( •• ' 'k •* * - '' f» « i > • ^m ^ \^ \\ ^ V •t. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TAR6ET'(MT.3) V >% *^I^ i. z' « 1» .^.-*.* 1.0 ^m Ui IU>| lU 22 \% U£ 12.0 b" Sciences CarpoiHtiûn w i n WKT MAM STIHt \WnSTM,N.V. USM (71é)t79-4S<» v^ ■(■•*■ % c CIHM Microfiche Séries (jMonographs) ICMH Collection dé microfiches (monographies) ■.*• Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona / Institut éanadian da microraproductiona histdriquat M Ttchnical md Bibliographie NotM / Nottt tMhniquM ât bibliographiquM Tht Institut* ht* attamptad to obtain tti* bnt original copy availablt for f ilming. Faaturti of thit cofiy whidi may ba biMiograpliically uniqua. which may alf tha originai eopy and in Kaaping .witti tha llming contraet apacificationa. Mflinal oi^iatf in printad papar èovara ara fNhiëd •ginning with tha front eovar and aniding on ' lia laat paga With a printad or Nluatratad impraa* ion. or tha bacli eo^ «vhait appro^riata. AU thf r original eopiaa ara filmad baginning on tha rat paga wfth a printad orUlufetratad impraa- ion. and andïng on tha iaat paga «vMi a printad r illuatratad impraiaion. fia laat racordad frama on aach -miorofieha lall^aontain tha symbol «^ (maaning "CON- INUf 0"). or tha tymboi ▼ (maaning "END"), hichavar appliaa. ' lapa, plataa. eharta. ate., may ba filmad at ffarant raduction ratipa. Thoaa too larga to ba itiràly inelildad in ona axpoaura ara filmad iginning In tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to |ht ond top to bottom. aa many framaa aa quirad. Tha following diagrams illuatrata tha athod:, H w» L'aaampiaira filmé fut raproduit gricf à la générosité da: |N r-H La bibliotMqua dtt iKchivat nationaiat eu Canada 1 Lat imaga* auhrantfa ont été rap^bduitas a\^t la plur grand soin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattaté do l'aaamplaira filmé, at an / ' conformité' avac laa eonditiona du contrat da fUma^. ..;• / Laa oaamplairaa originaux dont la couvariura w papiar aat impriméa aont fitméa an cervimançant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant toit par la darniéra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'Impraasion ou d'INuatration. aoit par la tacond. plat, aalon la eaa. Toua laa autraa aKamplaitat ^^ originauK sont fNméa mn commençant par la pramléra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraasion ou id'iHustration at an tarminant par la darniéra paga qui comporta una taila . amprainta. Un daa aymboloa suivanM apparaîtra sur la darniéra imaga da chaqua microfiche, salon la cas: la symbola -^ signifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". Laa cartas. planchas, tablabux. atc. pauvant étra filméa é das taux da réduction différants. Lorsqua la document aat trop grand pour étra raproduit an un aaul cliché, il aat filmé é partir da l'angla supérieur gaucha. de gauche é droite. et de heut en bea. an prenent le nombre d'tmegea néceaaaire. Lee diegremmes suivsnts illustrent le méthode. ^ ^ / j) 6 ./ ■ / /• ' \ Rei Portable GraVity Concrète Mttxers , T»* »«'«•"•« •howrt In m.loguc and l>.mt>hleU being fed by meani ortlorage Un», lippins irîf, or meâ^urini |o«es,andal*ob)r men withihovcKanbeM liuitsthe work inhand. - • / tlifBreiinovngine. boileivor piping, totnove alon^with il. •» , r '^S^jr'^y'* «»>y<««l»e™l«'t "Pon h«w much can be fcd to the Mixer, and how much concrète can be removed mm tne delivety end of-Mine per day. If it is propj^wd lo feed Ihe Mixer by hanJ with shovel». thc bent niethod would bc one which wa» uaed by a coniraetor m Ixindon. Enu. namcly. support the Mixer on a lonR bar which is wcll grcaml, employ nine men four men to meaiure a batch in the ordinary manner. Stonc. Sand iipread on top of ihc .tone. and Cernent on top ol thT'»and One man goes to the di^harge end6f ihc Mixer to o|>crate the water and gâte, the concietc bcing dclivered direct inio the wheelbvr«w. w«gon. or ti^nch % rc«|uire.J. A. «non as the batch is r^ady. ihe f»ur men nhovcl it into the Mixer ana. while they are doing'thi!». four oHwr men nhould l>e ineanuring aiiothcr batch close at hand. When batcb No I i% finlihcd. the Mix*>r i» slid a long the baVin front ..f batch No. i; and tvhile that is heing »hovelled into the Mixer the four men who shovelled batch No. I arc incasurinK anothcr batch in the Mme place ; no Ihat on finishing batch No 2 the Mixer can be slid bacif to its oriKinal |iosition in front