CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inatltiita for Hlatorlcal KIcrarapraducliona / Inadtut Canadian da mierorapraduetiana Materiqiiaa Tlw Imiinit* hat antmpMd to oMain th* kait origi iwt copy Maitabl* for filminf. Fmuitm of ttiis oopy wMali HMV b« biMiograpfitnHy vniqm. wrtiicfc inoy alMr any Of Ma iMa(H HI tlia lao^oniatiofit oc wiimii may MffiifiaMitt-r B lm ni tha usual mathod of f timiiit, mn ICown raftoffod and/or laminatad/ Coovartiwa rastauraa ai/ou i w l l i c u H a D LJcwin 0Colo«nd Ml (i.*. oMw Man takn at btefc)/ iatn ds wulaw li.«. mim «|im Mmm •« D n ICalaand ptam and/of iNvnratiaiM/ nmotiM Mtev ilUutrMiom an « oiila»r I » o m tt with Mlw mtm'ul/ r^ I Tiflkt toindinff may causa slMdwrn or dfirartiMi 1 * I atong kiiariormarain/ La falwra aarraa paut ca aiar da I'omfen ou da la diaanioii la long da la maria intariawa I I Wanklaaipaaa L_J wMlin Mm HI Ilia pant qua cartainaipagatfelaMliat aimiiiaf Ion d'twa tattauratiaii apparainam dam la ama, maa, lanqua eala tiait paniMa. aaa pafn n'om ananplain qu'il L' Ma aaaaplaira «ri am pam-toa uniqyaa dv paim da nt mt il ln paplil M i . Wd paaim i awdU la« um iiiiafa tiptadMlia. an qui paaiaii i anlpaf — a i ad H la ai iaii Dsr >ini diiiiid/ ■ raatand aadter li >liiai i» w aiir*aa ai/a« p id l ialiii n as: El: □ OiialHyoipfiaiaariaa/ QuaiM Mpla da l1«p«aaMch«t«r, Htw York 14609 USA ^S ("6) «2 - 0300 - PhonT^ Br ('IB) 2H - 9HS - Fo> r^a^^MsmmLm ' EDfT/ON V;-: OF \ ST U S * LEAVES B OOK ivLIOT M?*« ■ '""■.'-' MO RAN-: gfCAf/f ( iforge Eliot's H ome, FoUiliill Rotid, Cmeiitry. ' TiiumminciTiTS ttcrw,- \' , tj^ v.. 1 ^,. ,.-> •A ^\ .v CANADIAN COPYRIGHT EDITION IMPRESSIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS SUCH, ESSAYS @f LEAVES FROM A NOTE-BOOK By GEORGE ELIOT TORONTO • GEORGE N. MORANG & COMPANY, LIMITED • MCMII Batwad NiMlMi HuMlrad r~** «• A« W hriluMt of CM.a., '•'■** ••'^•Dvira-.l «»J Two, br Omua N. In dw ] I'ofAcriwIlwo. "OUMACOHMIIT, I I 00937665 4 IP* CONTENTS. THK0PHRA8TUS SUCH. OAmm I. LoOKixa IirwAKo j U. • LooKiHo Baoewabd „ ni. How Wi EMOocmAO* Bcskasob n IV. A Man ScKraiiiD at Hu Omoutautt . . 44 V. A Too OiruuTTiAL Man gg VI. Onlt Tuipm jj VII. A FOUTICAL MOLICDLB fg Vni. Th« Watoh-Doo or Khowlidox 70 DC. A Half-Bubo jj X. Obbauno thb Mobal Cdbrxnct 84 XI. Thb Waw Cbbditbd with ih« Honbtcomb . 80 Xn. "80T0DH0" ,j, Xm. How Wx Comb to 6itb Odbiiltbi Falbb Tb«tuionial», and Bbubtb in Thbm . . io« XIV. Thb Too Eeadt Wbitbr m XV. OisBASi* of Small Acthobbbip J22 XVI. HOBAL SWINDLEBS jgj XVII. Shadows of the Coming Kaoe 139 XVni. Thb Mcdern Hep I HbpI Hep I 145 »* CONTENTS. ESSATS. FRErACC ^ »*•■ WOBLDLIHKSS AMD OtHKK-WoBLMJNEM : Th« PoiT YOUNO 7 Wutmintttr Stniw, 1867. German Wit : Heinrioh Heine ., ITuliiiiiuter Smiu, 18M. Evangelical Teaching : Dk. Cdmmino ...... 