^s> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / // A i/.s 1.0 I.I 1.25 9- Ilia ■ 50 25 iiiiii 1.4 1.6 v] I^I®E4^¥ OP THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE OF THE OIT^ST OF ST. JOI3:3Sr, 3sr. B. i n ^^' ^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. PRINTED BY J. & A. McMILLAN, PRINCE WILLIAM STREET. '^^ , 2'J. 18G8. U' ■/• ! \riHioN A f B- i 0— i G- f OOISTTEKTS. VifilON A— ]Belles-Lettr(!8 and Fiction, PAGE - 4 B — History and Biography. - - . . 19 C—Geogiiphy, Voyages, TrJivels, and Adventures. 33 D — Arts, Science, and Mechanics, - - -40 E — Natural History, - - . .. .43 F— Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Periodical Liter- ature, Official Documents, and Reviews, 50 G — MiscellaneDus, - - . . . . gj "? \ J, Ik <1 '^^^Br:':i;/l(] Black Bonnet, The Carleton 57 Boys aiiil (liils Own Book ■:iS Bay Path. 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W Holmes 129 Christopher Tadpole Albert Smith 130 Cousin Nicholas i Barham 131 le <> BkLLKS-LlTTUES ANl» I'iCTION \utliur's Name. xwell 3{Jrich ugham )r|)e leton land ns ' Edwards xnll r ie on i I )n Imes lith No. nl 133 133 34 135 130 137 138-141 143 143 144' I 140-47 148 140 150, 151' 152 153 151 155 150 157 i IGlj 103 1 63-01 1 105' 160 1071 IGH' 109' 17U! 171-72 173-74 175-70 177 178-79; 180| I81! 182j 183, I84! 185 180-87 188 Title. Clever Woman of the Family Cruine of the Frolic Clirislinij liif in Ciiglnnd Campa^rn r 'I'lial Country I r> i /s Foster Mrs. Ellis .Tames Locke Bromley Park Arnold Buckle John Locke Emerson Stephen Cornwall Bayne M H. W^ Beecher Sharpe Warner Huyghue Head Crosland Simms Belles-Lettres and Fiction. 9 Author's Name. ^ Ilk eke cch er iVy. Title. Author's I^'ame. 2C2 Edwin Brotherlolt Winlhrop 203 Emma Austen 2e3i Evan Harrington Owen Meredith 264 English Syntax, Exegesis of Brown 265 Enghsh Literature Shaw 266-67; P^nghsh rniversity, Five "^" as in. 2 Vols Busted 268 9 70 Everett's (Hen. E.) Speeches. 3 Vols Evans, Miss, Wohks of — 271 Adam Bede 272 Clironi^les of Carlingfor d 273 Scenes of Clerical Life 274 Mill on the Floss • 275 Elizabeth, Agv of Hazlitt Edgbworth, Maria, Works of 276 Manoeuverinjf Vol 4 277 The Absentee " 5 278 Lronora " 6 279 Harrington " 9 280 Helen " ] 10 281-82 Essays and Reviews. 2 Vols Whipple 283 Ernest Bracebridgc Kingston 300 Fun J«*ttings Willis 301 Fern Leaves Fanny Fern 302-313 Fielding's Works. 12 Vols Faust Goethe 315 Fireman, The Dana 316 Family Pride Southworth 317 Fairy Fingers Ritchie 318 Fruits of Leisure 319-2U Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. 2 Vols Richter 321-22 Friends in Council. 2 Vols 323-24 — — 2nd Series. 2 Vols 325 Florence McCarthy Morgan 326 Felix Holt Eliot 327 Frank Warrington 328 Forest, The 328i Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest Noah 329 Greenwood Leaves Greenwood 330 Gaieties and Gravities Horace Smith 331 Gulistan Gladwin 332 — 2nd Series Do. 333 Gustave Lindorm Carlen 334 Golden Hours, The Conway 335 Granby 336 (Jala Days Gail Hamilton 337 German Jiiterature, Beautiei o f 338 Gold Foil Holland 339 Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson Boyd 10 I i^^KCfUNlCS' Tnstit ^'^'i' T.rnR.ARv. •?4p "'^""t'l traunt •^47 Gerald E.tcou,, J ;| Habits and Afen 373-4 S"'''^^^«^- 2 Vols 38fi-7,'H^; ' y^ "-oonhurst, The •^^6 He/ena's Household ^^«He,rof Ardanarchan Th. ^'4-15 fndca tor 7h 4l7'r ^, •^"'" «"'' Pane* 4l8'jn vr '^ ^^pffends 2 Vols 4 Vol, K'ervantes i^ieadc KJalveri ',f;'»r.nce Marryatt i^rairord 'PJchler Arthur I Knight (J^^arhurton l-Pu liczky iWil/i/ . Sidney Charles Kingsley Warner Doran Brock I Do. Derby Holmes |HarJand Stephens James «.* 4 4 ftTrs. G ore ^^^•W Herbert «. Taylor (DeMil/ |D. A. McKinley J^race Greenwood (Harland Stowe [Hariand lEmm^Une Utt (Hunt I Do. (Burn ham 'Tennyson i^ BeLLES-LeTTRES AM) ri(TI(;N. 11 veil vantes lips fi(> 'ert ■^''ce Marryatt lord cr Jr U urton iVy. nt/e. r ngslcy *. rbprt in ley iwood ott 41 9 Isa, a Pilgrimage 420 Inez 42ridalia Irving, Washington, Works of — 428; Salrnnpruiidi 423 Kriickcrhockcr's New York 424 1 Astoria 425| Conquest of Grenada and Spain 426 Bracoiiridge Hall 436 Jnhnsoiiiana ■ 437;Jennie Juniana 439-49; Johnson. 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Jesse /„;.9'^aDibers [ Wilson (H. Malcolm •* • Moore -M'ij lAUY. IIlSTliKV AM) ni(KHlAPHY. 21 >■. Cox "ev. VV P„ 1 1 /Vo. T///f. 1 l2'^|By>path« uf Bingriiphy 1 123 Brief BiofrriipMcs 1 124 Buxton, Memoirs of T. Fowoll 1 12.0 20 1 Buckingham, J.T., Personal Memoirs 2 Vols 1 1 :]!■) '^- Livingstone 1 1 3G 1137-38 1 1 39-40 1141 ^asparin '^rJinian >rapor 1142-43 1144 15 114(5 1147 ^' H/pewortJi '"' '> t;ab. Lib'y 114H 1149 1 1 50 1151 venport ^asy ,^; «oecher feck 1 1 52 1153 1154-55 1156-58 1159 une Jen 11(10 1101-G4 ler 1165-66 ears -Quincey 1167-70 1171 e's Fam. Cycl. 1 1 72 1173-71 1175 'r'sCyelop'jj^ I'd. 1176 1177-7S 1179-81 1182 'sCab. Cyc. ne 1183-84 1185 1186 — ^- 1187 1188-89 se 1190 1 ers 1 I19l! 1192 n 1193-96 Cabot, Srbaslian, Memoirs of ('aesars, 'I'lie !Cffisar, Julius, History of 3 Vols |(Jalvin, Lifi; and Times of 2 Vols (wilhoun, .lolui ('., Life of Campbell, Thomas, Life and Letters. 2 Vols Canada, (yoncjuest of 2 Vols — Twenty-seven Years in (/arlylo. 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A. Provinces. Parliamentary Debates D'Arblay. Madame, Memoirs of 7 Vols Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, History of — — — 2 Vols DeMedici, Lorenzo, Life of Derry, Siege of Distinguished Men of Modern Times 2 Vols Duke of Kent, liife of D'Scvigne, Madame, and her Contemporaries Douglas, Sir Howard, Life of Dark Scenes of History Edgeworth, R. Lovell, Memoirs of Egypt and its Monuments — The History of — Under the Pharaohs 3 Vols Egyptian Antiquities Author's Nan :, Lord Mahon G. Combe Noble Official Earl Gray Marsh H. G. V^eeler D'Aubigne Carlyle Cochrane Parkman Proctor Mills Kinglake Ballou W. H. Curran C. Philps Flanders Maxwell Gibson Smith J. W. Gilbart Richardson Haliburton White Davis Official Lardner's Cyclop'dia Harper's F. Library Roscoe Rev. J. Grahame Harper's F. Library Rev. E. Neal Fullam James Miss Edgeworth llev. F. L. Hawks S. Sharp Dr. Kenrick Lib.Ent. Knowledge No. E 1275-76 !EJ 1278-83' 3285-881 1288i8.il 12891 12901 12911 1292-93j 12941 12951 1296-971 98-13071 1308-10! 1311IE 1312! 1313| 131 r 13151 1316-17 E 1318-31 1 332 1333|E 1 334-39 I E 1340 E 1341-42 1343 E 1350 1351-52 1353-55 1356 1657 F 1358-591 F 1360 F F 136l| 1362-631 1364-66 1 367 1 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372-74 ] 1375-76 History and Biography. 23 ithor's Nan 2, Mahoti ombe e ial No. Title. Gray . Weeler bigne le rane nan jr ake • Curran ilps ?r8 ell Gilbart Json rton ''s Cyclop'dia s F. Library Grahame s F. Library Neal geworth L. Hawks ick Knowledge 1275-76 — 1278-83 3285-88 1288^8^ 1289 1290 1291! 