IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) % A {/ ,% .-^%,^ < ^ V#3' <" ? ^r y 5r ^c^/x) 1.0 1.1 L25 I '" iii2 2.0 || |Jj. 1-4. i 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation i m gauche d droi*e, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 A] t MINUTES OF THK FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE or tn* mmjm W^mm&i mmli in mmta, HELD IN THE BKID(iE STREET CHURCH, TOWN OF BELLEVILLE, Okt-, JRegun on WEDKESDAT, J^une ?thy and Concluded on EninAS, June 16th, 187 1. TORONTO : 'VVEST^T^VA.lsr BOOK ROOM, KfNfJ HTRKET RAST. 1871. 'i 11 It} 6?^ U5'0 1 ^1i "'^-riwnriWJf-'ft OFFICERS OF THE CONFERENCE. 1871-79. ■ «•» ■ President t THE REV. WILLIAM MORLEY PUNSHON, M.A. Co-Deleqate . , THE REV. GEORGE R. SANDERSON. Secretary : THE REV. ALEXANDER SUTHERT^ND, Book Steward $ THE REV. SAMUEL ROSE. "jJITOR : THE REV. EDWARD HARTLEY DEWART. Missionary Secretaries t THE REV. ENOCH WOOD, D.D. THE REV. LACHLIN TAYLOR, D.D. li 1. CONTENTS. CoMMTTTEK, Standing and Special Rkholutions, Standing PAGE. .. vii ix OpBNINO Oir CONFERKNCS J Routine Procbedinos. Committees 8 Withdrawals 4 Preachers Ordained 4 Probationers 5 Superannuated Ministers 8 Supernumeraries 7 Tub Dbath Roll 7 Conference of 1872 , 16 The Stations. 17 Miscellaneous Procebdinos 41 APPENDICES. A.— Numerical and Financial. Table of Membership, &c . . . . . 64 Recapitulation 78 B. — Subscriptions. Sup'd Ministers' Fund 80 Trustees' Subscriptions 90 O. — Reports of Committees. Missionary 97 Church Relief Fund 99 S'ip'd Ministers' Fund 102 Children's Fund 108 Contingent Fund 106 Educational Fund 106 Sunday School 106 D.— Addresses and Replies. Answer of English Conference. 110 Address to English Conference. 118 D. — Continutd. AddresH to Eastern Conference. 116 Address to General Conf., U.S. 119 Pastoral Address 123 E.— Courses of Study, English Course 131 Board of Examiners 133 Cterman Course, St Examiners . . 134 F. — Educational Institutions. Vic. College, Treasurer's Report 136 " Faculty, Jus 187 Wesleyan Female Coll^pe 140 O. — Alphabetical Lists. List of Ministers 142 List of Circuits I6S m r I'M !s«r wmmmmmmmmm iPSSKSsr rwmmiiKmK^mmi^ STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES FOR 1871-72. ' f' It I. 7%e Missionary Committee.— The President and Secretary of (yonference ; the Co-Delegate ; the Misaioiiary Secretaries ; the Book- Steward ; the Ekiitor of the Christ' ian Chiardu.i> ; the Chairman of Distriuis ; Dn. RyenKKi, Qreen, and Nelles ; the Revs. Kiohard Jones, Junes Gray, John Borland, John Gemley, John Douse, John Carroll, Thomas Coeford, W. S. Griffin, George Cochran ; Messrs. John Macdonold, Edward Jackson, Hon. James Ferrier, Hon. J. C. Aikins, A. W. Lauder, M.P.P,, William Clendinning, Richard Brown, Alfred Dredge, W. T. Mason, Samuel Rogers, William Sawyer, James McPherson, Samuel Alcorn, John Torrance, and the following Lay Repre- sentatives, elected by the Districts : — DISTRICTS. RRPRE8KNTATI VE.S. Toronto J. P. Bull Hamilton Joseph Lister Niagara..., Zenas B. Lewis Brantford James ScarfF London Alexander Johnson . . . Chatham Thos. Coke Ren wick . Samia Joshua Adams Guelph Rol>ert Hay Goderich A. S. Fisher Owen Sound J. W. Armstrcmg Barrie David Morrow Bradford J. J. Pierson Whitby W. H. Gibbs Cobourg Dr. Beatty Peterboro' Dr. Norris BelleviUe M. P. Roblin Kingston Dr. Lavell Brockville W. A. Schofield Perth .. Thomas Elliott Pembroke Judge Deacon .. p. O. ADDRESS Downsview. Hamilton. Clifton. Woodstock. London. Romuey. Samia. Hollen. Clinton. Flosherton. Barrie. Newmarket. Oshawa. Cobourg. Omemee. Belleville. Kingston. BrocKville, Arnprior. PemDrtfk*. I I I VllI MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. O tawtt W. II. Walker Ottawa. Montreal Taniefi Patton, jun. ... Montreal. Quebec W. H. Lanilfly Inv^mosii Conom. 8tan.stead Erastu 8 Lawrence. ... Lawrenceville. II. Cor^ertncf. Special Committee. — The Preeident and Secretary of Conference, Co-Delegate, Chairmen of Districts, Drs. Kyerson, Green, Wood, Taylor, Nollea ; Ilevs. R. Jones, S. Rose, E. H. Dewart, Dr. Rice, J. Douse, J. Borland, I. £. Howard, and Wra. Willoughby. III. Book Committee. — The Wosloyan Ministers in the City of To- ronto and Yorkville, the Suponntend^nt of Yonge Street South, Revs, Richard Jones, S. D, Rice, D.D., andE. B. Harper, M.A. IV. — Contitujent Fmui Comviittee for 1872. — Fifteen MiniaterM to bo appointed by the Conference, and an equal number of Laymen to be elected at the May District Meetings, from Distric'-* con- tiguous to the seat of (Jonforonce, as follows :— Montreal, 5 ; Stanstcad, 3 ; Ottawa, 3 ; Quebec, 2 ; Perth, 2. V. Church Relief Fund Committee for 1872, —One Minister to be elected by e-ch May District Meeting, and an equal number of Laymen to be elected from Districts contiguous to the seat of Conference, as follows : —Montreal, 8 ; Stanstcad, 6 ; Ot. tawa, 5 ; Quebec, 3 ; Perth, 2, VI. Centenary Fund Cominittee. — The President of the Conference, , the Revs. Richard ..'ones, Dri. Ryerson, Wood, Green, Taylor, Nelles, S. Rose, and E. Jackson and John Macdonald, Esqrs. VII. Board of Superannuation Fund. — Revs. James Elliott, George R. Sanderson, Isaac B. Howard, Dr. Green, Richard Jones, S. Rose, Asphel Hurlburt, John Douse, Geo. Dodgla., T.L.D. VIII. Committee on Theological Institution, — The President and Secretary of Conference, the Co- Delegate, the Rev. Drs, Ryer- son, Evans, Wood, Taylor, Nelles, Rice, Green, and Jeffers ; the Revs. Pichard Jones, Dr. Douglas, James Elliott, Charles Lavell, M.A, IX. Committee on Educational Institution in tJte Province of Quebec. Revs. John Wakefield, E. B. Ryckman, M.A., Geo, Wash- ington, B.A., Dr. Rice, Dr, Nelles, Jas. EUiott, E. H. Dowart, W, R. Parker, M.A., William Hall, M,A,, J, E. Sanderson, M.A., Dr. Douglas, John Borland, Dr. Evans, Wm, Hansford. f t rl 1 1871.] WESLEYAN METHOIUST CONFEBENCK. IX X. CommilUr on the French Work. —The Pronidont of the Confer- once, the Co-D«legate, the Mimuonftry 8eoretarie", the Miniflteni of the Montreal and St. John's Circuits ; the Hon. Jamoi Feirier, Meun. WillLim Lunn, J. A. Mathewgon, John Tor- n,nce, T. M. Bryson, James Akin, James Fcrrier, jun., Wm. Clendinniag, Andrew Hood, Jamea McMillan, J. J. McLaren, Montreal; and James McPherson, St. John's. XI. Comrnittee on Methodist Utiion. — The President amd Secretary of Conference ; the Co-Delegate ; l>rs. Wood, Evans, Green, Ryerson, Rivie, Douglas ; the Uevs. James Elliott, £. H. D*'wart, James Gray, Geo. Cochran ; Hon. J. C Aikins, Hon. James Fcrrier, Messrs. Johti Macdoiiald, Edward Jackson, WUliam Boatty, A. W. Lauder, M.P.P., John Cla«-ke, M.D., M.P.P., Thomas McCormick, Judge Jones, Joshua Adams, Edwin Chown. XII. Educational CowmUtee. — Revs. Dr. Nelles, Dr. Rice, Richard Jones, G. R Sanderson, William Pollard ; Messrs. James Ross, J. N. Youmans, J. B. Flint, J. Lewis, and W. H. Allison. YIII. Committee on Model Deed, tdc — Revs. F*:; rreen. Dr. Wood, Dr. Fivans, S. Rose ; Judge Jones, John E. Rotie, John Ma«- doaalU, A. W. Lauder, M.)\P. STANDING RESOLUTIONS. Resolve :, — That it shall be required of every Financial Secretary, either by himself or by t. proxy, to meet the Trea.surers of tl e several Connexional Funds, to report the receipts of thei" respective Districts, on Tuesday, at two o'clock, P.M., the day before the annual meeting of the Conference. ^ Collections for Connexion al Funds< Resolved, — That it is the judgment of this Conference : , ' tiiiit when collections for connexional purposes are appointed ■ I r i' S9 i;:J: ' ■■ 'A- m 'I li ^^^ I -^ •■V ftiINUTE& OF THE CANADA [1871. to be taken in any of our churches, the v.'holo of such col- lections throughout the day shall be appropriated to the respective Funds to which they are related, without any deductior for the Circuit, or any Trust, or other Fund. Superannuated Ministers' Fund. Resolved^ — ^That whereas the rule requires that all widows, claimants on the Superannuated Miniatera' Fund, shall be members of our Church : therefore, it shall be the duty of the Chairman of each Annual District Meeting to mako eiiquiries into the case of widows i-esiding within their i-ospective bounds, as to their membership, and report the fact annually to the Conference. Tncome of Domestic Miosions. Resolved, — That the Financial District Meeting shall ex- amine into the circumstances and probable income (»f Do- mestic Missions, in the same way as in respect io Circuits, and suggest the amount that should be appropriated for the support or assistance of such Missions. Chairmen and Domestic Mi?sious. Resolved, — That the Chairmen of Districts forward to the Missionary Secretaries the amount recommended by the several September Financial District Meetings for the Domestic Missions, as soon as practicable after the close of each meeting.^, . ,^ .. y^ " r^"^ " Preachers Attending College, -ft Resolved. — That in aU cases when Pi'eachers, who have travelled four years, aro theL allo^ved by the Conference to attend College, their reception into full connexion, and their ordination, are thei-eby deferred. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. Xl Relating to the Book Room. JResolved, — That every Minister and Preacher is hence- forth peremptorily required to settle his account with the Book Steward, at or before the Meeting of Conference. Resolved, — That in the mse of any Minister or Preuchcr who is indebted the amount of $W0 to the Book Room, the Book Steward shall be authorized to draw^ on the Treasurer of any Connexional Funds on which that brother may Lave a claim, to the amount of not more than 25 per cent, of his claim annually, until his debt is paid ; and that a like pro- portion prevail when the indebtedness is larger than the sum named. Resolved, — That the brethren indebted to the Book Room, they not being claim -cd on the Connexional Funds, be re- quired to settle all overdue accounts. II Probationers. Resolved, — That any Probationer, assisted by the Educa- tional Fund, who, within the period of ten years after Ordination, may wish to withdraw from the Conference, shall be required to refund the amount of aid given him before receiving a Certificate of Standing, provided always that this requirement shall n«.^t apply to those who retire from ill health. Resolved, — That this Conference requires Candidates for our Ministry to preach a Trial Sermon before the District Meeting by which they are recommended, or before a Com- mittee appointed by the District Meeting, who shall report their opinion of the sermon, and embody it in the recom- mendation of such Candidate to the Conference. ■;1:; Ml ■I' Xll MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. Registration of Baptisms. Resolved, — ^That the Conference re-affirms its resolution of 1843, on the Registration of Baptisms, viz. : — 1. That it shall no longer be required to keep Registry Books on the various Circuits, but that there shall be kept, at the Conference "Establish raent, in Toronto, one General Registry of Births and Baptisms for the whole Church. 2. That the General Registrar shall be the Book-Steward for the time being. The Registrar shall furnish each or- dained Minister yearly with a small ruled blank-book, for the convenient and uniform entry and return of Births and Baptisms. The Minister shall return the said book, wiwh the entries, to the Registrar at the Conference after. The returns shall be copied into the General Registry Book, which book shall be kept in the custody of the Registrar. . t MINUTES OF CONFERENCE TAKEN IN TUB % IV^ESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH, BRIDGE STREET, - BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO. JVNE, 1871. The Forty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Wes- leyan Methodist Church in Canada, began in the Bridge Street Church, in the Town of Belleville, at Nine o'clock, a.m., on Wednesday, June the 7th, 1871. The Rev. William Morley Punshon, M.A., President, in the Chair. ^ i ,,£ The President gave out the 481st hymn, the Secretary read part of the 10th chapter of the Gospel bj Luke, and the Rev. Dr. Wood, and the Rev. N. R. Willouqhby, led in prayer. ' ; ., The Secretary called the Roll, and Two Hundred and Sixteen Ministers answered to their names. The Conference then proceeded to elect a President, and the Rev. William Morley Punshon, M.A., was chosen by an almost unanimous vote. . The Rev. Alexander Sutherland was re-elected Se- cretary. The President addressed the Conference, and afterwards appointed the Rev. George R. Sanderson (who had been 8 ■ Andrew Ctinningham Robert Davey I'homas Cardus ' -'- William J. Ford Richard J. James Walter Rigaby Edwin A. Chown, B,A/ James (Jharlton John Grenfel .^ ' ^ William Johnston " I)avid Williams Richard W, Williams William Ryan Benjamin Longley David Winter * John C. Garrett Thomas J, Edmisor? Francis C. Reynolds Dftvij. 0/ George W. Calvert, Henry M, Manning, and Alexander Chambers retire for one year on account of ill health. James ^Montgomery is permitted to attend a Theological Institn* tion in the United States. * Has passed only one year's course of study. ■■•■•■x<\ \^-- MIKUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. 1!' i- 1:;^ 3. Who have travelled one year ? Charles E. Mclntyre George A. Schrain John W. Bell Adolphus G. Knight, B. A. Christopher L. Thompson James Simpson *John Gardiner Scott *John C. Stevenson ^Alfred M. Phillips •Charles Smith (a) *John E. Lanoely *JumeB F. Metcalfe ''Alexander Thibidcau ^Joseph W. Gibson (A) •Thomas J. Reid Vohn Smith *Willi»m L. Rutledge Voseph L. Foster *Arthur B. Hames •William H. Cairnduflf *Orrin German •William Cook *J. W. Bell (c) •John J. Leach *Reuben Millyard •William Craig ♦William Knox •Joseph Odery •Richard Shier •Henry W. Knowle« ♦Robert H. Hall ♦Cornelius Bryant ( ihen Presitling Elder of the Augusta District, as a supply on the Clafondon Mission. He wa» received on probation by the Conference of 1834, and appointed to the Ottawa Circuit, where he remained two years, preaching with acceptability and success. Under his ministry, in conjunction witih that of his Sux>erintendeut, tho Rev. A. Hurlburt, a revival of religion took place on the Circuit, in which some four hundred soulu were converted, among wb^n may be mentioned, the honoured and efficient Secretary of the W. M. Society, the Rev. Dr. Taylor. Through a period of thirty years, Brother Brownell continued to give proof of hia ministry, occupying some hftcen different fields of labour, in various^ parts of the Province, mostly new Missions, in «ac ' of which he is remembered as an active, laborious, and success- ful Christian Minister. Few men wore better qualified for the work asj^igned them. He was sympathizing, affectionate, frank, and generous. His large and varied experience was of great service to the new settler, to whom in his visits he imparted useful information as well as sound religions advice. This made him always a welcome visitor to the people of his charge, by whom he was greatly beloved. As a Minister, his knowledge of the deep things of God was exten- sive ; his attachment to our doctrines and discipline was. unwaver- ing ; his preaching was plain, pointed, energetic, and successful ; he was simple in manners, upright in conduct, strictly conscien- tious in duty, and he has left a record behind him of which his brethren are not ashamed. When forced, by failing health, to retire from the more active work of the ministry, he settled in Moulinette, the village in which he was bom, and continued to witness a good confession — preaching and living a religion of spiritual joy. He was honoured and beloved by all classes. His death was unexpected. He had walked to Cornwall on the eleventh of March, and preached twice on the following day 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. without any great inconvenience j but on his return home ou Monday, he felt that the labour bad been beyond his strength. Inflammation of the lungs ensued, and for ten days l^is Buiferingi at times were most intense, but his mind was kept in perfect peace. At midnight of the 22nd of March, the message came, and he answered the divine will with })crfect submission. Almost his last words were, " Uuto them that believe, he is preoious : All if well ! — All is peace ! — All is well !" Thus died Stephen Brownell, reposing in the merit and mercy of the world's Kede&mer, in the seventy-first year of his age, and the thirty-seventh of his Christian ministry. - - . . •, > % ' -, 2. Stephkn Milks Was born in the State of Vermont, in the year 1789. In early youth he learned the art of printing, and subsequently accompanied his employer, Mr. Mower, to Montreal, and published the Cana- dian Courant. In 1810 he left Montreal, accompanied by Mr, Kendall, and on arriving in Kingston, published by their joiut etlortE the KhujsUm Gazette, the first newspaper ever iniblished in that city. Bro. Miles was for many years connected with the pi'ess. Of his parentage, or where he was converted, we have no definite account, but it appears from an entry made in his diary, that he united with the Wealeyan Methodist Church in October, 1818. He writes thus : *' This day I enter the service of my God. " Bro. Miles was an honest, earnest, zealous man, and, when he gave his heart to C4od, he became aii earnest, zealous Christian, His ho\i0e was made a home for the Ministers of the gospel, and he took great pleasure in entertaining these servants of God. He was wont to speak warmly and gratefully of the visits of such men as William Case, Ezra Healy, and Franklin Metcalf. As a Christian, it might be said of him,** Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile." He was a true disciple of Christ, and fully devoted to Hia cause, and by his life and conversation commended that religion which he so fully experienced to all who came in contact with him. He was for several years a very useful Class-Leader and Local Preacher. In 1836 he retired from business, and at the call of the Church entered fully into the work of the Ministry, As a preacher H 'i^ I tf X. I. 10 MINUTRS OF THE CANADA [1871 he was a clear and earnest expositor of Scripture With a heart enriched by Divine Grace, he preached the word with power and to much idification. Few Ministers have been more beloved, he being remarkably kindhearted and loving to all. He was more especially the children's friend. He carried out fully that part of the discip- line, " Will you diligently instruct the children in every place ? " *' Will you visit from house to house ? " For some time previous to his death, he ha^l lost his sight, and was much enfeebled in body, yet was always cheerful and happy. His memory so failed, that, ho seldom knew his nearest friends, yet he seemed to know more and more about Jesus, and often in a transport of joy, sung some of his favorite hymns. It might be said he died not of disease but of age, passing away without a struggle or a groan, his last words being "All is well!" Thus went home to God, Father Miles, December 13th, 1870. Aged 81, and in the 36th year of his ministry. ■ /^- '^'-i ii "ft. f. . -.': ■:. 3. Thomas Lawson, A native of England, was brought to a saving knowledge of the truth at the age of thirteen, and subsequently, after laboring in the Primitive Methodist Church, entered onr ministry, in connection with which he *aithfully and satisfactorly discharged the duties of his office for more than fifteen years, six of which were laboriously spent on our Indian Missions. <* •^-'^-'-i-^-e < --■ ^ In 18C8, our honored brother was appointed to the Grand River Mission, where his labors were owned of God to the conversion of several Onondagas and others, and most sanguine expectations were indulged in by the people of his charge in regard to the future ; but, on the 22nd of October, 1870, the Master said, " It is enough !" and his happy spirit at once unite<^, with the noble band of mission- aries from every land, in celsbrating victories won for Christ amongst Pagan nations. Bro. Lawson was in the act of crossing the Grand River in a scow, when sudden!" the chain snapped asunder, and he was precipitated into the rolling flood, and soon was numbered with the dead. The now deceased brother is said to have lived, for some time prior to his removal from us, very near the better land. At the close of the last service conducted by him at the Mission, he II 1871.] WEHLRYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. tl remarked that h« was very happy, and had a dciiro to dopart and be with Christ. /- .1 ,♦ , <: .,r The stroke is felt most keenly by the bereaved widow and family, and is most sympathizingly shared in by ministerial brethren and others. Thus passed away, in his 46th year, a brother whom we hope to meet again in the " Ishpeming," of which his fellow -laborers in the Mission field so often sweetly think and sing. ^ ,■>'■. ^,7, 4. Benjamin Cole. Bror Cole was born in the ancient city of Quebec, in 182.5, whore he spent the days of his youth in follies and amusements too com* mon to that period of life. Having become converted to God under the ministrations of the Wesloyan Methodists in 1849, be gave him* self up at once without reBervo in entire consecration to his Rmleemer. Of a sanguine temperament, impulsive in his disposition, and thoroughly Protestant in his views and feelings, at the time of the unhappy Gavazzi riots in Quebec and Montreal, he was one of the vol- unteers who rallied around that champion of Protestantism, and very nariowly escapeil with his life, /iter labouring for some time as a Sabbath -School teacher, superintendent of the school, and organist of our church in Quebec, he became convinced that it was his duty to devote himself to the work of the Christian ministry, he hesitated not ; but though filling a lucrative situation, with every prospect of speedy advancement, he cheerfully abandoned all and entered upon the self -denying and laborious life of a Wesleyau minister. This was in 1855. His circuits were large and laborious, but Bro. Cole never spared himself nor shrank from duty. He was generous, cheerful, social ; a good and enthusiastic musician, a t;iie friend, and, better than all, deeply pious. These qualities made him a welcome inmate at the dwellings of our people, who were always ready I0 greet him with a smile. But he as popular in the host sense of the word : he was useful in saving souls and building up the Church of the Re- deemer. At the Conference of 1870 he was compelled, by total physical prostration, to accept a superannuated relation. For the last twelve months previous to his decease his su'^erings had been i;reat» but he sustained them with Christian patience. Although rv i i 'i 'tiit|i H ■ i Hi MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. hioi'-elf suffering from intense pain, he htA always a cheerful smile and loving word for those who visited him. The young looked up to him as a father—the aged blessed the day they first saw him. As he drew near the last struggle, his consolations were abundant. •• Preciors Jesus ! Nearer home ; every pin loosened so ^sntly ; ready to yo /" When asked if he wished to live, he said : "I would like to labor a Uttle longer in the vint^yard, but 1 a:a ready to go." He particularj' desired that wliile he was passing away those around him should sing his so'U into bliss. His favourite hymn wai^ " M> God, I am tiiine," etc. This beautiful hymn was sung and was begun ; but, rousing all his energies, he cried," llock of Ages :" and as these v/ords passed the lips of the singers, his happy spirit winged iir, flight to everlasting bliss. Thus triumphantly passed away our dear friend and brother, at the residence of his endeared friend, Robei-tson Lincoln, Esq., in Abbotsfoid, in the 46th year of his age and the 15th of his ministry, on the 2nd of August, 1870. ' ',They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever," 5. George Robso^ Brother Robhon was born at Perth, Ontario, in the year 1838; and died at Oastleton, December 12th, 1870. He was carefully trained in the knowledge of the Ho^y Scriptures by pious parents, whose examp?e and teaching impressed his mind with the excellence tend importance of religion. At the age of seventeen, he w as led to seek the salvation of his soul, and united with the Wesleyan Church. After his conversion to God, he became a most zealous and earnest worker for the solvation of souls. In 1862, he entered upon the work of the Christian Ministry, and with diligence and pleasuie puraued his evangelistic labors, making full proof of his ministry. As a student, he was faithful and »aeco«<8t'ul, at the same time an earnest worker for God, leaving behind him lasting monuments of his abundiimt labors. Possessed of good natural abilities, a most loving and generous heart, and a deep sympathy for the souls of men, his preaching was impressive and powerful, winning souls to Christ, and building tn 1871.] WRSLEYAN MKTHOIUST rONFERENPK. IS up the church on the '* sure foundation." In the Sabbath School, he found a sphere of nsefulness and pleasure ; and aa a temperance advocate he was intellii»eut, eloquent, and successful.