BUSINESS AND GENERAL Directory of Newfomdland 1877: CONTAINING CLASSIFIED LISTS OF THE BUSINESS MEN OF ST. JOHN'S, AND THE Leading Towns and Districts of the Colony, WITH APPENDIX CONTAININO focat, ffiocfrnmcntat and otljeii Information of a ffiencral rfharactcii* By JOHN A, ROCHFORT, St. John'?, NewfoundLiAxd. PfiLNTED CY LOVELL PRINTING AND PUBLISniNG COMPANY, FOR THB COJIPILEH. 1877. P K E F A C E In laying this, liis first essay in this peculiar department, before a considerate, generous and enlightened public, the author is not unsoo- scious of its many sliortcornings ; but would venture to express a hope that the little work may not be found unacceptable to tlie business portion of our community, for whom it is principally intended. In the present instance, the author has labored under many unforeseen disadvantage*, not the least amongst which may be accounted the difficulties of commu- nication attendant upon the peculiar season of the year, it being late in the autumn when the work wa3 at first projected. Under these circum- stances, the amount of information connected with the outporta of the Colony may not be of so ample or satisfactory a character as he would have desired, but he has little doubt that the amount of patronage accorded to the present effort may be of such a character as to justify a continuance in the future of a work, each succeeding number of which must natu- rally be expected to prove an improvement upon its predecessor. In con- clusion, the author would express his most sincere and heartfelt thanka to his many kind friends for the amount of patronage which they have mo liberally and generously accorded him on the present occasion, as also to those who so obligingly furnished him with those portions of valuable information so requisite to the completion of his little book, and whose kind services shall be ever gratefully rouionibered and appreciated by him. APPENDIX. Tlio Queen and Royal ramily, Ilor Majesty's Houyehold, llor iMajos- ty's Chief Officers of State, &c 31 British AmbftSBadors Abroad 34 Iloueehold of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales 34 Colony of Newfoundland 35 Governor and Staff. 35 Executive Council 35 Legislative Council 35 House of Assembly 35 Colonial Secretary's Office 36 ii^j,'." {Stipendiary Poor Commissioner 36 Revenue Department 36 Surveyor-General's .Department 36 Board of Works Department 37 Light Houses, &c 37 •>. Post Office Department 40 Post Office Directory for Newfoundland 44 Judicial J)opartment 45 ■'■' 'Savings Bank 46 '' Board of Health 4^ Queen's Printer 47 Educational Department 47 Civil List of the Colony of Newfoundland 49 Ecclesiastical Department 51 Banks 53 • Foreign Consulates « 53 Newspapers published in the Colony 54 Newfoundland Tariff 64 Dominion of Canada Tariff 66 > Sovereigns of Europe 63 Monthly Time Table 63 British Tariff of Customs 64 , * Imports into the Colony of Newfoundland for 1872 70 General Exports from the Colony of Newfoundland for 1872-73 72 General Imports into the Colony of Newfoundland for 1873-74 74 General Exports from the Colon}- of Newfoundland for 1874-75 78 General Imports into the Colony of Ne^vtbundland for 1875. 80 Currency Tables — Dollars and Cents into Pounds, Shillings and Pence 82 Currency Tables— Pounds, Shillings and Pence into Dollars and Cents 84 Advertisements 87 BUSINESS AND CLiSSIFIEB DIRECTORY or NEWFOUNDLAND. ST. JOHN'S. Agenoies, Express. Fenelon M., American, Forcij^a nnd European Express, Daviea & Tur- ner, London, Water st Morrison W- D., Fishwick's Colonial Express, 301 Water st Agencies, Insurance. Canada Lifo and Fire Insurance Co., hon. P. V. Whiteway, agent Commercial Union, Fire, Lifo and Marine, H. J. Stabb, agent Guardian Insurnnco Co., J. S. Winter, agent Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Co. , K. Alexander, agent ♦Lpnoashire Fire Insurance Co., E. L. Jarvis, agent Liverpool and London and Globe Insur- ance Co., Bowring Bros., agents Northern Assurance Co., A. O. Hay- ward, agent North American Insurance Co., E. L. Jarvis, agent North British and Mercantile Assurance Co., hon. A. Shea, agent Pelican Life Insurance Co., W. & G. Rendcll, agents Phoenix Fire Assurance Co., W. & 0. Eendell, agents Standard Fire and Life A&eurance Co., II J. Stabb, agent Artists, Photographic, &c. LYON E. W., 206 Water st Lyon Eobert, 4 Beck's cove PARSONS S. H., 310 Water st Wood J. P., 1T8 Water st Auctioneers. Bown G. F., 1 MoBride's hill CARBERRY P. R, 2 Beck's cove Clift T. W., 142 Water st Dickenson H. K., 127 Water st Dryer & Greene, Market house, Water st GILLARD & SMITH, 227 Water st Iloarn P. &T., 129 Water st More W. H., & Son, 183 Water st PittsJ.&W., 261 Water at SPRY T. W., Beck's cove Prowso R., & Son, 225 Wat^r st Simau John S., 1 Presoott sfc Bakers, General. AYRE J. B. & G., 46 New Gower st Bowdcn Robert, 14 New Gower st Calleton John, 110 Duckworth st, cor Cochrane st Doady W. M., 132 New Gower st Furlong Lawrence, Duckworth st n Custom house Egan J., 113 New Gower st Fitzpatrick J., o7 New Gower st Flaherty Edward, 19 New Gower st MITCHELL THOMAS, 1 Queen's road Patterson — , Duckworth st, n Prescott at St. John F., 112 Water st Bakeries, Biscuit. BROWNING G., & SON, Water stW Harvey & Co,, Water st E MURRAY JAMES, Rennie's Mile road. Si John st E, and Water st W Blacksmiths. Buckley Pat, Williams st off Water st Bate Moses, George st n Adelaide st Carroll Andrew, 30 Prescott st Grossman Aaron, 5 Prescott st Drowns J., Pokeham path, n S. S. bridge Kinsella John, 6 Bcck'.s cove McGrath William, 46 Water st E McLarty William, 2 Holdsworth st MuUoy Edward, 2 McBride't bill BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 6 Dl tEOTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Mullowney Josoph, Wntor sfc W Popo John, 47 Ooorgo st Pope Win., 145 New Gowur st Boarding Houses. Coushlan William, 163 Duckworth st Coriuiick Mr?., Water st Alorry Benj. S., Collins block, Duck- worth st Eochford Miss, 342 Wiitcr st Simms Mrs. Geo., Water st Boot and Shoe Makers. AKCiriBALD M., 371 Water st CALLAHAN WILLIAM, 180 Water •Rt Coinerfonl A., A Son, 20 New Gowcr st Connors M., New Gowor st Daily Patrick, 270 Duckworth st Didham J., 100 New Gowcr st Down iio^cr, 20 New Gower st Down Robert, 322 Water st English J.. 266 Water st Graham K., 166 Water st Ilellicr John, 206 Duckworth st Holland John, Now Gower st Kohoo M., Water st Kvj'ly Thon., 146 Duckworth st O'Kcgan A. & T., 184 Water st O'Rcgan J., 370 Water st 'Pelly F. W., 186 Water st Rafiis Jas., 210 Water st SMITH ROBERT, 118 Water st Sutton James, 42 New Gower st Trellij^an J., 34 New Gower st \ \Vadden John, 256 Water st Waddeu Nicholas, 414 Water st Walsh M., 14 Water st W Butchers. Biimbrick Michael, 30 Water st W Bricn Thomas, 338 Water st Bricn Eedmond, 190 Water st Buckmaster Patrick, 242 Water st Connors Mich., 154 and 156 Water st Colbert James, 25 New Gower st Cook William, 278 Water st Connolly Michael, cor Prescott and Duckworth sts Courtenay Eichard, 410 Water s^ Doolcy Dennis, 110 Water st Dooley Patrick, 170 Duckworth st Doder Henry, 350 Water st Bales Samuel A., 190 New Gower st Ebsary Mark, 382 Water st Eagan Patrick, 22 New Gower st Fitzgerald Edward, 164 Duckworth st Fitzgerald John, 36 Cochrane st Fogarty Joseph, 3 Adelaide st Glasgow John, 396 Water st Hayes Thos., 118 New Gower st Ilasey John, 14 Adelaide st * Keete Michael, 398 Water st Moore James, 22 Signal Hill road Neaglo John, 69 New Gowcr st O'Regan John, 160 Water st Summers Thomas, 320 Water st Summers Patrick, Queen's road n Prescott st Summers John, 200 Duckworth st Cabinetmakers, &c. BETH TINE & PAIR, 218 Duck- worth st Beams Thos., 2.54 Water st Colo T. H., 71 Gower st Collins C. & A , New Gowcr st W Daymond Wm., 274 and 270 Duck- worth st GOFF WILLIAM, 2 Prescott st HAGERTY PATRICK, 15 Queen st Popo Henry, 59 George st Tliompson A., 230 Water st Weir W. E.,, Gowcr st I China and Glassware Dealers. Bolt S., 208 Water st Filmore Geo., 386 Water st Martin J. H., 100 Water st Confectioners. AYRE J. G. & B., 46 New Gower and Water st Foran J. W., 103 Water st H or wood J., 155 Water st Ln»h J. & G., 303 Water st Coopers. Boggan Francis, 40 Prescott st BOGGAN JOHN, 281 Gower st Boggan Richard, Gower st Buckley James, 28 Duckworth st Buckley Thos., 30 Duckworth st Bolt William, Patrick st Blacklen Thomas, South side Comerford Lawrence, 151 Duckworth st Collins Mich: 1, Brion st n Convent Curren Michael, Carters hill Corbett Thomas, 2 Dicks sq Corbett William, Freshwater road Colton John, South side BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED DIUECTiUlY OK NEWFOUNDLAND. (/ousins Kdwnrd, South side Punn Thomas, 130 Water st Kllard Michael, 254 Gowcr st Fitzgerald Michael, Ciirtcr's hill Fitzhenry Miles, Carter's hill Feehan J., 18 Buchanan st (^lalway Nicholas, 4 Pokeham path (Jallavan William, 2fi Duckworth st Tfaycs Michael, 29 Cochnmo st Ilaycs Iilchard, Queen's brid;;o Keough Patrick, 47 Prcscott st Larkin John, Pokeham path Moore J., Limekiln hill Moore .7ose|ih, Patrick f-t McNAMAHA AUSTLN. Gowcr st l*ower & Kenny, (lower st Power l*Iichael, Buchanan st Power John, jr., Prcscott st I'rior MattliL'w, 158 Water st W Warren Kdward, South side Withy com be — f v AVithycombo — Dentists. BARBETTE DR., 230 Water st Burns l)r., 2U8 Water st Distillers, &c. Bennett C. F., Sc Co., Water st W liindberp: & Backstrum, Signal hill road Mineral Water Co., Queen's road cor Duckworth st SKATED WATia? CO., 150 Duck- worth st Drapers. AYRE & MARSHALL, 231 and 235 Water st BairdBros., 187 Water st Baird James, 217 Water st BERNE Y & FrrZGIBBON, 283 Water st Bowring Brothers, 271 Water st Boyden James, 285 Water st CliOWN, GIBB & CO., 127 Water st Craig William, 373 Water st DUDER EDWIN, 363 Water et FINLAY J. N., 181 Water st FIRTH W. R., & CO., 345 Water st Goodfcllow & Co., 319 Water st GRIEVE WALTER, & CO., 186 Water st Ilut chins Philip, 223 Water et Jordan P., & Sons, 222 Water st Kitchio Wra., 238 Water st MoDOUGALL & TEMPLETON 299 Water et MONRORM., 327 Water 8t O'Brien L., & Co., 101 Water st O'Dwyer R., 291 Water st Peters it Badcock, 189 andl9i Water si Sclater David, Itll Water st 8HARPE, KELLY & CO., 279 Water st SlIIRRAN & PIPPY, 315 and 317 Water st 8ILLARS A., 315 Water st STEER JOHN. 379, 381 and 383 Water st STEWART J. & W., 359 Water st Druggistp, DEARTNJ. J., 162 Water 8t McMUHDO TIIOS., & CO., 210 and 212 Water st O'MaraJ. T., 129 Water st Engineers, &o. ANGEli — , St. John.s loundiy, Patrick st N ANGEL JAMES, Victoria foundry, Water st W McTAGGART &GEJHMEL, Engine and Boiler foundry. Water st E SMYTH M. F., Duckworth st n Cus- tom liouso Furniture Dealers. Beams Thomas, 139 Water st DAYMOND WILLIAM, Duckworth st n McBride's hill HAGERTY PATRICK, 115 Queen st Martin J. H., k Co.. W^atcr st Grocers. •'; Baird James, 217 Water st ^, Baldwin Joseph, 144 Water .st Callahan James, 107 Water st Callen William, 349 Water .st " CURREN J. B., Water st W, n S S bridge Dalton John, 172 Water st W Edens John A., 153 and 155 Water stE ELMSLEY GEORGE, 193 Water st Farrell Michael, 161 Duckworth st Ilogan Patrick, 201 Water st Hogan & Caddigan, 446 Water et llally William D., 140 New Gowcr et Hutton George, 9 King's road Kiely James, Duckworth st n Mc- Bride's hi!l BUSiNEHM AND C'LAHUlFIhn 8 J>iUK( TORY OF NEWFOUNA>LAND. McCarthy JOHN, 480 Wntor Bt Mttllowncy Mrs., 241 Water si Morrison W. D., 301 Water Pt Murray Jatucs, 49 Water et W Mitchell Bros,, 427 Water Bt O'Mara Thonms, Wator Bt Tarker W. & L., 331 Water Bt riiclan Tiinotliy, 2 Adelaide at Phelan James, 1G4 Water st llankin Charles, Adehtido st lloj?«rson J. J., 3G0 Water st' llANKIN C. B., 361 Water st SEYMOUR 11. W., 347 Water st Sinnot David. Duckworth st Smith Kdward, 149 Water st Tobin IMichael, 380 Water st Tobin W. & J., 172 Duckworth st Tarrehin John, 93 Water st Vcalc Walter, 151 Duckworth st WALSH W. P., 147 Vvrater st WHITE LAWRENCE, 291 Water st White Phih'p 1)., 37 Water st W WITUYCOMBE J. D., Water st W Hairdressers, &o. BLACKWOODA.&R., 240 Water 8t Ileffers R., 206 Water st THOMAS N., 157 Water st Harnessmakers, &;o. Daily John, Duckworth st, near T. A. & B. S. Hall's MoGrath William, 208 Water st McKenzie John, Water st Scott John P., 342 Water st Hardware Dealers. Bowring Brothers, 271 Water st ColHsD. H.,221 Water st Gear Georpre, 213 Water st GLEESON JAMES, 105 and 107 Water st HOWLEY JOHN, 339 Water st Hutchins Philip, 223 Water st Martin J. H., & Co., 145 Water st NEYLB RICHARD, 234 Water st PARKER W. & L., 331 Water st O'Brien L., & Co., Water st POWER EDWARD, 220 Water st Hotels. ATLANTIC, J. W. Foran, 102 Water st Albert, John Tobin, 5 Beck's cove British house, New Gower st, n Theatre hill Knight's home, S. Knight, 1 73 Wotor st Mansion hou3c, Mrs. Iliggins, CoUiufl' buildings, Duckworth st Victoria house, Waldegrave fit Joiners, Sio. Coleman John, George's town Carew John, Military road Campbell — , 86 Queen'3 road, n VVcs- leynn church Davey William, 173 Gower st Duano Philip, Water Bt AV EARLE HENRY, 14 British sq Harris William, Prcscott st Halloran Jeremiah, Gower st Kickham Charles, Nunnery hill Knight A. O'Grady William, 2 Cochrane et Power John, 28 Prcscott st Southoott J. & W., 56 and 58 Prcscott st Withyoombe John, South side WITHYCOMBE J. D., Water st W AVhitten & Power Leatherware Dealers. ARCHIBALD — , 371 Water st BARNSTEAD GEO., & SON, 208 Water st Martin J. D., 139 Water st ,^ Lumber Merchants. BOYD J. & W., 327 Water st Clift, Wood & Co., Water st COLLINS J. R., & CO., Water st Winsor & Vallance, Water st W .*. Merchants, Commission. ,r Bown G. F., McBride's hill BOYD J. & W., 327 Water st CARBERRY P. F., Beck's cove Clift, Wood & Co., Cliffs cove Clift T. W., 142 Water st COLLINS J. R., & CO., Water st Dickenson H. K., 127 Water st Dwyer & Greene, Market house Edcns John A., 153 and 155 Water st GILLARD & SMITH, 227 Water st Hay ward Geo. J., 253 VV^ater et Iloarn J. & T., 139 Water et Lcmessurier & Knight, 169 Water st MORE W. H., & SON, 183 Water st Meehan Edward, 153 Water st Molloy T. N., & Co., 91 Wator st Morrison W. D., 301 Water st Pitt? J. &W., 261 Water st BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Prowse R., & Son, 227 Water et Rondell W. & G., 82 Water «t SPRY T. W., Beck's cove Siiuins John S., 1 Prescoit M ST ABB HENRY J., 85 Water st Woods John, 5 Water at Merohants, General. AYRB & MARSHALL, 231 and 235 Water st BAINE, JOHNSTON & CO., 205 Water st Bennett C. F., & Co., 385 Water st Baird Brothers, 187 Water st Bowring Brothers, 271,273 and 275 Wnter at Boyd A MoDougftll, 337 Watei st Brvden James, 285 Water st CliVt, V/ood & Co., Water st, n Mar- . kct house DUDKR EDWIN, 353 Water at FINLAY J. N., 275 Water st f Fox James, 129 Water st ♦ FURLONG BROS. ' Ooodfellow & Co., 241 Water st GoodriJge Alan, & Sons, 325 Water st GRIKVE WALTER, & CO., 185 Water st Harvey E., & Co., 109 Water st Hutchins Philip, 223 and 225 Water st Job Brothers & Co., 143 Water st Killegrow William, 341 Water st Lemcssurier & Knight, 169 Water st MARCH STEPHEN, 89 Water et MONROE M., Water st O'Brien L., & Co., 101 Water st O'Dwyer R., 291 Water st Rogerson P., & Son, 399 Water st Shea Ambroee, 82 Water st i SILLARS A., Water st Stabb, Row & Holmwood, 307 Water st STEER JOHN, 379, 381 and 383 Water st STEWART J. & W., 359 Water st Tessier P. & L., 307 Water st Millinery, &c. FINLAY J. N., 181 Water st Goss Mrs. D., 280 Water at i { Goss Mrs. J., 218 Water st Mulloy Mrs., Carter's hill Peters, Badoook&('o. (Misses Roche), 189, 190 and 191 Water st SHARPE MRS., 279 Water st SHIRRAN MRS., 315 ^aud 317 Water st Painters, House, Sign, Jto. Collier John, Meeting House hill Carnell Henry, TVescott st Hanley Richard, Duckworth st E, n Fort Townshcnd Hodder VVm., & Sons, Prescott at McKenzie Thomas, Water st Mullowney & Gamberg, Long's hill Stidslow Joh-J, 9 Dick's sq Udlo John, 175 Gower st Walsh Francis, Theatre hill Plumbers. ELLIS CHARLES, 292 Water at Foster H. H., 214 Duckworth st Tucker E. F., MoBride's hill Wills John, 398 Water ot Pump and Block Makers. DUCHEMIN J. L., 3G6 Water st JANES JOHN, Duckworth st Myler Thos., 340 Water at Sailmakera. Armstrong W., Duckworth st Dicks George, 20 New Gower st Forward George, 8 King's road HUTCIIINGS CHAS. Sliamler James, 3 Duckworth st WILLARD — , McBride's hill Sculptors, &;c. Adams Donelly John, Cochrane st HAG WILLIAM, Duckworth st, opp T. A. & B. S. Hall MoKein R. A., 273 Gower st SKINNER JOHN, Duckworth st Smith Alexander, 276 Gower st Shipwrights. Condon Daniel, Beck's cove Condon Samuel Martin Adam, Gower st ^trt J Saunders Peter, Carter's liill Watkins Abel, 10 Adelaide st Stationers, &o. Chisholm C. F., 175 Water st COLEMAN P. W., 365 Water st Dicks & Brace, 202 Water st Fenelon M., 280 Water st McConnon Thos., 148 Water st Rouse Mrs., 305 Water st Stonemasons. BURRIDGE THOS., Signal hill road Connick Edward, 19 New Gower st BUSINESS AN1» CLASSIFIED 10 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Garret Sninuel, Fort Townshend Kelly William, Water st Kenny William, New Gower st O'i^eil Thomas, Water st Tailors. Berrigan Patk. Cassidy Patrick, 308 Water Pt CHAMBERS JOHN, 120 Water st Cox James, 164 Water st Curran John, Water st Darcey & Dunsterville, Water st Dennehy Cornelius, 182 Water st Gladney M., 282 Water st • Galway Dennis, 352 Water st Goss John, 218 Water st Haberlin S., 254 Water st JORDAN P., & SONS, 222 W^ater st Kelly P., 284 Water st Kennedy P., 276 Water st Kitchin Wm., 238 Water st McGrath Michael, 165 Water st McGrath John, 13 Princess st Mellis James, 236 Water st Murray Thomas, 212 Water st O'Kean Owen, Wuter st Patrick John, 53 Victoria st Robertson J., 296 Water st , Ryall Thomas, 180 Duckworth st Voisey John, 57 Gower st Webber G. T., 96 New Gower st Tin, She«t Iron & Copper Workers. , Allan & Goudie, Water st COOPER JOSEPH, Water st Elliott James, Water st ^■ Gear George, 213 and 349 Water st • Gushue — , Water st PEACE EOBT., & CO., 199 Water st Pennock j Sheean John, Water st W Undertakers. Carew John, Military road Carnel Samuel, 114 Duckworth st Herder H. G., Gower st McGRATH THOS, 115 Duckworth st Power John, 28 Prescott st Watchmakers, &c. Earle R. H., 216 Water st English William, 266 Water st Langmead George, 304 Water st . LINDBERG JOHN, 171 Water st Lindberg Charles, Water st LYON HK^RY, 366 Water st SCOTT J. A., Water st WHITEFORD J. & W., 224 Water st Wheelwrights, &c. Carnell Samuel, 214 Duckworth st FURLONG BROTHERS, Duck- worth ftt Herder H. G., Gower st, n Temperance hall McGRATH THOS., 215 Duckworth st MTNICH&WINSOR, Military road Wines and Spirits, Betail. Anderson John, 258 Water st Baird James, 217 W^ater st Barron Mrs., 136 Water st Brennan Edward, 190 Water st Brophy Stephen, Limekiln hill Cantwell James, 363 W^ater st Cantwell John, 252 Water st Cahill Joseph, 267 Water st W Carter John, 30 New Gower st Cash Mrs., 188 Water st Chafe — , 376 Water st ConoUy Lawrence, 82 Military road Cooney M. J., 42 Water st W Corbett William, Cookestown Crane John, Water st cor Job's lane Crotty Mrs., Signal hill road Cullen William, 348 Water st Cuddihy Thomas, 72 Duckworth st Da vies John, 124 Water st Deady Thomas, 163 Water st Devine James, 317 Water st Donovan John, 168 Duckworth st Dooling John, 160 Water st Duggan Henry, 99 Water st T/uggan Bridget, 206 Water st Elmsley Geo., 305 Water st Feehan John, 58 Water st W Flannery James, 226 Water st Flynn Maurice, 374 Water st Foran J. W., 103 Water st Ford E., South side Galway Mrs., 378 Water st Hammond Mrs., 28 Military road Hawe Thomas, 28 New Duckworth Hennessy James, 130 Duckworth st Hogan Patrick, 312 Water st Ifory Richard, 94 Prescott st Jocclyn John, Quidi Vidi Keating Thomas, 134 Water st Kean Charles, 300 Water st Laracy James, 324 Water st Lash J. & G., 305 Water st BUSINESS ANI> CLASSIFIED 11 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Leamy Thomas, 363 Water st Leary John, 32 Gower st Leo — , 53 Duckworth st Linejjar Mrs., 122 Duckworth st MacKay VVm., 27r» Water st W McCarthy John, 144 Water st McCourt Philip, 282 Water st McGrath T., George's town McGrath Mrs., 10 Queen st McKay James, 239 Water st Maher Edward, 198 Water st 'T.i Meehan Putk., 388 Water st Meehan Mrs., 3 Kennie's Mill road Moore Solomon, 252 Water st Murphy Patrick, 392 Water st Murphy Richard, 168 Water st W O'Donnell James, 290 Water st O'Dwyer John, 166 Duckworth st O'Neil Thomas, 140 Water st Phelan James, 164 Water st Phelan Timuthy, 338 Water at » Power M. A., 128 Water st Power James, 190 New Gower st Power Edward, 371 New Gower st Power Michael, 42 Cochrane st Prendergast Wm., 192 New Gower st Rankin Charles, 288 Water st Kaftis Mrs. C, 323 Water st W Sheean John, Water st W Tobin Michael, 337 Water st Torpey Mrs., Mill lane Thorburn William, 362 Water st. Trelligan Francis, 12 Queeu st Wadden Ellen, 410 W^utcr st Walsh William, Patrick st ' Walsh Wm. L., 119 Duckworth st Walsh Mrs., 386 Water st Walsh Wm., 92 Military road Walsh Mary, F. W. Fort Townsen* Yilleneuve A., 274 Water st ST. JOHNS. Religious, Charitable and Benefit Societies. Benevolent Irish Society ^ Bible Society, St. John's and N. F. Auxiliary Dorcas Society i , ^ Industrial Society ;. Mechanics Society , ,, Newfoundland British Society Newfoundland Fishermen's Society Shipwrights' Bene6t Society Sons of Temperance, Grand Division St. Vincent De Paul Society (Ladies) St. Vincent De Paul Society Star of the Sea Association St. Andrew's Society St. George's Society Total Abstinence and Benefit Society Total Abstinence and Benefit Juvenile Society United Fishermen's Society Local Companies and Societies. ^ Agricultural Society Commercial Society ' Dredge- Boat Company Floating Dry Dock Companyr General Water Company St. John's Boot and Shoe ManuiSetrnf- ing Company St. John's Gas Light Componj St. John's Steam Tug Company Betts Cove Mining Company Union Mining Tilt Cove Company Fire Companies. Phoenix Volunteer Company Cathedral Volunteer Brigade - HARBOR GRACE. Blacksmiths. Barnes Geo., Le Marchant »t Strathie John, Le Marchant st Tapp John, Noad st Tapp Wm., Water st Boot and Shoe Makers. Barry John, Harvey st Goff John, Water st Grubert John, Water st Grubert Wm., Water st Morris John, Water st Butchers. Hogan John, Water st Lahey Richard, Water st Lahey Robert, Water st Walsh Robert, Water st '•^n-'-M BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 12 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Cabinetmakers. Coady Francifl, Water st Parsons Alexander, Water st Parsons Edward, Water st Carpenters. Putters John, Wnter st Ilutchings Jag., Water st '' Mitcliell John, Beach Ifewhook Eobert, Marsh Pynn Au'^ustus, Queen st Kogers p]dward, Courage's B Spence John, Cochrane st Coopers, Cojidy John, Kiver head Cuady Thomas, River head Flynn Michael, Water st Fletcher Daniel, Harvey st Ford William, Harvey st / Orubert Michael, Harvey st Innott Joseph, Old Carbonear road Pholan James, Queen st ... Pichards John, Beach r Druggist. W. H. Thompson, Water st Engineers. , Makinson George, Victoria st ; Martin Frederick, Caplin cove « Merchants. Greene Daniel, Water st Hippesley James, Water st " ' Jillard John P., Water st ',, Jillard — . Water st ,V Munn John, Water st ^ ' . Munn Bobt., Hurvey st Munn Wm., Water st Patterson John, Water st Eoss C. W., Water st '' Ross Thos. J., Water st ^ Rutherford Andrew, Cochrane st Rutherford George, Water st Physicians and Surgeons. Allan Wm., Harvey st Allan Wm. M., Water st Planters, Alcock Azariah, Water st Alcock Mark, Ship's head Andrews Stephen, Water st Brien Michael, Le Marchant st Davis Nathaniel, Caplin cove Davis Wm., South side Davis Wm., Main st Fitzgerald Michael, Noad st Gordon Samuel, Water st Green Thomas, Water st Green John, Water st Green John, Bannerman st Heater Geo., Caplin cove Henessy John, Water st Keefe James, Water st Lindsay James, Caplin cove Lynch Thomas, Caplin cove Martin Joshua, Martin's brook Noel Jonathan, South side O'Niel Dennis, South side Parsons Edward, South side Parsons George, Bear's cove Parsons James, South sido Parsons John, Water st Parsons Jonathan, Bear's cove Parsons Joshua, Hill Parsons Joshua, Martin's brook Parsons M oses, South side Parsons Nathaniel, South side Parsons Thomas, Otterbury Parsons Thos. G., Otterbury Parsons Tobias, Stretton's hill Parsons William, Otterbury Pike Charles, Ship's head Pumphrey John, Water st Pumphrey Jeremiah, Main st Pumphrey William, Main st Ryan John, Water st Sogers Eli, Ship's head Sinnott Martin, Victoria st Scully Thomas, Hill Scully John, College road Stevenson John, River head Stevenson William, River head StrappJohn, Main st Taylor John, South side Taylor Samuel, Bear's cove Taylor William, Bear's cove Whiteway George, Caplin cove Whiteway John, Caplin cove Shipwright. Warren William, Ship's head Shopkeepers. Glendon William, Water st Godden Thomas, Water st Jarvis Jamei, Water st Jones — , Water st Quinton Edward W., Water st Quinton Thomas, Water st BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 13 DIRECTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Taylor Henry, Noad st Trapnell John, Water st Trapnell Henry, Water st Tailors. Lynch John, Water st Maddigan Eichard, Water fit McKinnon Murdoch, Water st Shortia M., Water st Tinsmith. Kennedy C. L., Water st Traders. Anderson Robert, Water st Bulger James, Water st Butt Willi'^m, Water st Butt William, jun., Cochrane st Cairns Thomas M., Water st Crane John, Cochrane st Parsons Mark, M ain st Parsons Willis, Water st Wine and Spirit Dealers, Lice- sed. Callahan James, Water st Coady John, Water st Colbert Philip, Water st nr Parsons Ebenezer, Water st Shea Dennis, Main st Shea John, Carbonear road Walsh Mark, Water st Hairdresser. Blackwood Daniel, Water st Hotel. * Collins Terence, Water st ' ^ HARBOR GRACE Religious and Charitable Societies. Benevolent Irish Society, Conception Bay British Society, Conception Bay Catholic Irit>h Society, Conception Bay Dorcas Society, Harbor Grace Total Abstinence and Benefit Societj, Harbor Grace Total Abstinence and Benefit Juvenile Society Local Companies and Societies. Harbor Grace Gas Lighting Uc. Harbor Grace Water Company . , i .■ '•■;>■ HARBOR MAIN, CAT'S COVE. Planters. A-'ii '.ti\i Back J. Caen Daniel Curran Patrick Dunn Michael Guahuc William Griffin Richard Hart Edward Lacy Michael Lanassy John Lewis Moses Mahony Philip Mahony Philip, jun. Murphy James Power Patrick St. John Edward St. John Thomas St. John Thomas Wade James Wade Maurice Woodford James liii ' ■i.i ,i, I j:>_: ., ... ! „ . ; -;; (DISTRICT OF.) HARBOR MAIN, Planters Conway Nicholas iV ''■'■ Corbett Edward .,,,,, Corbett Thomas ' '■ Costello Daniel •. • Costifjan Thomas Crawley James Donelly James Duggan Thomas Ezekiel Michael Ezekiel Thomas Fardy Jiftwronce Fardy Mortimer Fary Charles Fary John Gorman Michael Gorman Walter Hancow Thomas Hickey John Hickey Patrick Holden liichard •":'i>:itiii*-' BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 14 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Joy John Veitch George Joy Michael Veitch Philip Joy vVilliara Wall Garret Keating John Walsh James Keefe Thomas Walsh Michael Kennedy John Walsh Thomas Moore James Pennell James MIDDLE BIGHT. Pennell Joseph Planters. Sliney Daniel Batten James Sliney Thomas Sullivan Cornelius Sullivan Daniel Sullivan John •Sullivan Timothy Batten Joseph Batten William Taylor Abraham Taylor Jacob Wall Michael SALMON COVE. "Walsh Jam-^s Walsh John Planters. Woodford Mii-haol Batten Patrick . Woodford Samuel Cahill William Woodford William Costello MichacP HOLYROOD. Flannigan Patrick Kehoe James ijeianters. Kelly Joseph " Bennett John Mason Joseph Brown Jamea Mulloy Thomas Joy John Moore James ' Kennedy John Moore William Lewis John Penny John Taplin James — Sevier Joseph / PORT DE GRAVE, (DISTRICT OF.) BRIG US. Merchants and Traders. ButJer Thomas Butler Benjamin Butler Thomas IFaraday James 'Seamon Robt. J. C. Smith James Smith Nicholas :Flanters. Antell Thomas Antell William JVspell James liarnes William Bartlett Abraham Bartlett Abraham, jun. Bartlett John Bartlett John, jun. Bartlett Joseph Bartlett Joseph, jun. Bartlett Levi Breaker James Bride Thomas Burke James Byrne John Clarke Caleb Clarke Charles, sen. Clarke Isaac Clarke Moses Clarke Robert Clarke Samuel Clarke William, sen. Cote William Curtis Thomas Donavan John Ddwlen James Dowlen Stephen Farrell Edward BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 15 DIRECTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Field William Fling Patrick French William Gaul Thomas Gushue Charles Gushue George, sen. Gushue James Haberline Patrick Hanrahan John Harvey Job Hiscock Edwin Hiscock Thomas Hiscock William James Thomas Jamieson Joseph Janes Stephen Kelly James King Henry King Eichard King Samuel King Thomas Keough Thomas Legnos Thomas Madden Thomas Mosdell Thomas Norman John Norman Nathan Payne Thomas Pearoy David Pearcy H«nry Pearcy Henry Pearoy John * Pearcy Joseph Pearcy Nathan f> < Pearcy Stephen Pearcy William J. Penny Matthew Power Reuben Quinlan Peter Eabbits Nathaniel M. H. A. Roberts Alfred ^ Roberts Edward Roberts Esau Roberts Jacob Roberts Job Roberts John Roberts Joseph Roberts Joshua Roberts Simon Roberts William Rose Simon Rose William Saunders James Shea Cornelius Shcoan Edward ,m' (^ ii;r)! J in •■ iir.i'/' Sparks James Sparks John Sparks Stephen Spraklin John Spraklin Richard Spraklin Thomas Spraklin William Trichard William Walker James Walker Richard Walsh Richard Washer Samuel Watts Henry Way Thomas Way William Welsh John Welsh Moses Welsh William Whelan David Wilcox John Wilcox John, J. P. Wilcox Samuel Wilcox Thomas Wilcox William Youden Henry Youden Philip ■X: V,' 7/ ..T^".'