'm' t- *,■ CIHM " Microfiche Seiries (Monograplis) « ■•■ /■ ,*-" ICMH . Collection de microfiches (monographies) A Canadtait IratHuM for HMorieal Mlerorapraductiom / liwihiit ctimNwi / □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue □ Includes ihdexlas)/ CompramI un (das) in^ex „ Title on haadartakan from:/ La titra de I'en-tlte provAint: □ Title) page of issue/ Page de titre de la livralson Wy' f □ Caption of issue/ - '■'< titre de dipart da la livraison □ Masthead/ w Ginirique (piriodiques) de la livraison ''if ^ □ Additional comments:/ Commentaires tuppMwientaires; This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked betow/ Cc document est filmi ati taux de rMuction indiqui ci-dessous. ii* "tOX^ -i*x- "»«- "■ '^p^p^ ^23e -2«- ^w- 12X 18X aox 24X 28X 32X I«»iHlHi«HiH^IWHf tiM oopy ninfd fmn hat bt«n raproduoad th#ikt to tiM oMMrosity of : . T Motropplltan Toronto Rofirtnet LIbriry Baldwin Room Tha lma«aa appaaring Kara ara tha bast quality poaalbia aenaldaring tha condition and laflibiJity of tho original copy and In kaaping with tha filming contract apaclflcatlona. Qrtglndl copiaa In printad papar oovart ara filmed baglhning with tha front cover and ending on tha laat paga with a printad or iiiuttratad imprat' alon. or tha back cover whan appropriata. Ail othar original cppiaa are filmed beginning on the firat page with a printad or iiiuatrated Impres- alon, and andlng on tha last page with a printed or INuatratad Impraeaionp;^ Tho laatjricordad frame on each rnlcrofic^ 'ahaN contain the eymbol -•• (meaning "CON. rtHli$/0% or the symbol ▼ (meaning "IND"), . whialfivar applies. : ^ ^. Bhaita. etc.. may be filmed at luctlon ratios. Those too large to be ^ ^ludad In one fNposura art filmed baglnnimi In the upper left hand corner, left to right and itop to bottom.' as many frames as raoulrad. The following diagrams illustrate the method: - t'axemplaira film* f ut reprodult gr«ca A li gAhArof IM 1^: -'■.'■'..:■' ■■'.'-: :■■■ ' - • Matropolltan Toronto Rafaranca Librory Baldwin Room tA Lee Imagoa suhrantae ont ItA raprodultes avec ie plus grand soln. compta tahu ^» la condition at da la nenet« de I'exempleire film*, et en conformitA evfc lea conditions du contrat de fHniaga. Les eKer^plaires orlginaux dont la cpiiverture>en papier est ImprimAe sent fUmAs en ^ommenpant par ie premier plat et en terminant soit par ia derniAre pege qui comport* une empreinte ^ d'impresslon ou d'lllustration. soit par Je second plat, salon la caa. Tous lea autras e»emp1aires . origlnauK sont fllmAs iin commandant par ia premiAre page qui compOrta una empreinte d'impresslon ou d'lllustration at an termlnant par la darnlAr* paga qui oiomporta una telle ampralnta. Un das symboles sulvanta apparaftra sur la darnlAre Image de cheque microfiche, seion ie cas: la symboia -^ signifia "A SUIVFIE". la symboia ▼ signlfIA "PIN**. Las eartae. planches, tableaux, etc.. pauvent AtJa fiimAs A dee taux da rAductlOn diff Arenu. Lorsque ie document Cat trap grand pour AtM ^ reprodult en un soul cHchA. II est fllmA A partir .d« I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut an bas. en prenant la nombre / d'images nAcessaira. Lea diagrammaa sulvanta illustrant la-mAthoda. /< ' K ' . ■ ■ ...-.• "■*".'■ . >*' '-H : ■ '-■■ • ■ -' '■.■■■■■-'■.:■■■; •;■■■.' '■< '■.'■■ 1 2 :,::z\'' ;:/;,, ■;;';:■;■■. ; : ^.-^r^—-^-:-^ ,- 4 - .V 5 6 ''"■■-. * ♦ ^ ■i . Mdraoorr moumoN nn cnait (ANSI dfid ISO TlSr CHART Nq 2> 1.0 1.1 mm 12.2 u IM 1*0 ■-r- ItU EoM iMn Straat ~ RodMalar, Niw Torii - I4«M . USk pit) w-OMo-piNmi 1.. 7- 8 H ut; Ai'^t r ■> t cHARLOTTjerowi^, r. %l«r Al'-I s^^ .i*'Cfc^" >1 )lk^ ..' «fi lUMHMIiniMMaiMHIIWMtillHIIllHHWIii^^ ^^iP^ .■,■•.. lis YEAR we have succeeded in placing t^efore tlie peopie tlie very best vaiues that can be obtained in foreign iind domestic nftarli^ts, and will not be undersold by iviy House in the Trade- V Selaotloiui teom pox Stock will ibe luqr and pleaaant. as It oontatns aU tlM leading - ■ I . . - ""^ I'JL* JUfcUEi X* ■ ', , Ibr Spring and Summflr. in Dreoa fhod». Trimmings, BCUlixuvy Goodie SateenB, Print*, Ao. W« al«o keep a laige range of Men^s Bata and Fomishinga, which we sell at yertr low priofC i'i H *" ROGERS, importersand Dealers ii English, German 1 Aineilfian 77--A^\ 1909, 8TEEL, CHAH AHD tLmQE KETAL8, '-XAROK -aTOOK QF r lit @ia9l£|Q liaatweiili BENT GOODS, TRIMMINGS, ^o. ^ % JIgricultural Implements, ^aoliindry Oils. Sweet JOils. Belting and all kinds of Mill Supplies. Paints. varnlslies.* Slass. Barbed Wire, Suo. Iv-f IN EVCAY VAmrrv, kind and price. fftolesale and Retail, ipecial MaflMgerrte for Wt> tliinlMiM Qmm^mliim QUEES 8QVABB, (Mi3ifU]fWBl^§k.* --^|i '| il >,i'',',' BB!eaaBegg B''w'»'j^.(i,M i iwi;'V'M'FT< i tt i* # A '^s^^^s^MM - '.v-^ • , y^ ^ r: ,— r,v'- ■*■ tMt^mt*^ II »i«w%%i juide Book. Issued in Commemoration of tlie Jubilee of Her Ma)est]f Queen Victoria. CHAKUyniiroWN. p. Il island. JUNI;, 1887. lALUTATORY. RT i« with Kr«Ht |>U*Niiiiri* wi> itrit i'iiiiIiIinI to |ir«tiwiit tilt tli«t |imi|tlH of IVIiiLT Etiwitnl IiiUihI, Wimt limy iMt titrnitHl n tuntrrntr of tli« Ih-ovfiiclul <'«fl«*linitloii of rlio •lulHU'A Vmr of Our b»*lov«il IJi»v«rflgn, (jiiecii VIetorlii. It |« iitU'iMiml tliHt thin llttif iNNik mImII ry^Dot only hh h Kuliltt to thoM vlRltlii|{ <|H|||t«towii iluriiiK tiM P4mI tli« ci>|«l>rittloii, but iiImo tlint tfie epIlKniiu 4>f liiTornmtloii (■oiiUiIimhI tmn«tii, toiioliliig proiiiliieiit evpiitn In tli» lilittory of tlio Empire (liirliijf tli« paiit Itfty yitnrM, wUI b« found liit«>reHtliig to tlioHH who i-herlRh Ihti limtltiitloiiii of thut K*Titt uoiiiitry whieli hiut v.yvx Immmi foro- moHt in proiuotlhg ChrUtiiuilty, (,'lvlliMttlon, ttin Arta and Hulejmw*, True Liberty, and nil groat eutitrpri/«s tejiding to the moral, intellectual, and Hoclal advan<;eiii(<^it of mankind, and over wlioM Int<*reiil8 our noltle and llhiiitiious Queen liaa ruled happily and wlaely for ro many year*. Coinplete I'rograiniuflfi will, also bo found herein of the Aevcral Deinoniitratloiifl, Eiitertaln- inenta and AiiiuxeiiientA it Ih voiit<>mplnl<>d to hold as part of the (■elebratipn, together witii ail Index to the same and Advertisers' Index at tlie iHUik; the Itook wilt also serve as a guide to thos« wisliing to do business in the City, «!oii-- talDing aa it does the announveraenta of onr leading business men, through whose patronage w« are enabled to place it Free in the hands 9f all> hibping that it may prove aeceptabie and useful, and requesting yon to give it a i-arefni IMruaal, iind preaerve it for future reference'. "^^ -..-*. JOHN COOMBS' Office JOOK-JlNDERI^ yjL — Contradiction that the qi|ality of our work as Job Prihters> is^ + UNSURPAaSBD + i* In the Dominion. That our Bookbinding t Blank Book Making Is UNEQUALRD in the Iitand and n(»t excelled in the iiower Provinces, and t)ur pric e g the lx)w e st ^-^— \18 Queen Street, Oharhttetofini. ■»,»^^»l|>«'^IS»»» «% i*t^^ THH J"M^> ibc Crown or iBritieb 30^0. ||IH<« W<)VI<, All HIllMll Inyiil llilllliitia ■Imi(, thi'lr iH'iirtK nhU/i' wild tovsj With llimliliiK •*>'•* Niiil iiohI iiiImmh', liilmi<'li<-«l III itrni "f 'ii"*'!. (in'iil llrllulii'* <'lillilrim* froiii .Siiliit ( lcor|(<>'ii (Vimiii, YH III tllf lll'lllkll (ollMM-t iIhtii limy In- iriioNi ii» Iomj For loyiil li«Mirt'>« lri'llnK, tlMiiiuli M'lii) mill pliilu* illvlili' ;' Allil il)'* of IiIimnI iiri> Ktroiitf niitl tWp - unfoiilliH'iititiirH wIiImI ^■■ 't\w 'niUHi- rtiim«« tll»« SlimuriH'k K\pn\i\% ■ In>iiIiw<>iiM U> tli«< (•ytm (if f rlt'iiiU « * tin wuriihiirM to nil fiM-R ; \\\w U not iiroiiil lliHt III III* \i'\m lliiTf l)oM H III)' Mini)' hriivt' ItliHul Tlmt ft'll Itkx ruin iit WiiUtIoo, or CrliiK'nii IiomIh wIllnttiMxIY Wlh;ri''<«r «Ih' Ktmuiurtl of rln> ( riiwii liiiM fliiiiMl It lmltliiK-|>l<"'** (IvHI/ntloirliiiii Inx'Ii «o\vii io glorify tlio |{iif(>; \ And KiliK'iitlon'H iNMinti'oiMi tmil llllN lllOHNOIIKll JiJIO llff 'I'o uliotv tlin Worlil lliiit I'riiiit hiitlijo.v* wiknowii to ilcliU of JStrlfii: 'AfrofM till' M'lm iiri< ItrltUli IiiikU, iiimI mii-li ('oloiiliil ({itin in linkiil liy ttliiiliiM of liiMiitit Into llritiiniilii'M illiiiliMii ; For wiii'tlu'r ■|iil'x "ixiiliiK ■«iii, Or In tint Willi AiiMtritlliiii liimli, Ali, IIkitikii IIk,vkt» AhkOnk! TIh> t1l)rcHortii«i ItrllUli luMirt iir)« llrtii 111 kuoiti'd oiik; Wln-n oncf tlii-lr l»Vc Iiiih urowii tlwri-hi— wlii'ii worilM of triiHi nh> H|Hik<>, A frl«>iiiliilil|i iMirn of imiiiIIiUmk-i- Ik ilruwn with inrry breath, A* hiMilMlli'Hn n* tln> ^{lolm Itwlf.