•i^- ^. "^^■^J^ .0^. \^^ %. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // .<>.% ..**,^ 1.0 [fi^i^ ^^^^=: lit 13^ iiiii o '^ I.I 1.25 — 6" 1^ Ui 1 2.2 " 1^ lllllio 111= U 111.6 V] signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely Included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams iiiustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmAs d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. irrata to pelure, nd Q 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 VI. 3. BRITISH COLUMBIA. A^IOTOIUA, B.C., MAT?Cir, 1870. DEBATE ON THE SUBJECT OP CON- FEDERATION WITH CANADA. Wkdnksdav, !iT[| March, 1870. The Hon. ATTOIINKV GRNKRAL CREASE Opf'nL'ii the (li'biitc (HI (.'untedcnition, ns follows : — Mr. rre.-iilciit, — I rise to move that this Council do now iT^olvf itself into Coinmitloc ol the whole, to take into eonsiileration the terms proposed lor the Uonfedeiatinii of the Colony of British Colnmhia \7ith the Dominion of Canmlii, iu His Kxecllency'g Mcsaiige to tiii^ Council. In doing so, T nm deeply impro.s.seJ with t!io monienloiis chunuter of the discussion into which we are iihout to Ciller, the grave importance of a decision by which the fite of this our adopted country of British Coluuilda must he influenced, for hetter, for wor.-c, lor all lime to come. And I earner^ily hope thill our mind.s and best energies may he hent to a task whi( h will lax all onr patriotism, all our for- bearance, nil our abnegation of self, and stWish aims, to coiiiltine all tiur in lividual powers into one great, united elfurt fur the common jiood. Mny lie who holds the fiite of Nations in the hollow of His hand, anil crowns with success, or brings to naught, tiie couiK-els of nun, guide all our delihera- tion-itosnch an issue as shall promote the peace, hiinour, and welfare of our Most (Tracioua Sovereign, ftnd of this ano, n;l' Ubstanding the previous Resolu- tions of til"? ' ci;s3 30 frequently uflirming the princi- ple, ["No, No," from Dr. Helmcken] still conscien- tiously object lo the principles of Confederation, to come forv.'aru mil explain to this Honourably body, and to 'r.e country at large, their views, — why they still refuse ts r.id in the consolidation of Ilritish interest3 c ■. the North American Continent, by the Confeder.'.llon ofthi.j Colony with the Dominion, and the cienlioii of one ■'omogcneous nationality from sea to ser.. yome rorourable gentlemen say "No, No " to my .statciiient tiiat the House has aflirmed the principle of Coufct'.LrntlGn. Put I npiical to the Journals of this Iloure, iu rroof ofwliat Istate. I well remember, on the l9Lh /iareh, 1^67, when the "British North An erica Act, l;(G7,'' wiu being framed h}* the Im- p:.lal ?r,r!:i;;vcnt, thi.« Co-.:ncil, an.tiou3 to be embrac- ed T7;lhin tho purview of ila provisions, passed by na unr.nirao;-.c vote the foKcwing nesol.Uion: — '• W/WmJ, ': Imt thin rmiiiril in of r.i-iii:,v.i f.iAt .-.t tliln Jtinrtrirt ofafTHhii iu B. UIhIi Noitli America, ens* rf the Ilocliy Moiiiitalnn, ft JH v»T> lieflimbio llmt [lis Kxcflleiioy '09 reflpwt fully re«)uei>lc«l to takr siicti Bte] a, wilbuut dulny, m r.ny '.ye Uvomed by lifiu lett niltilttAil to iiiHiiro the ndmltiiiidn of IlrUiaii ri)Iiiii))tfa into thn Con* riilcmtlon on fiiin-.nd i'i|iiitAb|i> tcrinH, IhiHCnuiicil bclDKconflili'iit Hint In nilviniiiu; tbU step they Hre cxitrMttiiitf lliv viewt of lUo i.'i'loniBtH j;;ciiendly." And more than that, this Resolution was followed up by a deputation of individual members to Gove-rar Seymour, who at their instance telegraphed to the Secretary of Sinte the purport of that Resolution ; and on the 2L'nd >hirch, the following Message was sent down to the Council on the subject: — "TlioOovoriHir hr.i rociivrii tho Itcsohitfon of tho LpRlBlatlvB Cnuiu'll, (lalnl tlie 13i'< ^^^liti.t, in favour of ttio nilmlHHion of Brili-h C'.«lHn;l.ii( with Ihc iii(,iosoJ ronfcHlpratlon of tlio Kantern nrititth rn;l, c'overnor oftho HudBoirfl Buy Company." Whatever lonstructiou maybe put upon this Reso- lution by Honou.abio Mciujers v.ho have said '' No, No," one thing i.s ccrLaiu, it nftirmed, in tl e most distinct manner, by tiiis Council the principle 0/ Con- fcthniiiitn, the advisability of our joiniug at sometime or other the Dominion of Canada. That principle has during every subsequent session, down to the present day, been conlirmed, either directly or indirectly, by a specific Ucsolution of this House [" No, no," from Dr. Helmcken and Mr. Wood]. Thus, on the 28th THE OOVKRXMKNT GAZETTE EXTRAORBTNAl^Y. April, \t^*'>*, ii lieMiliiliuii ». .- |...-.-. . ■ coiilirniiiiy thf I'vevinn;; Ho.-Mlntiuii, in tL-rms : — "Thnt thUCmri/il. "hil- r.:.,f.n>u'>:i (hi r.J- fafoiir nf titf fftirril fnii-i/ih -t lliw il.--ir il-ili tlii^Ci'l-'iiy Willi Hm' li"iimiiMii MiriiiMilij, t.. »< h,ili.i.iti..ii nlHiJij-l. ini.i. -"t- xikI iii-1 ituti.-ii- i ni-.« -till "itli-'it Miltl. i.-iil JiifoiriiiitiHii .u\-\ •■\\<- Mil 111 111! " (lir r.lldWiri V..I til.' I Ili'T ."■..m|.ti-Ii Ili.i. I'l itdiiiit • ■ ilijiiiiit;; Ihi' tcriiiN I t •lljH-al iiiti'i Mil ulii.li •'iKli ^111 t riinii »..iilli dihiiiibiii.'' Whiit id that l»ut 11 coiitirmatiini of tlic principle? Xow li't u-i i.iiik to the Journals of IStlJi. There I see tli.it, ftii llu- I Till Trhi'iiarv, lsi;;i, whfii owhi.u't i Mi p(i-ition of other political issues then current in the Coionv, it wuuhl have hern ea\-"nt ton.suinmation of rnion. The word "present " w:i> an express anirntlinent of my Ilonourahle eolleafjne opposite (Mr. Triiteh) and myself, so us to preserve the principle, and hiiie our lime. The Mouse, therefore, I tiiUe it. has thorou;rlily and uniformly committed itself to the principle ol Confeilenition, nnd may very properly he invited now. setting aside till cause:! of ditVerence, for the common good, ciilmly, frankly, and cordially lo enter upon ii discussion of the terms. Hut if any Hononralde Menihers think the principle lias not been decitled, now is the time and now the hour to settle that point (as far na this Session and this present Council is concerned) once ami forever. They are bound, in support of their views, to lay before the Council the reiusons for the faith that is in them, and lo explain why we should not consolidate counsels with (he Dominion. And here. Mr. ('resident, let me eay n few words upon the por-ition the (Mlirial .Members of this Coun- cil have occupied throughout the whole of this mat- ter. Their p.rtion hiis been nnich misunderstood — T will not sav misconstrued — both in Euf^landnnd at Ottawa. I'ntil the receipt of F.rtrl (Iranville'd Confederation DcspateU of 14th Au^nist, IHCfi, they did not feel lliemselves i\t liberty to go further in the direction of Confederation than to aflirm tlie general principle of its propriety, cnvcfully abstaining from the exjiression of opinion on the meiita of any prrticnlar mode, iletails, or time of carrying that principle into practi- cal efleet That, tliey considered, could most cffectunily be done by Her Majesty's tJovernment, an K.veciitive pccnliarl) iinalihed for the task, this Legislature, and the I'eople of this Colony nlJ acting in concert to- gether, as it is now proposed ic do. I do not at present intend to enter into the details ot what particular terms would or would not be most aiivantagcous to this Country in any projiosal for Confederation. That will be ii question for the House lo settle when, if ever, we get into Cfmimittee on the subject; but. inasmuch, as the principle of Confederation means the advisability of consolidating Itrilish intere.-t-i on the North American Continent, it is impos.-ible lo lose sight altogether, in a debate upon the princijile, of Ihe general advantages to be deri\ed by Hriti.-h Columbia from a participation in that great [icbenie. 1 readily confess that there are drawbacks lo material union, snch as tlistance. hick of communica- tion, and, to some extent, want of identity of interest, which can only — but yet which can — be removed either wholly, or in a very great degree, by suitable conditions of Cnion. It is for us to determine those condillons in this House, and aft^r negotiation upon them with Canada, to submit tliem to tlie decision of the popular vole, the piMiple being the parties principally nllVcteil by the change, wlm will have to pass in the last resort, once and for e\cr. upon the whole luestion. The circnni-tances. political, geographical, and pociul. under which we are at present placed, compel us to political moveiweiit in one liirectittu or another, and the ipiestion is now — In what direction .-hall we go' We are sandwiched between Cnited States Territory lo Ihe nnrtb and soiilb — indeed on all sides bn' one. and that niie diiciiiug inwards Cjuiada. Our only o)iiinn is bciwiMii leniaiiiing a peliy. isrdatcd cominii- nity l.'t.ooo miles from home, ekeing oul a miserable existence on the crumba of pros^icrity our powerful and active ri|inblican iiii-liltiiii - . In-i-c lo allow u.i, or, by taking our place iimong the comity of natiouH, become the prosperous western oullet on the North i'acitic of a young and vigoron.- people, the eaEtern ir| boundary nf who.-c pos>esslons is wa.-heU by Ibe Atlantic". Tlii- i" li)e .'Illy option left to faithful subjects ol the ISritish Cnuvu. Now look al oui roudilion as a Colony, with climate far liner Ihau any other in the world, with maguiliceni harbours, rivers, seas, and waters for inland navigittiou, with unrivalled resfiur- ces of almost every liocriplion you can name — coal, Ininbcr. spurs, fish, and Inrs — mines of gold, silver, copper, lead iunabar, tin. and almost every other luineral throuulioul the land: with a soil and climate admirably adapted to pa.-toral and ngricnlturnl pur- suit.s — with almo-t every naiural advantage wliich the lavi.-li huui of nature can b' tow upon a country — the undoubted fact rernain.s: We are not prosperous. I'opulalion does not incrcflpo. Trade and Comnu'ice languish; coal mining does not advance; agriculture, though progressive, does )t go forward as it might. The settlement of the country, though increasing, yet falls ^liort id'just expectations. No public works for opening the counlry are on hand, and a general lack of progress (that is, jiropor- tioned to the extraordinary resources of the Colony) is everywhere apparent. And why is this? It is n(»t, as some allege, because of the particular form of Government we al present enjoy (if it were, Confederation in that Wduld ctl'ect a change). It is among other things a i*ubiic debt altogether il spruporlioned lo our means. O'lr close proximity to an active and powerful neighliour whose interests are toreign to our own. [ " Hear, Hear," from Dr. Helnicken]. Ibit the chief reason of all is (hat policy of isolation which has kept UH aloof from the assistance and sympathy of a kin- dred race, and left us in the infant state of one o!' Kngland's youngest Colonies, to .support the burdens and responsibilities of n thickly peopled and long settled land. Do Hon. Members ask what would Confederation do Ir.r us? It would at once relieve us from the most if not all the present ills from which we i-uffer. if proptrly arranged. For Confederation iu Fome .-ense means term?. U would assume our Publie Debt. (Ireatly increase our Public Credit, and thereliy aid in the utilization of our varied rosource."!. It would leave u,s a .90rt(/ A/z/rtorf in our Kxchequer to carry on all local works and open on( the counlry. It would give us a Railroad across the Coiitinent, and a quick anil easy access to Ottawa, New York, and Lon;tte on tl e jjronnd of indispo^jition, under which ho was mani- festly sutVering. The Hon. Mil. IIKLMCKKN said, the subject of Confederation was introduced by His Kxeclleucy the Governor in his i^pcceh, in the fullowiuf; terms — "Tilt' coiiiiininit.v ia iiln'ii'ly acqiinititt'il willi t1iHt<'1i wliicli I hiivi' rccwiitiy nvfivcd frum [li-r Mnjr^hty't Serrftmy of htHtc i.ii tlii>* "iilijcct ; iiri'l ilii- iiuTful (oUHJtlenUiriii of it cuiiiii) iKiiycr Im- ildi-irni Willi cuuiIchv to llci .Miijr«ty'n linvcriiment, » inltaiitaKc I" tin' 0>li>ii,v. I (-uiiuiK-inl it toyniir ciiriiL'Rl tlioii^lit KiTiiiv uwii |i;iit I iiiii f.inviiintl tliut i>n cirtiilii tcriiiB, whifli I bclii'VB it w.>ii|(| lint W ciiflinill toarrmige. tiiiH (Colony iii«y derive BtibNdiiitiiil lii'iictit from kiiiIi iiii tiiioii. Hut tin' only iiitinniT in wtiicli il mil III- i)Kt'tTliiiiii-iii-iilrt RH will piiil UK, it to |in>[)os(.> hiicIi an \vi* would bu rpft'iy to «iii-|il. AVitIi the ncHiclaiKi- uf my roiiiiril, I liuvi* |ir<^- p:iri-il II Koliciiiv whiL'li I ^li:ill t-(iiiiii> to hv liiid liff«rt' yoil. Itt'^olii- tioiH fritnidl ii]hiii tluit liHHiit will L-ti:ible iiiv to couiiiniiiii'ntv with til*' tioTiTiiiiK'ul iif Caniidii iitid n!ic(>rtiiiii whetlipr llicy will bu wilMiii- lo iiiiiilo loLiir inoiro-ilii.iiH, Wlul. II. i' \Kw- ..filrr \I ij.-iy'HiJ..VPrniii'iit have Ii.-cn chnrly nii'l fill ;lilv I \;iii -.-111 uj-'>ii thi- <|ui'?i: i'X<'<'|>t iti ilir >rdiilK't( with IIh ^i-ih-i-. imipt;irirc by llriUnh HiilyLtl.i in tlit- Cwloiiy, I do nol, thrrt-fori lir.-jii"-!' that any ti-rnis agri'fd upon by the GovcriiiiK'iit oH nu-.x* Hliiiiild It tlnilly -'tct-i'pti-d, niitil riilltlcd by the fci'iicnil verdict tli<- roiiinniiiity, xo f.ir HB that ciui 1>e nyrcitaim'd thrmiiili fiiiothrr Couiiril, of which the t'lioIUrinl Mi'inbcra shall have bt-uii re.cUxti-d." Before proceeding to the consideration of the sub' ject, I will reply in a very few word.^ lo the speech of the Hon. Attorney General. The Hon. gentleman laid great stress upon the consolidation of IJritish '.ntercsts on this Coast, but I say, .Sir, l.nU however much wc arc in favour of consolidating Hritish interests, our own interests must come lirst, Imp. rial interests can well nfford to wait. We are invited to settle this question now and for ever, but I say that we are not called upon to do so; the n-atter will come before ihe peitple alter the proposed terms have been submit- ted to the Uominion Covcrnment, and il will very likely happen that, if the.'ic (erms are rejected and others of a mean nature 8ul)s(ituted by the Govern ment of <'anada for the consideration of the poojde of this Colony, other issues may come up at, the polls, and nmongst them, the (jueslion whether there is no other place to which this Colony can go but Canada; whatever may be the result of the present vote, it is impossible to deny the proliability of the less being absorbed by the greater; and it cannot be regarded as improbable that ultimately, not only this Colony, but the whole ot the Dominion of Canada will be absorbed by the United Wtates. The Hon. Attorney (Jeneral has nol attempted lo prove the advantages which will result from Confederation, he has contented himself will; vagne assertions of lulvan.ages. The qiieftioii is only lnnught ilown by the Govern - in eonseipienec of the Despatch of Lonl (Jranville ; I we have to do is to agree to a series of Itesolutions. It if. not pretended that il in the voice of the peojde, or the voice of this Council. Il is well understood that it is a Government measure. And we all know what that means — il means tha^ this series of Res- olutions is to be pas.'cd — And we have it from the Governor that he desires to send these Hesolntions to Canada; lliey will nol go, they are not inlended to go, as the opinion of the peiiple. but when certain terms have been agreed upon between the Government of this t'olonyand the Dominion Parliament, they will come back to the people for ratification. Il remains then for the people to organise, so as to l)e ready at the proper lime to give their verdict, for the re.^pon- pibilities will ultimately rest with the people, and it is for them to say whether they will have Confeder- ation or not. I do think. Sir, that the (jue.'-tiou ought to have been an open one. Her Majesty's (Jovernment ought not to have intei- tfred, they are not jiistilietl in interfering in business tvhich wc could very well manage for ourselves. I feel certain that His Kxcellency will act iiprighlly, fairly, luuie-tly, and generously, by, and tor, Iho Colony [hear, hear]: and, Sir, I fully believe '.hat if hese terms are declined now. in any future negotU .itions that may take place, if the people support the 'lovernor. no terms will be accepted, or ever proposed, vv liich would lead to this Colony being sacrificed to 'anada, and that the people will have every oppor- lunily afiordcil them to organise for the liiial vote wlien the time arrives for the settlement of this i|ncstion "tinallyand forever," ns the Honourable Gentleman has put it. I see no reason. Sir, why Her Majesty's Government should interfere with our allairs, there is no reason thai the .Mernliers of this Couneil should be coerced. The desire of Her Majesty's Government is in reality u command to the Executive. .\ neu Kliction ought to have been called before ;iis ijuer-t on was brought on ; but there is one satis- f.ution left us, it i? that Her Majesty's Government have left th*; terms to the Colony. II is for the people to use that power rightly, wisely, and well, lo see that Confederation means the welfare and progress of the Colony. Now, Sir, in the first place, it is necessary for the peo|>le tu see llial Confederation must be for the general good of the Colony. I am opposed to this question being brouglit down now. I believe it to be most inopportune. It is believed by most people that this Colony is on the verge of great changes. That the new gold discoveries will hring a large population to tins Colony, and that the slijiht despinidency which now exist:* will be swept away, and that this Colony will once more enter upon an era of prosperity not inferior to that which belonged to it a few years ago. 1 say. Sir, that this is an inopportune jieriod to bring this c[uestion up, because when that]iopiil.\tion which is expected arrives, our position to negotiate for terms will be much better, because with a larger population and greater prosperity, we may demand far better terms than now, and, Sir, it is my linn conviction that if prosjierity comes shortly the people of ill I- Colony will not desire to change certainty for uncertainty. Another reason there is that we ought to wait until after IHTI ; in that yea; Canada has to take a census of the population, and when that is taken we shall know the amount of the del)t per head. I have no doubt it is greater now than wlion Confederation was first inaugurated. It is increasing, and 1 believe that instead of 'J2 cents per head it will now be 2'* cents. 1 sliou.d like, then, lo wait until after 1871. be- cause we shall then hav a better opportunity of knowing the financial conililion of those with whom we would connect ourselves. It is inopportune, also, for the reason that the pres- ent difliculties in the lied lliver Settlement are sulll- cient to cause us great anxiety. I will not take up the time of this House by inquiring whelher the people of that Territory are right or wrong. I know nol, and shall not discuss the question : but this 1 do know, thai if they induce the Indians to join them it will cause a great delay in the settlement of that country ; and we do not even yet know that the lied Uiver Settlement will prove so inviting to emigration a.s is reported. Again, Sir, I may state that Confed- eration, so far ns it bos at present gone, is but a mere experiment. It is nothing more or less than nn experiment. And I believe that considerable dissat- isfaction has resulted from it. If we wait a little lunger before seeking to enter within its pale our- •^elves, we shall know better about the faults of its machinery, and perhaps be able to learn u hat are its dra\\ hacks, and how we can best avoid them. These, Sir, are good and snflicicnt reasons for delay. It is absurd to attempt lo ally ourselves with a people miles away, wilhoiit any settlement of the inter- vening conn try, with no communication except through the I'nited Stales, and with no telegraphic cominnni- cation. ('anada is fnr all practical purposes further removed from iis lo-day than Kngland, we know less about her. When we asked for a copy ot the Canadian TaritVwe were \oU\ that there was no copy to be had. [•' Vcs, yes, ' from Hon. Members.] No ofiicial copy then. Thi-J. then, sliowfi forcibly the intimate nature of the relations subsisting bet\\oen us. When we desire to refer to the Canadian Year liook, a most useful work, which during the present discussion ought to 1&30 '111?. fiOVKT^X.URNT GAZETTE T^XTRAOIIDINAUY. be ill tlu- liiiinis of t'Viiy iiuiiiIkt, \\v tiiui Imt Iwu Copii'S. Thin, nKiiin. show.-* tlio extent of uur ctiin- munitiitinn with Ciumila. Her Mnjcsty's Giivcrnmcnl serin to tliiiik lliiit they know l>e>t whut is lor our interest, and it i^eenis miicli as If tliey said to ns "You are u I'rown Co!i>iiy, nml you oiifrlil to rciunin one. You are not lit to f^overn yourselves ; wc do not want you ; we will hand yon over to Canuda.'' 1 would rather thiit we were jjovcrned fVoin I'owninp Street. It is not, in my opinion, net-e.-sary or desinilile lliat tliis Colony sliuuld he Confederated u illi Canada. Ami uow, Sir, let ns jrlaiiee at lliiri Culony. I need not diliite u|ion what i^ known to all. I niaintniri, Sir, that this Colony is one of the rlehest portions oC the world's surlaec; that it has unlimited supjdies oT lumber and spars ; that it possesses coal, jrold, and other minerals in abundance ; that her waters tieni witli lish ; that it is rich in everything. Take the climate ; it is far i)ettor than thai of ICn^'land, far more temperate, far mere hripht and sunny, and, 1 may fairly add, far more lieallhy. \Vc are asked by the Honourable the Attorney General why the Country does not jrrt on; and I will now proceed to tell yon, Si:*, why the Country has not prospered a^ it ought to have done. It in herause the Llovernmeiit has paid too little attention lo the acquisition nf population. One very great drawback to its progress and the settlement of its land, is it proxiniity to the I'nited States, ll'iit proximity is one of the chief reasons that it hay not been peopled a it would have been ; \vh"n v:e look at, tlie energy and cnter[)rise there, and at il;e i'.elu wi.ij'- the Cniteil States oflers for Kmigranta firid tiio euterprisiiig of all nations, how can wc wonder tl'.nt that Country is preferred to oui-.= , a-il that people when they hocome dissatisfied hei-ij, should leave for the Cnited States. The I'rUed t-'tates hem us in on every side, it is the X.ition by T.'hi;;!. wc exist it is the Nation which has Uiado this Color.y what it is, but, nevertheless, it Is one of our groaltst draw- backs. Wc do not enjoy her advan'.agPL, nor do we profit much by tlicm ; we do not nhare her jnosperily, and we arc far too small to be h-r rival. The efl'ect of a large body and ft small body being brought into contact, is, that the larger will attnct the snmller, ind ultimately absorb it ["yes, ye?)," and "no, no."] [lion. Member for Kootenay — Ilow about Switzer- land?] I say more. Sir, I say that the United States will probably ultimately absorb both this i'olonvand the nonunion of Canada ["no, no, no," frcm Mr. Trntch, Mr. Crease, and others]. Canada will in i.II probability find it fjuite ns much to her ad\antage to join her ultimately, aswcdo now to join tlie Dominion. I say, Sir, that one cause of our want of pro^jienty has been the neglect of acquisition of i.o[iulaiion, and partic- ularly of agricultural population. Tiio nej-.t cause is that we have driv*'n ]>eoplc (.nt of the Colony. 1 need only allude to our having dcpO:-ed the Tree Trade system. That depoeition tock population out of the Colony which has never been replaced, there was a depopulation of the Ciiics wiIhoi;t any attempt having been made to obtain a substitute rural population ; we are now a.-^ked to undergo another revolution which will ruin our farmers, and do no sort of good to those engaged iu commercial pursuits. I do not intend, Sir, to f How the details of the proposed terms at present, but there seem items which I must notice. I hold in my hands the published returns of the Custom House receipts for last year, and this doc- ument show.1 plainly, that no less than halfu million of dollars arc sent out ofthc C)Iony every ycarfor the purchase of agricultural prodm-tions, wheat, barley, flour, and cattle, all of which, considering the fertiliiy of our soil, its abundance, the magnificent, salubrious, healthy, sunny, and more than temperate climate, v.'c ought to produce ourselves; this Colony probably raises another half million's worlh. If wc ndjpt the Canadian Tariff we shall throw away this uiillion of dollars, that i^, the half millinu which we raise, and the half million which can be raiscil, nnil for what? Kor the sake nf problematical benefits which BOm^ tbiuk likely to arise from (Confederation. If Confederation should come and bring with it the TnrifV of Canada, and it will do so, the great induce- ments which we now have to attract popnhition. will be taken away. So far from Corifederation benefiting the ro.nmereial community, I say it is much rather calculated to do them harm. No doubt if public works arc umicrtaken, as we are told will be the case under Confederation, employment vrill be giren for a time, but the supplies required will come from tho Cnilcd States, and our public works will actually bo of more beiudit lo ihe Cuited Stiites, dnringlheir con- st ruction, than this Colony. What we want, is an enlar- ged outlet tnr our resources We want in:irkeiH for our coal and lunilnr. «e want our local iriduslries fo.steretl, and all of these can he obtained by u juilieious ariangement v( nur own Tarilf. Next, we want agri- cultural ptquilalitin, and any itirrease of this kind of population must depend upipii the eneourtigenient given. If our agricultural interests arc hit without eiieouragcmcnt, we shall ni>t gel an inerensed ajjri- cultunvl population; and, therefore, the com, try \vitl not reii]i so much bt-nilit I'rwui public works, as tho supplies will i-onie from the I'nited Slates. We shall liuil it diniiiil'. Sir. lo get a Tariff from Camida that will suit us. and 1 think that 1 shall bo able to show you. Sir, that Confederalion will not proilu<-e population. An.vthing that deprives this Coliuiy of the powi-r of protecting the local indn.striea and interests (tf the Colony, anti of regulating and fostering its commerce and trade, eannot be otherwise than dangerous anil injurious to the rountry. 1 feel perfeclly sure, Sir. thiil if Confederation should come, l)riniring with it tlie Tari'f of Canada, nut only will the farmers be ruined, but our inde- pendence will be taken away; it will deprive our local industries of the protection now affonled them, and will infiict other burdens upon them ; it will not fre*^ traile and cummerce from thesharkles which now bind them, and will deprive the (iovernment of the power of reirulaling and encouraging those interests upon which the prosperity of the Colony de]>ends. There can be no permanent or lasting nnion with Canada, unless terms be made to promote and foster Ihe material and pecuniary interests oi this Colony. The only link which binds this Colony to Canada is Imperial. The people must be better olf under Con- federation than aloup, or they will not put up with it. We are told, Sir, that public works are to be under- taken. I answer that they may do good to some, but the supplies both of food and raiment will come from the Cnited States, who will in reality reap the lion's share of the benefit ; ane much smaller. What I mean. Sir, i", liu'.t r.t the endoflSTl. this Colony will save $r)0,0(tO, for (.ne of the loans will have expired, thus saving us $.'?(>,()0n, and fioating loans will be funded, and we shall save ten or twelve thousand by that. I shall not go into the question of Canada beln^f able to defend this Colony; 1 do not believe. Sir, that Canada is able to defend itself. Oreat Britain has taken away her standing army. Canada will very soon be required to pay for the few tr"tnps*that aro left, and in the next place they will be asked to con- tribute to the expense of keeping up the navy. Confederation would make tho IJominion territo- rially greater, but wouhl in oa«e of war, be a source of weakness. It is peojdo, not territory, that makes ft country strong and powerful. To be Ptrong, the union mustbo ofpeople, and in my opinion *hat condition ia Avanting. I feel certain that Her Majesty's Government has no wish to be put to the expense of defending the country. No wish to be involved in quarrels with tho Fnited States. No wish to keep Canada depending upon her support, but rallicr a wish to force her into independence, to get rid of her altogether. I am opposed lo Confederation, because it will not serve to promote the industrial interests of this Colony, but on the contrary, it will serve to ruin many, and thus bo detrimental to the interest and progress of the country. I say that Confederation THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTKAOKDINARY. from tho tiMilly bo llicir eon- n cnliir- tornur ti'-tlTClI, tl'liiioiLS Hit Il^rrj. ' kinil of VVllllOIlt nl fijjri- i.hy will IS the will Ik- iiijmiiMis to the I-'iirnicrs, lieruusc protcriiim i-^ 'tivt .-j m-iU Im (Hinwa Ir ,i)i utlur iiliirfs wmilil i»\fr- iii'cessiiry to ciiuhli' tln'm to coiiiiictL' uiili t'liimers of | whclui llii' iiiiiiiImt .-cut i'v\nn Hnii-h ('i)Iiinil*in. Kvni the I'liitt'il Sln!i'M. The Tarit!" hihI Kxci^(' Laws do. in tlio iiinttfi' of ii[i]irii|ii*iatiuiis, wlnri' Iho scramhlo not sii|)pl>' t!;at. Tlit-y will hu ininiiciai to brewers. Iiiiiiiii-al li) llie Spar Truile ; liiliniiMil t" l''i,-;lu'rifs ; Iiiiiiiical to U'liiilinji I'lirsintJ : Iniiiiic-itl lo Spar ami laniiber Mu.-'inc'^.s. Turn to thr CuiiadiiU) Taritranil vnii will tiinl grain lutniilteil free. I ni.iiiititin that it' the tarilt'nuw im- poseii upon (-(MTiiIs aiiil a^Ticiilliiral prmiiici' lie taken away, farnu Is nriliis Colnuy will lie broiifilit into e pflition Willi the larnuTH uf the t'nitcil Siiitc-j, itnuld be lo ft larger population ; moreover, we, having so small a population cannot ullonl U} ri>k a change, because we cannot recuperate ([uickiy. I'lidLT the Canadian law a brewer lau-^l take out a brewer's and nialster's license, ami has to pay one cent per pound on all malt made, and i\% there is anaveragc amount of 1.248,00(1 pounds of malt con- sumed in the year, the average duty would Hinonnt to $r-',<;SO , er annum, in addilioa to which they will have lo pay a inalster's and brewers license. The duty upon that amount of malt now is ^^.T-'iU. Con- federation therefore will iiicrea.se the malt duty by Xo union between tins Colony nnd Canada can pre- niauently e\i.-t, unless It be te th" material and pecun- iiiry advantage (tf this Colony to remain in the uniun. The sum of the interests of the inhabitants is the inter- est of tile Colony. The people of this Colony Iiave, gen- erally speaking, no love for (.'anaiia ; Ihey care, as a rule, little or nothing abaws of Canada will rain the domiuant inlcrcsts of this Colony, and we are told that those laws must rule acc(}rding to the con- ditions of the '' Hritish North America Act." A Tarilf perhaps excellent to the Hastern Provinces, is ruin to .trly :^:t,00n. Urewers would probably buy all their i jtiilj-h Columbia. Our Tarilf impose,^ a large duty on nialt. from abroad or cease ti) brew, especially when , spjijts, and a duty on agricultural produce. The Canadian Tarilf imposes none on agricultural pro- wc take into con: ideration tlie annoyances connected with the lioading system. Vou will see, Sir, tiiat this (luaiility of malt ws or tireanns : and 1 am told they cannot be taken without firearms in these waters, *o that under Confederation whales would be free to spout as they pleased. Under (jinadian Law, tobacco cannot be grown without e.\cise duty: it ha-? to be lioridcd, and iCs cultivftlion would be abandoned. Alkaline soil i-uils the tobacco plant, and 1 have very liUle doubt that tt)baceo could be grown profitably in many parts of Hritish Columbia [Hun. llolbrook— It is grown] ; but the excise iluty. When wo come lo lumber we find thnt there Is an export duty un logs of ij^l per 1000 feet: this will atVect the spar business. [Ilou. Harnard — No. it will not affect spars; the duty is iipfiu logs only, which is cut iiilit lumber, and is a protection to Canadian Lumber Mills.] I have now. Sir. given you rcafJons why the general intcre>ts id' the Colony will not be promoted. Farm- er.-, Itrewcrs, the Luml)er Tnide, and tlie Fisheries will not be benefited; who will'.' Canada will take no coal nor lumber from tis,and will not increase our trade at I : but they will lake our muney, and inueli (d' tliat money derived from the very fact (hat we have to pay more for Canadian nninufactures than the Kasteru Ptovinees, or rather we are obliged to pay duties upon foreign artiides, simply becau^ic we cann(.' obtain Cnnadiau, and yet we are told that Confedera- tion will reduce our taxatiuu. Our Tarilf is as low as thai of ('aiiada. save upon spirits and tobac-co. It wt>nld be absurd for us to sacrifice our intere.fils iu order that laws may be made fur us by a people who ki.ow little of our condition and wants, and who in fact niu.sl necessarily legislate for the greater number — the people of the Atlantic Provinces. It luce, and a small duty on spirits. If we are Confederated with Canada wc become its tributary, and iu all that concerns ns chielly Canada has tti net for us. In nil our chief concerns, coin- meree, j^hippiug, and mercantile laws, agriculture, trade, navigation, fisheries, currency, banking — Canada rules. She may tax us to any extent, nnd in any manner she pleases, su Ihat it is quite possible wc may have export duties on gold ami coal. All such things as require money for their perform- ance are left for the Colony to provide; those thiit rct|uire intellect are supplied by Canada. The expense to Canada is constantly decreasing, her revenue constantly increasing. The expense of the Local (iovernment on tho other hand, iscon.stantly increasing. And out of proportiou tu any increase of its revenue. Ip it necessary Ihat we should pay for tlio intellect of Canada? Is our own not as good? Do we not know what is best for ourselves? Cannot we do all as well as they? Cannot we jiay our Colonial intellect to do our business well, instead of theirs to do it badly? The very means by which we ought to make our roads are taken from us. so that, as time rolls on, we shall have lo provide other taxes, and raise loan.s fur the.pnrpuse. The other countries have gone into Confederation with roads ready made, and large loans nad large debts. It is not fair to put this country upon a footing of its present |i()piilation ; on its present income ; a future inciimc ought to be calculated upon. I do not think it wise to ruin the present popula- tion lor the sake of the future. Uemembcr that to have a population, tliat jiopnla- tion must be able to live. Confederation will ruin the farmer, and destroy at once the greatest inducement to immigration : will ruin the brewer and the fish- eries ; do no good to commerce : afford no larger market fur lumber, coal, or anything else ; in fact do a great deal of harm and no good, save that which is problematical and fanciful. In conclusion, I have to say that I sinccrolv trust ■ "■ h.it dangerous to place ourselves at the disposal of ;'i';'* "'"• ''^'''''V""*';""- "'"•' c'?. • ".' K^'''.'""' "V Miperiornamhers. wlia ever may be ,ho issue of this debate.it maybe 1 believe. Sir, that we are quite capable of makingM^ur the good of the Colony. laws for ourselves. ^ accord most heartily with the Icnrnod Attorney if we are united, or rather absorbed, everything General in the belief thai — will centralize in CanaUa, and the whole country will] "TIuto'o n IHvinity ihut BimiiM imrends, be tributary to Conftdn. The number of Reprcscnln- Hi.ugh hew tluuihmv wi-nmy." TJIK (iOVKUNMKNT (lAZKTTH KXTKAOUDINAIIY. Tla- fli.ii. Mil. IHtAKK, Mi-mlicr lor Vicldiiu Tiiy, rose iin«l -«iiitl, Sir, I will iriovi! an ninendiiioiil to lla- Uuflultitidii or tlic Hull. Athinn'v (iciifiMJ— " Tlmt Uii' coii.tiiU-nitiun ol" thin (lUt'slion In- ji((,sl|Mirifil t'ur six rauiitlis." I ii''fil mil btiiti*, Sir, llial I Iiiivc ahviiys bt'uii I'pini.'i (I tu Ctil'uilcriitiun on miv tonus ii|> to tlie |)r(':^ei)l lime, uiiil I (in not s*'p any riM.son now to fliiitif.'(.' ni,v ; opinion. I lio not ^.\y that ('otiriire for change; that is what id at the bottuiii of this ^ii-Jt. ns.Moii. ('onfiUenition h:i3 been diseiisscil ont.-siile, in the ]ml)tio jiress, and in oilier places, and !iuw after years of agitation ll hope of carrying; it, hut I move it with the view oMiriiiKiiig the question fairly before the public. I should deeply regret thai this Council should be aide to bind the t-olouy lor ever. The (jue-tiou is one cd'ilie greatest magnitude, jjreater by tar tlian ariy otiier uhi be turned over to Canada with no '-hange in our form «f (ioverniiienL no alteration in the management ol our politicaljilfairs, where is the advantage oi any change. It will simply be a change froiu "King Stork" to "King r.og."' The Olli'-iaU will be chosen by the Dominiim (Jovernuieut instead of the Crown; wv jjhoulil be traiK-frrred from the rule of Statesmen nt Downing Street in that of I'oliticians at Ottawa. 1^" N'o. no." from Mr. neCosniosJ. All our political rights will be takmuway, the whole of the legislation v.'iti pas-? out of our hands into tliat of (he Douilnion at Ottawa; tUoso laws njiou wiiich we shall be entitled to pass an opinion, uill lie much of the same nature as those up{)ii which a municipality or vestry inay vote: but which are beneath the dignity of u Colony. All power of r.u3ing ta.xcs, except as the Hon. .Member for the Dislriel remind.- me, for provin- cial pnrposes, \ve hhall be subject, to the provisions ofthe Organic Act, wiiich wt- have no power to change. Any terms wliich we can impiise, must be .subject »'> lue provisions of tLie ''IJritl.Oi North .\meriea Act. My position, therefore, is correct, when I say that our power will uol e.vceed that of a municipality. We are told that we are not lit fur U'-presentalive Institution- or Ucsponsible (lovernmeol. Then we shall go Into the Dominion as a Crown <'o!uuy — bouud liaad and foot. The \\}\v Members tliat will repre-Jviit us at Ottawa, will not have the power to do anything for «.'. I (io uot trust the Politicians of Ottawa. I do not desire to give them the jiower to raise money upon our vast and rich territory, whil^t we should get nothing from Canada in retnni, I woultl ratlier remain as we are, with some change and modilicaiion in our (iovernmcnt, 1 atlniit that Confederation ofTers great advantages to those Provinces whieh are contiguous to Canada; there they have a mutuality of interests: they are able to use the pro>lucts of the Dt)t»inion; tbey have community of interests; and tliere is no extent of wild, unsettled eouutry between them and the seat of Government. We are divided by upwanls of 4,000 niles from IJalifax, 2,000 of which is an unknown wildernci?.^. Some explorers who have travelled by that route say, that thu greater part ofthe country i.« alkaline and unfit for settlement. There is, no doubt, a large tract of fertile land in the valley of the Has- kati'bewan, but mneh of (lie intervening territory is unknown. I ask, Sir, is not our itosliiiMi as a territory of (ireat Itrilain, far in advance of what it would be as a I'rovince of the Dominion? Will not the change operate disadvantageously '.' We know that our interests can hardly conflict with iho.ie of t territory, and life larger that territory becomes, Ilio greater her weakness will be. llut, Sir, I r>h of what use is this va?t territory , unpeopled ami uncullivalcd. Canada wants populatitm and capital, this Colony want.-^ the siinie. I'pon looking at the rctnrns ot population, I tind that two-thirds ofthe emigrants go over the border to the I'nited States, and nian^ native-burn ('anadiana go to the United States, iL'cause they lind there a more genial climate, ami more work to do. If Canada teemed with popnlation like Knglaiid, where people cannot lind work for tbclr hands to ijo. I could conceive it likely that we might acquire population tijrough Canada, but I cannot Hee how we can gain population unless n Hallway were not only comnr.'nced, but in such a state of progress as to be a means and indiieement for population to come into the country, and this is not likely, in raj opinion, to be the case. I have listeiiei) to what ray Honourable colleague has said abuut tire agrlculturul interests, and I entirely coincide with him. Our farmers cannot compete with the farmer.^ of the I'nited States, under the Canadian TarifV. In the United States, farmers are able to gel everything that they want within their own country, whilst here everything comes from abroad. Until the farmers of this C(dony can make everything that they require for their own use, they cannot compete witli those of the United States. W'j can always import American goods, even under a heavy tluly, cheaper than Canadian ;:uods, and this, Sir, will put this I'l-ovince under a dilTercut condition as compared wilh other Provinces. Let us then suppose this Confederation scheme carried out ; we will consider the sacrifice completed, the victim decorated with the conditions which have been graciously accorded by the more powerful con- tracting party. What will become of our farmers? I refer more particularly to the farmers of the Islaad and of the Lower Eraser. This class I look upon ns the bone and sinew ofthe country. They. Sir, I say, will be driven out of their own market by the eheapc; productions of the States. And, I would ask, what industry it is supposed will take the place of agricul- ture? Moreover, Sir, I would ask if we be confederated upon these terms, what guarantee has the Colony that tlie terms will be carried out? We all know that when compacts are made between a large and a small power, the larger can break the treaty with impunity when an emergency arises. Would Camilla hesitate., in the event of having to repel a Fenian invasion, to abandon the Kailway. We have no guarantee that the Dominion will carry out the terms to which her Statesmen may agree. We may be abandoned at any time. The benehts of the larger Provinces of Canada, will always take precedence of those of Hritish Columbia, whose U«presentatives will be in a small luiniirity. And 1 would never consent to Confedera- tion on any terms without an Imperial guarantee that the terms would be observed and kept. History tells us that in a compact between a larger and smaller country, the sin :ller must go to the wall. I sum up my objections to Coufederalion in a few words : At the present time, 1 think that any term? will bo inimical to this Colony, on aecount of our distance from ('anada ; on account of the smallnesa of onr population, for we never can have an equal vote in the Dominion Parliament with olh^r Provinces; ou account oftbe dantrer of our farming interests being kille 1 and crushed ; and on account ofthe unsettled ■;tate(dthe intervening territory ; and even if the North West Territory were confederated, what advantage would it be to us? Our Coofederntion would be a source of weakness to Canada, ami to ourselves. We are so far separated from Canada, that she caa only communicate with us by iclegrapn through the United States, and by ships round the eouttieru extremity ofthe American Continent. We are told that Confederation is as Imperial necessity. We have nothing to do with this. We must look to our own interests. Confederation is a political idea ; it may be part of the Imperial policy:, but what of that. \Ve are told that Oreal Hritaia desires to get rid of all her Colonies. TllK GOVEUNMKNT CAVA-yiTK KXTl!.\()Jil»l\AKY. Tlii':iii arc scrioiia luiUtvld lur iiuuMili'lMliuii, iiuil thia (iiU'stioll iiilglil not lu be ilciilt Willi us u imrl} lunijiirf. 1 oH'ir Ibi'so ri'uuirkd In llie liiiiiu llml luiv li),'laliitluii whuli iiuij- rfsiilt Iruin IhU iletiiilr, uIUt it hiks rfri'ivi'd impuliir Hitiii'liuii, ii'uy he cuJuriiig lunl ut uUvuiitiigc tu tliu Cuiuiiy. T' -i Hon. Mil. IllXa, Member fur Nttniiimn, 8uiJ — Mr. ri'^iik'lil, I rise lu .•(i'IumiI ibe iiiuuiiilim'iit«(' llie llu.i. 'cuibcr fur Viiluriii, luid in iIdIiiu ,-ii 1 iibsliilii hum 'iiliii;,' «ilb the luerlls of Ibo i|inslliiii. h upiiciir.t Unit Ibe (idvi-riior wlsbea tu biue ii iiupiilii: vole li|iiili ibe <|Ui'9tiiiii of t'unfeikriitioii. I sii^ tbeu, let lliiTi' be 411 enlcnilea silll'mne ginn, su Ibiit Ibc vuieeuftlie iieuple liliiy be beanl in Ibl.s House. ! bope tbiit llle peuple \vill biive tlie opporliinily ul expressing; tbeir njtiniun, Aye ur .S'u, wliether Ibev will biive L'unfejeruliun. The peuple sbunM nut be Ijunnil by wlliit oeeur.i in :l Couneil eoii. tbis i.i. 1 3II.V. .Sir, that the miiterial i)ue-tion fur ileeisi is nut'lliiit of lerni.i. 1 he (JovernuieiiL, if Uii.» uiiieml- nieiit is eiirrieil, will liuve the oppurtnnitj- ul beiirinu the vuiee of the people. On bebulfof my eon.slilneni:- I SUV tlley ilo not wiiiit I'uufedenitiou, tliey Lelieve Ibttt it id unilesirable at present. The proper «iiy to find out the opinion of the eountry, i.s lur the (iuvernor to jjive ns the enbir(;ed reprcsentntion pioiniseil. JA't the ifl'e.slion eunie before Ibe people in a fair way. 1 uo nut deBire to go into the geiienii ipiestiun of terms of t'onfedenilion iijion this oeeaniuu. lint 1 liinsl say, .sir, thai these resulutiuns are not biijEed upon the minds of the people. 1 protest, .Sir, againsi the people's name hein;{ mixeil np «itb thu.~e resoln- tions. J reserve «bal 1 have to say on the i|nestiuu (if terms, and .support the amendment of the Jlun. Mdiibcr for Vieloria, in order that ibe people mn\ have an op}(urtunily of passing their vote upon the ijuestiou of Oufederatioii. The Ilun. Vji. llL'MIMlliKVS, Jlelnber f..r I.illooet, moved the adjournuitiil of the debaie. Withdrawn. The lion. Mil. UOItSOX, Member fur New West- minster, ro.^e and said :— Sir, 1 had intended tu reserve any remarks that 1 intended to idler nnlil the terms submitted by the (lovernmeut were under debate in (.'omniittee, but I have an idijectiuii to the udjunrnmenl of the ileb.ite at this early hour. 1 ean- iiot, however, allow eerlain expressions whicli have fallin from the Hununrable the seniur .Member for Vieloria Uily to pass unnotiei-d. I believe the ((iles- lion fur us to consider is,— (Shall we h.'ive ConleUela- tiui., and iii«in what term.s V 1 believe tbi.s lluusc is ready to say Aye to the first question, and to go into Committee of the Whole on the second. I am surprised to find iin llonotirable Member of Ihis House, who is a Cabinet Minister, ex|iressin},' his regret that this measure has eumc down to this Couneil*as ft (iovernment measure. I think thai the freedom of bis remarks eontradiels the idea that it ij II Ciovcrnmcat measure, in the wuse that Uovernuient .Members must vole for it. I WHS also surprised to bear the Honourable Mem- ber, who is a i:abiaiet Minister, say that Confederation would not be the only issue at the pulls; but that there was another pbiee besides Ottawa to which we <-ould go. I hail hoped that all allusion to this uialtcr would have been kept out of this debate ; for I say. Sir, that this vague language eau liavc but oue meaning, particularly when it is added tdiat the I'liitcd .States will ultimately absorb liritish Colum- bia, and Canada ns well. The Uonouiablc -Member vvidcntlv ineaiuR,— .Shall we have Confederaliuu, ur necept, as an alleiuntive. Annexation;.' -Is everything that comes from the Honourable .Member is entitled to great weight, and especially as he is n .Member of Ihc (iovernment, 1 tliink we have a right to know whether that is really the issue or not. I had hoped that this debalc wo'nid have been carried throi»sh without ;hu necessity of innking use of the; word " Annexatiim," but as the subject has been dragged in bv u Member of the C.overnmcnt, I trust 1 shall be naniuutd fur alluding to it. I say, Sir, that if the Uoverninenl really means to ask whether the people desire Coi'lederaiiini or anolUer union, let us know- it. [•' No, no," fruin the Atturney (ieneral and .Mr. Trntcb.l 1 am nt a loss to understand the position of the Ifononittblc Member for Victoria. I am nnxioii* to have it explained. If he has not represented Cabinet views correeily this House should be set rifbt \\'ai\lii[r tlicM' nialtcrs, and assuniinf; that lt>e llunuiirabje .Member will be able to explain the nppa- r.iil paradox, I Jiass on to the ubjecliunfl raised. I find the Hununrable Member disliiiclly setting hiuiseXf 111 opposition to Cunfedenuion. I will not follow him tor the jtaipMse ul rebiittiiig su-callcd argumcuta iigainsi ConlVtleraliun. 'I'be Huuonrable gentleman tella UB tliat Confedera- tion is unnecessary, that tliis Colony is one of the rii lie>t spots on the I'lue of the earth, with a eliimite iiileiior lo no p:irl of the world, — why should it lio,t l,'o on alone ' Andhelcljsus that this view of the t|iiestioii is lalieu by the inajorily of the people of the lulony Wiiy, ."^ir, the Colony has had all this op- purlii'iity for fifteen years; and what is the fact? Ten years ago the t,'olony liad a very mueli larger popiii.ition tliaij iiiiw. and very much larger co:iimeree. .\re we, then, under these circumstances, to ask tlie people tt» wait iitid work out their oivn salvation? Hut, .sir, in additi'in, we are tuld iii a .Slate jiapei, that we are nut lu bealluwed to hang on lo the skirts of (ii-eat lliitain, like a mendicant's child. I can liarfil\ reeuiu-ile the po.-iliun of manly indepemlence with the pusilion of bunging on to unwilling Imperial skirls, lialhir 'ban that, 1 would ask iroper terms. I do not say that t'onfederation would be entirely snlisfaetury ou the terms proposed in the Governnient |rrogranime. The terms, alibuugh excellent, du not go far enough, but 1 ean hardly understand any man taking the po- sition that under tbo.se terms, even as ttiey are, Coufederation would not be benctinal. The public works proposed would make the poputiilion of the t.'oluny duuiile what it is now. -No luan caji conceal from hiinself, looliing at fhe f|iiestion dispassionatelv, that the construction of the Hallway alone would bring a very great increase to our latwuring and pro- ductive luipubuioii. We are toll that the tarilTuii' the Uumiiiion wouM crush our fanning and industrial interests. Why, Sir, that tariff is a little mure than a third lighter tb.ui ours, and would relieve us of that one-third of present faxatiun ; luid our Cnsloms duties, it niust be borne in mind, are taken by the Dominion Gowriunent. Alihoiigh in its present form, the tariff would l>e ilJ- adapied to some of our local interestc which wie desire lo protect, it shoiUd be remembered that the Canadian tariff is now under revision, as regards Uie free admission of ..Vincricnii productions; and under Confederatioil we shall in all probability have a treaty of reciprocity; or. if not, certainly a revised tiiriU* which would meet .Vineriean productions, which now find a free inaiket in the Dominion, w ith » pruteelive duty. The nrgumcnl of the Ilonounible Member uitii regaril to tarilf and farming iiiterests is llien swept away by that fact. [Dr. llelmcken — " Is it a fact" '.'] Tfiis siiltject is one of the greatest importance. -\if other questions are overshadowed by it. It is the most importiint one ever debuted on the Uritish Paeilic. It has been justly sajd it is a stej) for Hi*, for better for worse. 'Ibe qurf-'stiouniiist be a))proaebeijl in ft fair spirit, and in dealing wit'i it we ought to be thoroughly honest with ourselves; and in ileatiugwith facts, I hope tba.'. allowance will be made for w hat lta< been said, for I believe that much of the jiresent »piiosit!oii arises out of unelent prejudices. Why du e find an llunuiirable gentloiuaii who has grow n grej ,11 the servico of his country, and for whom we liiive, resfieet amounting lo veneration, taljiing of centrali- zation of every interest under ('onfederfttion at Ottawa^ Does the union of Washington Territory iind Oregon, THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. with iitliiT .stall's lit the liiiMl Ki'iMililii-. inritn rcnlnil- iuilidii nt WiishinjftiHi' [Dr. lUltin km, ■Vi-. ) Tlit-ii, Sir, whi'i'c wouM lit* lli<; mlvitiilii^i' nf iiiiitiii h\ lliat iitliiT ilircrliou tliiit \u\a Ih-uii iiliiiilfil to? i'lTtuiu iKTddiis nrt' UnM nf t;ilkiiij; ulmut lln' lulvuii- tn^i'S ctt' Auuouilinn ; nil ur^'iiiiiciits in Its liivor nm 111- linniKli' with rcilinilili'tl luirc in f.ivor nf ('uiili'il- irutidii. Hrilish ('iiliiiMliiu ns n lucnilK r ot the iiiiioii vuiild liuvi' II Piirltii-- tVouln^a', )hiI iiiiI.v in lo'iinton with otlii-T tiiiiiilrics nf till' I'nion. Am u |i:ivl nl'thc Duniiniut* she woiihl luive nturc lor >l)o uniiM lit- the ttiily uiilli't ut'tlku UiilUUJJtink-ili'ViU'y uii tliu riuilic Coiist. i|iont with inijninily ; lint \vt> hiivr ii ti^ht to *X|nTt thut the |)tini>iuioii r.irlinnn'iit will inlapt \Uvm- lau:> lo thi.-* riiluiiy, mi llii- ri'ini'st'iitalioiis of the MfuilnTS troMi this I'roviinf. It would In- ali>uril to hUpposc (hat, if till' lishcry tawsofthi' Itouiiiiiun were ininiiral to Hrili,>;h ('oluinhia, they would be cufort. i-d ; till' nature of the union u ill lie .-^nrli it.-* to make ihc Inli'rcstd uf tUi:4 purt i»f tlte Uoiuinlon ideiitit-al with other parts. We raiinoL suppose tliat tlit' Ouminion Varliainent would f^eek to injure tliis I'mvinee. A iniui woiilil Mol wantonly injure the sni.tllest nienilier of hi8 liody. lie eunid not du ho without feeling; it. . No man can ne^k-et or injure any member of Wis own body with niipunity. If one member, however bumble, sulVers, all the mcmbeis will sulfer with it Com- mtinity ofinterezJt is llie best ^jnurantee tor fair play to every seetiou. Tb*- noominioi> were <-ompo-.«ed of men of so Uttk wi.-dum us the opponents of Confoderation seem to t!iink, 1 would say do not let ns joiti them. Itut I believe, Kir, and the In-perial iJoveri'ment believe?, and Uritisii Colnn.bia believes, tbiit the (Jovernmeut of the Uominion is eoniposed uf statestnen. And I say, Sir, that since these statcsi.ien have j^rasiH-d the tfreiit itleii ot (\)nfederation, llioy have proved them- ticlvcs lit to govern an umpire. I am snprised tu find any Honourable Member venturinp ^osup^'ost that Can- *du either could not, or would nol, fuMil he- pU'd|,'es. The Uominion oniiniou (lovernment, and will be L-(|ually concerned in the fulfilment of the tftipnlations in their integrity ; and it Is time to imptijrn the honor of Canada when she refuses to keep the teiinn. With regard to \ovn Weutia. II dep .rtiire was made from tlie terms ot I'nion. The Imperial Uovcrument. and the Canadian (Jovern- nient, eonsidered that certain eoneessions ought to be made, and they n-ere nii»de, but only to add to the terms in favor of Nova Scotia. Itritish Columbia places herself in It false position before Canada, ancl before the world, in saying that there is any doubt us to whether the Dominion would fulfil the terms. With regitrd again to the taritl". I think that the nnly arguineitts against Coufeileration worthy (d'etHi- Fiduration, are against the present Canadian TarilV. The Customs Tarilfis a federal matter, and I confess that the arguments agitinsl the applicability of the present scale to liritlsh Columbia, are entitled to notice: but, Kir, ns \ said bef'i)re, 1 think these iirgu- menis are to a great extent met by the fact that we s\ni]\ have an amended tariff, or a reciprocity treaty. Hut if we could hit upon some scheme that, without infringing the Dominion prerogatives, would meet our re(|tiirements, it would br uKJSt desirable, and i-hall 'lave my hearty support. In conclusion. Sir. the (Jovernment measure shall meet with my hearty support, so f..r us it goes. It affords me unspeakalMe gralitiealion to find that (Jovernment has sent down » measure for Coufeder- Htion \fliich can hardly lie cavilled at. While fee!ing pleasure in giving a hearty general support to this measure, I shall rcscFve to myself the right to suggest that other items shall be placed in tho list now before the House. I believe there arc terms of the greatest importaucc which ought to be added. IlHt anything that can be Rdded will not meet the wishes of the )ieopIe of this Colony, unless the fundamental principle of Self iioverntuent accompanies them. I believe that the I'uuaUiaDs arc a great, (i wise, nnd a consiervutlve Ipriiple; liiit 1 roiucive we sliniild be ibdiigagrciil 1 1\ rong to ourNeUci, to our ( liildrm, and to those who ,are to come after us, if we left ttiit Itesponsible (Jovern- riieiii. I SupiHise, Sir, the case ol" Ibieo pprsons forming ,i partnership: if the third partner, coming in siili^'- '(iieiilly, !>liould coiisi'iit lo leave the niai.itgement of |lii'4 private air.iirs in the Itrni, he would not only be Igi'.ing up bis own rights, but he would be thri)wiiig into the parliiir>hip a great clement of di-cord. I say then thai while Canada iiecrssarily and properly |it-ks us ti» sorrnidvr the hirger (jucstioiis, slie dotrf I not a.>k us til relini|uiing my support, therefore, I make tbi»* j reservation. That, if this Colony is t fully as e\ery other Priiv iu'e has. Tor, while I agree with the Honourable .htninr Mem Iter for Victoria, that the chauge from Dow iiitig Sirvel to4)tlawa would lie usi'b--s withdutu ihaiige in lh<' sy«lem of tioverii- mcnl, I SHV that it tvould be most injt«riouH to go into Coul'eder.ilion npna terms which might inatigu- r.ite a fresh era of ptditieal ngilalion, whiirii wtmld [irubably coniiiiue tor u series uf years. Ili.n. Miir IlKLMCKi'A— Sir, I ri>e for the purpose of explaining. I deny that I uttered any sin h thing a-i that lln' choice would be put to thi- people by the (iovernnient between two issues of Coiili'deration and iiiiy other union. lini that if the Canadian (lovernment refuses to agree to terms e(|_nivaLeul to these, Uit chooses to offer some uieaii terms tue between (.*onfed(,faliou and the tmly other change whiih oilers it.-clf tor cimsideration. T'le DeNite was here ailjourned until Thursday, at I o'cIol!;. TunisnAY, IOth Mahcm, 18To. The debate was resumed by the Hon. Mu. TIU'TCH^ Chief Commissioner of Itead of ut once sup porting it upon positive and and .Mibstantiiil groiiiids, as 1 hobl it to be inuntulivnt on those to do who advocate so important a measure. 1 mu.'t. also nsk the indulgence of the House if I Iind it necessary to follow the Hon. the Attorney (-Jeuerul over ground already so full} and ably occupied liy him. as rather than Umvc trK-t No. 2. iiitmiJiHi'iJ li MiTifH uC lli">iiliilini)K ^vitintt liti'di tcniiit on which this ('i)I(jii)' r>hniilil \n' iiiiilcil with (.'niiinhi, tllU aiMlnC uC llH' llnU.il', US 'lu'll CXpri'HsCll, UMH I hill WL< U l-l(^ not |MISnt^!il'>l Ot' !>ll thl-Jl'Ml iiilorni.ilioii lo i'liiihle iih Io ruriH* to iiiiy pi'tiutuuL rr.-oliilioii on iti*; Milijii t ; inid, t^ir, whrri thu li-iiii.s luiil I'liiiflitjuiH ihi-ii !'iii|iu.-o. \\v alt li'lt thill there were lirnHu^^tinire^ wliii h reinteieil ilH (li.'iL'ii.s-ioii llieii ill thi.-4 Coiiiiril iiiu\|K'(lient, ulthoii^li ilie t|ue>tiuii (it ronlrijenilinti wiis e\eii ihi-n o>-(',tij>_\ iii^ |iiittiiL' iilleiitiui) to nil ahxirhiii;^ extent, iiinl hiiil III tail lieeil the te^i ({lU'.stimi al the elecliuli,'^ u tiliurt (line |irrVMH)r>lv in tin- lii-liit-t^ in lhi-< purl e, ami that ininitry i" praeti- cally pan nt Ihe n-iiinption ut ihe (io\ erniiieiit l)\ llie Caiiailiaii aalliDfil ie-i i-> pa--iiiL: away, il nut Ity the pre-eiit niiniieiit viHimII} iit an imkI - ae 1 ' .eatlii;^ that ehiillilinn ot leelintj rt.!«ullin^ IVi . - .ppreheii>inii ot' Ihe real intention ut the l>oininioii )io\ eiiiiir-nl a? pa>seil iiw.iv, 1 rej^urt' 't a> ■ ...itetl III LiH'.l lilMnvilje': - are now cuiilei niinuii.'i with (jueHliitn pecially tlrst iiitinihu'tion into this (/'uiiiicil, iliin mcii.turL' must iieee.H.'iarily tie a (lovcrninenl innuiire. TIih eonslitiiiiuii of tlii.i lIoiiHfl rcmlei ,-( it imperative ttiat llie initiatory •Ai\iii should he Inkcii by the (ioverii- iiM'iit, alilinii;;h tlie hiuil aeeeptaii'-'e ot the term-i will properly ret willi the people. The poli.y of lUii Imperial (iovernmont ha^ hern cUiirly Matetl : il eneourat^e 4 lu to anml;;amate our liitercMt.-i with (.'aiiiida, and pninl-4 out the tidv:uita;res to he tliiii nhlaiiied, iiiid nothing that I could add would eriiin- elate more i leai ly thiiii that dueiiment tliu (fiiniiidi on which Her .MaJe:apprehended, It ha-* been nii.-repie.-entid, uiid I I'eel it my duty to allude to the lal-e linpre^sious \. hich have liee-i replead jabroad on tbi^- Milijeet. It has lieen staled that Ibu ]nilicial .Meiuberii have been nb.itrueti\e In I'orircilcni- llioii, uitb re;:ard to their own ulliciiil pnsitioiH and I interests. l;ut tlii-i is not the (net. Uu a matter so clearly Involvin;: a que-tion of Itiiperiiii policy, wo were not at lilieity tcj anticipate the view.-i of the Home (niverninciit, which have now tor the (ir^t tinio lieeii di'liri'tly nia-l • piildic. Tlio Hon. Atlnruey iieueral and mvsell consistently allirtncd (ho principle of ('onledtraln nd we ha\e iilways felt that we enuld .salely ennh i r pcrs(»mil lutt'i'cst.^ to the care iit'thc liuperiiil (hv rnmerit, who-c .serviints ije.-iy (i 'Vernmeiil tlio.-e inlere^ts l!i .-olulitius prnpn>eii Inr your wo lire well siilislied i' l tliij us pfr>uually shnuiii !-o depend. ■ are. To Her Mm ■ eiitru>ted by tin opliuii ; aiidf ' it I an e-tiibti-e.*piilch, our boil idaru those ot Canada. Hut iiot niily is praclicahle, bin, Mir, Cuitiu wIlIi ('anada now I rc;:ard the pi e-eiit a.s h most opporliine moment for Its cnnsiimniation. 1 entirely agree with Hon, Members who >ay that this Colony reijuire* a clmn^;e. In il> pre-cnl deprev-ed Ktale, llie Cubajy needs a.i.si.-tance and fie-h impelii^. Tlii-re are many c.iiiries wnieb comlmii- to » immtiule to Ihe depie.-'ion now nlt.-^ervable ill llie couulry. Il has been aiuiluited to the pre-ent loim of (ioveru- tneiit. Take liial a.s one c.ui>e ifyou please; but, r^ir, I believe il has had wry link- ctleet, if any, in pro dncin^ tliis lesult. an. I bi'li(-v Witn 'he Hon. Atmnit-y (Icnerat. tli.H im- depression is attnbittab'c to the iscdaletl position ol the Cuhuiy and to the cold >liade tlirtiwu over us by the iicijrii bourhmid nf Ihu Territories of the I niied .Slutcs from whom we iim never hope for aid lit itiJviiiicinL' the iulere.-is of Ibis t olioiy u hil^t iintler the Hritisli Fla;,'. The de^ire for .'onie ehanye i- iirj:eut. and it we \vait for more prn-|n-ious liinc-. iitid ruhicti lu claim better liiianeial dini', we may rcali/.e the old proverli of II Hoi>e >lar\ ill^r wlnl.^t the j^rass j-, gruwini{." lle.-ide.-, .Sir. un reference tt) the terni:* now propo.-ed tor ihe cunsideratioii of thi.s House by the (i.)\ eminent, il will be found that Ihcy are based n.)i alto^^elber on the p'e>enl condition of ill'* ruloiiy, but >niui-wliat on an nnlicipiit.'d increa.-e ot pnpniatiou and prosper- ity ; and 1 siippo.-"' vve ini^'ht w..il many \e ir.- beli»re Hiich a iuia>ure nf prn.^pei ity woald aciriie in u.-, as to onutie us to ask hciler liii.mcial ternia than arc included in tlicrie Ke>.)lutMms. I lielieve ihe time, then, to be opportune, and 1 think that there is eve-y rea-on lnppn-e that lliu pre-ent lloverinuent of tlie Homiiiinn is now de- BJrou:) and ready to grant us fair and liberal lerms. 1 believe, .Sir, Ihe Canadian (Mivernmeiit are f.ivourably di.-pos d towards ns, and prepared to p t^ the utniosl of their nhility in all rea^onalde matters to unable us to jidu the Coufederalion. The policy Itlld wi>hes ot the Imperial ( de>patih ; and we are fnrliinale in havin",' Utw at the head of the Kxecutive a (invernor .idniiralily udupteil by his ahiliiy and experience to take (hir;r<', nil our lieli ill', of nc>;o<-i itioiis f'nr our iininu with itie Dominion, and to whom the intere.-ls of the commu- nity niny eonliilenlly be entrusted. And that brings nu\ tjir, lo \\i\s poiut. That in its We have been Jijihi, iSir, ) believe ■ not anlieipa- ling the vii wj uf Ihe luipenal Ctivernment, for tho lerius nf tinion now subuntl'd lor your adopliun prove lilt- wisditin ol" the coi 'se i'-it. h we have pursued ; and in the i veri-i>e ■, caiiiion we have jiiiewn our- selves the truest 'licnd* of the Colony, even llinii|,'h we have not app'-ared to be the mo6i enthusiastic ad- vocjiles ot Coiili. deration. This, then, is a Onvernineiit measure, as the Hon- ourable Ihe seniiir .Member for Victoria (!ily h;is told you and a.s I ludd it is of necessity n tJovernnifnt mea^llre. This .-cliemc is propoundeil by Ihe Oovern- iiienl, as '.he guardians of the intere-ts of thi.s infant Ciiloiiy.niid I siand here lis a lueinber of llie tiovern- metil to f-npport the Uesulutiuns which are now beton* you : and I .--iiHereiy trii--t ihnl they will be atlopted l^y this Council. Hiil His Excellency has told ns that ilbe iiltiniatc iicecplnuce or rejectiuu nl" the lerni)-" of ( II ion with Canada, litter theyhiive been submitted to the Hnminioii (ioveriimeut, shall bo left to the popular viiire of lliifj (Jonnlry. i i will now. .Sir, come lo the consideration of what 'Cniifederation is in the abstract, as 1 understand it. .It i^ the union and coiHi.lid.ition of Hritisli interest.s 111 Hriti^h Territory on th^ Ci.hlinent, for the security and advaueetncnl of ea( h L'rovince individually, and of tilt: whole coHe. lively, under the cnntiiiuct'l .siip- pnit of the llriti-b Kia/. A jtreiit itle.i of preat mimls, » hit II have tliiis t^ivcii a praiiieiil refuIatMUi to that iloclrini' of ''.Vuieriea tor tlie I' nitc'l States" known as lllic " .Miiiiro doctrine," held by leading politicians of .the .Stales soiilli of us ; and on ttiis account, if on no 'oibcr t:rounds. the prim-iple of Confederation deserves the Mippurl of every IJriti>h hearl in the Cobiny. ^ I am now bniMizht to a subject which I ^hnllltl not have Uuuwu lo-w to appro. icli, but for the bridge thrown over for nie by tlic Hon. Member for Victoria ■ye>terday. Hy that ifon. Member the su^'iiestiun of a icloser union with another country — with the Ciutcd j.States in fact, — aU'l the possibility that at the next ( J en era 1 Klection .^uch an union mi;: lit be presented iib an alternative to Ci'tifetleration witli Cauaila, wii.s in- Irodiieed in ^o pal|nble a manner, tlmi I i-honhl fee! I myself "lercllct to my duty a.s a .Member of the Kxeeu- ilive and as a .Member ot this Council if I did not refer ! lu it. Mr. IVcsideul, T should do viol(»nco lo my best iicelinjr'i were I to refrain from nvailinp myself of this Injipui lunity (f i^.ving my hnnible tribute of respect and esti-iiu ..»r 'he |ienpk' of llmt jTrcat liepnblio. L'-llcar, hear." Ir .a all .ides.] No one can better appM ciale than I ilo the hi^di and eminent (pialitieg iHliicli charneleiise that ^'leat Nation, aiitl espei-iiilly that national feelin;^ — that Inve of Ciuiutry, .so wor- thy of ortiun of ihi- community. It has been so repre.serjted in very hi^h 4uartors, and I therefore notice it ; and in doing so I i'eel compelled lO .-itato that, so far as I conld learn, it was signed by i very small number of people — forty-two I believe in all — many of whom were aliens, and most of whom were foreign-born subjects, and who appear to have been generally actuate*! by prejudice, based upon a lack of information respecting t.'anada and the Canadiuns, and not by any regard for the permanent benefit of the community. Hut as this petition has been followed up by tlie publication of letters and by a di^jcussion in the newspapers, which we cannot blink, as to what iuib been termed the Annexation of this Colony to the United Stales ; and as allusiuu Wiis made to it, by an inuendo at all events, in this Coun- cil yesterday, I feel bound to express my oiiinion of what our [wsition would be under any such union as has been hinted at. If British Columbia wore placed in the same position as Washington Territory, we should be ab.-olutel ■without representation — for liiat Territory has one representative in Congress it is true, but he has no vote — and all our OtUcials woubl come from Wash- ingtou. Annexation to the United States would also entail on us largely increased taxation, anil wouitl most materially anVct an interest which the Hon. Member for Victoria told you would suiler most from Confederation. Why, Sir, under the union suggested, our farmers would by brought into direct competition with the farmers of Washington Territory ami Oregon, and then our agricultural interests would be indeed annihilated. Again, if this country were American Territory you would have the whole iullueucc of San Francisco brought to bear ngaiust the mercantile interests of Victoria ; no hope could we have of build- ing up a port here to rival San Francisco; no, Sir, you would never see a foreign vessel in these waters. 1 see no advantages iu the suggestion ; I have heard none pointed out, unless it be the questionable ex- pectation that American capital might buy up the real estate in and around Victoria, and so give the present holders the opportunity of realizing their property into money and then leave the country to its fate. Hut in this hope, Sir. I believe they would be cgregiously disappointed, t will not pursue the sul>- joct any further; Anne.talion is entirely out of liie question, and I should not have dared to allude to it, but for the introduction of the subject by another llonour.vblo Meuiberyesterd vy. What do these foreign petitioners propose to transfer? Themselves? Tl eir own property? -No; not themselves, nor that wliich belong to them, but the whole Colony, the soil ol this vast domain which belongs to the Crown and th e people of Kngland ; this I regard as treasonable. In Kupporling Confederation I support the Hag I serve. I say that loyally is no exploded idea, call it a sentiment if you will ; life is nothing without sentitnent ; everyone whose soul is not dead mu-it cling to love of (^'ounlry and attachment to her tlag. as one of the most (dierished sentiments of the heart, and I regard loyalty as one of the most deep-rooted and highly prized treasures of the human breast. ["Hear, hear," from ftU sides.] Bear with me. Sir, while ! tell now what I think Confederation is not. I don't think it nece-- earily means Ucspoupibic Govern.jcnt, or, as an Honourable Member at the other end of the House h.ts put it, that it means getting rid of Government Ufiici'.Is. If that Honourable Member's desire U to be rid of the present inrumbente of oHice so that others may t:ikp their plaee, 1 think it probable tliar his wishes iu this respect may be gratllied through Confederation: and in that invc I t-uiild only hope that the ihango would be benrfirial to the Colony. Uut I doubt much if this measure would receive sup- .|«irt. from this Council nn Ihor^o grounds: and at nil ;vents the Honouralite Gentleman cannot expect much lympathy on that score fruui this aide of the House. Again, Cmitederatiou does not, to my mind, mean Ilesponsjble iloverument, as some Honourable Mein- l)ers hold. liritish Columbia will iwsuredly get Uespon>ilile tioverumeut as soon as tlie proper time arrives, a-" soon, that is to say, a-; tlie community is iuiricieiilty advanced in population, and in other respects, to render such a tbrm ot Government prac- tically workable; sooner probably through Confed- eration, than by any other means, and the sooner the better 1 say. Uut I no net think it desirable to fetter or cumber the proposed terms of union with anything aboni Responsible Government, and specially for the reason that we shoulil find it very dillicult to arrive at any conclusion in favor of it. Great ditVerenco of opinion exists upon the subject even around this Council Hoard, and I am by no means sure that the slrongo.>l opposition to Itespousible irovcrnment woubl come trom the Government side (;f the House. It is easier to change the coiistitntiou after Confed- eration than betore. ["No, no."] Under the Orp^anic .\ct, this Colony could get Uoponsible Government. In fact it is the special prerogative under this Act, of e;uh I'roviuce to regulate the coiislitntion of its own Kxecutive Government and Legi.-latnre; and whence this tlcsire to act so prematurely now in this respect? Another Uontjurable Member has told yon that in his opinion Confederation means the terms — means a Uailway; but I take it, Sir, that tlie terms proposed result trom Confederation, annfed- eration would pr ivi' ndvaiitageons to this Ct)loiiy, and reilonml to the beuelit of our b)cal interests, I f^lionbl not support it by my voice. I might as a (Jovern- mei.t servant volo for it a-^ a (Joverniuent incisure, but I ^llOuld not be standing here to speak for it and to advocate it as heartily as 1 i\n. It is hardlv pos- sible 1o show where the Culd be of no benefit to Canada unless it redound to the advantage of llritish Colum- bia. Thi.s rcfjuires no urgiimenl, it is perfectly plain eommon sense. If we are not io have Confederation, what are we to have? What is (be propositi m ctf those who oppose Cimfede'alion ? Tin- people of this Colony have been, for a long time pi-;!, asking for a eb;inge, and it has been the policy of tlm-e who ask for chsmge to throw tbe blame of everjlhing nnnii the tiovernuient. ^iie ptdiey of Ihe Imperial liovern- inent on this matter is clearly expressed in Karl (Jranvilles dc-naleh. lie di-'s uol say yoii must eon- federate, whelhi-r you will or not : il is left to the peo- ple to decide this (piesiitin for tlieni'dves ; but he says viitually "Vou lia\u fur ynn s been a. -king for a change. yiMi eomphnn tlat your presetil form of (Government does not suit you ; we point out for yinr eonsidcra- tion Confederal i m. whieh. if it suits vu-', we favour; the (lovernmen. of Can; iu i.T ready to -tpp in n'nl a-si^t you to carry out your views for (he adva-'ce- nu'til of your 'ocal inteiests." Now, Sir. I s.y to ihjs Conuiil, — If you don'i want ConfoderaticM'. whit dn you want'.' To remain as yn* ■•.r. V iliis I know vou' are not sali-linl tt) do. \Vhal then.' K-tablish .. sort of hidepnidcnt (Muemment of about (i.MOO people, connected with nobody, owing allegiance to nobody? The idea id absurd. There appears, then, lo be no alternative to Confederation, but that sug- gestion which has been shadowed forth during this debate, and which I for one decline to consider as ft possibility. And so wc come to Confederation a3 our manifest desliny. To sum up my argument in support of the motion of the Hon. ihc Attorney General. I advocate Con- federation because it will secure the continuance of this Colony under the Hritish Flag, and strengthen llritish interests on this Continent; and because it will benefit this community, by lessening taxation and giving increased Ilevenuc for Local Expenditure; by advancing the political status of the Colony ; by se- curing the praclical aid of the Homiuion (lovcrnmcnt who are, I believe, able lo — and whose special care it would be to devise and — carry into effect measures lending to develop the natural resources, and to pro- mote the prosperity of this Colony ; and by affording, through a Railway, the only means of acquiring ft permanent population, which must come from the Kust of the Kocky Mountains. The Hon. Mit. HOLBHOOK said:— Sir, In rising to continue this debate, after the able speech of the Hon. Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, I feel that there is little left for me to say, as when we go into Committee I shall have an opportunity of expres- sing my opinion upon tbe terms ; and it would bo factious to oppose a measure which has to come before the people fo'' their decision. The way. Sir, that I understand th- question ,of Confederation to stand at present, is that it is not a mere abstract ({ues- tion of Confederation with Canada, but a question et certain terms which have to be laid before tbe people ; therefore. I say that any opposition against Hiis being done would he factious. As regards myself, I shall abide by such decision, whatever it niajbcas I con- sider llio peeple themselves are tbe best judges as to whether they will benefit, or otherwise, by i>croming part and parcel of the Dominion of Canada. This matter has evidently been well considered by the Kxecutive Council, most of whom are largely interested in the welfare of the Colony, and several of them have been as much opposed to immediatu Confederation, when the question has been before this Council on other occasions, os I have been. But having bad an oppor- tunity of seeing the documents which have come from the Imperial Government on the pubject, the Execu- tive have arrived at the decision thai il is best tor ibis question to go to the country, upon ihe nssum])- lion that the people will ask for Confederation lo be carried out on certain terms ; therefore, I say, Sir, let it go to the people and settlers of the Colony, and by thrir verdict let bo decided. Karl Crauvifle has sent out a despatch which slates, in [iretty plain terms, that wc were nol able to govern ourselves ; and there was, perhaps, more truth limn poetry in this ; for we have had the greatest liberty granted to us, and yet we have not been content. Our (lold Mining Laws have been made by the .Mining Hoard ; we have had the most liberal Land Laws ; and if wo have had a want that the law could satisfy, it has been imme- liately granted. Our Otlicials are an honour to the country. As an Kngtisbman, I nm proud of them. Justice has been properly administereil iu the country; there has been ibsolute security to life and property: so much so that a man can travel in pertoct safety from Cariboo to Victoria, and enpiial can be safely invested in any part of the Colony. We have excellent roails, and one of the richest pots on the whole earth, for our f'olony, whether as reganls mining wealth, or agricultural resources; and yet a petition ha?- emanated from a small body of foreign residents in the City of Victoria, asking lo bo iinnexed to the great Ilepublic adjoining. I am well aw. .re, Sir, thai, as has been well saiii by the Hon. Chief Commissioner, the petition was paltry and un- worthy of notict, and that those who signeil it were insigniticani ; ami I may be allowed to say that wo i- till'} liiivi' liiiil loo uiUL-h ol'it. I rLMiuMiiiier ii .siniilar iliscuntinl with cxcos of libfiiy in I'ltris, uIHt llu' Kevitliiiion of Isis ; tiio lu-oiiU- ri-vclU-d in cxci-sji ol IVet'tloin, anii trtjui ^u niiuli liln-riy ilu'V liM into aiiullicr l!(\t)luiit;n. ll i.^ only in ii couniiy wiili .-nili iVci' inslilnlion.- si.s l^n^^l.unl, tlinl i^urli ji pititiun conM liiiw- htcn .'-i.L'"iiL'il willi inijniniiy, lor if it niriui.« miylliiiiK ill nil. ii iiii^ner.-> wuiilil htvi- furltiti-il thoir lilKVty ; in i^uiiw llial 1 Iiavi' livi-tl in. iUv pvnahy wouM liiive liiu'ii ilcatli. SpiMiilnir fipr the M.;inl.iuil, Sir, anil coniiu.: frciu tlic linyal Tt)\\ n of Ni'u \Vi>i- niinstir, 1 Iiavu a rij^dil to .-|.t'ak in tlu' mune of it? loyal inhaliilaiits. I .-ay thai, allhun^h (.'onleijcnition with Canaila nii'(.'I> with favuur in .-unii- (|uani'rs. tin feelinj,'s of the inli.iliilanl? are. ami cvi-r u ill hr. thon)n,L'^h!y loyal to iliu gloiinn^ Ha;.' of (I real liriiuin, and feel proud of helunjiinf; to thai Hi;: wliieh repre- sents hoiioiir. power. Jn-liec, and uialiii, and whiih i- slainle.-> a;id unlai ni.-lied, whetiier nnfurleil in tin- face of an enemy and defended hy lis .--ons, or fioalin;: ill peaeo over sueh a Cidouy as this. We Inive had our complaints on the Mainland, and we eonsidered the removal of the Capilal and eentrali/.alion of hn>i iie.ss at Vietoria. an injr.-t'ne to the re-t of the Cidony. lor the reason prineipally. that Vi.loria, frnnt ii- jiroximity to llie L'nitetl Stati-s. draws its i-np|dies thence, in-t»-ad of from the Mainland, tu the jrain ot the nei^rhhoiirin^' States, and conseiintiit \i>>< to the (i;_'rieu!tnriil dislriel^ of the Mainhind of some ^Im.miid annually, in the artiele of Itecf ah)ne ; an-i for the reason that, Ipy the Fleet heinj^ phu'i'd al K-(iniuialt. we of lln' Mainhinil were not only left without proli-e- tion. huilhal the afrricullural interests of \Va>hington Territory and th-epon were hvnv^ bnilt up with the money expended hv the Fleet in the purehase ot snpidies, which if spent in the valh'V of the Fra-er would, hy thi.s time, have given us there a popuhitit)n of some thousands. The people of my part of the Colony have favoured ("onfederalion, in tin- helief that the resources of the Colony would reeei^e some consideration from the Dominion (invernnieul. W'c all U( liuowledge thai popuhillon is reipiired and I think there is no reason to donht that it will come. I do not attrilmle the depres>ion. as some Jioii. Memliers have done, to bad (lovernment. We merely toUowed the court;e of other gohl eonntries in over trading, and placed all our dep( ntJenee upon a pingle mininp district, and when we did not lind another Williams ("reek, so rapidly a.-i we expected, we heeanie disheartened. Hut, Sir, I iiH'an to state, and I do so without Har of eontradietion. that onr natural resources are more prospcrttus to da_\ than ihey have ever been before, and I need only point lo the j^.u )0 neres of laml taken up last year as an example of real and solid prosperity. \Ve shall aetjnire population tVoui (.'auada by means of the railroad, and the large amount of money re- (juired for ils con^truetion will tend to ()ur prosperity. dur mertdmnt-: al.-o want -ometliing f..xeil, thai liny may not be threatened with constant (Iiange, wlncli renders commerce lluctualing and nueertain. I consider. Sir, th.it the time is opnurtnu' for Con- fcilcratlon for manv reasons, amongst others, that there is a favourable oppiu'lunity htr us, with the ailer the Imperial l!o\ crnment. the I-li- of Man anomiiiiou BhunUi in all cases be eharged, ai.d that the Imal Oovernment of Ilritish Cipluinliia should have ihe ex- clusive benefit of any extra tarilV, The Indians, also, slionbl be secured the same pro- tection that tltey have under onr own (iovernment. They nre nipw content with us. anil with the way in which Ihe laws are ndmini.-tered, and il i-; (inile ptts- siblo that ihi-y may hereafter be a Miurce of great trouble, if they are not considered as well as white men. I 1 ^liall bail wnh |.K,.-iire il'c .-.bnon 1 iw . „f ICatuula. -pi.k.ii of by one llononralple Memb, r, whieh 'will prev.ui the pbuiii.; of >aimon traps it ine mouih jof the Fra.-er, slopping ibereby the li-h IVom a-c-nd- Ing the riviT, and by that means i-iiiliog oil' the food 'ot tiie Indians, ami taking from Ihnn ih" means of |>nppipil ; liui I should luiieh r gtci t.p >fe any laws i Ipron.-ht into oprrai inn wbbh wool 1 t;rint m mop.ilie-, j-ueii fttr instance a- in tin- ea-e of er mberrie-, which are al pre.-eni a sour-e of living to many hundreds of j Indians. As regards iHir d)-fence- : we sIkpiiIiI h ut ilie ri-ht to have our own forces, a- < \i-ry ime wnubl haic to -erve in the Militia ; but -o b-i'.-' as llngli.-h Imnps are >tiilionrd in ("an.ida, we tinghl. u In n we licennpe an integral pirl of the Dominltin, to have our share of them. And at no very di^Unt futare, I iru-t that the great ^( heme of '"onfi df-ratioii nniy be carried onl. am! that the Dinninion may have a Ibtyal l*i-ine<' at ill head, i^ud then may the views of the great Anglo .'