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B^Bmoii: 1894'
PRiNTtert ^v « r, OTTAWA
* I, IK
* • <
I I * ( r
To au Address of the House of Commons, dated the 'Tth May, 1894, for
copies of all letters, proposals, cablegrams, aud correspondence since
the 1st of January, 1890, between the government and any member
thereof and any person, firm or company in relation to establishing a
fast Atlantic Steamship Line between Canada and Great Britain, and
also a line between Canada and France, and in relation to the subsi-
dies for such services asked for or proposed to be given by the govern-
ment, and any draft or completed contracts for such steamship service.
Secretary of State.
Ottawa, 16th February, 1894.
The Right Honourable Sir John Thompson, Q.C., K.C.M.G.
Dear Sir Joun,— Being desirous of ascertaining the practicability of forming a
steamship company which shall comply with the conditions necessary to secure the
subsidy of your government for the carrying of mails to and from England and
Canada, I should be glad if you would supply me with any statistics which you may
have gathered. -^ -
What approximately would the revenue be for mail matter from Great Bi-itain
and Europe ?
What amount, if anything, could be relied upon from the British admiralty for
subvention / Apart from the important question of securing a portion of the
Australian mails now going via Suez, have you any evidence to show that the impe-
rial government will aid with a subsidy ? '^
Generally, could you supply any figures or facts which would enable me to
ascertain the approximate earnings of the proposed steamships ?
I am desirous of submitting to you, without delay, a practicable scheme for a
BWitt— say 20 knots— steam service to and from Canada and England, weekly, in
conjunction with a fortnightly service between Vancouver, B.C., and Australia, via
iionoluhi and Fiji.
I beg to remain, dear Sir John,
Yours faithfully,
Montreal, 22nd February 1894
The Bight Hon. ^ 3l4ftr;'IJ,b^prfq.v;:Q..«. ^^^ fl ........ .
^o4;-^i:^iw7:Jtt^^^^^ «P-cticab.e .hereof a
and efficient management '°™*^'0" ^^ « steamship company under experienced
"-Py^^o^^^ -imperial highway.
States of America; to and from all partTof P mn« V Tv^ Tr'""*" '" thelJnit^
and Japan, to Fiji, Hawaiian Islands and to InZinH "'"".' S'^ ^«''''»»^. ^hina,
In my judirment the statosmnn ^f n ^°i"^'*» ""'^ around the world,
that patriotic a^nd h?s\irrc raS; the Canadkn 'p .T"' ''^^,\'''' potontialitios of
and until the necessary faciIitioHare'cr«ntnHrn.. Vi^' """' *'"» '<^«a «« accepted
and ,.ene,.al travellerLnd 'S rm^rablrsC^^^^^^ '"'^*'«' ^--'ts
anU othiSsVo^tr CwXrs'l'rea^^^^^ -^ -^o ^"ows the Suez
w. h attractions of fascinating interes To trSit^ £"^'? '".T" '^"'^ '" ^'"ter
m Its wake left due lolls and the mission^zi^^ fnCn/^ ^'J^^ ""^ *''»^«' ^^^ "'ways
Its for your government to co^sideTwKher th^^^^^^^^ '""'^1. -^ '^'''-
create issufBcienl to leave no reasonable do, bt of its «H Mm f""'^' "^'^'"'^ ^ P''««'^'^««
of the Canadian Pacific Raifway tharwhlTm no l' •"' *'""'•«' /"'k "ith the president
or is so capable of judging this^s'uI^ectT.t^a ra U^lsTaT^ '"'' ' ' ^-^'"^^'^ ^^"'^'^d
our opinions on all loading points a.e identical ^ ^^^tesman . point of view and
assured"me"o"f ttlr ^;i;nnltsn: coTrfJieTr^' "'' .'^^'^^'^ °^ »»•« company, has
his ability so as to bring aCutati^VH^^'f aT«h„n^'''^ and friends to tCe b^e'st of
great Pacific railway. '"''^* ^' '*''*" '^^ worthy of Canada and of its
great Pacific railway.
pose].';;dT=rL'd^rr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ «- ba^s pro^
Bteamsh ps. I think such a polic^ would LiMolitrar""''^^'^^'^''' «r sma'ller
course, I am relying upon additional «.,h;:H5^ politically and commercially. Of
upon some assistance frCCno ulu anj FMi and C '^"''V'"* •'^"'^ ^«^ ^.elland
ralty as also upon mail money 7 om theVriLh nosToffiT'^'^T''""/''"™ '^' ^'i™''
I assume you can arrive at an annrnv^m f,v>'^ °' "" ^'®" "^ » subsidy,
of stamps, which should grea?ly^"ed TcTt^e aS lilZ .7" '"''^'''P^^ ^''"^ t^e sale
You are probably aware that I havo wlf^ m« T * ''^*>'' P>'oposed service,
new Pacific sWmers, and that they are de^n^d loT. "'/'^ ** '"^^f ' «^ '^^ ^'^Posed
ble performance of the Pacific and Orient or Sent rZ*' '"T?^ ** «°* **»« P'oba-
On the Atlantic the proposed compLv hfl«^o^r'r^''"''i."^"^«"«^t<^«cade.
with flnancial agente and ttK„ E^SH ' ''°'' '° ■""''» """""'"V "nangemLts
C ^
..>.— ^
.♦of "^"^ T*" *!l°"''' ''®^' "nspottkably privileged to be oraploved in this work nf
etateemanshipand practical imperial foieration «rapioyeu in this woik of
I have the honour to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
Pae*>ic demwn.-Van...uvor, B.C., to Sydney and or Melbourne via Victoria
B.C., Honolulu, hji, and or Morton Buy, (for Briiibane) or Auckland NZ '
lo be incorporated (in En-land) under the Companies Ac « 1862 to 1800
whereby the hab.i.ty of it. members i.s limited to the amount of thofr shaL '
to be raisKtii;';";': £2,000,000
Ordinary shares Knn nnn
divided into 100,000 shares of £5 each ovu,[m
Debentures £1,500.000
3J per cent., and 21 years debentures. To be guaranteed by the Dominion covornment
f?n!i,^hr'' '^^' ".^-f^ "P.?.- -?">""«°* ^^ P^'"«'P'*' "nJ invest tJgeXlu^ted
from the annual subsidy, paid in London, England, by the Dominion Lovernmont in «
EnXV" i" T'"^ "r"' "-''' ««n«"'tation%ith'the compan^^ZKch 1 Znt in
England. Such annual payments to liquidate the amount ^of the dobenturci^ within
£25oS;t7n?uT,ty^^^^^^^ ''^ Bominion government is at the rate of
Canadian-Australian Stean:8hip Company's fleet at the outset to cor M of-
of mfinff-n- '^'^'«'^«--Four new royal mail express twin screw steams. , 4pable
of ma ntainingatsea under favourable conditions, a speed of 20 knots per\ our- and
cBhions '"™'"^ '* '''*'"*^ ™"^^ P"- ^""' «" '^«'- ' -• ^"P. un^tuPsi; builders'
«.„ 'r^®. fosse's to bo about 10,000 tons register, or as large as may be necessarv to
FnXh k' h^T. T'"^ "-'!?" ^'^^ commercial conditio^is. To be provTdod with
il-nghsh board of trade certificates for carrying passengers and tn Ka «« wl^^^^T
t^rburr-'^';" the other Atlantic eteamsh^s^ofcTuffint ^Jeed' 'The^'EPmsWp:
to be built in compliance with the usual conditions necessary to secure the suC
tion lor mercantile armed cruisers from the British admi/alt?
