IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 !f:«- IIM I.I 1.25 ■^ 140 2.2 12.0 IIU 1.4 1.6 <^ ^'/^A, ^ ^>^ % Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 C\e."— Edwin Barnes, M.D., P. "K mo'.t valuable adjuvant " I havs used your • Tar So Blackmai', M.D., iVarsaw, Oh " I have recently used Packi considerable and oftnsive discha /i. Snukt, M.D., Whiteliall, ;V. " As » deodorizer for wound article."— C, H. Von Tagen, M. "I have found ii valuable in fragrance render it peculiarly des " Wc believe, from our own ' made and used, not only for med "I have recently used Pack •^o remove fetor— but caused a I aged thirty-eight and since, I Henry Co., Iowa. * * * "The best prepara recommending it for purposes nai "It works to perfection in i destroying the odors of perspirat more than soaps in ge&eral, viz, : " I am in the habit oTtiMii^ The aoap i« clouuing, soothini tviiwre^'— Egbert Gutrmty, A MEDICAL FACULTY ^1> |[niucraitg of Prcsontcd bu r Claaf..OlG Gl BookC 4G 3 >rk. Icrstat.d- e /att." it i^ tiled. I ithert'iY, of every V. t during foriasis ; lUteiid- deodor- |he cnly Ixen,! a f combi- Library of tbB Faculty of piedicinB, McOILL UNIVERSITY. MONTREAL. Beoeived l.fif .Q.aT. is it is by far the be^t soap ' infants' iwc, it is iiivulu.v M.n., Cleveland, Ohio. nt remedial agent,"—//. valis, in which there wus nd correcting fetor." — A". als, in my judgment, litis '■ftrties and its wholesome place of all other Nua|)s ■'ork City. Ifilled the object_ in view T patient, a married lady, na, M.D,, New l.otuioit, h it, we take pleasure in Mxlotiier, it is wonderful, I at tho same time vastly the oiost markad benefit .tly stimulating action ia •^it^t^- H ' A->,. E LONDON M'F'Q COMPANY. ^^^^^^ LONDON MF'G CO.'S (^ SSENCESiiMEATS \ FOR INVALIDS, INFANTS AND TRAVELERS. ESSENCE OF BEEF, MUTTON, CHICKEN. These Essenoes are the finest juices from, choice meats, entirely free from, fatty or injuriou.' matter. They retain the fine flavor and sinell of the meats. Are > ^avy liquids in a warm temperature and when placed upon Ice take a jelly form especially grateful to invalids. Children will readily take them, and in many of their complaints Essences are unequaled. Being used WITHOUT WATER, they do not cause nausea as does Beef Tea, and they will remain upon the stomach when all other nourishment ' t rejected. In men- tal or physical prostration they act as srong stimulants, without the subsequent injurious effects produced' by alcohol. In Dyspepsia and all Chronic Diseases of the Stomach, they are easily assim,ila ted and are helpful in Consumption and other wasting diseases. J^Tatural, pleasant and refreshing in fevers. Afford concentrated micat stimulant after ohild-hirth. Are convenient for persons hoard- ing or traveling. Taken cold direct from the can, needing no preparation whatever. Sold hy Druggists and Fine Grocers. PREPARED BY THE LONDON MANUFACTURING CO., 77 Jk 79 VARICK ST., NEW YORK, 92 li 93, Great Russell St., London, W. C. THE OSLER LIBRARY McGILL UNIVERSITY 1 MONTREAL PHYSICIAN'S PHAETON, On Tilbury Springs. :tt^ Insnres comfor< without the fatigue consequent upon the Reaction of the Elliptic Spriug. Vertical Steel Plates inserted in the axle-beds, which give 250 ]ier cent, greater Htiflfuess to the body. For further particulars and prit-e, send for Circular. J. B. BREWSTER & CO., 14ri East Twenty-liftli Street, [Established 1838.] IVow York. ESTABLISHED 1855. H. WEINHAGEH, 152 WILLIAM ST., NE^V YORK, MANITFAOTURER OF FEVER THEBMOMETEBS. These TliermomfiterH are waiTuiitett to be jierfectly accurate, neatly flniHlieil, uiid are put up In Itard rubber cases. No, .S7-4.. 4, 0, or C in. Patent Twist, witb Indestructible Register. Racli $3 BO No. 375. 4, n, or C in. Safety Contraction, with Tndestructible Register. Eacli $a nO Xo» 876. 4,fi,orClii. Bclf- Registering, scale cnKravcd on tube, J deg. Each f-j 00 SENT, PREPAID, ON RECEIPT OP PRICE. Vlvroa»t Mjpivmsy lyvLk^^m^ A,td Sur. Jour., Oct. Absorption. Of the Vaginal Mucus Membraue. (Easloy.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., July 28. AAAnminnHatlnn and Refi-action. In relation U INDEX FOR 1878." The " Indkx " for IkS/S is now in active preparation, and will be issued about the ist of March, 1879. To the American and Canadian list will be added the leading- Journals of Great Britain and Ireland. In the Author Classification, the Address as well as the Name, will be giv'en, thus makiui^ a Comj)lete Register of the Contributors for the curi'ent year. The price will remain unchanged — viz : One Dollar. I 20. - - - - Case of Unilateral Cerebellar — ^ and Tumors without rorsistence of Symptoms. (Hughes.) Vhicaffo Jour. Kerv. and Menl. IHs., Oct. - Cerebral and Diluted Bronchi. (Uutchin- son.) Phila. Med. Times, Aug. 18. -Cold or Fracture of Joints. (Tagen.; Hoineo. Times, Sept. - Case of Psojis following Excision of Tes- ticle. (Feuwick.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., June. -Psoas opened. (Wall.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour.,A(iv. - Case of Porincphritio . (Forsyth.) y. Y. Med. Bee. , Oct. 20. - Post SteiTial . (Keen.) Phila. Med. Times, June 0. -Ti.reo Cases of Pelvic . (McGraw.) De- troit Med. Jour., Sept. - An ICxtraordinary Case of Bilnry commu- nicating with the Riglit liroohus. (Simuiuus.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. Acute RhenTnatism. (uouum.^ vtH. ijoneet aud Obs., March. — Salicylic in Acute Rheumatism, (Conway.) Va. Med. Monthh/, May. — On the Therapeutical Uses of Salicylic and Its Salts. (Dessau.) N. Y.Med, liec., April 1. -Solvent lor Salicyllo . (Edmiston.) Chi cago Med. Jour, and Ex., Feb. — Salicylic . (Flowers.) Va. Med. Monthly, March. — Salicylic In Kheumatism. (Grlswold.) Cal. Med. Times, July. — Salloyllo . (Hale.) North Am. Jour. Ho- vieo.,Feb. -Salicylic in Septic Fever. (Hale.) V. S. Med. Investigator (II. >, Feb. 1. — Salicylic . (Hoffman.) TI. S. Med. Investi- gator (II.), Jan. 13. — Salicylic and its Salts. (Kinsman.) Ohio Mvd. Ilccordcr, Sept. — SiiUcylio in Acute Rheumatism. (Per- riu.) Phila. Med. and Stir. Hep., March 8. TBE FOLLOWING JOURNALS ARE RKPRESfCNTED IN THE INDEX IDS 1877. Cincinnati Medical News. Detroit Medical and Surgical Journal. Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal. Habneniannian Monthly. Toledo Medical and Surgical Journal. U. S. Medical Investigator (H.). Virginia Medical Monthly. Western Lancet. , INDEX. CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. "i Abattoirs. The Sanitary Qiientlons CnnoerninR and tho 81iiiii;Ut(>riii)< ItusinoHH lu Kt)W York. (Jauos.) The Sunilariun, July. AbiflB Nigra. (Allen.) Ilahnemannian Monthly, Oct. Abnonnalltlos. Notes on . (Sliepherd.) Ca- iiuda JUcil. und Snr. Jour., June. Aborting Variola Eruptions. On . (Hal- doiuuuu.) Cin, Lavcel tttiit Oha., July. — On . A Rcjolutior to Uc. llildictu's Reply. (Iluldeiuauu.) Cin. Lancet and Oba., Dec. Abortion. After Twin Prepnaucy. (Bacon.) i'/it/a. Med. and Sur. Rep., Feb. 17. — The TrcMitmcnt of . (Logan.) Louisville Med. Ncivs, Feb. 8. — Its Symptoms and Treatment. (Penrose.) N. r. Med. Hec, Dee. 29. — Consequent on Fatty DoRencratlon of tho Pla- centn. (Suv^ry.) Am. Jour. Obs., April. — Sudden lieath During Attpmptod . (Shi- monek.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. lirp., Feb. 17. — Tho Cause and Prevention of Repented . (Waddcll.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. and March. — Of Twins. (Wilson.) Phila. Med. Times, April 14. Abscess. Case of Supposed of tho Medias- tinum. (Bauer.) St. Louis Clin. JCee., Jan. —Unusual form of . (BeuU.) St. Louis Clin. Rec., May. — Case of Intra-Abdomlnal . (Bowlosby.) N. V. Med. Eclectic, May. — Retro-Pharyugeal iis a Sequel of Diphthe- ria. (Brown.) N. Y. Med. Rcc, Feb. 3. — lu the Gastro-Hepatio Omentum. (Catter- molo.) Canada Lancet, May. — Hepatic Aspirated with a Davidson's Syr- inge. (Hand.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., March '24. — Case of Perltyphylltlo . (Clarke.) JV. Y. Med. Rec Sciit. 20. — Case of I'critnihylltie . (Ely.) N. T. Med. Rec, Setil. 29. — Of tlio Brain, tho Result of Chronic Otitis Media. (Coomos.) Louisville Med. News, Oct. 20. — Case of Unilateral Cerebellar and Tumors witliout P('r8i8t<^noo of Symptoms. (Hughes.) Chicago Jour, fi'erv. and Ment. Dis., Oct. — Cerebral and Dilated Bronchi. (Ilutchin- sou.) Phila. Med. Times, Aug. 18. — Cold or Fracture of Joints. (Tagen.) Homeo. Times, Sept. — Case of following Excision of Tes- ticle. (Feuwiuk.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., June. — Psoas opened. (Wall.) Sur. Jour., Aov. — Case of Periupphritio , Med. Rec., Oct. 20. — Post Sternal . (Keen.) .Jnned. — Ti.ree Cases of Pelvic — troit Med. Jour., Sept. — All K.xtraordinary Case of Bilary commu- ni(:atinK with the Ri>;lit Brochus. (Simmons.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. Buffalo Med. and . (Forsyth.) N. Y. Phila. Med. Times, -. (McQraw.) Dc- — Of tho Comcft. (Smith.) Detroit Med, Jour., July. Abscesses. On Retro-Pharyugeal . (Pe- ters.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour,, Oct. Absorption. Of tho Vaginal Mucus Membrane. (Easley.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., July 28. Accommoflatlon and Refraction. Tu relation to Catarrhal Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis and Headache. (Wuodyatt.) U. 8. Med. Investiga- tor (U.), Aug. 15. Acid. The ofWil!owBark. (Dott.) Am. Jour. Phnr., Dec. — T^iomhydrlo . (Church.) New Rem., June. — Carbolic In Eye Sui-gery. (Chisolm.) Va. Med. Monthly, Dec. — Injection of Carbolic In Hemorrhoids. (Pooley.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jotir., Nov. — Carbolic as an Antiseptic. (Wish.) Am. Jour. I'har., Aug. — Cresotiiiio in Acute Articular Rheuma- tism. (Kdebohls.) N. Y. Med. Hec, Ma)/ a. — Use of Gallic in Phthisis. (Marshall.) Phila. Med. and Sttr. Rep.. May 6. — Hydrobromio and Quinine. (Vrcorman.) N. Y. Med. Rec. April 21. — Hydrobromio In Prescriptions. (Wade.) Detroit Med. .Tour., Oct. — Action of Nitrate on Symp of Iodide of Iron. (Betz.) Am.Jour.Phar.,Dec — On tho Application of Fuming Nitric to tholntcrior of the Uterus. (Alloway.) Canada Med. Rcc, April. — Application of Nltrio to the Uterine Cav- ity. (Campbell.) Canada Med. Rec, April. ~ Nitric in Uterine Ulceration. (Wood- bury.) Med. Brief, Dee. — Nitric in Erysipelas, Paerperal Fever and Diphtheria. (Pramer.) TJ. 8. Med. Investiga- tor (jr.), Feb. 1. — The J'reparation of Concentrated Nitric . (Trimble.) Am. .Tour. Phar., Nov. — Picric . (Jones.) Am. Observer (IT.), Aug. — Salicvlio In Lumbago. (Calfec.) Louis- ville Med. News, Jan. 6. — Tiio Effect of Salicylic in s'x cases o^ Acute Rheumatism. (Collins.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Manh. — Salicylic in Acute Rheimiatism. (Conway.) Va. Med. Monthly, May. — On the Therapeutical Uses of Salicylic — and Its Salts. (Dessau.) N. Y.Med. Rec, Ajirill. — Solvent lor Salicylic . (Edmiston.) Chi caf/o Med. Jour, and Ex., Feb. — Salicylic . (Flowers.) Ya. 2led. Monthly, March. — Salicylic In Rheumatism. (Griswold.) Cat. Aied. Times, July. — Siillcylio . (Hale.) North Am. Jour. Ho- Hiff)., Feb. — Sallcyiic in Septic Fever. (Halo.) TJ. S. Med. Juvesligalor (II.j, Feb. i, — Siiilcylio (Iloll'mau.) U. S. Med. InvestU galm- (U.), Jan. 15. — Siilicylio and its Salts. (Kinsmau.) Ohio Mid. Recorder, Sept. — StUicylio in Acute Rheumatism. (Per- riu.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., March 3. m INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, — Ballcyllo in the Treatment of Acute Kheumatlsm. (Roberts.) Va. Med. Monthly, Feb. — Salycyllo as an Antl-Rbeumatlc. (Sea- bury.) Med. Brief, May. — Salicylic in liliopntlilo Erysipelas. (Spen- zer.) Ohio Med. Recorder, Sept. — Salicylic — in Malnriiil Fever. (Stonebrak- cr.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Dec. 1. — Salicylic as an Autipcriodlo and Gener- al Febrifuge. (Thomas.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., June 2. — Solvents of Salicylic . (Thresh.) Am. Jour. Phar., Jan. — Salicylic in Iritis. (Wheeler.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. 22. — Sulphuric in Croup. (Pramer.) IT. S. Med. Investigator IB.), Feb. I. — Sulphuric vs. Eplstaxis and Stinking Feet. (Taylor.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., May. — Tannic of Guarana. (Green.) Am. Jour. I'har.. Aug. — Pathological Importance of Uric and Its Combinations. (Mann.) N. T. Med. Jour., Dec. Acids. Salient Points on the . (Miller.) Uahnemannian Monthly, Nov. AcittQm Carbolicoin. (Van Valkenburg.) Eclec- tic 'lied, and Sttr. Jour., June. Aciduin. Phosphoricum Dilutiuu. (Mattison.) Am. Jour. Pliar., Jan. Acne. (Campbell.) Ci7i. Mvd. Advance (II.), Sept. — Indurata. (Bulkley.) Arch. Dermatol., Jan. Acoi?tte. (Goss.^ Southern Med. Rec.,, Tune. — An exceptional remedy in Typhoid Fever. (Miller.) Borneo. Times, May. — The Objective Symptoms ol! in InflEUima- toiy Fevers. (Woodward.) JJ. S. Med. Inves- tigator (B.), May. — Rout. An Adiilteration of . (Holmes.) Am. Jour. Phar., May. Addison's Disease. Case of . (Pepjier.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. — Clinical Lecture on a Case of . (Pepper.) Phila. Med. Times. Dec. 8. — And its Relations with Antematosls. (Pep- per.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. -Case of . (Steadmau.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour. Oct. 25. Address. Valedictory. (Amick.) Cin. Med. News, Aug. — (Barrows.) N. E. Med. Gazette (B.), Aug. — President's before tho Arkansas State Medical Association, (Barry.) St. Louis Clin. Rec, May. — Annual Meeting Am. Med. Association. (Bowditch.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., June 7. — (Byford.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Dec. — Annual . iByford.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., April. — Introductory before tho Medico-Surgical Society of Montreal, Nov. 2, 1877. (Campbell.) Canada Med. Rec., Nov. — To tho President. (Cunningham.) Ya. Med. Monthly, Jan. — Annual — before the Kansas City District Medical Society. (Dougherty.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. — Inaugural . (Davis.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., Oct. — Before tho Students of the Nashville Med. Col. Oct. 1, 1877. (Eve.) R. and L. Med. Jour., Nov. — Annual to the Western Academy of Ho- meopathy. (Franklin.) U. S. Med. Investi- gator (B.), Jan. 1. — Annual delivered before the Bathurst and Rldeau Medical Association. (Grant.) Cana- da Lancet, Feb. and July. — To tho Alumni of the Medical College of Ohio. (Green.) The Clinic, March 31. — Annual before tho Tenth Annual Meeting of tho Canada Medical Association, Sept. 12, 1877. (Hingston.) Canada Med. liec, Dec. — An delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Boston Microscopical Society. (Holmes.' Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., May 24. — On Retiring from tho Presidency of the Alnm- ri Association of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. (Leale.) Va. Med. Monlhlij, Sept. — Delivered to the Graduating Classes, Univer- sity of Nashville and Vanderbiit University, Feb. 22, 1877, (Menees.) Noah. Jour. 'led. and Sur., March. — (Osgood.) N. E. Med. Oasetlc iH.), June. — (Pickai d.) Cin. Med. News, Oct. — Introductory . (Small.) U. 8. Med. Inves- tigator (B.), Nov. l.^. — (Southworth.) Toledo Med. atid Sur. Jou ., Aug. — Valedictory to the Class of 1866 and '7. (Spence.) OhioMed. and Sur. Rep. (B.), March. — Inau<'ural . (StUwell.) Cin. Laiieel and Obs., March. — To tho Graduating Class of the Buffalo Med- ical College, la77. (Stoddard.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. -- Valedictory to the Graduating Class of the Cincinnati College of Medicine and 8m- gci-y. (Tliacker.) Cin. Med. News, April. — Valedietiny to tho GJraduatea of Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Bishop's Col- lege, Lenoxville. (TreuLoUue.) Canada Med, Rec., April. — Inaugural . (Vance.) Cin. Lancet and Observer. Jan. — Extract from an delivered before the Southern Illinois Medical Association (Ward ■ ner.) SI. Louis Clin. Rec.. Fib. — Commencement . (West.) Cin. Lancet and Observer, April. Salival . (Thorn berry.) Am.Pract. (Atlee.) Adenitis. May. Adiiesions. Pelvic in Ovariotomy. Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. — Forcible Flexion in Fibrous . (Gardner.) Canada Lancet, Oct. Adulterations. (Mattison.) Am. Jour. Phar., March. — (Miller.) Am. Jour. Phar., Feb. Agalactia-Urtica Urens. (Terry.) Borneo. Times, April. Aiken. As a Health Station. (Gcddings.) Char- leston Med. Jour, and Rev., Jan. Air. Observations on Treatment by Compressed . (Baldwin.) North Am. Jour. Borneo., May. — Tho Respiration of Compressed and Rareflemonia in Snake Bite. (Elder.) Phila. Med, and Sur. Hep., Aug. 11. — Injections of Carbolato of for Snako Bite. (Knott.) Phila. Med. and Sur, Hep., July 28. — Muriate of in Diphtheria. (Oglesby.) West- ern Lancet, Dec. — In Broucbial and Lung Troubles. (Patton.) Va. Med. Monlhly, Feb., and Southern Med. Jtec., March. — Picrate of In Intermittent Fever. (Snider.) Ohio Med, Recorder, Nov. Ammonium Carbonate, and Fahrenheit up to the nineties. (Wilder.) Am. Jour, Phar., Oct. .VmmoniO'Cupric. Solution of . Sulphate as a Tost for Grape-Sugar. (Power.) Atn. Jour. Phar., Jan. Amorphous Phosphorus. (Shrotter.) Bahne- inunnian Monthly, March. Amputated. Arm after dlflbse Cellulitis. (ICeeu.; Phila. Med. Times, June 9. Amputation. Of the Penis. (Barry.) St. Louis Vlin. RecAug. 