^. .^, v^. - .°. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) #/. LO I.I lis 1^ l^ 12 Mi. Mi m 40 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► ^ <^ ^1 /a 7 "4v? >^ O ^ / Photographic ^Sciences Corporation ■^ '''^>MHMHiMNHI ACT OP ^' INCORPOEATION, Aia> BYE.I4AWS OP THE HALIFAX TEMPERANCE HALL COIHPANY, ADOPTED AT THB ANNUAL MEETING, March 4th, 1850. HALIFAX. A. J. Ritchie, Printer. ■^1^ 4- 1 wm Officers of the CoiapaBy. Elected at the Annual General Meeting, held 4th March 1850 Prmdeni^Jj^^^s Thomson, Esquire. JArectors-—EDDY Tupper W. M. Broww, M. G. Black, Junr. G. G. Gray, E. G. W. Greenwood, Edward Jqst, Esquires. Secretary and Trecm^rer^Quj^nLE, B. Naylor. c2^«^ time, Real Estate to a greater value than Ten Thoi-mnd Pounds. n,iI;i:^Si*^?-*T^''?' '^^^t the Capital of the said Com- ShaL ^^^ ^iPt^ '^^° ^^*^« «^ *'i^« Pounds each fbl^i J «ni'"*'^ Shares shall be assignable and transfer- me m such manner and upon such terms as by the said ^1'^/- ""^y be provided and directed; and that not- withstanding any il.al Estate which the 'said Company ™y hold at any time, the Shares and Interest of the XYl Shareholder of and in the Capital Stock and Fund^ ^^ac aaid Company, shall be hdd and deemed to be 1 Property to all intents and purposes. ' % V. Mhejt enacted, That the several persons t» * v - axe, or hereafter may become Subscribers toward : Undertaking, shall, and they are hereby required to p. v - sums of money by them respectively subscribed, msucii' r?h?rr^^ V"'^ '^T. ^"^P^^^^« ^ shall be'dLc"ed by the said Bye Laws ; and m case any peraon shall neglect or refuse to pay the same at the time, and in the manner required for Uiat purpose, i. shall be lawful forUie Lid Com- pany to sue for and recover the same in any Court ofcomp^. Shrif -i'r ^ '• P'^^^d always, that it sliall not beTa7!l for the said Company to coll for, or require any Shareholder in the said Company to contribute o^pay any larger sum t^^an thc^aniount of the Share or Shaies held by ^hL ^ VL And he H enacted, That the Joint Property or Stock of the said Company shall be alone liable for itedebts or engagements, and that no Proprietor or Shareholder in the n^nXfn^'Tiri'^^^*^' become responsible, chargeable^ OT accountable, by any ways or means for any otler or neater sum of money than the amount of the Shares which I shall actually and 6on«>fe possess, or be entitled to in a© Capital or Joint Stock of the said Corporation. i I luch Bye- ! required, Bye-Laws nt to the the said me, Real nds. aid Com- nds each transfer- r the said that not- Company le seve- al d*- '^ *af 1 \* .1 ^- in sucii dh-ected I neglect manner lid Com- fcompe- •e law j1 reholder ?er sum him as r Stock lebts or ir in the rgeable, tther or s which ed to in t 6 VII. And he it enacted, That all such Lands and Real Estate as the said Company may hold at any time, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy any Writ of Execution issued upon any judgment obtained against the said Company, shall and may be taken upon such Writ, and sold in the same manner, and with like Notices, Pro- ceedings, and EquHy of Redemption, as the Lands of private Eersons may be taken, levied on, and sold according to •aw ; and me Sheriff shall immediate^ after such sale make and execute a Deed to the purchaser, which Deed shall convey and transfer all the Estate and interest of the said Corporation in the Lands so taken, sold and conveyed. Vin. And be it tnaaded, That the General Annual Meet- ing of the said Company shall be held on the first Monday of March in every year, after this present year, at some con« venient place in the City of Halifax, to be appointed and duly notified to the Company by the Board of Directors ; and that Special Meetings of the Company shall be sum- moned by the