^axipn race a- re::ards eomineiee and trade bc'iimt' enlightened sii thai Kngli-h goods niny come into I In' honnnion duly frc-e. As we .-hall from our positi(ui on the I'jieilic Coast, he the key->ione of roiif.-dcratJDU. I hope we may beeoraethe most glorious in ihc whole >trnetnre, and t-nd to unr own and Knglanfl's tnture greatness. I sliali support the motion of the Honourable the Atlornev (leneral. The Ibin. Mii. WHO!) said:--Sir, I ri-c to .-uppoit the amemlment of the llunonrabb- junior .Member lor Vieloriii.lo pi)>lpone the ecm-idrnition o| ihe-e l!esix months. I de-ire, .Sjr, t«i expre-s niv uni|natih<'d o|)po.-ili()n lo what is ti-rnnd the Coufeib eraiinu of ihi- Colony with Uie l>>miinion of Caiia'hi on the ba-is nf tin- (iig;iuif Act ; ami in dealing with jthe .subjeet, I shall addre.-s m\-eirto three .-everal '■■ hejnls of objection. I Firstly, in ihe principle of the (bgaule Ad nf ia>i7, as appliid to the Hriiih No:lli Ann-ii an I'lovinces; I Secondly, to the s|piei.il applic.iiion of the prlniiply 'lo this Cubiny : I Thirdly. lo ihe nn)de in .. nich tlie Cfniseit of its idoplion is now attempted lo be oliiaimd. iteferriug lor a motnent lo my own personal position lU this Council, I should wish io say that I feel iionnd IS a non-representative and moi-ollicial nninbcr lo ipresent my uwn views. My nnmlli is not clu-d by loUicial reticence, nor do 1 rcprcMiit any cnnstitticrn-v. I I am here, boutnl liy my duty a- a Member of lliYs : Ciiuinil. l(p expre-s my own ciMi-iientiinis vitws in respeel of the nn-a>ure in ex|dieil teruH. in the inte- rests uoless of this Colony 1 ban of (! real Ilrilain, which in this, as in everv Colonial riue-liun, 1 cannot Init h(dd to be identical. With re-pect to the general principle of ronfedcia- tion of the l!iili-h North American Frovinces, it will be renn'mbcriMl thai, in 1H';T,I wasnnr oftho.-e .Mem- bers wh(t dill Vote that Confedera'.. a, on fair and eijuitablr terms, was desirable. I am (tf that opininu still; but my objectitm is th;U no terms ba.-id on tho jOrganir Act ol IStiT can be fair (pr ei|nitablc. I It cannot be denii-d thai the idea of a eonrcderalion !and general alliance between the British Cobmies in JN'orth America is a very captivating idea. The e\i-t- lence of a homogeneous nation t<-mling to act as ii counterpoise to the great Ilepublie to the south ofns, ji.s u gr.ind political id.a, bul it is an idea most dan- gerous and dillicnlt bp carry out. When I voted in imiT, foi Confederation ini fair and equitable terms. 1 jliad in my mind Cnufederation in the general acce[i- jlalion of tin- w.od as understood by nil poliiical 'wrili'r-;. ami by the wnrld in u'crieral — a iniinn of free and self-governed Slates, united by a federal conipai't lor purpo-es of oH'ence and deteme. of peace and war ; jand fnr tile pnrpnse.^ ipf maintaining anil preserving .uniformity iul.iwsaml in^titntnpns which ntbci tho -ocial ami comnn-ni il relation of life ; micIi laws and in-liintitire, and the laws regulating commerce ami n ivigation. Sin h a »'onfeileralion 1 then believed to be po-sible. I am IikpM,- h enr)tr.:h lo believe il to be pii--ilp|e Mill ; bul Confedermion a.s iiinder-tood by Canadian and Imperial -talcsmcu — jConfedi raliun a> elfeciid by the (Irgaiiic Act of iHiiV I — is not Confeibration al all. 1 wmiM, indeed, throw ithe word Confederation III the winds, since by Con- jfetleration is otiviously me'iiit Muiim. ineorporallon, and absor|,tion. The Organic Act of iStJ", provides jfor the entire tran-Ier of all elleciivc byi-laiivo power and coutiol to Ditawa, as the seal of tho ll>onihiiou (lovcrnmrnl, where, owing (o the much THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. 13 gretitcr weulth niui populiitioii of Ciinadii, the inrtu- the I>oiiiiiiion of Ciinailu is the most assaihihlo; nml, fiice iind author. ty of (.'iiniuhi hoar all before it. It is a priiiciple too obvious for proof or dissertation, that t,'onfeileiatioii iu its proper seiido can only thrive where the States hound to^^ether by the federal eom- paet arc not only free, but where they are nearly equal. K.xee.-^s of power in any one JSlate is fatal to the interests of the rest. No, Sir, the word Confcde- r.ition has no application to the intended movement. Lord Urnnviik*, in his despatch, no longer calls it by giK'h a term. I'nion antl Incorporation ftrc spoken of, not Confederation, and the movement really is one of inrorporation, at)ni:niship, Sir. is noth- ing more ihaii vei'y sound common sense put into practice — soiiml common -ease, backed by u knovv- ic'lge of mankind and of the subject matter to which thai statesmanship is applied. An J, although it is doubtless, Great Britain stands alarmed at the respon- sibility and cost of protecting so enormous a frontier. The (luestion of Confederation is the question of every lax-paying Knglishniau, and whatever may be tho reaifonhiij put forth, the modve is economy and secu- rity to the tax-paying public of Great Hritain. Con- federation is, doubtless, of value to Great Britain, ns establishing a counterpoise to the United States of America, and probably inducing the Dominion of Canada to ask for and obtain independence, and so rePeve the Mother Country from the cost and duty of defending it. This is, I believe, the entire A'M/fsmtfH- "hip of the measure — a Statesmanship meritorious in English eyes — but, as 1 believe, fraught with extreme danger to British interests in this quarter of the globe. Turning now, to what may be called the argument in favor of Confederation, we have Lord Granville's despatch. Lord Granville, it must be admitted, has ably, gracefully, and jdausibly put before us the supposed advantages of Confederation : — " Her Majcs- •'ty's Government believe that a Legislature selected " from an extended area, ami representing a diversity " of interests, was more likely to deal more compre- "hensively with large questions, and more impartially "with small (jucstions, and more conclusively with "both, than is possible when controversies nre "carried on and decided upon iu the comparatively "narrow circle in which they arise. Questions of " purely local interest would be more carefully and "dispassionately considered when disengaged from " the larger politics of the Country, and at the same " time would bo more sagaciously considered by " persons who have bad this larger political educa- " lion. " rinnlly, they anticipate that the intercuts of every " Province of British North America would be more "advanced by enabling the wealth, credit and intel- " ligeuce of the whole to be lirouglit to bear on every " part, than by encouraging each iu the contracted " policy of taking care of itself, possibly at the ex- " pense of its neighbour." This I understand to bo the argument of the Colonial (.mice in favourof Confed- eration ; and although I fully admit that it is well put, I believe ihat no argument is more fallacious. It is delicate ground for me to touch when I presume to di tier ft om what comes from so able a man. On this point I wish to make myself distinctly under- stood. 1 do not profess to be a statesman or a poli- tician, but as a lawyer of nnUure age, pretending to a fair share of common sense and a knowledge of human nature, I will venture to say, that if there is one passion more powerful tn the minds of Colonists of Anglo-Saxon origin than another, it is the passion for .-cdl-governmcnt ; in all Knglish communities there is an ardent passion for self-government. Colonists here, as everywhere else, are animated by an intense desire to govern themselves in the way they think best, and to delegate that power to others is destructive of every feeling of self resiiccL and of social and political liberty. It is not necessary for me to prove that this is tho case, it is too notorious for comment ; and as long as the spirit of li')erty exists in the British Nation wo shall liml that no one Province will submit to legis- lation at the hands of a Legislature in which its interests and welfare are overwhelmed and over- bovne. To secure submission to a Legislature such as that of the Dominion of Canada, where the nnijor- ity of the Canadian Members make the law, unilormity of intereit and feeling is nccer^sary : and not only will the feeling of any separate Province be wounded not for me ti» depreciate the renguised Ihat they have not unfre-jheld from it. but on linding tl;at its interests, or its quentlygone astray, and been forced to submit to the feelings, are overwhelmed and subjected to the inter- ests and feelings of a dominant portion, the sense of lisconlent and dissatisfaction will become universal and natiiMuil, hence will (usue a eonditinn of things control of national interests and natiouiil will. It in not dilticult lo lind instances of prror in British states- manship as app icd to C(doniai aft'airs. The errors - ,, -. _ of Briti-h Sjiitesnieii, with a majority o) the House ofimost perilous to British interests generally ComuKini and the British Nation to b.ick them, cost The bond of union between ('atniila and the other (Jreat Britain the ihiiteeu I'nited States. The errors - Provinces bears no resemblance to the union between of British Stalesir:'n, wilh it majority of the House of.Kngtand and her Colonial Possessions. There is no ('onunoiis and the British Nation to back i natural love and original feeling of loyalty. Tho them, li.ive ia!iiit<'d wrongs upon Ireliuul. which are ] feeling of loyalty towards Kngland is a feeling blind, only now in procc-s of removal; and the policy of j Instinctive, strong, born with us and impossilile to Bi iil-h Siaionien, with the British Nation to iiack it, j bo s!:..keu od' ; and 1 liulieve it is impossible to trans- has ere led a dill'erence which h is gone far to alienate jfer a f ling of loyalty and fealty at will. Tho con- tlie alfeitions ot the Colontsts (d" Ni'W Zealand. nection between tlie Mother Country and a Colony, In tin-' ijuestifm of Confederation it is impossibleieven a Crown Colony, is well understood in jirinciplo ni>l til see the self-iuteresl of (ireat Britain utnlcrlying ari'l in practice. The Mother Country guarantees the the whole mat'er. Kngland is alarmed at the extent ' Colony from enemies abroad, and the entile work of of her Colonial Possessions, and her obligations to I inter-colonial management is, except in matters of protect them by sea and lantl. Of ail her possessions, I prerogative, left to the t.'olonists themselves. Tho 14 TlIK OOVEHNMENT GAZKTTE EXTUAOKDINAUY. Crown prfteiuis to no tlictution. unr liua it luiy intcr- c-it ftt viiriiinco with the inltTcsLi of thi' ('oloni.«ls. Altlioii^Hi in II Crown Ciilony the ilirii-iiil element is siiprcnu', it is well undt-rsluotl ihM it is to ^juvt'in — ftnhi*il wishot* of tlie Colony iit lur^c. Tho (iovcrnnuMit can not unci iliire not intcrtVre except to prevent enido, irrationnl. or viiions h'f;i.-jIation, There is no direct co.itlict lietween tho Motlier Country ivnii a Colony in thesi' ilnys : luit it cannot he s-opposed that any Hrili>h r*ro\ inrc \\ ill .'(ulrniit patiently to injustice at thi* hands of a Canartia-n Ministry or ft Canadian House of ('oninion.-j. If any scheme has Iiecn tlevist'd more likely than another to raise and keep alive local irri- tation it i.s. in my jndginent, the scheme of Confeder- ation on tho hasi.s of the Dr^anic Act of 18ii7. What is said by Lord (rranville is trne in theory, hut iiradically it is opposed to hninan nainre ; and in endeavonring to carry out elaborate and elevated views Great Hrltain stands a fair chance oflosinj^ the whole of Uritish North Aniericn. Thus far I have treated of the general policy of the Organic Act. SVith respect to the applicahility of tho scheme of Confederation to this Colony J have more special and particular grounds of ohji'Ciion, 1 consider such an union inexpedient on several grunntls. First, tlie remoteness of the Ciduny frora Canada : Hoeondly, the comparative insignificance of British Columbia^ And, thirdly, tlic diversity of its interests from those ■of Canada. That those objoctitins specialty apply to the exten- Bioa of the principle to this Colony no one can doubt. Lord Granville admits tinit the distance is an objec- tion, but thinks that a Uailway will annihilate time ftnd space. He flunks that tho Government can be carried on at a distance of It, 000 miles without difh- culty. Tliis Hallway is to bridge ov^?r the vast desert that intervenes between this (\df.ny wad Ultftwa. The notion that we can with any enVcl represent the interests of this (^elcHy in tho i'arliivment at Ottawa at a distance of ^,000 miles is to nto absurd. With a population such as ours, even if we have the repre- sentation suggoi^ted iiy the terms, with eight .Memiiers cfParliamcDl against one hundred and eighty-two. and four tsenators against seventy-two, how an it be supposed to be jiossible that our voices could be heard ? When Lord (Jranville spoke of " comprehen- Fiveness" and '■impartiality'' in a I*egislatnre, s-urely he must have lost sight of the constituent elements of a House of Commons. For let us cunsider, without any reflection npon the House of ('ommons at tUtawa, what is the nature of the House of Commons of Kngland, or of atiy other assemlily of the same nature. Kvery Hou>e (jf Commons is but an asf^emldage of the Members of i'arliament plei^ged to support the mate rial interests of their constituent-:, whenever those interests are affected. I never can anticipate any thing but the representatinn of the views and the material Interests of constituents in any House of Commons. 1 believe that members would always vote according to the interests of men whoso votes they would have again to solicit, and of whose inter- ests public opinion holds them to be the acknowledged ftdvocatcs. How can we find eight men in a place like this where at all events the most valuable members of society are prolV'Ssiouitl and bu-iness men, without Bolecting tliem fmm a chisswhu are p(diticians by profession? Most men here are workers of some sort and activriy employed in their several professions and busine^'ses, and we shouM have extre-me clitliculty in finding eight gottd men who wcnild spare the time and expense to go to Ottawa. Wh:it we Kboubl Marit woubl be such men as are now at Ottawa, the princi- pal business men, bankers, merchants, and profe sional men : but lime and space will prevent this most valualde el as-; of men fro.a leaving Hritish Columbia and representing «iir interests at Ott.iwa. and we shall be compelled either to retain the servires of ('auiidian geutleri>en, who, living in Canada, would he Hriti.-h Co'uMiiiinti repre-^enl;ilives only in name, or we sliould lia^c to tnke eight representatives who will be content to nmke ptdilics a profession, and we phall have to pay them for their servii es. To the iflsignificnnce of Britisli 'Columbia as a I'roviuce of The Oominion the same remarks apply. Difference of interests Is a still more material point. Cpen this point direct conllict is sure to arise. 'Canada belongs to the Atlantic, and looks to the Old ^Verld for her markets. We ore a new countrv, our staples arc totaHy dilfercnt. (Questions cannot but arise i)etweeu Uritish (V)lumbia anlotly has been offered by the Kxecntive certain material benefits in the sliajieof a Hallway, a Hock, casii in Inintl, and freedom from ilebt, in return for the transfer of all b'gisb.tion to tho Dominion of Cana-da. These '* materia! benefits " being paraded before the eyes oflho Colonists, the bar- ■r\ I n^ Jill I II 11 VII "< ll'l I, IIH- V_l I .■» VM I IIV V OllfllllM.-*, I IIV Ullf- gain is afterwards to be accepted or refused by aCouncii composed mainly of Hepresentntive Members. This mode of operalif.n, no less than the bargaiti itrelf, is equally olijectionable In my eyes. The r:aterial benefits — the Dock, the Uailway, the money pav- ments — are in effect nothing nrore than bribes to the present generation to forego the rights of self-govern- ment. J have no doubt that the Colony will accept the biirgain. The CttUmy is a small one, the populatior. not ex<-eeding il,.".0(t adult white men. and of these many ^ire gi-nlleinen of Canadian proclivities, Cana- dians bv birth, who are naturally, and I may say patriotically, in favour of a union with their native I'ountiy. There are nntny, also, wlio in the pfosent adverse condititrn of things i-n this Cidony, are desirous of change of any kiml, and eager ff»rany opportunity of benefitting by operations which promise to throw population, capital, and entcrpri' > into the Colony, V\> Jiave suffered much from pecuniary dt pres.>(iiin., ami when we liave nu oITer from a great rountr\ to come and spencl money among »ib, can you doubt that any one will fail to feel these advantages ; while many more hope for piditical power ami eminence in a system which they expect will carry with it llepre- sentative Instiliilions, if not Kesponsible tiovornment. Can we th>ul)t that the vole will be In favour of Con- federation ? The people of tJiis -Country will .sell themselves for the consideration of the present, and posterity will hereafter ask indignantly what right had we to sbnekte iliem, an Incorporation " with Canada. Incorporation w ith a country to which we are lionnd by no naturii!! tic of atfectlon or duly, and remote in geographical position, and opposed to us in material interests. Incorporation with ifil the humiliation of dependence, and to my mincl the cer- tainty of reaction, agitation, and discontent. Cana<]ii can never become the n^jtiiftier, the ntUtial iis-^i\'/nef, the i>ownii\rf Sfrret o/firinl msh/nec of the nlfection and loyalty which exists between this dependency luid the Mother Country. I am opposed to the political ex- tinction (»f this Colony, and its .'subservience to the will of a majority of the House of Commons | at Ottawa, iind tlie ndniinipt''ation of its alTairs, by ihe political adherents of Canaiiian Statesmen. I .nd alt this for what ? For " material benefits," fo. , a money consideration, in which the ling of thci dtrllnr only faintly conceals the clink of the fidtor.' I am grieved at the mode in which tlic change is PMUght t(» be etiecleil, and view the burgain iind siile cd" i»oliticiil independence for ourselves and our descendaiiis for a few dollars in hand, and a few dollars in the future, as ernmlly shameful and void. •Uaihvay or no Ilailwny — consent or no consent — the transfer of Legislative power toOituwa, to a place no remote in distance and in interest, is an injustice attd a political extravagance which time will most surely establish. The Hon. Ma. OkCO.^MuS, Veml).i- for Vict.)rift I)isti'i(t, then rose and .-iiiid : — Mr I'ri-.-ident, I cou- gr.itulate yon, Nir, and this Ilon^e upon the uiddc work (Ml which we are engngrd. We are engaged, 1 iM-Keve, in Natlon-nmkiiig. F*)r nty part I bavi been engaged In Xation-making for the last twelve years— ever since I have b'cn engaged in politics in the Colony. [Hon. Ilegisinir (icneral — " Von have not nnide a Nation yet."] The Hon. Ilegislrar Oene- lal says that I have not made a Nati(Hi yet. 1 need •only, iu reply, quote for hie onlighieiimcnt the old adage " Rome was not built in a day." [Laughter.] In the humble part that \ have taken in politics, 1 have ever had one end in Tiew. J havo seen three Colonies united on the i'acilic tJoast. [Hon. Mr. Helracken— "Three?"] Ves, three: Htekin, British Culumhin, ncd Vancouver Island ; and if 1 had had my way, instead of th« I'nited States owning Alaska, it would have been Uritisb to-day. -I have advocated the union of those three (V-lonies*, mid in the union (d* two of thorn particularly, I have taken a ])rouuneut part. For many years I have regarded the union of the Hritish Pacific Territories, and of their consolida- tion under one Government, ns one of the steps preliminary to the grand consolidation of the British Fnipire in North America. I still look upon it in this light with the pride ami feeling of a native-born Hritish American. Frnm the time when I first mas- leredtheinstJtutes of physical and political geography I could see Vancouver Islund on the Pacific, from my home on the Atlantic ; and I conld sec a time when the British Possessions, from the I'nited Siatos boun- dary to the Arctic Ocean, and extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, would be consolidated into one great Nation. Sir, n^y political course has been unlike that of most others in this Colony. Allow mo to illustrate my meaning by the use of another old adage. .My course has been that of "beating the hush whilst others caught the bird," My allegiance has been to priiiciple, an nlways In fav(uir of ContVdtralion. there Hashed acro-s mv mind <»ne of the pitr^erbs o\ Solomon, whieh I can- not refrain from repeating: "Such is the way of an adulterous woman ; sheeatcth and wipelh her mouth and sailh I have done no wickeilness." [LangbtiT.] Sir. I respect any Hon. Member wlio will, If he sees reason to chanu'C his opinion, come dc»wn and frankly tell the honest truth ; but when an Hon. Member trlM 10 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTEAOHDINAHT. 10 mukc pulilicul tnpilul (nU ofollici men's lubour, \\ i'uiito.Sr» 1 il'J not re.'pt'it him. (hi Uic L-untmry, burh men :i^ tliL' lattir, when (HHi-frs (if a (Juvcruiiii'nt, reuiind mt'Ol'tlie renmik of n rcU-bniti*i| riiiirli plii- losoiiliLT, >vlii> Ml ill ; " Tlnil in all thu niyitt-riuus %-i\y6 orrrovi'.lencc tbi-rc is uotliinj,' so in^icniuhle ai his purpose in t-uniniittin^ ihc desiiny of niitious tu lU.li i'ix';Unrt'8 us thcpt'. " [L:iiighler]. There iiro men in this Colony enlitled to some honour; !-ome men who are untitlevl to pniise for having l.ronj,'ht ConfLHlonition to its present .•'tii;ri.; hut ihev nre not the Honourable tlenllcmun, the Minii^ter of Justice, nor the Ilononrable the Chiel i'nnuui--'.-iout'r. [Hear, hear.] Is Karl (iranville entitled to tlie credit of bringinp Ihia matter forward? Is Governor Musgriive, or hi:- I'abinet, or the IMlieialsV No, Sir, I should bi* doinj; wroni; if I permitted it to be (-upposed that the i redil Wild due to any one uf them. I have assisted to make history, and this is a page of it. het it go forth to the world, tluU the people of this country have made Confuderatiou the important ([uestion that it is to-day. The llou.ChierC'ouimi.-.-iouer, whom we have heard with so much pleasure to-day, made an allusion to me. He said that when I brought this matter before the t'o'.ineil in IHiJH. that the Kxeeutive Council opposed Coufederation then, and the present terms proved their wisdom in delaying the question at that time. On that occasion my object was only Agitation to open uigtiliations. But, Sir, what did I hear at thai time .' " Von jiensitm tlie ollicials and we will all Vide for Confederation, '" and I think I could mention another Kxeeutivc Councillor who said : "Do you think we are such fools as to vote for Confedera- tion without being provided for?" That was the kind r. Helmckeni, once a warm and gen- erous friend to Confederation ; and what has been the result of his opposition? Impotence. He was impo- tent to retard the (luestiou. He was impotent to ad- vance it. Hy impotent, i mean jjoweiless. He was impotent to stem the course of events. He hung out the banner of Anti-Confederation in Vicloria. and won his seat by crying •' down with Confederation." IJefore he contested the seat with me, 1 tolil him tliat the Canadian (jovernmeut would not nrgotialt; until the N'urth-\\\st Territory question was setded. Vet the Hon. Member fur Victoria City charged me with backing dowi. frnm Confederation. The Hon. Member for New Westminster, also, de- nouuicd me in his elegant Ki'gUsh in the Cufumhian as giving np the cause of Confederation. Hut, Kir, why did I .say that the Canadian Government would not enter into negotiations with us? It was because I had in my pocket, at the time, a despatch from a Canadian Cabinet Minister, which .said that tli Dominion Government would not negotiate until the qne.>tiou3 tlieu pending with respect to the Nort West Territory were settled. The Hon. Member ft>r Victoria City, held up, however, his puny arm against Confederation. Hut has he stopped it? No! Not a day, nor an hour ; fent to Conl'ederaiion without guod terms; and that we wouhl not do our duly if wc did not insist upon gelling them. The Hon. Attorney General asks why we are not prosperous? In my opinion, Sir, the causes of our want (if prosperity are various. They lirst arohe under the ailministralion of Sir James Douglas in IH^ti, and have been perpetuated duwa to the present day, Tho people were then almost driven away, and down to the present time the (Joverument have done nothing L-omparatively to induce population to settle in the Colony, .\uolhcr reason is, that tiie country is some- wlutt rugged, and nut so aitractive for seltlement as some others. The Hon. Member lor Victoria City, says, that it is our proximity t(j t!ie United States. I most respectfully deny it. I'opulatifui would have come if greater efTorts had been made to get it. The lion Attorney (ieueral is consi>teiit in one thing. He said in lHident, that I expectcii more sterling opposition from that Hon. gentleman. I thought wc had here the modern Charles Martel, the celebrated armed warrior who had gone out to drive the Saracens — the Canadians — back across the Rocky Mountains. I thought that he would have protested like Paul the rrotestanl. [Dr. lleimcken, Wlna became of St, Paul?] I'aul was converted, and I hope the Hon. .Member nmy t-harc tho same fate. [Laughter.] I expected the Hon, Menilier to have delivered a philippic, that would have done honour to Demosthenes when declaiming against Philip of .Macedon. But, I really don't know but what he has been set up as a target by the Government — a man of straw — 10 draw the shot of all the Confederate narly. I don't know why he was taken into the Kxe^'utive Council. I thought that this Council was an united and inipcuetrable phalanx, but it seems that it is otherwise. What a happy family that Kxccutive Council must be ! The Member lor Cariboo and tho Member for the City dilVer in their views, and both diirer in this House from the Honourable Kxecutive Councillors at the other end of the table. It is like Baruum's happy family. But the Honourable gen- tleman has told us some things which are got d, and be^iides that he is going to raise other issues. [Dr. Hilmcken— "I?'] Ve.-, the Honourable Gentleman said that the issue would be raised at the next election, between going to Canada and going soraewi.'re else. [Dr. Helnuken — "I said ti at I '.bought it very probable if mean lern.9 were i .oposed by Cauada,tho people wliould raise other issues."] O! "the people," those much abused words. I believe in the people when they are right. But the Honourable geulleniau (/((/threaten to raise the is.sue of going somewhere else. Now, Sir, where else ex- cept to Canada could wc go? The Honourable .Mem- ber talks of ngricniiural interests, why, Sir, by going somewhere else these interests, from Comox toSooke, and from Soda Creek and Kamloops to the Lower Fraser, would be dettruyed : llie country would bo Hooded by produce from the I'uitcd Stales. From Comox to Sooke, from the delta of the Fraser to (.'ariboo. the farming interest-; Wftuld be destroyed 1 y going somewhere else. If that (pieslion came up. Sir, the farmers would quickly put it down. The Hod- ourable .Member for Victoria City says that the ([uestion comes here by demure of Her Majesty's Gov- ernment. Sir, I say again that it comes "here ly desire of the people, a large proportion of whom have asked Ikr Majesty's Government, and the (•( vern- ment at Ottawa, to bring it here. I am thankful that the ([Uestion of Crinfederalion is here. The Honour* able gentlemen says it is aGovernwcut measure, and that tiie terms must be passed. I say again that I hope terms will ho passed of such ft character as will contribute to the prosperity and happinoss of this Colony. Tho Honourable Executive Councillor saya- THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. 17 thiit this H It (lovcrnnu'rit nuMi.v II rfiiidiilatr for his pliicc [i)r. lU'liin'kt'ii — •'Tliorc arc no caiHliitiiti's. Tile Iv\(iiitive ('oiiiit-il lU't! nppuintpd."] ThiMi I jun sorry for thu clioifp thiit has hoen innd" Wliy, .Sir, tlio [irogrsininie sctllud hy (loveriiinetit \\inil'I loiivc it virtually iin ojieii qiiL'^llon Uy relcrring the terms to n popular vote. I may have something io -ay upon tiiat hereafter. How patriotic will the Moiioiirahlu geiitleinun he when he giie-J ont-iidc. and says that this noiniiiative (.'ouiicil, presided over hy a paid Colonial .Secretary, have done thi.>; ! How vfiy easy it ii for an Hononrable gi-ntlennm to talk aliuut the aulocraey of tiovcrnmcit, when it suits tiim to do t*o. liook at hi.s conclnet in voting supplies. When my Honourable friend on my left (the ■eniher for Lilloof;) tried to bring in a Ilill to repeal the (,'rown Salaried Act^, was he not rlioked olf hy the Hononrablo member for Vietoria City objecting first? Itnt I am only delaying the House. [ Hear, hear.] The Honourable Magisterial nieniher for Victoria City says, '-hear, hear. " Now, Sir, as far as I am concerned the Hoiiouralile member has my full per- mission to withdraw. [Laughter.] 1 have always been ready to take a Hritish subject vote on this f|nestion : but the Honourable member for Victoria has always dissented from that proposal. The Honourable member for Victoria City has a remarkalde way of putting things. Hut a few days ago he stated in this House, that if the people will nuly support the (lovernmcnt in getting the terms pvo'poicd, all w ill be right. I (piote from the Colonist newspaper of 2oth Tehruary. IHTf, in which the Hon- ourable gentleman is made los;iy, '-1 hope the people will .-'Upiport the (Jovernment i'l trying to get terms."' lie now conies down here and opposes them. [Dr. Ilelincki'ti — "I dnut oppose the terms, I oppose Con- fedeialio.i."] \ distinction williout a difference. The llononr.ili! - Kxoeutive Conucilior says the time is inopporlnne. I .say. Sir, that now is the time. \( ihc new gold discoveries, wliicli have been mentioned in the course of this debate, really exist, now is the time to confederate, ami to take means to attract and retain population. 1, Sir, liave spent live years of my life in the mining distric',3 of California, and have helped to liuibi up town after town : but how are tliey now? Mnny of those towns which had llieir 0,000 in- haliitauts have almost none now. It will be the i^aiu" with our gold-mining litwns. I fear the Hon- ourable gentleman will always say the time is inop- portune, not only before the population arrives, but when it is here, and after it goes. If wo can make a gnoii bargain with Canada, by all means lot us make it. and make it now. 1 like the word bargain, it sound-- like business. What did the Honourable memtjer for Victoria say at the last election? " Don't let us have ('onfederation, for we shall have a furplus revenue of i!loo,t)i)0 in 18<;0, and we will do better without Confederation." Confederation was inoppor- tune then. There was n large deficit or falling olf in the Uevenue for IHtl!), and yet he says it is inoppor- tune now. He said, yesterday, we shall have a re- duction of the public debt in IHT;!, of about $.'{(», Ooo. and by funding the floating debt make another .°aving of$ir>.000 per year. So that for a paltry saving of $50,000 three years hence, the confederation (luostion is now ino;:portune. I am suprised at the Ho. onrabie gentleman. First, it is iaopportiine, because of the present depression ; second, inopportune at the last tdeetinn, because things looked so bright; thirdly, inopportune now, because we can save iSriOfOdO. Vour predecessor as Minister of Kinanee, Mr. President, promised great things, hut Hie Governor's Message with the ICstimates shows ht)w they have turned out. I do not deal in prophesy, lint in facts. 1-et any one look at Cariboo. Look at Victoria. If we wait tor the time to be opptirtune, we may wait until it is loo late. Suppose any unforeseen accident were to liajipen to our gtild mines. If the golden spring is dried lip, the golden stream that now flows from Cariboo to Victoria will be dried up al-o. We are asked by | the Hontmralile member lor Victoria to wait for thel census of IrtTI. What has the census of Canada to do 1 wiih the question ? The basis of |iopulation as set: forth in these terms is all fiction. It does not come up tt) my idea of nation-making. Why not deal with fads? Wliy set up some legal fiction of John Doe and Uiehard Itoe ? 1 want facts not fiction. Let us base our financial cab" 'ations upon facts, and tlie rest will work itself o.ii satisfactorily. Mmh has been said, during the debate, about the Iteil liiver Territory and its settlement. For my part I don't care if the |l{ed liiver dilliculty is never settled, so far asi( bears (m the (|uestion before the Council. I believe that the Red Hiver country, and the valley of the two Saskat- chewans are not so favorable for settlement as some amongst us are accustomed to assert. Hut whether the North-west Territory is confederated or not, I go in for Coufederaiion, hecanso I believe we can make terms, and good terms, with Canada. The Honour- able inemher for Victoria City talks of the drawback- to Confederation arising out of the vast extent of country, and our great distance from the seat of the Federal Government. That will hardly scare anybody, with the example of the Vnited Htates before us. Next he says that the Dominion is only an experiment, and that it may break up. How often have I heard people predict that the Ciiited States, as a nation, must break up, as it was only an experiment. Why, Sir, they forget that the States had existed as separate Gtivcrnnicuts for one hundred and fifty years before their union. So with the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, they existed as separate Governments for the last hundred to two hundred years, anil Confed- eration is but the application of long tried principles to a larger territory. Why did not the Honourable member for Victoria City, when he said there were defects In the confederation machine, tell us what the great defects in the machine were? He has merely raised up a scarecrow. Then he says it is absurd to ally ourselves to jieople who were 3,000 miles away ; but nothing in his argument showed me that the absurdity was proven. I remember. Sir, when the communication between California and Washington. was by Panama and Nicaragua ; was California then less to the Cnitcd States than now? We now can hold commnnicatlon with Ottawa, by San Francisco and the Pacific Uailroad, and will he as near to our central (ioverument as Washington Territory. The Honourable member speaks of people 3,000 miles away, being unable to do as well for us as we could do for ourselves. I believe they could do just as well so far a.'- some general principles are concerned, if we only settled the conditions jiroperly. With regard to the States of the neighbouring Uepuhlic getting on better than the Provinces or ouTselves, I would ask where is the progress of Washington Territory as compared with our own country? [Dr. Helmcken — '' It contains a much larger population."] The jtop- ulatioii Is only five thousand voters I The Honourable gentleman is pursuing the same devious course as he did in past years, when ho op- posed reform, when our Government might have been beneficial to the Colony, had it been based on the popular will. He says that the deposition of the Free Port drove people out of the Colony. I take this occasion to state that, in my belief, the deposition of the Free Port was t!ie commencement of the permnn- ent prosperity of this City : and brought in its train the dawning of prosperity tl'.roiighout the whole dis- trict, from Coniox to Sooke, which includes the dis- trict whi( !■_ I have the honour to represent, and which now numbers six hundred voters, all of whom ire pro-porous. There, Sir, lies the ke^, -stone of Confederation ! If the terms between Hritish Columbia and Canada do not jiroteet the farming interests, the largest ancl the only permanent interest in this Colony, Coutederatit.n will do no good. If it does not protect the farming interest, I vote against Confederation, first, last, and all tiie lime. It would be most unwise to join Canada without protection. We must have a control over certain imports in the terms, for a protective tariff is the only nducement to farmers to remain upon the soil. Wo lepend upon them to build up a permanent interest in the country, that will last for ever. We mosi certainly do want extension of commerce, lint the true mode to obtain extension is to add to its vol- • ume internally. First, I believe in developing internal trad(^ and industry ; next, I believe in external trade. Allow these terms as brought down by the Govern- ment to pass, and in a few years you ■will reduce Victoria to the position of a mere smuggling village. Protection is a necessity. So long as there are nations and national interests, so long will it he necessary to have laws to protect those interests. Allow me, Sir, on thi> point to say that there is a great revolution in the value of realty, capital, and labour commencing on the Pacific Coast. The ec|ualistttion of the value of realty, capital, and labour has commenced. The whole tendency of events in the countries to the south of us, is to equalize the value of labour, of real estate, of capital, of manufactures, and of produce on thia Coast witli their value on the Atlantic side. No .such revoliiiiou in values has ever occurred on the Paci6c 18 TIIK COVKUNMKNT CiAZKTTK KXTKAOliDlNAlJY. ritic Coast, cMtpt thill iiioilm-fil liv lln- tlist-nvt-ry o! 113 liivs hfi'ti i)i\ j'l'il siiii-o lilt.' niniiiu;,' III tin- I rftilroiul. Take oil' pmlLTlioii ilii'ii rium our lunnrr-j, iiml tlipy nix- reduced to the i-niulitum of Uk- a;^ritiil- turi^ls III the .'■oiitli uf u-iy whu will In- riilui-td to llit' (■uii'*iiitiii (.1' those ill llto i;'.*l. Nti tlouhl lln' itri^-(>, «it"i!iir I'iiriiRis will hv rfiliucil liy tlic n'\ oliiticii llnU' is K"'"K ""i '"il J-''^'-' tlii'in [tioli-rlii'ii a<(iiiiisl l'or»'i|:iit fOiii|ii'liliou, and there will still he Imltieeiiienl l»trj them to leinain. The Hon. Diit rrutmiiiri^iiiiur relV-r-- red tliiiiiister .-ay^ that il i' oir' oI j the uiO'l iin]iurt;'.nl f' nndei- Coiifederatiuu. This is what wi' liave tu luranKf-' What we Inu e to {-el into the terms. [Iir. Melmckeii, "AH right! I will lulp )ou.'] I would f?:iy that " extremes meet,'' for I now meet my lion, friend (I ineun politieal enemy) [" N*', n*),'] to scenre iiroteclion. I ilo not ^ee, with the lion. .Member for Victorisi Cilv, lliat we eau pi all we want without Confedevatioii liy a jiidieions ananjrenient of our own tariff. 1 can show, that what we want nio.it in Ihi.-; (Colony, IS pnpnlatiun, and that populalinii employed in a remunerative manner. I.-ulation will not .secure popiihitiiiu. Confeilenuioii on proper terms will^'ive IIS pHpnhition ; will ^'i^e n.s means to empluy lahoiir rcmuneralively : will enlari^e our commeree, nnd hiiild np uiir industry, ll' it gives us ]'uhlic work?, — if it give us a railroad from n point on tlie Kmscr, below Vale, to .Savonus Ferry (Hi Lake Kamloops,-- and if we liinneet l.affe t'kanapan with the ."^pel-mah- t lieeu Uiver, hy rait\va\ . \vlii;i;.l, that no lastinif union euuld he niaintaine.l. niiltv.- the interests of Hritidi Colninbia are preserved. If I look (ft^r ar}.'iimeiit take) at the-e t)iiii;:s from a C'aiiiuli.ui point of vieu. I lied that by serving the intervsts of M:lli.-li Coliimiii.t, the int(-'rf.-t.s of {'aiiaiui will he .^erved. Cuiathi, as well a.s hriti>h Columbia, will beneiit hy a proleetive duty here, i'aiiada will get the revenue niiiler pro- tection, ami liritish Coliiinliia w;il have its industry protceletl from foreign cnm|teliti'jn. And. there is no reason that \\v shtmhl not have oui interests protect- L'tl. {[)v. llelinclien— "TIk' (.trgauie Act sny.s iso.''] The (trgiinir A't says no s^icli thing. Ctoi federation is tliver^ity in unity : really and essentially a general unity, and an iippliealiou t">f lav, to iliverse interests. First, we find that Nlw Ihiinswick. under the Organic Act, gets a temporary .-nbsidy (»f $i;:i.ooo per annum. None of tlie other rrovinre-* reieive aiiv itinporarv .subsidy under that Act. New lJriiuswii"k is allowei'l .to cidlect export dues on lumber. All the otlicrl I'roviiues are proliibited lro:ii levying due- on lumber. Now, if Nev. IJriinswirk geie- nn'ad.litioiiaj snlisifiy,! and levies a Inmljei- la\ prohil>iie I to the oilier Tro- ! yinces, why caiuiot Uri!i.-h Ctdnnibia g.t excmjptionj IVom unifurniity in hcT la\uurV No\a Scotia gtd.-, two! sulisitlics, fijiMl In Ir^lud.ooo, which ure not in llie| Organic Act. The Crt.wn hiwycii ^ay (Imt tlie grant! is not uncon^tiiutioinil. This is n noted exception, ■ iniule to .suii-fy the Nova iScolia repeal piiiiy. Another I exception is found in the compuNury provision, that! nppuintmcnis to the Judiciary .diall be made iVtMuthe liar of the Tiovinces for wliioh the appoinltnent is nuidc, till the lawo and practice are assiniihUeil. If the Organic Act i.s wrong, I say ehangethe Act. But, I believe, that I have .successfullj" shown that c-.vccp- tions have been and cau be made under the Organic Act. Now. lei us see what this horrible ('miadian taritl* i;. ll is itxi high on cattle for us ; not high enough on bacon, butler, cheese, aufl lard by a t'vw cents; anti impones nothing on hay, hops, and grain of all kinds. I cNpl. lined the whole to my con>tituent.«, at eie\eii mei-tingj. and they saiti, get these fe'v alleia- tioiis inaile to suit us, and we will support Conledera- tit>n. So we must have an alteration. Why, Sir, under the IJiglish Con->titntit)n different tarilfs can be impo.sed. book at the tiilfcrcnce in the K\cite spirit diiiies that were levied formerly in tScolhiml and Kuglaml, lor instiiice. .\i u lawyer, not a.s a judge, 1 give my opinitm that w •■ can have one lurid' 111 Itrili.'^h Columbia, nml another in Ihe Alhnilic I'rtiviiices, under the Organic Act; and il the Act does not allow il, then we must alter it. I have alreiuly given notice of motion respecting protection for olulion to tin' proposed terms, keeping the pow * r in the hands of the bocal Legi>la- tuie toiinpuse a la.x on ecrlaiu imports, in ca.>>e iho taritl" lie too low. Willi re-pecl to brewers, the taiilf can eaily be arranged so a- to protect them ; and (lie Hon. Member for New Wt-tmiiister ha.s answered the objection \o (he Poiiiinion li-hery laws. As for commerce, that comnum sens*' that the ilon. .Mr. Wooti calls state-maii^hip, will si-ltle th.il : (or if CtJiiftderiilion would injure the comincrcial inlere.^ls of liritish Columlda, il would also injure the inlere.sta of the Dtiminioii. Tin? Iltjii. Member ftir Victoria City has saiil i\ great deal about centralization. Hut I say, .i, we can appeal tu tliuliiipcrial Uuverii- iiit'tit to rploa.-Jo UH. [lloti. Mr. U'uod— " Lt'l us liuvc it in bliu-k ami wliite ' ] Wlij', k't tlic Act be ri'pcalni ami t--lievf, Sir, on sneh an exlraonli- iiary otcasion, such as invasion, each une in the Cohniy wonlil bo paliiolic euon^'h to do without a I'exv miles of U:i)tw:iv, until llie invariion may be put down It ba.s been nskol what U the gain umler (.'onfeiler- atiott. At present wo have no surplus revenue. Hut with C'unfeilcralion on 0(|uitaIile terms, there will be a clear j:ain of .'fi.JS I, iniij annually from hub^itlic.s and reiluc- tiun (d"t.iritV; tlifnioie. a.s :>;;m-1,imio is to nothin>c. so is roiifederation to I-olalimi. Th' re are a jfreat many points to whiili I could allude wi-rx' 1 di-^jiovcd to trt'spas.s luu^icr tin the time of the I'ouncil ; but I rcriervo them until we g-o into Comniitice. There are, however, !*ouie few things to which I will paw whut will In.' the (lualilieatiou of Members to the I)oiuini(Hi Parliament [Hear, bear. IVom I);. Ihdmiken] and the qualitieatiou iny law?, inipri.^on- Tucnt for delit, and many other matters will miuire eareful consideialion and altenliun. Willi respect lo the main princijde. I am in favour of Confederation, provideil the tinaocial ternjs are rijjht iu amount, ami it the other lejiii will cioitribnte to the advaiuenunt and protcLtiun of our industry. Il we caiinol j^fct favourable terms, wlii* h I believe we ean, it will then l)e for the people nf this Country to .« was greeted with cries of -'Spoke, spoke." lion. Mr. WiM}:j said: — Sir, I have only spoken to the nmend-ieni, and havo ii right to .speak to the original niotiou. Uoulity were expressed as to the Hon. gentleman's ri;^'lii to spe.ik a .second time, but the Presiding Mem- ber was nut called upon lo decii!e. and Mr. King pro- ceeded ; — .Sir, The lion. .Miuiber for Victoria District eoin- menced by cougralnl.itiog the Council on ha\ing the grand iineslinn of Confeilcraliou now before Ibem. lie eongralulated them on the great atlvantage of hcing able to gra|iple with a great (iue-lion like this. I cannot compliiaeul him on the way iu which he introduced his subject. 1 admire his perseverance, ami cunfes:; that on many subjects he enlighteus Memlj'TS ou b >Ih sid. s of the li.mse. I lament to hud tliat having alluded to the opening sipivoch of the Atloruey (Jeneral, he tho nnwariMutable imputations i.pon that the memijeri of t'.ic tjlovernment. Me suddenly turned nside and i^u^ted a text, which be apjilied to tlie Ollicial Members of this Council. He likened one of them to a woman who forgets her modesty and shame, and goes alter lovers for breitil ; to her who has a harlol'.s forehead, and refuses to l)e ashani d. Sir, 1 depreuite h;ncli allusions ; they throw no light upon tho eubj.'ct. I tliink that an Ilonnurablo urol grave boily like this, on bearing such charges, slhiuld have ot once risen to expre.-s their iniiignaiion raiher than have condoned it by their silence. Nothing is more easv thau to take any oue act of a man. or of a bmiy of motive, when il i. Sir. I was very gb had the courage tc House u\' Common House, supplied Ihe defeit by invuking the ble of tJiid, which was met by a sneer. I aay I iidmiro his courage in fronting a godle,-s age, by tho invoca- tion of the blessing of Ilim in whom we live and move ami have our being. He was not ashamed to ack- nowledge the eiinlrolliti',' power of Heavcu over the destinies of this fallen I'olony. Now. Sir. the Att"»hey Cit-iioral doseaulcd at great length on the advantage-, of Tnion. Ho put that as the basis of the Covcrninenl proposition. There is nothing like Tnion he says ; this in a noble sentiment which all nju>t join in. Kveryono would welcome that comprehensivo brotherhood which embraces all ivili/ed Nations. I am sure that uhen the Hon. .Member for Victoria alluded to Hie ]MtssibiIity of a prosjioctive union with other Powers, he did Iiot do .so iu the itiea of this Colony abanduning its allegiancu to tho Crown ; be(au^e be expressed a ivi-b to sec the desire uf general union .-jneading, is no reasou that he should desire I'l .-bake (df his connection with the Mother Country. Had it been otlierwiio, I .-ihould ba\e dejtlorcil the Hun. g( nilenians lo.-s of loyalty. Stone surprise has eii.-.led at the Hrilly way by what is called the Press. 1 ha\e been accused ot lihriuking from my duty to my c.l|l^ti[lK■uts at .\anainio, because I eeboeil I'heir seiiinients agaiu-t Coiifoderatiun. I a.-k tho indul- ge;ico of the House wbil>t I allude to what occurred at Nanaimo at the la-^t election. .\t that time the (jne (idii of Coulederaliim was rife throughout the Cob,tiy ; pi'opbs' miuds were agitated : the people of Nah:,iuio we:e alnio,-t unaiiinMus again.-t it. In what 1 said to tlnui during tlu- pn". ress of t!ic election, ami also on the bn-liiig-, I ttiM them (hat 1 agn eil with their .iews again-t Confederation, bul that when it came before the Council I thould give it my best atlontiM). It was nut made a lest question at iny election. The people of Xanaimo are slill uf their ori-;iiial ojiiuiou: and, tlioieforc. I expf-ss their 'ipiiiiuu now. ai::iiiJ-t tjjis ineasnre: and >ay th.it their convictions are again.-l Confeileratiun, notwith- .•'tamliug the '• Xu, noes" o( certain l!»:n, .Members. There may be .'iome aulon^;^t ihcm, Canadians by birth mid principle, who desire Confederation, who, though thiy are hcie, can hav with the puet : — •'\\ lnio en- I r.iam, wli; l< vor rcnliiH I sy-, M.\ 111' Ml iiiiIr.ivtlUMiruii.il) liniiHtolhu." Thu9 much for Nan.iiuio. -Now, I say, Sir, tb.ii the ijucslion of ('onfedoration ouglit to bo fully and amply discus-ed in thi.s House, and Iu do thi- tliere should" be a full Hou!-e. 1 deny that it is the de-ire of the people tu have Confedera- tion, out I .-^ay let the peuplo liave an opportunity of e\pre-,-ing lliclr opiui(jii~ iu this House. Lot the dis- fr.uicbi.'od districts have lii.-t resloreil to Ihcin the riglil.; of which lliey have been defrauded. The, Cuvernor has been betrayed into supposing that the jK-opk- want t'oniederatiuu, and assuming this to be true, he s;;ys 1 >Iia!l now gi\c the people an opportu- nity to di-cu.-s ilio terms. Ibit let the Prancluse bo r-'storod, then lot the gen- eral )|ue.-liuu of I'unfedcrJition come bel'urc au en- large 1 reprcsen'ation ; and 1 say that Confederatiou -huaUl bo put alone, aye or I'o. Shall we have Coii- tcderation '.' and nui iiptni what terms shall we have ht ht to cast jit. 'fho pniper cuurso is to dissolve the House, issue nllenmu and new writs, and let the people say whether they waul Confederation: and alter they bavo said yes, then des.rnd into tho iiarticiilars of it. .\ Covernment measure i.-; now ]>ropused, we are bound haml and foot, and hauilcd over to Ottawa. I say. Sir, that being so handed over, we ought to let our masters settle the icrnis tor us. I, thercrnre, venture ngaip Mr. President, to re]>cat that if it is logo abroad that the people desire Con- federation, tbeu the House should be dissolved, anil a fair vole taken. The Hun. Member for Victoria District puts it as if the voice of the people had been heard. I ask boir ? 'J(? THK GOVKRNMKNT GAZETTE EXTRAORBINABY. l.i'l till' in'uiiU- ."|iiak in ))(lv ul K( )ilT8CI)llUiVCil of thin U iini ilic propi'i- wii>-. lliii* Mini-c, thriiii(;h jv full I ilicir own fliou-^iiit;. The (|iK"tlinn tun Imtii iini|il)' viMitiliilcd in this] ronniil. Tlif linn, Mcnihcr U>r Virlorin Citv liitn | u'ono fully inlu uliat In- rciii-iilir? llu- ililli. iiltii-s. ik- has bi'i'o mot un tin* olhi-i- fi'Ic in ii nianlv utnl iiltli- n-ply by the lion. Chief C'oinniissimuT of (.-.xuAa nml Work^.'nhu \u\i lii'i'u iigiilu met hy the Hun. Mr. Woo. I. h lA not ftir inc to ^o into tlic quostion of terms now : hill I tieny enipti.iliriilly lh:vt Confeilcniiion i> (ii'-iiieil hy iho in'oplc My own eonslilutnis are aj^ainsl i( ; miiiiy ulhev tuh:>titiii.iHi(H are, as \ helieve, iigainst it al:>o. I asR. then, why ^^hnuhl the {Jovernmrnt atlen)|tllo lorcc Ihi'se Ue.-ioliitii)ns upon ns, l»y means of Ihi- OlHi'lal Memhers. who are only f^upreuie in nnmhers',' Ttu* pcuplc havf liiid niMippnrinnily to express their wish. hiJliiulIicH have lueii pi'i-fcnted liy an lion. Momhir, ari-in;; from the ^pace lietween Itriti-^h rultnuhia ainl Canail.i — (lillicnllieri arising from the means ofirun^it. ami fr'.ini the niran^ of eonnntiniea- lifin heiii;: eii( ofT — ilifTiriiMies arising from what is all present lalleil ihenlnllion in ihe Ncirth-Wt si Provin- ces, llint .-ilrife, a' I am iufnrmed, gathering .-trenglh ihiy hy thiy. ['"No, no." trnni Mr. IteCusmo-.] lion. Memher.Hsny "No, no." I am so infornieti. 1 hope it i.s not so, Imt if it he, then nniler the name of union we are ealloil upon tu take u piirt in this interneelne ^var. 1 long for union ns much as any man. In union of gooil thiTe is strength and victory, hut in union of evil there 1:4 deteat and disaster. I shall not oeenp,\ tWc time of this Council in mlverting to matters whicji have heen amply disen.-sed; in e.xpre.asing my con- scientious opinion I do my duly. The lion, .Mr. Wood has told us that he eouiils ]U'ofessional honour.'^ ns nought. 1 say nothing ol'jirior claims to professional honour^ which I have lost, from, at nit times, eonsei- etiliously supporting what I conceived to tic right. His Kxeclleucy says that we are not ht for Uesponsilile tjovernment. 1 want in know on what local data he Biiy.s so.' Who has tried the pi'oplc? l>n the scope of whose mind is it t;iiid they are not lit? Who has fxatnined them '! The Hon. Memher for Victoriii District has properly said, if Hon, Memtters were paid for their ntttndanee in the House, you would soon see whetlier men were capahlc or not to enier upon nnd fullil the duties ot Iirs]innsihlG Government. Then we .should see wholher the uentlemen disguised in mean apparel — (iraduate.s ofM.xford, t'amhridge. and other I'niversiiies — who have cast their lot iu thi:^ Colony, hut are unahle to det'ray their travelling expeii-se;! from remote phices to the Capital, We .■ihouhi see, 1 sny, whether they were capahlc, or net, ofenlightining and controlling hy tlieir wisdom the iVelde powers of (Jovernmeulal diplomacy. Sir. hy enlarged representation we >-hall discover such men. We had one foot forward in the direction of freedom, it lia.s been forced hack. Tin- franchise has heen taken away. Sir, I have very fcehly cndeavourc'l to touch upon these suhjeet.s. In line, 1 aflirm that the matter has not heen discussed fairly. There must Ite an enlarged representation that tlie people may lell the (iovernment what they want. Hon. Members who h.ive supported Confederation, have faileri in showing that lUlfi is llm lime for it Tliey arc afraid to ask the people. TUey have refused to do so. Much has been said: more will be said. I have listened, and have heard high sonndiiig words, and inflated tautology of this and that Hon. .Member, which remind me of ?oap-buhbh'S. which, though henutirul by the rellection of the sun's prisnnitic colours, are eciually remarkable for their rotnu'litv and their emptiness. The Utin. Mu. HAKN'AKD said :— Sir, in rising to support the motion of the Hon. and learned Attorney (leneral. I "an bnle.\pre.ss my feelings of pleasure in being permitteil to take a pai-t in the great wtirk in hand — that of hewing olf the rough corners of the Idock which has come to ns iVom the hands of tlie Kxecutive. nnd which, after receiving the tini.'hing touch at the hands of tlie people, will become the key- stone of the great Confederation arch which will, eie twelve months, extend from ocean to ocean. The terms as sent down hy His Excellency I're. I c{nisidrr. a fair subject of conay .-.it^ly that ,-nch was not the cae* — we ac- cepted the tlrganic Act coitstilnling this Council, and agreed to work it out to its legitimate en'ts of thi-t Colony have, I de,-ire, before going further, to allude to a charge coiMuonly nuidc ag,iin-t my couulrymcu— 'often otfcu^ivclr piit--but yestenlay put by the Hon. !.Mr. Wooii. in hi- usual gentli'manly way. It is ihut ol •• Canadian prorli\ ity." As a native-liorn Canadian, iu comuKU) with others, I love the land of my birth. We admire her iii>tilulion-' ami revere her laws; but we never forget the bind (d' e in general, 1 will i^ny that I never heard any one expre.-s a desire that thi^ Colony should be confederated, except on such lernH as might on inve.-^tigatton be found to be jiLst anil jjeneticial. We desire Confederation with Canada, beciiisc wo belii'vc that it will be to the interest of this C(dony to unite witli the proj!rcssi\e Colonies lo the east. That ihey are progrej+diie 1 assert, and as proof I point lo the fact that, previous tu Confederation, Canada proper had expended $181,')iio,o00 on public workd, principally in builditig canai.'. I'p to lH);;i, $170,000,- ouu had heen expeiuleil in railways. She pays to-day :J':iOO.OOi) yearly for her ocean steam mail service alone, and her enterprise is followetl by her people. Her manufacture* are increasing yearly, and even now she is exporting cloths to Kngland, and competing there with cheap labour. ihie fin.i alone, coinpo.sed of men who landed In Canada pennyles^, now has $!t,Ofli»,f><)') invested iu ocean steamers, employing 4,.'>oo men, nnd thus sus- taining 'J2,ot)0 persons. Among the objections urgeil tiy llou. Members against Conl'cderation is our prox- imity to the Cnited Slates. This. I hold, is no objec- tion. Canadian." are not taught to fear conipetilioii with t)ie I'tiilcd Statej. The genoial feeling tlicre i^i that we can ludd our own (cxrept iu point 4)f nnm- liers) with her In any direction whatever. It i^ t > Iter ue look (or i\ great portion of our tr.ide. and the aii- vantages of such trade are mutual. The question 13 often ai( I' oil IkmIi .-hli- ' liiiM' ikI'.im (i| I.-, i' i.>il> \u\w I |ir I ii|>t-rL-r(JKiaiiiii lo ! rt'iti'fiiU' iit\ >i'iiiiiin*iit«. Hill ii-^ ihi' ililiiili' ii!* lit uIm'IIm-i- wv nhniiM go Into Ml has lakill "lu-ll II M'rlnUA tlllli, I |)ri»|.ri- In >t tiiin h\ Mriii^li Coluinliiii of Nuiicniiver hliiml. Sir, uc nui-1 Ki\f* up uU iMTf*oiiiil itnjii'lifi's, hikI wv tnrst >it'i)il uiir iriinil-* lu iUv fHtiililinliiii(>ut uf ii ^rtiii Krili^'h Kiiijiin' upon 'lii^ Pmilif Cimsl, lioni Miuiiiiltv mivH tliitt " (Jovnnnn'nts urr iiuilf for Ihc pt'opk'. liml 'not ilm people tor llie (lovcni- ! I'ominitlee or ii iiifni.-'. Vci, Sir, liiMv ilillerenl .--ii'ni^ to he Ilie ilijuk it nj;lit nn i-uiirHi' of reaiioiiiiif; ill this Colony. Ilei'i* ue hjve u evir know, ine llni»n|fh Hiij* (■ot.«ii\, or iliroiigii tftniiiKC I'tmipoiiiiii of sickly repri-eiitiilion ninl iiti- i llritMi N--iili Anieriin, know « iliiii iii\ priioiple- liuvc iKipulurulHriiililnin. Tlnwunt of llopiuisihle (iovern-|ni'\er ihnnKr.l on tliir« gi«iil CntilV.l.i.ni.Mi .|iie-ti(iri. nient Ims liermiie inlolem'.de ; tlic people liii\e len.icd I luive uIh h\m niiiiiitaiiie.i lliiii the tr.iKiiient-.ol em- tu rcspeet Ihu (ioviTniuent, iiinl llie (lovcrniiient | pire lyin^r Iimvm'. mt to ...peak. In Mr.li.Oi North Aruer- SL'uiu to hL' iloinj,' their he,>t to eviiuiite llu' peopk' iipjira, ea.t iukI west of the IttM k\ Muiiiilainf'. shuiilil he to liatinf,' tlie olliciaN. There i^ lo my luiii'l, ."^ir, no;niiili"l lunt eoiisojulatel nmhr one < M>\iriin.eiit, necessity for t ho rontiiHrimeof mm-U a «l.itc of tliliij^;*. I'l'he iiue.-tlnn of I he eonfeiieratl.-u of the whole only let the peoples' Voice he lu-anl, iiml thtre will i fohuiiat Kiiipin' of Crent Ittililu is one thai hiH \w Ik i'hnu:.je. The overwhelming: preponiiiTiuire of ulw.iy- ap|ieitre.| |o nic to he teph le w 1 h the Kie.itest the otlleiitl element in this (' leil, ami the pii s(Miee ' iiilen -t, ninl I trict th it I ni.ty he sp.iriMl tu M:e this in the Lenishitive hoily nfol!ieinlH who arc paiil hy ! rori-t.li'hilioa eon-iiiniiialeil. the people, ami yet are not re-pmisihle lo them, i- 1 W ith re;.'.tnl to the ihIv.iiiI i^fes lh.it ('()nfe.lerritlon tlie real eiin.si' of'the alienation of llie hearts of the'will liriiii; lo Hriti-h Cohinihia. it i- n'mttrt forhi theiu I am Inn- t.tllinj( own iutere.sls ami what their own consi'iences (lielatejlhe (h'hnio on terms, luul a-i I slioul'l not he ill it to tUeiu as for the^'otnl of the eoiiniry. It is our thity, I |po.siiioii to prove anythinv,' whit h is in futurity. I hint ^Sir, to liriiiK hark the hearts of the people. We must i perh.ips Letter ulisiain from toiu hiiijr upon the suh- liavc a foiinilatioii— ; warrant oiir luieptanee u\' tlietn in their efiiirety ; hut Hesponsihiu (juvernment. We n)ii>t he prepareil to, if the House think olherwi.'e, I may, I am ^u^e. go ho pnll (luwn ami t tt see I hope. Sir, that the K.xooulive will not uttempt to make nny arrnngetneut with tlie Uomiuion tioverii- ment which does not include popular sctf-governmeut. The people will never accept Confederalioii witlioul Ue?pon-ihle (tovernnicnt. We must first get the tree — Ucsponiit tlieiii. had nt least enabled nie. up to this time, to make my own way in the world, unaided by ollicial pay and without tile assistance of ollicial faioiir or inlliicncc And when I hear Hon. Members ppeaking of the people as a cla.s.s unlit for .self-government, I tind it ditFieult to believe lliat .sueli a i-et of men arc the same as have been speaking before, in tlii.-' House, and out?ide on Confederation. lu conclusion. Sir, I say fearlis^ly tliat Uo.spon.sible Government is a .'f ourown local aflrtirs, otherwise (.'onlcderation w(Mild be u^t'less tti the couniry. and I warn lltpii. Members at the other side oftlie lloii-e, that to exclude He.spon.siblo (bjvern- mcnt frotri t)ie terms. U locii>un; dejeat for the w li of the people are th*)sc who always emleavour to They will give us terms to make us happy Lind con- blazon forth their learning. 1 am proud lo say that tented. Another reason for our feeling conlideiice in I ara of the people. My education, if not of so high a the fiiture i.^ that we shall have uutler these terms, \\a culture as lli.il of some Hun. Mcmbirs of this Mouse, the lion. Member for Victoria Hi strict .-ays, nn enor- mous proportion of Uejiresenlatives at (lttawii,and I i)rc.sume that each uf thc.-e I'epre^enlalive.-* will have a voice ami the gilt of .-peccli. It 1.^ fair to augur that the Hominion Statesmen will give wfi \\\\A\ will make ns ectutenled and pros- perou.s. In touching upon this point, I .-^hould like to make an historical allusion, and for examplo 1 would refer to the present condition of the Uuioifbe- tween (treat Mritain and Ireland. [■' Hear, hear,"' iri'Ui Pr. Ilelmeken.] When Hon. gentlemen say '■ Hear, hear,' they may think I have given an uuupt illiiJilratioii. We, however, know that the number of I re hind" s repress tat i\es, amounting to something over one hundred, have enabled llie Iri.-li members of the Itriii-li Ifuti-e uf t'ommons to hold the balance of power and tlie bulk (d' patronage between the great conlending political parlies, aipl by sway- ing between the Gladstone.** and Disraelis, or other leaders of the day, they have frcciucnlly been able to turn t!ie scale .so as to (d>tain what lliey ie.-irid, and to secure a lit)i-ral sh.\re (d'thc patronagii Confederation scheme when it comci before the peujijej to ollice I maintain, Sir, in this connect iou. IhiiL if at the poH.«. Mriii^l: Coluinhia found that by reasun of hi-r small I representation, lartre in eoinparisoii with the repre- The Hon. Mii. CAKUAM,, Member for Cariboo, Uenlatiou of the diirerent Slates in the C'ongre.-s of said:— Mr. President. I di-l uol intend to open my ] America. I say, that if IJntisli Cduni.iaii Membeii lips during this debate; indeed I am left with very found that tliere was anv disposition lo tyrannise in little to .«ay by the Honourah'e gentlemen who have the Dominion House uf Commons, whi h 1 do not fur preceded me. 1 have taken notes with a view, if tho.se assertions which were put forth were not an- swered, of replying to them. For three days 1 have sat at th'is Hoard and heard discussions ;>ro and roH. I have heard nearly every one moment fear, they could nuke common cause with oiiicr sn.all maritime Provinces against Cauadii proper. To ipiote the words of the Hon. Chief Com- missioner, 1 l)elieve that Urili.-h ('ohimbia wilt be a pet Province of the Confederacy. 1 try, Sir, to avoid word: certainly every argument which Honourable speech-making, the time for that will bo in Uommittoe. THH tiOVHRNMHNT (iAZK'l'TH KXTR.\(XUT)IVA RY '.'.* I >tM mir li.'jtr III -u.iv tt -iiiulf votf Ip)' iiiiv rrtiiiUk.H llhit I ni.ikr. 1 Ih'Iii'v'i' llnit cmi'v linn M jiilier chiik' ln-ii*. lHt'viiMi-.|y |irT|iiirf.l, in vulc mio wiiy or llu- iiIImt, himI I i|i> unt think iiiiy fl(M|iinit uriUors, iiml iiiui-li Ir*^ titiy l4-c-l>|i> wonln nl tiiiiH-, Hill i iiii^f line u1 Minn Ik < tiiiiit:!' lii-> i>|iliiiipii. Itut I iiuikc u .-Jpccrh in iiiikr (li.it It r> inr »4tilnctil-> 1)1)1} he tiMi' It) <•!'- (hut 1 uiH nut ilunili. I lirJM'Vr,! «ii\ , iJLit III! Hull. McniluTH riiinc down wilii tJM'ir upiiiiMn.'' Iurini-i|, ux to vshi-ih(.T llir iinioiMlriR-nt ol llif lltMi. mill Irtunnl MnnlH-r for Vii tntiu, or Hk- |)n)|M)!«Uinii ol' lilt- Hun, uml IcitriKMl Alturnc}' (iencrnl, vvlilrii wiiri HO 111)!}- [lilt Ih'I'oix' nx, sIkhiM lie LiirrlLM). I ^iiK-crcly liojie, liuucvcr, llini linn. .MciulxTS will jiiiii iiii^ in \Mliii^ liiiwn tliv iitniiMliin nl, iiiiil hi HUp- pnrtiiiK ()ii> iiiniiuii nl' llii' linn, AlUiriK-y UciiitiiI. Tlii'4 i.>, cnipliikliritlly. Hit; i|Vi< .linii of llic ilny, luiil thf po'ity nt' till- (tuMTllini-iit slinuld lilfot will) li lilicnil iinil wiiriii snppuit trotn vwry Mnuher of ihiu Cnniicil, ill nt-ilir thiit tin.- 4iii>.Htiiiii miiy be I'liirly lirniiKht lictui't' the pi'upU' tor finul ion. AihI lici-f, .Sir, uiili Ihr pL'rinM: House, I will .-tiy niic «. . ; upon llu* riMil>i.' pur^iii'il liy the (Mivi-jiiiiK 111. Till' K\ciiilivL' ('onnril lime bocii iit-tn- iitcit by iiiiiii\ v^ ol' fliily only, llicy liiivc broii(;lit iltiw n tlic-c Kc.-'oliition!', bii^^cdon u broati vii-w oTllit' wholv >tibjc(-(. Mini tlicy unk yon to iinikf sn|:((L'Htiuii'i iiikI lulililiuu^. [Dr. llrlnickcn — "Nolliry dun't."] \v!i, .Sir, I in:iint 'iu tliiit llio Kxiuiiiivt- do fn. njid 1 will miiiiitiiin it with my lunt brealli. Tlic Kxcciitivc arc prepartd to luiisiiler, mid If (loji.-iildf' ^ive i-tlfct lo, cviiry liuu'ndinciit nr ^nKK^■''li>>» t'f llii:* Conn.il, pm- vidfd it iliii-M tint ji'opurdi/,t' llii' .-nirc."- of the isrlirinr with Ilii' (Ninitdimi (iovcrnini-iil. Tlu- tiriiil verdict imi't ronic from liif in'oplc, iind I tau nafcly miuti- taiti that nuiliin;^ Loiild be fairer. Aiiionjf thing's br.ni;/|it np in the cour^io of till-' ilebatu, thf (incstiunn of Tariff and ncspniii^ible *{o vrniiiiL'nl oi'ctipy pminincMt po.-^iiinn.H, I iliink the iJon. Mt'iubur for Vii-lnriu 'i.strirl li;w taken riKbt Kronml, wht-n lie said tin., il wa^ conipelcnt fur llic Dotiiinion (Mivt'rniiU'hl to aUcr and anitnd tin- lariM Fu as lo protect every vested intcre.-t in llii« t'olony. J am ii(» lawyer, but 1 believe ihu Caiiadiaii .State.-'nion are snUteiiMtly far-Hci'inif to take care tliat not an ititcr*"^t in this (Joloiiy shall snller liy Ihe llesoltilion- wliii >\ c are about pa.-n;^'. With regard to the Doiii .louTai'ilV, people tthin|;hl tli:it the abrofrjition of lla' Keeiprocity Treaty was ihe tiealh-knell of llie iiitlepentlence of I'aiiada. I liitve livetl, however, In gee her more pro-p'-rons by that abrogation. It has tauylit her Id develop her own ^e^ollre(■!^, and lo Iie- eonie t!ilf-iidi int. .\lter;he was prevented from K"'i'^' to the rnileil State*--, by tliat abrtigatinn, --lie turned her uttenlinii to her own re<(Hiree.-J, ti\u\ I l»elieve she is ijow K"'"K lu be one of the most progres-iive nalions upon the eurlh. rndnnbtedly, she is determined lo progress wedlwurd, until ^he reaches Hrilish Colum- bia and the I'acilic ; mid with all her pro>ire>sive tendency >lie will not abate one ji)t of the luyally fur which, now as e\er, ^l^e i*^ ili.-tingni.-lied. Now, with lejjard to Itespnnsible Goven.ment [•• Hear, hear," friin Mr. l>eL'o.-.mo.s.] I desir I tnueti lightly iipoii tbi^ subject in passin)^, be^ ' - have been told that my popularity has sniieri frome remai'l. i lo w hich I gave nitciatu-e in this House iipou a previous (M-easion. .Much as I value popu- larity, I niii-^t on this (|ne-;tiun express my Iionc:-! and cou-cienlious o]iinion ns an inuividual. I believe that I wa- Ihe lirst to break ground on the i|ue.-lion iif Piespnusiblf' (to\ ernnic-nl, in connection with (_'on- I'ederation. I did it, not hastily or thoughtb '^:sly, but on eoiuiclion ; and I maintain that so loiifr u^ I do it lione--lly, I am free to sav what I please, as nti indi- vidual, upon this niallrr. I do not believe. Sir. thai, with ipur present popnbilioij, with our people scatter- ed (pver a \ast e\i'-nt ot' iliinly populated country, and liaviiig re^aril to to Ihe various conllictiiig Interest-; consequent on remoteness from the eeiilre.lhe princi- jilo of HespousilileiJovernment earinot be satisfactorily applied to this conit»innil\ at present . ! believe entirely ill ilie abilily mid (iinrs-: of the Anglo-Saxon race to govern Ihemselvc.-^. bu; I i^tiy that the lime has not yet arrived under which that particular form of go- vernment, generally known a.s Hesponsible, can be satisfactorily worked in this Colony. I believe tliat the scheme (ure.';liadowed by the (Jcpvcrnipr lor Ile|ire- BCiitativc (lovernincnl will be the best lliat, umler present circnnistmices, the Colony can liavi-. The popular members undt-r that system will have a dear majority, and, eiinse(|uently, the people will have the control of the purse-stringi>, I do not .«peak these words us a member of the Kxecutive Council, but as £he expression of my own dciiburaiv optniuu. 8lr, I was uni fent here pb'd<;ed lo any particular platform. My conNiitii''uts had contidein'u in tne, and were i-nn- >ent that I uhotild actoamy own JuilgaiPiit. Speaking ollicially, I say that lte>ipipu'otuini,;n was<'5tal)lishe(i in Ihe .Nurlli-Wesl Territory. Holh assured me pri- vately that tliey were iu favour of Confedoralion, and I say that tbcy entered into tho coiipideration of the -clunie «ilbonl mention uf iiensioiis being secured to Iheni. Who, 1 a.^k, ore Confederates? The people most un'iue.^Mouably ; and could we, the people of this Ciildiiy, e\er li.ive made <^lnfcderalion a puccefis- ful ifsue, iiijUv • il h.ul Iteeii laken up by Cioverument. IHs Kxiellenry (!u\ernor Musi,n'avc has done nothing but what Prime .Mini:;tcrs do every day, in making (llii a Go\eJiinient question. On the part of the (lo- *eniinent. I iMirdially invite Ihe as-islance, co-opera- lion, and earnest defiberatiou of all .Memberii of iho Cuuncil lo ihe (>chonie — a good one — and after we have douc our be.-;t wilh it, we must leave it to Ibo people. Before 1 close my remarks. Sir, T must nlhido to what (ell from tipc Hi»n, .Member fur Victoria City, whose opinion and lightest remarUd are always re- ■ eived and li.-leiied to by lh:s House with tho greatest defeieuce and respect, and every wrinkle uf wlioac brow is a notch in the calendar of a wcH- -pent life, fur whose character as ..ii individual I have the hi;;hest rcvirenco and esteem. I can- not bu. s y. however, that in my opiniou, and I believe in .he opinion oMlii.4 House, what the Hon. genllemap did .Miy aliout another possible issue, was ill-timed, noppuiiune, and unhappy; and, Sir, I deem it my tinly a.s a .^Ienll^er of ilie Kxecutive Coun- cil to say, thai if he did intend to foreshadow the idea that Ihe other union, to which he made iU-timcd allu- sion, could ever be nn issue in this Colony, he entirely uiisrcpresenled the views of the KxecuUvo Council. In tliig connection 1 desire to .^ay that, in conimou with the Chief Commissioner. I feel ft great respect for our neighbours of the tueat llepublic; I honour the country and its in.stitutiotis ; particulorly I esteem the people of America in the exercise of national and domestic rcbuion-; tliey are true Anglo-Saxons; they are at this moment lavisliing an amount of hos- pitality on Prince Arthur, which would do honour tq 24 THE GOTER^IFENT GAZETTE EXTHAOU'DTNABT. any ufttioii. IJut, whilst pmlVsiiinj,' grout ri':*pcct fiir the i)eu|)k' iimi lor the (JcfvcriinuMU of tlio I'liiiLMl 8tatc3, 1 coiilcss that 1 lio not like thyir political institutions. I have uuiny t'ricmls iti America, luul I hnve spent some time there my'*, lu their military service, lull 1 left America a greater Cuntulian than ever. And I say, Sir, that I deem the action taken by certain foreigners here, in getting up a petition, which has perhaps hern liroiighl into more pioniincn' notice than it was entitled lo, exceei'.ingly un- happy, and I know that I speak t!ic sentiments (ifmy constituents when I say so. These foreigners have received every h(>:*)dlaiity, ondliavc lieen treated with respect and liberality in this t'olony ; they ciijuyed nil the rights and privileges to which they would have been entitled in their own country, end perhaps more ; they have acted foolishly towards the tiag thai sheltered them, and have abused the hospitality which has been extinded to them in petting up this petition. If any lirilish snhjects signed it, I consider them unworthy of the name; they would be better in the chain-gang. I must refer once njifain to the Hon. Member for Victoria City. He said that patriotism war. dead in this Colony; that interest and self-interest vas para- mount, and that th-' dollar was supreme, and v/as the only i>atriotism. [Dr. Hehucken — " W'hai ? what? I .«aid nothing of the kind.'] I maintain that the words were us«l, and \ say that the Hon. Member misunderstood or misrepresented the feelings of the people of this Colony in saying so. It is, perhaps, niibecoining in me. who have not the stake in the Countr id who have not the strtus, domestic, monetftij , or political, of most other gentlemen round this Council Hoard, and who have, comparatively speaking, but lately come lo tlie Colony, to express an opinion; hut nevertheless I dosa; that patriotism is not dead in this Colony, and that the people are as patriotic, noble, and generous-hearted as any other people in the "orld. lion. Mr. llclmcken — Sir, I rise to a question of privilege. I cannot allow the Hon. Member to make a speech about something I did not say without cor- recting him. I said that this <'olouy had no luve for Canada; the bargain for love could not be; it <-an only be the advancemei't of material interests which will lead to union. Hon. Mr. t arrall — I maintain, Sir, that I have not in any way exaggerated what the Hon. gentleman did say: and I conclude by saving that the people of Itritish Columbia arc loyal, honourable, and true, and when they give their adhesion to the Dominion Ihey will uphold the British Hag, as they always have been upheld — •'Tlie tliiK timt huH ItrnvtH.! a lh'iu«mii n«n)iiiiouiit tnuiMfcr- n-il to thcrriiwn.iiiHli-tmtHhiMalMrgt'rnnilinorpM'ltli'dpopuliitlnn, it wiiiilil 1i(> |>r«iiiiit(iro to oxiirooH niiy ili'lliiitD I'liiuluo ou tin* BUlijtTt." It is unnecessary for me to say anythiug in favour of the principle of Confederation. It is admitted in the Uesolution which 1 have just read. I take it, Sir, that the obstacle there ref?rre'i to will be speedily beg I removed; that the small hand of disalfeeted spirits will soon disperse, and ihut the machinery ofGovern- ment will shortly be put in motion; and though I do not take pleasure, like the Hon. .Member on my left, in revolution, political hatred, agitation, and blood and thunder generally, I am not disposeil lo regret the oicurrencc of the difliculty in the Red River, for it Mill leach the Canadian (iovernment, and the Impc- rialGovernment, and all Governtneuts, that though you may buy and sell territories, you cannot transfer the human beings therein, like so nmny serfs and chattels, ton fresh allegiance with impunity; that the consent of the people must he first obtained ; and that though the soil may be sold, the soul is free. This measure was, to u certain extent, forced upon the Government by the people of this Colony. It is said that the people clamour for a change in the (iovernment. Why, Sir, we have had <'hanges enougli during the lime I have been in the Colony, to ruia my counfy ; changes generally for the worse, ["No, no," from .Mr. DeCosmos.] Hut whelli-r Conledera- lion com"s or not, there is one change more which I hope to ."c before this year expires, and lat is a hange in the Constitution of this Counc;i 1 desire Parliament raauifestly urge this niAtt^r HB a neves^ar; to see all thf Mciubers, saw tbo KxQcutivt: OflicerB^ THE GOVEKXMIvXT GAZETTR KXTJtAORDIXARY. elected by the pL-opte; and this cliange is promised by the Governor. I hope, also, tliiit the Colony will so prosper, and the popi'hition bo inciTiise, thiit hclurc niiiiiy yoiirs unother chiiM;;e will come, thiit is to aay Ucspon.sihk' Covcrumen' At present, I believe we lire not titled for it; it is prncticiilly impD^sibJc, luid (he Governor hiis liad the coiirntre to deulnre it. 1 would ^'''dly believe that the cry for this piiniiL-en for all evil docs not come from those who would fain jump into vacant places, and enjoy what tliey are pleased to tervi iiluitlod idleness. Such pharasaic patriotism wa.s so well exposed by my much abused friend at the bottom of the table (Ur.Ilelracken), that I will not further allude to it. But I say, .ISir, that if they can lind public servants who will perform their duties better and more perfectly, let theru in God's name come on. [ am content, for one, to give place to better men. Now is the opportunity otlercd. But, Hir, I am re- joiced that this measure has come down from the E.xceutive ; it will, when accomidi.shed, give us rest I hope from thi.-* eviTlastinn chauj^e. Tlic farmer, the arti/an, the c;ipitiiti.-^t. and the nicrchaut will know what to expect, and will make their plan.s accord- iuply. Years a^o, liie faruier uatuially expected thai the Free Port syrileiu was Bcttled anil approved of. Agitation commenced, the fariucr and the nu'rchaut could not carry on their pursuits without anxiety, and the Colony sulVered. The I'rt-e Tort w*;? abulishod : — that grand political misluke, — I'nion with iliitish: Columbia wa.s etVerted, and a heavy tarilV inipo.sedj and ousiiu-ss t-atculalion.s u ere euntuiuHted U). iiin I Hut this Coliiny and the peciple Lave such elastic! force, that they are again beginning to t-ettle them- selves down tij the new order of things. Business! went on, it i.^ true, but, nevertheless, it sutferc-d ; andj for the last two years ngilntion has agi'iu been at, work. The farmer i^ danned ; he is prosperou.s ati present, but he dreads (unnecessarily I think) whatj will be virtually to him the Free I'ort system again:: and so alartii, and change, and uuiiuieine.'is are for! ever distracting this small and struggling Colony, which, unlfsj it hail iniineiise \itiil energy, and cnor-; nious latent streiigtli, wnuld lung ago have succiini-j bed. I see, however, in the prospect before us, a: sign of better things — a Uioie hopeful future — a state j which when cousumnmted rtill,! believe, secure ai more .settled life to the t_'oIouy. | J do not feiir for the agricultural interest, for I be- lieve the only protection which the t'aruier reijuires, is the protection of good roads, good laws, and an easy comniuuicatioii with the market.s where he may best dispose of his produce. Self-iiilerest. if no olher tea.son, will iuduee the Canadian (iovernmeul so to modify the Tarifl'a.s to endanger as little as possible ihe various interests, agricultural and uthcruise.of the Col'Miy. I firmly believe that Canada will deal justly V, illi us; nl any ae, it is our duty to deal Irankly and in a iVieiul'y spirit with the ('auadians. until we sec signs of a'-uutniry i-pirit aniumtiug ilicni. I am ready to shi'ke h'inds e-ross the Itocky .Moun- tains with our Car' idian breiheren ; let us not open negotiations with clenched fist.-. As regards the paucity of representation allowed to us in the Douiininu rarliauieut, after wliat has been shown so clearly to us b}- the Hon. Member for Vic- toria District of tlie aunlagons right of representation enjoyed by the Facilic Hi.ates o? the American Union, I think we cannot r-ghtlv expect more. .My Hon. frieml or my right (Mr. Wood), who cer- tainly has plated the obji'»'tions nnd arguments against Coureileratie so or not is beside the (luestion, for the l{e-ration ; they are in no way connected with it. Confederation is, nowevor, the easiest and (piietest way of getting Ilesponsible (io- vernment, should ib.ut be founil after deliberation to be really desired so ardently hv the whole com- munity as Siime Hon. Members aver. To those who conscientiously believe in Hesponsihle (lovernment. and that the real desire of the Country is for it, or an the Hon. Member for Victoria District says is a "unit'" for it, I sny fling in your voice with us; these Keso- lutions will most speedily assure the result you de- sire. If the people, after careful deliberation and full information on the subject, whether we bo eon- federated with ('anada or not, really desire Ilesponsi- ble C.overnmeut. they will have it. Their voice will —aerial castle building. 1 sa\ they are only propo-lbe heard on this particular question, as on nil others silion^. I have not heanl one .Member say those terms jeonuci-ted with Confederation. But it is the hollow- mu>t be hml, (ir no CfuUederation. Ji>sl pietunce to assert that Confederation should he [Hon. Mr. DeCosmos, — I stated yesterday, that jflslopiied till the Covernor can scud down a scheme certain ti-rms were not granted I shoitid opposelfor Uesponsiblc (iovernment. If we do not get Con- Confecleratinn.] federaii*Mi we shall still have our own Uepresentative ! exp^t t to see you an opponent of Confederation Inslilulinns, and once jtossessed of Uepresentative before long; probably we shall ehan[:e sides [Laugh-i liisruutions under the Imperial Statute of Victoria, ter] ; but until these terms, or terms that will be ihe Colony will, if it be such a unit as descrLbed, be Bfttistaetory to the country are arranged, 1 shall nutjuble at orice to get Responsible or Party (Iovernment. cease my opposition to Confederation. 1 think it: Now. I earnestly deprecat,e, on the part of the (io- nccessary to say a few words In explanation of my | vernment, !ho unfair allegatio'i wliirh one Hon. position. 1 do stand here a Member of the Kxecntive I Member has so improperly insinuated that the Conuiil. whether I gave in my resignation or nttt, is I (Iovernment or (iovernment Onieuils considered the not tor the Hun. Member for Victoria Di:-trict to|yir'<7>/r of British Columbia unflt for self-government. my mimi, and I believe on the minds of the peopl that any matter entrusted U* his care will always be dealt with conscientiously, and with due regard to the feeling"; which he' believes his constituents entertain. Had I had an opjMirtnnity of submitting to my eon- -litueuts the (luesljnn of i onfedenitiun in the li>;ht ihat it now bears, I do believe that their opinions woubl be in unison with that ofthecountry generally, in favour of Confederation on the ternij now ]HOpo- sed, and being of that inipres>ion 1 intend t4,v^^ipport the motion of the Hon. Altorncy Ceneral. I feel assured that the vote which 1 am about give will meet with the appruvnl of my e(>nsiitneuls. I should feel siune hesitation in supporting the motion of the Hon. Attorney (ieneral. were it not for the assurance given in His Kxcelleucy's Speech, that the action wc may now take will not be final nut!'. ratified by the general verdict of the people. I trust I have now stated openly and fairly the position in which I stand, and the course I intend to pursue. I propose, .\\v. President, to support Con- federation with terms, and I believe that is the stand that will be taken by all the Hun. Members who B ijiport (,'onfederation at all. With rejrard to the terms proposed for our con- siderotiof it will be open for me to discuss them more partis larly in Cummittee ; bnt I may here state generally, that I consider they are only what the country is fairly entitled to demanil, and I shall support them probably as they stand; aad, at the Slime time, shall be ready to give my vole tu any adtiress that may be torwarded to His Excellency, recommending the In-ertion of other terms that I be- lieve may be advintaj,M'ous to the Colony. Mr. President, I must now thank you for the kind attention you have shewn me in listening to the few remarks 1 have felt hound lo make; and I have now only to say. that as soon as the terms are decided upon by this Honourable Conncil, and jdaced in the hands of His Excellency, 1, for one, shall feel perfectly confident that future negotiations will be brought to a successful issue. 