^c'l 0-jd AN ANIMATED MOLECULE AND ITS NEAREST RELATIVES. An Essay read bepork the American Association or Medical Superintendents of Asylums for the Insane, at Wash- ington, D, C, ON the 10th of ]\rAY, 1878, BY DANIEL CLARK, M. D., Medical Superintendent of the Asylum for TtfE Insane, Toronto, Canada ; President of the Medical Council, and op the Col- "" lege op Physicians and SuRoiiONs op Ontario ; Formerly EXAMINEH in CiIEMISTHY FOR THE COLLEGE. " » « m^^m' » ♦- TOROXTO : June 4th, 18 7^8 , i^ Ellis H. Roberts & Co.. Printers, 00 GESEeEK St., Utica, n. y. ■> » ' --• V '.-.H ' AN ANIMATED MOLECULE AND ITS NEAREST RELATIVES. An Essay read before the American Association of Medical Superintendents op Asylums foe the Insane, at Wash- ington, D. C, ON THE 10th of May, 1878, BY DANIEL CLARK, M. D., Medical Superintendent op the Asylum for the Insane, Toronto, Canada ; President op the Medical Council, and op the Col- lege OP Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ; Formerlt Examiner in Chemistry for the College. TORONTO : June 4th. 1878, Ei.Lis H. Roberts & Co., Printees, 60 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. ipy/ AN ANIMATED MOLECULE AND ITS NEAREST RELATIVES/ -♦••- Inquirers seeking in eai'nest investigation to find tlie basis of life, niav be divided into tliree cLasses. The one class I shall call snhjectioists, or those who study chiefly mental phenomena, and atteun)t to l)uild up a system of philosophy from this source. The second class may ])e designated oljecfivisfs, or those who merely apply their attention to physical manifestations, and endeavor through them to solve all the difficulties which bar the way to a clear understanding of man in his multifarious relations. The third division may l)e styled the eclectics, who do not circumscribe their inves- tigations to either body or mind, but on the one hand endeavor to know from all sources, wlietlier a man be a unity, a duality, or a trinity, and what are the relations of this sphinx, which is continually pro])ounding so many enigmas for our solution ; or on the other hand, are seekino to find out if mind be a resultant or func- tion of bodily forces and standing in the relation of effect to cause. The first class are pure metaphysi-^taYt^^v cians, who adhere strictly to the study of mental modes. Many master minds have belonged to this class, but * Read before the AmiTican Association of Medical Superintendents of Asylums for the Insane, at Washington, D. C, on the 10th of May, 1878. because of tbe circmn.scriljed field of investigation, liave made "confusion worse confounded." These were divided into two threat schools, viz. : The L» i; -idealistic and I'ealistic. The former reasoned away the existence of the whole external world, including our bodies, except what is known 1:)y inferential evidence ; , o -IjVi , and the latter logically proved that mind had no ' existence as far as known. Between tiiese contend- ing scholastics we were asked to believe that both the ego and the iwn-c(jo had a mythical existence. The i- ^ ,} second class are now called materialists by theolocjians on the one hand, and l)y a certain school of j^hysical investigators on the other. I do not say the term is a misnomer, l^ut seeing it is so often lield up as a hideous ogre to frighten the timid, and as those who really are sucli deny " the soft impeacliment " in the sense of hold- ing any views inimical to ethical philoso])hy, I have used these phrases to indicate these classes of thinkers, and which cover the wlioU^. o-round of mental and physical research. The egoist declares that there is an entity called mind, affected by, but not being matter, although in intimate relation to it, and capable of excit- ing it to action in will, emotion or desire. He appeals to our consciousness for proof of our power at will to produce 23hysical effects by exercising volition, and stir- ring to intensity the affections, not as a secondary but primary cause. He holds that these eiforts are initial, and are not primarily sensational. The Ijasis upon which he builds is surely worthy of more consideration than a sneer. In such a simple physical act as that of raising my arm consequent on a volition, I ask the ohjectivist to tell me, i^' the primary impulse be a com- mand of the nerve m 'ecules to do so; and if so, what gave them the hint that this illustration was required 6 at tliis opportune moinent? I wait foi' a i'0])ly, and am told that my will to do so, is only a, function of these molecules, and can not l)e at any time an initiatory im- pulse. In Some mysterious way they got to know that this movement was recjuired at this ])articular time. In other words, it is necessary in every volition to sup- pose a goading })rimary sensation and consequent reflex action from the power develojied. It is held the same is true of memory and the wildest flights of imagina- tion. My will, imaginings, reminiscences and conscious- ness, are said to l)e the resfdt>< of acts of the brain, Avhich determines in an autocratic way their intensity, kind and variety, being amenal)le to no motive power higher than itself and the law l)y which it operates. Mental activity thus becomes a sequence of antecedent brain manifestation. The wild impossitjiiities of Mil- ton — the creations of Shakespeare — the ^vord pictur- ings of Homer, Tasso, Dante, Scott and Longfellow — the wonderful combinations of Mendelssohn, Handel or Mozart, are only fortuitous presentments of a Molecular Grand Jury kno\ving no master ah extra — receiving no promptings but through sensation, and heeding no dictation indejiendent of themselves. . \ The argument adduced by the objectivist seems tovv^iywV^ be, that there is no reason to assume an et/o distinct from the varied functions of nerve molecules. The manifestations of the brain, of the spinal cord, and of the sympathetic system, can all be exjdained on physical grounds, he says ; therefore, there is no need for laying down a spiritual hypothesis to account for that which natural laws explain. It will be my endeavor to prove the existence of a p>iy(^ilcal power resident in nerve tissue — not in the relation of organ and function — but in that of organ and exciting agency, by parallel reasoning based on the phenomena of nat- iiral law. The })liysical system can l)e I'aised oii a liii^li 2)ede8tal of woiidei't'iil conijilicity and p()^vel^ and at the same time mental modes need not necessarily he con- sidered as a resultant of its activity, in oi'der tu uni'avel all -ts mysteries. There is a power or suljstance con- tinually acting u[)on matte]', ironi its lowest to its high- est forms, which is the cunning workman that Ijuilds up the ultimate elements of organic matter, whose jn'esence in the human body is evident l)y phenomena the most complicated and marvelous in the animal kingdom. This is called electricity in its simplest form. I will call it vitaliwi in the second series of its operations, and jh^f/clt ism m its highest manifestation in the more - - y. com])licated groups of the animal creatic^n, including lih'li(i(^ man. These ■ three substances are possildy develoj^- jft.l^^yy'' ments of one active fluid — the latter including those in ' ■« the lower forms, just as the brain of man is built up by this force in a more elaborate way than is done in the simple ganglia of the lower creations. The cunning of this workman is known by his handiwork. I will en- deavor to show that the molecule, about whose ci'eation so many scientific battles are Ijeing fought, does not create mental modes, but is only the medium of their manifestations, and that a common ground of agreement can be found in calling the psychic force — the ego — the highest development of that entity called magnetism. It is a substance more subtle than the ether which pervades all nature, and we have no reason to believe that grosser matter could possess sensible properties \vithout its cohesive power. With the permission of the Association I will con- dense a few general remarks on electricity, before considering its relation to the nervous system of man. The latter connection is very important to every student of insanity. It will be my endeavor to rigidly apply the s.ame principles of reasoning adopted by the pure scientists, and draw no conclusions they would not readily admit as legitimate from the premises adduced. I wish to show brieiiy : Iflrst. That it is not in accordance with j^hysiolog- ical .and pathological facts to call mental ])hen()mena functions of the brain. Second. That no evidence adeen made to argu- ments and deductions beyond accepted phenomena, and only by legitimate conclusions drawn from evidence furnished by the senses. We