IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) &^ // 2<3 1.0 1.25 ■SIM 12.5 1^ lU ^ m u 2.0 1.8 U 11 1.6 Hiotographic ^Sciences Corporation v <^ <^ rv o^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 CIHM Microfiche Series ((Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques ^^^ Technical and Bibliographic Notes / No} MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. Co. Canada. ISHHC HOLDEN, (SuMUor to tin Winder i Wilson Huohctulig Co. ) 9 and 8 )lewW-ani|Faiiiily!!ewiiig|llacliiiies ^oons. ■^ I* ..CAN. No. 9 Parlor Cabinet, for family use, is the best Machine ever produced, and the most elegant furniture. For Manufacturing purposes, the " No. 12" and " D 12," embody all the latest improvements. This Company was awarded the only Gold Medal given at the Paris Exhibition. ' , Office: 1 and 3 Place d'Armes Square. T. BKRTRANP, Manager, MONTREAL. PROGUAMME AND COMPENDIUM CBJLT LUBY'S Parisian READ, LEARN AND REFLECT. PARISIAN HAIR RENEWER RESTORES GRAY HAIR To its Natural Color, Beauty and Softness, Strength- ens Weak Hair and Checks its Falling Out. It is an article of ACKNOWLEDGED MERIT. possessing every desirable feature of a Toilet Requi- site for Dressing Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair. It does not Soil the Pillow Slips nor Clog the Hair, is most agreeably Perfumed, Restores every* vestige of Gray Hair to its Natural Color, and leaves the HEAD AND SCALP CLEAN, COOL — AliD — FREE FROM DANDRUFF. Sold by all Chemists and Perfiuners. 60 Cents a Bottle. PRINCIPAL laboratory: "-v. RUE VIVIENNE, - - ROUEN, Kranoe. ' P C^a Renewer R. J. DEVINS, o«.«i A..«T MONTRBKL. P.O. X 3. ENEWER HAIB ftness, Strength- ig Out. It is an ERIT, a Toilet Requi- nen's Hair. 5 nor Clog the Restores every' ral Color, and N, COOL rUFF. Cents a Botdi. Pro^ramm^ fEN, F^ranoe. CNAL AOCNT, ^ompepdiij/T). OK THE C^adip^ Euepts of C^arijiual U/eeK, WITH /T)oi>tr^ar8 pripcipal poipts of l9ter^$t AND C^adip^ Bdsip^SS |^0U5^8. Edited and Published by K. Q. C. HUTTEMEYKR, MONTREAL,. '*- r» " y f ¥» '' ^ -«- To Oar Visitoits. ^ll"N this little work, we present you with just such in- 7^ formation, concisely arranged as is most conducive to your convenience during your stay in our fair city, including Hotels, Places of Amusement, Points of Interest, some of the most desirable business houses at which to make purchases, giving brief descriptions of each; Cab Tariff; Railway, Express and Telegraph Offices, and a variety of other useful information. '*>~. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. WINTER AMnSEMENTS! Winter ushers in the tnie term of Canadian enjoyment, [and just now sleighing, tobogganing and skatmg parties are all the rage. The novelty makes the excitement, and hence Ithe rush after winter sports. But these very sports are conducted as a general rule with the carelessness of the laws of health that entails retribution in the shape of Sore JThroat, Cough, Hoarseness and a derangement of the res- )iratory organs. It is satisfactory to know that there is a )rompt and effectual remedy at hand in the shape of ^ GRATIS 3^ Which can be had at all Drug Stores. BE SWBE YOU GET THE GEHWIHE. HH^nis sWk.-i.t-»ySi55^H5m PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM •^OKFICERSB- OF THlb Carnival Committee. LORD STANLEY, Governor General of Canada. Patron. JOS. HICKSON, Sir D. a. SMITH, - A. DESJARDINS, M.P. ERASTUS WIMAN, - LUCIUS TUTTLE, - T. TRIMBLE, - W. A. ROSS, - C. C. CLAPHAM, - Hon.-President. I St Hon.- Vice-President. 2nd Hon.-Vice-President ^ 3rd Hon. Vice-President. Chairman. Vice-Cbainnan. Hon.-Treasurer. Secretary. Every Fashionable Lady and Gentleman should read TOWNTOPIOa fewif MONTMAL WINTER CARNINAL, I889. FEE. la, Patron. dent. ice-President. '^ice-President ice-President. lan. irer. ESTABLISHED 1853. AMES, HOLDEIT & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers IN BOOTS AND SHOES, I^UBfiEt^S, mOGCASSlNS, Bbbp Booips, Blagi^ing, Dfjbssings, LiACES, &e., ate. Having one of the l«i|est and best equipped Factories in Canada, with all the Utest and moat improved rawhinery, we are in a position to suppi; the Track wiU, nrst-class goods at moderate prices. wzmm should read I branch houses: WINNIPEG. Man. and VICTORIA, B C. r*. PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM ^ (2(Hmiu»P lUce for Carnival silver C«p_j __C^-WRink-A«eric«, Fancy Dress Camiv.,. TOWN TOFm^^«^C7r7~r^ I ^ w puj^.«d m Now York Oity every i "rench Jit MONTFL..L WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. tl 5t1t. KHTABLISUED 1M3. OLID lEEXal-A-BIJE HOTJSE. W. S. WHLKER, Still in the " Old Stand," opposite the Seminary Clock, e river ice, oppositf ^ '^ll $ NOTRE $ DRME « STREET >^ as received a Direct Importation of all New and Choice ue Bleue Tobogganl Designs. Jb House, Cote St. o'clock from Wind- FIN6 DIHMONDS — SET IN — tINQS, BARINGS, LAOE PINS AND SOARP PINS. FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND CHAINS. 'iNE Gold and Diamond Jewellery of Every Description. SOLID SILVER AND SILVER-PUTED WARE. ival Silver Cup-| '^"""^ Carriage and Marble Clocks in great variety. Crown Derby and ■ Wedgewood Ware in beautiful designs —Call and See. rk Oity every { Opposite Serninatiy Clcek : 711 NOTRE DAME STREET. ■ I FORENOON. All Toboggan Slides open. Crystal Rink— Skating. AFTERNOON. 5.00 o'clock tea ^ '^^'' Toboggan Carnival, wit Excellencies. ' "^^^ *^^ patronage of thei Victoria Rink-Band and 5.00 o'clock Tea. Dominion Rink— Band and Skating Crystal Rink— Skating. EVENING. cove. Of u,e guns tnj't:;.^^'^^ ^''" ^T"^.' ^^ est specucular even, ever witnessed in any jXTZJoM " Illumination of Public Buildings SRin^-'r^r"""^' r °' <="»■?»■»«? Races, ment o7S Se-^'- ^"^ ^''"" "> «"' '» -«»-» Grand BombaM- _J^^;^^;^^^;^^>^^^Tobo^«^s open and Illuminated. TOWN TOPICS i,, for sale by ,>^i:^;.^^g'^,i,,^^„ eveiywhere. lee UM r em. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. «3 ng Tournament, com J IhB mBB»RD ELECTRIB • . • • HF'e & SUPPLY CO. Id. MANUFACTURERS OF )n river ice, opposite] Park Club Toboggan ^oggan Carnival, wit? ise Grounds, at 2.30 le patronage of theij INSULATED WIRES, CABLES n of the Ice Palace! le Mountain, under! ; the besieging hos{ of the palace; the) ers, with the dissolv | on, forms the grand- le world. ) Races. !ss Grand Bombard-i I iii«n>,n..e<. f |ectric Instruments of Every Description. g Newsdealers! office and factory: STREET. AMIV ■•IMIIIIMlrtlMIIIMIIHHIII MONTRE/IL H ; f - I PROGRAMME AND COMPENDI VM loi * V FORENOON. . J''*=^°"a Rink-Skating. Dominion Rink-Curling Crystal Rink-Skating. o.elo^^<^-^"--arkandTu,.eB,eue Slides, eo..eneing at Civic Holiday *""BI»NOO|l|. on Sherbrooke St' fro "u °"ir;„:'7 '"""^"'' """■'^ »-'- all sorte and conditions, ancient and l^''^"' »""' TOWN TOKc^s ,0 o^„— --^- , New8de«Je« keep it ''°'"'- ^* r.Tn NDIUM ^^ 7m, MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 15 BE HAD PROM ALL THE BEST RETAILEM -AT- aW-OO per pair and upwards. -A.CKC 'es, commencing at loi les. ^i-gras, moving ^estwaiffinflHTrr n -^odudngequipagesTDJBHIltED. ill^orica] cars and df ^^ * »-*-l*. with private sleighs f Irous scene of life a >s and suggestive inl he procession will bel sled. I HEHLTH. COWFORT ..A.XTS WfiEOFFonn. ark and Tuque Bleu Park Slides, js. commencing at 8.od commencing at 8. oJ •lonship Race, Bar] 3 per copy, a] CHHS. H. MHRTIN. General AesNT, 260 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. -» • ♦• — MADE BY TM0«»8 FEATHERBONE CO.. 8T. THOMAS, OUT. i6 ^OGRAMM. AND COMPENDIUM Strida^, Toboga roRENOON. em. University, at ii.oo. ^' ^^ ^^^^^^s to His Excell >ng at lol Vict • R- — ' ""' Excellency by| teurSk:tCAs::cttt"'''''"^^°"™^--t of the Canadian Dominion Rink-Curling. • Crystal Rink-Skating. -^ Tobogganing at Park anH T **®W' embrace the larges. tu™!". o^wteTeo"-''^" °'='°'''- "hS' on the contineni. "^'"'" ^«'m^s to be seen in any Athlehc Club House, starZ « . Jo7 ^T'""^ "'"^ '«",„ ,„ Jllummation of Ice Pah« L!i p k?" *''=°«' College gate Grand Ball a. W.ndsor Ho.^ "" ^'"''■''<^- «="»;S«ot^"»-' -^-^ -d Games of the Canadian Amat Dominion Rink— rnn.- Can,ival Cup. ^°"'~ of Championship Skating Match ^OWN TOPICS r^y ,« iiibsclTbeaV,;^! , 3 months, »1.30. ^^ P™" H e c li^^ PBNDIUM ^ etfe. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 17 I'des, commencing at u, ' to His Excellency byj ent of the Canadian EMINGTON TYPE-WRITER • • "lo sooe time is to lengthen life." '«"des, Toboggan Races] by the Montreal Tanc o'clock. This drive ' to be seen in any •4 <4 LVSS TIME! i J Bleue Shdes. »oe Clubs tramp to II College gate, ngs. the Canadian Amate hip Skating Match /|e only durable Writing Machine which will stand Repairing when worn out. ^•00 pep yeal i8 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM FORENOON. Tobogganing at Park and Tuque Bleue Slides, commencing at ,o Dommion Rmk—Curling. Crystal Rink— Band and Skating. AFTERNOON. Tobogganing at Park and Tuque Bleue Slides. 2.00 o'clock Third day's Trotting Races on river ice, opposi Jacques Cartier Square. "HF«»i Montreal Snow-shoe Club's Annual Races at 2.30 Victoria Rink— Band and 5.00 o'clock Tea. illf Dominion Rink— Band and Skating. Crystal Rink— Band and Skating. EVENING. Tobogganing. Park and Tuqne Bleue Slides brilliantiy iUuminat, r^jTw ^"'"" "f *' M<""^»' Snow^hoe Club and presentation, prizes at Windsor Hotel. Display"™*"*""" "'^ ^''' ^^^""^ ^""^ ^"^""^ ^"""^'^^^ ^^'^ Py™*^*^'^^ Dominion Rink-Final Race for the Ten-mile Championship. Crystal Rink— Band and Skating. Victoria Rink— Grand Hockey Tournament. The Foregoing Programme is Subject to Region and Addition. Subscriptions to TOWN TOPICS taken by all New! dealers and Subscription Agencies. lE( HOL JM 9tli. V MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. KINDLY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR '9 commencing at lo. n river ice, opposi 2.30. |Uf?D'S BELFAST WHOLESALE ONLY PROM GlNGEt^ THE FACTORY. ALE ►rilliantiy iliuminaU i and presentation i igs with Pyrotechi^ [Championship. and Addition. •*• l/i(:toria Square, n by all Newj Qcies. MONTREAL, HOLESALE ONLY. QUE. OAivL AND SEE US. n ao PROGRAMS AND COMPENDIUM IiOl^D STAfiliBY, <»OVERNOR-OKNKRAL OF CANADA AND CHIRP PATRON OF THE CARNIVAL. LORD STANLEY. Unmhire a. .he general elec?£„ oT,l?8^d ^i/^?!^ "'j?^ '"'/S The tion Office of TOWN TOPICS is 946 New Ydrk Oity.-Send Subscriptions Bros lUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. ii 1* ok the caknivai.. Carnival Program h of the positions he created 1886)— You ed at Eton ; entered nt and captain in i >er for Preston, in i ected member for Ni in 1S74, -880, and ^ kug T.s— , when b '•■V*' ; ^^ . • retary of o' 1 Beacousfield's Ad s Administration, J 1886; President of ion, Aug, 1886 ; bee on 31st May, 1864, of Clarendon. :)S is 945 Bro scriptions. DOMINION METRL WORKS, 6 to 542 Craig Street, MONTREAL. manufacturers ok tiiqi Hoi Water or sieii QadiatoRi. )<' OT Water Tubular Furnaces, with shak- ing grate, Vanduzen's Steam Jet Pumps and Loose Pulley Oilers, Durance's Asbesto- Packed Cocks, Automatic Return Steatii Trap, HoUaday's Standard Wind Mills, Plum- bers' Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Supplies, Cotton, Woollen, Brewing, Laundry, Tobacco Factory and Railroad Supplies. Iron and Brass Founders, Copper Smiths and Brass Finishers. All kinds of Sanitary and Earthenware, such as Closet, Wash Basins Urinals, Wash Tubs, Sinks, Wash Stands, s, Soap Dishes, &c., &c. Gas Chandeliers, Brackets and Globes of description. Bras* Desk Rails, Foot Railings, Church Fixtures, &c., of atest designs. Also, undertake the fitting up of High and Low Pressure and Hot Water Apparatus. Separators & Dairy Utensils. Send for Price Lists A Catalogues. S A CO. \6 to 542 Craig Street, MONTREAL. 