IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT*3) % y^ f:^ /^ "Vf^4---.«; yt>\ 1.0 ■1.25 mitt U Itt' 22 2.0 VSk 1.6 6" J . ^^% /Iw i «■• *:»♦ '^ Jjdillf^ll "Sdmoes- Carpacatftm 29ilinST MAM STRHT WnSTHtN.Y. V4SI0 (716)I72-4S03 •; •/■ ^ W►^ CIHM Mlcrofiphe Series (Monographs) IC Collection de microfiches (monographl^s) / Canadtan ln«ituM for Hl^ofieal NUc^jMrtP'oduetlora / iMttoit e>n«dim d. nMcronpnMtuctlomHMoriquM Is -m--: I «t ».?,.<(, f» TiM iMtitUtt Mi NMV IM bMtofn •ftfwiMMptin tookMifi w# Mit #npfMl Qv illlWM0f Blw □ / ::/^ COMTt □ CovmfWlBMrf and/or iMlMtMrf/ CoMvartim raMMrto nyoii fNNiaiMt □ Covar tHto MiMkil/ UtHradtt □ ColoiiPsdiMpi/ €««• ftofniptiiWfM an ooulMir □ C«loimdMin.a.ottiartlianbiyaofltek)/ ^ IMN «i fOMNmr 0.a. wtt* jvia Mava mi notoa) a CotMinatf platat and/or iMuMralioiii/ nancfcas at/ou MHntratiom an < □ Bound wnhotlia* malarial/ RaMa«ba4'aHimi D Ti#it bMkif may cauM shadown or distortion aionf Nitanor mai'iin/ La raNora aarrta paut cauaar da I'onibra ou da la diitoniwi la lonf da la aMffa intMama D Blank laaaaa addad durinf iTMiDfatioh may I wiHiin tha taxt. Wnanavi iwan omitlad from filminf/ II M paut qua cartainaa papi Ion d'una raatauraiipn apparainant dam la taxia, mail, lonqua «ala itaii poaiiMa. eat pafai n*ont patMfilmfat.' '-'' L'lnatHut a iMi* ^B^^MM^H^^bA ^B ^^^tt^uu AM^^I^^Afl^ffM daaar r^Colourad I iNfNdat rapM raawfan ana/or lammanu/ I at/ou paMieuMat ttainad or fdkad/ f~~^VOualitv of print variat/ Lig Qualiti inAflala da I'imprastion □ Contimieui pagination/ Pagination eontinua □ Indudat indax(at)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia onha a d a r takan from: / La titrada I'an-tfta proviant: □ Titlapafaof Inua/ Paga da titra da la iivraitoh (-]C««..w Titra da depart da la iivraiton □ Vs ■\- Giniriqua (piriodi(i|uas) da la Uvraiton p^^T^AdditkHial commanti:/ ' ' Commantawas suppiamaMairaK' Wrinkled pages There are some may f ITm si ightly out of focus, creases in the middle of pages. TMt ^«am is fMmad at tha raduetion ratio chackad balow/ ,Ca deeumant ast fihni au taux da riduetion indiqu< ci-dassous • 10X 14X 'mx 8X 26X - v 3qx ■ } . 1. - ' _■ V ■• V. 12X itx T '"*-^-— . -=St,. aox 24X 28X ( 32X J Th* eofiy Wnicd h«i« hM bMn rafNrodiMMd tlianlu tt> the gwMroaity of: AnglioM Churah off Cartadt ■"QMNVM WflMM AfBlllVM Tho imagoo oppoortng hovo aro tho.boot qiMHty ^ 0omIMo ooiNJMonii(| tno oohoHkni mm nflMIHy. of tho OfflgifMi eopv and In koopkif wMi tho fHmlnii oontraet apoeNlootklno. OfflglMI ooplo o In printod popor oo«ora.aro fNniod boglnninQ with tho front oovov mm ondinQ on tho loot P090 wHft a printad orWuotratod Impffao- ^ olon. or tho book oovor «whon opproprloto. AN, ^ othor original ooploa aro fNmad boglnning on tho firat pogo with o printod