"/} m 7 'c^l c^: cl /^ o^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 '"IIIIIM IIM !■? IIM III 2^ I.I :: m 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation // (./ / U, % ^'^ #> %^ .. h ^^ &. k \\ #» . < printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on tiie first page with a printed cr illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol —^(meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames ?"5 required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: 1 2 3 L'exemplaire filmA fut reproduit grdce i la gAn^rositi de: New Brunswick Museum Saint John Lee images suivantes ont «t4 reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at do la nettet* de l'exemplaire film*, et en conformity avec lea conditions du contrat de filmage. Lea exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier eat imprim«e sont film«s en commenqant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'lllustratlon, soit par le second plat, salon le cas. Tous las autres exemplaires origiriaux sont film*s en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, seion le cas: le symbolo —^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmis d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Stre reproduit en un seul clich*, 11 est film* * partir de I'angle sup*rieur gauche, de gauche * droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n*cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ♦♦♦»♦< «»«»r* om ♦♦«»♦»♦♦♦♦■ LeB. WILSON & Co. MERCHANT TR1L0R5. 76 Germain Street, St. Jc hn, N. B. ► ♦«»♦♦>« ; , » i » t ««■»♦♦♦♦ »»v ■♦♦«< ««» »■»«♦»♦♦♦»♦ Official Programme CHAMPIONSHIP MEET i UNDER THE AUSPlCEvS OF^THE ! St. labii Irtiicic aixlr l^tblttTt ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦■♦ ♦-»»•»***»♦♦»♦ ♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦* IH QRDER I ^ To Realize the Prices we are selling lURNITURB at, you musx call and in- spect the Stock. ^ .. j OHMS. S. BiZERETT, I 83 anil 85 CHARLOTTE STREET. ♦ ♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦# ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦*♦*■♦♦♦♦* ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦. #4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CJ a»^ • Superior Workniaiisliip, Kofino] Finish, r.atest I'rocessos, tiiis istlie Combiiuititm tliat Miiig}:s: F^«. TIPPKTT. Dr. W. A. CUURIK. i'. B. IIOLMAN. Umi'IKUS: S.L.KERR. A.I'.PATERvSON. P.A.CLARKE. C.ILBARNES. TijyKKvS : H. C. PAGE. J. ^[. 15ARNES. E. H. J. RUEL. ST\KTKtt: R. A. \VATS 2 y. CD P ? ^ ^ B O P^ 1-1 CD a«3 1 CD S3 o B o 3 i'^ p s o C 93 ►:: B ^ K b: B i-i c| f i P^ I et- B 0^ 2. (Half Mile) C. W. A. Maritime Championship. 1st heat. 12. R. E. Smith. 13. S. N. Sancton. 14. E. C. Salmon. 15. R. (Jonrad. 2n(i heat. 17. T. Naas. 3 8. I. E. Cornwall. 19. J. W. Purdie. 30. G. A. McPeake. Won by No ... . .V Time/^i S^ Won by No . . /. iC Time / X.f Final Heat. 2nd./.!y^ 3M. V "Ist Time/.:\.^^ THE BEST RACE<^^ On the programme to-day cannot hold a candle to the race that will take place to-night on the King Square. THE PRIZE^?^ Is a valuable one, and everj' rider will receive a souvenir which is worth many times more than the entrance fee. THE JUDGES^^ Who will pronounce on the merits of the performers will be all competent young men who have officiated in that line before. P. E. Island oysters and chowders will be served to all the contestants at popular prices. The place of entry is at €. H. JACK^OIV'li, KiMg Hquare. T.:' If you w.mt a oa\\) of good TEA just drop into your gnxu'r's and get m pound of TEA It is really the finest Tea on the market. 