- But the period of his active and useful life was siiort, and was followei 6. Alexander Lester, Was bom in Monahan, Ireland, on the 10th of February, 1828. Two years after the death of his father, he came with his mother to Canada, and settled in Lanark. He enjoyed the beneRt of religious trauing, and his early life was singularly blameless. Under the ministry of Rev. E. B. Harper, in Belleville, in the year 1860, he found peace with God. Shortly afterwards, being prompted by the Divine Spirit to engage in the work of the ministry, he placed himself at the disposal ol the Conference, and was received on trial in June, 1861. He was appointed successively to the Milford, Newboro', Elgin, Perth, Playfair and Westmeath Circuits. On the latter Circuit, fatigue and exposure, together with a fall from his carriage, received just before starting for Conference, impaired his feeble constitution, and he rcturnetl home ill. After a brief interval of rest be aitendetl a camp-meciing, where he took cold, and con- tinned subsequently to sink '■intil tlie 8th of August, when he lNi>{;»thfd his last. Brother Ijcster was a man of more than average ability. His sermons wero original, logical, and practical ; and his language simple, chaste, appropriate, and forcible. He was exceedingly studioud, and devoted much time to reading, without neglecting pastoral dvitiea. His piety was deep and practical, and while he MINUTES or TIIR CANADA [1871, was so coiiacieutious as to be considered by many over scrupulous in bis judgment on his own conduct, he exercised the broadest charity towards others. He carried hid habits of punctuality so far as to exposi. himseif st)metinie8 even to unnecessary hardships. His death, us might have been expected from such u life, was peaceful and happy. No words of regret, fear, or doubt fell from his lips, but he frequently uttered sxpressious of hope and triumph. In the death of Brother Lester, the church has lost a useful Minister ; and of hini it may be truly said, " He was a faithful man and feared God above many." m m : ■ill ,,!ii :1 7. James W. Sloan. The Rev. J. W. Sloan was onverted to God in early boyhood, and before he began his work as a gospel minister, entered intx) the rest of perfect love. Impelled by love for perishing souls, he obeyed the call of God and the church, and devoted his life to the Christian ministry. In 1853, he received his first appointment to the Brock Circuit. After spending a year at college he was appointed to the Hastings Road Mission. Three years he labored succcasfully on this toil- some field, and then was removed to Roxboro', where he was the honored instrumenu in the conversion of many sinners. In 186T, being threatened with consumption, he was obliged to retire trom the active work, in ■which he so much delighted, and to take ono year's rest. His last appointment was to the Warsaw Mission ; here, earnest zeal for his Master led him to labor beyond his strength ; but with failing health he rejoiced to witness an extensive revival of religion on this Mission. On the 2nd of last March, his faithful and pious wife fell a prey to consumption ; while at the same time, he was so low, as not to be able to attend her funeral. In a dying state he was removed to the residence of his mother-in-law, on the Millbrook Circuit ; here he lingered for two months, witnessing to ths last, that ' * the Wood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin," and rejoining in tho hope of a glorious immortality. He exclaimed "My work is done, and I rejoice in having labored in the vineyard of the Lord, —now k [1871. WESLEYAn METHODIST CONFERENCE. 16 all is well. " On the 2ud of June, he requested his attendant to raise him up, when he exclaimed, " Mother, do you think I am dying ? " and immediately expired. Thus lived and thus died, — in hope of a glorious resurrection, a faithful, laborious, and successful Methodist Preacher. QUESTION IX.— ^Vhat is the number of Church Members, and of those on Trial ? [See Appendix A.] A QUESTION X.— ^What has b«en Collected for the various* Connexional Funds? [See Appendix A.] QUESTION XI.— ^What is the value of Church Pro- perty on the various Circuits and Missions, [See A])pendix A.] QUESTION XII.— How have the Connex.ional Funds been expended ? [See Reports of Committees, Appendix B.] QUESTION XIII.— When ai-d where shall the next Conference be held ? In the City of Montreal, on the first Wednesday in June, 1872. QUESTION XIV.— How many Ministers shall be ap- pointed to attend the next Conference ? Tliree hundred and twenty-five, (exclusive of the Officers of Conference, and the young men to be ordaioed), distri- buted as followa : — :? I-.; >' 'f mmmm. mm 5BBR it 5 I 16 MINUTES OF THE CANTADA [1871. Toronto.: 19 Hamilton J8 Niagara 13 Brantford 20 London 20 Chatham H Sarnia 11 Cuelph 18 Goderioh 13 Owen Sound 13 Barrie 12 Bradford 8 Whitby 11 Cobourg 22 Peterboro' 14 Belleville 18 Kingston »1 Brockville 13 Perth 8 Pombroke 6 Ottawa 8 Montreal 16 Quebec , 10 Stanstead 13 326 Conference Officers , 7 Far Ordination ...........................!....,, 36 Total 369 N.B.— According to Resolution of Conference, the numbersj have beer made up from the ordained men in each District, jjxcluaive of the Supernumeraries. 1871.] WES LEY AN METHODIST CONFERENCE. ir QUESTION XV.— How are OTir Ministers and Preach- ers on Trial stationed for the ensuing year ? WILLIAM MORLEY PUNSHON, M.A., President op THE Conference. GEORGE R. SANDERSON, Co-Deleoatic, ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, Secretary of Con- ference. iff- The word tn parenthesis is the Post Office Address qftht MUmtt'' whose name immediately precedes iL I. TORONTO DISTRICT. 1. Taronto First, ) George Cochran; Egerton Ryerson, {Mttropolitan) J D.D., LL.D., Chief ^Superintendent of Education, by permission of Con- ference ; Anson Green, D.D., Co- Treasurer of Endowment Fund, Victoria College ; John Gemley, Permanent Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, by permission of Conference ; Th omas Jeffers, Super- annuated ; John H. Boyd, Super- numerary. mission department. Enoch Wood, D.D. Lachlin Taylor, D.D. book room. Samuel Rose, Book Steward. Edward Hartley Dev^art, Editor, S. Toronto Second^ ) . , i a xi i t 1 General Secretaries. III!' Rillf!! ^ft MINUTES OF THE CANADA ' [1871. - ■■■■■■ ■ . — ■■ — — - - - _ . ■ ^ .i, 3. Toronto Third, \ William S. Griffin, who shall ex- {Elm Street) ) change once on the Sabbath with the Si terintendent of Yorkville. ' ' One to be sent ; J. N Lake, Sup'd. 4. Toronto Fourth, i William W. Ross, who shall ex- i^Berkeley Street) ) change once on the Sabbath with the Superintendent of Toronto Firet. 5. Toronto Fifth, )Hugh Johnston, M. A , who shall {Queen Street) ) exchange once on the Sabbath with * the Superintendent of Tors .to Second. 6. Yorkville Ephraim Evans, D.D. ; John Carroll, Sup'd ; Thos. McMullen, Sup'y. 7. Davenport db ) Davidson McDonald ; Charles Turver, Seaton J Superannuated. 8. Leslieville To be supplied. 9. Yonye Street ) John Bredin (Newtonbrook), Andrew South ) Cunningham (Eglington.) 10. Yonge Street \ Charles Fish (Richmond Hill), James North I F. Metcalfe, (Tliornhill.) 11. Weston W. McFadden ; Geo. Bey non, David Jennings, Superannuated. ^i 12. Brampton John Shaw, W. W. Carson; Jonathan Scott, Superannuated. 13. Streetsville- Edwin Clement, A. L. Russell, B.A., 14. Cooksville Manly Benson. One to be sent. (Credit.) 15. Orangeville & ) ^^^^^ g ^^^^^ ^^^^^ p^-^j.^^^ Caledon ) 16. Albion Edward Barrass, J. W. Clipsham. 17. Klinehurg Joseph H. Locke, John G. Scott. E. EVANS, D.D., Chairman. G. COCHRAN, Financial Secretary/, 1871] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 19 II. HAMILTON DISTRICT. 18. Hamilton Centref (John Street), William H. P«jole ; John Hutchinson, Superannuated, 19. Hamilton West... (Centenary Church), Wm. J. Hunter, Jas. Hannon; H. Lanton, Sup'd. 20. Hamilton Bast . . . (i-^^ing Street), William Galbraith. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGB. SAMUEL D. RTCE, D.D., Governor. WESLEY P. WRIGHT, M.A., Piofeasor of Natural Sciences, 21. Dundia James Preston, William J. Ford; Moses M. Johnson, Sup'd (Jenaey- ville); John B. Keogy, B.A., Sup'y. 22. Waterdoum William Morton, George C. Madden ; William Philp, Supc;-«w.uuatec1. 23. Wellingto7i Square Charles A, Hanson. 24. Glan/ord John W. Savage, Robert Davy. 25. Seneca John B. Armstrong. 26. MUto7i T*.oma8 W.Jeffrey; Nelson Burns, M.A., Supernumerary. 27. Lowvillc Robert Bell. 28. Oakville.. Michael Fawcett, Joseph Odery ; George Washington, Siip'y. 29. Hullsville Thomas D. Pearson, Josep'i Colling. 30. Cainsvllle James Broley, E. H.Taylor; William Ryerson, Superannuated. 31. Grand River J. C. Wilmot, M. A., (Onondaga). '62. New Credit Thomas Woolsey, (Hagersville). 33. HamUton(Ger-\ gt^phen Kappele. man Mission) ) S. D. RICE, D D , Chairman. T. W. JEFFREY, Financial Secretary, i)| l^fl ■ r 1 It'-" r':.|i! m \ "I 20 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. Ill, NIAGARA DISTRICT. 34. SL Catharines^ James Brock, Josbua P. Lewis. 35. Tlwrold John S. Clark, WaHer Rigsby ; James Armstrong, Superannuated. 36. Aferriton John Ridley. 37. Niagara William H. Withrow, M.A. 38. DrummondvUle John Milk, James Avvde. 39. Welland Richard Clark. One wanted ; Michael Baxter, Superannuated, (Fenwick). 40 Dunville Thomas M. Campbell. 41. GHnuhy Churl es Sylvester, C. E. Mclntyre. 42. Beavisville Robert H. Waddell. 43. Smit/iville Alexander R. Campbell, Richard J. James ; George H. Field, Sup'd. 44. Cayuga William Sa^^age, (York). One wanted. 45. Point Abino ... R. L. Tucker ; J. Baxter, Sup'd. 46. Caistorville ... John Sanderson, (2nd), JAMES BROCK, Chairman. J. S. CLARK, Financial Secretary, ! ' ^■ H IV. BRANTFORD DISTRICT. 47. Brantford William R. Parker, M.A., O. H. *" Bridgman, M.A. ; Hamilton Biggar, John Ryerson, Superannuated. 48. MotmtPleamni William Willoughby, (Mohawk). 49. Fairfield David Ryan, (Burford.) One wanted; R. IIeyland,Superannuated; Claudius Byrne, Supernumerary. 50. /Ww......... ,. John Douse; Henry Bawtenheimer, Superannuated. 1871.] WEL8EYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 21 61. Richwood Benjamin Clement, (Ayr). 62. Princeton Edward Morrow, M.A. 53. Woodstock William H. Laird. 64. Oxford C^tntre, Shem Blanshard, (Beacliville). 66. Host Zorra ... Peter Bawtenheimer, (Strathallan). 66. St. George Alfred Andrews. One to be sent. 67. Norvoich ... .. "William Bryera 58. Otterville Thomas Jatjkson, who shall exchange once in three weeks with the minister in Norwich. 69. Sinicoe George Mcllitchie ; Joseph Messmore, Superannuated. 60. Waterford Daniel V. Lucas; Joseph Reynolds, Superannuated. 61. Port Dover ... John W. German. 62. «S'<. Williams ... John F. German, M.A. 63. Port Rowan ... W. C. Jolley. 64. Lyntdock Thomas H. Walker ; C. W. M. Gilbert, Superannuated , Matthias Holtby, Supernumerary. 65. TiUonburg Daniel E. Brownoll, Reuben Millyard. 60. Vienna W. C, Watson, M.A. One wanted. G. McRtTCHIE, Chairman, W. R. PARKER, M.A., FiTiancial Secretary. ■'!■ P < I V. LONDON DISTRICT. 67. London City, ) Wellington Jeffers, D.D., Benjamin I^orth St. ) B. Keefer. 68. Lonflon City, ) Alexander Langford; Reuben E. t. ) Dundas St. ) Tupper, Sup'd 69. London South, Richard J. Foreman (Arva.) 3 ■ ■ i- , mm. p' 1^1 i 1 r " R ' I 4 i. si I ' ■m m 22 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. 70. London North, James Harris (Birr.) 71. St. Thomas ... J. Herbert Starr. 72. YarmoiUh Thomas Had win. 73. InyersoU John Learoyd j George Kennedy, Sup'd. 74. &al/ord Thomas Crewa 76. St, Marya Richard Whiting. 76. Kirkton Charles Stringfellow, James Turner. 77. Aylmer, Ont ... William Ames. One to be sent. » 78. Fingal Andrew Edwards. 79. TyrconneU Edward Cragg. 80. Westminister... James E. Dyer (Lambeth.) 81. Fort Stanley ... William Lund, Thomas W Campbell ; James F. Latimer, Sup'd. 82. Mount Brydges, Henry Reid. 83. JSxeter David C. Clappison. One to be sent, who shall reside at Fairfield. 84. Kij)pin One to be sent, who shall act under the direction of the Suj)erintendent of Exeter. 85. Lucan George Sexsmith. 86. Ailsa Craig ... John Smiley, M. A. 87. Nissowri Christopher Cookman, (Kintore). Oh« to be sent. 88. Bdmicmt Hugh McLean, Robert H. Hall. 89. Dorchest^ ) j^^^ Kennedy. Station ) 90. Mtmcey James Gray, who shall have special charge of the Mount Elgin In- dustrial School; Peter German, Oneida William Cross. WELLINGTON JEFFERS, D.D., Chairman. ALEX. LANGFORD, Financial Secretary. •'}' 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST COOFEKENCE. 23 VI. CHATHAM DISTRICT. 91. Chatham E. B. Ryckman, M.A., John Semroena. 92. Wvidsor John Philp, B. A., Edwin McCollum, (Walkerville.) 93. Sapdwich ... One wanted. 94. Blenheim Joseph Shepley, (Rondeau). One to bo sent, (Charing Cross.) 05. Kingaville ... Ezra A. Stafford. 96. Woodake Edmund S. Jones. - 97. Amheratburgh, James Laird. * 98. Romney David Hiin^ Joseph Galloway. 99. Leamington... Alexander G. Harris. *100. Ridgetovm ... John L. Kerr; R. Phelps, Sup'd 101. Newbury Edmund S. Shoroy. 102. Wardsville ... R. W. Woodsworth. 103. Florence One to be sent, who shall act under the direction of the Superintendent of Dawn Mills. 104. Moraviantown To be supplied by the Florence Minister. 105. Dawn Afills... William Chapman. One wanted. 106. Wallaceburgh. Richard Kerr. E. B. RYCKMAN, M.A., Chairman. E. A. STiiFFORD, Financial Secretary. n I vt VII. SARNIA DISTRICT. 107. Samia Joseph W. McCallum, Alfred M. Phillips; Solomon Waldron, Sup'd 108. Strathroy ... Thos. Cosford ; J. K. Williston, SupU 109. Adelaide John Mahan, George Daniel. 110. ArkQna James Whiting. ■#>i : i i:| k 1 i h 24 MINUTES or THE CANADA - [1871. 111. Forest John Neelands. 112. Park Hill . . . John Scanlon. 113. Watford William Hicks. One to bo sent. 114. Mooretown ... George Chirk. One to be sent. 115. Oil SpHngs ) ^^^ ^ ^.^j^^jj^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ and Petrolia ) 1 1 6. Wyoming Ebenezer Teskey, Chas. Smith. 117. Napier Jas. H. Stonehouse. 118. St. Clair Allen Salt. 119. Somhra John Russell, William Austin. Walpole IsVd. To be supplied by the Sombra Ministers. J. W. McCALLUM, Chairman. WM. IIICKS, Financial Secretary. t I !■■ i ! VIII. GUELPH DISTRICT. 120. Gtielph Ephraim B. Harpei, M. A. ; David Wright, Sup'd. 121. Georgetown ... Joel Briggs, Francis C.Reynolds. (A.cton) 122. Erin Benjamin Sherlock. 123. Garafraxa ) t> x «t t r\ x i '' \ reter W. Jones. One wanted. a/nd LutJier ) 124. Rockwood ... Charles >" Stafford. 125. Flora Noble ;■ English, Wm. Johnston. 126. Elmira George Ferguson. 127. Fergus John G. Laiid. 128. Ped Isaac Crane (HoUeu), Jabez Edmonds. 129. Drayton Matthew Swann, Wm. H. Fyfe; Ezra Adams, Sup'd. 130. GaZt John B. Clarkson, M.A. 131. Washington... William W. Shepherd, (PlatUville), David W. Thompson (Washington.) 1871.] WESLKYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 25 132. Berlin... Thonma Stobhs, Win. Mills. 133. Lutowell John Scott, B.A., Henry Berry; John ArniHtrong, Nelson Brown, Sup'd. 134. Teviotdale ... One to bo sent, to act under the dir- ection of the Minister of !^)raytoia; John Hodgson, Sup'd. 1 35. Afillhonk John Hough. 136. Arthur George McNamara. 137. Mount Forest, Tliomas Cobb. One wanted. 138. Wellesley James Woodsworth. (Cross Hill.) 139. Preston, ) Charles S. Eby, B. A., William and Paris ) Andree. E. B. HARPER, M.A., Chairman. JOEL BRIGOS, Financial Serretary. IX. GODERICH DISTRICT. 140. Goderich William S. Black stock. 141. Clinton James Graham. 142. Londeshoro* \ Thomas Cleworth (Clinton), Samuel ds Holmesville ) Sellery (Londesboro'). 143. Seaforth David Kennedy, M.A., B.D. 1 44. Mitchell Wm. Hawke, Coverdale Watson (Fuller- ton) ; Asahel Hv.rlburt, Sup'd. 146. Stratford Charles La veil, M.A. 146. Harmony ... John S. Fisher. 147. Bayfield Isaac B, Tallraan. 148. Dungannon .. Coleman Bristol, M.A. One wanted; Luther O. Eice, Superannuated. 149. Kincardine ... Wm. Hayhurai;, Wm. T. Turner. 150. Teenoater ... James McCartney. 151. AinleyvUh ... D. A. Johnston. One wanted. If (■■ \ ' I U .•^ MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. 152. Trowbridge... Nafhaniel Smith. 153. Howick And. Mill ikon, (Gorrie). One to be sent. 154. Wingham ... George H. Kenny, G. A. Schram. 155. Lucknow Heniy Kellam. One wanted. CHARLES I./\VELL, M.A., Chairman. WILLIAM H A WKE, Financial Secretary, X. OWEN SOUND DISTRICT. 156. Ovmi Sou7id, Kennedy Creighton ; William Price, Superannuated. 157. Meaford P. D. WUl ; R. Lochead, Sup'd. 158. Walter's Fallsy Isaac Baker, W. M. Bielby. . 159. TJionnbury ... James Anderson, Alex. Thibadeau. 160. Durham Thomas Hanna, Nathan Austin. 161. Invermay ... George M. Brown. 162. Fort Elgin ,.. Joseph Hill, 163. Paisley N. S. Bur wash. 164. Hanover Henry Steele Matthews, T. R. Reed. 165. Artemeaia ... Charles E. Perry (Flesherton.) Edward Charlton, B. A. ; G Jacques, Sap'd. 166. Mark One to be sent. Peter Ker, Superan- Penetanffuis/iene \ nuated ; AuHtin Potter. 178. Stayner James Matheson, Robert Reynolds. 179. AngvLB John W. Totten. 180. Oaprey William Tucker (Maxwell). 181. Mv^koha John Webster, Thomas J. Reid. One to be sent. 182. Morrison One to be sent, to act under the Super- intendent of Muskoka. 183. Christian \ % IsVds Erastus Hurlburt. soliel Island ) 184. Cold Water... One to be sent, to act under the direc- tion of the Superintendent of Orillia. 185. Bntce Mines. John H. Keppel. 186. SatUt St. Marie 1 Ei'astus S. Carry, who shall visit ^' Garden River J Micliipicoton and Bachiwana Bay One to be sent. Pic William Norton. AddingUm Eoad ) 267. Modoc » . . Robert Robinson. 268. L'Amahle Arthur B. Hames. 269. Denbigh ^.j^j^ ^^^ Maltawachan ) 270. Maynooth .... One to be sent. 271. Brvdenell&y t v, Tk i a » ^ , V John Doel, Sup y, Carlow ) H. F. BLAND, Chairman. J. E. BETTS, Financial Secretary, 1871.] WESLEYAN METKoDlST CONFERENCE. 33 XVII. KINGSTON DISTRICT. 272. Kingston George R. Sanderson, Donald G. Suth- erland, M.A. ; H. Byers, Sup'y. 273. Napanee George M. Meacharo, M. A., Thomas Cardus ; James Thompson, Sup'd. 274. Selhj William Halstead. 275,. Newhurgh , ... Samuel C. Philp, jun., Christopher L. . Thompson. 276. Wilton E. S. Rupert, 31. A., J. J. Leach. 277. Odessa Joshua H. Johnson, M.A. 278. Bath a/nd ) -n r^i i t-ir -dm V D. Chalmers, Wm. Kilance. Amherst Island J 279. Cata/raqui Richard Wilson; John Ferguson. 280. Battersea Samuel Fear. 281. Gananoque ... Wesley Casson. 282. Pittsburg, ) ^.jj.^^ g^^^^ ^^ j young, (Kingston) ) 283. (^entrevUle .... Ephraim L. Koyl, 2U..Harrowsmith^ w. Shannon. and Frontenac ) 285. Tamw(yrth.... William W. Miller. 286. Kennebec W. V. Sexsmith, who shall act under Ihe direction of the minister at Tam worth. GEORGE R. SANDERSON, Chairman. RICHARD WILSON, Financial Secretary. ■ I ■ I It » i' 1 '^' XVIII. BROCKVILLE DISTRICT, 287. BrockviUe .... John A. Williams ; L, Houghton, Supernumerary . 288. Prescott William Hall, M.A. ; S. Hurlburt, Superannuated. ^ ^1' l1i 11 .^ If I, 'In hi ,, 4 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. 289. Lyn M. L. Pearson, Jabez B. Saunders (Mallorytown.) 290. FarmersviUe . Samuel Wilson, Robert B. Hare. 291. Maitland Edward A. W -d. 292. N'th Aufftista, Andrew L. Peterson. 293. Spencerville.., William Sheridan. 294. Kemplvitle. ... Osborn Lambly, M.A. ; H. Shaler, Su- perannuated. 296. S^th Mountain Andrew Armstrong. 296. Edwardahirg, William Taylor. 297. Matilda William R. Dyre; William H. Wil- li»»m8, Superannuated. 298. Morrisburg ... John S. Evans. 299. Winchester ... John Holmes, John C. Garrett. 300. Aultsville Thomas W. Constable. 301. CornwoM Wm. C. Henderson, M.A. 302. Moulinette, ... J. Simpson; who shall act under the direction of the Superintendent of Cornwall. 303. Avonmore .... To be supplied. J. A. WILLIAMS, Chairman, J. S. EVANS, Financial Secretary. XIX. PERTH DISTRICT. 304. Perth Thomaa Brock. 305. Smith's Falls. D. C. McDowell, Edwin A. Chown,B. A. 306. Carleton Place Thomas Atkinson (Almonte), James McFarlana 307. Pdkenlwan ) and Amprior ) 308. Merrickville . William McGill, J. P. Wass, B.A. William Tomblin, John Wilson, BJi. if 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 35 I II ■ r 309. Elgin John A. Bowler. 310. Newhoro' William Richardson. 311. Glentay Brock Rose. 312. Maherly Ezekiel Richardson. 313. Playfair John Corbett. 314. ntzroy HarVr William Creighton. DAVID C. MoDOWELL, Chairman. WM. TOMBLIN, Financial Secretary, XX. PEMBROKE DISTRICT. 315. Pembroke .... James C. Slater. 316. AanAin ) Charles Allum. One to be sent. (Ger. Mission) > 317. Westmeath... John Howes, Robert F. Oliver. 318. Clarendca^S; ) ^^^.^ Fessant, Brabazon B. Dundas. Portage du Fort i 319. Renfrew William Raney. 320. Calabogie .... One wanted to act under the superin- tendence of the Minister at Renfrew. 321. Alice William Sanderson (Locksley). 322. Onslow John H. Stewart. 323. CoUJield George Stenning. 324. Upper Otta.l o„, ^^„j^. wa Gen^l Miss'n ) JAMES C. SLATER, Chairman. WILLIAM SANDERSON, Financial Secretary. XXI. OTTAWA DISTRICT. 325. Ottaioa .» William Stephenson. One to be sent. 326. Aylmer; P.Q., Corrad Vandusen. 327. Bell's Comers, W. W. Leach, Thomas Hadden. 9 (.' ■'I M fv ■ M «^r |i; 36 ' ^^^ MINUTES OP TUB CANADA [1871. 328. Richmond .... Daniel Connolly. One to be aent. 329. North Gower, Jabez B. Keough. 330. Lm^Idand ) g^^^^j j^^^^ Locks. ) 331. OegooC: Joseph H. Chant. 332. Bea/rbrook .... To be supplied. 333. L'Orignal .... John Wilson, John Tozeland. 334. GrenvUle One to be sent, to act under the direc- tion of the Sup't ot L'Orignal. 335. Thurso Kichard N. Adams. or a • Thomas Derrick, Coi'nelius Bryant. XXVII. BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTRICT. 407. Yictcyria, Y.I., William Pollard. 408. Nanaimo dh Maple Bay, 409. Sumas and ) r. r, m i ^, , . , _ [ George C. Clarkson. ChUhwhack ) 410. New West-\ minster & Lower > Amos E. Russ. Frazer River, ) 411. Cariboo Joseph Hall. 412. Indian Tribes^ Thomas Crosby. WILLIAM POLLARD. Chairman. Edward White is returning home. MISCELLANEOUS PROCEEDINGS. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES.* THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OIT MEMORIALS Was presented, and the following adopted :— Year Ccmmittee have given a careful consideration to the communications from the Montreal Centre Circuit Qnarterl}' Official Meeting, the Trustee Board of the Great St. James Street Church, Montreal, and the Quarterly Official Meeting of the Chatham Circuit, requesting that our law be so modified that the Stationing Committee may reappoint a minister for more than three consecutive years to the same Circuit ; and they are of opinion that in view of the recent return to the restriction of ministerial resi- dence to a period of three years, after a short trial of the extension to Jive, and also in view of movements now making to effect a Union of all the Methodist Bodies in Canada, — it is inexpedient at present to disturb the law of our Itinerancy. And they recommend that the Conference instruct the Letter- writers to send a respec'-^l reply tc the memorialists conveying this as their judgment upon the question. In reply to the Resolution from the Peterboro* District, your Committee submit the following : — To the request that " Donations, sur{>rises, etc., be ac- counted for as so much paid on ministerial allowances," they give as their opinion — 1. That while Circuits are bound, by every consideration of honor and justice, to pay the claims of their ministers in full through the regular church officers, it would be an 1 ,. !! • f ' For reports of Standing Committees, set Appendix B. ■ •• fW t > f 1 i' i: f'i h ! . ' ■'' y ^ .i; I i ? I •?! IM' " k i " ii [ 1 iiiif 1 ' ■! 1 1 ' •' If!! 42 MINUT' OP THE CANADA [1871. undue interference with individual rights to require pre- sents or donations to be accounted for other than the donoi'S desira 2. In regard to the alleged irregularities in the Annual Return of Members, your Committee deem the provisions of the Discipline quite sufficient for their correction ; and they respectfully submit that the Church Courts are open for adjudication upon all cases of delinquency. 3. The request that "Lay Members of the District Meeting may have a vote in the election of the representa- tive to the Stationing Committee," we deem it inexpedient to adopt at the present time, especially in view of the con- stitutional changes now under contemplation. 4. The Resolutions approving the steps taken for the promotion of Methodist Union, your Committee heartily endorse, and recommend their reference to the Union Committee. The Memorial from the North York Temperance Asso- ciation, your Committee recommend the Conference respect- ^ fully to acknowledge, and they propose that the following ' resolutions be adopted and published in the Minutes : — 1. That this Conference reiterates its frequently ex- pressed views on Total Abstinence, and would renew its earnest recommendation that every minister preach at least one sermon in each year to every congregation under his charge, enforcing Mr. Wesley's sentiments against the drinking and the sale of intoxicating liquora. 2. That this Conference eamestlv recommends some form of Temperance eflfort in connection with all our Sabbath- schools, and urges on all superintendents and teachers, because of the potency of example, the practical adoption of Total Abstinence, and that they place in the hands of the children such books and tracts as will serve to inform them on the subject of Temperance, and guard our youth against the pernicious drinking practices which now prevail to an alarming extent. 1871] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 43 3. inasmuch as the rules of our Church virtually constitute it a Temperance Society, we heartily approve, and respectfully recommend the general adoption of a prac- tice now prevailing in some of our Circuits of incorporating into the meetings of the Church, one for the discussion of the subject of Total Abstinence, which may also assume the character of a Literary or Mutual Improvement Society. We, moreover, devoutly bope that our church will prac- tically respond to the prayer of the York memorialists, and heartily identify itself with any judicious measure inaugur ated to secure the prohibition, by law, of the manufactui-e and sale of intoxicating drinks ; and we would respectfully suggest that until this consummation shall have been realized, a public meeting be held during each session of Conference, for the promotion of Temperance. The request from the Bariie District that in the election of Representatives to the Conference, Superannuated Min- isters be allotted their proportion irrespective of the District to which they belong, your Committee deem impracticable. The Resolution of the Kingston District, praying that gi-eater facilities for the supply and distrib tion of Tracts be provided, your Committee suggest should be recommended to the favourable consideration of the Book Committee. The request from the Brantford District, that the District " Totals of Church Property, Quarterly Official Meetings, value of proi>ei*ty and debts thereon," be published iu the Minutes of this yeai', your Committee recommend to be adopted. [ I V '' I REPORT or COMMITTEE ON THE WESLEYAN COLLEGE FOR THE PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. Resolved,— I. That we recommend Stanstcad as the location. 