«f* A^-' F^ ,^ ^ •» < ,rv»; ^ .~\ CIHM Microfiiche Series (Monographs) i-- ICMM ^ Gollectioh djB microfiches (monographies) y .»• . V < CwMdlan IntKuM foe HtoMried Mkroraproduotlora / Inuttut eanadton d* mlerorapraductloM hIttorlquM ' * « > m •it d r '. "'■-.■. -■^■:V| -■• ' ■ ■•■:C-li ■ ;. •• ;:: ^ut;l ■ ' -■ '■; '•-'- ■:.::.::t r , •■■E [ 4 IM •1 • • [ • 1 < f ■ • Twhi^ m>* mmop w thim Ham I Ham tsfhniqy w t W bM or

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The following dlagrama iliuatrate the method: L'exemplaira film* fut reproduK grice A la g4n«rbaltM«: ^ Thomai FidMr Rara Book Llbraiy^ ^ . ilnivanity of Toronto Library ; Lea imagea auhrantea ont 4t4 reprodultee tvec le plua grand aoin. compta tenu do la condltidn at ^ da la nattet* do I'exemplaire film«, et pn conformM avac lea conditiona du contrat da .■ .filmage, ' i-' ' ..'/'■"'■■■ - Lea einmplalraa origlniijx donf la eouvarture en iMpldTaatimprimAa aonffilmte en commen^ant par lei>remier plat at en termlnaht aolt par la IdemMre paga qui comporte unei empreinte dfmpreaalon ou dllluatratton, aolt par la aacond plat, aelonle caa..Tou« lea autrea/exemplairai origlnaux aont fiimia en commeiiwant par la pr^l*re page qui comporte une/emprelnte d'iAipreaaion ou dlHuatfatidn et fn terminant par la darniAre page qui comporte u0e telle empreinte. \ " '-'M^ Un deoayihbolea auhranta iq»pi|(rattra aur la dernilire Image declpque micfltofiche. aelon la caa: la symbole -^ aignlfle "A 8UIVRE"< le ^ aymbple V aignifle "FIN"/ /. -•■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ . . ■ "7' ' i- ■■ ■ ; ,.• •- -.. . " ■-.•'■'■ ■' : ;■'■■;" ■'■.f ;: .■■-..■ ■: ' ^tea cartea; planchea, tibieaux, etc., peuventA^ fUmte i dat taux da rMuction difMrahta. ' Loraque la document eat trop grand pour Atra reprodult en un aeur ellch*, II eet film*: A partir da I'angle aupAriaui^ gauche, do gauche A droite, at do haut an-baa,/an prenant la nombre d'lmagaa nAceaaalre. Lm diagrammea auhranta llluatrent la mAthbde. . - ■■■ ■' y ■ 1 ■ ■. . ■ .'' • '. , t 2* '•■■•.•'-. ■■-•^•^'V: 3 ^ (ANM and so TEST CHART No, 3) 1.0 A Itt nn^ s Ik IS |2j2 ■ !* • ■ . . ■ 1 ■ ., ,..■.■...';-;_: Ij^ Kh 1^1 1^ /<='PUg3 MHGB Inc 16S3 Eoil Mow SlraM ■ ■ " ■ " RDdHMMT. Not Yotk 14WM USA \ (7l«) 4«l-(U0O-PMm (»»•); i-r« ^' Vt/ 'f> f yv Iff"/ ■ iN , "■ 4fc-.- ■%t; RE FORT or TU REV. J. MoK:iLi;.iqA.isr, MISS 10 ^jT ART .or tU* ]f(U0\ ^mMim ti €um ooRTAnrtNo Hia Acoocinr or • SABBATH SCHOOLS dROANIZED AND VISITED IN THE COUNTIES OF SIMCOE, GREY, AND BRUC&; IN THE LATTER PART YEAR 186t. pvBzxaiaiD sr oxj»mx or tbjb TORONTO: PBINTE 1868. W. C. CHEWETT A CO., PBINTERS. KING STREET EASt. ■J \*1 ''■:,.%"■.', ■•■4- I:- ri^i PBINTCD AT THE BTE.tSL.^BKSS B«rABLISIIVENT Or W. 0. OnEWBTT A CO. KISO STBBBT EAST, TOBONTO. -,., — ->-:■ k — ___^ — '-.^': •.-■■•■'■ ■; /I"" ^^ •7 /J » ■ V . #-l"i r'^'w*f^ A PREFACED ..'•' >■■:! the 15xccutive Coinmittcfl of the i'abbath School Association of Canada has thfi pleasure of preacnting ibc Sabbuih Schools and frienda who contributed to the fund for the employment of a Subbuth School Missionary, with the report of the .Rot. J. 3IcKiiIicaii. ■ The Rev. J. 5IcKiiIicah served the Sabbath School Association . faithfully and devotedly during four months of last year, organf2in;j; and visiting Sabbath Schools in the Counties of Simcoo, Grey arid Bruce. Thirty-one new schools were orgahiied, with 171 teachers urtd 1,340 scholars. In addition to which Mr. McKillicnn visited 6C