-"' tlmt only (U«n with (It'iitli! Th)* hingiiiiK*' of tU« Mothorlmiil U Miiokon iiikI Ih HiiiiK. , \Vhrr«>'i'r'rriith, Kiiltli iiiiirLoyiilty iiro horn on huniiin.ttijix*"') It tlirilM In timi'N of MiOi'»ty, of Honor, IVntuMinil lti);lit, AuU »*l hii" willed tlmt Merov li«> . twin-hlrth of Itrltalit'H MlKhtr All lliiil! Tlio Quoin -the fhltlifnl Wife- tin' Mother j{ri>at' anil j(oy our leadlnu; Kjore*. _ VVe have only "iHire Io nienlion a fi-w^of lhe'i|ovellle«. In atlilllloii to the iixial 1 1 lien of ItreiiH (joihI*, ladleN are now iihown Vlitoria Mieek«, Niin«' Velllii)(« |>l»ln niul trheeked. Julylli'eMU'l|K'!<,Tw»'«'d < lie«.'k«, *«'• Many of thene kimhIi are rltli In «lyU' and nhoilld Im' neen liy everyone dexhiiiK nervh-i'ahlii and l^iittilonalite drenoe*. lit Hat* and Ihinnetii llie..liilille«Mle«lKn'»areholh|iretly andlMi-onihiK, , whllol the variety of trliiiliiliiK* nlioWii U aliiMMt lM>wllilerlii|r One of the linn of IlKl'.U IIkum vlHUed thellrhlxh inaiketii with llie |ini'|ioii.> of iMfiirhix a hirjre «lo«k of ihe iieweKt and niort atlrat'tlve kooiTh at lowent |irlee«. The remilt In, It l« alinoHt worth vlxltlnx Ihe illy to nee the iiiaiiv hargatii'* and heaiiilliiF. novellleii idiown hy tluMit. Ill many eaiten the prh-en are mi low an to lie aHoiiUhliiK* whleh tneaiiN a (("'at deal in thew' dayH of keen eoin|M-tltloii. H|N-elal Indm-einentH will he otiered In order tlmt every- one vUllliitf Charloltetown during the •lilhllee t'elehratloiriimy have a ideitMiint reeolleetlon of their VUlt anil earry «\vay with them Home hiiIi- Miaiitlal miitriiilf of' It. IlK.Kit IIihm. do not want yon to huy what iloen not nnll^ yon, hut ar« anxloiiH to 'have yon for a iierinaneiit euKtomer liy HiiltiiiK your taote and |>nrMe and kIvIii^ you In every «a«e "thk <;i>uui-;< t riiisti. ' l>o not fairtu viMit their nUire wircii In the iilty. l^oVelUes?! ^IPMIM* v« FOR SUMMER AND FALL. HATa,&aONNET3, V SACk» <9 Oolman*, CARPiTS, Jlouse Fupnistiings of evepy kind. A'on are hivltwl to call nnd «n> our large, abiekof BA K UAIWH ANfeXOVEtTIIC S . — JiottoH, Mut0., Mnif, 1887, Uextkii Bhitii. M*,^*.**M'..VMM.MMfM*l.*V*M'*«*U>«M*a.«*MM.«*MW^^tMMf%l« tM> .'^^iSi^ ftlla6ro^«^ \vj^^ tHI quiiN iTMir. qmiM iquMi, CHARLOTTETOWN, P, E. I., IM AM 4(i[*i(i(iilitit|, for llir Ct^cpltf Ml WIIKMR TIIKY MW ri'MCIIAHII Mi«||tauHiiia nOOKH of «v«, iidllmlUKl In nunlitNtr, and J\ sdort ifistofioal 8koto)i of t^ Keign of Quoon ViotX)ria. I.KX \NI»IIIN',\ Vir|-«>IUA, g.H-..ii of KiiKIiiimI. iiihI Kiii|>rt'M »( IikIIh, miu iHint Mity 'itih, IHIII, ImMl, mill Vli'loHn "llnrlu lrfMr|*ii or Mii«i^('iHiiir|{. idkI k''"'")* iii^UKttti'r <>r UiHirKf. Ill)' tUlril of tlii> iiitiiii>. n» wiHI UK of llii< ltruii''Mlfk Mivi-ri-lKiM »l)<> n*- Ci'lvttil IIm< rroMii iif KukIiiiiiI lliroiiKli Klfi'lrtmi* HUli>iniMit In 1701. KhiV Wlllliitii l\', iMwIf of lli'i- MiiMy niiil her prLil^Oamir, iIUhI itt ic.ilt u. in.. Jiiiu' :tOtli. i'lii* ni'M* >\ii« (iiiiiM'illiiii'ly liikiMi lo Kiin*lnt(loii I'Hliirf, wliiMi' lln* l'rliM>r»« Vlrlorlii n'ulihil. HIh< ini't III)' ('oiiiii'll lit <>li>viHi iif tiic rnllcil KIiik- iltiin of Urciit llrliiiln iiiid Iri'lwiMl," ui«l ri'ntl her Hi-ot ii|M>«*cli, (|iiirt of uliUli we iiiHilf) In « voli'c iIh'ii mill MOW ri'iniirkiilil)' for iUmIiii'^iii»m iiinI nWri'liu'Kii : '• 'I'lii' uwfnl ri'(i|H»ni»l<«IHty of iiitnilnlati'i'hiK llu' Kovi>rniiii'iil of lliK Kin|ilr«< liiiM I'onM' ii|ion nil' **> xiiildpiily, miil ul iHt t-iirly II |M>rioil of my liri>, tliitl I hIiimiIiI fi'i'l o|ifir<-*Ni'il by lli<> liimli'ti wrtV I not »ii«tiilinNl liy tin- Iio|m' that till' lllvino I'riUiili'iit'i' which hax I'lSlloil tiu> to tliU work will K^K inn ittri'iiKth for tin* |M-r- rorinuiH-i' of ll, mill khiit I mIhiII HimI In th<- (nirlty of my liilcnItonK, mil In my /i-iil for the, ittililln wi'Ifiiri'. timl miiil'iort iiiitl tlii-iM' WKouri'i-x which nmiiilly licloii); to iil nion; iniitnri' UK*' unit to loiiK cxii^rU'iHv." Th« <'«roii4illon ccn'inony w'n« |M'rf<»rni«1 a'lUMirtllnp; lo tlii> olil iinil Ktatcly i-iixlom In Wi>Ht- inliiMli-r AhlM>y, where wcn> aNwcinhliHl all tlii> li'ailcrH III (iiuri'haiiil StMli'SwIioMWoivto Imm-oiiii* "hi'r tl<>)(0 iiion of lU'c ai.iil linili, ami of earthly worMlilp." liiMoHil of tl\e (Mmioniary |inl)llc hiin- ijuet at WeHtinlnHtef Hall, a |ia)(faiit or proivi-Mr ^Iftii will* foriiifil. Ill It imovimI the trniii|ii'terH, the forelKii MiiihaKKailorM, the Life (liiurilM, the nohlllty III tlieir H|ileiiill(l ei|iil|>nKC«. the Mtiite eon(ii,lH Which whh M'atiHl Her Mi^eMty— theKirl (jiieen; KiiKlaml' hiiH never wltiioxmil n gilyer Kl^hC than that |irem>iiteil Iheii.exeeptlh^ it iNitlie m-eiie |ireHeiiie do liiMior t<> thclrljiiVii, ami iuixIoum ((> «;xliiblt the lER ' "fliakzi tkny plito* en !*■ M X. COUirrEY. DEALERS luppliiMl at very lo« mtM-jo^it)^ thaD ini|wrt primi. . ''"\ 6olt Agency for th« Celebrated LAURANCC 8PKCTACLK8, •' Witr !>{tMt.lM fftrtli la rintk. htt) ftit tirruUi AOKNT rom Intaroolonial Eipmn Co, Oiklfalkiwa Bclltf iMoolalloB. BMIeh Djr* Worki, ' Mtttual EaMfva Fnnd Llf* Ai- Domlnlou BabD«r BUinip Oo. I tooiiiUon of Now Tf rk. ►J- A call will convince yon that It Ik •<» your ailvaiitii;(e to |iiircba«)i at ttie '' THEO. L. CHAPPELLE.* City Hardware Store. « — «|— < 0.* .. —r- — '^ — - — - WMOLMALt A RKTAIL GENERAL HARDWARE -w. / ■ AKU ■ uarriage *^Goods. CHARLOTTETOWN. In 1H40, the I'riiicpsi* Hoyal, (now PrlneeM Frederick WiillHiii Of I'ru8«>i4t) wiir Itorn, niid In .J ..•«,r'un>>.nrf*| the fDllowloff jTMur Albert E4wAnl, Prince of Wale^ the UvApiwrant to the BriUih'lliroiie. Tliere were nine ohll4l^ In tlw B«|r«l FitniNir pf '^ England ; the iMmea moit ftunlllar to lu after thoM above nkentloned arei—Prinoeaa Loulae, MarchloneM'of Lome, who realded In Canada during Uie-«ucoeM(tal admlnlitratlon of her hua- band, the Harquli of Lorue, as Governor Oen> eral; Prince Arthar, Duke of Connaught, who visited Canada in 1R69; tlie Princess Beatrioe, who two years Ago was married to Prince Henry ofBattenbui^. PROORK88. ThlCe great l>oons were gained for the peo- ple In the very earliest part of the Victorian reign ; then came the perfection and use of the eleotrio telegraph ; then crossed the first steam- ship from Europe to America; and through the influence of Sir Bowland Hill was introduced the penny post. ; -. .. , : • RBBEI^LIOM IN CANJlDA. This hafinot been a reign of peace, although the motto has been " Defence and not Deflahue." lliere was trouble In Canada owing to the hobtile feeling that existed between the English and French colonists, a rebellion waa raised which, however, was soon, quelled, though not without considerable trouble^ In 1840 an Act was passed uiiiting the two Canadas, and^thiis was formed the nucleus of the great Dominion, of which to^y we fonn an integral l^t. THE CHARTISTS. There were men In England about this tlnic who by their meetings and noisy demonstra- tions were attracting great attention ; they sup- ppsed, as some do now, that much of the existing poverty might be remedied by new legtslation. They drew up "The-vPeople's Charter," the subscribers to which were called chartiMt; they demanded six great changes, the most Important of which was Universal suffhige. They made many riots, the most serious was raised at Wales. The ringleaders were arrested and sen- ^nced to death, but the sentence was commuted (to tha|; of transportation. These severe mea- \ sures restored peace for a while, but the fre- quent risings through the reign show that ttiQiigh 8llenced)they were not subdued. ■ '■'., wars;-.' In 184it a British army entered Afghanistan to support the claims of the rightful ruler of that State against a usurper and aliy of Russia. The war lasted for. three years, and although our army was often defeated, in the end it was victorious, and Britain galiied the object for which 8he had been seeking. < . ■ J. ' ' ' ' • . While tills was going on, E^rypt and Turkey , were at war; this caused the stoppage of tlie GOOD VALUE IN •( a»ny wsaa^» AT Perkins & Stems' OHABLOTTBTOWN. Dress Goods, Mantle Clottis, Tweetls, Print Cottons, Umbrellas and Parasols, Hats and Bonnets, Millinery Materiuls, CARPETS,--® ^llrCLOTH, "S i ROOM PAPER. We are well stocked*wlth new and desirable Goods of this season's importations, and M persons visiting the city will do well to call on us before buying elsewhere. EVERYTHING CHEAP. PERKINS Ik STiliNS. :(. There la probkbly no Houm on P.