2. That the name of the Institution be "Thk Stanstead Wes- LSYAM CoLlJiUK." 44 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. . ! i,'M »l . Uli p n tl: 3. That the Institution be Proprietary ; to have a Board of twenty- one Directors, of whom seven are to be ministers, appointed by the Conference yearly ; the remaining fourteen to be laymen, chosen by the shareholders, seven of whom are to be members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. 4. That the chief officer of the Institution be appointed by thil Conference. 5. That the minimum sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be sub* k-. iribed before the Institution shall go int^ operation. a, Thnt the appointment to Htanatead for this year be made with a view to the advancement of this movement. The Re[K)rt was adopted ; after which it was If e solved, — 1. That the Conference has heard, with great pleasure, of the steps taken by the Quebec and iStanstewi Districts to- wards the establishment of an Institution for higher education in the Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec. 2. That the Conference accepts the principles embodied in the Report of the Committee as a liberal and safe basis on which to found a Christian and Methodist Educati(*nal Institution ; and that it will aflFord that moral aid and support which may be possible in making it efficient ; and that the friends who have undertaken this noble work may depend on the patronage and hearty sympathy of the Conference in the working out of the enterprise. The Clerical Directors of the Stanstead Wesleyan College ■were subsequently appointed as follows : — James Elliott George Washington, John Wakefield William Hansford M.A. S. D. Rice, D.D. George Douglas, LL.D. John Borland THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON METHODIST UNION Was presented, and the following adopted : — Reaolved, — That this meeting deems a Union of the different Methodist bodies in this country, — upon such principles as may be agreed upon by the said bodies,— highly desirable. Sesolved, — That in the opinion of this meeting a Scheme of Union to be generally acceptable should embrace the following points : — 1871.] WESLETAN METHODIST CONFEllENCB. 45 1. That a general Conference should be formed, to meet, aay once in four years, having power to make Rules and Regulations for the whole Church, auuject to such restrictions as may be mutually agreed upon by the several uniting Methodist Churches, acting according to the provisions of their own Constitutions. 2. That if, on appeal to the Quarterly Meetingf« of the Connexion, — which shall take place before the next Conference, — it shaU appear that there is a strong wish on the part of our people for direct legislative representation in a General Conference, leather than to retain the indirect but ultimate and decisive veto power OQ legislation which they now possess, this Conference, in view — and in view only — of the proposed Union, will not let this question stand in bar ; provided alwaj^s, that there be no interference with the recognition of the ministerial order and office, with the ministerial power of stationing ministers, and with the ministerial privilege of trial by their own peers. The remaining poi-tions of the Rejjort were postponed, and the following adopted : — Resolved, — That this Conference has heard with pleasure the Report of the United Committees appointed on the practicability of a union of the various Methodist bodies in this Province, and rejoices in the manifestation of a growing desire for combined effort, and united brotherly and ministerial influence for the more speedy and effectual diffusion of the blessings of our common Christianity. As this movement is intimately con- nected with the sympathies and privileges of the laity of our Church, and especially with the members of the Quarterly Meetings, therefore, be it resolved, in order wisely to accom- ^plish an object so desirable, which involves such grave and important subjects, the proposal be again remitted to the con- sideration of a Committee to be appointed for that purpose. [See Standing Ccmmittees, page ix.] It was subsequently Resolved, — That the President and Secretary of Conference be authorized to decide the time when, and the manner in which, tb? Resolutions on Methodiut Union <)hall be laid before the Official Quarterly Meetings, and to whom the Reports are to bo sent. It was also Resolved, — That the Conference of Eastern British America be invited to appoint a deputation to meet with the Committee appointed by tlus Conference, with a view to the union or coufederatiou of the whole Wesleyau Methodism work in British North America. 4 |t| . A !■!■ 46 M^^ UIKUTIS OF THjS CANADA [1871. It III % m ill) > ■ I i .' H !ini REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SUNDAY SCHOOL AFFAIRS. 1. — For A Single School. Question 1. — Wliat directions are necessary for the organ- ization and government of our Sunday-Schools 1 Answer 1. — Let all new schools be organized on our denominational basis. Ans. 2. — When it is deemed practicable to organize a new School, the Superintendent of the Circuit shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Quarterly Official Meeting, a suitable person to superintend the same ; and the person so appoin- ted shall, with the concurrence of the Circuit Superin- tendent, appoint the necessary teachers, and proceed to organize the School on the basis of the discipMnary Con- stitution. Ques. 2. — "What shall be the Constituoiou of our Sunday Schools? -4ns. — All Wesleyan Sunday Schools, throughout the Connexion, shall be conducted on the basis of the following CONSTITUTION. Article I. — Name. This School shall be known as the Weslev^' n Methodist Sunday School, and under the supervision of the Quarterly Official Meeting of the — — — Circuit or (Mission). Article II. — Management. The management of the School shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the Ministers and Preachers on the Circuit, and the Officers and Teachers of the School, (such teachers — except in the case of new schools — being of one year's standing as teachers), together with not less than five other persons, (members of the W. M. Church) to be elected as hereinafter provided. I in a on the (such of one I than ) to be 1871.] WELLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. ^ Should any Teachers' Meeting prefer to appoint from among themselves a certain number (in addition to the Officers) to represent tliem in the Committee, they may do so. Article III. — Instruction. The instruction given in the School shall be the doctrines of the Word of God, as expounded in the standards of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Article IV. — Officers. The Officers of the School shall be a Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian. If deemed necessary, an assistant in any of the above Offices may be appointed. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent must be members of the W. M. Church. M Article V. — Elections. The Officers of the School shall be appointed by the Com mittee of Management at the meeting next preceding the Anniversary. The Superintendent of the Circuit shall nominate the Superintendent of the School, who shall nom- inate the other Officers. The additional members of the Committee (not less than three nor more than five, as provided in Article II.), shall be nominated by the Superintendent of the Circuit, and appointed by the Quarterly Official Meeting of the Circuit next precedijQg the Anniversary of the School. No person shall be permitted to retain a situation as Officer or Teacher whose moral character or religious opinions, in the judgment of the Committee of Management, or of the Quarterly Official Meeting of the Circuit, shall be deemed a sufficient ground of unfitness for service in our Sunday Schools. Article VI. — Meetings. Regular Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least once a quarter for the transaction of such business as i*elates to the interests of the School. The following order of business is reccommended : — 1. Singing and prayer; 2. Calling the Boll ; 3. Reading Minutes ; 4. Unfinidied business ; 5. Reports of Committees, Superintendent, Treas- ;ii ' '.* 'i 48 MINUTES OF TtfE CANADA [1871. urer and Librarian, and Minutes of Teachers* Meetings ; 6. Miscellaneous. Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Secretary at any time, at the request of the Minister, the Superintendent of the School, or any three members of the Committee. The subject of a special meeting must be stated by the person or persons requesting such meeting, and it shall not be proper to introduce any other business at that time. Article VIT. — Teachers' Meetings. A Teachers' Meeting shall be held, when practicable, in each month, composed of the Superintendent, (-srho shall be Chairman in the absence of a Minister), the Officers and Teachers, — at which meeting all matters connected with the internal management of the School shall be discussed and decided. Nomination of Teachers shall be made by the Superintendent at a monthly meeting, and voted upon by the Teachers at the next meeting. The Minutes of each Teachers* Meeting shall be read at the next regular meeting of the Committee of Management, and subject to their approval or otherwise. .1. Article VIII. — Anniversary. A public Anniversary Meeting of the School shall be in each year, when ihe reports held in the month of ■ of the School, as adopted by the Committee of Management, shall be read, the officers and Committee for the year announced, and such other exercises as, in the judgment of the Committee, may be deemed expedient. Article IX. — Settlement of Difficulties. Should any difficulty arise, in connection with the man- agement of the School, which the Committee cannot satis- factorily adjust, the Minister, Superintendent, or any three members of the Committee may, on giving due notice to the Committee of their intention, refer the matter in dispute to the next Quarterly Official Meeting of the Circuit, where the case shall be heard and finally decided. Article X. Annual Report. The Superintendent of the School shall prepare, or cause 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. to be prepared, once a quarter, a general and statistical Report of the state of the School, which shall be laid before the ensuing Quarterly Official Meeting. it GENERAL PRINCIPLES. It is an understood principle of Methodist discipline that the Superintendent of the Circuit is, ex-ojfficio, Chairman of all Committees. In the absence of the Superintendent, and his colleague, the Superintendent of the School, may preside. The Catechisms of the Wesleyan Methodist Church shall be regularly used in all our schools. No alteration of, or addition to, the foregoing Constitu- tion and Ktig'ilations shall be valid until the same has received tie siivrction of the Conference. It was then Resolved, — That the foregoing Constitution and Kegulations be adopted as Connexional law on the subject of Sabbath-schools. The Becommendation of the Committee that Superin- tendents of Wesleyan Sunday-schools should be ex-officio members of the Quarterly Official Meetings, was referred to the consideration of the Quarterly Meetings of the Connexion. It was subsequently Resolved, — That at the Annual District Meeting the Chaimum shall enquire into the condition of our Sabbath -achools whea the laymen are present, at which time the Schedules shall be presented. ,.» ^,, Resolved, — That a Sabbath-school Library Committee be appointed by the Conference, whose duty it shall be to make such a selection of books, by personal examination, as mav safely be "^ put into the hands of our scholars, carefully excluding all light literature. Resolved, — That the Sabbath -school returns of each Circuit be pub- lished in the Minutes of Conference each year, as in the case of Church memliers ; thereby securing a permanent record, and greater car«fulnes.9 and precision in the collection of statistics. •••i- I. .>"=•.!! ' i 60 ' ' MINUTES OP THE CANADA -'^ [1871. * Mil SUSTENTATION OP VICTORIA COLLEGE. Whereas it is desirable to make more adequate proyision for the sustenation of Victoria College, and also for the trainiDg of Candidates for the Christian ministry, therefore Resolved, — 1. That each Minister and Preacher of the Conference shall contribute or obtain for the above objects during the ensuing year, a sum equal to the following per centage on his income, viz., on all incomes under five hundred dollars, one half per cent. ; on all incomes of five hundred dollars and up- wards, hut less than one thousand dollars, one per cent. ; and on all incomes of one thousand dollars and upwards, one and a half per cent. 2. That income shall include all salaries and other monies received from Circuit and Connexional Funds, except house rent, horse keeping, and travelling and moving expenses. 3. That two-thirds of the sum so raised shall be appropriated to the liquidation of the debt wiiich has accumulated against the (College since tb :• withdrawal of Legislative aid, and the balance in providing general and theological instruction for candidates in training at the College, — the theological training for the pres- ent year to be under the direction of the Rev. Wm. Morley Puushon, M.A., President of the Conferencto, who will visit Cobourg from time to time, and render such personal assistance as his other duties will permit. 4. That in the opinion of this Conference it is advisable for the authorities of the University to take early steps to establish a curriculum suitable for students wishing to proceed to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, and to make such other arrange- ments as may tend to give efficiency to the Th^^ological Depart- ment of the University. JRetolved, — That the collection for the Educational Fund be appro- priated, for the ensuing year, to the sustentation of Victoria College, except so much as may be required for the support of the young men who are sent to College by the Conference. BEPRE8ENTATIVES TO OTHER CONFERENCES. Resolved, — That the Rev, William Morley Punshon, M. A. , President of the Conference, be, and is hereby, appointed the Represen- tative of this Conference to the next ensuing Conference of the Parent Body, Sesolved,~-Th&t the Rev. Dr. Rice and the Rev. James Elliott be a deputation to represent this Conference at the next ensuing meeting of thv CouferenQ« of Eastern British America. i! ! m 1871.] WE8LEYAN METHODIST CONFERRNCK. Re$olved, — That the Rev. (i. R. Sanderson, the Rev. Lachlin Taylor, D.D., and the Rev. Alexander Sutherland, be, and are hereby, appointed Delegates to the next Quadrennial Heanion of the General Conference of the M. £. Church in the United States, to be held in Brooklyn in the month of May, 1872. ACT or PARLIAMENT CONCERNING DEEDS. The following was reported from the Churcli Relief Committee, and concurred in by the Conference : Whereas nnder the proyimons of uiir old Church Deeds many diffl- culties arise from the limited number of Trustees, the fact that no provision is made for resignations, that freqnent cases of removal of Trustees to other parts of the country take place, thereby preventing the presence of a sufficient number for doing business ; therefore be it Jietolv€d,— Th&t this Committee, feeling the necessity of a plan being auopted which will be of general appUcation, recommend the Conference to appoint a Committee to prepare and secure an Act of Parliament which will permit theK«: Trustees and Quarterly Meetings, who desire to d'> so, to place their property under the provisions of the Model Deed. It was further agreed that the Committee thas to be appointed should take into consideration the provisions of the Model Deed as originally prepared, in order to ascertain what legal requirements are necessary, and make provision for such re- quirements. ^ ^ S ' VOTES OP THANKS. Besotved, — That we hare listened with taach pTeasnre to the Keport of our late Representative to the British Conference, the R,ev. Gekvasb Smith, M.A., and we tender him our cordial thanka for Ihc fidelity and success with which he has represented our interests in that venerable body. Resolved, — That the cordial thanks of this Conference be presented to the Rev. Alexander Sutherland, for his effective services as Secretary of the Conference during the past year. Resolved, — That the thanks of the Conference arf due, and are hereby presented, to the Assistant Secretaries, the Revs. Wm. Scott, and John Shaw, and to the Journal Secretary, the Rev. £. B. Ryckman, M. a., for their efficitnt services. vf 52 MlNUriefl OF THE CANADA [1871. Betolved, — That the cordial thanks of this Conference be presented tt) the Rev. G. R. Sanderhun, for the attention which he has given to the arrangements for the entertainment of its meml)ers, and for bis kindness and courtesy co all his brethren during their stay in this town ; to his colleague, the Rev. D. L. Bretiiouk, for his co-operation, and for his trouble in the dis> tribution of letters to the members of the Conference ; and also to the Rev. J. E. Howbll, M. A., for the aid kindly given in distributing letters. Beaolvfd, — That the cordial thanks of the Conf orenco be given to the . Rev. O. R. Sanderson, for his long-contini«ed and efficient ser- vices as Secretary of the Stationing Committee. Jie»olved, — That we hereby heartily express and record our grateful apprecintion of the cordial hospitality and kindness shewn us bv the residents of Belleville and its vicinity during the Sessions of this Conference, and request that this Resolution ^be road from the pulpit next Sabbath. Jtfsolved, — That the thanks of the Conference be presented to the various Railroad and Steamboat Companies for their generosity iu allowing the Ministers to travel at half fare. f i :i: 15- Mil ' . iiii APPENDICES. 1 00 1 25 00 ) 20 25 ) 11 75 ) 28 00 21 35 14 00 ) 7 00 18 25 i 8 3S [ 348 78 'ON $23 00 168 29 17 50 27 90 10 00 10 97 18 00 15 44 11 00 16 00 12 00 1 55 2 00 b 00 837 66 iy^i^h i^lf^U'' m-' -JH;' -I' DIX A. Funds, Church Property, &c. district. FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. 8^ , h «« 1 j5 5* % Missionary. 1 1 r Cw 1. If Total Value o Connexional Property. 1 1 66 76 $126000 00 • • • • .... 126000 00 600 23 14 76 282 74 1 10000 00 « • • • ■ • 10000 ooi 400 28 226 20 796 36 2 88500 00 , , -• •• • • • ■ 88f 00 OOi 2600 45 131 '50 721 78 2 20600 00 , , ■ • • • • . • . 206'';0 00 1400 , , 286 16 1189 40 1 20000 00 , , • ■ • • • 1 • • 20000 00 600 ^ ^ 9 00 123 08 2 6000 00 .. « • • ■ 200 00 6200 00 260 10 1 00 13 69 1 2500 00 a ■ ■ 1 * • 2600 00 60 10 123 76 676 a' 8 19000 00 ,. t • • * 40 00 19040 00 1800 40 86 00 667 81 2 14600 00 1 1900 00 306 00 16896 00 1200 36 40 00 36S if 3 8660 00 ,. • t • • * . • * 8660 00 480 30 132 00 m< 3i 6 20300 00 1 1600 00 260 00 22160 00 860 44 130 45 74S 8i 7 18400 00 , , ■ « -1 ■ 200 00 18600 00 1200 19 60 00 377 20 2 10600 00 , , • • • * 600 00 11100 OO 2000 00 1000 21 60 128 6(5 1 2000 00 , ^ • 4 ■ t • • • • 660 m 27 00 448 30 3 10100 00 1 1600 00 860 00 12460 0<^ 18G6 'j& 26 40 260 7b 7 44 S300 00 1 4 600 00 8800 Of> 600 33 1338 70 7964 64 828260 00 6600 00 2686 00 886286 00 14256 348 DISTRlfk". 68 00 483 66 2 12000 00 1 4000 00 600 00 16600 00 1162 50 228 00 1764 92 2 46600 00 1 4000 00 1026 00 61626 OC 2000 90 28 87 242 60 1 16000 00 •• • • ■ * 800 00 84000 00 16800 00 84000 00 600 21 81 89 610 91 6 9600 00 , , ■ « * ■ 9600 OC lOOO 9 «I 24 197 40 • g 4 . . . , , • • t • . • * . t • * • '5 88 47 89 328 97 5 7*00 00 1 800 00 890 00 8690 OC 900 • • 60 67 63? 61 8 9{k0 00 I 960 00 690 00 11040 0( 2000 40 60 00 678 36 6 r^AQ oo 1 8000 00 820 00 9670 OC 0OO 10 8000 402 961 6 6800 00 1 2000 00 100 00 7900 OC 1000 16 45 8 409 20 10 126W) 00 2 1200 00 ISO 00 18880 OC 1600 16 26 oO 266 65 6 8800 00 1 1300 00 170 00 10270 OC 600 81 8 76 124 4S 2 2000 00 1 800 00 180 00 2980 OC 200 t 1 00 86 16 1 1 * • • • .... ■ • • • 140 28 500 120 26 2 8000 00 •• » • » • .. .. « • • « •80 S 762 48 6186 72 66 189400 00 11 18060 00 88206 09 19o666 0€ 12627 39? I. i- 1 \ I . ! \ ""■'.'■' ■i ^..■K > ' 1* ■ nsD ! - ! I :■ 66 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. mi 3. NIAGARA MEMBERSHIP * CONNEXIONAL CIRCUITS. -2' 5' ', 'iw ' ■'-' WHI 6 6 2 '7 60 71 TB8. i 290 279 79 241 209 70 288 103 300 160 67 200 2276 IMDI ANS. 1 290 279 79 247 216 72 288 108 307 200 67 200 2347 a 10 4 2 5 '2 S 23 2 '■ 66 u u 19 is 6 4 8 2 4 6 i 6 "2 38 1 1 6 1 •s 1 1 St. Catharines Thorold tl6 65 10 86 3 20 8 98 6 60 3 00 8 62 3 60 8 70 2 60 4 18 8 00 $80 62 23 68 4 25 16 C4 9 20 7 60 20 64 8 70 16 60 6 26 3 80 2 86 $18 76 18 11 Niagara Drummondville .... Welland 8 50 14 00 7 00 Dunville 4 33 Grimsby . , Bearneville Sniitliville 13 00 6 66 10 60 Cayuga 4 00 Point Abino CairtorvUle 700 3 88 77 68 149 06 116 78 4. BRANTFORD Brkntf ord 20 20 6 2 6 82 24 6 7 6 26 8 is s 21 8 2 S 2 204 290 205 294 180 104 120 167 184 102 294 133 119 216 120 381 212 40 178 296 243 8616 ■ • • • • • • • • • 310 226 300 132 109 162 iL. 140 109 800 168 122 216 l.»2 &3S t9S 43 180 801 246 8820 26 18 160 22 8 7 • • 81 a 67 3 • ■ 64 340 30 131 • • • . ii i4 20 40 '2 248 1 2 2 6 8 2 8 6 2 83 11 00 3 97 6 10 7^0 6 00 3 62 11 60 8 60 8 00 9 19 8 46 2 46 8 86 2 00 9 43 6 08 8 20 6 60 7 06 4 74 88 86 13 80 12 07 14 98 12 OC 7 40 21 06 13 00 9 00 16 30 9 72 3 86 17 08 4 22 16 10 11 00 6 16 14 64 16 22 10 26 82 00 Mount Pleasant Fairfield 12 09 7 00 Paris 7 75 Rich wood 6 00 Princet'>n 5 00 Woodst ck Oxford v'entre EastZorra 16 62 11 00 8 84 St. George 13 00 Norwich 6 40 Ottenrille 4 66 Simooe Waterlord 12 00 F' 00 Port Dover St. WUiams PortBowan Lvnedock IJ 00 7 60 6 10 8 16 Ttlsonburg 12 00 Vienna 6 67 121 88 259 66 196 68 aONAL i C3 ^ 2 $18 75 3 18 11 5 8 60 i U 00 700 4 33 4 13 00 6 «6 10 60 5 4 00 700 16 888 16 115 78 1871.] WESLEY 4N METHODIST CONFERENCE. V DISTRICT. FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. 1 1 • Attendance S on Public * Worship. • • c |.:g Missionary. o o 5 r U § Estimated ^ Value. Value of other Property. Tatal Value of Coonexional Property. 1 00 00 208 54 $18000 00 830 00 jflOlOO 00 i 36 41 75 3;t0 96 6 13060 00 3000 00 300 00 10360 00 1000 1 30 8 50 108 65 3 2000 00 ■ * • 2000 09 2.50 3 30 05 214 44 4 8400 00 800 00 50 00 1)2.'J0 00 780 8 27 50 161 06 6 2500 00 800 00 100 00 3400 00 760 3 7 00 100 00 2 1760 00 700 00 .... 2460 00 350 18 70 19 402 3() 5 12400 00 2000 00 4i0 00 13840 00 750 32 11 00 68 17 5 3300 00 1000 00 140 00 4340 00 260 • • 26 70 291 38 7300 00 1000 00 000 00 0000 00 800 20 7 60 116 84 4 3200 00 150 00 3350 00 1100 20 846 77 87 5 1300 00 1000 00 .... 2800 00 200 2 7 60 81 73 66 2600 00 10 400 00 100 00 3100 00 600 7030 i 12 396 14 2222 00 I 75800 00 11500 00 1910 00 89480 00 184 f < I 4. r DISTRICT. »6 82 00 80 12 09 07 7 00 93 7 75 Of. 6 00 40 6 00 05 16 62 00 11 00 00 8 84 80 13 00 72 5 40 86 4 66 08 12 00 22 ^ 00 10 17 00 00 7 60 16 6 10 64 8 16 28 12 00 2J! 6 8T 6( il96 «3 38 37 879 10 2 26000 00 1 2800 00 27800 00 120C 33 26 60 176 22 3 6000 00 1 2800 0' 160 00 9860 (H) 1000 30 28 00 178 03 6 10300 00 ^ , • • k « • 100 CO 10400 m) 900 6 7 10 153 19 1 261 00 1 1500 00 t . . . 4000 00 3.50 6 1!) 00 144 80 3 430U I'O ^ , • ■ • • 4300 00 400 4 17 60 !):> 61 >> 2600 .... 2600 00 450 47 n 01 183 28 1 8000 0( 1 isoo 00 1000 00 11100 00 700 20 12 IK) 216 75 5 6700 00 • • • • 5700 00 600 26 8 20 123 16 2 2400 00 200 00 200O 00 380 11 64 00 817 39 7 13400 00 1500 00 50 00 14060 00 1000 17 21 30 123 15 3 6700 00 1- 600 00 40 Ot 6340 00 600 12 7 10 125 36 3 2500 eo • • t t 2500 00 600 2 43 00 316 76 1 9000 00 1 3000 00 • • • • 18(HV> oO 600 6 6 26 80 57 4 3700 00 • • * » 3700 00 1000 61 42 10 1(50 37 3 07(W 00 1 2000 00 • • < • 87(10 00 1M 12 16 75 135 15 5 5000 00 1 500 00 730 00 6230 00 COO 26 7 38 4\ 00 2 2000 00 * • * . 2000 00 400 12 10 54 If;.-. 66 3 1900 00 1 600 00 600 00 3000 00 800 80 81 60 264 38 7 10800 DO 1 1000 00 • < . • 11800 00 1000 10 19 56 lU 73 4 67 1650 00 11 .... 1660 00 600 8 449 17 347G 46 130050 00 17800 00 .'WHO 00 I612.W 00 I 13770 877 li. I 'iM A'H m MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. 5. LONDON MEMBERSHIP, 1 CONNEXIONAL CIRCUITS. win 4 4 10 '13 2 10 50 25 10 3 6 4 3 10 "a • • 14 liX) TE8. e 309 120 186 194 2(55 105 217 160 135 290 135 100 215 136 97 290 201 171 260 130 3827 I.VDI.VS8. i H 815 130 195 194 278 167 2.3:{ 200 100 300 138 106 219 145 100 300 261 177 250 150 145 4182 1 V X 'r 10 'is 2 21 32 10 l>7 "io •• ••7 79 i * ! 254 1 26 16 "3 12 's 53 X 1 i 1 3 2 I 1 ] 1 ■? 2 2 2 1; 3 71 2i 1' 1 1\ 52 i 1 i. Pi p a c 0) s S3 137 137 1 Lomlon City, North Street i$24 82 i*fii 9T 334 25 Lomlon City, Duiulas Street 14 20 7 12 3 8.8 9 61 8 20 4 60 7 50 G 11 8 00 7 52 3 70 8 75 6 53 6 67 9 00 6 85 5 00 10 00 4 50 1 00 31 11 12 13 9 45 2.-f r.5 17 uO 8 20 6 10 11 31 17 00 15 00 8 10 12 80 13 22 12 48 10 30 13 35 13 64 18 13 8 05 1 50 16 75 London South Lr ChathamJ .... Windsor Sandwic'i .... Blenheim .... Kin^»ville .... Woodslee .... Anih'jrstb.irjf Honviie.v ..... I^aiiiing'tiai . , Ridgotowi. .... Newbury .... WardMil' •.. .. rioreiiv;e Moraviantown I>awTj Mill* . . >ValI«v'eburg . . Walpole Uland 32 5 5 '*6 52 4 1 17 06 194 194 70 80 10 238 27(1 20 215 220 40 127 132 ,, 75 10 , , 216 220 2! 208 230 121 144 148 10 124 124 , , 07 98 , , 90 4 20 20 .. 