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Maps, plates, cherts, etc.. mey be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too Isrge to be entirely Included in one exposure ere filmed beginning In the upper left hand corner, left to right end top to bottom, as many frames ss required. The following diegrams Illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fllmAs A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi A partir de i'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bes, en prenant ie nombre d'images nicessaire. lies diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mithode. t i 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 r 7 C 'A- J/ ■j*,/^,/S, ^ / ( ' n A ]sr a K OF ""HE DISTRICT-TOWN OF THE DISTRICT OF KAMOURDSKA. The District of Kamouraska oomprises the Counties of Kamouraska and Temiscouala. The District-town ought not therefore to be at the centre of one, but as near as possible to the centre of the two Counties. It ought also to be one of the most important villages of the District- Two localities contend for that honor, ST. LOUIS de Kamouraska and PRASERVILLE in Riviere du Loup. The first of these two places is situated at the centre of the County of Ka- mouraska ; the second is close to the boundary line separating the two counties. In 1846, when the District of Kamouraska was formed, a Report of the Legislative Assem- bly, recommended Riviere du Loup, the parish which includes the village of Praserville, as the District-town. (See Appendix of 1846, vol. V, letter I, English edition). In 1849 the County of Temisoouata was included in that of Rimouski ; it then was alreac'y contemplated to make of this last county a district by itself distinct and separate from that of Kamoura!>ka. The member for Rimouski, fearing no doubt that the choice of Riviere du I 90 ifiileit. FRASERVILLE (without railroad) 66 miles. Difference against ST. f.OUIS. •li CojT or TaA.siPOBT— From the lower extremity of the (liatrict to, anil hack : ST. LOUIS. FRASKRVILLE. iHt clanii $4.80,(1) $2.00 2nd clasB 4.35 (1) 2.00 Ftoin tho establishments on Lake TemlKouutii to, and back : ST. LOUIS. FRASEKVII.LK. 1st class $6..'X)(1) .?3.00 2nd class 6.35 (1) 3.00 From the upper extremity of the district to, and back : ST. LOULS. KRASERVILLK. 1st class $1.15(1) $1.70 2nd class 1.00(1) 0.90(2) N. B.— Difference in clas.«ie« exists in railroad alone. 1861. .210.58 . 18561 2o. Population : 1846. 1851. County of Kamouraskii 16419 19;«75 County of TemiMouala 11005 14419 The difference which in 1846 was flH has reduced in 1861 to 2499. Increase From 1846 to 1851. From 1851 to 1861. Kamourasku, 18 per oent. 8 5;8 per cent. Temiscouata, 31i per cent. 28.1 per cent. The population uf Temiscouata in the first period incrt.-a!>e(l I3i per i^pnl faster then tliat of Katnouraska, and in the second period 19^ per cent. Taking the increassf tn at the !asses at 5 miles from St. Louis. Fraservk ^ has a large, good and safe harbour for vessels of^ the heaviest tonnage. St. Louis has iioiie^\ Fraserville possesses a telegraph office ; there is none in all the County of Kamouraska ; and at MIC of the last terms of the Criminal Court a messenger had to be sent from St. Louis to Fra. serville, distance of 24 miles, to telegraph to Quebec for an advocate to go down antt conduct (1) 'In these prices the vehicle from St. Paschal to St. Louis and back is put to 75c. but when roads are bad it rises to sometimes as much as $2.00 and early in the spring, and late in the fall the roads get so bad that it becomes impossible to obtain vehicles of any sort, and the distance of 5 miles between the two places has to be walked across fields. (2) The Grand Tiunk terminus beiii;; in the villiigc of Fraserville, \vi!> than one mil." from the church, second cln.s.i never take.! vehicles. ^aoiiiu jiiiporluiit (.-ruwii busiiic!