see the intimate relation existin": l)etween the ego and non-ego in the influence the one exerts on the other. Dyspei:)sia will give the patient that mental despondency which vulganly goes by the name of the "blues." It is also true that strong emotion, or any mental shock, unexpectedly excited, at once affects the stomach, in disturbing its digestive powers, and in sud- denly quenching all sense of hunger. Local causes will produce constipation, or flux of tlie bowels, or, it may be, retention of urine in the bladder, without the invasion of disease, but mental excitement or anx- iety of any kind will produce the same results. Violent exercise will increase the heart's action ; so also will sudden fright. Friction of the genital organs will ex- cite them; the same results will be produced by pruri- ent desires, either aroused when awak(i or asleep; on the other hand sexual excitation will be quenclied })y sudden fear. There is not an organ of the l)ody but can l)e aftected thi-ough mental influence. We shall see . if this mentality can consistently be called a function of tlie organs it is assumed to have the power to rouse to action, or in other words wliether an effect can per- foj-m the impossibility of l)eing its own atuse. These 9 dual ])lienoraena have never received a satisfactory solution by looking at them only in one of tlieir aspects and at the same time ignoring tlie other. Like tlie valiant knights of old, eacli school is prepared to iiglit for the truthfulness of the inspection of the face of the shield next to themselves, ignoring any other asj^ect. The wonderful force I am about to consider, explains this double influence. The myriad tele2:ra])hic offices in the ])ody are in constant communication with tlie great central depositories of nerve force, called the cerel)ro spinal system. There is not a part of the phys- ical system, however apparently automatic or organic, but is in some intimate relation to this cardinal motor power, and which necessarily responds to its influence. However multifarious the functions may be, each ac- cording: to its kind, yet they are all within call of these centers. They are the })riniary conservatories of vital power and energy. Like armies in action, while figliting a stern Ijattle against dissolution, they are within sup- porting distance of one another. The most remote organs from these centers are within reach of their influence. In the same way are those which l^elong to what Mr. Paget calls the " rhythmic nerve centers," /. (?., the organs of respiration, the heart, and the alimentary canal. A certain kind of electricity is essential to the existence of physical life. Its absence means death, and on the other liand it increases in intensity, or di- minislies in force, according to the degree of mental or bodily health. Now, l>y a parity of reasoning, if this power be neither a ])rimary nor secondary (piality of matter, /. 6^., not essential nor accidental, in any medium in \vhich its energy may be manifested, it is not so monstrous to infei", by analogy, tliat mind is a unity of a subtle nature, like majTjnetism, luit of a lili'her order of influence; it is directed and circumscribed in the 10 same way, by the body in wliicli it resides, but at tbe same time equally capable of producing cliauges of a material and vital nature, in the different substances which it permeates with its influence, without being a secretion, quality, or condition of any of them. It is not my intention to inquire v hether the higher power is an evolution from the lower, or whether each has a distinct creation, origin or existence. Suffice to show that this entity in the series of its manifestations does not depend on gross matter for its being, but on the contrary, the form and continuity of such matter are results of its operations. There is a vast difference between the utmost bound- ary of the field of scientific investigation, and nature's laboratory, in building up structures of multiform com- plexity, out of the monads or molecules of matter. It is not in opposition to the severest rules of the induct- ive philosophy of a positivist to i^se imagination where observation can not go, and by analogy judge tiit'^' the unknowable from the knowable. We infer that a t/^.ct,t{c^i quantity of water has interstices between its particles, ^ "^ because we can compress it somewhat, and also dissolve a soluble body in it without increasing its bulk ; but no human eyes ever saw these openings between the molecules of water. Cold is a}){)lie(l to water, and as a result it contracts, until it reaches the temperature of thirty-nine degrees Fahrenheit; \vlien in violation of any well known law, by some unaccountable freak the liquid expands, and in its ex])ansion bec(jmes solid ice. This is a process in its elements most strange, but be- yond our ken. This ice nmA' be melted, and it may be minutely examined through the microscope, but no change can be seen in its pliysical ap])earance. Send a ^/r-j current of electricity througlijt^and great changes take place in its condition ; the particles of water are made 11 polar in a, (liamao;netic manner; tlie water is chan2:ed as a medium to transmit light, for a ray in its passage through 'it is twisted in a definite way, under this influ- ence, not seen in water not under magnetic power. We can legitimately imagine that the molecules have l)een marshalled by this new force into other positions, but the liorc and 'wliy are matters for speculation, yet, in this phe- nomenon is a strong inferential proof of the change mag- netism makes in the position of the ultimate elements of water. This mov^ement or change is even more striking in solid bodies. Boyle, in his tract on "The Languid Motion of Bodies," shows that even compact bodies, sucli as turquoise and agate stones change in their molecules, and that spots in them shift their relative positions continually. The platlna of antiquarians found on ancient coins is only the copper of the alloy having found its way to the surface during centuries of molecidar action. The other metals of the comliination were not as active as the copper in the magnetic race. The term inertia is a misnomer, for it is not a condition of matter any where in universal nature. This elec- trical state of motion and adliesion, can be observed in a simple way, by the tenacity of surfaces in contact, whether solid or liquid, and in the electricity evolved on their separation. This is best seen if glass be laid on the surface of mercury, or melted sul])hur lu'ought in contact with glass. The same is seen in capiUary attraction, which experiments have shown to he from electrical results. These are evident in tlie minute arteries, which are filled with arterial l)lood, surcharged with oxygen, and that seeks with avidity the intersti- tial sul)SL ices, satisfying the wants of the system, and throuirh tlie veins carries the effete matter to the outlets of the body, but were it not for this sul)tle agent there would be stagnation and death. The same attraction . ;■ - . 12 tind I'epulsion is seen in the pulmonary and ]:>ortal cir- culation. The molecular su;)ply ot* blood to nerve-tis- sue, is doubtless a counterpart of this work, going forward elsewhere, on a larger scale. The objectivist says these processes are as mechanical or chemical as is the formation of a crystal or capillary attraction in i lump of sugar, a sponge, or a glass tube. It may be the same power l)ut of a far higher order — shall I say a Darivi)iian develo})ment of it ? The wonderful ^.aw of selection- is not considered. This power uses a few primary elements to build up new sul)stances, of the most complicated and div^erse kind. We may sow in a box of uniform earth, the seeds of different piiints; they are watered by the same fluid ; heated by the same sun, to the same degree ; grow in every way under the same external influence, but each will produce its kind. Selecting from these simple foods what each re- quires, and grouping with a master hand, the most harmless elements into rank poison, innocuous floral beauty, or luscious fruit, in keeping with the powers of each. The food we eat may be of the most heteroge- neous kind, yet, nature's lal^oratory, by a more compli- cated, but similar law of selection, forms out of these the secretions, and the myriad variations of substances in our bodies. True, the law-that operates to form the chemical models in nature, fc in force in these more complicated bodies, but al)ove and beyond the simpler types of force, is an energy more intricate in its handi- work than can 1)e produced in the world of chemistry, and whose patent right to manufacture, no })ower in the loAver stratum