1292-93 1294 1295 1296-97 98-1307 1308-10 Egyptian Manners and Customs 2 Vols The Ancient 2 Vols England, The History of 9 Vols — — — 6 Vols — _ _ 5 u — _ _ 2 " — Living Authors of — Constitution of — The Worthies of — The Rise and Progress of Consti tution 2 Vols — History of Greatness — History of — — Vols 1 and 2 — — 10 Vols — New History of 3 Vols Author's Name. J31i:English and Scotch Rebellions of 1865 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316-17 1318-31 1 332 1333 Martyrs, Memorials of — Constitution — History — in America England, Constitutional History of 2 Vols Englishmen, Lives of Eminent 14 Vols — Lives of, 1st Series Epoch Men 1334-39 Europe, History of 6 Vols 1340 1341-42 1343 1350 1351-52 1353-55 1356 1057 1358-59 1360 1361 1362-63 1364-66 1367 1368; 1369 1370 1371 1372-74 1375-70 Extraordinary Men, Boyhood and Early Life England and the English 2 Vols England, Constitutional History of Father Matthew, Life of Female Sovereigns 2 Vols Ferdinand and Isabella 3 Vols Foreign Statesmen — Reminiscences Foster, Life and Thoughts of Fox, Memoirs of 2 Vols Fragments of History France, History of — Past, Present, and Future of the Re- public — under Louis Phillip 2 Vols — Restoration of the Monarchy 3 Vols — Lectures on the History of — Civil Wars and Monarchy — History of — Residence in — Pioneers of, in the New World French Revolution, History of 3 Vols — — — 2 " Lib. Ent. Knowledge Wilkinson Lardner's Cyclop'dia Hume Macaulay Rapin Powell DeLome G. L. Smith Stephens O. W. Wade /_ " Collier Martineau Froude Palfrey Julia W. H. George C. B. Taylor E. S. Creasy Reed Brownell May Cunningham Neill i- Alison Russell Hallam Jameson Prescott Ijardner's Cyclop'dia Lord Holland Everett Lord Russell Dunster Lardner's Cyclop'dia Lamartine Louis Blanc Lamartine Sir J. Stephen Ranke White Dr. Moore Parkman Redhead Carlyle M ^'•Kmsmummn:., 24 Meoiianios' Institute Lidrary. No. Title. 1377-80 Fiench Revolution, History of 4 Vols 1381 i — — — 1382 1383-84 3nd 1385-87 1388 1389-90 13911 1302-93, 139t| 1395' 139G' J 400 1401 1402-01 1405-06 1407-08 1409-10 1411 1412 1413-14 t- H 15-16 /, 1417-18 1419-20 1421-22 1423 1424 1425-26 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 — Histor}', Episodes of Frederick the (Jrrat and his Times Spfies. 2 Vols. Fusile's Life nnd Lectures 3 Vols Female Heroism Francis the First 2 Vols France, History of the Constituent Assembly Franklin, Memoirs of 2 Vols — Life of Fremont, Lifo of Colonel Fairnian on the Funds Galileo, Ijifc of CJarihaldi, Autohiography of Girondists, History of 3 Vols George H., Court of 2 Vols — HI., Annals of the R(Mgn of 2 Vols — HI., Memoir.^ of the Reign of 2 " I — IV., Life of ■Georgia, History of jGormany, History of 3 Vols iGoldsmilh, Life of Oliver 2 Vols Goethe, Autobiography of 2 " — Characteristics of 2 " Great Britain, Secret History of 2 Vols — — History of ' 2 " j Great Events by Great Historians jGrant, Dr., and th'; Mnutiiuin Nestorians I Greece, History of 6 Vols ! — — Modern. 2 Vols Grecian and Roman Antiquities (ireeks, Lives of (Jelehrated Greeley, Horace, Life of Greenough, Horatio, Memoirs of Guiana, Indian Tribes of Georges, the Four Greece, History of 1140 Haliburton, Sir B., Memoirs 1441-43 Hasting-;, Warren, Memoirs of 3 Vols 1444-45; Haydn, Autuliiography of 2 Vols 1446 Hay 1501- \ 1503- \ 15(1 ' ^ 15C 1507- 15 mm^^wM^ tm IIY. FTlSTOIlY ANT) BioGR-vrnY. 25 Author's Nam'. Thiers fi marline *ardoe homas Campbell ohn Knowles ardoe ookson ughes )arks gelow No. Title. marline rd flervey I in Ipole ly ''ur & Carpenter 'Jner'sCyclop'dia shmgrton Irving dwin kiistin Pherson do. er ner's Cycolp'dia nerson I icr's Cyclop'dia n ^. H. Brett ceray 14r>i 1452; 14531 i454-r;r, 1'157 1458' 1459-00; 140 1 j i 1402 1463-04 1405 1400 1407 1468-09 1470-71 1472 1473 1474-5 1470 M77 ^-4478 1479 g Cab. Lib> t ^ gourney iighes t Knowledge 1480-821 1483-85 1480 1 1487 1488 1189 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1425 1490 1407 1498 r '90 1500 1 1501 2 \ 1503 4 \ 1 505 1500 1507-9 1510 Hindoos, The Lift' luid Relicion of IIi^tory, thr Hand of Goi in — and Clirondlcy, Hand Book — Pictorial, 3 vols — Lectures on Modern — Roman Emperors. 2 Vol." — Foiind;!ti(/ns nf Historic Paralh Is. 2 Vols — Memorial.; of My Own Time Hood, T., Memorials of. 2 Vols Howard, John Humboldt, Lives of the Brolhcrti Hungary and Kossuth — and Transvlvnnia. 2 Vols — Memoirs of the War for Indepen- dence. 2 Vo!s Hungarian Struggle for Freedom — Lady, Memoirs of an Hunt, Leigh, Autoiiiografihy of. 2 Vols Hutchingson, Col., Memoirs of Hungary in .1851 Hrros and Hero Wor.ship Historical Essav-s India, British, Historv of. 3 Vols — — _ '_ 3 do — and the Hindoos — Ancient and Modern — and the Indian Mutiny — Continental. Vol 1 — An Historicnl I)i.squisition on — Rel.ellion. The Indian Tribes, 'i'heir Manners atul Customs — — Thirty-four years with Indians, American — of N. America froquoitf, Notes on the — League of the Industrial Biography Ireland, History of. 2 Vols — — 2 do — _ — 2 do Irish Nation, Rise and Fall of tha Italy in Transition. I8G0 — and the Italian Island's. 3 Vols Italian Republics, History of l.ving, Edward, Life of Author's Name. (fungooly Hoi lis Read Putnam Frost Arnold Smyth Rev. R. Lyman Lib. Ent Knowledge Wraxall j Professor Tiffel 'Paget Klapka jMrs. Hutchingson C. L. Brace iCarlyle Harper's Library Edinb'g Cab. LibV Ward Allen Malcolm .1. W. Massie I W. ]{obertson iDulT i Hunter iScboolcraft iSeboolcrart j Drake I Schoolcraft Morgan Smib's F. Plowden Th'imas Moore T. D'Arcy McGhec Sir .1. Harrington Arthur Spalding Liirdner's Cyclop'dia Hipbert ■^■SSSi., ■'«i«&i 26 ^-'U.ZCS' taTXT,,, r,^,^^^ 1514-15 l!'^,''P^^''f'on to -^ ^5lfi Japanese 'rh/^ '' '^^•"'''^"^^^ in. 2 Vols 1529 Josephus, The Work, of "^ f Commodore Perry Alcock •' I Harper's Library do. Miss Lee ^' Tucker M^ord Cockburn .^y his Son 'BosweJJ 1586-86 1587-88 1589 1590 Whiston 1st Vol 1534 Kano, Life of Dr. j5.^J^«''fu^ky, History^ 1.541 Ir'^'^^^"^' ^^"''^ «f 1544|Life ofTrrst' ^'^' ""' ^ ^^^^ literary Men of Britain. 4 Voia 01 h ranee — «l"{t^'y, Spain, &c -iv 1 — and Modei-n 7 * I ^°'« Lifp P„ ,, ^^'" -l^'terature i-i^e RecolJeefions of and Scientific Men nr A. • 1531-63 Lives of f'f t '"""■■"■y Mo„. 3 v.. 'S54-55 _ °f J;*''™'<'J Travrllors % v , ■SSSiLoMs&rf""™' Lives of. "Vols ,3r,-rs"l '"■"l"- '^'^ C'ou,.. of France 2 V„, '^'M..sLif„,.fei„,sa'„It.b , Dr. fi/der /•homas Roscoe Uupuy , HeadJey •'• P. VVood Rfscoe Muller J^ardner'sCycJop'di, do. do. ^il/i/Jan Miss Mitford hmian Mills Harper's Fam. Lib do. Tom Taylor ^ord Campbell JRusk |G'''abam I '• Roucoe Pardoe 1591 1592-93 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598-99 1600 1601-2 1063-4 1605 1606 1C07 1608 1609 1610-12 ;57^iLouisiana,Histoo.of 15^5-76 Land Th Colonial History '^^^ofEnghshtnen in Past Days f2 Vols Buschew jGayarre do. I Baillie 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618-21 1622-23 1624 1625 1626 1627ll\ 16281 1629!]\ 1630 A 1631 1632 16.33 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 ^ 1639 ^ "B r-'.