9. — Of the Penis. (Qouley.) Louisville Med. News, Sept. 15. — Of tlio Hlp-Jolnt for Malignant Disease of the Femur. (Cunningham.) Va. Med, Monthly, Oct, — Case of at the Hip Joint. (Townshend.) Am. Jour, Med. Sciences, April. — Of an Ann without Ligatures. (Milner.) Phila. ifed. Times, Oct. 27. — Report of Two Cases of through the Knee Joint. (Mursick.) lioston Med. and Sur. Jour., Jnty^S. — Of tlieLeg after Compound Fracture Causing Necrosis of Tibia and Fibula iind Disuaise of Ankle Joint. (Keed.) Phila. Med. Times, March 17. — Of the Neck of the Uterus. (Sell.) Phy. and Phar., May. — lutra^Ut'Tine. (Shcrtzcr.) Med. Brief, June. — A Siicctsstiil Caiio of of the Thlsb Treiitcd Antiseptic illy. (Stimson.) Southern Med. liec.,Jun. — Case of of Extensive Caries and Abscess of tlio Tibia. (Wood.) I)elroilMed.JoKr.,Noi\ Amputations. The Miiior in Cook Co. Hos- pituls IJiuini? Eleven Years, ending Dec, 1875. (l''enn.) ChicngoMcd. Jour, and A'x,, Oct. — Antiquity of Tarso-Metatarsal . (Hub- bard.) N. T. Med. lice. May 19. — HowTliirty-flveCon-secutivo were success- fully Treated a Century Ago. (Smith.) li.and L. Med. Jour., Feb. Amy! in Diseases of the Ear. (Si>encer.) St. Louis Med. and Siir. Jour., June. — Nitrate of in Ague. (Beebe.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Sept. 15. — Nitrate of in Tinnitus Aurlum. (Burnett. N. y. Med. Jiec, Aug. 4. — Nitrnte of in Dysmenorrhcea. (Hale.) Ilahnemannian Monthly, March. — Nitrite. Report on tlio Experimental Use of In Ten Cijses of Pertussis. (Bayles.) Va. Med. Monthly, Aug. Anremia. On the I'alliolopy of Partial Cere- bral . (Peters.) Ohio Med, and Sur. Jour., Feb. Aniesthesia. Local . (Banga.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. — Discovery of . (Sims.) Ya. Med. Monthly, May, anC II. and L. Med. Jour., J%ine. — Atmospheric- —. (Eley.) Phila. Med. and Sur, Hep., April 21. — By Rapid Breathing. (Wood.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., March 24. AnsBsthetic. What shall we Use 1 (Chis- olm.) It. and L. Med. Jour., Oct. Anaesthetisation Case of Death During by Ether. (Robinson.) Va. Med. Monthly, April. Analysis. Of Ten Samples of Baking Powder. (Long.) New Hem., Sept. Anatomy. On Comparative . (Allen.) Phila, Med. and Sur. Hep., April 28. — Recent Progress In . (Dwlght.) Boston Med. and Siir. Joxir., March 1 ana Sept. 6. — Report on the Progress of ana Surgery. (McMurtry.) Am. Med. Bi-Weekly, June 9, July 7 and 21. — Contributions to Encephalic . (Spitzka.) Chicago Jour. Ment. and Nerv. Dis., Oct. — Sliould Comparative belncluded in a Med- ical Course » (Wilder.) N.Y.Med, Jour., Oct. Anchylosis. Of Shoulder Joint. (Frankel.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Dec. -Synchronous of Left Shoulder and liight Knee. )VauTagen.) Am. Borneo., July. Anaemia. Progressive Pernicious . (Gard- ner.) Canada Med. and Sur, Jotir., March. — Progressive Pernicious . (Osier.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., March. Aneurism. Of the Abdominal Aorta. (Brlggs.) Na.ih. Jour. Med. and Sur., Feb. — Aortic . (Brown.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., June. — Of tli6 Aorta. (Montgomery.) Phila. Med, Times, Sept. 1. — Sixciises of of the Thoracic Aorta. (Oc- terlony.) N. Y. Med, Jour., May. — Of the Ai-ch of the Aorta. (Robins.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Oct. !27. — NewMethodof Curing Popliteal . (Burke.) N. Y. Med, Jour., June. — Popliteal mi.' B.) y. Y. Med. Jour., Feb. Antropine vs. Morpbino (Spottswood.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Oct. C. Anus. Abnormal of Six Years' Duration. A BiicceRsiul Operation for its cure. (Hudson.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. — Imperforated . (McCoy.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, July. — Artificial From Traumatic Causes. (Rains.) R. and L. Med. Jour., July. Aorta. Abdominal Nearly Severed by a Bullet. (Bradley.) Detroit Med. Jour., Nov. Aphasia. Partial without Appreciable Le- sion of Island of Reil. (Wood.) Am. Jour, Med, Sciences, Jan. — Cliuieal Lecture on . (Yandell.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov, — Case of 8yi)bilitic . (Yandell, Jr.) Louis- v-ille Med. Nttcs, Dec. 8. — Cllnieal Lecture on . (Yandell, Jr.) Louis- ville Med. News, Dec. 15. Aphonia. Of Ten Months' Duration from Para- lysis of the ArytcnoidouaPropiius Muscle, etc. (Robinson.) Avi. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. —And Dyspnoea. (Whittaker.) The Clinic, Jan. 13. Aphorism.s. In Fracture. (Cowling.) Louisville Med. Netos, Dec. 29. Aphthae. (Peters.) Va. Med. Monthly, May. Apis. la Diphtheria. (Nash.) JIahnemannian Monthly, Feb. Apacynum Cannahlnnm, or Indian Hemp. (Van Valkenburg.) N. Y. Med. Eclectic, May. Apoplexy. Case of Puerperal . (Brucbacb.) Am. Med. Bi-Weeldy, March 17. — Case of with Contracted Pupils. (Rid- eration« on tbo Genito-Urinary Organs. (Otis.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., April. — New for Antiseptic Surgery. (Sass.) N.T. Med, Jour,, March, Aqnte AledicataD. (Kennedy.) Am, Jour. Phar., Jan. Argentum and Silium. (Woodyatt.) U. S. Med. Investigator (U.), Dec. 1. -Nitricum. In Diseases of the Kidneys. (Prcstou.) Iluhncmannian Monthly, April. Arnica. The Poisonous Effects of . (Earle.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept, — In rncrpcral Peritonitis. (Ehrman.) U. S. Med. Investigator (M.J, May 15. Arsenic. Estimation of — in Wall Paper and Green Tarlctau. ( New Rem., Aug, — Separat ion of from Organic Matter. (Mil- ler.) Louisville Med. News, June 2. Arsenical Compounds. Ready Test for (Galllard.) Am. Jour. Phar., March. Arthritis. Subacute Rheumatic . (Davis.) Phila. Med. aud Sur. Rep., April 11. — Case of Rheumatic. (Doane.) Med, Brief, Aug, — Suppurative Following Acute Rheuma- tism. (Gibuey.) N. Y. Med. Rec., Aug. 2,'>. Articular Diseases. On some Mooted Questions in Kclutiou to . (Bauer.) St. Louis Clin. Rec, Aug, Artificial Feeding of Infants . (Beebe.) Am. Homeo., Aug. Ascitis . Case of Accompanied with General Anasarca. (Downs.) Toledo Med. atid Sur. Joxtr,, Nov. — Two Cases of Successfully Treated with Iodine Ii^jections. (Ford.) Canada Lancet, Feb. — Case of . (Hoyt.) Cin. Med. Advance (H.), March. Aspergillus in tbo Ear. (Hall.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Ajyril. Aspiration in Hernia . (Parsons.) Homeo. Times, Jan. — Ill Complicated Cases of Pleural Effusions. (Pepper.) Phila. Med. Times, May 2C, June O.and Aug. 4. — Remarks on . (Hooper.) Va. Med. Monthly, Jan. — Of the Perineum as a Means of Draining the Lower Part of the Pelvic Cavity . (White.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Dec, 15. Aspirator. A Handy . (Pitch.) N, Y. Med. Jour., Nov. — Ou the use of the in Hydropborax. (Gil- bert.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. — Pica for the Early Uso of the in Pelvic Cel- lulitis. (Oeterloiiy.) Va. Med. Monthly, Oct., and Cin. Med. News, Dec. — Tbo Uso of tbo in Retention of Urine. (Shepherd.) The Clinic, March 24. Asthenopia. Accommodative and Muscular . (Castle.) Phila, Med. and Sur. Rep., Sept. 8. Asthma. General Pathology of . (Bums.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Jan. 20. — What is tbo Relation Botweeu and Con- sumption 1 (Cleveland.) T/i^ Clinic, Nov. 10. — Relief for . (Fontaine.) Am. Med. Bi- weekly, Jan. 0. Astigmatism. On the Corneal Resulting from Weber's Curvilinear Section and ou the Causes of Astif^uiatism after Extraetious in General. (Weiws.) Arch. Ophtluil. and Olol., Vol. VL, Page 432. CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. AatrlnKenta. Uses and Abuses of and Cnus- tlcB Id the Treatment of £ye Disease. ((:'ir- ry.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. Ataxy. Locomotor. (Strain.) Med. Brief, July. Atheroma. Of the Blood Vessels. (Bradford.) Borneo. Times, June. Atomiser. New . (Burrell.) N. Y. Med. Rec., Aug. 26. Atresia Tagrina. Remarks upon the Subject of . (lAndifl.) NathviUe Jour. Med. and Sur., July. — Operation for In Married Women. (Lente.) Am. Jour. Oba., Jan. — With Retention of the Menses. (Maxwell.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. Atrophy. Case of Unilateral Idiopathic Cuta- neous . (Atkinson.) It. and L.Med. Jour., Dee. — Contribution to the Etioloev of Optic Nerve . (Bull.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. — Of Optio Nerve from a Slight Fall. (Cheat- ham.) Atn. Pract. , Dee. — Case of Progressive Muscular Resembling Lead Paresis. (Hamilton.) N. T. Med. Rec., March 24. — Progressive Muscular . (Paine.) Homeo. Times, Sept. — Case of Extreme Muscular of the Lower Extremities, Neuritis, Recovery. (Miles.) Md. Med. Jour., Oct. Atropia. Salicylate of and its Application to Pharmacy. (Tlchbome.) Am. Jour. Plmr., April, Atrophias Sulphas. In Acute Myringitis Otitis. (Ellis.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Feb. Attenuation. Concerning . (Edmonds.) U. S. Med: Investigator (II.), Oct. 15. Aumm. In Nnsal Catarrh. (Morse.) Hahner mannian Monthly, May. Bacteria. Are Normal! (Gardner.) Am. Pract., March. — And Microzynes. (Howe.) Chicago Med. Times, Sept. — (Pearsou.) Chicago Med. Times, Aug. and Oct. — In Urine. (Slooum.) N. ¥. Med. Rec., Sept. 2J. Bahamas. The as a Health Resort. (Anon.) New Hem., Feb. Balsam of Pern. Carbollzed as a Dressing to Wound*'. (Burkd.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Feb. 3. Balsamum Pemvlanom. (Hale.) North Am. Jour. Borneo., Aug. Bandage. New Rolling Machine. (Byrd.) N. Y.Med. Rec., Aug. 11. — Circular as a Remedy in Thoracic Affec- tious. (Oehring.) Am. I'ract., Aug. — The Circular as a Remedy in Thoracic Affections. (Hon.) Am. Pract., Oct. — The In Thoracic Diseases. (Rogers.) Am. Pract., Jan. — On Surgical Uses of the Strong Elastic other r-.a Htemostatic. (Martin.) Chicago Med. Jm,.r. and Ex., Nov. — The Blostlo used to Produce Antcsthesia in Minor Amputations. (Wyeth.) N. Y. Med. Rec, Aug. 18. Barks. CHiemistry of the of the Oak, Wil- low, and Elm. (Johansen.) Ant. Jour. Phar., Sept. Barnes Dilator. Description of an Improved . (Seeley.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. Bartholow. Brief R^oinder to some Recent Articles by Dr. Roberts . (Woodward.) Cin. Med. News, Nov. Banham's Mixture. And Hflller's Elixir. (Weigund.) Am. Jour. Phar., May. Bath. Tlie Electric . (Schweig. ) PA«a. Med. and Sin: Rrp., March 10. — The Moderr Turkish . (Wilson.) Alianlu Mill. aiiU Siir. Jour., Feb. <- The 'I'licrapeutio Action and Uses of the Turk- ish with a Sketch of the History, Nature, Advantages, and Processes of the Modem Im- proved Tui-kish Bath. (Wilson.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., April. Mercurial Vapor . (Yandell.) Am. Pract., —Sept. Bean. Removed from External Auditory Mea- tus. (Seller.) Phila. Med. limes, Dec. 22. Bearded Woman. Case of a . (Luhrlng.) Arch. Dermatol., April, — Case of a . (Uardaway.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. Bed after Delivery. How Long Ought Women to stay in ! (Garrigucs.) Am. Med. Bi- Week- ly, Oct. 13. Beeswax. On an Artificial Substitute for . (Hell.) Am. Jour. Plutr., Feb. Bellatlonna. Comparison of Nux Vomica, and Stramonium. (Canfield.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (i/.), JtUy. — Evidence aut' Conclusions on the Antagonism of and Oi'ium. (Rioketts.) Ohio Med. and Sttr. Jour., Dec. — One-sidod AoUon of . (Smith.) N. Y. Med. Rec, June 23. — in Dysentery. (Smith.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., Aug. — Unilateral Action of . (Tausley.) N. Y. Med. Rec, May 20. — Essay on .(Todd.) Atlanta M .and Sur. Jour., Dec. Bellevue. A Lesson or two from . (Dewey.) Phy. and Phar., Nov. Bensoln. Compound Tincture of . (Miller.) Aw. Med. Hi- Weekly, AjjriliS. Berberlna. Note on Hypophosphite of . (Lloyd.) Am. Jour Phar., July. Bibulons Paper. And Its Uses in the Trentment of Venereal Disease. (Fox.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., June. Bl-Lateral Section. Operation of . (Palmer.) The Clinic, Nov. 17. — Division. Cases Treated by of the Cervix Uteri. (Sutton.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., June 2. Biliousness. And its Management. (Father- gill.) Phila. Med. Times, June 23. Birth Bate. The Period of Maximum. (Lan- dls.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. l. Bismuth. Glycerlteof Nitrate of . (Moor- heud.) Am. Jour. Phar., March. — Glycerol of Nitrate of . (Squire.) Am. Jour. Phar., Jan. — Sub-N.itrateof in Typhoid Fever. (Stro- nach. Med. Brief, Jan. Bladder. A Scries of Cases. (Biggar.) Ohio Med. and Stir, Rep. (H.), May. — Coucentrix Hypertrophy of tlie . (Dawson.) Arch Clin. Sur., Jan., and Tlie Clinic, Feb. 3. Bleaching Powder. The Chemical Constitution of . (Stahlsclinoidt.) Am. Jour. Phar., Feb. Bleeding:. At the Cord. (Petit.) Southern Med. Rec, Feb. Blepnaritis. And Ametropia. (Keyser.) Phila. Med. Times, ilarclin. — Ciliaris. The Relation of to Ametropia. (Roosa.) Am. .^oitr. Med. Sciences, Jan. — Graphltis. Mercurlus Sol ; Petroleum. (Wood- yatt.) Am Borneo., Aug. Blepharo-PIasty. Case of . (Reuling.) Va. Med. Monthly, April. — Spasm. Cured by Inhalation of Nitrite of Aiiiyl. (Harlan.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. Blindness. On the Etiology and Prophylaxis of . (Landeslierg.) Arch. Oplhal. and Otol., Vol. VI., Page 483. BliHtcriuff. In Typho-Euterltis. (Binkerd.) I'hiUi. Med. and Sur. Rep., Feb. 3. Blood. History of the Discovery of the Circu- 8 iiJDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, ' ft latlon of the . (Couklin.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jow'., April. — Coliug tlio in Typhoid Fevor. (KU)be,) Phil. Med. and Sur. Itep., Scpl. 1. — Now Method for tho Quantitative Determina- tion of Sugar in . (Pavy.) N. E. Med. Ga- zelle in.) Oct. —"circulation of the Subjectively Seen. (White.) ^Im. Jour, Med. Siienee8,Jan. — Corpuscles. On tho Identity of tho Rod in tho Uili'ereut Races of Maukiud. (Richardson.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. — Lettiiio:. In Puerperal Convulsions. (Riggs.) Ta. Med. Monthly, Dee. — Vessels. On the and the Circulation in the Mcmbrana Tyu;panl and Manubrium Mallei. (Moos.) Arch. Oplhal. and OloL, Vol. YL, Page 674. Boards of Health. Their Scope and Power. (Verdi.) JV. £. Med. Gazelle (U.), Sept. Boils. Treatment of by Sulphide of Calcium. (Smith.) Arch. Clin. Sur., April. Boue. Disease of . (Helmuth.) V. S. Med. Intcstiyaior {H.), Feb. 1. — Case of a Boy with Partial Absence of the Eight Parietal. (Jacobt.) Am.Jour.Oh8.,Ocl. — Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the . (New- ton.) N. Y. Med. Eclectic, Sept. — Surgical Treatise on . (VonTagen.) Homeo. Times, Dec. Bony Formation. Cane of in tho Place of the Lens. (McDowell.) 7a. Med. Monthlu, Aug. Bonnets. Grand Appareil, etc. iSayre.) Phila. Med. and Stir. Rep., April 7. Boolcs. Hints on the use of by Students and Assistants in Phaimaey. (Moore.) Am. Jour. Phar., April. Botany. Inits Relations with Medicine. (Grant.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jottr., Oct. Botanical Microscopy. (Hunt.) Gin. Med. News, July. Bowel Complaints. (Perkins.) Eclectic Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. Brain. To the Ear. (Chenery.) Boston Med. and Stir. Jour., Dec. 27. — Physiology of the . (Dupuy.) N. T. Med. Jotir., May. — Concussion of the . (Nixon.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. — Caseof Pofteningof the . (Parks.) lioston, Med. anu Sur. Jour., Nov. 8. — Softening of the . (Styles.) Eomeo. Times. Nov. — Softeningof the . (Webber.) Boston Med. and Sur.jmir., Dec. 6. — Clinical Lecture on Traumatism of the . (Wood.) Phila. Med. Times, Brpt. 29. — Disease. Of Children. (Scales.) N. E. Med. OazcUe (H.), Aug. — FhospHates. (Percy.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., Nov. Breast Troubles. In Infants. (Eley.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., July 21. Breech. Delivery of tho , with Forceps. (Fruitnlght.) T a. Med. Monthly, Jtily. Bright's Disease. Practical Remarks on tho Diagnosis of the Early btage of . (Arnold.) Md. Med. Jour., May. — Three Cases of of the Kidneys, Detected by tho Ophthalmoscope. (Cheatham.) Louis- ville Med. News, May 12. — Case of Subacute . (Deaderlck.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., Nov. — (Kinsman.) Ohio Med. Recorder, June. — Chronic of th Kidneys. (Prewitt.) St. Louis Med. and Sur, Jour., Jtily. -Treated Houieopathically. (Shepard.) Hah- neiuantiian Monllili/, Aug. — Case of , of Sfechauical Origin. (Ward.) N. Y. 2led. Jour., Jan. Bromides. Tho Abuse and Use of . (Scguin.) Chicago Jour. Ment, and Ntr. Dis.,July. Broncliial Tubes. The Anatomy of the > (Walsh.) Atu. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. Bronchitis. Au interesting case of and Diphtheria. (Doane.) Med. Brief, Jan. — (Russ.