other Sabbath Schools already in operation, having 352 teachers and 4,372 scholars, 7 Any intelligence received from these counties proves the value and impprtance of this mission work. % It 13 to be\niuch regretted that such an iKk^ting work as that • reported ,,^hp«rld^ bavo. been prostrated by the aet|i)p of the otherwise aduiir^lMo Provinoial Sabbath School Convention held in Toronto, :^fjh*fc'n decided to employ a missionary no. longer. A large field is yej barren off Sabbath Schools,, and inviting ua to^' come over and help" thcfm. May a plan be speedily advised to resuscitate this Mission, . . Besides the schools organized and visited many addresisei were given and 8erU)ons preached. Mr. Melvillican loentions, that on several occasions special yotcs of thanks were giv6n to this Association for his services, and it is now^ , the pica.sing duty of this Association, heartily to thank the kind schools whojsupplied the pecuniary means for this interesting mi^>8ion. Let it be our united prayer that the seed thus sown may be prt^duc- tive, and that the schg^ols planted uiay flourish abundantly to the praise of the Lord of the harvest WILLUM MILLARD, General Secretary,^ \ m fesr^**--*??" ./ c •- I •K > jT ■■/\v \'- REPORT. TO THS EXECUTC7E COMMITTEE OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. AngQBt 1867. Oa arriving at Barrit I found a Bible ineeUng pr«Tenting my appointment on Wedneaday. On Thursday I had a fair attendance in the Town Hall, Three Sabbath Schools in Barrie were Tistit«d, and ~ addressed besides the poblio address. I preached to a good congrega* tion in tl^^Wealeyan Methodist Gharohf This served to give ne a good introdaetion in the country. The Bev. Mr. Wightman, Canada Presbyterian, was cordial and hospitable. After several meetings in Vnpra, Fhttnid Oro, Rev. Mr. Sanderson kindly accompanied me taking his carriage to North FaU$ on the Muskoka. We then Went nctrth on the Parry Sound Road, saw several schools, delivered addrepses and received votes of thanks for the Associ- tion for the dB^ra^enien^jand instruotion given. I was gratified to find * so many attl^ph at Sa^th School effort though some are ineffective schools— gave instruotion iir the best mode of conducting schools which sieemed qnitc new to some of the good people. The harvest season is against m^ in this work, and in the new settlie- mentfl many are hired out. I know the country now from Barrie to Parry Sound Road, and have orgabixed Sabbath Schools whore I found none. '.'■■'^■;.. Yesterday morning, Aug. 11th, I rowed up the Severn River two miles, then walked two miles and a half and preached and addressed a Pttmitive Methodist Sabbath SohW Then at 11 ^0 ▲.«. preached at Severn Bridge and oi^nized a Union Sabbath School — then ateered ten miles to this place .( iS^arrotv l/aAie) while two young Scotchmen rowed. Here I preached, gave an addrefH>anid organized a Union Sabbath School. The people are very poor and can nqi provide means to help their own school (with books). I mean to help tbem ifit comes out of my own pocket. - • ' "■ ■ \ The people are steady, indostriooi and willing, and the Sabbath' School Will do moreto elCTate them than apiything else. A*- ■ v3 -pre f- fl / Whe|i I Inst l[roto you t was on. my way from Lake Rouoaa via ThToia lVfil« Lake — toward Muakoka/on the Parry Sound Road. After r paddlinp three miles and three miles walk ap a fearibl ascent carrying my pnuk, I had a pleasant meeting with a goodly