tion for them than the house of God 1 Worldly pleasures draw them with far greater force, than does the beauty of holiness, or the social means of grace. These are some of the marks of a spuriotia con- version. Beloved, will you apply them to your ownex/ periencei and see whether you have indeed truly passed from death to life? Be honest Be thorough. A mistake here, if not corrected in t}ine» will involve the loss of the soul to all eternity. Be sure that yon are a new creature in Christ Jesus. If, through false teachiA& or by any other means, you have taken up with any thing short of a real conversion to God, have the honesty and the courage toconfess the mistake, and begin anew, and obtain, at aiiy sacrifice, a Bible experience. WUl you km your soul through false shame? God forbid. Are you engaged, either as a preacher or a layman, in promoting the work of God ? Beware, above all things, how you " heal slightly " those who are wounded by the Spirit of God. You may do it through sympathy.. But let the old >|^am die, no matter how painful the process. By reportiip a huge number of converts, you may, for the time beiiig, obtain honor of men ; but God wiU call you to account for the manner in which your work is done. Remember, it k written, " Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord, deceitfully," or, as it reads in the margin "negligently J*. . Do you hesitate to deal faithfully with a^rakeqed iouls, for fear they will become discouraged and turn back ? If they are truly awakened, there is not the slightest danger. If they are not, they may better turn back than go in the road of self^leception. Did not our Saviour tell us (Luke 14 :a8) that we should count the cost at the very outset ? O 1 ye, who promote superficial conversions among men, hear the word of the Lord : " Because, even because they have se- duced my people, saying, *»Peace f and there was no peace: and one built up a wall, and lo, otl^crs daubed it with untempered mortdr. * » Therefore, thus saiththe Lord God : r will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fiiry ; and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hail stones in my fury to consume it So will J bttak down the wall that ye have daubed with untemp- ered morter, and bring it down to the ground, so the foun- dation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, aiid ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof; and ye ahfH #',"1 iV," r t 'f^Tff' vx 10 know that I am the Lord.f~Eiek. 13 :ioi 4.— i^^mMs/ Cknshan. "/Many think themselves Christians who are not For Christians are holjr ; these are unholy. Chistians love God ; these love the world. Christians are humble ; these are proud I Christians are gentle ; these are passionate : consequently they are no more Christians than they are. archangels.^* — J. Wislbv. *^^ i « Until we put away from the minds of men the common error, that thecurrent Christianity of the Church is true Christianity, we can make but little piogrew in converting the worid."— Pus. C. G. Fivmby. "Just now four out of five on our ehurch rolls are doing nothing, almost abM>lutely nothing: and God's blessed causeu not made one whk stronger in numben 6r influence by thdr Ufing. "^Bishop Fostbr. Such souls ait deceived, ornot In a state of salvation, " But the extent of the'iad fiwt is not seen, that the cold, worldly, or indifferent in our i^idst, are really a large maJority/^-BiSHOF Pw». ^^.t : ,\. "Tberfvidence before me is, that ntne^tenth^^ young peoflk^jMlv ortering into the chuich, practioUly ignore wMMi proceeded from the mouth of the Lord, Ai the rule <)C%it people "— Loyilobedince.~-Dr.PiwicB. ^ "M^wiU say unto me in that day, Loid, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name ca8to^tdev^l•? and then wiU I profess unto them, I never; knew yea Many, I sa^ unto you, will seek to enterin»w^,•^noti?fM>le,'^-J^$ulL , " ^^ >br acme time part we ha^e M >winr, that tpuriout holincM is largely on the increaM. When examined in the light of the word of God, the the experience of thousands who profeu this great bless- ing, does not measure up to justification ; and a large number of them are not so much as *' truly awakened." Some time ago a sister wrote, for us her experience, in which she sUted, that previous to her obtaining holiness, she was troubled with snuff-taking, novel-reading and light talking; but that holiness had brought her deliverance from these things. We immediately replied, and told her, that if she had been indulging in those sins up to the time of her attainment of that blessing, she was mis- taken in thinking it was holiness ; it was simply justifica- tion, or perhaps only a sute of conviction. A writer in the Banmr ofHolimss, says ; " It was quite a number of years after I had sought, and obtained a pure heart, before I received the light and conviction, that God required me tQ stop using tobacca" Just imagine a man sanctified by the blood of Christ, and his body a temple of the Holy Ghost, indulging in the wasteful, filthy, ill-scented habit of tobacco-using I What a deception 1 Again he says t " When light came, then it btcame sin for me to use it" , Of course it did. But previous to this moral change, the abstrsct act was wrong ; an4 a conscious guilt must have been felt, proportionate to the degree of light possessed. Does the brother think that God would Justify and sanc- tify a souC and allow him to go on for years, before showing him the sb of such a habit? Such an idea is prepostereus. According to this theory, God would be justifying, a person in sin one mmute, and condemning him for it the next This brother H terribly mistaken iii fupposing that he had no light; aU that time, on the sub- Jcct of tobacco -ming^ He httJ all the light he nccdcgti \ j*< ^. -Sf 7- t.f / li *na that ligi;( wu in God's word. That book told him; '•aeanae yourselvei from all yf/Mm«f tf/ M* yf«>| tnd ■pirit" " Whether, therefore, ye eat or drihk, or what- •oew ye do, do all to the glory of God." '• Glorify God in your bodies and spirit, which ar« his." " Defile not the temple of God. " To say in the face of aU these plain commands, that he had no lig|||t^during all tljose years —revealing the undeanneis in which he indulged, is to affirm what is not truth ; and it reveals his terrible dark- ness and deception. Another writer in the same paper iayi; "I then laid all on God's altar-pipes, tobacco' ' gold chains, foolish talking and jesting -with many othe^ thmgs and habits by which I had been conforming to the ^_^ Two points in this experience deserve to be noticed : i; Notice the sins in which he indulged, previous to his obtaining holiness-" Tobacco, gold chains,.foolish talking and jesting."-See i Peter 3 : 3, 4; 1 Tim. 2:9. Eph. 5 : 4. Here you see, that the wearing of gold, arid fooIUh talking and jesting, are expressly forbidden; as weU as all conformity to the world. It is simply impos- siblefbt anyone to remain justified, who lives in dis- obedience to God's plain cominands. At the very thres- hold of a religioui life, all auch disobedience has 10 be renounced. Thousands of saved souls, in different churches, testify, that even before God pardoned them, they had to abandon all the sins mentioDed above, aa wen as wic^kedness in generil Now, does God offer salvation on easier terms to some than to others? Doa be show partiaUty to some, by allowing them to hold on to a few of their idols? He does, if this brother's experi- ence is true ; but the whole company of prophets and a po a t lei in God*a word unite in saying; "N0«" T he :^d.4 ,iMff^A.t^%j^\ .««iii>**. 'T"?;f*!^3»; unerring book dedaret that " God it no reipec^er o/ pe^ tons." " tie that with I know him, and kcepeth not his commandment!, ta a liar ; and the truth it not in him." I John a: 4. *' IVkasomer ht be ofyou^ that forsaketH not all that he hath, he cannot, be my disciple." The conditions of salvation are the same to one as to another. AU have to take the humbling, self denying, cross-bear- ing road, if they would gain eternal life. All have to get down, and^Uy dowa This brother's justification, pre- vious to His obtainment of that b easing, was certainly not the kind as Uught in the Bible. a. Our brother says that he put all those things upon the altar I If he did, then God 'sanctified a heap of sin,— uncleanness, pride', and worldly conformity ; for <* Whatsoever toucheth the altar shall be holy." We are bold to say, that God never took this offering ; it would be blasph^y to say h« did. He Ukes what belongs to him ; and what he can use, and nothing else. '* Render, therefore, unto Caesar, the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." *God will not take sin ; it belongs to the DeviL AlNlhat is sinful and worldly in our conduct has to be put away /torn us ; and not consecrated. Yo^ cannot consecrate either th^ sins of your, life, or inborn depravity. If this is the extent of the brother's ccmsecration, be inade no consecration at aU. He simply gave up his sins and received justifica- tion. Another writer in the^ same fMper, stated some tinie ago, that he consecrated his *< prejudice ; " and another says that he consecrated his ** unbelief." Just thi^(6C*-f» > ^^x^ i-^y- \ . >*^,.. . .- >; 4', -; v la theitt tcsrimonief the wiilen ghow dearly : ' • i\ .'» 1 c, -iit.^*^^"l 'MbM^ ll^SpS-^if,'?!* . w V X t. T<« tfiey are grtattf ignonuit of th« Mtiue and eonditioni of fiill lalvation. f. That they are woefully deceived Chaf. 4.-T compromising PREACHERS. ^oi» to l^lame for the ihallow experience of nuM^y *ho profesf enliie hoUneat? We reply, the men under wh«Qi th«y are professedly saved If these deluded souls were Utight the whole counsel of God by professed holi. ness teachers and editors, they would see their unsaved condition ; and popuUu- holiness would not spread so fast At it is, a vast multitude are made to believe a lie under the te«:hingi of these men^ Milk and water papers pub- iMh their testimonies ; and tdas this terrible delvsion is spread far and near. Many of the holiness journals are Uden with just such shuffling testimonies. We have read them, until we are perfectly disgusted with such sham holiness. We ask, can one wonder at audi hollow testi- THIT" "^f? "^ "^^ ''**'*^ W t«iche« m doing shoddywork? Like beget, like These mtn say th^ te^ the Holy Ghost show the people in regard to dres^ Maonnr and tobacco, «c Now. If it is right to leave to the Holy Ghort, the work oTthowing the people tliese ■ins,ltisequanyrighttoletthe Holy Ghost preach par- dott and holineai Piul aayi, «« I have not shunned to (ledare unto you, the wMe amm^ of God." Both he •nd Piu^ did show the pMple in regard to pride in drtts, and mai^y other popular alns. So wOl every true ambanadoroftheCroa. Qod requires bveiy watchman ia by tomhii '>»^ ^mm * _-^ Many are toned down, and do not know it. Such -«r«^ continually .paring -^ bwt of the flock," and rtiink, m MO doing, that they " db God .ervice.- Much of the common run of radical pi«aching-Htt to the nece.. •ity of thoroughncM on all poinU-will fail to convince thete toned^own preacher, of their back.ltdden condi- t on. There are hairbreadth backalider., inch back- •lider. foot backtlider., yard back.lider., rod back.liden, and mile backslider. ; but they are all back«lidefi. They arc aU toned down; they are all grieving the Spirit of «l'.M*l."*^^ compromiser.; they are all «nner. ;^n,t light. Th«e gentlemen will paw the preaching intended speciaUy for them, right om ibmx ihoulder to otha*/ "■ ^ • *f 'f*>f^ tfTiK^^ M^, inouiaer to ^ Compromi.m alway. get along .moothly with the world, people; but it i. not .o with God', true prophet. «,d «unt.. Thae are all "godly,'' and, therefonL they "•uffer persecution," for" righteouaneti' ■akc'' wS that Uve godly in Chrirt Jeau. a*e peiiediled.*-, Tim. 3:"» it M very dear that none are godly who ai« not persecuted^ ':.v, -::,:»■,-,:, ■ ,.v:..t,;:,.. ,•,,./. ■^:ii^,~>™ ^ _ n B w KUtoricd 4c^ th«t ,il draominMion. I»ck. •Me. I» *«» b«Widin& mkJ bKMi**« who WM the iBimimeBt what chaogpd hit tactict. Chritt Jetut it, " the tame m •^r'*^rtw,« "• "■»< y«.t«nUy e r ^mwmmm'^'^^i^'"^ rm » V ■ 10 «h)»i tha« m«U TO, oi^S^ip,^ hot fa, lUl •«d n ; ih«y stand cuMidwntd % tiM Word, wImUmt tiMy (mI it or Q8|. II «• art not in coa dcmnAlion w« luv« conffdcfM^ li Ckid when we pray. t$ Jt^l^^ Jg gmmm ^^^g ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ i^M A^^ M» .ABM- Aim, kMiuM wt kitp kk mmmmm^mmit, smd d^ than tkingi thai mn piHutng m his s^hi." I. joKa j : ««, ts. But how many tliere are who feci, whten they kned down to pray, that tomcthing ia wrong with ihtm. They mm plain of darkocaa, doubta, feara, and Uanneaa ot amii. The trouble it they are backslidden — Qicy in in con- demnation and bondage ikcret prayer will toon revea' their condition. We have to walk exc«Klingly careful to eacape condemnation^ but unletf w« are backtlidden from God there ia noT the least abpiOl^oC it upon our soulf. . . f ^ % Cmaf, a^ABSENCE OF THE FRUfT AN0 WTT- M£8» OF THE WiAITi -^E^- "^ ., Aa long if m peraoa rwnaiiw Joattfied before God, he hM tbt witaeaa of the Spirit wtthin hioti, tcattfying ^ ,„ tiM fa«:t of hii being a child of God; tad when he lot* «^^ Ihlt inincaa, he is no longer a Christian— he ia a back-/^ alidcr. •«Th« Spirit iiMlf beareth witneaa with ou apirit that wf are the children ol God."— Rob. 8 :'tir *< And h e it h y we know tiiat ht nbideth in at» bf the Spirit wiiich he hath given n^* — I John $: ma. To who are not in the poaasasioo of the Spirit, Gpd 9%y, **JV4m(fm/m4mhs9tmHthi^^^ra^Chntt4h4itmMs ^\ fT-ir^" - .V.'Vf/* • * :^.- f J"^ tj^ ir yOB .ft riKhtbciora God. yoa have thb w!tii«^ aad «ijoy it liii^ ; If iH,e, thoogh yo« «d cojc^ hi, t^tfaHHiy, w. h.^ liathe *a I or the k»g.Mff^ •P~ktothe«,ifthey«ongood ^IJT^^^ talk in ./ bitter, tour tpiiit bi^ theirbackt,n«r,infi«t,tiy anything eril of them. If ijro««e jortiBed, no ..eh Mi*,, ^ in ^ beart. ™>««»i yoo may have eaemiei^ yon immid dinotitionl JMHi on^ conduct win be tiftder and lofing. If yon hm Wogt 01 ani«,.iiy nad^^^J^ IpgfUtIt IM yon tiNNdd oonfeti it tp thoee part^ •JfaMg» !«■ d^tb. Wheiottir hateth hit bmtfaer. it a ^»4jw; •*! yo know that no nmideiw hath etcfaal m aiMing n hfan.^~l T«i»i, j . ^^ Ha man tty^ «l n love Go and hatcth ||ii brochar* he ii * litr.'— I John 5 : aa While joa hftve the fimtt ol the Spirit, yoo will not give way to aah«ly tempen end peMioaa, tad becotM ftogry when yea are tried'ead provoked. Yoa will not indulge in ontbwets of inpetieBoe, and wreak oat ven- geance apoB •vil'doen; yoa will nol retnm ev0 for evil, and failing foriailinf ; yo« will not apeak evil of othen, andtakeopaiepfoach afahtet your nei^ibor | yoawiU not love the woild, or the iphit of it ; ym will not indulge in intempennee, either in d w , food, or in any* thin|[ elie; (or each thingi are tine agalnet God. Yiekiing to any one of them yoo will kieo yoor Joetifica^ t|oo. Yet themaae of pepfeaaon am dreaming of heaven, and daily committing theae veiy ainal Their daily Itvea declare they have nottht ** ftnit of thf Spirifi" bat ** tl^ worka of the fleah," ^and conae q o e ntly they are not in favor with God What aaith the Savioar aboot thb? ** Ye ahail know them hff their fruita. Do meo gather grap^ofUwnaorfigaof thiatlea? Even ao every |ood tree bringeth toh good fhiit, but a oormpt tree bringeth forth evil Ml A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither am a eotv^ tree bring forth good fruit Every tree that bringet|i not forth good fruit ia hewn down and eaat into die ire. MOierefbrebyl their fruita ye ahall know diem."^Mat 7 : 16-ao. By thia teat can we not eaaily aee what the character of thooaanda ia ? Again:. "lam thoviilebyo aw the btittehoa^ Hethat abideth in me and I in hSm, tihe aame bringeth fbrth much fruit ; for without pie yo can do oOti^oi."