IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. m €< ^ fA 1.0 I.I l^|28 ■so l"^" !£ US. M nil 22 2.0 IL25 i 1.4 ill 1.6 y <^ /J ^>. ^' 4'V^ ;>v;* :i*i:r;;ft: :>*;::;••:; ;^*^^■*::;■*i:v•ft::i^^ |m Cibretto of i]\Q S<3cred *:■:•■■ •••'•■: m (^TATA m David I The Shepherd Bo^ m •;••.■.• i'Kv: m ii m .;■.••• ^ ^1!^ »ii^ I'o be given under the auspices of the V. M. C. A., by a * • » . • •.•••.•.;■ :# Chorus of Over 100 Voices |l Assisted by Prof. Zoellner's orchestra, Berlin, CITY HALL. STRATFORD, ^}?ursday and priday 6o'|s | M ,:•;• m •■•■.•.; m Mi* •;•■.;• APRIL 25th AND 26th, 1895, Under the Leadership of PHOF. THEO. ZOELLNER. Admission 25c. ; Reserved Seats 50c | Plan of Hall at Scarff's Bookstore after the 19th. ji", :i .■■:•■:^■:.l^^■.9:^■..;»\'/Sm■:^::.}i:vrr/^ii:r■■d■:^^;i)^:■^^ • "■.V m •v.;;« M ■0. ••••.??.•:•..■.•••.■••..;•. ".•.•«•.■•.•,.;•.>.•; /•.••';*vr>r';.;«*»tti;r;;«r •.•f.»:..;»V!^.%t m i\', •'.105 DAYS AIII:AI> OF THIOT ALL." A')!".lii".?l.v t!i.' hijrli'Mr iio-isible ;,'ra'le Ihu can be pi-o(iiic( d. K\]icrt iii.icliiiii>ls say ifccamiot lie {'(|iialle(l in workiiilUislii • and (iL-sinri. Itrnicii) her, W'v so\l tlif rltlLT dlt'fcwt. No a','eiits' or Hiil>-au'eiits pioHts. It's worili while ronsiileriiii.'- •: H a. SHAVKK, ••;*' .. •• , ' Tlie Only l)iroci Iniixni?!- m tlio cinintv . Soh> Aifsiit for C.iu-I.i for K-iitin',' and N'ia;,iia HifycU-s. ■ •••<•• • «|||lliia|tllM.MIIIIIIl'lfail||IIIIIMMIIIIIIIMIII)illll>MMMIIIlllllllll lll.f|^llllli:4-.IMMllltlMMIMIIIIiilll, Fletcher and Benson .lf)hnston. '■'■ Two Sentinels — Messrs. K. Sillifant and (Jcdioc Fhillips (Berlin). IIIIIIIKMIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMKIIIIIIIIMOIMIIII mil MIMIIII till IMMIIMIMIIlMlinillltl niitllllllllllllillllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIilillilllllllllllL-.DlillllKIIIIIIIIillllllll For a Good Suit of Clothes At a Reasonable Price, Go to W.P. FRASER. Corner Ontario street, opp. Court House. The Piano Used' IS THE CELiBRATED Gerhard Heintzman GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMING, Sole Agfents, TORONTO, ONT. pro^fammG. Selection from " Martha," (Thursday ni^ht) Orchestra Overture—" Poet and Peasant," (Friday ni^dit). ...Orchestra Scene First—" The Feast of Trumpets at Bethlehem." " Second— "Abigail at Carmcl." " Third— "Saul in Despondency." " Fourth— Dialocjue—" Two Sentinels." Selection—" Lion Chase," (Thursday night) Orchestra Selection from "Ernani," (Thursday night) Orchestra Selection—" Gipsy Life," (Friday night) Orchestra Overture— " King of Diamonds," (Friday night). .Orchestra Scene Fifth— "After the Batde." " Sixth—" David in Exile." " Seventh — "David and the Shepherd Oueen." " Eighth—" The Carmelite Bride." " Ninth — " The Evening Before the Coronation." ' ' Tenth— • ' The Coronation, " ■ ■■■■■•■■■■■■•■iiuiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiKiMiriiiiriiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Buy Vour Shoes at f©B. They ((re the Best ./-,, -,„, « , , -s^ oi*. *>,.^ *j,s„ ^/ic- ^y,^ ^,.v» ^ ^!i^ 'S?iC'^;ic^;v=r'^;j?'?„;fr':5;jro — ■ir—v"^"* — • Planing Mill Work ^'"^^ P^'^«^- Cabinet Work ^B^t W/0* Interior ritting Foptcous Sc McLagan Si-s Telt'pho ling, &c. Oot. 4 ' {<» • Dr. K. H. Bidt, •^i- DENTIST,!