number of children. Reorganized the Sabbath School and afber dinner of flour bread, potatoes and tea, I left on foot fQi^ my oeit appointment eight miles farther on. A kind boy came three miles to carry my pack. Arriving at sunset at a shanty whore my meeting was appointed for no ,. iM'^ - •jp»*rw'|fs^j '♦^■'»' l_ > Iwili— Rrmed at Oravenliuratat 2 P.M. and at Sorern Bridge at duak, where I Toand a canoe waiting mo to go on ton milea to Sparrow Lake.' I ate^red and two good haiids brought us five miles down the river and . five miles ncroBs the lake in two hours. We came to a comfortable lodging, with a good supper of bread, tea and blueberries. When hero before I had slept in the bari^. The Sabbath School had improved. Sabboth A.M. Wolked two miles to School House, found a good and attentive congregation. Subbath School doubled i|ptttentlance' ond much interested in the Subbath School exercises of tlio children. At 1 80 P.M. I storted fojr Sevftn IJridge in a log canoe with only one young man with mo. '^ho wfed rose to a gale — congrgcgalioi> supposed we cojld not comeiielfeached before thft people scnttered— - Found the place full and the fiabbat^ School increased from fiftoon to over fifiy since I had sent the rcquisit^ls. The scriy»n was on j» subject much needed and that had the eflfect cf drawing parents nearer to duty and Sabbath School work. ■ ,. Noxt day came on to Orillia, not well, took Medicine. Sp«nt night with kind friend, T. Dallas, Esq. . j,, . Tuesday took boat for JBuitjV and tn»in for thjB West. Spent a miserable night in a tavern at Stunner. No meeting had been appoint- ed Cause here very low. No prayer in the Sabbath School. Mrs. Campbell just opening a Church of Engjand Sabbath School, Weifleyan f .Methodists ditto. . ■ ' ,. ",■ ' Wednesday.— Camoion to Notlawai/, had a pleasant full meeting, and organized a Union School. Children much interested. Tbui¥day.--*=(^i5o north to CoVingwood, had ff large^ rnccting of youth from all tjie schools ih town. , Superintendent of Church of England Sabbath School in the chair.. The Canada; Presbyterian miiiidter, also the VVfcsleyan Methodist, very cordial. Vote of thanks was passed to the Association, artd another address requested. Yi^ited also Cra>V//(?i7A, siz^miles, and after an address^ganized a Union Sabbath School. Here and at Nottaway funds were raised at once iind schools were well furnished. Satarday, — Took steamer for Owen Sound. John Miliar, Esq., showed much kindness,. giving a horse, carriage and dciver. Sabbath, A. M., at Sydenham, 2 P. M., addressed over 300 children of the schools in town in the We-sleyan Methodic Churdh. At Bight. ' preached on the rabjeot to a iafge congregation. /-- .•»«■ i^ .' # Monday 7, ». M.^AddraiMd the Bogertm Sabbfttk Sehool. ^omU bat well oondaoted and iateraating. Mooh ia aead 9i nqaiattaa. ToMday at ChatntortK. A ahow praTcotad my neatiog being a anoeeM. There ia a aohool of 86 phpila 8 teachera. . There la ttiaoh dninkennena in all thia aection. ;' ;. ■. •.'■■ ■■ ■'. ^ .■• . ". ;- - ; Wedoeaday.