or HhMtraMd Improa- ■km. ond onding on tho laat paga with a pflntad^ or IMuatratod Imp r aat l on. Tho loot rooordod frama on oooh mierofloho shoN oontain tha symbol — (► (mooning *'CON- TIHUED"). or tho symbol ▼ (mooning "VtWX ^Mopo. platss. eharts. ate», may ba fNmad at d iffaran t raduetkm-ratloo. Thooo too lorgo to bo - ontlraly Iheludod In ono OKpoouro.oro fNmod boglnning In tho uppor loft bond eomor, loft to^^ ^ right and top to bottom, aa many framas aa |M raqulrod. Tho following «|lagrams Wustrata tNi C ■ 'mathod:. ■ -■:■ .■'^'' ■^■. L'sxamplatoo fNm4 fut raprbdult grioo A It gMiorOslto dos \. Aii#oM Churah oiCMMds i ..OMMral Synod AMUwi ■'^y-Vw Uo knogaa sulvantaa ant HA roprodvltoa ovoo lo phM grand salii. oompto tonu do lo oo ndWon ot no ■■ iwnpio oo 1 OKompwifo innio, wi vn oonformltA avoo laa oondMpna du. opntroi do fNmaga. /■ • -\ ^^tiis Loo ahamplalras ortghMNW dont hi ooMvortiMO on poplor oot MiprimAo oont fNmAo An oommon^ont* par 10 pronHsr pwi 01 on wrminonv oon po> ■■ ; domlAro'pogo qin oomporto uno omprointo dlmprooolon ott dlNuotratlon, soft por lo sooond plot, ss l on lo'ooo. Touo loo atitraa aaampla l raa • nrinlnaiw oont fHmAo mi iiiiiiiiiiMiiianl oar la pram i Aro paga qui oomporto uno omproi n to dimprosslon ou dTNuotrotlon ot on tormlnont por lo domMro pogo qui obmpofto uno toNo Un doo oymboloo suhnmts apparttftra aur la damlAro bnaga da ohoquo mioroflflho, solon lo eao: lo symbolo ^»> slgnMo "A tUIVIIE"/ lo symbpio ▼ sionlflo "HN* •• Ow*, POUVOIR OIVi fNmAs A doo tMix do rAduotlon dIffAronls. Loiaqua la dooumMit oot trop grand pour Atro roproiduft on un aaul oNohA. H oot fNmA A patk do I'onglo supArlour gouoho. do gauoho A droHa, at da haut an baa, an pfonant la nombro dlmagaa nAoossofci Wustront la mAthodp* dtogMni ♦ - - ■■I;-:-. a . .;3- -•\ • 'o :t ■■;::■'■ '■ ^ . '. ^ 3 . . ' - ■ ■■ ," ■ ■' J* • ' * - .1 4 % ^^■'.^./tlM -^^^^i^ -f 5 » , • .-',.' IjKJffiUCiBlfCir'S aaPECIAL. GOBttiAWav i.| '•^ >.■ ■■'■ *,' 'h^' 4 ■^f , m:^i ^?:'-'i;.H™5*;^ :%„ -r r..,;v- ^v^.-f, vEa».«,.xasr . -*, V ''4-f: 1 '.'' . .,,f ^* ^^« v( 4? .ila ..,«■.- '♦ii^'^'iife-^:^ +?'V '■'■■' Mk'*' ■J^^J^ ^. •?"•■' (•'■.■.,j|^'.-3. % . ,<* '1^ ' 'Hi f % V fl. ... i' / ' i|> i i ' ^ '■ ■' ■■"■ ■ . ' ■,^' ■2 f Xd mm fUt ■{■hUriUJrMi O. I^RAISR tlili LoM^ bf it In ■ good tliio« to dMf •f wt9 Our Ooa { yea, a joyful and |i J m pti , «l tptobeibankftil. / Gift tknkt unio tlie Lord, aad call npos Bfai Mtt« $ lk« paopK what ibiaga be bathdoae. 4 vik ^^ii^ ' '^ O let yi natoifr tbe U>rd Onr God, abd fall dom be$N(«^^ IC s- d ^1 Ibl^ tbe 1^ a Mw Soog { abf u^ AaSl^iMo t^ Lortl^O ye liadi^i Of lb« p9«^ ^Iribe v^MTtbe Einrd^itonbip and powers ^ ^^ ^?bo ean nbresf tbe noble A^ti of tbe Lprd t or tfaif ibrtb all bb prafse ' J. "^ tbat aett voold tWelbre pra&e tbelLord Ibr 0ia fHI ^ anddMtai«ilM|ii)MiiP^ill»tH«4«i^^^^^^^^^^^ Tbat' tbey would eK«h ftfai el» in tbe ^^^ People!, and prw Him.W t^ ^. WSP^^^ ^ J*.