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Feb. — General , Bronchial Hemorrhage, General Cardiac Hypertroiiia, andDilation at the Apex. (Loomis.) N. Y, Med. liec., Aug. 18. Brouchocele. Operation for . (Passage.) 11. and L. Med. Jotir., Nov. Broth. Animal as an Aliment in Disease. (Horton.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Feb. Brown-Sequarrt Ti'eatment. Result of the in Twelve Cases of Epilepsy. (\yre.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 27. Bryonia. In Irritable Heart. (Hale.) Eahne- munnian Monthly, Feb. BufEiilo Lithia Springs. Medicinal Properties of tho , ot Mcckluuburg Co., Va. (Houston.) Va. Med. Monthly, Feb. Bum. Case of Severe . (McClean.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., May 3. — Four Cases of Severe . (Yandell, Jr.) Lo/uis- zille Med. News, Aug. 18. Bums. (Dugas.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. Bursae. Treatment of Enlarged about the Knee-Joint, with Cases. (Toland.) Westert^ Lancet, March. Cnsarlan Section. Remarkable Cases Requir- ing . (Egan.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., Jtily. — Successful Case of , after Seven Days' La- bor. (Jonks.) Am. Jotir. Obs., Oct. Caffeina. Extraction of from Guarana. (Green.) Am. Jour. Phar., July. Calcification. Successful of Tuberculosi « of the Lungs. (Both.) JV^. r. Meil. Bee., Juh/ 21. Calculi. Case of Biliary , Duodenit and Pancreatitis; Death and Autopsy. (Ed^^ uds.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. — Nephritic . (Haine.) Pacific Med. and r. Jotir., Nov. — Removal of Urinary . (Armstrong.) Can- ada Lancet, March. — Urinary . (Dell'Orto.) iV. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. — Extraordinary Case of Urinary . (Mac- Gregor.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. Calculus. Large through the Urethra. (Biggar.) Ohio Med. atid Sur, Bep. (11.), Jan. — Case of Oxalate of Lime , Weighing Five and One-half Ounces, Successfully Removed by Lateral Operation. (Chapin.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — Notes upon Salivary . (Richet.) Ohio Med. anil Sur. Jour., April. — Case of Salivary . (Tauszky.) Arch. OHn, Sur., May. — Case of Urinary , Lithotomy ; Recovery. (McLean.) Wenlem Lancet, Oct. — Small . (Naucrede.) Phila. Med. Times, Oct. 13. — Table Containing Ninety-six Cases of Vesical and Urethral . (Post.) N. Y. Med. liec,, July 28. — Removal of Urethral in a Child, by Ure- throtomy. (Kawls.) Tin. Med. MonMii, Nov. — Case of Vesical , etc. (Gray.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. Calisthenics. (Anon.) The Sanitarian, Jan. Calomel. Tho Action of Certain Manipulations and Reagents on . (Corwin.) New. Rem,, July. — On the Modern Neglect of in Certain Dis- orders. (Duckworth.) Med. Brief , Aug. — On tlie Alteraliility of and tlio Pi craution Necessary in its Therapeutical Employments. (Jolly.) Am. Jour. I'luir., Dec, Camping Out. Thoranoutlcally Considered. (Gibbons.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. Camphor. Tho Monobromide of \n Mwtur- \Ti CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. •9 and batlon. (Sherman.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., April 7. Canabis Indlca. And Tabacoum. (LlUenthal.) North Am. Jour, Homeo., Nov. Cancer. Of the Bladder and Frostate. (Bulch.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Ana. — Ot the LI vor. (Bell.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., April. — Ol' the XnnRS. (Bovan.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., June. — Tlio Anatouiy of Villous. (Danforth.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., April. — (Ilelmutli.) V. S.MedT. Investigator (H.), Feb. 1. — Case of Hepatic with Keiuarlts. (LeRoux.) N. O. Med. and Bur, Jour., May. — Remarkable Case of . (McLiiish.) Quar, Cancer Jour., Oct. — AndPlitliisis. (Miller.) Am. Pract., July. — Treatiiiiint of an Epithelial of the Toiigno ■witli Ipjectious of Nitrate of Silver. (NittuUi.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., May. • — Of the Tongue. (Newton.) N. Y, Med. Eclectic, July. — Ouservations on the Cause and Treatment of made from 1843 to 1877. (Newtou.) <^ar. Cancer Jour., Oct, — How Treated. Cases Cured. (Newton.) X, Y, Med. Eclectic, March. — How Treated. Cases. (Newton.) Cancer Jour., April. — Sfirrhus. (Newton.) N. T. Med. Eclectic, Jtdy. — Case of of the Vertebra with Infiltrations of otter Organs. (Putzel.) N. T. Med. Jour., May. — Gastro-Duodenal. (Reynolds.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 1. — (Walz.) Cin. Med. A dvanee (H.), May. — Encephaloid of Left Kidney in a cldldtwo years old. (Carlisle.) N, Y.Med. Jour.,. Tan. — pEucephaloid of the Lymphatic Glands of the NeQk. (Cleeman.) Phtla. Med. limes, ' July 7. — Encephaloid in a Child two years and sevin months old. (Fitcli.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Aug. — Encephaloid of the Liver in a Child. (Ijewis.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., April. — lutra-Thoracio Involving Pleura, Dia- phragm and Chest Walls. (Pepper.) Phila. Med. Jtmes, Feb. 17. — Intra-Thoraclc . (Pooley.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., A ugust. — Case of Medullary of the Stomach, Liver, McBiiitery, and Omentum. (Brown.) The Clin- ic. Feb. 17. — Medullary of the Prostates, etc. (Gray.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. — Case of Medullary of the Posterior Medi- astinum and Richt Pleura. (Octerlony.) Louisville Med. News, Sept. 1. — Case of of tlie Stomach. (Frankenberg.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Of the Stomach. (Mott.) Canada Lancet, Oct. — Case of in the Female Urethra. (Thomas.) Am. Jour. Obs.,Jan. Cancers. On the Radical Treatment of Uterine . (Oodell.) Vhila. Med. and Sur. liep,, March 10. CantharlH Case. (Ferris.) 77. S, Med, Investi- gator (tl.), Feb. 1. Capsules. The Filling of Wafer . (Wharton.) Am Jour, rhar., Aug. Carbuncle. Treatment of . (Dibrell.) Phila. Med. and Sur. liep., March 31, and Southern Med. Uec., May. — Treatment of . (Leitner.) Southern Med. UfC . .lug. — Whilhiw and Ingrowing of Nails. (Newton.) Soulliern Med, lice, Dec, — Malignant . (Wiendahl.) JV. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. Carbuncles. Personal Experience of . (Gib- bous.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. Carcinoma. Acute of Breast. (Ashhurst.) Phila. Med. Times, Juli/ 7. — (Cabin.) Phy. and Phar., Nov. — Recurring in tLo Vicinity of a Cicatrix left after Excision of True Epithelioma in tlie Ax- illa. (Cleeiuuu.) Phila. Med. Times, March 31. — Of the Liver without Enlargement or Rough- cuing. (Gatchell.) Am. Uomeo., Oct. — Uteri. (Pundenborg.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., March i\. — The Patliology aud Treatment of . (Hor- ner.) Phila. J>tcd. and Sur. Hep., Dec. 22. — Of Stomach, etc. (Parish.) Phila. Med. Times, July 7. — Of Stomach, causing Constriction four inches above the Pylorus, with Corresponding Cou- Btrietlon of Transverse Colon, etc. (Wilson.) Phila. Med. Times, June 0. Cardamon Cultivation. In Mysore. (Anon.) Am. Jour. Phar., Dec. Cardiac Diseases. The Mechanism and Treat- ment of Piilnionary Couiplicntion of Acute . (Robinson.) N. Y. Med. Ilec., Nov. 21. — Valvular Disease. Heart, Liver and Kidneys from a Case of . (Henry.) Phila. Med. Times, June 9. Cardiograplilo. AndSyphigraographlc Studies. (Keyt.) N. Y. Med. Jour., July. Caries. Dental ; its Influence upon the General System ; its Prevention. (Kempton.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Feb. — Of the Spine. (Wyman.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour,, Feb. Camomania. (Beclrwith.) Cin. Med. Advance {a.}, June. Catliartic Action. The Principles of . (Mays.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Nov. Cartilage. Loose in Knee Joint. (Cham- bers.) Ohio Med. Recorder, April. Case. An Interesting . (Baer.) Cin. Med. Advance (H.), Jan. — Peculiar . (Barrows.) N. E. Med. Oazette (U.J, Nov. — For Diagnosis. (BeU.) Toledo Med. and Sur. .Tour. , Jan. — In Practice. (Bodman.) Toledo ited. and Sur. Jour., .June, — An Interesting (Glenn.) Med, Brief, Aug. — Rar<' . (Bntler.) Uomeo. Times, Nov. — Unique . (Cleaver.) Louisville Med. News, June 16. — Peculiar . (Cobleigh.) Phila. Med. and Sur. liep,, Julyl. — Curious . (Crane.) Ohio Med. Recorder, March. — A . (Forbes.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., May. — History of a Complicated with Autopsy, (luce.) XT. S Med. Inrcsligator (U.), Oct. 1. — With Remarks. (Palmer.) Louisville Med. News, A2>ril 28. — Communicated. (Roberts.) Canada Med. Ilcc, Oct. Cases. Three . (Capen.) N. E. Med. Ga- zelle \ Uomeo., Nov. — From my Note B( (Mullins.) Cin. Med. Adrancc (n.).Jan. — Cduvalcseent . (Sayre.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Pep., April 7. — Report of . (Smart.) Toledo Med. and Sur. .four., Aug. — In Practice. (Smith.) Detroit Med. Jour., Jan. — (Toek.) Detroit Med. Jour,, May^ r 10 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, — (Todd.) Am. Jour. Med. Science*, Jxdy. — Notes on . (Turuor.) Fhila. lied. Times, Jan. 0. Cassia Trade. On the In Cblnii. (Hlrth Du Freues.) New Hem. , May. Catalepsy. Case of . (Dii SauUo.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (R.),Jan. Catarrh. Acute of tlio Middle Ear. (Amick.) Viii. Med. News, Sent. — Gastric . (Bartholow.) The Clinic, Dec. 1. — Tlierapeutics of . (Buck.) Ohio Med. and Sur. liev. (H.), July. — A Fcw'Practical SuKKCstions Concenilng Ex- traction of . (Derby.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Nifv. 1. — Clironlo of the Bladder Cured by Chlma- phila. (Hale.) N. E. Med. Gazette (JI.), June. — On . (Reynolds.) Fhila. Med. and Sur. Rep., May ^6. — Clironlo Aural . (Simpson.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. — Kotes on Nasal . (Farrington.) Borneo. Times, Jtine. — Case of Clironlo Nasnl . (Friese.) Hah- nemannlan Monthly, May. — Niisal . (Lo Hardy.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. — Nasal . (Ockford.) Cin. Med. Advaticc (H.), Dee. — Naso-Pliaryngeal . (Smith.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., April. Catarrhal Aflboiions. Local Indications in Clironlo of the Uterus, etc. (Beebe.) Am. Borneo., Nov. — Diseases. Remarks on a Comparison of tlio Weather Reports with of Children. (Keating.) Fhila. Med. Times, July 7. - Putieuts. Feet of - Monthly, July. (Ruiubold.) Va. Med. Catarrhas SoiTocations. Abstract of n r" .il Lcrturoon Neonatorum. (Monti.) i uUa. Med. Times, Feb. 3. Cataract. Two Interesting Cases of Traumatic . (Cheatham.) Louisville Med. News, Aug. IH. — Extraction. (Taylor.) Va. Med. Monthly, April. — Report and Remarks on a Fourth and Fifth Hundred Extractions, According to Von Gracfe's Method. (Kuapp.) Arch. Ophthal. and Otol., Vol. VI.,pngeT. — Beullo in a Colored Woman One Hundred Years old. (Llndsley.) Nash. Jour, of Med. and Sur., Nov. — Two New Instniments for Secondary Operation. (Straw bridge.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. Catechn. Tincture of . (Genois.) Ain. Jour. Fhar., March. Catheter. Hueter's Flat Male and his Mode of Ascertaining the Dilatability of tho Male Uretlira. (Rose.) N. Y. Med. Rec., Sept. 8. — Gauge. Now . (Anderson.) N. T. Med. Rec. , Oct. C. — Broken Off. After Maklnij a False Passage, Extrutti'd by Perineiil Section. (Pooley.) Fhila. Med. Times, May 12. Catheter. How to Introduce tho in Ob- structed Urethra. (Leitner.) Med. Brief, Aug. Catheterlsm. In Prostatic Retention. (Sqjiiro.) N. Y. Med. Rec, May ifi. Cauliflower Excrescence. Of Cervix Uteri. (Clark.) N. E. Med. Gazette (B.), Jan. Canstlcnm. In Paralysis of the Ciliary Muscle. (Nortou.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (U.), March. Cautery. Tho Actual in Spasms, Paralysin, and Epilepsy. (Dupuy.) N. Y. Med. .Jour., .Tan. — On the Actual and its Employment in Cutaneous Sursrery. (PlfTard.) CharltsUm Med Jour, and Rev., Jan. — A Simple . (Stlllwagen.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. Cell Doctrine. Tho in tho Light of Recent Investiualious (Heitzmann.) N. F. Med. Jour., April. Cell Pathology. Explorations in . (New- ton.) N. Y. Med. Eclectic, Jan., and Cancer Jour., April. — Observations on the Causes, Character, and Trpatnieut of Cancer, made from 1843 to 1877. (Newton.) Cancer Jour., July. CeUuUtls. Peri-Uterine . (Carr.) Am. Obs. (H.), March. — Case of Pelvic . (Kinney.) Bomco. Times, Aug. — Treatment of Pelvic by Muriated Tinc- ture of TronundSul])hatoof Quinia. (McDon- ald.) Va. Med. Moiithtu, March. — Fatal — ' following the use of the Elastic Bandage. (Smith.) Arch. Clin. Sur., May. Centrlcs. Excentrlcs and Logic . (Braun.i V. S. Med. Investigator (IT.), June 1. — Anil Excentrlcs. (Morgan.) 77. S. Med. In- vestigator (U.), March. Cephalalgia. Tho Thernpcntics of Pe^"iodical . (Brudnack.) Buffalo Med. and Svr. Jour., May. Cephalic Version. By the External Bi-Polar Method. (Coleman.) Am. Jour. Obs., Oct. — Tlin Record of Nino Additionul Cases of with Introductory Remarks. (Holt.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., May. Cerebellnm. Case Bearlngiipon the Argument from Pathology ns to the Function of tho . (Tyson.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, July. Cerebral Lobes. On tho Functions of tho . (Luutenback.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — Softenlngr. Case of . (Bacheler.) Boston Med. and Stir. Jour., Feb. S. Cereus Bonplandll. And Ccreus Graudiflorus. (Goss.) Med. Brief, Sept. — Medical Uses of . (Goss.) Med. Brief, Jan. — Grandiflorns. Medical Uses of and Cerens Boiipluudii, of Mexico and Central America. (Goss.) Med. Brief, June. — TrlangnilarlH. (Knnze.) N. T. Med. Eclectic, Sept. Cerium. Oxalate of In Nausea and Vomit- ing. (Smith.) Detroit Med. Jour., April. Chancres. The Treatment of . (Porter.) Fhila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Jan. 20. Chancroid. OnlhoTreatme'.'; of . (Green- ough.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. 11. Chancroids. Treatment of . (Piffanl.) Boston Med, and Sur. Jour., Jan. 2.'). Changlns: the Vertex. On from Ocelplto- Po.sterior to an Occipito-Anterior PoMitlou. (Taylor.) Fhila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Nov. 17. Charlatanry. In Destructive Diseases. egys.) Ami. Pract., Oct. Chemical Testing. A System of - cat and Geueial Use. (Hough.) and Obs., Sept. Chemistry. Questions in . (Wenzell.) I'a- cific Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. — Recent Progress in Medical . (Wood.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. i. Chicken Obcsard Tea. (Crawford.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Siir., May. Childbed. Ccmtrlhntlons to tho Pntholopy of . (Landesberg.) Fhila. Med. Times, Aug.*. Children's Clinic. (Hall.) U. S. Med. Investi- gator [II.}, Man IS- — Diseases. Recent Progress in tho Treatment of . (Ilaydiu.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. 1 and Aug. 2. (Com- — for Modi- Cm. Lancet CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. 11 OhlmaphilaVmbillata. And Maculuta. (AUon.) Am. Observer (//.)• Jan. Clnrhonidla. (MathewHon.) Med. Brief, Oct. — SulpLuto in Neuralgia witli General De- bility and anAnDBmic Condition of the System. (Alexander.) Med. Brief, July, Chionanthus Vlrglnlca. In Jaundice. (Oueni- sey.) Homeo. Times, Jan. Chloral. Croton in Dentirttry. (Clobome.) N. X. Med. lice. May 19. — Death from Twenty Grains of . (Ingals.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., March. — In Etlampsla. (Masten.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. Hep., July 7. — In E(''«:np8ia. (Wldding.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. Hep., itig, 4. — Hydrate of . (McDonald.) 81. Louis Clin. Rec, July. — Hydrate of — in Inebriety. (Bpottswood.) Phila. Med. i .d Sur. Rep., Aug. 11. Chloral Hydrate. In Scalds and Bums. (Kid- doll.) Fhila. Med. ana Sur. Rep., Jan. 6. — Extraordinary Tolerance of a Poisonous Dose of . (Bishop.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Sept. 6. — (Larrabec.) Va. Med. Monthly, Sept. — In the Treatment of Convulsions. (Tliomp- 8on.) Va. Med. Monthly, Aug. — In Infantile Convulsions. (Johnson.) Med, Brief, Oct. — In Infantile Convulsions. (Monette. Med. Brief, Sept. Cblorodyne. (Karuhum.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 27. — (Gllman.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 13. Chloroform. Deaths, in Clucinuati, and Vicinity. ion.) The Clinic, Mar. 31. Burrows. Blectic Med. and (Anderson. — Thoughts on Sur. Jour., June. — The Hypnotic Influence of in Asthma. (Bennett.) Am. Med. Bi- Weekly, Sept. 29. — Sluill the Use of as an Anasthctlc be Abandoned'? (Buckner.) The Clinic, May 12. — The Deep Injection of in Sciatica. (Col- lins.) The Clinic, Jan. 20. — InitsMedico-Li'gallielations. (Donlg.) Ohio Med. Recorder, Jan. — In Hepatic Obstructions. (Foster.) Phila. Med, and Sur Rep., Feb. 17. —Necessity of C autfon i n the Employment of During Labor. (Lusk.) Southern Med. Rec., Aug. — Some Sources of Danger in the Administration of . (Wellford.) Va. Med..MontMy, Jan. Choked Disk. Observations on Following Injuries to the Head in Children. (Bull.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. Cholaemiik (Chose.