bervice.-At the outset to be weekly for 48 weeks in each yekr. The other four
weelcs are required to permit of time being given for annual ov^erhaul if each eteam-
ftnrl ,fnt''!^T'^l^ Steamships to run direct to and from Canadian and English ports
rove" nment""'** "' ""^ ^''■''^" P''"'* ^'*''^"' '^' ««°«"on in writing of the^DomfnTon
. Pacific dwision.~The present Canadian-Australian steamship sorvioA to h«
incorporated with the Atlantic serviceand the steamers " Miowera "Tnd « Warrimoo "
L beVuilt'7su"S;?rn7'*^ ''' f ^^ '^'"?^^«" ^^^'^'"^^'P^ «f ^''^'t 5"m tons regTter
10 oe built ot sufficient power to mainta n a speed of 15 knots at sea or 17 Irnota V^«
the builders' trial. To be in other respects equivalentto the best AtTa'„tfc eteaS^^^^^
All fo k''k ^-u''-*'' ^^ ^T'^^^ ** the outset with English board ofSe certificate's
subvention f"''*'" compliance with the usual condit;..,. aeceesary to secure he
subvention for merchant steamers as ari!i«H prni'se!- f-o" ho Vvit'-^ ^A-r^iZu
^n^t^tVlfT^' ''■ '"^ *!?: **»^.« ^^ ^" tt year^Jintan^S^fe^^
justifies^ rVto^be at once increased to a bi-monthly service for six months in the yeur!
• •" ' '
The proponed two new twin Horow HteamorB, in addition to the " Miowora " and
" Warrimoo" Nhall bo capnblo of maintaining a bi-monthly Heivioe to and from
Vancouver and Sydney, N.S.VV., via Honolulu, 1% and Morton Bay. In the event of
it bein^ found most conducive to the interests ot the Dominion government and to
the development of truffle for the steamers to call at Auckland, N.Z., a three-weekly
service can be efficiently maintained all the year round by the four Pacific stonm.
shipn (exclusive of Morton Hay).
Total of fleet with which it is proposed to inaugurate the service :
On the Adantic.—Fow twin-screw steamships, of about 10,000 tons register,
and of a speed of 20 knots ut sea.
On the Pacific— Two new twin-screw steamships, of about 5,500 tons register
and of a speed of 15-16 knots at nea. The " Miowera " and " Warrimoo " ; or a total
of six new twin-screw steamships, and the above named two almost new swift
All the steamships would bo insulated and fitted out with modern refrigeratory
machinery for the successful carrying on the Atlantic beef, game, etc., in a chilled
or frozen condition, and on the Pacific for the successful carrying of fish fruits
and mutton, etc., in a chilled or frozen condition. '
The operation of tho steamers would be controlled by the one company, with
Its registered office in England, and its own office in Sydney, Australia, with offices
or agencies throughoutthochiof towns of Australia. New Zealand, Fiji and Hono.ulu.
In Canada and in America tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company will undertake
the agency, and will throw tho whole of its efficient organization into tho enterprise
with u view to develop traffic at all possible points ; also, it may be arranged for
the Canadian Pacific Jtailway to accept tho handling of traffic in England, and at all
their European agencies, thus separating in Europe tho management of traffic from
the management of the steamships. This arrangement is already working success-
fully on a smaller scale.
Under tho above proposed conditions tho subsidy of £25,000 now being paid by
the Dominion government to tho Canadian Australian Company, would cease to be
separately paid, and is included in tho proposed subsidy of £250,000 for the com-
bined Atlantic-Canadian Pacific service. Subject to the usual conditions as to strikes
and lockouts, the Atlantic service to bo commenced as early in the year 1896 as
may be practicable.
Consistent with safety every effort will be made to save time in the building of
the steamships.
Subject to the same conditions the next new steamship will be placed upon the
Pacific during the latter part of 1895, and the fourth boat not later than the spring
of 1896. * ®
Generally.— The terms of cont-ict to he for twenty-one years, to bo renewed for
a further period and for an amount which may bo mutually agreed upon, and failing
agreement, then by arbitration. The general conditions of tho contract now existing
for the Canadian-Australian service to be adapted in so far as they may be adaptable
to tho proposed now service.
The date at which the subsidy shall be in part or wholly begin to be paid
mutually agreed upon, so as to cover the interest on debentures, and to provide for
the continuous operation of the Pacific service.
Russell House, Ottawa, 28th February, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bo well, Minister of Trade and Commerce for Canada.
Sir,— My scheme for a swift Atlantic steamship service, as set forth in my
letter of 22nd instant, addressed to the premier having been referred to you for modi-
fication by me, I have now the honour to submit a modified proposition. I now
suggest that the contract with your government for the Canadian-Australian service
shall at present be left intact. That contract provides for the addition of a third
steurashlp iu duo time; and if tho otter which I uhall now put Leforo you for the
Atlantic Horvico Hhail bo accoptod, tho third Btoam»liip for iho I'aciflc Horvice would
bo HUppliud within oif luo ratino
If, therefore, the government of Canada will, by passing an act or otherwise
gran a subsidy of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars peLnum payable
quarterly for a term of ten year., to a company to be formed by our frieffi we
wi.l, on the formation of that company, undertake the construction of five first-c'lass
steamers, of 6,000 tons each, to be built of steel, with all the most recent impi^re!
e^!htoi'"l?In1 ""? "^^'^'^'^y ««P«ble of driving them at a speed of not less than
eighteen knots per hour at sea, to be fitted with suitable accommodation for first and
:XuoS pCsSrcTrgo.™'^'""'^' ""' "'^'^ -frigerating chambers for the pre-
It is understood that the proposed line shall embrace a weekly service of
ernTnt'ofT'^H ^ ^'lu' '}"' ^"j-^^*^ ^^'"«^'^'"' ^° ^' «g'«^d «" between the gov-
ernment of Canada and the steamship company, and Quebec during the seasoSof
open navigation and Halifax during the winter months.
On your advising us that your government are prepared to consider favourably
5l7«K?h ""^ T"''"' ""^ '^f 5^" ''"^X *° ^P"" direct negotiations with you as to
all details through a representative at Ottawa. j^ «=> i.^>
r...i^1 ""^^ ''^'* ^^"^^ "^f propose to construct steamers specially designed for this
particular service, and adapted in all respects for Atlantic navigation, Ind that the
trnTAT?!!' V' 'T^^ '''/r ™^"^' ^^« «^"i«« •" '^bout eigliteen months from
the date of the formation of the company.
We are, sir, your obedient servants,
Hotel Belqbavia, London, S.W., 19th August, 1893.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Ottawa.
Mt Dear Bov,ei^l^_a8 Sir John Thompson has now left for Canada, and I
Hnnh"^^*!, i-*'f^*''"*'%f^''^^'''P'®''^'«<'^"®«tion will be taken into considera-
tion by the cabinet soon after his return, and in order to accelerate the progress of
LtiorS m""""'"'m^ "^^ '^""^ '^'^' government are disposed to entef info nego-
tiations with Messrs Napier & Sons on some such basis as that proposed in their
hiw-I^r''' " ^^"'^ ^' well if you would cable to Mr. Colmer £ tfatefFect and
ill ^r ^Tr"'""^*® ^1'^ ™«' '^ ^ '^"^ «tili in England, or with Mr. Bruce
taHvn o^f ,h''" ^'j^^^ «'^«" ^im, SO that there should be no delay in the represen:
tative of the parties here going out at once to carry on the negotiations with the
goyernmen , and I expect also to be there to assist in the business. I have Teen Mr
Colmer on the .subject, and he will at^ ...i to it when instructed by you
Yours very truly,
Ottawa, 6th September, 1893.
