,'fe. a^ ^^w ^^^^ - .0. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /> p^ 1.0 I.I 1^ |25 1^ ill 1.8 11:25 ■ 1.4 III 1.6 V] ■. CoUecUo/t VICTORIA-AT THE DAWN OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. F-W I'lact"* in tin- wrlil li;i\c Keen t"i- (l(pvvi.'(l s't l.ivislily with ihi* liratily and lH)unly of naturt* a-* llic anal Ulancl .if V'.inceiuvcr, on Oinara- lionrd and it is hut meet and pruiuT that Viotitna, thf capital of ihi- uninrnsi.- I'r<)vtnci' *A HritiNh Cohinihia — fairest city of the Dominion — should he found in this h-.'autitul taml. SituaitA r k - 1 i W e farms, dotted liere and there with the k"*''!*-''^ and twisted trnnks and limbs of great oakii. lorm a beautiful set- tinjj to the city, while beyond the shimmer- ing blue wateis of the historic Strait of Juan de Fuca theOlvnipiana rear their giant snnw- clacl {>eaks heavenward like great sentinels im- neriurbable and grim. Vet further off", in an- other directiim, be- yond a sea studded with iaUn'.'aks, the »««ccful crce, er-grown m bouses nestling jng fat orchards itnd rich pastures, the forestA, lakes and streams, and the sea, with itiislani.a, bays and inletri, all claim attention und all are entrancingly i>eautiful. The progrt »s of Victoria ha;^ l>een truly marvelous. From its Hul>stant>d and general well-to-do ai>[>earance it would scarcely be magined that but tifiy years ago the sole indi- cation of th<; coming city was a rough frontier trading post. liie property uf the great inrerumur oi civdization in tlii.' West, the company u\ a»Iventurers trading into iiudson> Bay. However, si.h indeed \> the case. It was iii»t until the early forties that .Mr. (ailervvard> Sir James) UoUKla-.. an cnergetu and lar-seting officer oi the celebrated company jusi rett-rrrd to, who wa-. later t<» play an important part in sliaiiHu; the desiinus u\ the colony sub>e«iueiuly t stabli^lied. Milled the >ecluded Indian villagi.' ni Cunosun. and (here e- Hay Company, i-. now hidden by modern buildings, and few can say where it was situated During the first lew yct.-s Victoria leil a somewhat hum-drum e.\istence. The arrival and depi-nure oi the irad- intf vessels oi the company being he chiet events of the >ear. However, the habitual (|Uieiude of the Fort was soon fARUAMEifT nriLniNnt, Tirroau, b. r. desiincd to be rudely disturbed. The discovery of goM in Canboo and on the sand bars of the Fraser River caused thousands of eager men, bent on making their fortunes at the mines, to disembark at Victoria, the supply centre for the new Kldorado. In a few w?eks, we are told. Victoria. tiom being a peaceful little hamlet, developed into a bustling city ol t«vcnty thousand souls, in a manner not uncommon 111 the West during the tii'tii;.. Tlio-e were exciting days ill \*ictr im- I To\em(nt alter iniproviiiient has been etTectcd until the city IS now one oi the ioreniost of the Pacific Slope, The con- servative L'ood sense of its iniultitaiu^ has been shown by the care which has been taken not to go ahead too rashly, and consequently its progress has been steady and sure Owing to the fact that some years have intervened since the last cen>ns of the city w is taken it is impossible to give the exact population, but in all probability it atiains the Agures of twenty-five thousand, alllough it is not unlikely that when the cour .ing of heads has been concluded .-.t the next census, which will probably be commenc- ed in 1901. it will be found that this figure under rather than over estimates the numljer of inhabitants. The site of Victoria has t)een admirable se- lectefl. The tow n slopes gently back from the water and from be- ing almost level in the business portion rises until tlie main residen- tial (|uarter overlooks the I Jty proper, the surrouniling country and the beautiful Straits of Juan de Fu- ca. On account of the site being very level the town from tlie har- bour itself, although presenting a very si)lid und business-like ap- ]>earance, is not as im- posing as it otherwise might \)c. It is only when viewing the eitv from some point of vantage or when walk- ing down its capacious streets, lined on cither side by substantial and handsome brick and stone structures, tha its beauty is clear! t discernible and an adequate idea of its solidity cay be formed. Some of the modern blocks whicn adorn its main thoroughfares would not be out h place in cities many times larger than Victoria. The Post Office and Customs Htuise, completed of recent years by the Dominion Government at considerable expense is a remarkably fine building, while the truly magnificent pile 1 179212 erected by the Provincial Cinvcrnimnt I-* the i'u\v>\. hwhUna ol its kind on the Pacific Cna!«i. and i( i- la-i-dli-a; to add thai X'ictiiriaii" arr jii->tly jirmrl <'i it. In ailditinn t" nihcr puh- iic tmildiHK"*. \'ictnrn Ma> tiiatiy tiiu- chiirchi"* The Roman Cathnhc taihcdral. St. Andrew's Pre ' yicrian Church, tlic Methodi'-t Church >n i'atulora Avenue, are particuhirly no- ticeable ir»r thv'ir architectural qnahties. h'or i\< si/e. Vitt >ria i^ «>ne oi the weahhient eitie- in C;.r- ad;v Thi- i> yreatlv owinn t'l the tact that of it-« > Iini.ttt- and iither attractmn* i. olTef'. to i .o- I'lc ui wcaltii and rerinctnem a dfliKhiinl place ot re-iidcnc. It is a peouhirly Uriti^h town and the citi/tns are proud oi the iact. Perhaps this Is partially icomnted lor when it is rcnicnibt-red that in Crown Colony day?* a large num- and tn pre\eni inKfe?.- a rcl-ci.iteil sfuli'y i> always stationed at thi- K;»te>. .Vt l^^cpninalt. duriiiK -dl Hea>nn'« ol the yi.ir niav lie inuiicl one nv more ^inin men o' war peaceiully rid inw at anch >r in he capi •lou^ harlionr -rmblriii'. oi Uri- tain's inij:hl. Thv ureal ,jri\mK dock and marine rail\va> >«lip. ol whuh more \m1I In said later, arr wtll worth in-pi-e rion. A" can be u'adil> iniaw.ned. l-'-scjuiinaU with it^ '|U.init little •'ta-'nle (own. !■* a lavouritt- n-iirt oi i.iun-t'. and -n^hi -rers < tn i1k- way to Ivsiiniinall and ju>t otT the main ro.ni the Imperial Barrack- are -.ituated. wlure olVicerN and nun of till' Koy.il l-'n^'ineers and Koyal Artillery are ?«tationeon duty. Th'.--.e (orce-> in time of war. it such an initoriunate continvi-.-ncy should oecur. would man the poi\- eriid iorts which have been constructed of recent years to which, ift its comi^creial, Mirial, and piditical centre. The coal and nietalhferons niines. »aw nulls, lo^^inK camps, tish- erie-. shippm^ ami aKriculture. atTord employnn-ni to dious- ands Year bv viar the Kland i^ bemn exp'oiird and opened up. ami \'ietr>ria i-. steadily incr-MsiiiK ni -i/e and impitrt- aiHi- Wher", but a few year- a^o. tlie nadvp racc^ liehl midi>'puted s»ay and wane ber ni emigranfi. men and women of culture and >tandinK i'.'.nie from the Hritish I>les and brought with them their love of thin^:- British It must aKo Ik- remembered that Esqminalt, which i-^ only about four miles distp.nt from \'ir- toria, with which, by the by. it is connected by a particii- Inrly ciTicient cnr scrvici-, i^ the naval base of the powerful squadron maintained by tireat Britain in Pacific waters. .V large number of otTu- ti of the ditTcrcnt l>ranclics 'if the -ser- vice are c^mstantly statio.nd there, who naturally influence society to a greater or lesser extent. At I*'squimalt may be «;een Her Majesty's ilockvard. where all manner of naval antl military suf)plies and deadly munitions ai war arc stored in readiness for any emergency. The dockyard is well laid nut and its neatly swept workshops and •'torehouses arc very interesting. Of course the general public arc not admitted command the Struts of Juan de Fnca and the approaches t(* Ksquimalt and Victoria harbours. In addition to 'lu forces just referred to there are al-o a nundKT of men of the Roval Canadian Regiment <.tationed eauty. This great Island with all its \a'it potential wealth and its great industrial cctncerns is tributary to N'ictoria, Vancouver Niaml. Game, large and small, is plentiful. The forests teem with deer, and the lordly elk wander m unmolc>tei the sheep farmer will soon be exterminateil or at least driven to renxite parts. The streams abound with he wily trout, whose lame has spread abro.id and done .lot a little to attract attention to this west- ern Island. Grouse and water fowl of every descriplicm are numerous, while in the more settled portions pheasant and quail have been imported and thrive exceedingly well. In tact there are few placs which oflfcr more inducements to the sportsman than the Island and I'l^ninK lanip-i DairyinK is extensively carried on and with much snri'ns A ircanury has liccii eslalih>heny as to the fruitfulness of the soil. The views are >•> varied and eharmuiK that the journey by rail fr >m Vicioriit to N'anainio is (lelit?htful. The coal mines are undoubte lly a ^rcat s. Coinox and Kadysmith. At each nf these places huRe bunkers have been erected, and the whar- ves will iccommoi; amounted to no k•^s than i.Jo.i.K/; u,n<. an in- crease over thai 'pf i8<>H ot 85.JH5 ton-.. ()t the last year's output -''^.HH,! tons were con->iiiiu-d in Canada and 75'. 7" tons were exprirtcd I'lu' total luimbcr oi pi,-r>ons t-iiiploy- 111 m the coal inincs during' i'*^W aK^;re^f:iied .I..U7. includ- Mii,; some Chinese and Japanese. The miners reerive KMO'i wa^es, and strikes and industrial ed all over the Horld totireat writain. Auslra- thc Orient. South Africa and South Am- erica. The macbiuery and other appliances are of the most mod- ern description. Che- mainus has a tin>* land- locked harbour and it is no uncommon thin^ to see over half a doz- en large sailing ves- sels taking on their cargoes ot lumber at the same time. The vessels are moored to the wharves within a few yards of the mill, and the lumber is placed in the hold of the ships in a marvel- lously short space of time. The huge logs are taken in at one end and fiidshed material is passed out at another and placed on board. Tlie scene is one of animation and bustle, and gives but a partial idea of the \ast wea'lh represented by the great forests with which many parts of the Island are covered. The lumber manufactured at this mill is exceptionally good .•md finds a ready sale in the markets of the world. In 1807 Vancouver Island exported 18.758,618 feet of lumber. In the lollowing year, l8«>M, the mill at Clu-mamus alone shipped -•0.55J. :i8 feet, employing a Heel of iwentv-three vessels. The output of !*>:> exceecU this tigu.-e. while the figure lur till present year will in all probal>iIity be urealer than ever bi-iore. As can be readily understood, a rcadv market is lounil at this port for ayricultuial produce of all kinds and the farmers in the near vicinity enjoy exceptional opportuni- ties of disposing of the result of their labours to good ad- vantage. The climate of Vancouver Island is soft and efpiable— no great degree of he it in the sumriur and no great degree of c(dd ill winter. While in the ICasi it i> no uncommon occur- rence for people to suffer severely 01 cold or be atlbcted with sunstroke, the fortun:•.■ tii.iiiuiacmriil inn i-xcilliMil milp. ;iic : riiilf of commerce which is in t!r>-ai dcniaml. Alrcaily cni|uirics have hecn receiveil frum Japan wilh rct,'anl In ;hi> com- modity, and tile dcmaml lor it is stc.iddv incriafinn lioth iii the niarkeis of Great llriliiii and liiv I'niled Slates a» well as the Orient. It would certainly appear that a very prolit- able field for investiiuMU minlit he e\pl be inihic- ed to ihfirou«iily investi- Kate the matter. Such an nuhistrv would be of the utmost importance to the whole Island. Vet ani'ther instance. .\s the iiielalli- ferons mines o) the Island arc deve!o]iril allcl reach the shippint' sta^te the pro- bleni of tlu' economical smelting of the ores must necessarih' be solved. There is little doubt that \"ictoria offers exceptional ad\antaf.;es for the estab lishmenl of such an impor- tant concern. If for any reason it might not be deemed advisable to build in the city itself admirable locations could lie secured in the near vicinity. The central position t>f the town, and the ease with which it can be ajiproach- ed accentuate the fact that such an undertaking could be successtully carried on. Coke could be readil\' o!)- tained from the ovens at Union and there seems to be no reason whv such a concern should Jnot be operated to advantage. These arc onlv two instance-, bill there are others of ecpial import- ance which might well repa> the careful attention of capi- talists. If attention was paid lo the i-xploitalion of the vast resovccs of the Island it wouhl in a few years liecome a land tlowing with milk and honey and Victoria would in consequence become a hive of industry I'ntil comparatively lecently but little attention has been n ven by the outside public to the inducements offered by Vancouver Island for profitable investment. Now. however, particular? regarding Its great wealth are being: limited al>rf>ad and everything seems to encourage the belief that it is on the eve oi a re- markable era of ile\el ipiiunt No ..ne visiting it can fail to bi impressed with its richness. The agricultural, mining and hiinber industries must e\enlually support a teeming and conlenled population Tlic beautiful climate is an a^hli- tioiial iiiiluccinent to home-makers X'olumcs might be penned about the attractiveness of the Island, hut e\en then it would not be possible to say all that nnght be said in Us favour, ,\s a holiday resort it is sleadily growing in favour and year by year penple llock to \ n loria to restore their liealtii and s|nrits by spending a month or s'l in the sunny cliiiie of the capital cilv. DCNKMriR r^sTM Nearly the whole of Vancouwr Islaml is more or less richly ininerali/ed. but the western portion has been particu- larly favoured in this way, .-Xi .-Mberni and other places on the west coast llourisliing settlements ha\« been establislied which give every promise of developing iiilo important min- ing centres. A large amount of develo|imenl wi rk has been performed on a number of the claims aiicl the prospects for the permanenl prosperity of the distri;-! appears to lie ex- ceedingly bright. The ade of the whole district is tribu- tary to X'ictoria aiu'^is .apidlv growing in importance. It is a matter of conn., on report that there are in different parts of the Island iiV.tnense deposits ci iron and copper ■ ires which only rei|Uire capital to be converted into mine* OI untold richness. Ironi the foregoing it will be seen that the future proi- picls oi \ictoria as the centre of a country -boundinB in riches, as yet practically untouched, are of the rosiest cTiir- acler It IS little wonder, then, that Victorians should be proud of their magnilicent Island and possess such unbound- ed confidence in llieir beautiful city Th' first sight lo hold the attention of the visitor, when entering the harbour of N'ictoria in one of the Inxuriouily lilted steamers that ply between the Mainland and the Island is the stateh eilifict built bv the Trnvineitl t'oveiiinient for the useof the I'ailiaiiient of lliitikh Columbia and fordepiirl- nu-nlHl puiposi'N. Stand- ing in the Miidsl of spac- ious and I rnutifully kejil lnwns, the vivid gretnniss of which testifv to the »oftnr»« of the clinnte, the buihliiigs |itnent n trulv imiosiiig. and It tnigh't also be added niagiiificeiil ap|Hari".nce. The buildings aie < onstiucted ol lieauti I'ii grey sniidsloiie which WHS ({uarried within a few nulls of tlif city, "nie vitrii us de; iirtnu..iH of the ('■lAeinnieiit seivice have (( iMiioflious (]iiiirlers in the liiiildiiig. In the west wing is the rrinting Ii«- I Bttmeiit. wheie the ofTi- cial (In/elte is published wet kl\ and where all the Iiiinling mjuiteil bv the ftoveinuient is done. The Trovincial Museum ch-cu- jiies the east wing, lliis institution, unique in its way, is ably managed Tiy its well known and ]iopular curator. In the Miisetini may lie seen all the (lora and fauna of the I'rovince. Ile&utilnlly stuffed a n i1 mounted birds and animals are standing everywhere, in most life-like attitudes. The tnooae, the elk or wapiti, ami the caritiou are well repreaentetl. In the glass cases are stuffed specimens of the water fowl and grouse which inhabit the marches and woods of British Columbia. In another part will be found all manners of Indian curios and utensils, the relics of a by-gone day. But to be properly appreciated the Museum must be seen. It is impossible to dfi justice to the fine collection in such small space. It will scarcely be necessary to adtl that every visi- tor should make a point of seeing all over this fine inslitu- titni. Sportsmen and all others will he interested. The Premier's ClfTice, Treasury Department, .\ttorney- ■^ Ijciu-ral's iJi'p.'irtinfUi. i'ri»viiK'i.tl Stiri*Iar)''> l>fpartiiK-nt. UcpHrlnicDt nf Mint*-. Urpartiii'-nl of AKtii'iiltiirc. I.anil* ami Wiirk;. Dtparliiiriii. IniiniKralKiii i iHicc ami ihc I.ilir.irv of ihc I.i'Kinlativc A.sciiilily arr Imali'cl iii ilu- iiiaiii Imilil iiiK. I'roiii llu' dciiiu', iiviT Ilu- uraciil iiitraiicr a liraiiiifiil vii!w 111 till' lily anil siirnmiicliiin i-iiimlry -an lu' nlitainnl. Till- btiililinx* were ccntiimiuvil in iMcji ami upcmil in i." ip( llu' cily in iim.id- (Tfil Tlierr arc sn many ways of fiiiityiuK Km'';* sell lliat ilir tiim- never hanns heavy, '!"lie sheet ii( water an which the town Is sninlcft rniis inl.in. a massive and diKmlied lone to the hall, livery precaution was taken durinjj the time of construction to se- cure only the best materials and workmanshij). with the result that llritish Columbia has tii lay the lines! public buildiiiKS in Canada. The streets of Victoria are wide and well kept. Klectrical street cars run on alt the main ihorcmKhfares and an excep- tionally Kood service is providctl. .\ few years a^o a moce- nient was inaUKurated to pave the streets. Alter due con- sideration as to the best melh id if iiroceduie Ibis import- ant »(irk was coinn. diced in iKyo. In that year one of the principal thorouKhfares was paveil with wooden blocks and the experiment was so eminently successful tha' duriuK the present year, i(>oo. it was decided to continue the work on other streets, and consequently within a short period a large portion o( the city will be naved with wooden t-.locks, this lortn cif pavement havinn been deemed ihe most durable .ind cheapest. It is only a question of time when the whole liusiness portion will be paved in a like manner. This will grcally add to the appearance of the city and speaks volumes for Ihe energetic character of the citizens in carrying out such an important nndertakiuR. The tourist travel is larjie during the summer months and it is Reneraily recoRnized that to induce people to visit Victoria it is necessary to make the place as attractive as possible. Hence the paving of the streets and other improvemerts. The number of tourists who visit Victoria durins the year prove beyond a doubt that it is an ideal spot to spend a IkiIi- In all directions roads leal irom the town far .ml into the country, where odd, old-fashioned luilets may be lo'ind half liidiUn by honeysuckle .iiid <.'lher climliiiiK plains. The roads are >;ooil and ruling, driviiin and liikin« are favo.irite iiiiMiscmenis \'u'tort.'ins ha.'