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Like a ureHt and vene- tree, tlio constiiuticm of Kni-li.nd |ih(1 loots i.i remote aniiquity, it hud been ^itjg slowly and gradually from year to » »', year until it had attcined ita preient stats of perfection. Not so with Canada; it wm little more than lielf a century since aha was rescued, poor atid helpless, from th« tyrant giasp of her Intendants and Conseil Soperieur, her petty despots of every de- scription, and made to participate in Uie inestimable bles-^ings of Briiibh rule. In granting a constitution for her, the Imperial Parliament adopted no new theory of Go- vernment, but organized one on the baak of iier own, with a proper distribution of the powers of Goverismcnt. Under the constitution the country has rapidly k»- creased in prosperity, and his Majesty* suiyects in this country, unburtliened witJ» taxes, sLill continue to enjoy as much hap- piness and political freefaours a con- ■Utution ready cut and dry; tliey claimed not for themielves the merit of paternity but that only of adoption. He was pre- pared to shew that the tVamer< of those Resolutions were ii,'norant of the Amcricni constitution, they di.l n:»t undi-rstand it. The Statesmen of AnnM-ica who fram '(| the constitution of thei: country, preserved the theory of f^overnment under wliicli they previously lived, differently modelled from that of Enujland, but founded on monarchical, aristoeratical and ilemocnitical principles. By that constitution the powers of government like that of Great Biitain »ra placed in different bodies, which are differently organised. The House of Re- presentatives was composed of Mi'mbers chosen every secouvl year by ihe people of the several States. Tlie Senate of the United States was composed of two Sei.a- tors from each State, chosen by the Legis- lature or sovereign authority, for nix years. The Senate was thus diff^-rently orcinised, giving it a more stable character, • in order that it might operate as a proper ©heck against the em.-roaching power and ▼iolence of the popular branch. He would enlarge still ftirther upon this suliject in or«ier to shew the consequences that would result from i.iaking the seconu brand H their Legislature elective. The patriots w constantly appealing to our neighbor precedents for their extrp-'agiot and in» measures, but he ivas prepareu to u them o\\ their own ground. To prove neceisity of a ions and spc tions of the brain, and not the wa thoughts of Ntatesmen or patriots. may bo safely asseited, that for all the poses ot liberty, and security of * laws, and ()f solid instiiiiiions, of pen rights, and of the prtitection of proper 8in^'le branch is quite as good as tn their composition is the same, and spirit and impulses the same. Eacli act as the other does ; and each will b by some common influence of ambiii intriiiue or passion, to the same (li^^ of public interests and the sime indiffw to and prostration of private rights will only be a duplication of the c oppression and rasimess with a dupln of obstruction to effective re,.,. t.-npTr, ■: ::rrrpi™;it"r;'™r4H:;';";":^ Jt'ie (lisMmil..rity of the gcmu. ot the two «"*' "' P'^^^ crein.lice, , ers.mal influ- Ibodie.: «n.l then-fore every c..rums,ance ?-;•»';„ ^P^-^;^; g, .s J, which have ?1 consistent wi.h har.nony ... a 1 pn.per mea- «"^«' «" /J ^ ;, ,;,„ ie„..e, to exercise .ureH. which p..i..t. out a . ..t.nct ^ee f -a ^ « 1^^^^ ,„ ^., ,,3 wtion of .he c«mpo..ent .nat.M-.aU of each, a P"^^' f ■"". "," % .lecision is ..ot ho i, ae^irahle." If nuch, therefore wouUl «.^;7"^;;- . ^ J'^J.'J ,,e„,„i,ie, of a law be the effect of two bra.K-hes of the Le- hke iy ;' «-- « '-^; , ,. ;,, ,„,,,, 3,.., giMature frame, on [''« ™ P'-' •" f i'^^'irgo he .leliherauon. a...l pro- community such as the United States, ma. e "•« "" ' ^^ j , , , .evisi.m, of wouUlit ..otbe «tiil greater in a socety »'^»' [ ^''^J^f^";,,"" j/^' n^^^^ .i,,i„g in \Z.^ ^e^Iect^ :h;c:unte;;,oise of ,c., to avoid the F-|---- -J ^T " irconstitution would he .h-stroye.! ; would the e, n... of ^''« " '^^ •';; '^eor 'ia can- not both bran;-.heH he composed of the same of ^',7'"^':"'^* house! The ^teriaKa...! although fitting i.. d.^^ent ^^^ ,?;"^;;:i>'y:^i:,.ach tl^l^^d their ch6.»bers woul.l they not .n reah.y form '"^'^'''' ^ «" »;~ ^i.j,,!, .^, ,|,e time, butone IH..IV, and be alike operate.l upon P"-''^^'** '"'i^''''; '^^^" ^'^ J^, p„,,,ic a.dmad- - ;:r:;;.it,tp™Sto^^^^^ M."y "p»"i»emhlie.s with- out clieck or l.alance. or a G..ver,.„„.„t »v,th all authority collecte.l i,,,,, one CMitr... ac- cnnhnir to the n..iion of .Mr. Tmuot, mionary violent, intrijjuin.-, corrupt, an.l tyrannical - t^m, (cheers.) IJp „,i.,,t ,„. j,,,,, ^l^^ this was n(,; that, ahhon-j, the Council were made elective, th.-y w.,.,I,| have two separate hiaMch..s. Hut he ;r»ste,l he ha.l sa,i.ti..,| ,I„m„ that ,, I the (. ouncd an.l Assemhly I.ein,. ,!,.„ com- ! po.ew.M of govern. ment without any cluck or n..stiaint. M.. would a.k was ,|,at the ivovr-unent th.-y -■^Ledfor? (No! no! from all quarters.) rel such was the c.mstitutiou which the i^atrmts wishe.l to eslab!i,h. Thev haiativo The concentratin;; these u. the same han» lun rountry, oduced ■n Willi eHident I on th« irjfiniu. leuisla- , these tiiiiiioo l>e no 5 exer- nut bj verity, ressive I turn . All nment id not Jilt in uid be li bo- couki being >y tlia efore J not their > but lit to s-d to yalty )Oth, ence "if ii'uat ther r by rice, tely itH 'eiu ft on to tbi. fRft that in less thmi twenty My has proved himself to he eillier (ars, the |)o|iuIation of Amerira will he as tmitor to iiis eountry, or a hate catumnia* urii irreater than that of Greet Britain, tor; it the thaiires were true, he was • I l!iat <)f I5ii'i!
