EMAGE EVALUATION BT TARGET (MT-S) i Y A .#i. 4^; \o m^.r y. V. H 1.0 I.I 1.25 '" IIIIM |5Q 1^ IIIIM t m |M M U ill 1.6 ^ p signifie "A SUIVRE", le aymbola V signifia "FIN". Mapa. plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to bt) entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Laa cartea, planchea. t&blaaux. etc.. peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diff^ents. Loraque ie document est trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seul cllchA, il est filmA A partir da Tangle sup^riour gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en baa. an prenant la nombre d'Imagea nicassaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent .j m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •"" .■'^ejiP'W •" '!' I*H1«»W«W"W^^WW" t^mmmim'mfmi^mrfmmmiimmmmm ©peretta. JOH^iT GIIJPIN TO DATE — aii<8 Farce, ICI ON PARLB FRANCASS (French Spoken Here) ^'t^* Under Autplce« Y.M,«. & R.R. Preston Opera HoQse A12\ Y Tth MISS DORA QMELIN, AccomiKini&t MR. H. L. READ, l\im^',^*-M m fretifm Progress Electric Pre«i- 4> V A DOr^'T BUY YOUR SUMMER DRESSES UNTIL YOU SEE THE LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINE DRESS GOODS AND Sl^KS AT SCHLUETER'S THE BUSINESS CORNER. LARGE SHOWING * OF PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DIMITY, ORGANDIE :, , ' -'-^ AND ■ ' ; MUSLIN. EVERYBODY WEL- COME TO INSPECT.- I I $> I <>^ Preston Produce - Store —California Block™ ■ g " ^ : ' „ Choice Butter, fresh Eggs^ Ap- oles, Potatoes and all kinds of Farm Produce, also a full line of Staple Groceries and the best Cured Meats and Sausages in town. After May 1 1 th in Opera Block. -^ I ■■ II — ■! E. B. REIST, 'Phone 40 Preston, :-: Ontario If in Need of glasses go to a PraGtical OptiGan. Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician opera House Block, Preston. ^ For Choice. Iraeesr fimbpeideples, THmr^ings&Qevehies ii2 Cradi^s' \Seap, g® ke 1 King street :-; ^^^^^^ S ^FOR YOUR- A We can give you g « *^ ^^sx , satisfaction in goods g and workmanship, g High class goods and g work at the lowest * prices. Ig M. J. PAUTLER i « Furniture, S Picture Fram- I in, Upholster- I ins i Repairing «i King Street »? jjii Preston ^ .T) —^Judges of a Wgh:<:lass 5c Cigar t^ke a- "Crowo Prince,** "Infant" or •* Whitehead." -WARRANTED FIRST CLASS— Forafine 10cCigartrya"U-Beneta' — MANUrAOTUBBD BY— S CENTRAL CiQAR CO., ^ Preston, •"• ig \yuvcinv; j|r m if m m i\m .t> rui I [IMfM' — — SEE ■■ ■ " :e> e S®biiIiK fl Latest New York Sprini Hats & Ties, fine gLOTHlM a »eGii galifomia Block, Preston. iiZ/'|MMlllHJ!jUUl!!lJIl"lUUiHJi»linil!lJliU'lwnilUOll>l»>i^^ JOHN GILPIN TO DATE — CHARACTERS— Mrs. Gilpin Miss Laura Clare Betty* her daughter Miss Alma Fox John Gilpin, Mrs. Gilpin's husband. ..Mr. H. L. Clare Mr. Calender, Gilpin's friend A. Fisher Tom, Calender's son Mr. Geo. Damley Alphonse..T^^^^, fH. C. Edgar Gaston. „..P'^°'P®-"-V "-"{a. Schlueter AND A CHORUS OF 30 Scene i— in front of John Gilpin's house. Scene 2— In front of Mr. Calender's house. ^fc-*;: ^c^/ ■WIP' Buggies, Carriages and Roadcarts i We make a specialty of the latest styles of. Vehicles, with the hard rubber and pneumatic tires. H., C. H AIVIACHER» SiM-w)™"" ' BepftiriDg done as usual. t J CHORUS FOB OPERETTA Miss L. Andnch, R. Bernhardt, A. G. Blackstock, A. Bowman, M. Cornell, M. Herman, MvMickle?v G. MuUoy, J. MuUoy, V. Schlueter, E. Stahlschmidt, G. Stahlsdhmidt, A. Stahlschmidt, I. Theurer, I I « 4 '( '■t t < ( I ( ;.