I> ,1 V ^ A -^ .<^ ^ ^r / / / ' "% Vj ^r "*,-. "^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST |ARGET (MT-3) ■; /■ * ^. r.o II 11.25 Him lii u* lU 12.2 ■ 1.8 U. 1 1.6 ** ■^V ' «!... I ^ i^ira i^uk^ i I fe >«^ : w^ CIHM Microfiqhe Series (Monographs) rCMH Cbllection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inttituta for Historical Microroproductions / inttitut Canadian da microraproductions hiatoriquaa % t . I*'»"f TMttfNMi cn^ MMtoflrafrtiM MaM / NelM Mdint^uM •! b«bl«otra|i*i«qwM TlM ImlttuM hM anamnMd to obtttn ttM bMt otii^nal CO0V avattabto loHilmmf . FaaiufM ot ifiit co|>v Mrdtch may ba WbHofranAtcally unt^ua. whkM m«v alttr any ol tiM Iwiapi in tha ra# > odMatto«. or wMch may tiffiificantty chanft tM usual mattiod of ^limine, ara uiacMQ oaiow, L'Inftitut a mkrofi(m4 la iiMillaur aMam^aira ^'il lu< a AtA poMibIa da M pf ocurar La« (Mtailt da cat •namiHatfa 9u< lont paut4tni uni^uaa du point 4a »ua bibliofrairfilqua, qui pauvant modi! Mr una imafa raprodwita. ou qui pauvant aaifar una modification da«M la mAtltoda normala da f llmata Mnt indiquAt ci-daMou*. M. D Coiourad covari/ Couvartura da eoulaur □ Cov«rf d a mapd/ Couvartura andommafia □ Covart rattorad IfMl/or laminaiad/ Couvartura rfitaurte at/ou paapar covara ara fllmad baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Imjpraa* alon, or tha back covar whan approprlata. All othar original coplaa ara fllmad baginning on tha firat paga with a printad or llliiatratad impraa- alon. and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad impraaaion. ^ Tha laat racordad frama on aach microflcha thall contain iha tymbol '•^•^ (maanHtfl "CON* TINUED"). or tha symbol y (moaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. Mapa. piataa. charta. ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraiy includad in ona axpoaura ara f ilmod baginning In tha uppar laft hand cornor. laft to right and top to bottom, as many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diaQrf ma illuatrata tha >f^ mathod: ' , ■ '^'' L'aiiamplalra fllm4 fut raprodult grica A la g4n4ros(tA da Matropolltan Toronto Rafaranct Library] Hatro Urban Affairs Library Laa Imagas suivantaa^oof It* raproduitas avac la • plus grand soin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da raiiamplaira film*, at an oonf ormit* avac las conditions du contrat da ^ Laa anamplairaa originaun dont la oouvartura an papiar ast imprim«a sont film4s an commancant par la pramiar plat at tn tarminant solt.par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'ImpraaSlon ou d'lllustratlon. soit par la aacond plat, salon la caa. Toua laa autras axamplairaa orlginaux sont fllmAs an commancant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraasion ou d'llluatration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una taila amprainta. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparaltra sur la darnlAra Imaga da chaqua microflcha. salon It • cH: lo symbola »^ signifia "A SUIVRE". la symbola V signifia "FIN". ^M!> Laa cartaa. planchas. tablaauM. ate pauvant Atra film|Aa A das taux da reduction diffirants. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour *tra raprijKtuit 9n un saul cllchA. 11 aat filmi A partir da I'Angla supArlaur gaucha, da gaucha A drplta. at dd°haut an bAa. an pranant la nombra d'im^gaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suivanta • . ' ;. • ■ : >. "^. « ' ilhistrant la mAthoda. ,t ■' -/ .■■■ ■ / 1" ■ V ■•■ ',\- - .. '■. 1 2 ^ / 3 • / ', ■ ■1 ;„■■ A «- -■ * • ■I ( 2 ' i 3 / • . • " ' ■"f . Y ■■- 2 3 . -^ ■ n . "■*- -. ■■■\ f ■■■.'..,"'■ ■i ■:■<-■ ■■■ ' ' ■ o ■ " • ...-'. i> - <■ '"".-• ■' ' •■ . \ - * ° ■■'v . ■'.