^ Gordon Block, Opposite Post Office, Stratford. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK. A SPECIALTY. an r)i?5^i?'*i^S^^^*tf^ -/iV% -'/iC* -^i«^ -^.S-o Si? ^l'^^.v^"5>i^^i^^*sjCt^*^* Tlu; Coining of Samuel. Jesse — Ikhold yoiniKin with flowing l)eard, And bells upon the Ephod's hem ! The awful prophet hath appeared, Woe ! woe to thee, O iiethlehcin ! He comes the avenging seer who slew The Amalekite at Gngal's shrine ; Well may we tremble him to view, The messenger of wrath divine. CHORUS. Woe to thee, O ISethlehein. Samuel—Yc sons of IJoaz and of Ruth, Let now your doubt and terror cease ; Uplift your heads, O valiant youth, I come the messenger of peace ! I come to sacrifice for sm, Ye elders sanctify the place ; ^ To Bethlehem, lo ! I enter in, God's messenger of grace and peace. Chorus — (Let us rejoice.) Let us rejoice, let us rejoice in him, Lift uj) our voice to Him with joy. Praise Him with the cymbal, Praise Him with the timbrel. Praise Him with the lute and harp, Praise Him with the voice. (iod is high and holy, N'et loveth he the lowlv ; 3 ^'^!^-^ >^'^ ^!*^- >^ ''^, ^j^ .r^^D^-C ^ ^''^ '^ti^ v>'/^ *.>*<^ *^y^ vst*.* •^t/tim •^iR. iA£HITE'Si^ WAREROOMS VO I SlvlisH furniture, # Carpels, etc. Now liiilty Carriages — Nobl»>' and Cheap. Telephone, Shop 19 ; Uouse 3. 1, 3 and 5 Ontario Street, THE! stock: OB' 'riK> ^fporoino ^)tl7ii>i| Store HAS BEEN BOUGHT AT 55c ON THE S Consisting of Men's and Hoys' Clothings Hats and Caps, C,cnts' Fur nishings, Trunks and Valises, now bcms sold off at j^reatly reduced prices. Call in and secure Bargains. R. Q. ROBiisrsonsr. — — ^Si^S•^^'^— "^^5ji— ■■^•S!'-4 ^i'^ ^!«s, i?i«c i.-j'i ^j'A^jsii;:^ ^m^ ^sMi wi** vi/^ » •^.c^ 7},f» ^,c» ^y,x-. ■Kij» ,i,i^ •^,4^ •5>\-* ?5,jr •KJK" -/!.c»^^,i- <>,c%r>;iC as ■5=A==-:55i«c-A>rT9Pr— A^^Ix^'^/t^' A GAS RANGE ©) -?<• © Is what you want for the Summer Season. A lullline always in stock. Call and see them. ©19 J. M. OMSL-HKE, 7 Ontario- St. West, an( ....Hello 153. KxrluHlve ol tin- Haukrupt Xtofk, '| \i^v) l)lDrir\^ (aoods are eArriOin^ Dc^ll^ CONSISTING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, FEDORA AND STIFF HATS. Ill Nc\vc>l Styles from the best niiikers. Novelties in (ients' Furnishings R. S. ROBINSON. Samuel -iiend and fetch him, for we will not sit down till he comes hither. / . i. Jease (Kecit.) — Yonder he comes: the shepherds crook in his hand : his face is ruddy with his health : his eyes are sparkling with surprise, a fair-haired boy. we call him the beloved. Diivid Api)ears. 5art7»e/ -Whence comest thou, my son? What is thy name ? S()N(!— 1 am Dfivid tlu' Shepherd Hoy. I come from the field, my father, ^ With my flocks in the pastures 1 roam, 1 wander by Kedron's still waters, And a shepherd tent oft is my home, The heavens are beauteous above me, The hills till my spirit with joy, And I know that the peaceful flocks love me, I am David the Shepherd Boy. Samuel~l hear a voice say, " Arise and anoint him, for this is he." ,, , (TABLEAU.) The Lord is high and holy, Yet loveth he the lowly ; The humble he exalteth. In him we will rejoice. Si no- Children of Bethlehem. Sing, children of Bethlehem, sing, see SMITH, The Plumbep, For Bar^jains in Tinware. Every Saturday Special Bargains. No. g Copper r>oiler $2. 