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Re})., Jan. 20. Cholera. On the Introduction of and oth«;r Infectious Diseases into Hospitals, Prisons, etc. (Peters.) O/iio Med. and Sur. Jour., June. — Appendix to an Article on the Introduction of etc. (Peters.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Asiatlca. Review of a Report of two Cases of . (Miller.) Ain. Homeo., Sept. --Infantum. Experiencoin . (Boyce.) V. S. Med. Jntesligator (II.), May 15. — (Brewster.) Uuhnemannian Monthly, .Tuly. — (Coleman.) Nashville Jour. Med. and Sur., July. — (Kinp.) Ohio Med. Recorder, Oct. — (Preston.) Am. Homeo., Sept. — On the Treatment of the Cold Stage of . (Wells.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Aug. — Morbus. Management of Cases of . (Pike.) Soulhem Med. Rec, April. Chorea. Some Cases of Syphilitic . (Alison.) Am. .Tour. Med. Sciences, July. — On the Treatment of . (Leo.) Md. Med. Jour., Oct, — During Pregnancy. (Ludlam.) U. 8. Med. Investigator (H.), Jan. IS. — (Winslow.) Uuhnemannian Monthly, May. — Its Etiology and Varieties. (Wood.) A' Y. Med. Rec, Dec. 15. — The Connection Between the and Errors of Refraction of the Eye. (Bull.) A^. r. Med. Rec, June'i. — The Connection Between and Errors of Refraction of the Eye. (Stevens.) N.Y.Med, Rec, June 30. — Gravidorum. (Hazard.) St. Louis Clin, Rec, April. Choroiditis Disseminata. (Newton, Jr.) If. Y, Med. Eclectic, July, and Cancer Jour., July. — Exsndatlva. Case of Accompanied with Partial Hicropsln, Metamorphopsla, and Chro- matopsio Scotouiata of Singularly Regular Forms. (Burn(!tt.) Arch. Ophthal. and Olol., Vol. VI., page 4C0. Churchill's Tincture of Iodine. (Parvin.) Am, Pract., Nov. Cicatrix. From Severe Bum. (Helmuth.) Am. Observer (H.), Dec. Cicatrices. New Operation for the Obliteration of Adluront and Depressed . (Pursons.) Am. Observe)' (U.>, June. Cimlclfiiffa Bacemora. In Nervous Apprehen- sion, Tremor^*, and Tendency to Syncope. (McDongall.) Am. Homeo., Nov. Cina. A Study, with Glossaries. (Dcschcre.) North Am. Jour. Homeo., Aiig. — In Scarlatina. (Winans.) U. S. Med. Investi- gator (H.), Jan. 15. Cinchona. In the Treatment of Intermittent Fever. (NuU.) R. and L. Med. Jour., Dec. — Alkaloids. And their S:ilts. (King.) Atlan- ta Med. and Sur. .Tour., June. — Febriftige. Manufacturing at Sikklm. (Wood) Am.Jour.Phar.,Jan. — PrenaratloHM. Two of the . (Chapman.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec, Clnchonidla. Sulphate of as an Anti- Periodic. (Harrington.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Dec — Sulphate . (Hobbs.) Louisville Med. News, Nov. 24. — Sulphate of . (Cropper.) Md. Med. Jour., July. — Sulphate of and Sulphate of Quinine. (Love.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jour., May, and Southern Med. Rec, June. — Sulphate of . (Polk.) Southern Med. Rec, Oct. —Sulphate of (Rafferty.) Philn. Med. and Sur. Ren., Nov. 17. — The Sulphate of in the Treatment of Ma- larial Fevers. (Taylor.) Am. Med. Bi-Weekly, Oct. 13. — In Malarial Fever. (Nelson.) Va. Med. Month- ly, Dec. Cinchonlsm. Ciiso of Supposed . (Mouny.) Louisville Med. News, June 23. Cincho-Quinlne. (Hamilton.) N. T. Med. Rec, ,T(in.2(). — (King.) Southern Med. Rec, Jitlii, Phy. and Phar., Aug., and Md. Med. Jour., Sept. — (Miittisou ) N. y. Med. Rec, .Ian. C. — What is . (Tayloi-.) Atlanta Med. atul Sur. Jour., Aug. Circiuncision. (Briggs.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Svr., April. Cirrhosis. Case of of the Liver nnd Kid- neys. (Callahan.) Am. Med. Bi-Wcelcly, June 23. Civic Cleanliness— Boston. (James.) TJie Sani- tarian, Jan. Classification and Causation of Disease. (.Toliusou.) Chicago Med. Jour, atul Ex., March. Cleft Palate. Case of . (Michael.) Md. Med, Jour,, Sept, i 18 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, — And Stapliyloraphy. (Parsons.) Am. Observer (Lento.) N. r. Med. liec.. % f (IL). Mure Climate of Florida. — NaMHuu. (Prince.) N. Y. Med. liec, March 31. Cllmatologry. Sclcntlflc . (James.) TT. S. Mat. liirrstigator (U.), Dec.l. — Of Florida. (Stout,) U. S. Med. Investigator {n.),J)ec. u. — (Wright.) Ilomcn. Times, March. CUnlo. College of PhyHieinns and Surgeons, Now York. (Thomas.) liosion Med. and Sur. ,Tour., A'ov. 8. Cllnlral Cases. (Carlton.) Jlomeo. Times, March. — (Peunoycr.) U. S. Med. Investigator {II.), Sept. 1,5. — (Pettit.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jmir., Jan. — From Practice. (Vilas.) Am. Ilomeo., Oct. — (Wait.) Borneo. Times, Dec. — Contribution. (Octcrlony.) Am. PracL, April. — Contributions. (.Stow.) irflf*»JCWonntVrnJfonSept. 1. — Stone Dust a Cause of . (Sabin.) Phila. Med. and Sur. liep., July 21. Consumptives. Texas for . (Fisher.) Hah- nemann ian Monthly, Sept. — New Mexico as a H<'ulth Resort for . (Jones.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Kep., Sept. 15. Contractions. Hysterical Muscular . (Ham- mond.) Chicago Jour. Nerv. and Ment. Dis., .Tan. — Of Blood Corpuscles through the Action of Cold. (Piper.) N. Y. Med. .lour., March. — On the Rcllex Mnsculiir and Atrophy, In Joint Diseases, (bchi'tfer.) Arch. Clin. Sur., June. Contract Practice. (Harris,) JV^. 1". Med. liec, Sept. 1.1. — System. (Lindley.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Sept. Convulsions. Ob.iervntious on Pueri^'i'iil . (BiilniHon.) Va. Mid. Monthly, Oct. — Puerixnul, (Barrous.) N. E. Med. Gazette (H.). Feb. — Puerperal Prompt and Efficient Bleeding. (Binkerd.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Aiiril 21. — Puerperal . (Bitting.) Md. Med. Jour., July. — Puerperal . (Brown.) Canada Med. Ree., Mar ell. — Puerperal . (Fordyce.) Buffalo Med. and Sur.Jniir., .Tan. — Contribution to the Study of Puerperal . (Hojt.) Ji. and L. Med. Jour., June. CLASSIFIED BY SUIUKCTS. 13 born of Uiwiulc . Obs., Oct. (Tyrcc.) Vhila. — Clinical Lecture on Puerperal. — (Llnu.) rhUa. Med. Times, Man 12- - Case of Puerperal OocurriuK Four DayH uftor Labor. (Oplo.) Md. Med. Jour., Oct. — Puerperal . (Payue.) Va. Med. Monlhly, Nov. — CaHe of Puerpeinl and Trc.itmeut. (Sam- ple.) /{. and L. Med. Jour,, Dec. — Puorpiral . (Skeols.) U. N. Med. Inveati- gntor{n.),Dec.\r>. — Pucrmu'al . (Suiurall.) I'hila. Med. and S: r. Jlep., AprWiS. — Two Cases of Puoi-peral . (Taylor.) Am. .four. Obs.,, Tan. — CauHctl by Puerperal Albumluurla auU Cured by OeiiantliivCrocata. (Oeluue.) Huhneman- nlan Munthly, .liilii. — Cases ill Private Practice. (GiUluj!:.) Chicago Med. Times, June. — Case of Nervous Irritability. (Jones.) iV. Y. Mfd. Eclectic, Ko». — Infantile . (Montgomery.) St. Louis Med. ,(tud fiur. .Tour., Dec. — Ci I so of Threatened . (Price.) Am. Ob- serrer {IT.), April. — Case of Unilateral . (Ross.) Canada Med. and Stir. Jour., June. — The Cause of in Chlldrou MotUoiH. (Si Application of the in Disease. (All- port.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. Corpora Striata. (Worcester.) JV. E. Med. Ga- zelle (a.), Feb. Corrosive Mercury. Accidental Pioving of • . (Onernsey.) JTomco. Times, J une. — Sublimate. Contaminated with Arsenic. (Smitii.) Am. Jour. Vhar., Aug. Cosuaoline. (Pierce.) Va. Med. Monthly, June. — As an Exolpieut In of tho Hkin. (Hegciisburficr.) Tfcster>i Lancet. June. -Cream. (Davidson.) Am. Jour. Phar., March. Cotton Boot. Note on the Clinical Study of . (t'oulkrod.) Fhila. Med. Times, Sejd. 1. — Bark. Analysis of . (Drueding.) Am. Jour. Phar., Aug. Craniotomy. Case of . (Willard.) Ilahnc- vtannian Monthly, June. Cremation. On . (Lockrldge.) R. a7id L. Med. Jour., July. Creasote. As a Medicinal Agent. (Barrows.) EclecticMed. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — And Carbolic Acid. (Oraetzel.) Am. Jour. Phar.,. June. CrimiuiiUty. (Stevens.) The Sanitarian, Aug. and Sc2>t. Cronp. And Diphtheria. (Colvin.) iV. 1'. Med. Kec, MarrhU. — And Diphtheria. (Jacob!.) N. Y. Med. Bee, Feb. 24. — And Diphtheria. (Montgomery.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., April. — Identity or Non-Identity of and Diphthe- ria. (Tauszlfy.) The Clinic, March 10. — Case of Mombrnnoua . Niw Metho. Cyanosis. An Interesting Cftse of . (Pep- pur.) A', r. 2Icd. Bee, June '2. Cyst. Cntaneona Proliferous (Sebaceous) . (.V-hhuiot.) I'hila. Med. limes, April U. — Ciiho of of the Vagina. (Munde.) A7n. .Tour. Obs., Oct. — of 8ul)-Lingual Follicular . (Wag- ner.) Arch. Clin. Sur., Jan. — Report of an Operation for Ovaricn . (Da- vis.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Jicp., . larcha. — Ov ariiin tieated by Kleetrolysit<. (Hesse.) Am. Jour. Obs., Jan. — Repoi'tof ii Case of Ovarian and Fibroid of Uterus, with Autopsy. (Hills.) llomeo. Times, March. Cystic Disease. Of Broad Ligament, Ovary, and Fibrous Tmuorsof tho Uterus. (Hodge.) Phila. Med. Times, March 17. Cystocele. Treated by means of Thomas' Ante- version Pessary. (Hale.) A''. E. Med. Oasetle (U.),Aug. Cystitis. Case of . (Cooper.) Jlahneman- nian Monthly, March. Dactylitis Striimosa. (Smith.) Am. Sup. Obs. Jour. Oreul Brilu in and Ireland, May. Damiana. Fluid Extract of . (Caldwell.) A', r. Med. Bee., Nov. 3. Dangerous Candy. (Dcbnmner.) Am. Jour. Phar., Jan. DcaAiess. Or Impaired Hearing. (Amick.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Sept. Deaf- >Iati sin. (Vilas.) V. S. Med. Investigator (II.), July 13. Oeatlis. Some Observations on a Series of One Hundred and Twelvo . (Coskery.) N. Y. Med. Jour., July. Deathbed Studies. (Ilolbrook.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Bep., Oct. 2i', De Bar. Case of tlie Late Ben . (Bauduy.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. 'M\ H\i ■M ii ' ii 14 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, P i: Deformity. Of Foot. (CoUamoro.) Toledo Med. and Hur. Joxiv., May. — Cono of of Foot. (Flahcr.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Joxir., May. — Cn80 of of Foot. (Woods.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jottr., Mttu. — Of tbo Hip ill tliu Tlil:(l Stago of Morbus Cox- arluB. (Tiffiuiy.) Md. Med. Jour., July. Deformltleii. In their Rolatlou to Ilyglono ; IIlp Joiut Dlsoaso. (Corbaily.) The Unnitarian, May, Degeneration. Amyloid of Hver uud Kld- ncvHwlih Curies of Lumbar Vcitobrno. (llcl- fli Id.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Hepl, — Tubercular of tlio Kidneys. (Durraeli.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 18. — n.\ datilorm of tbo Chorion. (Earle.) ! Chicago Med. Jour, and ^^x.,Jan. — Pulpy of tho Kni'o- Joint. Periostitis. (Uuun.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. — Cystio of Inferior Muxillu. (Uuun.) Chi- ' ea'/o Med. Jour, and Ex., June. I — CyRtio of tho Kidneys. (Pepper.) Pltila. Mid. Times, Aug. 18. — Albuminoid of the Liver, and on Abdom- inal TumorH. (Popper.) Arch. Clin. Sur., Dec. 15. \ — Albuminoid and Inflltratiou. (Peters.) , Ya. Med. Monthly, Feb. \ — Of tho Aual SaccuU. (Vance.) Cin. Lancet i 011(2 (.ba., July. DeUrlaui Tremens. (Yandell, Jr.) Am. lYuct., Jan. •* Dementia rar«lytlca." Re8iim6 of " A Study of ." (UlieuUial.) Homeo. Times, Jan. Depression. In Bight Side of Thorax from lu;ni-Uterlno IpJ'iiy. (Smith.) Am. Sup. Obs. Jour. OrcaU'rilitin and Ireland, April. — OfTlioraxOceiinin^'durin^'lVrtutisis. (Smith.) ^1(1. Slip. Obs.Jour. Ureal Britain and Irtlund, Ajjrll. Dermatology. American. (Damon.) Arch. Ijcrmulol., Oct. — Keceut I'loirress iu . (Rohc.) Ya. Med. Monthly, Scid. — Ki;ceiit Progress in . (White.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., June 7, and Dee. 6. — (Yaudcll, Jr.) Cin, Med. Kews, Dec. Desiderata. Tho of our Scliool. (Hering.) Aorth, Am 'our. Uomco., Nov. Development. Excessive . (Botts.) Cin. Med, Aews, May. Diabetes. Its Cure. (Goss.) Med. Brief, Aug. — Mellltas. Case of Treated with H>diate, Relieved. (Crotw.) St. Louis Clin. Jtec.,Feb. — Caso of Treated with Cliloral Hydrate. (Cross. ) Southern, Med. Jiec. , March. — The Treatment of . (Gobs.) Phila. Med. and Sur, Hep , Oct, 13. — (Smith.) I>etroit Med, Jour., June. Dingruosls. Questions in . (Dumm.) Ohio Mud. Jiec., March. — Ciiso of Houbtful with Remarkably IHkIi Temperature. (UoiTicli.) N, O, Med. and Sur. Jour., July, Discovery In Physical . (Holden.) N. Y. —Med. Bee., Jan. 20. — Differeutial . (Middleton.) Hahneman- nian Monthly, April. — ACoutriiiutioutotho Differential between Hollow Uteiiiio I'oiypu.s, and Complete luver- Biou at tho Uterus. (Sussdortf.) ' i. Jour. Obs., Oct. — D.ffereutial of Sub-Murous Fibroid and Bub-involution of tho Uterus. (Von Tageu.) V. S. Investigator {11.), June 15. Dialysed Iron. (Blair.) Am.Jour.l'har.,Jrdy. — Ou tijo PiL-pavuliou of . (Davy.) Am. Juur. I'har., Aop. — (Hay.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. i. — Note on . (Maisch.) Am. Jour. Phar., July, (Bhuttleworth.) — On tho Preparation of . Am. Jour. Plutr., Not. DlarrhoBH. Autumnal. (MeWiiliams.) Ohio Med, llreorder, A ug. — Remedial ludloutlonsfor Infantile . (Mills.) Am. llomco.,July, and U. S. Med. Jnveatiaator (U.).July\. — Bummer and Cholera Infantum. (Steely.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., July. — Ca.'^e of Chronic . (Webb.) Med. Ilrief, March. Diastasis. Of tho Hternum, by tho Violent Action «)f the Diaphragm iUuiiiK Ccmc'luug. (Lutz.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., July. Diet. Resuniu of to be Used in Diphtheiia. (Cliamberlaln.) y.E. Med. Oaselle {ii.),Jun. — Tho of Nursing Children. (Craig.) Am. Observer (U.), Aor. Dletetlrs. lufautilo . (Edmonds.) ilm. /To- meo., l>ec, — In i:<-lation to Infants and Young Chlluren. (Moore.) llahnemannian Monthly, Dec. Dietetic Rules. Our . (Wolff.) Cal. Med, Times, July. Digestlne. A New Remedy called . (Shelly.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Feb. 3, and Cm, Med. \ews, May. DioHcorla Villosa. Wild Yaiu. (Qoss.) Med. Brief, May. Digestion. Some Practical Observations ou Rec- tal and Absorption (Eagau.) Am. Med. Bi-Wcckly, March 17. — Tho Function of in its Relation to Health and Disease. (F.lmer.) Cin. Med. A'ews, Mai/. — And ils Disorders. (Murray.) Ya. Med. Monthly, Feb. Ditdtalls. In Scarlatina. (Lewis.) .V. 1'. Med. Bvc, Feb. 3. — Tincture of and Veratmm, in Hypertrophy of tho Heart. (White.) Phila. Mei, and Sur. Hep., Nov. n. Dilatation. In tho Skin. (Bulkley.) ^rr/t. Der- mutol., tM. — Of one I'upil following tho Application of a Belladonna Plaster. (Burrall.) A', i'. Med. llccJulyt. — Of tho Cervix Ut*rl. (Seyfort.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Sept. IS. — Kctaidcd of the Os-Uteri in Labor. (Smith.) P/ii7a. Med. iind Sur. Hep., Ann. 4. — or tho Urethra. (Summers.) N. Y. Med. Hec., Aug. 11. — New Material for of tho Cervix Uteri. (Sussdorll.) A'. Y. Med. Hec, July U, Dilator. Description of a New . (Steuror ) A. Y. Med., Sept. 22. — New Rectal and Explorer. (Wales.) A''. 1'. Med. Hec,, Feb. 24. Diphtheria. Tho Treatment of . (Allen.) Mom CO. Times, Oct. — Doubtful Case of . (Bailey.) Charleston Med. Jtmr. and Hev., Jan. — Comments upviu . (Barrows.) X.E.Med. Gazelle (II.), May. — On tlioTrciitmentof . (Benson.) Canada Lancet, March. — Treat ment of . (Chapman.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Noteson . (Cluness.) Canada Lancet, Jan. — Geimsot . (Cook.) Am. Pracl., Sept. — And Croup. (Curtis.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., July 6. — CcrUiln Points in . (Curtiss.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. .Tour., Sent. — (D;ike.) Am. Homeo., Nov. — Fxprilence Willi . (Eaton.) U. S. Med, Investigator (11 ), Feb, 15. -Sdiiio roiuta Respecting . (Edson.) S.Y. Med. Hec., Mai/T,. — (Fi)L'cl.) lied. Brief, June. — Ticuliiiciit of . (French.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Hep. ill.). Jan. — Tr.alii.uit of . (Gibbons.) Paci/tc Med. and Sur. Jour., Jati. CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. 15 iled. — (OoM.) Eclectic Med. and Bur. Jour., Dee, — Louttl Treivimcut lu . (IIiiKanbucli.) Chi- ratio Med. Jour, and Kx., March. — And ItH MitniiRiMuont. (IlaiuUtou.) I'hlla. iled. and 8ur. Uej>., April 28. — Bolect ForimUuj for . (Uodgo.) Southern Med. liee., Feb. — Tlio Tioatmont of . (lugruhaiu.) Med. lirief. Feb. — Treiirmont of ■ Bi- Med. Med. Mrxl. (Jobnstou.) Am. Med. Weeklif, Nov. 2i. — Tho Ci)utaglou8iio88 and TroatiutMit of . iKunnard.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., •eb. — (Kurtz.) Wettem Lancet, pec. — On . (Mttssoy.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. lien., Oct. 27. — (Modl)oiTy.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., June 9, and Med. Uricf, July. — Tlio Treatment of . (Mooro.) Phila and Sur. lien., Feb. 17. — A Prescription for . (Morso.) Phil.r and Sur. liep., June 2. — Ciiuso of . (Pblllips.) Ohio Med. and Sur, Jlep. (II.), Jan. — Its Tliorupeutlcs. (Polk.) Med. lirief. Dee. — Case of . (Pi-oston.) llahnemannian Monthly, Feb. — Trciituiontof . (Rogensburgcr.) Western Lancet, April. — ObHorvatioua upon an Epidemic of . (Suiididgo.) Louiuville Med. News, Jan. 13 and April 21. — On . (Sohupport.) Am. Med. ISi-Weekly, Nov. 24. — (Shaw.) N. E. Med. Oasette (11.), Nov. — Tlio Nature and Treatment of . (Sloan.) Canada Jjuncel, Sept. — Tliouglits Uelating to the Progress and Treat- ment of — -. (Smith.) Am. Jour. Med. Sci- ences, Oct. — (TiuJior.) Homeo. Times, Jul)f. — Tlio Treatment of . (Toland.) ^7estern Lancet, Oct. — Ciisesof Invaaltm of the Larynx. (Tuppor.) Boston Med. and Snr. Jour., Oct. 11. — (Turner.