^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 1.0 I.I 2.2 li£ IIIIIM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" — ^ v] <^ /] /j^ /a 0% ^> '/ PhotDgraphic Sciences Corporation V s v |||IM H II M l I ,— VJ^ ^ tj- % *m M iMWprT"'^ * ! ! .« F I »NJ i u ■V^w- le/ESOLTJTIOISrS To l>e ]>reM(!iitcil Ht tlio Meeting of th« MHiiufiictuierx of UutHrio, in the St Liiwrciicf Hull, Toi-oiito, on Friday, Nov, 26tli, 1875: 1 l-HKAMIILIC. Whereas l>i the Domloi'in of Canailit nearly I'll liiuiiiifauluiliiK liiterfSlH are at pn^aMii ia a :iiat)' iif H"''" ili'P'eiiaiun. heyund aii) roriiier I'XiKM'ieiici' xiiii'e (Ills was known as a nianii- tuoluiliiKt''>ui>i>y, nniuh dlslreiw and siilferlnK f. 'Jill w^.it <•' urn il •yiiieiit prav.iiiin< In uonso- i|ii>'ncii, wliilu tliu lidu of cniiKration lias b«en Mirnrd. and wliiluivdr impartatljn uf f>ireiKn Kouds iiux or lalv made a very lit^tfy Jrain upon our ■('•oun.'iB : Auil ulicn-uH, utilleit It irup'hutcomiiiorciai >t>-prcitiil'Mi exists In Ureat lirirain and the Unitvd tjialiH. an xeli im in ('uiiaa iiirl(-i4 of all the Huilil, and till- I nitcd -latin liaviiiK a system i.f liixh piiiKiiloii which iifrur>-« the home hiarkt'l for h >- niiniuii ; And wh^reiKit. i undernto >d that the Im l>erial Qoveriiiiiriit coiii'elc:n of hii protest air defraud the revenue with but little ris» in ease of failure -reducing materially the number of siuall ports of oatry, and making the law itself more prec.s •, i! necessarjr, in order that fraud and undervaluation at tne custom housoii, n >w believed to bu carried on to a large extent. Ill iy bo elfeotually stopped— aa a nieaaure of juit.ci to the honest impor>er us well aa to the hoiue iiianufacturer. Wher-'OH. tne labours of the Oeological Sur- vuy h;ive clearly demonstrated that the I>o- mlnion abounds in vast deposits of economic minerals of unappreciabld value to a young country, and these labours are being dally sup- plemented by private euturprise and exertions, iiio e partioularl> In the iron minerals ; And wheieas, the history of other countries older than our own has shewn that the develop- ment ot such resources has been a great motor ill th I pi'Oftress and advancement of such coun- tries, and has conduced mure to the material prosperity of tt country than almost any other branch ot industry ; And whereas, it appears, (xempli grallin that dwoden and .Vorway, ii'it to mention Kngiand, have attain d tlieir present position morehy the proper iivelupinent a'ld eiieouraKcnient of the iron industry than from any other cause ; .\nd whenas, tliu hereioforo and existing criminal neglect on the part of our community, of tne proper devlopinent of its mineral re- nouree- is being orouKht prominently before our eyes by the exporiatiun of vast qiianrltiesof raw iiiinerei products to manufactu.ers in the I'niod Slates, and we are confronted witii the speutacle of iheso same deposits being returned int I oui midst in a nianufuetured form and sold III our people, while thousands whose necessities might oe met at the pn sent juncture by the u»iist£nce and eneourAgcmeiit of tuch nianu- factories aniungst us are sutfering from the apathy that exists in this respect ; .\nd wlicieivs, in consequenct; of the promises and in view of the b-juiidless and startllnii ell'eot of 4 piilicy lit proteution tu iii mnfaci iires ex- hibited across our borders in the building up of thii United .States, and in a similar manner in the employ niciil of surplus labour, r«iention of capital within its border^, and the rellox action of It iip'in tr-doof all kinds, Hciiilmi therefore. That for the carryin - ou' of the spirit of the preamble and nnc luraging the inirodnctlon of capital into the Dominion for the develuptnent of the i on trade aim utiliz- ing our ii'on oie, this meeting recommends a SiO irtc impiirt dut> of twoaolla's per ton on pig iron, tugelhor with a b nus from tneUovern- ment of two dollars per ton an all iron pro- duced in Canada from the ore, guaranteed f ir years from 1st July, I87li. He.iotred. That the Manufacturora' Associa- tion of Ontario be atfiliated with and represent- ed in the Dominion lioar I ' f Traile ; I'hal this meeting reconimends the e^tabl sh- nienl by the (Joveninient of a Dotniniori tiureaii o: .Vlaiiufaetiires and Comni rcc, with the view or securing, amongst other thing <. full and rel a- ble statist 1C1 relatlrvg to the same ; That this meeting recommends the formation oi' local associations of maiiufaotur ra in the various Kluc oral Divislona ; / That this thceting leama with.'*4nucWas«tiai faction that th-* Dominion Uovemment is aboui- lo establish aircct communication with the West Indies and South A mer ca ; That thif nioeti g desires to draw the a teii- tioo of the manufacMirera of the Dominion to the n'-w facilities about to be atforAed fordirret trade with the West Indies and South A" erics ; also, to the importance of a full rnpresen aiinn of Canadian pr»iucts and ma lUfocturea a: the Philadelphia Centennial exhibition. i f f \