IMAGE EVALUATrON TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 < lU |22 It u^ 110 U III 1.6 <^ V] /] /. ^ '^I*' ■* '/ /A Photogrdphic Sciences Corporation 33 WHT MAIN STMIT WHSTiRNY USIO (716) iTi^soa S. A au of ethiiolof^y. Hy JaineH 0. Pilliiif;. In Bnreaii of etbiinlogy flnt annniil ntpnrt; liulf-titlit um itlMtvn p. nTi!), text pp. 66&-677, WnshinKtoii, 1881, niyal » . Imned separatoly with cttver titln m followH: Catalopio I of | linguistic iiiaiuiMTiptH | in tho | library of the Rnr^aii of ethnology | by | James (-. Pilling | (Extracted from the tlrHt annual rei>ort of the Bureau | of ethnology) | [Vignetti'] | WaBhington | Government printing office | 1881 Cover title oh abov<>, no inside title, half-title n« nntler rntry next abovo p. 563, text pp. 5R5-R77, roynl 8^^. One hun(l ropieH iiHUiMl. Smithsonian institution — Bureau of ethnology | J. W. Powell di- rector I Proof-sheets | of a | bibliography | of | the languages | of the I North Americun Indians | by | James Constantino Piliing | (Distrib- uted only to eoUaborators) | Washington | Government printing office | 188.'i Title venH> blank 1 1. notice (iiiguo«l J. W. Towell) p. iii, preface (November 4, 1R84) pp. r-viii, introdnction pp. ix-x, liHt of iiuthnriticM pp. xi-xxxvi, list of lihraricn re- ferred to by initialo pp. xxxvii-xxxviii, liNt of fiM--HiniileH pp. xxxix-xl, t«xt pp. 1-839, a«lditionH and corrections pp. Htl-1090, intlex of lanKuuges and dialuctH pp. 1091-1136, plates, 4'^. Arranged alphabetically by name of anthor, tranHlator, or first word of title. One hundred and ten copies printed, ten of them on one side of the sheet only. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology : J. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliography | of the | Kskim(» language | by | James (/onstan- tine Pilling | [Yignett^^] | Washington | Government printing oflBce | 1887 Cover title as above, title as above verao blank 1 1. preface (April 20, 1887) pp.iii-v, text ]»p. 1-109, chronologic index pp. 111-lUi, 8 rac-Hiniiles, 8'^. An edition of lOU copies wns issued in royal 8^. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di- rector I Bibliography | of the | Siouan languages | by | James Constan- tino Pilling I [Vignette] | Washington | Government printing office | 1887 Cover title as above, title us above verso blank 1 1. preface (September 1, 1887) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-^, chronologic index pp. 83-87, 8". An edition of 100 copies iwued in royal 8". Bt IV LINGUISTIC niHIilOORAPHIRH HY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. SmitliBoiiittii iustitiitiuii | lttii»uuoretliiiulotjcy: .I.W.Powvll, director I Bibliogruphy | of the | Iro4|uoi»ii laiitriuiKUH | by | JuiuesGouHtautiue PilliiiK I [Vignettu] | WiiHliiiigton I Goveriiiiioiit priutiiiK ofllcc | 18HH Cover title ait ubiive, titli) im ut>ov« vormt Itltink 1 1. prefiioe (Docemlier 15, 1888) pp. iii-vi, t«>xt pp. 1-lHC, mhlontlu pp. lMl-18t>, cbronoloKir iiidox pp. hH~'X6, 9 fnivNlmilcs, 8". An edition of 100 copieH wom iMiieil in niyul 8' . SmitliHoiiisiii iiiHtitiitioii | Bureau of ethnology: .I.W. Powell, director I Bibliogmpliy | of the | ^luMkhoguuii luiiguageM | by | .ItunuH Coustuu- tine Pilling | [Vignette] | WiiMhington | Government printing offiee | 1889 Covnr titlt) ns iihove, title iih uliitvo vufno hlunl< 1 1. pri^fiioo (May 15, 1889) pp. iii-v, Uixt pp. 1-108, olirouulugit! index pp. 1(KV-114, 8 . An tiditiun of l()Ot!opi«« was Iwued in royal 8". Bibliographic notes | on | Eliot's Indian bible | and | on his other tranHiatiouH and workH in the | Indian languugt^ of MassachuHettH | £xtra(;t from a "Bibliography of the Algontiuian languages'' | [Vig- nette] I Washington j Government printing office j 1890 (.'over titlu aH above, title an above vei-so blank 1 1. text pp. 1-58, 21 fac-nimileH, royal K'-. r\>rm8 pp. 127-184 of the Hiblio^rapliy of the AlKonqnian languages, title of which follows. Two linndred and tifty copieH isaned. Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology : J. W.Powell, director I Bibliography j of the | Algonqnian languages | by | James Constan- tine Pilling | [Vignette] j Washington | Government printing office j 1891 Cover title an above, titlu an above verHo blank 1 I. preface (Jane 1, 1891) pp. iii-iv, intro4lnction p. v, index of laoguageH pp. vii-viii, liHt of facsimiles ]ip. ix-x, text pp. 1-510, addenda pp. .'iSl-STS, chromdogic index pp. 577-614, 82 facMimiles, 8^. An edition of KM) copiea waH issued in royal 8". Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology : J. W.Powell, director I Bibliography | of the | Athapascan languages | by | James Gonstau- tine Pilling | [Vignette] j Washington | G«>vernment ])rinting office | 1892 Cover title as above, title as almve verso blank 1 1. [list of] linguistic bibliog- raphieH isnued by the Bureau of Ethnology pp. iii-iv, preface (.lane 1!), 1892) pp v-vii, intro vcriMt blank 1 I. [lint of] lingniHtic bibliog- raphit^H iiwiii<|>. iii-iv, preface (.liiiie 24, IK98) pp. v-vi, ititrtMlnctiou pp. vii-vtii, iiulttx of lnnKi>aK«H PP' ix-xi, lintof faesiiiiib^H p. xiii, t«xt ]ip. 1-79, chranol»((ic* inilex pp. Xl-Mt, I i'acaiiiiileH, N^ . An edition of 1(N> ropioH wiiH iHiincil in royul K' . Smithsonian institution | Bureau of ethnology: J. \V. l*o\velI,director I Bibliography | of the | Wakashan languages I by | .lameN Constan* tiiie Pilling | [Vignette J | Washington | Government printing office | 1804 Cover tith an above, title aM above verno blank 1 1. fliHt of] linKuiHtic bibliog- raphies iHMued by th<* Uureiin of Ethnology pp. iii-v, preface (March !.'>, IWM) pp. vii-viii, introduetion pp. ix-x, index of lanxnagcs p. xi, liato)' fucHiniileH p. xi, text pp. 1-415, chronologi4> index )>p. 07-70, 2 faeaindleH, M . An etlitiou of 1(N) ropieH waa iHsned in royal H-. li PRKl ACE. Tliii tlerivatidii ol the toriii um>(1 to iloxignato tlu^ fuiiiily which (Miibriu'fH the Ki'<>*ip ">' hiiif;uiiK<'i* treated of in the preMeiit pa)t6r in fVoni the Niitka word iraukanh, iiieAiiiiig //(mm/, and when heani by Captain Cook at Friendly Cove, Nootka B«innil, waH ttnpiioRed to Ut tlie tribal name. Ah the name of a fandly it waH tlrnt UHed by n a vottabulary taken from tIewitt'H Namttire of Athenturen anil SiifferinffM. In tlds article he );iv(>H, ii^m (lalianti, a vocabniary of the Maka, one of the Wakashan diaU>ct8, aH a family of itHelf, under the name of Straits of Kuua. In his later article, HuWh IniHann of NorthtreMt Ameriva, publi8heal ones adopting Nootka anographic distribution of the tribes forming this family, accord- ing to Miyor Powell, in his Tnilittn LUujuiHtie FamUien North of Mfxico, published in the seventh annual re|K)rt uf the Bureau of Ethnology, in 1801, is as follows: TIm> triboa of the Abt divmion of tliiH rmiiily nre contlneil chiefly to tho went coaMt of Vniicoiiver IhIuihI. Tliey raii^o to tlw north as fur »h Cntxt Cook, the uorthern Hido of that ra]io heinK oc(>ii)>iiMl hy Ilii<> trilt«N, uh wsh ascertaiued hy l>r. BoaH, in 188(1. On the south they reiu-hcd tu a little uhovo HiNike lulot, thut Inlet beiiiK in poHHession of the Hoke, i Siilinhan trihe. The iieiKhborhood of Cape Flattery, Waahington, In occupied hy the Makah, one the WakuHhan tribes, yiho probiihly wrested this outpost of the fauply flroni the 8aIiMh (Clitllani) who next adjoin them on Puget Honnd. The boundaries of tho Haleltzuk divUion of this family nre laid down nearly as they appear on Tolmie and Dawson's linguistic map of 1884. The west side of King Island and Cascade Inlet arc said by Dr. Hoiio to be inhabited by Haeltzuk tribes, and are colored accordingly. VIII I'RKKACE. Tlio iicconi|>aiiyiiif; |»ii|H'r cinlKMlii'M liSl titular (MitrioH, of whirli 21!0 relatt^ to priiitiMl IxittkH and uiticlcM and •II to nninnsfiiptH. Of tlieMc, 2.(8 have Imm'u m'vu and dcHc.rihcd by the roni|»il<>r, LMA of th«> printM and 2'{ of the nninuHrHptM; h*avin(( an dt^ivcd IVoni outHidc HourcoH r» itt' the priiitH and H of the iiianuw^riptM. In addition to th<'M4>, thvro are ^iveu in full a nuinlN>r of enf(raveH nickition in nuide of 'St printed and nuinuNcript woi-Icm, of which 14 have b(>eii neon and deHcribiHl by the writer. So far aM ]M»HHible, in reading the proof of thiH paper eonipnriHon hun been nnide direct with the ImhiIch and articleH theinNelveH. In thin work aeeeHM waH had to the public and private libraricH of thiH city, and Mr. WillMirforce EanieH, librarian of the licnox Library, New York, hiw* kindly performed the Hume labor reH|)ecting iHMikM in his own and the I^enox library. In the course of the work every facility liaH been pivon by Mt^jor .1. W. Powell, Director of the Ibuean; and, iih is the (uihc with all tlu^ pH'vioUH paperHof the HericH, Mr. I*. C. VVarnnin Iuih contributed Ium valuable Bervices. VVahhinijton, 1). ( '., Maroh in, IS'H. INTUolHTCTIoN. fn tlH^ roiii|iilatioii of thJM scries of ratalo^riH's tlii> aim \\n Ih>«>ii to liicludf ill ra
  • ', translators of works into thu native Ian^ua;;( s bein^' treated as authors, irmlcreach author the arrangement is, llrst,by printet known. Kacli author's n-une, with his title, etc., is entered in full but onco, i. e., in its alphaU'tii; order. ICvery other mention of him is by sur- imiiie and initials only, except in those ran^ cases when two persons of the same surname have also the same initials. All titular matter, inclu«lin;; cross refi'rence th»'ret<», is in brevier; sill collations, descriptions, not;;s, and inde.x matter in ni»npareil. Ill detailing contents and in adding notes respecting contents, tho H) Hilling of proper names used in the |mrticular work itself has been followed, and so far as i>ossible the language of the ivsfHH'tive writers is given. In the index entries of the tribal names U.a compiler hat* adopted that 8{ielliiig which seemed to him the best. As a general rule initial capitals have been used in titular mutter in only two cases: tlrst, fur proper names; and second, when the word i * INTRODlTCrriON. actually »p|H»rK «„ th« titl« pag., with »„ initial capital and with the i^mamder m small capitalnor«e letters. I„ inving .tl^ in JJe i^""*^"*"' *'" "'^^'^ •" '''' "^ «^ "" H«b«tintivts have Ca HfZS*" ^'T '"■? «':^«» "^■^^"••»'« »<'t «ry liidiaiiH. 8 Maka. (;)ao«|iiat. 8ce Klaitkwat. Coqiiiltli. Set; KMakiittl. Fiica StraitH liio Kwakiutl. Kwakiutl .* 39 lA'kwiIto(| 42 Maka 45 Millbaiik Soiiiid IiidiaiiH. 8(>o llailtKtik. Nitiiiat 45 Niwiti 4a Niitka . . 40 <^a};utl. Sw Kwakiutl. (^iioqmds. See Kwakiutl. 8eba8a 50 Seshat 57 Tahkaht. Seo Tokoaat. Tla Kutka. Wakasliau 62 VVikenak 0;J Yokiiltat. Seti ''kwulta. Yukulta. See I'kwiilta. LIST OF FACSIMILES. Tith'page of Hall's (^a-gutl translation of Matthew Title-page of New Y«»rk |18H»t| edition of tfewitt's Narrative. 30 35 i^ I .tt birli()(;raphy of thh wakashan languages. By .Iames v. Pillin(J. (An MHl«>rii«k within iiiircntlinrn'M inilivtatvit tlia'< tliu <'i>tii|iili A. Adelung(.)ohiiini('liriHto]>h) [iiinl Vater {.}. S.)]. Mithridiitos | odtr | iillp'- nu'iiio Sprufhcnkiitidt! iiiit | di-iii Vatt-r I'liscr Ills Spriichproho | in boy iialii- { riliifhmi(lfi-tS|iracli('niiiilii)tlu-kar. | [Two lines (piola- tlon.] I Krst.T[-Vi. (vol. ;i in tlirtT parlH). 8^. • Niinii'nilM l--:l of tlir Nntkii (I'roni ('ook, Dixon. anil niinilioliltt. vol. :i. iinrt II, p. 21.').— Voriil>iiIni\ (II! wonN from Cook) of tlii> Xntka, vol. :i, imrl :i. p. '.'1."i. -XunicnilH 1-liiof tlio liin;!Mn)!e s|:iikrii at Kint; (ipor^o Soiiiiil (from I'ortloi-U and Dixon i, vol. :!, jiart i'. p. -1.5. Vopiet xren: .VHtor, lliint'roft, UritiHli Mn- fipum, Hurrnii of I''lliaolo);.v, ('ougrt*NH. KamrH, Trumlmll, Watklnson. PrifRil by Triilincr (IK.Vi). no. ."id:!, l!. \tt*. Sold nt tlio Ki»r!i(T Hale. no. 17. for H. ; anotlirr oopy, no. 20«'.'. for Klji. .\t llio Field .talc, no. 1(1 it l)n>\iglit til.**"*; at till" Sr Half, no. ".». ♦.'!'. Lpfloro (•''""•I"'"'"'" it. iio.'J04'J. .lO fr. At thn IMiiart salr. no. VVi'i. it Hold for lT) fr. and at the Murphy hiiIo. no. 24. a lialf-vulf. niurUh'-fduid copy liniujf III ti- Aht. S Tokoaat. Alcala-aaliano ( I >. Oaliano (1>. Alcalii). DiuniHio). St^o Anderson (Al<-xan(l*>r Canllicld). Notes oiitlio Indian trilics of liritiHli Xortli- AiiHTitia, and tli*^ iiortliweHt roiiHt. Coiiiinnnicatfd to (ieo. (iihbH, cs<|. Ity Alex. ('. Andt!f8on. <'n<|., iateof the lion. Anderson (A. (\) — Continiu-d. !I. M. Co. And read lielore the New York llistoriial Society, November, IM'2. In HiHtorical', tirHt HcricH. vol.7, pp. 7.1 8!, Now York and London. I««:J. am. i^. (KainoH.) Inrlilili'HadiHriiHHionof tlio littiltiiiH.rraltas, IlailtHn, and (';iiaKe uf Nootkaor Kinjj (leorge Sonnd.] In Oook (J.) and King (J.). VoyaK<-H to the I'aritti- Orcan. vol.2, pp. XI5- XIC. and vol.:i. pp. r>4(»-.">4n, Loudon, 1781. 4"^. Short viH'aliulary (.'i wordn) of tlii' NiHitka, vol. 2, p. Xt5.— N'nmrralH 1-10, v. Xlfi.— Vocabulary (2.'>0 wordn and plirasi-a). vol. 3. pp. .'i4O-.'.40. Ki'printcd in tliu varionn iilitionM of Cook (.r.) and King (J.) : aUo in whole or in part ia Buachmann (-1. V. E.), Diti Viilkrr und Spracbcn Neii-Mcxiro'H, rieurier. ((". I*. ('.), Voyage aiitoiirdii niondc. Fry (K.), Panto(rraphia. Kerr (H.), (Jenoral history and colh'i'tion of voyagi-H. La Harpo (J. V. ilc), Abrcnc dc rhiBtoiri>. An «trong(A. N.) Oreuon : i compriHinK a I brief history siud full de.scri|)tioii | of the territories of | Oregon and AN'ash- iiiKtun, I oinbracing the | eiticH, towns, rivers, bays, | harbors, coasts, nioiin- tains, valleys, | prairies -.nd plains; 1 W AK- I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE 'iii Armstrong (A. N.) — (.'ontinmul. tof^ollicr \vitlir<>niarkft | iipnn tlu* Hocial |)ii8itioii, proiliu-tioiiH, n'MonrrcH, ami | |iroH|u>ctHntH of travi-l anil nilvonturo. | By A. N. AnnHtronn, | for tlirco yearn a mivorninent siirvfiyor iu Oregou. I Chiran"! I l>"'>HHlie«l l»y ChaK, Scott &. CO. I 1857. Title venjofopyright 1 l.ropyof <'orrc»iM)nrt- •ncn pp. lil-iv, imlex pp. v-vi, text |>p. 7-147,12^. Vocabnlary iini, Con- grea*. Aator : This word following' a titloor within pareo- thfitea after a note iiiilicat«H that a copy Oi the work referred to liaH be«>n Hn liy the compiler in the Aator Library. New Vork City. Anthoritiea : See DulVw86 (K.) Field (T. W.) Liidewig (H.R.I M'LeaiiM) PlUincM.C.) Pott iA.F.) Sah.n (•!.) Triiin'.Mill (.1. n.) Vater(.1.S.) B. Baohiller y Morales (Antonio). Antig- Uedadea Americanos. | NoticiuM | quo tuvicron los Europeos do la Ami^rica | i(ntc8 del desciihrimiento | do Cristo- bal Colon, I rccogidas | por A. Bachiller y Morales, i Individuo corro.sponsal de mdrito d« la Acadcmia Arijneolrtgiio- Matritcn- | ho, do mi^rito do la Kcal Sociedad Economica do la llabana, y corrosponsal | de la do Puerto-Rico &c. I [Picture.] 1 Habana. | Oficina do! Faro IndiiN- trinl, Cnlledol ()l»i»]»o num. !t. | 1845. Cover titU- 1 1. pi>. 1-134, 1 1. map, sm. 4°. Word fni hierro (inm) in ii imnilM-r of Aiiut. lean lanK'iiagrs. nnioii); ihrm tlii> Xiitka, ]i. 100. Copies Kfen : A Htor. Balbi (Adricn). Atlan | othnographique dii globe, i on clasaificatiou dcs peiijiles I aiK'ions et inodonios | d'aprcs lonrw laiigncs, I prdcdd<^ | d'lin discours sur I'ntiliti^ et I'iinportanco de lYtudo des langiie.HappliqiK^o i\ ]>luHioiirN branches dps cotiiiuissanccH Iniinniiios; d'lin aper^tt | siir los iiioycuH gra]diiques eui- idoyi^s ])ar los dillerons i>enplos do la toiTo; d'lin cotip-d'ipil sur rhistoire | do la laiigiio slave, ct sur lu niarcho pro- gressive do la civilisation ( et de la lit- ti^ratiiro en Russie, | avec environ sept cents vocabiilaircs des princi jtau.'. idi- onicscoiiniis, etsnivi | ilntable:iii phy- sique, nioiiil ctpoIitii|tie I ilosciu(| par- ties dii nioiide, | IX'did | h S. M. I'Eni- pereiir Alexandre; ' par Adrien Balbi, | ancien profcssour de geographic, do Balbi (A.) — Continued, physique et do mathdiiiatiquos, | inem- bro corrospondant de I'Athi^ni'e de Tre- visp, etc. etc. | [Design.] | A Paris, | Chez Roy ©t (Jravier, libraires, Qiiai des Angnstins, K"55. | M.DCCC.XXVI [1826]. | Imprinii? cbez Paul Renouard, rue Garencicre, N" 5. F.-S.-G. Hair-titli* 1 1. title verao blank 1 I. dnliration 2 11. table Hyno|>liqiie 1 1. ti>xt plates i>xli (Mingle and double), t.ible pliitrs xlii-xlvi. additiona plates xlvii-xlix. errata 1 p. folio. t,aiiKiieR do la cMv oecidentale du I'AniAr- iqtiedu Xonl. plate xxxv, Includes, under no. 84(1, the Wakimh o Vootka, with a brief dis- ruHsion u|m>:i that Iniignuge. — Tableau poly- glotte des InngiieH americalnes, 'plate xli, incl tides a vorab iilsrj- of Uic Xootka or Wakash . Copies lern : Astor, lirit iith Museum, Con- gresH, Rames. Powell, Watkinsoji. Bancroft: This word following a title or within parent hoses after a ni)t« indicates that a copy of the work referred t«> has been seen by the compiler in the library of Mr. H. H. Banrroft, San Francisco, Cal. Bancroft (Hubert Howe). The | native races | of | the Pacific states | of | North America. ( By | Hubert Howo Bancroft. Volume I. | Wild tribes[-V. Priniitivo history]. | New York: | D. Appleton and com- pany. I 1874 [-1876]. ."V vols, maps and plat«s, 8". Vol. I. Wild trilx'H; n. Civilized nations; III. Mvtbifand languages; IV. Autii|uities! V. Primitive his- tory. Simie copies of vol. 1 are dated 1875. (Eamea, Lenox.) WAKA8HAN LANGUAGES. Bancroft, (H. II.) — Continued. I'erftiinal iimuoiinn nf t.lii> Nann, Hailtna, an above tlin work Iihh lH>cn iHHiieil with the liiiprintof I.oiitimaiiH, London: Maixonneiive. I'aris: and lirm'kliaus, Leipzig; nono of whieli have V Heen. iHHued alMo with titlepaK)"* as followit: Tlio works I of I HiiliiTt Mowt^ Hiin- croft. I Volmiio I[-V]. | The native ra««e. ] Vol. I. Wild trilK's[-V. Priini- tiv«! history]. | San Frtmrisro : | A. \.. Itamroft iV company, imhlisiu-rs. | IK82. .I vols. H''. Thia wM'ieM will inrlude the II ia- torv of (.'entral America, Hi.ntory of Mexico, «t<'., each with itx own B.vatom of niinilieriiiK anil also iniinliereil cousecntively in the Heriea. Of these works there havo been ]iiililiHheil vols. 1-:19. The opening parat;rapli of vol. :i9 (IH'.tO) gives the foUowinu iiiforination: "This voUime closes the narrative portion of my his- torical series; there yet n^mains to he com- pleted the hiographical srition." Ctpift leen : Itancroft, llnlish Miiseuni, Ilitreaii of Ktlinoloj;y, Congress. Bartlett (.)ohii Kiissoll). Ninii< rals of tho .M language. Maniisiri'it, 1 page, folio; in the library of the hiireati of Kthnology. Inclndes the nni.ierals l-'JO, 30, 40, .'io. fill, 70, 80. 90, 100. Vocabulary of the Makah lanniiajtf. Manuscript, C leaves, folio, written on one side only; in the library of the Kurenu of Eth- uolopy. ('ontains IHO words, rworded on one of the forma issncd by the Smithsonian Institution. Ripiivalents of nearly all tho words are jjivpu. .lohn UiisHell Rartlett, author, btirn in Prov- i.;ence, 1{. I., '2.1 Oct., 1805. died there 28 May, If-SO. He was eilucated foramercantilecireer, entered the banking busineaii at an early age, Bartlett (J. R.) — Continued. and was foraix yearn cashier of theiilolie (tank in Providence. His natural Iwot app<-ars to have '•.fH'w in the direction of nclenceand Ixdlea- Irttres, for he was pnimineiit in founding the Pmvidcnce atliena'um and was an active mem- la-rof the KrankllnsiM'iety. In IrCITlieenKaKetl in biisincHs with a New York house, but wua not successful, and enterinl the lHNik'ini|H>rting trade under the style of Bartlett tc Welfonl. He became a menilter and was for aeveral year* corres|ioi,dinK accn'tary of the New York hia- torical giN'lety.and was a incmlier of the Amer- ican ethuo;!ra|i|iical siH'iely. In I8.'hi Pn>sident Taylor ap]M>lnted lilm one of the comininsioueni til lix tho boundary between tho tJnited Slat«a and Mexico under the treaty of .1, when ho was obliged to leave the work Incom- plete, owing to tho failure of the approiirialioii. He lii'came sii'retary of state for UliiMb- Island in May, 18,'>.\ and held the ollice until \*r>. \\n bad chargeof the John Carter Itrown library In Proviilonce for several years, and prepared a foiir-volumo catalogue of it. of which one hun- dred copies were printed in the highest style of the art, — ippleton'* Ci/rlup. nf A m. Iliiij. Bates (Henry Walton). Staiifonl's | com- peiKliiiin of ^i-o)rra]»hy and travel | bu.sedon Helhvald's* Die Krdu iind ihre Volker'i Central Anieriea the West In- •lies I and South America | Edited and extciiilcd I By H. W. Itatea, | assistaiit- sefi'etary of the Royal );eo5, Char- ing cross, S. W. I 187H Half-title verso blank I I. title verso blank 1 1. prefaco pp. v-vi, contents pp. vil xvi. list of illustrations pp. xvii-xvlii. list of maps p. xix, text pp. 1-441, ap|>endix pp. H:i-5(i]. index pp. 50:i-.")7l,maps, 8". Keane (A. II.). Kthnography ami Philology of .Xincrica, pp. 44:t .Wl. i'npim nrrii : Uritish Museum. ('ongreMa, Kaiiies, (ieiiIo;iicaI Survey, National Museum. Stanftird's | com)iendium of jjeoj^ra- phy and travel | based on Hellwiild's 'Die F01. IikI'.-x pp. Sftl STI.iiiiipii.K^, l.liiuiiiatic jirtirif UH iinilpr litlx next nliovo. Copirt xrH) ! lirltinli Miim-iiiii, Iliirvtiril. HtanfonrH | <-oinpi>iiiliniii of ><<'(>yra- phy iind travt-l | I)iikcv A.ll. Konno, M.A.I. | Majm and illiiH- tratioiiH I Tliird edition | London | Kdwanl Stanford, .*i5,Chur- luH ffoM, 8. \V. I 1885 Kali' title viTHi) Itliink I l.titli vimn Wlaiik I 1. pri-l'ai!« p|i. v-vi. ruiiti'iit.s pp. vil xvi. lixt of UliiNti'aliniiN pp. xvii-wiii, liNt of iiiapH p. xix. text pp. 1-441. appuiiilix p]i. 44;i-5tll. inilfx |)p. ."Mil ."iTI. tnapH, 8 . I JiiKiiiHtii'artirlunHiiiiilor lit loM next above. CopifHieen: (i<-r.s on tlit> HiHtory, Anticinitios, Arts, I..iinjj;iiau«!H. Kfli^ioiiH. Tr.-iditioiiH and .Sn]H-rstitionH |of I thf Aint'iicun iiliorinincs; | witli | Desi-riptions of their DoineHtit* Lifo, ManiK^rs.CuHtoins, Traits. Amii8 Idank I l.t'onti'iiLs pp. vii viii, toxt pp. l)-477. errata 1 p. iiiilex pp. 4711- 490, K \ Oatschet (A. S.). Iixtiaii lanKimRim of tlic I'acitir states and teriitorle.s, pp. 41(1-447. fo/ziVirKfcK .• Astor, llriiiton, Itritisli Museum, ColtpreHs. Kauies, (i<'olo;iii'al .Survey, Massa- cliusetts Ilistoriial Soeiet.v, l'illiii):,WiH<'ousin Hi.stoi'ieal Snr>:i, •.Ml fr.; llie Murpliy eopy. no. 1117, lu-ouglit .'fl.'J.'i; prireil liy Clarke \- en. ISXtl eatalo^ue. no. 6'J71, $:i..'>U,aiiil liy l.ittletleia. Xov. 1887. no. .'til in. Bellabella. .S'e Hailtsuk. BerghauB (/>r. Keinrieh). AllKeineincr I ctIinogra]diis('her .\tlns | oder | .\tlas der Viillier-Kunde. | Kiin^ Saniinliin>j | von neiln/eiin Karten, | anf deiieii di(>. nindie Mitte desnuiinxi^linten.Ialirliiiti- derta atatt liudeado | geugraphisciie Berghaufi (II.) — Continued. I N'erbreitiiii); alter, naeh ihrer Sprach- vorwandtsi'liaft >;eord- | neten, N'iilkiT I des Krd!ia]|s, iitid ilire Vertlieiliiiijr in I die Hoii'he nnd .staateti | iler alien wic derneiien Welt al»jtel>ildet nnd verftinn- lielit worilen ist. | Kin Vi>rKiieh | von | \y Ileinricli l(er;;lianH. | VerlaK ^o» •Insttis IN'rtheit in (iotha. I 1853. Title of tile serieH (l»r. Heiiirieli l< of the I lijllen-nt .Nations, | eonipiled and pnlilishiMl hv I (i. I'. lier^holt/. | Chicago. Illinois. | ISH-l. Title verso ic>pyrii;lit I I. eonlunts pp. :U7, prefaee p. an>i)- tlieses after a note indieales that the louipilpr has seen a copy ol'tlie work referred to lieloii);. inji to the lilirary »l' Dr. Kran/. UoaK BoaB(/>/'. Kranx). (>n certain solids and dances of the Kwakiiitl of Itritish Coliimhia. [Si^^neil Fran/. IWmih. | In .loiirnal of .\ni. Folklore, vol. 1, pp. 4!)- ra, Moston and New York, IHM. H\ (I'illiii;:.) Soii;;h willi niiisie, verses willi interlinear 1''inKlisli translatiiui. (iropur naincH, mythic tl'iniN, I te. I'octry and music of some North .Viiiericnn tribes. In the SwisH Chms. vol. 'J, pp. 140-148, N'u'V York, IKSS. »m.4". (Pilling.) A 8011);. with niusie. of the | Wakaokau] IndianHof llritiHli Colunihia. p. 148. WAKASHAV LANGUAGES. Boas(F.) — Contiinu-il. i Tlio IiKliiiim of ItritiHli ('(iliiiiibiii. ' Hy I>r. Frail/. IJohh. Ill rii|iiilurS«-li!iin> Moiitlily. vol. :r.', |i|>, tl'.'M- , 03«, XfW YoiU, 1»W8, 8 \ (IMIHiik.) A fi-w Kwakiiitl ti-rnis |iiiHaiiii. { !>!)• Mylliolo^iwdi-r iiiiril-w«>Ht-iiiniM'- iktitiiMclK'ii KiiHti'iiviilkiT. Ill (lliiliiiH. vol. .VI, J>|.. 121 127, l.Vi-ir.7, •J!ll>- j :iir.', :ii."i-:il'.); vol. .'>4, i>)i. 10- U, l(r»iio>«'liwt)iK. IMA, 4 '. (( tiMilujjii'ul .Siiivtry.) TfriiiH of tliK iiiilivi' liinuiiut;fH of tlic luirlli- west I'oimt III' ItritiHli .Viiii-rini, iiK'lliililii: al'rw ol'tliit Kwnkiiitl, Willi iiii-iiuiiigH, |ia.HHiiii. TlinkonH«sr. Fran/ ItiiaH. Ill Nutiiiiml MiiNiuiii rrof. lor 18H8, |i|i. 1<.)7- L'lJ, WiiHliiiiKtc.ii, 1«X!I, H . (I'illiliK) Kwiikiiitl tcriiiM, witli iiiruniii;;it, |inHHiiii, 'I'liH liiiliaiis of liritiHh C(>liiinhia. |{y Fiiiii/, lioaH. I'li.l). (I'reHfiiU'd liy Dr. T. Sloiry limit. May :«), I««8.) ill Uoyul So<\ III' Uiiiiailn, TriiiiH. vol. U, tn-c- tiiiii-.>, |>|i. 47-57, Moulri'ul. 188U. 4 . (Pilling.) A Hliort vocalmlary (18 worilM) of tlio Wili'- ^ iMik. hIiowIii); iitliiiiticM wllli Hit- ltili|iil^i. |i. 4». — Kwakiiitl and Wik'r iiok leniiH. |i|i. .'1:1 .'i.V i'ri-liiiiiiiary notes iir|Hisii of iuvttHtiualiiiK anil inildiHliin;; rt'purtM on tlut . . . tiiirtliwi-xti-rii trilx-Hof till' Diiiiijiiioiiof Cuuudu. |i|i. 4-10 [London, I8H1)|, H\ (Kmiiioh, JMlliiiK ) Lin;:ii ist ir routrntit uh under t itiv next above, pp. 7-8. I'irst (iiMU'ral l{c])ort on tin) Indians of lirltisli ColiinilMa. liy iJr. Frun/ lioas. I III Uritisli As8. Adv. Slo<>ii'al Siirvi-y.) Tlio Kwakiiitl. witlialiHt of diaU'cIs, toti'inn. tiTiiis, and i-nililuiiis, pp. 827-S2'.l. -Naiin-s, with 1 iiii'aniiiKH. oftim Kwakiiitl ^fi'oups, p.84!l. Ih.siiciI km I'uIIiiwk: First (JeniTal K'cport on tho Indians , of Itritisli Columbia. Hy Dr. Fraitz lioas. In Hriti.ili Ahh. Adv. Sri. flHli re|>ort of the coiuiiiilti't' . . . ap|Miiiitcd for tiir piir|iuMO uf iuveHiigatinic and publidhiiig reiKirt* on tli« Boas (F. ) — Continuod. . . . niirtliwmli'ni trilH'Hof llie IKiniiuion of t'jiniida, pp. .'•-»;. London [1MM| 8 (rilling.) Liii^fiilsiitrontrutMax iiudertitleni'xtiilMive, pp. :il-;i:i. .'1:1. Sfrond (ieiK'ral Koport on the Indians of It-.-tisJi ('oliiinltia. liy Dr. Fran/, iioas. In Itritisli .Vss. .\dv. Sri. n'lMirt of tlw nil- ticlli I tiiiji;. pp. .'ill'J-TI,'). London, IMUI, 8'. ((it'olo;;iral .'^iirvrv.) 'I'liK NiHitka ( pp. ru<'_'-)l04) ini'liideH tlie follow- inu: .V list of tliK trilii'M and tlirir lialiitiit. |i. ,'i8.'l.— NaiiiDS, Willi mraniliKs, of tin- HeptM of till) dillrrt'iit Noiitka trilii'H. p. TiXI. -Naiiii-Hof tllO cjliffH of tlltlHI'plH, pjl. :>S.'>-."lM7. -SoDlIS HUt to iniihir. witli ti'iiUHlatioii, ami many NiHitka tt'riiis paitHJiii, pp. .'188-11114. The Kwakiiitl (pp. Illl4-6:i2) li"!). Couiparativit voeahiilary of ei);ht('in Inn- liiiiiKes spoken in Itrltish i.'oliiniliia, pp. 1102- 71.'), ineliides three dialiH'ts of tho Kwakiiitl- NiKitka, viz, lleiltHiik, Kwakiiitl, N'oolka- Td'eeiath. IsHiied also as follows : S»>cond (ifiicral l{«'port on tho Indians of liritish (.'oltiiiibia. liy Dr. Fran/. Itoas. In Itriti.-ili .\ss. .\dv. .Sei. sixth report on the nortliwostern trilns of (!aiiada. pp. lo lli:i. Lon- don [lx:il|, 8 . (I'illini:.) Lin;;iiistie eonteiitsiis under title next uhovo, pp. :ii. :iJ, :i:i. :i5. ar. Frail/ Iioas. In .