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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire imagj de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole •^*- signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmAs A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd & partir da Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^csssaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI ..nj ISO Its' tHAU' N, .' 1.0 I.I 1.8 '•25 jii 1.4 i 1.6 ^ -APPLIED IM/IGE Inc FUBLICATIOXS 111 Till; DOMINION OBSERVATORY Ol r.WVA, CANADA \iil. IV, Nil. 14 onniT OF Tin: si'i;('ti{()S(()|'ic iuxauv boss ;5,-,ii itv w . i:. iiAHi'i:!;, \i..\. This star (n= i:{'' ;{()•", 5-;{7 42 uas aminiiiiciMl a ~|)cc(i'(i-.c<,pic binary hv Wright b an.l Ali.-n in /./,/,■ Oh.^nrahn, l!"llin-l, iiHtruin.'Mt. thi< raiiirc is rather small hir successful work on the star l.ut in this cas.- the small variation in velocity is olTset hy an excellent F type spectrum, the lines of which can he vry accurat 'ly measured. For this rea.son it wu.s j)laco(l on ttie programme. T! e star's i>hototira|)hic mannituile is ,-,■;}. Thirti two plates were secure,! in I!)17 and six in 1!)1S, and upon these the orbit is ha.sed. A preliminary value of the period was arrived at fiom a comparison of the 1017 observations with the early Lick observations. There was some uncertaintv in the exact number of cycles elapsing between the ;.,,; .sets of ol,>ervati<,n-~, and the i)eriod, accepted as be.t at that time, rcpiired a small coirecti.m in onh'r t(. suit tlie IDIS observations. While the period of Mil 100 days here det..rminc.l suits our own -observations and the 1!)0S and 11)01) observations of the Kick Observatory, it fails t,, suit their 11)0,-, observation, .so that even yet some uncertainty exists though this \alue scc-ms to be the onlv po.ssible one from the obserNations. About 1.-, or 20 lines were measured .,n each, plate. Their wave-len-ths are given in the following table, which shows how <,ften they were measured, with the re.siduals numerical and algebraic. Tlu-e are taken in the s,.nse. mean of j.late minus line velocity! There are a few whose values should in future be adjusK-d but such has not been done in the case of this star. I.IXKS f.SKD i\ :i.-)ll GAl MT 403 P04-14 4riS4nis.. ■t."i72 100 4.-i4'J-74:5 . 