^?-:."'! CUPIDS. Planters. / Breen James Breen John Byrne James ' Byrne Richard Colbiduck Robert Delany Patrick Dunn Patrick Dunn Thomas Dunn William Etchingwan Martin H ayes James Hind Thomas Kelly William Le Drew Abraham Le Drew Francis Le Drew Isaao Le Drew John Le Drew Philip Le Drew Samuel Le Drew Solomon ' Le Drew Tobias Lowergan Edward Norman James Noseworthy William Power James Seerick Daniel 1 .-. ,. «.."W 'I iih- ' 1. 1 1 1 'M-,'.^ BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 16 • DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND.' Sheppard William Conolly John Smith Alfred Dawe Charles . I Smith George Dawe Jonathan { Spracklen Frederick Dawe Eobert ' Spracklen Jonathan Fowler William Spracklen Simon Hussey Thomas Spracklen William Morgan George Taylor Isaac PORT BE GRAVE, Taylor John Taylor Eobert Merchants and Traders. Webber Henry Bussey George Wells Henry Forward 0. H. Wells James Kenny Patrick Wells Samuel Wells Mrs., & Sons Planters. .... \a Whelan William Bussy Abraham r. Butler Charles :4 CUPIDS TO NORTH RIVER. Butler Jabee v ujo* > Butler James ■i Planters. Butler Robert . ;t Bishop Edward Dawe Henry Bishop George Hampton John Bishop John Hussey George Bishop Joseph Hussey John Bussey Joseph Mugford Charles -^x . Buasey Thomas Mugford John Butler Abraham Mugford William Butler William Eichards Abraham 1 I 1 CARBONEAK, (DISTRICT OF.) ! t 1. '(. 'I CARBONEAR. Bemister Edward Merchants and Traders. Bingham James J Anderson Eobert Bishop George Bransfield John i Apsey John F. Brennan Edward a Apsey & Co. Bridle William Bolmer Robert E. Brian Peter Bulger Michael Brown John 1 Coultas Miles Burke John ii Duff & Bolmer Burke William Si Forward Ambrose Burke George , Butt George Butt Terence ./I Gould Benjamin T. H. ..^ Hawker William K Kennedy Thomas C. Butt William ■ ■% Maddock John Cahill Edward n Maddock J. & R. Cahill John Pearce John Carroll Martin Eorke John M. H. A. Chubb George Planters. Clarke David Babb Eichard Clarke George Bailey Andrew Clarke Joseph Bakor William Clarke Moses BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 17 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Colbert John Colbert Peter Colborne Thomas Cole Henry Cole Eichard Connolly John Cooke John Cronan William Cullen Owen Davis Richard Davis Richard, juD. Davis William Davis William, sen. Dawley John Donelly Michael Dooley John Dooley John, jun. Dooley Michael Doyle James Doyle Maurice Doyle Michael Driscoll James Dunphy Patrick Dwyer Edward Earle George Earle Moses Evans Samuel Fogarty Patrick Forward Charles Forward George French George French Joseph Furlong James Furlong Walter Geary Thomas George Richard George Robert Gillott James Guess Patrick Guj William Hamilton Edward Hamilton Henry Hamilton Peter Hanrahan David Hanrahan Michael Hanrahan William Hartnell Michael Haskill John Hayden Edmund Hearne James Hennessey M-iurice Hyde Patrick Hogan Daniel Hogan John Hogan William ;Var/ ■); ). !(!■*> :t1vv -I'i !)(lf. «.smii-ri i 1 :,:• i ' V. Holwell Henry Holwell James Holwell John Horwood Hugh Howell James Howell Robert Jlowell W^illiam Janes Daniel Jones Edward Joy Patrick Keanialey David Keefe Michael Keefe William Kelly James Kelly Michael Keneally John Kennedy John Keough Maurice Keough John Kelly John Laherty Dennis Lang Frederick Lang James Lang John Lang Richard Long Alfred Lundergan Peter Luther John Luther Stephen Luther Thomas Lynch John Maddock Patrick Mahoney Josiah Mansfield James Marshall Cleophas Marshall John Marshall Peter McCarthy Daniel McCarthy John McCarthy Patrick McGrath John Meaney Lawrence Meaney Patrick Mercy Thomas Moore Charles Mulcahy David Murpliy David Murphy Richard Murphy Richard, jun. Murray Michael Neagle James Neale James Gates Mark Parsons Joseph Parsons Samuel Uvj':i^I> VMinh. ■uni b'ii'-'ff*' > '. » V'. ^■f ■'■■■' ■ "i V I'lft-'i/.H If ' U 1 :/!^ BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 18 DiaBCTOLY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Pearco Robert Pelljr Frederick Prendergast James Penny Stephen Penny William Penny William II. Pike Alfred Pike Charles Pike Charles Pike Edmund Pike Edward George Pike Henry Pike John Pike Moses Pike Moses, jun. Pomroy James Powell Elihu Powell Thomas Power John Priddle Jacob Priddle James Rendell George Rorke Patrick Rossiter Joseph Humson George Ryan Michael Shea Daniel Shea John Shea Patrick Soper George Sweeney Edward Sweeney James Sweeney Michael Sweeney Patrick Taylor Abel Taylor Albert Taylor Edward Taylor George Taylor Henry Taylor John Taylor John, jun. Taylor Joseph Taylor Joseph H. Taylor Mark Taylor Nathaniel Taylor Nicholas Taylor Stephen Taylor William Taylor William F. Taylor William, jun. Thistle David Thistle John Thistle Thomas Thoms Joseph Thomoy William Tobin Martin Tobin Peter Walls Samuel Walsh Walter Walsh William Westcote Joseph Whelan James >■ Whelan John White Michael Williams George Winsor Alfred Winsor George Winsor James Young John MOSQUITO. Planters. , Crane George Gordon George Hanrahan William Murpliy John Pike James Piddle Thomas Piddle James Pike Edward Pike John J BAY DE YERDS, (DISTRICT OF.) BAY DE VERBS. Planters. Barter William Blundon Charles Blundon John Blundon Stephen Blundon Thomas Broders John Cash Joseph Cash Eobert Cotter Edward Duffit John Duffit John, jun. Eady William Emberly John Emberly Joseph Emberly Stephen Emberly Thomas Fleming Michael BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 19 DIRECTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Garrett Jooas Hide Lawrence Jacobs George Jacobs James Jacobs Stephen Kay Lawrence Kay Patrick Keefe Thomas Lockyer Joseph Lockycr William Moore James Moore Thomas Murphy Daniel Neale Thomas Noon an Dennis North William Outbar James Itiggs William Stevens Henry Sutton Richard Whealan David Woodrow James Woodrow Richard p.:, •.;/*:. FRESUWATER. Planters. Bemister John Broders Joseph Butt Alfred Butt Charles Butt John Butt Nathaniel Callahan John Callahan Mark Clark John Davis Freeman Davis George Davis Jonathan Harvey John ■ ' ■ jj ■0.\'K"-.-;-;- Hillyard Henry Homer John Homer Stephen Homer Thomas Jcffers Joseph Joyce George Joyce Joseph Marshi.U James Moons Alfred Moons Charles of Wm. Moons Edmond Jloons George Moons James Moons John Moons John of Wm. Moons Joseph Moons Richard of John Moons Silas Moons Stephen Moons William Noel Charles Noel John Noel Richard Noel Thomas Parsons Alexander Parsons Edward Parsons Joseph Parsons Richard f i ' Parsons Samuel Parsons Thomas Parsons William ;".. Parsons William Penny Edward Pike Edward Pike Francis Pike George Pike Thomas Snow Frederick Snow Stephen n r> ir ..j.''.'// TKINITY, (DISTRICT OF.) un ,-<-:/. HANTS HARBOR. Merchants and Traders. Sheean John Watson Ellis Planters. Ellis James Reval James HEARTS CONTENT.. Merchants and Traders. Hopkins Joseph Moore James H. Perry Richard Rockwood Israel Warren John Planters. George Robert Hopkins Thomas LeggJJames Legg Thomas Murphy James Pierey William Piles Francis ' t',:', C :' >TT»i'.'' BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 20 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Rock wood Adam Jlowo Noah Savor Thomns Undcrry Albert OLD PERLICAK Merchants and Traders. Barrel Benjamin Bart JoHhua Boyd Joseph Planters. Barrett John Barrett Matthew Cooper Benjamin Day William Frowd John March James March Matthew Mnrch William Millar Thomas TRINITY. Merchants and Traders. Bremner Alesnnder Enrle Alonzo W. Oover Thomaa Guiere & Bremner Murphy Patrick Pittman Jopeph Pittman William Power William Page Jaraea Shears John C. Planters. Coleman Bartholomew Crocker Stephen Crocker William House William Locke David Morris Eobert White Robert BOJ^AYISTA, (DISTRICT OF.) BONAVISTA. Merchants and Traders. Abbott Stephen Brown William Estell Thomas Fitzgerald Charles Harris Thomas McGaihan Angus Eyan Michael Webber George Planters. Abbott Henry Abbott Jonathan Abbott Joseph Brown Joseph Brown Eobert Carroll James Chade George Chade William Clocke Robert CuflFe James Dwydle Joseph Dyke Richard Elliott John Farrell Michael Fisher John Fitzgerald John Goodland John Goodland Joseph Green James Grous Eichard Gay Thomas Harris James Harris Eodger Hicks James Keel John Rough Patrick Little John Little William May Philip Mifflen George Mish Charles Mish Joseph Moreland John Moreland Stephen Moreland William Power Eobert Readen George Rolls Joseph Eolls Thomas Eussell Edward Sweetland James Sweetland John Sweetland Joseph JJilvl BUSINESS AND CLASSIFIED 21 DIRBCTORTf OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Templcmnn John Planters. Teiiipleniau William Barron James KING'S COVE. Brown John Carroll John Merchants end Traders. Ilandcnok J. Dfcvine John McGrath Michael Ilollohan Lawrenco , Monks \V. Murphy Bernard ^ Ryan Thomas Murphy Michael Samson William Walsh Michael C. Sullivan W. 1 TWILLINGATE AND FOGO, (DISTRICT OF.) ri'. EXPLOITS. Merchants and Traders. Manuel Josiah Winsor Thomas A. Planters. Arnold Charles Arnold Samuel Baker Edward Carraway William Chancy H)dward Dalton William Downton Charles Downton Edward Erens Edv ard Gillot George Jones George Jure James Lncy Richard Lacy Williaui • Lilly William ^ ' Luff Francis Luff George Manuel Jacob Manuel John Manuel Jonathan Mam el Joseph Manuel Luke Manuel Reuben Manuel Simon Manuel Stephen Manuel Thomas Milley Thomas Pierce Andrew Purchase John Eussel John Seriour John Seriour James Wells George \A)V-L 1 .| .,, ,11; v. .iK;•■.^'■ 1 .J FOGO. Merchants and Traders. Carter Kenneth Ilodgo Thos. D. Scott Robert Planters. Baker James Downei* James ^ '' Downer William ■^" \ Farrell Thomas Formalle Benjamin Humphries George Irish William Jones William Maddock John Oake Henry Picket Peter Pine Nicholas ,, " Pine William ,.' ., Rao dell James Simms Henry Simms William Waterman William Woolbridge Thomas FORTUNE HARBOR. Planters. Byrne Matthew Byrne Michael Croke Thomas Foley Michael ,? ;. ■. Galispie Alexander Galispie Samuel Glavine David Hamilton Richard Lirer Michael Quirk Thomas Power James , r,; BUSINESS AND OLASMIFIED 22 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. •1 Power John liobcrta JuiucH HERRING NECK. Morchnnts and Tradors. Ashman Thomas Daily Henry Mursell Charles Tracey William Planters. Blandford Daniel Blandford P:dwurd Card Samuel ' Card William Cullen Charles Daily Thomas Kearly Joseph Mills Henry Mursell William <\- t Warren John ' • Woodford T. JOE B ATT S ARM, Merchant and Trader. DEADY THOMAS Planters. Brett Charles ' Brett Eobert Brown Thomai^ Burke John Burke Miles F. Donohoe Michael Hamilton Matthew Higgins Michael Jacobs John MOXTON'S HARBOR. Planters. Briit Samuel Crovill Michael Deer John Dowill Justin Hann Samuel Jennings John Jones James Jones Si'as Knight Thomas Miles William Osmond Ambrose Osmond Aaron Ridout David i^u-ir^ .ivi'-f liussel Joseph Taylor Thonma Taylor William Wall James Wolfrey Josiah Wolfrey Robert Wolfrey Thomas NORTH ISLAND. Merchants and Traders. Baird William Hodge R. D. Maher C. Preston Joseph Tobin B. Joseph ' Wills John Planters. ., Anstey John '. ,1 ' i,';'\i i'', : .■ \ ■"■.7 Brett Edward - Haydou Joseph f .„■. ; ?'^^i' Hodder James '«•; ' f '''A Lacey Thomas Linefield Alfred JMoore Isaac Paine Samuel i Purchase John t Ridout William Roberts Francis Roberts Josiah ... Rumways Peter t } Spenor Thomas ..r .,..}, Stuckless James '-(:■•. Wadford Thomas SOUTH ISLANDS. Merchants and Traders. Earle Henry Lethbridge William Planters. Anstey John Anstey Thomas Ashburn Thomas Bath Thomas Burne William Churchill Philip Curtis William Daily liobert Earle Elias Fardy William Gillott Robert Hodder Richard Keefe Thomas BT'SINEBS AND CLASSIFIED 23 DIRECTORY OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Letlibridge William Linfield (icorKO Linfield William Minty Joseph Mitchard Thomas Mitchell Jonathan Phillips George Phillips John Bandle A. Randlo William Rice John Roberts Elias Roberts John Skinner John Slade Edward Warr Charles Young Samuel TILTON HARBOR. Planters. Rrawdcrs John Bryan Cornelius Bryan Michael Burke John Bwycr James . Dwyer Alichael Dwyer Patrick Dwycr Thomas Foley 31 au rice Foley Patrick Green Michael Mahoney Michael McGrath Michael M FERRYLAND, (DISTRICT OF.) BAY BULLS, Planters, ♦' ' " ' Brian Cornoliiis Bi-own Jeremiah , ', ; Burke Martin ,. i Coady Michael Coady Nicholas ' Dea Patrick Driscoll Martin '"'"' Gatherall John T .', ! Hall John Miller James Moeklar Richard Moeklar VVilliai'i Pack Thomas Ryan Thomus ^ <'" Scott Patrick "'i'*'- Williams Andrew ; j./« C Williams Jas. E. Williams Joseph '" Williams William Williams Philip Williams Thomas CAPE BROYLE. Planters. Cashin Martin Cashin Richard Pendergast Edward Pendergast John FERRYLAND. Merchant. White John, J.P. -i,i:*q:iri Planters. Brennaa Junes Brennan Patrick Coady James Connell James Costelio John Dolalianty .lo.seph Deinlianty Thomas J>ui!J: 80 LovELL Printing and Publishing Company, [LIMITED,-\ S3 h 25 ST. NICHOLAS ST. MONTREAL. LAKE SHORE PRESS, ROUSES POINT, N. Y. JOHN LOVELL, ROBERT K. LOVELL, Aianagitig Director. Secretary Treasurer. « » I* • » » • » ■<»- Book aitd Job Phiittiitg. Booh Work, JBlank Forma, Receipts, Pamphlets, Inswrance Forms, Catalogues, Periodicals, Railtvay Forms, Cards, Prices Current, Legal Forms, Funeral Letters^ Prospectuses, Bills of Lading, Hand Bills, Circulars, Way Bills, Posting Bills,. « I AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF EXECUTED WITH THE UTMOST DESPATCH, AT THE VBRir I^OJ^EIST PRICES, „,.U i .J. : It I BLANK AITD ACCOTOT BOOKS, Ledgers, Journals, Cash and Day Books,; OF ALL SIZES, MADE TO ORDER: BOUND IN CALF, (with or without Russia Bands,) VELLUM OR BASIL. rtjIjINgj- to ^ny pattern RKQXJIRKD. -1r Indices Bound with the Books, or furnished loose, as may be desired. Bill Boohs, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Guard Books, Policy Books, Account Current Books, Sales Books, Contract Books, Bankers' Pass Books, Merchants Memorandum Books, &c., (fee., made to order to any desired pattern. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. THE QUEEN AND BOTAL FAMILY, Her Majesty Alexandrina Victoria, by the Grace of God, of t je United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c., Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India (in India, Shri Shri Riini Victoria, Kaiaar-i-Hind) born at Kensing- ton Palace, 24th May, 1819 ; succeeded to the throne 20th June, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV. ; crowned 28th June, 1838 ; and married 10th February, 1840, to his late Koyal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, Dckb op Saxony, Prince op Cobourq and Gotha, who was born 26th August, 1819 ; died 14th Decem- ber, 1861. Her Majesty is the only child of his late Royal Highness, Edward Duke of Kent, fourth son of King George III., and has issue — 1. Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, of England and Prussia, born 2lst November, 1840 ; married 25th January. 1858, to his Imperial Highness Frederick William, Crown Prince, of Germany, (only son of the Emperor of Germany) and has had issue his Royal Highness Prince Frederick William Victor Albert, born 27th January, 1859 ; her Royal Highness Princess Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, born 24th July. 1860 ; his Royal Highness Prince Albert Wilnelm Hein- ricn, born 14th August, 1862 ; his Royal High- ness Prince Francis Frederick Sigismunj, born 15th September, 1864, died 18th June, 1866 ; her Royal Highness Princess Fredericka Wilhelmina Amelia Victoria, born r2th April, 1866 ; his Royal Highness Joachim Frederick Ernest Waldemar. born 10th February, 1868 ; her Royal Highness Sophia Dorothea Ulrike Alice, born 14th June. 1870; his Royal Highness John, &c., born April, 1871^ died on Good Friday, 1871 ; • and her Royal Highness Margaret Beatrice Feo- dora, born 22nd April, 1872. 2. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince op Wales, Duke op Saxony, Cornwall ASD Rothesay, Earl op Dublin, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.S.I., K.T.S., 6.C.B., P.C, general, colonel of the 10th Hussars, and colonel-in- chief of the Rifle Brigade, born 9th of November, 1841 ; married 10th March, 1863. to '-he Princess Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia, (born 1st December, 1844), eldest daugh- ter of the King of Denmar':, and has issue nis Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, born 8th January, 1864; his Royal Highness Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert, born 3rd June, 1865 ; her Royal High- ness Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, born 20th February, 1867 ; her Royal Highness Vic- toria Alexandra Olga Mary, born 6th July, 1868 ; her Royal Highness Maud C harlotte Mary Victoiia, born 26th November, 1869, and Alex- ander John C. Albert, born 6th April, 1871, died 7tb April, 1871. 3. Hk'r Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born 25tb April, 1843; married Ist July, 1862, to his Royal Highness Prince Frederick William Louis of Hesse Darmstadt, K.G., (born 12ih September, 1837) and has issue Princess Vic- toria Alberta Elizabeth Matilda Mary, born 5th April, 1863 ; Princess Elizabeth Alexandrina Louise Alice, born 1st November 1864; Princess Irene Marie Louise Anna, born 11th July, 1866; and Prince Ernest Louis Charles Albert William, born 26th November, 1868; Prince Frederick William, born 7th October, 1870; died 29th June, 1873 ; Princess \ ictoria A. H. L. B., born 6th June. 1872, and Princess Mary Vic- toria, born 24th May, 1874. 4. His Royal Highness Alpred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Kent, and Eari of Ulster, K.G., K.T., P.C, born 6th Au- gust, 1844 ; captain Royal Navy, 23rd February, 1866 ; married 23rd January, 1874, to the Grand Duchess .Marie Alexandrowna, daughter of the Emperor of Russia and has issue Prince Alfred Alexander William Ernest Albert, born 15th October, 1874, and Princess Marie Alexandra Victoria, born 29th October, 1875. 5. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born 25th May, 1846 ; married 5th July, 1866, to major-general his Royal Highness Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein, Sonderbourg, Augusten- bourg, K.G., and has issue Prince Christian Victor Albert Ludwig Ernest Anton, born 14tb April, 1867; Prince Albert John J. C. F. A. G., born 26th February, 1869; and Princess Vic- toria Louise, born 3rd May, 1870 ; Princess Franziska, born 14th August, 1872, and Prince Harold, born 12th May, 1876, died 19th May, 1876. 6. Her Royal Highness LomsE Caroline Alberta, born 18th Marchj 1848 ; married March 21st, 1871, to John, Marquis of Lome, K.T., M.P., eldest son of the Duke of Argyle. No issue. 7. His Royal Highness Artiicr William Pat- rick Albert, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, and Earl of Sussex, K.G., born 1st May, 1850; lieutenant Royal Artillery, 30th October, 1868 ; lieutenant Rifle Brigade, 1869; Lieut. Colonel Rifle Brigade, 27th September, 1876. 8. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, born 7th April, 1853. 9. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mary Vic- toria Feodore, born 14th April, 1357. royal princes and princesses. His Royal Highness George Frederick Alex- ander Charles Ernest Augustus, Duke op Cum- berland (Ex-KiNO OP Hanoter), K.G., G.C.H., cousin to Her Majesty; born 27th May, 1819; married 18th February, 1843^ Princess Mary, of Saxe Altenberg and has issue, Ernest Au- gustus, born 21st September, 1845 ; Frederica, born 9th January, 1848 ; and Mary, born 3rd December, 1849. Her Royal Highness Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchess op Cambridge, niece of the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel and aunt to Her Majesty, born 25th July, 1797 ; married 7th May, 1818, the Duke of Cambridge (who died 8th July, 1850), and has issue — 1. His Royal Highness George William Fre- derick Charles, Duke op Cambridge, Field-Mar- shal, Commanding-in-Chief, KG., K.P., G.C.B., MISCELLANEOUS DIRE0T0R7 32 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. G.C.H., O.M.M.G, G.C.L.H., P.O., D.C.L., cousin to Her MnieBtv, born March 26th, 1819. 2. Her Rojal Highness Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Marj Sophia Louisa, daugh- ter of the late Ouke of Cambridge, and cousin to Her Majesty, born 19th July, 1822 ; married 28th June. 1843, Frederick Reiguing Grand Duke of Alecklenburg Strelitz, G.C.B., and has issue Adolphus Frederick, born 22nd July, 1848. 3. Her Royal Hishness Mahy Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to Her Slajestv. born 27th November, 1833 : married 12th June', 1866, H. R. H. Francia Paul Charles Louis Alexander, Duke of Teck, G.C.B., born 27th August, 1837, and has issue H.R.H. Mary Vic- toria, born 26th May, 1867 ; H.R.H. Adolphus, born 13th August, 1868 ; H.R.H. Francis, born 9th January, 1870, and H.R.H. Alexander, born 14th April, 1874. HER MAJISTT'B NBAR RBLATITE8. Half Sister.— X)a,\ight6T of her late mother, the Duchess of Kent by her first husband, Emich Charles, the reigning Prince of Leinineen, Anae Feodorowna Augusta Charlotte Wilhelmina, born 7th December, 1807,married 18th February, ■1828, Ernest Christian, Prince of Hohenlohe Langenberg, who died 12th April, 1860, and by him had issue — 1. Charles Louis William Leopold, born 25th October, 1829. 2. Herman Ernest Francis Bernard, Prince of Hohenlohe Langenberg, born 31st August, 1832, Lieut. General m the Prussian service, married, and has issue. 3. Victor Ferdinand Francis Eugene Gus- tavo Adolphus Constantino Frederic Count Gleichen, born 11th November, 1833, Captain in the Royal Navy, Governor of Windsor Castle, marriea 26th January, 1861 ^ Laura Williamina, youngest daughter of Admiral Sir George Sey- mour, and has issue. 4. Adelaide Victoire, born 20th July, 1835, married 11th September, 1856, Prince Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein, Sonderbourg-Augusten- bourg, and has issue. 5. Feodore Victoire, born 7th July, 1839, married 23rd October, 1858, Prince George of Saxe Meiningen, and has issue. Nephews. — 1. His Serene Highness Ernest Leo])old, reigning Prince of Leiniugen, Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy, born 9th Novem- ber, 1830, married 11th September, 1858, Prin- cess Maria Amelia of Baden, and has issue a daughter, born 24th July, 1863, and a son, born 1865. 2. Edward Frederic, born 5th January, 1833, Captain Royal Imperial Guard of Austria. H£B MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. Lord Steward's Department. — Board of Green Cloth, Buckingham Palace. Lord Steward, Earl Beauchamp. Treasurer of the Household, Right Hon. Lord Henry Thynne, M.P. Comptroller of the Household, Right Hon. Lord Henry Somerset. Master of the Household, Lieut. Colonai Sir John Clayton Cowell, K.C.B., R.E. Secretary to the Board, Edward M Browell, Esq. Paymaster of the Household, T. C. March, Esq. Hereditary Grand Almoner.Marquis of Exeter. Lord High Almoner, Dean of U indsor. Coroner of the Verge, William Thomas Man- ning, Esq. LoRB Chamberlain's Department.— Office, Stable Yard, St. James' Palace. Lord Chamberlain, Gen. Marquis of Hertford. Vice-Chamberlain, Viscount Barrington, M.P. Comptroller of Accounts, Hon. S. Ponsonby- Fane, C.B. Chief Clerk. George T. Hertslet, Esq. Inspector of Accounts, F. W. Jennings, Esq. Clerks, A. G. Hampshire, D. A. Tupper, Harrjr L. Hertslet, Esquires. Private Secretary to Her Majesty, Major- General H. F. Ponsonby. Keeper of the Privy purse, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Myddleton Biddulph, K.C.B. Secretary, Doyne C. Bell, Esq. Master of the Ceremonies, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Frarcis Seymour, Bart., K.C.B. Assistant Master, Colonel Charles Bagot. Marshal of the Ceremonies, Hon. Spencer Lyttleton. Groom of the Robes, Henry David Erskine, Esq. Lords in Waiting, Earl of Roden ; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Jersey; Viscount Torring- ton ; Viscount Hawarden ; Lord Bagot ; Lord Elphinston, and Lord De Ros. Extra Lord in Waiting, Lord Sackville. Grooms in Waiting, Lieut.-Col. Wm. Henry Frederick Cavendish; Colonel the Hon. Augus- tus F. Liddell.; Vice-Admiral Lord Frederick Herbert Kerr j" John F. Campbell, (of Islay) Esq.; Donald Cameron, (of Lochiel) Esq^M.P., Rear-Admiral Sir J. E. Conimerell, K.C.B., V.C. ; Lieut.-Col. Eon. C. H. Lindsay, and Captain Charles E. Phipps. Extra Grooms in Waiting. Right Hon. Sir Charles Augustus Murray, K.C.B. ; Captain W. G. Stirling, R.N. ; Lieut.-Gen. Sir Francis Sey- mour, Bart., K.C.13. Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber, Charles Heneace, Algernon West, Leopold Oust, Esqrs., and Captain Walter J. Stopford. Black Kod, Admiral Sir Augustus W. J. Clif- ford, Bart., C.B. Gentlemen Ushers Daily Waiters, Hon. Spen- cer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Faue, C.B. ; Ed- ward Hamilton Anson, Esq. ; Alpin MacGregor, Esq. (jrooms of the Privy Chamber, Major-Gen. Edward Stopford Claremout, C.B. ; Hon. C. J. C. Eliot; Captain Nath. G. Philips; J. Bon- tein, Esq. Gentlemen Ushers Quarterly Waiters, Alfred Montgomery, Esq. ; Lieut. Gen. Henry Sykes Stephens, K.H. ; Wilbraham Taylor, Esq. ; Colonel George Howard Vyse ; Captain Charles Gudgfon Nelson, R.N. ; Francis KnoUys, Esq., C.B ; Raglan G. Somerset, Esq. ; Charles Wylde, Esq. L'xtra Gentlemen Usher Quarterly Waiter, John George Green, Esq. Gentlemen Usher Daily Waiter Assistant, Captain Frederick Campbell. Sergeants-at-Arms, C. Sisson, Esq. ; Lieut. Gen. H. S. Stephens, K. H. ; Sir Alex. Camp- bell, Bart. ; Norman Macleod, Esq. ; Thomas C. MIBCELLANEOnS DiaiCTORT 33 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. March, Esq. ; A. Ballistou, R.N. ; George T. Hertglet, Esq. ; and Hon. Debonnaire J. Mon- Bon. Poet Laureate. Alfred Tennyson, Esq., D.C.L. Examiner of Plays. E. F. Smyth Pigott. Esq. Librarian at Windsor, Richard R. Holmes, Esq., F.S.A. German Librarian, Hermann Sahl, Esq. Governor and Constable of Windsor Castle, Capt. Count Gleichen, R.N. Hon. Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms. — Captain, Earl of Shrewsbury; Lieutenant, Sir William Topham ; Standard Bearer, Major William O'Bryen Taylor; Clerk of the Cheque and Adjutantj Lieut.-Col. Gustavus Hume ; Sub- Oflicer, Lieut.-Col. J. G. Sandeman. Her Majesty's Bodyguard of Yeomen of the Guard. — Captain, Lord Skelmersdale; Lieu- tenant, Lieut.-Col. Arthur Need ; Ensign, Colonel Hon. J. W. Colville; Clerk of the Cheque and Adjutant, Lieut.-Col. William G. Sutton j Exons, Lieut.-Col. Charles D. Patter- eon, Lieut.-Col. J. A. Todd, Captain F. B. Morley, Colonel H. Hume, C.B. Depahtment of the Master of the House. — Office, Royal Mews, Pimlico. Master of Horse, Earl of Bradford. Master cf the Buckhounds, Earl of Hardwicke. Grand Falconer, Duke of St. Albans. Clerk Marshal, Major-Geneial Lord Alfred Paget. Crown Equerry, Secretary to the Master of the Horse, and Superintendent of the Roval Stables, Col. George Ashley Maude, C.B., R.A. Equerries in Ordinary, Major-Gen. Lord A. C. Fitz-Roy ; Lieut.-Gen. Viscount Bridport ; Colo- nel Charles Taylor du Plat; Major-Gen. F. H. Ponsonby ; Major-Gen. the Hon, A. E. Hardinge, C.B; Colonel Henry Lynedoch Gardiner; Lieut.-Col. Henry William John Bvng, ana Colonel John C. M'Neill, V.C, C.B.. C.M.G. Extra Equerries Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. M. Bid- dulph, and Colonel the Marquis Couynghara. Hon. Equerry, Lieut.-Gen. The Hon. Sir Alex. Hamilton-Gordon, K.C.B., M.P. Pages of Honour, Victor A. F. M. Biddulph, Esq. ; Count Albert Ed. W. Gleichen ; Law- rence G. Drummond, Esq., George G. Macdon- ald, Esq. Her Majesty's Personal Seryant, John Brown. Department of the Mistrkss of the Robes. Mistress of the Robes, The Duchess of Wel- lington. Ladies of the Bedchamber, The Duchess (Dowager) of Athole : The Duchess of Rox- burghe ; Marchioness (Dowager) of Ely ; Coun- tess of Caledon ; Lady Churchill ; Lady Water- park ; Countess of ErroU ; Lady Abercroniby. Extra Ladies of the Bedchamber, The Countess (Dowager) of Mount-Edgecnmbe; Viscountess Jocelyn ; Viscountess Clifdea ; Countess of Gainsborough; Countess of Mayo. Bedchamber Women, Viscountess Cbewton ; Hon. Lady Hamilton-Gordon ; Lady Codring- ton ; Lady Sarah Elizabeth Lindsay ; Hon. Mrs. Robert Bruce ; Lady Elizabeth P. Adeane ; Hon. Flora Clementina Isabella Macdonald, and Hon. Mrs. George Hojie. Extra Bedchamber Women, Mrs. Pratt ; Hon. Mrs. Charles Grey ; Viscountes.': Forbes. Lady Attendants on Princess Beatrice, Hon. Lady Biddulnh ; and, Extra Maid of Honour, Miss" Ethel Henrietta Mary Cadogan. Maids of Honour, Hon. Caroline Fanny Cav- endish ; Hon. Emily Cathcart ; Hon. ftoratia CharlotJe Stopford ; Hon. Harriet Lepel Phipps ; Hon. Mary Louisa Lascelles; Hon. U&rv Emma Pitt; Hon. Frances Mary Drummond; Hon. Evelyn Cecilia Paget. Clerk of the Robes, James J. Kinloch, Esq. Chapels Rotal. Dean of the Chapels Royal, The Bishop of London. Sul)-Dean, Rev. Francis Garden, M.A. Clerk of the Closet, the Bishop of Worcester. Deputy Clerk of the Closet, Rev. Joseph B. Lightfootj D.D. Domestic Chaplain, Very Rev. Dean of Wind- sor. Medical Department. Physicians in Ordinary, Sir Thomas Watson, Bart., M.D.; Sir William Jenner, Bart., K.C.B., M.D. ; Sir Greorge Burrows, Bart., M.D. Physicians Extraordinary, Wilson Fox, M.D., Sir W. W. Gull, Bart., M.D.