\lllerieail I'llilosopli.Soe. I'l'iK'. vol. :il, pp. .14 82. riiiladelpliiu, 180:1, 8'^. ((ieol»<;ieal Sur- vey.) (ieneral aecount of the Kwakiiitl aii<'i tiieir laiii;iia;:e, pp. :t4 :i.'i. — Voeahiilarv. alplialieli- eally arran;;(d. pp. :H)-82. [Lingiiistie iiiatoriiil relating to the Kwi:,kiiitl lan){iia<;r. I (') Manuseript. 227 paf^es, 4 '. in iHiHHcsHion of itrt author, wlio writes iiii>, Deeemlier, 18.11, eoneernlnK it, UH follows: (.'ulleeted at fhicaKo during the World'H (.'oliiniliian Kx|Nisitioii and V I'lirMcd in a blank hk. The hook . oiitaiuii solids and li>;;eiids. with Nxieal and ;;raTUiuat- ieal explauutioua, vuvubiilurloH, and grainiuat- 6 filBLlOOUAFIIY OP THE Boas (F.) — < 'ontinned. W-hI iiiit«H. Tliv I'^intPoU limy Ih< iIi'mtIInmI hh rolliiWH: 1. Kwaklutl trilMi: Thirtettii old HoiigH IwluiiKiliK t<> tin- TiM'tiiurku oprirniiiiilal. Tblrtyonii mmgn iil' THetMiiekit iIhikth. Ki(l*-<-iiiMinK»li('loU);iijgtuT*<*(MiiekainiiMLM. TlirtM) I'otlalHli Hoii((H. Twiif{N i'roii triulltliiiiH. Fiv« Hbnman'H hhii^h. TlinM) l.ttiiluxn H<)iii;i4. T»i> iiruytsFH l4) tlio Hiin. 'riiri'« lllVK MIIIIKM. Two iiiorniii); •. NiiiikUh trilH-: Kivi- Hiiii);i< or THutHiiuku ilaiicen. :i. KiMkiiiKitriliu: !' Ti«>tHUlialia, (rurniany, .Inly 'J, IHJH. From 1877 to 1HH2 lie att Hpcnt in Bt'rliii, pre- paring for an Arctic voyage, anil miih-d .lime, i8H:i, to C'liinberlamI Sound, liaHin hand, t^avl•l' illginthatr(•gionuntil Sopti-inlior, 1884, n-turu- ingviaSt. .luhim, Xinvronndland, to Kttw York. Tin- wintor of I88t-'H5 Im H])ont in Washing- t4in, pn-paring tho reHults of hiw jonriK'y for pnldicjitioii and in atiidying iu tliu National Miiicnni. From 1885 to 188C Ur. Itoaa was an UHHiHtant iu tlioKoyal Ethnographical Mummni of Berlin and doccnt of geography at thu I'lii- versityof Ucrlin. Inthe wiiiUrof 188:>-'80 lie Journeyed to liritiah Columbia, under tliu aiiHiiices of the Itritisli AHHociatioii for tlie Advancemi-nt of Sviencp, for the ]iiir|M)8e of Htudying the Indians. During 1880-88 Ur. Boas was assistant editor of Science, in New York, and from 1888 to 1802 decent of autliro- ptdogy at Clark ITiiiversity, Worcester, Mass. During these years he niiule ru|ieate4l joiirueys tu the Paeittc- uwwt, with the object of oun- Boas ( F. ) — (Jnntinnnil. tiniiiiig bis reMeari'hui* among the Indians. In 1881 Kiel gave liiiii the degree of IMi. D. Dr. Boas's principal writings are: ItafHn I.and, (iotlia..riistiisIVrtheH. 188.'): TlieCentral Ksk iiiio( in t heOt li Annual l(e|Mirt of t he Ktireau of Kthnobigy); Ue|iorts t:> the British .Vsaisria- tbtu for the Advaneeiiient of Seicncn on tlio Indiana of IlritiHli ColiimUiu. 1888-IH92: Volka- sageii iius Britisch Cidumliien. Verb, der Uoa. nir .\iitlii'o|Hdogie, Kthnoloub) uiul Crge- sebicbtein Berlin, l8Ui. Bo>ton AlhenaMini : Thene words following n title or within ]>arentheseHal'ter a n4itu indicate that a copy of the work referred to bus Iweii , een by ibe compilt r ill the library of that institution, itoslon, MiisH. Boiton l'ulili<': These words following n title or wilbiii parenthescH att<'r a note inilicale that il copy of the work referred to Iiiim been seen by the eiiiii|iiler in tliiit library. BoMton. Mass. Boulet (l{iiii-ltuptiNtu),('(/i^»-. .See Youth's. Bourgoiiig (Jean Fruiivnis). Helution irnii voyiigu rt'-cunt <1i-h K8|iaKi)ul.s Hiir IcH coteH iiiiril-iiiii^st (Ic rAinoi'iqui! »ep- tuiitrioiialu, 1702. Ill Ai-chives I.itteraires de I'Kurope, vol.2, 4)|i. .'i4-8!>. I'ariH. 18()4. 8 . (British Museum.) N'lininrals 1-10 of the KKketeii, Niitka. and Kiiinsien (from Humboldt), pp.78. 79, 87. Brabant (/I'ec. A. .1.) [LiiigiiiHtic iiiato- rial ill and relatin;^ t«> tli«) Ne.skwiat or Niitka laiifjiiiige.] Maiiuici'ipt ill possession of itsanlhor, who writes me from tlie NeHi|iiat mi.'t.sioii, British t'oiumbia, under date of December 14. 188.'i, as : " I had s]H-nt about three inontliB of the suiu- iiicr of 1874 with Bight Uev. Bislio]) Seghei-s nmoiig tliu natives of this coast, wbeii liie pre- late concluded to establish a mission at Ues- <(iiiat, the entrance to .N'ootka Sound, ami com- missioned me to take charge of it in May, 187.'i. You iiii|uii'(ialMiut my work <>u the language. I give you the information you ask fur witliiuiieh pleiisiire, '-.\s I had no liooks that I could consult, and intact I have up to this day seen nothing about the language worth consulting, I si'lectcil two IndiaiiH who knew a few wordsof ('hiuook.aiid with the help of tbe.Iargon Is-gaii to collect a number of familiar words and expressions. Aft<'r a while I noticed that these |)Cople when speaking observed certain rules and forms, and so I set to work and marked down anything iu that line I could notice. Of course as time and iiiy knowli^tlge of the language advanced the task was rendered iiiiich more easy ; and Hiially I put my notes a little in shape, not with tlie idea of having luiythiiig piibtisbed, but for my own s.,*!sfaction and for tlie use of any of our priests \rho, being stationed among tb my iiotfiR t« titcUitat« for tlu'iiiM^lvoH the ntiiily of tlif litu- fpiage. I hav» followiHl tlin iinlur Keut^rally xlnpted iu the writluK «f a xraminar, lieniiinlUK with tbe nouns, thilr geartttr, nunilM>r, i-U.: then tli« Hiyf«livt», (luKnHMt of compnrlHou, diminutivxH, tlu> nuiuKralH: next coni« tbe pro- nimns, followctl l»y the verbn, with tlieir dlfliT- ent forma of coiOuKatioii. Thin part in proiHT totliu H(>n<|iiluts. Mowai-halH. iinil Makcht-liitH, thu allix HllKhtly ilifTi^rinK Iu the laiigiiHgo of tbx other trilHMi. I havf only a nhort chapter about the lulverhH; but I have oiiUw-twl Hewriil huniln'tl iimxfs anuii,oiie, by J. A. Jiuolm, A. M., prinvipiil of the Kentucky Institution for the Education of Deaf MuteH. " Itishop SoBhers in 1874 translated some of tbe(;uthoIic prayorH, hut under very unfiivor- alile circuiiiHtnuceH. A few years later I waH instructed hy IiIm HUCceMsor to overhaul them and put them in their prtiHcnt nhape. I triina- lHt4-d the Hmall Chinmik <'alechiHm of ItiHliop Demurs, atterwanli* HeleetiiiK the principal partH ami putting it into a more succinct form for the use of adulta. "Kn pattant, I agree with you that the name of tbe language of this coant ouglit to reniiiin theNutka language; the term Aht, which has l)een ailopted lately by certain i)artieK, iN'iiig u uselesH inuovathm. i^alculated to cauHe coufu- aion, beHidi!H not conveying the Hound or the meaning which it U intended to convey. " I may add tliat the word Nutkn is the fro <|Uontative of Nutkshitl. which means tu go round (French /aire le tour de), i. *., Xutka Island, a word that would likely have been useied flrom a copy I have in my poHsession, written by the Kev. A. J. Brabant, a miHsionary on tho west coast of Vancr. Daniel CiarriHun). The AiiK-rican KuCf: | A LingiiiHtic ClaHHi- tication ami Ktliiii>gra]ilii(> | DeHrrip- tion of the Native TribeH of | North and .South Auterica. | Hy | Daiiitd i\. Brinton, A. .M., M. D., | Professor [&e. ten lines.] | New York : | N. D. C. Hmlges, Pub- lisher, I 47 Lafayette Plate. | I«JM. Title verso copyright noth'e 1 1. dedica- tion verso blank I 1. prel'nee pp. ix-xii, con- Unls pp. xiii-xvi, text pp. 17-;U2, linguislU) appendix pp. XM-^UU, additiouH and corrections pp. •lOr.-.ttW, index of authois pp. :i6«-;t7:t. index of suli,ieirts pp. :n4-;i9L', 8". Linguistic classiiieation of the Xorth I'aciHc st4>ckM (pp. 1U8-1UII) includes tlie KwakiiMitl or Ilaeltzukiun (Heilt/.uk. Kwakiiitl. (^uaislu), and Nutkn or Wakushuii (Aht, Nimlku, Wakash), p. 108. Oopim Men : Bureau of Ethnology, Eamea, rilling. DanielGarrisim Brinton, ethnologist, iMtrn in (Jiu'ster County, Pa., May l;i, 18;t7. He was grailuate«l at Yale in 18,')8 and at the Jetl'er»on Medical ( 'olhfge in 1801, after which he spent a y(sed, he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel and tlischargiNl. lie then settled in IMiiliulelphin, where he b<'Came editor of Tbe Medical and Surgical H<'|Hirt«r, and also of the 4 he was a|)pointeil professor of ethnology and archieohigy in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. For some years be bma niRLIOORAPHY OF THE ' I Brinton (D.G.) — ContliiKMl. Ih-<>ii itrttiiliU'iit ol° tlii> Niinilaiiiiitli' anil Anti- qiiftrian St.vor l>lilliMl)intMit »!' S<-linoUi;:y of ImiIIi IIi'iiiiH|ilirn-N. " Ih'. lirintitM liHH I'NtaliliHlicil a liliniry anil |iiiIiIIhIi- in|{ hoiiHit of altoriKiiiiil AniiTii'iin llli'iiitiiri', forth)' |Mir|Mmi' III' pluriiiu uilliin Ihr n-arli ol Hi'liolarH aiillirntir inatiTialH lor Ihr Htiiily of the laiiuiiiiKi''* aiiilriiltiirr of llii'nalivi' rari'H of Anirrii'H. Karliworkiitthi-|iriMliii-ttonof nativi- niiiiilH anil i^ priiiti'il in thi' ori|;iiial. Thr MiTii'H. most of whirh wprc eililril liy Dr. Ilriiilon hiniHi'ir, inrluili< Tlin Maya I'liroiiirluH (I'liila il<-l|>hia. IHirJl: Till- lriM|iiiilM Itmik of KIIih (lriM»): Thu (iiit'Kiii'Uri': A Ijonii'ily llalh'l in tliu Kahiiatl Spaniitli DlaliTt of NiriiraKiia (IMCI); A Mttfrntion Li-uimiiI of tin- Oei-k In iliuuH (IH84); Till' Li'inipi- anil Thoir LckpiiiN (IH85); Tho Annals of the ('uki'hli|iiiil>« (IKMfi): |Ancii>nl Kahuatl I'ovtry (IH»*7)t liitf Vwla AInl•ri<^anllH (I89ii)|. Ui-Miili'H piililiNliin); niinii>r oiiH papvm III' liiiH ronlriliiitfil valiialilr ri-|iorlH on IiIm pxaiiinations of inniiinls, NlnOllirapN, nM'k InitrriptionH, anil nthi-r aiitii|uiti(>K. il« ih tlu'aiithnrof Tin* Floriilian I'riiiiiHiila r It.-< Lit urary HiHiory, Iniliaii TrilM>H, aim Antii|iiitii-i4 (I'htluil«l|ihia, \W>»): fho Mytlm of thr Ki>w World: A Tn-itiMi- on tlio SyiiilioliHtn and MytholoKy of tho Ki-d Kari> of AmorifU (Xi>w York, ItXIH) ; Till' Ib'liKioul* Si'iiliinvnt : A (Con- tribution to th« Si'ii'iii'K anil I'liilimophy of Kelieion NiitivK liUnuuaf;<'H (IHKI) and A (irainnmr of thi> Cakrliiqiii'l Lnn- Kuage oi'{i\MU3mii\&(l6iM).—AppMoii'»('yclop. vfAm.Iiiog. Britiah and Foreign Bible Society : Theae words following a title or within panrntlieHea aftei' a note indicate that a copy of the work has Iteen seen by the compiler in the library of that inMli- tution, 140 Queen Victoria Street, London, Eng. Biitiah and Foreign Bible Society. Bnanr. on loanaa. rj. 3tt ct. l(i. \ U^pniiiibi iiepeio40BiciiimenHaronncaniii,| n34aiiRiiix'b ; Be.iHKoApnTaiicRnMi h Hnm-TpanHhiMi | OnfiiP- HcKiiwi o6mccTBOMi. \ [Deflign iiu«1 one line quotation.] | Britlah ami Foreign liiltlf Ko<>iety.— Coiitinu«'«l. lii>'i«rtHii aJN (ipnTancnaro ii iinnriiiiiiiiini ■HfVjeHrK'il'd I il6ll|pl'TU, I > rH.lli. I ISMA. lAtrral traimtiitioH : The goa|M)l by John, 3d cliaptiT. Dllh viTHe. | Sainplen i of the trauala. lionaof thu holy Hcrlptun-. | piibliNlied ; by the liritiHli •ml foreign | hilile Hoi-iuty. | [Denlgn.] I " (iiHl'H woni I'lidiiri'th forever." I Printed for the ItritiNli and foreign bible | HiHiety. I :it tiillHrt \ KivlngtonN (Uinited). 't'l. .St.flohn'K S<|iiari'. London, t IriM.'i. 1'rinli'd roviTH (lilli- at aliove on fmnl one verM) i|uolatioii and noteM), coutenta pp. 5-7, text pp.0 tlH, in . Malilicw \l, 'id. in the Ku-gutl (Vancouver lalanil), no. Ii)7. p. :ui. Voiiiet tei n : Tilling. TheearlirriMMiieMof this work, tit leg of which will liel'oiiiid In the liibliograpln of the Algon- i|iiiun LauguaguM. contain no Wakaalian mute- rial. Kv. 8t. .lob. Jii. Ifi. I in tlen meiHten tier S|iriiclien iiutl Diiilccte in welvliuii . •>-^^^ (verso of p. (IT uoteH), remarks. ottleerH. ageiiciea. etc. :i 'I. i(|o, LingiiiHtir rontentH ait under title next aliove, no. '.18, p. 5-.'. Copien leeii : I'illing, In IIiIh I'dition and in thoxo titUtd below the langiingi'H are arranged alplialH-tically. St..luiiu in. Hi, Jtc. I Spo«iiiien8 | do ill traduction de cc pasHage daiiH la plii- part I d(*H IniigiieH ot dialectcH | dans leB(]ii(4H la I So<'i<^ti^ Bililique Britan- ni(|ue ot IIStrang«>re | u iiiiprim(] ou mis en circulation le8 Huintea t^criturea. | [DcHigii and one line i|Uotatioi> J | Londrea: | Soci<'t(^ biblique britan- ni(|iie et ('trangere, | 14(5, (jueen Vic- toria Street, K. C. | 1«8.'>. Title on rover oh aliova reverse i|iintation, conlents pp. 1-4, text pp. 5-(i7 (verao of p. 07 ohaervatloiiH), reniarka eti\ :i II. 10°. LingiiiMt ic I'lmtentH aa under t itie next above. Vopiet Ktfn : British and Foreign Bible Soci- ety. Pilling. '■ St. .John iii. 16, &c, | in most of the | languageH and dialectH | in which the | British and foreign bible society | has Ii- WAKA»HAN LANGUAGES. 9 Britisb iiihI Korninn \\i\Av Sorioty —("!«!. printed or linultitftl tli« Imly Hcrip- tiireM. I (nt*Hi){ii iiihI oiii' liiH< i|n<)tii tioii.) I KnliirKcil olitioii. | LotitliMi: I tlut HritiHh uml fori-iuii IiIIiIk MiH'iut.v, I I Ml, (/imeii Vi< loriii Stn«'f, l.oiiiliin, K. C. I IXK".. Tillf IIM IIIhIVI' VITNII l|lllllHti)lll mill llOlt x. I'linlfntN |i|i. ;i-4, text PI" •"• m. ii'imirkM i-l"'. \<-r<«i |i.l<' ^'"'l flN, KiiiiifK. I'illin:;. \Vrllrhli'>. SiiiH'riipicH. iillii'rwiHi' iiiii'lialiKt'il, an- iliiliil IKriH. lIMIIIiiu) St. John iii. Hi. Ac. | innkONt iif tliu | liinKnii);«>*»>nlrt>it{n liiltli* Mocittty | hiiH piintcil or <-ircuhit«Ml thd lioly mTip- tureH. [|i!-Hit;n uml «>n*- lin<<(|iuitiiti<)n. | I Knhii'Kvil iMlitiun. | London: | the Itritish and riitia|iJH<'i' (I'lU' siiiiili' »( tlio Qiichu'h t<-\t) I I. titlu iiH almv)^ vi-rxii t|iiiitalioii anil inili^. cuiitfiitH pi>. a-4. le\l pp. .'>-n7, n'marks <■{>■. viTHO p. U7 anil Iwu fiillowiii): II. Di . l.iiiKiilMtlo CDiitt'iils »H iiikIiT litli'H alHivi*. Ciiiiirt i^cA : KaiimH. Pilling. Wfllfxli'y. St. .lohniii. IH, &r. | in numtol'thi* | liinl<- Hociuty | Iimh printed or cirt-iilat'-d tliu holy Hcrip- tnrcH. i [IK'Hignand one line (|Uoti)tion. | I Knlar^ed edition. | London: I the liritiHh and t<>r<'itrM rlc. 1 I. rniiti'lits pp. :t-4, text pp. i)-K:i. JKHlicii-al HkWcli t-lc. 'J 11. 10°. LiiiKiiiHtic I'linli-iitH a* niiilt!!- lilli'H alioviv III). l.'iO, p. 4H. t'liiiirn nem : KaiMi'H. I'illiiia, Wi-lli »ln\ . 8i>iiii- riipii'S nil' ilatt-il imtll. (IMlliiiu.) St. JR etc. I 1. text pp. 5-8U. liMt of atlilitluiiH |i. 84. appcnili v- of new viT»irililliiwiii|{n llllrnr within pati>nlhi'«-<« alter a miln inillialt- lliiil a riipy iif tin- wiirk nl'frml to lia« Immh m-cn by till' I'liiiipilt'r in tlie lllinir> <>f tliat ln»lliiiiii>ii. Liiiiiliin. Knit. Brown : TIiIh wuimI rollowlntt a title nr within pa ri'iillii'Hi's atti r a note itiillnali-x that a • "py of till- wiirk relerreil to ha* lieen ••cen l>v the in ii pll'i' iu till- lilirary of the late .Inlin Carter llriiwn. i*rr the laii^iia){e from all siiiir.'.'it. K\niiipleH of hyiiiii" froiii varhnix lantrnauea will 1m' Klveii. ' C'ontaiiiH many woniri of Wakashan urittin, Hoiiie of which are ho inillcateil. (!hinook .larKon lan^iiaKe. { I'art IL I [Two lines Chinook .lar^on.) | To lie completed in 1\ parts. | Compiled Ity I T. S. Ilnlnier, .XL !>., C. M.. F. S. A. S.". A., London. | .\ld\ iWHisted liy | Kev'd M. Kells, l>. !>.. and Kev'd IN re N. L. St. Oiifjf. ( formerly tni8sionary to the I Vakaiiia Imlians). ManiiHcripl : title im almve vermi lilank I I. text II. 1-124. 4 . In |!»H!teHHlnn of Dr. Itnliner. CoinpariHon of lan^iiaueM (2U wonlH anil pliniHCRl ill TlaiM|iiati'h anil NiNitka. with tlm Ciiliimliiaii amM'hinook.ll.*!:!) «t4.- WakaHhaii MOI'll" pllHHilll. The Cheo-Chinook laiijjnase | or | Chinook .InrKoii. | In | IX parts. | I'.irt III. I Knglish-Chinook dictionary. | l" edition. | Uy T. S. linlmer, ahly assistetl by | the Uevil. M. Hells, It. I).. &• the Kevd. I'cie .Siint ()nj;e. both mis- sionaries to the Indiitns in Washington iV Oregon states. MaiiiiHrript : title verso hlniik I I. |in', <'A, Yak., Cblnook. Nootka, Indian, Knglliih. Kn-nih. Chi lialla, and YakaDiH; and a aMMind hat<>r iwr- Mina rnini wbiiin Dm wonl* were ulitalnetl and lut'alltlmi In wlilrli tlii-y were uaed. "In my Milei'liiin of the t«rni dhtt-Chinook I merely intend lucunvey tuatiidi^nta that II liaa It* prinoliMtl origin intliedld urUriuinul ChiuiMik lan|{iiHK«; and althonuli It riintalUH many other Indian wonla aa well bn Kreniliaihl Knglixh, y)-t it t'luUH forth rroniitaniotlitTHNnn hyhrid, and an aiich haa lNy their oi|uivulcnlK luthelanunaKeH from which they arederiverefor. A|i|ieml<'d to the diftionary are thf following: Original Indian naniea of town hIIch, riverw. nioiintainH, etc., in the WfMtMru iiartH of the Stat4i of WaHhiugtou : 8kokomiHh,2 11.: Cheniakniii, I^wor CblhaliM, Diiwaniiah, II.; Chiumik, 2 II. : niiMcelluni-oua, 2 11.— NanieHof varionH plai-ea in tho Khuniith and ModiM'. countrieH, 3 II.— CamidnK iilavim and other lo<'alltiea around the UpiH^ Klamath Lake, A II. [ ] Appendix to Kiiliiier's Chinook- Jargon grumuiur and diet ioiiitry. ManiiHcripl ; 11. 1-70, 4°; in poatM^aiou of its author. (^ontaina a numlier of wonla of Wakoahan origin, aonie of which are ao indicatcil. [ ] Part II I of I Hiilmer'H Appendix | to the'^Chee-Chiuook | Qrainiiiiir and Dictionary. Manuarript; 57 II. 4°; in poaaoaaion of ita author. Wakaahan wonla paaaini. [ ] The CliriHtian prayers | in Chin- ook [Jargon]. Manuacript; 61 II. 4°; in poaaesaion of ita author. Prayera in Chinook Jargon, II. 1-5.— Leaaona l-17in Chinook Jargon, with Eugliah liuadiugx, II. 0-23.— Liat of special worda adopted by Fathera Blancbet and Denier^ in connection with the aervice of the niuxx, II. 24-25.— Trana" lation of the Chinook prayerw into Enicliah, II. 28-38 Copy of a aemmn preached by Rev. Ur. Kella to the Indiana at Watlawalla. with inter- linear Kngliahtranalation, ll.:i9-4e. -Of the97 word8nacd,4eareof ChiniMik oriuiu, 17NiMitka, 3 Seliah, 23 EngUab, 2 Jurguu, and in BaliiMr(r. 8.) — Continaed. French.' —A rtlclva of faith of the rongrega- tioual ohnn-h at Hkokonilab, Waahlnglon. ill Uui Jargon with interlinear Kugllab Iranal*. tlon. II. 47 53. -Oration in Chinook Jargon with Interlinear KnvliKh trauVlatlou. II. 53-54 I'rayera (oI)imI in KngllMli blank verac, II 55- 56: theiiame in Jargon witti interlinear Knglliih traualatlon,ll..'V7m. In addition tothealMive|Hi|Hr. Itnlnieria alao the author of u nunilH'r cif urtlcleM up|NMir> lug ill Father Le.Ieune'a Kamliiopi H'm/'a, >/- v. I am lndebl<<k charge, aa head niaater, of lieneral Ilanilltiin'M free achiMd: thence he went to rp|Hint4Mlonuofthepn»- feHHora in I.' AHitomption Jeituit t'idlege. From there he went to Kuiih Meilical College and Liiid rniverMlty, Chicago; thence to the lto4de Nor- male. Montreal : thence to Torento ITniveraity, meilical department. Later he contiuumi hia Htudiea in the ficole de M ^-decine and Mcliill rniveniity, Montreal, and graduated in intMli- cine at Victoria Uni veraity . In 1M08 he oroaaed to London, whence he proceeoint<> Iiok Inwu aeeu by the compiler in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology, Waahingtou, D. C. Buaohinann(JohauuCarl Ednnrd). Die Vtilker uud Sprauheu Neu-Mexico's uud dcr WcHtsoite de8 britisehen Nord- aiuerika'a, durgestellt von Hm. Biisch- mauu. WAKA8HAN LANOUAOR8. 11 Die ico's ford- isch- Busohmann (J. C. K.) — ConiiniMKl. Ill KiiiilKllt'liti AkMtl. iliT WiNN. (II ll«*rliii, AltliitiKlluiiKcn, HUH ilfiii Jnlirv IHAT, |i|i. 'jmt- 414, lli>rliii, iK'iM, 4'. VarlNit pululiraa itel Idloiua quo n«i ImbUt'ii U IkMtoS. ilflCmialiln Fiicitdioiu AlntUOnlluiiil loolii«>.- Trllial illvlNlona. refer- vuvtfn to oiitlioritirx, i'., pp. :i47-:i4e.— Alplinliet- IhcIiii Vur7.«-icbiiiiiiu il<it, anil vfrlm, alpbab<ni'rnl dUciia- hIoii of theNiMitka and Tlaoi|uatoh, with exam- pl«H, pp. 3(J:i ''Vi ^ Vm-abulory (31 wordH) of the Nootka (fn liah>, Cook, anil Alcula-Callunu, anil of thi' riaiH|iiatch, pp. 3ir>-.'iaO.— Coinparl. H*n of Nnotkn wnnlh with tlioxo of the llaelt- 7.iik, llalltHa, Kakiniii, llaldab, Cora, Cahila. IViM'Kuana, uiiil A/.tvk, pp. ;i6ft-,'l71.— Vocahii. Iiiry (71) wiinlH) iil' thu TlaiN|iiatcli (alpbalH't- li'ally arrangi'd by Kn<;liah wonU) oonipareil with tlioRt< lit' thu Kawltcht'D, Noosilalniii, Si|iiallyaiiiii«h, and pseudoChlnook (Catblan- oonO. pp. 37.'>-;i77.- Niiiuiiralx 1-100, ]ironouna, •diectivea, ami phras»H of tlio ahiivroaniml Ian);iia){e8, pp. 3V-:i78.— (ieneral diHoiiHMion of thitminie, p. 370.— N'uini>raU 1-lUof thu Halltsii, andof thelndluusof Flt/.hiif-h Sound, p. .'181 Gtiuoral diHoiiSHiouof the IlailtHa, |ip. llSIUtSTi.— Comparative vocabulary of aiibHtiintlvoH, adjectlvcg, and adverlm (13U words, alphabet- ically arranged by EngliHh wohIh) of thii Hailtziik (from Tolniio), Hailtr^a (frnni Half), •nd Oellai'hoola, pp. 385-388.— Xiinierals l-lliO of the aarae, pp. 388-:i89.— Pronb:inH, adverbs, and InterJectionM of the aanie, p. 389 (ii>neral dlHciianlon and analogiea of the same, p. 39U. iHHiieil aepaiatvly with tltlf -page aa foUuwH : Dio Viilker iiiiil Hprucheii | Neu- Mexico'H I mid | dcr WentHoite | ties | britischeii Norditincriku'H | durge -tilt I voii I .loll. Carl Ed. Riischinanii. | iih don Abhandliiugen dor Koiiigl. A1 >de- iiii« der WisseuscUufteu | y.\i Berlin 1857. I BtMohnuuin (J.C.K.) — ('oiitiiiiittd. llfrliii I 8. I In ConimiMion Ixi K. iMhiiinlvr'H ViTliiKM-ltiH'lilniiidluiiK. <'i>vi>r tub' Ha alMivr, Mlh' «it uImivh v«rao null- I 1. t<iu 40v. liilmllN ('lM 413. Vi-rlH'KM-riiiiKcii p. 414, 4 . I.iligiilittl<-riiiit<'nt«aiKiit< nii. L'7U, brought I4«. ; iil IIk- Kli-hl mill-, catalogiio no. 2:i.'i. 7.% I'cntx: pric'|.n'. IM7H, no, .'Mil'.', IJ fr. and by I'rilbnir. 1i«ic.>, Vn il<>rii/tvkiHi'lien .'<|iriirlie iin niinllirluMi Mexiro mid liiili<u iiiiiorikiuilMchi-n Nordi-n. /iiKJcirliriiin MnstiTiingdiT Viilkui uiiil !^|>riii'lii-nil«M niirdllfhun MuxiroV nnd iltrlln, Abhandliinccn, an* ib-iii .laliri> Im.'i4, /ui'ltcr Supp .|lanil,pp.l-8<')(furiiiKtiiiH, 4"". Puoplc and ii]M«<'h of I'liurt N<>iiiid. Kiiia StraltH, :'tr., iiicluili>it tht> Wakaiihau uiiil ItM illviaionM, p. A7I. IhhiukI Ht-paratcly with titb>-|HiKi' an foUowa: Die I SpmnidiTaxtukiHi-hi'iiSiiMiilie I iiii iiiir(lli<-li«-ii MfXMM) I mid liiiliervn iiuierikaniHrlu-n Nordon. | /iikIi'Ii'Ii | einit MiiNtermi); dor Viilker iiiid S|ira- cht^n I di'8 iiiirdliiiieii Mi-xii-n's | nnd derWcHtm-itoXorilaim-rikii'H | vimliiia- daliixaia iiii IiIn znin KlHineer. | Von | .loll. Curl Kd. BiiHcliinanii. | Hinlin. | (iodrni-kt In ilcr Hiiriidritik- vri'i derKoiii)^]. Akadeniie di-r Wimmmi- Hihuften. I 185S). Half-title vumo bliuik I I. general title of the HerieMverao blank 1 I. title am ulmveverHo blank 1 1. abKekiirtzle IiihaltH-fberHirlit pp. vli-xli, text pp. 1-713, Kinlultun;; in ilaM KeographUi'liu KegUter pp. 714-718, geo^^raphUi'be Ki-ulMter pp. 7IH-8K'i,verniiMrliteNachwoiHiiugeu pp.8IS- 8i8, VorbeHHeriingen p. 819. 4°, LinKiiiHtir conti-ntM aa under title next almve. Copien nefii : Aator. Krintoii, KaiiicH, MaUon. neuve. Pilling, Quarit«;h, Smithiiouian, Trum- bull. rubliahed at 20 Marka. An uncut half-mo- rmteo copy wan aold at the Fiacher Hale, cata- logue no. 'JOB, to (juaritch, tor °.>I. 1 U. ; the latter pricea two copiea, cotalogiin no. 12552, one 21. 2x. the other 21. I0«. t the Pinart copy, catalogue no. 178, brought Bfr.; KiM-hler, catalogue no. 440, prircH it 13 M. 50 pf. ; priced again by iii-iiilix pp. ixxxiv. l^ii.liiT, 1»C 11". (I'illiiit'.) 'I'Ik^ lli'Mt purl III' tliiH pn|ii-r in an alloiiipt to kIiiiw ri'Hriiililaiii'i'M Im'I\m'<'ii vai'ioii.x lamilirN 1(1' IJHi Ni'W \Vi>rM. ami liotwrni llnsc anil varioim pi'oplrn ol' llm Olil Wnrlil. Coiiiparativi' viiialmlan (7(i worils) iiC the Hailtziikli anil Malay- I'ol.MiiHijn lainilii-!), pp. xxvi-xxvlil. (.'iiniparativc \.M'al)n1ar.v (70 wonlH) of lliu Noiitka anil Malav-I'olynoHian laii(;iui;;rH, pp. \xix-xx\i. IxHiD'il Hi'paratrly witli titli-.|ia;!i' ax rcilliiwM: Orijiin | of llio | ■iliorijfiiH'M (if Caii- ada. I AjtaiKT n-ail hi-fiirrtlm liiturary anil historical sorifty, | (/iioImt, | by | prof. .1. Camiilicll. M. A., | (of Mon- tn-al, ) I l)<^li^"omc«. | \HH1. (/'iivor tltlo as aliovf. tillo no aliovi- vitsu lilaiik t I. iliMlii'atiiiM vitsh IiI ink I 1. ti'\t pp. l-:i:i, anil ap]MmiUx pp. i-xxxiv, k . Twcnly-tlvo riipii'H printi'il. I.inulli^lli'slc\ . Canadian Indian. Vol.1. Ortober, 18;h». No. I [-Vol. I. S«'pt<«inbir, ISitl. No. 12]. I Thu I ('anadiaii | Iiuliaii | Kilitors | rev. E. K.Wilson | II. H. Small. | IMib- lishcil nndor the .Vusjiiccs of | t\\v Cana- dian Indian Rrsisin-hal ['if] | Society ;i'onteuts I [tVc. double colnnins, each eijjht lines.] | Single Copies, 20 cents. Annnal Sub.scripti«n. $2.00. | I'rintedand rnblished by.Jno. Rntli- erford, Owen Sound, ()ntario [Canada]. [18}M)-1W)1.] I'i niinilicrs: cnvi-r til In hh aliovo, text pp. 1- :t5(i. .'< '. A t'ontiniiatiiiii III' (tiir KniTstlJIiilcliin. [ titli' and riillatioii III' wliirli will In- t'oinid In tlic I l!lliliii);ra|iliy .MLi<>iii|iiiaii lan<:iiaK<'x. The pnliliratiiin was Hn.s|ii'iiili'il with tlio (Nvi'U'tli niiinliiT. wit lit 111- intent inn 111' i-rsutiiiii;; ; it in ■laniiary. I8'.I2. Tlic woril " Itcsciinlial " iin till' fovi'r of tlir lirHt nninlii'r was rliaiiKi'il to ■ ■ Ucsrarch " in llu' t'oUnwiny iiiinilirrH. Wilson (K. F.), .V I'liinpaiativc vocalmlary, vol. I, pp. 104-107. Copies leeii : Kiuni'K, I'lllin^, \VulU>HU>y. Oape Flattery Indiani. Src Maka. Catechiim : Nutka S'lii iirabant (A..I.) Catlin ((leorfje ). North and South Amer- ican Indians. | CataloKne | descripliM) :iihI iiistriiitive { of | Catlin's { Indian CartooitN. I I'ortraits, types, anil ens- tonis. I 000 painlinj^s ii. oil. | with | 20.INMI full length tiKiires | iiij; their \arioiis frames, reli;;ions ci-re- niouicH, and | other customs, | and | 27 canvas paintin^fs | of | Lasalle's dis- covcrii's. I New York : | Itakcr A: (imlwin, Print- ers, I Print iii;;-hoiise s«|nare, | 1X71. Aliriil^i'tl titli- Oh oovi-r. title uit alaivu verHO lilank 1 I. i'i'inark.s vrrso niitf I I. trxt pp. .'i-ifj, ri-rtiflralfs pp. !»:i lilt. K , I'l'iipt'i' naiiii's w itii Kn;:lisli si;:nitilli>i|. li'y.Wisriin.-iii Hi.stiii'iral Socioty. (iiMii}:'' t'atlin, painter, Imiiii in Wilkrslianv, I'a., ill 17!Mi; ilii'il In iIiTsry City, N..)., Itercni- l>i'i'.':i. 1S7'-'. Ilrstinlii'dlawal l.iti litiil.l.Conn., lint alter n few years' practice went In I'liila- ilelpliia iiiiil tiinieil his atteiilinn to ilrawint; anil painliii;;. .\s an artist he was entirely self, taiinht. In l«:!i: lie went tiitlie Kar anil spent I'iKhl years aniiin;; the liiiliaiisof Vellow- stoiie Kiver, Inilian 'I'evrilory. .\vk:insiis, anil Floriila. painting a iiniiiiie nerie.s nf Inilian por- tniils anil pletiiivs. wliieli attraeteit niiieh atteiitiiin. on tlieir exiiihition. IhiIIi in this eonntry and in Kiirope. .Vinun;; these were 470 full length piirtrails of a lai'<;e niiniher of pietnre.sillustrativeii. Ali'xiinilrr Kriimis CliiiiiilH'i'biiii was liorii iit K<>iiniiif;l«>ll. N'orl'iilk. Kniriaiiil. •Iniiiiarv 1'J. IWVi, ami i'ainc lo Now YtirU with liH |>an'iilH in ISTd. ri-ii!ii\ ill); witli tln'iii tu Cinaila in 1H7I. H« iiiatririilali'il rriiiii tin' ('olli'^:iati' Institiil)', I'olcrlKtro, Onlaiiii. into (In- Univi-rsily "I' Toronto in IHS'J. fioni wliii h institution lie ^radiiattMl Willi liiinorxin nmili rn l:in!;iia;:i'Mauil «>tlinolo|;y in l»ni 1KS7 lo 1K9II lir was ffUow in iniHlcni lanuiia<;i's in t'nivcrsitv ('kI- lejjf. Toronto, anil in ISHU ii'icivnl tlir ilt'^m- of M. A. from Iiis alma nialrr. In I'^Jlii lii> was appointcil fi'Uiiw in Miilliro|iiilo!:y in Clark t'ni vi'rsity, Woni'Hti'r. Mass.. wlirrt' lir m rii|ilril liimselC with Htuilics in tin- Al;;iin<|uian Ian KnaKi'santl tliP pliysiral anMiro|Milii!;y of AiiiiT- i<-n. Iii'Innc, IRim. In' wnit lo liritixli Coliiin- Ilia, wlicrr. until tlii> t'ollowlni; Orlolirr. lir was iMijiauril in stuilyitiji tlic Kooti-nay Imlians iniilrr tin- anspicoH of tin- Itrilisli AsMiiinlion for till' Ailvanri'inriit of Siicni o. A siiniinary of till' ri'snlts of tlirsi' inv!'sfi;;atliiiis ajiMrars in tlir |>roi'i'ii1in<;s of llii' aHsoriatiim fir IS!)'