^r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4 // / ..V <. o- jMiwcr. Illgli'prcHi'nre cylinder, lieiid end 407.6 II1l,'Ii presdiiro cylliiiier, crunic end 3117.6 Average and total H0S.9 Low-jire»Hiiro cylinder, head eiid a.iBS,54 2,48'I.Wi W.llSH aH.Hr>7i 3:(7.4 3H9.6 Average and total 8,444.71 787.0 Ratio of volume of low-presHiiro cy liiidrr to volume of lii;;ii-pri'HHiire cylinder = 8.50, Total liorse-power = 80y.a + 787.0 ~ l,51t8.8. TABLE III. DATA TAKEN AT ENGINE. Stkam PiiKssrnK in TKMPKItATtIRK OF Lhs. i'eu Squahk Inch Vacuum Steam 3 Ft. phom En- Time Pevolu- AllOVB AtMOSI'UKKE. in inclies of gine, IN Dbg. Fahh Super- heating lion 1 in P.M. counter. In main ; mercury i>y mercury column. Actual Rendine of d('i;ro('8 steam pipe A ft. from Receiver. reading of tlier- tliormom- eter for Falir. engine. mometer. satur. steam 1.00 030,588 123.5 14.0 85.4 363 .348 15 1.30 S)88,492 123 13.5 25.7 362 848 14 2.00 940,450 l-,'3 13.3 25.7 363 848 15 2. .30 W2,406 122 13.6 25.7 303 347 16 3.00 044,302 123 13.3 25.7 365 348 17 3.30 046,319 12a 13.4 25.7 368 348 15 4.00 948,277 123 13.5 25.7 361 348 13 4.30 950,233 123.5 13.6 25.4 362 348 14 5.00 !>rj>,188 123 13.7 25.4 301 348 13 5..30 954,143 123.5 13.4 25.3 862 348 14 Per minu) B ) and V 65.21 123.0 13.5 25.6 382.5 347.9 14.6 average. H WATEn CONHUMITION OF AN INJAtKtTED COWlOtND ENGINE. TAHI.P: IV. DATA TAKEN AT noiuenn. t.(X)j •4AMI' 8.8(l| 4.()0| 4,3()| 5.(K)| 5.30 *i,4!i.') 3a.7r.i ;m,(»!i( Aver- ( Watkr Lkvbw, in Inciibh ^, 10.010.0:11.8 15. 0.1a. .-i 18.5 10.0|ll..'Jiia.5 13.011.0 la.n m.o :.o 11. s ia.ft'10.0^ It. 8 11.3 la.o 14.0 10.011.5 11 10.5 10.5 15.0 11. a 8. 413. a 31,005 aa.oTfl.s .3a,a47.c i 3','.4I8.1 I 3a,'.85 3 32,75.1.3 I 83.031.8 I 33,001.;; I 3.i,3«4.0 : 3a,43J.l I -a GB 178 5 imt.i 17(1.5 1«7.1 1H8.0 lOH.H i«n.5 17?. r 170.1 Total] 1.689.1 ♦ One Inch liolght In holier - 0,90 cubic foot rejfl Ut-red by meter. 1/ WATER CONHUMl^nON OF AN UNJAOKETED COMPOUND ENOINE. 8 6 «A (1.5 r.i 8.0 H.ll 0.5 9.7 O.l 1/ W M W (1) « M O m H as & OQ GQ M a: a, O W a Y n » I H Q a, a 3 « f? • Www «' w r? ' -^ 3| 83383.