^ E. H. Sieveking, M.D.; Charles J. Blasius V. illiams, M.D. ; Sir James Alderson Knt., M.D. ; Arthur Farre, M.D. Sergeant Surgeons, Sir William Fergusson, Bart. ; Caesar Henry Hawkins, Esq. Sergeaut Surgeon Extra, Sir James Paget. Bart. Surgeons Extraordinary, Richard Quain, Esq. ; John Hilton, Esq. ; Prescott G. Hewett, Esq. Physician to the Household, Francis Haw- kins, 'M.D. Surgeon to the Household, T. Spencer Wells, Esq. Surgeon Apothecary to Her Majesty, C. F. Du Pasquier, Esq. Joint Apothecaries to Her Majesty and the Household, Claudius Francis Du Pasquier, Esq. and Francis Henry Laking, M.D. Surgeons and Apothecaries in Ordinary to the Household at Windsor, James Ellison, Esq. ; Thomas Fairbank, Esq., (jointly). Surgeon Oculist, William White Cooper, Esq. Surgeon Dentist, Edwin Saunders, Esq. Cupper, John Mii]deson, Esq. Dentist to the Household, Edwin Truman, Esq. (jhemists and Druggists in Ordinary, Mr. Peter Squire ; Mr. Peter Wyatt Squire (jointly). HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICEBS OF STATE. First Lord of the Treasury and Lord of the Privy Seal, Right Hon. Earl of Beaconsfield. Lord High Chancellor, Right Hon. Lord Cairns. Lord President of the Council, His Grace The Duke of Richmond and Gordon. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Right Hon. Sir Staflford H. Northcote. Secretary of State, Home Dept., Right Hon. Richard Assheton Cross. Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs, Right Hon. Earl of Derby. Secretary of State, Colonial Dept., Right Hon. Earl of Carnarvon. Secretary of State, War Department, Right Hon. Gathorne Hardv. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 34 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Secretary of State, Indian Dept., Most Hou. the Marquis of Salisbury. First Lord of tlie Admiralty, Rigbt Hon. George Ward Hunt. PoBtruaBter-Ueneral, Rigbt Hon. Lerd Jobn Manners. Cbief Secretary for Ireland, Rigbt Hon. Sir Michael E. Hicks-Beiicb, bart. The above form the Cabinet. Commander-in-Chief of the Army, F..M.H.R. H. Duke of Cambridge. Junior Lords of the Treasury, Visconnr Crich- ton, Rowland Winn, Esq., SiV Juiued D. Horn Eli>!iinstone, Hart. Political Secretary to the Treasury, | Sir William Hart Dyke, Hart. Financial Secretary to the Treasury, William Henry Smith, Esq. Junior Lords of the Admiralty, Admiral Sir H. R. Yelverton, G.C. H., Vicc-Adniirnl Geoffrey T. P. Hornby, Rear-Admiral Lord Gilford, Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, Hart. Secretary to the Admiralty, Hon. Algernon Fulke Egerton. Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster, Right Hon. Colonel Thomas E. Taylor. President Local Government Board, Right Hon. George Sclater-BooUi. Vice-President Committee of Council, Right Hon. Viscount Sandon. President of the Board of Trade, Right Hon. Sir Charles B. Adderley. Works and Public Buildings, Right Hon. Gerard James Noel. Attorney-General, Sir John Holker. Solicitor-General, Sir Hardiuge Stanley Gilfard. PaymasterGeneral, Right Hon. Stephen Cave. Judge Advocate General, Right Hon. G. A. Caveudish-Bentinck Cave, M.P. IRELAND. Lord Lieutenant, His Grace the Duke of Aber- corn. Lord High Steward, Earl of Shrewsbury. Chief Secretary and Keeper of i'rivy Seal, Right Hon, Sir R. E. H. Beech, Bt. Under Secretary, Thomas Havilland Burke, Esq. Commander of the Forces, Gen. Sir John Michel. State Steward, Gustavus Lambert, Esq. Gentleman Usher, Sir. J. M. Stewart, Bart. Chamberlain, Lieut.-Col. R. Bernard. Lord Chanceller(in commission), Right Hon. Sir J. Napier. Vice-Chancellor, Hon. H. Chatterton. Receiver, Hon. lames Lawson. Lord Justice of Court of Appeal, Hon. J. Christian. Master of the Rolls, Hoc. E. Sullivan. Attorney-General) Right Hon. John Ball. Solicitor-General, Henry Ormsby, Esq. Secretary, John Hanbey, Esq. SCOTLAND. Lord High Constable, Earl of Erroll. Keeper or the Great Seal, Earl of Selkirk. Lord Privy Seal, Marquis of Lothian. Knight Mareschal, Duke of Hamilton. Master of the Household. Duke of Argyle. Standard Bearer, Admiral Earl of Laudirdale. Lord High Commissioner, Earl of Rosslyn. Lord Justice General, Hon. John Inglis. Lord Justice Clerk, Lord Moncrief. Lord Advocate, Right Hon. E.S. Gordon, M.P. Solicitor-General, John Watson, Esq. Lord Clerk Register, Right Hon. Sir W. Gib- 1 son Craig. Deputv Clerk Register, William Pel! Dundas, Esa. Historiographer, J. H. Huston, LL.D. Commander of the Forces, Major-Gen. Sir John Douglas. Ca|)tain General of Archers, Duke of Buc- cleugh. BBITISH AUBASSAD0R3 ABROAD. America, Right Hon. Sir Edward Thorntou, K.C.B. Argentine Confederation, Hon. L. W. S. West. Austria and Hungary, Sir Andrew Buchanan, G.C.B. Belgium, John Sackville Lumley, Esq., CB. Brazil, G. Buckley Matthew, Esq., C.B. Central America, Sidney Locock, Esq. Chili, R. Humbold, Esq, China, T. F. Wade. Esq., K.C.B. Columbia, Robert Bunch, Esq. Denmark, Sir Charles L. Wyke, K.C.B. Ecuador, Frederick Hamilton, Esq. France, Right Hon. Lord Lyons, G.C.B. Germany, Lord (tdo Russell, G.C.B. Gi-eece, Hon. William Stuart, C.B. Italy, Sir Augustus Berkeley Paget, K.C.B. Japan, Sir Harry Parkes, K.C.B. Morocco, Sir John H. D. Hay, K.C.B. Netherlands, Admiral Hon. E. A. J. Harris, K.C.B., R.N. Persia, W. T. Thompson, Esq. Peru, Spencer St. John, Esq. Portugal, R. D. B. Morier, Esq., C.B. Russia, Right Hon. Lord A. Loftus, G.C.B. Spain, Right Hon, Austin H. Layard. Sweden and Norway, Hon. E. M. Erskine. Switzerland, Edwin Corbert, Esq. Turkey, Right Hou. Sir H. G. Elliott, G.C.B. HOUSEHOLD OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. Keeper of the Privy Seal, Earl of Leicester, K.G. Lords of the Bedchamber, Marquis of Hamil- ton, M.P., Lord SutBeUl. K.C.B. Extra Lord of the Bedchamber, Earl of Mount- Edgcumbe. Comptroller and Treasurer. General Right Hon. Sir William Thomas Knollys, K.C.B. Grooms of the Bedchamber, Hon. Charles Lindley Wood, Hon. Alexander Temple Fitz- maurice. Extra Groom of the Bedchamber, Hon. Robert Henry Meade. Equerries, Lieut.-Col. Chris. C. Teesdale, C.B., V.C, R.A. ; Lieut.-Col. Arthur Edward A. Ellis, C. S. L ; Major Gen. Sir Dighton M. Probyn, C.B., K.C.S.I., V.C, and Major J. Cecil Russell. Extra Equerries, Colonel R. N. P. Kingsoote, C.B., M.P. ; Lieut.-Col. Robert Loyd-Lindsay, V.C, M.P. Private Secretary, Francis Knollys, Esq., C.B. Librarian and German Secretary, M. ilolz- mann, Esq. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORT 35 or NEWFOUNDLAND. Attorney-General, Ooorffc Loch, Esq., Q.C. Chnplf in, Rev. William Lake Onslow, M.A. Hon. Chaplain, Rev. Robinson Duckworth, M.A. Physicians, Sir William Withcy Gull, Bart., JI.D. , Dr. George Vivian Poore. Hon. Physician, Surgeon-Gen. Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., K.C.S.I. Surgeons in Ordinary, Sir James Paget, Bart., M.D. i Prescott Gardner, Hewett, Esq. ; George Pollock, Esq. HOUSEHOLD OF HER BOYAL HIGHNESS THE PBIKCESS OF WALES. Chamberlain, Lord Colville of Culross. K.T. Ladies of the Bedchamber, Countess of .Mor- ton ; Countess of Macclesfield ; Lady Emily Kingscote; Lady SuflBeld. Bedchamber Women, Hon, Mrs. Edward Coke ; Hon. Mrs. Francis Stonor ; Hon. Mrs. Arthur fiardinge : Miss Elizabeth U. KnoUys. Extra Bedchamber Wom(*n, Countess G. d'Otraute ; Hon. Mrs. R. Bruce. Private Secretary, Maurice «Holzmann, Esq. HOUSEHOLD OF HIS BOYAL HI6HHESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH. Comptroller and Treasurer, Colonel the Hon. William James Colville. Physicians in Ordinary, Dr. Wilson Fox; Sur- geon-Gen. Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., K.C.S.I. Surgeon in Ordinary, Oscar Clayton, M.D. Equerries,'Captain Arthur Balfour Haig, R.E. ; Captain Hon. D. J. Monson ; Captain J. Clerk. E.xtra Equerries, Hon. Eliot C. Yorke, AL P. ; Commander Lord Ramsay, R.N. Chaplain, Rev. John Milner, B.A. Naval Counsel, F. J. Fegen, R.N., Barrister. HOUSEHOLD OF HER BOYAL AND IMPEBIAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. Ladies of the Bedchamber, Lady Frances Baillie; Lady Emma Osborne; Lady Mary Butler. Lady in Waiting, Miss Alice Corry. Private Secretary, Dmitri Kolochine. Equerry, Commander Lord Ramsay, R.N. Chaplain, Rev. Basil Popove. Phvsician-Accoucheur, Dr. Arthur Farre, F.R.55. HOUSEHOLD OF HIS BOYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT. Comptroller, Lieut. -Col. Sir Howard Crau- furd Elphiustone, R.E., K.C.B., C.M.G., V.C. Equerrv, Major Arthur Frederick Pickard, R.A.,V.C. Extra Equerry, Captain Maurice Fitzgerald, R.B. HOUSEHOLD OP HIS BOYAL HIGHNESS FBINCE CHRISTIAN OF SCHLESWIG-HOL- STEIN. Comptroller, Lieut.-Col. George Grant Gor- don. Equerry, Captain The Hon. C. G. Cormvallis Eliot. HOUSEHOLD OF HEB BOYAL HIGHNESS FBINCESS CHBISTIAN. Honorary Bedchamber Women, Mrs. George Gordon and Lady Elizabeth Cavendish. Lady in Waiting, Lady Susan Leslie-Melville. HOUSEHOLD OF HER KOYAL HIGHNESS FBINCESS LOUISE (MARCHIONESS OF LOBNE). Comptroller and Equerry, Captain Frederick Camiibell. Lady of the Bedchombcr, Lady Sophia Macnamara. HOUSEHOLD OF HIS BOYAL HIGHNESS PBINCE LEOPOLD. Comptroller, Robert Hawthorn Collins, Esq., C.B. Equerry, Hon. Alex. Grantham Vorke. Medical Atlendiuif, Arnold Royle, Esq., M.R.C.S. COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Governor, Commander-in-chief, and Vice- Admiral — His Excellency Sir John IIawlbv Glovbr, K.G., C.M.G. Private Secretary. — Hkubbrt G. Mundt, Esquire. Colonial Aide-de-Camp. — Edward L. Jarvis, Esquire. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Honorable F. B. T. Carter, Premier. The Honorable James J. Rogcrson. The Honorable Edward D. Shea. The Honorable W. V. Whiteway. The Honorable Stephen Rendell. The Honorable W. J. S. Donnelly. Clerk of the Council— Hon. Edward D. Shea. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Honorable Edward Morris, President. The Honorable Robert Kent. Tlie Honorable James S. Clift. The Honorable Edward White. The Honorable Peter G. Tessier. " ■" . The Honorable John Winter. The Honorable Edward D. Shea. The Honorable William J. S. Donnelly. The Honorable Augustus W. Harvey. The Honorable Robert Thorburn. The Honorable Thomas Talbot. The Honorable Stephen Rendell. Clerk— Hugh F. Carter. Master-in-Chanccry— Thomas J. Rough. Usher of the Black Rod— William F. Rennie. Doorkeeper— James W^alsh. Assistant Doorkeeper and Messenger — James Corcoran. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. ,,, [Elected November, 1874.] Speaker — — District of St. John's East— Robert J. Kent, Robert J. Parsons, and John J. Dearin, Es- q; 'res. District of St. John's West— Lewis Tessier, Maurice Fenelon and P. J. Scott, Esquires. District of Conception Bay, Southern Divi- sion-Joseph I. Little and Patrick Nowlan, Esquires. District of Port-de-Grave— Nathaniel Rabbits, Esquire. District of Carbonear — John Rorke, Esquire. District of Bay-de-Verds — Hon. James J. Rogerson. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 36 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. way, District of Perryland— Richard Raftus and James Oerre Conroy, EBquirei. District of IMacentia and St. Mary's— 0. P. Bennett, James Collins and Michael £. Owyer, Esquires. District of Harbor Grace — Hon. Ambrose jjhca and Joseph Uodden, Esonire. District of Trinity— Hon. W. V. White Joh; rfteer and JnniPS II. Watson, Esquires. District of Honavista — John H. Warren, Charles Bowring and A. J, W. McNeily, Es- ijuires. District of Burin— Charles II. Ayre and James 8. Winter, Esquires. District of Fortune Bay— Robert Alexander, Esquire. District of Burgjo and La Poile— Alexander M. Maci Medical Attendants— Charles Crowdy, M.D., and Charles H. Renouf, M.D. ; Matron, Miss Cowan; Keeper, John Prowse. ST. John's poor j* Medical Attendants— Charles Crowdy, M.D., and Charles H. Renouf, M.D. ; Keeper, Mrs. Downey. ST. JOHN'S LUNATIC ASTLUM. Resident Physician— Henry H. Stabb, M.D. DISTRICT SURGEONS. St. John's— Eastern Ward, Wm. C. Simms, M.D, Henry Shea, M.D.: Western Ward, Fred. Bunting, M.D. Conception Bay— Wm. Allan, M.D. COLONIAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Keeper— Mrs. Born. LIGHT HOUSES, HARBOR LIGHTS, &C. Fort Amheist Light, at the entrance of St. John's— A light was first established at this station in 181.1; in IS.'^Oanew House.Lanternami apparatus were erected. The Light burns at an elevation of 1 14 feet, io produced by a double argand burner placed in the focus of hd aunular lens of the fourth order, and in favourable weather can be seen Hi nautical miles. When Cape Spear is envi'loi)ed in fog a heavy piece of ordnance is also .liseharged at this Fort every hour during daylight, to as.sist vessels in making the harbor. It is situated in lat. 4T Xi 54 N. and loi^iff. 52' 40' 18 " W. John Sheppard, Keeper; Thomas Moore, Assistant. St. John's — Two red lights are exhibited every night fr((m sunset until sunrise, intended »* leading marks for vessels entering the narrows. The Lower Light on tlie roof of the Custom House — the other 400 yard.^ 'u the rear, on » white post, within a few yariLs of the N. K. angle of the Congregational Church, and 180 feet above the level of the sea. These Light.* will be readily distinguished from any othtM- Lights in the town ; and keeping them in a linu bearing N. W. i W., will lead in the large.-^t vessel clear ol all danger, To serve as leadiiig marks also during the day, the pediment of the Custom House has been painted white ; this is. to be kept in line with the upper lantern, al.s(» painted while. Exhibited 1st SeptemlKJr, ISGH. Cape Spear Light — This Light was first ex- hibited iiu the first September, 1835; it is pro- duced by seven argand burners and silvert'd reflectors burning at an elevation of 204 feet- it revolves, shewing a bright Light every mi- nute, and in favourable weather can be seeu 26 nautical miles. It is situated in 47° 31 11 N. lat., and 52' 3G' 59 " W. longitude. James Cantwell, Keeper; Dennis Cantwell, Assistant. Ca|ie Bonavirita Light — Situate in lat. 48 41 56" N., long. 53 5' 20" W. ; is a revolving Light, showing aliernately every itO seconds a whitn and red Light. It is produced by IG ar^aaii burners and reflectors, burns at an elevaliuu above the sea of 1.50 feet, and in favourabl ■ weather can be seen 18 nautical miles. By keeping this Light open with Cape i' Argent, it will carry you clear of the Flower Rock.s ; first exhibited Uth September, 1843. Nicliolas White, Keeper; Matthe^v White, Assistant. Cape Pine Light — This tower is of iron, built, by the Imperial Government i.i 1849-50, ami first put into requisition on the Ist January, 1851. It is a fixed while Light, has 17 argand burners and reflectors — elevated above the level of the sea 314 feet— situated in hit. 4*5- 37' 4' N. and in long. 53" 31 45" VV. In a favourable slate of I lie atmosphere it can be seen 2G nauti- cal miles. George Hewelt, KeejKJr ; Wm. Costeloe, Assistant. Harbor Grace Beach Beacon and Light — First exhibited 11 th September, 181)0; stands on tho point of Beach at the entrance of Harbor Grace. Sailing into Harbor Grace with a fair or leading^ wind, bring the Beach Beacon to bear W. or W. by S, and by keeping the Light or Building a little on the starboard bow it will bring you clear of the Bar, on which at low water therp is not more than 8 feet of water. It is situatiil in lat. 47- 41' 28" N., and in long. 53° 12' 33' W., elevation above the sea level 40 feet; in clear weather it may be seen at a distance of 11 nautical miles. George Brown, Keeper, Green Island Light at the entrance of Cata- MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 38 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. lina Harbor, Trinity Bay— Situate in lat. 48^ 30' 16" N., long. 53^ 2' 40" W. This is a fixed white light, burns at an elevation of 92 feet above high water, and in favourable weather will be seen from E. N. E. seaward, to S. W., 15 nauti- cal miles. Vessels bound Northward by keeping this Li^ht open with the North head of Catali- na until Bonavista Light opens with Cape LeJean, will give the Flower Rocks an ample berth — or when coming from the Northward and bound for Oatalina, by giving the N. head a moderate berth, you will clear the Brandies Hocks by steering for Greon Island Light. It •was first exhibited in 1857. Peter vVoods, Keeper ; Peter Martin, Assistant. Cape Race Light — Exhibits a revolving white Light, from suuset to sunrise. The light will be visible to seaward from N. E. by E., round fcy the S.E. and S. to W. The Light is elevated 180 feet above the mean water level of the sea, and may be seen in clear weather 19 nautical miles from a ship's deck. The tower is striped red and white vertically. It stands close to the old Beacon, which has been cut down. The light house is in lat. 4(3° 39 30 ' N., long. 63= 4' 30" W., and was first exhibited in 1856. Michael J. Bally, Keeper ; George iSimms, Assistant. Cape Race Steam Fog Alarm— A powerful Steam Whistle has been placed on Cape Race, about 250 feet south of the Light House, wh'ch is sounded during thick or foggy weather or snow storms, for ten seconds, with intervals of silence of fifty seconds, in each minute. The Whistle will probably be heard in calm weather 20 miles ; with the wind 30 miles ; and in stormy weather against the wind, from seven to ten miles. P. Myrick, Engineer. Dodding Head Great Burin Island Light — This Light was put in requisition on tlie 3rd August, 1858, and is exhibited every night from Bun?et to sunrise. It is revolving ca to-dioptric of the second order, producing a brilliant White Light every minute, burning at an elevation of 430 feet above the level of the sea, and in fav- ourable weather can be seen 29 miles — situated in 47^ 0' 26 North Latitude, 55^ 8' 43" West Longitude. Austin iSliepjJard, Acting Keeper; John Churchill, Assistant. Oflfer Wadham Island Liglit — Was first exhibi- ted on the 4th October, 1858, and is lighted every night, from sunset to sunrise. The Light is a steady, fixed lens-light, burning on a circu- lar Brick Tower, 100 feet above the level of tlie sea, and can be seen in a favourable state of tlie atmosphere 15 nautical miles. Situated in Lat- itude 49' 36 ' North, Longitude 53^ 45 6 West. Charles Prowse, Keeper ; Henry Waterman, As- sis' '.rt. Baccalieu Island Light — This Light is exhibit- ed every night, from the going away of day- light in the evening to the return of daylight in the morning. The Light House, situated on the Northern end of the Island— latitude 48' 8' 01" North, longitude 52' 47' 50" West. The tow- er is of brick, the keeper's dwelling (a square building detached from the tower,) is painted white with the roof red. The Light is a cato-dioptric first class Holo- photal revolving white Light, shewing a flash €very twenty seconds. It is elevated 443 feet above high water, and can be seen in clear weather 30 nautical miles, and a lesser distance according to the state of the atmosphere. When the southern end of the Island bears N. N. E. the light will not be visible when nearer the Is- land than 8 miles. It was first exhibited in 1858. John Ryan, Keeper ; Michael Ryan, Assistant. Cape St. Mary's Light — was put in requisition on the 20th September, 1860 ; it is a revolving cato-dioptric Light of the first order, producing alternately every minute a brilliant red and a white Light, burning at an elevation of 300 feet above the level of the sea, and will be seen in a favourable state of the atmosphere 26 nautical miles from a vessel's deck ; situated in 46° 49' 30" N. lat., 54° 11' 34" W. long. The tower is of brick, and on each side of which stands the dwellings of the keeper and assistant, the sides of whicn are painted white, roofs red. John Rielly, Keeper ; Wm. J. Collins, Assistant. Brunet Island Light, Mercer's Head, Fortune Bay— First exhibited 27th June, 1865. It is a powerful flashing White Light, and attains its greatest brilliancy every te i seconds. It burns at an elevation of 408 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather may be seen at a dis- tance of 35 miles, and be risible in every direc- tion froin North round East and South to W. N. W. Mercer's Head is a bold headland and situ- ated in long. 55° 59' 30" W., and lat. 47° 16' N. Martin Sparrow, Keeper ; Jas. Gaulton, Assis- tant. Harbor Grace Island Light — The fixed Light for many years past exhibited at Harbor Grace Island, in Conception Bay, was discontinued on the 1st December, 1869. The Light at that sta- tion is now revolving, showing in every direc- tion two white flashes, followed by one red flash. The interval between each flash in attaining its Ereatest brilliancy will be 30 seconds. This ight, in a favourable state of the atmosphere, will be seen 25 nautical miles. It is situated in lat. 47' 42' 45" N., and long. 53' 8' 15" W. Austin Oke, keeper ; P. Houlahan, Assistant. Ferrylana Head L^ht — First exhibited on the Ist October, 1871. From sunset to sunrise a steady white Light of the 3rd order, burning on a brick tower 200 feet above the level of the sea visible in favourable weather 16 nauMcal miles. Ferrvland Head Light is situated in lat. 47' 00' 58" is"., and long. 52° 51' 07" W. The tower is of red brick ; the keeper's dwelling, detached from the tower, is painted white and the roof red. Michael Kearney, keeper ; Philip Kough, Assistant. 1872. Puffin Island, Greenspond— The Light house on this Island is built of granite. 'The tower and keeper's dwelling are attached. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric, of the 4th order, and a fixed red Light is exhibited every uitrht from sunset to sunrise ; it is 85 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather should be seen a distance of twelve miles. The light is visible from North by East, through South to West bv North, by compass, and is sit uated in 49 ?' 37" North lat., and 53° 32' 27" West long. Fred W. Oakley, Keener. No. 1, 1873. Belleoram, Fortune 13ay— A fixed white Light is exhibited nightly at this place, from sunset to sunrise, at an elevation of 35 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather should be visible seven miles. The building is a wooden tower, painted white, and is situated in lat 47° 29' North, and 55' 27' 15 " West long. The aiipuittius is dioptric of the 8th order, with MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 39 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. ft single argand burner, and illuminates an arc of the horizon of 270'. In entering the harbor the light must be kept on the port hand. Samuel Clewett, sen., Keeper. No. 2, 1873. Rose Blanche Point— This Light House is built of granite, upon the eastern head. The tower and keeper's dwelling are attached. The illuminating apparatus Is dioptric, of the 4th order, and a tixea while Light will be exhi- bited from sunset to sunrise, at an elevation of 95 feet above the level of the sea, and it should be seen in clear weather for l? miles. The light illuminates the horizon from East by South through South to West, by compass, and is sit- uated in lat. 47' 35' 48" N., and 58' 41' 30" W. long. Shag Island Black Rock bears West from the light and distant about one mile. Rose Blanche shoals W. S. W. lialf a mile, and Petites Black Rock E. by S. three miles. Keeper, John A. Roberts. No. 3, 1873, Fort Point, Trinity— On and after 1st January, 1874, a fixed white Light will be exhibited nightly, from sunset to sunrise, at this place, upon a wooden tower, painted white, and at a height of 75 feet above the level of the ,sea, and it should be visible in clear weather for 11 miles. The erection is situated in 48' 21 55 ' North lat., and 53' 20 51 West long. The appamtus is dioptric, of the 8Ui order, with a sin- gle argand burner, and illuminates an arc of the Eorizon of 320^. In entering the harbor the light must be kept on the port hand. Keeper, \\ m. Rowe. No, 1, 1874. Can Island, Seldom-come-By — A fixed white Light is exhibited nightly at this place, from sunset to sunrise, at an elevation of 85 feet above the level of the sea, aud should be visible 12 miles. The tower and dwelling are of wood and attached, and are situated in latitude 49' 35' 05" N., aud longitude 54 10 33" W. The apparatus is dioptric, of the 8th order, with a single argand burner, and illuminates an arc of the horizon of 327'. John Hodnott, keeper. No. 2, 1874. Boar Island, Burgeo — A fixed red Light is exhibited nightly at this place.from sun- set to sunrise, at an elevation of 240 feet above the sea, and should be visible 17 miles. The tower and dwelling are of Avood aud attached, and are situated in latitude 47' 3& 12'' N., and longitude 57° 35' 13 ' W. The apparatus is dioptric, of the 6th order, with a single argand burner, and illuminates the whole of the horizon of 270\ Ed. Dicks, Keeper. No. 1, 1875. Chaunel Head, Port-au-Basques — A woodeu light tower has been erected on this head, and on and after this date a fixed red Light will be exhibited thereon, at an elevation of 90 feet above tiie level of the sea. Lat. 47' 33' 47" N., and long 59' 07' 10" West. In clear weather tue light should be visible twelve miles. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric, of the Stli order, with a single argand burner. The whole horizon is illuminated. Timothy Pike. Keeper. Rocky Point, Harbor Breton, Fortune Bav — Situated in latitude 47' 27 30 N., longitude 55' 47 45' .f". A square wooden tower carrying an Oclttgon aud Lantern, in which a white Light will be exhibited nightly, with a red light to mark the Harbor Hock. — Wm. Lorenzen, Keener, (jiarnish, Fortune Bay — A Beacon Tower of wood, currying an Octagon and Lantern in which a red light is exhibited nightly. Latitude 47' 14' N., longitude 55" 24' W. (approximate). John Grandy, Keeper. Beacon, Ireland Eye, entrance of LaPoile Bay — A square building of wood, painted white, with three black bands, has been erected on this Island. It is 75 feet high and is supported on four chains. No. 1, 1876. Long Point, Twillingate (Toulin- guet) — First exhibited 1st September, 1876, from sunset to sunrise. Revolving white Light, visible in clear weather 27 nautical miles ; 335 feet above sea level. Latitude 49' 41' 0" N., long. 54' 49' 0'' West. The light tower is painted red and the keeper's dwelling (detached) is painted white and the roof red. Samuel Roberts, Keeper; Jas. H. Preston, Assistant. J. T. Nevili, General Inspector Light-houses. Light Dues — One shilling per ton on all vessels entering any port or harbor of the Uolony,except coasting, sealing, or fishing vessels ; but not to be levied more than once in one year. Sealing and coasting vessels — sixpence per ton on regis- tp 3d vessels of 40 tons and upwards ; fifteen shillings \>er ton on all vessels lejs than 40 tons. The lyth of Victoria, 'Jap. 5, Sec. 5, enacts, — " That no greater sum than £25 sterling shall be in any year levied for Light Dues on any steamer or vessel eutering any port of this Colo- ny ; and no steamer plying between Europe and any port of North America, and entering any port of this Colony as a port of call, shall be liable to pay any Light -Dues, or other port charges, except pilotage." Gallantry Head, Island of St. Peter's— The Fixed Light on Gallantry Head, (Island of St. Peter's) since the 10th August, 1862, has been replaced by a Flash Lijrht, with intervals of twenty seconds, and by one red flash after two white flashes; situated in lat. 46 45' 30" N., long. 58' 27' W. ; elevation above high water, 64 metres, (204 English feet). Distance at which the light is visible, 18 miles. The light is hidden at the Northward by the high landofSt. Peter's. Light at the South entrance of St. Peter's — Since Ist October, 1862, the entrance of the harbor of St. Peter's, called South Channel, has been marked by two small fised Lights, one of which is a white Light.illuminating three fourths of the horizon, and placed on the Battery — aud the other a red Light, on the plain at the nortli of the town. The white Light has an elevation of 11 metres, aud is visible 6 miles. The red Light is elevated 19 metres, visible 3 miles dis- tant. The line connecting these two Lights 11- dicates the Middle Channel. The position of the red Light has also been so deteimined th .t as soon as it is seen on the left of Cape Eagle, vessels coming from Coium- bier in beating into the N. E. entrance will have nothing to fear from tlie shoals of Cape Rouge. Light on the South West Point of the Island of Dogs, called Foiuto a Leconte — Commencing on the I St August, 1874, a Light will be exhibitedon the South West Point of the Island of Dogs, at the place called Pointe a Leconte, at 400 metres (437 English feet) above the level of the sea. It will be seen in clear weather 7 miles. The exteut of the Light is circumscribed in a sector of 163' presenting two cones of Light. One white of 40° will light the passage of the S. h. so as to permit vessels which maintain position within this cone to avoid at the right the shoal Bataille, MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 40 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. and to the left the rock of Cape Noir and the rock Bertrand. The second cone will be red, of 123^. It should be avoided by vessels entering hj the S. E. passage, and will enable them, when they shall have quitted the white cone, to come to anchor in the roadstead or in the Barachois, in following the line of the white light from Polnte aux Canons, and of the red light from the interior of the city. A Light House has been erected by the Gov- einmentof Canada, on the Western side of Cape ■Ray, on the South-west coast of the Island of Newfoundland. Latitude 47= 37 N., long. 59' 18 W. A powerful flash White Light is ex- hibited, making a complete revolution in two and one quarter minutes, and flashing every ten seconds ; at a long distance, however, it has the appearaAce of a steady light. The light can probably be seen at a distance of twenty miles in clear weather. The tower is a wooden building, hexagonal in shape, forty-one feet high, and j)ainted white. The keeper's dwelling, also of wood, stands at a little distance from the Tower, and is also painted white. The illuminating apparatus is catopric and consists of twelve lamps and reflectors. A Fog Whistle is in operation at Cape Ray. It will be blown in thick and foggy weather and during snow storms, for ten seconds in each minute, leaving an interval of fifty seconds between each blast. It can be heard'from 3 to 15 miles. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Postmaster General— John Delaney. Esquire. First Clerk and General Accountant— George Li'.Messnricr. Superintendent Money Order Office — Thomas S. Dwyer. Second Clerk and Assorter — John Freeman. Third Clerk and Assorter— George Gaden. Letter Carriers and Messengers — John Hig- gins and John Power. Office hours — From 9 a.m. to 4 p.iu., Sundays excepted. POSTMASTERS. Harbor Grace, Andrew T. Drysdale ; Car- bouear, Nicholas Nicholle ; Brigus, Sarah Stau- laford, (Postmistress); Trinity. Anne Cross, (Postmistress); Bonavista, John Lmvronce ; (Jreenspondj William Lang; Fogo, James Fitz- cerald ; Twillingate, Jos. J. Pearce ; Bay Bulls, M, J. Williams, (Postmistress); Ferryland, John Morry ; Placentia, Mrs. Hannah Brad- shaw, (Po3tmistres.s) ; Burin, Thomas Winter; Harbor Breton, Thomas Birkett ; Burgeo, Fran- cis A. Parsons; Little Placentia, Alex. Burke; New Perlican, Francis Howell ; LaPoile, Thos. Read ; Channel, W. S. Green. WAY OFFICERS. Port-de-Grave, Matthew O'Rielly ; Bay Roberts, Eliza Moore, (Way Mistress) ; Black- bead, John Moore ; King's Cove, Bernard Murphy; Old Perlican, William Christian; Portugal Cove, Mrs. Dooley, (Way Mistress) ; Exploits, T. Winser ; Grates, Jas. Jeans ; Brooklyn, (Goose Ba^) D. Stares ; Spaniard's Bay, Wm. Petipas ; St. Mary's, Patrick Walsh ; Harbor Main, Mr. Ezekiel; Catalina,Wm, Cole- ridge ; Oderin, James Murphy ; Paradise, Pat- rick Healy ; Salmonier, Matthew Carew ; Her- mitage, .M. Frances; Garnish, George Snell- ffrove ; Bay-de-Verds, Charles Blundon ; Lama- ine, James Pittman ; Grand Bank, Jonathan Hickman; Fortune, H. J. Haddon; Holyrood, John Vcitcb ; Topsail, James Moise ; Hants Harbor, William Hussen ; Cats Cove, T. O'Brien; Island Cove, John Crane ; Tropassey, E. De- vereax ; English Harbor, A. Stirling ; New Harbor, T. N^whook ; LaManche, F. J. King- well ; Freshwater, J. Pricbett; Salvage. T. Oldford; St. Lawrence, Hugh Vavasor j^Rose Blanche, Philip Sorsoliel ; Western Bay, Pierce Hanrahan; Tilt Cove, L. N. Gill; Nipper's Harbor, Frederick A. Thomas; Bonne Bay, John R. Roberts ; Hearts Content, George Moore ; Scilly Cove, Robt. Pittman ; Herring Neck, Robert Lewis. POSTAL R0DTE8. Summer — Between St. John's and Portugal Cove, every day, except Sunday and Wednes- day, by waggon. Between Portugal Cove, BriguSj Harbor Grace and Carbonear, by steamer, tri-weekly ; Bay Roberts, weekly. Overland, Topsail, Holyrood and Harbor Main, weekly. Winter — Overland, by waggon, from Car- bonear, via Topsail, Kelligrews, Holyrood, Har- bor Main, Brigus, Port-de-Grave, Bay Roberts, Spaniard's Bay and Harbor Grace, four hours after the arrival of the steamer from Halifax. Between Carbonear and Grates Cove, (calling at Hearts Content, New Perlican, Hants Har- bor and Old Perlican), weekly, by messenger. Between Carbonear, Plackhead and Bay-de- Verds, weekly, by messenger, calling at inter- mediate places. Between New Perlican and Trinity, weekly, by boat. Between Trinity and Bonavista, and between Trinity and King's Cove, weekly, by messenger. Between Bonavista and Greenspond, fort- nightly, by boat, touching at Salvage. Between St. John's, Bay-de-Verdp, Catalina, King's Cove, Trinity, Bonavista, Greenspond. Fogo, Twillingate, Exploits, Tilt Cove and Nippers Harbor, by coastal steamer, fortnightly, on the Thursday after the arrival of the steamer from Liverpool and Queenstown ; and during ' winter months, Greenspond, overland via Har- bor (3rrace, Spaniard's Bay, New Harbor, Come- by- Chance, Random and Freshwater, on the Monday after arrival of Halifax steamer. Between St. John's, Ferryland, Renews, Tre- passey. Burin, St. Pierre, Harbor Breton, Burgeo, LaPoile, Rose Blanche and Channel, by coastal steamer, fortnightly in summer and monthly in winter ; calling at Fermeuse and St. Mary's and Placentia every alternate trip. Between St. John's, Bay Bulls, Witless Bay, Toads Cove and Ferryland, weekly, bj^ waggon, during summer months, and fortnightly in winter. • Between Ferryland, Aquaforto and Renews, fortnightly in summer and monthly in winter, by messenger. Between St. John's nnd Placentia, by wag- gon, on Friday, if the irlalifax steamer is in ; if not, the Mails will be despatched in four hours after her arrival. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 41 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. * Between Placentia and St. John's, by wag- srou, in one hour after the arrival of the racket Boat from Burin. * Between Salmonier and St. Mary's, by mes- senger. •Between Great and Little Placentia, by mes- senger. *l3etwecn Great Placentia, La.Manche, Sound Island, Harbor Bullet t, lied Island, Merasheen and Burgeo, by boat. * Between Great Placentia and Burin, by^oat, touching at Paradise and Oderin. * Between Burin and Garnish by messenger. * Between Burin, Corbon, Little "and Great St. Lawrence, Lamaline, Fortune and Grand Bank, by messenger. » Between Garnish and Harbor Breton, calling at English Earbor, by boat. ' Between Harbor Breton, Pushthrough, Ren- contre, Rameo, Burnt Islands and Pelites, by boat. Besides the above mentioned routes, Mails are made up and despatched by steamer, after arrival of steamer from Halifax. Routes marked thus * are fortnightly in summc-r and monthly during winter. Postage on Letters addressed to the United States, the Dominion of Canada and England, are as follows : For Letters under | oz., 5 cents, and 5 cents for every additional ^'oz. Letters for the British West Indies, 10 cents per i oz,, and 10 cents for every additional ^ oz. Newspapers to United States, the Dominion an'l West Indies, 2 cents, and to England, 1 cent. Foreign Newspapers re-mailed for trans- mission to tlie Outports are charged 1 cent each, prepaid by stamp. All correspondence addressed to the United Kingdom. United States, tlie Dominion, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island must be prepaid, or it cannot be for- warded. I.NLA.ND POSTAGE. For Letters— Under |ioz Scents. Under 1 oz 6 cents. 3 cts. for every additional ^ oz., prepaid by stamps. For l)ook packets, jiamphlets, magazines and periodicals, not exceeding three pounds in iveight, transmitted by post within the Island are charged 5 cents for every quarter pound of their weight. PARCEL POST. Parcels closed at the ends and sides may be posted at any Post Ofhce in Newfoundland for conveyance to an.y^other Post Office (not Way Office) in the Island, at a rate of Postage sub- ject to the following conditions : — 1 — No letter or letters shall be concealed. "2 — The parcel shall not contain any explosive substance, glass, liquid or other matter, likely to injure tue ordinary contents of the mail, under penalty of forfeiture of the parcel. 3— The weight of the parcel should not ex- ceed 3 lbs., nor XM 'size exceed one foot in length, or breadth, or six inches in thickness. 4 — Parcels must be prepaid at the following rates : Under! lb 5 cents. Over i lb. and not exceeding i lb.. 10 cents. Over I lb. and not exceeding | lb..l? cents. And so on, adding 5 cents for every i lb., or fraction thereof. 5 — The iiarcel may be registered on payment of a fee of live cents in addition to the postage. 6 — If the name and address of the sender bo written on the parcel, it will, if delivery should fail from any cause, be returned iinoi)ened to the sender, on payment of an additional rate of 20 cents for the return conveyance. 7 — The parcel should have tlie words " by Parcel Post," plainly written over the address. It should be well and strongly (uit up, and be legibly addressed to the'Office address of the iiitended receiver, includinor tlie name of the district in which the Post Office is situated. The following is an example of the mode of address reccmmendod : BY PARCEL POST. To Post Office District of Sent by District of — ' PROHIBITORY CLAUSES. No written communication shall be enclosed in any circuhvr, periodi«rtl,j»implilet, book, book parcel, or parcel for tlie Parcel Post ; and no communication shall bo written ufioii any cir- cular, periodical, pam[)hlet, book, book package or parcel. No letter, or any writing, or any marks to serve the purpose of a letter, shall be written upon or enclosed in any newspaper posted to pass as a newspaper. Prepaid books, pamphlets and magazines for Great Ikitain are cliiirged the following rates, when exceeding two ounces in weight : For a packet above two ozs. and not exceed- ing 4 ozs 6 cents. Over 4 ozs. and not exceeding 8 ozs 12 cents. Over 8 ozs. and not exceeding 1 lb 24 cents. And so on, adding G cents for every additional 4 ozs., or fraction thereof, when the packet ex- ceeds two ounces in weight. Books, trade patterns, or samples, and all printed papers, other than newspapers, not ex- ceeding two ounces weight, are forwarded to the United Kingdom at the reduced rate of: For a packet not exceeding 1 oz 2 cents. Above 1 oz. and notexceeding 2 ozs.. .4 cents. Unpaid books for the United Kingdom are forwarded, charged with double the prepaid rates of postage. Letters for officers serving in H. M. service abroad are chargeable with the ordinary rates of postage. Rates of Postage on Letters posted in N^ewfound- land for the following Countries and places. United Kingdom, Dominion of Canada and the United States, 5 cents per J oz. rate. France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, h.jlland, Bel- gium, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Malta, Gibraltar,' Ionian Islands, Greece, Larnica, .Mitelene, Azores MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 42 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Algeria, Turkey and Egypt, Bermuda and West Indies, 10 cents per ^ ounce rate. Tunis, 12 cents per ^ oz. rate. Adenj Africa, ^South and West) Ascension, Australian Colonies, Bourbon, Cape de Verds, Cayenne, Falkland Islands, Fernando Po, Gambia, Gold Coast, Guadaloupe, India, (via Southampton), Liberia, Martinique, Reunion, ■St. Helena, Sierra Leoue, 17 cents per J oz. rate. Mauritius, 18 cents per ^ oz. rate. Ceylon, 23 cents per ^ oz. rate. Brazil, 25 cents per i'oz. rate. iJorneo, Buenos Ayres, China, Costa Rica, Grey Town, Guatenialn, llayti, Hong Kong. Labuan, Mexico, Monte Video, Penang, Unitea States of Columbia, (New Grenada), 29 cents per i oz. rate. As the postal rates for Foreign countries are often changed, it would be well to inquire at the Post Office if the amount of Stamps on Letters is suBicient to ))repay to destination. Letters sent via Biindisi are charged 4 cents additional per ^ ounce rate. Per Packet, via Halifax, Bermuda, 10 cents; United States, Uoniiuion of Canada, Prince Edward Island, 5 cents, and West Indies, 10 cents per 4 oz. Jiide of Rating Letters by British Packet. For all countries, under ^ oz. one rate ; under 1 oz. two rates; under 1^ oz. three rates, and so on, adding one rate for every i oz. Letters posted in Newfoundland for delivery at any place within the Island are charged 3 cents for every ^ oz., if prepaid, and G cents un- paid. By the Act 28 Vic, Chap. 2, all letters sent from this Colony, and all IochI letters deposited in any Post Office in this Colony for delivery or transmission within it, shall be prepaid by stamps, or otherwise such letters shall be chargeable witii double postage to the receiver. Parties desirous of vending Newibundland Postage Stamps, will be allowed a commission of five i)er cent. Stamps in all cases to be paid for in advance. nKGlSTRATION. Any Leitori? found to contain Coin, as well as any having the word " Registration " written upon iliem, which may be posted in Newfound- land, will be forwarded, charged with a double registration fee. MONEY ORDKR BRANCIf. Thomas S. Dwyer, Superintendent. Office hours — From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Money Onlors uiv now interchanged with the United Kingdom, Dominion of Canada, P. E. Island and tin; United States, at the following rules of commission : Scile for United Kingdom—Orders up to £"2 stg., Is. sig. ; from £2 up to X'5, 2s.; from jL'5 up to JG7j [U. ; from £1 up to £10, 4s. Scale lor the Provinces — Orders up to £5, Is. ; from £!> to £10, 2s. ; from £10 to £15. 3s. ; and from £15 to,£20, 48. No single Order can be granted for more than £20. No half-pence to be introduced in the Orders. Business of Money Order Office closes one hour before closing the Mails by the Halifax titeamer. SYSTEM. 1 — Money Orders are made out in forms sup. plied for the use of the Money Order Offices. 2— Persons applying for Money Orders are recommended to use printed " .\pplicatiou Forms," printed for that purpose. 3 — Place of payment of a Money Order may be changed in accordance with instructions pro- vided therefor. 4 — Alteration of payee's name may be effect- ed by issue of a new Order and payment of commission thereon. 5 — Applicants for Money Orders are expected to observe due care in the examination of the same, relative to filling and stamping ; defect in Orders, when presented for payment, may cause difficulty and delay, for which the paying office is not 10 be held accountable. G — Postmasters should be particularly care- ful to obtain from the i)erson who presents a Money Order, whether the rightful owner or not, full information as to the Christian name, surname and address of the party who origin- ally obtained i', unless such party be a tirm. when the name of the firm will suffice. The only exception to this rule is — When an Order is presented through the Bank, in which case it will suffice that the Order, being properly sign- ed, be also crossed with the Banker's naine. 7 — As however, after once paying a Money Order, by whomsoever presented, the office will not be liable to any further claim, the public are. strictly cautioned. — Ist — To take all means to prevent the loss of the Money Order. 2nd — To be careful on taking out an Order, to state correctly the Christian as well as the surname of the person in whose favour it is drawn. 3rd — To see that the name of the person taking out the Money Order is correctly known to the person in whose favour it is drawn. 8 — Payment of a Money Order must be obtain- ed before the end of t*"- sixth calendar month after that in which it ...s issued, otherwise, a new Order will be necessary, for which a second commission will b« charged ; and if the Order be not ])aid before the twelfth calendar montt after that in which it was issued, all claims u the money will be lost. Neglect of the following instructions will risk the loss of the monev, besides leading to delay and trouble in obtaining payment. The Money Order Offices a'-e : — General Posl Office, St Jolnvs ; Post Offices at Bay Bulls, Bonavista, Brigus, Burgeo, Burin, Channel, Carbonear, Ferryland, Fogo, Greenspond, Harbor Breton, Harbor Grace, Placentia, Tre- passey, Tanity, Twillingate. 9 — Postmasters should recommend the use of Money Orders for the transmission of money, in preference lo such transmission otherwise. aUOOK3TION8 TO THE PUBLIC. Facility will be given to the Post Office in the discharge of its daily duties, and greater security affi>rded to the Public, bv careful atten- tion to the following recommenaations : Post all Letters and Newspapers, &c., as early as practicable, especially when sent in large numbers. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 43 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. When a number of Newspapers are addressed to the same office, put them up in one parcel. When a number of circulars are posted, tie them up in a bundle, with the addresses all in one direction. Address letters, papers, Ac, in a legible and complete manner, always giving the name of the Post Office ; and if there be more than one Post Office of that name, the name of the dis- trict in which situated. In case of letter:; going anroad, the name of the country as well as of tlie town and city, should be given in full. Lei- fers, for example, intended for London, Eng- lana, if simply addressed " London " would be forwarded to Loudon, Canada West, and thus be delayed. Letters, Papers or Parcels for Outports should have the name of the District, the Post or Way Office, distinctly written as part of the address. For instance, Letters for Bonne Bay, French Shore, are sometimes sent to Bonne Bay, Fortune Bay District, being simply directed Bonne Bay — there are severnl settlements named Broad Cove, Little Bay, English Harbor, Blackliead, Balline, Caplin Cove, Deer Island, Flat Islands, Fortune, Fox Cove, Freshwater, Island Cove, Long Harbor, Burgeo, N'ew Harbor, Salmon Cove, Seal (Jove, Siiip Cove, and, unless pro- perly directed, are liable to go to wrong office for delivery. The loss and inconvenience arising from imperfect directions, is caused by the care- lessness of the sender, and no blame can attach to the Post Office — other places besides those named, have settlements with corresponding appellation, hence the necessity of being parti- 'oular in addressing all letters, <&c. SeQ that every letter, newspaper, or other packet sent by post, is securely folded and seal- ed. Every such packet has to be several times bandied and, even when in the mail bag, is ex- posed to pressure and friction. Unle'ss, there- fore, the article be light and pliant, it should be enclosed in strong paper, linen, parchment, or some other material wl^ich will not readily tear or break. Fasten thf covers of newspapers firmly, so as to prevent them from slipping out. When dropping a letter or newspaper into a letter box, always see that the packet falls into the box, and docs not stick in its passage. Never seal letters for the East and West In- dies and other hot climates with wax. Such a practice is attended with much inconvenience, and frequently with serious injury, in consequ- ence of the melting of the wax, and the adhe- sion of the letters to each other. In all such cases use wafers or gum, and advise your cor- respondents in the country referred to, to do the same. Never send money or other articles of value through the Post Office, except either by means of a money order, or in a ivgistered letter. " Any person who sends monr) or jewellery in an unregistered letter, not only runs the risk of losing his property, but exposes to temptation every one through whose hands his letter passes, and may be the means of ultimately bringing some cierk or letter carrier to moral ruin." Carefully secure every letter or packet contain- ing money or value, first with gum and after- wards with good sealing wax, on which mark the clear impression of the seal. On posting a registered letter or packet, always obtain "a receipt for the same at the office where posted. When letters or newspapers are delayed or missing, at once communica'e the fact to the Postmaster of the Division in which is situated the Post Office at which the dela)ed or missing Iptters were posted. In case of a missing letter enclosing value, state the exact contents, the exact address, and the office at which posted; the name of the person by whoiu pi.-ted and the name of thf pers n by whom received at the office. In the case of a delayed letter or paper, send tlie cover or wrapj>er in an entire state, iu order that the place of delay may be ascertained by an exaiiiination of the post marks. Trouble and loss occasionally arise out of the carelessness or dishonest}' of parties employed in the Post Office service ; yet instances are not wanting in which it has been shown to the satisfaction even of the complaiuantg that tiie fault at first attributed to the Post Office, in truth rested in other quarters. Theft by private hands, although very difficult of proof, have not unfrequently been brought to light ; and it is greatly to be desired that those who suffer loss should, in the first instance, and while the cir- cumstances are fresh, endeavour to ascertain with the utmost precision all particulars re- specting the despatch or receipt of the lost let- ters or papers, and lose no time in communica- ting this information to the Postmaster. In- deed, generally speaking, it is only by careful inquiry into minute details, that the offender can be detected, whether he be a servant of a department or not. The Post Office is a department which admiti of constant improvement and expansion. The public, by sending to the Postmaster General, clear and correct information resjjecting faulty arrangements, may materially benefit the ser- vice. It must be remembered, however, that changes in machinery so extensive and intricate as that of the Post Office, must be made cau- tiously and with much previous consideration. Time is generally required to carry out any material change in postal arrangements ; for even when decided upon, old contracts, requir- ing notice of termination, may have to be got rid of, and tenders of new contracts invited by public advertisements, before the decision can take effect. New Post Offices are established by the De- partment wherever it is ascertained tliat a suffi- cient number of inhabitants can be accommo- dated, and a sufficient amount of postal revenue collected to warrant such a measure. When a new Post Office is required, a ])etition should be addressed to the Postmaster General, signed by as many of the inhabitants as can conveniently subscribe the same. The petition should state the name of the settlement and district in which it is desired the office should be established; the distance from the neighbouring offices ; whether at the site of the proposed Post Office there is a village ; the number of nwlls, stores, taverns, and houses thereat ; the extent of the settlement to be served and the probable cost of the mail ; together with any other facts which may form any ground for the accommo- dation applied for. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 44 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY FOR NEW- FOUNDLAND : OONTAIJJINO An Alphabetical List of the Towns, Villages and yetilements 'n the Colony, with the Post Towns and Way Olfices. POST TOWNS— those marked thus ♦ are Money Order OfiBces. Name of Office. ♦Brigus • Bonavista 4>m'in •Burgeo *Bay Bulls »Ciirbonear »Fogo Ferryland •Greenspond ♦Harbor Grace •Harbor Breton Little Placentia *Placentia ♦Twillingate •Trinity New Perlican La Poile •Channel District. Port-de- Grave Bonavista Bnrin Nnmo of Offlcpr. Mrs. Stantaford John Lawrence Thomas Winter Burtfeo & La F. A. Parsons Poile Ferryland H. J. Williams Carbonear Nicholas NiclioUe Fogo.feTwil-Jame3 Fitzgerald lingatG Ferryland John Morry Bonaviata William Lang Harbor Andrew Drysdale Grace Fortune Bay Thomas Birkett Placentia & Alexander Burke St. Mary's Placeulia <& Mrs. H. Bradshaw St. Mary's Fogo & Twil Joseph J. Pierce Ungate Trinity A,nne Cros? Trinity Francis Howell BurgtT)> & La Francis Read Poile Burgeo & La N. J. Smith Poile Nome of Office. Bay Roberts Bareneed Black Head Bay-de-Verds Bett's Cove Catalina Cats Cove Clarks Beach Cat Harbor Northern Bay Pouch Cove Sound Island Cod Roy Branch WAY OFFICES. District. Name of Officer. Eliza Moore J. Payne J. C. Moors Charles Blundon Port-de- Grave Brigus Bay-de- Verds Bav-de- Verds Twillingate E. M. McCurdy Trinity S Jeans Harbor Main Thomas O'Brien Brigus Twillingate H. Robinson Bay-de- J. Hogan Verds St. John's E. J. Easterbrook Placentia & P. Brown St Mary's French Shore West A. Blackadar Plac?ntia & J. English St, Mary's Come-by-Chance Placentia Bay Fortune Bay Burin Bonavista Bay Burin Bnrin Trinity English Harijor Fortune • Freshwater Grand Bank (-arnish Greens Harbor H. J. Haddon J. Pritchett Jonth'n Hickman Geo. Sneigrove Simeon Harbor Main Harbor Main Mrs. Ezekiel Hermitage Fortune Bay M. Frances Hants Harbor Trinity Mary Hussen Holyrood Harbor Main John Veitch Island Cove Harbor John Crane Grace Jacksons Cove Twillingate Henry Knight Kings Cove Bonavista Patrick Murphy Lamaline Burin James Pittman LaManche Placentia & T. J. Kingwell St. Mary's Musgravo HarborBonavista J. B. Wheeler New Harbor Trinity Ths. Newhoo'c Oderin Placentia coll. Clias. E. Cossmai. David W. OMara, E. C. liallop, Fred. Cox, Wni. Phoran, Moses Tilley, Thos. iiodge, James Harney, Philip Hubert and Chas. D. Chambers. CLERKS OP THK PEACE. St. John's— (For Central District) R. R. W. Lilly. Harbor Grace, Hugh W. Trajjuell. Carbonear — Jo.seph McKay. Brigtis — J. C. Nuttall. Trinity — W. S. Greea. Bonavis'a — John Lawrence. Twillingate — Aron A. Pearce. CONSTABUIiAHV. Inspector and General Superintendent of Constabulary for Newfoundland — Paul Carty. St. John's— Acting Sub-Inspector — James Kenna. Head Constable — John Nicol. Infan- try Sergeants — Patrick Coady, Edward Doyle, John Sullivan and Geo. Winslow. Acting Sergeant — Isaac W. Bartlett. Acting Cavalry Sergeant — Philip Lacey. Medical Attendant — Dr. C rowdy. Harbor Grace— Flead Constable, Luke Fallon. Sergeant — Frederick Williams. Acting Ser- geant — ThomHS Fennessey. Carbonear — Sergeants, Peter McBaie and Mat. McKee. Bay Roberta— Acting Sergeant, Joseph Rielly. Twillingate— Sergeant Wells. Brigus- Sergeant Jackson. Catulina -Head Constable, J. R. McCowan. Placeutia — Sergeant, Michael Kearney. INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS A.N'D HBAHURE8. Thomas Brien, St. John's. John Brace, Harbor Grace. Peter McBaie, Carbonear. William Horwood,*Brigus. John MlfBcn, Ragged Harbor to Spiller's Cove, inclusive, ^District of Trinity). Nathaniel Patten, Burin. Henry Camp, from Pass Island to Cape LeHune, Dis- trict of Burgeo. John Lawrence, Bonavista South. Charles Harris, Gooseberry and adja- cent Islands. G.W. R. Hierlihy; Bay Roberts. Wm. D. Cross, North side of Trinity Bay. John G. Lucas, Fogo. Marmaduke Clow, District of Ferryland. Albert Stirling, District of Fortune Bay. Fred. Wyatt, Greenspond. L. Mills, Grand Bank. James Peyton, Twilingate. John Coffin, King's Cove. John Collis, Trinity. Charles Randall, Hearts Content. Edward O'Brien, Harbor Main. T. E. Collett, Harbor Buffett. SAVINGS BANK. Governors — Fire members of the Honse of Assembly and three members of the Legislative Council, viz : Hon. F. B. T. Carter, Hon. J. J. Rogerson, Hon. A. Shea, Hon. W. V. Whiteway, and the Hon. the Speaker of the House of Assembly. Hon'bles. Edward White and W. J. S. Donnelly of the Council. Directors— Hon. F. B. T. Carter and Hon. A. Shea. Cashier — Hon. Edward Morris. The Bank is open every Monday between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, for depositors' busi- ness. BRANCH BANK — HARBOR GRACE. Cashier and Clerk — Patrick Devereux. BOARD OF HEALTH. Health Offic r-!— Henry Shea, M.D., and Tho- mas Howley, M.D., St. John's. Wm. Allan, M.D., and Thomas R. B^i.inett, Harbor Grace. Francis .Moraii, M.D., Burin. Wm. Stirling, M.D., Twillingate. Hay Findlater, M.D., Fugo. Robert White, M.D., Trinity. Dr. R. M. Nelson, Carbonear. Dr. Fitzgerald, For- tune Bay. Dr. A. Hobillard, Channel. Dr. Andersou, Brigus aid Port-de- Grave. Dr. Skel- ton, Gieenspoud. Dr. Alexander. Tilt Cove. Board of Health and He.tlth Wardens for the Town and District of St. John's — Judge Prowse, Chairman: Judire Renouf, Hon. S Rendell, Hon. W. J. S. Donn.