92 Vatmintltr Xetita, 18W. The Influence of Ratio- alism : Leckt'b Bistort . 12s FortnigMy Rniete, 1865. The Natural History of German Life ; Riehl . . iS9 Wtttmimttr Rnita, I8M. Three Months in Weimar j,^ , Fnutr'i Magatine, 18M. Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt . ' . . igj Btackwomrt Magatme, 1888. LEAVES FROM A NOTE-BOOK. Authorship '^ Judgments oh Authors gjj Story-Telling „,, Historic Imagination 217 Value in Originality 219 To the Prosaic All Things are Prosaic .... 219 "Dear Religious Love" _ 220 We Maze Our Own Ppccedents 220 Birth op Tolerance 22o Felix Qui Non Potuit 221 Divine Grace a Real Emanation 221 "A Fine Excess." Feeling Is Energy .... 222 IMPRESSIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS SUCH THEOPHRASTUS SUCH. IXWKINO INWABD. tei'l m2 ^?i* *» P^ "» account to mygelf o( the oharac. ters I meet with : can I give any true account of mv ow«?V thoeeTtem^^ J^/'^°^/,*° ''"'r ^ ^^^ "ever breathed shaped my life ^ '"^'^''"* '^^'^ J"*^" "l^efly J:^:szr,ra,^r4^iri;r *^^^ -- I tenets as they woula hTirT „ . .^ '"°^*P^y «"i p«ujiyawa.^oSi^;^i3rm:£Sy":^^^^ ,i».»ai« M OUT hearers, ^ho can be aware of what his for- 8 THEOPHBASTUS SUCH. without knowing that I am ahanrH ti- . yj^ ■* »M>Jra fc^Hshreaaonin/toseeigritSooSh^^nr^^^ with aU possible study of mvself wXlii^^^t i*""* pipe with arduous scrupulositv and thtil Z^"'* " """'■ pallid shyness was yet Cdti^ye^S^J^^™* ^8^<" a:s^u?!f:^r"'i^'S^pKTe ::tiiatnf sortofho^geSSrg'rwr*"'""^""''^^^'- '^ ouJti;^rar:iitio^/rrin"^- sistencies in your »«lou8 adhesions, J Sat vo^he^.r" I-OOKINO DTWABD. j winoe at the fact but T >«. „„.. ■ laughable on ^n^eoLl^J^^rT °* l^! *»* ^ t"" «"> and whirlwind of iy ^ng^T^^a^' "".f " ^'^ *«"'P«* indignation. If tklbnl^ ^'^'ZV'' ""d" -^ own oeive that I cannot esoane W,» ^ wp^tation, I per- whUe I carry i„ myUT W t^ TJT'^'^- ^"^ ^- « only by observing othe™ Srt^.ln ^"^ " "P^i^""". " ignorance as to a^iye rttte ™^!!S" ''°™°* ""y'eJi- oommit myself uaaw^ L^ f ^^ *^* ^ "^ li«Me t» who hare been nearest toTl7^Ll^t T^ '" ""^ *° *<«» over onr lives; byTe feU^w^^v ^^J" '"'°8'«^ ^"^n™- ^^tuming ourCLVt:irXiSfoo5:^«' '"*""" "« act of accusation against othflrr„^v wafessions into an cting themselves^ ^dl^S,j\° ^.^7^ "^-^ of vindi- Ugher efforts of wr 00— „>^, ^ *??* "'««n«e for the buv its lowest fa^iCTrin^/^"* ~'^'^*' >« *» its most agonizing XgZXZfl"'^'"^*^'^^^ sUence. But the inSetenl, '^P***'"". ia unbrokw -oe may be com^S^s jStvT V ""■'«"°- affected to tears in dwelling Z +t "^^y^- -A- man who is timenta msl^^^^^^"" *^ e^^'>^ty of his own sen- on. reticences i Je^n Zqu^^S'li^''''.'