- no low Iit an indoor lite, and every niiiiuU' iliit can In- spired is spent in the open air, ridiiiK. limine. boaliiiK, pitying tennis or cricket, in the summer; m the winter spare lime is ilevoted to goK, foot- ball, hunting, shooting, and other exercises. Mm it must not be imagined that XuMoriaiis are solvly devol 'd to |ileasurcs, Siich is very far fr mh bein^f the ca.-.'. Husiness men are at iluir oiiices liri«ht and early and work hard (or the Kreater part of the day. yet time is tound ro enjov life. And it is this that adds such a charm to cxistcti e in Victoria. Kver since the days of its infancy X'lctoria has been fam- ous (or its brilliant so.:iety. The citi/i'ns vie with the otVicers o! the various brandies of Her Majesty's service siationed at Ks"uimall in KivinK suniptu lus entertainments and the many social events arj noted for ihoir lirilli.-.iicy. (iardcn .'lud theatre jiarties. picnics and balls follow each other in rapiit succession duriiiK the season. Whether it is riwiuK to the soft and sunny climate it is hard to tell, but the ladies o' N'ictoria are famous for their i^ood looks, .-\ X'ictoria ball room with its dazzling liKlits. beauiiiiil flowers and lo\ely women, if once seen is noi likely to be easily for- Ki lien. Hut for all the Rayety matters of tjreater moment are not to be overlo.T.cd. Many nobli charities are super- intended in a businesslike and methodical manner. Ilospit.ils i.re assisted, the sick visited, and many other Kood works (lerformed which conu within the sphere of woman's acliv- •ties. M^ -'Or 1 ll^jj><^ ^ \ "?%fl^^if tlir nav.il ami military forci's arc imnriK tlu' ciml jtiMiii ni the |>r<>Krniiiin>' Viclnria is ilu' liiHiii' m' many Mulu>lrif«. iiuliiiliiiK -\\\\>- buililiMK. iiiaiiuiaiturc of snap ami inckli's. iruil laniiiiiK. manufacliiri' ol sluvo- ancl niarliituTv. ami many iptlur» Imi iMinurous 1(1 nuiuioti. Il i» llii' Iinnic |ii.rt oi ilir scalinn Hfft. and luTi' may lu* si-i-ri at I'lTiam tnni*> ot tlu' yt-ar t.fty or mori' tine silmiiniT* lyinK at anclmr auaitinit tiu' commcnccnuni of thi' lumtinK "easnn Tlu' »cli"imiTs arc ilu' city fri>m the vi'iiiitation ot matters rt-latmu to tlii' m- dustncs of thf port ami lliost- of the Ulanil. \'ii-toria 14 pre cnniifiitly a city oi hoiiicn. The mimbcr o: iH'aiitiliil clwt'lliiiKs, both in the riiy and in the siihiirli^ i> aHtonislnnK I'reity villas HtandniK m lar'.:e and well keiti ^ronii'ls. with tennis cnurt.s and eroipiet lawns are mei Willi e\eryulu're. The elimale is esp-nally ailap'eil to liorii- eiiliiire, and the many gardens kIow with i-'dour. addiiiK an iintoltl charm to the city. (.)wmK to the excellent car- capped (leak of which is plainly visihlc from the Hay, acroM the (iuli d (ieoriiia, is a favourite resort ihirmti the Sum- ner months, when hand concerts are held ome or twice a week. In the vicinity of the liay are many cliarmiiitf reii- deiices, aiitl the loeiliiy is lieroinin^ ye irly more popular. The larne and well appoinled ,ieamers of ili Canailian I'acilii NaviKalion ( oinpany. with head olhces at Victoria, run reKularlv to all points on the Mainland and to the \ari dus ports of the West Coast if Vancouver Island, and if N*\ *I. ItK.tr KACINii .*T Till (iitii.il. Splendid sea boat-, and voyaKe in all weathers up and down the coast Ml search of the wary fur seal, whose beaimiul (lelt IS so liinhly prized for the makiiiK oi jackets, coats, aii(' other articles of cInthinK. Some of tlij schooner- sail as far north a- HehrinB Sea. runninK' unknown risks m those misty water- m pursuit of their prey. The harlniur presents an anini.ated si(^ht when the \essels .ire preparing for their lonn voyages. Repairs are made, siores taken aboard, and one b.y one they set ;ail and disappear down the strait, re- appearing' at the end of the season, if nood fortune has fav- oured them, with th.-ir hold- filled wiili -ailed pells, which are shipped to Lonihn to the Kreat annual fur sales, where they are .nuciioned off. The sealer's bie is one ui hardships and vicissitudes. If a no(id price is realized for the skins much money may be mad.. Hut it all depends on the state of the market and the size oi the cat.-h. The catch of |K<)S totalled only 28.S()« skin-, which is much less than that of anv season in the la-t ten years. The mercantile and shippinu interests oi the port :.re watched over by the Board of Trade, which publishes annu- ally an interesting and valuable report. dealinK not only wiih the trad',' of the city but with tb it oi the whole Province The Hoard is composed of the leading; business men of the place, and is an exceedin^jly able an(l eiicr^retic body. It meets frc(iuently, and all matters pertainiuK to the romnier- cial interests of \'icioria are carefully coiisidtred and .b-- cussed. and representations and rccommendaiions are made in the proper quarters. Naturally mucii good accrues to WEMl N llll.l, I**IIK. lu«wn." as it is familiarly 1 ailed, is kept under strict control. To tourists this part of the city possesses a peculiar fascination and all who can visit the phlegmatic Celestial in hi home and haK^le and bar- K.'iin in (pieer little shfips for curios and (piaint bric-a-brac. The Joss House with its uijly iilols and Oriental display of colour is particularly intcrestinK and will repay a visit The Chinese quarter possess a theatre, a hare barn-like structure, >- tuesmKi I nonrrr 1 (tw.i wliirli IU•n•rlhl•l^■^» ij imicli iri<|uinliy tlii' |iiM tuili.l (liiii/rns of ' L'hiiia Tiiwu." riiii siiiiir ' Lliinn Town" lia< mall) >|Ui'tT alli'>« nml xirnori hclun as uill a« ulmvc xroiiiiil II ici'MiH »lranK>' lliat iii tlii'> disLint Imiil |!h' iKciiliar iiisti- liKioiis .rt'aturt' acccpliiiK lliintt' as llii v Clinic wiilioni iloniur I'luri is mir day in ilu' ytar. Imhv e^rr, wl' ' Ills tact* is \wtMllirk- tlniUKlK!' intinl llii* iJiiasKin IS llic ^rral iwnt in the Llii ii'sr ytar — Ndd distn-s ari' prcparrtl iiid feasts Ki\eii to wliu'li all are weK-ome. The rieh inerehanls cnlerlain their while friends with ehanipa^nes and ciKars, the lis with pn-kled Kin^'er I he whole oi '('liMia III uproar for on all sitli. iX"«. 670 vessels with a tot.il lonnaKe ■! Sio.yWi entereil the port W'itli carKo. .iiid 401. wiih a ttninai^i- "f 365. 5.V) arriveil in hallast. During the same period ,V'i \e9iels, timnaKe 47(1. 4fK). enter'd outwards for sea with cart;. and 5.14, tonnaKe 417.8^8. were iniHard hound in hallasi In addition to the ahove i.fiij vessels with a tonnaxe oi 4'Xi.Kn coastinK tiips hut for all parts of the world as well The principal exports are hiin her. salmon, and coal I''xceiiti.inal facilities are alToriled vessels which reipiire docking .iiid repairing. The Kravint; dock and marine railway slip at l-'si|iiinialt can he utilized kt any time. The latter is particularly useful and lar^c ves scis can he handled exiicditiously and with ease. In order to render naviKalion as safe as possihle the Do minion Goveriinieiit maintains a steamer, which makes Vu toria its home port, for the purpose of attendinK to the van ous lighthouses and placinK buoys and beacons in daiiKer ous channels in order to ensure the safety of passing vessels The cneruelic commander of ;he "Unadra.' the vessel in cjucstion. renders yeonia.i service in the cause of iiaviKation Victoria is an up-to-date city and possesses all those con venienees which are found in other cities of im|iortan>i The city is well liKhted by its owii electric liuht plant, tlm- savinK a considerable expense to the taxpayers The sys tent is an excellent one. in tact very few cities are supplied with such clear and steady lights as Victoria . The electrical street car system stretches in every direction, connectiiiK the city with all the suburbs and places of interest. The service is an excellent one. In a few minutes a car will take one to K.sqtiimalt. Oak Bay. Beacon Hill. The Fountain, iir (he Ocean Docks. The Street Kailway Company also has an excellent lightinfj apparatus and supplies a number of the hotels, public bnildniKs and privite houses at a very reason- PKONIMRNT I'l'Bl.lC Hril-ltlKils idile liKUre The liKht jupplicd is reinarkahle for its even- ness and brmhtness. If. how .•vtr. \icioria is favoured in line tliiiiK more than another it is m the possession of a iiiaKiiilicent iiahlic park lleac m Mill I'ark, coverinil an . lea of se.cral hundreil acres, kirts the sea shore and is uniarkable i< r its beauty. reKardiUU which iiiiich lias hien • .id and writicn. It overlooks the sparklniK waters ol the Siraits of Juan de Fuca, where the while sails ol y.ichts gits- 11 n 111 the suiisliine A great deal of tune and money hai I. ecu spent in iiii|iroving ihis lovely spot. .Artificial lakes ha\e been excavated, where swans glide gran fully hither lid thither, and artistic llower beds have been laid out. \Vell kept walks and pleasant drivewa)s lead in all dinctions Old pleasant seals are numerous \ictoriaii< h:\\< reason to le priuid of their park— its beany must he seen to be ap- preciated The charitable undertakings of Victoria are miiiierous and will siipiioiicd. The city is pa i.ularly noted lor its s.ilen- s|iital and .-SI. Joseph's being the chief The Liter is in ch.irge d the Uoiiian Catholic Co.i ent. and the Si' ter: who dii the major i.irt oi the nursing, are devoted ro tlitir work. The hospi- i.d IS very imposing 111 appeara.ue ami can accommodate .1 large number lu' patients. It is needless to .idd that the iiunates receive the lust 01 .attention. The Jubilee Hospital I- grandly situated on the summit .if a gently rising slope, in i.eaulifiil, park like grounds As its name suggests, the I .ispital was coninienced in i)WT. Jubilee Year, and bu !, Toni funds collected for the purpose o.' commemorating 111 ., lilting manner the filtielh anniversary of tli? reign of Her ( Iracions Majesty. The institution is admirably fitted up with everv modern apiiliance that can possibly hel|i to allvi- ite pain and suffering. The operating room is one of t! best, if not the best, on the Pacific Coast, and brilliant surgi- • al operations are often performed In fact many person! ' ome long distances to receive care and attention at the Inl'ilee Hospital. This speaks volumes for the kindness of ilie skilled attendants who leave nothing undone that can Ml any way ease the lot of those unfortunate enough to require medical treatment In addition to the hospitals just refer- red to there is a well-appointed hospital at F.squinialt kept I'll by the .Xdniir.iltv for the use of any olTicers and men ot the ships who may fall ill while on this station. There are .ilso homes for indigent old men and women, a large and comfortable orphanage where the little inmates are kindly careil for. as well as other institutions of a si. lilar character, many of which are supported to a great extent by private -ubscriptions. . , , .,, There arc few places that enjoy so many educational facili- lies as Victoria There are no lesr than nine free public schocds in the city, managed by a staff of fifty teachers, who tiain three thousand school chiHrcn Many ol the schoolj lire handsome structures, which entailed a large expendi- ture. The North Ward. South Park, anil Ce .ir.il schnoli ;ire the largest. They are conveniently situated in different Iiarts id the city .'\mple playing grounds have been pro- \ided and the schools arc furnished with every modern device lor ventilation, light, and health. F.ducation is coni|iuIsory and the expense of keeping up the schools is shared hy the Provincial nnd Municipal governments. Great care is exer- cised in the selection ot the teaching staff and all the schools are in the hands ot trained and competent teachers, who are noted for the zealous attention which they give to the Im- portant duty ot training the young that they may make use- ful members ol the body politic. Too much cannot be said in praise oi the really splendid educational system which has been established in the Province. The enlightened manner in which the Department ol Education i> conducted is bound to result in great benefit and augurs well ior the mental and moral attainments ot future ijeneralions. In conclusion, to sum up all that has been said. Victoria is an ideal place in which to reside. Its refined society, great natural beauty, and industrial po.-isibilities all indicate that the Queen City oi the West has a brilliant future be- fore it. M. R. SMITH & Co.. Victcria and Vancouver.— The name of this lir.n, which has now been est;d»li?>hed over forty years, has become a household word throughout British Colum- bia, and the fame of their goods extends into the N'oriliwest and the Yukon district. A- manufacturer- of biscuit'^ tlu-y arc unrivalled in Western Canada, and ha\e the largest fac- tory west o! Toronii' The firm exhibited their prriduce at ilu cat Indian and Colon- ial Exhibition held ; . London. England, in 1886 where they were presented with a nu-l.l and diploma fur the excellent qualitv oftluir goods. They have since received tive gidd and eight silver medals besides a eoi-siileriiluc number i>i diplomas for llieir variou" exhibi- tion- in the I'ruvincc of Briti>h C! the factory i- \ery large. The weight of bread, which i- produced here is often over five tons daily. As n^any as sixteen horses are rctjuired to deliver the various productions of this firm. In the manufacture of biscuits the mo<;t modern machinery 1- uscfl. From the time the flour leaves the sacks until the finished article is ready tor del. very 11 is only handled once, and that is when it is bo-n^,' neatly packed into boxes, which work i> (lerlorined by twenty-five girls who arc employed especially for this, particular work. The >^ame care and cltanlincis are used in the manufacture of bread as with bis- cuits. The dough is mixed and hardled entirely by auto- matic machinery which is all of the most modern and im- proved ki"rl. In the manufacture of conf*?ctifmery. of which a vcn la'',.e (juantity i- now turned out daih. the best materials are used, the quality being vouched for l>y tl:e large sale of the firm'ut by ia. tl e Xorlh West Territoru's and the \ ukon District. They also supply the Royal Xavy and the Imperial and Canadian forces at Esqui- malt with bread and biscuits. A careful survey of these con- siderations will show that this firm should be extensively patronized. MOl'NT BAKER HOTEL, Oak Bay. J. .\. Virtue, proprietor. —This most comfortable caravansary has become one ol the most popular of summer resorts. Situated on the edge of Oak Bay. Straits of Fuc-j. it commands a charming view <»f th? strait-;, the many islands, an 1 of the Olympian range of mountains with Mount Baker looming up in the distance. This hotel is under the able management of a man ol experience and Mr. \'irtue is well and favourably knuun to the travelling public. The 75 guest chambers are all ele- gantly fitted up. The dining room is large, light and dicer- ful and the cuisine is of the best. The house is lit by elec- tricity. Salt water baths. Boating ar.d fishing can be had; ^^^^^^^^■^^^H ^H^H ^ ■^fi^t/lt/§lll/llf!^fg^ll/g^^0il(llllllf^/f/ff//^/^g jte^liiik^ ' - : " ' ^ jm .M(H NT B^KF.K lIi'TEl., (MK H Y \ cry tine golf links are here, as w'll a> a public park, in which numerous events are hebl. T.iking it alt(^^;ether thi> i-^ one of the most desirable resting places on the Pacific Coast, and is patronized by the best class of travellers. F.ARSMAX. HARDIK & CO. Victoria and N'ancouver. — The firm is composed of Mr. John Earsman and Mr. L. H. Ilardie, two favourably known gentlemen. The business was first established nine years ago under the name of John Earsman & Co., anil tw(t and a-half years ago a change was made, ami tlie firm took lis present style, This house docs a large wholesale commission and importing agent's busi ness, and carry ilmost everything m the general grocery line, selling to the wholesale bouses c\c!i"^ively They aUn do a large business in meat smoking, and have a branch in Vancouver. They arc agents for Siinroe Canning Co.. Simroc, Ont.. canneli>niers. They emiiloy an electric motor in grincling drugs, manufacturing all pharmaceu- tical preparations as well as several jiroprie- tary medicines. They carry the larj^est stock of drugs, chemicals, etc.. in the province. F. W. NoLTK tV- CO.. OptiiiauH, :r7 K»u-t St. Within iv few years tilt' llttingctf gla.sHCN to the eyes haH lisiui to thu height of a profe.-^sion. and many indeed are the tiieii wltli brilliaiil niiiid.-* and scieiilillr i-dui ations who are (levotin|f their lives to ibis n.o»il honorable line. In Vii loriji K. \\ . Nolle A <'o., enjoy IbedlHt inetion of being at tb'' very heiW in this departiiii'Mt. niid have t.uight the people tlmt llm most di licate organ of the hutnan iMniy, the e\ e. tuoHt not be neglected, and tbey have detiionstralid that a defet t in viHion ran be t iiti'ely ovi'Hoin<', if taken in time, by the rational use of gla><«'s peculiarly titti'd and inaniifaet ured for each ease, and further that eyes wlii*'Ii are weak can i» made sti-ong by the aid of a little piece of glass Kele( ted and prepared by an expert judge of t hi' himuin eye. Tbev make a .specialty of grinding eomnli* a ted leiisen. being one of only three liouses in Canada tluU do this, and make s|M'eiaI frames to suit all. VICTOHIA-PIIOKNIX Ulf i;\VIN(i CO., Ltd. Ij'y.. is ackiiowlfilf^nl to )h' the kinj^ ctf brcwt'i'ir.i in Western Caiiinta, itnii. In lS.Vi it was eslahlislied, ,'inil iliii'inn the in- terim of 42 years of its Inn^ and luintiralile eareei-, has devel()ped into niamiuotii pro- portions in tlie ln-ewiri^ indiisti-y. In I.H1M tile present eoinpany was ineorporated and a new lirewiM-y Imilt. IliOxIlSi feet in di- mensions, six stories liif^li. Tlie lirewery is srientilleaMy ari'aii^ed .and in .all depart- ments is eipiipped with every known niod- 4'rn reipiisite for prodiieiiiK tlie tinest and healthiest I r evei- made, unsurpassed for its purity, flavor and (general exeellenee, and lh.it its superior i|nality i.> ap|ireeiated h.v the putilie is demimsti-ated hy tlie fael that the demand Un- 1 his I r is fjrowin^r daih-. They nianufai'ltu'e l.a^er Iteer, ale and piuter. and the rapacity of the pl.int is .-ilKiiild hiirrels annually. .\n iee pl.ant is .-ilso run in eon- neetiiMl, turning out five tons of crystal ice made from pure distilled waters. I-'roin 2."> to ;{tl people are employed .ind ."> delivery wagons, in the several departments. This <'omp:lll,v are pur\'evoT-s to Her .Ma.jcsty's Navy and Ho>'al .M.-irine .\rlillery. .1. I^ie- wen. I'resident .-mil M.anaKer; I). U, Ki'l*, Vice-President ; .1. K. IMckson, Secretary; and K. tiratliwohl, Ih-cwer. TlIK Hl(.\rK.M.\N-Ki:H MII.I.IMi CO., I/n>., w;is foimded in IHTd. as a p.-irtuersliip concern, under the name of Ih-.ickiu.an & Kci'. The pi'esent company \v:ls incorpor- aled in ISIKI with Henry Hcickinan ,is I'l-esi- denl auil I). I!. Ker as Vicel'resiilent and (leneral M.