3a i , PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM JOSEPH HlCKSOfi. Esq. TO THE MONTREAL CARNIVAL. JOSEPH HICKSON, Esq. All the News and Gossip of the Fashionable World America. TOWN TOPICS every week. 1 DIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 23 Esq. fY, AND HONOUR ARY PREsil ionable World ry week. |e on a Coffee Plantation - Controlled by 9VR COFFEEvS HAVE A NATIONAL CHASE & SANBORN Reputation Finest Grown. Representing the AL BRAND rOFFFP J^^^ *"^ mocha, surpassing all Jixiv l^lvni^U V.Ul 1 1^L» others in its richness and delicacy -ivor. Justly called The Aristocratic Coffee of America. Always packed le (roasted) or ground, in 2 lb. air-tight tin cans. ITAVA rOFFPP ^^^'^ ^"'^ J^^^' "«^t a substitute for i^xiA Y r^ vvyi 1 ui^ ^^f^^^ ^^^ p^,j^^ j^^^ COFFEE itself, ully blended with malt, producing not only a PERFECT LIQUID FOOD, 'supplying a rich, flavorv cup of coFFEiC, which INVALIDS and ■PEPTICS can drink freely. The MALT quiets the Nerves, nourishes Stomach, strengthens the System, aids Digestion, prevents Sleeplessness. le the Coffee healthfully stimulates the entire system. ICAUTION.— Never sold in Bulk, always packed in one pound tin cans • -n bearing the name " MALTA VA." ASE & SANBOEN, aos^oTX^c^H-^^^oo, H PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM . CRPTRlfi C. C. CbflPHflm, . OBNHKAL SKCRKTARY CARNIVAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CAPTAIN C. C. CLAPHAM. Jliui^l^MSCSS^yifSHIS^^^ ment Sf Cav»lry in isIT and h"« «^ '^^ <" ' ^^ ^"y'"*^^*'' "^ *he 6th R General's Orderly Offlfir on BrJ^Lo- ^^"^^ *" several important positioiis-beine _ in the North-west. a^d^Sup^p^'p^g;^-, ysfeftKn^ffle^^crS fo "fi1e°gg^^ TOWN TOPICS, every week, is just as interesting Canadians as to the people of the States. ilrt )IUM . HRCQ, COMMITTBK. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 25 iwst carnivals, and in iSS;! id one of Montreal's enthi , when he joined one ofl ippointed StaflT-Trumpeteif !ton for eleven years as si rears ago, since which timi rui and Lord Lome whetiJ i Paymaster of the 6th r| iportant positions— being f ig the small-pox troubles,/ eswhen called out for sen e Camps for five years. as interesting j the States. •^ VISITORS -1^ [o OUR City will find that we carry a First Class ^ Stock of we would draw your special attention to "Our kialty" of making WHITE DRESS SHIRTS to ier of the best quality Shirting Cotton and Linen, in First Class Style, fit guaranteed, for $2.00 each, Or SIX for $10.00. Warranted equal to any $2.50 Shirt in the City. MURRAY & WICKENS, jirt aT)d dollar /na9(jfactar(jr8 — AND IMPORTERS OK 212 ST. JHWES STREET. 26 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM Jlistoi»y of fllontpeal ONTREAL'S tide to the metropolis of British North Ami comei to her by inheritance. Her right to that title is old much older— than Queen Victoria's title to the succession o British Crown. History tells us that Jacques Cartier, who disco. Montreal, found in 1535, when he landed at Quebec, that Montreal, called Hochelaga, was at that early age the metropoUs of the savage s the capital city of the Indian tribes. His own narrative of the disc. has the charm of romance that surrounds all North American stories found Quebec on the igth of August, 1535, and met Donacona, the or King of Quebec, then called Stadacona. He could not be dissi from a visit to Montreal, and from the 19th of September to the 28 was engaged in sailing as far as Lake St. Peter where he was comi by shoal water to leave his ships and take to the boats. He reache destination on the 2nd of October, having landed at the foot c island. Having arrayed himself in the most gorgeous finery, he le boats, and, accompanied by twenty mariners and four gentlemen, s for Hochelaga. He was guided by three Indians, and says, in his d( tion of the journey, that " all along he found the way as well beate frequented as can be, the fairest and best country that could poss I DIUM MOMtfefeAL WiNTEk CARNIVAL, 1 889. 27 ntfcal. of British North Am ght to that title is old itle to the succession o ;s Cartier, who disco\ Quebec, that Montreal, tropolis of the savage n narrative of the disc( lorth Ajnerican stories ad met Donacona, the He could not be dissi ►f September to the 28 er where he was com] the boats. He reach( landed at the foot ( gorgeous finery, he k and four gentlemen, s ians, and says, in his d i the way as well beat untry that could possii j.&^./I\C^9tyr?. er(;ba9t Sailors, 1671 ffotr^ Dam^ Street, /T\o9treal. II. y ii 1 i; a8 PROGRAMME AUIb COMPENDIUM seen, full of goodly great oaks, as any in the woods in Fiance, u which the ground was all covered with acorns." After he, had gone al four mUes, he was met by one of the principal chiefs, who paid him s| honor, made a speech to him, and insisted upon him taking a rest be he presented him to their great King. This King had no throne butj brawny arms of his braves ; and, supported on the shoulders of se^ of these, he received the first Christian. Cartier had taken thirteen days from Quebec to Montreal, nowadays can be encompassed in five hours by train. He thus descj the town : — " It is placed near, and, as it were, joined to a big mountain, fertile on the top, from which you may see very far. The town is roj encompassed about with timber, with three rampires, one within anoj framed like a sharp spire, but laid across above. The middle-moa these is made and built in a direct line, but perpendicular. The ramj are framed arid fashioned with pieces of timber, laid along the gro very well and cunningly joined after their fashion. This enclosure i height about two rods. It hath but one gate or entry thereat, whic shut with piles, stakes and bars. Over it and also in many parts of] wall, there be places to run along, and ladders to get up, all full of stf for the defence of it" " There are in the town about fifty houses, each fifty paces longl fifteen or twenty broad, built all of wood, covered over with the bail the wood, as broad as any board, and cunningly joined together." tier ascended the mountain near by, which he called "Mount Re It was no wonder the sight of the surrounding country " filled him »e woods in France, m " After he had gone aU chiefs, who paid him s| on him taking a rest be Ling had no throne butj m the shoulders of sev MONTREAL WINTER CARNINAL, 1889. aq 10. BABRINflTON & SONS, ^ WONTREHL *¥ Salesroomd : ®f«ce and factors : Quebec to Montreal, y train. He .husdcsol NOTRE DAME STREET, i 168 to 160 ST. ANTOIHE ST. 1 to a big mountain, y far. The town is roj npires, one within anoj Dve. The middle-moa pendicular. The rami] ber, laid along the groi on. This enclosure i] or entry thereat, whicl also in many parts ofl to get up, all full of stj each fifty paces long) red over with the bail y joined together." e called " Mount R< country "filled him (Wholesale akd Retail) — MANUFACTURERS OF — ranks and Bags, ■^ BELLOiis -f^ AND — PORTHOLE FORCES. will do well to call and see Samples before placing their orders. 30 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM feelings of joy and gratification." To-day, the fashionable tourist views the same scene, altered by civilization, will say that it is gra beauty, even after four centuries have stamped it with the iron han commerce and garnished it with the golden sheen of agriculture. Cartier saw the broad St. Lawrence and the sombre Ottawa, encir the Island of Montreal. Looking southward, he beheld the foam o Lachine Rapids, dashing over the leaps in t^-e rocks, and beyond mountain ranges known as the Adirondacks. Westward, up the Ot Valley, a vista of forest glade and the waters of the Lake of Two M tains shining in the distance. Northward, a succession of forest rai denoting a weft watered country, and a range of hills beyond. East the Town and Bay of Hochelaga, the St. Lawrence hurrying pas Helen's Island and BoucherviUe, and Beloeil Mountains beyond all. forest luxuriance was upon every hand, and those lovely tints of Au had overspread the whole country. Cartier had never seen its before. He never came back to see it again. The scene has char Now, the gazer looks from Mount Royal as Cartier did ; but takei view from a high tower that overlooks the homes of over three hun thousand people, the spires of a hundred churches, most of the Montreal, but spires that gleam in the sun wherever the eye t Bridges span the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa Rivers. Steamers pi rushing waters, and the shriek of the locomotive resounds where C heard only the rippling current. Huge ocean steamers in dozens masts of heavy ocean sailing vessels fringe the river, where Cartier| the mshes and the waving shrubbery, fall grain elevators, sm chimneys, dense blocks of limestone warehouses, miles of streets, et MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 3' OTEL BALMORAL MONTREAL. V. WOODRUFR, .AlANAQBR. the fashionable tourist 1, will say that it is grai ed it with the iron han heen of agriculture, sombre Ottawa, encin , he beheld the foam of t^e rocks, and beyond Westward, up the Ot jf the Lake of Two M succession of forest rai of hills beyond. East« awrence hurrying pas d^ountains beyond all. lose lovely tints of Aut r had never seen its The scene has chaij Z!artier did; but takes nes of over three hun| hurches, most of ther I wherever the eye t^ I Rivers. Steamers plj ive resounds where d n steamers in dozens] le river, where Cartierl grain elevators, smcBet Cars to all parts of the City pass the door every «es, miles of streets,! Two Minutes. of the Most Central Hotel s in the City, Elegantly Rurnished. Accomnrxodatlon for 4 00 atieat«. i i ■ Ml ! I 3* PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM houses and public buildings to the value of over one hundred and millions of dollars, exclusive of their contents, public schools and ur sities, convents and hospitals, princely emporiums and palatial he Cartier would to-day have seen all this. He would not have been pelled to hurry away on the same day he came. He would have too, how an artificial river— the Lachine Canal— enabled ships could carry his entire fleet on the deck of any one of them, to around the Uchine Rapids, and the water turning the machiner| scores of mills upon its banks. Instead of the barter for beads and i gaws in the Mount Royal he saw then, he would find to-day ban Montreal, with a capital of forty-six millions of dollars, merchants millions of dollars to their credit, factories by the score, employing t^ to fifteen thousand workmen, and valued at more than fifty million] lars, hotels, some of which could house 'he then whole populatio| Hochelaga. The Montreal of to-day is to Canada what London is to Great ain, and New York to the United States. Montreal occupies a spec] advantageous position at the head of oceanic navigation and at the mencement of lake and river navigation, having direct railway commuj tion with all parts of Canada and the United States. In order to accor date the magnificent fleet of ships that come to her port from all lands] ship channel of the river St. Lawrence has been deepened to twenty-si feet at the lowest condition of the river and a further deepening is no] progress ; in order to achieve this, she had to borrow some three mi| dollars, and the removal of this debt by the Dominion Government j lifted from her shoulders the last and greatest burden she has had to MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. over one hundred and| s, public schools and ui oriums and palatial he ! would not have been ame. He would have Canal — enabled ships f any one of them, to turning the machinerj le barter lor beads and would find to-day bani of dollars, merchants the score, employing tv more than fifty millionl then whole populatiol It London is to Great )ntreal occupies a spec| navigation and at the g direct railway commu^ ites. In order to accoi her port from all lands,] I deepened to twenty-s^ urther deepening is nol borrow some three mill ominion Goverament )urden she has had to ISTARKE, Presidmt. 33 P A. CROSSBV, Mantger. mm TTPE-FODID116 eo. 778i I 780 CRniG STREET, MONTREKL. BOOK AND NEWSPAPER TYPE Cast from thc Bear QUALITY OF DURABLE MCTAL. FOR Wear. Accuracy and finish, excelled by none. AgeRts for the Celebrated JOHNSON TYPE FOUNDRr. PRINTING PRESSES. inting Inks, Paper Cutters, — AND — PRINTERS- MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TYPE SUPPLIED FROM ANY FOUNDRY. 