-lly, Hon. P. G. Tessier, Hon. R. Thorburn, Rob(^ft Alexander, Robert J. Kent, Henry Shea, .M.D., and Tbos. Howley, M.D., (Health Officers), Chas. Crowdy, M.D , Fred. Bunting, M.U., Chas. H. Renouf, M.D., Wm. C. Simms, M.D., and R. R. W. Lilly, Secretary. Board of Health, Harbor Grace — Israel L. McNeil, Wm. Allan, John Munn, Thomas H. Ridley, James L Prendergast, George Ruther- ford and Lewis W. Emerson. Board of Health, Carbonear — John Rorke, Edward T. Pike, B. T. H. Gould, .Michael Bulger, MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 47 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. W'm. P. Taylor, Israel L. Mc.Veil, Dr. Nelson, .Michael Dwyer. Medicnl Officer to Bortrd of Trntle for sick Seamen, port of St. Johu'3 — Wm. C. Simms, M.D. QUEEN'S PRINTER. John Collier Withers, Esquire. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. ST. John's academy. Directors— Church of England Board— Right Rt'v. the Lord Hishoj), Hon. the Chief Justice, flon. Judge Robinson, Hon. F. H. T, Carter, D. W. Prowse. Head Master — Rev. Joseph F. Phelps. Second Master — T. Owain Jones. Roman Catliolic Board — Right Rev. Dr. Power, Joseph 1. Little, Hon. Thomas Talbot, William P. Walsh. Maurice Fenelon. Masters- Very Rev. P. A. Slattery, Rev. Wm. Fitzpatrick, and Messrs. P. J. O'Neil, B.A., and F. J. Doyle. General Protestant, Board — Revds. M. Harvey, J. U. Patterson, Thomas Hall, and Hon. Robert Thorburn, Hon. P. G. Tessier, J. Goodfellow, W. Boyd, Gilbert Browning and J. N. Finlay. NBWFOUNDLAND WESLKTAN ACADEMY. Directors — Rev. John S. Peach, Hon. J. J. Rogerson, C R. Ayre, Hon. Stephen Rcndell. Principal — Robert E. Holloway, B. A. Second Master — Emile Handcock. Third Master— J. W. Nichols. HAItBOR GRACE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Directors — John Munn, Hugh W. Trapnell, John Rynn, Mark, Thomas R. Bennett, Patrick Dcvereux. Master — John I. Roddick. CARBO.NBAtt GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Directors — Rev. \V. J. Hoyles, W. Hawker and John Pearce, Church of England branch. Right Rev. Dr. Carfagnini, Rev. J. O'Connor and Ricliard McCarthy, Roman Catholic Branch. Rev. James Dove, Israel L. McNeil, B. T. H. Gould and Wm. Penny, Wesleyau branch. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CHURCH SOCIKTY. [Incorporated 1852 — Instituted originally as tlie Newfoundland School Society, 1823.) Patron— Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Vice-Patrons— His Grace the Archbi- sho]) of Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of York, His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh. President— the Most Honorable the Marquis of Cholmondeley, and 72 Vice-Presidents, consis- ting of Peers of the United Kingdom, English and Colonial Bishops.DeanSjColonial Governors including the Governor of Newfoundland, Members of Parliament, &c. Corresponding Committee in Newfoundland —President, Hon. Frederick B. T. Carter; Vice- President, Robert J. Pinsent; Treasurer and Secretary, E. L. Jarvis ; Inspector, J. W. Marriott; Hon. J. Winter, Hon. W. V. White- wax-, Theo. Clift, D. W. Prowse. J. L. Noonan, P. Emerson, James Winter, Commander Robin- son. School Teachers— St. John's, (Central School) Daniel Currie, Boys; Miss Lundy, Girls Miss Pride, Infants. Training Pupil Teachers of the society — Miss Blackler, Miss Willmore, .Miss Adams, Miss Cole, Miss Everett, Miss Jiartin, Miss Mercer, Miss Renouf, Miss Powsland. Bel- leoram, .Miss Saunders, Petty Harbor. Mr and .Mrs. Bishop. Portugal Cove, Mr. Tulk. Brigus, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Port-de-Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Maddock and .Miss Andrews. Spaniards Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Earle. Bishop's Covejjnisa Manderson. HarboV Grace, Mr. and Miss Ward. Hearts Content, Mr. Gardner. Trinity, Mr. E. Collis and Miss Lockyer. Bonavista, John Law- rence. Salvage, Mr. Rowsell. Greenspond, Mr. Skiffington. Swains Island, Ed. Bishop. Twil- lingate, Mr. Lloyd. Fogo, Mrs. Plomer. Qreat St. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher. CHURCH OF ENGLAND BOARDS OP EDUCATION. St. John's — Revds. Ambrose Heygate, Edward Botwood, A. C. F. Wood, and Hon. Dr. Winter, Hon. A. W. Harvey, Edwin Duder, Judge Prowse, Dr. Crowdy, George Rcndell, Hon. W. V. Whiteway and J. L. Duchemin, H. J. Stabb. Brigus — Rev. R. Holland Taylor, and Messrs. Wm. Anderson, M.D., John Smith, Robert Wells, (Salmon Cove) Elijah Bishop, (Burnt Head.) Port-de-Gra\e -Rev. J. C. Harvey, and Messrs. Jno. Andrews, Thomas Battan, M. Dawe and J. M. Maddock. Bay R()l)erts — Rev. W. C. Shears, and Messrs. Chanes Dawe, Isaac Bartlett, Dr. Wm. Eraser; and Eli Dawe, (Coley's Point.) Harbor Grace — Revds. B. Jones, J. M. Noel, John Godden, A. C. Warren, and .Messrs. Joseph Godden, Thomas R. Bennett, H. Fitzgerald and W. H. Earle. Carbouear — Rev. W. J. Hoyles, and .Messrs. Wm. C. Hawker, Samuel Bennett, John Pearce, Geo. Crocker and Dr. J. Ryall. Bay-de-Verds— Rev. G. a. Chamberlain, and Messrs. Geo. Cull, (Captain Cove) Jonas Gar- ret, Henry Blundon, Charles Blundou, Henry Stephens, (Baj'-de-Verds' Wm. Meadus, (Grates Cove.) Trinity Bay South— Revds. G. Gardner, G. S. Chamberlain, and Messrs. Wm. Meadus, sen., James Watson and Noah Hendy, (Scilly CoveJ Trinity Bay West— Revds. G. Gardner, H. Petley, and Messrs. James .Moore, sen., John Northover, (New Perlican) James Read, (Hearts Delight) James Gardner, sen., and Joseph Hop- kins, (Hearts Content.) Trinity Bay North— Rev. B. Smith, Dr. R. White, and .Messrs. Gilbert H. Cole, Wm. Pitt- man, Edward M. Cooksley, A. W. Bremner and W. S. Green. Trinity Bay East— Rev. Wm. Netten, and Messrs. D. Rennie, Thos. Stone, John .Mif3in, Peter Martin, Thos. Martin and Geo. Raymond, sen. Bonavista Bay South— Rev. A. E. C. Bayly, Dr. Skelton, and .Messrs. Samuel .Mifflin, sen., Joseph Brown and Joseph Rolls. Bonavista Bay W^est— Rev. W. Kirby, and Messrs. John Cotfin, Fred. Shears, Robert Penny, Mat. Waugh, Samuel Coffin and Samuel Brown. Bonavista Bay North— Rev. J. G. Craig, Dr. George Skelton, and .Messrs. Fred. White, John C. Domiuy and Wm. Kean. Salvage- Rev. H. M. Skinner, and James Bur- den, John Brown, jun., Joseph House, jun., Wm. •Moss, John Squires and A. Turner. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOKY 48 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Fogo— Hl'v. C. Meek, and Messrs. II. J. Eftrlo, JaiBQ.s Rolls, juD., Jusiah Waterman and Na- thaniel Banks. TwillinKate— Revda. F. R. Murrav, A. S. H. Winsor, (Herrinp Nock) and Messrs. Wtn. Leth- brid^e, Josiah Colborne, R. P. Rice. Robert Lewis and John Squires, (Herring Neck). Notre Dame Bay, (;iorth) Exploits, Burnt Island — Revds. W. Snflth, John Hewit, Dr. Alexander, and Messrs. Chas. Collins, Thomas Winser, F. J. Vallance, James Alcock, Goo. Hcvior, Wm. Squarry, Geo. Payne, Leander Gill and John Colton. Ferryland-Rev. C. Ellingham, and Messrs. James Carter, P. Wiuser, John Morey and Robert Morey. Placentip — Rev. J. Kingwell and Messrs. Richard CoUett, Ed. Burton, Geo. Dicks, (Har- bor Buft'ett) Samuel Coffin, (Spencer's (]ove) H. W. LeMepsnrier, (Isle of Valen) and Nelson Bailie, (Oderin). Buriu — Rev. J. Lockward, and Messrs. Francis Berteau, Louis S. Butler, John Paul, George Baker, Charles HoUett, and Thos. Winter. Lamaline — Rev. J. Darrell and Messrs. John Pittman, Thomas Laskey, James Pittman, Henry Haskell, sen. and John Cake. Fortune Bay— Rev. W. K. White, Dr. Conrad Fitzgerald, and John Gaulton, (Harbor Breton) Rev. E. CoUey, and Ed. C. Gallop, (Hermitage Cove) Rev. John Bisnop and George Snelgrove, (Belleoram). Burgeo — Revds. John Cnminghnm.E. Collcy, Dr. Geo. Hunt, and Charles M. DeQuettville, John Jordan, Stephen Vatcherand Wm. Ander- son, sen. LaPoile — Rev. F. Skinner, P. H. Sorsoliel, Philip LciMoite, Francis Read and Thos. Rid- out. Channel— Rev. T. A. (Joode, N. Smith, Fred. Cox, John LeMoine, W. T.Dicks, F. J. Tweodle and Joseph Small. Inspector— Rev. William Pilot. WBSLEYAN METHODIST BOARDS OF EDUCATION. St. John's — Revds. Thomas Harris, Simeon B. Dunn, and Hon. J. J. Rogerson, Hon. E. D. White, C. R. Ayre, John Steer. Geo. Gear, Robert E. Holloway, A. J. W. McNeily, H. J. B. Woods, Stephen Knight, J. W. Pitts', Geo. W. Mews. Brigus — Rev. Chns. Ladner, Abraham Bart- lett, Geo. Gushue, John Wilco.v, Capt. Alfred Smith, Capt. S. Whelan, and Capt. George Smith. Port-de-Grave — Rev. George Bullen and Wm. Kelland, Abm. Bursey, Wm. Sealey and Dr. Brown. Bay Roberts — Rev. Joseph Lester, and Isaac Mercer, (of Benj.) Abner Snow, Samuel Mercer and Solomon French. Harbor Grace. — Rev. James Dove, and John Bemisler, James Hmpisley, Willis Parsons, Win. Stephenson, John Trapnell and James Parsons. Carbonear— Rev. John Goodis^n, and John Rorke, J. L. McNeil, B. T. H. Gould, Robert Maddock, Wm. Guy and R. Giles. Bay-de-Verds — Rev. Jeremiah Embree, Rev. John G. Currie, and John Lewis, Wm. Lacey, Jacob Moores, Thos. Hilliaid and John Dia- mond. l.>uiin«iaiii, unr »» tot Alt', xi Gregor. John Olfurd, sen., Elias Brown, James Oldheld, John Porry, Wm. Pye, Wm. Matthews, Trinity Bay South— Rev. Geo. H. Brvant, Rev. Thomas H. James, Wm. Christian, Ebeno- March, Elias March, Benjamin Benson, and TBomns Avery. Trinitv Bay North — Rev. Jesse Heyfield, Rev. Samuel fenowden, John Cross, G. F. Stonemnn, George Barnes, Matthias Martin and Moses Tilley. Trinitv Bay West — Rev. James Nurse, Henry March, Richard Penny, Thomas Newhook and Samuel Brace. Trinity Bay East— Rev. F. G. Willey, Ben- jamin Snellgrove, Wm. Norman, John Hicks. Caleb Diamond, Abcdnego Hobbs and Richard Cole; Bonavista Bay South — Rev. John Rcay, Jabez Saint, James Saint, Stephen Abbott, John Swires, Wm. Oldtield and Charles Templeuiau. Bonavista Bay West — Rev. Alexander Mc- Gi Oldlielc Reuben Bcmister and Naaman Green. Bonavista Hay North— Rev. Charles Myers and George Allen, Geo. Burton, Geo. Dowden, Elijah Burry, Thos. Winsor and Geo. W. Hanim. Fogo — Rev. Thomas W. Atkinson and John G. Lucas, Joseph Waterman, Robert Scott, Thos. C. Duder, Alfred Pike, William Perry, James Hicks. Twillingate— Rev. B. Swanr. and Peter Sam- ways, W. Hodder, Elias Roberts, Lsaac Moores, sen., John Minty and Alfred Linfieh'. Moreton's Harbor — Rev. Wm. Jennings, Rev. Anthony Hill and Chnrles Meyer.«, S. Snowdon, James Pennock, Mark Usmoiid, Simon Manuel and Henry Knight. Placontia Bay — Rev. H. C. Hatcher and Thomas Giles, James HoUett, Edmund Read and James W:".'ams. Burin — Rev. Joseph Pascoe and Owen Pine, Richard Paul, John Weare, George Bishop, John Mitchell, sen., and Benjamin Hollett. Grand Bank — Rev. Solomon Matthews and Wm. Kendall, Ed. Evans, James Hickman, Jas. P. Snook, Edward Benneu and J:is. Lake. LaPoile— Rev. Jo.seph Parkins and Saul Bon- nell, Wm Stone, Wm. Treadwell and Geo. Ells- worth. Fortune Bay — Rev. Solomon Matthews and W' m. Keniiall. 'John Williams, Edward Williams and Henry Williams. Musgrave Harbor- Rev. W. R. Tratt and John Whitew.ny, James Hicks, R. Wellon, and Thomas Elliott. Notre Dame Bay, (north)— Rev. George J. Bond, Rev. Wm. "Braiufitt and Wm. Mercell, Henry Ebsary and Henry Knight. Inspector— Rev. George S. Milligan, M.A. ROMAN CATHOUC SCHOOLS. St. John's— Orphan Asylum, fBoys). Teach- ers, the Christian Brothers. Industrial Depart- ment, Bartholomew Connors. St. Patrick's River Head — Teacher, R. J. Mc- Keown. Harbor Grace- St. Patrick's Free School, (Boys). Teacher, Michael Scully. ROMAN CATHOLIC BOARDS OP EDUCATION. St. John's— Right Rev. Dr. Power, Hon. R. Kent, Hon. Edward Morris, Hon. E. D. Shea, John Casey and J. G. Conroy. MISCELLANEOUS UlUECTOUY 49 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Ilarhor Grace, Cniboneftr, Huv-de-Verds nnd Trinity, South and West— Most' Rev. Dr. Uar- fiignini and Patrick Devereux, Thomas (ircen, Janie3 Bolger, Andrew Urysdale, (Ilarhor Oraco) RichurU McCarthy, Joaoph McKay and Maurice Maione, (Carbonear). Brijrus — Right Rev. Dr. Carfagnini, Rev. E. F. Wnlfh and Jaa. Tarrnhan, James Mooro, Patrick Nowlan, Richard Delaney, sen., Patrick liroiiliv. Harbor Main — Very Rev. Jeremiah O'Donneil, Wm. Holden, Charles Furev, VVm. Woodford, ^Hari>or Main) John Kennedy, sen., (Holyrood) James Hearn, jun., (Colliers). T.;..:rv P-y »:>.. th— Rev. J. Carolan, (Bona- vistn) f'atrick Murphy and Robert Lawlor. (Trinity) Edward Murphy and Thomas McCor- mack, (Catnlina) Jeroniiah Scaulon and John Dcody, (Ragged Harbor). Bonavista South — Rev. Wm. Veitch. (King's Cove) William Keough, (Bonavista) Wm. Ayl- ward, (Knight's Cove) S. Ryan, (Broad Cove) John Mur])hy, (Keel.s And. Mullowney, (Tickle Cove) James Long, (Open Hall) John (Jhievers, (Plate Cove) J. MuUowney. (Indian Arm). Bonavista North — Rev. Wm. Veitch. ( Iving's Covi) John Turner, (Coltcl's Island) Michael Cfishin, (Goo8eberr;i' Island) Samuel Kelly, sen., (IJiirnt Inland,) Nclis. Baterton, (Green^pond). Fogo — R.ev. James Brown, J. Fitzgerald, Miles Burke, (Joe Batts Arm) Wm. Green, Daniel Brvnn, (Tillon Harboi). Feiry land— Rev. M. A. Clancy, H. O'Neil, P. Jacknian, Nicholas Power, H, Cashiu, Gerald Jacknian. Bay Bulls— Very Rev. P. Cleary, Rev. Nicho- las Roach, Jos. J.' Williams, Thos. Dri=coll. J. Blackler, M. Casey, Miclil. Carew, (Witless Bav) Thomas Gatherall, (Balline). (jveat Placentin — Rev. C. Irvine, Maurice Power, Thos. Rielly, John tiinnott, Francis Mooney, Samuel Collins. Little Plaeentia— Rev. Robert Brennan, Thos. Freeman. Alex. Burke, John Rielly, Thos. Kelts. Piacontia West— Rev. F. McCuUow, Rev. Wm. Doutney, Wm. Brown, John Ryan, John HennussL-v, Michael E. Dwver. St. Mary's— Rev. R. O'Donneil, J. Walsh, John (jrace, Wm. Burke, Michael Fagan, J. Muri.hy, J. Wholan. Tri'p'assey — Rev. T. Hf-nnebury, J. Waddle- ton, John Tobui, J. Deijereux, John .\eil, jr., John Hewitt. Biiriu— Rev. Wm. Born, Rev V. Reardon, R. Marshall, J. Power, Mat. Marshall, Wm. Fitz- patrick, Thos. Gorman. Fortune Bay— Rev. Dr. Howley. Rev. John Cullen, Rev. Jno. Walsh, P. Bu:ke, W. Burke, P. Burke, jun., T. K;nseIl,i,T. Hearn. Inspector— Michael J. Kelly. FREE KIRK OF SCOTLAND BOARDS OF EDUCATION. St. John's— Rev. M. Harvey, Rev. N. For- syihe. Hon. R. Thorbnrn, James Baird, James Murray, James Go(>dfellow, Alexander Taylor. Harbor Grace— Rev. Alexander Ross, U. S. Muun, George C. Rutherford, John Paterson, W. H. Thompson. CONGRKGATIONAL BOARDS OF ErUCATION. St. Job n's— Rev. T. Hall, Hon. P. G. Tessier. R. Winton, Jas. Howe, J. N. Finlay, Richard Neyle, H. W. Seymour. ILiibor Grace — Rev. George Harrington. (Smith's Houn Financial Secretary 1,385 Clerk in Financial Secretary's Office 8u0 Chairman Board of Woiks..'. 2,000 St'cretary do do 924 Accountant do do 1,2 Do Harbor Grace Jail 139 District Surgeon Harbor Grace 4'>2 Physician ijunatic Asylum 1,385 Hosnital Surgeon 500 Do do 4u0 District Surgeons St. John's, 2 at §231, 1 at S4G2 924 Assistant Collector 1,»5()0 Lauding and Tide Surveyor 1,1."4 lot Lauding Waiter 1,1 '0 2nd do do 1,000 3rd do do 7.')0 4tli do do 750 5th do do 600 SUB-COLLEOTORS. Twillingate $ 090 Fogo 6U0 Greenspund 690 Trinity 800 Harbor Grace 1,182 Carbonear 690 Brigus 462 Burin 690 Lamaline .550 Harbor Breton 462 Gaultois 550 La Poile 692 Oderion 462 Channel (Port aux Basques) 462 Pushthrough (Fortune Bay) 462 English Harbor, St. Jacques and Belle- cram 462 MISORLLANEOUS DIRECTOaT 50 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Phkventive OrriOBRs. Great Plucentia f 231 yt. Lawrence '. 231 Honiivisia and Catalina 231 Iinnls Harbor 231 lUy Roberts ' 231 Ferryland 231 Bay Bulls 231 8t. Mary'a 231 Little Placentia 231 Grand Bank 231 Fortune 231 Biirgeo 231 Trepassey 231 Betts Cove and Tilt Cove 231 Rose Blanche 231 Renews .'.* 231 Hearts Content 231 GOLLKCTORS. Labrador f 780 SCB-C0LLKCT0R8. Lnbrador $ 231 Clerk and Landing Walter Harbor Grace 600 Judicial Dbpartment. Chief Justice $ 5,000 Assistant Judges, 2 at $4,000 8,000 Attorney-General 2,400 Solicitor-General 1,200 Chief Clerk and Registrar Sujireme Court 1,800 Chief Clerk and Registrar Northern Dis- trict 1 100 Clerk in Office of Chief Clerk and Re- gistrar Supreme Court 600 Crier and Tipstaff Supreme Court 300 Sheriff, Central District 1,385 Northern District ;.... 1,385 Southern do 924 Sheriff's Bailiff, Central District 560 ViCB Admiralty Ooobt. Judge Chief Justice Registrar Marshal POLICB MaQISTRATES. St. John's District Judges, 2 at $1,600 each $ 3,200 Harbor Grace District Judge 1,400 Carbonear 830 Brigus 830 Old Perlican 700 Trinity 830 Bonavista 830 Twillingate 830 Fogo 830 Ferryland 800 Placentia 830 Harbor Breton 462 St. Mary's 280 Grand Bank 760 Burgeo 500 Channel 500 Constabulary. Inspector $ 1,440 Sub-lnspectot 5<)0 1 h» ad constable. 4 serpreants, 2 acting sergeants and 37 conHtables ; cavalry, 1 acting sergeant and 5 constables. Harbor Grace. — I head constable, I ser- geant, 1 acting sergeant and 9 con- stables. Carbonear —1 sergeant and 5 consta- bles. Brigus. — 1 sergeant and 2 constables. Twillingate. — 1 sergeant and 1 consta- ble. Catalina. — 1 constable. Bay Roberts. — 2 constables. Placentia. — 1 sergeant. Ferryland. — 1 constable. Port de Grave. — 1 constable. Bay de Verds. — 1 constable. Bonavista. — 1 constable. Renews. — 1 constab'e. Bay Bulls. — 1 constable. Burin. — 1 constable. Channel. — 1 constable. Portugal Cove. — 1 constable. Salaries in aggregate amounting to up- wards of. 134,150 The above are police trained and wearing uni- form. Jailers. St. John's $ 900 Harbor Grace 600 Trinity 140 Ferryland 140 Placentia 140 Burin 140 Bonavista 140 Twillingate 93 Harbor Breton 116 Brigus 60 Greenspond 84 Clbrks of thb Peaob. St. John's $ 1,570 Harbor Grace 830 Trinity 277 Twillingate 277 Bonavista , 277 Brigus 277 Carbonear 600 General Post Office. Post Master General $ 1,660 Isl Clerk and General Accountant 720 Superintendent Money Order Otf ce 800 2nd Clerk 600 3rd Clerk and Assorter 550 1st Letter Carrier 350 2nd do 280 Deputy Post Masters. Harbor Grace $ 450 Do do Letter Carrier 52 Carbonear 250 Brigus 242 Trinity 160 Catalina 50 Placentia 120 Bonavista 100 MI8CILLANEOUH DIRECTORY 51 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Twillingate f 120 Kogo 100 Hay Bulls 70 Perrylfind 80 Little Flacuntia 70 IJiirin 120 Harbor Breton 100 (ireenspond 100 Biirgeo 60 l,ft Poile 30 Kosc Blanche 60 New Perlican 47 Cbnnnel 80 Hearts Content 40 Patmahtibb In the various districts throughout «he Colony, in the aggregate amounting to over $15,995 OrFicKRB or THi m:- tt^ATivi CouNca. Clerk 9 600 Master in Chancery 700 Usher Black Rod 600 l)oorkee{)er 260 Messenger 150 OFriCERB or HotJBB or Absbmblt, Speaker $ 924 Clerk 1,269 Assistant Clerk 600 iSergeant-at-Arma 480 Solicitor 480 Doorkeeper 160 Upper Doorkeeper i60 Outer do 160 Under do 120 Messengers, 2 at $160 320 Fireman 200 Pensions. Patrick Burke $ 94 E. M. Archibald jE 350 B. G. Garrett 275 Mrs. Buckley 25 Mrs. Chancey 40 Mrs. Oke ' $ 200 Beai. Sweetland 693 S. H. Emerson 1,616 John Canning 1,485 Thos. E. Godea 924 Robt. Bagley 970 William Magill ! 693, E. L. Moore 924 Thos. Reid 1,084 Eliza Solomon 231 ECCLESIASTICAL DEPART- MENT. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. DIOCESE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. The Right Rev. James B. Kelly, D. D., D.C.L., Lord Bishop of Newfoundland. deanery of avalon. Rural Dean— Rev. T. M. Wood. . Rev. P. R. Murray, Cathedral. Rev. J. C. Machin, Cathedral. Rev. T. M. Wood, St. Thomas', St. John's. Rev. A. C. P. Wood, M.A., Ht. Thomas', St. John's. Rev. E. Botwood, St. Mary's. Rev. R. M. Johnson, I'ouoh Cove. Kev. T. G. Nttten, Petty Hart or. Rev. , Foxtrap. Rev , Topsail. Rev. William Pilot, St. John'ti. Rev. Cornelius Ellinglmni, Por ugal Cove. Rev. J. F. Phelps, Acadi-niy. Rev. , Ferryland. CIAMIRV of CONCKHTION lAT. Rural Dean— Rev. James C. Harvey. Rev. T. Noel, Harbor (J race. Rev. S. M. Wren, Hiirlxir Grace. Rev. Job.n Godden, Harbor Grace and Bryan and Gaultois ; Gilbert Hum- ])hrey Cole, Trinity ; Philip John Grouchy, La- Poile; Churles Middleton, Burgeo ; George Messervy, Jersey Harbor ; Thomas D. Bourcier, Little Harbor. Spain — Don Salvador Ki/.zo, Vice-Consul, St. John's ; T. Harrison RiiUey, Harbor Grace. Consular Agents— John E. Duder, Twillingate ; Greenspond ; Dr. Hay Findlater, Fogo ; Gilbert Humphrey Co!e, Tiiuity ; Philip Sorso- leil. Rose Blanche ; Philip Hubert. Harbor Bre- ton ; Henry F. Polmau, Gaultois ; Francis Berteau, Burin. Brazil — Vice-Consul, Francis Winton. Con- sular Agents — \V. H. Thompson, Conception Bay ; Thomas Winter, Burin ; Henry T. Hol- man, Harbor Breton. German Empire— Robert II. Prowse, Con- sul, St. John's. France- A. Jacquemin, Consul for Newfound- land. Italy — Henry J. Stabb, Consular Agent for Newfoundland. United States of America — Thomas N. Molloy, Consul for Newfoundland. Vice-Consul, Tho- MISfEIiLANEOUS DIRECTORY 51 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. mas J. HearD. Consular Agent, Harbor Grace — P. Devereux. ISweden and Norway— Robert H. Prowae, Vice-Consul lor Newfoundland. NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED COLONY. tN .THE Advocate — Published every Wednesday and .Saturday morning. Courier — Published even Wednesday and Saturday morninj?. Commercial Journal — Published every fort- night, immediately previous to the closing of the Mail per Halifax steamer. Morning Chronicle — Published every Tues- day, Thursday and Saturdiy morning. Newfoundland — Published every Tuesday and Friday morniag. North Star — Published every Saturday morn- in*^. Public Ledger— Published every Tuesday and Friday morning. Patriot — Published every Monday afternoon. Royal Gazette — Published every Tuesday afternoon. Weekly Chronicle— Published every Friday morning. Standard (Harbor Grace) — Published every Saturday morning. Times — Published every Wednesday and Sa- turday morning. Temperance Journal — Published on the Ist and 15th of every month. NEWTOUxVDLAND TARIFF. According to Jtevenue Act, passed 1876. Horses, Mares, kc, each $2 30 Figs and Calves 23 ■(Jxen and Cows, the $100 5 00 Ale, Porter, Cider and Perry, the gallon.. 10 Apples, the barrel 30 Eacon, Hams, Tongues, Sraoknd Beef and Sausages, the cwt 2 00 Beef and Pigs' Heads, salted and cured, the brl. of 200 lbs 60 Biscuit or Bread, the cwt 07 Sweet or Fancy Biscuits and Crackers, the $100 13 00 Butter, the cwt 1 12 Cheese, the cwt 1 50 Chocolate and Cocoa, the lb 04 Cigars, 5 per cent, ad valorem and tiie M. 2 64 Coffee, the lb 00 3 Coal, imported or brought into the port of St. John's, the ton 2.5 Confectionery, the cwt 3 50 Feathers and Feather Beds, the lb 05 Fish — salted, dried and pickled, the cwt. 1 32 Flour, the barrel 20 Fruit, dried, the lb , 04 " other descriptions, (except Apples) the $100 5 00 Lumber, the M 1 00 JMolasses, the gallon 06 Oatmeal, the barrel 20 Indian Meal and Pease, the barrel 15 Pork, the barrel of 200 lbs I 00 Salt, the ton 20 Sliingles, the M 40 Shooks and Slaves (manufactured and dressed) the f 100 20 00 Spirits, viz: — Brandy or other Spirits, not herein defined or enumerated, and not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in propor- tion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 1 60 All other Spirits, of greater strength than forty-three over proof^ shall be deemed to be undefined Spirits, and shall be subject to duty accordingly. Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in jiro- purtion for any greater strength tlian the strength of proof, the gallon 1 00 Gin, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in pro- l)ortion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the g.iUon 1 20 Whiskey, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and pr> in jiroportiou for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gal hn. 1 50 Cordials, Slirub and other Spirits, being sweetened or mixed, so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained as aforesaid, the gallon 80 Sugar — Loaf and relined, the cwt 3 50 '° Unrefined, the cwt 2 00 " Bastard, the cwt 2 50 Tea — Souchong, Congou and Bohea, the lb 05 Tobacco — Manufactured, the lb 12 " Leaf, the lb 07 " Stems, the cwt 0.50 Timber, the ton 30 Vinegar, the gallon 10 Wines, viz :— Champagne, the gallon 2 00 Port and Madeira, the gallon 1 50 Sherry and Manzanilia, 12^ per cent, od va/orem, and tlie gallon 90 Spanish Red, Denia, Sicilian, Figueira, Red Lisbon, Common, Cape and Mala- ga, the gallon 60 Claret, the gallon 60 Hock, Burgundy and Liglit Rhenish Wine, the gallon 60 All other wines, 12^ per cent, ad valorem, and the gallon 80 Realy-made Clothes, viz : — Coats, Jackets, Trowsers, Waistcoats and Souihwesters, the SlOO 20 00 Stockings, Shirts and Drawers (made by hand and not woven) the flOO 20 00 Mamies, Dresses, Cloaks, Sacks, the $100 20 00 Candles, the $100 20 00 Manufactures of Wood, (except Cabinet Wares, Musical Instruments and Agri- cultural Implements) the $100 20 00 Empty (yasks of all kinds, not containing Mercliandize — including Fish Boxes and returned Casks, the $100 20 00 Packages in which Dry Goods are im- ported, the $100 13 00 Fresh Meat and Poultry, the $100 5 00 Anchors and Cliain Cables, Copper and Composition Metal for Ships, viz: — Bar, Bolt and Sheathing; Nails, Iron, viz. : — Bar, Bolt, Sheathing, and Sheet; Wrought Nails; Cordage atid Hemp MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 55 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Cables; Oakiini : Canvass ; Corks and Corkwood ; Pitcli ; Pitch, Tar, Resin, El" w Turpentine ; Fishing Tackle, Masts and Spars; iShtct Tin and Solder; MachiniTv and jiarts of Machinery, im- ported for the u?e of Foundaries, Fac- tories, Mills or other piirimses ; Staves undressed ; Oats, Ric^, Indian Corn, Bran, Barley, Medicines, the $100 8 00 Goods, Wares and Merchandize, not otherwise enumerated, described or charged with duty in this Act, and not otherwise exennitj^ the $10.) 13 00 LOCAL DISTILLATION. Brandy, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hyply to or be con- strued to apply to such fish : Provided, that the section sliall not apply to such fish of British catch and cure, unless otherwise de- clared by Proclamation of the Governor, published in the lioyal Gazette. All Yachts sailing under Warrant of the Lords of the Admiralty, or belonging to the Jioyal Yact Club, shall be exempted on view of the said Warrant, from payment of all local Duties whatsoever. HARBOR OaES. The following amounts, as Harbor Dues, shall be paid by Vessels arriving at the Port of St. John's, at the time of their being entered at the (Justom House, i-xeept Ships of War and Vessels engaged in the Coasting trade and Fish- ing, viz. : Every vessel of Sixty tons and upwards, and not more than One Hundred tons, 5)2. Every vessel of more than One Hundred tons, and not more than Two Hundred tons, $3. Every vessiel of more than Two Hundred tons, and not more than Three Hundred tons, $4. Every vessel of more than Three Hundred tons, and not more than Four Hundred tonj. Every vp^sel of more than Four Hundred tons, $6. Provided, that no vessel shall be compelled to pay Harbor Dues more than once in every half-year, viz. : Once between the First day of January and Thirtieth day of June, and once between the Thirtieth day of June and First day of January. MISCELLANEOUS DIREOTORY 56 op NEWFOUNDLAND. CL'STO.nS TARIFF FOR THE: DOJTII. NION OF CANADA. All goods not hereimt/ler enttmrT'ited are Hiihject to 17J I'er cent. duty. Acids of every description, except acetic acid, vinejiar and sulpluiric ticid. Acetic Acid and Vinegar 10 cts per gal ; pkgs. ad vil Advertising Pamphlets Agricultural Societies — Farming Utensils and Implements — when imported by, for the encouragement of agricul- ture... Alabaster Alcohol §1 <^gal ; pkgs. Ale, Beer, and Porter, in casks, 5 cts/^ gal 10 per cent, mi? vul. packages .. Do. in bottles (5 quart or 10 pint bottles to the gallon) 7 cts /u gal. iO per cent, adval. packages Almonds and Nuts Alum Aniline Salt, for dyeing Anatomical Preparations Anchors Angola Hair, manufactured Animals of all kinds, except such as are imported for the improvement of stock Animals imported for the improvement o"" stock Animals of all kinds from the B. N. A. Provinces Antimony Antiquities, Cabinets of Annatto, Liquid or otherwise Apparatus, Steering (ships') Apparel (wearing) of British subjects dy- ing abroad, but domiciled in Canada Argentine, Albata and German Silver .tnl Plate ware (all kinds) manufac- tured Argol Army and Navy, tor use ot — Arms Clothing Musical Instruments for Bands Military Stores Articles for the use of the Dominion " by and for use of Governor-Gen- erals " for use of foreign Consuls-General Ash— Pot, Pearl, and Soda Asphaltiim, a mineral pitch Atlases Axles, for railroad cars B'igatellc Boards and Billiard Tables Baggage, Travellers' Bark, Tanners' Bark, Nuts, Vegetables, Wood and Drugs used chiefly in dyeing Barley Barilla, or Kelp Beans and Peas Beer in bottles 7 cts /> gal, 10 per cent, ad val. packages Beer in wood 5 ^-ts^ gal. 10 per cent, adval. packages Belting (duck) and Hose (duck) Berries used chiefly in Dyeing Free 17* Free 17* 17^ m 17* Free Free Free Free Free 10 Free Free Free Free Free 6 Free 17J Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free U^ Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Hi Free free Bitters, containing s|iirits SI. 50 p gal ; pkgs Blacking Blacking, for Military Bleaching Powders Blocks and Patent Bushes, for ships' use.. Botany, specimens of. IJooks, being reprint of British Copyright works Book.