-maKcr. The company deal more ext*'nsiveiy in cereal pi-oiliicts, j^rain and hay, thai, ;iny other tirm in t h" Province. They hav ■ mills at Ocean Dock, Victoria, Sew \V( stmiiistir, !!,('., and Souih Kdmon- ton, Alli'Vta, and have elevators at all prin- cipal poii'ts on the Calvary & Kdniontoii 11. R. The iie.id ofllces of this company are hi Victoria, while hiaiich ollices are in Vancou- ver, N' WeMtininKter, Nelson, Hossland, H.C., ami ^ioiitli Kdinonlon. -Vila. .\ very large husiness is transacted throughout the province, while lar^^e shipment}* are iiiailo to the Yukon Kolil Holils, Australia and the Orient. THE ALBION IHON WORKS CO., LTD., Engineers. KouiiderH and Holler .Makers — (\)' ering an urea of live acres, and furnish- ing eniploymont to from 225 to .'irill people. ilie importance and prominence of thces works are fully appreciated hy the people of this city. They wi'r ininaily est.ihlished in 1H.>I, in the pioneer days of Victoria's liis- tory. Ill I.H.S2 the present Company w.is iii- corpoiated, the plant includes a large foun- dry, m.ichine shop, hlacksiuith shop, pattern shop, where a great nunilicr of stamlard patterns have acciimiilaled, and other minor hiiililings, helongiiig to .1 manufacturing in- stitulinn of this magnitude. Kvery depart- iiieiil is most tlioronghly and wisely i'(|iiipped fiir the luanufacture of inarine and land en- gines and hollers, lisli canning and mining machiiu'ry, hydraulic gi.ints and pipe, cast- iiigs,derricks, etc. They also repair all kinds of machinery. Three years ano an up-to- date stove and i ckle-plai;ng plant was added, and all kin < of tlieet and c.ist-iron stoves and r.iiigi . are luanufuctiired and all kinds of pl.itiig done. This institution is the largest of its kiiiil or le Norlh-Wi-st Coast and a large patronage is enjoyed. During the past few years they liavi' shipped a large numher of complete miner'.s outfits to the Klondyke and .Vtlin inining districts. These works have heen under the manage- ineiit of H. li. Scahrook for tlie past years. age- ;eveil - mPRE33 or CHINA - ' A. STKWAUT, ni/irhle worker- -Heaiitiful as are the streets and parks of Victoria, none rival the lovely cities of the dead tli/it are kept ever green, lilooming and sacred. Great men of our Province have answered the last call, and their remains lie in our cemeteries, their memories fresh and ever cherished, while their graves are marked hy giant shafts of grjinite and marhli>. Many of these are moiiunients indeed, wonderfully engraved, artistically modeled, works (if rarest art. No worker in stone has done more than A. Stewart, who for many years has hammered and chiseled and modeled with keen eye and tine hand, that hiswin-k niif^ht ever jirove an adornment to our ceme- terie.s, reminders of the greatness and virtue hiiried there. IJesides manufacturing the most artistic monuments and tomhstones, lie furnishes vast (piantities year, ami sinif tlwM lias iiiailf Mililf WdiuliTllll ilianp-s. lit- H'li-ntly ccnil- plfti'il an aildition lo h,- n-i-il as a pallciii ami niaihim- shop, -liixll:; ffi'l in ilini>-n>ion>. twn-lMiii- liitrli. ami ismiw pri'pai ing llic plan> I'm- a two >iuii-y laiiMin).'. lnxSii fiTt in iliniin-icHls. Ill !«■ nsi-il a> a fc.nmlry. Wlifn lliis i~ iliini' ill' will liavr a ii'iiiplfti' plant ciplipp.il willi np-to-ilatc luailiinviv and « Iumi- I'lnploynu'iil laii hi- fnini-lii-il t.ii.ni- liiindrcd uirii. 'I'lirv do anyiliini; in Iln- nia. liim-iy liii.-, .siiili as linildiim' I'liyiiii's and liiiilcrs. laslim.' I'f all kinds, fjcni'ial lilaiksiiiilliint;, sliip- liiiildinn. cti'. .\ spi vi'ars ,ind carries .1 stock of goods suii.ilile for that region. TIIKfKNITf.M. IHilt; .STOKK, llall.^ Co , proprietors. -Victoria ha- some of the he-t appointeil and most carc- KaKMI.N', UN VANOiCVBK I-I.ANU. fully conducted drug stori'N ill .Viiierica. One that holds a high position is that known as the Ceiitr.-d Hriig Store, ,-it the corner of Vales and Douglas streets. Tin* Inisiness wns estahlislied hy Hall ^ Co. in IKltl. The premises (M'ciipied consist of a finely fitted up store, while the stiM'k coritainiMl therein is hot h lai'ge and vai-iei', iM'ing complete in every department ami coiu|irising an assortment of pure ilrugs. medicines ami chemicals, while the supply of druggists' siimlries, toilet articles ami perfumes is complete. S|H'cial attention is given to the pres'riptioii departmeiit. mCll.VIUi IIK.W, l.ivery, Hoanling ami Sale Slahles, 12'J-I24 .lohiisoii street. -The reputation of this \mn\ throiighiMit the city for exiellent slahle acioiiimiHlatioiis, goiMl fei'd and careful attention is of the highest. Theso stahli's have stall nioiii for llfly horses and occupy tn-o llooi-, and hasenienl of a large liuililiug, .Snxiai feet in dimensions. They are most popular with transients and regul.-ir iMtarders, Tlic\' make ;t speci.-ilty of match tciuiis iiid fancy lior-es. ,ind Iheii swell inrnonlsare seen in evi'iv street, ami going to ami from iilaci's of note in this viiinity. 'rheslahli's are ke|it open (lav ami night, and two forci's are eiuployid. Hacks, in iharge of polite drivers, ari- in readi- ness to .in-iwt'r (alls at any hour, whili' their charges are most reasonahle. These sla- hles have iH'en rimiiin>; ten ye,'l|-s. v. (i. DlCKI.N'SON \- CO., IC! .lohnson St.— Our purpose to maki' this work a relialde rellex of the husiness of Vi- loria imiiclsiis to devote a lew lines here to some liiief men- tion of the facilities .ind chai'- acter of the al>o\e house. This enterprise w.is started 12 yiars jigo. Tin' premises oc- cupied consists of ;i huilding Jltxllii feet in dimensions, two stories high, oil ,loliiison St., and a wharf |ilxl(«i feet in di- mensions. The energies of llle house jire devoted to Inly- ing and selling llonr, feell, lia\ and grain. Tliev do hot h .1 wholes.ile and i-piail husi- ness.. ind among I heir patrons are the leading meichanls in the city. Four men are con- Ktantly ployed ami three wagons used in making their deliveries. V ICTOH I .\ NovKr/rv UdllKS, l,.lIafer,propii,'tor, l.'ifiCiovi'inment street. -These works have 11 widespread repiitaliun for t In- manufacture and repair of all kinds of uiachini'i-y, ami especiallv are tlii'>' e pniprietor of these works, has hud twenty-live years' I'xperienc" in the dilTereiit lirancliPH IH'rtaining to mechanism, lie has lHM>n eslahlished here for thri'e years, and gives eiiiployment lo six HMsistants, '3? 10 .r.VMKSL. F()KHKSTKU,!li«'rash Stm-f, m2 Dnu^flasSt.. pjiiiits, wall juiiHT, \vi?nlow ^flass. iiiirrnr plates, paint Itriislics, artists' supplier. i't<', — Tills is niic (if t lit- most t Imi- oujfhly stnckt'd rstahlishitu-nta in the lity. and its irpnta- tion is NU(*h that those \v\ut want ttrst -class ^(>>h1s inviii iaMy make their putrhast's at this place. .Mi-. Forreslei- estah- li.sh(>mptly. He also nmmifactnreH K'^' ^' ani/.ed iron coi-niccH, leilinKN, sky- li^hts. fire-proof Hhntters. Nidin^^, etc. He has heen lo- catetl here for Hve years ant! haw proven himself to he honorahle in all Ins dealings. IMIMaUAl.iiKAIN AM) COMMISSION STOUK. ttt Store St., .lanu'N Townsley. Prop. — One of the nioRt fav- orably known honses in the city is that. conducted hy Mr. Jus. Townsley, dealer in all kiiidH of farm prixlnce. He invites consiffninentj* of any magnitude ami he !ni.N crtnnec- tions and cuHtomei'H which HHKure the quickest sales and the proinptcHt returnH. He deals extensively in hay, hran, nhnrt.H, oats, wheat, hntken rice, rice meal, cracked and whole corn, chop feed, thnu*, potatoes, apples and harloy. The trmle will always find attractive and hiKh-class ^ooum here, and olTeivd to them at lowest current prices. Mr. Townslev haw Immmi eHtahliHhed here for Mfte*'n years and is thonnigiUy experienced in every detail i-elutiiig t«) th** busineHM. LKMON. (iONNASON\- Co. CapiiaM'ity Planinjf Mills. — Thi> fti-m certainly merits t'xtended notice in a write-n}> of the mannfactnrinK irst crests of tin* city. They condiiue hi^h mechanital skill with true artist jc design in^'. and live up-to-date hnsiness .-.ense. They make a specially of tine K'lild wiirk. and (he nianufadure of hank. otYlce and ->trs of the Hi'm are .1. l.,emon, H. (ion- nasnn antl .V. (ionniisoii, who established the hnsinp».s in Xi^H), ami who to-day enjoy a large patrnnaKt'. VTCTOHIA PLANING .MILLS. Mnirhead Ar Mann. Propi-M. -This is one of the hig nnlling institnt' ms of Vic- tfuia — gives employment to forty people, ami i laily turn- itig out ipiantities of work, that is distrihuted nr)t only in till* local marki-t. hut thiou^diout Ihitisli Cohnnhia, al-o the Klondyke and Atlin Districts. They are niannfactur- ers and dealers in nionldiiiK's, doors, windows, hiinds, Kny- lish wnidov/ i^\nss, and do planiiifr, sawing, etc. Their plant is equipped with improved machinery suitable for turning out the best ^i-ades of work, while thor -ugbly expi'rienccd men an- employetl. The members of the firm, .las, Mnirhead .-(thI .1. H. .Mann, both tif whom are skilletl mechanics, personally look after the various dep.-irtnients, they have been operating since 1.S70, and a large patronage is **njoyed. HKNUV KUTLAND, Clothier and (ients" F'urnish- er, 57 .Iohns(Hi sti'cet. — In a review of the varied busi- ness interests (pf the city at- tention is called to the es- tablishment of Mr. Henry Itutland, who is known as "the reliable" dealer in his line. He has been estab- lished in business here for nine ye.irs — at his present location thi-ee yeai-s. He carries a complete stock of clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps and umbrellas. Also manufactures over- alls, jumpers, blouses, car- nenters' aprons, etc. Mr. kutland has heen a resident of Victoria for fifteen years is well and favorably know ; and does a good business. B. C. Dure STOUK.— This is a first class drug store in every particular, is located at No. 27 -lohnson street and luider the nnin- agetnent of J. Teauue, jr. A specialty Is made of filling prescriptions and family re- cipes, and for wliicli pur- poses he hius a finely cipiin- ped laboratory, while the store is stocked with a com- plet'j assortment of fresh drugs and chemicals, also physicians' and surgetnis' supplies, proprietary remedies, tinctures, essences, sick room itMinisites, toilet articles, per- . fumes, and nil kinds of druggists fancy goods. Mr.Teague hius lH?en in the drug husinej^s for fourteen years and is tlummghly skilletl in the dispensing of medicines. THOS. F. GOLD, Cigar Manufacturer, 2:^ Johnson St.— The factory run by Mr. Gold employs expert labor, and the materials uswl are clean and 4)f high grade. They make 11 HavaiiJi Jiml noincst ic stnctkci-s nf di'Iicatt' artuna ".iid irrcsistaliN' HavI i>t' !i*af t»tliac('(»s an* Worked up iiit lliat (■(iimiiand tin- In-st jH'irt'M in till- tuMikrt and tlii' annual c>ii(|miI h la^^'^'. His leading liiands air : Klna I >»• Culiana, Tli»' Capital. (Jnlds Own, Havana .Mail and Uvmy Clay, all wrll known and pnpiilar with the most I'dncatfd ami i-i-it- ic'ul Mniiki-r. Cr^AYTON & COSTIN. Prarticai Kn^'inr.'is and Mafliinists, ."(N .Inhnson St. — Tins Mrm tnniposcd nf men of skill and advanri'd idi>as pri'lainin^ to uw- c'lianifni, was cstaldishcd two yi-ars a^;o. and have alrciidy built up a puid liu'-incss. Tlu-ir wiirk>Iiop is replete with suilahle facilities for the repair of .-dt kinds of ntaehinery, also the huildinK of hityrlcs whii'li is a specialty, and carry a line tif their own make in stock. They ai-e agents for It. C. for the "Haeycie" ami have sold )>ll .if these wheels this sea- son. They ;ire aUo aj;ent?. for all kinds of mining; ami milling machinery, marine antl stationery engines and hniler>. etc., ariil are pri-pared to s**t up plants and put them in running; onler. A siiecialty is made of refrip-ialin^'- machineiy and cidd storaj;e plants; Mr. Clayton havin^j served I" years in thi> tiiie is re- jjarded as an authority. They -supplied the refi'ljfer- atinu m.iehinerv for the new hrewery now huildinj; in this city i>n View Street, alx. .-thri' plant>. H. \^. Clayton and K. \. <'ostin are men who n>e honorahio methods ill theii business di alin^js. C. N. HAMKUON. Kamily (Jrocer. 127 DmiKlas street . — '''he store run hy .Mr. ( ameron i-. recognized as the I !,.;-e to buy table luxui'ies. The stock is one of th. i in lluM-ily, every article bein^,' selected with especial rejjardtothe hij;h cla.»^s patronavre en- joyed by him. The st(tre is tilled wit h the choicest grades of staple and fancy vrroceries, lin«- bottled and canned pnuls, lare iiitTec.-., teas, spices, etc. The busi- ness has JH'en running; for twenty y.-ais. .Mr. (.'ameron has been proprietoi- for the past nini' years, and by up -i^iht de;^lin^,' ha.-' heconii reco^ni/.ed as a model n. Ill in the business world. C. M. COOKSON, Pimnbin^'. Steam and (ias Fit- tinpr. 1*7 Johnson St .— In no department has s<'ience bestowed more henetils and contributed more to-.vanl the health and combat of the people than that covered by C M. Cookson ami the skilled aiti/ans in his emnhiv. Sanitaiy ilumbinj; is science practically applietl, and .samples of i-xi client work done !iy .Mr. Cookson can be found in many buildings ttirou^/bout the city. He establisherl his besin«*ss hi-re seven years a*sI workmansliip and materials. He also carrien ti large sto( k of enameled baUi tubs, wa.sh basitiH, maible slabs and plumbing and heating supplies. SKA & (JOWKN. Halters and (Jenls' l-'urnisherw, «» hougljusSl.— Thisllrm compoM-d of S. Sea and F. A. yeai*M experience in (he o.isiiifss in tills citv look chargt* of the estahlishmont tlve years ago. His partner Mr. (Joweii came into the tirm one year ago FKUnN \ LKNFKSTV. Practical (umsmilhs, M Johnson St. This lirm is composed of men who tiw skilled iiiall tbeait-^and devices whic h |mi tain t^tthoir trade, and who t oinbine nat ui-al ability with long ex- periefuc. They do everything in line guiismithing, ndioring. browtnng ami resto, k'ng guns, vtv. A speiialtv is mad" of npairing. the r shop hi-iiig well supplicti with toid-. etc. suilaltle for tnrinng mit a llnished Job. Tiiey carry a large stock of guns, aimuunition, tisliing tackle, cutlery, etc.. and are agents f(U- tl'e I'etirsCartriilgeCo. Tii 'ammunit Ion made by this company has proven itself to be strictly up-to-date in every particular. The business tia's iM-eti established four yeai-s. Tiie iiieudii i-s of the lirm iM'ingChas. Pichou ami W. N, I-<'nfesty. HMITH & CHAMPION. Cphoisterers and .Awning Mjikel-s. imi Douglas St. This firm is extensively on- gaged in file manufacture tif upliolstered funiiturp. iititi their st(ue is attractive. U-ing set off ity their stork of elegant couches, huinges, mnttresH«*N and eiwy cliairs, all Mie lailput of tiieirown workroouiH. Tbev use tinlv e I'est of materials, and every article of furniture', whetlier costly or of low price. \h Mtronglv and carefullv ina.Ie and upholstered. Hv- pairing'is a HjM'cialtv, while tiiev also manufacture blinds to order and do *'arpet W()rk in first claMH M^U'. Thev make awnings of any size and execute all (uders nroniptlv. This Hrm. comiMised of d. W. Hndth and Wm. Champion, have been estnblislied o!ie year, but the vidume of business transacte' h.'inl- warc, fariiift*s' iiiiiit>rs' ami iiici'li.'itiii-s' liMil.s. In mar ftirni.sliinrfs in tin, /laiiiti'. a 1 II 111 i n ii ni. "■(loili nwair, nitli'iy. «'tc., alsu r.m^i'.s. .stuvi'.s ami lii.,i|cis. 'riic hiin- niahic nianiK'i' in wliiili this iMilrrpi-ist* is cnn- • lucli'd I'lltillrs it III till- • 'stccni .'iiiil ciinsiiliM'a- li inallyof Ihr tr.nl,. anil roiiiiniinity. HllOW.N&C OOl'KIt — Victinia lias m a n y nt'at ami lloiirisliin); nival niaiki'tsanilK'iiinr slofi's. ariiiirij; t li r s t> may In. iMi'iitinncil thai <(iniliirli'(l liv W. H. Hriiwn .inil ']'. Coiiix.f, at Sll .liilinsiin sIiim-I. TIli'V l;avi> Im*i-ii rslali- lislii'il hri-i' fur lliirc vrais Mini liavi' liuill np a ^himI patriin- a^i'. 'I'liry ili.il in fiVsli ami siniiktil llsli, iKinlliy, nam ■ lysli'is. I'll-, 'I'lii'V .'ilsii I'.'iny fiiii'iKii anil ilmiirstir fnii .mil vi^i'lalilii. I'.iiiiins ar'r .ilways a.-sini'il iif siHUriiig till' fri'slirsi anil hrst uf ^^■|■l■ytllill^,^ A'IKI.VS & SCO'lT, I'iimIiiii. anil Coininissinn MiTiliant-s. — TIiiiiikIi i>n|y istalilislnil liiiii' I'liinllis tin' »l»ivi' Hini is making its inllinnii' frit in III aisiiir.ss iiitiTcnls nf tin. lily Tiny liavi' linilt up a >(iiihI pati'i>na)(i> in llii'if limv Tlii-y Milirit I'linsi^niiirnts of ^(iimIs on rnminission. «liili' tliry (li'.il in lliiiii-, frril. Iiay. ^lain, vi'ni'talili's. hntli'i-. •'MX-'', ponlliy. rtc- , also hams iiinl liaron. In tin- inanaKi'- HUM,, of thi'ii- liiisini'ss tln-y an- li\i'. lioiioi-aMi' ami iipiiKliI anil in this way liavr liiiiH up a mmil palrmiaKi'- Thi' mi'iii- Ix'is of till- lii-in aii'C. .1. Alkinsaml J. A. .Scott, lioth of whom .-ii-f wi'll known in llii'i-ity. W. MINCAN, llaini'ss ami HmlilliMy, ll-J DonKlas Sl.- In i<'\ inn in^ llii' nii'i-i.-inlili' lionsi'H of Ihi'rilylhn sloriMif W. Dnm-an roims lo iiiiinl liii-ansi' of thn alti-.-ulivc dis- play of w-i'll iiiailn ami li.-inilsonn-ly iiioiinind hai-nnss and .saddlrs, Hci-n tin- \-nry t- si inatcrials .-u-n in.-nin np into Ann lin^Ky. liHi-k an. I f.ii-in liarni'HH. wliiln tin- Haddlns, liridli's, whips and hoi-Hi' i-tothin^ of nvni-y di'si-riplion all Ko to iiiakn np an I'xinnsivi' sloik. .\ siwiially is inadn of i-npairin^. and llin pricns i-liar^tMl ait* vnasonahln and jiisl, Tlin inlrgrity of tlu* pi-oprintoi- is a gr.annilnn to cvnry pni* rhasiM- Unit all Koods arc strictly as ivprcspntcd. Me has hi nil nst.-ihlishnd since 181(1 and niijoyg a ^ood Iradn. \V,M. HUWNASS, llaidwain, IK (iovninniniit St.- The liai-d»ni-n indusii-y nil essaiily foiiiis a vei-y iiiipoi-lant liranch ill Ihe ^mn-i.Li i om- iiinrcn of Vii-tin-ia, and .Mr. Ilownass is .-I rnpl-esnntalive of tlie induslry upon whom he ^'l-eatest relianre (-an tie ilari-il. as III' pos.(esses the lest t'ai'ilil ies foi- su|>|llyill^ t.-inilaiil >,'oi).is of dni-aliility, Mli-ll as hiiildin^ h.ii-dw.-ii-e. mei-hanics tools, (-ut.Iery, nuns, tin and woodeiiwarn. ni-anileware, lioilei-s. as well as all kinds of phnnhinK '•"P jilies. and he is also the .-iKenl ,''oi- the Sii|,erioi- Steel Kanne made in St. I.onis, Mis pi-emises ai-e 2."ixlKI feet, enahliii).; him loi-ari-y .-i larfje stock .'ind can olfnr to his ciisloniers many aihanlji^es not to he ohiained else- where. Mr How miss has Ix-nn eslahlished since 1SIC> and is one of Victoria's most lespeclcd citizens. knowledge of the hiisinnss. At Ihe aliove address snil,-ihle premises ai cupind, and Ihe enei-);ies of the house are devoted to the h,-iiidlin^ of all kinds of i-oiintry pioduce, poultry of all kinds, live and dresHed, lioiir. 'feed, h.