50 No. Q Tin Boilers ^i-oo No. 9Coi)per Nickel-plated Tea Kettle $1.25 Scle a^cnt for Buck's 1 lappy Thought Ranges, Brilliant Stoves and Hot iCir Furnaces. •1^ BEST ASeORTl^ElSrT BEST QXJJi^Il.IT'y I-.0"WEST FRIOES ... f^j WEbSH £c FUbbtR'S G ,^«r Next door to Post Ofticc. ^ The sorrow is turned into joy ; From folded flocks 'neath sheltering rocks, God calleth his Shepherd Boy. HIessed, oli, l)lessed are they who early heed him, JJlessed the cliildren who early seek His face. The lambs ot Ills love and his care. The little ones ever are near him. Oh, may they not stray fjom wisdom's way, Hut walk in her paths of peace. He loveth the lowly in heart, And near to the Shepherd boy drew, As 'neath the rocks while slumbered .he flocks, He prayed amid Howers and dow. How Happy .ve llio Cliildreii. How happy are the children, Who early seek His face. And learn in youth the beauteous truth, And blessedness of grace. Sing, oh sing, O children ! liethlehem's children Sing, oh sing, the children of his grace Like lambs may they be folded. And as the years increase, Be led in ways of pleasantness, And paths of endless peace, -^^^^^^^ ^iS ^i^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^-^ A REGULAR GLNUINE. Hcintzman V R. W. Roberts Sells Them. BEATS THEM ALL. Also a full line of Band Instnunenls, Fine Violins, Ouitars, Banjos, Flutes, etc- Latest Music and Music Books at Popular Prices. Call and Investijfate: R. W. ROBERTS, Ontario Street West. :fc Sure to Pkasc, R'S FOJEl SA.LE BIT THOS. J. DOAK Scene Second, Abi!;,^ail at Carmel Son*; — Caniiol |Fiiir. C) rarmcl fair whose peaks arise, O'er Esdraelon's thrice fruited trees ; {'■alhcd in the l)hie h'ght of the sl\ics, And la veil for ever by the seas, I love the greenness of thy woods, Tlu; fragrance of thy spiced air, Thy \ ine-inipiirpled solitudes () Carmel dear ! O Carmel Fair! Attendants — 'fht'c, Abigail, the shepherds seek, With leafy crook and tinkling bells, Swift as the hart nt (iilhoa's peak. And h;ippy as her free gazelles. Abigail to Shepherds— 1 welcome thee while rises slow The hermit moon in dusky air, Sing some sweet song while night hangs low, Her golden lamp round Carmel fair, S(>N<; AM) (^rAi.'TKT — A Slioplierd Tlieru Was. Shepherds - A slieplierd there was in Judah's land (C) pastoral reeds play low, play sweet) H 5j touclied the harp with a mystic hand And the white flocks at his feet lay. ^__^.,j^v^»^^t^^^M:^*.'*f/:^ *■■">• ^f"^^ sfl/ ^'^^I^ii;^'^ *^*'''^ *.>"'^ **»» Whoa Stop AND GO TO ALL. eet West. Cbz^s. Brotber^s Livery :for. thie best xdt?,i"vers iisr Stables and Offices in Cryan Block. ciT-5r. titHTUE ^PltWG VS COWWG c And Now is the Tims To Get Your Clothes Cleaned and Dyed BY PATRONiriNG * Th I^oW^'s baundry and Dye 09orKs -^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^.^^^,-^ — , Of Judah's God he sang the praise, (O pastoral reeds play loud, play clear) And oft in his rapt and melodious lays, He felt his God was near. O happy shepherd of Judah's plains, (O pastoral reeds play sweet, play clear) Who charmed the Hocks, and whose mystic strains The Deities bowed to hear. Thou Siiig^est of Judah. Abigail (Reoit.)