IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ■£i 1.0 I.I IL25 i 1.4 M 1.6 # & /a d^A J>^A ■^ ^ ■*/ /i 1 . Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV 4(F V \\ ^]' he-u '• Statlbrdshirc," or of equal and approved (jiialit}-. The ea-tings must be made from tough grey pig iron, and musi be .sound, smooth, and perfect in all respects. All the bolls and nuts used mnsl be screwed to "Whit- worth's" thread. The Cars must lie filled and linislied in the most Ci»m]>lcte manner to tho entire satisfaction oitjie (.'onipanys Meeiian- ical Supei'intendeni. ov his Agent, who shall be allowed to inspect the work, with power to reied any ])art Ibund to be defective in quality or workniaiishi]), or not in accordance with specifications. The iron W(U'k' ;»iid s[)rings to be warranted for twelve months after being set to work, any failui'e during that period — except such as results trom accident, must be made good by tlie contractor. Mechanical iSupKuiNTENDENT's Office. Montreal. 10th October, 1874. No. / A ^^- FBAM1N(J. Length Broudth 2 Out It. 1 Tenons, top 2 in. long, bottom 2^ in 20 Upright Posts length G ii. 1 20 Diagonal Braces Inside Belting 2 Top Rails, beveled to suit roof. 12 Tie Bolt, rail to sill, ^ in. diameter c ^ s /" Belting notched into all uprights, and braces J secured by 2 No. 18 2^ in. scre^vs, iind bolted to ^ standards by J inch cup headed carriage bolts, and V to corner po.sts by \ inch joint bolts. Diagonal braces have | in. flange at t;nds secured to up- nghtby U inch No. 18 screwr:. Ail parts to be /planed and finished to proper shape and dimen- J Bions. The Car to be built with f in. upward ~\ camber at centre frame. All bolts and nuts V have broad "^waTshers. ^ A Feet. 21) 8 Incheg. (I V) 9x5 0x4^ 0x4^ II X 5 14x5 4x8 7x7J 5x3 4x i 4x2 2x3| 3x4 3x5 £ %y F £ No. V F TRU8S KODS. Two wrought iron Truss Rods \\ in. diameter with l| in. scrc'weot(oui Eai Is Centre Hails 2 Sheeting, Pine, 5 in. or Tenons, top rail Do bottom " Do length Hails rabbeted for sheeting, toj) and bot- tom '. Door Slides, Wrought Iron Top and Iiottom rail tonon checked down \\ in. clear of ( dgc — 1^ in. pnsi=cd nails for slicetin^. Cast iron corner brackets for .slide secured liy 5 No. 20 screws and 1 Joint bolt J in. x 11. .Slide carried by a brackets sccuri d by ^ in. bolt and a 2^ in. screw No. 18. Wrought Iron fastinings Foet. lOA Tncbeii. I 2^x3^ 1 ll x3 If x5 n xT) If x6 1^ x8 ^ xf v>h x^ 4 x# 2 f xf 2 xJr ^ K i J No. for locking doors nr«! secured by rivets to doorBand car side. The Ry. Co. and U. S, Government Htanciard locli reqiiin d for each door. Door stop, oalt 2^ in. x Ijiu. Hccured by coach screws 4 ins. z ^ in. 2 INSIDE OR (UUIN DOORS. Description " Martin's Patent." Length Height Thicicness 5 Battens INSIDE SHEETING. Height Sheeting 8 in. to 10 in. ThiclcnesB Sheeting runs lengthways, planed one facet tongued and grooved, titting tightly between floor and belting, nailed by 2^ in. naily Himilar to out- side Bheoting. FLOORING. White or Red Pine hiicl transversely Width limber 7 to 10, in TliicUness ^^ Planed one side, tongued and grooved, each (board secured by 18 nails 4 J in. long. Floor protected at door by wrought iron plate 3^ in. x \ in. mitred ^^^ in. into door posts, secured by 8 No. 18, 2\ in. screws. Floor tightly fitted to braces and standards. DRAWBARS. Desc'iption, Cast Iron Spiral springs, — sample supplied. Heads, (Jast Iron. Length Spiral Springs. Length 7 in. diameter... Spring Plates. AVrought Iron, Thickness.. Spring strap is wrought iron 3x1 and is secured to head by turning ends down and riveting with three_|_in. rivets^ Spring plates are held by cast iron /^l)racket8/ancrwrought iron straps as shown on draw- ing <'ach having three \ in. bolts. The whole is at- tached to guidt;s of white oak 9 J ins. deej) x 4 ins. be- ing each secured to centre timbers by 4 bolts \ in. dia. each drawbar to have a wrought iron coupling pin with rivet in end to prevent it bring lifted out. One coupling link to be supplied for each car, of 1| in., round iron. Feet. Incbea. 5 2 8 6 \ I 5f t) No. BUNTI<:i{ HEADS. Desrription. Oak faced with iron. 4 plates ^ in. thick lo in. x 9 in., Hctiucd by 4< in. rivL'tu. 4 boltH 1 in. dia., 2 to bolster and 2 to head stock having a plate 2J in. x ^ in. connect ing bolts. Oak BliAKKS. BeHcripfion outside on 1 Truck, Ixnini with iron .shoos. 4 SlinjL;s dia. 4 SJin;,^ Sui)))ort.s Jq. 4 vSafety Links j,,, 4 Tog,i;-lc pins 10 in. long j,,, 2 Boarns oalc 5 ll. 5 in. lony 2 «lioes V.V.Surface. 2 J3rako Jiods jja 1