1 130 im Ki 61 , , C2 41 IS 3 104 142 23 2018 8 124 2241 148 - 1 3 15 «,i813 28 §39 24 1 41 13 09 33 3 001 20 25 00 06 10 2 80 4 76 4 39 3 11 35 3 32 12 12 6 00 10 24 11 87 13 46 6 50 n 43 6 49 9 20 'cio 4 26 1 10 73 62 151 40 I $25 00 14 50 io'oo 9 00 6 00 8 73 00 6 40 8 25 H 00 5 00 4 50 'a '82 2 ir, 25 110 60 o 934 25 16 75 8 00 6 75 20 00 10 00 6 76 13 60 8 15 11 C) 10 00 6 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 7 50 12 00 « 50 1 00 $-J5 00 14 60 io 00 9 00 6 00 24 8 73 H7 00 45 6 40 50 3 25 4:{ 8 00 40 5 (K) 20 4 50 io '3 "82 •25 2 ir. 10 25 1(t 110 60 1871.] WESLEYAN" METHODIST CONFERENCE. DISTRICT. FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. OS Q. • U •M ?2 1 -3 1 •2 oJ 2 3 0) 0^ I Value nexional f)erty. Attenda on Pub Worshi 1 S a 5 3 r 1 r Tota Con Pro] $ 120 00 622 28 §37000 00 § 3000 00 $3000 00 1 S 4.S0OO 00 2000 82 60 35 314 30 1 16000 00 3800 00 10800 00 600 18 30,00 104 34; 4 7300 00 ■1 800 00 300 00 8400 00 800 20 35 00 183 02! 5 5000 00 GOO 00 • . . • .'".ooo 00 S0& 20 30 30 272 76j 3 4400 00 1500 00 • > * • 5000 OOi 800 28 SO 35 143 73 1 8000 00 2000 oO ■ • > « 10000 00| 600i 4 20 01 224 04 4 3300 00 800 00 1500 CO .5600 00 600 to 20 50 l«i4 ii7 1 6000 00 800 00 100 00 61(00 00 600 80 21 05 223 10 4 5400 00 1500 00 000 00 7800 OOi 5)00 24 35 00 243 80 (! (J600 00 2300 00 100 00 0000 00 1000 21 41 00 157 CO 9 1800 00 1400 00 • • • * 3200 00! 800 9 7 00 8.3 27 2 1300 00 < > • • 100 00 1400 Od 300 12 25 00 200 00 5 6200 00 1 400 00 (iO 00 16600 00' 660 17 25 00 151 05. 108 18f 5 3850 00 600 CO 200 00 4050 00 700, 12 14 82 3 2400 00 • 700 00 125 00 6226 00 11000 m 7.'>0' 30 38 00 218 21! ( 10700 00 300 00 1000 16 40 31 202 04! 6 0400 00 1200 00 300 00 7000 OOl 1200. 20 13 17 170 88i 6 5200 00 , , ■ • • • 300 00 . 5500 OOi 700 26 40 00 300 41 1 8 5050 00 850 00 5000 OOI 1000 18 11 00 150 02' 6 5550 00 1200 00 .... 6750 OOl 800 31 3 70 41 01 3 86 1 1400 00 20 250 00 250 00 1000 00 400| 18 079 65 4277 44 S148850 00 24000 00 7235 00 180085 00 i 167001 430 DISTRICT. ' 62 00 351 30 7100 00 800 00 7000 00 1 1000 20 i 15 00 181 00 1200 00 1000 00 • ■ • ■ 2800 OOl 350 15 / .... 181 0<^ 600 00 , , * • • • • • * ■ .500 00' V 16 26 180 72' 2000 00 600 00 50 00 2550 00 \m 30 f 22 00 112 20: 7000 00 300 00 200 00 7500 00, 1200 50 < 8 50 70 73 2000 00 600 00 150 00 3000 COi 300 17 - 11 43 115 44 2700 00 600 00 150 00 3150 00 1 300 (i / ]-, 00 158 46i 1500 00 500 00 * • • * 2(H)0 00 600 25 f 22 05 4 8 60 111 05, 2i)00 CO 600 00 . * * • .".600 00; 3.50 47 . 86 50 3700 00 COO 00 .... 4300 00 600 13 /f 20 25 214 00; 3 aooo 00 800 00 r.o 00 3850 00 800 'C 20 02 * * 2300 00 "soo '21 i 6 14 50 43' 2 1700 00 630 00 20 00 2350 00' 250 9 ./ 2 00 01 02! 2 45 1300 00 15 .... — laoo 00 200 25 237 37 1050 iti 41400 00 8780 00 620 00 50800 00 8400 305 i h * I • I '^' ■'W CO * MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. 7. SARNIA MEMBERSHIP. CONNEXIONAL CIRCUITS. WHITES. INDIANS. 3 8 20 50 45 14 14 26 12 4 5 197 • i '5 5 1 ft 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 *2 2 3 23 Church Relief. s 1 «5 «£ "5 30 22 25 i4 12 1 s 4 i 3 3 Samia Stnthrov 223 105 l.TO 171 125 246 168 68 146 64 15 15 ■ • 175 175 223 170 189 193 150 245 182 80 152 06 190 1839 .<>11 80 4 40 3 37 4 78 5 57 00 00 7 08 00 2 20 50 57 70 *20 19 9 54 4 00 11 .30 10 69 6 35 10 20 10 70 14 50 4 16 60 $21 00 75 /Vdclaide ; 00 Arkona « 01 Park Hill fl 75 Warwick Moore town Oil Springs &Petrolia Wvoniinir 10 84 7 00 18 00 14 60 Napier 4 00 St. Clftlr 30 115 1534 112 93 204 94 8. GUELPH Ouelph 8 ii 50 45 ii 5 15 40 3 2 22 8 220 219 240 46 121 128 330 125 293 332 69 219 217 105 76 112 38 142 12s 45 3034 ^ ^ 227 240 67 121 128 380 170 293 332 59 230 222 180 115 116 40 104 128 63 3254 is 2 22 30 14 2 7 9 3 110 29 26 30 25 io 23 16 i2 165 4 1 1 *i 3 2 3 3 "3 i '2 i 19 43 6 10 3 10 1 35 5 20 7 70 76 3 58 7 88 4 25 9 81 9 33 3 20 2 25 3 02 2 25 5 10 2 75 1 50 43 25 15 00 5 00 5 07 9 00 14 35 20 00 11 39 13 77 7 85 13 42 19 00 5 07 3 00 08 2 58 7 92 4 Off 1 08 26 07 'Jeorgetown Erin 14 00 4 12 Garafraxa Eockwood Elora 1 00 7 25 15 00 Fergus 13 40 Peel Drayton Gait Washington Kerlin , 10 40 12 75 4 10 12 00 9 35 Listowel 3 54 Teviotdale 1 2 80 Millbank 3 90 Arthur 2 80 Mount Forest Wdleslcy I'roston, Paris & St. Jacobs (Ger. IViiss.^ Grey, (Ger. Mission.) 7 80 2 12 1 15 • • • • -■• •• r 106 21 207 43 150 16 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFEBENCE. 61 DISTRICT. ONAL i> S? a o O m 00 G 75 ; 00 8 01 75 10 84 7 00 18 00 14 60 4 00 ao 204 94 FUNDS. 1e as O a-s iS sr CO-* S $50 00 270 8« 21 00 205 32 9 00 77 93 11 03 113 00 8 50 91 38 28 60 220 80 24 00 172 75 2:{ CO 172 32 18 00 103 18 8 00 82 28 2 71 49 89 204 94 .... CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. t3 .§1 $7860 00 2500 00 5000 00 3300 00 2250 00 2500 00 1800 00 3700 00 3100 00 1000 00 1000 00 32 34000 00 St « 2 3 u §2000 00 1800 00 iooo 00 800 00 700 00 900 00 COO 00 COO 00 400 00 8800 00 ^ t. u 7 14 00 4 12 1 00 7 25 15 00 13 40 10 40 12 75 4 10 i2 00 9 35 3 64 2 80 3 90 2 80 7 80 2 12 1 15 150 15 44 20 41 00 10 4 91 26 80 68 71 16 70 35 00 38 25 12 00 29 50 47 04 2 09 4 57 10 40 4 60 10 00 13 42 2 00 300 27 380 90 82 71 94 74 74 16 284 17 110 07 220 07 311 90 102 78 2.56 73 228 28 lie 39 78 07 130 12 52 00 84 90 91 78 110 98 405 85 304(i 20 1 8 3 f e 2 10 1 7 6 6 1 4 9 81 20000 00 1 4800 00 1 2460 00 •• 1960" 00 * * 7700 00 1 6300 00 , , 10100 OO 1 8500 00 1 1000 00 , , 6740 00 1 4100 00 .. 4750 00 , , 600 00 J , 1400 00 1 725 00 .. 1960 00 1 2050 00 1 2150 00 •• «• 05 00 3600 00 1200 00 1000 00 200 00 1800 00 800 00 275 00 iooo 00 1200 00 300 00 100 00 110 00 lOOOO 200 00 150 00 250 00 100 00 loo'oo 36' 00 100 00 10 10975 00 l.HO 00 23500 00 6300 00 2450 00 2060 "60 8810 00 6300 00 10400 00 10500 00 ICOO 00 CC90 00 4350 00 4850 00 COO 00 1775 00 725 00 2930 00 3850 00 2150 00 98880 00 1200 800 200 '766 1200 660 1100 13*0 120 8*0 800 600 300 400 800 700 500 100 1770 15 48 2 35 45 28 23 39 21 is io 25 10 50 14 380 •*' 5* C2 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. 9. GOD.T£RIGH mf CIRCUIT. Oodorich Clinton Londesboro' and Holmesville . . . . Seaforth', Mitchell Stratford Hannony Bayfield Pungannon Kinciirdino Teeswater Ainleyville Trowbridge Ilowick Wingliam Lucknow MEMBERSHIP. WinTR8. ., I 280 Hi 111 7 225 I 101 6' 244 3. 140 86 135 201 370 118 211 130 324 286 14 6 58 3053 INDIANS. C c8 s 3 o H 280 122 232 101 250 149 87 135 201 372 125 211 130 324 300 92 3111 20 2 48 3 5 50 3 47 15 12 211 20 2 ..,2 80 27 CONNEXIONAL $10 89 7 00 10 30 5 10 13 70 G bo a -*^ a o o 3 10 $25 05 13 76 16 77 8 10 21 70 10 20 12 07 70 10 08 14 80 9 88 10 43 7 41 10 40 19 94 8 70 102 92 197 70 bo a o o 8 UO 3 00 7 38 14 OS 2 35 5 10 4 00 6 80 7 60 5 00 143 11 FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY • . a o 'B o • lvalue of nexioual operty. ttendancc i 1 i 1. q S 1 ■a |« a 3 a 1 s|3 2 |2 1 > 5 Sc "^ a. ^8 50 198 64 §12800 00 $3000 00 ?15S00 00 600 20 21 50 181 89 1 3000 00 1 600 00 3000 00 300 10 50 25 212 23 8 6700 00 .. ■ • • * 350 00 7050 00 ] 1000 rA 12 15 27 60 1 2600 00 1 1300 00 60 00 3850 00 500 20 42 93 292 17 9 llOCO 00 1 1800 00 5.')0 00 13350 00 900 23 16 00 138 22 1 0000 00 1 700 00 200 00 6900 00 600 24 17 60 133 75 4 3900 00 . , .... 100 00 4000 00 400 4'>, 12 00 100 62 4 1760 00 , , .... • • • • 1760 00 700 nr, 9 17 141 95 4 3850 00 1 200 00 • • > • 4050 00 700 n 29 65 296 67 7 7450 00 1 IGOO 00 * . > ■ 9050 00 ] 1400 ->9. 14 60 88 60 1000 00 1 400 00 ■ * • • 1400 00 400 21 14 48 115 86 6 1700 00 1 500 00 .... 2'JOO 00 760 35 10 00 80 20 3 19.")0 00 1 1200 00 50 00 3200 00 620 14 16 00 150 94 6 6100 00 , , . . . • 400 00 6.500 00 900 50 20 79 105 90 () 3200 00 1 1000 00 700 00 4900 00 ] 1250 62 10 26 92 01 8 66 2200 00 1 12 400 00 60 00 2650 00 600 1320 30 335 77 2422 10 74100 00 12700 00 2450 00 89260 00 1 520 '.<}'>' DISTRICT. id IS 6 00 3 00 6 88 6 40 4 00 2 25 6 CO 5 CO 9 3* 2 10 3 00 5 75 2 90 67 26 15 00 80 10 1 S60O 00 • • • • 450 10 10 00 132 .54 6 6800 00 1 GOO 00 000 00 1200 00 800 23 8 25 100 00 3 900 00 1 400 00 50 00 4,'-.0 00 4.50 28 34 32 128 72 4 2300 00 1 1500 00 ■ • • < 1500 00 650 43 10 26 80 67 2 1400 00 , , > • 1 • • ■ • ■ .... 600 80 50 105 77 3 2500 00 1 700 00 140 00 840 00 700 3*^ 7 00 87 51 2 2100 00 , , • • > * • • t 460 17 12 19 CI 91 3 2300 00 1 1000 00 20 00 1020 00 350 61 12 00 111 02 4 4700 00 1 800 00 360 00 1160 00 1000 41 10 50 142 76 8 4600 00 1 125 00 85 00 210 00 700 70 5 50 75 90 2 1550 00 • • . • 50 00 50 00 300 81 00 105 09 3 1400 00 i 400 00 60 00 4.50 00 320 22 4 60 92 19 1 400 00 1 200 00 • ■ • • 200 00 400 12 6 00 73 04 1 275 00 • • . . * * t • .... 370 • ■ • • 32 93 1 1800 00 1 662 00 60 00 702 00 226 20 .... 51 50 1 44 100 00 10 .... .... 160 18 147 71 1527 70 35725 00 6377 00 1405 00 7732 00 7715 468 M MINUTES OF TIIH CANADA [1871, 11. BARRIE m: / '- "■;*■■; MEMBERSHIP. CONNKXIONAL ^ CIRCUITS. WIIITM. 1J 10 6 18 4 70 4 70 73 73 10 00 7 51 13 32 12 84 11 65 18 86 14 40 3 68 8 50 12 00 7 20 15 26 10 6^ Newmarket Axirora 6 82 9 85 Bond Head Lloydtown Cookstown Innisfll AltKton 9 35 9 25 10 00 10 25 3 00 Sharon & Mt. Albert RoHtilUOllt 8 75 9 00 Monro - .'{.-> Homing's Mills ,i 78 131 11 08 73 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 65 o 113 54 4 2!) 8 00 8 89 50 3 10 5 50 8 22 6 60 4 30 3 04 5 02 7 30 1 25 10 00 00 45 DISTRICT. FUNDS. 27 27 45 15 00 11 00 6 00 !» 00 U 00 25 00 12 00 5 20 10 03 1 00 (i 83 18 00 5 12 20 00 135 57 158 33 91 CO 150 52 105 13 61 00 105 50 131 «1 145 170 28 20 70 30 00 00 13 11047 111 34 215 24 180 50 il8(i4 28 CONNFXIONAL TROPERTY. 5110000 00 2000 00 0000 00 0000 00 2000 00 1200 00 ■S50 00 2250 00 1200 00 1000 00 1130 00 1 IGOO 00 2 1000 00 2 I 2000 00 • I 1250 00 85 1 43080 00 | 12 .§"3 V> (4 900 00 1000 00 2000 00 2000 00 800 00 600 00 JOO 00 *c66"oo 300 00 'soo 00 ! 900 00 $1200 0<» 125 00 '12700 00 3000 00 11000 00 MOOO 00 10000 00 11700 00 85o 00 21)75 00 1200 00 1000 00 1730 00 lOOO 00 1000 00 2150 00 10400 00 i 1325 00 72005 00 210 200 300 2800 00 ; i 250 boo 400 400 250 300 240 680 300 400 500 240 6620 24 20 14 10 29 8 20 14 42 13 17 IS 17 87 304 f DISTRICT. 10 as 5 82 9 85 9 35 9 25 10 00 10 25 3 00 8 75 00 . S5 rf 78 98 73 21 00 225 82 3 5100 00 1 2500 00 200 00 7800 00 1090 27 10 35 161 88 2 1000 00 ,, • • • • 1000 00 400 10 18 00 218 41 4 4900 00 1600 00 ♦ • • • 0500 00 800 27 34 68 293 SO 8 5500 00 2000 00 55 00 7505 90 1300 24 30 25 185 00 1950 00 800 00 60 00 5810 00 800 20 78 51 391 00 (J 7000 00 1 1200 00 70 00 8870 00 )200 40 40 25 301 40 7800 00 600 00 100 00 8400 00 1000 43 14 21 170 30 3 1000 00 ^ , 25 Ou 1025 00 ::50 20 23 18 180 04 7 8200 00 1000 00 4200 00 760 30 89 65 334 90 4400 00 1200 00 fO 00 5050 00 800 60 14 00 158 50 5 3800 00 800 00 210 00 4810 00 500 30 9 80 115 30 3 60 1025 00 10 450 00 200 00 2275 00 450 9350 59 337 84 2742 63 51475 00 12080 00 970 00 64495 00 383 w •i h i OG MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. I I m 13. WHITBY MF.MOERSHIP CONNEXIONAL , CIRCUITS. WIIITKS. INDIAKH. "si ■J .- -..■, ij. 3 o H 319 6 1 1 4 3 6 a 8 1 1 *. .'-M 3 1 310 Whitby ffV2 60 m 00 i?24 00 OMhawa ^ , 150 150 3 • • • • 20 04 12 74 Plt:kerin(f , , 26f> 250 7 .. 1 4 55 8 UO 10 00 MarkliiUii 10 280 290 ,, 9 '5 19 00 12 45 S(!ail)(irc)' , , 00 90 ,. 22 1 2 40 4 83 3 40 Itowniaiiville 4 102 100 2 8 50 17 00 20 00 l>arliii(ftoii 18 251 209 , , 2 12 75 23 00 15 25 Newcastle 25 341 3U1 20 •-• t.' 13 00 22 80 15 50 Prince Albert ft 208 213 3 .. * 8 10 17 50 12 00 V \ l>rid(,'e 10 100 no 10 i 3 02 10 30 29 Schugog . , , , 14 , , , , • • • • • • • • • • • • Brock 12 238 250 40 ,, f- 7 21 12 43 10 00 Boavcrtou , J lOO 100 44 5 55 6 22 C 80 Stouffville ., 175 175 10 2 2 40 3 85 3 10 Cartwright 2 168 170 ,, 42 .. 5 04 13 53 09 Mtinvers 84 104 2909 •• 14 194 3007 6 159 r. 3 30 4 50 8 24 210 94 4 28 99 53 103 03 14. COBOURG Cobourg " Students Port Iloiie Canton Baltimore Flainville Fcnella ColWirne (.aiitleton Bright oJi Ciiniiibellford .. Hastings Percy Alnwick 14 193: 591 200 2;!r| lool 02' 1431 170i 195; 347; 120; 76! 62 2 I'l 2 "5 40 1 5 2 i 182; 138 21491 i:o7 30 • • • • .. ;,0 15 • » , , 12 50 .. 200 20 • 1 1 11 21 .. 2fil) 9S • • 2 8 25 .. 102 5 , ^ 1 4 52 .. 77 32 , , ^ 4 30 145 , , 8 1 2 63 170 19 1 8 38 200 f> , , 4 4 93 387 , , 61 3 23 50 1?' (J , , 4 00 80 • • 2 1 3 10 .. 184 10 " 1 4 00 35 41 2322 218 3 83 3 18 1 00 35 82 41 1 35 00 20 88: 21 OOi 9 931 5 20{ 5 00| 11 14; 9 101 10 791 06! 5 50 7 OOi 1 25; 40 00 24 08 14 00 5 12 3 00 5 61 10 «8 7 60 13 05 8 00 4 50 « 50 1 80 ^ 10 00 U 80 3 10 GO 4 28 1871.] WESLEY .VN METHODIST CONFERENCE. DISTRICT. 67 FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. 1350 (MHI 1500 1000 600 400 1000 ' 1300 1 1000 650 1 iioo 200 1000 000 6.50 1 1 1 b e d .2 ,1 9480 76 461 20 283 40 352 36 101 40 281 Olt 40 1 • 9 i aj 3 •a > 1 it .11 I* Total Value of Property. 1 '■* S 905 00 915000 00 1.>5(K) 00 5400 00 KKW) 00 2500 00 10000 00 8;W5 00 13000 0(» 7200 00 2000 00 200 00 100 00 360 00 60 00 2.^"")0 200 00 100 "6o 25<) 00 siooo «15000 00 lOsHK) 00 •KJOO 00 11150 00 2550 00 11500 00 8000 ()0 14 31 30 10 10 31 1600 00 iooo'oo 400 00 24 12 18 1/f 10 40 1 . . 365 81 1 7 94 04' 3 132 70 H 146 00 08 5150 00 2225 00 5(XK) 00 1800 00 3300 00 650 00 46 8 26 Vi 36 10 21 78 180 28 108 0» 1 3 4 60 1000 00 1000 00 22 23 004 01 4228 18' 1 107115 00 8360 00 1910 00 12850 1 831 1 I DISTRICT. ) 40 00 j! 24 08 )i 14 00 i\ 5 12 8 3 00 5 61 4 10 68 01 7 60 «i 13 65 51 8 00 Oi 4 50 OJ 6 50 5i 1 80 i iO 145 34 102 75 750 09 1 14000 00 1 '•r,. ; " " 800 00 1 14800 00 i 1200 fiOOO 4.56 66 1 3000 00 1 1600 00 1666001 6606 (K) iooo • ' 68 00 325 73 6 6300 00 1 1200 00 270 00 6770 00 ; 1000 32 12 75 100 32 4 3000 00 « • 500 00' 4400 00 4.50 12 IK) 125 00 2 750 00 • • • * ( • • • 40 00 700 00 ' 250 4 2rj 00 110 07 6 2000 00 1 600 00 140 00 3340 00 ' 400 24 17 60 213 25 3 8000 00 1 600 00 .... ! 8000 00 ! 450 l.S 15 00 208 42 4 3000 00 1 800 00 • • * • 4400 00 500 ir. 17 30 313 92 6 3050 00 1 2000 00 • • • > .n«.50 00 ' 2000 30 11 00 121 68 2 8500 00 1 1000 00 50 00 .H550 00 i 300 20 15 00 130 82 1 2500 00 1 850 00 • * * • 1 3350 00 ! 3.00 7 00 144 24 1 3300 00 1 750 00 « • • ■ 4050 00 1 700 (1 2 60 70 25 1 38 10 .... 1 1 160 5 343 90 8160 34 53100 00 , , , 10100 00 2000 00' 1 05200 00 j 8750 160 . , ' mnnMjMnuwhWM« ^amamm ^pppspr U8 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1B7L 15. PETERBORO' k. .:::l MEMBERSHIP. CON^EXIONAL CIKOUITS. WHITHt). '..•n)IAS8. 3 243 292 48 111 •iOi.) 228 182 180 115 91 200 87 140 ,^2 115 42 65 42 2C»9 1 u 1—4 3 24 128 2 2 14 13 43 5 14 70 13 20 2 8 331 14 5 ., '4 23 4 4 3 4 6 3 3 6 34 1 a *> a 'S § •?36 78 15 34 80 10 36 18 03 12 £0 11 50 7 75 4 1)4 4 02 !) 10 2 32 6 50 G 30 4 08 2 13 'i"i4 147 08 » Ill H 8 4 5 30 20 2 10 1 3 7 8 8 10 10 135 a 1 236 288 7 81 380 226 173 170 114 88 i93 79 138 112 105 42 '42 2473 a 36 55 91 =31 3 Peterboro' i«10 85 ; 8 15 '800 C 10 25 6 18 3 30 '3 60 1 2 60 ! 5 60 1 40 4 14 4 36 1 'i'56 1 'i'25 1 124 00 17 50 Millbrfiok . . Hiawatha Liiidsay Oak wood 11 00 « 36 Onieiiieo 10 (K) Kcctu! 11 00 Norwood 5 IS Lakefleld Warsaw 00 4 OH 1?ol)cayj?eoii Jdindeu 7 12 8 00 Fenclon Falls C'iboconk At Balnover Havelock 6 00 4 75 1 G-i Hail's Bridge Mdu Lake, Chandotj I 10 i 72 03 125 C6 16. BELLEVILLE BellevlUo 45 10 's 1 14 26 12 7 1 41 8 2 14 10 4 3 202 458 121 200 430 337 179 221 219 211 130 251 164 205 239 218 220 180 87 62 170 40 5:! 42 17 4568 •• • • T 503 131 200 430 340 180 335 219 231 148 2;")8 165 206 280 226 220 ISO 90 68 170 03 62 20 4770 63 SO 20 •is 12 27 2H 10 t • 6 71 '2 17 10 8 10 5 34(5 17 6 20 m m 2 5 4 4 % 1 1 3 '21 4 1 1 i 15 34 4 00 3 00 6 40 70 3 00 4 18 6 SO 6 28 3 30 6 72 4 10 6 80 6 25 6 30 3 16 3 00 1 76 Zi> 5 10 52 'i M5 G 23 37 17 10 00 5 60 12 Ot. 21 24 5 m 6 67 14 20 12 61 5 02 12 08 7 07 12 00 12 1.3 10 20 9 00 8 00 5 88 03 9 00 87 « 22 b 86 22 75 Consoeon 7 61 Wclliiiirton Amcliasliurg Pictoa 4y i 1 00 U 00 Bloomfleld and Cherry Valley Milford 4 16 3 ?y> Sidney Thurlow 5 26 ft 50 Marmora 3 20 Siti'.iing 8 00 Frankford 3 50 Trenton Demorestvillc ShanttonviUe ...,,.,, Moira Tweed Bridfe'cwatcr Flinton & Addingtoii Madoc 7 00 8 50 fl 00 5 00 6 25 3 81 V;25 Bantiockbiirit ...... DonbiffhMattaw.vchiii Mrtyiiooth & Carlow.. hrndunell&BarkLuke NewWaldec(Ger.Mis) 1 39 "4 '40 i 89 t W [09 H 242 «S» 144 87 -J 1871.] WES LEY AN METHODIST CONFERENCE. '1 l-'i i I n 00 9 35 10 00 11 00 f. V) 00 4 06 7 12 8 0*1 5 00 4 75 1 fri 1 10 !0 DISTRICT. FUNDS. ' » CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY, 8g • 1 t' * i 5S c o $521 69 i t 3 6 1 e (2 1 aj 3 •a > Value of oth Property. «8000 00 S ! Attendai g i Public W SI 1 $53 75 JoOOO 00 $3000 00 ■ • • • 30 60 00 384 88 7 6900 09 800 00 350 00 8050 00 1400 30 60 42 45 1 1600 00 660 Ot 30 00 2060 00 180 9 81 06 156 39 1 1250 00 2000 00 8250 00 300 22 22 81 21»5 60 5 5600 00 , , 300 00 6800 00 1000 60 20 00 207 20 5 4000 00 600 00 S25 06 4-825 00 600 12 40 00 167 78 8 2190 00 600 00 • • » * 2700 00 1000 32 10 50 92 32 2 3700 00 1200 DO .. ., . 4000 00 760 Si li> (Hi 190 71 4 3250 00 1400 00 60 Ot) 4700 09 475 7 9 35 93 24 :< 1700 00 1700 00 300 21 93 196 46 4 1250 00 600 00 • > • • 1860 00 700 22 15 50 71 03 2 600 00 , , « • •' 500 00 200 SO 13 32 100 43 4 2209 00 400 00 • > • • 2600 00 650 «2 9 57 1S>9 51 2 325 00 • V • * * t 325 00 425 87 4 00 70 22 1 «00 00 • * • • 600 00 400 2 33 23 90 1 1160 00 1150 00 240 27' 19 17 3 00 22 00 1 47 200 00 10 .... '266 00 126 9645 3 327 27 2862 88 40725 00 i:o60 00 966 00 63230 00 403 DISTRICT. 1112 «1 745 80 21 00 1*3 41 18 50 190 00 50 62 411 43 39 29 316 83 13 55 103 71' 20 03 186 56 46 50 276 00 39 00 191 93 14 52 139 94 26 60 229 88 11 00 94 07 23 00 Sll 03 23 77 196 00 13 00 186 86 20 00 131 ?o 63 50 173 83j 9 60 118 is; 1 88 47 86; 22 00 168 6% 1 74 29 24 76 68 40 12 00 167 74; 7 66 187 40 • * ■ • 574 18 4009 14 28000 00 2000 00 8200 00 7600 00 15800 00 1 1 1 1 1 4100 00 8600 00 10900 00 fc .00 00 i 1 3400 60 3600 00 3600 00 2200 00 i 1 1 1 3650 60 3600 00 7000 00 1 1800 00 i •••«.• i « • t - • • • • • • • • 2;i360 00 1ft 2600 00 1000 00 1050 00 liiuO 00 2800 00 2000 00 600 00 1600 00 400 00 1000 00 400 00 400 00 1800 00 '266 60 iso 60 1ft 17000 00 1500 00 75 00 260 00 500 '60 32000 00 , 3075 00 ! 9600 00 : 8800 00 ! 19100 00 360 00 166 00 4460 00 8600 00 j 13000 00 1 10000 00 76 60 166 60 4900 '60 4076 00 4600 00 2700 00 a • • • 160 '60 3660 00 1 4160 00 , 8800 00 1 20 00 2020 00 • • ■ • "iio 60 31 SO 00 14n»f-*0 00 1200 450 « 80 SfiO 10 S'JO 20 194 2 483 , , 206 , , 202 , , 274 1 269 1 69 UrOiANS. S: 80 160 142 117 164 8201 S 9) S 380 400 214 486 295 202 274 2M ao 107 144 120 163 86 i.uSi. ?£ 14 12 i 10 CONNEXION AL 66 6,2 47 $19 10 13 00 8 00 10 A"* 6 ns 3 00 9 70 7 70 8 50 4 25 6 20 8 60 2 67 8 10 a 96 20 946 50 18 70 6 hani,Amprior ilerrlckville £1^11 Newboro' Olentay Maberly Playf air Ftteroy Harbor . . 2 40 12 1 10 4 2 4 ! 75 V 94 241 276 260 280 200 140 86 7§ 78 41 1779 INDIANS. B 3 ^ 96 281 288 270 m) 300 160 89 76 80 46 1864 x^ 1 4 18 48 CONNEXIONAL M ■ -J a .t OS s* ^ ^' S"*" a flu rf^os o P^ rjKM e o O t u 94 02 88 16 lifio 00 7 9 65 15 90 18 60 5 4 63 15 00 14 2r/ 4 12 00 25 00 20 00 it e 52 12 1» 17 3;{ 'i S 2& 5 00 3 3fi 2 500 JM)5« 8 6a 1 3 70 4 'ifi 3 41> ^ , 1 30 2 80 2 2;f 2) S 33 4 66 3 01> 3 32 1 as 3 07 1 75 154 76 106 55$ 102 6i- 20. ^ *,AlBr,OKK Pembroke Rankin 1 * • 2 6 134 90 134 97 175 77 44 20 65 174 86 75 B • 4 7 83 4 8 8 8 17 2 6 ., 86 .. 1 • » • • .. 6 6 70 1 60 "i'29 6 OS "i'25 8 26 3 50 2 50 13 24 1 60 8 75 4 00 7 08 3 66 . 2 00 1 14 8 07 5 09 13 75 1 72 Westineath Portage du Fort .... Renfrew 13. 75 41 17 65 174 34 70 • • ,. 7 2fi 6 84 4 28 Calabogie 68 Alice Clarendon Onslow Collflold 1 7r> 4 00 3 50 1 10 Upper Ottewa (German Mission).. 63 874 26 02 69 /J2' 44 87 ai. OTTAWA Ottawa Aylnier Bail's 'Gomel's llarch Ri, ft 20 r 25 . 108 66 6 f t •' * 00 2 03 7 25 5 07 « 50 3 tf7 . i 134 , 31 i 1 00 8 00 8 00 71 7 ..; 2! , , r, 30 ,. *<0 2 .. 4 60 4 •« 7 «0 \ ', •' •• •• 4 6^ 6 aO( :.■; ,S» 180 ■5 • • 1 & CCj V >■ ; 16 0.' 2073 64 60 ty \1 91 16*. '„ ..u ,■ w I & no oo 18 60 14 2.'> 20 00 17 3« 3 2H 8 «!?. 3 M) 2 ti 3 Ol> 1 75 1871.] WESLF.YAM METHODIST COyPERENOE. DISTRICT. FUNDS. o S 20 00 23 36 S8 00 55 00 22 50 7 15 22 00 » 60 4 00 7 18 9 60 #147 02 378 34 330 62 314 59 183 32 92 89 181 56 92 74 84 73 95 04 66 79 208 18 1963 64 I CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. 1 9 13 (4 38 1500 00 6700 00 6150 00 6950 00 5306 00 2500 00 3400 00 2750 00 1300 00 7bO 00 1500 00 36806 00 S, 11 I J1600 00 2500 00 1200 00 1900 00 1200 00 1000 00 800 00 366' 00 650 00 700 00 11750 00 Value of other Property. $100 00 260 00 100 00 400 00 26 00 • • • • 870 00 3P O 13100 00 8460 00 7450 00 8260 00 6566 00 3500 00 4220 00 2750 00 1600 00 1400 00 2200 00 49486 00 % Sg 400 900 900 800 1000 400 400 425 300 350 120 5995 a 15 21 27 40 21 16 33 48 17 10 G 254 W H W DISTRICT. 84! 13 75 1 72 5 7 20. 10 84 )8 4 28 (5 68 K) 1 7ii 4 4 UO )1 3 50 )9 1 10 • • K-i hi 44 S7 ) #40 00 ) 2 15 ) 13 50 1 1 4S i 11 33 i 7 0?> > T 25 S ft SO T 3 iil 8 00 I) .. « 7 90 33 00 $173 82 2 2150 00 1 2:00 00 240 00 4890 00 400 21 3 00 67 02 1 • • • • • • , , > ■ • ■ * . • • • ■ * • 150 21 27 60 164 91 4 5000 00 2 1260 00 176 00 6425 00 600 J , 7 20 97 36 1 1300 00 1 1200 00 ■ • • • 2500 225 23 10 00 79 42 1 250 00 1 700 00 20 00 970 00 325 33 2 92 9 63 1 .. .... , ^ * • • • • • • • • • • • 250 • • 4 00 83 77 1 .... 1 450 00 • • •• 450 00 270 13 25 00 ni 26 1 4 2300 00 1 200 00 SO 00 2580 00 600 m 9 30 100 00 i 2 1300 00 1 600 00 • t * « 1900 00 360 15 8 00 68 44 1 1 i . . 350 00 ■ • • • I • 350 00 230 • • 129 92 953 68 16 12660 00 8 6900 00 516 00 20065 00 3300 142 DISTRICT. 103 00 772 17 ;■- 1000 00 ~T - 2400 00 12400 00 1100 its 6 76 2S 00 1 3000 00 1200 00 .... 4200 00 230 , , .'3 00 122 36 3 1300 00 900 00 100 00 2300 00 800 12 4 76 74 60 2 1200 00 ^ , .... 1200 00 200 , ^ 34 50 263 97 7 8000 00 1000 00 606 60 4600 00 1000 25 21 00 209 40 3 7400 CO 1700 00 .... 9100 00 1200 20 IS 24 129 38 2 lOOtl 00 700 00 800 00 2000 00 300 11 22 83 132 87 3 2150 00 690 00 320 00 3070 00 600 35 10 28 120 OT 1 50 00 650 00 130 00 730 CO ! 400 14 10 00 IOC 01 3 4500 00 ,, .... .... 4600 00 600 12 3 00 5^ 06 3 870 00 .. . * • . .... 370 00 220 ,. 950 100 61 • ■ • • 150 10 14 46 244 65 4 2000 00 1 800 00 2800 00 1 600 20 11 00 197 06 8 36 WfO 00 1 J520 00 1 10 460 00 1450 00 2000 00 ! 300 ! 7600 28 ?M 31 2554 82 10300 00 4P270 00 212 . ;Pl|ii' '^MM^^. !'! ]h MINUTES OP TIIE CANADA [1871 22. MONTREAL CIRCUITS. Hontrtal Centre . . . Montreal South .. Montreal East and St. Lambert Montreal West.. .. Montneal, St. Joseph and Laehine .... Cfaivmbly St. Johns ........ Odelltown Hemmiiigford .... Franklin Centre .. Huntingdon ©rniBtowTi ........ Hudson La Chute North Gere . . Nev/ GlaHgo-w .... Shawbin<^« Rawdoi* .......... Lake of Two Mounfb Uranby Roxtou KiMiwIioti Famhain 5'a MEMBERSHIP. WHTIIS. 01 30 33 16 S3 3 7 i i "i 11 « 308 213 228 182 68 178 20& 200 59 TS9Vai». 88. .. S « 97 WG 64 56 06^ 'ir 64 70 209 2383 146 146 o H 42» 243 261 198 121 M «t 17V 116 208 204 70 100 lOft 64 6& M 146 17 7& 30 11 10 45 2738 20 n 36 4 36 206 T2 S CONNEXIONAL ^ 94;i 14 18 0& 24 8ft 1&20 6 60 3 0»| W 40 t 55 4 5& a a o 5 64 (^ 00 4 50 4fiO 1 M 2 .50 70 X 1»| 60 82 161 86 93Z 74 46 Ti^ 60 80 62 16 4 83 2fl'05 12 66 12 00 75. 21 fift 00 6 80 »99 3 17 4 00 » W 2 78 a 166 OO 28 la 41 95- 34 OO 10 OO 4 0» 16 2& 12 66 8 02. 7 2r> 12 00- 6 75 3 .lO 1 .'iS 4 00- 1 5.> 1 .50- 685 88 360 SO- 23, QUEBEC Oiiebee 11 2 2 6 9 6 4 21 *i 7 77 183 11 33 198 117 152 84 32 162 147 160 117 81 21 69 1497 ". 194 13 38 200 123 161 90 36 188 147 161 1?6 88 21 69 1674 4 5 1 13 1 4 3 9 20 60 28 22 1 4 10 4 69 "l 7 '2 1 '6 2 1 I "i 1 22 136 00 3 22 709 5 90 « 15 8 00 2 87 2 00 6 46 6 02 2 12 3 46 2 "00 2 47 956 12 8 40 2 25 6 20 21 00 8 0« i 37 1 56 9 00 7 80 6 33 6 00 8 OS 2 W) 4 60 $58 2r> point Levis Three Rivers ,...,. Melhourne , 4 20 4 00 6 66- Sherbrooke £aton 14 00 6 60' Dudswell 8 00 Bury ..... 1 67 L^ecU 6 75 Danville New Ireland jturhani 7 5r 5 00* 4 00 Port Neuf 45 Metis Oaspe 1 60 2 00 • • 82 16 140 60 124 45 ■i: 10 oa 4 09 16 2.'> 12 1 50 1871.] WESIEYAN METHODCST CONFERENCE. DISTRICT. FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY a S* §2 • h a 5a i i t 3 xi O l«5 i 1 1^ $■ Total Value o Coiinextona] Property. 1* }■ W4 76 4860 76 1 90000 00 • • • • 90000 00 2000 • • 86 72 786 08 2 30000 00 • • • • 80000 00 760 • ♦ 84 68 810 17 8 42000 00 « • • * 42000 00 600 '-t ■ 200 00 1024 08 1 39773 00 « • • • 89773 00 400 22 40 28 178 08 2 16000 00 16000 00 : 300 6 50 7r. 21 1 1200 00 700 00 1900 00 i ^ 32 30 \n w 1 8200 OU 1200 00 • ■ • ■ 4400 00 1 200 81 00 124 o» 110 23 204 70 2 7000 00 1600 00 • > ■ • 8500 00 ' flOO 1 27 42 8 2400 00 1000 00 50 00 . 8450 00 360 24 40 32 4 6000 00 800 00 «... 5HH) W) 1 1000 2i> 46 00 191 CS 2 4000 00 1200 00 100 00 5300 00 920 16 10 00 74 38! 1 1500 00 1000 00 2500 00 400 l! ,, 2 1200 00 .. > > • ' 60 M) 12.50 00 13 72 80 87 4 3660 00 700 00 26 09 4*75 00 SSO t& 3 38 65 20 1 1200 00 300 00 • • • • l.SOO 00 400 ! 17 13 00 90 31 2 1400 00 200 00 ■ • • ■WHK) 00 86 i i & 4 50 68 87 1 • 500 00 600 00 ■M m 114« OU , 170 5 5 30 46 oa 2 850 00 550 00 . . - - 140« 00 960 , , • • • • 1 260 Oo 2S0 00 160 r • • • • "" 85 60 . , .... • • • • * * > • 100 , , • " • • 16 50 1 800 00 .... 800 OO 200 25 • • 1227 72^ 8489 47 3, 261923 00 11 9050 00 965 00 261938 00 9166 185 it DISTRICT. $58 25- 4r 20 4 00 6 66- 14 00 6 ec 8 00^ 67 6 75 7 er 5 09* 4 00 45 1 60 200 124 45 #76 56 $481 83 1 $50000 00 • • > • 950000 00 ': 1200 30 3 40 37 28 1 4000 00 , , > • • * 4000 00 i 60 10 10 91 62 1 1800 00 1 600 00 . . • • 2400 00 60 6 17 90 186 61 4 6200 00 1 lOOO 00 360 00 7560 00 800 25 15 00 180 11 2 6500 00 1 3000 00 . • •• 9600 00 400 10 14 36 186 62 6 7100 00 2 1800 00 • • # * 8900 00 700 15 3 28 63 48 1 000 00 1 600 00 . . • > 1200 00 250 15 2 24 34 64 1 900 00 60 00 060 00 250 13 15 00 94 65 3 2000 00 1 iooo 00 150 00 3150 00 400 37 16 00 62 08 2 2600 00 1 800 00 60 00 335U 00 400 15 8 00 140 30 2 2000 00 300 00 2100 60 SCO 26 9 20 85 09 3 2665 00 1 1200 00 65 00 3930 00 460 V S 2Si 12 16 1 400 00 » 1 • • • • 400 00 140 1 20 22 90 1 1600 00 ^ , *l «k .. • • •• 1600 00 70 ,. 8 00 7 13 7 2800 00 9 196 00 2996 00 600 IS 197 61 1614 861 86 91066 00 10000 Wi 900 00 102026 00 6980 290 I 76 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. 