-'ii it iMi JRARY. History and Biography. 27 i__^i^or's Name, Commodore Perry A /cock (harper's Library !»*• ^°' Miss Lee \^' Tucker M^ord Cockburn °y his Son Bosvveil Whiston Dr. fi/der /^homas Roscoe t'Upuy Jead/ey P- VVood oscoe fuller ardner'sCycJop'dia do. Iflllan ss Mitford fiJlan Is Ter's Fam. Lib do. f^I^'R Cab. LibV do. ^ I Tay/or Campbell im acoe e ew e Ab. Title. Author's Name. 1585-86 VTnckfnzie, Iiifo and Timos of. 2 Vols Lindsay 1587-88 Macintosh, 8ir James. Life of. 2 do R. .1. Mackintttsh 1689 Miihomrt and his Snocessors Washington Irvinp 1590 Miilta, the Knights of, the Achievemenl sof Sutherland Maritime and inland Discoveries, History of [3 Vols Lardner's Cyclop'dia 1591 March, The Great Nichols 1592-9.'^ Mary Queen of Scots, Life of 2 Vols H. S. Bill 1594 Marlhoroudh, Duke of, Life of Alison 1595 Martyrs of ScicMice Brewster ^ ^ 1596 Mechanics of Europe and America Foucaud 1597 - Memoir of Eminent American Howe 1598-99 Memoirs of Mario Antoinette. 2 Vols Campan 1600 Men of the Time, or Sketches of Living No- tables, 1852 1601-2 Men and Women of the ISthcentury, 2 Vols R. C. Houssaye 1063-4 Men of Letters of the 'i'ime of George HI. 2 " Brougham 1605 — of History 1606 — of the Time, 1806 Routledge 1607 Merchants, The Old, of New York. 1st series Barnett 1608 — 2d do do. 1609 Mexican War, The Mansfield 1610-12 Mexico, Conquest of. 3 Vols Prescott Middle Ages in Europe, History of Lardner'sCycIop'dia 1613 — — Hallam 1614 Miller, Hugh, Life and Times of 1615 Miner Boy, The Hedley 1616 Mirabeau, a Life History 1617 Modern British Plutarch Taylor 1616-21 Moore, Thomas, Memoirs of. 4 Vols Lord John Russell 1622-23 Monarchs Retired from Business. 2 Vols Dr. Doran 1624 Montgomery, .lames, Life of Knight 1625 Muthers of the Wise and Good Burns 1626 Murray, Rev. N., Memoirs of Prime 1627 Men, Self Made, 1858 Seymour 1628 — Representative Emerson 1629 Matthew, Life of Father 1630 Miingnairs Historical Questions Martin, R. M., History of British Colo- f nies— 7 Vols 1 1631 North America Vol 1 1632 Australia " 2 1633 New Zealand " 3 1634 Africa " 4 1635 British India " 5 1636 (Vylon, E. India, etc., " 6 1 1637 West Indies, etc.. « 7 1 1638 Mohammed, Life of Bush 1639 Moslem, Lands of The Mukattem 28 iVo. M^;onA„,,s' !,«,,,„, j^„^^^_^^ Title. '«5l-52 '__''' f'^ (>« nsuJnto and Empire '> Vni -r, • l'>-):{-54 _ '» Kx'le. 2 Vols '"^'"''•-VoJs n,,prg 10r)r)l ~ 1*1 St. Holrna. 2 Vol^ O'Mpara 1656' ~" ^^""'S Public and Privifp Tr- , T ^'-'^vih (Abbot Cfladstono -"Vorrio jS'r H. IVichoIs ^-''arko & McAnh, ^cliilJer i^ardner'sCycIopM, "f sner ^o. ^«6i :^;dsun t7nV'V''^^' ^^°'« ^C62AothcrIand«,JJevoltofThe ^^e^S^ewBrunswi!"!;''"^ it^G4-G5|Ncwfnundlandin 1^40 ^^'■^'^■^- ^'^""^^ii, i78fi J667--68 iVicnraiurirp , h"'"^^ Ent. Knowl, 1069 iVinevcb i^r ''P'^' Scenery, &c 2 V f "'''^^'er JG72' ^'!,"^ 'ts l^pmains. 2 Vol, ^--lyard 1«8I Nubia .„.!,"'' "^/ "^- '^ Vols iC82iVeihb,;r r ^'?"'^ I68.i Narrative of Voyoff/°^ Forester Mrs. Gordon Professor .Fohnson «^ ^aturai.ts, R.„,„,, ,^^^^^^ Cleveland '0-91 O'Cnnn.M ,. . . _ '"^^ Of CnghtwelJ Murdocic ^^''"I'g Cab. Lib'y "unson ^ Cleveland pVo.sW.JO.D,„j ' ' badley J)e'iVqueviJJe Masson I09r, _ " 1!'"""^=. 'ho I,iv,ng imn^.f"''" "'I History '700-01 Orleans, M™„7„„,.,,, „ |Ou,.i„es Of Hi.;";' "'" «»"« "f 2 Vols ''""> IJ- i*., Memoifgof 2 Vols. jComaine 'fhornton /Greenlow jEadio Gardner's Cjdop'dia ;rB-;!^ 3i«i»>»ieS' mm RARF. FIlSTOilY AND BlOORAPIlY. 29 — -—or i^a/ne. ^o. 'yiDupny 1710 r^'P^-r^sFam.U 1711 1712 s Phiers 171 a- 14 O'Moara 1715 Forsyih 5.^716 ^S/nucker 1717 1718 1719 ^'iidstono 1720-23 ^orrio 1724 'Sir H. Nichols 1725 1726 1727 ivstr'^^^'""'* 1728-29 1730 .^^ 1731 1732 Jonnycastle 1733 'ff'Wster 1734 (juier 1735-36 '''yard 1737-40 do. 1741 do. 1742 1743 >resfer 1744 s. Gordon 1745 ^fessor Johnson 1746 1747 rdoclc 1748-49 "'' ff Cab. Lib'y 1750 1751 'eland 1752 in well 1760-61 1762-67 • 0. Dawd 1768-69 'py 1770 cqueviiie 1771-73 >n 1774 ine 1875 ton 17:6-77 ow 1778 1679 '■'« Cjciop'dia 1800 1801 1802-3 Tii/e. Palestine — History of. Illustrated — Past aix' Present Palissy, The PoUer, Life of Bernard. 2 Vols Park, Life and Travels of, Munejo i Patterson, Wm., His Life and Trials i Patriot Boy, The Peerage of the British Empire Penn, Wm , Life of Peninsular War, History of. 4 Vols Peninsular Campaign in Virginia Percival, J. C, Life and Letters of P -sia, History of Pt,ru, History and Conquest of 2 Vols F*eruvian Antiquities Peter the Great, Life of Philip's War, History of Philosophers, fjives of i'ltt, W., Memoirs of Poland, History of — The Fall of. 2 Vols Polynesian Researches 4 Vols Polk. J. K., Life of Pompeii Popes, The, History of Powell, Mary, Mai-len and Married Life of Posthumous Memoirs Presidents of the United States Prescott's Life Painters and Sculptors, Lives of Pitcairn's Island Panama, Isthmus of Philip the 2nd, Vol. 1st Queens of England. 2 Vols — — 6 do — of House of Hanover. 2 vols — of Henry VIIL — of Scotland. 3 Vols — of Society — of Song — of Spain, Annals' of. 2 Vols Queen Elizaheth Queen Victoria's Memoir of the late Prince Consort Rachel, The Memoirs of Raleigh, Sir Walter, Life of Randolph, John, Life of. 2 Vols Author^ a Name. EdhUT'^ab. Lib'y" do. Osburne iMorley Bannister Thadley Sharp Dixon Napier Marks Ward Harper's F. Library Edinb'g Cab. Lib'y Prescott Hanks Harper's F. Library Church Lacrtius Cleveland Lardner's Cyclop'dia Saxton Ellis Judkins ■ Ranke Wraxall Williams Tickner Otis Gay£.rr6 Launcelott Strickland Doran Strickland do. W harton Clayton Anita George Strickland Edinb'g Cab. Lib'y "HBM :jo Mechanics' Institute Liiirary. ISo. Tso'i 1805 1806 1807 1808-9 1810 1811 1812 I813-lf5 1817 1818-19 1820 1821-22 1823 1824-25 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1331 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836-37 1838-39 1 850-52 1853 1854 1855 185G 1857-58 1859| 1860 1861 1862] 1863-64 • 1865' 1866' 1867-68, 1869 1870-71' Title. Robespierre, Life of Kpformcrs, Lives of British Refonnation, Jlistory of The. 2 Vols — in Germany and Switzerland Revolutions in Europe in 1830. 2 Vols Roland, Madiitne, History of Roman Emjjire, History of. 2 Vols — Republic of, 1849 — — History of the — Empire, Fall and Decline of. 4 Vols — Republic, History of Rome, History of. 2 Vols _ _ 1 » Romilly, Sir Samuel, Life of. 2 Vols Roses, the Wars of the Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2 Vols Russell, Tjord William, Life of Russia, History of 3 Vols — Austria, England, and Scotland — and the Russians — Progress of the West, Norfh, and South Russian Campaign in France, 1814 Russians, Character of the Random Recollections of the House of Lords Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves Roman Emperors, History of 2 Vols Robertson, William, Works of 2 Vols Sacred History of the World 3 Vols Saracens, History of the Sarawak, its Inhabitants and Production? Savage, Richard, Life of Scandinavians, History of the Scotland, History of 2 Vols Secret Societies of the Middle Ages Shakspeare, Life and Beauties of — — and Genius Self Made Men Sheridan, Life of 2 Vols • Sidney, Algernon, Life and Writings of Sioux War, the History of Society, Natural History of 2 Vols Soldiers, Our, of the British Army Smith, Rev. Sydney, Life of 2 Vols Spain and Portugal. 