IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ^'W^^ ÏQ'Î » i . ^ •^. 1.0 I 1.1 1.25 U 11.6 ^" i — r- t •i. ^' ■'•^ », h'- ^iri ■ «jk^ i I W',.''>^s..- -.-.- ^- ,_.^ 1 ^■; ■*;..■, ,->■%• 1 •• ^ Sdences Corporatiarr ^ ^^ -«j^ ^^ ai «MBT MAM STRHT wiKm,N.Y. usao (n«)S79-4S09 'SiTi*? /: <'/*.■ ■ 4, ' '/ > % ^\ % i* % » # CIHM * Microfiche Séries (IMonograplis) I? TCMH Coifection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inttifîit* for Historical Microraproductiont / liwtftut canadian da microraproductiona Matoriqiiaa TMfiiiical and BibHofraphie Motn / Noim Mdméqun tt MMioripliiqMt . Th0 Inttitutt ha* ammpttd to obtain tlM bwt orifiMl eopyavailabla for f ihnjiif. Faaturai of thh eo|>y «vMd; m«y ba MMiofraphieaNy yniqua. «rfiieh mtv aNar any of 4lw imafat in tha raproduetton, or «vhkli may ^ficantly dtanfa tlia UMial mathod of f ilmint. ara ^la ■ «Il ■ il ■ — * / 0Colourad eovan/ i. Couvartura da coutaur » □ Covart damaiid/ CoMwartura andomroaièa □ Covart rattorad and/or Ifminatad/ Couvanuia raitauréa at/ou pallicMMa □ Covar titia miMini/ La titra da couvartura manqua □ Çolourad mapt/ Cariât aéoiraphiquat an ooulaur 0Colourad ink (i.a. othar tfian Mut iar Maeit)/ Encra da couleur (i.a. autra qua Mlua ou noira) SCokNirad plaiat and/or illuttrationt/ Planchât at/ou illuttrationt an couleur □ Bound with othar matarial/ Ralié âvac d'autrat dqcumanti □ Tifht bindin* may cauta thadom or dittortion akmt intarior mariin/ La raliura larria paut cauiar da l'ombra ou da la dittortion la long da la marfa intériaura D □ Blaiik laavat addad during rfttoration may appaar within tha taxt. MÎhanavar pottiMa, thata hava baan omittad f rom filminf/ Il sa paut qua cartainat pÉfM Maiichat aioutéat lort d'una rattauration apparaittant dant la taxta. mait. lortqua cala était potiiMa. cat papt n'ont pat été f ilméat. Additional commanti:/ CiHnmantairat lupplémantairat: Thit itam it f ilmad at tha réduction ratio chackad balow/ Ca document att filmé au taux da réduction indiqué ci-datioui. S 1IX 12X IfX JttlL L'Inttitut a microfilmé la maMIeur exempl a ire qu'il lui a été potaiMa de te procufir. iaa détail^ de cet exa m pl a iia qui tont peut-être uniquei du point de vue MbUoiraphique, qui peuvent modifier ufMimaia "* reproduite, ou qui peuvent exifer une modHication dant la méthodfc normala'da fumage tont indiquéi , ci-detiouf. 0Coloured pegei/ P»tN dé couleur I Nfndamaied/ ^' D □ PHm reitored and/or laminatad/ Ntea rattauréai et/bu peNiculéet 0Ntat ditcolourod. ttained or foxed/ Hm décolorée t . tachatéet ou p»»iéet □ Pbfn.(detachad/ P»tetdétaehéet Tl tt tl m ol fN Ol bê tl» •H 0tl fin •k 0Sho«vthrou|h/ Trantparence □ Quality of print variât/ Qualité inétala de l'impretiion □ Continuout pegination/ Patination continua □ Iheludet index(et)/ Comprend un (det) index Title on header teken from:/ Le titre de l'en-tCte provient: Tl» •IM ni JMi rfii □ Title page of ittua/ Pb9* àt titra da \p llvraiton r~j Caption of ittua/ n Titre de dépert de la livraiton Mettheed/ Générique (périodiquei) de la livraiton . , m^f ' 22X 26X El 30X JiUL nxr u 3» *. . . .'* i>M oopy fNfiicd hcffv hM bMfi 10 ttit gènyothy ipfOdlMMl ttMl LftraryoftiMNMiomi AraMvw'ofCMitf* «' » -.' • th« IfiMtM •pvMrint hM* art kiM bMt quallty of th* oHflMl «bpy Mitf In kMpIfif wMi tiMi tion. or thtf baek oov«r wImii ippropt i f . AN ffirtt PH* wMi • printtd ér HHMtrMd tenprw. •lofi. and «ntflns on tht liM PH« wMi a prlntsd or Miwiroiod bnproMion. Tho iMt roeordod fromo on ooeli mierofloho 9hêÊ «omoin tlio symbol «^ (mooning "CON- TINUID'I. or tho tymbol t (mooning "INO"). plotoi. ebartt. ote.. moy bo fNmod ot tflMoront rodiMtioo rattof, Tlioto too largo to bo ontiroly In o Niëad m ono oipoauro oro fNmod i atinnint In tho uppor loft hond eomor. lofftlb rldht and top to bottom. aa many fframoa oa roqiHrod. Tho foNovvInfl diogroma Wuatroia tha I.Tho 1 2 3 l'axamplairo fHmé fut reproduit OAnAraaitédo: «rAilo U MMiothéqiM dM AreWvM Ua imagaa suhrafitoa ont «té raprodultat avac la plua grand aoln. compta tanu da la condition at da Ja nattaté da l'aKamplalra fllmi. at an eonformhé ovoe laa condMona du contrat da » fHmaga. Ua aaamplalraa originou» dont lo eouvortufo an papifr aat Impriméa aont fllmda an commençant par.» pranHor plat at wn tamîlnant aoit par la domièro pogo qui comporte ùno amproAna . dimpraaaion ou dlNuatratloii. aolt par la sacond pwt. aalon lo aoa. Toua laa autraa aKamplairaa orlglnoux aontfHmda an commençant par la pramlire page qui comporte ono empreinte ' dimpreealon ou dINuatratlon et çn terminant par la damiire pogo qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un doB eymbolea aulvanta éppareltra sur la demière imata de chaque microfiche, aéion'le eaa: le symbole -^signifie "A 9UIVRE". le symbole ▼ signifie "nN". «■ ' ■ ** ' Les certes, plenches. toMeeux. etc.. peuvent «tre fllmda i dee taux de réduction différents. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour être reproduit en un seul cNché. il cet fttmé é pertir de l'engle supérieur gouche. 9o gauche é droite. et de heut en boa. en prenanne nombre d'in^ogoe néceaaaire. Lqe diogrommos suhrents Wustrent lo méthode. ' ,i:.>^ \\ é ■ !■ , 1 ! ." . 1 " . 1 , ' PRICE LlST • ♦♦ 1891 THE DODGE PATENT . ^OOD=SPLIT=PULLEYS WITH PATENT BUSHING SYSTEM OC U a. O (0- O o o u > < (A o »- Û Ul U 4-' Z < . < O m u o Q. 11. O Z U U ■*■ OUR FOUR ARM PULUEV SOLE MANUFACTURERS' DODGE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY GO. TORONTO, ONTARIO ■^ >■',,>; ?Jl-i^ \ ,/':>,/ \v/,' >(' - ;\q/; \,i' i>'i/,'sVt'J > MAIL JOIl MMINt. TUHUNTO \ ■ ■ ^ %\ ^ -A f - ■>■ c:à f .e HI^TICB* y Wb challenga thé World upon Dur Patent WDDD SPLIT PULLEY, with Patent Bnshin^ System, Dn.v,tliB f plia win-g points of merit ;. PErÎBct balance. • / .. ", '-. '"-^\. Best Shait FâBlBning in the Ularld. ,• , Tha light^st PuiÎBy Evsr n^ada. ■ i'he strongast Pulley a ver m^de. - Bast E ait surface. * , yast canvahiant. 70 par cent, lightar thiïi cast iran. 4Û par cent lightar than 'wrought iran or stpeh 25 in BD per cant. aduantage, with smie Belt, aver any iran Pullay madâ.' Wb do nnt mean buncomti'E, but do mean- business. Ses our spécial guarantee on page S. Investigate carefully our claimsior superinr^ Ity Dver any other Pulley ever presented to your noticBi See paga la. \ * ., THE DODgE WOOD 8PUT PULLEY m. %•' • • \ A ». , ■ Tth — ~ i .... 4 ■ f ■ y \ , •" ■""■' \ '"'- • :.^:::..\ À ji' 'îir 7^vrf-v!-iis~- t. ,'.,,J.A- <^ \ ^ ESTABUSHED IH CAHADA 1880. f«e:vise:o niustrated CatsaQoguè and Frice List/ 1801 OF. THE DODGEW OOD 8PLIT PULLEY GO. SAMUEL, MAY, PresidenU v « ^ (Works at yjTusT, Toronto JoNctioh.). . % T^E POPGK "PATEOT" Talrahpne, 2080. TORON CiTV omet ; , ONT. 83KlNa«TIIEKTWCST «» ' «4 ".BSWif "Il ^*-— ' « \ T-T \ ■ . , ^n \ \ NOTICE JO TfiE 'fR/\DE. I« presentinf ihft new édition of our Illustt-atml Catalogue and Priée Uà, wc take pleasure in aVnouncing that since our Establijhment in Canaifa for the manufactura of tWb now "Cei.ebrateu" PuUey^ under letters patent of the Dominion G f CanaoA, we hâve had the satisfaction of experiencing a steady increase in our^nsiness, and to keep pace with the d«mand found it necessary to greitly mcrease our capacity. On title page we présent a eut of our New Works it West Toronto Junction, which were ercctèd and completed We are now equipped with the finest N%chinery, made expressly for us^knd adapted to our work. fWith our Paient Bushing system for Pulleys, and great capacity, we pqiasess the best facilities for executing orders promptly and will hère say that w|e can fîll a large order for PuUeys with gréa ter dispatch than any manufac- t^i^er in the couniry. ■\: ^NDTICElDfe^ \ a^-T* s Z3 cm: s o.â^ s / AU Priœ Idsts issued by us previous to this are hereby made NULL and YOID. Write for Discounts. We cannot agrée to keep our Customers informed of the numerous changes . that may occur in our priées, but ail orders sent to us will be filled promptly to the extent of our stock on hand, at current ratesk and the rtmainder as . soori as manufactured, at - \' • , ■ . . ■-■■ ■' .^v- . - "• "■ ■ ^ ^. Our Lowest pric«$ ^uling^ On the D*\j of ^l^ipment. ••"ALL GOODS AT RISK OF PURCHASER AFTER SHIP1IENT."««' Soliciting your commands, we are, Yours Very Truly, \ dodgeWood spLiT pJLlET co. ¥ Tiff ooooe wooo ipUT pvuev 00.: romn. .\ A.. ^^ POR ORDBRINO ÔY TBL.BORAPH Caliperio Sizb or SiiAFT, In. £ liurdctt ... Nmi Nally. Mur'an Haswell... Ncwmân .. Dennis. ... Uutler Atia lielgium.... Chiîi. ...... Oenniark... Ecypt rrance. ^... Germatiy,.. Holland.... Iieland apan Kentncky:.. Libéria Maine Nevada .... Ohio Pern Râuia..:.. Sp»ln Texas AHecany ... Baltimore .. Camden .... Détroit Erie.. Fairmount.. Galena Marrisburg.. Ithica...... Tamestown . kensington . Lancaster... Maçon uincy..... ewark.... Oneida..... Paria Réading Sàlem Tiroy-. Airiaton .... Bajr.v Colora46... Danube \... Elbe....... FIrth i 9 N DlAMBTK^. IN InCHBS. 9 Planter... 10^ Hamlet .. 1 1 ' Southern . . . 18 Fly 18 Trip 14 Hudion ... 15 Indus 16 Orton 17 Lake 18 Miami 19 Niles aO Osage . 81 Potomac... 88 Rhine 83 Morgan ... 84 Tweed .... 86 Front 86 Bass 87 Sash 28 Flake 89 Blast...... WiDTH or Face. ÎNCHIS. 8 Lead 4 GoM..... 6 Silvcr . . . .' 6 Cupper... 7 Iron 8 Vesey.... liabbit ... 10 Tin 11 Urass 18 Steel 13 Uanca 14 Krupp.... 15 Antimony 16 Platina.... 17 Stcam 18 Watcr 20 Glue..-.. 81 Turp 83 Naphtha... 28 Alcohol ... 84 Mapic. DavM. Crown Facb. STBAidirr Facb.« 80 Judd 25Wainut... 81 Jolmson 83 Salem.... 88 Missouri... 84 Fleet 85 Black .... 86 White.... 87 Rater 88 Sbine 89 Morse 40 Philion... 48 Slate 44 Lesh.....! 46 Grise 48 Bliss..^.. 60 Endiich... 68 WaUon... 64 Ward.... 66 Gore 68 Bright 60 Crocker .. 66 Calif 73 Wadhami 78Carlton... 64 Reed 90 Irvin 96.Tridle }^ Simon Sulomon CvrHER FOR Ordering Extra WoOb BUSIiINGS. For size of Sbaft, use saçne as that used for ordering FÀlleys. OUTSIDE DiAM. <>F |ti;SHING. a Ida.... 8Î< Nora... Lenuthop B^TSHINO. 