^B. lal^d t>etter prepared to meet tbe^wwnto o£ the Jewelry andWiitoh buying pubUo than Out of Black 8 c u trade. England and oth e r pow er s in the Interest of the commerce of Eiin^ inter- fered, and the war was brought to a close. E. W. TAYtOR. Curlnir an exlatenoe of over 16 yieai* Jtiie oon- BtaataUn baa bewi «> >»•?, •^_y*tti too prpBioM of the a«e^ and aupv^ <*SS''* rd Watohey we aeU are eatabllaUiur far UiemMlvea, quite a lo;oal reputatton. See teaOmonlaJa elaewbere. B* W* TAYJLORp WATCHMAKER AND JEWELJER, OAMKRON BLOCK. J 1 CEO. Ma HARRIS, Spwial itttQtioQ {inn to Sales of FurQltan. Offl ee . J. b. Moii o od'8 Copner. ^- QUEEN STREET, CNMLOTTETQWII. ;i^»M^PM»>*^'N^ii^^^»^>^»^^' TtM rwnit of th« OhtnoM war, which WM mnwd by thn •mil oftheDritlih (temrolHioner ftt China during thtt dhputc about the opium trade, waa the opening of three line aeaports to (brelgii trade, which were until tlwn cloaed by ChineM-law. ^ RKFOMf. Ainldat «ll this dlnaeuslun and atrlfe lnw« were being made In tlie Ilonie PnrllHimnit; the eiin»rcliig of which led to the aniflliorutiaii of all oiasfes througliont the Empire ; tlie most important Of them; were: An Act Introduced by the Premier, Sir Robert Peel, which prevonUnl women and gIrU from 'working In mines and colHerieB; %\\e Factory Act, which made It no longer iawftiltor children of tender agfl to \ie employed in ^mrics ; tlie Act to repeal the Corn Laws, In respomie to the deuiandH of the Anti- Corn fiaw league, >^ho8e lending men wore John Bright and Richard Cobilen. JOHK NEWSOH. SmIw la all klalf ^af Household 4bk^ Z?^ Furniture. Including Parlor, Bedroom, and Dhiing Room. . iVIndow Furnishings. Picture Franies. Machine Work, Acm Ac. ChArtottetown, f P. S. I. easlde!)^ 'jCXHIBITIONfl. Tlw PfinCe Consort projected the ncheme for ii^rNttiig the Great Exhibition of the Industry of ail nations. He was met by a storm of «p|M>- sitlon that would have discouraged a less earnest aiid enthnsiastic seeker after the "greatest good of the greatest number." However, he was ably assisted by Sir Roliert Peel, ami the Exhibition was held In 185i; In Crystal Palace, constructed for the purpose In Hyde Park. Its success was nndoulited, and great ami lusting good resulted from it. ^ ' ' The first city In. Europe to "follow the ex- ample of Londoii In holding an Exhibllion, was ■ Dublin. Her Mjtfesty visited Ireiahd for the second time in 1853, for the purpose of seeing It. She was enthnsiastlcaliy re I8I.ASI>. Great progress, too, lMw1)e«^n nmde from the } RUSnCO BEMiN, P.E.I. Thii BMOtifid Bommer Seaort ii ojMtt ereiy year from Jnljr li^ 8«pt Sth. Son Bathiof^, FiihuK, Boating, «"C!ioqaet and ^Tennia Lawna, CoTere& RiwHii g Mift> , Ao. For Terms, &c apply.to jpmi I£WSOH & Co., Charlottetown. THE WORDERFUL eneAP MAR l EaPROWS E, SUITS, $3.95. SUITS, HSO. SUITS,$5.75. CHILDREN'S SUITS, SI.OO EACH. JiATSI HATSI HATSI ALL PKIOES. AIL STYLES, WKen visiting the City don't forget tp call and see his Stock, .,_ii — ^. whetiier you want r ;~ - — to buy or not. THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN accession to the present time by our sister Marl time Provinces— New Brunswick and Nova Sign of 'Great Big HaV^^^een St. /- «i THE queen's jubilee Spotia,' but our object now U to refer purttour |«Hy to tMi) Itrtdlng eventvln the hlrtory of ^ur own Prince Edwartl Uland. Sir Churle» AoffUN- tiu Fltiroy received the OoveniorBhlp of thi* Province June 27th, 1837. Diirlng hta adinlnlB- • tratlon ftirtlier imiwtuH wan given to the cunnc of ediiciitlon. In 18!«( tlie Central Academy had been o|tened hi Charlottetown, anil now a Visi- tor, Mr. John McNeill. wft« a|>|>olntoHlt!on8 for a settlement of the land. At this time ninny omIgrHnUcnme froth the British Islands to our shores, soiiie of Whose descendants now occupy leading places In the laiid. The steamers Cape BrHon and Pocahonim then plied between the Iflaiid and the inahilaiid regularly. iii 1841 Sir Henry Vere Huiitley was ap- pointed Governor. HealsoUiok a great interest ii^ ekiiig for responsible government. Tills was not granted, however, until 1851. In 18.52 a Public Schools Act. framed by the late Hon. George Gules, was passed. It provided a f«!e education for all. The Parliamentary ses- sion of 1853 was marked by three hnptntant 'Acts,/vlz: llie Land Purchase Act, Uuiversai Suffrage Act, and the Act to establish a Gas Company in Chiirlottetown. ' In the following year provision was made for the iiicpr|>oratioii of Charlottetown, incorporntlon (Kf the Bank of P. E. Island, and for tlie building of the N(>rinal School. In Augnsit 18.55, the election Of the llrst Mayor and Council for the City of Char- lottetown took place; tlie late Kobert Iluti^lihir SOD, Esq., was the first to occupy the civic chair. In this year Prince Edward Islgihd. wltjK the British Colonlus all over the world, coiir tributed largely to the patriotic fund for the reliqtaf the sufferers by the Crimean war, of which we are about to write. In 1860. H. R. II. the Prince of Walen visited the colonies In British North America, and nowhere was he received more royally than in Charlott«!towni At night tlie harbor was illiiminated with fireworks, and the t»wn was literMlly filled with people, many of whom came E« M®miM Madid, J Mion, ' Intercolonial, Vale, Sydney, MnlhraciU, ■•■'.■ AIID OTHIII KINDS OP miles from their country homes for the purpose of seeing and doing honor to Engiuud's future King.. FMT OF PRIIICE STR^^^ -HltWJITER. STRBET.*-*- ejHAf^loOTTETOWfJ, f. E. j^ C. V. MaCgregor, Proprietor.'^ THE POPUUR PUCE for ail kinds Of ^j Drugs, Patent Medicines,?*- Havana Sigars aod Tm Tobaccoa a Spscialty. H. B Penonal attentlan given in Diapenaing, m D. 0*MI. REDDIN, [r. QUEEN SQUARE^ ►•/•.•^•••••"•.'•.•^•••••^♦•Hf^.* l^iS#*^^MMi^MM«^ ET, Specialty. 5 tpenamg. I WAHS. . . '.^ . ■ , ThA Rrrat wnr wfth RiimIh, "knowu MR the Crimean war, bM*aiiM most of It* battin were (boght III the CriiiiPii, b«>Knn in IBM. 'Hie oiiiipe of It In iiiilvernBlly known ; Frniioe firrt Joliiwl with Kngland, niul towArds the clo«oof the wor, Sardlnin JoliiiHl the alllaiiue. The great bnttlct of Alinn and Inkeriiiaiiii;''the reslstaiiee offered to the Rnntilaiw at Balaklava; the brave, bnt uMleM charge of the Light Brigade; and the fall of 8ebniitoiM>l, were the great eyentH of the war-they will be reineiiibered m long i^s the English Inngnagfl Is »|iok«n, for they have been itniiiortall/C4l in nong. A treaty of peaec, lic- tween Rutwla and Kngland, was signed at Pari" iniaso. In the same year, ocournHl the inntlny in India, when the natives endeavoured to shake off the Ililtish yoke. 'Hie nill narration of the story of the rebellion belongs to the historian; we oniy recall the Massacre of Cawnpore, the ^iego of Delhi, the relief of liiickniMv, as aiixtug the many heart-thrllllug events of that sad time. Hie uaiiies of Sir Henry llavelock, Sir Colin Campbell, Sir John Inglls and General Wllliains, have, been enrolled among the names of Eng- land's heroes, for their service to their Country- men III the time of their great iiee«l. This shows that he spoke truth, who siiW that "not once or twice In our fair Island-story, the path of duty was £he way to glory." UKATII OP I'KINCB CONSOKT. The mother, to whom our Queen owed so much for tlie early training which helped^to make her the jioble woman she is. died In March, .. 1801. In DecemlKT of the saiiie year, II. It. H. Albert, the I'rluc^i Consort, died «f typhoid fever. Alfred TciiiiywMi, the poet-laiirea|«, voiced the sentiments of the hearts of the British I>eople towards tli^^lead husband of their Queen, . when he ^d:— ^--^e. . '" The sfiadow'af his,loi!s drew like eclipse, ilarkening ihe world. We have lost him : he is gone. « ' ' We know him noW : all narrow jealousies / Are silenl ; and we see him as he moved, I Ipw mtMlesl, kindly, all-accomplishe»-Of/RmTeD eOTTONS in tli« m^^ In all the newest colors and designs. Ladles' and Children's STRAW HATS and BONNETS, also Gentlemen's Straw and Feljt II A'fS, Read X- made. C16tliin0» CARPETS, OIL-CUOTH8, Ito. Harris & SteiJ^cirt: Pain Dispte! THE FMEND OF MANKnn). Fep Ii^fecpnal of Bxten^al U82. HlghiiesB has won the love of all class e s in her adopted home, by her genuineness of character, and her unswerving loyalty tathe right. RHEUMIiTISM AND NEURALGIA - ■ . .