IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A 1.0 I.I 150 ■ 56 I.'.: IIIIM IM |||o.6 |4£ M III 2.2 1 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 : -^ 6" — ► ■7F <^ /i ^/. 'e7. ^ ^ #' ^'•V /y^ C» o\ /«« Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 4-: a>^ '^•V iV W^ ^&:(-» I^J j«:6^■5 { 7^m -.flf Q)iarji*is:®© ^^[^ :e&tNXSJ0 at ORPEX4| |r TItE, CX.VB BY J. C. FiSH£K. Ij^f ■'W w»r«t*'\(»v%«s,^v»s-'W'' ,*»*<'%'ViA*~v v^ ■ fSfff #- I QU At a C QuE] apprc audi time. PBIXTBI -#.- =#* RULES AND ORDERS OF THK QUEBEC TURF CLUB. Quebec, 4{!r Aprit, 1849. At a General Meeting of the Members of the QuEHKC TwRK Clui», the follovrini^ Rnles i»ere approved of aixl established as the Rules and Orders of the Qukbec Turf Club, subject to such ulteratim.s as may be nwde froui time lo time. PBIXTBO BV jr. C. F/SHK8, MOOHTAI.^ STRKEt. 4 ■ u ♦ RULES AND ORDERS OF TMB QUIEBISO T3MW ©ILUIB. RcLK I— The Officers of the Qubbkc Turf Club shall consist of a President. Vice Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least Seven Stewards, the majority present at any Meeting to for-n a Quorum for business. IL— An Annual Election of Officers shall take place by Ballot, on the First Tuesday in April, in each year. III.— If any of the Stewards should resign between the periods of the Meeting, or be pre- vented by 8ickne»8,or other causes, from attending to the duties, the remaining or continuing Stewards may appoint a Member of the Club to succeed or act in place of the absent Steward. ^' <*> » HUtEl *ND 0»OEK» lV.-Tlie BMlot for Member, of ll.eT.irf Club .,.«„ ,.k. place on the First Tnes.,., m »cb ™onth, during the pre.ent ye.r, «i «ach t me »r-d „l,,ee «. tb. Steward. »h»ll «PPO.nt ; each Can "e n.«.t be propo.ed by •"-••"•,««:, Member, at iea.t .hall ballot, and two ball. ..« , rXle. If fourteen Member, ballot. fo«r .l.»>. ' «clude OScer. of the Array or the Navy and •rlmU,ari.T are not to be balloted for bu Hdmitted Member, on .ending tbe.r and .ubscription.. to the Treasurer. V -All mo.ey belonging t. the Club .1«.U be nlaced in the band, of the rrea.«rer. by whom, 1 ;;lder order, from a majority Stewaru.. .11 demand. .g»in.t the Club shall be pa.d. VI -The Annual Subscription .ball be five / .1.. of April, or at the time Dollars, due on the First ot Apr" . or Election if it take, place before the Annual Rapes. VH-TUe Subscnptkm for the e-wanl8,i)r Committee for the year, Shall be Five Ooilars. VUl-^ive Members shall constitute a Quo- rum for the transaction of the ordinary business "TbeClub, But no alteration .haU be ma e.n any of the eslabU.bcrl rules and orders of the f Club, except at i»n Annual Meeting, or at Special Meeiing conmied by public notice ; such intended alteration having been previouily handed in wriUng to the Secretary, awd published for at least one month previous to such Annual or Special Meeting : at which not less than fifteen Members shall be preseqt, three, at least, of whom shall be Stewards, IX— All dispute? relative to Uacing shall be determined by the Stewards, whose decision shall be final, and from such de;i?ion there can be aq, appeal to any authority whatever ; th ^r 5 may, if tkey thmk fit, call in any Mc ' H« Club to their assistance, if the •»? »' difficulty of the matter in dispute ahi^ require it. All Nominations and Entrau to be made in writing accofdinf lo the prescriocd forro» X.— A Meeting of the Club may, at any time, be c».lled by the President, Vice President or Stetfards, at tht instance of any three Members ; the notice of the said Meeting to be gitefi throtigb the Siecretavy. Xl.^Any Member of the Club may be permit- ted to withdraw by giving notic e tc that effect, in 4 # I T— ' <* writing, to the Secretary, on or before the Annual Election of Officer?, and by j»Hying bis arrears. Xir.