34 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM In consequence of this debt the scale of harbor dues imposed was ., -nly heavy, giving smaller and in other respects less convenient poj unfair advantage over Montreal. In compliance, however, with , urgent representations, the Federal Government has assumed the re sibility of this debt The city is the terminus of one of the most cor, railway systems in the world. Two divisions of the Grand Trunk] way. and various lines run in connection with its magnificent sj, afford easy access to the United States and the principal cities of Caj while that marveHbus monument of national enterprise and engin^ skill, the Canadian Pacific Railway traverses the continent from ] sea, opening up magnificent tracts of fertile country and developing . of wealth hitherto unknown, while it is becoming the great highw intercourse between the eastern and western limits of the old world addition to its great importance as the chief port and forwarding s| of Canada, Montreal is also the largest manufacturing centre i|( Dommion. Among its industries are foundries, sugar refineriesf nenes. silk mills, manufactories of hardware, carriage and sleighs brooms, woodenware. glass, paints and drugs, edge tools, locomof steam engines, boilers, india-rubber goods, printing presses, agricul implements, musical instruments, paper rope, sewing machines, t] pins, tobacco, woolen and cotton goods, boots and shoes, and smaller industries. There are besides saw and flour mills, rolling lead works, brass foundries, and many other industrial establishi The educational means of the city comprise the University of . with faculties of law, science, art and medicine, a branch of the . University with faculties of divinity, law, medicine and arts. Thee rbor dues imposed was spects less convenient po pliancc, however, with ment has assumed the re IS of one of the most cot •ns of the Grand Trunk with its magnificent syl the principal cities of Ca al enterprise and engint ies the continent from s| :ountryand developing oming the great highwj limits of the old world] port and forwarding st manufacturing centre i^ idries, sugar refineries] 5, carriage and sleighs, igs, edge tools, locomoj printing presses, agricuj )e, sewing machines, tj oots and shoes, and id flour mills, rolling r industrial establishi e the University of cine, a branch of the icine and arts. The( MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 35 ESTABLISHED 18«1. LEVIN & CO Importers and Manufacturers of •^FINE • FURS-i^ ^■^ (ate, ©<. «r -u_.,^ ,. ^ ^ T „ -__„ _y s sen.. „. auuut 437 steps for foot passengers, andj an elevator. The winding road opens up to the public two veo^ be. vistas, ofte looking down the valley of the St. Lawrence with its MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 39 5NDIUM long the finest and laJ ntioned the Post Officj Df $400,000. The new I estic Cathedral of St. Pe completed $500,000. 1,100,000, and having is hardly inferior to The Bank of Montrea there have been rece le Grand Trunk and ci tie new Gothic church! or buildings for offij 'ompanies, the New w courts, nearly oppoj iinall for present requl present about 145 ml no less than fifteen making a total of nii >rtant acquisitions for een the years 1872 ivesas a public park,] lich stands alone in s ascended by a win( foot passengers, andj public two very beaul ^wrence with its mi PBin & $ADLGR, MANUFACTURERS OF UTIES BELTIft 2518, 2520 and 2522 OTRE DAME STREEI MONTREAL. RONTO House: 129 Bay Street. J 40 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM islands, and the other giving a view of the Lake of Two Mountains . m the far distance, the Green Mountains ofVermont and the Adironi are plainly discernible on a clear day. This drive is acknowledge] visitors to be by far the most beautiful of any park on this ContineJ i i M ■ I ! Ml 11 ' « « « POPULATION. The Government takes a general census in every tenth year anJ foUowing are the figures since 1851, viz. : ^^^s^s 1851 population 57,715 '^^' " ...■ 90^323 '871 " ,oy„^ ^««' " 140,727 Present population .^^^^^^ The latter figures are very much underdrawn and do not in several large suburban districts which will likely be added to Mor, before the Government takes the census of 1891. The closest estij of the city's population to-day puts it at 200,000. THE PRESS. The Montreal Press has grown with, if not in advance of thei and has led in enterprises, especially during the later years, of a p 'haracter. Twenty-five years ago, the press was very often influej by private opinion, and was nothing if not political. Now ther. five English and five French newspapers, the work on either of wh j MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 41 akeof Two Mountains, Ic^N^p^ SHIPPING COMPANY I'ermont and the Adironr m LIIE OF STEjIjSillllPS. in every tenth year anj aking close connections at either of the undermentioned ports for all in Canada and the United States, to which through tickets are issued, kiling weekly between Montreal and Liverpool during the Summer season, fctween New York and Liverpool during the Winter season. \tse Steair-rs have superior accommodation for Saloon, Intermediate teerage Passengers. _ experienced surgeon is carried by each steamer, also cabin and steerage (Qess. engers land and embark at Montreal, avoiding the trouble and annoy- ^f transfer at Quebec. VTES OF PASSAGE :— Saloon Tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, I40, $50, ; Return Tickets, |8o.. $90 and |ioo ; Intermediate, I30, round trip, $60 ■ ^ge, |2o, round trip $40. ' rough Bills Uding are issued to all points in Canada and the Western or Freight, Passage or other particulars apply to, in London, R. Mont- le & Co., 82 Mark Lane ; it Glasgow, to P. Rintoul, Son & Co. ; in fstown, to N. G. Seymour & Co. , in Belfast, to A. A. Watt, Custom i Square ; m Chicago, to Kopperi & Hunsberger, 280 Madiaop Street ; in ^ork, to James Arkell & Co., Kemble Buildings ; or IR. W. ROBERTS, Manager, 21 Water Street, Liverpool H. E. MURRAY, General-Manager, I Custom House^Square, Montreal. 4J PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM greater .o^y ,ha„ was that on all put together twenty year, ago , Mont«al. mtn.s. is religious, prohibition, moral and fearless, und control and nunagement of its proprietor, Mr. J. R. Dougall The started by Marshall, Ungevin & Co., and now the sole property Hugh Graham; its price is one cent, and its success has been « menal. The Gazxte, the leading Conservative newspaper, is own] a stock company, but the stock is principaUy held by Mr. Richard \ and the heirs of the late Mr. Thomas White, whose son, Mr. R. s \ « US able editor. The HeraU, is the organ of the Reform or l[ party, is edited by Mr. St. John, an able journalist, and is owned . Hon. Peter ,MitcheU. who inspires its tone, and manages it. Al|i are thrivmg commercially and otherwise. The strides made by the French press is even greater, by compj than that of the English, as they were much more backward until , the last ten years, when a spirit of emulation has produced among , a revolution. The newspapers are La Minnv,, conservative, ediJ Mr. J. Tass6; La PatrU, owned and edited by Mr. H. Beaugrani Mom,, Independent, owned by Mr. F. Vanasse ; La, Indepe J owned by Messrs. Wurtele & Co., edited by Mr. G. A. Nantel L-£le„darJ, Ultramontane and National in politics, edited by F ' Trudel. There is also published in Montreal, a weekly illustrated E, paper, the Dominim llluUrated, and a French weekly, U Mmde III, There are the Trade BulUH„ of Mr. Henri Mason, THe Journal o/\ mereeoS Mr. Foley, and a number of other English weekly, and F, weekly newspapers of more or less importance. I'S MPENDIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 43 .ADELPHiA • International e Exhibition. NTHIER 5 CO. 1663 Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL ITERS AND FURRIERS, WERE AWARDED The International and Only Gold Medal for Furs in the Dominion of Canada. ters of Fine Rnsslan and Other Fnrs Personally Selected TO STJIT •mB TII^CES. ^**^"lmnii^./p' v'k*^ ^T' \ Specialty. Also the Largest Stock of Imported English and French Hats to be found in the City. I & Sangster's DmbreUas, Water-proofs & Robber Goods in great f arlety. ONE PRICE ONLY. !ii! ! I I I I iiaiMiHifiii 44 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM ( f TRINITY CHURCH, St DenU Street. •MPENDIUM enU Street. ONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 45 A. Nelson & Sons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN TOBOGGANS, ighs, Snow Shoes, MOCCASINS, [ALL Goods Pertaining to Winter Sports. 'isitors to the Carnival will find a full Stock of all |KTING GOODS TO SELECT FROM. 59 TO 63 PBTER STREET. ii ! I ! I 9 ! m ! ii i' ml \ 46 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM e ' — ' —————— ^ * * FINE PRINTING '^r.tZ°-- GLOSSED LAbI DESCRIPTK ENGRAVING °l::i^ BANK NOTES, DRAFTS AND EXCHANGES, BONDS AND DEBENl UrI ARTOTYPE ^^^oTo PRINTING.) S96 to 532 CBAIG STREET, /Hoptn Bi PENDIUM )te (^0. • • * '^ COLOR WORK, ^ GLOSSED LAbI LL- DESCRIPTK GANGES, D debeniurI PHINTING.i MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 4^ RATTRAY & CO. *r'a MANUFACTURERS OF FINE MESTIC CIGARS, MONTREHL. Principal Brands : ERO If AND ti CRUSADER." ALSO IMPORTERS OF EET, Hnunnn gighrs YHoptn AND BACCONISTS' FANCY GOODS. 48 'I ;i;i ,:'i:ll PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM JAMES JOHNSTON Dry Goods, 26 ST. HELEN STREET. <& CO. There is no one firm that has contrib«f.H ^^oods trade such an important facto" "n ''""'^ -^-^ingtJ that of Messrs. Jamks J^.sJTco ZTT!" '''''' '^^'4 let Street. Their general assortment i^ciude all hi" f ^°"^^^ 1 domestic manufacture that ar. n«„ ,, ''"' ^"* °^ ^^^^^^^ embracing cottons (dy^g^ 1 Zt^ Tl^'^' ^^^' ^^ ^"^ ^^ 1 imens, muslins, silks 'stf/^Ij"'^^'^'^ ^^^ ^^^' «annel, p gloves, hosier. Hbho^is^smautirTherV^"^^' '^^"'"^• somest and most systemat,V„ii warehouse is one of the hi . wnich extends ov. the entire Dominion. MPENDIUM =>N & CO. M» attractive than the „U„rer^:l ""«";" ^ - b,si„es »o>-k. he is constantly sl^ L . """^ ""^ ''™'»K«0' *«ed artists, who I'^ ^7 bLt end' "' ''""' ^"^-'i •^fcl forms, the most striicin7cote T" *° ^"^"^4 most interesting feature in tJf ?"°"-'° « "'O'-J. to make! Milline^and/anc^D^'^T- ^^ ™>-«- and J whose elegant Sal JrooIZ^^f ''^ i^"" ^^ ^*^«'^'' St Helen Street. r^rZ.Tu^Z'^:;-'^ " ^"^ " the Eastern Provinces of Ooe^ . °*^ "^^* ^'''^"''•'l flaj. embrace a total flo<: sSl^^.^ ^**'"'- -^"^'^ «- which is one of the largesra^ i '^"'" *■"'• ^hei f»-d and untrimmrHrj^3'„71^ ""^ °»""-ion, ,' ««"»ed in a first-class IfiUin^ T^T' """"^-t^ and eve J of Fancy Dry Goods. ^ """'• '^ '^*" =« « foil asso] They make a studv nf f»t^ i j. M^ *e E-^pean and Aniil*^,^'' T " '"^^ ^^t ftont at the opening of Cm&lT' "" *'"^''°« ="way» "^ Of the various gooi the^lSr' T*"' ^' *■-' '-: with any i„ the trade ' ^^^ **"° '» compete i a COMPKNblUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 53 ^RSON & eo. N A. PATERSON & CO. WHOUSALE MPORTERS OF ^WILLINERY<^ •—AND — having a just appreci. e may be called upon to re could be no busines Outside of the drudgery, by the latest product ideavors to produce thf re— in a word, to make, As importers and joi s. John A. Patbrson re located at Nos. 12 growing trade extendi. Ontario. Their fine t^ERS & FEATHERS, i MANTLES. 000 square feet. Theii in the Dominion, dj Bonnets, Ribbons, Fl| Oniaments and eveij as well as a full assoi NCY Dry Goods. eeial mf. ?^o« given to loHoiDing Sepat anenls : ANDBui\NETS. I DRESS TRIMMINGS. AND SATINS. )NS. '^BTS and PLUSHES. SRY AND GLOVES. MANTLE TRIMMINGS. f JERSEYS. ORAPES. Novelties, Dress Goods. tyles as they appear E^^JJ^^^iff received Weekly from London. Paris, i are therefore always i ''''^*^ ^'''''' ^ ^^^^ »PPear ^^ these »s- Being direct im J Markets of Fashion. tH- to compete il JQHN jj. P|TERS0M £ CO, ^ncl 14 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL. COR. MOUNTAIN HILL AND ST. PETER STREETS. QUEBEC. I:i COMPENDIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVi^, 1889. 55 HNS •#• SONS, LimiTGD 'fiofeseire J Sipert ©rwggisfs — AND infa^tnring Pharmacentical Chemists, MONTREAL and TORONTO, Canada. Ited States Branch: 13 CENTRAL WHAEP, BOSTON, Mass. KICK. iargest Importers and Exporters of DRUGS in the Dominion of Canada. 18, SONS A CO. - - LIVERPOOL, Eng. |N8, LE8CHER A WEBB, < LONDON, Eng. Sole Consignees for the Dominion of Canada FOR NTSERRAT* LIME-FRUIT •JUICE. stf ^«OG|AMME AND COMPENDIUM Pro ^""^ ^°«SE Vehicles ^ f om any place to anyXr "r '!,?" ^ ' " * '^»°''». 