\ ^ ' ' ■ —AND—".- '■--'-' ;■.■.■ ; Kills all Pain In stantly I 8oldillniole8ale'l>y the Proprietw, C. D. RANKIN, CHARLOTTETOWN. P. L I. * .' And Retail by Druggists and Meillclne Dealci;^ generally throughout the Country. Jr. Price 25 cents per Bottled I 8 THE queen's JUBiLEE AlinilOAM OtVIL WA*^ avU WW raffed In the United SUtea IWwi iai(V<5. Vbe quMtlon «t Isiue waa the abolltluu of the »lave-tradfl in the aquthcrn Statoa. All ejTM were turned on that deadly 'atmggle be- tween bhithera '^apeaklng the aatae dear mother tongue, and Invoking the aid of the Mnie G«hI ; " and when the victory lay now with the F«n in 1867, and named the Dominion of Canada. In 1871 British Columbia and Manitoba were admitted; and in 1873, Prince Edward Island, after long iniieclsion. haVinj; received many in- ducenien;8,among which were the promises made • by the Doniinion Government to buy up the land owned by foreign landlords, to give communica- tion with the mainland In winter, and to complete therallroad, cast in Its-^lot with Canada. And now our great Dominion,, with the stormy At-' laiitic o>n tite east, the blue Paclhc on tlie west, wl t li common hope s and.cnimn o n interests , i s, THE oiily place on P. E. Island where you can get a s, NOBBY FITTING Suit of Ceothes at a Moderate Price is at the w n^ Opposite Watson's Drug Store, QUEEN STREET." Give us a trial and we will' prove what we say every time. AHKIH «- =,>^4^ HOUSE, Conw Qum anl irniial Stl, J. J. DAVIES, PROPRIETOII. we hope, about to fhlfll the brilliant destiny propliesieil for it In its infkncy; and let us hope In this Jubilee year that the little Province, on X *«.«**s*S«^.n»a*««'S<**sfS<*e« ft y ■0" SOUVENIR AND GUIDE BOOK. whow'etMt M« liwribed Um words "i>irv mentioned as being first used In this reign, we now mention the successful submerging of the BamukftUe PragiMi of tht New York Life INSURANCE COMPANY It beats all competiton in growth of New BwbIiims. The followiQ|[ Circle tells tl)e Stoiy : It will be tnn ikat ihc New Vork Ufe U i&wl ^ aBf conp*- (iton, becaiuc no otlwr life companic* bul ihoH reiemni M in any degree approach to (he bunineu of ikc New Vorlr/jLile. It haa doubled m record of iSSs, when the company made a lain of $;,ajS,qo3 in new innurance iuuc, while in 11116 the/hew rtiki awimed aggregated $85,178,194, a gain 6»er the precWing year of $i6,656,84a. For fotty-iwo yeart thu proptmiv^f comanv ha* been iteadtly glowing in frapeitev andrimpUMinritMff more and more firmly in public confidence. On jhe firat 01 January, lhi> year, the New York Life had awet* of 1 and a lurplui of $is,M9.3>9 '•V '•» New Vork Stand' figum show a gain for the year of $8,S57.>3> "^ ta,334,a7.T in nirplui. The toul income for th $19,330,408, an increaae of %y\a),ffi. MAeiEAH, MARTIN & MACMlNALD, 38arri{iter0 ^/^ttonies0?at: Lain, ^Agervts 'New York QUKKN SQR.^ OHARLOTtiT^ .ife/ mw. Atiaatic Cable iu 1868. Iron steamships were now first used. Dr. Livingstone, Henry M. Stanley,. Sir Samuel Baker and others, made iolumbui^ ' It will pay you to oatl and see the New Watohec^ with all the latest i proTdmenta, for which G. H. TAV^LOR hiM been appointed Sow Asent in : CHARLOnETOWN. Jiortii^Side i\apKet Square. ♦ ' BMinjr omAiI dlwoTtriM !■ Africa, th* Interior of whieb WH nntti Uidr Urn* unknown to BoiO' pMns. Mr. Lajwd than, too, made hhwonitar- All diNOToriM ooueernloff ancient Nlneyalt. "■ BBVOUI. Manjr laws Qf -refOnn liaT« been uiada b«-> ■ld«alhoa«b«fohk named, whloh Have reaulted In gnsater happlneaa to tlie people. The prin- cipal of theae are the laws referring to popular education, and the aboliahing of Impriaupment Ibrdebt. - ABBAT ■»."': We do not thbik thia aketob would be ooiu- plete without mention of the namea of the great authors of the reign whoae writing!, bjr the per- fBoted use of the " Art prMenrathre of all Arts," have been placed In the hands of tbe laborer for a few cents, ]Blefore this period, sarings of weary weeks would have to be expwded In the purohaaeof a single book. The great historians, Macaulay, Hallam, and KIngbike, belong to this reign, and the peets, Tennyson, Browning, Southey, Wordsworth, Moore and Campbell, Sang many of their sweetest songs since 1837— *^ the year of happy memory." Great states- men have lived in this era. Commencing with the first and coming to Beaconsfleld and- Glad- stone, all will acknowledge that for the most part the helm of State has been steered wisely. OONCLUaiOH. . We have teken a cursory glance oVer the last fifty years of British history. Of necessity many important pofnte have been omitted, but we have endeavored to mention the fiicts most Intorostlng to Canadian readers and especially to Prince Edward Islanders. If by so doing we have Increased the pride of our readers In their gloriousinstitutions, their loyalty to themselves, their Queen and their native land* our object has been accomplished. Let us Instead of fear- ing for the future of our country, say with'^he poet-laureate: ' " May statesmen at her council meet - Who know tlie seasons when to take ^.-^ ' — Occasion by the hand, and make The bounds of freedom wider yet, By shaping some August decree Which may keep the thipne lunsKaken still. Broad l>ased ppon the people's will And compassed by the inviolate sea." ' •otoM^jb A.M6NEILL, — AND—- AUCTIONEER. AUCTION BOOMS: MUCK Miiuiiis. ciuii mnR AM WATU smiis, ONMunrnowN. f . L mm. AUOTION B ALBS of Baal Brtate^ Live Stock, Farm Implementa^ Furoi' tun^ Lumber, Ac. oonduoted promptly. FRUIT A SPBOLiLTf-Apples in Oarloada direct firom the orcduurds and dealers receive prompt attention. Store and OAllar FROST-PROOF. Capacity 1000 Barrela. Advancee made and proceeds guar- anteed when required. Business Soljciteil. Charges Low. June, 1887. d. Mc^EILL. w;f.carte6, Maailkotam.sad DialviB, / Choice Oonf€!Ctiniheiry, lOE OBEAM, OAKE, H^tJITS, dbd Upper dueen Street. ■V yt'*t^*tti**^*m^»»t*9tP*t»H,^*tt^ufHiHt»Hi'%aSiHa^ttf%»'U^^ 4ml R. msnim, mo. ilBtatete^ ■m, Furtii< ^rompflir. Aptdesin lurds and ton. -PROOF. ledsffuar- is Low. et. 'MH.*S«*4i«S;a*«^'« SOUVBNiR AND GUIDE BOOK. II TIjB opening of tlje greit Indltn and Colonial Bxiiibition of '*«. 1886. SERlilH of Kxhibltlom have htkn held til liondon ■liii'e rWS. ,The flrit Of the ■erlM WM ilie Flsheriei Rxhl^Uon, at whivh all kind* of things belonging to the llahing lndu«try wf>ro gathered together; the fliherwomen of Fran«e, (he Netherlandi and the North of Eng- land w^re there In their plotureaque dreSMt, boaU ofiall kind* and from all natlqna, flahtii)^ tackle, preserved flah, eU-., were there t^ be aeen by the thoiiaanda dally asaembled. Thla ExhlbltioVi was op«>nerdTeBhy8on, was then sung:— Tinilrare, le*- QuMi|StrNt,aURI|rfETOWN. W N*<»W»»i«^»»i*»S»»»^«c«».^«»«%JSi«»»i>i«M«M»«W»»»«^»S.»«N<»«i»i«»^M»««IJ«ll^<^<»^li«»»» la THE QUBIMS JUBILEE * W« k« wM, wvlcoHM wkh MM t^kt In jrow wtlluv w« rcjniM, 8om and brotkcn Ikal hav« Mill, Fro« Me UMi caiw WMi (.-uiHli^nM, Product of your litlil iiulflhelic Nlert Ihey— :._ DfoVe fioM o«M ihe moiher'a neH -^^ Thai young eagle of lh<- Weil To forage fur lienelf alone ; . ° Britainiv hold your owh. Sharers of o«f glorious paal Brother*, mati we pari at lail 7 Shall we not Ihro' good and ill Cleave to one anolhei Hill T Britain 'a myria'i voices call. Sons, be welded each and all « . . Into one Imperial whole, One with Britain, heart and sool ! One life, one Hag, one fleet, one throne, . •'■ Briton*, hold your own;' "Aiter this waa nniig to mualo compoaed bjr Sir Arthur Suilivaii— oiie of tlie IcHdin^; Engiisti mualoiiuia of tiie reifpi-'tho nddrets wm read by tlie PHnoe of Walea, and the reply by tlie Queen. Tiie Lord Cliamberlain, then, by Her Mi^esty'R oominand, declared the Exhibition opened. The Artslibigliopor Canterbury nflfered an appropriate prayer, and the great choir sang the ' Halleli))ah Chorus,' and after a brief pause 'Home, Hweet Home.'" , So opened the second great Exhibition, wliich was visited daily by thousands from all parts of the great Empire. Many Canadians Joined the greilt company of spectators, and among them some from Prince Edward Island, We have heard thehi express themselves con- cerning this visit in terms of great delight, and we have no doubt that the trip across the At- lantic in 1886, the sighto Oiey witnessed signi- fying the wonderful advaiivemient made by the great Angl<>Saxon race to which they belong, w^llever be one of the brightest memories of the past, aiid will do much to inspire with hope for -the fliture." 