24. STANSTEAD CIRCUITS. BtanHtcad Bcebe Plain Conipton Hatley and Casavillo. Coaticoke Geoivevillo & Magog' Bolton Knowlton Shefford Lawrenceville CSranby Dunham Freleixhsburg Famham Sutton St. Annand Clarenceville 110 1)0 25. MANITOBA Fort Garry . . High Bluff.... KosHville .... Oxford House 1 37 • • 37 22 1 1 2 •• 43 •• 217 43 217 13 14 8 •• -■ • • 1 80 103 103 8 67 — 4 •• •• 320 400 •• • • 26. SASKATCHEW^AN Edmonton llouao & WoodvlUe Victoria •• 9 9 •• 135 150 102 387 135 159 102 8W 22 22 6 8 13 •• « . .. White Fish Lake.... Elk River (Blackfeet Indians • • 27. BB JTl :s] H. COLUMBIA Victoria, V.i Naualpio i i 4 lOO 40 30 9 36 215 ii 67 68 ~4~ 14 18 "lor 66 31 9 94 805 ~5~ 5 .. 2 13 .. New Westminster .. Cariboo Chilli wliack 31 2 48 2 .. • • 1 • • 1871.] WRSLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 77 DISTRICT. FUNDS. CONNEXIONAL PROPERTY. lit P c .2 i t 3 _6 1 3 3 8 3 1 1 1 4) 3 ■a i i 1 12 fl 1' 4) o 1^ ■s-a •3 -Si? a \ & 14 00 161 07 'so'ei 61 67 1.S8 65 29 36 110 47 64 91 140 86 86 85 179 41 141 98 96 00 97 90 60 00 116 30 175 08 60000 00 3000 00 60 00 • • • • 666"6o 660 00 300 00 860 00 166*60 68000 00 326c 60 2000 00 4100 00 1600 00 1400 00 12600" 66 3000 00 3400 00 10S60 00 9000 00 3660 00 900 00 6400 00 7600 00 800 "466 560 860 300 300 250 600 250 650 600 400 409 300 600 800 7 9 00 14 65 12 10 6 H8 1700 00 1200 00 2800 00 1600 00 1000 00 1600 00 750 00 1300 00 8 6 10 2 11 30 11 00 400 00 1 7 28 60 9 60 0100 00 SOOO 00 1200 00 9000 00 7600 00 8200 00 26O0 00 7 12 08 14 68 82 00 11 22 1600 00 1200 00 1200 00 8 24 1 ?? 6 60 900 00 15 14 00 21 00 6100 00 6000 00 1200 00 2600 00 24 20 227 87 1724 OO' 102300 00 18060 00 2060 00 122400 00 7460 1 166 PISTRIGT. i.4. 87 00 ton sofc.oo 260 00 712 12 •• .... .... • ••> • ■ • « .... .... 200 260 460 5 6 ( • 6 60 .... .... n DISTRICT. • • • • ^ .. • • * • .... • • • • • • Uoo 00 •• .... •• • • • • 1 ■ ( . * * * • • • • • J •• .... — • * «« .... • • • • .... 300 00 .... * • . . .... 1 .. DISTRICT. 33 00 116 00 '1 16.'J60 00 .... 11)0 Id * • • • 40 80 2 2600 00 ... 200 6 ■ • • • 96 00 1 500 00 * • • 120 , , • • • • 16 00 1 2000 00 • • . 100 « • • • • 4 0,)0 00 — ... 44d 24 ?Si 00 267 80 lio 22300 00 .... / .... .... 1265 48 1 !f li ;!» rani ■H fS MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871, I?.EO,A.FIT '\.w ■ •■ :, i l!i|:.: MEMBERSHIP. CONNEXIONAL ©fffl'KICTS. WHITH8. Indians. . . r>; 1^ i 1 1 1 & 1 On Tri'l Mbs On Tri'l Mbs Total 5 1 1 8 $ c. $ c. 9 c. 1 Toronto J.81 3r.80 ,, • • • • 4061 221 m 59 201 01 440 94 348 78 X Hamilton j 30fi 8562 18 126 4010 266 n .'.2 168 50 360 11 337 66 .f Xiagaru 71 22Vfl ■ • • • 2347 50 32 38 77 63 149 06 116 73 •t Brantford 204 3616 .... • . • . 3820 340 248 33 121 88 269 65 196 68 f London 190 3827 8 137 4162 254 63 62 162 20 322 66 226 15 c Chatliam 90 2018 3 124 2241 148 35 33 78 62 161 40 110 00 1 Sarnla 116 220 1534 3034 15 • • • ■ 176 1839 8264 197 116 6 165 23 25 57 70 105 21 112 98 207 43 102 65 JMOuolph 160 15 '; Goderich 68 3053 • • t • • • • 8111 211 86 27 102 92 197 70 148 11 "Owen Sound.. .. 130 2213 36 121 2499 265 67 1^ 49 61 84 68 67 25 1 1 Bariie 69 92 1480 2368 9 260 37 1808 2497 111 113 90 102 38 30 66 90 73 73 181 07 131 11 90 4S »iBradford 98 73 /J Whitby 84 2969 .... 14 8067 159 70 36 99 68 210 94 163 63 '*Cobour(f 138 2149 .... 36 2322 218 83 18 82 41 154 60 145 34 /fPeterhoro* 136 2473 • * . . 91 2699 361 23 84 72 03 147 08 125 66 /tBellevllle 202 4568 • ■ • • 4770 846 163 5? 109 14 242 69 144 87 i^Kiuffston 80 3201 • • • • 8281 86 30 47 95 20 180 93 160 86 /^Brockville 90 2917 • • . . • • • • 3007 81 i8;j 84 76 21 160 76 112 13 l^Pcrth 75 1779 • • • • t • • • 1854 18 48 32 64 76 1W1 53 102 52 < oPembrok 63 874 • • ■ • • • • • 937 86 , , 6 26 02 b\i 62 44 87 i^L Ottawa 46 2028 • > ■ ■ • > t • 2073 64 60 18 73 91 160 35 134 41 «tMontreal 209 2383 146 2738 206 60 32 161 86 635 88 860 .SO 1 l.Quebec ». rt 00 38206 00 195665 00 12627 307 » 306 14 2222 00 55 76S0<» 00 !1 D 11500 00 1910 00 89210 00 7680 1S4 ,. 449 17 3476 46 67 130060 0011 1 17800 00 8380 00 151230 00 18770 377 r 679 66 4277 44 86 148850 00 2 1) 24000 00 7236 00 180086 00 16700 436 t 287 87 1959 45 46 41400 CO 1 'i e780 00 <)20 00 60800 00 8400 305 y 204 94 1619 71 32 34000 00 1 88U0 00 f-;>5 00 43(i)'5 00 7600 241 , 406 86 * 835 77 8161 95 81 86365 00 1 [» 10076 00 1540 00 988.sC 00 11770 380 2422 10 1 66 74100 OO 1 i 12700 00 2450 00 89260 00 11320 620 .,147 71 1527 70' 44 36725 00 1 9 6;J77 00 1405 00 43507 00 7716 468 /I 186 6« 18«4 28 36 43080 00 1 2 10 100 00 1325 00 54806 00 6620 304 .1837 84 2742 63 59 51475 00 1 9 12050 00 970 00 64405 00 9360 383 ij604 01 4228 18 69 107116 00 d 8360 00 1910 00 117376 00 12860 331 (^343 90 3160 34 36 6:^ K) 00 1 10100 00 2000 00 66200 00 8760 1«9 / r 827 27 2862 88 47 40725 00 1 11050 00 955 00 62730 00 9644 403 1 i 674 18 4909 14 49 123;150 00 1 5 17000 00 3i;t0 00 143480 00 , ';"i66 473 1)463 40 3676 36 44 107860 00 1 2 17200 00 2400 00 121460 00 -)90| 325 , v333 04 28.'i6 86 46 69650 00 1 5 18660 00 1650 00 89860 00 ,1)3761 821 , ,208 18 1963 ^1 88 36866 00 1 1 11750 00 870 00 40486 00 6906! : 254 {,129 92 953 63 15 12660 00 a 6900 00, 616 OO 20066 00 3300! 142 / 286 81 2554 82 36 37520 00 1 10300 00 1460 90 49270 00 76001 212 ♦ 1227 72 8489 47 37 261023 00 • 1 1 {K)50 00 0(t6 0'. 261938 00 0166 186 I » 197 61 1614 35 35 91065 00 j J 10000 00 900 1' > 102026 00 6980 229 » t^ 227 87 h t 7 1724 00 26 102800 00 1 2 18060 00 2060 00 122400 «0 7460 165 712 12 300 00 267 80 10 22300 00 . 22800 00 1265 231087 48 10800 44 79660 66 2244919 00 | g 280232 00 81325 00 ^16476 00 7690 9373 10 74866 31 027 34 4806 24 :i\ '•■» U.'UlfjijiJ t •'-*■:: -*:-. ■p^^lj IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ y. ^. 1.0 |50 "*^^ '■IM 2.2 I.I IK Ui 110 11.25 1.4 1.6 p>. 4* ^l Photographic Sciences Corporation .# ^ 4^v :\ \ ^9> V # ». ^1. 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (7ii) 873-4503 m Hi '.i a fi^i;: APPENDIX B. SUBSCKIPTIONS TO SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS' FUND. Names of Minisienal and Lay Suhscriberti of Four Dollars and upwards to t/ie Superannuated Ministers' Fund. TORONTO DISTRICT. Rev. W.M. Punahon.M. A. •' G.Cochran •• E. Ryerson, D.D.,... " A. Green, D.D " L. Taylor, D.D " L. Wood, D.D '♦ S. Eose " E. H. Dewart " W. W. Kosa " A.Sutherland *' H. Johnston, M. A... " W. S. Griffin " E. Evans, D.D " C;. Turver *• D. McDonald •• J. Bredin " J. Montgomery ♦♦ C. Fish " A. Cunningham '* J. Shaw *' W. McFa('ien ...... *' A. L. Russell, B. A... " E, Clement " W. W. Carson «• S. C. Philp, jun E. Barrass P. W. Jonea S. H. Locke •' T. S. Howard " E, PhUlips $5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 <« «< «l 6 5 6 6 5 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 flGO 00 Toronto East. W. Gooderham $5 00 B. Walton 5 00 J. H. Rogers.... 4 00 J. MoriAy 4 00 A Friend 4 00 A.J.Mason 4 00 T.J.Mason 4 00 W. T. Aikins, M.D 4 00 S. Rogers 4 00 G. Pearcy 4 00 J. R. James 4 00 J. Foster 4 00 Toronto West. W. J. Shaw 50 00 J. Pateraon 10 00 M. Robins 10 00 A. W. Lauder, M.P.P... 5 00 R. A. Reeve, M.D 5 00 Mrs. Wiggins 5 00 AdamMiller 4 00 Mrs. Miller 4 00 A. Hamillon 4 00 E. E.Clarke 4 00 J. Doel 4 00 J. Charlesworth 4 00 J. Eastwood 4 00 J. Patton 4 00 W. S. Finch 4 00 R. C. Bothwell 4 00 A, Dredge 4 00 rED lars and $5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 50 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1871.] WE8LEYA.N METHODIST CONFERENCE. 81 J. Howson, M.D $4 00 E. Butt 4 00 W. W. Ogden, M.D 4 00 J. Davidson 4 00 E. Leadley 4 0^ Toronto North. Miss Bennett 5 00 John Brandon 4 00 James Myles 4 00 John Downey 4 00 James Jennings 4 00 Walters. Lee 4 00 Mrs. Dunspaugh 5 00 W. Kennedy 4 OO Brown Bros 6 (X) Mr. Hobbs 4 00 J. Gearing 5 00 J. Patt(tn (last year) .... 4 00 Yorkvillt. John Macdonald 100 00 Mrs. Macdonald ...100 00 Aithiir Crumpton 20 00 W. T. Mason 10 00 Mr. &. Mrs. V/. Blight... 4 00 J. W. Bridgland 4 00 George Kobinson 4 00 Robert James 4 00 S. Alcorn 4 00 Davenport and Seaton. Georgt Cooper 5 00 B. Bull 4 00 Yonge Street South. J.Lindsay 5 00 J. Routleflf 4 00 J. James 4 00 Jos. James 4 00 J. P. Bull 4 00 J. Morgan 5 oO M. Ro^rta 4 00 R. Jones 4 00 Mr. Horsley 4 00 Yonge Street North. W. P. Dickout $4 00 H. Dickout 4 00 R. Wilson 4 00 Weston. '-■■ Robert Stonehouse 10 00 Dr. Bull 4 00 Heury Dennis 4 00 Brampto,:. John Pearson 5 00 John Wilkinson 4 00 David Smith 4 00 Jvfsse Watson 4 00 John G. Watson 4 00 John McCuUough 4 00 George Graham 4 00 William Foster 4 00 John Baywell 4 00 Emanuel Harrison 4 00 JohnC. Sneli 4 00 William James 4 00 Streetsviiln. J.Gardner 8 00 Mrs. R. Gardner 5 00 J. Leaiy 5 00 J. Simpson 4 00 R. Barber 6 00 J. Gooderham 5 00 Hon. J. C. Aikins 5 00 John Aikins 4 00 Joseph Graham 4 00 J. Wail 4 00 R. Craig 4 00 W. Garbutt (legacy) 4 00 Cooksville. George Shaver 4 00 OrangeoUle. Thomas Jull... 4 00 f, ■.,-\\ ■>Xh \f 1683 00 -> ■' % 82 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871 HAMILTON Rev. W. H. Poole $5 00 W. J. Hunter 6 00 James Ha<:uion 5 00 William Galbraith.. 6 OO S. D. Rice,D.D 5 00 W. H. Laird 5 00 Robert Da vey 6 00 W. Willoughby ... 5 GO Chaa. E. Mclntyre. 5 00 John V^ . Savage ... 6 00 T. W. Jeffrey 6 00 E. H. Taylor 5 00 M. Fawcett 5 00 T. Colling, B. A 5 00 Charles A. Hanson. 6 00 Thob. D. Pearson... 5 00 1. B. Tallman 5 00 J.E.Willmott,M.A. 5 00 Thomas Woolsey ... 5 00 Stephen Kappele ... 5 00 100 00 Hamilton Centre. T. S. PoweU..v 4 00 Hamilton West, K Jackson 10 00 Mrs. Jackson 10 00 D. Moore 10 00 Mrs. Moore 4 00 MissMoore 4 00 W, E. Sandford 5 00 Mrs. Sandford 5 00 E. Gumey 6 00 Mrs. Gurney 5 00 TBickle 4 00 J. W. BicUe 4 00 W. Boice 4 00 Mre. Boice 4 00 Mrs. F. W. Watkina 4 00 Joseph Lister 4 00 DISTRICT. A. W. Fobinson $4 00 J. W. Fearman 4 00 H. C. Perkins 4 00 D. B. Chisholm 4 00 Peter Warren 4 00 Mrs. Hutchinson 4 00 A- McCallum ... 4 00 M. Howies 4 00 Dundas. Isaac R Howell 4 00 Levi Howell 4 00 William Binkley 4 00 Mra Hopkins 4 00 John Ware 4 00 Thomas Dunkin 4 00 George Buckley 4 00 JohnNeflF 4 00 J. B. Keagy, B.A 5 00 Wellington Square. J. Baxter 4 00 A. 4>. Emory 4 00 D. R. Springer 4 00 Milton. Nelson Bums, M.A 5 00 Johnson Harrison 4 00 Joshua Van Allen ... 4 00 W. &. T. Hv Wilimott ... 4 00 Austin Willmott 4 00 John Colling 4 00 OahvUle. James Applebe 5 00 William Wass 5 00 Mrs. Eliza Stafford 5 00 CainsvUle, W. A. Narraway 4 00 211 00 [1871 U 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 5 00 5 00 5 00 . 4 00 211 00 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 83 NIAGARA DISTKICT. Lev << (< «( << << <( <( «( yM ;l • *'.' f 1 ■i In n i 84 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. Ill-' Oxford Centre. Samuel Cawley ^00 Simcoe. A. J. Donly 5 00 J, R Carpenter 5 00 Richard Smith 4 00 Port Dover. H. A. Collier $4 00 Lyneduck. George Kent 4 00 $73 00 Rev. LONDON DISTRICT. R. J. H. R. C. James Elliott $5 00 Edwin McCoUum... 5 00 William Briggg 5 00 R. J. Foreman 5 00 James Harris 5 00 J. H. Str-rr 5 00 H.Hall 5 00 Learoyd 5 00 McLean 5 On Whiting 6 00 Stringfellow 5 00 James Turner 5 00 Wm Ames ^ 00 George Calvert 5 00 A. Edwards 5 00 B. Sherlock 5 00 James E. Dyer 5 00 Wm. Lund 5 00 James Kennedy ... 5 00 D. C. Clappison 6 00 James Allen 5 00 George Sexsmith ... 5 Oo John Smiley 5 00 C. vJookman 5 00 J. Edmonds 6 00 Thomas Crews 5 00 James Charlton 5 00 Thomas Hadwin ... 6 00 Peter Gterman 5 00 Abraham Sickles ... 6 00 James Gray 5 00 Reuben E. Tupper.. 5 00 $161 00 London— North Street. Noble English 25 00 John Green ... 5 oo John McClary 5 00 George Robinson 6 00 W^iUam Hilliard 4 00 S. Peters 4 00 Thomas McCormack $4 00 Henry Green 4 00 H. Abbot 4 00 R. J. C. Dawson 4 00 London — Dundas Street. Noble English 25 00 A. Keenle>aide 10 00 Wm. Bowman 5 00 Alexander Johnson 5 00 Pamela Johnston 5 00 St. Thomas. George W. Morgan 4 00 W.Coyne 4 00 Ingersoll. ArmondClarka 4 00 Charles W. Ferguson 4 00 Salford R. A. Janes 4 00 St. Mary'». George Gould 6 00 Aylmer. George Appleford 5 00 Thank-offering 4 iK) Fingal. Amasa Wood 5 00 Mrs. Casey 4 00 Port Stanley. B. Wintermute 4 00 Exeter. Thomas Rogers 4 00 Lucan. "' Charles Maguire 8 00 Belmont. J. B. Lane 4 00 James Addison 4 00 1181 00 l,^W [1871. . $4 00 . 4 GO ^73 00 .. U 00 .. 4 00 ..4 00 .. 4 00 feet. .. 26 00 .. 10 00 .. 5 00 .. 5 00 ... B 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 6 00 .... 6 00 ... 4 «0 .... 5 00 .... 4 00 .... 4 00 .... 4 00 .... 8 00 4 00 .... 4 00 1181 00 1871.] WE8LEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 85 CHATHAM DISTRICT. Rer. «< «4 «( l( • ( (t «l « # (i Oeorgetoum. ^^ T. G. Matheaon 6 00 Thoa. Foster 6 00 Mrs. BriggB 6 00 Eloi-a. Samuel Fear 4 00 Thomas Hall 4 00 S. Weber 4 00 J. Bowman, M.P.P 4 00 " I)rayton. '• Thoi. J. Owen 4 00 VK: .,'* Bwlin. '{^ ' W. Mesmer 4 00 153 00 '„;'!V:il i* 1871.] WE8LEYAN METHODIST OONFKBENCB. gy PETERBORO' DISTRICT. Rev. (« (< << .^i'^;- ■?•>,'■■ i..'i?:^;,; ; . .'. ■ .'v /.;;; , .. .J-T APPENDIX C, xtt REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. REPORT OF THE MISSIONARY COMMITTEE FOR 1871. In accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Con- ference of 1870, the Secretary of the Missionary Committee begs to submit the following Beport;, fuxd abtstrOiCt qf thfi proceedings of said Committee : — ^" ' "" -• -- - The Committee met in the town of Port Hope, on Tuesday, 11th October, 1870. The President of the Confei-ence in the chair. After devotional exerciies, the adoption of the minutes of the Sub-Committee of Consultation and Finance, and a brief conversation in regard to the Indian work, the question of the Incorporation of the Missionary Society was introduced, and it was decided that a Committee be appointed to take steps to secure the passing of an Act by the Dominion Legislature, incoi*porating the Society under its preuent constitution. The Secretary then read certain Resolutions referred by the Conference to the Committee, as follows : — That the Secretary of the Missionary Conunittee shall annually Report to the Conference the proceedings of the Committee ; that an abstract of thnt report shall be published in the Minutes of Conference, as in the case of other mixed Committees, and that a column shall be added to the table of Connexional Funds, now published in the Minutes, in which the sums raised for Missions on each Circuit or Mission shall be entered. The motion was adopted by the Committee. The second Resolution was then read as follows : — *'That with a view of reducing the expenditure of the Missionary Sooiety, this Conference aeems it iuexpedi*'nt to employ moro than one General Secretaiy of the Society, " .I» (";'!li:;l»« '"%: 98 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. It was moved by the Rev. Dr. Evans, and seconded by Wm. Clkndinning, Esq. *'That the recomn^€.ndatiou of the late Conference respecting the diminution of the number of tho officers of the Society, having received full and respectful consid'iration, the Committee is of opinion that in the present state cf our great work, and the prospects of its rapid extension, it is not advisable to attempt its prosecution with a reduced number of Agents at the Mission Rooms ; but that the Committee earnestly urges the importance of such distribution of official labors as will enable the officers to visit more frequently the various Missions, and assist at the anniversaries of the Branch Societies. After a full discussion, the motion was put, and the vote, being counted, stood — For Dr. Evans' motion, 47 ; against, 7. The Committee then proceeded to appoint the officers of the Society as follows : — .... rt 1 a I ' /The Rev. E. Wood, D.D. General Secretaries......... | , ,, ^ ^^^j^;^ j^jy^ General Treasurers \ ^ , nfJ" j ' vl ^^ ' \ John Macdonald, Esq. ( The Rev. W. Jeffers, D.D. Auditors \ " " J. C. Slater. ( W. T. Mason, Esq. On motion of John Macdonald, Esq., seconded by W. H. Gibbs, Esq., it was Jteaolved, — That in view of the pressing necessities of the new and destitute settlements in Ontario and Quebec, the vast field opened up in the Province of Manitobah and British Columbia, for Missionary effort, the wants of the stUl neglected Indian Tribes in these provinces ; as well as the desirableness of main- taining a true Missionary charact««r by prosecuting foreign Missionary work, — It is desirable that our present Domestic Missions become self- sustaining Circuits as speedily as possible, and thus better enable the Society t j send help to distant fields, and that the present appropriations be made in view of such early independence. In regard to the 3rd Resolution referred to the Com- mittee by the Conference, it was Resolved, — "That in view of the possible changes that may be made in the revision of the Constitution of this Society, the con- sideration of the Iteaolution referred from the Conference be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee. 1871. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. S3 bA by ig the having e is of id the ttempt at the ges the enable 18, and 3 vote, inst, 7. cers of D.D. D.D. D.D. D.D. sr. W. H. lew and ist field >lumbia, Indian of main- foreign omestio osaible, t fields, of. such Com- be made che con- trence be Tiie Committee took up the question of appropriations to the various Missions, and these being completed, the Committee adjourned to meet in the Town of St. Catherines, on such day as may be appointed by the Sub-Committee of Consultation and Finance. Ur.tC ;<:,»'»l4*S«''f A. SUTHERLAND, *" Sec. of Committee. REPORT OF THE CHURCH RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE, 1871. The Church Relief Fund Committee reported the follow- ing grants, which were confirmed by the Conference : — DISTRICT. ciRcurr. CHURCH. Niagara St. Catharines Gregory's Comers " ^.. Port Dalhousie Port Dalhousie ... Brantford St. Williams Normandale Tilsonburg Tilsonburg London London South Chatham Bromley Sarnia Arkona . St. Johns Baddertown Arkona Ravenswood Erin Guelph Erin •• Rockwood Bethesda ** Drayton Kothsay " Washington New Hamburg ... " ... Berlin Preston (German) " Listowel Gowanstown •• Teviotdale Mount Carmel *• Arthur Arthur •' Wellesley Cross Hill Goderich Howick Lakelet " Teeswater Teeswater •• Lucknow Lucknow Owen Sound Markdale Markdale Barrie Orillia Orillia " Parry Sound Rosseau '• Sault Ste, Marie... Sault Ste. Marie... Bradford Innisfil Belle Ewart Peterboro' Omemee Salem ** Lakefield Lakefield Amt. $41 00 81 00 41 00 81 00 81 00 61 00 61 00 41 00 81 00 50 00 21 00 81 00 41 00 21 00 61 00 7 00 7 00 61 00 41 00 121 00 81 00 81 00 41 00 163 00 81 00 81 00 21 00 K r. : '-lU' ■'n 100 MINUTES or THE CANADA [I87I. Belleville '...v.. <( «« Perth ZZ. Ottawa .. Tweed .. Frankford .. Shannonville .. Bannockbum .. Pitzroy Harbour ... . Bell's Comers .. Osgoode .. L'Original it Tweed Frankford Lonsdale Caehel Fitzroy Harbo.' . Craig's Duncan ville Point Fortune.... Vankleek Hill.... Lachine New Durham .... Highland Brook . Point Levi Frelighsburg .... LawrenceviUe.... .. 81 00 .. 81 00 61 00 . 61 00 41 00 .. 81 00 7 00 t» 41 00 *( 7 00 Montreal Quebec « .. Montreal .. Durham .. Eaton .. PointLevi .. 61 00 61 00 61 00 81 00 Stan stead .. Frelighsburg ... LawrenceviUQ »•••• m Account .. 61 00 .. 41 00 " Book Roo' 12467 00 23 20 Laymen's Expenses attending I band of the Treasure Committee . . .j4,„. . , , r .. 20 70 Balance in $2500 90 19 10 » 't The following resolutions were passed by the Committee relating to the sale of Church property, and approyed by the Conference : \ TORONTO DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the old Church in the village of Orangeville be pennitt':^ to sell the property, the proceeds to 1^ applied toward the erection of a new Church. That the Trustees of the Old Church, Klineburg, be permitted to sell the old building and grounds, to apply the proceeds of sale on fhe new church. GUELPH DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the Salem Church, Elora Circuit, be allowed to sell that property, the proceeds to be applied toward the erection of a gallery ana sheds at Elora. BARRIE DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the Craighurat Mission Parsonage be per- mitted to sell the property, the proceeds to be applied toward an erection on a more eligible site. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 101 7 00 II 00 7 00 BRADFORD DISTRICT. That the Tnistees of the Aurora Church be permitted to sell In order to plaoe the property under the provisions of the Modsl Deed. whitby disttjct. That the Trustees of Zion Church, Cartwright, be allowed to sell the property, the proceeds to be applied toward building a new church. PKTERBORO* D' fRICT. That the Trustees of the Lindsay Church be permitted to sell the property, the proceeds to be apphed toward the erection of a new church. That the Trustees of the Oakwood Pa*tionage be allowed to sell the property, the proceeds to be applied toward the erection of a Parsonage in a more eligil)le site. BELLEVILLE DISTRICT. That the Trustees of a certain lot in the Thurlow Circuit, formerly designed for a Parsonage, be permitted to sell said lot, the proceeds to be applied toward the liquidation of the debt on Reid's Church. MONTREAL DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the Oddlltown Parsonage be permitted to sell that property, the proceeds to be applied, toward a new one already purchased. OWEN SOUND DISTRICT. 1. That the Trustees of the old Parsonage lot, Thombury Mis- sion, be allowed to sell the property, the proceeds to be applied toward the purchase of a lot in the village of Thombury. Tne lot is known as part of Park Lot No. 2, north-et^t side of Duncan street. 2. That the Trustees of White's Church, Thombury Mission, be allowed to exchange a certain portion of land known ae Part 3 of Parli Lot No, 3, Duncan, Bruce and Bussel Streets. The land offered in exchange lies on two sides of the Church lot, westerly on Duncan, and southerly on Bruce Street. BROCKVILLE DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the Spencerville Church be allowed to sell the old Church and lot, to apply the proceeds toward building a new churchi CHATHJ. M DISTRICT. That the Trustees of the old Church property, Windsor, be allowed to sell sa'd property in view of building a new and more commodious church. % [Recommendations of Committee concerning Old Church Deeds, see Miscellaneous Proceedings, page 51.] i 1) ft 102 MINUTES OF THIS CANADA [1871. REPORTOFSUPERANNUATEDMINISTERS'FUND, ^'«' 1870-71. I'} P^. II Rev. John Douse, Treasurer, in account with t?ie Sufkbannuatsd Ministers' Fund. 1871. I c. I 0. To Receipts from Circuita... 10,660 99 •' Minister*' Subscriptions 2,652 00 13,112 99 " Grant from Mission Fund 2,865 00 •' Interest on Investments 1,621 30 4,476 30 " To Legacy of late Mrs. Lockie, St. Andrews 380 00 '* " " Mrs. Gettis, Montreal 68 12 Donation of Mrs. Martha Brandon, Brock Circuit 100 00 ^ 468 12 To Monies Repaid < 7,904 82 •• Balance 234 85 126,197 08 Ca. By Balance, 1870 Paid 70 Ministers 13,678 00 " 29 Widows 3,387 33 142 38 Miscellaneous Expenses : ** Travelling Expenses " Book Room for Minutes, &o. •* Expenses on Property * ' Interest on Annuities *' Postage Account 17,066 33 ** Investments 67 38 63 22 39 84 11 00 12 93 194 37 8,796 00 126,197 08 1871. 1870. COMPARATIVE RECEIPTS. Circuita. Miniatert. Total. $10,560 99 $2,51* 00 $13,112 99 93,360 60 2,49G 00 11,856 60 Increase $1,200 39 $66 00 $1,956 39 1871.] WELSEYAN METHODIST CONFESENCE. 103 COMPARATIVE DISBUKSEMENTS. _ ".MO 00 ; ^ '< 8,066 00; ToUU 16.d3« 00 John Dousk, Treamrer. j G. R. Samdkrson, 8€cnt0ry, * I. B. Howard, 1 ^ .., William. Hall, / ^^^dUori. REPORT OF CHILDREN'S FUND COMMITTEE, 1871. RECEIPTS. 1870. B«laQce in hand at lasfc report J421 4g LKSS. June 7, Repaid St. Thomas, overpaid j for members |3 5© •• " Repaid Parry Sound, overpaid 10 60 " 8, Paid for 2 children. Dr. Selley, omitted go GO "30, Paidforlchild,J. HutchiuBoni omitted 25 00 • ' 30, Paid for 6 children, Mrs. Hugill, omitted 125 OO Post Office order and discount 00 75 1214 75 1871. ^20«73 Cash from Districts, 61,880 members... 21,679 35 ^ 21,886 08 DISBURSEMENTS. Payments to 870 children |21 600 00 Treasurer's Postage and Stationery ' 4 oO Bahuic« in hand ^^'^^ ^ Examined and found corx«ct. John S. Evans, ) . .., Jay Youmans, | ^^dUora, Belleville, June lOfch, 1871. 4 !^' '■■ I- 104 MIHUTES OF THE CAKADA [1871. r PI!" I IS, The Committee are glad to report that all the amounts due from the several Districts have been promptly paid. The Treasurer has met the claims of 870 children, amounting to $21,600, and leaving a balance in hand of $282 08. During the year, 5.3 new claimants have arisen, 24 h.'ve passed oflf the b und by age, and 9 have diud, so that there is a net increase of SM to provide for — in all 890. The increase in the nuraber of members, however, is such that the Fund can still pay to eaoh child $26 a ^ear. In order to this, the usual rate per member of 35 cents, moluding those on trial, is recommended. The Committee have pleasure in acknowledging their obligations to the Qeneral Treasurer, Rev. J. C. Slater, for the diligent and satisfactory manner in which he has performed the arduous duties connected vnth his office, and in recommending that his appoint- ment, as well as that of the General Secretary, £ev. J. H. atarr, be continued. In answer to the resolution of the Brockville District and the memorial of the Brockville Quarterly Meeting, in reference to the claims of the children of Superannuated ministers, the Committee beg to report — 1st. That it was not the intention of the Kingston meeting of IBM to embrace those children in the provisions of the Fund ; nor was it so understood when those provisions were sanctioned by our quarterly meetings ; nor were the claims of such children paid until some years after the Fund was established. 2. The plan adopted of paying the claims of such children was considered tenable only on the ground of conforming to English usages. ^ 3. To enable the Fund to meet these claims, the brethren in the ''active work voluntarily forego the amount of five dollars on each child, receiving only $25 instead of $30, as allowed by the Constitu- tion and the sanction of the Quarteily Meetings. 