Directors when they shall deem the same ne- cessary, or whenever a requisition in writing therefor shall be delivered to the Board, signed by Twenty Shareholders, and specifying the object of such Meeting : Provided always. That at least Ten days notice of such Special Meeting, and of the object thereof, shall be given in some two of the public Newspapers, published at Halifax aforesaid, and that all such General or Special Meetings may be adjourned from time to time, and from place to place, as may be found expedient EX. And he it cnaded. That any Annual or Special Meet- ing of the Company, each Proprietor or Shareholder having paid up all calls on him made, and then due and payable, shall be entitled to vote as follows, namely— the Owner of One Share to have One vote, the Owner of Four Shares to have Two votes, and the Owner of Eight Shares or greater number of Shares, to have Three votes and no more — and the said Proprietor may give such vote or votes by his proxy, duly constituted according to the Bye Laws, such proxy being a Shareholder and entitleci to vcio— and every such vote by proxy shall be as good and sufficient, to all in- tents and purposes, as if such principal had voted in person ; and at every Meeting of the Board of Directors each Direc^ tor shall have One vote only, and every question, matter, or w --^ -\ 6 filing which shall be discussG.l nm • i ^ng of the Board of SirecS «h ?,^f ^^?^^' ^t any Meet- ma ority of votes tL JSTv' tSe )i' t^^^^^J^^d by tho and incase it should so happen tflT""^ '^^" P'^«^»^ cial Meeting of tii- Boar/of n .^ ^^^^ General or Spe- equal, then tie pLdtuf ?L 0^'"'' '^" ."«^^« «^^» be the Chairman of the Etin^ or n??r"J'^'> ^"« absence, tied to a casting Zeta^LZ ^^.^^^^^ard, shall be enti- ^ X. ^nd bt t/JaaW Tha «« *° ^'' T" P«^«°"«^^ vote, this Act as niay be convenipnf !?? ^^^' ^he passing of . «^id Fifteen peLnsCuT^^^ expJu;.nt,1he hem, shall by public adSemenM ' h'^"''- ''' '">' ^^^^« ^^ Two of the NewspaDere in frffi? j^° ^® P""^®d in at least a day and place ReTst^t^S^^^^^ hers, and shall assembrsuch Sl5 ^"^°/^^'^^"^^^ thereof being chosen from anl^th.S^^^ ^^^^rman , w.th a Secretary, the CorpanThfreS^ Subscnbers present, formed and organized anXn Tnff ^ incorporated shall be and the saij lubrrlTs tL„ fnd ^^^^^^^^^ proxies, shall and may forthwhh ?n f £ ' P'"''"*' °' ^^eir proceed to elect Seven DTreS nnl p"""."""' Prescribed, «en by the said Directo sty i,i?lor//p^^ Secretary ; and the said Directors In/ Q^'^''^^°*') ^"^ ^ elected, shall hold, exercise anH In Secretary so to be pective offices from the dav of f J"^??' ^"^ "^^^i" their res- first Annual Gene al MeeLt^^^L^^^^^^^^^^ "^'^i^? ""^^^ ^be tinually until anew choic-^ of Offi^^^^^^ ^?^ thence con- Pany, pursuant to thl la and 2'« T*^" ^^ ^^^ C«"^- Company: Provided aLavs that no n^^ ^^^^ of the said Meeting, or at any suSnPnf M ? """^ '^'^" "^ ^he said «hall bf elected, b^ dS^elS^^^^ ^^'^ ^^^ers person shall be at the t mp of ^ ? 'i'^ ^?^®' ""^^ss such Company for the ensi W year ahkn h ''r'""'? ?*■ ""« ««id tha following manner vif-th.li ''« f'^cted by balJot in Three DiroctoTDrom* Ivfn'wh °'^' '''^" '''^' ^1«« preoeeding year, provided thevshal7h° ^T ''"""^ f<" the cept office, and s¥all «?en SFolnfl.r'"i!'