■4' , 5 6 1 .... ' ■ , ■ ■• .'ft' - \ ■'"■ * ■ •■■ ■ . ■ ■ ^ - ■ ! "' y , •»-'"», •»**•■ --i t ACT OP INCORPORATION V /7iii 1 i^.^,,,,, — " — "-"- — H«rry H. rr«««h»m AND »» ^'^^••i 'cMtd. • fT«■• : '^^ 7r~*t' :^,^ 3.-f^J A 1. ^ ,v .^^ 1 1 ' 1 • • WIET TOR OEi! • Muai /-■ ' • • I ' - • . ■ \ \ (• 1 • ' 1 ^ 1 ■ ^ ^ 3 \ - 1 .■■■,■ --. . • '----;-------'- . ^ . . ...,-^ - -, ; ...r^ . ■^. . ; ^ ... <_ ■ ' ■■ " . ■ ■ ■'■- • \-^ ■ ■■ ■^■- ■ i, ■' .*■• / ' ■ -^^ ■■■ A '■■ •■ •■■■ * . ■'■■■■ * . h-- . %,•• METROPOLITAN .\ TORONTO ^ CEillRAL Officers \ t he Company* OEOROB H. FENETT. . , • ' piMOTOM* ; THOMAS RARRISOir, I okOROB B. FOSTER, Hon. JOHN J. FRASEB,! Hon. DAVID WARKf WILLIAM CARMAN, \ Jnds* 8TEADMAN. iBOkBTABT. JAME»8. BEEK. TMAsimn. • GEORGE N. BABBITT. .^ ''ft5t; 'w I 4 TO ^ y /' / »•■ .■^,^: (• • |-« "W DIRECTORS' REPORT * mmw %Hm Your •tttflnir ar4 ••#!. ISff. On th« lOth July, 1870, t meeting wm hold nt tho OfBor of J. L. Inohcti, Km|., for the purpo««of Uking prelimiotry Mtepe towtrdu tho organiiation of t Cemetery Oompiny for J>e City of Fredericton, under to Act of Ainembly pafwed 18th April of the Mroe year. The meeting wm Urgoly attondod. Wm. Carman, Ran , waa called to iho Chair. After 80¥eral addreaaea were delivered, all of which wore warmly in favour of tho project, and the groat nocoaaity for Homothing being done witho J|^rther dol«y» a Stock liook WM opened, and upwarda of M# tlMrd of the oaptUl WU there and then subscribed (theeapital atock of tho Company being 16,000). A tjommittee wat alao appointed to aolioit KubHoriptiona, and in duo eo»rje of time the fundi of tho Society wore considerably a»ginonted through the eiortioni uf the gentlemen composing the Comraittoo. (Tho whole amount of the aubsoribod atook at the preaent time ia |8,860.). At a Bubaequont meeting of the Company a Board of > Ihroctora waa elected, and a Preaidont appointed from, their number; and at the aame meeting tho following reaolution waa passed :— " Retohed, That the Dirtctort & •• authorixed to telect and purcha9e^ at at earl^ a day at "•potiibU, twh ground at they may deem mott tuitable/or •• the purnote of a Cemetery, and the mott convenient anct acceptable to the citizent of Fredericton generally,** In pnrsuai^ce of this reaolution the Diftotors loat d(» time in ondeavorinaf to procure a euiUblo place. And it may be remarked that here the first great difficulty of th* \ A* \\ ,'/ ; •«t vodtHalliif^ WM to b« •iieottnttr«\i. A aaiifirfloiat fkw of thfl City ind it» noburlMi no doubi^proMoui » numbor of f«fourab1« iliwi for • • Urg* «!>«»» ««»'»• «" tho lilllo— thi Uf\ pt«io» b«low tnd^bovt tht Cit|— wouUI ntlorsllj •ogK^at •>! th« oonditiont reouirad Hut U b fir •oth«rwlM, M invfl«liK«i»<»M eannot f»i( to Mlbfy any oo« who win Uk« thfl trcmhifl to ituk< It. Alnioat uvury diy In iho w««k, tod week mi'Uir wc«sk. ■«f«rtl of the Dircotori* gafo their ilmo and enflrgiaa to tho aoteotion of « nuiublb .phico— nor eoold thoy h»*« b««ii more loaloui hid thtir priftU Inlorotta bo^n ooocornod. Thoy felt that for thi purpoMN ofaOomotory tl IfMl fix oonditiona wero tb^ lutuly roquwito— rii : Ut, a auitablo dUUnoo from the oentre of tho City ; 2nd, a dry aoil ; Urd, • aoil oaaily •workod; 4th, land enough, m regarda area; 6th, g«»jeral iurroundioga and approtoh ; 6th, eipenie of land. Thin combination of teaU hid to bo applied to orery locality flitted, and it failed In evory oaae eaoept one, to aatUfy the Dlrectora that the diaorfltion given to them by the Stock- iholdera would bo iudioiooaly eiercined by trusting their 1 judgment to, the adop ion of any of tho numorouH looalitien 1 pointed out to them. Indeed, with