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At a Court of General QiiarUr Session of the Peace for the District of Quebec, holclen at the Court House in the City of Quebec, in the said district, between Tuesday the Twenty first, and Wednes- day the Twenty-ninth days of April, in the year of our Lord \S\i5, S^ of His Majesty's Reign the 58fh. ilLLES, ORDKRSi& REGULATIONS lor the Government of the Foreman, Deputy Foreman and Watchmen of the City of Quebec, and for the Lighting of the said City, made in virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the 58th year of His Majesty's Reign, cap \{, intituled, an *' Act to provide morii effectually for the Security of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, by establishing a Watch and Night Liffhts in the said Cities, and for other purposes.'* (( (f (C (C i< RULES, ORDEllS avd REGULATIONS, &c. 1 w for Art 1 I HE First Foreman, Deputy- waui. Foreman, & Twenty-fowr Watchmen, & -m.u.ntod. the Person or Persons that may hereaf- ter be required to fill all vacancies which may occur, shall be selected by the Jus- tices of the Peace, in Special Session, from among' the Applicants fully quali- fied and offering, on Public Advertise- hient, to serve on the iowest terms for one year. IL The Foreman^ Deputy Foreman & watchmen is Watchmen phall be appointed and sworn 5;;!;.;^^^* ^,,„. as Special Constables, to perform the du-tubie.. ties of their Offices as Foreman, Deputy Foreman & Watchman, under the Rules, Orders and Regulations made, or which may hereafter be made, by the Justices of the Peace in General Quarter Session or in any Special Session. Ill Fach Watchman shall be furnis'i- Accommo- ed with a Watch Coat, a Constable^s Staff, ^^^•«"- a Rattle, and a Lantern, numbered so as to be visible by the light thereof, all of which articles he shall deliver over to his Successor in Office, or otherwise account for. lY. There shall be established two J'^^^'J;:;' Watch Houses, viz :•— one in the Upper Waiclimao on July. Watcli ting. si: Stands Town, in a situation overlooking the Lower Town, one in Saint John's Sub- urbs, in a situation overlooking Saint Roc's Suburbs, & a Watch Box shall be ^ furnished for every Stand, which Watch ^ Houses and their furniture, together with the Watch Boxes, shall be under the Spe- cial care and charge of the Foreman of the Watch. V. The Foreman or the Deputy Fore- man and twelve Watchmen shall be on duty every night, and there shall be ap- pointed from among the Watchmen, four head Watchmen, one of which shall serve every night at each Watch House. VI. The Watch shall be set at Ten of the Clock at night, and be dismissed between day light and sun-rise the next morning, by the Foreman or Deputy Foreman serving for the Night. Any other hout of setting and dismsising the Watch may, however, on an extraordina- ry occasion, be appointed by or order of anv Special Session of the Peace. VII. The Head Watchmen shall have their Stands at their respective Watch Houses, :, i I TNT K^*^ \ -^1' 'V TN 6 IN THE LOWER TOWN. One Watchman shall have his Stand at the Cul-de-Sac. , One Watchman at the Market in view of the Landing Place. One Watchman at the junction of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Streets. IN THE UPPER TOWN. One Watchman near the Roman Catho- lic Cathedral. ' One Watchman at the junction of Pa- lace Street and Saint John Street. IN St. JOHN S SUBURBS. One Watchman in Saint John Street at its junction with Ste. Genevieve Street. One Watchman at the junction of Saint Joachim and Richelieu Street. IN St. ROC'S SUBURBS. One Watchman at the junction of St. Valier Street, with Grant Street. - One Watchman at the foot of St. Nicho- . las Street, One Watchman at the east end of St. Jossph Street. Vni. No Watchman shall have the Ron same Stand twice in succession, and it shall ,nou. iM* 6 lij Wiuter. i Duties. I shall be the duty of tlic Forcmanjo establish a regular rotation of Duty and Stands among' all the Watclimen, and to assign, as a walk for the Watchmen on • Duty at each Stand, an equitable share- of the Streets and places the nearest to such Stand. IX. In the months of December, January, February and March, only six Watchmen shall, excepting on extraor- dinary occasions, be required to be out at the same time, viz. at stands 1. 2. 4. 6. 8. and 10, but they shall also have the walks assigned to the vacant Stands, and it shall beat the discretion of the Fore-^ man and Deputy, during Fifteen of the most inclement Nights within the period above mentioned, to limit the Duties of the Watchmen, to being present at their respective Watch Houses, and patroling the diiierent walks once in every two Hours. X. The Foreman or Deputy shall go the rounds and visit every Watch House, and every Stand, at least once in every night, two hours or more after Watch setting. The head Watchman at each W^atch House, shall go tlie rounds of the Stands attached to his Watch, once in every hour., giving the hour of the night *to fv ■^4^. ■ f^/ *to to cacii Watcliinan, who sliall iinnicdl- atclv jM'occcd to patroU^ all the Streets assigned to his Stand, proeUiiininiv as audibly as he can, the time ofthc Night, and the state of the weather, and he shall carefully observe and try whether the Houses, Shops, Warehouses, Stores, or other Buildings in his walk are safe and well secured, and in case he shall discover and perceive that any Doors, Shutters, Windows, or other parts of any such Houses, Shops, Warehouses, ^stores, or other Buildings, shall not be ' ut or fastened, he shall forthwith give ice thereof to the occupier or other son inhabiting or being therein, and snail give his best assistance towards securing the s?me, and each of the said Watchmen, and the Forep.ian and De- puty shall, during his time of Watch-^ ing and tour of duty, to the utmost of his power, endeavour to prevent as well all mischief happening by fire, as all murders, burglaries, robberies, affrays and other outrages and disorders. XI. The said Foreman, Deputy Fore- Aire^t. man and Watchmen, and each and ever of them, shall arrest, apprehend and take in charge all and every person or persons of the followino; descriptions, and lodge them in the Watch House, the Common Gaol, or in some other proper place of safety, till they can be conveniently brought before some one of His Majes- ty's Justices of the Peace for the City of Quebec, to he dealt with according to law. 1. All personf) breaking the F.