6 Wheeler. 8 Hosford. 10 Fry 13 Bissell... 14 Pine.... 10 Milton.. Ctphba for Okderino PlJLLBY RaCK. Na60MAHOGANy. *-'■ ■*■ " l ' | l I L I ¥ CB>« \ îHi oooef wooo tPUT puiur oo., tohomto. $1 Ms BUidencB oî the papularity af aur U/and Bplit PuUbij, WB call aUsntion ta am Canadian indbrâBmBnts, and . ta a [bu/ ûf thB pramiuBnt and well-knawn manufactursrs u/ha are using Rice, LeèU & Son, Bruth & Co., A. MilHchamp, Sons & Co., Cobban Mfg. Co,, The Globe Frintini; Co,, W. W. l'ark & Co.. Keith & Fitzsiminont, T<»ronto SyrupCo.,' (taie Manufacturin^KTo,, Kerr & Co., Nallonal Eleclro. & Stereo. Co. l'olion Iron Works Co., Kemp Mfg. Co., George T. l'endrith, F. J. \Ve»ton & Sons, Alexander & Cable, A. K. Williams, f. W. KIlis & Co., James Robertson & Co., J. U. McKay & Co., . American Watch Case Co., W. U. Hamilton, Son & Co., Central Prison Industries, Hunter, Rose & Co., I). W. Thompson & Co., Toronto Urewing & Maltln^ Co., Cromptpn Corset Ca Troy I^undry Machine Co., Coigrave Brewing & Malting Co., Jamet Morrison, The Toronto Electric Light Co., The Barber & Ellis Co., tbBin. \ Lanidowne Piano Ce, Sryce Bros., fm. Davis & Co.. .Elliott & Co., W. H. Banfield, The Bail Electric Light Co., Firatbrook Bros., . SUndard Woolen Mills Co., Morse Soap Works, A. R. Clarke & Co., . Kilgour Broa., Wilson & Cousins, John Doty Engine Co., The Mail Printing Co., ï. & C. Gumey Co., Noah Wenger & Bro., 'oronto, OniJ •t •« •1 44 •• • 4 •• 44 ti •• iî» •1 44 li • « •• 4» •< 4« •• 4* t« 41 u • 4 •< 44 i4 . 4* t« *• 4« 4« *» 41 14 *«* *t 44 «• t« 14 *« • • *J| • t 44 «« «4 «( 44 «« 41 «Cjara M^-" •1 W ¥■ •• «* 11 44 •• 44 i< • « •1 41 •« < 44 -•• - 4. <•' • 4 44 «t 41 4k l« 44 (4 • 4 «• 44 •i 44~ *« 44 «1 44 . «4 44 Ayton, Ont. Urantford. Unt. Buckin|>ham, (^ue. Berlin, Unt.' E. & K. Schmidiin, A. llarris. Son & Co., Buckinghani PulpCo., I). Ilibner & Co., Ix>uis Breiihaupt & Co., Ta^lor & Challcn, Birmingham, Eng. Timothy Grecning & S«in, lluniloii, Ont. Danville Slate.Co., Danvillc, Oue. loyner & Elkington, Fort Qu'Appelle. .Man. Burr Bros., Geo. .SIceman, (iûclph. Ont. {. Se A. Armstrong & Cfo.. V. Bell - «4 .y Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Galt. Bell & Co, (Sait Electric Light Co., Hamilton Cottnn Co., E. & C. Gurney Cu., Ontario Cotton Mills Co., Ixitch&TumbuU. / Laidlaw Mfg. Co., {. Xingsheim, / lamilton Brush Co., ' The 1>. .Moorc Co., Burrow, Sicwart i Milne, Hart Emcrv Wheel Co., James Walface, .Starr Mfg. Co. Charles' Kreutziger, R. Forbes & Co., Hoy & Bussman, Buçlianan, M. T., Kingston Ilotiery Co , I). S. IV-rrin & Co., Wm. Hinton, West of Engl. Leather Belt.Co., London,Eng. Newman Broti., 28 A Basinghall, i^mdon, *• Lybester Cotton Mfg. Co., Merritton, (^L NIachinery Supply Ass'n, Canada Rule & lx\e\ Co., Canada Bank Note Co.. " •' R. H. Buchanan & Co., •• " Rubenstein Bros., " •• Frothingham & Workman, v " Pillow & HerseyMfg. Co., " " The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Ptterbôro, Ont. Duclos ft Payan, St. Hyacinthe, Que. Rolland Paper Co., St. Jérôme, Qu;. (. B. F. Dorion, St. Eustache, Qat. raom Bros., Hillsdale, Ont. Il.»lifax, N. S. IleidellKTg, Ont. 1 lcs|)elcr. Ont. . Hâmburg, (icrmany. Ingerwill, Ont. Kingston, Ont. London, Ont, Montréal, Montréal, Sf. Stephen, N. B. / NOTE— AH Mr Wm< tplH PMlItyt art tHfltelMtly «Iraiit far Mil atafla aN toaUa Ban», that atakiai tkaai tba ehaansl Pallay in Uia WarM. VWc laake no extra pricè for Pulley to canr Double Belti. They are ail ÀDAFrift TO ANY POWBK KBQUIUtD. •l"^ f '-**^ i* '^^tt. T^tM 4- \ THt DCmt WOOD 9PUT PULUY 00„ TOUOUm ' ■'■H»,.' [As evideikce of the gréât merlt of the DODQEK PATKHT WOOD 8FJl^ PULLEY, we publish the foUowing letter from Robert Grim> lh«iir's Expert Offiées :J BEF^IP .(aF?IMSHAW,' Engineering and Expert Offices, 420 WALNUT STREET. V » Philadklphia, 3d Mo., 26, 1883. •v DODGE MANTQ. CO., MishaWaka, Ind. r Dear Sirs :— The Pulley is panning out so well that we he gettiitg intir- fsted in if, and thihk you will too. I should Hke to work the tnatter^ more thoroughiy and make it, public, and my proposition is about as foHows : To work the tests up in a wider range of tensions, with a view oC knowing how mucA Stacker » belt ca^ be run on yoyr WOOD SPLIT PULLEY thân on an Iron one to get the* satne grip and drive. . This is what ail seem to be working at, and Is of spécial interest to ail users of machincry; as, if thèy could get the same drive outiof a 20x20 with a Wodden Pulley on, and hû Binder, as theynowcan getonly bybindingevery- thing up until the lacingâ are endangered or belt ends frayed out. The work Cu&tluded, I shalltakc pleasure in bringing your Pulley before the Franklin îostitute for notice, and wiH hâve your application put in before the " Com- millbv' of Science and the Arts " of that body for exàmination and award. In fact, I consider it a pleasure to foster any invention which my own tests hâve lihown worthy of public confidence and scientiiic endorsement. Yo}:r sarly reply will colige, Xours Tiiily," ' . ' . ' / ' IlOBERT GRIMSHAW. ■VVe will fumish a Pulley fçV any service for thiriy days free of charge, if it does not meet our guarantee, on page 9. I < L>J TM£ OOOOl WOOO 8PUT PtfUir 00., TOHOMTO. •[COPV.] ROBERT GRIMSHAW'S ENCmtERlNG AND EXPEKT (#FICES, 430 Walnut Street, Phihddphia, (th Mo., 2, 1883, j To OODGE MANUFACTURir^G CO., Mithawaka, Ind. Gkntlkmbn I— I inclose y^a report on testi of jrour Wood Split Pulley Pop|ar/«c«, wbicli I muit tày, «arpriied ui. We hâve carefully tested your Wooy the speed of the liel^| fMtper minute. '■f the tests were made with 80 inch Pulleys, and in ail cases the arc of contact was 180**^ 1 orhalf the pheriphery of the Pulley ! BMioi sorau oû-TAmB Luna ipinm. 1 ON POPLAR PI;LLEY. Tbhsiox Slack \ BomiifUM. 100 180 800 TKNsinM Taut HiDB IN LM. 020^ 888 1.188 IlOaaa PowlIKat 1,000 lt.|>or min; 18.75 ao.7 nx-nei moiu ou-tAinris minra. OM IRON fULLEY, • i *' TcNutoN Slack 8IIIB IN lM. 100 180 800 TCNSION Taitt Sioa iNias. 178K Situ? 84U lIoRsiiPowHat l,OUU it. per min. 8.28 8.88 4.44 tak'e U^y 16th. Tj)esrippingor driving qualities of the Poplar face l'uiréy are remarkablf., and I' the» liberty of dêtaining the spécimen to show at our Franklin Iniliinu Afeeting, Very truiy yours, ROBERT GRIMSHAW, Ùirector. flMBI^IGAN âOUI^NAIi OF I^AIIiWAY ^PPLIAN6BS\ BttT TKtTt.-lil. \ U I The first two articles of thii série* went to contrast the driving power of the hair aal I aides of an oil dressed beIt, on a ttuned Cast Iron Pullev, under varions dégrees' of tea> ■ion. The tame beIt »as also tried, hair aide to, on a new 86 inch Poplar faced Pulley; mad« by O^dgé BroB., Mishawaka', Ihd. ; alla as the driving power of wooden pulleys i« as a mie greatëp* than that of tfaose with iron rim, the teists were commenced with a very light tenaioa —oal« 85 Ibs., at the slack ends. The renilts were as follows : 'eilht in Lbs. on ;iac|( End'. (T*)- Wel SI Weight Needed to ^use Slip. (T>). 800>; 780 888M lOBO: 1188.7 1498 Net Grip in Lbs. (T>— T»). ^ 9\H 800 870 966.7 1248. H. P. at 1.000 ft. B^ Speed, per Miq * 8.78 7.8 80. 88.0b 96.86 ' 87 66 Wk believe thèse figures to be unparalleled in the history of bcIt tijuismission. Com- paring the grip at 100 lbs. ilack tension, with vhit at 800 Ibâ., we find it încrirased •!«— practicallyiS per I — '-•-^' =---•- • -««•• -•- • - • .- • , ' cent. ;bntcomparing the grip at 100 lbs. slack tendon with that of the aide of thê same belt on the tumed cast iron pulley, we find them as 80 to 4.S4, or pncticall* asl00ton>orab6iit6toliB£KTorof thePopkrFulley. .---^-^^^ h \SJSfi-^ "■■;-^^ - r.-. ' '"1 j i '■■:. /• • ' ) .../,' • T ;■■ 1 1 i ■"■*' tHE ÛODGt WOOÛ SPlIT PUUtY^CO., TORONTO. fî Fine ÎDbghanig says }~v He once put up a long linc qf shafting with iron pulleys which wer- madefast îc jhaf: by n-.eans of j^eys and set screws. The shaft had been put" in perfect ' Une,, pulleys ail ih perf et balance, in fact, great pains had been taken to hâve a true ruflning job ; but to his disgust, on starting up, everything seemed out of line and balance and upon investigation he found he had (not mtentionally) tightened »ip a 1 set-screws (in the pulleys^ from bne side, which had actually made a « ra nbow " of the shaft. To remedy this ( ail time bad job) he set about and gave every other puUey one half turn and made set-screws tight from ihe opposite side. This had the effect of making it a fairly décent run- ning line of shafting. ' OUR" COMPRESSION t^ASTENINO of wood on iron, with pat- ent Busliing System, effectually overcomes thèse annoyances. Sec our spécial guarantee on page U. Every puUey a SPLIT PULLEY. and in PERFECT BALANCE. ' THE MORAL of the foregoing is to cautiously avoid any pulley witfi a set screw fastening for shaft; also a key, unless the pulley is compressed on it. You will thiw do away with the nuisance of throwing youp shaft out of line and losing from 20 to 25 per cent, of your power in friction. - THE CAPABILITY OP A BELT-to transmit power is determined by the extent of its adhésion to the surface of pulleys. A BELT, after having served for a length of time and withstood more or less tension, becomes greatly impaired by stretching and narrowing. The width ofabeltdiminishes m proportion to the strain upon it. Expérience shows that oh the first day a bêlt is iised, it sufTers an elongation of one per cent. This action continues to diminish until the third day, after which the belt Works on without much change in its diinensions. To overcoroe this serioùs trouble, use the DODGE PATENT WOOD SPLIT PULLEY, on wWch you can run your belts with less tension and get samc power. y^ ^ îj^ pur fipecial guarantee, on page 9. • iirSee report Of test made by Robert Grimshaw on page 7. .C2'"See direjptioQs for ordering pulleys on page 19. * '^^ r ■ ' •■'.;" ' i '- ' ' '' «PEED oiF 8A%ys. ■ To ssçertain the ^pnr number of revo]ution!i per inin|te of any tiie nw, divide 86,000 , Iqrdiameter of the saw in inche<, thua:— 86.000 divided by 60 eqoab 600, th« nnmber of r«volutioni a 00-inch law should make. ^ To Fiua lienffth Of a Belt. f' Add th^tliameter of two puUqrt togethcr, multiply by 8j<, dWde tha inodact by «. adJ the required length. ihe centre of the «Iwii, and the pndnen^ b* I- > j I» Il I ^ — -T-t «■ •• 1 H - (•' f^ (■) •• ■ (^ ■i) ■ ' ■'-t^ E^ ' ^:*— • ^ tjj —4 K :z^ cn^ . 