Hon. Geo. E. Poster, Minister of Finance.
My Dear Foster, — I inclose you correspondence re fast lino of steamers. I
wrote to Bruce acknowledging the receipt of his letter and informing him that the
matter would be brought before council as soon as all the members were here.
Yours truly,
(^^^^^•^ 9th September, 1893.
To James Bruce, 36 Wa rook, London.
Government ready to negotiate on basis of subsidy you proposed, service con-
fined to Canadian ports, average speed 18 knots, details to be arranged.
36 Walbrook, London, 16lh September, 1893.
The Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Dear Sir,— I had the pleasure to receive on Monday of this week the cable
message you were good enough to send to me on the 9th instant, which reads as
follows, viz. : — , . , . , J •
" Government ready to negotiate on basis of subsidy you proposed, service con-
fined to Canadinn ports, average speed eighteen knots, details to be arranged," and
for which I beg to thank you. . /-.^ *
I am now arranging with my associates for an early meeting at Ottawa to
arrange the details of the contract, and I hope soon to be able to inform you by
cable of the date of my departure.
Your obedient servant,
36 Walbrook, B.C., London, 11th October, 1893.
The Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Dear Sir, — I had the pleasure of addressing you on the 16th ultimo, when I
acknowledged' the receipt of your cable message of 9th of that month but I have not
been favoured with a letter confirming the same from your department which my
associates expected would follow.
Having said in my last communication that I was then arranging with my
associates for an early departure to discuss with j'ourself and the other members
of the cabinet the details of the proposed mail subsidy contract, I must now explain
that the time consumed in the preparation of plans of the proposed steamers and of
arriving at a fair estimate of their cost has delayed my departure. But these mat-
ters are now nearly completed and I hope next week to be able to cable to you the
date of my departure for your capital, but any letter addressed to me as above will
reach me or be forwarded to me in due course.
Your obedient servant,
London, 16th December, 1893.
To Foster, Finance Minister, Ottawa.
What date January suits government meet Bruce and myself .steamHhip business?
Please send Tupper copy conditions Barrow proposed agreement.
To Cameron, Belgravia, London.
Any time in January.
Ottawa, 16th December, 1893.
19th December, 1893.
The Hon. Sir CiTarles T- pper, High Commissioner, etc., London, Eng.
SiK, — A cablegram received by the minister of finance from Mr. Cameron, re
fast AtluPtic steamship service, contains a request that "copy conditions Barrow-
proposed a^'reement" might be sent to you. As 1 am a little uncertain as to what
this refers f >, I send you herewith a copy of conditions for steamship service between
Canada, TJnited Kingdom and Fi-anco, referred to in the advertisements for tenders
in 1890 and 1891.
I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Deputy Minister.
Office of the High Commissioner for Canada,
17 Victoria Street, London, S.W., 3rd .ianuary, 1894.
To Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa.
Sir, — I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19lh ultimo,
on the subject of Mr. Cameron's cablegram to the finance minister respecting the
fast Atlantic steamship service and to inform you in reply |that the high commis-
sioner has forwarded a copy of your communication and the documents which ac-
companied it to Mr. Cameron.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
J. G. COLMER, Secretary.
(Cable.) London, 20th February, 1894.
To BowELL, Ottawa.
What subsidy will government grant in view of exceptional character of fleet
proposed ?
Ottawa, 2l8t February, 1894.
To Cameron, London.
Government not prepared to make proposition pendingsettlement of fast service.
London, 3rd March, 1894.
Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Ottawa.
Dear Bowell, — I cabled you to-day that I intended to sail on Wednesday next,
but should I be unable to get away then, I shall go next Saturday by the " Campania "
Mr. Bruce, my associate in the steamship business, sails to-day by the " Umbria"
but as he has some business to do in New York, he will wait there a few days until
I arrive when we go to Ottawa to settle the details of the contract with the govern-
ment, and as soon as that is done and the requisite order in council is passed, our
arr.angfiment,H .".re completed here for finding the capital and at onee contracting for
and commencing the construction of a splendid fleet of vessels so as to be able to
begin the service within eighteen months from the time of the contract. * *
(The portion omitted is of a confidential character in re proposed financial arrange-
ments.) We should have been glad if the government could have seen their way to
ftromiBe a moderate eubsidy for the Franco-Canadian servico, as we had an excel-
ent opportunity with such an assurance of acquiring a fleet of vessels exactly suited
to that line, but we still hope that after the fast Atlantic service is arranged for we
may be able to settle this business also and still secure these vessels.
Believe me j'ours very truly,
London, 5th March, 1894.
To BowELL, Ottawa.
Times Ottawa correspondent cables government concluded contract fast Atlantic
service with Iluddart Saturday. Surely this incorrect. Please reply. Bruce sailed
Ottawa, 5th March, 189-1.
To Cameron, London, Bng.
Provisional arrangements made with Huddart. Bruce will bo heard, though
end of January was the date fixed by you for his arrival.
Westminster Hotel, New York, 22nd March, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada.
Fast Atlantic Mail Service.
Sib, — I have discussed this subject with vour worthy high commissioner in
London several times during the past five years, and when the lateMr. Bryce Douglas
returned to England with a promise of a'subsidy of five hundred thousand dollars
per annum, I told Sir Charles that, in my opinion, the amount was quite insufficient
to support an 18 knot service.
Although I had not called upon Sir Charles for a couple of years, I never lost
sight of the subject; and, when the Australian line became an established fact, I saw
that there was additional inducement for an Atlantic service by which to complete
the missing link of direct communication, under the British flag and over British
territory, between Great Britain and her possessions in the far east.
I wrote to Mr. Cameron to that effect, he consulted Sir Charles Tupper and Sir
Adolphe Caron, and, finally, I was requested to make a formal propo:*al op 20th June,
That letter was approved by Sir Charles Tupper and forwarded to Sir John
Thompson who was then in Paris, and by him to your good self, and you wrote to
me on 19th July, 1893, acknowledging its receipt from Sir John, promising to sub-
mit it to the cabinet at its first meeting.
That meeting took place soon after the return of the prime minister to Ottawa,
and I was favoured with a cable message from the minister of finance, dated 9th
September, 1893, practically accepting the proposal I made, and intimating the
readiness of the government to discuss the details with me.
I had, in the meantime, associated with me, the old and respectable firm of
Messrs. Robert Napier & Sons, but their estimates of cost of the xiroposed steamer
proved to ho so outrageously excessivej and although they subsequently agreed to
reduce their figures by some forty thousand pounds on each steamer, I became dis-
satisfied and, on inquiry, I discovered that financially they were not in a position to
do proper justice to so large a contract.