5 V^ols Author's Name, - Ao."^ Lewis — Tk?-: ■ 1873- /•> ■ Lardnei's Cyclop'i! 1876 V< ■ D'Aubigne do. 1879 |H Cushing 18H0>H About IHBl'l Ijiirdner's Cycolp'd 1882-83J Dwight Michelet 1 (iibbon 1885-861 Ferguson 18H7H Niebuhr 1888|l 1889-9 r| By his Son 1892-93| Edgar 18941 Harper's F. Library 18951 liOrd John Russell 1896-97 Lardner'sCyclop'dii Kohl 1898 Ritchie 1900 Urquhart 1901 DeCustine 1902-03 Richardson 1904 1905-06 Lyall 1907 19U8 Lyham & White 1920-2S 1921 1930-3 Turner Oakley 193 Lowe 1933-3 Dr. Johnson 193 Edinb'g Cab. Lib'y 1936-? Scott I9r Spalding 191 Lib. Ent Knowledge Todd 19 White 1951- Seymour 19 Moore IE Van Sartvoord 11 Heard 1" Taylor 1 Kingston 1958 McAuslin Lardner's Cyclop'dia 197C ARY, U.^inon of George III. Stephenson, George, I^ife of St. 'riiomas. an Historical Account of Slowe, a Descri[)tion of Story, Judge, Life and Writings of 2 Vols Swedes, History of tho Switzerland, History of — in 1847. 2 Vols Sultan and his People, The Surrey, a History of the County of Sultan, The City of the 3 Vols Supernatural, History, of the 2 Vols Stnry, Joseph, Miscellaneous Writings of Staidey, Memoirs of Montague Sisrnondi's Historical View of the Literature of Europe 2 Vols Scottish Gael Author^ s Name. ('ol. Jones Granville Doran Brougham Smiles Knox Geijer Lardner's Cyclop'dia T. Mupge Oscanyan Allen Pardee Howitt Tac-Ping-Wang 1901 iTalleyrand, Prince, Life of 19n2-03jTifinmuulh, Lord, Life of 2 Vols 1904, Thirty Years War 190.5- Of) i Turkey and its Destiny 2 Vols 1907| — and the Turks 1908jTumults, Sketches of Popular 1920-28 United States, History of the 9 Vols 1929! — — _ 1930-31 j — — Senate, Thirty Years View of [2 Vols 1932 — ~ the Republic of 1933-.34 ~ -_ Constitution of 2 Vols ]935 — — Pictorial History of 1936-37J United Netherlands, History of 2 Vols 1938' Untitled Nobility, Our 1939|Utah and the Mormons 2 Vols 1950iVandaleur, Arthur, Life of 1951-.52| Venetian History, Sketches from 1953! Vespucius and his Voyages 1954| — — — • 1955, Virginia, History of 195G Victories of Wellington and the British Army 19.57 Vicars, Capt. Hedley, Tiife of 1958-59 Venice, the City of the Sea 2 Vols. 1970-71 Washington, George, Life of 2 Vols Logan Mackie McHaig Tignrnouth Schiller McFarlane Smith Bancroft Grimshaw Benton Del^ocqueville Judge Story Sears Motley Tillotson Harper's F. Library Viscount Satarem Lester Arthur & Carpenter Flagg Paulding 32 ^" '""■"" i.»„,. Sc?""^'"'^ : V D,-" ''"'' iQoo/.. '"f'l off/,,, p-^' ^'a^V of '99 wl'"^''^'".-W,n'°'' '99s'fc';.f""co"""""'°f".el.<. «VoJ, tvorcit /Siborne panman London Times (^'■'Worce P'/iaton //Hammond fe.'"'*' 20( ( A 20( 20( 2011 201' 2021 202 ^'imAHY. /S/borne [Lanman 'London Tin,„ fjfiche/et //Hammond ('"cBag '1 33 Is K-fl 'Bllet ^'anagl, DIVISION C. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, TRAVELS, AND ADVENTURES. No, 2000 2001-2 2003 2004-5 2006-7 2008 2011-12 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017-18 2019 2020-21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027-28 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 Title. America, Narrative of Voyages and Discov- eries in Central — Central, Chiapa*!, and Yucatan. 2VoI> — Travels in — Notes on North. 2 Vols — Travels in. 2 Vols — Discoveries on the North Coast — Travels in the Equinoctial Kegions. [2 Vols — North — And what I Saw on the North-west Coast — Travels in — As I found it — North, Three Vears in 2 Vols — Travels in American Adventures by Land and Sea. 2 [Vols Africa, Adventures in — An Account of Travels in — and the American Flag — Central, Journey to — Central, Lake, Regions of — Five "V" ears in the Interior of. 2 Vols — Central, Travels in — Explorations and Travels in South — Travels in North — Northern — Travels in — Travels in Eastern — — in Western African Cruiser. The Journal of an Officer of the U. S. Navy African Hunting — Slaver, Twenty years of Author's Name. Roberts Stephens Earl of Carlisle Johnston Buckingham — ^-, Siiupson Humboldt A. Trollope '•*• Fraley Lyell Duncan Lady M. Worliey Major Harris Thompson Foote Bayard Taylor Rurton (yumming Barth Livingstone do. Moffat t Campbell Kraaf Wilson Lander Mungo Park Baldwin Cabut A- 34 MECiiAVrrss' r», 52048, ,\ re tiV P 20491 _f'^^'^''"'on 2050/ _ ,"•"■"■''' ,^Vrott Dr. Kane _ f^'cnartison ^cKinnon =i0«8 Army r^t *' V""> » J'a/n cr Noble Harvev HcadJev *^5|Cafncl Hunt Ti ^^'''^ ^n 2llo\^'fe'^-'^'''-'o C /r? jV: ^'^^ C-casus "'P> A I'ainter'g i^urns f^rince Adalbert ,**tewart Kidder and Fhtoh Oeorse R-. ' 'Atelier "^e iiorrow 2 Vol Hind -- %an folton 'f'abins iThoreau .J'lat'keray jGregg "Urton ftJharleg ^.«r''Urton r^'nthrop fnollister 'Hamilton »,. 2167 .#,^'?#; ILUiY. Gkcuhaimfy. Voyaoks. Thavkls. and Adventurk?^. 35 '^arki/is ^' ^'- Kane I <^- Hayea ^^hooicraft ^obJe arvev eadiev lii^A Jo. na ^« Ada/bert 'art '^ borrow ens ' Cab. Lib^ ay 213n :)1 SIM2 2140 3141 42 2143 2144 45 214(i 47 2I4H 2149 2150 2151 2152 215r{ 54 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 21 GO (51 2162 2163 64 2 1 65 2166 2167 68 2169 2170 71 2172 2173 2174-5 2176 2177 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2200-5 2206 2207-8 2209-10 2211 2212 2213-14 Titlt. Dead ^ 226i ^^■^«nJ, Journey to _ Rtmhies in •^ia, Sketches of '^"d the Hin ) } fave/p 2 Vo/« 'n 1781-3 Tr , %iin and Porf„„ I and Sicily, '''^"fi^^^ part fir.t ^^'^ Months in 2V„;, ^«^«0"ai Adventures of n rc8p,M,dent ''"^ o*^n Cor. -^^^hor's Name Oiin /^amarline M^nambers \ Prime Kirk/and (P/eiffer jVf j/es ,j!f«cken2ie ("osse Ward /Heber /Hodges ''^'ayJor ,^-fi/izabeth Head Mfackenzie ';j':'ghlweii VV,//ian,s '»^heever /Head/ey jBeck/brd /Gould [Hoiiand ^«3 J>.ur„oy .„ K.tZ'auT"'"!'' China fe'"' 8280 Ka,h •""" «lit"«-° H"nS°:|r'"' China Sea. ;J^J3 Last Trave/s ^''''''^' &c. 2295 [;tt"T^" I^and's End ^"'i Shadows of Sailor Life Ij/acau/ay |"own)an Giadstone /'^urniss 'Aiton Pfei/Fer I Burritt St. John , ^fyant 'Ciarke ia''flp«'s ■i«i:!&l'«Mhkglte ^^ftARY. 'Vf i/es ^osse Ward Heber /odgps ay /or eati '"ianis leever 'ad/ey ck/brd J^d iand na ant in >ne am « Jeoohamiy, VovA(ir:s. 'rii.AVKi.s and Auvkntuiies. 'M M. 2311. '2:1121 2:513; •rMi 23I5| 'i316i 231?! 23 IS 231!» rule. Maiiciri, Winter in, ainl Summer in Spain Maino Woo. Is Mrrca, PiIgriiJi;igo to Melbourne and the (-'hinohn Islands Mixicn, Aalifornia, Expeditions to 23.02 1 Oriental Acquaintances 23601 2301 2302 1 23011 23051 33001 23071 2308-9: 2370 j 2371 2372 2373 . 2374 Pampas and the Andes, Journey to Pacific and Dead Sea Expeditions Parisian Siy;ht.s, and French Principles Patagonia, The Oaptive in Physician'sVacalion, or a Summer in Europe!