6— t^* \ 10 THE DODQE WOOO 8PUT PUUtY 00., TOKOMTO. ■«rriM f or ao dayt fne of chanvB n doM not m«et the warnntT. mên M low M wy ottwr food Poltoy. Tlie Dodge PatsQt MUng System ' ^ .. ' Çoiuiktor • rimpk «ethod prbuhinff pollqrs that Onef maj be atiliaed on OuA» of wioM «Kl. ThU lyitem is new ud original with os, and U patented both in tlw United Sûtes and Canada ; the patent» are owned and controUed by ns exclusive^. D«scRiPTiOM.--For ^oçk, we make ail pnllevs in size from 84 inch diameter and uimard», with *ore for 8^ inch shaft, and ail palleyt below 2^ inch in diameter for 8 inch thaft (ekceptine caies where larger bore b required). Each pnlley ii fnmi»hed j.with one wood bushibg to fit anyme of shaft wanted, thos ebablhig mannfactorer» ^to malce changes from one Ime of shaftmg to another of différent sue. and miUae pnllejrson hand; alcoenablmg dealers (oarselres as well) to fill orders promptly by simpir carrvuur m rtock a fuU asiortment of bnshings. Can make any oné pull^ fit 28 or more siié» of shaftlng. Thus, with a moderate stock ,of puUey^ can fill oïders at once and withont dday, which freqnently çosts 6 Urnes more than the pulleys themselves. This System enaUes ndraler (wth, say one twentuth of the stock of the ordinary pulleys bored to fit one siie^ sbaft} to BU more orders and'Vith greater dispatch, thereby saving a lane inrestment in mUeya andalargeamonntof'storageroom. * • » «.|n««7» I Or^otK.—Tha System is also subject to our spécial guarantee on page 0. Aj^ M«THODO»MANUFAcrnjRiso-Eachbushingis made of hardwood. thoronghiy air dried. Ihen bored and kOn dried; thus drying from buth hiside and ont. After this procès» each bush is countered-bored to exact sise ofshaft. then carefuUy tnmed fai a lathe esi«cially constructed for the purpose to fit the bore of the pulley. They are then eut transverselr in halws, making the puUey separable as heretofore. The above System is perfect and in anv case if not perfectly satisfactory they may be retumed to us at our expense. ; STOCK' PULL^EYS. Yon wiU notice with th< Dodge System of bushing pulleys to fit shafts of varions «l— that it makes the "Independence" the only puUey in the world, witk which It is practinlt» <»rry a stock of pulleys. and under thu System it makes chanms from one shaft to another. fr °lS iy fj jflfl' *** ***°'*" carefnlly the followtog pages fa this Catalogneî 8^ 7^ ) . The Dot>oE Wood Split Pulley Co. ■^.^ I!>S' iriow • and r and r for bhed arcr» itili» mpljr sue» thont le of lUejr» yair :klly lyia I aiqr liaa^ kl t» ther» Do. WE ÙODGB WOOÛ SPUT PULUY 00., TOUONTO. 11 ^05000 BqsHiNâs. 6l^IGE IXISQl OP €XQ!I^A BUSHISGS. iMffthorBnth. OnuldeDUmeter. « to 8. inch.'. ......8 inch, each, aSc. 10 to 18 inch 8 inch, each, 80c M lo 16 inch... 8 inch, ei^, 85c. 8^ inch, 80e. 8J| inch, , 85c. 8)1 inph, 40e. Cy"Subject to lame Discount as Pulleys. PBICB LIST OF I|U>N SLKEVES FOR LOOSE PULLÊTS. BORI. .— lAin. ....lA nca ov puixiT, 8 inches 8 " 8 " 8 " 4 • 4 •• 4 •• m i 4 " l\% i -.irj m ... lf| in ,. -- ifi in.......... .l/i in lA in. in. in...;.. -..lA in.... .jg ...... m. raioi. $0 75 80 W 96 go 03 1 00 1 05 I 00 1 05 1 10 rAcaovnnxBT. S inches. ...... 5 " • 6 6 « 6 8 8 8 8 ■OBI. Mi in. .8A in.. M •( M <• :}§ S:::: .IH in.... .2ft in.... .lA in.... .Iff in.... .ifl in.... raicK. .$1 25 . 1 40' 8A in... 20 85 7o 50 75 200 826 .^VAboTepricesaraforironsleeres 1 inch longer than the face of pnllex, AMD ASB NBT MOT SUBJKCT TO DISCOUNT. - ^ ' OIIPBOPER CONDITIONS IN LIKE SHAFTING. An expert itates that the loss of power due to improper conditions in the Une shafting amounts to 60 per cent of the engine power employèd, and that the defects most commonly fojind «re as follows: Shafting too light for duty, crooked shafting, hangers too far apart, hanger-bearings too short, /«/Aryx tjo heavy and not property ialanced, hangers which are not adjustable, and im- proper proportions between two pulleys connected by the same belt. Of conrse, the loss of power arising from thèse defects must be compensated for byincreasingthepower, andjl^a direct pecuniary loss is inflicted on the operatorsof the establishmen^Twhichsuch improper copditioris are found. le atte n t io n-h«^beeB paid by manufac t ur erar although ail are aware that it is the bill for fuel that absorbs so much of the profits of the business. 'àst' ^ JKëvFowp B ^PSUOJFi 1- The above"cttt shows our method of constractiiig pulleysxbove 48 i&ch dianeter; they are 70^ lighter than iron and very much stronger^xwilHtand ap under any load. All of our Wood Spli'^ PuLLBYS-«re put up with Insolublb G^b, and may be rùn with safety in very damp placesT^HScs Letter Singer Maik UFACTURING Co., Sewing MACHINES, inside Back Cover. f^^Order a Sample PuUey to replace some Iron Pnlley now givi&i trouble b/ slipping belts. * |3F~Read carerully our daims for superiority and note our priée list is }oirer thaûn moslothers pûHuîhed. I'. /■ / TESTIMONIALS. \ Mcam. LBITCH à TURNBULL, Machinlato, Hamilton, Ont., in tbeir lateit Catalogue, aay': Althoogh akeptlcal at Ont, to the.many advantasea claimed for tbia pnlley whon introdàced, w, ■ftorMpeateMr Mrt;— We bave tbia aeaaon- put in aixteen of your pnlleya, varying in dlameter from nine to ■Ixty inchee, and uaed for a varlety 6f purpoaea ; and ao f ar as we are now àble to judge, tbe result is vcry aatislacUny. The pulleys are certainly ligbt,.yet atrong; are easily put on tbe ahaft, and belts do not slip on them, nor, ao far aa we luve aeen, do they slip on tbe, ahaft. Wbere we can do ao we will ose yourpulleys la future, j/,, Yonratmly, E. BROAD A 8f>N8, Manufacturera of Axèa, Edge-Toola, Da^mera, ftc To Dodgê Wood SplU PulUt Oo. 8t. SnpuiM, H. B. Nov. l«lb, 1886. 0«Htlem«n ;— We are now convinced of the mérita of the Dodge Pulley. One allpped— w«| took it off, eleaaed the ahaft with muriatic acid, removed tbe glaze from inaide of buahing with Une ssnd papsr and damped the aurface wltb a aolution of nutgalla, then after drying thoronghly aet np tbe nnlley In ita place, aad after two daya acrewed it np again and bave had no f nrtber trouble from it. Toinbrroir wben we eee tbree or four men atruggling with the Une ahaft, taking off pulleys, lifting ehilt clea^ o( hangers and ahoYing a caat iron pnlley over th.^ end of the Staaf t, we wlll wish we had à 6pUt pulley inatead. In Oila case howerer, we had not time to order one. ^ Tours truly, VROOM BROS , Cabinet Makcra and Opholsterers. To-tfodgé Wood SpW Pull«y Co.^ Toronto. West Flambobo, Dec. 8th, ISM. Please ilnd Four Dollars in payment of acconnt. Your pulley wurlia very wellj it la very light to handle^ and eaaily put on the ahaft, and mnch cheaper than iron pulleys . Youra truly, ^ WM. CLAHK, Manufacturer of Tweeds, Flannels, and Paper Makera' Felta. To Dodge Wood SplU PulUy Co. CÙy. To^nto, Det. 8th, lto6. Dear ain:— In reply to your inqniry of the lat inat. would aay: Wo ha^e mucb pleasure in stating th% Dodge Wood Split Pulleya wbicb we bave been naing for the last eiglit or nine montlm bave, gtve&entire aatiafaction, and we can confldently recommend them tq any one contemplating iieing pnlley: Yonra (espectfully, THB B. A O. GURNKY CU., btove Manufacturing Cu To the Dèdife Wood SplU Pulley Co., Toronto. Atton, Dec. 8nd, 1886. bmir iSH«K— Your favor of tbe lat inat. Is recelved. In June we bonght the Hret pulley from yon, aad although wV^ve bonght abpnt adozen pulleys since thén we hâve bonght them ail from you. 8o you will eaaily aee^liat we think of them. Yonrs truly, 14 . WENQER & BROS., Millera, Aytun, Ont. To the Dod§t Wood B)>lUPullet Co., Toronto. ToBoirro, Dec. lOtU, 1886. Dear Sire .•— We are plefeMd to say that the Wood SpUt Pulleys we bave been naing of your niannf- , actnrefor aotue four monthsmm, hâve given ua every aatisfactioti, and wo can bear:ily recommend them for their convenience in apply^g to the shaft, and for their belt service. truly, KILGOUR BROS., Manufacturera and Ptintera. To the Dodge Wood SplU Pullep Co.,^l«WaW« St., atp. Torohto, Dec. «th, 1888. Deor <9lrt/— In reply to your favor askJhghowwellke your split pnlley, we would say: Wearevery mnch pleaaed with them. We are nsing aboutW^nty of them from 83 in. face by 48 in. diam. down to » in. diam., erery oneof whlch la givlng aatiafactiokv. We don't bave to take .down our abaf ting to change m pnlley or put on a new one. Wè are not tronbled wttti set screws breaking or sllpping; for thèse aad Tarions other leaaons we j^refer your pulley to any oth^^e Imow of . Youra truly, >. FIRSTBROOK BRO#, ToroatctPacklng Case Factory and Planing MOL 21» the Dodge Wood BptU PuOey Oc, Sr Adetaide St., W» Citv, Tobonto, Dec «th, 1888. 0«nte:—T\io Wood SpUt Pnlleya we \>nrchaaed from yon havé^ven us perfect satisfaction. Wci^ «mnch pleaanre in stating that we hâve found them to be everytUngyou claiic ed for them, and mncli\ Domibion Tia Stampiag Worka 14 . TH£ DODQE WOOD 8PUT PULLEYCO., TORONTO. r TE6^TIMONIALt.-ConWued. To tht Vodge Wood SplU PutUy Co., Toronto. Ont. \ ' Dec 4th 18W Ûear Sir, .-We «re now imIdu some flfty of your paU97«, whkh an glWng ua perfect .mùifmcàaa. and c«a««felyrecoinmetidtbemto users olpuHrys. • — , Yours trnly, 3AMÈB ROBBSTSON A CO., rmlnion Saw aad Lead Wdrka. HAMFAX.Jan.Hth, ISSU. • ..