5o| ««< ha|f an hour . . or . Cons.Tints ": o""' '-•""«' <'° \ ^ When the drive exceeds .k . ' ^ °' ^ Persons. 60 eel be chained. '"""^^^ '"^^ ^'^e Ii„,ited as aforesaid, Lr ' Fn, ♦!. . ^^ ^"^ "OUR- For the first hour • i or 2 m. For every subsequent hour 7"'' ^^ ''"'' ' ^ "'* ^ P««°"«. ''ons. 75 cents. ^ ^'^"'^ ' ' «' » Persons, 60 cents ; 3 or p Two Horse Vehicles F^m any place to anv ^ ' """ ^ " •• PO'sons. 6c c' c«dh.ran 4L :"*/or;;r;-;^„<^ '^e.l„e occupied do BV THE HOUR. ' or 2 persons, $i.oo • » nr . P«.^f . ^ - 3 o^ 4 persons, $1 2c tractions of hour« »« k-. i. •'"•^S- - ■«AGGAGE.--Foreachtrun''orF I ^o charge shaU be made for tC^L^b^"' V""' ^^^'^^^' - H h passenger carry in the hand *^ ^'' '*"'^^' ^""^ or p^ But which :OMPENDiuM MONTRIAL WINTER CARNINAL, 1889. I;! 57 H» MwiiK^ Cab TofOG ARTY Si BROS. HICLES. 'ed the time occupied do =ents;3or4persons,5o| 'd the time occupied do 's; 3 or 4 persons, 60 eel ited as aforesaid, Jour ral R. 'cents; 3 or 4 persons, >ersons, 60 cents ; 3 or CLES. the time occupied don] "s 3 or 4 persons, 65 . the time occupied do ni i 3or 4 persons, 75 cen| d as aforesaid, hour rati i! and ihoe ianufectoei^g. •f •♦• P3 ^ND gpeEg eF TUih KIND3 LADIES', nWW ^ND CpiIiDI^EN'S ^ FINE eeeojs h 3peci7il5?y. •f 1.25. /« hour rates-but nol ^hen the time exceed! ates for rides from twi 'des extending beyonc e city. ^ in any vehicle, 10 co t, valises, boxes or paj We Call Particular Attention to Our ^FHMOUS*- IN BUFF AND CALF (PEGGED.) WABEANTBD 10 OVTWKAR ANT BOOT K THE DOMINION. . • • • • • '• ■■■•" [PLE of the CELEBRATED BOOT may be Seen with their Agents, or will be sent by express on application. „•. • • i— g- J i Of ST. LAWRENCE and ST. CATHERINE STREETS, ** " PROGRAMME AND COMPE^IUM F^OREIGN CONSUUS. P»"ench : German : Austro-yungrarian : Danish : "°"^ s^^a^^e. D. A. Ansell, Es,., Com Exchange Swedish and Norwegian • SwlJi "■ '*"""'• "" "■ '^•'"'^ '^''^- «'-t A. N. Aubin, 4,2 st. stre« Hawaiian : Wctaon And««.„, „; Co«mi„io.„, Sb«t compeiJdium •ominlon : • ^- ^- Vice-consul General) *• I >ec; M. Schwob, esq., Vice] :e Street, fall Hill. Jtreet. reet. »e Confederation : 1 House Square, sulpice Street. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. OUNG&SON, 59 MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF -Consul, 237 St. Antoine ilpice Street, eet. YK Stuffs, BLACK « YELLOW DYES. + + + |ii)?, 5aKta aod U/ool 5<;our^r a 5p^Gialty. EXTRACT OF INDIGO. + •+ + ' ,■ DEBRESOIES STREET. - - - MOHTREtt lEW ENGLAND PAPER CO. MANUFACTVRINe CO. '5, PaiKRi, All SIZES AND WEIGHTS, MADE TO OSDSB. reet. ^MONTREHL«- }EB Young, President. Hakrison B. Yovnc^ Tntmtn. -*% ■■ ■*•;■ 6o 1 f PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM > COMPENDIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 61 ONTREAL BRASS WORKS 1 (RT MITCHELL & CO. • MANUFACTURERS OF ^^HRTISTIC Proprietors. flectric light ¥\^m$ — AND — ^BRHSS-»-GOODS<^ FOR — heers, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. <3-.A.S ObvCBTEie CONTF^ACrORS KOR [BIN6, $ 6ns $ FITTING, $ HEACING — AND — AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING APPARATUS. OFFICE FACTORT CRAIG STREETiST. CUNEGONDE. iU It 63 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM "" '"*'' *«OUNO MONTREAL St. Peter's Cathedral. Christ Church Cathedral. Church of the Gesu. St. Helen's Island. ^'"'"* ^^yal Cemetry , ^°"n& Men's Christian Associ an( ation Building, Post Office ^^^'^ of Notre Dame. Cit^ Nelson's Monument. Bank of Montreal. Court House. Molson'sl Academy of Music. Bonsecours Market. Bonsecours Church. ^^"'■''^, ""^ Notre Dame de to| McGill Univereity David Morrice Hall. Victoria Bridge. Redpath Museum of Natural hJ Hotel-Dieu Hospital. Natural History Museum. ^"^"^ ^"""^'^ ^°** Foundling As^ Fraser Institute and Free I^ibrary Art Association, Gallery of Paintings. Phillips S^ i5saBii«ifo«^r > COMPENDIUM li Of Notre Dame de 1^1 »fuseum of Natural H'i ty and Foundling AsJ MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. «3 ■ J. REYNOLDS, TTBK and E^TTKKIBIB, 173 ST. JAMES STEEET. Agent for DUNLAP 4i CO. Sth AVENIK, !NEW YORK. LADIES' m GENTLEMEN'S Fine^f;r3 A 8PE0IALTT. QUALITY, FIT AM) WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. MEDALS AND DEPLOMAS AWARDED PHILADELPHIA ^ + * CENTENNIAL DOMINION * * * EXHIBITIONS, and Fnr-llned Garments. Gentkimfln's Vm »nn PnFjinL awim^.*, ILLABS, CAPS, BOAS, GLOVES. Paintings. Phillips S** Oi. drizzly Bear, Black Baar and Wolf Slaigl, Rob,,. Mats. 4o.. &e mlii ill I 'iili'« '''ii mm 131 I! Ii i I : i 64 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION BUILDING. Victoria Square. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 65 SOMETHING NEW! UILDING, Victoria Square. STEAM COOKCR OAS BURNCR. STEAM COOKERS Can be used on any stove ; coal, wood or Gas. Meat, Vegetables and Puddings can be steamed at the same time over one hole on the st ove with no intermingling of fla\o rs. Made in three sizes of 6, 10 and I4 quarts. ^^^ PRICES, $3.00, $3.85 AND $4,50. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MiiiiHiiiniiiiimnuiiiiiiuiiiiiiM THE CELEBRATED JACKSOH IIIUHIIIIIHUIIIIIIII ^eIW(eguIaliiiig Positively saves from 25 to 50 per cent, in gas bills. Hotel keepers, Factories, Colleges and Churches daily ordering thenj. Perfect combustion and uniform light. Full imformation given by applying to the IINIFIT CO.. (OPPOSITE CARSLEY'S) NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. * — G. W.rQADEN, Manaoer. m i- 66 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM -•9 DRIVES. 8^ \ \ Although the luxuriant foliage and beautiful landscape vie] summer, which render the numerous Drives in and around Moij such a source of pleasure to visitors and residents, are not in during Carnival time, yet, on a fine day. any person wishii indulge in a Canadian sleigh ride in one of those incompa "rigs" which are the boast of Montreal, will find that "Ai the Mountain," "Back River," Longue Pointe," &c., are I worthy of a visit, even if nature has enveloped their matcl charms in a garb of snow. rDIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 67 ' i a(;|^arla9^9 8^ patt^rsoi^, utiful landscape vie^ , : in and around MoJ "HporKjrs apd (J\ar)iifaQtunr$ of :dents, are not in s^ . any person wishiij : of those incompa will find that "At Pointe," &c., are I veloped tlicir matcl • nt$' pur9isl7in^5, ^0. 8 5t |i(^l(j9 Striji^t ♦ /I\Of^JI^E/H^ * « * 68 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM D. PARIZKAU, Lumber Merchant, Haad Omoe : Corner Craigr and St. Dania Streets Yards : Corner Orals and St. IDenls Streets and No. 420 LraKe.uotietlere Sj In treating of the growth of Montreal, the gathering together! statistics reveals a condition of affairs, interwoven with her grl that is a matte of surprise to one even who is accustomed to stum] over the greatest surprises in this direction, and that is, the ni| tude to which some of the industries prosecuted within its bq have been developed simultaneously with the growth of the 1 and of this the Lumber Trade is a striking example. In this re no better illustration could be found than the business at the he which is :.Ir. D. Parizeau. This gentleman established his ness m this city in the year 1870, and from the time of its incel It has been steadily increasing and added to, both in the extent! operations and facilities from year to year up to the gresent The head office and yard is located at the cor. of aig and St Streets, opposite Viger Garden. This yard is i. . x 128 feet in] ensions. The following are the other yards owned by Mr. Pari in different parts of the city, with their dimensions : On LagaJ tiere Street, 92 x 185 feet ; in Hochelaga, 150 x 300 feet • oj canal bank, 150 x 150 feet ; and on cor. of Craig and Amherst St 50 X 90 feet. It will thus be seen that Mr. Parizeau has I room and facilities for conducting his extensive business, whic] an output of from 6,ooo,ooc to 7,000,000 feet of lumber a year deals m all kinds of dressed lumber and timber for builder^; keepmg constantly on hand a very large stock. In conductin) busmess he gives employment to seven clerks, salesme- and keepers, six carters and four pilers. Mr. Parizf . a natil Boucherville, and is a thoroughly enterprising add mc- ssive 1 ness man, of pleasant manners, and those who iiav'^^oriied bus, relations with him, have always found all transactions conductj a stoaightforward and liberal manner. Mr. Parizeau is a me of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce MONTREAT. WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 69 'O Lagcuotietler* sj le gathering together i erwoven with her grd is accustomed to stumj a, and that is, the ra| ►secuted within its be the growth of the example. In this re he business at the he aan established his the time of its incel 3, both in the extent] up to the gresent or. of aigandSt. i is I • , X 128 feet iiil 5 owned by Mr. Pari) lensions : On Lagaj 150 X 300 feet ; oti raig and Amherst St) Mr. Parizeau has isive business, whicj it of lumber a year, timber for buildersj ook. In conductinj rks, salesme*- and Parizf a natil ng aAd prr<; ssive ^ho Iiav; ^ormed bus ransactions conduct^ '. Parizeau is a me YLOR'S SAFES. 2. << 1 Use J. Sl J. THYLOR F^ONTO # SaPE # 0501^1^ s. Montreal Office ^nd Salesroom : 4 ♦ ST. « JAMES * STREET. ^'. T. 1749 P.O. TKLIPHONI 911. HI "jiiiiiifc IIP? ill nfiji iiiiii III 11 ! B « * I , ! fe 70 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM DRAF>EACJ, SAVIGNAC & CO.- TINSMITHS, PLUMBERS and ROOF 120 ST. I^AWRENiC^'; MA IK ST. Among the well-known and substan.ial business, liou Montreal wbo Materially strengthen thecity sec nmer .ial und trial posi'i' rs, special mention is due to the Unu of Diapeau gnac & Co., ol ;"t. Lawrence Street, who carry on a very large b as Plumbers, ^■ o^asr similar esta ment in the city. PENDIUM MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 71 STAC & CO., S AND ROOF HN H.JONES & CO. BRITISH A FOREIGN MAir; sx. lorting jlouse. IMPORTATEUR8 tan ial busines.s hou! ity ~ s c c mmet '?t al an d the finu of Diapeau irry on a very large bi iths, Roofers and Dea upied are 65 x 100 extending through fi- bs, and owing to the ►ntemplaie providing L the near future. Tl Plumbing, Fitting-u IS, Steam and Hot lo a large business in n, as well as all ki carried a large and ca are, Cutlery, Lamps, slloware, years ago by Mr. D: le years since the p iial members of the fi iry engineer and tin who is a member le Montreal Contracto ►rapear th of whc studyi H . le wants )U. sf^-: rily, this hou > yt 0' asr similar esta :r HES, OCKS, DWELERY, Plated Ware CY Goods, \, Etc. MONTRES, PENDULES, BIJOUTERIES. Argenteries de Toutes Sortes. Articles de Fantaisie, C0UTELL?RIE, EtC. esale Canadian Agents for the Waltham Watch Co. McGILL ST., Agents en Gros au Canada pour les Montres " Waltham." 198 RUE McGiLL, MONTREAL. J 72 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM J NDIUM Kit"'' -• r^*t^. m -%-.^^- MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 73 aflAN^ FLUID COFFEE. A REAL LUXURY for Travelling or Staying at Home. Makes Coffee of the Finest Flavor IN A MOMENT, ANYWHERE, IN ANV QUANTITY. As good with condensed milk as with fresh, or as "Caf<5 Noir." 1^ For Sale by all Druggists in lb., >^lb. and 3^1b. Bottles. Trial Size, 5 Cents. FLUID BEEF The Best for Beef Tea. wmK. The Only Extract of Beef suit- able for making Julienne and other Clear Soups. A Fine, Rich Flavored Soup, can be made in a moment by ad- ding boiling water. ;M««.«.....l — ■ .■■■■■■■■»»,«W.