— John 15 : 5. ihi thii your ooaditkm, proleaaing to be a Cbria- tiaii, and deadtoto of tbeae froita havii^ nothing but Icatea?— reating only in the form, and tocrog the power ? O, r^oa^ ler yoa are backililjkkn |um1 P^jat^^^oa ^F- -,14£!^ "(T^TJP t f '•.•■, hA¥e ai modi ne«d to repent and be Mvcd m any open •inner. The gieatdiftcnltjF with the mwi of b«: Widen it the retention of " » ferm of godlineae "— bnt pimcti- fMly denying its power—yet vainly inuifining «hem- ielvei perfectly Mfe, though mterly devoid of the vitaUty of apMtoal Hfe. It ia vaatly eaeier to convince thoae who have abandoned both th^jKiw and the form ol their religioa, than to eonviiie^.q|eek who, having loet the power, itill cling to the ol(ii|rt Ibi^ ; b«^ tii^retab the form, they M to lee thennelvei ai #iMtatefc While they retain a show of piety, it woold be extremely homiliatiBig to Oiem to ooofeit their totel kMW^ofapiritaalpowei^ R«d«i> aiejdw k thii condition? ,> ■-■■> :^#'^"^'''-|;;'' "f *""*".%:■ . -.' .■,-■ ■■■■■:"■ ^■.■• = - ' ;. P 'Q4!.;ijWJ-^/V*>«|'><-- 1 '.■:■■.' U^ i ' • . Jft'J'./; ■ i'J- : \ ■■■■■ . ■' ■:'"''' 11^"^' ^-WT HUNQERXNG AFTER GOD. - ■ The only way to retam juitificatlon. is to^ttigeily deiiringand pittring on for the flUl will of God to be <|oneinthciouI.aiitiidoneinheaven. Becaasewhfle there ii a much hjgher^diaracter for the Cbriatian to olMain, after he hat b«en juttifled, while there are other aiingi God want! to do in hii »ool, and a certain deeper ^**^ <^ i»o* that lie ii commanded to seek for. and obtain, mdeaa hit aim and strong; d«^ at« to obey God k these things, he wiU be guilty of disobedience ; and di#obeditticc inevitably brings daiknesa. We firmly Wieve t^^ one of the diief causes of backsliding among J^«iio% is dieir neglect to obey the Spiri) hi eameady •tm% Idter the Uesrim of hoUness of heart, the entire «»• you? riMpnahl^ iBrric^ And be not con-* Iformed to this woiUI ; but be yai tnoaformed by the rf^ newing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,. and perfect wiU of God."— Ri)m* 8 : ir a. ** Having thenfore, theae promisct, dearly h^ I loved, let ua dcanae ouiaelvef firom all filthineas of tht ' fleah and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.*| —a Cor- 7: I. "Be filled with the Spirit^-Htpb. 5 : 18, f That ye may be bUmeless and harmless, the sons of Godf without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as Ughts in the world."— PhiL a : 15. " This ia the wlU of God, even your sanctification.''— I. Thess. 4 i:\$»rms^L.^^.i*^: *^ Have ye received the Holy Ghost, since ye be* lieved ?"--Act8 19 1 ts ^ ^ For when far the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again, which be. the first principles of the oracles of God ; an4 are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong ^:meit'^— Hebrews 5 : nsy^-;--..^.^—-^;--^ :•■•' ..v..:^'.. -....,;:-■■■■;-;;■■ ''Therefore _ the p^oplea of the doctrine of Christ* let us ^ MS unto peiiecdlon ; not laying again the Ibandatioo of repentance from de«d . worlm^ and of faith towarda Gbd.^— Hebrews 6 ? 1. i ' ^' ^- " * " > ' n^t « And I| brethrto, could not.speak onto yda as untd I hKifetedfda with liaiil^ ftnd not whhaient ; forldthatD >t »Y4r .?.. ,'ti-^;*^' Mwwtyeiibii.' y* v«e not atle t0 -^I Cor. s : I, «, <* Aad tiM vtiy God of pwct tuctify yoa wlll^; ^Jftd I pny God,jroiir wholo tpblt, and toii], «Ad bo^, be i ftcunred h ha rien aato the coidag of qbr Loid 7«iu CMe«-I ThMfb 5 : f 5. ' '• Bo !• holy, iorl tin W,,''--! P«er I : il^ -^ " ^0ll(>^ P«K« K^ ill nttt, and hollMHg«#iiboBt »hidiiiOBittAiUiwlhoL0fd.---Hib«iw4li ,4. Mkr thoM thiDft j Md vkh dii ^ hiyoiir httft, Me foa ■oilad to ptif far th«a ? iat joo iifi ip gWM. iof oftir ihiM tiiiogi, aiid Mw >tt^ an Boc fli&^ GodataH Whatthni Jijrowcooditloii, oil whiu tie ft eoapeqiioBcot to which Mdi coadiict iMa ? ^ K/ 3S^ ^'^•*9mtudth,Ikmmkim,mdlm^miku €»mm4mdfiiintt,A$it0lmr, tmitkiinahU mtiim Mm/ --I film 2 1 4. *T9m40n to him thai kmmiih to io tf94.mmidmihHmtt,i0hmiiissm.^-^/mut3:4. ciui. «<^-JW SAunvunr iNFi^ pfllOttl loch«^«ickid UFE. Iht mlibm i'TR>''- Iftithtir /^ Aiiwli|||;'|||j||||^ qjttilniiitfcwlto «r(fed1ihiipMtod ilMiti bttt iho dltteiHMlfal^ rl^HW'^jpWBB* : No iiff#ih«^ rai# "■t^- -- .,■•'! ^et, and hif ^ntf ^o u B tt— nci^ wlU ttll ibr pood in • of viyii UM wMraw ■# ffitB^ YfC UMPt urc ialdtad« «l pwiwiOii» who «• Um allt vidKMC aaf ItTor,— chif 1m?o kn thdr MhaMik Woo—iib to wi i inder thiir prafwi ; ao out ii tdttod or liftod vp bf [heir ooQvtniuioB | bo «m it w ^ictod of §§• tjr their Ik nd ooodick IVai^ thof iomhIiiii tiof and ly, iBd tilk abottt fsHgioB, Md probiMf «ttnid tho ofgnoii Mgofaurfy, and |hw mmMagmmaf ; bat itfo if ao nhitirjr Jniawiot hi Ihilr Hfm, Thty liU draw Mali toward God,<*-a lovt aadpkia tvidoaca ot la barkriMdia Hata. *< Y« art ti» nk of the oarth ; bat if the foU ha?a loat hii lavor. wiMrowitfa ahall it I laaaaa^^^a a . 4wW a^a aaa^aaa^wwapw^^waaa ^^w^^^wa ^w^w a^w^^woaaB^fc Or^av I cast 00^ ppd to be tioddca aadar Ibol of aiea."--;riiatt 5113. ^Hatliatiaaotwithaiahi afahMtaiaraBd ha that gathoath not with no a^attaiath abioad^ — ^Ifatt; !>^ Cea». ti.-^AM UNBRIDLBD TONGUS. t^%'^' ^■w ^^a ^a^aaa^F ^^^^aaaaa^ai^aa aaa aaa^p^^^^ ^^aa*yap Wn^ a^^^waa aFa^wa^^^^^paB^^^k C^iiathuia hididlit m li|^ ooaiani% aad ia all Uada ol Idkaa-^la hkjUjr lidBi hUMRiaii^ atid cvaa iBy^manunUht IdadaMal ead dccfljljoin. -Thii alaaia ' a ■in''' inaih of a < badtadtddan atafte; " Lord, iiha tfiaB a^ jhaU di#4atir bo^ h^ mthkimi^^ aad woiialh liahtaoaaaaaL aaA aaadail Jitf '^irwil im JUk ^7«ac tahfltb ap' a fif i bacb mua i t bit n i tfil i r .%»'gi^i "$$ ; 1*$, ^ Hiia joa aaa tt«tfow» .s4| l > f, f 4A-_. .^ ■ ■','■ lit die toogae k |il«c«d anoog dM di^ | itial to our fiiniag htaveA. '*But I Mjr oQlo yon, that ewjr idle word tlMt nea ■kail speak, thejr sImU gif« en •oootuil theteol to the di^ of jodgBMBt For I * bf tbf (good)r votdf tlKW shall be Justified, aad bf thy ,^ fnril) irotds, Uiott shall be coodeamed.'*— Matt, is t |6, i 37. Pnfessala of nli|ioo^« iriM u» goilty of an oa- Ipldled lOBfve* bavt Mtd to rtpeat of thoir sin ; for il|rs Iho apostle ; "^ «oy ewio «iiMv y^ mmttk k^k* iAgimu, mmd bfidhih mat Mis ianim, hU itaimik ku mm ■:. kmHyiM mm'ff9Htmt it wu/LT-^Jt^ n ^■^kn4'-^>: '^ ' %)o 001 ifoagiae C£art of thoM iHio are guilty of the sin of knring the world, arrm Veiry re- y^pectoble and moral sort of people ; aiid many, yes, thoosands of thtea, pnltegiii^on, ind oonaidet them- •elyes at established cbvei .nembors. A man shows he loves the world when ktistks its wealtb, and Bi con- tinually <*bqFiag uptnaanriMppontlio^ earth."— Malt 6 : 19. Mttldtmiet of (NAisoiB imjtttt as eager after 4it^ ting wealth m nttynoa-fwaleaMr. To get money "•« kMii^ihaf will oiate things bead and twist in any akpipe ; iMtt to get giace tm had tfcsfc^ t in to - '< faat ssnMely |^ tbedi'lffw mmoies Ikongilf kiqrr dayv Iliey iit 19 mdf mk^litm in their potsnit aier aaoMMNi, but they gpamUe isatfiil^ wheii asked to speodj^iiHr. hoars -dttring^llii WMli iniht hooio of fSod, m in teavphittg t^ Sedptoiiii or la doiei paqrer al'^homew Tbej^ iMfk etitiidliiirtf L. " -i •9 '■"./'< ^ri to teawii llMir tirtMaiioe, tad eootider no Inttft- ireoicnce loo gfcftt to acccBipUili thdf poipott j but to r for God, to vWt tht ikk. to «ur« tlie •kkcd. to ,v« ilo, and h€l|i p«B po« soab ort oT the ^. ,^iy tft wwJy to MAkt tiif •!«-• far th« acgkct ol tliii Iwork ; aiid |f amUy lay th«T •» too »»V- I»»«»%»»^ tobtdiHf«nttobuMo«ij b«titii»koMipe»thr« to be " f«iv«B^Ui epMl, iminf tli# Lof#; • -tlwmyt *boti«d- ,iDg in tht work of the Lord ^ b«ittothiitlityl»U,iitamly ■howinf which worid hu tbo gntltr •tlwctkm for them, " Bat they th»t w*^ bo lieh faU Uito tenpUtion and a iiure, tmd into "^ly feolith and hortftd lotti, which drown BM in dettnMtioa and peiditioo. For the love ol mooty it tho root of aU ovO; which, nhile wwie i»»«ted aitef , they hairo etwd itom the faith, and pteracd ihenaelvea throogh with many ioiiowfc"— I Tim. 6:9.10. Again } a ptofeaior of loHgioo ihowt hia love for the woiM. by dediing ita hondra and thepfaiaeof imcD. When he if mofe awrio!ii to hare the »aod wUl and woidi of moo, thM to do whfct ia right, and obey God ; when ho la mof e partknlar aa to what hia neigh- bonand iod«9 wiU think and aay about him, than to •peak th# trath imd ttte it; wheii he pfen^hea, pmya* I «id acta w •• to gat the cop»fndrtioo of i|i«, a^ 1 leavea imdoiio • P«t of bk doty !• ofdtr to airoid their ditpleawn^ or in evil name, ho ii Wng IM world. Thaw mmm JwfaMotf who wUl not onm i»d^tht thought dr loaiqg the flriendaWp.of cfftoin worldlinga* They pMider to thia, that «w^ t^ •tker coUmn, com- pfomiio one dnty Pfter anothWi ai^ do a^mpat anything father than low tho cat«em df ^« wofid- God have mercy opon thorn I " Yt9Aftlmnm49*ilUrm$i, kmw W } ■ft. / ■■*i * .'6 %•?■ AfiiB» A pf a f io r ol rttigjba ibovt hb lovt lor tfitl to tlib «M ptitksbr, «te CMltll IIm dMhrMM biiwti iM wwid Mn QM fVMl SMMi 01 pionoMii(| CotiillHM r I — ^ Hiifirff CO — l oainiiwiodof fat ckowli wiy fc i ii to attend tiM poiwlw iaMMMMMi of tiM inmM» 10 plof at| cfoqtMt, cMdii chocking duMiiif, akoiiiiC oo4 flio lilie. Notoolf ao : thff will tlMntdvoogM opIiMlhoHtMiolt aod ooooirt% aod pfoirido ii noch Au, jokiog and BOO- iooit m poartMt, lo oidor to l^if 4iw ptn a oca of thai fPoridUof, and abtais Uo patraoago.' Thii toil of tMog ia foliilMd A thnoaaoil tioNi batlar thao a piayw ot a{ ^^ ijiioi wnttiiH Git thtaa wwldljr took oot to a p apya r - IjMtiBf if foooatt; and if foo aocoaad ia doiajfithat ooQMionalljr, tMy «« aa oMla oa dnaib aaittfdar^ ** 10 /! #«■![,'* tbay aay. Bol ia liiia to ba woodiiod at «Im»| / ' ; aiolnwi all ovor tho Uad oraimoMl foraoMii to iadotge | ^,V iatlMMTOvytiiiapi? AlMirililil la i^givd to tiM Mitaii of tha nofll, it ^rat Ibm- 1 f arlj aiif tod iitl iioirti Gdtt'k pcoplo firon tiM voridliog | bjr tiieir pJiinaati i» dftta; bat bow wIiiocib tiiMbe . > djftiflgirfilild? TtoliMili^rlwiad call Oft aa«i|iily ' anoaht fur bf mnftiiaoi i •■ bt noi Dfnfiiowii. ' Mittf of tbofli, ttolan tbtf can pot M tkiib tai poi «B tbit, tad ' jbova tbairia|iitfl^da9 otaMMHM% fif^ tbaa fo to God^ booit ijW^ tbad. «'i;0Mff«riil« ~~""7sttr4fW^^Mdiktffi^^ •'^''^'i'.-^''!!^' tete ■■"I ,„ A thrtt; but dM graiMilor Hmm Is prid^-Htop^ .jitittotlitwot of IN wl»** ■•«•'• D«««wjrthi •ad tb* tiM win dlii II biiMliw to •tkt wii tht tirt«Mli of iMfctai •■d t«tfmtH*BOt. ^Wl« ^ ii Mftffod to pov. Moit p«w- tty that h do# ^••^ luMT BMBfa di«idop# AMiiboaMi titnior nldOBi oovtn opaholyhotrt iralii woA twowmyt aad doBot A kdy irtMliMr *p«MB nigMBotbc dranndonMHMntiwilliOtttbiiiifprMd? Ho doii^tkoilioplM, -Wh-yo.-olkote'.l^pojrfDgoi.loltli. Md ooidlf Hud feibkMtblo.clolldi« coidd boiono- [^ thNF ta thdr pliwt^ yot who* Iwof ttnygMtaoilooDchitito fvklnoo oft piood »df««dt|t ori«i»«o«ni---<>^^>»f« *> '^ * "P*^ a woid iirio* pHdo oad i^ ooMOqo«iit ^1*0 miJorflr df dMt dMi of moo «od, aiid thof «•!• bMid- soMlftalodionotiaioato. Tho polpiii ho^ noorlf dlilniidwmipo«tl«tt|loofpi«ch|ii^ Thotwth^ belter dmoi Ow i«bo» oiid iw>lhew w«o fir behlod the tiiMfc tlMf wow iood oooifb failboir wmy. Bot, ijtft-.^Myii«ddaoldoaOf». Tbeywow pkfai dotbo^ in pbdn ^ORbei^ oad Wf old> ' Sr, thiit wvokMteflMr a mI TtiHt Wkf *" beliv ooonuy. nt ^ filgriuMi, ^ JUrboB tbef left * • . ^^^^^1^ ^ryg j^ , - ( < ." ■■■■■■¥: '"■;?t< ..I ;'i' Um couaWy, th«y tatliAMi to Mm vtrf iMtf that tlMjr w«n goinf to 1 dty wli«r« th«r« ii no niglit And it if our dclibcrmte opinioo, thai tht nil «»i9rii^ of thcsi wtnt| jMt vher* thtjr aaid thay wtf goiof. t '• Bat thty an Marly iltf||iUof th« way now ; aod thtj paopla hava a aiad lo Uy^ik^liS($t9ai rooU. Wt can bt Otirittiaiia oow and do ai Mir ]|ika. Yet^iDdaedl Wc oui iavf lioa chorchat* ciithjonafl laati, cottly carptii, •! faibionabte ptmchet, and kavt 40 oi^r fiddling and ling it^ dona to ordai. Wky, in soaa of our laodam churchaa tha "ili^ir^ of dia cboit aia not evan memberi of tba chufck . Md thay do nng to iVMtJy—per^Baly dalightfaL- Tha^Bidtk roUi ov«f tha haadi of tha goo< gragatioa Ulie Iha aound of aiany valeia. Not a word can ba haaid, bal tha Miuidia gkMrioat 1 Som a ti m aa one tiagi aU alooa for a lUtla whUt,„aod than two^ and pratty tooa tha whole choir chimai in until tha wboki Ikm|m ii filled with moat timntportiiig ioondt 1 Now» tS,^ ii not tinging with tha spirit, and with the iindaf«|iJiidlng also, than what ii it P-^-that'f tha qiiettioa I knm ^MU it if a littla lifky to fpea k out, againft pride at Ihif day, bacanfa tha ohurch ia full of it And huodiada who oc- cnpy tha polpiif— whofa dntv it if to point out thata erili plainly— are Uka dumb dogf— th«y don't even bark #1 it. TThay Juai let it- go; and go it doat fith a vangfgi^ ! And in proportion af prida gahnin a church, tptii^ lilit diaf out '3|^hfy wtU aot^caiMiot dwell Jtogeth#r— for they aie atnrnal oppOMtaa. ,| ^^^i* It ia a fin and a ahaae for men aa(A in>men*pralafa> iflf Cairiitianity to a|Mnd aMmay th< iinay lh(By do to gratify a piood heart, whila fiy»iiiiho of the paopka am UttipaiofChiift Than art HiaBydti^itttboJ^ ami Ipiov^ L ih« chufch, but I 4oiibt II iiy on* «vtt !• doing man harai thuk ptidA It lui« ttoka bMo tbc diofch tr d«gT««riiiad It aoirrol« with * rod of ifoo. ChofchM that w«r« ooc« aoi«d lor tli«ir p ltinnwt , iiiH whoti km ■till ttaadt agaiott pridt tad iMlikMi,-Hwt pit«lkA% powerlMt on tiM tttblMl. M^r orifiMlOfB of fuliioki \u9 k«pt bniy in forniiliiaf iwhiont «Magli to Mtiify the mvli^ of Ihi dtpmv«d hwH As oU Scotch preachir ki rtportwl Jo hav« mid in a MnMM it Ah^ hkco, ** Y« p^t ol Abtrdotn gtt your Uiloiu itoai GlMgow. and Gla^tow (torn Edinbuigh, and Edinburgh from London, and London from Park, and Parii from 'theDtvU.'' Now, I cannot say that vf get aajfaihiooa {by that lottta ) bat I am tolaimbly cartaln thA| thqr j originau at th« mbm haadqaartan. -«• ' . Tho itUgkMi of Chriit la port, pMcaabIn, gwlK eafy to bi antioatad, and tall of maicy. AU apiritaaUy. Uve Chriatianaara bapdaad by one Spirit into one body —the body of Chriat Th^ aind not high IhingiH bat coudaacead £> iMn ol low aetata. Their higheat I ambition ii to hoooe God with aU lliay haire and with all they are. They are boc poffod op, nor oonlonBed to thia world ; but they art tnoafoiaMd by the reoeifing o# their mindly Thira ia no nch thing m heavta abort nor in the earth below aa a pcoad Chriactan : th«w never nM—that never can be Pridt b of the Dtvi^-it originated with Urn a nd heiamlmaging it noet aoooaaafoUy for deatroyiag iank But who it to blaint lor thia atatt of thingi in the church ? ^firat and Komiaently, the pulpit iatoblaiM Mtnwho pioleai to be called of God to lead the ptoplt to leaves to r e boh t thia ioul4 eat r o yi n g a n d he a vt n • 1 ■J M t 1 ■■•ml ' "^P '* .■k^tt -TS« i^aadlpiovoktDgqtirit. Bat why ?— Firat ibr a Uviog, then for V pBpiilirity. Bmm told lusbiftfvlprtflnHHHHrwipMSf &•! «M A oMthr wwr w l fat Irfa. Bat. •owjmb mU nM «M A oMtty wwr w l fat Irfa. Bat, ""Mi «* Atap far OMrfi Of urnanfc" CfettfclM tktl iMi pMNMTfal fat food MO mem mH olgl iMli fatm Mrf Juiiwii Wo oMf ilioi o«r f7oo» «lik md vliiM, Mid crf» «*Old fcgf,'*aMl, *1pindfath»^''aod ** Momi ood oBlhol. But dlo iui !