^r „.,, .-„ „ re«>iveu your circuiar tnis aay. Up to "wlthln two Vears aw' tbe writer bas been engaged in MUling and in working in and among ligbt and heavy Macbiàery, and never befoi« tbougbt of such a tbins as a split puUey; and b« wisbes to say that be belleves ^ojar puUeys to be tbe verr Iwst and mo||t complète ones placed bofore tbe public, and also thinks b» can cheerf nlly endorse ever/tbins jrou daim for tbem. KDWARp MUKBAT, oV Habt 4 Moebat To the Dodg, Wood 8plU PalUy Co., CUt. l ' ^obon^, Dec. «h, ISBS. Dear Sir» .•- Your Hplit PuUeys are apparently giving my eiwtomen very good satisfacUon.wd I am haying. a« you know a very libéral sale of thom. I bave no complaints, and tbts I takeaa a Yenr ezceUent indication In connecUon «ith any line of goods. As a raie 1 And castomera R,ady to report any imper- fections. I bave had qnite a numbet of my cnstomçrs speak in favor of your puUeys and say that ther were pleased with them. botb on acconnt of their ligbtness and the facUity wlth wbicb tbey can be ont on the shaft, and tbe excellent gripof tbe beltwhiChtbey take. Ithink It wonld b6 better for aU nartlea concernedif more of them were used. Yours truly, A. R. WILLIAMS Machinery Broker and dealer in Engine^ BoUers, Machinery and Qene^ SnppUea. To the Dodge Wood SplU PulUy Co., Toronto. Hiapniit, Dec 4th 1888 Oenllfmen.-la reply to yours of ebe Ist inst. wa wonld say: that so far we bave found yoir pulieva Tery aaUsfactory, and constder that they bave many advanUges over tbe iroa puUeys, and can beartUr recommend them. Woare Yours veiy slnceraly, B. FOBBBS & CO., Woolen MlUa, Hespeler, Ont. To the Dodge Wood SpÙt PulUy Co., 81 AdeltMe St., WtM, CUy. Tobohto, Dec. 8rd, 1888 Gentlemen. --We bave mnch pleasnre in testifying to tbe satUfaction we bave had in usine your Patent Wood Split Pnlleys; we bavea number of varions sizes in use botb in dry and damp atmosphères and aU are doing their work admirably. Yours truly, - WM. DAVIK8 * CO., Packers and Lard Reflners, Provision Merchants, 4c. To Dodge Wood SplU PulUy^Co., Toronto. Dec. lOth 1888 0«n/fcm«ii.--We bave given the Wood Split PnUey a thoTongh test in car works and we' are weU pleased with their working, and rt»n recommend them to our cnstomers and others reqniring pnUeya. Yours truly, jOHN DOTY ÉNQINB ÇO. P. W. DOTT. To the Dodge Wood )S{plU PulUy Co., Toronto. Dec. lotb lÉBS D«ir Sir» .-In replv to your Inqnlry we wish to stato that éfter havlng given annmberof yo'ur pnÛeya a fair trial, tbey bave giVen us evei^ satisfaction. We hâve no trouble whatever since placing them in onrfactory. We can recbmmend them. Yours truly. For STANDARD WOOLEN MILLS CO. \ . ' R. E. Chapimh, Sec. To the Dodge Wood SplU ^ullep Co., Toronto. Dec lOth 1888. /)«or .Sir. .-Weconsider your Wood Split PuUeys to be the best in the market to^y, 'we hare removed ail the old style iron pnlleys in our factory and are using nothing else at présent. We shall recommend them to our friendaateveiyopportnnlty. Yoiirs truly, GEO. EnWABDS, Sec. Ths Atlas Wooux Co. To the Dodge Wood SplU PuUe^Co., Toronto, Ont. Rpckwood, Dec. Mth. 18B8. ™,u !?. ■'. ^ff^S you another order, I beg to express my entlie satisfacUon with your SpUt PoUera Tbey lUl a long felt want withHhe Machinery user and MUlwright. I am driving my sunpleS high 8>18 Monltor Boller MUl hère with your pnlleys and bave ordinary cast iron pnlley on power shaft TTie belt wIU slip on iron and corne off; but on yottr pnlley It does not slip or corne off either; in short. It sticks ri(^t there. This I take to be conclusive évidence that machinery can be driven with mnch «lacke^ belta and oonsequenUy a great saving of power. W. B. BRAGGt^ MUwlght, AferRoflUKrocd, Ont \ I \ ; il \ \ THE DODQE WOOD 8PUT PUUIY 00., TOROMTO. la. «n T. un M- Dll' w. ;^i 18, ■4t;- Whj onr Patent Xndependenoe Woodrâ PiUleyi an batter thaa aoj Othar. A WOODEH PULLEY of onr make is better than an Iron one froiii the fact that it can be made lighter and thus save weight on ihe Une thaft apd bearings, thereby savino in ex- penae from a «avinffin friction. THE ADVAhTâQES of the separable polley are very apparent. By itt tue the necessity of taUng down Shafting alnadj/ up, for the purpoie of putting on additional pulleys when needed, or to bechanged, is avoided, thus saving time, trouble and expense, while their fini ooat ia muoh In» than any other putley made not having thèse advantaees. THE ADVAHTAQE OF A SPUT PULLEY Mum freoaently ten time; the cost of the Pnlleys. We iue only carcfully selected timber thoroogbly aeasoned, then kiln-dried and témpered. THE RISI is constracted by building np a séries of rings of segments being glued with imtolubU glue, nailed and doweled together. Thisringformstheceniftal'part of thepulley, and after being tumed it is eut in balves transversely. The spoke ur hub bars are fitted to- gether and band sawed. Thfse parts are secured at their ends to the ends of the ring seg> ments, by means of a dovetail. as shown in eut, the parts of the bar are so placed in the ring segments that they wiil not touch each other at the axis or hub of the wheel when the ring sarments are placed in position, thus when bolted or made fasi to the shafrls a much strônger adnesion tfaan is possible whete the area of the contact b confined to the point of aattêonw on one aido and a amall aagmant oftha hub on tha oppoalfaaiét, wiil be readily leen that onr pulley bas the most p«r^t /jutan/ng «iwr mot/*. Being made as àbove descfibed they wiil not wear ont of round, as wood does not shrink or swell perceptibly in the line of the length of the grain, it is Impoaaibla to gatout ofahapa. THESE PULLEYS AVERAQE NOT OVER 80 PER CENT, of the weight of Iron PuU^ of similar dimensions. THEY ARE TURHED over their entire surface in lathes specially constmcted for the pur» pose, and are in more perfect balance than is pouible for any Iron PuUey Tô be ^lade. AFTER REIHQ TURHED PERFEOTLY true and smooth over the whole surface, they are filled with a hafd, cilectric Aller, oil and appliedhot: The belt surface is then ^oated iVith several coats of the best shellac varnish, âna body of the pulley is painted with twocoatsof lire and w.iter-proof paint, blue-black color, completely protecting the wood when exposed to high teinperature or moisture aKsing frôm steam, or m damp localities, thii protection makes it advisable to use thèse pnlleys wherever the locality wilI admit 6f the aie<* of a leather belt. ' ' \ OOXBXHZNO XOBB ADVAXITAOES AT A UEC8S OOST THAV AVT FU1AST IN ' THB WOBXJ)'. BXST BBLT SUBFAOB, PB8T FASTBVQia, BTO. Regnlar Pnlleys are ail guaranteed strongenough for Double Belts, hence no e^tra charge for Pulleys to run Double Belts. ; HO MANUFAOTURIHQ ESTABllSHMEHT IH THE WORLD in which the fanIts,of the Pulleys heretofore in use bave not been a fruitful source of annoyanccé Thèse faults hâve beenbothof the pulleys tUémselves and in the methodofsecuring the same to the shaft. f y IH OUR PvLLEY we bave entirely overcome thèse defects and are prepared to fumwi \ parfact Pullaua In halvaa. Tp subst,antiate our statement and our assurance of this fact, \ we make the following offer and guarantaa: WE QUARAHTEE EYERY PUUEY m»dt by us shall be as rapraaantad and perfectlf ntisfactory. If found otherwise, may be returuM at our expense. ^ We also guai'antee our FùUey to transmit 36 to 60 par eant. mon pouiar with the aamrbalt than any Iron Pulley inade with like tension of belt. See page 0. \ AffY WOODEN PULLEY IS BETTER than an Iron Pulley, from the fact that it holdsabeit much better.' Most good mechanics areawareof this fàét, but it may not be generally known kcw great is tht difftrenee, and as some manufacture^ of Iron Pulleys bave the àemerity to maintain the contrary, we offer a few figures from ackhowledged authorities: ^riion of Oir^mferanoe «mbraocd by Belt. Ilel. ValM of Leatber Belt. On Wooden Pnlleys. 1.8U 2.48 8.26 On Iron Pnlleys. 1.42 1.69 2.02 Portion of Clrcnmference embmced br . Belt. .20 .80 .40 Bel. Vaine of Leatber Boit. On Wooden Pnlleys. 1.90 2.40 &80 On IiOn Palleya. Tir 1.70 2.00 dMa= .60 .70 ■«ri».— ipsBSgj S.88 7.96 2.87 8.48 B»«yiUnW g ll>;U.Ui Aru. .60 .70 ■«wwll.— ■■alum' 6.90 7.90 2.90 8.40 \ I I S X. 16 Wi PODQB WOOD 8PUT PULUY 00., TOROHTO. oaoted bjr atbc HASWELL, THE ACKIWWLEDGED AÙTHORITYkbA xaïaA American Meçhanicstsummariseï thttt: The ratio of friction to preuure for leatW belti, wlien worn ovier Woodtn PuUrys, is 47; over turned Çatt IroH PuUtyt, 34. Thu* ihowing the averaee advantageof à WoQd Pulley over Iron to be QO per ceiit THE COMPRESSION FÂSTENING,^\>.iWxtvMA with Km in Iron Center or compression alone, keeps the Pultty ahuays in bala ic* a> the comprcnion on the ihaft and keyis alwayt towards the center. 1 TlfE MOST PERFECT baUnced Iron Pnlli 7 faitened with let icrcwi or kejr, is t]rbeing.thrownfrom the center: ThU fact ia obriona to ail me- chanics. \ < WHEN THE SHAFT IS VERiY SMALL and ft larm amomt of powçr is re qnired and the area o/tur/ace in eomtact is MotsmfficitiU, we mate the pnllcy with an irom tenter to gain surface in contact and key the pulley to the shaft, and then by eqmpretsion oh the key •nd ska/t, it to not thrown out of balance as by ihe tue of sét screws and keys as commonly fitted. WE GUARANTEE THE COMPRESSION Of WOOD ON IRON tohoU stronger than-e/ee/ set tcrews in any tase, and.on shaftsabovel2J^ inches in diameter.stronger than keys as ordinarily fitted. > JT DOES AlVAY WITH TH^ANNO YANCE of taking down shafting to shifl or put on new pullns, and in fact ù a perfect pulley. ! pm^ THE METHOD OF FÀST^NING does not liiar m injure the shafting in the , slightest degree; No weokening of shafits «ts from key ways or bnrs, or f inn on kmall shaft- < \ ing, as in the use of set screws. No deloytjfrom broken set scr^s or' rusted Veys, or taking \down of. shafting to change a pulley. This «avantage alone frfquentfy savea more than ten timês the eostof a pulley. \ 1 ■ ■ " ^"r, \ THE ADVANTAGES-OF OUR MODE OF FASTEI^ING ow(* any olher are» p^FIRSTx It is the only absolutely true Fasteningfor à PmU&^ ' A Pulley once properly balanced eannot be tkrown ont of balanee in securine «^h this faitening. A pulley tastenei with key or set «crew in the ordinary way, eannot oej/trewi^-à^ithout lifting the pulley from the shaft at that point where key or set scr^i»{>l«:ed; thvs throwmg thé pulley out of balance. 