«|. DUJICl^'S IS THE COTTOH FOR F"A.ND OR MAnTTTNII! TT«W -ftilly attented tc jame price, as if otion in person. GENTLEMEN'S HABERDASHERS, 8 St. Jamej Street 84 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM MANUKACTURES. &c. ONTREAL is not only a centre of commerce, but the important manufacturing city in the Dominion. The ii facture of Boots and Shoes employs about 3,000 handsl the product of the numerous factories is enormous. The la Sugar Refineries in Canada are at Montreal. The largest d Mill in the country is that of the Hochelaga Cotton Companj Hochelaga. There are two Silk Factories, a large Rubber Fac* many large Clothing Factories, employing in the aggregate, hands ; and factories for the manufacture of Cards, Boxes, Pa Soaps, Cements, Drugs. &c.,&c. On the canal are Saw-mills, Naij Edge Tool Works, Engine and Machine Works, and Rolling ' There are five establishments for making Sewing Machines! the machine shops of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific f ways, everything connected with railway machinery is manufactj There are Carpet Factories, Rope Factories, large Binderies, Printing Offices. Over 2,500 hands are employed ir. the Tolj Factories, over 300 in the Breweries. To give an account of all various manufacturing industries of the city, would require space than can be afforded in a guide book. The establishment of many important industries in the cij mainly due to the impulse given to manufacturing by the natf policy, which w&s adopted by the Government in 1878. MouJ^^ieai possesses lauiiy misri^stii^s ■--• o" — -- to the size of the city, the private residences are unsurpassed by of any other city on the continent for comfort and elegance. MONTREAL WINTER CARNINAL, 1 889. 85 »mmerce, but the Dominion. The w , about 3,000 hands,] enormous. The la ial. The largest Cd iga Cotton Comi>aii| I large Rubber Fac in the aggregate, 3f Cards, Boxes, Pa il are Saw-mills, Naij orks, and Rolling ig Sewing Machines] d Canadian Pacific ! ichinery is manufactij es, large Binderies, mployed ir. the Tot ive an account of al ity, would require industries in the cij "acturing by the nati Lent in 1878. hiiilditisrs. In Dfot s are unsuripassed by brt and elegance. HOMHS • LIGC6T. Glcnora Buildings I84 flotr^ Da/T\^ 5^^^^^' " " /T\oi)tr^al, CONSTANTLY ON HAND : llfSSELS Iaiminsteb WILTON VELVET PIT KIDDEBMINSTER UNION HEMP Kensington Sqaartis HEMP SaVARIS CZ.OTB3, luCATTZXTGL COOO^ MATTZXTGa. :¥ VeHAM IGVIPVRX SWISS l!i m [MADRAS ITAL CRAPE FX.TTSS. TURCOMAN CHENILLE ORIENTAL TAPESTRY BURMAH MOSAIC POLES AND FIXTURES. Its • ;q[ND • rugs ^^=- -^ MMTS • SND • RUGS MKTS • KND • RUGS. "*'*^l 86 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIIJM nil Among the finest may be mentioned the residences of Sir Stephen on Drummond Street, Mr. R. B. Angus on Mot Street, and Sir Donald A. Smith on Dorchester Street. Amod public buildings of interest, there are many that will amply visit. The Fraser Institute and Free Public Library, which haj recently opened on Dorchester Street, will be found an inter and profitable place in which to A^ile away an hour. The buildings of the McGill University on Sherbrooke form an imposing pile ; among the most interesting is the Re Museum of Natural History which is the best in Canada. Among the principal streets for business are the following! Catherine, St. James, Notre Dame, St. Paul, McGill, Cra^ Peter, St. Helen, Lemoine and St. I^awrence Main. The fine dences in the city will be found on such streets as the foUoA Sherbrooke, Dorchester West, Drummond, Mountain, Re Simpson, University, St. Denis, Union Avenue, McGill Colle enue, &c. Educational matters in the city are well looked after unc direction of Protestant and Roman Catholic School Commissi Visitors will find a collection of picture worthy of inspection | Art Gallery on Phillips Square. Many private galleries works of ait of high value ; the celebrated picture by Jules "The Communicants," which was recently pur<::hased ii York for the sum of $45,500.00, being in the possession of Sir A. Smith. the residences of Sir i . B. Angus on Mou Chester Street. Atrioil iny that will amply lie Library, which ha^ ill be found an inter y an hour, rsity on Sherbrooke interesting is the R^ best in Canada, less are the following] Paul, McGill, Crai nee Main. The fine streets as the follo\ ond, Mountain, Re L venue, McGill ColU irell looked after und )lie School Conjmissj worthy of inspection T private galleries ed picture by Jules cently pur<;:hased ii he possessic n of Sir MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 87 E |EW WILLIIlii miCHIIE, Til Mnt Cmpbti ni PMict Swiig MttMM ot llw ^\ r o -f^Ak /£>.. mA ^ 90 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM I KRRRY, WATSON & CO., Wholesale and Manufacturing Druggists] Office and : 361 St. Paul Street, Kaotory : 33, S6 and Sr St. Jean Baptiate Street. Montreal is noted for the character and reliability of its leading busiu houses, many of which have been established since the beginning of the sect century, and have kept steady pace with the developement and prosj of the city. One of the best known houses of this character in the city, is I of Mesers. Kkrry, Watson & Co., Manufacturing and Wholesale Drugg whose office and warehouse are located at No. 351 St. Paul Street, (Na Buildiug). This business was founded in the year 1810, and has passed thro several changes of proprietorship in succession, being formerly Carte McDonald, who were followed by Carter, Kerry & Co., and they in tur Kerry Bros. & Crathem, the present firm of Kerry, Watson & Co., succee to the business in 1872. The house, from the date of its inception, has liadj honorable and prosperous career, and its name has been a synonym for strai^ forward and liberal dealing with the trade throughout the Doiuinion, as ' as in some parts of England and the United States, where their trade extei The warehouse consists of five floors, 40 x 150 feet in dimensions, and is f^ equipped with every convenience for the successful prosecution of the exter business. The firm manufacture every description of pharmaceutical produ making a specialty of Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum, and they also gil pure drugs for the trade, the factory being located at Nos. 23, 25 and 27 1 Jean Baptiste Street. The products of this house have a standard reputatJ and are absolutely pure in every respect. The firm have a manufactor)! Lake Street, Rouses' Point, where they manufacture Gray's Syrup of _ Spruce Gum for the United States trade, and they have a depot at 36 and] Hanover Street, Boston, which is used as a distributing house for the vSta and where all the products of the Rouses' Point factory is sent, and is hand fix>m there. To supply the Western trade of Canada they have another bra house on DundasStieet, London, Ont, which is known as the "London Company," and in this branch they also manufacture and import. From L brief sketch, it will be seen that the operations of the house are conducted i'.j| an extensive scale, and that the business is one of the most important in drag line emanating from Montreal. The individual members oi the firm , Messrs. John Kerry, who is an Englishman by birth ; David Watson, a ml t)f Scotland, and William Simons , Kerry, who claims Canada for his placel nativi,ty. MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 9« ^^. ,o< ji^ ^.o JOHNSTON'S THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. P ttJAI^MING AND INYIGOI^AIIIING Myfm. Kept on DRAUGHT at all the HOTELS and RESTAU- [[S, and in the ICE PALACE. ! It is PALATABLE and very NUTRITIOUS, and is the >t POPULAR DRINK during the cold weather. To INVALIDS and CONVALESCENTS it is of great [oHMsTON'sl value as a STRENGTH GI VING FOOD fLUIDDEEF 1 " ' ' HrsRE^ The WEAKEST STOMACH can RETAIN pitlS?! ^"^ thoroughly DIGEST it, and it quick- ^■j«sgEVEBA6E|| ly nouHshes and restores exhausted ■^POWERFUL 1 liNviGORATOR I vitality. 'li I 1 H I PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM \^' w fii>.:^^ \*<; ^ ■- H--- ffs; " I I I ! I ucp^'^m^^ MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 95 SAMUEL MAY & CO. — MANUFACTURERS OF — tii"Billiard, Pool « Gombination Tables. 1 I ^E have on hand a fine assortment of First- ^^ Class Tables, all sizes, from 4 x 8 to 6 x 1 2, also a few good second-hand tables of our own manufacture. Tables are fitted with English or American Cushions, at option of purchaser. We carr>' also a fine stock of Billiard Cloth, Ivor>' and Composition Billiard and Pool Balls, Bowling Alley Balls and Pins,',Chalk,Tips, Cement, Cues, &c le fit our Combination Cushions to old tables and do all kinds of \k repairs at very reasonable prices. )DRESS : - - 1610 Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL Patent Electrical Tarntables For Show Windows, Glass Cases and Exhibitions of every kind. The best cheapest and most reliable Turntable in the market. A few points to be remembered : — 1st. — Cost of running 6 months only $3.00. and — It needs no winding-up of clockwork 3rd — No expensive springs to renew. 4th — Runs steady and uniform, carries 50 lbs. and needs no support frorti top. All Turntables are sold complete with Battery, <5lc., and with full printed directions for setting up, are sent with each. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. T. W. NKSS. 10 Notre Dame Street and 868 8t. James Street. -mm + 1 ii ;:i 96 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM «P REPRESENXAXIVE HOUSKS. II«|ie eoiree Hoase, Corner Craig and 9/. Alexander Streets. G. H. SUvens, Prop,i Thl« MtAbliahment which is one of the best known and most popular of ita kindi Dominion it mSteMyl^ated at the corner of Craig and 9t Alexander Streets 1 SSSiS Tn a miSest Vav seven years ago, and, under the efficient management cfl luSSi has i^d^ the most 3factory progress.' The building is a handsome grayl fti^turefourstor.-" in height, and fronts on both streets. There are ladies' and gentle^ lnnchr«Sim8 on the ground S^^ which are elegantly appointed and afford accommoda^ K^wiraOTTIt S time while a similar number cin be served in the ladies' and genUenienJ i^g^msf upsta « Lunches are served from 6 a.m. till midnight, in any stylerequ.i^ »t moderate lates Mr Stevens, the proprietor, is a Scotchman by birth, and PMSfssejI maric^ S^ie. the sterling business ^rin^les, push and energy so inherent in that nicJ well deserves the success that has attended him. jr. B. Rolland et FlU, Manufacturers and Importers of Paper, St. Vincent Street. The house of T. B. Rolland et Fils is one of the commercial landmarks of Montreal, founded^ut half a century ago by the late Hon. Senator Rolland and is conducted I wSsSnder the same name 7nd%tyl^. They are im^jrters, dealers in and n«nufactu,^ Mp^r of every description, and own and operate, at St. Jerome, the largest and finest] lillsinf - mil I the Dominion. The C»n«d« Fibre Co. , A. Cowper, Manager, sHi IVilliam Street. This company, which has been in existence for the past eight years, « supplying a l Boods to toetrade which are largely in demand, and the very satisfactory development ofl SS^Msrtiowf ihe app^iaUon^inVhich their products are held by «=on8»"f ";, Jhe qj department of the concern has the advantage of having close connections with the I Mfeblishraent in its line in the world, via., that of Palmer Bros., of New London, Con i. te in "fact ite parent house. The gbods turned out in this department consist of >«1 fort^Maies'^mmed meltons, ta&es' quilted and white skirts Curled hajr,for the, upholsterers, carriage makers, etc., is made a leading specialty ; fils?;^?^"' ™,°".«" 1,™ lareelv hanAed. The company have commodious premises, and every facility In tne i mffieAr and appliances, and large staff of skilled operatives for the conducting ofl business With efficiency and despatch. The officers of the company a«-|i„P«8Wen»,| McDougall, Esq. : Vic^President, E. N. Heney, Esq. : Directors, Hon. Senator Geo Drumnfoncl, Robert Cowan and A. Cowper. The la tter gentleman is also manager. Lymaiis, Sonii A Co., IVholesate Druggists and .Manufacturing Chemists, St. Paul 5(j Although this house has recently been "tried by fire." yet business was resuinoa couple of days, and in their present commodious and handsome premises on St. Fani whi?h were roantly occupieS by the Montreal Rolling Mills Co. They are prepared l see and hear from their many customers, and it provides for the demands of their itni trade, which is so extensive within the bounds of the Dominion. OlfMKOw dr liondon Insiiranee €o. The Glasgow & London has an authorized capital of $1,500,000 ; a Government depot the benefit ofCanadian policy holders, of $140,000 ; a reserve of $255.000 ; an income ot Ji,in with assetL in Canada of$2io,ooo. The BdaM of Directors for the Dominion comprise tl lowing WHHutton.