■ bolMO •ad ottmfOfMOO, aio ool(|if tlM vwjr Ufa o«t o( I loiMd ttio b«i oooiiMMfaoo to tko luid. Tlil wotid k ffoMlof cnijr. TlM tkk \mii tiM «0f boauMc tlMfOMii vMfadM pootttroiB of«y««volo lwo|^ fai Iho Dofti loogM to MO ihcfli fash on. not of 0100^ oodttir,— 8o«l oat ol Idf kiofdoaH— AdHB ool of pomdlM, md Lodfat oal oTlMOfoay Aad H will Aat oot of ^oavon ia tiM dModt ■or dw iiafo vOI TIm spirit tkit aoatfoUod ia Ufa» will ? cMaf 10 tfM ood ia dot*, OBd It will oat« wWi it iato olinitf. TIm Aaotu Of Go0 woaid iMak iPO« die ■ocfaty ot tooay i fiihtoaoMo OrfttJi ol ddi day. Afew ladi iMli la koofoa iMMdd laia oovy lhia|^ AaMeg Mm imdrfida Umjt tiM itiati HOW la Ihb life tlMf core aototolliaitdMit bat litttoabotttCfcrirt, aad lyliUBil ddagfc TlMfwoakl eon aa BMia far dMai ia iMavaa, tkoB tiMy da 09 oofth. If thon wito tpo hoifOBib i«i wkwt Joiai ii all aad ia aB. aad dM €dMt vidi aBitdiia k, i piiiii d>c food to dM PMii iMovon woald bb mmdod wllh faikiQB- Ifa," Mid a Mtfo fM, " if I iteald dio aad foto iwiottor No. I •I ■ ■■f ^: *tm Iri »lo mr M 4 mf iiiv4 1MNHI JMIMtf HiRpoM «• Arfl ««tf b ti«v«ii ih« titiw wot. o« •wtli.' "Tlwiltll ■•,••, How IM M(tU «oyl4 ksov 1 MtaiiA li llM b«t tockiy r In tiMvitvtol tluUUtttogiH^J«v«Uhatit»l«l thtipirii ol May a vMM^bt awMAoi Ikk daf. «* If )r« Im riMQ «Hh Oifliil, mtk tlMM tiOaii «ryck vt alxm, •hmCMttlililiiRtlMriglMkMidolOod. •HfNt •ffectioBt ok Hl^ Abov«. not oo thk*m ^ ^ «^'*' For r« v« :.H>^ .^"^"':':' ' It ia oftm thecaae, that aM «ch pcraona hare been talked to aboat their atate, and they beg;in to hA troiibl^tMtoexcoaetheoiaelveatheyaay, <'WeU,if I have ■« itlifioD, I nevtr had any." v • Tbui they wilt teU Mr. Suooth-ihe^onaeience, how, diaooaimged they lad. The advio6 they get ia, <*D»aoitliiowann^ yoBrcoaftdeaee." Tbk ii aooth* ia^K^ They then le^ the peiMii wl» haa been diaKag ftdtlilnliy «i^ thiOBi ahd pn^blac tham: '«Tha^ I thooi^lluit you were too bttd mi wk" ^fO^ma^. SodUm tMlie fti iOI wrang, beeanae ^lAbig^lMl iniii tfr^dd, ot bo Inf. NumMm tkmt ^flBilf^tait^ih^un^^Xiv^ 37 lidden itot*, is, hmMm whoi liny U^ thiooili [nd omJw ooofcMlqtt ; Owr ^ w^hwMf^ MMtfrM cfowCod. aiii irt thrt ito iMibfn; bol.tlier •Bon Ihe dmriuwM tHrt di»^ rf» h- tw«l»rt «poo tbM lo reiMin tli«e, illdil li«««« i-a bliiA Ind in that Wind ilrtt th«jr fo ftom Ud to wwjt. leader, eMmln« yoaneir, andM If y; Into 6 : 15 : «id Matt 104 8. What tf Motc^ >W fol ^ r «eit baam, dt •«>« to draw the«^^ KtohUc«4 W#t ««^» WldA^^ low woiild It ifite w»h the chw*^ •! tN «««r Chiiitliii^, IP IW* U ont of Pwd^^ khat theiliii •» CorittthjtoM gii up ^dwi iHlwtaui- »^ to laiM mmn lot iht iK»r#Mttli^«t J«ii»il« J <« F»»Wi»P^1^ i^ If • gr«>d f*lr; feiuwl wr «w«rt, Kikc dficctf i> V#|', \ r.i, # U o^Mtti m* toiploB., that to ««inr cent, 0. dolUr denoodt o< U> people «re ft«*-«ll offeniv. not expert of invettment Jookinj to the leigeet wtntn «rf c«»»I pleMuie «» p»o6t M »n todncement thereto. We W egiin, God c«nn»K» w to /*» to the wp- portofhi.a»«^M«f. be bribed to dnty with ..t^k !?«^oc» niece or eke? The mon^ gi»« "» "«* . h«.th. other hJl" H« ««,t|^,«« f^,*». '*°*S?a^ipiA<<'^ thrth. doe. nonwrtdi^ »«'»•«««"• ^-^^''J.r r-Sd e»»e, to eptOtoi rf the «94q« Sun4.jr^ -'dt»nMi>Mid'dwi«hiiin -' '''' ''^^ "•Aid ,«»», *««»M% let -M^JV* "W*'-^ e,tbB«rt»i»IA,' eiM ri*«» rw*fi«to» elte^I^^ €« a IMP, «rti ^w *p^ j4*t to p^^ t. iMMMi of Obeying God,^tiid traitiog him for help, the aMiitaoce of the world ii loaght after. This it directly contrary to the will of God. What wonld be thoQght of a wifor whoae faithhil hatband had promited to tupply al' her wanta, if the thould dittruat and dis- honor him, by going to hia-enemiet for money ; or, to obtain it, thoold open hit honie for the entertainment of tenanal pleaaure^aeckcn ? Yet anch it the conrte pur- toed in iheae chorch entertainmenta. No ronder that a jealout God hat laid of tnch character! : ** Ye adulterrra and adnlteretaea, know ye not that the friendthip of ihe world ii eMDity with Goi ? Whoaoever will be a friend of the w^rki, h tbe enemy of God" Jamea 4:4. *' Woe , to them tlvt go down lo Kgypt for help." laa. 31 m.* The ivorld loves its own. The churchea which de7 pend on the ivorld for rapport, of courae are obliged to pleaae the world, and conform to it Aa H. L. Haatingi aaya : *' If churchea cannot live without dithonoriog tht Lord, then let then die decently and speedily ; and when jQch cmnberers of the ground are cut down, there may 7 be ro^m for other trees that will bear good-fruit. . And if ministera of tbe Gospel csnnot be supported without resorting to such means to obuin a livefihood, let them go into worldly business, with their backslidden churches, and leave their room for men whom God has really sent io preach bis Word.? The commissiooed niessengers of Almighty GoiV tent to irarn » shimberiog wbrld of approaehin|; im^ment, will not be depeodeiit tipon toeh sbuces Ibr tlidr sopport This dho^ syi^^ 6^ itipport- ing reiigioiis troiihip; by tHe sale bl .^ciiiid^^^^^m givbg cl ei)tertainnien oi Be e in |t giPq Bbe pi i^bd prf' ttdng wofldUneM, t&ejr are inatinf inofe''ipifid||i ^u|^ alll oor eneniei ontiide the chiir^ Fkooi Ih^ioblerva^ we are oooetnulliil to nqp, that llin phmfchii. wUdii iMve theee workUy attonctidM^ an Meiiftlf wanting mlilli aod| powtfR: ^W^ muKfwiXk^S wf^ and now tell yo« even wit^iag^ that Ih^ fM tbel «hM|iei of the ooea of 0ia^ :^i|lioee end ie d^ilivc* tion, whoee god b their bt^jr, «id whoee gloijrie in dieirj ihaine, who asiod eartliljr i3bk0k'* 1^1 3: 18, 19, 1^^ llf die^piienf daj; wopde^ .:WlQf^tniqr d|0'iiot;haTe ei^diippifirili^fi'^^lvnli m HMjrhi' new- ,wB|M ^^B^^w^^w ^■^•jK^^F ^^^ppw^^w^^^wM, wpi^^piw^ *i ^^^^ew^BH^i^n^v nn^^w ^^nnmi^gp a^w ^MMunMMg.ii# iMBolatfan "'— lifik. of Amda^'^.'^n^nle Aa Mif ^ania ii In hn dhnnd in Ihil aiinlBa wwddtt^as. jidirfiteif lid' tt|MdNvj0^ >IIMmi dJlMMiMiiiiii . Xhnf'Oiml i, ,,.»; i •.L 4tl •iat ivt blocklaf pq^ tlit wi^ oT •o«li,ui4 cMtla| the twibl diioltliQM in Zlm. tilt q^im kit aoaty, to I gn^pMtu4 mbiikw, abforiw to oMidi oi tbt time, tndliOMrortlitw ^'Mfpcctublt* LMdiccMi chwdMi. thmt tlM MlftAioo of wttte ii aM4t ft tccoDdtiy eoBridtni- tion. M(Mf]r im,wthtj fine. o^qc€i1b fnl, t tatc^ iogf fim, tlmi a km wttkt' ftrhral dfort And If tlMttl •cHaUWd revival WMtiogt 'iboiild coom la tha way oT another eotertainmeot, ft it eaiiljr poitpooid; for thii money mtut be liad, wliethet toolt an Mvtd or sot Tdii ii not a laiidid rep reeeai a t l O tt of Hia eooditioii of things aroood m is ChriHeadMi ; bttt tniljr itobbon iacti, ai coMlaB^'OedMiim cvtttft ahow. A brother in wridog t^ OS eooeaniai a proliactod ncetiBg^ held in hit dmid^ iiqri ^-<'I am veijriony tomy, tfMd bat ono •ool has bete oonvortod |«l; and jtt it isnot aradi wonder, far duf in g thi ta waiis» t»o sMetiagi have bapn dosed threatfaieaisrChiJstmia tries and lit liki f* > '4. To Mf that tlM chindi oT quist dmiot bi^ittt tamed viidkMl dMsa oMrhrittoei to begail^ the world into its si^iport^ is IjpMfcm that Ca^^ The pnetiaa fiiet of soeh p kmintaMe oostfiiHl^ls to lower dm NUiloii M the Mblo in die iQUhte^ of the verjimoiis^hQfi it seeks to blisi Slid jpn ilfidel, T think >ottr God kim be in great n»ed df «mq^ b/ die tilidu the chardies |iiafi||Ql |o get it. far him.'' Thiwiaihe ipiwl Wthe tiM fiessed w«aki|c(|a.> 9itt w^mhm^mjf fan 11 a lotatfy laisaif pwaenfati ei^or Ch^ iImM; il|u«|w||id^ abla-lpgyjjNyrwMfay^ ^^ •.m ■^ i'' -y ^j \; IpthnMigfi It 1^^ bMl^ th«| «\ towards her. Saft a certab writer : ** A 1oc6«k»(Iti tK the ttcam up not only goee without b«l|l, bat itl 4rawt the train." Such ta Christianity. Whmi there iil ' Htd pi^ty, there is no need tV resoif to these worMlJ ^ftttoma, and call in flirts and fops, to play ai|d inickerj ^ over doUs and tomfooleries. f *^' 5. AU these modem, bat unseemly entertainmeoti,| ; iltcessarily give sanction tp an irreverent spirit in th( plAoes of worship, and educato society into a pnictical| ' disr«fud of the sanctt^of Jehovah's houae. The ss. credaais of the saoctuai^ I* soon forgotten in the roars giddy laughter, stamping of feet, and rehearsal of slUyl . Anecdotes. 6. Hieso fatertainrofots l«ad ton forg<^fiihgiet| ofl God, and bqiet |o the mia^iot tbe joong a.tatt^ fw |«UfefWiit„^ls€(where, TbejjifKtB and parU, acted oW 01^ tb|»I>!^tfpp(i,: engender a lovo /or dieatrica]8;ua9d JroiD. ^ Jllmh ptffmfifm^^ tbif ||» * *<> ^ ^«i»*« .,;h<%ipfoife,t|k: ,;...:,;,•;, •- .-.• ■ .^^ A yooag man, who|ifi4|D■ Uy night 'ChM Scrvktf,' tod ' Sfthbtth-tdlool co«. " |:ertf/ advirtUS! M < £ot«t»ioiiifiitt»' am iMlly f#ed€||; ^f the open, liiid the the«tre» and not couQ(er-«ttractioov| . Ind probftbljr a ttrlct enforcement ^f law would doat i)oth." '* Evil conwHiniciHiooa CQffU|»t good nannert»*^ ■I. Cor. 15; S3- . ,;, f. No iadolgcnce it right which onflty oi for holy bommunion with God. Jait think ol the goeaipiug, jakiog and Am in tuc^ n^cetingi ; and then getting down )n our kneet to .pray I Often thete giggling, ftah-BMking . ^Qtertainmettti lead to quamelp^ dispntee and divfoioni.; ^nd the Devil that ateali away .idl rjoi appetite lor j>rayei'. *'N$Uhir it y itUaUr; mt wm smu of th*m } b it is wHitm, thi^j^ mtiiawm U tat tmd drink, tmd \ose'up to play.^ — « Con 10: 7. WjS^N^^^t 8. We are not permitted for pleaanre'a mke to enta,^ ltd worldly fdlowihip. In all leriooftncie tad lii^l ferity we iak, What an feitivals„ tea mMtingi, and enr " Wtainmenta,— «• nftoally held by mbdern clhiichee,-4- ^ Upaitfoa of pieaaofe? What 1^ the nttimetiona on |uch oocisioni but iMxIdly attaremeiliv ; and tiie entel^' inment hot worldly pleaanr^? Hon cmi thoee^ who 10 fit^aenMy enjoy pleasaro f^aitiet in a church, ihink it n ahi'tn atitod them ontaldt of n dmich, even [hough it be^ n dfdM or , the«|lrb I ^ For what fellow- }hii> jhath tigiit«onineia wiQi .^iiiii^bleQii^^ rl)a|i«om8iU|ilcNi h«tli light fi«hv^^i|i«M ? hf^ what )ncord hath CbHit with Belial I Wheretoiti, oome out f>°l ^pfffl^^lhiWit. imt bfl yf >»|i||fat% iji^ ^x Lord». 1 tonc^notthe wfKdfwi ljMlier«^4 «iU|i^^ "ti.. 0^ .>wa '> A :-. *-■ ,:l. *" ■ *% )^Cm. 'ik 44 I4.I*. ^ ^nt A W^B BB^^^^^^P"w ^^■•^■••^■b H^MB^^^BV^m^ ^H^VM^B^^WRy ^P^^W>0 I^MMb w^P eiMrdoo, •xirAvafMMt'tBd gifliMia|. Oftm pukm ait •ikfld for ftrikl Ji as UsMTt, UmI btr »o HM of fcoattt ftbtkm to coirMl tad Icgiciauii v«hMt ; tliiai Umhk% iBd piactlaiqi txtoitkM. SooMtkMt jroosf aMo wt ltd intotha'tinof cxttm^agaoca-^^goiogbcyoadtliifr ability «— by thtpitfairifMUM of lomt "ptatty yoaag lady;" Mid tba ifat laMoot la^d to BMra. Rdativa la this aabfaot, % K. Loabant aika tkt loUoviag partiaaiit q ami om t What |a fanbiiag bat A laaort to a guaa of ahaaoe tomakaflMoayi . ^ Alt Bot **lottctic«»" «*pab4Nigt,* "got^-^akaai" *'gokkiaicakai,''ato.»att gaBMt ol chaacob i^tbalal- ItfttMoaaoftbawoid?. ■■:;,.,.'•.-••,'■ Are tbqr not laaactad 10 liy tbacbtudi lottba poM of makLof VM>Biy ? . 9ava not d^ at good Hjgbt to fltiika tbraagb fMMa of cbanot at tba obwck hat ? May aoi chat^ p tii b i w, and othtn^ aa^fatfariy Y U paiblim aay ItM te^ iibaa cinlad 00 ia a ahMMhL: ivfjcliii^c^ >aMBihtiib aad for ohmch nanMittt f mwig fc inly cawiid o« by M tm 'diii^aiaife ^ia iodtiy 9^# ' ' at;*!;-' ' ,-^^ :' Iteifeiaiillia'food^ lliiMC.t|it>'-^'' r.«.' -IvfO. ihdl for ■ ikall bf wWoltlMir ova ilrm, pnmd. HMjIiiiiwi, dlwbt ^ U Bt lo pafvati. «NiMiMil« ««lK'ly, wliNiK Mlwml •WnAkm, tnic« biiftkcTi, fldtt tcmttfi, iacoBtintvt. ftiiM, dMpi» «n of tboM tint 1^ food, hi»aj, high^iodod, lomt bC ploMUV tm/m tbM lovifp «l God ; hvHng o tons of godliiin. JM dmifhm tho pt^ Om^; tnm hk* • Bi^ aad tr ttet ofll MTtMlfltn tif is lib Uv% my U«^ dtloytlli hit eorninf ; tad 4lMn U|ia tonaita hit kUw 'Wmu^ Md to fM oad drina wfth tli« dnmkoa ; tbt loud of dM mmmm mtXi «mm k a day whtniM lookilii ait lor Ma^ oad ia aa hoar tlMt h« if not aaua ^ iid liill cat him Maadtr, aad appoint him hit ponioa wkhtha hjrpocrilw. Mtti 14: 4Ht* Awl liflfH ia^aity ihail ahoaad, iNlftvi oC maay ihall aai celi" MMMii** J. IL taadwiA, lilt :-- "^ ..V ^ AiMaMaM arnch itt a^ |«ft> ll!MtilMiitoiitehava llli aG# la pay# Ifmr jjn a a d iti ii li, aad |dh% aad paiyi^ jfiir Baiqattt^r^Mi^ Fair. />- ' Z . 7,9 ■ «!' •"* ', <•' f.H -d«f • ■ f I'l- Thty itt art bM fWi^rMv i^^mt, Ooc up tli« chwdi't 4«bCi i» tuM } Wh«f« »«ti OMy fit tbdr <|««rt«r't wonli Of ft» and frolic, trick., tod mirth. And for tilt Mmt ihtyll Aretly giJ^ ' Wj'd not curttll th«ir Nbtrty, ^ < ^;^J la ^ ««td rtgulau their Aio, r- ;; And h«ir« it whcrt wrtf^T «^ co»t, ,, ; - TVwMdi riHiDy folk, tre apt to ga 'J^ft J'^f. Tb«» nrooty, toO| w that caa mw, «' • • ^/ »* ifT And oiiBg it for chaich dtkn too— . , J| It proiTM a pUn both tpt Md ntm .i In lonntr dnyi «« wmild not dju« * * '"» >«< J* ^ » church kvtt Of ftif ; ■ lot tta,^ bmrt changed, and thit you know, MakcfcbangaoUiii3iiaiid«MUMifiiloo.r Thna rowdy, prieat, and gidiit, pioiknc * The honae made aaoed to cioA nanM. They inakt tbe chndi n banqaet ho«t ■.«'^' ^ IWro Mi aetlNwai^ jutb ib# lSiL *• WlMi«^aiiidMiSU Jbrd^^ O thal4(^*««idi#i»«0lMart^ "woe, Willie wotid|p«Ma aMTiwibraa^. 'f.S, __k*^Kil« valMe, Wl^lilMrflloMlieiBtatfrltfv ii fX, Wbll* otb«n «Akf A 4m of diittis ^ / . OfclHii«li«i^l^liicliwi«t«witli«pta<3t'**" V*f- WlMi«Oodili|»liy«lMiMftof gnoti "^^ ^"i? mm^ ^mtfiM m • ?■ pa ini to ••• , u.n Tb« draidi Md world !•! «p ft tprM, .,»f.»^. And ciU lh« nibbl« Our Mwl Mtr, . .; To iitti laid loiii in wwldlf ch«tt y-^f^ , t ■ '^"^ WlMM in Ikoit liwiciNM, IMtliAil, tntr, . ^ : fl^ Who ikop not an ihit dwk nklkt Otfouftb? ^wliA mT&m dftMtf from AitfT ^^' .•»r*iin I Who lof« tto flock aad not Um doote Wko^drptlMrwoiktkitttiAMtlMirtMc; . Whb^d ritli« ttm Chii bo ft fttcrt ; iriM Mf«# fftWVft 10 pltftftft ^ ictt ; WiM kffo iMr Mftiiw aad Ui wftjr, And Mf«f iPit ftbonk tkf mr i But fiOMiftd 10 tlMir ttoftt go 00, Thftt tb^ ■igr kftftr tl» woid— ** wftD dooo r ^ GBftr. i6.^-M(NTEd PSWa : Jt OMMI ko ftdoHitad bp all. wko ibScripttmllr ^ ft itiqtftcl oCpinovftiii tko GkiMftB (amrak--tbftt wk^ evtrlfi4ilo«Mkli«ftpkll of Mvy, iMloM]r» aliUe ci4 difkioo ftwovt tko MoiMn oC Ckfirtr-tkftt wkftimr^ dtlMURi OM^^ ptft of iki oownmitf, o» pa t(|ii8l Ibotioc with uHAm, froin kofttiBg thftt Gbipcl which ift MOto- ft tiB> w4.qd»i urtn i f «od <»d iki ptoplob We bftitifiiqMiirkPiyaiwtdi^fiohom fin of the Dotilf^ thno^i -*•■ *~ 'i^vm^ ' f * not fti ai, Mf iniii to •iwrf iM >ilt»i i & wiUk Sucll ft #Miw!lli» tetrojrft trat dtflillia Mam^ «ydi fpfti^ fvoM Ifc* lov« of God It CM iMvt m' jOm, Ib tiM KlagdoM ol Chrin or tit hm iwto «9 ioolMool i an |« not ptfiiil b yowMlvta, m4 aft iwttil* hi4|« ol f^ tboogtor S^ It tatrtt a wy bftilott liittMt opon the pui- ptt iMttd ol dtptBdkf tpott iM ntMlOT ol tht chmdi fcr ifei atppon. aad tttdilig tliMi to fivt **aa God pmftn tlita^- tht cImikIi imiI bt itttd, and ktptftdltrJi9l^r«M«. TI> I i nm m tl fl§ u aa t tiadwad for ptttrhtw who wltt dnm cstaptv^tioM, twi prott m« ttt thtt hiillltiMqr tl itf to li pwfcntd to apoato»ldt| rtt fOII ',:VM;lii!l '' ''/t %e At 40 i -. : % ./,,. -»• . -'x; ya ■ ;■• i:»^ ■-^^-^: di .•I ■>:,,.^'Atji V;/ V4:.i-V* ■■n i.w ■{.': t difi^rtt UMNilWiflf i««l#«II thy wptki Wlhi latfaigcf th«l ^ wWa* thy jite^'^PM- •» • »*«^ Ttai««Mi *• Loi^ W« J^ii"! to 1^^ A bwihtiiW ^r yow ho«iM M Um.mIH^^ do y« Mf w«lll.-^«f. 17 : ti, at. ^ is Um mIiMI i»|; wd, mi Wy omnK^tScm j y* ihtU ao 00 warlitli«l» ; it |f th« fiWwIh of the Loid i|i' t» y^«l dPelliafk'^-^Lev. >1 -4^ n f^^ ihiai fc«e^tli© iM>»Mth tli«etom;ferltfcholy i»loy«^st#tiyoiio.|li^^«^^ ; il«l|irl^iiii$iH>tiw40illtWiW#^>^^ •^F^ ooi i*l|li«!^ to fo^ ^tlif iiMp^ front 'iMllatiBiU) • \ r f^***!"I . w^ll I biliii m «f Mly^wi9Pi^i% ^ »^ tli«rt1o|fttl ■ .ill nf hiryin nf lyijnjf*' .*p ** ! t^y ■>y My *i^j «!!A t?* ih^ «!► '4 S'X 1 .^^if^aj-'iflj- Imdi « dtUglit, th» Jwlfrf tilt LoK^lirMniiWiilii iMt honor kin, iiM a thine oom |iltoM% am ■haHthooAripc tt^^li INlM^iHi 1/^ thoo to Hdi ipon mwtfii pmm of 4m dhi*.-.mim it li dcorttnta^r doodl, noC i ««|i fir vHty/iiito noonriiy, k ,, . „,, ^_>%5i diwit iiien or IV^ i|N> theNb, vhieh hrooilitMonaefl hetfi joMii ihe d^^ldfcn ^tr^nMh^iniln JeraiilMi. v^- S3 •s H mm wtn «f wwc o ii mmm tkim Gm| ia4.