'fhe Prince of Wales was the \|eading spirit of tliis Exhibition, and thus fol- lowed tiie example so nobly set htm lamented father. by his Ftshiomlili that in wnts ti wiir, YOU CAN GET BOTTOM^riQURES —FROM—-" D.A.BRU6E, Oustom Tailor. WOur Stpck of Halt, Suitings and Fumishmga are the.Lafest Styles. $m ictntntn 1|# DMBriuT'iContr, Qbmr Iqaarc -FOR — Ihire Srufle, Clkeinleato, PATENT MKDICINE9/ ftc. Bniokan' Baquiaitaa, FiiM Eanna Cigm, Chtrioe TobMoot, Fine Briar and Meenohanm Pipes, Honw and Cattle Medidnee* beat Undi. M Wboleaale and SetdL «E0. E.^UGHES. McLeod, Morson, & McQuarrie, OFFIOBS AT CHARlOnETOWN AUD SUMMERSiDE. Prinoe Edward Island. tMaallMn to ■U>AM« LBOAL AMP FWAKOIAI, Baontaa ud II«;BlMn ig «M for muiilo and the fine arta. When ihe i^aa but fifteen yeara of age ahe iMlntisd a |tl«turn and aent It to a collection of palntlnK* by amateuri. It waa RoM for a malpiKlcent aunt of money, which ahe gave to a AiihI In aid of the widow* of thoae who (IbII In the Crimean war, thua ahowlng the kind heart a* well aa the practiced e>-e and hand. II. R. H. waa but elgHt«en year* of age when ahe waa marrlMl to the Crown Priiice of Oermany, and although but a «hlld when ahe left her Engllah home, had endtmred heraelf to Engllah people. The Houae of Com mona voted her a dowry of £40,000 annually. 'Itila PrliH>eHa Ir the mother of nliie children, alx of whont are aUll living, ut^ Ave grandolilldren. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, vtaa born November 0th, 1841, and waa married to Prin- oeaa Alexandra at Denmark, In 1869. Before hi* marriage he made a tour of Canada and the colonies of British Nortli America; everywhere he von the admiration and rpfl|iect of his future subjects by his gentle courtesy and princely bearing. In 1871, B. R. H. had typhoid fever. It was then knoiarn that he had the love of the people; great fenrs were entertained for his re- covery, e«p«!lally when the great havoc made ten years before by the same dread malady waa remembered. Many prayers were offered by people *|M>aklng many dlffeitnt languages fpr his recovery, and these prayers, oflTered sin- cerely, were answered. «' And liOiidon rolled one tide of Joy thro' all Her trebled millions and loud leagues of man. ** PEAKE BROS. & COV. SHIP OWNERS, WHOLESilLE SHIP tHANDLGRS, AOBNTS POR 9kt SiMk aioMrt STEAf^SHlf lolfJE, Sailing between M ontnal, Ohorhittetofwn ^d St Johni, HewfoondlBod. Fish Market fitiflN Stmt, CkMtonitom. . ikAOKiM AND DBALINS IN iM^ Lufd, Hunt, Aw. GuuMia of LoteUn ud m^nA Qfoptlme Bimna). WholaMle ui(l<: BctoH daalaiB in Fialt of all Uodi (fradi ft Nit). MEATS, PMVISI0N8 & CMCEMiS of iJl kindf. HouMkeepen ou get ob the K'miiM all thqy nqniiO ud at ue Loweat oto, withoat tho trouble of tnTolkg from itora to atofe. Oidonl7 Mail or Telephone prompt^ attended to, and all gooda delivered in the Citj at Station or Bteamen fine of charge. The Prince chlldretK theHelf !nj|ft4 and Princess of Wales have five oldest of whom Is Albert Victor, iumptive to the thrji Alice Maud Mary, the well-bclovcd niid third child of the Queen, waaborii in' 184.3. Tills Princess was possessed of r^ire intellect and of widest syitipathles, and Is said to have been the favorite child of the, Prince Consort It was DURINC THE ^'V Queen's Jubilee, iffer our customer* Mnd friends 8|)eclal nta to bnv our Solendid line of KQods in We will oflSsr our customer* and friends inducements to buy our splendid line of a Cake, Biscuits, Brrau, Plrk Fruit Strops, conkectionkrt, aci, *c. Our Motto: 'Fresh Goods & low Prices.' she who was with him eonUnualiy in his last Illness, who sang Ms favorite hymu the last time fbr him, and who, by the great self control she hacl,. was enabled to be her Royal mother's solace in the darkest hour of her lif^. In 186S TBA8, Pic-Nics, and Church Gathrrinos supplied witti everything neii!cssary, and satls- faoUon guaranteed. y0t^i^0ii^i^^t,ti^^t^0i^0t^«i^,ii^0t0tt^t0^t^^^ri^0it0i^^tK0^^'^m0ki 4- THK QUUN's JU9tLEe 4- PHmmm Alkw was marrM In PriiM-«i UmU of Hmm ; tmr HA) In flvmumy wm a nkh* buaf and nrmiilary Nib ki «iv»irjr way. Tlw car* o« hur ohlltlrm, Ihti parmill «f hiwwInilnK wwr tioar to hor, and IIm ovrmlffht of manj rliarttlM WDWt tttr lier tha "coninMHi tl«i«U nf Mm ihkhmkmi day." Iji Um autMmn of IITTH, II. K. If. waa In Kof land, whan ih* loaa In tiM TtiamM ot thw •hip iNtikrIiiK h«r naimt took platw. later In thn ynar il||tilim-la hrokn inn of IVIiu-rnH AlUw, wMih had Mntn tlinn prnvk>iiiily Imwii dn>rlvKe of GocM) Hope by way of Rio .laueiro. He was ninrried In 1874 to the Grand Duchess Marie Alexntidrovnu, only daughter of the Emperor and Efljipress of Hu»- •ta. .'llie marriage was celebnitcit'at St. Peters- burg both by the service of the Qir^k Churvh and that of the English. It was h«)ped that this Miiirriage Would bring about more friendly relations between Kusaia and England. II. R. H. lias Ave children. — — '~^. — ~~ — "; — Helena Augusta Victoria, Diteli^ss of Or- leans, was born 35th May, IWff, and was mar- ried to Prince Christiau of Schleawig-Holstetu, in 1866. BINDERS, ^ ^ REAPERS, ^ MOWERS, RAKE9,/ / OUI/nVATORS, HARROWS. PLOWS, QANG PLOWS- GRAIN CRUSHERS, &c., &c., &c. are giving universal satis- faction, and are sold low on easy terms. " Before purchaaiiig give us a call, as we devote all our time to the business and are bound to suit you. EVERT tRTIClE 6IMIUNTEED. W. B. ROBERTSON & 60. To be hod alsp of oar Affo&ta throut)k> : . ottt tile Oottntry. j\^, ^ ^ MiUVr.NiK AND (JUIDB HUOK. tjontm (^mHiM Altorta. wm hnrn In IM7, ■nd wu iMrrlMt In l«7l to tho ManruU •>( riitliit- alaatl4«ll]r r«<<'«lv«Ml by all. 'rh« adinlnlatrutlitii of l/inl l^nrnm waa a wry •«i«'rf«»«rul our, aiMl •lthouf[h tlw hMlth of tha l'r1iM*«M provittitMl bar lUylnic duHiiK tha Hni.yMra »( th«lr a|>- polntmant InCanaila. ah^ ramalnmi lonK,< . ;, Princeaa Beatrice, the youngest child of Her MiOeaty, waa born In 1868, and wna married to PrIiH-e Henry of Battenburg, tlie third son of Prince Alexander of lleaae. Wo atti^mpt HO eulogy of our iwjoved Sov- ereign; but a(U>r having Imrne nothcroicnlliD' more sorrow than has fttllen to the loi of niuny, and ijerfonned at tlie same time so oouiH^len- tloiialy the duties of Iter high office, wc bvlleve that all will say,— •'A thousand claim* to reverencp close In hec as Mother, Wife ami Queen." • m fi i 'i «5 4 ^_ tJUkniMmemmfi. 1*. R. I., nwl March, IM7. K. W, TiTlvOa, Jewelers HiN,-~lt gtvea me phMMVre In be abl« to atA«« that the Hockfonl Watch which I uurehawNl from you alHmt nine month* ago has gl««H entire satlafliotlon. Y. MeLKOU, (aahter II.M. Ouatoms. €h'TOWN, March n, IHi7. K. W. TATI.ON! I>KAH HiN, The Kmikford Watch I |iurnha*ed from v of Table idare, Wai Ali o, ( k ri a ge Wort , 8«wln| Mlaohlna*, of Fina Maoh ATNEMIM GMNE*. MiMMT ... _ Ouna, and all kinda .. _ Maohlnary rapalrad. J. 8. If y*t have a Jtb to da ia i^ Ua* that yoa thick aaaast ks 4«^ sa P. B. Iiiaad, alw*|B tiy i itavay. HEAD OF QUEETS WHABF, e|^A^^IoOTT ETOW ^I> f. E. K 0•Wb(^ OaavBis, (ktUn Daok, Ohaiaa, Aaakan, Wiia BlgKioc, Inn, BtMl, Isili, PainU, Olli, Ubmu, T«Ib«s, *«. , ,1 I ' II 1 ' ; * ' I I II II W. BROWM, ^oia I pilfer pil«r Of Knioea, Forhn, Spoona, Caatera, Tea Sata, loa ntchera, and every deacription of Table viare, Watohea and Jewelry. (• **•••"»#••••*•«••. iLn.jiLji_ njn i j~ i , i "u" i tf^"^^ir" ii -' -—■• ■ ■ »^ m^m^im^ i6 t^*0»i»^t^tt0t0*0^t*0»0*l ^ ^^^0*^tm THK .<"> P** y««''' Dniwtrt •■•<'"' *'• Urg««f.f» ,....•».«» do. Xr?lM(«l»«f»l Iti ■ U»» Ixv lonflnir k> aiKitliKr |Miraiin mniMit Im itMNiKnlwol unl*«i Mich l«ttcira am mblrtaMNl l rtumlvii tlioir l«tt«r«, awl palj tbuaa la wboni (tMjr h*Tt Aill c«iitttU)ii«^j|r' Corner QrtMm amirWttar Htrerta. Railway HU|,loii. KliiK fl«|uar«. Cormv Or«<«t Hfrr^ and Euaton tUrtwta. KwslifonI H<|uan;. (.'ollmtlmia ant made at 1 p. m.. ami p. in., lo«al tliiM. Uttimp %'fnAtn fur ChurtoUrtoirn. B. McMillan, at Poat Oflloe; Mra. H. A. Wataon, Qnwte Htnwt} U«org« K-, lii Quwn Hquare. >< mK*ii (trdrr CiSkt, Open from 10 a. m., to 4 p. in. COMMISSIUM UN MONET ORDBRM. On Momty Ordera drawit by any.Monoy Ordor UiHc« In Canada on any otlier Money Ord«r Offllcn In the Dondiiloii, ii m IvUow« :— > If not exceeding 94 .•^i.