1 have acted conscicntioufly iu this matter, and I nm sure 1 ?.hall not regret the action I have taken as long as I live. The Hon. Mn. HELMCKEN. Member for Victoria. in reply, snd : — Mr. President, every word that 1 spoke 1 am willing to abide by, but I have no wish to be misrepresented. I neversaid that patriotism wag dea'' in this Cidouy ; ami I have not yet advocated that closer Cuion with another country, to which alinsicn has been made, as the other issue to come befcve the people; bnt a strong feeling does exist in favour of that other Cnioti, and it is just as well that the Dominion (Jovernmenl should li lis sent (iowii to llie House, liiiviii;^ :i.s il^ oliject tlie (^onCi'ili'iMliori ul' tWi-i ('olony wIlli the Dorniuinn of Ciuiiwlii. I iU'>ire lo cousull thi- wi-h of the Council ti< to the p.irtiiuliir mode in whi.-Ii tlii" terms sliouM he iH-rn-.-ed, whether us si wImiIi- or in detail, piira- j^r;i|di hy piUMgnqdi. Itnt hi Cure doiuir s-o I Iltiiik it ri>,'lit,.'^ir.to uiiitie n I'ewhrierretniirLs on the Ko-oluti'in as a whole. The rnndiliou.s liave hi-eu prejiared ullh great care, ami alter the e.si reisi' of deep tliini^ht and mature delihetation on the pari of His Kxi-elh-nt y tin- tMivcrnor and the K\ecutivr Council. The snl'jert is one (d'.-o large a nature, and id' .^ive, that I sincerely hope that all lion. Mi'Uibcrs will hrin^f to il.s disiussion an earnest ilesire Ut conihine their indiviilual elVort.s lo wult,and to throw asitle, lor sueli an ociasion, all lormcr prc- jiidi'cs and di.-lrusl ; and a ; we have nnnnimonsty ! allirmed the principle, the House i-t eomniittid to I Conlederation in the ah.itract [''No, no," from llon = . , ll.dimken, Wood, and Drake.} Well, I think so, and ! the House will tliink so too. It hus .-^o voted. How- j ever tlial may h<', 1 Iiope that we can all now act har- i moniously together, and pic wlietlicr we eauiiot now [ turn out such a scheme as \v\\\ worl; well in practice ; hcju>tand i'(|uitalile to ('aiiada, who will certainly be just and eiiiiituhle tu n.^, and yet be .^o fav gi't Ml" bn-^t trrni.-i pnieticald" t'^r the Cnun- try: and the proposition now sent down, which is bused upon the ''British North America v\ct, 18G7," contains, I submit, the best terms that ean be devised, and M ill give tin; Local Government as large nn an- nual |balance ot cash for local jmrpo-^cs us we can venture to ask. There is one danger against which I think it my duty to warn Hon. .Members, and I do jiartienlarly caution those wlio I'avour the idea of Confederation against attempting to weight the con- ditions by additional suppcslions and reconiinonda- tiona so an to overload them, and again.'^t .suggesting nlteration.s in the terms which could not bo granted by Canada. 1 believe we are all equally anxious to gain good terms, and we should be careful not to take away from the interest of the proposition before us hy .snuge-ting any other conditions that are not of mate- rial importaure. I have ob.cerved a report in a news- paper ol' the previous proceedings of the Council, if I may be allowed to notice it without producing the paper, in whirh r\\i Hon. Member i.' stated to have sttiil, that any ameu'lments of the Uesoltition would he aecepled. I think it right to say, on behalf of the (jovernme4it, that, while the Ctovernmeiit can not consent to iniperJ the the unity of their scheme by nniendnieats, they will stiM be hr.pjiy lo receive, and fully c(Hisidcr. all suggestitnis t,f a ju-a^'tieal auti re;* • sonable character; and I invite Hon. Members to brin:,' fr.iuard such suggestions, particubvrly such as will be calculated to remove any of the disadvantages (d'the SI heme, ami so lo improve its working and in- sure its miire general acccptaurc. As the majority of the Cuuniil ^crm to he in favour of dividing the liesolution Into parts, and tiiscussiug it jairagraph by paragraph, I will follow the suggestion. I, therefore, uow propose the adi>plion uf the lir^^ paragraph: — '*!. Canada shall be liable for the Debts and Lia- '■biliiic' i.f liritish Columbia at the time of I'nion '' Thc-c drbt-;;uid liabilities. I woul 1 explain, include all tin- actual debts of the CoIon\ now matured anil tliic, as well as the liabilities for debts to mature at a future diy. I will (piote irom the lleturns sent 'biwn lhi> day liy the Ciivernoi. which give the t'lill details of lli''-e liabili'ie-. showing that our fiindel debt, oa the l')lli of .March instant, consisted of the British Columida and Vancouver Island Loans secured by Ad, amounting In all to $1, 104. 000, against whieli .•?3li;.R'J0 ha> been paid and invested U-! a SinkiiiL"" i'uud in riMluclion of Loan.'*, leaving a hilanie (d'$r<17.|ju Ut iwii-uli-lmi- l>y u .*^i!inil Hon. Mfiiibiis hit iiwart', is luiw ritli, or (■I-.i'wIh'It. Kur this imripote the tlMVciiiMi- imipiPM'^ !•> >iil)Miil an Oniiniiii. i- I'.ir till' np|'rn\al (iftlii.- llntiM-. •■.Milfrrin;; thi- in v >Ary power.-. t)\viii;.' ht the iiioMc ill \s hicli tin Niikiii^' KihhI i:^ iiivf'ltd. {[\tM-v is reusnii tti liflit-v lliiil ii will he ).!»i.l (itVitl U-ast a year lifl'tiro tlio linio sliitt'il. Ili-pink-il us a w liolv, c)tii'pii'>li'.* lU-'it is by iio moans I'Mravjij^ant, us iniiiiKiirtl with thai v\' othtr inuii- trics; Imt in otir i-olati-l po-ilinn as a yt'iiii;.' .-i-U'- ilvpi-iiilint I'olniiy it is It'll as a very heavy Imrileii; ot'tliis hun.li'ii,('(tii1ViirriUioii will relieve us; ii Itfiie- til so appaii'iit iivnls not a >^'iw^W wunl. Hon. Meiu- Ihts lilt; awaie tliat this .h-ht i.- a heavy tax upon thf coiiiiiry. ami prevents the nniK-rtakiii^' <•!' puhlie works.* The assumption ol this tlelit liy Caiiaila. on fair teiins. will not only relieve us vi' this hnnien. liut will fiuve lis a lar^e hjihinec ut'ea-h, which will he availahle lur puhlic works to open up ihu country. 1 will now proeeeil to the iie\t ilem. Hon Chief Commissioner of I.an.ls ami Works (Mit. TlH'TCUi— I wouhl .Mii:;/tst that eaeh ehui.^e shuuUl he .li-ca-e,| aii.l pa<^en. .Member anything to nay upon this elause? Hon. Meini»er for Victoria District— What irf the meaning of liabilities in Clause]., is it iuteniled to mean hnancial liabilities? Hon. Attorney (leneral — Financial liabilities. Hon. Chief Commi.ssioner — There may be liabilities which are ni>l tlebts: there may bo sonic liabilities ■which will become ilebts, liabilities uhich arc not matureil. Hon. Member tor Victoria I>istrici — Unmaturetl contracts, iy that the meaning? Hon. Attorney (Jcneral — Yes. Hon. Member for Yietoria Citj* — I move that tlie woril "public" be inserted before "ik-bts." Hon. Meuil)er lor Victoria District — That Wtmlti imply private tlebt ' lion; l'"tli p.i\,il>le hutl-w-arly in advance, the ■ popiilati<*n of I'li'ili.'h Coliinibia being estimated iii ' aloiesaiil at rj'i.nmj. Such gram, etiuiil lo Hi> cents •u head, lobe augmented in prtiportioii to the iu- ' crease of pol>ulalion, when .-uch may be shewn, 'until the popul.i'itiu uinountd to -liJOjUOO, at which ' rate such grant shall ihereatter remain." The Hon. ATTitllNKV CKNKKAL, in moving the adu[itiou of these ilaiis aid: — I wouhl observe that tliisestimuteil population td I'JO.nou is nominal, amt has lieen arrivetl at by eoniparisttn of the revenue and population, becau.-e in ihe absence uf actual census, and lo facilitate liniuicial arrangements, it has beun 'b-eineil best to calculate according to the reveiiut! producing powers of ltriti:.h Columbia eoinparetl with Canatla. Thus we liave it ot!icial!y from Canada, ilmt her Cn-loms and Kxcise produced $2 7.'> per head of her population: at the s^ame rale, $2 T.j iier heuil, our Cu.-toiiis repre.-tiit the same pre>ent revenue as ii pop- ulalitpu ot rjD.uno Canaiiians produce. This e>timate of 12i), DUO, tlierefure, though nomir.al, is really ju,-L and fair, heme l:;u,000 population lia.s been atloptetl as theb.i>is tif our tinancial calculations. The :<;;:». (jnij in Paragraph '.',, allowance for the general support of the (Joverumcnl, is an arbitrary sum adopteii by Canatla in neg'diating with N'ewfouinlland and .New- Brunswick. The allowance of five per cent, interest on the ditlerence betweeu our public ilebl ami that of Canada, is arriveil at in this w ay ; we have It ollicially from Canatla that b.r delji on I'ebniary lull, r^ay 1st March if you like, aniouiitetl to $J".i per head of her population. This wonbl entitle us with 120, OOU people, lo come in with a much larger tleljt than our own. which ut the time of I'nion wtnibl be, .lay, Sl,noO,OOi). The interest at live per cent, on these amounts would give us the annual allowance of :r8'J,ouo named in the pajters befiire the House. The ai> cents a head on our [»<■ latioii of 120,01)0, is the usual allowance prcscritjeu l>y the Organic Act of Confetleration. This constitutes the KinancialSchenie, ami although it is open to argument, it is about what Wf are entitled to receive, and what we niunt receive to place us in a fair position under Cnitm. Hon. Mil. Dv;CO.SMl».S, after asking the \hm. Mr. Ilelmcken if he wi-hed to speak before him, aud jrecei\iiig a negative reply, roseanil saiil ; — Mr. Cliair- jinan, in ri.-*ing to speak to the Ilesolutions respecting the proposed subsidies to be granted by Canada, 1 ]niay possibly be wasting iny breaih, aud ibe time of thi:^ House; but although thai m.ty be the ea.->e, my duty tt> my constituents and the country demands that I should do so. \Vith respect to Cttnletleration, I have ever loc' -d at it from one point : it must iia\o a money value. ["Hear, hear,' from Dr. Ilelmcken.] vV great tlcal has been said al'out the fttrm of goveru- meut — about Uespoti-ible tiovemnieiit — but I say this: that every (iovernnient, whether responsible or irresitonsible. must have money. It is iinpos.-iblo for the mo^t perfect politit al system to move without it. Ways and Means mi. -t be proviiled. Now, I have alway.-? said, and I ^till maintain, in view ofCoufeti- eratiun, that ihe amount that ought to be placed at iiiply pt-ivaK' tie MS. ,,.,.. ,,....• i ! the dispo.-al of our Lticai (iovemment when we enter Hon. Member b.r New W estmiu^-ter_I don t think ,-ui^„;„„giu to be an annual .-urplus of $2ou,000, o. Mr Chaum.n. there can be t.o misunderstanding, or nearly so. after having provided for the annual it would make the clause no plainer. lltin. Attorney (ieueral — It is as well thai I should add that these terms come down compute in them- selves ; as far as the liovernnient is concerned they are incapable of amentlmeut, but the greatest atten- titoi will be paitl ttf s-uggestion:. I think it better lo etalc this, lo avoid niis.i))prehen«ion. Clause 1. was passed as read. Hon. Member for Yictorla District — I suggest that Clauses 2 anti .'t be taken together. Clause-* 2 nnocal (Jovernment: thai is, for all the t)Iiices and .-tervicc-; that must be kept up at the expense of the Cidony. in order to keep It moving as a I'roviuce of the Dominiou. We kiniw by reference to the Kstimales what they are; bul in atidition, there must be a certaiu sum prttvldetl for keeping in repair public works, such as the m.un- irunk road from Vale to Cariboo, and our publitt buildings. After these expcn:-es have been defrayed, I should expect a surplus Ut the credit of the Local (iovernment of about $20').a. Mil. TUCTCH— As against $15i,000 in the cstiiiMtc accompanying the Uesolutions? Hon. .Mu. DkCO.sMU.S— Ves: some suridu.q of that kintl would be about the propi r amount, if we e-vpect luting the Dominion, .-hall be entilletl to receive. , the Colony to be any belter o!f after I'nitin than '* Ifv hall-yrarly iiaymeuls in advance from the Uem- | before, and if we expect our Local Guveniinenl lo ilt» *■ nil Government, Intere.-t at the rale (d' .'> i)er centum jaiiything tttwar'is developing the re=ources of the "per annum on the ditlerence betweeu the actual , inunl'y. Now, Sir, how shall we get that surplus? '■amount t)f its Indebtedness at Ihe date uf Unioir Hy tl .* priJlio?.itit)n before us, for which the Hon. "anume b»r linam-i.il purpt»?es that our popiilu- " e<|ual to oO cents u head per annum of the populu- lion is l2'>,tjao. Now. ?;ir. 1 uin one of that uitmbet- ERRATUM To be rend after the icrd " Confttleration,'' Page J, Column 2, Line 4U ; — Hon. CHIKK OOMMISSIOVKIt— Mr. Chainnin, I thiuk thiit on thusu Iwo c-.uU'-es 'Ii'ixmkIs the wliulu stability of uur schoiii" ; .\\\ \ iL-t t Icliove thi'iu to lin of vory vital impDcuini-o ["II Mr, In.' ir,"' from Mr. DoG^j.^inos] I tnisi I sli.ill be l'xciikmI if I otfuT u ftiw roinarkg upoa thum, itttbiMi;^>i [t is |in>siblu I twxy iravol over the sami; ^roun-i in the Han. Attoruojf General hiin taken up In iiitroilueiu;; tiic.ie clau-ie^. I Bay, Sir, that r.'O,0iJ'» m ly appear exlravat^ant at (irst sight. The baai^ of Ihe popuhitiun uf 1801 i;4 taken as the basis on wliich nihet- scliernes rest ; bnt that would nut do fur this rotoiiy. It would nut ffivc ih an equal advantajre witli uthor i'rovitice^. It lian, theret'oi'e. bemi found m'rO'-sary to talie some niher basis. And here. Sir, I de.-iire to s ly that I nni per- tnitlud to inform ihi-; ir.u-i- tint tlif Kxfcuiive are very uiufh indebted to tli • IIioi, Miinlier for Vietoria City, who is also a infiulier of the Kxeeulive ('oniieil (Dr. Ileiincken), for liis able usnistarKe anr|u il io $J 7a per head on a popu- lation of 120. ouo, upon iiimparison with Canada. I'raetieally and e'|uitably. I brlie\e ihis to be a fair tasis. It may be ojicii to some togi -ul idijection, but I believe it is e(|uilabli;. Tlie estate wliieh we pro- pose to hand over yield-^ at that rate, as we now t'arin it. We turn it over into the hands of those who are to manage it. It is not for us to eonsi'ler how. If they reduce Ihe Cu-itoms, it is nolhing Io ns ; we must have a basis as favourable as tliis. [" Perhaps more so," — llou. Mr. Ilelmeken. | Perhaps more so, as the Hon. Meniiier .-^ays. The dtdjt of Canailii amount.s to $22 pcw\\ of Itii- Cliiif r>>iiiriiiHNiii(u>r uf l.'Oidn •nil W.-rkH iipim the Fiiimii'ini Srhenn' wtTH HcMi-tl la tlio "pi-fch of thi) Altiiriiey (leiiRritl, iiinl tlit'xiifHt'li orttio riilerrniiuiilHHiniier of IjukIm aiitl Worku «-iih left onl In Oh itrnper plare; lUxl lie- wordl •*t»i<' .lilT.inaice <.l'"' -vjro niiitlh-i) in tli» f\»'w\i of the Att-inioy Opni-r/il, hi'iwtMMi the wunl-t "live |mt ciMit . on " iLn-iiiii|ilioii of II {lopiilalii r.ll .Mill lllllllU*, \fl tlic .■^ir. I ilo iiul tliiiik lli.it » ilo I ^I'o tlir iirii'.-;>ity lor |.o|llll:ilioll ul IJU.OUU ill.- 11 lO 111-', US it i^ rrl-0;,'lli/l 'riie niUitniliiiU' of tlu' siit tliu ttTin.-i, till' iliK'iily of iioliU'nps< of till' work of 11 ri'.'pi'it, 011^:111 to lil'l II; ll>Slllllptioll iltl'l tic'iio rati' ami j;iiiiiiiit! polilii.' inspire lis with siii-Ii pin nii'lils us woiilil slitinp tl ili.li'lililu marks of iriilli uml for cvur .-lint out nssoiiatiiij; oiir piililii- in tii'iuus, iiilst'iul of r.inkin uliU' tlalr'>im'li. At tin not I'xci'i'il 10,000, iiiilml ri'n. — Wliilesl'liini'si', uml iio.oini si'ini-iivili/t' c-lilii.ui' an Imliiin lo lii' con-iiinrr ; loll wl.i'ii wo p iplllaltoll tin.* ..I. ill's i li'in.iU's, iinti lliat in llii consiinii'l's, it would not tlii'i'L' i- no niifairm'ss in lion— Wliili'S ami linli.in.' >iilm'is in till' Oolniliioii. population of I'l.ooo. wi tints, ami not on lii'tio assiunplion of a popiilatii .\lr. t'li.iirimin, proccoil proposition of till' lion, ii w liirli is llie (lovcriutn'iit po.-f^ to j;i't .^l.'iJ.oim Mir atli-r tliL' riiion. Tilt' pri jToilili'i.' this surplus, iirii I'lnnnal .siilisiily of HO ii'iil tion, whicli is ussuiiH'ii tl ha.-'is ot' population woiiM •inli.-i.ly of ?:i.'i,lllin|H'raii of J por I'liit pi.'r uiinnin till' .ntllal ainount ol tin' ilati' of I llion, ami tin' pr ori.'unail,i for rM.ooo ot I till' liini' of I'liion. wliiili aiiniiin ; and, 4. tlif liala (not including till! (.'nsloin j:o to till' lloiniiiion) r.-liiii Now, ."^ir, 1 liavi' ulrrady popiilulion dois not oxri'i tilt' popul.ition of till.' lion l«71,nt 'l,:!00,0l)l), aiidlln the rate per licud would I for onr .m, mm people won of $800.0110 ; uml us onr Kinkilij,' l''lin(l, would bo i the Colony would enter tl lihont $2511,000. !So no n the third solivee of revet population. A^'Uin, if tli to inter with the saiiie ih- entered the Doininioa, tin lation of -10. (Mill would 11 $1,000,000, leaving ns .s ndini.ssion. No revenue pu.ssillg glanee at the .\cv Tlic ileht per head allowe ndtnission was, we are I Newfoundland, by those uml that was $'J7 77 per $:;7 77 per lieu'l, would e .si. in in 1871, to u piihlie i $l,04S,Gl't, onr public del $n'J,150, on wliicli, on tf of revenue, we would he r. per cent. Thnt dillcrei would yield only S:l|lo; $.ij,0nn per annum, the es So it i.s neither on the Ne liasis of fact, that the lloi 1ms framed the Govcr Tin; coVKii.x mi;nt (..\zi:i"n-. i;.\ti!a<)I!1)1xai!v. ;t who ilo not bfliovo lii us.-jiitnpliiiin in iiiuttcra (if I will now comt', >Sir. tu llir rcul point iit isHue. 1 liuiitici',— (nir of tluirti' who ilcchi it In Im' ilanj.a'i-ons will \vy with all Ininieds to lijiicovc'i- wln-ther there is ti> I'liunil liiiitiK'iiil uii'it.-iircs on lictiipo iiL-^lciid ol'r.ui ; nr 'm not luiy ;^'roonil oit which to huav lUv us.suniptioii t'ur in rill ilrpuriiiKtit of (iovciniiKnt on;;lit llure to ut'u pupiihitidii nt' l:!ii,i)i)(i. \Vu luivo hceii tohl hy bu tiiiiiiit;iint'il u ^iiiciur r(-^':ii ^llil^(:oIIl|lli.-^i<)nt'r nt' Liiiuls iin>l Works thitii in the di-piii'iini'iit ol liii.iine. 'I'Ih* liiiitnciii' who'iiml hy thn iltin. :iiiil liMrncil Attonu-y (.tuneriil ih it ri'.-torirf to liction, no nmtler how wcll-inlrnlionnl. the tiniuuiiil t'liliuhaioiid iin: hii.sid on thu proporti -n nor hinv piiiriolic, imiy jn.-dy he (louhitil. It nmy in- helwet-n the rccrii'ts of ('n-*loni-! nml K.\i:iso hi thin n- tin- ll'iti. ('Ill if (,'i)ninii.>i'i«iMci- liu> siiiil : I lint tin*, L'ulony, it ml ihr n■l■^■ipt.^ tVoiii Custnm.s iind Kxi-jriu in ;i.->iiiii|ttnin of ;i pnpiihiiion nf lJo,ooO nmy In- illu^i-, the Duiiiiniun of ('amnhi. Now, tiir, frimi .••tiUistiL-s i-al iimi ontiiif, vft ilie n*sult may he ctinitahU'. Itut, in my p(H.sc.>sii(n, I tirol tlia' the ('n-toMM of Uanathi fi\r. 1 (h> n>it think that we oii^^lit to a.-.-uini', iK'iihei yiehl $.S,U lo,ooii. That aounrit, with u puptihititiii ilo 1 seu the m-ee.ssity lor ii-suiiiin;.', that we liiivii u ot liifOOjOOO wonhl l-e C'uml to ^2 pi-r heail per iinnuui. pnpnhttion of I'JO.IIUO iustcittl of -lu.uoo, i\s I helieve It til he, us it irf r.'fo;;nizeil to he, lunt us it is in t'lut. The niugnitihte i»rilii' sul'jivt. the lii-itoriea! u:.peet (if the teruK-i, the di;,'nity nf tin.* cMiitiaitiii^i partiu:^, the iu)l)h'n(.-s of the wiirk i*f naticMi-inakitii.', our own ^elf- Let \\A now Ml* what (lie Ciisloms Kevunuo yields per head ill lU'ilish ('ntunihiu. In lMi]'J, tli,iion. 7 per cent, on that umoiiut would latr and mnuine pi.Iitieal .standard, and ouj,'lit t(» ! lie ccinal to i?rjl,'J.')0. If we deduct $121,250 from "I' ilihle niark-i ul truth, tart, luii! stati >niaiisliip. i ri-ri.-i\ id tiuni jtrilish t'ulnmhiu in ease wo hail been and tiM- ever .-hut iiiil the pii-s--ihilily of pii.-.terily , In the Dnmlniiin. Ilwfiiivido tliis $217,H7(i by our in-piri; U-; wilh .-onh ])ure an'l hdry puliin.-al vciili-, >^;M2, I2i!, our t'uslums receipts in iHUIt, we shall mi-iils a.-J would slump the liiiancial tli pidi- ticians. inl.-'ead ul rankiU}^ Ihem u ilh eiili;^'!ilened ami aide ^lale>men. At the utmost, our population doe.-; not exiTfd -lo.uoo, irn ludiu;^ men, wt)ni.n, and chlld- ,-i.|,. — While-, Chini'-e, luiil liidiaiw, — lo.nod i-lvili/ed and ;i0.uoo si-uii-uniers in the Duuiiniun Stariiujr, therefore, with a populatiun of IM.Uoo. we base our calciilatl ui.s on fuels, aiitl not on fiction, us in the go\eri.nK'ntal a-.>umplion of u [lojHilatiou of 120,000. I will now, Mr. Chainuan, pioeced to deal with the liuaucial !■'■ I of till- lion, ^'enllemau for Victoria City — which is the llovernment .M-lieme — by wliirh he pro- j.D-e.-- to jiet >l."i2.!iiM) ^nrpllls revenue lor the Colony atti-r the I'uiou. Tlie proposed sources ot re\enuc to jToduce this surplus, arc four in number, viz; 1 an annual subsidy of HO cents per head of our popula- tiun, which is assunied to be 120,000. and on that bu-is ot "piipiilation would yield Sjio.nOO : 2, a ii.xeil j:ub.-idy of S;f''.0"" l"'""""""'": •'■ intere.-t at the ralcjprool of this ud^ertion, 1 could direct the attention of u percent per aiiniiui on the dill'ereuce between of the Council to what I deem laets. I. That as soon the actual unnmut ol the debt of the Colony at »he 'us uuuiu >liall have been proclaimed, Canadian niun- dale of I'niou, and tlie proportion of the piiiilic debt |ufactures will enter our ports duty free, and that the of 1,'anada for CJo.uoo ot the popul.uion of Canada at jrediictiou of Custom.^ receipts from this source will. that under Coiir'di'iatit)n the t.'u.stonia and K.\cise of the Dominiuii as applied to lhi:j Colony wouhl not perceptibly exceed the rate per liead in the Dominion Kast, I would cheerfully assent, for ruiaucial ))iir- poscs, to the a-siiuiptluu of 120,000 as our ba^-iri of populutiou. 1 cauiuit, however, conscientiously tlo .-•o, lor with the extension of the dominion to the I'ucilie, I hold, will conic the e<|uaU/atii)U of political ri;4hts, und the e(|uali/.atiun of taxation. The et year after uniun, yet it i3 bound tu come within two or threo years after union shall have been proclaimed. In the lime of Cniou, which is e-.timatcd at ;?H2,Uoo per auuuiii ; and, 4. the balaiu e of oui present revenue (not iucluiling tlie Ciistuui^. Kxcisp, Postage, Ac, that 1 to the Itominion) estimated at :?I.'il,050 [ler auuiim. )ii the basis ol our imports for ItiOO, be r>r)8.IiM) per jannuin; 2. The reduction of Customs receipts after junion, for Caiiailiaii produce entered duty free, and jby the iucrea,-e of ;igiicullurul produce in the t.'ulouy, Now, Sir, I huve already shown that our ma.vimiiui I will be, on the imports of IKO!', $00,100. Now tlicsc population does not exceed 40,000. If wc e.stimate ' two reductions ure equal to $124,500, and if we de- the population of the Dominion ouiiuiun with u detit of, taxation un the Pacific i\s on the Atlantic. I might about $250, noo. So no revenue can be 'icquired from 'enter into e.xplauation.s at greater length to show the the third source of revenue on the basis of lu.ooo ciirrectness of this couclu-iuu, but I deem it undcsir- popiil.ition. A{:ain, if the proposed terms allowed u >le. The certainty of lliu e.iuali/.ution of taxation to enter with the same lb l)t per lie. id, us ohi Canada all over the Dominion renders the assumption of a entered the Dominio.i, that is $25 per head, our popu-!populaliuu of 120,000 tiur linanclal purposes a pure hitiou of 40;00U would only entitle ii-i to a debt nfjf.vllacy, anil nothing more nor nothing less. It is $1,000,000, leaving us still in debt $50,000 on our i.-*iniply taking a lern|rorury, a trau.-itory state of admission. No ruveuue still. Let us now f.iko ajthings; a ttale of things that will pa.ss 'away in a passing glance at the Newfound'iud terms of Cuiiui. lyear or two, as the l)asis for peruiaueiit conditious. The debt per head allowed to New Itruuswick on her liesides there is a serious disaiuio nlU'i- union. IlistiuH: tlieciitiro lukt'ii, (ln' ■JO.DiMt pi'opi)' of Viini-oii\fi' Uliui'l Wiiul.i pi,,plr v\' till' iippir loniitrv Imvi' ilcteruiiiu-il lo only liiut' In proviili- 5>lii,iiiiii pi-r uuiinni in liin ol ; almli-li tlic llniul ToIIh iia .40011 n.t poi^sililc. No i-oiii- SrJd.odO, a .-living' of l?r<(i.utin. Tin- inlviintiiKL- of;promi;C' will Id- tu rcpu-tl So un.lri' this Uviui u\iv nillicrinK -tiirlly to furt^ iuHli-iol uf fill.uiuu-. nd-'fiuiin- nvtiiui* canntit l»o c.-iiinintc'l liit^Iu-r llmu ;;.:j;j:t siinipt|(Mi;», iHL' i*un.-ciincritly pciit'ptililf lo t-vt ry onu. | .Inlliir,'. or noiliiiij;j. Tlit' nvoiiuc fritm Liiml Sulrs Ity tnll.iwjnj: fivfN \vr laii' liiivi' u m'Imiiu- of nnion i is nl-o pnt lilnhi-i' tlian wi- art; juvtilii'i iii li\iiijj ii. w'iili a irnc corrcllatinn of pans, a tliiit;; iiiipo>-.l.!r In Ihi;^, the rut-ipts un.iir llu' ln'ad of l.aixl Maks if we fol|(»wllio prt.poHril asMimplu.ti;''. 1 Inivt' ,-t:iU.l | wiri- only 1, 1:110 ^inllar^ ; in IHHH. r.,,')))! dollar.-; and that ;?i»;i,.17'l Is all till' Iti'VtMMK- tliiil Caiiudu i.- liU< ly ,as piMiiianiiit revcnni', lor all tiini- lo ronn'. uuilcr lo receive in t*u-t..m.s from ISritl.^li Colnniliia on lli'e , union, at ii,UUU dtilliu-.-i. Now, as it is alike our basis of Population ami lin|torl.-j of ls<;il. Now if a | policy ami our iiilereijl uol to uiaki- Lund .Suk-d a wide niar]/in be alluweij, atoi t'i'-M- li;;nri's lierai>e.l to sount* of revenue, 1 do imt lliink llmt we !?riM.(iiio p,T annntn. it wouM tmly, at $'J |nr bead, | wonld ael judiciously in con^'deriiijf tlie tenn.« of enlille us t)i a population of i;ii,himi. Tbat pupnlation ' union if we ealiiiiate a liijilier awiount of permuueut wtoild enlille tlie t'ldony to a debt of :?! ,'Jmo,ouo, or|revenue from tbis souree tlian the rereipt.s of iHii:', (mly :?irni.ooo in 1^71 ovtr our pre.M-nt delil, and onllJou dollars. Neither Land Kevenue nor licnts wh'irli thr intere-t would be but S7,.*.iiiJ per annum. [appear lo be as uiieirtain in llieir returns a^ Land It i> nseb'S for me m fdlow ilie matter finiber tt^.-^aleri, .^o I will pass on to the itemn of Minera' L'er- hIiow that the finanrial ti rms aie not bastil on eorreel ■ liliLMte,-), 11,UU() dollars, antl Mining; lleeeipls, 12,51)11 premises, Ibit before I eotiilnde this scLtbin of the ! dollars. Here a^'ain it appears to mo anollier mistake snbj'et, I would rtnuik that I ha\i- not taken into | ba-; bee 1 niiide. Sueli i,'obl miio-s as are worked in aeeount the amount n\' Internal Ileveiiue, siuh as ! Urili-h Columbia will be workid <»ut. .Sueh di;.'pinL,M Kxii-e.lVt^Ia/i', Stamps, Malt Tax Ae.llia' 1 he Colo is likely to eontriltute to the Doiniuioii Treasury; lor wo (ar a-i I ran estimate the rati' it will uol cxeeed $1, or :t=1 2r> per hi ad. and «dlVrs little or no ;:rouhds on wbieli 111 Imse liuaiMi.i! lerni-. The I'Uly dilleienee, il are sure to be dest-rled in u very few years. The wbiU- miner:! will retire, and the ('hine.^u will laku their place. When the f'hinamuii leave.s, the mined are worked nut. 1 can, llicreb-re, see but little bopo of permanent revenue from liie ^'ohl minis. Alreaiiy appear-: to me, lietwiru tlie Customs and Ink'riial ' the nuriin;: evenue has la'^qin to fall olf. In lt*ii7, Itevenue laiws of Caiiida, iis npplinl for Kevtiiiii I Miners CiTtihcate;' yirbbd llbtllo doltara : in 1h(;h, purjiosies to this Colony is, that tin- Internal Ueveeue U.-^liJ dollars ; in ItiiiH, lo.Mto dollars, and is likely Taxes are likely to lie fruni the dat<' at the sami- rate jier bead hrrens in if our adiui--.-iiMi. itliir parts of the to b( lolb. 1870, althon^'h tliu eslinnile is ll.'ioO In li-:ii7, Mininj,' Ikeeipts were 'JJ.iJoH cbd- Douiinion ; wlu-reas the Customs will l)e liiut't'i' herejhirs ; m IHtJH, l.'.,7ri(l dollars ; in IH'IK, U,r)Oij dollars, |)er bead for a few years lloin there. Turning; now,|and yet for l.s7o the estiiu.tte is rj,5i)0 ilollarf. At Hir, to that porliim of the linaneial terms that propo-|ilu' utmost, from all ibp:irtmeiil - of mluiug, we cau- ses to pet IJ^l.M .O.W) fnnu MUin-es of revenue to bei not, in my opiniim, e.-tinuite hi-h*-r than lu.DOii ilol- re.aerveil alter union to the Colony, I eannnt help | bus as jjernianent revenue, and but little of lliat tbinkin|,Mhiit there has been a mistake all thronj;h |amount will ultimately be drawn from j^oUI-miiiin.Lf. the ^'ovrrnuieutal sehein'% and tbat the iimount of Now. Sir, witli re^pel•t to .Spirit I/n-enses. wliieli have revenue propu-i d to l)e nbtaiiied fn.in tlio-e siiiiree.- 1 ln-in e.-limateil by the (Iiivi-rnment at J.'i.UiiO dullars 13 auotiier instance of /itvirnnnutal blundering. Asja-; pernwineut revenue; tliere eould be no t;reater 1 sum up these sources nf revenue from the rNiim. lit- ,l)innibr made. The llou. genlb-man who trarned of 1M7II, tlioy are as follows :—I{iiad Tolls ."rriiLuno, ihe.-c terms .seems to have bad no iinlion Laud Sales $(i.Oi)0, band lievenue :?l,OoO. IU-iiI.< $l,r)Oi>, Miners' Certifieate> $11,000, Mining' Receipt,- Slli.iMiO, Spirit Meences ,?J.'»,000, Trioliri;^' Lieen>es Siri.iiOO, Kecs of Court .^1.200, Fees of Ollice SOjO.'.O, imd Vancouver Island Ibiail Tax ."riijOOO, makin^^a total of ;rl41,2.*'0, instead of $151, 0:,'), us in tlu' governmental estimate .-ubmiited with the projiosed whatever of the sy-iems of taxation that (ditain in tlie Uoniinion, and has consei|ueut!y repeated hi;* mistake of mixing Municipal Ta.xalion with Provincial, In the Itoiniiiion there are three furnii nf (.ii.verntneni viz; Municipal, Provincial, and hominionitl, and cub has its own . system of taxation. Here we have but Proviuiial and Municipal Governments, with their terms of union. The way iti which I make thel respective systems of taxation. Now it appears that ditlerence, is by not takiiij^ into account as perina-lcon-ideraiiou has only been jriven, in iVaniint; tbc-e iient sources of revenu'-, such items as arrears of;terms, tu laxation under the (hL-lums and Internal Vnneonver Island Ileal KstateTa.x $r^,uon, Uver-pay-j Uevcune Lawsoftlie Dominion. Hut Provincial Ta\- ments recoverable :^r>olt, Sab; uf un^erviceallb■ Slmcs' atiou oui^bt also lo b.ivc been cijn>idered, and the $l..'.hi). There can be no >;nHiuds fur including such |startin;r poini >bonM have been the c(|uiiliziitiou of accidental sources of revenue under the head of per-[onr Provincial Taxe-, v.ith the Provincial T.ixes of manent sources of revenue. Hence we must reducejllie Kastern Provinces. Thbs bs made very apparent the $l.'il,i)UU of local revenue lo $M1.0f)0. Hut ihelwith respect to Spirit Licenses, Here the Provincial latter unioiint must al^o be reduced by ded net I n;i- llie ' ()u\einnieul levies 200 dollars per annum on retailer- thus. in liiwns, and in the country M) dollars per :inni,ui. In fhitario the retail .--pirit license is 2o dollars per annum in cities, 17 doltarti in towns, and lo dollars of Vancouver Islantl Itoiol Tax S';,eoi) iiurclV leaviii},' ouly ^^l:J.''l,Mo0 as iiermauf nt -..une one; bir if the Vancouver I>bind Uuad Ta}£ b inclnded in our estimale of permanent revenue, \vc oujxht also to include the annual revenue of the cities in the country, fnini llii- sourc In estinuiliii^' our future Ue venue we are imt justified in placing it of Victoria and New Wc; titiin-ler, whirh i.s simply | bi^dier th;ui the rate of Ontario, and that would absurd. The Vancouver I-buid Uoad T.i.x is a imrely duce the receipts from Spirit Licenses from 2'.. 000 municipal matter, and so the CovernmiMit has blnu- Idollars, to alu.nt tj.2."'0 dollars per annnin. The ex- dered in mixing up Jniinicipal with provincial revt-|ce-s aliove the latter anmant. if levicl. oujrht to be nue. The Vab-Carilioo Ibjad Tolls are estimated asjievied for .Municipal purjio.-e::. The Tr.ide Lieenso a ])ermanent s(turce of revenue at aOjliOO d(!llars. here is also estimated too liii.di. Now, after careful This is another nii.^ take, for the Uoad Tolls are falliuj: stutly of these sources of Provincial Revenue which olf every year. In ItitiH, they were l.;7,y2,"> doll in IHOlb ■i(;..'jf)() dollars; and "in all probability will be mueii !e.-\:: in 1870; and us minin;; dimiui.-hes in the upper country, year by year, .-o will the Toll it is proptised that the Colony, after rnion, shall ex- clui-ively possess, I < an not make the permanent receipts hii;her ihau riii.ooo dollars per annum. The dinVrcnce iherelbre belwcen my estimate of Provin- If ever tlie proposed Itailway be built, away ^^o the I cial Taxation, and that of the Iranier (d'these terms. Tolls ultoj;ctIier. Itesides' tliat, the prc.-ent Uoaii ji.-? llil,0:.0 dolbirs. or as 151 .o:,0 dollars is to 50,000 Tolls are tipprcssively lii;,'h. On ibo receiptJ of last jdollars. if a lari^'er amouitt than the latter be levleil year, 1lo-y are efpial to 150 dollars p^r wa^'goii load by i.tir Provincial Govcriinieiit after adiiiissiou, our taxes will lie out 'if prop>prlion to the taxed in the 10a stem Provinees for Provincial purposes IJebtre propounding; what I consider onjjht to be the finaucial terms of I'nion, I will conclude Ibis part of the subject by stating thai ihe terms suinnllted in the Uesolutioiis, and illustrated by llie printed Ksfimatc, instead of giving tiie Colony a permanent total revenue of S.tOl. 050 ptr annum, will only produce 2-IH..^i)7 dollar.'^, nnle.-.s higher jirovincial taxation be k-vj.'d h'-relhan in other pait.s of the Dominion. The of c.oo'i n that no ( no in his ing as p( raiam'ul. m ineiillv, it nt> per It'.. — iiTi enormous tax. senses would ever think of regard- If any toll at all were levied per- tld not be fb^ed at a higher rate than one-sixth of a cent per pnu-id, or 10 dollars per loud of C. 000 lbs., IVmui Vale to Curilmo. At thai rate the Road Tolls instead of yielding 50.ofJiJ dollars per year, would only prodtice :i,n:iJ dollars, which for ull pniclieal purposes might as well be abull-hed, for the CP'^' nf co!!f'-'io;i woulil exceed the receipt^. For -W) ■# TIIR (JOVKFIXMKNT (;A/KTTK KXTUAOKDLNAKY. wjiy in wliii-li I itinKc up lln'-^f rf'iilt> in ii-» folloW' : - Hy llin fcnii." suljtiiittiMl liy the ilnvrrtmicnt. tln-n' in Ist. Tixi'il siih'idy .'!.*). fjOii ilnllniM ; 2rnl. ItiU-rc^t on UillVrfiiii! nrrnlilir Id-ht, h:J,()I)0 .IuIIhi-h : ;ir.l. Huel^ per heiid uti rjo.noi) populntioii.ixi.ooo •litltur.^ : Mli. RyHcrved rt'vi'mie, I'll.ojn 'iollur^ : 'INituI ;n!4,0.'>(i dolliirD. Hy my iritei-pretnlinri ol'tln' prupo^cil tiTitiH, thcroi^: I. l-'i veii Niihsiiiy. .'(j.Mmi iluirii-i ; '2. HOrn , per lioutl on 120, (too people, UiiJMio duUjii-^ ; :t. iii- tett',-it oil liitl'urenfe (it'ilcltt, tnkiiifr -<> ilolhirs per ln'iul ft.-f tliu debt of (Janiula )J7.r)ti7 dotliir^; 4. Itescrvod lU'Vi'iHP'. r.O.noi) : Tot;il '^IH,.'»(;7 dollurs. Now, if we dciiiH't from the liilter iirnrMinl, the (invoriinient esti- mate of current cxpfiiilitiirf, viz; :?jn.oo!J. Uutc- wuiilil only reniiiin uHinpliiH roVfiiiic of :t(i,rir>Hilolliirfl, inrttnul ol' I'll.o.M) {lolliir.-*, iii* iinlieipulcd. I tlierofore sinceruly lliink llmt tlio (iovernnietil si'liirnc !,■* wron^, anil on^fht 1o Im> rcvirieti. Mr. (Nmirniiin, I therefore ])ropose ID lirim,' utiiler tlio notiic of the Counoil, what I eofisiiitr fniifhl to he the finuiiciiil term-^, tiikinff for (.n-iiiite'l nl\v;iys, tliiit Cutirtdu will hei'oiiie liiihte f(0' our ptildic ilelit at tlie time of mlinis.'-ion, When the Provinciul Dele^^ates met in Qneher anil London, to decide on the terms of Cotifrderalion, tJiey liiviih'd the I'ruviiicc.-i into three jrroniH, y]/.. ; (Ipper Oaniiila. hower Canadit. and the Marilime I'ro- vineeH. Lower Camilla was taken as the initial pnjtit. Now, Sir. in deriding liriully a> to the tertn«, I eon- tiider that British Colnnihia on^Mil to he treated as the fourth trrouji, wliil.-it the Norlh-west Territory noiy he reK^rded at* the lifth. The tir.st tliinj,' that strikes me, on looking »t the Kaslcrn I'lO.inees, is their territory. Ontario has rjl.2(!u s((naro miles: lonelier has 2l'MMio: and all the Maritime rrovinns, HH. ot;.'). Territorially then, we are thidr eipial. and fjrenler than either of them. The natural caparity of our territory to support population, is us jfr<-at a« Lower Canada. We have a liner elimate, and more varied nalnnil resources, t^iiehec sustains a population of ubout 1, 25U. 000. or more. Ontario has 2,oito.OOO. It \a true that tiiey are two centuries nlieail of us, and we are in our int'aury, with a hauijlul of people. Hut that in no reason why, in franiitif; terms, that we ahonld not look forward to the rapid developenient of the (!olnny, and to tiie possession of il large settled population. Considerinj; our peofjraphical position, our natural reBource.a, our witle t^pread population, and our future, I think that wo are entitled to us large a fixed subsidy an Ontario, that is ?80,U0Lt. The proposed terms, submilled by tlie CJovernment, ask only $;iy.Oi>0 per annum. Now, tliis is placing Itritish Columbia, with its 22o,()u0 nquare miles, its great na- tural resources, and the be.-it climate in the world, OQ a par with Newfoundland, with its 40,000 square miles, its sterile soil and inhosi)i table climate, — a country that has never yet developcil any capacity for anything but catching and selling codlish. I'rince Kdwards Island is also ottered afixed sul)>idy of S^^'nOOO pcranunm. — alittle insular commuiiity with a territory of 2, loo s<[uare miles, a hundred times less in area than our own country, and with a clnnate far iid'erior to ours. It is simply absurd to propose such a thing as ranking this Colony in subridies with cither of the Provinces ex- cept Ontario. I want neither more nor less than . what the latter Province gets as a lixed annual sub- sidy. ?iVcry Hon. gentleman present who gives the matter a moment's tonsid<'rution must agree with me that $35,000 is entirely out of tlie <|uestion, and that the least we can accept is a fixed subsidy of .'?80,0U0 per annum. [Hear, hear.] In the next place, I pro- pose that our population be taken at 40.000. and at no time shall it be considered less; and ihat we shall be entitled to receive 80 cents per head annually until our population shall have reached 1,000, OiiO. By this proportion we have truth and fact on our side. Our population will be subsidized at its actual num- ber and not increased by a tietion — an unnecessary as- sumption — lis in the terms proposed. Under this head we would get on entering the Dominion $;i2,O0o per year. Besides that, as our population increases, this per capita subsidy would increase annually in amount, till it reached the maximum number of iuhnb- ieants of 1,000,000, and then it would stop. Now, the terms sent down to us by the (iovemment assume, as I have ehown before, the existence of a population of 120,000, and propose that we shall receive 80 cents on that number at onco^and that we shall re- ceive no increase till our population shall have nctu nlly reached and passed that number; so it nmy be twenty years or longer before our actual population .shall he equal to the assumed population, 120,000; And lu the interim the per copita subsidy will remain ' urKdiaiigc'l. Hut thi^ i^ iioi all. The (Jii\ eminent scheme proposes to limit our inaxiiuum population to 100,000. the same as in Nova Scotia. New Brunswick, iiiid an propii-icd in the lurnn to Newfoundland and I'rince Kdward'.s Islaiitl, Tlii^ is part of the same error miide in copying the (ixed subsidy. If we sum up the nmximum of population entitled to a prr i-iipifa subsidy in the fuur Maritime Province:* it will amoiiiil (o l,':iu),o0o. Now, if we rank our popniiilioii with our exleiil of territory, we who po.-i- >e-s three times us much territory as the -Maritime Priiviuces, and ei|Ual capacity to supfiort population, ,ought, at lea->t. Ill be euliib-d to fix our niaxiniUQi nuinlier of inhabitants entitled to the fur ni/'ita sub- sidy at one mi'lion. I Hear, hear.] Now, Sir, neither ot' these two subsiilics, nor both, would meet the current expenditure of the (Jovernmi'iit, — keep the I necessary rdtices and services of the Colony moving. 'Both, only ainount to .'!:H2,000 per annum, and wo require at |ea>( $lil2.ooo to meet current expenditure , on the basin of the Kslimales of 1K70. Hut, as it jai-cideiitally happens, if we add the proposed lixed [subsidy, .^80,000. and theyf/* c./y/M subsidy, #32,000, I to the reserved revenue, whi( h I havt' previously j shown ought not to be estimated higher than $50,000, we shall have $H!2, 000 and nothingovcr,— no surplus to enable the Local (iiivernnuut to do anything to develop or settle up the country. If we were to receive nothing more than these two subsidiea and reserved revenue, wu would gain nothing by joining the Uo- ininion. It would be simply jumping out of the frying. !imn into the lire, — a change without linancial iniprove- nient. I'nder :iU(di circumstances, I would opposo ('onfedcratioii. Now, Sir, in addition to the lixed and /•' r rifj>it,i subsidies. I ask for ii temporary aubdidy of .S) jo,OUO. [Near, hi-ar.] lion. l»i[. HKLMCKKN— For how long? Hon. Mit. HkCO.SMO.S — I ask for ft temporary sub- sidy of$ir»i),000 per annum, to be diminished annually I in amount, in proportion as our p4)pulation shall excei'd 4i',OiiO. New Briinsw ick has a temporary Isiibsidy of $tj;i,000 for ten years. Nova Scotia a I temporary subsidy of :?82,oo6 for ten years. The ^grounds on which I ask u temporary subsidy for British Columbia are : firstly, that the cost of living here is g-enter than in the Kastern Provinces, and, consequently, public oHiceri must be paid higher salaries, and necessary services cost more in ihia country than there ; secondly, our country id very large, and our population is small and widely scat- tered, and, consequently, reijuiring a larger statf of jollicials thiin a more compact and more populous I community niight re(|uire els" where ; lastly, we [require the iKlditional temporary subsidy on the 'highest of all grounds, — exjicdiency, that has governed politics in all limes and countries. Without ii surplus of at least Sl.'tO.OOO per annum, the Local Ooveru- Iment will be aide to do nollnug to advance the interests and f ettlement of the country. Confedera- tion would soon prove itself a source of disappoint- ment, if there were no money spent annually for jmldic works, immigration, education, Ac. A change, u ithont liiiaiici.il improveinent, would destroy all hope (tf any such thing as the loyal and cordial co-opera- |tion of our people with the (lovernment of the l>o- i minion. Kxperiiency, therefore, demands the subsidy, !and expediency justifies the demand. In con(duding my remarks, Sir, on this subject, I will briefly cou- ! trust the terms proposed by the (iovernment and the 'terms suggested by myself. The Oovernment scheme, las I have shown, calls for only S2I8,5l;7. instead of '.*;tt;4,050 as alleged. Of the former sum it can draw in subsidies $108,507, in lieu ofS2i;!.000 as intimated. Now, by the terms which I have proposed the three ; subsidies, vi/. ; (ixed subsidy, $80,000 per annum, per Icapifif subsidy. $.'12,000, temporary subsidy. $I50,00g, {would yi'dd $2t>2,O(J0 per annum, and adding thereto the reserved revenue (the details of which have been explained) $50,000, the Colony on and after Cnion would have a Revenue amounting to $312,000 per annum. If we deduct $102,000, the sum required by the Kstimntes of 1870, to keep \)p and pay for our Provincial ollices and servireR, and make the necessary repairs to certain roads and buildings, we will have a clear surplus of $150,000 per annum to bo devoted to Kducation, Charity, Public Works, and Immigra- tion. Besides which the equalization of taxation for Provincial purposes would reduce taxation at least #10(1,000 more. Ifwe deduct the currtMit expenditure of the Covernment. viz: $102,000 from $248,507, the actual total amount of Uevenue tO be received under the terms submitted by Covernment to the Council, the surplus Revenue will be $86,567, as against 6 TIIK (;0Vi-,ItNMKNT (iAZRTTK RXTHAORDINARY. $150,00 in Ihiit wlii.hlliiivi' itmimmMl, iimkiiiK mliiKT- |uf iipiiiiim lliul pruviuioii otmlil to lio laudi-, by wliirli ence bi'lwriii thi'in, o($o;i,43;i. [" IK'ur, hiiir. | I thu I'ruviiico will liorivu itiMuti iniKTliI tvtt{e fliiult iHTt'iifltT movf (I Ke,-l HI) iimi'iiilnaMit to tin- Ui'.HuIutiua.s now uiniir din- cunMiou. ('■ Ik'iir, liciir. ] Till) iloii. Mil. HKLMCKKN, Member for Victoriu City, said: — The llorioiirublo geiiiliMmiU miya ii» I'lict, wo sliould K" to Ciiiiiiilii iitul Huy we wiinl $250,000. I siiy wuduii't wniit tobe (Jonrmleriited. (luiiuitawitiitK Oontcdcrution. We don't uitk Cunmla, Curiiiel'osinos)tiayHlbate(|nalizatlon of labor, and of value of properly mid produetions. will come abimt. I admit that itmuybu ho, but in my opinion it will not ho fursomeyearH to ronie; if there is eiiuiiliziition of labor, there will aUo he equalization of taxation and onice:3. The Local (Jovernnu-ut can look after thi.s when it happen.^. I do uot suppose that Canada will be disposed to look at our terms critically; they are getting thid Colony far too cheap, I think $2!>0,000 ii too cheap. The Hon. gentleman (Mr, DeCosmos) says that we should go to Canada antl a9k $80,000 per nuuuni, because another Province ha.s the same, and that this Colony, which is larger in extent of territory than the largest of the Provinces should, have $80,0000. Itutthe lion, gentlcmiln nni^t recollect that we do not produce revenue ecjual to what the other Provinces produce. With regard to the limit of popuhition for the purposes of represeiit- ation, 1 think 400, ooo is too small, it ought to have been 1,000,000, not indelinite. l'JO,000 gives us the right to have eight members to represent us ; this in a matter of expediency. There is a fault in the Ueso- lutiou to which 1 will draw alteutiou, it is this, that wo do not get any increase of Ucvenuo to the Colony until we gcta population of over 120,000 persons. We have to calculate what our Ueveuue will bo now under Confederation, and we cannot look for any increase for years to come. Which ever way we look at it, the figures come back to the same tiling, we want $250,000, and there are several ways in which we can get it; in point of fact we ask Canada to leu'! us that sum of mone;'. Hon. Mr. UkCOSMOS — My proposition would give $650,000 more than the Oovernmeut scheme and set free Internal Ucvenue for local or Municipal purposes. Hon. Mr. HKI.MCKKN'— The Hon. Member wants $150,000 now, and us the population increases the »um is to decrease. Hon. .Mr. DeCOHMOS— We should always hare $150,000, with our present or a greater popult-^ui . Hon. Mr. HKLMCKKN—Tbe long and the sh^irt " land Iluilroad \» producing such an etlVct an to turn California's attention to the I'acilic CoaHt. 1 ihould bo glad to nee a ttchemo propticd, by which we iihould get back a part of any Huch increase of revenue, and if any Hon. .Member will bring in an anicuilnieut, to secure to us some local advantage out of any Duub prospective increase of revenue, I will Hupport it: failing such aniendineut, ( am prepared to Hupport the clause as it olanda. The lion. Mr. Hl'MI'HKKVS, Memlter for Llllooet, saiil, tSir, I rise to Kuppurt the ainendnient of my Hon. colleague (Mr. DeCo.imo.i). In my opinion, Hir, the magnihcent, bold, and ttlatesmnullke scheme pro- pounded by thu Hon. Member for Victoria Hifitiict (.Mr. OeCo^mo.-!) has entirely demolished that of the liovernment. Hon, gentlemen have said much about Peace ILiver mines, sti much, that they would alinosi lead us to siip|iu>e that if Peace River w;it» to tail in fullilliug the expectations that seem to have bee* formeil respecting it, the (iovcrnment measure v also be a failure. 1 say, .Sir, that nothing is kr « about Peace Uiver, which will justify an' .ch expectations. It is folly to talk about the ,iue to he derived from the Peace Uiver mines ; the amount of prospecting in that district has been too trilling to alfurd any data upon which to base even an argu- ment or 8uggesti{)n, so far as the terms, linancially speaking, are concerned. I think that the propositiou laid down by the Hon. Member for Victoria District, (Mr. DeCosmos) is worthy of the nerious attention and consideration of this Hou^c, 1 should like, Sir, to see a scheme carefully laid down, which would involve no subsequent rellections and troubles, hucIi as we have seen in Nova Scotia and New Urunswick ; it is hftter to go tliroiigh all the squabbling and dis- cussi(U) that we have to do in this House now, than leave it to involve us in serious trouble hereafter. Hon. Mit BAKNAltD— The Hon. Mei ibersays that the scheme proposed by the Hon. Member for Victoria District has ()uite demolished that of iho (lovern- ment. 1 should ho glad to hear the Hon. Member for MUooet point out tho distinguishing diflVrenceB between tho two si hemes. Hon. Mr. Hl.'Mi'llltKYH— Tho difference is appaf- ent. I think that 1 have said enough to show this Council the advantages of tho schemo propounded by my Hon. friend ; if Hon. Members cannot boo diflerences which are bo plain, it is not for me to supply them with brains. Tho Hon. Mil. WiHU) aaid— Sir, I speak with con- siderable diflldence upon matters connected with tinancc. It is a subject which I have not made my particular Ptudy. Tho class of observations which I shall feel it ray duty to make upon these clauses, will be more for the purpose of enquiring whether thi.<) Council has taken properly into consideration, the possibility of the population of this ('olony In- creasing within ten or fifteen years to 100,000. or aljout that number, if such an increase should tako lace, with the debt of Itritisli Columbia paid otT, tw the story is, that the two proposition-* ti'it-.-ut to I will be by that time, Canada will gain enormously much the same thing. We go to Caniui.: nnd s«.' wt imler the.ae terms, (if tho prospect of there being A want §250,000. According to this scheme, CumviU large coiisuinption of Canadian goods here, lean fay will only be out of pocket $128,000. 1 « ; / i.m Canada's expenses will diminish in two 3'^..i*.^ rom this time by $tiO,000, so that t'anada will ^uly bo paying $68, 000a year. This is a very low rate of pay- ment, far too low in my opinion. 1 say, Sir, that if one thousand miners go to Peace Uiver this year, our revenue will be increased by $100,000, and if Peace River succeeds, "pans out well" as the saying is, I am quite certain that S2r)0,000 a year will not pur- chase this Colony. If Pcaco River is a failure, Canada may get it. The Hon. Mr. HOLBUOOK said— Sir. I rise to sup- port the motion of the Hon. Attorney General for tlie adoption of these clauses. I prefer the scheme put forward by the (Jovernment to that suggested by the Hon. Member for Victoria District ; it is more states- m inlike, and deals with the subject in a larger manner. I agree with the Hon. Member who hasjust sat down (Mr. HclmckeQ) that there is a great probability of our having & large increase of revenue from the Peace River mines. It is Impossible at present to form any opinion, beyond mere conjecture, on this head; but still I think we ouglit to be prepared for the contin- gency. I believe, Sir, that in a short time, the Dominion Oovernment will be drawing a large nothing. I do not think it likely that tho Railway will superseile sea carriage in bulky «t/tp!es. There are great dilHculties connected with tho transport of any goods, and until the Railway is in iqieration, I apprehend that ihn bulk of our dry goods will como as heretofore, from Kngland, whilst that class of un- manufactured articles, which we are now importing from .\merica, will still be likely to come into tho market cheaper than Canadian goods, even though they are subject to a taritf. It is the dilliculty of transport, our isolation in fact, as the Hon. Attorney (ieuenil has slated, and not tho tariff which is tho real and substantial impediment to trade. I cannot help thinking that it is tho probable destiny of this Colony to be numbered by hundreds of thou- sands, rather than by millions. This is the ultimato part of the world. We are in this Colony further removed from the great centres of civilization than probably any other known portions of the globe j wo may almost bo called tho last Country in the World ; and it is probable that only exceptional articles of manufacture will como to us from Canada. The con- sumption of manufactured articles imported from England, which can produce every kind of manufac- tured article cheaper and better than Canada, is not M iiraimiit of reveauo from this Colony, probnbly ft ' likely to decrease. Canada cannot compete with the million, or n million and a half of dollnr-i, and I am!facilitic:; afl'ordcd by Kngland and the United States TUK (iOVKIlN'MKNT (iAZKTTK FATIlAOnDrNARY. In iiMrnil'iicttirc)!. With n-){iir; thill mmiii wonl'I luki; trurii .iiHOHjiioo to 7il,(HtO,ori) frniii . in I'lilony in the rfhiipis of Ufvcnnc every yi'iir, »ni ot I.oeat tlovfrnment are Het down iir a tlf(nre whieh 1h nnneiM-Hi^arily lii^h. I think tho e\prn:«'rt ini;(ht lie con^^lderalily redncM), and theruhy II i Incruiisc thu limit of rc« presu'itatlcin Troni '100,(100 lo 1,000,000. I niakn thli proposition wjili the more ciuitlileneo becauao I hulleva that llie Dninliiiiin (iovernnunt will thiti!^ very little of $ir>, 000, hut they ini^'ht think u good divl of tho $iri,oo'i whirh would ho nt'^•ef^.^rtry to Intna.so the BiilMidy to $^'<|,OllO. In regiird tu tho mincH u.'' this Colony, I think tht-y will he more laslinK thar somo lion. Metiiber.^ pretlict ; and I iil.^o dilfcr frum tuuio vernineni, without uny curre!*pondinK itnren>e ot in-|wlio think that our pro;^pi'ri!y depeutla onlirely upon come. The chuneti proponeil hIhiw, in my hiinibh- opinion, a present temporary and uncertain itdvan- taKP, ftgrtlnul a rertaiu and prolonged futuro Iosh. Hon. Ma IIKhMCKKN — In Canadian ( uli-nlalions the liidiiins are n'l.Unned us white men, Iherelore we have a popuhition of more tlnui had been Htated, for the Indian.-t iibtne exreed -10,000, Hon Mu. IU>M.S(>N, Member for New Wc'S'minstcr, Hiiid : — Mr. Chairtnun, I have listened with Interest to what luiH been said upon theso elauHen, anil have en* deiivoiired to follow the Hon. Member for Victoria Distriet ihrouKh bin lij^nres, and uller hearing all, I am nut prepared to think any the leai* of tin- tiovern- mcnt Huiieme, foi- the remark* which have fallen from tlie Hon. Member, tho Hi-heme proposed by him as an amendment to tlu' tinaneial ilauses of the (iovernment indicate u vast anionnt of ru^eareh, eab'iilaiion, and thonj^ht. I (:on>;ialiilate tli ■ :.on. Member for Vic- our mines. I believe that there U a ^Teat future for the Colony. 1 believe (hat the mineral rettourcen wlil hiKt our time, and that of our children. I bcllove, alHo, that oura^ri'ieullural resonrru^ nuiy bo devclupeu «iir, that the (iovernment lias hit upon the linent, then a proportion of that surplus should revert soundest, best, and most feasible s(dicme. I consider | to us, so that it mi;;bt be ap|ilicd fur local purposes. it ft real stroke of -statesmanship, and am jflad lo find j If the ineiiualities foretold should arise, then with that the Un-OIHcial .Memlters of the Kxecntive Conn- such representation a? we shall have, wo shall have cil have added so much to its value. Willi rcganl to j the means of arcnring ft due proportion of tho surplus. the number at which it Is pro|iosed to estimate the If the Camidtau Government du not give us n fair population, it is all very well for Hon. Membord to 'share, we will force it from them. We shall be strong say that this is a fiction, but there is noihlnif diahon-jenougb even with the numberof Uepresentatives pro- est in the assumption. If wo were (;oing to impose ipo.-ied by these Resolutions. If tho ] pulation really upon thuCanailian (iovernment it would be dishonest, [increases, as it is said it will, we ...ill have a vast but wu cannot impose upon tho Government at ^representation. As regards tho Indian populatiun, H Ottawa any more than we can upon ourselves, There; is roughly estimated by the Vicar-General at 60,000. is ft real honeiit intent. The explanation of the Chiefi Tho Hon. Ma. I>R.\KK, Junior Member for Victoria Commissioner Is fair and satisfactory upon this point. , City, said : — Sir, I do not think that tlie advantages The policy of the scheme proposed by the Govern-'to Canada havo been fairly put; it has been said that ment is less intricato than that of the Hon. .Member | the sum of $35,000 is an arbitrary sum similar to tho for Victoria District ; it is more business like. It is j subsidy allowcil to Newfoundland, from tho expenses important also an a basis of representation. If we jof carrying on the (lovtrnmcnl of this Colony in pro- nilopt 40,000 as a biiHis of population, we shall only portion of tho expense of the Government of New- be entitled to a much smaller representation. Dy ibundland in comparison to the population. I say that fixing the basis ot 120,000, we give llie Country a. the sum is out of proportion and too small for tho belter status abroad, and with the Dominion Govern- requirements of this t^olony. I would put it up to ment, than it could have if the basis were fixed at $"0,000. Canada will receive, after paying subsidies 40,000. This is where the liciion comes in if at all. 'and expenses $128,000, (.'anada will no doubt fund Resides, we aro upon the brink of great chanjres, jthe debt at a smaller rale of interest, which will enormously incroa.-^e our population. Wej Hon. CHIKP COMMIiiSlONKR — Canada cannot have every rca.n to hi?. Hy Wis schiMut! ho iiropusi-s to mk a dear gift ; wc n-kmiuii Hn- >-;uiie lunount, hut show the grounds. Tlio lion. MrnibiT has busui hid Jirgu- mcnt.s on rt??nmplion more than tho (.lovfrnnient Imvc. It is wrong to luoii upon tho estini:itc of popuhilion lus o fiction, it id not .«o, it i=i l.ii-crn quo, which i^ not a fair way of treating the Mibjcct. If Canada send us gootls .she will derive greater advantages from doing 90 than we shall, but nevertheless we &hall participate. When our population increases rates of taxation will be reduced: a luwer tarifi", cheaper manut'aeti'red goods, and lower rent.*, are amongst the advantages that 1 look fur out of Confederation. ■\Vith regard to tlie Koad Tolls, I look upon it as essential that they should be kept up to meet the ex- pense of maintaining the rjads and keeping them in repair. It has been a (piestion, and perhaps it U n\\\ open for debate, whether the care and hiaintenance of the Main-trunk Iload should not be thrown upon the Dominion Government : if we regard the road as MiUtary work necessary for the defence of the country, its maintenanpulation of ".i.'iO.i'oo, is works and capital, surely Canada has a right to an 'entitled to lifteen members in tbu Dominion House of nmple share of the increased Customs Revenue which I Commons. Iftiie basis c:" n-presentation is to bo will be so produced. Hon. Ma. DkC(iSM(IS— Mr. Chairman, the credit of th Ciovernmenl proposition now before us has been ven to the lion. Meiuber for Victoria (.Mr. Helmi ken.) Now, Sir, 1 am perfectly content that he should enjoy the credit, and the whole credit. In speaking briefly he has ipiotcd a word used by my- self— -'expediencv." Now, I again say the whole thing is a matter of expediency. I have not heard anything, however, either from that Hon. .'gentleman or'others who followed me. to disturb the S(did foun- dation of my scheme, resting as it does on truth and fact, au'l a plain out-spoken statement of our nntne- tary voijuirements. I have always said that this (lucstion of Confederation was one of a monetary character — that it had a nionry value, and I maintain, as I have always done, without shadow of turning, that we ought to have a surplus revenue of about $200,000 on entering llie D'Muinion. I have always said that we must Iiave that surplu-. or itsciiuivaleut, with Confederation, ordse no Conft-deration. That i taken from population, then 4O.O0O would only entitle us to two mcmlters in tlie House of ('unimous. instead of eight. For that reason, in my opinion, if for no other, 120,000 ought to stand. Besides, as a matter of fact, our populat'on exceeds 40,000. There Is not an Indian in the Colony who does not contribute n^ much to the revenue as aCanatiian. They are entitled to be represented as well as white men. Kight Meni- bers in tlie House of Co* .mons will give us, 'j has been suggested, almos'. the balance nf pew er between parties: eight, slandiuf^ firmly together, will have great iutlucnce, but what would be our influence with two? After a few word^ from Hon. Mr. Humphreys, In sup[)i)rt of the basis of population, as disclosed in the scheme of the Hon. Mr. Dd'osmos, The several recummendations of tho Hon. Messrs. DeCosmos. Drake, and Uobson were read by the Clerk. Some discussion ensued as to how the vote was to be taken, and the I'hairuian decided to put the recora- mendaiiuns of Hon. Mr. DeCosmos first, by itself, and the point rutind which I !, ve been revolving. I have then the reeommeudation uf Hon. .Mr. Drake, which made no stride in i;dvaucc, none to the rear, tli Hon. genthinan i>pposu,' »-; ihc contrary. I have pver kept bvl'orr the public the same idea, that when the terms of union were negotiated, they must liring that sum in a surplus revenue into our Treasury. It IS an amendment on the recommeudaliou of Hon. Mr. Kobson. The recommendation of the Hon. Mr. DeCosmos, on a divi-ion, was lost. Ayes Ti, Noes 14. The reeommendatioa of the Hon. Mr. Drake, as an was ft simple point that everyone euuld understand amendment to that of the Hun. .Mr. Uobson, on a di and not forget. It is the sum that I asked at first it is the sum that I ask now ; and it is the sum that I propose now in amendment to the Itesolution of the Government. Tiie real surplus in the Government scheme is so far bidow what it ought to hi-, that it will be reptidiated as an absolute f.ilure, if ever it comes before the peopio for ratiliv,ation. They will reject it. It will create just a- much dissi *ifaction here as there was ftlt in N'ova Scotia. Iv ' now, Sir, as I promised, move the following as a recom- mendation til His Kxcellency, and in substitution of Uesolutions 'i and :( : — 1. That the Couiuil recommend to His Kxcellency the Governor, the fulluwing llestilu'.ions for his con- Hideratiou: 2. The pnpuhition of British Columbia eliall be estimatecl at 4u,oiMi. 3. The following sums phall be paiil semi-aunnilly by Canada to British Colntnhia tttr tho support id" the Local (Jovernment aninlon of the successive Admirals who bsve been upon this Station, and who can have no 10 THE GOVEllNMKNT GAZETTE EXTRA0I5D1NA11Y. prpjudicos? I think it is n \v:isti' iit' iniMic lime In It wuiilil li;Uf licrn wr.m^' in my ci|iiMii>ii iltiii! liuv- imjuite motives. Ksquiirult li.ts lu'Oii jiroiiniincf'tl Ity , iTniiinit liml fiamt-ii tin* llc-nlulioii' wllli miy scctionul KngiiiCfTS to be tlic pro|HT |il:uo. 1 iiiii ]iol unc of viinv*. Dili it ii]i|ii':ir,< t" me whil-1 lliiy .iic likely tu tho^c wlio, like ce.-tiiin Hon. Meinliers liiie, wniilil ilo the Ciiloiiy gmiil (;eiienilly, lliey li;ive l)(en iViiiiieJ constantly "nin llieir eonfcienee on tlieir ock itly "pin their conscience on their sleeves for with a teii'leney to create the popnl.ir vol... aiol 1 do D peek at.'' Sneli nnitives ns are su.-L'ested, |nol see mueh harni in Mmt. The point which 1 w.mt lever have entere.l into the minds ol the Kvecn- lo hear alioiit is, whetlier ilDo.ooo will he sulli.-ient givini? personal votes? may not I.e ol' -o uiiuh n-e as a Patent .Slip. 1 have Hon. .Mu. W'ti'M) — No personal motives arc iminited. visited the I'l.iatin^; Docks in the .\rsenals of tho Hon. Mn. KlMI.SiiX— It seems like sneli an impwla- United ."^^tales, lo take such ohservations iiii would tion. 1 think the Hon. .Metnher sliouhi withdraw his serve an niiprolessional man. .\nd I confess that if it motion. Consider how such a jirinciple as that sut;- is to he a Slone Gravimr Dock in ('unstanee Cove, to pcsted hy the lion. Mr. Wo, id would work. It in ailmil id'one vessel at a time, I am inclined lo ihe etleet, nmoiinls to this : — " lleeanse ytin have a local o|j:iiioi thai it would not he as ^ood. or as inil.h interest, you must refrain from sappoitiio.; l»y yonripniplij .ililily, as a I'alenl Slip. 1 shall support the vote what yon conscientiously approve of as heneli- j ilcni, or a lar;;er sum than IIoo.Uii'l. I helieve that cial to the'commnnity." ]a Dock, or a I'.iteot Slip, at Iv-iiuimalt, will attract Hon. .Ma. WOOD— I must correct my lion, friend j ships from I'u;:i't Souiol. Ii is a step in the right (Mr. Kinj;). 1 do not atlrihule personal motives in | direcliou. There is a feeling alo-oad, Ihat the 1,'oloiiy any improper sen>e ; lull 1 say, is there a Itiil.dier. or:woulil have lo eonslriiet this Dock. This would he a baker, or any other man who wi'l, in these .1 lys ofimist.ike: hut to get Caiia.'.i lo etnlorse the scheme, pressure, fail to vole as his po.'kel will he inllneuceest. It could proh.'.'yle Intending without intending? 1 deny that I impute r'reclC'l for £".",000, whereas a cut stone (■-av'jg nny dishoncsl motive in the K.xecntive, hut it is clear Dock would cost more, tine of the .'.dvanlagcs ol '■ that the Dock at Ks.|uiTnalt will iiilinenee many votes. ' lalter w.oil.l he that there woiil.l he more luoney e.v and I confess I gave them credit for foreseeing so ^peioled in the Colony during its construction, whereas obvious a ettnse.|Uencc. jlhe principal cost of a patent .-lip woul.l he cspeii'leil Hon. ClllKK CUVMISSION'KI!— I say this. Sir, 'el,-ewhere f.ir mn.hinery 1 iMiin.it . ay if tlou.Oni) that if any such inolives hail guide. 1 the Mxecnlive wouhi be enough for tile construelion of a cut shme Council: if any eon-ideratious, such as have been . Dock or not. 1 think that a guaranlce of live per suggested, had swayed them ; if the ol jeet had beenlcellt on XlUO.OnO will he a sullieienl inducement for a .lill'crenl one. we couM have prepare.! a much more 'any company lo lake the matter up. I am con-inced palatable dish ; we eoiil.l havt shewn y.iu pecuniary that jLloo,ooO will not build a stone Dock of sullicieut advantages. If we ha. I ha.l llii' intention to get voles, '. eapa'.il^, to take in .-ueh a ship a> Ihe Zcalo.is. we could have frame. 1 Ihe IJe-olntions very dill'erenlly.l Hon. Mit. WOOD — If the pi'.iple of Victoria desire But they were frame. 1 with no -nch views. It was the terms why shoiil.l not they vote for I'nion? -My the intention of the (lovermnenl lo prepare ti'rms on desire is, if we are to he unite. 1, lo see a union which a hiir and pri^u'r basis, lo he snbmitle.l lo Ihe people, 'shall be lasting. I say that these terms are not lasl- Ilon. Dii. IIKI.MCKICN — .\s a Member of the Kx-iing. They are in the nature of .lireet and imme.lialo ccntive Council, Sir, I eonf.'ss that I was pleased to pe.Miniary a.lvaulage. lleaclion will set in aft. r the see KBiinimalt meiitioneil as the site for llie Docks. 1 Hallway an.i Dock are built. Show me in Ihi'-o I will meet the Hon. .Mr. Woo.l on this issue, and say'lerms continuing ami abiding henelit and I am salis- that supposing Ibis is put in b.r Ihe sake oi' gaining! lied. Let the people of Vicloria choose, hut I ask the vole of the Victoria people, what is Confe.lera-' Hon. Members, who nmlersland liiimau nature, tion? Confederalion means union lo henelit every ' whether the people wonb' not choose direct benefit part ofthe C'dony. To f.-lhiw out the Ibm. M.'mlicr's in preference to pr.ispeetive and continuing a''\un- reasonilig. there slionhl bavi' been no public works lag.'s. Mankin.l will "h.iose direct present peeiinlary at all nam.'.l in the condition-'. 1 stale ibat th.' in- henelit, rather than that b.'iielil which is lo be la-iliiig serlion of Ks.iuimalt in Ihe (loveriimenl Itesoluli.ins 'and rcniole, I fear rea.'lion. 1 look ii'ion this place was not governcl by sectional ]iri'.i.i.liies. The Ks- as my home, ami shall complain, I think with jii-- ccutive Council look the broa.l view, that it was for^lhe, ifleii years' hence I find a great reaction of ibu the inleresi of the Canadian Cvivernment to btiil.l this ' pre-enl hasty a. -tion. Dock, because if Vi.loria pr.ispers nniler Confe.lera- ; Hon. Mu. Hl'.l.MCKl'^X — Would it be better to lia.o tion, it will be so much Ihe heller f.u- Ihe Dominion 'C.nif.'deciiion wiih no lerms at a!l, or with terms revenue If iln' work is a benelii lo Vicloria, ihr.iogh 'e.pial to lliesi-'' bringing lab.iurers, it will henelit ih.' wh..lc Colony. | Hon. Mu. WOOD— I a-k f.ir din'cL'ent terms; power ami our po'.ition «ill be improved, and Ihercf.ire we'lo impo-e .iiir own InrilVlor in>ian.'e. phall become a more iinporlanl pin of the Domi'iion.I Hon. Ma. IIKI.MCKKN— The obji'. lions of Hie Hon. If it please Ihe p. "iple .if Victoria, if lliey conshler it M.'iiiber are nol e.ureel. When ihe Dock and liail- a sullieienl in.lil.emcnl to g.i into Conf.'.lcration, Icl'way arebiiill. 1 a.ltuii Ili.it -ome source oflabiiiir, aiol them do so. The p.'. iple of Vi.loria ar.' here lo make eon-ei|iieiil inter. -I. will be eone, but Ihenwemust money, and n..t bi boin.l empires; iheir chil.lreu ' l.ioU tor oilier interests to luise. I admit that .lis- may perhaps make lli.' king.loms an.l eiiipir.'S. If llo' iimlent may ari.-e ; it has fieipienUy been so in Kng- pe.iple like C.inf.'derali.m on these terms, I say let lan.l, when"a large number of labourers have been them vote for il. Ihrown out of employment ; hnl I say that the D.i- llou. Mil. C.\lil!.\I,L, Memlj.rf.ir Cariboo — "Il may 'mini. m an. I Local llocrnnieiil- will have Ihe power not be inlentioiial linl il is so.'' were the eon.'luding'aiol Ihe sen-.' to ri'ioe.lv aiiv ^ucli evil- as they occur, words of the 11. in. Mr. Wood. I sav yes. So fir as j Hon. .\TT(ni\l';V (1 i''.M';il.\I.--I c.iniioMiincy anv- this: tloil Ihe whole .if ihe I'ou.lili.iiis .if Ihis s.'hemc lliing more . ehulalcl lo proinoli perimiiient ben. ''lit were iiilend.'.l 1.1 b.'ii.'lil the whole of Ihe C.il.iiiy. .'Ks lliaii ihe establislimeiil of Craving ''ock.s. Kvery a Member of the K.veeiilive Council, 1 repii.liale en- |..liip that comes in w.inld sjien.l money, «iml.l be a tirely the narrow motives will. h ha'.e been .-ilg'^esle.l|lieiielit lo the lown. and a .■oiilinning benelii; ami KxeellliveCouucil werejiinl to Ihe biwi Iv, bin io • by the Hon. Mr W.i.i.l. Th. iietu.ile.l by no seeli.nial views; Iheir object was lojColonv. If the Coin -lime extenl lo ihe whole , . ... 1.1 iiiereasi'S, so must make Ihc wlndeof Ihe lieiolnlion-, not only pabilable, the work lo be ihine in ili.. Docks go on inereasiiig. hu! benelicial lo the C.d.niy. Tlie merits of Ksiiui-ll r.grel Ihai the Hon, Mr. Wood should have taken mall as a site for the Dock", are In Ihemselves a. the ground ihat the Kseciivo arc iiilliiciic'd bv any nudieienl reason to a.lvance in favor ol the Kxeiutive jse.iional motives. I do 'c wliv Ihe ti n. Member opinion being eorr. .'t. I shall vote for Ihe Clause as'-honhl refuse bciieliis w .ch come Under Loafe.lera- '' slau'ls. liiin. He Would surely 1 ,1' preiT to w in without 11.111. Mil. DECOfMOS— Iain oiieofihose who thinkllernn. il proper to have the In, ,,iiiv for 111.' D...l(- iiame,|;j H.in, Ma. D':.'.KK--I doubt wlic' .■ m. .mount audi think ihe (iov.'niineiil woiiM lia\.' in iil.. a name i.s large cnoi.(, 1 have io.ormar ui from blunder If thry had left out the vrord " Ksqnimall."lgood nnthoriiv thai iloede iliai .imoiint will be re- 1..^ ■Vi. • v ''m THK GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTKAORDINARY. 11 (juirtd. Cumulft iri only ui-kctl tu miunintce tlic in- terest. I .shall, tlieret'ort; iiiuvu iin aniunilmfiil, in tlit- ehapc of a rcconimt'uiliiliun to His K.xci-llcnoy, ih.n thy sum of Jti ltjO,UOO bo inci-onsi'd to i;i.'»0,(JUu in the conUitiuu.s. I am ut'cjpiuion (iiiU tin; tcrios .should hi- put in as favourable a light as pusdible for this Colony. Hon. Mu. rEAHJERTOX— I would nsk the Chief Comiuissioucr of Lands aud Works whether it woultl bo possible to couriect the supply of water with the Docks. Loudon is supplied by a large fre.-h water reservoir, and it in pu;i.iiblo that the panic course might be adopted as regards this city. If the eonrse of the water in the valley of Victoria Ann were stop- ped, the Gorge being a natural valley, if it Were pos- sible to exclude the .^alt water from the whole of "Victoria Harbour, a vast natural reservoir of fresh water might be formed, wiiich would supply Dip whole city with water, ileitig no engineer, 1 feel some dillideiice in putting it forward. I only [lut it aa a suggestion to the Chief Commissioner, with the view of in({uiring whether it could be done. Hon. CHIKF CO.MMLSSlUNKlt— It is impossible for me to offer an opinion upon tlie sugge.slion of the Hon. Mr. I'eniliertiou. The supply of water U|)on the supposed plan, would contemplate tlie expenditure of much more money than the sum reiiuiredfor Graving Docks besides the proposed place is too low, and would nece.-^sitate the water being pumped up to a second Reservoir. Moreover I am of opinion that the suj)ply of water is too much of a local matter to be worthy of mention in tlie Terms, Hon. Mu. HOLHROUK— My Amendment is, that the word '* Ivstiuimalt" be struck out, on the grounds that it is too sectional. I believe that any Company which i.s formed will erect a Patent Slip, instead of a Dock, it has been shown in practice to be more use- ful. I move that the word "Ksciuimalt" bo struck out. Hon. Mr. Wood's recommendation to strikeout the word " Ksfjuimalt,"' and to insert ''such place as the Dominion Government shall appoint," ou division was lost, two only voting in favor of it. Hon. Mr. Drake's recommendation *'That the sum of Xl50,0i)0 be named,'' on division was lost, eight voting in favor of the recommendation. (Mause 4 was then passed as road. The Chairman then read Section 5. "5. In I'ddition to the other provisions of this ** Resolutio- , Canada .shall assume and defray the " charges of the following Services : — "(I. Salary and allowances of the Lieuteuant Gov- '' ernor ; *' /<. Salaries and Allowances of the Judges and *' OIHcers of the Supreme Court, and of the Countv •'Cj'.rts ; ■ e. Tho charges in respect -of the DL-jiartment of ■' (''isloms ; ■ '. TJ:e Postal Do|iartment ; . Lighthouses, Buoys, Beacons, and Ligl^tsliip, '• ^".1 :>i,eh further charges m may be Ineident to and f- iiuected with the Services whirh tiy 'The British •' \urih America Act, 1807,' appertain to ihe (JiMeral Govtr: til- -it, and as are or may be allowed to the /Hhc -ri vi.ices." ■''. ' :ion. the ATTUUNKV GKNKUAL moved the r .Mpridu of this <'iau-;(', which, he said was taken from '*The British North America Act, 18UT," and would n.'lii ve the Cob my uf the piynient of a certain amount annuallv in the .'^Iiupe (d' Salaries. Hou.'Mk. HC.\iri!UlVS— I shall move a rocom- lueiidaliuri that the mainliMiaii..e of the linad-^ by llie DomiuiMn Government, he iitehnleil in this Clause Hon. Mu. Dr.CltSMdS— This s.ems to be a madi- U[i Clause, it h provided ftr in '• fhe British NuVlh A merle. I Act. " and I lie inst-rtiou of the Clause in 1lle^(• Resolutions looks like sitting it before the Country for the oliject of educating them up to what Ihcy are expected to ask for. Hon. ATTGRNICV GKNKRAL— it is an essential par; of the win le scheme. Hmi. Mu. TK'.'TCll— I think it i.^ partly proviiied f(»r bv "The IMtish .North America Act ;" yet it is included in th ! Terms of tlie proposed admis e entirely out of place, and I would suggest to Hon. Members not to intro- duce this Resolution now, bui let it be brought up aa a substantive measure. It cannot be brought up again if it is decided now. Hon. Mk. W(KH)_1 ,suid, and I rcpca*. it, that if the Imperial Government were properly ttpproaehed this thing might be done, just as if tho Crown were properly approached, tho Crown Salaries Act might be repealed. Hon. Ma. DeCOSMOS — I think some action ought to be taken. ! wish to call attention to the fact that the ('anailian I'arliament have power to hx the sala- ries of the Judges in Admiralty, where they are paid by salaries, Hon. ATTtlRXKY GEXERAL— Then bring tho matter uji seiiarately. Hon. Mr. DRAKl'— I would draw the Attorney (leneral's attention to section iDOof the British North America Act, which includes Admiralty Courts where the Juilges are paid liy salaries nnd pensions. It is expressly stated that the terms of the British North America Act shall apply to this Colony; then why not insert it in the words of tho Act, though we aro aware that the^•e Resolutions have to be carried, thero is no reaion that we should not add recommendations. 1 think seetion HK) nf the Act is better than our clause, I will move the addition of the word " pen- Hon. Mu. ROBSON — I cannot sec that the applica- tion of section loo would meet the case. It woubl bo inetVectua! because ourJudgis of the Admiralty Court lire not paid by salaries, theretore it would be liio[)er- alive as reg^irds Briii.-li Coluuilda. Whilst * deem it juite desirable to make the change suggested, I do not think th's Is the time to niako It. 1 should sug- gest postponing the discus>ion of the ([ucstion as to .Admiralty Cuurt until these Resolutions are settled. Hon. Mu. TUlTi'll— Why complicate the question? Why not bring It up \n u\\vn House and discuss it? Hon. Ml!. WOOD — It cniilil be done in three or four months. The Jud-es of the Admiralty Courts could be put upon sahiries, and Section luo. would Iheu bo applirable. We are upmi tho question of Judges, ..:'d why not decide it at oncf . Hon. Mil. TRCTi'll— 1 am not prepared to discuss thiK question, as lo the .\diuiraUy Court, now If proper notice is given ot It-; being brought up, 1 shall then be prejiared lo \ tiiMy Iritn its nirrits. Hon. Mu. Wood — Tho principle is bad to pay Judges by fees. Hon. Ma. H!N(i — The question is: are the Judges id" Ihe Admiraity Cnui Judges? Wliy should we not say say clearly and unmistakeably wliat we mean? I shall sup|)i»rt Oie rei'itiiiinndaiion eople to expect more than will be acceded. Hon. Members should weigh their voles well. I, for one, will not vote for what I cannot recommend to His Excellency in the Executive Council. Hon. Mu. HUMPHREYS— I am not in the habit of holding my head down, I always hold it up. I agree with the lion. Mr. Wood, that all that wo are likely to do for the public benefit is crushed by the official vote. Hon. Ma. CARUALL— The Hon. Mr. Wood has stated that the recommendations of the Elected .Mem- bers would he treated with contempt. He is not a Member of the Executive Council. las a .Member of that Council can tell bira that they are always treated with the greatest respect. Hon. Ma. Wood— What I say is that the recom- mendations of Independent Members do not reach , and will not reach, the head of the Executive. We want tho Executive will mention them, but that is not what wo want. We desire that these recommeudntions shoulil meet the eye of the Executive. 1 di^idnin to con.sider that the Executive rules this Colony. They to not ; thej administer the Government, and 1 con- sider it to be the duty of the Executive to sink their own views, when they do not accord with the pop- ular will. It i.-5 quite pos.^ible that the Executive may be wrong and the Popular .Members right occasionally. Hon. Mr. TRl'TCH— I do not think the position of the Hon. Mr. Wood is correct. There are now Three Resolutions of, su called. Popular .Members before the Executive ; whyare so mnnyoflhuir recommendations carried if there is any desire to treat them with dis- respect? The difficulty is, tliat the Hon. gentleman persisted in trying to force a vote upon his Resolution about the Admiralty Court. 1, ifiiresscd to give ao opinion at an inapposite time, would vote against it. Hon. .Ma. DeCOti.MOS — The conviction in and out '•his House is, that the Elected Members arc use- less, i'eing out-numbered by the oflicial vote. The only reason why 1 would endeavour to be elected to a seat, in a Council so constituted, is to prevent evils that might happen. The Government might get tools to go in and vote as they liked. The Government might get some one to be elected, and then call it the dopular vote. The mistake has been in interpreting recommendations into amendments. Hon. Mn. ROBSON— Mr. Chairman, 1 think that nothing can be more unfair, nothing more ungenerous, than the position taken by some Hon. Members towards the Government. This scheme was brought down to the House liy the Government, and we were invited by the Hon. Attorney General, and other Mem- mbers of the Government, to make any recommend- ations or suggestions that we thought jirnpcr, and they would receive every consideration at the hands of the Executive. I fail to see one single act or vote at variance with that position. I have seen the lead- ing .Members of Government voting different ways ; and this I'take to be an evidence of their sincerity. There seems to be a disposition to run away with the impression that the unofficial members are treated with disrespect, to me. Sir, such a position is undig- nilieii and absurd. Because I have moved a recom- mendation, and the House has voted it down, am 1 treiiteil with disrespect. Why ! follow this up and an ndver.ae vote would be in every cas-. an insult to the minority, and legislation would become an impossi- bility. I am grateful to the Government for what I consider a great scheme, grateful for having the op- portunity of voting upon it, and 1 join the Hon. Chief Commissioner in warning the House against voting alterations in the Terms, lest such a course should create hopes to bo afterwards disappointed, and lead to ft reaction which might result in tho defeat of the whole scheme at the polls. I would also caution lion. Members to avoid attempting to iiiiluce the (iovernmeni to insert terms which would imperil the scheme with the Dominion Govern- ment. I shall set aside any particular views and sug- gestions I should like to make, to avoid that result. I can understand enemies of the cause rushing in resolutions calculated lo raise extravagant hopes, and so produce disappointment and fatal reaction, but not friencls of the cause. In recommending altera- tions to Government our reason andjudginent should be fairly and calmly exercised. Clause 5 was put to the Committee by the Chair- man, and passed as read. The Chairman read Clause G : — "(i. Suitable Pensions, such as shall be approved "of by Her Majesty's Government, shall be iirovidcd "by the Government of the Dominion for those of "Her Majesty's Servants in the Colonv, whose posi- "tionand emoluments derived therefrom would be " effected by political change.i on the admission of this " Colony into the Dominion ofCimada." The Hon. Altorncv General said:— In proposing the adoption of this clause, it is only necessary for me to state to the House that it is inserted in accordance with Lord Granville's despatch. Confederation will, in all I robability, affect tho positions of certain offi- cials, and the despatch advises that provision should bo made, lence this clause. Hon. }.a. HCMPHUEY.S— I do not np,.rove of tho principle of pensions, and I cannot understand why pensions should be given to men who came out to this Colony, as I came out, as needy adventurers. The people of this country do not approve of pensions. If Hon. Members had been induced to come out from England to assume poBitions under Government for thetu to reach. We all believe that the Members of life", i\:oM:u^^^i::::;;^i^fZii^^i^ THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTKAORDINAHY. 13 |ic'ii:sioris, on llie pnsitiuri.s bi-iui; almlislied. I wiisl ttsluhlv llmt the C(>un".il ami Kxccutive wure np]iu>fd, otici' i» (loVLTumi'iit OIKcer iti tins Citlotiy myself, aodltlu' |u*0|ili* ctniM noi be nrouftc-il to tuke ftction. 