|ib A|rii; tiMM «• MiMuito wko wmid tkwMkf at oat i j ^iili l uii pitH i i a^ l u Mi fcl i tJi tiji t ti ia |piliii«lMl i» all ^ 'Go< Mc« #0iiB«adid tbt diiklnii ^ Iiiill to itoni a ailiite 4«ftth Ibr fitlMriif iifoks ppasilM tab- nvi oMiv IV jiR a aMifa coanKMi apapva ot wmin . breaklBit iriiili, I ili ti^ «7,ii«iC «Blnii«i in ChriMiiil dfdat^^^kli iaketail i^ km Ui»§ if/kt iniiociat-*-4iiit it ii, im m^^(tt^»s^mmmpmt to tha ndil hflci tiiiiftilliatiMi ' I ' mmt ■■ ib' dktamhm «/ s«bbt«l^ lli#a ara ptairty el pMpli mH^mmK^ ^"^ yttf i^arwBi oil|i^Maidtii» liaii- ■ jijiiiiitiii for; (ellteri ttPat^' l^ilM^tM IfMiriiaMi^ the pM«li^'iat# Mr 'iairlMrt^llirtifliiiM^ to^ ft la^ miaiter''Of fpttftiiiag tPirlwitfiil'HIt '' ^M^ilfi-. colt to^Jiiial a^ a ia fe ri>cabai»ta* ^^^'« '<■■ ^ , iid dU M ^r ia •oildlf uHiiHwtf i ili Bat G«l btholdt m dMmcnUkm oC:liii iif,i»lMd it to kviiilflt ' llw iwiini%lli Trtiinn Tf f— ^--^ "r — **^ .«MlNB«#Mgiil ii bfohttt. Hli paMiiiBg«ifit t iMMfte «• ptWiorii tedMJr «t hmk, dtffiMiy j iiiib^^^l^^ plMiiiim lb* liit ho&fk m ictbeiy fli#f(4 «boitt,:Mi«»IMQfi Mai ii^ iMlNlon^ Mvwt itit 4f CMit ht ; ) WMdnifMMttrti tei JMirUii Iii9kiii«li9 lililM^ O iMMrMHIf iMSBor i^liOfd^ dirwwfpciii uiiliiiM) itHTTir^ wmi wM«ipi«4rii^«H«>i for Hi* ttlApili» biiift il«lf im 9>n «iM aiiiiit '^ii#lio.irm.MniklilF0f yl» ■ > - ' ' ?'»•' •• .fiCj ,^ tiu< ■* -' 1. } uu.- vM 4 :^ '• - •-rTr- "W oitlw Mithe iff JfP«n^ ^; 4i^.l|^ltCRCT SOCIlTIlEa ^ ..ij vW|^* ■ V 1 ^Mmfkdi ' " ' 1 )tb er # to i i » MlidiWMd bf tiM Woid «l O^ ^ tciri^wckliM •!• NMi49 ap oi «M taiii of < (or dh»v mmT p«rt of idHMrwl bmi. TImm aMV >• mjr ib^uOM nonl nen, and nuagf mom «h0«ft>pM» feiMn ol lilicM in UicM >|^ reightjr ptMigti^ ' ,..'' v' <.. r^ ^ ^" ■';.■%;..' : *< Ye f4iiltfimB and adiiltewi^t, kUkiw i^^tpt iM hhe IntudilkipWtbt woflil » 0^% ^ !!^^ ^^' |ioevdr» thmiant «Ul ^ « friend f^^ ^■'i^.f J^:^ l^y ol'God.^^Bii 4 • 4*^ ^ i ' r; : r . \ .'- >r "' '5Lovt npl tlM ijwrld, A^amtbil^^ ^ m^ ill tb« iilfoild. . II'fDi iBan. l<onini»iMf you btooreii, in tko nifiiflr 61 ocf tbitf jflaiiii tittlii tlittt io«t^#^^ froln;««# ii^^ l#d iot |mad obtr^n^ ovr^itiid i^ a^ **Bii^ nM9t.>MW OG^ into k- V. « 'J / lor iMr vQfkt w«ra •vO. Wot •my oa i ^ 4amk il kiMi^ ii» liH Mi «MMiii Ml t»tki mn^iiir Hii dtiiiilipMlltMVio*^ BilliMhtidaillitetMlh ooMlkltttk»^liiHiM hb ««*■ Mir^o^^i**^* tiilplM iNr k^^ k^» ii M W^i ii^ (ML"— J«to ft If. mmi ibr lilitt MIowiAip hittii f^lriMiwiiil wNIi lu- liglmoiHiiiir Md viMt pgwaniiinii kati l%lti iiiii iljiypiit AMlviiiilMfioidlMtfi Otttevllfc INM^ Qr#tepiitkitil».ilM«bilfi«^ iiiditr aid ivIwtifMiiMit iitfh UmI tiH|i|t (6I€mI wiOk tioli? 9^ y« IBM fkt li«^ «r tht iMiip IM ; as dod^ • I ^:4mM k tiMM, Md Vilk Wthm^ tad I triO Im tfiiQfl4 iMidHny ifcdi ba wy pw|>to'' imn^^ tM$i':^imSk not tte imwImm mgi mA I m iMf^ j^l aiid ^ ihall IM iqr Mot 1^ u* aB' tk^ tedUk wMirfiL Mid wttMr i'liaidl JMHyBui of or for to tlMir iuaOiti kilM tf«it «f Itii^«iltfi|ktiuMl idtJMii- |ir«ntti te^inr* CMtiiM unUwIrit kp«riMrti MM ici tektcira 1 imm vmUkm Ibf jiMt iafoai4 HL^iW^t ^^^^ — »_ HP! 1ipf« aboft pwtdL J l iBi i| 16 IIm dencai^God. .Sitif fUt God ai^t M Mdi u tlikt llOi Woa to tlia« tiftt^fO doon to BtorptfBtlM4^"u. and A» kM« aa a OvMua dota Id^ vHido di^ to c;^ 1oi^aah>ltdfl|iboiiiati,ih^|rianiP Id' 'liltiilwil' St dmMMlfAtkiB bcfora God aad ma itet tha Mnoaii: or of ^ li^*<--M qmU^4^im^ " fmmmoatf of dit'M^'^JSSN^'^^ ' (fMQPt WmUaiim, wl^rfn iild nMtti,,wr^ |o .iR.0v. l|r. Sojnler (Stpb t|^ ''1^* ^' ^ pftilit omr lo4f^ mi^^'f I botQ in oat nori tJUa oojoi or twioi withtl ll^ pm-** l|t witfMd tuA CCHlBtiV flmlftH ^hMlL XiKBHI wHillMI DV BIBS BIVQ^ atkt lodft km Mb feflfi. *'TI)« Maioiik fri|ii^ oTlimi^ «M Mdi dtlUuli^ io #v«7 1^^ dui- iiMfiift«i^*-mii'^ iMmie ICi^foirs say. « Wt only CfiMlHlik' %1^^ CAlir A CBdtt^lAR GOltiatl^iti^ IS PUtTdSStY LSrfbtJt f Vjmkktik C , d FipMfi, oC OteiiiB, i lilbrmMl yjg^.Mjjj^«||j<;^.^' .^,^'',^^ ' it i, •.fS^fi .^.i" ,«,#*. <*#»^ •|P*>!l/»»* uTlrr^^v.-viv Ji ■>.-»•'• ..^-' .^ , ■■V •!? '...■;<.,,,. luAJhiM'ttMKiABfMBMil A, ■HMicitii* JiiMciitiDii irfticii «*m«^ iiaiiidMitt.'*«^AMCtti^ !ii . .•• ^{. .« . :t ■ U dtpnSng Im* A CHflityi mn to 1m Ud tato « lod|t» room, hM Mked. htfiMMbiatd, and with t,luatHr tfowd hU nock. obty lilt coHiiiMKli tf tit Jodgo^ 3. >wMii» fm i nw-l t^^f m m tjwwdfawwoo of thoooiiL Itii • hwitli ol j|# No p r i f a la at faMk u i p i rfB a af opiaii0» adiMl haf thini ftraoaMlaariiftiDiw MhiaMlaiM* «m»« wliJt/al.tlMaoMiMio«aaiaahadi»M|riq| laMrsaMl I h«raffila«Ma mf Hf!aak^tf/m jOpgiM i ia i l iapi of «U kindt^aa ttadiDg to asaoiflit f^Jii^ifMliiM- tioiiaaiMaat Urar, oviir, and ao«ia|f ; Wk, ipillta poH- tuBbufT^ towati artii with fidpp, aaijwiw^ jwHoMlat ; wltk aaadiiii titaa awl aliantlda tMdidi |br oilNir dtttlia ; aMite^roMag MaqpaB^hmv^aMiif^^ caa ill ated» iiTiyillll iMdi%i«y tb bat^ advaft. tac^jiiMi aMNMVte dk»it oTpi^ iiig ii'|iiiifi^li#ii&'iiN^ lli»?iia% ;: iritH^MitiMMitdi In pi|nd|laand atata lir Itt iiiiM ll^ l l it^l l l| ii afi i^ ri l l V w l l^ l il l iO dcnaot of aaBnHK^--^J^'M«'€^'WI«Mi^ - - ^ Wi:il-.' i^v.,^M, /, 4 0| aafkmm, tte bMl ptrt ■I gWHUrt oiii, to ii^Kiiit, com tm wwm TWi mpom. «flfo CiiMts <|» iiiMliHiiy Mmm to mm. ** •! .rV'v •M ' I '^mtmmUmm^iwHamnmf witn the UHniUITnTi WOUn of DAHENItti wt mATHPt mipOVE THWt-lm ir J if . .»'.' Sic if.Ct78Il*fO Aim tIttINO TOBACCa .!<, \ IhM 60^^ «>f*^<^ To^MMO ■ttttetMUl _ OM tvitaist of tUi. iM pfiM \\ /^*iiw;wkUif7f«r«i«.«r«EaMli««*li|ii»l«« thdf iModMi by tlM by ilMbiMSiMtMii viilgb k cMiii^ it liMiikfli- br«Ull of |AlM«%biMM tlM«iNOf ^•mA%%.^ wart MMkffi. Ia tt of tbMt CMiS ho foMid ««ikw diMidpft ol a iiiiOii Aitw^ «i4 wpt or liN * fliip^ UMC lor Mroiii dfiali— • tMl* «iM bo kmM iM bow g«iiintodbrioMooa. Itt tbt ftupM l»ito« i^ AibofB.^. Y^«tft coiiiitm. m*9^bpm§i rn^dm iu fkiTnt «m« mbk to diMM% ia ^Alddtf bf d^ aflmM or ft.^ lott Yoo tftke money for tbetwbicbui^feiiid. liihlttokett). f^'mmktimmiiwtidm^ The mi^^ PipMd Atm and OOOftltll- • dlMMi^ twBlblt. iififiic Nlci «nd I'bLm lii' mmm^m CMmIHi.. you ouiM ^ iiiHf iM M*t ol thii aiiMiQiat aboiiitiiilloi^ Any tHtt tdbaceo !• • moti mA mtikm In Hfd liUid eoiipkhiti, Ml tdlMcco. Randrf^ of well in iHv— tif'thitji ddactiod p t ty i te i w i dcnd^ polMii Ml b^rf ltd ytMiRf m iiiK~ ittddtn art g i i i r iWy dattlii ■ut h i nrtc i Hd fcgH ttiiglit bt jNtn, to iNur tJit fm npnt- b«r tlkil *iM poiMttfd, dimctlf or liidltvcay by ehe QM of thk drug. Can yoo aid flMn tnd boyt in potioning IhomMhrta, and bo dear la tho natter^ Nettr. ' The tobiceo you itll amum i cnitiiig for Mrong drink, and tboi It kinden tie ttoipiitoct rafon;^ md manofiMstarM drankanto. ^ CtM^kig Mid tmokiit to* baooo,** aayt Dr. Stopbenioi| ••«Kha«st the aittWry glanda of their ■ t ewtio i ia, tboa jpi^Mp ^TMM m<1 ihint Hence it m that alter tb« nee^^o eifir end the quid, brandy, whiakoy or aoint other inteiioaat it called .for.** Tho uie of this woed Is, #t thiAk, one of the groM attmcliono to the tifoni and pmk^ of the gin paftKe Hence, tafem kcepin tit ahrayi glid to Ktre their cottotnera with tobocco, and wHUngly |#r pif»e«. WiU you be (blind helping Che DtvO ? It it aot, it cannot be right to eticooragc t custom whidi ocdiiioos • sinAil waste' of so^Mich fnoiiey and time and is the fruitful source of so maoj^frightftil e¥ils,both to soul and body.' CBAf. sa-^coyrrousKsss. ' i.1fb|iilf i^ it IS a «iRMg6iflaMi- ■ 'F^^^fff ^ oidiiialtlj to obteia or it k telMpfol to obtyn or to wbtA ^M no Bihlo 4dbition I vMcIl it idolat^'-^GoL j : 5. s. How k M tmikmif U mOom, ipirit md ■fMplMI. <^»9mm POWM Mf Mlf9»,|0 iMm. doK Md rilMiif^lkirm«lrrtpiil|^tbc]r|ifo|oor €fP»«pitwitiqpi b ^ tmOf nmH^l^m mnm §6t tittir Aad tlM^r €om« «aio tlMo ti tky paopie oonfll^ nd ^ Jit bifai dm at gqr peopk^ iHMl Ibey |M« fl»7 fi^Rl^ bat tiicgr win not do tliaai ; lor withtbeir mmilkihtxfAcmmmik km,imi Otir 4m^ after tbdt covptmftB0iiL''-*|Bi«. ||.v ^i. U i tomo» ptnott t CbriftiaB ? No. Ood liid MBJd tbo tb ffiw Ii wNp iad Hgbtaii^n ^ Mount abi4i "trbM ibrti ttot topi>.y CmHpmmm iprii«i ft oM » <»fiiiyt bi «0«finf tit iMtct prMoodfvil ^^mn^ V, ♦ rnftriinMM^'* ttc-r^Mttk r : ta, §3. SftiidiMPiiBdiiWMB||iili«#«itf^ Piiil : <*It it .titrablititd t» flvoJbMfl^imtif^ Tbe cototoas ptmm k ^mmm d m ummm, ■» idobttr ; tnd he it fhm iNlbt Ibt WQff|.#obl9Glink « He bitb bo , ipbtritn»e ifr the Wagkm ^XMm tad of God^r- Bpb^Sr^ ''He tbet bttufr It be riqb ibaH not be iiuiOQtBt''-^]hnor. fS: id. f He that iMuiitb 10 be riphbtthtfi evtt <9% end coipdtraib not thit iKwtny ;.tbtll cone wfm Um^^^fm. 4 s ft. *Tbe Um of JpwMiiirit tib(^mt ouuqr feoIWi and ^ huitftil luHi wliich (bown Bon m .^lucUon and per- ^^W-^ dilioa."— I Tim. i : 9, 0. It alimyt (Ul« of Momng its objtcu it 4o«i aot latiify. '«Hctliat€ov«tcth tilvor ihill M be MtMfied with siher ; nor he thai lofcth ahwidattee with i/Ksmm." — Ecc. 5: lei, ■'-^^ It ii iranit]^-^PM. 39 and 9 j Eoc. j : 4-8. IvL ^^4. It it ipcoiiiteiit with lahMB.*— Bph^ 5: 9V 1 Tlai.3t3. ■ .' '-• .'t; ;-■ i' / ft 5. It leada te ii^oMioraad oppwnteii.*«^Mkah a : «. . & It teadi to l]riiig.'---a KioffB 5 : as^s. «| 7. It leada to tmnder:-- Pror. i : 18^ 19^ |r8. It leeda to doaicaticattetio4---iir0vi. 15:871 ^^^^^^^^/, J 9> It if charadariatie of the wichad^-^Rom^i : 99. 10. It ia ooaaoMiided bjr the Wkcd aloMi-^ 11. Itiahatadbftheaaiota.-TlE^ tt: f^ v IS. AwoeiaitooiiOtiiioedagaiiiatit^laa. 5:i. ' 13. Itiiin ho poni a ha d < ■ Job ao : 13 ; lea. S7 : >7 * ^t^^Jli^aiotosf^ ou«ieBa.^iCor<|.:ii.' ' ..' .gB/ ,, . 15. The rewaid of thoae who ha^ a^Tt&r, 9B ; 16. a lioi. 3 : 1-9 ; a Peter a f f -3. Uf^A^^ilfV IcN^. 7 s «« J ElPa e<^ t Sam. a : ia-14 ; Saauiira fmm ^v ^ * » 3^ r 5||l. I filMN IS ^ ^»9 A|^^.t Kiofi 54iaora4vl«ip^^ 0^^ ^^^9 * ti Jeiili prwat^ lai^ S^: it>|f^^^^^^^ a6 ; v^Hi ^ mm Vb^p JKttt., 19 r a«i Aati^ f<| Wttkf rale was : ** Oti til^lll -cm ^ Tndoitfy; *'mrt AVydn ciA" li» iulil li t ,..__ . fuid Monomy, ami '*^ all jrou can^** td tM lioaii 'traoMnity. A eartain wrMm^ t « Bnrildblaii la m amAMdtatlfe^riek > Mawy^ that tank th wrtltetww iMpoat, ii« iMMdaaliiiif dMfM^jMti aa MP^' ItttlaUat poaMM, aa do tha weatehy on thalr ab«ii4Mice.| To aiR!«ae Uiaaatehraafinaa-tbanisaKBiM of tiabevol f^phcy arafiMnid cBooarafh« fihaaiaaliii in Uia idaa, tha ^ejr ara too neady to faidtilge in Charity, and tiMt tb< a«v coBi^iaUad to deny thaaMabai tlM htiilry of Chrii tiaa Ubara^ Now, no mattar iriiat our naeaM ia, laa cooaeat oo any piaa to vithbold, wl»athar aauch lillla^ ftom the calia i^fdMurityj^ tha claiaM of benevol laoce^ wa an iavolfad;ifli.ll|p^ *' Tnkt kml tin4 '.y MwiMMMax, V-I^aka' la T 15. .t< »*. .r^. ,^. <' } •■nV- ' '* ' '-'ft ^rem tiaM to liaaie, ^nr opinion baa baen aonaiteta tov^tng thajpiatoc^e^ atid testis ihe nkdai^ t( hia acHo^tt idlecditNia #tiiett 1/ it ia dl«^ Cbttii Otf tha ttbla mentid^ #itt ;-~lhatj^niattdabcadlBBibiatiniaa; IM iaaflibt,ligi^diu]ieh^ •i^'wii^pti^^ ;an at^ ncing church mtidber, Ughtty eiteems hit Ova n^gum^r, lid the wolM deeme it^ cohtemiplihtoi The pious end ^ ontittitet people in all denominstiou, seelouily oppose iicinit ' '-'i'; i-*\mi/t^"\-'^ .:■■.'■■..■• .■ ''iM^M 4. Not only it nixedjiSandng woridly in- tplrit, nvolving a wvitei of timie ftnlmoney, but it it extremely _ inatin^. Mttoy^utag lioinjBn have beeii ruinlid l^ ttendiiig tiie^ t<6oaiL Hence^ the moi^thoughiftil wing men, WW daii6te^ do not wMi thdr tlMmi^io ttend hilli ; i^ do they det^ to naitjr dancing giili. 5. the timdenty^of dabdng it hudvioualy hnmoraL articu^arly aittiie'*ioi»d dances "calc n lat cd to etim*- leimpiirepattions. "Sqmeflmeago,^^ irt hd|isi,ire picW lipkfi^ id the iuioiaiji: ' «$imnge |h«t jms^M^mwHA low ge^^^td ^.uitM ^Biimm,^m^H0 take UbeiiiM k the pnhUc 4^ n^ illow U ihiitJmt*^ ti^^jng th« peribdidd't^ieo mM ^ f,ta,^^^Wko%MJ>^HffGtatii^^ We thought, when aMOtti^ 0»t khtodl^ it waf iTpi^ fiMira fimelim iiititiiiMMty HI a sfil^itt ^ meiiit oott' |rt' N. N, Iff 'WtMi^^tt: .''*-,r"%^% • it flnl, in lliwi|iiel, it it tkt mm taum and It it dMi ipp«titi»ai dbit it fcMMli^ Nor it it twpiiiiiW thit Gil to all littam fjiwl tii>My| th»4ipoiL until iU barpbnifiiliitd mona nntn^ hR hi«l inliiid ; ite wbid^ ilie liiitarranaitwllMr p4r ^^'^^1(."*."•^T^B^^ ■ ^^^nr i^^^JTf*^^*^^. T^V' Tbiitt liMik^dwnliiMltjiiii^^ giiliitortlie /tiM itimjriiV of niiyr ft«lp i^nt^i V¥^ ^ tliiir mljignff aowJMi, it ^Jfaajy JH^tabte to Mie ^nct. wl^ Hgn i . " rkm-hsam^ 4 ^ iv^ntittitit in New m ^tlikt»oai^*'iano- •• ' nini ■Mnl at tiili 9Wft dBRBNi fn»iib: S;'i..Ti3vi>/;: -^ Hi' ' ' to Aiid|ii<#ti!»ii»iiwiiitt'yt«ti^*^> v.. ' ',hW ■^'fti'^Cl-yWll 'MU^ii! . r • J-'il-A \, ** Nigri wplk vitb am a m . »» ■ y - ., . ^ ' ^^^w^^ j^^^^j ^pp^jj , ^ iifv^"^'^.' lunnl'. Yoorlslli ir: ,# / o'i-^K^i n^nK p^w^w W^Wr^'^^^^^^^ ^^W ' . .1,.,.,. WidiUlEtailbf ^'■H^/ ns^ ■0* • ■ ,t')in BoilMCftllidW AadtlM Wtif Tlitfi IfmiaaiaBte la Jttd WDMitad fiia Church. *'1'!W IBM 'ull 1911 OMM ' t^,|^'> ** AiMl ifiir to the bMthMi hi Hiiiii liBdi. T^chalty.hMln it mmm^' ■ . II •jj..!-* '-1 My fihiMiwitfwy dolt M|.idl mdiiiMpf V Aiidir)foalh0kto«iB«oiri^ Yon omit lAo m th^r db^ w^ «i& 'in< > Tl^floivci7ti|rlhi|i^hi'' 5i ;;rtf oil SoM Miraaol II ^ium^A iRiBi kag ijnnt ill lUM^Wk Rir ItalM WliiltlMdrtliMi W^B4v* •iie « *M * H#"rtH, H Mi fib: t«'?f i^irf? Mttoii H#iHiftiti Im ■^ 'hMMoh^iihe.' \"^' e jlaeekAoBif tftt JMMhi^ChenMM^ ' Ite^ iMhk"'iiid' wiiii thioi hHtreMk - i^ ..^^W^^^Wf^F^w ^^y^ r^MUJ^S ^WBrWI ff^^^W ^^I^^J .- iiii.r- i ■HDHL" cv t m I : If QMMtiqr Mm. I { i$i 1 i i^.>»H.J^M., Mitt ts : d i%»f* % ; :tf ; ]Mf. tt tie.' \ i , "^ ^A. ■■if! fidwt in i^yMii 5.' >»#.. »! '^*' • 't >* l^iUtT IL-Bible Mn^. >''.• f wi ciifinift. land not tell Ho* Mill ' fM>t liiiillliit \mM Tiiri '" ar'aiyt uttte bb'M fcM dfeHU III iMii fciirln itirt iiiirtfiift iitil# $k lli niii litt jttB tite Bipiirf liiiit «ii' ail A'l 4«, ,• OV' flN^ iPlfli BNIU IIBMBPPW irtJifilMi ttf iwbii 'miiikjt^iSi\tit\ SttttMBBH MRy te dET odT Ui. mmKhlitmii^'imMrma^i TflMm i row Ibr fl% and QoatalHl if k. Batiti tmmMkm^mikitjIlmm m ■> » « an (ML JMlirtii^AtlAdr itiM to vllii jpM mA ipall'-Hviiicli tlia cMMlUiit Ibt Ti'jaq^fcn^ to mM m yi' **AaA iD Mdl fffilii OB tnilf MMhiMtf libtit ^ OtBMiU IUiIml* flMivBdi if liHla(fi iod rnvgrvwipiCK Vi Ait 10 wmIi ii "tralf nvilMMd.'' IhflHi Smmmm ii iHT WMP. Hi iOOflrt iteL Mid n i iiTTriTilr^ Tfit S ffTftir Mi ii 01 i idr wi^ to jhi Mfod. IF ^ to MB WWb ilditlii^ ^1 t di4Mt lor who Ik ^^^f^p||^4l^^i^^HlPl^^^>^i^ii■M^I Urttii M tiMli ■HH) V||# in tniqf MUir "^ •ttkiitpQMMl tlMt 4ti|kf0ii6ilWli IQ willi (ii4» laoHiilinl diMMM OkM iMMMnt t tli«r iMl 10 rO t B l i it d lft wgMd to •iMUlAiiMB «Mt 10 iMKlM dMt Mill «IM !•« not 4i90]r piiM%*HHHl vm |lio<' ftol 't^ viHHPt mmnb wmm nbi^ a^-^m hm ikit iHM of odM MipMit. li •»di kif aoiil okt out : ** Jmi% Umu ta ol DMk^ h«ft JMt^ opoa aMt* f Tte ooi4tikM of MdvMkm in pIMf illM to bt, *< lUiNBlaiwt tovaid God, mm! fiUth in «» hmd J4m» Chriif-^Aeli toi «i, |f tho* tft fiiilfM i^bM* ooh kilh it iBok«i dL ««JlhaU Ibd tMi tMtf iM •Ithcr a MA MGMMTv coMliiioii to il firion f i nmiM Tttlf ■MBofllL ** Gtd iumt MmmtMidtiJk iUl witm Mitntwun r to IMij^Mf. mack ■» ch«f |4pM. Bul^. Immmmt UA* %*•••• ^V^P ^Kd^^^^^wW •••^P 9^^0mw ^i^^^^B wW^ . J^Hj^^^^^^^^^H ^W ^^^^^^^^ ^w^^^^^r ^^[|HFp not lfif« bii iIm ? ^l»Bilioiild/iiwMJii.a4^t^^ be coi^pittttiBBwrffit fin, and yoorm hlattf ifwrtl iy.thft cbaractir of tii inflBitolf holj Beii«? B ttid<%ith» oflimdiBr wpukl bt no Utter thaii wonom-fim^ bf. mch foigMMM. V 1(0 Wiitt aQowcd Mitt l^r^dpaipt jb hk vi^cedneM. Reader, \wt yoa itef ftit the pMiMf true i^pe^ aooeF. If notibe eieii|)ed yoi^ are not on |)ie road lei lib ^. It n , S * II H ■01 • nPiV CBBeilie' Or opBHMk JT-'penBII majr'be c o a fei t e d Ikoei oii» tjphiloa l6 aMtfJir a Imui- ' dfidtiiM%^MiiiM.lwtMn««lailoiaoi^i-:'. '^^ -^ ,>.,». 