1 . IT ISA MORE SECURE FASTENING than a ïet serew in any case, and more so than an Bolrt theee pnllfiyB for morè than t^vo^ks, and ihey liav" lumn put toevary klnd of flervloe, ■ud their iioiniliirlty l» wonderf iilJ! Wo r.'ffT to tl^^^)wiu(; uaere pr ogfcpf tlit< M)ove statement»: PlUabary&IIulbertElevat(>rC:ollB; U.^VIIatt & Co., Kle^atoreMp^herD Pacific Blevator Co.; ThB Pacific Elovator Co. ; Mlnneapolis Ilftfve8t«îrW'ork9; MiniK-apolia Scmîol l'iiriiitura Ci).; M. A Ht T R H.''" ; Wlllfiyd .fr, North^jày: Washhnrn, Crogbv A C». : st. Paul Blpctrli; T.lKht Co.; 9t. PftTd SUATlO A DtNNIS, MiNHEAPOUS, Mnm. 1 "^ ^v 18 THE D0D6E WOOÙ 8PUT PUUIY 00., TORONTO. lit" ad. Sd. 4th.< 5th. eth. VEEY PULLEî A SPLIT miEY.-* Comparing Prioea on Pulleya, Pleaae note Oar^ily the Followlng: Oor lut to lower than most otbers. Erery Pnlloy Is s Split Pnlley. Every Polley is gnaranteed to transmit trom 2S to 60 per cent, more power thau Irou, ' with same tension cif beit. They are 70 per cent, llghtcr than Iron Pul- leya. Seo page 91. The fattening doea nàt mar the ehaft. Can l>e naed on dUTcrent sizc» of Shaft. 7tli. 8tli. 9th. lOth. They are in Perfect Balance. ; They aro the moet thoronghly made Wood Pnlley in the world. Are thè Handsomeat Pnlley on the Shaft ever made. , No Cbancea to takc, every Pnlley gnaranteed aa repreaented or no Kale. Oraer a Sample Pttlley, aller whichyoïi wiU bave no other. Qr*All of onr Wood Split Pallcya are aafflciontly atrong for the heavieat double leather belta ^jfPleaae refer to onr spécial g uarantee, page 9, upon which cvcry PuUey is aold. lat w« claiiu i»lru«» uu-maunAieiiirer eBB-«A>rd tu iwe any uUwr Pulloy^ ^fyo Dealer can afford to carry a stock ofl>nlleyR anch as ia reqnired by any other ayatem. Aa wlth th« Buêàing System with one ticentieth the êtoek, more ordera can be fliled and with greater dia- patch, tbue a aaving or time, money aad wtc«room. -\ -V I f I f .1 ^ood ever iteed mple ther. I THi DODQE WOOD SPUT PULLEY CO., TORONTO. 19 ( f '^ QiTe diameter of Pulley. DdBQt order a certain face, but give width of beit to be used, and state whether it b to be a shifting or a non-shifting belt. " -— — Xîive exact bore, and if it is not in odd sixteenths of an inch, state it to be net. Do nOt-write 3 inches if \\% is meant,' and do not order it "full" or "scant". lUt is to be over or under^andard send a nail or a pièce of wire filed to the exact sise. One 86 in. pulley for 6 in. shifting belt, 2^ bore. One 36 in. pulley for 6 in. non-shittingbelt, ZJ in. bore, net, or say crown or straight. When ordered as above we will fui'msh for a non-shifting belt a round faced pulley from I to i of an inch wider than the belt. àr for a shifting belt a flat faced pulley from ^ to 2 of an inch wider than double the width of the belt. If instead of ordering by the belt a certain face is called for, it wiU probably necessitate cutting % wider face down to the sise ordered îi> which case the wider face will be charged for. ijtlWiy bore not in odd sixteenths bf an inch is ordered, and it is not stated to be net or for cold roUed shafting, weshall hâve to Write for further particnlars before finishing the work ' The Dodge Independenàe Wood Split Pulley is Patented— Great Britain and Canada. Patented m the United States, July4th, 1882; April 24th, 1888 and Patents Pending. -->>.- . V- \ Our Wood Split Pulleys are ail niceïy wrapped with thin lumber saWed for the pur- pose, which protects the face perfectly. We make no chargé for package unless boxed and them ire charge package at eost to as. -*-•>- KREIGHTS^ -<- We alwaysydoàtract for lowest rate possible, and you will notice the weights on page 24. Iii shippin^ by expresk the expressage is less than one half that on any other pulley, freight likranac'as weights average 70% less than Iron. . -' * . ' THE DODGE-WOQD^PLIT PTJT , T , FY CO . As rdia- TORONTO, ONT. V' A 30 T.'ti DODQE WOOD snÏÏ PULLEY 00., TORONTO. ^ PRICE LIS'Ï - .' OFOUI( Patgnt 'ÎWedge" Bplit Pulley? PATCNTCD OCTÔBCR 22ND. 1890 The Most Pereegt Smrll Split Pulley Made DIAM. "°» PRIOB DIAM. FAOB PRIOB DIAM. fAOB . PRIOB INOHBS imHK" INOHBS INOHBS IN0HB9 5 INOHBS »' 2 2 (K) 4 2 2 00^ 2 2 10 3 2 20 8 2 26 a . 285 '4 a 40 1 4 2 50 ■- 4 2 65 5 2 60 5 ,• 2 76 ' 5 3 00 - ■ « 1 -2 80 6. " a 00 . ''k • - 6 " 3 26 .7 . a 00 7 [ 3 25J r. .. ■ 7 3 60 ^ , 8 25 8 f.. 3. 60-*^ ' 8 8 85 ■!>, 3 30 « 3 «0 '; 9' 4 15 » • 10> f ^8 76 10 • 4 25 10 . 4 40 11 "4 00 ^ ' 11 4 50 ■ i ■'! 4 70 / 1-2 4 3A 12 4 80 •- 12 6 10 . 13 ■4 70 13 • .>io ■ 13 5 50 U\ 5 00 14 5 60 j 14 6 OÔ t--: - i i « 2 « 20" 7 2 2 80 « 2 2 40 ;. » *2«"60 8' 2 60 '3 ' ''yÉLi . 4 2 a*) 4 29Ô,| k 4 '^^H '■'( *.,, S 3 20 . 5 3 30 5 w^m ••«. .3 55 (> 3 70 6 Twr^ y 7 v 3 80 . 7 4 20 7 4 40 •" •'g . "vW|i2B> '■ 8 4 70 ' 8 4 95 !l 'r «^ , i 9 5>25 9 5 50 10 11 'm fâ k; 5 75 . "î* 6 26 10 " 11 « ÔO 6 60 12 13 ^W- 13 % r 7 20 12 18 7 26 7 75 14 'i W 14 7 75 „ 14 8 80 AboveiiuUors are ail bored 2 7-lG incheH for stock, erceptinK 3 In. pnlleys, which hâve 2 in. , bore. Theso pulleys can ba fuminhed for any iii«> shaft np to withtai one Incbof tbe Dianieter ot HuU e y . a nd ca n bc m ed withour p at on t-buthi nnay a tcm . t'v Follow oloaely Instructions ppintod on eaqh pulley in adjusting tbom to sbafting. SUBJECT TO USUAL DISCOUNTS t ]» 01 15 i5. !5 a A '^ \ THf OOOei WOOO SPtJf PULUYWu TO»OfltOé •il or :ÔPGE WœD S'PLIT PULLEY CO. iwiif PricM wUl be Ibud low«r thaa say othMr piUlahed. Lerot 11 12 ,,«*' 18 H 6 7 8 9 10 8 4 S e 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 4 ,2 70 285 8 10 886 8 53 8 70 8 90 4 10 2 80 2 96 820 8 05 8 70 '8 86 406 480 4 70 ff 10 2 90 8 10 8 40 8 76 00 25 68 80 20 60 800 880 14 15 16 IT si 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 U 8 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 18 14 4 F 6 7 8 9 K 12 18 14 16 8 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 18 14 -$4 4 4 5 6 6 10 40 70 02 86 68 00 6 80 6 60 8 10 8 45 8 85 85 75 10 48 85 18 50 880 880 850 885 426 485 86 S86 680 «fO 7 10 760 788 826 il 19 80 Si 8 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 4 6 6 7 8 9 10^ 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 10 16 17 18 r |8 70„ 400 4 06 10 060 620 665 7 10 765 800 860 900 980 10 70 11 75 18 00 4 25 4 80, 6 50 6 13 6 75 ■ 7 16 750 8 05 860 20 9 80 10 70 11 70 12 75 13 80 446 620 600 660 7 15 760 800 8 75 9 60 10 26 11 00 11 80 12 60 18 60 14 70 21 "►H I 4 . .7 8 10 11 Vi 18 14 15 16 17 18 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 18 14 15 10 17 18 «4 70 K60 640 69!r 760 8 10 860 • 05 »40 1180 18 00 12 83 13 70 14 70 15 80 49S '6 90 6 85 745 8 00 8 70 9 40 10 80 11 20 12 10 13 00 13 60 14 20 15 60 17 00 020 6 10 7 00- 7 70 840 920 990 11 00 12 OC 18 00 14 00 10 10 16 20 17 00 18 00 I PAO! lO FOM ORDVIIINO. |9^H0TB OUB LI8T OF PUCES IS FOM>LI. SPLR PULLEY8. ■>• 3 A î^ î^ ■,y .. s» 22 e 24 fil >^ 2» 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 4 5. ft 7 8. a 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 8 $5 40 685 780 805 8 80 965 10 45 11 65 12 70 13 90 15 10 16 80 17 60 18 75 20 00 28 60 30 {0 8;i60 85 00 37 50 41 00 680 • 6 65 760 8 40 920 985 10 90 12 15 13 40 14 80 16 26 '17 70 19 10 20 65 22 00 80 00 82 00 84 00 86 60 80 90 42 60 -v.i,', imO 6PUT PUUiY 00.; TOHOMTO. »86 700 7 95 8 80 - 960 10 05 11 40 12 80 14 20 16 85 17 60 19 15 90 80 83 46 24 10 81 60 ■«8-M- ci 27 M^ 29 24 25 4 6 6 * 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 26 ■t 6 7 8 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 =vr u $86 60 87 60 40 00 48 60 678 740 8 27 9 la 9 95 10 68 11 75 18 26 14 72 16 47 18 25 20 17 21 90 23 70 25 50 32 25 84 25 36 25 38 25 40 75 44 00 720 780 860 945 10 80 11 20 12 10 18 70 16 26 17 10 19 00 21 00 > 23 00 24 05 26 90 88 00 86 00 87 00 89 00 41 50 44 60 760 8 20 900 9 95 10 90 11 80 12 67 14 20 15 87 17 92 20 00 u Qa 81 82 si * a 16 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 26 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 25 4 6 6 7 8 JL 8 «a 04 $24 20 26 82 28 45 83 76 85 62 37 62 39 62 41 87 46 00 800 8 60 '9 4ii 10 45 U 60 12 40 18 2.') 14 90 16 60 18 75 21 00 ■ 23 20 25 40 27 70 80 00 84 50 86 25 88 25 40 25 42 25 45 60 840 900 985 11 02 12 20 18 17 14 18 16 68 17 20 19 62 21 87 24 22 26 67 28 85 81 12 8% 87 87 25 89 26 41 25 43 25 46 00 880 040 10 80 11 60 12 90 Mja ÛS - Il 84 ir 13 18 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 24 26 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 26 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 33 Sa 34 $16 46 17 00 30 80 32 7S 25 35 87 75 80 00 83 85 86 35 88 35 40 8S 42 26 44 26 46 60 980 995 10 00 12 80 18 70 14 86 -16 00 17 47 18 95 21 45 28 63 26 26 28 87 81 13 33 87 87 00 89 60 41*60 43 60 45 50 47 75 960 10 60 11 60 18 00 14 50 15 75 17 00 18 60 20 00 22 50 24 60 87 25 80 00 82 25 84 50 88 75 40^6 42 75 44 7-^ 46 75 10 00 TT 9*Al«o «lotlœ we do f6r Double Boit Puilc^o. ■nri TFW not moko any ADVANOB on ourttandarA Liât ». "> W£ ÛODOE WOOO 8PUTPULLEY CO., TOftONTO. et a L/ \. 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 $10 10 11 20 12 25 18 75 15 25 M65 18 05 10 62 21 25 23 60 2-i50 28 85 81 20 88 47 85 75 40 12 42 12 44 12 46 12 48 12 51 00 40 it ht a 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 u $54 00 58 00 16 00 17 50 19 00 20 75 22 50 24 65 26 75 28 85 81 00 88 65 86 25 88 85 41 50 48 00 50 60 52 50 55 00 58 00 68 00 17 50 10 60 21 60 23 25 25 00 27 00 20 00 •81 25 33 50 86 00. 