-? rt.trt.t p.ililliii ©' 4 « in 00 -£ r. OD t ® -js as is is d d d d d d d d d d 2 3 I n S JO aiuog s« *) 36 f- qB X 00 00 CD 1- 56 _o d d c d d d d d d oooooooeoo O D d *'3!'y-SX»» — SIS'" AjaBi-SSaoSxt-iS o c- o d d d d d d d > a. o n CS U CJ X 0) 4) i^ •- « 6 00 CO 9 ■Sujada iO 31BDS J e» 00 « 00 ab 00 e ssssssssss tctc 5SP as O BO Ob.;z; ^p„S,5 0.2i-0 0.301 0.288 0.289 0.294 0.307 0.283 0.312 IUTIO of WKT VOI.ITMBS OF CYLINDERS PIM.ED WITH STEAM AT THE PkEs^SUIIES GIVEN MEIiOW. ■.299 Hig li-presBure Cylinder. Low-pressure Cylinder. Xoar Point .f Noar Point of Near Point of Near Point of Car-'..fTEatlO,MI)s. Release it 40 lb?. Cut-oft at 20 lbs. Releaceat 10 lbs. Absolut. - = •< X 13.7.50 -^ total J . ) JM.E. P. } 11.7 13.4 48.. 59 47.49 96.08 11.81 Near releasee 0.862 X 0.0974 x 1.3750 = jg.oa 96.08 Average mean effective pressure in lbs. per square inch Equivalent M. K. P. of high-pressure cylinder, 48.59 x 3. 50 \\\ Total ,M. E. !'. reduce J to lo\v-]ncssure cylinder Near cut-off - "•''3» x 00507 x 13750 27.45 Steam per hour per horse power ( Ratio X density ( = -, X 13.750 -i- total J { M. E. P. I 12. 5« 11.0^ 13. .57 13.88 27.45 10.95 [Near releases: 0.907 X 0.0264 x 1.37,50 =,.11.99 27.45 Steam not accounted for by indtcator ■! j^^^J release. ... ♦ Apparent cut-off measured at points marked C, Figs. 1 and 8. 18.9% 11.2% WATER CONSUMrnON OF AN UNJACKETED COMPOUND ENGINE. 11 TABLE Vir. TESTS OP SPRINGS IN INDICATORS USED ON LOW-PRESSURE CYLINDER. 'RING. NlTMBBB OP Card. HEIQIITa HEASUUBD ON DIAGRAMS, IN INCHES, FROM ATMOSPHERIC LiNB TO rUESSURBS GIVEN BELOW. S] Above Atmosphere. Below Atmosphere. 5 10 15 4 8 18 A A A A A 1 2 3 4 5 0.245 0.S45 0.2.-i0 0.250 0.250 O..50O 0.505 0.495 0.500 0.500 0.750 0.750 0.745 0.7.50 0.745 O.IOO 0.190 0.1 ',15 0.190 0.193 0.385 3S0 0..380 0.383 0.385 0..'-,70 0.575 0.575 0.,'i75 0.575 0.574 Average ... 0.248 O.500 0.748 0.192 0.383 Scale ... ...20.16 20.00 20.05 80.83 20.89 20.91 n B B B B 1 8 3 4 5 0.290 0.310 0.295 0.310 0.310 0.G13 0.620 •0 325 (,.025 0.615 0.9.35 0.935 0.930 0.945 0.935 0.2)5 0.840 0.235 0.240 0.210 0.475 0.705 0.470 1 0.705 0.475 0.705 0.473 \ 0.710 0.470 ! 0.700 Average, ... 0.303 0.680 0.986 0.838 0.473 0.706 Scale ...16.50 16.13 16.03 16.81 16.91 ■ 17.02 12 WATER CONSUMPTION OF AN UNJACKETED COMPOUND ENGINE. TABLE VIII. TESTS OF SPIIINGS IN INDICATO)l8 USED ON niail-PUESaURE CYLINDEH. s PIIINO. Number OK Card Heights in inches measured on Diagrams starting from Linos 15 Ills, per square indi above the Atmosnliero to Lines for Pressures givc.i below. Distance |from atmos- il)lieric line to lines for 25 50 75 100 120 ISlbs. press- ure. c c .. 