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 15. — On and Scarlatina. (Wilke.) 6^ S. Investigator (B..), Jan. 15. Dlpbtherltis. Treatment of with Hrdrar- gyrum Cyatifltum. (Ericiiaen.) llahneman- nian Monthly, May. — (KucJilor.) Cin. iled. Advance (11.), March. — (Oektord.) Cin. Med. Adeance (U.), May. Dlplacuslis Blnanoalls. (Murroll.) ^Y. r. Med. Iiec.,Nov, 3. Disease. The Cause of In Country Jlomes. (Bartlett.) The Sanitarian, Sept, — Tlio Germ Theory of . (Chamberlain.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Attg. — Two Cases of Obscure with Autopsies. (Hopkiuii.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec, C. Diseases. Natural and Drug . (Eggloston.) U. S. Med. Investigator (11.), Nov. 1. — Sketch of tho Most Prevalent in Fayette- vllle, During tho Bummer and Autumn of 1811. (Ml Klnuey.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., Feb. — SiK'citto Methods in tho Treatment nnd Inves- tigation of . (Pattou.) Cin. Lancet and Ohs., Feb. — Of thvi General Organism in Mieir Kclatlou to tho Vialou. (Reuiiug.) li. and L. Med. Jour., Aug. — Of Great Men. (Vanderbeck.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Feb. 24. — Of Children. (Duncan.) U. S. Med. Investi- gator (Z/.l, JiotelQ. — Notea on . (Forchheimer.) The Clinic, Jan. 13. — Of Women. Cllnio on the . (Ludlam.) TT. S. Med. Investigator (17.), Sept. 1. — Tho Specialty of . (W'ng.) Pacific Med, and Sur. Jour., Oct. Disinfect'tnt. An Elo^'ant . (Tucker.) Chi- cago Med. Jour, and Ex., March. Disinfectants. Notes on tho History of Disiu- foctlon and . (Jones.) N. O. Med. and Sur, Jour., Sept. Dislocation. Compound of tho Knco, Treat- ed by Powerful hxtonslon and Counter Exten- sion. (Davis.) I'hila. Med. Times, Marchn. — Of tlio Long Head of tho iJlceps Flexor Cubl- to Muscle. (Urocn.) Va. Med. Monthly, May. — Of tho Kldnev. (Lewis.) U. S, Med, Imestt' gator {Tl.),Julijia. — Of Radius aiid Ulna Outwards. (Tiffany.) Md. Med. Jour., Sept. — Forward of tho Lower End of tho Ulna. (Wolr.) Arch. Clin. Sur., April. — Of Both Clavicles. (Morso.) Cin. Med. News, Dec. — Of tho Sternal End of tho Clavicle, Upwards. (Shaw.) A^. y. Med. ICec., Aug. 18. — Now Method of llcductlou of of tho Hip. (Allen.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Of tho nii> In u boy Eight Years Old; Rortuc- tlon on Thhty-socoud Day. (Powell.) Canada Lancet, May. — Reduction of of the Hip-Joint, by Manipu- lating tho Femur as a Lover, over a Fulcrum Fluced ill tlio Groin. (Martin.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Sept. — Of tho Patella. (Bradner.) N. T. Med. liec., Jan. 20. — Edgewise of Patella. (Cluness.) N. T. Med. liec, Jan. 27. — Of tlio Shoulder, in a Boy Five Years Old. (Ilobbs.) LouisiuUc Med. News, July 2h. — Of tUo 8honlUci'-Joint, andSomo of tho Acci- dents UesiiUing Therefrom. (Courtright.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Jan. — Of tho Bhould(!r- Joint. (Whitbeck.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., April. Dislocations. Two Rare . (Briggs.) Nash, Jour. Med. and Sur., July. — Practical Observations on of thoShoiilder. (Adolphuu.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. — Of tho Shoulder and Their Reduction by Ma- nipulation. (Hamilton.) Ohio Med. Recorder, April. Disparennia. (Stoger.) Nash, Jour, Med. and Sur., Dec. Dispensaries. Free . (Gruel.) Phila, Med. and Sur, Rep., June 23. — Abuso of Free . (Hauna.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., May 12. — Tho Abuso of tho Free . (Miller.) Phila, Med. Times, Dec. 22. — Freo and High Tariflf. (Rhodes.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., June 9. Dispensary System. The Free in Philadel- phia. (Miller.) Phila. Med. Times, Nov. 10. Dispensing Prescriptions. (Blair.) Am. Jour. Phar., Oct. — Ointments. Convenient Mode of . (Van Harllugeu.) Phila. Med. Times, April 14. Displacement. Of tho Ovary. (Hale.) U. S. Med. Investigator (II.), June 1. — Case of of tho Ovary. (Hale.) N. E. Med. Gazette (IT.), July. — Traumatic of tho Testes. (Moxley.) The Clinic, Sept. 29. Doctors and Drlnli. (Milliken.) Ohio Med. aiul Sur. Jour., Dec. Dose. Was a Quarter-grain too Largo a 1 (McLean.) Chicago Mefproti<'o to llio Advanrc- iiiiiil luiulo 111 Mm I'litliology 1111(1 Trciilnii'iit iluiliijf llio I'ast Ilumlrutl Yciuh. (TliouitiM.) Am. Mfd. lli-Wirlil!/, Fvh. 17. Dnnviutd. TlfiitiiU'iit of tlio- — . (Auoil.) Ohio .Mill, lifronlir, lirpl. j DriiRM. Or VlsMoillciitrlxNiitiini'. (IIIUm.) (in. 1 ilnl. Adrinirr (II.), ( rl. — Coiiiuiorciiil (if llio riiiiu'so I'rovliifo of Canton, (llirtli I>u riviioM.) AcwJ^'nn., June. — I'lliiiary and Him ondary HyniptoiiiH of . (rri'Ntoii.) Ilithnemitiiiiidn mohIIiIii, I'rli. — (Ill tlio Action of iiiMHi tlio Motor Hy.Mtciii orAiiliimls. (Wood.) I'hiht, Med. Tiinrs, Jan. DruK Action. Ou tlio Nntnro of . (IlnghcH.) Uahucmuuniun Monlhlij, .fiine, — Ill iJlstMihO. (ONS'tMiM.) Ohio Mi'd. itiid Sur. l!ri).,{U.),.lnlu. — WloiT. A In tlm J'ar W«)«t. (WoIhh.) Am. ^ Jour. Phtiv., Xor. DnmkonnoHs. What Mi'dicliiootTcrH for tlio Uc- luf of C'l'iuiuoii ; A Cliulcal Ufport and Btiidyof it. (Mt-KU-oy.) Cin, Lancet and Obs., July. Diirhuin. Doatli of Dr. Carroll . (Duke.) Am. llomco., L'tc. Duty of tlio Doctor. Tli( to the Dying. (.vuoii.) /Southern .\led. A'tr., Pec. Dntl(>H uimI rrlvlleRPs. Tho of Kxiwrt Wlt- utssL'ti. (Mclutyie.) rhila.iled. Times, Jan. C. Dynamlto Kxploslon. Notrs on a Civflo of . '(C'liMlifry.) A. 1'. Med. Jour., Jan. Dysentery. Homo OliscrvatioiiB on thoCllnUMil "History and Treat uiiiit o^tUt^ Lato Kpideniio of liil)(>lawaio Co., Ohio. (Diuuiu.) Ohio Mid. Reenrder, Sor. — (ffntrew.-*) Med. lirief, March. — 'f luue CascH of 'i'rentod HiicceHufnlly by Liirj:oDosc.i(>t IiiocacnauhaKivcii by tlioNou- Jilmutio Plan. (Forster.) Boston Med. und Hur.Jour., Feb. 22. — TlioMauagciuoutof . (Ilove.) Am. Med. Jour. (/'.'.). A'oi'. — Tivutiiieiit of . (8ui'88crott.) I'hila. Med. Times, Dee. 8. — Chronio Topically Treated. (Wertz.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Feb., and Southern Med. liec, Mareh. — On tho rviitloiinl Trcatnient of . (Wood.) I'hila. Med. Times, Oet. '27. Dysmcnorrhoea. On the PatboloKy and Treat- ment of Certain Cases of . (DuvIh,) Am. J'rnct., Oct. — Mecliauical andSterility. (Foster.) Ptdla. Med. and Sur. Kep., Feb. 21. — (Mosiiian.) Ilomen. Timen, Dec. — Coiitriliution to tho Theory of . (Niftel.) A', y. Ued. Itec., Oct. C. — Tho Theory of . (liiftel.) N. Y.Med, liec. Mop. 3. — (Palmer.) The Clinic, Kov. 17. — (Sunders.) Cin. Med. Advance (U.j, June and Jvhj. — Tlio Etiology of Considered in Relation to a New Mechanical Plan of Treatment, (dues- dorir.) AT. y. Med. Sec, Oct. S7. — Neuralgic . (Chenowitli.) Am. Med. Bi- Weclch/, May 12. — Neurulgio . (Ilaggerty.) Detroit Med. Jour., Aug. On the lievilopiTieiil of tlici l'.\- (Hunt.) Am. .lour. Med. Hcienees, IlyNineiiurrliaml Menibrnne. HiM'clmen of — . (Ililiiter.) Am. Jour. Ob»., Oet. UyHpureniila. (Wurreu.) Am. Jour. Obt., Jan. Dy«pnmn. On the CaiiNeH of in ('uhi>h ut Hiitl'uuatlvc ItroiK h(i(;ele. (Drown.) Am. Jour, Med. Sciences, April. DyKtocln. Cum* of CaiiNed by Kxtreine An- teverHlon of the llteriiH and J'eudulonH Ab- domen. (Wood.), Am. Jour. Obs., Jan. Kitr. Dempniiiiatlvi) Procu^HM In tliu . (Buck.) .V. J'. Med. 1,'re., Pec. l.v — The Fiiuiiieiit ANsucliitloii of IjIhimihch of the Willi liiManlly. (Cutlett.) Am. Jour. Pi- san'li/, July. — MiiliUo — ^ of IiifaiitM. (FoHter.) I.S.Med, lure.iligator (II.), Per. 1. — JJeveloiiiiHMit of the Middle — . (Hunt.) lloslmi Med. and Siir. Jour., Oet. IH. — Ueportoii tho I'adiolduy mid Tlicaiieiitlcw of Di.^ea.seH (»f the . (Hextoii.) N. V. Med Uev.. Pee. '.".I. — UiMcaseM of the HIniiilating Ilralr Trimble. (Tallmt.) Ohio Med. Jtreonler, Dec. — On tho ••— and ('oinplieatitiiis Acconipiiiivliix Heiirlet Fever. (Vlla.s.) r. ,V. .Med. Ineestiya- tor{U.) July XT,. EurHclie, or Calnrrliiil liillaiiiinatlon of the Middle Ear. (Sexton.) .V. 1. Med. Hee..Jan. U. Kitr I'liHHHKe, tlTlllll . Jan. ICeUlnoeoreiiH. Of the Liver, etc. (Cuinpbell.) The Clinic, April 7. — Of the Liver, (te. (Piere(>.) The Clinic, April 7. — Kenmrkiible Case of Treated bv Pome- griiiiiiie and A.splratloii. (Uriide.) Va. Med. Monthly, Pee. EclMnipHld. A 8tndy of the Literatiin^ of I'ner- iieiul . (liuker.) Chicago Med. Jour, and •Jr., Mni'ch. — I'lierperal . (Carpenter.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. lien., Sept. T.K — Case of J'liei'periil ciJIeMed. ana Sur. Jour., A'virs, Per. — Case of Puerperal ; OliioMe:' and Sur. Jour. — Case of I'lierperal . rhar.,Fel: — Piieiiwial and Milk Diet. Med. Monthly, May. — E.xiieiieiieo in PiiL>i'x>oral . (.lessnp.) I'hila. Meil. anril. — Case of . (Mcintosh.) (Jin. Med. Nevs, Jan. — Gravldiuiuni et Paiturieiitiiin . (Winn.) iS7. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Xor. Ertropluui. (Brijrgs.) Xash. Jour. Med. and Sur., April. Eczema. Cured liy Dulcamara, (nernreuter.) v. S. Med. UirenliyaloriU.), A uy. ir,. — Uubruui. (Bulkley.) Arch. Dermatol., July 11. (Cliamlierlain.) I'a- Moe. and Cin. Med. (Davis.) and (Hyatt.) Va. Recovery. Oct. (Fritts.) I'hy if u Case of IMierpi^ral . I'hila. Med. and Sur. Hep., July (.lohiisdii.) Arch. Clin. Sur.. CLAF^BIFIED BY SUBJECTS. If -Manrl (Bulklc nstum. On tlie Ho-oiilled -ofUebra. Obt., Am, Vet. Ben,, tbtnt (At- — Tlil)«ll.) Areh. Dermatol., July. — Pour Chrimi of Chi-oulo Traatcd by Norv« TmuIos »ud Electricity. (Fltcb.) A.reh. Derma- tol., July. — With Home Siteclal Reinarki on Treatment. (Htioemaker.) Phila, Med. and Sur, Utp., Nov. 8. Eduoatlonttl Notat. (MoBborry.) The Sanita- rian, Aug, Uflfeeta of Gold. (Ilolcombe.) April. Kfltailon. Caae of Puruieut Polvto Oponod SpontuuenuHly Into tbe Vagina. Ice.) Am, Jour. Med. I'eiencet, July. HfltiRlons. The Proper 7>oatmont of Pelvic . (Hrlokell.) Am. Jour, Urd. Brieneen. April. — Oi: Uuino Conditions Pliynlcal and Kiitlonul, in of tbo Pleura. (Uoblnsou.) N. Y. Med. Ree., Jan. 37. — Two CaNen of Pleuritic . (Rodman.) If. Y. Mfd. Uec., Feb. 24. — Porlcardliil and Albuminuria. (Sabln.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Sept, IS. Electricity. On tbn Use of in Follicular I'liuryu^'itls. (Beverly.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Symptomatology of In its Different Appli- cations. (Butler.) North Am. Jour, Borneo,, May, — lu tbe Trcutinout of Opium Polflonlos. (Rob- inson.) Vhicdgn Med. .tour, and Ex., Oct. — In the Troutuicnt of UyHmcnurrbwa. (Rock- well.) N. Y. Med. Rec, Oct. 27. BlectrolysiH. In Ovarian Cysts. (Cutter.) A'. Y. Med, Jour., Aug. — Soino RoHiarkH ou In Ovariiin Tumors. (Uemclodtir.) N, Y. Med. Jour., March, Eleetro'Therapentios. And Electro-Surgery. (Itutler.) North Am. Jonr. Borneo, Aug. — The .Siituro of Elt'ctricity and tlio fonns of Klcptrlclty Used In MeoI- ateu Iodine 7 'Hlon. (Fulton.) Canada Lancet, Oct. — Case of . (Reybum.) Arch. Clin. Sur., Oct. — (Schuyler.) Phit,a. Med. and Sur. Rep., Feb. 3. Enoephallo Cironlatlon. The . (Vance.) A^. r. Med. Uec, May 12. Bndooarditis. Ulcerative Embolism of the Arteries of the Left Lrx- (Ellis.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. 18. — Occurr«'U(!e of with Iloait Clot In Malig- nant Scarlatina. (Pepper.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., June 9. Endo-CervicltU. Chronic . (Miles.) Cin. Med. News, Feb. Endometritis. Chronic Corporeal a Tyi>- Icul Cubo. (Dow.) Md. Med. Jour., Oct. Endothelioma. Cime of of the Inter-vaid- nalHiiiico of the Optic Nerve. (Alt.) Arch, Ophlhul, and Olol., Vol. VI., page .m. Enlargement. Of Prostate. (Poynter.) JV. Y. Med. Uec, Sept. 8. Enlarflrements. Uterine and Abdominal — .. (P)ilnier.) The Clinic, April 14. — Lymphatic Glaudiihtr . (Hale.) U. 8, Med. Investigator (II.), Jan. 1. — i;.\toriiiilGlaudulai . (McElroy.) Buffale Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. Enteritis. Membranous Intestinal Casts. (Willard.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. IB. Enterotomy. (Myers, Jr.) Am. Vet. Rev., May. Entropium. Successfully Treated l»y Hypo- dcruiio Iiijectiou of Strychnia. (Uiggins.) St. Louis Med. aiid Sur. Jour., Jan. Epidemic. An Alurmiug — . (Miller.) U. S. Med. Investigalor tU.), April IS. — An . (Kulison.) Pnila. Med. and Sur. Rep., March 24. — Remedy for the Present . (Woodward.) U. S. Med. Investigalor (II.), Feb. 15. Epidemics. Some Accounts of American . (Barrows.) Eclectic Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. Epidemiology. Notes on the of Ohio. (Minor.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., April. Epiglottis. Now Method of Securing an Up- rlKitt Potdtlou of the . (Brandeis.) Louts- oille Med. News, Jan. 27. Epilepsy. Surgical Treatment of . (Pitch.) Am. PracL, Feb. and Oct. — The Therapeutics of . (Hamilton.) Cin. Med. News, Feb. — Case of . (Hill.) Ohio Med. Recorder, Feb. -Trephining. (Kempf.) Cin, Lancet atid Obs., Jan. — On the Treatment of . (Kunze.) Hahneman- nian Monthly, March. — Case of . (Smedley.) Hahtietnannian Monthly, April. — Papers on . (Vandcrbeck.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Mag 6. 1 :! '1 .^^ w 18 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, 'I' I <> . I i; ■ ! If i ^ — From DiMMe of Intemnl Ear. (Westmore- ■ laud.) AlUtHla Itcd. and Sur. Jour., March. Epileptifonn Seizures. (Palmer.) The Clinic, liov. 17. KpUtwda. (Barton.) Md. Med. Jour., Dee. — Ol>Htiii»te CoutroUod hy CompreHsion of t)>,o8tiyerlor Coronary Artery umlitsBrauolies. (Beeiuuu.) Am. Med. BirWeekly, July 7. Bplthelloma. (Brlggs.) Noah. Jour. Med. and Sur., Dec. — (Gunn.) Chicatjo Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. — Of tlio Lachrymal Gland. (Lyman.) Boslon Med. and Mir. Jour., Oct. 18. — Of Cervix Utorl and Vagina. (Mc^re.) Phila. Med. Times, May 12. — Case of . (Seeley.) Ohieago Med. Jour. and Ex., Jan. — Penis. (Johnson.) Md. Hed. Jour., Aug. — Of Glana Feuis. (Paul.) Phila. Med. Times, Oct. la. — Of Tonffue. (Ross.) Canada Med. attd Sur. Jour., Feb. — Of TonguT. , (Tolaud.) Weal'-ni Lancet, May. Equine P'-.tlents. Cbaugo of Scene for Conva- lusuing . (Large.) Am. Yet. Rev., July. Xqnlsetam. In Paralysis. (Heath.) Hahneman- nian MontlUy, Sept. Ergot. Intra-Uterino Ii\Jection8 of to Ar- rent Post-Partum Hemorrhage. (Ashe.) Va. Med. Monlhhj, Dec. — On the Use of — in Urethral HemoiThage. (Boyland.) Am. mr. Med. Sciences, July. — On Some of tho Uses of . (Cuslitng.) Pa- cific Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — In Hemorrhoids. (Lansing.) Phila. Med. Timet, Oct. 13. — On the Post-Partum Use of in Obstetrical Practice. (Love.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jour,, March. — In Uismatemesis. (Rogers.) Med. Brief, Nov. — (Salomon.) N. O. Med. and Sttr. Jour., Dee. — Fluid Extract of in the Treatment of Clironic DiiirrhCBaand Incontinence of Liinc. (Wittkamp.) Gin. Med. Ne"?8, May. Brlodyction Callfomicnm. Its Therapeutical Value in Pneumoiiio Phthisis. (Polk.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., March K, and Phy. and Phar., Aug. — (Wellcome.) Med. "Hricf, Aug. Eruption. An Unusual Form of Bulbous . (Fox.) Arch. Dermatol., Oct. Erjrsipelas. (Backus.) Med. Brief, June. — Keiiiarks on Ton Cases of . (Boudurant.) LotiiaiHile Med. Neics, June 10. — Tlie Internal Complication of Acute . (Da Costa ) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — A Case in Point . (Doaae.) Med. Brief, April. — The Treatment of and Carbuncle. (Put- ney.) Phila. Metl. and Sur. Rep., April 7. — Of the Pace. (Bailey.) Am. Med. Bi-Weekli/, Sept. IS. — (Hammond.) Med. Brief, May. — Six Cases of Facial . (MifSin.) Homely. Times, May. — And Puerperal Fever. (Chase.) N. Y. Mecl. Rec.,Jan. 13. — And Puei-peral Fever. (Crocker.) Boston Mei. and Sur. Jour., Aug. 2. Erjrthema Papulatam. (Bulkley.) Arch, I>er- mtilol., July. — Fiisax-LaoheMls. (Hills.) Borneo. Times, Attril. Erythematous Lupus. Case of of the Po- ui.s. (Pitt'ard.) Arch. Det .natol., April. ErythroploBum Oulneense. And Couminga. (Galloia aud Hardy.) Am. Jour. Phar., Jan. Erythroxylon Coca. (Laaoar.) N. Y. Med. Rcc., April 21. — (Stockwell.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., April 5. — (Tauuor.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Bep., April 14. Ether. On the First Insenslbtilty from the lo- halatlon of Sulphurio . (Packard.) Am. Jour. Med. Seieneet, July. Ethics. Question In — . (James.) Hahneman- nian Monthly, July. Eucalyptus. As a Dislufeotant, Antiseptio and Epidomlo Remedy. (Woodward.) Southern Med. Itec., Jan. — More About . (Woodward.) Eclectic Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. — Globulus. (Leonard.) Phy. an^ Phar., Aug. Eustac^hlan Tnhe. Applications to . (An- drewb ) JV. Y. Med. Itee., Sept. 1. Excision Of tho Head of the Humei _ j. (Anon.) Cih: Meti. News, Auril. — Of the Elbow-Jolntt Showing Results from Twenty-ono Ciisea Operated on at the Mass. General Hospital. (Beaoh.) Boston Med. u^ul Sur. Jour., Jan. 4. — Of the Upjier Jaw, etc. (Dawson.) B.andL. Med, Jofir., Feb., and The Clinic, Jan, 6. — Of a Deep^ated Tumor of the fTeuk. (Eempf . ) Louisville Metl. News, June 9. — Case of Repeated of the Diferior Dental and Gustatory Nerves for the Cure of Dental Neuralgia. (UcGraw.) Detroit Med. .four., Nov. — Of tho Lower End of the Rectum In Casofl of Cancer. (Roberts.) Phila, Med. and Sur. Rep., June V. — Of the Human Spleen for Hypertrophy. (Sim- mnnds.