4,-):i4-l,-)S 4.-.01- 117 44S1-477 4 tils (Id:! 4415 345 4404 S^U 4:495 1.55 4:i51-977 4,340 f)45 '325 698 307 974 2fl4.3.'in 60624—1 14 2S 38 12 IS 30 7 33 17 20 25 29 14 Ri-si,lu:il .Viiincrii'ul ! Aini'liniii- 11- 9- 20- + 4 + (•> + - - (!■ - 8- - 2 ■ - I- - 2- -17- - 1 - 1 + 2- - 0- 4290 (m 4271-675 4260-537 4250 •, WO 4230 -(KM) 4233-425 4227-107 4215-733 4202 -36tl 419S-677 4143-S39. 4071-S(i5 4063-730 ■1045-940 224 I'l IU.l(\r|().N.S OK Tin IKIMIMIIN i HtSIKN A Tdin' SI MM.MiV in MKAM UK.S Ul- U(W.S XMl I'hi. Mt WiUcii 80JO 8055 8065 80M0 80.S7 8005 S134 S140 SI 44 814S 8140 8151 8154 SltlO NltVi 8105 8170 81 >5 Slsii 8100 8101 8107 8200 8209 82i:i S'JL'O 8i;2() 8241 8244 S25:i K250 820.-} 84 IS 8102 81(17 S)7!l 84S(> 810.'! .Iiii .l;ill .\|.iil 17 l-.l, M:il A|.nl Ma .IllIH' July Aui: Vrh. Mar. April 11 IJ :to s III 10 Is 21 i;i JO 2'.i .;o 10 IS It; 10 ><.K)5 I'MIS I'lO'.l i'.n7 1018 ■ lalniii I'a'' Vh-.i: 2 117 017 7:is ISO 10 8.41401:1 8, 110 807 1 • ;i2o (I ls2 i.-,o 400 2,- 21,271s( one iii\\in w.-i^ h.mi MllAsriU.S itV HdS; il.Ml \ s04'i so:.:. soti:. 80«7 son.- 8i:(4 Vrl W 1 V.'l Ui Vrl \Vi Vrl \Vi V.-I. \Vl Vol. Wi V.I : \Vi l.-.M - !l 1 l.-|7_' SO t l:t :i 1 - 1.". 7 2 l,-,l'. - 1 f 2 2 1 -i;i 1 1 t .•. 1 t I 1 1 t 10 1 1 ' (1 (1 1 l.-.ll (71 t :!■!• 1 J -10 !l 1 f :i ; I'rjs -l:i III 1 I 1 f 12 1, ! + H.4 i:,iil + -..f. 1 IIM - "'S - -.'7 ' t- 7-s; 1 f2:M 1 3 — .'» ■ .'l i t2.-..-. 1 1^,^ + Jti ■ ■ . . , , 1 , 1 1 1 :. + ltl 2 + 17- J 1 -Us 1 +- (i.('ii 1 , Is 1 + o.s tIDI t :t '^i 1 -IS. I 1 + 10 1, 1 h 17 1 -12(1 Civl - 0-7 - li III 1 ! ■ . . _ i i:i.". 1 -ill 1 + 10 7: i f 11(1 1 4:i4ii - OS + :!-7 ■r r, M 1 1 -IN..-, -2.V,. -11 •! 1 i + 10. s; 1 + .■>.s; 1 + 11). 1 + l.-. + 2..' - 1 :i 1 1 1 ll s 12 1 4 t f- ,i.:t + :i.2 \:i\ir, i:(07 + 4-7 1 IJ'.KI -V2>; + o:, 1 1 -'.'2(1 -111 4 1 1 + 24 S, 1 + 7 4; 1 -11. It - 0-2 1 1 7 7 - 4 2 + 7.4 1 1271 -IH tjr.i) -i:!.fi 1 + 7 tl: 1 - '.1 (i 1 2 4 - .-,0 + 12 1 1 1 ■-'.■)(» - I 7 1 1 4J:itl -2.-. 4 1 - :i 1 1 4-':;.i + 'i--V + S-.-i; 1 1 + 12 ',1 1 + I-.-. 1 + 17. X - 21 1 l.'_'7 1 - 6.:i -l.-).0 I f 10, 1 + 12(1 1 - 0(1 + 2(1 4-'l.'i -l-)() - 1-7 1 * 4.'IIJ -24 1 Odi 1 -12-7 -17. 1 411IN + (lO } - 10 4ll:t 00 + HO - .S.'.l 1 + 2--> 1 - H.S 1101 -12-3 i + .".-2 1 + 10.0^ 1 - 11 II - f) 1 .... 