of them. By this method a continuouii supply of concrète Is^maintanied, it alw gives each gang a turn at mcasurinfi and feeding. The output of iheac nine m«n wa« 100 cubic yatd'per day. . , ». i'How «oon will a Mixer pay for itnelf ?" Thin in answered by comparing the ainount of concrète that nine men canproducc mixing it by hands with shovel.n in a day of tcn hour^i. aa a^ainst the Mme gang with a Mixer produci^i; 100 cubic yards in the tame time. '^ » ^ Agaii». wHmi th* nliM .m*!! weuHiliav* «Inlahctf mlxlns th« ««ner«t« by hantf, It would r.r'? *• ^ ••••^"•* »"*• k«rrowi4'or «tlior eonv«yw«, «r Into th« tranoh. The Gravity Mixer mu the conveyor». therefore thc act of shfivcllin«' into thc Gravity Mixer i,* équivalent to filling the comeyors with mixed concreteji|So that in addition to pnMtuciiig more concrète per day, it must savc thc cost of labor for dry and wet mixing. In olher wordu. the cost of mixing the concrète and fillini; the wagonn or conwcyor» would be the wage» of Ihe nine men empipyed. On wj^rk» where a lipping box can be u.sed the cost of concreting \n grcatly reduced and thj! methods of wo/king fully exfSlaincd in the pamphlets. For a very large dock, or reservdir, there it no device that can turn out co^rçte moreaccurately or chcaply than thAt shown on |»agc 5 fn 2nd set of Advance Sheêts. "Compariion with Steam Mixers." It should be kept in mind that the Stcam Mixer has.not yet been made that can turn out thé quantity a Gravity Mixer can. thc latter being a continuons Mixer and does not bave to ^ait for the drum to be charged. nor doe.i it use steam or hand iwwer to revolve a drum. Moreowâ ihe Mixer being eaaily moved •bout, does not lequiie «nything likc the setting up a Steam Mixer doef, furthermore. there is a vast différence in the çoat. . ^.^_ ]'— ^ On large jdIÉk feeding (rom Storage ,Uins, or ufsing the Aeeuraté li«atur*r ànd W—dtt 60 to 100 " ctlbic yards M|Hr can be readily pr.Kluced. l'ROVIDEU the Storage llins are ké^pt fuir and the concret* removed ai rapidly as (jk'elilës from the Mixer. Some o«-purSiest custolmerl are thc ones that nccded the most persuatioato purchase a Mixer in the first instance u they th<^ught the price rather high for such a simple device. Admitting that looking at ihe intrinsic value of thé •everal parts of which the Mixer is com|»oscd thc price appears high. yet the best prwof <>f the Mixers value as *n j^yestment is ^vcn by the (bilowing : ' For some work at I^don. England, ihc Portable Gravity Concirçte Mixer was used on one portion, while on anothcr part of the work, concrète wa* being mixed in the usual manner by hand. At the end oftwo weèks when the contracter could figure up his costs intclligently. ht- immcdiately purchased another, the following beinc a copv of bis letter :— X ' , ■ ». 1 7 /■ "•$ R»'l*«yAppro»ch, London Bridge. S.E.,9«hAuK|fit. 1901." De* Sir. ' ' . ■ / ■ ' . ■ „B .j. ■ .''*'">"" ?'«»•« .»«»^'n« •» »«">«» poMiWe anoilier Portable «iravity Mixer fur iny work atlhe Central Electric Suppl* Ctfi "Buildmit, Orove Kiwd. Maryltbone, the lame iis Intl. vii : 8 fcel without joint. vv 1 "KindiV let me know when you can deliver, I should like il at once."/ .» The Mixer was submitted to a similar test at the Nsw Kntrancc to the Docks at Swansea, Kngland since that date(between January and August 1901) the contractor has purchased eight more mixers for his variou-. contracta It was aiso submitted to « similar test at tKe London and India Docks by another contractor. as shown in photograph etc.. on pages 10-lS of 2nd set of Advaiiee Shcci». that contrac tor has since purchased six more for varions contracts in England and fbreign countries. Jn August 1901 a Mixer was sold lo.one of the largest Railway Contractors in England, for use on the Mid^nd Railway. whom our London représentative had been trying to persuade to buy for at leastsix months, and since that date there bave been shippcd him for various contracta, one on Oct. 18th anothcr Npv. 26th, and anothe1^>ec. I3th, 1901. - RMiiomlMr, th* qiMuitlty mad* d«iMnd« altovfth«r on how mueh ean bo fM to tho mlxor and what mothod boot ouKo tlio work In hand. .^*. R F. DARTNELL, Sales Agent for Canada /\ l«0 St Jame» Street . ; • • MONTRKAL \ ai' -^ t"^- .. ,.. ■ ■'■ . 1 ■ • J »ii' 1 ' V-A. 1 '■■-•-. ; ■ . V ';}. ■ •- ♦■■■■■ . ' ^ ,*- ^*'-., .<«•< V ^S^^i*— :î^iiSïê!mtïsfegw^w5afes^-î^^ "99 A**'"?. /