4. This Committee, therefore, recommend that no altera' ion be made in the law as published in present Discipline. ^ J. H. Starr, Srcretary, J. C. Si.\TFB, Treasurer,, 1871.] WESLEYAJT METHODIST rONrERENCE. 105 REPORT OF THE CONTINGENT FUND COMMITTEE. RECEIPTS. By Balance from last year flR 71 " Circuit Collectiona 4797 94 •* Grant from British Conference • 9940 00 •• Conference Coileotiona IJW 70 PAYMENTS. To Balance due Treasurer from last year 639 95 •• Interest on '• 30 07 " Exi)en8e8 of Connexional Committees 109 85 " Special cases of aflliction 745 69 " Lay Kepresenta^ives on Committee 33 00 " Book Room Account 212 85 *' Pulpit supply arising from affliction 76 00 Funerals 375 88 Conference Expenses .. 136 90 Appropriations to Districts for 1870-71 4400 00 Misoellaneous expenses 46 56 7880 35 4« <« «< «i Balance in Treasurer's hand. 6703 76 1185 60 17889 35 Approprxaticma to Districts for 1871-72. Toronto $133 Hamilton 101 Niagara 123 Brantford 301 London 315 Chatham 178 Samia 231 Guelph 227 Goderich 106 Owen Sound 210 Bradford 88 Whitby 294 Cobourg 427 Peterboro* 165 Belleville $612 Kingston 263 BrockviUe 246 Perth 105 Pembroke 140 Ottawa 245 Montreal 70 Quebec 88 Stanstead 167 Proportion of President's Salary 600 $4800 The Rev. J. C. Slator and J. A. Mathewson, Esq., are the Auditors for the ensuing y«ftr. The Committee recommends the re-appolntment of Rey. James Qiray, as Treasurer. JOHN BREDIN, Skcrctary. f . it'iJi 106 MINUTES OF THE CaNADA [1871. M , I i i/ Ul >\t ',.,* ' ii li .;..3:- REPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL FUND, 1870-71. Dr. To paid Expenses for Examinero, 1871 $ 98 44 do. do. Students, k870 54 37 do. do. -^ Students, 1871 720 00 1872 81 Cr. By Balance on hand as per account, 1870..... $1,508 02 By amount to Victoria College 635 21 We have examine i the accounts in detail and find the same cor- rect, and agreeing with the vouchers accompanying the same ; the balance being loaned to Victora College. John Lewis, l j.ulltor^ t Bt!leville. June 14th, 1871. ♦ » THE KEPOKT , OF THB SABBATH SCHOOL COMMITTEE FOR. 1871. Bespectted Brethren, — YodT Committee rejoices in being able to report a marked improvement in our Sabbath-school work. The returns from the various Districts are much more complete tnan Uiose presente'i last year, and there is a gratifying increase in all the items embraced in the reports. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 107 report The )mplete itifying Withia the euclosure of the Christian Church are many trees — of the Lord's right-hand planting — which have been furnished by this recognized nursery ; still, it must be admitted that the grand harvest, of which a bountiful sowing has given reasonable hope of expectation, has not been garnered. We have no opportunity of arriving at the exact number of conversions which occur from year to year; but if we take the scholars meeting in class as the nearest approach to the estimate, the number seems exceedingly small, being less than one-twelfth of the onUre number of scholars reported. Much benefit must result from the wide-spread circulation of Sabbath-school literatiure. Thousands of our own excel- lent Advocates, and large numbers o£ other valuable periodicals ai*e regularly supplied to the scholars and teachers, furnishing the best antidote to the pernicious literature so abundant in these days. The Banner is taken by many schools ; but in others it is regretted that no journals are taken which are especially calculated to aid the teachers in their work. Periodicals issued by those who are actually employed in the work of advancing Sunday-schools, and are thus in a position for extensive observation, are well calculated to benefit those who are engaged in the work of teaching. We are glad to report that our excellrait Book Steward is now fully prepared to supply valuable library books and otiier Sabbath-school requisitwi at a very cheap rate ; and we would respectfully recommend our Sabbath-school officers to examine the stocks which he has constantly on hand before going elsewhere. Your Committee would respectfully recommend the Con- ference to appoint a " Sunday-school Library Committse," whose duty it shall be to make such a select ion of books, by personal examination, as may safely be put into the hands of our scholars,carefully excluding all light literatui-e. m ■ I ! V i t H f , U ■i *r "•»• ij 1 I ^ 1;^ _t I'll ■ ■ I'slfr- I?' r ■■ h |i ■ ,1-. ^ T ' ' ^ j ' 1 i . ^1 !i ■•:.:it !! ■ s ^ 1 :.i'' : ■ 1 » in, J ^H , " " !' 108 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. In 586 schools the Catechisms of our Church are taught to a greater or less extent. Your Committee feels impressed r ith the importance of provision being made in our 8cheme of Lessons for the regular use of the Catechisms. "We are glad to find that of the teachers there are 7,729 ■who are members of the Church. Your Committee is of the opinion that it would be of permanent benefit '•o tfie Church to publish the Sabbath-school Returns of each Cir- cuit in the Minutes each year, as in the case of Church Members, thereby securing a permanent record and present- ing an increased incentive to carefulness and precision in the collection of statistics. -i Your Committee would respectfully suggest to the Con- ference the propriety of directing that the columns in the Schedules distinguis^hing between the sexes, in the returns of teachers and scholars, and thp*t giving the proportion of Methodist publications, be left off when new Schedules may be prepared, thereby effecting a saving of eight columns without materially lessening the value of the information furnished. Also, that columns be inserted showing the avei'age attendance of scholars and teachers, and the number of conversions during the year, as we have now no means of aixivijag at these facts. Your Committee deeply regrets that '.he resolution of last Conference, which contemplated bringing the interests of Sabbath-schools more prominently before the Annual District Meeting)?, has by some means been overlooked in the pre- paration of the new bt^ok of Discipline, and respectfully requests the Conference to direct that there be a resolution published in the Minutes of the present year, to meet the caae. The General Statistics of our Schools are, as reported to your Committee, as follows : — il 1871. ,atiglit ressed cheme 7,729 5 is of ■^o tfie ch Cir- Dhurch (resent- L in the ae Con- i in the returns rtion of lea may columns rmation ing the number aeans of M if ; n of last irests of District the pre- jectfully (solution Beet the )orted to 1871.] WESLEYAW METHODIST CONFERENCE. 109 'Ji < ■- ^; ' ;: ■ ■, 112 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. with undiminiRhed fervor mutual brotherly affection, and a common zeal for the work of God. Our material i)ro8perity increases on every side. Chapels and sdiool-houses in larger numbers than ever bear evidence to the liberality of our people. Our Fo 3ign Missions annually bi^come more ex- pensive, and our Home Missions awaken wider sympathy. Our Theological Institutions secure enlarged support ; and our entire ecclesiastical machinery becomes increasingly complete, God accords also to the diligent labor of His servants the rich reward of converted souls. Our returns show a net increase of 2,925 members in Society, with 20,433 on trial for membership. Our Sunday Schools con- tain more than 600,000 scholar"- with 105,000 teachers. Never have we held so influentit. . a position in our land : our responeibility, therefore, never was so great as it is to- day. We tremble as we remember the issues dependent on our fidelity : our personal talents, our wealth, our ecclesias- tical organization, and all the other gifts of God's bounty which we possess, we desire afresh to lay upon His altar, and humbly to dedicate them with solemn vows to His glory. Never have we felt more the need of His spirit. The bones ai^e gathered and assorted in the valley, the skeletons are covered with sinews and flesh , not only the form of life, but also, thank God, some of its power is with us ; but as ihe fight thickens, and the foes of Christ and His cause multiply, we are conscious that nothing but an intenser Divine energy can give us the victory. Therefore, in faith taking firmer hold of the Mediator, we cry aloud for power from on high. With all confidence we leave to your next Conference the election of its President, who, according to custom, will ap- point his Co-Delegate ; and with the renewed assurance of our fraternal affection, we conmend you to God and the Word of His grace. Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference, Burslem, Aug. 9th, 1870, JOHN H. JAMES, [1871. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 113 , and a osperity u larger ' of our lore ex- mpatby. >rt ; and •eaaingly of His ' returns by, with ools con- teachera. ur land : it is to- ndent on ecclesias- 's bounty altar, and lis glory, rhe bones etons are ott of life, but as lis cause intenser in faith or power jrence the will ap- u ranee of and the ADDRESS OF THE CONFERENCE OF THI WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA. In connectUm with the BrUisk Conference^ TO THK CONFERENCE IN ENGLAND. Reverend Fathers and Brethren, — *' *' Your truly interesting and encouraging Address has afforded us heartfelt satisf tction. The facts you state have excited our gratitude and animated our faith ; and the sentiments you express reminds us of the ever grateful truth that Methodism is the same in doctrine, spirit, and power on both sides of the Atlantic. This unity pervades all brancuea of the Methodist family ; and in proportion as the spirit of primitive Meth- odism prevails in each of these branches, the cii-cumstantial divergencies which have separated them appear more and more insignificant, and the spirit of entire oneness increases in strength. So strong and general has this spirit become in Canada, that resolutions have been adopted by the Conferences of several Methodist bodies in favor of their consolidation into one united Methodist Church, and re- presentatives have been appointed by them respectively to meet in a united Committee, which has agreed upon and recommended certain general principles of union. There is reason to hope that the time is not remote when the isolated and often conflicting exertions of the several sections of Methodism, shall be combined and united into one communion in the divine work of spreading Scriptural holiness over the land. While, as you state, the public mind in England, and throughout Europe, has been agitated by a bloody war on the part of two great nations, which has called forth the ill ! ;r't lU MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. \ ' I St ■t .1 i ■ 1' noblest expressions of British sympathy and benevolence in behalf of the many thousands of the wounded and dying, the people of Canada have enjoyed perfect external and internal peace; and we devoutly hope that all misunder- standings l»etween Great Britain and the United States, will be so adjusted, as to give assurance, not only of peace throughout the continent of North America, but between the two great nations of the Anglo-Saxon race. The increasing population and multiplying settlements of this country, and the additions to our Dominion of the provinces of Manitoba and British Columbia, impose new and large contributions upon our labors and the liberality of our people ; but in accordance with the aggressive char- acter of our system, and impelled, we trust, by the mis- sionary sjdrit of our divine Christianity, animated, more- ever, by the example of our forefathers, and the experience of the past, we are resolved to keep pace with the progi-ess of population, to follow the new settler into the wilderness, to comfort him in his loneliness, and guide him in his path- way to the rest of a better home ; whilst, at the same time, we seek to strengthen and build up the work of God in our growing cities, towns, and older settlements. During the past year, seven of our Ministeral brethren have been removed from the ranks of the chui'ch militant to those of the church triumphant — certifying in death, as they had done in life, that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth ; but our ranks have been increased by the ordination of twenty-one laborers to the full work of the minittry, and the reception of forty-five new laborers on trial — making our present number of Ministers 633 ; whilst the present membership of our church, irrespective of congregational hearers, amounts to 66,799 — being an increase of 2,111 over the preceding year. All our institutions have advanced during the year, as have the means of supporting and extending them, by the inoleased liberality of our people, whose pious exertions to sustain the cause of missions, to support the Ministry, and to wrect suitable places of worahip, are beyond all prec^Esdent, as they are beyond all pr ise. [1871. jvolence i dying, nal and isunder- i States, of peace between tnents of Q of the )08e new iberality ive char- the mis- id, more- :perience progi-ess ilderness, his path- ,rae time, od in our brethren militant death, as ;r of God ur ranks venty-one reception present mbership amounts preceding year, as n, by the Brtions to stry, and precedent, 1871.] WB8LEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. lid In our various labors we have been greatly assisted and encouraged by the counsels and labors of our beloved President, the Reverend William Morley Punshon, A.M. The experience of another year has only deepened our sense of the greatness of our obligations to you for permitting him to remain among us ; and any language we can employ would fail to express our grateful estimate of his varied gifts, his administrative talents, his powerful ministrations, his generous sympathies, his extensive travels, and his vast labors. We and cur people, and many of other religious persuasions, have deeply sympathised with him in the heavy domestic affliction through which he has been called to pass, whilst we have thankfully admired the resignation and l>ersevering activity with which he has sustained it. In accoi-dance with your permission, we have re-elected t^ Mr. Punshon as our President for the present year; and we have, by the same mode of ballot, nominated him for ap- pointment as our President for the next year. According to onr expressed wish at our last Conference, our respected brother, the Rev. George R. Sandenson, haM been appointed Co-Delegate for the present year ; and we have nominated our honored brother, the Rev. John Borland, for appoint- ment as our Co-Delegate for the next year. We have also appointed Mr. Punshon as our Represen- tative to convey to you our i*espectful salutations and the expi'ession of our unabated affection, and to communicate to you full information in regard to our affaira and tiif^ state and prospects of the work of God in our land. We only express the strong wishes of our people and of our country at large, when we earnestly hope that Mr. Punshon may long be permitted to live and labour in Canada. Reverend Fathers and Brethien, — your own Address, the love and harmony which have characterized all the pro- ceedings of the present session of our Conference, the state and wants of our country, together with our own vows and obligations, impress us with the determination to conseorate ourselves i^resh to the great soul-saving work in which our fathers have so faithfully led the way, and for which alone we desire to lal>or, live, and die. Knowing that our whole 'ii' i \I\ 1 ft A r i', 116 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. power with men for good depends upon our power with God, that our strength and spirit In this work result from our dwelling in God and God dwelling in us, we give ourselves anew to Him who gave himself for us ; we seek to be filled with the love and compassion of Christ ; we implore a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost, that we may be mighty through God in conflict with the principalities and powers of dark- ness, that we may be successful in bringing many souls to glory, and in diffusing throughout the land the truth as it is in Jesus — the sure foundation of law and liberty, the essential element of true civilization and happiness. One with you in the gi'eat work of the world's salvation, we intreat the aid of your intercessions, while we pray that the richest benedictions of grace and wisdom, of love and power, may crown your labors with abundant success. Signed by order and on behalf of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. ^i^ti^^ ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, > Secretanry. Belleville, June, 1871. ADDRESS OF THE CANADA WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE, TO TUX CONFERENCE OF EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. '• ^^11"' Rev. and Diah Brethren, — That the Address of our last Conference, throngh cir- cumstances over which we had no control, should have failed to reach you at the proper time, is to us cause for sin- cere regret, especially so, that in consequence thereof we are without your fraternal greetings in reply. 1871. hGod, m our rselves ) filled a fresh hrougli f dark- ouls to as it is 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 117 ^y» the Ivation, ay that )ve and (S. ) of the etary. EYAN H )ngh cir- Id have for sin- f we are We assure you of our continued and increased interest in all that pertains to your growth and pro8[)erity as a part of the great family of Methodism. One in ancestry and filial relationship to the Parent Body — one in doctrine, discipline and untiring zeal fur the salvation of souls, we feel that your sorrows are our sorrows, and that your triumphs are our triumphs. In the words of our honored and venerated founder, your mission and ours is to spread scriptural holi- ness over the land ; and never recreant to a trust so sacred, we shall never fail of the divine blessing, and surely never fail of success in our great work. You have no doubt watched with gii^at interest the untiring steps which have been taken towards a union of the different Methodist bodies in Ontario and Quebec, and we hope the day is not far distanf when, upon a basis broad and strong, that union may be consummated. And while, by the Act of Confederation, the ministers and people em- braced within the boundaries of your Conference are now with us subjects of one Dominion, we confidently look for- ward to the time when, beneath the flag of that Dominion, there will be but one mighty Methodist organization with its voice of praise and prayer, and the proclamation of a free and full salvatio-i by a living ministry, reaching from the shores of the Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and we have great pleasure in informing you of the appoint- ment of a Committee to confer with a deputation of your Conference with the view of accomplishing so desirable an object. Kecognizing, as you do, the value of secular education upon Christian priiiciples, and especially the value of an educated ministry in the stupendous efforts you have put forth for the accomplishment of those objects, you will rejoice in our success in a similar department of Christian work. Upwards of eighty-three thousand dollars have been subscribed towards the endowment of the University of Victoria College, and of that amount more than forty thou- sand dollars have been paid and invested. The College is annually sending forth numbers of young men, second to the graduates of no other, and who, with cultivated in- 9 ! 4 1 'U i'j r " w liiW' 118 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1^71. tellecta, and, in many instances, sanctified hearts, must exert a salutary influence upon their country's future. The "Wesleyan Female College continues to enjoy a large measure of public confidence and support. If the moral and religious training of the families of the Dominion forms its character, and if the mother's influence forms the char- acter of the family, we cannot place too high an estimate upon the value of the work of the sister institutions of the two Conferences — yours in Sackville and oure in Hamilton. To know that the labors of the Rev. John Burwash, M.A., meet with your hearty approval gives us no surprise, and aflbrds us much satisfaction ; and we cordially acceed to the request of the College Board that his appointment be continued for another year. Our record of the past year contains much that is full of en30uragement. With the rapid growth of agiicultura, manufactures, and commerce, our people are increasing in wealth and liberality, and, consequently, we enjoy, as a Church, a large measure of temporal prosperity. Churches and Parsonages are being buil in laige numbers, and many of the former are models of architectural skill and beauty. Our Connexional Funds are liberally sustained, and the Missionary income exhibits a gratifying increase. With thankfulness and gratitude to the Great Head of the Church, we are enabled to report an increase in mem- bership of more than two thousand. But amid much that is encouraging, our '^ant, in answer to earnest, fervent and be- lieving prayer, ie / mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit, in- fluencing all citoiri^as of society and extending to every con- gregation. The present session of Conference has been one of great harmony and brotherly love, and its public services in a very especial manner have been marked by the presence of the Master and the unction of the Holy Ghost. Its memories must be ever fragrant j and carrying with us, to our different fields of honorable toil, high resolves for in- creased devotion to God, we const«.ni-ly hope for an enlarged outpouring of the Holy Spirit, not confined to any instru- 1«71. must , large moral forma 3 char- timate of the nilton. M.A., 96, and to the ent be I full of Bulturs, «ing in •y, as a hurchea d many beauty, md the Hoed of n mera- h that is and be- nrit, in- ery con- one of services presence )8t. Its h us, to for in- enlarged y instru- 1871.] WESLEY AN MmUODIST CONFERENCE. 119 mentality or locality but wide-spread and univei*8al. Oar prayer is, — " May God hasten it in Hia time." We have great pleiusuro in informing you of the appoint- ment of the Rev. Hamnel D. Rice, D.D., and the Rev. Jas. Elliott, one of our ex-Presidents, to carry to you our frater- nal greetings, and trust that their presence and addresses will aid you in your Conference business, and increase tba interest and efficiency of your public services. And now, tlear brethren, for the present we say farewell, praying that the blessing of the Great Head of the Church, whose we are and whom we serve, may largel} and visibly rest u|)on you in all your Conference deliberations, and u|>on the congregations to which you ministar in holy things. Signed by order :uid on behalf of the Conference, Belleville, June 1 4, 1871. A. SUTHERLAND. Secretary. ' ADDRESS OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, •TO TUB GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE M. E. CHURCH IN THE UNITED STAIES. Reverend and Dear Brethren, — It is not merely as a form and usage, that we renew, every fourth year, our official and fraternal intercourse with your venerable body. We do so with a lively sense of the oneness of Methodism over the world, and of the importance of maintaining that oneness ; with a grateful recognition of the interesting relations existing between ourselves and the Methodism both of the United States and Britain, regarding ourselves as a soii; of connect\ng link between i\\ ij m 120 MINUTE3 OF THE CANADA [1871. the two ; and with a feeling of the responsibility arising from our common relations to the past religious history and future religious destiny of the North American Continent, we pray that our Methodistic and Evangelical relations may mutually become more and more strong, brotherly, and holy. When we think of what God hath wrought through you in a few score of yeai*s, and observe the undiminishing, nay, rather the ever-increasing, vigour of yo':*? agencies, and the enterprising breadth of your far-seeing pp as , and when we think of the inevitable progress of your country in population, wealth, and education, and your own future as a great American Churrli, as well as a mighty Missionary organization, we do not wonder at the seriousness and hopefulness with which you regard the share which Christ has allottet'. you of the wox'k of universal evangelization. To lay the foundation of churches in Amt^ica, which are hereafter to mould the characters of its immense populations, and then to send thousands of Missionaries to the heathen world, is tinly a work of unparalleled imix)rtance, and one in which we rejoice in some measure to share. God has entrusted to us a great charge in this new Dominion of Canitda, now extending from the Pacific to the Atlantic, containing a vast extent of territory, the destined future home of scores of millions of peo[)le. And we are endeavouring earnestly to obey every Divine call to occupy new fields, and we feel encouraged by the most animating prospects. Since we last addressed you our membership has been very considerably increased, and our people have added, by nev/ erections, more than half a million of dollars to the value of our church property. Our Sabbath-schools also, are in a very prosperous state ; while a desire to provide more adequately for the religious in- struction of our youth will, we hope, cause much increasd attention to this groat, duty of the Our missionary operations are every year assuming greater magnitude, and the increasing liberality of oiu- friends is enabliug us to enter many of the numerous open doors inviting us to take possession in the name of Christ. 