#<» Miss A. Weiler. ♦♦ E. Werlich, •♦ D. Winter, <* C. Wurster, Mr. A. R. Bernhardt, ** E. Bowman, mi-M. Biggs, F. Buerke, C. Linton, S. Shantz, S. Smith, N. Schoenau, H. L. Underwood. 4 « 4 4 4r ^ 'fl rt 6#i >if€>#!t< iWft #ft 8>l '< 8 >i>^ftwi<«w«»iv«MV«>«'^ Preston )N i • s s s • m I 9^or a ^ine Suit Correct in Cloth, ^'Jt, trimmints and finish— We can aasure you Jl satisfaction ^ J. ••«. seovi, Preston Fine Tailoring— and • Qts^ph I ei Royalo rofc^'"' Try "MY PARTNER" an4 "PRINCE" for 5 cts. Manufaotared by C. MEBKEL, Preston Ontario ili ijw~Ty^\ 4 1 ■*«»»■««***«« I |tiiiiitii lift fitftfi I nirtiflfimrfliMiMtiy<4^M prniture » .# @rpet§ MOSIG HATi:*- ■#GHARMS And se have the GASY GHAIRS ves buY at the leading Far- nitare Stere. HALtli & BE JT, Kiflg Street — Preston • The right place, to buy FISH- ING lACKLE.REFRfGER A- S TORS OIL STOVES and HAMMOCKS is at Preston's Hardware Store. A call solicited. W. F. MICKUS, LKing^ Street • :-: Preston l^ IC'I ON PABI'E FRANC AIS ■1 ■ (French Spoken Here^ -'CHARACTEKS— - Mrs. Spriggiiisj. .,«..,...., Miss Gladys MuUo}' Miss Angelina Spriggins , Miss Klma Werlich Mrs. Regulus kattan. . . Miss Delta Winter Anna Maria. . . . .<. Miss Maggie Kirkwood Major Regtxlus Rattan Mr. H. C. i$dgar Victor Dubois Mr. Geo, Damley Mr. Spriggins. c Mr. H, L,. Read Scene — Living Room in Spriggin's House. PivACE-— Bathing Resort in England. Preston Conservatory Fresh Vegetables and Cut Flowers al- ways on hand. Designs and general floral work neatly done on short notice. Goods delivered. .IJ Oondsit^ Power House Bs In a nice Suit and in Men's FunishinK of the correct style -TBY- m&mmw mm^m King Street !-: 9 Preston Hurry to MyECKER'S COST PRICE SALE ot BOOTS & SHOES. Stock must go down before removing to new premises. " -FOR THE- FINEST FANCY CHINA Werster leads in quality, variety and price. See my assortment.it is grand F. G. Wupster, King Street, :-: Preston list 2i ^ To those about to build. We are in a position to show you ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL GOODS of all kinds, including METAL SHINGLES, METAL SIDINGS' & METAL CEILINGS., ^ Our recent additions to our factory premises include a large sample room; where we are displaying these goods. You are cordially invited to call and examine our lines and receive estimates covering your requirements. Metal Shingle & Siding Co. I ZELiznited. •V i A gOOD PICTURE Is a deligkt to acy persou. For tb8 Higtesi glass PEOTO WORK you hn to visit tlje Atelier of Kanada's LEADINK ARTOT. (DflU PRESTON, ONTARIO. 9 Mercbant Tailor & Mqu's Pumisliiiigs Don't forget the fact that our stock comprises everything that Men wear but Boots. We want you to come and see us. Coal and Wood Give us a trial for your SUMMER FUEL. Orders for Coal taken from month to month. M. WINTERHALT,