— I neit Tisited the Lake Shore Sabbath School, ten inilea north of the Stand. After an addresa atepa were taken to improTe the aohool. Eight teaohera 145 aoholara. People aeemed intereated in my addreaa on Sabbath Sehool working. I neztviaited the MeMartin Sabbath School, agmall intereating i«bo(d. The little folk were out in good namberi. Next came on to Walford. , Oood attendance. School had died aome time ago. Subject of addreaa, " Working of the Sabbath School." Itiras reorganised and aupplied with reqaiaitev to the amonntof |l6.80. At thia place met a woman who heard me preach eighteen yeara before in the same, place to men gathered in her father'a honae after " a log- ging bee," text, " Ye are not appointed nnto wnth," &o. She waa then a yoang girl ; ahe rose from her aeat daring aermon, went alray weeping albad. That night, after midnight, afWr frequent prayer, and atatement of theeinnera duty, ahe t%ii, "Ithink I »ee it novo: She . told me she haa ever iinoe enjoyed a hope in Ghriat-^ia a member of the Baptist Gharoh; V Blind Line. — Frienda' First day School. I next addressed five elassea, fifty aoholara, in a Quaker Chorch. When throagh with my addreaa • Quakeress cloaed in an eameat and most appropriate prayer. The aohool haa been well aqppUed/ , t Next day I rode fourteen mila on a load of wheat, in rain and cold, reaehing Jfeo/^rct nt 4 p. M. ^ Sabbith mdming had a anion meeting of the different Sabbath Sohools of the place, Presbytorian, Christian, Wesleyao, Chareh of England and New <]!onnexi(m Methodist. Children were Very atten- life; and the 'Sabbath School teachera and superintendents were, I think, cheered and atirrad up to renewed effort. After a aermon to a fall hoaqp I left for Clarhtiburg, nhew a large eongregation and a Sabbath School awaited my arrival. Roads being bad I waa rather late. Gave a aermon on parental duty and an address to the children. There was marked attention. ^ . ' .InJ v ■ •i:- i ■ -.^ 't - ':■ "WM" •^: ^ '..« ) I !' >■ 9 Ail r M. Ipmoktdat (?rai^M(A, wbtrs I had • ftill •ttondanM of iarenta and obildrMi oonnfletad with the«ohooM had tMently organiiad. A acoond oiMtiDg not vafraqnently has more toflaenoe in rendering a Sabbath School permaaent than the first. There was deep seriousness in tbb meeting. ^y atat appointment Six teaobers and sigbl^ Scotch Oortun scholars. This place is cnrsed,with liqnor, and the school needs maoh to be furnished to render the exercises profitable and interesting. Nexr^boming I M^^r Toronto to attend the Sabbath School OonTcntion. ^ir . ' Betnruing to my field, at the special request of my excellent friend. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, I attended September 15, a meeting of soTeral schools I had organiiedin his field. It was the first of Uie kind erer held, and I hope did good. / ''■'/'.„.. 16th..— Had a fair attendance composed of Presbyteriaiis, Ohu^ of England, and Methodists at 5--irl;' if«a/)r(f, September 18th.— Went to Bond Settlement KoQQd an interesting Union School conducted by Qnaktfrs. Snggestiobs on the mode of working the school seemed to awaken considerable inttirest, imd several works were procured for the teachen. Had to paya dolhr for my rido into that settlement, and another dollar for the washing of i few articles of clothing. ViBited alsa a small Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School, to the south of " Bond.'^ Cape Rich, Oei. 20.— Crowded house. Supposing there wu a school, i gave an address, was told, <*No Sabbath School here;" Oave another address, organised a Union Sabbath -School, sent them books jto the value of $10 45. This is a most interesting school, and meeting the Wants of a large number of youUi, who hitherto have been running ■^wild. • .■■; ^'■,, '-:•. '- In the evening I addressed a largS meeting, 7 miles east of Meaford. 