'hinii aAir oiiMilliiii*-' fMb'iKl' ii itrijrfcullir Itliiiim m \n Hn t$m^ 9mii •§ OWaM; llMriiialFteiMbilio% aad m^adaM mm ^M ^mJ^ irfdA ■■iMii^ kJHfc mm, ^ nlMUMnifng iiill ^MafllMiMdkte 1^ (^Bffatfania^iotoeo tiHi D i* TUelil^oifliMi 'hOMaBida'.flMyke i^ 'flNal' .vflumid^ llie ainJiwipiil. %iliu%$iiid' '«..■■;■ >^ WK^g^ i^^Moai^tiUMM ^■Mk ^^^KK^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^1 r'--*; 4. eilMi^ WUeh w« |M tan to tM ^M|d0 or tetta^MTl^^ a qMtt M^ Ml to«|M^ attd kMp ft is NlJMtlQB. It tnmi •M iM irfM iht MlliMii an ddjghiwl, liii tool l6dn domi j Aid lMiii«i i ' _IllMiB9ClM|Mfi»awx ; r . V . .- .if. .■i:^. ..-■<■. iMt iTHilML < Httiiowii «il»i^iiNi«aD9t l» li » ailr liiHii i^ jMHj^ ait It; mOiAi thMlf 1l to tigbtdi bvtMi and itti tnlf ft dMdriN . kji' '..MM Hteftttr ipM Ami gnoi to IttanM MUag ill iBIld lllflk • ■ ^:'\ -■■:'■ '*■■■'■:■ lilnoMii Ping <|» all irfMit'ii ^ *♦• «* u tham, It vit bi itt ft wit ihtdmM rn^ifK. Hf^ lodk Ik ill mqpvlHtot iMft^ to thit o^ SftiiS ^12m(L ortfiflitli|Mj|ii^ lllif ffliybiiivoiMiij^^ to;.fNM iim KiftYi9--mMt th^ win l«|f|rob(piir 4 giitt litfiilii^ « ^t ilnicli 10 till imuid iA.iii4»bb li#it Mlm.rimtSSmi^ aarlMMmd to <./-i iMt Mldy^ '^ Bft liNnrittwL^ If fMir Mol fiiUftif Hii* blMMjl fthuit^ It «Olb« iiKNi#^ tiitmlb ao ifoki ii Ngitt Miir M»' Hit pliirfUJntMpii thilwfc ibiftdlii^ it«%(Nl oMivwtftd? *»MM^HH^ dmv tm i^ ^^i^^^ARK^ OF A JUpfl .V^'^^if^' '>'if' Mr HHMad StTiMT, tbqf M ^ irnft of mI iMljpMMatilk Y^ft "T~^^^ '% n''r *•' 1 tlMtl^k all 1^ i(ii9^.^''WMi.ilbiirfN^yrfNii».^ Wrcf not tiM mIm^ l» nwt itt it domi tfm-ktrteri JoiRiif ii m ^ iHtiMif «r Mr rmnHMMJ tftm b it itfwtrii^ till lir'oii^'d^^ .w., .^^ ^v,v ■' ■ r^ ''Thin Gifttafi aftbio Ar|illi tMpf \ . A Aft \ III. i Witt wMm, tfctn H •■'J^'-' ■'■>af. iif '^-feSX'v**^ V>" ** *> ?« M^ tntOi HMti «liiM ;l¥ >^ . " Ifyi«%aliiffi|itilM^ ci«M« : «^ li^fii alt pMi^ iiiit } 1^ III tiii|iMdM«Mriir tMnWf jli>M^ i»iv ^^^ ^ V. ,x ^^^^^B ^^'^ 4tlMiiid..4iiMr« -^ -»- ,- ■ ^'^:' fiU "mrlM op"— to long li# dptt got coMnit da. » « » I :. . M ^J , * , Ufli ifauMdi aol. WiMiMmr b ilm oTMMjot £i»i^»Vi;<^|^4 tit 8^ ifM^fB^ iipiiiiian will mm lifffil dMOM I I tlilt i Cmmmi ^^ "^^^-'^PPip" A' is ^iiil iia. hit iMmm ■BOTB sol. fldstliaoc hoiliftiii. ioai«f«il l«lhl lie liiiKsli^ Mttll iMMt IjMill ^ ^^ Clttf^ ^ $Al^AT10N FWli IPN. i«,»i.< /•■■ /.- Is U m^ as N« .f'1 iniiiiiial m nt ftf mMvi iipMtA-HMt tet lUi --4ht OiMk ^MiMI or tut Oil t^UHMt, Am «M8b '*^ '^ t " rirr wim h y ■ ftnn ^^^ j IMimm ii« ^Mtft «p«kf of ianMd «Mi|. VMS IM OdStMSilMBt MiM tO Bf CQOttitfMllldB. li M ilM 9in^ i«igl^ lllM«r ite •*iiWK H^ iliai a«il, liSSir lit.' -^Ai« •»>*« dri ttVitoewfcdb"'^^ 1 (obt'*ck thatiovt tkti DnMgnu ite. Loc tlMt 1I«J DOllMlp movtdtl tHKf hD vwoli p * Cbat. 5 ChiMai thttioi Attpiak hoia lb IfMtO thalPM ll8KiiTX'"ir''^^^T»at • MUMl itelo ma 1 ikL 'It' m •Mdi m I P. dMBtiy, lit wif Idbd* » bt .^^^^ BM^ Ifdi lyy Mftm iod lif pililkt, Im mmSTm UuHt •*irwt«MifcHoariiM,htki0iiMdtii4|tMlto iNglTt Of Mr ilMb mA 10 euAMOi «• tmoM aU unmioffraooti bfCM^Iil iBlimi to piof* llr MHMI da Look H tbMi ouMlidly. and foa wiD bo MliiM thoi no. hovo gNoB thoBi thoir trot nooiiiiif. Ui «■ •ik yoo, biiofod iMte. «o yoo 01 Iho pcoMiit tfano isfodflmiiiBy Yott moy hi?o boon ooco. Tboldoot ool holp |00 VW. It ooljr nokot jrour conditiMi idU mofodipkmblo, tf yoo v« bow undor tbo domioioo of tin. Book doUToraooo at OBoo. Givo no (|tiaiton. Lot evoij lb dio. Sohatkm frooi slo can akmo tocun mIp Virtloli |i boaf«k--Si& *'■■■ C«AF. 5.-.t)6l8 ROII. » DESCRIBE CHRISTIAH . EXPERIENCE? '^ f^Uo tfme of AngmtiAO to dM pfiOiBt, tbo Chiittian world baa bold diTorgant viowa in rofaid to tbo aanao oCRom. 7 : 7-«5. "Mmm Stuart, a kanod Cahioiatic cominwntafor, boata teatfa^ooj, t^ ^. Ani^BiaiiduifdMib and a part of tbo OOriBm cKa^ bold tbat Pool pawonatoa % thuur umbr tmmOint. llMt CalffaMc dhinoB toacb tbat Panl folatoa tbo ox- parioneo of a #«wMf«i^ ClrMfiM. Wo cannot bdiofo tbal Paol rakloa tbo oipoiioaco of afOgOBontod poiaoB ; biOMao it would datlf contradict bia doaci^lioa of a nfafbora ifcon. Lot tti pkKO fa • • / ' '- ! • • ■k « 1 • 9 t • \ ■ • 4 ■ ■' • f- ■ . m JJJJlllJl 1 1 t . -• ' , • -4. • ■ :- •/ " ^ . — • ' / * '. •■ i" 7 ■■ ■ • - ;/ / ■«.*■'*""■■ * ^ .*^ - . ■ V " .»"» ' T, i F ■ % ■V ■ % ■ ^ ■ ■ ' • - ■' ,' 1$ ■ » . . 1 ■ - ' .' ■ . '.' ■ ' . ■ , .. * '■ .• w' ?\/ ■ \ V •■ * -.Sa^' .'. ■•;'". \ ' . ' ' ■i' j^Liii^ •^-rnm^ka: f MtOOCOfY RISOiUTION THT CHART (ANSI and ISO Tf ST CHART No 2) 1.0 til Itt III u it „ 13.2 13.6 MO 1^ 2.0 1.8 d -APPLIED IIVHGE Inc 165J ea«t Main Stcmt Rochester. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 2M- 5889- FoK > Juxttpoiition the tw6 pjcturM— that of a itint, and that of a sinner— and ihus see the wide contrariety. Please examine our Scripture scales, and see how the sinner weighs on the left hand, and the saint on the right hand " I am carnal, sold under t$ sm,"ver. 14. " How to perform that whicb I would I find not." ver. 18. "The evil which I would ^ot that I do," ver. 19. " But I see another Uiw in my members warring against the law of my mind, andbrraging me into capr tiyity to the law of sin which is in my members," " For sin shall not have dominion over you," Rom. 6 : 14. " That the righteousness oftlie law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit," Rom. t : a. See Gal. 5 : 16, Phil, a : 13. "'If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed af ay, behold all things arebebome new," a Cor. 5 : 17. u For th% law of the Sipirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made ine free from the law of sin and death," Rom^ 8 : a. Cani pictured ii trous idea O, horribl a. It of convei ^rould coi ju8ttficati( shall mak fore, sKall John 8 : ; doth not his name sihs."— » cometh i the work that by which is mistake be after which f sanctifie inferuf V supcrioi single << of God- Snchai New 1 tion fi£~^-'a##4«^a3@^i^ foUow to wheat, miuurd. titm, .tone., eto., it dxA." II Paul wai in Rom< pravity, ( —thenP though Ji Wei deeply i There ia ■infill bo unicriptu can be si in what p bein th« '4- b tb« re- odi would Mtter telf- i the beat If while it iptized-— i (?) dognii » and in su of mat- retention ore I that w that in ;" yene§ B the law aS' The I heathen a matter. Itwai rrote hit »rt and ted to a m», and this life ore the iAg in a El body 97 like oun, and yet he " was holy, undefiled, and tcparate from •Innert.** So of many otheri. Bat the wordi of Chriit forever diiprove thii heathen dogma, that tin comci from connection with the fleth. " Look I Out of the 4#arrof men proceed evil thoughu, adulteriet, fomica- tioni, murden, theftt, covetouineu, wickedness, deceit, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishnesa." Mark 7 : a If as. By the term •• flesh," in Rom. 7 ; 7-as, the apostle does not mean the flesh of the body, but " tl^e carnal mind," the natural depravity of the soul. " lliat Paul uses the word " flesh," as a synonym of carnality, is too plain for contradiction, Paul says ta the Romans ; " when we were in the flesh." They had been in the flesh, but were not, when Paul addressed them. Again, Paul sayi, " They that are in thft flesh cannot please God." II " flesh " here means tlff^y, then God required an impossibility when he comnSnded the Colossians to "walk fortiy 0/ the lx)rd unto all pleasing." Still again Paul says; " Kr are net in tht fltih.^ If "fleih," m this instance means the body ; then Paul was addressing disembodied spirits, said to be living in Rome I On the other hand; if " flesh " means de- pravity, carnality, or sin--%nd nothing else can it mean --then Paul was addresing a church saved ftom all sin, though ^living in physical bodies, located at Rome. Wesley says : " A sinful body I . I pray observe how deeply ambiguous, how equivocal this expression is. . There is no authority for it in the Scriptures. The word, sinful body, is never found there. Abd as it is totally unscriptural,80 it is palpably ab8urd,for no body or matter can be sinful. Spirits alone are capable of sin. Pray, in what part of the body should sin lodge? It cannot be in the skin, nor in the muscles, or nerves, or veina or J i^^^r'"r^w^' V " ** ^ > 9t V .he hair or n.11.. Only 0» «wl c«, b* «h. .«, oT ik." Ciu». A_NO SMUGGUMO IN HEAVEN. Htmy Reed once Mid to a nuui in EdinbufBh. » Aw yott • Chriitkn ?" . -^^woufgn, .Are "Yefc" , ^ . Mnning , by the pr..eBcc. and the poirer of the Lonl .K« "i.!'*''' !i*° * *^^ •'""*'• ' *» "inn'og daily in thought, word and deed." ^ ttr? Jtrai Chritt came Mo uke away our aint/ Mb parge u. from all iniquity, and to purify u. onto hin,«rff a peculiar people, xealoui of good worbt' " I'D. well, though I'm tinning aU the time, therftii no am imputed to me. Chri.t'. robe of righteouanL corera n^ so perfectly, that when God looks at me. he aeei nothing but spotleii purity, whitw than mow " UUt life by hi. death on the cro.., through hi. mediation before the throne of God, and the operation, of the Holy Spirit, he could not get yoor .in. ont of yoti ; and a. a lart rewrt, he cloaked you over, and i. going to ■mtiggle you into hearen with your .fa. lOl i,, you r " O, Mr. Reed, that i. too bad." / "Well, heaven i. a holy pUce." 7 . " Ye., ol couiae." / " Nothing unholy can enttr heaven ?^ l^^ .S^Jtl^J^^^A.^ lore thaa in •««t or tin," :avin. •u/gh, ".Are d«il/ from 99 ''Nothing unholjf about jrou." / " No, nothing." TOO* but the rob« that ** Then, when you come to die what wfll come to pmr ThM holjr robe of Chriit •will be taken up to ^e•ven» where it b«longa, and jrou wiU ilip through be -f, irH«re you b«long." *^ Who are theac arrayed in white f Theee aie they who have come out of great tribulation, and have waahed their robei and made them white ia the blood of the LMBb."— RtT. 7 : i3,i4.-.&/. og daily in I Om^, y.-PURITY NOT OBTAINED BY GROWTH. iAn charac tine,' *t^ to himielf M, ther^ ia liteouineas at me, he aow." le done in mediation the Holy i ftod, aa going to your NearlyaUChri8tianahave,afterc9 Chriatian ia one thiof, a ma/yr^ Chriatian ia aome- thing more, I havt iwii com that wii pure and clean ; no worma in it ; and it waa not more than an inch high. I have aeen large com, atalka aa high ai your head, that were not clean or pure. A Chriatian may be oaly to iniant in Chriat, and yet he may go on and become ftilly ■anctificd. and thua be a /«« Chriatian. On the other hand, a man may bea Chriatian 50 ymn, and yet lack • grati dMl of being completely holy. Purity doea not depend upon a man'a age. Believer, you have been growing for twenty yeara. Do you love money aa intenaely aa you formerly did ? " ^«U, yea, I confeaa I love money now more than I did ao yean aga" ' H©w about the love of dreaa ? ** Well, I tUok I love that more than 1 did To pmn" . Well, how about the love of diatinction-nio you not ffiie to be (Uttered, and want to have your name aoonded ^rth ? "Vei,yei,Ido.- *» f {n- /"'* now. after an experience of ao yeart Uwnm- MyjM to grow into it; and yet your owS teSSmJ S^Th^^T*^^ «i be honeat. GrowAit^ Ta •tream. Y«t th« Vided it cinnati j by the t nearer • 1 muddy I river ma ChHitUi «ctiee C but whei the Ohic ai far ai hia innci So good. ( man goo natural 1 the Holy aa a lut Well, noi pending Ceruinl) you beco putting ( when we you will know we No* dream in ileep. C 111 hmn, grow into iatm oqc ChHat It Tctt. A il •oat> e*ii ; no high. I •«<<, that only an tmc ^f he oth«r It lack ft lo€a not y y WW. did? »€ than teytui you not ounded IS Vr . ■ gfOW- )ecoine timony ityoor if not •foi Tilt tht Ohio rivtr. Al Cinclonatti ii it a modilf itrtam. Now Iht Ohio rivM it vary cltftr, provided yoa kft tha dirt out Tha Cict It, raligion it my good pf,>. Wded it it frtt from mor^l cvU. At yon ttirt thm Cin- cinoati ; tha watar bccooitt dtapor and btoadtf ; an<^ by the tima you arHvt al Ixwitvilla, tha rivar, 150 milihr naarar tha gulf, hat grown. But t)ia waiar it jutl at muddy at it wti at Ciocinn4ti. Ha tha growth of tha ritrtr made it better ? Not a particle, to it it with tha Chriiiiao. Ht may ipend much monty ; he may be an tclite Chriiti*n, doing many good thingt in iha^world ; but when you come to hit inner We. you And he ii like the Ohio rim^he hat been growing ±\\ the tiibe ; but; M far fti parity it concerned, he \a Just about fti evil in hit inner nature aa he wat all thote yaftra ego. So growth givet ut at much chance to evil at to good. Growth it ft Uw ; ftnd how cfto ft law makfo a man good. If then, you expect to grow pure, you p^ a natural law at a tubstitute for the renovating power of" the Holy Spirit Would you put the Uw of graviuiion u a tubititute for the precious blood of Chritt ? No. Well, now, growth it a natural law. When you are de- pending on a natural law, are you depending on Ohritt. Ceruinly not If you trutt in growth to tave you, then you become an idolator ; you^ajrworihipping growth, and putting growth in the place of your Saviour. So, I tay when we come to lift the human heart to iti bottom, you will find a great many thingt in it that you did not know were there. Now, you can grow in grace, but not into grace. You dream in your sleep. Did you ever dream yourtelf into f^^^P- Can you cloteyour eyet and commence dream- ing, and that dream yourself i>i/ LY» BXPLICITLY. FOT this purpOSe the people called -Methodists are raised up to spread acriptuml holiness over these lands." . , This "canal mind," — ^pollution, depmvhy— •^can not be grown out of the human hourt Growth never changes the ^ nature ot anything. \ye can no more grow out of the pollutioh in the soul, ^lan we can 'grow out oi aciuAl sin into pardon. Sinners do not grow into sajnta Wesley aays: "To talk of '"^ this work bdng gyidmd wpuki be nonsense^ u much as tf we talked o< gritdBkl justifi c atk m .'*^ omnal, p. 174. ' ' '^ Dr; Adam Claiit says ; "In no part of the Scrip- X lorci aze wn directed to seek voumss by gradation or growth. ' We are to come to, Giod as well for an instan- taneous and complete purification from all sin, as for an instantioeooi pardoo.'*^-ClaTk's Theology, p. 108. 'i i h At. ns£kt^.o, with- ge from 1 u un- iMde ia • ' brother ived by IN ONI nsachen eUe?ett, purpose >ipread n¥tty— I tuMurt DXthtDg. thetonl, Siimerf tilk ol DdttChM ^ 174. leScrtp- ■tJonor k lOftAll* , mt for io3. iJi|^"'»V- -^'i -■''•■■ ■' Chap. 8.— SAVED TO THE UTTERMOST. 'A, Ye who know jrour liiif forgiven, And are happj in the Lord, Have voo read the gradout promiae Whkh is left Qpon record ? I will spiinUe vM with water, > I will deanaOon from all sio,^^ Sanctify and nuUce yon hoi? — I will dwell and reign withia* fhai win I sprinkle clean water updii yoti, and ye shall be clean ; from all your filthiness, and from all your idoUi will I cleanse jroo. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I pat into yon; and I. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I^ \\ will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit;' within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes ; ai|d ye shall keep my judgmenta and da them» Esek. 36 ; In conversion our sinaare forgiven us ; and we re- ceive from God suflident grace to keep the world, the jSesh and the Devil beneath our feet. But in the hour of temptation, provocation, and trial, unholy temperSfi such as aager, lust, impatience, self-will, and pride, will, ariae in our hearts ; and a painfril struggle is felt to keep- the victoljrover the old man, which is bound, but not. yet dciirDyed. By an ntter abandonment to God of otic^ whole being, ftod an implidtiatthindie«U deanting^ blood of Jetns ChiJit, we nay have all these roots of in^ : brad dn «ompletdy removed, yes killed ; to that h^vce^ forth onr oonfficta will be with oatiide topa^ and not witli^ r inward teadciic^i lo evit Wo shaU then poBieia> h«ai^ deaastd from all upparityy—fefined, and fillid with tli# ••^•^^Wlp A^Miw ^wfl^^P^^ ww.