^^'^ «'"'«- of his character come not f^m wW I "^ °" impressions 'ThiiSJv^^-r^-S^^-^^-^^- '^''" '"' ,sieiir^^ro7£tj7trr°o^.''**^*^^^ "^ «"> lucid and impressive of nr^^ ^ occasions. The least lowing us ZV^'^ITZ •* ^"^""y "-^^^^f-l m may be so far like Zn^^*' "' ^"^ 8™°"^- Hence I too I am aware of . i S^S^:^^ to co„,„^e,t, more than or pretending to gC^^^J^"^^. »" ""tobiography, -yo«eringsom?sligTt=rs1r-S to rect perceptive judgmlvTnot T ^ ^°™. *^''"- ^''" ^'■ am tempted to remonstrate when tht „T'' ,"«"!""• ^»* ^ mentioned are apparently toien to w.^^^"^ P°'°*» ^ '"»^« encesconcerning'Lyte^J^qTic^:,^ -"llS:'^^^^^^^^^ ^'"• mg uncertainty which modern TTZ .. * *" *''« inereaa- relationsofmldaidS "s^e^rr,'"!,*^^" °-" ««« cannot be seated in ^e il'ei i f^,*!?*??^ «'«" that wit launches in walking h^^n^S/^ ? ^' •^'"'=« °' «>« crimination of ideas Y^t s3L ^i" ''f '''^ ""^tle dis- "•e to make a clever ob^l^^Td"''"'*'"*'^. ^° ''°* «!>««* unnoticed as if they w^7s!°°'Jr '■ '^^ *^8'' «" aa deed had the mSed I7sf^aoro7/J^'*- ^ ^"^^ *»- were appropriated by s^me one eLl.. "« *^''* ^''«" ""C? able and even brilliTnt itTto t ^'^ """' ^°""** '""'"''- not rich, have neither stud nor^eSr^r '"''"' *»* ^ "° uections such as give to a iJ^t „f • ^ ^^ °° "^^^ high con- ofira.eritancethrU;hl"a°l!°;.^;,t'^,^-f^ confers a grandeur of historical^^li" *■ *''* Austrian lip " ture which might mierSt r«'''^°'" °? " ^"^"^ °' '^■ have now and then done hJmTi '^^«'*>«»g footman. I jt in pubHc. and have dirred L'SeZ: "' ^^^'"«^- the occasion would more auitehwlT ! *' "^^ ***'t"de on beneficence. Is it reX t^ t « L ^'t '"'° *"* "^ ""P'tive I Bhould be known tohSd It^ InTL fT.f T °P^'°" «">* Punents, that is a seeonH«,.t ^ *° *'^^ ^""c* of my ar- P« w the «B;,afo ^e^^e^ principle, and u raBOPHRABTUS BTJOH. from awkwMd fart inte awkward falUoies. One^ whm wid Mtod m. « „y leg,, Idi.«notly hearf an enliSS;.^^^' iwnark, "Here'i a rum ontl "_«id doubUess he rea» J'^'ioo of divine or humtn ^fiS^ftf"™ °* consolation which seemed to be encour- evu in the world, and my benefit the soul of good ia thatev" M»y there not be af; leut ■ ...^ i . SS^S In certain brair&L?J°-"ti;^ on» perwmal equation, the meaaurr nt ^tm . Moertafa, own judgment, and ^ awa^^Llff """• ^*"^ ««' •ome oorreeponding oon^M^* J ^*- "'^ *•""»• "<>* be moral theoi^g? iTi^''^ °' <>" P'"""^ partialitie. i. that my condition is abnn™Ii " ™ **<". be made airar» or diligent imagination^SaTth'"*^'" ''""»'' ■P*«'«^«» thing.: i. theTno «mZ oHn^r'T "PP^^'^oeof "luintwUohoon.irt.ralLLr •'' ^"'^ *^»* ^""^ mental balance? W oon"?