a doelro of meeting tho Tiewe of partiea, who atrongly leeoittmonded aitea, th« Direotora took every paina to examine tlie reepeotlve looali- tiei pointed out, and obuin all the infoMMation they poeaibly eonlo, of persona acciunihtod with and reeiding in the neighborhood. And all this wao done in order to prorent Ibe poMlbllity of fault-finding afterwardo. ^ 1 Tho iito choion waa the " Monehan Farm," so called, adjoining the residence of George Botsford, Ke^., known an «« Hawthorne Hill^" and tho Uirectors, beforo puwAasing, l^lly satisfied themselves of all the coodltioBS roquisito for n Cometery, aa before nan^ed. ^ llit— SuiUblo dliUnce. A waif fwm tho Court Home i/a tho C«m«t«ry gate maj bo made in twenty minutei, le time u it would ocoupy a pergfia \ -^ td wttk f^m th« Potl Offlo« to DAillU'i Bridgt, wHif li It near tb« Catholio Ct»«t«rjr. 2nd.— Dry aolt. Th« pmet of ttnd Mi •Mrl for pr«Miit bariat purfMiMt ia lituata on th« aoutharly aide of th«Aiii*i tar^, an bracing aboul twoUa aorea, which la tnough, il hi believed, tt} laal for ihlrljr yaara, wilh roads tod walka laid out and moat of thani oomplated. Tha aoil In that ptrl Mtepted for ^reaent uae la pirfedtly dry. Notwithiitiininng the heavy ram* of AuKunt, the pita dug (aa totta) wora free tmm water the daya after etch atorni, and parfoni lo dfipoaed had, and rnay atill have, ample opportunitiaa of judging for thenmelvea A oroaadraiik waa made laal fall tlio w^olo breadth of the Cemetery, on tha top of the hill, for the par> poae of intercepting and carrying off the.waler from tha roar, as well aa aeverel amalior draina ; and whf the " SimOxids Farm," which probably would have been ohoseo, had not the attention of the Directors been directed to the present spot. The chief objection, however, to the ** Simonda Property," was its great distance from town, and the road leading to it, which ia continually o nciimber e d I irith oart loads of wood, as well u tho noiM and tannoil incident to a great businoM tUorougtifare. '* Forent Hill Oemetory" is the name choeon by the DireO' tore Its the most appropriable, as it is not only situated upon the margin of the foresL but in whatsoever direction the >yes turn, glimpses of i^st scenery are .to be had. Before commencing work last Bpring, a Map or Plan of the gronnHs was prepared by A. 0. Beckwith, Em., 0. E., upon which e^ery road, path and lot, is defined with mathe- mttioal precision. A view of thw Map will convey to the owner of a lot, or any one desirous of purchasing, the e'zaot situation, without going upoi^ the ground. The arr&ng^^ ments of tho Cemeterv are modelled »pon the moat modarm plans, and wh«n the details eomo (to be worked out ill a few years, as burials are made and money is expended in dedi- cation, or honour of the dead, the Directors ar^ of the opinion that *' Forest Hill Cemetery'' will be regarded by residents acid strangere as a place uf interest, and well de- serving a visit for meditation and oomparison with older and more eostly institutions of thfB kind. As will be shown in the Accounts, now to be submitted to the stockholders, a large amount of work hfM been dooe during the past summer. One hundred rods of main avenue, 18 feet broad, have boon opened up an^ tnrnpiked ; also, hundred rods of 12 feet ifoad, and one hundred and one fifty rods of paths, 4 feet broad, winding off the main roads, have been completed. A picl^etfenee the whole breadth of the Cemetery was put up lasti lall, which completely shuts in for prosent use upwards of ihirty acres of land. Other fences are contemplated, and wi|ll probably be built this fall, as they are much needed. | $500 have been paid in cash for the Cemetery, and the bslanoe, or $1200, has been secured to Uie former owners by a Bond signed by all the pirectors, bearing interest at six per cent. As the Dixectors are therefore personally liable for this amount, it will be their aim to have the debt esBoelled at as early a day as possible. — ^ ' "j" — ■- ^ : ^ \ :. ^ffSSSSSm- £:*':. ^ :' :*j/.