('haning Speke Maker (Jurtis Keppell Darwin Whitling Shol)erl Lynch Fremont Forrest Head Wilkes and Lynch Bourne Philli[)pinc Islands, Twenty Years in Pilgrimage to Treves Pillars of Ilercuios 2 Vols Pine Forests and Haomatac Clearings Polar Seas and Regions — — Discoveries and Adventures in Pilgrim, Wanderings of a Prison of Weltervcden, The Pacific Ocean, Scenes and Adventures in 2380, Rocky Mountains, Tiife and Adventures in 2381; Rhine, The 2:382 Russian Shores of the Black Sea 238;{ Russian Tartary and Turkey 238'! 2390 2:391 Russia, The Boy Traveller in Sandwich Islands, Life in the ~ — Notes £ Gironiere Anthon Urquhart Sleigh Jamieson Lardner's Cyciop'dia Cheever Gibson Morrell Webb Victor Hugo Oli[ihant Clarke Kii.gston Cheever Haole 38 'iV.STlTlJTv T T,, iVo. ^ 2^92 <§ ~-^- ^'V/s;:^:i P"^''"» ^-- --fed, 2«0W,,,,„ "■' '"""'''■'^ '•« Spain ("'"- 2480 WiM„ ■•■ '.'a /Hon. A. H n^ i It, d j "• Gordon mm. niARV G KOtiiiAiMJY, Voyages, Travels, and Adventured. 'J9 ■Author's A amt. No. f -Atkinson poI/i„s (A. Smith *«SC'' fornbv Vil/is ieid 'j ambers e//y Jrtis ars niont Wile P'^'-'s Library nith Ttinc litb nd ~~2483! Wonders of the World 2483-4 Western World 2 Vols 248ri-6 White, Red and Black 3 Vols 2487| Whaling and Fishing 2488! Whaling Cruise, Etchings of 2489! Wild Sports in the Far West I I 2500| Yachting, The Romance of 2501 Vacht Voyage S502-3 Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in 2504 — Rambles in 2505 Yusef. or a Crusade in the East 251 1 Zambesi, Expedition to the 2512 Zoolu, in South Africa, Journey to 2513iZingali, or the Gipsies in Spain f Author's Name. Gilbert McKny Pulszky Nordhoir Browne Hart DufTerin Stephens Norman Browne Livingstone Gardner Borrow W. Gord on 40 ^^n i.sro.v J). ^«TS, SCIENCE, ANi, IVo. ' I " •^«^'^Ar ',!,?""='' "^' 'he Tine ^^^''^ Art, .,r, 1, '"''"s 3007-8 A , T, ^;;'^^^«' S'^errts con. • 3013 3(M4 301-) MECHANICS. Harpers Huntington Al/sion 'Bigo/nw 1^;'<: J^re'^ Dictfonarv I 'likens 1862 1865 'So I til \ — - 'oo, 3021-2,1 ^ J^'slorv ar„ R 'V '^''"if^'it-s of 3027 __ •^' -'^'em(>nf.s of 3028? _ ^ 3029 ___ ^^ulJines of Reno I f'arhutt ^'icljoi Bu/lock do. f'f>uclon yiiico Horsclip] l-oofT)is do. M'isp SociefyofArts /■l' iiison arpors Elision 'yinons 'gfJow Itior ar\ f'Utt fio/ ock ). fon p IS r of Arts • Arts, Sc fenok, and Mr.cMiAMCS. 41 90. 3018-50 3051 3052 Anim il Mcchanicfi, lor Antisell Daddow Stokes II urn hold I Copeland A.nderson Dcvcre Bvrne Hav 3140 Dyer, The, and Color Maker's Companion 3 141 'Dyeing, Manual of the Art of Napi cr 42 Mkciianics' Institl'te Liijrary. xVo. Title. 3142 Daguerreotype, Handhook. &(\ 3l43i Drawing, Essays on Mechanical 3141 1 — Elements of 3145 Drugs, Examination of 3146, Dead Shot, A Treatisi; on the Gun 3147 Divine Architect, or the Wonders of Creation 31481 Diamonds and Pearls, a Treatise on 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3180 3181 :j 182-3 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3200 3201 3203 3204 . 3205 3206 3207 3208-9 3210-12 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222-3 3224 Economy of Machinery — of Manufactures Engineerinp and Architecture Elgin Marbles Earth, Theory of the Experimental Philosophy, &c. Ethics of the Dust Fine Arts, The History of Farmer, Th ', and Stud Book Farmers Guide. 2 Vols Farm Implements Flower Garden, Companion to the Flower Garden Directory Farm, The Field and the Garden Fossils of the British Museum Faraday's Lectures Furniture, Household, 1760 Geology of the State of Maine — Plates for — — of the State of Maine — of Religion — and Mineralogy of Massachusetts — Plates for — — of the Globe — Elements ot 2 Vols — Principles of 3 do — Manual of Elementary — and Scripture — of Canada, 1863 — Maps for — Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress, 1863 to 1866 Geological Report, New Brunswick, 1840 — Sketches — Survey State of New York, 1839. [2 Vols — Maps for do Author's Name. Humphrey Blunt Ruskin Pierce Nelson Jeffrey Babbage Moselcy Burns Cuvier Ferguson Ruskin Harpers Mason and Skinner Stephen and Morion Thomas Downing Buisl Mantel! Hoffend Jackson Hitchcock do. do. do. do. Lyell do. do. Dana Smith Official Survey do. do. Gesner Hind and Bailey Agassiz Official do. Arts, Scienck. am) MKciiANiCr;. 4:i No. Title. 'J Skinner land Morton ey ley .'5225 (ias Lighting .■J22G fiokl Mining and Assaying 3227,(ilaoicrs of the Alps .'J228, Glossary of Terms in Architecture 3229 Geological Report, New Brunswick 3240 3241 3242' 3243 1 324 4 1 32451 32461 3247| 3218! 32491 3250 ! 325 1 1 3252-41 3255- 6 i 3257 3270-1 3272-3 3274 3275 3276 3277 3290 3291-2 3300 3301 3302 3304 3305 3^06 ^^07 3330 3331 3332 Heat, A Treatise on Heat, a Mode of Motion Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Hydraulics Hydraulics and Mechanics Human Body, Anatomy of — Voice Husbandry, Encyclopedia of House Carpenter, The American Horse, The Histology, Lectures on Health Journal. 3 Vols. (Phil. 1829-32) Human Body, Structure of the 2 Vols Hallucinations, History of Inventions, History of. 2 Vols Inductive Sciences, History of the 2 Vols Iron Trade of the United States — Moulding, The Art of — The Manufacture of Intellectual Developmentof Europe, History of Kcdge Anchor, The Knowledge, Useful 2 Vols Life, Health, and Disease , Landscape Gardening — — and Rural Architecture Laws of Health Leather Work, Guide to Lightning, Conductors, Treatise on London Exhibition, Lectures on, by Whe- well, and others. — — The Illustrated Cata- logue of 4 Vols Lake Superior, Physical Character of Language, A Treatise on Life, Art of Prolonging Mechanics, Familiar Illustrations, &c. — Principles of — for Millwrights, &c. Author's Name. Matihews Philips Tyndall Gesncr Lardner Tyndall Lardner Webster Matthews Ewbank Lavater Rush Doyle Hatfield Youatt Quekett Douglas DeBoisiTiont Beckmann '—- Whewell Z., French Overman Draper Brady Bingly Johnston Smith and Allan Downing Beale Lyon Agassiz Johnston Latham Hufelands Moseley Emerson Overman 44 MkCIIANICs' iNSTITlJrK iinillAlli'. 33:]7 ;J338 ;J3'10 3341 3342 3343 3314 3345 3340 3347 Title. Author's Numv. \\cil\Vc 1 allies. 1 !ipt!rs on 4 Vols Conip.uiion, Phil. 184.'} 18 f^.'). — M Ait.ilytic.il Es.3iiy on Constiuctioi A()i>l(;loii\s Die, (Soe Div. F.) it^azinos wu \ II vilio;l:ilics Lssistants, The — iMstitiition, A Manual for — Own Book — — (^ Duplicate) Mechanic, I3.'ston, 1831 MlM'fl ami; The Young Doston, 1833 Int roductiou to 3348 i Mechanical Ertgin(\"ring 3349 Mechanism, The IVinc-iplcs of 33,50!Mugazi'ne of Alt. 2 Vols in one. 1854 3351jMclallurgv, A Treatise on 3352, — * -— 3353-4| Mineralogy, Conversations on. 2 Vols 33.55-GI -- -- 2 do Mathematics, Hutton. (Sec Div. F.) 33.57! — Philosophy of 3358J Miller and Millwright's Assistant 3359 Guide 3361!! Moulder .ind Founder's Guide :]3G 1 ; M icroscopist, The 3362! Magnetism, Manual of 3303|Microscopic World, View of the 3364-5' Mines, R.