^.•..: ^.vt. ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 15J u US u 140 ii25 IflU u 2.2 1 2.0 1.6 ^. ft *; / ^ y 150mm /IPPLIED^ IIVMGE . Inc .^g 1653 F.ast Main street JBT '^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA ■^ss-^ Phone: 716/482-0300 .^=r.S^ Fax: 716/288-5989 1993. Applied Image, Inc.. All Rights Reserved i\^ ,\ «• <^ ^\4.^1v ^"^ .'«*orotAgricaltoreMidP»nnSn|»rmt«iHtart. A. B. SHOTTLiwoBra, B.A. 8a ProfeiMr of dwmirtry. J. HoTM Fawiov, U.A., F.G.8. Prof«Mor of N»tanJ Hutory Mid a«olog7 HHn?.'iR«A P«>f.«orofVfruuuryS3iei,oe.' H. ^. DiAH. B.&A. Pw>£e«)rofD»i,y HtubMidry. Joh!jMoOiui A«utontR«iiden».iidM»tl»ein»tiodMMt6r Oawaw WAI.MB OtABEi iMtructoir in DriU Mid GymaMtiot! O. A. ZAvm, B.S.A Ti!,,^-!^^!^ H. R SHAEiiAr, RS.A. A«irt«t Ohemirt. A. MoOALLtnc. «—••. • BunMr. A07I80BT BOABD. a a Jamm, M. a, AMTdMy JoBV I. TUmoTit Ourimm Depaty BCiaiiter of Agriooltnn, Toronto. . . Moobor nifl^ Ootmly of WeUingloB. BULLETIN LXXXVIL REMEDIES FOR COMMON PLANT AND INSECT FOES. So oumerous h«ye been the •pplications fop Bulletin litiii* rn.r;anri^ore?^^^^^ FUNOICIDRS. f ungwidM may be defined m ohemioal compound, or mixture u«ed for the purpose of destroying such injurious forms of SintlS; M live upon other planU by absorbing their iuicTwherVh?tl.l. affect their vitelity The rusts%muts, mL^ZilT^I^'^^r^^Z flnS:!irrttJz;i;i?^-"^^^^- ^-^ t/e .rcrsi: thef^^iTg^liSTostLtlnT:^^^ '°'"'^' ''^ '-^--' n# JiL?°"?t^ °' "''J''- °' ^^PP®"" ""Iphate, 1 lb. lime and 32 «ais of water, fhis may be prepared as foUows : Dissolve the iSne; compound m .ixteen gak of water; slake the lime in 6 Z7f lu (J^,>no'*»« 'orm is made by taking 6 lb. of oopoer sulnhat* A lb. of lime and 60 gals, of water (Weed* formula) ^^ "ulphate, 4 These diluted mixtures have been proved to be very successful wd are now commonly used An advantage is gainJd "TS S Bordeaux mxtures since Paris green may be^ddelTas to^m* bme insecticide and fungicide. So far experience rndioates the Bo^- deaux mixture to be one of the best fungioides known .mnfi?.??'Kn ?°°'i'*' **' 2 ^^- °' ^PP«' ««'pt»te, 1 quart of Sfute^'toW^SV"^ " *^^- «-• ~*^ '^^ 1 q-« am'moniaand «.l«t.f^**J-^®*! ^5"? ^n*" ¥*" ''^'■y wccessful, viz.: 3 lb. copper ^^^a tr!"J^ ?J .«*''•• **^ ^•'*''' 3J lb. of sodium caiSe (washing «Hk) djssolred in another vessel. Mix these and when ohemical action has ceased add 2 quarts of ammonia and dilute Tso Copper Sulphate. 1 lb. copper sulphate in 26 gals, of water- •pray early upon vines, etc., before leaves appear. ' Ammonuusil Solution of Contutf fln^hHt.»i^ n: .,{..« o -_ . fflTirsfr^i" 2 <,u«u of .„,„„„(., „d .!,«:;;;;» zz nhaf!'*''T^' ^•""^"'^ ^'*- *• ^^"'^ P*'t- »mmontat«d copper ioL ImEOTIOIOSS. ou. to^eVeUtr'^""*' °' "''''"'^' ''''^ "^ ^-*~y *"*«*• ^i«ri- amakL? ThTj- ^^"^-^''5 ''^ "**??*''• «>»*«»«« BO-BO per cent ol S^,M L • Vi" '^P^'*** *^^y °'' '»» wlation. In the dry form it should be mixed yith 60 to 100 tsrUof okiter w^IIhlT^ or air-lwked lime, and duated upJn Se affecSS ill^ Th^t^Jl jn jolution is usaally 1 lb. of Paiff g Jn to 200 ^T oi nltVi f the fol^ge ,. tender 250 to 300 gals, of water S^jCv^''nL IS the usual strength applied «po5 the plum and peach A. th« K'^/ctlTt.^lilinr- > "^"^'^ " ^ '^^'^^^^y wtTuS'itIrt; rl rr".