of force can even approach in l)eauty and c<>inj)lexity. Alcohol can be made out of starch, Imt no cunning of chemistry can do what is undone and make starch out of spirits. We can reduce to their ultimate elements all organic bodies, and the varieties 13 are so few that we can count tlieni on our finsjers, hut witli tlie same elements at our command we can not re- construct the simplest cell by chemical art. My dinner may be composed of roast beef, plum ])udding and pumpkin pie. This meal builds up the millions of vari- ous substances in my body before I go to bed. I defy the ultra scientist to draw a successful parallel between this and any law of crystallization. We are asked to believe, in the face of facts such as these, that v ater, a •crystal, a grain of corn, an egg, and animal bodies are all built up by exactly the same agency, in its lowest powei', and that the vegetable and animal worlds are only multiples of the grosser forms of matter, thus making " vdtal force " a myth of the despised metaphy- sicians. A crystal can not j^roduce its like as a cell does. It can not repair injury to it as life does the waste of tissue. Friction will reduce the size of the one, but the living form thickens by its application to the other. Vitality will rush to the rescue when a cut is made. It will join the ends of a broken bone and surround the breach with additional safecfuards. Chem- istry can show no equal to the law of diffusion. We can not imitate respiration in the laboratory by ex- changing oxygen and carbonic acid through the same septa at the same time. We might enumerate in an endless catalogue, and put in antithesis the great differ- ence that exists between chemical and vital processes. The school of objectivists classify the beginnings, varieties and movements of aH forms of organized life into a group of "affinities." According to the class of thinkers these may be called chemical, electii^e, orgauic or iulierent, and if these terms are not satisfactory to the opposite class of inquirers, refuge is taken in tlie defliuti(m that "molecular life is a co-ordinating j)ower." I contend that all these terms refer to one and the same u substance — Ccall it electricity, magnetism, odic force, or what you will, and is not a necessary quality of matter ; but, on the contrary, all phenomena of matter go ta show that on its cohesive power tiie existence of matter depends. It must necessarily antedate organized sub- stances, unless a miracle takes place, and a molecule can originate it>^^elf. It is hard to say, however, what won- ders of this kind may transpire when a great philosopher like Mill can say that it may be possible for two and two to become five, and that a part may be greater than the whole in some other condition of mind. That " condition " should only be found in the ward of an asylum. Plerbert Spencer is forced reluctantly to ad- mit (Biology, Am. Ed., page 167): "It may be argued that, on the hy})othesis of evolution, life necessarily comes before organization. On this hypothesis, organic matter in a state of homos-eneous a2:o:re2:ation must precede organic matter in a state of heterogeneous aggregation. But since the passing from a structureless state to a structured state is itself a vital process, it fol- lows that vital activity must have existed while there was yet no structure ; structure could not else arise." Lionel Beale says, grudgingly, (Bioplasm, page 209, Ed. 1872): "Tue vital power of the highest bioplasm in nature is the living Z" Darw*in calls this power "innate" in defining life. This may mean much or nothing. He vaguely applies it to that something/ in organized nature ; tliat invisible builder known only in his works; that which the microscope has not brought to view; that which the scalpel has never laid bare; that of which the chemical tests Jiave not found out its^ affinities, and the spectrnm analifsis has not disj)layed its color to the eye. Man may be said to consist of a collection of living cells, or organic monads. These have a dynamic union in which resides a power whose 15 crowning phenomenon we call consciousness. All the phases of mind knowins^ are in the latter, and one ])hys- ical cell is the equivalent, prototype or representative integer of a multitude that constitute the body in its coni])leteness. These distinct individual cells may have varied functions, hut the vital energy controls them, prevents antagonisuis, and procures concord of action to accomi)lisli unity of purpose. We see organisms of the lowest order multiply. their kind l)y a division of themselves. This inherent power causes these separate parts to have a family resem- blance. Each of these has a power to move, to feed, to grow, to multiply and to have a harmony of action in all their parts. No such complicity of power can be seen in chemical action and affinitv. Then, look at the laws of heredity — the transmission of i)eculiarities of disposition, of idiosyncrasy, of resemblances, of ten- dencies to particular diseases, of constitutional and physical appearance to both j)arents in one case, in a second to only one, in a third to neither ; of stupidity producing intelligence, and genius begetting medioc- rity; of so much in conunon between parents and children, yet so much diversity in the nearest ap- proach to likeness, even among the members of the same family. In the descending series of existences this diversity decreases until we come to the sameness of crystallization. The building power is more cir- cumscribed in its capacity, although more general in its application, the lower it goes in the scale of existence. Look at the strange tendency toxical agents have to assail distinct portions of nerv^e tissue, as if each sec- tion had a different molecular arrangement. Strychnia, aconite, opium, alcohol, prussic acid, belladonna, select their locations with unerring aim whenever they come in contact with a nervous organization. There is no 16 reason to believe this law of selection lies in the poisons alone. The iiltiniate elements ot* nerve tissue may differ in each section. In lower nature we have the laws of cohesion and attraction, evidencing the one force called electricity. This power exists in the wide domain of matter animate and inanimate. The primary elements of all bodies are kept together by its cohesive jiower. It is indispensalde to existence and compactness of out- line., A remarkal)le form of this force is seen in ani- mal magnetism. This pervades all our nerve centers^ ^ ^ and their prolongations. It permeates tlie primitive \\\^''rt/l>>J> fasciculi of muscle and binds them together. This ani- ^^''^^^'nial magnetism will produce the same phenomena as frictional and atmospheric electricity. It affects the needle of the galvanometer, decomposes iodide of potassium, produces light and heat, and gives severe shocks such as are felt in the electric disciiarges of the torpedo or eel The law of the correlation of foi^ces is thus made manifest by this agent. Light is eliminated from the black hair of a nervous person, with a vulcan- ized rubber coml), or by friction from the fur of a cat, in a marked degree, and heat is generated at the same J time. It is present in muscle and nerve only during <^ - mClPv;, life^ and as long as the natural Avarmth remains, but is completely absent in rir/o/' mortis ; yet if warm blood be injected into the limbs of an animal after rigor has set in tor a few hours, relaxation will return and with it ani- mal magnetism; even contraction will be induced for a short time. If artificial or extraneous magnetism should be used to excite nerve or muscle while it occupies this medium, there is no evidence of the presence of natural inherent electricity; it seems the two can not coexist in the same body at the same time. It is easy of dem- onstration that the fasciculi of nerve and muscle have in each, two antagonistic states of electricity. In the ■ '< :^ 'r ■ , IHBII) \'imm'' ,> •^•■ iilBI] '.iBi;' .-'S H m 1 HH Q WIUBVP' '!V>i ;,*;:•■, III M. Dubois-Rayniond puts the ulti- miite nerve and muscular fil)res in the above bead-like shape. The poles would be, in tlie natural relation in a liegative magnetic state, and the equator in a positive ptate. He holds that each molecule lias in it these two potentialities, instead of dividing these opposing influences into dis- tinct fibres. Each view is practically the same, and explains satisfactorily all the phenomena of animal mag- netism. This is a magnetie pile made by the juxtaposition of four frogs' thighs. This battery will distinctly affect the galvanometer, decompose iodide of potassium, and display a high degree of tension when permeated by natural electricity. (From the experlmentB of Matteucci of Pisa, and DuboiB-Rayniond.) According to Radcliffe we may sup- pose the above a nerve or muscular fibre. The whit(! is negative and the dark positive magnetism. In spasm, convulsions, &c., this natural condi- tion may be reversed, in whole or in sections, and as in electricity attrac- tion or repulsion would be the result, according to the law which operates when plus or minun conditions come in contact. By pinching or irritating any way the nerve of the rheoscopic limb (I'l) "induced contractions" will fake place in "6." The influence crosses the isthmus made of cotton-wick be- tween the two limbs, in the same way as electricity would traverse it. (Vide M. Beuquercl " Ann. de Chlni.") 