Now, 8ir, that meBsago did not limit the time for noKotiation of details lo th«
end of January, and I think, in all fairness. I had a right to expect that notS woSj
toTnteX:Ke"/''' ''""^^ '^'^""'- P'^^^^^'^'^ '^'''''^^ in'tention of JhetabS
Having acted in perfect good faith and confidence that mv interests would nnt
be allowed to suffer because of unavoidable dolav in EnfrlanH Lh fK„f k T
Offer was entertained from other partLs notS "su;h^&entton w^^^^^^
Sb^TomMr CaSonTat^'"'"'!^^''^''^"'! •''"' '"-'" SppoinS'toZ. "^
came Horn Mr. Cameron that you had entered into a provisional contract with Mr
Huddart for a 20 knot service, and I confess that 1 did not expect to bo troa ed so'
A hough my or.^nal proposal was for an 18 knot service, I sfrongly advocated ad'
ditional power sufficient to maintain a speed of 19 knots on service Ld the nlan«f
have had drawn are for a ship of such power and speed ' ^ "' ^
in ih.l '\™T [""^^V "i^ ^^"' ,'^""''' 1^^^' that faster ships could bo provided but
n he present state of the trade between Canada and England there fs nothn'ir to
justify so arge an expenditu.o as would be ncce.nary to%on.l,^ct , earner of gS
. TteovTiiors of IhosoToralAlloiilio lines lunninK lo Now York mnv find it in
bu. .trr„"i're™„'on'::,°:^pt?r^sr:i' SoS"^"' '-' '--' •'-™™'
1 am a perfect stranger lo you, but I am well known in London as Iho mront of
w»ross 8team,ng, having organised the first steamship eom7a?,y foT tLt pmnose
T™ . •'T'''"' '" ""■ yrs of '881, under the chairmanshh) of Lord DuKm
owners and managers of the several Liverpool lines ridieuled tL dea Lt tho ° me M
?; a plrS'SiSiT^ Sre'ijTej's"™ "°"° "" "^"-'"^ ''« ."g.»tioUtr„o1
the LtiSl ""^ ?■'■• H"d^«»-t personally but I know all about him and as well
&?Lat" SL-Ter"'"^ " ' '*"' ' '"^"'"^' ^^'^' ' '' -^ ^-•- -^ adverse influerce
A^, y^en Mr. Huddart has studied the question as carefully and as closelv in all if«
details as I have done during the past twenty years, he wilf find out the'SA ^f'?
Btruction and maintenance of a fleet of steamers of 20 knoi speed ^"^
the 12tri"n«tan7' ftPf ''''? t^is letter on receipt of the cable fr'om Mr. Cameron on
I remain, sir, your obedient servant,
36 Wal brook, London.
Westminster Hotel, New York, 23rd March, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Trade and Coramorce,
Ottawa, Dominion of Canada.
Sib, — I had the pleasure of addressing you yesterday and I then said that I would
have the pleasure of calling upon you on Monday night.
I now write to say that I have a cable mewsage this afternoon from Mr. A. F.
Bowen, of London, informing me that Mr. Cameron will leave by "Lucania" to-
morrow and asking mo to await his arrival.
Still, if . you think you would like to discuss with me the subject of xny letter of
yesterday's date, and will take the trouble to telegraph to me to that effect, I will
proceed immediately to Ottawa.
I think it quite likely that such discussion might be agreeable and instructive
at the present lime.
Yours faithfully,
27th March, 1894.
James Bruce, Esq., New York.
Dear Sir, — T have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the
22nd and 23rd instant respectively. I shall be very glad to discuss the question of a
fast Atlantic service with you, if you can make it convenient to come to Ottawa. I
may, however, state for your information that the cablegram to which you refer was
quite correct, a provisional agreement has been made with Mr. Huddart for a 20
knot service.
Yours truly,
Westminster Hotel, New YoRk, 31st March, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada.
Dear Sib,— I was duly favoured with your valued letter of 27th instant, for
which I thank you.
Mr. Hector Cameron arrived in this city by tho " Lucania " this morning ; he
proceeded to Toronto this afternon, intending to be in Ottawa on Wednesday morn-
ing when I may hope to have the pleasure of meeting you.
Yours faithfully,
Russell House, Ottawa, 6th April, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada.
Atlantic Fast Steamship Service.
Dear Sir, — In my letter of 22nd ultimo I complained that the cabinet had enter-
tained proposals from another party binding the government to enter into a contract
with him, within three months from the date of passing an act to authorize the pay-
ment of the subsidy named.
Having favoured me with an appointment this morning, I was glad to hear you
explain that, in your absence, the subject of my original proposal, dated 20th of June
last, was discuHsed by the government, and when you gave a letter to Mr. Huddart
on the 3rd ultimo you had not been informed of the fact that the finance minister
had cabled to me on 9th September 1893, as follows: — .
" To Jamis Bruce, 36 Walbrook, London.
fln J'f^"n®''"r®"' ^''"t'^y ^? negotiate on basis of subsidy you propose: service con
fined to Canadian ports. Average speed 18 knots, dotaii to be arranged
i< foSTER
" Ottawa, 9th September, 1893."
While I cheerfully accept your explanation of the circumstances and nlf»,nn™k
I sadly regret the consequent Ls of time, because I co^irr mpossTbb
Huddart to carry out his very elaborate scheme, I beg now to suKt for Ion. Jnn
sideration and approval, the following proposal, viz •- '"'""" *°' •^°"' ^°°-
WniK ^?" t'" •?" ^^° "^^y "^^^^ ^^^ ^'"'« gianted to Mr. Huddart cable to me to ^fi
Walbrook, London, expressing your willingness to enter into a cont aT with
me for 10 years on payment of a subsidy of $750,000 per annum payaWe nSarte v
and renewable if not cancel ed by twelve months' notico on « th«r uint r i? ?
immediately to Ottawa, with a Juarant:rfry\bint;%TuTder aftucr'^
rroofZt^"""'"'''/'^"' y""^ ^"' ^' ^"'^^ "^''^P'^ the narsTm™antors as
proof that wo mean to put afloat a fleet of steamers of such size and power aswHI
satisfy the requnerr ents of the trade and of the government in every Ea. tfcular
36 Walbrook, London.
I remain, dear sir, your obedient servant,
James Bruce, Esq., Ottawa. ^^^ "^P"'' ^^^*-
Sib,— I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of th^ n^K
dayafertheexpnyof the three months" within which^ Mr. Huddart has under
taken to complete h.s arrangements, cable you to 36 Walbrook Son exnressinJ
a willingness to enter into a contract with vou for said Hfl.-xn-no Vr>t i n ' ^^P'^®^^"'^
ment of a subsidy of $750,000 per annum ^ '°^ ^°' ^^ ^*'*''« «° P'^^'
I have, after consultation wiia my coUeasuos to inform wm +Kof ♦»,
ment, having entered into a provision^al agrfement for t"e Srvice n qtsS'Ts"
not m a position to entertain any other proposition in relation thfl.ttA Ti f!! 'i
any promises respecting their action in thefSture ' "^ ^"^ """^^
Yours truly,
Westminsteh Hotel, New X-qek, 13th April, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowel l.
Minister of Trade and Coniraerce, Ottawa.