^ ^f ''«°'»^ " "^s' want of "nal di«,ontent wL juft 72?™. ""^ ?"' ^^^ '''« °* P«- of .elf-.atisfaction WhetterwSf.'"'* °"^'°"» M the wL glM. or the indigo, wV^^ l''„l\~'i*^7"8^ '^''"•"-oolo.ed the healthy humin eye teh2L^^ 1" '""^ *^" ''»«• "bioh below. I foKtoto d^Lti I " ^*'"''" »hove and earth a ^atteringTn.lii^'m'urr,"!'^::^?^ "''''' ''^ "^ ityof an inward growth S^-j-^'^P ""*» monrtro.- Mpeoial .corn for ttat^rnt?»Lt-T^'*!°'"*«' *° «f«t an li» lot in general sh^dlT^a tirpSLt'"'"^ •"'''^"-•" own pain and consequent W Tmr^ ihe VT""^' "^ worth striving after seemJk^ hT^' J, standing-ground whence I oould3tht^^ • *"°* Selectable Momitain determineTby ttat il-p^Sirr .■" ''*^' "^ P"""^* effect on the mind ^ 8u.tenanoe, but has a starving ^"uSfardSr^^rri??:^-"' '^a*ip- because in this way I IZ^J^^ ^'* ^ ^^^ *° »» despised, <»»rfnl rivals, and I hZ I^K' ^^r"" ""^ "^ """■ views which are recommended ^^u^^^, """P""? °° "" wounded vanity or othfii. ,J™ f^ Peculiarly consolatory to 14 TBI0I>HBA8TDB SUOH. ehnAllng MHActlon th«t the flnal biOMioe wffl Bd h. Mri— world in order to &>d oonsoUtion it rery mudnUtok»U«. oarefully over th. p^e. of a great book in ^e, to iS^ own n«n^ if not m ti.e text, at leMt in a laudato^n,S! hindered us from a true Imowledge of tlie content. B„tT! attention fixed on the main 2^e or ZZ^i^t^VZ book would delirer u. from the riavid, aubjeotionto^u^ o™ jelf-,mportan^. And I had the mighty J^e of tl^" orM before me Nay, I had the .truggling action of a m^J lives around me, each single life as dear to itself as mli^ me. Was there no e«,ape here from this stupT^" "mu^ murmgself-ocoupation? Clearly enough, if a^ythtagtod^ my thought from rising to the force of pLsionktely mf e,«I!d oontomplation, or my poor pent-up pond of sens^vm^ widenmg into a beneficent river of evmnathv ,> -r. dulness, and though I could not rnKS'^IlZ."''" ^ow all at once, I had at least leame^^whL I hT^t^f ♦"irn my attention. " "•"•' Something came of thi. alteration in my point of view though I admit that the result is of no striW kLd ^tTl unnec«isary for me to utter modest deni^iilce n^e W ^^ me that I have a vast inteUectulSl,^;'„,r;hi'l! m^J^f "^/'r^' <«'°»• " kMbwd., or recite to L^i^nu *?/' "^ "'^''*''»» *» their ^ WlauM which their merit, w.' °° ''"quenUy the Mna, and the attack, to wM„? J • ""^^ "^ '»'»'« Per- .toulated other^ At tte t?e°:'2:"' r""' " ' "o"^" ^-'»tmyownpirf Z '" I*" ''^ ^^ « the glow of sympathy Slh "■'J"""*' I oocaaionally, ingttendoathe.u'S^^trf £,7^:" ""^ '^'^ "^^ <»nfid: "gel to hint at a oorreewnd^r^^ ° " """t^wti wa. but the .igD, of a^„^iv^*"?