10 classes tO sohoUis. This school I also furnished, its prospects are enoonraging. My next appointment proved a &ilure, owing to rain. Next day afker making up parcels for several schools, and not being aware of permisrion to remain longer in the West, I left for Toronto, deeply regretting the necessity for leaving a field where work is so much needed, and newopeningB continually presenting themselves. '/: 1^ 4. J ., . ;' ..■■■» ■' « After an interview with the committee ia Montreal, and preparation in clothing for colder wcather.'I next entered upon my work in the County of Bruce. , ^ " In Kincardine Village, much interest is felt in the cause, systematic Tisitation had been urged and entered upon, and as a result, it was found that only about a fourth of the children had been attending school. Soon the sohoola doubled in attendance, and more, the facts, instruction, and business of the Provincial Sabbath Sehool Convention, had been given Wfore a public meeting of parents and sabbath school teachers, by a shor^h^)nd fejporter, one of their own teachers, a delegate to the Convention. The' efiFect was capital. ' ' I h^d a nio»t hearty reoeplion, and a good large meeting, a report of which I sent you. After several detentions, I reached Tiverton, in Bruce, and had taj work well planned before the first of November. The Tiverton Presbyterian Sabbath School was first visited, and addi- tional visits solicited, interest increased, and as a result, it is now well furnished and conducted with zdal. The Baptists have a large and well conducted school, which I also addressed. I preached on the subject in both churches to large congregations. At Inverhuron, the school waa re-organized and over 914 raised heartily to furnish the library and requisites. TWo men passpg out of my meeting there thanked me for my "excellent sermon." Intenaper- ance is sdockingly prevalent in that region. I next visited the Congregational Church, near the rear of the township, had a meeting with the children and parents, organized a • Union Sabbath Sehool. The illustration exercises seemed to interest those present. My second service consisted of a sermon, and then an address on the duty of parents, the place was crowded, over S25 were raised to furnish the school. My next meeting was at Centre Bruce. The children did remarkably well, both in lesson exercise and sing- ' ing. The people are rather few, they are not strong, yet they raised , over S9 for their Sabbath School requisites. Grenoek. Many children^ Have in Sabbath School an atttendance of over 50, no Sabbath School requisites, and only half the number that , might, attending Sabbath School. Some interest awakened, and the aohool was supplied. ; ■i;^ ft w^r-y^-tf-f' ^ j;^ -.loWtv I 11 6/A Con. Bruce.— Had an interestipiig meeting. Settlement very new. Parents struggling with the forest. Re-organizcd a Union Sub- bath School, getting a good supcrintendont, made them a grant. Tiacts very highly prized. Parcnt.i pleased with the exercises provided . _|or their children. They afterward cnuie a long way to get the books the,.u8e of which they had seen ilJuHtratcd. A^t __ .J was told the youth were literally &orf, " sons of Belial." Was told I might expect ill conduct in meeting, Friday, flovember 9, , had a full meoting,good order, resolved the whole meeting into a Sabbath School Class, gave them all a share in the work. Spoke plain, kind and sound, and decided, afier an effort to supply the Sabbath School, to come and preach, on Sabbath following $15 were subscribed at once for the school. Saturday, held a Union meeting, of the teachers at Tiverton. Address on teaching, t P.M., gave a Te'raperanco lecture. Sabbath returned to U- , f«'U»d the place jcrammed. A vcry.