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. — Of the Hciul of the First Metatarsal Bono for the Cure of Bunion. (Tolaud.) Western Lan- cet, Jan. — Of tho Fourth Metatarsal Bone. (Toland.) Western Lancet, May, — Of the KuceJoint. (Drake.) Canada Med. and ,Sur. Jour., Dec. — Case of of the Kneo-Joint. (Fenwick.) Canada Med. ai.d Sur. Jour., Dee. — Of the Kuee-JoLnt. (Tolaud.) Weatem TAtn- cct, Sept. Ezoplithalmio Oottre. Clinical Lecture . (IxivluK) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Jhc. -Case of . (Fort.) Am. Med. Bi- Weekly, AprU U. Expectoration. Note on tho Advantage of Posi- tion in DiUicult . (King.) Phila. Med. Times. Ang. 4. — The Danger of . (Swayze.) Phila. Med. and Sur. liep., Aug. 25. Kxplanatlon. An . (Mattlson.) Am. .Tour. Ptiur., May. Exstrophy or Extroversion. Of the Bladder. (Boimett.) Va. Med. Monthly, i.ov. Exsectlon. Case of Coxo- Femoral . (Big- low.) Cin. Larret and Oba., Oct. — Of Half of Int jrior Maxilla for Caries; Repro- duction of Bone. (MoLeau.) Western Lancet, April. — Of tho Hip-Joint. (Murbach.) Detroit Med. Jour., Sept. — Of the UiiKloint. (Poore.) N. T. Med. Jour., May. Extension. New Method of Obtaining and C«'Uut«;r-Exten8iou in Fraoturo of the Femur. (Guurchlli.) N. Y. Med. Rec., March 17. External Pressure. In Delayed Labors. (Chit- tenden.) A^. 1'. Med. Rec. Aug. 11. — Delivery by . (MoAIeohan.) Am. Jour. Obs.,July Extirpating. Feasibility of the Thyi-oid Gland in some of Disease. (Minor.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., July. Extirpation. Case of Successful of tho Paiotid Gland. (Pace.) Va. Med. Monthly, Ang. -Of Enlarged Parotid Gland. (P'Pool.) Nash. Jour. Mc(l. and Sur., Ang. — Case of of tho Uterus, Together wltn its Appendajo'.'*, for a Fibroid Tumor. (Tron lioliiie.) Am. Jour. Obs.,July. Extracts. On a New Prooeaa for the Prepara- CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. 19 tlon of without Heat. (Herrora.) Am. Jour. Phar., Sept. —The Keeping and DlepenBlDg of . (Wbar- ton.) Am. Jour. PTiar., March. ' Sstraotum Colooynthldus CompoBitum. (Ole- aon.) Am. Jour. Phar., April. — OlycyrrhlsBB Deparatnm and Ammoniacal Olycyrrlilzln. (Appenzeller.) Am. Jour. Phar., Jwy. Eye. Contributions to the Patbolo;s(ical Anato- my of the Human . (Alt.) Arch. Ophlhal. and OM., Vol. VI., pages OM and U5. — The Eflfocts of Lime upon the . (Buokner.) The Clinic. Oct. 6. — Lecture on Dlseaaea of the . (Newton.) K. Y. Med. Eeleetie, Hay. — Drainage Applied to DlBeases of the and Particularly to Detachment of the Kotinu. (Ribard.) western Lancet, March. — On the Development of the in Mtvmmuls. (Wurzburg.) Arch. Ophthal. and Olol.,Vol. VI., page 230. Kyes. The Care of the . (Lorlug.) N. T. Med. Jtec., April 14. — And Ears. (Woodyatt.) U. S. Med. Invealigar tor (H.), Nov. 1. Kye-Ball. Indications for the Enucleation of the and the Correction of the Deformity, by the Insertion of an Artificial Eye. (Frlod- enwald.) Cin. Med. Nevis, Nov. — Clinic. Miscellaneous Communications from Dr. Hlrschberg's . (Pufahl.) Arch. Oph- lhal. and Otol., Vol. VI., page 631. — Construction. Common Defect in Re- qniriug Use of Convex Glasses. (Chlsolm.) f'rt. Med. Monthly, April. — L,id. The State of the after Death. (Mil- ler.) N. Y. Med. lice., Jan. 6. — FaUents. Cinlcal Report of 3873 . (Alt.) Arch. Ophthal. and OtoL.Vol. VI.,pageno. — Sight. Restored by Faradization after being Totiilly Blind for 28 Years. (Brown.) Med. Brief, Nov. Bye and £ye Clinic. (Llndsley.) Nash. Jour- Med. and Sur., March and May. — (Vilas.) U. S. Med. Investigator (H.), Aug. 15. Faradic and Galvanic Currents. On the Dif- ferrn'iial Indications for the Use of the . (Rockwell.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Feb. Fate. (Cox.) Cin. Med. News, Feb. Feeble Minded. Asylum for the . (Gibbon.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., May. Femnr. Division of the by Subcutaneous Osteotomy. (Hamilton.) Ohio Med. Kecorder, Aug. — Traumatic Disease of the . (Martin.) Am. Borneo., Sept. Fermentations. (Caulklns.) Detroit Med. Jour., July. Fever. The Etiology and Treatment of . (Bucknell.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Its Nature and Purpose. (Kibbee.) Cin. Med. Nrics, Feh. and May. — Tlie Nature and Purjjoso of . (McElroy.) Cin. Med. News, March. — On Aititlcially Prodiioed Processes in Hu- ninii Bodies; Their Modus Operandi and Re- sults. (McElroy.) Ohio Med. and Sur. .lour., Feh. — Rapid Recovery of a Case of Corebro-Spinal . (Alford.) Va. Med. Monthlu, June. — An Epidemic of Tj-phus . (Cllne.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour.. Oct. — Piieinuatio . (Flint.) A". F. Med. See., July 14. — Case of Brain . (Goddard.) Western Lan- cet, June. — Treatment of Acute Rhrnmatic by Sali- cylate of Soda, with Cases from the Hospital. (Newton Jr.) Cancer Jonr., Oct. — Typho-Malarialand Catarrhal . (David- ton.) Am. Med. Jour, (l-..), Nov. — Pseudo-Scarlatinous or Inflammatory Catarrh- al. (Dodge.) TT. S. Med. Investigator (U.), Marchl. — Beach Haven, N. J. A Remedy for Hay . (Ashlmrst.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. -— SucccHsful Treatment of Hay . (Beard. > N. Y. Med. Bee., Aug. 11. — Hay . (Bell.) Phila. Med. and Sur. lie^)., Dec.lS. — Hay . (Evans.) Va. Med. Monthly, June. — Hay . (Fairman.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Nov. 10. — Hay or Hay Asthma. (Webster.) Ohio Med. and Sur. JRep., (II.), Sept. — Intermittent . (Boyle.) Borneo. Times, May. -Case of Pernicious Intermittent followed O.v Hepatic Lesion. (Doane.) Phy. and Phar., May. — Tlio Aliortive Treatment of the Cold Stage of Intermittent by the Nitrate of Amyl. (Hintoii.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., April29. — Case of Intr'-nittent Temperature 108 Fahr. (Metcalfe.) A^. O. Med. ana Sur. Jottr., Oct. — Intermittent . (Ring.) Eahnemannian Monthly, March. — Hemorrhagic Malarial . (Guild.) Southern Med. lice, July. — Reimirlts on Ilomorrhagic Malarial Espe- cially with Reference to tlie Character of Urine. (Joynes.) J{. and L. Med. Jour., March. — Typlio-Malarial and the Opinion of Dr. Woodward, U. 8. A., in 18C3 and in 1877. Bar- tliolow.) The Clinic, Sept. 8. — Typho- Malarial . (WiUlams.) Va. Med. Monthly, March. — Typho-Malarial . (Woolen.) Am. Pratt., Dec. — Puerperal at Charity Hospital. (Gillette.) A', r. Med. Itec, March 17. — Puerperal . (Landis.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jonr., Feb. — Puerperal and Post-Mortem Examina- tions, (liente.) N. Y. Med. ICec., April 29. — On an Outbrenk of Puerperal fu tlio C'ty and Couuty Hospital. (Mays.) Western Lan- cet, April. — Piioiperal . (Mays.) Pacific Med. and Sur. Jour., May. — Case of Puerperal . (Preston.) Eahneman- nian Monthly, Feb. — Remittent with Tetanic Convulsions. (Hodge.) St. Louis Clin. liec.. Any. -Protracted Remittent . (Morgan.) IT. 8. Med. InvciUigator (H.), Feb. — Scarlet and Diphtheria, with some thoughts on other Forms of Septic Disease. (Beebe.) U. 8. Med. Investigator (B.), Feb. n. — Treatment of Scarlet . (Clark.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., March. — Clinical Success in Scarlet . (Duncan.) U. S. Med. Invesliyator (H.),Feb. — Scarlet and its Treatment. (Fort.) Am. Med. Bi-Wceldii, Dee. 22. — Treatment of Scarlet . (Griffith.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., March. — What is Scarlet . (Hale.) N. E.Med. Gazett* (E.), April. , — Scarlet and Milk. (Hale.) Am. Homeo.. Aug. — Treatment of Scarlet . (Haller.) < Vi icago Med. Jour, and Ex., March. — On Scarlet . (Hoft'man.) TT. S. Med. Inrei- tigaVtr (B.), Aug. 1. -Experience in Scarlet and Diphtheria. (Knapp.) IT. S. Med.InTOtticjator (II. ), April 1. — Experience in Scarlet and Diphtheria. (Llppe.) U. S. Med. Imw.ilit/utor (B.), Jan. 15. — Scarlet . (Lippe.) TT. S. Med. Investigator (H.j.Marchl. — Epldcuiie of Scarlet and Diphtheria. (Moore.) n. S. Med. Investigator ( 11.), April 1. — Treatment of Scarlet . (Nance.) Chicag* Med. Jonr. and Er., March. — Troatmentof Scarlet . (Sim.) Phila. Med. a»ic/ Sur. Hep., Dec. 1. m ^i ^ 20 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. \n — Etiology of Scarlet . (Tookcr.) U. S. Med. Investigator (U.), July 1, — On Bcarlct uml Knus-Toxlcodendron. —(Walker.) U. 8. Med. Imeatiuator (I/.), April l. Troatiuent of Scarlet — . (Wardnvr.) cuicago Med. Jour, and Hx., March. — Texas . (Myers.) Am. Vet. Rtv., Nov. — Etiolojry of Tyiihoid . (Bramlutt.) Va. Med. Monthlji, May. — Treatment of Typhoid . (Carson.) A.n. Vracl., Sept. — Roumrks on tbo Origin and Propagation of the Typhoid Poison. (Cuulkius.) Detroit Med. Join:, March. — The Euidemio of Typhoid which Occurred iu Paris during the Your 1876. (Claude.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (11.), Sept. — Report ou tbo Relation of tho Drainago and ScwcriigoofPhiliulclphla, tothoPrevaleneoot Typhoid in that City. (Cleeniun.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Oct. 27. — Boiu'^ Anomalous Cases of Tvphoid Illus- trating the Thermometricnl Vuriations in tho Onset and ( oureeof tho Disease. (Frotliiiii^- hnm.) R. and L. Med. Jour., May, and Detroit Med. Jvur., Feb. — On Infantile Typhoid . (Henoch.) XJ. S. Med. Investigator (II.), Oct. 1. ~ Case of Typhoid . (Hemdon.) Southern Med. Rec, Atig. — Antipyretic Treatment of Typhoid . (Lon- don.) ^»M. Pracl.. April, — Lecture on Tvphoid . (Loomls.) Cin. Med. Hews, Feb. — Experience with Typhoid . (Morse.) Cin. Med. Advance (n.),June. — Origin ami Communication of Typhoid . (Peters.) Va. Med. Monthly, June. — Typhoid and Drinking Water. (Post.) JV^. I'. Med. Jour., Jan. — Typhi id in Amherst, and Now England. (Scarborough.) The Clinic, Dec. 8. — Au Kpide,iiiic of Typhoid Produced by Severe Poisoning. (Simmons.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. -Solid Food in Typhoid . (Tumey.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. — Typiiold . Can it bo Aborted) (Wood.) Hanheinannian Monthly, June. — Cases of Tjithoid Dependent upon Con- taminated Drinking-Wator. (Woods.) Boston Med. mid Sur. Jour., Feb. IS. — Comnumieability of Yellow . (Hargls.) Aid. Med. Hi- Weakly, May 26. -Analysis of the Reeord of Yellow In Now Orleans iu 1876. (Holt.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. — Obflen atlons In Regard to the Yellow Epidemic of 1876 upon the Coast of Georgia. (Logan.) R. and L. Med. Jour., March. — Yellow ; its Treatmeut and Prevention. (Murphy.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (11.), July. — Cases of Yellow lu Charleston in tho Biim- mer ot 1872. (Porcher.) Chaleston Med. Jour, and Rev., Jan. — Yellow ; its Treatment and Pathology. (Purse.) A*, r. Med. Rec, Nov. 3. — Report Of Yellow as It Appeared in Savnn- nali, Ga., in 1876. (White.) N. 1'. Med. Jour., March. — On the Causes of the Epidemic of Yellow at Savamiali, Ga., in 1876. (WoodhuU.) Am. .Tour. Med. Sciences, July. — Study of tho Natural History of Yellow . (81 ernberg.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. — Cot. Description of a . (Kibbee.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Feb. Fevers. Maladal. (Lewis.) Southerti Med. Rec., Nov. — Lecture on . (Loomls.) N. T. Med. Rec., Jan.^andJuneV. — Cases of Yellow and Prevailing Ob8erve:, April. — Couiplieated Vesico-Urethro Vaginal . (Eniiiiet) A in. Jonr. Obs., Jan. — Ve*»ico- Vaginal , with Retroversion of ths Uterus, (i I'Keif.) Vitnuihi I auvfl, April. — Rei'ort of a Cmho of Vcsieo-Vagiuul , with SiieecHsful Ojieratiou. (Pace.) Am. Med. Bv- — Vesico. Case of . (Hi>so.) N. 1'. Med. Rec., Aw/. IH. — Case of Vcslco-Abdominal Dii.v.V Standiug. (Worster.) JV. March ui. of Fourteen r. Med. Rec., Flap Extraction. Successful of a Wounded Lens. (Becutuigei.) Pavijie Med. and Sur. Jour., Dee. Flint Dust. Tho Inhalation of . (Porwood.) I'hUu. Med. and Sur. Rep., June 9. FcBtal Heart-Beat. (Lcavitt.) V. S. Med. In- reiiUgator (ti.), Itec. 1.'). — Position. Case of Unusual . (Morris.) I'hilu. Med. Times,, Tune i). — Pulse. Couditiuus Aileefingthe . (Peters.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. 23. FcBtatlon. Case of Included . (Rogers.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, (let. — Exti'a Uterine. (Hildreth.) Boston Med. aiid Sur. Jour., Nov. 8, — Case of Extra Uterine . (Smith.) Am, Pracl., Aug. Foetus. Effects upon tho ot Medicines given to tlio Pregnant Woman. (Cleveland.) The Clinic, May I'J. — lutluenco'ou the of Medicine. (Munde.) Am. Jour. Obs., April. — A . Arrested in Its Development at the Fourth Month and Cauied to the Full Period of Gestation. (Day.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex Mity. — Extraction of tho with the Olistetrlo For- cejts. (Marsdcn.) Iluhnemunniun Monthly, June. — In Utero. With Remarks on Maternal and Paternal Influences. (Dow.) Va. Med. Monthly, June. Food. Tho of tho Ancient and of Modem ^m CLASSIFIED BY SUaiECTS. 21 u. s. u. s. Infauts. (Green.) Cin. Lancel and Ohs., Aug. —For InfanU. (Colvlu.) V. S. Med. Investiguior — (MiilH.) Am. Homeo., July. — (Pierstm,) U. S. Med. Investigator (H.), March 1. Foot. On the Causos of soino Clironlc Lame- uoHHoftUo . (Very.) Am. Yet. J:ev.,Jan. ForcepM. Ontbo — . (Atkinson.) Vhiia. Med. and Stir. Jiep., March 3. — Ain>lication of In Head-Lost Presenta- tions. (Bornardy.) Phila. Med. Times, April u. Foramen Oval*. Tbo Frequency and Import of u I'erforate . (Corson.) JIahmmannian Monlhlji, Deo. — Piirtiully Closed . (Eskrldge.) Phila. Med. Times, Julij 21. Foreign Bodies. In Nostrils. (Dumm.) Ohio Med. Recorder, March. — In tlio Htouiaoli. (Lee.) Vhila. Med. and 8ur Hep., Nov. 3. — In the Ear. (Amlck.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., April. — In the Ear. (Phillips.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Hep. (It.), Jan. — Biiuplo Process for Removing from the Eye. (Dugas.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. — Removal of from the Eye. (Ross.) Am. Med. Bi-weekly, Sept. 1. Foreign Body. Case of in the Bronchial Tube. (BreakcU.) N. Y. Med. JiecJxine'i. — Of Unusual Kind in tbo Air Passages; Tra- cheotomy; Spontaneous Expulsion After Six- teen Days. (Conner.) Am. Jour. Med. Sci- ences, Oct. — LuiRo in the Eye. (Dillard.) Va. Med. Monthly, April. — fn tlie External Auditory Canal, causing Re- dox Nervous Symptoms. (Ileydenreich.) Arch. Ophlhat. and Olul., Vol. VI., p. 3a3. — Tsv;> Cases of In tbo Rectum. (Weaver.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. I'racture. Of tbo Rim of tbo Aoetabulum. (Heifli.) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., April. — Of tbo Bones of tbo Face. ( Bull.) If. r. Med. lice, Sept. 1. — Rare of Superior Maxilla. (Bull.) iV^. r. ilcd. lice, Vec. 'ii. — Aphorisms in . (Cowling.) Louisville Heit. Kcws, Dec. 20. — Report of » Case of of the Eleventh Dor- sal VeitebriD. (Fritts.) I'hif. and I'har., Feb. — Shortening in . (Hamilton.) JV. 1'. Med. Kix., Aug. 11. — Oi*! bo Sternum by Muscular Action, (Hodgen.) AT. r. Med. llec., Dec. 22 — 8hoi"teuing in and Bilateral Symmetry. (Hunt.)^^ r. Med. llec., Aug. 4. — A Case of Potts . (Jernegan.) A'. E. Med. aazeUe(H.),Dec. — Of tbo Tibia. (Logan.) Louisville Med. News, March 10. — Old liepressed . (MoFarland.) Louisville Med. News, Feb. 21. — Case of T . (Morris.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. 29. — Now Method of Treating of tbo Clavicle. (Van Buren.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept., and Canada Lancet, Dee. — Observations on Colics' with Case. (Forbes.) ToUdo Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. — Remarks on Colics' . (Hamilton.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. — Compound Comminuted of the Fibula, etc. (Bttbin.) Am. Uomeo.,Aug. — Compound of the Humerus and Os Calois. (Aikens.) Canadian Jour. Med. Science, Dee. — Compoimd Amputation. (Wall.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. — Compound — -witblu Two Inches of Ankle Joint. (Wall.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., \ov. I — Treatment of — of the Femur. (Brotber.) i .Im.Jonr. Med, SeitneeJi, .Tan, I — Of the Femur. (Hamilton.) Arch. Clin. Sur.. Nov. 15. — Clinical Lectures on of the Femur. (Ham- ilton.) I'hila. Med. Times, Nov. 24. — Treatment of of tbo Nock of the Femur, with Case. (James.) Huhnemannian Monthly, April. — Of the Femur, Treated by Allen's Fracture Bed. (Morse.) Fucijle Med. and Sur. Jour., April. — Intra-Capsular of the Nock of the Femur. (Wardner.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Dec. — Inlra-Capsular of Femur, etc. (Wiisoi:.) Phila. Med. Times, Aug. i. — Of the Humerus, Near the Condylus. (Frult- nigbt.) Arch. Clin. Sur., March. — Of tbo Humerus with Injury of the Musculo- spinal Nerve. Suit for Malpractice. (Ormsby.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Dec. 8. — or the Superior Epipbysis of the Humerus. (Ricbmond.) AT. r. Med. Jour., Nov. -Case of and one of Dislocation of the Patel- la. (Bacon.) Boston Med.and Sur. Jotir.,Oct.2rt. -Transverse of tbo Patella. (Brown.) Bos- ton Med. and Sur. Jour., Sept. 20. — Transverse of Patella. (Clebome.) Am. Jour. Med. S^i^nces, Oct. — Treatmei — of tbo Patella. (Oalioupe.) Boston Ml d Sur. Jour., Aug. 16. — Of tbo Pu (Howe.) Boston Med. and Sur. .Tour., Sept. b. — Of tbo Patella. (Morgan.) Boston Med. aiui Sur. Jour., Nov. 29. — Of tbo Patella. (Poyuter.) T?ie Clinic, .Tttne^. — Of the Skull. (Briggs.) Nash. .Tour. Med. and Sur., Nov. — Depressed Compound of the Skull. (Bu- ebaiiau.) IC. and L. Med. Jour., March. — Of Skull, with Loss of Brain Substance ; Re- covery. (Clebome.