'J •» [1871. msing ry and tiuent, lationa ly, and ^ gh you 'g, nay, 38, and d when itry in iture as isionary iS8 and Christ lization. lich are ilations, heathen and one Ids uewr icific to )ry, the 3. And iB call to le most you our and our 1 half a ,y. Our ) ; while gioua in- increasd issionary ude, and ug us to IB to take 1871.] WESLKYAX METHODIST CONFEHENCE. 121 We admire the extent of your educational ]>lans, the munificence which enables you to execute them, — the wide Ruccess of your educational work ; and we ara encouraged by remembering that your body has achieved all this after many years of early discouragement, because your faith in your future enabled you to persevere. Though our insti- tutions are few, compared to youi-s, they have conferred various and important benefits on the church and on the general community ; and we have not the same ample provision as you, we also have faith in the educa- tional future of Methodism. Methodism had to originate, — to create from nothing, with the Divine help, all her edu- cational institutions ; and if so short a time has produced results so surprising what may not be expected fifty years heiice ? The subject of Methodistic Unity has been exciting, for a few years, considei-able attention in this couniry. The Confei'ences of the different Methodist bodies have, for several successive years, appointed Committees to feel their way to some practicable terms of union. We have, at our present session, adopted several resolutions, designed to facilitate the very desirable object we all have in view, and venture to hope that every difiiculty will gradually disappear. We hope also soon to see the Con- ference of Eastern British America united into one body with ourselves. It appears to us that the distinguishing and most hope- ful feature of our times, the most remarkable develop- ment in the history of nations, and one grand security for the progress of liberty and the Gospel among men, in the fact that Divine Providence is now planting in every part of the earth great Protestant and English speaking nations. These are destined to become a universal and transforming leaven of health among the nations of the world. We theref^^ve rejoice with you to witness the growing tendency to seek a closer union among the evan- gelical churches ; and we recognize it as the obvious duty of all of Methodist name to seek a closer fellowship, because one of the benefits of fellowship between the churches ia the promotion of international peace and good will. And imM ■m i \ 1 iliS 'i ''t 'J 'li-' ' wk W li t-' In 1. ^ w.' ',' ' |(- i ," ikaSD ^Hu ^ w 'm i ^ ■I ■ i| 122 MINUTES OP THE CANADA [1871. should not all who read the English Bible to unite, the world over, to preserve the world's peace, to break the ■world's fetters, and to hasten the world's millennium ? We appreciate the value of your expressed desire, while adapting your agencies to your work so as to Sccure their increased eificiency, to preserve in all their integrity the essential principles of Methodism. The doctrine of conver- sion, and the converting doctrines of the Gospel, as well as those means by which, among us, sinners have been con- verted, and those by which they have been preserved and perfected, are as precious to us as ever. The world is alv/ays practical enough, in its estimate of religion, to judge of it by its manifest efiects. i. We do indeed deeply sympathize with you, in rv-^ sit- ing the gi-eat bereavements with which it has pieasea God to visit you, in the death of several of your most eminent and useful ministers. We doubt not that the Divine Spirit will guide you, as it has ever guided you, in filling the place of the distinguished Bishops who have departed to their reward. We have been greatly interested in listening to your welcome address, and have been edified and refreshed by the presence and intercourse of the Rev. J. W. Lindsay, D.D., and the Rev. Asbury P. Lowry, D.D., your honored representatives. We heartily comm ;nd to your fraternal regards the faithful and beloved brethren, Revs. G. R. Saiiderson, Lachlan Taylor, D.D., and Alexander Suther land, by whom we send this address, and who will mcc fully make known to you all our state. And now, honored and very dear brethren, we pray God to magnify his grace in you more and more, and that our common Methodism may more and moi-e abound in all holy and saving works. Signed in behalf and by order of the Conference, WM. MORLEY PUNSHON, M.A., President. ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Belleville, June 14, 18T1. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 123 THE ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH UNDER ITS CARE. 14 itary. Dearly Beloved Brethren, — At the close of another Conference, and under the blessed influence that has pxjcompauied its sessions and i^^^s services, we are privileged once more to address you in words of pastoiul counsel and aifectionate greeti.ig. The sessions have, in addition to the business usually presented, been occupied with questions of momentous interest to our Church. Important among these is that which relates to the Union of the different Pranches of Methodism in Canada. "The general recommendations" adopted by the united Committees of the Canadian Churches, and referred to the respective Conferences by which they were appointed, were duly ana fully considered by our Confei-ence. Resolutions, embodying the views of the brethren assembled, were cor- dially adopted, and will be published in the printed Minutes of the Conference. From these you will learn our readi- ness to aid in facilitating any feasible plan to bring into closer connection the different sections of Methodism in our Dominion, and our willingness to co-operate in any hopeful project for its accomplishment. The debates arising during the sessions from the various questions presented, could not but evoke, on some occasions, in so large an assembly, in which freedom of expression is impartially conceded, some diversity of sentiment. But white candor, fidelity and independence charactericed the discussions, they were ever marked by courtesy, and con- ducted in the spirit of Christian love. ■r. hfy-^ IrA'! i '^ I 1 ■ ^ f*» f liifi' 124 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. In speaking of the religious services connected with the Conference, we may remark, that whether we refer to the overflowing congregations which waited upon the ministry of the word, and for prayer, upon the week-days; to the solemn and sanctifying service on the evening of che first day of Conference, when hundreds of ministers and people surrounded the table of the Lord ; to the public reception on the Friday e/ening of >he twenty-two young brethren who v^ere received into full connection with the Conference ; to their ordination on the following Sabbath to the full work of the ministry ; or to the thousands who thronged the sanctuary of the Lord on that Sabbath, and listened with great delight to the preaching of God's precious Word, — we rejoice to say that these services were attended by more than ordinary manifestations of the Spirit oi God. We are assured that much prayer, both by ministers and people, had been offered for the Divine blessing to attend the services of the Conference ; and to this, under God, may be attributed those gracious influences with which we have been favoured. In reviewing the labours of the past year, we thank our Heavenly Father in being permitted to chronicle sticcess. As €!vidence of spiritual prosperity, we are enabled to report a xiumerical increase, after the losses arising from deaths and removals, of 2,111. The fruits of deepened religious principle have been T^resented by you in augmented liberality in your gifts to the treasury of the Lord. The first to be noticed among these is the support of your ministers. With your own improved circumstances, you have not been unmindful of thos(j whom God has appointed to labor with you, and " watch for your souls, as thjy that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief." The Missionary Fund, notwithstanding the large amount which it has reached in former years, not only maintains it« position, but has advanced beyon 1 it, and this year also reports an increase in income ; the increase over last year being |5,000. We cannot but remind you of the heavy responsibilities which rest upon us as a Missionary Church j now especially -111 1871.] W::SLEYA i METHODIST CONFERENCE. 126 [1871. th the to the inistry to the - 16 first people caption rethren erence ; 11 work ;ed the ed with roril, — y more i. We people, md tua may be ve have ank our success. 10 report 1 deaths re been gifts to among )ur own adful of ou, and lut, that p mount tains it« ear also tast year e sibilities specially as no aid in suppoi-t of any of our missions can be looked for from the Parent Society ; and we are constrained to maintain and extend both our Home and Foreign work as God opens doors for us to enter. Our Home Missions must, from the increase of population which the tide of immigration is bringing to our shores, continue to make large demands upon the missionary treasury. In regard to the Foreign field, we are now in possession of the fullest information as to the importance and the necessities of the Missions in Manitoba, and in the remoter North-Weatem sections. And those in the moat recently confederated Province of British Columbia, from the invaluable mtelli- gence commuiiicated by our honoured and beloved President, as the result of his recent visit to that country, come before us with stronger claims, and with irresistible appeals for additional labourers. You will Vje pleased to learn that one of the most experienced ministers of the Oonference has responded to the call of the Church, and, with his family, lea\ es in a few days, to undertake the charge of the Missions in that land. He is to be accompanied by one of the young brethren who was ordained on last Sabbath, and who willingly and cheerfully goes to engage in the toils of Mis- sion work in that distant part of C^\nada. We are sure you will not fail to follow these beloved bi*ethren with many and earnest prayers. In reference to the other funds of the Church they also have been well sustained. The Contingent Fund exhibits an increase of about $500. The Superannuation Fund haa exceeded that of the past year nearly $1,000. The Church Relief Fimd is also in a state of improvement, — increase in income, $45. And the Educational Fund shows an advance of $792. . Under the question of Finance we may notice the pros- perous condition of our Book Room, as shown by the triennial report presented at the Conference. Also the exertion and liberality app^^t-ent in the erection of churches (many of them spacious and elegant), and the enlargement of others. Several parsonages hax'e been built, some im- proved, and others Lave been more comfortably furnished. *9 f ^r ■I J «' I'* ... .„.^ ^ r . ■ i i. .i 126 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. ^ m^'''-[ The expenditure on churches, &c., is nearly half a million of dollars, during the past three years. Our Educational Institutions have been favoured with a year of most encouragirg prosperity. Victoria College maintains its commendable position among the Universities of the Dominion, and is enabled to assure us, in the report presented, that its recent sessions have been most successful, and that its halls have been attended by a number of students not exceeded in any former year of its history. The Directors of the Wesleyan Female College at Ham- y ton are em: bled this year to furnish the most hopeful and encouraging report of any year since its commencement, and the future is full of promise. It must be cause of much satisfaction to parents to know that, in sending their suns and daughters to be educated in the institutions which are under the guardianship of the Church, they not only secure for them superior educational advantages, but the moral safeguards and the spiritual in- fluences which are so generally known to distinguish the University at Cobourg and the College at Hamilton. Our duty in reference to the Educational interests of our Church, cannot be evaded, neither can they be overestimated. The interest arising from the investment of the College Endowment Fund not yet being available, and the Govern- ment grant having been withdrawn, some immediate steps were ,bsolutely necessary to meet the current expenses of our institution. Rather than advise another public coUeo- tion, which was suggested by some, the membens of the Conference placed themselves under obligation to contribute or obtain during the year the amount required. We com- mend to your perusal the resolutions adopted on this subject. The obligations which the support of our seminaries of learning involves should not be regarded as a burden, rather welcomed as a privilege. The accepted tax for their support will repay a hundred-fold, even though you limit the result to the lo^'est standard of temporal benefits. But there is a higher benefit ; there is a consideration of the moral power which they exert in the country, — a country which, under Qod, W6 have had much to do in cultivating. If we [1871. illion of I with a College rersities e report ccessful, tiber of ►ry. it Hani- eful and icement, to know cated in 3 of the icational itual in- Liish the L. 8 of our timated. College Govern- te steps )en8es of c coUeo- of the ntribute Ve corn- subject. paries of burdeUj for their ou limit is. But he moral Y which, If we 1871.1 WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 127 would maintain the occupancy of the field which we have rescued from its wilderness state, we must keep pace with the advanced intelligence of the day. As it regards the ministers of our Church, who are, and who are to he, your instructors, and the instructora of your children, in tho&e questions especially which are of transcendaut, because they are of eternal, importance, they must be, (and you your- selves demand it,) in every sense equal to their mission : endowed by nature with gifts, enriched by heaven with grace, and aided by that knowledge which iu is the office of education to confer. The character and influence of our Sabbath-schools is in this connection appropriately considered. From the inform- ation received, we learn that much attention continues to be devoted to this department of the church. The past yetir has been one of unprecedented success. With the in- creased facilities furnisl ;d in illustrated periodicals and numerous Sunday-school libraries to attract and instruct the childreu, and retain them in the school, much good is done. Ministers and superintendents of schools cannot, however, be too careful in guarding the spiritual welfare of the scholars. Do not permit the attractions of the schools to be too dependent upon these things. Store well the minds of the children with sound doctrine, not forgetting that our incomparable series of catechisms is eminently adapted to aid herein. Caution is .necessary in keeping improper books out of your libraries. No exertion should be con- sidered too great in securing healthy literature for the youth of the church. To this end we commend to you the selections furnished by our own Book Room. We solicit your hearty co-operation in the still more extensive circulation of our official organ, tho Christian Guardian, which, we are happy to say, is ere long to appear in an enlarged form, and much improved in every sense. We also ask for your continued exertions in securing the more wide spread distribution of these valuable papers, the Sunday School Banner and the Sunday School Advocate. We cannot too strongly urge upon you, surrounded as you are, in common with other*, wioh the cares and tempta- >i^ 'M r 128 MINUTES OF THE CANAFA [1871. I \, tions of this life, the sedulous cultivation of that spirituality which is indispensable to practical godliness, and that holiness of heart which is the strength and consolation of the soul. We affectionately beseech you to be faithful to private devotion, and to all those means of grace which are among the peculiar chr '<\cteristics of Methodi.ini, at the same time that they are among the chief sources of her strength. By you. who are heads of families, let the morning and evening domestic worship never be neglected. In this, and in all the virtues of Christian character, be ye examples to your children and to your households. Give no sanction to those amusements which are so damaging to the souls of men, and so destructive to advancement I", the divine life. Endeavour to influence those, committed to your care against the evils of extravagance in dress, which is among the most dangerous ♦endencies of the times. Costliness of living is, with its manifold evils, inflicting its legitimate penalties on many. Be it yours, by frugality and by simplicity, to escape its snares yourselves, and to reprove it in others. The terrible evils of intemperance cannot be too vividly pourtrayed. The Conference, fully alive to the extent of those evils, re-affirms its judgment on the subject, and ftgain records its strong conviction as to the value and necessity of those temperance organizations in which its ministers take so deep an interest. Should your mind be in any wise disquieted by the many forms of error with which the glorious gospel of Christ is sometimes impiously assailed in these days, we press upon your attention the remembrance and the consideration of the blessings which that gospel has already conferred upon you, and distributed around you ; and we would further have you think of the "blessed hope," with which it has inspiied you. We have no new Saviour to offer to you, no new gospel, like some, to present. There is only one Saviour, there is only one gospel. Should there be any that would *' trouble you " by their teachings, and who " would pervert the gospel of Christ" by their writings, then remember the solemn asseveration of the apostle — " Though we or an angel trom heaven preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preeohed unto yovi, let him be aGCursed.* [1871. 1871.] WESLKYAN METHOD. .T CONFEHE^CB. 129 1^ tuality d that ition of iful to lich are le same rength. ng and lis, and camples ction to jouls of ine life, against he most iviug is, ilties on city, to lers. vividly xtent of id again lecessity linistevs le many ;^hrist is 3SS upon >n of the 3on you, er have inspiied no new Saviour, lb would pervert Qber the or an Ton than icursed." Souje of those who have gone in and out among the people shewing unto them the way of Eternal life, shall do so no more. Our Heavenly Father has t)een phsased to call to rest and reward several of our much beloved breth- ren, among them the veteran and the youth. They died in the triumph of that blessed faith which they had preached to others. But while the Master takes some away He gives others to fill their places. This year He has called seven to their rest, but he has also called forty-five to labour in that part of the vineyard which he has given our Church to cultivate. Beloved brethren, we entreat you rpmeml>er those who ai-e appointed in the Lord to be your miuifstors. Whether the brethren who ministered to you dui-ing the past year, or others (perhaps total strangers to you,) are directed by the Conference to become vour pastors and teachers, give to them that welcome which a Christian alone can give, and which a Christian should never withhold, remembering that the most affectionate attentions may lose much of their intended benefits by delay. Our earnest prayer is that the grand object of pi-f aching Jesus and the resurrection may be fully realized dun r the year on which we now enter. Our duty is not only to warn sinners but to build up believers ; to present Christ to all, " warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." It is more than probable that .some of you who now listen to these words of counsel and affection, will not be present to listen to a similar address twelve months hence. Should the summons in the interval reach you, may you be ready ; and may your change be from the trials cf this life to the glories of a better. Be true to your covenant vows ; renew your consecration to God ; continue in the old paths. Ever by your un- swerving fidelity rejoice the hearts of those whom Christ has honoured as the instruments of your salvation. May your hope of heaven never be dimmed. May our hope of meeting you at the right hand of God in '* that day," ever be bright and cbtering. " For what is our hope. <;|S^ ■X- , :.\ . 130 MINUTES OF CONPEItENCE [1871. or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ vX his coming 1 For ye are our glory and joy." " For now we live if ye stand fast in the Lord. For what thanks can we render to God agpin for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before God." Now •* the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one towards anothor and towards all men, even as we do towards you. To the end He may stablish your hearts unblameable in holine»s before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lor<;l Jesus Christ with all his saints." Signed by order and in behalf of the Conference, WM. MORLEY PUNSHON, Preside JTT. ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, SECUETARi'. Belleville, June, 1871. 1l it 1871. 1 the •or ye d fast sakes le and I men, iablisli m our ith all ENT. 'AK \'. APPENDIX E. COURSES OF STUDY AND BOARDS OF EXAMINERS. A COURSE OF STUDY FOR CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY OF THE WESLEYAN METHODIHT CHURCH IN CANADA All Candidates be/ore heiyig recommended to the Conference to he received on tria , shall undergo a acUiiffactorii examination in — English Grammar, Composition, Geography, Arithmetic, Collier's History of the British Empire, Biblical History, Pinnock's Analysis of Old and New Testament, Parts II. and III., Blakie's Biblical Geography, Wesley's Sennons, I. to Lll. N.B. — Each Candidate shall be required to write an Essay. Subject to be given at the time of examination. FIRST YEAR. At the end of the first year, Candidates shall be ex- amined in The Evidences of Christianity, and of the Gen- uineness, Authenticity, Inspiration, and Uncorrupted Preservation of the Books of Holy Scripture, and Natural Philosophy, from the following Text Books : — Watson's Theological Institutes, (Part I.,) Angus' Bible Hand Book (Chaps. I. and II., Sees. 1, 2, 3,) Wesley on Christian Perfection, Hare on Justification, Ganot's Natural Philosophy, by Peck. For Reference and Consultation : — Paley's Evidences and Horse Paulinse ;* Stuart on the Old Testament Canon ; Westcott on the Canon of the New Testment ; Lee on Inspiration, especially chapters 1, 4, 6 and 8, and Home's Introduction, Part I. new edition. * London Traot Society's Edition. m rf •v ,■ • '' , , , ■ - ■ * II r to tho District Mft^tin^. 3. In mUlition to the usual thoron. A COURSE OF STUDY H' i.-^:;L \m roK CANDIDATES FuR THE MINISTRY OF THE WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, IN THE OERMAN V-ORK. All (Jarul'ulates before helny recommemled to Oan/erence to be received on trial, shall pass a satisfactcry exaviiiiation, in the followituj subjf'is : Nast's Larger Caxechisin ; The Calverein Church History ; The Discipline ot the M. E. Church in the U. S., Pt. I., Pi II., Ch. 1, and Ch. 2, Sec. 1-9 j Elements of German Grammar. After admission, they shall be examined each year during tlutir proha- tioH, as follows : FIRST YEAR. Jacoby's Compond of Doctrines and Scripture Proofs ; Wesley^s Sermons, "Vol. I. ; Hare, on Justification ; Kurtz's Sacred History ; Weber's General History ; Wurst's Grammar. SECOND YEAR. Wesley's Sermons, Vol. II. ; Wesley's Christian Perfec- tion ; Fletcher's Appeal ; Sf,aeir's Church History ; Wurst's Grammar, Cvimpleted. THIRD YEAR. Nast's Introduction to the New Testament ; Lisco's Ex- position of the Creed ; Nast's Wesley and his Coadjutors ; Pearson on Infidelity ; Ahn's First Course of English. FOURTH YEAR. Warren's Introduction to Theology ; Warren's Logic ; Luthardt's Apologetics ; Harless' Christian Ethics ; Ahn's Second Course of English. The Candidates will present a written Sermon each year on some subject embraced in the course of study for that year. Examiners. — Revs. Dr. Evans, E. B. Harper, M. A,, Prof. Burwaah, Prof. Peynar, Jacob Fmshman, and C. S. Eby, B.A. APPENDIX F. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. REPORT ■''I 1 i.i iu (,' OP THE *' TREASURERS OF VICTORIA COLLEGE, 187L The Treasurers of the College, in submitting their Annual Report, desire, in the first place, to acknowledge their obli- gations to that kind Providence which has watched over them and the interests committed to their care during the year. They are also thankful to know that the results of the year have been such as to encourage them to press more strongly than they have ever yet done the claims of the Col- lege upon the people of Canada ; for they are satisfied that the Institution has increased its hold upon the sympathy and patronage of the public at large. In presenting their financial statement, the Treasurers would like to be able to report the track clear from all obstructions of a pecuniary character ; but we have not yet reached that point. Still the College prospers ; and we expect will continue to prosper increasingly, notwithstanding all embarrassments ; and will do its part towards making this Dominion what God obviously designs it to be, — a great, prosperous, intelligent, and religious country. To meet obligations, we have had to use the credit we have with the Banks, as well as with individuals ; making it necessary fcr us to pay in interest and discounts a much larger sura than it is at all desirable, and which must not be continued if we would Keep from getting so far in arrearjj as to make it difficult to get clear of an embarrassing balance against us. The decision of the Conference last June, to secure an increase of one-third upon the December Collec- tions of 1869, — which to the credit of many of our Minis- I' V VI M H ■it ■yr-% ' ,' t . i^^, ill 5® ( ' ' ' •: ; ! 