-Four Members of the Club shall be chosen for the purpose of collecting subscriptions in support of the Races ; lisis are also to be placed in the Quebec Eyhange Building, Quebec Library Association and Garrison Library. The collection to be completed by the 20th of July, and the money placed in the bands of the Trea- surer. Xni.— The Club Stand shall be free for all Members, and shall be reserved for their excJu- sire use. No Member shall kn admitted into the Club Stand, unless he produces his Member's Ticket ; and no Member shall be entitled to r«£ceive such Ticket who shall not hare paid his subscription to the Treasurer. . No person is to be admitted within the rails on horseback except the Officers of the Club. XIV.— It will remain optional with the Stew- ards to announce the time of the Race Meeting ; the time to be named before the Ist of May. XV.— The Stewards sb?«ll have the entire man- agement and ccaducting of the Races. They 45 ) 4 «« %> \ ♦ -=-♦ QUKBRC TUBF CJLUB. %.'N*^r\ t^- w^^ >r* shall appropriate the funiU for in»king up the other purspu to complete the days of racing in amount, conditions nrd order of runninjr. ks they may think most -oper. 1 hey shrtll have the right to postpone the Races, in case of unfavoV' able weather ; and the power to appoint a Clerk of the Course ; niui jihalK through the Secretary, j?ive timely notice to the ; ublic of fheir arrange- ments with regard to the Rucei. XVI.— It shall be thtt duty of the Clerk of the Course to attend the Races, and seethe orders of the Stewnrds carried into effect, to engage police, men for the scales, gates, distance po^.s, &c., and to see every necessary arrangement made to ensure order, and to prevent *iccident8. XVII. — Half an hour is to be allowed between each heat. The first bell, viz -. for Haddling, will ring R quarter of an hour^ and the second bell, five minutes before the time appointed for start- ing ; the owner of any horse not ai the post ready to start five minutes after the time that h^s been named, shall be fined two dollars ; if kiot at the post ten minutes after the proper time, those at the post shall start ; horever, in case of accir!ent, the Stewards will use their own, discretion in delaying the start. 'W ■<^ # XVIIL— All persons entering a horse shall pay one dollar, and the winner of any Race two dollars to the Course. XIX.— The Colors of the Riders are to be declared at the time for entering the horses The owner of any horse ridden in colors differ- ent from those declared on entrance, io be fined two dollars. XX.— No public money to be ever given for a walk over. XXI The Secretary will regulate his watch by gun-fire at 1*2 o'clock on each day of the Races — and will have to pay one dollar to the Course for every minute he is behind time in ringing the Bell. XXII.—The time for starting each Race will be put up outside the Stewards' Stand, immediately after each heat. XXIII.— The Start r, if necessafy, \vill HK.e the horses fifty yards behind the Starting Port, and will oblige all the Jockeys to walk their horses slowly up. No Groora will be allowed to hold a horse»8 head except with the consent of the Starter. Any Jockey putting his horse into a r- ... — >•- r^ ■ '<^ =♦ •*. QUBBRC TURF CLUB. 9 I =-* trot or canter, or not obeying the command of the Starter, or endeavoring; to take any unfair advantage, will be fined five dollar., and r.o StlruT "'" "^ ""'""' '" ""•" """ °' ">-= r IXXI v.— The Starter and one of the Stewards who shall be placed 100 yards in advance of the' Starting Post, shall each have a Hed Fl«« If fa.r. both flags are put down. The Judge will lower, or keep up his flag, according to the i actions of the Starter. " 'ae | n/.'^rr^"'*' ■""■'* "•'"'« """bered on the printed ,sts. and the number of the winner of a heat will be exhibited outside of the Stewards- Stand immediately after each heat. XXVI -No person shall start a horse for any purse, plate or sweepstakes, at any regular meet- ng. being a defaulter for stakes, forfeit, or bet, : and unless he be a subscriber to the Races to the amount of five dollars. .■.