>:*l-1*;>.-- ( 'Kw'l^"'''"'%p|^ ?^''4„^ '■'i'^*'«^ ^•54* ,is •J \ -4 1 ^ ■^-^ ■ •'^mim^^-m' : ':»?'■«' m,|.'*w."-y^wiy3^- "•,' ,. attMdL$$ttn,^»iUu»rurtmXXi. 4 t%m1h$ iVBOATE CBMK9, mdt9lk$t»i ^tt« U^'» ■■i ' 1 will flBg of'Tbf power O Lord, tnd will prihe Thj tetrc? betlmet, in the mornfng. ^ My Tongue shall apMk of I hy ri( «. O Lord •»▼# the King t dlNd MnMM M%Ai^ pkjcij/fuL O Lord Mie Thy People : .Ami him Thin* inhtrilmM, ... O God. iMh*«leMi 4M»„bMrii wtthio ttl : ^ . - Jl,g li?iM n«iw JW^ fl|»W>wii «•• j^ GOD, our Heatenly Father, who •pirett,wh*n w« de- ll WtepuDiihoent, id in Thine «n«r, thinkeit ujjon met, iccept, we Ijewech Thee, our pri&e ettd thetkiigif- JH^S; Thr Vett gJodnei.. in .fyUig the J^I'^^^IJILJS; etre by %hich Thou W protected m mtny pirte of our h»nd ^SJitoUfo I^rd, under .deep «n«ofT^l^^^^ mm»wd of our inworthinies ; md while we •»J,*J»«^r«^ ^tZrUmu Mnetify our hearti by the influence olTby Bhjiwed Splrlf,^ ttoymiy heilledWith Holy gret^ude ••AIotj Sdiiide duly eeMible of Thy 41fcfghty power,^ateho«gh 10 oelc hat been ehiefly declared ip ehewmg pwey aud pity. VaiiMateTlwble»eleg,aLord,w etery P«P5« ^^of TinTIiat lately afflietedriitthrrWtw^^ ■"^J'"?^ ,*. be alike saftctifled fo all whttothoo ij« 'f^^ ^ MciaMy ID ui wbMi Thou haai inBHififiiHy fiwteeied t ajd |M«i0Mi¥MiiM tout Thy powtrfcl 4Jetonce, «« ^"JJ ^iTa^^^ut pardoBiagcmr offertlpi, thwg^tlieSnTiwir \^V .-. ■•V^''-{&«^.:--. fl^iLI-'S^^ «?■ .A «■ '.1 ' if Mi IPIPWIIPP*^" A IS*'!- t^ \,^2^*y^y^irtA'um9, O Lord, to bt glorifitd lliroaglMtl the Carthk tUt tli tho Nations mty learDThv righteouMOM, ' 1 'tc i "'•••«** Goipel, and aincorelj aeek aud lurtlj at- taia Thy HoiTMily Kingdom, where aia, and ikkoeia, and ■orrow ibtll be never knowp. . fl**' u»i O merciful God, w^ aoit humbly implore Thef, Cir the aake of Thy belored Son, I he only Mediator and at- ' ■ . ■ " ''''''" '■ ■ ' ■ ■ ' • IM^E buQibly acknowledge, O mercjful Father, that all y ▼ the punisfamenta which are threatened in Thy Law might juttiy have (alien upon ui, by reason of our manifold tranigressionat yet seeing it hath pleased Thee, of thy ten- der Mercy, to assuage the fearful dUease, with wMeh our land hath been visitetl, we offer unto Thy Divine Majesty the •acrificeof Fraisa and Thanksgiving for such, Thy providen- "•*«■"■« o'^w \ni moat humbly beseeching Thee entirely to wilbdraw from every part of our Nation thia grievous sieknesf, ii" VJ®'*^*®^*^*^"*" *^^°^ '^••^^** may be restored In all our Dwellings, and that we, being saved (rom destrustkm by Thy Fatherly goodness, may faitfirully^j»rve Thee, while we lire here, and in the end may obtain everlasting lilt, through the meriu of Jesus Chrbi, Thy pnly SJon, oar V^d. ** We kosiMy.'bfseaMh Xhtt O Father to lo«k upon eur laAoaitiM, Jm.