^cord or the School of 2 Vols 33GG;More Worlds than one 3:J67:Mvstory, The Philosophy of 3368-9 Magic. 2 Vols 3370 — Letters on Natural 3371 Man and his Migrations jMiLLEu, Hugh, Works of — 33721 Foot Prints of the Creator 3373j Cruise of the Betsey 13741 Geology of the Bass Rock 1475| Old Red Sandstone, The 3376| Testimony of the Rocks 3377-78i Morality, Elements of 2 Vols y>3379-82JMan, Sketches of the History of 4 Vols 3400! Nature, the Book of 3401 3402 3403 3404-5 3100 — — Elementary Natural Philosophy — — 2 Vols Nicholson do, Bctancourt Woods and Vine? Scrihner Pilkington Cam pin Willis Overman Phillips Ijowrey Thompson Comte Hughes Evans < 'vtM-man Withers Davio Brewster Dendy Thomson Brewster Latham Whcwell Karnes Good Schoedlcr Ken wick Jones Rohault Draper Arts, Sciknck, and Mechanics. Ah thnr's Name. lIs and Vimi* tier No. Title. -^Ur---f^ii^i^hT^J Astronomy 3407 Natural Philosopny ,408-10 Nature, Economy of 3 Vols '^^"3411 _ Aspects of '^^'^Lt . SaTs on the Progress of 3413 Nations, tissayt. ui J|OUP.in.-,n«,HanaBo„.of.NewVo.U..8« •1A91 Orean Post, Ins 3422 Oil Regions ot . tnny 3423I Origin of Species 3424 Optics . ,„. 3«r, Origin <><»V'""' X„, Exhibition, 1851 ■.i436 Official Catalogue, l.ri.al 3440 Painters, Modern. 2 Vo'^^^^ '^i - G;uley»»/varni»her'.Compan,on 344.5 — r 3 Vols 3444-6 Fainting, History ^^ g^^^^^j :a r Tr Art^c:;' Boston, 1846 ^IS _ A Treatise on ,3i,7„te,.'i"";:.r''.v- 3453 Painting, Gas Lighting, 3454 Phrenology, Lectures oa 3455 Physics. Elements of 3456 Physical Geography, ^.^7 __ Sciences 3458 Physiology, Comparative 3459 - ^""T .nTife ^ Vols '*^'^. of Common Liie. 3460-1 — frLArtof 3462 Perfumery, The Art oi Ifeslphotography Man- ;f ^ 3464 Pyrotechnist s Compa j^ 3465 Planetary and hteliar V.^66 Po»i"^«' E'^^Son of Modern 2 Vols 3467-8 Philosophy, History oi ^ ^t^QJ - of Health 2 Vols 3f «-^ Z Letters on 3 do ''3474* Plurality of Worlds ^^ 3475 Polite and Fine Arts, rap 3476 Polytochnicl ev.ew 3477 Physician and P^t^nt 3478 Physician, 1 he nou 3479 Painting, Epochs ot Author's ^ame. Lardner Gregory Humboldt do. Laman Rainey Wright Huxley Newton Darwin Ruskin Field ILanzi [Head Cennini Cawse Johnson (Combe Arnott Somerville lAgas°iz and Gould Draper Lewes Pfisse Hunt Moitimet Mitchell Wayland Cousin Hamilton Smith Ewler 1 Hooker I Warren Wornum 3490*Rail.ay Economy of England and An.e,ica J1JU iva J Treatise on 3491 Railways, A 1 r^'^^. . u 3492lRailway8, Plans of Irish P ILardner Wood 40 Mechanics' Institute Liijkarv. No. ""am to a5ou 3501 3502 3520 3521 3532 ntte. Author's Name. Royal Society, Transactions of 8 Vols. 1745; Rural Essays, Horticulturul, &c I Downing Rhetoric I Blair Sea, Physical Geography of Scientific Knowledge of Things Fainiliir Dialogues 3523 Science of Things Familiar 3524-5 3526-7 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 and Art. 2 Vols — -- 2 do — and the Arts of Industry — the Poetry of — Political Stones of Venice, The iSeven Lamps of Architecture 3533^Sculptuie, Specimens of Ancient and Modern 35.34, Smithsonian ('onlriluitions to Knowledge 3535-6 Sieam Engine, The 2 Vols 3537 — Navigation and Propellers 3538|Sccncry of the Heavens 3539; Smithsonian Reports, 18G5 3540|Seienccs, New Method of Studying the 3541 1 Shades and Shadows 3542 Seaman'.s Friend 3543 Surveyor, The Practical 3544, Student's Guide to tin Practice of Measuring 3545| Scrofulous Diseases 3546 Self Aid Cyclopedia 3560-2 3563 3564 3565 Treasury of Knowledge. Trades, English Trades and Professions Turner's Companion 8 Vols 3570 V^inegar, Manufacture of 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 .^584 358.5-6 3587 3588 Wkale's Rudimentary Seiues — Architecture Bricks and Tiles Buildinq:, Art of Civil Engineering Cranes and Machinery Chemisitry Colouring, Grammar of Clock and Watchmaking Cottage Building Dictionary of Terms 2 Vol."! Foundations and Ci ncrctc Works Land Surveying Maury i Brewer Joyce Peterson jLardnrr Imison Potter Hunt Brougham Ruslvin do. T red go Id McFarlane Dick Bacon Davies Dana Wyld Lugal R. S. Burn Maunder Hazen Wctherell W. H. Leeds T. T. Bury E. Dohson j do. |H. Law iJ. Glynn iFovvncfc ! Fields IE. B. Denison |C. B. Allen iJ. Weale ! Dohson ,T. Bukor Arts. Spiente, and MRCiiANirH. 47 r'.v i\o,ne. \m No. 3r)89 :}r)90 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 359H 3fil0 3611 3612 Title. Weale's Kudimkntary Skuirs — coniinued Locks, Construction of Mastini?, &c. Mechanics Masonry and Stone Cutting Natural Philosophy Roail Constructing, &c. Well-digging and Uoring Warming and Ventilation World, A Workshop Words, on the Study o( Year Book of Facta, 1850 — — 1S51 — — 1852 Author's Name. Tomlinson R. Kp[)ping C. 'i'oinlinson Uobson C. 'I'omlinson H. Law Swindrll Tomlinson Ewhank 'I'rcnch Tinibs do. do. 4« jnvisioN E. 3741-42 Insl •.}7.13-4Ji Insj NATURAL HISTORY. No. 365 1 3052 3653 3654 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3680 368 1 3682 3683 3690 3691 3692 3693 3700 3710 3711 3720 3730 3731 3740 Title. Animal Tiife, Studies in — Kingdom Animalcules American Forest, The Birds, Natural History and Classification of — Domestic Habits of — Natural History of — British Lardner's Cyclop'di.i liib'y Ent. Knowl. Harpers Graves — Miscellanies Botany, Manual of — Conversationg on Britanniea Ovarium Reanie Balfour Blake Lardner's Cyclop'dia Graves Conchologfist's First Cook Curiosities of Natural History Conversations on Natural History Poe Buckland Harpers Author's Name. Lewis Cuvifr Man tell Country Rambles in England, or The Jour- nal of a Naturalist Dog, The, and the Sportsman Dog, The Dogs, On Dogs and their Ways Earth, Plants, and Man Fishes, Natural History and Classification of Fisheries, Sea and River, of New Brunswick Flora, The, of North America Game Fish of the North Hive and Honey Bee Homes without Hands Insects, The Life of North American Insect Architecture, &c. Skinner Youatt Dinks Williams Schouw Lardner's Cyclop'dia Perley Torrie and Gray Barniville Langstroth J. G. Wood Jaeger Lib'y Ent. Knowl. IN 3770 377\i:> 3772 ^ 3773 3774 3775-6 3777 3778 3790 380( 380 380 Know]. .fl'iB iim^; ^kJ>a 's Name. Cyclop'di; t. Knowl. Cyclop'dia NaTUHAI. HlSTCUY. Insect Transformation Misccllanica 3741-42 Insects History ot ^^^^ ;{743-45 Insect Life, Eposidos oi 376oLfc, its Lower and Higher Form. n^oiSrana Opossums, Hal.it. ot L . 1 History Preliminary Pi^coorse on Natural H.stoiy, T/7n — — Q77i\ituralist, The Hunter ^772 N.tu a History, GleaT..ngs of 3772 rsaiurdi i of Belbourne 3773 — ___ rpj^g Romance of ^^^1 ■" _. Butfon's 2 Vols 3775-6 — __ ry^^^ Reason Why of 3777 — g Side Studies »n 3778 — — ^ 3780 Popular Guide to the Study of Nature 49 Author X ^(tme. lubTEnt. Knowl do. Harpers Red field Gofisc Lardner'sCyclop'dia Harpers Lardner'sCyclop'dia Wehhcr Jessie White Gossc Agassi?, R. Mudie 1 Historv and Classifica- Quadrupeds, Natural History an r tion of 3 Vols Quadrupeds 2 Vols. 3790 Vegetable Kingdom 3800 Water, ^^--^^^'^^tf Captor. 