.'. A (lirtionary ami grammar of tin- Kuotrnay lantina^i'. to!i<'tlier with a rnllcclion of Irxtit of niytlis. nr<> also l)"in;; prorcfilnl with. In !.■■.' Sir. Chainlii-rlaiii nriivril from Clark Vnivrr sity thr (U'srcc of I'll. I), in aiithroixilogy, his thisi,slM'ing:"Thi' I ;'|ipi»i . Mr. I'ham- lirrlain is a momlierof .several id the learned Boeieties of Annrira and Cinaila and fellow of the Aiueriean Assoeiatiou tor the Advanee- nient of .Seienee. In 18it2 he wa > appointed h iiure'- in aiilhrn- l>olo;;y at ('lark I'nivi isity. Claoqnat, See Klaokwat. Claret de Fleurieti (('. V. ) Sec Flewrieu (C.r.c.) Classical. Tlic | claM.sioiil Journal; | tor S(«|itfiiilit'riiuil I)cpeiii)ier I 1811. I Vol. IV. I [Two liiii's .] { L<»iiiloii: I priiit«r of .Vmeriean lanunajios. anion); them the Nntka Sound (from Uixon), p. 241 : Cook. \ol.'J. p. ;i:ifi; and HiimlMilill'g Travels, vol. l>. p. :i(l!l. p. 11,'<. < Vi;ii<'\- .' ci (I .■ ( 'on;;resii. Congress: This word fidlowiii); a tith* or within parenlheyes after a note indiealis thataiopy ef the work ri'feri'ed to has heen seen liy the -nnipiler in ihe Library of Conuress, Washing ton. I). C. Cook ( ( iiptiiiii .laiiii>M) mid King (J.) A I v(>y:io;i' | to lln' | I'acilic ocean. | riidtTtakcii, I liy tlio rniiiiiiaiid of IiIh iiiaji'st.x . I lor iiiakin^ | Diseovorii's in flic Northern lleiiii.siilurt'. | rerl'itrmcd iindi-r the Direction of Captains Cook, CIcrke, ami (tore, | in llin Maji'sty's Sliips the Kesolntton and Discovery; in the Years 177(i, 1777, 1778. 1770, and 1781). I In three vcdnnies. | \'ol. I. and II. written l>y Captain .lames Cook, F. K. 8. I V Mils. 4^. maps ami plates, and atlas, folio. Anderson (W.i, Voeahiilarles ami iiiimeraU of tlui Nootka lanniuice, vol. '-'. pp. Hiri. liiili: vol. ;i, ;,ii. .")1(» ,"i4li. CopieK nee II : Itriiish Mnsenm, Coiij;ress, I itMilo^ical Survey. A I voyao;<' | to the | I'aeiHe, oeean. | Uinlertakeii, | liy theeoinmand of lii.s majesty. | for makinfj | Discov- eries in the Northern Hemisphere. | To determine | The Tosit ion and I'xteiitof tile West Side of North .\meriea; | its Disianeo from .\sia; .-ind the I'ractiea- liility of a | Northern I'assaoo to I'nroiio. I rerformed nndi-r the direc- tion of I Captains Cook, Clerke, and (iore. I ill his m.ijesty's .Ships the Reso- lution ami Disioxcry. | In the Years 177ti, 1777, 1778, l77!l.aMd 1780. 1 In three volumes. I \ol. I and II written liy Cajitaiii .lames Cook, I'. K. S. | Vol. Ill liy Captain .lames Kin^, 1. 1.. D. and l'\ li, S. I Illustrated with .Maps and Charts from the Ori^rjnal Drawings made by Lieut. Henry Roberts, | under the Direction of Captain Cook; and 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Cook (J.) and King (J.) — Continued, ■with » great Variety of Portraits of Permins, ViewH | of I'Iih'ch, and Histor- ical KepreaentationH of Itonmrkubln Incident!), drawn 1)y Mr. | WehWer during the Voyage, anil engraved l»y the most eniiiietit ArtiHts. | Pnbli.slied by Order of th«! Lords ConiniiHsionorH of the Admiralty, | Vol. I[-III1. | London: | printed by W. and A. Rtrahan : for G. Nicol, hookHeller to Iuh majesty, in the Strand; | andT. Cadell, in the Strand: | MDCCLXXXIV[17K4]. :t voIr. ina])R and plntes, 4<^, ami atliiR. fulio. Lingnifttic i-onteiitMaa uiidur titluiioxt abovi', vol. % |i|i. :i3r>, 3.16, vol. ;i, pp. 512~r>46. Oopiet tren: Antor, ISanrroft, Itritish MiiHonm, (ireely, Uarvard, Lf.nnx. WatkiiiHoii. A I voyage | to the | I'acitiir ocean, j Undertaken, | by the coinniand of his majesty, for making | Discov- eries in the Northern Hemisphere. | 'I'o determine | The Position and Kxtontof the West Side of North America : | its Distance from Asia; and the Practica- bility of a I Northern Passage to Enrope. | Performed under the direc- tion 1 of ('aptaius (look, Clcrkc, nnd Gore, I In his majesty's Ships tiie Res- olution and Discovery. ( In the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 17X0. In tlucc volumes. | Vol. J and II written by Captain James Cook, F. K. S. | Vol. Ill by Captain .lames King, LL. D. and V. R. 8. I Illustrated with Ma'ps iuid Charts, from the Original Drawiiig.s made by Lieut. | Henry Kolterts, under the Direction of Captain Cook. | Pul)- liahed by Order of tlic Lords Couuuis- sioucrs of the Admiralty. | Vol. i[-ni]. I Dublin : Printed for H. Chambcrlaine, W. Watson, Potts, Williams, | Cross, [&c. six lines.] | M,DCC.LXXXIV [1784]. 3 vols. niapH and plat«H. 8°. LinKiiixt it' contents .18 imdcrtitlcHiibovo. vol. 2, pp. 33.'), .136, vol.3, pp. 042-04 ii. Copie* seen : ItoHton Athenii'iini. Kritish MuHi-ura, CongrcHg, Uarvtird. A I voyage | to the | Pacitic ocean; | Undertaken by Commautl of his majesty, | for making | discoveries I in the northern hemisphere: | Per- formed under the l>irecti. Cnpieii seen : liancrol't. BritiHli Mum-uin, Har- vard. A I voyage | to tlie | Pacific occiiii. I riiilertakeii, | by the command of his majesty, | for making | Discov- eries in the Nortiiern Hemisphere. ( Performed nndcr tlio Direction of Cajttaius Cook, Clerke, and Gore, | in His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Discovery ; in the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779,and 1780. | In three volumes. | Vol. I. and II. written by Captain .lames Cook, F. K. S. I Vol. III. by Captain .lames King, LL. D. and F. R. S. | Pnl»- lisliedby the Order of thi^ Lords Com- missioners of the / miralty. j The second edition. | [Portrait of Cook.] I Vol. I[-I11]. Limdon: | printed byH.Hnghs, | for Introduction to Captain Cook's liist voyage." wliicli doe.s not appear in tlie earlior editions. Anderson (\V.), Vocabularies and numerals of the Nootka language, vol.2, pp. .3:)S, 3:i6, vol. 3, pp. ,")40- 346. Copifn seen : Pritish Museum, Leaox. Troisieme ^ oyage | do Cook, | ou I Voyage a I'ocean Paciliquo, | ord(mne parle Koi d'Aiiglcterro, ( Pour fairedcs Dccouvertes dans r Hemisphere Nord, I i)onr determiner la position & I'dtendue de la ("ote-Oucst de | I'Amd- rique Septentrionale, sa distance I'Asie, I &rosoiidre la (piestion du passiige an Nord. I Exi;iiix la Rosolutiiu & la Dj^cohvoi t«v on 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 & 1780. I Tradnit de I'Anglnis piir M. D[emeniiier]. | Oiivrage cnrichi [&c. fivo linen.] | Tome ^ireiiiicr [-n(>xt above. vol.,1. pp. lo:t, 105, l.".7-158. Copies leen : .\Htor. Kritixli MiiHunm. Troisirmo voyage | de Cook | on I voyagr a I'ocenn Pacifujno, | ordonnd jmr 1« roi d'Angleterre, | pour faire [&c, seven lines.] | Tradiiit de lAnglois, par M. n[emennier]. | Tome premier [-quatrieme]. | [Scroll.] | A Paris, | Hfltel de Tlu u, rne doH Portevins. | M.DCC. LXXXV[178.-.]. | .^vee approbation et privilege du roi. 4 vols. 80. LinKuiHtircontentHasuniU'rtitleHDPxtabovi', vol.;i. pp.126, 129, 101-192. CnpieM seen : British MuHeiiin. A I voyage to the Pacific ocean I Undertaken | by command of hi.s majesty for making | discoveries in the uortlierii liemisphere | Performed | nniler the direction of cai)tains Cook, Gierke and Gore | In thi> Years 177t>, 7, X, !> and 80. | In fonr voIniiieM, Vcdume 1".'[-IV?]. I [Design.] | Perth. I Printedby R.Morrison. Jnn'. for R. Moriistm & son. | 178.')[-?]. 4 ( .') voii the first viiliimo only; son title next lielow. Copies xeen: ItritiHli MiiHciini. A I voyage | to the | Pacific ocean; | Undertaken by cominan BeperiiBi DiBepiioU AiirpiiKH, pn.K-TOflriifl nnoll on, Aiiii, h bii,'imohPtM0.iR)i|iH ii .lurKOBPpH, Bi> n[)O40.iHii liy tlio | ('oiiiiiiiiiid itf his majesty, for making -2.'>7. vol. 17, pp. 30il-:!(M). Ki'printi'd in tlie latci' oilitioii ol' Kerr ( ii.). (ieiienil liiHlnry aiiil lollnlioii of voyii(;os. I,oii<1on, 1R24. IH voIh. 8\ in llie saiiio volmiicn anil paKi'H- Tlii'ir IM an cilitioii of tlio "Voyages iiroiiiid tlio voildpiTfoniii'd liy Captain (Jisik." liostnn, WliitiiUrr, 1S'J«, 2 vols. «', of which I havcfcccn lint, tho lirst voliinii', anil which may contain tho Wakashan liii;;iiis(ic.s. (('on^ ) Tlie voyafies of | ea|itaiii .laini's Cook. I Illiistriited Avitii | nia]>s and nnnieroiiH enj^ravinj^s on wood. | Witli An Anpeiidix, | liiviiia: an aeconnt of till' present eondition of tlie Sontli Hca islands, «.Ve. | In two volumes. | \'iil. I[-II]. I [Portrait of Capt. Cook.] | London: | William ."^iiiitli, li:{. Fleet street | MDCCCXLII[1KI21. Engraved HtU' : 'I'lic | Ihrco voyajjcs | of | rajitHin ■lames I'ook.l IPiclnro of ship Kudeavour, with inscrijitiun.] | Cook (.1.) and King C.F.) — Continued. I.oiiilon: I William .Smith, 113, Fleet ittreet. I 1812. 2 vols. : Portrait of ('apt. Cook I I. cngravml title vorso hlaiik 1 I. litlo vcmo names of jirliit- ITS 1 I. contents |ip. v-viii, list of illiiHtrations pp. i.p. 1-2. text jtp. 3-59(1; map, litio viTso naiiies of iiriiitcrs I I. con- tents pp. v-xi, ni;ip. half-title verso lilaiik 1 1, text pp. 3-,").'>(I, aplieiidix pp. 5.')7-61!>, colophon p. 102(1|, royal « . l.ini;uistie contents as under titles alHivc, vol.2, pp. 2(H), ,551 -553. Ciijiies seen : Kames. The voyafjes of | eajitain .lamos Cook I round tlie world, | illimtrated with I niajm and nnmerons en<;ravinL'?J Knijrarcil title: Tho | three voyafjes 1 of | captain Cixdt. { round the world. | [rictiireof the ship Kndenvour with inscription.! | ^ ilolin Tallis Si, company, London i^- New York. 2 vols. : portrait of capt. Cook 1 I. fii(f raved title verso lilaiik 1 I, portrait of S.r iTosepli Itanks I I. seven doiililu pa^o maps, half title verso blank 1 I. title \erso hiank 1 I. contents |ip. v-viii, list of illustrations pp. ix-xii, life of vn])\. Cook pp. xiii-xx, i lit roil net Ion pp. 1-2, text jip. 3, 50(1; tliree doiihle )paKe maps, two eniiraviiiKs. two double )(iijiii maps, half title verso blank 1 I. title \ erso lilanU I 1. Iialflltle verso blank 1 I. ((intents pp. v-xi. text pp. 3- ,5.50, royal 8 . Liniriiistic contents as under tiths above, vol.2, jip. 2no, .551 55:1. Cnpieg teen : A-ii. [all. I Xi.rth li. 1H77, th, I'l). 44-153. Itorii in ItlMl lit. I'HtIK- It I.OIliH under Dall (W. H.) — Continued. Jcflties Wyman ami Duniel Drainard. In 1805 he was appnintt-d lieutenant in tliti intfrnatiiinal telegraph oxpeflitinn.anti in tliii* capacity via it«<6).—AppMon'g I'liHop.o/ Am. liinif. DawBon ((ieorge Mercer). Notes ;in(l ob8c'rviitit)ti8 O.I tlio Kwakiool l'i'0))li' of the Nortlicni Part of X'iiiiconver iHland and Atljaicut CoastH, made during the Suninier of ISS.'S; with a Voeabnlary of ahont weven hundred words. By (Jeoifje M. Pawsoii, 1). S., F. G. S., AH8i«tant-Director Oeologieal Survey of Canaiht. In Royal SiR'.of Canada Proc and Trans. vol.5, section 2, pp. 63-98, Montreal. 1888,4". ((ieological Survey.) Not«8 on tribal suMivisions of the Kwa- kiool, and details respecting them (pp. (i*-75), contiiinsiixtalisticai t aide of tribal subdivisions for the year ending •Iiiiie 110, 188.">, by (leo. Blen- kinsop, p. 65; meaning of native terms pas WAK 2 Dawson (O. M.) — Continued. sim.— Mode of life, arts and cnstoms of the KwakliMd includes a diseusaion of the numer- als, niiMie of counting, measuring, etc., pp. 75- 79.— Ciisttun of the PotTatch or donation feast, including native terms passim, pp. 79-81.— Tra- ilitiiins, folk-htreand religion, withnianynative terms. nanu'S of legendary characters, etc , (tassiui, )ip, 81-87. — ViH-aliiilary of about seven liiindred wordsofthe Kwakiisd language (from Va-akotle akath)8(TonOof the K«")m-o-yawf . a Niilidivision or sept of the Kwii'-ki-ool or KwA-' kiitl IrilM'. now inhabiting the vicinity of Fort Kii)iert. Iteaver Harlioui. Vancouver Island). pli.HJI 98. In Ills introductory reiniirks the author states : " The subjoined vmabnlary is basey Mi^jorJ. W. Powell in bis 'Introduction to the Study of Indian languages.' Having Imm-ii obtained from an educated Indian, with tlie additional nssi^tance of a goml interpreter, it is much more complete than those given for several tribes of the Kwakiool people by Dr. Tolinie and the writer in the 'Comparative Vocabula- rie.sof the Ind inn tribes of liritish.t'olnmbia.'" See Tolmie ( W. K.) and Dawaon ((i. M.) Issued sejiarately, with title-page as follows: Section II, 1887. Trans. Koyal Soc, Can. I NotoH and ohservjitions | on the I Kwakiool jieojdo of Vancouver islaiitl I by | (Jeorf^o M. Dawson, D. S., F. a. S., I Asst-Director of tlio Geo- lo){iciiI Survey of Canada | Vnna the | ve. no inside title, text pp. l-3«.plate,4''. IJiiguisticcoiiited geol- ogist and naturalist to Her Mnjcsty's Nortli American Boundary Ciininiission in 1873, and :tt the dose of tlie commission's work, in I87.''>. lie published u ii'iiort under tlie title of "(leobigy and I'esoiircesof the Forty-ninth Parallel." In iluly, 1875, be received Ji> -pointment on the geological survey of (^anaua. From 1875 to IH79 he was o< ciiiii<>d in ti.e geidogica! survey and exploration of British Colnmbiit, and subse- 18 BIBLIOGBAPHY OF THE Dawson (A.M.) — Continiietl. nuniitly oukhkihI in Hiiniliir work, lM>tli in the NortliwuHt IVrrltory mill ItritlHliCoIiinibiu. Dr. DiiWHon Ih thv niitliorol' iiiiiiiprouH papers on Kuology, iiiidiral bixtftry, uiid etIinoloKy, piil>- liH)i<'d iu tlin ('unHenniflaion, to | Sir Joseph Bunks, Hart. | By captain George Dixon. I London : | published by Goo. Gonld- ing, I Haydn'shead, no. 6, James street. Coven t garden. | 1789. Half-title vorHU blank 1 1. title vcmo blank 1 1. ileiliration pp. v-vi, introduction pp. vii- xxiii, <-on(fnl8 pp. xxv-xxis, errata p. [xxxij ilircctions totlio binder p. [xxxiij, W\t pp. 1- 352, up|H-iidix no. 1 pp. 353-360, appendix no. 'i^ pp. 1-47, map. platvH, 4°. NunicralH l-lo of Triuce William .Sound and C. Price ,1 by Quarltcli, nos. 28050 and 289.'il, 102. and 12ji. Voyage | antonr dti nionde, | et prin- cipal( ineiit | a la cAte nord-ouest de rAmH1; Imlftitlo verso blank 1 I. title verso blank 1 1. text p|i. 1-274, ap|iendi:c 1 pp. 270-292, appendix 2 pp. 1 46, 8°. Dizon (O.) — Continued. Linguistic contents as under title next above, vol. 2, pp. 16-17. Oopiet teen: liancroft, Boston Atli«>a»uni, Han-ard. Der I Kapitaine Portlock's nnd Dix- on's I Keise urn die Welt | besonders nach I der Nordwestlichen KAste Ton Amorika | wiihrends der Jabre 1785 bis 1788 I in den Schiffen King(ieorge und Queen Charlotte, Ilerausge^ebeii | von dem I Kapitain Georg Dixon. Ausdeni Englisclien fiberset/.t nnd mit Anmer- kungen erliiutert | von | .lohann Keiu- hoIdForster, | der Rechte, Medici n und \VeltweishoitDoktor,Profes8ordcrNat- urgeschichte und Mineralogie | anf der Konigl. Preusz. FriedrichB-UuiversitJit, Mitglied der Konigl. Akademie der boheren | und schiinen Wissenchaften zu Berlin. | Mit vielen Knpfem und einer Landkarte. | Berlin, 1790. | Boi Christian Fried- rich Bosz und Sohn. 4 p. II. pp. i-xxii, 1-114, map. 4°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, pp. 216-218. Copies teen: Brown. Reis I iiaarde | nord-west kust | van I Amerika. | Gedaau in de Jaren 1785, 1786, 1787 en 1788. | Door | de Kapteins I Nathaniel Portlock j en | George Dixon. I I'it derzelver oors]ironklijke Reisverhalen zamengesteld en ver- taald. I Met platen. | Te Amsterdam, bij | Matthijs Schale- kamp. I 1795. Title verso blank 1 1. inleiding pp. iii-xii, iiilialt 2 11. text pp. 1-265, do plaaten, etc., p. [266], raa|m, plates, sm.4°. Linguistic contents us undtr titles above, p. 200. Copies teen : Brown, Congress. Douglass (e8 from Puget Sound northward to Cross Sound, Alaska, with traders and native tribal names.grouped according to languages, pp. 7-33. Between pp. 33 and 34 are 14 blank pages. This manuscript was copied from tlie orig- inal pa]iers in Sir James's possession ; in Indian names the copyist has universally substituted an initial H for the initial K. It may or may not contain Wakashan names. WAKASUAN LANUUAOES. 19 .ncroft Tugot laska, 'Ollp(^d npp. orlK- kiiilian Eitnted \r may Drake (Knmiiel Gnrtliner). The | Ahorif;- iiial raceN | of | North Amoricu ; | coin- jtrisinj; | hio^rapliicnl aketrlioH of i-iiu- neiit individuals, | and | an hiNtoriciil acconnt of thodittV'rtmt tribes, | from | the lirst discovery of the continent | to I the )>r<>Hent period | with a dism-rta- tion on their | Origin,Antiqnitii's, Man- ntTH and CuHtoius, | illustrative narra- tives and anecdotes, | and a | copious analytical index | by Samuel G. Drake. I Fifteenth edition, | revised, with val- uable additions, | by Prof. H. L. Wil- liams. I [Quotation, six lines.] | New York. | Hurst & company, pub- lishers. I 122 Nassau Street. [1882.] 'I'ltlt' A-cTHO iM)j>yri};lit 1 1. jirefarc i>|i. 3-4, rniit'-iitH ]ip. TiH, Intlian trilxtg anil iiatlonM )ip. 9-10, halftitlo vnrmi blank 1 1. ti-xt )ip. 10- 7B7, imlPxpp.76S-7«7,8'^. Oatichet (A. S.), Indian langiiagoH of the I'aciflc stAtes and t«'rritoriH8, pp. 748-7B3. ' Copiet teen : Astor, Congress, Wisconsin Ilis- torical Society. Clarko & eo. 188fi. no. (1377, price a copy $3. Dufo8s6(E.) Americana | Catalogue do livres | rclatifs i\ l'Ani6ri(iue | Europe, A8ie,Afri(|uc | etOc<'anie | [«!tc. thirty- four lines] I Librairie aiicienne et nioderne de E Dufosst^ I 27, rue Gm^nt^gaud, 27 | prcs le Pout-neuf | Paris [1887] Cover titlo a:; above, no lusido title, table des divisions 1 1. text pp. I7.'>-422, K°. Contains, passim, titles of works in various American laniniaKes, aniont! t lieni a lew relating to the Wakashan. Coi>ie» teen : Kames, Pilling. This series of catalogues was Ix-gnn in IHTB. Duflotde Mofras( Eugene). Exploration |du territoire | de I'Oregou, dcsCalifor- nies I etde lamer Verraeillc, | ex('cut<^o pel laut leHann(aO, 1841 et 1842. | I par I M. Duflot de Mofras, | Attacli<^ i\ la L<^gation de France a Mexico; | ouvrage public par orilre du roi, | sous Ics auspices de M. le luardchal Soult, ducdeDalmatie, President 23. | 1844. Dtiflot de Mofraa (E.) — Continued. 'J voIm. : lialftitlc verso nanicN of |>rinteiH 1 1. title verso blank t I. dedication verno blank 1 1. avant-p<'op23-.'i24; half-title versu names of printers 1 I. title verso blank 1 I. text pp. 1-300, table des chapitres pp. 501-504, table des cartes pp. ."iOft- 5Ui!, table analytii|ne, etc. pp. ,'■07-514, 8"'. Niinieruls 1-10 in a number of North Ameri- can languages, among thomthe Noutka, p. 401. Copift teen: Astor, Bancioft, Boston Athe- na-UMi, Itritish Museum, Congress, Geological Survey. L«>nox. Dunu (.John). History | of | the Oregon t«rritory | and British North-Ami-ricau I fur trade; | with | an account | of the habits and custoius of the principal native | tribes on the northern conti- nent. I Hy John Dunn, | late of the Hudson's bay company; | eight years a resident in the | country. | London : | Edwards and Hughes, Ave Maria lane. | 1844 Title verso name of jtrinter 1 I. preface pp. iii-vi, contents pp. vii-viii, t(>xti)p. l-.a.'>9. maps, 8°. A few sjiecimens (30) of the liellas or U ill- bank Sound tribe, pp. 3.'i8-350. Copienteen: British Museum, Congress. There is an eer &. Co., 1845, which doe:* not con- tain tlie "Hpecimens." (Boston AthenH'ura, British Museum, Harvard.) Keprinted, omitting the linguistics, in Smitli's Weekly Volume, vol. 1, pp. 38J-41fl, Philadelphia, IH45,4°. (Mallet.) A later edition witii title-page as foUows: History | of | the Oregon territory | and British North-American ! fur trade; I with I au account | of the habits and cnstomsof the principal native | tribes on the uorthcru continent. | By John Duiui, I lato of the Hudson's bay com- pany, I eight years a resident in the country. ( Second edition. | Lonoii liy tlii< coiii' pillle«I<'.v.> Uciniirkn upon tlin p- 681. Wnsliinjjjton. 1880, 8^^. (PilliuK.) Niimn'iilH 1-10 of u number of languagea of tbe nortliwi Hi loaHt, amonj; them the Makali, p. 044.— ComiiicntH upon the alfinitiea ot the numeralx friven. pp. 645-046. This article wax isHued aeparately, without elianKe ; and aKain an I'oIIowh : The Twana, Clicniaknin, and Klallain IiidiuuBof Wiishingtou territory. By Kev. Myron Eells. In .Smitimonian Instttution, MIhc, I>.ipcrH relatinK to anlhropoloKy, t'roiii the SmithHonian report for 1886-87, pp. 005-681, Washiuston, 1889,8°. (KamCH, rillins.) Lin)!iii8tic contents a.s under titlenextabove. Aboriginal geographic names in tlie state of WiiHliington. By Myron KcIIh. In American Anthropologist, vol. 5, ]ip. 27- as, WaBhington, 1892, 8°. (Pilling.) A few Makah namiM with mounings. BellB (M.) — Cinitinned. Cojiy vf i» Hcrmon preaehed by Rev. Dr. Hells t<» tho IntlianH at Walhi-walla. In Bnlmer (T. S.), ChriHtian jiniyerR in t.'hiiiook, II. :iiMO. "Of the 07 woriU UHcd. 40 are of ('himmk ori gin, 17 Nootkan. U SaliHii. '.':i Kiigliah, 2 Jargon, and ill French."' The Hernioii in accompanied by an interlinear Kngligli traufilation. Sfe Bulmer (T. S.) Kev. Myron Eells was Imrn at AValker'a Prairie, Wasliington Territory, October 7, 184:i. He is the MOM of Kev. (JiiNhing Kelly I> I)., and Mrs. M. I"'. HU'lls. who wi-nt to Oregon in 1818 as misHioiiaricH to tJK! .Spokane IndiaiiH. He lett Walkcr'Hi'rairiciiilHlSon account of the Whit- man massacro at Wallawalla and Cayuse war, and went to Sah'ni, On-g., where he began t« go to Hchool. In 1810 he moved toForcnt (irove, Orcg.; in 1851 to Ilillsboro, Oreg., and in 1857 again to Forest (irove, at which places he con- tinued his Hcliool life. In 1802 he removed to Wallawalla, spending the time in farming and t bo wood liiisiiicss until 18(18, oxi'cpt tbe falls, winters, and springs of lg6,'(-'64, 1864-'a'i, and 1805 '66, when be wasal Forest (irove in college, graduating from I'lU'itic I'niversity In 1800, in the second class which ever graduated from that Institution. In 1868 he went to Hartford, ('oiiii., to study for the ministry, entering the Hartford Theologii-iil Seiiiinnry that year, grad- uating from it ill 1871. and being ordained at Uartlord. .Tune l.'i, 1871. as a Congregational minister. Ho went to Itoise City in OclolH-r, 1871, under the .\nierican Home Missionary So<'icly, organized the First Congregational ehiircli of thai jilacc in 1872, and was ini-;lorof i. 'iiitil ho left ill 1874. Mr. E«'lls was also siiperiiiteiidenl of ils Sunday school from 1872 to I874iiiiil )ii'csideiitof the Idaho liililc Society from 1872 to 1874. He went to Skokoiiiish, Washington, in June, 1874, and has worked as missionary of tlie American Missionary Asso- ciatiim ever since among th)> Skokomifth or Twanaand Klallain indium, pastor of Coiigru- gatioual church at Skokomish Hcscrvationsince 1870, and siiperintcmlciit of Sunday hcIiooI at 8kokoiiiisli since 1882. He organi/.ed a Congre- gational church among the Klaliams in 1882. of which he has siiicc liccn pastor, and aiiotlicr among tiio whites at Scalieck in 188U, of which bo was ])astor until 1880. In 1887 he waschoson trustee of the Pacific I'niversity. Oregon; in 188.") was elected - listant secretary and in 1889 secH'taryof its liojrdof trustees. Hcdelivered the address In^forc the ttamini Sigma soidety of that institution in 1870. before the alumni in 18!K), and preached the baccalaureate sermon in 1880, In 1888 he WHS chosen triislec of Wliit- nniu (.'ollege, Washington, delivered the com- WAKASHAN LANGUAGES 21 I or «ru- iiice il lit jjro- a. of tlH'l- liii'ii D8UII in 1889 ercd i«ty liin III in I'liit- bou- Bells ( M. ) — Coiitiuiieil. nuMit'i-iiu-iit lulilriKH tliuro in 188H itnd rectiiv<.1>. from tliiit iiiMtitiition in IMW). In 188H III' wiiH ulvrtcd iU linnnriHl m-vrv- tur.v and in 1H»1 nun imkfd to Iteconie jin-Hident I of tli(> inHtitution. lint deolini-d liotli. I Ho WHR ttle<'t<>d un Miio<'iat«t nit'ni)H>r of tlir Vil-toria Institiilii of Lom'on in 18X1, uud a oorroMiHinding niunilwrof tlio Antliropolo);int of tile Wliitnmn IliHtoricid ScmI- ^ «ty at WallHwalla in 1M4U. Fnmi 1874 to 188tl III) WHH t'irrk of tliii ('on,'!r«Kational AHiMM-iation ', of Ori'Kon and Wanliinuton. Mr. KiIIh diirinir 18»:i liild tlin poHition of Superint4<.idcntoftlu'])t'partiii<>iitiif Ktlinolofcy for llio State of WaHhingtun at tlm World'« t'olnniliian Kx]>oRition. Ellis (Rol)oit). reruviii .Sc ythicn. | The I (jiuicliiiii laiiKuago of IVrit: | itH | 4l«>rivtiti(>u from contrul AhIii with the American | liiUKiiiiKe.s in freuoral, aiid with the Turanian | and Iberian Inn- gnagcs of the old world, | including | the Ba8(|ue, tlie Lyeian, and the Pro- Aryan I language of Etruria. | Hy | Robert Ellia, B. 1)., | anthor of "The | Aniutic affinities of the old Italiann", and late follow | of .St. .ToIid'b college, Cainbridge. '[Quotation, throe lines.] | London : I Trilbnor & co.,~u & 59, Lud- gat« hill. I 1875. | All rights rosorvod. Title vofKO name of printer 1 1. ])rcfa('u jip. iiivii, contentH pp. ix-xi, errata p. [xii], t<'xt pp. 1-219. 8o. A few wordH in tlio Nootlta lancuaKi'. pp. 118. 120, 124, i;iO. Copiex Men: KritiMli Mii«enm, Kanii'H, Wat- kiDHon. Ellis (W.) An autlientic | narrative | of a I voyage | performed by | Captain C'ook and Captain Gierke, | in his nuiJesty'H ships | Kosidution and l>is- covery. | Dnriug tlie years 177t>, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780; | in searrli of a nortli-wost passage | Between tiie Con- tinents of Asia anil Anioric:). | In- cluding I A faithful .Vccountof iill thiir Discoveries, and the | unfortunate Death of Captain (!ook. | IlluHtiated with I a chart an47, 8^. I.!n}:iiiHt ie eniitentHaH under title next aliove. Copiet iren : A dtor. Znvorliissige Xachricbt von der dritten ttiid let/.ten Keise dor Kap. Cook und CHerko in don koniglichen Schill'cn, die Kosolution und Discovery, in den Jahren 1770 bis 1780, besoiulers ill dor Absicht, eino uordwcstliche Durcbfartb [«ic] zwischen Asion und Amcrika aiistindig /.u luachen. \'on W. Ellis, 5Jnterwuiidar/,t anf beyden ScbiflVn. Alls deiu liiigliselien ilber- sel/1, iiebst eiiior Cliai .i-. Frankfurt und Loip/ig, anf Kosten dor Nerlagskasse. 178H. (*) :)24 pji. map, 8 '. Title from Sabin'a Dirtion- arv, no. 22.134. Enasen (F.) Hoe Lemmens (T. N.) and Ensseu (F.) 32 BIBLIOUKAPHY OV THE i i Feathennan(A.) Kocial hiHtory | of tlu< ' I riic4'Muf TMinkind. | Firnt diviHioii: | i NiKritiiiiiH[-Tliir«l diviNion: | Aonoo- MHriuiuiiiiiim]. | ]\y | A. KeiitlMM-niun. | rTwolititmiiiiotiitioii.] I Loiuluu: I TrllbiKT Sc en., LiulKatu i Hill. I 1885t-lH8»J. i (All ii>,'lit.H r<'- : served.) , 3 voIh. 8°. A Keiivral diaciiHRion iit' ii number of North AiiutricHii I'niiiilU'HwciirH iu vol. :i, iiiiioiiKthiMii tliK Nootkn, wlilcli liirlu(1«'H II IVw wohIh pax- hIiii, iiikI brief remarkx iiiinn tbe liiniKiinKu iiiiil ItH Kraiiiiiiar, ]>p. 340-:i50. Copifnteen: CoiigrKSx. Field (TlioinaH Warren)- An cSHay | towardH an | Indian 1)ibliii>;raphy. | Keingn | catalof^nt^of booka, | relating to the I history, antiqnitieH, langnageB, cnntoniM, religion, wivrH, litoriitiir«s and origin of the | American Indians, | in the library of | Thomas W. Field. With bibliograplncal and historical notes, and I synopHes of the contents of some of I tbe works least known. | New York: | Scribner, Armstrong, and CO. I 1873. Title verHo iiiiinoH of printers 1 1. preface pp. iii-iv, text pp. 1-430,80. Titles and tlcHcriptiouHof bookH in or relating; to the .WakaHban langiiagSM, pasHim. Oopieg teen ; Conjjres-, Kanii-H, Pilling. At the Field nale, no. 6R8, a cogty brought $4.25; at the Munzies Halo, no. 718, ii " half- crushed, nnl b^vant moroc(;o, gilt top, unout copy," brought $5.50. Priced by Le1. tl, pp. 285> '.