- ' -Sv-* I '/■ r> v 8 Tlw dwelling houw ind barn have been remoted from the central place they occupied, down to the northwest cor- ner of the Cemetery, and ha? e been put in good repair, and are now considered to be a moat auiuble residence for the fiuperintendent of the grounds. The situation from which the house was removed, was thought by the Directora to be too important and conapieuous to be mied in that way, — besides, the sacredness of the place was opposed to a dwelling house being situated in the midst of it. A new entrance or gateway has been made, leading from the main road into ihoX)emotery. The gates are to be coneidered as only tem- porary. As soon aa Uie funds of phe Company will warrant It, a more auiUble entrance will be made, to be in harmbnv with the dignity as well aa solemnity of the object for which the grounds have been set apart. , « 1 1 i j A code of Bye-Laws was settled upon by the Stoekholders, which will be found in another part of this book. The Shareholders number seventy sii, belonging to all the Pro- tesUnt denominations, and the amount of shares taken by this number amounts to 886, which at $10 per share grves A total money value of $3,850 subscribed stock. The Birectora expect to have the round number of $4,000 com- pleted in a short time. Upon the Stock subscribed two calls have been made, the first for ten per cent., and in a few months afterward 20 per cent. With very *ew ex- ceptions these calls wer^ cheerfully responded to, which fact betokened a good diijposition on the pari of the sub- aoribers, and served as a jgreatencouragoment to the Direc- tors: for so long as they feel that they have the sympathy and support of the subscribers, they are disposed cheerfully to give their time and labour to the services for which they were elected. \ , „ _ _ Before elosing this Report the Dirccitors ftel called upon to make a few remarks in reference to the Old Burial Ground. During the last winter's Session of the Legisla- tnre, a Igill passed t he House of Assembly for closing the ground 4o all except the owners of lots not yet filled m^^ 'M^^'- A t // , /" \ '. i.T np — to take effect, it was proposod, in Augiul, 1877. U was late in the SessioD before the Bill reaoned the Le^a- lative Council, and there not being time for a fult' diBOuasion of the moasurib, failed to pass into Ln^. It is to be hoped that ne^t Session, this question of closing the Old Ground will be set at rest for ever. Until this is done there can be no concentration of effort npon any one particular burial place, and the consequence will be that the improvomentfl in " Forest Hill Cemetery " will not be as rapid as they should be ; indeed it is a misfortune that the whole community cannot see alike with regard to this, as to wnat is due to the remains of their friends as well as what/is due to the opinions of their survivors.. The closing of the Old Burial Ground in St. John, some twenty years ago, was made co- incident with the opening of the new Cemetery. When it was proclaimed that the gates of the old ground should be looked on a certain day, to take effect a few months after the passing of the Act, the mandate wi^ accepted willingly as a necessity of the times. The groui^d was over-crowded, and pronounced by the Faculty to be no| longer