^sq., Chairman : William Cassils, Esq., President Canadian E Tri!co. ; D. Girouard, Esq?, Q.C., M.P. ; Jarratt W. Smith, Esq., D.C.L.. President BuUi Loan Association; Robert C. Jamieson, Esq. ; S. Nordheimer, Esq., and George R. R.J bum, M.P.; genUemen well and favourably known in mercantile and financial ordes tm^ out Canada. The responsible duties of manager are ably and efficiently discharged by S« Browne, Esb., a gentleman who has had a wide experience in insurance mattera, ana is ed by Mr. J. T. Vincent, as assistant manager, and inspectors C. Gehnas, W. G. Br Sammons, A. D. G. Van Wart, and A. Holloway. aessrts. J. H. J«ne«* frnporting House, roS McGiU Street, Presents to Carnival visitors a collection almost of Oriental splendour. Gold andl watches, of every class and variety, fill one large department. Another glitters 'Wth at iog assortment and display of jewellery. Rings and chains and gems, fit for Uie adorna a princess, are heaped together in a most inviting manner, and alike surely tempt thei MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 97 OUSICS. . G. H. Stevens, Propt lOflt popular of its kindi it. Alexander Streets, ifficient management .. kg is a handsome gray ( re are ladies' and gentler and afford accommodati. e ladies' and gentlemeni fht, in any style requirrf 1 by birth, and possessM,! tr so inherent in that racr" . St. Vincent Street. ndmarlcs of Montreal, land, and is conducted I lers in, and mauufactui , the largest and finest | It years, is supplying a u, tisfactory development of] 1 by consumers. The qtf connections with the U of New London, Conn.,u partment consist of l>cdj ts. Curled hair, for therf ; also, fibre, moss and fla' nd every facility in thei res for the conducting ofl jmpany are : President, f ors, Hon. Senator Geo an is also manager. 'ing Chemists, St. Paul 51^ et business was resume le premises on St. Paul I o. They are prepared ti the demands of their iina aoo ; a Government dep [255,000 ; an income of $i,ici the Dominion comprise d 1., President Canadian L I., D.C.L., President Build , Esq., and Geor^re R. Rl le and financial circles thn fficiently discharged hy a| nsurance matters, and is I C. Gelinas, W. G. Brown, 1 ,000 SOLD « ZXT i» 1888 Z CO A K U ^ i H z 9i . Ixl n 1^ % Pi c » < s < (0 ^ OB ttl aa pq Ol •d < < U A Ul g ft ■3 ■k < (0 X K g )^ U s QQ » H m s s 15 COLLECS STRSBT, 2!vd:03jTTI?,E-A-Ij. ital splendour. Gold andl Another glitters with af 1 gems, fit for the adomo d alike sorely tempt thel ^noies are Bstabliahed in all the Principal Localities in the Province of Quebec. S 98 niOOltAMIIB'AND'COIIPBMDnTM .nd provoke that «iul«Uable>eBtliiieiit-«iTT. Caotik^biMtjt^m^^ aunniied wMlA the IcsMr wuc*. in the uMpe of toys mna w>f«M^«*"'yy~'5» *^"' IV.'^hfZLi^^ M«Li?ToBerw^li lu mnfih cue as the more coeUy artlclee refesrcd to. SSgMttrtSS^ SSlriJmriety. wd court the Intpectlon of aU who edmlre that beauti ut the growth of the boalness tisoessitates •t'U mote aocommoda^, wa ^ ^tions i»MI be made dniinf the oondaff summer. Mr. Allied Blckcrton Etans baii charge of IM business here. M CMMte *■•• C»n n,*9^utdni SLJ6 u *t m S t ., J. P. Bimards, Stcrttary andMant This company do etery description of workin thMnannftctnte of Ugs "ij^**^"-" j slaes Md qnSuirto Juteor ootfon»wliich we^*^ Prii?<«l*» «>^"?.2Lu^^Slui J qu5edrT&er«l«> *mport «nd ke«» in stock twines, bucta»ms^and tamdngmatttial. SnSnMa e^MdiithroiiSotttaU oatta'Of the Dominion. The £utory an^offices on 8t Mi ISStSe^S to"^2rSrtid cS^ "d «•""»» complete in aU ! app^tmenta. , Wtmltwtmitm'^tn St e^ktClffiitund Show Rooma,$fa to «> Craig Strut. Messi*. Robert Mitchdl 8t Co. are mannftctuicis «rf artistic gas •fl»teres,_8upplleii engin?SpluSiS.i^«d steam mt«^^ T^v carry a verv large stock and manufiwtnre to ord». An article inyentedandpatemefli ^^o^whlSis mwti^Ui much PubUc ikwgrjis anew auto«^tic|M^^ the conanmers can reglstCT the amount used, independent of the metre put in by the ( company. .^- Kentactoa rjvmmw*Uir% J. aPlakortf, AgttU, St. Jama Strut ' The office of Mr. J. O'Plaherty, Dominion agent ftw the cdebratedRen^gtom Tvpev is located at No. 048 8t Tames Sfteet, and nnd» his en«getic «n*nagement couplea with I mer^^this onriValled^machine, the busi ness is in a most flourishing condtlon. B. jr. D«vl*n» OumUi and Drt^xia, Noln Damt Strut. Mr. R. J. Devins, whose deganUy app ther travellers represent the interesfot the ho.^e'in aU ?ar w"he^KSfnio^'''- "" '"»" '" «l«rtta A vo. 4-|( Kffi^«»«-»-"£5HlJS,^^^^^^ The Be»ver Line, yo. , Cmtom House Square. Capi. Murray, Manage,- sin J'lsV: ^SnS^'^ors'rS' Lake°SSro*„^ '"""'r "» ^™.° steamships, la»«d for^anyin, cattle. ^The Beaver°iiSrh^aS?tI K^'„\'Se?^ In *S^i°-^Sr*rd^V«?^K' J iV. D. '••• J^iS"" *'*••'** M«htln» Power Company. Craig street. fnak^^T„Ek^?i?,U^in\ff l^y'^et^^^^^^^ 'Ve^^deWl^^- «". ^"^^'^ tncludingr mi Is, factories, warehouses «itorMn«hiti.K,!l?ijy' '^^^P descnptton of buidn ^s^'h-'yet-^tr^ts, PubliJ'trua^rind^conV^ya"^^^ to subscribers in any quantity' from thS renSfrfJi f^^.^^o^^^ "?"" ^ enabled to furnish pot most elaborate macfiiSery in the cTtv The offi^J^^^^^^ machine to the heavieS^ President; Jas. l,eggi, ^-pi^^sSl^nt ; ^M^.^^, ffi^Te^^^ '*'Thl!r^r.t *'"'*«*,^- '^•i*y«'«« street. C. H. Martin, Representative. air a?d"Se fow W?^| farmy^lfd "rin^"?h? S'S^^' ""'^ *»••= PS^^^^^^f the birds of i article which it was preSly thoS^could tt h^ ^hfJ^ ™X^^^ '' mighty deep," or, in bther words feXrbScf^^^^^^ 'j*"" **>« monster off largely used for making ^rs^t^dre^^^'''* place of whalebone, and isbJ latter was formerly though to be^heTnlvOTOD^rm^^^ '^''^^ S?*''' ''*^'"='^ ^""^ chichi feathers is cut outfspHt into strandsrwSvL^,anf made S^S\„Jrti^^^ *"■, *»"'" Portion of widths for stiffening for ladies' dresses coriets^^wE j J? ° ™ff«fent colours and in difRn e^/tSSM^or^lk\^-T"h^^ »ya?^?&-!&^^^^^ of the business for thi easten, province^o?the Do1?inion^ '"*' ''''^^*' '" *"*" ^^t^' » "' ^'>'' ing^eTltTalV''c?^u',^"tt^^^^^^^^^ i?in%4".i^*„t"r=''*"'^'ll "l?-'^"" °f ^^e world of troH^ but ha? hf-s- T-r-*'- »• u? >5?Provement been confined to any t«r*<'>«l'»' b trial art! No more wo^ndei^ul^inven^^^^^ machine, which has proved an iSmableKf;.??^ I^P "f^* t*""*. *•>■» of the s« homes of the wealthy and in our maSturini &1^^^^^^^ thousands as well as in manufacturinjR; houMs in the sewto^ mSSi^e L? {« lif« ^'°t^- • °",* °f t^e most im Wilson Manulctnring CO., whiThtes^e^X o7e^s^c$^afm°e°^^^^^^^^^ Sewing Afachm MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1889. 103 CHLLfFOR I' * *REINHARDT'Sor3r C6L6BRHTeD •■•••■• ■■■■••••■■»««! AGER BEER. SOLD AT ALL FIRST-CUSS PLACES IN MONTREAL. .« HE ROLLAND PAPER COMPANY. MILLS AT ST. JEROME. P.O. 'HITE-^ TONED PRINTINGS . + * IN HNE * * AND OTHER QUAUTIES. EXG IXE * 81ZED « WRITINGS. Specialty of lOFT-DRlEO AND TUB-SIZED PAPERS. gTA.iA.3ar> XiIktb^t. * * ♦ ♦ OA.WAPlA.^T 35^Ee!OJfcP lOTE « LETTER PAPERS ''&V'?,*y„1r HEA23 OFJ*lCB AT J. B. ROLLAND & FiLS. t*» 14 Saint Vincent Street. - - MONTREAL. 104 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM D. BlASSon A Co., Importers and Commission Merchants, St. Paul Street. The firm of D. Masson & Co., which was established half a century ago, is one of the i extensiAe anc reliable m the importing and commission business in Montreal. Thev tw sent several of the largest shipping and manufacturing houses in Great Britain and on i Contment, and are direct importers of dried fruits, pickles, preserves, fancy groceries irf oils, peels and liconce, chemicals, grocers' sundries, Champagnes, Bordeaux Bure'ua_ Sicilian, Spanish and Vermouth wines ; also, ales, gin, branifies, liquors, etc. Tht SrnI composed of Messrs. Alfred and Damase Mass-on. and representatives of the house call on I trafle throughout the Dominion twice a year for direct importation orders ■ Simpson, Hall, Hitler A Co., Silver and Electro Platers. Bresoles Street. A.J. IVhimbey, Maiiag(i\ »u^ li^* ?u"'rl1.'^^"° greater tribute paid to the commercial importance of the Domiiiioni i^tJ^°J'!i} ,^^^ Canadian market than is done by the establishing of branch houses IkbI sjrnie of the largest commercial and manufacturing firms of the xfnited States and Ftirt The mammoth silver-plating house of Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., ol Wallingford c« who have also branches at 36 East Fourteeuth Street, New York City, 137 and iw States Sh Chicago, and 504 Crown Street, Philadelphia, have, several years ago, recognized the imn ance of their interests in the Dominion by establishing a branch of their business at i6aal S^ ^- ^ ®*'"^'' I'.' this city, where a large staff of eflGcient workmen are constanthi f}2K Ti"? Pnwuction of silver and electro-plated ware of every description, beautiful iil Vi^fH-^ ^"^u' "S^'i" eudless va.iety, which are supplied direct to the trade in all parts^ w^^^.fi^J through the niediuni of a staff of commercial travellers. The business was fogJ JL^r «t Wallingford, Conn by Mr. Simpson, and under his judicious management ill grown aj.d developed, unti its present extensive proportions have been reach^. The r^ ^Mfl the house in this city is Mr. A. J. Whimbey, a gentleman who is thoroughly fan with every detail of the business, and in whose hands the interests of the firm are in | Fofarty <& ^'f*-* ^fauu/aclurers of Fine Boots and Shoes, Cortier St. Catherine audi iMwrence Streets, Montreal. The manufacture of boots and shoes is of very ancient origin, for foot ware of someJ scnption was worn in the early centuries of the world's history. Shoes->particularly wom l.=2!S« fj^u *«««• romance as well as the glove, for history tells us that the Egyptian I Tf^^JSJu'^^*" ^, y***" ?3o B. C, while liolding court in the market place oTMetnpl oii„^« • y ." nobles, espied an eagle circling in the air above his head, which, upon gr «i.l^ ^^,^}°^£*° ">^ ^y^\ dropped a shoe into the monarch's lap. It was ofexqu. ff ?i^ .u ' i''^* J^/P"!**^ *" the tale of Cinderella, the king sought out the owner, and foi III fi * .f ?*""tifur Rhodope, whom he married and ma* queen of his empire. Thati ohtriofi- o^Vi*** *y, ?^J^^^.- ^^^ ^"»"* P°^'y ^e """St come to prose in a work of J rt?r^5 »° J ^P^*'' °* ^^^ leading houses engaged in the manufacture of boots and shMl Iilf ♦?./«" day in Montreal. Among the more important houses in this line in thisdh J^^^L Messre. Fpgarty & Brother. This business was commenced about ao years ago,? fil.^ii^^A*" *^^11"" J»nfe.and the manufacturing and wholesale department wat aJ a«S ^h^=l l**"- i^ *'?5 present time the firm have the largest and most elaborate retail I uwT/o ^K*°^* "• Uie aty, besides a wholesale trade, which extends all over the Dominion. Hr^« H fi ^^^ 2"° "ll?^^ ^'■•^ manufactured, but a specialty is made of ladies' misses' ande. «,f.?«l-^ j^S° medium goods. The premises are commodious and weU appointed 1 !^^ SEfJi *^"° V^^r reguisite for conducting the business with efliciency and despil fh« fiil'^i*21'?f"* ** C"™*5?'5**i° ^50 hands, on an average, the year round. The membffl «n^i.v^-^^*!£'^- \- f"^ ^- ^- Po»arty, and the excellent business which they have built speaks well for their talents, vush and enterprise. & Co., Represenlathm JOUM Brooks « Bros. (Brooks' Spool Cotton). J. E. Lancaste, Umoine Street, Montreal; 57 Bay Street, Toronto. ♦h- ^^Ji!i!"*^rJ"S*'** S?"'^ '^ .P"'** *o the commercial importance of the Dominion, aiw of hS«!ru'l„ ^''^ Canadian market, than the establishing by British capitalists and mercS °iJ^^^ ^9"***. <"* this side of the ocean to look after their Canadian interesU. In thki cS^.»;«^r=^'i°TH''"°*i'"'F»y' J.""?'*^''^''^ ^ Bros, have recognized the force ofj cumstances, and acted accordingljr by placing^ their Canadian interesto in the hands of Mo* atr«» TwtfJ SS' "^ V ^?*°.V?5. **re«t, in this dty, who have also.a branch at 57! o15y{ Toronto with spooling facilities m Montreal. With " Brooks' Spool Cotton " to 0/ sHahm'S k:./v?