88 50 41 10 43 75 51 00 53 60 56 00 69 00 68 00 68 00 19 60 21 65 28 75 25 Oi 27 60 29 50 81 60 88 75 86 00 88 40 40 75 43 85 46 00 54 00 44 46 48 50 .§•1 23 24 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 25 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 -80- I $63 00 67 00 73 00 22 00 21 00 26 00 28 00 80 00 81 75 33 50 86 00 88 5a 40 75 43 00 45 50 48 00 58 00 61 00 64 00 68 00 TiOO 78 00 24 50 26 25 28 00 30 50 3j 50 84 25 86 00 38 50 41 00 43 00 45 00 47 50 60 00 00 75 71 50 76 00 80 00 84 00 81 50 88 50 85 60 87 25 89 00 41 50 44-00 47(10 50 00 68 00 66 00 t .s-g aj5 50 64 66 bt s 24 25 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 80 24 8 9 10 11 18 18 14 15 16 17 18 80 21 28 88 -84- 23 .a $79 50 Si 50 90 00 84 00 36 00 88 00 40 00 4-3 00 44 00 40 00 40 50 52 50 56 50 60 00 68 00 72 50 77 00 81 50 86 25 93 00 37 50 3» 25 41 00 43 00 45 00 47 25 49 50 62 60 65 50 60 00 64 50 73 60 78 25 83 00 87 75 92 50 98 00 40 50 42 60 44 50 46 50 48 50 51 00 53 50 56 75 60 00 63 75 69 60 84 00 88 50 93 25 98 00 108 50 WW 59 00 88 -m 74 80 8S 106 00 -SIC PAO! 19 FOR OKDIIIIIIO. Set page 80 for Pullejr Spetods. A'- ' ^f^^i^s^sf^ # 14 THE DODOE WOOD 8PUT PUUEY 00., TORONTO. 60 86 i '*i- 24 $48 60 46 00 47 60 60 00 62 25 65 00 67 76 61 00 64 25 68 60 78 75 87 50 90 60 «5 25 100 00 104 50 110 00 47 00 49 25 61 60 68 75 66 00 69 00 62 00 65 25 68 60 78 26 78 00 91 00 96 00 101 00 106 00 111 00 116 00 67 00 60 00 68 60 67 60 71 50 76 60 80 00 84 SO 89 00 108 00 109 00 116 00 122 60 180 00 187 60 72 78 84 28 $64 00 67 60 71 60 76 60 80 00 86 00 00 00 96 00 100 00 116 00 127 00 181 00 186 00 146 00 156 00 95 00 99 00 104 00 109 00 114 00 119 00 124 00 184 00 140 00 146 00 166 00 168 00 180 00 110 00 114 00 119 00 124 00 129 00 184 00 189 00 164 00 162 00 170 00 181 00 198 00 205 00 96 24 $126 00 120 00 184 00 189 00 144 00 149 00 154 00 174 00 183 00 192 00 204 00 217 00 280 00 12 140 00 18 145 00 14 160 00 15 156 00 16 160 00 17 166 00 18 170 00 20 192 00 21 202 00 22 212 00 28 224 00 24 237 00 25 250 00 180 00 140 00 150,00 160 00 171 00 192 00 218 00 288 00 266 00 279 00 808 00 824 00 847 00 870 00 804 00 417 00 440 00 468 OOi 486 00 106 114 $144 00 164 00 166 00 176 00 187 00 200 00 282 00 266 00 280 00 804 00 «NkOO 868^ 877 00 402 00 427 00 461 00 476 00 600 OO 626 00 16940 170 00 182 00 198 00 206 00 228 00 262 00 277 00. 308 00 829 00 856 00 882 00 408 00 «ai 00 462 00 488 00 616 00 641 00 668 00 172 00 184 00 106 00 206 00 221 00 246 00 27100 298 00 826 00 868 00 882 00 410 00 489 00 467 00 496 00 J94 00 652 00 681 00 609 00 . „- r i:-J^ *^"'y •*•"* yontrpubh by allpping bett m wltkfai tt« Itelto «r Mt itMi (ta* MfMlty «T ikafl. Û t. I THE DOÙQB WOOD 8PUT PUUIY 00., TORONTO. 25 ►AYKRAŒE WKIQEHTS OF TEK* -^odge Patent Wood Split PuIIeys The welghts of our PuUeys range aboùt as followst ■M^ >f ' i c •• i 1 1 § i § § i • 8 « In i l i » 1 ^ Q fa ^ a fa ^ Q fa ^ 5 fa s ^ 12 8 7 24 4 19 40 6 59 ' »;■ 4 8 6 27 8 67 42 8 68 - 5 9 . 8 86 10 71 7 18 12 • 94 8 U lU 44 44 18 117 12 19 li 64 14 8 4 6 9 10 8 10 18 17 22 26 6 9 13 14 86 40 55 60 46 48 7 ^ 10 12 , 8 6 63 78 97 71 72 15 4 6 6 8 11 13 15 17 28 5 6 8 10 12 25 84 48 50 67 8 10 12 14 .18 94 109 178 185 205 ■- • 16 4 6 6 9 12 14 18 28 80 4 5 6 8 9 28 89 88 44 50 62 10 12 18 20 118 152 198 251 _•■ 1 10 58 18 4 n 6 9 14 17 19 2S 82 6 8 10 12 42 61 64 71 64 10 12 16 18 21 m 189 l«7 278 805 ' \ 80 8 4 6 8 10 12 U 18 21 28 85 41 84 86 6 8 10 18 6 46 68 69 78 42 60 10 12 18 24 147 157 290 854 IS 4 6 « 8 11 17 81 84 28 44 8 IC 12 18 60 71 88 101 72 10 12 16 18 206 271 888 854 88, 6 44 1 rem any diameter up we iricraMe size by any part of an inch in liiameter o» width of face and make any tize up to ao féal diaMater. ; iiSiwiiMil 'mmmtfÊém M ne Mai woeo anir puiur m., nmwni, mRD OF HERIT ARD CERTIFICATE OF SRPERIORITY. Hall ot th. Franklin Institto, Philamlphia,/««m„ » is» PuUeys. cernncate of ment for the improvements in Wooden (Signed,) Adopted Febhiary 5, 1885. (Signed,) . . I certify that the above is ^ a true copy from the records. [SEAL.J W. BARNET LE VAN, CAairm^ C. CHABOT. ^^^ H. R. HEYL, Chairmam, WILLIAM H. WAHL, Secretary. GOLD MÈDAL.= THE 0006E PATBIT 'IHOEPEIDEICF WOOD SPLIT PULLEY R^°5'Y" ; " "'" "^y ***"■'• « jOLD MEDAU .T TH. W..U., y PRACTICAL COMMITTCK. AN» E. ,1885. ititùted eferrçd with idfind rs,wiU lan aa weight PuUey, y.thi» injure m the Htet opIarX The y air- exact iûlcy. !com> Kxlen tHom. y LEY IU>'« 7//£ /)0M£ (fOiM) »/>t/r PULLiy CO., TORONTO. «7 The followlns are Lettere of Endoreation from a few of the Reo^BantativA Induatriea of the Dominion, and epeak fw thimeeîve^ •■m «r A. ■▲■BIS. gOH A ce., 1.IMUM. I«k*r.8.Tl.. M.r«eMl.c ■•rkl.rry. r*« A>d0e ITood «Mit PMtv Co., Toronto. Ont. »'""'«»''»• «nt., Uarch 2l8t. iAl ) over and '^Wë^^^Mmm any trouble thereafter. conldexpectofft. 'fhi^ S » «» ™.'iii» — r J; J^ £. "V "" mo anaii, uie7 wiii never slip nor give WeMef?o5re7™lï!^^*^ ^" ''*" '"** October la doing allwe BjtF.Grobb, Supt. We are, youra trnijr. A. HARRIS. SON Se CO., Limited. ■BAMTVeKB CAUIA«B C#. Mevrs. Dodge Wood SplU PuUey Co . Toronto, o^^^""»^' «nt.. February Mth. 1801. wtwi^hy'S'u^'^rfBSJc^eÏÏ"'' '" "««"'»•»«» ^»'|^„ÎS p^»« ''•"ting good JrÇïc'K";^^^^^^^^ TÔE BRANTFORD CARRIAGE CO. «■•MB enuB». «M«teet.>«r .r wtnu |v^«ei.. cupii. en» iu.« b.iu. gtev.< gk«n my Boit an For Ughtness, convenience and gênerai utiiity, I do not thlntthey can be 8«rpa««ed. „_. , Yours troly. ' "" "" ■"'-»»-««• (Sgd.) GEO. OILLIES, Manufacturer àt Carriage Forgings, Boita, Nuta, etc. ^" ^^?S^ ^'^ ^« '^^y C*»' »••«»»'•• ChaSab. ont . Febroaï IMI Hniif SSiL^'^StY* ••"** ^*îy •"5*:'' Ploasure in teatifying to the mérite ofyourP«™t Wood SPiï ^'i*ïï- ^* ï.»^« * number of them in uae throughont our factorë. and in evenr ?nrt.ïïS & «^i^rr •"*'" «"rf-ction. We conld heartSI recommend tSlmto thSw'g, m'cSTS sncnanarucle. Yours truly, WM. ORAY & SONST m^ w?*^** Jï?""* * ■•"• *•■■«■««««" «ff «alla, BfeM Haila, TacÉa, BiMa. cfe The Dodoe Wood 8Mt PuUtv Co., Toronto. St Joui» nu ir«i»nT^i;>. <«.. ''^•LSF.****S? *" «««•ohinery, wlthout the neceaaitylor taktag do^ thS aWi^» iÎS,t «^ rrtle, aa they can be put on in hàlvea and QuickV ftwteneS, caudnS no deiaf and ^itwS «»• We romain, dear dra, youra tmly, S. R. FOSTER & SON sadmirable. The _., Db. yeara, ha ___ ancceas. Y^o «MU nu MAnDrACTirBIMe ioe., ■■■ arniea •■« BM*a. 1S S^^^±f:iIfï£.'LtZ'!r^:. — .^"T."°'•JL?'•^• February isth. 1891 8,H8._rn«plvlir;oVri'liçtr«y.thatVe"ha"7S^r«'^^^^^^^ itneaa. « «-^ »r ^ ^ r^»»* "■«'•■•'y. «w weiii.,.». aM! , ■"•• ■■* ne Dodge Wood apUt PiOUy Co., Toronto. Ottawa Mar«h mrd looi tut &2r^^n'S^§:?^^^^^ . . niB CAHABlklkBAllB BBIKI. COVrART. '^*^^' ''^<^^- •"»• AN» CANADIAN RAND DRILL ÎJOMtÂNY. W. ■AI.I-eCB A ce., nieblalatai Mualtictiii UérmUmwtmm i«n««. .) F. A. Halsbt, Mgr. and Trean. •r Blcvalara, etc. WM. HALLOCH fr CO. # ? \ ? THE DOÙBE WOOD 8PLIT PULUY 00., TOttÙNTO. A r*e Dodgt Wood SMt PuUew C«.. Toronto. itouwO»i vS^mi. ,!S: ^^ OSNTLuiBNc-We hâve much pleasure in tettUrinir to th.ÏÏH.VJÎ.vS^^Ji?'*- *l*''iî**-, Tom Patent Spllt WUeyB. We eonA^tSitt^yblyemJ^v^^^^2^Z^!'J'',^'^ *» ?,•*« and can truthfally recoloimend them aS thS biit l7thê mSkSt^ RSp^thTnJ^tiiiïr '•"""^• ^ D. HIBNBR ft CO. DodoeWood Spltt Puttev C:, Toronto, Ont. Mont" rÂl jSn!^^H laot MILLER BRdS. & TOMS. (Sgd.) J. D. MiuasB. THB SHAMTC BVrrax ■•«>. C*.,aaiianirtarenarftattaB> ^*' ^?*:f. iî:^ «Sî".^!?"*».?;».. Toroia^.Ont. _ Bkbl.n. Ont.. Febn»,^ 23rd. 18W. «|«MB CItf CalTa TA« JDodflre Wood Dbar SlRg,— . highly pleased with . with vmch they oan . labor to us during our .» .M»»/. uOTiuea, inoy are cneaper, « [•ottaer, wherever it is pracUoable to nae them. ^^tHB SHANTZ BUTTON MPG. CO., Berito. L^n'iSin^'î^^rVe Wood SpluWe'yTo/sl^'eïlî^y^ iSS are BmovalJ» our new factoriea at Mimido. ^uji^ly * CHC T&OMAs'jlIlcijDONALD ft; CO. «CK^RNM »ASB «'■AKBWAKB C*. T)ke Dodae Wood SplU p\uie„ Co., Toronto, Onf.^' °^™*«™«. <>•". February 24th, isBl. Wood^^'^t-SeT^^ttaV^^^^^^^^^^^ the '^h^ M e are, youre. MoKINNON DA8H & BaROWARE CO. (Sgd.) Geo. J. armstbono. Local Manager. Barita TaMiÉerr, K. LAN6 A g«ir, BancM K«alh«r TaHHCM. / Dodte Wood SUaU PiMey Ôo., Toronto. Bbrun Ont FehrnTnr inth i«i reoli^S'ïïrortM-^SiS^Î^ ?^^^^^ thb ont we bave no use (or ^them. Yoni s truly, *^ " *""'* ^i la^^SON iVFACTVBIMC «•„ Car. C«rrar« aad Blvcr 81a. / IdvMtoM'ihSî'.SiS^*'*''» '•■*" "»• ortinwy Caat-Iron Pnllef , BBVPNA Dodge Wood SplU PulUg Okntuehbn,— R^Kud. in 119e for geveral years, and They. are mach more and b^rfiîghter are a «n^Wîtlâdvâatagrin'tlitrrap^ We naTe no désire to—'"^-"^"-^ ■ - '^^-- C*CK«BIITT ri.«W Mutn, Dodge Wood SpUt ^ Okntlbmkn,— In regard proving most aatistactory and KEMP MANUFACTURINO CO. (Sgd.) A. E. Kemp >« , Maaatectaren af BMlag mmM Walkîîic^iawa. »«e»Co..JV»roiihifted, put on or taken off witbout dlîtSbi. we were going to bnUd another fadtory we wonld use nothingfut the WoodSi^ TPnàën."''' " shape of a testimonial if yon wiah. it tbose are Ideaa and you oan sbape ttom to «uU^oSSilTeï . « ' \ Yonr^etc, B. B. TBB WII.ëlNMliri.«D«B c*.. Ulalted. nearly a huidredof your polleys. and iWr opfnion they an» taitér than in^^XoSÎ ' •"" *" might^^'S^TtaS^U^/âS^-n'oTSl^^ ibMth,18in. _,pUt Pulleyafor mtty are ohe&per. '--the ■ / M,Bte. IWl. Innsing pnlleys, ft CO. 891. stantly >7 hâve [lUJER. B81. le IA>ii rithout ve oan notice. Berlin. m. ad are acility ■e and &C0. Bl. bqdge nager. M. t/ear Inom SON. H. thedi ullef, illy. :eiip 1. yare ar to Près. ■ for «. If koa. itin 9. a liaTe itio Iwe / h«a= «•r |r//£ DODQi WOOD 8PLIT PULLEY CO., TORONTO. 