— Thou singest of Judah, Sing now of our own fair fields and downs • Behold Carmel ! how grandly it lifts its head in the aii • How the stars like lambs hang round it ! How beautiful is night. Abigail, Queen of (Virinel. Shepherds (i ecit,) O Abigal, Oueen of CarmeV The flocks and herds are thine. Thou hast a gracious and loving heart And thou shall reign as queen I3eyond the mountai.i sheepfolds. The shepherds have sent thee roses from Sharon We lay them at thy feet. Peace tills the valleys and tlie high peaks are breath- less and sti!'. } see jus e "Brantford" StrSEI, RAWrC M OWER. ll\ Ask to Kt!t» tiiem at pi; K^STHER S tROGK-'S, Market Square. Nvmo C/9orks ins a til- S.A."V^."E]ID What is saved ? Time and money, by buyinj:? your AT - Dry Goods and Carpets HYSL-OP'S •V* This IS no sensatHiiial sale, but a bona fide retiriri},' sale. It is a conniioti thin" to see offers of a b-.-^ain in gome particular line but it seldom occurs that a larije stock of jiist snchijoodsas are in jfood demand are offereti without exception, at cost or less. < ,) r A i;tkt— ( ) { 'rvsial Night. Crystal ni.<,Tht ! O Crystal^jnight ! Sprene and brij^ht is thy golden star, Thy portals ope, thy [wrtals ope, 'I"he twilight tades afar ! () crystal night ! O crystal night ! O night of the golden star, Abigail and Attendants — O beautiful ! ( ) beautiful ! The night of the golden star ! Beautiful night ! beautiful night ! Serene and bright is thy golden star, In Canncl's shade, in Carniels shade, While she[)herds watch afar, We'll calmly sleep, we'll calmly sleeji O night of the Golden star. .Scene Third. Saul in Despondency. S()X(; — Sad is the Heart. (Saw/— Sad is the heart wliose prayers no more The ear of God will hear. That sees, where seraphs sang before, ^ P)Ut mocking shapes a[)pear. The harvesfs past, the summer's fled, The light ol youth is gone, My manhood's prime to ;ige is wed, And oftentimes I feel with dread, Deaili's winter stealing on. ■ oiv-^ . .5^ ^,.c^ ^„s^ ^,,t. ^^,c ^„f, ,„s^ ^,,^ 3f> ■p^.j?— A=c^A=r7A=5"5v;sC^!vr:?,!«c-^^=c^j^^-!~*— Aa^. I. BECKER St CO., SUCCESSORS TO Y. SHANNON. Square. Olll >I(»TTO : "IIKST IS THK CIllwVPKST." Engagements for Sittings if Desired. f He PlvmoutH Hocl^ tailoring (To. BRANCHES ALL OVER CANADA. IHenUquarreiH : ,i.U4 >,t. CaMuiine ,Sti«et, Moiitioal. Suits to Order from $c) up. Hants to Order from S2.50 up. Overcoats to Order from' $10 up. All Goods Warranted First-Class. J J90. p?9l?al?. I MANAQE>4 ,.V* --,.*>. *>iiS. *Vl«^ -VJf^ --Viv^ ^Vt'Cs ^.sC^K^ '■*^^ Each morn has less of golden light, And roses less each eve, I've lost from life the olden light, And all my hopes deceive. ^ The harvest's past, the summer's fled, I he light of youth is gone, Around me cluster shapcs/)f dread. And dark (/er my dis-crown-ed head, Despair is stealing on. Soxo — Fair Sheplierd. MichnI, davqhter of Saul. Fair Shepherd, wake some tuneful air. Some lay that breathes of hope once more And from the abysm of dark despair. His wandering thoughts to' joy restore. I hough Judah'sfKing, yet visions rise ' More