„^^?';~^'"" ""* l^^'ifioation of any horse ■s objected ,0. the owner must produce a certific ate or other document to the Stewards, before I the race ,s run. to prove the qualification of his horse ; and if Ue shall start his horse without so doing, the prize shall be withheld for a period to be fixed upon by the Stewards -. on the expiration of which time, if the qualification of the horse be not proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards, he shall not be entitled to the prize, althotigh his horse shall have come in first, but it shall be given to the ovrner of the second qualified horse XXVIII.— No person shall start more than one horse, of which he is the owner, either wholly or in part, either in his own name or in that of any other person, for any race for which heats are run. Should any one who has entered a horse declare to any of the Stewards that his horse is drawn, that horse shall not be permitted to start for that race. XXIX.— When it is a condition of any Purse or Sweepstakes, that the winning hor*e shall be claimed for a given sum, the owner of the second horse shall be first entitled, and after him the owner of every other horse in the Race, as they were placed ; if none of those claim the winner, any Member of the Club shall have a right to do so. The horse must be claimed within a quarter of an hour after the Race is wnn-shall not be ^'- --^ ■■^ delivered until paid for, and must be paid for Oil the day of the Race, otherwise the party claiming shall not be entitled to demand the horse at any future period. XXX — Horses shall take their ages from the 1st of January. XXXI.— The following are the weights tstab^ Ushed by this Club ;— Stone, lbs. 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old 6 years old aged 6 7 8 S 9 9 9 4 10 Welter Weight :— Stone, lbs, 9 12 10 12 - - ■ 11 8 - - - 12 Mares and Geldings are allowed 3 lbs. Province-bred horses are allowed 10 lbs. Horses ik .ported from Europe into British America the same year as they run allowed 10 lbs. 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old 6 and aged =* BUIEB *NI> Oft°^»* i, S40 yards, in tlivee miles, 80. m \sOanai«one»ile.60ya«ls. ,UaUc.o.s and J^^, o her ^o»> P'-^' " '""" shall strike <""*<;"i';f u » clear lengtW in take tUe track ''«'"-*.^' '„»ek he crosses, he f„„, of the ";- - ' :;:„t the next best ,Uall be deemed|incea ^^^^^.^,^ ^ Uorse decla..d the «n.« .;,„,, ^^^^^ ,Wer shall leave «.ffiuet P^ .j ,„^;. ader ,„„ „p ivnd lap h.m on the ^^^^ .^_^,,,.„ „„i„S the ou.s>de.shaU ^ ' ^ ^^^^,. ,„^,„. ,sainst his compet. o , o. t v^^ P^^^_ _ .^^ , . i„g l,im out of »>'« ?"» ^;,. ,i„„ be deemed "^='^°"rirb:i:;g"*«e^^^ distanced •. it being a ^beinselves as for f„, the safety of the jockeys ^.^.^^ ,.e satisfaction tUenW-.^^^^^^ ^^_,^„^ . sl,„ dd be v»n'*'''» ^''" * ,„aH be proved to ^ 1 if such cross or r',,'Lh Jockey sh.U Le happened '"tenU- > y- ^V.^, ^^,,„g :LTt;:UluUas jurisdiction, day of any regular >'"'«'^^^^1^^^^^_,=^ =^ ing,a bev to rider iwan^s lUrow- ig hvin ieemed , as weW es as for I riding penalty ; •oved to k,ey sUaU Meeting ;e on any me under the cognizance of the Club, and ninst be entered in the Match Book the day previous to the lUces. « XXXV.— -Any horse may he entered at tlie post, by his owner paying double entrance. XXXVI —When a match is made in wliich crossing and jostling are not mentioued, they are understood to be barred. XXXVII. — Ii* any horse shall carry more than three pounds over his stipulated weight, without the same being declared to the Stew- ards, he shall be deemed distanced. XXXVIII. — No combination or partnership in running will be permitted. If, therefore, any horse shall win a purse, and it shall he proved before the purse is paid, that a combina- tion or partnership did exist, the purse shall be given to the fair winner, and the parties shall never be permitted to ride, or enter a horse wherever this Club has jurisdiction. XXXIX.