17 natural condition the surface of eajch^is in a positiv^e Ai-t^t^^^ state, and the core of each is in a negative relation; in "^ tl^^*^ other words, tlie loncjitudinal and transverse surfaces are, as a rule, relatively in the antagonistic conditions. Strange to say by irritation, heat, or the occurrence of death, a complete reversal of these magnetic relations takes place, not only so, but sections of nerve or muscle may change in this way, other sections remaining in the natural relation. Statical electiicitv in a state of rest is the primary condition of this power in these tissues, and in action magnetism usurps the place of this potent fluid, or rather it is a higher manifestation of the same energy. All physical action is accompanied by elec- trical discharge. In the experiments of Matteucci, Du- Bois-Raymond and others, this is clearly demonstrated directly and by analogy. The nerves of the electric system of a torpedo eel spring from the anterior track of the spinal cord, and at the periphery of each are the same complicated plexuses analogous to those in our bodies springing from a similar source. If the nerves of each are divided in any part of their course, both are equally affected by paralysis, and if shocked by elec- tricity both show activity in an analogous manner. They are similarly affected by the application of toxic irritants, especially by strychnia, which induces in both convulsions and the elimination of electricity. Both become exhausted by action and return to their normal tonicity by rest. In a word, what can be predicated of the one, can be affirmed of the other, in all respects. If the nerves of the rheoscopic limbs of two frogs are only connected by water, or by candle-wick saturated with water, and the nerve of one is pinched, or any irritant applied, the magnetic fluid will traverse this foreign isthmus and cause contraction of the distal limb, showing conclusively that when electricity is I < 1 1 ti M 18 given off', the iniisele or nerve is in action, iny pathologists that the ap})rop function is still j)reserved, through hroken down ti This fluid is ])ut in motion by friction and irritatio the one hand, or by volition, emotion, afJ'ection or dc on the other. The nerves are excited by these curr when the repulsion of the ultimate elements from ■ natural state of rest are temporarily reversed ; in cl ological ordei' the same results follow in muscular i This brings sections or molecules into appositio their natural polarity ; j^^'^^^ forces or negative state respective contact, will result in contraction of the ] affected. This condition explains the sudden invj and departure of pathological causes, accompanie( spasms, fits, convulsions ; also, the rhythmic movju of so-called automatic life. In this act of shorte; electrical action produces heat, and with it, ultima exhaustion, analogous to that seen in the torpedo, chemical union or decomposition, the same effect always seen, and living tissues are not an excepti( this general law. These changes of conditions positive to negative, and vice versa, are sudden in effects, and may be transitory. Exciting causes continue then for a short time, until feeble action pels at least intermittent secession of this conditio order to give time to accumulate fresh force, as i case in a battery. We can not grip continuously, suffer when ^ve keep our body in one position 1 I iiii £i' 19 lenc^tli of time. The periodicul emphasis of the lungs, the lieart, the bowels, the uterus, and it may l)e also of such l)usy laboratories as the livei-, tlie kidneys and the stomacli, show tlie necessity of these periods of rest, not to speak of intermittent sleep to the weary brain. We can not think without p(;riods of rest of longer or shorter duration. All careful experiments go to show that any of these movements must be accompanied by a corresi)on(Mn2r interchanoce between the external and internal magnetic relations of muscular and nervous fi])res, giving out heat and throwing off decomposed matter during this activity. This partial reversal of sections of nerves and mus- cles in their electrical relations is doubtless a normal condition. Huxley in his "Lay Sermons" seems to show this when explaining the circulation in a nettle sting. lie says: The whole liair consists of a very delicate outer case of wood, closely applied to the inner surface of which is a layer of semi-fluid matter, full of iiiniimerable granules of extreme minuteness. This semi-fluid, lining is protoplasm, wliich thus constitutes a kind of bag, full of limpid liquid. When viewed with a sufiiciently high mag- nifying power, the protoplasmic layer of the nettle hair is seen to be in a condition of unceasing activity. Local contractions of the whole thickness of its substance pass slowly and gradually, from point to point, and give rise to the appearance of progressive waA'es. But in addition to these movements, and independently of them the granules are driven in relatively rapid streams through channels in the protoplasm which seem to have a considerable amount of persistence. Most commonly the cur- rents in adjacent parts of the protoplasm take similar di- rections, and. thus there is a general stream up one side of the hair and down the other. But this does not prevent the exist- ence of partial currents which take difierent routes and sometimes trains of granules may be seen coursing swiftly in opposite direc- tions within a twenty thousandth of an inch of one another; which, occasionally, opposite streams come into collision and, after a longer or shorter struggle, one predominates. The cause of these currents 20 seems to lie in contractions of the protoplasm which bounds the channels in which they flow, but which are so minute that the best microscopes show only their effects and not themselves. In plant or animal, heat and electric shocks cause contractility in the same way and under similar con- ditions. This primal form is subject to laws of vital- ity and growth such as is seen in more complicated physical existences. It has in it these potentialities, and the experiments of eminent scientists go to show that electrical shock causes contraction of many of the first^organized forms of life, and it is fair to infer it in all, were our knowledge extended. In a paper recently read before the Royal Society it was clearly shown that such })lants as those of the Dionoea genus especially the Venus Hy-trap not only secrete a juice as solvent as the gastric fluid and capable of performing the same work, but in the contraction of the lobes of this pitcher plant upon its food it gives out an appreciable current of electricity at every closure analogous to that obtained from the nerves and muscles of animals. This also explains the flow of fluids against the laws of gravitation and which are vaguely stated to flow on account of the chemical reaction between the external moisture and the internal juices of the ])lants, excited in some way by atmospheric disturbance. This re- sponse to stinudation is analogous to that seen in the / animal economy : even the change of direction of this . fluid modifies and varies its action. If a current of electricity be passed from the neigh- borhood of the nerve centres towards their ramifica- tions, the I'esult is violent contracti-jn of muscle. A current sent from the peripheral loops in a con- trary direction will cause great pain, but only slight contraction. The power and medium are the same in ]>oth cases, l)ut there is uo doubt that the polar conditions 21 of the molecules of the nerves are changed by the dif- ference in the direction of the force, if not, the effects would he the same in both directions, as on a tele- graphic wire, when a message is sent from either tei'min- ation. This difference of effect based upon change of direction is seen in the nervous excitations of sensation and volition. To understand what follows, it is therefore necessary to remember that (^ci) what is called "voltaic alterna- tives," is a remarka1)le phenomenon, which is exjierienced when a direct and an inverse current is alternately sent through a section of nerve, it loses and gains its natu- ral electricity, synclironous with the intermissions, and in the same degree as the loss and recovery of it, with irritability. (/*) The influence sent through a nerve causes the muscle in which it ramifies, to contract when the galvanic circuit is closed, and not when it is opened. {(•) A continuous action of magnetism will at last produce paralysis of the part affected — or in other words its ii'ritability is lost, and in this depriva- tion it can no longer receive nor transmit impressions. Did time permit, it could be shown that in these changes we see phenomena that make it possible to ar- rive at rational conclusions in respect to the sudden invasion of such attacks as those of pai'alysis, epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, hysteria, and allied nervous disorders. To illustrate the nerve influence by what we know in electricity, take two wires and place them parallel to one another, without touching ; send a current through one, and a flash of electricity will instantaneously pass through the other, syncjironous with that in connection with the battery. This wave passes away and is not repeated except the connection is l)roken, when the same results are ol)tained. These intermittent impulses, on connection and breach of continuity, can be repeated 0-> indefinitely. In the connection the two currents go in the same direction, but break it and the secondary cur- rent returns in a contrary direction. In this way the two currents '"an be made to pass forward and back- ward, with regularity of a weaver's shuttle. It is worthy of note that the return current, induced by the break of connection, is much stronger in this parallel Avire, on the *' home stretch," than is that running in the same direction as the fluid in the connecting wire. If a number of insulated wires are coiled S2)irally round the primary wire, instead of running parallel to it, not only will these intermittent currents be produced, but also an extra or third current is produced in all the wires, no doubt induced by the magnetic influence of one upon the other. These facts will be of importance when we come to consider nerve influence, especially when we find that the larger the wire, the greater the number of spirals, the more powerful is the magnetic influence. The larger the healthy nerve is, the more capable it is to transmit magnetic power, in proi)orti(ni to its size. Apparent exce])tions do not violate this law. The point of a ])in makes a limited impression on the end of my finger, yet, small thougli the injury may be, the nerve disturbance is consideral)le. There is no reason to believe that the irritation is confined to the fibre of nerve injured ; nor that the influence travels to the nearest ramifications, and ft'om them sends mes- saijes of alarm to the neiij^hborinii* surface, as well as to the seat of sensation. According to the laws above mentioned, synchronous impulses can be sent through adjacent nerves, by induced electric currents, and at the cessation of excitation a powerful return current i» set up, which ])roduces the contraction of muscles, even before the will has power to act. I need scarcely add that a large number, if not all, of jihysicid automatic 23 action can be explained in the same way. It is the same in disease. A circumscril)ed injury will j reduce tetanus, or ])aralysis — effects out of all ])roport;ion to the local lesion. A few writhinsx worms in the bowels of a child, or a tooth keeping in constant tension a small portion of gum, will produce convulsions. A sudden emotion when we are awake, or ilnQ 'pltantasmata of a horrid dream, uill produce startling physical effects, although the cause be subjective. The centric excitant is equally strong to the objective when it dominates. The infeience, therefore, is strong that this substance gives impulses in and through itself, by filling the body it occupies, in all its interstices, and vibrating from the point of perturbation through ononadic con- ' tact. This is seen in the telephone. The voice — or in other words the undulatins: air — is not sent throu2:h the wire, but the vibration takes place in the medium, through its nioleculai' structure, possi})ly in an infini- tesimal degree, without any onward movement of the substance throwu into action. The reproduction of the nicest modulations of the human voice at the distal end of the telephone, is only a repetition of the motion continued, as is seen in the wave movements of a rojje. The sound can ))e ti-ansmitted through a septum of boiler iron, or marble, as easily as through a thin mem- brane. This result can be ])roduced without magnets, in the same way, witli a thread as a means of conununi- cation. In fact, this jjower responds to the same tests, as if it were a subtle form of matter. It may l)e proper here to say that this manifestation of force is known in an exceptional manner to that of light and heat, showing that it does not, in every ])articular, cori'clate with these two forces, and must difi'er from them in some material Avay. Take a wire of uuecjuyl size, and [)hice it be- tween the two poles of a l)attery. AVhere this con- 24 ductor is smaller, there it heats more rapidly. In other words it condenses, and becomes more intense where the way is narrowed, as a stream becomes more impet- uous where it is pent up by banks or rocks. Another illustration will show this: take a nodulated glass tube, in which the air is rarified, pass through it an electi'ic current, which may l)e seen as a luminous spray. Where the tube is narrowed, the lio-ht condenses and becomes more V)right ; in other words becomes swifter in its flow the more it is confined. Here is a well known law of fluids in operation, and not mere force. Tlie same experiments may be made with sound, light or heat, and it will be found that they do not condense and flow onward with increased intensity, but that they are refracted or reflected into or from the medium. Herein, even in this pi'imary form, lies a radical diflfer- ence in tne phenomena of these forces, and leads me se- riously to question their entire correlation. I have not the least doul)t that in the wonderful phenomena of of Edison's phonograpli, in \vhich a vibrating tym- panum, a steel point, and a revolving cylinder covered with tin foil, can act as do the two complicated organs, the ear and the vocal parts, it will be found that the minute impressions depend on the molecular condi- tion of the surface. Were it not so the ten thousandth part of a variety in the receiving of speech and giving it out, must change its character entirely. Thus far I have briefly indicated salient points in the phenomena of magnetism^ and the analogous, but more varied force, which I have designated vitalism. The latter always includes the former, as a substantial energy. We can see that in pstt/chisfii the two former are necessary to the latter, and that the trinity is indispensable to men- tal existence — shall I say — being mental life itself. Thus far I have stated a few general principles. It is not too much for the egoist to ask that an analogy ^o be (lra\vTi between the laws that govern matter, aud those that he asserts control mind. In fact, he is dared to do this, and is promised, as a result of his research, utter discomfiture. He at once proceeds to do so by drawing parallels. For example, the pen-knife in his pocket has no magnetic power, but let him rub it along the pole of a magnet and the peculiar property of attraction in the magnet is communicated to the steel blade at once, without reducing this mysterious power of the mao;net. Let the friction be reversed and this virtue is lost again. This inter-change can be carried on indefinitely. Here is a wonderful property induced and lost by gentle friction in a hard metal. How would it do to say that this manifestation of magnetic iron is a function 'i I take a piece of cold steel and a lamina of equally cold flint, and go out on a Canadian winter night, with the thermometer ranging from 30° to 40° below zero. I strike them together ; heat and light are evolved from most unlikely substances under ex- ternal conditions unfavorable to both. Would a phi- losopher call these evolved phenomena functions of matter ? A savage on a lone island has lost his fire, and at once the friction of two pieces of wood eliminates heat and kindles into activity that power called fire. Why not call this element a secretion of any substance in which it resides, from which it can be abstracted, aud which is