^criou9 meeting, tears shed. Vreachei t'he Onsiitf. Centre N. jBrucc— Organized the Sabbath SctvopV; preached to parents. Then gave an ad'lress to youth ; $9 10 raised for the Sabbath School. Much interest awakened in the cause; by letter I learn in- : teirest increases. ■ , At the i2eor Pfeshyterian Church, preached to an attentive conftre- g«tion. Found the Sabbath School conducted 1 J miles off in a schoijl house. Interesting, though destitute of all that-is interesting to learners or helpful to teachers, except the New Testament. Neither h)inn book, text book, class book, nor scheme of lessons; Next day, A.M., I spent with parents and youth in school house; singing and illustrative exercises. Over $14 were paid me for Sabbath -7 SchooH)ookift-r— -^— --^— — - ;' - . ^ . ..' -— -" '. - — n^^ ' ~ '" By a blunder, my notices for RiiW*^ arrived only the day I did my- aelf. No meeting. The superintendent of the last mentioned Sabbath Scliool, had, 25 years ago, been attending tho same school with me, in my brothers class, and spoke of his instructions as having been blest to him. Next meeting in Church of England, at I trust some interest awakened. Rev. Mr. Tolmie, Canada Presbyterian, a noble friend. ^_Med, and BJrettmrtanc w did not admit pf mj doing for t hem, what I thoaid deem neceasarj. Rawn Union Sabbath Sohool.^S elasaes, 60 wliiolara, Delivered an address to a large namber of fine bright ehtldren, and a few of th« parents ; resoWed to come again. Port Elgin Union Sabbatli School.— Hai a good meeting of the Xitechers ; weather nnfaYonrable, few of the children able to be out ; fe Ibearty.interest manifested. --^.i^iil/e.— A Tery new township fifteen miles north o^^rt Elgin, mw, nett >isited. Many children needing to be gathered in, organised a Union Sabbath School. Many emigrants crowding in, plac« needy, made a granti I next went four miles farther north, and had a large meeting at a place called AUan/ord, north of the Sable River. Men at my meeting working four days in the week building shanties for newly. arrived ftiAigrants. Children came from all directions by the light of cedar bark torches ; hoose crowded. Spoke on the imporUoce and the best mode of conducting Sabbath Schools. 114 were subscribed to famish the school orpnized that night. New arrivals of emigrants prevented my staying where I took tea after meeting. Rode to Port Elgin after 11 p.m. that night 15 miles. Rode^ 10 miles on a rough road next day, in a lumber waggon to North Bruce, and lectured on Temperance. Ftpe Clay, Union Sabbath School— was next visited. Prespohed to parents and then addressed the children ; it was a serious knd interest* ing meeting; crowded school house. Preached and organised a Union Sabbath School at Maple Grove, North Brace. There had been a school, but owing to various causes it had gone down. Found a good man '^o aiiperintend,- a pious Qerman. Next I {iitoceeded to ifoioiK School House, filready mentioned, where I preached to a crowd of children, all seeming very attentive, and parents too interested.