fit for human burial, or the neighborhood for human habitation. There was no resistance or loud complaining \ on the part of lot owners. Nor sh^ld there be any oppi^sition here— -for it must be evident to every bady that as oar ground is literally filled, like that of St. John, and the danger of pestilence in consequence, no less great, private feelings and private interests, especially among the intelligent of our commu- nity, should be induced to yield to the requirements of the public safety. The same remarks in reference to the closing of the old Si^ John Burial Ground are applicable to similar cases in o^^ Towns of the Province— such as St. Stephen, DorchesGlir, and elsewhere. The process of closing up was equally summary. There should be no halting between adverse opinions-^no keeping of lots open for the accommodation of those who have their hearts fixed upon what they regard as a sacred spot. A^day must cyme when a sudden stop must be put to this state of things ; and the '^.i y.. -r-OiSl.;^^^ ■-■^HTSsii- --- ^jjti^cj^ij. 2;: ii'a^3j£i'iaugLj^^aiitesi B!?^,jEfrL-x,i., ■- t.,i^^tiiim^-ft^0 j^. ' "^^ *- -tn.*" - '- fi»if 'V I \ to iooner tlii beti«r-for the long«r tho ground i» kept opon and new intcrraenta made, the harder will it be ior the survivors to learn when the time does come that th^ thcpn- telves will have to bo buried elsewhert. . '■ '■ About three years since, % Bill was introduced into the House of Assembly for closing our Burial Ground -and^the time was oven fixed for the law to take effect, It was ob- jected/however, that inasmuch as no other place ot burial had been provided, the Bill should be deferred until another year. In accordance with this warning, a few patriotic individuals of different denominations set to work with a will, to make provision for this necessity. Henco the new Blethodist Cemetery, and the one of which this is a Report. So that all persons in the community have had ample time to make their calculations and provide for what was coming. And now that all preparations have been made, and large expenses incurred, it is to be hoped that the Legislature at its next Session will take such action as will remove all doubt and embarrassment in the matter, whether as concern the stockholders of this Company, or tho community at large. ^ {£8pect/ully submitted. \. \ \ \ \ A Utt of Vubscribenu Na^iis. No. ofShtrti. * A. P. Randolph, „,. , 20i z John Jaa. Fraser,...,,,.,.,.,.-^.,., .'...**. ^0 Qeorge K. Ferjoty .,..\, 20 James Stcadnian, ;. .,'.. IQ Wm. Carman, .* ^^ jO H. A. Croplev, !..!.!.!.! 6 James S. lieok, ...,.,, ., ,■ 5 John Richards, 5 o.T.whoipioy, :.:.;::::::::;; 6 , E.C. Freeao, ....^., 6 Julius h. Inches, ,[[[ *.* 5 , Robert A. Payne,...,. " i George N. Babbitt, ,,J,Z..,\ 8 Thomas W. Smith, ]]* 2 T. Clowes Brown, ....^V..... 6 George J. Bliss, ....!!:!!!!! 5 ^■ A. F. Street, 6 4 8. A. Akerley, ....;...... 10 ; E. L. Wetmore 5 Harry Beckwith, 5 ; J. A. Vanwart, ,,; 5 C. Brannen...... 6 . Z. R. Everitt, .......«.!!!*!!*!!"! 6 Geo. C/Hunt, Jr .....!.!..r!i 6 ' L. W. Sherman,.. ....!!!!!!!* 6 8. F. SKiit«w^ -n- ' o. W. Babbitt,.,,;...,,,.., .....TTTITTnr -' r ... if • .* -\ 1* \ Namm. ' . NaofShtftt. J. W. Spurden, k ••••• J Georgo Y. Dibbleo,...'. ° U. B. IUin8fordvJr...v.... •••• J 8. A. Furdio,..J ^*J 5 W. P. FlowolUng,. - * A. A. Sterling, J James 8. Neill, — •. J Joseph Myshrall, *••• _ A. O. Beckwith,... * * J. Henry Fhair, * K. IJyron Winslow, ^ T. B. Winslow, • J Thomas Harrison, ^ George B. Foster, * ••• J T. H. Rand...... • ° Charles Fisher, i ; *j! H. O. 0. Ketchum, *^ David Wark, " John A. Beckwith, ° John C. Allen, • ^J Wm. M'Beath,...;. • • g Arthur Unaeriok,.,... • ^ Benjamin Evans, James L. Beverly,... ^ Thnihas Stanger, •••••• ^ R. H. Ralnsford, ^^ E. H. Wilmot,,..... • -^ McDonald & Kedey, • ° J. G. M'Nally, -^ « J. H. F. Randolph, ••• J James R. Howie, ^" HO. Creed, • * Jaines Hodge, ..,........' 