*tm, lloslim and New Vork, 1894. H'. (IMlliuK-) Song with music, pp. VSiV 288. Fleurieu (Charles Pierre Claret, Comte lie). Voyage | antonr du montle, | pen- dant les anm^os 1790, 17i»l, et 1792, j Par r.tienne Marchand, | pr(^c/>d<^ | d'uneintrodnction historii|ne; | anquel onajoint | desrechercheH NiirlcHterres aiistrales de Drake, | et | un exanien criti(|iie du voyage de Koggcweeii; | avec carteset lignres: | Par C. 1'. Claret Fleurieu, | De I'lnstitiit national des Hcience.H et ilcs Arts, et du Bureau | des Longitudes. | Tome I[-II. III. (jua- trieme], | A Paris, dol'impriiuuiie de la Kei»nl»- lique. I All Vlf-VIlI] [1798-1800]. 4 voliitiicn, 4°. XiimeralH 1-10, 20, 4U, of tlie language of the Indians of NiM>tka .Sound, from Cook, com- pared with tlic same from Dixon, vol. 1, p. 284. Copim teen : Astor, Itancroft, Kritish Mnsuuni, OongresH, Harvard. Voyage | autour dn nioude, pendant les annces 1790, 1791 et 1792, | Par £tienne Marchand, | prec(^d(^ | d'uuo introduction hiHtori(|Uo; | aiiqnel on a joint I des rcchiTch«is sur les terres aiistrales de Drake, | et | nn exanien criti. K<'<>8, I'litornimtrr-row; luiil T. Ca*li>ll, Jnii. I 11)1)1 \V. DiivifH, Stniiul. I 1801. nvolH.4\ Vi.l. III. ChartK, ix." LlnK*ti<' roiiti-ntH hh iiiiil<.l'r..'i. Copifi $ern : CiiiiKruHH. A I voyiij{0 I round the world. | \hiy- funned | during tlio yoarH 17!H>, 17!)1, imd 1792, I by | Ktioiinu Miirchiind, | preredfd | by a limtoriciil introduction, I and I llluHtriit«Ml by Charts, etc. | TriuiHlnted from tln' French | of | ('. r. Cliiret FltMiriou, | of the National iuHtitute of arts and Mciences, | and of the Board of longitadu of France. | Vol. I[-IIJ. I London : | printed for T. N. Lon^niau and O. Rees, Pater- | nostcr-row ; and T.Cadell, jun. and W. DavieH, | in the Strand. | 1801. 2 vuIh.: title vitho note etc, 1 I. roiitenlH ,') pBgcH, list of (tlateit 2 pagCH, I'mitii 1 |iii|;<', iidvertiHumont 3 II. intHMliii'tioii )ip. icvi, text jip. l-.WOj title viTHO iiiimo of priiitor 1 1. con- tents pp. iii-ziii, vrriiU p. [xiv], tt-zt pp, 1-(MJ3. Journal of the route p|>. l-10!i, 8<^. LinituiHtic contents nx under titleHaUovt', vol. 1, p.380. Coj)ie$*eeii: British Museum, CoiignwH. The 1t(il)an catalogue, no. 2425, given title of an edition: PariH, 1X41, 4 vols. 4°. Forster (Johann (icor^f Adam). Ge- Nc-hichte der Keisen, | die seit Cook | an der I NordwoHt- uud Nordost-Kliste | von Atnerika nnd in domlnordliohBteii Ainerika iselbst | von | Menres, Dixon, Portlock,Coxe,Longu. a. M. nntcrnoni- nien wordeu sind. | Mit vielen Karten nnd Kupfcrn. | Aus deiii Englisclu-ii, | mit Zuziebnug aller anderweitigcii Forster (.F.t von lieorg Forn(er. I i;rntir[-l)ritt«'r| llaml. | Merlin, I'iM. | IndfrN'osHlHrhen llu; :, p. ii. pp.l-XXll, l-:il4; I XV. i ill. 1-74, l-^wo, 4 . C'MMi|iarallve vii.'iihiiliiiy and tiiiiiirnilH of n iiuniherof lanuoiiu'rs of tlir nnrtliwcxt i inihI, among tlii'ni tlitt liidiiiimnf KliigOi'iirgc Sound (from rortloik mill Iiimhii. vol '.'. pp. 2ltl-'.'IT. Ciiliirs tent : Astor, llritiMli .Mum'iim, Har- vard. Fouquet (I'ire—). See Petitot (K. F. S..I.) Fry (Rdniunil). l'antogr.i]>liia; contain- ing accnrato copies of all theknown | alplialict.s in the world; | to};ctlicr with I an Eii);iiKh explanation of the pecu- liar I force or power of each letter: | to which are added, | Hpet-iniens of all well-authciiticateil | oral language.^; | forming | a ct>mprehen8i .e digest of | phonology. I Hy 1 (ImundFry, | Letter- Founder, 'ryi)e-Street. | liOndon. , Printed hy Cooper and Wil- son, I For.hdiu and Arthur. \r<:li,(irace church-street; | .lohii White, Fleet- Street; .loiin KdwanlH, Pall-Mall, and John Debrctt, Piccaililly. MDCCXCLV [1799]. Tithi verso blank 1 l.dcilication vitho errata 1 1. preface pp. i-xxlv, talilc of aynouynis p. XXV, authiiritlt'M iiuotcil ]ip. \\vi xxix, liNt of HuliHcrilMM'H |ip. xx\-\xxvi. half title d'anlo- grapliia) ]i. 1, text pp. 2-:i07, appendix pp. .IUr<- :i20, 8 ■. Vm'aliularyof thclaliKungeof the Indians nf Xootka Sound (IK! wonU, from CiHik), p. 210. Coiiii'ii neen : Astor, ISohIou AthcnaMini, Ilrit- ixli MiiHcuni, fontircHH, Rainex. At the SquiiT Half a ro)>y. ratalogue no. 385, l>rouKlit.1i2.1.1. Fuca Straits Indians. .Seo Maka. G. ,1 ion, •I P. Hti- tbe Wo\. lau [Oaliano(A DioninioAleala).] Uclacion I del viago hecho por las goletas | Sntil y Mexicitna | en el aflo de 1792 j para reconocer el estrecho de Fuca ; | con una iutroduecion | en que se da notieia de las expediciones oxecii- | tadns anterionnente por los Espanoles en buBca | del paso del uoroeate de la America. | [Vignette.] | De orden del rey. | Madrid en la imprenta real | aHo de 1802. Oaliano (D. A.) — Continued. 'I'itli' bliink 1 I. indiie :i II. verso of last one lilank, [t'ontentil 4 11. introdureiou pp. i- .'.Ixvii, advertencia p. clxviii, text l>p- 1-1*'', 8'; athiH, folio; appendix. 1806, 20 pp. Variaa palabras [28] del idioma que se habla eu la lioea S. del Canal do Fuca [Makaj y susequivalentcsen eaittellano, p. 41.— Nombred [11] que dan Io.h naturales li varioa puutos de la entrada de .loan du Fuca [Maka], p. 42.— Vocabulario [4iiOwordM] del idioma do los habi- tantes de Nutka, pp. 178-184. 94 HIBLIOGRAPIIY OF TIIK OaUano (I>. A.) — ContiiniiMl. ('i>f>Us irtn : ltaiii'riil't.( 'uug,Tv»», \a'W>\, Nkw Yi.rk HNtorlcMl SiMlrty. A Krpncli trnnMlutloii uftliiii work, In iiintiii' M'riiit, in |iiiu<'N. -I '. wim Holil Ht tli<< Miiori-Hiili' (■III. 1M7H), III Kttliruary, 1804. Oal]atin(Allii'rt). A N,vno|iHiM of tlicln- tliini trilH'N within tho I'liitoil HtittuH oitHt of tlio Kocky MiinutaiiiH, uiwl in thi« HritiMJi anil RuHHimi iioMMi'HHioiiH in North AnnTiiii. Uy th<^ Hi»u. AHmit Onllatin. Ill AiiKTiniii Aiitli|iiarlaii Sriniiiii).viil. '.>. |i|i. l-4'J2.<'iiiii hrlilgf, 18.'tO, M". ViM'tiliiiliiry (40 worilH) nl' tli<> Iudkumki' uI' Nootkit Soiiiiil (from .Ii-wilt), ji. :i71. — Vim^uImi- Ury ('JX MorilH) nf tlin |Mukii| Iiiiikiiiiuo oI' tint HtrnltH 1)1° Kiioii (I'roin Alrnlu'CiillHito). ]i. :i7H. Hale'H ladiaiiH of North -went Anii-r- ica,anil voculniiarit^H of Nortli Anifrira ; with an introilnctioii. Uy Allx-rt .— Vot'iihiilary ol tli« HuIUhii, iiiiiI oI' IIk- HiM'ltziik (45 worilH <-hi'Ii). p. 10:i. Tlii'mi iirx IncliulPtI iiiulcr tilt' NiiHrt I'niiiily. toKctlit'r witli tlinnilli'i'lioi>'it anil <'liiiiiiii('Hynii.--ViM'al>iilai'y (00 worilH) ol' till' laniiiiflKi- of N'uutka Sound, p. 121. Tnlilr of jft'iieric Inttian faiiiilicH of hiu^naK<-s. Ill Schoolcraft (II. R.), Iniliaii triln-H, vol. 3, pp.:ig7-4U2. 1'liiludt'lphia. \»ivAA-\ IiicludcH the WukaRli and itn aulNllviHions, p. 402. Albert (iallaliu was liom in Omiovn, Switzer- lautn, iTauiiary 29, 1761, and died in AHtorin. L. :i., AiigiiHt 12, 1840. Young AllMrt liad bwn baptizuci by the iiumcof .Vbrabani AII'oumo Allxirt. In 1773 ho woh Nciit to a boanliiij; Hchool and a year later fiit'Tcd t\w rnivernlty ofOcmiva, whi'ivlii)WH8«raduatfd in 1770. lit' Hailed from I.'Orii'iit lat« in May, 1780, and rrachod Himton on July 14. Unentered Con- ijfcus on l)eeeiiil«;r 7, 170f), and roiilinued a menilierof that IxMly until IiIh appoliitiiient us Secretary of tlic Treasury in 1801, wliieli otiieo he liebl co:iliiiuoiiMly until 1813. IIii« xervieeM were rewarded with the appointment of mill- inter to Kranee in February, 1815; he entered on the diitieHof thiAottice in January, 1810. In 1826, at tile Molieitation of I're.sident Adanm. he accepted the H|ipointment of envoy extraordi- nary to Great Itritain. Oil liis nt' Aniaricati IliNtory [Ni-w York 1877] Half tilh' verwi blank I I. text pp. 14.5-171, sm.4'. MD){uistic contents as under title next aiNtve. Coiiiemieen: Astor, KaiiieM. I'illiii);. Wellesley. Keprinted in the folhiwin^ works: Beach i\Y. \V.), Indian Miscellany, pp. 416- 447, Alliany, 1S77,8'^. Drake (S. (i.), AboriKiiial races of North America, pp. 748-703, \ew York. 1 18821, 8\ A siipplenieiitary pai>er by the same author and with the siiiue title, which appeared in the .Magaf.ine of .Aiiierican History, vol, 8, contains no Wakaslian material. Albert Samuel (iatschet was born in St. Heat- eiiberB, in the Bernese Oberlaiid, Switzerland. 0(tol)er3, 1832. His propiedeutic education was acqiiiroil in the lyceuins of Neiicbutel (18t3- 1845) ami of Benie (1846-1852). after which he followed courses in the universities of Berlin and Berlin (18.52-18.58). His studies hiul for their object thcancient world in all itsplinsesof religion, history, lanumige. and art, and thereby his attention was at an early day directetl to pliilologic researches. In 1805 he begauthe pub- lication of a series of brief monographs on the bical etyii'''o,:vof his country, entitled "Oris- etymologiscbe i'< rscliungen aus der Scbweiz" (1865 18tl7). !s> '.807 lie spent several months in London mir iiing antiquarian studies in the British .'i;'!»i'.,ni. In 1808 ho set tied in New Y'ork and bci.iiiie a contributor to various domestic and foreign periodicals, mainly on scientitto subje «. liWftiiig into ftinore attentive study of the Anici i /ail Indians, he published several comiiositioiis upon their languages, the most important of which is " /wiilf Sprachen ana deiu Siblwesteii Nordamerikas." Weimar, 1876. Tiiis led to bis appointiiient to the position of ethnologist iii the t'nited .States Geological Survey, under MnJ.John \V. Powell, in March, 1877. when he removed to Washington, and first employed himself in airangiiig the Ungiiistio MiAniiscripta of the Smithsonian Institution, now the property of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1 ; ! i ; ij: »:» ■' Wi WAKAftllAN LANailVGES. 25 Oataohet (A. M.) — Continiicil. wlilcli I'liriiiH II imrtof till' Siiiithminiaii Innlitii tliili. Mr. tiiitm-lii'l lull i-viT Kliirc Imn'Ii iMtlvi-ly ciiilli(^iriilliiii •ml tliii riiu'litit uiiil Sli<'thiia.' otiici' Iiiilian Ian- guagcH: till' Tiiiikaroro, Car..: 'lUawaKt. IVnoh- iwot, anil Ktininkawa. Mr. (iatacliot hag written an I'xti'nMlviTi'port enibotlyin); liia rPNoarcluw anions tliii Kliuiiath Lakoaiiil Moiloclniliaiixof Ori'Kon.whieli funiiH Vol. II of "rontrlliiitioiiH to North Aiiiprirnn Etlinolojiy. ' It li* in two parts, which aj:;;rr- gatc I.S'JH pajfi'M. AiiiouK thi' trilii'M antl Ian- Kiia<:i'H lUsruMHiMl liy him in auparati* piihll' ratioim ari« Hii' Timnriia (Floritla). Toilkawi' (Toxnx). Viima (Cahlornia. Arizona, Mi-xlco), riu'inif'to (California), Iloothiik (Xowfoiinil- Inml), Trffk. anil lUtihiti (Alaliaina). IIIh unniorouH piihlicationM ari' nuattrri'il through nia;;azint'H anil govHrnmi'iit riiportH. moiiii' Iwinj; ooiitainiKl in tho ProcerilinuH of thu AiUfrican IMiilomiphlcal Smiuty, Pliilailelphia. General dlHi-usHion r HulltHuk Soil Anderson (A. C.) Halltauk UiiHrhmaun (J. ('. E.) Hailtsiik (Hlilis((i.) HailtHiik Latham (U.(i.) Ilailtsiik rrlchiird (J.C) Klaokwat Itii.schmann (J. ('. K.) Klaokwat (iililis ((i.) Klaokwat Latham (It. t).) Kwakintl Andersmi (.V.C.) Kwakiutl DawHoii ((i. M.) Maka Ki'IIh (M.) Nitinat Knipi>(0.) Nntka Balbi (A.) Xntka Bancroft (H. H., Nntka I the compiler In the library of the I'liited SlatcM lieoloicical Survey, WaithlnKtiin, I», ('. Oibb«(/>t'. (lOoi'Ku). .SiuitliHiiiiiiiti miHrcI- lancoiis ciillfcMiiiiH. Kil A | tlictioiiury I tit' the I ('hiiiiiok .lar^oi), | or | tr:iili< InnKiiaijo of Ori'^ou. | Pi'L-|iaicil fur t ho SiiiitliHoiiiaii iiistitiitiiiti. | lly | (iiMii'^ii (iihlm. I [Sual ofthr iiiHtitiitioii.J | WaHliiiiKtun: | SinitliMoiiiaii iiiNtUii- tioii: I March, 1K(>3. 'I'illu verso ailvorllKenient I l.contenta p. ill, preface pp. v-xl, bibliography pp. xiii-xlv, half- title (I'art I. (.,'lilnook-KnKlislil vvrya noth 1 1. text pp. 1-29. halrtitlo (I'art II. Knclish- Chinook) p. III. text pp. :i;i-4t, H". A nhort ciim]iarative vorabiilary (21) worila and iibrascR) of the Tlaoqnatch, Nntka, and ('oliinibian (all from Scoiiler). p. ix.— Compari. mm of Chinook worilM with tlie llailtxiik and Itelbella. and the Vootka. p. x.— The Chinoiik- Knglish and KnKli.ih'Chir.ook dictionary, pp. l-4:i, contains 24 words of Nntka origin. (Jopiei »ftn : Astor. ISancroft, Dnnlmr, Kanies, Pilling, Trnmliiill.Wcllcsioy. "Some yearaairo the Smithsonian Institiition printed a Hinall vocabulary of tlie Chinook -far- gon, fiirulshed by Dr. H. K. Milchill, of thu U. S. Navy, and prepared, as I afterwards learned, by Mr. Lionnet.a Catholic |irlegl, for his own use while studying'; tlie laii^uaiie at Chinimk I'liiiil. It was Hiilimitted liy the Institution, for revision and prepHnition for the press, tu the late Professor W. W. Cnrner. Although it received t he criticaloN ami nation of that distin- guished philologist, and was ol ii9e in directing .'itlentioii to liielaugiia;:!', it wasilettcieiit ill tho numlHirof words in use, contained many which did not properly beliinu to the Jar;;))!!, and did not isivethc soiin-es from which the words woro ilerivcil. '■ Mr. Halo had previously sivt'ii a viKMbnIary and account of this -lai'gon in his ' Ktlinograpliy of tliu United Statea Exploring Kxpedition,' which was noticed by Mr.liallatin in tlieTraim- actions of thu Ainerlcau Rtbnolouical Society, vol. ii. He however lull into some urrura iu ilia I 'I 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hi OibbB (G.) — Coutinncd. deriration of tho wonln, cliietiy ironi igDoriujiC the Chelialls (-'.cuieut of tho Jargon, and the nunilKtr of w ordH given by liini amounted only to alMiiit two liiiudred and fifty. "A copy of Mr. Lionnet's vmjabulary having Xften Hent to mo with a request toraalce sucli ••orrcctionH as It might require, I concluded not merely to coUato the wortN containt^d in tliU and oi her printeil and manuHcript vocabularicH, but ecome tlie more Important, as its cxtendtMl use by ditfer- ent tril>es liad leum, Con- gress, Dnnbar.Knmes, Harvard. Lenox, Smith- sonian, Trumbull, Wellesley. Some copies (twenty-five, I believe) were issued in large quarto form witli no change of title-pxge. (filling, Smithsonian.) See Hale (U.) Vocabulary of the Hailt'-znkh. (Bol- bella of Millbauk Sound, British Columbia.) Obtained from an Indiiin known »« " Capt. Stewart," at Victoria, Vancouver Inland, in April, 1859, by George Gibbs. In Dall(W. II.), Tribes 'jf the extreme north- west; in Powell (J. W.), Contributions to North Anu'rican KthuoUigy, vol. 1, pp. U4-15;i, Washington, 1877, 4°. Contains about 150 words, Vocabulary of tho Kwa'-kiiitl. (.V dialect of tho Ha-ilt'zukh.) Obtained from two women of the tribe, at Naii- aimo, Britinh Columbia, in September, 1857, by George Gibbs. In Dall (W. H.), Tribes of the extreme north- west; in Powell (J.W.), Contributioi-s to North American Eth'iology, vol. 1, pp. 144-153, Wash- ington, 1877, 4°. Contains about 160 words. Account of Indian tribes upon the northwest coast of North America. MnnuHoript, 8 leaves, folio, written on one side only; in the library of the Bureau of Kth- nology, Washington, 1). C. Qlbbs (G. ) — Coatiniied. (ieneral account uf the Indiaii-. nf the above named region, including the Xutka, TIao- quatch, and Ueiltznk,and a list of voi'abularies which have been printeil in those languages. Numerals of the Makah. Manuscript, 1 page, folio; in the library of the Hureau of Ethnology. Includes the numerals 1-20,25,30,40,50,00, 70, 80, 00, lOO. Vocabulary of th«i Makali language. Manuscript, 6 leaves, folio, written on one side only ; in the library of tho Bureau of Eth- nology, Wiishington, I). C. Collected in 18,58. Kecordcd on imo of the forms containing 180 words issi'.ed by the Smithsonian Institution. Equivalents of nearly all the words are given. Vocabularies. Washington Terri- tory. Manuscript, 141 leaves, most of which are written on itoth sides, and some of ^^ liich are blank, 12^; in tho library of tho Bureau of Ethnology. Recordetl in u blank book. Most cen copied by their author on separ.ito forms. Amou<;them is one of the Ilaeltzuk or Belbolla, 7 pages. SeeKnipe (C.) George Gibbs, the sou of Col, George Gibbs, was born on the 17th of July, 1815, at Suns wick. Long Isliind, near the village of Halletts Cove, now known as Astoria. At seven teen he was taken to Europe, where he remained two years. On his return fron) Europe he commenced the reading of law, and in 1838 took bis degree of bachelorof law at Harvard University. In 1848 Mr. Gibbs went overland from St. Louis to Oregon and e8tabli.sbed himself at Columbia. In 1854 he received the appointment of collector of the port of Astoria, whicli he held during Mr. Fillmore's adinlnistrutlon. Later he re- moved from Oregon to Washington Territory, and settled upon a ranch a few miles from Fort Stellacoom. Here he had his headquarters for several years, devoting himself to the study of the Indian languages and to the collei^tion of vocabularies and trntlitions of the northwest orn tribes. During a great part of the time he was attivohed to tho Uuitetl States Govern- ment Commission in laying the boundary, as tho geologist or botauist of tho expedition. He was also attached as geologist to the survey of a raiboud route to the Pat iflc, under Mi^or Stevens. In 1857 he was itppolnted to the northwest boundary survey tinder Mr. Archi- bald Campbell, as conuinssioner. In 18C0 Mr. Gibbs returned to Now York, and in 1861 was on duty in Wash'ngtoniu guarding tlveCapitol. Lat4>r ho reside«l in Washlugtoi:, being mainly employed in the Hudson Bay Claims Commis- sion, to which he was secretary. Ho was also engaged in the arrangement of a largo mass of manuscript bearing upon the ethnology and philology (»f the .Vmerlcan Indians, His services were availed of by tlieSmithsDiiian Institution to superintend its labors iu this Held, and to bin WAKA8HAN LANGUAGES. 27 3 Oibbs, us wick, tH Oove, I ho was ro years, iced the egreeof Inl»18 .ouis to iliimbia. joUector (hiring ho re- irritory, >m Fort Iters for itiuly of lion of It h west llio time rovem- ndary, lition. survey Major to the Archi- 160 Mr. 101 was lapitol. Iniatnly lominia- as also mass of y and Icrviccs ituliuii d to bin Oibbs (G. ) — Continueil. energy and coinph'te kiiowledKe of tlit> subject il greatly owe.4 its sni ress in tliis branch of the service. The viilnalilit and hilmrlous >iervice which he rendi-red to the Institntion was nutindygratnitons, and in hisdeath Ihatestab- Iis1inii-nt as well as tlie cause of science lost an anient friend and important contributor to ita advancement. lu 1871 Mr. (libbs married his cousin, Misa Mary K. Gibbs, of Newport, R. I., and removed to KTew Haven, where he died on the 0th of April, 1873. Oilbert (— ) and Rivington (— ). SptM-i- iiH'iis I of the I I.auK'iitiijert of all \a- tioiiH, I autl the | oriental and foreign types I now in use in | tho jirintinj; officiM I of I Gilb(>rt& Rivington, | lim- ited. I [Eleven lines quotations. J | London: | 52, St. Jolm's sijnare, Clerkenwell, E. C. | 1886. Cover title verso advertisement, no inside title, conteuta pi). 3-4, text pp. 5-60, 10=. Matthew xi, 28, in the QAgutl language of Vancouver Island (from Hall), no. 198 p. .'i2. Copieii teen : Karnes, rilling. Oospel according to Saint John . . . Qa gntl language. See Hall (A. .1.) arammar: Kwakiutl See Hall (A.J.) Tokoaat Knipe (C.) Grammatic treatise: Hailtsuk See »iuiorofk:^H.H.) Hailtsuk B«>a8 (F.) Hailtsuk Buschniann (J. C. ^.) Klaokwat liugchiuaiin (J. (/'. K.) Kwakiutl |{.>aH(F.) Kwakiutl Dawsoi. (ti. M.) Nutka Brabant (A.J.) Kutka Kuschuiauu(J.(^'. K.) Nutkii I'Vatherman (A.) Sobasa liaiK'rua(H. H.) Tokoaat Sproat (Ci. M.) I'kwulta retit«t(E.P.S.J.) Orant ( Walter C'olqnhonn ) . Deaeription of Viincouver Island, ityits tirat Colo- nist, W. Colqnhoun (Jrant, Esq., P. R. 8. G., of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, and late Lietit.-Col. of the Cavalry of the Turkish Contin;jent. In Koyal Gec„-. Soc. Jour. vol. 27, pp. 208-320, London [1858], 8°. (Geological Survey.) Brief discussion uf the [Maka] language of Vancouver Island, and numerals 1-10, 100, ut the Macaw or Niteenat, ]>. 295. Oreely: This word following a title or within parentheses after a note indicates that a copy of the work referrtsl to has boen seen by the compiler in the library of Geu. A. AV. Oreely, AVashingUin, 1>. C. H. HaUtsnk: (ieneral discussion See General discussion General discussion General discussion Grammatic tr< ntiso (irammatic treatise ( lirammatic treatise Lord's prayer Numerals Numerals Nuruerals Nimier: 'r. Sentences Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Voi'abulary Vocabidary Vm-abulury VtM-abiilary Vocabulary Words Words Words Words Anderson (A. C; Buschmaun (J. (". K.) Gibbs (G.) Prichard (J.C.) Bancroft (H. H.) Boas (V.) Itusohmanu (>f . < '. K.) Tate (CM.) Boas (F.) Buschniann (.r. ('. K.) Kells(M.) Latham (K.O.) Bancroft (U.H.) Boas (F.) Buschmann (J. C. K.) Campbell (J.) D8ll(W.H.) (iailatin (A.) (:ibbs((i.) Hale(n.) Latham (R. G.) Powell (J.W.) Tolmlo (W. F.) Boas (F.) Daa (L. K.) Gibbs (G.) Latham (It.G.) Haiuea (Elijah Middlebrook). The | American Indian | (Uh-nisli-in-na-ba). I The Wliole Subject Coniidete in Uue Voliimo I Illustrated with Numerous Appropriate Engravings. I Hy Elijah M. Haines. | [Design.] | Chicago: | the Mas-sin-nii-gan com- pany, I 1888. Title verso copyright notice etc. 1 1. ])re- face pp. vii-viii, contents pp. 0-21. list of illus- trations pp. 21-2'J, text pp. 2:1-821, large 8^. Chapter vi, Indian tribes (pp. 121-171), gives special lists and a general a1piia1>etic l;st of the trilH'M of Xnith America, del ivations of tribal name* being somelimes ^Iven. Among them are the Millbank Siund Indians, p. 120; Indian tribes of the Pacific coast, pp. 129 l:iO; trila's of Washington Territory we»t. of the Cascade Mountains, pp. i:i2-i;!:i.—Cliai)tiT xxxvi, Num- erals and use of nuiulters (pp. 43:i-451), includes the nunienils 1 -10 of t lie Nootka (from Jew itt), |,.445.— Cliapter Iv, vocaliiilaries (pp. 608-703), cimtaiiis a vocabu'ary (30 words) of the Nootka (from .Iewitt),p. 07.1. Cd/jiVx iifen .- Congress, Raines, Pilling. ) 1| I 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE I Haldeman (Sainnel •Steliiuau). Aualytic orthography: | an | investigation of the Hotiuils of the voice, | aud their | alphabetic notation ; | iuclnding | tue niechnniHm of Bpecctli, | and its hearing upon etymology. Hy | S. S. Halchunun, A. M., I profeaHor in Delaware college; I member [&c. six lines.] | Philadelphia: | J. B. Li)>pincott <& coi I London : Trilbner & co. Paris : Ben- jamin Duprat. I Berlin: Ferd. Diimni- ler. j 1860. Hiilf-titUi "Trevelymi prize essay" verso blank I I. title verso liluiik 1 1, prefan- pp. v-vi. ciintcnts pp. vii-viii, slip of .".lUlitioiial correc- tiuiis, text pp. 5-147, corrections aud additious p. 148, 4°. Numerals 1-10 of tlie [Haka] language of the Indians of Cape Flattery (from the dictation of Dr. John L. LeCoute), p. 146. Copies teen ; Boston Atlienioum, Jiritish Mu- seura, Kureau of Ethnology, Kauies, Trumbull. First prirted in Au)ericau Philosoph. Soe. Tians. new series, vol. 11. (♦) .Siunucl Stehmaii Ilaldeniau, naturalist, was born iu Locust (Irfvc, Liiucaster County, Pa., Auj;Mstl2, 1812; diediuChickii>H,I>a.,Septuni her 10, 1880. Hewascducatedataclassical school in Harrisburg, aiul then spcut two years in Dick- inson (College. In 1836 Henry D. Rogers, having bev.i I'upointcd state geologist of New Jersey, sent for Mr. Ilaldenian, who had been his pupil at Dickinson, to assist Iiiin. A year later, on the reorganization of the Pennsylvania geolog- ical survey, niildemaa was transferred t.. his own Mtate, and was iictively engaged on the sur- vey until 1842. He made extensi\-e researches among Indian dialects, and also in Pennsyl- vania Dutch, besides investigations in the English, Chinese, and other languages.— ^pp{e- ton'i Cyclop, of A m . liioij. Hale (Horatio). United states | explor- ing expedition. | Daring the years | 1«38, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. | Under the command of j CharU-s Wilkes, U. S. N. I Vol. VI. I Ethnography and pltilol- og.y- I I^y I Horatio Hale, | philologist of the expedition. | Philadelphia: | printed by C. Sher- man. I 1846. Half-title (United States exploring exiiedf tlon, hy authority of Congress) verso blank t I. title verso blank 1 1. contents pp. v-vii, alphabet |ip. ix-xii, half-title verso blank 1 l.texti>p. 3- 666. map. 4'. No. 11, Vocabulary (104 words) of the Nootka (Kwoncatsliatka), lino l4 on pp. S70-629. - Viwabulary (Oil words) of the Uailisa (from Anderson), p. <)3i.—r,iHtof 17 words used in the Cbiniwk Jargon and derive*! from the Nootka, pp. 6R)l-«»7. j Hale (H.) — C'outinned. I Cled from Polyne- sia? In Congris Int. des Americanistes, coir ^.(9- rendu, 7"" sesHiou, pp. ;!".')-;i87. Berlin, 1800, 8=^. (Eaines, Pilling.) Table of the pronouns /, thou, we (inc.), we (exc.) id they in the languages of Polynesia and of western America, including i\w Kwa- kiutl and N(X)t ka, pp. 386-387. Issued sep.iratoly with title-page as follows: Was America peopled from Pcdyne sia? I .' tudy in compaiutivo Philol- *^Sy- I Ky I Horatio Hale. | From the Proceedings of the International Con- gress of Americanists | at Bt.>rliu, iu October 1888. | Berlin 1890. | Printed by H. S. Her- mann. Title verso blank 1 I. text l>p. 3-15,8". Linguistic contents as under title next above, p.l4. ; Copirg leen : Pilling, Wellesley. '. .\n international i. WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 29 I t'ullt)wa : S. Her- manual oi-l ;io Halo, &o. six , Wlite iinar.;. | rso nivmP" o lint ■( 1 cntsv |lI>!JJ'y; lip. .age, P5^. Hale (II.) — Cuntiiiiied. nil-Rt, e«<'li contain it number of wohIh derived from tlie N(K>tk«; in the Jnrgon-KngliHli por- tion tliCHO word» are marked with an JV. Copies Keen : Kanien, Pilling. Horatio Hale, utIinologiHt. Iioni in Xewjiort, N. H., May 3, 1H17, was graduated at Harvard in 18:17 and waH appointed in tlieaaineyearpliilolo- giAt to the United !St4ite8 exploring expedition under Capt. Cluirlen Wilkes. In this) capacity he studied a large number of the languageH of the Pacili(^ iHlandst. as well n» of Korlli and South America, AuHtralia, and Africa, and also investigated the history, traditions, and cus- toms of the tribes speaking those languages. The results of his inquiries are given in his Kthnogjaphy and Pliilology (Philadelphia, 1K4(i), wliicli forms the seventli volume of the expedition reports. He has publi.shed nurierous memoirs on anthropology and etlinoloj'V. is a member of many It^arned societies, both i. Kurope and in America, and in 188U was vice- president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, itresiding over the section of anthropology.— Apjjfetou'* Cyclop, u/ Am. liioij. Hcdl (RfV. Alfred Jaaies). The {j;ospel | according to ] Si, Mjittliew, translated into the | Qa-;i;ntl (or Quoiiuols liin- jriiage). I By the | rev. A. J. KmU, | C. M. S. missionary at Fort Rnpert, Van- couver's i,sland. | London : | printed for the British an, Montreal, ir,«8, 4\ IntriKluetoiy, ]i. 59.— The KwagiutI peo])le. with list of villages, pp. i)9-60.— PhonoU>gy, i>p. 60-61.— Parts of sjieech (pp. 61-105) includes : Hall (A. ,1.) — (Jontinncd. Nouns, pi». OI-ti.'i; a-''2; pro- nouns, pp. 72-70; verb. pp. 77-101; adverb, |ip. 101-103; conjunction, i)p. 103-1(»4; iiiterjet^iou, p. 105. Issued separately with title-page as follows: Section II, 18S8. Trans, Royal Soc., Can, I A grammar | of the Kwagititl language, | hy the | rev. Alfred J, Hall, I from the | transactions of the Royal society of Canada | volume VI, section II, 1888. I Montreal | l)aw4o:. brothers, pub- lishers I 1889. CovcT title as al)ove, title as alMive verso blank 1 1. contents verso blank 1 I. text pp. 59- lO.";. 