*"*°°«^ 'ny°'"» case: »araed me that I wa. J«L ?v ^ viTaoion. interlocutor "Doa.yourldorby^i^,^* ^^'"^ "UBreadinl 80ld«i ml., 1 could noi wK^* .f ' *"! '•'™°" °' *£ •pWt. a. I wa. lowerinll, 2r .?""" "^""^d lower my Obtaining the Je L"K^ S !' ^' '-^"-^ «-« the cironmatance. were IZi^ ! ^^ke wperunent in which aU took it a. an eetahl^^^!?. '"?* ""^ own personality. I J«««nng beliTn^t^'^"'^^-' «"*« «««^ ««nsS a be abnormal, and were «Z«rtr^ '"'" generaUy felt to •imed toZU CWrt tV''°'*°^ *^* sani/whichi ratification., a. I Ce^d ^^""^ " °°' '''*»"'"* '*» ?»y»elf in private ears^^t oTi^f-!,'^? ^'^"'' *° "^P'-^ ■nterested in the e^Lri^n^ of ^",v"'^\""' ^**'" °* S-^^K ««tbering strength rdiT™ ^f "" '*" '*«'> continuaUy tbatthisVorld^iiri woX^^ "* ^^^ P°^' °^ ^^d^ one', own. I. it Jt JLsS ''^^ «" -^'bout any lot of tte e«th without sayi^to^^vt ,f T^ '°^°^ *^« '««'°«'7 of "> i'? But this wunrfik^ Se hi. ^T. " «'»>We-ga>^en -^-^eUeandh^g :^lX7^' '^1^1:%^ 16 THBOPHRABTTO SUCH. •Wily— anothar form of tli« dialoral attomnt *» k. « j Pwhap. I h.r. Bude .elf-batm,*!. anough^Sr to St bi w.St S'c; s&r ss« r.n"^*^ nearer to my idiom thi Uie aewke« Jn? *""'''°'* publication. M/ur„rnSam*5^teVnd"'tdf °' ;>pne a far-off, hazy, multitudinou.^^bl.«5^''f; !^ . '"' am am„.«l or\XZ.t at .W °w •*"'« """^ "'"« ^ the haze is unbroken WlT, Ii, K^? . o<»°I«M where ing illu.ion,^C. I io n^l;» ** ^ not indulge thia remain- a. a warran't tTj^X.^^Vl^J^^'^.^'^ some thousand sheets of .,,^T "^^ ""^ »»Wng »ymanu«=riptst%lrrtTat.?r' '""'*''"''' ^^ wiU not aak to hear't oTSTuest^l f "J ""agination, but I giv.^ him of re^g tti^ b„X " *^'' '^°""» ^ ''»^» w«.af toohop,^rd^7iti't'b.rv,t'th'*' *"• ""**•' iition, and will only ukZy'trilT^"^^^^ "»«P°- «rin« »e .gainst ^ThuZ/lntt^,"" '" ^'"'•^"«» « ^- tlutt in noting th" weSn^L oTmv ' " " ^'"^"^ *° •''°'' roperioriiy ia at the root nt k.wI, , Ratified senae of hlf the iuth But tte^ i^'C"* '7*^^' "^"^ "^ «* l*** only «oognized au^riori^ ^t^fM^^^H*"; ^, ''''''* «"• within, holding the mirroTJLd^e L^* 1'*' '*^'' ""•" «<"» neaa aa well .a our neighW ^ "" •"» P^' 3 IL I-OOKING. BACKWAED. Most of us who have had deoent parents would shrink from wishing that our father and mother had been somebody else whom we neyer knew; yet it is held no inpiety, rather a graceful mark of instrootion, for a man to wiil that he was not the son of another age and another natioii, of which alio he knows nothmg except through the easy process of an im- perfect imagmation and a flattering fancy. But the period thus looked back on with