>ace or obstructing the said Foreman, Depu- ty Foreman or Watchmen in the ex- ecution of their duty, g. All night-walkers,malefactors, rogues and vagabonds, and other loose, idle and disorderly persons, whom they or any of them shall find disturbing the Public Peace, or shall have cause to suspect of any evil designs. 3. All persons lying or loitering in any Square, Street, Court, Lane, Yard, Alley, Passage or Place. 4. All persons against whom hue & cry may be raised, and all persons who may be delivered into their charge by any inhabitant householder of known character and respectability. 5 All persons emptying dirt in the streets, and refusing or nol giving sa- tisfactory information of their names and residences. XII. t »H ex- to the 1 I ft. XTT. Every Watcliinan onliis^'jiiid or Walk, when he shall jr. d.o'o it necessary to give the alarm, shall spring his Rattle Aiumv and make outcry, and the nearest Watch- man and he shall con\nninicate witli each other as speedily as possible, and from thence to the Watch Houses and nearest Guard Iswuse ; and each Watchman shall do his utmost in assisting every othei* Watchman in the execution of the duties of his Office ; and each of them as well as the Foremau and Deputy shall be fur- nished with a list of all Constables with their residences, within their respective .>walks, to the end that they may call in their assistance as well as the assistance of every other person when necessary. Every person other than a Watchman^ Foreman of the W\atch, or Deputy Fore- man, springing any Rattle between the hours of Watch setting and the dismissal of the Watch, shall forfeit & pay for each and every oflf^ence a sum not exceeding R\e pounds. . Xni. Every Watchman shall comnui- ^,,,^^j,,,,,, nicate to the Head Watchman of his Di- Koport. vision, and also to the Foreman or Depu- ty as soon as may be, all arrests made by liim, with the Hour and Cause of Arrest, the Name and Residence of the Person arrested, 4 fj / 1 Subject to ilie te. Dismissal I I 10 arrested, if lie can ascertain the same, together with the Names of Witnesses, and also every other information regard- ing the execution of his Office and the Peace and Security of the City, which, he may think it proper to make, or which he may be instructed to make by the Foreman or Deputy. XIV. All Watchmen shall be subject, within thelimitsoftheir respective walks, to the Orders of any one of His Majes- ty's Justices of the Peace for the City. XV. The Foreman or Deputy shall be present at the dismissal of the Watch at each Watch House, between day-light & sun-rise, and he shall receive the reports for the night from the Head Watchmen, or any Watchman having any informa- tion to give, and report under his signa- ture to the Police Office, or to some one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the City, which said report shall be accompanied with a list of Prisoners, causes of Arrest, names of Witnesses, & mentioning the hour at which he made his rounds, the names of the Watchmen present at Watch Setting on their respec- tive Stands or Walks, when he made his Rounds, and also previous to the Dis- missal of the Watch in the morning ; to- gether or -m^r :\ e one Peace all be oners, seSj & made hmen " 11 getlief with such observations or other information regarding the execution of his Office, or the Peace and Security of the City, as he may think proper to make : and to facilitate him in the aforemen- tioned part of his duty, he shall be fur- nished with printed forms of Blank Reports. XVI. Any Foreman, Deputy Foreman i^"bes or Watchman, taking a bribe for the execution of his duty, and for abstaining from the execution thereof, shall incur and pay a penalty of Five Pounds curren- cy for each and every offence, and be dismissed from his situation. XVII. Any Foreman, deputy Foreman or Watchman, who between the hour of Watch Setting and its Dismissal, shall be absent from his Stand or Walk, otherwise thaa in the execution of his office, or who shall enter any house within his Walk, otherwise than in the execution of his duty, or who shall be found asleep on his Stand or Walk, or intoxicated, or who shall neglect or refuseto perform any part 'of his duty, under the present Rules, Orders and Regulations, or disobey the lawful orders of his superior, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds currency, for each and every such offence. XVIII. Penal tic'ii * ■ 7 •// y Removal from Ofiice. Oir Duly. to C\-nlract. I 12 XVIII. Every Foreman, Deputy Fore- man or Watchman shall be liable to be dismissed by any Session of the Peace, specially called, of which all the Justices of the Peace, acting and resident within, the City,shall have been notified in wri- ting: left at their respective domiciles. XIX. The Foreman of the Watch, the Deputy Foreman and all Watchmen not on duty, shall be liable to be called upon for duty, on anv extraordinary occasion ; and in such ca'ses the Foreman shall be allowed per night, the Deputy per ni-ht, and eacii Watchman P^^^i* »'^|i*- LIGHTING THE CITY. XX. The Foreman of the Watch shall contract with the lowest bidder, furnish- ing sufficient security for such lamps and lamp-irons, as may be approved of by the Justices of the Peace, in any Special Ses- sions, and also for fixing the same in such a manner, as may be Ordered by such Sessions. XXI. He shall also contract in the^ same manner, with the person or persons" off*ering on the lowest terms, furnishing sufficient security to keep the said lamps and lamp- irons in repair, and for furnish- ing Seal Oil, and every thing necessary forsupplyingthesame/lightingthelamps I 1^ auak(