^WVIUtlw'mt^ww l^ipl^^l^' 1^BBW^P| VImS^Wv^ '"k"^ ''/'""''■^T'T '^ !' i. ' r k / •r'. ■■ VP-: faitb,peife<:tai«eltii€M,p€ifecihiiniIlity»iiid perfect love for God and man. Our experience will sweetly agree with I Cor. 13 chapter, ^y coatinually keeping a vigilant watch over our hearts and lives, by mucla closet prayer, and abave all, by momentarily tmiting in the blood of J etas i we are enabled to retain this blessed experi- ence — to go firom conquering to conquer. . Our whole spirit, soul and body shall be preservol blameless nnto the coming of our Lovd Jesus Christ Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it Jfwi waikjg thi iigkft as kits iM thi light, we have fellowshtp one with an' other; and the blood of yeeus Christ his Son deanseth us from aU sin. WuxRiroRK he is able also to save TBBM TO THE ITTTEIUfOST, THAT COME UNTO OOO BY Hllf; SEEING HEsPySR UVETH TO MJ&KE INTERCE88IOM FOR '♦f*^ MMi Chap. 9— CONSECRATJON. * ■- «{-■ n : '•M'i'* ■' ■ ■ :tn^. ' ^m. i- V ':A 'fp,. ^^Consecration is toot^-HW some have 8nppoBed,---«f\ mere giving up of the affections to Christ. We have to do that beiore we are pardoned. But when we desire this deeper work, God demands a fuller consecration. Constciatloii is a full and unconditional surrendeT of iittl and body, tiaie» talents, property, friends, character A«D WILL TO God. It is a coaseontion, in ahich we are so iollj the Lord's; that we baire ao opposing will of our mm; we sre williog to be aoytUttf or nothing,^-aS ^ ling to be hewers ol wood ind dmwers of water, as to fiU ^ most exalted positioii. We are willing to be de« prilWdirf comfeitsi property and frfeiids ; wilHrtg ttt have ^ iHMif em oat M «vi^-«^ ' b# diipiiid and v> ff^^l^w" ^Ji^W^^I n|*^w Ts?v s,«*prt^j-( fw^ , .y. love for eewith rigiUnt prayer, koodof experi- r whole •a unto luHe k4ath4 viih OH' ueth MS ro SAVE BY Hiif ; ow Foil Bed,«Hi have to desir« cration. idcr Of laracter L weare' 1 of oar -aitrik t, u tO' be de« tfthairai sad lo* «•! ■^&.: pfoadied,— ptiMciited and o|»poMd ; wittlog to su0er affliction, poverty and ihame; willing either to die or live, if by any of these things God may be yjsased. But this consecnilian moat be sincere. Wemast not only •ay we do it, bat actually perform it. There are many who say, ** my all is on the altsr." Bot their eondact shows sach is nol the case. Should the Lord wont them todosomedisBgreeablethinii^theyatMioesbowanttn- willingness to obey. Shook! he require them to go to a certain aadesiiable plaoe, they woald raaailesi a great deal of backwardness and hesitation. Should he take firom them thefar property, and bring them iace to face with poverty, or take away their friends, they would ^ mnrmnr and complain at his dealings^ If your will, in any degree^ opposes the will of God» you may know that "imu are -not entirely consecrated. ' •■j»|.*it^ xgiv^ia;*^''^^- ".:^'%d: Betoyed, yoa cannot by any means get around this ;>>iroa bad better Uot the matter iquardy, and get every idol of your heart destroyed. It may be, yes, w|U h$ wtaj cradiyiog» to have the «old man" spikedj to the crass, and hong up nntU he is deiMl. \ But > thit nice, pretty self of yoors most ims. Yoa cannot getr holiness while there it any degree of carnality aUowed* ^ We teUyottagiun, YOV,-~not your wife, hosband, brother, Wj^H^-bat You-must-dlft . . . -m,,,u,,.^u^, Sodead that no^disiilri tiilt rise - -.-..m^'^h^. '%^, .w; ToA»PEAfcgood,ofgrea^orwisei Vi In an/ but your Savioar^s ciyes,— You most dk^ 3i.i; Fai'tt.' * -^<9 fr rr fW" ty(S " Coneecration mesne obedience T^ Ijbii^Spmt^s ev^ call— Ul bfidSiiidHbi&GodT-* ,1.- f- ^f ^y cy^ . 2... Pt nibmiitkMi 'iMtl^ the rod ,, , .... ..^ fcWe tlMll nevtr dm to uk • "■^'Vfj;!:.;^.? ti --'.f irWhf G«d givm our fiiilh mdi tMHag '^o > y I ^nly Chrirt oar Qood can •«« ; . . ^, ^.. ^ . ; Biwottgodu bow haitioit -^i--**^- ^^ ^'H^ t *. !•-:. .tf c, /*v;'«0|^'pni nofkBMflilil^ are wiiF^ ''''' *' ''■"' ' G«li».^il^4ii6LE ANSWERS TO QUE8TI0|«$ • '^ ^^^^ :,,:?• OK HOUNBds^ .. . "^'^ ^••:' ^^^ <*Afidthe terf Godof pete« MUictiiy ytm wlwlly;' ftttd'I pnr God yoor whole t^falt, and eoal, and bddy,^ be preienred tdamden milo Hie eomiog of our Lord^ Jeeitl Chriit"— I Theft. 5 : 9$. ''That w^ihould be holfi and without bhune before him 10 Iove.''~Eph/ i : >; 4J ' ]" ?te he thai if deid (deeli ib iwM) if freed fkom fi^*^1tea«'dl: f. "to |^r«iiiit ^00 hxAf^ and Q»<^ hkUMmi, Monreprtmbte it hfe f%ht''--CoL t'f ff.f <*fWho Jiibhteiitir fbv m, tbilfHI' mtght tedtem ua ^ fii^im M^aitjr, aad fHtttfy'vito liiimaell a peculiar f^lll^iealoindrgood^'^^ 9: 14. *«**i Johft i : 7. t.fmtm'im^t MN^ii^ mtilk MuibtifUialioii, per- iiKte, M>i W^^ #thi liiauff;« pate bcart, filled wflh tM Hdfam^'e^, an all aonu^ Hia Many littinlr that Vmtmm ^MMiMttiiiii OBUt *^**«''**<^ tha f K i tp tf o n af hoffiMM. Coinccrttiott !■ oaljr one ol the oooditiotia ol liolioiM» And not holineM itt«lf. If any think tk#]r'hAirc holiocM, beG«n«e they can lay ''they •re all the Loid'i ;" and they will icmarli^i* Why, what mon can I hafe er do ?**. i. » (« .d •j.j---,i'v 4,u5-,;,,.' * .. . w a. Holincti ia notiin:^p tt> b ttfa i i - il.c)iidgaieii| lMMiedge» or memoiy. ,./#. HoUneai k the removal of all oamality from the •oal-:#U the *'rooU of bitterness." All the risings of inbred sin are removed, and the soul is filled with love to God and man. f,''m^'>^:-^':^'-^^Mfff-'t.:iy^:Mi^iii\^ 1:^\ftuy '^ln^:Vqm hoUaess apply to the body, as well as to the ':tQal^ l'r»:':%^^il/fr:.{.,,:m^;^\^ e^ ii^I beaeech yon therefe^, Itrethreo, bSFtha meidea of God, that ye preeebt your bodies* a Uvtog iacrifice, |»ly, iicceptablemito God, which is yoor reismiable ser- vioe»'''4^Rom. la : i. '< Know ye not that your bipdy j||^ ^ilMBpleortha Holy Ghost which is inycH, wfcfai y*' liavis ol God, and ye are not yoor own A Fcr ye ai^ l^pai^t ^th a pfinae i theieforf glorify Qo0 in yfurbody, iod in yoor s^rit, which are God's.— i Cor. 6 : i^^^ff^^ 4^^ > Is hoUaesa sometimes termed perfcctiQ|^? . <*Aii4 i^ their sakef* I sanctify myself; ^ th^ llso might b^ sanctified thrid^ tl^ji tm^.; . , * » I in them, and fboa in m< ihat i^ ipiay be mikde ptfr feet, 1^ as yodr Father whi<^ tt,^.l^qij|"ppi f . <• Ef«rf /,.^T^; Kj,>>:...j.4-,^:.:*- ^I^r '"4^-1>4Mi Christian' p«fe(^"' mm iiiA^d^ \ ''Bill idioso l^s^ is void|in hfan verify is th« feW or God periected.''~-i John a : 5. •• If we loveon^ another; Giod dwellith tt ns, and his lovt b j^idbeted in its."— I Jolu 4 : It. '* Heriitt is oor Um made pefr Ife^ Ibit we amy bav€ bcMnem ift i)^ day of jo^gmentl bftiil« i« be H so ai« we k this vKiridL^i Jo^^ "Jhm b 1K> foot iBil0f« ; but pttfecft lofo OMletti doT iBMt^'^ijolm 4 ril^ «< And abort «B thii^ . ^« ' if* ^ Ik ■■' r'^y^j^yff T -^^'TS-^ _i2E^ """%"," 109 dsfg¥lf (km) wfifeH It tlM hmA dT ^trfbctQCM.*---Cof. ^ ^ i^ 1^ mi Scf^ret gCve tny euiaipTet of pcrfeci m h^ Chnttianir ^|fo«h WM t')iiit daan/tad'jptrfect m tiiigcntra* ; ilid rCoth wftlked with God.''-Gfli. 6 : ptfffect aad upright, and one that feaied •Khewid flTtt."— Job. t: i ; alao ▼erte 8. . ** And Enoch walked with God."-!:^. 5: 14. **?immmmi^$ |{>r I am holr"-.Paa. M : t. , , - : - -/If "^ '"^^^ ^ ' •' 5**^}' '•»'4i^i\ Ited alM> Iia. 6 : 1-7, whi^ j^lviit a glifi^iftici^' lie> of thiianeciflcatiofi of the prophet. _ '^''" And thef were both rightcooa befofl'^, talking in all the oonmaadmenta, and ordinancei of the hoid bUmeIe8f.''-«Lako 1:6. " Behold an IfracUte indeed in whom ibeve ii no gntle."— John i : 47. ** And the^r Here' an fllled with the Holy Ghoet**— -Acta n'^ ^Slqplias, a man liiUol faith and ol the Holy Ghoit."*^ Acti 6V^. -**tor he(Baniabat) wai a good Mao, aad iiiU of the Holy Ghoat and of fiath."—! i : 14. *« Then Saol (trtw ibo ia called P^ul), filled with the llbly Ohoet."— Acta 13: 9. •*Thtn Peter ftUed Urith the JKoly Ghoat *-^Acti 4 ri. ** Herod feared John know^ lag that hi «a« a Jutt man and holy.'^Mark ( : so. " Bat now bcbg made free from i2n, and become ae^ vaata to God, ye have your fruit onto hofinei^, and the iidtviitlaBtliit ]ifc;"^'^-Roin. 6: at. ., ^v^v :' 4. An theM any Scriptuiet Hmk ah^ be^M^ ' M«tt. 10 : iS. Tk«y 1m4 « meaMit) of the Huly Spirit. •« And #Iieii he had Mid thli, he breathed on them, and •aid unto them, receivt ye the Holy Ghoet"— John act •a. They were not. of the world. •*! have Maniletted thy name unto the men which thou gavcet me oat of the world : thine they wert, and thou gavcflt them me ; and IJMy h*rtiu»| igr. «My-tJ«ln if t i, **^tif^ are noCoT the world, eiren ai I am not of the wwrld. —John ij : i6. They wir« persecuted by the world. *' If ye were oi the world, the world would love iti own ; but becauae ye are not of the world, but I have choMn you out ol the world, therefore the world hateth your—John 15 J If. They enjoyed fbrgiveneti of lini. " In thii rejoice not. that the apirita ar« subject uoto y^ibut rpther rejoi^ th#l your namea are wriucn in Mml.''-r-tAihe 10 : Mu Yet s9jw«yrkM7f«I^Mark 14: 39-51 ;aoger, Lukt 9 : 5'-55> ^"^ori<>l7«inbitiQQ, Maik 10 : 35.41 ; and imfi^ ptMm^ From attithaw "noota o( Wtiemefs," they wete cjleMKd on the . d|ay ol FeoleoQat* " And Go4 ^ i> H»#n»weth the he4 yt „^,jHiqp (the Gea titeTimr g|^|#i|g^lM|fl, did ^^ *^:X^ ,t»t w f^'- F^ ~^ m- P» lit *, t» (MOverted ]tw), and put no difference bttwMtiQliiid It if A BOteworthj (kct, that all the commandf, and •xhortadotti to hoUiiMt, are nowhere addretied to Un* neri or backiliden, but invariabty to bellerert, Takt one atriking tnttanol^' *|%e church at Theeaakmica «MMk in a remarkably profperoui liate, to that it waa laid of theoi : ** In wmrj place your (kith to Ck>d-ward ii ipread abroad." Yet for theae very exemplary Ohriitiani, Paul piaya : *' And the very God of peace aanctiiy yo« wMfy" — thtti proving that they had not been entirely sanctified. Many such inatancei are found in the New Teatament Note alio the foUowittg. ' 4: |, . Have ye received the Holy Ghoat ifnce ye benetedl ? Acti 19 : i. Hwrefore, leaving the prindplai of the doc- trine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection. Het. ^^1 f also s Cor. 3 1 1-|. . V* ^Ctcinsing is complete in (egeneratioa.'* To th« above Wesley appUes the ttm^Mmf^ log that ** it is not an iMMoonrr, hamiilus uni- TAKC ; IMS It doea immenat ham, tnd, ii attended with thn BKMt fiual eoosequencea."— VoL i, pfK 3-it4. ri^^^mrhtd sin remiins in the believer, yea, tht seed of all sin, till he ia lABCtified thfoogfaovt'^— Wesley's Pcf- ■foction, p. 4&'^---^"^'i'vr^^^^-^^^ '■^"■■■*"'' ■-^^■■^'■'Y *^:', Mit^ The irinted Fletcher wiote tn addreis to ** impeiii ^beiMfav«i,''inwl|||he aaaettal^ <* indwelling sin Is not wbony remov^in regeactam^'-^Last Check, Dr Adtm Clark says ; "1 believe jnitiilcatton and ^^^U| M»a to fce wrniLT pitmct inynti, J havt 'ijik tioif/ |)|P|,MttiitjrdirM fmn % teivattof pr«icliii^ ^'^^ viiV l^'>0vlidf% an viih • liM wh«ri God bodi Jatfii«l U4 Mactii«d at Ui« Bfwut'f Lift tfT A. Ckrk. ^» . » l^r pltci, or« p«toQ rMf iviai la oii«, tad tlM mm moa«al, Midiott of liM, tlM abM^ wittMi if g|t P«t. W«BrMiwtatiyi;"AiMialt|oliigfoiA. ' ^ 10 ImI fvil iut«ra afttr JMtiAcaiioo, ii to kMf ., Bat myr I MB lidl fif ptmtr bf^ iht Spirit ^ |^ V>i4i m4 arjaifenf at, aad ol mif hi, to dadart aaki Jacob hit tTM vnaMioB, aad to Uraal Mt aia. Micah S'X Crtatalnaifaclaan liiait.PQod,M4r«B«wa right ipirit wkblii na. . . . Tlita wflf I taacb InuMgrcM. <^ tbjr waj^i. ail4 tiaaar^ ihall bt cdavartad «ato thaa. ^M^nf^i- ll^waatbcrafofajMigchiiiiaalfrroiii X\m^ ba aban ba a vaaaal mm boaor, aaipctiM and mMla mMt ti^ tha Maatai^ an. a tia. a j V,; v^ , , ^ «» 0oai Bibia boliMai allotr tba waariag of jold, piir|a,aail^aiiv/M4b«ir||ai|iag? ^^, , In Ilka MiM«r abo^ tbti iroiMa adorp tbaaualfai ia aodaal ap|i^«^witb fk^nf^n^ w m IP4MM(i^* «oit --fN^bacooiatb voain, |MB%p||ii ioi|«a»--^t|' f«od wofka. I TmL a : 9,10. Wbait adomiag lal ^ 't ll f bt that f lHti a fd ■darnin g n iwA ^ lt lmm ifc a fcili ■ n i ^,f wtfifif ^gol4 Of of pottiaf ip«l iw»d ibil lat it ■■■i' "\_:J| *T'"*i'fHm ■ ' T, •i| b« iHc hiddm miQ of ih« heart, in that which U not oorruptiblt, €▼# n Iht oraaiaeat of a mMk and qaifi ■|»irit, whkli it In th« iliht ot Q7d ol graat prkt. I Filli|iSf4i- * ■ -'"•■ ''''' ' ' "' ^ Aft thcrtaajr pHMtgti ihti iitii to thov § ptnoQ ciQn9t Ihrt vithovl tin ^ — — For there U not a Jul roua apin eirth th»t docth good and linn^th not ; (or ma/ not lio, U tha meaning of the origin«l). Eccl.7 : to. Af it it rrittan thart ia noia rightfooa no hot one Rom. 3 : to. Read the whole chapter. For there ii no roan that linneth not. 1 Kings S I 46. If we lajr that we have no tin, we deceive oorselvea, an'l the truth ti aot in ua, 1 John 1 1 % Read next verie. Bat I am cvnal, eold under' aJiL • • I find then a law that when I woald do good, evil is present with me. Rom. • w , \_ ■..'■. - ,>_ *■ . V 'V -.L,. f-i^ '' _,!..■ ^ • ^ If. lift there anf Scriptures that pWiilf Aow the itpove passages applf only to roan in his dattiral iliilf^ Toere tfiMlerefore now no coBdemnatloa to them which are in Ohriit Jesas. Rom. 8:1. If atty ntaa be in Christ he is a niw catATuai : oldtM*^ "'^ pissed ««Mr£«iid all things are become new. s Cor. 5 : 17. ^^MlRiMllM oar sins, he is faithtul aad joet to forgiYo , fii^r das, aad to cleanse us from all iiarighteoasaess. ^ I John 1 : 9 Ha that, committth iIb koi tl» 4«fi^ v; ■*• J«ka, 3 J i. •*"•" ^' ■•■^'^■" -':.--..--i.. >t.".i ■^j-. ^v, :. ^/ II. Maj every beliertr be whoUj •■jjctifitdj It : '.^tiadt hely ia this lifler.' ^^^•y^4i4i.'>i.'^.i-.i' -^ •-, a ii^4^ That he woaleep himeell unfitted from th« iWKld. J«m« f , ti^^Jio I jQhmr§ i 11 £pht* •*-» !» • w n Tim It •» _. If. Wm hotinete comoMiided uiuJtr the old TmU- meal ditpeoeetioft P , , Th« Lord Appeared to Abram aad aaid unto him, I •in ttie Almif^i^od walk b«lor« mt and b« thou p«f. f«ct G«a,|pf'^ ' . / . \^ For 1 ifli M Im6 pm God : ft ahaO therefore •Mciiiy jrouraehrei, aod ft dkall be holy ; for I am holy. I-«v. Ii| 4- Saoctiljr foarMltrea therefore, and \m ye holy ... and ye thall keep my itAtutea, aod do them I am the LonI which aaactiry yoa. Ler. to : 7, 8. And yt ahaU b« holy BBto me : for I thf Ufd am holy. i6th trerw. And thoa ahall l«v« the JLpnLthy God with all ; ; Thoa ahalt bt ptrfoct with the Loid thy GoA Dmt, ■mf IS* Lat Ipw heart thcrtfort b« perfoct with the >otd o«ir Ood, to walk in hia autotaa, and to ham ^ ^*«i9Mdp«taaaatthiaday. i Kinga 1 . 61. '* • ij- 6 tMi laat blaaainf commandad ii«wu, |k^ rtwTapMBtdiaptnantion^ ^^ ^^ Having thftvlMc theat promiaaa, dearly balort^ jitt Soaa MiathwjHiJltt ilthiaMa of the fleah, and - p«fociincliolin«aalntlikftarofGod. aCor. yj Be fiU«d with thf Spirit Eph. 5 : i^ t Be ya holy • « • ih forlapaholy. iPa t» i; ^4r •lil&»^'\ tUt y« ttiglii walk wortliy of the Loid mitoalt PliMqb bdiif fraitlal in erny good iiwk, and ia' '^^^J'H _^^ "I bcMcch yon therefore tmthren, by the neidcs Of God. that ye prewnt your bodiet a Imng sacrifice : holy, aoceptaUe unto God, which is your reaMoable aer* ▼loe^^AwI be not conformed to thit world; but be ye ««MtonMd by the renewing of your mind, that ri lUY wwmi what ii that good, and accepUble. and per- fcet WiUof God."— Rom. la : i, a. "If any man will do hia will, ht ihaH know of the doctrine. Whether It be ol . God."Hrotei 7 : I^ • v:-..^: -v ■',,.,. ;^,,^. : . • ^ »7. Muitlhitcanaecfatl«Hi W etoplete;«a^^ wnMmum? ■ ■ ■ >■ y:'-'''^'\ ,.;.,^ ■, ^ *8o ttkwiie^wboioem he be of you,th«Hbllikitlb not all that he hath, be cannot be my diidple."— Luke »♦: U^ fm^Htm iai4 Ananias why hath Sauri «Ued thine hiiit to Be to thn Ho^y Ghoet, and to kwp ba^ llwrrof thi price of the knd?"-.Acta 5 . i, Si^^ ^ t«, Is lilih alto Bcoessaijr alkcrfnU consecration has Iwdimade? l^hotibbeforoAad aftei; . lyth is ^ ^ThMWOftils^ '^ I wiU sprinkle cltair wattr upm jon iad dMBie yoa 6o« lU jonr filthiness." mint h» beKered not that anddea to bedi Jesus CI peace in thepow( tified by different by faitt belieretl fetsioni .iV- oompleb before <* l^m pn before " MAtt 6 heart pi 1*3, OOB deceit. grace." "growtl blessing p^rtatloi . "in peoplef H*h- *S OoT^tta* hit^fri^ Son^dei j^^i^^i^ r ' ' ' ■,-*■',■..'