dark that tho't can form in word^ Ihey banish slumber from his eyes, O Shepherd, wake thy mystic chords. Play him some air that shepherds love, When night upon the hills is fair, Or when the vales they jocund rove. Oh wake again some cheerful air. Perhajis amid the sweet, low strain, Some light of soul mav break the s|)cll, And joy return to bliss again, The heart where she was wont trrdwill. S()X(i — For.sukeii. <,,>-^ -vi{^ ^,.v> ^.,,5^ ^,5^ ^^,j^ •■-•^~AiC-^M^-,:^~A^i — I 3^. F=. J/\£ORK7VTKN, i CIX.S, :p^Xiq-TS, C3-X.^SS, STOVES AND TI3SrW^I?:E] TELEPHONE 47. 5tr2vtforcI, Opt. 50 0NTARI0-ST : do. ■ I MANAGED I Hew AjcaerieaxiL n ^1* Wall Papers • • • Xcuo.t Designs. Latest I'rices. Kstiniatcs o,vcn at I ontuiio stioot. Thos. W. Gale's. -yiv* ^/,o ,^,c^ ^„<^ ,^,^^ ^^,^^ ,^^,_ _,_^-. — j_.__j_._.j^_^_^ .S-aw/— Forsaken, ali, of little worth Are jewelled crowns or l«"/- The s(Mi of die elder of Bethlehem. And what is thy name and what thy occupation ? David~\ am L)a\id the Shepherd ]5oy. Ciloitis— A TlKmsiiiul Men. Now take the tabrets and advance, '1 he hero hail with song and dance. :»«r»s;»«;»«i»«K «» «» ^^ «»a»«;»«;s«»«i»s:s- 8c. a Week PAID TO THE BRIGHT HERALD CARRIER Will Ketfulaily (iet Vou v-a.r:e] IT (m The Ev^eaiag J4eralct The )'.(.)• will take inidc in ,s(!i'\ ini'- \-()ii 'well. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Good Br^ad, Cake^^ Pastry, (>tc. Goods Delivorod to all parts of tlic City. Tplephoiip No. !>o. IDOWNIK STRKEX. •— i— i?!^^'J4ii:^!';ii>J*i^;'5i^'ti^;«i-vM»» ^^;i» ».M4^ '^\1<» V>t«- v^■'^ s.>n^ v.M,'^ vV^?<^.>*^'^^ >'!'^ jy.''^<.j^"''-i^'.^^^;^^y:^ ^V£^ i^!^ i^*' ■*-■»"'--- -^^^^ -wt^ -^'t^ ^^f/v vo* _ •^•"^ ^^'O *a#."N. !*> •^I'S "^iv^ •^('sC *^icC ^ic<* ^iv» "^ivC^icC^y'itCTiiVr '^"^ ~ '■■" C« E» Jllasm^y tIK S: G©* City Drug Store. Niuiil lU'll T<'h'plu»u«' 14'i, AI.VIfKET Sgr VIJE. th foi etc. )3iT W^ N^Ver Forget lliH little ones, nor the ladies, bless 'em. Shoes for the wee tots, for scliool use, that will stand the wear Slippers and Oxfords for mother and orown-ui) sisters. Prices lower than ever befoie. If we sav it's so, it's so. Mcpherson & mcwhimey, O 1 Ontario Street, Stratlord. :r • >> « t©* Now tike the tabrets and advance, The ' iroes hail with song and dance. Whv...i heroes return who liberty save, The altar fire burns in the hearts of the brave When heroes from battle return. The souls of the valiant then mingle as one, The banners of triumph are thrown to the sun When heices from battle return. The praise of the Lord fills the lips of the free And joy fills the heart as the sun fills the sea, When heroes from battle return. Then come, then come, tlien come, then come, When the conflict is (lone ye heroes return Beloved by the heat t s of a thousand as one, Ye heroes from battle return. Of victory sing, from battle when heroes return I Scene Sixth. David in Exile. SoN(i— In Awful Cuvern.s. David - In awful caverns wild and dark, I hide from man's fierce wrath ; Philistia's lords, with Saul combine To hunt my secret path ; As for the water pants the hart. Its fever to abate, I long to drink of that cool well. Of Bethlehem by the gate. ThMO— But that Ahis. The was-es of sin has not been reduced th^se hard times, neither has the price of PHOTOS "^i* ••• 'i^ ' \UE, But the e.