— If, in a race of one heat, the first two horses shall come in so near together, that the Judge cannot decide which is first, those ^^ ^'^'^^^ TT^IiTnin for such piize over '"" ir^a: . ..r^"e: a.e .a. race on .U. r;:;oae— e.mcUsUaUb.a.e«i„»er. « hoats if i^ cannot be deter- VT —In running lieais, u » va notlAng. and Uuy may a . t^e win- "'"^' • ^^ Jd^h ra e vUich case those two or^y terminated the I ace ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ shall start again, to deciae winner. X . I _Whe.e a purse, or sabscription is gWe» for ...e w"."- «' ^''^ , ,, i„, actual «.». to vmlhepu^em _^^^ ^^^ ^,^^ :::e:s"rr;:e:ut:«..cucaseues,.au not ba obliged to start again, ,, H -When three several horses have each determined by it, there being before ence between them. XLIII.-Ml complaints of foul riding »»'' * be made before, or at time, the Jockey com- plaining is weighed. X LI v.— When the riders of any horses brought out to run for any race, are called upon by tlie person appointed to start tber.i, to lake their places for that purpose, the owner of every horse which comes up to the post, shall be con- sidered as liable to pay his whole stake or entrance ; and a!i bets respecting such horses shall be considered as play or pay debts. XLV.— -If a bet b«»made from signal or indi catiou after a race has been determined, such bet shall be considered as fraudulent and void, and shall not be paid. XLVI.— No person who has once subscribed to a stake shall be allowed to withdraw Iiis name, and no nomination shall be altered in any respect after the time of closing, without the concent of all the parties in the race being first obtained. XLV IL— All stakes and bets, whether ex- pressed in guineas or pounds, shall be paid in pounds currency. * RULES AND ORDERS ~7^nU^» matt'' '» •"^'•^ '■•"■ ""^ «l'""'f day in any meeting, and the P'^j" ^B^; , ,» cl,ange the day. all bets mn.t stand ,^but -f^ « - ' oatlies agree to rnn the race in any otl«r ineet ' Lg. all b'ets made before the alteration shall be void. XLIX.-Any training groom or jockey «l.o ,l,aP. gallop hi, horse or horse, pest. »' '»P ""^ ha,se in training. «ho may have '^"'/"''J ,^^ ,,, exercising gallops. «itho,,. the ~ »^f;_ owner of snch horse who may have first slartert. Tail if the Stewards think fit, be exc «de< the ' c::!;e.and shall not be permitted to at any regular meeting of this Club. L -A horse walking over, or receiving for- feit, shall not be deemed a vnnnet. LI -The horse that has his head at the ending post first, wins the heat, barring foul LII -For the best of the plate, where three heats are run, the horse is second that «ins one heat, unless afterwards distanced. LlII -For the best of heats, the horse is second that beats the other twice out of three times, though he do not win a heat LIV.— When a plate is won by two heats, the preference of the horses is determined by the places they get in the second heat, LV.— If a rider fall from his horse, and the horse be rode in by a person who is sufficient weight, he shall take his place the same as If his rider had not fallen, provided he goes back to the place where the rider fell. LVI.—Jockeys must ride their horses to the usual place of weighing, and he that dismounts before permission of a Steward, or wants weight, is deemed distanced ; unless he is disabled by an accident, which should render him incapable of riding back, in which case he may be led or carried to the scales. LVII.— Horses' plates or shoes not allowed in the weight. LVIII.— Horses running on the wrong side of a post and not turning back, are distanced. LVIX —Horses drawn before a plate is won [are deemed di#anced. LX»— No distance in a fourth heat. =-# I *. 18 =* RULES AND ORDERS * LXI.— A confnmcd bet cannot be off but by mutual consent. LX II.— Either oi the betters may demand stakes to be nmde, and on refusal declare the bet to be Void. LXIII.