■*.■ • ■ ' iHrfierwl iiMP^4di«f« the blood llliiiir^W not thftt it hM clMOMd jou, bat that it 0 the $j^^ show that we pbtain this blessing l>y mere growth ; or is it aninstanianeoat tm,^ ptrtatloB though the cleansing blood > ** Whei^efbte Jesus also, that% Ih^ht stii^^ the ^ecple with 1^'owii Uaod, suifored #hh<^t the ^1^*^— Il«ti. 13: 19. *«Thi«»Qgh the iiS«b^df ^ wvtrliuting 6MuiK^ make yock perfect in evety gocNl work tt do h i s wHL*WV e ms »iy»t, ** Th e Afarf of Je t uijChrist hi i , Soiv clo^wcth i|t from all siD/--'i J<^ 1 : 7« ■\'*. M"'-, "■€''. %■•■»; ,}f - ',^ .h'i n i|g , aaotlMr, tad Mck mi the iMoor vMch contth htm God oftlyr— John 5 : 44. - Yt Mk ud rcodvt not, bMinie re atk imlM, thik ye may coMume it «poo toor , it. WhM aotim fhoiild w« km iMflmM koK- ftiift. -Jokii ij: «. " Bdiif. fined witk tke Mis of fi^teoumeti, wkidi ere bj Jeeoi Ckriit. onto tke ^hn . indpidieofGod'^Pklli:!,. " Seeing tkentkateU these tkioge iktU be dissehred, what meener of penoos oqght yeto be iB en kofy confeisatloQ ind godltiiess ?^-^a ,:• ?Wert:ii. ; •.•...■.■/■■ ,^\ •,.:■'■;• ••^.■ ./ ' ic4 ■3« !• tke kangariBg after koUneis a muveraalnark ctfajMiifiedsiate? J " Ani imv iiAii tke» katk tkis kope in kim--Ule kope of seeing ^Jesus as ke j^i-^-porifietk kinseH; even as e4. How soon niter conveisioa fkoold we seek '^ / ^^^^^^ » th« icoepted time : bekoU now is ; f *«i wroia^ to jwA>r«»«y ^^'^nmTiT in ThflssstniiM s Bol move kkaniiiii^tks dfm tkeir toofenion : «^^-^i!!i!!! '^ ^ God, tiren rbnr laNcntica^ «JH.-i Tkess. 4: 3. "Wherelpte (as tke Hol^ 0f i $$- '* QttOBch not the Spirit"-— i TbeM. 5 : 19. y^ Yoa win iorely badulide, tiolefa foa yield yoomlKf foUy up 10 the Loid, to be made holy. There li no poiilblc altematlte for it . Thoutande of promitiDg ooiiTerti iM^ddUdi^ becauie they do not fo on to entire t6. Can we be we perfe d in inch a Hate ai entire holineMrr'''^'':^'';^^'-'-'-'--'^'---': '"'\ ■'::'■' ' 41 »i0 1I10 QQii ii^ jg^j Mt^bUih your heirti onbhune- able in holineii before God, eren our Father, at the comiag of our Lord Jeewi Chflit with all 14$ ■aints."— >i Them. 3: 13. :\-g! ' "I piay God your wholeiplnt, aoel, ami body be pre i er r ed blamelem onto the coming of onr Lord Jeeoa Chriif^-^i Theee. s : n* / ** Now tt^ him that li able'b Iceep yoa lirbm ing, and to pireeent yoii fiudtleu beifore the prceen^e of hie i^ory with iceedinf f oy.^—Jude ■4. •y. la it poeible ibr a nnctified or hoty perabn to fidl from'gface lad perbh? Bat I keep under my body and bring it into rabjectlon; leet that bf taf meam, when I have preaehed onto others I mjidf ahoidd become a caatawajr. r Cor. 9: ay. Of how amch eorcr pahkhttientr nsppoie ye, ihaliheb e lhoi^i worthy, who hath twddenand e r Ipo^ the^ of God^ and haUi oo^ntel tim b|kwd of ^ / ,'^. '"''-'^t^W^ "'' : \ ' * ii l|i » i lk dopaii^l»iMte tfc. Spirit otgricc? Hcb. Aii4llieU«iwWchIiioirav«jntlieflerii,I \bnhf ^Jr^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ' • ^<»- Til* im th* I «Wi bjr lUth. H»tk 10 : i«. 3Mt jf, beloTed, building o ?^^^ <« yow «»o« Mjr Iwtli, piByiag in ibe Hoir Ghoit, ke«p jpoofidvct in thf love of God, Wk^g Ml lb Dful tor Ibi UfiCf ol qor Loid J^«« Chriit nolo et Jnlal life. SS^i ^l^lit ^l^**^^^ %•««>«» of ettntl tilyition ,«W IQ T^ tiikt pwoywi. Heb. 5:9. 19. DoM tbc Holf aUft'lW cipiidt ttttiniony to ^tbc taactifted, dMt tiko fork li done ? ' ^ For hf out oilMi4 btki^peil^cted forever tbem ^f?. ^c«*fi* l»¥l?p( tbe Holy Gbort ako it . witnetito^ Hdx to: 14^1. ^^ iHf , lei JoriiilNl . V ; i& ^^^^ ^'^'^ withoulbc^&iett? ' * ^^, WbothtltiwjerfiiitotbtMorWieLoid? otirbo im $md io bit bo^.pltet? Htthtt bttbdeiiilli^d. aJW*»^ bt«rt fm^t^jy^ BletMdtfefbe pore ill bOif k : lor tbtf «M1 ico Gad lim 5 j 4S. Follow #»ACi WWII ALL IftH^AWn flOLINUS, WtTMOUT WBICR K9 MAM 8RALL |U nu ^t^mp H^ 1 1 : T^ v-.-H 'A* w^ CllAf. ji-TE8?FII|0NY OF »iiW«NT WITNESSES ^i.!ll!!'5^!!!?^^^^^^^^ ««h«id% .ay»,-lta tt*bootj4rf'Go4,tocoiMcloiif w I^ Ibe te^i ptei- irbleh*^ croetodat Ladi brwdfiw of iiBoin nof jalio^ bid'%ali tadlboi ■^'ff*'^*"^*'^"*^ ^oiiML'^miff^ Km A A mb mk€lif thing; mtf Hcb. I lb, I Uv$hf e JMt thai 'ed, boUding lyiag in ibe Sod, Wkiiig > etenlal life. uU Mlyillon ., . - 'f' ettinioiMr to Of ever them tt ali9 it a iy"?>r7 rfj.' R!|^,W7?#^''<: MI id? olwbo ;le|o bands retbe i^ore & PoLi4w OUryBICH ^NESSES tki mtf rktti,.L^\ , Tbia cwiltalion of loul tiibaidad into • tam^ mkih «n4 » mrt^jmti in Chi, wbicb «M igriA , thMifriMitpncMdMlit.'* ,#^; pfu p. fAiMpt : <* W«r« I to adopt tbe Igoimtive ■ngpaipi ^Bfnywi, I loigbt date ihic lattit (torn Uie i^d ^ Bililih, of vbich \ havo beoo lone wooka, a JoiiMijbpp^l^m «liiit« bceaisaa Cm mtiiita^aoondt; tii^n|a«pp^iui|li||apirit ia bi«ny»od intomy baart., ^9li^kB%msm»m. an ftom it b«t the ri?er of death* hkh a ow t iffawi t JNtaiiW iniignificant liU that vmj h%\, tr oifia d at^iiogto ^ bin} I Jewtfia hiin. SinMif ii|^||ii|> I loee agreel^ a^ pfovf a lifii ol iitto«r|blp iv^ D^^io diidadsr iwoe^ tbiu I woold ijli. Jupim nipp t rMr i«a i»«^ en it ^noi idiim. .t<'wi dBe^ He 10 stnpgtliiM IBT Ibilb I bl^l^^ poptfc % laith I mim j&*,4-^p\-^jSlim todifbpieplevhiiiiGod |i|p» lioeeiioii eioee that ti«^ brileviog it to Imo duty # I .., Ji^|^ N\i^' • • ■ '^./ /■ ' ;i ; «ru contc ^I^ ''*»"«M.Ui««om;«iidiio«»n«lMK||nd.iiithe mtradorqwUB th* inmb ftom mr Imm, 'I rt*'«>»ol«- UTr*,^"* "•*•' '"^ "^i** ««e "«M tliiw3»'» •»«"« ■r»«Mt,llhimhMHiig mr MMl, Matteriaf itt lift 'thwiJt»« ">• " ^T2l "V^"'' "^ "* '"~* " J-yhl"" Hi. P vZzT .V" Ia<««totrt: 'TliMfaw|h,|rMintni. I PWted. I hafc «M * new holt' > 1 «u emptied rf Miiommunio ■nd *., .ml aiied irilk God." ' t. " ^yhe«it: * -RBr; BW/Aiim Ann: "TliiltMiS.eatthi Spirit^'' »" ' «r wifc Md childm Mood weeping owr ma Bdt 1 God rennh, ftroogh •*^ P^ <* ""^ •»"> «hJ body, like toe cywmm, the iniMnl comiptiota of WIen, de! !!!^u*»? "• "^ "^ "to •^'■d ««ke our ^•b«* with him,; whidi I h.». Sjm^ diq, by d.,. mmi- ifc«»*. my 1001, by the .teM. Of rtie SUritTGUw to God for wSM h.th«, did. «rf rince hJZ. foT^' :!i'aiV^^ .„'^f*.'^ bMo«MipoteBt^ not of fwith, bat of *i^ mimidiy, , It 4M»tt»cd«o p«M upott »^ whole N^^^ ;hine. My hee Ul\( now oven cloiidofK loul that] he wiij^i Miui. voice of tf dentandtn I cou forbade ; I wMfyM wbit tmlni the fttoiM sttflktett fMUltill to plunge I');' Ml ;,c, imput in tlicir bleAnd U ajfuu aU throttgh it m h0iy, tin c^mmmim/f nurgy, oiv> it puaed downward, my htert m wttl iS my head u consctouf of the presence of thii loul-cleanting nergy under t^ ioflueoce of which I leU to th« floor, d, in the joyful turpriat of the moment, cried out in a ud voice. » • i »; For a few minatei, the deep of God'i vf awallowed roe up : all its wavei and billdwt rolled ~ ^9t tat ,1 ,.„■;,■■,'" ., ■: ,;i":r;„ .*'■; ';' .,.::. '/ ''\:,_j^■.■ di'--' ^-i^f^ If ma finrvil Amk.Rooibs: f I wu deeply penetrated , ith His presence, and stood as if unable to moire and as insensible to all around me. While thus lost in ommunion with my Saviour, he spoke those words to y heart: "All that I have is thine. I am Jesus, in whom wells all the (ulhiess of the Godhead bodily, I am hine. My Spirit is thine. My Father is thine. They love hee As I love thee. The whole Deity is thine. He even now overshadows thee. He now covers thee with a cloiid of His presence.' AU this was so realiied to my he'oowet oi *°"* ^'**^ ' **"^ *^**'"* ™<*tionlcss, being unable to sustain ^^ ^he wetgkt ef his glorious presence, and fiUimss ofhvt.*' Mm. Phsobi PALma : <' While thus etulting, thd voice of the Spirit again appealingly applied no my un- derstanding : '* Is not this santificatioh r I could no longer hesitate \ reason a^ well as grace forbade; and I rejoiced in the assurance that / was wMfy $tnuHfiti throughout My^ soulvaA's^rit, O, with' what tiliMiph diid my ipul expatiate on the infinitude of the atoiiement i I saw its unbounded efficacy as suflfc^t to cleanse a world of sinneri, and ptesent them ftultlt# befo^ the throne. I felt that I was enabled' to plunge and lose myself in this ocean of purity : yes, It moment ioonerhad wt, «I ih r life thi^ i received t of* Jesus ha ^ Is wMit npcledof Dith^ Spiritj all (^ lood; #hil< me. Bilit > speak one I and body, ' fellen, de Mfic a full «i^. 'If a Father will inake our daf , mani- UGIeiyto » lor poor as though tth^but of 'A •^ f -.K \ ' * •i • ;v:':'i^Mp4 loat in lov^ immensity,^^:^-';*;^..^ '• ..,>,' azr^w^ It.. ■- .»^.,A, • THE KCTBHT TO WHICH WB IIUST GLORIFY GOa I*. »;_*«:««>»« to thu ilM^r ud p«^ ,( ,^, «m»JI-««lipoi»l or vHUN^r^MM, ft ), ,oim»B , G«^; B« Mtta fa^to be |««>RMd. «, woA to b7«,. '-= Wjd to. W ««|. I« Ufc to h. ttk«. u«l«, •« «, iafa em rtH UW lAfcfc w%lo« *«Ud not «H« . 1^^ •P^P«*m»|>W of wWe* 9'«w-e«»*edqi»inlum«el»q»,winien«m tkattke* tobedaMaid«lv<)fineeil'<^tt~*'-- '^'♦''"W" Wey; thk fa « mo» e««»«t . „_ .. _- a ■■■■■iinim n«iMn^|,- opt spiltUii < ghrenup! draMbti sikutedl luUomiM Ood'f OK Cbmciv ■--Hi," , plidtiiit AiiAliilhl woakl bi and tlM ft«p4tbe n f» i**^**- ui' ii uute' ' U.:'t' ••I WB MUST ice oCMne nyttihif «• 41a Wf art to pi«ir M^ tow, md mQ our odt villi tht MiM ring l ii i M ol ^Um to th« gloty oH ;od "tlMt actwilw ut in goinf to chmch on tk* Ikbtot h^ ^jring io ojt lkailliM,iir rwidiiif the Bibtok Mcniait r ntifi ia l wotk Amm froai ikit Modvo. cin m truly bii^ ud 10 bt riMflow is ikiii%lit of tlM Loi^'w pit^^ iit^f. WhU cMwol bt doftoftom thb apcho it not tob# iM, Mliag, drioUni^ or anjrtliteg tlM* Tho frttt ind rft i|uoMioB to bo ■pbtdff bifpro dMsdnp^o Mjthion^ 1 001, '■Will it bo odiOOtigMat to aif intttim, Mcaril DO tbo fmfMr of nta, and hdp njr ttealir ialffMis^ Btothe,ppa >ut» **WiU it plint th« Lord, iiid cfodico to hi» rlieQite,tiie ^^^ tf,tftertbtcoMid«ratioiiofthilqtteitioii,aiid| P^tfmt or ''*^^ Pti^f^* ^^ Mt dHt it woald be odMptable to God|: I io miijl I Q*" P*^ ^ c)«lr ; b«t oot otberwiM. If this prindplof \ not at our «^«6» canted out, how iBach,*of tiluit ii aeir pofmlar tho glory of k 10 be an- Mtreiaflu 3odmajbe %f li^ how- ^! And in 0^ It not «^«iiir I thittbcy ^ fl^Bitioo. vmtliiieet into ftotd RotoNg the great iMtt of p ro fe t t o it , troold hove to bf giem Q|>> How gp eedi l y would the poflng end blowiogj piiiiil and cbetHng of tobarcniiifcig pr o fc ttoit bi girenupt Howtooa would niperfuoot omamenti in drett btabnedowed ; and popular otnamenhitidn Mi^tub- stitutedbytiMMlQfiiBMntargoodworkal Whataiova^ lunon would talM plicie in the petbpdt of aopporting Ood'aeantet l|eo^, laited bf wefl% dovicet b the Cbuich^ would gifo pboe to the ige^will eitfiogt of oeetectatfd toolt. IVbat a hinted changa would tahd plaee in tho gaoeral depoctoient of p r o f etii B yChrittiana 1 And light, Mkf diieoune, Ibcdith talting and jetHbg^ would be renounced for lound tpeech, and edifying wof^i* How tpon would idle paitimfi he tet uidc, and the time be tpent in luch epiplpyment at w.k the iifet of the Ju4|F>ci>t day ) / v ^¥-. -'* ' -''-^ ^ Mi# diildrtii of God,' imltftd of Am consahinc tl Lofd, Mi wittin\y Uilltt«nc«d bf contidctaiioM ol itm poral advanuft. Tlit qu«tiofi ji|tli th«m k not what God raquint tiicai to ba Mid ti % but how th«y will| tpptft and wUt p«apl« will w^rUTliMii 1 , But wbai [>>■■ 7 ^Mri^nB^^ htery and the tattimoajr ot tha Bibta, aQil«>dli/'tt]piii||^ that th 4iial raivlt ia J lii a H ^ tbaiaa and lorrov. l4K>li at the{ of La| allar h* had atpamtad from AbrahamJ IIm oountrjr ^Mr to 8odo«i vat mtW watarcd, •nd Miitable for bia MJfali^ ha chota that placa. appar •ntlx not caring for tha 'notorieiit vickadnas* that pre- IRftUad tbara. Bat what waa the reault of tbia choice ? Did ha not low |U1 hit propiptHbard^ and toaia of the inaaibaia of hi« family ? O wa majr think to bebaAt our- ialvaa ia Mmc iattanoei, by punning a course that ii not %ondttdva to the glory ol God : but «e shall be miser* •ably disappointed. *'ThaM ia a way that seemeth eight Unto a man, but tba and tbacaof ara the ways of daath." .— Prov. i6: a5k, ' Tanpand appaarancaa a^y soem at timai to ba un- Jifoimble to the adoption ol tbo right path;, but uo aartbly lota, hoawvat great, BUik binder us in this mat- ter. A faihira to act in aoooadaoca with the principle bare laid down, axplaint why than it to much darkness m th^ iouli of maiqr pirdhwim^ Chrittiaaa. ChritC jays : :9i* |H4f. I !>--<- t. Hayi ^*t you are tion of a C ou were fir 6. Did ou give a | 7. Are nd wi ftct- 9. Arc ou can say re wttneiti inblameabl ieve r— I la W 01 thai b vorld? II. C ^^$ theligbtl \ \ rouldfif J hcooCi '^ w^ Nil 'f .•t..'»4„ lii^f. M^^^vvsttomftm ndfwmm of ■;.^, ■ „ ,^ ,|',| HOLINESS. .■;«■_.,,;- ' ■ \ ■oHinc I ia of itin I not wha r th«]r will ^t what .ft ihluufj^*'*^>*»* <»leisr fHtne* fHWB flit ffely Gliort iK>k tt •hep y«* •" entbtly •MKtifled ? .^ ^ , Abff«lMuii.| > li >our whol« toul on ftr« fof GoC *»« «"• ••^ II irit«^,|tfoii of ■ Chrlrtlm world ? , ^ .^-.i u^H 4. H^ve you oooatant communtoB wiOi God f ^4fe you IWni In lli# Is^ duqiHr # I' Corimh* MM. Appar I that pre if choice? nt of the leodll our- that if not be miter- meth light of dMth " i to bf un- I,;, but Ho > this mat- t priadple h darkness liriat^ays : 'i' 1^ Bi|%|OU mora power, faith and Love than ^ii| ou were first sanctified? .^^-^ •^^.^%i.^ n- r- , Mirr^-.d- 6. Did you ever win a soul to Cbrtol ? If IMI» cm ou give a good reason why ^ fi,|. ^., 7. Are you a terror to evlt doeii F ,|, Are you so living that your lif»— both in ip^ nd in Mt—is a coMtaij^ rebuke to the unsaved? 9. Are you living fixmi day to day, so that with Paul ou can say tp your family, friendsand neighbors : * Ye re witneises, and God also, how hoUly, and Justly, and nblameably we behaved ourieWes among you UmiM^ icve ?"— » Thess. s : .io» ' , v^i*i I a Would you be willing to have your heart, and 01 tibat is in it» held up before the gaze ol the wh|||« irorld? 4. ■.'■'■-: '-''"^i* II. Could you look into the flaming eyes of God, ind tell |yp that you are walking in the li|^t, as he is in the light? IS. Answer these questions just as honestly as you aisfe^' I '■(■; - ¥ $ hChat, 14-^BXBLE teaching ON D 4'', '* t> V 1. Nothing should b« wora timply b«c«illi ll k inj fiuhion. -RoMu iftifft^Bi. f|t •} • Cor. 4i 1^18 Kph. 4 1 17 ; I PtiiT f rt4{ t Jolw • : 15, f6 j jodt ij. ^1^ % Chrialiam ihoold Ml^BOt foUow iIm ivhioni. —Malt 1 1 i4-i6 i Frov. 4 : li j t^k. $ i y«i clotbiag. , Thoae paaeott, who indtUge their dilldren in mper fluoua omanMota, commit the doable tin of dobig wfoog thtaeehraa, and leaching their chfldren to do what God hat poaitively forbidden. Do not try to tatlafy your con idenc* by maidly being plafai younehret. God requireti thai TOO «*Tkain op a child hi the way he abould go." And you will ba held leaponaible at the judgment lor the parftnaaaca of this doty. Wa haie never laiti any %ho» enjoying the teal poi^ of God hi their abl^ ifOQld commit thia gbring incontiattncy. liraly abani etj iptciiH I'etar y 33 •• With Itothaaatei Some |)fide and a Israalitaa w with a tet prove that liibU it a wcU at the who ware I thiagt, Sc theyaftarw Oath holy womc •«Poralkef Auoull^rQl who trutti Peter 3 : a A eel u they d< They wen goldlneai 8 : S4. ^ II hanrahadi 3trd chapi adopted « HcfW daady thit interpretation Itgreaa with OodT Wotd» may be aeen by carefully readhig tha IbUotiiig Scriptiuei*, Gea, ^5; i-4;Ss. 33:4^1 ^1' ^'^ mentiottec Wh^ forbidden "ffiiWi'yi/fc'itiiiii M... f,a^...^.>-frf 1 lit ■i It it ml 4 1 1^18 M it % «i) at putting blddto, ■■ fc diifmic •At? under the Mbraidtry Wfl hold M potting uch M M * niiifiiper- )iiif wrong Wtiat God 'your eon ktrequirtH lioiiklfo." fotlor II any voold (rcty U'«t« 3: 3-5 i< With gold.