Fast Atlantic Steamship Service.
gret?oTafrti;;J l^Jti^.s^ ^^^^^JISI^^ ^^::^^^ -
way to promise even that after the time granted to M?" SXart hie expired^vou
would give any consideration to my proposal in my letter of 5th nstant ^
At present you no doubt consider your decision as final hnt 1 H^^^t
accept it as such, because I indulge the hJpe that orXSonVou iiludmiTJS^t*?
have been badly treated, that I have serious c ae for comolaint and th«? i J ^
you may find it to the interest of the govern t o? th ™fifnJ ""t*^^-til% °,"
more attention to the subject of the proposals 1 nave made^hrough you ^
I say "proposals" because there are two-the first dated 20th of Jun« isqq
to prov^an 18 knot service, and the second dated the 6th instant, wlreini oS
to produce a guarantee to supply a fleet of steamerH vyhich would prove accoptal.lo
to the trade and to the Kovernment of Canada, and 1 ava. of th.H opportunity to
place on record all the facts while they are fresh in nr>y reco ect.or. u. the hop., that
lit some future time it may be my privilege to take up and discuss the subject with
^"""in your letter of 19th July, 189:1, you acknowledged the receipt from Sir John
Thompson, of ray first proposal, and you promised to submit it to the cabinet at its
first J'^"^J;'y^"jf Q^^j^^y^ fg,. Australia on or about the 3rd of September, and on the 9th
of that month Mr. Foster cabled to me as follows :—
"Government ready to negotiate on banis of subsidy you propose; service con-
fined to Canadian ports, aveingo speed 18 knots, details^ to be arranged
I take it for granted that some competent person was entrusted with the duties
aonortaining to the department of trade and commerce during your absence, and
jKiat ge^'ntleman attended the meeting of the cabinet on the 9th o S.ptomber
and placed on record in your department the decision arrived at regarding my pro-
nosa and the fact that the minister of finance cabled to ine practically accepting it
On receipt of that cable I opened correspondence with steamship builders and
I visited several yards to obtain plans and estimates of the proposed steamers. Ihis,
and the time occupied with Hnaneiors, consumed several nrionths, and I was not able
to leave England i'nr the purpose of discusMUg details with the government, until
the 3rd ultimo, and, on m'y arrival in this city. 1 was informed by cable Irom Mr.
Cameron that you l,:id entered into a provisional contract with Mr. lluddart.
When I had the pleasure of meeting you in Ottawa on the 5th instant you can-
didly admitted that when you met Mr. Huddart there after your return trom Aus-
tralia and agreed to give him a provisional contract for a 20 knot service, you were
not aware that the cabinet had, during your absence, discussed and practical y
accepted my proposal of 20th June last, and that Mr. Foster had cabled that fact to
mo on the 9th of September. , , ^ .i ^ •
The admission you made proves that you did not take the troub o to inquire
what had been done by cabinet ministers in your absence, and u is quite impossible
to determine who is to blame-yoii, for omitting to inform yourself of the proceed-
ings of the cabinet of which you are a minister, or Mr. Foster, who in my opinion
ou|ht to have seen that a copy of his cable to me had been sent to your department
^**' ^AUho^ul'h Mr!"Fo9ter despatched the cable referred to of 9th September, ho did
not confirm it by letter, and several friends, shipbuilders and financiers, spoke of
this as an unpardonable neglect. . . i. • *■ ,.
That the facts are as stated herein, I am sure you will admit, and believing that
vou acted without knowledge of these facts when you gave an option to Mr. Huddart,
is it unreasonable to expect that my position with the government may be re-estab-
lished when the three months' time granted to Mr. Huddart has expired ?
As I return to England by "Umbria" to-morrow, I will esteem it a favour if
you will address me as under.
I have the honour to remain, dear sir,
Your obedient servant,
36 Walbrook, London.
Toronto, Canada, Zlst April, 1894.
Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa.
My Dear Sin.— On my return to Toronto, I received the enclosed letter from
H- Bruce writ^«n hnfore he left New York for England, with a request that I
^ould for'ward it to'you, which I now do. I have, of course, observed the prooeed-
Sesin parliament in reference to the steamship service matter, and I would be glad
f thegJvernment could see their way to subsidrzing a direct French line on the basis
thoy aro pioparod at onco to comnloto ami ca.rv out th«i;. !^r ^hoy ntuto tluit
Youra vory truly,
]liw9r,T,L House, Ottawa, Tlli Ajiril, 1894
ni> EMclloncy tho Eaki. op Adeboebn, Govornor G«„„r«l, oto. olo olo
Mr. Bowoll loft for Australia on or about tho 3rd of SeDtombei-- on thn otK ^f
that month the cabinot mot and discussed mv cronosal SnTth^fin! • w""^
cabled to mo on that date as follows, viz :-_ ^ P'^'PO'*"'. ""^ tho finance minister
fin«H"*^"r ®''"p ®"* ^""^^y *" negotiate on basis of subsidy you proposed • service oon
fnt«rnr„Si" '"" P^'"''.' '*^'''T 'P^*'* ^^ '^"^t^' 'letaifs to be a?mnj;d " which I
interprotod us an acceptance of my proposal »"H"geu, wnicn i
Apologizing to your excellency for the trouble I give,
I have the honour to be, my lord
Your lordship's humble servant,
36 Walbrook, London.
J™1?°' ""'J""" '"'«""« "">. I «■» «•", bi well .n'd f.ithfull7g,«™L't"° H
84— 2J
20th April, 1894.
His Excellency Ixjlf© A»i!bd«kW, Governor Genecsl, etc., etc., etc.
My Dbar Lord Aut**" k' —I Liive to thank you for '^«r favour of tho I4th
instant inclosing a letter btni n you by Mr. JumoM Bruc'e, -f Wnlliiook, liondon,
bearing date 7tli April, 1894, cumpluining of the action taken by tho goyernmont
in making a provisional arrangomont with Mr. Jamca Iluddart, ot Australia, now in
England, for tho establishment of a fast Atlantic Bteomship service between Canada
and Great Britain.
, Mr. Bruce's statement is substantially correct so far as ho has tleait with the
matter; but unfortunately he has not informed your excellency of the M'h(»lo tacts.
On referring to the documents on file, I find that Hon. Mr. l-'osler did >'• »t the linanco department, - )ttawa,
Deputy Minister of Financt.
Finance Department, Ottawa, Canada, 29th May, ]8!»0.
Terms and conditions of Steamship Service between Canada and the United Kinadom
ofFfnaZf' 't7l 1 1 «''-'•'-"-«' -9ned ly J. M, Courtney, Deputy m7JZ
of Finance, and dated Finance Department, Ottawa, Canada, 2'Jth May 1890
departure for Europe ^ ' P'^^^"^^'^ ^^at HalilUx be the last port of
France to CanTd^ tSfv^^ U"^'«^ ^^i-^^om^and
..„„;• J„.!l ^V'"". ™"''^ to include all boxes, ba^s. or nackets of Iettor« no«t n-H"
PosTi?£;Ycn;7re' urat1onrfor%r;r''"' r^'*^" '''''' ""«'«« -hich'under VJ.-^
Without regard ^Xl^^L^L Z^^]^:^^:;'^^^^ X^R
which they may have originated, and also all empty baga, boxes, baskets and other
receptacles, and other stores and articles used or to be used in carrying on the post
office service.
4. The contractor, at his own cost, to provide sufficient and convenient accom-
modation and space for the mails in each steamer to the satisfaction of the post-
master general of Canada, (such accommodation to be us far removed from either
end of the ship as may bo reasonably possible,) to be under lock and key, and to be
fitted up, lighted and heated as he may approve for keeping the mails whilst under
conveyance therein, and the services of the crew of ievery vessel shall from time to
time be given in the conveyance of the mails to and from the mail room or rooms.
5. The days and hours of departure of the steamers to be appointed by the post-
master general, and to bo subject to change by him from time to time on three
months' notice in writing to the contractor; the times so appointed and every change
made therein to bo advertised by the contractor both in Europe and in Canada in
such man!ier as the postmaster general may diiect.