1077 1071 - Hti - :t 4 lOtili - (is 1 + f,.:i 1 - 7 - 4 .") s 101.') + 0.1!j 1 + 7-'.' -liiO + 11 '.I 1 - 4 !t 1 - .■).:( J tl H ).') 0! 1 Wi'iKhlcil Mi(':iii ± 00 + 2-S4 -i:i ()S + 901 - 2.'.>0 + s-so + 17.1 v„ + 14 :{■> + 14 07 + 12.2.-) + Old + .S.4S + S.14 - 2 24 v„ - •();) + -03 + 17 - l.-) - -07 + .00 - Oil Ciirv. - -JS - -JS - .28 - • 2S - ■2H - .2S - •2S K*li:il Vflocily + 14() + lii 7 - l.j + 17. 7 + .V2 + l(i.7 - O.S I16l!24- 2 220 I'tui.u AJUt.Ns UK nil i«i\ii\iii\ nit.*i u\ \ ^llll^ Mixsnti s (ii itos-i .(.-,11 (■„„(,„.„,; X Mil ■-1 III >i 11 M Is si is s| I'l si.-,l \i-l \\1 \ . 1 W 1 \rl \\1 \rl \\i \,| , \M \ rl. , W 1 V,.l. Wt. l.'iM f II (i \ + 0-7 I + o.:t' ; 4.'.7J till ; -l-l-l 1 t 7 11 + :iti J 4:.l'i l.Mll I 111 II 1 t- <\ :, ; l.i .-, 1 Ii 11 • .'.' 1 1 1 - :l 11 t-.'S 1 1 ) 1 17 1 t I'l (1 f :t t 1.-, 7 ! 1 IIM t 1 1 J i 1 II I :t7 1. i 1 l.'i \ t 17 .-, 4 1 -'J Ii 1 t4 1 1 Hi-, i:, s 1 1 , t 111.-. r -: 1 1 t III II 1 Ji 11 J t 1 '1 1 t Ii (1 1 f.'l 11 1 mil jii ii ; i s 1 ♦ 1.'. J i +2:i 2 J 4:i!i:, 11, ., 1 ■»;i:,i t II :i t 17 1 1 j'l II i • i;( 1 1 +£i-> J 4.U(l + 8-f. 1 + i;io 1 + :)2:) ) 4:f.':. - 1 II ^ \ 1 1 '.1 1 4:ii)7 f Ii ') 1 fJlJ \ Is 1 1 - 1 1 1 f 4 J' 1 t 4'H J 4J'.M) •jii Ii ; ;! 1 1 -rj :t 1 4J71 + 111 :! 1 + '.If. ) -'Ii .' ; r .', 1' 1 + s-s 1 +■.'0 ;i 1 - 10 J 4JtH) - J 1 t- 11 1 I + '.III 1 I'.i .' 1 j'.i Ii ; . 11 Ii J +2:tr 1 f.'H 11- 1 4ri(i 4.::ii; . :i II i fJ!l ", 1 4j:i:i + II J! 1 40 '.1, ; r M> 1 - ■_' 1 + 20 ■ .", i ^10-4 i 4JJ7 ,1 j + J.1-2 J 4.!i:, + 11 :ii 1 + iH.:i J + 4... 1 - 11 1 4JIIJ -•-'11 :i 1 i:, ■_' 1 -!■_' •-' 1 -i:i i>l I 4l!l^ 1 f '.t (i 1 1 414:i + 7 II J + ll!t \ 1.-, I 1 + 4 (i 1 + 4 4 1 +:i:i.2 1 , , 4(Hi;i + ii'> I ; + i:iti ! Is I: 1 + !l-.' 1 + I7li 1 , 4(11.-, — .■) lii 1 + i:i-7 ! .•:isi 1 1- 1 •-' 1 + 10 7 1 . . Writlilcl iiii'iin + :i ■ 4.-> + 7(1 + L'l! 00 + r,-is + 4 14 + 22 ■ 22 + 10 (X) v„ - •-• J t - .•, .■,.' - (■> -.'7 -- s :«', - 8 ■ ;iii - (1(11 - 909 V. - IKi - II.' — . |., in •10 (17 (« Curv, ■ 'JS — ■ Js - ■ Js 2S — -l^.S ■ 28 •28 Hii.liul - Vi'locity + 0!l + 40 + lil-:i - :i r. - 4 7 + 12 + 8^7 niiiwi til nil. >n.i 1 iM>.--Mii'ii iiisMn U".--^ imi MI.A>1 HK.s n| iMl.sS IMI („..(.),.,.■./ ama ■™= MM SIMI sk;.' Ml,.", si 71, ^|S^ s:v(, > Vel. \\i \rl Ui \.l \\l Vel. |\V. \,| Wi \. 1 \\i \.l Ui 4*1^1 f ■"' 2 1 1 ., - , (1 • 1 1 7 12 .1 i t :t4 1 »:>7.' ( '.1 1) 1 ! « 7 :i:. 