\cpllent Hnish and superb tone and worknmnshit> tl»Mnn„evthanrpH„f.P,l ^rf;'"-^f°^^''°'>S ART GALLERY trives better value for liuliuM HlovK, Market Street, Siratfof.l, McEwen ^> ^ ^ '^ have lirokon Our AVav. We have broken our wayl'thro' Philistia's host, The trophy wo bear thee our valor has cost : Let thy heart cheer tliee now, for our love has been ^^reat, Diink, drink, thou of Iknhleheni's well at the j^atc. Tiiio— Oil, Why Is Tliy Soul > ( )h, why is thy soul cast down with care ? And why do thy foes discpiiet brin,L,r ? Ho])e thou inOod, he hears ihv i)raver, And thou again His praise sh'alt sing, SoN(i — As Panes the Hart Do.i'id - As pants the \»-ounded hart at eve. For its remembered streams afar. So for the Lord my sighs 1 breathe. So for his grace my !onL;ing> avv. . Tiio—\vs, trust in liim, yes, trust in liini : Oh why is thy soul cast down with care, c^c. Scene Sc\enlh. David and the Shepherd Queen. .|.:^Jf',^'-ii,i?;;A»;^"^ v>t<^ i?!'i i^I'fi ^"" -^"^ '.-'/■^ v>'/>' v.\./^ ^m^, vm/^ . . 'Vi* ^/li^ ^^,x>. ^„^ ^^,(^ ^,^ ^„<^ ^„c, ^^,v^ ,,.^ ^„^^ Z^A-.'^ ~y^>i^~,°rT~,;^~,<^~/i'iZ~y,^^l- Before Yoii l^liy ' SKtC OUR Rapsiej: aoAi»> *'\'^ *'^,'*' *>»<-» ^^vi-i* "^^^"^ **o'5£. **!'-^ *'*''?i. ^ '^ *A'A^ *^J'-' *"^"i^'^^^"iC;^**^ 5i^\^ *^/>'t^ *^tiiC^ts>. ^/'■i^^i'iC •r/i\"s ^iv>« ^ic* ^»f^ ^^i*^ "^ivC ^vf^ V*ic^ "^ytc^ ^*.v-CV/n,>. ' IMessed be t-lie Lord, and Peace, Dauid (Recit.) — Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, Who sends this day to meet us, And l)lessed he thy deviee, y\nd blessed be thou Abit^'^ail, Thou liast kei)t me this day from shedding; blood, ' (jo in peace. Abigail — We come to thee for j)eace my Lord, We come to thee for ])eace, Oh give us now thy royal word 'I'hat strife and war shall cease, And all, and all be peace. Messenqer — O David thy foe hath perished, "Xeath the stroke of wrath divine. The reveller of the vineyards Lies dead at the table of wine. David — What, Xabal ? who so proudly The mountain vineyards trod. And said in his heart in his revels. In Israel there is no God. Messenger — Now the glancinj? of spears in the vineyards, And the si<;hts of blood shall cease. And the maids in the olive gardens Will gather the fruits of peace. The Itosy Heiglus of Carincl, Children — The rosy heights of Carmcl. Are crowned with flowers of spring, •v\t«.* •O'*'^ *»M/>' ""O.'/-* '<^»<*» "-* vAtj;^ "0»4^ v>i<^ *^^"-i, J^''?i "^^'fi *^*.":i *'*?*^ "^^J^ ' *'/°'sC* -'^i't-* -'/tcC^vi'cC -^/t«C *->i\rC ^-vic* --yisiC <»tv^ -v?c^ *'yi'iC ^, ,fC ^^...-^ ^A'iT ^^i^'^/>\-^ f5N. C ar O ia5TSXJK,E lasr the Gree^t West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY BECAUSK, U, is the only CaiKuliaii Conipai). ^^iviii;;- its iiolic> lioldcr- tlii' sfciiriiy df 4 per cent.. Iteservf ; alloltiers. witlioiii e\(ie)ition, rt'sciviin;- on ii I^uit sunidin'ci. UECAIJSK, Tlie folIaU'ivit Sfcuiil.v anit Sj\iii-s Uahk I'oiiiics (i.-^il(■l| onI\ liy tliis Company) i,'ive the larj^est, iriiarantccd I'esiilts of any plans offeied to the public. HARRY BAKER. Local Representative. C3-a I ICB. FOR fe (.'