a purely admirine regret, as perfect enough to suit a superior mind, is always a long w-y off; the desirable contemporaries are hardly nearer than Leonardo da Vinci, most Ukely they are the fellow-citi- zens of Pencles, or, best of all, of the ^lio lyrists whose sparse remams suggest a comfortable contrast with our re- dundance No impassioned personage wishes he had been born in the age of Pitt^ that his ardent youth might have eaten the dearest bread, dressed itself with the longwt coat- tails and the shortest waist, or heard the loudest grumbling at the heaviest war-taxes; and it would be really something original m polished verse if one of our young writers de- clared he would gladly be turned eighty-five that he might have known the joy and pride of being an Englishman when there were fewer reforms and plenty of highwaymen, fewer discoveries and more faces pitted with the smaU-pox, when laws were made to keep up the price of corn, and the trouble- some Irish were more miserable. Three-quarters of a century ago IS not a distance that lends much enchantment to the view We are familiar with the average men of that period, and are staU consciously encumbered with its bad contrivances and ril^ tt^-^^''!'""^' "•"^ 8«"«''"'«'^ P"^**^ ty young Lawrence talked and wrote their nonsense in a tongue we tho^ lOODHO BACKWARD. 19 -aU their neighbW Tom- h ^~f * themaelyes, but otwSsiri"* rbr '^"'^" -•=: poug, and trivial prose. ^"uaest with aervile, pom- Such impartiality is not in rogue at present Tf — knowledge our oblimtinii t« *i,. . ■ P".**"*- « we ac- don, wXut soXZgotL^*^ '* " '^'"'^ 'o »» aU their faults must beTlLJl T '*°*™°P°'"™. who with habitable for^rr^^ "llte^m^^^^^^ *"' ""^"^ wonders whether the rematt.w • ^ •''™»1«S8 Past. One notion of ^JnXnr^^ToZZXti^T^'t'' «on more naiVe tSfs ?^° *" ^^^ "'"*»'"•'« »* " 8»«™- 1 hare often had the fool', hectic of wishing about the un- 90 THBOPHHABTOS 8P0H. fidenoe that I should haieTJa plZl*^' ^''"?'* '~ "°"- epooh of sooietv? An IL- \P'f*»™We career in such an arkw^d-aSeeufs i^l J^^?*" """^ department haa it. might havT^dZd L7h a. " ^^^ *° ""'* "« ^""- I ex^derTthrS^2« 2 new^rr.""'" ^'^'P ^^ ^■ izing the sum ofh^Z' Wlel^* ^rr'^^f "' °^- mighthaTOobieotedtn;,..* .1 T' °° *''^ "^''w '»«'d, I -ihave pr:£^trci'^f*Ts; "s^r, n-!?*^"' as offering more chances ofhlTj, t .v »«'*-o<>ntradiotion deniable istimo^ ofhi/ SLe Tht";' *^ "^^ *^« °°- wcre bores. Ul-bri per^ rilL^iTven ^'Ath'"'" of species remarkably oorreL,ndine to Z WnT ^^ ^"^ yet made endurable by ^in7nl«.i •*« ^«l"i. wd not "■y present fastidio^ „^osS I S Z.T''' •'!?