'John Edwards, * John M'Innis,.. • ^ Wm. Crockett....... •....• .*..........♦•»*•••• • ■ . ' • ■ ^ ./ ■ '■ ■ ' ' i 18 Nahu. No. of Shallot. Wm. Cameron, 2 - Win. Whooler, 6 DykeDian & VanWart, 6 John M'l'hemon,..,. ^ 1 A. R. VVetmore f 5 M. M'Nally ,. i 2 Wm. W. Street, ^ 2 Charles W. Heckwith),.........!,.., ...... ...... 2 E. iilfltabrooka ,.•••• 1 Goo. R. Parkin, 4 • 886 >»- - ■--.■■-. ■ 1 t 1 ■ t ' y I -. '.■ ■ / • * * ' . \ 1 1 ' 1 \ ■■■ ■ i .■ . '. '' .■ -■j-:.'i If; ■ ■ /■ ■' -« ■■"■..:> 1 ANNO TRICB8IM0 NONO VICTOHIiK HKQIN^E. «*— -/ s» CIIAI»TKU 66. All ACT TO llfOOIIPORATI TNI FRRDKHICTON CEMKTKUY COMPANY, 8«e. 1 Compiny In^orporatid. 9 Capital •lock. 8 Proprietor of lot to re Ccrtlflcatv from ('oni 4 Ftrt«t K<'noral mcctlog,^ wheru held. ualtflcatloD of Menibon of 'oinpany. When property of Company fthall hfl vvtMed In proprte> tora of lolH. Lota not liable fqr debta of proprletora or Company. > Patud im April, 1^79, WncRKAH a larger and mdro auitable place for the burial of the dead in the City of Frcdorioton ia much re- quired ;— . , \ \ Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Legislative Council, and Aiserably,— 1. That William Carman, Th*^odore H. Rand, William Brydone Jack, George B. Foster, Thomas Harrison, GooTgo E. Fenety, A. F Randolph, John Kdwardj*, James S. Book, George Atherton, A. B. Atherton, M. D., and Julius L. Inches, their associates, successors, and assigns, be iind they are hereby made a body politic and corporate, by the name of *' The Fredericton Cemetery Company,!' and by that name shall have all the general powers and privilege? inci- dent to a Corporation. 2. The capital stock of the said Compiny shall be six thousfl(hd dollars, and divided into six hundred shares of ten dollars each, and be paid in such sums and at such tinres as the Directors of the said Company Bhall from time to time appoint. 15 8. Tliil injr p«r«on bcoomlng the propHoCor of a Lot In tho Mtd (.'«moUjrjf Mbftll U •ntitled to a Cortificalo uod«r tho Mai of tho Corporation, aigaad bj iba SooroUry in tbt form following :— . Frkdiricton Cemitertt Compaht. Tbii ii to oartifjr thai A. B. ii tbo proprietor of Lot No. , conuining M^aart fatt, on (|»ath) io th« Fr«d«rict«n (Jemetery , mtuata in tba County of York aubject to the ruiea, roguUtiooii and bye lawa of the aaid Corporation. In teatimony whereof, the Seal of the said Cor- [L. S.] poratioD ia hereunto affiled, thu dav ©f A. D. . ^ CD., Secreiaiy, And iiuch certificate nhall oonatitnte a ?alid inntrument of trannfor ofeuch Lot, and Mhail be hold bv the purchaser thereof for the uiie of burial only, and Bubjcct on tii«rein itated. 4. That the first general meeting of tho stockholders of tho sail Corporation shall be held in the City of Frederio- ton for the election of seven Directors for the ma'nagemenl of the affairs of the said Corporation, at such timo as may be appointed by a majority of the corporators heroin named : The Directors chosen at anch meeting shall remain in office until others hre chosen in their stead ; the Directors at their first meeting after their election shall choose one of their number to be President ; provided always, that not less than four Directors shall be necessary to constitntc a quorum for the transactioj^of business. 6. Kvery iterson who m^\ become a"^oprictor of a lot in the said Cemetery of not less than one hundred square feet, shall bo a member of the said Corporation, and entitled to vote at all meetings thereof. 