1 i I.'>4!t 1 l> II 1 • 20 I 1 f- S ',1 1 +■-•7 -ft 1 :w (1 1 27 2 1 i ^x^^ .•(1 1 t l.t II 1 I.VJ-J 2.", 7 '. UHl t 2(1 2 1 i :iii II 1 + 1.4 «• 1 Hi II ' 20 1, ', II s J hi:. t- I^ 1 1 :,.■, s 1 t 7 It 1 1 :t 2 1 1 2(1 J f 7 :! 1 2."i '. 27 .'. I ■JO :i itiii ■ Wi 7 '. 27 2 ', ct'.i:. f 42 :i i i:(.-. 1 + i:i 2 1 ' .(7 1. 4;un f 11 :i 1 r Hi 1 1 t 'i 7 1 ;t2 1 '. 4:tJ.-. - 1 '1 1 t- :i ^ 1 1 2s .; f 1 1 .', J :t7 II 1 17 s t 4:Mt7 f c. :. 1 t 2.'. s + 12 ti 1 211 2 i 21 :i tJ'.H) - :i 7 1 f lis 1 4JS-' + (i 2 1 f21 11 112 \ 4271 + 17! 1 (-11 .-, 1 t 2 1 :, f- 111 2 :is i; 1 21 ."■ 1 :io 2 4Jfi + 11 2 1 + 111 1 + 10-S: I + ;i2 11 1 H.Vl' i +:tio i WciKhtcil iniiin + I 22 + 1(1 2^ + 21) '.l."i + D-.V) + :u (iH + 22 (l.j + :!7 II v„ - 1(1 :i2 HI (Ml - l:iH(l - 1(1 2:t - 17 7',t - l!l 'iO - 10 .V2 V,, It - IIS • HI • o:{ - ■ 10 21 (Hi Ciirv. ~ ^s ■2S ■ 2S ■ 2s ■2S • 2s ■ 2H Had ml Vrlocily - li ■ .') - 1 () t- ti S - 7 + !;i4 + 2 H + 17-2 •J2S I'l lil.H \llii\.> nl Mil. iMiMlMiiN ( iH.>l .R\ A U >in Ml \>l 111 > 111 UDSS .1.11 < .,ii(ai.»./ X >l'« M'M M't; SJIM SJOO .sj:;i SJJO \rl \\l \.l \\i \.i jj 1. Wi \. 1 W 1 \.l \\i V.I \\< V. 1 W 1 i:.72 f tt n t;i 7 T 1.; /. ■ :s 1 , :i7 J 1 + 24 II Hi .-, t :ij • 1 I.VU l-iil ■J7 I 111 7 4 11 '1 ■j'.i 1 :») r. ll^l 10 ■. J J .' ', .10 1 .".7 :i 111-. mil _■> 1 ... . , IJ 1 1 ;j 1 1 IJ 1 ;j li 1 1 :i.i 1 l.l.M Cllll i:i()7 ■j> J l.-| 7 J .' l'> i 1 .".(1 ,; ; j.'i :i :is Js "1 :;o .'i 2 1 1 I 111 7 JO 7 HJ J 1 1 \ JJ 7 It .-i .17 :f 1 J 1 r."»t J J J 1 Is ■! 1 r.MK) rj7i If. .' :U 7 1 l!l J III (1 Jl'. 7 1 Jli li .Hi 1 1 1 ■J.s !) :i.-.-7 1 IL'1-.O JO ,1 ■Jli 1, I'.l J .111 1. 1 ■ .I 7 I Jli 1 ■tj:>o JO s :iH :i 1 ij:iti 1 •' :!S J :is :( 1 (■-'•.•7 J I i; 1 ■J'i .*. '. 17 J it :u :i :i.s J ' 411 ' .Ml 1 jji:. t2f|-J li; s ■; 1 :'.7 :tH.:i| J •J7 J 1 1.-, II J7 ■ 7 i 1 iins lit:: 1(171 lid ; l.i 7. i lis 17 .s ISO i I J i:tj i JH :( :iii J •1 1 IS J 1 ii'.i 10 1 J7:i 1 1 1 •IIHiit i.f 1 1 + I*() .". 1 +:).'■> !i 1 \\i luhtcd Ilicilll + 17 SI - .'0 O'l ■Jl + JO r.:! - JO :u o:! + 17 - Jl ."It ■ »■» I't t- :m 11) - Jl :'.o 10 t- :tt 11 - Jl :iM Hi + -'7- - Jl 111) j:i 1.'. + :i7i7 - JO !M» Jl Ciirv. • JS - JS - Js . Js ■J.s - JS - ■ JS Ka.llul \'i'l"(ily - L'-S * () - 1 1 f St f U :! f .") '.1 + l.