1, sliuiilrl ofruurst! have likcl to get a pension; hut iu : tluTerore. liroughl it up in a series of Kesnlutiotia my opinion the present (ioveninipiu ollicials have i hi-lure ihc IIoii:-e, ami no* in Comuiittee of the Wlioli'. (Ii-awn very j^ootl pay for lioinj,' very little work, lor! IT I hail hatl llie least hope that it wonhi have ]>asHeii, lonj; eBnuj:h ; atiStill I shall vote for the members of the Imperial (lovernment; the Right clause, as I believe ibis to l*** the cheapest wa3' of (Ions. Kobert Lowe ami H. C. V.. Childers. I desire buying out the present ptisses^or-^, the virtual owners i to put it upon record that I vote for this clause with of the Colony. I think it ought to be pension.s or;a.s much pleasure us I support any clause of the compensation, but I will move no amendment. ! Uesolutions. Hon. Mu. IJOLHUOUK — I am prepared to support| Clause 6 was then read by tho Chairman, and this clause. It shows that (Ircat Uritain does not for-! passed as read. get her public servants. It is a good and proper The Hon. .VTTORN'KY GE.N'KR.VL proposed the clause, and a usual one. This is following out wli>»t adojilion of ('lanse 7 : — is done in every other nrili.>b Colony. 1 shall sup-. "7. The Dominion Government shall supply an jiort the chiuse ;" efTicient and regular fortniglitly l^leam Communica- Hon. Mu. \V(.M)n — t shall support this clause. Ii i" between Victoria and. San Francisco, by Steamer.^ slanils out iu strong contrast to the action of the Im- •' ailapted and givicg facilities for the conveyance of perial tJovernment, in their treatment of public olli- " passengers ami cargo." cors u|M)n tb-e occasion of another rnion. I am ghul i This tlause sjieaks for it.>i'If, and it is unnecessary lo see this ibnise inserted, as representing a principle . for me to say anything in .-iupiiort of it. that ought always to be recogni/.ed. | Hon. Ma. DtCOSMOS — I regard this paragraph of Hon. Hit. UKL.MCKKN — The Hon. Member for llie Resolution.^ as a make-weight, nothing more nor Victoria District is attributing motives again. If he less. It is a mistake lo make it one of the essential throws dirt cm others, he must expect to have it conditions. The time may come when wc don't want thrown buck on Uinjself, and it might as well be r^aiil this steam communication. The Railway may como that Hon. n-piesentative members who vo4,e for Con- to I'uget Sound, and then tliis clause will be uu- fcderalion, only voted for it flion. For in agitnting," lisliMent of communication across the Rockf *Jip qnestion. unless 1* rouhl hr proved inron- 1 " Mountaiin by ('oaih Road !ind Railwiiy. the Ib>- 14 TJir: (i()VK[;.\.\ii:NT (,.\/.ktti; kxthaohmnauv. ,li niilini'lbrVo vi.'ur< Ir.nii llii' itiilf iilltlif cun>iaiT;ilion ol llu- il.iu.-i- wilii .i ^ixmI acusi; of cuii.-irufi and (ipcii'lur tnillic such (:...n;h ilic iii.i-nitii.le_ (;(' \\n- »«rk whirii wi- |.rui)ii^c to tl.o from ^o^lC iioiiii •■ lulU.u "Roa.1 from -oiiio iioint i.n the lini> uf the ,M:iiii : UuviTumnii c.l that D.iiniiiion witli whidi wc propose "Trunk Uo.id of thi,('..loMv to Turl C.irrv. of .similar, to be eo.ifv.UTiiinl. .Mj' iiuml s'liiia .oiiitH li.it lo "chiiraelcrio the said Maiii Trunk Ito.i.l ; mid 4nill I shrink before the lonteinphitioii ol ii.s ijiii|,'niludc ; " further on(.'ii).'c 10 u.^e nil means in her i..i»er I.) aii.l it is only when the rellection li i,'ni.luall)- forced " complete .su.h RaiUv.iv eommmiiealion at tlie earli- ii|i.in nie, that llie union ran never be a realitj- until •'est practicable date, and that Surveys to deliMinine ilie liailiva)- is eonu.ieneed in our own territory, una '■the proper line for sueh U.lilw.iy .-hall be at once 'that it is neees.-ary. that 1 can brinj; iny-elf to believe '■commciii.ed; and that u sum of not less than One ; that it .-liouhl be .ione. That it is praeti. able is un- '• Million Dollars shall be c.\peu.led in every y.'ar. ,.leiiiable and needs no art'inueol. Iron all inforina- "from and after three years from the dale ofriiion. ! lion I have been able to obtain, and cniiparini; it wiiU '• in actually conslrniting the initial sections of sueli the .lilhtultie' whi.h have been overcome on the " Railway from the Seaboaid of liritish folunibi I, to raeilic line, I believe the pr )rl'on of cost ^of Ih '• connect with the Uailwny .system of Canada.' (proposed line of Itaiiw.vy fro. '...-.' I move this Resolution, Mr. t'hairinan, ns beiii}.' '.. practical bond of I'nion between the Dominion ni'l this Colouy. I leave it to otli.r members to disius- the details". I merely .-ay that tliree years is the tiiiii deemed necessary to niak.- pielimiiuiry surveys, an.l l.ro| Columbia t.i Ciiia.la to be not o...re tnuii : ..-thirds ofthecostof the line alrea.ly built from Culifornia across the .^ierra .Neva.la. There will of course be .liflicnltie- to overcome, which may iiiHiieucc the choice of the Ijest line of route. 1 Im li. ve we are jus- the expen.liture of a sum of i^l .o.iO.ij.Hj is the best tilie.l in askin;; for the con-lrnction ..f the Railway, practical guarauloe that llie work will be .lone. Tlieiand 1 am sati.-lied. I may say I know, thai there is ft lioiniiiion would not submit to tlie expenditure ol jjcreat desire on the part of th..-e now in power ia such an amount if Ihev did not intend to push the Canada to construct this Kailroii.l, an.l if it be in work forwani as quickly as po-sible. their power to do it, it will be d.me To go to the Hon. Ma. Uk('O.S.MOS— .Sir. 1 do not claim any hon-j terms : objections have been m.'.de to the time of our in conuection with the Resolution r.'spectinir the ; conmienccment. I wouM a.-k th.- House to con-ider Railway. I am perfectly willin;; to accord the prai-e!wliat an amount of pro-)icctini; ami survey will have that is due to the ori);iii'al..r of t'.iis .lause, but think 1 to be .lone beb.re any commencenieni .an pos-ibly be a portion of it a L'rcat mislake. I do not altogether , ma. le in the w. irk. I do not tliiuk that there is any like the way in which these Resolutions are got up. ' .lelay sii/geste 1 by fijing the time of three years. I I .lon't life" the preamble as to ■■ real union." In all : think it is the shortest time tha: could be named, thcie Govtniineiit Res. ilutions there is something ofj The proper line could har.lly be determined sooner. a"catthing" character: little lun.ks to catch the, We do n.'t pre-ume to siig.'e-t the scheme, or the pojiular vote. Material union can e.\ist without ! means. .My opinion is that the K.Vilway will be Imilt railniads. Look at the real union between this! by private entcrpri-e. un.l'-r a guarantee. As ;he Colony and tireat Britain. People who were here i'l j Imperial Government have -bown « de-ire to en on- \ijx< liiiiy recollect how safe they felt .luring the San ' rage Coafe.leration, I think we have a right to e.\;.ect Juan tliificulty. an.l subsequently during the Trent j that they will render some assi-tance in the building atfair. Thero was then a physic, tl uni.ju : we felt | of the Riiilway, especially after Lor. 1 (iranville's .les- that we should be protected by force if necessary. I .patch [Hear, hear.] I hoj.e that the C.inailian tJo- belicve that I was anioug-1 the tirst or -eeoud of tho^e verniuent will have the a.-aistanee of the Imperial who int>vnl in the matter of the traiiscohtinental government in carrying out this s.-henie. U will be 'oachroail. Rut whiUi on this subject I will take i .-.)me time before the s. heme can be developed, and occasion to do justice to the memory of the gentleman ' then at least two -eas..n.s must elapse, as an immense who proposerl the Overland Railway through Uriti-h amount of reconnoitering an.l surveying will be ne- Amcrica. It was .luring the a.lministratiou of Jsir 'cessary. Tlir.-e years is not too much. The Hon. Robert Pee', in 18H or isir.. that A. W. (io.lfrey. a | .\leml)er for Victoria i>i-tricl (Mr. DeCosinos) objects bookseller in Halifax-, a.llressed letters to .Sir Robert to the framing of this Re-.>lution as loo catching. I l'eel,abouta Railway from Halifax tD Vancouver ls-iihink his objection is unfounded. I believe that the land. Rreviou.-ly. Whitney had proi.ose.l his scheme benefits will be real and substantial. The reason that lor a Railroa.l from Te.\as to the r^.'ilic. O'.'..- worthy-so small a sum as $l,oo.j.o.W is asked for is that it is old citizen, .Mr. Wad. ling- i, has been .listinguished j only iuten.led to be an earnest, so to speak, on the i.lnoiig those who have taken at live measures in favor j part of the Dominion l.bnemment that the Raihvay of the Railway. Till Lord (iranville's despatch nr-i«-ill be made. I believe that the expen.lituie of rivcl. none of the r.iihvay agitators seeme.l to liave'$I.Ooi),000 upon thi- lir-t twentv miles will bring an made much headway. .\t the Conlereuce of Delegates] accession of from ri,ooO to lo.ooo to our population, from llritish .North America in Lon.b.n. an Overland j We have a right to ask that the Railway should be RSiilway was consblcre.l and desf-ribe.i as '■ a subject . oinm.-n.ed here. It is .lesirable that it should bo ■- of the highest imporlau.e. an.l one t.> be ].i-.iniole.l mole here. It will be foun.l that when once i>. is •- at the earliest stage that the linances of the couatry e.Jinnience.l here a nucleus of population will be '• noul.l admit o''." The jiropo-iiion before ns shows formed which will ad.l c.insiderably to the prosperity real a stride has been lua.le in this matter since | of the Colony. It has been argue.l that no proht can I have no wish to claim any honour or to .le-nri-e from the cs|ienditure of the vast amount of lue to others, but we must .capital that will be reuuircl lo buiM this Railway. II a year is not a R.vilway ' It will cost probably J-Jo.ooo.ijOn, an.l therefore is across the Rocky Mountains. I have, bow.ver. year not likely to be jiMlitable for years to come. We after year looked upon Railway eonimunication as the cannot, in mv opiiii.m. exi.<.'ct linv pe.uniarv return only means t.i settle up the interior of Hriii-h Colum-,f..r years. It" behoves the Dominfon (iovernment, if bia. I never coiil.l see how Uritish Columbia c.iul.l they desire the prosperilv of this |,ait ..f the empire, be settled up without a Railway to connc.t Kraser to .levelop the resources ol the estate which no are River with Kamloops I think. Sir. that a .lifterent lian. ling over. If ther value it as we do, an.l as we course ought to be pursu.-.l by the Uovernmeiit wit', bi lb. ve that thev .bi. 'thev will cn.leavour to realize the Dominion than that prop.. -e.l. Assuming that the, the a.lva.itages' at the ea-Ii -.i possible date. This Coach Road maybe open in three years, for I am j llailwav will .lo so. when 'ii is completwl acr.iss the ready to admit that pr..pojilion, when people settle Rocky Monntains. and in mv opinion not till then wo the country Irom Thompson River lo (Isooyos Lake shall have a po| ilatb.n. liefore conelioling. 1 desire the farmers must have the means of transpcrl for their to say Ihil it is inten.led, although it is not -o stated various pro.luctions. How- are they to get them out'.' in the t.rms. to give an assurance to the Dominion I maintain that the true course b.r the development llovernment that anr amount of bin.l whi.-h they of Ihc resources of the country is to make a line of think reasonable wiu'be given. This will be made a Railway from .-ome navigable spot on the Fraser t.i part ..f ihe scheme for the con-trnction of the Railway Lake hamloops. 1 claim for this that it mighl be re- if thought de-irable. gar.ledasa parto|->.i...,Tanscontiuental line, an.l in j 11. ,n. Ma. HCMl'irRKYS— Sir. I look upon this my opinu.n it would do more to buiM up llie country , clause as most important. I am .me of those who he- than anything else that could be couceiv.d. a.id I be.Jieve that ilore can It no real fonfederation without eve It to be thoroughly practicable. I, th. refore, a Railroad. Covernmenl ha- made a mi-take in jovea recomiuen.Ialion to His Kicellency that the naming the sum of Sl.ooo.oo.i to be espeiole.l on Ihe ousiruction ol a R.iihvay from sleamboat navigalUin Seabrar.l. There i. no necessitr lo put ihis in This an ihe l-raser Riv.t t.i Kaml.iops Lake be inserle.l in wonbl oiilv bring a Honing populatbrn. which we do he terms, instea.l ol cmmencing fr.ul the initial not want. 1 n.-ree with the II. m. Member f.ir Victoria Vir' r iilt'p'''r','i';tM;' "I'll'.v',-;!' ''■,'.'""■;""• , ; ':'*"i' > """ «"• « •il'-« onght to be commenced it> Uou. CHILI- C0M.\lls3lU.NLR-Bir. I approacblthe agricultural distri-.. of the Mainland, so »» to liow- K<>>7. tract from that whi.h i recollect that s^l.oijo, Doe lone THE GOVKIiNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. IS t-iMiiR-(jt U11.-111 wiiii iliL- head ul' tiaxigiiliuu uu lUu i' laser. llun. (.'IIIKF COMMI.S.SIONKU— Ittloi'Miot become ui, 1 tliiiiU, lu (llclaie in what way thu wurk shuiilil hu (tune, ur tu ilebvihu the iloLiil^ ut' the sche .ic i- Canada. I iVel i-uiitiileiit that if thi:^ |>hu) \h iv:>jl taken U|> it will Ite iIuik: iiuich more (luickly Ihaii if only $l,'HH),i>uo a )viiv were spent. ' think tbsil .-^t'Veral inilliiiiis a year will he e\])en will he ii>aik iu j ycar:^. lloii. Mu. UiX'OdMU.S— Wt'ut U the aeu'UoarUV Dues it mean liarchiy Sniinit 7 II. in. fillKK COMMIriaiUNKU—That is what we ha\e imrpoarly Iftt u[ien. The line may come down the valley u(" the I"ras*r, as in my tijunion will he he>t. ur it, inuy euiiiu through tu Itnte Inht or Henlinck Arm, We hiive |nir|to.sely g'-ueraliiied and left it I'ur those who nntlertake the wurk to determine tor Mieiii- f^elvei. it is not di <.rahle t'ur ns to criiiiip thi^j Keso- lutioti hy delitiin^ the locality lor tiie line or lerminns. The lion. Mu. RUli.St>N— Sir, 1 conceive that we have now come to tlie iiio^t vital part of the whole tichenie. I ipiite concur in the upinion that nu real uriiuu can take place without a iiailway. Uitl I be- cve th;it the theilanl Railway wt.nld nut he made, shu'ild he.-ilate very much about Conletleralion, he- cau.-^e 1 .-should h? apprehensive that thu whole scheme wuiild fall , pieces, i think that great haste must be used to build up an Kiitflisii speaking nation, alongside trict, we must carefully avoid com- mitling {Hir?elves to the route or terms of buihling. I think this m.iy he siil' Iv left in the hands of the iJominion Uuverument '1 is useless to argue that it IS of vital import'ince i.- m I*) have the best route. The Railway must puss ii n^h the Colony, and bene- fit the (.'oloii\ , no matter where the lemiinus. it must be in Hriti.-.h Cidunihia, and consefpieutly a beneiit to the whole Cohoiy. I r-iuinot see that it wouhl he butler to begin in the middle. I took u|ion it as an absolute necessity thai Ihu Railway shmld comniunee at the seaboard; inuving the m;Uerial is the great ex- pense that has to be contended again-t. and the ad- vantage uf being able to land the material and lay it ilown at once on the road, will be incalculablu. If tlie Railway were to be con.-tructed from u given point ten miles from the suaiioard, it would probably pay the contractors to build that piece of the liuf. I'nicss Hon. .Mcniburi can show us that the material can be brought to the line hy way of the Rocky Mountains, don't let U3 stultify onrsuvus liy asking them to be- gin in the middle." It is riylit that the work j-houhl be rouimeneud .-imultuneuusly on the Atlantic and TaciUc sides. I fan-y that, i.s a nmlter of pi)licy and economy, any company 'uidertaking the work w.iuld Fo commence, without U^ l-.nig numed in the terms, .18 it wonbl nndouhledly be more e- o'loinical to carry on the work Ity sea lorin the westward iu British Culurnbia, and by land fr.im the Ka^t. A;* for the amount nitnied in the conditions, a^ I have said, 1 look upon it us u tungihlu usaurauce to the people that the tbinK will be done, rather than ns the specllic I si at emeu t ot 41 sum with the expeiidilur' of which this Colony will ()e Siiti.-iiied. I have some doubts about 'the clai so re(piiring the Uomiiiiun (Jovernment to jmake u Coach Road. The age for Coach Roads hag lalmo-t passed away. Such a road would not meet 'the requirements uf the present day. I would prefer removing this condition, and reijuire the work to ho commenced within iwo years, or seek compensatioa in rome other way as an ei(nivulent for ttie supposed advantage of the road. The sooner wo do our liltlo pari towards convincing thu Dominion Government that this is nuies>ary, the better. Nut itnly id the Railway a natittna' necessity for the Dominion, but for every iraciional part of Itritish North America. Thu lion. Mil. lIKhMCKKN— 1 reiterate that Con- federation means terms. What feeling now exists ia favor of (.'onfederalion, has been brought about by the assertion that Canada will do certain things for the Colony, amongst others, that she will build a Rail- way. It the peo[ile are deceived iu this matter; if ('anada doe.s not accede to this portion of the con- ditions, she need noi t^.^k the people of tbi-s Colony to be united. I w ould a.-k the people to Iniiid themselves together to demand that these teriud ehall be verified, and I hope they will take that stand. And 1 will ask t that the proiuL-jcs made by thu Dominion GovcrunieDt I will be strictly performed. ["Hear, hear," Irum Mr. j UeCosnios and Mr. Wood] This Colony would bo jjust as much isolated as ever after a paper uuiod, jwithrmt a Railway as one of the conditions. I nc- jknowU.!gu that we might have such a union as exists ,wilh Kiigland now, with a Railway. We are a Colony 'of Kiigland, and I don't know that many people object Itobeiiiga Colony of Knghind ; hut 1 say that very inany would object to becoming a Colony of Canada. ■ As a Co'.ony of lingland we have thc^right to legislate I for ourselves, if wo becinnu a Colony uf Canada, that ' power is taken away. ["No, no," from Mr. DeCosmos.l [Hun. .^Ir. Kobson, it will give us more power.] I i s;iy that the power of reg.ihuing our own commerce j is taken away, and the only power left to us is that |of raising taxes for Municipal purposes. That is the dilfcrence helwuen being a Colony of Canada, and a : Colony of Knghiinl. The distunee is so great belweea j this Colony and Ottawa without any Railway and I without any Telegraphic conimunicaiion, that lawa niight be passed there, which would ruin British Columbia, without our having any notice of them. I ^do not consider thai Canada expects or intends to at- : tempt to luako this Railway a paying institution of litselt'. There are a great many institutions in this C( lony, which are not paying institutions. Canada takes the view that the Railway is necessary to com- plete the British lino of communication between ' Knghind and her Asiatic possessions, in order that the ; Knglish people may share in the carrying trade to China and the Kast Indies, with our American neigh- bours. Canaiia expects to intluenco Great Britaia i to guarantee the loan for the formation of the Rail- iway. Great Britain may guarantee the loan for the purpose of having a dieck on the American hue of Railway, but she would never guarantee it for Can- adian puri>o3es (uily. Tliu puople of Knghind would cot tolerate il. I consider this an essential condition. Without it Conteduration must not take place. Tbig is one of those things which ^ill be a vast bun^dit to i tills Colony and to Cmiada, and therefore I regard it .as a necessary cun'iition. Why should this Colo v ijoin CanadaVxeept tor the beiudit of both? We should ite itutter oH" without Canada if we have no Railway, I say that this Colony had be'.ter stand alone tb ui risk everything, without a Railway. What benefit can Canada expect fro.n Confederation with British Culurnbia without a Railway? Is she afraid of British ('oliimbii; being handed ovcrto America? IfCanada thinks she can hidd Canada for her own purposes, and use it wlien she jileases, and take her own time to do what she likes with it. >ho is mistaken. The .Railway has been made a lever for Coofedcration, by I'anada. I ask that Canada he now made to promise faithfully that a Railway shall be made. With regard to the expenditure of ."?l, 000, 000, there should be a forleit often per cent, payable to this Colony, if it is 'not spent. 1 am not so much afraid about the Can- i adian Government not carrying out the terms, as I am of our own pUitpie. I lielievo that there is moro danger frmn our own people than from the (.'anadian (iovei ninent. British Columbia may cheat herself, and il is our duty, man for man. to take care that we don't cheat this CoUmy, that wu don't in fact cheat iourstuves. I think thai the Coach Road may be use- ful, it will take some time to build a Railroad, and it wilt be necessary to have communication. The le TlIK UOVEHNMENT GAZETTK EXTKAOKDl.NAKY. roaj mieht l.c- u<.M t\ir Immipmiiun purpo^v?, .iii.l tinu' l.vl',.ru ,„iiii,-tii»n hy nul wall Hi.' ( iinnJuin for .Irlv.nciiitiU'. I.iii will bi- or no uh- cuuiincrn;illy ; It^.ilw.iy sv^lrm c.in n.ko pliu-e. I n-vrr iiphuvcd th.' such an i.lfsi wouM hive suiud people who lived Canii.li;iiHioveriiiiient wouM eonlnwt u deln tor this some veur* .i.-o. Spo.ikint' of Cmmeroe in which purpose iii ihe present. '1 hey are iilreii.ly in my the lluminion is to tike pirt. I do not invself believe uininn. U..< deeply in debt nnd are tn.v'U too high to tbii Ihe A^i.itic iraitie will oome this wav ; but stillallow them lo do so. .\crordinK to my calculation, weniu«t not b^esiL-htofthe ideathalit'mayeventu- it will cost .^ir.o.onO.iiiJO to coiiipUte the Hnilway ally be parli.Uly diverlid to this route. These Iteso- Ironi this Cob.ny to Montreal. lutions do not alford pnctieally any immedute benefit. Ion .Mii.HDl.HHliiiK— You mean to the head of the r"Heir hear " froni Mr. Dci.'o^mos.l li'ilie CclonT ' water communication of Lake .-inperior? ■■--.-.- -. ,...-:... 1 -. .1 Hon, Mb. I>KClJf'.M(t.S— No ! that Rets frozen np and wtfl unite. 1 to the I»ominiou to-iu >rrow. there would be no irara.-diaie bouelit to result even from the cannot be utilised lor several month." in the year. It Railwav. This is one of the points ou which the mu.t go to Montreal, on the north 3ide of Lakes .Su- people 'mav be deceived, if thev imajine that with perior and Huron. !t will cost :;iiJ0,0UQ.OiW to con- Coufederai'ion will come imme line prosperilv, I struct it to l.ake .Superior from Victoria. Now a 4 per shall be clad if aiivone will point out how it 'is to cent guarantee on *100,iioo,iioO will require Cannd* come. If it were mile inland it mi^'htb" more bene- to impose additional la.iution of 4,o0o.000 a year, ticial to agricultural interests in a short snace of lime. Then you must remember that the wear and tear of than if rommenccd on the sea coast. Public works the Itailway would not be met by the returns. Besides in this I'i'louv sh...iild help to develop the resources, that, there are the running expenses lo he provided f.r. and one Ihiui should be made to work with another. The I'nited Hiates trans-continental Itailway only so as to he rouluallv bcnefici.vl. each shinbl be for piys from the way stations in the populous districts the beuclil of the whole, and the whole for the benelit ihroui,'h which it jiasses : we should have none, e.T- ofe.ich. .Suiipose a P.iilwiy were commence I to- cepi a few people at the Ited River and in British Col- morrow ai Kraser liivcr. Iloiv inucii benelit would it uuibia. \ 4 per cent (tuarantee would be adding ono be.' It nii.'ht bo some, but if these piildic works were third to the annual taxation of the Dominion. Then made subservient to ilie interests of soitling up the for the portion of Uailway they will have to make Colouv. Ihev would be more likely to be beneficial. from the West end of Lake ."Superior to Montreal, Hoii. Mb.'c.\UI!.VI,I,— Sir. 1 have only a few words there would he required S50.ooo more at (our per to siv. and have uo iiitcnlion of detainiiii the House cent. To meet these sums, therefore, there would at this late hour, bit 1 must be allowed to express have to be raised an annual sum of lf('.,nuo.000 by the satisfaction which 1 feel in idiserviug a change in Canada, in other words they would h.ive to add the sentiments of the Hon. .Member for Victoria City, nearly fifty per cent, to the present taxation of Canada. 1 Mr. Helm. ken. a ch.mge which which does honour I'o ycoi think, ."-ir, they will ever r Iinperi.il rcas,,us. intends to undertake boat and partly by Uailway. but for several months the construction of this R.iilw.iy. ,\s for the length of in the winter the water portion of the route would be lime allowed d-r the comnienceuient. 1 think it could dosed up. ll the temper of this House and the tfin- not be well less than three years. I believe with the per of the Goverument. I do not expect this Resolu* Hon. Chief Coiuniissioner. that the work will be nn- lionofcjine to go up lo the (ioveriimeut. Now, I dertsii.en by a priv.ite company, under guarantee, if want to utilise our money, and to utilise our time. 1 so. it would lie hampering the Governnuiit of the Do- estimate that a Railway from Fraser River *o Kani- ininion to make them commence e.irlier. !t might iv ops would cort $50.oOO a mile. According to the compel them to close with parties, not in all respects plan of ilie Chief Commissioner, with Ihe expenditure eligible. It would put them in a false position. If of only Sl.uOu.ooo a year, at Ihe end of five years, if the Colony had charge of her own Crown lanils. there we started at Iturrard Inlet, we should get to Vale should be a power given to Canada to prouise Crown only, for which the water commiiniciliou at present lands, ia connection with the c-'ustrncti-'u of the exi.ting would suilice. and consequcntlv that time Uailway. I regret that this has not been pnt in the would be lost. Possibly, it might be opened to the Ue.solutions. but no doubt the omission can he reme- Rocky Mountains in ten years, if begun at New Wesi- died heieafter. minster as this s leme proposes. It is our duty to t.>ii Ihe motion of llou. Mr. Drake, the Committee ooen up the interior couutrv — t'so^oos, (Ikanagan, , reported the passing of clauses .'i. i>. and T. and Kaniluops, Similkameen. and' other districts. Bring o'clock, the ITlh. the interior into comniunication with the .Seaboard, that would settle up the best portion of the interior, provi.le an outlet for produce, and keep the money that is now sent abroad, within our on a borders. The trtjvernmeni plan will injure, if not delay, the devel- opment of the country. I have no hope that rav re- commendation will pass, but still I shall have' the satisfaction of feeling that I have done mv duty. , „ Hon- -Ma. IkiLRliboK— S;ir. I rise lo support the »^o statements made by the itovernment. this Railway recommendation of the Hon. Member for Victoria Dis- is not likely to be coinidcted in so -hort a period as'l trict iMr. DeCosmos.i I quite agree with that Hon. had hoped. Tke Indehnite nature of the ci.mse is nn- gentleman that a lUilwav startiiu- from the head of saiisfaciorr. It contemplates nothing more than the .Steam-boat na\ igation. would be" m ire useful than expenditure of $1.11,0.010 per annum, which would any other. If we have a Company spending $1 ono 000 no doul.t be agn-nt boon, and would stimulate vari- a year in buiMiui a Railwav wiiich will open up the ous branches of industry, hut that is almost all that farmine disTicis. we shall'he able to raise cereals can be .aid ot it. The wav that it has been put to the and compete wiih our American neighbours and by LoUuy heretofore, was tuat the Caa<>dian tiovera- comnwncing at the head of navigaiion wesfi.,!! rea'n iiient would constriKt the road. It now lurns out fro,, Ihe advuniage in oiir lifetime. It will derelone the the sLlteKents of the Hon. Chief Commissioner of Mainland. Agricultural land would be turned into Lands and Works.that in all i.robability the Canadian profitabie use. and the Mining section from Big Bend (.overomei.twi.lgetsotii.Mriyate company to carry to Kooienay. which contains ( believe, most valuable cuttheworkiai.ahradds.- thai wera.iy getagua- mines of goLl and silver. wiU he opened un. If the n»ntee with grant! oi und. m aid ol the undertaking, recommendation oi the Hon. Member is ndoided, we „ri'h"' .'"""'? 7 ■"' "•'. '"'m" "'■"'"' '''"Jl ""J «l""^si immediate benefit from the opening not to bring torward the question ol the Riilway in up of the Inland Trade. It will b^ng us popu ation, connection with t onlederation. The London Cnfer- and will buiM up Ibis Cilv and New \VestBiinster, and i; *,j:Ara &x unt- »: iastint. Report adopted, aiil ^:Uu.-es 5. 6. and 7, passed. TouKSDAY, Kin March. l?:o. Hon. Mr-PkCosmus— Mr. rhairraan. Jumping from THE OOVERNMKNT CAZKTTE KXTRAORDINAUY. 17 Hull. Mit. RING — riir, I ibuii^ht w« Htre ilisru.-sinjf '} t'-lcniu} , so iliriiincilji-, tliul tlic (hie Million u ^cur the necertsity of a Uiuhvuy, bui 1 did nut conic pru* i^ uut neurl}' tlu- ^uni which will have to bo ^pcut ; pared to dincu^!! oiigincerin^; (luestiuns ad to ronte, it the unioutit .staled is only intended Lo serve as a id Wii^tin^ wordft tu discu.s.s the topo^faphy. That. K>t'>rarilee ui' .in eaniesi that the wurk will be dune, mii8t be decided by competent surveyotn. Uiir bu.si-| II' we had said uiake it iu so many yeui'd time, thoy ncss, fts it appears to me, is to insi.>t npon havinj^ a j could not have acceded to it. Certainly in three years Ihron^h Kailw.iy. And it is hif^hty desiruljlu that thcl tunc the I>i:4trict (.Mr. DcCosmos,) s(-em.H to ar^ue that we in< opinion [^ol'h, I .should say thai the Canadian Govern- ment will deterniiue the basis of the scheme on enKiueeriug consid';rationd of tho port best suited for pouring; in supplies, and tor the cheapest conslruclion serled it lu order to secure the advantages which: of the road. I>u not let us hamper so great a scheuio would accrue to .»ipecial localities from w.iy Irallii Uut I can assure the House that thu Kxecutive Council entertained no Huch idea iu adjusting the details of this great scheme ; they have endeavoured to secure the utmo-st advantages to the whole Colony. Vou will observe, Sir, that the clause is must general in it.; terms, and it was purposely made so. it does not at- tempt to deliuu the line the road should take ; it may have a terminus, as 1 distinctly stated before, at any jilacc on the coast most convenient — at Hentinck Arm. JJute Inlet, or Hurrard lulct, or even by crossing the Fiords between Vancouver Island anil the Mainland, it may come to Victoria or Ks<|uinia]t. These details must be left to the parlies constructing the line. The Executive Council have avoided alt through all sectional and local considerations. I stated yester- day, and I repeat it again, tluit I hoped the fiailway would follow down the valley of the Fraser iliver to the seaboard ; but the iioverument have purposely avoided any deliuitiou of auy particular line, and have made it as geueral as possilile. I also said that I did not think that the Dominion Gaverument would make thu line ; and I said so because 1 am well aware that this is not the way in which great works of this character are generally undertaken in these times. I believe that a private company with the assistance of tlie Douiinioti (lovernmciu, and I hope the Imperial (ioverumei'.t also, will construct, the line. Kut this is merely surmise. ' know no more of my own actual kuuwledge than other Members round this board. Mut 1 come to this conclusion because I know that it is not considered feasible for (ioveriuncnts to undertake Kuch works. It has Iteeu found to be a gi^tit mistake. Then why discuss the suggestions of the Hon. Member y such minute details ; let us leave it for those who have to eunstrnct tlie line to select their own route. Hon. Mu. UUliSUN— The Hon. the Chief Commi?- sioner has left very little for me to say npon this clause, but lliere is one point to which I would direct attention. The Hon. .Member for Victoria District has not sullicienlly considered, it seems to me, how tho nniterial for the construction ofthe Railway would be most easily moved to tho lino from the sea coa.st. H'the road is to be commenced at Vale, all tho vast material and rolling stuck would have to be shipped from the port in snnill steamers np the Fraser Kiver, to a point at which the line, according to the Hon. Member's' scheme, would start. The extra expense would be ruinous, and besidc^i it must be remembered that during a considerable jiortiou of tho year tho navigation ofthe river is closed lo steamers, and not only ia Ibis the case, but these buals cannot take np tho engines and cars, but can ouly carry on the ordinary traliic when the population increases. No, tho real, the only proper course will be to coiunience to lay the track from the ship^ to where the material will have to be laid. That alone puts out of the ((uestion tho comumncemenl of any initial section at Vale, or any- where else tlian on the sea-board. Hon. Mh. DUAKK — Mr. Chairman, I am glnd to hear from Hon. Members that this clause is the pivot of iho whide sihcme. I hope it will now bo well understood liiat the Kaihvay is the condition in Hon. .Memljcrs' minds upon which Confederation or no Con- federation hang-. I hoi)e that this will be remeniberej hereafter. This Uailway is a gigantic undertaking. I look upon it as nearly impracticable. I believe this Itailway will cost more than the whole ilebt of Canada. IS, [•■Hear, hear," from Hons. DeCosmos and Itobson.] IS- The Goverument tells us that this Uaihvav is to be a fur constructing a Uailway from Vale to Kaniloops or try to hx details which the spirit of tlie whole res olution avoids, when we don't even say the line shall U*/jf yi/** /(««. ['-.No, ' Dr. Hehncken.] Why my col- pass Vale or Kamloops at aH? It is a vast uuderlak-'lcaguc, the Hon. .Member fur Victoria, who isa Frivy tug, and if undertaken at all, it will not be witli a .Councillor, says no. view to proht, but with a view tu the future, and as j Hon. Du. HKLMCKE.V — The Goverument does not part ofthe great respousibility ofthe Canadian (iuv-;say so, 1 say so. orniueut lu contracting alliance with this Country.! Hon. Mn. DUAKK — Well certain Hon. Members say The ^treuHous desire of tiie Canadian (iovcrnmeui is sio. Now this is what will happen : Canada will agree lo make .such a line. I think they are able to do il,ito a Railway tu git v,'oufederation, and Confederation untl we know for certain tttat they will do it if tliey can. I do not agree with the Hon. .Member for Vic- toria Cily (Dr. Helnicken.l that Confederation means a Railaay ; the (iovci'ument do nut say that there shall be no Confederation without a Railway. Hon. Da. HKL.MCKKN — No that is luy opinion, and takes place, t'auadiaa olHcials rule here and Canadian laws prevail. Three years elapse and Canada may liud it inconvenient or imposslblo to carry out the Railway. I say that wo reijuire a guarantee for tho making of the Uailway. On (.'ouli leration how can we uiforce this condition. This •' thculty underlies 1 do not put it forward as the opinion ofthe Govern- 'the whole scheme. I ask hov.- we ar,' to get out of it, inent jguaid against it. or snrtnount it? heave the Coufed- llon. CIIIKF COMMIS.-^lDNKR— I am glad lo have jeration? That mi".us rcb'.dliou, which is not to be that set right. The Goverument believe that the|tlmughl of by auy law-loving persons. 'We can't Railway will be made, but they do not make it a jfi/ie| (I'.at oursehes out when once in, then we are bound y«« won, but if ou a calm view ofthe whole subject in |hand and foctt from now to eternity. There should negotiating with Canada, it is founil impracticable fur be a a penalty of .^."lO.fMto for every year in which Canada to commeuce to make the Uailway at once, Cainida fails to expend the Hue .Million, then 1 see alternative terms, which will not only suit! Hon. ATTGUNHV GKNKUAL — How do yon pro- (.'anada but tho people of this Colony, who you must , pose to secure ihe S.'.o.ijoo? remember will have to pass upon ihern w lieu they! Hon Mu. DUAKK— Uy Imperial guarantee, comeback from Canada. It has been staled lue; An llou. MKMHKU — How would tlio guarantee of public miud is impressed with the idea that the in-, the Proident of the I'nil.'d Siutes do .' [Laughter. [ sertion of so paltry a sum as $l,i)i)o,i)uo. will lead to; Hon. Mu. DUAKK— I shrtll lie quite salisiied if tho the postponement oflheeompletion of the Railway for President ot' the I'niled .Stutes imlorses the Hill fifty years. lean assure them il is a fallaey. Why. '[laughter.] Kiiusider the Railway the primary and iSir' as well |iut by the Hon. .Member for New West-csseniial conditioa of Confederation and I think minster yesterday, common sense shows Ihai it would that Canada i> too poor to guarantee sneh a work as bo against the interest ofthe parties making ihe line j this. t=he hatl tu go lo the Imperial liovcrnnienl to to prolong the work over a numi»er of years. It can | guarantee the payment ofthe i^iOO.otio to buyout only Ue yaroied on iiuickly to secure any real profit. iCtinadiau interests in the Ued River tJeitlements, and I at^aia rt^ieat what ihe Governmrut Members stated 1 1 maiutaiu that we Mre on the right courso to ask for 18 TilK CiOVKKNMKNT tiAZKTTIi KXTRAOUDINAJIY, im lini"ii.ii ■■mr,\uu-c muw. WIkm wi- (.-.Ji iiitu ("ii-isii f.ir iis »c know, IuvoumIjU' 1.. lliis si-hcuif. Hut, ■ ■ uuKflM'-. li' C'liiiiulii isjwiibiMii im|uitni(,' iiiuiivi's, it must hv iiiliiiiitpil tlim lUii.ni'O 11 vi[ir, i\* ii is vi-ry pii"ilp|" llinl B (jiruxliiiii Miiiinlr}' some to licr to' IlirowMbrei; or liinr vi-iirf lic'iu:i\ possibly of Ihu iinti-L'on- rvtlerituon we citiiiuil lii-lii unul.lt or uuwilliuj! to [mf/ thf Jl siion lis It "I'l'i' ni'Cessiiry uvir ilic-' lonilitiuiis, (ivtr Ibcy will be tbrown. Uup lion. MiMnbiT tells us Ibiit (.'iinuilinn stntesmen iire ■ men of unbounile.l iinil.iliun. ' Now men of no ri'cleriue purtyl or ■ obi upon tbe siibjc'cl of Confedcr- ntion, wben jiressc 1 by i-ireumstiuices, mny be ilisiii- elineil to earrv out llie terms, iinil witli perfect con- bminileil iimbitiun will not .-cropb- lit iinylbinj.' to ' sislency of iiolilieiil eomluet, ilcsire to obt lin relief L-ain tbeir ends; thiit i.-^ nil tliev look to." Iniil n from eiirryint; Ibein out, nml tlieir lirsl effort would L'uuninlee is obtiiined i sliull oppo'sc tins llesoliil .!be to (.-el ii vote of tbe I'rovineiul l,e(riiiliituro to rt- 1 lion t cure wlietber it is tbe (■niiriiniee of llie I'resi- 1 lieve tbrm from tbe buitben. In tlie event of Con- dent of tbe I'niled Stutes oi- in, y oilier tbut will do. 'fedcrution, I sboiild eonsider tbis eouiitry n Colony Hon. Mil. IIUIIISII.S — 1 biive li-ieiied witb probiiiiid'of Ciiniiilii. [Hon. Mr. Dcl'osunis— 'No, iin integriil u-ljiiisbnient to tbe reumrUs of tbe lion. Memlier wlio ; |mrl of it."] I siiy a (.'iinudiiin Colony, beciiuse, a» bus just inl down, upon Ciimulii iind Ciinioliiin suites- [ lieliive, neitber Kc.-ponsilile llovernnient nor full men. 1 ^bllll not condescend to ri'ply to tbe iisper- sions. Ciimidn ciin support berself n|,!llin^t nil tbis kind of tbiiig. Slic i." Ki'eiil enous,'b to do so. Sucb Itepresentiitive Institutions iire to bt j;riinted under Confcdeniliou ; nl nil events tbeynre not included in tbesc terms. And under sueb u constitution m wo nttucks Clin only come Irom tliose wbo know uotb:ng| liiive now, tbe t'llniidiiiu (lovernment could cnsily get nbout tbosc wboni Ibey iniilii,'!!. I inn n Ciinndiun, in vote of tbis I-egisliitore to eunrel tbe terms. I ro- und iim proud of beini; one. but in tbis mutter of miikinf; terms of union, 1 .-bull be iis cviictini; ii» uiiy reiisomible .Member of Ibis Council ciin be. I would biiveiilltbe conditions well understood, nnd would buve Ibeni put in blnck iind wbile, but I would nsk no cndorrcnu'iit frutn iiny otber source. Wben tbis ngreement is completed between l!riti.-li Columliiii nnd Cunndii we slnill biive tbe Ije.-l po<-ilde of gmiriintees. We sbilll buve llie jriiiiiiintcc of tbe Impcriiil Govern- ment, nnd of Her .Miijesiy ibe Queen, from lirsl to liisl. We sbiill buve ibe endorsement of tbe Queen's I'rocliiinntion, wliicb lies lit tbe root of tbese condi- tions. Can we bine or desire better security? [Hear, bear, frioii .Mr. Trutcb.] Hon. .Members siiy we can- not gel out, nnd tbat Ciimida may repudiate. I siiy noibing of ibe kind. Camula would never be allowed by llie Imperial (iovernmen* to coerce tbis Colony to remain in Confederation for llie Itillilment of one side of n contract of partuersbip, tbe terms of wbieli Can- ada berself bag trodden underfool. To entertain sncli a supposition is, if I may be allowed tbe expression, an outrage on common sense loo absurd to be for a luonunt seriously entcrlnined. Would tbe Imperial tjoveriimenl stand l.y anil Icl Canada send a force of soldiers to compel liritisb Columbia to remain in Conl'ederiltion under sucb circum.-tances, Tbe Cana- dian Government never broke faitb vet, and tbe Im- jiorial Government never broke faitb yet, and both are pledged to the fulfilment of tbis condition. Canada lias bitberto gone in advance of bcr word. Tbe dis- trustful views of tbe Hon. junior .Member for \'ictoria (Mr. Drake) are so manifestly unjust Ibiil, as it is im- possilile iliat tbey can arise from ignorance, I may piidiate chronic opposition, but I consider it to be my duty to oppose tbe course tbat is being taken by soiue Hon. .Nlembers here, i believe there are some lion. Members of this Jlonsc who desire Conl'ederalioti on any or wilboul nnyi terms. ['Name, name," from lions. Ciirrall and Kobson ; ".No, no," from .Mr. De- Cosmos.] The very gentlemen wbo speak, if I may judge from tbeir vote.^. [.No, no.] If I was in favour of Confederation at all, it I did not think tbat reaetioo would follow, if 1 thought tbat l,ord (iranville's argu- ment was sound, I should say " Let us be confeder- ated at once." Tbis brings me to a dilfereuee of opinion tbat exists. Some of us consider tbe Kaihvaj a necessary point in the terms. Many of us, ineludin); Lord (iranville, consider it essential. Tbe Ilou. Chief Commissioner says it is not essential. Hon. CHIKK CUMMISSIONEK— I never said the Kailwiiy was not essential. Hou.'Mk. WOOU— I understood the Hon. Member to say tbat Government did not consider it essential. 1 fear that it is delusive to hope that the Imperial Government would given guarantee for tbis Uiiilway, Tbey could only do so on Military grounds ; but I nto convinced they would never guarantee three thousand miles of an exposed line of Railway within a few miles of the lerritoriai boundary, a thing vThich courts assanU and would be so perilous to maintain. Seeing tbat it could be cut in two in n hundred places by hostile forces from the United Slates, it requires little retlection to see that Colonial undertakings are seldom gnaraniccd now. Canada's interest in tbe Kailway, on the other hand, is purely commercial. For sucb a Hallway to pay, it must pass through be pardoned for attributing tbem to wilfulness, to ajpopulons districts — places like Omaha and tbe Cnited rabid sense of opposition, and a cbronic feeling of distrust. To ask the President of the United Stales to endorse a scheme which emanates from tbe Impe- rial Government I look upon as a monstrous ill-limed joke, against which reason and argument are power, less. I cannot — we cannot — discuss it. Now, to go to tbe ways and means. Why, Sir, it is well known tbat Canada is rich. Does tbe Hon. .Member know that Ontario and Quebec have $-1,000,000 lying idle at Ibis moment, carrying low interest. There is States' towns. It is monstrous to suppose tbat Kng- lanp would supply the capital for such a scheme. No capitalists in tlie world would advance their mo- ney for such an undertaking. The matter has been talked threadbare in tbe public prints. It is out of the nucstion to suppose tbat there would be any material trade in bulky goods tbis way. [Hear, hear, hear, bear.] Canada, finding the thing dillieult, will re- fuse tlie terms. ["No, no," from l)r. Carrall.] I say the money will not be spent. I back my knowledge plenty of capital in Canada at this moment to build of the world nnd experience of men and things against the Pacific liailway. Tbe reason why Canada uses |lbe "No. no ' of the l.'on. Member, and I believe the tbe Imperial guarantee for the JCHOO.OOO is tbis. Shelrcsult will be that tbe "anailian (jovcrnment will rc- can itorrow cbeiiper through the Imperial Government; fuse this item, and in refusing will say " We do the Willi their guarantee, than wilbont it. Canada fre-jbest we can ; it is our interest to do tne thing, but it quently borrows money for public works. Itpaysjis im|iossilile to get tbe guarantee through I'arlia- her to do so. It is simiily a beneficial financial oper- inent." I believe tbe Canadian slatesmen who have utioii. jtbe conduct of Ibis matter will say to our Delegates, Hon. Mu. DUAKK— I rise for the purpose of e.x-jor to His Kxcellency •■ Don t you think you can do plaining that 1 make no rcllcctiong upon Canadian ; wilboul this Railway ; you must lake our desire to slalesmen, liut I treat this solely as a matter of bnsi-:do it for the deed itself. Rye and bye, perhaps, it ■■ ' ■' ■' " ' ■■" ' '"" ' tan be accomplished, and by no means so elfectuaily ness, and as in other ordinary business I prefer hav- ing an endorsed note to a simple obligation In the l-t5lb section of tbi^ Hrilish .North America Act, an Imperial guarantee for a loan of three millions ster- ling for a Railway is specified. I liiiuk we are justi- fied in making a similar request. Mine is a business condition. I am willing to trust (.'iinada, but I say we are entitled to ask for an endorser. Tbe lion, ilember's remurks liave not disturlied my position. Hon. .^Iu. WOOD — I am obliged, Sir, in the few re- marks that I intend to offer to treat of all llie nmend-iColony at tbe present time, so small is the popula- mcnts and suggestions together. To my mind this tion, lind the mass of tbe people are doing so badly. as by becoming a part of our Dominion." And so ft quiet go by will be given to the Railway, and the terms will come back again shorn of this item. If, as the Hon. Chief Commissioner says, these terms are to come before the people— mind I'say the people alone,— 1 believe there is a feeling that Confederation is a movement which promises something, nnd this feeling will lead to Ihese terms being passed. So weak ■-■ ommercial and agricultural interests in this condition whidi requires the eonstruetion of Ibe Overland Railway is one of the most important of all the terms. \ great deal has been said about the in- Cfirruptibility of Caimdian statesmen. .No doubt Canadian slale.-men are very like all others. Canada 'Bcirs' thwugfa her mtoitjiere. Those now in' power itre; and are so dissatislled that, in my opinion, they will vote for anything that will ■give change and a chanco of bettering Ibemselves. I intend. Sir, to move an amendment, with the view of making this Railway a test question :— " That without a substantial guaran- tee for on Overland fl»ilw»y;.eo«ft!der»l4»n8bonia b« THK OOVEItNMENT GAZKTTE KXTRAORmNARY. 19 rfjfi'tfd by lilt' Dt'loKPUcj frt>m Ihis C.iloriy." Il is nlivioiH tbiit thU iiuitioci will lit' (It-rfultit, tint I uui i|i>.4irtiiH tu tt'Ht till* o)iiniuri.i uf llic rt'prcHiMitutlvv uuMiilHTii of ttiii Cuiincil uii Ml timtrrltil ii point t\» tliid The linn. (?liit'f (_'umiiii»:^ioiiL>r says : tliiittliCHc term* nn; to lie tleciileil, cviMituully, 1>) tliu rfprcsofi. tiilivi! riifiuhfrs lilotii', of t-oursi! without the otHciai vole. Ami hurt' [ iiiiiy ii.-tk, ure thfoflU-inl incinhLTM, in the fvt'iit uf its uttimnte inHt:iusion, to retire from the Council, iuhI leiive the t)uestiou tu th<^ ifprc-Jeu- tiitivi* niemherri ulone? If we nru Ht for lU'iirei^eutft' live In»tiliiliohH, why nut give them to ui nowV lliivinft promised the ('oluny terms, I think the Kx- eculive tire ht)und to present torniH which are ^uod, iti the Heiise uf heiri^ prudui'tive of pcrnmnent ^^loil and quiet enjoyment. I cannot forbear to say that in phice of tenuD siiuply providing forperuiilary heni-ht, I .should have preferred to huve seen in-^erlcd l.'onati- ttitional powerii, and {tower uf self-go vcriiinent. ("Hear, hptir," frum Mun»i. Dc<*Ojuntry occupied too high a place in the roll of Kngland's Colonies to be attected by such conduct. The jiosi- tion of Canada is so great, beyond cavil and dispute, as not to require any defender in this Council. Such remarks only recoil upon those who make them; the Versatility uf spleen displayed by the Hon. gentleman who has just sat down, only shows the bitterness of the niiud that cunceived the remarks. The question now before us is as to Clause H, and upon the dis- cu.ssion of this claui^u another question has arisen, ur rather has been dragged in, namely, that of the! ability of Canada to fulfil the conditions of this pur- ticult>r diiuse, and it Is said that this is to bu made a test question. With regard to the idea of any future Canadian .Ministry repudiating this condition, I wish.j Mr. Chairman, to refer you to Knglish history, and to. ask whether you have ever known an instance tifan incoming Ministry, whether Whig. Radical, or Tory,' repudiating the plighted troth of their predecessors: in office. Such a thing is never dune to my know-' ledge, and so far as my experience of history goes, never has been done. [" Hear, hear," from Hon. At- torney General]. I have yet to learn an instance where a loan guaranteed, or anything else undertaken by any Government, has been repudiated by an in- coming Ministry. We might just as well sujipo.se that the guarantee for the loan for the Inter-colonial Railway might be withdrawn by Gladstone, because il was given by the late Ministry, as that any ^future party in Canada might entertain the idea of going back from the promises of the present Government.; History forbids such an idea. The Hon. and learned i Member for Victoria (Mr. Drake) says be wants a| guarantee. Well let him want '\l. lam perfectly i willing that he should want it. For my part, I look upon the Queen's proclamation as the guarantee which will make the whole thing inviolable. I point to the fact, that every compact entered into with the Maritime Provinces is being fulfilled. Can anyone point to any act of repudiation? N'o, Sir, Canada has gone beyoud her promises. I repudiate, on behalf of myself and others, the assertion that any member of the confederate party has stated that he would accept Confederation without conditions. 1 never beard the Hon. Member for Victoria District, or the Hon. Member for New Westminster, who have taken a prominent part io this great question, make any *oi))i BtolMB«Bt. Itov* tM bODonr oftMiDg one of tin- Kxeculive t'ouncil wliu framed thcso Resolutiuns, and 1 believe the terms will bo acceptabto tu a largt) uiHJorlly of the people. Thnoo who say that thero cati be no Cuion wiiliuut a Kailway, speak a fallacy, Kailway:^ follow. Look at San Francisco and the Hasten) States uf Aitjcriea. Look at Scotland and Knglaud. I am well aware that Hrltish ('olumbia wants a Hallway, and I know thiit Canada wants it. I am .-anguine enough to believe that it will be made, 1 am assured that the money Is ready, if the desired guarantees can be oblained. The Hon. Mr. Wood, iu his discursive remarks, flew around like a humming bird bu/./ing rountl a tu^v, and amongst tither things touched on the assai lability of the Railroad. 1 say that the American people have Railways uf their own, and we do not intend to have from henceforth daily warfare. With reganl to the course of the Railway, the Hon. Chief (Commissioner has told you that the advantages of the line are greater than those of the existing I'ai'ilic line. It iti well known that the American Pacific Railway, after passing Omaha, passes through a wild and most dltficult country, through miles of wilds and sage brush. L"-'^*'' ^°f ' '^•"""^ •^*''' DeCosmos]. The North-West Territory is more fertile than any portion of the route of the American Pacific llailway. The Hon. Mr. Wood soys he will make this a test question. I say the whole terms are a test question, and no one part of them more than another. The Canadian Government are to bo asked what they will do, and the final test will he for the decision of British subjects of this Colony. No one thing is a test mire than anotlier. The people have the sole right lo say whether they are willing to take the term.H as finally offered, or not. I have already spoken twice with regard lo ReprcscDtative Institu- tions, which the Hon. Mr. Wood regrets are notmadft a condition. Kitlier 1 must fjiil to put my ideas clear- ly, or Hon. Members misunderstand mc. I have said over and over again, that the people must decide thia question. His Excellency says that if the newly con- stituted Council asks fur Responsible Government, under tlie Organic Act, they will get it. What need is there to drag in the question into these Resolutions 7 The Hun. .Mr. Wood cannot, dare not, say that the majority uf the Hrltish subjects in British Columbia are In favour of Responsible Government. I may bo found in the minority upon this question when it comes before the people, but I speak from conviction ; and, moreover, I say that when once we are in the Dominion, if the people desire Responsible Govern- ment, no power on earth can prevent them from having it. Hon. Ma. ROBSON— I heartily concur with the Hon. .Mr. Wood, in his views on Responsible Govern- men I. Hon. Mk. WOOD — I never said I was in favour of Responsible Government. I say that the Governor asks fur the ratilicaiion of the people, and at the same time denies that we are lit for self-government. I have never iili'dged myself to Responsible Govern- ment. [Oh! oh ! oh ! ] Hon. Ma. ROBSON — I must oppose the amendment of the Hon. and learned member; first, because it raises invidious distinctions, and might lead to the in- ference that we were inditferent to the other portiou of the terms ; secondly, because it usk't thi.s House to do what it cannot, and even if it had the power, ought not to do. This C'ouucil is not the proper bo'vto dictate final terms. This Council is only;, ^piat- representative body, and does not fairly reprr . . t .b« people. With a House, constituted as this la, con- taining some Members who professedly only repre- sent their own individual opinions, it would, in my opinion, be an insult to the people to make any con- dition a test of union, in the sense proposed. Suppose Canada sends back the terms without the Railway, it is for the people to accept or reject them ; that is a right belonging to the people who have not yet been consulted. The Hon. Mr. Wood has said that there are Hon. Members in this House who would go in for Confederation on any terras. I, for one, have never done so ; nothing is more foreign to my desires. [Hear, hear, from the Attorney General.] Though 1 am a Canadian, and am proud of my country, I am also a British Columbian, ar^d upon this question, my first and last thoug'at has been, is, and will be for British Columbia. ["Hear, hear," from the Attorney General]. Hon. Mr. ALSTON— As as a test question, I must say I cannot vote for this amendment. If 1 am in this Council when the final votes upon Confederation are to be taken, I shall be prepared to vote against Con- federation, unless a Railway is included in the terms, oolcBV. that ill io say. my nentiinentf undergo lomt I iO THK UOVi;U>MJiM' UA/KTTE EXTUAOHUINAKY. chini/o wlikh I lo'iiut f..rv,iL.. I .Im.wI ,.c h..«-, i' .,1 il,.; IUm.I.ii ,- ll,.,i iIk- C.iiN.da.n (..iV.-ruiii.-nl tUlH were ni.iJu u tc-l ijii. -lioM.llir (ioicTliun'M loul'l wuuM luinlniil lliv Irji'. N"»', wo iiri' lhl..r|]]cj Ij carry mit lUoir injiruilMii', lir,t lo »>ilimil llif run.i- ' ibu llou. Cljiil rummi.»icjuiT llml il»M lie iiiiUiT- lutluo. tu Ciinu.la, »ua lUtii 111 submii the (.■lui.uliun ' tiikvn by ii i.riviiiL' (11111111111... Tlicii, Iip "nyi II »e tiriiH 10 thf pciplc. Tliii iiiiul Uk' liuii; l.j jubiiiil k! iiiiiii.il >.'il ri Itnilwiiy «o iciu.^l Imvt iin .ijunuli'iil. 11 tist i|Uiitiijri, nuiliur ciiii wv .irr.JKUlu u> uiir-cUf* this il.mic i» M"i ci li.M.I prim iplr 111 llii' liTin», thpo Ilic. [..iwcr U) ilu su, ilmu-t be Icll t.< tlii' imimliir \uio; I iisk « Iml il" il"' (1"\i)iin.' 11.111 MvmliiTi .-i''in lii li..ii..i l.aki'. This line, iil the uliiiu-l, i- niily IJo think ihai i-'au.t.la c.u'l .1.1 i!, Ih.il I'm iiiu.h iinMiiy luili ' Iniii;. Th' i»|iii-f nl it* ii.intTin liciii, iit is rfi|iiiri'J. Wliiit il thi' f.nl' Wi- nuTi-iy ii-k tin' ^ij.'iii.i"") jut iiiili-, mi.iiIiI ln' $T..Miii,iM)ii. We iiUKhl Ciinmii.in (iijviriiniciil lu .-piMnl 0111; .Milliun 11 yi'iir.imli'ly ii|.priiii'li llic fuiiiiiiuiii lit'Vir-in.' it upon lliiii WliiU is llio iiiliTCjl ;:!t 'l.i.i.-li Cijli.nil.ia. The only Irne h:isl.< of,.-al.' a spei-i.il link of a spieial line. 1 -h.nllil think if I'nion. is that people shuulil have llie same iiiierest.<. I iliil so iliai I wa- lining wlml ilie Canaiiiaii (iovern- thf s .me fetliii(.fs. anil the same ilesire to make lliij al ment emiM not li-teli tu. lint in a una! selieuie whirh pro-|ieroiu country. If t'annila gives us terms siif- i-onti-mplaies a line of Uailway frum tlie .^eahoanl of lieiohtly (.'i""l to sliow that il is lier ilitenliun to do all llnlish ('uliiiiiliia 10 Canada, I oousider thai .he Uii- Bhe can i.iileveluj. mir resonrres an.i advaiue our in* niinlnn (ioMTiimeni may take a l.roailview and strain terosts, Ihi'ii she will piiii the all'iilioiis of thepeojileia poiiil lo git it. This i-laiise has lieen drawn witli- of this Colony, nn.l then there will he an I "nion, wliiili out pr el en ding to deli ne I he roille. I ili.t not sav that no K.iilway ran give, a niiili'rial I'nion wliieh luitliiiig it was prupii-e.l iliai the lirie should I.e huiil l.y a can dislurl". aii.l we shall lind hereafter that King- [ private eoiii]iany. I sai.l that it siiggesteil itself to dunis an. 1 Nations will spring out of this I'ni.m. \\'e; my niiiiii that tlie line would he l.uiit liy a private I v tohl liy tlie lion. .Mr. Wowl. that the DlliiiaLs aonipaiiy, nut thai it was so propose. I. Idoniitilis- mnst vole for these terms, as Ihey iiiivi' lieen setlle. I' legird loeal interests. 1 looii upon this Uailway as 11 by the fiovernor. Thi> is not -o, f.ir lufore any terms nere-sily of the piMilion — a means to the end. Id' can be eoueludej, ^onie one mu-t go to t'anad.i from not aitvoeali' il on its merits as to l.j -al interests, I here, or eome from Canad.i In this plaee, to arrange 1 as a grand sebeme of Transeonlineiital Itailvray, W. cun.lilious. I believe in what liis K.xeelleney has said. Sir, siime say that the (erminus shoillj be brniigli' 1 plaee more reliance on him lli.ui mi iiiiv one else. I !Kst|iiimatt or'Nanaiino. A Railway is wanled in the believe he will net fairly amlju.'tly in tliis matter, norjinteresls of the l-'onfederaey, but the hualily has been do I lliink there is so mueli lo fear IVoiii Canada as generalize.! as niueh as piis>ible by the (iovernment. there '..■ .Vom the danger of llie people of this Colony This brings me to anoilier jniitit : Ihoiigh I look upon cheating Ihem.-elves ; yun ean m.ike the people believe, the K.iilway us a neeessity of lb'. po>ilimi. in vi.w ol" anything. I do not agree tliat the eoiiniry is in .-iii h the approaeh of Confederation, 1 wmiM not pledge rt depressed condition : I know Cult Victoria, llic chief myself to bind the liominion tlovcrnineut lo the city, is in ralher a deprcsse.l coniliti.in, unit perhaps .special terms of this clause. I think it po-sibU. that New Weslmin'ter also, but out>iile if i^ otherwise. jtei-msniay be sto^^gcslcd. inste.id of this .- lition, Hun. .Mtt. Wool) — Is the gold mining interest pros-iwhicli may be lonml lo be aceeplable to the pciple perons'.' 'of this Colony. towli..m, as you know. His I'i.xcellen- Ilon. .Mk. IIEI.MCKI'N — The II. .n. Member asks if, cy says the matter must be referred. 1 Uo not look the gold mining interest is prosperous. 1 say that this np.)n the Uailw.iy as unessential. 1 say it is essential, Culonv lias no business lu avpen.l upon its gold min- for wilhmit uiiitv of interesl.s Confeiieratiori eanriot Ing interests. jen.liire. If I .|i.| 11. .t think that uriiler Confederaiiuu lion. Mu. WtlOD— What else has she got? we -h..ulil be governe.l Siilislaelorily and to our a.l- llon .Mil. IIKLMCKKN — Slie has agricultural ii.ter- vanliig'., I would oppose Coiife.leralion, ami would csls. coal, lumber, luol fisheries. What ilo yon semi ia.lvise its iibiiii.louni.ut. I .lo not say. ami 1 am not nway half a .Million of dollars for each year'' going to biml myself, ihat unless'ibat clause is We want a more industrious population, a iirod.ictivo granted by Cana. la, I .-h ill not vote bir Confedeni- populalion. itut to return to the Uailway, the umuer li.in, although I think it essential to the position, we gel through this Uailway the belter, it o| ens up Hun. Ma. \V.\ I.KKM — Mr. Chairman, having be-u so many avenues bir discussion. I think i. is the iinf..rlnn ilely ali-.nl iliirir.L' the earlv pan of Ibis m.jst e-scutial part of ibis document. It is essential to Canada ; through it she hopes lo make a 'ountrv of this Colony, and II i- essential to us, as br.iigiug us prosperity. I believe the Canadian C,, make the Uailvviiy in the interior. W they have l-'our .Mini. .us lying idle . lb ft belter investment for it lb in to IiuiM a U.iilruad from I" rarer Kiver to Kamloops. I.m. .Mil. DkCUSMii."^— I remark, 'ilr. Chairman, that there is a consi.lerable c.iutra.t between the views of two Hon. .Members of Ihe K-veciilive Council. 1 mean tne Hun. Chief Cunnnis-i r (Mr. 'fruteh,) the Law Courts. I w. nndtliellon..Menilier for Victoria I'iiyflir. Helm. ken. 1 lime, and I would leav lib lie, I have not been able, billiorto, lotilke part ill t. I iidupt the principle laid down by the Hon. Chief loner Willi regard lo this chin-e. but I think Commissioner wiili regard to this eru\i..|il will tlo; cb.ii-e is nut general enough. It is true, that it ire tubl thai is siini,.ieiitly general a- lo a part, hut not as to ihe '■ luiiol have wlmle. Knoiigb has |,|.eu sai'l about the spending ofSl. 11(111, 01.11. t.i show nhal it means. I would lenvo onl the one million. It wonld'be enough, in iny o|iinion. lo say thai il ,liall be cunstnn li d williin il reasonable time. This would mean not an imleliliite, bill a reiisunable time : il would I.e so inlerpreled by Id leave Hill ibe .lelinilion of out the one iniUion. I think The birmer says that il is nil pr.ipuse.l lo ciiurtrucl a il will .lo us injure with Cina.iian Stale-men: they Railway with relereu.e lo local interests, lie says lo will say that llii- is the measure of our desire lo be ndvocate onr own heal inlere-ls is simply inapp.isite. confe'lerated. There is am ther point lo which I would 1 think ilill'erenlly. I think that we should deal willi eall altenlion. The language of Ihe clau-e .bus not, in il I. ....liy as well as nalioiially. I pre-ume it is put my opinion, inipiv Ih.ii ..ne million niii.-l .lecessurily n the terms b-.anse il is e5:].ecle.l that it will benclili.e evpende.l williin the Coli.ny. I conclude, after Ihe Colony. We .lon'l care -.1 niii.li for its henelit- I hearing Ihe explanations of lion. Meinliers, that it is tmg the people III Montri.al as for benelilling onr- inlen.le'l thai the one million shall be spent here, but selves ; we look at 11 Irom a lirili-h Columbian poimiin iiiv i.pini':; il might, under these words be ej- ol view;. I eay with the Hon. Member for Vic-ipen.lcl on anv pari af the line. 1 il,„ugbl that was toria City (Dr. Helmcken,) that we should deal |tlie intent with it vrith reference tu liriti-b Columliian JTher it was so Ihonghl in an l-'re.icisco. e were newspaper articles upon it, and the idea , , , „ - . - I i' million a year being spini upon Ihe Uailwav for gonfess nij- snriirue. 1 Ihoutilil ffciii t|ie unor.a hundred jrcars was !au5lH-d.,at^)i, oH sid". I w'ouli inleres .•\flcr the discussiuii of yeslerday, liuf rnE GOVKTlNMlvN'T CIAZRTTK rXTRAORniXAfiY. 21 iruiijcnt liicil lij- "iider- i's il we ulnil. If . IhfD juisii- lliriiu^fli I'l inn- itli the ■ wniir Kiiiii- rilv lit) lioij, lit niiubt I llil«, III!' I'un- vn (lo- iimtttT. ill thai Iiiu»i' la riiiu the It) any, riitioii Iti'il. I 1 luivo- tliink 11' uvirii- wbii-li 'nmrij lit' ■ In- Hi,. Ill strain VII willi- Mi\ tliiit lill' In u ilSllf III priViiti* lie. I .11-- Wiiy II.J 11 1. I (I' -H, I . W ■iiKlr 1 in thu lias been nilni'nt. I'k tiiHiii \ i>\V III' |,k..lK,. !*\ii!\if-\ an iillfrfitiori in ihi li-iiv)- (Im> constriu'liun of ttti> Kri^lisli to Htiy Hrlmu!- nmntcr. I any tliitt tliey tin n|- oii)." Willi rcK'inl to the n-tniirk.s ul'tlif linn. Mt-tn- tii>r r'nr Vtildriii l>iHtrirt, I woiijil remurk tliiit this i^ not -fiilly A linnl mntnict : iin>l I u^rcf with the Hun. rhitf tntnniirfHiDiifr Ihul the i-latHt- (iii^hl to he ^nji- ithI. Tht' ('unafliun .''tiit)>.' to prtilun^' tliu tiuiltlintf of the nrnd us Inn^ ha they pl^ inv. v^n, not truslint; to thu ('luiii- i> ^^ill)iu ihir. Colony, and il ciin inejin nothiug eKsi-. The SchooImH^ter euniiol hiive oetu where the Hon. Member lutH ju.'^t visited, or hu wouUI not lutvu .so miseonstrued tills etiiuse. I may lonhrni what the Hon. Chief Commissioner Riiys, tl.ai if iii eoiumuuica tiou with till: Ciiuad'iin (tovernmeut it is found that they will not con>eul to the Railway, it is tnou^'hl H]at we may olitiiin some eifuivatent. I must vote a^iiiist the amendment of the Hon. Memhir for Vic- toria I)i>lriet (Mr. iJeCofiinos) u.-* it propo^e3 to enter into details atfectiiig puriicular localities. I regret th.ii the lion. Member, who usually takes such large and extended views, should in this insiaiue" have taken so small ani .sectional a view of .^^o large a ^chetr.e. The whole country will be jiisl as much heni'litted by the liuilwny as any one part of it. The Hon. und learned Member for Victoria City propo.-^e. a guarantee and a penally, but he ha.s not •-howu how we could eulbrce the penalty if we cannot compel the fuUilntent of the tenud. I think Ihat the self-interests of Canada will he H4) ibviiMi-> lb it il C.fiaila is be a^ki'd to con.-^irucL a grand truuk road it i.s e<|ually I'liporiaut that tthu »huuld add a couoectiug which i.s wanting. Hon. Mit Ht)bUUU()K-irw(- can got the Dominion (ioveruineiiL to make this communicating liuk it will be a benefit lo (ho whole .Mainland. Hon. Uh. ('AKIIALL — I dhall support the rocom- uiendation of llie Hon. .Member for New Westminster. Hon. ATTOllNKY (iKNKUAL— This recommenda- tion is open to the same objection a» the prupusal of the Hou. .Member fur Victoria District, i must uppu^e It on principle. Hon. CHIKK CUMMIriHlOSER— It was intended lo add the words " and maintain " aftur " construct and open for traflic." Tbo words have Inadverteutly been omiited. I propuso to remedy the miittRko, nnd I therefore move a respectful addres.'ito His Kxcellenry suggesting that the words '* and maintain " be atlded between the words "such" and "traffic," iu the fourth line. The (,'bairman put the lecommendation of the Hon. Mr. Uobson, which watj carried ; then the recommen- dation of the Hon. Chief Comni'ssioner, which was carrieil. The recommendalion.s of the Hon. Mr. Wood and of the Hon. Mr. iJeCo.-.iiios. were put and lost. Clause H was then passed as read. t,'lau.-e !' was next read by the Chairman: — " !>. Till' Homiiiion shall erect and nuiintain, at " Victoria, a .Maiine Hospital, and a Lunatic Asylum, " either attached to ihe Hospital, or separate, as may " be considereil mo^l convenii-nt ''Till- Oiiiniiiiou >hall al-o erect and mnlntain a " IVniienliarv, or oilier principal I'ri.soii, at .-urh •' place in the Cntoiiy a- -he may cousider most suita- " b|p tor that purpose.' TIr Hon AfTtHiNi: (iKNKRAL moved the adop- tion ol this clause. The Hon. Ma. IHHISUN Paid :— Sir. upon thi.^ clause 1 have to move a recoiiiiuendation that the I'enilenliarv >hull be ai New We^tiiiin>ter. I think ih.it it »ill lie adiiiilted, on all bands, thai the I'eni- terjtiaiy ought to be at New We.stmiiiAler. Vi^'toria and KM|aiiuali are iiauu-d as sites fur particular things, and whv not New WesliiiinsltT'.' Hmii.Mk. IIOI.HIKHIK— I set ond the recommenda- tion of the Hon. .Meiniier for .New Weslininster. I ihiuk Ihe .Mainland tKiglit to he considered; it is, of (oiirse, a mailer of some conse(|ueuce. Hon. M», lll'MrilRKVS— As a member from the Mainland, 1 >hall oppo>e the recommendation. I am in favour of cenlrah/ing buildings, lb)U. hit. HKLMCfvHN — Hon. Me.nbers seem to loce sight of the words: ''or principal Prison." This doe> not mean exactlv a Penitentiary, or other prin- cipal Prison for reforming criminals, the existing Prisons are *oo small for the purpose, and this really means a Prison for ihe detention ot' prisoners. lion. Mit. liKCtJSMOS — The Dominion (Jovernmcnt are bonntl, under the Organic Act, to provide a Peni- tentiary. This. I suppose, means more than the Organic Act citntemplates. it means a Prison Hon. Du. HKI.MCKHN— Yes, that is the nseaniog, it means more than the Organic Act contemplates. Hon. Mr. WOOD—! think the Penitentiary ought to be in the best nnd most central place, wherever the Prison can he best nmintaincd. 1 would leave it interest to do so ; it will be to her iulercet to satiofy jto the Dominion (Jovernmcnt to decide the place. the interests of British Columbia. * Hon. Mk. HOLBROOK~Why .'^hoi.ld not Victoria Hon. Mit. HUMPHREYS— The question of the Rail- be struck out of this clause altogether? way should bo put in a practical form. The peojdel Hon. Mk. ROBSO.V — I did not suggest New West- want a Railway from the head of navigation into the i minster in any local or sectional spirit. I rather did interior. Unle.''S we get immediate benefit, I hold we 'it to divest the clause of local and sectional spirit, had better have no Railway at all [laughter]. The ihoiigh. at [iresent, population ami other things point Resolution of my Hon. colleague (Mr, De('osmos) will to Victoria as the proper place for a Marine Hospital give us immodiale prosjierity. Unless we get imme-iand Lunatic Asylum ; hut we must look to the future, tiiate advantage it very little use at all. jthe population n...'it ultimately he largest on the Hon. Mh. DHCOSMUiS — There is one word in (he]Mainland. [Hon. Mi Ring— *'No, no "J Hurely the Hon. Attorney (ieneral's speech that I desire to reply Hon. Member for Nanaimo will not assert that the tu. He said that my rncommendatlon goes too much into matters of detail. 1 find as much detail in the Organic Act with reference to Railway communication to Halifax. Hon. Mit. RORSON — I have a recommendation to move bearing on the Coach Road, as follows: — " That a respectful address be presented to HLs Ex- cellency recommending that clause 8 may be so alter- ed as to Include the section of the main trunk rood of the Colony lying hetweeii Yale and New Wesiniinster la the Coach Road which the Dominion Government ib to be asked to constraot within throe years from the-4«t« of union," population of the Island wilt, in time to come, exceed that of the Mainland. I have no desire tu give any sectional complexion to the 'lesolutions. Hou. CHl'.F COMMISSIONKU— Sir, I desire to say that, in nv opinion, the Penitentiary will ultimately be on the Mainland, perhaps at New Westminster or Burrard Inlet, where it is probable the R;ulway will come. 1 can easily believe that the Hon. Member for New WeHtminster does not advocate New Westminster fVom local motives, but I must defend the Resolution as it Rtnnds. 1 think it better to leave it to the people who find the money to select the place. The position is not the eame as regards the Marine Hospital. It THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAOKDINARY. Mr. Kobsnn to the Coinmittfe. — i ost. Clause ;) wn* then pnssied its rcrtd. The Hon. ATl'ORNKY (iKXKli.M,- ndoplion of Clause lu, which rentU thtn .iiui.. .Meiiihors iiiiti New.-piipers tii)reinling 'ibroad move tile stiilenu'iits w liivh have no t'oiilulsition in ftict. I think • population has been over esliniatecl. It is going "' ■' ■ »■'"""■* :- .' rouniiatioa honest on _ ._ territorial jrronntls. Thewhule tiling r'^solves it ces must be carried on for some time" to comc_ b.v i"'" e\pcdicniv ; bcyonii expediency 1 sii\- tliiit noono water, 1 consider it to l)e a verv proper item. ' ' can llml a I'nicrum lor llie assertion. I would clieer- Ilou. .Mil. DeL'U.S.MU.S— I suggest the addition ol'lully support twelve and six so far lis it goes. Hut I •"' ' do denounce that want of principle and want of truth Pti;:et Sound. II.Mi. .ITTORXEV GE.NERAL— I object to such an addition, because I'uget Sound does not come within Coast .Mail .Service. il.in. Mil. Ill ll.liltOOK— Then are we to siippo there are 10 lie no ollici I'orts of Kiitry. other than Vi'-loria? ["No, no, no," iVoiii alt ^iiles.] The Cliitiriiiai, put tlie recom Mr. lleCosiiios, which was lost, (.'laiise 10 was then passed 113 read. , .,,..,., v„ ,,.- The lion. .\TT()i!XKV CKNKIi.X I, — I move the iimvc now. I should have moved a recoinmcndatioli adoption ill' Clause 11. which is a general pro po,- it inn. as to this, but Iiom tlir iriittment which my ameud- wliich will, 1 hope, meet with the approliatiou of the iiients have icccivcil in lliis llniise, 1 am inclined to Hoi.si :. ,s as lollows : — , let it pass : and I shall move my amendmenls before " 11. \\'liati-ver encouragement, adv.tntages, and uiy eonstitueneies, '• protection are allonled by the Doiiiiiiion tiovern-| (In motion of the Hon. Mr. Ilewdnev, I'le Comniit- "mcnt totlie li.~licnesol any of Ms I'rovinccs. .hall ,ce rose, reported progress, and a,,k'ed leave to sit '• be e.Meniied m similar |iroportioii to llnti-li Cciluiii- again. '■bill, according to its rciiuiremculs for the" tit, ic, ', , .• , ■.,,.,„ l,ei„,,." - - I Several Members having left tiie riouso, on motion jnf the Hon. Mr. Ibdison, the Coniinittec sat again, Hon. iJii. Hl'.l.MCKK.N— Mr. Cbainiian, I lin.l tho laverageofreprcsenlalion in the Hoininion Parliament is one niemlierlo l.'i.ooo. That on the basis of 120. ouO proportion, in any nicasnrcs which may lie ad'Mited ;iiv-'s ei;:bt mciiiliers. .Nova Scotia has l;i members "l)o- lor :iii, Olio, .Vert llruoswicli has d, .Newfoundland has ,S uiemkicrs, .Ml we have to do is to lake care that i«c are not included in the census of 1H71. llur num- Ihc lier I Mniiol be iliminslied, .mi we may [lut it at HI safely. -^ e i.. .V- lor li.titi, Ills iiumb-rs it is useless to talk about it. famili..r;:) Ihi.s Council fr.iei the debate which ha> ; lion. Ilu. C.\I!I!.U,I,-I move that the date -I.SSl- already taken place, llie ba^is is the population of |be iliierled l.'0,nuo up i„ the date which is left blank. Thel ,, , ,,,,,,.,. , ,,,„,i, .,.,,„..„„ ■ . biuse is this :— I _""•'• 'Hll-.l I HMMISSION KR— 1 do not see that that surrounds this basis. There is another i(uestiou I ; about tlie representation to which due attention does [not seem to iiave been given, it is this: the electoral (lualilic-'.tion In C.inada is too high, and it will liu mo-t ( bjectionable to have the piuile ipialilicalion _ , |Iiirnst upon iis. The ipialilication of r embers may omiuendalion of the Hon. isalely be left to the Dominion tioverniiient. Rut that iof electors is too liigii, and will In a source of irrita- I-... ,. I lion, wllieli the Hoverniacnt shoiib eiideiivour to re- .\TT()i!XKV CKNKIi.M,— 1 move the iiKivc now. 1 shoe" ' ' - ' ■' ■uliojitiiin, as to this, but Inn 'd in this the*_tiiiie Clause " was jiassed as read. The Ilo;, .\TTOIiSI-:V GEXER.VL— I move the adoplio.i of I'lanse 12. which reads thus : — •• r.. liriti.-h Coliimliia slial! participate, in fair ,'ortiun, ill any nieasurcs which may be lid'Oited nd l-'uiids wliich may 1 e appropriated by ill ' minion Inr the encinirigciiieiii of Immigration Passed a- read, ilon. .VTTdU.NKV CEXER.VI, ■ .w„, .^..,,.,....1 .,1.., i.it.wi — 1 11. iw mm adoption of clause 1.1, The working of tlii- cla '■ n.'nri'i'ish Columbia shall be entitled to he re-i"'' ■"'''''"''■'"',': "'""'T'' '""""""■' '''""""■''■ ' """i'' presented in the Senate iiy r„„r .Members, and bvl'"""" ' """ ""'"' ''""^■ Eight Members in the House of Com. nous, niilil tli'ei """.■ ^'"' li'HI,-'UN— I would not take a more dia- Year 1« , and Ihireafler the i'.eprescnlatioii in the ' Senatciiud the lloiis" of Commons sbull be in.rens- |l"'I"il"t'oii in 1H81. 1, subject to the provisions of ' Tho British .North 1 " America .Vet. I Hon. M . IJRAKE— Mr. Clinirnian. there seems to be a dilliculty. The drgaiiic Act, Section ,'il, pro- vides for the re-adjustnieiil of the representation iifler the census of 1«T1 ; and Ihal tile represental' ' " be based on the proportion of i;,'j — the ause I think we shall have a Lirirer H81. Hon. Mil. I)ll.\KE— From Section c.l ofthe Organic An. I think our number might he reduced. I tliitik it itn.^robalile we shall have a po]iulation of i2(l,l)tiil in IH.s: .'., : ,1 we have mil that numlier then, I iiink il possible that we tuny he reduced, I shall on shall ; therefore vote bir I Hill. nutulier that j n, Quebec uow has— to the population of t^nebec. It ,) ought to exist at this number until 1881, or loUl in. ATTIIRXEV UEXEUAr.-I shall support the Hon, ATTdRNEY llEXEIiAl I that in my opinion Clause '«1 does uld remark i ome in under Clause 1415 not apply; we reprcsentin^j Vict, The lion. Members now late I Hill Hon. Mr. WOOD— I move n reeommenilation to ii sen the wonls "not less than," before " I and S, and after the word '' eighteen " to insert "ill,'' Helmcken iitid He! Iclegra|ili were a little l.ite,' H ria City and District (Me.-srs ATTORNEY (;EXKR.\L--1 j when thiy proposed to j "''''"' "'''''■~''''.^' ''"'■''"' «'orils " no 1( a if we uo.v lix Hon. Mr. RiillSOX— I think tin the dale, for wliich a iilank is pnrposly left lh.it wil!;tanl. \Vc mighl in IHHI 1 cannot see the ss." e words are impor- settle Hie inalter lievoiid aiiv doubt le entitled to more or less. He . cillEKCd.MMISSliiXEIl— I we are better oil Ihiiii if wi I Hon. Mr. D1!.\KE— 1 hold lo tu. 1 lu n my opinion, .'=!ir, , likely we niiglil be reduced if we lix the d were included. Tl thing we iiave lo do is to lix a dale. If .. . late back to a reniole perioo. we luightbedi oiiiv put (he . Mil. DkCOSMOS— 1 think „... imiiin nuriber and keep to it, and n date", 1 selve s an injustice; for we might be eiitillidto inor I'K "111'- 1 ili.nk that when 11 I ivoiild put it olffor 20 year< inseriim: !s;ii. hlling up tlie date by ,,,,,1 Colnmlii distrust ia may be content with tli ' I think it ale at HI. we ought lo li.x ft leeaiise wears away, HritisU Hon. Ma. HtlMHHKiK— I think ti enough, we shall have more llian 1211 •n years (|uile and be entitled l.i increased ,000 ill thai lime. repi esentatioii nd six in the House of Comu I The CI , Mr. Drake, lo hll up the hi .Carried. ree in tho Semite, lairmiiti put the recommendation oftlic Hon. ' lank with the hgnres "yi." Hon, Mil. DkCOSMiiS— Mr. ( hairinan, during thcj The Chairman |iul Hi , ......tig .i,<:| debate, an Hon. Memlier reterred lo 120.1)110 ^If- Wood, "Tl .. I llie bans of reprc-eiilalion. as well m the bai.is of Ciimmon,- should pojinlalion. We liud !!■ choed bv olh, lie recommendation ofthe Hon. e neinber of members to tho never he , -ss than 8, and to tho ol least by llie Hon. llie .\lloriiev tl ■lieral himself. I am snpri-ed lo liii.l the H _ __ _ ^^^ Bcttiug luia up U3 a basis, ior the baiiis urfeprws'eiil I ubtiiiued "i ■I but,''''™'!'' iii'^er less than 4.'' Carried, i-e 14 was then passed as read CI on. and learned gentleman The Committee rose, and reported proirresi., and ior the basis of feutu»eu.l obiai ,„ t„ .^ „g,,i„ „„ Friday at iJ'cTock THE nOVERN'MKN'T GAZETTR KXTIUORDINARY. lii FRmAT, March Itllti, lliO. Therioil. ATTORNKY^KNKKAL— Ifl8ot'>m'M tli« adojitloo oroUuae 14. Ihnao l«rnui, or ratlier tbu C< rms wliic.li cutriM back fromC'iiatl*, If ill of UBcoMity coiuu lifforeUio ii'w yicriurul brtdy, «b<>«e t Jitl(!nce U\a Sxceiltiucy lia3>ti.iai)w.il f'rtli, and tbu i ar- Uotilaraa-' 'bo ilivimon luto iliHiricii uiuht be luf f>r Ibodtc ai'JU ortbat II 'U«o. It lBlni|)OHaibio Ht pri'oeLit lo B|)ecity tlie tjnin. UoN. MbDbCUSMOS— 4^iiii<>tHU a|iproxlmKti< titu« lit) nftmed{ Iteiiidtia there arc older tbiuKS upuu wluub tbft cmiutry will wnrit iDlorumilon. Suob lor iiistiuico, as whcibt-r ibo vntiuii fir iii'mb- bera will ba by hallut, hd bj thu i|ti •litlcati'iti uf tuKth. I ibluk ttcuiibt lo boQxtjJ, Xbu IfoiniiiioQ uw la mora iilil(»>ral Ibtu that to wbicb tbe iiouple of tbii cuuutry buvo been mcnt- loaieil. I b*-liu¥0 iu the ballot, bat 11 will be bsltcr to leuve it to lbs coustltueiicitifl. Ho:«.(-mu>< COMVlHSIONt^K-TiiU clause baa bonn Iwlt ifOD- oral.tbU IL limy bi ttxtllud hy ibu uewiy count iluteU Ooniicll. Hex. iiK Ui£LV|(JKKN— If Urt<^ U a iiualiii'Mtlott lur llio (loiiio orConimotia it innt't tm Kunoril lur ttiu wikiIo JutinioMii. At pri'aoiit 1 bdliare tut; l,ii]g>:r - ou" Tbu I oiuiuiou ii'iiilitlcatiou will virtutilly dHtraiichtdH but; tba ..rtllith^ottleia in llritisu Colnmbui, Wo ure l<>gitilaiiQ|f lu ibi lliiercHtaortbe |iuo|il->, ibid on^ut lo Iio dttfrrmnej ui w^co. Ho:«. Mk. 1>kCO-.\I Jr(— I hollovM I). Iirltitb Bubi.'Oti, tiaving n. Bxeil rurtitloLctt, ami ol a ccru.u ng«. vtjtuit; m UnliaU C >luiuba.^It ibouhl bo a rt'HiiiliiiI iniuliunj aufTia.:*). llo.'v. 1>R IIKI-MUK1.N— Wuciunoiaral witb ibe Kiibj* ct now. It (a Uiip''">^>bl6 to(ii%'iilu ib(! uolory into dlnnclij uuUl wo kujw buw tuAuy ai-iDklura wo ure to uuve. Hon Me. U^—'.tr. cha.rir.an, I mure a recoininuuda- tbn to stnkw diu Un w>ii >V " if any." llOH.MH WUUO— I tlnuk tbu woMa ought to at'in i. Tho Or gtittc Acia^y> tbAlHoaatura a'aall bo t;itictmi iurtliaincia, bitlU D) DC tloiirnb.u tba'. fa<-iuioi8Bbuul'i; turts ttit-r are Ibo host nit'ulbai t"f <• 'Vorijof uiii ubuiii. (N).it>. ii" — Hon l>uOi>'iO(ja.J 1 brihuVJ tb»t ut wiiLtUur Hit;) abeulJ go lor ibe wiiub' C'4>'ny. Ilox. 4lK Ul'ili'UiiFX-4— \9tbi«BlmlP It thrown llimA'-nt of bid Uouncll.app UAi tbo Unit -(^uvtsii-or, and tbu Lmu'x-liovernor, witb the advice ot Itia Cibinef.recointaeuda the St-nKiurti, |.N'o,n'>, huu 1)1' •It'liucLeu ] k tMi, it la lo; be ret;oiuuii.'Bi8 lu tb ap^oiutti. ). iti a gruat city Ij nua« inuai! dnipatcs about hn^iinluifii md Oj im li vn. tlMS ill llfUl'lUKVi-n iti kll vpry w.:ll lotilk IhUwiy. I maaialu tU4i ibe liitfinbinRii xittingat tiiln tibl» b>tva daid k-.»j iis to L'ttiuniili'V iiotu ll'i Cdtia liitiiB. \\» waul li be governed by itrllUt. Colu'iibliiS. Hu-i 1)K HKI, 1' K':s'— ^Vf '.jd b'ItT drill tl.est! iialinrKiMlnja. Uiis >'H W>*'L*-Tie tmn un-'inbr lor .Ntw VVyifiaiir):;tt!r ibould u >l ueaD)iry bacrj8'3 Wti w.iut to prurldo ag imit tb) pna^l- bidtt of ill ix'd.ig by lioffly piM:iiutiuu '--Sale bind, aitti bud.' When tuo U j\t.'ruur-G<.-0'>ruI aiithilutd .Miuators, if I uuJurstaud it ritcht, bo at)|ioiiitd lli«r jtuljtical frixudauf lib» i>ibiuet. if a'« arc to uavu nu^'Jum'iK'K'vii.B.n' ut l n.'ru will a wiya be a nii; cb^c'i, tf not wJ uity l>ur>:riiu< wuboui tb-iiHnat;tii> o of -luy reniittoiibltt Cabi- net. [Il:ar,IkiJ>ri bill DjJvti uo-.J A Oiiialiau I.ieulMioviTuor will ai:t wi'-b tbe ratuo aort of ft>eliug tbtt Ibe Eii){!)aii tiovra uieat will, tjt^eatii-i' willbj KL-luctedby lavoritUm. bikI sii|<|)orlerH til Couledjratlou will dJtiblluaa bo aeiected lu tbia tiolouy uuleaa w<' hare re!