the resultant of inherent forces as potent and active as in any organ of the body? Experiment shows that the active motion of all such bodies, whether by friction, l)y chemical union, or by vital processes, only make manifest these powders, but we would fly in the face of scientific investigation Avere we to say that all such forces which correlate were productions of these media. The molecules of tlie nervous tissues are put in simihir activity by the irritation of contact, friction or 26 excitation ; the result is lieat, light, electricity. These are imponderable forces, of which we know nothing beyond their evidence of potential energy. A sndden emotion, a desire, a volition will produce evidence of these convertible forces in the animal system. As in the knowl- edge of material j^henomena, or in tlie study of electrical force, it is not unscientific to assert that we have in self- imposed conceptions the evidence of " an invisible, supersensuous " something — a dynamical agent — a ma- terial force, it may be, which, at will, can, independent of sensation or automatic life, cause the excitation of ner- vous or muscular molecules, as efficiently and truly as is done by ah extra agency. The knowledge of force is as strong in the one example as in the other, and both are equally knowable by phenomena, and these only. Electricity excites molecular action, and through its action on matter we are cognizant of its existence. The so-called vital force is denied to these bodies, even in the lowest form, yet the same laws of chemical ind electrical affinity are brought to play to build up a crystal, a grain of wheat, a muscle or a nerve fiber; but l>ehind these, and producing each according to its kind, is a power that baffles the wisest objectivist, in spite of his acutest analytical investigation. This force is thus assumed by its phenomena. We may not see the worker, but on all sides is indubitable evidence of his craft. A mad man would not say that the means adapted to ends seen in universal nature were a jumble of fortuitous sequents raid cojiseqiients. Tyndall says ("Use and Limit of the Imagination in Science ") : The philosophy of the future will assuredly take more account than that of the past of the relation of thought antl feeling to phys- ical i)rocesses ; ami it may be that the qualities of the mind will be studied through the organism, as we now study the character of a force through the affections of ordhmry matter. We believe tliat every thought ami every feeling has its definite meclianical correlation — that it is accompanied by a certain separation and re-marshalling of the atoms of the brain. This latter process is purely physical ; and were the faculties we now possess sufficiently strengthened, without the creation of any new faculty, it would, doubtless, be within the range of our augmented powers, to infer from the molecular state of the brain the cliaracter of the thought acting on it, and conversely to infer from the thought the exact molecular condition of the brain. Herbert Spencer says that " with our present knowl- edge we are in this predicament. We can think of matter only in terms of mind. We can think of mind only in terms of matter. When we have pushed our explorations of the first to the uttermost limits, we are referred to tlie second for a final answer ; and when we have got a final answer of the second, we are referred back to the first for an interpretation of it" (Principles of Psychology, p. 272). Huxley says: For, after all, what do we know of this terrible " matter," except as a name for the unknown and hypothetical cause of states of our own consciousness? And what do we know of that " spirit," over whose threatened extinction by matter a great lamentation is arising, like that which was hoard at the death of Pan, except that it is also a name for an unknown and hypothetical cause or condi- tion of states of consciousness ? In other words, matter and spirit are but names for the imaginary substrata of groups of natural phenomena. (I^-ay Sermons). This definition is doubtless correct, and " a state of consciousness " wliicli exists, and vvdiicli tells me that there is within me a power, at command now or in the future, and that through this residuary mni'dhliKj my arm is raised, my head nods, my eye winks, or my imagination takes flights, at any time this something dictates, is entitled to ask for consideration as an entity as much as, for example, pain, which is only a state of 28 consciousnes.'s, and can not be weighed, measured, seen or heard. In fact, tlie operations of the laws of chem- ical affinity or of gravitation can not reach this height of complex power. A subtle influence pervades our bodies. It follows the nerve tracts from i)reference, but is everywhere present in the physical domain, exercising its power. It prevents the comi)lete localization of each mental phenomena because of its ulnrpiity, yet may control the entire system from one central nerve capitol. It is not probable that the idea of the old philosopher in locating the soul in the pineal gland, or the doctrine of Bichat, in putting our feelings, affections, and desires in the sympathetic system of the bowels, is any more than the vagaries of visionary theorists, but it is evident that the organs at the base of the brain are the most wonderfid of all bi'ain locations, and that nerve influences emanate from the optic thalamus, the pons varoli, the medulla oblongata and the corpus stri- atum, that can be found nowhere else in the domain of nerve power. As you are aware, large portions of the cerebrum and the cereljellum may be taken away from the living body without immediate danger of death, but the organs in the base of the brain, from which spring the numerous nerves so essential to life, can not be touched in vivisection or by disease with impunity. From this central region nerve influence radiates to every part of the body, making its connections with the depositories of nerve power in the spinal cord, and "^vith the ganglia of the sympathetic system. The proofs upon which are founded the arguments in favor of different localizations are far from convinc- ing, even were eminent pathologists unanimous in their conclusions. The results of disease in the physical manifestations of what Fritsch and Ilitzig call the " psycho-motor centers " present so many exceptions to 20 the generalizations of localizers that a verdict of " not proven" must at present be recorded against tlicni. Take a few examples : First. Haemorrhage in the hrain. Brown-Sequard justly observes {vide Lancet, July 29, 1876), that: Convulsions may appear as well on the side of the lesion in the brain as on the other side, and that if they are more frequent on this last side when the cause is a tumor or an intlamniation, they on the contrary, are more often witnessed on the side of a luemorrhage in certain parts, and perhaps in more parts of the brain." Out of two hundred and twenty-two cases of hpem- orrhage collected by Gintrac (putting aside the cerebral ganglia, the ventricles, and the central parts) there were forty-seven cases of convulsions either on one side, or on the two sides of the l)ody. Of these forty seven cases, there were eleven in forty-five cases of haemorrhage in the convolutions; two only in seven- teen cases in which blood was effused in the anterior lobes; twenty-five in one hundred and twenty-seven, in which it was in the middle lobes, and nine in thirty- three cases in which it was in the posterior lobes. The same general distribution of eflftcient causes in the brain, producing similar effects, have been collated by thousands, all going to show that a local disease of the brain may (if at all manifest) produce certain effects, as is seen in the connection of aphasia with lesions of certain lobes, but when we find a large numl)er of cases in which the same part is diseased, and no such re- sults follow, and also that other parts of the brain becom- ing diseased do produce the same results, we are foi'ced to the conclusion that some perv^ading influence must be at work upon nerve cells at a distance from the seat of the disease, and that it overleaps physical lesions and abnormal conditions in its oj^erations. An insane person dies, and we find a large portion of his brain, or 30 it may be a section of tlie spinal cord, of the consist- ency of cream. Tlie nerve substance lias become homo- ^i^eneoiis ])y gradual disintegration, yet, there may be no local or distal effect, conunensurate with the breaking down of nerv^e tissue, and the evident destruction of nerve cells nor need there always be striking mental mani- festations, consequent thereon. Brown-Sequard says: (vide Za?irf-^, September 16, 1870) "that considerable alterations, and even complete destruction of parts, can exist without the appearance, or at leas, any marked degree of paralysis, whether the lesion exists in motor parts, or in the other parts, or in Ijotli simultaneously." On the other hand, a haemorrhage, the size of a pea, in the pons Varolii, has been known to produce paralysis and death. The experiments of Hitzig, Ferrier, Car- ville. Durst and Nothnagel, lead us to V^elieve that there is a center for perception, soniewh'^-"^ in the cortical substance of the brain. This is diviueu in true j^hreno- logical style into other circumscribed spaces, of distinct mental power. At the same time they tell us that the occi])ital lobe can be destroyed without producing any effect on the sensibility ; that the convolutions of this lobe, as well as those of the frontal, the insula, those of the internal faces of the hemispheres, and those of the suborbital, do not respond to electrical excitation; and that for the most part lesions of these have little or no results. They think that ablations of the frontal lobes appear to lessen the activity of the intelligence, and that of the occipital extremity of each hemisj)liere seems to abolish the apj^etite. Orchansky, a celebrated pathologist of St. Petersburgh, after numerous experi- ments on dogs and rabbits with the electric current, and by vivisection on the motor centers, candidly states that the separation of the cortex into motor and non- motor parts rests, probal)le upon an anatomical basis 31 only, hut is little known. In otlier words, there is no special cerel)ral vaso-motor centers, except in intimate relation with the ij-eneral motor system, this consistinir Ol the cord, central ganf^jlia, and the convolutions, Ijut this tripartite is in mutual relation and subordination. The careful experiments of Brown-Sequard go to show that this mechanism of voluntary action does not de- pend on clusters of brain cells in one locality, but on the co-ordination of all the cells. The germ of the future therapeutics of brain disease may be indicated in the fact that paralysis is not always produced in the destruction or lesion of nerve matter, but often depends upon the influence exerted by disease upon parts at a distance. The supposed motor centers can be destroyed without any paralysis at all. On the other hand, par- alysis may occur in arm or leg when it was the^ most anterior or posterior part of the brain — the part fur- thest removed from the supposed center of motion — that had degenerated. Paralysis may be quite indejiendent of the destruction of the tissue. It might result from the puncture of the smallest needle. It is, therefore, quite evident that if we can divide up our mental modes into sections, and give each a dis- tinct domain within which only each can work : then the laws of co-ordination mean a perfect unanimity of a " committee of the whole " brought about in some for- tuitous way, not from any ah extra influence, but by some intuition among the different organs. Without any autocratic authority to dictate to them they man- age, in health and disease, to do tolerably well. These in the light of the ohjectivlsfs views of mental local- isms should present good examples of modern miracles. The triumvirate of nerve systems have been divided so minutely that in each part is located all the intellect, volitions, emotion, desires and affections of humanity, 32 so that many j)atliol<)gists profess to j)oiiit out tlie capi- tal soat of eacli of these manifestations, principally throuu:h the abnormal conditions of orcjans and locali- ties, and in the perversion of functions co-existing with mental a])eiTation. Ferrier (strong ohjectivist though he be) says : '* We are still only on the threshold of the incpiiry; and it may be questioned whether the time has yet arrived for an attem])t to expla n the mechanism of the brain and its functions." The Apply- ing distinct functions to the grey and white matter of the brain is not founded on a true basis of experiment, many have made the grey cortex uniform and without physiologically organic divisions, l)ut Ferrier and his school, like surveyors, lay out this structure in defi- nite order the more complex faculties of tlie ego,, be- cause in a number of cases certain abnormal states fol- low pathological conditions of localities in the brain. They ignore the large numbers of exceptions they find in opposition to their deductions. If we are able to see in ev^en one instance without our eyes, it is evident that our optic organs have rivals. If we can heai' in a soli- tary case, independently of our auditory apparatus, then must the ear look after its laurels. Memory is said to l^e located in the left, right, or both frontal convolu- tions, yet I find them diseased and memory intact. What am I to think of this division if I am told to believe that the motor centers of the upper extremities are in the optic thalami, and then find that in the ex- periments of Nothnagel this tract can be destroyed in rabbits without impairing their locomotion ? Where am I to pin my faith ? ( Vide Lancet^ January 23, 1875). Dr. Carpenter tells us that the corpus callosu7ri is sometimes deficient or absent in man, and when so it is an evidence of low intellectuality. Professor Geri- nano, of Turin, dissected the brain of an intelligent 88 solditT, wlio had served in the army eight years, l)iit his eorp\(H callosuni was a])seiit. When aphasia occnrs de- ductions are drawn from disease heing found in certain convolutions, that the nerve influence of speech must come from that locality. The witnesses do not agree as to place and l^oundary, so it wdll be necessary to rule them out of court until there is consistency and unanim- ity in their testimony. Ferrier tells us that he removed the whole of the occipital lobes of the brain of the monkey, Jacko, and this excision impaired his ap])etite. I have not the least doubt it would spoil the appetite of any one thus deprived. (See Review in Journal of Psi/chohgical Medicine^ January, 1878). I need not cite historic cases like that of Gage ; the case of Galli mentioned by Dr. Gray ; the large list of soldiers with brain injury mentioned in Part I, and Vol. 1, of " Med- ical and Surgical Cases in the recent American War." Some had epileptic fits as a result ; others were affected in one or more of the specia' senses, but quite a num- ber had no permanent injury to intellect or function, with foreign ])odies lodged in the brain. When I first had my attention senously drawn to this matter it was about fifteen years ago. A lad of thirteen years of age bad been kicked by a horse. A section of the skull was broken in the upper j>art of the frontal and occipital bones on the right side. One of the nine pieces frac- tured had been driven into the substance of the brain over an inch. The membranes w^ere ruptured and bro- ken up and brain substance protruded through the wound and was hanging in pieces on his cheek. At the time I first saw him he was comatose. I extracted the bones, cut away the ragged edges of the membranes and the lacerated brain substance. Consciousness returned immediately. He did not lose a night's sleep, nor a meal afterwards. No febrile symj^toms intervened, but a 34 large cavity remained. He went to school to the same mistress as befoi-e, and she informed me that except a certain irritability of temper, he was as intelligent as ever and could learn his lessons with the usual aptitude. I need not enter into particulars, but merely say that some considerable cortical substance had been extirpated with- out serious results to mentality. Any number of such cases might be culled from medical literature to show that all brain substance is not necessary to physical nor mental life, and that the localization of psychical power is not borne out by experiment or pathology. It is dangerous to adopt a pet theory as a foregone conclu- sion, and endeavor to drag in every argument that we find at hand to support it, without stopping to find out if all the phencjmena can be explained by our hypotheses. If the views advanced by me are not accepted, I can not conceive any other solution except the old Hippo- cratic doctrine, a modified idea of which exists in " hump- ologij^'' viz: a duality of the ego, and that by mutual agreement this Siamese twin only becomes half diseased alternately. So by a law of compensation one can do the work of both if the necessity arises. If this sug- cjestion of double function be not satisftictory, then vicarious work amonsi; the onj^ans or sesijments of oro-ans might approach a solution of the difficulty, although it would be a