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — External of the Skull. (Oaresche.) 81. Louis Clin. Rec, Nov. — Notes of aCaso of of the Base of the Skull. (Horsey.) Canada Lancet, Aug. — Two Cases of of the Skub. (Marion.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. Ii7. — Case of Extensive Comi)ound of the Skull. (O'Brien.) N. Y. Mat. Rec, Sept. 8. — Case of of tbo Cranium. (Pirrio.) Ecle*"- ticMed. and Sur. Jour., Feb. — Exteusivo Compound of the Skull, with LoRs of Bone Bubstance. (Ross.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour.. Nov. — Compound Comminuted of the Skull, with Exteusivo Loss oi B(mo and CVroi)ral Sub- stance. (Snlvely.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Nov. 24. — Of tbo Skull, and Compound Dislocation of tboAnklo. (Wright.) Am. Pract., Dec. — Oblique of tbo Thigh Treated by Ext«»n- slon. (Bull.) Canada Med. llec., Oct. — lutra-Capsular of tbo Thigh and tbo Er- rors of tbo Methods of Diagnosis. (Parsons. ) Borneo. Times, Feb. Fractures. On tbo Treatment of by Moans of Buck's Apparatus and Improved Plaster Bandage. (Dubois.) A'. 1'. Med. Rec, Aug. 4. — Trcatuicit of of the Shalt of tbo Femur inthoAualt. (Hamilton.) A^. Y. Med. Rec, Dec. 1. —Summary Remarks on of tbo Shaft of tboFemiu- in Adults. (Hamlltou.) Buffalo Med. and Sur. Jour., Dee. — Of tbo Head of tbo Radius. (Hodges.) Bos- ton Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. 18. —Of Lower Extremitius. (James.) Uahneman- nian Monthly, May. — Intra and Extra-CapsiUar and their Suc- cessful Treatment, (ijpiuzig.) St. Louis Ctin. Rec, Oct. Fractured MoxlUae. Retention of . (Miles.) A'. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. Fractional Notea. (Wilder.) Am. Jour. Plmw., Sept. Frienuui LinKiue. Caso of . (Doauo4 I'/iy. iinil I'lan:, -Vor. ^ 22 INDEX TO OKIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, 1 FramlMBHiold Condylomatoun. S.vpIillodRrm cir tiio llui y Bin i», tuictl by the llyiMxlciiiiid IiOcctiou of Ciirrooivo Kiibllmato. (Tuiuuitwo di Auilciti.) Arch. Uemiutol., OcL Piwer. TlioLivtoOr. . (Steveueou.) Chicago iicd. Jour, unit Ex., June. Freezliiff Miorotoine. (Lon^cstroot.) Phila. 21eU. Ttincn, MaijVi. Fundus in Urine. Rononiblin^ Vontriculi. (Ma- «oiul>cr.) I'llila. Med. Times, Auy. 18. Fnrrum Diol.VHatuiu. (Yundcll, Jr.) Louis- ville Med. Sews,AuiJ. A. Claliciuu OzohLerlt. (Grabowski.) Am. Jour. I'liur., Feb. Gall Stones. Impactiun of and Obstructtoii or tho liowcl. (Uai'cluy.) Canada Lunvel, June. Galvanic Current. Iiuportance of tbo in ElcctiiiTliinipuutics. (MiicH.) Cin. Med. Hews, March. Galvano-Pnucture. Tlio In Ovarian Tuiuors. (Doluniatcr.) J\ orlh Am. Jour, lloiiico., Icb. — Of u liydrovariuni. (FUcb.) N. Y.Med. Jour.. Jan. Gnnsrene. Cuso of SpontaueoiiM . (Hard.) Chicuyo Med. Jour, and Ex., Dec. — Following tUo Kxtcruiil ii80t>f Carbolic Acid. . (Fentress.) Med. Brief, Sept. — (CiUtfS.) Southern Med. 1,'cc., j\ oc. — As n liciuvUy lor Uutui'liuiciit ct: the Kctlna. (Nortou.) Ohio. Med. uiul M.) Med. hricf, Aug. Acnu-Pectorul X'osition. Tho in Shoulder I'lvscuiatious. (Liuion.) Am. Trad., (>cl. — Tao iu Biiouldur Fi'eseututiuu. (Purvin.) Am. I'ract., Jan. Genus Kpldeuiiciis. Th»i . (Woodward.) I'. S. Med. lnvts.4jalor ill.), Sor. 1,">. German Literature. Kotiospect ol' — . (DcccUc.) Am. Jour. liuMiiiij, Ol/. Gestation, l^iloufciil to Four lluudivd and hull} two i)u>s. (iiryan.) SI. Lotus Mid. anti Sur. .lour..Ju!>i. — Case of Pi'otractcd . (Moore.) Phila. Mtd. and Sur. liep., Feb. 3. Gilleoia Stipulaeeu. liesults of Analysis of the lioot of . (Wotherell.) Phila. Med. Times, April 14. Glanders. In tho Human Subject. (Joue.) Pa- eijic Med. and Sur. Jour., June. Glass Graduates. Inaccuracy of . (Hoi guio.) jV. y. Med. liec., Jan. V!0. Giusswai-e. Colored . (Wilder.) Am. Jour. I'hur., March. — Nou-Actinio . (Wilder.) Am. Jour. Phar lib. Giaucomu. (Thomas.) llahnemannian Month Ig, March. Glauconia Simplex. (Lyons.) Am. Prael. June. Gleet. Is Communicable f (Bowling.) The Clinic, March 'i. GIif>-S:ircoma. Double . (Zlnke.) The Clinic, Jan. 21. Glycerin. The Use of in Fluid Extracts (Leuiuan.) Am. „ mir. Phar., July, Glyrerite of Keplialine. (Ashmcad.) Detroit Ltd. Jour., Oct. — On tliO Articles of Dr. C. O. Polk, upon . (Percy.) Phi a. Med. Times, A'ov. 10. — AbIi mead's Aitiole on . (Percy.) Detroit Med. Jour., Dec. — (Polk.) Southern Med. liec., June. — (Wiley.) Louisville Med. A'ews, June 3. Goa Powder. (Baker.) Ta, Med. Monthly, Aivril. — And Cbrysophanio Acid. (Bullock.) Am.Jow. Phar., Nov. Gonalgia, or Hysterical Arthralgia. (Clebornc.) A, 1. Med. Bee., Aug. 25. Gonorrhoea. Latent . (Cross.) Si. Louis Clin, liec., Nov. — fuse of Complicated with EpididymittH. or Swelled TesUcle. (Doauo.) Med. hriej, Mag. Gonorrhosal Fpididymitis. Case in which I'i'crt'dcii the Disciiai'ge from tho Urethra. (StauBbuiy.) Arch. Dermatol., April. Granulated Uds. On . (Jackson.) V. S. Mtd. Investigator (11.), Aug, 1. Graves Disease. (Pepper.) X. T. Med. Bee., Stilt. 1. Grindciia-Robnsta. And Yerba-Santa in Asthma and liruuciual iriitutiuu. (Griltiu.) Med. Briej, AtKJ. — (Guernsey.) JTomeo Times, Jan. — in Asthma aud W hoopiug-Cough. (Patecj Med. lirief, Nor. — Squarrona. (Munk.) Am. Med. Jour. {E.), Nov. Guraua Paulliuia. (Goss.) Eclectic Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. Guide-Uoard tu Prescribing. (Ockford.) tin. Med. Advance, July. Gutta Percha Tissue. (Chamberlain.) .V. V. Jilt/, liet:, i)ept. '13. Guttata Prosiasis. (Bulkley.) Arch. Derma- tut., Oct. Gyiueculsgy. Contribution tu tho Statistics of . Ularduu.) lioston Med. and Sur. Jour.. May 10. — iu Jiipuu. iWcruich.) Chicago Med. Jour, and L.i.,Ma>/. Hiemarumoscope. Tho . (White.) Am. J.jur. Mid., Aaences. July. Usemutliurax. (Easley.) Va. Med. Monthly, Oil. IIirmHtuma. Of the Anterior Wall of the Vagina, (.tlui'iii^ .) Phila. Med. 'liiiws, Aug. 18. liieuiuptysis. (Ckvtland.) The Clinic, Sept. 1. Ilivmurrliuids. Treatmcut of Iiijections of CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. 33 Carbolic Acid Oil. Hur. Jour., June. (Wood.) Canada Med. and V. S. Hahnemann. On Aconite. (Hughes.) iJed. luvesUgalor {U.), Sept. 1. — Aud Uumeopatby. (Potors.) Phy. and Phar., Feb., May, and Aug. Hair. Doea the Human Ever turn Gray in a Hlnglti HitOxt t (Bai-uea.) Cin. Med. Advance (U.), March. — Does the Grow after Doath ! (Lowther.) Louisville Med. News, Oct. 2U. — Facts About . (Morrow.) Gin. Med. Ad- vance (H.) April. — Pin. And CalouluB in Bladder. (McCauley.) Ohio Med. Bee., Aug. — CaM8. ▲ Coupleof . (Buell.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (H.),Jan. — And Calculus. In Bladder. (McCauley.) Ohio Med. Sec., Aug. Bare Up. Cases of and Cleft Palate in Sy- pbilitio Children. (Brown.) Arch. Dermatol., July. — And Cleft Palate, \rith Operation for Hare- Lip. (Gunn.) Ohieago Med. Jour, and Ex., June. Baarvatd School of Medicine. (Osier.) Cana- dian Jour. Med. Science, Aug. Hoad Rest. Elastic Spring . (Wood.) N. T. Med. Bee., Nov. 10. Headache. Remedy for tbe . (Lookrldge.) Am. PraeU, March. — The Therapeutics of — . (Smith.) Southern Med. Bee., Feb. — On the Diagnosis and Xireatment of . (Thomson.) N. T. Med. Bee., Nov. 17. — An Uususpected Cause of . (Washington.) St. Louia Eclectic Med. Jour., Nov. Healing Art. The . (Llppe.) Bahneman- nian Monthly, Nov. Health Helper. (King.) Eeleetie Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. Heart. Lectures on Disease of the . (Flint. ) N. r. Med. Bee., Sept. 8. — Lecture on the . (Flint.) N. J. Med. Bee., Sept. 16. — Two Cases of Anomalous. (Halderman.) Ohio Med. Becorder, July. — Diseases of tbe . (James.) Hahnemannian Monthly, June and Sept. — Eleotrfcal Phenomeua Occurring in tbe . (Lautenbacli.) Phila.Med. Times, March 31. — Case of Valvular Diseaeeof tbe . (Reddy.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. — Valvular Disease. (Smith.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Aug. — Showing Anomalous Arrangement of the Leaf- lets of tbe Pulmonary Valve. (Wilson.) Phila. Med. Times, July 7. — And Kidney Disease, Combined. (Starr.) I'hila. Med. Times, leb. 17. — Soundo. Tlie Relation of Certain Abnormal — to Uraemia and Brigbt's Disease. (I-yncb.) Md. Med. Jour., July. Hellebore. (Gatchcll.) Northwestern Aiinalisl, (H.),July. Uematocle. Perl-Uterine. (Baker.) No/^th- tteslern Annalist, (H.), July. Hemiplegia. Case of Hysterical , with Nou- viilKia of the Ti'igfmiuuB and Amblyopia. (Bull.) N. Y. Med. Bee, Feb.. 17. — Case of Right and Apbusia, with Mitral Disease of tuo Heart. (Comegys.) Cin. Lan- cet and Obs., Jan. — Caeoof Spinal . (Janes.) Am. Jour., Med. Sciences, Oct. ~ Interuiittont . (Rockwell.) N. T. Med. Jour., Aug. Hemiopia. (Dickinson.) Chicago Med. Jour. and Ex., Oct., and St. Louit Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. UcmoiTluHfe. Cai»o of from the M cous Membrane of tbe Larynx. (Coomes.) Louia- viUe Med. Newt, July 38. I — Death from Concealed in tbe Femoral I Arteiy. (Cotton.) Phila. Med. Times, Jan. 6. — Case of (Cresey.) Toledo Med. and Sur ! Jour., Aug. — Poot-Partum. (Fortner.) Ta. Med. Monthly, Sept. — Ante-Partura , Controlled by Pressure on tlieFujtuH. (Foster.) Am. Uomeo.,July. — Hidden . (Freeman.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Aug. 11. — Sablna . (Gibson.) U. S. Med. Investigator {«.), Feb. 1. — Post-Partum . (Morrison.) N. T. Med. Eclectic, May and July, and Southern Med. liee., Oct. — Case of Uterine , Illustrating tbe Use of Curette. (Morton.) Louisville Med. Newt, Oct. 6. — Case of Intestinal iu a Child One Day Old. (Taylor.) Va. Med. Monthly, Dec. — Case of Accidental CDUcealed , followed by Quick and PainleHs Labor. (Wbeatou.) Ohio Med and Sur. Jour., Oct. Hemorrhoids. Are Salutary) (Boden- faamcr.) N. T. Med. Bee., Sept. «. — Surgical Treatment of . (Fiske.) Borneo. Times, April. — Internal . (Owen.) Chicago Med. Jour. a}id Ex., June. — On tho Surgical Treatment of Uterine. (Sut- ton.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. — (Vance.) Cm. Lancet and Obs., Kov. — (Washington.) Eeleetie Med. and Sur. Jour., June. Hepar Salphor. CorapariHon of and 8111- cia. (Miller.) Bahtiemannian Monthly, F^ Hepatic Affection. On an Obscure . (Elder.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Bep., Feb. 3. Hermaphrodite. An . (Seip.) Bahno- mannian Monthly, Dee. Hermaphroditism. Cose of Spurious .(Betts.) Hahnemannian Monthly, May. Hernia. The Authors who wrote on it, and its Trt'iitmeut Prior to the lltb Centm-y. (Alex- andria.) Canada Lnti ret, Oct. — A New Truss for Forward . (De Oarmo.) N. Y. Med Bee. Aug. — Tbe Value of Sneezing in tbe Reduction of . (Deniflon.) Southern Med. Bee., April, and Ta. Med. Monthly, Jan. — (Mudd.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Dee. — Femoral . (Perrigo.) Canada Med. Bee., May. — Peiltoneal of tbe Linea Alba. (Toland.) Western Lancet, May. — Caseof Stniujnilfitert Inccninnl of 4 Days and 18 Hours' Standiug ; Operation ; Recovery, (Miller.) Western Lancet, June. — Radical Cure of Strangulated Inguinal . (Smith.) Arch. Clin. Sur., Feb. — Case of Strangulated Irrodiiciblo, Direct In- guinal. (Todd.7 Phila. Med. and Sur. B^, April li. — Strangulated . (Allis.) Phila. Med. Timet, July 7. — The Early Operation for Strancrulated . (AUls.) Phila. Med. Times, Juh/ 21. — Wben to Operate lor btraugulatcd . (Byrd.) B. and L. Med. Jour.. Jan. — Reduction of Strangulated . (Dugos.) N. O. Med. and Sur. Jour., March. — Operation for Strangulated . (Fttoh.) Am. Pract., March. -Case of Concealed Strangulated , (GQ- liam.) Ohio Med. Becorder, May. — Stiaugulntcd . (Guernsey.) Bahneman- nian Monthly, May. — Case of Stvanguiated of Right Side. (Knott.) LouisoUlc Med. Neirs, JulyT. — Reportof aCasoof Sponlanoous Closure of a Gaiigrenons Solution of Continuity in the latest ne Keaultiug from Strangulated . (Lausiiifih.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — Singular Cac o of Str.inguiated . (Sterling.) Cin. Med. Advance {B.), May. ' ''■'hj - 24 INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, Herniotomy. SuccoAnfnl Cane of . (Jerue- gau.) iV. /<;. Mitl. Uuille (W.), Feh. — An InteruatiiiK Cutio uf BUMUgulnted Bnbnnu- cvlo . (Llttlo.) N. Y. Meif. Etc., ilarcha. Herpes Zoater. The Fatbolugy of Cliiiically Cuuaidorcd. (RoUo.) Arch. Dermatol., July. Hey'a Operation. (Church.) Cln. Lancet and Obs.,Jan. Hlcooagh. Cufle of Chronio . (Shrlver.) Oin. Luiicttund Obs., March. Hip DUease. Two Cases of Supposed . (Lcouurd.) Detroit Meil. Jour., Nov. BUppomane Manrlneila. Notes on the EfTeots of the Sap or Julio of tho . (Howard.) UahnemannUin Monthly, Feb. Holden's Resonator. Dr. . (Holdeii.) N. Y. Med. Itec. Feb. 3. Homeopathy. Tu Northern Ohio. (Bookwith,) Ohio Med. and Sitr. licp. {11.), Jan. — Pioneers of in Northei n OhI o. (Beckwith. ) Phy. and Phar., Jan. — Vs. the Physiological School. (Borridge). r. S. Med. lnve»tigalor (.11.), Feb. \. — As a Science. (Farriugton.) Uahnemannian Monthly, May. — A i.^ayrnan's Experience of . (Furness.) NwlhAm. Jour. Homeo., Nov. — Capitulation of . (Lippe.) Cin, Med. Ad- rauce (11.). Sept. — In Surgery. (Parsons.) Cin, Med. Advance (//.), May. — On the Cause of Professional Opposition to . (Pope.) Hahnemannian Monthly, Oct., and Ohio Med. and Sur. Hep, (JJ.), Nov. Homeopathic Question. Tho . (Bumstead.) N. Y. Med. Pec., Sept. 1. — Hospital. Tho Ward's Island, New York. (Corson.) Uahnemannian Monthly, Dec. — Colleges. Tho Iiiiportiinco of Departments of Phanuacology niul ProvinKS in the . (Hale.) 17. S. Med. Inrcsligator (U.), July 1. — Cure. On tho RationaJo of (Uughes.) A^. E. Med. Gazette (II.), May. — Lilu Insurauco Cuuipuuies. (Lippe.) Cin. Med. Arirance (U.), May. — Tinctures. On tho Strength of . (Sher- niuu.) Am. Homeo., Nov. Hop Culture. In New York. (Blssell.) Am. Jour. Phar., Nov. Hops. On Some Constituents of . (Blssell.) Am. Jour. Phar., Dee. Hospital and Private Practice. (Hamilton.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Jan. 13. — Cases. (Abbot.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 20. — (Bradford.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 27. — (Cabot.) Boston 2Ied. and Sur. Jour., March 23, atid May 10. — (Cheercr.) Bostoti Med. and Sur. Jour., March 1, April 26, and May 3. — (Doe.) Boston Mm. and Sur. Jour., Oct. 18. — (Fifleld.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jov,r., Nov. 15. — (Gay.) Boston Med, and Sur. Jour., Sept. 6, Oct, 4, and Nov, 2X — (Homans.) Boston Mod. and Sur. Jour., Aug. 16. Boston Med, and Sur. Jour., April Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. 11. Boston Med, and Sur, Jour., Jan. Boston — (Lymaa.) 6 atid 19. — (Mlnot.) — (Porter.) as. — Boston Lying-in . (Richardson.) Med. and Bur. Jour., July 13. — tRichardson.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. 9. — (Tuomdykfl.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., June 28 and July 19. — (Vanderbeok.) Phila. Med. Times, March 3. — (Warren.) Boston Med, and Sur, Jour., March 15 and Sept. 27. — Notes. (Wharton.) Phila,Med. Tim€s,Dee.B. — Beport. (Porter.) Phila. Med, Times, June and S'pt- !• — (Wharton.) Phtla. Med. Times, June 23. — t'linio of Dr. J. M. Da C.sta. (Woodbury.) Phila. Med. and Sur. iivp., Jan. 6. — Reports. (Feiiwick.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., Sept. — (JohiiNou.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 15. (Morgan.) Phila. Med. Times, Jan. 20. Phila. Med. Times, Aug. i. hila. Med. Times, May 20 and Dee. la. Med. Times, Feb. 3. Southern Med. lice., Jan. Phila. Med. Times, Jan. 6 and Canada — (Poitcr.i — (Robert 22. — (Rolan< — (Vaniiorij, — (Wharton.) Nov. 10. Hospitals. ThoLoiMloii . (Alton.) Lancet, .Tan. Hot Springs. Of Arkaiiso^. (Morse.) Hahne- maiiniiin Monthly, Aug. — Case Cunul a r. tho of Arkansas. (Ordway .) Uahnemannian Monthly, Oct. — Water. For Treatment of Sick Storaaoh. (Owen.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., March 21. How to Temper thi« Tomprramout Diuleti- cally. (Ktdtleld.) Homeo. Times, Feb. Human Actions. The Scieni itiu BoHis of . (Vuruna.) Momeo. Times, April. Humerus. Spontaneous Reduction of a DImIo- nuvd . (Davenport.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., May 6. Hydatids. Complicating l^eraaturc Delivery. (Armstrong.) Med. hrxef, Sept. Hydrastis Canadensis. The Properties and Uweaof . (Bleach.) Ohio Mea. Recorder, Oct. — In Uterine Hemorrhage and Menorrhagia and alao In Dysmeuiirrhoea. (Gordon.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Aug. and Sept. Hydrencephalocele. (Kennady.) Am. Med. Jii- Weekly, Oct. 27. Hydroa. TwoCoHesof . (Bulkley.) Arch. Dermatol., April. Hydroadipsla. Clinical Cases of withSome Farts CoueernliiK tho Water Supply of Living Bodies. (McElroy.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., Jan. Hydrocephalus. Traumatic . (Farringtim.) Homeo. 'limes, Oct. — Acute uud lisTreHtmeut. (Pimat.