1- — : -^— ^^^— 29 A F^jpTHER LIST OF OUR QANADIAN PATROI ^^^ X_i X S T\^^^ Bea^ore & Ço' Acton, Ont. W. H. »tory & Son " WfUker «cCo. . . . i. Alltaton, Ont Almonte Knittinà Co. Almonte. Ont. Dontignejr & Huibton Amprior.Ont. À?î!ïï?r. S»?«»»n8Co; Ayïmer, Ont. David Qp dis... n.., f.Ayr Ont. RhodM. Curry «rf Co. Amherst, N.S. Geo. Bail.... ...7... Barrle.Ont Jamen Wallace . ' Belleville, Ont. J. Y. SphanlB &r80n Berlin! Ont. Dominion Oniaii& PianoCo. BowinanTille, Ont. BranUord Carrlkge Co Brantford Ont. Brantford Cordage Co i' H. W. Petrie.Tr. *' S^lrk & SniderJ Bridgeport, Ont. W.R. Gardnerl.. ...Brock ville, Ont. r?^5?^ ^""!5?"i;:.-. Chatham. Ont. a 1 "^ ÎS^IS" **•"* Cobourg, Ont. ^l?' "u^**? ; • • ^ • • • • Consooon, Ont h22S{?**^ Jf î*?*"fiP">A CoatJoook.Ont StM^opt Cotràn Hfg. Co.. ComwaU, Ont lW«athbunOo.. Deseronto, Ont sw^'AT*Sîi^ ^"2.. i Dundas, Ont. Sw'*?,^?"'ffi*''9; Elora Ont S!S**i,.SS"*ï® "'«• ^ Essex Centre, Ont RoM&Taylpn. Exeter Ont McOreaw. Oojrlay & Co. Qalt Ont James Wamoelc ^ .. ' .. l4^.u^'^^^?J*>i: V. Georgetown, Ont Si*tt*iAi"''t';, ''•en Williams. Ont. OoderichOrgahCo. Goderich,Ont S'itJ^ïïfll?- • • V^- Guelph, Ont Wood, ^^fanf» &; Co •• •« ' TOe R. ForiMsGo Hespeler. Ont. gmraouthRûneWorltCo aSlfax N?8 MaodonaldftÇo. •• Ktogrton KlectrlcLIght Co Kingston, Ont wS S^i*iP2; X • U«towel, Ont SL"ïeS?£'S5iSs°".v.v....;. i^^o^-ont n!5»î2l''l***^?*i"S*?*V,- Merritton, Ont Srnî*"''.^- SKS"^ Note Co Mohireal. Que. Miller Broa. te Toma " •• T.W.New The Wm. Jolittson Co . " •• S5*«'g?'£"'*l K*"'»»/ Co- Moncton. N.B. î''ftr^i.9^*%?*'»" ¥**■ Co..Newmarket, Ont i'i • *J B|Mmond8on Oabawa, Ont i^^-J^*^^'^' ' Ottawa, Ont J.R.Qoain •< •• Sïte «îr** ^ïïX." Ç." • ■0''«>» Sound, Ont j!^SZ^.f^.?^:::::: *^•^'• ^terRamlIioB Peterboro, Ont **. H. Law " •• Wm.8teyeMpn , Petrolia,'Ont /onathMiMUs.. Piort Dover. Ont AiJïlîS9"Î5.*?."*- :Port Hope. Ont Qlobe File- JW g.C o ■ ■ .... ■■ «■ "g^p^y? * aa i oe iF nrii t t n rw c o ., fn w ru n. O Bt F. H. Andrews ft Son. Québec, Que. W. B, «. F. Pattersoh\& Woodburn - Ontario Boit Cuinberland . Canadian Kdii AleyandorWc Shanghai Arseï JohnHeard& J. R. Wisslèr. . . X. Brqad Su Soni Rockwood, Ont. /O 8t Hyacinthe, Que. Jin...... St Catharines, Ont ivWheelCo. " , " „ Swansea, Ont. «i ^S?' ^^" SpringHeld, N.S. Mfg. Co. . . .Sherbrooke. Que. • i- ' Sydney, Australia. 4 Shanghai, China. 1 St Trimnas, Ont Salem, OntJkf — . —.j»... «V uvuD..>. .ssi, oiephen, N.B.^^" ?]^^'^»*.H-: 8««for.h'.gnt: I Co f' ,StJohn8,'Qiie. " - ■ 8. N.B. Zr. St. Johns, S^i W^en C&... Simcoe^ Ont Bowman «cZinkah Southampton, Ont iLTd^aSS»!^-^^ .Stree'S^i^lBS^ T. MoAvity & Sont Geo. H. Evans S. R. Fo8ter:fcSon, Josiah Fowlér |. •■ •• James Jones & Son ......Thorold Ont ÇajB. Luml^'rCutting Machine Co. Tronton.Ont i^" 4*fU:;- -Y Toronto. Ont. Adamant Mfg. Co. j J '• •• American Rattan Ca " ' " Acme Sllver Co ....;... " " Alkenhead&Crombie.. ;...!.!!!! •' " AllebMfg. Co <... " " * J. R. Armstrong & Co " •• A..ABartheline«i&'Co " " 'Bertram & Co " » Chas. Boeckhft Sons...! •' " Booth&Son.i " " Brpwn & Love " •• Canadil>Printtng Ink Co " " Chriatie. Brown & Co " " Citizens' Milling Co John Fletoher " " Gendron Mfg. Co )'.'."" •• " Outte Percha Rubber Mfg. Co.'... , " KennedvftCa. " •' A. Laldiaw&Co.. •• " MasseyMfg.Cp " ■• A. Newell & Co •• •< A. G. Peuchen. & Ca " •• Rennis Mfg. Cô. " " - Taylor, Scott ft Co " '• Toronto Incan. Electric LightCo. " " Toronto Hardware Mfg. Ca " •• T. Tnshingham & Son " " TarboxBros..... " •• G. Unser ..,...* " " S. R. Warren &'Son " " JamesHayfcCo Woodstock. Ont R; Mulr & Ço. Winnipeg, Man. Wilklnson Plow Co. . West Toronto Junc. Ont HeintsroanftCo " •• " " Wagner, ZelfilerAcCo. " " " " J. P. Wagner 4c Co.. " "' " " Milton iQg. Co.> Yarmonth.N.a Y armonth, Dnelt TUE oooae wood sput puuiy oo., Tononfo. BUV^E FOR CAIiCULATINO THE SPEEDS AND THE DIÀMETEK8 OF A PAIR OF PUIXEYS. . Mnltiply the nnmber of révolutions of one palley by its diameter, anj divkle tlie pn>- dnct by tjhe diameter of the other puUey, thé quotient wiU be. the nnmber of revolatioaa of the latte^; or, divide hy its number of révolutions, vi the quotient will be its diameter. —S — — EXAMPLES. «<*- A 80 inch pjalley making 180 révolutions p^r minute, drives a conntershaft with a 19 inch pulley. • Wnat is the speed of the latter ? 180x804^-12— 450 révolutions per minute. i , A conntenhaft is tp make 450 révolutions per minute^ driv«h by a 80 inch pulley makbe 180 révolutions p«r minute. What will be the diameter of counter>shaft pulley? 180X8Ç4-460— 12 inches. • What wiU be the diameter of a pulley making 180 révolutions per minute, to drive a 12 ipch pulley 450 per minute? s 450 X 124-180=80 inch pulley. In calculating touthed geats, substititte th« nnmbers of teeth for the diameters, aad proceed as above. HOBiSE-POWEB OF AN ENGINE. The diameter of piston in inches, multiplied by itself, multiplied by the stroke in inches, multiplied by the révolutions per minute (not the strokes), multiplied by the mean effective (average pressure per square inch on piston), multiplied by .00000897, gives the gross or indicated horse-power. For the nett effective horse-power, dednct from the above about % for friction of the working parts. The mean effective pressure can be. accurately determined only by the aid of anrin- dicator. When the indicator°is not used, and in the calculation the lioiler pressure is sub- stituted foruhe mean effective pressure, deduct from the resuit obtained, from 40 to 60 per cent for luss by condensation and friction of steàm in pipes and passages, decrease of pres- sure in cylinder due to expansion, back pressure ofexhaust, and friction of the working parts. For ^jjincs from 20 to 60 horse-power, an average of 50 per cent, may be deducted; for smaller .«laines, more. The'mean pressure in the cylinder when cutting off at % stroke equals boiler pressure multiplied by 597 ' ,.'• .670 - /■ \- ■ .' K •• • .987 ^ « •< .. ^ <• .966 .992 TO CAIiCULATE THE DBIVINO POWEB OF BELTS. Divide tiie speed in feçt per minute by 750 ; the product will be the horse power a 1 inch nngle belt wiil transmit when in good condition and properly applied. A 2 inch belt will transmit twice a^ much as one inch, and \ as much as a one inch in addition. A 8 inch belt \ more than a 2 inch, and j; as much as a two inch in addition. A 4 inch l>elt' \ more than a threij inch, and ^ as much as a three inch in addition, and so on. As double oelts can be strained more tightly than single, they will transmit about | more than the latter. ' The folio wing is a simplerrule and gives the same resuit as the foregoing. RuLE. — Diameter of pulley in inches X révolutions per minute X constant tablei^Horse power of sinele belt. ^ For double beltsmultiply the resuit by \\. Example. — ^^What is tne horse power of a 8 inch single belt nmnii^g on a 24 inch polley •t 100 révolutions per minute. 24 X 100 X .00119 = 2.85 horse-power. V from f: =TABLE OF C50NSTANTS.= THE DOÛQE WO^D $PUT PUIUY 00., TOKONTO. 81 pn>* uof a 19 olley ve a aad ein lean [ton : the irin- sub- iper pres- arts. sted; inch wiU elti an a ut| Prom illey ( w«Mit«r haUtetaUb 12 18 24 80 87 46 65 80 08 130 142 170 200 230 271 MnlB Bwrw by Inr ■•■• 640 780 1.000 1.280 l.n62 2,260 8,062 4,000 R.OOO 6,260 7.500 0.000 10.600 12 250/ 14,00» Weight and Çtr'ength of Manilla Cordage. IkMbia SOifeet. 881 •• --M5Î 201 17 18 ?! 6 6 4 S 8- 2 2 4 in. 8 " 6 •• «« «« 8 « 6 •• (*' 7 " 8 '« in.' « i< .«« i< << Wtlikt «r Mnla Um * „„. , 810 846 890 485 480 681 678 797 920 1.106 1266 1,420 1,678 1,760 1,951 16,000 18,062 20,260 22.500 25.000 80 250 86,000 43,250 49.000 56,2ôO 64 000 72,250 81,000 90,250 100,000 1 ft. 11 in. • 8 ' • 6 • 5 ' • 8 ' * I » ' m' 5 ' AH' 4 ' «M* SETTING 4 BELT ON QUARTER-TWIST. Every machinist knows that an ordinaiy straight beit must run sqnarely on thé palley; (that is.) tt must run on at right angl» w.ith the shaft. If you wish to connect with a belt two horizontal shafts at right angles with each other, say an engine shdft near the^oor with a line attâiËhed to the ceiling, it will require a quarter turn, and the ahove principal governing a straig^ belt must be observed. First, ascertain the central point on the face of each pul- ley at the extremity of the horizontal diameter where the belt will leave the puUey, and then set that point on the ^riven puUey plumb over^the corresponding point on the driver. - This will cause the belt to run squarely onto each piïlley, and it will leave at an angle greater or less according to the size of the puUey; and their distance. fr9m' each other. This ruie will render the setting of a quarter twist as easy as the setting of an ordinary straight belt. A SUBSTITUTS FOR QUARTER-TWIST BELTS. In drîving one shaft from ànother, situated above or below, and lying in a plane at right angles to the first shaft, it is common to emiploy the arrangement of belting known as the quarter-twist belt. THis is always inconvénient, and oflen unsatisfactory, as any reversai of the motioh throws the belt oif tlie puUeys, and besides, the wear of the belt is rapid and unequal, especially in the caser, of wide andlieavy belts. The arrangement shown in the illustration, while not «Itogether new, is not nsed as frequently as it might be, and possesses many advan- tages. 