1 2 3 4 5 0.105 0.165 0.165 0.170 0.170 o.rm 0.5H5 0.,585 0.585 0.590 1.000 1.005 0.995 1.000 0.995 1.405 1.415 1.410 1.405 1.410 i.'745 1.745 1.745 c c c 0.265 0.260 0.200 0.3.55 Avoraj ;e ....0.167 0.586 0.999 1.409 1.745 0.200 Scale. ....59.88 59.73 60.06 (;0.33 60.17 D D I). D. D. 1 2 3 4 5 0.160 0.155 155 0.155 0.155 0.575 0.575 0.575 0.565 0.580 0.990 1.000 1.000 0.995 0.990 • 1.4-JO 1.425 1.405 1.400 1.425 1.770 1.775 1.765 1.760 1.775 0.230 0.220 0.225 0.235 0.320 Averaf 'e ... 156 0.574 0.995 1.415 1.709 0.326 Scale. ....64.10 60.98 60.30 60.07 59.36 E. E. E . ! 1 3 4 5 0.155 0.160 0.155 0.160 0.155 0.575 0.575 0.575 0..585 0.575 1.005 1.005 1.000 1.015 1.010 1.455 1.4(50 1.455 1.470 1.475 1.810 1.825 1.815 1.820 1.810 0.230 0.225 0.235 0.225 0.830 E E Averag e 167 0.577 1.007 1.4S3 1.810 0.239 Scale.. ....63.69 60.66 59.58 58.10 57.82 WATER CONSUMrTION OF AN UNJACKETED COMPOUND ENGINE. 13 Table ix. Spring A.— Calculations of Equivalent Scale Corrected for all Variations in tbe Hot Scale of the Spring. AVHIIAOE CARD, HEAD END OF LOW-rRE88URE CYLINDER. Division of Card. Area. Mean Height. + 0.629 4-0..'i;W + 0.453 + 0.3,55 + 0.240 + 0.108 -0.030 -0.108 -0.195 -0.353 Corre- (.33 63.22 6?. 91 64.10 41.629 40.610 39.022 31.. 589 22.389 15.182 10.470 7.397 4.985 3.013 Dl H3 H3 B4 H5 m »r HH m BIO Totals... + .173 + .006 + 003 + .003 + .(X)2 -.002 -.006 -.012 - .015 -.018 63.25 64.10 64.10 64.10 64.10 64.10 64.10 04.10 64.10 64.10 + 10.769 + .385 + .192 + . 192 + 128 A6 A7 A8 A9 AlO - .128 - .385 - .769 - .963 - 1.154 Totals... 3.584 216.386 + .134 + 8.268 Equivalent scale = (216.286 - 8.208) + (3.854 - .134) = 60.29. TABLE XIII. Spring E. -Calculations of Equivalent Scale Corrected for all Variations in the Hot Scale of the Spring. Areas measured from line 15 lbs. above the atm. LARGEST CARD, HEAD END OP HIOn-PIIESSURE CYLINDER. Division of Card. Area. Mean Keiglit. Corre- spond'g Scale. Area X Scale. Division of Card. Area. + .181 + .005 + .004 + .004 + .003 -.003 -.004 -.005 -.018 Mean Height. Corre- spond'f Scale. Area X Scale. Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AlO.. .738 .703 .672 ..567 .398 .278 .202 .151 .098 .071 1.724 1.643 1.570 1.335 .930 .650 .473 .353 .227 .166 ,57.89 57.95 58.01 58.. 55 59.77 60.47 61.42 62.38 63.18 63.07 42.733 40.739 38.983 .33.198 23.788 10.811 13.407 9.404 G.1U2 4., 521 HI hi B3 m B5 B6 B7 B8 i B9 , BIO Total?.. .423 .013 .009 .009 .007 .005 .009 .012 .042 01.78 63.69 63.09 63.69 63.69 63.69 63.69 63.69 63.69 63.69 + 11.182 + .318 + .2.55 + .3.55 + .191 - .127 - .255 - .318 - 1.140 Totals.. . 3.878 228.706 + .168 + 10.355 Equiv.