-iy, (,'l-aili, potatoes, hntlei-, edns. fiiiil, name, liides, wool, he.ins, etc. Mr. .Nodek eslahlished the linsiliess here seven yeai-K atto for llartman & Co. .Vfter iiinninn the linsiness four years he went to Klondyke, where lin spent tliri'e years, relni-ninn recently lie imniedialely i-esnined hnsiiicsa. A. \V. MOItK & CO., .Mining Hrokers and Insurance .\Kcnts.— Tliis llrni eslahlished in .l.inii.-ii y, ISlll, and hy ( lose attenlion to hiisiness itnd strict integrity in all their dealings have liiiilt up a inanniliient hnsiness in iiroker.-ige, re.illy and insin-am-e. They represent the Scollish Union \ .National Insnrancc Co., and the .Mli.ince and Atlas .\s- sm-am-n Companies. .VIso represent two loan companies, the Dominion IVi-inanniil l^ian Co., and the Yorkshire (inarantee iV Securities Corporation, Limited. .Since lf4*S they have niveii mining stocks special attention, ,-ind in this parlienlar linn h.-ivn done a larne hnsinnss all o\-nr ('anada, llin United Stales ami Ihe Uritish Isles. Mr. \. \. . Moi-e is a native of .St. .-Vndrew's, Kifeshire, ,Scol- land, where lie was educated at the .Mailr.is Col- lejio. Karly in life hn hecanie associ.iind w itii thn ClydesdaleHaiik, liolh ill the St. .\ndrew's hi-aiuli and the head otllce in (ila.sj;ow. In I.S.SI1 he rei-eiv- nil an ,-ippiiinlinent in the Cliarlercd Hank of In- dia, Aiisli-alia ami China in the head olllce in l-on- don. In 1S,S.S w.-is a|ipointeil hy Ihe H.-mk of Urit- ish Ciilumhia to llnii- Vii-loria ollli-', wliei-e he arrived in Kelirnary, ami in l.''!lHlwasap|)oint- ed as inaii.-inei- of their N.-inaimo liranch, wliiili position he resinned .-it llle end of the yeai- lo enter into his present hnsiness in Victoria. He is of a niodest. i-elirinn .'ind niiassiiniiiin dispo- silion. dilineiil .iml at- tentive to hllsine.ss, ohlini'intiM-lienls. Ihor- oiinlily hoiior.-ilile and honest ill all his li-,-iiis- aclions. The otllce of the lirm. ,id.joininn Ihe Hank of Montreal, is one of the hesl appoint- ed and lltind up in the city. Gol.n Sekkkk." in Camp. K. .\l. NOIlKK. ('oiniiiissioii Merchant, 12 Store St, - Kntran<''l promiiienlly in Ihe i-omniission trade here is the eiiterprlte of K. M. Nodi^k, who possesses a Ihoroiinli GKO. POWKl.L & CO., CIIKAl'SIDK.— Kveryhody is riniiliar with this nslahlishmnnt known as tlin "Clina|>side" at N'o. Ii' (joverninent .St., and wn presume, jiidninn from the many customers that daily IK visit this mint, th.it tlicy ar(> si-lliiit; :i jioimI i|iiiiI- ity nf int'irl :iiniiso at astonisIiiuKlv l"\v |nicr>. TIk' pi'ciiiiscs tu-i'upifil I'omprisi' thft-t' Ilonfs and liasr- iiii'iit of u liiiildiiiK 311x11*' f(-ft ill diiiH'iisiunN, fully stoi'ki'd with stiivis and ranpts, tiimaii', ci'dikiiy, jjlass- waif. I'Utlriy. lamps, liardwaif, timls. etc. Knr vaiicty ami ipiality the stin-k is nnrxrcllod. aiitl if tlicy haM-n't on hand what ymi wish tlii-y will milcr it foi- \(m. This liiisi- iicss has liii'ii I'stalilislu'd fur ID yrais, the iiiend>i'is of till' liiin iHinjt (ifoi-tti' Pow.ll and \V. n. Cm- rail, tlli-y air lonviva- livi' and hcmolahli' in all thi'ir husini'ss nit'thods. WKSCOTTIUtdS. niy Goods, ii:i l)oll^'las Stii'ct. —Till- instilnlinn of the aliovf HiMi tianspiifil in IMHI. lull ihf hoii-.- is iild estahlisllcil liaviiij; liri-li foiindi-d ill IK'Mi. Thry al-f inipnitrr^ atnl deah-i s in ilry ^ooils, linth staple and faiu-y. ;iiid carry a liii'trc stoik on liuiul in- c-hiilin^ hosii-ry. undot-- W'car. furnishing jroods. noticHis. etc. Thf indiv idual ini'liihi'i's of tin- tiriii an- ,1, 1(. and K. K. WiVs.ott, holh «oIl. known M'-idiMit- ol t his roniiniinitv. (iKORtiK .MAHSDKN, N.'ws A^'.■llt of -yr Old,. I'oinci-." — l"or tho last ti'ii yiars Mi, Maisdin has siipplliMl the pi'opli' of Victoria with news papers, he has made n success of the hnsiness, and to-day has the hest news slam! in tin' city. lie will he fonnd at tile coinef of >aies and (oiveninieni Sireeis. \\ here all I he leailiii;^ newspapers and periodicals of the I'nited States, Canada and Kiit;iand anil of the vi'iy latest dates can he found. .Mi. .Marsdeii .ilso c.-irries a laiy'e a.ssoitlneiit of ciif.ils. nil the various liralids of tohaccos. pifies of all kinds, and .1 general -toi'k of s kcMs maleii.ils. .Mr. .Marsdeii is entitled to ereilil for thrift and perse\eraiice. without which he iie\er could never Ijave achieved the position 111' now llolil~. 1.1.\|)|.K>' * HISTKU, Taxiih-rtnisis, 12'.. .lohiison St — This is oni- of the lllo^t exietlsive e-stahlishniellls of its kind ill Hrilish Colniiiliia. Here are the skins of the most rare and vahiahle fiiilieariiiK animals, as well as tlie iiioie common \'arieties. miide iipiiitothe lali-st fur iio\-eltie . of ever> description. All kinds of fur ^^■lrlllellts. c,-ips. c.apes, iiiiilfs. iii.its. riiK's and carriage i-olies iire inaniifact ured. w Idle repairini; is doni' in t he icile..! manlier. A speeialtx IS made of ladies' in is. neckwear, etc., and I lie iliev>iii^ it in I liiiinn of furs and skins for riiKs. They li.ive a larxe lollec- inn !■ tray man lial whil W.lll of je llollol Rii. Uamk is Tlir I'H'.M tioii of hirds. anim.ils and deer hi-ads lor s.ile, while their prices tor iiioiiiit iii^ hirds and animals .are re.asonahle. The lill^iliess has heen es|.ihli..hed se\eli ve.irs. the Ini-lllhers of the liriu heiii).' Will. I.iudley and Kred l''oster. liolhof these i^elltleniell are thoroughly exp.'rielieeii and lia\-e ,1 wide know leilL^e of the hnsiness. They .also hliy all kinds of furs and skins payiiij; the hi){hi'st market prices. CII.\S. 1;. HKIIKKHN, l.t (iovern t St.— This store, estai.lished in IH12. is the pioneer jewellry and w.itchiiiak- tore in Vi* toria. It is niie of those places which i»oi*- ^oimI mana^enient. and is conducted in a superior iier. 's 1 1'litrally located and elegantly furnished, with Isonie show windows, show cases and wall c.ihiiietH, ■ the stock, coiiiprisinjf a lonipleie assortiueiil of lies, (locks, jewellry and siaiveiiir arliiles in Kieat variety isarr.iiiK'i'd to the" hest ^dvallta^'l•. In the selection wellry the pulilic ll.ive to depend on the ,iiiil)(nient and a of the jewellia-. Surtlee it to say the lolin experielici' and lionoral'h- melhoil of .Mr. Kedferii is siiniiienl ^'uaiantee that all who (leal with him will receive fail-treatment and honest ^oods, at fair prices, lie makes a specially of ri'. pairiiij^cliroiioiiie!ersiiud ratiiiK them hy transit ohservations. IIASTIKS KAlIi, 77 (tovernmeiit St. — To he li'ile to ^et close-hy an,v article wanted is an lu-- coiiin 'itlation always ap- precia.ed. and to ^et this i-ollVenielice at a price a.s low as the lowest in the line is doiihly apprecia- tive to purchasers. The snhstanlial growth of N'ictori.a has made it lirolltahle for the estah- lisliiniMil of The llastie l-'air which coniains an extensive assortment of g I an it !■ ware, vflassware, crockery, confei tioner,v, siHlionery. tovs, iiotioiiH, etc. Mr. llastie out a year siiici' and now empiovs some four people and Slaving every- tllillf; of reliahle ipiality has an extensi\e patron- age. .Mr. llastie is in constant siijiervision of the estahliKhineiit and all patrons have their wants met in an elllcient man- lod hnsiness judgment and nahle aid ill advancing the ress. llel eliteri cilv' lie is irise a nwai a I ml I a man of le is giving V iiimercial pri JOHN I). \V11.I,I.\MS, I'mytnaii, 58 Wharf street. Loca- ti'd in the centre of the wholesale district, for ten yearb Mr. Williams has carried on a drnyaKc and trucking business. He is ever attentive to husincss and those wishing to secure a competent drayman would do well to call on tliii gentleman. 14 SIDNEY SUORIC. ll.mlvvarc. iM-i.V> ti..v- nii'iit St. — Aino.iK llic rcprcsi'iilcd Iuiiim> in ilii- liiic in ihi- cily .iiiil wnrlliy ol nun- in (Irm- ii:iki'> is that (ji Sidney Sliurt-. cst.ilili-lu'il nini' year-, i.tlil iluriiin tlli> link- li:i> liuill up a nanil liu-iiifss. The -tcire 15 «ell slDckcil with all liinil- >ij Ijiiihi- I rs' and iariners' h.irdware. t!nn>. am nuiniiiiin. cutlery, niixed paints, oils am! cnlnr-, varni-h. Ijnishes. ete. Lieside- a 1ji« retail tr;ide lluv also d.i ■.nine jolilim:.;. and dnrin>! tin "Klondike rush" supplied many oullits iliat went into ihal dlstriet, and wllicll the hou-e to-day make- a specialty. W. II. PENNfJCK, (14 Vales St.- .\inonn the merehanls who cater to the jewel loviiiK trade, the name oi .Mr. reniiock, who has been estah- li-heil here i'lr liiteen years, naturally comes to mm 1. when one wishes to buy something; arti- tic ol undoulMod merit and of lale desiKn. I he stock carried is selected to meet the approval oi tlmse with iastidious tastes, lieamitul v:ems in all the latest seltiilKS. watches, docks and fine jewelry make iij) a display ot goods that ileliiilu the eye, .\ prominent feature of the liusines- 1- the ma.iutactiiro of present.ilion jtwcN, ^:old and silver metlals and the many he has in.ide <'f these are conspicuous for delicate workmanship and artistic designs, A specialty is made of tine dia- mond and watch work. H. E. MUNDAY, 8q Government St.— No line of business calls more loudly for jjood judi;iiieiit and artistic taste than the shoe business II. ]■.. Mutiday possesses both these to .111 unusual de- cree, and the result is. an up-to-date ritock of the be-t material. .Me. Munday is careful n> see that no inferior s'oods ever Kei upon ihe shelves of his most reliable house, lie is sole a^;ent for Dick's Old Country damp proof footwear. The business lias been established two years, and is fast building "P a reliable trade. THE VICTORI.V TKANSI-ER CO.MI'.W V. l.lMrri-.n, 19-2,1 Hroiinhton St.— In a city tlie size of \'ictoi-i,'i the services of a first class and reliable transfer i>eople are always in ilemand. This company was incorporated by si)ecial .-\ct of Parliament in iS8,v Their hack scrx'ice Kives universal satisfaction. They have agents on all trains and boats and will deliver ban^jawe to any hotel or jirivate house at any hour day or niKlit, and at moderale prices. They employ some to.) horses and o\'er fifty men, and have the finest and lar^'esl stotk of horses, carria^ies. Imputes and i)haetr)ns in the Province. Tliey also furnish at shnrt notii-e two, four and six-horse omni- husses for parties. They also store baguaye in their extensive premises, which hn\e a irontaKc of 120 feet and are of two stories on Hrou^hton street, 1"he name of tiiis c>iinpany is on all their carriages and conveyances. Telephone No. t29. GcM'STItKAM FaLI.8. THE BAN"K OF BKlTISll \OKTH .\,M 1;KICA. Yates St.— Of the many important Hanks in \"ictoria none have been more keen in reiiderini; assistance to the business operations 111 ueiieral and the minim; intcrcsis in |iarticular, iliaii ihe Hank of British .North .\mcrica. It was e-lablished ill N'ictoria as early as i.Ss.S, beini-' the first in the Province, Their branches on the I'acific Coast are located at the following places: \'ictiiria, X'ancouver, Kosslaiid. .\-hcrofi, (ircen- wood, Kaslo. ,\tliii, Bennett, Dawson City, Yu- kon District, and S;m h'rancisco. The Bank was . -t iii,islied in iSt6 and incorpora, il by Hoyal Charter in 1840. Paid up capital .£1,000.000 Reserve Fund 325,000 London ollice: ,i Clements Lane, Londiard St, EX.: Head ( )tlicf in Canada. St. James St., Monireal. II Stikeman, General ManaRer; J. Elinsly. Inspector. The liranch here is under the inanaKenient ol .Mr. Gavin H. Burns. \V. B. SHAKESPE.XRE. Watchmaker and Jeweler, 74 Yates St. — This Remleman. who is a well-known watchmakir and jeweler, is a native of this cily. He estal 'nshed bis place if busi- ness here two years ,il;o. and is meeliui; with success. He is ready at all times to rejiair your watch and do the work quickly and to your entire satisfaction. He has proven himself able 10 do the most delicate work, .\ specialty is made of manufactiiriiig all kinds of jewelry to t irder. \VM. BE. MR. Artist and Photographer, 60 Yates St. — Mr. Blair has been a resident of Vic- toria for some ten years, during which time he has been well anvi'ls. .statioi tiKiU's, etc. Hi' «'stalilislic.l lii> CASMMOKK'S IKIOK KXCIIANC K.— This anomy basils lu*Mil((iiart(i-s at Nn. ssj |)i»n>i:las Strn't, in a loinimHiinns Hloi')'. Tin* proprit'tnr. Mr. T. (/asliiiioiT is ^cnt'ial a^rfnt for Jiiul liaiiiih's news uiul stiiry papt'is, pi*ii inid lias nu't Witll ili'srrviMi slUTfSS, Tilt' maiiiH-r in wlii 'li •Mr. i'a^hmnrc cninlutts Ills liii.iiiH-'i'- ha> Miailr him very popular and well likrd hy tjic pulilii- at hum'. VKTUIMACAKK. :»1 Fciit St.— AniKiiKlhfi'i- cent atitlitiniis to tlir lily's Hi'st class rrstaui- ants which we are i'lH - tuiiate to possos may he mentioned tile Vit - t4iria Cafe. This im.>.t excellent estahlishnnMit wasnpriied alunit a Vf.ir since hy .Mr^. .M'. ('. and .1. I*. (iieenWDud. and at niicc, hy the ex- cellence nt' its service, the etl'.irt put forth li» cater to a critical pat- ronage and the cimrte>y nf the niana^enienl >e- C'tU'cd a flfin and lasting hull! on puhlic pati'on- a^;e. TIh- cuisine i-- ex- cellent. only whitecnnks heiiiK emplnvcd, while eveiylhiiiK which nur hoiint iful market pro- duces cnntrilmtes tn en- rich its laider. The ser- vice is veiy prompt, Kuests nrpt hein^; retpiir- ed to wait \^hile they are lieie^ s) i vimI. A pleasin^r fi-ature uf the cafe is the dividing np into sections of the main dinin^M-ooni t herehy ^Mvin^' more privacy. A se|iarate i*<)oni is provided for ladies. Snpp(-r and dinner pai-ties are a specialty. This is strictly a lirst class place, while the prices are veiy iiiodei-ate. The fare is excellent, and al- ready <-oniniandsa lar^e patrcmay^e. Above thi' entire block aie twenty-six spacious rooms elrjjantly furnished with all modern optivenietices for the u- ■ of ^'entlcni- n. They ^rive boai-d by tin* week nr month at very reasonable rates. A. A. ("LA VTON. Watchmaker, (o.ldsniitb and Jeweller. 27 Fort St. This store is the favorit" plaei where visitors 10 and tourists ^'o to buy >ouvenir articles or Victoria. Mr. riavton nniki's a speiialty of the manufacture of the>e articles, and ilisplaj> ^reat taste and skill both in desi^;n and workmanship. He Is a native of Australia, having spent a numlH'r of years in the Sandwi
  • s, although well suited with the climate an an i-xti'nsivr patioiia^f. anil is most alily niaiuiKi'il liy Ml-. lii-rlH-i't Ki-iit, onr of V'icioria's most popular anil lii^)il\' i-stt'iMiiril t-ili/i-ns, anil oiii- nf i hr li-ailinvr niiisirians. Thi* lirm rarry an i-nilli-ss varii'ty of slirt-t inllsir, pianos of till' Sifinway, Nonllii'inii'r. Hi-ll. Dominion. Mrint/man anil .liwiit niaki': Ksty's, Hell's anil Dominion dr^ans. as wi'll ;i* Iti'iitinfrtiiii ty|N'writ4.rs, f 'oliunliia, * 'lovrlaml anil Crrs- ri-nt liii yrli's.Ciminnati Mri' proof safrs. May & Co., Iiilliaiil laliirs anil slippliis. (iolf. 'I'llinis anil lloikiy (jooils. rtr. Tlifir stork is an fXtiMi- sivi' oiii' iiial worthy of insj tion. AHMV .\M) NAVY CKiAII STIIHK— Tln-ri- has ri'iiiitly hci'ii oprii- 111 iH'Xt the Hank of .Miinlri'al on (iovi-rn- nM'tit :.tri'i't a ciKar slori' fitti'il out in first rlass stylr in i-vory par- t ii-nhir.whii-h ilm-s ^ri'at irrilil to tMo of Vi<- toria'... most popular anil pro^fri'ssivr yonn^j riti- /i-ns. I'. Ilii'hartlson anil \V. V. Ninth. Tiny rarry nothing hni Ihi' liiM'st hranils of iniporl- I'll anil ilomrstir li^ars, i-ijjari'tti's anil toliarcos, anil havi' a lar^r aial wi'll si'li'i'lril stork al- ways on hanil. Also a tlrst rla.ss stork of iiiprs anil sniokrrs' snnurii's. .\ smoking parlor Ih iltti'il np in the rrar for till* ron vr n i f nrc of frtpiiils anil rustonicrs. This is also lii>ailipnir- li'rs for Ihr Fifth Hctji- niriit Hanil, of wliirh .Mr. Nortli is a inrnilM>r, IilayiiiK f^olo rornrt. loth ari' !■ oiirt «mmi8 younK Ki'i>^'*''"*'t^ '*'>*1 visitors to Victoria will !m' i-itimvimI kimlly. Al, I.K.N & CO., Kit-Reform WarilrolH', TH (lovermni'iit St.— .Inst whiTi- to ohtain a pcrfiTt fit in inaltrrH of doth- -1-*-.. THK I A.NV'.S- I \ iiiK wuH iilwayM a iniirli aKilatrd question with tlir ^t'litlf- ini-ii of tlilH city until Mi'snis. Alien ^ Co.. Victoria's now most fa.shionu)i)e clothing lionse, anHWeretl tn the entire sai-isfact ion of all hy estahlihhin^ an a^eni y Utr tlie famous Kit-ltefonn cli>thiM>( in our initlst in IKltH. They are daily turning onl such perfect tItH at such astoniNhln^ly mcKter- ate prices lliat tlie people of Victoria no IomkO' worry aliont iM'in^f ahle to liress in the latest styles. As the inanufa<- turei'of these ^oihIs sets the price, and is directly rt'spon- sihle to the wearer for tit and xT.'). The entire store is fitted in cahinet waidrohfs with ^lass fronts where the elolhiiiK Ih Hlwiiys kept free from dust . Kach cah- inet contains one si/.e of suit in all tlie stylish cuts and un-to- date i)atlerns of doth, '('hey are all cut to tit the nine ditl'er- ent styles of man. so that any huild of nian <'an k*'< '> iiei feet fit. I»KI>KN HHO.S.. Victoria Cyrlery. :H\ (niveriimi'lit St.— The Itjcycle hnsiness has iittain- I'd enormous proportions, hut in no city is the wIum-I more popular than in Victoria, and no dealer sells more wlieels to the retail tradi- tlian Peden Hros. Kstahlisheti om* year a^fo these yonnj", K'''i*lt'""'" have huilt up a fine tiade. tliey are .ajfents for a nundter of thi' leading make of wheel, hoth (.'anadian and American. Tlie leH(h-rs of which are the Kld- rid^e, Andrae. and Payton. They have sold a lar^e nnnd>er of these wheels this season, and "-— i^- - jud^in^ fi'om the popnlarlly this store has attained they have certaiidv ^iven satisfac- tion. They ilo u hi^ faisiness in the rcMitin^ <>f wheelN, and a lar^fi' nunif>er (tf wheels in ni-st class oitlei' are always kept on hand for this ^>m'pose. A n-pair shop is run m connec- tion, where nothing hut ex|wrt work is turned out, and then' i.s const«intly a lar^e niimlH'r of sick wheeln at their shop to he doctoit'd. TIIK M'lTLE SWKKTLANO CONFKCTIONKRV & PUKHKUVKI) FRUIT MANlTFAtTrUING CO.. Sale Store, IW) (jovernment utreet corner Yates street ; Factory, 45Johnsoti street ; II. Hancroft, inanaK*'!'.— This popular resort fit' the Victorians is ou the cornerof tiovermnent and Yates street, atid hnre are found the purest and daintiest ju)Hortinent8 manufactured, such as Turkish Delight, French and Turkish Nu^Jite, as well as the Ijriesl chocolate cream and iMtii hons, the richest of delicately flavired iee ct-aiu sodas and iced drinks all served in a mo.