'!* bic tcorornmeul ncl n'lireMatallvo inptitiitioun lu lull vuur. t'toidiaii intoriHtM vvul (lii.bll>-a' bJ very projiiu- ni in this colony and puwt-r acid iuturlaorily on lliu bunm uiliiil— It U one ul llie :i)rrmuirS'Jl tluMiil id. I >.•« Arr»»HNfc.^[(ifcNHlAl.— I biiould bo sorry to «*o th<' wor>: 'it huv' atruc*t out; tlnnr rotB'p tn. Uou temburti ae->m to bare forgwttoa tb U ^-'uuators muat bo,reti» d 11114 of iJritHb 0)1 nu Ji*. I'luutiily tliny miy bj^tib-cled o'l tlie ground of Ibiiir luk'iii^ an appracUli < ■ of tb') wh > e cuunirtr liulirad of a tu^itou only. Ilmiy be lb tl d-natord will bu ap- pduted t«r tbi< w.iolu oniony. IJo.H Mk H'JLUlUhtK.— Attor b.'Win.cthei>XiiiaQat'onsnf iho h n Ailoriit*y'-(i*aurdt, I f jnl mure deitiroii^ to prum my r»<:.itnin«U' da'.ion, o ab'jw tbat ft'o fr<»n iho Mii'«laiiLl djairo to liavu our lair ■bart) of reprvnontail >ti, 1 tbiuk lb» w irdit m mt ui'jixiiouubla. tloiT Ue I)kCO:JUuS.— t Bud by ibo rvaulutions puiacdnt the coiiferenco of deUffwt'a in l/iadou, tliat Si-nitors wiTe lo be Ltkoii (run the Lf(;>'tt ilKLMCKlilN.— The pjaltloj wlli be w.irtb $U')i). Tbo dtllttiulty Will bu t >)(el anrcDQ to 1(0 tboro. I'sopte are rbary of Itoiii^ lulu ibe I,<.fl:sIativo ("ouncil. Jio.H Mr UUili'il!lf.Y^ ~Wo are hare as tboageutfi of tho people, JnlOfalcPiQ putnt ol Tii^t, •\uJ we ara bouud to logialalo in ouoor- diO'iJ with the w*ll uiidt^rntood wHl.os ol" tin' pfopVo. in roforenco to bavlnit ibuao ■4i}iiat'»rB appfUitd, wn ar>t bouml to'B^o wl:«t they are and wbolher I'.io pu i^de ure likely to iipprovo of our acta. IU% ATrurtNty OKNtllAl,.— llou mcmhcm m at rrtu-rmbcr tliat these r^iaolutlnns wdt bo aubiiMtiod to tbo proiiln. a much abutod tufLi, as the hoti aientbu' tor Victoria Dhtncl has truly Bald, Olid oar uomjaon objeot umit bu lo niiku the lennH aci-^pt- atilt) to the po w j will or wy will luit Uive lU' ni ilonUKl'KtlllK.iruN.-Tneobjiictloa suems lo m'> to bodlvid- iDR ilrillsh Columbia Into diHtrlcta. It Is u tiuiil utioti lor s'uua torrf that iht'y muit rcaiJe in tbetr dlritriiU, tut-rei'uru 1 tbink it will not bodoiirable l'uve that the Indemnity loSeoatori idmIx hundred dollara i.: a lump sum, without traveling rxpcDBcB. I think tt 19 now rummntC'i, and IblH would place British Columbia SeT'B, but «oiild be uioat unfair npoo . -Itlsh Columbia, trav- eling ixpfneea bOkli ways iihould be allowed. Hon ^Tfuit.VKY UblNKKAl^— My conviction Is tbit mileage ig I ow utiuwed. if I aui rlfibt tr>n cents a mito both ways Is a!- 1 i)\Vf d. Ho.N Mn nAUN'ARD- It Is the prerngativo of the Governor; we bad bL'tlcr v.tie for the ro)K:al of the Organic Aot. Hon .Mk fJECc^MOd— Under the proposed couatittitloo Senators wjuld be ctiu8se wbo own this country do oot Will ; such a stale ol tliing Mh wood — It m bolter to bear iu mind th^t the Organic Act applibH to three or at Ibe moat tour I'rovlnces ; Canada Eait, Ci'.iad'i West aud lliu Mailtime I'roviucfa, bere we want excep- iio"al t'-rniBt IIomUk RUB^nS— linn memlMTit seem lo B«8urao that we ara gi-.ii)g to enltT Couif ln witbeut reHpiiiHible goveromeot. i'hia I repuiliale. I 8Hy we aiiall ent'T with privileges equal to utiivr I'rovincea. I .lecliue luaatumo any thing e.so. With regard tu tiui u| p or by the now House F It would not H.(liBiy tbe puu|dtj that a Council nominated by the (iovornor abould apiMiiiit, and it is yet to be seen tbit the new LIoURi^, lui shadowfd lortb by the (iovernor, would be less objectioniblo than this OQ'-. We are entirely In the dark. Hon Mu UUMl'HKKYd - Ab I understand it tbraii Sonators are to bu appoiLted nt';t.T Confederation, aud consctiueutly the ritcouuuendatluu ri-furs to the uuw Council. Ili8 K.'^CtjihDcy svys that he wilt give a injijorlty to the poi ular tnembcrs, au dl have no deuut be mc-au8 whiit he saye. 1 beli«-ve biui o be a most (iHlituab:eg<.'niK'niau, bull have a fooling that he has been icleled ; it is nut likely tbut in a few wcekv' travel be could underetatid the Wiiutfl and fc-elings of tlif peuplu ; ynu must eat, driuk and Bleep amongHt iheni to imdcrslaud a people. LI I were a great Uovorniiient contractor I wuuld support the iiovernmcut. 1 ask aomu ri-a-on of rank ; it would be vory onay tu give us a majority of two or three pupiiUr iiirH, but nnlesfl we have a largn mt^iofity of ltcpreB''u(8tive memborB the (•ovcrnmout might atUl get ibflrown way. Hon Mk ItOllSUN —I deelro, Mr. Chairnnan, to answer two pxiuis. I bt-liuvu wu bball tlt:h( for ..ud hive r'^sponaibie Govcrn- menl. In reiiTfiug t^i the (levernor'a ai>eocb, the tlua. member tor l.dli'Oi'l.Haya tlitf u<^w Council will be juit fitntlar to tbia, that it Mill »iiil beuurepreat utative. I cauuot see why there Bbotild b^ tlna doiibl about Ibe C 'iiBtitutiou of the new (^ouocll If thero WiTO to be only amijnnty of two or three the Cuaucil would Btill bu unropreaenlallve, and the )>eople will not be contanled with a'lulra forii of Ui'V>-riim<>nt. The urgum''at of t!ia honornblu iiu-uiIxT lor Lilloo>!l rt-li.tt's it^ell in the mOHl coucluaivi' way. The people do not want :in iiiirepreH<.-utative llouie, not baviog Ihcir «unlld.'uo« to eiuut their ?eiiatori(. Hon Ma HlNU — What liafo we to do wilb the Organic Art i* Why ahuud «•■ i"it o irsi'lvr^ uu lur tliti iron poiuta of tu« UrftaLic Act, and be drngg'-d uiulor a barrow all ibe dayn of our liveH i If the act is wrong it Uiudt bo repealed. Now if the time to expresH uur niiiiiion. Taa LilAlKMAN jpiit the recomukendatioD of Mr. lIumpbreyR, wliich on division wait hat, aud of Mr. Kubsoii, which ou divisiuu was li'^t. Cli(U9>' fiiurteen pafiKod as read, Uuw ArroKJiKV liKNliiiAL— Sir: 1 rise to move the adop. tiou of i:lai»e fiTt'cn, which id as follows: 15. Mil! c.tnsiiltition of Ibe Exociitivn authorily and of tlio l.<'>{i-laturf of ilnliHb loluinbia shall KuU)ccttolhu "niitlsh N»rtti Auii-Ti'ia Act, ItiOT," coiitiiiue aa exiatiug at tho limo of union, uiilii altt'rud iimliT Itiu authoi ity of ibo aaid act. Aud b.'tore toacbiiig u[)oii the meriti of tbo reaoUtion it- Kelt 1 wish to explain that the time which must necos-arily clipie beti)re Ojufi'deration will alluw ample opportunity to procure a cliitiige In thoComftilutlun.iindl desire tu Impress u|)on 1iod mem. biTd that tliia qiieHtloii of altefHti'in m tbu I'onn ul Uovornminl, Is not necesBanly roiinccu-d witb the reeohitlun nuw b<-lore tbu lldiise. 1 iTiak-' tlii'se «bi4''rvatliin« in courtetcuHXtuii, but as tbe quea. I »f th<- '^arig" III' ttiKconfltituti'Mi of this colony Is 0.10 that li<-ab>itween tbia c.jiony an.l tbu Imperial tJovcrumenl, H dots iKft form an item in iheae rf»olii'>->na, therefore I would auk hon meinbera to (toBlponii thec«i'arL for dia'aBHiuii— there lr< oo d-- ft: whatever ob the part ol ttie ttovsrniutjul to shirk lh« ql i'j ;. The matter of tbe ccuatl'-ullnii i.^ under n'Kotiatiuii bctvx" , ui ■- 1 ilony and the Imverial tijveni- .11 at this momfit. ^^.. , f.B.i the>io rvaolutlons are pasiiHil. other ti-'Koliitlion« tnn8th.n. pije. first, Canada lias to atcerl ihHin, tbi'ii th'-ro is reference bask to Urltliib C'olurnbia it) Bubmlt to tben'iMilar vole, so Ibat there will be lull time allowed for the n<>w initilutionB to be inangur'ited tf the |v;opln ."ay that they do not want the term.s, but that tht^y want rcsponalblo Kovero- tii«tit, they will uodoiibUdly gat it. I cannot ('oiiieive our going ltitor..ni.'di'r;iliori with a Cruwii Council—we muj'l expei I to go In with luller representative iu^litutUuiS. If we do not have Coiifod- ei-atioi) under these turtiiH, wo nhall lu'verlheloBS have reprevrnia- live Instilutiona and a mf\|ortty under the Imperial Act will bavn ibc p^iw'r to clMtigft and gi't responitible govertmont, that w parly Kovpriirii'int. My )H)int \x. that it in not ntti-easary to drag in r»- •IxmBibi'- guvttriiineDl now. it Is not necefieary In mix It up with tli.'-it' ic-i'lntloiH. Our vu|.- "n ihtH r^aolutlim need nnt be decided oi. T'-'ponHildp government, or parly governtaunt. Wn shall etlll III? np<'ii to Bendany olhur reaidulioii on tho subject of party gov- ernin'Mil to the tJoveruor. I theri-lorc throw out tho inTitstlon to diHOuns It more fully oii a future day. I feul sure lint if this couioe 11 adopted Ibe discussion will be more free. Hup) Ma Kl>tl--I think, -^ir, that hin ExreMemy's tnesKage, If I may Hotiail tbe^f resoluttuni. lovltts uS l> ditcJiia rea)KinBiblo giiv.'rnmonl. HIr. wa buvo bv n In fortaer i .ys favored wilh re- prexeu'ative ln:*t-intiotial -tlioHiiKwcr lia<4 bi'oti. tu) lun>l«. WhiTu ilo the furniscomo from? From tlic poni'li'. IT tlio (lnv- trnor bi-ard tlm views ol'tlio people lie riiigbl. p-Thiips. chanK'-liiM vltwi. I aik lion mcmbPrff hem, wtio liavo liro.l uimUt ri>t>|niii«i- blu K»vernm«nl iii (Jrcat Hrltiiiii, (!!■ ar, hoar fn-tn Mr IVCo^monj iwl iw 1(0 rucrtaiu to Ihcir country. Hon mornli tb ide lAy thi-y are a^,if[i9t ri>ip govor[iin(>i.t atnl riter Id a li>rnitT Hou-o f'f Assembly of Vancouver Iflaml. This is no iirgu naut. I truit that hou membvri loviDg Rr)tl:'li iuBtitutioiiti wilt lis true to their eowniry, b-^Mnio Ihore aro AflV'ta iu soni-; .xtSfin- blyi ill not let U3 run into the abj(w;t error i.f^'ayinR wo iiro uot fli for ii-ir govornnient. We have Imriie (bift t'*o totig; ilo not Il'I u-s haiiti offerliH'.uiailuour coiiBODt to hubmit lo tlila •lonrailation; lei US uoi Bay WW art unlit; tbiil wt» Rurreruler ih-- quvsiion of »fli guveriimfiil. Who. I aslc 'la.'^ c^jrniiie.l the pcupli- > Win has tried ihem anU 'll-cover.'U wheth'T or not ttify are Ciimpftoiii to exercise thf privileges "I* reopona'hlo v"'vt.'rntnpnl ? Ttit-re aru tnuny point.'' tn ihs < luu^i* vrhii'h il' niaml ilixciifC ion, bii I nni nit goiug tni'Xbaii^t mysrlt. 1 riity, hnwovcr, tuut the qiusiiKU ufre- | BIMiQaiMo goverDmout must bo CKUSUlereil. I throw tho gaautle, i dowQ Uo^vUrBUMPUKRVS— Mr rbairmati, art mover nl tUu rettopl« ar« in livor of r<^pon?tbte g (verumonl. As a mudf ril of history, yjung ui I am. I be^iii tortraMiti Una truth; thai all liberty an^ impruvo- men! ha!mhjrBOf tiii*<:ounjii aru roinurk.tbl-; for liicir prtfonuJ uvlif- fi-'reiicu t > ri^bt a<)>l wrong. It is m tbclr )tit>-re«t l>» [I'litpjiiu tlib ROtlleiiient ol th.i question of reH^wniiiblp g'lVrr.im :>ut. I lioM tbar. Ibere U a bfreJt n"(.'Ci be seltl'id !!■ '■vau'l lorevfr. Why ahuuld we bs iMin..t;lle'l, ye.ir after year, to light tliHS'batl'pi for rcfonu over aii-l ov.t ii^aln; li-i this <['i<'-'tiOQ be settle'l hm that wo may bavo ti-isaro fiDfu ."ay tlif poople a'C not In lavor ot raipon- Mblu KOTernriiunt;tiiiie w.li Hbow. I say thai tlii>y will ahnojtt m a unit tusivt ap'iti ii. a i\v.i ihU t>ro))uHiiioii— uu rospoDBiblf goTernment.noOJiileil'iratlooj bo t'ouf-'clfralloii. iiu pomtuiH. Iu- fteai nl tiffbteQiug tho ^'ovurnmontal reins they Rhouhl bi Pkcketi- ed. ir reio\v*r; f^r thnmn all pruoaliility a iii ghller Qalion than (-itiaoi|.|l>l« rfoverameiit I uiii »ilit^d. IIis l-x:p1icn<'y aJmits that In w i:.ld n..t hk'' to oxti-nl tbo hboral for n ol gfytfrnm-tnl to tntN •uloiiy. Uy opiniiii in that iher>! U no communiiy iiofit tu XovtirD tlwm-eiTtfi; i^ovcniinanl ii uoi a c unpiiOjt.'d m*chiii«, th^re H very liitle dillt^ri-Qr.' hjtw wii rarrymgou a ijn/iriiment aud larry lug 011.1 bui.u<''«s. O.ia.itall nf tti.< 'ItsorHfidt'm in ttiis ol- (tuy ts IU my opini'ia alirilr.tab.c l.) lh» d "«|i ?ttr, h -ar fnni -Ir D'O 'fm »gi (Vti imu ri«-ip ns.'ile gnVitrnmonl you W'll Iwii-'jti.'ederAtun; it la not nt-i mMry t > cay a lymor^; h-l DH ti.tve so netbi ig lioniiblo g-iT4 iiiiwnt. I wi 1 rmid fro A p •( linii now In lay haiidi. lloM ArnasKif ii!ilK-i*L — I'll a is itltoi uri.'r; I riri.- t > call the bon mt)nb>?r l^ or ler; tlii-t i< mtt the t iiit) totirvtent h iitioii. Hon ilit li£<"i(<«ij— Til.! hm mJiuUN- (iMa ris''ji to r^a I from It. CJAiKHA!)— Ihahori member OAnnnt reail from a iwtition which bai nu> bi«Q prnt<;J to aud rnceivti h/ tbirt Houh". Hox Mil Rxii «■•>(— 4r fliAininn, I ri'H leii ihit yi>j wH be cire- fill In ru'iiig on tnii m itt'T. Una mi'in'i -ra h ivDlii.- n^lit t » r.'>i.i from doou Do.iti t'l Bbow tho viow* of l(i<-ir o-m-imii -ntfl. It in allud>M loai tho biit III lu^ of !!<:( itintiUi; t>)e Moist willi lh<) Tiewi of tbe • Histltuoncy walch the ti >ii meinb'T r -prmi'ulH. HoK ATTDKXRY-tinSKAi.— i>o thnittiiT hinl I w -nl-i bhv tba-. tbp rUbt of pjtitiounra ni hi bo nMpect td. an l If tt m ni»m'iura are allowed to read jKititioiia, thou pjtitlo. MO i;i Lt ■ i; >t in by a ni i^t wiud HoM Ma Roin)-*— [n ray opinion iho hou m 'rahor hai a right ti real from a diw iinout iifthiii kin I. Uns im Hki-u 'KE!f— tUving lo'ikv 1 at this «toiiument I roj It U Dot A {iftllioii to thifl M'»H4 and may tht*rorors be quoted. THBCuiainshivnij lij-iij'*! at tb'i doou uyjld.'UidJl tnat it nii(;ht b« quoi.^l. HoH Ma HrHi'SBKrit then reail a portion n| the priiyer of tbt petition, wot) h purinrii'd lo be to Her Mi^dnty tiitj (Meuii; Ho* Mr. Koiiiox— TO'I hon irabla ai 1 »-i nU Atioiu.-y 0.'n'>ral hMappoaM to Ibw hoii'irabln rnxmbfrs wim am tti f.ivur of roa|«in(tiblfi (Joveramcnt to i>oBtpouo tho •i'H*9tion fur ttio preient. I Bhoiild bo glad to a<'r,ut nelV'M to my mmd a^ t> Ihitciiurttt In my 'ipminn ti vote for tbif ■«iClion u^iw wtll preclu4ii tho poi'ibilily of our hfngi ig ou tlie ■ubjo'.t "1 reHpjusibkHiovoruiii'tQt in tl.<' llouao thia Bi'ssum Wn aball be mat with thoajuerrian tint it bia bei'O already ihdi'uitied aud doi:id')d for this Hi's.^ioii. | am ) Burn thit honor iblo nod learnoil Atloni»y iinnpral d<>«.s not wmh to cat<'h im in a trtp. Hon ATT Uovomni'iii In thismatt'T, II pui'iiblfl.hutai ffaar'nakoii In vol.- ayeor ooupoo thmlvH.'.l B*y that in vniii? for tt wo aball be cABlini; olat.-t) wltblnw, the liata ar.) clodod, and thi> gang of battle down. Uh RoHinv— Mr. (Jh.iirmiii.l will addroiw mvioK ti tho qiiestioij bdfn.a the H luw, whiua I fcal to be tba mo«t iiii.iortaut olau.i.* in lbo«c< lermi , a .piwtioti, In tad, whlcli nndorlleit th" peaco.proi IMrily and h»ppineM,>f Britiabi: ilnmlna; a.pwslioawbi'-h. t|r»r« leaaly or naproperly treated now raav evoutuati' In tlio mn80.iiien»a^. Aa I road theclaiHii It idarva it beyond u powai ofi b«iC»lool-(ts lo obtain tho form of Uovernroeal whh h ; a ii aliivfl, roaliy w«ut, aud il wo pui it v c sUail obuio no mi't>' tlian that aliglilly inor<- iibcrnl f>>riti, which la loroihadowed iu lilt Kxi'idb'iiry'B apeech, under the cover nf repreBentat vo Oov- cr..iii -nt. I'rol.iiiDdly ImpreaBed a.'* I am, with tho gravity of tbo aiilij'Tt we ar>' now called upon to conHider, any ri'inarka I may bo cnabli-d tooiltfr will prori'ed rather from a sense of duty to my coBiititiieuta and to my country than from aiir hope of chaogliig the viewa or inlhionclni: the vote of any honorable member. What la pKponaibLMi.ivernmriJt* I have been led to behove that couaiderable confuaioii of Ideaj^oxiPta upon thia jtolnt ; and I wai tho nioro imprei.-'eil with tlii.'^ upon llitoulng to tho romarbs of tho bonnrabie inembur for Caral. '0, a r-'W aay.4 ago. That honorable g'-ntlemau compared tho iutroda.-tion of reaponalblo QovcrntiHtit into tlii<4 Colony to Applying the inachiuery of the (ireat Eaitern to a dairy i-hiirn. Now, sir, respunaibluUoVi-rnnieat l^inot aqaao- tity ; It in a pnuclplo ; a'l 1 as Siich it is appliciiblo to tbe Ureal hQAtern or to a dairy churn, cainiblo of b^ii'ig applied to a tioy lad>'rt watch. It faa prinrlplo ailiuirably ailaptud to tho largoBl cunrn iiiitl'"* In tti" Oil World. It hapnncioli' admirably adapted to ihi' I'linllw^tc iuimnnilica in the New World. It la a prlnciplo th.it may tui wnrked out in a c.ibinet of a hundred. It la a prin- ciiih' whi'h may Imsiirrraifully worked out in a cabinet of lliroe. n'lllKHit It no GiiV'Tuin-at can, in the true Keuae, )>e called a P>-oplei' tiovcnmeiit. All trno Govoriim"nt* dorlvn thoir power .from the people. a1) true Government niu^t h» reflpoiiaiMe to iho poop e. liesiMnsihlc (lovernment Is, then, a principle which may b<) adapted to, and itiircciirtriilly work'-d out iu thIa coinmunliy. If tliiii pro|»o>iUion irt incontpivcf tiMe, which I malntam It Ih. who can say iliil Itrltl-(h Columtun la md l..r-'e .-iioimh for roKi>onslblo fJov- erument. Them ar» men hereof ability to form a cuhlnut Tba Cjbin..-t. of tueil.iy ia, under the reHitonaitile Byateni, the Govt-ru- ni<-nl. Ju.HlBo long as il bus tho coLflleni-u of a majority nt the reproiiontatives of tlin |w>plo in tho HoiHe. In the event of that conll Jeiice b>'iiik; hmt, Miu nf twocouraes ia oppii. Tho Minister* placi their reiiguailon in the hand.-^ of the (Joverimr, who commonly cill< upon a priiaimnit mem hero tiio o((po*.lli.«i to fnri.i a Mlnlatry: or It th -y bulii've that tlm IIoiisedi>>^ uot truly re:>reaent the i>eoplo U|vin th<- i)iieatlou at i<<'4iie,tli'>y alvi.'4>- a di'^aolmion ami anapiwal 1-* tluicfiiintry. What would responsible Govoriiinodt have to do here- In dt>aliiig with this* rtipo9i>d to remihi a separate colony tba casj would lio liirerenl. I ilo not say that oven then I would notadvo- cate ih ! iiitroil iciion of rcsron^dilo Govorninetit, but that adv'nt wou'd alone havo tj (Ual with local '('i'-'Btlou3. and tbiia it would hive vary Plmplr dutiea 10 discharge, B.-.irceiy m..ri' dimciill, hi fact, than tliusu lalHiig within the lunction-i of a l.ir^e minic (Kilty iu Canad.i, Are the !»■ iple ill Rntiih ' olunihia lit f irlt ? And (wrn I would express my Miner., regret ihjt the representuivo of b«r Maj.'Hty in thla colony hw ("lit it lo l« bii duty to pnuiouu. " an advtrrto t thia colony WiL-i Biicli a.s to jiiElify blm iu so early pro- n'liuiiing ii|i()n their litoes's ftr B"ir-goveriiiiU'nl. Att 'li'iBT'iK.tKiUL— Th-' h ti'irat.omenib;r f )r Mew Wontmio fltor Hill, I amxnrc, pardon tho Intcffuptlon, but I leel II myd'ity to d-ny that tlio Uovtrnnr ever i id, or that any m>'m"ier of tho Govurnni ml has n.i.d or tliouK'hl thai the p^oido of Urillrfh Colum- bia are undt for aelf irovernni'-nt. Ma tftikioi— I thank tho honorable and l-'arnrd Attorney General, and I appf.liiti! IiiBiiiotivea. There U no ono Ijsa diaiwpwl than iiiy muib, andltli with thi*Ke we alonoare d'cirn-'il. Kroni iiiy own knowlediro ri.n''e in t!'0 working of rcs(iou^iblo(,,jvorr,ni-nt tnother c dniiiiia. I I o.i.ipy a-ata either in thi :j4Mlil;\.t A^«. in ,ly t,r in llf iMliin.-L ot Htitlj'h Ikduinlda. U« wli I wn i!d judt; !of thu liii..|iiij,'iic • and mental ac^iulrenMntH of men In thi-" iii\ouy I.> i.itwtrd appearance and bv pp'HOUt oomi pation 'erlalnly woiii,ii„,t judge rlghleouajii'lgmcnt. The optnluu ot hia Kiejiien-y tho Governor to th" contrary, noiwitbatandlng, I l.'ld.y as-nirttli.itlbepeopr ot Driti^h Cobimbia aro lit for r» «liinsiblo UovernmeiK. Ui tUoy want tt» I>oiilptl»-a there are tliote in thia llon«e, possibly oT.'n In tho unofflctal ranka.wbo will deny tiKt tbo i^.iple o| iiritii iKit any m»n who hta given duo tbjught to the aubjecl can loBBiidy h-'sltato l-oik at tho position this cobmy woold occupy andor tonleleratlon. without tbe tull control of Itn owa local aiT4tra— a G>mdillon alone attaiDable by iiieanii of r'-npouBlole gov- erntnent, While tho other i'rov nr- i only aiirreuder federal qQ"B- loDBto the in.'nir4l government, we would « irrondor all. While tne other I'ronmea with which it is pronoatd to confo-lorats opon Bq«t%i aod P'luiiabio teriai retain tho fulleat i>..wor to manage all pro\.iicinl mai-r*, Hrltl^h Columbia would autronder that iwwor -ner loo.l an W(>il at hrr nattunnl allilrR would vlrtutlly be maii- age-i at 'Htiw^ Could a union ai nneqjal be a happy and ondar- iiuone? Tliecompaot \»e are about to iPfUi U korm^i. t^baU wa latte Into it the germ of dUcrd and dlsrupllon • The iwplo de- sire cbaiigi, but they have no dealto to ex ban^fl tho Imperial I 2 '"I" ,^''* *'''»n»^'»" beel. They dcalrepnliUcii miuuinlsilon. I Bian-i More, ani, in ttiu naraa of my anc<^BturM,protflat befora ueavriiagatiiMithrt Burrendfr of r mBtituti'inal riglita purchaMd "} thtbeKi blood ..four race— ipricJlfflshviwywahaTa no right 1 1 barter away, .en If wo would. We owe it to .nir anooatora to Keserve entire thof*. nglilB which tti y have delivered to our oare. la-r*"** '.^ '", I"nt».-ity not to flutler tb.'lr .|oarf«t Inherilanoo lo bo ueiiroy,vi. Hut, if It woro i>ossibk- fur us lo bo lasjualblo of thcao Barreu.iaims, there la yet an obligation binding Uiioo ounelTCB, irom Which nothing can avi'iit ub , a iwrsouul lutereal which w« THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. 3a cannot surrenilcr. To alieoato even our own rights would be a crime as maoh moro euormoaflthaD iUici(lo,aBa lilo uf civil secur- ity an U poliiloul (rflodoia is sup()r;or to a couilitiun of Berrnd it wjuld appear a most tUtiiir moment, wbon n new c >Diitltution la about to b'i oCferod, to domiud thu full ro3turation of polittcil rights of which wo have buoti for book' lltno so unjustly doprlrcd . A word about tlio C')ntJtilnlluu wdich the Uovurnor proposes to coQfur upon tbia Colony. Kegariilng it in the dim li^ht ^^^'^ u;)on It by tho Exocutire, it is not uiifilr to Asaumo that thoro will ho ODo more popular meiiib«)r taken into (ha Kxecutlvc. and thu>. tlio people will haTo a ra»J >rity of two in ihe I.-gialature. Lei ns Ruppoio that tbe [.eKialntivcUouDCil has 20 luombofH, U L-l<-ct<)d by tbe people and 9 uppimied by tboQovcrnor. Three am takfu from tbe II mt'i tbe myBtcrioun cbamb.T of the Kxocullvc, whero tbey bcc>mo— I will mt say corr iptod— raanipulat>'d, oducatod tc ■ee thiugi somitwbat diffurently from wbai tbey saw them betorc. Id a UouausocoQ8titntu<1 ountitu- tion? And ret I am coiialanily told that this is not tin- proptr time to ask for r«spinslblegovernmi-ut — that If the peopl') wint it tiey will pJsSBiti", under tbo new constilutio'i, ttio ready m<;an'* ol obtaiuing It. f^ir, I douutseeibe matter in tbatlight. [ see in the proposed c >niti ution a condition of things wbich pnuniica a lire years', pi-siibiy a ten years' sgitallon ti)r what tbe i»oplo are pro- pared for uow, d> sire now, aro entllled to now All goviirnraenli are naturally omoervatiTe. All pori ms lioldinn potiiions of honor, p wor or eraoluraont are p.unwrvativo. Tbiuk you thoao h'ddiug ofHoe by appulutrafot will favor or (jromote a chaigi- \v.iich would make tticm nstionsibie to Iho peop'e— uxchaog'^ their commission from tbo C'row:i for the more b: i'lle tenure nf 'public opinlou'V On iho Contrary, w J •hould tind thoso iii iXiWir oppusud It} the people In tb»ir slrud^lo for roitponsiblc gorerntii'-nt; and bow long tbe etrngt.'lQ might ta'^t It would be Idle to nrudint. Kesides, tbo pociplu of Canalu da not desire t»si'U HritixU Colombit occupying any siicb fal^o po.sii.iou. 'L'uoy know too well ttio valuo jI' free Institution!;, and th dr atkutation to new oaiilries lo think ol wlthboldiiig tbeiii iromuj Tii'<«oijiiLitiitioni wkreootwon witnout along aud bloidy stniKXle.cveu m Oanida; and tie proipiTity and coutOQtmentof tiiat peojile date fnHt retiponsible vovorument btiing introduced here. I admit tbn partial lailure of thetiij fnalitutloBB. That failure m.u n t, h vv^T'T, on account of lb.) In^titutMOa bein.^ 'reproBenlativo', but bocause ilit-y were not 're»pon«iol«.' iho OMcntial prmoiplo v/n wuitn.' There was no constltiitional connecting link— no bon«plf^ soniJlunuS m liiditV'renee and coulempt. permitted unaiiitiible mill t) be oluclod, and tbe whole tbiitgcamo to rack aud roiu I is to avoid a rooet'l.tu of tUat uuaoemly taruethit tbe (loople durn lOd tbu-. any new onettltutliin whlob roar be oonforrod upon tuis colony shall btbaied ii|>on the only true principle of ryiKmsiliilit/. Tbi-s rate a Ircsh polil cil sgltttum with union is most uuiloslrnblo an 1 miglit load t.» dina-'irous roiulu. Tbep>s^ible consrij leoces ot a rjluea to rfraut res|K)ii«tblo gorern-ncnt colucldont witn Uonto'torallun H a part uf tbe subjeul I alniist besitalo to touch 1 would nullher prophecy, pred ct nor threaten ; but I would ask tbe government to let'l well and OtrcfiiHy tbo leHSoni wtlttpu in blo':d in oilier coiiiitrlHS. Human oatu'-eit mui'-hthu same on both sides of this great conlluunt. lias the Anglo Saxoj raco b.iU'iiii'^ so utterly tW- genu'-ate bnro that it is prepared to btrter away fir mere money tiib.'^ldiCM (biMt) rightiwh'ch wt-rj purchaied with so much bio >d oUewbere? I mturly refuse to think so me inly oi ibtspo>plo Wq bavit sfou that even toe balubrueds at Red River have too mjcb ul ttio ol 1 bbK>d In tbeir veiuri tu permit a faacied politiial wrong. 1 an ujt n dug to predict a rebeilluu here. HeaV'^i grant Ihoro m»y be oouo Hut 1 do leel it my duty to warn tho giiv«rii- meutag«in.it uonecsistnly prorokinu: sucii a poislbloountingeucir. Why suould tharo be such a i unaooooutiblo auUpalby tolnV'Stiiig tbt3 peuplit of Br.liib UolumbiiWitb tliise political |>uwors enjoyed under tho B itisu CuuBtilutiou F Why ii the prei^enl form ufgovurn msiitsu unpopular with the people? 1 will teil you why. It Isju't bee tiuo It li Bot a people's gorernmont. Tbey bad no bant) In mak - iugil. Thoy have none in working It Tbey can have none in nn- maklag it. Ojly lot the jioople have a hand iu rurming tbe 0>>vcru manl,ln sotecting msnoi their own clioice to rule ovor them, and we wottlill!iila|(opulnr gtvornmout, a strong uoveromont, slfiug ii tho heart and contldence of the peiiple. The vi'ry fiumigeiilloraon whoarjunp ipularnow, bJcause ruling witlioil tbe eoiumnl uf tba people.woild bu popular tbon,b'ciU8e ruling by I be act and with iU>'. cousenlof tbe poopie, Thopoopieof HritHii i.'ulumblii are nulur- ally a cooserV4iivo peoidu Kostiira to thoni tlieir political rights, aud no (iovemmont would need to fear an undue dotilroilor chanKu Tb4 people know best bow to inuiago thdr own lot'al iiUiUrs. Di'lMud upon It, sir, tti« p'JopIo are seldom wrung ui tbeiroidnluns; in Ibnlr Simtlmouta they are norer misttkeu. Those now iti MOW jr bars a great respoiiitihlllty reatlng upon them. Upon tbu miuaur ia whicb tbey acquit thuint>dves lu regard tu this very fiMostion m.iy lung Un( mojt raora'Uitom coniciiueucis. Will tli'-y promitln ovorlasilng w.'llbelng? or precipitate untold oTll f lleaveti grant that thoy ntiy d<> right I I stand bor't today to a Ivisofrnd warn ,not to ihreatou and prcdii'l. The OoTornmeut hits a rury giavo roiponiltilllty la this matter, and may well tak'' a le'tdou from olh)r oau'itrles. Tbo possible con-Jtuinrtnce of a ro;u3il tJ grant a re»8o-iabler*».pie-'t may bo a ri'p''ii(ion of tho Red River truublo. I.ut not tbe guveruni Mit mike a fatal mistake, orth^yin^y flud (h'^miilves In a stato of p>litirftl agitation that may leal to thu most sorifm^ r ineo'iuenees. I believo that, und'-r oiruumuanoofl analaiooh to what njourred in tho Rod River Ter- ritory, the Imperial Uovernm-?nt would treat the inhablunts i>| tbl!S I il.iay With ovnn mir^ e Muld-'ratlon It would H'iI be o 'I'lWttlonof bayonets and IIe'»ti III cii-rne ibH cnlonyi but it would ho ao'tt'Stlonof wliit concesalous oiigli*. Id the iHHipIo of Bi-itUb Columbia as full ct oflittlo use. Tb*s 'iui>Htloii ended, 1 am cunt. 'iilcd to leave tbl8 Co^incit iiiidgito mycoiialilumn. Hon Hr CAKR\it,.— Mrtbiirmin. I shooM like to ask whit all Ihifl breezti ts about ? It la perrecily cb>ar to all that a% aoon as wo enitr tbe Conf<)der:icy tho people of this cuuatiy can have any t rm of govornmrtnt thev doaire, I refuse to tako up tho Issuo Without Confed'Tatnn. m a stale of isolation. We are dealing with OonfederatloQ. I n: -jually with Ihc bon member for New 'A'i'aimlnsler, aware ot tt' aelcss b'H>0 nf rofponsibllity, which exHls la Kngltnd, which .> f*irly hftciHi'd tho ::'tandir(i-Uoaror of nationsjand lam oqu.^ > -iwaro tlist th-' aame responsibility doea not exi.«l In tho Unit-id rtlntt-s. liunng l' ■■ lata war I ^ t^ .a the Uuit^dflates'arniv. tftiUon, ihi then r-eeretary .-t ''vir.wasa moil unpipulir man. Thuy wauUd to get rid ot liiin.but be to lid not bo removod. When I took lliJ ground ' 'i lesponsiblo giiverumi^.U was not expsdienl, |l was notb.rv -eldidnolap- provo ot the system. U is, I say, the wiaen lul bMl lorm of govornmont, but It ia too tiimbrons fur this c^jiony. I will repeal my ot'J'^ctioni : Tho Conrii-il contdus uo iiioii o| lollo.rrA tbe ronntitocQeien are to.-) remote, aud tho iulmbttant'^ are all. ngaged iu hr tad-n 'ekinM ; lho''o nri> few mon ol tmleiiPnilent ni^ans who would tako pirt in ro^pon^ihii* itovornim'nt and <:onso'iuenlly liio direction ol pubic alLiirs would fall Into tho bands ot nieii who are nnt fl't 'd or quallfled lo g-iv-rn tlio cnuutry, or othorwiao iuto thd liindH of Vlfttorians; nolther of which I, for oni, wish to seo. How uuforturinlo It would be f ir Oarlbonltes If the hon seblor in"mbor tVr Victirfa fHf Holmcken) were elected for Cariboo, I svy, then I'lat it must fall Inlobvl hind#,ur into thu bauds of VictorlatiB I off>tr that argunent na a BriMnb ColumhIan. Tbo Kxccntive Council di not care on* Hi^ whit sort of government tho jiuopl'' take. Ibe Kxeeutiveity the !,mj . (It ha--, Mr DeCoPinos ] Tho hon member fnyn that it In"; I ssy it ha« not. It has been namod with Cuiifi-'dcraiion hut not by Itself ; and until It i-i made a lepat- ate tjU'SBiluii my advici! tu the Governor will bo Dot to grant It. The Oovernor hai lefl you to cbooso anv poveroinent you deem heat. IJ-i you think it would bo bettor to havo as permanent heads of dnptrtmonts two or three gentlemen who arc lamlliar with the wants III tho colony, or a muveablo mlnialry going out on a queBiiun cf r( pairs to(}j«ichiuruad, or something ot that kind. Tinrou are ain'^ngit tho tbingfi that yoo hive to cnnaider,aninr, after due consideration, tho peepln desire rospouslblo government they will havo 11 . 1 am here lo rtato that hia fxoelleDcy tho Gov- ernor has no wi power uuder retiponilbie government whom no person would like to have as rulers. There are (>etty IntorcHta mixed up with polities lu small communllles which pn-vont the system working so w-ll in them, as in large oouiitrle< like (}reat lUllaln. woero there la a liealtby I mi\ anil a rust population auii coOBe lifo nf 111"' ji'imiicsl (imoiiunt us wo slmll not |ti>t It- bill W" iitDHt ut'ikv I' ^» llic 111,'iin r'-'O'ltiltin, Hlttimit refipdQuiiiie Ki>vi-rii[iii lifk OiiiinU for r«»>|i"ii- ■■ icircriiiiicnl. U»k» ll n rcspoDslblo |«verB- goFerntnont. I niiiVe lliis Pl.i'oniPir Ir.'iti co'ivii-it'.-i I am im-- r^lly Ireo to take ftnv cmirsu I like, tnJtwilliKt.irnlHii: / uin rni Exc omiro CuUiicill.ir. lly pulitou bus not iu ai,y way rurtall-'il my Vlcwa. I could liart< a■ itaiiiM a( anv Utrif k-t him [ i"'-nt i"" "u^'o'it'ilormion. lB0v«toro«k1ip lot\o of tbe H-tiHy to wlUnlraw my tiioifon so that tbe lliiS in ('AR,iAL-,— Wtfll, nam" It i know whit His Kx d- I may Ptaiui. lency's Intciilioii ia witu rt-^aril to i^ivinitrciir' Ht-ntHitivi tn tlif tit- w | Hon Attohskv (JciiK'tAL— I r.-Rrel vi'ry much that a fllBO(i«a|r<\ Council, bin we .13 not kiw* lh« ni<'asiir-'ot U. If t(iprt'nnn i fo inii piFiio.eo toinljy unner-airy, nh"iita h»v« t»»n forced ' ovnrwbelmtnR niiijnrlly for le.-p 'iihII)].- jjovernmoiit iti h'I ilmtricia, j by Ui^ otbi-r il h t nnpporliiiie. I au. electors will t^k.' ,ar.' to a-'iid ri'H|/"ii- Mo fovcnimful ni^'inbcra j (Tl^d lliat ll.e h m roeiubi-r lor l,illo.»>i hiw w;ttiifa»ii bm tnoilca : to the next Coiircil.irthcii^otp «re il> t»rni;neil to hive lhi« 'pr co I i* Ifavi-t tlif» Council lo doai wilb tho mit-n'tni'-nl nflhw hon mi'iii- loM boon,' let tlii'iimciid men who will «iy tin^y wfll hn« it. I , b-r l<)r Ni-w Westminster, an I I drt«'ply r>vr'l Ih.it tho hon RenlU- tsfll iaa|H.>Ilrd t > u iminhifr a noil and ftentto r t > thu lion | nii i 'lid H'')t a<^opt thn Invitation lo i:lve upaRpccial Quid 'lay lo lbs mrmbiT lor Now Wi'stmlnatfr, who liai, I nnixt ci'nf'Sf, won mv I 'i!sci«'i(i»a ol rc^p ji'ilili'i ov timii iit.a^ inKKcstP.l bv myacll «ftcr o»t«cm by hla mainly, mraU-litlorwurd fiippo't ol lbo*=o r< h ilii- ' «'■■ hud pis* d rhiii.-< • I'l i[ tli-'l'r-rnn 'lliw I staled ai ilio titna tiiinn; but I iim^t t ' llnnsi! wa'< (|iiit<' < omp'-ti-tji to do. Iliun tni'inbers on this atda •■lapbatic — iitiiDti'iitionallyol courriC—b'i'tiiHo led away by llmnub- of thu floii^t; inijht have iniuiy j iiin' I in the itiaciittsion. {Hirhaps joct. Ilohasnsid mfliinmitory UiignHK" wii ch ho b.id bi-itt-T not , auiu-j rouht huvuHiip[wrted Itm pnixrijilo, tut no I The bon pro- hiT" uttered. hnijuigp whiob wai H'lt t'xac'ly In arcrdinco with f ^'T of tbo muRDilinciit, with the lijit ot batllo in bia eye, hai wOttt 1 1'ooci'ive 'o be ourreiT Thai cUupo tn ibo Onverinir'a , n luaed evary nmrifB'i'm ; and if'prAnr'la, wbno ho lien nn to Bod BpccMb which B|iPBl;s of our not bntng lit to tiuvprn oiinir1v«'4, irov out hii iniatike, ii w,i.>4 t.! bid b<-g;iu : ibo iflovu ia down ; tbn vianrs aio M a per-o n of govern'nuniyi^ull.and it we c ui lu.livi laiby K'VPn. tMir.-eIre8 il \ nieraber forN>'* ^Vi'Kt-ni'islerhid bieti oppiscd to iPB()oii«iblo pjv- i^tjir to sit^i.-ofe that tim colony .aa a wbriie. cm Korern itself. If i nritm')nth>'ttifr. b> Iiiat thoy ine np tbi> •pic'liia witti ttfr.nK, tor sh',*i»uiii. i ii'^ pjiiil wh'(!U T'lpiir-M v n-nal noti«-i ac>d propBl'm tothtnr TltfW.^, and o^U of thit »!••( a Rovoriiinpnt, It micbt ( "«>rr''i:tluti i^ that ni'irly till «rt'«k-r8 d irmtf tli" iltbatcacorn to bo practxabie; but mateid of thit, her'! wi' ari* wifi ii scit end | Ih'uk that tbi- "i.)vernoriiIoiU' c ruld Kraut any altt'ratbMi of Uonttl* populati >a, i^oiato'l c<'ntrt*s9''paratfld tromoaL'U ulh.-r; Uii! major | intion t'lat tnav In; r<'|'iir*(l, int-r'-ly f ir ilin aikiiiK, but thia 1» ^ ity are here (or ibo fo'o purpo-to ol m«kiiiii ni oiey, ni'! tii'-y .lon't tni«la'u ernment ; I'lev wiiut to b*! ^^ovrni'd a-i clu-iply h<< ixiSHbii' If I tiiii J i-i »Jon;ifil. Tb ■ Govt-nior c^n 'inly re<:oiimo-ii I. It la f-ir the wroiijf, if It lu'ii^ out at tb" poKa thm 'Ht-n « intiinK ru.ijotliy are | Home •.overmnent lo ifay what thai ntunj^.' aU iil h". As to tbe Id (av'jf of rcaiHiiisible Kovernmen* H''\\ eati h tve it. iIm» iron ne-d j abla apeecu oi ih>> bon mMiiibor d-r Nw* Wu^iinm*t«r, tht oli>- of Canada is ail nonseuio. liovernor Mti.-griV; la t H; man we Imve | cpience ol w .i.h 1 was lorce'l lo app'au 1 1 1 splto -if myKnlf, It wm to deal with, and I «ay that reapoiiaihie tforernmi'iit Ib a I an urKumeut biaed npon Ialrupba^^■) ; which roiild only leal tu a lala,^ conciiwion. and 1 lako It (li.il tho b'>-i memb-r i» in fa»or of ro«»pon»i''Ifl giivJrn.uoiit as a si-'»i gi'A my duty with my expiTieni-e tn give fur and Iraiik advii-e ft tie people . to tell tlieni H'bat 1 Hunk i> t.ir thi-ir K" td. W ili y d.-ter- minediir'T'-iitly to my a.lviro tin; fmil ia with tli'iu. .ii. and had thriii't ii njinn die |h; >ple, w>>iiid not th" res{toe- table minority who ar« aRaitirft ll hivi- .^ iid.or pot-.h'y, a:,d ii'* 1 think protubly hiveaaid, Uia Kxi'.'lb'iuy btd id-- 1 uiivi-' *ly. Ih n ipi-'-ilioii has \i'iQt\ birl'ire the ]K'«ip.u ; Ib-y would have I ii piMliln .1 in inmi'lngat th" k'ltti' t bait of r.-^ipon^ibi'- (joviTii'm-ul il the )Tt i,(. injured many w*«y l>y tbo introilortion ol r<'-p'>ii.dblo <)iiveiiitn>'nt. Thote aiiKiii); thfin wh i wre roiiitiii'siiiiiiTl \u Klii^laiU |l liifHTl the head--* of Di-partni'Mit.-- ) will It- reii-tt- n- 1 so md ■• pi'iidout lint ih"y will h" ab"Vf li -htitiL' aft- r llieir oivn Int-r e.siH. f think it niiiiki'ty that lh*'y will r'niMii b"re. As to ih<* bilanceof ollli'ii^, if Cauad ior w lieiln-r wt- have r'-ap'iiisib'eCiovrriim Ut or U"l. I'loli ibly ibr-y uiil h ■ - Ulilized,' piiii-'! th it a* tbe li-nn we aro to U'^e. I cI liin lor Un' -y^t 'm whtrb hiB hAo'dlctlcy li;ta lori-dud iwed, tb<(t t is more xu t:(ble to tli^ pr'S'-iit circumstaucaof thi'i cd'niy lh4>i any niber ayat'-tn \vh"'U in be given ujt Kes;>on«li.Ip G'>virnineiit h'W lo'e 1 iv.-li m I irt'o comm'inltie.^. bnt m sm ill on-s 1 .lo'il't it- elll- iemy. It is "ik'- a pfilnled Bliip on a paint.-d o.- -tn. If it we-e nbl.im.*d in a f>niall col >ny l.k ' tliia. tliuru wuld h ■ a r i:i>iuit guw^ ol h.itil dire and HhutCe '.■'>ck noi-ii^ oil— in to dny, out lo murrow , 1 iiin-v ih hon- orable metnbN aii'l Workn Uepnrtmi'nt one dny.atid I. h iviiit; paid nitn all (he e impMiiioiity I c piil'I, come ovi-r anoihi-r diy tohivoau lutervKsv wth tbeCiii f and Hud th it th'-r ■ b.i-. l<>;.-ii n 'hau::!- ..f M(n>-itry, tiKT' {■* >vi<>tU-T man in. My dl 'i' m ly be wronK. it b», t'l-v i- tn l>' eorrect'^d at the polls. If 1 were a man of properly, with a lar,-.- alakv In the eo|.»ny. 1 should d.tcid.jiy ohiect to reapn'-iiblo '.oVTOiaent'. I b ive ulven my M'»»on can liJIy aii't h 'U'MiIy. 1 m ly n>'v»r sit at thiiOHiiicll Bo»rd agim. I hivulvan my nilvictohi'iKitfiPll- uey, to thiH Hiiird. and tii my conslit lent* c -n '" " !»).i. e|»» whv :,:i iha till talkiim of hio -d, w idinn kno) deep'm hbio-l, wtiy dii.-t m ouranemeul ol rebildoij. in ilcieneo of our riiiht-a'd tb'- like.Btil yet 1 iiii Jeral-id t .v liou member lor .Sow W'-ni-ninsi-T to - ly that be d ".•« uoimaku ruiv.'rnnifiui, bi.llhil Uu would n>'t p eduH h 111 'I'll UK'i;tko 1' awxKtj'i.x jjoV. lion M(;|{nti.^oM— lau.d liirmer Ibal 1 dii not pledau tDysflll that th*!|'"'I'iew..iill tiot. Hon ATronsKY iiK\KR\!— I ib-ii iiii.bT«tind that th.- hon.irable liu-mli^r lor N. w W.sinuii-ivr put*: ii not im a r>iti* .put non. Ho.i Mil K'.iM.iv— No, Mr. Chairman. 1 nev..T said that. I will not be pla. .-d m HU' b a poMi„.i,. j relin,,- u> have «mcb on iasuo loreifd iiiHUi iH, Arnm-ymliKN-KR u^ Hither the honnrabl'' memb.-r piitx it one way or th- other ; oil'- oj two o|i|K)siti'8 miiKt bo Inj..'. j ^.^^^^ ,j,„(y y„. d'Tsimi. rii.'l iiiu^t preliTth.-'iir-.t.iinds'imple is« f tbo hou- ortbl.' Ml iiiher l-ir \i.-ioria l'i.-tnri. b.r num'-d'at- r.'hitoii.Hible ««v- ermii.-iit in aii> ■■ iw. Mlher with or wiihoui contoderatioa. I ' ly, sir. tliHl th.''pi).ii..n iH m im w ly ronn'rt...d with tUy disci'*- Kiou ,i| t IN i:l:t>i>*. I »iid tnat n*<(ioii«ih|i' (irnvrnimiit "ii«h1 not |oh > ronaiduind nn'ilafler tli.'io..n'iiHre.M'i.niiii .1 wilh an ir!-r"ii.-el repn-i'en- lalion.a-i *hadowe.l torlb in Iih l.\e..|l"nry v epec-h. I have itaid that we ahall have the hole coiitrot of the iimtt.T ui our owft baiuU if we have confeileration. | ^ ,j wa, luTa i*. I id. iiliiv inyBuU with I'lli' country. Iii|Kuik on dil-j maiter a' aiitii.'n. I Miy thai if w.« li»ve riiire't'-ralii'ii wo Rliall bave nii op|M.riiiiiity ..f k-Uiiik recpoii- - bl-tlivernmeDl. if we have not Con led emu. m tiien wo »hall have i'icrea4,.d rpi»fps.'iit.tbin. ami .indwr thai weraiiR't reaponaible .»riiiDeii! If ibe e.mmry aa a unit k«> 'b for it. llmorable metnbora «nli"i-iv. If I wrougd.'[>eoplewilh:'rp'ctm.!. I«pe«kfr..meonvi.-t,.m. No.louhl I are .-.o-npliciluik.' thi-cpi-^tion. I <: .i t imwm" that i I was the tlioro a tdenl ,i. I r.t.-b Cdumhl i ; n- .louht th -r.; is plenty of i„i..nti.m of lb'- b'>n.*rabl" m.mber f.r N'-wWeMn> niter ^. « m a.lmiiiiatrit!v. ability . ib«reai-e imny b.'it-r lien tbm myai-if, I ' - ■ •' • ■ ■ ■ - ' neamiinaier w com am i/ery Hur.', and thu iit om r-' i" »n ibitl oppn^i. r.MponBiliI (J.ivernm"iit. (LauKbler.) Hit the main dilll -oil ^ h i|| n tb.' h-H muti won't omo here -. tbe«b.ill la blown hero, ih'.- wb -at reoiams behind. On tnotlen of Ilm. Mr. Drakt the doh.tte wti a.ljonrn d to Monday. HosDiT, Mitch -il8t,1870. Hon Mr Rjm ro»o to r««unii llie iBhalo, an i fiiid : Mr Ohair- mao,! feel a-iaured tlut tho H"ui*i) will acord me l«-ave to aay hfew words. rii'To bavA b»«n su'imilte'I lor Ibu c imi leration of this tloustitwoatn-n liu<-nlB, a'ld m ib'Sobi'trvtH'tna ul the tnotera iwn p'dnts of arnuin'pit htv) botm a- k 'veuiuwni r»rn*'ni; to Ini'Tt this condition, I deairn t" Ui-«enKHf« myaelf Iroin tins Utter ar^ni'i-nt. Wlion I hear anythlui; i mum >uni t; a thrsiU'.iin |»i'Mi''oib> a/amil th! Ki'iiniivd 1 .le.ir.i to r.-pidl- ale It. Hin mutnbttra who putanoh a piclnrn "I wa'farfl befon- m talk biink'im. 1 a 1 1reaa my bumuie puiiti m lo Ilia Kxeellency b(i< If hi»Jod«in"iit maKaini't iiB.Iaiy l.> bhn atand to your iHtint and do .,.it mve wav t„ ii. reals ; Ihiau to no ar^ti o.'uls as to what may bapiwii in th-n nnreoi ihrenta: aUind to your iHinta. I siy M KaacutlTo menili.'ra. it.m't \leld tn ibruaH, d'ti t h.' uvJted by them. I snpport the pruKJipie of respouilhle Koverumenl, but I do fo ronslitutmnally. 1 pbv to t-xeoutivo merab.-rs I ini'^t viai win yield toreawmand aruum'-nt but not to threat- i ray we oau ask lor reajKHMihle ^'.-vrnnient without tho lei?fl „|- m,, or- HanioAi'l; bnt I sir l-l >i8 nnnilMe ail ...mi<:tion wdh ' .iitad i until wehavese. ur.'d rospoiisihie |{.)vernm.iii j let ua n >t wait till w« art •urroun.led hy Canadianii. With regard to ih« railway i ! pro pll'-at" the 'pi-filii'u. I have |.lt hoiiorabl.' m'-mheta ni'ireut illmrty to ..tn-id-r the queali-m fre.dy. I WIS, in c.mnion widi ollKir momlM-rs carried away in aliniralion of tbo oulbnrttol oratory of the h.inorjble menihtr. Hnt ihiT.' WIS .n alluilon-a wari.ina. It is smd ibat it was not a Ihr.Ml; h'lithBre Wiwtalkof sboulderntK mnakuls, and ot blood lh;ootHhed.a«d that WiiB the proper wav to Keli;lvll rlgUll. 'o'.'^i afc:nlnat ibefl.- ibretia. ih-ae KirKid ajteeelu-a which oppreo* ... -Mf^ of iboae whowiah to Mattm L- artfiunenl ati.l r.-aBoo. As to the opiMtalti.m of tbe iiovernm>'nl tii'-ni'..r8 it arises from nodHliki* 10 the svrttom on II ,in .)! lb.- h al ..r tii-' i-:x.M;Htiv«. Respon- Mhl'H.overnm-(itinl.'rpMB.-sabairi.rliatw..'-u llie Ih-ouIo and the dtV'Tiior. wh.h Hmo-lu-.-mit.. th.-(i.n,.riK,r I »ay that wears t»oi in a position In tak. «dianttf:'( of recpaiBiblo ilovenimeut. If *" 'JM'^y thinks It iii.T..«srtry or .("ilrubl.' what is there taproveut our iieUlitiK it «h..|j we .li.Ki-w t.> a^k for il fbu honorable mem b-r h.r N.'w WeaUuiuM. r bims-dt ,„i.| ,„ ,i,,„ „„. |„„,«riaUlovfni- meni wereahfayar.' y t.i »i,.p i,., aud y-t b.' hinla at violence md .ti-tiir.ance. \M,,„ ,u„ h'morabla Chi-t lumml.'al.iner of litii.is iii,.i w-Tka p<-..i.iM.-.| A revolution laai Be.-ai.»n, wbudi wat b«- on-bM by mv-^'ll, wHh r,»,.ei!t to a chi'iK.' lu Ilm (;,>nstltHlloii, a>kinK lor « . ..n with a maioMiy of ,i„t.,.f represeulallve mem- I e a, bono.abl.. fi..-mb.'rs t.al.1 wedoi.'t want ibe . liaoK'Viiid volfJ 11 'i.twu. If we h ol s<-.:urf'd this w» abould have been a slep furiher '" "■''■"— ■ r« in constliu'i'inal pronrea^. I say we muai "' pasi HhiloKXtiri'M , .. . .. •< Ui".-'mntrj. As to the stH-ci"! i'lA! i/''''''.' '''.'■''''''''■''' *''^'*''-'* l''l»-»'-'liy necos»ary "• argue it h.T.' at siub an Inopportnn.) ittn", I shall ih'»refDre mere! y I . . > > 1. I . . ..-...■. I'lini |i|WKiiTB1. I ■lit »r II li-». «'e b.'l.iri- .ijy liorly ,-,)n«llinl.'^l »3 llils liniricil l«, tin [ r|'«'iiMiioi,«„r,,„i, „„„i„„., Ai,>»u.liriwlutloiiii(,imhii«iiii« >lial'lllll'i'l'J"llll' TIIK (lOVKKNMKNT GAZETTE EXTRAORDIXARV. Hk nxit refipdii^lble '<-irtho Ills w« n«t run tbe tiiPQt. Uik« it Iti'iri, 4)1.1 »liL'(li.T he r pills 11 on*> wny lua <|(iitH uii- I'r III!) Iioit- rfsiitmjtibli'(ittv- liriition. I r ly, rny Ill-It I llii'ik It tota<1y limpiHiranlcii' (irctit'iit li)')i<' Lirciims'aU' (■^4 of Brttl-h Coltim'na, whuru pntutatl'in in so atiurs ■. and Mi-n at ihi-'ltf^iimfttrfrici' iif a ( ircle which r n.lulnf ft'i «r.-ii of IWO.OOO Riinaro ml'M, niid nhore fi>pr>.'(it>nUMna t-i rd diilli'iilt lh'ad (il |)ri'Vftitiii>t iKiialion wilt bo lik' ly (o po|)'i'ailoj 1b aliun, anil lu any Cii|i< ihiH T'lHiicil !■ cot th>' proper bfxly to pass iijitii It. It, h'lwcvflr, ibernuntry la or a diiri!r«ai cipinion ilipy 'can H«y lo ai tin; p'llls, and IhiTM is ru power van prnvoiit their Knilitttf ri*a|i'Muitiile (lovrrntiic il. Hm I wi-uld nsk wh^l niakeH tho Kysti'in hu pa'ticD'arty atiractivs to h"U- • irab'o mi^mbiTi wl)(iRit will be tt'tml Idrihoculony.t'ul there lino at icnQptlop'uVe tho prn[>ii)'liinn (hot liat boon hoi up. Ano'li'^ lliinK»trtk<'S moaa ccminn Tlth a vtry bad g nc- frimi tli(i-»' whti B^ippua this recni- tn'indtllon. It pn'fciipi'u^ft.i a dlitru^t ut Canlllriat iiienbiTH Id tliU matter. The terms alreaiy pasde I by tli<* !ltiu«u so lar as tins (inert ion in tn auy way c'lHKTttt'l wi'li Lunfr Ica'lun, lcavt> tho olllciih fri'i) to pxprpps tholr orfHion». I iqhsi. myselt, v<> u akialust thid recom- inoDdiildD, rod I prt.Mi upon ihf^ h murab'o tniiibcrs to do the same Id urdo'tu pri^vo it the cutnplicitiua of ihe turniii wUh any such irreluTant que^llot). Hod Chief ommissioxkk— I muflt en-leavor In as few words as posslbin tsitl-iu of ihtt (tovernmont members updu the su^J'>ci no« heroru tiie lldtiie. I fully tiiiuerstaiid tbat it was iinpo'slivo upnii sotnc h'ln miim'iTS to brlnit forivard this (iin'slli'il of re-iponi^lbil'ly at soiae pt-rlrid of the prciciit H'S^lno. havl'ig adTni^ .| rd it by siicprb n;ul pen as tbc fp^'riflc remedy tor tho jll'i ihst ibocniuay was la'iorint; ii'idor. rxinist'Micv domaudtsd that Ihe «iii<>sili briMibl up by them fjr discuiiioo; it vtjs A logical ncuetttiiy. Inoxorabla at*]. I ear, ImiiPlifd certinl)ers t<> ndvocatf! rHditon-iiblo K'jvrrnmcnt I hat, howere , hnpel t'lat tliM Inn m"inher>i wio sdvocitcd It w >u'd havu ru- ff rvi'd it fi)r>>t«>Hr.Uii <: lur^idi'rtiloo, lOEtoid ol hriuttiut; li up as in anifUiJiimt lu tbiti r. anno uow uu'iitr c HD-ideratlon [Mr R>b on — ni, iii't an aiitomlm'iut ) « IrluiHy lite an ameiidm nt. irt'iiB Clans -htd prescribed tUtl any lulura alieraiou la the cons it'i- Ihui should bartt hocu dop iid''t)t on ('anada, thuo I cnuld s-'e ihe de«irat)|llty n| b"D lucmhHrs >in ihu ot i r »i le of lh|ecl forward, it is a laistane to brio.; it up in a f!ouucil coiislital< d a* thl4 is, csp'-ci illy when Uie aov<-riio8tlion to (he Itniieurn- llon ut n-siunsiolu tt.iiurEKrbm at the presout li'iiu. It w luld riirid> have bi'cn innvh ni'trP t" tlie ndvauLat(o of the cause t:jey aavocaflor Imn nn-rnbers to bivi* I'osti'imed iho c nisidi-'rii'ion of tbo (|iie»it»n for ilitj miT<> rupreBentaiivo Hoiihh »h»d wid foi th in Iln l-ict'llencyV Bp-n:li. I ray slia luwi' J f irtli, for ou r-flj.tlou it mu«l b*i piniii t'« all lio.i me niKTs that Mis Excel lenc^y was nt t iu a linsition t> t II wbitl ttif conslliiition of that IliiUH'i will bu. Ho does not know. H'lhis rue -nimi'iided certain chani^e.^ I'nr Imieriai •auc ion : tbry may oi nuy not h'j fiTurahly cons d^rcd. His Kxr.ell ncy do- a. ho«pver, tell you that kbe represeiiUtiva element wil' be larger, urd I tiili>k, thiTeforo, that it wo^ild havu been wis>-r OQ tho p-nlil not get rcspmisiblo giKornTnenl arnler tJoufe

  • -rn- lueiil wouM ••xurciso wliatovur puwer it might uavo for ibe bench ut iho people, iDHti-ad of, as sutiftested br h'>a tnenibcrs, for tia own aifRrandtfrm-iit, I wonld hai e no Confederalinn If under C'onfwleraiiou tliere would be no cliamre of ref=poiisiblo Koverii- muiit,bowran tho hon nn^mbertxpect to get it from a Council con.itltule 1 Hs (Ins Is? H iwever, ab tb-J siibloct bat bncn brought lorwara for dlacuirsion, 't bi'hovi>s uHto consnler It u|)on Its inerils. ThtTO were tMo proiHi-'ltioiis b^'forp the House. Tho hoii member for l.itluoel has w llMtrawo Ins. win h was tii realily but a rnguu expreis-on of an abslraet opln uu lu i«vor ut r'sponsinlc govcru' liif nt, a t eroininendiittnii (n gen- ral terms. Wo have now to cdd- tlueuur atteutioQ to tne amendm<-nlof the faon inemtier lor New WtslmlnRler; the p'oamblo of which states that (^nfednrution will not b" sat'slsctory (o the pooplo wlllioot respunsdilo goreru- mniil. The re»ulu«lun ils«iralttioUklieiDbijdylngthi! ^ame prmclpln as iha one which hai biteu wlthdraMrn. conteui|>lati'}{ « i>riy aivectivt s. hM entire logic U abuBu of the (iovrnnieulaitd the jierHniis compo'siiiif the •pia>ttlcitl"D Wi)l<:u be l. It may be that I have not ' eaten sad druiik and slept with the people .' und caniiiit , ttierelnre, rlg'itly ostiiiiate the >trength I f di-noiisir^itlnn wh ch i:i nurul niid mdn' criminate abuse ol itoveromont oDliialii may convy to Kimo miuds. Ah to llif> lion meiniier's eiirnrstn' !*■ ol belnl in liisc i«e, bl- ron- Bcbutiuusness III tne ilisi-hiritn nl l\n duly lo him c. uhiI tUHUti and to tlie lolony. hid Wi^ ever btd any doubt of 11. b>s IxwitiTO and rt'p*'t'B'l "^ ir^nueH of iho honesty ul lih intent <>n« In thi4inait''r.or his utif.iil- ring dot' rmiiiniloii to do Ins duty to tbos>> hn repre*eDts. must have ton-ed iu. leiii irk on hi^ viniiiiUr mo le "I recitmm<'uiloig the ^iibli-Lt 1 1 Ibe favorabl*' coDslderatioi} of tbi^ C tuitoi , since h s argument In its fiiTor Is to help general srcn«at|oo and vltopcrallon (-n tba olllcial members of this t ounelt . wnom bo lovit^s to loin with him by TotioK III favor of tilH views, to roi Arm uis view ol Ibsir ulcer bis»Dosaand worthlesSROB*. 1 shsll no( place naysell In oi>r<»itiOD to Bi-cb a line of argument. But, it, tlie arKumsDt uf the boa member lor New Wt-Btmin^ter Is of a very dlffereht character. I cntifiratiilala bim and I coDgr;itula'A the Hou>e on the mrinarr Id which tho matter wis treated by htra. and especially ss reiards the olHciali I arktiowlfdi^e the conrtcons tiiaai er iq which he touched on those points in .bia arnumeots which atTiict'd the mem- bers at this end nl Ibe table. Ii U lii>eparabic fr> m the d'pcussioa of Ibis question tn this House that it must to some extent par «k* ol a ptrrtonal ebaracter, it niuft aliaost mean a vote uf waniuf c/intldeDC) la (tovenmeut ufn>:iuls. Ih't smalloess of ibe com- munity roliic-sit aim -si to a (|iie4l on amongit individuals. and as tbetiOTeroruftiit memb'Tl havebi-en glacel, unneces^vily ana lo- expediently, as I ihmk, to some extent upon ibeir delenco, 1 mos*. speak plamly on some |M>mis,bui in doln^ sn I must depre. cate any idea of Klviuff oleDce. I say. then, tbat rea(.unsib>« govi-rninent is not deFlmble, and is not applicuble lo tlrs rolouy at prisent, Is n'acltcably i.DWorkabe. /nihere I would depre> (^ut-itbe linprtMii n which is b>^ing so smdiously In tilled Into the puupio oi tba colony coDOrnmg Mhat has been tatd of the uuLltoisa of ihe c .lony mr refiKJniible gorernmeQi. Hit KX'el- l(n<'y tlieGovernor bus never said, nor baa Htiy member o* the (lovijrnmeut ever said tbat the peiple are unflt, in'llvidually, ts govern thenuelves- 1 siy that, man tor man, ttits lommuoity wtii compare tiTurably with any peopiu on tiils ciiast. (>'e*r, bear, from tlia Attorney ijeueral.) ^or is It eveu the smailness ol the popjlatlnn that 1 consider to no the great olject'cn . although I aiiinil that th's isadrawtiuck; but It is tbe si;attered efasiacier vt that poput.irtoD ItwiuMbo praciicalty imtjossible lorrKantae electoral ilielnct? so that they abnuld prnpcrlv represent tba tniemsts of the septratu p^rts. and of the whole coluny. «■ Vicionais tbec'-ntre of wHttlth, and liitilMgeoce also it you will, nn'ler ftresent ci'iu'DStaoceB tne givi rumcnt would be ctniraiieil in t'-e bun.l- of Victorians, who would thus me tne coloQir, i«D't thiB would bL- iibj'M^tiOuable ('lesr, husr, (rtm Hr Holbruok.j anJ I stv also thii t'lere would bo a Kreit dillcDlty in g»ily to look far oil to see wbettier tbe Anglo-Saxon race nm-it uecflssaril/ have reai>oiiBible governm-'nl I ooic acrotsihe .-trfiiif , where (here 1< a populaitun o., 1 BUpposd, 30,0U0 porple, and tbeia they hivo neither ri'sti'inKtble govrnment uor reprei-entitwu In- Btltunons Look lit Uregou,al8>( with no rrpn-'seutation uniil itw pi),iula.ionexceei.e>1 45.t>00 l.>ii)k at tho Ked Klver ."eitlemeiil, a'so with a (Htpiil lion lartierthan ou s ibey no lO apply for re. Kjio tib.'' Lovernmi'ttt. It doe s not fdluw uccofding to tuo rule o( Anitlo-.-axoii minds tbat thlx 'otm of guveinineDt must prevail, 1 du not ttimk tlie si>rl of re»-|ioittill)iIity which Is adv eaten would b.>suitab,e lo this colony nt presdit, or wi>uld primole its ir'.>iral)le 1 i-hould be found aniorgsi iiH m >Ht lonlUl iiir B|V'n-il)le to tho thivernor. aid iheQov. eriior IS ro'iX'nsijIa to the tiueeu, who is tbe gu rdiati ol ibA uooplo'B riKli n, Tbji la no mere idea, lor the faci ol f(:-S|itiiuty bus been, over and over again, ptov< ri. Il you havo any good grouu'ls ol c mplaint you know w^ero t'» lay them and get ridrca.i. ibis re spoiisibiiiiy wh cb wh owo is mori} leal, less tluctuaing, lo»s i.| Ol to Houbtful inlliieuccs, and outer it tne rights ot Ih - wholw couify a c seciir 'd and prolecteSi>imsible tiovernuient, which reel:y meai.g parti governmiut, a>ivucaijsibie uoiurnmeat tbe government might come down to the iloiiso and carry m • tsii es \-y means not rxcea- fcively f'lr.' 1 Say t'itt this cuinot o^xur U'der the prrsent sys- t< m. that no roi ruptmn ejii he charg' d against this goveromcot. I think tho House is eapubie nl beTiti remodelled. 1 woiild rather see a lari{> r elemcnl of represontative government in tb;s i ouncil with f K-h a Miiijo ity that thf guvernineot won!d have no opi or ' tunity ot p.u-iiig a moasa oobjrYttonable lo the people, as under' Blood by tbi'ir repres-litBllves ; BUih a mi^jorlty aa I advocate* ■' I nsotiitioii fiihrnitt'd lolhis t'oiiiicii. But tho b n mtinbers for hew WestmiDSler for Victoria Idtiirlrt.and for 1 illooet, Irl) yon thai the people de>lre roBponBiblc Boverninent, ihat tbej nniiBi liave It and will have il. I i>y. bit. that if they do say po.whiih I very much d mbt, It is because the popolation have been eda- ciued up 1 1 Ii by tho>e wtu bavesgitalxt the aubject through the Pfsa and thronth si>erchfS ; souie no doobt prcrs tor il from eonvli^tion and Home wlh a view to serving lh>'ir own ends, but I belii-vu, sir, that whit tbe i>eop e really wtnt !■ such an sdmlota- Iralion of the governmeni as will ten i to bring back pro^ptf' ity to thecoliioy. Y u are told that ttie present nthr'alB have no sym- pithy with the peiiple. that thev a-e not of tbe ituople. th p'ople. The Hon m'mber for New WrBiiiiniSte. t'ayi tint in- p e«eiit novernrn'-nt otttcltl- a" wel i-ii.i 1 h. able and h neft but that ihey cannot enjoy lb'' e>inflden«e , ftiie pei.pi.. bif lUHeili.y are not THuaotHciais.ihey a't not olen Id by ibem, And, be u able a« we might, and m honest aid work r»i THE GOVERXMKNT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. .■Ill,-- . ol llitT'loDV wii c I rt-|iterfDt all )lle h-mIiIi u'irl prO) artf of tli* j romiiviiiii(y, VIoloitAMiiil Car|b«i. Caril">n w.>iil() be co>>ieiitiuM ' ' I I.I lasmiuii will ba ii'ft !•> tb* I>on)lLi 'i. litiverbuieut, but there I arr tiiiii; • tlier f>u!J-:it» ubt b wi I cicil'.' ditTorcrcri b- iwcou ftm twii . nili of th^c tloiiy iht? bon|>"n-ibli.- UoV'TI mpiil mr ,,bali ^q I in wiib agitiliuu l>ucfl lof ODr bi-heve tb t t wh hul rpe|tin»lb]e i) tliu (ioT'TLiiitLl lu-rnor'im, pu.itn^it* «iil Imvo ni) fiiliji-ct on w 'ich I t*t ii;:iia*f i'l lit caI a;;ii>i(ioD wti) Dcv* r vtnife. L-it OBRofinlbfr. •it W9 ui;(ilJt. Au-i .It wbil wi' 111 i^hl ur tti» p" e«)UM iijt Liim lb- ir i> Mi i.'iicl- bcfaus. we ari fiok- to tbcUJ. Ai'd til'- boil uit'liibvi poiiiijul >o*. ^i^, i ilb'truii havoiiutthi) cinitiJ'Mii- • i-f tliu t"iiiiUiiiiil> wbrii, bt* s.y«, liicy j (ipsrrt-e It wb.jtir* ja tlio f.iull ^ lBay,Kir,it U uin lault ol' (bof- wbij, by voicu aii'l I'l-n, b^iv.- or ytrara ho Into it^'y Mr>)iitiri(l (h« public luiti I »if ti.ii c imiiiiiii'y agiiiiidt lh:it uoviTiiiiifiii. no; by p-nU'iLco I failla l'»b;t -fni-difd butbyuoniT I iii'i InilH'Timiti- ' Ate f lU I lit! iiU, i:fs^»'ii iloj; lo pt-r-'oii'I tib iSC, Hiild verne uf ficu r biy. rte huo str Vfu in do our ilmy I'oii mini . , , . *.. . i^. .. .. beisduuot.idvaQ':oarg>inimus hut .-o,, ^.i.l tb. r.i-iHv,.| wllb-'i.yinK A-* t"'^ '"'"'"■''•'f <-l"*-I C.mniii.#i..i»T »ayi w« i-aT^ Ibe L„ilfd lUatw«uri.u.ip..r»Ur. I lollyo,. whvi ll UW- iinpn tm bavo M;''*^ a-lf.^.l.og nsi-n^ibiC OovCFDrnfiit, und h»t form oi it gone abroad uQtlus poiul lei tb.. r -.i: .ii*,b.lity o, iU..-f im|>r. s , wbich le ea..l lo be tUe b^st iii Ui*ory. a lorii. i,, rrallU doim«r*lk, Bion:ir.-st*b»*roUoJabi,for i.s»r Hut it b.n p^ri tl.p bus n m nf ' iiU ih' |P"1' c srfl Dot cJuc^trdto b* eitcut uMhe pMrai.lH tti.lf, CH'Ula pprv.HH to [ir.-ju^lce il..' publir miid rsiiii*- ijov.rnm-nt i Aiii-n. k > ..n; aver*.- toi -idy lo gmol-i.t! tnm.I lui large lertUor. offl> laU; let tbi"i> nrtlbi tbc •iii of mo )V(m wiih Itioir owu ; H al.'t in this ifoine oc- tli> frt('. ' V<'U tbiiL be a ■"nmtofy until yon arc pnip-rly clucjio'l.'' Foi* lustaLci*, thert rmtc fines «uJ Willi ibopunp!., .. i„.-...„ -^ .,^- , . ,• .. ■ -. - , . ™. ^nA '.,"."" cupi.d ihe ih.»*i.ioui win b would b.Hirld bv o-ilciaia uiidor party l> "^-b,:,*:!'., Urm.oy. wnh a iH.j.aUnoiM.I 27.000, *enus a Ihi^. govenimeiit. I c >uld iiudrrs' m.I Ui t-h'- ni rou »>i"d "PP silioii ' R*»e >*• Co.jtr.i". »• b- bw m» vol;. I a- ot», aii-ib^-i TtTfilyry bu Soveri._„ _ oOerei liy doro ui'-nibeis p'csfiit ; but wh n 1 BOe the chanirutl pfiiii II, ibiiitlitTf in HO rrsikiiiBi! le g-v. rumriit, mil tUat our mo libs art" c ''^-d and • ur piii'' «.Hiiiiut ■•■ ii«*-'d in aiil do fuoe. 1 let!l tbiii we blvebe■u^'^ick 111 nc wudy iuiiiiilt, iiod Wl iho i| a>:intEtiou ara -tatt! uiiti! ii ba.' ■ |>«pulatioii Urger than it II w poatcs^n I u.a ju.-i D-miLdel about Atatka, wbicUli HI t •veil a tvir lo-y ycl. Univrai Tt;om im icj ort d aKaiDst ftlvlDg ii iiuvoiber tbau a nihiiary Ut-m uf U' T''tntu<-Lt How caa pLib ,C'i.-l, udih-moiiv.sol ili.w wbibivMinnk.-d U.S. I inv.t« , tbeii expi\;t rt-ppOLiibie O^iVfromtfui witb oir |.ypu'aluni. 1 knew ftil ID (biM Hovjfl- o-tiiil.! II toiiid tis loc.rrv out lb<' yovernm-iii. ! lhatlbi-re.HeU.tu'>rable luiinbir* wavtrrintt , ibt-ir luiereBtl tella an i toad in a re suuubl.! w,»y -n prouiounnHJu b-'Ir'ui! biHrtsU j Hk-id lo vol.- ojo way. iboi ..lu^c^ii e poiniK tr> an'.lbor I Say. of ibu colony. H bvlb.T \v » mo t^ b iv.- n ^i-ou'ib o vun-riuui-nl votcaco rliii«loy iircoLBCieorw. I t^y tb^t a viilaiie ran i.«er ornolldiii'l Kntw. llcitUatu will iv:iht in nr.ud line, w ben I '"'ve re-iwnOb e O.T^.um ot I tn^itMal . Ibat it would p-uv^a tbeoitfuatsfuic^- 'f tUo cn n y an- mj cban^rd «.■* b> "i.lmit .t ns | "''irte ihn ugh tb-- agi aiioa ibat w-uld f.'ilo* lu»l'-adof a bieatlcg. al -I tioH— 1 finksonuer wuh ■ utun\ wt^ii tb n w.tbt.ui it— but j 1 <:t'!tride wilb ibc lionotatde Dumb r b-r New WcBtmlniti.T a« lo wh.'tberwd bave it or ii-d, J iihlt b -n m''ri.b.T»: to .liM.-i ih in^dsid wbat b • '■ay.-, aal < cii om haTli. I belb-ve th'T« nre mou wllo q; euJ.'avi.r i-n i • c^'Uipli : w nm Its and r< t-ird tli" pnitivs- oi I I itu-r.-d ^-iriiienL^ i*i He npt«r cotiDiry q iilc capabu ot « viiig a ibe C'Jonv. I a«lt then D giv« m s .ni ■ credit for p o , mfu j i-mibl" %-ot.' upon all quesUons iik-^v l" o-'ui- t>er r ■ a Cona'ti lo tions .Now,5ir,oiie rfm:i-k ill t- mcl i-ion: the hon lU'.'iibtr for I "''~ f^"' "■> ■ ' "j' ^'-' " -i ibai ilf y have Ioj niiub lo do, Ibt-y bare New Wfflini n~liT. in bi-t p >vi-- fil ojuliou ba' not o.ily 'tibr.-d Wilhlue p/.)-iH! l' ot poi'.iUirly i-ud-r rc-pun^ii'I'' t(ovcriiiin nl Oil he his. I will not 8'iy tlirfnli'iu"t, trii wurni-.l n-> "f th- r.-.silt nf t'ur o|i|> .-in^ bim ni tiiia nia't--. M<' till.-t ntJ t!i:il iml tf u- ■iKro^ib MOV rninenl btic iir-ili'raib-aiio» will.out r< ipuii^ible iiovuTLm lit. tills 111 iHrt IK c iiboiliiHl in tlit« pirambli cf bid ivH btl'on. ."If, 1 bavo o.nliiilly BiiiipMityl Coab- Icranoii boc4Umiu;]iiiiy hh »ct i av fr tli>- fMiu ny and eoueoiU'ioaof imp riit nit.-U' l.~ ; hut I I' -hi v 'bit t'lN to'ii- muaiiy Ii not ri\il> lor ro pnn-.n o giv innuiil ; l^iiii.oi tbi'.'v- fura hI fi'iol tiny <'o ii" , I w.ll net T >t-} fo'' le^p iiiiftbloKov-'ii neiit f u- i:i» -ak ot f uu iitt <'oiited.>ra- iiuo. I. lor out', say, V lb.' p.op!e W'li t li H'o (". out fL'spoiijibl! t"''*-''"""""'. " l"y '"■cir" tiin^l't p. hi..-.. t^.f» bavp lo ci'n iL- Town bicat. IbeLre tiJnt ti f> i.iL.orab'^ ti) mb- r fir i'aribr>-> L o> Lillt-rrd ti.e lri.f BeQii. (ii<-nls of ihc g'fai nnjotpy ol tb- ';;--(rict. I do not bt'licve that »;.ii b'l.. 18 ar .ra*;!** lo Fffj^D-lblf :it- a d < jT ui^ bai d^ bave tb'- cim- ■■iio* Ititiiiy ttnl ib>! mi-intxr for New Wfslniii.i^U'r na^ bad of cointr^ ti.lo tbe lloi;4-\ IN basil Id Ufi W'lb )• id>.' ol bi- baid uDrk a-< a pion'^i'r on ih-- Fiaier liv.-r, an) u-- 'ay we lu-nr luiu adTOcallDg w .i:i ir.i'9l (K-<|neul I'ltsii ba* bi<] ILi:«h lo -I'l nitii tbapii f^ t).« <'i>uncllh ot ttls nnu-'e,and I B^K. are ibtte(}<:A*naQ ubo i tin bv ^julu willing loaev t-Mbeir into to lb'-' rervlcc ai ibtir coim-ry? I do I ot |.. I iu ill ' fcrviie j-o'in B ol b^ing o'ligt-d lo vote onr way or lU'r-.tioii w;tb- i "■'' oilier I am as 'rte to rote as ib<- b"tior.b:e tfunintr h'mie'f. p>n^iho i,''ivti u- M *l>->>' ciVA " y v< 1^ lo til" bc*t uf my ablity. I be>trve thai no i!Ul ai ibtf lui'iroKject of onl'-'l'" » Mn, d il»i y d < n il ippie<; ato I '^'tnpnlsio . ia- b.-t-n tir iji,bi lo l*'«r ui^.n ui y n vmber ol tLis the rttal a lTanl«gei ol lion fd raliaa, lot C iietenlo:! wait a | Mousl-. i tlicial or o!h*T« :# . T' »■ !ftiwr pari oi the tptc. b of Itu wh'ie. Ta.ni iVtfiur !i aanai do*u iJ:fo 111 ,,11. wh cb Im llisiiln : boi or.bb- gentiecian (M. rolion) »« baldly wo tbj "I ibeforirpr. ciu b.-c^rned oat.aal wo h'dd ill .1 wbcili t .inl r .iiil-- (er.ili.t . ; it '•■'nta^ofl langiiag*" Whi«h I am vt-ry mury b« ba* u«Pri, ImjUJtgB «»r Q' t. I'i.'! inatU'r "( M'-|'oas:b >■ gi)ViTiiin ul wi.l ultiinately bav)" | whicli mafcen tn'.- o.lteTf bit ii U iioi Jhui to;ivn.tMi, but ttiat U to b^ B>al'>l iiy til! viin .if ih p'opi,' H b*» th- pr-uT t mo i "' t'llKid'-d togrt tnr h loib" wo id ti.» s 1 ui- -Le p < plo ; ex- elleni coiue3 wi' all til, I f ly, n«« a inutr td C' ur^-', Iiliv-' r-s- on- b « g.iT f lump o'a o'V, if, wi b" -t loicnd ng the tiighirBt diireifpirt I may •Tuiuuui. and that linn wi I .irruo :■■ <>ii r uab'r'' lu-'ibe ttrm. I be leve it )« i.ot tb" wicb ol tb*' pnperiy owner* tb.in wi.h ul ll. 1 iruift t.i'^ U iirniin iinv eiiiiin>in ; I oo u. i | 'd" Vlotoi i to ba\e r*^'5puLf i*)ie(>< vr-iniii«-at. P ■ yon mj po«e,flr Ih 0< tbey wol v* agiiin^^l tbe Wol >>l ih' i"'" l'<. I b. l<> v< ibi-', ai in oili'"'" rauto.s, it ihey t-.v- rifif inllurii'.- at all il w 11 be lurihCKOtd ofibccfun ry A iti've niii 'iit oi nb'-ral iti t lu nk-t'C rou -luirtni it la T'jry proparlv lull t > bt; n t.l 'I in •» u * an i in i i' hilly o. n-- •<9U obuiu lUi.xTa tan'-l (>D tn e-tabl sh. Bl If Coiifo <>idt:oa o t' dfitttirl >in ml- 4- .f a cen'ral r»-py. b'J» 1 desi-e ti .■x,)l i. . i.ow, ib l I'l- 11 'D. i'h',.i male m uni r u^e o:' wliti I s lul about '-homv It*- iiL'oii.. ■ I li*'-.a IB biviiig u.-el it la Hut c 'im^; :l on Bi«d to me. I ib reu.u'ktf aic > nl dj.t dB vVAiSEM— I t!i nk 01 !\'.i imnortint .I'le^iiin of thi3 Kind evt-ry m> inb.r bIkijI give t rfuson lor Ire vut , 1 liavegltfii tbe tniiu-r gre t c □<. derail ,t\, and bad inl-odt-il t'UK-r ig eonic- what fu ly ioto ilie d-a ftiilit:d tni;. 1 bivo buun ntitrly H'ttnni b d aa l 1 gt9 .^d to wb4t fell fioni oim. I .ntirolv comcid'-- with bm in nia .irifnm.-nt ftud m bis vie«B. Inds'd, I (:aa lurdly b l;i t ink ng that eith<. r.yj'i t nt-? Iiii.liiri<»(ic* and abilty iriib w iicli ih''» 'V"'*'-o'' 'iM bi'fu Uiii'fi'16 1 fur dbcHHion. Tm tiialprupefly <'Wu« n* aje goiiig, wiliingi> . lo ia nid ih ir lnt(^■e^tl HI p. rsnni of whom lb -y ki o» Loibb g! I dii ot d'.a pndeisicnil poliii t^ns. f b- liev- ih*y ard -B ufc li noa-y o'her inf'Btloi«l men in ihcir wny.bni iVuy.a^ a fart, lh< tu a t- no |h liilciana ber« wlib ihi" .'XCfpli'in I'l iii'^n- WHO biv- '"i-vcited iboi"" iiniu lo poliitcv. Why, I .liik, H ih'Te «o]tre4t an amipa'by lo iea\ ir.g ibisqms 1<-d IT lln'p' plelod ci !*• at tb- poliB? •■ Uiinr n»,"* hay3 the olh r i-ide, -'an op|Kirt mily of edn«-atiiig t.urtc t i, po ilial our mistake^, wh -'(1 madt'. may be ri-ini-dud " I Bay (■ at iJuTt- nt no bt'l'cr <'dil- rati -n thai' .'hf ro'ncilin »h cb h'ao ab e itn'iubt'fj' have ^dirt- ii< n ler.mhey fom^ to r.«p.i F tie 'i* vrinnie. t. for un'er ih" H'lt-niH fore*t ud-'we'l It cIi'-Oo*»Trjt.r, ibe j-osniyn wi'l beveiy omiii.'-iiiniTbad \ Mlila iiilVnor ic r Si"H.»-ib!etJoTefrn.tiit. 1" p«-ud i pon it, if tlo a an' pilch.'d ; f-in idian (J.t n.m u' Ibink w« cao in-nav'" rccfoneiblo Ooverti^ ni> nl tlu'y will ni»p ir t.. ii', ib-y will [»-■ glad lo pet rid ol th« U ai. 1 fay, h i*(fer. li.? laeiti'jn ib itiing «(• t.tlod al an iir- tipormne t;.Ti''. I, Uir oik Wi.ij:d n'tciu v'-rv Idtia imerlor, as I h*TP faid, to respoiisinii' Ii. Ternm-nt, arid iuflnil'ly m-'ic wrkabU-. I trusl thai honorable ni-miJ'-Ta will giTe due Wc f bt to the remarkB of olbor ►icaker-f wbo bari- prt-cedcd 3ie iipuu this qn. illcn, atd will well con«ider ibeir V'-!'** H(i> Mk DRiKK— •irt'nai mn, I bar.* a strong object od lo tbil f 'nu»e l)«-MnK in^ertetl; it i t\'i frgti I |.a\f l(4-ii m iiic tvrniP. U mfs ihal ihn I o ony '.■' wi 1 u. Jiogo uilo Coul.-dHratloii wdh n sp'rrb for th.f hoiora'ih' in"m')cr tar Vl;loria Distrtci did the f.irm o: lJo«ernm-tit that we hsvp at ireB'Dl; it « 'firn to bate not deuo to Gxp'-SB hi? %icwB, his bjrn tluii of the ii'inor:ibl■ ni .re id it.!ly ini" il.l fl d hn it is h s-il | change t» e form. We enal lh«D bare Cacad4 ■!« a Qmeo Kogunnl np>n la'e- pf'-mues ; bin arg imt'nUare lall.ic mis. a..il hi ai'jos Wrung. Tue li iiinraUlL! meinber says ib.t •"ejiinniihle iiov crumful I- a principle whicn miy bl' appit^d .iih.T ly li,« ([real Katierti or t ) a dary clium, o- to a lady 's watch ; that iti- appiid'.'n''l. I irus-i, d 1 qiMitn urvd TnMn- lt2'-iv lurninct; il i. nol t pnn'l lo b t afurm, I Htnart Mill o , r"9i«-nitl.lf. ^oTerDin^^t Hrit'. • Co ihe people re- oayel-raeiit of wi.lfb IB nspi-n lb li'y lo th ■ pi-o.