-? — Blank Account and Copy Books, and Books lo be written or drawn I upon. 17* 17i Free Free a Free 1-4 17* Books (printed), Periodicals and Pamph- lets, not being Foreign Reprints of British Copyright works, nor Blank Account Books, nor Co])y Books, nor b'loks to be written in or drawn upon, nor Reprints of Books printed in Ca- nada, nor printed Sheet .Music, ad rd 5 Bookbinders' Tools, Implements, MiU Boards and Cloth Free Boots and shoes (Icatlier) 17* Boot Felt ]0 Book, Map, and News Printing Paper 17* Bone, manufactured 17j Bonnets, Hats, and Caps 17.J Bibles, Testaments, and Devotional Books 5 Binnacle Lamjis, Ships' 5 Biscuit and Bread from Great Britain and B. N. A. Provinces Free Boiler Plate, Iron S Bolting Cloths Free Borax Free Bracelets, Braids, &c., made of hair 17^ Bran 10 Bran, from B. N. A. Provinces Free Brandy SI p gal ; pkgs... 17* Brass and Copper, manufactured 17* Brass, in bars, rods, sheets, scraps, and strips Free Brass Tubes and Piping, when drawn, or Iron Free Brass or tJopper Wire, and Wire Cloth.... Free Brass and Tin Clasps, Slides and Span- gles, for the manufacture of hoop skirts .' Free Brimstone, roU or flour Free Bristles and Hogs' Hair of all kinds Free Britannia and Metal Ware 17* Bronze Ornaments 174 Brooms and Brushes, all kinds 17} Broom, Corn Free Buckwheat Free Bulbs Free Bullion •■ Free Bullion and Coin, except U. S. silver coin. Free Burr Stones '. Free Busts, natural size, not being cast, nor produced by any mere mechanical process Free Butter 4 cts/) lb; pkgs. 17J Do. from B.N. A. Provinces Free Bunting, Ships' 5 Cabinets of Coins, Antiquities, Gems, and Medals Free Cables, Iron Chain, for ships, over J in., shackled or swiveled, or not Free Cables, Hemp, when used for ships and vessels only 5 Cables, Grass, when usea for ships and vessels only 5 Cabinetware or Furniture 17^ MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 57 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Carbolic or Heavy Oil, used in the man- ufacture of wood block pavement, and of wood for buildings and rail- road ties Free Carboys, containing Sulphuric Acid 17J Cards, Playing 25 Candles and Tapers, of Tallow, Wax, or any other material 17J Canada Plates, Tinned Plates, Sheet Iron. 5 Cane Juice (see Syrups) Caoutchouc, or India Rubber and Gutta Percha, unmanufactured Free Caoutchouc, or India Rubber, manufac- tured 17J Canvas (Nos. 1 to 6), for ships' use 5 Canvas, for the manufacture of floor oil cloth, not less than 18 feet wide, and not pre. ^ed or calendered Canvas, when otherwise used Caps, Hats, and Bonnets Carriages Carriages of Travellers, and Carriages laden with Merchandise (Hawkers and Circus Troupes excepted) Free Carpets and Hearth Rugs 17^ Cashmere 17^ Cassia, ground 25 Do., unground 17* CastileSoap 17| Casts, as models for use of schools of design Free Castings (all others). Iron 17^ Cement, Marine or Hydraulic, unground. Free Cement, Hydraulic, ground and calcined 17J Chairs, Wrought Iron or Steel, imported for railway purposes Free Cheese 3 cts ;>. lb ; pkgs. 17^^ Do., from B. N. A. Provinces Free Chandeliers and Gas Fittings 17^ Chinaware, Earthenware, and Crockery.. 17* Charts, Maps and Atlases 17| Charitable Institutions, Donations for Free Church Bells Free Chicory, or other root or vegetable used as coffee 3 cts /j. lb., pkgs. 17* Raw, or green 3 cts p. lb., pkgs. ll\ Do., kiln-dried, roasted or ground... 4 eta /». lb., pkgs 17J^ Cider 17* Cigars 70 cts;?. lb; pkgs. 17| Cinnamon ground 25 Do., unground 17^ Citrons 10 Do., imported in brine for the purpose of being candied Free Clay Pipes, Clays, Earth, and Sand Free Clocks 17j Clothing, or Wearing Apparel, made by hand or sewing machine 17^ Clothing for Army and Navy, or Dona- tions of for Charitable Institutions... Free Clothing, Plain, imported for Officers of the Army and Navy serving in Can- ada Free Clothing and Arms, for the Army u.nd Military Forces in the Dominion Free Coach and Harness Furniture 17J Coal and Coke Free Cocoa, bean and shell Free Cocoanut Oils, in their natural state Free Cocoa Paste, from Great Britain and B. N. A. Provinces Free E Coffee, Green 2 cts;). lb; pkgs. Do., Roasted 3 ct8;>. lb ; pkgs. Collar Cloth Paper Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits. $1.50 J), gal ; pkgs Cologne Water m flasks or bottles, weighing not more than 4 oz. each 5 cts each ; pkgs Communion Plate, except metal not known as plate and glass Composition, for making spikes and nails. Compasses, Ships' Commissariat Stores Colors, &c , viz : Lakes in pulp, Scarlet and Morone, Ultra Marine and Chi- nese Blue, Umber, raw; Blue, Black, Paris, and Permanent Greens, Satin, and fine-washed White, Bichromate of Potash, Sugar of Lead, and British Gum Copperas Confectionery 1 ct ;>. lb., adval. Copper Tubes and Piping, when drawn- Copper, in pigs, bars, rods, bolts or sheets, ana sheathing Copper or Brass, manufactured Corkwood, or the Bark of the Corkwood Tree , Copper Pipe, drawn Cordage when used for ships and vessels only Cordials $1.50 p. gal; pkgs. Cottons Cotton Warp Cotton Warp, not coarser than No. 40... Cotton Yarn and Cotton Twist Cotton Thread, in hanks, colored and unfinished, Nos. 3 ana 4 ply (white) not under 20 yarn Cotton Thread on spools Do. in hanks, colored and un- finished. No. 6 ply (white), not under 20 yarn Corn, Indian Do., Waste Cotton Wool Do., Candlewick Do. Netting and Woollen Netting for I. R. shoes and gloves Corks Cranks, for steamboats, forged in the rough Cranks, for mills, forged in the rough Cream of Tartar, in crystals Coin and Bullion, except U. S. silver coin Currants Curled Hair, used in the manufacture of sofas, mattresses, &c Cutlery, Poliplied (all sorts) Dead Eyes, Ships' Dead Lights, do Deck Plugs, do Diamonds, and Precious Stones, not set.. Drain Tiles Drawings, not in oil Donations of Clothing for distribution by charitable institutions Dried Fruits Drugs, not otherwise specified Drugs, used chiefly for dyeing Dye Stuffs, viz : Berries, Bark, Drugs, Nuts, Vegetables, and Woods, un- manufactured, used chiefly in dyeing. Free 17J 17J Free Free 5 Free Free Free 26 Free Free Free Free 17i '.'4 10 17* 10 10 Free Free Free Free Free 10 m Free Free Free Free 17J Free Free Free Free Free Free Free MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 58 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Duck, for belting and bose Kartb, Clays, and Sand Kartbenware and Crockery Eggs • Klectrotype Blocks, for printing purposes Emery Emery Paper and Cloth Engravings and Prints Essences, not containing any spirits Essences, containing spirit3..$1.50 p. gal ; pkgs.. Essential Oils of all kinds Extract of Logwood Extracts, mixed with spirits or strong water $1.50 p. gal ; pkgs Factory and Mill Machinery Fancy Goods and Millinery, viz : articles embroidered with Gold, Silver, or other metals Fan and Fire Screens Farming Implements and Utensils, when imported by agricultural societies for encouragement of agriculture Feathers and Flowers Felt, for gloves Felt, for hats and boots ad val. Fibrilla, Mexican Fibre, or Tampico, white or black, and other vegetable fibres, for manufacture Firebrick, common Firebrick, shaped Firewood Figs, dried fruits Filberts, do Fire Clay Fireworks Fish, (fresh) the produce of the United States Fisheries, including oysters and lobsters in tins or kegs Pish Baits Fish Oil and Fish of all kinds, the pn^- duce of the fisheries of the United States, except tish of the Inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, uud except fish preserved in oil Fish, salted or smoked, from United States Fish, salted or smoked, from all or other countries 1 ct y. lb; pkgs. Fish, preserved, from United States, not in oil Fish, preserved, from other countries Fish, products of, and of all other crea- tures living in the water, from B N. A. Provinces Fish, of all kinds, from B. N. A. Provinces Pish Oil, from B. N. A. Provinces Fishing Nets and Seines Fish Hooks, Lines, and Fish Twines Pish Plates, wrought iron or steel Flat Wire, or Crinoline, uncovered (See Hoop Skirt) Flax Seed, Waste, Hemp, and Tow, un- dressed Flour of Wheat and Rye - Flour, and Meul of any other Grain Foreign Newspapers, sent otherwise than through Post Office Fruits, green and dried, from B. N. A. provinces ..■ Fruits (green) of all kinds Fruits, preserved in brandy or other spirits fl.50 //. gal; pkgs. Free Free Free Free Free 17* 17* 17} P Free 1?1 l?l Free 1 10 10 Free Free 17* Free Free 17* Free Free Free Free 17i Free 17i Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Fre« Fre« 10 Furs, Skins, Pelts, or Tails, undressed Fur, or of which Fur is the principal pari Galvanized and Sheet Iron Gambler, for dyeing Gems and Medals, Cabinets of. German-plated and Gilded Ware, man- ufactured, all kinds Gin, including Geneva and Old Tom, $1 ^ gal; pkgs Ginger, Ground Ginger, unground Glass and Glassware, plate and silvered, stained, painted, or colored Glass Paper and Glass Cloth Glassware Globes, when imported by, and for use of Colleges, Scientific and Literary Societies, and Schools Goat Hair, unmanufactured — Gold, Silver, and Electro-plate, manufac- tured Gold and Silver Leaf. Goldbeaters' Brim Moulds and Skins Grains of all kinds Grass, Osier, Palm Leaf, Straw, Whale- bone, or Willow, except plait, else- where mentioned Gravels Grease and Scraps Grindstones Gums, British Gum, Copal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac, and Shellac Gunpowder Guns, Ritles, and Arms of all kinds Gutta Percha, unmanufactured (iutta Percha, manufactured Gypsum, or Plaster of Paris, neither ground nor calcined Gypsum, ground, when imported express- ly as Manure Heavy or Carbolic Oil, used in the manu- facture of wood block pavement, &c Hardware, viz: — Cutlery, polished, all sorts ; Japanned, Planished Tin and Britannia Metal Ware ; Spades, Sho- vels, Axes, Hoes, Rakes, Forks and Edged Tools; Scythes and Snathe- Spiles, Nails, Tacks, Brads ana Sprigs ; Stoves, and all other Iron Castings. Other Hardware — Horn, Pearl, and Ivory, manufactured Harness and Saddlery, of leather manu- facture Hair or Mohair, manufac'ured Hair — Human, Angola, Goat, Thibet, Horse, Hog, or Mohair, unmanufac- tured Hair, Curled, used in the manufacture of sofas, mattresses, <&c Hat Plush, for hatters Hats, Caps, and Bonnets Hay Hay from B.N. A. Provinces Hemp, undressed Hides, Horns and Pelts Hosiery Horse Hair, unmanufactured Hops 5 ctB/)lb; pkgs. Hops, from B. N. A. Provinces Hoop !?kirt Manufacture — the following articles for Crinoline : Thread for Free. 17i 5 Free Free* 17i lo 17i 17i 10 17* Free Free. Free Free 17* Free Free \}^ Free Free Free 17* Free Free Free 17* 17* 17* Free Free 10 17* 10 fiue Free Free 17* Free Free MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 59 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. covering Crinoline Wire, Claapa, — tin and brass— i^lides. Spangles and Slotted Tapes, and Flat or Round Wire, uncovered Free Indian Corn, and Grain of all kinds.... Fr^e Indian Meal Free Indian Rubber (See Caoutchouc) [ndigo Free (nk of all kinds, except printing 17J luk, Printing Free Irou-<'ig Free Rod, Bar, Hoop or jheet 5 Canada Plates and Tinned Plates. 6 Scrap and Galvanized Bars, pud- dled ■. 6 Puddled, in bars, blooms, and billets 5 In Blooms and Billets, puddled or not puddled 5 Bolts and Spikes, Galvanized 5 Nail and Spike Rod— round, flat or square 5 Hoop or Tire, for driving-wheels of ' locomotives, bent and welded... 10 Boiler Plates 5 Railroad Bars, Wrought Iron or Steel Chairs, and Fish Plates... Rolled Plates Tubes and Piping, when drawn.... Knees and Riders. Ships' ■ Wire, whether galvanized or not, except for wire rigging Ivory, Bone, Pearl, and Horn — manufac- tured Ivory Nuts Ivory, unmanufactured Ivory Veneer Japanned Tin, Planished Tin, and Britan- nia Metal Ware .lewellery aiid Watches Junk and Oakum Kelp Kryolite Knees and Iron Riders [iard and Tallow 1 ct/;lb; pkgs. i^ard fromB. N. A. Provinces U'dd, Pig Lead, in .sheet Lead, white dry Leather, viz. : Sbei'p, (]alf, Goat and Chamois .Skin.^, dressed, varnished or cuanielk'd Leather, or Imitation of Leather, manu- factured Leather, Sole and Upper ijeather, Manufaotureil, viz: — Boots and Shoes, Harness and Saddlery Lemons and Oranges Lemons and Oranges, and Citrons, ira- uorted in brine for the purpose of being candied; aLsothe rinds of these fruits, imported ia brine for the yame purpose ijocomotive Engine Frames, Cranks, Crank Axles, Locomotive A-xlos, Pis- ton Rods, Gui(leor .Siide Bar.^, Crank Pius, connecting Rods, Hoop Iron or Steel for Tires, Wheels, bent and welded 10 Locomotive and Railway Passenger, Bag- gage and Freight Car?, runnmg upon roads crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars Free 5 Free 5 Free Free Free Free l?l Free Free Free 5 m Free Free Free Free 17J in 10 Free are admitted free, under similar cir- cumstances in the United States Free Logwood, Extract of Free Linen 17^ Linen Machine Thread 10 Litharge Free Lithographic Stones Free Lumber (See Plank and Lumber) Free Machinery for Mills and Factories of kinds which are not manufactured in the Dominion 10 Maccaroni and Vermicelli 17i Machinery 17J Machine Twist and Silk Twists 10 Mace 2.5 Malt 40 cts /> bush i pkgs. 17^ Manilla Grass, (See Grass, and Mosses for upholsterers' purposes) Free Manures Free Manufactured Marble IJ^^Bftuprgi', Manufactures, viz : — ^■'"'" Marble, or imitation iM' 17^ Caoutchouc, Indian Rubber, or Gutta Percha 17^ Furs, or of which Fur is the principal part 17* Hair or Mohair 175 Papier Mache 17| Grass Osier, Palm Leaf, Straw, Whale- bone, or Willow, except Plaits else- where mentioned i' ^i Bone, Shell, Horn, Pearl, and Ivory ^17} Gold, Silver, Electro-plate, Argentine, Albata, and German Silver, and ,•? plated and Gilded Ware of all kinds. ^ 175 Wool Waste 171 Brass or Copper 17V Leather or Imitation of Leather lli Wood 11% ; Cashmere 17| Meats and Vegetables, Preserved 17^ Maps, Charts, and Atlases 17^ Marble, in Blocks, unwrought or sawn two sides only ; aud Slabs from such Blocks, having at I'last two edges un- wrought Free Masts, Iron or part oflron Masts (ships'). Free Meats — fresh, smoked, or dalted...! at /> lb;pkgj 17.'. Meats—, fresh, smoked or salted, from 1>. N. A. Provinces Free Medals, Cabinets of Preo Medicinal Roots in their nittiiral atate Free Menageries, horses, ca'tle, carriaite.'*, and harness of, under restriction of Miuis- tfr of Customs Free Medicines, Patent 2.5 Medmiiies for Huspitali 17..{ Metal, Type, in blocks or pigs Free Metallic Oxides, dry, ground, or un- grouud, and washed or unwashed — not calcined Preo Military Clothing, imported by officers of army or navy stationed in Canada Free Mill and Factory Machinery 171 Millinery of nil kinds '. 17J Mineralogy, specimons of. Free Model..), when thfy cannot bo used as the articles of which they are said to be the models Free Molasses, if used for refining purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar 73 eta /* 100 lbs; pkgs nj MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 60 OP NEWPCUNDLAND. Molasses, if not so used advat. 26 Molasses, other (See Syrnp) Mosses, for upholstery purposes Free Musical Instruments fur Bauds (Armj and Navy) Free Musical Instruments, including musical boxes and clucks 17^ Music, Sheet, printed ... 17* Nails, Tacks, and Brads -171 Nails, Composition Free i ails. Sheathing Free Newspapers. Foreign, sent otherwise than through tlie Post Office 5 Nitre of Snlpetre Free Nitraie of Soda Free Nuts, unless otherwise specified 17J Nuts, Ivory Free Nuts, used chiefly in dyeing Free Nutmegs 25 Natural History, Specimens of. Free Naptha 15 ct3;>gal ; pkgs. 17^ Naval and Military Siores...i Free Oatmeal and Flour, or Meal of any other Grain Free Oats Free Oakum Free Ochres, ground and calcined 17^ Ochres or Metallic Oxides, ground or un- ground, and washed or unwashed — dry, not calcined Free Officers' Mess : [Note. — All articles for Officers' Messes and Canteens, formerly free, now pay the duties unposed upon similar goods imported for ordinary use] Oils — Cocoa Nut, Pine and Palm, in their natural state Free Kerosene and Coal, distilled, puri- iied, and refined 15 cts. p gal ; pKgs. 17J Benzole, Benzine, Benzoline, and Petroleum, distilled, purified or refined 15 cts /< gal; pkgs. 17^ Petroleum, crude 6 cts //gal; pkgs. 17J Products of Petroleum, coal, shale, and lignite, not otherwise speci- fied 10 cts j> gal ; pkgs. 17^ Whale, in the CHsks, from on ship- board, and in the condition in which it was first landed Fr-^e Essential 17^ Oil Cake Free Oils, in any way rectified, pumped, rack- ea, bleached, or prepared, not else- where bpecilied 17^ Crude Petroleum... C> cts jj gal; pkgs. 17? Oil Cloths I7j Old Tom Gin f 1 /> gal ; pkgs. Hi Opium ri'i Oranges 10 Ordnance Stores Free Oranges, imported in brine for the pur- pose of being candied Free Ores of all kinds of metals Free Ornaments of Bronze, Alabaster, Terra Cotta, or Composition 17J Osiers, or Willow, for basket-makers' use Free Packages of every description, in which goods paving ad val. duties are import- ed included in value of goods, except only bottles, jars, demijohns, brandy casks, barrels, or packages in which spirituous liquors, wines, and malt li- quors are contained, and carboys con- taining sulphuric acid 174 Packages of Goods paying ipecific duties. 17| Paints and Colors, not elsewhere speci- fied 17J Paintings in Oil, by artists of well- knowa merit, or copies of the old mas'.TS by such artists Free Paper 17^ Paper Collar Cloth Free Paper, "Union CoUarCloth" Free Paper Shavings Free Paper Hangings 17; Paper Macnc 17i Parasols and Umbrellas 17i Patent Medicines, not mixed with spirits or strong waters 25 Peas Free Pearl, Horn, Bone and Ivory, manufac- tured 17J Pelts, Hides, and Horns Free Pepper, ground 25 Pepper, unground 17* Perfumed Spirits f 1.50 /> gal ; pkgs. 17} Perfumed Spirits, when in flasks or bot- tles not weighing more than 4 oz. 5 cts each; pkgs. 17J Perfumery not elsewhere specified 25 Pine and Palm Oils, in their natural state Free Phosphorus Free Pickles and Sauces 17i Pimento, ground 17* Pin^anto, unground 17} Pipe Clay Free Pipes, Tobacco 17^ Pitch and Tar , Free plaster ot Paris, not ground or calcined. Free •plaster of Paris, ground and calcined 17^ lush for Hatters use, and for gloves 10 Playing Cards 25 Portable Hand Printing Presses 17^ Potatoes 10 Potatoes, growth B.N. A. Provinces Free Preserved Meats 17J Printed, Lithographed, or Copper-plate Bills, Bill-Heads and Advertising Pamphlets 17^ Potash, Bichromate of. Free Poultry 10 Poultry from B. N. A. Provinces Free Porter, in bottles 7 cts p gal and 10 ad val ; pkgs. 17J Porter, in casks 5 c\&p gal and 10 ad val; pkgs. 17J Pig Iron, Pig Lead, and Pig Copper Free Philosophical Instruments and Appara- tus, including globes, when imported by and for the use of colleges, scien- tific and literary societies, and schools Free Plants 10 Plants from B. N. A. Provinces Free Plank and Sawed Lumber, of mahogany, rosewood, walnut, chestnut, cherry, and pitch pine Free Plank and Sawed Lumber of all kinds, except mahogany, rosewood, walnut, chestnut, cherry, and piccb pine Platers' Leaf Precipitate of Copper Precious Stones, unset MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 61 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. Painting Ink and Printing Presses, ex- cept portable hand printing presses.. Free Proprietary Medicines, mixed with spirits or strong water8...$1.50 p gal ; pkgs. 17} Patent Medicines 25 Prunella, for uppers of ladies' boots and shoes 10 Puddled Iron Bars, Blooms, and Billets... 5 Pumps and Pump Gear, Ships' 5 Prohibited Articles (See end of TaritT). Quartz, crushed Free Rags, including paper shavings Free Railroad Bars and Frogs Free Ratan, for chairmakers Free Red Lead, dry Free Rennet Free Rosia Free Rice 1 ct7>lb;pkg3. 17} Riders and Knees, Iron (ships') 5 Rigging Wire (ships') Free Rinds of Oranges, Citrons, and Lemons, imported in brine for the purpose of being candied Free Roots, Medicinal, in their natural state... Free Roots, other 10 Rifles. Guns, and Firearms of all kinds... 17i Rum.'. $lp gal; pkgs. 174 Rum-Shrub $1.50 /> gal; pkgs. 17} Rye Free Sails, ready-made 17} Sail-Cloth or Canvas, for ships' use 5 Sal Ammoniac, Sal Soda, Caustic Soda, Silicate of Soda, Soda Ash, Nitrate of Soda, and Saltpetre Free Salt Free Sand Free Sand Paper and Sand Cloth 17} Satin, and fine washed whit« Free Schedam Schnapps... $1.50 p gal ; pkgs. 17} Sea Grass, Manilla Grass, and Mosses for upholstery purposes Free Seeds not classed as cereals 10 Seeds from B. N. A. Provinces Free Settlers' effects of every description, in actual use, not being merchandise, brought by persons making oath that they intend becoming permanent set- tlers within the Dominion Free Scrap Iron Free Scrap Brass Free Sculpture, specimens of Free Shafts for mills and steamboats, in the rough Free Shawls 17J Sheet Music, printed 17} Ships' Blocks and Patent Bushes for Blocks 5 Binnacle Lamps and Bunting 5 Sail Cloth, or Canvas 5 Cables, hemp or grass 5 Compasses 5 Dead Eyes 5 Dead Lights 5 Deck Plugs 5 Pumps and Pump Gear 5 ShacKles — Sheaves 5 Signal Lamps 5 Travelling Trucks 5 Steering Apparatus 5 Iron Knees and Riders 5 Wire Rigging, and galvanized for manufacture of. 5 Cordage 6 Varnish, black and bright S Wedges 5 Iron Masts, or part of Iron Masts... Free Shell, manufactured 17} Sheet Iron, not galvanized 6 Shrubs, Trees and Plants 10 hrubs, Trees and Plants, from B. N. A. Provinces Free Silks, Satins, and Velvets 17} Silk, Woollen, Worsted and Cotton Em- broideries, and Tambour Work 17} Silk Twist, and Silk and Mohair Twist, not elsewhere specified, for tailors' use, inhanks 17} Silk Twists, for hats, boots, and shoes Free Silk Twists, Machine 10 Silver Coin, United States 17. Silver Leaf 17. ■Silver and Gold Cloth 17, Silver-plated Ware 17 Skins, undressed Free Slate Free Slotted Tapes, for the manufacture of hoop skirts Free Small Wares adval. 17} Snutf, ground dry 25cts»lb;) [^ ^^i 12} per cent, aa val. ] V \i • 2 Snuff, damp, moist, or pickled 17} Soda Ash Free Soap, common $1 p 100 lbs ; pkgs. 17} Soap, perfumed and fancy 25 Spades, Shovels, Stoves, and all other iron castings 17} Spelter or Zinc, in sheets, blocks, or pigs Free Specimens of Natural History, Mineralo- gy, Botany, or Sculpture Free Spices, ground, including Ginger, Pi- mento, and Pepper 25 Spices, nnground, including Ginger, Pi- mento, and Pepper 17} Spikes and Nails, composition Free Spikes, Scythes, and Snaths 17} Spirits and strong waters, not having been sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strpngtn thereof cannot be ascertained by Sykes' hydrometer, for every gallon of the strength of proof by such hy- drometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for every grea- ter or less quantity than a gallon, viz. : Brandy, Geneva, Alcohol, R-im, Gin — including Old Tom — Whiskey and unenumerated articles ofall kinds, per gul Sl.OO Other Spirits, being sweetened or mixed, so that the degree of strength can- not be ascertainedas aforesaid, name- ly : Rum-Shrub, Cordials, Schie- dam Schnapps, Tafia, Bitters, and the like $1.50 Cologne Water and perfumed Spirits, not in flasks $1.50 Cologne Water and perfumed Spirits, when in flasks or bottles. For MISOELLANEOUS DIRECTORT 62 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. 1 each flask or bottle not weighing more than four ounces $0.50 Unenumerated Spirits and Strong Waters Spirits and Stronfj Waters imported into Canada, mixed with any in- gredient or ingredients, and al- tliough thereby coming under the denomination of proprietary medi- cines, tinctures, essences, extracts, or any other denomination, shall be nevertless, deemed " Hpirits or Strong Waters," and subject to dutyns such, per gal $1.50 Spirits and Strong Waters, including spi- rits of wine and alcohol. ..$1;) gal; pkgs. 17i Spirits of Turpentine 17* Starch 2 cts;;lb; pkgs. HJ Statues of Marble, Bronze, and Alabas- ter, natural size Free Stationery 17J Steel, wrought or cast, in bars and rods.. Free Steel, Plates, cut to any form, but not moulded Free Steel Chairs, Railway Free Steering Appartus, ships' 5 Stereotype Blocks, for printing purposes. Free Steamboat and Mill Shafts and Cranks, forged in the rough Free Steam Fire Engines 17J Stone, unwrougut, and Lithographers' Stone Free Stores for the use of Army and Navy Straw Straw from B.N. A. Provinces Straw, Tuscan, Grass, and Fancy Plats.. Sulphur or Brimstone, in roll or Hour Sulphuric Acid ^ ctp lb ; pkgs. Sulphuric Acid, Carboys containing Sugar Candy, brown or white..l ct;^ lb., ad val 25 Sugar, equal to and"! above No. 9, Dutch > 1 ct /> lb., ad val. Standard J Sugar, below No 9 J ct;* lb., ad val. 25 Syrup of Sugar, or of i-^ugar Cane, Syrup of Molasses, or of Sorghum, Melado, or Concentrated Molasses and Cane Juice I ct jw lb., ad val 25 Tafia $1.50; lb ; pkgs. 17*^ Tea, Black 3cts;)lb; pkgs. 17* Tea, Green or Japan 4 cts p lb ; pkgs. 17* Tea. Black Scts/jlb; pkgs. 17J Teasels Free Thibet Hair, unmanufactured Free Thread and other articles embroidered with gold or for embroidering 17(j Thread Lace and Insertions 17^ Tiles, drain Free Timber and Lumber, round and hewed, but not otherwise, from B. N. A. Pro- vinces, manufactured in whole or in part Tin, in bar, blocks, pigs or granulated.... Tin and Zinc, or Spelter, in block or pig Tin Clasps, Slides, and Spangles, for ma- nufacturing hoop skirts Tin Plates Tinctures, containing spirits... $1.50 /' gal; pkgs. Tinctures, other Tobacco, manufact'd, except clears... 12J pc; 25 cts ;< lb ; pkgs. Snuff & Snutf flour, dry... 12} p c; 25ot8;Mbi pkgE. Snuff, d'mp, moist, pkled...r2j pcj 25 cts ;> lb ; pkgs. Canada Twist, from raw Cana- da tobacco, per lb Tobacco, unmanufactured, (but must be bonded on importation), under con- ditions of Act 31 Vict., chap. 51 Tobacco Pipes '.. Tow, undressed Toys Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants, from B. N. A. Provinces Travellers' Baggage Travellers 'Carriage Travelling Trucks, Ships' : Treenails Tubes and Piping, of Copper, Brass or Iron, when drawn Turpentine, Spirits of. Turpentine, other than Spirits of Turpen- tine Twist, Silk, for Hats, Boots and Shoes... Type Metal, in blocks or pigs Type Union Collar Cloth Paper, used in the manufacture of Paper Collars, Cuffs, &c Varnish, bright and black, for ships' use.. Varnish, other than bright and black Veneering of Wood of Ivory Vegetables, including Potatoes and other Roots Vegetables, from B. N. A. Provinces Vegetable Fibres Vegetables used chiefly indyeing Vegetables, Fish and Meats, preserved.... Velvets, Silks and Satins Vinegar 10 cts ju gal ; pkgs. Vitriol, blue j Walnuts, Dried Fruits Wearing Apparel and Clothing, made by hand or sewing machines Weaving or tram silk, and weaving or tram cotton for making clastic web- bing, and crinoline thread for cover- ing crinoline wire Wedges, Ships' Whale Oil, in the casks, from on Ship- board and in the condition in which it was first landed Wheat Whiting, or Whitening White Zinc, dry Free Free Free Free 5 17i m 10 Free 17i Free 17J 10 Free Free Free 5 5 Free Free Free Free 5 17* Free 5 I'ree Free Free Free MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 63 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. White Lead, dry Freo Whiskey $1.00 n gal; pkg8. 