(■iiriiy of >I:iii(hiril. \\\ \,\ tliis the (iuljlie. NTATIVE. ltiUi,L,'iii<4 in price t'loiii 4 cents per roll up. dood (Jold papers from lo^. per I^oll dp. .n.l u/^ '"''^' Borders froni 6<:. per yard. Also the best line of Weather and Waterproof Ready-Mixed Paints in the market. Call and see us. OLD ALBION BLOCK, Next Door to A. Beattie & Co.'s, Ontario street. ^^^^^^^^ ^ig S!^ ^}^ ^;g. ^^^^^^ On every side up-sprint,nng^, 'I'he happy birds are \vi'ngin<,% Of love and joy they sing^. The shepherd boy of Carincl, The brijrhtest flowers bring, And happy hearts are beating Are beating, beating, beating, Of love and joy they sing. The shepherd girls of Carinel The sweetest flowers bring, Before the bridal greeting^ The happy bridal greeting. Of love and joy they sing. Scene Eighth. The Carmelite Bride. Cuoin-s— From Cai'inel We Come. From Carmcl we come with its rich treasures laden, I he bright flowers strew, every youth, every maiden She IS worthy the hand that has valiantlv sought her, \ cs worthy our chief, tho' the Carmelite's daughter. Then hail her, then hail her. Then hail her our queen and her glad praises sing, V es, hail her and bless her the bride of our king The soft breezes whisper, From mountains of grandeur and valleys serene, I^arewell, oh, farewell to our fair shepherd aueen Hail : Hail ! Hail ! Hail. ' i • The Tem p eranc e a ndGeneral I^Lt^_J^.^suj»ancejCo. Gives the Best Kinds of Policies at llie Lowest Kates and rrojK-r Cla.ssiHcutioii of Kisks. G»-BITB3Bi-A.Xi -A-O-EITT ' f\. U/addell, A New Departure. -^ ^^^n^^^^^ ^ ^ .;^ ^ ^^^^^^ David -Blessed be thou my Oirmclite bride. «ono-a.ul l^efmin— Oil, Hast TIiouWhiuIui Abigail — Oh Ion- hast thou wandered an exile from Judah C ompelled hke a bird to the mountains to Hee, ' And longed the fair hill sides of Bethlehem to see, Cho. -Wherever thou goest my heart goes with thee 1 shielded thee oft when with peril surrounded, I brought the rich fruits of the vineyards to thee 1 hen tenderly cherish thy fair bride o^f Carmel ' W iio loved thee in exile as though thou wert free, Scene Xinth. The Evening Before the Coronation C(l. lel. David- -The Lord my shepherd is. My wants He will supplv ; In pastures green He leadeth me The quiet waters by. Vca, thou 'h my feet mav walk The vallev of the shade, No evil there shall come to me, 1 will not be afraid. For Thou before me still, „ '-['hy rod and staff shalt bear, Where enemies encompass me, Tliou makest my table there, '^^^:^m^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Livcpy, OPP. WINDSOR HOTEL. When \'ou are Going Out Drivin- '^N© (iet yum- Livery from J. T. Wuddelj, opp. Windsoi' trotei, tis iiothiiio- but the BEST is kepi. TELEPHONE 53. . T. GO ( \§) M^ ONBDOOR I /]\^ \^^->^tornr.:K.Ai.i)<,tti,cyn,Mviii ,i,ui The Classic Tea Parlor. ^verythin, X... and l-^.^'"" ''''''''''''''' '' '''''^'^''^ ^^^ •'-visions • • always on hand. *'»>>ii': AMI SKI-:. •My iirad with loval oil ilioii docst anoint an 1 bless 1 Imu (Townest me, and overflows 'Vlv cup of happiness. '"^T SV^^]"^^^^ -I'l^l 'J'hv love Smll|,kssn,ealin.vdavs, And then ioreyer in Thv house, •^'V soul shall speal< Thy praise. CMORAL-Evcnino- Hy„,n. Xow starli.t,rht soft o'er Carn.el falls, luneath the palms we kneel to prav And auulynud the mountain walls-' 1 lie murm rous voices fade awav. !