- .hdinson street where they ptcHluce the most delicious preserved fruits in j^reat variety, THK IIINTON KI.KCrnUC CO., MMITKD. Nearly a hundred years a^o the nineti*enth century loonis up from an almost iinpenetrahle darkness. Innovations and dis- coveries iiave heen m.ide that fix- people living hut a few generations hack, either would have daii I to he mirai les oi condenmi'd the inventor to he hnriied at tlie stake for En Roi'TK Ti» Tin: Yikon tioi.D I-iki.i>>. witchcraft. What would have heen womlers to them are to us every day occuri-ences. Tridy this century htm heen the nio.st eidiKldened one that has dawned upon the human race. Inventions i>f all kinds have sprnii^^ up in the last generation even, »nd the sreatost of these is electricity. Men of hrains, energy and push have taken it up. invest*»d their money and hrou^lit it to a stajfe that proclaims su<'- cess, and to-tlay we find innuinerahle uses for this jjreat in- vention. Many conihinations of men of wealth, intellect, iiuhued with nineteenth century idejis of nroKi*ess have iH'en formed witli the express purpose of pushing the mlvance- nient of the application of^electrical science to the very pin- nacle of perfection. Such a comhination is the llinton Klectric Company, who estahlisluMl hei-e in 1K9I, and opened a hranch oHi. in Vancouver in IS]»S. Thev undertake the supplying' of everythin^f in the line of' electrical and mechanical en^fineerinjf, including litfhtm^' and power plants, elevalois, omnps and ice plants, dynamos and ihottPl-s. and all kind." of electrical supplies with engines. ItAKKKS SIIOK i'AKLOKS, .-rfl foi- eijjhteen years U-en headipiartei-s for line footwear in Victoria, Jind the most heautiful j^oods in the slme tine to Ih- hoiiKht to-day are kept in stock. Since piinj,' int«t husiness he has catered to the fashionalile trade of this citv, and hy carrvin^f nothing; hut the h.-i. the latest shapes ami the most heautifully finiNhtMl ).;oods he has succeed- ed in huildin^ up a trade that fithei-'. have tried in vain to urest fioui him. .Vs a citi/.eii Mr. Maker takes a prominent and liM-ly interest in all niat< teis of civic heiietit, and is interested in seeinvf 'he city ^fiow and prosper, KLKTCIIKK MUO.S., healeiN in Musical Instruments, 1« (loveiiiment St. This house was estahlished in 1SS2. sonie ei^fhteen years ajro and has hecome a noted head(piart4'rs for hi^li class and standard i^oods in the inusic.il line and cairies a lar^e antl exiensivi* stock of musical instruments and the finest strin^fs. They have developed a trade of mag- nitude and their patrons are of tlw iM'st cla.ss. They handle the celehrated (ierhard Heint/.- man and N-'WcondM' Pianos, .ilso the hest class of organs mass variety of Inwts and shoes suited to any foot and for every class of cxistonier, from those wlio walk upon car|H'ted tiimrs to those who i»euetnite the moun- tains or work in the woods. In our opinion no sho** deiiler ca?» serve the hest iutei*ests of the masses as can Mr. FuUerton, 17 FKiarK NOKKIS lianu->> an.l Sa.l.iUr>. ijo (ji>\crmiK'nt Sl.~Tlii\ i> "Uc ui tlu' iirt>iiii iK-nt lu'.Mm->^ h«"n-i> in llic ciiv tU'ViUcd Ui ihc tiiamiiaimrc ni hi^h-jiraiU* liarm--". >ail lie. Tlu- i'rctni>«.-^ occnpii-d nn lliiMTnnuiu -I nil i-««iiii>ri«c> l\\*> ilour> *>\ .\ lar^;i- I-rii-k luiiliiiui;. ilic luut-r tln..r hciiiK' '»>"> st-K-ki'il with tin- litMlK--i wrailc k:n.Ml> ni cmtx; lhln^' in tlu'ir luu-. whiK- llu- iiiistair> dcparl ' nuiit is iK\'Hi-.l i.t tlif inanuiai'turi- nt tluir K'ochI?.. Mr. Nnrri* al^^o ruii> a tannery and trunk tact' try lni-ati.d nn tlu- -Imrcs oi Kt)i"k Hay wluTc arc nianiiiactnri'd ilu- t'inc>l (|iiality nf liar- ■u■•^s and aU" h-; tlu-r ami all kind* «'I irnnk>. TIktc an- H'lirurii cxiKTuiuH-d nun rniplovcd in llu' Nariii'i-- dt-partnifnt^. J. II. TOni) &■ SON*. 7_» Whari St.— Tlii- tirni arc n)ii>t fxicn-ivc whnlr^ali wriinr- and ini pfiriiT-. of ^;cnfrnl nicrcliandi-c. tlit-ir K-adiTs In-- inv: "njjar^. prnv i>iiiii*, teas cittTrc*. Imttcr and ^■lu•t■^«.■. riifv an- al-o akjiMits anl llic Kii-Iiini>rd Canning C < iluTi- i- ever a tit-ld Ic.r tlioT will) an* skilltc! in tlu' ^I'li-ctiim of li\c •"tv\ they pay the hiulu-t nurket price I'nr ail ship nients of li\c -^iMck C' insiijTied to tiu-m. They have a lar^'c cold '^toraK'i plant oi the latent and ni'i't appr"Ve in their line in British Cohiinbia. THE \TCTORIA FINANCK. RK\1. KS TATK AM) IN"SL"K\NXK nKOKr.K.\(;i: COMPAN'V. I.TU.— ThH cmpa y i-' i..rtunate in liavinj.' a^ il-« ininaRini; tite. \n>\ cnnsiinimated more !ar^e sales than any other person in the business. He is familiar IS with taiid> HI all nurts of the Province. This company has listed utih them tor naU* many de- sirable properiu> — resicjrntial. hnsiness and ctmn- try— a-ul enjoy the repipation oi turiiisliinn the besi haryanis to be round 'n the market. They are hieiui.il auenl- lor \".iiu'oitver Island for the I'hoeni\ hire In-unnice Co. of Hartford. Conn., and the Temperance ami (ieneral Lite Insurance oi Nonh America, They have li-msfs ftir rent, and nioruy to loan, on mortnane in snm> to suit, at the lowest rate oi interest. .\lr Richard« i< also a Notary Ptiblic. and persons liavinn busi- ness (.» transict will certainly tMid it to their in- lerest to eittrnst the same to this firm, who've oMice ts l...,itid at No. ig Br«iad street, corner \ lew. \'ietori t. B. C II I.. SALMON. Importer oi Tobacco. Ci- k'ar* ind Smokers' Supplies. Salmon Block. — Riwlit in the heart of the city, where all street cars st((|i before departing to tlu various addi- titins and suburban sfdenients. on the corner of N'ale* and (ioverniiient >treets. is locatcil the ciwir siorc of Mr. H I,. Salmon, and no more popular place of any kind is in the city than this well kept and extensively stocked estabhshnient. This IS pnssibly th.' oldest ciyar store in the city baviiiK bd-n established sixteen years a^o by Mr. Salmon, who lo-iliy. as always, carries a cla^s of nooil, adapied to his bmb cl.iss trade, which iiii-lndes all the popular ami choice brands of ini- porle'l k^oods A branch si. .re i-; conducted iti X'ancouver at the cr»rner of Cordova andCoinbie streets. ;,nd was es.iablishcd in lA)S. and is the largest st( re devotv'd to this business in Canada. R MAVNXRD. Pho«.wraphic Supplied. Ko- rlaks. Kl III liki oiitfils. Leather and Sho,- Kind- tn^'s--This place -it bnsjnos w '.m- of the oldest in \*ictori.i, h.ivini; bten esiab! bed forty years atffi. M lynard's Photographic (iallery is well known lo iviry \'ictorian: the Studio i^ on the upper Ho ir. where an endless variety of stylis .if portraits can he seen, attestiufi to iTieir skill, they are dealers in all kinds of supplies for photovrraphers. as well as kodaks, plates, lan- terns, etc. On the lower tloor they rarrv a lar^ie si. il< >f leather ancl shoe findings, Cali- tornia S< le. Reardmore's cut voles. Klondike erfepers and Klondike cdibler's outfits. The lihotoyiapli enods are of the bertraits of ebildren are probably unsurpassed on the Coast. THK R. C NOVF.LTV WORKS. James Newbi^'vjiuK i>roprietor. io.t Dounlas Street — Thrsi- works arc completely ctpiipped for tne repair of ^ewiinr machines, lawn luower.s. type- writers, bicycles, cash reRisters. safes and loeks, and delicate work of all kinds. Mr. Newbin- niiiK lias be'.'n in this line of tnisiness here for .several year*, and during that time ha.; become * widely knuvii a-^ a man wlm i.-. skillt'd in all llic arts aiuttlfViceN that pertain to his trade. All w.irk is tjiiaranlieil, while his charnes are rea soiiahlc \VM. MAHLE.CnrriiiKii rtiiililcr, 1 1:. ■lolmwin St. — Ky no tlnti itt tliiH bnsini-fis iiioif ulily niitl himiinilily rrprcMiitoil in Virtiiria than hy Mr. Mithle. His wurkHuro well (■(inipju'fl with iniirh- inrry ixmliiirlv luliiptril tii tlii' niainifitclnn' iif hitfh Jtraih' cairiaKi'". lin»tK>''s. wiiKmi". trucks, etc.. itinl tile wiTkH urr fiuiKiiiH for tln> (■.xn'llriict^ of tiiiir mitpnt Mr. lliihlo is n vitcr.iii in thiH line. 1111(1 i^stnMishi-d his prfHcnt huKini'ss in 1SS7. llv now employs ci^'ht skilltil workini'ti. A ilK'inlty is iniiilc of pntliiiK tlif Killy-.SiiriiiKtiilil rnhlHT tins on iic>w or old whicls. iiiiil ilis's |iruiiieiilly all this work in thi' city. II iiIwkUks general hlai-knniithiiig. F. R. STEWART & CO.. A. Ilrcncliley. .M^r. 4u Yaits St. — One ol the largest and most lav- onrahly kncrwn houses in British Colunihia is coinliicted hy the above named tirni who arc wholesalers oi provisions and all kinds of for- eign ami dcmnsiic frnits. The head ollice and cstalilishinent of this hrni is located in \a:i- couver. tonmled si.tiu' ten vears ;i^o. The 1ms- iness became so lar^-e ih.it in >Xi)4 it was neces- sary to establish a branch house in tins citv to iiuet the demands of the trade. In 1896 a branch was established in N'elson and a year later anoiher hrapch was csir.lilished in Revel- stoke. The premises in X'lciciria occupy two tloors of a large brick building .tS-si-'o tVet in area. -Mtogetber the tirm employs 40 people. and tivc travelling -.-desnien constantly' on the road. .A very large trade is enjoyed hy the hrin, and the business is rapidly increasim;.' Dur- ing the [last few years tliey have shipped to Daw- son and the Yukon. WADE & McKEON. Mnniiaciurers and Dealers in ' vther, Haraess and Saddles. 44 Yates St. — This business has been e.stnblished two vears. occupies a store I.SxSs feet in dimensions, besides « weil-ei|uipped workshop in the rear where eight men are employed manufacturing the highest grade goods with which the store is completelv stocked. A specialty is made of he genuine Con- cord harness and stock sadules. A verv large trade is enjoyed by the firm, the members of which are A. K. Wade, manager, who has been connect- ed « ith the harness busine.se in this city for twenty years, and W. I. McKeon. a long-time and popu- lar resident. R. BAKER & SOX, Grain and Commission Merchants, ,10 Yates St., near Wharf St.— This firm is well and widely known in Victoria and the surrounding country, establi.shed over 33 years .since its trade under the aide maiiageuieiit ot" Mr. .M. Haker has grown to large jiroportiolis until now they are probably seconil to none in local tralfic. The premises occupied are of some .V'X 110 feet area, and give work to three ollice men. They have several waggons always Imsy, and do a \^ holesale as well is o retail trade. Tlley receive large coiisignments of fruits and eggs as well as dour, h'ed, held seeds, also do in grain sacks. The firm pays cash for all kinds of produce. l'l<(i\ l.NXK CI(;AK CO, I). T. r.arn- liart. .Mgr,. 4(1 Yates St.— This is the largest es- tablishment in the city devoted to the manufac- ture of line Havana cigars. Thirteen expert work- men are here einplo>ed and the rnuput of the lacloi) ipiite large. Their popul.ir br.imls are "The Province." "Rosebud," ■'Cui)an Sp.ei.d." and "Duke of York," an oi which embody in the lll>;lii'-l degree ..I e\cellelu'e all ihalisgood and pure and liiiest tobacio delpjiltlnl in the linest tobacco that can be grown. They are now introchicing a new brand known as Uoyal Bohs. a live cent cigar, and which it is expected will be in large demand. The nnnitiers of this com- pany are J. II. I'eilkelh, J. I.ovell Snlllll, J. I'. i;yrne, ;:iid U. T. Ilariihardt. who is manager. .Ml of these gentlemen are thoroughly experienced and unrivilUMl ,-,s Judi::c5 ot go.id tob.accn, and tiiey know- how to make a "good cigar," JAMi;S MORRISON. Dealer in Tools mid Mnachinery , Ship and Engine Sirnh, 95 Wharf St. — Mr, Morrison has been located in \'ictoria for ten years, and during that time has become liriiily established. He is an excellent workman, having had over thirty-two years' experience, leariiii.g Ins trade in Glasgow. Scoihnid. His shop is welleiiuippcd— the machinery being run by electric |)ower. for doing all classes ol snip- work, engine and luaciiinery repairing, etc, .Miners' pick-, drills, etc, are supplied to order; akso every description of sealing gear, and jilumb- ers' outliis. From four to six workmen tnid eni- plovment here. Mr. Morrison is a practical man in every branch of his work, and possesses (lualilications th;it insure success in every un- dertaking, so all orHtal>li.ilii' ^tfailil\' ^irowin^; in all its liiaiirlios until now ilify an- I'lnployin^ two ili'livrry \v.ii,'iins lo -I'lvi- 1 hrii- nistnni- iTs. wliili- anotlii'f is iisi-il iniity work. Two ri'pii-^iMilativi's of tlio lio'ii.-.i' an- rnnstaitlly out in tin- rity in ronin'r- liiiii Willi oiiliTs. Tiny iiiaki' a -iht- i.illy of ti'a anil nilVi'i' for whiili llioy liavi' .1 fast im'i'oa'^in^ ili-nianl. W'l' proilii'l fill- this hoiisi. a vi'iy larf,'i- 1 r.'tili- in llii> nr.'ir fiitiivi'. Tiiio i.\iri:i!iAi. iii)Ti;i,. .Mis> .\i. Kin^^ I'i'oprii'lii'ss. This oxii'lli'iil hotel is loralcil in tin- Thi'ativ Hloik. rocniT of Doii^h.s anil Virw Stri'i-ts, anil conlain-^ 2'J j^iii'si i-haniln'r'*. .-ill iifwly anil rli-f^antly fiii-nishnl sin^'lf ami I'll siiiti', a pli'iiiifnl supply of por- n-lain lini-il halhs an- in tin* Iioiim-, whii-h li.-i> iliri-i-t i-oniniiinirat ion with till- \'ii-toi-ia Thi-.-itti-. a \-i-i-y t,'i-i-at ron\-i-nii*iu-('. it has also i-xli-a pi-oli-i-tion a^.iin>t lii-i- Iii-in^' pi-oviili-il with si-vi-ral i'flii-i»-nl tiri' i-si-api->. Tin- onii-i-N anil n-.iililiL' rooms an I'oniiDoilioiis. whili- till- rni>ini- is of Ihi- l.i-st. Tin- lioti-l is pri'siiltii ovi'i- liy a lady who has hail niiii-h i-xpi-rit-ni-i- in such iiiatti-rs ami om- who stmlii-s tin- romfoi-l of lii-r KUi'-sts. Ti'rnis ari' very inoili>i-ati>. (il-:i>. .MOHKI.SON \ 1(1.. Ch.. mists anil |)riinni»t», .Vi i;iilai- ilriiK lioii-i- siarti-il in Viiliirla. ami ha« si-i-ii Ihi- lily (ji-ow from a lo^ raliin si-ttli-ini-nt to t In- ma^nillt-i-nt X'irtoria of to-ilay. Mr. .Moriison alwa>s siooil IiikIi in tin- I'sti-i-in of his fi-llo\\ riii/t-ns, anil no \\ h»*rr an- pri-sn-ip- lions roinpoiinili'il with ^ri-.ili-r i-.n-i- I han at ihisolil i-i-ii- .ihlf stun-. Tli<* liiisini-ss li.is hi-i-n larrii-il on hy .Mr. Lan^i- Iry lor till- past iiim- yi-ar.s, anil has lost noi f itsolil tinn* popii- lai-ity iinili-r h i s .1 \t li- nt a n a ^ - - nii-nt. Tln-y 1 ari\ .-noni- pli-li- siMik of ilriins, pali-nl nii-il- ii-ini-s,rlii.ni- i la I s a n il siiiiil r ii's. ininrls iili-il- iial oiitlits, wit II o II I whii'h no prospp I- 1 o I- .shonlil ^'o into t hi- hill.s. i-nl SI A. W. K.NKillT. Hooksi-lli-randStatiom-r, Ni-ws AKi-nt. Toliario, Cigars, I'ipi-s. Kr., i.'i ^'ali-s .St. — Knitrllt's Koiik- stiiri' has now lipi-onn- a li-ailiiif; fratiin- in Vii-loria. Kslah- lislii'il in ]>t!i;i, the linsini-Hs has steadily gone ahead until DOW a large pi-rioiliral tr.'ide has hei-n olitained. I*nliliia- tiiins of everv kind that iln-divi-rsilieil lasii-s of the reading puhlii- demand will he found here. All the latest novels are , ,„, ,,,., „,„, ,,^ f,.„. ,.,,., ,„„. „„„.,. „,„„ ,„„. i,,,,,, spciiviMl anu <)iT(*r*Ml tn t lie puhlH* as snmi as niilili>licM, and ... . , i - ' i ■ i the standani mairazincs aif k.-pt on .sale. The lint* of i n a Iifrtiin.', and llu- luir.hns.- is .m.- that inv..lv.*.s u vnu- Stat inTH-ry is very Hni'. Mr als(. kt-fps a i-hiiicccnlli'rtinn of siK(»N !IM'KS &-, (■(».. I'iano Wanrooms. H.S (ioveni- rhere is as much dilTerence in pianoM as there is more than om ■ that inv.ilve.s on the IkIjiihI as well as tlie .Mandaitd (havinK li house in \'anc<)uver. Also for the .1''i>lian and the newei- and niont useful instrument , the Pianola, the sales of w liich have Im*< coiite extensive. These ins) i-tinieril s are olTen-d to their patrons at t he saint* prices as are tl\>'d hy tlie nuimitjuturer w liich is an important consideral ion to tlie purchaser. TIH»M.\S & (JH.VNT, Civil and Military Taih.i-H. 1*2 (iov- iiiituent Hi.— The proticicni-y of this firm as tailors i^ well It lo^ni/.ed hy the people of Victoria and viiinity froli* whom t hey re< eivi* a liheral patronat^e. They an* I'Xpert cullei's of t lie fasliionahit* styles introduced and guar very latest pattern of cloth. aH Ihi'V aie iat ^'e importers of the hesi and most stylish foreiKH and diuuestti- fahriis. They are men of many years exper- ience, haviti^f heeii associated with the husiuess in tids city for \'} years, for the past H yi-ais have U-en in husini-ss for tliemselves, and have huilt upa suhstaid iai traile, and ri'pu- tal ion for tii-st-rlass work and fair prices. They employ a lar^^'e force jind ^ive special attention to mail onleis. \, Manufacturer of Itread and Confection' Thi-- house has heen estahhshed for over eleven yeai's. and as tliey liave undev* iatiliKly aditeied to tlie true principles of conunercial hcuior and liave profit* ahly created the hi^h re)>utatiori of their products hy making purity the main essential in their nMtnufa<-t ure, as to-day the ditliculty of ohiaininur candies jiiid confections totally devoiif of adidterat ions and deleterious suh- st.'inces is so ^reat that the advanla^eii ofdealiuK with a house whose reputa- tion is so hi^h for makui^ none hut tliehest and pui'est ^oods are at once apparent. Their K'"*ds are of the hi^rh- est standard and always couuuand a ready sale. Kspecially to he noted are 1 heir delicious ( 'hocolate Creams. Theii' ele^itut and c ond'orlahle ice- rrearii parhus wliere li^hl lum-hes cjin he olitained ai'e w e)l known lo the ladies ((f Victoria, Mr. Clay until Ins death, two years api, was one of Vic- toiia's Miosl hi^fhly es|i>emed and re- siiecletl citizens. Since wliiih timo I lie hnsiness has heen comhicted hy Mrs. Clay. She makes a specialty of InK china and silver service, and waiterH ners, suppers, hreakfjist, partii-s, etc. rjite for. rutK. ! dahor; •iipply le din DAVID LINDSAY. CtothiuK. •'»<-., curni'r Johnson and Store Sts.— Kor fifteen years Sir. Lindsay has iM-en doiuK hnsiness in this city as iuiporler ami dealer in ready-made clothin>^, hats. ca]iH and K'''itM' furtdshinK K<>ods. Me earrioH a lar^^e stock, utui it is with every assurance of K*'^t'»K a suit that wilHit in every way and made of the hest materials that onc> enters this store to l(H>k over the assortnu'nt. K. ti. PIlUlll & Co., l/ri)., LTY , Ilardwiirc, Tc»,Im, Iron, Wii«oii«. ("iiiriuK'M, Kiirni Iiupliiiicnt- iind .Marliiiii'r>' — Tlii> lioimi' luw IxMii Ixforo llir pulilii' of Vicioria for i|iiili' ii li iiKtli<'ii>'n iKTupiiHt roiiipris)' 11 IiiiiiiImiiiu' tlirut^-ntoi-y liuiMinu iiml liiiNi'Mii'iit, J.'ixMKi fci't ill (linic'iinioiiB iiiiil for c|imlity uiiil ivt- tent ilirstiK'k in not i'Xi'i'IUkI. TIii'> iiri' noli' iinriitH for Hrilisli Coliiniliia for a iiiinilH'r of li'ailini; inainifacturmK roii(i>i n». anioiiK tlii'in l«inn MiiMsi'v-llarris (!o., .Sa« vir & Miiksi'V. St. AlliHii" KiiuiKlry Co., .Malison. Caniplnll, \Vat»oii tilttt. Co.. Bain Winjon Co", llnintfonl CarriaKcCo.. anil !•'. K. ,\ii'yer» & Hio. Till' Hnn have liranrli lionws in Vaiicon- viT anil KaiiiliHipK. A vrry liiiKr IniHiiicKM i» tnniHiictiil anil rinploynicnt is fiirniKlicil 'Jl rlt-rkN. K. T. COOl'KU, CoiiiiniHBioii Mcn'hniit, ll-fi Jolin»nn St. AnionK I'ailini; Iioiihis iiiKaKi'd in thi' K('ii*'i*<^l I'oiniiiiNHion 1)iiNini'K.s in that of H. T C" produce, and they are very Iftr^e receivers of these staples, also snioked and cnre.ssil)ly \n^ desired in a man's outfit, every jn^ide demaniled by a varied pnhlic, well fittinu, of the latest style, and his prices will 1)0 found to 1k' the moHt nyiHonahle. They have as well II limuch hou:: n Dawson which mostly does n wliolewile tnido. Mr. W, S. )'liilli|>s, who joined the honse iilKiut ii year since, is rho inaiiaKcr of tile liusineHH in Victoria, while .Mr. Murks lookH after the inten'Hts of the Dawnm branch. H. M. UBAHAME, Finance, Kstale and Insurance A^ent, Kotary Public, etc. — SuccesKor to the well known tlvni of Lowenborir, Hiiiris & Co., which wiw estiiblisliod some !i."i years iv(Ji>. Mr. (iralininn wtw f or soiue hovcm yours connectiHl with the nlHivp house aa managof of the insnrunce doimrt- mont, piwiouH to which h' was aomo five years with the Bank of Montreal, and uUii -lit years wivh the Hudson Ra.v Co. He is I'residoiit of the V. 