  • e charires were uiifoun- mo to «lecide ihat the inappreciable ad- ded he was a base caluiiini;itor for having ntage of f;overiiiiig tletnselves in»tead of jjieferrcil them. In either «-;ise, >[r. Pa- inj? fjoveriied, oU^lit to e stage them to pioeau had forfeited the confideme of every to the I "puiiiaie a system of colonial governineiit, lionext man, and it wa« to he hopi-d that hich was, {reiiei ally speaking, much belter at the next eeneral election he wovid b* an that of British America now is." Ih? driven from that Ward (the West) ia ve this as a fair sample of the whole. (lis:;iT •. [ciies of " Yi's, Ves."] He hat a sequel to such a heginiiiiiir ! a tru>te(l he had saiil snlficieiit to satisfy lireat of lehellioii made under the standard them that the desi-jn ('"the majority of if pretended loyally. IJy this they mi;:ht tie assemlily was to acq .ire, and the ten* dge of the wliole farrago of the nineiy- di ncy of the resolutions was to iiivej-t, that ro. In reading it lie thouiiht he could briinch witii all the powers of government; ear a young tiger growl ; in return for the tiiat imdy liad gone on gradually encroach* enefits and favois lavi.<.hed uixm it, the ing npini the privileges of the other, ferocious cull tells the IJritish (lovenimeiit : and had, as fai as it iiossihly <■ >u!(l, usur« Wait ! within twenty years my claws ped their powers. Had ni.' tie assembly ill have grown as long if not Ioiil'JT attempted to restrain, nay,he nii;:lit almosi those of my grandsire, the Aineri- say. exercise the royal pieiogaiive. by re» iger, or revolution of I77G, and fusing to grant monies for a jrieat publit hen, then ! base lit itish faction 1 then- — "' impmveineiit, exci-pt tipo.. con. liiion that i^e leJt it to Mr. Speaker Papineau commissioners should be appniiiicd other to finish the sentence. (Loud cheering.) tlian those wlio had been previously ns- ]|f this w- not eiiounh to satisfy them med (or the same purpose, ihouuh men of «f the character and views of thelnajciriiy high cliaracter, intesrrity and standing, •f the assembly, let ihem look to their and who had gratuitously disrhargcd the Iroceedings during the last two 8essit the the aeseinbiy threatened lebei lion, but tbey Ihaii pan tiger /*» ^ I 8 1 1^ had actiihlly prorcetlcd to organize the people hy cMi\^ upon them to form tliom- •eives into committeps of corresipondence, ftc. and lind pledged themsfelveH to reim- burse, from out of the puhlic monies, the expenses which may be incurred by such committees. As the council no douht wonid nt-rer concur in -iie appropri- ation of monies for such purposes, he presumed the amount requirewal of the disloyal spirit and revolutionary principles, which under the auspice.i of a party have been long employed to biing into contempt th* constituted authorities of the province, to paralyze the government by withholding the supplies, to usurp the prerogative of the crown by nominating executive func- tionaries, to spurn the interventfon of th: king's government in the person of the co- lonial secretary, to establish a pure demo- cracy on the ruins of the present constitu- tion by the introduction of an elective council, and virtually to efiect a disiuem- bermenl of the empire." I 1 ' ' ' ' ) --'!.: » '.' '^ r, .1 :; ,- ' ^ •I ''::,!•< ' .t •■te.{«)ii- •i^n- r-i (. ; j ■ :r' oiiJ 11 n . ,'; s.:'i i'j ' '. '• 1 o'r i= : f ' t ■ • :'- - c : ".^t 1 » ^■> v."ii - .1 • '' '•: ! \i.iiiv •: iY^ v:-- •' I ■ ? - '•■• 11/ • >■....■, iV : ; • 'f.ii'i * :a -■•■^■■s.:. '■' :■ I : - ? 1 -J. .- I • I . ' I ' ^ . .1,1 ►■)! >; ■> • . ' ■>.': V>-I Iitt' : tT. !! -. ;..;- ( , 1 I > ()?nt hMJ appi/ a. n which vas now lat Ruch to their ; the vio« its pow. it by tba Idress by '• That d alarm Lhe state rovincial f FebrU' » several It found- ilibcrate disloyal , which ive been ?mpt lh» jrovince, hholding ;ative of ve fane- n of tb: the co- re demo- constitu- electire disniem- I ■li.i ■i i