^ '^u'" '°»«=- ho.de. of theCompany i„&Sn"ttriS:Sr„?:;^; it any Meet- lined by tho hen present , >eral or Spe- )tes shall be bis absence, liall be enti- krsona* vote. ' passing of peui-^nt, the my three of 3 in at least lys, appoint beSubscri- Chairman rs present, ed shall be 'r this Act; Jt, or their )rescribed, all be cho- nt,)and a ^soto be their res- until the Bnce con- the Com- the said t the said I Officers 9ss such fficers a Halifax, al Meet- the said ballot iti rst elect 1 for the in to ac- J Share- or anv:' of the retiring Directors shall refuse to be re-elected, the said Shareholders shall proceed to tl>e election of othern of the Company until the full number of Directors be comple- ted. XII. Provided abvai/8, and be it evaded, That no person concerned or interested in any Contract under the said Com- pany, shall be capable of being chosen, or if chosen, of con- tinuing a Director of the said Company; and no person, puring such time as he shall be such Director, sfiall be capable of taking any Contract under tlic said Company. XIII. ^nd he it enacted, That when and so often as any Director named 6t elected by virtue of this Act, shall die, or shall resign, or shall become disqualified or incompetent to act as such Director, before his term of Office shall have expired, it shall be lawful for the remaining Directors to elect some other Proprietor duly qualified to fill up such vacancy. • ♦ XIV. ^nd he it enacted, That if from neglect, or any other cause, the said Annual General Meeting shall not be held, the Directors last chosen shall continue to act, and have the came powers that they had and were possessed of, until the next Annual General Meetings or until new Dire' tors shall be chosen or appointed as aforesaid. XV. Jlnd be it enacted, That the Directors who shall first be chosen under the provisions of this Act, shall, with all convenient speed, proceed to draw up a code of Bye Laws, Rules, and Regulations, for the government of the said Company, and the conduct and management of its affairs and business, and shall submit die same to be altered, amen- ded and confirmed, by a Committee selected and appointed at the first General or some other Meeting of the said Com- pany, to superintend the same. XVI. ^nd he it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said Company from time to time, and as often as may be deemed necessary, for the purpose of carrying on the business of the said Corporation, to sell further Shar«> therein : and every purchaser of such Shares shall be entitled to all the privi- leges and advantages of other Shareholders in the said Com- pany. XVII. Jiiid be it enacted, That the Directors of the said Corporation shall be authorized and empowered at any time, / 8 M;^^^^ lSV;;!„Taf alvT^'^'r^ '^^ S'^-i'oide^ TBguhrly convened, Mdno^^nn"^'^' °' «P«<^ial Meeun / fiuras of money as may be reo.JL^? ^^^ C:ofporation such absoJuteJy to seJl and d^no^"?^!? ^^J ^^^ "^es thereof, or Psrty of the said cLmmifL ?^^^ *^^« a«d K^- said, or in case of an absXftT ^^^1 borrowed la afore! or any part thereof; to g^ °^ ^^ ««'*d Real ^Z make the necessary Ccianlcol'^"''^^ tJie same, and to herein contained shaJl ^f Ljl ! *'t:f«^i«?' ^^^at noS Company the mvile^f^rV v '^''^^^^ to give the «l^f ^aim^ operation whatsoever o/ ti nS- ^"S^^inff in any upon any Ship or Vessel, o, Sari' ^j^f^^^ *">^ ^"«»™nce «>) X ire, or upon any Life oj Liy^^ "'^' °' "P°» ^°y Loss • le Shareholders, pecial Mefctiflu' ^orrow on mort- 'Orporation such \J3es thereof, or t^^state and P.-o- fim; and the ">' iii ii mortgage >^tion, for the owed as afore- a Real Estate, ' same, and to r that purpose, -ihatnotliing- give the said ">g of money agring in any ^ny insurance Pon any Loss YE-LAWS OF THE Wditm UmB^^hMe Ball Company. 1 1st— Tl%ti';f> proxy Hhall be valid unless held by a Share- holder entur ^ jfevotc, nnd duly constituted ».s such in writ- ing, Bignemb^;3m Shareholder giving the tame. 2d. — The rrelident, {tw Chairman acting in hie absence,] shall execute) all ^tocuraents in beh^ilf of said Company, ana shall affix U^e Sen! of the same thereto — shall preside at all meetings, summon the Board of Directors and Shareholders to meet at such lime and place as he ma^^ r'>oint, and sign all Orders or Checks for Money, wb'..ii siuall be counter- signed by the Secretory. 