6. The postmastergeneral tohavo the right in case of need to delay the sailing of
any steamer for a time not exceeding twenty-four hours, and in no case shall the con-
tractor be entitled to extra payment in respect of such delay.
7. The date of commencement of the service to be the 12th April, 1891, or as soon
thereafter as possible, and the contract to be for ten years from that date as a fixed
term and to continue thereafter until determined by either party on twelve months'
notice to the other the contract to ceaso at the expiration of such twelve months.
Such notice may be given on the expiry of nine years from the said 12th April, 1891.
8. The vessels employed to be of not less tonnage than 6,500 gross register tons
and to have boon proven by "long sea" builders' trial of twelve consecutive hours in
open sea to bo of adequate strength and power to make an average speed of not less
than eighteen or nineteen knots an hour (according to tender accepted) from port to
port across the Atlantic, and to be constructed of the host materials and furnished
and supplied with sufficient fuel, stores and provisions, tackle and all things neces-
sary to enable them to perform the voyage contracted for, and to secure the safety
of the mails and passengers, and to be in all respects first-class mail steamers and
equal in equipment to the best Atlantic steamers, and to be manned with legally
qualified and competent officers and engineers, and a sufficient crew of able seamen
and other men, and a competent surgeon.
9. The contractor to engage that no discrimination shall bo made by him, his
officers, or agents, as regards ocean rates, either directly or indirectly against
Canadian railway routes via Halifax or St. John, and the Intercolonial or imy other
Canadian railway, and he is further to engage to land passengers and fioiglit at
Quebec during the St. Lawrence season on such side of the river as may be de-
sired and agreed upon by passengers and those sending freight to Canada.
10. A penalty of five hundred pounds sterling to bo incurred by the contractor
for every trip not performed according to the conditions of the contract, and no pay-
ment to bo due or made for any trip not so performed.
11. The payment by the contractor of any penalties in no way to prejudice the
right of tho postmaster general of Canada to treat the failure to provide a proper
vessel at the appointed time or to perform a voyage at or within the appointed period
as a breach of contract.
12. The contractor not to be called upon to pay to the government of Canada any
Dominion light dues or other similar dues except tho nite or duty payable in respect
of every vessel to the sick mariners' fund, and except harbour dues.
13. The mails to bo received and delivered respectively by the contractor at the
post offices at Plymouth or Southampton, Cherbourg or other port in France, Quebec
Halifiix or St. John, as the case may be, and the expenses of CMiveying tho mails to
the steamships from the post offices at the said places, and from the steamships to
the same, to be borne by the contractor. The steamers to stop in the river St.
Lawrence at Rimouski during the season of summer navigation for the purpose of
landing and embarking mails and passengers, to facilitate which a steam launch pro-
vided by the government of Canada will be in attendance.
tions thereof not be fairly fulfilled and carried o f 1.^' • ^''^ the terms and condi-
and this without being obliged to hlv^Ilrl V", '^eir true and honest raeaninff
be voidable by the government so Z/I^Z^^ ^^'^'}''' '1^« "^"^'•^^t shall nol
fulfilled and carried out in S" trueand'hoL ? mt™' ""'' conditions of it are fairly
mont to annul the same for any cause sha^rife l.Hf 'h""^ ^^^ ''^^^ "^ ">« ««^«rn.
having competent jurisdiction fn such mauirs ^ '""' *'''^""'*' '" ^^«»«da
Ifi" S{?°"^',""''*'' ^'^^ ^•'"*™«t to bo raiide quarterly
16. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ?o be accepted
two Xra'I^^e'r^^^^ ;-t Vheir tenders the names of
contract, with referenc'es as to ZlmtZTn^^'^t^ ^^^^^ ^^ the
Montreal, 23rd June, 1890.
fromTou?5:;7rtlrrd;7^r29rS'^^^ shown me a notice emanating
between Canada, Great Britain and F.RnnJ^ir-' " ''^^''''"^ ^^ * steamship servicf
try. Belgium, I thinlAt useful totlf vrtha^Th^J''"''"''^ ?^™ V'^ "'^^ve coun-
just decided upon the creation of a Jrea seaoort fn5«r'"T"' ""L'^''^ ^"""^''^ ^^^
opposite the mouth of the Thames At nrflZt J 1^^^ water, at Heyst-lez-Bruges,
well a. in public gather ini rto\he LE«hnr« ?^ Tr"' '' ^^''"" '" *'^« P»'^'«« ««
between Belgium and Canada and a ?e?v imno^^^nn ""^ '^'"^"l ^"'"'P^'-cia' relations
facturers e«t1iblished at BrSs l^^ls c ha7i? m^^^^ ""^ merchants and manu-
come to Canada to fulfil ^ ^"^ ""' '"'^'^ '^ ™'««i«" to this end, which I
into L^^uUonaste^crncSfv'itforof''^ Belgian government is about to put
de Maere Limlander, Z old r^petlt.ve in t^/: Tf .^'^^'"^"J^hed engineers, fir.
been very specially pntronized bwl ol r,. . t . P"" P"r''"'«ent, and who has
Among the cons de«a ons th-i ho n ^nT^'''" ff?''^'' ^ ''"''^ '^'^ ''«"""'• '« be.
port have hud stress upon TwihoLce '.^hoT i'".^ *''f V.^'t"^ «^ ^^^ «'•"««« «««"
tagesthatalineofs3t";scmld le ivJ-^^^^ ' - .^ ^'^^ immense^advan-
of the country in whXl H^w nort wif ^n ^^^^^^^^ P«"t'««' «'tuation
ated in that part of the A^ncl' co uTnent .hinfn;'^ J? Pp'"* of departure is situ-
of the great Asiatic traffic TM« P?? u -i. .'''''^''^' ^"^ ^'^"™P*^' '''"d on the route
China fnd JapT. an^jfurope and S^^ benefits from the transit between
direct, the best adapted Td the rno J ;ln?^ that is found the port the most
Bervica In fact tl jC of Bruges wILS^^^^
yards in length, accessible in all sSns and Jnuf; l ."^ • ", '^"^P ""''' "^""^ 850
will be opened in the territorv of a connf?.?. nV '^^'' ''* "/-'"^ "" ^^°" "« by day,
guaranteed by the iiurm^an .Stbn L h 7m neutral, whose independenci
of G,.eat Britain. At t h s Ton wi it .if^ t ^'^'^f ""'^"^ "'^ ^^"^^bful auspices
Europe, placed in the hands of ,rinvT,M?l! ^yf.t«;n "^ railways the best supplied in
German, Austrian Italinn and RiSln.r"^ '"''''•' ''^ its contracts with the French,
economical transport to k "is, Vie " ffih'ITpor 'h "".' ''', T'' ^"^P'^ "^"^
exceptional situation of the iJirsvstem is HO v^^^^^^^^ ''"'^ ^'■'"^''^*- ^his
that England itself in snite of itV ihZ l^ • ^^^gn'^ed and appreciated in Europe
port of l^s Indian^'L^^il^PrBefgi^ttiarb;^ r^^o^Cf ^'0^^ *'^ *^-'"'-
and ^.^stS,arfZ::^:j^lJ^r;^,:;rr2 ^^^^^> ^^"^eommercial
Bruges, the seaport of BekWum T, H .'/i'V ?"P5,"^' .^°^ '^'' the case occurring,
do the service blwLn Ca SanS Sn^ Sf '"^ -^'^ ""Tl "^ ^""''^ government
Canadian-Bruges-Lonl^ornbove^nv ot^^^^ ""^f^« superiority of a line
and the great industriarresourcrdiSosabl^^^ ^"^P'tal
an enterprise which well Saled oXt t. ! ^•'^'"•", ^«»'J "«* make default to
activity Sf Canadkn 00^23 ^ ''''"' ^''' " '""^' *'™« •* "«"<>?«•>' «f the
24 .