4>:. Linguistic contents as under title next above. Copiet seen : Eames, Geological Survey, Pill- ing, Wellesley. [ ] A I Kwagutl version of portions I of the I Book of common prayer. | [ScaloftheS. P.C, K.] | London : | Society for promoting christian knowledge, | Northumber- land avenue, Charing cross. W, C. [1891.] Title verso blank 1 1. contents verso lilank 1 1. text entirely in the Kwagfill I lugiiage pp. 3- 62, t'olophon verso blank 1 I. lfl<^. Prayers, pp. 3-49. — Hymns, pp. 50-62. —Isaiah lii.7. », p. 62. Copim ,'!een : Kames, Pilling. Mr. Hall was born in 1853 in the village of Thorpe, Surrey, Kngland. In 1873 he was accepted li.v the Church Missiimary Society for foreign work, aiul was sent to their college at Islington fur four years. In February, 1877, he was orvlaimid, and in .lime of the same year he left Kngland for MetlaUatta, liritish Columbia, arriving there .August 0, 1877, where he labored with Mr. William Duncan till March 8, 1878. At that date this village eontaiiied 838 Tstin- sliian Indians, and the .Sunday congregations niiinheii'd 000 or 70; souls. When Mr. Duncan was ali.sent Mr. Jdill preached thrciigii an iii'eipvcter. He t night daily in asclioolof 110 eliili'reii, more es.ieeially instructing them to sing; .;'wl he als'i had a large evening school of young men. During his eight months' stay at Metl'ikatlu he a<'i|iiired ii (iiir knowledge of 'rsinisliiaii, and left itwitli niiieh regret. In March, 1878, Mr. Hall was ordered to Fort lEuperl. northeast of Vancouver Island, to work among the Kwakiiill.s, wliospeakn totall.v ditl'erent language. He found this tongiio more ditliciilt to acquire than the Tsimshian, iho variety of pronouns being very puzzling. Here he taught school for six nnttiths, ami afterward for two years inside the Hudson Bay fort. There were dltliculties in acqr^ring land at Fort Kupert, and iu 1881 Mr. Hall removed 30 BiaLIOGKAPHY OF THE 1 in I THE GOSPEL ACCOHDiyo TO ST. MATTHEW, TRAK >KD INTO THE QA-QUTL (OR QUOQUOLS LANGUAGE). DT THE REV. A. J. HALL, C.M4> MISSIONARY AT FOIIT RUFEHT, Va:«C01/VBr's ISLaN** lontron: TRINTBD FX)R TUB BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLB 80CIBTT, QUEEN VICTORIA BTREKT. 1882. FACSIMILE OF TITLE-PAGE OF HALLS QA-GUTL TRANSLATION OF MATTHEW. WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 81 Hall (A. J.)— Continued. to Alert Bay, about twenty luilva soiitii uf Furt Kiipert, and liero built n liousn and Hcboul, Thwm are oleven villngex within a ra»liuH of fifty miles from Alert Bay, and it has been UHual to make two itinitrancies annually to viHit these tril>e8, uumlienng 1,978 rouIh. Hancock Harbor Indiana. See Klaokwat. Harvard : Tliii. word following a title or within parentheses after a note indicates that a copy of the work referred to hai» been seen by tlie compiler in the library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Humboldt (Frieclricli Wilbelm HeinricL Alexander von). Versucli | iiber | den politischen Znstand | des KJinigreiclis I Neu Spnnien, | enthaltend | ITnter- i^uchungon [&c. ten lines], | von Fried- rith Alexander von Humboldt. | Er8ter[-Fiinfter] Band. | Tiibingen, | in der J. G. Cotta'scheu Buchbaiidlnug. | 1809[-1813]. 6 vols, maps, 8°. ^Numerals 1-10 of the Mexiean, Escelen, ' Kumsen, and Nootka (the last named from a manuscript of Mozino) compared, vol. 2, p. 238. Copies teen : British MuHeum, Harvard. Siibiu's Dictionary, no. 33717, gives a similar title with tlie date 1809-1814, 5 vols. 8°. PIssai politique | sur le royaunie | de I la Noiivi'Ue-Espagne ; | par Alex- andre de Humboldt. | Avec an atlas | pliysirojected be- tween tho South Sea and Atlantic Ocean, | The Crown Revenues, | The Quantity of the precious Metals which have flowed from Mexico | into Europe and Asia, since the Discovery of the | New Continent, | And the Military Defence of New Spain. | By Alexaiulcr de Humboldt. | With physical sections and maps, | founded on astronomical observations, and trigonometrical | and barometrical measurements. | Trans- lated from the original French | by .John Black. | Vol. If-lV]. | Third edi- tion. I London : | printed for | Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Pater- noster-row. I 1822. 4 vols. 8°. Numerals 1-10 of tlie Mexican, Eseelen, Kumsen, and Nootka compared, vo\. 2, p. 299. Copies seen: liostou Public, Congress, Har- vard. Essai politique | sur lo royaume | de la I Nouvelle-Espagne j jtar Alexandre «le Humboldt. | Deuxii-me (Edition. | Tome premier [-quatriemo] . | [Design.] | A Paris, | chez Autoiue-Augustin Renouard. | M DCCC XXV [-M DCCC XXVII] [1825-1827] 4 vols. 8°. Numerals 1-10 of the Mexican, Eseelen, Kumsen and Nootka com])ared, vol. 2. ]i. 280. Copies seen: Harvard. Sabin's Dictionary, no. 3:i713, nutntions an edition, Paris, 1825, 4 vols. 8°. Ensayo politico | sobre | Nueva Espana, | por | el B"". A. de Huuiboldt, I traduciv'o al Castellafio | por Don Vicente Gonzales Arnao. | Tercera odicion, | corregida aumentada y ador- nado I con mapas. | Tomo primcro [-quinto]. | Paris, I libreriatloLecointe, | 49(iuai des Augustins. | Porpiuan, | libreria de Lassere. | 1836. 5 vols. 8°. Numerals 1-10 of the Mexican, Eseelen, liumsen, and Nootka, vol. 2, p. 130. Copies leett: British Museum. Hiersemaim'". catalogue 30, no. 423, mentions an editiou: ICssai politique. Paris, 1871 [1811?], 8^^, atlaa, folio, which be prices at 30 fr. WAKA8HAN LANGUAGES. 33 ( ueva |l)oiat, D(»ii ercera I ador- limcro ) (inai Iria de lf>celeu, tntions [l8Uf], Humboldt (F. W. H. A.) — C'ontinnod. Vues I desl'ordillereH, lot nioiiiiineiiN I des ponplca iudigLUos | de I'AnK^r- iqiit'. I Tar Al. de Humboldt. | A Paris, I Chez F. Sclioell, me des F<)88<$8-Saint - Oennain-l'AiixerroiH, n". 29. I 1810. Series title! Voyage | de | Hiimliuldt et Uoii- plnml. I rroiiiii'-re partie, | Relation liiHtoriqiie. I Atlas ]iitturc8<|ue. | A Paris, I (Jlicz V. Schoell, riio dex Fossuh Snint-GorniaiD-l'Aiixerrois, II". 29. | 181U. Half-title of the HericH verso blank 1 1. title of the series verso blank 1 1. half-title of the work verso name of printer 1 1. title of the work verso blank 1 l.dedivntion verso blank 1 1. introduction pp. i-xvi, text pp. 1-304, not«s pp. 30.'i-32l, table alphabetiqne des auteiirs et des oiivruites pp. 323-:i28, table alphabotique des niatieres pp. 32%-3il, table des raati^res pp. 348-350, book of jilates (69), ntlas, folio. Numerals 1-13 of the Azt«iiue and Noiitka (the latter from a manuscript of Mozino), pp. 140-141. CopieM teen : Astor, Congress. Priced by Qnaritch, cat. 302, no. 28958, 62. 10«. Vues I des Cordillbres, | et monumeiis I des peuples indigJines | de I'Am^i- iqiio. I Par Al. de Hniuboldt. | A Paris, | Chez F. Schoell, rue des Fo88«?8-Montinartre, u". 14. | 1813. Series title : Voyage | de | Humboldt et Boii- , pland. I Primidre partie, | Relation historiqne. . I Atlas pittoresque. | A Paris, | Chez F. Schoell, rue des Fosses- Montmartre, n". 14. | 1813. Half-title of the series verso blank 1 1. title of the series verso blank 1 1. half-title of the work verso name of printer 1 1. title of the work verso blank 1 1. dedication \'erso blank 1 1. intriMluction pp. i-svi, text pp. 1-304, notes pp. 305-321, table alphabetiiine des auteiuvs et onvrages pp. 323-328, table alphabetiqne ties niati^res pp. 329-347. table des matieres pp. 348- 350, book of plates (69), ntlas, folio. Linguistic contents as under ti tie next alMive. Copies seen: Harvard, Lenox. Priced by Dufossfi, no. 16191, and 24143, 200 fr. •^— Researches | Concfrning | the iiisti- tutious and uionuuients | of | the Ancient Inhabitants | of | America, | with Descriptions & Views | of some of the moat | Striking Scenes | in the | WAK- Humboldt (F. \V. H. A.) — ("ontinurd. Cordillcra.s. | Written in French by | Alexander de Humboldt, | & Trans- lated into English by | Helen Maria WilliauiH. Vol. I [-11]. j [Engraving.] | London : | Published by Longman, Hurnt Recs, Ormo 4& Brown, .1. Murray & H. Colbnrn. | 1814. 2 vols.: title verso blank I I. advertiseinent pp. iii-iv, text pp. 1-411 ; title verso blank 1 1. text pp. 1-219, notes pp. 221-250, index to authors p]>. 2.'>7-272, general index pp. 27:<-322, list of plates pp. 323-324, 8°. Numerals 1-13, Mexican and Nootka,vol. 2, p. 305. Copies seen : Astor, Bourroft, Boston Atbe- neeum. Congress. Lenox . Vues des Cordillores, et MonumeuH des Peuples Indigi^nes de I'Amdrique. Par Al. de Humboldt. Paris: Maze. 1815. (•) 2 vols. pp. 392, 411,11.19 plates. 8^. Title from .Sabin's Dictionary, no. 33750. Vues des (Jordillieres et monuments des peuples de I'Aun^rique. Paris, 1816. («) 2 vols. : 19 black and colored plates, 8*^. Title from Dufoss^''s 1887 catalogue, no. 24142, where it is priced 20 fr. At the Murphy sale, uo. 1288, a copy brought $9.50. Vuj" I des I Cordillires, | et | mon- uiuens des peuples | indigenes | de I'Amc^rique; | Pur Al. l<)gii|U«, | [«fec. twoiity-four linos] | piiblif^o | jmr M. I'altbt'! MiKiio | [«&c. uix lines.] | 'J'uine trtMit-<|uatri('mo. | l>i(^tioniiairu «le liii};ni.stiiir, I iiitx atolittrs catlioli(|uos, Kiio d'Aniboisc, uu Petit-Montroiige, | Bar- rit'r« d'enl'i'i' hi<', | I'liibriiSHant | I'cxaiiu-ii critifiiie ilos rtvHt^mos ot do tmit<>s Ioh i|Ui'Htii>n» qui mo raltaclieiit | h I'drigineot A la liliatiiiii dt'M laiigiios, h Iciir onsoiu'o orgauiquo I ct h liMirH ^al>l«l^f^^ avoo I'lilstoirodoH racos liuiualiU'H, do lours iiiigratious, otc. | rroci'd6 d'liii I KHsaisiir lorolodulan^agi'daus Trvolii- tioiidoriiitclUgoiico liiiiiiaino. , ParL.F. Julian (do ."^aint Clavieii), 1 Moiiiliro do la SiKMi't6 gfio- Ingiqiio de Franco, de rAoadrmio royalo duH scioiK'OH do Tiiiin, etc. | [Quotation, throo linoH.] I PubliCi I parM.rAlilx'tMigiio, | oditoiir do la Itibliotlu>qno uuiversollo du olorgo, | on | doH foura ooni))let8 sur cliatiuo lirancbo do la Hi'ience ocoU'Hiastiquo. | Tome unique. | Prix : 7 franos. | S'lmprime et so vend diez .J. -P. Migno, /'diteur, | aux ateliers catlioliquoH, Uued'Ani- lioise, au Potit-Moutroiigo, | Uarriore d'enfor do Paris. | ISSg. Outside titli^ I 1. titles as aliovo 2 11. eoluiniis (two to a page) 9-144S, largo 8-^. Linguist ic I'outoiits as under title next lielow. Cnpien seen : Uritisli Museum, (Jeorgetown. A later edition with titlepagos as follow-s : Tioisii-nu' et derniere | Encyclopt'die I thrologiquo, | on troisienie et der- niore | scriedodictiounuires sur toutes los ])!irtie8 de la science roligienso, | oftVant en franv'iiis, et par ordre alpba- l»oti(iiie, I la i»lus da ire, la pins facile, la pltiH comuiodo, la pins vari<^e | et la plus complete d< s theologies : [&c. sev- enteen lines] I pnhlieo | par M. l'abb<^ Migno I [&c. six lines.] | Tonietrente- nieset de toutes los quOntioUH (|ui HO rattachent j a I'origino et a la Hliation deslanguos, alouressenroorgaiiiquo | otnlours rapports aveo I'histoire des raees luimaines, do leursmigratlong, ete. | I'reerded'un | Ksgnisur 1e r/dodu laugago dans revolution de I'intelll- genco liuniaine. | Par L.F. .Telian (de Saint- Clavion), | Monibredo la Soeiote grfiologique do France, de rAcadiiuio royalo des sciences de Turin, etc. | [Quotation, tlirco lines.] | PublK'i | par M.l'abbfi Migne, C'diteuri | des coars coinplets surchaciuobrauclKMlc la science occlesiastique. I Tome unique. | Prix : 7 francs. | S'impriuu( et so vend ehez J.-P. Migne, C-di- tour. I aux ati'liers catboli<|Ucs, rued'Amboise, 20, au I'ctit-Montrouge, | autrefois Harriftre d'onfer do Paris, niaintenant dans Paris. { 1804 First title verso "avis important" 1 1. second title verso name of ju-inter 1 1. introduction immliered b,v columns 9-208, text in double col- uiiius 20!>-12ri0, notes additionnellcs columns I24»-U.')4, table des niati6ro8 columns 1435-1448, largo 8°. Tableau pol,vglotte des langiies de la cfite oecidtMitale do rAmerique du uord, columns 445-448, contains a vocabularyof about a dozen words in Noutka ou 'WakaBb. — Wakaah ou Noutka, columns 12:18-1230, contains general remarks ou tbo language. Copies seen: Karnes. Jewrltt (John Hogers). A Narrative of the Adventures and Sntterings of .John K. .Fewitt only survivor of the crew of the Ship Boston during a captivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound with an account of the Manners, Mode of living and Reli- gious opinions of the natives. Illus- trated with a plate representing the ship in possession of the Savages. Middletown, printed by Loomis &, Richards, 1815. (*) 2U;i i)p. 2 plates, 12\ Vocabulary of tlie Xootka language, contain- ing nearly one bnndrcd words, p. 4. Title from Field's Essay, no. 777, wbere it is followed by this note : The narrative of .Tewitt's captivity, was vritti'ii liy Roland Alsop. of Middletown, Connecticut, author of several booksof poems, and translator of Molina's Uiutory of Chili, The details of tbi' adventures of Jewitt were drawn from him by the indefatigable iiueriesof WAKASHAN LANCSrAdES. 35 Itive of |)t" John srow of ivity of Uvages Hint of Reli- lllus- Ing the |b. n bero it is kty, wa» kletowu, poems, Chili. Itt were keriesof >j.. ^,>\/ ADVENTURES AND SUFFERINGS or JOHN R. JEWITT; OffLT, SORTIVOft OP TtiK ClUW or THE SHIP BOSTON, A'-*', ■ •riTH Ait ACOOORT QP TB» .'3 " WAIfJVt^, MODfi OP LIVIMO. AND RELICHOUS - OPINIONS OF THb'na'tIVES. *' -* ^1 ''■■';. "r't--^*'-')iiil iiKxIit iil'<arriiw Ibroii^h thi- oonntrj'. —— A I narrativo | of the | ailvcntnres and sufToringH, | of | Jiihn R. Jewitt; | only survivor of the rMOcopjTi){bt "thirty- nintli .vfiirof tilt- Tii{lep()ii(l''iu'oof (licU.S. A." 1 1. iiiinK'M ot'tlio crow (il'tliH Hliip Bimton, vitrgo ]ist of wonls ill Nootka 1 I. text pp. r> 204. 16°. •'A lint of wortiM |77, anil tho iiuiiioralH 1-10, 21), 100, IrUO] ill tlio XiM>tkinii laiiKiui).'!', tli<> nioRt in iiHf," p. [4),— War iton« of tlie Nootka tribti (twovoiwHwitli explanatory note), p. :i04. Copici Men : Doston AtlieiiiiMim, (JonKrcsH, EanioH, Harvard. Trumbull, WiDcouain Histor- ical Society. — A I narrative | of the | adventures and siitt'erings | of | John R. Jewitt; | only survivor of the crew of the | ship DostoD, I during a captivity of nearly three years | among the savages of | Nootka sound: | with an account of | the manners, mode of living, and reli- gions I opinions of the natives. | Em- bellished with a plate rejjrcsenting the ship in I the possession of the natives. I [Two lines quotation.] | New York : | jirinted by Daniel Fan- shaw, I No. 241, Pearl street. | 1816. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 I. names of the crew of the sbiji Bost^in verso list of words in Nootka 1 1. text pp. .')-2(l8, 10°. Linguistic contents as under title next above, pp. [4], 208. Copies teen: Boston AtbenKum, British Museum. Narrative | of tho | adventures and sutfcrings | of | John R. Jewitt; | only survivor of the crew of the | shi]> Bos- •ton, I during a captivity of nearly three yenrs among the | savages of Nootka sound: | with an account of the I manners, mode of living, and religiouc Jewitt (J. R.) — Continued. I iqiinions of the natives. Kmbelliahed with ten engravings. | [Design.] | New York: | printed for the pub- lisher. [18161] Cover title as above, frontispiece 1 I. title as above verso blank 1 I. names of the crew etc verso vocabulary 1 1. text pp. 7-16*1, 16'. Set' fac-siniile of the title-paKe, p. ilS. Linciiistic contents asunder title noxtultove, pp. [0), 1(10. ro/>iV» «(■(■» : (longress, I>illlDK,WelleRley. A I narrative | of tho | adventiiies and sntVeriiigs | of | John R. .Jewitt, | only survivor of the crew of the | ship Boston, I during a captivity of nearly tliret; years | among the | savages of Nootka sound : | with an account of the I manners, mode of living, and reli- gious I opinionsof the natives. | Embel- lished [&c. three lines.] | [Two linos quotation.] | Middletown : | printed by Looniis and Richards, | And Re-printed by Rowland Hurst, Wakefield; | and pub- lished by Longman, Hurst [&c. three lines.] I 1816. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso copyright notice 1 I. To t!;e Knglish reader pp. iii-iv, picture 1 l.te.xtpp.&-208,16°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, pp. 205, 206-208. Copietseen: British Museum. A I narrative | of the | adventures and sutterings | of | John R. Jewitt, | only survivor of tho crew of the | ship Boston, I during a captivity of nearly three years | auong the | savages of Nootka Sound: | with an account of the I manners, mode of living, and reli- gious I opinions of the natives. | Em- bellished [«&c. three lines.] | [Two lines qnotation.] | Middletown: | printed by Loomis and Richards, | and Re-printed by Rowland Hurst, Wakefield; | and pub- lished by Thomas Tegg, Cheapside, Tiondon; and | sold by all booksellers. i 1820. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso copyright (:)9tb year of the independence) 1 1. To the English reader pp. iii-iv, picture 1 1, text pp. 5-208, 16°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, pp. 205, 206-208. Copiet seen ; Lenox. Sabin's Dictionary, no. 36123, mentions an edi- tion: Middletown, 182(1, 208 pages, 2 jdates, 12o. He probably referred to the above by mistake. iLoomis jted by pd pub- pap«ide, Uellers. ght (:i9th English 1-208, 16°. l)ove, pp. nsanedi- liitos, 12°. liistake. WAKASHAN LAN01JA(JE8. 37 Jewitt (J. K.) — Continnod. Tlio I ailventiireB | and | 8uH'eriii)jH | of I Jolm K. Jewitt, I only mirvivor of tb» crew of tho ship DoHton, | during ii ca|itivity of nearly tlinx' yours | iinioiiK MicNiivii^fsof Nootlciv sound; | with tin account of tho niannerH, mode of living, I und r«ligiouH opinions of tho natives. I [Two lines <|Uotiition.] | Anierioa printed. | Kdinburgh: | re- printed for Archd. ConKtiilde &. vo. Edinburgh: { and Hurst, Uobinson, «.V CO. London. | 1X24. Tltlo vcrsii copyrinht 1 1. To tlic KiikHhIi romlor jip. Ul-iv, text i)p. 1-237, 10''. liinKiiiHtic conteiilB QH uiidortilleH aliovo, pp. 2:14, 23.^-2:17. i'lipieg lern : liritiMli MiiDtMim. SubiiiH Dictioiinry, no. 'MViW, nirntions nn otlition in (leniinn nti inrliiilt'il in llnlxiiit'H THKi^nbiii'li, MiuiHtrr. I81!8: nnilonrin Kuglisli, Itlin.ii, N. v., 1840, 8>. Niirrntivo | of the | adventuren imd suft'eringH | of | John U. .Tewitt; | only snrvivor of tho crew of the ship | Hos- ton, I during a captivity of nearly three years among the | savages of Nootka sound: | v ithana(!('ountof the I manners, mode of living, and reli- gious I opinions of the natives. | Em- bellished with engravings. | Ithaca, N. Y. : I Mack, Andrus, & CO. I 184!). Fnmtispitrp 1 l.titltt vorso blank 1 1. voonb- nliiry verso nanxM of tho crew 1 1. text pp. 7- ItW, Iflo. Linpiintlr contents a» under titles iihovo, pp. [5], 160. Copies seen: Astor, Uancrot't, (Congress. Nittioual Museum. • Narrative | of the | adventures and 8utt'ereigu8[sJoJ | of | John R. Jewitt, ( only survivor of the (Tew of the ( ship Boston, I during a captivity of nearly 3 years among the | savages of Nootka sountl : I with an account of the | nian- nors, mode of living, aud religious | «tpiniont( of the natives. | Ithaca, N. Y. : | Andrus, Gauntlett & CO. I 1851. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. text pp. 7-160, 16°. Linguistic contents us under titles above, pp. 7,100. Jewitt (J. K.) — Continued. ('i>liie» Kfti : Itrillsli Museum, Ooorgotown, Lenox, WiHconsin llislnriiiil .Ki,v. The linguistic iiiati'iiiil gutlirrHl by Jewitt has Ihtu reprinted by uumy uulliors. The I caiitive of .Nootka. | Or the | adventures of John K. Jewettf»itV). | [Picture.] | rhiladolphia: | J. U. Lip])iaeott &, CO. I 1861. Frontispiece 1 1. title. vorso copyright notice (IKt.")) \ 1. contents pp. v xll, text pp. i:»-2!i!>, pbilcs, sq. 10°. CoiupiliHl from Jewltt's Narra- tive, by Peter I'arli'y. A niiiul>er of Nutka words, phrases, and pro|ier nanie.4 passim. Oopiei seen : John K. (iill. Porllanil, Oregon. The I captive of Nootka. | Or tho | advoutures of John U. Jowett[((ir|. | [Woodcut.] I Philadelphia: I C'laxton. Honisen & Hattellinger, | 81!) & 8l.'l Market street. I 18<>!). Frontis]>iece I 1. title verso copyright notice (1835) 1 1. contents pp. v-xii, text pp. 13-259, plates, 8<|. 10°. Linguistic contents as under title next above. Copies seen: Asfor. There is a work entitled "A journal kept at Nootka Sound by John H. Jewitt, Kostiui. 1SU7, 48 pages, whii'h (»>utiiins no linguistics. (Krit- ish Museum.) Sabin's Dictionary, no. 36122, mentions an edition. New York, 1812. John Uogers Jewitt was born in Tto^ton. Lin- colnshire, Kngland, May 21, 178:1. lie attended school in his nnti\e town, und ut twelve years of age was sent to an academy at Donningtiin. At fourteen it wits the intention of his father to apprentice him to a physician, but his own disinclination wns so strong be was |iermittihina and i'""Mice to Uoston, Mass. In ^. rch, 1«()3, ■ : ik at Nootka Sound, the ship wa.s ciptiin.; i.y Ihe natives, and all cm l>oard with the exception of Jewitt and a sailmiiker named Thorapsim were killed. They remained prisoners among the Nootkas until Jmy, IWi"). when thej- were res- cued by Captain Hill, of the brig Lydia. of Uos- ton. Jiilg(B.> See Vater (J S.) Ill ; H 88 UIIILIUOKAI'IIY OF THE K. Xtgvti. 8ee Kwaklntl. Kane (Paul). WaudoriiiRn of nn artint | among tlio | IiiiliiiiiN of North Aim-ricii I from CauiKia | to VaiKoiiver'tt iHlaiid andOrvK'^ii | throii^li tlioIIiiitNoii'H liiiy compaiiy'H torritor.v | luiil | hack a^aiii. I Hy I'anl Kiiiiu. | liomUtti I Longmun, Hrown, (Jrveii, LonKmuna, aud Itohorta. | IK'ti). Uull'tltli) vt^rHo niiiiiit of priiitcr I I. I'rontia- piece I 1. title vui'HO l)lank I l.tloilirittiim vurHo blank 1 1. prclnco pp. \'-x,t'uiit4'iitH itp. xl-xvii, hHt o( illiiHlriitioiiH p. [xvlilj, text |)p. I-4S5, appendix 4 11. 8'^. LlHt uf peiipli'H in till' iHirtliwcHt, IncliiiJinK trilMw, 4 uiiniriibcretl luiivcs .-l end. Copies tern: linuci-dft, Jlimtrn Atliouiiiuin, IlritlHli MuHciiiii, <'»iiKi'<'MH, lIiiTvaril. Tli«edltiiiii: I.OH luilieDHdi' In Itaii' HiidHiiii, Pari,:, 1891, cmituinM nn linKiOHtii; niulcrial. (liritigh MuHeiiiii.) Puttl Kant'. Cuiiadian artiHt, Ixirn In Toronto in 1810, diiHl tluTo iu 1871. Uo early evinced a lovoofurt.anil alter Htiidying in llpi)er(^'iinudu coUeKe lie v1h1I«m1 tbe.Uiiite(l Statex in l8;iU and followed biH profuHHioii there till 184(>. when be went to Kurope. There hoHtiidii'd i.' Koine, Genoa. Naplox, Klcrenee. Venice, and It. logna. He Unally returned to Toronto in tlie Hpriug of 1845, and after u Mhort rent went on a tour of art exploration tlii-ou;;li tlie iinHcttled regions of the north weHt. He tni\elcd many thoiixandH of niileH ill thiH country, fioiii the continea of (dd Oanada to the Pucilic Ocean, and was emi- nently HiiccOHHful in delineating the jiliVHical peculiarities and appearaiu^e of the ahorigineH, as well as the wild Hcenery of t he far north, lie returned to Toronto in Deccnilior, 1848, having in bis ]M)M8e!«Hion one of tbe largest collections of Indian curiosities that was ever lunde on the continent, together with nearly four liiiiidied sketches. From these he painted a series of oil pictures, which are now in t be po.sscsslon ot (leorgeW.Allen, of Toronto, and embrace views of tlio country from Lake Superior to N'ancoii- ver's Islantl — Appleton'» Cyclop, of Am. liiog. Keane (Augustus H.) Kthno<;raphy and philology of America. Uy A. H. Keane. In Bates (H. W.), Central America, the West Indies, et«!., pp.44:i-,'>01, London, 1878, 8°. General scbcme of American races and lan- guages (pp. 4li(M97), includes n list of the Colunibiau races, among tbeni the Xootkab and Puget Sound groups, pp. 473-474.— Aljibahetical list of all known American tribes niid lan- guages, pp. 498-545. Keprinted in tbe 1882and 1885editionsof the game work aud on tlie same pages. Keane (A. II.) — Continued. American IndiaiiH. Ill ICiicyclopii'dia llrilaniiica, ninth edition, vol. 12, pp. 8L'J 8;i(l, Now York, 1881. royal 8 '. (.'oliiiiiliiaii Uaccs, p, 81!U, includes the divi- sions of tbe Nootka. Kerr (lioh. Oook (.1.) aud King (.1.), A voyage to the Pacilic Ocean, vol. 15, pp. 114-514; vol. 10, pp. 1- .".U3: vol. 17, pp. 1-;U1. Copies seen: Aslor, llritish Museum, Con- gress, Lenox. A later edition from the same plates, with an added volume, as follows: A I general history and collection | of I voyages and travels, | arranged iu systematic order: | forming a I'oiiipleto history of the origin and progress | of navigation, discovery, aud commerce, I hy sea and land, | from the earliest ages to the present time. | By | Kohcrt Kerr, F. It. S. & F. A. S. Edin. ( Illus- trated by maps aiul charts. | Vol. I [-XVIIlf. I William Blackwood, Edinburgh ; and T. Cadell, London. MDCCCXXIV [1824]. 18vol8.8=>. Linguistic contents as under titlenextabove. Copies seen : i 'ougress. King {Capt. .lames.) 8ee Cook (J.) and King(.l.) King George Sound Indians. See Nntka. Klaokwat : (iciieraldiacussion See Buschmiiun (.1. G. E.) tjeiierul discussion Oibbs (G.) General disciiHsioii Latham (1{. G,) Gramiiiutic treatise liuschmauu (J. 0. K.) WAKASHAN LANGITAOES. 39 Klaokwat — Continiiud. NiiinurHiN Miinrliinaiiii (J.('. K I I'roptir iiiuneii Vot^aliulary V(Hiubiilary ViMsalMilary ViH'ubiilury ViH-ubiilury Vocalnilary VonlH Wonlii Wonla riitiiii (ai{P) v(f tbtt IiHliuua N. K. of Vancouver iHlamI, anti two HtttM of nuiueruU 1-10 of the IiitllanH of Milbimk Soiinil (all fur uiabiMl by (iibim), ]ip. 1-2.— "Tabkulit proiH'r" pp. 2-8, iiii'liideH tbu etymology of the iiainr, llHt of tribal (Ilviaions, elyiiiolo)(i<'H, tribal nameH u8oi»'- tionaryofthe]Tahkabt-Kngliah(ali)hab«ticully arranged), pp. 33-:i8.— I'artll. Engliab-Tabkalit (al|>bal>eticnlly arranged), pp. 59-78.— Proper iiame.-4 (pp. 79-80) iucludea: Scsbaht men and boya, p. 79; Opechiaabt men and boys, p. 80; SoHbaht women and girls, p. 80. Vopie* seen : Uoaa, Ltrinton, Kanies. Much of this material ia reprinted in Sproat (G. M.), SeenoH und atudiea of wivage life. Noutka or Tuhkaht vocabulary. ManuHcript, 1 leaf, folio, written on both Bides; in (bo library of the Bureau of Ktbnul- «»g.V. Contains about 190 words, and the numerals 1-12, 20, 30, 100, lOUO. Knlpe (I'.)— Contiiiina. In tbu same llbrarv Ih a copy of thU vocabu- lury, leavuH folio, made bj Dr. tieu. (illiliH. Notea on the Iniliun trilxH of the nortli-wi'Ht roaiit of Norlli .Vincricn. MunuHcrlpt, II li'a\eH. h , 4 . mid folio, in the library of the Hureau of KlIiiioloKy, ('oni|HMe,r 'Jregoi. i./iit the Eskimo, pp. 164-165, includes a few words of Nootka, Tlaoquatcii, and Uacltzuk. This article is reprinted willi ation verso blank 1 1. preface l>p. vii-xi. bibliography pp. xiii-xv, expla^ja- tlon of plates verso blink 1 I. contento pp. xlx- xxviii, text pp. 1-5P'J, index pp. .'■>67- 574, list of works by Dr. Lat'aam verso blank 1 1. 8"^. WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 41 ue of igical lUUlU- Now ]| 'ater- Qies of Irefaco Jv.tIx- IliHt of Latham (R. O.) — Continued. DiTUion F, American Mongolidie (pp. 287- 460) inrliides a rlaHHificntinii of the Havltziik and HailtHa, pp. ;i0fl-3Ul; of the Nutkans, pp. 301-302.— VocabuUir.v (20«o'(U) of tUoCliekt-i'li »ni of the Waka'ih (from St'onler), p. :il.'>. Oopis* seen: Bureau of Ethuology, Cuu- grpss, Eame.s. The I ethnology | of | the British colonies | and | dependencies, j By | K. G. Latham, M. 1)., F. R. S., | corre- 8]>onding member to the Ethuolotriciil society, New York, | etc. etc. ( [Mono- grniii.] I London: | John Van Voorst, Pater- noster row. ] M. DCCC. LI ['8.-)!]. Title vtTHO naiiips of printtTs I I. preface verso blank 1 1. conteiita pp. v-vi, text pp. 1-264 12". (Jhapter vi. Dcpendencich in America (pp. 224-264), contains a linguistic clas.siflcation of the Indians, among thorn tl .< Kutka and tin- Hailtsa, p. 247; of Fitz Hugh Sound, p. ^51'. Copieii seen .- Antor, liritisli Museum, Con- gress 'j^ames. •it tlie Squier sale, no. 635, a copy brouglit |l . On the languages of Northern, West- ern, and Central America. By i». G. Latham, M. D. (Read May the 9th.) In Pliilological Soc. [of London] I'nui.'