-lo liiftaKnn Mjnirrf itj or ar,. they orwi !i. g i., acc«Tt It >' We aretold Iha' tbH «l.i,te!by the people out It <1 «'» n.t l..!l.>w a- a iiiatt-;roi iNdm-- I baa noi been mid- a q*.--! ion; I d-nv tnin i«'i|.*rnenl Ii haFlv«n ti.Miii.allti^an h. i.el.ir<'arri-d..m ti ev-ry plac-ori)v every ] ma ip a que,'tl m, m'>re or !»•!•, m Vi.'t'>ria at evorv cl«iion;e»erT tonrauuly In 1S3: 'h • r.d.. Hon t< (.' i-uid i lor Mm purpo-^i. of ] e ecnnii di- end- more or le»!< oq tl.m M-iut mto. d 'Areihe •cq nan.' rp.ponBibn^ H .vimieni toik i;'a';e llie rein- I on wa-, i pt- ,pl,. willing lo take ih* b i- '.r.i- • bi-.-h are impos-'d on tbrm by »aiiiod^i:dlhequ«sii.unnitatedsimplv for chsnging the lorm oi j Mich a form!* I aav ih^t w. .. iv ih- an-w-T to ih^s propoBiHon pomlii'Mn? '■_wisji iho lelKhMor- j in ih'' f.ct of thenp beinr pc^.p." wibing to com" biro whe-e they "'"" ' " ■- '■ - epreatnt in every . , — - K-opTfl willing and able lo do tbut P'd out and whiib •IMn. able th-* Kove.nm-i.ltu p*rr..rm it" tunctlon^ pro ""y|^_'t;(;'"'- ■ perly?' Tbi«lcon>nd i« ttieooDditlonol ihectouy. Iho n. *n l.)f2.000,'-00inlSo7,nndoia5fl.iH)0inl86l. I-ook al ihe differ, i are Lfa-fcally owl m. Ik. not mrsoa^co, e fo'warj to -eprewt .'..riii-p>. Nt; n i.i till- ro.ni . .fier i. Mi ti « th" aib-nn ; the p-opip? Avery Urge mij .niv of the p«.pkMake parUii ever Zln"*« I 7on.i' Vi""'" i'. * ''"'.'" l^"l">l'»"""t"';'»«hlln-ji-t.tU>.ti. Third. Mr.- th» i-opi, wiili,^ and able to do ibi leeol.nyol aOflO llBVi, t j- w .olo r-uut' v nu p.'d ..ui and wh-rb •IM r.able th- zove.nm-M to p*rr..rm it" tunctlon^ prt in-Th^r/r Jr J 'T ' *''"^'''''''V'''''"\'''''^ Thialconiemli, it.eo-«,ditiohol thectony. Iho n *.. I5f.i fo ?m *. un ' "' ' "l"" •""'""'?,■ "" ' ""' •'''»'■■•' ' ■■"(r"n,..,it of th.- U lef i;onmt»,i..ner m bin tery aide dp.erh . a Rd!nl/|i/r.,.'^ T A?; ;^7 T^"\r'''''' "* ' ' " 1 ] ''r'*' -^K m- M «n.i v«y w-U |.ui » t..a. th- pJpulalhm 1. «•».- ? ."i 1'' ^v '^^:H .;"'rni^;^: '^^ or t,-red |»y(b.- i-g-m-Bt enrol be n^d w lb .(feit We are ^ lirtOaid> iw) o-h'r - .him't Mnn. r«, i.d 1 Ihil the llovern-nptil w -uii fall inio .b. b,inds . f Victoria aa .'i.ndloiir ^t^uiglnu.o^ pow.T. Mmelho t le cenireof pu-nlui-n ana wt-alib; oo gre.l harm if .1 did. Vic- hrirhiJi*«ot h^^' '[■;'"'' r*'"'^.'^*''' l'Tia-.d-i*..d.Hnpmaip.rl.olth,.rflnyat,dthevnnhfr;tbe kV?*? "tV«^ '" »?.'"^^'>"»yl>«'or''. lnier.Btiar«i.|«nic.l. Amilber .rf...eple rf- nrt'toM ih»' 'bl» t It hw !>■ «ri ;..(!, • Areihi . . d on lliPDi by III B |'rn()0"*'*"' >,T<' vthme th*y — aril to isprMtnt ikP purlin ''vPfy Lble to do ib»l liiucitoiH |irp ■ny. Ih« n. 'n .it.le dlill"""!! . » aiWlt.iU it «■»'■ (fl.'it Wb »re ^ ( 1 Victoria 11 II If it did Vif- ili<*v OD lifr ,lliB lis bc*u riii*n>< nf hcicmran'i triiHi. L i"kirn[ r"iii ■ i'un cuiiir 1 boiril w ap'Mni'ii why liavocoin'i "ini I"' uiii n.limv lo innkw ll»;ir imn f r- tuiioH nuil !iiiii)>-a: uut or Ilium 1 1)4 ur''>i>'iil in*-! libera uf tb<' u'iiili'n llf lo call H« rouQ I lu cq'ial tiumbT of iin'ii who thu iirinicrly fulfll th>.' duties of lliepsJ)1.' ii tluil (J upcruK'ii. It WH I'li'l iiicu williitf U>Hit ill ibl- C'liiiciiitiiw WflBbalinml ili'tity riiuiy u-i.l (uini.^i- t- itl.u'*' 1" tbo Imnltiiii «'i r«'Hi'onMUly rfovt-riiini' il. llu- s ,tli. ii-iry (ir 'i Miill'-u-my 'T y. ii« latl'm li imtmi cIciiumiI in tit » ii'i-' il 'ii Ih.- riiiii-.l Btn'L-* 1.:ih but-n (Hjiuit'il tjLit to ua fiHuu vtamiiu-. I my tlaru ii nw rf-p' ii^-tblo Ri)r>.>riiiii<-nt tii Uk- Uiiit'd -Liti-a. it is att uhbiihIu d>'a;i>tlJ il<-iii<> crary.ab.ioliiltly irroipoustb'o to Ibfi paopl" er>' 'j t "iii;» in tmir ypurii. Tlieru m Doaticli lhitii>; an rretp^iUbibililv io t'itt lortii uf ffovframuiit t.iU;ii, liio uu y tiittaiH of itt'ti'iu ii'l ol' u iiiiuivler IK by iiai'i-^ch>]|ful. lli- I u-i uiMiibiT fur Caiiboo, tn bwrainblliiK^pcPrU, K'Tt'S iik no n^-w ni>;iiiiit:ula^'ii')»l r.»|» 'iiSiblo fl'jvernnjeiif he eeitaiii'y rtnl'mu-i iuikIi lliat wa-* tortii)ly iiiil fiirwinl I'* tli'S h"ii CbioM.'o;Liiii*Hi iiT. I cm w ■ 1 i-eiitvi,' lh.it Iba wbeal Wiii tult at Curlbot. uinl ih ■ itiud >: >ui« liiTt'. ll'tN Uk Hg.vniutCi':i-.-rcb)'uiiuir>iii«|]or of I.AiidH niid Woiki ui.ud iht.-m ih.y < .irry tbisir kiiawtrn wlili tliuin. Oiiu uuii rac-riibur auy-i ibiii it ro'ti uii numb mi I Fuy ibrii. I'.l .■ll'tCTun U lhi< ouly iiual'tl-at ou lor r'>-|>'n-tiblc f;uvf rnini'tii. '>unil>< r^ liavu OulhiQg to du Mix It It 1 t'rr laiu |r man, U equal tu tiat oi any (untitry Tbi-ii I niy up lit v.- ibu yropLT *(u;ilifleaionj let m Imwi |iriuifai aid n -l lli'-''ir *tii: ii tnO'tua ol k'ov. rniiiK IVlut jh riiilly t< u cskp? I'liilur tin! prutit-iil f flo of ^iii-pri.ui-i)t tbe (rt-i.i.if b.»vi- to piy lur tbo iriviii'Hf hiid bfijulll ol u ii-'>v K*^"" I'-'oiDii Hiuiii^ round ttim t>o.trd Ink" uwiiy tlil<^ loriii of Kovt^ruinvni and niiik > il ni'>ri- lib'ril, and wh)it in tho diiiserT All ItiooiTil w-irg jiinl tronlilea baV'' Hot an fii Iro n tho utirilu(>iied,biit fiom Ibfuiub lio.i oi iiiu bu caliud edocHH-d t-ia*iti.'ti. 'Ibe |iC0|i1ii li.ivti l>-pii 111' t'<> h i'vativ<*A wbu raniu mrwuril to lb- .oioiiy will .lein!-nd ornllt -''I" tfinH ; ')Ut mil It up wit'j r.ti.oi(8ib.i'jt"ViTiiiiunl uri't yt u tct a divide t opjiion nut n it, an" 111' Re wboth'iik re»|Kin-e 'pie wer« ui.fll to a-vfvn ib'-ni-i'lTi'-', (nl fi^-k-iowiw Irff tb it thpy iiavulsK'nt eiiouRh. uut thi" ld.(;i>tert. tb«llbuilaMli«P'opl«»»ve«bi.w>.»n uuwll- lii)i;!i.*sM t ■ K vcru lh<'iiH»*!TfB - fcftvp tfllc'-u but littlo lutt rof-t in Hie tiiif .r, Il in not thiu tbBv are uiitit but nowtdinir ; tH'-y prefer ItK.kliiK tf "''■'heir own lui* ii»»>"i iti iiysinfin bPtur. I no d i.oi reier I" III.- .lifliC'li V ol u'-li Ml iii'-miHTv, nnd doubi li->sci«iieof t,H Mt lit-re Iri 111 thai rau-'f, aud il 1^ iio do bl truo *• bflR been huid lliut befi-r i;oi,l Ibivc ue. n f 'ind oin-id.-. If yoi tiavo rppt|K)n»ibl-i govprn- in.it it wi I foil Into tb<* ban n ol Ihon* hIjo wi«ib to tn^k« » HvlnB by it. Nocnf h.nsiil that ii would be pi-on mb-al— it would uoi In- *.i. It w> uM r'ti irf Hi leinl Ih ny mcmt-eru to curry on party Kovoiniiirnt, U-r bIx wrutts at iou«t e»'-»y y-J-r, or $IW ppf diem l.ir :fn davD, whl'b would aan uut lo ||&4UU » ,d itifu ilie mlb'age w.iu d roi.'cioiui muob morp. fay.a't n-i er *lo ooo. Atitn. Thcr* !■ u great deal of talk about TotiiiK awny jibe [M-opn'M nii.ut'y, but It must ho tiorii- lu niiud Iba a iiarlof l^ueolbefouniry no in; >iko iiw.y tb-s aocHlled iuImiI ^.ui nx.l I (, ,' py , , j..^ o.id- ii run u wilinnii' (rom t^inadn. ai d shy dh.l>*<>nt^-t«,|a.^<>l,t.llb1;l..A rtJ'Kt If IB* II. ■ I. ft I. ..Ill, I /*'-^^*tH * :. .A HI.. .^_. ^1 I'dtii'atu t a n >iiiiii I -l I'lll di ir pl.c 'd; but t^ki- aw.iy tbo wurKi 'K u'a»H<-B liiid yo'i kill l:.u world, ibi* pducatud cia.-^sut rnii- not Qll tbeif p kc k. lu niy oi'iuioUi.-ir. lbi> |HHiplu W4iiV rn4:li hI reality. Tliey bavo contun-d lou iouk tbo Uw's dpl^iy iu^.l tliti in solcnue of tU'>8t> iti ulll u. Uhy aliould we ruiuo bl 0. uitdora.iuii I kbill'inove an aint-iiliiien' tu ibat flT--<-t. iloM Ur IlK ;JiKKM— 'iretl lu-nvoin'; what tornblo ibinn'i ar« said ui d .l»no lu th^ name ul tbe ix'ople. ro bear It >n nicinb< rd talK Ol u wuul.l tbiiik lliitt tliev wt-relb- peoiile, but to<; | o.i. 1^ nc: ijUlPt wbilo byii M pliibuta are very lou.l . I liil.-u'l t'» iippo t I ■•■ liovoruini'iit; 1 du itnt toean to niy nmib lor or n.Mi hi. I litkn t lO por)<..ni lliat lbi> pu'iiiUt tan havu reBponmid < )t.'i.l wtieu ttu'y w.iul it.aiid iIumt rtipKM.'nlali' p3 oijibl t • Iw a.itt-lK'd to ttk.' It wb"ii tijy p^opl-! r.aly and b*t 'ii'siy ask o,r it K«-sp..n- Bib'o t;i>v»Tuin'-:il b.n b't II oiii' 111 lii.1 wali'Im-cd" o( a i-'Mhui b t 01 iMJliticuin v\liu wiiit -il to bnnK Oil Co .f) Ipralriu. t'liVTimn-ut oi iruin lor i meti.s KuVtT lUli'tit by pdli land. Tb.'iogeiitlirm n will »ia<:riflet e\.Ty ben'-fit to tbo C-d-my I -r re i>|>UHgiblui{uvprt'nmut. Oitilednratt ,o:Ilce. pla e lun pow t. Tiiiivviit bi ruiirce>!nie.l I am wel uwurUi at* boiiifft:iu rviialt ul' brl'iK i'l ihu K\<'cutiio t'ouui il; it 1.1 HBii^ ibat IhiTo I* a ureii'- dilb-reiuM b.''W''.ii I'.e a'- iiiospluTe'd tb*- iwcCu DCdn. I acknowlpde.- it. TitiTu willirl )s.;d ilu!y gp-ax tliv triitb wilbout any ah captamum arituiueiitrt addrctEfd to tim Kad'Titss; th'TU people can Btrtl-.' wtn.t tbeir optu- l.ius really are; li.'io i>o.Milarlty b'ln lu iiu n, iinht. Wo arc lu.l tiiai Ibu p'iopl>> will lUbt fir fp^jioii^itii.! O-x ruin<>bl Thai n luure oo>biuK — wor Ik uuly. Tlie hanorublx raeiub.*r lor N>'w W*'St- niiuslor in bi* nblu -(.uvi-e i "'rfi't.>d » very luiiiNi'in 'sinrt in-, loil lniH mobtl.iney mructurt-s, it wii; 'i.' a v,.ry cip •u'fiVf .».«' lb- WAula atiov.'ninituil iiki> Oniirio, tlint i-< a (iovi-riMiK-uL of odk II nw, with OKliiy inuuibTd. I'<>r a Oov-runient of thai kiud u.'t leBB than lofty or ttliy would be nbanlululy nei'ena-'y. 11.11 Mr Koa:«ov— I nt-ver i^ai l like thai ol t)ul:i'io. bi.t lli tt wp w.»iil-;d the prmciplo ol" ri'dli'>u ibiotJovfrutntrut a« pxhuiik i" tlutino. H N IlR IlKi<«0KK» — Tl'uti why not brini: ni.i"rlie'np cm- bo lymn HI" Tlie Irwp prioripi-.* of r'-iti-msililH iniviriinnnl . an only exin Mlii'aotorily wub furty -ir fitly raeinb'TS in iIi'j Uoub^?. Il would ro-t T.'ry iiti|.» short of $->0 00>) |K>r anniin. Tii^il out ol th'> vnry suiull araoiinl we a'p to g-t fmni lanada Wutld nvliico the amount likuly U» lie available f tr pnhlic wt.rks lo i Iraitl.ui. Yoi inuHt hare a larsi' nunibar lu work rpiponsdiio i.DViTnai'-iil, or more property ipiMkinir, pirtv Uovernnifiit II we are lo bav.i It, I would not have ibe he;i Ih of l'>'pnrtinfijH r«"poJi-iUbr totUe D«Hinip,at leant iiotlbo workitix bnidi;!! any beail'if a l)i-p.krliiiuiit *^ . ,. . - . ...li.I.. ... .1.^ .......I„ 1 .• II >.» .1 lili.-al kii.i.l ' lull I IB tl bo n-')»onsit)lP to tin p.'0|.|e.ln it betb.* politb-ll bend ; i.ut I would niako tin- working heada of jl-pirtment* pi>ritum«uit. I bave found Irom my esinTiPiice «if Ih- o d Vancouv'T Island iloU'jo «tf Aisenibly. that pollev 'reincutiy i-tiann-.i .uin«.*uiPpli m tbal tbo peoplodi'lire I'll inie. Tlds di-»irfl lor chauve Hi'V bavo » i «*luc»te'i, but w-* bav.; now n new Kxe.:uttvo, and wo are prDmine.) n ebanK* lii 'b ' lorni nf dovorDtn.'ut : but tb'S in apart Irom Oon:e.b"^atl u alto;- tbor P, appearN t-) mo that tbi tlrst t iiiitf we have to arrauK • l* tbe moaer qa»"iion, to f^H niirmat Tial fnterpma H'nt «pill..d, to m.t>-e aure that this rolony p;i Mild l>.> p'funi iri.v bi-.t-roll, to m*k j Hi- qaes Ion of OiinfJdprall'Ui now in n upon nnieriil miere'»i and uolul nw oi:r init'Tiai lTlle^p^l^ to li,. j...|Mrd z .1 by a cy f'»r r-'- ttponnblo Kii»i'rura''iit. not to ill'iw r sikhi^iIiI" Kiiv«riini''ni lo I'e Ih" bauc" to mike lli'^ p .Idi'- ■'W4l ,iw hid a-i I u-ipriiili.ibe |J. in* All membna have aik'iowiPilnel lb | 'luo.e*'!* the bans <>l A- jtovernni"i.t»; let ns jctt'iit iiK.ney 1 W'UlM nol liav.- ih ■ p"''' "^ vol"* fur ro^imilib'" KOTeruinent Niid fnK'it or plH In tU« bao* ground, th>)iaoiii>y. I'.aiie th-i >pii«tiun upiu ni.itMHiu!l!i 1.1 Viut.naj audypt we are toid * w« Will A)>ir.'iti> ' Hon Mk Koiwix— I n- vcraibl that; 1 said tbal the peop e w mid ajKa >' tlotr PR I Bi.M("KiiM— U N ipneh th-1 wnn thing, the anltatrr* wil 'b al t'lr luir/.iU'*' iiiorc ami th"y "lH pefbaps be d'lvinK ti.u bl d- I'lr "th.'r p-opie iii.u' iniiiii. If The p.^p e re-tily desire ro- !-p.iu n.. Wu\ in iIkto any nei-.P9tiiv lor all ih'l a- Hal lot? I rtiiinil bn m.in. ol ih' po P'e<" Vi.-turia deiire it, and iliiiiii tham e.ii b.* . airtd out ^sk tbe -fatieipd d'Hircl? in ih- ■■ou i»-v M' d ib'y wid iMil >tni tiiftithey du ii i kn w nr nn* ahot. it.ixdiuta 0)'i< 'ti u<)<-i> not, run liiub ui tiiu r«oiv. I Intend t i>ii 'p ft 'btiK vcriiui -tit upon ih s clause, but I leavft mv-elf per I p'My lie-' to vol" fir ri'Sponsluie g •vernmeiit II I iQink proper wa' I t.i se-'iirp ih-- mal f iai iulerects 0' theetilmiy L-t (bepeopi (lay wietui'- tti'i'p ni .l.Tml liiten I'B will \te b.-iietttled by Coi.le i tA 'on. iiul til tmix iiptlMMpi-Bti'iii of tesp.»uBlidi((Overiiuiri t wii '. I a II p rf-^ tiy WiHI-y ti aude by Ihti "lerisMii of tho |»e:>pl n r -|rtiii-ib|.- ^ ,vi-iiiineiit, ui.d ot (..ml- de-atn-n on Terms, se. rat dy. \iy '>tl^-de^ir ■ ijtios.'o this rno tt v material. y ben^^fl't" 1 lb.* P' pb> want ri-H.nm-iblity I win viotHay nav, but wi* nia hav" e<)od tTui- At tn- p dixVcixiumb!- (foven.mert miithttar' Conf'-^ie'-aiion ^t'h v ry in-itfrnl i.Tms I am penectly «> tu ti Ihiit b 'ione unw.i have arle I win-y In not atlowiii(r ll iprmsio ►« cbl^:tf^■l wub ri>p n^ibe (riwruin'nt I say iIdu'I 1 r. s-poii-ibli' K T.''iiiiirin tik« tb phu-*' td inai'-riil benpllt". hnv iRi ARKAiL— Mr— I ris- |o lak-' exception to wtiattho bt nil. I li-i.r el m.-mber fir Vi.iuria Ciy f.nl abo^a bcuiR biui iiHiid uu ' lo«u t'l Caiia ift in mv re»ia-k4 be can llnd no elloris ' ctlcb vot.'B,iin.l iKicap l-^apaddrt-BBed lo tbe gdlyrleg. but I a v.icale wuit niir b.' unps \\H II*ii5.\Rn— Sk — I MR ee wUh the hnn Chief Comm* *ioTi' r iI'h: II ,* il pi y ibtl tin* .pie^liou luU bi-eii bn-ugiit up no (T I b^id in ..I.' op nit mn I t.J v. t.' Ut re^po «iUU govprnaiPDt it4 (ntirt'tv. but the b lu m-m'tpr I' » n H.tid it must tion Hon ATTfiHSKV tiK>KnAt.-lMtid Iba iifl Uie Uon moniberfor N» VVvBtinlOflcr and .Hher> UiBisteJ upon > peninK the diiiCU»iOD inn 1 (T.n't.. lloii MR Hoitifiv— I felt reRFot tbal it fb.ttild be brousht mno Ivit when I a k.'lir W'>c.>uld puilt ijfl th'' b^u AHoriey Ge«ei S4id It «a» to.i ! lie. Mum Att.iR^f.v flFvriiM— I efli'red Ibo bon members for N- We^tmiB^tefH Hi l.dhioet evpiy o|»porlmiitv for dlscueslng th Importaui ipie^l' ti iiitm a tay m he Botapart fjr ibe purf- «•. Moil Mk liiMi'iiRKTj— What I .ii.l waK bl i'onBi(|Upn.'« of wh' llie boti Alt rm-y (n-n rai satd al tbe r-'immpnceinnu ottbo debat hp invited reco i.iu.'udaib'ue, utherwiae 1 »b uild out bave pat m inti-- on tb»« Ititard Moil Mn liMiwRO— It wa«ful'y impre<9*"l on my mind that th ■pi-Hioii shom.i nut be inix.-l up with tbe term-. 1 am ss^on'she It! ibe cliarne m-.liMt reprMi-niatue memiiernot iryin» to for. tills ..urt^tl'ii uiKUi Ibl' House at an iiioppf>rinne lime I will lea» t ti tbuKuVv-iiiUKiii lOsay wheih.r it sbad be left fbr aouiberd ir go ' 11 Ibiit A'Ton!(KTOKirr.RAi.— I fBV. afis'n, now Ibe debate baa t 1.MIII, no.v- ll.' vaantiet Is .lown. the debate mimt tio on II" t ..;:; K Mi'ov '*; r, tl.ii coumo >a mom uu'air im Ihe part i|ie tl tveriMii.;.! nierl- VK Let t|-.' ro;i«e d'-cido wh-tber it » uo oil with t iB f'ttii in now Or postpone ll. llsfPiin to metl llio iion AlM'n<-y -ipne'ul tt r.'->oriii>ir ton parliamentary maovtM ia .or<^>iii! t 1. niuU'Toi. It U a uiin-'r t >h* r, pre'enlniiT^ me. iip'H o>.> »i.)tbt Ii W» i-liill tiaV'' a l.triie 'liaiorttjr repr-'-ent ilivp ui"inb' r« on iIiIj .|ite»(i.iii a.-l I'lat is all we w.i I Miv 11. ai lb" *llitrii.?v (lin.'i ii ..i I ii'i larly anawor my quean ^' .'.I wh.-tb-r.by pa'^intf Ibi« frB-duioii. Wo Bli.iuld »but » d. or til ti.rilior ui-ructnii of ilr- qufntbai .luriuii Ihe pffii-ut t> Mrtu riitEF roMMis'ioiKt— I fh ul l n-^w nbjerl to ih^ resnlat heiufc witbihiiwa, art ibe aj tbeqUL'StiOQ. 8a THK GOVERNMENT tiAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. Mod Hr t'niPrmET.i-I tdink, nl-, li« tiiBii.T cmnui now Ijj potip.Micd, l<^t 111 flirht II nut and lU'" duiia wi'li )t. Hod Mk HoMo.i-l aiy, 8r, ili«l ihii mbaie niMy bo p<)U- poDi)o- msiit vif i>hal ik luw tiis reiu'm. 11 'n Mk iiAHVAKD— Tho bou Cnief Conimis«loa-T laid tbal b« iho'tlJ t ika Rfi a'lTtTi'f volo ou ibis r'-suliitiuu ■■ a ¥f>i8 u( wi>t ul cnflU'n.-e Id'iu'iwiDl ihu Wju'I li n govoiDOinl mtmbers help at ''u^hi not i<> havd put Nuch a rusulutlon ou tue turini, let ua itk« titttt is^iie. Moil Mr Harvard— U w»a nnt my 'Italro t'l h»mpor ih'^ rotto- m-nt : 1 Ji^tirtd id ^Ive n hcirly ■upport to tbtt g 'Ter.tiiifiit, anl, Hi tti<*»d'nL> ti[u», todii my day ta luy cii'i!iil<' woigbtor r«(ipiin>ibiliiy aa 1 1*^1 1( to dl'ri)viiic«. ( Rm coiivmced I'liti n n it «jo-liy ufibn onct eU meintier* of ihn CjuucII vote 'jye' to 'l»y on lbi< .luesti jii, r"- npuD'iblfl ttofornuo'it will lie iniufiir4<iitioii mat (h) iiit'iU f^t pirtinnol inBcomtnunity armu Uvtir ol ro-ip iniiiil ' K"v-rntiii'ut but lliera II Ft f(r>a m rfK'ird to Its adti>titit>u |j th: I'ol.'iiy. lb--* worj* coining trJiuUi* Kxt^ll-'ocy a « woriiiy ot c.i ui'il c nn d'-T* i|)n. iti'-y cnitAtn atrouK r»a<»od a^uiu't ibo ItitroJicnon ot reflp)n*lil'* tfover MQ'Ut. Hublm opinimi ti iix aJttlo I la tho Mmd. rt>eh'>u flomor m<>r.ii>--T tor Victoru ciiy ba« bhiiwn m hn raniirk4 tin' t'l-re la a gr^at wunl jf autilod prliici 'lo m Itio rnl-*nv Thit Mrtu litiil Di-*n o> Viuiuri;! aru hv-tia to taking upon tnetaifllri^i tlio duties and lAbo' of le|[is s ftiidm.' and wealth PlinJal >"(. IbomTChint^fDiuuftc- tU'ura A' d prur-niiuiial men rik-^ uo liitOf«ai in ibe lUitK-r uf Ji-gii- iiHi. 'i'n?rt) H « Kr'-ai- dilU il ly iu K-ttiuK Ko"' r.-|ire rniUive •■■an. lht*'C are, I ii iinli, mtny R'lud rm-oiH which iiutiht bo ur^Al n^'iri-it I'll) ra la'U"!), anl I uiv' u> nij n» I'Smit imv enp't^9s r HjuucI .g tni public unriTjnib y t>i th>t itovd a nent, b it th) biimu n >.ot lu ihB (iica4hitt 111 that nyst'jra of n .Ttrnm-nt wiuctiK^'p* ilio ruin- a •i|«'il. Ih* m^mbiMoi lim .!'i/'T;iinoiit (nij;h l'» 'n* in a iw*ltiu'i 10 der^-ad 1 1 it'm snivel b >tt) by pi-n tn I "pffci I h ive i{l iiics 1 at a liw riin 'HI aguusi nwad ui-fi-n ot re4p'mBi!.lL' govfrumen', biii 1 Wht iio» looK at ih'.>utb<>r ri !•)' (•'hx .d him ra:t of all tbu 1 trg -r Buhjeclrt, nnier U'.i >u. Ut>iii< iiea't wib by ilis Koloril |iowur. l'lil«r'Li;:ul 118 -ir iH A' atru:«> tunntn and lclltiio;a l^iU lio ih ukl t!iH I'icil b ishKMa 01 this (:<*lniiy c )nid b" nuuie<-d bpiler »i iKtiW4 Uiaa It I'lm b* t>y ourseUenf Tne oBloiai mt-m lera o fit go?frn- i))»* -t will no doubt ivail llie-n.iftlve^ nl itiH r»tiriiii{ pni-i'-ii, and apiwiNt ea iro 'I 01.UW4 will t»ke th 'ir pl-icu''. tVliI ih 'ae laitur y ibn cniitnv wnvn we adipt T>a >oirib governnieDt f Ih'S >n a ntro )< nbi<>ci)'>n lu etitvnug ih'funt'ni uii'lora ttyttiein like I' e i ri-a'-m. This c lony uny be n.-tKuU top fusion anotbL'r^ei nt'oincala. Will ui>.- p-opie uc SMtl Qei >kUd tbi* aorl til giiverumi'Dl It' we are iu baru a|ipoiuiB>8 fioin tiMaw4t Tuerfure acia'ftof m-j'i wn-i op, ■tie-; U'lnio loi .iti m t-n thi-i Kr 'U'id. Thoy wnuM p''fti-r remain ng t<4 ib'y are, with the OillcitU iioinnitid fmin |lo«uing-*tri-ei, ratU r llitO itntu UilaMTd. i<^ i.iii t>-ii ftKBTled t'lal ihhcooiiy ii not re. i ly, tlnw l<>tu are we lowAi.f iJiQi'la was told lb' BBine Hloiy whvo Hlio bal 'i pupn- latija I'f fiOJ.OOO All lie oHmt l»r.ii mc a w re lo lUnHinie tliniK. %I»Bl Me wait l> r s.ich an i >uri-A'U,ur niiidi we H^iu a^ did (-lUiilaV Throw HBOii iiur own r«»oirce- as licoi.iuy a .il wj wiIi tojnlejru val taOie lea-'ons in tho Bi:i<.'ii''e of govHiuui ut. There T.'t!>re |{ -n lcm)*n of good taiuiilid aud ol yi'ttl id iciiion, wno niiifl inr-i m early dlvi'9 ; their riiu>{t'iii;c it was lou jh imlcej bad n«w« b.i>t come Irom th<> miuod, the avouUHi ol trade wote ringed I b Te wiiral p'lr'Uitri ttir (liein to lurii to, the t a^f(\ lence wai that ih>*y had tu iIm round lioiuls ; Hltt>r t.ln\meat, t >r wtiicb,uit a matter of course, ibey appliwl, eora':'k<'pt hur* wb.iat waitiu^ t.)r vm t aiii;i'8. ibe rfa- pnii WAS (bat they m-ver bad b^cu tuUftht BOn our uwu resiiuic>a and «» ah^id 8icc-*ed, ^elf•rt■lu^Cl■ Is tb« hi'at nioanR ol I'd'iraiiuQ In p till lea aa in acytbuu ^li^" If our rulers are at'Ut us Irom Kuttlaud i-rOlny I WJ will al-»av« li:k d-llre laiuiv >ii r Liuco is writ- ten on eviry tino ol tb'i ltrilis:i N'ifth Aiuor.cui AVL. KjIj upon yim's-d/eB, I* the cry of in-) lunplaoi KQ^Unl. It \i beiiur i> Itraipli with ihe iiiltlciUi'a O'lw when the lt%n->-i nra amall an')c<]mpir.iilvoiy UQimpiirtiiit.an > ali mlilwe ma«e blundiTl lh<)y Will not bl Boiirrious wuuu oar tiitiri'sti are Biiali; an 1 for what erro'B WddocouinU, tao con-tequourea WiU fall upon nirselvi-s, Vro will, no doubt, bnnler at dm. an 1 there may b'< chatl blown hie. If rfspjusiile guTerain.ni w 11 brin* iho scum to the I ip. ttross will g I to ibcbuiioiQ. Th ■ s.uin w II ha Itilb'd ntl— the C'lail will uu tiloiratway by tni bruaib oi p,ibi c upn oti. ['tie ijorer- nor's prno^B-i »f a m:i|oriiy wM not tatiafy ibo people, an 1 we Nhiu t ihrefiro ur^v upon rln Btcvll ncy to ^ive u-i rp miibio goririin'-Qt. I am n >( m lavor, however, uf makiug that uoudi> tio'i a sirfB uua Ko.f of >:oiiie lora iou. 1 vt nld a:uept ,or niou an I 'e.^p)nsioltt K"iverim*iit'r tiie iwo l.-t "S havu Couleieratiun and we sliiU ^Bt re ipoiBihie g'vernmenl. llni Mr \V>jm— 111 iHiiu to addr>'Bi ra\8)ir lo the motlou nnw b-l'irp tills Comm.it*-, I do lo wl h a double oliJfclL 1 fjci my- «-lt chilleuf d tu u;)nold ny 0|>liiion on tli * subject of leiinm lib.e i|oven.m<;ut as app lo to thiB co ony, and I a ii >it-p) oub io add a f.-w w.»r la oi ihe b'Mrlna of tbo publ ci in ihe mitto- of dn'ode'ation now before the O uacll. lit VVi b rt'Bitect to the mb|cct ol roiid<-avor lo exp ca w. the resod of t>uMii ... v..^.,..<>uii in a low wo da I am io i iTor ol u-i. And 1 belt-ko I ai.i «iglngttB«rvirf tonocety lu upholdm^ BU>h nu)derato viewa aj^intit Ibe popular error ntHible >iovern Di'nt is th" Imrnemurlal birihrjght nf Kng!i!oW'T of self taxation raildea and hu alwayi re- sided lu the r pre»ent!iliven of tho coint y, In (be fommuQi of t-n^ian-t, infrvint; with It thi< ovo whelming t^ower of the pjrse— it is, I beiiere clearly aimftterl that tho pnnclp'oof respt.nBibIa povemmoiit. in now U'idcr.'to')i|, ha-i existed lor little more thta 10) years, say from the acc.JBSton "f tJeor^o III and •*th'' tcriil ift- ti'iu of Lord f taxing oiiraelvc)*. Sow, sir I believe th > whole soope u| re[ir<-9eiilitive Inst-tutloDa ti ba greitly mll- repre«cQtud. Il lit Ihe laabiun fjr bonurablo mombori to 1*7, thak the (iovernment nl Ibis or any other cjmrountiy aro bound to Kovern aec irding tn the well nadcrstool wish'^bof tbo |MO,d« ; thai 'b'trox poimli M the Ti>x i\i\ ; thai rainlairtei and UovirnmeDia aro rediKindlbio to the p'upla dat (he tru-t pnnctpte, ai w«all v%rj well knnw, U th^l itoviirnrnJUU und inlni«trli>sarn rsspoiislble. not ti Ihe (K'opio as a popn'ace bai to ihe re;ire-eniftt vesot thepDoplfl, properly and reaionably cho«en. (rnintnt4 and mmlatrlisar* respon'ii'-le ntit to Dumu icii milorltles, bm to the country. Now. Btr, repreS"ntal,vu iiiaiiluujna ur« ilibi-1 to llil« obvious and wall kimwD daiigi'r. 1 will quote the words 'd « w
    )iiei)tiiivu indlvliaally. from toe paiage uf a mischievouB in-ature lariuiv exceeds hli Ium as a unit lu the co'Dminity frutn Ihe iiporjltou of thit Imu'l'iut law, his l luribir whfQ th; privatd an 1 per^nial, (he direct an 1 immMli.fri tnoraK o: tin repreii'ntiiiv.) or of lh<^ oouithuejlo, wioie a iv.roaUM and deh-g ittM they are, i4 Ojip is*d to anf m itter oi legislativ* aot'ioa, Tbs iiireci and mat^^rlii mtoreit wtll.nt a certiiDtf,i of t le fiocior, and aci-i>rdini{iy w>* sett repro-ieiil dive instltutioua II uristiiug antl nuo< Ri'fl^ful uuly when tliia •iif"Ku.ird pracUrally cxut . l.oi (is turn to (he r.xaiii|i|e of KiigUud. In KiiK'^'d representative institniio iit and r'->'p»iisib!o (IjTeriiinent wurb smtitb... And why t BecatiM of tho nitirlou-ly a- isl'tcriliu and pliticrilio chtracler of tho 1.e.:iD atiireot (Jidt Biltur. I'oiitioai life la a stalled (Ktok to anjr but the weiithy cusics fvory member of >'arliiment ia a milt of (>rnpe'ty, no other cmi all ird ttie uxiKy t>f of legldative life, antt society i< ■.f«u e in the hm 18 ol rfp.ie^e-jtitlife* who« proiierty wimid sulTe- from tho re-ulis of vicious or re«.'kleiiH iegi?Iatioii. I "ity n «t iiiK of thei|'ie*lion of pe,! e and Wir, probably t n' ra-wl •nonieiit iinan id i>» t om subject of viri •ii9a:id n-ckle-teleiisldlon, Afinettioiiwiiii;^! will n 1 arUe iti tie Col my T.ie c eim of all legta- tun 14 laxitii-ii, and tny aolid convmnoj It thtt ro,iret(»iit«tivB Inbtitulioi.s m I ri-8pnuM>)le (ioveramcot will fad whenever Ibe working majority is in the uaiidi of an noauhsti'tial cUli of KepreBeiit itivt'Hor of elrctors. 1 bave'tbus. slr,lraatedor repreteo* (HtiveiNSil'iuinuB and respoarib e ttor^riiment somvwn it in ibe ab;4trict. 1 will now rd -r tnce particularly (o Its acp loatiuit to Ibis cidony, and this apart from a'ly tiiufitinn of Conlederatlim, and 1 will r<.-|i<-at that I am in f-tvor •■) i ibhi (ieveriimenl. With r I. wet to th conithu- tioo of tli-'U>gial>itiv«OouoRt)uf Brillah i iiluiibia it mlitht.l tb-nk. hanlly h.* n ce.S'ary m lie prHaeot eonditiou tif lueedoDy, io ,.dro cato as-coiid ' liHmiier— a (Jiiu.icil a.1 diiitUict trotn an 'taaimbly. However adviialih (his m iv be iu an nivdnct condition of tneciiony.a'iv.i iCed in n .mbers and wealth, ftw, if an' would a ivo'^ate Huch an iintiiution mI an> condjOhamber. The elenif nil for forniiii^ such a cbamlMir are ladiy wannng m the pr B(;at atit-i of allair-i, an I the matter in^iy be dtsma^i'd without fnrtbor miwiofnt — wit'iout dUL'ui8(t'g >bo mlvMabilny in a gen ra' way of su<;h an iasniutiKii ai all, or the c m^ti'utionat eiemeota of auch a bodjr. Hilt with rega'd to the LegiriUturn on the snp •odiioa of liacon- RHtlng of Olid single llattmeut4 but rcpreaeiiiing lor the m -st pirt dilT-rent .Mag sturial dl-t.-icts, alew Q iminate 1 meinb!'! — nominated, I tuinilil is reasonable to pp-aune, irom an impretstun ot their bcioif tolerably late liiietit and miuerato—iud a few repreienttt vn membora. It IB aiKed wh-'th r th) coii*titnt«m cf ihH Ctnincil should bo aiiaro I 80 a'< t • e«t b i*o dreit resp,in*ibio governmeui. or «hAt miy be look*^d upon alm'rai as itt equiva -ot. ;i lar^ti workl«K ma- joniy of responj-ible m< miois. I lo ivo out "f tho qoPBlion at prei eul, alk reference to wty mudiflcatum of the constltil^on »l tbe Council lu ibo event o' C inrederilioo, an 1 1 conmier the matter at present, only In rtference to tbo (-ouncll atd tbo ('olony in tbeir aciiiai roD itmn At present it la obv >iis, aud muit bo itit by all tifui, by olUcial mtmiers no 1 -is loan by IndepeudDi momleri, tbai oir poaitiou as a Crown Co't y, is wnal is cnrnin 'O'y wiled a FALnitiM-iTiOH. We are ln onotiy or in Oan- ada I wlUvoiurdier. 1 will sty thit (h>« community Uk»Dln'. - v dually In tbia t'olmy ia nitTTSii ^na ill' d to demand and have rup* r.Eeiiiuliveini'iituiloiH. I *i\y laKeu inmvidval t -and I meao tt in ita strict (tcnae. Man for man, I h.|i«ve thn i olootst abettor |K>>itii-|clai thin 111* Kiigtlshcou'lu. Tbear s ocraifc c aaa hardly ''xlits It IS iruo. li Is an I ju'tlce lo presume lor a momeat that the Co ouist in this, or any uttier cul'nv of AngHffax'in origin ii la any way anfli lor Ihe enjoymeni ot the IreeeBt iMilllioal liberty HUh >r .Irs4 wo have none.uut Me middle and lower ciai'es aro^ I do noi he*.lHt I losar it,8uperxjr .i the mldd'e an I lower cUbmo at hijje. Tne coiOinsi Is more enteipri^ing, and more p 'shmg ibaa tlie Dtay at ho ne t-ngi'Shmaa. Ue baa better knuwiOdg* of the world and of hum ui n itnre, be sraduatei In a icheol m which poiittea arc piomiuent, and b« la iree from an immen'e amount of inmruuce and prejudice which il ihungbt ard wnlion an-l acted in the old word. Bat then oine'4 the roiisidcratinn, what cl-iaentu are indlnpsniable luttieCnrr iitnUy lo form the repre^oniaiive boJv, tf a« ii oon- leoded, thai el«m«>nils to be Bupreiu**, ur wbtt i* the aarae tbiu In i»jtni of hctu4l power, when that etemeot Gouatltuteo ibe working u^orlty T I wtll aniwer, 1. Local isd end ptrisi. of la !■ ft nf "•r our It of 80 — i.bla lOOl tlous tl>> mil* lh» w tbu TMJ , DOC opla, I an Sow. TIIK (;OVi;i!NMi;.\r CAZKTTI'; llXTKAOlilUNAUY. !U e^. ,\ Ph. ' n.'iit r"»l'i!;t ion. 2 KiMiili-* **l 'llv'-irt-d iiH'TH.t-; w<-*il.i, whtth'Tc^pitO (irr.'«niftr itii: -mt^, tii" wli I -in;; "f \>t>\ s-'i hm. hii'i.tfri«art lilt I Id luAiru'i4, ut{n>:ulliir", mlMtit'itUI Intlnt-tci. •Uia-'B. i'.ppuUtiiiii hurutit W.I ure iladcufut— CVw atlult whl'« iimi— ■i)or» lie, ac;ilt('i 1 1 aQit in)l>!l( axi^lit-i't t ^D'I iiiJn'"JtIia»|i.:ciUUin); luMiti.-r iiui")rtii:ut';ihii«riitH tui-'UiblisU'i.l KU'I t:-tji'n*i\;.i Ml llip wiy niiixit ri hill>vt i.y ilio uliiilit on oi the fn-H imrt.ur ii)l«>ri>i' fnim lli» dliyonco ■)( a t >r|{n lit)iii« tjt'miiiil. Theiu aniall "mrmiUiriti ''"nonu ol' wullli (i iJ w- Iiav.) ■Ii'-n in uo (trc*l Abaiit|.tiic<>. Vow w>Ui-jif, tlif^.ii wUu tiavi- we? A iiiturii cominmiiiy iii wiiicti tlio tmly Hirlilii(t niUr-ii \> iixrnu'iiir«. an I Iti'ilii'iiy bnoJiMt' cupply Id iiftl fi)ilu>imii
  • rl iiu wtultUy clMH.itAlI. Citu Mil )i')'i>riiniitnt b'y re|ir<^<-i)t Hiitiut iiiltil iruor''ltil: tiul wii>-'ii wucli'H I cati lurilly nil lorftjii I 'tiiytUniB iii rtt lUnK^fJUfl, •nil I QilKlit nl'l. mi»f<' n iicMl"ii DP mor') i'xtr»v'a«.uil. That ro preamtHifvi-fl Hb'i U 1 lie if'))i|i) !■ Uitsiriittc, Imt tUi( lUey *lirni.| fi.r..„.„i o ii».-U'iilal .ntor-wt* la ln'lisi»fii-ili!t'. If r«.riri ftiiyiliitu miTw 'Iii Hinu-*. Tixati'i't, ig bi tors tias bticii tiijiurvtril, 14 ihi} i^rcim ui liiuti«n: sul tan lion at Vvi ti initial uiL-tiliiti'iti.-.l iimii, or m ' 1 t<.r-'i>J U\ mlvo'-ita th«i'itorf8i4"iruiH'l'KtaBiul CO littm III i.M, wi 1 li^ ii„ilini„' but tyranny, ifpln'fitiii miy bu 'livMoit in in lay ntli t matt.r*. Hin voiM 01 » ptrty iinvlK-'uplil on ininy p -i .t-; bit in tli > bun la o ttio nnniKi ib) Hiit-taiitiil 1: a4i will bu li :ivilv wiA un;u>iaiiur.iblv taxe<) t>.i,iit thfl 7l.'w
      l>tY> intii U to !i>su uu I ail lOKalnliy my C'Mit*'iiiplttr<| m'lvomtint Tako tlu« cx-iiiioli' tif V.I., In olil d.iyn. a*) an fxmptnof a^mill ail latiirr '■.vin>iniiiiitihv;aiii ii4fir-«:i ( Ivu cAlaH ^r tbiit,itivi'9 uppll; oj tbo ■nH''':l 'if ' iiU •l-Tiit'o'i. ant h tj 1 LiMim m tli > f NCsti.'p.-' of tlio tiuinTilr.' in.'ml.-' iiip S -w W«»liniuat'Miibli (Jiwt.iiu'nI. or lU n| iiv:i'(Mi, (IP tu upppi^mniati (i.)vor.iin.|i( by a rup-'-doalativj m.ij -ilty. W'l li.iv» nofaf »(.u«rI«i.Mlii-l a (i' n l.-ncr of a (k»|iu. (t"nL-y, anili'aiiatUn Infre-'tts will pr-'Tti . l>'-p nlt-n':!} on Kii^'liiiiit la bi'mabk, tlicy Ikt^ no lijiitpeNts up irt fr >in«ii)n, but il'pini'lonoi' on CmaU «i>irj be iin •oirabl**, thtir liror. lU aro (litr.rpni frnin .I'lpx That h tUnco' c'ihUh t'vim iii-v lab'.', it ii bill A I'fT-i-ol I'lMirliial-i > Toiil ilnfiitioit WKho'll rv^jimi-iMt.' Uov- ■r.im"in,.ir || iv<>pn!n3Ul by « w.irklni in it <'ity of pi.-prci-nt.ttiVi' m-nib T«. in I'lit .>! th- 'i'i-*iioii. Sii-li a O 'V' rimvut ciitiiiH be bill : ttiT.-rnre I'mif- l-'ratli»ii i-> out of Ibo <|u. t hiru thtia, "ip. R V'ri my opini.in on \ point wlil-n m suf'tom rt with pop 1 ar dlHUvop, boi [ atii proU'l t» Biipt^ort thi< t'ti'cntivi* w'l'ii 1 tin :K it IS ri^lit : atil 1 \r -iii't fli.i'**) tlio r>'4,)(infnl>i:Uv 0/ a im- is ipc wtiji^ii woiiM ni:t'<'' Hut '■'xecollv-* olii«>xiou.4 to I>1 uti.*. I li ivo uo rbn) lic fueling ol o|iit..-jii.iii toKovorntnont. ( liav-» no obii'ctioi lo iml - viiiiiil-'. nor '\\\ inipiitt* t» tli-ni ■< ir.iiil moiiV'", biu In tn» mi tor oHoTife'loi-itMii v<• Lop ^nppm.'.J jjrio.1 ,',r cir.*al Hruaiii, ami th'y <"4«PrHi> ttio p'W'T of oloiiy ar'> niii \j at fil tka to r ipry o'lt, ami olF i;t an orRliii : v\\ \n^-: of ^roat itapot(ini'« to IO';a! int-'PMtn. It i\ sonvwiia. milalr (op ni» t > s ly 1 inip'iti»motiv«l'i til-* BX'-iMtfvo. I only qii irr< i wlih t'l.'in wli-j 1 llipy nlar 'tli-mi-lvna in a fil-« iiositlon, ;i^ u ()i-' ii,i.',*ti..n < f l'Ui- catlo'i, ami In 111)4 a* in '"■Ini'Aitk m 1 >ay tii<--y opp m < iboir mvn viowi In (b ■ ri.Mvi.jf 111! W'llnn.la'»tH>l w.sli '^ "1 ill i-Vi'^'-i'if tlio t'o-nmnn'tv; i.iil In'-otti'*? c irry tIi'o'i({l>a3o!ii'm'orO"iif'''l''rAi I'li ; t"n»y nl.iri I'l** ttoni. an i i' i-* liir 1 to * n iiow or wli -re It will ri>|t. I«tncflri»ty r.j.»lfor lln'iri»o-iiiou rliiooliioy wiii iWiu lu'l n.>priai:iila- ilvn in«tri|t|.iim, nnl lb- y wijl b*.* f iri:;! 1 1 yleil Hi-iii or hv.\ out of th'» p i.i'tr.n III y bivj nil Itrt ii{fii. Id- atisw 'p of ili' Kx oi- tivw (lovTTini'-n'. til ibf J j<( in -tivpji by fio 'Ion. Altopin^y U mi 'r.i!. Tti.- »'i I'll 'y i>n'!pal •'ayj iliat ail'T tl 'i.fo It-pali. 11 «■ arc imnnil li bivi- wti It we rcrnninnl. lit s i^ Liking Iho iBaltLT fop (rra;it 'I It in ly bf atlJi-it'rl, bnl wilU \ -tru^rfle It h imp)»flibM to ilHitit that thir own ri((hli anw.'p"n rartli nn pr-v«iiUbe rbaviuK it." Tills to buta pPomiKo fir the fHir«. Ill" Hon. Cnn-f rouiniiB. Rtonar fiuya tilt commntiKy ta • .it il' lor re-i>"iii)>bli; itavtiniai-nl . but lli.i milt'-r is to np li'll ti th^noir''onnc'l. Kertimn-^ibl-i (iovorn raent wli ,niiiir.'iily .-inn witb Conr«ii,r»t' "n. Tli« b.rMrabl.» mprabpr for Vl'liPla (Mr. II"lnn'ki'ii)siiyi : ■■ T iH i'' t'l'* irn'ompiit of tneUov.'rnniixiL .flut H'>ni'-lliin.; iniist cannltTbalatic-) t'ati.ult, (iih'^rwhi? with a work ng iiiaj;iri'v in lln> llona ' Ihi' Do ninion.iJuT p'nneit will koep I'linj* ti tlmy «ra wh-n wj aro a proviii-:» of Oinida. TCR^DAY, *2i M*-i:||. Hon IfotnaooK—Mr Clinirnitn. I ri-'-' allh iom'> diitl'lenfo ti (tlvf my opinion aa 1 1 whtflh'T wo aro lUie. for Rwpiniiibio (iovppn- mciit or not, alt"r l!l.^ ablo •p.-^jchcn il' it bare bojn il«'li*''ro 1 by hon momhnr-j nn Mn HiibjfCi. Tin,' !■ .u an 1 'I'ornail number i"V VicloPlaCity (MrMrak-*) ha< afflmi- I that r.!iix>ii*'bl'' Kivftn- wi'iit w.inid (jivt* lli' r'li tC'T'Tii n.-nl of tin- foluiiy ti> Vict iria. TtilH t b<'Mi'V'' t« irn-, iiiM if moll w-ro iho ca#o wimt nijnry it would Inflict (in Vow ^Vi'«train5t"r an. I ih'' Miinlan 1 iti'ii-'rally . I feci that w.) firrt not )>>t fit fip re^poiiiiblo^oTiTiinuiit; b'li ticTor- tlielM', I think that Hie exieui oi ilio p.j;iuUtlon i«T«y much .in- (loretitlnntcl II liilbpfii kuIo-I ihi' ^ler tliu in hi iMrofui c.h \ latlon^ that ran be maCaiiaiiar Anil lUi lor tbi4rn tiui 1 .lavn «iv n a noii-i o( in tmn m ihta Hout.' t i-h'w fi.'fn thii ihey ar« n t lon-lt-n, imlthti th«y may goon Wit;i lh»ir •*tlloin*>ntii >.ml improvf m. nt * in Har«iy. Ooi it w* ar-' III L»v« n sp nslbxnr .vinuimi I will inH bu umwur- abi. ..rth'r'>,i4-pi,.ir.-.-«, iV« an- 1 .1 1 lb- .pr aiion islobcuU. miifMl to thrt pcopio. 1 %%f \n U4 wail for ihoir i| cision 1 havo ■•onfi I'MWjrt i'l t.'aJia.l I nil i an en.ent i. 1 iku tiiy c;)ani;«* o| b<-iDir wi'ii Kov.Tne-l iiy tbti l)omniioii (tovcninioii t, ruiUer tbdii try uotni!- ib'nn[(.f thi? woriiinuof whii;;i w- know n Uniu 1 UiVn nuloubt ttut tfniat agil'jtion on tno mibj rt o. rtrtauniribio nocorniucnt will begot lip by ine preN4 ami that lO'^iiy inuiuh' re wil. gain Itivir ' «by c nfa*ln,' tiiu <( losiion* ufCaircUoraiion lui'l 'l-siohsi. bill g .VrtPi m .III. I .-nlirdy c tii'mr w'lh lUu lum ilr ■» oo'l lu bo- liRviii^ ihit mopti hlniril ri'pro-n-ii'.iiliin will .1 1 iiiu< h m to for thu go "»| ol 1I1.1 L'ulony (bin pMijionMblo g .v.-i niiiont, i b Ii.vo inn K'lO'l IramUilia \m\\\i niv^w ai ii.pimiai>»wit i by thu Uov.Tiior'* tl'iivn, ,n.I I lliin'i lw;tT« elTlt-J aiiT e ^[ht iiumiiiMtLMi mouibera wouilgivtfetlHf.i.-ii .1, «iii WTk w-ll. at'ioi^h rejiorl niak.;« tUa change mnpy lllnTai llian tbm. W.- or • ijow i-n tl-ouvri of proiper- ity. Onrijiarliniuuiin lanlill t ;- iKiini<-nc 'd ami wo only w 'Ut K .o't roaili lo Kocionii) by wjy ..l Ka^jlo t'a-H to open onr rt'iounwi in ihli rL'-p'ct, I >t,) not 11,1 'ii tli » q o-Uiaioi in. iiixinitblau'ovppniiioni. I bi^lmvt) .t wu.Mb- bul pip us an t m not p«-'l iirr.l Oy til' pi'opo. l.-hiii duppiiri I'U' (.i.vurnino.l in ine clau-"" now iiiiilrr il h -uMion Uon Mr D8..'ojM.M— tir Chil'man. I hvl not fxpt'-Mn.l t my nnyihlnKinopit oji th'n s'lb'i-rt; boi 11 mop i ni t .m- pill-.; n-n 1 am ti.ill4ilt^l tint 11 li my tl»ty t d t s . f.o- 111 tpo tii.- iiiiit r is artj'if.l nn-l ih.- mor t t 'i.i rem \r<* ot tJuvrmm' iit m>! nbi-PM a'ti lit) IP J, ibo iiiop') I tic iev wo art' bf n f 'isk,o ■ l,> t .ka a Lap in tho 'lirk : for all 1 ran luapn is ttat tliiMiow Ho,ihii m to Pm paitly noinlnilivo Jiiid pirllyi'l-mttvo— .ind u r rc-pjunblo ; if-- pn.p>ir- ii.ii-iap.' ii'.t sttti'l It bin al'o cpapp. d oiii iiiai iliu o w 11 |>u a 'inalilkitijn fop in-nb-pH iml al-n fur i-i.HiorB. if tttn (J-iyiTU. -nont n-l-T ihtemali r to tl.i- pi'opl. tokinnv whulhi-p Pucb a Lon- 'lituiioii will f>n t ib-'in, I bi-lnv-- Ih- pi-opi" i . alnioal a unit w>ll r-'j--' t It. fh'- mass ar-' opp i«uil 1 1 Oonf-iii-r ition iii.'K"1'ht unlets ttii-y cm c-t a niori' l.h.Piil r.-oro-t. ii'anon ibaii tli it propoioi by till- Uov-Mnni.'iit. At Hie outn't 1 propiMi-il a •.-umnnliL'.- ul all papli.'t toom Id'rarii rupopl n;n)ii tnu wU ilo iiiaitor ; but tho li»al/|iili!ni lit of Ihi' lloiiso, aa I think. (!<■ orrrl ll.n q.ii-jCioU. .N'ow, Rir, I think If tliK coiiitnittvt' hal nut -ml MU|rg(-»tuil lur tho prot.-t;i(.)n of ihi- pr'.p.-rty elemint lii..t unol.ira i-l tbu mi-mb'-ra of th 1 C.junrilsiiijnl,i b'' -'i-'i-li'il t,)f a l.nii.r i-t'ri.»l and hoia pro- P'Tty 'I'liltilMt'on*, t'lo C'luiitry vv» Id lnvt' bi-.-n faiitfl- |. lean CHip.ilvo.ou H-mionii.;h propositi Ml as that iK-inj lai-l bulore thu II mi'.lt wjul I lnTo bi-i'M «nii; -miy «u-c--'.sliil ; 11a it now slaui'n it l« maii*r ol o itii n. 1 ihiuk llioilu.irnor ha»b«on led intut.Trur II ihi' nit-rin;--5 t'^at ocwaaloii i ly drop from mtnili.ra of tlna l)i-n^-- ni>>an aiivthln; I aiiunot c-)-ii*iiv>^ that thu p<^' iplu will hi:- n-p. surh a Cviiiiliui.oa. 1 shout > pr«fer l i>l wo Haould gu into Cunf-! i-raiio i as a unit I h ivo lOii-- tit i-) If* ruuwPKHti buI my mini* «t ri'Bt an 1 t.iaivc niy».-IM ti iblu wilb my conatitJeiiti U t il-oald oiri-rmyxi: t IB a ivmiidHlj atfiil.i In'Ml'. toat I b-ji-.-vo tbu tiuT.'i-nmi-iit will leoparuiii-) (on..- luatio 1 ou tUif puiip. lion Mk IlKWiMKr— ir. ih) by h. n nitiubara ul tbi« >.uu>ioiI, that I fi>cl It will b') tiaolris f-n- roe to taku up the tune *t tbm il fos.t to anygrfiit I >iii; n, m tlio conii>< -i.c-nneiu ul this dtibatu 1 IiriI s'-wral arfitra- nti whifh I pr'ip>i.ei ti n.'jg bettre youp not cj a.'ahiit re poTi8ibleg.rvi>rnniLirli«r Rtaj44 uf t t!T arK'-m 'ntfi bavo been a.l- hx^-A wiilcti nowcunipletuiy S'L my mintl at Pt>-k on ttie eubiect. I ata opmn-id lu ihi- ni.-m nondaiiiioi ol loth I'le hou nK-mlMirs for Nuw WVslmi' Atcranl l.llli>oct .particular. y itu latter, ami Ui oppo) iig them I 'lonot foul I ;iin njnrii.gihjtMuai -ifi.onlci*gration lliii while 1 ic-l. Mp Chairinin, that it is un t':ugtary fo: m« in t'nler Into tht -i icii m of roiimti'ib n i{ov>Tnin 'J.t, I >t>;.iK i aiiould ui-t be-loiiig my loty whopc I to rniain < Itn t u[m' 1 omi matiur oouni'dc-l witn tins dobati'— onu iii'-».i whi h lu -ai-li-r I uni an cipibl* of givta^' an opinion aa any bon ifjiai'er 'f tliia Coubcil, i-anijiy, ih«* f-'-'ita/ olihJ mhibitinli "' t o tivral.iud g-^'Uinlly With r.*L!ap-t 1 1 ^uaponslulo|i;oTt.'^:;::;■-ll^ I haru . aveled inrougli mla Country a-i much naany li'm ninnbcrol ihi4 council, and I bf> ,a hivn bionwbt til iio.uait with all .■.a>8ei and h iTU uiiJ(«*d wi',. all cl'iaao>,ao'l I tuvo yet to iiifflt th^: tlrat m liTKlual wno ban 'Xprt'sa* I'd to m^ hii d-'Jir« |or r'Hponaiblwg'iv-Tii.nent. Nov. Air Oh.tir- mm, do yon bi>ll«-rs, tf.>o« tliM (MUnctl luliavo ili.t tlia cry lbpi:ifh-mt thiai ojony ia,dnwu with (Im prd#eut foim <'f g-ifcro- ni4nt— It't r^ biTU refl)>oniiblp i<<>7urnm<-Qt, Hun nu'inbuib ol thin Ilo lAo ar<< nware, I pre<'atiODs fur eoiuo y\i\tii pa-t, in factai lun{ ax 1 have bi>r>n in the I'olory, liave buuriiiarily br>.u„'ht me In Contact with all cl.v-<('fl, aii.l ahoiud ibii havu bt-vn tbo'iy do yoi tliink I ali.inl.l uoi li>t«cli««p>l i: :^ I aay Uis.lnclly "K^iin 1 lltve yet t-imoni the flnt in>ilvi:tui) who had fxprusned to III J h n ikiTo pirr'iji ii-ililanovirtinii'iit. Tbo loeliUR uf my ton- stiluettta la not infavor of ruapo:niible|,Ii!iii nvuHlralu toadunnlaUr . )■! rapry nut Uii lia-i 1 b-'ikvo ibat soiiio Vioa memhora ol this Hon!t<>haTe mhlak'-a the T'ltllnk'!* of the <- mntry on tli. a matter. Anyr and over aj.ain In thia huuse, oamf'ly, tho ain,ilin(Fit of |inp'rnli«ii, at'altepod a4 It U ovur ao va<'t an aran 1 har<' not aear.l -Itiplng Uio dubat-) any Hrt(ninent«that will provo to me or t.) thu bnuso that mdir r-pp 'iii oculd not b« ron- vlL'.'S'l tlr.t woahotild. 1 liolloto ibit ttin p iblic mmiei) woiiiil ho w-Htei, pecntill-m and dinhonoUy w.inid bu ihi order of the day. Wt> are toll by the hon momber f-ir Valo ww muat hivu a boglo- ning. I am awapo tf ttt.at fact, and (op one ihall aa^ist to put utT the evil dar. 1 prcMoP for a tinir>, u itil our pouulalion n^cpeagta, to I'vounlor (be prf.i'-ut form of government, en.> unil-r which, I nni ppoiid I.) Fay, I havrt livl for oleron yl'^r.^ a-itliotit a 'eiug the i'hiiUs of niali.linlni.stration and other evil a cusationa that liavo bivn hurk 1 at it by th.> b m nionibur for I.illooct. I am aw.iru that ttiat liou goutlom tii waa htmvlf in aaniD suliordlDale poaition under thii govcruracni, he nuy ofhijown i'er3-jn.ilkiio*leJge, whdo la lUi THE Oi(»Vi;i{NAIHNT (iAZETTIO KXTRAORDINARY. that cai'iwlty, l*o awaru ot Komo loilpMcilco. but I Oe)> liltii to pylnt<'mii8H'-^'l'lruUDc J lirouijUl lalari lli'MitdU) i>r IM n.tvuni^ monttUil'Iid MJtr>;a>ivu til'' illriot-.it tu.it. tl;{itinii uikI In \Wiloli llioi(hUfi'l'ial''»"iil'liil»''J "f'"" •'"' 'Ii" :■"• \*Jr» iTOvril, wm i-wl *llr'cliirK<)r- tiinliy od'.ti'n liiiiiM»> OlU'rcilallimof l^'- iilUcari (C.'inrally Hint lnvocirilil uiitln!«.ivurmuirilul llii.-< Uuloiiy daring ttiu rU'Vou vfltrMtliatl liav<^ tivca lioru.unl 1 di»licu::u auy luiii gsalk'nun t') [iror>- t>y tlu; rrcnnls it Her MiiNty'd uulifcilc^ tNnt, In any colmiy ni .lurti'itlicr ul tli« r<.'i:oaiuit*uitiitl<'ii« li«furu tbe <^3m- mittoo. Hon Mk Awtos— d!r. I am in favur ofrosii-ujaiblo g'jvcrutu 'iil , but d'lt tlio f )rm tli»t liu-* bopii )liKOii''m.'i| In UiN II.hiho at ;"> (.T'l.it It leuglh. 1 hiliovcnll n-|irtMeiiUllvo>;DVc'rnrn'>ulHarar. Jjiuuaiblit, 'CIk" lumaixl t'^J'i'U'J** '"'-■'"^*'f f*"" Viut.jrii* *"iiy b.w quoU'd Jubii Stuart mil. I l)(;lii'7«', Sir, thai tUo wurJ a-rfiton^indvJ kd vera muni duert Qot occur in hii book; bo Bbowd tbiit Un tmii aiJplii iblo lo oao cuuatrv will ihitdoforaii-.thcr. W« bnvn board 'ii'jit 'b iiitbl.) <'..'iiinl tu nuHo lud b -liovi* ihiii Hi' i'ini['l.) 'li imi want rv dp'iD ;d)lo «(.vHtiiiii'-"ii. I b---lit'Vo lb.it II ri'iirodciit-Uivo liiriu of Km.rtinifut Id tboonly f'»rni tbut will ■ ill tbiiColjny li luH b.'cii wvll .^bywri by lb' iMit Mr Wu.i I, tli.it (rom iby (\i;IlcuUy yf gcttnu diUrulH fenr''ieiiifd,llMBC.10My |H uol ivlj|>t<' I f"r imrtily nipr -lontallvu bistitiitioQ>t. I UtinX ft ti)iHt duilrubld tbut UxkrHvi mouibir uh an t > toi- I'mb*- biliiy "t iis-'o« a l><»l*'il;ili"rn)u"-twi irtli l:-' slz! of tb.tt vt N'owfmnd- Unil.areiiiltbii{fnr r> ■'l'oui'i'>h' i,'i»?oriini "iit. Tbobon and icarnaj ni"ml'.'r tur Vici Tfiidty (ilr I'liiir^, wuu dLema to uidinM rua- bii:in)bl<- govornmeiii ai^t'iist bidi<-.ru cmiviciious, adnnid i:iat all poW'T would bo bfld in Victoria, and bu iiuyti that iboro would uo nnbitrm in iticbooutraiizitlon. I tbiuk.tiir, tbat bo [m read Joba i?tu;irt Mill t > Iittli! purpj^M ll' snuli bo bin <- luvictioiii. II in Mi; IItMi'iii{i,\.-t— .--ir, 1 uni uvir-- nii\'tV',Hd iban ovlt with t'lOrtt)*"!!!!^ iii"d uf rf itpoiirt bic yovoruiu ut. I tbio^: tbo tiJii Cbf' rt.'jminiBSiuiiprparliculiriy.nii I tho ln'ii ni'jiiibcr for VKtnria city, h IV"' iifiivfd coiiclnalv.'ly that Iv. j.iiiird*urib> jnoi'lv.- ropn f-viitins piuiierly aro deterniiuod lo bavi I in tbi? p uplj wit.' nul la Uvor nrrcpanslhlit t^ovo iitif'tit, :i:i 1 1 1 Vui si:u'- sonteiicd bo t< tU ni that If Ooutcdoralioii w.T.t Bi;i In-ftri' i n p'^p - wuh ic«:»ini»iblo ^•"vtTniBfnt mixol up >Miiitib'' p>'i'plo woLjId iiko ri:?p"mlbio i;i)V<-rnni<'at to llitt oxrUi ikh ol luatiriJl luUinnU. I lavu Mid and Hiy nifuni I am >D favor »r <'>afdiUTitioii,iiii I I carm '^tly bopo tbat tt will b<> lor me beu' tit of tlio r. d<}ny. 1 K'jniotniKM t'jiok thit' Ron)<' bun meinbiTUat tbootbiTuud oi ibolloubo tutcnd ij dcfiat ('.Jilt lTatl'>a. I iniyb'- c illcd an I'Xtrennrtl— an agitator; Iiilimt Iain. Idoalr- to f'lJ'- tbi ponplH buviiiK' a nharu in tho j^jvim- m(til,iniitflad of bcliiK un l^^ u di'hiKitifiJi, or wlut In vpilvaUut t)it. I hfivf bot!u 111 tbia Coloiij n'-'uriy ulovouyi»ar3; I ainBatia- ft ■! that tUoi»o:>pie wantr. •( (.:rMbio j^ivcniin'Mii. Uoii nii-mbors Bay ib-Toaro d iforKut lorin»v<;r\m€iit;ainilttvl. I am notsiiroibat il would bJ udvi^iblu tJ In o Uco any una py.^crLai. •:!'.. wi rannot li^ton irrcfpii;HlolJ(i!'"'t'rniin-Tit. ld.im.i kiiuw wlul id aba'low'd forth m Ui.- K>.collcucy'd upOLCUj 1 cuiiri;iil 1 cannot und'Tstand it. II tt: ' OoToriiur hnl promised a Iwn-thirdBe'ci-tfT" HouBo, witb bcnil-^al drp;irtiui.-nui itittln>; tigivo inroroiaili.a wiib- CMit votiUK. thou 1 taiaki tbo ((uut^iLin uf rcBpauaiblu gov>'rnm>-at would novorbnvu hL^on considered. I aak bou inoinbeM to (ihIp,!.- vor t'>Rpiiroxim'it";anl If lb'.' cinnol ijirt-i' to f.ill roi-p TjE Mo Knvorniueiit, tlifin toglvo ihiii lilmral a fiirui M tbLycan. If you u-itbb<-ld rL'.)|KjuHib!o guri'niiu<--ul you losu Uiufodkriillou. Hon Uh U kind indulk-pur.' oi this Homo ; mid finuld I, Id IhL' coursr of «y romark;^. appour unduly btr.sti or unkind, 1 bog boi) (,"-'Utl attribute It to canifjtii(.-.4^ la udvoculin^ a ^ruat outiii', rathfT than to a dcsTo to wound ttio rco'iuijs nl auy. Tba lion member lor Caribim, who is also a niitiubtr of tho Ktocullrc, iimilo R vory ofp-ciiu'tit, yet, to ni\ niind, iiii;;ularly miJlle- Hvj ^■|.h to one p'liiit in ay cpi: -rli ol Kri Jay, I bad, or f.mcied I bid, with riiiisldofjibli- loroii and *-taboratLii<-rf*, point -d out lb; dllliiiil- (i''!l tbat mifcht naturally bu |irt]3umed lo :. > in tho w.iy o{ ubiiiu- >ng r<*spon«tbic K'ovorunicnt tiudor ibu ii'-vv cuuatitution pro]>a)od In I'oeontPrreil upon tnii cidoiiy: and tb" «iiily aiiiA'-r iri that tlin Ornruili- Art mak-^B Ibi iic' oa.-^ary pruvi^ i. 1 was as will uwiro of lboprovi«i"n mndo in Ibiit Act botoru the hon e'latl'^iinn ipoko Rsnftr>r; lijt no att'-topt luLi boon niii'tu t^i moot tbo diiUcii'titfH I P!ipR(>.''tcd. Tho lioii gnillL-iiian, Willi ll.iU fm;(;toiicii'.'.ij, pnoiry and ready wit for w hub lu- H fo ju-Hy celubrafd, proc^-' lad t • jNilHt out thr niidMtrab.cucsa of re>3()0Qiiltjta govcruinoDt lu t!tii c'doDy . Inder it, Ik^ told u», Cablacm would bi) too vornatUn. In I'act. ha 'b'^ei-.bc I the '.vorkin;; of enidi iU'«iitution=i an a Hort «i di--olvinii vi'w-, u tliiniMo-ri(4,;iiigoin.Tatio!i, now you an: it, ii'-w yo.i dmi'i, In nu'.h ipiick tucnii.-sion would tho cbfin;;vflrnm"inT Wm ll iiolin Cmr. i4i' Wlut do wo find to b? tbj esp'Jrioflct' ol that country? CiTlaiiily it docs not In n'ly way wnrrant itio. m. luitousarriv.aai by my bou Iriend. On tho con- trary, we tiiid ft I'li.uigo of .Ministry to bo of v< ry raro o(;;urrcuco. The pro'nnl Pn'Mlfr of tJanada ha'', with oqo unlmportanl Inter- mission, tN»Mi (It t!iB brad of tbo go^ .iriunont lor looi" 12 or 14 yciiBl As I HUtod 'I a f.jrmor i-ki'Miioa, tbo pcnpio of lirituli Columbia nro not poh .-Ioiih: uor aro tbi^y fund <>I ehauKO. Tboy are nnturd'y coiiBervatiT.-. gIto tbnm .i ij-'oplo'a g"ViTii'n at, and In DO part ot* Uor Mai'sty'-i (Jolnnial Kmpire will a Icsi vor.^atilo, a more «i nHorvalive and loyal people bo touul. Tbo li"n tiriulnni.in said rcHpoiitiiblo ^ovoriiHient Would bluW ttiocbulTluto ttii.s Iluuao. Now. iiUhonh I IlitflDud with plea3aro,aii I iilw.iy^ do, to tbat f(80tl»man' ■ nntory and biimi.r, 1 could uol but '-^poriencoa fori- tnuof rt'ir'M'UfTid bim -ll tli-; .■.r-iii; ddo -l a Kfcut ipi.-ifiou; riiaUmK a falsi- «l< |> It in fad to wlinca tbo ( arly mlMtakta o| ft yoUQK mill 'ir.iiicli (ilcnt4, ambitmn and prumna; ard wlioa I hwr Kuril twirdrt ccmi .f{ from iiiv bon Iriebd, I beitiD tufcar thatlht Ir.h'bt Tituf' ,tho I tlliluut (Hilttical career I had niarkud out Ht hiiii uiuy ii'\orbo realizud. .^Ir, a ctrialn pniortbui of cbiff niiy b« blowi' iiit>> Ibis lloua'', nodor rvHpnuhibl'iKuvornmont.aa m tlio oodu now ; but, du|iuad up'Mi it, uudvr tb« form or govHramuBl wo u«uk, tbo I ball would i)uti kly bo lilowu uul al llio back door bofofo tho breritli of publlr upmlon. Tbo pooplo cu'i atwayi dlf- orlmlnaiM tet^Nc* 11 wfioat and ctiutf, and laHponaiblo gOTtnnmoBl lupphciitbi- nioNt eiruciivo winnuwint,' fan with which t) Hiparattt tbo two. Wt) wtro rpinltid«d by ih il bon K'^iHciiiiii tbat roapot- tiiblo govot'iim' ut h.il il.-i fniUircii a.s well uji ita pdccosso^^ and ba rfforred to \'i(;t()rla, Auitruru. and to Jamaica, ualiiBlancaaor rallaro. Nuw,] cannot but tbink tbA bon gOBlI«maii Ima buoD Hingulurly uiifortuuato 'ii going tu these cobudua to prove bla pr«- ■,)Oiiti n, Iboforiiior raiiita aDioiigst tho moat ltourliI:ing, pro- grus^ivoand wiultby ul :ill Her MiiJcity'B Culimlal PoSHfiiloDl. Uoubibaa very grava political 4ll(Ui'ulti(-'a wore aiicountcrod, and many mlBi.ikod cbaraoteriird tho.tarllrr workiiifr id rfipeulbls govfiniiiKrnt .11 ttiat Quo colony; but K wnuM bi< moat unfair to eUir^'d nil tbi^o to tbopoAneaaicn of nucb lL»tltiitloii3. Nay, lE'li ot th m had llielrrrigin In n didfrfnt political Hyi-:tcm. Ai ftr Jamaicii, bun ((ontleroon mtiat bo awaro tbat it novor powfBietf ros[.uii'ilbl« Kovornmoiit. A mixed roprosaotAtlvn ^ylltom 11 liad ; and the ciilof ciiuflo of failure wiia ibeutiatiico oi r<'a(HiDilbliltf, It waitJuBt b"caiifl9 thono who a dniiui-t'rod the adalra of iliai uii- (ortnnatu roloiiy wiTOiiot r'ipi'iidlble to th>' pi^oplo tbat tlio tppo- iltloii, b'dby tbo lU.tntod (J<>rdicta, to forci.' tbo airocateH of rcapooBiblo govern- mi lit Int'i afaUo and dieadvmiiagi'oufl )htiuiH of that lioD and leutiiod gentieinan, In re?y (Jonoral appeard doairoua of plftouig mo. Tlutt b<'ti K'Hili'mari wan content lo give the samo aouvvor to tbo main ol'J'Cllon ih tbat gn'rii all round tb<^ Uovern- m^'ut end of tbo tabl", tIk, that tli> oraanlc Act pro-idia tbo oo- coMjary »n I ready nifitis of obtaln'ng what we wt'k;Hiid heluribur toilH n.-t thatilnaimiich ua roaponalbio Bovorninrnt roIluvtKlovor- nors of rojiwiiBlbtUty, a (ioviriKir would naturally b<^ roady to make tbo coiicosBluii. Ijiicb, bowovcr, U not tbo aocu^tomod work- ini; or human nature. Hu*:U h not tho Icimoq of biatory. Tha rul T htigapowi-r an the misur >t>.i'B hia gold, oor parta wiib It only asitii e.xlorlod pici'-moil by th<> |M-opIo. I am charged wilb tinving uif'il ibroiit^t— throat;! of blootl! Now, ttr I muHt plead ' not >,oii|iy' to th'ri chargo. Whilo cartfulty avoiding everything ill (be Daturo of tLroilmid proolctlun, I a-okol the ClovornmoDt to read carofuUy Ihoie iosaoDd Written in blood around na, and fm- plor ■ 1 ihora Ij tako waruing from tbo errors and profit by tho juccoHBfla of others. Wo were told by tho hen and barno I Attor- ii>7 (ji<-ii-ral thtt tb>- Uovornor M \< werlofn to n rant what ttlo reaoluiion aakti ; but mii{bt not tbo sumti obiectnai b» raim'd to ulmo-'t i'vonil con.-ri'utltm Ibaii Ilia Kxcelloiicy propoao*. iliero U, ilit-rorun-, no weight 111 t!ii4 obj^cliou, Xtio bun ifoutlu- man 11 it tolta U2 that t'le rrp.dut.MU implies w.iut (d' ccnSdeucu . ■ tb-' Canidlan (iuvornm in— lb ,t ib- y utfr aery 111 tii;tt dfodioi at ino doiiir'.MiI tbo people, Thrrofn no niicb ui- proisluii ol wan of •ontiJunco iu iho rr.<'dutiuD. Tbu Canadian Hoverumi'ut comi l!o;int']iferi' — would in.u tnpi.w.r to glvo ub rpt^poiisible g«ivor! ilio bon and learn d Attorney (jenera). The honorable ihicf Commi-^sioner followed with bis accuatomcd abili-y, bu*. I venture to think, without bia ujual discretion. Thai honorable gentleman sot out by telling iia tli.U lioqult'j uudsratuud it to bo noco»?.iry f-r certain m'mberd.ui order lo bo couilatcot with pen nad fpoieji ciiiside oi tUiH Houdu, to bring forward tbla Subject ; tliat U Was a l0;:ie i| !;i>i;i.',<»ity, iu..xorublo late. Now, air, I i.anDot floo Into tbat liouonbla gontkmau'H lieirt, auy nioro Ibao I can Into tbu inyMtorlont K.xocutivu Ubamtjer. I will not, there- fore, p'rmit inyritdf tu impute niotlvos to tbat hoDurablfl goutle- mininlds opposition to rc-ponsibla government; but b« must P^ null niM t) bo tbo boat |udg:roo of roluctniico, to takuaitnud In oppoal- tiun to tb'igovernni'.ot upon ttiiflqu<'!iilon. It may a[ipoar aeeea - aary, In order tu be coii.^i^ti.'nt with word anJ jwu, that I abould ndvtcato in tbii Ilouiit threat principles wlil-b I havo aiivocalod ehcwboro J but it ma) bo pormlitcl mo to oiy ilial, whether hera or ois'-'whcro, I advocate re*pon^iblo govornmont under CtmftlerA- tion.bccaii-e Iconcou'c it Qoiuuly to be thi: right ol the people, but their interest al^i. Wo aro con.^tatltIy tolil that vvo abould not li.-ive mixc^l thtai|uo3tlon up with the term«i. Wh bavo not tali 1 it Uji v\illi the tenita ; but tlio govurumeut bta m ^ 'nl tho terms .p ullb It; and if ibi:ro la any bliini', any n:'pouaib..ty lu tbtl oon- n'ction U muat rest with the government, and no with tbo Op- position. Tho bonurablo itentluinan lulls ua that it la impotalblo lo «ork ruiipoDRibI ■ tiovcrnmeut with u population ao s xttcftd ; and in tbo Kruno broatb he tclla us tbat wo bavo roB|)ons.>)le gOTorn- m?ut no»,— that tbo uiii' lain aro reaponalblo to th- Gove rnor, aad be to the liueeo. Wall, cortainly thlrs la a flort of respt iitlbtlltj j but 11 iH II. .t preelHuly tb'^ k.. 1 wo want. Tho rcaiwusloillty now exidUngtakoi Iho wroii^ dirt-ciloii. It iK uotrospuDslbilit/ to tha I paopl.', hui to tbo supremo power. la tb^.'^cnae tho moatdospoUo form of tjovornmeni in the world may bo termod respooilblo gOT- ernmunt. Tho m'^mbera of tho Koreruaont of tho Cxar of Buul* are rf*poiiBlblo to liini, and ho la reapuuaibla toTbo (ircat Rttlur 9t all; Er^o, ItOitnia hft'* reaiHinBlblo goverumcntl Tho bonorabl* gnnH'imi"! oi'hiso.' tlio absurdity of his vary abtilUug propoaltlOD. TUi: UOVKUNMKNT ilA/liTTH KXTKAOUDINAUV lU IIoii'll UllHiiHthat If Iho i-iopicic-im rcBimuilMo ^tvtinmrrl 11 Ir Lccauho tliuy UdTtt been oilur.itt'ii up to u i>y itit< I'rt'iii. Ttioro li tixotf tr th ttiiii Krtiument lu tliU, DoubttoiM Iho Hrci* Is, iri tblH, lui 11 otbor civiti/.f«l (-(lUutrluH, tli« |{rl IIia iiuOLlo, ein;mlly m ncutorn iioliiical. Hav.t ii"l ili' \t'<>i>\out Ka^Had bo, u •tmiliirly clmu.',! up Id i'v.-f> ^:n«t pomiait rr- for.n !■ Huch nnstltutuHn li«itlm;iU' ati I uii|ii)rtii.,t fini:troin>r Mio I'rufli. Hut Iha iHiiiurttble^uutluiuun gu>'(i liirllirr itml t«'l|>4 im tlmt if tUo pn-i'iut guvcrDinciii h uiip"piiliir Mtlh i)i • pu<>pl« tlio r«- iiMiiiilhlllly resiiwltli ttiu I'roii wliii:b Iiih. t>v iiiiir('prci<>nta- tioD, crr"p(vlli'>n I lii<(; rooHi uu luallflu'lly to .luiiy. Xtn- Ii 'iioruMo geniletuan harf c.-k 1duu*>'rnriitfi,l l)tc!iuBi' It 19 unpitpulnr ; anil tlio goUTrimflit U tmtiu;tiilnr lit>caii->.4 It U not u people 9 fliiTcrnmi'iii— ln'iMH-Mt iltxM in t ptiMi'sj iiir prliiolplooi ^o■J^ou^llJlTlly to tlittpoopic it munt In' r. ru'ml. r*.! tliat IbQ Tfi'M ttiiUiintfluii popiilui Jiiviir; luul m oflur t'j auI'Mst it muBt oppoii; an aii|K)pi)iiir furiu .jI gtT.-niiui'iit. TIjo VmuH of ib'i C'lluiiy Una iictM ralhor na tlio i^iiuikhI tbiti thu tiioul It T kilI UuiIlt or public opiniou In U» oppu^iHon to Ui • pr. K^-iit li.riri of govumiiifDt, An 1 liavu rL'pfltlcilly ftul.ll Is not lli« nlU. lala Ibtt aru ouLupulur, ro imicli an tbo iijrauiu uiiil<oittl<>ii. Tbo I'riM ii.tlioitrurf, not t'l LLiiti.' ; ft !■ tliorahlifuUxpoDi'Qt ol paMlcpliiiou. Iho boinriibln t;i'ull«. iiiiuioa luyiofl. [Mr IIolbnK.k.J.liHMuta fr..m ihU vjcw. It m ibo tjublt of ■onto noiii ri)l>l>- »;uiul(-iiiea to oIlL-ct to Hi.i'iT iit tliu Prt'HS ofibinvilouy. Tlicy idaiit that tbo I'rts'.s of Fnijlaiiil isuU Ulalru fur II; but they allu<]« aiKUrifinIy t" ibo I'rfnB of Hih cdimy. Now, I um \rv.M lu admIL ihiU lli<> li-.h]iii^ Jonniiil i>| th *< I'l.inny wouM luso liy u comi'Ai i»uu wiiti ibi! Icii iiiik juiirnitl nt t lu'^iunl. It la luiiillcr,nti(1,perttups,lMBubility in ill.;p|,i)c>t m in vMUitiil coliiinnit. Uut wouU not aiicb iuiy auacrt tint it will coiuf>uro lavTiibiy wUh tbftt of any other c imlr/ of |iko aga ah'I poputntli'D Ibat In tlio wiiy to luHtituto tbo rgnipiiriiuti ; iin<) 11 ia tlie o>)Iy trno wiiy, Wbtn I b»ar boDurablo K<.-utl«)ii;>Uf{ Iti anuora at Ibo I>r-Ai I Inrariubly ai rivo at oi«' Cuiiclur I >n ; hik) f w^ll not Irll ymi wt iit tbutcoiicluato:! la. It will riot tio iioi;cai!iiry lor niu tj n^'aiu ull:ior uHo madour whntlFitul idiotit thti li niv-luiuik-il clueg,PHp*;cialroment, ami that our local goTiTtuiieDt witl, Intiu it^ nr.anK; mitiire. be uvtrHi) to Mt in((HDyt!iin^ of thu ktiU:' Fun-Iy I nni oDtitloil to r^i^-iTd till ui'OHtniit it ntlou urt)ii.si]Fxi>.oi>itl liliJortiiQ tlitt >;'nil!<>ni in bnnu'tit ligaimit tbo p<okoa Frilay v^ni itiit ri..^i-wi,:.|>i!i< Kovem mi'tit Id not ap'luclpl.-, but a form, l.uw I ibiLk it may b.i n.'f.ar«l- f(l ii4 eitberorbiitlt. ;hi<1 I am iii>t dliix .•'.■A to iptarrcl about nioie words Wbftt I couit'iid lor i^t rtxpoualble H<>veriiin*nt, Tbiit bouornbli- Keotlcmau tvlld Uri tbit Citnaila did not got rcs] ouslblc guvorunicnl till b(;ri)Opulatloa reacbf t about tw» millbius. Now, wblli! ti at gentli'Ria i n ^renlly aitray m tiia n^iin.-i, I cJiiiiot (lis- coTt.r in hia Ia may provu lliai reBpoiHiblofcove'umeiit wai long wniDKru ly wiihbeid frcm IMlIab (olumbii. I i.onr come to my boDs n» Hint li» intrud- ed lo auprurt tbi3 i.oTCrniiiuiit ^cbf int, am) tn support U Ptrougly ; but iDOddKl that bo wuQld not ^ay nuicb duout reRpuniiitilo gov- 9rnmrnt Would that be had adhered to Ihe latlci ros'lulioU I: w.irt b >t DnturaM'iat, fc«llii(;bim-'e r oh tli« wronK Hide nf a (rri'.tt pruiiiplo. h<.- nriniild lio di-pnaed t<» nay little. Itiil, nnl^rlnintiuly lor him-'tir btaa.dniaib.a t;ieat deal t«K) mien. Uo aidnomo thiiijH wblcli It vniuld tiavr Ijetn rmteh Iflter 10 h ivo Icfi un.'^aid llu tuld us t^IlI i;uo obtain tbatlorni or Kovi'mmcnt an a mrana of Eecim g oilier, power, pickings ! Now.Hir, let u-^ innk at tbo political hi!>- tory and posiii')ii of ttio honorntdo f;i'ntleiiiun who pre^jmoi witb BO much buldiiiiiB to Juii^e oi other iiuoplj'a m'>tive». I rec<1l'<;t whau,Btmu tt.o ycari as^), that honurablo gctitUman wnsttomnit ardunl ol all CoDlcduruUonlalM, when be (IfHlroil lo ru.<] and bllDil uiroii. when h" urged tliu then (Jovorner loiiogotiiio ul|q wa-^to. Hold- ing tbcao 7i»r/j, I pr> poiod tu Btriliethu Word 'imrrvdiale' outif Ibo reaolut.ou wbicb buil been morcd bj the honorable 5Ir I]ci.'os- m')3 i but BOUQtliuslHHt e,Bulanatii'il Will tho hnn'-rablo tho ^enliir member It r ViclormLity tbal hi limned f-r a flr.inner w ^rd than 'immodiato.' SubHe<|ut'«tl7 w aaw that bouorablo ({ontleiiian tbe moit iillt'i, tbomrst ra'tM Antl-Confedarato, Wo haw hltti oppnBlnt: It (n every way, bolh in tbi> Iloune and out of it, d-'iio-im-ing Cana da as a raoat undoBirablo connection. Now, what do we nee y wo aoo tbo ^ioti-Cuiifolorato Lu-n rampant suddenly motamcrphoiied into th') Canadian tJtiub pdeHaiit, witb Inn lougloguy-CH fixed on Ottawa! Such haa bisdi tlia magic Influene! ot tlio my -turions KxecutlTO Cbambor. I do not, lor one, regret tlio tranf lortn.itl'm ; but I I'laobjoot to that k'untloman (uroing round ro auddei)!y and denouaang thQm()tlT*>3 by wbidi others aru aclui'eJ. Does net that honorable Keiitloman Itvo ;. % 'gluni houKo* m that M^ni^o wlilch poouliarly diaintit'eS him to inrow Htonen? N not hi^Bulltyor mCOfiUriiig other people's corn In bi.s own tmabel? Dul not ho I'ra^t aM b.la political priuclples(:j lu tliu wiudi) and bolt jn at tbo vary lira', opening lo place and powiT tint presented lleolt ? And who kntrWH bat thnro may Uo nt this room* tit a mlBiicii to Oltawa dangling InaiptlD^ly boloro his eaucr eyes? lathis tbo mnti wIim la oiitltlod to turn round nnd. looking dii«ii I'mm liia pluunrle of temiorary iKjwor, judtfO otbera;' Strntllnk' liin hour of brief ru- tborlty, bo tauniB ua with ttSflkinK renpoiialblo gnvernmont ai a dtflpplng Btona to power and picking'. [ burl bark.wltli Feoni and tHjij.rr, 11, 111.. ;,....,, lion in !ii>i I "lb! Tu|im. how^fer. In itio •.•xalloil artiiimimta pnt lorwar'l by t bid hoDorabio gcaileiDai, lit* teiu iiB that ther'MoiiiiiftnaikaloragoTcrnc»riilliki'lhalof Ontarlo,~iliAt wt -lo ild ro-pnro 40 or &it m imbora. Now, air, It M •iiitienii lo^'ive hlin crrdil f>r Binctrity.nM i-vnrv bonuruble m'D- bor ur ae uiitltntion baiud uihii tbo pnnclplo of rrnpon^iblo goTertu inontoK exirtliii,' in Oulario. lint honcrabto euntlnnau Tiaa al- lemp'Pd t<> muke mo inroimliiiinit with rayaell In luyluglbatw* rnuli b" iiid r tho hmHof laiala wiihont ri .sponsible KOTerumeul, and thai < nnada alrt-H we klioLld Iibti) xucb luailiiilliinti Now, 1 ee notliln4 Iticorifhtoiii in tbln. CanaOu doea do»lro that thu pto* pio or iiriilHn tJolninbia nlioiild |)uaBfi8a na full puwnrit of tnaiioglag ih Ir own local utiiir^art iht people (,| ihouihor I'rovlncea poMsag; biit C4navcriiiiiint ; and the woi^bt w> my i>b|''etlou lied in (ho reiuionabla luliettliai, Lo«ovtr duiirouBthopi'opIu may bo, tbo local goferD* lie nt w II bJ tiaturully averao to acbaiigu culcuiatvd in biaen Hi powor, and HAtkon the tcnnro by wItlaU |t« inemborii bold odlcc. Ai;aln, wo aru |n|d that thu (loveruor woa'd not bu divpoicd to witbliold l:iititutioiii which would ioliPv>i bini of roB|K)iuiblllir. IJuweTor p au.^lblii thia iTOpoiliiou may ap^ioar lu ibcury, lt1« -c'jlerly bornu out by •xpetleiicu. As 1 havo ulro.idy aialed iD I reply ti> tlni honorabhi iiod lonrnu I Aitonny lit-nerul. blktr>ry pre* pent)* ruleru9. Uoroagaluwabavu tbo kindly bloating (rftba dociloCoaloder- ainn Ir'imb m-i-t d ut inc terrilic loar ol thu uuti cLidoaoniiu l>oa uf I he post, VoHl/, tho my^ttrloiiH itiilui'iice of ili<< Kiecutlva Utiamiti.'r moi4i t;o|iia int. Tuo liuborabiogentionmu tulla ls tbut If we ctipht tliuipRfittuu td respcu ib u (iovemiiu ul with thu toudl- l|o[)fl {,i union, the pCtMile w II i o wiluutt lu accept ptorur terma la tbeir eUK'JMieii to obtain II. Hurilyi If laiiK'u8i.'o m'aii.4 anything, iblsli an inadver|i-Tii adiiimalon ui \\}\it tbo bonnratilii goutlemaa hoa Inen Bo sto tly dfliiytng. vi/. : lliiit ilie pioplu iit Hiie ruaiionaible itovefnnicnt. I, 'living Ji« hoiioral le gei.tleman to iht la>itimgaof U\ l» '>'") <*'•(' ll-hoda all repro* i> i.l.iliveGuvcrnmiiit tobi; ru.-pimKlblwaoveriimei t. Ibo Inri' rabia ^entii inim iniiy Ih- < at. tied to hohl a theory p< uunarly hie own; but It i4 learcejy tue lilluig tliue loanuouncL' petaouul tbooriea. Wcani now dealin;j: with tho ipiortlon of reapon-tibli- tiuverBnK.'ttt. oa < Ldcr* Hl"od oy i>.iJitleil e.:ii!ioaiiMlj', nolB-s nil leratood by tlio bocorable gentleman who lias Jiial prop'jiinded a political parmlox. He liai b'-ei rentinjr J.S Mill nnd hi? toils m tliat writ'.T uevur meutlooB rcaponilhle (iovcraineiu. I ij.ivo not read yiH'a thoory, but I bavo r-M eih tiRh to kn -w tliat he k-ica even liiriher than 1 ati profarud to uo lu II d rn Hon "f rt'dpi.iiHlldlity, Viv have next tbo honor* able i^-tit nan fT K«>tii> Qiy, tidiin^'ibia House tbat witb ull bla exiant-ijee ID tbeeoliaiy hi: nuxer beuida man vxprcaa a deiiru ler re,ip(ii,«itdo(;.tTi,Tnu-cnt. at-l that hi-i own couslltuoiils wcio dta- limaiv o.ipos.-d toll. >..w, Kt( lar as that bonorofde ncntieman'B i:-on that or any other Nubjuct bava Hcareely bei'n flneli as M eniitlo liini to txpreaa u viry pu»lliTO (•piiion; but wbentio tcltt ttila Houie that mall blii exiHiriruco la ihlBeQiiMiy ho has novur htnrd adealru t'ur riapdiiaiblcUovcrnmeDt expritjiut I can only ray th it I bm turpri ed. The liouorablo t^'entleiimn eutuiot but kniw, if be h.tfl not tumad a doaf ear to polities altogothoi, that the ipnittiou of ri-piuj blf! Government h'lH I n a promiiii nt istmi at neiru then eii-t eiirti' n, and tbut It lias beo i tiHed ild ( ue ui tbu clik'i' reiiH< 111 fur C'Liifodcraiion Irotn UQ- Olid rf ibe colony lrcady wiariol t' o iloiiai. Permit mo to rt.iy, bdwover, tbat throuHhoul tt Ih (irotraciol d' ate th<-'Cllori3 from t'lo (Jovernment aldoof tuo I lento have I u ( hiractefi/ed by a want of arguini'ni and by a nori of Bpec:ul pieadlnir, a begging of *.lio iiuodtiou ulniu!t painful to liHieii to. Kvery efliirt lias been made lo rai^e r.|Isu laauea and to loi^cousiru^' nnitrks coming Irem tnl!f aldonf tbo Ilous*! and a nrnt iiiiriT alt> mpl bun D'en made to jdaco tbo wlioluqueetion la • filpe and •ilisdvanlat(«-ou'; [xijitioii ; yet, this id scarcely aurprlaltg. It wav 1 0*. lu be expected (hut the uurc) reaeutative intimhorti would appr:)Ve the memtiro I feel, bowevir,'|Ulto imlitlV-Tonl about their vmrn. We Luve a Itiri^e majorii/ ot tbe leprofietitativo roumbora with nj,nnd the r votii must virtually carry the meaBure. Tbo iT'oal prnpomtioii I leFire to inipriM^ u.iou noiitirible membors is ihiH: Tb'- ci'hiny 1^ abnul lo becuui'- a provmco of tlie DominloQ o! Canada. No uiii,.ii can be f<^uitable and jiiMt which iloui not nlve this inlmiy . uptotif tho pioviuces with wiiiibii a piopo^od tri unl:*'. I i^an not howgood tbei iher oon- il.lioi,y t'viy be. If the pcopio of Briti''b Columbia aro placed lo a falco pehiiealpoHftion Ihey will lotlm c ntent.and the inauguratloo of such a n-iion will only provo tbe beKundug ot now polilical dla- eonleiit and aKlIation. Mi Mkea will doubt:e.