Collection de
Canadian instituta for Historical IMicroraproductions / institut Canadian da microroproductions hittoriquas
Twhnical and BibNofraphie NotM / NotM lachniquM at bibliofr
*. purest water, nearly two miles
wide, and averaging an hundred feet in depth. The
flow past a city of such a stream would of itself form
a charm sufficient to attraifl thousands, but, dotted
as it is with many beautiful i.slands, the situation of
Brock\'ille is beyond conipar;.son.
Kevere Houk, Brockville.
Here is an ideal spot in which to spend one's
summer holidays. The yachtsman may sail to his
heart's content upon the clear bosom of the old St.
Lawrence eastward of the city, while the canoeist
may cruise among the lovely islands above, thirty of
which have been purchased from the Indians and
preserved as a public park. Under the cool shade
of these he may idle away the hours, gaining the
much needed rest. Or on these islands the pleasure
of picnic parties may be enjoyed, or from them he
may plunge into the green depths and refresh him-
self by bathing.
At Brockville good hotel accommodation can
be obtained at the Revere House, which is well
equipped and conveniently situated.
CVv 0/ Ikf Thimsand /stands.
"Pmirhaveii" Summer Reiidence of R. H, Smart, Esq., tt Brockvllle.
Summer Residence of A. Z. Patmer, Esq.. of Ottawa.
" The Rocks," owned by G. B. Paitee, Esq., of Ottawa.
Senator Pulford's new Residence at Brockvllle.
Bro€hville Navigation Company.
Along the beautiful hankn many well-to-do
Brockvillians have built themwlvcs magnificent
homes, «vhile others perhaps not as well off have
purchased river lots west of the town, where they
spend the summer months in cottages of varied
sizes and shapes. These cottages extend for a dis-
tance of upwards of seven miles, more or less scit-
tcred from one another. Ottawa and Montreal citi-
zens have been attraded by the charms of the situa-
tion, and have here built for themselves summer
Uljr Bajp, at Hillcrnt. i|i the BrockTillc Park.
To provide and plea.sant means of access to
the city for these summer residents, the Brockville
Navigation Company has an excellent ferry ser\-ice,
running four round trips per day between Brockville
and Union Park, a charming resort seven anc^ a half
miles up the river, stopping en route at five con-
veniently located wharves. It will be noticed in
the time bill that the steamer leaves Union Park at
7.15 a.m., thus bringing the business men and 1 •
keters to Brockville at 8.00. At 9.30 a.m., 1.30
p.m. and 4.15 p.m., round trips are run to Union
Park and return, occupying nearly two hours in
making the trip, and affording as pleasant a little
sail as can well be imagined. A pretty and circuit-
ous ro.",te among the islands is taken, and many visi-
tors to Brockville enjoy one or more of these trips
daily. At 6.15 p.m. the steamer runs again to
Cfly of Ike TkoMsamd /.tlands.
A Bit of King Street. Brockvillc.
Brockville Navigation Company.
Union Park, carrying up the tired business man to
his summer home, to enjoy the eveni % upon the
banks of the river in coolness and quiet.
On Tuesday of each week in July and August,
the staunch and swift steamer ' ' Brockville ' ' makes
a trip of sixty-five miles, for which she was espe-
cially designed, and which has become famous as
the finest trip on the River St. Lawrence. It is de-
signated as the "Trip Around the Horn." Leav-
ing Brockville at 9.30 a.m., with ah orchestra on
board, the handsome and commodious craft runs up
the river (westerly) a distance of thirty miles,
steamer Brockville.
entirely through Canadian waters, calling at al
points along the Union Park route, at Poole's
Resort, a famous fishing summer hotel, eighteen
miles above Brockville, and at the pretty little
Canadian village of Rockport (two miles further
west), where is situated a popular hostlery known
as the Island View House, and thence through
what is perhaps the prettiest group of islands in
the St. Lawrence, called the Carnegie group. The
tourist has been carried through the prettiest and
most pidturesque Canadian channels, where the
islands are much the same as Nature made them.
He has been through narrow passes where no other
steamer of the same size as the ' ' Brockville ' ' tra-
vels. Now the course is dire(5led across the river
to American waters, and the .scene changes, for the
B'ockville Navigation Company.
tourist comes suddenlj- among a number of fashion-
able watering-places and islands, upon which mil-
lions of dollars have been spent in the eredtion of
magnificent summer homes of wealthy Americans.
It is about time for luncheon, so (although a lunch
may be obtained on board) a stop of three-quarters
of an hour is made at Thousand Island Park, a
veritable city of summer cottages.
From Thousand Island Park to Alexandria Bay,
six miles easterly (we are now^ ' ' around the horn' ' ) ,
the islands are all built upon, and tlie skill of archi-
tedls and landscapers is now seen in varied forms.