*. 1856, pp. 57-115 London [1857). 8<^. ((Congress.) Namei Is 2, 3 in the langaugc of Fitz-Hugh Sound anil of the Hneltzuk coniiiarcd with the Blackfeet, p. 65. — TbeHailtsa, theirhalntat and divisions, p. 73.— TheWakash, a brief account, p. 73. This article reprinted in tlie same author's Opxucula, pp. 326-377. for title of wliieli .see l>elow. Opuscula. I Essays | eliicfiy | pliih)- logical and ethnographical | liy | Kob- «rt Gordon Latham, ) M.A., M. U., F. K. S., etc. I late Icllow of K iiig.s coljogo, Cambridge, late professor ot Knglisli | in University college, fvondoii, late assistant physician | at the Middlesex hositital. I Williams & Norgate, | It Henrietta street. Covcnt garden, Lonii'm | and | 20 south Fre:rgli. I Leipzig, R. llartmann. ] 1860. Title verao name of printer 1 1. prt^faee pp. iii-lr, contents i)p, v-vi, text pp. 1-377, addenda and corrigenda pp. 37.'<-418, 8°. A reprint of a number of pai>ers I'ead before the Ethnologi(;al and Philological societies of London, among them someuf those titled above, as follows : On the languages of the Oregon lerritory(pp. 249-265) contains the linguistic mnt-erial uiven Latham (R. G.) — Continued. under this title above on pp. 250-251, 251-252, 252, 260-262. The "notes " (pp. 263-265) contain a comparative vw^abulary of 20 vords of the Tla-297) contains the numerals 1-lU of the [Hailtsuk] language of Fits- Hugh Sound, p. 283. On the languages of Northern, Western, and Central America (pp. 326-377) contains the lin- guistic material given under ^his title above, pp.333,'»39,340. Addenda and corrigenda, 1859 (pp. 378-418) contains brief references to the linguistic place of the "'laiMiuatch, \>. 378: to the Wakosli, Xutka, and Tlao(|unteh. |i.388. (lopieiseen: A.stor, Boston Public, Brintca, Bureau of Ethnology, (Jongress, Eames, Pilling. Vatkinson. At the Squier sale a presentation copy (no. 039 of the catalogue) brought $2.37. The Mur- phy copy, no. 1438, sold for $1. Elements | of | comparative philol- ogy. I By I R.G. Latham, M. A., M. I)., F. R. 8., &c., I late fellow of King's col- lege, Cambridge ; and late professor of English I in University college, Lon- don. I London: Walton and Maberly, Upper Gower street, and Ivy lane. Paternoster row; I Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, | Paternoster row. I 1862. I The Right of Translation is Reserved. Half-title names of printers 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. i>ref- acepp. vii-xi contents pp. xiii-xx, tabular view of langimge.s aiul dialects pp. xxi-xxviii, chief authorities pp. xxix-xxxii, errata verso blank I 1. text pp. 1-75'.', addenda and corrigenda |)p. 7.13-757, index pp. 758-774, list of works by Dr. Latham verso blank 1 1. 8^. (Miapter Iv, Languages of America (pp. 384- 403) C(mtiiins : Abrief .liscuH.sionof the llailtsa, with a vocabulary (14 words and numerals 1- 10). pi>. 401-411'^: ( •■(j.-iratlvo vocabulary (50 words and miuierals 10) of the Nsiotshawiis, Watlal.i.aiid Xut ..• iip. 402-403. Ciipies uen : . (tor, British Museum, Bureau of K.llmoldgy. Congress, Kames, Watkinson. lioUei tiiordon Latham, the eldest son of the' I'ev. f lioMii'.H Latham, was l)oru in the vicarage of hiitiugsborough, Lincolnshire, March 24, 1812. li> ISlBliewasenteredat Eton. Two years, afterwards be was admitted on the foundation, and in 1^29 went to Kings, where he took his fellowship and degrees. Ethnology wi > his. flrut -i^iissiou and hia last, though fur botany he had a very strong taste. He died March 0, XK^. — Thtoditre WatU.inThe Athena»tm,Marck U. tSSH. I 'n 42 BIBLIOOHAPHY OP THE Lawrence). See See BoaH (F.) i ma. >' iWl Le Conte {Dr. John Haldemann (S. S.) IickwiKoq: Vocabulary Leininen8(T. N.)an(l Enssen (F.) T. X- Lemmens. 1888. | A vocabn.''ary | of | the Clayoquot Sound | Language. {") Manuscript, pp. 1-218, folio, in poasessiou of the Bishop of Alaska, Victoria, B. C. Engliah-Clayoquot vocabulary, pp. 1-2U.— The verb, pp. 212-218. Title from l)r. Franz Boas, who informs me that the rectos of pp. 3-43 are in the Kyoquot dialect, and were written by Mr. Enaaen. Lord'i prayer: Ilp.'.lUuk Kwakiutl Ewakiutl Nutka .See Tate (C. M.) Bergholtz (O. F.) Kost (R.) Brabant (A. J.) Lubbock (Sir Jehu). The | origin of civilisation | and the | primitive con- dition of man. | Mental and social con- dition of savages. | By | sir John Lub- bock, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. | author [&c. two lines.] | London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1870. Half-title verao names of printers 1 1. front- ispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v- viii, contents p. ix, list of illustrations pp. xi- lii, list of principal works quoted pp. xiii-xvi, text pp. 1-323, appendix pp. 325-3Q2, notes pp. 363-365, index pp. 307-380, four other plates, 8°. A few words in the Nootka language, p. 288. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con- gress, Eames, Harvard. The I originof civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | sir John Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. I author[&c. two linos.] | New York: | D. Applcton and com- pany, 1 90, 92 & 94 Grand street. \ 1870. Half-title verso blank 1 1. frontispiece 1 1. titht verso blank 1 1. prel'acu to tlio American edition pp. iii-iv, preface pp. v-vlii, contents p. ix, Ulustratio-^.s pp. xi-xii, list of principal works quoted pp. xiii-xvi, textpp. 1-323, appendix pp. 325-362, notes pp. 363-365, index pp. 367-380, four other plates, 12°. Linguistic contents as under title next aliove. Copies teen: Harvard, Pilling. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of nmn. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. S. I author [&c. two lines.] | Second edition, witli additions. | Lubbock (J.) — Continued. London : | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1870. Half-title verso names of printers 1 1. front- ispiece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v- viii, contents pp. ix-xiii, illustrations pp. xv- X vi, list of principal works quot«d pp. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-367, appendix 369-409, notes pp. 411- 413, index pp. 415-426, list of books 1 1. five other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 327. Copies seen: British Museum, Kames, Har- vard. — The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and social conditiim of savages. | By | sit Jchn Lubbock, Bart., M. P., F. R. 8. I vice-chancellor [&c. three lines.] I Third edition, with numerous addi- tiouK. I London: | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1875. Half-title verao name of printer 1 1. frontia- piece I I. title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. v-viii, contents pp. ix-xfii, illustrations pp. xv-xvi, list of the principal works (i noted pp. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-463, appendix pp. 465-507, notes pp. 509-514, index pp. 515 528, five other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 417. Copies seen: British Museum, Eames. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man. | Mental and social condition of savages. | By | Sir John Lubbock, Bart. M. P. F. R. S. I D.C. L. LL.D. I president [&c. five lines.] I Fourth edition, with numerous additious. | London: | Longmans, Green, and co. I 1882. Half-titlu verso list of works " by the same autlior " 1 1. froutlapiece 1 1. title verso names of printers 1 1. preface pp. v-viii, contents pp. ix- xiii, illustrations pp. xv-xvi, list of the princi- pal works quoted pp. xvii-xx, text pp. 1-480, appendix pp. 481-524, notes pp. 525-533, index jip. 535 548, fiv,! other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 427. Copies seen: Boston Atlienieuui, Eamea, Harvard. The I origin of civilisation | and the I primitive condition of man | Meutal and social condition of savages | By | sir John Lubbock, bart. | M. P., F. R. S., D.C. L., LL. D. I author [&c. four lines] I Fifth Edition, with numerous Additions I 1,1 i: ml CO. lie same lamtja of pp. U- I princi- 1-480, index l)Ove, p. lEames, id the leutal By I F. R. foiir lierouii WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 43 Lubbock (J.) — Continued. London | Longmans, Green, and co | 1889 I All rights reserved Half-title vorgo names of printers 1 1. frontis- piece 1 1. title verso blank 1 1. preface (dated February, 1870) pp. vii-x, contents pp. xi-xvi, illustratious pp. xvii-xviii, list of priuoipal works quoted pp. xix-xziii, text pp. 1-486, appendix pj). 487-529, notes pp. 6:tl-530, index pp. 541-554. IJHt of works by the same author verso blank 1 1. Ave other plates, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles above, p. 432. Copies tieen : Eames. Ludewlg (Herniaim Ernst). The | liter- ature I of I American . 140'J, »2.63 ; at the Squiersale. no. 699, $2.62; another copy, no. 1906, $2.38. Priced by Leclorc, 1878, no. 2075, 1.') fr. The Pinartcopy, no. 565, sold for 25 fr., and the Murphy copy, no. 1540, for $2.50. "Dr. Ludewig hivs himself so fully detailed the phui and purport of this work tliat little more remains for me to add beyond the mere statement of the origin of my connection with the publication and the mention of such addi- tions for wbinh I alone am responsible, and which, duriug its progress through the press, have gradually accumulated to about one-sixth ofthewhole. Thiaisbutanactuf Justicotothe memory of Dr. Ludewig, because at the timeot bis death, in December, 1856, no more than 172 pages were printeil olf, and these constitute the only portion of the work which had the benetlt of his valuable personal and iinal revision. "Similarity of pursuits li'd,rary history of language generally, ho had prepared a bibliographical memoir of the remains of theaboriginal languages of America. Xhe manuscript had been deposited by him in the library of the Ethnological Society at New York, but at my request he rt once most kindly placed it at my dis; osal, stipulating only that it should bo printed in Europe, under ray per- sonal superintendence. " Upon my return to England, I lost no time in carrying out the trust thus coutidtHi to nie, intending then to confine myself simply to pro- duciiij;"'"'" :.-ct copy of my friend's manuscript, itut it soon became obvious that the transcript had been hastily made, and but for the valuable assistance of literary friends, both in this country and in America, the work would prob- ably have been abandoned. My thanks are more particularly due to Mr. E. G. Sqnier, and to Prof. William W. Turner, of AVashington, by whose considerate and valuable cooperation many diflttculties were cleared away and my edi- torial liibors greatly lightened. Tliisencouraged me to sp.ire neither personal labor nor expense in the attempt to render the work as perfect as possible, with what sui'cess must be left to the .judgmentof those wlio can fairly appreciate the labors of a pioneer in atiy new field of lit- erary research." — EdiUir's advertisement "Dr. LudewiL', f bough but little known iu this country liinii{ was held in consider- abieestocm ii ' bothin (iernianyand the United States ol i.-rir i Borr mI DrtsdiMi in 1809, with but litlll^ L'xi I jition ' oontiuuod tarenthesesaflcr a note indicate that a copy of the work referred to has been wen by the compiler in the library of that sfH'iety, Itostiiu, ^Ihhh. Millbank Sound Indians. S(. (,'. New York Historical Society: These words follow- ing a title or within |):ircntlM'se8 after a note indicate that a copy of the work referred to lias been seen by the compiler in the library of that society, New York City. Nitinat : General discussion See Knipe (C.) Numerals Numerals Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Nlwiti : Vocabnlary - Vocabulary .Words Norris (Philetns W.) Norri8(P. W.) — Continued. 1 1. infrodnctiim pp. 9-1^, contenls pp. 13-14, illustrations verso blank 1 1. text pp. 17-170, notes pp. 171-L'21, glossary pp. 223-233. gnide book pp. 2115-275. map. sm. 8°. Glos.sary of Indians words and provincial- isms, pp. 22a-2;i.>.i'ontain8 a number of terms in the Nootka hinguagc- Copiet teen : National Museum, Pilling. Powell. (irant (W.C.) Knipe (C.) Knipe (C.) Pinart (A.L.) Spioat (G. M.) .See (lallatin (A.) Knipe (C.) Pott (A. F-) The I calumet of theCoteau, and other poetical lef!;ends of the border. | Also, | a glos.sary of Indian names, words, and western jiro. vincialisms. | Together with | a guide- book I of the I Yellowstone national park. By P.W. Norris,! live years super- intendent of the Yellowstone national park. I All rights reserved. | Philadelphia: | J. U. IJppincott & CO. I 1883. Frimtispiece 1 1. title verso copyright notice 1 1, dedication verso blank 1 1. poem verso blank Numerals: Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Klaokwat KwaViutl Maka '-•aka Maka Maka Nitinat Nitinot >'utka Nutka Niitka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka Nutka See Boas (F.) Hnschmann (J. C. E.) Eell»(M.) Latham (U.G.) Buschmanu (J. C. £.) Boos (F.) Bartlett (J. R.) Eells(M.) Gibbs (G.) Grant (W.C.) Haldi^mann (S. S.) Grant (W.C.) Knijie (C.) Adelung (J.C.) Anderscm (W.) Bourguing (J. F.) Classical. Cook (J.) Dixon (G.) DuHot de Molras (E.) Fleurieu (U. P. ( Haines (EM.) Hiimlioldt (F. vou). Kerr (R) Knipe (C.) LaHurpe (J. F-de). 46 Numerals — Cou tinned. Niitka 8eoPott(A.l<\) Niitka RtHiuufeuil ((J. lie). Tokoaat Eells(M.) Tokoant Knipe (C.) Tokoaat Sproat((t. M.) ka: (;at»ohiHiii S<'c Itrnbiint (A.J.) (luneral UlriCUMHiou ISalbi (A.) Oenornl diHciiAHion Hancroftdl. H.) 0«neral (lisniSBion Husfhmann (J.C. K.) General dlsciiHHion Gat8cliet (A.S.) General (UscusHion Gibbs (G). General diHcugaiun .I61ian (h.V\ General iliHCiuHinn Lntbam {11. • I > General ilim'UBsiun I'richara (J.C.) General discuRsion R«quefeuil(C.«le). GenU'8 Boas (F.) Graniniatiu trcatiHO Brabant (A. J.) Granimatic treatise Buscbmiinn (J. C. K.) Gramniatlc, troatif*e Kotttbernian (A.) Lord'H praj'er Brabaut(A.J.) Numerals A think the vocabularies of tlM< northwest const are taken from Oook and King. Petitot (Phx fimilo Fortune Siauislus Jo8ciih). Moiiographie | 'les | Dout^- Diutljid I par | le r. j). E. Petitot | Mis- eioimaire-Oblat do Maric-Immaciude, Ofiicier d'Aour I'avancement des soil ncos, compte-rendu, I'Jt li session (Uouen, 1883), pp. 097-701, Paris, 1884,8°. (Geological Survey, Pill'ng.) Contains ojaniples in a number of North American lan^ uag<-8, among them the Yokultat. liinils Fort.in6 Stanislas Joseph Petitot was born December 3, 1838, at (Jrancey-lc-Chilteau, department of '^«*)te-d'()r, Burgiiudy, Franco. His studies were pursiuMi at Marseilles, tirst at the Institution St. Louis nna later at the higliur aeminaryof Marseilles, which heentered in 1857. He was made deacon at Ureuobie, and priest at Marseilles March 15, 186l. A few days thereafter he went t<» England and sailed for Amiirica. At Montreal be found MonseigneurTach^', bi.simp of St. Boniface, with whom he set out for the Northwest, where he waH continuously engaged in missionary work an)oug the Indiiins and FiSkimos until 1874, when he returned to France to supervise the publication of some of Ills works on linguistics and geography. In 1870 he returned U> the missions and spent another period of nearly six years in tlie Northwest. In 1832 he once more returned to bis native cou.itry, where ho bos since remained. In 1888 ho WIS appointed to the curacy of Mamuil les Jieaux, wlii ■ he still retains. The uuiiiy years he spent in the inhospitable Northwest were busy and eventful ones, and Htforded an opportunity for geographic, linguistic, or.d eth. nologic observations and studies such iw few have enjoyed. He was tins first missionary to visit (rreat Bear Lake, which he did for the Hrst time in 1866. He went on foot from Oood Hope to Providence twice, and made many tours in winter of forty or fifty days' length on snowshoes. He was the first missionary to the Eskimos of the Northwest, having visited tliem in 1865. at tlie mouth of the Anderson, again in 1868 at the mouth of the Mackenzie, and in 1870 and again in 1877 at Fort McPherson on Peel River. In 1870 his travels extended into Aliiska. In 1878 illness caused him to return south. Ho went on foot to Attiabasca, whence he passed to the Saskatchewan in a bark. In 1879 he established the mission of St. Itaphael, at Angling Lake, for the Chippewyans of that region ; there he remained until his final deiiart- urc for France in January, 1882. Father Petitot has done much Hnguistio 48 BIBLIOGKAPHY OF THE Petitot (15. F. 8. .1.) — Coutinued. work HinonK tlio Kokiniaiian, Algoiii|iiiuii. and Alha|MiH(uiii )HM>plf«H. Toran accoiintnf whirli h<'u the bibliu);rapliU!8 or tlioHo familieH of Hpt-ooli. Pilling: This word followiu<; a title or within pa- rnnthfiHeii after n note indicateH tliat a copy of tlio work referred to In In the poHseHsion of the compiler of tlii» bibliugrupliy. Pilling (James CoiistantiiuO. .SinittiHoii- iiui iiiHtitntioii — Bureau of ethnology | .'.W. Powell director | Proof-eheets | of a I bibliography | of | the languages | of the I North American IndianH | by | JauicH CouHtantine Pilling | (Distrib- uted only to collaborators) | Washington | Government printing office I 1885 Titla verso blank 1 1. notice Higned J. W. Powell 1). iii, prefa<;e pp.v-viii, introduction pp. ix-x, lint of aiithoriticH pp. xi-xxxvi, list of librarieH referred to liy initinlH pp. xxxvii- xxxviii, list of fac similes pp. xxxix-xl, t«!Xt pp. l-S-tO, additions and corrections pp. 841-1091), index of lauK"<>)riiiting office I 1891 Cover tillo iia uImivo. no inside title, half-title p. l.cnntentH etr. pp. 3-fl, text pp. 7-142, map, royal 8°. LlDKniHtic coiitoiitHaHiintlertitleiiuxtaliove. Copiet leen : Biin^aii of KthiioloKy. Karnes, PillinK, Powell. Departiiifiit of tlie interior. | IT. S. gi'ograpliicul and geological Hiirvey of the Bocky mountain region. | J. W. Powell, GeolugiHt in Charge. | f'ontri- butioiiB I to I Nortli American etlinol- ogy. I Volume I[-VIIJ. | [Seal of the dc]>artment.] | Wnfihington: | Government printing office. I 1877[-18{»0J. 7 \-ol8. (vol. 2 iu two partH), 4°. Dall CW.H.), Trihes of the extreme iicrth west, vol. 1, pp. 1-157. Copies teem Awtor, Bureau of Ethnology, Eames, Harvard, Pilling, Powell. Trumbull. Prayer hook : Kwakiutl Prayers : Nutka Nutka See Hall (A.. I.) See Rrabant (A. J.) Seghers (C.J.) Frlchard (.James Cowles). Researches | into the | physical hi.»ttory | of | Man- kind. I By I .lames Cowles Prichard,M. D. I Second edition. | In two volnmcs. |Vol.I[-II]. I London : | iirinted for John and Ar- thur Arch, I Coriihill. | 1826. 2 roU. : frontispiece 1 I. title name of printer 1 1, dedication verso blank 1 I, preface pp.v-viii, contents of bofli volume.^ pp. ix-xxx, explanation of pliiteM pp. xxxi-xxxii, text pp. l-52;i, notes pp. .525-529, index of nations pp. 5111-544, nine other phites; title verso name of printer 1 1. text pp. 1-613, note pp. 614-623, plate, 8°. General dlHCUHsiun of tlie YuouHtl or Xoutka (vol. 2, pp. 375-1179) contains renuirks on their language, and a few words of Slexiean and Kootka compared, p. 370. Copiei seen: British Museum, Eames, Gcolosieal Survey, Hiirvard. The first edition. I.onn, 1X13,8'', contains i:o linguistics. (British Museum.) Researches | into the | physical his- tory I of I mankind. I By | James Cowle.s Prichard, M. D. F. R. S. M. R. L A. ! cor- responding member [&c. three lines.] I Third edition. | Vol. It-V]. | London: | Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, I Paternoster row; | and J. and A. Arch, I Cornhill. | 1836[-1847]. WAK 4 Prlohurd (J. C.) —Continued. 5 vols. 8°. The words "Third «>ectively 1830, 1837, 1841, 1844), arenoton the titleofvol. 5. Vol. 3 was originally issued witha title numb^'red "Vol. III. -Part I." This title was afterwanl canceled and u new one (mini- b.Ted 'Vol. III.") substituted iu its place. Vol. I was reissueil with a new title containing the words "Fourth editmn"and bearing the Im- print, "London: I .Sherwood, (illbert. and Piper, 1 Paternoster row. | 1841." (Astor): and again '' FiMirth edition. | Vol. I. i London: | Houlston and .Stoneman, | 6.'>, Paternoster row. I 1851 " (Congress, Eames.) Volume 2 also appeared in a " Fourth edition," with the latter imprint and dato (Eames). These several issues differ I only in the insertiv>n of new titles in the places I of the original titlei. I On the languages ;!f the nations inhabiting I the western coast of North Amerii:a (vol. 5, pp. I 435-441) includes a brief discussion of the f>''ootka-(Julumbians, pp. 435-437, with a few (5) examples of the Nootka compared with the Mexican, pp. 438-4.19. Copies teen : Bancroft, Boston Athenienm, CongrcsH. Eames. Lenox. Naturgeschichte | des | Menschen- geschloehts von | James Cowles Prich- ard, I Med. D. f&c. three lines.] | Nach der [&c. three lines.] | von | Dr. Ru- dolph Wagner, I [&c. one lino.] jErster [-Vierter] Band. | LcMpzig, I vcrlag von Leopold Bosk. I 1840[-1818]. 4 vols. ; vol. 4 in two parts. 12°. A translation of the 5 vol. edition of the Physical History. Discussion of American languages, vol. 4, pp. 311-341, 357-363, 458. Copies seen : British Museum. The I natural history | of | man; | compriHing | inquiries into tlie modify- ing influence of | physical aiul moral agencies | on the different tribes of the Iiuman family. | By | James Cowles Prichard, M. D. F. R. S. M. R. I. A. | corresponding member [&c. five lines.] I With I Thirty-six Coloured and Four Plain lllustrutions | engraved on steel, I and ninety engravings on wood. | London : I H. Bailliere, 219 Regent Htreet; | fon ign bookseller [&c. two lines.] I Paris: J. B. Bailliere, libraire, rue de I'Ecolo de Medecine. ( Leipsic: T. O. Weigf 1. I 1843. Half-title verso note 1 1. frontispiece 1 1. title verso names of printers 1 1. dedication pp. v-vi, advertisement pp. vii-viii, explanatitm of engravings on steel p. ix, index to engravings on wood p. X, contents pp. xi-xvi, text pp. 1- 546. index pp, 547-556, 8°, 50 UIULIOORAPIIY OF THE Priohard (.). C.) — Contiiiiieil. Briur nirnriMictiM l.i tlut Nndtka-OciliiiiiUlnii and lliu'ltziik |i«<)|)l«H, |>|i. 4i:i -il'i. dopitii tern: lloHtoii AtlKinieuni, Ilritidli Museum, Kuiuch, Ilarvunl. — — Th« I iiiitunil hiHtory ( of | inuii; | compriHiiiK | intpiiri*!)* into tlix iiioilify- iiiK inthioiico of | physical and inoriil agoneit'M | on tlio diffonint tril»«^» fiftlio hiuniin family. | liy | JaniuH CowleH rrichftnl, M. D., F. U. S., M.R. I.A. | corntHpouiling member [JLv. Hoven liiit's.] I 8(M-ou(leilition,onIai'gotl, I with I Forty-four C'ohmred and Fivo Plain IllustrationH | ou;;raved on Hteul, | and ninety-Hovtm cnjjravingH on wood. | London: | Hipiiolyto liuillieru, puh- HhIut, 219 Hdfjisnt Htreet ; | foreign liook- seller t(; tlio Royal collogo of surgeouB, I and to tlio Royal niodico-chirnrgical Hocit'ty. I PariH: J. B. Baillicro, librairc du TAiadoniio royalo do luedeciue. | Leii)8i(!: T. O. Woigol. | 1845. lliilt'titlo vorno nutu 1 1. froiitiHpioo« 1 1. titlu verso blank 1 I. lUKliciUioii p|). v-vi, ailvtirtine- incut ])p. vii-viii, oxplauatioiiH to tlio ciigrav- IngH on steel \>. i\, index to the i'nf{ravinj;« on wood p. X, cuntontspp. xi-xvi, appendix p. xvii, text pp. 1-586, index pp. 587-500, 8°. LinfjuiKtic contents aa under title next iihove, pp.4i;i-41.'i. Gojiietgeen: Itritish Museum, KameH. The I natural luHtory | of | man; | I'ompriaing | imiuiries into the niodifv- ing intluoncu of | physical and moral agencies | ou thoditl'crent tribes of the human family, j By | Jamos Cowles Priohard, M.D., F. R. S., M.R. I. A. | corresponding member [&c. six linos.] I Third edition, enlarged, | with | Fifty Coloured and Five Plain Illustrations I engraved on steel, | and ninety-seven engravings ou wood. | London: | Hippolyte Bailliero, pub- lisher, 219 Regent street ; ! foreign book- seller to the Ivoyiil college of surgeons, I and to the Eoyal mcdico-chirnrgical society. | Paris: J. B. Bailliere, libraire do 1' Academic royalo do medocine. | Leipsic: T. O. Weigel. | 1848. Frontispiece 1 1. title verso names of printers 1 1. dedication pp. v-vi, advertisement pp. vii- viii, explanation of illustrations pp. ix-x, con- tents pp. xi-xvii, text pp. 1-546, appendix pp. 547-666, index pp. 667-677, 8^. Linguistic contentftas under titles above, pp. 413-415. Copies gee II : .Astor, liritisli Museum, Con- gross, Harvard. Priohard (J. C.) —Continued. The I natural history | of | man; | comprising | iu(|uiries into the modify- ing influence of | physical and moral agi^ncieH | on the difTorent tribes of the hiimait family. | By | James Cowles Priroat (O. M.) Q- Qagntl. Sir Kwakintl. Qulmper (/>. Miiiuiol). So^iiiulo reeono- ciiiiiuntixloliiciitrutliKlo Kticiiy coNtu | roiiipreuditlii uiitn; <-lla y lii (It« N'ootka, heoho I ul aao tlo 1T!)0 con lu baliiii of: ' 'iijjeH I en lu I costa iil Norte | do lait | Cali- Quimper (M.) — t'oiitiimcil. foriiiiui. I 1774-1700. | Copia Sacaila | ilu Ion .\r('liivo8 ilu KHpHKiiH. { liauorotl Library | 1874. Sliort vocabulary iif tlii< inliabitunlM of the iiiaat bi'Cwfi'ii lat. 4H ' anil 50'^, pp. 'Jl 'J.'l (|ii,-> 407.) — Nootka vorabillary, collrctiil with tilt) aH.sJHtAnco of In() original articles and tracts on Natural and | Historical Sciences, the DcHcriiitioii of about 150 Niiw Plants, | andlOiv^ewAiiinials or Fossils. Many Vocabularies of Langua- | ges, Histor- ical and Geological Facts, &c. &v. &c. I By C, S. Raftncsiiue, A, M. . . Ph. 1). I Profe.ssor of Historical and Natural Sciences, Member of seve- | ral learned societies in Europe and America, »&c. | [Quotation and list of Hgnres, six lines,] I Philadelphia: | 1832-1833. | (Two dollars,) Tabularviowrecto blank 1 1. titlu vorno iiulex 1 1. ioonograpby and illustrations I'tr. 1 I. text pp. 1-202, 205-212, 8°. Originally issued in num- bers (1-8, and extra of no. 3), from tlio "sprinj; of 1832" to the "winter of ISXJ." 4. American history. Tabular view of the . American Goueric lan;;iiai;('s [iiicludin){ the WacasbJ, and Original Nations, pp. 6-8. Copiet teen: Boston Athenaium, British Museum, Congress, Eanies. This artiel)) is reprinted in : Priest (J.), American Antiiiuities, pp. 300- 312, Albany, 18;J3, 8°. Constantino Samuel Uaflnesquo, botanist, born in Oalatz, a suburb of Constantinople, Turkey, in 1784, died in rhilailelphia, Pa., Sep- tember 18, 1842, Ue was of J<>euch parentage, Rafinesque (0.8.) — Continued. and his futhi'i', aiiiereliuut, died in I*liiladi and went to Sicily, whcie he spent ten years as a merchant and in the study of iMilany. In 181.5 ho sailed for New i'ork. but was shipwre-j;. /d on the Long Island, and lost bl.t valuable books, colhH'tions, manuscripts, and drawing.s. In 1818 ho went to the west and became pro fessor of botany in Transylvania L'nivei-sity, Lexington, Ky. Subsequently ho travelo< appeared ( 18.)2-'.'13) . The numberiif hriutro- dueed into his works produced great confusion. A gradual deterioration is found in Ratinesque's botanical writings from 1810 till 1830, when the passion foe establishing new genera and apecies seems to have become a monumani.i with him. lie assumeil thirty to one hiindriHl years as tlio average time required for the prwluctiou of a new species and Ave hundred to a thousand years for a new genus. It is said that ho wrote a paper describing "twelve new species of thunder and lightning." In addition to trans- lations and iiuflnished botanical and zoological works, he was the author of numerous books and \>amith\i6ta.