- Tl* mitt^ Jo« ^ ^^ "^^^ **"' H t^< l(l# wK^^B V'HHB^HI g^^^^ffS _ OM ID juttiijTVi rith Ood'i ! TOUO#lllg 31 irM^b So«« ippMl to tfct ow T i m I ■» J»^; ^ „tid« tnd tiUavtgMic* or th« tge. Wt «• told that the lifMlitM wore onumwtt- Ihiu Robocx* wm pfwwied wUh • lot of jcw«^. AdmiMuif t*io &ct doe. not pfo^ that tho prtctico wm fi|ht ^^1 it nit Th* Hibl« it • WtWiii »>fc^nr ^^ *«*^^ *■• '"'*•*•• w«U M the viituet of thoeo td who« il ipitiW' *«• who weto food in th« nuin. di^ ^^ ihay aftafwardi rap«it*L— I Cof. 10 5 I* i • *»• 3 « **• On the other band we haira poaHlifa pfboTthat tha holy woman oT old abatained (rom wpardnooa otnamentt. •' For after thii manner (that ia, without gold, or toper- , AuotDi iimamanta), in dio old time, tha holy womanalao, who teutt^i in God, adomad th«naelfaa." atf:.--* Patar 3 : 5- \1 A ceruin writer obtervet : '•Tht unholy women, at they do now, adopted a fcahionaWa, worldly aturc ^ They were known by their appaaranoe. *For th^ ha# KohUn earringabeatnaa thay waw lahBMafitaa.'-Jtiag«a 8: i4.> If they had been true laraalitaa thay would not hara had upon tham the«! uaalepf «*M»«>^ Inlta, 3rd chap., the Tarimia modea thai mim^t ww«a# adopted to render thamadvea attractife, am tpedficallp mantiooed, and unaparingly cond e mne d .'^ ■ Why are trinkata of goW and jawalry of etery toad forbidden^ with coatly array? . , * % -•**», ,.f ■V •>.. ■■»» ^p^l V"- r / \ If "if i^ ^■iP Jr";'J;r. & M^ .r^',-" . J.- Aatwtr. ,^. 1. It ii a watte of time and monay to |^ t|^ . . ' a. It if of no, raal ralua to the body. ' ^t" ^' T# ' 3. It will not promote the glory of God— CoL s 17; I Coc 10: 31. r 4 It Increaaea pride and vanity. !^ 5. It keepa the poor from our church^'* ^v - ^Uii^ 6. It omttM and fbateri a flame of luit4 .■■* Finn^iayt: ■ . ,■■■'-,■, ■;'. v:;'■'^"'?■•'*'■/<*■^.■■*■■ ' *a m hi # What ii that to thee, follow tho« me."— John at : '9$i^^^ekKm ehalt not follow a mnltitade to do criL" j. Why, oUr mioiiter layt there ie bo harm itt adorning dM body. . '■ «« If any man pteaeh any other goipel unto yon than that yoo haie t«l««Mr] i*!^^^ lethiiBbeaccoraed."-*^! GiL.i;':9* - '-■■'^•/^-■r--- ^ "^ -\ -^ 4. 1 lote God, and my heart ii iwt eet on thete Yon iai7 tinak to ; bnt if all yowr ommenls w«e rtrippwleCyott wortdaoonftodthe^^^l^^ ••HUHtat ^/^^ AJMai tteadttieitl iiklkeejjedi tHiw h e itjl thet V C to^aritte.'^oliii 14 : »^ •* Thii if the wnt^Ood \ If « /_->,»;.,.,•, ^tjaj:^¥^ffii «f« that w kaap hfi oowtotodhBtBli.''— i JoM'S ^ 3* ** f^* that ttith, I know Him, attd ka«|Mth not Hit coommumI- mtnti, is ft Mar, ud the troth i» not in him." — i John a : 4. S* One might m v«ll b« mit of tbt world m o«t of ftthion. ' '-^ ^^ ** Y« tffe not of the wortd ; fa^t I hive ehoteo yon out of the world."— John 15 : 19* A dead' bird He for feathert. ii , {(. I can aflofd Iq urear tbea« thingji. "^.''T,'*' ^ Ye are not your own ; for je aie bought with a price; therefore, gt^ifjr God in yoQr body and tpirit which are Ood't.*— i Cor. 6 : 19, jio^ ** So, then, every ' one of na ihaU give an account of himaelf to God."~- ^,;' Rom. If : IS. ■ ■■^.;Vi^i-:^i,.:^:r ;.■'.:,:■.'. '■|-:;;.^/ 7. I never had the HghC.;. ■■:■''''■';'',:', ^.^.^-I.f;.;:.,;'.; ij^v Thy Word iaa lamp nnto my (eet^ and a li|^t /^.'untomypalh/'-^Pa. 119: 105. ^;:l>i^^i£#^;^•|'^^.:;,v■ ll # & I do iMH believe it it wrong to dreii aaetie ' 'pleasei. ■.:.■.. >»:■ ,- r. : ;'^.Ji ^,;j.'- ,'..A. '. ** If v« believe not IM elided £^^ deny bimiei£^''-a Tim. • : 13* "We oogbi hoc to please oiiiielvea r , . . .|br even Christ pleased noi hi»- -. : S|alC^-rlto«l, I5:.|*3. 9. Whjr* 1 never think of tbe«e liMe oraamoits^ We^ip niw Uunk |l them, why do you re membeiiii^ U^ theiii^?, *'If aaf ipaa bein Christ, be is a |M# eieatiKf: dd things are pissed nmm b of the OuuulA MethodJrt^ efter meotiooing a greet variety of •liis.iAcliiditig the putting on of gold and coatly ap- parel, which the candidate f or memberrtiip if required to: avoid, iayt,"AndaUtheie we know hiiSpiritwfitet upon t^ly awakened hearta". Accordoig to theM « Gener^ Ralet," thooianda in the Methodist churohet of to<^f who wear gold, jewelry, feathen, flowew, etc., including numy who profeM ho)ipeii> f^ f^^ "^ ^"^ ^ ''^^^ awakened.** *• .(. C^ 15,-CLOSET PRAYEIU \9^''\ ■ \ Ik .v^-* the fiJlowtog letter wai ttiai^^ to a ywng pio- iei# on dotet prayer: My D«A» ftioTH«R : In your Uit letter you ^«presi A ttfOBg derire that I would give you my opinioii reipect- ingMooMlia your miniitry hi connection wit^ pnycfv You aik: •*» I pfty ** lismtn i0nsiMHf and JwW^mU^ itt my doiet» and confeti and mourti over the •infuhieei of m^ people befoti 6m^ wtt Ji*gi«iter power and unctigB attend my minimyf iftndidiaMla be con- verted in- proportfan ai'l liiut iiet,prOtMed I do it itt fidtK? D0| tBsf btodieri ipMik om 011 theie labjeotg, ••.a fedieriB^ GkMpelt^ hbim t doaot a^ the abOv^qii«iA»* iHthanyofl««derf^ Amito^«MM*» 10 fee my way dearin thefOik of God." ' .^ - V I ain Ihaakivl to xeceife mi^ liii^tJUai Jw you> and I lodk to !Sod to enableme to answer thep»«a;oid<- iag to Hie Woid. ik t^*CT-J<'' IN aiFWF^:^ •r.^- ""^^pl^H"*' -^^^ M :.%h ■' i Sioce the (oundaUon of the world, all the mighty BMh ol God who have ihAken the kingdom of darkneft Jiave beeo men of prayer. Moeet pleaded until lie had 'power to turn atide heayen'a thunderbolt of wrath, al- Ihough God iaid. '* Lac me alone that I may deatroy them; and blot out their name from nnder heaven.** After long and powerful pleading Elijah ahnt and opened heaven. Bat, I will not ipeak of what propheta, apoitlei, and other intplfcd men have done through fidth and pray- er, left you ahould be diacouraged, ^^o al| Wi| niiin \ ifd anting tfeteni on it ii^i^VSp^arnisiS^^ thc^I«lt, he ' ' m6tM of Hwrn, fo nmM Mndwds wwe aa;ved by Y- .1 r^ evangel bleiaed i let us loo doset, B andeartl But dnctioni^ Just Go^hM fisarofi only wai Chnidk, yoocan poor in* .hear of haillai .can giv( If salvatiti |8ven* of nth t knov of •o* you an givey theloi tudts Tbey r ^ IIS uml-savimg » ItittobedeplowdthmtthewarenotaiOW •vangc^tt in the pfe««il d»y: I mew men who we bleiMd In the conTemon ol touli t ereiy ptace. But let oi look to ounelYW. / Ceel Mhamedof myw^lf » My cloeet. Bible, itady. ftmily, church. 0^ wofU, h»ven, and earth— *ll irltneee againat me. Bat I moit refrain, or my epirtto w^l be«U intio- oAhtM -Ted y *• ChLch. to *ii^ yoor pMty, or to ihow wtat grert t»tt r^m do, God -in not -e TOO. YoottoUof ^Hilto SL inderf. B«» tf you «« ««» do rtjoic wh« jroa . C or «»u bdn, -red to », "^-Jr";^ Jff^Lt luul 1 Mid tike tU «»>towii« cooBMl, which ta the b«* » ctamreyooonthewbjecfof jooieDquiMfc, _ | If TOurheMt » buidened and t««iy to bie«k tor the Ml^ of wub, wd you feel wffling to be »y*i»g-j «e», fool to the eye. of . God^honormg wo* .nd rf . .leepy church-*o th« muJ. m»y be mved. then. < 1 know MWthtog of the metter, yonue to » proper ^t« J^Tb^ to work for God. And U you- h.ve «,ne of thi. ye«ntog of he«t for louU. •!»>">- "• ^^^ ti»n abkdtog d-pherd ? But I c«. r.^!Ji^ «**«-«»« derire for the-ly«««^ S«>o«. To -roWhen thiu de-re. look rt^the m^^ ttdet «ound you huliytog onto .d«k perdmoKHm i^ tho««nd. wM-n the prfe of the p«rfe»»g a>w^ -t^ !..«. nothto. of mipon. ^ '^ nemel ».d fc^ ^a, ^Aohm lenoonced ev« t«e —"-4 I ..pfg^PSS^i .. ., .^^iij^' i •t; •^ t$$\ ' ■ V A church. They never bend \ knee.' They, live as heatheni live— «t godlett and ai sensual as the sons of * Athens and Rome in the olden time. How sad the the thought I You are moving through time to eternity in the midst of .a vast mass of perishing souls. They aurround you on every side. Go out, like Nehemiah, by flight, and survey the desolations of the city. See th^ dram shops, and the pawn-shops, and |he dens of infamy, and the gambling-Houses, and the many places of sinful amusement Couni jf you can the number of their vic- tims, or realise the amount Of the evil which, unitedly, tKey produce. Death and damnation are moving to meet them. Look, my brother, at the whole mass of sin- ners, trampling under foot the redeeming blood of Christ, and steeling their consciences against the Holy Ghost : making God's book a stepping stone to hell. See them shut their eyes. Yes 1 they are emphatically in Mfwcf/ to damn their bodies and soi^s forever. ^ tf what he did for bloody Manasseh, the murderer; mad Saul, wicked Magdalene, swearing Bunyan, the infidel Rochester, and millions of others-— thieves, drunkards, and the very worst of tinners, on this si^e of the pit. Nay, think until your soul is harrowed up within you, and melts into pity, or flamea into buhiing charity. Then, with your full, love-ttrtckeo heart, enter your closet and bewail the aina of the people befolt die Lord Take upadeep lamentation, and bewail their lost condition and their aggravated sinsL Make their sins yoor^wn, so to speik ; that is, feel for them, and pray for them, as thongfi y^u were in their almost lost condition. Yoke yourself in with them. Be par-- ticular in confessing ^eir sins. Do not doi^ theim. like lloscs, Daniel, Jeremiah, Paul,and other h<^y^meD^ confess^diem again and again, while you are pitfessitig and mourning ovs^ them, continue casting youl Soul and ■'*■ I ■ '.« 5»'fc-. * « "fir- --/» l|i ,A their dna oo tht Atonement : reoogpixe th« infiniut wfllingneM of the Re^ceiptr to mm thtm ; and plead wUh God to do It now. Do not piMd to nuke God tMSeUvtoMTethem; for he if alifedy ii|^Vk(f im7/iV»^. Bat pleed beceuM God alwnjt atfwen the pleulingt of bold, holy &hh. Yon need not ipend your' time ttodying the phDodbphy of the thbg. // ift jv. The Book of God, ind eftfy page of Ohorch histofy My, iir li «p. Theme- •teee vMeh hai ahrayt attended anch chitiprmym leta it A«- foni uO dmU, Aa yon an pUading, imitate Moe^i. When God waa aboot to ont off guflty laiael, Moeea ' pleaded hla promite, hia oalh, hla aketched oat arm ; he pleaded again and again ; he pleaded in faith even after God aaid, *< let me alone." Go thoo ai^d dd MkfViie. Plead the poirer of God ; plead the love of God ; plead the mercy of God; plead the "yea" and ** amen " promiaea of God. Plead the death of Jeans. Caat yotir adong-ttirred arma of lahh aroond afeaneii, Mid bring theai to *• croM of Calvary. PleadheaTen, with ita everiaatiif gkwy ; heU, with ita darkneaa, fire, and adaiaaBtine chaiaa. Plead the ahoitnesa of time ; [ piMd the Icogtb of endleaa Otmi^. Enter -deeply and ftd^ into their awfiil atate. I do not want yon to be a mm huppf^^ofttX Oiristiaa ; bat one who driaka #ith Chilat llw bitter cop. Bat mind and do all tmJaUk, with 4iiMi|^ 4^ lb M# «^ ^ iCa/; aiid, if yoii plead in tiiia way lor lK>aia,yo««u aaoD iMRite gimad seeitt of shik- iag vacf town, and>eiMMUag Aimtft of Bring walet ovm the land. Chriat iaya, <*Ha tfM bettereth, oat of hia bdlf ihall flow fimt oflMifmakrr Betteve, then, lyi II while yoa ava plMdiag^ yon only believe^ aomething CMt iriU>i affMtMl. 0,feralewMoaeBai,Jertmiaha, or Puda, to itaad in the gap 1 iWf ^\ My Xo« p.a wm bei yoo wiU preach, then, wh gettingA the chik crown ii firnaaiQei la: 3.- f • -■ i\ t ■ .... .■ **C Pig©^i ;v#;v real -■•■•;<»« 'Mj'k w^/ My ■■* i>K If r» be ii# mifi. iMtomiMtg. Do ft— ^ ^ ^—DO iT^but do It «/ yoors, «• «irtr, *.p,* Lorn eilkMiiA P.8.,-^If^ yoo Attend to thii holy doMt work yoa Wni tM •naoUitod with frtth dfl for the pulpil, and then foa will brinf down Qod'f Meering every till— yoa preach. Take bp th« «iOH^ 'deepiM the then, when the ihief Shepherd tlMiU appear, instead of getting^ portion With the hypocrite! yoo shall appear with the children whom he hkth given yoo, and^ receive a crown in which y^ shall ihine as the brightnesi of the firmament, aod M the. ptMfv for ever and ever.-^Dan. is: 3.— &/!;■,■ .. ...'' ■ :k: ^'l2.'j:ii." : '"i.;-^- - i' - ^- \ The Itim. ~/, f ' • " *■..'■■•■' "" ■*■ t '■ • .: ■>.,^■,'■%^■.■v^■&**^">j^^,■. -'i.' '■: . , 1 ■ ,..;■-,■■■'■- - ,,■... " ;-■■. ^..-'i- ;--^#;^:„^. . ; ^ _ ' . .» ' :•; '■ ■ •-, t», • F«ge J5, iii i« line, for " worshop " read " worship^* f 4ge 10, in 4th line from tMl tpp, for ** Cbisrians" ntd «* Chriiti»M.f* y/ P«go 99, ia snd line of 4^ paragraph, Ibr '* revarenot^ ' read ''Tefereoce." n^- ■■.-.1- *»^^- . .. > ., r 1 1^ ««(ii-tk** * *i*' 4 r . 1 ^ r.. 1 f. .»', ( t 7 ^1/ ■ " >A I < kfj ti • ' » • • » ' * • ^ * ■ • r- ■ ' " "1' '' m% Wk ■'.I- INDEX. "* . OiUy. L— Rinp«7 ProfawM^*... !........ t •• a^p^pariotu OonTwvioit 4 •« iL—ApMriooa HoUmm JO •• 4.— Oonpromiatng riMUhifM M •*. •.^TottiBiDofr> ..^,...4 »...,.... It ** fw— LakcwsrauMMt \»„1,», » ••••• 1* «• 1— A Wm« af lk« frah mi WltnMn o^ tiM ifirii: 11 «« •..^ol kangwliif •ttm Ood . . . 34 " 10.— Mo 8»liitary iBiiMtt^* is ihx Uh 'M •« 11 AaUDbrkll«dToiif4t. fl ** lt.~IiOT«of lh« WorMJ..... r.... tt «« l|,^PHd«iatlM OhttMM.. .•>!...... tl «• 14.—lU«luiliddMbiH«|M ..»....« M '* lik— 'Madera diiiroh In jknrUiainMlt.............*.. S7 ^* .tib»-lUBt«d Pawl... •J««*«f. •..*•..•••• ^7 «< l7.--8abb»th P i u t nM Jm . . V. M «* 18.— BMraftSoeiatiM M *• !•.— Uiiiif and 84UbK TobMoo;. M *?• IOl— "OoralJWMMW . *..».»»»!.»«>i». ..«•.. .»••••••.• " , t* 31.— Dasoinf „.,../...........• ..< •;. «. | ..... i . " M 28.— Tha Ohank W/4lkiag with tha World . .•;.•...». 89 ■:-■:■- '-.::>■<' ,- ■ . , /iPJURTli.-;-. ;..,-,. • -" • ■ ^Om»^ 1 .— B«p««taMf t Itt Nalua and If v^iMlty ........ 75 ** B.^ — Oonwnloid Whatlallf. ............. .*.... 78 'Tyit^-Jn.^li^gkM «lk JvaHflad fllOa ,»;;7o .TV, ,.. -j^V J7. ' H- * *▼ d.-**'4telvaiioM fttwi bUk ... ...,f .•»«... i>...*'.t.r.t». VP •• >.— DoM B^ 7. DaMtiba Cluia^B lExpariaaoa .... 80 ■ '.-No OwniiiiliBC i> BaaTM ..•».•....• 08 «« 7.— Pwltf VTat Obtaiaad bf Orowlli .« #.i«Wt . .«^». . 00 ' « ,f.--«aTad io Ibf CMitaM|||k^ . v *> < •>^m4 • > * • • • 101 .''^' ' '8.*— GcMMvatiiM .•..*. .'I^Hpr. •••*-« .««-«' •^**.'*i)^*'i^ p - IO._BiUiijMWMitoQmmi4» HothMWi..v;iV.. 106 •« 11.— tMiMite«oF«Ilillf«lion )I0 •» ^18.— TlMBz«a»ttowU«h wawMkOUyrlfjr God .... 184 — «« 18.— Qatiliaifag rmJmdffiol Holiaf . ♦ . ...^i. . ^^07- ' *■ .M.— BiUaTMMktefMiDraM. »•* *• 108 *•* 18.— GlMtl PlfajfW . . r. ..»»»*i». .•♦.«».■*♦••.» » »'•.»• .♦»»'-W8 iu% 11 HMC »< V. T ■prti •aoai ■ >laffwl. ▼taoia^ li ' li 1 Mf« ! IC 1 I itoi I I ate I '♦.■■.'•• WijfR; fl#t 4 12 It te . » . ti . as . 17 . 47 . U . 4S . 60 . 6» . 46 . 60 . 74 . 7t 106 % . isi ■ALVATtOK BOOKS A TAAQtf. ««teMr«L liatwbU •tUwr for aiaa*!* o> y i um m n 9t wl l0— • ^ to oMis p-r 100 of rklifpoa. Ml lllifllliwiiw ■■ ■■■■ » '»>w — — — — - — -:^ -'. Wiio»7tobMeo.hoaldb7«U|MMtl«i4ilfM«A^ « HnlYiifl^B Byai**. -Tfc''^ Idttlwi, ntwvun mm «• •kmwl. Thfci ta • otnlMtioa of ih* vrr bmt Aw»k«aiiig. tJojl* riadai. S ul 8*»iug llymiw< w«i«^»rtH 4«d. Wo %n»h. M> AaH- BoaiMM- ••. b«l d««p. •Olid, bl«ibd •.»■§•. ' 1» allUi <»T«ns 15c. «Mh J il .60 wr do.. , 60 00 p«r 100. MMciWltb mmlaSS&H Cure for tk« iImmi.^ ihbwork. "It to Ml abUand int-rwrtinn pamplilot.^ ItOmlm vigotow •lit>k« agAliuift tho afo of m •p|wlItD« •»U. 4flMt» «ek SOe«ntapMrdo«.:|S.AOmr 100. »i, v^ i^ ^Tho foUowint eb*|»ura to Ihto book Mr« ake fmMjfAM ta ^■r«k Walkliw with tlM» W«rM.-BO o«ita iSe llalar« m4 ll#>«*fiaty •f ««p«iitWM-e. » rioa ■aria* imim mmcUm44€m »!•!*. 5 cmu *wih. so -.^U » 4o«B, 68.fiO pt* r 100. jifeta tMh, SO OMM* dox,: 42.uO par 100. ^ _< * InmS Smb. T.,^||llbe ClurtalUUi Ek»f>rteMieT ' ^^^Riii, U»bfid«». Ontario. ^^ Wtfll 4lttrt- f.^lia^K.. -^ 'I?- ,^. t.£-i^s--^M. _„. . .-■'■■'''•: #rlff .,• .► f ■ ™*li*,i .*$. •I* / ♦ «^^ f »*■* #' *i»-i. m- a¥, .1* :M|*t '..^^T^ - "^" •I.' i .^Al. W-4 *-* • * jl •H-"" ^^* "M I"'-* ■ i • iU ♦•■ t, ^#' 4- »«^ ^.J. / 6 1, -^Mif ■': ■ A ■ r --^ ■ .' •i'- ■■ ■ ' / i \ f r- - *.. ■ 1 L, i i 4 •a.' f r .} . , • ;. ■'#,.•..: 1 1 i 1 ! f: ^ f* ■t *' ▼ , -.^., ■ ■ ■ ■ t • 1 -. » ■ *■ -. . • -(j, ■ ■ ••' . '•'■*" ■ ' '' ■ "}. ■■%;■" ■A- " • , * ,' ■ * ,,.'•♦ x«. ^