17J IVines, not containing over 20 degrees of aloobol, and not worth more thnn forty cents oer gallon, of all kinds, including Ginger, Orange, Lemon, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Elder and Currant Wine, (five quarts or 10 pint bottles to a gallon), per gallon 30c. "Wines — all others when in wood, per gal- lon 60c. Wines — all others except Sparkling Wines, in bottles, (five quarts or ten pints to a gallon), per dozen 1.50 Wines — Sparkling, per dozen 3.00 Wines— Sparkling, per gallon 1.25 ' Wire Cloth, of Brass or Copper Free Wire (Brass or Copper), round or flat Free Wire, (Iron) 5 Wire, flat or round, for crinolines, unco- vered Freo Wire Rigging Ships' 5 Woods of all kinds, wholly manufactu- red Free Woods, unmanufactured, when chiefly used in dyeing Free Woods, manufactured, not eUewhere spe- cified 17i Wool Fjee Wool, waste Free Woollens 13 Woollen Netting for India Rubber Shoes and Gloves 10 Writing Desks, fancy and ornamental Cases and Boxes, and other fancy goods 17i Yellow Metal in bars, bolts, or for Shea- thing Freo Zinc or Spelter, in blocks or pigs Free Zinc or Spelter in sheets Free iSinc, whitedry Free Note. — Schedule D. — The following goods, when the growth and produce of any of the British North American Provinces, may be im- ported free of duty, subject to alteration or re gulation by proclamation of the Governor-Ge- neral in Council, viz : — Animals of all kinds; Fresh, Smoked and Salted Meats ; Green and Dried Fruits, Fish of all kinds, product of fish, and of all other crea- tures living in the water; Poultry, Butter. Cheese, Lard, Tallow; Timber and Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, but not otherwise ma- nufactured in whole or in part ; Fish Oil, Gyp- sum, ground or unground ; Hay, Hops, Straw, B^an, Seeds of all kinds, VeKetable;), including Potatoes, and other roots; Plants, Trees and Shrubs; Coal and Coke; Salt; Wheat, Peas, Beans, Barley, Rye, Oii's, Indian Corn, Buck- wheat, and all other grain ; Flour of Wheal, Rve, Indi«n Corn and Oatmeal, and Flour Meal of any other grain. All goods not enumerated as charged with any other duty, or declared to be free of duty ; and non-enumerated packages, 17^ p. c. adval. SOVEREIGNS OF EUROPE. With their Ages in 1877. Country. Austria. Namk & Title, aoe aoc Belgium Denmark Germany Great Britain.. Greece Italy. Netherlands Portugal Rome (Leonine Russia City) Spain Sweden & Norway.... Turkey Frauois Joseph I., Emp Leopold 11.. K. Chri!«t;anIX.,K William I., Emp Victoria,Qtieen George I., K. of the Hellenes. Victor Emma nuel 11 , K. William III , K. Louis I., King.. Pius IX., Poi)e. Ale-tander II., Emperor Alfonso XII., K Oscar II., King. Abdul Hamed 11., Sultan... 47 42 59 80 58 32 57 60 39 85 59 20 48 1848 18(^5 18G3 1871 1837 1803 I8GI 1849 1861 1846 1 855 1874 1872 1876 President McMahon. of the French Republic— Marshal T.ible showing the naraber of Day 3 from any Day of one Mouth to the same Day i )f any oti.or Month. FROM TO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. 151 120 92 61 31 365 335 304 July. Auo. Sept 243 212 OCT. 273 242 214 183 153 122 9'' Is' ov. 804 273 245 214 184 158 123 92 61 ~ll 365 33S Dkc. Jancart 33a 31 365 59 28 365 90 120 181 150 122 91 61 SO 212 331 February 334 59 89 181 303 Mabcii 306 275 337 31 61 ""lo" 153 122 9i 61 184 m 123 92 62 275 April 806 834 304 366 244 May 245 276 335 365 214 June 214 184 245 273 304 274 !»4 183 ■July 215 243 304 36i5 31 334 365 303 1 334 1.53 31 ' CI ACWUST 153 184 21" 243 212 273 122 Septemrer 122 92 153 181 242 273 3'35 3.35 3':4 274 30 ~305 334 ~3or 91 October 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 61 Js'ofember 61 92 120 151 212 242 273 30 December 31 62 90 121 151 182 212 243 365 EXAMPLE OF USE OF TABLE. To find the number of Davs prom 16th August to 27th February : Find August in the side column and iFebruary at the top; tlie number at the intersection, viz., 184, is the number olDays from 16th August to 16th February; ad-l 11, t .;> difference between 16 and 27, and the sum 196 is the number required. Similarly, the number from 16th August to 6th February is 1.84 less 11 or 173. Jn Leaj) i'.etr, ifi^lh February be inctiuled between the given dates, add om to the result. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 64 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. BRITISH TARIFF OP CUSTOMS DUTIES* On Merehandise Imvorttd into the United Kiny- aam. Showing the Duties GhariregMe on certain Goods, the DesiRnations by which they are to be digtiDffiiisbea, and the Denominations of quantity oy which, as well as their values, they are severally to be stated in the Entries. DUTIES AS CONSOLIDATED BY "THE CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT, 1876." •»• All Dutiable Warehoused Goods are subject to the additional charge of 5s. per cent., (ex- cept Tobacco, which is 2s. 6d.), on the amount of duty payable upon the delivery for home consumption from any warehouse, whether under bond or not. Beer and Ale, namely — Mum, barrel £1 1 Spruce, wort before fermentation sp, gr. not exceeding 1190°, barrel 110 Exceeding 1190° 14 Of other sorts, viz. : — Beer, wort before fermentation sp. gr. not exceeding 1065^, barrel 8 Exceeding 1065-, and not exceeding 1090° 11 Exceeding 1090° 16 In charging above duties on Beer, the specific gravity of the worts shall be ascertained in the man« ner prescribed by IGtbsec. of 19 and 20 Vic, cap 34. Cards, playing, doz. packs 3 9 Chicory or any other vegetable mat- ter applicable to the uses of Chicory or Coffee— Raw or Kiln-dried, cwt. 13 3 " Kiln Roasted or Ground, lb 2 Chloroform, lb 3 Chloral Hydrate, lb 1 3 Cocoa, lb 1 " Husks and Shell, cwi *... 2 " Paste or Chocolate, lb 2 Coffee, cwt • 14 " Kiln-dried, Roasted, or Ground, lb 2 A drawback allowed on al! Roast- ed Coffee exported as ships' stores, equal in amount to the import duly on Raw Coffee. Collodion, gallon 14 Currants, cwt ; 7 Essence, Spruce, for every £100 value. 10 Ether, sulphuric, gallon 15 Ethyl, Iodide of, gallon 13 Figs, cwt 7 Fig-cake, cwt 7 Malt, not being essences and extracts thereof, quarter 14 Naphtha, or Methylic Alcohol, purified {See Spirits). Plate, of Gold, oz. troy 17 " of Silver, gilt or ungilt, oz. troy. 16 Plums (commonly called French Plums), and Prunelloes, cwt.... 7 " dried or preserved (except in sugar), not otherwise described, cwt 7 Prunes, cwt 7 Raisins, cwt, 7 Spirits or strong waters, not being sweetened or mixed with any article, so that the degree of strength there- of cannot bo ascertained oy Sykes' hydrometer, for every gallon of the strength of proof by such hydrome- ter, and 80 in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for any (;reater or less quantity than a gal-^ on, viz : — Brandy, gallon 10 5 Geneva, gallon 10 5 Naphtha, or Methylic Alcohol, puri- fied, gallon 10 5 Rum, of and from any foreign country, being the country of its production, gallon 10 2 Rum from any country, not being the country of its production, gal- lon 10 6 Tafia, of and from any Colony of France, gallon 10 2 Rum and Spirits, of and from any British Possession, gallon 10 2 Unenumerated, gallon 10 5 Other Spirits, oeing sweetened or mixed, so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained as aforesaid, viz : — Rum Shrub, Liqueurs, and Cordials, of and from a British Possession, gallon 10 2 Perfumed Spirits and Cologne Water, gallon 16 6 Unenumerated, gallon 14 Varnish, containing any quantity of Alcohol or Spirit, gallon 12 O Spirits and Strong Waters imported into the United Kingdom, mixed with any ingredient, and although thereby coming under some other designation, except Varnish, shall nevertheless be deemed to be Spirits or Strong Waters, and be subject to duty as such. Tea lb 6 Tobacco, manufactured, viz : — Cigars, lb 5 Cavendish and Negrohead, lb 4 6 Snuff, containing more than 13 lbs. of moisture in every 100 lbs. weight thereof, lb 3 9 Not containing more than ISlbs, of moisture in every lOOlbs. weight thereoi,lb 4 6 Being Cavendish or Negrohead, manufactured in Bond, lb 4 Other manufactured Tobacco, lb 4 Tobacco, unmanufactured, viz. : — Containing 10 lbs. or more of mois- ture in every 100 lbs. weight there- of, lb :. *0 3 Containing less than 10 lbs. of mois- ture in every 100 lbs. weight thereof, lb 3 6 Provided that no Tobacco, pack- ed and prized, shall on the im- portation thereof, be examined as to the quantity of moisture contained therein, except by • With 5 per cent, thereon. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 05 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. special order of the CommiB- gioncrs of CustoDU, and un- manufactured Tobacco shall, on the entry thereof, be distin- guiabed as stemmed or un- stemmed, as the caae may be. Varnish (See Spirits). Vmegar^ gallon " Pickles, preserved in, gallon.... Wine containing hua than the fullow- ing rates of proof Spirit, verified by Hykes' Hydrometer, viz. : — 2o 42 Red and Wnite Wine, and the degrees, degrees. Lt?es of such Wine, gallon. 10 2 6 And an additional duty of 3d. per gallon for every degree of strength beyond the highest above specified. Ten per cent, of proof Spirit may be used in the fortify- ing of anv Wine in Bond, provided it be not thereov raised to a greater degree of strength tnan 40 per cent, of such proof Spirit, if for home consumption. N. B. — Goods composed of any articles liable to Duty, as a part or ingredient thereof, are chargeablo with the full Duty payable on such article ; or if composed of more than one article liable to Duty, then with the full Duty payable on the article charged with the highest rate of Duty. Upon the importation of any article, in the manufacture of which Spirit is used, there shall be chai'ged the same Duties on the quantity of Spirit used as before appear. ORPHAN DUES ON WINES IMPORTED INTO LONDON.. Cape Madeira and Marsala, the pipe.. £0 1 10 Case Wine, per dozen quarts 0| French, the hogshead 10 Rhenisn, the aum 9 Lisbon, the pipe 2 3J Portugal, the pipe 2 3 Spanish and all other sorts, not enu- merated, the pipe 2 2 FREE LIST. Revised List of Articles of Merchandise im- ported Free of Duty into the United Kingdom, showing the Designations by which they are to be distinguished, together with the respective Denominations of Quantity to be used, when the Quantity is required to be stated in the Entries. ♦Sin every instance in which any denomina- tion of tale, weight or measure is affixed to the name of an article in this List, the quantity of such article is to be exhibited under that denomination, in addition to the value, which is in no case to be omitted. Where a denomi- nation of quantity is not attached to the article, the value alone is required. The articles within [ ] which were formerly required, for the most part, to be separately enumerated, are now to be entered under the denominations therein stated. Alkali, cwt.— Almonds, cwt. — Almonds, Paste of, cwt. — Ammunition, viz : Shot, large and small, of lead, cwt.— of iron, cwt.— Rockets and other combustlbleg for purposes of war, and Ammunition not otherwise enuni., 'al.— Animals, living, viz. : Oxen and Bulls, num.— Cows, num.— Calves, num.— Horsi'ti iiores. Geldings, Colt«, Foals, num.— Sheep and Lambs, num.— Swiue, num.— Uneaumerated, val.— Arms, (number and quantity of each required), viz.. Swords, CutlasscH, Matches, Bayonets, Gun Barrels, Gun Locks, and Cannon, and MorUra of iron, not mounted nor accompa- nied with carriages, cwt.— Cannon aid Mortars of brass, not mounted uor accompanied with carriages, cwt.— Cannon and .Morurn, mounted or accompanied wiih carriaBes, num. -Muskets. Rifles, Carbines, Fowling Pieces, or Guns of any other sort not enum., and Pistols num. — Art, Works of, other than Pictures, val.— Asphalte, or Bitumen Judaicum, ton. [Agates or Cornelians, Precious Stones; Albumen, Goods manu. : Algarobilla Seed, Seeds ; Alkanet Root. Dye Stuffs ; Alaes, Drugs ; Alum, Chem. prod.; Aluminium, Metals; Amber, viz., rough Goods unmanu. ; Manufac- tures of, except beads, Goods manu. ; .f^mbergris, Drugs; Amboyna Wood. Wood, viz.. Furniture and Hardwoods ; Anchovies, Fish ; Angelica not Candied, Drugs ; Animal Charcoal, Bones. Annatto, Dye Stuffs ; Antimony, viz., Ore or, Ores ; Crude, Regulus, Metals ; Apples, Fruit ; Aquafortis, nitric acid, Chem. produce ; .\rgol. Dye Stuffs ; Aristolochia, Drugs ; Ai: wroot Farinaceous subs. ; Arsenic, Chem. prod. ^ Ashes, Alkali.] Bacon, cwt.— Bark, viz., for tanners' and dyers' use, cwt.— Peruvian, cwt.— Of other sorts, cwt.— Beads, viz., of glass (including bugles), lb.— Of other sorts unem., lb.— Beef, viz.. Salted, cwt.— Fresh or slightly salted, cwt.— Bones (except whalefins), whether burnt or not, or as animal charcoal, viz.. Applicable to manufac- turing purposes, ton.— For Manure, ton.— Books, bound and unbound, cwt. — Brass, Bronze, and Metal bronzed or lacquered, manufactures of, not otherwise enum., cwt. — Brimstone, rough, cwt.— Bristles, lb.— Bullion and Coin of gold, and silver, viz., Gold Bullion, oz. troy— Gold Coin, British, oz. troy— Gold coin, Foreign, oz. troy— Silver Bullion, oz. trey— Silver Coin, British, oz. troy— Silver Coin, Foreign, o/-. troy— Butter, cwt.— Buttons and Studs, not of metal, val. [Balsams, Goods manu. ; Barilla, Alkali ^ Bark, Extract of. Extracts ; Barley, peiiil, Spirits ; Wax, Seal- ing, Stationery ; Weld, Dye Stuffs ; Wire, Gilt or Plated, Goods manu. ; Brass, Brass manu. ; Copper, Copper manu. ; Iron, Iron manu. ; Silver, Goods manu. ; Platina, Platina wrought ; Woad,' Dye Stuffs ; Wood and Timber, viz., Firewood, Hoops, or Lathwood, Wood sawn or split; Shovel Hilts. Goods manu. ; Waste Wood, viz.. Billet or Brush Wood, used for the purpose of stowage, Goods unmanu. ; Treenails of all sorts. Wood, sawn or split; Dye Woods, Dye Woods ; Pulp of, Rags.J Yeast, dried, cwt. Zinc, viz.. Ore of, ton — Crude, in cakes, ton— Manu of, unenu., cwt. [Zaffre, Painters' Colours ; Zebra Wood, Wood, viz.. Furniture and Hardwoods ; Zinc, Oxide or White of,;Painter3' Colours.] Goods not being either in pan or wholly manufactured, and not enumerated or described in this Tariff, val. Goods being either in part or wholly manufac- tured, and not enumerated or described in this Tariff, val. PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. OOODB PROHIBITED TO BE lUrORTBD. Books, wherein the copyright shall be first sub- sisting, first composed or written, or printed in the United Kingdom, and printed or re-print- ed in any other country, as to which the pro- prietor of such copyright, or his agent, shall, nave given to the commissioners of customs a notice in writing that such copyright subsists, such notice also stating when such copyright will exp're. Coin, viz : — false money, or counterfeit sterling; Silver Coin of the realm, or any money pur- porting to be such, not being of the establish- ed standard in weight or fineness. Extracts, Essences, or other concentrations of Malt (except Sugar, or extract of Malt for Medicinal purposei only, and fermented li- quors specified in the Customs Tariffmade from Malt) Coffee, Chicory, Tea, or Tobacco, or any admixture of the same, except in transit, or to be warehoused for exportation only. Snuffwork, Tobacco Stalks stripped from the leaf whether manufactured or not ; Tobacco Stalk Flour. Indecent or Ob.^cene Prints, Paintings, Books, Cards, Lithograpuic or other Engravings, or any other indecent or obscene articles. Nitro Glycerine, except under certain conditions as S])ecitied in 3i and 33 Vic, c. 113. Articles of foreign manufacture and any pack- age of such art!:.'les bearing any name, brand or mark, which states or implies that such articles were manufactured at any place in the United Kingdom. Any name, brand, or mark, which states or implies that any such article was man ;factured at a town or place having the same name as a place in the United Kingdom shall, unless accompanied by the name of the country in which such place is situate, be deemed to state or imply that such articles were manufactured at a place in the United Kingdom, Clocks and Watches, or any other article of metal impressed with any mark or stamp, re- presenting or in imitation of any legal British assay mark or stamp, or purporting by any mark or appeare 'ce to be of the manufacture of the United K. .o;dom. Infected Cattle, Sheup, or other animals, or the carcases thereof, and hides, skins, horns, hoofs, or any part of catUe or other animals, which the Privy Council may by order prohibit, in order to prevent the dissemination of any contagious distemper. Spirits (not being cordials, perfumed, or me- dicinal spirits), urdess in ships of forty tons burthen at least, and in casks or other vessels capable of confaii ing liijuids, each being of the content of twenty gallons at the least, and duly reported, or unless in glass or stone bottles j)roperly packed in cases, and forming part of the cargo of the importing ship, and duly reported. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarillos or Cigarettes, and Snuff, except in whole and complete packages, each containing not less thau eighty pounds weight and unless in ships of not less than 120 tons burthen, and unless into ports duly approved by the Commissioners of Customs. Tobacco, sweetened (whether manufactured or unmanufactured)except as otherwise specially provided for by any Act relating to Customs. Wines, except into ports duly received. MISCBLLANEOUfl DIRECTORY 70 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. IMPORTS INTO THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOE THE YEAR 1872. ARTICLES. Animals , Oxen and Cows Sheep Swine Apothecaries' Ware Medicine Arms and Ammunition, Shot Lead. Gunpowder Guns HacoQ and Hams Beef. Beer and Cider Bread Bricks Butter Cabinet Wares Candles Cheese Cliocolate and Cocoa.., Coal Clocks end Watches.... Coffee Cordage and Cables.... Confectionery , Corks and Corkwood... Corn Grain, viz : Oats. Barley Bran. Indian Cora ♦'orn Meal Oatmeal Fease Flour Katthcnware Fi-athers Fishing Tackle Fishiu;? Tackle, Free. Fisli, viz: — Oysters... Fisii, Pickled Fruit, Dried Fruit, Apples Fruit, other sorts (ii issware Hardware, 13 percent Hardware, 8 per cent huliuu Rubber Manufactures., I.nid Lead Lead, Paint Leather Quantities Imported. 118 2,519 3,499 117 1,874 cwt 40,090 lbs 1,114 cwt 2,956 brl8 68,974 gals 25,901 cwt 368 M 16,925 cwt 48,210 lbs 792 cwt 51,431 lbs 45,176 tons 139,423 lbs 14,607 cwt 497 cwt 506 cwt 32,572 bush 7,638 brls 2,115 brls '.',745 brls 232,854 brls 32,867 lbs Leathtrwaro Meat and Poultry Miscellaneous Articles from various countries... MisceUaneous Articles from various countries. 634 bush 30 cwt 265,082 lbs 3,7:8 brls 219 cwt 5i35 cwt 2,51)0 cwt l^'ree. Mohxsses Oiikum Oil — Linseed Oil— Olive Oil— Kerosene , Paper Manufacture. Paper Printing Printed Books 948,640 gals 285 cwt 12,090 gals 5,003 101,514 Quantities entered for Home Con- sumption. 118 2,519 3,499 117 1,874 cwt 40,090 lbs 1,114 cwt 2,956 brls 67,173 gals 25,901 cwt 368 M 16,925 cwt 48,210 lbs 792 cwt 51,431 lbs 45,176 tons 139,423 lbs 14,607 cwt 497 c i^t 506 cwt 32,572 bush 7,638 brls 2,115 brls 4,745 brls 232,854 brls 32,867 lbs 634 bush 30 cwt 233.380 lbs 3,773 brls 219 cwt 565 cwt 2,500 cwt 922,742 gals 285 cwt 12,( 90 gals 5,003 101,514 Value. I 10,620 75,738 8,748 585 3,807 16,477 11,246 6,138 5,216 16,717 29,560 27,591 103,607 f,673 253,886 1>3,589 4,821 11,887 6,172 135,528 2,913 20,915 131,469 11,240 2,582 16,286 2,615 1,098 2,138 30,552 10,575 ld,980 1,629,978 27,036 3,944 214,493 23,750 476 60 26,509 9,4-15 2,522 16,518 156,661 105,735 ! ,048 2.629 3,398 15,016 72,825 323,501 12.178 43,865 5,089 379,450 1,712 12,100 5,003 40,606 30,118 2,993 8,857 Gross Amount Duties Collected. S 271 40 3,785 90 804 77 26 91 494 91 1,318 16 1,467 98 797 94 678 08 2,229 00 1,773 60 6,717 30 1,813 12 477 49 18,956 84 3,066 57 964 20 1,188 75 2,057 24 378 69 4,210 32 10,517 52 1,741 25 206 56 1,302 88 209 20 87 84 171 04 1,145 70 423 00 711 75 46,570 80 3,514 m 1,643 35 17,159 44 19 60 9,335 20 1,133 10 126 10 2,147 34 20,365 93 8,458 80 1.36 24 341 77 441 74 1,952 08 9,467 25 42,055 13 608 90 ■5,702 45 55,364 52 136 9t> 1.573 l!i 659 39 .5,278 78 3,915 34 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 71 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. Imports into the Colony of Newfoundland for the Year 1872. — Continued. ARIICLKS. Plated Jewellery Pitch, Tar and Turpentine. Pork Pigs' Heads and Feet. Potatoes Vegetables Rice Religious Purposes, Articles for., Salt Soap . Brandy Whiskey Cordials Geneva Rum Grindstones. Lime Stone Manufacture Sugar, viz: — Refined Sugar, Unrefined Sugar, Bastard Tea, viz :— Souchong Tfia, other sorts Tobacco, Manufactured.... Tobacco, Leaf. Tobacco Stems Cigars Turpentine and Varnish... Vinegar Wine, viz : — Champagne.. Wine, viz : — Port Wine, viz: — Sherry Wine, other sorts Wine, viz;— Claret Woolens and Cottons Ready-made Clothing Canvas Wood Wares, 13 per cent . Wood Wares, 20 per cent , Blocks Board and Plank , Shiugles Shocks and Packs Staves, undressed iMasts and Spars Laths PailingG Tiinber and Scantling Ouantitlrg. Imported. 3,380 brls 23,1.^4 2,877 brls 87,226 bush 22,37.5 1,159 cwt 42,735 tons 5,532 cwt 9,625 gals 6,953 1,954 gals 22,511j 1..546 1,821 18,607 538 636,884 3,6.38 467,664 112 69 255,500 3,488 3,512 563 8,478 6,596 41 4,056 cwt cwt cwt lbs lbs wt No gals gals gals 4 002,000 feet ■ 5,838 M 776^ tons Quantities eiiterod for Home Con- Huniption. 3,380 brls 23,154 2,877 brls 87,2:^6 bush 22,375 1,159 cwt 42,735 tons 5,.532 cwt 7,076 gals 6,953 1,926 gals 18,194* 100,097" 1,585 13,691 538 605,670 3,638 446,116 112 69 179,500 3,488 3,512 455 3,220 2,703 41 4,056 cwt cwt cwt lbs lbs cwt No guls gals gals 4,002,000 feet 5,838 M 776i ton? Value. 7,345 13,517 370,464 23,016 26,168 11,188 .5,723 1,360 106,838 27,678 28,875 6,953 977 11,256 57,273 863 336 1,579 18,215 148,862 4,842 127,377 1,091 70,150 13 483 3,551 3,488 1,404 1,689 16,956 9,894 82 4,056 l,18P,6u9 27,578 91,884 16,634 9,371 2,069 40,020 8,757 9,5.10 13,954 4,824 121 72 3,883 Gro.« AiUfiunt Dutii». Collected. 954 8"). 1,081 36- 2.3,154 00 1,726 20 457 84 8,547 00- 3,598 14 9,198 80 6,563 70 1,155 12,736 70,067 112 43 205 5,547 27,382 60 15- 90 !&• 68 27 .30' 50- 1,345 00' 60,567 Qfv 436 5f>- 53,533 11 34 604 453 351 682 3,542 00 2,413 54 44 e.v 1,660 5'> 154,519 17 5,515 60 7,3,J0 72 2,162 42 1,874 20 413 8(1 4,002 00- 2,335 1^10 1,116 385 15 9 232 9i 20 50 6V 44 20- 50 20 00 32 92 73 3K 9r.. (•< t^ MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 72 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. GENERAL EXPORTS FROM THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOR THE YEAR 1872. ARTICLES. Beef. Butter <;onl Composition Copjier Ore , Oopper, Old FisD, viz : — Dry Cod... Fish, viz : — Cove Fisli, viz: — Haddock... Fish, viz: — Herring.... Herring, Smoked Fishj viz : — Salmon Fish, viz : — Preserved , Trout lUackerel Halibut Turbot Ca,plin Lobsters, Preserved.... Tongues and Sounds.. Cod Roes Whalebone , Fruits, viz : — Berries.. Iron, Old Lead, Old Molasses Oil, viz : — Cod Oil, viz : — Cod Liver.. Oil, viz ; — Seal Oil, viz :— Dog. Blubber and Dregs Rags and Paper Stuffs. Salt Seal Skins Ox and Cow Hides , Calfskins Furs. Spirits, viz : — Brandy..., Spirits, viz : — Cordials.. Spirits, viz: — Geneva..., Spirits, viz : — Rum Sugar, viz : — Unrefined. Tea Wine, viz : — Port Wine, viz: — Sherry Shingles Slaves Hoops Oars , S hooks and Packs Staves Quantities Manufacture and Produce of the Colony. Exported British and other Produce and Manutac- ture. 4,955 tons 916,843 qtls 100 12 qtls 34,742 brls 14 boxes 4,165 trcs 2,174 brls 803 623 qtls 22 147 brls 176 kegs 1,171 brls 4,436 gals 4,069 382 4,179 8 176 tuns tuns tuns 231,244 No. 1,398 254 11,153 bdls 368 No. 105,000 90 brls 81 cwt 296 tons 137 cwt 7 cwt Value Manufac- ture and Produce of the Colony. f 1,538 1,809 cwt 26 18,492 gals 5,058 cwt 842 tuns 257 gals 24 90 3,346 2,503 cwt 5,505 lbs 3,815 gals 480 75 M 7 3,744,335 100 36 104,226 14 66,640 3,080 17,392 6,424 1,246 88 147 680 176 9,368 169 532 569,660 76,400 7,700 1,280 2,816 231,244 4,194 127 7,841 Value Britisli and other Manu- facture and Produce. 2,788 147 308 4,000 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 73 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. GENERAL EXPORTS FROM THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOR THE YEAR 1873. AKTICLES. yjANTITIEfi EXPOBXED. Betf , Butter Coiuposition Copper Ore I Nickel Ore Copper, Old Coru Meal Beer and Cider Fruit, Dried Flour Fifh, viz ; — Dry Cod Fish, viz: — Cove Haddock Herring Herring, Smoked Salmon Salmon, Preserved Trout Mackerel Halibut Caplin Lobsters, Preserved Tongues and Sounds Cod Roes Whalebone Fruit, Berries Apples Old Iron Lead, Oil Miscellaneous Articles Molasses Pork Oils, viz : — Cod Cod Liver Seal Herring Oil Whale Oil Dog Blubber and Dregs Rags and Stuff Salt Lard Seal Skins Oxen and Cow Hides Calf Skins Furs Spirits, viz : — Rum Tea Tobacco Sugar, Unrefined Wines, viz : — Champagne Port .Sherry Claiet Hoard and Plank Shing'ee Oars Hoops Shooks and Packs Produce nnd Manufacture of the Colony. 5,533 tons 120 Produce and Manuf«cture of Hritain aud other Coun- tries. 999,637 qtls 44 1,798 39,624 brls 200 boxf s 5,557 trcs 1,343 brls 4(3 1,897 qtls 135 brls 566 kegs 902 brls 1,114 gals 3,981 tuns 386 6,167 22 56 6 143 449,727 No 2,199 4G1 42 No 13,950 bndls 240 brls 165 cwt 41 16 cwt 100 bris 1,010 gals 1,166 lbs 333 brls 8 brls 2,284 cwt 29 cwt 23,819 gal 200 brls 6,045 cwt tons 25 cwt 1,232 25,983 gal 9,289 lbs 4,800 20 cwt 24 gals 3,113 110 154 289,500 feet 79 M Value. Produce and Maiiu- factui-e of the Colony, S 194,.355 3,600 4,066,088 66 5,394 112,812 200 95,551 8,6')0 5,392 322 3,794 135 1,390 .566 3,608 648 133 057,340 79,130 6,) 07 2,'^ 16 6,720 780 2,288 472,213 6,197 230 8,080 Produce and Manu- facture of Rritaiu and other Coun- tries. 17 4,185 831 ig 2,400 00 3,300 00 123 00 192 00 400 00 41 14 00 116 00 2,331 00 40 00 2,284 CO 174 00 3,613 00 11,909 00 35,200 00 12,090 00 1,848 00 300 00 12,949 00 3,715 00 960 00 160 00 72 00 6,226 00 165 00 154 00 2,895 00 118 00 MISCELLANEors DIUECTORY 74 op NEWFOUNDLAND. GENEEAL IMPORTS INTO TIIK COLONY OF FOK THE YEAR 1873. NEWFOUNDLAND AKTICLE8. Aninmls, viz: — Horses Oxen and Cows Sheep Swine Apothecaries Ware Medicine Arms and Ammunition, viz:— Lead Sljot. Gunpowder Guns Bacon and Hams Beef beer and Cider Bread Bricks ' Butter Cabinet Wares Caudlos Clieese Chocolate and Cocoa Coal Clocks and Watches Colfee Cordage and G-.bles , Confectionery Corks and Corkwood Com, Grain, viz: — Oats Barley Bran Intliiin Corn , Corr Meal Oatmeal Peasi; Flour Eartiienware Featiiers FisliMig Tackle Fijhiiig Tackle, Free Fish. VIZ :— (»v.ster.s Fish, vi.^ :— I'irkli'd Fruii, IJned A[)plfS Fruit, ot.u-r sorts G 1 a s K w a r llarluare, 13 pt-r cent Hare ware, s per cent India 'iublier Manufactures Lard Lead Lesid Paint Loatlu-r Leal Iter kvare Meat and Poultry Miscellaneous Articles Miscelliiueous Articles, Free Molasses Oakumt- Oil, Linieed olive Od Oil, Ke-oseue Paper Manufactures Paper, Printing Printed Books t^uaiitiilt's Inijiorti'd. 09 No 2,293 2,81)0 39 2,344 cwt 70,147 lbs 1,342 cwt 3,201 brls 64,500 gals 23,280 cwt 558J M 13,279 cwt (juautitios piittriMl fir IlnniM Con- suniptiou. 99 .Vo 2,293 2,8(50 39 2,344 cwt 7(;,147 lbs 62,220 lbs 1,014 cwt 35,862 lbs tons 47,643 138,025 lbs 13,565 cwt 482 cwt 441 cwt 35,2o4 bush 7,137 brls 970 3,346 242,887 31,561 lbs 735 bush 32 cwt 294,508 lbs 2,867 brls 1,342 cwt 3.201 bri* 63,83,-) gals 23,28n cwt 558i M 13,279 cwt Total Value Imjiorfu. 62,220 lbs 1,014 cwt 35,862 lbs 47,643 toQS 1.37,075 lbs 13,565 cwt 482 cwt 441 cwt 35,204 bush 7,137 brls 97o brls 3,346 242,887 31,561 lbs 735 bUbh 32 cwt 285,864 lbs 2,867 brls 342 cwt 4 i3 3,101 312 cwt 403 3,101 780,291 gals 1,0S2 cwr 12,210 gals 3,48) gals 77,562 771, i 50 gals 1,082 cwt 12,210 gals 3,480 gals 77,562 S 8,910 71,59i» 7,150 195 970 16,154 14,073 11,715 5,572 211,219 32,010 J 5,822 93,120 5,586 265,580 16,472 6,222 15,210 4,303 190,572 3 252 20,703 122,631 1 i ,580 2,710 17,602 2,987 57 1,293 28,548 4,850 1 3,384 1,702,209 24,851 3,7h7 113,015 32,141 5,>0 64 29,451 .s,601 2,299 18,901 141,010 99,173 1,607 4,125 2,426 18,612 57,215 29i>,442 10,171 63,808 26,739 386,645 n,485 12,210 3,489 31,025 31,301 3,437 13,688 Ci r< ics Anioiuit Duties Colkcteil. S 227 3,579 657 8 120 1,292 1,829 1,522 724 2,634 1,920 6,383 162,960 72,618 14,872 2,141 1,224 1,521 1,434 70 54 80 97 10 32 49 95 36 00 60 50 00 00 48 30 40 00 4S 422 76 4,112 25 9.810 48 1,688 75 216 80 1,408 16 238 96 4 56 103 44 1,070 55 194 00 .501 90 48,577 40 3,230 63 1,578 05 9,041 20 42 24 11,434 56 860 10 114 95 2,457 13 18,331 30 ,7,933 84 536 25 315 38 2,419 56 7,437 95 38,927 41) 508 59 8,295 04 46,269 00 518 80 1,589 38 453 57 4,033 25 3,939 13 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 75 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. General Imports into the Colony of Newfoundland for the year 1873. ARTICLES. Plate and Jewellery Pitch, Tar and Turpentine. Rice Pork Pigs' Heads Potatoes Vepetables Articles for Religious Purposes. Salt Quantifies Imiiorted. 3.996 l)rls i)o4 cwt 27,420 brls 2.622 87,638 bush 15,763 Soap Spirits, viz:— Brinfly Spirits, viz : — Undefined. Whiskey Cordials Geneva Rum Lime Grindstones Stone Manufactures Sugar, Refined Sugar, Unretiaed Sugar, Bastard Teas Teas, other sorts Tob.icco Leaf. Stems ('igars Turpentine and Varnish. Vinegar AVincs, Champagne Wines, Port Wines, Sherry.. Wines, other sorts Wine, Claret Woollens Ready-made Clothing... Ca ivas Woodware.s, 13 per cent. Woodwares, 20 per cent. Blocks 4fi.901 tons 5,.") 40 ewt 4, .^16 gals 141 G,ir,9 1,706 14,.580 127,867 gals Boaid and Plank Shingles Shooks and Packs Staves, Undres.-'ed Masts and S|)ars La'hs Palinsrs Timber and Scantling 2,113 cwt 15.030 471 cwt 592,693 lbs 6,41 1 4l8,6.i7 112 84 cwt 608 M 2,S46 gals 4,37.5 519 6,120 1,786 4 5,463 Quantities enteri'O for Home Con- aumptiuii. 3,996 brls 904 cwt 27,426 brls 2.622 87,638 bush 15,763 46.901 tons 5,040 cwt 7,.505 gals 141 8,44 1 2,607 17.59't gals 110,331 2,011 cwt 14,i;{5 471 cwt 5S8,097 lbs »0,411 464,2°2 112 84 cwt 488 M 2,646 gals 4,37.5 62.S 4,418 2, .53 6 12 5,229 4,319,000 feet 6,650 .