3801 Whale, The, anu •^•^jg 3802 Wild Scenes, and Song di 3810 Zoological Recreations 38 lllZoology, Principles ol iLardner'sCyclop'dm JLib. Ent. Knowl. Chapin Smith Cheevcr Webber iBroderick lAgassiz yclop'dia Gray ii.. 50 DlVISrON F. Encyclopedias, DictionarieSj Periodical Litera- ture, Ofiicial Documents, and Reviews. No. Title. 40Ul'Army and -Navy Gazitte, 1863 40U2-9 American Journal of 8ciri)cc. 8 Vols In- complot; -1835 to 1844 lOlO-n'Atheneum. 2 Vols. 1845 -^40121 Acts auv'. JiOws of His M.nj'^sty's Province of Mcissach lisetts, (Boston, 1 759) Blackwood's Maciaztne — 4013 V ilumc 5() July to Dec, 1844 4014! u 57 Jan. to June, 1845 40l4jl it 71 Jar to June, 1852 4015 (I 73 J iij. to Juno, 1853 4016 n 75 Jan. to June, 1854 4017 t 51 July to Dec, 1860 4027 i( 52 Jan. to June, 1861 4028 n 53 July to Dec, 1861 4029 i( 54 Jan. to June, 1802 4030 <( 60 Jan. to June, 1865 4031 (< 61 July to Dec, 1865 4032 <> 62 Jan. to June, 1866 4033 i( 63 July to Dec, 1866 4034 « 64 Jan. to June, 1867 4035 (( 65 July to Dec, 1867 B oiLDER, TnR, London — 4051 N ew S( jrics, Volume 8, 18.50 4052 (1 K 9, 1851 4053 (( .( '« 10, 18.52 4054 (( (« •• 11, 1853 Author's Name. FiNCY Bull 40551 Ne\J 40.56, 40.fi7i 405h1 40.M)l 4060; 4061 1 4U62l 40631 40641 4005 4066 4067 4008 4080 40811 4 082 1 40831 40841 4085; 40861 4087, 40881 40891 4090 4(191 4092 409^ 409' 409 409 409 40^ 40! 411 4120 4122 4 -1 41 'fi'*" '!U*- EnCVCLOI'EDIAS, 1>1CTI0NAIIIE«. 1*ERI01>IUA1>, kd. 51 litera- l's. r* JVame. No. 4055 4056 4057 405H 4 059 1 4 0(50 : 40011 4062 406:} 4064 4005 4066 4067 4008 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 '1092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4120-1 4122-3 Til/e. BuiLDEK, TiiK, London — continued New Series. Vol. 12, 1854 " 13, 1855 Author's Name. 14, 1856 15, 18.57 I 16, 1858 ' 17, 1859 i 18, 1860 : 19, 1861 20, 1802 I 21, 1863 ! 22, 1804 I 23, 1865 (iri-- Mechanics' Institui Title. " . 17 lulv to Dec. Volume 17, Ju y ' u 27, .lu'y ^" ii^"^ u 29, July to Dec. .. 31, July to pec. 32, Jan. to June 33, July to Dee. 34, Jan. to June 36, Jan. to June 37, July to Deo. 38, Jan. to June 39, July to Dec. 40, Jan. to June 42, Jan. to June 43, July to Dec. 53, July to Dec. 54, Jan. to lunc 55, July to Dec. AZlNB. 1847 1852 18.53 18.54 185.5 1855 I8.5fi 18.57 18.57 1858 18.58 18.59 i860 1860 1866 1866 1866 JSew York. Authors Namcj. V«-%^;fr;rjr;B- CBa^^aeO U, July to Dec. 1847 ^^^ 12, Jan. to .lune 848 ^^ 13, July to Dec. 1848 ^^ 14, Jan. to June \8*^ .q j^ 15, July 1 84 J to J j^ 16, June to Dec. 850 ^^ 18, Jan. to June 185 ^^ 19, July to Dec. 185 I ^^ 21, July to Dec. 1852 ^^ 23, Jan. to June 8.53 ^^ 23, July to Dec. 85^ ^^^^^,j 24, Jan. to June 854 C y ^^ 25, July to Dec. 1854 ^^ 26, Jan. to June 1805 ^^ « 4334 27, July to Dec 28, Jan. to June ,Iulv to Dec. June 29, 1856 1856 18.57 do do do ??'•;""• I'nne 1858 (bad order) 4335 " 32 -I"?:/" l?ec. 1858 (good order) 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344^ 33, July to Dec 34, Jan. to June 35, July to Dec 36 18.59 18.59 Jan. to .lune 80b (( 37, July to Dec 1856 38 J^n. to June 1861 (C 39, July to Dec 40, Jan. to June 41, 1861 1862 July to Dec. 1862 Encyclopedias, Dictfonaries. Perfodicals, &c. 55 tame. No. lI( 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4375-6 4377-9 4380-2 4383 4384 4385-6 1387-8 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 '4394-7 4397^ 4398-9 4400-1 4402-3 4404-5 4406-7 4408-9 4410 4412-19 4420-2 1 4422-23 4424-26 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431-33 4434-36 4437-41 4442-45 4446 4447-48 4449-50 4451-55 ntfe. « Illustrated liOSDoN News — coriinucd " 42. .Ism. to June 1803 " 43, July to Dec. 1863 44. Jan. to June 1864 45, July to Dec. 1804 " 40, Jan. to June 1805 " 47, July to Dec. 1805 " 48, Jan. to June 1806 " 49, July to Dec. 1806 Libra UY op Estertainino Knowledge — Thirty six Volumes. Vols. 1-2 Menageries. 2 Vols .3-5 Vegetable Sutstances 3 Vols 6-8 Insect Architecture 3 do 9 Architecture of Birds 12 Menageries — Monkeys 13-14 Pursuit of Knowledge 15-16 Historical Parallels 17 Secret Societies, Midi'lc Ages 18 Vol. 1 Criminal Trials 20 Backwoods of Canada 21 New Zealanders 23 Vol. 2nd Pari?, Historical 24-27 Men of Modern Times 29 Hindoos, The 30-31 Chinese, The 32-33 Pompeii 34-35 Egyptian Antiquities 36-37 — Modern 38-39 Elgin Marbles 4U-41 Townlev Gallery 42 British Costume. IjArdner's Encyclopedia — 103 Volumes Vols 2-9 8 Vols. History of England 12-13 2 " Hist'^ry of Scotland 14-15 2 " History of United States 16-18 3 " History of France 19 1 " History of the Netherlands 20 1 " Histy benmark,Sweden,&c 21 1 •* History of Switzerland 22 1 " History of Poland 23-25 3 " History of Germany 26-28 3 " History of Russia 29-33 5 " History Spain and Portugal 34-37 4 " Hisfy Europe, Middle Ages «« 38 1 " Italian Republics 39-40 2 '• Fall of the Roman Empire 41-42 2 " History of Rome 43-47 5 " History of Greece Author^ s Name. 1Pl TMBf r»^<»« Mechanics' Institute Librart. Title. 4456-57 49-50 w-™»\^7c^^'7:at"ral 4458-59 4460-61 4462-64 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469-71 4472-75 4476-80 4481-85 4486-89 4490 4491-93 4494I 51-52 53-54 55-57 58 59 60 61 62-64 65-68 70-74 75-79 80-83 84 85-87 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 4 1 3 (( tt Juno. 37, July to Dec, 38, Jan. to June. 39, July to Dec, 40, Jan. to Juno, 41, July to Dec. 42, Jan. to June. 44, Jan. to June, 45, July to Dec, 46, Jan. to June, 47, July to Dec, 48, Jan. to June, 49, July to Dec, 50, Jan. to June, 1866 51, July to Dec, 1866 52, Jan. to June, 1867 53, July to Dec. 1867 Penny Magazine 1841 to 1845 5 Penny Mechanic 2 Vols Putnam'.s Magazine July to Dec. 1853 SciENTiFio Amkrican. N"w York — Volume 2, Portions of several years " 5, do. do. '« 7, Sept. 1851 to Sept. 1852 8, — 1852 to — 1853 " 10, — 1854 to — 1855 it 11, — 1855 to — 1856 " 12, — 1856 to — 1857 " 13, — 1857 to — 1858 i. 14, _ 1858 to — 1859 New Series July to Dec, 1859 Vol — Jan. to June, 1860 «' — July to Dec, I860 — Jan. to June, 1861 " — July to Dec, 1861 " — Jan. to June, 1862 " — July to Dec, 1802 '« — Jan. to June, 1863 '« — July to Dec, 1863 " — Jan. to June, 1864 " — July to Dee., 1864 «« Saturday Magazine 1 Volume Tail's Edinburgh Magazine 1847 , 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Author's Name. k 60 Mechanics iNsruui^ 4802-21 4822-2^ 4824-25' 4826 4827-32 4833-34 4835 U.nE. ST.TKS ^^--^^.^^J'^rS Congress, E^e7^l7 f^;\"'"'20 Volumes . Journal of House oi IF gr,i.2.3 33d Congress 2 Vols. 1« Reports of Comnuttee^J Hous Representatives ^ v ou f Miscellaneous Documents House Representatives E.Uica- Universal Magazine Westminster ^f^^^^^.^.i 4850 January to Oct^ober, 18-1^ 4851 — ^ ^g57 4852 — ___ ig5g 4853 — ___ 1859 4854 — ^ 1362 4855 — ^1863 ^^•'^\ " _ 1864 4857 line. 61 DrVISION (1. MISCELLANEOUS No. Title. 