<^ ^(•xciti H IHBiy MttOffl ^10 £t Itabfn toas a nto0t «^ -«^ moHem 0ort of saint, inHeeH ;'#» M tj^e ^itttte l^c conlti doaust '^ Mas not fbttnDi in ang mtXf.^9> M& pj^ilosoplte inboUieti '^ '^ JNo mote ti[yeots[ tfian tj^e foinly; ^^^ Witj^ frte ofmt smile |^e cAsolfreti.^ lEbets s^tt Ire eiyi^ sinneH. ^^^^-^ HEeitti anti fDOOttfonbcceotntescamei <§f otttlanHisI) tongne anli Utess,'^ ^nti aQureti |^im to jitodoim Efiz nittana of ililess.'^'^ '.ilU:i'.'i| UP Y":>i4^^S^^i^J>^ ^'^ l^fttle iDontier tien» noot 0oitl» ^nb ijl0 caletOiac imcon flZlitQ nelD tostslmgs ebetg sear. Mitib a etceadk of Mw^ tfyat Ira^, '^et too molmi to insists loo |ia(b soo( (D^» lft< fto^ W tnas, >S|liBiite 8ni|y {UMitiitet* ItaWn 1^ foaus long anb lean^ 9nti Ps 1^ foas ttfte a ^m^, ^nti ]^ egest of seUotD-jsmn Relict 0a(D not mtoseli too nmdft* ISo^jfof a battft^ Sceefc, iSotSite cptatte of 0ottl> 141rftig onl^ i^ tj^e foecfc, J^oif content tDftg fialf a Hole. a- cy,-"^ ^^'c I^dift 8it0co fBBi^tvi ^t ffixuntt SMbt uvMiUnif fnitii no mote |Pa00ion tjban a itoHtijftfot {ittoi 8e tim 0omet|&fo0 Ifite a gnome, ( a Mo^lnx let ottt of 0e|iool, Ke coob ottDags iie at j^ome lost fiqimOi ti;e utui of ntle* l^t UAtt mm iummz to Itm ^eg ioete genemts anH Mnli,— Wmim, jmst Ibecattte l^to fofiim 9ttDas0 tms tj^ot fims indineH* iPenJe totdd not ontserstonH, ^t t$e tootUi, tl^at {lointeti titeom ; iSnt to toncb a tooman's l^anl), iBSalie tf^tuffi ibettec tj^an t|^ seem* tUmnxz anti 5^«tstnt «tooti» iHtoiie amU mMk, at ^is Jbittj^. iFate asOi taOmen uftel^ob Cuttileb iba to gentle rnitt]^* aSj^en Hefqiaft otacitteti t^e 0ttn, 9nls anotlfter j^ope lag tieatv, '' a^jsnk i» tj^e name lor one lealiing a tiog's Ute/' ]^e saOy* iWan to |^lm meant Uttle move S^an a iifftttt 0ott of bng» iget l^e hmiji conUi aHote Sn a 9afmue or a WtfUQ. ^ongl^ ift mXb not foear t|e j^at ^f tire least pj^Oowqil^er, St ImetD tol^at tire fointy foas at Ij^en it mal)e t^e grasses stfr« SbiH omto mto tiate at an* fit ImcfD someti^t as a sj^eU iSMis tjfte sea's etecnal foU IS^tuMletifle came to i(» ftont tioot ftometimesi tiien afims {|e ccqit So ii» IMz attic fbioc nabete W mistcess IBBto^iom slept Sn^ece j^ let ^z stattg nlgjbt J^Ui iim in 1^ eass span* W&iflz inofessot Itturtoktige ml0|t (5o ting tt]i atiotfeet tnam itabdi's Iftonse toas attoass clean, aongi) 4e iUltt^s tneceauoass Hotims :{lo migirt 4tce at Unsit convene, 8Bas 4< gossip of t^ totom jFor at times ^t faavXH let in, ^t t|^ dOie turn oc ti^e iback» ^0me teotDti frngcamt ^m ^ ton* dh a scnttti fnj^o bote a pocft. i^icj^arH of tj^e tiemif o|m, tume tifte less iFor tj^e mttti tipon tf^eit 0|ioe0» tSxfmMm totti anti tntitikletii bloit0e, €llblng 1^ tifte late0t netD0» QEfiile t|eic laofifrtet fiH^ tjfte ||Ott0e. dTfiete tj^es 0at atiH fDarmcH t|eit %iim, Eet t|^e nels||liot0 mlntu i^t viffyt ; jftetiec j^eaeU of l^alf tj^eit 0(n0, Sontej^oti tj^otigl^t (t fDa0 all tlgj^ ■^^-■•"^ '"''^ SEiieti next morning it foonlb go 80 ito lie not too 0Qt;et \ fl8fl0cm, Ptintet* (n $e last fia^ Jttne in tieseat of ottc Eotb a^mtsonH tiffyt (tmHteb anti nitiets^fbttt^ateams fmm in iWasssacf^iteetts, tj^to iSaOaDi of SaM Safiin toasmatie anil pMtt^ in fiftg topics f^t $e Fisionisto anH tj^e Quests of tifteic ponse at KTo. iU in ^tintt (S^omt, &0ton.