-,-7 iiKlill III- nil. >I'M 1 Kiir^ iiI'M |l|S\IO HON' IMI •JJ'.t MKAhl. Ul^.S (U 1UAS.S Xill luuiiuud ^ S'.'JIi H J 1 1 SJ 1 1 Hj:..) H2.VI --•... ■^ll> Vi.| \\i V ,1 , W t \<>l \\i V.I \Sl \.'l \M \rl \\\ \ . 1 \M . 4.■|^ 1 +31 1 +.W'7 \ ( J 1 -an-(i j -i."i r ', »:>7.' t 22 '.. :t2 ;t 1 1 + :io s 2H 2 1 J 21 21 1 1 1 1:1 t .1.' n . 10 li 1,1 .-, 1 1 l.'.t'.l + -iV i - 1 t, 1 I.VJI :>:t >« ', 1 :. 7 I J 2". (1 1 22 1 2ti 2 ; l.Vi-J 1 '1 ; IMII :u :i i 17 ". I J 1 1 :i 1 lisl 1.-, 1 J Is (I 21 *^ 1 .11 2 1 Id '1 1 III.S :i'.i ;i III -, II .' 1 12 .Ml 1. \ 1.'. 7 1 ii li 1 tint :i.s () J 27 '1 1 2H 1 \ 17 2 1 Ctll.'i :.i ,i 1 1 i.i.-.i :iN 7 1 :i.s 7 i :fi .-, \ It. 1 1 2."i H 1 I.Ud .')S 7 I ; 4H.7; i 1 2 1 21 '■ } tl 2 1 f .■■.■, J t:iJ.-) 4.') h 1 I'.p :i i IH :i: i !t t> 1 27 1 ! |:t07 2:t 7; i 4 1 '. i 111 .'. 1 - 2 S J l-".il :i2 •> \ 22 t i 7 II 1 7 1 1 (■-".HI 2S ■ H i 21 ■> i 1 2 •. 1 -lis s 1271 47 h: J II '> t :i7K! 1 111 1 I 27 1 I :) 1 1 - :i It s IJtill 21tl^ i 2'.l s :t:> 4 J 20 :) 1 27 7 ! 1 .i 1 -10 (1 i 42.V) Its i It. li 1 42:«i 2» 1 1 - li 1 42;t:t 40 H 1 ;i4 2 i 1(1 :, 1 211. 1 - 4^8 1 421.-> :io:t 1 7 :i 1 22 I 1 - -.a 1 4202 ms J , 4UIH . :!7 K 1 414:1 IS :i i :i<) s i 12 1 IS 1 - IM) 1 4077 ■ 12 K 1 4071 ' - 80 1 4(m:t +41 4 1 2,S (1 +:t2-7 1 1 S-2j 1 + !)^«1 I + 28^2i } 4(M5 + 17oi 1 - 5-tl 1 WCinhtrcl Iiiciin + :t.HO.! + 2:1 •K7 + :!4 27 f If, r,() + :to (i!( + 14 12 - 7 711 V, - lit (to - IH til - IH 24 - 17 01 -- It) (Ml - 14 ICi + 12 ii:t v. ■ 20 ■1<) ■IH 2:i 21 _ .■»*> + 1:1 Curv. •28 ■28 ■2H ■28 - ^28 ■28 ■2H H.'wIIhI Vplocity + 17 6 + 48 + 15 « - !) + l.i 5 - 4 + 4-7 230 I'lMI.K ■.VIII INS OK THi: DdMlNlON OHJSKRVATOKY Mi;.\srn!'s OK utiss ■.v>u-c<""-iiiiiiii S402 Vcl Wi I'.l ^ '. - L'.'i 1 1 ; . 2 1. 1 . litii ; 14 11 ; ; 11 '.1 1 . 11 II ;. . ii :, '. -liMI 1 2N 1 ^4-7 1 S4«7 " S47!t H4He •Slllif Vcl. \ V(l. Wi Vcl. ,\Vt i Vrl, iWl, Wt Vrl. j VVt V.'l. Wt. ^I'.l tl -i Iti ti 1 : 5 1 - 1 r I r '^ J -t 7".»' 1 t:.M + t) 7 . '1 + 17 N + .ill -,-22N . tl I - liii i IN 1 i 10 () 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ; 1 i:,72 - 7 -21 ' - 11. II r itii + !l(l + 2l)li + if + 110 t- '.>-2 1 1 1 : 1 2 1 1 1 i:.'ii! :."ii',i :;:::;: '::,! i.-.oi 1 + !«•:} 4 + t» ■ 7 1 1 1 n->i nii> -111 — I> ,t 1 1 + 2(lti + ^ 7 1 1 n 1 :. iiiii lii'.t.