—A}>pletoii'» Cyclop, of Am. Biog, ilt 52 niBLIOGKAPIIY OF THK Relaolon drl viii((i> . . Hiitil y Mfxiciiim. Hex Oallano ( I >. Alnilii). Rlvlngton ( — ). Sett Gilbert (— ) ami Rlvington (— ). Roquefeuil (C'ltniillr do). Joiirnul | (run voyagf I iiiitdiir ilii iiiondo, | puiitlitiit 1<>H miiK^oB IKlli, IKI7, \H\H vt IHU), I pur M. Cuiiiillo d«) H(>(|ii(«f«iiil, I lioiitenniit d« viUHHciiii, <-1i)'vtilior do Siiiiit-LouiH | ut de liv lo;rioii-d'lioiiiu;iir, | Coiniiiand- aiit do navirti lo Horrt'inier[-MO('()nd]. | PariH, I Ponthion, lilirairu, Palacio- royal, (lalorio do boioM, no. 252. | LfHage, lihiaire, t\U' dii Paon, no. 8. | (Jido flls, libraiiT, rue iSaint-Marc-foy- douu, no. 20. | 1H23. 'JvoIh. : liiilf'titl« viTSu iiiiniK of printor 1 I titlr Vfi'HO liluiik 1 1. pi'i'lut'K ))|). v-xi, iutrodiio tloii pp. xlil-xlix, crratii p. [IJ.tuxt pp. 1-3HB, oimtciits pp. :i;)7-:i4-l; tillo vor«o hlmik 1 1. text pp. l-:i<'<4, viicaliiilHry of marine tcriiiH iim'd in tlie worli pp. ;)8l>-;ttH), <'uiitout8 pp. 1107-407, maji, 8°. ReniarltH on thn Noutka and otiicr lanKUHiip. 1 88, 4°. Tlio Lord's jira.ver in a niiniber of American laiiKiiaKeH, anion); tliem the KwaKiitl, p. 42. Copieii seen : Eiinies. The I lord's prayer ( In Three llnu- drod LaiiguugoH | coinitriNing the | leading luugiiagon and their principal dialei^tH | throughout tiio world | with tho ]daco8 whore Hpoken | With a jtref- aceby Reinhold Host, | C. I. E., LL. D., PH. D. I Second edition | London | Gilbert and Uivington | Limited i St. John's house, Clorkonwell, E.C. I 1891 I (All rights reserved) | Title verso quotationa 1 I. pi-eface 2 II. con- tents 1 1. text pp. 1-88, 4\ Linpiistie contenta an under title next aliove. Copies seen : I'illiu);. WAKAHHAN LANmJA(JK8. r>a 8. D., ell, S Bulmer (T.S.) "Tlio Hiilijuct or tills Hkutoli, tho Rov. LouU N. St. Oligr. (if St. .\l|iliiiM«ii (In Ujtiiori |iiiilnli, wan liiirn |iii tlie villnKc of St. ('o«airo] ii IVw inili'HHoiilliof Moiiti'ntl.Cniiiula, April 14, I84'J. Ho tiniHlii'il lii.s classical coiiimo wIicii yet very yonnj;, after wliii'li lioHtinlicd lawforf woyoars. ]''i'cllii)r callcil to another tit^lil, lin j;avii up tliis rarcrr in onliT to prciiaro liiumclf to work for (itxI'H ti\t>Ty MM uu Imlian niiitHionary in tlio i.ioccHO of Nfsiiiially.Wasliinuton 'IVrritory. "A year anil a half Iw^foro IiIh onlinalioii, lUnht Kuv. A. M. lilani'lu't, his biHliop, onlvrt'tl him to Vancouver, AV.T., where ho wa.socciipicU as a profoHflor of iiiitiiral pliiloHophy, a.stron- ouiy, ami other liranehcH in the Holy Anjjel's Collejje. All his spare time wan <'(insecraUi(I lo the Htutly of the Indian laii};iiaKe.>i. in wliirh ho is to-day one of tho inoNt expert, .so that liu was ready to go on uetivo niiMHionary work a.s soon aM ordained. " Tho fii-Ht year.s of his niiMHionury life were occupied in visiting dilt'ereiit tribes of Indians and doing other missionary work in the Terri- tories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, andotlii'r Rocky Mountain districts, among Iiiilians and miners. Aftersiich labors lie was then appointed to take charge of the Yakamas, Klikitats, Winalclms, Wishranis, Pshwanwapams, Nar die/,, and other Indian tribes inhabiting the central part of Washington Territory. Havini; no means of support in his new mission, Itishop lllanchet, in his self-sacrillcingciiarity for the Indians of his extensive dioi'cso. furnished him with tho necessary outfit ; and with a number of willing though unskilled Indians as appren- tice earjienters, the young missionary set to work to rebuild the St. Jo.seph's mission, destroyed lu 1856 by a party of vandals called the Oregon Volunteers, who had been sent t^> fight the Takainas. I St. Oiige (Ii. N.)— Continiintl. I "After four yea IS of l.ilnir, he and hisdevnteil I oonipaiiioii, .Mr.d. il. Itciilet (now ordiiiiied and stationed aiiioiig the Tulalip Indians) bad the satiHtiictioii to see not only u I'onifortable resi- delii-e, but also a neat chiinli, eiTiteil. and a lino tract of land planted uilli fruit trer-t. and in a pri'l'table slate of cultivation, where fiirnierly only ruin and desfdation reigned, I " His health bri'akiug down entirely, he was forced tob'ave Ills present and ilaily iiiereasing congregation of neophytes. Wishing to give him the best medical treat incut, Itishop KlaiiihetHent Katlier St. Onge to bis native luid with a le.ive of abscneu until his health would be restored. During biseiuhteeii iiionlhs' stay in a hospital he, however, iitili/ed his time by composing and , printing two small Indian books. coiitaiuiDg I rules of grammar, laleehlsm. livnins, aiidChrlH- tian prayers in Vakaiiia and Chinook lan- giiages-tho fonner for cbihlreii, the latter for the of missionaries on tho I'acille coast. j ' ' Ily t he advieeof bis |)liy sieinn he t lieu under- took a^ oyago to Kiirope, where ho s|ient nearly a year in search of lioaltli. liack again to this country, bo bad charge of a congregation for a I couple of years in Vermont ; and now he is (ho pastor of the two Kiencli chiirelies of (ilens i Falls and Sandy Hill, in the dlueeso of A Ibany, I N, Y. I " Father .'it. Onge, though a man of uncommon I physical ai>pi'araiice, stoutly built, ami six feet and four inches in height, has not yet entirely ] recovered his health and strength. Tho Krencli liopnlatiim of (ileus Falls have g 1 cause lor ! feeling very much gralilieil wit lithe present con- I ditionof tbeall'airsof the jiarishof St.Alphonso I de I. igiiori, and should receive tho hearty con- gratulations of the entiro coiiimiinity. Fatlur St. Onge. a man of eradition, » devoid servant totheehiirch, and possessing a person- ality whose geniality and courtesy have w.ui I him a pliu'e in the hearts of his people, has by ! his taithfnl application to his parish developed it and brought out all that was to innre to its benilit and further advance its interests," — (lleim t'alh {\. V.) KepHblicau, ilarchSS. IH-iti. Father St. Onge reiiialneil at (ilens Falls until I October, IS'.ll. when increasing inlirinities com- pelled him to retire permanently from the min- istry. Ho is now living with his brother, tho rector of St. .lean lla|itisto church, in Troy, N. Y. .Since bis ritirement bo has compiled an Gnglish-(yliinook,largondictioiiary of about six thousand words, and this ho intends lo siipple- inentwlthacorresponilingJargun-Knglishpart. He has also begun the preparationof a Yakunni dictionary, which ho hopes to make much mort) complete than that of Father I'andosy, pub- lished in Or. Shea's Library of American lin- guistics. I have adupteil the spelling of his iiauie us it 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE St. Onge (L.N.) — Continued. •VpeurH on the titlepaK" "f Bishop Ueinera's Chiuook Jargon dictionary, tliou(ih the true spvUiiig, aiid tho one he use* now, in Suint onKe— that L)f a Freneh province in whiith iii* ancestom lived and from which four or five fam- ilic!* came in 1690, all adopting the name. 11\» family nrme 1h Payaut. Sayoe (Archibald Henry). Introduction to the I Rcien«e of language. | By ) A. H. Sayce, | deputy professor of compar- ative philology in the university, of Oxford. I In two volumps. | Vol.I[-II]. I [I>eHign.] I London: | C. Kt^^-^a Paul & co., 1, Paternoster s«]uaro. | 1880. 2 vols.; half' 1 1 th) verso blaulc I 1. title v.> lo quotation and notice 1 1. preface pp.v-viii, taule of cont-4".l, 12-\ Liufiuistics as in tlie lirst edition, vol.2, pp. .1V-(I4. Copientfen: K.anies. Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe). Historical I iind I stiitisticiil luforiniitioii, | re.s|)ect- iiig tho I history, couditiou and ))ros- pects I of the ( Iiuliau tribes of the United .**tates: | collected and prejiared under the diredion | M' the | btirciiu oi' Indian iitl'airs, | per tictof CongresH of March Md, 1K47, : by Henry K. Schonl- craft, LL.l), Illustrated liyS. Eastiuitu, capt. U. 8. A. I l^nblished by Authority of Congress. | Part I(-VI1. | Philadelphia: | Lippiiteott, Graiuho Schoolcraft (H. R.) — Continued. & company, | (successoni to Grigg, Elliot & CO.) I 18.-)1[-1857] Engraved title : (Kngraving.] | Historical | and I statistical information I respecting the | liistory, couditiou and prospects of the Indian trilx's of tlie United States: | Collected and jue pared under tlu) | direction of tlie bureau of Indian aflairs i>er act of Congress | of March 3"<1847,|byUenryR. Schoolcraft L.L.I). | Illus- trated by I S. Eastman, capt. ir. S. army, i |Coat c*" ••rms.] I rublished by authority of Con- gress. I I'art I[-VI]. I Philade'phii' : I Lippincott. GramlKj i co. vols. 4^. Beginning with vol. 2 the wonU "Historical and statistical' an' left otf the title-pages, boih engraved and luinted. Subse- quently (lo33) vol. 1 wa.s also i.ssued with tho abridged title ijeglnning "Inl'onniition respect- ing the history, condition, and piospeetaof the Indian tribes,' inakiou it nnifoim with the other parts. Twoeditiims with these title p:iges werejuib- lished by ^he .same lioiise, one nu thinner and somewhat .smaller paiier. of wliich but vols. \-5 were issued. Part I, 18.:>1. Ilalf-title (Ethnt !-Jsical re- searches, respecting the red man nf America) verso blank 1 1. engraved title as a' ove verso binniv I 1. printed title as above verso blank 1 1. introductory documents pj). iii-vi, preface pp. vii-x, list of plates pp. xi- xil, c( otents pp. .viii- xviii, text pp. 1.3-324, appi'iidix jip. 325-,")68, plates, colored lithographs and maps numbered 1-76. Part U, 1852. Half-title (as in part l) blank 1 l.engravedtitlc (Information respecting the history, conditioti ami i)rospects, etc.) verso blank 1 I. printed title (Information resijeutins; thchistory, condition and prospe<'t», etc.) veiso jvrintcrs 1 1. dedication \-erso Idankl 1. Introduc- tory document pji.vii-xiv, contents pp. xv-xxii, list of i)lates pp. xKi>i-xxiv, text pp. 17-608. plates and maps numbered 1-29, 31-78, and 2 plates exhibiting the Cherokee alphabet and its applic.ttion. Part III lfi,'i3. Half-title (as in part i) \crso Idankl 1. engraved title (as in part ll) verso blank I I. printed title (as in p.-jrt ll) vi rso printers 1 1. tliinl repjrt pp. v-viii, list of divi luii:' p. ix, contents t)]i. xi- xv, list of pUites pp. xvii-xviii, text )'p. Ii(-ti3". plates and maps numhered 1-21,2,5-45. Part IV, IS. Ualftitlo (as 'o part \t verso bliink I 'i.engravi(iti;l. („.-.'••. part II) verso hlauk 1 1. printed title (as in part it) verso blank I I. dedication pp. v-vi, fourth report pp. vii-x. list of divisions p. xi. contents pp. xiii-xxiii. list of plates pp. xxv-xxvi, text pji. l'.Mi(J8, plates aud m.'ips niiinliered 1-4". Part v. IS,'),'>. 'ialf-tille (as in part i) verso blank 11. engraved title (as in part II) versobliink 1 1. printed title (as in part \\\ verso Idank 1 I. dedii'atiiiiip|i.vii-viii. tifth report pp ixxii, list of divisions p, xiil. synojiMis of general cont4*ut8 H\ I |i! Sip WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 55 \ ITSO ,'I'S 1 1. p. ix, -wiii. |>k I I. .list IliKt of auti I veino Ihliink Ilk 1 I. lii.liAt Schoolcraft (H. R.) — Contimicd. ot" vols, l-v |ti>. xv-.tvi, I'lmtfiits pp. xvii-xxii li.'^t of |>liiti'.'4 i>i>. xxiii-xxiv text pp. ;J5-ti2.>. up- peiiiUs |ip. 037-712. plat<>8 anil iiiapit uunilwrexl l-«, 10-36. Part VI, 18i>7. Half-title (Ooneriil lii«tory ! of the I Nor*'; American Iniliann) v«rHO blank 1 1. portmitl I.priat<'iltitletnint4(ry loftlio Indian trilieH of tlio Uuiti'il Statos: | tUiur | present condition ami pronp«ct.s, | and a skctfli of their I ancient status. | i'uhlishcd liy order of Con- t^esn. ; under the i.irection of the Dopartnient of the interior— Indian bureau. By | Henry Ilowo Sehotdcraft, LL. D. I Member [&,c. six lines.] | WithlllustrationsbyEminentArtists. | Inone volnms. 1 Part vi. of tlie series. | Pliila-T.l4. index pp. 74r)-7.'>0, fifty-seven plates, partly »electe, sold for $72; the Menzios copy, no. 1705, for.'fliiJ ; the .Squior copy. no. 12l.(, $120; no. 20V.'. $00: the Riimii'eacopy, no.773(."> vols.). ol.Tts.; tlie IMnart copy, no. 828 (.") vols, iii ■i»,20!< IV. : the Murphy copy, no. 222.'*. !)iO.'>. Priced by (Juaritch, no. :ii)0l7, lot. 10«.; by(;iarko ,1; eo. 1 880, $6'> ; by(iuari*"li. in 1888, i;W. Uelssued with titlo-p'igoi> an follows: Art'hivi's of Atu>ri<>;iniil Kiiowledjio. I Contain i 11 j; iill the | Original Pii])ev.s laiil before Congress | respoctiiig tlio | History, AnTniiiitios, Liingnugo, Eth- nology, Pi<-logranhy, I Ritis, Siipersti- tiouH, anil Mythology, | of tho | Indian Trihosof tlu' Uniteil Sfiiti's | l>y Honry n. Si-hoolcraft, LL. ]). \ With lUnstra- tions. I Ona-ndnii ih ion innzzinyognn nn. — Algonquin. | In wix vi>lninos. | VolnmoI[-VIl. | Pliil.adtdphia : I .1. l\. Lippincott A Co. I 1800. Eit:irniwdlitlf : f-.if.irmation | i-esiiectin^ the I HL-tory, (Ninditiou and Pn)sp<'f tlie IJiiifed States: | "ollcM'ted and prepared under the | Itureaii ol' tndiau Alf.iir:' I By Henry H. .Schoolcraft L. L. n. | Mem: Iloyal Iri'o. Society, I.tiiidon. Koyal -Aii- ti<|uarian Soilefy. Ciiiienbay;en. Kllmoloylcal .So(iet.\. P.iris.&c, &e. | lllustraled by | Cap.' S. Kastinan.r. S.A.aiidotheiemiiienl artists. | [Vinoette.] | Piildisheil by authoiil.\ of Con- (iress. I f Uilatlelpbl't: | ■!. It. Lippiucolt & t.'o. Schoolcraft (II. U.) — Continued. V(ds. maps and phites. 4 '. This edition a;;rci>s in the text pajfc for page with the ori<;iiial titled above. ,ii. Copien xeeii • Congress. Partially reprinted with title ;n foUows: [ ■] Th(i I IndiiMi tribes of tho llnitod States : I tUoir , history, antiquities, cus- toms, religion, arts, language, | tradi- tions, oral logonds, and myths. | Editt^il by Francis S.Drako. | Illnstratod with one hundred line engravings on steel. I In two volumes. | Vol. I[-n]. | Philadcli)hia: | .1. H. Lippincott &. CO. I London: 16 Southampton street, Coven t Garden. | 18«L 2 vols.: portr:iit 1 I. title verso copyriglit 1 1. preface pp. It-.', coulents pp. 7-H, listof plates pp.fl-10. iiitroductiou pp. 11-24, text pp. 2.)-».")8; frontispiece 1 1. title verso copyright 1 I. con- tents pp. ;t-0. list of plates p. 7, text pp. !i -14.'>, index pp. 4l7-4.">. plates, 4'^. " lu the i'ollowing pa^i'S the attempt has been made to ]daco before the public iu a i:oiivenient and accessible form tlie results of the lifeloni; labors in the titUd of aboriginal researcli of tlie late Henry It. S:ht)olcraft." Chajiter n. Lanituag'-, literature, and pic- to.!i;rapliy, vol. 1, pp. 47-0:!, ci>iitain-< ;j;em'ral remarks 011 the Indian languajjes. Cupi-'g Si en : (>oiij;ress. I'riccd b\ ('l:irko & co. 1880, no. 0J70, $2."). Henry Kowe .Sclioolcr.u't. ■■tlinoloy;ist, burn iu [Watervliet] Albany County, \'. Y.. Mar. h J-", 1703, died iu 'tVasliiimliui, 1). (.'., Ddcemher 10. 1804. Was .■.lu.Mtcd at Middlebury College, Vermont, and :it I'nion, whiM-e he jiiirsueil ih.' studies of diemi-ilvy :iiiil miiieralc^iy. In 1817-18 he traveled in .MUsniiii and .\rlvaiisas, ami retnr'icd witli n '-ir:,:'.^ colic t ion of y;eolo);i('al and miiii'raloLrical Hpecimens. In tHJO he was appointed ^coliiijist tot ten. I^ewis (.'ass s explor- ing expedition to Lake Superior :ind tlie hiMil- waters of Mississippi River. He was .sei'n<- tary of a commission to treat with the Indians at <,'liica.;;o, and. after :> .imu'iiey tliniiiy;li Illi- nois and :tloii;j: \\':iliash and Miami livers, w:is iu 1822 appoint ! ! .1 li 1 1 iLjiiit for tin- trilies id' the bike re:iii>n, est ildishiiifj himsell at Saiilt Siiinti' .\I:irie, and aft'Tward :it M:iik- iiiaw.wlii'i-i', ill isj;i. lie married .lau.- .Inliuslmi. :ir,'jibway chief wlio hail rei'eivcd hereducationiii lOiirope. In 1828 he founded the Miehijjnn histori1 iiwimI the Miasisaippi Kivcr up to its soiin e in It:isc,i Lake. In 18:10 he ne-.'Dtiated a trcuy with the Indians on the np|)'r lakes for the ccssinn In the fiilted .States of 10,000,000 acres of their lands. He was theu "I 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Schoolcraft (H. R.) — Continued. appointed actins; Hiiperiiiteudoiit of Tiidiaii afl'airM, and in 18:i9 chief diDbiirainj; agent for tliu nortliem depnrtniiint. On IiIh return from Kuropo in 1842 he made n tour through western Virginia, Ohio, and Canada. He was appmntcd by the New York legiHl.itnre in 184.'> a conimin- Hioner to take the e^nsiiH of tlie Tudians in the State and colloc.t information ccmconiing tlie Six JfationH, After tlio perfonnanee of tliia task, ('ongrcss authorized hiiu, on March 3, 1847, to o)>tain tlirougli the Indian l)nreau reports relating to all the Indian tribes of the country and to collat« and edit tliclnforniiition. In this work hoHpent tlie remaining years of his lile. Through bin influence many laws were enacted for the ])rotection and benefit of tlie Indians. Numerous scieutitic societies in the United States and Europe elected him to membership, and the I'nivcrsity of Oeneva gave biiu the degree of LIv.D. in 1846. He was the iii\tlior of numerous poems, lectures, nud reports oh Indian subjects, besides thirty-one larger works. Two of his lectures Ixsfore the Aljiic ao<'iety at IJelroit on the "Grammatical Con- structi(mof the Indian Languages" were trans- lated into French by Peter S. Duponccnu and gained for tlieir author a gold medal from the French institnte. . . . To the five volnmc.f of Indian researches (compiled under f he.direc- tion of the war department be added a sixth, containing the ]>ost Columbian history of the Indians and of their relations with Europeans (Philadelphia, 18,"). Ilehad colliictcd material for two additional volumes, but the goverii- nieut suddenly suspended the publication of the work. — Applelon'x Q/cJo/i. »/ A in. liior/. Scouler ( Dr. .I»bu), Ob.sfi'vatious on tho imlijJ!;ent)n:-i tribes of tbo N. \V. coast of America. Ky Jobii S<'(Mib'r, M. D., I'. L. S., &c. In Koyal Geog. Soc. of London. .lour. vol. 11, pp. 215-251. London, 1841,8". ((ieologii^al Sur- vey.) Vocabulary of the Tlao()ual(li (soutliwest extremity Vaucouver Isbind), about Kill word.s (obtained from Dr. Tolmie), jip. 242-247. On tbe Indian tribes inhabitiMj> tbe nortli-west coast of America. Hy John Seonler, M. D., F. L. S. Commiiuieated by tile Ethuoh)gic!il Society. In Kdiiiburgli New I'liihis(i|ih. .four. vol. 41, pp. 108-102, Kdinburgli, 1846. 8 '. Vocabulary (10 words) of the (.Ihikcelis [(.'hinook Jai'KonJ, showing alliiiities with the TlHO<|uatcb (I'liiiiiTohuie) and with the Nootka (from Slozino and .lewitt), p. 176. Reprinted in Ktlinological Soc. of London, Jour. vol. 1, pp. 228-'r.2, London [ 1848], 8 . (Con- gress.) Linguistic I'imtciit!, ;is above, p. "JliC. Sebaia : Grammatic treatise See llancrul't (H. H.) Seghern {Jrchbishop Charles John). [Roman Catholic prayers in the Nes- (piiat or Ntitka language,] (*) Mannscript; i:oiiipiled in 1874. See note to Brabant (A.. T.) Ciiarles John Scghers, second and fourth Bishop of Vancouver s Island and second Arch- bisho)> of Oregon City, w.".s born in the ancient city of (rhent, in Belgium, December 26, 18.19. While a mere iad he began to feel that he was called to the priestbotMl, and, after going through the ordinary course at the theological semiuar>' of Ghent, be entered the American College in the I'nivcrsity of Lonvain.and was ordained, in the cathedral of Mechlin, in ISe.l, for the American i lission, choosing Victoria, Vancouver's Island, at the instance of Bishop Deniers, who was tnen on n \ isit U> his natixo country. For cigl t j-ears he was attached to St. Andrew's Cat! edral, Victoria, as assistant, as rector, and vi'iir-general, being a])pointed administratorof t le diocese in 1871. on the death of Bishop DiMHcr (. In 18711 he was consecrated bishop of these,', the youngest prelate of the American epi8C(.pa t attemjitcd tho conver- sion of the Indians of Alaska, for the reason tli:it while it was under the Kussian dominions access had lieen denied to them. ... In 1878 IMsliop Segbers made bis first visit to Alaska in order to .judge what could be done there, and began to stiuly the native langu.igc. In tlie meantime Archbishop Blancliot, of Oregon City, having grown old and feeble, IJisliop Segbers was niade bis coail.jutor, with right of siiccessioii, while tbe see of VancoiiviT was assumed by Bishoj) Brondel. No sooner was 111' installed as coadjutor of ( Iregon f'lly than Bishop Segbers devoted a year to acquiring practi(ral knowledge of the vast region belong- ing to his province. . . . On tbe resigna- tion of Archbishop lilanchet, in 1881, Arch, bishop Segl'- -» became the metropolitan in name as well as in fact. But for some time his mind bad been set on the conversion of Alaska, and in 188:t he went to Kome to Ix'g that he might beallowed to lake up that work. The see of Vancimvei was again vacant. Bislioji Brondel having been translated to the new see of llilcun. At his urgent icijiicst, therefore, the Tropa- ganda authorized An'hbislmp Segbers to resign tho important see of Oregon City for the bumlilcr and more laborious one of Van- couver. . . . By the opening of 1885 he was back once more at Victoria. . . . Arch- liisho]) S"ghi'rM, accompanied by two .lesnit fatheis, Tosi and Baiiaiit. and a .servant named Frank Fuller, an American. arri\ed at (iiiikat, on till' lower <^o,, and diseiubarUed. Theme they traveled northwesterly along the foot- hills of the coast laugo until tliey i-eailied tbe station of the Alaska Trading (/oiiipaiiy iit the headwatera of Stewart's Hiver. Here thu Jesuit WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 57 Seghers (C. J.)— Continnetl. fiilhei-H reiiiHined to oHtalilish i\ mission for tiie j Stfkin ImliaiiM, wliilo Arrlibixliop .S«^gller8, accompanied liy lli^< mtrvniit niiil »oiii«i riidiaii ; Cuidea, ])UHbfd on forthotriidiniiih ot tlii; Taiiaaiiali River, rRacliiiig tliat (loiiit late ill Octolx'i'. . . . T)io | journey '".as iVHiiiiicd with tlio intrntimi of Htrikiiij'. tlio Yukon Ki\er at Xiilata. Alter Ht'ven days willi tlie ulnln, tliiriiij; « liicli llii-y liad ai't'oiiipliHlind alMMit 170 miles, tliey caniii to adoi-erted villajio 31) miles from Niilala. and on . the.,' !co of the Indians Arclibislioji SeglierM ' determined to lialt liore for the night, hut to go on the next day a fewmilos to an Indian settle- : ment, and there to estaldish u mission. Fuller, ' however, who seeuis to have heen of a disjiosition, was averse to iiurauin;; the jouriH'y any farther, and tjiive way to a fit of anjifrwhen i he found that the Indians' advice jirevailed against his own with the archbishop. The party entered an aliandoned hut and lay down in a line before the lire and Hle]>t. In spite of tlie archbishop's soothing words, Fuller's anger at the prospeet of having to go further into this r desolate region nuist liaverankled in the man's heart. At daylight the next morning, Sunday, November 28, Fuller went out ami brought some sticks for the firo. and then sat down opjio- site the sleeping prelate. I'hking up his ritle, he leveled it at the prelate's head, at the s:imo time calling out, 'Archbishop, get uj>!" The ari'hbisho)> raised his head. As he did ,so Fuller pulled the trigger, and the liiily nilssidu- ary received tlie buUet between the eyes and fell hiu'k deail without a sound. , . . The body, which the Indians had covered up and left behind them in the hut. was sent fm' at once and forwarded to tlie seaport of SI. Michael's. Tliere it was encotlined, and at the request of the Knssian priest was deposited in tin' Hu..C Some iK'i'iiiiiil of I III' Tiilikalit liiii^iiii^c. .Sue Knipe (C.) Songs : KwakiutI Kwakiutl Xutkii Nutkft Wakasli See Bona (F.) Fillmore (.I.e.) lions (F.) Jewitt (.T. R.) Itoas (F.) See Itanerolt (II. II.) See Knipe {I'.) Qproat (Gilbt^rt Miilcolm). Scones ami Htiulio,s I of siiviij^e life. | I»y (iilliort Miilcolm Sprout. | [Two lines ((nota- tion.] I London: Smith, Elder and co. | M\8, Froiiti»iiiece 1 I. title verso blank 1 1. dedica- tion verso blank 1 I. contents pp. v-x, preface pp. xi-xii, text pp. I-IIO, appendix pp. riil-317, colophon p. [:il8], 12^. Chapter xv. Intellectual capacity and lan- guage [of the Alits). contains a di.scussion on the numeral system; divisions of the year; grammatical .uialysis; the Xilinalit dialect |of the .\ht] ; (;ook's list of Xisitkiih words ; afiinity of the Indiau hiuguages of the northwest coast ; a table showing altinities between the Chinook Jargon and Aht. and trlhalnames. p|). 110-14:i.— Vocabulary of the Aht language, with a list of the numerals 1-200; an alph.ibetical list of words obtained at Nitinalit (or Barclay) Sound, but fairly representing the language of all tl ) Aht tribes on the west coast of Vancouver Island, including words invented since their contact with white men, )ip. 'J!t5-:in7.— List of Aht tribes on the outside coast of Vancouver Island in I860, p, 1108. —Aht naini'S of mer and women, jip. 308-30!) : of places, p. ;I10 ; of berries, p. 310. Much of this material is extracted I'roin Knipe (('.), Some account of the Tahkaht lan- guage. Copies aein : Hanerol't. Kostoii Public, Jtril ish .Museum, Congress. Kames. (leorgelown. Stewart {('aiil. —). See Oibbs ((t.) STvaii (.lames Oilclirist). The | north- west coast; I or, | three \i'ar,s' resi- dence in \Vashiu<(ton | tiMi'itnry, | Hy James G. Swan. | [Teiritorial seal.] | With iinmiMons illnstriitioiis, | New York: | H.irper \ hrotliiTs, piiMishers, | Franklin si|iiare. | ]H.")7. Frontispiece I 1. title verso cupyri^iht notice 1 1, dedication verso blank 1 1. iiitroiluetion pp. \-vil, contents pp. i\-xiv, list of Illustrations p. Ixv], map, text pp, 17 409, apiienilix iiti.411- 4'J!). index pp. 4:il~4:i,">. 12 . Chapter xviii. Language of the In(li;ins ijip. :(06-320l, includes,! V(icalmlary( .2 words) of the Xootk;i ciimiiared with the Chinook, p. ;I07,— List of [H0| words in tlicNootkan language, the most in use. I'rom.Iohn U..rewitt's Narrative of the massacre of (he crew of the ship lioston by thesjivagesof (^iieen (Charlotte Sound. IHO.t, pp. 421-422.— Comparative words (12) in the NiMilka and CheniHik (U'.Iaigon, pp, 422.— Many Nootka words puHHim. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP THE Swan (J. G.) — Continued. Copiei letn : AnUtr, liancnift, Boftton Ath- entRum, British Miiseuiu, Eanies, (Srolofticnl Suney, Harvanl, Mallet, Villiiig. Imu«<1 iiIho with titlo-pafte au folIowH: The I northweHt coast; | or, | three y> iirs' reBidenco in Washington | terri- tory. I By I James G. Swan. | With nunierons lUustrationB. | London: | Sampson Low, Son «Sr. co., 47 Ludgato hill. | New York: Harper & hrothers. | 1857. KrontiBpieco 1 1. titlo 1 1. de. ix'Xiv, liHt of ilhiBtrationH p. xv, map, t^^xt pp. 17-409, appendix pp. 411-420, index pp. 4:il- 435, 12^. Linguistic coutonts oh under titlenpxtaliovo. Copiet teen: Charles L. Woodwiird, New York City. Smithsonian contribntions to knowl- edge. 1 220 I The | Indians of capo P'lat- tery, | at the entrance to tlic strait of Fnca, I Washington territory. | By | James G. Swan. | (Accepted for publi- cation, .June, 1868.) Title verso name») of commission otc. 1 1. ad- vertisement signed by Josepli Henry, secretary S. I. p. iii, prefatory note signed l>j' Cuorge tiililm p. V, contents p. vii, list of illuatralions j>. ix, text pp. 1-106, index pp, 107-108, jdates. 4°. Forms article vlii. of vol. xvi, Smithsonian Instit\ition Contribntions to Knowledge, Wash- insrton, 1870, 4^ The Makali Indians and the names by which tliey are known to other Indians, p. 1. — Animal names, j). 7. — Species of whales, p. 10. — The harpoon and it.n parts, p. 21. — The canoe and its partH p. 21. — Porpoises, seals, otters, etc., p. ;iO.