hypothesis fatal to the localizers' theory. The opinions givt ii in this monograph meet many of the difficulties, and at the same time do not fly in the face of acce})ted facts exhibited in health and disease. All of the phenomena of mind, and of the functions of the physical system go to show, when brain tissue is injured by disease or by traiimntic effects, that the artificial divisions of it by some physiologists are not consistent with experiment. It is worthy of note that no nerve 85 of the body can be traced into the substance of the brain beyond the basal ganglia. The olfactory and optic nerves were inferentially supposed to issue from the cerebrum, but no experiment nor development shows this to l)e the case. We liave only to suppose the upper parts of tlie encephaloii, the spinal cord, and the bodily ganglia to be depositories of psychic power to explain much in pathology. I have often been struck by Goethe's statement : " Who of tlie living seeks to know and tell, Strives first the living spirit to expel, He has in hand the separate parts alone, But lacks the spirit bond that makes them one," The fulcrum arguments in support of the idea that our mental and moral natures are "functions" of mole- cules of nerve substance, rest on three grounds prin- cipally, (r/) The effect produced on mind by the healthy action of the nervous system. (^) The mental changes consequent upon pathological conditions, (c) The r(;lation between mental power and the size of the organ in which it exists. In a word, the endeav^or to find out what mind is, by a careful study of the phenomena of nerve ticsue. This effort is praise- worthy, but is as one-sided as the logomachy of the mental philosophers. ^ We will consider the last arii-ument adduced in respeci to the relation of the massiveness of the brain to mental power. It is said there must be a necessary connection between the quantity of nerve substance — t'lie proportion of grey and wliite tissue and fanctional mentaJitij. The larger the brain is, the more compli- cated, varied and powerful are these functions. The nervous system is traced upwards in the scale of being from an asidian mollusk to the ganglia of the centi- c 36 pede, and upward tliroiigli the nervous systems of wasps, bees, fishes, reptiles, birds and quadrupeds to man. The simple ganglion in its ui)ward growth be- comes comjdicated by divisions into segments, convolu- tions and lobes. The more intricate in structure, and massive in substance the brain becomes, the higher are the psychical powers. It is stated that the relation is as marked as is the size of any other organ and its secre- tions, hence by parallel reasoning mental phenomena depend in force and com])licity on the size of t? ' organ, and must be necessarily the result of molecular action in the one case as in the other. This assertion of an exact pro])ortion existing be- tv^^een the size of the brain and mental power is as a rule; far from correct. A man with a large brain often shows less mental activity and power than a man with a mucli smaller brain. The tone of nerve fibre, the temperament, and the general recuperative forces have much to do with the condition of mental action. The temper of the medium has a great deal vo do with the fluid which permeates and occupies it. The power of transmission, conduction and insulation of thought in brain matter depend on this as much as does the lowest form of electricity on the condition and size of the magnet. There are large animals such as the ele- phant and whale whose size of brain — if measured by cubic inches — should make them great philoso- phers, if well educated. This opinion is guarded, and this dilenuua avoided by asserting that in some way we must take into consideration the relative size of the body to the brain. I have never been able to compre- hend a rational reason for this explanation. Lubbock and Darwin being neighbors, watclied together the habits of twenty kinds of ants, and they assert that for intelligence they n nk next to man. Their wisdom, 37 their social economy, their aptitude to successfully pro- vide for or against unforeseen contingencies in which instinct could hold only a minor part, their preparation for probalde exigencies tliat could only be learned inferentially led these great scientists to rank these insects high in the intellectual scale. Yet, their ganglia are poor apologies for brain. The smallest human brain is said by Huxley to l)e fifty-five cubic inches in volume ; the largest brain of the gorilla thirty- five, and that of the orang and chimpanzee to be twenty-six cubic inches in volume. These varied sizes give no reliable data for measuring the mental ca- pacity of each. We may fill up the hiatus be- tween the difterent brains of each with an hypo- thetical scale, and measure intelligence by it on some common l)asis, but the attempt would show the absurdity of the classification. Multifarious conditions, as well as quantity of brain matter, must be taken into account in measuring mind, and many of these being still involved in obscurity, no definite results can be obtained. A large brain in normal tone may exhibit greater mental power, than a smaller one in the same physical condition, just as a large magnet, or a cell bat- tery in action increases magnetic strength in proportion to size, not because of the inherent potential energy of the instruments, Init because of the attributes they pos- sess in manifesting the activity of the fluid. The l)rain organ does not create and eliminate psychic force, ^;e/' se^ but its structure, and constitution are such that in tonicity it is the best medium to evolve the residuary phenomena of the ego. The activity of this agent sliows that in emotion, will, passion or desire electricity and heat are the result of the energy ot" the tenant. Time would fail to show that this has been fully proven by experiments of the most conclusive kind. A])ply this solution to any of the so-called anomalies found in comparing the results of pathological research with mental j^henomena, and we hav^e here a key to unlock the door behind wliich so much mystery exists, and about which so many vaj:;ue and unsatisfactory theories are propounded, founded on a pliysical basis alone. If these three forces be granted, and I am not aware of their being denied, the highest of whicli includes the two lowest, and the second of which is necessarily ex- istant l)ecause of the first of the series ; or if we hold that each is a development of the otlier, many of the riddles of })athology are solved, and existence is given to an entity not dependent on matter for its existence. Take a lew examples to show some of tlie ,difficulties the objectivist has to contend with in explaining his views, when brought to bear in the study of insanity. For the sake of argument we will assume his position to be correct. We will grant that the cerebro-spinal system is the causation of all mental phenomena. With Maud si ey we will put memory in every molecule and consciousness as being only the recognition l)y a mole- cule of the influence of sensory impi'essions ; like Car- penter we will put volition in nerve tissue wherever found, or to use his own terms call it "a function of the supreme centers " {vide " Body and Mind ;" p. 30), or designate will to be merely " a result of organic changes in the supreme centers" (^vide Popular Science Month- ly, p. o20, vol. lii"); like Tyndall we will call the ego "a poetic rendering of a phenomenon which refuses the yoke of ordinary pliysical laws;" like Cabanis we may say " that as the liver secretes bile, so does the brain secrete thde,>f. Associate Editors, ^ "-^Jei ; Y, 2. JUDSON B. ANDREWS, M. D., ] ^ WILLIS E. FORD, M. D., "^ ^^ ' ^ ALFRED T. LIVINGSTON, M. D., ^ '^''^''''^ Phj/Hiciav.. T. F. KENRICK, M. D., j /^' THEODORE DEECKE, Specidl PathologUt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, P^ive Dollars per ^nnniTi, in Advance. Exchanges, Books for Review, and Business Commuxkatioxs may be sent to the Editor, directed as follows : " Journal ok Insanity, State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N. Y." The Journal now begins its thirty-fifth year. It was established by the late Dr. Brigham, the first Superintendent of- the New York State Lunatic Asylum, and after his death edited by Dr. T. liomeyii Beck, author of "Beck's Medical Jurisprudence;" and since 1S54, by Dr. John P. Gray, and the Medical Staff of the Asylum. It is the oldest journal devoted especially to Insanity, its Treatment, Juris- prudence, tfec, and is particularly valuable to the medical and legal professions, and to all interested in the subject of Insanity and Psy- «ihological Science r