- + 4-7 1 lilsii + 10-(); 1 liC.l + 7-s r ;fi + 13S + 22 4 + 1I . ',1 ii 'i - 1 + 7-1 \ cldiMly ■ 1 ■ -J ORBIT OF THK HPKCTKOHCOPIC BINARY BOSH 3511 231 The Ottawa observations were grouped acrording to phase, using tlie {)eriod 1 tU 100 days, into 9 nornial places of e(|ual weight and, after preliniiiutry elements had been obtained graphieiilly, a least-stpuires solution was carried through to derive corrected values. Mie preliminary elements adopted were: P = 1 01 100 days c = •().■) CO = 19,^)° A' = 10 o km. 7 = +7- 10 km. 7' = .I.n. 2,417,01S.OL>0 The most satisfactory solution was obtained when 7', the tin\e of jx'riastron ])assafie, was considered fixed and corrections determined for the remaining four elements, c, w, K and 7. The period was considered iletermined from the earlj' obser\ations taken in conjunction with our own. XOHMAI. I'LACKS Mean I'ha.'p Mean Velocity o-c 1 1 i;i() 1 :M4 1-521 ■14S •24ti •444 ■594 •7.^1 •)>h:{ -h .")-9K - 002 - 4-20 - .W + .')-7() + 11 10 + 1."):!,-) + 1()()7 + 1.t(« - 71 '> + -M ■•''1 3 4 - 1 (I.") 5 + 1 ■ 44 ti 7 + 04 — O't 8 9 + -IVi Making the substitutions, J = 67 2/ = 5A' 2 - K-he u = K ■ 5(1} in the Lchmann-Filhos formula, the following observation etiuations resulted OBSKRVATIOX KQIATIOXS FOR iiO.'^S :).-)! 1 No I 2 3 4 5 ti 7 8 9 1-000 1-000 1-000 1 000 1-000 1000 1-000 1-000 1-000 + -088 - -tiO:! -1 040 - -672 - -308 + -i49 + -8;}2 + •9.')0 + -812 + -848 + -434 -809 -018 729 7(M) 322 940 tHKJ + U -•97S --7.'51 -112 + -794 + ■978 + •881 + -4S7 - ■O.'i.'i -•497 -n + + + 2t)4=() - 16 = •37=0 •ti2 = -184=0 + 71=0 + 48=0 + 100 = + .59=0 2.V2 ITIU.ICATIONS III' THK DOMINION OHSKIlVATOU'i NOKMAI, KQI'ATIONS •t(io(i.i -L ^is;/ - r_'S2 + •747(i +;',sio = () 4 ,')72(/ - ■'.»4.".2 + OtlOK +2-202=1) 4 1();iz + •.')04i/ -1 •010 = 4:5Sl« -2 002 = Fnini these tli(-re resulted tlie small ei)rrectii)ns, 67 = — AC) km. 5 A' = -44 km. :,. = + .(104 6w = +4 ■().') -o that the final vahies of the elements are: P = 1 1)1100 (lays c = orA CO == lltll" ■().') A' = loot) km. y = +t)(;4 km. T = .1.1). 2,417.01S-020 « sin / = 222,500 km. »(■ sin'' / — L . = .0002 O itn + nii)- Dominion Observatory Ottawa .\l)ril. litis. Miiii 3 T33M aaobisia a ORBIT OF THE SPECTROSCOPIC BINARY BOSS 3511 233 km 4 15 +12 + 9 + 6 + 3 o- ,^ — < ^ / / \ /o / N i / s 0/' \ 1 7" \ k / 'o / 1 1 Day! 0-6 10 Radial Velocity Curve of Boss 3511 1 5 JUIN I999i^