3. BOYS' RACE. 1st heat. 20. H. Grady. 10. F. J. Likely. 21. Thos MoElroy. 22. Aubrey King. 2n(l hejit. 24. T. Armour. 25. G. F. Ring. 20. C. Coleman. 11. A. Creiglitou. 23. F. E. White. J/^' 31. W. Parker, 3,^0 Won by Nof...\. TimB.-Ci'. Won by Nof!..*^. Ti me:. 75 Ist-.t.G' Final Heat. 2nd...v,.^ 3rd. Time 1^9 ^ •/- *)- LOOK AT THIS. BOYS. After the Sports the next thing in order is to go to t For a First-Class Oyster Stew or Fry. The best place in the city to get Ice Cream or any delicacy. FR.E;sGrOTT house:, T. C. WASHINGTON, Prop. 105 Charlotte Street, opposite the Dufferin Hotel .JO Tranci$ ^ Uaugban, BOOTS AND SHOES OF Ev i:kv dksciuftiox AN'n THK — FR.ICES R.IG-MT FOR FI KST CLASS GOODS. FRANCIS 5^ VAUGHAN. 19 King Street. 4. (One Mile) C. W. A. Maritime Chiinqjionsliip. 1st lioat. 12. K. E. Smith. tH. A. f r . J o ne s. 18. S. N. Sancton. 15. K. Conrad. 32. Geo. Laitllaw. 2nd heat. 27. S. H. Cameron. 17 T. Nass. 19. J. W. Purdie. 80. G. A. McjPejvke. Won by No.:..'^. TimeV^..^.' Won by No/..7. Time..?, lst../.S> FiNAJL Heat. 2nd. 3rd.^7 Time. 3 2 Bicycle Academy, W«^yiMMM^y«#«MHMMMM The Best and Safest Place to learn to ride a Bicyt^le. Competent Teachers Always in Attendance. Bicycle Sundries. Repairs of All Kinds. Msrohl Bros., Charlotte Street. Tiii<: Cali^Tcipli siANi'S A I" rill'; III; Ah — ()F- All 'I ypcwiite'iM uiiulc. Full sii|)i)lv ol Steiiognipln'is' >iui)[)li('s alwavs in stock. F. H. TIPPET & CO., AgentG, 34 Dock Street, St. John, N. B. '■). 2.^)0 CLASS ilACK. l.^t hcsit. 2, F. (J. S;inef(»ii. (i. A. C. Sinalh'y, 7. F. J, MenilL 11. K. C. Saliuon. \. H. S. Smith. J. (I. v.. Webb. 2iul heat. ;i. \V. D. (loUliii}',-. 0.. Time.^./..'^ "s'- JOSEPH I. NOBLE, JR., MAXUFACTIJKEK OF Fins Custom 3Hoe3. Ladies' and Gents' Bicycle Shoes • • A SPECIALTY. • • 78 Germain Street, St. John ANY ciian(;k in Tin: PROv.RAMMi: WILL BK ANNOUNCED TMROU(;il THE MlEGj^LFHOlSrii: 'diC^ ^ a. " fi^ ^ rd ^ Sj z z: 'ai 2 E o > ■^ Tins I'AC.l- TMKorC.ll Till', KlXn.VKSS oi' Till': co-MMiT'i'ici-: (ji'" m,\na<'.i:.mi:nt WAS ri:si:hvi',d i'ok PATKRvSON & COMPANY ri'-To-nATic COMMKRCIAI, PRINTERS. KSI \VK KI'.CtKKT \VK hah Ni>T TIVli: TO WHlTIv AN AOV For First-Class Laundry Work » * * TO * * * UNGAR'S, 2e to 34 \A/3terloo Street. Unsurpassed Dyeing and Cleaning Department in connection. (i. :5 MILK SPEClxVL. (One mile heats to qualify.) 1st heat. 2n(l heat. r_>. K. E. Smith.- 13- S. N. Sancton. l(j. A. L. Jones. 27. S. If. Cn moron. 2S. G. W. Noble. 17. T. Nass. 18. 1. E. Cornwall. 14. E. C. Sahuon. 15. K. Conrad. Won by No Time Won by No Time Final Heat. , Ist.../..'^ 2nd !^ ;kd../.r Time.?..-^*^ ^^. Gr. SALMON, E110K1MMIN> i <^TM1L©R^ Charlotte Street, St. John. Miu' e with Pocket Kodak. Heme Fhoicgrcfhy is Easy Alii'ii yonr caDii'iji is Imili on our "i-arl- rldifi' syslt'iii " It ciiiihli s > oii to lond and unload tlic Canicia in lifoad dny- litrh!— i:'i iiiinblinfr arc)uiid a dark rooin iMi- iiii«s..-i({ ki'vs o!' |)!ii;. Kvi'iy tliintr lint ilic di'vi'lojiiny^ i> doni' in daylight, and wi' do that IT yon wi.'-li it — or yon can do ii v'onrsi'ir. THK ,«;;■,.()(• I'OCKKT K()1).\K. lor iiic- c nrcs \\ X 2 inclns. TIIK "ss.iio Hl'LLS-KYK, tor pictnres • ■i X 'M inches. Moih art' l)nill on tlic "cartridKO sys- tem.'" 