Would you kindly inform me if the torms of the advertisement inserted in the
papers are to be taken absolutely to the letter; if a port in Franco can only, accord-
ing to the views of your department answer to the conditions of the tender or whether
eventually the contractors for the steamship service between Canada, Great Britain
and Prance, could use the port of Heyst-lcz-Bruges, for instance, if it was shown
that the rapid service which is demanded of them could be thereby bettor assured.
Holding myself at your entire disposition to give by writing or vorbully, all the
information on the groat maritime works about being undertaken in Belgium to
facilitate and extend the trans-Atlantic relations and to aid notably the attempts at
Belgian colonization in Canada.
I am, etc.,
Department op Finance, Ottawa, Tth July, 1890.
J. Berchaddt, Esq., Montreal.
Dear Sir, — I am in receipt of your letter of the 2;3rd ultimo re stcamshipsorvice
to Groat Britain and Franco, and I am directed to say in reply thereto that the pub-
lished terms and conditions of the proposed service have been fully discussed and
settled by the government of Canada, and advertisements have been widely circu-
lated calling for tenders on that basis. No change can therefore bo made for the ex-
isting call. It would bo open, however, for any company to put in a tender on the
basis of Bruges being made a port of call, but in that casje it must be distinctly under-
stood that such a tender would bo considered only in the event of tenders lor the
route upon the conditions advertised proving unsatisfactory. The pi'osent advertise-
ments pi-eelude, as you have rightly inferred, the vessels from calling at any conti-
nental port outside of France.
Yours, etc.,
Deputy Minister of Finance,
Hamburg, 28th June, 1890.
Messrs. Munderi.oh & Co., Montreal.
Dear Sirs, — Do the Dominion government really want 18 to 19 knot steamers, or
will they be satisfied with 17, if it be buti-alled something more ? A knot difference
makes a tremendous difference in expenditure. As yet there are only seven mer-
chant steamers afloat and one building, which have an actual service speed of over 18
knots, they are the "City of Paris," broken down and out of service for this year;
the "City of New York," thoroughly overhauled and lately put on the line again,
remains to be seen how she will do ; the " Teutonic " and the " Majestic," White Star
line, very fine boats but very expensive. The "Augusta Victoria," the "Columbia,"
the " Normannia," owned by the Hamburg American Packet Company. The " First
Bismarck," building.
All those are twin-screw steamers, and, to run in opposition to them, it would
probably be necessary to have twin-screws also, as the increased safety they afford
18 too important an element for saloon passengers.
The best Cunard steamers, "Umbria" and " Btruria " do not come up to 18
knots, nor do the North German Lloyds. The latter company have two steamers
building at Stettin, the "Spree " and the " Havel," both single screw, and 1 doubt if
they will do 18 knots. None of the great English lines have any fast steamer build-
ing at present, all rumours to the contrary notwithstanding.
The "Normannia" was delivered on the Ist May by the Fairfield Shipbuilding
Company (late John Elder & Co.), and it was celebrated as a feat never deemed
possible that this big ship was completed in just twelve months after signing con-
tract. No other yard in the world would have undertaken the like of it, and the
Fairfield, to achieve this, had to withdraw from the Clyde Shipbuilders' Union, and
allow their workingmon any wages to prevent stoppages through strikes.
hflonTrrM^' ^ *"" T^ accurntely posted about all those matter. I h
been in Glasgow on the oocasion of the " Nortnanniii's" tviJuil^ J\
gers o all the great English lines and of t r^Wn pal «h nb^fldrnt"
present. I have come over in thn " Vnrm..„n: J- '/„„, "T""" "^'
I have, myself,
ihe question now arises, what is really intended ? Is it u li,;, f,> . . * i "
lours very ti-uiy,
Finance Department, Ottawa, 23rd Julv 1890
Messrs. Munderloh & Co., Montreal.
Mr F Y-^oUrir;?^"- ?"'^^" T^"" '^,"* '"'' ^ ^''P.^ «f the letter received by you from
w^h^an rtL'^ itZ^^ ^« -"y that the /oJeinmeTt
It may „ot be possibllTto hLl I^^Va Hn^Vut" t :;S7^,^:'^JZ-;!' ISl
fi^.. u / . L : •'^ y ^ '"'*" '" *"•' specifications, and vou will sen th-if tK«,r „ i.
Yours truly,
(Copy of telegram.')
PoiNTE Au Pic, Que., 15th August, 1890.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Referring to previous correspondence and letter mailed to-day, I bog to submit
the following tender, continental port, Antwerp; contract speed sixteen knots; ton-
nage four thousand ; compensation a five per cent guarantee of interest on invested
capital; other conditions as per specifications or subject to mutual agreement.
PoiNTE AU Pic, P.Q., 15th August, 1890.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Sir, — I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 9th instant, and,
in compliance with your kind suggestion and with the request of a Belgian group
represented in Antwerp by Mr. .Toan Fatio, I have the honour to submit the follow-
ing tender for the establishment of a fast Atlantic service, namely; —
Contract speed, sixteen knots ; tonnage, four thousand tons; continental port,
Antwerp; other conditions according to specifications, or subject to mutual
The compensation demanded for the above service from the Dominion govern-
ment would consist in the guarantee of an interest of five percent upon the invested
capital. .
Hoping this proposition may prove satisfactory in principle,! beg you to receive
the assurances of my high esteem.
West Hartlepool, 24th July, 1890.
J. M. Courtney, Esq., Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Sir, — I have carefully considered the terms and conditions relating to the steam-
ship service between Canada, the United Kingdom and France, referred to in your
advertisement of 29th May, 1890. I have also had my practical staff and my ship-
building department go into the question of the power required for the size of steamer
which I would propose to build, and with this information before me I am enabled to
state that, from the e.stim.'ites I have received, the four steamers required to form a
weeklyservico would cost £960,000 or £240,000, each for steamers to make an average
speed from port to port of not less than 19 knots, or £880,000 — £220,000 each, to
make a speed of 18 knots.
The proposals I h.ive to make are as follows; —
1. I am prepared to build and enter into an agreement with your government
for the running of four steamers, so as to make a weekly service as per the condi-
tions named in your letter giving detailed particulars but to exclude any obligation
on my part to make St. John, N.B., a port of call, for a subsidy of £200,000 per year.
2. Your government to advance say £440,000, being one-half the cost of the
steamers, I to advance the other half, viz., £440,000, in which case the subsidy to be
£150,000 per ymv.
3. I to build the steamers on my own account and to run them in the most
efficient but economical manner.
