mi %^ *> Ox IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A {./ 4^% fe f/. 1.0 iJi 11.25 | 4£ us 2.2 f ■« Wig »" 1.8 U 11.6 Hiotographi" Sciences Corporation a WE.»<3?^.-5) 9{ -^i\>, OFFICERS OFTHE CLUB: President, E. MUSGRAVE. Vice-President, W. RiDGWAY-WILSON. Hon. Secretary, E. A. JACOB. Hon. Treasurer, H. F. IVIYTTON. REV. CANON BEANLANDS, COMMITTEE : R. R. BAYNE, F. O'REILLY, W. H. LANGLEY. J. F. FOULKES, g>5 REFEREE, E. MUSGRAVE. The following Ladies have kindly consented to provde Tea during the Tournament Week : [Monday, 6th August, (Mrs. Beanlands Tuesday, /th " IVIrs. Dunsmuir Wednes., 8th " IVIrs. Wm. C. Ward Thursday, 9th August, Mrs. Pooley Friday, 10th " Mrs. O'Reilly Saturday, 11th " Mrs. Crease rr-'F CO' 0NI8T PRIWT PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF D.C. r GENTLEMEN'S SINGLES (Handicap.) Commenced 30th julv. Best of three sets. Final round best of five sets. Advantage sets only in final round, or, if one set, all in jireliininary rounds. FIRST ROUND. F. B. Pemberton, receives ^ of 30, (bye). H. F. M. Jones, receives 15, " A. C. Elmore, scratch. *' E. A. Jacob, scratch, vs. Lieut. A. Y. Mo^gridpe, R. N., owes }4 of 15. T. E. Pooley, receives J^ of 30, vs. (leo. C. Johnston, receives }4 of 15. J. M. Millar, scratch, vs. W. H. Langley, receives 15. G. E. Parkes, receives 15, vs. [L V. Langton, receives 30. Dr. R. H. J. Browne, R. N., scratch, vs. A. J. O'Reilly, receives >^ of 30. P. S. Lampman, receives 15, vs H. B. Rogers, receives ^ of 15. Lindley Crease, receives 15, vs. C. C. Wrrsfold, scratch. H. F. Mytton, receives )4 of 30, vs. H. B. Haines, receives 15. Harvey Combe, owes 15, vs. J. F. Fouikes, owes 30, .\. G. Smith, receives 30, (bye). Rev. A. Scriven, receives 15, (bye). F O'Reilly, receives }4 of 30, " i) II. T. Drake, receives ^ of 15, (bye). LADIES' OPEN SINGLES. Best of three sets throughout. Advantage sets only in final round, or if one set, all in preliminary rounds. Miss Scott, (Ottawa), (bye). Miss Anderson, (Far and Near Chd), Hastings, New York), (bye). Miss Musgrave, (Duncan's), vs Mrs. \V. Langley. Miss H, C. Bailey, (Tacoma),, vs. Miss Beckwith, (Plattsburg, N, Y.) Mrs. F. W. Snow, (Tacoma), vs. Miss Arrowsmith. Mrs. W. F. Burton, vs. Miss Kershaw, (Tacoma Ladies' T. C) Mrs. W. H. Bramsdon, (bye). Miss Roe, (Nanaimo), " LADIES' DOUBLES. Best of three sets. Advantage sets only in final round. Miss Kershaw and Miss Anderson vs. Mrs Snow and Miss Bailey. Mrs. Bramsdon and Mrs. Ker vs. Miss Dunsmuir and Miss A. Pooley. Mrs. Burton and Miss Arrowsmith vs. Miss C. Powell and Miss M. Goward. Miss Musgrave and Miss Langley vs. Miss Scott and Miss Roe. GENTLEMEN'S OPEN SINGLES. ~~ ~~ — — ■ — Championship of British Columbia Best of three sets. Final round best of rtve sets. Advantage sets only in final round, or if one set ;dl, in preliminary rc-und. E. A. Jacob, (bye). J. M. Millar, " (j(jo. H. Purdon, (Taconia), (bye). J. F. Foulkes vs. Theodore Origgs, (Tacoma). A. D. Crease vs. F. S. Hidl (Taconia). G. W. White, (Tacoma), vs. R. E. Harkley, \Cowichan). P. J. Fransioli, (Tacoma), vs. — . Atkinson, (Seattle). Lieut. A. Y. Moggridge, K. N., vs. L. Pelly, (.Seattle). C. R. Longe