'ouvor Island Roiirdof Uuder- writ<'i-s, a director of tho ,Tu loo Hospital inonihor o' the Conncil of the Board of Trad also an officer in the 6th Regi- mcut, ('aiindinn Ailillcry, a d Cousalar Agent for France. The business of this honae la a large one, and his list of city properties. fiimiiUK lands and unimproved pni|iortlH« is quite extensive I Ine of the leading insurance auemies in this city is the one condiicteil by I Ills gentleman he repie^entiiit; the Coiumefcial Un'-m NNsiirance Co., ,'tiii! I^ nientiouod no more reliable tinu than Moore & Whittinn'on. who need no introduction, lus their seven veiirs of busi.iess in this city has been clianicterizeil by work of such a high naturi' as fully stamps a lastinx inipres siou uixin the comiiiunity. They do all kinds of job work in their line, and are ready to take contracts for any kind of buildiuK, cluHM-full.v furnishing ost'inatos upon application. Only the hiphest skilled talent is emidoyed. whih" nil work is given their [Mrsonal sujiervision and is exeiuited in the very best and uiost snlistantial luannor. They also have the right to maniifaetnro the Kelley air trap sanitary closet, an excel- lent and much neeeen instrumen- tal in its building n|i is that of , Joseph A. Savward. The business wiis fimnded in the pioneer i\n\s of ISaN by W. 1'. Saywonl at Mill Hay, Shaw-iiigan District. 'I'wenty-live years ago the i)laiit was ill ivod to Victoria and at once tiHil. a high place in the business world. .loseph A. Sayward took charge four and a half years ago. ami conducts it with success. The plant and yards cover an area of live acres. The mill hiu a capacity of .>(>, INK) feet eve. y ten hiairs. and gives emphiynient to (10 men, iN'sides IM) men in the logging camiM con- stantlv getting out timU'r. The outiiut is con- sumed by the liK'al market, besides large i|uanti- ties Is'ing sliippi^l to Klondyke ai :I the W^hite Horse regions, alw> Australia and China. THK DLl'K POST, Saloon and (inicery, ll-t- llii .lohnson strict, J. M. Hughes. Projirietor. — Tho Blue Post has boon a familiar trnding coiitre in Victoria for thirty years, and as the years roll by the Post iH'Comes more and more famous, not only for the iiumlM'r of long years it has been in existence, but for tho high ipiali J of goods that can there be had. At present tho Bine Post is under control of J. M. Hughes, who became tho pro- prietor in .July, and who hos bei»n ciunieotod with tho grocery business in this city for seventeou years. By long experience and a thorough knowledge of its every phase and detail he is onabliMl to thus keep tho stock of groceriea, which includes both staple and fanc.y, up to the highest standard, while in the saloon adjoining tho grocery deportment, nothing but tho finest brands of wines, liquors and cigars are dispensed. 21 179212 r. McQUAI'K ■;• SON". rS Whari St.— The Imsincss ui tlii> liriu \vi< t>tal>!i>lK'ii in the iJoneer ilay> ot \'icioria's history, in the ye..r 1S5S. and troiii that lime to the present have always nmimaineil a hi^li position in the trade. They ^re e-\ten>ivc importers anil dealers in nianila and hemp cordage, anehors. ehains. rosin, pitch, tar. turpentine, nails, wrought and cut spikes. rubl>er and hi nip packni^;. cement, plaster paris. linie. tire clay, brushes, ship chandlery, all kinds oi niU, paints iml window Kla>s. They are sole agent? i'^r the .^lierwin-Williams paint>. The house pos- sesse- ill the advantages i.»i ample capital, and it is enahleil to employ it to ih • best results m making' purchases, ensur- ing that the 1 wi-.t prices shall be placid at the disposal of their patrons. ORIENT.M, HOTEL. \Vm. McKeon & Son., ,iO to 40 Vates St, — Tliis first class house is well and favourably known throut-Iiout British Columbia and on the Pacific Coast. It was establiihed some forty year.', ago by the senior partner, who about twenty years since admitted his son into partnership. The establishment contains some "5 rooni.s, all most coini'ortably and ele.L'antly furnished, has a large and airy dining room capable of seating over one hundred guests, an otVice and reading room: billiard ami bar rooms also. The house is well pro' uled with hot and cold bath*. and is lit throughout by electricity, as well as gas. The cui- sine is of the be^i. while the service is all that could lie ile- .sired. The rates are very moderate, iieing only $i.j; to $2.on per day. Taking it altogether this is one of the most com- fortable and home-like places in the city. SrRIN"KI.ING & CO.. Merch.ant T.aiIors ;6'J Yates St. —This firm is composed of mc,i who are thoroughly skilled and experienced as cutters and fitters of men's fine clothing. They have been established three years at their present i|uar- tcrs. They give employment to four as-islants and make per- fectly fitting suits for as low ,is $18. It is the boa.'.t of tliiir eusto:n-,'rs that when an order is given this firm, the ^uit turned out will be just as ordered and of the latest fashion. They also do cleaning and repairing at the nio>t reasimable charges. They also do ' .dies' tailoring in all it- branches. MISS F. J DL'l-'FIK. Kxclusive Millinery, ./i Vates St.- Tli's is tb or.ly establishment in the city devoted exclusively to mil''' '; It is the leader in fashioins. The latest thing out, ill a ■..;.• large cities, is sure to be the very article of- fered for sale by Miss Duffie. Making it an unfailing rule to show anil sell her goods while thev are in stvle. she is cnii- staiiily buyin.i; new goods, and in her store are found the brightest, iiewest and most styli-h millinery. Miss Duflie has spent sixteen years in the millinery business, coming to this city from Montreal eight years ago. She employs four assistants and caters 10 the hiyh class trade. B WII.M.VMS & CO., \V. T. Williams, prop,. Clothiers, Hatters and Outfitters.— No more desirable location could he secured in the city than the one devoted to the big cloth- ing house of Mr Williams, 68 and "o '\'ates street, with a 22 frontage of ^C^ feet lud extjiiding back ;5 feel. On eitlar side ol the main entrance ar.- the largest and most convenient plate glass show wind'iws in the city, which are c\er decorated with new and fashionable goods, an index of what m ly be seen 111 the inside. The store is very extensive and iip to the l.Uest ideas in gentlemen's dress, and com|irises cli'tliing. hats, caps, neckware. un'Jerwear, Si'oHT With tiik Rimj— A Bin t-'ATrii, trunks, valises and blankets. They are ageiiis for Christy's hats, Jaeger's underwear. "Health" iindiiwear. Sanford's clothing. Dent s gloves. .'\ specialty is maile of i'',astcrn tailor-made suits 10 iiieHs. urc— fit and finish guaranteed. Mr. Williamscommenecd this busi- ness in this city some twenty years ago at 97 Johnson street in a small way. I!y selling reliable goods and lieing hon- est in his rep-esentations, succeeded in gaining the conlidence of many eustoinera and friends. His trade became so large that the first oi this year he was com- pelled to erect his present luagnificent house— a model of its kind— for the accommodalion oi (latrons and the large stock he necessarily cairies. FRED, C.\RNE, JR., Importer and Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, 89 Vates St,— The favorable regard in which Mr, Came has long been held must be taken into consideration, us well as strong commercial reasons, which may lie epitom- ized in the statement that he knows the trade and markets thoroughly, and with the best goods that inonev will buy, knows how to meet the popular demand and approval of the people. A native of Devonshire. Knglaiid, for ,56 vears a resi- dent of Victoria, am! 2S j'ears of this time he has been insep- arably connected with the grocery bu.siness. Seventeen years ago he went into business for himself and from that dav to this he has never lacked customers, To-ilav he eiijovs a large jiatronage, occupies two floors 25x50 feet in area.' and jjivcs employment to fcur clerks. Mr, Carne is a popular res- ident of Victoria. His home is one of comfort and he is the bead of a most charming family. H1':n'RV SHOUT vS; SONS, Gunmakers, 72 Douglas St.— This popular establishment, founded .^8 years ago, is one of the pioneers of \'icloria's commerce. Mr. Henry Short, the senior jiartncr, gave up a position as manager of one of the best known gun e .tabl-shinents in Great Hritain to establish this business in 1862. Messrs. Short it Sons are always cour- teous and ready to attend to the demands n:ade upon them in their line, they are the best known dealers and importers of guns, rilles, hunting goods and amunition, and carry a very large and complete stock of fishing tackle, lawn-tennis, golf, cricket, football goods, etc. The two sons. H. N. and H.. are known all over the provin.-c as first-class trap shots, and sportsmen and tourists may receive valuable information from this firm, they arc sole agents in II, C. for Dnpoiit's celebrated black and smokeless giin))owiter. JOHN MI':STON, 67 and hij Ilroad St.— No name is more widely known than that of Mr, John Mestoii, who lias been cstabli.died in this city for 20 years as the leading manufac- turer and iuiimrter of carriages farm wagons, plows, Iiarrows, etc, also general blacksmitlnjig and repairing. He (Vcupies three floors and basement of a large building 60x120 feet in dimensions, thoroughly equipped with tnoiTern mechanical devices for execr.ting the finest work. A specialty is made of building wagons and carriages of everv description to order. I luring the past year Mr, .Meston has fiuilt no les.s than thirty- live farm and freight wagons, and forty carriages and buggies. Among others he is now budding a fine buss for the Hotel Vernon. These works are famous for the excellence of their output and every vehicle is fully guaranteed. At present 12 expert workmen are employed. In the salesroom departuient may also be founil a number of wagons, carriages and buggies manulaclured by Eastern concerns, A specialty is made of putting the Morgan-Wright rubber tire on all kinds of convey- ances. ml twiiiy hon- ^{aiiiiiiK tlie frlcmls. Ilis r he was cnm- a iiiadfl oi its llu' lari>c stock 1 Grooerii's and in whii h Mr. consideration, nay be epitom- e and markets loney will !)uv, jproval of the 36 years a resi- is been insep- eventeen years >ni Hint day to V he enjoys a t in area,' and a popular res- anit he is the Douglas St.— ajjo, is one of iry Short, the of one of the n to establish re always cour- 1' upon them in d importers of I carry a very vn-tennin, nf>lf, N. and U., are rap shots, and formation from int's celebrated name is more who has twen dinx manufac- lows, liarrows, lie (Vcupies 6(1X1 ji) feet in rn mechanical ilty is made of tion to order. !.ss than tliirty- !> and buxgies. for the Hotel lence of their At present la >m department es anil buggies ly is made of inds of convey- -s 1 S. J. riTTS Iiiiport.-r and Csinn Mtrcli.-mt. m Yales St. — N'icwctl I'ruin a coiniucrLial vfuitlpiiint the inip«tri- ancc (»t ill,' I'ruit ami product* L■(»In^ll^^.ltJn Ijii^sincss here in Vittoria at tlic prcstnt day can scarcely be over estimated. Tins is well represented by the above well kn >\vn firm. l--s- tablished si'iue twciity-five year> since, their premises on Vales street have a trontajj;e oi ^u icei running back some 85 icet. where they are 54 icet wide ami are built of brick two stories, giving employment to seven people. They al>o cniidoy a traveller and have a large connection not only in Uritisb Cohnnbiit, but do a protitalde trade with the Yukon Country. Thii house makes fruit a specially in which they deal extensively. They are also importers ut groceries ami provisions and their business is rapidly increasing. SWTNXKKTOX & <)I.)DV. Ac- couniiints. Real h.state. l-.nancial and Insurance Agents. io() (iovermncnt St. — This tirm have li-te.: many valu- able pieces ui property. They alio act as agents fperty. They are accountanl-. n-< well is agents lor the Manchesier Kirc A>*- snraiice Co.. The Provincail Muild- ing and Loan .Asstictation. W, I'. Harvey assay ofhce and chemical la- boratory. X'arcouver. ihe tug Sadie, also the Silver llii-.tler Mining Co., l.tcl. liie \uioria Mining and L)c- veii-.nieiit Cc. ate .iNo dealers in coal .md wood. Their business as underwriters and financial agents is »)inte extensive. OCCIUKNTAI. HOTKL. Cor. Wharl an of the city that b:d mr tin- patronage o| the pni>lic and rercive iheir lull share is ih Occident;.!. Thi> hotel ion tain^ SO rooms, all well lurn'shed and provided with electric light-, hot and cold baths and every convenience. The dining room has a seating ca- pacity for fitly people and all oi the best "'iands :.nd delicacies lind Uieir way licre. while the raies range from $r.()0 to $r 50 per day -'CKirding to loom. The proprietor. Mr. !)unn. is well and favourably known a-t a caterer of ability, having been steward of the Hadniinton Club of this city for three years, and steward of the Manitoba Club. Winnipeg, for •seven vears Me ha- been proprietor of the (Accidental since July 7th Tiir: n c. coi.o stokack and ick works. nondetl and ordinary wareh'nise. Ice Manufacturers, lly- drox re-distilled; Water for table use. 26-28 Store Street— The plant of this concern which was establi'.lu-. They hanillea.s well large (|nanti- lie-< of .Vustralian produce, -u-ii a^ butter, cannetl meat-, frozen nuitto-, , etc.. etc. The ice trade lias become a feature in the biisiiu'-s. keeping some ten men bu'^y. They liave al>o a large demancl for their llvdrox re-distillVd water for table use. Altogether the concern is in a '1'iuri-hing condition. They have an olVice in Vancouver as well. THK HICKMAX TVh: IIARDW.VRE CO.. Ltd. Im- porters of Iron and Steel and Hardware. .p-.U Vate- Street — Ono of the pioneer liou-e- of \'ictoria. lir-t c-tahlished in 1H58. under the name of Mattlicvvs. Kicharde and Tye. a-.duming its present style in i.St^S- Thislargr. busy aud progress- V. V. N. STBA.MEHS I.KAVINfi VUTORH. i\c estahlishinent is located on Yates Street in two brick buildings, each having an area of 30x1*0 feet. They are direct importers of iron anil steel and all kind> of hardware. They deal in heavy and shelf gcjods. and the stock is com- plete even to the slightest detail. They mal;e a specialty of handling mining and milling nnchinery of every variety. a< well as n;ining and milling supplies of all the ditTerent kinds. They are wholesale and retail deaiers. and emphiy about six people. They aho have a large trade in the Yukon, as well as all over British Columbia. They are agents for K. C Atkins ^i Co.'s Saws, Mann & Co.'s "Red Warrior" .Axes, and also de,.! largely in leather and rubber betting. They aho have a branch -^tore at .Mberni. on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, rultest stock. RAVMONIJ & SONS, olVice corner G<.vernnunt and Pandora Sts. — This firm arc extensive tlealers in lime. lath, iiair. i)rick. fire-brick, and cement, are sole agents for Nephi plaster pans, and manufacturers of the celebrated l and wharve> arc on tlie James Bay near Belleville .'ireet. The firm is composed 01 J. Raymond and his two son'. J. Raymond. Jr.. and I'. .\. Raymond. They have been established fourteen years and from the outset secured a liberal and iutluential patronage. The elder Mr. Raymond was for twenty years engaged in tins business at London. Onlario. before cs in this city, which has familiarized her with the requirements of guests, and lothing is lacking to ple.a^^e. .She purclri-ed the Hotel Wilson on the opp(f>itc '^ide of Vales -trect the first of September — which she thorouglily renovated, paiiucd and reiurni-lud throughout in m»tdern >tyle. This hotel contains ^f) ro im*!. Botli of these hotels are very centrally locat- ed and the rates charged are most reasoiialije. The Hrmiswiik is man- aged by Mr. Sexton, while Mrs. \\ bite look'; alter the interests of the Wils.m. WILLIAM GRIMM. No. M IKrald St.. Blacksmith. Earner. — Mr. Grimm lias been in business in thi> cily >ince 1870 and during that lime he has ever been reckoned ammig the be>t of Victoria's work- men and this knowledge of the busi- ness is certainly not exceeded by any one in this line. He does a general blacksmithing business and maiuifactures wagons and carriages to order while repairs and job work are done in the best style. The best of materia) is invariably used in every job and all work is executed in the shortest time possible and at the lowest prices. (iKO. It. .lACKSDN, Ladies' and (H-ntlfnien's Tailoiinj? and Fine I'urnlshings, oT (iovcrnnicnt St. — That the ti-ade of till* nuTchant tailor is well rcpn.scnted in Vieloria i.s cont'lusiveiy denionslrated to any one who may visit the 0Ht.ihIiKhnient of Geo. H. .laekHun, the leading tailor anil *?3 fiirliisliir. llis|i.>ct the clcn.int ~ti.(k of iiii|HirtiMl f;rnii(> ( .iriiiMl liv lliis i;cntli-in,iii. Hi' is ^m ixpi-ii riiltoi- iif the fasliiorrahli' stvirs Iw iiiticiiliiii's in « liiili lif niiar.inlei'< a pi'if.-ii lil, ina.'li' ill tile vriy lat.'sl pallcnis .pf cloth. He has li.al many yrai-s of prartical cxp'Tii'tiri'. ami for Iimi ycals lias l>ocii fstatilishfil ill Vii-tolia. anil is lookril upon lis an aiithorily in all matters p. rlaiiiinj; to iliess. The stoik of fiii-nisliini.'s caMieil is most lonipli-te ami np-to- ilate in I'vi'iy lini-. H.' iiiiplovs twiiity-fivi' expi-it assi>t ants, anil all work is niiaranteed to hi at'rnrilinj; to oi-ili'r. at iiioili'i'att' priri's. lone on time -tml ner. News Deal- (). H (IHMDM). liooksell.i. Slat er. — Kor the past three y (■ a IS I li e liter a r y folk of Vietoria have fonnil at Ormomrs tlie lliilll elass hooks, novels of all ileseliplioii anil of the latest. I'nhlicatiiins anil perioilioals of every kinil to suit the many ilif- ferent tastes of the reail- intr pilhlie : here also is kept a most eonipleteiir- i-iilatinj; lihraiy. llealso earries a \ery lar^;i- stork of the finest sl.ilionery. e V e r eont.iiiiinir sonie- i . . X new aipl attraif ive in writing materials anil sehool supplies, ran 1h' lioiiitht here at priies to Dleaseall. Ollil-e supplies, eie.. are to he foimil of the hest. .Mr. Orriloiiil i\ 1 s o rereives slllpsi lip. tions for any periinliial ,il the piililishers piiie>. The patronage of the house is of an inlluential ellaraeter, all eviilelK'e that the hllsine.ss of tlii.s eoneerii is iiiiiler exiel- Iciit manaKeiiient. MKSSHS. .M. K \l. .\. FOX, Sliefflelil Ciillery Store, 7.S GoveriinienI St.