>>i>.9c. boo Moda^ rum WtmarfTINrriHlMivi tor iSdM and ftemUi[n»Bi^pM>M Mid pceQttrttil wtftli om^ 1 um MMinuT «! . Very Oholce Orocl^ery, In luotp Olnntr Ma, Oklim kit^ Ivorn Tm 8tt», OkmmStr 9tt», OI999 an^ &nMlca 8H», OrtiH itaitda, OottMa, Tumblart, an^ Twa PoU. W. p. COL WILL, QUIIN IQUMI, eiliUILQTTITOWN. Or««4 »<0 " •80 '♦ 14 »» tt tt .010. .••a.*... .50. •SO lOo. •40'f.......lMM. •80... ...*tio. •10O......i...iIOu. On Money Ordera payable In Auatria, IIuii- Kary. Barbadoa, Belgium, Britlah India, Den- mark, (Invludtng Iceland), France, Oermwyi Italy, Jamaica, Netherlands, (Ilollaud}, New- foundland, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Roumania, Swltscrland, Taa- manla. United Kingdom, United Statea.Vlctorla : If not exceeding •10... Over •!© " •» •»... .. fw>' >* •»... " iSO-i^^-ilJt^^tlO.^.. " WO" " •80... . ..10c. • • 'Mo. .,.80u. "• «40b. : ...SOc. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, &c. Walker's Ooner, Orafton Street B. Baldeffton'i bandy Fartory to r out Mm floMtOonftotionary in tuminff ottv «m nnaac uoniiaationary L. the, Dominion. W« can anpoly the la- land with Ohoioa Sweata-WMMli ai Idrii ^ Ji. BALDKRtTON^ 11^ , QUEEN STREET. ^^^^'^"»*»»^iW^»<«ii««i««» jw M« M^ »W»«Wi«iWIWl lOUVtMllt Am (il'UiR BOm, »7 POSTAL OMI»C-«mHI«mm«.' IMm of iS}ii$f. Ihtn (UllM l>iMNlnl.in •ml Vm^M N(«Im, I twnt. Unmt RrtUIn ailil tMlMr INmUI lliikin COnmriM, I (mat: Hiqil/ C«nl« I . If. |Mir 1 M. P«tl«riiii •ml H«iii|iImi. Id. p«r 4 (M. 10 i'«>nt« HKtht In. it«r 4 IM. ie, for (Ir«t4«>« , •imI If. tm Mieh wtm i ox. MAIIJ4 am forwKrilml rHOM CHAK- IXyi'rKTUWN abroMl mmI U» prinol|Ml offlcM on Him of lUllwajr lUlly at B.W), a. m., aiMl ar« ravaivad •anitt <«v«ii|i)K«. MaUaar«y„nmnM/hm othtr prinripal i^gUu , at follotM : rROMHIIMMRItHIDK to til* |iriii«l|wl vfllvaa Ki Prince County, dMlly. rflbli KRNHIN(im)N toMarfatn. rx>n|rRlv«r, ^ Park <;octM*r, llauilltoii, riinwn, on Tu«adajr, 'riinraday. and Malunlay. rSOll BRRADAIJIANK to Hpriiifffleld, N«w liOndon, Htanley Briilge, dally. FROM liUNTKK HIVRK t4> N«w Olaa^ow, Cavmidlali, Bay VIaw, ilop« River, Tiu'aday, Thuraday und Haturday ; ti» Wheatley River. Oyater Bed Brldx<>, RuMleo, and North Uua- tioo, Monday, Wmlneaday and Friday, re- turning Mine evening*. FBOM MONTAUUR BRIDOR to Comnierolal CroM, Murray lUver, Murray Harbor Houth, and Beach Point, Monday, Wedneaday and Friday, returning Tuewlay, Thurtday and Hatiirday. FROM QKORORl'UWN to I^ower MonUgue, Murgeon, and Murray Harbor North, Tuea- d*y. TliuriMlay, and BHturday, returning ••in* evening*. VBOM 80IIRI8 BAii'l' to Cherry Grove, Lot 45, Prteat Pond, Falrflekl and North Lake, Tueaday, 'lliuriday and Saturday. To Boat Point, South liakfl, BothweilV f-liepatow, TuBMlay anil Saturday; Bay Fortune, Rollo Bay CroM and Sourts Weat, Wednesday ilnd Saturday. Long Live ths^en! RRE MSUfUIICC COIfMi# •*T«B iOTAL," . ''THZL0ID0I4 "Til Cnr OP LO "TBR PlEltX* (d y v'jwil. ## Hwlljflli It.m iMACEACHERII.AgnitforP.L hrough Tti CHAI^IoOTTETOW^I, f. -><••■•«*' ' FROM VERNON RlVKtt t o Orwell and BeUkrt dally, and to Flat River and Wood lalanda, Tueaday, Thnrailay and Saturday. FROM LITti^ YORK to SUnhope, Western . Covehead. BNekley Point and Unloa Rood, TiMsday, 'jThuraday and Saturday. Verf CliMp Fare* tp all iMfta of <;anada jimhI UnlUttl Htatea, eapeulally vU the <'aiuMla I'arMllh] Hallway t4> Wliine|>eg and I'auMki Coaat I'otart*. Wrlt4i«r apply to Q. A. SHAIIP, MaMw MMtw Mi4 Ttakit J««t, p. & L III jsputable Fact! -fpXJLV — -=- Harris' TiQ Store la tha BjMit plaoe to buy Or«un«nL Boilen, Bake Pan*. Stovmlpa. and Tinware of all kinda. (flatting up Stovea a epectatty. L. W.HARRIS, UPFQ QQEEI ST., OHABIiOTTbTOWl. UJatchmakeRi^ # JEWELER, Vifelitt fl«fcti t(«(k|i umK QunN armrr. JOI Work 4oM wHm pnmlml, aiti WamutM. ' M ^^,t l,ltt,il>,^t,m,^tlltt^*^HM^''itS(ftJII>,^t,IS^t,l'S^t,^^ i3 THE QUEENS JUBILEE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY. ^•ttrtmm^i Summer Time table. In effoot Wednesday,' Jane Ist. TRAIN^iS FOR THE; WEST. STATIONS. Chnrlotlelown . . Royalty Junction . North Wiltshire , . . _ Hunter River ."X J Urniialb.ine . . . County Line Juiiction Freetown , . ; . Kensington -. . . Suniinerside , . . Miscouche . . , ,. Wellington . . . Port Hill ... . 0'I,eary . . . • . . IllnomlieUI.' . . . Allierton . . . . ..Tigni.sh .. . . . dp [o 35 11 23 11 38 I'. M. ta 13 12 31 '2 35 }i 57 1 30 2 00 2 21 2 47 3 35 4 55 5 20 , 6 10 7 00 I'. M. 3 30 3 49 4 35 4 59 5 .26 5 40 5 55 6 17 6 so County Line Junction idp Cape Traverse . . . ar l>. ,\I. 5 45 6 35 —7 — - TRAINS FROM THE WEST. STATIOIS'S. Express '1V.\L 1 AcCDin. Accom. A. M. Tignish . . . . .dp .1 20 $ <» AHiertcu;! .' ,. 2 00 7 05 Kloomlielii . . ■ 225 7 44 O'Uary ... 2 42 8 10 I'ort Hill .... . . > 3 35 9 35 Wellington , , . -,- 4 05 1018 Miscouche- .;.•, ■ . « . 4 25 10 44 Jar / dp 4 40 II 05 Siimmer.side . . A. \L 4 55 II 40 , 6 15 . . „ . . FVM. Kensington . . ■ w ■ . 5 17 M'13 6 48 freetottn . . . . 5 30 >2 35 7 lo County Line Junction . . 5 40 12 50 7 30 liraHalhane > . 5 47 12 58 1 7 39 Hunter River . , 6 12 • 31 8 14 North Wiltshire . , ■ ^ 6 22 I 48 8 30 Royalty Junction 6 s6 2 35 9 17 Charlotleiown . . ar 7 |o 2 55 9 35 Cape Traverse . « . dpj County Line Junction . - i i A. I 6 ■i.-7 M. 25 IS [aiios,k:~v ^Organs AHD sewiNe MAmEs AT Upper Queen St.. Charlottetown. Call and b* oonvlnced that they keep the larseirti and Beat Stock of the above line bf Ckioda In the Maritime Provtitoea. PIANOS in price from $250 & upwards. mm iit prioi fm $75 to w. SBWINO MAOHINBS ttom $5 to $00. REPAIR SHOPr ttliere tM kinds of Machines are repaired W^l" AT nnnRT NrvPTniB •'*<'.! AT SHORT NOtlOa MILLER BROTHERS. .^PMaM€L^" "^ '^. JUST OPENED For Inspection, the Largest Stopk of wooTs,^r5r'-^:. SHOES.fl^ I SLIPPERS ever shown by us. We give the Best Vahie for the money of anjr house in the trade. If you want give us a call. - ffign of the BIG BED BOOT, QUEEN STREET. J. C. SPRAGUE i^ Co. '••Mt«*«a'*at*«t**aa*«*MM*ni****«.**MMa«'»*« »»>»*>>He*»*»H e U*«».W-«»a*<[tfCkmdai upwards. )$200. $5 to $00. repaired ^M*-] lERS. xy-t LiOrgest ^ 'ERS Value I '■ house 5 1 want OOT, \ «»».<»M«>.«»M^-*«»^«<.*»>. \\ » M'i«»<%w^«»M%l'Wi«»i.»*WV*«*»«»i SOUVENIR AND GUIDE BOOK. 19 P. E. I. R. Sumner Time TaUe-Qont'd. TRAINS FOR THi; EAST. STATIONS. Charlodelown . JRoyalty Junction Bctirord . . . Ml Stewart Junction . dp Morell . St. Pelera Hear Kiver Sourix ion . \ Idp fexpreM. ,!•. M. 3 >5 3 30 3 5« 4*^ 430 4 58 5 ao SSS 62s Mt. Stewart Junction . . dp Cardigan i . . . . . Georgetown. ' . . ^ . ar M. 'A 45 Accom. A. MT 6 30 6 50 7 38 .8 05 8 3o 9 04 9 35 10 27 11 LS A. M.: *'§ 9 38 10 00 TRAINS FROM THE EAST. STATIONS. Georgetown . t.'ajrdtean Mft,«tew dp wewart Junction . . ar Exprests. I Accom. A.M. 700 8 10 .Sburis .. . Rear River . St. Peters . Morell . . Mt. Stewart. Junction dp Beres8 leuviiiff Hallfiix at 7.15 a. in., cpiinecto aii Truro nt 10.05 a. iiu, with Local ExpreHA for^Piutoii Landing, where connection. Ik made (duVing navigation), every Monday, Wednesday, ThiirBday, Friday and Saturday, with Steamers of the P. E. Island Steam Ifavt- gation Co., for Charlottetowii.. Day Express leaving St. John at 7.30 a. ni., connects at Painsec Junction with train for Point dii C'hene, where connection is made dnily (during navigation) with .Steamers of the P.^., Island Steam Navigation Co., to liiid from Sum- raei^side and Charlottctown and all P. £. Island Bailway point?. W. k. WELitHER Em the Lugwt li Beat Btook of ' JEWELRY, X SILVERWARE, j3pcct«el«tt and Y«fic« IN THE CITY. At Prices to suit all. Watohea, plooks, and Jewelry re- paired at short notice. We ffuaralatee flmt-olass work in every depurtment, miTI 8in lUUN SdlJAU, ClAKUnTEnWl 61TY GASFiTTINg STORE. ■**» A. HERMANS &SaN, Gas Fitters,'^ $ i»N»>»iii'>»^Wi>»»it Si i>iiP 1^ V'*.M ' 20 THE QUEVif's JUBILEE THE CELEBRATION ^ Or'THB ■ QUEEN'S JUBILEE |||, will take place Ih . OHARLOTTBTOWNj ON THURSDAY. June 30th, AND FRIDAY. July Ist. — - w tm aot* — ■■ An attractive Programme haa bmn pKpnred, the details of which appear on the next throe pages of thia Book. The following centlenten compose'the Gcih eralJubllee Committee: Ckafrman— Hon. T. Hbath Havii^anov Mayor. Mr. Thos. Morrl8,G. C, Mr.8. W.Crabbe,C.C., M^Jor Jas. D. Irving, LieuU)ol. F.