vs. Harvey Combe. C. (lamble vs. VV. E. Long. S. F. Morley vs. Lieut. E. G. W. Davy, R. N. E. J. Crickmay, (Vancouver), vs. li. IL T. Drake. G. V. Cuppage, (bye). A. C. Elmore, R. Harvey, " Geo. C. Johnston, «' GENTLEMEN'S OPEN DOUBLES. ^ Best of three sets. Final round best of live sets. Advantage sets throughout. I S. F. Morley and E. A. Jacob vs. (ieo. C. Johnston and T. E. Pooley. Harvey Combe and R. E Barkley vs. H. F. M. Jones and |. M. Millar. F. S. Bull and P. J. Fransioli vs. II. F. Mytton and H. B. Haines. F. Ward and A. R. Green vs. A. C. Elmore and Lieut. E. G. W. Davy. R. Harvey and C. Gamble vs. Geo. H Purd( n and G. W. White. C. R. Longe and W. E. Long vs. F. O'Reilly and C. C. Worsfold. G. V. Cuppage and J. F. Foulkes vs. B. H T. Drake and A. J. O'Reilly. — . Atkinson and L. Pelly, (bye). LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DOUBLES (Open.) Best of three sets throughout. Advantage sets only in final round, or if one set all, in preliminary rounds. Miss Anderson and Lieut. A. Y. Moggridge, (bye). Mrs. Bramsdon and Lieut. H. W. Gordon, R. E., vs. Miss .Scott and A. C. Elmore. Miss Roe and G. V. Cuppage vs. Miss Dunsmuir and C. R. Longe. Miss Arrowsmith and H F. M. Jones vs. Miss M. Coward and A. T. % Goward. ^t^lt^Me^l^\^*^^^^J^l^*J^l^}in.,t'^m.,^^m.^K,t^^^,,tmJtn^K^mJ^n.|^,lf^^^^^.^n^n^^.^^.^^^^^m.^^trK^n^ Miss A. Poolc-y and I. F. Foulkes z;j. Miss Langley and C. C. Worsfold. 5 Miss MusmavL- and R. E. liarklcy z's. Miss Kershaw and (i \V. White. i Miss Bailey and V. S. Hull v.s\ Miss C. Powell and P.. Powell. Miss Barkley and Harvey Coiidje, (hye). LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DOUBLES (Club Handicap.) Best of three sets. Advantage sets only in final round, or if one set all, in preliminary rounds. Mrs. W. Langley and II. Pj. Rogers (receive 15), (bye). Miss Anderson and .\. C. Ehnore (scratch), (bye). Mrs. Bramsdon and Lieut. II. W, Gordon, R. E., (receive 15), vs. Miss Green and T. E. Pooley (receive 30). Miss Arrowsniilh , nd, II. K. M. Jones (receive 15), vs. Miss Dunsmuir and C. R Longe (scratch.) Miss M. T. Drake and B. II. T. Drake (receive 15) vs. Mrs. Burton and E. A. Jacob (scratch). Mrs. Ker and Dr. R. II. J. Browne, R. N., (receive 2/4 of 15), vs. Miss Scott and F. B. Pemberton, (receive 15 and 2/4 of 15.) Miss A. Pooley and J. F. Foulkes (scratch), (bye). Miss Barkley and Cieo. C. Johnston (scratch), (bye). The rules of the Lawn Tennis Association (England) will be observed. Competitors will have to play on such courts and at such times as the Committee 5 may appoint. Competitors not appearing at the appointed time will be disqualified. In all cases of dispute the decision of the Referee will be absolutely final. Play will commence at 10 a. m. on each day. Mrs. Dewdney has kindly consented to give away the prizes on Saturday, the nth inst., at 6:30 p. m. Archives of British Cohitnbia O'REILLY COL ^^l^^'Mn|^'Jt^J^^>^^K^^l^^l^^Ki^n^nltn,t^^l^M.^mJak,in^^^mJn,rm^^^^^n,^n^n,,^^u.^^^^,^p^^.,t^^»^u.^m^^.^^^ KtiLLY ^ LhXTION I I