— I'er.soiial names, p. .18.-— Mythology, p)i. Cl- 70, int^ludes many native terms, nami^s of gods, etc.— Names of the months, elements, etc., pp. 01-92. — Makah vocabulary, idpliabetically arran}.'ed by Knglish words, pp. 9;i-l(l.5.— Local nomeiK'lature of the Maknhs, pp. 10,5-106. Oitpienteen : (Jeological .Survey, Smithsonian. Issued separately with titlepago as follows : — Sniithaonian Contribntions to Knowl- edge. I 220 I The | Indiansof cape Flat- tery, I at the entrance to the strait of Fiica, I Washington territory. | By | James G, Swan. | S^^an (J. G.) — Continned. Washington city: | published by the Smithsonian institution. | 1869. Cover title ns altove, title as atwve (except the Imprint, which rends Accepted for publi- cation, Jnne, 1868") verso names of the commis- sion and of the printer 1 1, advertisementsigned by Joseph Henry p. iii, prefatory note signed by George Gibbs p. v, contents p. vli. list of illustrations p. Ix, text pp. 1-106, index pp. 107- 108, jdates, 4°. Linguist ic contents as under title next above. Copie* seen : Karnes, Pilling, .Smithsonian, Trumbull, Wellealey. Vocabulary of the Makah Manuscript, 10 leaves, 4°, written on one side only ; in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Recorde(), whep ho returned east. In 18!>9 lie returned to PugetSound; since then PortTownsend has boon hisheailiiuarters. In 1860 Jtlr. Swan went to Neah Bay. In June, 1802, he was appointed teacher of the Makah Indian llcservation,wheTO he remained till 1860. In 1809 ho went to Alaska, and in May, 1875, ho went a second time to Alaska, this time under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, as a commissioner to purchase articles of Indian manufacture for the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. This lino eollectiou is now in the U.S. National Mupeum at Washington. July .11, 1878, Mr. Swan was appointed an inspector of customs at Neah Bay, Cape Flattery, and remained there until August, 1888, oildlngmuch to our knowledge of the Makah Indians, which was reported to Prof. Baird and published in a bulletin of the IJ. S. National Museum . In 1883 he went to Queen (Charlotte Islands for tho Smithsonian Instituticm and maiiieiy). Tho lord's prayer [in tlic llailtsiik laii- gna«e]. 1 leaf, verso blank, S''. Copiet geen : Pilling. Mr. Tate caiim to Britinh Ooliimliia from Nortliumberlaiiil, Kiiglaiul, in 1870. Hi' rngagoil in inLssion work among tlii> Klnthond hxlinns at Nanaimo, Vanconvpr Island, in 1871,wliero lie Itiarned the Anlianir^nnni languagit spoken by tbe Indian tribes on tlie ea.^t <'oa»t of Van- conver Island, lower Krascr Uiver, and I'nget Sonnd. lloro be .spent tbreo years, wlien lie reniovwl to Port Simpson, on tlie borders of Alaska, among tlie Tsimpsboans. lie next moved to tbe Finuser River and spent seven years amongst tlio Flatliead tribes between Yale and Westmie'ifor, frequently visiting tlio Indians on tbo Noots^uhk River in Washington TeiTitory. Mr. Tate spent f^mr years, 1880 to 1884, among tbo Delia-Bellas, returning in tbe latter year to tin; mission on FraserKiver. Tahkaht. See Tokoaat. Text: \ntka See Brabant (A. J.) Tlaoquatch. See Klaokwat. Tokoaat : Dirtionary Oraniniar Orammatic treatise Nnnieral.s Xiimerals Nnmerals Proper names I'roper na:iie.s Tribal names Tribal uaiiius Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary See Knipo (C.) Knipe (V.) Hproat ((}.M.) Kells (M.) Knipe (C.) Sproat (U.M.) Knipe (C.) Sprout (G, M.) Knipe (C.) Sproat ((i. M.) Cliaiiiberluiii (xV. F.) Sproat ((>. M.) Tolniio (\V. F.) and Dawson ((J. M.) Tolmie {Dr. William Frascsr). [Vocalni- larit^s of tlni luirthwtst coast of Nortli America.] In Hoyal (ioog. .Soe.of London, .lour. vol. 11, pp. 2:10- 240, London, 1K41,K0, (geological Sur- vey.) Vocabulary ot tbo Tlaoiinatih (about Kio words), pp. 242-247. Tliis vocabulary and others by the same author are iiu^liided iu an article liy Scouler (J.),()b.servatiiuis on tlio indigenous tvilics ol' the nortliwest coast, pp. 215-251. and Daw8on (G. M.) (Ji'olojjical and natural history survey of (Junada. | Alfred II. V. Selwyu, F. R. S., F. (J. S., Director. | Conijiarative voealinlarics I of the I ludiau tribes | of | Itritish Tolmie (W. F.) and Dawson (O. M.)— Continued. Colnnihia, ^ with a map illustrating dis- tribution. I By I W. Fraser Tolmie, | Li(!eutiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. | And | George M. Dawson, D. S., A. S. R. xM., F. G. S., &e. I [Coat of arms.] | Pnblished l>y authority of Parliament. | Montreal: | Dawson brothers. | 18X4. Cover t i t le nea 1 !y as above, t i tie as above verso blink 1 1. letter of transmittal signed by G. M. Dawson verso blank 1 1. preface signed by G. M. Dawson ]ip. r)B-7p, introtlnctory note signed by W. F. To'.ruic pp. 9b-12b, textpp. UB-131B, map, 8°. (^'ompn'-atire vocabulary (225 word.s) of (ivo languag's, amor.g thoni theAht(Kaiookwuhk), pp. SOB-COn.— "(Comparative table of a few of tbe words [GK] in tbe foregoing vocabularies," including tbe Abt. p. 127B — Comparison of 4 words in various Indian languages of ?fortli America (from various sources), among them the Aht,pp. 128n-129D. Copies Hern : Eames, Pilling, ■WcUesley. William Fraser Tolmie was bom at Inverness, S<;otland, February ;i, 1812, and died December 8, 1886, after an illness of only three days, at his residence, Cloverdale, Victoria, B. C. He wtt.s ediicatod at Glasgow University, where lie gradiii ted in August, 18l!2. On SepUmiber 12of thesaiiio year he accepted a position as surgeon andch'.^k with tlie Hudscui's Bay Comiiany,aiid left liouie for tlie (Columbia River, arriving at Vancouver iu tbe spring of 18X1. Vancouver was then tbe (^lilef jiost of tho Hudson's Hay Company 011 this coast. In 1841 be visited his native land, but returned in 1842 overland via the plains and the Columbia, and was placed in charge of the Iluil.son's Bay posts on Piiget Sound. lie here took a prominent part, during the Indian war of 18.').'>-'r)(!, in pacifying the Indiiins. Hciiig an ex<'ellent linguist, ho lia tion of t lie work fri of each language is a brief statement of tho family or stock to wlilch it belongs, and the country where it is or was spoken, together witli refer- ences, in many cases, to the principal aulhnr- ities on the graunuar and viwabulary. An addenda is given at the end of each letter. Scattered references to the dialects of tlu) Wakaslian. OojJi ('» seen ; Eames. Tribal names: Nutka See Kc.ane (A. H.) Tokoaat Knipe ((J.) Tokoaat Spnmt ((!. M.) Wakash Kane (T.) Trubner (Ni(--olaN). SeeIiudevng(II. K.) TrumbtUl: Tliis word following a title or within parentheses alter a noteindicatesthatacopyof the work referred to has been seen by the com- piler in the library of Dr. .J. Hammond Trum- bull, Ilartforil, Conn. [Trumbull ( />»•. .lames Hammond).] Cat- alogue I of the I American Lii>rary | of thi^late I nu'. George Brinley, | of Hart- ford, Conn. I Part I. | America in gen- eral I New Franco Canada etc. | tho Hritish cohniie.s to 1770 ] New England I [-Part V. I (Jeueral and miscellane- ous. I [Ac. eight lines.] | Hartford | Press of the Case Lock- wood &, Hraiiiard Company | 1878 [-1893] 5 parts, 8'^. Compiled by Or. .T. II. Trumbull. There is an Indix to the coM/ot/Kfi, etc., com- piled byWm. .1. Fletcher, Hartford, 1893,8'. (Pilling.) Indian languages: geiu-ial treatises and col- lections, jiart 3, pp. 123- 1 '.24; Northwest coast, p. 141. Cojiien neen : Kami>s, I'illing. .lauu's Ilauuuoiid Trumbull, jdiilologi-st, horn in Stouingtou, Couu.,l)eceml)or 20, 1821. He entered Vale in 18.'18, and though, owing to ill health, he was not graduated with his cliuss, his name was enrolled anioug its members in 1850 and ho was given tin 'grce of A. M. Ho settled in Hartford in 1 , and was assistant secretiiry of state in 1847-'.'J2 and 18o8-'()l, and.-H idioiiK'M do toiiH Ioh pt'iiplcs. Ill Ucvuo Orientale t>t Aiii^ricaiuo. vrl. 8, pp. 335-338, 1'orin, 18«3, 8\ Aiiiong tli<^ languages mentioned is tlie Noutka. V. jude- Vancouver Island Indians. See Nutka. Vater {Dr. Juhauu Sevtn-iii). Untersu- chnngoii|ii1tt!i\ Amorika's Bevolkerung I aiis doni | alteii Kontiiionte | duni | Herrn Kaiiimerherm | Alexander von Humboldt | gewidmot | voii | Johanii Sovi'iin Vater I Professor und Biblio- tbekar. | Ltsipzig, I bei Fiiedricb dbristiau Wilhelin Vogel. | 1810. Colophon ; Halle, gednickt bei Juliuun Jacob Gebauer. Title verso blank 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 I. verolirungswiirdiger Hoit Kauiiiiorliorr 2 11. inhalts-auzeige pp. is-xii, halt'tille verso blank II. testpp. 3-211, errata and eolopbonp. [212], 8<^. A few words in the Nutka language, pp. Ifi4. 196. — Vergleichungen Amerikanischcr Sprach- eii (pp. 195-203) also contains a few words in the same languages, p. 201. Copies seen: Astor, JSntish Museum. Con- gress, Eamcs, Harvard, Wutkinson. At t lie Fischer sale, catalogue no. 2S79, a copy was bought by Quarltch for 1». 6d. Liiigiiaruin totius orbis | ludox | alphaboticuB, I quariim | Graiuiuaticae, Lexica, | coUectioucs vocabnlorum | recensentiir, | patria vsigniticatiir, liis- toria aduinbratiir | a | Joanne Severi no Vatero, | Theol. Doct. et Profess. Bib- liothecario Keg,, Oru. | S. Wladimiii eqiiito. I Berolini | In ofBcina libraria Fr. Nicolai. I MDCCCXV[1815]. Second title: Litteratiir | der | (irammatiki'ii. Lexica | und | Wortorsamiiilungeii | aller Sprachen der Erdo | nach | alphabetischerOrd- iiung der Sprachen, | niit einer | gedrangt«ii Uebersicht | dos Vaterlandes, dor Schieksale | und Verwaudtschaft derselben | von | Dr. Johanu Severin Vater, | Professor und Biblio- thekiir zii Kiinigsberg dos S. Wladimir- | Or- dens Uitter. | Berlin | in der Kicolaisiihoi) Buchhuuiliuie. |1H5. Vater (J. S.) —Continued. Latin title vorso 1. 1 recto blank, Uerman title recto 1.2 verso blank, dedication verso blank 1 I. address to the king 1 I. preface pp. l-ii, to the reader pp. lH-iv,haUtitlo verso blank 1 1. text pp. 3-2.")9, 8^. Alphabetically arranged by names of languages, double columns, German and Latin. List of works containing material relating to tlie language of Xutka Sound, p. 171. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology, Eamos, Pilling. A later edition in (rernian witli title-page as follows : Littoratur | der tiramniatiken, Lex- ika I und | Wortorsaiuniliiiigeii | aller Hpracben dor Erdo | von ( Johanu Se- verin Vater. | Zweite, vJillig unigeai- beitote Ausgabo | von | 13. Jiilg. | Berlin, 1847. | In der Nicolaisohou Buchliandlung. Title verso blank 1 1. dedication verso blank 1 1. preface (signed B. -Jiilg and dated 1. Decem- ber 1816) pp. v-x, titles of general work.s on the sultjectpp. xi-xii, t(^xt (alphabetically- arranged by names of languages) pp. l-4r)0, additions and corrections pp. 4.")1-5-U, 8ubje<'t index pp. 542-563, author index pp. 504-592, errata 2 11. 8'. List of works containing material relating to the language of Xutka Sound, pp. 267-288, 528. Copies seen : Congress, Eames. Harvard. At the FLsiln-rsalo, no. 171U, acopy.sohlforl*. .SeoAdeluug(J. C.)and Vater(J. S.) Vocabularies : See Hoas (V.) Ituscbmnnn (J. C. E.) Hailtsuk llailtsiik Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk Hailtsuk KliioUwat Klaokwat (.'ampbell (,1.) Dall(\V.n.) Gallatin (A.) tJibbs (G.) Hale (H.) Latham (R.G.) Powen(J.W.) Tolinie (W. F.) Bulnier (T. S.) )lu.9chmaun (J. C. B.) 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Vocabularies - Klaokwat Klaokwat KImikwat Klaokwat Klankwat KwakiuU Kwakiutl Kwakiutl KwakiuU Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Kwakiutl Lekwiltuq Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Maka Niwiti Niwiti Nitiuat Niliiiat Nitinnt Xulka Nutka Nutka Kutka -Cuntiutiud. Sue Oil)lis((f.) Latham (11. (i.) Loinmeim (T. N.) Htioulor (J.) Waters (A.) Boas (F.) Canadian. (^Iiainberlain (A. F.) l)all (W. H.) DawHoii ((>. M.) UibliM((;.) Kwakiutl. Powell (J. W.) WilHon (E. F.) Itoat* (K.) BarlUtt (J. U.) Bii8i'liinauu((t lioaH (F.) Nutka Mriil)aiit (A.>I.) Xutka Bulniir (T. S.) Nutka KusuhninMn M C. E.) Nutka CampbclKJ.) Nutka (;ook(J.) Nutka ElliH(W.) Nutka Pry (E.) Nutka Forntcr (J.(i.) Nutka (ialiaiio(n. A.) Nutka Gallatin (A.) Nutka (fiblm <('r.) Nutka HainrH(E. M.) Nutka llaliMH.) Nutka Hunibohit (K. von). Nutka .lnt(G.M.) Nutka Swan (J. G.) Nutka YaukiowiUh (F.) Tokoaat Chamborlain (A. F.) TokiMiat Sproat (G. M.) Tokoaat Tolniio (W. F.) tikwulta Potitot(E.F.S.J.) \Vaka«h Latliani(R.G.) Wakash Pinart(A.L.) w. Wakashan : ClaHHitication ClaHHitication ClaHsilication ClaH.siQcation (JliiHsitlcation ('laHHiflcation ClaH.silluation CInssiflcation ChiMsiticatiou ClasHifluation (JIaHHitlcation Ciassifloation Clastiitit'atiou Claasificatioii CIstsHiiication t'lH8»iHi'atiun ('iHHsilication ClaHHilication Clasoiticatiou (JIaHHiticatiun General (linrussion General tliscuHHiou General diHciisnion Guncrnl discussiun See Hates (H.W.) 15each(W.W.) Berijhaus (11.) Boas (F.) Brint(ui (l).G.) BuHcliniauii (J. C F..) Dawson (ti. M.) DoUfjUlNH (J.) Drake (S.(i.) Gallatin (A.) Haines (G.M.) Kane, (P.) Keane (A.H.) liathain (K. um, Powell. Keprinted, 1871, }>\t. xix, 21-353, 8°. A French edition witli title um I'ollows: Frederick Wliymper | Voyages et aveutures j diins | I'AIaska | (aiiciennc Amdrique russe) | Ouvrage traduit de I'Anglais | avec I'autorisatiou do I'auteur | par Ilimilo Jonveaux | Ulus- trd do 37 gravures sur bois | et accom- pagn<> d'une carte | Paris I librairio Hachette et C'*^^ | botilevard Saint-Germain, 79 | 1871 | Tons droits reservda Whymper (F.)— Continued. Cover title as alMtve, half-title verso name of printer 1 1, title verso blank 1 1. preface pp. i-ii, half-title vorsu blank 1 1. text pp. 3-405, tnblo des chapitrea pp. 407-412, map, 8°. Linguistic contents as under titles alwve, p. 41. Copies ««?» : I'iUlng. Wikenak : Vocabulary See Iloas (F.) Wilson {Uet\ Edward Francis). A com- parative vocabulary. In the Oanadian Indian, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 104- 107, Owen Sound, Ontario, January, 1891, 8'^. (I'illing.) A vocal)ulary of teu words in about 50 lan- guages, mostly North American, among them the Kwakiool. Kev. Edward Francis Wilson, sou of the late Itev. Diuiiel Wilson, Islington, jircbuudary of at. Paul's cathedral, and grandson of Daniel Wila>m, bishop of Calcutta, was born in Loudon December 7, 1844, and at the age of 17 left suhool and emigrat«st in the Indians and resolved to become a missionary. After two years of preparation, much of whicli time was spent among the Indiaus, ho returned to Kngland, and in December, 1807, was ordained deacon. Shortly thereafter it was arranged that lie should return to Canada as a missionary to tlie Ojibway Indians, under tlie auspices of the (y'hurcli Missionary Society, which hedid iu •Tilly, 1808. He has labored among the Indians ever since, building two homes— the Shiugwauk Home, at SuiiU St e. Marie, and tlieWawanosh Home, two miles from the former — and pre- paring linguistic works. Wiiconsin Historical Society: These words fol- lowing a title or within parentheses after a note indicate that a copy of the work referred to has been seen by tlie conijiiler in the library of that institiitiou, Jladisoii. Wis. Word*: Haiitsuk See Boas (F.) Haillsiik l)aa(L. K.) Hailtauk Oibbs ((}.) llaittsuk Latham (U.U.) Klaokwat l)aa(L. K.) Klaokwat Latham (U.U.) Klaokwat Whymper (F.) Kwakiiitl Boas (F.) Kwakiiitl Hale (U.) iCwiikiutl Pott(A.F.) \utka liachiller y Morales Nutka Bancroft (H. H.) Nutka Boas (F.) Nutka Biilmer (T. S.) Nutka Daa(L.K.) Nutka Eells (M.) Nutka Ellis (W.) Nutka Feathernian (A.) Nutka Gibbs (G.) Kutka H«le(H.) t.^f^ 64 BIULIOOKAPHY OF THE Words — CoiitiiUHxl . Words — C'uiitiniied, Nutka 8«e Jewitt (.r. R.) Nutka See tTni*ry (.1.) Niitkn La'haiu (K. (i.) Nutka Vatur(J.H.) Nutka Lublioi'k (J.) Nutka Youth'ii. Nutka NorrlH (P. W.) Ukwultii rttit4)t (E. K.8.J.) Nutka Pott (A. V.) WakHRli nnlnicr (T. 8.) Nulka Priclinrd (.1. C.) WakoNli I)iiii(I..K.) Mutka Swan (J. O.) Wikcnok BOBH (F.) Y. Yale; This word roUowing » titlnor within imrt'lt- tli«H)'H al'tcr It iiute inn by tlic ciiiiipilrr 111 tlu) lil)rttry p f Yale College, Now Bavon,Coini. [ Yankiewito ti (Feodor) dc Miriewo.'] CpaBIIIITC.IbllbrI I IJUBapb | BCtXl | HllblKORb II iiiipli'illl, I no JU«6y0; title vurHo blank 1 1. text pp. l-518i title verHo l>lank 1 1. text pp. 1-018, ,". About two hundred and »cventyfn Pallas to her aid, and ordered him to digest tlie material and preiiare it for the press. On tlio22d of May, 1785, a circular or prospectus of the work was issued ; and in 1786 a ModHe du vocabnlaire, qui doit servirdla comparaiton de Unitcaletlanguen, 4 11. 4°, was printed, and sent out for tbepurpose of obtaining additluEpl information. One copy or niore of this specimen was for- warded to General Washington, through the Marquis de Lafayette, with ii request for some authentic vocabularies of the North Anicriran Indians. The receipt of tliis ap)ilication was ijclfpowledged on May lOtli, 1786, by General Yankie Witch (F.)— Continued. AVasli ington, who wrote on the 2Uth of the follow- ing August to Capt. Thomas Hiitchins, eiietos- iug the ])rintedH{M-cinien. and asking lor vocaliu- l.'iriesof tlieOliioIndiaus. A fewmoiitlislater, Noveniher'J7tli, 1780, hearing that Kichard Hut- lerhad been apjioinlcd superintendent of Indian affairs. General Washington wrote to him, r<'qiu-.-y Mr. liuller, together with a shorter .HpeciiiK'ii of the lan- { giiiigeof the soiitli' '11 Indians liy Mr. ISenjaniin Hawkins. In tlio meantiiiK. by order of the empress, work on the great comparative vocabulary had been rapidly hurried im. The first section was completed and piiblisheil, r.itli Latin titles pre- fixed, Linijtiarum totius orhii vocahularia com- parativa; augwitinhimae cu>-a (■oHc(7o,l'etroiioli, 1780-1789, 2 vols. 4°. (Fames.) It comprised words in 51 European, i:i7 Asiatic, and 12 Poly- nesian languages, with the niinierals at the end in 225 languages, all in Itussian characters ; 285 selected words were treated separately, i;(0 in the first volume and 155 in tlie second. Tlie Russian word was placed at the head of each list, and followed in numerical order by the names of the 2U0 languages, each witn its equivalent word in one lino. The second sdction, which was intended to comprise the American and African words, in one voliune,wa8 never printed. This wasdiieto a change of plan. The emiiress, it seems, was not satisfied with the result. She now wished to have all the words arranged in one general alpliabct, irrespt«tive of language. As Prof. Pallas was busily engaged in otlicr scientific labors which had licon assigned to him, the serv- ices of Feodor Yankiewitch do Miriewo, director of the normal school at St. Petersburg, were immediatelycallwl into requisition. Under his direction all the material in print and manu- script was rcHJast, tlie American and African words included, and the whole published in four volumes, as described above. Copieii letn : Jiritish Museum, Fames, Yokultat. See Ukwulta. WAKASHAN LANGUAGES. 65 Youth's. Thu yoiith'M | loniixitiion: | u I monthly niuKii/itiu | iiiihliNlxd for tlM »ioni<(it I (if th«^ I riiKi'tHoimil.W. T. IiuliiiiiiiiiHmiiim. | VoIiuiiotirHt[-fifth H I [ViKi.ottf.] I Tiilalip Indian U«'Horvuti<»n, | 1882 [-188((f]. 5voIh. 1()\ 1 ImvcfUfii but two voliiincHltlui flrnt anil hi'coikI) with cover tillc anil iiiHiiln tilli' both ns iiImivc. tliimn b< last of wliii li Im lii^ailfil Vol. V. Ma.v, 1886. No. (Ml. TlieHO niinibiTH aro rach hcailcil IIH foUowH: Tbi* yoiitb'H 'umipanion: a jiivcnili' monthly niaKwrino piihliHhi'il lor thrbi'ni'tltol'tli)- I'lip't Siniiiil Catholic Inilian MlHNlonH; anil hi'I to tyjio, iirinteil and in part written by tlio pupils of the T\ilallp, Wa»b. Ty. Indiiatrlal Uoariliug WAK ") Youth's — Contiiiiiod. Si'IiooIn. uiidrr the eontntl of Ihii ^SiHllulary, nninorniM Cook (J.) 1786 Niilkn Vcicaluilary, uuinttnilH Cook (.1.) 1785 Nutka Vocalmlarv. nunuralu Cook (.1.) 1785 Niitkii Viicaliulary, nuincralrt Cook (.1.) 1785 Niitku V'iMiiliulary, nuiiiiMaltt Cook (J.) 1785 Nutka Voraluilury, uunu'ials Cook (.1.) 1780 N'lilkii VcM'aliularv Im llarpo(.I.F.) 1787 Nutkn V'dcnliularv, nunii'ralH tNiok(.T.) 1787-'8« Nutka \'ocal)ulary, uuiui'i'alH Cook (.1 ) 17H0 Nutka Nuinorala l)ixoii(tt.) 1700 Nutka Nuinorals Dixon ((i.) 1700 Nutka Vocalnilnry, oto. •iiiiniiier (M.) 1790-01 Nutka Viicaliulary Vankiewiteli (K.) 1701 Nutka Vocaluilury, nunii^rals Korsier (.1. (i. .\.) 1791 Nutka Vof^abulary l>alilo(J. K. *a2 '38 7.8;iS 188» iKie 18:.^ '47 1840-'48 1841 1841 1341 »«l 184« 1M4 18«4 18«ft 18i» 184« 1840 184S 1846 1S47 1847 184S im 1848 1848 1840 18C0 f8»l 1851 18,'i1-'57 1862.' 1H5'J 1808 /ocabiilnry, nnnicralH Voi'abulary. nuiueralw Nunioralfl \\>inl» Nnnieralfl Vocabulary, sonii Vocaliiilary. inimt'ralf Vocabulary NnnicralM General lUscnssion \'o(^abulary Vocabulary Voialiulary, luuncrals (ionoral discnssion ClasHiticatioi'. Kunierals Vonalnilarlosi (loiiiral discussion (icKcral (liscuBHiou Vo(al)ulary Vocabulary Nunioialfl Voi/abulary, numerals liineral discuHHioii Vocabulary Numerals Words Vocabulary Nnniernls VocabuliU'ios Vocabul-.r,..s Vocabularies IJiidiograpby Numerals Vocabularies Gciicrat disi'(!?.>?ion VooabularicH Various Vocabulaiy. sonn Various Vocab a 1 ary , son ^ Classification ClassiticatMin Vocabulary. uuiueraN General discussion Classilication General discussion Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vo. ulary, fcc. Vo(!al)ularv,e*. . General '".iMciissior. Numerals, etc. Words Numerals Vocabubny Classification Classification Cia.ssiiiialioii Classiliialion Nuuu ral.. Various Classillcntioii \\'iirds Humboldt (F. von). La Harpo ;,). F). note. Kofiuefeuil (C. iT.) Jl Huuibolill (F. von). Jewitt (J.U.) Kerr (R.) La Jlarpe (J. F.), note. Hu'uboldt (F. vou). I'ricb. rd (J. C.) Balbi (A - CnoK (il.) Waters (A.) hn IIarp«(J.F.) iiailaesi|ut! (<". S.) Priest (J.) Humboldt (F. von). Gallatin (A.) Pricbard (J. C.) Priclir.rd (,I. C.) Sconler (.1.) Tolmi? (W'.F.) Flourieu (C. P.O.) Cook (.1.) Pridiard (J. C.) Dunn (J.) UuHot de Mofra.s (E.) Bacliiller y Morales (A.) Dunn (J.) Latham (K.G.) Scoulcr(J.) Hale(H.) Hale (H.) Vator (J. S.) Pott (A.F.) Ga'latin (A.) Prichard 13. C.) Scoulor (J./, note. Latbani (K. G.) Jewitt (J.R.) Litaam (R. (i.i J'sitt (J.R.) Latiiam (R. G.) Hcbotilcraft (U. R.) Cook (J.) IJcrjjhana (H.) Gallatin (A.) Pricbard (J. C.) Kwakiutl. liujckmanu (J. C. E.) liuscbmaun (J. V. E.) yirmsfrons (A. M.) Wwan .V 186& Maka VoPiiliu'.iry ten Miikii Vocal. ularv 1W8 Alit.etP. Various 1868 KliKikwat Phrases 18G8 Maka Vocabulary, etc. IBCh VariuiiM Various 18fW-'01 WakHHlmii Uibliosrapliy 1809 Klaokwat IMirasfis 1869 Maka Vocaliularv, etc. 1M9 Nutka Words 1870 Nutka \\'or(l» 1870 Nutka Words 1870 Ntitka Words 1871 IClaokwat I'lirascs 1871 KlatiUwal Tropcr names 1873 Wakiisliau nililiiifiiapl'.y i87;t .' WaUaslinii Words 1H7^-';:) Nutka Graiiuiiar, etc. 18"-1-'7C VariiMi.H Various 1874-7(i Various Various 1H75 Nutka Words 1875 Nutka "Words 1876 Wakaslian Hildiograiiliy 1896 L'kwulla Vocabulary 189t Ilailtsuk Vocaluilary 1877 Ilailtsuk Vocabulary 1877 Kwakiull Vocabulary 1877 Nutka General discussion 1877 Nutka General discu.ssion 1877 Nutka General discusHion 1877- •)() Ilailtsuk Vocabulary 1878 W'akashaii Classilication 1878 Wakaslian Classilication WM Nutka Tribal naiiie» 1881-'8t5 Nutka Words 1882 Kwakiutl Gosin 1 of il.-'fthow 188a Nutka Words 1882 Nutka, Ifftiltsuk Vocabulary m Nutka. Ilailtsuk Voiabiilarv 18tt \'ariou3 Various 188it Wakushau Cla.ssitication 1888 Wakasluiii ('lassilicatiou 1^ Wakaslian (Massilicatiou m Nutka Words 1W4 Tokoaat Vocabulary 1884 Kwakiutl Gospel of Joliii 1881 Ukwulta Words 1884 Wakaslian Classilicatioi 1884-80 Wakaslian l!ibli(i},Maiiliy 1886 Kwakiutl Uiblf 1886 Kwakiull liiblo};e im Kwakiull Millie passage 1886 Kwakiutl Bible iiassaye 1886 Maka Graiumatic troafine 1886 Wakftsliau l{iblio{{ra]iby 1M6 Wakaslian Classiticatiiui 1885 Wakaslian (,'lassitieation 1885-'8U Nulka Words m» Kwakiull l.ord's prayer l«»7 Wakaslian liibliofirapliy IMS Tokoaat, Uailtfluk NiinicralH Latham (R.O.) Pott (A.I'".) Anderson (A. C.) Gibbs Hi.) Gibbs ((i.) .Kbau (L.F.) Swan (,T. G.) Swan (J.G.) Sproat (G.M.) Whyiuper (F.) Swan (J. G.) Knipo (C.) Sabin (J.) Whyinper(F.) Swun (J.G.) Jcwitt (J. R.) Liibbnck (J.) Lubbock (.1.) Lubbock (.1.) Wliyiuper (V.) CiV iin (G.) FadU (T.W.) Treasury. Bral.aiil (A.,!.) Bancroft (11. II.) Bancroft (H.H.) Ellis (K.) Lubbock (,r.) ^ Field (l'. W.) Petilot(K. F.S.J.) Dall (W. H.) Gibbs (G.) Gibbs (G.) Beach (W.W.) Gatschet (A. S.) Giitschet (A,S.) Powell (J. W.) BaUis (H. W.) Koaiie (A. II.) Kcaiie(A. U.) Youth's. Hall (A.J.) Lubbock (J.) Gampbell (J.) Cainpbell (.1.) Bancroft (U. H.) Bates (II. W.) Drake (S. G.) Keaiie (A. II.). notH. Norris (P. W.) Toliiiie (W. F.) Hall (A.J.) Petitot (K. F.S.J.) SelioolcrafI (II. It.) Pott (A. F.) Britisli. British. British. British. Kells (M.) Pilliny (J.C.) Bates (II. W.) Keaue (A. FT.), noto. Feathcrinan (A.I Gilbert ( -). Diifosse (K.) £ellH(M.) ; ;? 70 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 'ft :1 ilM 1888 KwakintI Bible paHsago British. 1888 K^'ukiiitl Grammar Hall (A.. I.) 1888 Kwakiutl Grammar HalKA.J.) 1888 KwakintI SougH Boas (F.) 1888 Kwakiutl Various Dawson (G. M.) 1888 Kwakiutl Various Dawson (G. M.) 1888 Kwakiutl Words Boas (F.) 1888 KwakintI Words Boas (F.) 1888 Kwakiutl Words Boas (F.) 1888 Xutka, HailtBuk Vocabulary, numerals Haines (K. M.) 1888 Wakasimn Uibliographic Maclean (J.) 1388 Wakafiliaii Songs Boas (F.) 1889 Kwakiutl, Toknnat Vocabulary Chamberlain (A.F.) 1889 Kwakiutl Bible passago British. 1889 Kwakiutl Vooabniavy Boas (F.) 1889 Kwakiutl, Hailtnuk Words Boas (F.) 1889 Kwakiutl, Unlltsuk Words Boas (F.) 1889 Maka Numnrals Eells (M.) 1889 Maka Numi'rals Eells (M.) 1889 Maka Nuuitirals Eells (M.),note. 1889 Nntka Lords pra; it Brabant (A. J.) 1889 Nutka Words Lubbock (J.) 1889 Wakasimn Uibliograpbic Maclean (J.) 1800 Kwakiutl Bible passage British, note. 1890 Kwakiutl Various Boas (F.) 1890 Kwakiutl Various Boas (F.) 1890 Kwakiutl, Nutka Words n.ile(n.) 1890 Kwakiutl, Nutka Words Hale (H.) 1890 Nutka Words Hale (H.) 1890-'91 Kwakiutl Vocabulary Canadian. ISOl Kwakiutl Lord's prayer Kost(I!.) 1891 Kwakiutl Lord's prayer Kost (K.) 1891 Kwakiutl Vocabulary Wilson (E.F.) 1891 Kwakiutl Praj'er book Hall (A.J.) 1891 Nutka Vocabulary Eells (M.) 1891 Nutka Words Bnlnier (T. S.) 1891 Nutka Words Bnlmer (T. S.) 1891 Nutka, Klaokwat Words Bnlmer (T. S.) 1891 VarinuH Vocabularies Boas (F.) 1891 Various Vocabularies Boas (F.) 1891 AVakHabnii Classitication Brintcm (I).G.) 1891 Waknslian Classitication Powell (J. W.) 1891 AVakaslian Classification I'owell (.f. AV.) 1891 Wakashan Geographic names Buhner (T. S.) 1891 Wakaslian Words Bnlmer (T. S.) 1891 WakaNlian Words Bnlmer (T. S.) 1891 Wakaslwu! Words Bnlmer (T. S.) 189'2 Maka Words Eells (M.) 1893 Kwakiutl Bible passage British. 1893 KwakintI Grammar, etc. Boas (F.) 1893 Kwakiutl Vocabulary, etc. Boas (F.) N.d. Hailtsuk Lord's prayer Tate (CM.) N.d. Klaokwat Vocabulary Lemincns (T. N.) N.d. Maka Numerals Bartlett (J. K.) N.d. Maka Vocabulary Bartlctt (J. U.) N.d. Maka Vocabulary (iibbs (G.) N.d. Maka Vocnbulary Gibbs (G.) N.d. Maka Vocibnlary Maka. N.d. Nutka Prayers Seghers (C.J.) N.d. Nutka Vocabulary Boaa (F.) N.d. Nutka Vocabulary Knipe(C.) N.d. Nutka, Muka Vocabularies Galiano (1). A.>,not« N.d. Various Bililioprapby Gibbs (<;.) N.d. VarioiiH Vocabularies Knipe(C.) N.d. Various Vocabularies IMnart (A.L.) N.d. 1 » Douglass (J.) 14! WriffMn