'tt , t 1 ■ I'll f ^ *' i '\'ii - ' '1 ' 'If 130 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. ters has been done, — would have given iis substantial aid, had it not been for two new claims which were put upon our funds, viz., an allowance to a retiring Professor, anionnt- in if at preijent to $549, and which will run over iliree years ; and a considerable portion of the appropriation made Ijy the Educational Committee to the young men sent to the College by the Conference. These two additional cliiims have nearly \ised up that part of the one-third increase which has been paid, leaving us, rtnancially, in the same position as we were last year. Also, from 160 Circuits, up to the closing of our books, we have received nothing. Hence, instead of $4,000 which it was supposed we would realize fro'r. rhe increased amount of collections, we have received only $2,528.68 to make up for the $5,000 taken from us by the Provincial Legislature. It needs, therefore, no great amount of argu- ment to make it apparent, that we had either to borrow, and trust to the success of future efforts to obtain relief, or let the Proftsf.ora go unpaid, and the character and interests of the Institution suffer. We have good grounds, however, for expecting better things. There have been, during the last year, a larger number of young men attending the classes of the University than in former years ; and there has ! een an increase in all the items of local income. The amount available for income from GraHuation Fees, also, is consider- ably larger than it has ever been before. This, wo hope, may be regarded not only as a reliable but an increasing source of income. From various causes, the assistance which we expected from insuring our church property, in the Queen Company, for the benefit of the College, has not been fully realized. Still, the number of Insurances effected have yielded more than double the amount reported last year, being sufficient to ju.stify the arrangement, and to encourage us to persevere, hoping ultimately, thoujih perhaps slowly, to bring the Trustees into it, esp^-cially in the Cities and Towns. In the rural districts, the majority of the Trustees, who insure at all, think it to their advantage to go into some Mutual Com- pany, which often turns out to be the most expensive. The Queen is a first-class stock company, and the Directors are among the most reliable mea in the Dominion ; so that our [1871. ial aid, it upon tmiount- e years ; 3 by the ! College e nearly las been we were g of our F $4,000 11 creased 28.68 to rovincial of argu- row, and f, or let erests of ever, for the last e classes has ! '^en amount consider- wo hope, icreasing expected !)ompany, realized, led more sufficient )ersevere, iring the I. In the insure at bual Ooni- Lve. The motors are that our 1871.] WELLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 137 interests may be considered perfectly safe in their hands. We hope, therefore, that all who can come into the Confer- ence arrangement, will do so, and thereby help the College. As yet the Institution has received no assistance from the Endowment Fund. The interest that has accrued from in- vestments has been re-invested, and added to the principle to facilitate the consummation of the scheme. And although the desired 8100,000 is not yet secured, there is a sufficient amount collected and invested, now drawing interest, to give the Institution such support another year as, with the continuance of the December (.'ollection, will improve our financial position, until the whole of the contemplated Endowment is secured. Richard Jones. Wm. Kerr, UNIVESITY OF VICTOkIA COLLEGE, COBOURQ. THB OOLLEaB BOARD. i The Hon. The Attorney General of Ontario. The Hon. The Speaker of he Legislative Assembly. TRUSTEES. F'rst Division. The Rev. Enoch Wood, DD. The Rev. Anson Green, \X D. The Rev.E.Ryerson,D.D., LL.D. William Kerr, Esq., M.^V. Second Division. The Rev. Richard Jones. The Rev. S. S. NeUes, D.D. The Rev. George R. Sanderson. A. W. Lauder, Esq., M.P.P. Third Division. The Rev, I. B Howard. John Beatty, Esq. M.D. The Rev. Geo. Douglas, LL.D. J. H. Dumble, Esq. M.A., LL.B. VISITORS, The Rev. W. M. Punshon, M.A. The Rev. James ElUott. The Rev. Wellington Jeffers.D.D. The Rev. A. Sutherland. J J. Maclarcii, E8q.,M.A., LL.B John Macdonld, Esq. B. M. Britten, Esq., M.A W. W. Dean, Esq., B.A. Thomas Holden, Esq., B.A. M. Lavell, Esq., M.D. W. Beatty, Esq , M.A, LL.B. W. Brouse, Esq., M.A., M.D. fi^ '|fi| i: Hi'i ■MA- ■■'i. I' ■>i' ■, if .' iM^rl! i I -1 (•':.- 138 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. UNIVERSITY SENATE, Tho Senate is composed of the members of the College Board, together with the Jrrofessors of the several Faculties of the University. OPFIOBRS OF THB SBNATB. Rev. S. S. Nelles, D.D., President. Prof. John Wilson, M.A., Registrar. FACULTY OF AKTS. Kcv. S. S. Nelles, D.D., President, Professor of Mental Philosophy, Logic, £thics, and Evidences of Religion. .John Wilson, M.A., Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages. Rev, N. Burwash, M.A., Professor of Cnemistry and Natural History. Rev. Alfred H. Reynar, M.A., Professor of Modem Languages and English Literature. A. R. Baiu, M.A., Professor oi Mathematics and Astronomy. ■A M 'i COBOURG GRAMMAR SCHOOL. In Affiliation with the University. ' M Rev. James Roy, B. A. , Head Master. James Mills, B.A., Classical Master. Rev. Henry J. Coachafer, Mathematical Master. . ii FACULTY OF MEDICINE. TORONTO BRANCH. Principles and Practice of Surgery, — William Canniff, M. D., M:R.C.S., England. Principles and Practice of Medicine, — Norman Bethune, B.A., M.D., Edinburgh, M.R.C.S., England, and F.R.C.S., Edin- burgh. Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence, — Charles Valance Berryman, A.M., M.D. Physiology and Microscopy, — John N. Reid, M.D. Theoretioal and Practical Chemistry,— John Herbert Sangiter. A.M., M.D. [1871. Bfc Board, 8 of the tilosophy, ignages. i Natural uages and >my. L. ,Bter. iflf, M. D., [ine, B.A., ::.S., Edin- )S Valanoe Sangster. 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 139 Associate in Physiology and J ectnrcr on Sanitary Sciences. — John Fulton, M.D., M.II.C.S., England, and L.R.C.P., London. Midwifery,— Eli James Barrick, M.D., M.R.C.S., England, and L.R.C.P., London, L. R.C. P., and L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Lie. Mid., R.C.S. England. Diseases of Women and Children,— J. N. Agnew, M.D. Botany, — Richard A. Reeve, B.A., M.D., Descriptive and General Anatomy, — .John A. MuUin, M.D. General Pathology and Medical Diagnosis, — J. Algernon Temple^ M.D. M.R.C.S., England. Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Surgical Anatomy, — A. F. Mallock, ^'.A., M.D., Glasgow. Diseases of the Eye and Ear,— A. M. Rosebrugh, M.D. Pharmacy and Curator of the Museum,— 8. P. May, M.D. Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Opthalmology,— By Drs Canniff, Berryman, Cassidy ai'.d Rosebrugh. William Canniff, Dean. C. V. Berkvman, Secretary. \ John H. Sang.steu, Treasurer. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. MONTREAL BBANCH. Midwifery aud Diseases of Women and Children, — Eugene H. Tnulel, M.D., Dean of Faculty. Theory aud Practice of Medicine,— P. Beaubien, M.D. Surgery, — Pierre Munro, M.D. Institutes of Medicine,— B. Peltier, M.D. Anatotay, Descriptive and Surgical,— J. B. Bipaud, M.D., Secretary and Treasurer. Chemistry and Pharmacy, — T. D. D'Orsennens, M.D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, — J. Emery-Coden-e, M.D. Medical Junaprudence and Natural History, —J. P. Rottott, M.D. ^ Clinical Surgery,— Dr. Munro. Clinical Medicine, — Dr. Beaubien. Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of Museum, — A. Brosseau, M.D. FACULTY OF LAW. COBOURO Examiners. Hon. Lewis Wallbridge, Q.C. | Wm. Kerr, Esq., M.A. Byron M. Britton, Esq., M.A. n ••» 14 I- (' m w 11 wnt ' i-mb rinl? •■; m .»!-,! p^n 140 MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. FACULTY OF LAW, MONTREAL. Profeseor of Civil Law and Dean of Faculty, —The Hon. A. A. Dorion, Q.C. Professor of Civil and International Law, — Joseph Doutre, Esq., Q.C. Professor of Criminal Law- — William H. Kerr, Esq. Professor of Commercial Law and Secretary of Faculty — John A. Perkins. M.A., B.C.L. * Professor of Laws of Procedure, — Gonzalve Doutre, B.C.L. Professor of Roman Law, — C. Geoflfrion, B.C.L. wesleyain female college, HAMILTON, Ont. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. inward Jackson, Esq. , President I Joseph Lister, Esq. , Treasurer. C McQueaton, M.D. Vice-Pies't. | Rev. S. D. Rice, D.D., Secretary. Governor— Rev. S. D. Rice, D.D. Board of Directors. William Boice, Esq., Hamilton. Edward Gurney, Esq., D. Moore, Esq., W. E. Sandford, Esq., J. W. Rosebrugh, M.D., " A Macalium, Esq., M.A. " George Roach, Esq., ** Rev. S. D. Rice, D.D., Rev. E, Wood, D.D., Toronto. Rev. Samuel Rose, 'I'oronto. Rev. W. M. Punshon, M.A Rev. S. S. Nelles, D.D., Cobourg John Breden, Esq., Kingston. Wm. Anglin, Esq., " Rev. R. Jones, Cobourg. T. B xter, Ear , Wellington Sqr. John Lewis, . iq.. Belie ville. Rev. G. R. Sanderson, " FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. Principal — Rbv. S. D. Rice, D.D. Collegiate Department. Rev. S. D. Rice, D.D., Mental Philosophy and li. ddeaces. Rev. W. P. Wright, M.A., Professor of Natural Sciences. T. W. Mills, Esq., B.A., Classics, Logic, and English Literature. MissS. E. 8. Rice, M.L.A., Mathematics. MisB M. 0. Allen, M.E.L., Literary Criticism and Moral Scionioe. [1871. n. A. A. bre, Esq., -John A. .reasurer. Secretary. onto. M.A , Cobourg igston. igton Sqr. oville. N. srature. 1 Scionce. 1871.] WESLEVAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. Ul Academic Department. Mrs, M. Wright. MiM M. E. Stinson. MiM Emma Douse, M.L.A. Fine Arts. Ml* M. A. MacCarthy, Painting and Drawing. Italian. MiwS. E. S.Rice, M.L.A. B. S. Ambrose, Esq., Prof. Booth, Miss 1. M. Bray, OU Preparatory Department. Miss Carrie A. Robertson. Miss Lucy A. Dulmage. Miss A. ll. Hurlburt, Assistant. French. Madlle. Marie Seguin. German. I Herr J. Oscar Brueckne. Music of Inst, and Vocal, Miss Annie E. M.E.L., Miss E. Ambrose. 10 '" I M U: f •! ' ^f •J .-. *■ t-\i APPENDIX CJ. ALPHABETICAL LIST or TUB MINISTERS AND PREACHERS ON TRIAL, In connection with the Conjerenee of the Wedleyan Methodist Church in Vartoda. The flgyres at the begimiiii(f of the lines show the year in which each Minister commenced his miiURtry ; and tho«e at the end of the lines denote his first, iMcoud, or third annual api>ointment to his present Circuit or Station. 1814 Adams, Ezra, Sup'd 1869 Adams, Eichard N 1858 Adams, William 1859 Addison, Peter 1867 Agar, John 1869 Allen, James 1863 Allum, Charles 1842 Ames, William 1858 Anderson, James 1867 Andree, William 1855 Andrews, Alfred 1842 Andrews, Willliam 1855 Armstrong, Andrew 1845 Armstrong, James, Sup'd ... 1848 Armstrong, John, 2ntt 1846 Armstrong, John, Sup'd ... 1848 Armstrong, John B 1856 Ash, JohnC 1865 Atkinson, Thomas 1869 Austin, Nathan 1871 Austin, William 1869 Awde, James 1843 AylesMorth,I.B.,M.D., Sup'd Drayton 8 Thurso 1 Bury 3 Lloydtown 1 Point Levi ^ 1 Kankin 2 Aylmer, Ont 2 Honibury 3 Preston & Paris 2 8t. George 1 Omemee 2 South Mountain 3 Thorold 3 Clarenceville 2 Listowel 4 Seneca 1 C'ampbellford 3 Carleton Place 2 Durham 1 Sombra 1 Drummondville 1 Collingwood 1 1857 Baker, Isaac Walter's Falls 3 1841 Barber, Ozias, Sup'd Strathroy 2 1862 Barker, William R Boboaygeon 1 1859 Barrass, Edward Albion / 3 1871.] WKSLEYAN METHODISjT CONFKRENCE. 143 tlAL, tch Minister ote hiH first, ion. 8 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 3 o 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1856 Bawtenhimer, H., Sup'd... 1859 Bawtenhimer, Peter 1831 Baxter, John, Sup'd 1842 Baxter, Michael, Sup'd ... 1871 Bielhy, William M 1870 Bell, J. W 1864 Bell, Robert 1858 Bell, Thomas 1863 Benson, Manlv 1852 Berry, Francis 1871 Berry, Henry 1855 Betts, Jonathan E 1840 Beynon, George, Sup'd 1837 Biggar, Hamilton, Sup'd ... 1846 Blackstock, William S 1858 BKnd, Henry F 1858 Blanshard, Shem 1850 Bond, Stephen 1835 Borland, John 1870 Boyd, John H., Sup'y 1842 Bredin, John IvjfiO Bret hour, David L 1854 Briden, William 1865 Bridgmau, George H., M.A 1850 Brigga, Joel 1859 Brigga. VViliiam 1859 Bristol, Coleman, M.A 1830 Brock, James 1858 Brock, Thomas 1857 Broley, James 1839 Brooking, Robert 1857 Brown. George 1862 Brown, George, M 1846 Brown, Nelson, Sup'd 1856 Brown, William D 1860 Brownell, Daniel E 1856 Browning, Arthur 1871 Bryant, Cornelius 18.53 Bryers, William 1871 Buchannan, William 1862 Burns, Nelson, M. A., Sup'y 1852 Burns, WUliam 1863 Burwash, John, M.A 1860 Burwash, Nathaniel, M.A. 1860 Burwash, Nathaniel S 1839 Byers, Henry, Sup'd 1824 Byrne, Claudius, Sup'y Paris 8 East Zorra 1 Point Abino 12 Welland 5 Walter's Falls 1 Ameliasburg 1 Lowville 1 Frelighsburg 1 Cooksville 1 Colling wootl 6 Listowell 1 Pictou 1 Weston 7 Brantford 20 (iodeiich 2 Belleville I Ox fi.'rd Centre 1 Wellington 1 St. Johns 2 Toronto 2 Yonge Street South 2 Belleville 3 Pittaburgh 2 Brantford 1 Georgetown 3 Cobourg 1 Dungannon 1 St. Catharines 3 Perth 1 Cains ville 1 Hiawatha 3 Uxbridgo 1 Invermay 2 Listowell 2 Odelltown 3 Tilsonburgh I Percy 2 Nanaimo & 2.1aple Bay 1 Norwich 3 North Wakefield & Templeton 1 Milton 4 Oakwood 2 Professor, Sackville, N. B 2 Professor, Victoria CoUejje ... 6 Paisley 1 Kingston 24 Fairfield 16 1870 CaimduflF, William H Demorestville 1 1862 Cairns, Hugh Kuowltou 1 :, > . , '■« If.- |, if ^t( •■ 1 L-i Hi MINUTES OF THE CANADA [1871. 1869 Calvert, George W 1859 Campbell, Altrandcr 1854 Campbell, Alexander R ... 1857 Campbell, Peter 18(55 Campbell, Thomas 1806 Campbell, 'J'homaa M 1871 Campl)ell, Thomas W 1808 Cardus, Thomas 1842 Carr, George 1828 Carroll, John, Sup'd 1807 Carson, V/clIington W 1846 Case, George 1801 Casson, Wesley 1807 Ca^tanach, David 1800 Chalmers, David 1808 Chambers, Alexander C ... 1804 Chaml)er8, Andrew B 1804 Chant, Joseph H 1807 Chapman, Jeremiah A, B.A 1840 Chiii»nian, William 1850 Charbonnell, Thomas 1869 (Jharlton, Edward, B.A ... 1808 Charlton, Jce8 (B.C.) 4 1850 Culbert, Thoniaa Homing's Mills 1 1861 CuUen, Thomas Demorestville 3 1S68 Cunningham, Andrew Yonge Street South 1 18C1 Curry, Erastus S Sault Ste Marie 2 1871 Daniel, George 1840 Darlington. Robert, Sup'y.. 18C8 Davey, Robert 1841 Davis, Geo. H 1854 Davies, John 1869 Deacon, Joseph 1819 Demorest. Thomas, Sup'd .. 1863 Derriek, Thomas 1851 Dewart Edward H. .Editor. 1851 Dingman, Garret J 1851 Dickson, G. N. A. F. T ... 1858 Doel, John, Sup'y 1858 Dorion Joseph A 1848 Douglas, George, Lh.D., Ch 1848 Douglas, John, Sup'y 1834 Douse, John 1851 Dowler, John A 1855 Down Samuel 1858 Doxsee, Archelaus 1855 Drennan, Alexander 1869 Dundas, Brabazon B 1854 I»yer, James E 1855 Dyre, William R Adelaide 1 Whitby 15 Olanford 1 Peterboro' 3 Sutton 3 Sharon & Mount Albert 1 Stirling 3 Nanaimo & Maple Bay 1 Toronto 3 Bridgewater 3 Bowmanville 3 Brudeneli & Carlow 1 Roxton 2 Montreal Fourth 1 Montreal First 17 Paris 2 Elgin 3 Long Island Locks 1 Shannonville 2 Gaspe . 8 Clarendon & Portage du Fort 1 Westminster 3 Matilda 1 1866 Eby, Charles B, B.A Preston „ 1 1868 Edmison, Thomas J Student, Victoria College 1 1871 Edmonds, Jabez Peel 1 1852 Edwards, Andre V- Fingal 2 1867 Edwards. Willuuu W Student, Victoria College 2 1844 Elliott, James, Chairman... Quebec 1 1848 English, John F^rnham 1 1845 English, Noble F Flora 3 1839 English, William Granby 2 1827 Evans, Ephraim, D.D Yorkville 2 1848 Evans, John S Morrisburg 2 1141 Fawcett, Michael Oakville 2 1842 Fear, Samuel Battersea 2; 1838 Feather, Thomas «-!. ;ii'i w d u i I ^u.... 1 Lynedock 13 Havelock 1 Vespra 2 Bradford 1 Bond Head 3 Hastings 3 Montreal Third 3 Clinton 2 Muncey 1 Port Hope 9 Toronto First 7 Chatsworth 2 Lindsay 1 Orillia 1 Toronto Third 2 1869 Hadden, Thomas Bell's Comersj 1 1856 Hadwin, Thomas Yarmouth 1 1865 Hagar, Joseph M„ B. A Coaticoke 2 1866 Hall, Joseph Cariboo 1 1870 Hall, Robert Henry Belmont 1 1858 Hall, William. M.A Prescotfc 3 1362 Halstead, William Selby 2 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. 147 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 5 1 13 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 9 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 , 1 . 3 . 2 1371 Hames, Arthur B 1856 Hamilton, Christopher 1844 Hanna, Thomaa 1858 Uannun, Jamea 1855 Hansford, William 18C5 Hanson, Charles A., 1862 Hartlie, Alexand, M.A 1836 Hardie, David 1867 Hare, John J 1869 Hare. Robert B 1841 Harper, E .B., M.A., Ghmn 1864 Harris, Alexander G 1858 Harris, Edward 1851 Harris, James 1851 Hawke, William 1855 Hay, William, 1858 Hayhurst, William 1867 Hoaley, Ezra A 1857 Henderson, Wm. C, M.A 1856 Herkimer, William, Sup'd 1858 Hewitt, William J 1828 Heyland, Rowley, Sup'd ... 1860 Hicks, William 1844 Hill, Joseph 1869 Hill, Newton 1071 Hiacox, John, 1850 Hodgson, John, Sup'd 1861 Holmes, John 1863 Holmes, Joseph W 1841 Holtby, Matthias, Sup'd ... 1861 Hooker, Le Roy 1855 Hough, John 1853 Houghton, Luther, Sup'y. . 1840 Howard, Isaac B. Chairr.ian 1855 Howard, Thomas S 1833 Howard, Vincent B., Sup'd 1844 Howes, John 1864 Howell, Jacob E. M.A 1839 Hughes, James, Sup'd 1854 Hunt, David 1856 Hunt, Fraucis, Sup'y 1844 Hunt, John 1861 Hunter, SarauelJ 1 8.56 Hunter, William J 1 850 Huntingdon, Silas 1826 Hurlburt, Asahel, Sup'd ... 1844 Hurlburt, Erastus 1836 Hurlburt, Sylvester, Sup'd. 1830 Hurlburt, Thomas 1851 Hutchinson, John, Sup'd ... L'Amable 1 Mono 2 Durham, Ont 1 Hamilton West 2 Stanstead 1 Wellington Square 1 Montreal Second 2 Hall's Bridge 2 Under*jradaate,\\o. College... 2 Farmersville 1 Gueli)h 2 Leamington 2 Ormstown 8 London North 2 Mitchell 2 Cookstown 2 Kincardine 3 Undergraduate, Vie. College 3 Cornwall 3 Cape Crocker 1 Canton 2 FairHeld 4 Watford 1 PortElgin 2 Smemee 6 F'inton & Adding*«n Road ... 1. Oakville 1 Westmeath I Marmora 2 Napierville 1 Brantford 3. College Darlington Norwood Rama Undergraduate, Vic. Lyn HullsviUe 3 Artemesia 2 North Augusta 1 Bidgetowu 6 Sarnia 1 Orangeville 2 Dunhani 3 Windsor ... 2 Fraukford 3 Newburgh 1 Waterdown 4 1871.] WESLEYAN METHODIST CONPERENOE. 151 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 9 I 2 1 25 1 3 2 1 I 3 2 1 1 22 G ) 1 I 2 1 3 1 , 3 . J : 2 . 1 . 3 . 2 . I . 6 . 1 . 2 8 . 2 . 3 . 1 . .4 1842 Pollard, William, Chairman Victoria, V. I 1 1863 Poole, Jacob, Sup'y Cookstown 7 1845 Poole, William H Hamilton Centre 2 1871 Potter, Austin Hillsdale 1 1857 Potter, Richard Moira 2 1857 Pottg, John Montreal First 2 1851 Preston James Dundas 1 1840 Price, Wildam. Sup'd Owen Sonnd 1 1345 Punshon, W. Morley, M.A. President, Toronto 4 1865 1847 1869 1871 1862 1869 1840 1869 1840 1837 1867 1854 1859 1851 1867 1868 1868 1867 1865 1863 1845 1856 1863 1860 1831 1857 1867 1863 1854 1859 1855 1866 1861 1870 1869 1858 1868 1856 1825 1820 1821 Raney, William Reid, Henry Reid, Thomas R Reid, Thomas J Reynar, Alfred H., M.A ... Reynolds, Francis C Reynolds, Joseph, Sup'd ... Reynolds, Robert Rice, Luther O. , Sup'd Rice, Samuel D., D.D., Fnn Richardson, Ezekiel Richardson, George T Richardson, -^ames E Richardson, William Ridley, John Rigsby, Walter Rilance, William Robison, Matthew Robinson, John H .. Robinson, Richard Robinson, Robert Robson, Ebenezer Rf 'ers, George Rt e, Brook Rose, Samuel Ross, William vV .. Ross, James S l')W8on, William H., B.A. 1 % James, M.A,, Classical R ert, E. S.. B.A Ru , Amos E Ru ell, Alfred L., B.A ... Russell, John R u tledge, William L Ruttan, John H Ryan, David Ryan, William Ryckman,E.B.,M,A.C/iWrt. Ryerson, L'tgerton, D. D, LLD, Ryerson, John, Sup'd Ryerson, William, Sup'd . Renfrew 2 Mount Brydges 1 Hanover 1 Muskoka 1 Professor, Victoria College ... 7 Georgetown 1 Waterford 3 Stayner I Dungannon 3 cipat W. F. College, Hamilton 10 Maberly 1 Brock 1 Compton 2 Newboro' .. 1 Merriton 1 Thorold 1 Bath and Anxherst Isle I High Bluff 2 Scarboro' 1 Lawrenceville 1 Madoc 3 Castleton 2 Huntington 1 Glentay 3 Book Steward, Toronto 7 Toronto Fourth 2 Umiergrculuate, Vic. College 2 Hatley 3 ^^a« Alice 321 Aliston 197 Alnwick '230 Amabel 1G9 Anitiliasburg 251 Amheratbiirg.. 97 Angus 179 Arkona 110 Artemesia 165 Arthur 136 Aiiltsville 300 Aurora 1!)2 Avonmore 303 Aylmer, Ont 77 Aylmer, Que 326 Aylwin 337 Baltimore 220 Barrie 172 Bath and Amherst Isle 278 Battersea 280 Bayfield 147 Beamsville 42 Bearbrook 332 Beaverton 213 BcUeviUe 248 Bell'sComers 327 Belmont 88 Berlin 132 Blenheim 94 Bloon!tield& Cherry Valley 253 Bobcaygeon 241 Bolton 386 Bond Head 193 Bowraanville 207 Brailford 190 Brampton 12 Brantford 47 Bridgewater 266 Brighton 225 Bi-ock 2!2 Brockville 287 Bruce Mines 185 Brudenell & Bark Lake... 271 Bury 371 Cainaville 30 Caistorville 46 Calabogie 320 Campbellford 227 Canton 219 Cape Crocker 171 Cariboo 411 Carlton Place 306 Cartwright ItlS Caasville... 381 , I ';-. » '/M ■ ; ■ ' R •i*^ i,>M f I ■ ft ¥ si ■ "f 156 MINUTES or THE CANADA [1871. Caatleton 224 Cataraqui 279 Cayuga 44 Centreville 283 Cbambly... 344 Chandoa 247 Chatham 91 Chatsworth 1G7 Christian Islands 183 Clarenceville 391 Howick 153 Hudbon 351 Hullsville 29 Huntingdon 349 Indian Tribes, B. C 412 Ingersoll 73 Innisfil 19C Invennay 161 Keene 237 Kemptville 294 Kenneljec 286 Keppel 168 Kincardine 149 Kingston 272 Kingaville 95 Kippin 84 Kirkton 76 Klineburg 17 Knowlton 360 Knowlton ,. .. 387 liachine 343 Lachute 352 Lake of Two Mountains... 352 Lakefield 239 L'Amable 268 Lawrenceville 389 Leamington 99 Leeds 372 Leslieville 8 Lindsay 234 Listowel 133 Lloydtown 1 94 Loudon City, North Street 67 " " Dundas "... 68 " •• South 69 •' " North 70 Loudesboro' & Holmesville 142 Long Island Locks 330 L'Orignal 333 Lowvjlle 27 Lucan 85 Lucknow 155 Lyn 289 Lynedock 64 Maherly 312 11 Madoc 267 Maitland 291 Manvers 210 Manitoulin Island 1 89 Markham 205 Markdale 166 Marmora 257 Matilda 297 Mavnooth 270 Meaford 167 Melbourne 366 Merrickville 308 Merri ton 30 Metis 378 Milbank 135 MiJbrook 232 Milford 254 Milton 26 Mindeu 242 Mitchel 144 Moira 263 Mono 200 Montreal, First 338 " Second 339 Third 340 Fourth 341 Fifth 342 Mooretown 114 Moraviantown 104 Morrisburg 298 Morrison 182 Moulinette 302 Mount Brydges 82 Mount Forest 137 Mount Pleasant 48 Mu ncey and Oneida 90 Muskoka 181 Nanaimo 408 Napanee 223 Napier ; 117 Napierville 362 Newboro' 310 Newburg 275 Newbury 101 Newi;.astle 209 New Credit 82 NewGlasgow 354 New Ireland 374 Newmarket 191 158 MINUTES OK THE CANADA [1871. '\t New Westminster 410 NelHcn River 4(K) Niagara 37 Nissouri 87 North Auguatii 292 North Gore 35S North Gower 329 North Wakefield 336 Norway House 399 Norwich 57 Norwood 238 Oakville 28 Oakwood 235 Oilelltown 346 Odesaa 277 Oil .Springs aud Petrolia ... 115 Omemoe 230 Onsluw 322 Orangeville and Calodon.. 15 Orillia 175 Onnatown V) Oshawa J3 Osgoode 331 Osprey 180 Ottawa 325 Otterville 68 Owen Sound 166 Oxford Centre 54 OxfordHouse 401 Paisley 1G3 Pakeuham aud Arnprior... 307 Paris 50 ParkHill 112 Parry Sound and French Iviver . ,ttiNir»4-iaMi(*<«w«»* 187 Peel 128 Pembroke 316 Percy 229 Perth 304 Peterboro' .„>...,». 231 Pickering 204 Picton 252 Pittsburg 282 Plainvdie 221 Playfair 313 Point Abino 45 Point Levi 364 Portage du Fort Port Dover .,.»,., 61 J'ort Elgin ,....,. 162 Port Hope 218 Port Neuf 376 Port Rowiui 63 Port Stanley 81 Presrotti... 288 Preston & Paris Gcr. Mis. ]M Prince Albert 210 Princeton 62 Quebec .*>'4*»»*« «*»«*»r4'**. 363 lUuikin German Mission.. . 316 Rama „.. .„ 176 Rawdon •..ii366 Red River 997 Renfrew ,-^ 819 Richmond .m-.^.*. « 328 Riohwood ►iii.j* , 61 Ridgetown 100 Rockwood 124 Romney 98 Rosemouat 199 Ro8«eau 188 Roxton, French.. .,.«i,^ 359 St. Armand •««•*•■<*• Wp St Catherines / 34 St. Clair 118 St. George ...... .«!fMi^t»^<*»» 66 St. Johns .*.,;^J«...^. 345 St. Marys 75 St. Sebastian 361 St. Thomas 71 St. Williams 62 Salford 74 Sandwich 93 Sarnia 107 Saugeen 170 Sault Stc Marie 186 Sawyerville 368 Scarboro' 206 Seaforth 143 Selby 274- Senuca 25 Sharon and Mount Albert 198 Shannon ville .. 262 Shawbridge 355 SheflFord 358 1871.] WKHLl-VAN HODIMT CONFEllENCE. 159 162 213 376 63 81 28a ia9 210 52 61 100 124 98 199 188 359 395 34 118 56 345 75 361 71 62 74 93 107 170 186 368 206 143 274 25 198 262 3S5 358 .Shoftord 388 Hhorbroo'ie 367 Hulnoy 255 Simcoe 51) Smitb'H Fivlls 3o5 Smithfidd 226 Smithvill" 43 Hombra i\ Wilp^lu [nlaiitl 119 South Ml mil tain 295 Spencervillo 293 Stauatead 380 Stayner 178 Stirling li.iS St«niffvillo 214 145 .Stiathroy 108 StreetsvlUe 13 Sutton 394 Sumas and Cbdliwliack ... iOd Tamwortli 285 Teeswater 150 Teviotdale 134 Thombury 159 Thorold 35 Tlifee Rivers 365 Thurlow 256 Thurso 335 Tilaonburg 65 Toronto, First 1 Second 2 ♦' Third 3 " Fourth 4 Fifth 5 Trenton 260 Trowbridge 152 Tweed 2G4 Tyrconuell 79 UxV»li(l; • 211 IppertHtawaCJcr Mua'n. 324 Val Cartier 377 Veapra 173 Victoria -swkutchowan) .. 40-1 V'ictoria, \ . 1 4i>7 Vienna at} Wallaceburtj 106 Walter's Fails 168 WArd.H\ille 102 Warsaw 240 Washington 131 Waterdiwu 22 Waterfnr.l r,o Watford 113 Welland 39 Uellesley 138 Wellington 250 Wellington Sfjuare 23 Westraeath 317 West-m 11 Whitby 202 White Figh Lake 405 ^^Mt<.^ 276 Windsor 92 Winchester 2i)9 Wiugham 154 Woodstock 53 Woodsbic 96 Woodville 403 Wyoming 116 yarmontli 72 Yunge Street, South 9 North 10 Yorkville 6 PRINTSD AT TMK WKSLKYAX CONFEIIKSCK OfFIOt, TORONTO. 4\ «Hii '^•t J «' 'I'' -■. i M '• 11' I t 'i -•' ' S-'l"' p ■W , <1' i: MINISTI']RS' l{EQUISITES f .R SVI.K AT rilR WESLEYAM BOOK ROOM. Oli{< rriT llfusisri I! ^\ 50 CHUKt'H ('LAfnS I'x.oK. \\i\\\ i>(w-l;t t foi- ti^l:.'^,•^ 20 ExcKLSioR Mvit'ii \';i: CiniTUiiiA'rV: :iO Ministers' i*(KKi t li;:..iMK!!, conlainiiijj: f-itur^y, atiini of a Biink Chocjtuv Hook, Avitli perforated like, and • luplicifo at X\\-- sowed eiid fur private uso, beauti*\ilty printed with carmine ink. One cou- taining 25 Oeitificates 40 " 50 ^' 75 <^>i'.\KrKKLY TifJiKTS, 20 for ea<'h qiiutor on . i, !; sheet. p<^r .sheet , () 10 B':i':MnN Paper, per pncl.if.^^ 1 00 Sf.rmok BooK^*, |>er dozen 50 •• OM. 20 :iO 50 ;li.r 40 25 50 » 40 .... 75 10 1 00 50