5001 Arc, Thf, and its Architects fiOOa AiJs to RcllrctiDii 5003 Anurica, Political, Social, and Religious 50U4 — Rcriourci's of 5005 American N Uional Almanac for ]HG3 5006 — — _ 1864 5007 Annlopy of Religion 5008 Anatomy of Drunkenness 5009 Ar>glin)?, Hints on 6010 Angler's Guide, the American 501 1 Apprentice, a Present for an 5012 Apprenticed Labourer's Manual 5013 Athletic Sports for Boys 5014 Attractions of I^nnguage 5015 America and Europe 5016 Art and Faith 5017 iEsop in Rhyme 5018 America, New 5025 Bible, Pictorial Illustrations of 5026 — — — second scries 5029 — The, in the Counting House 5030-33j Blackstone's Comini:ntarics on the Laws of I England 4 Vols 5034 Britannia, or the Moral Claims of Seamen 5035 Bowditch, Eulogy on Dr. 5036| British Constitution j British Costumes (Sec Div. E.) 50371 — Costumes, History of 5040 Business, a Practical Treatise on 5041 Behaviour Book 50i2 Benthamiana 5043 Business, a Practical Treatise on Author a Name. (voleridgp 8c hair Sir M. Pcto Butler Macnish Hansell Taylor Gurowski Troup Dixon Sears do. Boardman Celebrated Trials (Sec Div. E.) Criminal Trials do. 50.54 Christian Tribute 5055 Christianity, its Application to the Ordinary! I Affairs of Life 'Chalmerfl H Schomberg Lib'y Ent. Knowl. Planchc Freed ley Leslie Burton Freedley * Lib'y Ent. Knowl. do. 62 MKCfTAMCs' TnsTITUTK laitflAUY. No. Title. t'luimluTS, HipDsitDiy f'f I'istruptivo nnti 5050 .59 Aniusiii;^ Piiprrs 4 Vols 5()fi() (niatnl.rrs' Mir.c.'llai y nor.l Ciiniuli^n Dinctorv i8r)7-8 50(52- ni (;..M)rt's Poliiir;.! VVoiks '.\ Vols ft'tfif) Comincrcr of the Anrimts Gilltrrt 5007 (ytirjvcrsatinns on lilictoric Ifcrvt'V f)0f!8 C'drtier Ciiftlionril, or Fucfs Worth Kriowinp, .5009 (Joiirtosv, Miitmcrs and llaliit« jflorvoy 5070 Court lliiiid Kfstorcd ! Wright 5071 (vritioism, Elements of IKairnos 5072 Currt'nts nnd Cfaintrr ('tirrerits | Holmes 507n Cuiious Myths of the Middle Arcs j(Jould f.^071-75 Civil Liberty and Self (Jovcrnnient 2 VolsLieher Autftnr\y ^ume. jpeiifiirss and Blindripps, The Lost Senses /^-60K1 l7('monology and Wilchcraft 5085 Detroit Convention 1865 5090 Eronnmy of Health 5091-92 Education, Dialogurs Concerninp 5093 EnjjrJish Hearts and English Hiinds 5094 Ethical Philosophy 5100 Fables and Parables (from the German) 5101 Parts for Everybody 5102 Familiar Quotations 5lo;rFaindy Library, the Pictorial 5104 Fatnily Names, Dictionary of 5105 Festivals, Games, and Amusements 5100 FdUilh Estate 5107 Funds, Account of the Public 508-9 France, Social and Political 2 Vols 5114 Gymnastics, New 51 15- 1 G Guide to Knowledge 2 Vols 5119 Health and Happiness 5120 Historical Pictures Retouched 5121 Home Pastimes 5122 Home Studies 51'2'V How to be a Tiady 5124 H'tw to be a Man 5125 Housekeeper, The Young Howe. Joseph, Public Letters and Speeches 5120-27, of 2 Vols 5128 Hind-Book of Homeopathy 512') Hydropathy, the Domi-stic Practice of Ir^ 1 30 Human Progression, The Theory of Kitto Scott Ollicial Johnson London, 1748 Macintosh Sears Arthur Smith Hunt Fairrnan Bulwcr Fjcwis W. Pinnock Dr. Ross Mrs. Dall Head U()t(m Nowcombe do. Gurnsey Johnson UtJ^Mi^. MiSCELl.ANKOT'S. C3 '<«. r4« No. I Titk ftlMI ifntrllcclufil Powers, On the f)l32 Inquire VViiliin, Fueli for the People 613:{ r?/| Jfiil;s' Drvotinn^ 5135 ,Iu>l;ii^rn, Modern r)i:)G Junius' Ii(!Ucrs 2 VoIj [ Author's Name. Abercrumlie J. Allen /)110 Knowledajr. Stl'U Knovviedgo ih Power iKnight ! do. 5110 fjfilior and Property llnrpers' Fam. Fiib'y r)147 liiieon Colion fil48 I<('8sons in I,ife lAtthin Til 49 Letters fronj n F.illier to his Son in College Dr. Millar r)ir)() Life, Sleep, Pain, cte. Dixon nif)! I.osi Si-nsr«, Thr 5152 Leisure Hours 18G2 SlGOjMagirian'K Own Book 51011 M.iriner's f'hrnniele 5162 Medical Delusions, Lessons from 5 103 M.'ntiil Hy^^iene 5104 Mrii'nioteetHiy, or The Art of Memory 5105 Metropolis, Mt mnirs of the (Jreat 5I00| -- Tne Great, 1852 \^ 1 07 Mill, on Liherty 51 OR Mor.il Feelings. The Philosophy of the 5109 Mnral Philosophy. Sketches of 6170 Moral Aspoets of ("ity J,ife 5172 Mysteries of Tobacco 5173 Man, A 5171 M;iii. a Treatise on 5 J 75 Merchant Enterprise 5180 Natural Throlopry 5181 1 New Home, The 5182 Near and Heavenly Horizon 518G Opportunities for Industry and Chances ini ( Business 5190 Patent Olfiee Krport for 18G5 5191-93 Periodical Library 3 Vols 5194 Pbilosojihy of Living 5195 I'bysioloi^y of Taste 5100 Pictorial Libr:iry 5197 Pilgrim's I* ogress 5198 P..litics, •I'he<»iy of \^I99 Poliiieal Economy, (conversations on 52U0 Poor Boy and Merchant Prince Hardy Hooker Sweetser Miles Sanders Abercromhic Sidney Smith (Jhiipin Lane Rev. Bell Chambers Fyfu Paiey Poesehe & Cacpp Gasparin Frcedley Ewhank Ticknor Savaren Sears Miinyan Hildreth liiakc ^ 64 MKf'lL\Nl('S' rNSTlTlJlE lillUlAKV. AV>. Title. 5201-2 Popular Delusiuns 3 Vols 5203 521)4 5205 520« 5207 52(;h 5209 52 1 5211 5212 52 1 5 52 I fi 52 1 7 5218 5221 5223 5221 5225-^26 5227 «) /* '«i o 522li 5230 523 I 5232 5233 623'J 5235 523G 5237 5238 6239-4 1 6247 5248 5249 5250 6251 6252 5253 5260 5201 5204 5205 Kilui'aiion — liibrary foullry YarJ, Tho Armrican I'.olialillitics, Kssay on Pri^pcrlv, Il;inily Boole of l\i!pil EloquiMico of Ihc 19th ('nifury Purauil <;f Knowieilfj^t' under Dillicullics Parlor Tliratri'al.s IMiatitom World Panorama of l^rofessions and Trades I Author's Name. ! Mar Kay j May hew Brown ! Ijardnr's Cyclopedia ■ liord St, Jitonards IFibkc C'hristmas Hazeii Renson Why, The Ivi'ligioii in America iDr. Baird llcpreseiitative Govcrumenls, (.''jnside:utions| on |.I. tS. Mill Rdigioiis of Profane Anti(]uity IDunran Saturday Magazine, 1838 Sacred Iris -S.iilor's Maffnzinc Science vs. iSpiriiualiLin 2 \u\ti Scripture Truth in V«'rse Sermons Souvenir, The - Sfieetacles, their Uses and Abuses Spirit Manifestations Kxplained ■Spirit Happing Unveiled Sports and Pastimes Stock Exchange, The Sermons Sulfrage. Rights of Sermons, Original- Family Scrap BoT>k Smith, Adam, Works of Vols 3, 4, 5 .V.' Gasparin 8i 'ncy Smith ^ Sechel Dods Mattison Strutl Francis W. Wolcorabe Tales 'I'arifl' Question, 'j'he Tilliamed, or 'JMie World Explained Teaching a Science, The Teacher and Artist Hall Town and Country Magazine Tait's Magazine 1847 Theory and Practice of Teaching Uncle Sam's Palace Utility Book, The Vegetable Substances used for Food Water Treatment, The Page Wellmont Togg Fam. Library Houghton ■ apssT- ,/^ -ty Miscellaneous. 65 Titk. ' Aiif/i()r\s Nanir. Walter (Jure, On the WeiHs r)2n7 — — 'I'n'attiiciit on the Bulwrr tSt Forbes 5"^()8 VN'ttt-r, Common Curiosities of Smith 5209 W^ays of Providence, 'J'iu' r)270 W.'inderinff 'I'houghts Toiiuo 5271 VVh;it we Eiit Hoskins 5272!VVotin'n in AiUfricfi Harpers' Fam. Lib'y 527.'}!V\'oruU)s of tho World 8 ears 527;3J; Ince 5274 Women, Noble Deeds ut ■ iStarleng 5275 Tounj; Mim's Counsellor, The Wise 527fi — — Guid.' Aleott 5277 ■ — ■ Men, (voutisels to MotI 52-/H-79 — — i.ectures to 2 Vols Becclier 5280 TkirniMt 5281 — — (Jill Uook for Aleott .>282 — — li( Iters to do. o2S'.i-8I — — Lt(tMr