***-^ ^•"^ oonsid^raVCtW When used it is not likely to give as uniform result, as Pari. These arsenites are excellent against all leaf-eating insects Thl Tu ^T^'^r '^^^ » • «>«ture of coal ^ol^d water There are three formula used to a considerable extent : *'" (1) Riley-Uubbard Emulahn. Consists of * lb of hani ...» ;« 1 gal. of water. Boil till dissolved, and then Jd 2 g»b cJ^oSl^oil ft in I'^ni'^^"*"*^^/ '^^ '^t*"' fi^« »"'^«^- When piSperly^ixed t will adhere to glass without oiliness. This can be donrbi f^rcJn^ rXtm; rlrJiltttT?"-"^ ^^^^^'^ untSThe^nlSf inH ieKe .nh,;l!i form a creamy mass which thickens Swft water ""^ '^^"'«- ^" '*"'*«• *^""^ '^»'»» 9 Parto w^MeJU';:? J," -^-^^ ^'»«^ -^''^ - e.lrii.'-^j (3) (7ooA'« Emulsion (hard soao) Talc« 1 IK «# u— j S.: "" '""°* "■• """"«" »' either kMd or loft »»tor to 3 gais. of water. '''' " '" '" =v'wwuii ac cno rase of i oi. Pyrethrum. Made from the oonrdArMi lu-.^ « ^l r«,»"8ht to b. kept in .,<«<, „^Jf- iVZr'ii^^taSi to. ^ to'f.^S Z*; "^ •- "«' " "■. p«p.ru» „ J „. „ lb. o^wlLS""'- °°°"""' ' P'-'»'o.'b.lio«id „dM combing JxtS; K'J^"" "^"""^ °«'* ""^ ••■- •» '»"«W tti UH l°^o:^i^J^^:^ " '>»'<'-- ■»«'»" (No. 2 ., „ Precautions in Spbayino. 1. Keep poisons labelled, and oofc of the wav of nl.:Mr-« _^8. h m.hng ,m«tao,„ remember th, uifl.a,m.ble Mtar. rf 4. Jjr- ^se the Bor- "^'*^ ™*"'*'® *» the same way as for aoDle "soot" R..rn .-i affected fruit and leaves in the fall. If "rot "^should Lt t «•-• f^i ^**^ ^'•^*'» ^*»»°*» •PP«»« on both leaves and fruit *^7l^ tlT"^.: 'P^***^. ^Pr "«o«and causing tJe fruit to c^k. (1) Spray with ammonUcal solution of copper carbonate LsSm (2) Use Bordeaux mixture as for apple "spot." two weSl" w^h? f;(lf •^*'- ®r^ ^"""« •^"'y •"d August, every iwo weeKs, with the following solution : 4 oz. of copper carbonate and two quarts of ammonia in a barrel of water. ^^ <^^^'^t^ 6. Gooseberry AfiUew. Spray with 1 ox. of potassium sulohide in two gallons of water. Beirin L soon an th^ iT™; . ■uipnme and-repeat about every th^e^weTks ' ''*'*" '~ °P«""^' 6. Grape Black Rot. Spray witii ammoniacal solution nt nnr, per carbonate of Bordeaux mixture (No. 2 or sTrix times eve/v ^-^ week^^ oommencfag early in May. If the iJt t'vo .n;-^/.'^ wiM, ine copper carbonate the fruit will not be disfigured. •~°" ^" \mtL te ^''*!? '^^' ^P'^'J' ''^^^ «•« «••••*• "^ut t.n dart ■ei, and a third about three weeks later. befot 5!?**^ ^"'^ ^"'^ '^P'^y '^"^ Bordeaux mixture (No. 3) fnJli^''*'*^/^^!^ .^PP'y Bordeaux mixture (No. 2) three or fSUa lTI?i''"??>''?' ^"'^ r^^*" *»»« plant, are X-trix ™ al«»*£; nif * ^^*>',P*"» 8«»/» b« added to the mixture beeUea may also be destroyed at soon as they appear. «..„?.?' '^"*.n' ^ ^^^ Immersing seed in hot water of 135* Pahr for five thiSw^ll ^ ^''' ?' ^PPu^"" !"'P^**® »» 20 gallons of water and allow wdgrofwlTter"' '^•''' "*^' '^ •'''''^« *»»*' ""« "» '^'^ ««»- '^ RitllBDIBS FOB 80MB OOMMOX InjOBIODS IxsBOTS. nllli ^ L»a/eaUng insects, such as canker worms, tent oater- annlvin^^'IT °' *^i*PP'® *™« """n'^ »nd peach can be oyeroome by .nriL ^"'■* ^if*- ^""'^ **^ *^* ^^""^ during the winter and early spring, ana rub on a solution made by adding one part of orSJ «rbol.c acio^ to 7 parts of a solution of soft «!ap 1 quart, or hS :S hLtj'' \T'^ ?^ '*'^'^°« ^•*«'- A- "^'^ - ?*»« young 52 «««.t ^?;''''V ^^*» 0"^ appleworm. As soon as the petals have fallen TJiT. '**«•' 8»^« • •?«*«»* application, and if nice«»ry a SSd ■praying may be given later on. ^^-i^ / ■ wimi i««/;/'T • d<»troy«d with koio the lLfrwtr?lS^;een.''^^^ ''* '"^ '^^^^ ''^^^ P^~'»»-- -«> of witen**""'"^ ""'""• ®P"^ ''^'•^ ^«"«^'^ 1 o«. to 3 gallon. 2V.,11 ? , ^»°'?^'yof *»»e pUnta. Oirb^lic emulsion ha. bSn my succaasful agjinat the •« radish m»ggot," ''""°'»«m «»9«n 16. IVtrntp Jf/M 54«