-o6oeiilng titoi by our local (ioverDmcnl; and II i-i the lie«iiitinii, the iliilncUuatiunof tho Iwial guvorument to moro ill tliat dlret'tion wblcli 1 droad. I would ligaln warn tho UOTBfa- tneni .ig^iinal < iidonf rmg the \iliiile scheinoby buying It iuhmltted to itie [leop!,. niiftcto npinie i by •' Kt'-'poLBlblo Gin Ornnn nf." IIo\ Da Caroail— ijtr : Uu Friday laAt Iho honorable mnmber for New AVestmmster Bt>oke at .some length upon Ibis Hubjnct, and I replied n-i bi>>t I coul I, and It ia in occordanco with the eternal niner-: id lliitigH that I wimld make a vry lew reniarkit. It Ib ono of iliiM.f trippy tbinL'H in nature that whom the poison is (hern la thoanti'lo((> alwavHUear. (Ijiughter.) 1 propose loglvo Ibeantl- dnt". rUid down t\to principled; t'irat, that tho Uovirumout did Dot h' ll vti tlint reHtKtn^lbleK'ivcrnmrntnatliB malolaiiied to Ipgland I2k THK (lOVKKN'MKNT C.AZKTTK KXTUAOIIDIXAIIV wii ftp|>]l> rtlilf 1(1 thi^mil'iny I lull ivtTt' il ilii< iTOjMiaiiiiiii : fill •Ml*' htn jiruvdj iUa il cuiiiil btt kil-iuifil to lUy rt<4lr, Itmi t-vcii u'lW ibiTt' I* <( lUL'aNiiru m r*ii|»).4i()il ly la Iblitiovrrnuiuiit I hui r«i|H)iiiiibl-i ri-iiirii into. ili« ntuiuHt ttut lb>' tiuu r'iblo tn^mtiftr fkir New Ui-«ttBinitt'r liitx pnivi- 1 ih, ihm mi i«r iiiiiilolor* Htimi It *oiit KuTttrbiiioiit.uraluiiiiJiii ul' Qv« ve.trH it m alrii'iru nf ion y«iri,ituii itiii itH i( wuii^l Uku ^U.^t uia< b<-rtur iliai wu ■tjouitl liav« It ,ii t>ii.:t-, 1 H.iji II i)ii(>|iiu)>'iiiitliiii Ht»rr>'v.'i tli<> utbvr itiu't (ic (iicnrrpct. ir ili'-r« is iicli nn i.^tTwuo mii.g.JcriM- tui ilu {irtrl of tliK powvr I'jproveni Ihfir ({'■ttitn;it. Thi-n- Ih u.> d«'rnnK'[itt»«iniliri.<| It. I vfty it In ilw w^tu ni' r<--|i'>iidlbility i:l Die Ki*'''itfru iiii[i i|!.'»«• '1 1>» c<>iiir.uil ttii proiuui I uiii of ijiivtiiiriiviit Willi ihtt ilia'Mii I* bml , but th* oilio th uro irtio '• I iny Ibftt lbs ri>(|uir<'niontaui vhvcuUniy a ill bn iii>-i hf tliin pro. pcned by bU Kxo.iiloiicy. II it ih " ' |H>| rcHJhjiiKiblc giiViJriiiii 'itl. 'ill) bnii»i..ii|» iii'iiitikr lor westmiii't"r R'tiwn tb«t It Hu'ily .i •[■i-*- ion oi inii.' uiilluk0 rivn y< :trtf, Hi -ii my jHjiiit tli.it tu-iv it tiot lucb a Hti'Ciiit (ltf4tr« Tr It i« [trovoj. I uii-iiMiit. Wi-tt r-i.wl lO lll'l HM'Tl'Ml of Ih ■ lull irtllllP III" liri.T lur N'W W- -;IHU Ml'T I taj (bat II i|i»lv:i,iix-Ni-!.'t III iHiiiiiiAil 111 ■, til -u I (loii'i w.tiit lo ttilfjiQ<« fttti'p tiirtbtrin tUit dli •tiiluii. 1 a if tti ti ri'ip'iMiiJli^uvt'riitiK'ui bu nut bc-iv<-riitii^iil lit ttiJ pi>lr<'ii'ii • Mx«CUliVfli'uiincil M I'll liiirl uLultl i-tl . tliu Wurktti';y Imv > Joiio baB brotitcbt It »ti >d« punlwiu luti uno liuimonio m WLUte,au>l t'ley p(»iKw<.- If i>r>-c)ile cou.'s Irr.itiin wiibn furiii u' «iivt'riiiiiMit whii-'li w lU-Dal-'U- irm p>;ii|i,d lu Ovcil" t«lint turiii oC g')reriini"iittli'-y w II titfi' I co'..c lU «iui lU ■ 11 n t-'iii f L'>jiii tniaaioiiuroM ii «U anJ Witrki, tbd' It WM uot tiif>itic» tbit •uttjri't iDio ihi) Oiiiliiiurati III K>-huIu'iou. 1 uiiHjri'y tbat II WAN Lruilbt i.|i ut all lu c^'^UK't: lou vriih oiimcbt'iiio. Hfc.t IR MHI.Mi KEs — * r I W.-il tl itV t.i r-Miy lo I'le mmiirkrtnf ib" b>>r Tiibl'j lEmiilirr lir N -.v Wji-mnfiiKi'-, tbttt I lupptirt iliu ifuvfriiiuc'it iDit) uouvJcti>'ii. i -lo imt Nblfx my r«Biiiuitlbilily, I fluiU ill It I. If II K tcririit tii ii^' 'i'l^ tbi* i-ip >oru-r4 of r«^p ttii .tlonK. >blo Ul rejirB«rntaliV'»(;i'Viftri ivril. II n (.;!»>)• in iiibi-, s in.ty lin I waeii ihu rMoliiiiotii reurii IVom C uial k ibit 1 ti ivo ^tl.l duiii iiiiu^ luiiy upuu ttiij a. ihe rtHHiinin 'd Intion uf Uuii. Mr, lluiii|)lir0yd wi:^ put by ttio Chair h id kii liv .«.oii was i<>»t The r«(.''inim('ii«Utii(ii of .ion. Mr Itulixuii wim put by ttu CbaK HUil oil 'llVlaloii WHi -11*1. * lull- fltlr.'i-, ttl'-ll palkv.l lUrtfA'l. TiiH H-^i ArroRif.v i.hxkru ini^-ivhic • I cIuhb .iixii.vi \'\. lb" provi^ioiii |;i " liiu tlr'ti*)iN>i t'l p.irU itliTL-uf WLiicli MTit ii li reatl'iiiabtd liii<>ii>lJi<-iit iD.iy bd bi:iii*b'» Ut B-I'l Kilt/ ttfloct OilS^ili'l tut till fftiolMil'ilif pr'ViiK'M 11)^ nlU- pr sliiR lb<> l>otiiiiitii i,.MiiUti-' |it '(>> l^ii* .itl tlm mlii-mi) ty ri» v;irM 1 by ihiii ru'ol'ition) b>>,ip|tlii-ili(tt to llrUiiii Cuhinib li m thu >i.t iiy 1 1 tbu ottier tir>>viui:< .'« t«>l the Douiluioii, ;in I ax l< ihJ Ooluuv lI lliHitb tJoni ubi.i iiuilb-ii itaouX tlw|iruvi lUKitonk:! iilly iintu'l l>y Hi t .-.iil ii. )I<>N ' H HkiMOKKN lllil ll0.f thl-i rlillSo OH Ibeiirijuu'l tut iiB ptiiuiif wuii a Hill till' HM<'j:4 »i\:>'''n i-.ist'il i* roiil. Willi r' f TPDCf to it-':i'ii«ri ;— A Tluit It oiikII biutii uj(I>'ritlHn<]|nK Willi lie l>»tii rixn, tb.it tb^tr mil iviii •• vvi I b<' iiw>l to ili<- lull-.,t <-i <-iit lo pro ruru ili-i i>i|| Imuf-.l n!.iiiii'-uRiic3of ibi' Ndv.il.suti >u at e^iuin ul. u KiKMiirano.ufiit lo b^ >;;v.-, i.i .i^'v^o;. 1 1.' ..fiicU'ii.y aiiil OfKdiiiZatiu.i o< thi> Voliitit>- ir lu r in ll'Ui-b i-u! liiib].i, Uii oliUM- 1 bfiii|{ r>-'itJ t>' ttio '.'hiiirnnii, iluv ^1h iloi.uRooK nbjorteil til £.-411111111 ill bi'iii|( iiuii '1 on ibi-- ^ru ia<■ -o vi-ry • irrv 1 1 ti.ivo Ihii cin i.-'-i lua.TuJ if 1 tUoanni it wjull ((ivo m uniy nf„ ur thix-j gunboats , Uoil CoLiBliL 'BCIltTlIir {Mr lUltklll) — IN^'tUi.' llm \rtf.ll Statiua Is at i:t|iitiiiii. It iltei lutioilov tint .-.vryiili'p inii ratnii'i tlurf. lb; ciiiutul.ui o.U:i'i- cia mat »unidvv.i:.j Ji ■ pluii'-d datia < a pai-i-'l ai road. Hail ilH Hl'41'iIhsvj uaiM wlui ' *rirrirdi.*' a-'ril' iniiit it flltUSOII. Hon Attihsht <;itK(iiL-Al pn'iai.t Iharf ii u i m"ili« of M:.-r lilnlrig Willi i.-i'..»irA.'..iiijiit ciD bufivoii , 1 ilUiipj-i > ar.iH liu 1 fflODey. t'ltnie II p.t-:) ■ I 111 rtal. Ujh Mit !tt!-oia i.f— Ur I' uirjuii, I m»r« uttuo of iny midi- Hon to brill n ijp a oaiis- witli fogird 1 1 proTHioti I fiiiu uia.ht to prutocl Ili0ii^(i,;ullir4lpr.ila.:.) of uiid c .ioTiV. It tin* b tin :4iii by t*ii> hua Kicciii>r.i m.-iaUui' lor Victi'i i tJitv truk iiii iii-r<'ti tUttirfS is u-r a .jti -vu lu u i p. itv'i-t.i 1 lo bc'?p up proi.'i'Moii, pro'n i;om it to S-i )k ■ tli- opinion oiitbiJ point IS M ill it of U118 [iiiii.aa 1 1 bi'l .'tf.' I niiy sjy tlini illitb. ■aae tbiu protecilou tim wli-.i firii'TiHlall Ij; ablu ti prulu- I irni or.,. dacoluflii(U:t.-ni'iutiiiity t i»iiabi rclir.' ii, ir |>ric>'^ :ts tow •» Ibu pru:^'* obtiiiiJ-l by ibj farintr^ of Onyoii nii>l >VimIij:ik. ton Territory, tb«u prct'jctiou is nut o-iK'iiiial, fur tUi» Krisat an.i lalBottnl ranon tliu il wa rm prjd'io ai gioil ni iirtijlu at iijuii proli. I III lb I Ul a- t llliti'i.f , Mli.rli W" !■( I of iraiifiiNirl will t>'; a aui vi> a iKiliiral i I 11' -I 'wii at Uoi aim" I'ri--.., ii-iiii» proi^ttlon tiiir farini ra nil r-'ii . \i to iiiNiinriii'tiirv)!, i 'iir iniiiii''a- Inr-'H ouiint lo |- iiriiit htvti wagops and ' I have pr< lumi ilitu iQl»^ iiiip'tonMiiH fli uli>iiiiiik''P utiil lull", nriil tiif> aoan nisiifrr ai»l (>t^> ii,uvt)n ibi- iircMor, r)rwlioiii wm r>i|4 on ib-'ialus of lorfii)(n pro-lnm mui uiarni'iK'tiirdi t>iiii.red lor butn< i'oi)Nu>nplluti, (-'i'( uitoinaurdiDniiM, tiOT.' pr 'Vlili'il.BlwuyH, Ibat Urln b 1 oinnnbia abml tint bn ) r CaiM-U t-xlt-u lol Ntid a|i|i|iul to Brilltb L'o- litin(-|i fT'iin proiliici Rnil nun if i-:lun>^ Hliall ba ut bi|tb a- tb» Oiiti*-'' of ( n'toina iioW mvii- 1 IIP I .oli.iutol on tli, 1H0T,* itiiii pioyxled, al«ty4, tnttaiuii lurDlitn proju-i* and maimtacinrM ■bitll ba loiklriHi'l to Uli'aa 110 ni-nu an l nmi other than miuli f >r->lK 1 [o-uiluca anm i nalnnil <>rii wiilrli wa ciiin->i avoiij. 'L'U'Tti viii baoih-T adv^utuguviir HiD^ out ill' Cou ludijiitUiui wiiii-b will I'oiiiit "biUncH thl*. Iloa I'll IlKiMcKKv— I hav-- liotbin/ t->'lotvitli Itio bno g'Mitla- niaa'ri iiaw«|i)|>tti' art i-lrA. Kan unl. nay tn a ilul rmitial iliitiuj ar- iK'filr ry 1 1 tbo vlcwanf ilvr il ij 'ty'i' (JaVf>tiiiur-nl. Iloii Ma Mitisn— rill) bo:t mt>iiiUi>i-'4 D\plMintniii to -hiTr-'ut fro'n tn ' fia'i«oii«-ir. I a ipw-w- f.iini tin- oxpliniii-m tbat it id iiiti'li'li'^l to .ii'ply to a 1 forviifu protiic lan I in in'i< lotn'-i'e imiKirl- I'd 1 taiiK It wtU b.r bdlt ir tnit I Kb uld iitov-) my niution m an atn«iitni nl lo bit, nu aMu uoi|[i,iu t),- pr.i.i'nil-i.i to agnculluritft pru'tui;.'. Ilo.i Mh ]i|(('»HM'>s— 1 doti't a\i ect any r<'t<-lulinn nl mhm tu tar«ari| but to 'J nil...- b"prot '^tion t't»:ii-nitir*' prt'lil--' Will nut rBOcll tho M1U-- Il »-oiii I iiii- i.tai'b our rui.i M,iiiiif.u!inrti4. II >n Vn iIri.m<'kk?i — -hi* a I Ita-i o. i-ii •lUi'iitloa liy tlie lioy- rrnni-'iii. Iwinli it tu bo diiin.ctly uii'U-rxtou'l ibatiliia qj-iittion of tb«'a)ri>: lltiir" ol ibo u itititry ik uu o.^n •(ii-x-.tiiL 1 Ounk 1 :4liill bj loiiii I oa iln- iiiU- of UiMi* boil i(>'UtiKai<'a 1 Ibiiik w|Ut 1 1-' hoi ma iiM-r I 'r V^t.'l-.iia DiHtno' tlut ttili la ti|i) inoxt inipor* t-iil 'I'ltit on f.inipti*.- 1 111 lb. -J- r. w luliou-. If I'li- tcr.iu Uo not I uttiii I (riftu.-e Kivliii I'rot-'Otioii to ant irDliurul int.otrtla, I y>iii ■1111 w>T lo- li tli'Tit Mill b ■ UoCaul- .|i-ratioii. 11--N i.iiihi' LoMtiH-'iii.'iXK— I w.Mii'la«K iluboit mtaib T >-> d-i Ihit} l.uA' Icr llilu N lull an opou ii 1* llo>r Dk IU')ii.'M:< - 1 mjin luat svcry muinbitr uftbn Oovrn iiMMili!! fr<; I ir I c->ii^l-l<*r ."ir.tliiu w.* iiavn u lu-- to a imi^t iinpnrlaut ■|U'"»ti 'iiiuni' to a uoiic.Ti.M our -Mir haii country . ConlBUnrBtam tn irft no' "oin- i.k-'aii f'clna-, it m-n'i ii-it pf-nJnc.' ad tikoffs .iiid tauii h-ayi' iih to reoovt"-. 1 ''uy tint irtii">o loiio" aro b ft to pasa a« ltt>-y .IIU a i-t rtrturu Iruni Caiiida. and ar" pvofd by tbo ptMtpn-, tUtty Will pr.il jfteat il s I bay li.at Hk* tiirii-i|iiiiiiii intiTiSt* art- in-Ml iiui>oi t.itil; wbunwi'diuv to aianulacluiliiK ii-«f ir I M lartii (irob.cf 11 litdilf'r'-oi. I Kiy innl<- laratb'ii witliout pnil.-rtiiii. 1 bafo alntrd ti.ttllii Coi-iiy .iir'f la 111 Ml- i 1 l'i.:o[ii -HI lo p opif i» H.-ttla th«a any oioT c.luiy I k o>* 'if. yi't wj d 1 not rai o i 4, |IU.447 m Hie vamttnl Hcri- rultu-al pn»lu u-'rca. Mu'u land a-t b.- Ill rultivaltuii lo iiroihiiu tlio -renll widch I bav-j enuui>Tat<''t .la baln^ imiHi''t>-d annuailt , lin.l tbla number of auf'^, H iii>>ii.-tii,^ n lUau lo uutti .ruiu fifty ai;r.-ii, would iflva enplny. ni-nl tu lj:i lum t Au I ut Ul U'li wili nw liu i]u>-i..r ^111.477, or |yi><» otili. bu«i-In j{roa-li.(; want tutjy wa it for Ibuir own oun- Hiiiiiptiua. 1. 1 rt--latloii to (bin 1- mimi 'lo ro';ol.f4.ua>lib»tinbUw-}iiid biat work loKDud, niaoiitudry w lU d be rci|-nr(>il, and la'wr of oliiork'o III A'oaM bo pii'lirui, auuli, lor iiMta in , ua bnwern In aiilltKin 1 1 til mt, w i»o Witciuii-jHr init tbo n-noniit ul btmtnand hi u ini tort<-l Miil.Ttl) p->ii i-lt lo^i tnan laat y-ar. To 111 iko thu liii- in.t:>-)!i' .'.!)) \i l^^ ar) r.>| iir^-I , -oyou will *.- • tnai nearly tb ■ wiioi- am tani if tiuioa (S niiiw b/ ao'l irom lur- Iku h-ig4. tak « ball'.-— >.J,iwiJ)i.ii .d.4 orl. liy t-iH wo-o ln)|>ort«.| lact yi-ar It Will t.»k.' 4Uij mori' co *» yi rtdiii({'.*jU pouutlaeach pt-r aanui'uuo \i^o- doc- tb sa.ii'Mui.aiKl it vv>iii.Utv.) tUo iioloiiy |:tI,A:{-* ptr annum. tint) t>i iiHtiid aev !U II in 1''aiI b a I of b>-<*.' .rtlilu wuiild tavtt Minit ally I'Jd.yii), but it pn-sappo-wa «,»ii» mon- «;ow* at leant, n.-w turn 10 ».ipp!y ourft-ilvM wltD b or ii-id tuulton. and cbm'W.3,OU0 m irouutvi «ri> r iiutriiil i but It tAM>9 lo.ir yu4r.4 1 1 pro«)au4 o.-at. Wh Imp in 7,uiWa'n).'p. Hun'ly, 110 on-' wtU tollui Ibn wo biTOno roomlur 7O0U .-bi*v»-r 3.0W t;.(W4. Why, il on y mtiiu *J)).OOJ acrt-g.or ibirly-aix mii-nof Un.l ; niximn-^ will i«upply th^c-rraia, tliirty.-ix lu.Ufl Ina'l. Wliy. tbii II us at tb- Fratur WMlId yiuH it all. fb" cittle bu Uiesi n«rt t nty rp-iuirear.ipit ii, but iTie capiul will proJui! - KtL'ir r.-BU'H , and r.-i; dlt-rl tb*- good It wanld do tba cauuiry. tb-! uia laut ul I ibor i)m{ibiy<>d and land eultlv.itud far tb» p irpuaa ; wjA h\>l-ta uiu b-mai for b-Hi«o usd or export. Wbal I wiih to Improaa uioi yon, sir, is tho proilt itial mnjht bedtirUt'-l liotn tbuuitrula.'iion ol a r-niplo hiinind famdlfi. tViial an im- b>«H tlio iiul'iiiy w-uld siHtatn if tbld wi-ro tbfown oih'H to III ) Ani<)ilcau.i. Willi a niai;iiiilciiit tl -l-l for Iniinixratlou, particu- .arly wbi-n W( lUHid t how niacb inoif of atti'it'ulind' prmiuct) will b.t r-^inlri'd wb-u public worki.iMT trricj on Tn-' raarkol w gno-l now, 110 V in Kii b(>ll<^r it Wuild b» t*ien. I iblok it would bt) doing Tllli fiOVKHVMKNT OAZKTll': KX'IRAdlfKISAKV i!^i Mil) iiitknr l.Thn 1 !•■■ -Ilrii nvy I.IX or on ciitiTfit it I'nilii.Ti •liir r -lit hilt 1 M IIIIIM fi • lit HK idi i.nln rU t'liH.i lariii Ti wtto hi! c inni m-i I liii^ ut, ,■ r .i \->'jt,Ht,\ uriff, fi Rfnt Inl'iHl ■'■'• to wlli>«l'iiw iiri.ttetimi Imin th« n i "w. W i- mii"t linT<' HO ditr niuiiril poi'iiiitiun. Ir I'mrt-'lf-riiiftii vntvm nii'■ t nn^ will nfil. In mynpu, tin. hi'it''''t'i>tr'1 I.-i.f ihfniiHii nil r-.-iO'lfrniloii will inii'i -■(•Mr-'i y till. Kirm r- tn tlm n ■!. r iiHnt-y lurwn fiiil'iml p iil>c imi tumi t(i« 'tlHV In 'i t'ft'mp irl. MiH tUy will r inii', itnil p ■ iiy f]iil'"tt 111 rti (Il til* ih't') itiiu tn y huff a n uk 't { r (''loy rn I'l t)i..l «n t.iiii^t, will'' I tnnxl '" • whnr«' Oi*' f 'ii'-'UnTf nr.', |r th- I'My • n'<|.Tiiii'titiiin»'lli'iwr4tl)Aii> xh mi'l Im» li'iilt, lilt' Mtt i.f (riii-|i ntm([Kiii>.)p< fnt'u fti" iiii»Tt"r i*ili hf tlimi-iiiinl, unit f'trtn T» if It «■ t'l'pfr < i ii iti'y '•I'l thrn llii I lli * H' Iff of ri T'* r I'm ■i|ii"iir -til 'titi tliir to tilt, pot I'l- iil'M*f inwi r f>iinlry. I Miy I'll tl ilTnli in wtif H'iI k » it"«t) wit it |ir » cr- li'tii Tin ttfririiiiiinl In''"'- 1 wi'l pri'i r I »tii^ 'ii r rn'or' w,lh nrot'cliiii nil I wini.tit • niif' li-rtiti it 'Iriii in 'i i i-rpxliill oinuKh' ftr l»-'iin>itl uft.I.'ri'i ifi'il TH'I'tfi I iirn In I ivnnil pfnl' 'liutt Miir Urming\'^t-*luriil i"\ t, iinl Hn* iIit'ia) 14 itp-n -'i • u r* tii Ii* uth'T (liiiKrt Til* I tiiT I'lirl tn I T'-iir, 111 t 111 tilMii 1) I'"!! 11. H«0 'I'»MHt-"M'HH O" I't'-tTiM* t «lr II i tt l-y ) — 't \* ill'lliJiilt I" tell whi-h r«4iit; In liivn- ■ 1, Il l< ri'iilt' lr'i« tint pfo't'c I 'ii in.iy II ) tiHt itithi >'n «im ■ t' (n^* ^ny n r Hti'nutr'* iipi)nliit''il hj lli" 'at ' | Ktivciiinr, ituit 11 iniiiorily <•!' lit il I'liMimll wlm wire nil Im-tii H' | m-'Nit. p irii- 1 111 tiv >r "I 1 >wc iiitf till- iiMil'H tm ftjilcnliurnl |i i'- j 'lui". nil I Hifff wn u »;iiii il rrjittrt iii t\nr ((f iii.i^i:iij{ *ictoi« liMlliH H »>■•■■• IKfl j tl-m Mn Ui'i'^M iH-TIrit w\* Itifho^ii* ('(niicll. I mipp'*''. Ill' 1 Mn Hamif) — lli'V W'T" It if>Tn'ni''t'n nf tii'iiilo.ni ■> ' whiiin ih» I it''i)iiviTii»r ili< ii;'it (it to 1 p tm I think t ><' ft lit ' mM» 1-1. till. (.1 t'l Ni!i th « lu'i'iv, h il I li'il^v It ■mi-f II- l<'it t ' Ih iCfiinliii I'.irHiiiuii ti UK-. Will, n-i 1 i> ' t I'r ■■..■iiliiiivi- | mi'iniitTii il » Hitiin/ In lli'Cirii iMii I'tr I ini in, ■■M-'pt i< ct 'n \t \ af i-r <'ui liiHTfUB' ili.Ti- M II I ■it)>'ml" tU't I kni'W ■ f 10 Uie i- 1 i>-'iin It 'IIII.' Kht tiirlH I I til It ihf 1 .liTirM .11 lliH nr liny piril'iiii/ Pr<>i lit dil II )i 41 III'. Mitn liR IlKiMikKs II .t thi n-niutx' tiu diffi'rentl ililnitci, III it II. ruhlil I'll by Kinii-h i-liinl n. i Hi.ti \\h tiAMiKv— .Nil : ii'U Ui wini'it* ' (ly lritriirt'''(t". 1 Mill im Ihi.^iKKX— -^li (UP If" It I.' Hi Ilk' It t • I u' I'n iill'in Pif- Him-iii. I ■,iy wj mint ^'1 Ml wlin (i itit r-»l tl"W m- iril 'o' , ■'«lii III" .iiit>i|ti lurevt^ii tlji'iartlt m' 11 t tnh ^u miil.u 1 lb (h ' • iilnlnn l''t I itn -nl. i"ti MR riirTiH-l tin I'l "f" It, llM.i Mr ll\Mir-V— ><^i- '■«> I. I|..n "tt ll^iMrsKs — Why. I'» k tirtw tlilkiilon* t( l« I* cm-' »o I Ihi-i Hut-i' til iT.'p'hii iiiiv 'iiti-ritnui in th ■ Iiinil. It w lunrli I niiir'« hit iC"lit" H.Ta.Oii. j Thi ' III"'- littt r-rtin urn fiih*!-'! >ry t ■ i;. j (In "I'lt'inM, lio'i Mf Knik;,lli»'li-h*lo witHft'jium't t) Wet- iifsliy ih'* 'iar'I. WPDN'FsDvr, 23rtl Mirch. Hiis Ml. W.KD r>*e t'» ri:< itni- the dfl)t'« »n T.vilf and H.ii>l : Mr ChairiuHU^lit tpeakiiit; tu thr m' . i>n.< ntiwr biiliirt' itic lio-isu, il will IirdIIv l)i' iifct'.s.irv f ir me to N;iy Itiat I think ihiit thin ((iicHti iti of Tinit' tlu; iit'isi, 1 impo'rtant of all t'i:i» h itp In*!!! infrodiicpil iliirintt "''■^ (leliitf ; my nbjcut is, as t li;ivu naid, ti) rriliirp ti) the utini-.', ill the fvciit of Ci)nff(Ii'r -tiun tn Cuiifeit"r;iiiiMi bu n^ that, huwover much it iray iippntently 1^(1 lit limt tend to confer U|it)ii ilie citlMiy inau-rul beiie- (n«— vf ther** \n rvi'ry teiir of cunsfquent n-action mid ui4,ifi'<.'tiiiti. It! d^itliiij; wl ti tli'' miUt-r it will ho neci'H Kury to see wlit'Ilier 'In- mi'ij^c' nf Titnir iim* bt'dire im will h=ivr tlie ulfjct i)f ruisiiiB a dit ccl nu?-.ti(»n uud dilfcriMn:c betwuen thtH ruluiiy Hiid Cu iiila. larilf i^ imt siin;)ly a mode ol'eidli-'citnif t'lXPii. il in n Hyst.Tii wiili n doul)'** oiji-cl. I'hp oh)et!t of oblainiim reTeiiuo, iiml iti the «ib«» timiiit of that rt*»pinie. ihn tiirther fhject of prnmotinif il'»mi"*tic an 1 h'wno itidmtrirt tiy u jn«? di<<^riinitnti(ri hi'- twfcii the (in^ijcri miit'rr on which tiixt'i'm i% levied. The <)iiv*ii .11 uf r.itiir dlreuUy ItMidn ti tjr.im»ie "r dupro-* dome-.lii; prodai!'iou8. niitl iluiiusii: iradf, i-onso(iuciillv the cliiiicci ttf ditr.ri'iice and rotctiiio depL-cid on whether our inlereHti are identical with liiose of C-tiiiilA. or whi'ihtr thtre i« a conlllrt. Thf» intende-I future Dominion of Canidii it obTiuuily difidcil t-i fur at ttii* qtie^ti'Mi h ciii ceracil ml'J two p:ir:t, th it wnich is 10 the east ami that wbich ii to the wot ofiho Uucky Mount tins, the Atlantic nnd r^citi.! porttuns \>i Ih.i: Domiinuii, and to these several divi-iioii'i thuic apiieitiiii diatiuc'- *aui HCTcr.d in- dustrial iu(erc>t4 ; a/ricnl'.ural, inaiiufactnnnij, and coni- mi>ri other ooantries in the mameU of the world. Our next mateiial io'rrpt'i ar^ our tiwn stiipjc,, i.rotirr'T 1 ' *■ illfd tm ahov« JeHoril, lurli " r hiifanci* a^ tttr wi> I of Anofrntia, gold Artywherp, t-r fl'bcr'rii, mi Id Ncwfouti'Ihnd. Our parfiru- l&r ntaplc* are our fitltcrit-*, liitr fi>rp»ti and cur tuineialf In any tii>tti,:iK of rvitiiiii Npiintdi-i fi r i>lii|>liul d.ui mid theri-'parti tfriiiip*, ^'rx^ we muxi take tradu and ponimere'". nor IcrnI nnri (?i-ni'fnphirnl pi^i'i n Iirltig iiurh in tn Kivi' t;n ^ctn* advim'ii'jc In tti# dist jbitiinn of pnodi, and Its Kuch i^ to he rriurdid 114 an eirnient of wral h, and onenriiiir niiirii'l inurcs'i*. L > u-« i.ovv turn 'o I'Hrida; ('un.'tda ha* ri>4iiuf4cture«* Lu'- vol by w>ty ' ( ^tipUv, be* rau.ie Hhr r.ir.niii 1 iriifrr,*ioii in ihr ]) nnitjon lifyi^ltiiore. It hiiA hpiMi tt'ati'd in tl i* dtbi'e ih-f (,'iniida is adtr^fii.- to prutt dion, ii at 'he uini»* to f illr)w Kni^land and ihi^ idd world in (he (l.rfclion of free trade. 1 hiiv thtl tho-a w'.ii muk" ih" a^sfiimi nai.t prorr it. (Ilriir. hear, ffin Mr I> 'Jiitini',) I my llt.tt hh m utroit of infonna* tioii itx'd to a!iow that i* in untrue thit L'iiniida i*r trn frea trade Shi- itr^irrVto proteot In-r own mannl le'iitu*. Ui:thf or wr'iiif as a pujilicnl lln'oty. new rotintr'ea will he found a< »■ on n* nitnufactur^H ar.- p'n-ihle. d*'*tr(ius ttt protect their own nntife industries, whrreati it fin>ts did rouniriea lo have frre iraiie. Iti Kn((l«nd inanuf.iL-iu'cd Roo.jt are ill r aliiy htr nl iples. Ki^l ih I on cun)p'''u wi'h Ihe w.irld in niixt i'la<>frs iif m >hur>ictnrwrv*>r. Ihnt the thci'iv i.f life! ira.te 1:1. p" ton far. "Kreu ifide " 11 quoted as 'f il were a a«\ i'li nile. I ht-licT* that tree trade is an ext'i-rdinuiv imus ic idea t!i re is no nrth< doxv in it, it is nut a law of pli\!tic« like the liw of uravitation or ^ome oh«trn-(- ;ind 1 |.i!H)iale thfurv like StiunN prohlein nr tlie •tl'iil.ly of the ercf iitncltv of the pi iiip'ary obili, to which there is fill PMcptuMi . It is flHsti.' itnd suits unn nuntry and not aoothir; it Mi>ti oM titiliirs and not new; it »ui's KnNl.'id for the reHtons 1 havu stated. Ilt>r niuiiU' fartnrt I ai*- hur araples. .She can utideri^ell the world. I'f'pte irnv 'riv ihatlnv Ir ulo is apjilicable tijUttuy to ' tht I pU (■* ur.d tu iiU cla.-und ur »• t coIdu al eapenencc thuws u*- ihat thii IS the tine uf arfrnnif tit pursued and a<.ttd on. I'akiiiK i' |i r urantril as atlnii'ttd hy inme ))' liiirat wiiters 'if itniiieiirc 'hit we iniiy rea^onahly prnfct stnplea until they C4U support Ihcinselves, |t t us see what kyitiTnalo pnitcriion in^iy he uirordcd tn nibtiiiK inlereits in thia LoliKiy, A,ii u-uUure iniy be piott cUd ur ra'her fuiitcred in tiuiiihiTs 1)1 w.itrt. ily tui il.tii s t'lir the inquisition of land. hT rnads, hv itniink;ia'i>in of rirtn haiid^, iiy t^e a<]tuiihion <'f iiniijeinents free, and by h tu'idernte tutitToil produce. Anncnlture. il niu^^t he ri'meinhfrad, is n^t nuly the cui'ir.i'ioii (f the ini.d, it ia huund up with local interest* and cirrics with ii i hicil population attached tti the soil. K' .. Ml w.iitt population hicaliscd yuu must eiiiour- ^^e H^ricnliiirHl iotcreAls. Ilesides thia, it must not be •(' Ht si^ht of, that it is a practical remedy anuinst poTcr- ty. If a inati has ecnain tfteulties for n<'(|uirifi|t, or beinff employed is \ lihniifer on land, he never need ro to the poor hnuse— it himanises mm. It is the duty rf every piliiiiian tf information its to markets for fi«h— by pnsh* ini; those inarkftB—hy local knowledg'^ of the hnunta of tiili. by ch'-ap itnptcmpiit!), ami by cheap saU. 'I'o pro- mote the Uimhcr interest we might give obeap machinery Ku far as we can by admitting it fr«e, and let persona sc* I quire lund easily. Shipwright! might also be legitimately 14i THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. Ic protpctfi.1 and eiicottrajjed by making impletneril? and ma- Uriala cheap and bjr biT'QK fuci^urageiuent to Docks. Let u» do eTeryihing tu promote the intereati of shipa, wh«re ihtre are such naiunl itileta as nurs, wifh cail at hand, and fai'ilitie^ for tho importation of iron a-id sical for building shlpi, w** could build cheaper than anywhcrt on tliia ccii8t; not of course so cheaply as on the Clyde bat •! til I we might attritct ttomc shiiibuildcra . How as to irtdo. l::xport trade. Thii ii surely uu item, though poi^inly a small item in our wealth; yi>t still if we export on' to l'u:?pl Sound weraight ent'oiirigc tnah «i)nifnerct, It i'l Ro induitry and a source of wenlth; it eiu-tes foreign ahipt to C'lmo tnd causra an cxpeiidiiur'< oT money in our ports; it addi to tho number of morchanti, drays and Jaborarn, and incrca^eit ^nncrnl buiineit; a Titaliiy i% giTen by it which makes it an element of wealth, it leema t;) have been benffleial hers, a'ld certain it is thU It is tBtimat.'d iu thii colony as a matarial :r'.>«'-»st. How *j thi^ expiirt traie to bt protected i Some »ay by t'ret Fort, thii if to siy, no customs duiifs; ottipra say "re- dace taxftlion to « minimum on gocdx in which there is ■ tangible export tradtv" Within these limits of whnt wfl may cnU msderAta protection we may re4iionaMy sup- ,0Be the culonivts of Uritith Oulumbiii to be desinms to cgisUt*, tod auppuflo wo dosirs to hare im|)lemeuts of labjur and muchiuerjr and some f^'iods ch''»p a' d free, and put t'Mi per «< nt oa importe ' agrtculiurul produce. This is the reirtrse of L;.in^Ji«'i p-ibcv— is regards mi* chiiiery, I beliere thet'anajun tarilf giTes fit'ccn per pent i)u msnutsciured msrh nery nt U-nst. Thfre in noth- ing to prerent the Cinadian taritr frtuii beiiig im-reancd Protection may run rampant in tho U'iminion. Vuu hATt no guarantee. I s^y ih^tt in (hcita li^c^xl (lUf^^c.oui we are ai issue as alTects si>me -^f our moat important ele- ments of national wealth • There Wi)ul t be a coiiA.tit. not only between the taritf* ofUritisii Columbi« aiul Canada but betwesn ihe proteciive P'tHcy (»f eacl. pro-ince. How ie this C(iu-e of discontent and confl ci of inlprem to be removed? Why, by a Utltish Columbia iintrmr llriti*h Columbia, This placid Ii\k no c imnterrlul iHiiiiteriiau with Canada, Canada ittfDrds ui no market l'hve. if we hate for it to • utf r the extinction or the (li>adT .ntAg« u: o'lr own in- dustries. 1 hire said hiiStily, give u-t our own laritfand I am nlmu>>t in favour of C'lUiedrrdti >n, 1 th;uk I mu$t Xtt^" ffiai expression of opmi'-n back Ihrrt' ar(> lo many other matirrs, so many points of ditfereneo between us and Cittada, th\t utid' r any circuoistincrs tliore wonld be a continual slrugsjle with the oli-r provii.cps. But however ihii may be, if j-m wish nai to provoke and kaep upa*orequebtion li.ivt.'a oeparate t&r.lf. (iivoto Canada and CatiaJiin ititere-ts a lantT fiam>'d t • meet tnir w.iutij, and givd tn Hriiish (-olumbia its own r»pc(.'i»l tariff. If the tariff of Canada is to rul*} 1 ft>ir i* wil. n'ver be alter- ed, lor tho feitde voice of our ai{ht m-niber* witiid never bi> listened to la the Tarliamrnt of Utt4wa, aud the Canadian tacitr, framed for ttte supp.>rt anl mamtcuauoe of Canadian inturcats, would assure liy prevail. lllU Uo.S. CHIRP COMUIAS ONBlt Hdi 1— Sir^Aflff the very able abstract review cftho tU'jIj nuL-stiun of rar;tl cuatomi and taxation of tho an goiitlrmcn who hiu just bat do WIS i wilt not add an>'litiir ili'> - 1 1 my . but till* sauuitir wuich i4 hit op u i..r ih') r udj i< m»k^ sui;gt>ail'»"H «i t>t whil lar fl may !«(» d-ntralii.- uit-l»>r i ■.uftii-ratiou . laao tlni "iiportu- i;il> t<>S'mi cil tikUKifcat what larllf wmM li» luiub'U lor Um Cil«»u/. Th-> noQ \\r V^uod tu« •ll»ti^i>«L''l tma mailt-r <>u itivbilraot niu lt.i as Ifltwiiiu t«urpowrt?rlodi.:tal.*ioi;am.l» viial liriff we ptm>iM have; li"»b« lalil beIor« Ihii Houwvery atdy llin pru and vnim i,f tariflu»: ...■.• iKirl ll isTir ui i . e.iii(H,ier wtul tarlit w.iui.I 1>nil niU UH iuur niu II) Ouul«>l<>ratiii[){ bm H id i«it allnw'il lo ui to pre«crit(» i'Ml. • Uniniinon wluH -• ^ . ruiiomn dali<-i th-r I'tuu sdopim llriOul..u>-.ui- ill tlij* ttn.viiic.'. Hi n wHIb- w- hive plai'.«'llli.'f.mir.iun idf nr..t«r oqi uf oiir hiodi. (No.ui— Ho^a Hiuiraajiau.l rttwo). Wu i^Mr, 1 b-i: ve w- biv.'. 1 mf (bai view Ii iiupjto I up.>u .•bythvterniJ.aiiU ibiik it i* buitor Ibat it il.o'iMbONo; autf.ir •Jinr.'a«'in. *••, ;m b-lUi it lamii".! willi ih« w.ini frec-st illfcuSPloii on ttio polut botb as rcKariliprutfctioii to oKriciilture aud maiiufacterce, and irvv p >ri. Bui I bi>lK'Vu it *^'!' V.- belter lor the Coloiiy to leave ibi! 'liciiiiODaiidtlio ror ^y lur ti>e oviia t) tlioen wbe will have till' t-ar<- of Ibis ))r<»-'..ceHa well as tin- (Castero pruvincca. I thtdk It w::! •"• ;.i tbf .•'treat of sratetmcn In tho Uuminloh to treat this Colouy well. .uatL'id of re<-liu< any witit ot coDUdoiice iu tboee sutuiiii't- . ft-oiauru that evury |H>fl>iblii nu-a^uro lo promote the luteri'B . Ill ihmColui-y will be wt'U cnsldfretl. Tbey are In a butt- . iio.-titK'ii lodKide whit will uu moet beudlclal tu Ibis Oolony 1" u la rvt; ird lo tunir. I would rttbor bear morn upiDionv ex- ^re>.tt-it b-ioru loIItT a 8iti(g -stlti); it la my liiteiiUon to off-r a naulm u:i liiKOUTdl tnrni--t no u to susg< fit to tliH PomlnloD Uov- orii4ii-'[ii ibit uiir HKricu'tU'al lutercnta mimt l)u prolMtcd aod thai certain lliini^aaro r<-qalruil, and lo asit ih« Iiumln'oa for eueb ■)iic, in vgird to Innil m w» th nK w» ruqutre. We art.' Uiit m a I'odilnij, a.ler having endori'i-d ib« 'cbt-me of the U.VL-ru:ii"Ut, aud alter havli g liaDdfd ovir the hhK) cmtrul of Ihe c]Ht<)iu4 to Uiutda, lo preicni)!) wiiat larltr wo Kbail have, or to iiui»HL' cji.il iio.'S IU to » nr ijcii lirlH. llo<( Ma KoHHON-Mr Ohii ma ' , ^bil>- 1 cuneidcr the ques'loa ol |:i' itfiinH oC very g(e.it im.-Kirlaiii'--, It do4-a not appear to me tli.it U DMO'kanly forms any part of tti<' ti-nna It l», to mjr >»iiiui'iu, luiilu lu iii>aK ni' ihat wcBlullorttam power, under Cuo- fc.i'r.it)<'D, to Inini: hu 1 rcgitatv our own tariff. Tbo customs iiriff IS umoDttaitv a federal meaittire, and Ibe tutnuiou tiovera- lurti.t Ciiiuot Vfliy well I'ttrm't npruvmco tu niikc Itit owu tariff. To do ro would, m mt' oi ini>>n, bo to bdmli a ptiutii-lo which would ulltualoly brtiak up llie whole ('onh derallou. It such a c inc. -11(1' on were tiiidu lo llr>li«li C I nilxa i very other provlLCO In ItiL- iHtiuiiiiou would forth « itb clamor lor it. Tlie houiiulou tariff Id i> u>ce«t)U> a fidutal mi liT, tt> lie dealt with t>]r the Federal I'.iri.iiui'Ul. aul 11 la unreattt'Uajle t ittxpi'Ct that such an excep- t''>ii w. 11 bu maltt iu our favor. The cunt- mu tariil is the mala Buucco i»l I'li-ral revi'ii le; ati'l It any pro iuce wcri* p-imittcdto liiK'T w tti It the It'dtrral rf vui u'j would luderd be pretariouf. il<»iary tloua uut iiiLiiiragi' n-4 toliopo lor auih a ptoser. iiniin:ou, we llud tUvt ihuusioais tariff liRi ever be u a loi:er»l n lebliou. To no atate cr (> rrii»ry has I1 oeeu cjUc -ded 1 1 deal with its owii tariff If tb<^ struiitc-M reMoas tiid iiotfX'siud for lUifc, wo Bhoiilj c>'rt:t|uly l.-iv-) (juud uieep tMunt ui^idii IU lavor uf Pncifl -■ M ittit and lornturles. IIou lueji- h.r» w:l rvo l.a ih' inter iMtuiil.uiiU maJ« 111 tMiKtr tine- on 111 i MiA-i .ijcilimt t- 'er.tl larilUj yi:t tbep^iipli', wlii;e*ump mning, WuTft never loti h i li' ukU lo lUihi or e.ii.fi t lliu Tt^Ut lo rn){UlatA lii.ir o*u tarill. lt>y Hi-ew [lerlVctly w> II llul HUeh a power wie wt.ollj iuc >m| atllile w tu uii ixi. ll is m well tioit we nlioull Del uliutf t) any i iclt liup<' ns Ui%\ n| beiiiK penntttul to make aa<1 retinae '(ur uwu t lU uu.l.r Omlederalinn. I qtiKe ifiirur with Ito liMU tlie I ui.^l oaiai nsloiier In the view IliiH, n >i w lli:-t indm^ till-- d-ili'r«-in'e ll m-lun con it oija <>ii ihin nid' ol the cuiumoot aud n^i ilio A-liiaiie »i le of |i. iIktx are many qUKlinni i-ven <>f tiirill rtou-h would be moff a'HC.-H.iMy d*all with at I'ltawa. and tn.it our rt-preasiitaiiren w^uid be i|it<'ii<-d to and would li4vn their lu- weitlit o suchiiuetiiuiia Pmiulfv ihrui^h ibeir inOiienee Ih^ ta l! w 11.11, ij a ttie le^iHiii, b- ni.idt in tri- rontormuble lo u .r cir<:ji,.itaiief S and lutiTtats; b>ii tie l^>niiiti«n Ur'■■ occupy a very exi; pli •utl po-tiilwu »ua >btll do«o lor y-a'H, lu rgtrd lu r< n Ii ci'iaiiout; -n l tliU might : 1 lily ua IU riS-iTtiu^ ttiai t'lo t.>ttll oi < .»a la, an a who <-. la not A\Ht tia 'If to Untiaii •ooimbia at pie* nt. Km. 'ir. pi-riiiil me in i'tv lli.t thuifieiton, like m >it '>tb»tH, hailwoeldeH i.. ii.iiut bai: n •! i>i nati|>roi-h d with ibit fairufss and rand r wliu h it" yieat inipirtiiiee .lema-ida We ari- vt-ry at t lueatlniaie pniectlew .ibovo 119 real va ue— in Uu^vi ihi-pr ee we pay lor It. Kven fur liruvra a-.i(.^hiuiiii ptv more 'or piitai-llKii th.in ii i» In reahiy wo.ibloHiem L*ura havo | irivfii, partly, perba|ie, on protoc. tiou, bui I'l'tly, lo-meml«r thai IHoii'titnii IB n .. aDuiiiiiiK> d Koi.d atiditiat it m,,.. : int'srotw more imn ii la r.Lllv wirtn. It .-•hou|.| ms > be remembered that lh« 1 lip rtmc'. ..| |,r itMil-ii IS ..tncwhat lipall^'dtii tts applicatU^ >.»rire boa ,:iT>:ii ample pruititioii lu tli" mt-rloroi thK('dony;ao'f It H.iurean y.uNiy ju this i.4l4u< md ilie Low.r Fntaer tb«t I'titloljl iiroiccuuocaii tie deiuiidid. I veUiuH" to think triat ition- U a jirrat l>it.ire l> f-re Vati.ouver i.'aDd. but I do Uot ite.ie.e thtt i- will ever owtt a* Rrea'nfas to aK'lcullural dP7elop- uioi.t. I bf KTVti ih«t ila mmmerelal, en iiiliin<'. miarral *o4 'ii'ii >i*it irtim in hin.-.M Will t.ir nui«t-|tfb ils (arming Interests, lul 1 dj uot tiiink. Uirpt ore, ihrUwj would bi |ukltlleiUD, will be to a^k til.. u„ „,„|„n (Jov^rnoii'n to w.lhh dd the appiletllon ol the tedttr.tl.tariffot . lu o ih t ► Hrii >\\ OdumbU lor a lUed |KTiod, say, nutilriil#»ytouitii.itii«i.t„u »|ift 1 htvo boon ratabltohnd tbroufb lb; Ihnnnion to ti,e l'm,.k. Unul tuat < .koa place Urlllsk 'oiumiMa mual luotitiiie to o-x-ipy a i>o-liiou wi moUied auU a" uxcopiioDal aa 1 1 reidcf thn Ken* ral tariff, however w.'d ad>ipu "l to Ibo •r.,vio.ri t» the t-:aiitwarl oi the K"c| |i,m u,jt win. the opeiiirg ol roulmiigue r*dway >^)mmuQ>caitou Iheia ftreptl mal o-uditH.iiH « iii f>.r ilia moat part dnui.p.-ar. Un(<, |,ir •ii*iane», at Odirornla. Wli;it a complel* r(!Voiiuiuu Ihwrulwiy baa wneunt In llie condition of that ritate. Tii» n oBQi.t tbu railway wa«opui.ed California waa itoloniiera^par- aiea rnmi ih^ irvat t:ommei<: al runtiM ul tb« tiutern 8laUa by inoutandsof Miliraoi ieilgo-i-ish »nd ,|,*ie,t. |t was prart 'all) aet Jowii ai'in.aide ..| ib „!, or, to U4e tne wordt ol wioilicr, t ui. and aiiice were annitiilateii, >nd Oaliiornia b«'c»ine, (ot tho tlrsi tiiae, a ntiuirsntiitfclota.inin'non lariil trani«t at W.»-Kli.i[t m, and ea- i"'!'.|in iiUKniialiaewida-prea'ti.uUi.lim. Himnar reiulu will tie ri-aiit-d ii. .,jp own oiwa. l}^H»^ t(,« gponliiR ol the Canadian Faelflo laiiway lliliih louuibia whl praaKcallf b» a t down alontside ot the Allii.t e t>.» m-..^ W.. gti uvrr all coualitutloiiei dtAculllaa 1.) «pi*ro»cbiiig the ■unjaci lutbiaway. I In not e«y ih«t ihe I»»- iniiiioutio»trmm'Ut will .lamt.it toihe i»Tin.oBiti,(n Ui |Ktitp«Hif Iha ai'iHM- ",...„, (I thi'ir lanf .o thia colony uniil railway roiumnmra ti' :. niiah hive bten eatabhabed ; but wtf will iip|.ri>acb them with ' mu.u i|rr r^«ti>u, aikmi ihattheuinvinstuiffof (be Dawleloa be net ex- THE GOVEUNMENT GAZKT'J'K EXTRAORDINARY. 15i teoded over thfl col'juy of DniUli (^olumliii tmi.t rsitwjy 1:0m- rouiilCAtiou Uinrewith eliall have beun cc*^blia)ieil. iriil lii'lutttrif)!, on itio one hHi:>l, U)i| buMJIlig ii[i our cunmTciiil nuii iimr-l ino ttil(-r''4tii, nu l)ic ottior. Citiift't* miKbt, pimslbly. KaRritlco n llitio ruvumiu m ttio nrttt | tDBt«nco, but It WDQl't roni) Imck tu Iit ■« Itiiiilro I to]. I m th.^.- 1 greatly flDiargeil prtiaicrity (.rrtmii i^ Inliov. in i'ma way, also woul'l * (•■ pToa- ittBtl a living rec<)irnu«m of ili-> aecttiity f *r ratiMay cnminunioatloi), ir n»t au incp[i*:tfi* for th" n)H)eil.v couautniiiuiiun nt that groat ilPtMsratiiru. )bip (Vi'irio wtirh I pr<>t>'M«' will ta.ira tmu meet llio loi-al iiccCMllD^'tx tlii'CoiiiJtrj. whll'- it will \t^ niori) acceptab'a to tbapc pie, nu'l.l rtfol iia->urrii,ia..rt) iikt:ty lorn pt wiiti , thfCinrUireiiCO ort''>-aattioriu-'a:it nltina. It p .-'i-4<-e- (In ail VADtitKOi <(l a<'comi)U-Uii'tC mori' t[» 'it tuaii c m \t 'hi-bly Ito alt»*iK'M*!ri<:t or ttiat prop^'gi'd by Hiiot'Tr b"i) lufinhcr, and, at tuo h. :i<-' tlois ol stftcTlDK d^arui c uti'.Uutlonal dtflliMltlM. Hon Mr Dk o*HOt— Mr, w« hnvo h^arJ tomo very ^-'kkI auil fliM) lotit ii[fH*ciiM. I ini^D't I'l s'AV a I H wtinla, aixl Will^xvia witti flrhi pniinplffi ; Wh'.'ii ibo OiiilDiUTatDD Itel'iRntmi flr.-l ni>t, Ih-y pr.i))Oi'«l It Rdopt a tariff Imliar to Dial ot lb>' l'ii)iu«ltil4U>i— tbtt tti - F<'«|«ral Qorcroinuut iil-jne ■boiiM huv<' the iti^ht to imiKt'u riiiloms duttrx, that thcro nb mid bn no MilmMirg. tii') t!) tt eicli Proviiit'o abould raliu it.'4 own ruveuui b; dir<-(.'t tAX-iiroii; b'lt it was 'tiiutd ibai locul ROTi!ruiuruit(uuiilor it wii lil tint pin- por^'d (<>!,'. ^0 liK,\l W^.tiilatureii piW'T it lUiki-- la«!t nti'l tiii,'Oi<4 fl'iwt ttxnlloa. but wtifii lb M)r,taii:i; Ac) WH p'cpirod (hat I art *■(• dropped out. I ti4vo •ivairad III btnii 'U £a wiib lb» Ur^'nmc Act; wb-ttcvurwo mi} tla wi) fcbo iM b«rii)<>itU9 w>t)i tiiu Or|[dui(> Ar't,'tiyKii d"Pu* wff dball inei'l wrb k'ti>or>jvi:tir inelncal g'lTern'Deiilio rauo tax'i. »ut il ii wi* rtfiTn'dlo tb« t'.'iTy Coiuii:ii ib*-y uiUtit iiy it cia*b-*d. I *ul U- lavtntii my m' anloft . I ttiin^ tl » Ic^ ititurDol unurl'i vet -d ate ■ddltiooal snni toonaof tbejid ,en ; tbo I'rivv Counc:) lin 1 do au. 80 -'. nutjbl b* if tbo \<:in\ n ivanmi- nV ii ■•ovvruiii-'iji In ciao iii* Ii> mliiiiin cnacK-il oatom* idW.'^ 1 iwer tbai <'Ur owii W'l wl btva tba priv-lcRO 1) put direct tacca on ibofonrt r ' p o- taotioa to ttiiMu. hiriiliu t' tiin V.\<'riim**ol 01 Now ltraniwii'l( wn< aide to e>(':<>|it tbi^ iiiti) fr'tii ibi o,>iTAUon ol' tb» D'liimiuii t«riff wbr t^)'i l'« ablv to (f>-t ih': n m t Furl or iliflTHicJ Tbi; C*u*df.ui re'i'niiewill iwl miffMr. n lirlQy HoQ «Ik I K o.«M.>* — I htru liaid ladel)uit«ly— {Mit^^'bly ftir irii or !w(i!v.i yeir< -w ■ may h*v»- tUe r»t:"' .y '■■Hiiid' li- 1 by tbit I'uio Th*li.(o Mr W-il pill tli.!.jueMllo.i p.'opi-rly. Tlie t.uiit l« » l :i.i^ tbat iicbaii^t-nbb'.lt riHOfl mill fAJI^. Bupixfo^ ib^t C i im.U bu to raii<>> ii4 f ' :t nu-irant ■•' r>r ibx ritt'way tlti>y in< tb'' inr I I tliuu lli<> tiirilT wni prjMMoly r.it for a ''in»i tim''. nit ibi4 ii OKuk< tbe inu<\ My obLcl m nuking tlii4 propoxitiun IH lo p'-'veut ulifbuig bitwot-u our locd novi-rri'iirikt and tbo Doniiiilor, I 'ni:\U'in proliii:'* lu my r^^o idiii -11 it tin d»»:r<*ouI protrr'ioi) nii<| tbi- lar^^t ii.r'Tcflt, thai m ib<< utf ciiMur I iitnrtft, will b» fall n->d. tlui 1 muiittiu ibal bi'y ^iiil iblit wo onKbi 10 protfrt rotUin nidfl oiaiii;fii't'ir do not Willi *.<»oiiiiiL'!Mirot<^iioii !.<.>( otr a^ri- i^uHiral irilttreFti b<> tuli^flt^l ati t 11 tUux.' viwaK 'd 1:1 ntd'i lotiil larlurei arn cnit-vUnt tiio jtsopb* «t!I b» iittixfl'i 1 Tberu art- lio a <'ta«< I'l'Kaffcd In tra Is wh'> b(> t>>vi* In priii«.:h<'u ; ym wti! fiitil tbtii lb« tti;riculHi hI tiit"ri>>t. tb'i lutiiufii tmiUK iiititrfA . ari>l beilrivori 111 prntiH-tlnii, wtio will form :i alr.init b 11 I o| [>,)tf m uln tiConf-'dttratloii. Tate away thl" •nbjort uf frirtioujol yon litvt> tlift u'tiul'! tblHii eoflter I) tb-y ar* mil onuti lon-d l-mti* will bni diiHire to kut'p up 4 ( ■if\iUjt of loy lUy towurlit Ca'tid i .tflir Otmtfd f^rattoti, ibey will prot'Tl ib ai lat'-ronu vViib rfxpiuM to lh« faon niRRibor for Now \Vtvttmi'i«tflr bla nrxuiDPni i« no ltr>ti:i: r Ibi'i hi wnkf-at imliil, wblob li, [Hon Mr iiiliiirk'-ii— Itii t>«o)alloa,j IV«I1, p'TliaiM tbia l« t'-K weak p>ltit ; b> ndiui'a tbo « bolt* poln;, I do not lti(>Mid to lol ow tno bon m'vnb'r. I wk bt>ii nietiib' r« to uon*ldor tbin i|UAitlon *<> a* to coiiri and iniun'ai'i ^tmi fo ititt Iba tbf onion may b<> laillnf. I b»pi> b >tb Hldi>« will iiinu honrtdy lu i-bapiiit/otir mat IntlouM wllb ihla t'Q'l i.t now. Hoi Mr Ki^i) -Mn'hti mtii, I oi^y ilemra Vi drop .t |tw liliili. I «ay tlitt th<' t'rjanid ^ct n whdiy inipp'l.-iblo tolhno..|.,nf. IxH-B Iba hou fnt-mbi>r for S*'w iVftfliiMu't ir tnr-.ui to ii »nd ni ovpf un>lar tblH iirtcaiilc Art t->awe 1 lb'* rofTor-t (f (bo Ihroim n t h:iil any approni 1 tu fio < trad'' , I Im'Iihtc lu it ; Iroo l abo Id biv« u frprt a roumu at t1« wild. No^r, mr, wlik r-'garl to wliit Ut% bf n i<.ill Ab.iil pro (io bur atid ptl't duea la a viclotia xyslciii Tb<>ii. say (ilbnra,lrp« I>ort U abol ^b" I, would yoii go bick to by taxing incoiiii and ,iroprriy. Tbe rrvpiinc wotit'l be rmaiter. bu( It II iio.« tlat|i|')U4. iVa muHi ruriall «x|>oad tura — aud liavui); di>u>* a) 1 wou'd ii)i->li«li runtom* aUt^rtb'^r ai a ao irf r< of r<'Vriiu '. 1 aure* ttttlra'y with lbs propoiitlon of ih<' h<> 1 mvnibur for N iw \V<'HiniiQ- tlar Ibtl thn larUf oftho Iximmon l« a 'aili^ral maUnr. Ilox Mr HiHriliutvs— Ur. ('bairman, I riatt 10 Biip|>or( thi< n'roni'ni>ndiit|iin -if tbu tionnrabio iii»iiib.>r l<>r Vid'Tit ■■ itir ct. 1 bkT" IHt^'oel ru-i'fuliy to tb<' |o|ty . r^ >nt>i>t« of ib» Witrunitirnt n*)(tnliit"Mon Ibia 'piMtloii It nptfart t> nv thtt tbe nil-'iakofl wbioh Ih" Rngllab K'H 'rally mak>> af tttnbutablit tu ibtir r>'i Iiuk and at-idylnftiri'tl '■ngliib wr| 'Ta t'U mnob loatot'l ot ir.io-'ldcr- inr whit l< prwtltcally apiill'auia 1 1 am-wroiinlry . Ul 1 tv-uutrmi ara, In Ihli r''ly In a iiflw one. Kv<>u In old i-ountr os a 'Argn prop tUou u( tbo poop:* whoatrmtrtilo iicalciilat«>d ui baui-Ot :iri> .ij.iiiui it. llui lu uvw eonntrl^ protiictl^B <• ibi'iluti^ij uacMtary. Il li lal) by loma hi'iiorabti' if niVnt 'it tbit tht> tirmhiK iTtierMta to tbo nppcr conn l y ncmliii u • gioatt-r pruttcUoii tban C'tiure hHte, XbTO ought t'> )>a fume Way or |)F. ti-cihiK (be tip r luntry larmi-ri without cl<>iibiii»{ with tl>t>ii>t->(ral« 'T thi :>-iiiiniii-.i. I tbmk il but |ii*kaud ritcbt tu pre. tt'<'i tbo firm' ra abovf all ullior liitvruti. 1 loi.k upon tota luesllOQ IK n<*xi 1 1 ntapondibk* i;.>viTi>ine> t aud i^ai 1 ri'gaid -it tau mo^t iiiil-ortint iiiiiiiiion In ibe rtaoiuilons which k-* b(>r>r(> tUrCf'ODC!); all oibi-ra HJili lulo tii'iKnilti'mcf bi^Mv tbrso two Roodii:>0'S ^ TilN lion I'OMHt^eio'iBX or Qvii Me— NotwtlbhiaDdiDK tbat ihe liH'jil |t<|{i;|((urt- nit T t'l'oi'edvratii'o niny ti 1 1 avo a rit'ilo framtt Kdiiwn la'ill wb.it Wit bopu la that tio < anadlaii t'ar|i*.-nent will do'iu It ilt^inbtu lor t'li-ir uwn lolert'atjt thit a«[>^rUl ta'ld a o>uld b- fritnvl for (bin pari of ttM> luoiDioa Td-.-iu lit » 1 law ajalul ibiH li H*< III 1 uot bn a tllt1<-rfi tial duly ; it u'lunot bi; ubgccH'd lu on ibi« Kmind. UIH 'r-nC.il dutioa aro aboro ibc »a*ni- nr'loipe Iroiii twt> 'Iiil-Trn- couiprif-e are cbarita-1 iliilttrently. If ibfCina- 111 -11 tann' w>K Jipp>i6>l bero tacation wolM b« l«aai>Drd. We mu-it ii< t o-H. Hlicbt o (h.it;HCt. It w.i.ld pru'Ably 1 o u-'^h^'I fl'i tii tna I'.xl'Jiit ot tl.OOO.WKt rfjrii.ii-. I have n-lluntt'l tbo dilf r> uco upon orHU|iurlir's H'vtnui!, atid 1 b*li«"vti lb'- dillrMno to oc at leiiil $^.(X>uror theqimrier. I-'or ab lhat,I ibinK iba (arilT )tli"iiM ba • liinuv'l. A up id.il (arid ia rfntiirol. 1 mmtiono 1 ytaiardty hi'r.'«<-a .itid t'l'ii" 1 tliink. ibo lI") on a hone and |I() .in caltio W'i'i '»b p nn tb a c->|o:)y ; it w<>u!d aiii"unt to n pr,ibib:ti'>:i. Utt >t'nr I 700 hi- 'd of niti]* wtin* impnrlt'd iLto thia <;.' Urfi"* duty won id be moat o»,i' 1 1011 lb •• Willi 'I tfiriff iiiiida04|K'r|.tlly to pnift t ill- farimra, ovfrr WiWi po'iiHlBot boll r weti- liM J -tr iiopiiii<-d. If tb^i. tna- ■;i;tn Uiilrt td f^uir <■ nil a pound W)->i> a 'pn do uot ftpn y lb' pi :ni'pl"i of pnitt^i'iK* • (o ii'm-ri •>! tb • ii|ii"'r < ounity. butlhon'ol Vaino'vcr iHliuid tha lanufra wii. Iwl ti" weirbt of til ■ p '>•''''■'>>( >ut r>r«iv:n< any d hk bi thf d d 'r<>i>i-e I'l 111-* duty Dpon butler. 1 lldnk Ibat (b' ''■' A)- >'<> '\ tioti of rci'lfiriK:l|y DdurtMn ilc; IJirted flutes and C4'i I'l >. an i 1 II >< f ib'H uulotiy will participate in It, Il wonM be a freai a'lvaiilafii; ( Hiir IouiImt would mora ibtu < ourtrr- b'l'aiti*.'' tbo loai III pi(il''<:'|on iiu prihlu 'e ; I dot,t rare f'T Ciul, tb-'y l»kn UK mull ;H w« cin aopoly I W"uH sufttfal fiat thia (Jiunr.it oli'iU'd aind f-rwriril tattovrmfnon'-arwommeiultllnn that wo b'l)-vo hiNciK tanll n m.ty b« ml ly U-fl to llie Car.^td.an 'Jovirrumont and I'ur r-pr* 1 •■>( ti I VI - Ht iitiawi. UoM la MEiaixrx-Wi(h the x:v"t tf I'ri'i|.Mng Ibis to a vote I w'.il prnixMi' 1I11H rf.Mtniuptiilatinn : Ibv. in ihfl tiplnlon ol tbia I -inK il It la biriily 'b'^'iri'ib' ilo|i tboa^ncuU ir.il, hoitit*'i I'lrul and lUiry iu( Tt.>ataot'llrili:-b Ci«Iuiibiii b- prutfctfiO ; 31. d I i:ii tbiH la iiF'terto it IV -It- lh-*<|i<'Ml'iu into two p'irl«. Ont^ hanorabli' tnt-mtar wiint" ti.c p 'W<*r of ruKlng tb'i tariff looi^r convt-nlcnre, ar.i] moro lliinotip bill nnibio ncmoer I'Mnraid tlutconft-'bTRlli'D iniitvcuno. I ib-!iy II. Thor" It U(»nro.'»my ilott i( a''''Uld i-oin" uow. If Ibo proplt* vi' u «i(ainit r mtftb'r .tiio whuii tbo term* «■ :no bt»'..rn t iciii 111* »'.\f-lli>iicy w II infor;* hrr M:i|*^(y'i liovcruuieol ibat ibr p'-opii-' di'iit want it. 11 iH ATiJRMKv ■•BRCH.^L— \^ - bivf a'wiysaal'l ft" Ho\ < Hjr.r fojiMiatiovm— I hi-c -"i itatt-J bf y tim"i already, t*o.t I)a )li'i.w>'K»:«— I am tfl^d it u b'> 1lIll'fr^(l■Oll. lh« bor- Drub* ip'ii ipintoi niu- 1 h'- very rarefnl to make 1 1 m iTma autt. f^r .( the 11 rm* d -iii »o|P (b' p-upbi wo >-b.h »-t hftve conle biraiii.n. I ««y Ibillbtf I't'opio ha*e Ii)i-u a»rlou>ly (old ibit ct)ntidf>'an- w a t ' Il • 'h'l de-"my of tlia rolory. (No" no! frntn Mi^btb Io- riMiii 'H »n I itarnardl Knorta b vt> txtu ma'lMtn Itpi^i on tbo I'loov ibit Wi* t|)ll^t biTe r iiii'tlaralioa on -iiiy term* I do not Mil a dor llrii I* M ni't:''»mry f»r n« i» ko in iimbr t'l- it'-Rauic -ft, I \V>' din t axiel lodo i' Tt ihe honoral'i ■< oil»rt"f tif ruHonia j ) w 'iiid «ij, tt-iil itt'ic'i Atri'atIB laid ■! on v e iirt t'liil i.ii'br iho • .III I iti i.i' ;d tb'' P'oplf w II «avi! Ihinooo ; mat is baiaiHoibo i-iirttiiio< |o«f ibf |ie"pi.. »ii»i>. I say tnadifiiuoi filmw I'anadhn j[0 d il.ii't c tot h -re 1 nw bf.-Bt:«i.. Ih-y cttinol i:>>nil'<'H*. The on*v r.i son iimv will bi «H'-d i'«(liiy wllr nn m frti«, wbllfotb it p y lurill. I'.iSBibiy lb»n the diUi-rviici' in \it\c<- bi'twteo Ctni' Ian (ttuda ft^'l our it'oN may b- vi-ry liiil' ■ Ibo 'I'.vern- in- n' m*y to"!', till (b-* peopi'' w nl |4in. I'o you oii-bT'laod (haC (So n-i ' ifim M i-n'' y an I 1 o.t.*.) I'lMiplo may have 10 piy an nii'vh tor t'liitiluii g om u f'T tmf 'r i ■. f*^*- ds 1 "w. Uiit (^ iMMi-J-i'irtKH o? Cu.*r)«< — Ameri' an K"odi would com*i tu bp* till- d iiy n"vv pild. I'l-n't jnii -r-' f Hun Mr W'md— Iba diilort?n<'u of traticpoft «uul 1 pravrni Cacalmn nnnoliriit'*^ If"m rom-nij bt>ro rh'**p'r Ho.t IR liBiHCKKM-I Kty tha iztrlff w lubi Io aim'"'!? thi*Btito on t*li Bi %rn»r;ctn tt-""!* (hen "i now. I IT ml lb-re will boa |oM on atfTlni't'irit prnduc'.' : h" r<- grniltinen n«« iheymavaand a«rti-ul(iiral prolufC But'- ' , ' ■-'l-evn. comi-i Ir m r-awa : n rotie ro >nty to buy aoow ; (lere n t-i.-diff reno b.*lwi'en ra">lnK mir\- t iiltural iiriNlui-i< tnd ra't'a l( bn'l-T c 'uM be grown tront Ibo ftronnl 1 d 'a'l t-iipjMi-ii (hut torly inna w mil hive b"«n Imi'orled, Karniora are po-ir ; ti.ry havt* not moti-y I'' t»uy iio»;«. K •»■ ap proto li.in an I Hiiy will hive m 'Oej- byr an 'bvrt t » pi-''C')aBe t^atlin KxpTteiifOif tbi< aurtinliurlslH in iMa rtduny ha* t40|tht me that f irni''ra wllb rapllal nnme I'Ut at ihe wrong oi.il ol tha p"ck, wbitai tbiiia who b*V'» Kotie iniow«rKtf>tlarii.iy. I tbbik tbt'y will witit It. Mom liK i;ARRitt and Mk D nkahk— PrioeierufOttlngtoohlgli HOW l|n>i riR Mii.iii KK!i-~IHa exafttlofly Tiay ant pieafaat Air u* who wan* to t-tti i-i aay (iriiiM sre ('uihrh, not b^l .toy i< -to go tn w Ilk nil a fiini aid b>- will have i-xperiem of iA"rt(y woi'l tieol trreal b-oi tlt.aml tha' we niiyh< glv<> up (be tarmiiic lil'-'eataof iliM ''olony lor 11 Sow, Hir, IhH CoiiLi'll Said but yetr.almoii unamm iu«ly, ihiit ngriiUural liiler<'«t« mvat l>e pioteried Wtiy Bl oiil'l b'lnitiaht' meinb-ra (b|i k (hixt we 1 h'tii'd reipi re Riiylbtng itlfferi'ut nnd-r r ntedr^lion Ho- hoiiofah a maniber ftir ^'Ictorl* IHatriiM ^Iniiiet led ine the way in aayiii^ t^Rt lrtn woU'd at !■« wbli-b wt>4id load t iirjuci Hoi Cn.i'T '^IXMHSIii'iCR— T f i'lt WJuId b!iiii li'il ii'-^.i uude- fini'-dtirit'i. ii Hox I'R IlEiJUKKv— 1 lay wh.it WJ w.iii' n>w 1* vi-ti.it w*. want ondtT CMjl-d ratiMi. N .ft. nr. w .ti Invo w- t e-n mjid.' i..r, ttii.r L.» t.-m i-.ir (.olky? niiv. to |t"1 rt inlan-iy i (»mi tod ttj«i I in' iKjiii'iiuii i. liven iTieni wi I nn a lint air. « t iiiiimi In • ui wnff and thv esMmple"f I'll* L'.iiui ^t»'^'* n <:ii^'d It hi»l'p" fatd t-'A Ufcii'-Tiiia w iiiej loal -r h- Urin u d »■'«•* n-t nil"* A f '*"•■>. l»iy l^r.* lyiki- ■ .i-fTuu wn'-'n ■ .uid « i'ut i-t ih.- rtiHedMite*- I!rjt8h>;'liim u'l f-l c iif-a-iife '. "• wo "--e ttjiinn iK»' fun t> m Iti ivr., ^ Call', rni* word b.T* Mid'' t?rra< tf »liec tiild. f»ii thar ktpi CuU "nui* iii 'lit.' L'li " t Tii r ■ is lUiip-Ctiltn.y Ui iti* Ur«*iiii: -tcl ^ B*cn ■" lin'-yflvv <»;i''!iM Ci'ridA 1*1 m>iik« dillereiii luwd asto a^iruu tu u in i-iuii dill<-ruut pruT nc, llOM I SiEr tuHMi'S.oSCK- 1 d'^'l ibla'* lil»' ircliou iipliKI to OS* r-ii. Im'. t ^.r ihit V IllftV II" I'lliCl""! i'V IHO •■|.arato Uii.t and i nU-dt aKtltJUliic i-'UCtl tbvturi^} 1 d"- iH.i sjU' i. 11 I On I'R ilELKCIES— IVrbip" BPyitiliit; udVKiiU.il'i'il t> Itiv 1 Cjti ft 'V r .miiut. Ht.- cm « k i iiait HjVfu t^ JtiikC U'llifr^-tii \.iV-^ Ub prov I.C.*. Hou AnriR^tT liEtERAt— ^■■'. thida a m. Slake. IIioWiuwc- ii«a »t.U iitth • i.f>:t m-iu jor'* ari;Jcm-i.r. il.a in iiu'icKEt— I Btv I Mr ii«ih us my ftrpim'-iit. It dn-s ii't lu-m iii'T'^y tJiii ifjii!-' ni:i>' coan tiin.if* cut ot ttitft i»liil. ltl-*iiJi J.- Itnii*- l». HrUl H,iri<"jltiir..l i.U'i'KU In- i'f- l^Citsi fr no ? li IS iiidia p.l^».l.■ll■ UmI ili.i-« t*lii' K'.ulat- ui« trt-a y, Wiirii liruiitfUv mo c i..tiii-L Witli L'uli iJi iU ««L iiifii, m»y d'l W' ^■'!IHJ ui'itn* wl.iT l»y nif ri'*iill iii'V !■<■ 'flil't I ■ i' a>l II. em In K'»*" "*• '" 'iri'd'-n ►!;.•■ sui.u ili il lli -y hiiow moif tluii ourrt-Utf< uboui ouii ij.vui, wnl iiewyn • oiiltf Braticm. 'Ill*- (inv*Ufa tor ilii! iiiriii'-ri wiil l«. fhitl auri- eu.turi' be (mitulid or nyt? 1 tt»k ugalu. waginiuitirv iTwtu'^ied vy ihe rt"M»mti u or not? lion AnOK-MT CtSKHAL— II l* HO*. I< SI.IEQLA -Ntil. ituiiCmSFCDMMUHijNEH— I ttiiuK 'b* i-lHn i.t I'lkP a V t-» r.Q pntw'i-Ki to imncutiire ii c '"d oti^.iin I I wnuld rilli-T ih li the r*t>.ut.uQ hi -i>j«-.l ttitf'f Till [J i yr-n'-'l |ti..|.in.tf ii iiifih.'i rei'tm- iiub, |H) ut u^' I'Ui tiic •iitiic>ttli<'AanK HiLSciluv-I ftcci-H rat *lu>r..t"D. v*-- "ii'i by It iTec>i'~e uQ t.'i|i vii.uti ii ui Ui« i oMi'Cii up'JU tbii Ho:i Mr I ti:i)^jii)«— I Rorurlb r iba'i t'ml resolulion. 1 •tsud bcr«as« p'MUf'i.dtiatii'i.i 1 wai.i i.» uoo Un* iii;t',id■< I'l-'l bolnrw < oif ilerjtiii'i. .\H fjr r tipfi itv. i liw, m my i>i.iiiiint, to i»e bantfl o:i»'Msi.ilg :iidii:'tr.Y. Tin' ii.t^t riti'oi laM tfiuy *>i rcru p.o. iiy wai l.-i»ecii m.^mid -.ii'l l'.i(M/.l, liin r wi>i h t.nn l-*ii g.i' d« W'T«! "dnilUol lot" r.rtiiita' ii-it wiiif* 'ul thiivU' d. Il^'Ci- ['fOii'Vtu l>e tttux; t"«li|i ro'i-t b* ln-»-d Mi cii'imn imlu-lru'* Jf Wf cuter luiAj a iruily ui Tr-i.' |>r iu'i.',ti..' iii« i Kiif lU .t. K ti pr.ci'y w uld ik-trgy tliM iiv'ti |K'mi',i.'iit inuTt'BiH i il-at. I'T "iftHirp, ot nicicuUiir'. HLd «<^ «ri'|tcr tt i.fj:'>li«lf a ifi-tiy ut r-cii'fi'Ciiy win th<- l'uit*'d MftttiS uo sli'uli b<- at iitK>rl> |n i,,'^.,i.aio u BviiMfutv tre« T, "r t Mil i-ri BiH-.-jal r a'i-t'> mtti-' tri-nv. iioL I nur oMMia^i iMu-i«-tt« cif«i iiionrx.o l bv (tottiug ibc CbaiTuitu ic[>ut lUi* roi'"U^»"i hm nu ■■•Htrnct prop ftiti ii. ilii" HUKJ4A.X tbtin reW t'<« rLaoluti.iu as l^tL■I«^l4 ol Hr t aU Columbu he pmtrcvd ' Mui • HiK? (OMMIw'iOSfcR— ^'r t"h iH tUAO. I itiii li'Pl*r''l ti V'HC fir t iftl t'rojutiU bill I U>^ u<>t yix^iiiic l il • f bcllev tutt II Di'cet^ary.alittou^u l t'uHK it Ti-ry •ii'^ii>k it !« >K-i'tr;ib| III d.nMHK' pi<,u>--inu uDii«r lion ede»ti -ti. und 1 ■ ■u.'-t >k'H Mbv we ruunoi I tintk U''*' Ibo D Binoi tMueriimfnt ii j\ , i e, btp-*, li • iimi»t a' I ■ to itifVum I i« «a. * I -l iu-.:4ii< I • • II > ( t iwl »f. c i>: fry- trt I iQit *e ibl( lor « ly t>,trru:iy ■.T.-ili th"i-- L .w^i l-ra^T kt Ibtl liiti' I No Uo.l Mr li'C' nnvi' 1 I pri> IQil H'O lar •ueiioi the rtt^'t r I'AVo a fce K itHitl )if( tin . lut- t iti'i i ■ i 'u-ttijt Mbeu ajrl u lural ' ni'lU'i- riu< ci>iU'- lit lo ihu ii|i|i#r pit iHiii iiriilili iwt III 'it or wb'-n t'>«p'i>d ■(:'■ 'itttiv u|i,.ari:>'uutry itnc><<- loi • I.' ■tit|«-(ilioii With iliL prtNt'ic*- of lb" In aU'l lUd n( tb« L 'W< I l^'a<-r il lU'-w iiijr»>-i-, u.tittiul irt-.m.' tti<: Co t oi traa'pivt .Id Miuivaeiil t* a ptoli'-tivn iiuty. iii.it b>'f'r« tint line ii'tiv<^'< iii>- t^nif may i>« Miiifi.dtd attam an mi^hh. Wii-t ■ t|CA-d 'm wbal Urn* tJiau *tid ii«- ut il* < ■ l-»s>«t l tl<.ii li tn' )tit''iu.tla •>! tli» UniiorH woul.l b-* ['(tjiiib i-.l Mi'iT M.iii'd-r.ti.in.rii-y w.-ui'i I'l- 'it rrly aa"t iiUle dlu d II t ^ivt) ii* rt|ia'ait* mrilT rt'iiiiI-tCoa- I lb i.k th<'f wilt du Bo tiuU »av w-Mmvi> |i. We Laii U'>w p iiit oit Uiai W'l waul proKf-tnij.atil ii'iT't it i-r i 'O I oui i.i u »t"iv'tu m*ut lo^v. „; out tilt inraii* Wi9 bttv» \ irt'iakiy |i'M)io wtit' b w" ba.e ailoptrl uu ler iltun" Id Hon **K lil\o— I diff>r r'ln lU't Hon CBti.r I oifvniiioa HKiit hack, and K Will !)• Itft (or iu» new <')uacil lo iiacids ui-on tiitra; • ! l.toi nat.unfi'iy -- iJiffi'. tv tQa Cftnad^ao w< ti m nast tbit *r s"i ul t liaTi- pr lOi;tk>n, aUbou^li tUi-re art* i bjoitl' tit, lor n \nii IT t 'i;; on* Inttrtsl nndiher mnal t ffr \Vv jay for tLa (ifi'vi (ion . f pr. diice HI tn» Ircr HStfd prlrf of the articio* we ci n- Bijiii'' 1^iM-tU«- le< gtU oi tliliiklDft It dcoMbif tn rec mmaDd lliv C'tinii nil lioverntiifiit tciprolpci our ayrtcnltiTat liilemn. M.iTi mt'unhy (lEstiiAi.— I will im tb<' boiima'-ilo moTcr q( Ihiii r'i'oi:ii 111' ;i'i.'h wlii-lb'T hi- Ini-f ta on 'h" wor>i ' nctn-a-ar)? Hull J'R hlLUtKCN- I hUV III* 1;^ ( Lv of ib'lll' tlltUflK Ibut l Ild«r CunieJ' rjinii Will Ifj Li-cp^ arv Ibn ( iiu:f t i>iiMi->^io>K)i— Wilt tlie b'D m( tuber alter tba ward ' uec'-a'ari' to .vi-rv d airab '■ T Hill A1TUKNKV Ti\ ongbt t'l be rctlloeil Il< 11 Mn AiKio>— I beiji vi- rfll rt-sirl imtih an- f'tiie In pimolpla, an ply ridi. u II u" I'laay ttiat ii^T Miltiiral tnliriaia ai i- tlu- mily Intircala in 'ha n'uny, V aiironvir l-lmd "annol be li okrd upon ha an a iiti.l- t iral co"tiiry I wmil I v. tf lor protitii>ti ti-nipornrliy, I'Ut ui Hooti a' >.'o 'li roaua ail' irifii' til" tiiriTK-T ncdi no prot rtion, and allh Mi)i; . tree tr <>:k niay b iiijoriou'' to ol 'iilrr> ^t. I briieM- it lo In- tiK-cir fct P'iu ipu'. I. a.rkrs nn' I'.ai ine urg .iiii; j^ciiaa triMly I) lat'lntTiib p b<'tw<'<'n I'tir coiiiiUkv, und wIk re thn irru^a ari- K-^nl w« i-an alter tb" 1 Igaiiic Art. It It In- tl.nl we may ni'k'- till- l.(ws,' anada alill Itki- tnr n-vunut'i and uuivis IHu ru> hoii.t on I- .It If I |i-aiiti I vii;(- tor it' It'll I DILI' C'itiMiN*iio»KR— 1 mny cli'ar llir (irotiiid if I niaka a MifiiK'iiiioii I think It aimM I"' b t i-r 111 lak<' til ' »ubj'-ris .aciuir- aUly , an-l tbcii I v.0!i!d tmbody ibe who:i,- inilu-r In oiitt rL3i.l:> iiun to Ht ^s.■^■lll•ll(■y. I. oil »H Wkjuu— [i wonl-t b> <'e-iribb> to bav* a^ iinaulnnoaa a vot.a* p'»^ib••. .h- boi Ulik>( r- ii.iul-«^"n--r aid Iti-' Hon Mr -tiainn have wild bat a titx on produiv wnid b" I k<'ly to prova mill ions 1 i«av thti i ro Mtiun la ouy t-' ba lAtend U nnln our «nr ciiliiiiat- cm v n^p ■>»• wiiii tin) turn oru on ih»' o|ipi aili- fbora II r clpioMly s.ionlil i-vfi tutty ar Bf, 1 ilo i, t p i ilj^e n-.M'-if to aui.iMr. pruteriiMii. li iinv t> n. ri".-»*r i ib>n lo iiia'tf aoL-.o ci m- IH'dSfil on lu idniifia. I ut I lanhl sty I w»ii!d piiil il . nun i.K I'EjosMos- We want u I'l-ailive fcU-iraLt^'c tor protfC- t on. H<>n i'tiiRKi ou»iF3iovrRin'>vi'H FM* ui'U' lida(iou,i>« aiiii.-iinli.-i tionary aa4 miiiy othir lbt"».s . lor lu>t II", th'-re la a p imoaitii-n ti flrert a wool ■!, Ill iiufm t 'ly. Finn inn- ut r"'-"'' i-t »' mnn's tr'"i; Uio (."iiii'd -l;(i.'v DiirritMi. t ir.ik in oou d uiaiiitartu i' Il Ik-Tl- it llii'v c.in! I ini['«>rt t'lc ra* niai'-n«i fri'i* IIh- w lan- innld ba -aid "I wb-t-i wr n'll" Ifwi-nr t ' b iv.- Urgo pyb^ic W'lKa wn ingiii bav tlii-«>* iiiie-i"rta proi<-<-lei| II i'ni'>i iiiay b>i i.roi ,;|ii lu ciiuap und'-r rpitprtKiy, li-nti-r .nnd M.ip likc*i»»i I alaii oui on t^u pniirii l<% 1. wr C4n ki'i'p uur uiauiiiMi tni^s at i>uuie wo are doi. g our o-ity. I lull Mr I'ARHiaii— thfti'iuiiidiui ttnlMpr'lea tl .-ill lb> >irlicU-a mi^iiti-'iir.i by till- Il n gmt^ man . I .ini ii } 'tifli d m re>:->"i to Hiii pr'>te4 li.-n. He 'ay4 i>e waiiti prot rtmit inr baib'T, au'l bo >ta, uiiiha'U'Ma Iw n y |)<-ri;' lit I- our ttMlTou wngonK, aud )illio (Ihs«ui uikoI?', S'.rh h!M4 w 'lit-d. chU b- made n. r<-. Hon \|K I eCo-mo'— * e ahall iK'V-r liav« pfi'Uiriiig manu'ac- tiiia«il w.> du 111)1 prol'Tt lb in. U i>b ri itud to natcou buildiug, pitt'e^ iii'w.'i 8«tf d mtli.' bii8iti*'aa w.irruboat II) Uav ' uutii tUu tar I) Man iiilr(.i|'i>-i-d. C'l'iil't^lilliJll lower* the price nt buina nitn'.lui inre-l aiti ■ «. Hon liR RLMvKKv -I aball H'lpnort thii ri'tolutioi:; the Caat- dlan t iDd I • a'liiii- niia-u e oi'-tti- il Hon AiTOK.xEY i' UimI lluutKiO ! niiBiit tl b V St d III 'vliu-d nii'i In biiiiain^' up Un- «-mi.l(y. ; N"W >ii a Kanlfu hihI « inaniifirtorT. . Ibf p-'o,ile lun.it do H. and It li t'le only "O' lu whi' h tlicy ran ; d • tt put y iiir priiuclioni lui» tiHou vmiIi tlt<> wl Oia wof'd and voi wl I ru.n ili'i pro u '<-r^ tlir u^lio^t the mUuU ioK>t>y HOI Cmr.F (oiiMis-i(i*r."— Ani''li«r luMlUm I*, up lo whal pnlnt ar-i yon to proinl? Wb .1 if ibe ii>- of pioinlnn produu proim't ctil'in niaoatof itmiuniiiry f Ipiiitliia a ua ab iraci prii|»t»-iei n. Tlicre la no nion- ipiKii pout thtn the diff-renra ii-i«e.n free tr tile Hiil protrcilnu. I ««o Uie ( analun lanff pro- iTti'th f<- iblnica ind I .hM.'l tvl U.clUu-d lo aik I riO' re. Uiidar tbti I AMHdlin t.triR agMculmril proibn-t' arualiu -M t vc, but n an ■if'rlnn-anr.- protM- ed I don't Intend t" n-wtiai- that tbi' tiilff will toe taken "ff-that , rolt'cl on i« lo b-- takMi a^ty (roai m-nu tai-l'in'r*. t.ir It «ii,l( w 11 b'ai;aiuillb«arg'iiuenUtj( Ibeiuembeia fn m I r t ah < I'lnitiia II'ix itR Kon'^n!*— -'omi* inembera arr irnwint iirolcclt'iii mad TtHV a.i'j lo > uil I a Will iiiouml b ■ r 'inny and k<*< p nu' lt.aonitra »o.i , y.i 1 uMi-i lome 'loan lo firtl print i)liMi. Wnen bunora'la nii-!nlitirit ittlk ai'out irotMli'^n, I Mi|it>o«i- wt> mt-ud lu pnilect that *iif|i we.aii p'o-lure. ore nr> lo pii.t-cl loai t < lore*' [M-ople lulo bniiiiii-i oi in i.ttry u iboueiUKt ml r« S' roe bonorab.n fin m- bir biv- r III to the i'\ i-nl i-I ptniirtiiig ixipmalton out of Dm (onHiv . iihoHo f f,(v To piotii tii'ii i'> or"i r *o l^eep prliei Inw.aud (iiiia 'o (I'l'iir 0-ir t»(iltt ou. 1 mnln'alu ili- 1 iToUrt on boa run t-ofar.and ihn airnuitir i>ta lian' uol b-nilt't'd by It LNi>, t'Ol Mr. |i<> ■< mot.] Ti,i>f te.l m*? tbedi'iniuid In «io small tb-i til Kiit{''*uw ut nt{< t''<'Itiir». an I H I'l y ti^i ii» Km ' til t > ri'«iitt{ iii>il s|Noii • I iilt'T t .f U.I! Hlt{l) p - ui! lor orii b iiow utikuuw.i', bdi free tra>l* b/ Wdj' uf Inum:* i-> a'a irl. Hot tlR I'B tr-MW— lli-f n -i dntlu-t;oii bew-en a ("-'(T f..r prittfctt -n mil a iiniiiitnt 'Ty rar n, rii» b<>ii i;ii|lt«iat>r nf nt iiiij wfil 4' t 111" r .hi 'f I .4 II ini.^t.iKi>ii. t)iit I b< I I'VO ili • i npo. lAiiou u •ruii fr 'in ri><-i-)){ii coinit ie' Hi o n c<>l iny !■ proti bite>l llov 1 oL-Kcr.iR i>r I'f-rui— 'r-ili bih'il.l bulii-VK. illoH'thT M II VlR flKt'oSH ..H — "rvi;* 1- !*..; Illill lIUJ ■!«• UtlCJOf 11 oC .Inny m»y I'O/iT i| pt'ii I III! for Un a' l T e lui . Oliiyl Cutnm.nsi'i.mr asKL-it til 1 i-x .M.l o I ii'i»Mtj,.t ij:i I Hiiy (liri'ig lli 1 ii iimy uf IliM <;i-lt(iiy ^Vb'> I ir>! ;iru .iie p uiticii 'U will tiu un n c- «irv. Willi re»(i'(l lo furiu Ta Wiuliug i'r<;o ira e, I iliuy it oiutili itiC'iMy Hon Ur IIki.m'^'ERv— N" il-iuht (lit) Caualiaii <:oTernm*>iit nfli Ilk* ilirt I'm 'II 1 M" >. nl' It) ■ tiri T \ti"Rii:t .rxi.iuL- I >^liil' \')t.' innfiiii* ii lio't h- it siyn l\ . i.Jj.-iit'. .r .iiur- tin III' lirius. i| 111! li'Hi m'.':nb-r ■iicral A WxititiK l w luiil 111 iQ iii'ciiiii ui tli) saiuu lo'it ug a^^ tliu l.wi ri'co nufii iHti.m H'lii Ur ne'?ottno4 liter*} 1 Iki wonlt.ig aci'orn w.ispJtHni C4rriL-.l, THURaDAY, 24t!i. March. On thft Iliiti^ coinK int'i romtnitteo of the whole on the Ctinfederauon llc-tolutinti Mr. 1)' vlimil M lu 'Vi: I the f 'llnwinK re ly nr HO'n J punt Ml' ih re if c -itiiii 'i'liulfM uf f-iriM^ii iii rutiiii- disf ii')t priijuced in tho l>'imi..i >n m this cuidny, und th^tt provixion for the i)'*si*)|p lo ikiiih; all the •rlicU'*; but a ffW of 'hem m'ulit bj ifufatici d, Hii.-h million dollars a year Into the Colony. Mr. Chairmin, w<> are n<>w Hpeakinie of a aintile item, and that, 1 bflieve, not tlif lar>^eAt, which would bring in one million ■ year, anil (hat calculation is ba"ed upon ih^ present consmnp- tion of coal in San Frnicitco, and ihe coiisurnptiun will no (loiilx iticnase In itddition lo tliM, look at thequantitf of shipping, and the cheap conimoditlfv which lhe«e iuld tardtv be brought a^ a measure of ciifUinercc. There are obiectors to reciprocitv. No doubt it would be very luee if we couU open the Unimi Stalea poriH to our BU' ^*t ft»d close our porld to their gnndt Uut this would not be reoiiirocity. Thetcj it, in my opinion , only one auKwer to lie aifen. I say. give the f4rmert good roals, and th's will bt {no ection fnr (hem Now, sir, what doet the development of our cual intereats mean; It meaiiH cx'eiijion of labor, and circulation nf money. Farmers lia*e at once s lull demand U' Vttir produce. Apply tne same aruunient to lumber. Its dtivetopement wwuld canaein>'re money to bu expendeil in the colony. Kvety ton of coil briuiht to thu hank, and every tre*- cut down, means ijendjin; of money. There, then, ti another fi I'l "pciitd up Ar what farmers >- in under the reciprocity treaty, and the adv:\ir.i>iei will bo lo grei» uu our oile that it will hardly be reciprocity. Nothing can be nt ire unfair I itiaii to iiuppu^e we ale to have a In e markt-iia the United 1 dtatrs anij ih*-y have iion«- herf. Hoy Cuut.i-crDii hF CunTuMit asked if Mr Kobim I had any reitoluliun to prBe. I Hon* Mk tiou<>oN »iaid that at pteient he wa^ replying I to r.tn.irks that iiaid that tne cu rae that Ihe hon irhtleineo w^it purnuing *>at embarraihiuK, and wxutd tend to coinplicait the i|iieftt)on before the House. tropic . I fruitH. fti k» and K mluh dry tfu^U; he H'oiwhi j a„j pr,„.e,,i,.(i tucoinc a state.neni which he ui.deratoud t K )■ lit 1 iir.iii ir 1 1 iiiii ill i.r II r I tinMii m jiti.p. li > t )i » u( i r »■!• >■ _ ■ ■ ._ ^ ... i _ ... .. .. . i. i r. >> _ r thisth' propTtiiiif to or n/ ine-te matter", lo the ati'eii tiO'i of tite Uoiniiiioii govermuent, b-lievuig ihtt they wunli li't»n tu them. Siiue (li4Cii-«M mi eiouej as to the modt! in whien tho ditf'rent re^'omtit'iidiiti'Mii aril rcao- luii Ml were lo be taken n^ 1 HI* Hon Attounby Oesekal -ilUd hon mem- liLMh' Bfteiiiiou to thu uict, that it hud lieen agreed by the Iluu^e t lat an exprcitoiuu ol t>pini«iii uii thene uemral priiieiplet; nainc'y as to the protection of a^r'Culturc ol UMnutactUieM. an 1 of c Mnmerce, hIiouM b- taken, ami that m had been very properly fuygest H by th" mem b'-r for Vik!'otia Diaiiiei. .i geutral resoluiiuu hould bo framed on th'ne a'l'tr.ici vie'vn lloM Mii KoinoN— I shall "tr-r an amend iii-rt. o cau'^o ^^ _ _ I Ihi-ik llie qne»ti mi ..t Kree i'urt unj I'ruiectiou abouU ' the lilnid a*, that pr .po,4(''d' at the Vale Cui.?cnt*i,7n byVh'e nut be dealt wifii t<.«ett.er. •^^^^^ „.t-mi»er lor Vi.M,,r a District :n 1807 Hon ArmitNKY (jKNK,iM.— Ihe propoai'ion of ilie hon j^.^s uk . K..ucitKS anu Att-.r *ky QiiNBttAL.— m.iniMT l.trVict rii .lisirnt is a- to «hit ^hall be .uhni it-d . ^-1,^1 i;.>avei,iion i We know uf no Uonven ion fri-ei 'he n-in oiMubef tnr Ntw West ninscr propj-.cs to Hos v!h Kou*.»s — I have a peifect riMht to •lluif tUMHMid the whole uritf to whi. to k ,.lauB at the little l*arli menl at Yale. [ be ie»e H.»N Mil It nsu.N -I •*Mtedo'.e rea-on why I ihou«ht th s to i.e inc i-roper w^y 10 approach the lubjtfot. There- it not deiiiable 1 1 pir the iw 1 Mgt-itier. You tann t get soiminn -hich 1 propose i* a« ulluws : Mr iCoooun to have made ts to wnai had fallen from the ni Uiiiet Coiiiin osioiicr, h^ii Mr Hamley, and him«ctf un a prt^viout occatiuii as to the rigtil tu control tariff beinn la tlie i'rovinet'S .ifler Uiikmi. Hon UK U« .oswod —Anyone who knows the history of Mie Ijoiiel -^t ttei h hows thai if any (jnrslio . df dualmg With >he laiitr law in any manner oiher than federal cuu d aii'^e, i' w uid be in rett-rence to groups of itateg in te^ . uf aiiigle tita <-s I say thcit t^iat we mutt co .sider iliis &-< a ur >up of I'r viiicet of tliu D>Miiii>ion, Many yean t\i.l prooaoly not eli|i>e btMore we gee t^touita ui •'^'a'Ci disiiiitiniaiie 1 a!t I'aLillo and Ac, or E tit and Wust and Noiiii and Smith, in iho neuliiiurinif Kepnbl.c. Hon .Mn ' oii-on — I r ae to move a usntu .on. It is lilt' control of the tmll'. I nay w-- wtnl tret- tri';e in eer* tain artio e .. aod I •ay we mn-t have th" taritl' en i ely re* nto'lellt'd A* to these urliule.'t. My dilticutlt is that we were l.*M eveiiilii^ di-.i'u.i»iiig proncMon, d .d how far we ah'>uUl have tlr- po «er to iI.mI witii it, ' iroved an ameiidicent will :h wa-t I think, the only coiiitlitition <1 way of dealing with ihu iiiierc(ally wlien 1 flod hun backed by the h mi Attoriiey General and t'hief L'iHi|ini«!ii >ner ' f Uuid< a id A'tirkt. I iniiianced ilie Uoiti;.! States ol" .\trerici, and orii I that they are a living intt nice of Tion^^epArttinn uf tatilf. The hon Chief l.i'o'ntui'titioner of t'liii nn> did not go so far u'^ to Sty we O'Mild frane n t irilf lor tjur^elveti, ^lu' lliit t.ie lioinioi Ml Ujveriitntint w Mild Iruine it lor iiit. N iw. Sir, 1 say thit we mu^t not run awav w:th any sutih 1 lea If we were allowed to have a diit'ereiitseneme of revenue, New- foundland wuuidask the KMne; New llninitviiK, Pnnee Edward* hUtid and niher ptovinces won d all ask fur eiceptional tariirt, and tie federal tl*cal p t|icy w>)U d be broken U|i and destroyed. Depend up ui it we ou^ht not to run aw ly w.in kuc'i an idea. I hu I)i. -'<.i,)i) ,(i)Vfr 1 ■ ment cannot sdtnit of eiceptional or dilfcrcntial ttnlf* any more than tne Unit! d fit iieM ein do to. 80 ni li m men bers nny th it we are not under the (Jrginic Act, and ne»d nut be u ider it, unlei* we rli'^ne, tliaf there li a dltfinotion between the reta^i ms of ut the pro inici that w> re c Mifedrra'eJ under the aet. snd tbune 'hat tu y h> le- ftfter come m. an 1 that we cm cha 'ge the i.) gamu \ii'. if we tiuuk proper [ admit 'hat anv pr ivinoe nut prepar •dt)C'Mue in undT tiie • if,( ini(] .ic eaii I'o;) out. I'-ip apt i ■ n'>i iiindiiM "n us n )W. unt wiii ne if w- go into the Hi mini in 1 am *urpris>*d to hctr •ome hon ntem- berx apoaking liithtly n* a luciproriiy ireaty. L.i.ik al the iiiiglo i'em of c lal We &' pie,i)i|) tons a yuir at leait, to say no hiog 1 anihratii*e coal. In the course uf n ttW ve«ia, allxvin^ ime lor iride ti de- tfllop itaalf, thii wjuid bring in tf9JU,UU0 or, say,, oue proptme I* aa > ■• hat a en( .. i.,|l .