6 In the eut the puUey B is the driver, and the pulley A is driven ; . the pulleys C and D being mère idlers. running in the slack of the belt. The System adniits of being driven in either direction ; but it is désirable to place it so that the bel^ runs directly from ^e driven pulley oi^to the driver, so that the bearings of the idler pulleys are free from the strain due to the pull of the belt. The pulleys are shown of eqiial diameter, but may be in pairs of différait sizes if a change of speed is desired. * ' The writer has seen a heavy ten inch belt m daily opération for four years over such a ^rstem. composed of twenty-four inch pulleys, and though frequently driven up to.its full «apadty, it bas never given any trouble. WIIOHT 0F CA8TIN08 BY WIIOHT OF PATTERN8. Wddit of Pattem, Whlte Pine, z 16 givea weight In Caat Iron. Weight o{ Pattem, White Fine, z n.l glves weisht In Wrooght Iron. Weight of Pattem, White Pine, z 17.8 ilvee weight in Steel. WeiMit of Pattem, White Pino, z 18 givea weight in Copper. weight of Pattem, White Fine, z « givee weight in Lead. S HU m i CA OB OF O A aTi woa. Tin Ji 1-19 inch pernnealfoot Zino 6-10 inch per lineal foot Caat Iron 1-8 inch per lineal foot. Bnas 8-16 inch per lineal foot. .^, \^ as THÇ DODQE WOOD 8PLIT PULLEY CO , TORONTO. z ^ j;^ ■ f ollowing is a Lest of a : • ^■. . ■ y - ' ■ ■ . FEW.OFTHE MANUFACTURERS USING OXTR SYSTEM OK ^ ROPE TRA|MSMisSION Thb Barbek & Elus Co. . . . . Toronto, Ont. , Chas. BoeckiT^ Son. . . . ...... . " «• . «< • Laurentide PuLP Co. . . . ..... . . Montréal, Ms . . . Montréal, Que. Broadfoot & Box Furniture Co. . Seaforth, Ont. Waterloo WooLLEN Manufactoring Cô. .* . . . Waterloo, " Jos. Simpson, KNiniNG Mills .......',.. Toronto, " • • i. . .... . Ottawa, " I ' ■ ■ ■ «< •• Pkbley & Pattee ....... I. ..... . J. MacLasen & Co. . . .1 . . . . J. R. Booth ; . Brunktte Saw Mills Co. . . . W. H. Banfield Massey Manufacturing Co. Morse SOAP Works • Thos. Tushinghah & Son, » ■ . , ■ . A. R. Clarkb & Co H. R. IvEs&Co . . Montréal, Que. New WestiniÈi3ter, Toronto, Ont. *. ci il <( \ «-^ "VP ■ > . • t • \ <-'<' ». ci T me DOME W00D8PUT PUUEY 00., TORONTO. 88 THE DODGE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF I^of»e: Ti^>^]S[S]vii©siop>r. (Patented in ttae United Statos, Canida and Europé.X /■/ {^Power- and Transmission.) *'There are two methods of transmitting power greater than the capacity of a single groove, one being by a lot of independent ropes rnnning in corres- ponding grooves, and the other jvhere a single rope passes from one gr6ove K^aiiother, the ends being broùghtf ar6und and joinëd together, and the hist lo0p being held by a binder pulley. This is known as the Dodge systera, a^id isconsidered préférable iii many instances where ropes are subject to seveiye usage, on account of the diminutionj of the number of splices." \. ■ • , " ■ (^From^ Engineering.') "The first systematic attempt tq substitute a rope of any kind in place of belts or shafts to transmit" power from a motor tomachineryat a distance was made by Mr. C. F. Hirn, of Logleback on the Rhine. The experiments which finally resulted in sucçess extended from 1852 to 1860, for notwith- standing the apparent simplicity of the proposition there were serions and unexpected mechanical difiiculties to be overcôme. It has been said that the gist of this invention is iti a very simple prinfciple, viz: the substitution of velocity of motion for mass of matter moved, because a given force may be equaliy well represented by a heavy body moving slowly or a light body moving swiftly. Thus it may be said he imparted portability to his force, since it may be neither practicable to move the motor to the work nor to transmit its motion through slow moving heavy sbafting." The cable employed was of wire about 1 c. i% in diameter, and bearing puUeys were placed about one hundred and fif ty /ards apart. The transmission of power by Hirn's Telpdynamic cable has been f ilequently employed in this country, but cannot be said to hâve met with a success commensurate withits great promise. This is largely due to the rigidity and great weight of the cable. Its rigidity resists flexure around the terminal pulleyS), and its gréât weight and velocity generate strong centrifugal forcé as î V it passes around the pulley to reverse the direction of its motion. Both of thèse add to the load of the motor. ^^ ,4 -■ ■fi lu ■ti:-''' -/ 84 THE OODBB WOOD aPUlfhfUEY 00., TOHMn. :*T The use of wire ropes for transmitting ]jb#er is, pràctically, limited to Idng spans and has not beéh found to be a^jited toi^ake the place of belts. But ropes had long been used to drive smâU-ljbàchines and in a large waylor cable haulage in mines and on inclined railways, Hemp and cotton ropes hâve been employed for this purpose in England 'for several years. The distinguishing feature of the English system being in thé duplication of indiv- idual rope belts when the power to be transmitted exceeded the capacity of a single rope of convenient size. This system has several disadvantages, among which are prominent the impossibility of securing uniform tension on the severa} ropes and the multiplicity of splices. ' This system is quite extensively used in Europe and the East but has not been received with equal favor in this country. As a matter of fact the Yankee was quick to perceive the objectionable t)oints, or at least one Yai\kee was, and evolved the American or Dodge system which is familiar to the readers of Power and Transmission. It employs but one rope, however many wraps>may bè required to transmit the givèn power, and by à, system oi winders the ropes pass the terminal wheels as many times as may be required to secure complète adhésion and entire avoidance of slip. This invention was patented in 1885, but has been greatly improved since that date and made the subject of several. additional patents. Probably the most important is the system of double wind whereby the splice is relieved of one half thè strain to which it might be subjected under the older system by variations of load."; — Power and Transmission. The accompànying eut is typical only and is intended merely to give an idea of our system. The Dodge American System of Firmus, Rope Transmission, for trans- mitting power long distances, and in placçs where a belt is not practical ; going afoùnd corners and atany angle; also, for transmitting power direct from Engine, doing away with large, heavy and expensive Bdts, and giving , .-if ' from 10 to 25 per cent, more power from sàme engine than with Belts. Write us for estimâtes for driving your plant, giving usfollowing data: FiRSTf^ — ^Amount of power Wanted, speed of Driver and Driven shafts. Distance from Driver to Driven j greatçst diameter of wheels that can be used ; àho give Sketch, showing approximate location, of Shafts, direction of Tràvel, etc. "i ■ . -..- ' ^rf:- : '. . ■ ■^';- ' ■ ■ We will mak< eBtimat<,-aad-4;end dra,wiog-of game, ghowing-^ttg-»ygte m=^ Complète. ^ ..à %: ~ V» 7MÇ DODQE WOOD 8PLIT PULUY 00.. TOKOMTO. a? y V ; / O I— ( C/} h-H < H w •PU o ' .' ■ T 1 /-^^^^=^ * ' Z / / "^ Hîw " »*• o Uj~J'^ a (0 D co ■ ■- / / // l/^ -^-J^- ^^-- ; —j /■■■ M • '■, Wv ' iâ L "5 A _ qc , • / a ^ ^ 1/ \ 5-0 ^ /«£ t3 « n k^iwwk. ^ i J - . flvJra^ nitk -< ^^^^f^^/F ^^ '^ 1^^^ \\ , 3 W\^ ^|gp^^ ^Jk o ■ >w IfreV 1 '^^ O ■ '\J['a ^S» 1 ^^ki O V i\ \^vv ^®^ • ■ ^^*^^ ^^ki. ^ ■ ^®>i ^ V -^^^^Ak."" \^\7u^\ i: ;-¥ ' ^ ^JufjJ ■ - ^^^^^^^^ ^-«^^sss'-^ (h 2 .1 f /^ ■a a* tl; ;s a o I 'îZ W fc n % u a S S a >• E-< H » ■ I >-t W fe 3 Q O 2: 5 s .a i £ 9. s I \4 CL l3 ^^ '# '.«* -^ #■ -^UA- « fi:" ■> «"x "'*;, THE DODQE WOOD 8PUT PULLEY 00., TORONTO. *- FRICTION CLUTCH ES. tn the use 6f Rope Transmission, it is often found désirable to employ a firstclass friction clutch, for the^purpose of "throwing oui" the power at Driven end, without stopping line shaft. Wle are prepared to supply our customers with a strictly iirst-class Patent Clutch at moderate priées. F*I^IOE5 L-.rIS1^ FOR BROWN" PAtENT FRICTION CLUTCH. .* Diameter * ■ Horse Power Price o« Diameter of Shaft. at 100 revol. subject to trjçtion Clutch. ■ ». . ' ' ; ^ per minute. , Discount. 1 '6 inches. ' 1^ inches and under. 5 $ 50 00 l 9 " froni 15^ to 2^ inches, 10 60 00 10 " " 1 ^ to 2>4 " . .12 65 00 12 "■ 21^^ to 3 , . " 20 75 00 15 1 30 90 ÔO 18 " 3 to4ï4 •' ; 45 115 00 21 " 3j^ to,5 " - "1 1 60 150 00' 24 "4 toS " 80 200 00 27 " 4)^ to 8 " 100 235 06 '30 " " 5 to 8 " 125 315 00 - 3« u,. - ,, i.i — . -.- ._- " 5i^to8 , 180 415 00 42^ « " 6 to 8 " 245 550 00 48-1 « "6 to8 " 320 700 00 The cost of shipping levers is not included, but we arc fumishing the composition-metal-rings for the fôrk. The shipping-levers are of so many- fold design^ âccording to local changes, that we are\inable to statg the pricçr ■4 unless we are familiar with ail the détails requlred. sa- mmi' ! i.' FoIIowing is a List of our Sale Agents, WIth whoin jrou can deal safely. They ail carry large stocks and pan fill Orâers promptly . at ruling priées; ^ - . li mr^-7f^ Wm. ôtairs, Son &,Morrow ..Halifax, N.8. Geo. H. Evans, 62 Water Street..^ =^.r^.^.v ^ ..Sr^iUohn, N. B. -^ ■',, • ■■■■ .-..-- , v .'■■ ■■ . A. Andrew &Son Québec, Que. Miller Bros. & Toms Montréal - '■<■.. i Wood, Val lance & Co y . . . Hanriiltoh MaçGregor, Gourlay & Ço Gaft , Canada Machinery and Supply Co. . .Brantford Robt. Muir & (^o — ..\ Winnipeg, Man. John Doty Engine Co. (Branch) — Vancouver, B.C. Spratt & Gray Victoria 0.C. i,. .t-' ' - ■/'''■''■'' w ps •■'■ \ And in Toronto by ailf>rincipal Machinery Dealers and Machinists. r H^imi^J^Hi^^ THK "DODQK" PULLKY [» MANUFACTURED IN CANAM BY bODGE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY GO. .' i. ■.fi - t * XTO iJOHttTs-HrHifa *=^ '^ r . i - *4^'.^.i-.' S ' 1 •f^ THE DODGE WOOD ^LIT PULLEY CO.. TORONTO. .■* • «n.r** WE ALSO MANUFACTURE TO ÔRDER, Cone Step PuUeys, Conical Prums, Flange PuUsys, Paper Friction Pu^^ys, Bevel Pulleys, ► PILLEYS, ALSO IHO:^ CEXTRE <}KVKD PinLEYS, DY^Ano AN» ' ■ WkiTi: roK rui'cKs. DODÛE-WOOD SPLIT PULLEy^^T ' ■■. ^ --■ • ■ N \ * ■ > /^ - .■ ■i » - . :- \. 'V ^ ' * • ■ a * " .■ . ■ ' ■ ; . < , "."•"• ^^" ■ :.'."' > •■-.■■" ' . --^^ .;;> ..■ ■ -l. .„.„^ — ■ _ . > — ----'-'^ — -■-- -;-î----v -—"•--; - - -.- -^, .... ■—— V— — :- r-^ ■ ' ■ ... .-s;: ^ ^H HHHBHB -, ; U/ _ . ' wr. :•/" .. -' ■ "; ^^1 ^^^^^^^1 m jjjjH , , ^^^ K 1 -^ ■.•;■■•':',. - .' ■■ '' f â- m^- *■ r » ^