«^«' ''^^ for possessing Atheni^SoWv aft ^ "^ ^^ ^"^ °* of antiquity Asto qTnT. i^L "■ wodorous fragment that the lJsbia^'4iS'Sdso^fr' '''^I «- <»-^oed and slow - invert re J^SurK-tl^X!^- 32 THEOPHBASTtra SUCH. mj affection ai>d re^et coX^J^ beguUement which carte. am aware that I «ose°,JUeSe ol^Z, "°^'' P"*" ' I keep alive a stronger atLctoent to 1^°^ Proportion unlee, of admiring what I b«.t t^f^ ^ what la near, andapower question of wl£gS^L^7„'^t„:?'^«"^'- «»"' *^ ciates itself with myfil^^wT'" T^'^POf'i^' "«•«.- thatlmightasjustiii^^wLtXt^), f. F ^' *^°"8''* than those whos'e loving tores^Le'V^l , "1 °'^* P*""*' whose last parting first ts^X^.^^ ^^^^ °*"°~y' »nd am living wrsaved 1 oVr> *^,"'' ^'"P*^ °" 'l^i^^ mutationf andSntXris-o^^^lSfi^^':^ °' '*'»- modus. It has sometimes oc^3 to ^1f' tT "'*° » taking a slice of excellent hZZl t \^^*° ^ ^"^^ "^n view, I wasbreakfastingL:i'S\otSrn^H>''T''''P°'"*°' •r ore than haU a centu.; ag^, wa7t^r„^f '^^ *"« ''^"^ of spiritual advantageTnot oTh«^ ^'^P'^"™*"'*^' ^dging farmer orXmlwhoT^'^Tv'^'^ ^^^ ters on a fearful labvrina i7fl„° ^^ * ^^- 0"« e"^ ward, and such Sct^l!"'?! "^T"""* ^'«™'-' •'"ok- flavorof theham, TufstceT./ *^°"8''\^''^« '«g such drawbacks I l,!.h! ^°'«?tary. Notwithstand- I got byhavinn fatwth ""''^''f *^" '"«°*^ f"™iture ranks of'^hisne^lhboStdi^rr;' ^ "''''"«" ''* «" of those aristocratic clt^ ^^"'^"^ '^*' ''^ ^a« "of one amealwitht;^:^ SX^'a r''""*''^^^"''*'^^^^ ^orethathewLnoti^rfra-lrurrc^--- lOOKtSQ BACKWARD. 33 oomos from c^t«=t wirvSr ciL "°"" "P*™"-* ''^oh »nd in my father's timrth.rrfw'*' °° '*"« O''" level, been diatLbed as^^^ttT T^l^'ll^^T*'''''"^-"* head at the crowd of one's fX "'"^y* ^""^ over- incapacitating, even w°th JetZ''^'^ ""J"' '^ ^ ""^^ ''ay »riou8 blunders it ml le^d t^ 7. «"^ intelligence. The for their good oneZ^^^,ZVu\f°''.*^ "'""«« ""e"" pie take o. ' .tterinl «^T - !f ^ ''^ *^^ mistaken ways peo- ire unlike thnr o^* K^tTiT^ "'J'*'^ ^^°^ associates most fortunate Brrom, S tlose ^ '''"'"' *^°"8''' *'«'* "■« them a practical ZeZ'^Z/^ZuT^'^ ?" f^ who have lived long amone the mi^£^ *, ""*"'"*' H it with them under IXnfJ! "'t""** commonalty, roughing to them, and gX SSd^.°r f,'°" *'"^'' '°^ *^ tives not by infereno« fl!^*!.^^ ***" "o^'ons and mo- from phiio^p^rtiTefr, tl^^t^r^.^t T'''^; - servation. Of course «„n},^,Jl • • ^ fellowship and ob- and my fath„ m°Kd hlS"'* 'Jl ''P* *° get antiquated, mi«d rural poSionnff^ """"^ "* " '°'« amongst a well what cS be wi,/l^' '^"'"'°.* ^^■' *"" *"• knew ve.