-Dogherty, ChlefEgr. A. N. I^rge, Mr. A. McNeill. Mr. 8. F. Hodgson, Mr. C.B. McNeill, Joseph Unswortli, W.D. McKay, . John Jo V, J. J. Chappell, Henry Backham, J. M. Duncan. re Mr. a. H. McPherson, S^nrHary. On Thnrsdny, June 30th, a Special Pas- senger Train will leave Tignlsh for Charlotte- town at 4, a. m., returning will leave at 4.10, p. m., local time, Friday, July Ist. Cape Tintverse for County Ijlne at 7.16, a. m.. retiirniiur ^lU leave County Line at 6.30, p. m., lo^al time, connecting with train to and from Charlottetown. j • Sourislfor Charlottetown nt- 7.10, a. m., itumhigi^lll leave at 4 45, p. niL, local time. Georgetown for Charlottctiiwn at 7.45, a. m., retnmlng will leave at 4.45, p. m., local . tlma ■.■;'!, ■ ' i , ' ' " Return Excursion llckets 1(^111 be issued at the undermentioned Stations at the prices set apposite, gpod to return by the above Siilciul TIsntsh. ......... $1 25 Alherton. 125 Elmsdnle. 1 25 Bloonitield < ...... 1 15 O'Leary... *....... 115 Brae*. 1 16 Portage... ;rrr... 1 16 Conway ......... . l 05 Ellerslie. ;....... lO.? Port Hill.......;. 105 Northam ........ l 05 Klchniund .%... . 1.05 Wellington. ...... o'On MIsconche .......'< 95 Suirimerslde ..... 05 New Annan...... 83 Kensington. ...... K5 Freetown ........ 085 County^Line...... 85 Bradallmne. ...... o 75 ElUotte. ^ 75 Frederlcton .....; o 75 Hunter River • . . . .■'0 65 Nqrth Wiluhire.. 65 Colville. Milton Sourlf*. Harmony.'-. B.ear River. . . Selkirk....;. St. Piters. . . . Marif .«0 40 . 40 .100 .100 . OJtO . OJK) • 080 090 M S'FHjiPEirs ce^ER. li C.B/ WARREN. ; Ottttewn atatloa, Iferah aiat, iSOfr. Mr. ■.W.TATbOR.Watoluiiakw: Tlw Raokfard Wateh which I bod«ht tnm jroo about • yMur agA haa glnn ma parflnt aatlafhoUdn. lu varlaUon haa haan vaiT allcht, and Itar an aoooiMa ttmakaapar I ooo- aider tha Rookfttrd unrivalad, and I can oonaoiaaUoualT f- co mm and It to aU paraona tliatrlnj a thormwlilj lallaUa wateh. * ' . WIf. & POOIA, P. ■. L RaUwaj, TavoN, P. E. I., i4th May, 1887. Mr. E. W. Taylor : Dear Sit,— I am well pleasecl willi the Kockrord' Watcii pui'cliase'i from you in August last. In having it compared with your time on l4th'iMay, it Was found . only ^ minute out. Yours respectfully, ■ : J. R HOOD. Tryon Woolen Mills CAMEEOS BLOCK, CHTOWIT/ ^O* LARGE STOCK of Twewls, Blankets, ft^M^ Flannels and Yarn constantly on band* to.exchange for Wool or Cash at Factory prices. Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Gents' J'uriiishlngs. Trunks. Valises, and Staple Dry Goods. CHEAFEB than the CESAP^T. w ■. ... ■ . ^ ■ !■ at on* onFrii J II- . 8t< IThursc llotteto .8t< Monthe July li p. m. I'^w , t\r\ Mliitai ■ . * ■ • IllumI Pi ■ • .Torch Grand 8f ; (Th Flrem works merch techni wituef 1 . Regat ■ Assen "8 tl i EN. lES. tad lESJ BR lES. EN. h Slat, laarr. I jroo about • Ita variation •kaapar I oon- oiantknial^ !•■ nWhlj rallaM* ■. L BaUwaj, Hay, 1887. he Rock ford* t. In having , it Was found . HOOD. Mills ws. I, Blankets, ly on band* 1 at Factory ats. Gents' Staple Dry 0^0l^^^0t^^0t^^0^l^0^0^l^lit0^0lt0^0*0^0^l^0^0^'^0l^0^0^'tlf^^^0'l^^l^^^^^^l^^^^9^Sl^^^ll^*^^'^^*lt^^^0^*l^^ SOOVBNIR AND GUIDB BOOK. 91 - la MldllMra to the foragoliig ntm, Ttokat* at on* ■nivlua Am will be lMu«d on all trains on Friday, July lit, good to return up to Jfoa- The Steam Navtmtlon Company will iMue/ return tickett on Wednetdawi Jmne SOtk, from Plotoa Landing aiid Point an Chene (or One Dollar, good to return up to iSlolnrtiair, Jutf 2itd, Steamer IbaMfff Be{|« will leave Orwell on I Thunday, June SRh ; returning will leave Char- 1 lottntown at 6 o'clock. .Fares— Sp c«*ntfl. Steamer HBatkfr Bella wilt carry pasDensen an the Eaat Rlv^r Route at one fare on Frioayi luly lat. Will leave Cbarlottetown at 4 o'clock. OP THE CELEBRATION. W. R. WATSON, SB dueen street. ' CSARLCyrTBTOWN, Haa established a repuUtlon for Biliabilitt— best quality and punty being the- first oonsMer- ation, with good value tor customers' mone The Stock carried is very large " selected, the Departments' oelng: MVH^ **■«>> piwi.. , _.— w - — , , tX"- The Stock carried is very large and careAilly ilected, the Departments' being: PUBB OBUOS for DLq»«uinff,Uio. ATBN prbp: -•1QINB8 IONS of I'HUBSDAY, JUNE 30th. ' firing Salute at 2 o'clock, p.m., rOLtOWKD BT Military Review and Sham Fight at Victoria ■ Park. -..-,•;■' ■. » IN THE EVENINO: Illumination of Pufaillo 'BuildlngB, Stores |ind Private Residences. I^orchlight Procession by the City Firemen. Grand Display of Fikeworks on the Market Square. (Tills will be under the direction of the City Firemen. There will also lie a display of Fire- works (k'om the stores of several or our leading merchants, making altogether the ttnest Pyro- technic Exhibition Cbarlottetown has ever witnessed). FRIDAY, JULY l8T. ; » (DOMINION DAY.) Regatta In Cbarlottetown Harbor. Boats to, start at 9, a. in. Royal Salute fired at 12, noon. Assembling 'of School Chililren on the Grand Stand, Qneen Square, at 1.30, p. m., to slug the National Anthem, after which His Honor Lieut. GOVERNOR Macuonald will deliver an address. TO BE FOLLOWED BY Procession of Fraternal and Natioinil Societies. Grand Trades Procession, representing artisans at work, machinery in operation, etc. (This will no doubt be the greatest street attraction ever seen in the city). Laying the Corner Stone of the New City Build- ing by Hon. John Yko, Grand Master of the Freemasons-^ Prince .Edward Island, when an address will be delivered by Hon. T. li. Haviland, Mayor of the city. The Celebration will conclude with a Grand * ENTERTAiNvraiT iuthe Market Ilall, under the /Uuspices. of the Independent Order of Odd- fellows— Programme of which appears on next two pages. AU the popular VATWTja and TOILHT the day. TOII^iT ABTI0LB8, Bttoh ae Broahe^ ' Gomhe, Sponsea, Soapa, &o, FANCY (K)OD8, for Preaenta. SPBOTAOLBS, BYB-OLA8SBS. Caaea. Wioaor ik Newton'a OIL PAINTS, for Paintera and Artiata' uae. PUBBST WINBS and UQUOBS. for Saoramentij and Medicinal uae.-, . FISHING QBAB of aU aorta. TOBAOOOS, OIOABS.' PIPBS, and Smokera' Oooda vedlvally. Oidan by asU pnnptly sttwdtd ts. Bpedsl piqas to Fhyiidsu sad Ooutiy KtnbaBti. AHTEDI All the Property Holders of P. £. L to Insare their Property, whether it pooBiBt of DWELUNQS, SHOPS, FAOTOBIES, BABNS, WABEHOITSES, SCHOOLS, OHUROHES, or the Gontents of either, in thif|,"Jahilee Tear of Oar heloved Queen." Die test Oompanies 'are represented here by the undersigned Agent fijT . ' ■■: ■ -^ ,_ LANGASHIRE Fire Inauruhe&Vo., England, •. BRITISH AMERICA Assurance Co. of Toronto, Canada. COHI HI ERCIAL UNION Fire Asauranee Co., of England. iNsnn in above Compaiiies and jou will be A8- anied ^t yotur INsnianoe wiU be promptly paid. Aa S. URQUHART, , Agent for p. E. I. BROWnV BUICM^ aUEEN SQUARE, GNtOWN. N»^i^rf^i»M>>i*M%l*li^S^^»»^M^^W^^M»iiN*%l««ii^i<>Wt^g*lb^^^^tHii^St THE CLOSING ENTERTAINMENT or THB JOBIIiBE CEIiEBI^VieN. ON FRID/tY EVENINfi, wiU be preMnUnI thn greatest of nil American Draniait —entitled "The Danites, >i with' new "and uplendid avenery prefHired ' eXpresHly for the oocaaion. CAST OP CHARACTERS: Xanoy Williama, tlie last of a doomed race, ••MiM AirnesOpdy. I^ndy, a Poet, Painter and Sculptw, a man Wno ' could not write his own name^/. G. SklBOn. Parson, Ho-call<>d IxHiuuHe he could out-ttweur any man at the Forks. • . • Percy J. A. Ijcar. Bill Ulcl(inan. * ..,,-„ n„„u«o r S f. t. Bt*fi, Mezeklah Carter, j "1T»« D"""*'." J f.. |«. ' Grasflhoppcr Jakp, Bar Keeper,. C.W. FairflcM. Limber Tim, Miner, * . ., Jos. Ha wortli. Stubbs, do.. .......; 8. S|>enccr. Washcc-Washee, Chinaman,. Tony Camp. Huldah Brown, christened the Widdcr, ... " > • Miss K. Francis Byron. Capt. Tonmiy, ....^ ........ Miss F, A. Douglas. Bunker Hill, M iss Laura Weston. Billy Piper,. . . . . ...•••• • •, The Unknown. 'ITie Taiente-ir. BitiLY PIPER, Supported by n Strong Company. SYNOPSIS; ACT.; I. Foot ok Sierra Mountains— Eari.v MuRNINR. Danites on the, trail-. This glorious climate of ' California. Nancy Williams in daneer. False Friend. The Danitesoath. An annointed I'.lderof the Church nf Mormons. 1'he vengeance of the Holy Prophet. The claw of a gi i«ly liear. The shadow on the rock. "Did^'ou ever have the rhumat, Miss"?* The story of Nancy Williams's Life. A Sad Story. A cVy for help. I )anites again. .Sandy to the rescue. Excit- ing Tablfaii, ACT IL. IIkwi.ing Wii.iJERNKSs.„ The Passing of the .Shadow. The Parsim and Washee-Washee. The Chinese liiust go. Souls to be saved. Arrival of the Stage Coach. FifSl^Jack wins- Boys, anil yourselves. Surprise parly. Arri- val of the Widow. Married Mum? No, Sir. Sandy's triumph. I'arson's committee. May the best man win. .S.indy the favorite. The Boy miner. IJily and the widow. The Chinese Question. "ACT ML Thf Heart ok the Sierras , Billy and the Widow. Danites on the trail. Cnp|' CITY FOUNDRY .,■:■"•:.