^ The result teen. Sabbath Schools furnished. I th(fn came on 'in Port Etgin in darkness and in snow. Found a large meeting waiting me. A chan^ of my plans, unknown to me, caused detention. Very interesUng meeting; much seriousness among both parents and children, and I tnut some |iueQt» awakened to a sense of duty, and children led to think. ;■.. /■ ■■•/^■■ ■ ■ --"■'-%:■-/ ■'■■■■;■■:;■ I* ^ I ^> '/u, SJisft^q'^.- 14&: ■\ .'-J^' \ '^ u Kezt day rod* 14 nilfls ia ib« morniogi tlira dlttribotad booka !•• oordioB to ordan. LMtored oo TwaptisDM »k iiir#r*i»r«m at nighljf fall hoote. Compl«t«d next day filling ordeia, ao far aa B«pply would p«nnll, ^nd at night pwaobad th« Goapel to a large nnmbw in the aame place, and the day following left for God^ritK 48 milea. whore I had a large meeting of all the Sabbath Schoola of the Townj the Rector in the ebair. He gate a good addieaa, and endotied the object of the Canada SabUth School Aaaooiation, and preaented a tote of thanka to the Ai9oebtion fcir the lecture. I apent the following Sabbath at Elora, near Quelph, where on learning that I bad come to apend the SabUth they called a meeting of all the Sabbath School teachera^nd acholara df the town. A large ehnrch (Presbyterian) waa filled. People aeemted much intereated, and apoke gratefully of the.eervice. Thia closed my laljora in connection with the Canada Sabbath School Association. I wish I could ha»e done more and better in the good work. I would here wpresa my gratitude for the kindness and co«- •ideration shown me by all the committee, especially the Secretary and Treasurer. I am yours, brethren, in Christian affection, JOHN McKILLICAN. 'C. /* •/ • :^K u Sahhalh Sehool$ organtied hjf the Rev. J. AfiKiltiruer», U.8.8. KcotUna, U. 8. 8, HojrDiour, U. 8. 8. ......... \\y« Bridge, U. 8. 8 Monck. U. 8. 8 ., Luke RoDKenu, V. 8. 8.... 'J'liri-e-\Mile Lnb«. U.8 8. Gnllowiiy. U: 8. 8 .....;,.. KirlyMon Coriiern, U,S;S 8tepben8oii, U. 8. 8 ...... NoiBWay, U. 8. S Cini|(leitli . ... . Woodford, U. 8 8...... ... Ciipe Rich, 8. 8....... luverburon ,. Coiigrefc Cbarob, U. 8.8 Cre«k. (3th Con. Bruce, ) U. 8. 8. ......••■...... I ISrucr Centre Amiike Allikiieford .'^.... l^im QroTe, re-organixed *1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i 6 6 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 C 4 6 & G 4 6 4 4 4 6 l» 10 6 7 ,i 85 45 40 86 85 40 24 46 85 80 85 80 4U 40 40 20 40 80 30 26 70 40 40 CO 60 60 6 40 81 17111840 68 60 75 65 lo»(«I.>Tllll>>giT. Mr. CInrVe ..... . John JoliiiMoii ... P^ter McLean . . Robert Crawford .... lobn WillianAon .... Win. MoLiirdy , John Jobiiittun Moies DaviN <......... Lawrence Djrer 8. fthsLean Mr. McMillao ....,.., W. Dickens , W. Tyndfil ...... ....,•, M. Ewing . ..... John Beeby James 8hae....... Mr. 'Galloway....... , Mr. Lance D. Huggaboan Mr; Brown II. FleroioK ... . .. ... Archibald McLaren. A. 8. Stephens ... .. Ilngh Mnttliicy.on..... Malcolm McKinnon. John McLeod Edward Brown ..... Daniel Reed AWin Milton > Jacob Traflet ......... Post Ornbt Asoaan. BarrI*. Ilillifdftle, citecle. East Oro. JlawkHtQH- .< Jitecle. ■liirretl'aCoiijcrs. SvveMt Bridge. Severn Bridge. 1(1 rrt'ti's Corners. Craiglmrrt. Jarrett's Coruere. Wye "Bridge. RrHcehridjfe. , Luke RoHseau. Throe- Mile Lak*. Fulkehb'arg. ' Fnlkenbufg. "., Piilkcuburg. Notawiiy. Cnii|ileith. Wobdford. Cape Rich. Tiverton. ' Tiveitou. . QIammis. Norntnnton IVt Elgin ; Port Elpin.^ ormahtoQ. I? '# Other 8ftbbath Schools visited, 66;.Teacher8, 353; ScHolnrs, 4,872 ^^rmoiis preached, lO; 8aa(]ay School Addresses, &c.,09. a< s . TTtT / JHi - -. — ^1^^^^ 2^« v; ■;■■'(, fiC;.. . ■„ > ■. ,. — ^ — ■ — yl (/ t-\