— This is theolile-it estahlisheil house in this line in the lily anil larries the finesl stock of all kinds of fishiiiK talkie, lahle iiitleiy, plated warn, poiket knives, shavint; material. Mne hriishes and Mlll••e^ They are im- porters of the very Inst Km.'' -h tine iinlery. inehiiliiiir razors of the hest n'lakeis. T.,,? hii.sines> was estahlisheil in l,Sil,"ianil from its inieplion iias U'en faitlifiillv reiiiriled as taking the lead in this lnamli of indii-lrv in the eily. The house is well kmnvn and has .1 national reputation. Mr. h'ox is a piomineiit eiti/.eii of Viitoria .iiiil always lakes a (Ileal interest in its welfare and prosperity. 'ii I'KOIM.KS l'OI'ri,.\U IMfKSt UllTloN l'll.M{.M.\(V, Messrs. It.avies', Proprietors, :fii-:fj x:t°J. spleni'liillv lltted up i>> solid oak ami fullv stoeked A l'iiTVKF.sv K .-. rr ,• .m:ak VineKi.*. with pur" ilrujfs a <■' chemieiils, surtfit-al siijiplies, patent and proprietary meilieines, toilet arlieles in ^reat profus- ion, perfiimeiies, and in faet everything usually kept in an up-to-date and lit st-il.iss dni^t store. Mr. Iiavies make a speeialty of liiliii^: presiriptioiis and is himself a (^railiiale of Hrilish Coliimhia I'harmaeeutical .Vssoeiatioii. Tl.ey are sole a^fents for I.owiiey's < ■hoi-olates. M. .1. TUdMI'SON, (iroeeries anil 5'rovisioiis, 21 (iovein- ment St. — In the Porter Hlock near tin' Post Odlie is the neat and well stoeked i^rocnry condueted hy .\l. .1. Thomp- son whii estahlisheil the hiiHlnens in ISDl, and fur nine years has .^.-itered to an ever inereasin^ trade, here is rarried a full line of staple .and fani-y (jrix-eries and nothing; hut the iM'st (;o:nls .-.e hamlleil hy (Ills (inn. The store oeeiipies a spare 25 X o(l fi>el and all of this is taken up hy 11 tasteful anav of the sliH'k. Tliev deliver goiKts to all part« of the city. VKTOKI.V IiniiK .\NI) STATIONKHV CO., I/ID., llate Jamie.son\ (iovt,St. — This is one of the largest and most siihstant ial houses in the eit,v devoted to the sale of stationery, hooks, iilliee supplies, periodii iils. ete., etc., anil have iM'eii estahlisheil some l.") years, I-'or the last three years the house h.is lieen under the ahle m.ina^^e- ment of .Mr. II, S, Hen- derson. Their premises are quite extensive, riiv- eriiiK an area of .C)xlHt it., they elllflloy .some live people, .\ ureat varietv of hooks of ;il| kinds will he found here as well as all kinds of periodieals .ind no\els(fettinK every- tllillj,' lip-lo-dale. They .lie .also a(,'ents for Kill- pire and Sniil h Premier t vpewiiters, ( 'olinih ear- h'lilis. Wehster's lihhons, Stephen's inks,llarllmrks line note papers, .\ilinir- ally t 'h.irts, W'insor and Newton's artists mater- ials The tiriii keep a very extensile stoik of hlank hooks of all kinds and e\eryihin^; in mer- eantile and fam-y station- eiy. a nilinher of polite and ohliKlni; elerks wait on its niiineriiiiM rim- tonii 1... CYIMS II. HOWKS, I'iieinist, Its (ioverniiient SI,— This is in all resperls a well appointed and llrst-ilass eslahlishmenl and one iif the must deservedly popular pharmaeies in the rity, and is patronized hy Ihp leading medieal prail it loners hy whom it is highly recmn- iiiendeil for the purity of its drills, ami the rare and aieiir- raey shown in piiltintf up presiriptions. The store is eom- pael. eoniplete and attrai lively lilted up, the display heinn jiarlii iilarly tasteful. Kslahlislied in ISIU the hiisiness hax Hteiulily increased and now llnds employmeiit for no less than four cimipetent asnistants anions whom are three lieenliales in pharmacy. Mr. Howes, the proprietiir is a pharniacisl of vears of praetiral experience, ami one of Vicloria's well known and hi^^hly esteeiiied cilizcnR. HOTF.L Vr.RNON. 66 DuuBlas St., and HOTEL DAL- LAS, Dallas Road. — Thtse twu strictly first class hotels are now under the able management of Mrs. M. Walt. They are two of the most popular caravansaries on the Pacific Coast. The Hotel \'ernon is centrally located and Mrs. Walt has spared neither ."^ains nor expense in fitting up these quarters with every e(|uipmcnt modern ideas ran devise for the comfort and well beinn of the patrons The ifUQit cham- bers number SA with 20 rooms en suite, newly furnished in best oak with heavy Brussels carpetings and fittings to match. Convenient free hot ancl coUl baths can be had at any hour. It is an ideal place for the commercial man, Iijving no less than live well-lighted sample rooms. The dining room is large and lofty, and most elegantly equipped, while the cuisine is of the best. The office, reading room and bar are luxur- iously fitted up. while everything is done for the convenience and pleasure of the guests. A new Knglish table made by Thk Hotkl Viiinon. George Wright Jt Son of London, is a recent addition to the billiard room. The Hotel Dallas, so long and favourably known to the travelling public, is on the Dallas Ro.id facing the Straits of Juan de Fuca, from which .'i magnificent view if. had of the straits, the islands, and the far Olympian range. This ideal hostelry has been newly and thoroughly fittcil up in a very luxurious fashion. It has sttiei' canies a very extensive stock of wall p.-iper as well as glass, paints and fiils in great variet.v. An old resident, be is one of Victoria's most highly recpii'ted citizens. S. A. STODDAKT, Maiiufactming .Teweller and ( Iptician. HH Yates ,Sr.- No branch of business requires a more culti- vated jndgmi'iit todetei't fraud and test the value giMHls tliHli the jeweller. Ai shown by Mr. Cochrane in the compouncling of prescrip- tions. A specialty is made in the manufacture of a list of preparations known as the London Hospital P .medies. fam- ous for the results they produce in cradicatir ; diseases. In tlie front part of the store is a 'leat soda , lunlain, where can be had all the beverages of the season, and the reputa- tion sustained throughout the city is that the most |>alatable drinks and delicious ice cream sodas are served at this foun- tain. Till-: li. C. FL'U.VrrrRL CO. under the management of .Mr. Jacob Sehl. 'i(i-6,S Government St.. is one of the oldct business houses in the city. .Mr. Selil has been engaged in connection with this business as a .vholcile and retail furni- ture dealer since i.'Vx). Besides the larc. ~iock of Canadian .ind .\nierican goods, the firm are din, 1 importers of F.uro- I'can goci(U. oariiels. lincileuin^. curl nn-. crockerv. etc.. fine if their Stoe was establi^^hed in 1S78. and has now a Ir.i^e trade. Their premises are extensive, ocrnpymn two tioors eaeh 01 6,000 feet area. They are handlers by wholesale and relaH of all kind> of heavy and shell hardware and carry a very exten- sive stock. p:irticularly of hnildcrs' >i«Hnls.. THey do lar^eiy in niinini: machinery, lOr which they have a eo.^stanily in- creasing; d.'inand. They are also agents lor the celebrated McCorniack liarve^tini; machinery, which has a world-wide reputation, in fact they carry in their st ick everything; in the hardware line from the smallest ^cew or holt to the largest piece 01 larrniii^; machinery. Both iientlemen are prominent and are well known citizei^ of Victoria. J. MARKET, plumbing, tinning and general iobbinj:. Cor. Government and Pa.idora St-^. — Mr. Market has been established in \'ictoria for five ye.irs and is therefore well known to the trade. He brin^js to bear upon his busineure'i durability, and the most scrupulous care is e.xticised to give each job a tini'ihed appearance. THOMAS EARl.E. Import.-r and Wholesale Grocer. 02. 94' 97 Wharf St. — This establishment is one of the largest of the kind in the city, and i:i alsj one of the oldest, havini; been established so long ago as 1869. It cccupies two ware- houses, one a buildini; of 20x100 feet area, with two tlo(»rs. The other a tin 'rick structure lately built by the proprie- tor on Yates street, havinj; tour tl')ors. each of 30x110 feet area, and fitted up with all the modern conveniences for handlinR goods. It finds employment for some seven people, while two travellers are kept constantly on the road. Their field of tra-Ic embraces all of Ilrili'Ii Columbia as well as the Klondike. It is the head office of tlie Pioneer Steam ColTee and Spice Mills, the output of which they handle: is agent for Alert Bay Canning Co.. CIayo<|not Fishing and Trading Co. They are ilso heavy importers *if coffees and teas, and carry a very eNtcn-iive stock of staple and fancy groceries as well as every variety of canned and bottled goods. SPRATT & MAC.\rr.AY. Surage. Shipping. Commi- sion. Fire an and scows to those desiring them. They also do a commi.;- sion business as well as a fire .ind marine insurance. They are agents for the Armour Packing Co,. Kansas City; Porter Bros. Fruit Cf).. San Francisco; Xicholson & Brock. Tor- onto, The Griffith- Durney Co.. San Francisco; Knglish Canoe Co., Canadian Canoe Co. of Peterboro, The Commer- cial Union (Fire) of London, and the Associated Assurance Co. OLirine^, 2() C. A. LOMBARD & CO.. Musical Instruments, ji Fort St. — Among tht)se who are worthy special mention is Mr. Lombard, who came here in 1858 and who l»y his public spirit and business tact has been a la;-lor in building up the city. Mr. Lombard is well known as :' inu^ic dealer. He carries a complete line of musical instruments and musical goods, including a very large and extensive a-.>ortment of ^heet music. He handles exclusively instrunuiUs of th<- be-«t known makes. His business in the city and the surrounding country is Inrge. ^ Mr. Lombard is Consullur du Commctce Extirieur de la France Bliiii-f^^ f Vi f T. SHotIMiLT'* PKVti ST >HK. THOMAS SHOTBOLT, Pioneer Druggist-Wherever the City of Victoria is kno.vn the name of Thomas Shotbolt. as the pioneer druggist of the city is just as familiar. Thirty eight years ago nS/>j( wh*.'n Victt ria was in the experimen- tal stage. Thonia*; Shotbolt arrived from Lincolnshire, Fug- land, and estabhshrd the drug business \. here it stands to- day, just bolow tiovernnient. 5y Johnson street .\s an Fng- lisii druggist he recognised the superiority of Knglisli drugs and. as early in his business career he determined to stock only the best and purest drugs, he c<»mmencei| to import direct from England and the Continent, a practice lie con- tinue> to the present day. His drug business, now conduct- ed m his own bunding, has attuncil immense proportions, The front ?>tore is literally crowded with goods affording very inadeijuate space for display, wliile in the rear a large two-story brick warehouse is taxed to its fullest capacity. lie ii'tw ernphiy> two ' drug experience; one, Mr. George Chad- wick, who may \w >aid ti> have grown up with the store, ha> been associate 1 with him smce li<7~: the other. Mr. Joseph H. Emery, an Fnglishman. has been in hi.% employ .-nice iSyi. Pre-,cnp:ions iTom all the city physicians are dady dispensed with the purest drugs obtainable, the great- est care being exerciseil to furnish m the best possible form the exact remedy the physician orders. A large demand ha-- been establi>hed lor a nnm.A-r of proprietory remedies introclnced by Mr. Sh' tbolt, am uig which may be men- tioned The "Origin.ir Balsam of .Aniseed, and orders for this and other medicines are daily received from all parts of the Province. B. C. CYCLE SrPPLV CO., ./» Government St.. Old post Office Building. — This company has been identified with the bicycle industry for ihree years. .Messrs. Nevin & Royds having bought out the origiial owner one year ago. Thty are hustling >oung men who arc fast building up a substantial trade. They handle such high grade wheels as the ""Geiidron," ■'Hurlson," and Tver Johnson." which are the proiluct i»f our best known factories, 3n guaranteed. Their motto is "N'e\er too late to mend.'' They are also agents for typewriters, cash registers and sew- ing machine';, and run a large bicycle live.ry, W. A. J. \ MESON. Retail Grocer and Provision Merch- ■'''it, ,13 Fort St. — The true thennom'^ter of the business pulse of a tity s not one or a dozen of its largest industries. To judge citrrectly of a city's thrift one must look to the hun- (Ireiis of smaller retail industries, which deal directly with the people and indicate truly the prosperity of a place. For live retail business no city in the country can out-class Vic- toria, and high in the ranks of this city's retail e-^tablish- ments stanear ago to the business ttf R. II. Jamtson, established in 1888. It is one of the reliable business houses of its kind in the city. The stock includes everything in the grocery line, ivery article of the highest grade, antl the store presents a very neat and creditable appearance. Their motto is "All goods sold as represented." They make a specially of fine teas and ctffees, and aie sole agents in this city for the fam- ous Kickshaw Brand Ceylon Tea. R A. BROWX «i CO.— riii., firm is located at No. 80 Douglas stred. where can be fotmd a varied assortment of ''helf bardvv.ire. crockery, glass, agate, tin. wooden and wi!- lowware, etc. They carry both English ami American goods of every grade anci quality, while their prices are alwavb reason;.!de. The firm was established in 1889 and fnun the day of Its foundation have enjoyed a good trade. PACIFIC SAUCE AND VINKGAK WORKS. M. J. Brady & Co., Prop';. — AinotiK the noteworlliy industrial en- tcrurises must be nientiuned \\w above ctories. Tliis is by far the largest dry goods store in British Columbia, has JAMES MAVNARD. Importer and Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, 119 Douglas St., opp. City Hall. — This enterprise has been estahii ^led for Hitccn years, and has ever been liberally patronized. The stock of boots and shoes is complete, a specialty being made .f high-class medium priced goods. A workshop is i.i the rear of the store where repairing is promptly attended to. The store is provided with all the conveniences that the requirein-.nts of the trade demands. During the many yc.ir^ Mr. Maynard lias been here he has gained many regular customers. BEN WILLIAMS & CO.. St >:k Broker^. Mining Oper- ators, Insurance, Real Estate und Financial Agents. Etc., Etc., 44 Fort St. — This firm handles B. C. mining stocks PBITI8H COLfMHlA FkIIT. the manufactuiing department. In March. 1898. Mr W. K. Houston became a partner, and during the past few years the business has been increasing :apiiily. Tliey occupy the substantial brick structure at 1,11. i.u ^ud 135 Johnson St.. which is divided into three dep.irtmenis. having 7.S00 square feet of working surface, and every facdity for the successful conduct of a growing business. Their travellers cover the entire country this side of the Rockies. THE VICTORIA TAILORING PARLORS. J. T. Bur- rows, manager. 88 Douglas St. — Mr. Burrows, who has been in this city lor some fourteen year";, is a man of much ex- perience and a most successful maker of men's garments. His father having been a tailor before him. Mr. Burrows commenced to work at the tmde in England when only eight years of age, so that he is a man of great practical ex- tlu' largest Hour space of any store west 01 Winnipeg, i he trade of this house is extensive nd con-tanlly increasing, just now it gives employment to . ome IJ5 people. Among them are dressmakers, milliner.', carpet layers, upholsterers, 'lesides an army of clerks. Besidts dry goods of every de- scription they carry boots and shoes, upholsterings. furni -h- ings, etc., etc. This store has an extensive patronage, includ- cluding mostly all the leading families of Victoria. A. E. TALBOT. Crockery. Glassware. Etc.— Mr. Talbot began bu-^iness in the city seven years ago. He is located at Nos. I2Q and iJQ'i Douglas stro?t. where he carries a gen- eral stock of crockery, glassware, new and second-hand books, furniture, stoves, carpels, etc. The prices for his goods are the most reasonable. Those who want "real" bargains shoidd call and inspect his stock. He also does a general upholstering and repairing business. .uid mining prospects situate on Vancouver Island. It is prepared to open up and develop mining properties for out- side parties. They conduct a general insurance, real estate and commission business: effect loans for those desiring to lend or borrow. They arc correspondents of Messrs. Down- ing. Hopkins & Co., of Portland. Ore.. U.S.A., who, through Lobdell & Co., are represented on the New York Stock Exchange. In this connection Messrs. Williams & Co. are prepared to place orders for buying or selling for de- livery or on margins any of tlie American or Canadian rail- way and industrial stocks. Current tpiotalions are also ob- tainable at their office on wheat, corn and pork. Being in direct telegraphic communication with the Nevv York Stock Exchange by Great North Western Telegraph Co.'s wires Messrs. Williams & Co. are prepared to fill your orders as promptly as you could have them done were you on the floor of the Exchange itself. , ^' A. J. CI.VUE iS: CO.— Till? tir;n, li>c;iii.-a ;il No. ^j J,,|iii- i-tjn Street, ,irc deali.Ts in 'tmcs. luirtiwarc ami hnu^e Mir- hishiiH; K''J"J^- 1 hoy i:arry a v tried a^surt^lL'nl ni gun.U. and aim {•' keep their stock up to a liigh stanilard. Tluy are aK'enls lor the Ohio Steel Plate Kanttes. made liy the Tiniierman Steel Raii;-'e Co., Cleveland. Olii'.i. ami the I'ani- nii^ Uiick's Stoves and Ranges, -.vhich have attained tu the high -tandard ot excellence m ■nanuiaacture anil tinish. Also the Uoherty stoves which are made oi Decarhon Steel ( rhe jirocess oi making this casting was sold to ICngli^h lapitalisis lur Cioo.ono). These stoves are very lasting, ami will niA w.trp i>r crack with the tire. 'I'hey also mam:- tacture tin. copper and shc^-t iron \v;;re. Tlie htisine^.-* h.is licen est.al)li>lied four and a h;ili ytars. .ind hy being lih- '■ral and ei|uital>le in all trans.ictions. the tirm has achieved r-idistantial snccess. ■-:i 11. RCSS & CO.. Staple and l"..ncy Cn- e^, 1 1: 3, t-'ui .'';■ Wines and I.iquf)rs. 117 Go\ernment ''■ ! '" n.'jst popular family grocery house w s cs ■u some fifteen years ago and from a modcr ' mn'T has grown into a business of large I'r-- It lias '*or its patrfms inany of the leading : \'ictoria. carrying as they do a \ery exivi ■ ■ -iiit^ varied assortment of everything in their line. I'.ii: jales are large, keeping two delivery wagons and some '.even clerk-, constantly Ini^y. The premise-; ar^- !.4rge. o."ui>viiK' two floors 20x110 feet area. Beside^ a large stock of groceries, they carry a tine line oi family wines and lirjuors. Everything is displayed in a tasteful and attractive manner, and the attendanN will be found at'eiiiive and obliging. Mr. Harru (1. Rost is the capable manager of this concern. UKAX & HISCOCKS. Chemists and inug,'ist.. Cornet Vatcs and Broad Sts.— Whjn the services of a druggist are required, the tirst thought is, where is llie .'losest' Dean & Hiscock's pharmacy is centrally lo- c.ted. most convenient to the leading hotels and resi- dent p<,ilion of the city. The business has been cs- tablisheil lificen years and has a high standing for the care taken in tilling prescription^ and the conn, ous attention accorded customers. The premises are well fitted up and are fully stj;.. commodious stri'Cturc with e.tccllent -anitary reguliiions. being cement lin»d. and possessing every modern appliance known to ihe baker's craft, aflfording a capacity of 4.000 loaves of l»ead daily, which is made entirely by machinery, being handlid only wh; '■ na'niiiK, and is the best bread the world can pro- duce. The business was established in iS<)0 and has met with great success, until to-day they have the best equipped plant on the d.