Millions of dollars have been speht upon these
islands by wealthy Americans from various States
A Kegatta Day at Brockville.
of the Republic, among the most striking of which
may be noticed the Pullman Castle, at which the
celebrated Pullman family of Chicago congregate
each summer. To give a list of the names of mil-
lionaires who have built summer residences upon
these islands would occupy much space, and would
give but little idea of the appearance. Among
these islands, also, has been eredled the Thousand
Island Club, a magnificent building ere(5led by its
members, all of whom are supposed to be mil-
It may be remarked that in running through
these islands, the channel taken by the steamer
"Brockville" is varied from the regular channel,
and a view of these magnificent buildings and
islands is furnished which cannot be obtained upon
Brockville Navigation Company.
any of the regular passenger steamers. The ' ' Brock-
ville" winds in and out among these islands, in
many cases going so close to them that one can
almost jump ashore ; but yet the passengers are
assured perfe<5l safety, becaase the management has
taken precautionary measures, at some expense, to
lay out this trip for their patrons.
Alexandria Bay is the Mecca of the Thousand
Islands, and is one of the most famous summer
resorts on this continent. Here the steamer stops
for abou t an hour, and the time is pleasantly passed
by her passengers wandering around the magnifi-
The War Canoe Crew of the Bohemian A. A. A. of Brockville.
Championa of America 1899 and 1900.
cent hotels or through the Japanese Bazaar, where
curios in unlimited varieties are offered for sale.
On leaving Alexandria Bay, the steamer passes
through another group of beautiful islands, and,
turning her course northward, again runs across
to the Canadian channel. The trip home is now
quickly made, and Brockville is reached at six
o'clock sharp.
On Friday of e.? h week the " Brockville " runs
through from Union Park to Ogdensburg, touching
at all the wharves along her regular route, and at
the Canadian Pacific Railway Wharf, Brockville,
which she leaven at 11.15 a.m. Three hours are
City of the Thousand Islands.
given to her passen^cers in the Maple City, and they
are brought back to Brockville, arriving there at
4.15 p.m. This weekb' excursion, which is run at
the low cost of 25 cents, is one of the most popular
A 30-lh Maikinongi, onght at Hillcmt (in the Brockville Park),
by ex-Mayor D. 8. Booth.
of the company's trips, for many avail themselves
of the opportunity of seeing the pretty little Amen-
can city twelve miles down the river.
The Ru.' :ell, of Ottawa, is an old favorite of
tourists and sportmen. Here you can always
The Ruuell, Ottawa.
depend on the best accommodation to be found in
the district; everything is modern and up-to-date.
Que^ x& Lake St. John Ry,to^^?a7f.^"^
^ '^ •' Saguenay. The
only rail line to the Piahing and Hunting KTOund- North of
Q(iebec and to Mike St. John, home of the celebrated
"Ouananicbe." Haunts of Moose, Caribou and other large
gaine. niuttratcd Guide Book free.
Apply to ALXX. Hardy, G.P.A., Quebec, P.Q.
Pure-bred Ayrshire
Imported Cattle
Largest and most expensive ^ '. > .portation in America.
Bred for the dairy with grand eonif itution, and champion prise re-
oordi awarded them in Scotland and Enxland. Bwcepatakea herd
Montreal, Toronto, I' description.
Prompt and careful attendance to telephone or letter orders.
Telephone 252 BrOCkviUc
Thos. R. Bach
Pianos ^' Organs
Musical Instrumer
Sheet Music, etc.
. . . Brockville
A. H. S warts
The Leading
Dealer and Undertaker
A large and varied stock to select from.
The I^eadins ClBars .
IOC. "Til* original and only genuine
''X Ray
P. Poulin & Co.
Manufacturers of Fine Cisars
Mv Valet"
Wm. Birks '
Corner King and Kincaid Sts., BrockvillR
Clothes Sponged and Pressed and minor
repairs made.
Spbcial French Cleaning Department
Gents' Suits, $i.y>, other garments in proportion.
Ladies' Suits, $1.50, other garments in proportion.
Ladies' Sui's cleaned, pressed and repaired at
reasonable prices.
Ladies' Suits sponged and pressed, 50 cts.
We guarantee our work. Prompt delivery.
Telephone 233
Established i84»
Thousand Island
Mineral Water Co., Limited
F. M. Pilgrim
Manufacturer! of
New York Ginger Ale
and Mineral Waters
Twelve Prize Medals awarded for purity.
For sale at all
Summer Resorts.
.. . Brockville, Ont.
C. H. Bi'ELL & Son
Fine Pastry, Fruits
and Confectionery
Campers' Suppliei*
and L-vinch Boxen
A Specialty
Murray & Son
Ask everywhere for
Jest "
Etc., Etc.
MAGI " Caledonia Water
Charles Gurd & Co., Montreal
Die ■ARATS « CO.
W , i
A ■) O J ^M/l