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., A ug. 4. Hydrocele. (Briggs.) Nash. Jour. Med. and Sur., April. Hydrogen. Tho Protoxide of Chemically ami Medically Considered. (Haldemauu.) Cin. Luncet and Obs., Oct. Hydrophobia. Its Cause. (Baer.) Uahneman- viun Monthly, Aug. — OntlioTrtiutmcutof . (Butterfleld.) Eclec- tic Med. and Sur. Jovr., June. -Case of . (Edwards.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., March 16. —Case of . (Francois.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., May 17. —Case of . (Hanoconi.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., April 19. -(King.) St. Louis Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. — Case of . (Mackenzie.) Am. Jour. Obs., Jan. — (Pearson.) Hahnemannian Monthly, Sept. — Case of . (Smith.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., March 1^. — (Spetli.) Hahnema7inian Month fi^, May. — A Reply to Dr. Young. (Stockwell.) Boston Med- and Sur. Jour., July 26. — An Interesting Case of , and n Question of DIagnoHis. (Stoi rs.) N. Y. Meil. Rec., July 7. — ReiKJi t of a Case of . (Warner.) N. Y. Med. Sec, Dee. 15. ,, . — Bemurks on . (Young.) Boston Med. and Sur. .Tour., June 14. Hydrotherapentics. (lUoway.) Oin. Lancetand Obs., June. Hyctene. Marino on Board Passenger Vefr sels. (Bell.) The Sanitarian, April. CLASSIFIED BY SUBJECTS. 3& — Rei>ort on . (Caboll.) Va. Med. Monthly, Jan. — During the Pnrtiirlpnt Porlml. (Cuuiiiilngs.) U. S. Med. Invfuliyalor (II.), .June 15. — Rocont Frogi'osa In Public . (Driipor.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., May 31. — At A.inliorHt CoIIoko. (Ilitolicock.) The Sani- larian, Dec. — Buhuol . (Loriiig.) The Sanitarian, May. Hyuscyamine. In the Treatniont of Inminlty. (Do Witt.) Oin. Lancet and Ubs., Aug. — Tho Alkuloid In Mania. (Stylos.) Homeo. Times, Oct. Byperiemla. Cerebral . (Teed.) Chicago Jow. Nerv. and Ment. Dis., April. HjrpersDSthesia. (Boyco.) Am. Uomeo., Nov. Uyperldrosis. CaBo of Malarial Unilateral . (Uuai'dur.) St. Louis Clin, lice., Dec. Hypenultropia. Cuntrllmtiun to t-ke History of . (Ely.) N. y. Med. Jtec., March 10. H7P«rpl»8la. Case of Areolar . (Yoinans.) llomeo. Times, Jan. Hypertrophy. Remarks on of Turbinated Corpora Cavernosa. (Roliiiiaou.) Avi. Jour. Med. Sciences, April. HrpoBpadlas. Cases of . (Bailey.) N. T. ^Med. Jour., April. — FelKuiug Hcriuaplirodltlsm. (Latliroi>.) Bos- ton Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. 22. — Caso of Cured by Operation. (WilUersou.) Va. Med. Monthly, Feb. HyHteria. {Peters.) Ya. Med. Monthly, Dee. — Resulting I'ruiuHpiual Irritation. (Kingsbury.) N. E. Med. aa:elte (U.), March. — Peculiar Case of . (Wyeth.) N. Y. Med. Jour., Oct. Hysterio-Epllepsy. Two Cases of . (Ham- ilton.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct. — Neurosis. Case of of tbo Stomooli. (Ciiamboiliiln.) Am. Jour. Obs., Jan. — Caso of Bympatliotlc of the Stomacli. (Formruto.) Am. Jour. Ojs., July. Hysterutouiy. (Claik.) Canada Lancet, Oct. Xboris Amara. Some Experiments on tho Frog with . (Gatotiell.) I'lorlh Am. Jour. Uomeo., Feb. Idiosyncrasy. (Burrows.) Ecleellr. Med. and Siir. Jour., Feb. — Report of a Caso of in Regard to the Ctfects of Ouiuiue. (Denig.) Ohio Med- lie- corUcr, Marcn. lohthyosis. (Bulkley.) Arch. Dermatol., Jan. Icterus Neonatorum. Cases of , (Marble.) BonUmMed. and Sur. Jour., Feb. 15. Ileum. Separation of tlio . and Spontaneous Occlusion of tuo Divided Extremities. (Uoclie.v ter.) Buffalo Med. atui Sur. Jour.,*Oct. Ileo Colitis. (Polk.) Am. Med. Bi-Weekly, Nov. 10. Imagination. Case Illustrating the Influence of tuo upon tbo Vuluutary Muscles. (De Witt.) Cin. Lancet and Obs., March. Impaction. Case of of tlie Bowels. (Hill.) Am. Med. Bi- Weekly, Sept. 2i. Impetigo Contagiosa. (Van Harliiigen. Phila. Med. and Sur. liep., Sept. 8. Inaugural Remarks. As President of tlie Huunemanu Academy of Mediiino of New York. (Uilis.) V. 8. Med. Investigator (II.), Jan. I. laclslon. Case of of tlie Cervix, witli Death on tue Ftfteentli Day. (Nicoll.) Am. Jour. Obs., April. — And Division. Renum6 on of tUe Corvlx Uteri for DyamenorrUoia and Sterility. (Pal- len.) Am. Jour. Obs., July. Incompatible. (Bayre.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Jiep., Sept. 20. ladflxlng of Periodicals. (Clebome.) Am, Jour, thar., June. — (Wilder.) Am. Jour. Phar., May. Some of the DIagnostIo Rel». — . (Hudson.) Phy. and Pluw., (Mar- Indigestions. tious of tUo May. Indlvlduallsation. Vs. Oeneralizatiou. o> .) Am. Uomeo., July. Inebriate Asylums. And their Management. (Dodge.) Quar. Jour. Inebriety, June. Inebriety. Clinical Studies of . (Crotliors.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. liep., Feb. 17. — Duration, Mortality and Prognosis of . (Crotbers.) Quar. .four. Inebriety, March. — Atmospboric Influences Controlling . (Crotbers.) Quar.Jotir. Inebriety, Sept. — Tbo Relation and Hereditary "tendieucy be- twoen and Epilepsy. (Mann.) Quar. Jour, Inebriety, March. — An Extraordiuary Case of Opium . (Mat- tUon.) N. Y. Med. liec., Aj/ril 14. — A Disease. (Mason.) Quar. Jour. Inebriety, Dec. — (Washington.) Eclectic Med. and Sur. Jmtr., Oct. — Cause, Effect and Cure of . (Wilklns.) Quar. Jonr. Inebriety, June. — Tho Dogma of Human Responsibility, more Especially as it Relates to . (Wlllett.^ Quar. Jour. Inebriety, Sept. Infants' Food. Viewed Chemically. (Wlllianis.) U. S. Med. Investigator {11.), Sept. 15. Infect'ous Diseases. Plain Directions for Pre- venting tho Spread of . (Madagau.) TJie Sanitarian, Jan. Inflammation. Of tho Lachrymal Sac. (Amick.) Cin. Med. News, March. — Acute of tho Middle Ear. (Cheatham.) Am. I'raet., Aug. — Of tho MaM«^oid Cells. (Harwood.) Va. Med. Monthly, A rch. — Two Cases of Catarrhal of tiie Bladder, etc. (Lougstroth.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, July. — Chronic of Wrist and Knee Joint. (Sayi'e.) Phila. Med. and Sur. liep., Feb. 10. — Tiio Treatment of tho Aiute of tho Middle Ear. (WelHjr-Liei.) Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Nov. Influence of Civilization. On the Duration of Lite. (Levis.) The Sanitarian, May. Influenta. Tho Sequelto in . (Joues.) Phila. Med. o:,d Sur. liep., Feb. 17. liifusoria. (Noyos.) Detroit Med. Jour., Jan. Ingrowing Nails. (Talbot.) N. E. Med. Gazette {It.), Jan. — Toe Nail. (Hamilton.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Sept. 22. — ( I iignls.) Chieapo Med, Jour, atul Ex., Dee. — (Jones.) Ohio Med. llccordcr, Sept. — (MoCluer.) Phila. Med, and Sur. liep., Nov. 10. — (Noet.) N. Y. Med. Pec, Sept. 1. Inhalation. Of Iodine in Asthma. (Westmore- land.) Atlanta Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. lulialer. Description of a New for Chloride of Ammonium. (Felton.) N. Y. Med. Ree., Dec. 15. Ii^ection. Sub-Cutaneous of Irritant Sub- stances. (Luton.) Ohio Med. Recorder, Jan. IivJeotions. Carbolic Acid in Hemorrlioida. (Carter.) Tlie Clinic, June 16. — On the Means of Rendering Vaginal Safe and EtHoieut. (Foster.) Arch. Clin. Sur., Oct. 15 — Danger from Hypodermic . (Ingals.) CM- caijoMed. Jour, and Ex., Aug, — Dangers of Vaginal . (BeaoU.) Med. Brief, Oct. — Dangei-s of Vaginal . (Jolinson.) Md. Med. Jour., Sept. — Of Carboiate of Ammonia for Snake Bite. (Knott. ) Phila. Med. and Sur. Hep., July W. — Water in Utei-ine Displacements. (Morr gnu.) Hahnemannian MontMy, JuttjS. INDEX TO ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, —Extra Uterine In Post-Pnrtum Fleiuorrbago. (Torroy.) Boston Med. and Siw. Jour., July 26. Jniniy. Sovoro and Pocullur . (Brugb.) Phila. Med. and liiir. Jlep., tSe/U. IS. ~ Sovero to tbo Face. (Cruuston.) Canada Lancet, A ug. — Four fuses of Cercbrul . (Dulles.) I'hilu. Med. Times, ScjjI. 2'J. — Ciise of Ouuabot of the Briiiu ; Recovery. (File.) Canada Lancet, April. — Casoaof of the Bi'aln Involving 8i)et)cb. (H07.) Chicayo Jour. \crv. and Mcnt. t>is., April. — KesiiltliiK from Electrical Treatiueut. (Lin- coln.) Boston Med. and Hiir. Jour., Oct. 25. — Case of Sovero of tbo Face. (Noet.) Jf. Y. Med. lice., Oct. 27. — Of Midillo Finger TearluK away the Extensor Toudou from its Origin in tho Extensor Com- munis Digltontni. (SawtitUo.) Jioslon Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. 8. Ii^arles. Surgical of the IIea*l. (Jowett.) Jioston Med. and Sur. Jour., Any. 0. — or the Ilouil. (Logan.) N. E. Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. — Tbo Treatment of Certain of tho Heart, Acenmpuuiud by Ivcsloun of tho Bruin and its Mcuibruucs. (Rodman.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Jan. — Of tbo Arm and Fore-Arm. (Wight.) Areh. Clin. Sur., Dec. 1. Insane. Mechanical Protection for tho Violent . (Grissum.) Am. Jour. Insanity, July. — AsyluiuB. la Ohio. (Bovkwltb.) Ohio Med. a}ul Sur. Rep. (U.), Nov. Insanity. Affective . (Bauduy.) St. Louis Clin. Jiec., Jan. — Medico- Legal Relations of . (Beckwitb.) Cin. ilrd. Advance (//.), Oct. — The Plea of . (Ciuroll.) The Sanitarian, June. — Keflex. (Cross.) St, Louis Clin. Rec., July. — Tlio Curability of . (Eaile.) Am. Jour. Insanity, April. — And tho Revival. (Fisber.) Boston Med, and Sur. Jour., July l'.\ — Tho Juiispnidenco of in New York. (Fol- som.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., March in. — The Treatment «>r — . (Folsom.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Dec. 20. — How to Diagnose Certain Forms of . (Howard.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., March. — Lecture on . (Kitchen.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., April, June and Oct. — Tho Pathology and Morbid Histology of Chronlo . (Maim.) Chicago Jour. Iferv. and Menl. Dis., AprU. — Moral . (Meudell.) North Am. Jour. Uomeo., May. — Marginal Notes on Homeopathie Treatment of . (Stilus.) llnnico. 'Jiiius, April. — Pnerpcral . (Taliaferro.) AUanla Med. and Sur. Jour., Sept. — And its PreveuUon. (Williams.) N. T. Med. l^ctcclic, Scjjt, Insanities. Some Suggestions with Regard to tho of I'ciualcs. (Fallen.) Am. Jour. Obs., April. Insomnia. (Knox.) Chicayo Med. Jour, and Ex., Jan. Instinctive Operations. Of tho Htinian Sys- ti'ui, and how tuty may be UtlLznl in tlio Munatrcmeut of CiTtiiiu DisPawes, and more l)articularly ii' F.iucUnual liiti-,sliu:il Cousti- paliou. (Ulbburd.) Cin. Luuvvl and Obn.. Dec. lustrnment. A New forthe Artuilnistration of tiio Air Honciio to tho Middle Ear. (Sox- ton.) If. Y. Ueil. lice., Aug. 'ITu Instruments. Of Glass, for Washing Out the Piicn)eriil Uterus. (Cuamberlam.) S. Y. Med. lice., March 17. — Suries of Three Glass . (Chamberlain.) Am. Jour. Obs., Oct. — Two New for Secondary Cataract Opera- tion. (Strawbridgo.) Am.Jour.Med.8eiene$a, April. Insulation of Snnstroke. (Hatch.) Faei/te Meit. and Sur. Jour., July. Internal Obstrnotlon. Tho Vital Necessity of a Cautious and Conservative Treatment. (Montgomery.) St. Louia Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. Intestinal Obstruction. Removed after Forty- onu Hours. (Medbory.) I'hila. Med. and 8w. lifp.,Jan. 0. Intestine. Invaginated . (Beebe.) Detroit Meil. Jour., Nov. Introductory. To the Course of Bpoclal Path- ology and Diagnosis. (Goueb.) Am. Homto., Nov. — Lectur*. (Cole.) U. S. Med. Investigator (H.), Nov. 15. — Oct. ist, 1877, Medical Faculty, McOlU Unt- vcrsity. (Osier.) Canada Med. and Sur. Jour., Nov. — To tlio Conrse 0/ 1877-8, in Atlanta Medical College. (Westmoreland.) AUanta Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. Intussusception. Case of . (Brown.) Can- ada La-ncel, July. — Case of . (Gerry.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour.,Juneil. — Case of in a Child Nino Months Old. (Gil- lette.) Am. Jour. Obs., Jan. — Intestinal with Vurions Inftammatory Complications. (Jones.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Sep., Maul'i. — On tho Treatment of by Abdominal Sec- tion. (Sands.) N T. Med. Jour., June. — With Remarks. (Smith.) Am. Sup. Obs. Jour. Great Britain and Ireland, April. — With PerforaUon. (West.) I'hila. Med. and Sur. Rtp., Jutie 16. — Of tho Ileum. (Willougbby.) Canada Lancet, Dee. — Dr. Rickey's Case of . (Lippe.) Cin. Mtd. Adeauce (11.), Dee. — Dr. Gerry's Case of . (Martin.) Boston Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. 26. — or tbo Bowels. (Buoll.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Ren. (H.),Nov. — or the BoweL (Chandler.) JMuiaville Med. News, Nov. 10. — Case of of the Bowels. (Rickey.) Gin. Med. AflraneelH.), March. — Of Rowels. (Uogers.) Detroit Med. Jour., March. Invalid Chair. A New Resting and - Chicago Med. Jour, and Ex., Sept. Inversion. On Extra Abdominal ■ gir.) Am. Jour. Obs.,Atjril. — Acnto of the Uiertis Caused by Myofl- brouift (Dow.) Am. Med. Bi W'eckli/, OH. 18. — Of t he Uterus. (Ellis.) V. S. Med. Investigator ''I.), Sept. 15. — C so of Uterine . (Ilawes.) Va. Med. Mi.iihli/, April. — Of I lie Uterus. (Spaulding.) A^. E. Med. Guictie fU.), July. Involution. Uterine and its Relations to Clirouio Uterine Disease. (Waddei ) Toledo Med. and Sur. Jour., Oct. lodiform. In Rodent Ulcers. (Ansell.) Am. Med. lii-Wecldji, June 9. — In Dysmunorrhcea. (Hale.) N. E. Med. Ou- selle (11.), Mail. — In Bowel Complaints. A Case Rcportotl. (Kcator.) Med. Brief, Dec. Iodine. An Accidental Proving of . (Qay- lorU.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Rep. (U.), March. Iodized Chloral Phenol. As an Esobarotic. (Thomas.) Am. tract., May. Ipecacuanha. Review of Woodhnll'sNon-Emetie Use or . (MoClellan.) AUanla Med. and Sur. Jour., Jan. (Cutter.) -. (EUln- CLASSIFIED HY SUBJECTS. Irltla. Caae of . (Amlck.) Toledo Med. and tlur. Jour,, Ocl. — IdlopuMilo . (Lyonfl.) Am. Pract., Dee, — Hyplillitlo . (Nuwton.) EcUetic Med. and 8ur. Jour., Dec. • — (Spuuldlug.) Botton Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. 10. Iron. And its Constituents tn ReRard to Phar- inacoutlo Preparatious. (Debruuner.) Am. Jour. I'har., A'oc. — On tlio Synip of Iodide of . (Heynolds.) Am. Jour. I'har., Feb. — An Alum Mass. (White.) Jt. and L. Med. .loitr., March. — Murialod Tincture of as an Antiseptic in EiyNipdus. (Alexander.) Louisville Med. Ketns, Mny 8. — The Muriated Tincture of a Spoclflc for Erysipelas. (Hargls.) Am. Med. lii^^Yeckly, March 31. — The Muriated Tincture of a 8t>ociflo for Erysipelas. (Mattbews.) Phila. Med. and Sur. Rep., Feb. U. Irrigation. Of ttie Large Intestine. (Dulles.) J'hila. Med. Times, Dec. 22. Irritation. Genital as a Cause of Nervous Uiseiise. (Ayloswortli.) Canada Lancet, Dec. — Peculiar Case of of the Nervous System in a Cliild whilst Teething. (Blumberg.) Fhila. Med. and Sur. Hep., Nov. 24. — Constant in Chronic Cystitis. (Ellis.) Boston Med, and Sur. Jour., April 6. — Upiual . (Dean.) PhUa. Med. and Sur. lie/}., April m. — Case of Spinal in a Ctiild. (Gibney.) Phila. Med. Times, Sept. 1. — Case of Sciatica LiunnaRO Spinal . (Peck.) U. S. Med. Investigator (H.), Feb. l. Irritations. On Reflex Throughout the Ooulto-Urinary Tract, ReRultlug from Con- tractiou of the UretUrn at or Near the Meatus Uriuarius, Congenital or Acquired. (Otis) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Feb. IvichiBmla. Note on Preliminary . (Nicaiso.) Ohio Med. and Sur. Jour., Aug. Ischuria Benalis. Case of with Cystitis and Unemlc Manifestations; Recovery. (Cal- lahan.) Am. Med. Bi-Weckly,Aug.m. Is Man a Machine? (Hltol Eclectic Ucd. and Sur. Jour., June. Isopathy. The Bugbear . (Swan.) Homeo. Times, Sept. Jaborandl. In Brigbt's Disease. (Bruoh.) Phila. Med. Times, April 14. — Observations with a View to Determining the lutiueuce of on the Elimiuiitlou of Urea by the Kidneys. (Brucu.) Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, July, — (FaiTiugtou.) Am. Uomeo., Oct. — Note in KcKard to the Contents of tho Article on iu LuuK»:ard's Dicciouario do Mcilichia Domestica. (Ureeu.) Phila. Med. Times, Aug. 18. — Note on a Piper, Called iu tho Province of Kio Jauei'io. (Gubler.) Am. Jour. Pluir., May. — ClJuical Lecture on tlio Therapeutic Uses of . (Keating.) Phila. Med. Timeii,June23. — In a Casts of Dijvbetcs Mellitus. (Poole.) Va. Med. Monthly, JVor. — And its Uses. (Tadlocli.) Phila. Med. and Hur. Hep.. Mny 19. — ObserviiUous with n View to Determining the iutlui'iiic of «>ii the Eliminatiou of Urea by theKUlneys. (Tyson.) Am. Jour. Med. Scien- ces, July. Jolins Hopkins Hospital. On tho Plan of the - — at Baltimore. (BiUlngs.) N. T. Med. liec., March 3. Joint. Brief Account of the Mechanism of the liip — -, with Diaguostlo Points upon Dislo- cation and Fracture of the Neck of the Femur. (Alils.) Phila. Med. and Sur, Rep . April!. — Hip Disease. (Uiiler.) Nortk Am. Jour. Homeo., Nov. — Diseases. Dr. Prince on the Constitutional Orglu of iu the Record for October, 1877. (Bauer.) St. Lo^Us Clin. Uec., Nov. Joints. Hysterical , Two Cases. (Dawson.) The Clinic, May lU. — Inilauiniatury with (Edema. (Doane.) Med. Uricf, Feb. — Considerations In Relation to Diseases of th« . (Prince.) Am. Pract., Feb. — Diseases of tlio . (Youuldn.) Am. Med. Jour. l<»ii from ExcmrIvo DIntenston. (Sharp.) Phila. Ued. mid 8ur. Kfp., Vee. l. — Ol Diiodeuiiiii. (HtodduiM.) Buffalo ilea, and 8nr. Jour., July. — OntherroiHirTroatmontfor oftlmCorvlx- Uteil. (KiHiimt.) Am. l'racl„,lan. — or tho CorvlxUleii uud Its Treatmont. (Ooodt)ll.) N. Y. Ued. Kec, Oct. 20. — Uf tho rorlnniirn from (;hll(li>trth. (Ooo