3d. — The Directors shall meet as often as the business of the Company requires, and in all cases shall be specially summoned by the Secretary, and at all meetings of the Board three Directors, with the President, or four Directors in the absence of the President, one of whom shall be chosen to act as Chairman, shall be deemed a quorum for the tran- saction of all business, and shall vote as follows : each Di- rector to have one vote, and all questions to be decided by a majority of votes, vhe President or Chairman to have one vote — they shall have the po:ver to appoint all Officers and Servants n^cesciF.ry fDr the Company, and also authority to appoint a Superintendant for the time being, and to ullow such CO!. .;;^ensation for their services as a majority of the Board shall think proper. 4th. — The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Di- rectors- -keep a Record of the proceedings of the Company — issue Summonses for all meetings, eitlier of Directors or of the Company generally — and perform such other duties usual to the office and under the direction of the Board of r Mf ■ and rl? f^^''^ «"«ibers nf ''^^ ^^ -le sairl n '^® ^^r or w ^^"Peusation for hh ■ ""« same in amr 11 '^^^ Company S ^^0 have f,ub. 'straHo„ti,ere- P^ oy the Se- [^"\^ Shares ^3^ t^e Board -red to every '^ ^^^e, and ^ ^« the ^i3 '^^« shaJi be esshaij be '® ^oard of 'of every P^nj, and -fihed bj. 'cribe for payment Shares Y instat ^^^mst^iiaents s ill be now due, or shall hereafter be^ e doe End payable, shall after ten days' notice ffiven tiie teee^etary to tli. party or parties in default, be^pald «^«,«„ k^ " «-v-.w o,ia,ii ue lorteited, or Suits at : rE Irf T^""! '°^ prosecuted against such party irpaifties, and Judgcaententeted against them by confes- ion {» otherwise* ^ vumea ^.^TkT;?' K^*^ ^' ^*^^^' -^ccounl^, and Papers of the Com- ^ iy.|hall be openat all times to the inspection of the resident and Directors, m^ the Soeretary shall ^urnish an aI^TP^S"?.^^^^*^®'^'!^*^^ ^^ "^a^e except at the Annufe General Meetmg of the Shareholders, which sb'^ll be declared upon the recommendation of the Board b^^i- rectol-a, and wuen concurred in by a majority of the Share- holders pr^eut, and m no case shall there at any time be a ComTn '^^*^^*^®^**^ ^"3^ part of the Capital Stock of the 14th.--That hereafter when any Director or Directors shall decline serving, after being duly elected at any Annual General Meeting of the Company, the next highe^st on the b.^ilot shall then be taken as the person or persons olected. 1 /^i^'— That the Dwectors shall have full power to reffu- late the rate of occupation of the Building, or any part of it and shall mall cases give a preference to parties seeking accommodation for the promotion of the Temperance Enter- pnze, this being the object which the erection of the Build- ing IS mainly intended to subserve. 16th.— That the Building or Buildings owned bv the Company, or any part of them, shall be let for the followinc. purposes, viz :--Moral Scientific, and Literary Meetingsl Political and other Public Meetings; Concerts, Sacred, or other; Exhibitions not immoral in their tendency: Soirees, Dinners, Bazaars, Dancing Parties, Recitations, with such s?rta%TquiX!^''""^'^^^^^^^ idl^t'"^^^}?'^^'^ Building or Buildings may from time to confinnX' ^^^ f^P^.^'ty of the Company, shall be kept continually insured agamst fire. / 'V. \2 18tlL-In the event of r4)pBcatwn b^iag i a© %-i- aav BuSTor Buildings owned by &e CoiaiM^. ^^H '^^f Ir thelurpoBO of holding meetmgs fo^^ P^-^^^^^^ consent ot the Directors shall be ^w &t a M^^etin^' U> t>e Veld before such occupaticai can Uiru pw*c». . 'igfk^lThe DirectoSshall be cat^to ^« th^ m^^^^ eating d4?&s are at all Umesaxcluded from the BmM^ag, If le Uiatjiitoxi-