• alher, where'er our tents may be' ■rK,,,.':'f^^''"»7'^^ily conflicts (ease Ihouu tour safety still, and we Will lay us.down and sleep in peace. Scene Tenth. Tne Coronation. Choris— Huil. H. all hail, let the suver trumpets sound Alanasseh sends her thousands ' 1 no east an hundred thousand • I hey come with flowincr banners ! Alll men of war renowned ' H-om Zeb'lun tifty thousand ! 'Qiietef^B© Wim lumn f M'lnityPe^and^lnde nta kins . GO Ontario Su-eot, Telephones— Day 33, Night 9r>. fl\UQf) Ci^SS 19 ('it.;nsu...ITolM.To I Of S.tvcd on Satiii'diiy Market MAKES THE ^i:)<2ning J{eral3 cost virtually nothing FAV Tin; < AKKIIOU lOK IT. thii hut Li riie nortli an luinclred thousaiul, Four thousand iiricits jL-lioida Leads t'orih with Irumpft sound. 'I'hiL'c luindr(."d thousand Will I ii lis, In Hebron's v;ilc assrinblo ! Three hundred thousand warriors < )!' \ ;dor and renown ; Tlie chosen one is coming- ! Pour forth the son.t,' of triiniiph ! 'I'he Lord e\:dts the lowlv, Let tlie anointed kini;' 1h' Crow iietl. Quartet and Ohlioatn. Dauid, Attendants and Elder— As mountains roinid his people rise. Is Ciod's protecting- care ; My faith nitiifts to thcni her eves, I'o see His piescnce there. I shall not faint, I sliall not fall It thou, O I,ord, upholdost nic ; 'Ihy presence, like a mountain wall, _ My stren^j^th and sure defence shall be. Tho' hostile tents my way surrouml, I with the Lord abide ; And on life's consecrated ground In his pavilion hide. Abigail and Quartet- As sure as mountains form that rouu.l his f)eo|)lc rise, Is God's unfailin.i.,- love, is G;hI's protectin'' Insure in the Manufacturers* Life and Accident Insurance Qo'y, JOHN O'OONOGHUE. iMM.irt MVr,Str.,ft..i,l. I shall not tire nor laim, I shall not tVar nor fall W'liatrvxT hiM-c on earth My lot in lil'r mav Ik-, His i.ns.M. c ;nul his .^\nyy \\kc a nu.unlain wall, < 'n CM-iy sidr oncoinpass nir. Kin:ile. rii,)i;is— Hosimia. Hosanna ! Ilosanna .' llosanna ' HU'smhI is hr (hat couieth in the name of tin- J^orP f losanna ii, thc^ hi,;lu-si ! llosanna in the- hi-hcst ! " I hi; loulv hr v\.\\u tli. (^ ^ • I'raisi' anil niaj^nil'y his name. Dauid iind Abiytti/. I shall not tire noi- iViini. I shall not fear n ir fall, II thou l.oi-a uphohlest me; Thy presence and thy -lory'like a mountain wall Miall ever my protection be. < 'h no, I shall not faint. I shall not fear nor fall. \\ hate\ei- here on earth My lot in life mav be, Tin- presenre and thy olory like a mountain wrdi, Miall ever more en-ompa>s me. THE BELL Piano and Organ Company. ^^'aI•p^ooll^H 95 Ontario Street STRATFORD. Coulton&Jackson MANAGERS, •.■••.:• • "■.•.• i?s •■6 »•;=•■ CKLU MT :•;* *i;- Dr. Hamilton's I DENTAL PARLORS, MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. — iiOi»' — ■ m ••■.'*• ■•'-.;• ■ • ;* • •■•.".• Painless Kxtraclion, and I'lvsi'ivution of Xatinal |^ Teeth a Speeialfy. :||l Crown and IJridge Work. Ml .' • t". ■ ■:«;>v.;»:r-;»'vr!:ii:r-v^; ♦ ? :';>ii::: • !!::••••■'•;: • • •■••.\».' ••..;•.••;•;••;:.;♦:' •■•■■•■ .;»:--;»^ !»y:;=« ■«••••:.!•*■••:: «.. w:.,; •)-#^ .•••.'••..;•