^ weavers, ttrfierdiwr^^.Tr'"/ ^""" *^« '"'"ers, tS yes, and from tie t^ZLTt^l^Z''^' """ ""^ ^^ close contact with themZ ^ hi ^'^ ''""«''* "P « nobleman who wasdlS^dSlJ^^.rr''"' *^ " ^^^^ used to say to me. "should ^i ,. "'^'K""*". M" he elass", and this theo^ had ath?itn "'*'' " ''* °' "^"^ inclination and practief wWlf *1"'.'*°"« agreement with his him beloved by KiSUTonP^TT'^""'^"^^ ^ °"^i"8 ligations towa^d^him butwL J^ys^bled at their ob! grumble at any dem^dforJ ?'°l ^* '^^ "»'"»! to natural for a^ctoTf?^ • ^t^^'^"'' *'the included, but also Wing. A Stir^^L'^hr^id^nVt"' r ^^^ ^'^ money was not an ideal Cv^„!r ^ "°* """^ ^'^"t his fat central EngCra^d^ll! I '^°"« *^« -""^ «i""<»'8 t^ose hU life inoluZr soZav nf "'^'J-;"'^ ***^'"''' ''*<'™» f «»^ sition. Itis tmia fk«„ ""."""""""Of Jusowucompo- began i^^L^Zl^^ ^Tt^^^Z I't "" '''<'° ^ snpply, so that they recused L,tlr , "T " ^^ ' But though this svstemT^k» "«f^"ly ^ the CoUects. paredto/efeuditri'^sot'd^l^'that^^^^^ Pl- even if my researcheah^ =>. ^ *** °* * '>*"8y ; and yearly semZ^d i'l^„YeI°n'!V^''* T' °^ "^ '««'«-''' °i:~-?""w«SSK^e^^ fowl notaXTJnlr'thSNr^ «'^*" *° -'^''»«- ^^ eaiotly a dislCto i^ov2 J T-"" "* ^""y ^^° ^ "»' opinion of hem a! T™ %'^? dissenters, but a slight whence my yoXeL^^lr;* lU-founded self-confidence; who mighf Ss Wf tre^'tS''^;r°""'°^« '''"^ thinkers in „„ nLest ^ et^t t ^^^^^^1 LOOKING BACKWARD. 38 that their ohamoters were qaite as miiad >» *t.»i. „# *v ^r. behind the.. This^circllT'S ".^'X i^J S.' ly no affectionate memories of a goodi^oss mingled wittTut ^phioal notions, such as they are, continually caSy me Ck to the tune when the fitful gl^s of a springday used to show me my own shadow as that of a small boy Ta ,m^ K«^ * ^ ?' '^ °*' » '"8~ oob-mounted shadow over of hills, or along by-roads with broad grassy borders Zl h^gerowe reckless of utility, on our way^^to ouS C^ ets, whose groups of inhabitants were as distinctive to mv gTrTom'th *""" '"' "^""^ *» differentSons of Z W ™ri.f V ^"' «°'°«*^e'' 'Ode onward to the aHjoin- «L^T ' T ,."'' '^'° "y ^""•^ "ffi^'^fd, for he was a p u- alist, b„_i h^te„ to add-on the smallest scale; M one ^d!i chlTw ^rr"'*^^ '"* ^-^^y ^% parish^ne™ ^d Its church would have made a very shabby barn, the wav half hangmg on the hinges, being exactly the color of a le^ mouse which I once observed as an interLting mem^r of ^ mo"L"ZO "^^ T"*"™^ *» »" the'identical chuS ertv for I wL r^ ""* *? ""'^ '^""P'" "^ »*«>■"« Pov- fl^hio^^f Jr a precocious boy, and often reasoned after the feshKBi of my elders, argumg that " Jack and Jill " were real Udd fi 7 °"IP" f ' '^•J «^t if I could identify « ?ack» I diould find on hun the marks of a broken crown rfo^nlTf ''^l" ^Z"" ^ " ""^•^^'^ ^°'«'°" drawing-room w- ^ t '^"^"^ ''°-' '«'