— If a better be absent on the day of running, a public declaration of the bet may be made on the course, and a demand whether any person will make stakes for the absent party ; and if no person consent to do so, the bet may be declared void. LaIV.— Bets agreed to be paid or received in town, or any other specided place, cannot be declared off on the course. LXV.— The person who lays the odds, has a right to choose a horse or the field ; when a per- son has chosen a horse, the field is what stands against him, but there is no iield Without one horse starts against him. LXVI.— If odds are laid without mentioning the horse before the race is over, the bet must be determined by the s.ate of the odds at the time of making it. * LXVII —Bets made in running are not deter- # si ■'t *^ ■#• ■4' QUEBEC TURF CLUn. 10 mined until the plate is won, if that heat be not inentionrd at the time of betting. LXVIIl.— A bet made after the lier» u over, if the horse betted on does not start, is void. LX IX.— Bets are determined, though the horse does not start) where the words play or nay are made use of in belting. LXX.— Money giren to have a bet laid shall not be returned, though the race be not run. LXXI. — Matches and bets are void on the decease of either party before they are deter- mined. LXX 1 1. —All riders must be dressed in proper jockey style, (boots and breeches,) otherwise fined two dollars . LXXIIL— All double bets shall be considered as play or pay bets. LXXIV. — All bets between particular horses shall be void, if neither of them happens to be the winner, unless agreed by the parties to the contrary. LXX v.— In order that the Race Course and the Tuvf may at all times be kept in a proper <^ I •#- 20 BVLES AND ORDERS ^ State for racing, (:.. which all concerned should be equally interested.) it is expected that every person training horses on the course, will conform to su.h rules as it .nay be found neces- sary to adopt for its preservation : all horses on the training track. h/^.^y'T"^" '"'"''' "''^^''^^ ^° ««^ing will be adjudged according to these rules, when any of them are applicable, and when not, according to the established h^v^ of Racing. ^ ♦ =<#. QUBDRC TURF CLUB. 21 TERMS USED RELATIVE TO HORSE- RACING. Four inches are a hand. Fourteen pounds are a stone. Catch Weights are, each party to appoint a person to ride without weighing. Feather Weights. ^^ horse carries Feather Weight, when the terms of the race allow the owner to place what rider he pleases on his back ; he consequently procures the lightest eligible jockey possible, who weighs neither before nor after the race. A Maiden Horse or Mare is one that has never won. An Untried Stallion or Mare is one whose produce has never run in public. A Post Match is to insert the age of the horses in the article, and to run any horse of that age, without declaring what horse, until he comes to the post to start. <^ ■# It' : I I'' '' A Handicap Match is, A, B and C, to put an equal sum each into a hat ; C, who is the handi- capper, makes a match for A and B, who, when they have perused it, put their hands into their pockets and draw them out closed, then they open them together, and -if both have money in their bandj, the match is confirmed. In both cases, the handicapper draws all the money out of the hat ; but if one has money in his hand and tlie other none, then it is no match, and he that has money in his hand i? entitled to the deposit in the hat. Free Handicap is an expression which fre- quently appears in Race Lists, the meaning of v/hich is that, a number of horses being named, a weight is placed against the name of each by the Stewards, or some disinterested person who is well acquainted with the performances of the horses. These weights are stipposed to be such as will bring all the horses as nearly on a par as possible, and the list ccntaining them being handed to the owners of each horse, they accept or decline according as they imagine the chances are for or against them. Give and Take Plates arc weights for inches, # = *^- <^