(iiln ?■> i e . r- n ihn- r o r' c 'iiiiu n .ill. Ihit tiielij low ..tHliii n-n| thi' , r '.xi^u . t tui«i>l 11.. . I .e leg a iidpi •Vil i.t (1 1 txcelloncy the 1. Ill y i>e lu |j ed lu be •u w t Cauala 1< at any f unt) li \.i 1 im la rball tKiNs ju u ilni s t tit ' iJ..VLTUui-iiciK'ra O' C us'la ■ a<-'larlDt! ibal a ii> X u tent I eat >i.| .«h a i.e- I uti n the I'lciQ lu u* "• o ad* V Mier til ■ oMercttM < I I riiiiii Cuminerco t.i the . uih I'ai iltc, tho I'irl aiKMit "I til- ouii.'U seat for a lu -tl seal. He is becom ng lesi captb.e ol taking a nil teaniauiike view of ihiae timigs ihtii he w^s two \ears Uf! I. I think by provthn^ thai.fhenew cuuneil shall/after ill e uri biraiion find it d suable, ,ihat a Frea I'lrt shall ni' estt'ih'hod in tli s cjl'>n]r ts. after till, tne ,iruper way. i cannot think tiat this IIou*e, with the a ..all representative element tliar it has shuuid bo asketi In decide it>is p mw, 1 nay that the tendency uf the Ca* nidian policy ia in the diiec ion/if free ira le. (No, no. iriMu ii'Mi .Ut HtfCoamoN.) t say it is, and there is a speech '■'Sir Q K Cartier recently puoliihrd. in whi h he satS i.ia the uiiiUney o Canadian policy is towards free trade. .Sow I relieve that a g eat llnii.h tCinp'f 1 it to be esiab- lishud on t'>t« eoniineiit.— the Ur^aiur Britain; and I Relieve th'tt all Hntisri manu actu' » will be admitted free. II (I i-at tint tin tak s her true pattin pushing forwarithif KtitiMre- Hhe will naturally expect some advunt'iget ; sQe wllnaturillt look fur some loiinedijte Anaiic al reitlt. Kvery unpMidur ive l^b irer in England is a tax up in the uchur*; nut tr.inatcr th m to the Dominion and they will necoiue pro'luceia aul ooiusuiuurs I tralieve it tt be of tlie fiist iinpuiiuiice that ti.ere ahuuld be a tree port here, L>y a irtepuit 1 do nut mean thtt everything should necti^oarily be ad iiitie I ftv-. There Is itu reason why local induitiics and especially sitruultuial interests should not contiuuti m uiijoy subitantal prj eo i-m 1 beliefa tne Lanalian (>ov innient wdl leadil* realise ihe advanta- ges of Ute po icf uf U'Ving a free port uu the Pacifio. Ihire C'>uid be no 1 mal j-alousies growing out uf it. iht ^ruvinucB un tt"> A lantio eould nut uljuci. Uur free port wuuid attract com n-ree and wualth to die nation which tney could nut postihy attru«:t, a d , any iucu prop liiii'on If it shuul i be decided that a free ' p.rt would conduce to the intertst of Ihe Province and. > coiiicquently, to the intrreit or the Dominion, why ■ huulil not we have il ? Why ihould we oljpci i What more HltiriiJUi idea can there be th-in that of a Untiah Einpiri- fatcodiun serosa the Continen\ with its b ; and I trust it will euuiUenU iiaelf to the judgment, ttud receive the support of all parties in Ihe tluuHe. Hos Mr UoLBaoi'K-Wbiirl b^li-nniit thu th« Ptithilibaicni ol a tree p>i(i at V.ti >r;a mul.l bela-iit-flcai l« it>e iiiteeet- of Ihtduvror r ser; il J n-ii thmlt n would u« fo- the g- ce al g"-d oftb'C.i'oiy 111 ill- ui'Unoii \ue ag-- en tural inter- »is wan-eil proti) tion. for tiK' prt*»"ni iie mu-it vific aj-ilnat tlm hmi nn'intpor lor ew M)-i)t:tim*i(-r. no tlwugtit iu«t s^'Ch iiuci i'tts i'iu»;m>iu itkreiiC** lu m> '"^■11, ' liJii"l c avt- be iri- tiDlg' UM< 0! lb iiii.i--' wb i I t'dj a t w «>'r' b i<' t-^i m\8 li ri.:nt. Sir, Iiudsiiuifih ugl>>d with t' Vat' C ' V'-iitiiii, nad ! am not i*ih.m''ti<'n a- it >■ in- av. Whtn 1 Qr l i-D[or< il iipim p lltjcs In tb'H lOJU'iy I •itattl'sht'da liUll p<>iii cit t><■ weil :is ibat oi a it Un- miu- bvii- I* uuii'i tR iu 'li'' ci'iidnct "r ilio i'-n lu-miter t^r Ntw WfsimiQ-U'i ciii.fi U -re urai VkIl- t.» en' il)' bmi to t'lo ii.»iijp of eiaftsii n lea , s r,i ■»> i am m ire.- m I «*■> ut 'act' v to fjr lh»t c'aus", an. I I it I'-r !>*• g't mto tlio er;i.8 i w;ll v..!-- I-t it I br «»;Ui Ibr ij pB Hill uj'tt >tl ln;c.(ii3 I km'-- lul ll-e i> w is a pariy u v iciDia lav > altip to tree |wrt, '-n-t i w Bh. alo i nnve^.tioi* n> eudurit» Iht' r l>lu utc at ihir llo^a 'ti— fui u*', U ,1' u'' ) 1 III- II u m'-m er I r Y n*- f imu t j mad f iii . ■• Von cmcedu this point as uah'-' Asi.ivUIloe a 'i I »i.! >iei.ilili« (r^-e po t We d'li't wiiiil «r tDbjtiu ttj e.tvi- " ihitt's <.■* it catno l > lit' Id tb' Ydti ie>t'luiioi'i. -luce i>i tLils C > "oy I Ctmul b ivo ri>'vvr iwcfve I fiyiu i'f ■■lit urn. Iu lb- tlrsi «rlii;l>! I wr. tc lur x tii-wi paper miiiH C""uy >iw w -ri 'pri-i cli 'o'' occurt. 1 wmiit"*'*! Ibei'ti-tiJliu "'V nm* law»i'X cti'ttd here. I wa.i ir»t>ei. p-wc- Id the I'H.'ai R vcriimtii> ri'in^e tu rtlua audi dl'>lo tiun aal n'on. Ho.i ilR UAiuNAkD— I w $h tu tt.tf- t'lui vtlitt ttif bon c''>itl'>- m^Q sal I wiisiruu. cac'i't ib.it bu ml.-t' 0. U* llou llr itob.'iua lor h-.D Mr Ilobnok H N I'K llBLMCKKl-- We ft'C liprc IJ rem' ily otWn Ikeiy t« occvir irom C nl d. ruii n, > vi tt win. h ae :i imivi'd i-y ev- r* m'^m bar "IV 8 c imnl il.at h r« i- .in uvil cvcu the hi-Q m -nlmr Iwr >ewWiimiD-ter tia? ad'ii tied. ,IIi'ti «r tjbS' n— m> ; Tiie h •' KfDrlL-iijaii in>keH bm iiBi Ko Wide ibut \vi ^lip4 ihriu^b; b t he l,tl 111 .tl a ibal 111'- diffli.uity nan i miindiat'tu a:id rfi 1 01 gtfaTi iri-e t aie bit ir-i- tme n »; ruin ►pecUi srti:U'i 11 iiie CinaJlMi liovcniment aa titr.-.. to ouf iii.-y c*n 10 itte u h'V. I boii v.; ibti it wh ^h -vi tiiu Cm ditu (iovrr-t- m''til ibu itif Caoidi 'U Tautl wntild be an evu, tM-y «ilt ttud mean* tiir^ iiuvo ut'- i>Til. ] bcliera a tiii!I air ttii. l>)flevi>wc! bnvf loii" ri t.ir hjM ; wu have rc-o *ed t'lat our ftftlu'turtBhiU t'ppr tci-d. Now c iiios lueque 11 d as t»Ci>ii>Uierc-: ■' e wut artnlf Ol c>>mm«"i:e «« cbe^p II i-iitiitilv; uur lr«s tl it t'ri porf nt D'-f t'lii c'Utiril It iH n'lvi-ahic that »ite' Utiloti roi«i|iD ir»«i■ In wtiicti irMd kvi tH- I 'lo h'I t -mtt n a ti al^U' > zi:''pi la 4 i» u»kb' or>i'f r>'uiitr>' iiiit ih'T'' a''« nt t> e- lenl Nuw lUei nr- i u (nm Moi-e cittlotiri lo pr Vfut sin iktcl ii> ani a treat d-t' iif illicit irado m Gti'Lko . >^iih tO|[i> i lo f r • trs'l'' t D f'>ime diyo w.' wo Ur mure udr^iin'il ibm tim j pe>pie"Ti ilio ('no'l. t •^l.iy, nu tli" -O'l d.tn e bi^ ii.i lar i>.»n miy .oods a ra^)*! a« c'i«i|>iQdt loii of Udogi rviultiSK i from tti« ic Ac raiiw.iy HD 1 ttie r> 0w ielf,('«p . lor wbttev rt'iiy toay leipiire. nnd tul f. them »cr i-i ttie m ii'.rni b» nllwavF I »x> tint i e -■•tnt* \t »i< my and tta-t- thsi we e lott.t beore woii d II II 'tmebiicH. 'vc ar« tod tba wticn I'e ral'wut If mida r-iii c I'aie <«ili c}.r tioi'ta'.d i( it la, r > ps w ii g.'i wUttti. ever tie 'al way ien..lim« i^ mid thr will i.>it o- Here. K womd bean air«uUjit'to have aami wiiice- Irao, liUi, ine ir«cs, ft<]. Make Vtotorutb«P»rii oi ibtroait and w« auy do snmi'tbUg. Ab« ibM krlB|i ae to \U timtnUim ef mj k»B frUM ea mj ri0hi, that niore f<('i]uei,t iteafli cuinmi'iiiea ion witb ibe Sound WiiUM !>(• pr< d to irudr-. V\ bat I w Dt ti. sa/ is tint ini> pt'i'iD* goug to n< Kotiatf ihrve ti^rmf tufil't to b« able losta ttiat 'bis i-oli'i y reqairi'S reiitrl(ii(iii8 in i) iui tiiiuf, Imt 1 du 1 t'Uil to s'xiw lu the anndlao Uov- enwixnt u h^t wo couihiiT t>eii Ilt ihts cotinirv.ai d tliat wlihuul rTiuinte mf W-- lelicve Ciu e rr>ll<>nwill be *)ad. >^ hat use le it'OHti-inp 10 il'ie'VLM'unadaf hhe knuwi< what 'R briig done, "nd If 1 ("I i^Tc art' tlu'iii'lierc Mbo wunln leU li* r. It I our < uty t' show I III' Cu 'iiliaii (tii«irt meiK tuut ii ero are tbiDw- «e devlre. crwtiAt HNC 'H ttiv <<>ui)try loCniidit uu c-i It le p"piil'd hhe wnihilon muat come oro il wil. h.- uiiMiUHl'le to u^- nn ^'dmitt' d ev 1 It th s c DLOt be itm 'lii-a < untoderHttiiii b >iki ty t<- b<' puttff lory ar». I moreiy m< i'> tn elicit the fO' I'lig lit' tu ■ H< use on the luljeri rf w! ethe-- wi' ran i»»ku "IT 'e t' u 'iiit'e-. Il tumnn rc>' can be pro- Ipcled Ql'e wny wh dtsne, ail wi- f-hall ■>'•■ wbru (be perKous wito fE<> to.iT'L.'e tl.e ti-rn icoitie lack, ihi-u li »ill be no use to • ppuia (-'"niidira lou; il tlie evil ;■ sii 1 to exo't, tleu there mil Xm op. p'Sttmn. Hon Ib Carkall— I ^bili vnto asainit the resolution, n'iib r> p-iri 1 »; H we psss this resol. t sii '* What k n t of irt-oplf »r these ihut pnn » nHolution yrt- tt-r lay In lavur ul* priioi iion, and lo-day d flrt* In-c pori 1 ' 'Ibe b ti<< Hb e nnnit)' r for V|r urii citv prnv--d forcity, I will not isj Ci>ijt-Iii.-5iV'', ib-tl rr«t> po t woti d I ot Li- !>• [ii-U<'irI. I-ib rihsmilDf IB ii)C<'ti'i teoi, aul it itt iminontly ibaiacivrlntM-. of lliu buuurabie gt.-utumti;i. 1I«N I R Hklmcsrx— I d'Sire to exp'ain the term? of my ra«o1- oiiti n-ilie lutt- r p^ri. II tbu Citiadiau taitff ruits our tatmari aru I allied. Huff iiR ('aKRALL— Vidcouvlt Iflaud CBu uever bo an agricul- tnrai rniin'ry, llo.t I'R llFLMCKE't— Dnrg ih" riiiiadian tarin'h're nod yon takeiiwi nn.t'e I. II and iMi 111-' la-m ■I' oral ilnry ci'U-nme l\o:* V.mtw V' HUH hint •> or Cu-ton^— tn-e i> rt ii- an impot- kfbiiiiy u .iri <: uld I'v curri'd no It y Ml could wal in » . iiorf iifte. Hii!i i'KtARRAiL w« havp heirl nf th» pe'nlciiius cflecm 'n IT') Iw.llTu of li><- Uauadaii lar H I nial tAm iliat it will i'ri ct 'I e iT'iic pil. tti-tt Iti th>' i<:iHiiir>i inivrliui; aOorded 10 th" far'ners' b'>rs'» i- d i ottui and the ■ braoer rnie lor goodi lliiN ATTOH!i»T t'EXEKAl— I w ihrii f) gm \>or th 'i'|)il.i«>ii C i> f i om" issn'Uer <1 I. mid* and Uii>k«. 1- , uni ii artonl •-'t i' fliti>>n, I'lr I ^tmawnru tbiit il.j-' in a ^uMe* 1 1" wliith he ha' giv n mrb C"n>tdi.-r>it n axl 1 Munld Imve been g Md that liiS M»u» •'bi'^iM ii'ivi- had Uiu bi> tilt uf loi- opin nn ou -Um V' ry eoil* I'll* qtv tjmi fo' It s impiissb'i- t" api-mli tlio ul'jf't Without le iiDu 1 f) v uld b'l' i able t iherei ri' I -le wim- y id Hi the r fti u ol lariB w' innil e-|)>'«iAih a\ old tit* nipiiiiit to ci)0>nii Itie l><'mili on • o** ern>d prinriil . The tarilt' c^i n t br art of lbs t rns hilt It ix " d 'iiti I'd y :i miitl r of roii'l ■ rai ( h to lir i rg-d oil (III' C^iDidMii Ouvcf nmi'iit. ll.oiicti we lave araoi to to iho OrtiBDic Art w< h:i' •■ no. ■ .ut ohf ilv-h ont Irom t^oin,: to tn* Diiinlii'un Parli'iiuaot to hbk lor remedh'S wtiii h iby ci' x'^e tu iis,aiii>, wrb the nunora le CliK'l I'omo leal'iii r, tli t > ne uvu ral ' I'Hulti 'vn »{*• u ihi« -olj ct. a ter deniti'g w.lb I e t o ••■ ieiinrule rt'solutioi s or ab*tiaci p In- < ildei. may »tiu 'dvn'aitehe piri>«it by thi' Hoii'X' I think. hUo. Willi lb (I hnmirnbU' iiratl'-mtn. M>. • b < im^n, ilmt Ciinad an atiit'Sincu wtio win bavmo it'hl with ibifl ma tpr will do si< witb wi'dom. Ill y, !>■ ■'■n^i imiuk tbi> torn b nil i' er p oi Incoa bivetutereil tbeconli'd'THit'in mns bavti f-xp^ri nee poihO' f Ih-r* •I ID' iilii«e which ijow comu I - ii' lor tin- nr)«< time. Nodoub mai-g ton mi euilier" - r tii ■ Houio hn«'e g v> ii gi»a e q Idi-ratonio Ihli qui'rtioo y<-l I hiiik that iina'iui exiTi'ince wi i tieip iis wucll da- been 8*id on Krcc I (.fi, murh Tor and a.ann. \'y ' wn teo- icc llroi I had a *e>lou iOi»< fl'or, m nnotinT aspeiiiblv, b+vf bfcn in f.vur ol Irte p«iri. I voud lio it tiii'it. bo I O' I ibat I am "tjii^i'd tu vme ii^uu(l it u w Tbo Imperial Q< vernmeni Willi t »au ion Mi'>ihin. wh i b i- in i>fl('< t li diri' ron ih| duty in lb la IK tt' tl but till- la (lis loci itoui tlie <|u »ti u ot a ei-pMrtte i.inil for Untlih Coinmha. tiilirr ■'onhn"r iiionK will Uiimaly H i<-- (;mii%> a at'd > iliink if tre*>po>i wm made n rmR qi a HOV ■lj(* would r<>f s Conipdi rdio.i aKu*' li>-r. a- ihx would ooi like to nn the risk ol *'iii> r ng I iiu ditflr tion in i i'is;oit<> of aflKcal clia'aciff Willi iK-r gnat and power u I nfittb ' r, whieh ni'gbk louibiy ansij out ul MmugUliK- Anoth< r dlliculty m u<-'l ng with til " ma u" liai w bav* t • fi 0'>tint(>r la tnut wv h>ve tnf ro'atioii Itmt H Tl consiri'd'o-i wi til" 'a a linta< ff im at ptesetit going on, iid then' IB iii>m<'('<{ a pro< adont ftir a epeclHl lariS. wiiiob lUkbicauevN wioiuddDd New i>eui'e ol posaiO e livcnV tirlflit There nn ci rialmy main pi* niibti- rcar-ia |i> b« louou in tavor ,of a »l.c;al t.r.a for Hnimh C himbii -uch as the d Iti i Ily of cmmiiuicaiton. the wain of e ibfT ria-'or i"ila%y un-i iheeetarity atiHiBflt -inUfKlxig nt ' Caoada Bu tin- proti«llitv la tl ai pro* It). I ou to c-ini'-i-rcv wool I bi- secure I hy tiie recoikiructiuo of ihe I unit uii tHrD, and 1 tvgirii iho tri,mlii|iOi h liirtO tx w wh cb wool I npply sailitact'Til) to oir alte-oi e r' u>i stauces under i-ncb a t'><>roi)ti c'lUigt- a« rni,f defH'on W' ii d b>lng. nBamatteror •mto I'lMity t> fo er y. wmh ihe^'p wm a In** port at ■'Mi or la, 11 aa« ilwava in i-DK*'' nod ihe hon ft-n "i m mbcr "or M' l"' le 1 ity, tKtn ib>- peakrr ol the Vamouver liUii-i tnier ul A^aemldj. WHM »lwayi^ atra d if fvrty littt- l'iip->et rn fiark "r proituce l»>et U Bboii d lulling* upm th - innc p'« • i fipt trid". an t m la^t it wae ID loaded witu duDi Rou cberg's ibai belur« (be union the prlbctple ol IreepoiiwwdMtrojred. Bui 1 lee m rettoo wb|f wbwwe THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. 19i •reaniug iu'oa partiiu Blnj*, wobIiouIiI lih *r-aiii{«i ''»" bi'nt turnn we on ati'l I thiok that tlie iliflonDcod unil r bi^ Hlt'iud m tuvur of thin colony, "nd in fi»r>rof Co fivli'rt .ou t{*?iii'raliy W«» Uhvd oo pow>T uu -ulvfB, t'itt' la tti« r<-iui>'i t ii qi 'li'ii; i4 nut bro tlit DO IQ il»! lermi. We must *eo »b^l ('(Toct iiulou will \\a,\'B uii t i. colo'.jr flr-t -w roan bt) hiiw t ■»■ I .lu^ work* ovfjra w« d'cli'* fluii'iy . At tha Bam« 1111)1! we must ( tkP c irr lb ii wo protect ■ .ch important lnti-rti4lsiii agric.lt Te auil r-nniincrco rrum liastL- or in Junmit d''lay. I will, rli-t ptun*, ai ■noii »■ llio tTtn- art.' ■< itt i| propose ■ rcixhauBtod lbu^^t)J ci. Miuiy )>olii b miiBt a l*o wir-d Itie Cinndian com ni'tauiiiers lino beru, or oors t* lU<>r ' — i' tbii matt'^r lake that turn— but wp shojl'l h3 circrtil no', tn overlnad tie termal.it *•■ BhmM omlaugi-T ihe cauBw of < onCe'iiTailnij al toifoiber. Wfl m»iit liaTviomu 'u tb ill toe D"iiinii(in QuviTointnl — ill I anaiU aud •'mia liMD stateHiut-'ti. We inu«t ii'>l f rt{B>Iiiii«n of tliu lion ino ui>f>r Tor Vi<-t llifiMi proposltiou* n'lw bcfiire tb > Home ; mjr own, a'ld tlioM- ot tbc bR ''ahhall ninvi' I an amen I'nent lo Blnku out lh» litter part of the rPBoiutlnu orhon m<>'nbt! f>r ^'ictorli. H Q Uk KiNu xuiJiifSt titbit tiio anifiidmtniHhoo'd bi'deli-mid. ThcBu •■moii'itii'-uta ao qua'iiy (bo ueuural priuci:«lu» tbat I musi decil o vunDK l"r anv .ne (»[ Ih-n. U >n Mk »Vi>«iD— ■'ir, I Qd ( sir iod/ i might > ooBidor tb it bo is not |deit|;od to au) pwrtiC'i! I c 'urtio bv bi'> rut". 1 give my vna u nr lur ibit tti<^ qu'-tion m*s be Urouitht bnf'ire tbu OuiadMn (iovurnui>'Ut, an 1 ulti- nialft y bof ir^ th« leoplo i,( tbiB xn ony, U'U Hi KistJ— I luve .(nj I rt-ipdcl for t'!«op'nl'iu ot the bon •Dd leirntii g nil*'nMii, but ili'- ro'-l(iiniar.'r pit- lijoit us to tlif (»rg(iui(- Aci.wn cb I iH-'Ciioi? it Ctidorre We arerntiU<:(l lo OH' own lice port and to tU« rt'^ula- tiuu of'iuroAn -iir if. Hun Mk H0H40K— I b 'tM? th" h'tu mcmln" will remain wl iie I •et him ilKbt My re'toiutlm •ih\t a-tka t'l a a R-pr- a.-nUuT.' C'luncil iitT'. erier duo Jo i'»riiti.tn Bb.il li-i»« powiT to drcl lu up'in thwqu")ti|oii I consi tvr that tbt> name ol Irffl |) rt la ai- irac ir- tbm, uuder tbi- ren'ilutlon 01 ibe h m m'-rain'r lor Vio tora Dlatiirt, wc ■hou'd l<>«o We mnn: u'lt riyurd th<* CaiiKdian tfoiM:Mv(». It la wr iig 11 1 ii'iir'ii' m ■ a'« thitt ibuCana iiot rifT ia Buch a f[r«na;lo.Boi) , tbo ami'iidutt'itt ol h ti U)- m ki'u, and tbu amon.|in''ui nl noii • arrail. By tbi" laavi; of iii._- C mm 't»ftbf am'rdin'Mi* o' fl.o bon Mr KnbaiiD wa' wiwu.iD iTiliT that It ml^bl be b'ou ,iit up aa u aoMlintVf mot on. On t divi'^i n thero'liono* bon t'r Cirrall wiS cirr td, and the 'T K n.il r<-aoi> lion .d Mr D<> 1 iino* wna |oBt. Tb- tioo ^tr ' ob-: tit (.-II move I II a icBolution 1 1 which the Loq Mr Uuniphreya moved ati aiueiid-n iit. ^m<'u iiiit' ii I r.'« luioii wiT.' 1 It. tlon Mr UMiKK— -^ir, I nn 'oiiit e ilitu re-olnlion on Exn n-Iit-ra and br wTn ond r ilio cxciae lawB of • ana la Wotil.i b" df'tnm-otxi tl m id<' i)p|id'''tblu In HritiBi< I'oluuibia. and ihit U a Kbci'I pruy in? f. qtiot'e I to t ku inch nl>'pB ii« hP m y .let lit ■ ivliitile f r lb'' iiiln'iil o' ibti colony, an I tiirlliPt 10 tikfl ciri- thit iio<'i|)ort dulUMfbtll bo t bart{-'d ud cpif* exported from Itn- ti.-b ul'itD'iia " And I Would remt'k in do nir iio t'tat L'XtMo as lo' !<:•■ nn ler the Canadian "y^l id. it verv li"*vy tnd-ed; tli-re n* ^luty, IIc-lb'' »n I •XC'*-*. Ih ' rt^-ii I Would lie Ui till! tirewiii ■ utl-ro- ■ i . Hit iTidm bl Ity toia> <-xi tietioii: lor on RQ tncri'ttBluK trade titu duty wou'd be .0 hub "B to .tei^k l<>(da in tb'B dirertion lb- other put o| tlie rei>iu'ion -h in r'Hp-ct Ui I g', IV duly on whtcli i* tl i" r lutu on flaw loK* 'ju' i*h«t'i<>r i Hoir or a nia*t It !■ re ardeil Bill kb a loj( Tb IB th''Ca"«dun tariff would ■•. r oi^Iy int'T or*- witb uur ttiln^try an>l In erfere wi bgottiu/ o .t m^ti't' an t aparii. [|o,i liR Cakrali— I ihnik the hoo and 1' amid m<>mbcr for Viciorn citv iB n.i ler .1 miiop irtb'iuion ali*'n be ino u^tet spaia wilb logfl. I • lojn* r te B amipiy tu 8aw-l')ga, I oauinit aue tua* the a >a.- bu'liir»B wo id bu utt- cl d Hon Attornbt Ornbhai— I iiiuit ronletB,a'r. tb>t I do Dot m^ thn o'tJtfCt or tuia rt.i a'< I dmi'i tbmk iberc 15 >inv need 1 r Alir'ii. I bare lite 1 |>r No-nc art 1 1 nida,and w .en • t Ink of ibe Canadian atiit">nien. woi, wi>i look it riMt 0"lunii) a with nil r'Hard V* rar y (lolltli^.fiueb men, r r iii«t.ii co, aa .-< r J A M-tn tonal I, ~lr fVanclB llmctta .Sir A T (Lilt >lr <)u r,ie tlrowii and the var ouiltrnaiU' II Rixust me I to d"a wth t >o.o itilnii< 1 l<-<-i • oiidd nt Iba' weareBtfr in their bind*; ib-T lor.. 1 ti'ibtbat V>c h 'n and l-aruej member « ill not kiafi|{inu ilutt m votiutl uKaiUBl >hiaiuiiun«e are voting agiio.t tbi; iatan-iita be bo pr^iperly WiBbea touroteei. Hon MR KiNii—T le bon Alt T'jey Grn'ral !«^"mB !'• think that lh«B8 bi'narable rne'^ tiiav live forever. He lorM-l* tb>t iu the pKireiof t)itt.-ti..n. llio Ci\- Doj BD Ouvtunni ni ouitbl to know wh>t w* th nk of it Th'> brewiD« interpat woill dlBiippear, Hnd It 19 liirne in ptoporti"" to our p pii'ation, Rnl t • ruin It would bt» doiiiK ai) inju y. I botM* the hon «tior oy (Jen -rai wli wlihdra* hta opi^j-iii m anl let tnie rcf'tn 'eiidirmn go with tb* otticta titbc llovrruor lt.t b'.' mar torw r 1 It •ith ib'vn lo theUu.dlaatiove.nn ut. At lU« time tbeOrj{»'ilc Act WiB mvle it relit d to ionllKii'»u« I'lovmri-B The Hon it o-^ney ienoral aaya tiit» may nr tbi'tf yean Uraul'd, but it may a 80 bo put InforoeontaMialtily 1 nay. ib'in, t.'t tbeiViidiaii U vruiHent bu male a<* are that till! np ilratiiin of itio oxoibo iitwa to this colony will be det'hun. tal to ita 111 ereBiv. Hon [»R Carru.l-1 tbttik tn<^ bou mrmbe' I< a 1 1 ght of • DA fact. Ho iH i-rr biy atrtl I ot the OanAitaii Itirlll but no Iob^'B bl.htof th< larttliat birleyootn^a in duty free. I b-^lluve ih ' whole ayatem w 11 be caretully raviaed, aud it In aifturd to ttRmptir ik% Urmi ol lat retoluilos for iu«li • pMiy qoMlioa. Hon Mr lifURR— In reply, I think our duly in toniiiiK ii-re t* topri lt).'l tbu intC'CttB bf the cukuy We aak Ibe Doiidnion O 'T- ernm -lit to coufi it-r iIi>-bo (biu^p. Wado n<iii-n' t- ibtBe latfreat* tha* they m^y no' ti« o.erlookei -s to tb-eoinie ''^':i I-'hk p.tly and h all* that i< ou'* ini-f rtniie| but le. -.« not i(,se Bi^iii ot tb''m T r Ibit r«a.-^ n. Aa for Ameneaoa lomli'g bore to c»t down otir log-, I suy lei (liem Coin". >t 1 can alter m> reBuhiliuu to lult the tttioruey Oaier»i I Will do it. Hon Attorm:! i'.uirMAi.—lf 1 thought tbe lotireBt of tb* colony Would --^nifer I wo iid voni-nt to ir'iig lb ■ mhicet before the ("anail an (Jovert meiil, but 1 think we b^ve iiutbiug 10 (.-nr n-n (IR HhL«'KE\-|i y..u ruin tbe brtwiog inb-r-Bi, yoa iiiR.ct mccli liiiriu in other ways. Umjeia coi.a ni>- one miriou pound* ot biri'7 y- rh 'ihi.s U 70u aireH of land wb»b mnit tie rnlt:vat< d. To ruin th'a wl I ibi\tw tiut of vm|doyD brew>< lea Hon .Mr DiCoimos— I fc t no oliJ>ci.ion to bchomil' thin up but not to make tl a Hi.fX iji'a xon. I believe ibe CanadiRii TtoveiD- nieiii will pr 't-rt til Hie'e niereata. Itrewmg ia not ol suificieut ii.i>guiiii>ie I0 kill I nlnb-r.lloit. lion Mr KoiiBon— I ntii I opptigo U tmi are t< ft la. I tLlLlt it may l)e ou doty to proud s .irs an-l log'. Hon Mr 1ir\Kk— Then I wi I trikeou; log> and leave M>ara. TneClKRK tb n rval bouMr I rake'a motion, m altered. Cftr* nod* oon [iR HKiHCKK:<-lb' re areoihe' tlln^B to be convideied. M''ii STT.'RMKv 'iKvxR* _ t iitkii I' DfW romp.'tetit for raa to move tbu le-oulioo pro^j'^-d by the hou tb ef Cummia aion<-r llori Mr HoBiiO!(— Ti it int'nd-d tl.Rttbit nball iwamnalltht otbei> r lloti Attorykt (iK-MRai.— So, ii rel tes only 10 U'lff: < KitMii.vbD bat ibi^ •'.1,011 l<^p(lloly r>|iTei • ii^Kotuli n the t- rmt of 'jn on of HriilBh Cul'iiiil.i witU ai ult, Il m or ti>e Urut imp ilaiic to iMiInt i'Ui t" the (Jivernmeiit of be lire in iiihu> rei-peci^ bo diner' ut fr< m tboaa t'f the Cant r.i fofia-en thu> ibr a;>|i i Hff tl tbe atticullunti nd cotrmeielal inieM'Mtso: tiiiecuoini n y.a>dthatii he therefor-- urgently Im- pte^Bei oiuo It ^ lioveri mull limt li I. a ^o u i-Iy ..vc rai y 10 oil- wellbei'.b u >" <'«ii| oi-ration that F')>i'ci:it ra F>om4 duties and r'pro <; cUb oma le.'oJNiiuHa tonriinttvil for Hub rolony in Hueb iiiaiiU'-r hb nu> lie to >ntiK'cl T' main "§ «i (r'B-nt an i'R c iri id una' tmfiUB'y. llie ong'ii (I tioi of th'' tl n .Mr D" oancB oo the Ordcri of the I) y w.w road and by leave witndr.'i'fn III o \lr . r>k 'I in lion w-^ iIh'j w.tbdr.iwn Hon Mr llolbr o^'a motmn wa- put ^nd tout. Ion Mr KohB 'ti'a mi'ti n •> aa put uLd .o.-t. Hon OR lU-UrilKRijitnjVi"!, • Ibfti 10 th'- coiiftd- rti oil of th*" I'ltifli'lk'" lo be ilva by Can'ida to tbiB ci oiiy 'vii to t e mlvi a- ' ility ol htt'diftiinj tliu ore-tit' roi'l I'>Iih on 'b- Yai'Cir'loi, r"a I, and aU" to mtk'! p.ovibi u lor lunds t't k' ap the siuie 111 op.ur.' I put IbtB inc'iiifeiucnce of ibc Bntiiefli't' R tbr'iWD out by th« b"n('liei I'oinniiasi "ler ItbUk'b te ro d to I hive d la i< ore to'iatd' miking li:inii u.'ia tui>. any over ir^ding. no are maiD ir.tiikroal' and I th ok itu-y 'm^bt l> h'.' kepi np by the i om.uioQ llovtruni' lit Hon AiToHjiH Obkerai— ' '111 n t awire that that f* the rra-iil n( [i B iiiii^'iou o| b' lioDt'h>r oil. III"!)') <-r. I aoi aw.ire f hie viewjo) ('on<:li.B on ol tbe Hout"' on il-li xtMer. r>nl I rau'ion ttoii niem»>'>e ii')', by tb'' ad ilinn ol ine e f n.g'''iio|il, *>Q to (iT< rl a ' t 1 e»)i>.ti')n*aB to breali d' wn the Ab"i> ol tb in. H 'ii Mr Harvaii> I move ihat the lommitt'-o r^ae an K'ty that my h"iiorahle roli'-ngu-, the Ch ef Com- mni4o er >d Ijiiid'a lUiit Wo^b I< i>ll I t 'omU<:u iu'li ptiB"! t" Nttecd to htB pi.v-e In t OH I'o.Bt). I w.)'i.d. tber< (ifu. ruifg'Kt 'bit 'he bon'>rA 1'- < mher ■> ouid i><>Bi|une 'h a ipotl.e unit be ts pr aeut. Ilo.v VtR n MPlIHKta— 1 htve no »tf)ect ou to deter It uD the undt'i' t>ii"'ii g Moit I e ID"- upon M' udav, Hon AtT bmv (Umuui— *'u Moiid'ty, or Ibiiday.'f tboOam- mtti OK.- itifini b »i h th Ir oOter m^ tion-on c utedi-rKtiOD. Hoi Mr i>o— I .icmr- to 'nfoduie a mot on wih r g rd lo (roe pott, but I .i" mh tntt-nd to li flict npo . the ' ouie a "le « n. I Diov.- tli.t II H l-xc'lleii'-y tie le^pociiully reqoeBl-il 1 1 place ib tba I'TiiH * rloiBi* 'o r B ore 10 Vn I -na thf fy-teiu 01 (r< e p"it r' te- e.'-.ifnt toronh.hTHti n Th'' houo-alla meinner lor ^w *PBt. min«te w*B indUn nt w ih lae xeait-rdiy lor not aoipo t'tis bll r-tolulion I riity am th U pr"pnBition wr< by [len r t e 1 I a>k tbil w- may biv<- in'e 1' rt rest ndb-f'TeronfederatlOB. Wt mrv* n >w ilie rirfhl to iB.I-lit'- tor ouriteiv * <'U this point iiff tl er we an»ll oe a' 1I1.1 lui'rry til the C'liBdtan P r'amenl "l "itawi, I woiilil ni'ke 'r pi on one of inu coQdltl«.UB ot ooDledeft ton, but QiBt 'e i Tie |)Oil ttn the L'letk ea'lna tb** Cr.i worfaof the rciolution.— Hu?i Dr I AKRALi— I riB t Ap.nutof order. I I'y IhAl lbt« qilNtien ha^ been Hlnaly dui'ied CiiAiHii*»— I I Ink ibo I onorahie membrr for NaoBimo laoot nut 'I or eronth t po nt Th" queBi'U of (rt-e p Tl tiaterdaf rolaied loiri'e p.i.t afier conlednr-t "o. Tb'- rwoluiion el thi- bun- orabl.' meirher for Nauaiino ib ir n ference lo free p"tt aniecedenl I I c o'fede'at.on. H'lM Mk III 'nsmox— Tlift llin hon"rabie m«iBb«r la eurely out of I Tder, ibli Cmnmillfa having met to consider confederate rejol'it'oiiB. iHAUMAS-I rule that tbe Hon Mr Hlog )• m order, at bl« rwuluiioa r«f«rt t« Uw uriu oC coaitdtrttioft bo« Mtor* \m TOE GOVr.RXMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. co-nTi I c UDih- bn.r-b c Mr Knu'i nia.on b*in< put lo vntu iloii Mr tlOLBBK l; wi- .(?«•. ' (Jtitr. Ho< ^'% IIulBROOt- T t^BV" Tcry frrst iilpimirc ID bringing I Thy sm't'nmeiit wt« wit' drawn. Ibtf r.f c i' I'wiii wuli rpt r I.e.- M t'lo Iii.liui tfibcs ' '■ hn rtftomiou oi |be ll'-o Mr HoI't** wh lot by atou of H:-* ■iTiH'tKT 'EMHIL — I iSlt III-' Ill'Ul.;©' C cf he llfltlir^b'e 20 to 1 m'u.b rw -t t iul ri' >f .» iVw w .id-, "u h 'onii r ..iv g O'l n Hon Mr R' i*od m-ire 1 f^it an .dl'>M Ik r'«*ntM l" hii Tcrv rT;i rnp-c-? uu * iB uttr'dii el la ihe In I 'U nil d <'U Hio Kxc ■ lva<'\ tli.» -ovcruo-, »^km/ l --t Canal* •bill (lu-i- • gt-ol. oc Mi no* 5 r Jtur* D' ul»-* i.'tlr.m.'Mi 1 ii»l( ilio h ii"' f le .k ca' 9 ir*" y ol ll.i*tiji-mjf lu l»- tn .d^ fKtnm i^ifi H- •ni thil a fun' '»! IKKiXOO ba-i bi" d tct Jcini D Hp.'tiyf. ri !» Mr M'lBE OS— M. m ton <■ ii "i"< fur pr t-cti'in for '-- ■■• -■ ■ I (jOf'Tiim lit *f 't lii'l m- mi I le f i. ; caD D V af. i«r.;iij bi'l lb K'ciritU'f up>ifa«Ksa vugta to be cuiij: Itrsi .w.r> innf-y a le- tnai ■r'aiiff»io«'nt a duoudirg^- ' tlie wo-dK tbftl 'fn h rit. | h Ijr nt iv- 'lie e.- id tlm \*'-r Bfili h Cu iiii.bia •i.l 'mm-k* a I raouvor Ir-iiu 'aw W 8t- ; a r-- rr ml e hI M.t-rrn thm aov o*.. r'>ugb ^_^ _ _ _ go !.t Ictl •trvy w !I W I th liin.'" imi- rla"'« o h«', t>o J "I t!.o I «e F '8r. , ly ..1 u\v i .. -■ u,> n ui mn Uo^ *■» Rt»«*o.'*- 1 r -e t' i p >i;i' ot vn>il<^i:e 1 V)'Q'-i iHat , |i u ATT'iB tl fnni t -T am •'ir*ii""0* can lia»f tba»ll^hl^il lb« wi-i iQi ■ f 111-- ibn 'tl rr.f'viJeiitfr*. ii iitc««ti)-. Ibii ii ihi i o''| cu "i i't-upi» -t a no I o f -r i nrxty I fa-ur-yuii it • aa Dit •on o' rUc-isi'u "' cfi ' •' f'hi ni. ! iiic.ii" a td* iinlic- ia».i t -i a m«l^ r nf H0« K R XJ-- P n 1 rcp-rt it. Ctria Ht- 'bit rirllWh '>•! m^iia ■ i.i CJ n-- D f r t.f i-b.rv. I . oool Ho« ^ ft iloiBti) K- I 'lo I 01 V ow It in that w\v. 1 t\v lh*t ' «,'ji.'c lo 'lie con t -frauon ■*■ i -c q . m«u li-tw» tbiaii- TerLmt-ut th^ 1 ;:iD- ' 1 h J.o-ker Fr d t a >> w-l i^pn.uu il net' crs 1 u3k at. I iN.it i>r C>u>dt t»ii I tlu o )r< t I > iD''*rl>B<( ii ui ti>« le>m*. laal taev r ce fe luc luin • pr..tJCliou UjJrr to il>:d rjtim ai , I 1. - It It mtj' "'f' ' ' 'h>? d%-'f«r «-f lUr t e Cftoa-li n l.mf rnnitnl LOW. ' BtvDp.wtn lie ih't K* cme to f* c u tJ* "d " Voo «'oL*t Want IIos Mp nrura^in- -I woalJ aik wliat protection thoy have I ih » it U n 'i m-- j'tu"-rt i . th»? le-rii* : twl yon really ■•qutrtd m,^ I tb H ii »■ ■•! I ■'■" i'"* y "•»* *"■»" iiDl i-'l I ■ t. rm* »u fu 1 r>n Mirfa." H ■» Mb H lto> s -'h -y ha*e p-oie t on in i"in.' al 'wfl to • m u mr ' ow ^s— In '•^c y. I a-' iL^i tti*- •■«tr- u . »■ ut b-a In- ecciiy .aa '. *n. ;ti y mj 'y*"i.u iy wmi wi. t- I'o.'itl.- b- pr »ifc- j )«. rtcd » ri;int> f t>t M'Cal t. id<- in t'.c u- mf . aui wnn rtier^i c* loo of tne a*.aud 1 ah 'b^ lio.t* t» kt'ii tb nj ini « turn-' i tn 1 1- if oi".'».'ii ■■! vty, I te'ifvu Nfii.utii.d:tfi»l g'tt ibia f.ijr po 111 ' . m-ttt'T 1/ i-rtt-'i ui'd-r tn«* 'It • r i •& of ()"* *n,or M' agraTc (( 3 AT^•a^tT "'■KMBAi '1 tiie Inl nni hii n> i>»tt';r pr- tJf II u M« MrxptfRrrs - X rii lo aiipp<»M i*"* n-&n"n I e^nnni to't h a tti- Ii D Ml i-t:>t t f o i > w vv.;.iiii ni cr. 1 h 'iid nol , ondiS'>*n i U • oiiif.it ii. i: >'• -te li ■!! i"e !• a > b t-o reint m i«t n • e ! |> t,e, -Uyi'lp. ,ii\i e, divllf.) I ■■ttirt lo atrfiw tin* t.l '>ov-j tm^n: 1 1 ii ■ ti'-e- ge lo^ ci. >n v-y. **•■ arruow •>■ t-vi- 1 tcfa n' I a* acfU'o^ . aad ItbCy 't.enove oor m i < r - Oa vil-i's d apii* h. ! ii>"b hr ■ ('a' Iv ki o»n <»i ia) li> iJQ?> I I'P ■■i'^ in <>i'' i''i "v ot 65 000 n irrevor, mIii I14' t.>eiphirr ao-l lab l«b lb rt^ lU c* l>if cunr*-y. I air 3f nn '• I' 1 k Of fh nl.l i n- ja j* ilif mit c over i-" i» , j \Vi- a milil b.ve c..inL'iuiii:; ■ f t' t to t i-«". an J in «.i1iiivD ^ r^ wt . gtii f i'oi I o .1 •• ir d -ir ■ t Ri ih ■ i^i 1 u 1 i-U miil be ca-cd ' ror < f H'c n nib r ■ f^vi "a'tle *rr • ol 1 nd m n •■ "1 u ' . If 'ift for ^ot». t:i ■ I a.*lli:i li :i»'i lOl cv b 1- I- en di ir ci- r z-vl ik ! o. 3*^ l.-rin ra ar At\'T Ci- 6 a v-m-ii u r ' wa |>u cy s a i wunii * q it t:i-i uny l f nua I'li ir'*u tba I^nd • (A • ai I > wb^^ie tb«/ taeaa ''■-•- IcjdSi -r a t • be i p ot < n ib^ ti v.-rn n-ji.i. I w II | coun -cii.tf d w .. laeie^ore. p- ■.•u-«' • ao mu nlniMH it.f ><>ilcwl ig r iio • i a I'EiMCKtv— 'I abon'd rn« like tbat ft at' men t to g^t 1 1 ai ibt Iti.l a I po 'ct f Cuiu a b il b n •-^d>'d t^^ tbia ' ai>r'< d urn-' ti la k-'. J'> "T 30 la mm rt ■ • ni*'; kl thi^ui ^b to ibe u< iit ol ibe tra'tr. cr tl d an 'ffi r- mo b' It "tire t-tahU-hi-vl- I bfrt- til V tc «' me 'liitruit> atiout »(-ttii>iC lai'-i If -ny I'U't or tbeC.iii>J 'M '<»\' n.io' nt • cc pi3- iiio p^m tl< v-- 1 ihat il » ot*lrabie tliat tba roir'.BtoD If w.' fi it of ttb 'o 'h* Il d,i 9 I' »t II' ir iinei'.-t* irr I'mu ] '.'ove n n) ina.ntiiD li-Ugr^i tie t'-iLiuui ic t«u Wjib tliia e«. • 'er.' , in I ihii th< w 11 t « ,(r# tiy •■> in- i<- dv.i li e, 1 -i>. . colon j . bf mi-t'.g lb? I ii-ni t * U t II , tl ■ Will In Ic « uiiiter ot * x ( ima lift flriMCMx— U n »bw> -Jt^ly n« ••■iry t' at ht-rc abcold d in£ xLy lal an-i.-- -i » |t:at«T i'On ;■ W- N 11) ill iei I tie ■ onf' li'iatiou wi.i be A vin i*e I ;( i'T'o g 'h : ..a I 1- 'b MI f f, ill I 101 lb in ibe Minte pt'i'iiuimu • *»u>* L ■ I 'la: t' 'la •' '1 y nne m o of T'>ili'iiii(ri ntt tl"** rft lil!>> -'li I ic (in n m 'it- ^^'0 liivi* tb- 'u 1 ^s-unuof in l>»rAO'«-i>' tb< 111 tit'i- m si bo i iiical ' H\(.- i> witli tl »<-a> o i>< f ertitu- ct Hill va lip 0*11 • |i will b^ in me r»c i'ecf>nif t«>ti>e of tri* 1 on nwiii'.ie'S tl a . -»me >• iia aico. a qii»'too w f i^ nt i>ut for ■ i«c •-►ion f.. m b • -eiTeijr> o' -'ai'' aa <• ib p'lntui by Van- iv.T imii, i ^y t III !■< in Uei 'Utii i tn to 'c..'! rOic I'ht), 1 1« ero <-, vol- agilUHi tt hdi ibe fO' .-«■ W W 81 I I Ihetf '■ ue-s 1 1 r««o utM i.e-.:-t.C: Uft D> i-Dt. Hon ' II tin o«- 1 mu*l V' te a-Hin t the anjcud-nfnt. 11. u M' Hc.MPt'»r.T3 ■ I t «iip'.'Vo ■ t whtt lioMi h" lion'irnhle IMm**"rB aa ., Hie-f^ t:'n I '■■ n ^n w . ..ilihig ( b n le-H 'ii. I wiH abo* \">i y«u wliv TjU' nMjy ttii.' Iinl ,iiii> from Na« ' Crl- mia-'i-r, i lo '-i. i yitm. - h t -u , t u 1 ti.tfti* t w. » w mia be no »bir ■. i 'aj t e lu uiiH :tr' > ot t a ■■ U ni'y bv' us. •» 1 1 -ll Ui*y «A0' I air h'-tmif.oin lie ^b t> p ou tti n tt I, Il -k t I w.i« to- 1 th-r- w re upw4 d< or 16 yy) ; *n i .•'? Oi'j; > '1 dii-i w f n r- ciu^ 'r -m 'a - ai< 'akp Mway iiiis i>ai>- uu i lb' ioivq^ mr.Bi tiu< I a-.v.-nl ih! n m or -e vil o^i, iia 1 y'o ii t ro/ iraii , ai.d f 1 1- lot ais •-« >r « a oi: *.« md >'| b ^t tt" 'oo d* I ••■ Tra I"- ltm« j Te cgiaph. Si>e r"ii 1 i "I »ii rii it Car da baa tbe vtre io« u la'il- m>nit)<} | taki-n "wr tro i> tli - Hud on Bty onp ry 1 thai- ■npin.ri tba trK»ri t ••" aM>i wia li^ii, tut very naeo- iW. I I a-'^ ns ..ru'>li<-''-da <«'il <• u lion M" K n- jr-l uu.lr-l-*d t e Kon men.ber for Victoria c'yl t>n''' H-k ii-e •lua'inu t;oT>-rMn n' t- m-iutala tbs fkUtiiig t \'-£ ap!i lit'* «hi<:h f-u* iliruugti a (orrign coant') . II 'II A'lT 'RJilT GhXC^AL— *r m tti« (.-eorral wof'liig f'f tb* r''iiol'it Lii I u ^t a 1 >>> t ' koo* M*tii is in-*n'. I tbii.k tbla It a tn itt"> »h:>hUHil b'9' b-- eil 'O', m «e §t\»l' b»- i'Vi(Ii«dlrj tU-< t'T'iii ir I v< It' agsiriat It, til be i. Hiin Mk riCueiita— n'by dt/* not ibe ternaa com* down loot mif« p 1 1'' I T Moil l*a < A> BALL— T "fn >ori lb" ffto^utfom dlre p' f jt bit f tb J b»l tn n «'m< btr- wmui-I lar-* t. i.nl f"*it. 1 '"O'* ui-* it.- cool ti I'f boo tl □ ^I^ ■'■■n on— r.t« Iiou -a/il ni': "b r or liIo.i t -lyi thut . incm >-r, m linngupr 1. rw»ri ib« adiitioiiai re*ulm;oiit aa bc-iof tti»<'*nal a 1 !>oli y win ' m > id ■ C int y 1 1 m>i<' |,i h ms. I siy. I lUim ..ii >•■ . onf u-r t ■ u tbfa t-itetoi •(< III, h'! in 111 m •▼- vn aiii' initiiriit Mat it -If 1 1 H < M-i M.fG- -I tb H ••tppori the r''Flii:ton 1 tbluk our B'la. p.y Ti> a.iv t .t* tb- iJinntiau |0 icy wtil lu u ib'! ojnt y t:\xrv w II • nianc - "or \% ne !:> t .*■ '■* imai- n atCi't'i* •howa • a» ■ y I n rai c ■ ! H u : B e mcwi -It i* *iro t e-t t • -t H we ar ? to bava - o> \\f "AK.t«-t>— I am e dv nct^d ibat llio Hon Atto's^y unl n n- ■ ointt i av t ejc apbc c mm ni:*-tr.t. v by >t wa- leil Qeoerai t* -Uh'. { ut 1 d u'l k -w It ma«< Da-*' >iii>p • oat r>r ti •&< be i>re tba Hon >.i-I mu'i up '-ri ()"* ii qomiiIo momtiar for ' m c 1 t-> nr-ly ii«n <• emb- • w.U d I tiiV* iht idea tbat $J)00 New \Ve« m D I r I aiy ih> re '3 no lud au p' 1 c» hB>i-,md l^m or fKiOO in Tt-l ' c-f «( I to.' l1 d-iatien. iorc ii.att .-» a aMaipoie. iBiiooi [ iioa b e osh .*-|3000 r »4t) 0» Ho. Mr R B-P5— ' w*i 'II iiic J to out >n amo ■ilrn»nt b'Causo Mod I a 1 smcKis— .1 i>re«tnt >■•. ll« ony meant ol eosi> Uiareif .r"«i It"..' th.T'ffi.o I w.iiiiiu t hiv,- nifrfT.''!. mum aii o >• h" n^i, .^m^rit. Ua .in h^et "cx'.h-il — Mt eitwin ■'! ro I a-H' tb ■ II"n. B#KS>r« --rural a>yi w - tiRvu tio lu-li 1 ' p Her 1 -ay • iii* poliuy h«a xn.lat t>* in I u< t -b** WW t traai'CCtitiOfnul tele- Itrnph I 4 o « •T) I aa-.l any'bio^ •- out t Tu» t BftiRXAt 'e to addr*-!* ibi* I oote oa th • q i-ft -n of Ol 1 i-r ti'-n. I n.a-'-- a m-e >i*an: a-l-*'on« to - in't'-i-i-u .V.w, ajr ib'Hev^we r* rn*a*t*'d 'O i*iat jr»«t lfl»t»t ou •■■ i..«lt 1 1 tin.* liu.er.mi'iit l otl iba r«fe in lb" inl an- wnr*. Our p-i-fr t- wi I ! b* l««» ■■ otrol lOr Dor i-ern end of 'il b-^- fl atcA eoi t lo liuperial tiorurn n. ui aud ul Hie ii.cii ; ib a c ni-nt for a t loaa^u t g1 Hc'irnitTj • I dj n t a;ij'r<-b'?n 1 air tUugnr from any dkai'':^; o in >u - li u e II ;i rfr 'UI >• I B.ii;''Bi ib9 ■•Itii t'lwat of th' re otiit'*n. M -tl ir CtHRiu I •ai' t-ii' ih'''"8 ma piln-y i.-i. cuia'^d tk*n tig*^>4 atiJ p' i^r^r, 1 am ai •* i -^^ to umlvrattuil wby b 'O ori»«#w mf'ii • ■'< • "HI 1 b' a'r 1 1 1 ■ t 'i-i lo n. 'l-a D If. MCBCi ■ ■ In imi ral.! ' o mbr 'orOtn'o* Peen« to flu I I ill. . uu >!■ s a d my pic l.oQ, I triju It r gbl to fBi'K-jr t ■ ac I ' '>e*t " .Ul w- c u unl in p .'iil -lul iitll..i.i e*. Il II t f' ■mty ''1 -Ter oati d -. I am p- ! ctiy wdhnit h-» e and ''t«*f t !■ -I " - lrp4Diah tar>' 11 m agtia w> flo ibe At f lo- B.*Xoi rai-pli tlie n rl ■ d ti t...i mio two uatl «• wit'j a g'flat m i-ion b tort- ib 10 tut flirt oi'J'rt ' I l'-* gttAi djI'ib to th« ulli of Ii m«y, lerhain t>« fftid l" b- ib«» 4)••« ll^rdiory, III tl cy lnv^ a rn tel li-*^ < r l-rr-to-y iiem our b ODdart to ^t 'I W.in . «»r I . ih D rl *r* Aoft^-'-vino ra«'' l - ablcO w- b?i 1 g w.* fl-i tbit b-j I '* **•• ■Hl« lb' D-ir'h tuept AUHcft ir ti.e Lu I. 1 ft. .i-i .V a i.tif eao'e-fi i»acl pi <• mibftourib. l«k at biil'tr u I itu- po-iba "h u tli-v «■ 'M' ba^ k ry*' ■« Hio aouollt "n ■ f a rl uy by La)i"»i>- l.«rr»B"bv r'l'-cr, - , 1 .K-eaoiBht .r ,„«tia.j.-.;e,vti hr'in.oi I'landb/ h'i|0 - l.-nit». b t I Ouil-d --it'' a H 1 f haa 1 . 1 ten br'»'.«i I ab«'ol b-ilb'. «nhiioail airi>«:m c ua arue tf m- i.jm^ar-gi d Ii.ivin. lai.na p.iiv. Cnr h ii> !p..t, - f w»'. ;. w a ih- po^jy ot Franc ti •.'"iv':* •" ■ n ■» '^••iooM,.rewi|in.,H'ii., .dt m... UUi,k . I .rqul e o.rra 1 ■• a ■ It w./w.tH ".la-la ai..l l-o an^l It h« !«« •l.-,IStt ; w. . J w-l lb 111 r-*hi IdbotMi..., p.iiiMo U^i 1 u at r.». 1 j .-. ra^,.. Uiav- a i:**.. •' Mp i:~y " n^"'""*'*** ' •''1 mett If tbt ti'tt'-ra-''* n-mb^r w ii vt'blf** bU Dioil>a.' [ I ray tbftt \i»j ^ar« a p > Icy «t k t*%Vi to Md Ai f I H/ tsit THH GOVKUNMKNT r.AZimi': KXTIJAOUniNAUV. ilA w • -II "I •! n-\i a t' (>rfiu ipl ■, thai »■'■ to 't • Ml' Mi'Hiltllll ■ I IllTS tlU ubiC til ioilh, lull I 'l').i ift i;,4i)i'c ii'-iit| n^ i liiv iiii t-rnlory iiuiiii ni ilf U'i|"il M;» (•■ >ii ... th'- l.'i.ll 'I ?ui N ifiiiifiiri t-rnl-Ty t<. in.- i' holilii.j 4|.f«kii. t,i( TltK roiMil'-v' 1^ Hiiiiilar ti ■M- own . It till* nt't' , fi^li «ii ■ I III XT «•< it*j lit !•) lid'i' iitrti'itliillui ce Ixiiw c'liuH. VVi- rill kii >m Mom O' itiii< I'icue itl luniMirjr ro>l l|i« Uii hd rl 111 II lit iinoii:il ''n-il m iKui It iMu in II "ii ilo'' iiiid hi vv lli.il t K n III !• II tlir> pirrli-iM tt< * 'tt I iii'l n h lur T niliHiiiK tn tuj>|».rt il ui .1 Uiiittil .*i.an' Iful'iTV f. r vO y< .I'n i'lirn lixik .It ilio|iul«tt'iiii>'. ImrJIy w«rih UkuiR into .u< lint. It M 1141 . t>y iii-«iiv t)i i ami ri<;u [■* nirk » h' r uniKtii', mil Uiit Hu-rU .-• ilil til L'l.it il .-ttt<^ I irjiiw il i« M M lavomidH liiiM- Ui lirJiiK i< ui>. ChuuiIi I'ln wf I :il1ii 'I in i<.ty l<-r in •■xlBiidtxl iioul «r mi tin- I'ar.nie ti'imt. |i wn piirchi'i-U Ala'iii tltd 'tni>«tl('iint touiil A.iil I oil)* 111 I • fl«)i iiixi iraiiri'r fiirit. i<> itiiunuTcillllr tliori>liL><-J (m no i|llK:>i-t/ I lo V'' lu iii«ivi> th'N ri<-' itfAlitiikt il' |iOi- Klil .' 1 h<.,ii).>lr. In all tiiji- ri-)'t(lu Im CAUKaLi,— I ri*>-' to iiii|i|Mirt tho ir«iil' lidnof 'h > ti 'n Mr I'L-U'WiU't-. l'"u uiily u->|i-i't.iin I r,iit .<••• lo tli.ii i«" Imp' tt i4 h liltl? |irL-iniiiirf h.lran tiftTeil(>(luul>l. lQat||)|Hifiiit{ tli.l llii* iu:<|UJO nt tliixttrit iir(, AUil lliaciiiifiiN)iii-iii Uuiifii''ii, <«uii»l ii'tv<' ltu< ctTtJct lii KuditiK llie i iii)il'i trtC^iLula t«> b>r I il- (.I'lMiHti- il^ luy ut ihu Br.li-ti 4iii-ricin |*tf«st ii'^tu ttiri'viuiii bluilitor ; III) dA It lu liia i>{iiorani''n|IJi> t I I'nUNTa *llo >10 lii'l likO (U* ){"**>'iiiH6i)t. lit wbat uiiuiilry ire Ih-rn not aon.v ii i-««y 4 irit:f T 4* Lxit'il -luiM li'Ui tliitii.aii'l MiuUii'l i- ii->t tri>i> IF' III itifliD. 1 HtiiUi 1 coitio II y lUi'i wit ma iiuii nu-iiio r .iUii<')i*o il wliit li<- WKB ai lit Wll'TII III! ii.K«:tlJ 11.0 |ilir< ilit.-i- ..I a14<>K«. Iifflri.ii- T acL'diliat tli''K'>^' ruiiiuiit ul io<.- 1.' it >1 .'i.ti«K w.ii u.'tco Ufiit m It u> htvi) It 1 u^.u ii alioitf rt'i-hiiK lU tnvor oi iii« Unit il Mitoii, auJ am «ati«ii,!'l itut ili<-y Bin'Miil Ii4\« tl-isna 1 itnn't lliiiik i^ttuaiUctU dllinl lu r«>uic)iwi' ilf tfrriinry . li >r il ' I Hunt' • tie llli lit Iltui'lt 4K«.Ubl 111'* lllt«lln tuid C lUULil : 1 ULtil., liiiKfcVfr. Kt>|i)i-mli>r fir Vicio.'ia htHirivk lloi) Uk kuujua— I ihlrik lb • |h -1 nnhj-Tt nf ino Krri\\ ImpTt- ■uce lo bo iliB|MM4.'i uf Imii ly li cuinIiv iu l>u tuil« (iiiAi'NH>' li'>» iiiHi.b'-i liir CMriti o ih^t it li »oiiiM\lidt |>ru.u.iiur<- I ibiiik lli'* ct-ip.u m (Ik- i iiii<-it rtatfi wuuia I ki) to ^«.t 'III III it, Kt.ti.il bii rut tr |tl.til l<> iMck i'ii> oi il. fli'ir p ilicv lA to III It *p.« .illu 111 iiwii ciirt-' It Mr wilt u will iirobubly fall Ibto uur UhIiiIh II wi- mv !-• uiAi^n a iiittr|(>*at.«n «a lo tli« «ci| il^l>illll of tui r.t'iry wa aiMuli imi < mitiii" dith'-ivi n in Al ^Un It iiii|tiiii't>« ni^ni ciiiii-i oit tbB Ati)iali<: : atii] It >sa |>orlHiii uf 'ami odt oi wlil li Kn laml •Alluwt-il turtull tti IjiiilieatrJ. It. la wl-ii k.' wn ih a Auini* In mo-t iiuporl.ijt 1.8 Ki^'lutt Ml I'p.ii Willi' r»(>aboiitl 10 c 04 m ; n U'ich |>i>rt:ou uf (.'^iiAai >h tr4•! (o i>ft>t tnrunith Mittnc lu b>n>i| Ibulii'wtbu liumiiiion ot LktitiLt wnl <-VHi.|.iatiy ut tir.y «biior'> Ati.di ct. (l.iualiiur ) r^oini* lUity lii'if'i. bill Umi N my citifH'- tii'D. TliQ Uultc'il .''intrii luf t'luio^' |[ii-iti pio^rcio but tti<- l^•na t- I'ltioti II vo y ilufedlvf. It Cntuiul bi'«rlli»- irHMinin m niiiiii.rr n t- t:oii,ra(ieulaU/ uiiouf «uc:i a libtrtl and vitin lil<'ii-r tW" ihUDrn .n iwrri^tly CMruUn lu my iniiia ; tbat luu iioiniui >n will itm t'i thi' I'niteil Matua. or llidt th«y will liiuet hi otlti iixiimi. •■it ti ffiiti«ry tn iiiit;iru tiiHi iiivy nUniini ion tiiMif fl-jparatf. I bii.uvv tbai lu ^n>«t will Im' Hit' <-ui^i«m of itio ufw Uritlili North 'ttu<>ric*D Kmiiim, ilmt tl win abaurn ml lb'.> imglinli pptMkinu pvoiau uu thia fiM. 1 IblDk »h hIiaII iiuiiio.taii2>* onr-eivrs ; (irububiy w* itinll apiK'ar in Pum h. I ibiiik Hr >ew4rii won't bia ue iia. Uou liR liiLHriKN— I rouft tnovo an an)>-ii fbiU lie absorbed b^loru tbw auaorpilou ii«n iak>- pivri'. 1 atiait ■<» with l>e- > jinliiKKrivity. Hon Uk ilKLHrKK^— I tt.mk ko i.io, ani) I Ibtnl^ it wmiM b" tbi* 'hityofanj Liiocb aiDonK't uh tur«ciir<-a nirrvt-t tkctiUo:tne tnuTnra 1)1 till* r<-au1uiion aii'l Hinmiilin--nia Hun Mr UkCosuoi — I thitik lb«< n»ii Allorn -y '.ODcrat iboalil ^ivebiH opinion. Tba w irtia 'If uonglLltt," on vot*, wore uriKk nnt Hon Mr DxC-ofuxi— f li4ll lUu wurdi "aiait) ol tLiinv'* be in- o'.injed r Stferal ni«nib TB— Yi'V yi« Tbc niollou "Tl>.*t UAiiaita aball pttn-hiao tbn Trrtllnry "f Al.itkRuud tbu -^latn nf M>«*ni-" waa Udrrifd. lUu Mr lliwniREva— .*lrCb4lriimn,.M(ihaiT U f" rtnlhorr-su- lutinu balore iho U nntnilt i' except my owu upun roftna. 1 luaii, witbout lartlinr wonla, inova lU ad ipibm. Hon Mr ItAavaRii.t tliink it unw m- to htfpp^r thaie culidi- tiuQM, but I ootuiJtir ihix an itnporunt t|U)4t)uu. 1 am b in iti
    1. bt4»J tor tb« coiiiirac uoBul tliBMt roadi. I'Miple lia*e lookinl 10 t;uiili'-y bavtt bt-rn payUii; li.r lo lou^. I dMlni to iiiuvii od uiuMnliioH.t to ttrike ' ul ik» UiUKlaa road, 11 1 bit kve it lo bo uiiiii>i^i-ft>ary . 1 know tliwt tb« upjier cotiuiry (Mitpl.i will raiiitf luvir voio>>ri R(R iiftt tbn tun- ;iJU.iiic«of tb<) Koa>l lolla. Uoo Mr UrCo>Ho(.— Ibff quaatkin waa klluil-d to by inyHKli wbenlhe t«rm*WLia, it not iiaitonul, uualit to be l>>c>u. 1 think Iba matlironKtit to b<( ai*- ^MMcbM dtlfirvntijr to dcaliof wiib ibU rvatd. 1 ihiuk itui auurt- ly iioa |- ino r.iiiw.iy Will »( i*ii II ■ i-toiH ilC-ti liiiluii ly IT' n iil ii on 1 o ifmi*" proi.(*i ■! : III! r. loie. I no ind »i'i' lln- wi doni nl li.mil ltd Ul'in OVI-r to ( Ullil iu"t i-li IT Ihi' .till i| Ill I pri'hiMu t y Pflyitijf tbf lliHtlti l..t< rir.iv i| m n >■ hIiIi' toii-i!' m-i-n. lli u ttiin..l iv •■> ti...i, wlikli w H '•lit ' -t' >i by I't ■ I oil I liK'. roiii.i.hnjon r «l l,n,\lr ■ u. V\ttiki<.io"k >ip lii-*lo. Ill III I am fotiy 1 r if.i.Bi- Ima l.-t tt'lloii'iiet to ^i>>! I .III . I r niiti> t'lrxi^l ill lilrt tntHs u|->'t till ipiid' Kti ii>-i|iiiou •tint tilt .uiu iron. iMie •■) • uriu tc .1 la llif uovfitiiii.'i t at oil mti tf» by f>u l(x.il t^oviTtini 1 1 til' ii'i, tiirt Il V'l' I'tllit I- e< iiruiin ii-w"ii 1 r ro.t 1 !• 11", I i.'ti' ^h iiiic, a/, t-t . • d nj ti,c b»u C '<■'(' « oii.T r lit ' I In^ lui.l JiH illy iiiipi..\ .1, iLeieloe, u rojit III iliRi
    2. jr.r>|'li Kill t t' r V »i II u ■« t'U I to I i- 1 t'X riiiiioirniiloii Hiiil ma i.t' I - Hf a mil.itr d prmi'ipc. iT'U alb r ilttf I rii( lilt '■"••I i» i"ti I i.„ii » K til ni'iii'M- wifiili-r ei t ct til • Hull I- , w lilr w till re oiiili II I '•'- •• • [ o Hk " me verbal »■ itiIi m it Unit Mh )1au%ai'1> I i-na I iiinve llie rkiih' iilii'ijnni'-iil ail n o?i-il It lit'- loi mi'i r- o'nl on . | wil r^'ait if "tlittl 'III' It Vfinme!! Ill' teii'Je>lei tuiinlti t'-iuv • lIi biuiiav •ib-i f' llowiiin : /^ I l'n*M-' rxi-i- .t il proprrij ifHioi >i ( o umbiM .t ih- I III- of ^'itn -''Il 1. t" '- .III/ 1(1 II 111 111 I' I .nr lu < xcejii « i 1 p..|ili,- «iirK- aiM (.lol-r-v H ►IimII pr-.i e ly b.'lo j; o l i- 1'.. iiiiiiioii utitl'-r tl e llrill)>li North Anieni a ti 1 and Hiii.lt )•• rni.i 4 >.| ine >iia II irnnK '111 tli oiitti It lilmi U. |iiiiil>|.i or i>lli«r n-d* III. n to.ifir 'it a-* a in- 11 <■ i-a-y I 1 v ■at\> •■ e a umiin o n Mti.' II t-.tftc 1 riil ' t i- m 10 t .iti f<'i«l rn ' r Korky ti n ti ii- ulid ttnl tli'-n-ni'i fbitl b fret' It! t 1 ol «ii> k liil Wital ve '' tloii Mr Kii'<> - I ii»; it tbai aoine nad to l4 unic^t |n b> k- I ..p. li.iii Mr HiMpnniT* My iitv ot.j'Ci i^ «. bnuj tln^ nn-tt r ff"T" till* K"i''' iiiT''. I C« 'Hot aj;re'- wiin tin- 'n.ii"'at !■ iu> m.^r tor ^h1i> I Ii,» h nul I'p o-i-laiiy pmp lai'loli ol aiiv mnn liuoi I H.'ii Mr M^mM«o.-| .p o*" I'li- in' tio'i of the r uiiiirable uit H' iM-r t r billiHift I llii 11 o H II t m<"'l th q << »\ ■n,. H'"i -TT n-^Ev UfKLB^ —Ml • obj-r t on lu lln- wioli- n a't.r lns)|>|ii'o t» re^iliit'on 1- irai b>' l>ik iik of p. 4.1 luiew-ial- etfi't t' n« w ■ cttnn * pr.i'.a'> y f'llfll. I b-id U pe.i bonotic «« iin t'tn w.'Ui'l n I p"- - V" " bj ol I 4*-uie tin- Ik ii luliln lieiilleiiiHii tlial 111- |c III on« "ei.t up bi-T ' Imii tliu ki.bicei o, ' UV'lltnt oiiflil 'ra' oil 1 il'-nli W l^'it t« W Iml tbi* In,iui.ibl« I me iitii'r fo' ^ali- -ty* tli tl'i* lloiii-e, ami rr(ifi-t tlint ini-li h b-eli « I all II d go RhroHil I lion Ur i.'jiiiHtt,' I a* ini*'nbi'r for ' ailbito, 'Imii d *;ij Mint ' ' Iho g '.(mn ttiia ni i|'-r. I l^.tt ■' a-nne • o t 11 up :i it l W' uld KtV I tbi- III >e.ti ai H III' iii"er "> toe liiivi-rnnii'iit. (iihi i^. tlmi u. 'liy -1- I lb- r HO niioit ••r..,.yrit 'U' Ih tp ani \e| l - 1 p b y i.i u, ,nu I iiili|i>o' ol n tfot-ttioii Will ii'i' ite'es'ition In '«i lln^ iin* t T' p j '|li-y wM be I riori 01 ^111. -tr tun. I re^a d ih"' lixl' t of U t«* t who u * Ton's !><* tbf 1 T'l e IU' ail"- (or t)i ke 'iilnrf up ■ bi- ruul, aii't ! l.lllli I le, I (..,r III i.V'T.irt-l Ibc lerii;-. ' lliiii Mr. 11 i.iiii • K ' f'.o- Mi'b r 'tds w w*< r<' llrnle on tli<- ! ' pti'iMi, ..I t 1.. 1..'., t- I I. .If jiisttftah e, hut (oil i-lii lii|.''> I Ho;i Mr '-MB^.-c-I ie.;r't ih ■ ■bieii'-e of t' e Hon r'nef ( mi^. ' llii*" n iT. 1 tlhiiK I at lir li.i" t ' iinii'i -m 1. ll.nt h iin m,.u ttk . ■ tit.oii H» till" "" Tor-"'4ary 1 re ret that tbe tli:>y Itie lora' *hiii ill'' Knii luoii I'oViTiiine . I lecn'lloi- aie*-iii^-ot tiic Hon i'liiel t'liniin »"«">n'T lie ill t ■ ul iit..ii' tu ni" RliV eeri.tin |i' t m. 1.1 1 t-ii.'. bn-n tdai n"-"''! ITI ixTUttvt Connnl. lUi'l ini- dinLj-ni-n wiL tJ" unit t ti.iMl opt..-t* titjcb re« 'lul nil pmi « uo i*. Hie tl -vi rie r. I lor it mav e(s-ate I'vi'nrlaiKniH wt:kh, wh<'u the lerms go tu ilii< I polli.eai'niil"e fn'nii'.l. I llun *ir I'xi'oax »— 1 ^«v» nn tontt wle-n Ibe t rm t iliii- t I I the p'll » Hieri« w'll ne on- h'l ■ 1 01 d n-.nli i' at Hii fin •111:14. pttit I o| iiipni tt' Mira'il*o>i 'o Viw We-tniin-'er 1 «• uu lu iie 111.(1- I loll lre«. hill I o lo New Wt^lliiin^br W4iit ibfdu rott.l t'l"' abo'ix ft Hon rtr llnmns — ill© H*"! Alior' oy Cerera' r l^■xe^l*, -u bt-balf of |tie iM.u cnirf Cn-r nii-'i n ' . lint we sliH'l .. K ilie ri V I'liue, but 'bin 'a a k'liii I' wf j: ■! tnr ficni iji* aini'-iiaif" nf lU-* roll" 't'ti'" '•o\eriinieiil ■liouM r n-nb-r 'lieio"'-l\e- pun i>l lue ptiii'l**, ndd "nl^ivor to p'l-X tix»-a nitollier i-bjtttixit 1.*, IL-U uud'T intt nrraiiKeiii'iit rovitt w. nl'l not be kept io tv|i.tir no wii, ai at pret'r «.'[ioie 'p? aii.i , tb« I'lii*-! (.•'Imii>'biii|i r of Jt-t> d* and Uurka would bave e tnlrnl 1 f r.iRdr. 'Ili>> Uun '»>»-■. liiivpfnineni la li'm 1 kelv II' b« P"o ir o.n tbuii a loca li »eti.iu.' i Ttie bou ■ bi"t r-*P |-|i;i niilnta II H e >Ahll9. It t'.in Ol ly t« Jo> llfljliit' Iti kL'< p biilK liT lb" r"|>alr «< n ait« Uuo ir itriMiXi"!— ' a-n on f'e huim o' 1 tlilemiiii. If If i- f r roi.l lul'p. l.^'tDK usuble. I fl< 1 tt' I'H.t I want 1 riiaa* ll.i- tera a t Kt biavy: Il annual Ibeni, 1 tbail be It.bl I am HKiUi-l roiif-'dviat'i II Hon Air W»uiKR-S'r: Il.ave mi le w •p.-■ I. • ru,v n r w wutda. ."t'liih n nlier i-<'>»ion tlui i|ue-iiun ba* bvei; bn c^li* dewn ^e tiavit bud ulwaya a large V.otiT'a elciiieut, b'l ti..P ■pieBtioti baa imlurtui)a1<''y , alwam t;i«eit a t ictoria atii .Mainlf ii. iBUKi 1 bav<' iiu liiM tiiH iiiattvr •RM'itiby. Wltti regard tt^ ti.- 4t t- IheioittiW^'a ibey are ver> ainnit , ibey rommeiice will i" ainbie*. lu turoiutrncii ui, tuamieaaiiio ard r<'| clr'. Thi' tub ««» Dt)i uteuttotit d ua lu coDituue merely uutii tht dii't vai •xiii> •::» Ttir, r.ovi;i:NMi;NT gazkt'ir kxtraorpinary. mi-lt-J, Uiwreio'. I i)i« iiiM bi'o ■iU.'>4ir lit ('(iiiullv 1 1 Vi< i-iriiRii>l till- ii|*p«ircfiiititrv : rrimivLt it iini, iirtctiy »pi'akkii||»ft it)Do it uodsrlin oti>l \nr II n "Tly tliuririiiiT K't' thelt 'ii'fl ■Imr*-; I Knowlhu ui.iliii>K i* of liiM-i>ii t lion Coliwii'Hur CusTOMB — Kcitliini wtiiM )i«t rnftrr limn • b'll Ooiir. lli'H tl"Jui>a)>i> tiiicHliun ' I'C't* ''"■'** '>''f<-'dy ; bill • u nvfty onr ct the r<-«< Ii>lliln (til Vjn«
    3. Mit on* ' i),Kkt< tlirtu' ^flti'tiTD Ilit; iirrioDru al i luw* r>l Klrvitct vn our iwinhi'lh th ' IfiJtcth (>r llir Itia inlia. j wouKl Appear l>> be >n^ |Tii|-(>rl»ii). ^bnl On thaf ! thi' iianicM dI ihc |ii't«|HlPfl are prrfty *i-Ji kiH««i), t>iit I b4t o i... I tmii* po m iiLtro I) aroaillol f wmn*; »>nt' mniit |>Hy ii. Tliirly imiliorliy lo nH-iition tln-ni lifrr. Tin- (■•■vrrncr buK i In itii tli'm ttit-'ioii'l ildilk'* iKT aniiuin in n><|tilrp(l to k>t\i nmila id rfpitr. I ,1, ini nwii rrritnintlbilllj, onit lie ilrcn tt") »ak lli(> t'ouiirti t«> *bar« MT v'l, tnnn aiiil V.inrotiTtT MHi.d aie ni.xf i unopriKxl with what { ibit rLUfxinitbilily. fur what |mI!>. il«au uiiy I'Uil i>( thu 1 o> albf C«iimcl. wimU lu tiiiif-iw Ibe iiiHii o( cacli liidlviitnnl • j(,„,l4ii,l Willi thuit' ircnllrnirn will a»y im llir m'-jMt I'f ii>f|^n>ll>lf> gi v Moti Mh Hl'MriiRtT-i -I n*.- tt. hrxr t.<-ti'i-' iiy to the rnirn*'"* tri'iiit-iit I «iii iiiii |>ri'|'Mr<-d in Mil you. I'lX I h-il >i'ii i|i(p, ibat i'i< I lb ' b II ni'iiili'Ti* liir Vnt.nmVtr I^IulkI iit »lidit>vi>r » unrcriit 'hu ' itml cuhjt'il nU'l 011 every olhT lli'-y will art will ta^rl.'•^B »i.il MmhIa;'! I bitvo alWitVR KiHii 1 >:rrtn-iii> till r'trtof VancniTf^r { ability, witli mt dmcrcilit lo rb(>iii<-c vi a ai d w ib no ai9i rt-illt h' )■' M •) II iinb ra Id Irttidlila fur lb*- wbtilr, :>r a f^art of ibe 1 yn I bin rrit'ly At niiy 1 ilr t*i tru^t ilnu mi inr hm li nt I b'>ii*> oflbftMnm- Hub C'oimoil will iniailbrin an il>ii lli'Vfn.nr him >'bi'Wti himk• \UiU •! i:i L tb- M'iiiiai tl il woul I b<- lirli'T I irA el 11 1-11 bif iiir Y.»l", 11 'a lifl una. M-n Mr nAlii'AHl' - V.». rotivr luitnil I.Cllj>W<-'f I jr .i...-Mi,,i|. rr 'I. ll».)M, ! 1. It iti.' 1,1111 ini'ml'iTfl ir-< ftlioiil iiij'iaitcfl to lb>! uuik'H t)( Ibu Ixm h1, (Vi-.>|i IT 1)1 th>' M'iiliiauJ wi.I, to A nun, rclutc lo jiay.uiy inaiu r^;iJ trild , K'-'TV iti'in hai bcfit iik(*<1 a-^ a thmt ittn'niil run wib- rat Ion. 1 I'.iu to.1''rrtn> I'Uil ihr al I hrj. v.- rli. iiijiT i-«.i.iiiry would iivrpi ru..|r'li'riit,..ii 01. ilftfriiii pr p^' fl. Km il tlt»"■ t" lod . i iliii. |6 '.I'M rmii ih>' i..mii iHim -'f 'h upi" r fniiiirv they irf iiiui,*^. -. ti. a Mr I>K-u.-«.3 ■ Tt.'-b*ym. Ur^« . iiif "I n-.m-y fn mt-lt-l on duiil on ri-nd*. M M' Kah AHt> - 1 did D'd K«y wli.it I di I <«iib ii-U-ntico t) Vilie uivt lal.m.1 iii'-luluTii wiltnmi tMii« i|.T>»tioii. Miin Urftoiig.n I liops lli.il (•oviriiiii'lil rM'liitrf'rf!, tn Tlnw f f ihi- i%\t*' Dce n ( libd i i>iiiuiis»i>i|)ttr, wM vuiv su aa lu i.loW I'lM fi'Solutl'iU I" Ki'l'H wjrd. I'lm Amm bt iJiuwivl I mi-'l rxjirtiii. a cuitiary hope Ihy mii'-nlm i-ti'i b<» i Mr Biiimrd wasruri'M. Tim I imimit'wt n-st; ami n;(M.fle.i tun rchubitiuiin rnuiplnlp. OmiPil Ti»ini.i'd and itii n-H'i.itn.iin im-hiid 111 ( uinniHli-a wfrt d' i't«iltf.\(*n|iiibu.-'a with rt'^ard lu tli« t'Urclastt >'f Alaaku luo tha Mdtu uf Maioo. WlOMHK.lT. AUi Appil. Th ■ b m Atltiro-'y 'I-'n-riii, in tht; .tbotiico ui tli« h'ln Colon aI • !iT''iiry, Prv.sidiiin MoiuLiir (m motioa, tba il"U^i! roKolfod itavir r rn!ip(irliii|c tlie pruviaiuu l« bi; m.ide lur tUc HL-udlutC ti l't»»>/,ite* ti»' lt.»w-i. H a MrBil III liioCbiir. ll'in C'LiF.CTOKoF fUHT'iiis— -ir, T rica ti) irave, ■ Ibal ie pri'*H'<.n bf lun!' 1>> ib > lb ua<- Tur Ihe pa*- • >i't »l ttte ■ ipciii'tM •'( lb" hu'AtiaKs Ui bv sviit f t>in iliia edmiv t. utUiWd tij :i*;'t4'<-- ibv lu uia id ibu kOuUtltirjltuu u« iuu • liiQ) Willi tt'e IVitnui I'D 111 i.)ti .4 m. lri!4 • n* b .11 .iB'- iif ibt' i-rt liiu mry nlern Utlcii by the oihir I . ont<'» bf fire t!0 ug ntoa bm-u nwuMia<'v II! i-lbT c.ti<|, it \^ C'Tiitiily itHkt'-riiii) l> r 11^. Ih" fl|n-D'U !■ . nvu Hiividv ■n>'il'. n'«i'i>b y Ir no 9JAOO lu | IXM>. uud Ibe (tov- • I I 't II .-4 pM* 'II ft d III II iiiK ti '! mitiluf Orloiu ibn UiuiKii nd |i< tt I e il tilu.i -i.pl fu.t'iii.i'y '■•ihU'ie ui'Xt ■eMkliiii. tluii Mr JtiAu— "iir, 1 h'g t'' iiR n'tt.jiuilnO-' onii- t ■ < U- iriii'ltuitud bt |i at. 1 dw ifl •■c>} »b> lliw culuio nbniiM im ■ •' t t*ii->xp- p*i»r t i)ii>. y lu thi^ mt'HMttv, t>tMi0 u p(.«t»i unm- 'lit id. on Willi t'-D.Kl '. :iiid r'UK > uut i|< i' ri' I 'y t«» trii«t til' in. livery y^ nr Mtff nr** fxc'i •*" ilial ihnnt'l |).'J|..iivi.ii-d I'T fxn p; Id ihi-aiini-ifiiH'i tary hnimal"-. 'lhi»»i.i duublleca bei'lHi III ibrm. IhiTP will In* 10 idp|ic ■"!■ itilc n-t-cml Ul.^lu.il I kimw 'iM'r'i>'»P'i on ibm iiiiC'Jiit, M it i*. tl »ill bv tlmu ('>i> Uilb lu o|ai- if Mlii'n 't c 111*"- !■• the lutanllnif y4>i| iiri! uak'daimply to auih<>' I't-t'ii' t xp> ml lure 01 a aina'l mint <'l moid I'll tliiir own ifUiri.'K. I bM%e a prt'liy ^■u-d I dfj wholbn neiillnman ara.aod I do i.oi tblnk tboy rrprr- ^uiitlbo pei>pl«*,rRpvinAlly in lhi> matter of r*"nHlUlt- tcnvrrr.- iiii'iit. 1 lii'li'Tti liifiiuTcrii'ir will not (Hiriy ui il b'tiorubly. bat I tliiuk bi- will not at-lH. t mun wb» will t>f Horri'i bir tn tlm pct'p.i My iiiii'iJ" Is >hil Ihu lionChli'r ryroni aiimuT, Hit- bun nn-mb. r ftir VJclurIa JUiil lti« linD All'Tnoy Ot u> ril d" tut rf jTia. i.t tl.c [cc pla- I'opiilar mrmbfra wbl b<- nut ne to tb' i-iwd' ««. Hun M» I KWU"(K¥— Tim liitiiminiM'i ti«4 | ;i" b't v'i<'«a I rt** r(l tl't^itM loiiivmioii ii'iincp. I wnuld oi-r< y i*ii'K'*-t that II. • l-xt..'! < ii«7 Li><-r« huvr toil IH thai till* |«'"|ilc iiro a i.uil 1^ fnrnr ot Te<|ioi'i*ib't! (( vrrr- iiirnt, tbt-y I'liunlil bealraid In iruit il l|tle, or lo (b- C'^onrll, wtiii b Iii9 ExOi'l't^iiry bait told you b" will (> rm a'lrr lb." ^pii^ion. Why, tbL'n, u,tc Uud nirmiit-ra "n drHlni'm t'> wiiihtdowt ttin term*! f Are tli>>y nlrald tlial itiv piui W wri nut )'e «i nnan. [|iM .T> :tt llio [(.Wii in (uviir ol ra*|H>nfelbb> Kiivciniiivnt I Ilia la Ci IliiKy htti l>dd yon Ibat, if alluwfd l>y lli-r Mhj* ^ly** t'ovo'!. tn nt,L>' p'(ttio>ii'i> to loni) Bt'oiinoil wbiib wt 1 be p?|iref<'titaiif)' 1. t<'r oi.u liavi' nu iluubt abuuUhu pt'rmipti' n Thi> <)a«-i>tii>n w ■> III 11 bo l*-tt totbHtLuutinl. Why Hrf b d nii-mb(-n< atraid t« l< Ht<' tt.ib i|ii'«ttoii to llu- rcpT( ^i-ntiilivfa "I I' *■ y \ ]- T Hon Mtt lltjufiniliu-l willuii»wer lli> b<'ti ( bn't Comm-afiuii' r Wit urn iitit at'Aiil 1 1 putuuit ihti(|UfHiioii bitnr' il'C |M>«ple. but I am aOn d lb.il muuib'-TH of ihil (IvilitKittioti wi < nil<:rfprt'»>i'iit ll< o|iiui<>ii.i o< ib't |'U«i|ilo lo Ih'^ Laiiiulittu Uuvutnoiout , 1 har tl.f poup'L> will tint be ri'i'iiwntud. llt-n VlH iiRAKR— Mr f buirinm, t liitciid lo oppose tba r»foln- tloTi pr ,>'tna. 1 ihnK that d In II tni'inniirs fHiniiiuinl" nn-fpn", 'b wnnrctmn with Hl« l-i C' II' in->M HtH'^'h, It '«np «rpnitiint ihtt THft'i'il'nn WB* puiit down 1 1 inpl>'iiv IbiH IbiiiFu w:i.^ Ti.ii .tl riwt'il 111 aPer tbuin. Th* t*<-t^ n mi iHiatii'iia t>l b"n i.-iilIi r- w*iri- Voli-d duwo. I Uilnk it wot. Id b« u H"T tMU'iui (bi«-p- Inti'Hi-' bv p(«t an lb' reaolntteni ot gov. t-rMUii- I i till'* T'' I'ot 'II- r"-" In'ion* of IbU (x>nifTnll«'«. IUi.>t t II >Ki^ * t.KK- Ihuy lire Xtas rfauluttotiB or l!i.B IbniM- Mon Mr Iirakf— No; oiity of Ibe offtclal m'Jorlty. Ttc '■^■ jHti-f t- iiiii,iii'«iii.iry . It i» oil'- wlilcb Will hi- iiiuLfTfd to rntorr-' thu fi> w«■ ba-a inrvtd up<'n i'lirtu km\ im | ...oiii.ti »• •■ r-i-on n drv I wrr II "tn pi aak tt.if qiift-Lon n cu- i-y t' ^find Imi imhii-vi« to oiiuisHL. Thf Met 01 our i ,|, . , . f H.a.vi. b.' UKii piwir* li m ibia Ho»b« Lr (rum tim Kovin. . g - 1 *<■>' d ,ii>d 10 (b' pre- i.iip'iuu ttitli iV'UittdttrxU'iD ifc .iKrvMd 1 qj,.^^ ( Idlfr r uit*i.ii. 1-ii ti.np oi-n- W4,.i tobast* tbeioniw I ' ( ,„k» C »m».,mi m b-I tt.-iPt reply w bunt d lartonre If ore lb u>. I*. u*rtraiKP wltt-lbj' ilio fotuuy anai uta l« wni- i |,r .| . m 11. 1 w u.i k ih.- i,on ij. iil.-M.n to (o i.l om nnv Mi* I- .i,4t D iu tbi- -h-trti-t. \Vh> iliuuid wo mn • tJiru.-or f- ur Imn I , ,, , ,.. ..f M.jr.-tii «hib ,t . i-fti t>-d, v ■aou IbeuTiuHiD ,„,„ l..ii»vtii.inn:it. iliu ntu kCi.tkitiau'a rtui^' U lall ti. it.- il. u.dii.ary .VA^ y v>^t. K'onid, lion MR Ito'B.o'* — I b' p.', 'if. tt willimlbi' nfWKWry toflBh: (i,,,, ii„ i -ivf t..-»« _ih.. „) .t»t.i* hiia b- m mn-'o »t tt.nt n •> .1 b,.itb». v;r ua.u. Tbi.iln.[.,.lmB.;ilib.-iianivolitit.c..t.. Fon.aiia it win huit anm- • „ ,.. u m >^ ■ t *y -. I- 'O - • 1,,. i- ib.i ib- 1 nn- n an. w tUbW-l. .fuui b >i a itiHtf i-tnl Ur.iki Ki.i mutnbor" bouur t. • rt i> a tntifniy of tiii.H lUuiMt. (N rirhii>«<;ifli*iu non L'l ji.l.fiw rttll hai« lb*- dc<;-ijpbv Jh'tm iiio only 's ly. II ui* wfri.', aHifiiii Red i)y llio iio ntj.niirr lor NiD^mi > 10 . il. thu p««)|ii<- wUtflhor tU'iy w,i Wd iionodiraii m. wti.ii w ui:iMy. y< for yr.4< < | M,.n >tH iitn' t b>- IJ.jti^ruor hii.i iidi)pt.-d>iiii>iii> j r,f,j ,, ^ ,,1 ||,.|),|,,,^ ^ t'> tl' 10 ti': (*AUadi4n (iiivurtiu. ul aa'l wtu- b.vk 1 'irh*iM 1 ,„,, ^^^^.y . n |„ liH^'li' li, II. d til" iMTiipli? will tii.in iw ^irh- d II ilii;y will hii«K t'-'ii- 1 «„v >Hiiw ci'im .riiiirnl.un uD lUMd lornta ihu terin^ ifi> ti-*' i>rot»^ bi '* v-'itl tu OttMW.i. I t'dtiUot MiTto Willi tofl h -a hitiiib.Ti mr NanHi 'tl lit wo«j1iI ni'thtiiptr titai'U'l tinui Uv pi.ai l'u>Uv uK'it b- aiDi lor, but II uit|;iii iuiuvf dubty .uid, ui my opn.^oii, 1 ,|,,h ',,,,'a . ^' ^ I nut*- tl-* Il uaiii' ■• " Hon I nifKl n " will 1 1. ■ ih"* ' «'•■« III r I'tpu *liv '.wit lit* niiii-rH "to Id v(.|.> K^raicit tbi' .■ iir. '|.i -tirt .(I -tl il it'-icpr't atlioulJ gu, L^i df ' n I III I V- I. Hi II •" It tri"lv r.tppfli'd h n iipl't-*"' ll1.1l tbH H«.i -. h*! i|U*w ion |i «h4'1tif[ ii< t. I titi nm iiilM.d I.. ti-im.i iliiii tbu \Kfji lb viid n lb'- p- I- 1 ; I l'..'i'.t |iBi«i ' tii itivr or d i i- p.. *ih l.Wt fiffi H h'^ fr' '!» •1! T 't .t m I ni " Il Ih m d ffd I'n 1 iiti. I't •p. b VO ■ r'ltbl 1i»t h t'l .' H r< a' • twt- ni' • til' I i' I'd I li « rti t'O'l III} . on ■ !an I Wr- tl IVi' t>cl| tn i!rilitb I iil'iuib 4 rauiiui »n rl .IfliV. Th" V'.tf^-iidi ui'gUt >n. 1 „ but It Would i;o^■ ni nv I' nmul t> b» kj ani.ttiKtii I ibiuh ilio itomt' itoiiLit.ixl I'lku'iw i>lii .tiu i.> K'l I t>r- tfu. lu too toiv. • nniint MiUba |jr«M 10 kIvv U4 UiH iiainua. I.ior.mti t«i).iid 1 viHtiiUiid a I « UDiir.'parcit lovot- u ».u -Mim i, t ' t,t'l> ti lb njbl lb* iii>V"iiii>r ^uiiltl tdo.l i»-i.>t(rti'i-oi>ltJ t.i'khi i" i'« lr. r -' nU "i, «'id th4 puriit-i..*! oKiiibi^ra Mbu w|il uniy rn. noDiri im |b> piL' uu iho ft- 'unki •; nov "U I'vut i|.ivsiv.u uBiitii fo to I • IV Uiai 1 tht' D'b'K4ii:< l< ai'ii imiHiu-iidd icV'tinm- (. t'»r I I .r |i . 'lui it ba.i uoi n vi.|.«l Un'*D th ' pi'..- • U n.»y, I a U(^ , .|.iVW >«i ,1 V. «.( . -.-., i» miu 0-l|'!Ve 1.41 t.«\ ,„^ ^, ly 4h' ■'pp II n P Ihi M. .t li.-k Ma ()Kitk - t|,. ., wbol ni II, H Ki. n.iiri, M I '.'d.r ^ I i'i'4iy. II- n-- I'ftrr ill |i|t i|,i| nioni/, if»t»T. I klitnr A,> il I flftoi'if r. Mil » 1 ki » ». Ku 'lori ti r • »ir:,.>tit tot- nil » iirfi'ifrii I rtnyib 'If tda-. Op hS ««'•■- I" ■ I n'< d' rn ii tl n-i ibrnutli, nn*' l" *• i\f< Il -n I*,**! I • mt-n lit iti^li ad if '.' '• ml I # fitin-r l.oQ I AI h< r h pfa.'? r"* 1 to ^v Ik ' > •»■ fi l«B -d. I m t'inia'ly i*i.f t> Vrt'T'*. vbu b-trniiii^tfnrf n"<' I r 'ti'.ii. >•• (4» ho ■ n** ol 'bti d*'»i>«. r.'.tj y -a •>« h'lu Fi'n»'»'m n lrw\iw> K I' ■ III ^h u trin- id »br rinrt y I'b.'Kl mndfiinti-r ■tneJ ibMf»T^ "111 «i-r> run d, ^■.(■.•. | plwa b'ncn larrit I'lVIOI I mo r 111 tli.^ itjroi THE GOVERNML'NT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. ,..„Ii'1^.P'.I"'i"""""""""t'S"" "P'"° "«' I •p.ko'trom | ri»c()lle«tl'in. I wu Dol m irit noaiio. [ M,.r, u> Hi>M,,M_l cl.ini IL.l Ibf oOlci.! mfmb.™ who volH I ■(•iDii r> npiiriilblii goreniiDOnl muat b" ilnick out. Ilul If w« iiiluw ihain 1.1 tie ciuuti^l, lfi«r.« la itill • nujonir ol iii to llir I < ih'i r.!.,r„unl»livo niinibamln favor of miioiiaililo aoviTlmiriil i •u'l I aay thai tbia reaolullon oujhl to ba tranainitlc.l with auUi' 1 „.*h ° ••.,'• »»«"■"'/ Willi ramrd i. rmponalble lovero. m.nt bamg in llio baii.la of lb« cair Council, mriibera will wa ' may proaumii, bo ela.;lo.t lor (bur yean; rooaciintnlly Iba ,,',ioa. , tion will, in .11 iirobublhtT, b.^ |wial|H.ned for lour vrara. /inj I ny lb«t ihoaa wbu kwp back riaponmblo jovirnnia'ut will rnii > jroal risk of baring Oouredaratiou ,lof»»i,.| at Ibairall. .N,m" boM ln»mbcra may dfairo auch » rc.ull If aoUan Bu..rrn.in.l tlwc,),iraaihi.yareukliig. With r«f«-a to tbn indirblnala itmiub > •b li« lk-i,.|,ation, It wa arc lo uke Ibo gon.'ral rumiir lb t.- m uol I'll- who will properly rep-a««nl tba MainUml. Tbrm «ro Iwo rf- ■ cm cmyorta, and .m« opan opponaut of (>Jnf.MerMion. :u, im pluable and polllically iinprlbcliiltd aneiny to Cuifud.r.liou I'M'iad with «ouio power, I won't lay w,ih the rlowii f„o|.-d «e'li'man, but with aonn power lo delral Coine'K ration Ilia pe.ipi. will not bo aiitihOad. II la mirao-diii.rv lb 11 thi Uornriior slioulil make auch a Mloition. umi .tmf tb» whole tonrod.T»;ioii psriy and ibo wliole M4'iilniict aa a lai-rit Ty I cnuld not Jualify mylelf If I yoii. 1 f r ib i no immf .h i-iid b.-BlTii, 1 lion in-Miiti-ra who favor confederation ebould b<- ib.- U«t to i.bu-ct ■ to tbeUoV'Tiinr'rt feb'ctinn members. lion Mr Kniiiios bavu laith In ll.« ibreal. . r ],,< ^^.•^ll,.u,■y ni Uieiniiterrif confeilcriition. Tneouly act tb loiil'l'. mo.-i. lo 1 'iiii. t lirofreie. «n,l aak leave tosit again, la tb ii ibei.ov 'rn.irmiv , bivalbnolipoilnnity ol eendinii down iiarana, or 1.1 ol evenly i.| i f.ili.ryiii^ tbj Mainland that their interileu.. and re. ».n-lblo iri.varii ' iii'iitarocarad for. ** ; The motion to nee an.l reptrt progresa waa I. .hi ll.'ii Mr Kinil - I think thia debate, if it m.y be »ii cill.-d u H'lite.i ralli'dlorniid minti'eaeiry. It la ri.lic.ib..,« lo OiIhk up lb.' . 1. ITU e nl men who m«y posaibly go to otUw i an I dia- u.» ib..m ; it .luiib' n.ittobo Hlloweil. It is wuta of iline .ml luniti I I1.1.I l.rep.r.'.l a r.-v.l lti..n that '.be lernia should be e.lil by pg.t, bul 1 i-ea lb «t It would to Tain to pul it l"»'-' """> U I' not a .inattlon whalher lalul ' If "",■;'• ''■""■« '"" "■" Mainland an.l laland. "^ no.p"';';.?«!',r:„;;,'i,Vo'r" * ''""" """"■• '^ovemmaMwu! „.,r'l!^ ATT'ajr'. Oriiaii m—I can Inlorm b..a nii nliern that I laei n!''^.' h*'""','' "'" "" <"■■"■'">' will nol arnd "wnjamc. 'Hi, " ..." TbeUo„.':'i"""' '"r"'""""" ''- l^'"' l»'orr.t™n tb« (N*. , ,' 1 .Ii ,, '"'"" ""? ""•"'"'oui u.lliaalon lo Ib.i larma wJ, J r,'"l'»'«.pllon.-b..nMrI)eto«iuoa.) at all vTanla it "liable , .f.,'?"'',t '";''• "' '"•'', 'I"''-!!""" liar«, the, would be uiiaoie ii. r,f..r |o (be f\e.u ve ( ouuoil. It mofl inlnrA iK. .'.'rih't; ,h". i'lVin;".',',";:" """"'i" "..reM,o„°'„'f',!,,i';;;°„",',i: 'art T^ '■?, '",' I'";"""""" i" "M (Jonffderallon truly 11 . . . v„T.,", ;T""' ''"■ 1^' Wcatmlu«ler ,aye thai I'uB La IbM I , r ' ''Pr.n'ntyi.toria, I am «lad Ibal the ™ ► bould le ».r,j thai u ,|,..ul.l run In the oth.r,llre.t|on 'Tbe bne ble,gni.ri,rai'itl.utbewou!diiotcor,K.,nltomBki. it a ai.y. qm ' Tit. mTiJ;:' 7;'' ""' '"!:-' '<" '"""•■ ^"' "-e .uB«»o„,TaT, « ni ,„7ii,r i ' "'" ''■■'•"'"> "" mher, of tha BoT.'rnnient ata y" m llm':?," ;,ii •T",",''"',""''"",l'"T''li .ho preaeit t^onf..,|.'r,;ion iriflw! '"" " '"" '"■" "«""'•" "»"«"» "' ■'■" 'tioOMe'l'i'i'i'orl,?,!!"""'""",':'"! "'""" """"■PW.l Coiilader.. \^„ *"„,'"'"'"'« ""■ "''•''■ ' Relieve eir. tliet ,1 a, , i.gl.i.nl ,01.- porl't ofconf.-.ierationfrom tbe Iilaiid,aii.| one Ir.,™ Ilntiab (L Imnelaareaentaalbiad lenatlon, with on,. mimbiT „r the o..vero ^''; m.LT.i!,'; •'"''■«»' '1 """'IJ «"y conUdenc.v.nilibe lerma WIT. modiBid Iproloi.. l..toli.fortulir..!iolutliin. 1 hope tba Dele "t'l'.l"; u> ""'■'; ,'" *.'"«"? "Il'f"'"". I conlend tbit ih.ro i,. l.Ke U eee m ' '', "'"}'.' '" "'"' •'""i!"!"" , aod 1 abOUld but like I'l eee offlc a. Iiiembera lefl oqt On.li»iMonlhi'rei.,.:uli..ii wae carried, .Jbly tne lotj beiaf On uilioni.l tbe II, n aiof Comminilontr, CooulllM role aiid relHirteo in Hulion panaid. "•■"■••« ror Iloua^' :etept(d reaoUltion ReporUdfoT the Government hy W. S. Sebbioht Green.