-ast and employ olev-_-n people in the bakery and li\e \vag^iii> are kept busy supplying their customers CAMPBELL & CO., Fashionable Tailors. Cor. Broad St. .tnd Trounce .\ve. — This tirm is one of \*ictoria's most inominent ami successful makers of men's garm--iits, and so proficient are they in cutting and titling that the best dresseil people of this city go to them for their taslnonable suits, and thus they are known .is \'ictoria's "l-"asliionable Tailors." Established since l^t.S''^l. iliey have become widely known and have built tqi a magniliccnt trade. Their estab- lishment is well lilted up and contains a large and v.iried a.s- sortnunt of tine Scotch am! English goods oi which they are direct importers. Investment Co. These gentlemen are known to be men of reliability. ONIONS & Pl.lMLEY, Ce itr il Cycle and Hardware Depot, 4J-44 Broad St. — This establishment is divided into two separate and distinct depanmcnts. In the cycle depart- ment can be found a large stock oi tiigh-gradc v/heels both ior sale and to rent. They are agents for the fai.ious Brant- ford and Crawford bicycles, and have s.ild a nun.bcr of these wheels, which have given entire satisfaction. Both members 01 the firm arc practical machinists of long experience and make a specialty oi repairing. In the hardware department is carried a complete stock if kitchen and shelf hardware. 'Ibis business has been established five years, and is steadily increasing. HOTKL D.WV.'^iiN. Win .leiisiii. Propriitor. K, I'u. li'.i YalesSl. — This i« oiii' of Victoria's twipiilar ami well kiiimii liouKi'S. It isci'iitniUy ami coiiviiiieiitly kHiitcd on Yiited street. It is now eondiictid by tlis will .iiid favombly known gentleman w lio for the past twenty years lia.s presided over the Oeeidi'iital ami Hotel Dallas. Mr. .JeiiHin hiiH taken (IiIk linn.se in hand and thoroughly renovated it from cellar logiir- ri't . eiilnrging the ottice S4i ns to make a eomfortalile ri'iiding mhiiii. adding 11 new mid spacious dining niom splendidly furnished, the ."►'> ehaniben* have 1 11 eoni- plelely overhauleil and retitteil in a most loniformblB iiiaiiiier. The house is well supplii-d with hot and cold wat.'r on each (limr. The house carries 11 tlcst class bar and billiard room, and the pisiprii-tor thoroughly mi- derstands the art of hotel keeping. The temisare im,.!- erate, iH'ing $1, :fl.:2.'i and ILol) por (lay; iiu-als, ^'k'. H.\RliKH imoS.. NovellieB, ,")I 'VuteH St.— The gen- tli men com])risiiig this linn have been W"ll and fa\or- ably known in Victoria for the past eight years. Some since thev established the present business, •lit eonstantly busy tilling orders for their iiiiinenais eustomerK, ' a ell four y< and n V are stamps ami alleiiding t Tlie\- carry a \ ery eoinplete and qliili •k of all kinds of fancy goiKls as w xpensive an end- alsi P. C .\LGREGOR & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance, Etc.. Cor. Broad and \'iew Sts. — This firm have been in business in this city for some ten years, or since iSijo. and have but recently moved to their present very ciinimodious and well appoinf.'d premises. They are handlers of realty, writers of insurance, etc ; thcv also manage properties for '• •' '■•■ '■ •• - •■■'•■ and country clients: in this be found some <;\U)v wiih liispaU'h aiu! at lowest tiyiiriv They arc also money lenders, loaning; at lowest rate^. and are iiRcnts for ilu- followini: iu'-nranee companies: riir (ireat West Life, Snn Kirc, I'hotnix Fire, as well as the MontrtI Loan and CI..\RI:N'CE hotel, European plan.— This hotel was designed. I'urnisiu-.', and arranged especially (oi ilic comfort and convenience of persons who seek the advantaRe« of a hotel combined with the privacy ot a well appointeti home. The hotel is a fire-proof brick structure and contains sixty well furnished nunis lighted by jfas and electricity, with l)aths f)n every tloor. with hot an n.si'd in the public seliiMils are sold here n» well us all s<-hi«)l re(|Uisitt's. They Hlsoeany a large variety of blank books. This business wius estalilislied aliout a year sinee. and oeeupieH eomnuKlions pri'mises liaving an area of 2.'ix7.'i feet on (Joveriiment street. The trade of this house is eonstaiitly iiierea»iu(<. Their prices urt- most ren- wiiiBlile, while every att<'iitiou in jmii to cuBlniuers by oblig- ing and attentive i lerks. JOHN' McCURR.\CH. Merchant Tailor, ii Trounce Ave. — This gentleman has an enviable reputation for doing nothing but first class work, and so confident is h,; of his ability to please, that he guarartccs every garment to be per- fectly satisfactory according to orders given. He carrier a full line of domestic and imported suitings, and turns out perfectly fitting garments of the latest style and cu: at rea- sonable prices. Mr. McCnrr.irh has had much experience in the leading cities of Great Britain and America and has lived (or eight years in Victoria, where he has made for himself a host of friends. (Ji:<). II. .M.WNAKD, Boots and .Shoe^. Xj Uougla- St. — in all the uses leather is put to. that used in the shoe should be the most carefully selected and of liie best the market will poss.!:ly atTord. -Mr. Maynard is a good judge oi the stock used in boots and shoe> .'ind sees that no inferior goods ever get upon the sheKes of In- esiablishinent. This ftore has been running twenty-ti\e years, and the motto of the house has ever been ".\ dollnr's worth oi honest leather for a dollar in money." and the people far .ind near have learned by experience that they live up to it. The store is .to feet wide by do feet deep and cont.-iiiis ;i large stock of up- to-date 'ootwe.'ir. The fast and palatial steamer Victorian, plying between Victoria and Sound Points No tourist should fail to take a trip on the "Victorian" across Pnget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca, which is a most attractive cue. Views of a lofty coast range arc e\-erywhere obtained. Mount Baker is distinctly seen for hours, and Mcnint Kanier rising 14.000 feet and seen from the sea level is most impressive. Tho "\'ictorian" is known as one of the fastest and best appointed passenger ste.inuTs on the Pacific Coast. Her cabins are elegantly furnished. .She is abundantly supplied with comfortable scats and camp chairs, tli -t all who desire niay enjoy tlie refreshing breezes and invi^; -rating sea air. The dining hall is large and ele- gantly fitted up. the menu containing all the delicacies and suhstantials in season, while the table service is perfect. The "Victorian" was built Ijoth for spied arid comfort, and is a model of perfection. C. K. Kl.N'tj & SlJ.V, Commis ion lirokers. Consignees and .Mamii.icturers' .\gents. — This liriu as C. K. King was • ..tabiished some 16 years ago. .Vboui a year since .\lr. Kings son was admitted as a |iartner. Their premises are iiiiite extensive, occupying three floors of a buiUliug 35x1-^0 feet area. They handle larg- f|uaiiiities of luitter from the local creameries, as well as other pr-jducts of the farm and do a general commission business. They are agents in British Columbia for the famous "Sunlight Soap." as well as "Keil- Itrs .Marmalade.' manufactured in Kngland. The ever in- creasing business of this house shows that it is held in high eslinl.'itioM by ilic i)ublic. PllODLK not! KtfTlSSKRIK AND KKsrACRANT. Mrs. R. C. IJavies. Proprii- tress. Ill Yate.'i St. — This is one of the oldest and best known entiiig bouses in Vietoria if not lui the <-o;ist. It is a Hist ela.ss place in every parti- cular, and then the niaiiagemeiit takes a pride ill seaicbiug ilio niaikets for the last deliejiey and for the veiv tiest that e.ui be bad to iil.ice on the bill of fare, and no more eom|iIete and satisfac- tory menu is placed before giiesl.s than the' one at the Poodle Dog. .1 ineiin which is ebaiiged ilaily. The jaoprii - tii'ss. Mrs. Davies. lias lieen eoiidueting this place for the last four veins, and bus added not a little to its p pri- vate boxes as well as a family dining rooni. '''be sei\iee is good, and guests ail' paid every attention. CKO. 'WAT.sON. Phiinbiiig. Heating, etc.. ill* .lolinson St. — A long 'exIH'iienee and natural .skill in the handling of all difficult nieehanieal problems togeth- er make Mr. Watson one of the acknow- ledged master workmen of \*ietoria. combining eominereial instinet with the foregoing (pialilieiitions, he stands to-dav a saniplo of the sneeessful plunibing contractor and dealer in plumlnng goods of every elnss and nature. He has been established in this city for two years, but has bad exjH'rienee all his life. He obeerfully furnishes estimates on an.v size eontntcts. Expert workmen only* are oinployed and the test materials go into every job. SPEED BROS.. Grocers and Provision Merchants. Cor. Fort and Douglas Sts. — This firm csiablisbcd business in Victoria in i8gj and by close and persistent attention in catering to the demands of a critical trade have built up a gigantic business. Their store is centrally located near the residence portion of the city, and nothing but the best is kept in stock, and all goods are strictly as represented. Four people are employed to wait on customers, while three wag- ons are kept to deliver goods. They do a strictly retail busi- ness and make a specialty of the family trade. 2R E. E. LEASON. proprietor. American and Kuri*- pean plan. American plan $2 per day and np- wards.- -This well-know 1 liutel wil rank with any in tlie country lor its modern appointments and the ex.-el- lence of its entire •^ervicf The house oieupies a tnost de>ir able position in the centre ot the city on (j<»vernment street, convenient to iheatf-'s. post utVicc. ehurrhe^ and railwav =latinn. The interior is mo-.t C'lmtortahty t'ittert while the most experienci lady waiter? anticipate the want- t»f every i;ueolnl institutions, such as the Western .\ssurance Co.. ihe Norwich Cnion 1-ire In-uraiuc Co.. of l-.njiland. the Mutual l.ne of New York, the nomt)iy I'*ire and Marti'* Insurance dy. as well ns the Underwriters" Association of Idoyds. Kuwland. They also deal extensively in real estate, antl from iheir long re-i- Mr K. Williams has been in char^;e of this place for two ^ears. and conducts n in an orderly manner. service a perfect one. The chef in charge of the kitche. is a master of the culinary art and the menu contains all the market afford-, 'i'his has becf)me a hontr for the tfiuri-i and the commercial traveller, sample rooms being provided for the latter. The office, reading room and cafe arc all in accordance with a strictly first class hotel. Raths of hot and cold water are always ready, while a free bus conveys guests to and froiTi all steamers and trains. Mr. I.eason is an ex- perienced and proficient hotel man and intends keeping the Victoria up to a standard of excellence required by a large and increasing patronage. WATSON & HAI.U. (Irocers business in X'ictoria is well represenieu, nm mere is luj nmi more favourably known than Watsnn & Hall, who establish- ed m iSoi. They do an exte.isive business. >\\ people being employed to wail on customers, while two wagons are kept busv delivering goods through the city. Their ^tock is I.irge liiu* ot choice groceries, .. $s Yates St, — The grocery IS well represented, but there is no firm anci we elected. »ds througli oniprising a fvill pure spices and extracts, oilman's stores, tlour and provis- ions, also fine teas and coffee, of which they make a spcciihy (i.ioii .XntK I.AKK-HltArnN lIlLI. PARIt. dei'ce here are among the best ini irnied nu'n in the city •vhen real estate values are considered. They also act as agents fur absentees, collecting rents, etc. They are most responsible agents and will be found to be gentlemen of wide experience and honourable dealings. ROCK BAY HOTEL. R. W^illiams. prop.. Cor. Work and Bridge St*;, — This hotel was built in iHoi. contains fifty comfortable rooms, and has a bar in cfmnection where all the leading brands of wines, liquors, and cigars are served. having their coffee roasted specially for them. Both gentle- men are oIli- • !)cinn ■0 kept 1^ l.irKc iccrii's, pnnis- ccirdty, OKKLI- & MOKKIS, Fiuit Pn-stTvinK and Cnufcctiniiery C,'ars. —The firm of Okull & Morris was first e>tablisliel at the ir.i'lc Mr a number of years, it is ne,-dless lo >ay that they are ihorongb masters oi the art. They not iinly nnder>t;ind tho pr.ictical part of the bu-inc-iv hut arc thoioughly conversant with the anatomy oi the horse'> foot, ih.veiori.* they guaran- tee all their W't»rk. .\> a tinn they have been e>l:ihlislicd iour years and to-day enjoy a good patronage THI-: HANK OF BRITISH COHMBIA. Government St.' is probably one of the best and most favorably known banks on the Pacific Coast, incorporated by Royal Charter in 1S62 with a capital of ^2,920 ooo and having a reserve fund available of j4S6.(XKi. The head olVueof this institution is in Lombard St., London. Kng.. while the local manager here is Mr. George (^lillespic. who possesses a long experience in practical banking. Tliev have branches at Vancouver. New Westminster, Nanai- mo, Kainloops, Ne!s(»n, Sandon an, Liquors, ivtc. — Mucii of tlic Kratiiying increase of Victoria's ti.ide must be atirihuted lu the enterprise ami energy <.it thu^e houses who have hjliy been iiien- tiliej with tile locahty. Amontj such is that 01 the S;iiuiders Grocery Co., Ltd. whicli was founded m i^Wi by Mr. Henry Saunders, and \vho ci>iulucted tile business under his own luiine until July 7th. when the present company was incorporated with Henry Saiiiulers .i» secre- tary, and K. W. Ktddell mana^;inK director. Three tluors of a large building. 40x150 feet, is luili^ed, every convenience being available. The sti ck embraces everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries of all descriptions and variety, teas, cotfees, spices, cannc 1 and bot- iled goods, also the finest brand of liipiors, for the family trade. The facilii cs o( the house are not excelled; all supplies being ob- tained ironi manufacturers ami first hands in all cases, and under the most iav<.purable con- ditions, so that straight goods at right prices are otiercd in every instance. They employ six salesmen, keep three delivery wagons busy and do both a wnolesale and retail business. .;. H. \V.\RXF.R & CO., io(i Vates Street— I'lumbing, Steam and Hot Water Kitting re- (luires a combination of mechanical skill, scien- tific kiiowUdge :ind hou'.'st vv jrkmanship that no; every man can boast of. but all of which arc acknowledged to bt the means by which J. II. Warner & Co. have won their position among the artisans in that line they now hold in \ 'ctoria. They do g-.-neral plumbing, stitam and hot water fitting, also roofing and cornice workj and carry a slock of plumbers' supplies i'alh tubs, sinks, water closets, etc. .-Xt the present time they arc employing ten men. The t'rm has been established for i.? years, anci by living up to th'* Highest standards of their trade, and by general good citizenship have be- eoine firmly established. VICTORI.\ STEAM LAUNDRY, 15,! \'.'.ies -'.trect, A. F. McCrimmon. proprietor — This -s an extensive laundry, employing from 33 to 45 skilled opcmtors. and turning out large ({uantities of work. The premises occupied are thoroughly etiuippcd with the most modern nicchinery, and appliances, washers, ironers, starchers, dry rot.ms. etc. TIte finest lannclry work can here be had. executed in a prompt and superior manner. I'rompt delivery and perfect work are here the rule, and their pat- ronage proves that the money spent to bring about these results is money well spent. Re- cently new improvements have been made in the wav of additional buildings and more machinery, grc.iilv increasing their facilities so that now they are prepared to turn out more and better work than ever before. A. F. McCrimmon. ertahlished the laundry eight years ago, and from the start made it his rule to employ white labor only. J. T ORR, \o. ,S Store St., is an importer and dealer in tinware an< of the best and sheet i 6AeNriEK'.s (iltixKRY STURR. I agateware, and carries in stock ai oods. He is also a manufacturer t. ron ware and does steambrat work. Is made 01 jobbing work and renairing, which ii done in .1 prompt and skilled manner. lie has been established here lor seven ve. ■ . at present giving employment to three workmen .\ B.\RKF:R. Plumb-r, Tinsmith, It6 Xaits Street— .\lr. Darker has been established in this city (or a number o( years at M8,' i Doug- las Street, recently moving to his present quar- ters He is a progressive, up-to-date expert in his lint', which includes plumbing, gas and hot water titling; roofs in tin. galv.inizcd iron, and ccpper, ollice lenders and railings in bra»i or iron; also the manufacture of galvanized iron cornices, ceilings, skylights, window caps, fire- proof shutters, siding, etc. He has done much work in \Kloria, and in the ex-ci.tion of all his contract, invariably employs the most ex- perienced and proficient men. His reliability is unipieslioned, and all work is honestly and satisfactorily completed. UL'':.F;.\"b M.VRKin", Lawrence Goodicre, Wholesale and Retail Hutcher. corner Govern- ment and Johnson Streets— .\inong the best known of those supplying the citizens of Vic- toria wiih fresh meat is the above mentioned firm. Tills business was established in the year rK.sM, hut since then has several times changed lipoids The present proprietor, Mr. Goodacre, t. ok it over some 25 years ago, and has ever since carried it on and commands a large trade, employing 4 carts and 2 wagons, and keeping some 16 people very busy. The trade is princi- pally retail; his slaughter houses being situat- ec; at Springvale farm. Shipping is supplied at lowest r.'itcs. He is also contractor by ap- pointment to the Royal Navy and the Domin- ion Government. Mr. Goodacre is one oi Vic- toria's well known and esteemed citizens. )• l.\ BARNSLKV & CO. Firearms and Am iinition, 115 Government Street — This well known house has been doing business in \ictoria for the past 13 thirteen years: their new and commodious premises are .50x75 (eet are,i. Puy carry the largest, most varied and com- plete stock oi sporting goods of any one in the city comprisini^ guns and rifles of all the best makes, ammunition of all kinds, fishing tackle, pocket cutlery, athletic goods, snowshocs, sleighs, miners' compasses ami magnifying glasses. They also carry supplies and instru- ... ments for photographers and also repair guns and bicycles They are agents as well for the Spaulding, lin- er, tin penal and ftlcBurnic-Bcattie bicycles. They are also agents A specialty for J. & J. Taylor's safes and vault doors. T « Tll« BrITIHH CoUMBU I-BINTISO 4NU BNllBiVIKO COHPOliTlOX, UllITEU, VlCTOBU, n.O.