6. The several shareholders in the said Corporation so i pon as they, shaU be repaid out of the fanda thereof the M th« pr«|.«rtY .h.tl from th.no. U T«t«d In Ihn pronrlotoi, X t not IM. lh.n on. hundr«a «,u.r« f..t^..«K ; .nd ?ior.«n.r th« pro<««l. of tk« -l- of .11 l««.. .«•' ;lod««t- «X .«nu.l .xp.n«. of th. (>m.l«ry, .h.ll b« for «».r d.»oU,d .nd .ppli«l to th. pr.«rv.t,on ;™P'<'"""'°'- ^ b«lJi.hn.onl .»i «nl.rK«m«ot of th. wd C«««t«ry, wd for no oth«r puriw.* wh.tjoe»«r. g 7 ThU lh« lot. In lh« mW C.ro«t«ry ftnll not U li.bl.^ for tb« p.yn.«nt of .nr d.bt, or to b« l«»i«d upon or UUn in .Moution .t th. .wt of .ny porwn whomMflTOT. / •y \ '7 'V \ f BYE LAWS or TOi / FREDEBICTON CEMETERY COMPANY. At • M««ting of the Stookholdera of the Frkdrrioton Okmktrry Company held on the twelfth dtjr of Auguat 1870, the 'ollowing hy^ Lawi were adopted :— > I. The liio of the Lota shall he ten HO) feet hj twenty (20) foot, and the prioe^of etch Lot ihall be not leaa than twelve Idullan. J "• A choice of Lota shall he offered at anotion (Vom time to jtimo in the discretion oi the Direotora, after which private IhuIos of Lots may be made bv tho Directors, at such prices las they may agree upon with the parties purchasing, but inot less than the sum named in the preceding Section. in. A portion of ground shall be set apart for the poor, ui rhioh bodies may be buried at one dollar eaob. i~ IV. •'. A portion of ground shall be set apart for pubUo ati, ip rhich bodies may be buried at two dollars eaok* „_____^________ _ __J ^^,„j__ . #_ .-'■■"" ■ ■ ik" . * •' ♦ WK^ ■^^ r ■:*Km*-9^- "f«*- -IP f ■ J t>. im 18 V. f Alt Loti Mta Of b*fg»iii«4 fof, •bill b« ptW for tl ih. lint of m1«. r» % All KT«¥«ii abill b« dug ind prepirt d by iU •orrttili of Um C«m«tar7 OompADy, «! ■•oh nte ■• llM Ulroclort may from UtiiD to timo fli. iPr«prll|M«i«i RiMlinga of lli« Rl(M)khold«ni may h$ otfM §1 •njp UiD« ; luch ti}«#iiiiga ■h«ll U oall« j^^^^^^' ^^ I^ aivd Poor erounds, paying over the same to the ifi •' Trtadtti^r, but he shall not sell or receive the price of lots. * - ■ i ■-'■'■ k ■"' ' ' :|^^«te| jQif^f^ wisbiiii^ to Wm^m^mi »ubi$it^«Mi^ to.thft»o«dof l)uec. • v' ''^■'- -^V..-; •4r .*■* J*s V>1.»'* ~ '** -1 :f • I I . xxiV. ./ He shall m&ko a weekly retUrn to the Seoretarj of all intermeotii made during the preoeding week. /'■■•. • j / ' ' : TUItiOrs. ""a "••^.' ' ■■ X3^V. J. 1 ^ ' No* Vehicle or Carriage shall be driven, nor shall anv one ride a' hone, at a faster rate than a walk, within the Game- tery. 7 • ' • No Visitor shall gather any flowers, nor break a?r injure any tree, shrubs, or plants, in the Cemetery. . ;■■■ 3pcviL ■ .. ' No one shall take fire-arms into the (Cemetery. ■ XXVIII. \ ^■ Visitors are requested to keep on the walks and ayenuesi and not trespass on the Borders. • / XXIX. ' ■ It shall be the duty of th$ 8ut)erintettdent to see these Rules enforced* XT' m, Xr ^^"■ '>^ J \ • -AnA, --^^^ ■»' , il ■J&iiMMm^, -U.v„, .Jjp7^\-T-J"-- ' ¥i 1^'- ii M.i ii ji. 'ii <^:^ tfT'X '■■■ i 22 "\.,. ^1, Certlflciite. I Thin is to certify that w the proprietor of sharea of tji^ Sl^ital fc^tock of the ffredericton OeineUi^Coinpany,of T^ii'bollani oach, aubjeot to auuh calls as may from time to time be made thereon, until the whole is paid up, »nd to the Rulea «tid Regulations of the Company. Dated at the City of Frederioton this day of A. D. 18 JSecretai i- A *t»»* <*% '*!• * ^i ll wl^ o I %w « % ■' ' V A u f1 <* •* - ''1 ^ V « > " \ f>VV 1 « f — F •« ' « «• . ^ #* * 4« • • '.'■> Vtvwit J^ ' ■'.•''1 V ♦ - «^ ' <, '" ■ 1 » «« ■^ « , '' " f^O> ... •* _££i i±—