** OALMlGHTr God, Sovereign Disposer of all earthly eventa, behold us here assembled, with united beasts and voices, humbly to pour fourth oor Tribute of unfeigdM praise and thankfulness for Thy preservation of ua Tiiy uih worthy Servants, when so many have, fallen around ua, the Trp"** ^'^i'O^^ssinKand fatal disease. In bumble adoretioa ™ J'yowruling Provklence, we acknowledge that thft^wer ^ujd'tbe wladom of man avail not for our protection, withoiit Thy permiaaioB, and Thy blessing. With grateful acfcnow** ledgement of Thy unageakable mercies, we feel that Thy em h aa; beta stretched out for our defence^ and TI9 neroi- ■■^ww?8f ««-:'-r mwm*' "»!pi'fipi^.iMip"«"il»yJ«f'>«li«i*iWsJlf«!«JfJ^'' ti. '^3v (A) fttl kindntM htf tiMirAd «•, when w« bad no olaia m TW conptMioa. ^ But whiU humbly proitrate befor ner, with ourlipg, teacb us, O Lord, to (tel it dteply Ia our bearif, and to diapiay it coDtinualiy lo our conduct. Glfc us grace, wo beseech Thee, to turn our preseat eipt- ^rienceofrhy gracious goodness to our lasting improyemeiit. Lici It bring hoBBe to our hearts an increased sense of our jntir* dtptndence upon Thee, and of tbe obligation which Thouhiyestuponus.byall the blessings which we enjoy, 1 ouch us with a lowly feeling of our own unworthiness.--- Pitpose lit from our hearts to refer all the good that is dis* pansed to us, not to our own merits, but entirely to Thy fren •m undeserved mercy j that so, as we more esperienee, both itt public and in private, the favor and protection of Thy over- rulmg Providence, we may ever rise in our feelings of devout y Ihjr toly name, and in the bwriy ifslriMa fiompl«|t eW» jHiit* ift mtt Thy Toimiifmtmenti tlSse FrayS ta" Thankigjvinn we humbly offer to Thy Hbe Mfcjest?.^ ^% niQ»e niHl through the mediation of ouTlBord asd Saviour^ Je»tt» Christ. 4mtn^ ' ^QOD uftr lieaTafcly Fatfier^Vhoaren in thamiastof Thf vr jwt displeasure regardest Thy unworthy people with coinpassioiH we offer Tliaa <»lMwheriy mlowm mmi oihfr^ and abaerful obndiaiicb toth»Lai|«« a^ ao inform and atrapgihajftoor minda by tha power of fh} fMi Spirit, that faarittg Thy wrath abota all things, and baingmvad by th^ f^:. ■^ ,^ #• •* V ^:- I I) I ,Jl#^TO»lfl»llll| h. ModDMt to rn>«i»t«t€^ we M okttln fro* Tbet, O Ort- 5oui P.therVrtllenn til our tAictiooi. •nU the rapply ol •!! ^r%e»t ;aDi.. a-d ..f -t l«.gtl» bo tdmlttod Into tboio HooWyiMDiioni, whoro •» lorrow. .hill cotio. tod jll "»tt ilill bo tttitfied. through Th5 inereio b Jetut Chriti •ur Lofd.