- I'""<»»ter S Co. to push the business, the past success of this establisha Should be but the augury of still greater prosperity in the future. MONTkEAL' WINTER CARNIVAL, llSSg. «05 'himbey, Maiiagoi of the Dominion L ranch houses heitl States and Kngji Wallingford, Ca and 139 States Sti :x>gnized the im|i business at 16 ai ;n are constantiyi stion, beautiful ig| adein all parts of business was fbuii management it| reached. The 1 • thoroughly ran the firm are in 1 t. Catherine anil bot ware of sonuj particularly won t the Egyptian L t place of Mempl , which, upon gn' It was of exqai :he owner, and foi s empire. Tbati >8e in a work off sf boots and sho lis line in this d|i it 20 years ago,il partment was ad' elaborate retail I r the Dominion, lies' misses' andd well appointed 1 ency and desp' id^ The memlx :h they have built >., RepreseHlathiu lie Dominion, an^ alists and nierchi iterests. In thii ized the force of| the hands of Me a branch at j7 1 x>l Cotton" to of )f this establish! > 2 la: 0. o o i^ Z 3i a: 00 + H K 31 h (0 0: U) u z K il io6 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM MHm {■•■•■•■•■•■■■■I III 1: i|l|iiiq^^^''i:^^^ 4> THE LA E n — ■ — ^^^ —1 > , < < X X z jS\ 9t s) / h _xr^sL /y ZjfnSj // i5 rwXS^ // 1 < Rlwfc^ < 1 c 3^^s r b! '\^p~^ 1 X \r A ^ 1 I ' H '^^T^y' \\ Ui ^■t^dP' \\ P\ 2 '^ \ H < r 1/3 Ed X P h 2 b! he Most P< > < Daii s E88IANS WINES.-i z u TCLCPHONK No X THE .19&21 ST MONT^AL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. 107 Plf'; IjHii'i' i i'iwi' ^ 1 141 ' '/. 1 iM' ^ gllli:, '-' 1 ! (^ > :' <: ll,^ M : « "^ i« '. B HHi ^ 1 illl: ^ 1 HI' ° ' 11 i^ 1 1 -< 1 h^ 1 2 H ■< Ed h u > < Z s z X JN HD H J \J X E MPJ^^ i THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLEVE, AND BEST ~~==EQUIPPED BAG FACTORY IN CANADA== S= := l - le Most Perfect Machinery of the sort in the country. Daily Capacity : 30,000 Bags, 350 pieces of Hessians. IE88IAi|S or BURLAPS.— Every quality and width kept in stock. IWINCS*— The largest and best aborted stock in Canada. TCLCPHONC No. 934. « — THE CHNHDK JUTE CO. Ltd. J .1 19 4 21 ST. MARTIN ST. -« MONTREAL. io8 FROORAMMK AND COMPINDIUM '^*'/,5^i?S,fXrr;C''^";r5^,^^^^^ ^'"^^ - Cotton and Rutter Beltin,, lo<«ted at Nm. 2518, 2520 aud 2522 Notre DaSe 5SS? tS2>- .' ''''J*« «*<» and factory a« that the product tamed out is firat<«iii«Bln i-»»«T«^s 1 *? ,""P " given employment m i other hottU. The iSther belting mL^fMtu;^ not suroaaaed by t&rt of a« >««th«- the centres of hides beinr uaJd aSd I?e o^th^ «™-"»i" ?'"'* '^S" <»«">"y "electd ' Robin i Sadler are manufecturiiiKSni? thaf hL^^ f^^ti*^'*'''?^?* throughout. Messn from short laps only, the butt lacla>" «tend«J years ago it was found necewarv toon?n » h«-^t J? ™^ throughuot the Dominion. Thrt* of brining goods neare?JiS?^'?.!?m%^?„^a?^|.^f1L?^^^^^ *^« P"^ Clwdwick'ii Spool cotton, A-. Henderson & Co. St. Paul Street. te,»^- '>i?°Ah house in>oronto for s„p"plS'the''S;'^L^H*; ^?'JL"^!!*L^ '^^^^^iT'^ — •'^i^.>.a^uicu lu vanaoa oy Messrs. R. He have also a branch house in Toronto for suDoivinff"th7H;>'.^i.^*; '^Jli. '""^j » ">»" aty. who Dominion. The spooling of Chad^k's ThJMd S nnt 1^1 Hi* ^^ *?* western portion of the I nnm^i. iSHfoTJ^". !!rn.! i.?-'!*"?.!? "O'' done ia Montreal, and thus another It o-mTj »_ *;. * "^ "iwung 01 i:naawick's Thre added to the numerous industries of the fAt^VfityTatf^'^ll:^^!^^"^!' "^ mus another It ence the firm of R. Henderron & Co. are in i^ooStSn S'hL?!?*'}'?"*!^? an extended experi- well as to uphold the reputation of thf goSls ettst^ to thdr^chli^ '^ *** *""'"^" 1«. O. Orotke, Cigar Manufacturer, 315 St. Pdul Street. v^^J^yiaSTM^'c^'SSis'^^^^ ■pecialWbdn»madeofthe"Invindble°and''Pe^S^^^ St. Paul street,! popularity wifli the trade and the gmeral SSbHc M^'^r.^.^i'^L''?**^'' "*T« " '^e" deserved oTthe business, is a native of MontrMl '^Si Si^^-J^^^****' ''J'°*'J»"«^»^ tnrfe extends t<^ all parts of the Domi ~on ^ *«nployment to about aoo handstand hi" CfrAM * Saaborn, Ccffees, nianager. St. Paul, comer St. Francois Xavier street. Daniel Gilmm, ■2^\^^^^^.^Ki-}^^.-}:f^ ^.worth .doing well "is a motto which is spedaUy illu. '^Hfi."^^5f?"^?»;««& Sanbprn/whost kn^mAxwixTJ' ^^ '". ""»"« ai ««t ts worth doi trated in the success that has attended the ereatcnff^ fi^-.^ ,»>"« "^r*""!.." »P«3«"y>iiu»- Canadian house is located at the corner of sf^A.^«^ril™^^**?"- Chase & Sanborn, whose '^^^:^>^J^'^^^^^r^^!^- .The Mofe"foV£^^S^tht°^iSl!^l.^^^^ i^uircuionueir immense trade ThX M««illliTr ™'^' S"" and import dire Hue in the market. Besides' thdrTegliraTiines'thev Ire atfSSS^Vh.'X"'""* i«puwr in meir ' It ia a Hniiirf Sw«?\!;z:_'-.i?5y ?^ at PKsent pushmg a specialty known ^^^^^^i^r^S-^BS^^'^^^^'^i ieU & GSStrM^.'?S;^°"tSu°on^? tlS^a^rtS a^d°SiSS\!f-oJ* '" "y1"*=»«» "^ Messrs. Atkinson . perfect Oriental Ba?a«r and sh"oSld bl ^n\"y aWs&?S\Sj ^*J J"P»"«« B«Pi«- « '• W. jr. Clark* * Coh S"""• •P^^Sfty d^C„.di«, «mv*nir., . large ?S2IS?'S SfeMJiaU^ited""^" * MONTRKAL WINTBR CARNIVAL, 1 889. 109 ne, hose and lace and factory ait p with the latef employtnent, n j ed by that of any wrefully selected ighout. Messn. lent. It is made i2e« the strength :r have gained I rse has extended >minion. Three for the piirpow ed. Ion in the trade, X this city, who a portion of the thus another it xtendcd expert- li the public, u ts an exteuiive Paul street, 1 I well deserved 1 to every detail hands, and hi« ktniel Gilmm, specially illus- «nbom, whose its, in this city, ct all the stock >f Mr. Gilmore, lopular in their >ecialty known ^oflfee with the edsMve. »ni. Atkinson Bmpire. It i« r one umongst o.'s establish- ovelties,and it s lat^, costly at assortment tinted drumt, Bna makes a band. INDIHN CUfflOSITIES I^- VIEWS 1 1-^ —MOCCASINS r I HOCCASINS I SNOW-SHOES! CANADIAN SOUVENIRSr '®^®§i«« • filuer •|«ajeffer^! LARCSBST STOCK IN CANADA. mHCT « TDADBHS * UlITH *THe * IfieiAri ♦ CJMHPS. CHKAPIST SPOT IN THK CITY. The ReaoH lor Tourists trom all parts ol the City. Take a Note of our Address: iO fiEAVER HALL HILL M. J. GLHRKG & GO. ,^1 B.-No connection with any down-town establlfihment. no PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM' J < ■> U h u u q: h oc z h co u s s < Q u cc h z r^ t^ t^ •■■ «« U) t^ t^ !« ^■ C „ u CO t^ c t^ V c r* J ' r^ • ^^ 00 0) (0 t;; i ^ r* E (D h- ^* £ 4^ 10 1. CD Id CO . — CO AN ^- lADIES' 1 Fall m Al8< 582 J < u n < Q u cc h O z h- 1^ 10 00 C lu c £ MONTRIAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. Ill ^ne ANADA FIBRE GO'Y MANUFACTURERS OF ^ BED V CeMFe^JFE^g *^ A FULL LINE OF lADIES' TRIMMED MELTONS AND QDILTED SKIRTS. r- J - h- , ^^ ^ a 0) (D 1^ i »• 9 h- E (D r^ ^* £ VI V 10 L (0 h- ;3 c < rf < FqU Une of CI I ill Alli ^^^^^^^^^^^ Also Fibre, Moss ^ Flock. Office and Factory: 582 William Street. U'- I i- 113 PROGRAMME AND COMtEKDlUM ■^ aI>""TV^"'aS?' *^«»-''' Manufacturer, of Se».n, MacMnes, S, One of the moit imporUnt manuracturinv houses in the sewine machine line in ti,- Dominion iB that of the ^illiama Manufacturftjr Company, ^iSrban^.pS^lyCan^^ enterprine, is deserving of special recpgniUon. Ais bu^new wa<. MtablShy^in ifei and he company was incorporatt^ fn 1872, witS a capiUl of 1500,000, The officers are : PreSdent M r Andrew AUan ; Vice-President, Mr. Hugh McLellan 'General Manager Mr. C WDaX' a if. «ftiplwilent"s f r w?l?!fJ''.r*Jl?''r*J*'%.r*'" i°t.^ •"''*'«* employees in thT mSiufMtureTthe -New Williams '• Sewing Machine. The company have a similar establishment at Plattsbui* N y ™^!w„*7*'''^ employ aoo hands in producing the "Helpmate" sewing machme These ™.! .^P'f ^."''if ° ''i^f^'iXf «"«/??*. only *n Canada and the United StatesTbut also through out the civilised world. The graUfying development of the trade speak.s well for the quality of the machine produced. See page 87 for their advertisement. quaiu> 01 T. W. New*, Manufacturers' Agent, 1610 Notre Dame Street aHt/j68 St. fames Street. The business of the manufacturers' agent has become in our days a most important factor in computing the commercial r sources oT any commiinity. Gentlemen of lar^capital aid ^"1i*"54!5?2 !t?"«*y ^° «*" \^ «,Son«en»a> ««d profitable field of labour. Prominently idenUfied with this line in Montreal is Mr. T. W. Ness, whose office and commodious ware- rooms are well worthy of a visit at their eligible location, No. 1610 Notre Dame street Mr Ness represents Messrs. Thos. May & Co. and the Dodge Wood Split Pulley Company of Toronto. He is also Canadian agent for the " Broderick Copygraph/ "Crown Tvoewriter ' Haines- " Portable Copying Press," 'Electric Turntables," Johnson's " RevolvinRfiSokCase 1 Registers in variety, ' ' Champion Window Dressers, ' ' and general office supplies. "Cash Registers' tUnrwrnr A "mitlLenmi 212 St. fames Street This firm carries a large and assorted stock of gents' furni.shings, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. They make a specialty of white dress shirts and carry an immense supply of ties, collars and cuflfe, also gents' underwear and flannels of all kinds. They have on hand also a splendid assortment of jewellery, consisting of new fashioned sleeve links, studs and buttons, as well as pins and other small novelties. I, Kattray * Co., Importers and Manufacturers of Cigars and Tobaccos, 428 St. ftiul Street. The house of J. Rattray & Co. is one of the landmarks of the well known business thorouirli- fare on which it is located, haying been established in Montreal more than half a century ago since which time it has steadily kept pace with the growth and development ol the city -fhe firm are large manufacturers of logars and direct importers of the finest Havana drars and tobaax)m8t8' goods in general anrf^carty the largest stock in the Dominion. Their leading brands of cigars are Picador." " Crusader" and " Hero," which have a widespread sate ai.a ?''.:Sul?'^*5u ,?" the market throughout the Dominion. With ample capital and excellent fadlities, the house of Messrs. J. Raltray & Co. are in a position to ex«ute all orders proinptly and in a satisfactory manner. » ««; a h>"'"1"'J' C. J. Reynold*. i~^,*^^" ?*^?' '" **• J,?™f* ®*'*^* *'*" ^«*1 repay the visitor who wante to purchase or simply desires to see a really fine assortment of furs. The choice appears to be Unlimited^ for formS fn?I^'lf^"!?i«^vr''^?°'"'!^/*^*^°",^™*°^''^« *»««" gathered hereto be trans- formed into caps, cloaks, coats, manOes. jackets, muffs, boas, gloves, mitte, etc.. of every description. Orders are promptly attended to and customers are guaranteed pi^ect sati^ B. I.evln * Co., Extensive Importers and Manufacturers of Fine Furs, Hats, Caps andSfraus, 49/ and 493 St. Paul Street. > • /- Messrs. B. I/Cvin & Co. make a feature of high grade fur irarmeuts for both sexes of Spal "^TS-tVoVS**' ?^V f^'^'l *"*^ other choice fi,^. Vev hlv^K a1k^l?2?gS^^n thffur irket^of Montreal since 1851, and have kept pace with the large proporfJonfwTdch the fur mac 01 tne aiy nas reached, one member of the firm goes to Europe irjanudry of «»ch year and visite the pnndpal far mai;kete,of the old world for the puipoae cJ KSng i^tork. for the ™.^te"^ "r*".i'' u^^*^!? ^^* ^^."'^ «*«*« *n JuneVlScSher rn^^r ofhe fim to H^^!t«?**' ^""S ^i* department of the house. A fine^ trade is catered for. and the busi- ness of the firm extends throughout the Dominion from the Atlantic to thePadfic MONTREAL WINTER CARNIVAL, 1 889. Machines, St. s andSttmi's, "3 Anlotne street ; Salesrooms, /*y Notre Dame Street, A/ontteal. /s6 and /s9 St. Aine»« Hold«n A €0. DumlnlM Trpe Fonadry, Craig Street. P. A. Crossby, Manager. Mew Envtond Paper Co., No. 21 and 33 DeBresoles Street. \yoAr S^I^^^lnl'^t *'**'''''^ •" P/P**^ of every description, including that suitable for Messrs. Fcnwlck A Selater, 42 and 44 Foundling Street. Lnnttaler 4c. €Jo., Hatters and Furriers, i66j Notre Dame Street. aooJ^Lch^^^f^rJ^^u^M'^ *^ ** '^*«.'^ in commodious premises, comprising three Mnli« fh- i^»liJ*^ A >n «Mmen8ions, where is carried a large and elegant stock of hats and pnzes, although there were many exhibitors from aU parts of the country. ^'^"▼ea n™i I ■II' t 114 PROGRAMME AMD COMPENDIUM ih^SJS' 'r2I!*:»l5'' *"'* ''<' '^^ t:«fherine Street U one of the Akieatand beat eaUblished in businl^ 2r rich.'* 'T' '"*•,«"'' «'•" •tocl'ed. btitowifcg "> the grSt liimiSe „ th, *''^**,T*"** "•■nft»«»nrin« Co., yasaline and Luxor Oil. Sj St. Jatnes Stmt. ofallclSiwSof^^leil'S?!n'!!l.'°iIlf PV'^'i'i^ '871 and immediately attracted the attention nt-MM,! rf^ J J mealcal men, on account of iu uaefulneas and medicinal virtuea. It ia hi th» ?mSwii ?Ar" TJ^*** "* "" 'nteraa' «"«« external remedy for raan.and it is Saoeitln" veW O^fyl^f^l^^^&Zf^I^!^.^^'^^^''' " moat /ndiapenaible article for ?heS 01 the Eh«il5I^«*^Sr?