■ . ■ AND— '' ■■ ■■■■•■ HA6HiWESH0P. Steam Engines & Boilers, Steam Engine Fittings, Agricultural Implements. We an ii<>w pnpuod to pnt HOT WATER PEATIIIG ^PPHRJiTUS In dwellings In the cheaiwst ami best manner, and which we guarantee to work tialisfnctorily. We have thoroughly piepared (o supply this new and popular system of heating houses, and have for this work un- equaled facilities. Also, , -« Portable Warm Air Furnaces,*- For Churches^ School-houses and Stores. Oar Foundry and Machine Shops are always up tO' the times, and our prices are alwitys ftur. A. WHITE dl SON^ KUTO SQXTA.R,B]. A, H. B. MACGOWAN, Auctioneer, Gominission MercM, I GENERAL AGENT, PromiBeB of Wm. Dodd, Esql, Quee* Sqnare, . \ Conducts Auctions of Ueal Estate, lli|nk and other .Su>cks— Household Furniture, llnrse< Carriages- Fruit, General Merchindise, itc. at Kooms (the most central in the city) or elsewhere lo suit customers. Wholesale Agent in Tea, Flovr. Si'oar, &c. I*aal DRY loilers, :ing8, ments. X ^UVENIK AMD OyiDB BOOK. 23 ToBamy lo Ihr reicue. Queilion of lieauly. Samlv onii ihc widow. I^vc u blind. Wa are huin«n after all. HearU and Hand. The love uf honenl hcarta. Will voii Iw my wife. The ladv uf the Korku. (iiWxl nishl, gbod ni||;hl. Hand/ and ilie i'aixin. T'vn (eel rrttV- The ite(:rel. The disciivciy. A' whU|N!r might liciray nte. Kurgouen luve. The (haihiw of^ain ap^iears. Don't lie. Widow. Will you marry nie ? Man with- out a l)eard. A^ain ihe Hhmlow conicH. The I'ariMm ;ind hix i.lo|;. Hilly and the Widow. Heaven hel|> you. . I'leane I'arkon may I pray ? ACT IV'. Sandv's Cahin. Green eyed monnler jealousy. Tim and Uunker Hill. Spliceil to-innrrow. Saiidy'n courtship. I.ovc in the . Sierras. The Angels smile, i'uor Little Hilly l'i|)er. A liurdi-n too great to hear. Sandy's love lor Nancy Williams*. A 9hihl of the Sierras. Save m;e, Sandy, .'■ave nie. I'll protect you with my lite. Captuin Toniniy on her muscle. A Imid headed nude. Ilunkcr 1 m a waiting for. .\ou. The Judj;o'« lliyht of Oratory. Little Holfn I'int. The I'arson hns u lit. (ioimI bye; (>ld pard. Heaven blehs you luuh. Killy |'i|>cr again. Out in the storm. An,ap|x'al to Heaven. Hiding, Thinkinp, Praying. An uidiappy sii^ret. What does this mean. Kill, but hear nie. Heayen bless and keep you for- ever. 1887. ACT V. ItiLiiv I'ii-kk's riiK (Jki.ukn Giii.ci Cahin. , Again rh^liiidow |»asses. To you, to all, to him. A mother'.', memory. .V woman in armor. Illlly's dying wi.sji, fciod liless you Saniriess at last. .Nancy Williams, Tlie Uanites venge.mce.' (,)»lck, Strndy, quick. Closing with n powv-rfully realistic scene. \' Doors it|>en at 7.15. 'I o coninience at 8. Ill itdililioii t" the l'r<)j?rtiiiii>i«' fiir thp eeMirit- tioii of the .liiltilct; on tli« :iii't. of the c«>l(d>riit{on, will form iiii iitti'activn fi'iittin* of the wwk, viz.. the iwlveiit of IIm; fiiniatiA iiiid world n'liowilcil OF NEW YORK. 50. lOul now iiiitkiiij; tlittir first up|K>nriiiu'i> in tlic> Duiiiiiiioi) of ('iiiiadu. witb will appear at the LYeEUM, CHARtGTTETOWN, MONDM & TUESDAY Evenings, tine 27th & 28th. five Thi» ur^aiii/ation fonipr)m>i) In all over tlilrty- ire tainoiiH X^^w York artists. Moiiiiaj^. .luiH! 27tli, Tf)e*miKADO. Tuesday, . I line 28tli, AGranl Sensation in the Operatic line. Admission 50 .cents. Keser ved cliairs 7>j cents, the sale of whfcii coinmimees at the " Dlamoiut Bookstore " oil Wednesday, 2'ittd iiist. Strong Bros SELL tHE BEST Binders, Beapen, Mowere, Bakes, FIowb, Potato B^geis, Oart Wheels, &c. and •E WING MACHINES. Etiiveii, SeotibnSi (Uid Bepairs for all kinds of Mowing^and Beaping Machines. ! GIVE THEM A CAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDIN PREPARED BY/ If y(» can not sea this fin. print H..r)f . .i M .r 1.1 (n.^hH (ma th. tit. II *tmT4 it tt^ttMt M Mil rt K. W, T.(>LU«'S ud li.i.youmlr fKn^rlf .ull.d i>ll^ Spmulr.In t)t^ttti. i » ■ \ - E. W. TAYLO^f WATCHMAKER AND JEWeLER, C AMBROIV BI,OClt;. PHItfclPS^GHAPPELL, j i..^„:i# ARCHITECTS. :■ . ;■ - \ Offlee in Fulra Building. \ ^UEEN STRSET,CHAELOTTilTOWN,VE.I. \ ^^•■A*'*********** ****•****'*•***•* *^'*«'**'**'**>*'****M*M******»**W**a*'!MK>«aa*«*Ma« y PNgnuame of Ttw Two Dttjrt I>m«m1- iiic>%. ..r.. .«,... ai Procrunnw of EnierUlnnMnt in .tlM Marlnt HKli.. ;...... '........ tl » ADVBRTi aER B INDEX.' BKid«raton, B ..i...' U Be«r.BnM.. .......,...'... a OroWDf WOIb •••••••■• «'^* ••••• ■••'•••■4aak« lo Bnio«,D.A... ....... .A..... i..i... It Carter, W.F..........vT7.. ..,.i...... W C/nAppOlWt 'AllCOa jLl«a •«•••••••«!•••••.• ••!••••• 8 Coombi);' John.... ....i.». l Dodd A ftMpm,— and page qf Comt. Dodd,S. Uarrii A Stewart. . ..i.f J6 ....<,': 7 HarHa,O.M.. .................... ...........4 HaniSf L. W.. ...... >......,, }7 Hauara, Horace.... i...... M Hennant A 8on... •.....;.. •'..'... 19 Hicicey A Stewart.... I6 HoglMf, George E.......... ..»...,. ....... la VOJTi v.. ......*....•.... ..a... ...... .../... 19 Kcnrmly A Co., A.. 15 Jiaceaobern, ij. .••.*.............*.••..«... 17 Uaogowan, A. H. B. ,...;...:.......... ...... aa Miller Bros. j ........ , ig Myrick, w. n. •...•.•...*■•................ 13 McLean, Martin & MacUonald. • '.• ..... McLeod A McKencie.... ...;,...... g McLeod. Morion ft McQuarrle..: la Ueheod A Co.. John,— ^rdpam of Cover. McMillan, R e McNeill, A., 10 Newion, John...... ................. v .... 5 Norton pell ........,>.......,,..... 83 ...... ....... .,4 13 . * ................. 7 Bankin Honse.. -. . g Beddin, D/'CM... «•.........>.••• 6 B^,il. D .*.. ...^ ao Bobins* Lircry Stnhles. ..... ..... ..^ .. . .W 11 Bobertson, C.,— Aic£ 0/ Coe«r. BobeHson A Co., W. B.i...... .1...... 14 Seaside Hotel .....1... 5 Sharp, O, A........ 17 aumey BTo».~$nd page of Cover, Sprague^Co,, J. C. •.•....•* ,,... is .mroDgStroB. •••••••.•*••«••••••••••.»••••... 23 Taylor. B. W. .............. . . . 4, 16, !», 23, aS Taylor, G.H Uniulinrt, A. S. .,..,.... Ji Warburtoii A Smallwood. ....... ... .*...... U *viirr6D« ly* . lf«« ••• ••'■• • ••••> •••••■ «•••>••-•* 3Q Watson, W.R^ ............... ai Horace Haszai^ iQufacturers' ijGaQeral Agent, REPRESENTING J. LEWENZ 4 HAHSEB BBOS., Lmdon, Kngland, 8ulrk~, John, ankin, G. D. BOBEBt LAMB 4 da , Dnndee, Sootland, BAGS, HKMIAN8, Ao. %e HOViL SOOTU SlTaAB BEPBT. .Halifiu, H. 8. ^rOABTEB, Beverly, Maas. OIL-CLOTHIIi^, &b. THOS. OONKOB & SONS, Portland, N J. ROPE, MARLINE. TWINE. &c. WESTEBN HBE ASSUBANOE 00. SUN UFE ASSUBANOE 00. Exporter of White Vfc Sun, A.. Cannecl Lobsters, OFFICE ft iAHPIi& ROOMS: loOWEI^ - QUEEJSI ^ STI^ET. ClifPlottetown. P.I. I. *M*«««t.peMM.»«ia*M>e»V'>«**»e*>^ i >.U'!5«-'.VC m. r % ^^any Vu Largest Stpck of Ct(m *, '/« Pi ^e buy our aoths fH>m Ihe Maaufkctutwe ikt bottom ■'','•■.■; Pri6e8.. -■:. ■ •.■''■ ■'■■••/- ^'.'' '. '^^mptoy the 'Best Cutters and First CtassPMtnM 'We tmout Suits at a day's notice.^^^\^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our Prices are the Lowest for the quality of the Qoodii '":.^5^jp]^^!;^»«p^|^ illl^iillM&iMii s»3i«»<««w5'- My'i- # 4} »•* pii^ fli :cWiiakikM^,thii ' y iCTo of tlie^MMC pu|v«Hul niiid^ on the face ol' iM hmi 9fthk gf«M«tt 1(kig«l|^ the world hM tvm iiit|iitioblttt^h«r a^lltf ifiy yean ft modaroh^ fv The undertigned dcMrm to inform the mul|i(0det who thrvftg iNt^^h lb to celebrate Her Majesty's Jubilee, that he is the oldest ' ia bMstness in Charlottetqwn and acknowledges no aupcrior, Tl&t lie: aniplays the largest and most efficient staff in the Province, and tlie' amount of work annually turned out of hand ift larger, thail that of d&'V other houses in th^ trade combined. As a consequence, he ^ able to jffA^tpiurH which defy competition. Antfeipating^ a rush o^ iisito4| : iMoMi'lo view ' ':'■<•■.' ■ '\y^-^\'.. i'i"''fi -■■ "Om of the sights of the Gapiislj! W l|^ has made arrangemenu to bestow special attention upon all favoring^v him with a call, and he engages to show them the laiigest. best and mdiK ' varied assoitment of • • <.i;\Ts' rrifMMii.M.s * ever exhibited on Prince. Edward Island. ■■. ■.-■'■ ■ -^ ■■■•■:- Everything at Jubilee PrfceeHow ik^n. teave your measure and get your Suit before you go ^ut of Tb#n. 50 QU€EN I l-l . — ■■ I ,11 »-..il-Wl.i , itli» « | i l ipii i l EETw '■■:::-\ ■■'■ ■ *iV'« '.'1 ."■if f!^:t^^:^Bfi^S^^-^^j;f:^^r^mx^ • . ^ , /,:'