— ^ii»««- I Communion Service, ji o f J^lk0 Camfi>r A« Kimg, " Almighty Qod whoM Kiugdom,** ♦^ LORD our God, Father of merclef, founttii of «o«to« ^^ esd bleeimg. of We ej»d peaee. of plenty yd pird', ^%JiMF!iSlmf\ .-a,. .^', m .-^^»i^••■|^Mi^p|'**;■;3t .;' ;■; > •ft f jMw dU Frmtrfvr " Ik* whel* tUf . iMr* i« fiw«||."— n«j thuU hi vmmIs MINIMI ALMIGHTr and tm atreiAil God, who, UttUfgn- cioui goodn^f, dott liiteii to thep^litiooforihoM who wtih t«mbi« and dtTont htarts eull upon Thee, tbrough Thf Bleated Soo,— Vottcliiare to accebt with thy favor, the Sop« plicatbna and Thankig Ivioga, wim which we, Thv unworiby ^ervanta, have thia daj preaumed to approach Tny Throne. Coniinue we beaeech Thee the bleaaltg of Thy Bpeeial Pro- videnee to the people of thia land, and to the whole Eapire, of which we form a part. Unite ui, by the aid of Thy Holy Spirit, In uniform obedienet to Thv will, ^nd in ardent leal forTby honor and aervice; knit our htarta together in brother-, ly ainiction x in attaohment to our relicion and laws; in dutiAil obedience to our Sovereign; antf to thoae bho bmr fth ofhy under him.— Endue ua with a apirit of piety and devotion to- wardeTheej of unahaken reliance on the merita and anfiiir- inga of Th^j^B^lovtfd Son ; of juatict and tempei^nee ; of humility anl^parity; and of all other gracea whicli adorn the Chriatian character. — Unworthy, ap we are, of. the eomfortjR of our holf faith, ' remember jour InfirmitieajTjB I'bine abundant pity ; but remember ourjaina no more— -Ijlft ua up, w^en we ar^ fallen, by Thy hand ; aupport ua with Thv ataff; refreab ua with Tby gracioua Aye— and if, in Thy righteotta Goveronent, Thou ahall aeefit to encirejt Thy Churoh and people with a cloud of temporal aorrow and dit- treat, open unto ua the window of ileayen, that with an ey# of faith and hope, we mey aee beyond the cloud, looking upott thoM mmrciea, which, in Thy aecret providence, nnd ndmlrablc wiadom. Thou deaigneat to all Thy^ aetvanta, from euch iMi» Ukely and aadbeginningi— teach uijillgently to do nil o«r duty, and cheerfully toaubmit to all l^lr will | •nCtt laet, O Lord, be gracioua to Thy people who uiU upon Thee, idto ^1 their truet in Tlieeb «hok»«»,laki Vvlftlillr hopea f| Hit hoeom ofthtir Gods who Wtidte Thee Iwft no othtr kelper— Hear ui, O Lortf, 9u itM jake of Thy beloved Son, iht 9Bly uid prtyailisf Jlltdiitor.- I :&y i^^ \ I * \ Aii'*-' 45- tif^"' >r >-r. ^ a ■^4 ^ — , _. _ in** lo •n Godly qukt- M^ «lW||.h Jetvt Olirtol our l^rd,— «Im,;^^'*fe''' V (^ e ;«"■■ \ -#.,:J'.I -«I'/)J 14» ( 1 <4 (■/ ( i ^^t^ />" c^ w «^ a ht^ , \\ A gryv JL ■^1^ *• . ' t ■t b '' •' . VJ » " • • -a' " " >• ¥ ■ ,%^ » • ' W (t' » / .' * ■ ■ " .'■ u -f . " . > " ) . * ' ' >' " -to ■ 1 k- * ■ • * M p. ^ 4 It ^ \ -,. 1 . . i\ " J /' ft * « 1 ^j^t^ ';. . f^/^ M . ' .^^Mm ^ *.