'J"hi'y (inliod.x- 'liic rci.ncnirnt' o! piioioLirap'iic Inxnr.v. I-ioin tlic (inc I 'a: li 'r covcrinic to tlic ininnst soni — She lens, lhe\- arc pcrl'cci, and bi.Mn<; porlcci liic.v make p 'rtcct jnctuv. s. I'lcc i)a!nplilei t(lls all abont tluin. 'I'lie I'll mo t 'aincra is the simpii'st and lics( I'latc Camera made. Price. .•^10.00 to .-r") ».i):i. With t lie wid 's! ranir" <)i' sublecis It iirodncc^ tin' vcr.v bes, results. Free d 'luonMrations to beginners. A. E. CLARKE, No. 32 King Street, Si. John. i . ONE MILE— Handicai). ■i. W. E. Goldino— 150 yds.SO. G. A. McPeake—Tf) yds. 9. R. Kaye-no yds. V2. R. E. Sinith—scrateh. (). A. G. Snialley -HOyds. 18. S. N. Sancton— sciatcli. 28. G. W. Noble— 7."> yds. 1(). A. L. Jones— scratch. 32. Geo. Laidlaw — sciatch. 1 S!..5; 2nS Time Won by No Time. Final Heat. 2nd.../.t-/ 3rd...{..C* Time, /.f^'i FOLLOW THE LADIES To 8i King Street If you want First ('lass SODA, ICE CREAM ^^ CONFECTIONERY Follow the ladies to WHITE'S After the Sports for they all go where THEY CAN GET THE BEST ! VJ'? ^^[^: riNGS from 2-5 cents per Hot Upwards. Telephone 519. Stick to what ? Why the (act that stock of \A/all F^Sk\D^r Is second to none, botli as to price and (luality. 1 li"y areorterins Special liiducoincnts lor FALL HOUSK (LEANING. It will Pay You to call and see them. R^I^ BROiS. 56 King Street. • • • • ^i^^ DONORS OF PRIZES. i Victoria Hotel, Silver Cup. vStanley Hotel, Silver Medal. Royal Hotel, Silver Cup. Duflferin Hotel, Silver Cup. New Victoria Hotel, Silver Cup. A. B. Snialley, Silver Watch. Mayor Robertson, Gold Medal. O. H. Warwick, Banquet Lamp. T. McAyity & Sons. Silver Tray. Waterbury & Rising, Pair Shoes. Goold Bicj'cle Co., Pair Electric Tires and Rims. Ira Cornwall Co., Pair Dunlap Tires and Rims. Morgan & Wright Co., Pair M. & W. Tires. W. A. Stewart, Merschaum Pipe. J. A. Wilson, Pair vSuspenders. Canadian Drug Co., Pair Military Brushes. F. A. Jones, Reception Chair. W. H. Thorne & Co., Silver Cake Ba.sket. C. Flood & Sons, Steel Engraving. D. Magee's vSons, Silk Hat. Massey-Harris Co., Challenge Trophy for Team Race. ■^. ( 1 Cbe Ira Cornwall €o. MMITKI). 68 KING STREET — AND— Board of Trade Building SAINT JOHN, N. B. MANIJKA(TUREK!S' ACiENTS and DKAI.ERS IN BieveLEs Bicycle Accessories, SUPinJES AND SUN'DRIES. Typewriters, Typewriter Supplies. Mimeograph, Diiplognipii and other Duplicating Apparatus and Supplies. PIANOS, ORG-ANS AND Canadi CR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. esentatives of the Gramophone Oo., Phila- Iphia, Electrical and Other Novelties. Bicycles, Typewriters, and other Complicated Machinery Carefully and Thoroughly Kepaired. Correspondence Solieited. ♦♦»»♦»>»»»♦»••♦»♦-♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ Under the (listinjjcuished patroiiaj^e of LORD AND LADY AHIvRDKKN. WATCH TIIIv BRANTFORD RED BIRDS at the tuce meets, on the road — anyt^ikl^ — Always aheac ' .^ ways beay.^ifiiJjK3h\vays i\. perfect ivK, 7 ' road — anyyji^ive — Always aheac " Always stronjj; ! Al- THAT The fastest riders and most experienced wheelmen rif^e them is a tribute to their excellence that the novice in purchasinj^ cannot afford to overlook. TJie | CRimSOH beauty goes everv where iti the best company, and always as a leader. THE' RED BIRD is not of the' good to-day and gone to-morrow kind. Xot like a FLASH! in the pan, brilliant for a moment, then gone forej-er, but a wheel that will stand Vear without end. THEGOOL!) BICYCLE CO., S4 King Street. | R. S. EDGECOMBE, ^^ ^ Manager, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •■•♦♦♦♦♦^