«**V" i* B^s'^'^'e in the acope of this work, bnt at the CanadUn houw ?n rerard to th?. S*™'i«fi (■i*"^"*' Company located at 83 St. Jamea Street, full particulan ''ChS.Jw«„..|.. i,*3"***l5"l preparation can be obtained. The company aiao manufacture from theTea^$«f mJIHI?.^ ^1,''°' S"'",' fo' "«nmin«tlng purpoaea. Th'u oil amwSfacturri makinB- of v«^«i '»J?*''*u'J"''' J**i™'^""' i'*^ volaUle and Veavy parta being uUliaed in the "iSd^^^yhf.!.'^' '*'"'' *' '"a absolutely aafe and comparatively cfieap. It ft agwably per l^h, ?."* P^^ei^es en immense advanUgeTover tiie ordinary keroaene andSe raoiSitv i««1,utl': hirv™'«\^ fS' "•" •"^'"" ^'" '■°' '""^ "timi:tior"r"w'hich% hert CUbb A n »«« proprtetorahJp of the aame family ever tKame tim? tK^V 'iL'wff ^^^^^^>^^ growthand devefcpment of the city during Sewi?drUnt houses in thte line in the r' Se*l n/nH.;:. "^..? Harris, Sou & Co., of Brantford,Ont., manufacturers of the "Brantlou Th^ t«H- ^/ *u*°u"*"^*" and reapers, and dealers in the " Blue ) (U Tae Bindin/Twine and \&.f ,i^*,S°""*"*«"**? throughout the Dominion, South Amefica Grelt BH '1 f»i^.~IS??; -« •;J*"2'°i~?^«''».«?« business for the whole of the Proving of oSebec ISffu S*"***!*" ■" theprindpal localities, and possesses everv fadlitv for sutmlvlnff the nut) ic 5S'duri«*tfeSlM%L",SK th74"?e §f toe ifttehandte? '^*" *«t«''Hshed. speaks well, both for the management and s **• •• ^' PWktte, 1676 Notre ''inie Street, of*S fc?tbv''« ?lT^«'^1nL"l.. ^''* *"^ 3'»rgest in Canada, and five floors, each of an are. ', mews "oMn 8S.^°jil„.r'v.7.? \"'. :' fa ^•»?J'ort*«'»,his claim. But these floors are by no The«i9a«rieH-^stv^ 8^^' ',' ''j^.^f' ^»<» ^^'^ assortment of pianos and organ.. CAnM^^^t?^n\fluXf^: ?: V ''"■' i ™arkea prelerence, or have to measure space, SSiM all Unds b^rn^J^fe^;^ S^^^ t ^-^^ ^^'^^\ ' °^"»' "»«« *» P»«»ty of '««« <*>' 1 X^. ' »V ^]_?fL . *E represent ;%,, \. 'j .he humble ?a. uionium uo to the school or chaoel S«S2; York'^nd for'?Mm^ni;.iitS; ^l^W''"?? ''^ Haaelton"i*r^.^nf L & C° fS •• forotheS' Dominion Orgaa and Piano Company, of Bowmanvilfe, Out., as well I Mw»nl«« IK Ijondon. .idoptedb^ A moat pop lavourably recei turera are Meaa: depot at 30 St. S well known for if compoaed of agreeable flavoi muHclea ; the m body : and in th duction of force exhausted stren 4'luu'lMi €»nri Jurors Str, In thia line their production the largeat enga ofthenouae, hai enced chemiat, a waters. The pn Jurora atreet, wi carrying on, in t are of a most vat ale, Seltser wate cider, etc , all in' Th« «•■ Com Which opem truth, a benefit c article and merit adopting this bo excellent inventl unpleasant odoui Oeo. T. Mlatci The line of g, ibr men, boys, y Women's buttom last; men's ham sewed; men's ha ^I'al. Nothing -eil -.rer all wo '"fits opera ThouM MAggt Among the si Thomas Ugget,i« nnest establUhm( the fact that the fl all manufactured direct by himself, He also has carp code-i for giving o most complete sat laying, having a k employed ia fun Ligget's long exp deUU, and this im untiring energy. -J MONTREAL WINTER CARNINAL, 1889. "5 >t cfltabiislied in incresM in the Mi and 15'M St iitiea, which m oui bitters and ly ii considered e numerous cer itleman in N(« e for a bottle of :ured of his evil nltien and is re s Street. d the attention M. It is, Ml the ilao extensively ! for the toilet. :anadian house full particulars 10 manufacture I manufactured utilised in the agreeably per- nd the rapidity ch it is held bv ide, located in reputation. In imes Street, it intnry ago, and ne famuv ever the city auring men's clothing ids ; the entire S remises occu ctly first-class epreseutatives, twenty-five or j led during the :. Mr. Geo. T line in the r the "Branttoi^ iding Twine ' Great Br' 1 f Quebec, Ing the public isintas in this nagement and j ich of ail aret oors are by no { isand organs. neasure space, ty of room foi I tool or chapel . & C. Fischer. ', out., &!> well I AdoptedbyH. M. GovetWrnent ^<^*^'^*»' 'itreet, mnlreal. S. H H'ard, Agent. .iivourSb?;.??a"v"^'. PsXr&r„"as°"dV:!S?nticL\%*i^"^"^;»^^^ everywhere been turen. are Messrs. Fred. King & Co nimitrd) of K«fa'^ f*"^' *'*^ '^^**'^*^^ ■"'« manufac depot at 30 St. Sacrament Street ,f il Xi. Mr S H w«?h ?.^*""'T' "!"* "*•?" ^«^'" « Canadian well known form of food on whK h 1 Im the rrln^.t^r r'r*. IS*".* **?!?»* '" "'« »''»t™ct is a it composed of extract of "eT'fflnf^ii * «!!, . ki ** of^g have thrown much light It .|freeaSrSvou;VnT''rers of Belfast Uingef- Ale and Aerated IVate,,, ,r to theiJV«SdSct^ons°t^g"u,S;CL^'^''^ ?'"''"• *=""'" Gurd& Co. take primary rank the largest eS^inth 8 Hn1..^»»?L.^°''*°'^?^y^"*f'?P*»™'T' *" t»>e country. ThiVfiroi is of the fouslTfbLn «Sb i" hed intepu'rsuit foMhe'uit"?ii^r Charles^Jurd. the head enred chemist, and is thoroughly acauaint&^th ^ JeJ^ h1?!1, ^"^^Jl^V y*"" j. he is an experi- waters. The premises occuDTed^»?P^m^Vl^„.T^*'l ^^IT'Jl^^^ 9f the manu/acture of aerlted The «M €oaaam«ni* Beneflt Coupany, truth[!i'bJ„e^"c?mSny to ™s coniUeS'^^h'f'^^'^'' branch offices all over Canada, is. in article and meriuSlthit is cfaiSSlfo^u iI^L^f^,^™'^'**'**^*' ""^y handle is a scientific adopting this boon to ronsuSera Hill'l^)do^rlSs^^Z' l^^l""" '^•' '"'°?'«* '°~ »» "'"e *° excellent invention and a blwsing to wwk^S.^^J'r*^''*^*''', ?**■ advertisement, is an unpleasant odours which arise from c^khig •'°"'»«''««P«"' «" «» claims to do away with the «eo. T. HUter * Hon., Boots and Shoes. 49 Victoria Square. Montreal. ^br men:'bSy°^^^hs""adfes*m^^s^'^^^^^^^^ -Uppers Women's button«i haid ^w^ Si^^^^^ **°"* •""••* ■°<> machine seWcd. last; men's hand sew!ld,Xnch ?2 2^4*'*^^!°*^ *"!?' 2?^^^^ toe and common sense sewed; men's hand and machineV^ A\ ^uk^^wlS'^^^ *!««'»' machine ^r-al. Nothing but the ve^lSit o^Sii v if «afiifo.^' ^^^^ for style, fit and wear have no -el - jer all w*ori ml"hip^ T l!e Hftf 5h" houS^ is ve^^Sfilfi*"^* supervision is exer- ' • fits operat j if ; he entire DoiSnioS ^ extensive and embraces in the ThumiMlMreel, ca,i>ets, IVholesale and Retail, Olenora Buildings, 1884 Notre Dame Street ThoX°te.UteT/!!,*?!?5^«gg°4S^^^^^^^^^ r^.ificent oirpet store of Mr. finest esUbl&hment of its kind n the wwW An ?d« „f u«*r.?"£li.?«''' *"•* ^">« '"e^'t "* r.«H.= ft,- sriwinopJ^ -J-~I?! • ^ aesign required by his natrons nnA ha^go'comnlrto rshis ewers anrt inv^ra f... ♦.,:„ , who are consto^y laying, having atari employed in ' r a tar« sUff of f m^tmse;e^rn"d^V-^^ ii6 PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM •. Canlejr, Dry Goods, JVos. 1765, 1767, 1769, 177', 1773, ms and 1777 Notre Dame Street M, * E. Melntyre, Merchant railors, 1671 Notre Dame Street Capital, $150,000. j6 andj8 St. Dhier "»• UJ***'* EIe*trl« m*Vm A Supply €0. phones and electrical work SraX Vffi firm »~1^t *'°l°^ every^ing in the line of tele- atne Street. iHdjSSt. Dnin INDEX. [programme— Monday . . ^ „ ^ 8 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday -• " '* „ ^ J 16 Saturday . . . lg liNcellaneons— Amusements Cab Tariff '* Drives ' ' Express Companies Telegraph Companies. Telephone Companies, and Railway Companies *^ ' """ Foreign Consuls .... ^ S8 History of Montreal * •Hotels ^^^ ' ' ' ' go Ubraries, Public Halls and Parks Manufactures, &c . * „_ ' • . . . 84-86 Officers of the Carnival Committee Places of Interest in and around Montreal .... ptigravings-Bank of Montreal . ... Captain C. C. Clapham. ' ^ Christ Church Cathedral *^ .City Hall ^* 100 Joseph Hickson, Esq '...... Lord Stanley MerchanU Bank Montreal Post Office . * Robert Mitchell & Co.'s Factory ^ St. Peter's Cathedral The New "Bonaventure- Station of the Grand Trunk Railway ,06 Trinity Church 44 Young Men's Christian Association Building ........ 6a --.I •. ( ADVERTISERS' INDEX. Ames, Holden&Co., Boot and Shoe Manufacturers . . . /. 7 ,,, Balmoral Hotel, S. V. Woodruff, Manager \ '^ Barrington & Sous, Geo., Trunks andBaes ^ ■ , . 29, I I "l Canada Bank Note Engraving and Printing Co, (Limited) 6 • Canada Shipping Co ' '* _ , 41, 102 Carsley, S., Importer and Manufacturer . . _. .... 110, 116 Chadwick's Sewing Cotton ... „ „. „ 81, 108 Chase & Sanborn, Coffees . 23, 108 Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., Vaseline and tuxor Oil ,. ,, Clarke. W. J.. . . ^*' '* . 108, 109 Devins, R. J., General Agent Luby's Parisian Hair Renewer 3 ^ Dominion Type-Pounding Co # ^^rapeau-SavignacA Co., Tinsmiths, Plumbers and Roofers \l Edward's Desiccated Soup .... - - ■ • • ■ 115. ««) «vans and Sons, Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists .... 55 gg Fenwick & Sclater, Asbestos '81 Fogarty&Bro., Boot and Shoe Manufacturers . * Garth & Co., Dominion Metal Works Gibb & Co., Merchant Tailors .... » * 83, 114 Olasgow and London Insurance Company ^ Goldie & McCulloch, Safes and Vault Doors Gray's Syrup ofRed Spruce Gum Grothe, L. O., Cigar Manufacture! ~ Curd's Belfast Ginger Ale ''' ' Holden, Isaac, (Successor to Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.. Stfwing Machines ...... i' ,02 Hood, McEnroe & Co., China Glass and Earthenware „ ^ Hope Coffee House 96 Ichi Ban— Atkinson, Garratt & Co ^ Johnston & Co., James, Dr\^ Goods ... ' AOf 40 Johnston's Fluid Beef. .... 91 Jonas, Brooks & Co. (Brook's Spool Cotton) Jones & Co., John H., Importing Rouse . , , . . , Kerry, Watson & Co., Wholesale and Manufacturing Chemists ^ Lachance, S., Druggist 77, "4 Lanthier & Co., Hatters and Furriers ... 43. ".^ I Lyman, Sons & Co., Wholesale Druggists 73,56 Levin & Co., B., HaU, Caps and Purs . . , 35,113 Macfarlane & Patterson, Gents' Furnishingb 67, 102 Martin, Chas. H., General Ageni St. Thomas Peatherboue Co 15, loa Masson& Co., D., General Merchants ...... 51,104 Mclntyre, J. & E., Merchant Tailors a?, 116 Mitchell & Co., Robert, Montreal Brass Works 61, gg .Murray & Wickens, Gents' Furnishings 25, 112 Nelson & Softs, H. A., Winter Sporting Goods .- ^5 I, T. W., Manufacturers' Agent 95,112 I New England Paper Co., Paper Manufacturers 59 113 Nightingale, D., Pool and Billiard Tables -^ 82 jparizeau, D., I^umber Merchant 68 jPatterson & Co., John A., Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods 52, 53 Pratte, I,. E. N., Pkr sand Organs g_ ,,^ Rattray & Co., J., Cigars. . . : . . 47, ,,2 I Reintiardt's Imager Beer ,„3 Remington Type Writer, John O'Flaherty, Agent ,7,98 I Reynolds, C. J., Hatter and Furrier 63,112 I Robin & Sadler, Leather Belting 39, 108 I Ronayne Bros., Boots and Shoes ao 'Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., Silver Plated Ware ,04 [ Slater & Co., Geo. T., Boots and Shoes 19,115 [Taylor, J. & J., Safe Manufacturers ^ The Canada Fibre Co 96, in [ The Canada jute Co. Wm. 98, 107 The Qdison Electric Ughting Power Company, M. D. Barr, Manager \ . . 101, 102 The Gas Consumers' Benefit Company 65,115 TheHibbard Electric Manufacturing and Supply Co. (Umited), Electric Instruments 13. 116 The Holland Paper Company 96, 103 The Williams Manufacturing Co., Sewing Machines 87,112 Thomas Ugget, Carpets 85, 115 Vincent, Geo. T., Agricultural Implements ~ .,97,114 Walker, J. H., Wood Engraver '^ Walker, W. S., Jeweller ,, og Young& Sons, Dye Stuffs 59 lao PROGRAMME AND COMPENDIUM EDWARDS Adopted by H. M. and the India Oovetnment, BEEF and VEGETABLES in a DRY STATE. MWTBITIOTO. ECONOMICAL, Keeps Good any time and in all climates, A delicious basin of Soup in a few minutes. Highly recommended by the Medical Profession. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. WHOLESALE DEPOT: 30 St. Sacrament Street, - MONTREAL. * 8. H. WARD, AQCNT. i 1 TftlBMMe COOKERY BOOK Post Free on AppUeatlon. y im»nt, "ATE. elicious nended • si.. f n THE IMPROVED Broderick ^ -^ Copygraph The simplest and best apparatus for du- plicating both type and handwriting. Gives hundreds of perfect copies. ^^Send for specimens ^and testimonials. Price, $iS,oo. Tbe Haines§«-' PORTABLE « Letter Press This Press will give as good a copy as any stationary press with same ink, Weight only 12 oz. Price of Press and Book, $2. The Crown ^ -^Typewriter Prints Capitals and Small letters ; has metal type and mani- folds perfectly. Price, $25.00. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. T. W. NESS, 1610 Notre Datna St., and368 8iJafflea8t., NONTREAL. ''•■t«» c, 11^' s-'',f ■^ ^ m m '^'^