\I 4,319.'too feet 6,650 M Total Valim llUpOI't!). 0.667 1.5,992 4.514 493,668 20,976 35.055 7,881 l.>^90 122. .30 1 27.(;9-l 13,548 564 6,759 8.53 7,294 63,932 360 878 1,49S 21,130 120,400 4,239 ll.'i,5.38 1,923 83,7.30 13 588 10,452 2,<;46 1,7.50 1,557 12,240 2,678 8 5,403 1,1.32,609 23,486 87,,397 20,005 .3,7.S0 '..351 4.3,190 9,074 ll,96:i 17.334 3,600 174 10^) 834 (iross Anmuiit Duties Collected. 866 71 1,279 .36 361 13 27,426 00 1,.573 20 9,380 20 3.600 74 9,756 50 183 30 7,599 60 1,564 20 12,319 .30 81,431 70 46 80 114 14 194 74 7,0.38 .50 28,271 00 1,177 50 58,809 70 769 32 55,713 84 11 20 42 00 1,602 32 343 98 437 ,50 • 942 OO 4,H.59 80 2,292 37 12 70 1..568 70 147,239 17 4,697 20 6,991 76 2,600 65 7.56 00 270 20 4.319 00 2,660 00 2.392 60 1,386 72 288 00 10 27 14 17 250 20 "':v"Vi, V^^vfc MISCELLANEOUS DlRECTOnY 76 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. GKNEKAL IMPOKTS INTO THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOJi THE YEAR 1874. AKTICLES, AniiuaU, viz ; — Horses. Ux'fn and Uows Shtep Pijfjd and (calves Apothecaries' Ware AJedicines Aninninition — Shot Powder Gi Hins Bacon Beer Beef Pigs' Heads, P'eet and Joles. Bread Bricks Butter Cabinet Wares Candles Cheese Chocolate Clocks Coal Coffee Cordage Confectionery Corks and Corkwood Corn, Grain, viz : — Oats Barlej Bran Indian Corn Cornnieal Oatmeal Pease Flour Earthenware Feathers Fishing Tackle Fishing Tackle, Free Fish, viz : — Oysters Fii, i. Pickled Fruit, viz : — Apples Fruit, Dry Fruit, other sorts Glassware Hardware, 13 per cent Hardware, 8 per cent India Rubber Lard Lead Lead Paint Leather Leatherware Meat and Poultry Miscellaneous Articles, 13 per cent. Miscellaneous Articles, Free Molasses Oakuui Oils, viz: — Linseed Oil, Olive Kerosene Paper Manufacture Paper, Printing, Free Printed Books Plate and Jewellery Quantities iniportt'd Into tlie Colony. IGO 2,fK)() 3,7 8,036 70 2,577 00 1,558 .SO 1,208 97 299 49- 18,117 02 3,456 83 957 20 1,500 75 1,903 16 608 40 3,715 3S 9,290 80 1,844 50 143 68 ],.538 00 649 12 14 16. 216 32 711 30 283 20 528 90 56,012 60 2.907 84 3,056 00 10,388 40 14 52: 1,718 40 13,175 72 193 85. 2,860 65 18,561 92 5,943 60 100 8» 274 IT 425 23 2,899 00 11,803 93 40,V)70 15 991 00 7,183 54 '■.2,124 34 578 96 1,974 05 352 95 4,828 98 4,550 91 1,185 60 MrSCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 77 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. General Imports into the Colony of Newfoundland for the year 1874. — Continued. ARTICLES. Pitch, Tar and Turpentine. Pork , Potatoes Vegetables Rice Articles for Religious Purposes., Salt Soap Spirits, viz:— Brandv, Sl.30 per gallon Brandv, $1.60 per gallon Undefined Spirits, S1..S0 per gallon Undefined Spirits, §1.60 per gallon Whiskey, 90 cts. per gallon Whiskey, $1.50 per gallop Cordials, 60 cts. per gallon Cordials, 80 cts. per gallon Geneva, 70 cts. per gallon Geneva, $1.20 per gallon Rum, 7(1 cts. per gallon Rum, SI per gallon Lime Grindstones Stone -Manufactures Sugar, Refined Sugar, Unrefined Sugar, Bastard Tua, 5 cts. per lb Tea, 10 ct3. per lb Tea, 12 cts. per lb Tobacco, .Manufactured Tobacco, Leaf Tobacco Stems Cigars Turpentine and Varnish Vinegar Wines, viz ; — Champagne, SI. 50 per gallon Champagne, S2.00 per gallon Port, t?1.10 per gallon Purt, S1.50 per gallon Sherry, 12^ per cent., and 72 cts. per gallon Sherry and Mauzanilla, 12^ percent, and 90c. per gallon Other Sorts, 12i per cent., and 60 cts. per gallon. Other Sorts. 124 percent., and 80 cts. per gallon. Claret, Rea, Malaga, Sicilian, etc , 30 cts per gallon Claret, 40 cts. per gallon Red, Denia, Sicilian, Cape, &c., &c Hock and Hurgnndy , Woollens, Silk and'Cotton Manufacture Rt'adj'-made Canvas •Woodwares, 13 per cent Woodwares, 20 per cent Blocks Board and Plank. ...i Shingles Staves Shooks and Packs Masts and Spars Laths Palings Timber Pails Yarns, Cotton and Woollen Machinery Quitntltio!* Iiniiorti'd into the Colony. 4,219 brls 29,982 106,865 bush 2.3,770 1,916 cwt 48,245 tons 8,153 cwt 5,934 gals 1,396 gals 26 gals 158 gals 15,578 gals 58 gals 1,4^ gals 180 gals 14,837 gals 1,218 72.995 gals 3,G8G 2,0005 cwt 12,7sOi 52:!j 117.100 lbs 556,599 230 634,73(1 lbs 1G2 119.Vcwt 263'M 3.051 gals 5,378 gals 652 gals 6 12,035 gals 1G9 3,358 gals 608 gals 71 gals 39 gals 373 gals 102 gals 5,4Si9 gals 205 gals Qimntltles entorrd for Home Con- suniptiou. 4,219 brls 29,982 106,865 bush 23.770 1,916 cwt 48,245 8,153 6,447 2,431 20 1,58 4,64G 3.G72 1,01 1 1,215 G,110 7,881 57,921 46,717 tons cwt gals gals gHlS gals gals gals gals gals gals gals 1,6184 cwt 13,127] 523.4 59a,l47'lb3 7-^1,947 230 .524,633 lbs 1G2 1194 cwt 309"M 3,051 gals 5,37"! gals 319 gals 198 6,741 gals 243 1,869 gals 698 gals 59 gals 89 gals 5,725 gals 499 gals 1,842 eals 181 gals 3,464,000 feet 3,464.000 feet 6,903 M 6,903 M 684 tons 14,857 cwt 684 tons 14,857 cwt Total Value of Import:!. 16,875 539,G76 42,746 11,385 6,707 1,861 12 ',611 40,766 17,802 4,188 80 632 1,578 . 5S 744 90 8,902 730 43,797 2,211 551 631 3. 146 20.035 102,2112 4,711 23,431 111,319 G9 126,945 19 837 4 498 3,051 2,151 1,956 18 24.070 338 2,842 1,119 200 202 373 192 5,489 2oo 1,237,240 22,903 80,067 25,418 3,498 690 34,640 10,3,54 13,080 7,952 2,578 163 37 3,420 59,427 4.321 1,565 Gross Aniomit Imtu'K Collected 00 20 70 1.350 00 29,982 00 Free Free 636 56 Free 9,649 00 5,299 68 8,381 10 3,889 60 26 00 252 80 4,17(i 00 5,508 01) 606 GO 972 00 4,277 9,457 40,544 46,777 on 71 63 82 03 408 9>< 5.604 75 ?0.255 On 1.3' >8 75 29,922 35 7,894 70 27 60 62,055 9G 16 20 59 75 1,04' I C,{\ 390 13 537 80 478 ,")0 39<-. 00 7. H5 10 304 50 1,700 03 714 07 60 40 96 45 1,717 50 199 60 1,289 40 90 50 iO,S41 20 4.580 00 6.933 36 3,304 34 699 60 138 00 3,464 00 2.701 20 1,094 40 1,590 40 206 24 21 19 4 81 205 20 4,754 16 F ree 125 20 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 78 OP NEWFOUNDLAND. GENERAL EXPORTS FROM THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOR THE YEAR 1874. EXPORTKD. ARTICLES. Reef Bread Hiitter Composition Co]»i)er Ore Nickel Ore Copper, Old Beer Flour Coffee Cordage Pease , Pork Barley Berries Apples Oranges Rice Slate Iron, Old Lead, Old Lead, Ore Oakum Cigars Shooksand Packs Fish, viz., Dry Cod Cove , Haddock Herring Herring, Smoked Salmon Salmon, Preserved Trout Mackerel Halibut Tmbot Lobsters, Preserved Toijrnes Caplin Cod Roes Whalebone .M'3ceilaneou8 Articles.. Molasses Oil, viz., Cod (^od Liver Oil,S<'nl O'l, Herring Oil, Wlmle Oil, Doij Blubber and Dr^^gs Rags a-id Pa]>er Stuffs. Salt Seal Skins Hides Calfskins Furs Spirits, viz., Brandy Rum .'. Tea Tobacco >» Sugar, Unrefined Wines, viz., Port Sherry Manzanilla Board and Plank Hoops ars QUARTITII Protliice and Mniiiifacturi' of the Colouy. 110 CWt 6052 98 tons 406 gnls 6 M 130 tons 1249320 qtls 1324 qtls 18 31739 brls 50 boxes 5898 trcs 99 cans 1950 brls 16 1304 qtls 9 591 cases 231 brls r>\ 1145 17 cwt 2851 213 4373i 11. i 47 2 93i tons Trodiico and Maiiiifacturt' iif Itritain and other Coun- frlen. 392228 No 19970 hdls 191 No 14 brls 40 189 227 cwt 30 gals 340 brls 650 lbs 62 rwt 100 brls 116 470 bush 8 brls 8 boxes 100 cwt 4030 cwt 43 8 cwt KOO M 310 60C56 gals Vauuk. 2860 cwt 614 tons 2S67 No 9(38 18 gals 2779 3042 lbs 3643 8384 cwt 5200 guls 1842 168 82000 feet Proflnce and Manu- tnctlire of tlio Co'ony . f j. 121,248 4,704 81 120 6,240 I'rodiico and Manu- facture of Krltain and other Coun- tries. $112 CO 960 00 1,512 00 2,724 00 12 00 2,040 00 82 00 561 00 350 00 2,088 00 705 00 24 00 32 00 400 00 4,fi30 00 344 00 48 00 40 00 310 00 5,166,649 2,251 6.S 113,752 50 9'\577 1,980 1.5.600 1161 2,608 i 5,100f 6ii.3j 51 3.435' 1,7' 10 7,33i> 4.")6,160 49,075 6lJ,2rty 1,472 6,580 256 1,328 509,88' 7.2 J4 4,992 76 24.2t;2 0t> 5,720 00 1,540 00* 8,601 00 483 00 54 00 1,667 00 608 00 728 00 67,076 00 10,400 00 2,763 00 252 00 820 oo MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOHY or NEWFOUNKLANF). GKNKKAL EXPORTS FROM THK COLONY FOR THE YEAR 1875. OF NEVVFOUxVl>LAND ARTICLES. Ai)|ile8. Heef Ik'er Berries I tread Hutll-T Brass, Old. Coul Cumj)03ition Caliper Ore... C(iru Meal..., CoiijH'r Old.. Flour Fruit, Dried., Iron, Old Ltaa Ore Lead, Old Leatherware , Nickel Ore... iVaila Oysters Pork Potatoes Slate Zinc, Old Fish, VIZ :— Dry Cod Fisli, Cove Haddock Koe3 OapliD Herring Salmon f^Hliuon, Preserved.. Trout Halibut Turbol Turbot, Smoked Tongues and Sounas.... Lobsters, Preserved Vriialeboue MiscUaneous Articles.. M'.lass'?s Cod Oil Seal Oil Cod Liver Oil Herring Oil Wiiale Oil Blubber and Dregs Rags and Paper Stutfs. Salt Seal Skins Whale Skins Walrus Skin Boar Skins Ox and Cow Hides. Calf Skins Furs Brandy Whiskey Rum Gin Sugar, Unretined Teas Tobacco QCANTITIIil* EZPOKTKD. Produce «nd .ManutHCturo oJ the Colony. nrltUh and (Hhor I'rodiiC"' and Mniiufac- turo. 1,210 10,018 tons 95 tons IM brls 430 gals 2cwt 2925 9.5 80 tons 213 cwt 10 brls 151 cwt 63 brls 727 lbs 2,422 cwt Valuk. Produce and Manu- theturn of the Colony. $242 37n,.!C6 61 cwt 17J tons 888,489 qtls 1,644 144 245 brls 55 brls 42,565 5,419 586 cans 1,426 brls 483 qtls 15 8 522 kegs 2,750 cans 57 cwt 42 cwt 10 brla 22 1,50 bush 6,1)00 13 cwt Produce nnd Manu- fnoinrt' of Itritaln and otlier Coun> triei. 4,560 6,520 4,036,829 147 cans 2,706 trcs 4,8305 tuns 84J 18 56* 104 J 7(1,788 gals 55 148,613 85,010 3,632 11,408 966 60 136 2,088 13,200 5.700 2,454 37,069 8i) 1 14 3.137 1,266 1,839 cwt 394 tons 4^<6,816 634,160 18,441 2,160 7,232 4,390 $750 00 522 00 172 00 10 00 6,440 00 760 00 4' 00 ei,7U4 UO 40 00 1,812 00 378 00 87 00 2,422 00 438 00 90 00 210 00 40 00 418 00 800 00 120 00 130 00 2,301 00 504 00 736 00 126 gals 1,507 795 2 752J cwt .3,537 lbs 1,921 48,182 G88 4 168 9,411 632 13,634 705 00 28,316 00 3,678 00 985 00 378 00 1,.567 00 477 00 1 00 6,022 00 707 00 334 00 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 80 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. General Exports from the Coloni/ af Nev-fonndlandfor the Year 1875. — Continued. QUANTITIES Exported. Valck. ARTICLES. Produce and Manufacture of the Colony. British and other Produce and Manufac- ture. Produce Produce and Manu- and Manu. facture of facturo of iBritaiu and the Colony, otlicr Coun- j tries. Cigars 5 51 44 ^Is 4,177 433 46 85,000 feet 100 00 176 00 8,354 00 649 00 46 (to Wino, Champagne Wine, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Sicilian Lumoer 850 00 Hoops 21,593 bndls 363 No 5,398 145 Oars Shooks and Packs 1,402 bndles 8 No 3,000 1402 00 Spars 76 00 Staves 150 00 Billets 1,000 5 Shingles 'ioM 15 dO GENERAL IMPORTS INTO THE COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND FOR THE YEAR 1875. ARTICLES. Staves Shooks and Pucks Masts and Spars l^atbs Palings Nails Yarn .Machinery Biscuits, Fancy and Street. Hoops. Animals, viz : — [iorses. Oxen and Cows Sheep Swine and Calves Apotliecaries' Ware Jlc'dicines Ammunition, — Lead, Sliot. Guns Ikcon and Hams Bi3er Beef Bread Brick Butter Cabinet Wares Candles Cheese Chocolate Coal Clocks and Watches.. Coflee Cordage Confectionery Corks and Corkwood Barley Bran.'. I idian Coru Coninieal Oatmeal Pertse Flour Feathers Fisiiing Tackle Fishin1 cwt 49,;J62 gals 1.851 brls 27,890 cwt '825 M 14,656 cwt 41.590 lbs 1,101J 41,684 5l),055 tons 113,941 lbs 10,778 cwt 496 435 cwt 7,156 bris 1,457 4.340 236,073 3L',757 lbs 507 bush Quantities entered for Home Con- .suni])Uou. 10,402 cwt 16-! No 2.1. v'3 4,254 118 1,781 cwt 951 cwt 49,3i!:] gals 1851 hrls 27,890 cwt 825 M 14,6.364 cwt 41, .590 lbs l,liil.i 41.8K4 .59,655 tons 113,941 lbs 10,778 cwt 496 435 cwt 7,156brl5 1,457 4,340 236,073 33,757 lbs 6o7 bush Total Value Imjiorts. $19.1.39 13,967 2.754 408 71 52.017 3." 11 M 3,309 614 15.120 &0,H>^1 10.635 '.591 4.1 6S 19,5').t 10.691 2,./,l II'.OL":! 19,745 16,i!59 139.450 8,260 322,448 22,645 4,159 17,624 5,oii2 298,275 4,954 22,461 97.106 11 904 2,177 6.213 925 2,9';5 28,624 8.742 17,3(;0 1,416,34^ 4.051 11 4.' 36 4 13,578 '507 Gross Anit. Duties* Collected. SI. .531 12 2.793 50 220 32 53 04 9 23 4.161 36 Free 916 88 495 19 122 84 3S6 40 4524 00 Free 27 14 541 84 1,5«;0 32 1.3S9 83 267 93 l,9ii3 00 4,978 20 1.1 ;o 60 1.9.V2 30 l,<^^>r3 80 16.415 .56 2.943 85 31 80 1.652 25 L764 .50 Free 644 02 3.413 23 7 7'!8 48 1,736 00 174 16 497 04 74 00 •■37 20 1.0 7.^ 40 291 40 651 00 47,214 60 1,687 85 9,149 12 F ree Free MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 81 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. General Import* into the Colony of Nowfoundlaad for the year 1875— Con/inMeff. ARTICLES. Fiflb, Pickled... Fruit, viz ;— Dried Fruit — Apples Fruit, other sorts Glasoware Hardn-are, 1.3 per cent Hardware, 8 per cent India Rubber Ware Lard Lead Paint Leather Leatherware Meat and Poultry Miscellaneous Articles, 1.3 ])ercent Miscellaneous Articles, Free Molasses Oakum Oils, viz : — Linseed Oil, viz : — Olive Kerosene Paper Manufactures Paper, Printing Books, Printed Pitch and Tar Plate and Jewellerv , Pork .". Pigs' Heads, Feet, and Joles Potatoes Vegetables Articles for Religious Purposes Rice Salt Soap Spirits — Brandy rndetined Spirits Whiskey Cordials Gin Rum Lime Grindstones Sroue, .Manufactured, Refined Sugar, Unrefined Sngard, Bastird T.-a Timber Tiibacco Tobacco StcLis Cigirs Turpentine and Varnish \ inegar Wines— Champagne Wine, Port Wines, Sherry and Man;;auilla Wines, other sorts Wines, Spanish, Red, Denia, Sicilia, &c., 70 c... Wines, 60 cents Claret, 40 cents Claret, 60 cents Hock, 50 cents Hock, 60 cents Woolens, Cotton, Silks, &c Ready-made Canvas Quantities liupiirted. 1,447^ cwt 261,910 lbs 2,661 brls 221) cwt 561 2,505 72,326 l,I09,,522gals 945 cwt 13.6;!I gals 4,881 64,747 3,282 brls 28,686 brls 2 23 S yH'.352 bush 19,818 1,343 cwt 41,011 tons 5,987 cwt 11,032 gals 220 8,716 2,779 12,111 160,984 798 No Quantifies entered for Home Con- sumption. 1,447J cwt 266,582 lbs 2,661 brls 229 cwt 564 2, ,505 72,326 l,014,253gals 945 cwt 13.631 gal 4,8>^1 64,747 3,282 brls 28,686 brls 2,238 90,352 bush 19,818 1,343 cwt 41,011 tons 5,987 cwt 7,6J5 gals 220 7,897 1,755 1 1.080 87,058 Wood Wares, 13 percent.. AVood Wares, 20 per cent. Block Bnar.l and Plank Shingles 3.533 cwt 13,e71i 9 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 £ s. d. 3-5 1-5 1 4-5 2 2-5 3 0-5 3 3-5 4 1-5 4 4-5 5 2-5 6 0-5 6 3-5 7 1-5 7 4-5 8 2-5 9 0-5 9 3-5 10 1-5 10 4-5 11 2-5 1 0-5 (I 1 3-5 1 1 1-5 1 4-5 2 2-5 3 0-5 3 3-5 1 4 1-5 1 4 4-5 1 5 2-5 1 6 0-5 1 6 3-5 1 7 1-5 1 7 -i-S 1 8 2-5 1 9 0-5 1 9 3-5 1 10 1-5 1 10 4-5 1 11 2-5 2 0-5 2 3-5 1 1-5 1 4-5 2 2-5 3 0-5 3 3-5 2 4 1-5 4 4-5 5 2-5 6 0-5 6 3-5 7 1-5 "IT" c -^ r35 *•/) £ s. d. 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 7 10 10 11 11 7 4- 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 13-25 1-25 14-25 2-25 15-25 3-25 16-25 4-25 17-25 5-25 18-25 6-25 19-25 7-25 20-25 8-25 21-25 9-25 22-25 10-25 23-25 11-25 24-25 12-25 3i 4 £ s. d. 0^ 1 1^ 2 o 2J 3 a 4^ 5 5j 6 6i 7 7i 8 8* 9" 9^ 10 ;oi li llj 1 I I 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 1 li 1 7 I 7 1 8 1 I 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 0-5 2 9 3-5 8 9 9 1 10 1 10 1 11 1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 0-25 1 OJ 13-25 1 1 1-25 1 Ij 14-25 1 2 2-25 1 2 A 15-25; 1 3" 3-25 1 3i 16-25 1 4 4-25 1 4i 17-25 1 5 5 25 1 5^ 18-25 1 1 6 6-25: 1 6J 19-251 17' 7-25 1 U 20-251 1 8' 8-25; 1 8i 21-25i 1 9 9-251 1 9 J 22-25| 1 10 10-251 1 lOi 23-25; 1 ll' 11-25 1 lU 24-25 2 0" 12-25 2 Oi 0-25; 13-251 1- 2 14-25 2 2-25; 2 15-251 2 3-25! J 2 1 •)' 3 H 4 CO — ? (B -. — > - e =5_ * '- O-g 4 = 5 !») c 51 58 5y 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 TO 71 .' 8. d. 2 10 1-5 2 10 4-5 2 11 2-5 3 0-5 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 i 81' 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9=< 99 1 00 2 00 3-5 1 1-5 1 4-5 2 2-5 3 0-5 3 3 3-5 4 1-5 4 4-5 5 2-5 6 0-5 6 3-5 7 1-5 7 4-5 3 8 2-5 3 9 0-5 3 9 3-5 3 10 1-5 3 10 4-5 3 11 2-5 4 0-5 3 001 4 00: 5 00: (5 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 1 4 10 1-5 4 10 4-5 4 11 2-5 5 10 15 1 1 5 1 10 1 15 2 2 5 2 10 2 15 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3-5 1 1-5 1 4-5 2 2-5 3 0-5 3 3-5 4 1-5 4 4-5 5 2-5 6 0-5 6 3-5 7 1-5 7 4-5 8 2-5 9 0-5 9 3-5 — E 3 c ■ = 55" £ 8. a. 2 5 16-25 2 6 4-25 2 6 17-25 2 7 5-25 2 7 18-25 2 8 6-25 2 8 19-25 2 9 7-25 2 9 20-25 2 10 8-25 2 10 21-25 2 11 9-25 2 11 22-25 3 10-25 3 23-25 3 1 11-25 3 1 24-25 3 2 12-25 3 3 0-25 3 3 13-25 3 4 1-25 3 4 14-25 3 5 2-25 3 5 15-25 3 6 3-25 3 6 16-25 3 7 4-25 3 7 17-25 3 8 5 25 3 8 18-25 3 9 6-25 3 9 19-25 3 10 7-25 3 10 20-25 3 11 8-25 3 11 21-25 4 9-25 4 22-25 4 1 10-25 4 1 23-25 4 2 11-25 4 2 24-25 4 3 12-25 4 4 8 8 13 17 4 1 1 8 1 6 1 10 4 1 14 8 1 19 2 3 4 2 118 2 12 2 16 4 £ 3. 2 2 2 ^ 6 8 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 2 10^ 2 11 2 11^ 3 t) 3 Oi 3 1' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■J H 'i 4 &■ G' ',' u 8' H [>' 3 10- 3 10 3 Hi 3 U 4 "i 4 4 li 4 1 4 2j 3 -1 12 -; 16 8 1 10 1 5 " 1 9 2 1 13 4 1 17 ' 2 1 H 2 5 I'l 2 10 2 14 .' MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 83 or NEWFOUNDLAND. DOLLARS AND CENTS IN POUNDS, SHILLINGS AND VhisCK.— Continued. ^ ] •3 s n = u -r r 5 ^ C L. ^■flS *I ~ 11 2 2 23 1-3 2 57 9-13 2 68 15 11 3 18 1-3 3 67 4-13 3 82 11 3 2 25 0-3 2 59 8-13 2 70 16 3 20 0-3 3 69 3-13 3 84 11 4 2 26 2-3 2 61 7-13 2 72 16 1 3 21 2-3 3 71 2-13 3 86 11 u 2 28 1-3 2 63 G-13 2 74 16 2 3 23 1-3 3 73 1-13 3 88 11 6 2 30 0-3 2 65 5-13 2 76 16 3 3 25 0-3 0-13 3 9i> 11 7 2 31 2-3 2 67 4-13 2 78 16 4 3 26 2-3 3 76 12-13 3 92 11 8 2 33 1-3 2 69 3-13 2 80 16 5 3 28 1-3 3 78 11-13 3 94 11 9 2 35 0-3 2 71 2-13 2 82 16 6 3 30 0-3 3 80 10-13 3 9»> 11 10 2 36 2-3 2 73 1-13 2 84 16 7 3 31 2-3 3 82 9-13 3 98 11 11 2 38 1-3 2 75 0-13 2 86 16 8 3 33 1-3 3 64 8 13 4 0(> 12 2 40 0-3 2 76 12-13 2 88 16 9 3 35 0-3 3 80 7-13 4 02 u 1 2 41 2-3 2 78 11-13 2 9J 16 10 3 36 2-3 3 88 6-13 4 04 12 2 2 43 1-3 2 bO 10-13 2 92 16 11 3 38 1-3 3 90 5 13 4 ot; 12 3 2 45 0-3 2 82 9-1.3 2 94 17 (1 3 40 0-3 3 92 A-i'i 4 08 12 4 2 46 2-3 2 84 8-13 2 96 17 1 3 41 2-3 3 94 3 13 4 1') 12 5 2 48 1-3 2 86 7-13 2 98 17 2 3 43 1-3 3 9G 2-13 4 12 12 G 2 50 U-3 2 88 6-13 3 (JO 17 3 3 45 0-3 3 98 1-13 4 14 12 7 2 51 2-3 2 90 5-13 3 02 17 4 3 46 2-3 4 00 0-13 4 !•: 12 8 2 53 1-3 2 92 4-13 3 u4 17 5 3 48 1-3 4 01 12-13 4 18 12 9 2 55 0-3 2 94 3-13 , Wj 17 G 0-3 4 03 11-13 4 2 13 11 2 78 13 3 21 2 13 3 34 18 8 3 73 1-3 4 80 lU-13 4 48 14 2 80 0-3 3 23 1-13 3 36 IS 9 3 75 0-3 4 32 9-13 4 50 14 1 2 81 2-3 3 25 0-13 3 38 18 10 3 76 2-3 4 34 8-13 4 52 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOKY 86 OF NEWFOUNDLAND. POUNDS, SHILLING.S AND I'KNCK IN DOLLARS AND CliNTS.- -ContinHcrt. •§11 ,-. 1 2 cg:l •c .- «: c~ i~ c ^ L. — CI sr a . e; . CI 3-S CI "^ to the 3rd L( th Bri u 2 = u ^5 2f l3 |5 = ■3 column applied Currency, to the eilinjr, to the 4i i; : •=> c =• . |l hi B P-l Egtisi S t« S H * - — I— ( i = MX — ^5^o ~1" ^ ti li . 2.2Z2 -r ^ ~ •7 !S J - .2 K M -ti *^ "^ H ■■<.•■ w H «& ^ £. s. d S c. $ C. S c. £ 8. (1. SS c. S c. S c. 18 11 3 78 1-3 4 30 7-13 4 54 20 80 00 92 30 10-13 96 on 19 .0 3 80 0-3 4 38 6-13 4 56 21 84 Of) 96 92 4-13 100 80 19 1 3 81 2-3 4 40 5-13 4 58 22 88 00 101 53 11-13 105 60 19 2 3 83 , 4 42 4.-' 3 4 60 23 92 00 106 15 5-13 110 40 19 3 3 85 0-3 4 44 3-13 4 62 24 96 00 110 76 12-13 115 20 19 4 3 86 2-3 4 4G 2-13 4 64 25 100 00 115 38 6-13 120 00 19 r> 3 88 1-3 4 48 1-13 4 66 26 lu4 00 120 00 0-13 124 80 19 (5 3 90 0-3 4 50 0-13 4 68 72 108 00 124 01 7-13 129 6(1 19 7 3 91 2-3 4 51 12-13 4 70 28 112 00 129 23 1-13 134 411 19 8 3 93 1-3 4 53 11-13 4 72 29 116 00 133 84 8-13 139 2ii 19 9 3 95 0-3 4 55 10-13 4 74 30 120 00' 138 46 2-13 144 00 19 10 3 9'5 2 3 4 57 9-13 4 76 31 124 00 143 07 9-13 148 80 19 11 3 98 1-3 4 59 8-13 4 78 32 128 00 147 69 3-13 ;53 60 1 4 00 0-3 4 61 7-13 4 80 33 132 00 152 30 10-13 153 40 '2 8 00 0-3 9 23 1-13 9 60 34 136 00 156 92 4-13 163 20 3 12 00 0-3 13 84 8-13 14 40 35 140 00 161 53 11-13 168 00 4 K) 00 0-3 18 46 2-13 19 20 36 144 00 166 15 5-13 172 80 5 20 00 0-3 23 07 9-13 24 00 37 148 00 170 76 12-13 177 60 24 00 0-3 27-69 3-13 28 80 38 152 00 175 38 6-13 182 40 7 2S 00 0-3 32 3't 10-13 33 60 39 156 00 180 00 0-13 187 2n 8 <» 32 00 0-3 36 92 4-13 ; .38 40 40 160 00 184 61 713 192 00 9 3tj 00 0-3 41 53 11-13 43 20 41 164 00 189 23 1-13 196 81 10 411 00 0-3 46 15 5-13 48 00 42 168 00 193 84 8-13 201 60 11 44 00 0-3 5*~*-*i^ ALL KINDS OP P nin n lidu , Of every description, neatly executed, at the shortest notice the. nature of the Work will admit of. Prices Mode-rate and. A.ccommodatijng, Q •^6 ADVERTI8SIIENT8. THE .)i'. DEVOTED TO THE IPolitieal Interests of the Liberal and Progres- sive Party in Newfoundland, IS THE BEST ii¥EiTISIN@ MEMUM 'J AS IT IS THE r^'' ■) ORGAN OF THE CATHOLICS, . ■ ;: WHO FORM ABOUT 'Three- Fourths of the population of St. John's, I • •!■ AND MORE THAN , ^,■. TTvo-fLftKs of tTxe TvAole jpopiz- latioix of the I'sZartd. ; PROPRIETOR, ' ' JAMES GEROE CONROY. , ,,:BARRISTER-AT-L AW. *:??.>; V.i ADVIKTISKMINTS. 91 THE NEWFOUNOUNOER HEWSPAPIR, DEVOTED TO IS PUBLISHED, IN ST. JOHN'S. SEMI-WEEKLY. On Tuesday and Friday Mornings. ^ AN EXCEUiENT MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING. ' " - S. DALTON SHEA, " PROPRIETOR. . JOHI W. M^COUBREY, Printer and Stationer, WATER STREET, ST, JOHN'S, N. F., (Neejly opposite the Royal Insurance Oflace.) — i i— I AT THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT The Times and General Commercial Gazette IS PUBLISHED SEMI- WEEKLY, 6b titt MtrBiEgs tf W^innizj and Saturday, Of every description executed with the utmost despatch. 92 ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRT 600DS. Mantle^ Millinery and Dressmaking Rooms. J. N. FINLAY, 161 'WjLTJSR STIt:E:ET, GENERAL IMPORTER OP British, Canadian & Foreign Manufactured Goods, AS UNDER— Crapes, Velvets and Satins, British and Foreign Silks, Ribbons and Ribbon Velvets, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Straw and Leghorn Hats, Felt and Velvet Hats, Parasols and Umbrellas, Furs, Stavs and Crinolines, Shawls, Mantles and Costumes, Dresses and Fancy Dress Goods, Children's Dresses, Plumes and Hoods, French Flowers and Feathers, Hair Nets and Head Dresses, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Counterpanes, Quilts and Rugs, English and Canadian Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys and Serges, Fine White Shirtings and Cali- coes, Regattas, Prints and Bed-Ticks, English and Scotch Winceys, Damasks, Towellings and Table- Linens, English and Scotch Tweeds and Doeskins, Canadian Tweeds & Homespuns, Black and Fancy Broadcloths, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Ties, Hosiery and Gloves, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, FURS, Ready -Made Clothing and General Outfitting. Ovit-port Retailers of Dry Goods supplied on liberal terms. IK STORE: FHOVISIQNS OF ALL EINDS, AT LOWEST If AREST FEICSS. I ADVERTISEMENTS. 93 mm %,! IMPORTERS OF k f G DEPARTMENTS : MILLINERY, Fancy DRESSES, MANTLES, PRINTS, CLOTHS, HOSIERY, STRAWS, MERINOS, SHAWLS, CALICOS, TWEEDS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LUSTRES, COSTUMES. LINENS, FLANNELS, TIBS, HATS & CAPS, LEATHERWARE, PAPER HANGING. Outport Orders respectfully solicited. fp-" 32^ CLThd 317 Wetter Street. filSj Clothing and Dry Goods ESTABLISHMENT, importers of BRITISH & AMERICAtI MANUFACTURED GOODS GENERALLY. Orders for Clothino; shall have their best attention in every particular, and be made at the lowest possible prices. St. John's, April 15th, 1877. 94 ADVERIIS^MENTS. MERCHANT, Joe Batt's Ann, IT.r. CENTRAL SALOON, 2" ST. JOHN'S. i ADVERTISEMENTS. 95 k & W. STEW AiT> MERCHANTS, St. John's, Newfoundland. JOHN STEER. IMPQ^TER OF DRY GOODS AND Wholesale and Retail, 379, 381, 383, JVateT Street TFl '96 ADVERTISEMENTS. eooNE ^ mmm » «> BAEEISTEHS-AT-UW, m. iMi I s. i£l®®et li@lw®rll ill JOHN HOYLES BOONE, Notary Public. JAMES GERVE CONROY, B.A., Lond. W. H. MARE & SON AND it vsiSf il vi^Hisiii St. John's, Newfoundland. WILLIAM HENRY MARE, Notary Public. ROBBRT LANGRISHE MARE. ADVERTISEMENTS. 97 S. H. PARSONS, Artistic Photographer. PHOTOGRAPHS, in every style, size and finish. ftortrails, in @il Colors, Inbiti Ink ^ Sragon^ From the smallest to Life size, anu unsurpassed for beauty of finish and correctness /j of Iik6uu83. 1 f I Copying and Enlarging, in all its branches. > All Styles of Frames on hand and made to order A GREAT VARIETY OP r* .A. OXr O 'TE' F* fl JL ]\/X ES St, And Cases in Gilt, Velvet, Morocco, Swiss, Carved, Ebony, Walnut, &c. PICTUEE MOULDINGS, of every description. And a lot of FANCY GOODS, too numerous to mention. 310, V/ATER STREET 310, Opposite Messrs. P. & L. Tessier's Lower Premises. JOHN B. & GEORGE AYRE, ^^ ' Bakers and Confectioners> MANUFACTURERS OF Hard & Soft Bread, CcLpcas, CrcLcke-ps ^- Confectionery, Soda Biscuits, Jumbles, Sugar Crackers, Tea Biscuits, Lady Fingers, Lemon Crackers, Butter Crackers^ Wine Biscuits, CofTee Crackers. Wedding and other Cakes made to order. JmPORTET'.S and pEA.LERS IN 4 CROCKERY WARE, 4@ J^i*^ Qi^fw^t @f3?@8l & IBS Val@3? Ststtft ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. 98 ADVERTISEMENTS. AT THE SIGN OP THE XX .A. INT G^ I T^ Gr DBOOO?, The Shop formerly occupied by Gi. HUOTVINir^O Ac HOIS, (One Block West of Messrs. J. & W. Stiwart,) 369 Water Street, St. John's, H.F., M. ARCHIBALD Now keeps a large Stock of custom-made Boots and Shoes, OP EVERY STYLE, Hoping by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. P. SAG-lSBTir, CiM Mil ail Dolitar. 15 QUEEN ST., Opposite ST. PETER'S CHUnCH, St. John'Sy 15 QUEEN ST., Opposite ST. PETER'S CHURCH, St. John's, Would respectfully invite attention to his large stock of elegant and plain Furniture, consisting of BEDSTEADS, WASHSTANDS, FALLINa LEAF TABLES, MmmMx£mim TahlmSMikmm, COVOHES JISD SOFAS. He warrants to give satisfaction, and guarantees to supply good Furniture as cheap as any in the city. ADVERTISEMENTS. ^^ SHAEPE, KELLY & CO., GENERAL IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry Goods Mercliar^ts, WATER STREET. ST. JOHN'S. N.F. GILLARD & SMITH, ct No. 229 WATER STREET. JOHN T. GILLARD, Notary Public. ALFEED G. SMITH. TERRA NOVA FOUNDRY, St. John's, Newfoundland, i Castings of all Desci^^ptions. McTaggert & Gemmell, PROPRIETOES. 100 ▲DVERTISIMENTS. W. GRIEVE &^CO., St. John's, Newfoundland. GEORGE ELMSLY, 'WiATJE(ii st^:ej:et, (SIGN OP THE GOLDEN TEA CHEST) AND Fancy Groceries, Provisions, dc, 291 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. y^>-«r> "** *^ * ^ ^ yr» ip(f I jj Li Jiatlig^cd 1810. J^MIEJS GLJEJSSOJSr, PROPRIETOR. ADNERTI8EMENT8. 101 Charles Bainstead ^Son^ 208 WATER STREET, Importers and Dealers in every description of Sole and Upper Leather and Findings. Outport Orders carefully selected. J3>r, Proprietor. 206 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. JJjctrble CLTzd ^reestorze WorJzs. WmM4M a4¥, MunJVAGTUBBB OF \mmmi^Stmmm^mf^»M^ DUCKWORTH STREET, Opposite the Total Abstinence Hall, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. MASTER COOPER, FISH AND OILS, &c. >i 104 ADVERTISEMENTS. General Commission Merchants, IMFOBTZBS of LUMBER, DEALS, TIMBEB, &c. ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDLAND. H».J' P. F. CAREER Y, ^fc^^i* and MueiicnmVf :]BeoIs.s OoTTo, "W'«,toir Stireet, >8^. John's, J^e-LufoiMndland. 9 365 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUITDLANl). P. W. COLEMAN, DEALER IN ^etiobuab, Setospapers, mniAtt ^%arts» Saitiical ^0rik0» FISHING GEAR, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OP FANCY GOODS. Books, Music, or anj description of Fancy Goods, supplied to order with dispatch, and at the lowest Cash Prices. Pictures framed in all the different kinds of Mouldings, with neatness and dispatch. TEACHER OF MamgaHon % MmUQd ^Birommy, Preparer of Masters and Mates fbr the Local Marine Board Exansinations. A.ccLcLemy, 144 Qovrer Street, St. JoKix'Sy NEWFOUNDLAND. ADVERTISEMENTS. 105 T. A.. SOOTT. 427 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, Importer and Dealer in ^iki\ih l^sclS. fsielle^Y, |atls7T, ^^iiu\$ asi ii\K ^m^ |qii1$. Ar Eepairs promptly executed. J. D. WITHYCOMBE, 441 UPPER WATER STREET, ST. JOH.Y'S, West of Messrs. P. St. L. TESSIER'S Upper Premises. The Subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of St. John's and the Out ports that lie has on hand, and is prepared to receive t)rders for the manufacture of Doors and Sashes, Bay itnd Dormer Windows, Venetian and other Shutters, Mantels, Blinds, Architraves, Mouldings, «fec. Church and other Windows in frames — complete. To those who will encourage Home Manu- facture, Orders are now solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. iPBii l'VI'v ?^R *^S^"Wi WEST CORNER DUCKWORTH ST., EAST, ST. JOHN'S, N.F. JOHN SKINNER, .M^IPIM Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, Counter and Table Tops, &c., &c. All orders in the above line executed with neatness and despatch from the latest English and American designs. THOS. McCRATH, mmp mi §If tgh Jtstittfsrtof j. AND 115 DUCKWORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S, N.F