Your government to guarantee, in lieu of subsidy, that the four steamers shall
make a profit of ten per cent per annum for ten years, such profit to include interest
and deprt'ciation. The steamers to be engaged exclusively in the performance of the
steamship service between Canada, United Kingdom and France, as per detailed
4. Should your government deem it practicable to build the steamers and run
them in lieu of voting a subsidy, i am prepared to undertake the whole of the work
in connection with running the service at a commission of 5 per cent on the amount
of freight and passage money earned.
rn^tpo^^^^^^^^^^^ -<^ attending to a,.
am nre^'^eSTolntttnl'^in'T^^^^ P-W being entered into,!
of tie contract,\nd should^he fou ^ pSalbo e'nte^^ po.formance
give security in the sum of £100,000 steilinT entertained, I am prepared to
sionei feSr^' "P^ "' ''^ '^^^^^ '^ «^'- ^'^-'^ Tuppe, your high commis-
^oen\Z7Zil::luTZ7^^^^^^ ^- '^t' ''' «^- y-« I have
and St. John. ^ ^ ""^"^ "" ^^^ "^''^'^e between London, Halifax
I am. sir, yours faithfully,
Hon r P V »T- . ^''' '^''"''' ^•^•' ^'* September, 1890.
Hon. G. K Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Fast Mail Service.
would !,„ Jlo a,l promXif they wan ed"'htT?Ikr''"',K'"" "■" «<>™"™e"
interested. fc "« lo me port ot bt. John, in which we are all so deeply
\ We remain, etc..
West Hartlepool, 20th August, 1890.
Messrs. S. Shob-ield & Co. (Limited), St. John.
Fast Mail Service.
«e.vi?e!':L'T5a™7o^rhi"^i';.Zrthl'' Vth instant with regard to this
It is a great responsibility and Sfl'f " *''! '"''"^'" ""^'^ ^he result is known,
indifferent as to?he resul %s I am „ouS wSL." '"^ ""f/ """ ^"'^"^^ somewhat
the service performed by other taknt"?nfT^nl-V be better to have
penditure neLssary,and theunSVtai^tv^onjL- ''^°^''*'^ ^^'^ ^reat risk and ex-
take the same. "^ ''^ '* ''^'"^ "*" advantage to those who under-
Yours, etc.,
Ottawa, 10th September, 1890.
Messrs. Sohofield & Co., Agents Furness Line, St. John, N.B.
Se Fast Mail Service.
« Atlantic fast mail .ernoe Inrenfv fZi? the goveinment to hie proposal
portanco U ie notcon.idULdlrh&^o^ro'^ZnSe-'decirrif J^raTfet
ing of the government can be had. This will, I fear, be impossible for some weeks
vet. I quite appreciate Mr. Fui-ness's anxiety to know the result at an early date,
but under the circumstances some time must necessarily elapse before a decision can
be had.
Yours very truly,
Ottawa, 29th September, 1890.
The Hon. George E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Dbaii Sir, — Referring to our conversation to-day I now beg to inclose an
amended form of proposals for contract reducing the time on voyage as suggested
by you.
Thanking you for your courtesy.
I am yours faithfully,
Ottawa, Canada, 14th October, 1890.
To the Minister of Finance, Ottawa, Canada.
Sir,— I beg to inclose an application for a contract between the Compagnie
Generalo Transatlantiquo, of Paris, France, and the Canadian government, for a
postal service between Canada and England and France.
Yours faithfully,
General acjent of the Compagnie Generate Transatlantique,
1, undersigned, Augustin P. Forget, agent of the Compagnie Generale Trans-
atlantique, Paris, France, being duly authorized by ihem to act in their name and
on their behalf, after having taken krowledgo of the terras and conditions of a
steamship service between Canada and the United Kingdom and France, referred to
in an advertisement signed by the Hon. J. M. Courtney, deputy minister of finance,
and dated finance department, Ottawa, Canada, 29th May, 1890, decUi.e to under-
take this service for an annual subsidy of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
to provide a regular weekly service, with an annual average speed of seventeen
knots, by first-class steamers, such as those employed now by the Compagnie
Generale Transatlantique for the Havre-New York snrvice, the said weekly service
to begin on the Ist day of April, 1893 ; further, the Compagnie Generale Trans-
atlantique is willing to begin a bi-monthly service on the 1st April, 1892, with two
new steamers "La Navarre" and "La Tourraine" (launched last March).
Ports of call : Canada, Quebec (summer season) ; Halifax (winter season) ;
England, Southampton ; France, Havre. The Compagnie Generale Transatlantique
offer as surety in the sum of twenty thousand pounds sterling for due performance
of this contract, the Bank of Montreal, Montreal.
The other terms and conditions of the contract are accepted, subject to such
modifications that may be agreed to by both parties.
Ottawa, Canada, l4th October, 1890.
General Agent of the Compagnie Ginirak Transatlantique,
3 Bowl. )g Green, New York.
„ , • ^ Ottawa, 20th October, 1890.
Mr. JJbtck Douglas.
resp?cUngfhe p^o^ordVariH^^^^^ ^- thia .orning
Canada, f have to Lko you "be follow n.pron^^^^^^ * ^T '" ^!''*"'^°' «"^
l8t. Tbatyour company will unde tK w^K k ' V'V ""derstood-
canjy on a satisfactory Infb.y it^'S' ^^^'^^^^^ ^S.^^^^-^^
propLftiont7o7;STe^sp:iLrtt;r:v?b" r '^^V^^-^ inyourprmted
weekly service between PrymSS^hrr.^nFrrn'^^ ^'j*' '"'^' ^"'"'•y «" «*
proposed in the said printed 3er to tfe a "sfac-tton of?hl ^"""^"' '" '^' ™«""«'^
3rd. That your vessels will possess a tSl ! ,? i^? government;
government'"' *'' ""'''" "'•'^°'' P°'"*^ '" ^'^^ -"^^^ a.e^eUlTsatisfactory to the
ten y^>ar";itt';:u?4L'p?nn^^^^ -'"^^ '"*« « -"^-* ^^^
year for the first five yearroVthec^nS/rmV^^^^^^^^^ ^'''^ "Ji"" of $750,000 per
for the second five yea^rs of JL contSlm ' ^ '^' '"™ °^ *''«'««« P«^ ^^^r
while'^glwrgihTclV^V^S^VnlS^^^^^^^ P«^ J^-^ fbr the ten years,
half of their contract period ""^""""^"S^ ^^ t^« t<'avier payments during the first
Yours truly,
New York, 24th October, 1890.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Ottawa.
don wn, .0 Wd HLti^CLVeTjr kn'ow' .'KS':!™ rpUS"' '° ^°-
With kind regards, I am, yours faithfully,
(Copy telegram from New York dated 31si October, 1890.) .
To Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa
To the Honourable ^"^^ ^*'^^' ^^^^ November, 1890.
The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada, Ottawa
atlan«;u7'wi?h5rlw ttirLn'def:f"hJuth\'ft-*'%'''''^r"''« ^-«-'« Trans-
Canada and Europe. "^ ^**^ "'*''"° ^""^ *^« '°a>J service between
I remain, etc.,
General Agent of the Compagnie Generate Tramatlantique.
3 Bowling Green, New York.
{Copy cable message sent by Sir John A. Macdonald to the Marquess of Hartington.)
Ottawa, 18th November, 1890.
It being undorHtood that the four conditions specified by Mr. Foster are accepted
Caniidian government will give seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for ton
years, and parcels post across Atlantic at usual rates.
{Copy cable dated November, 1890, from London,")
To Sill John A. Macdonald.
Mr. Foster's proposals to Mr, Bryce Douglas have been fully considei-ed at board
meeting to day. Regret cannot accept same, but if you agree to 8750,000 per annum
for ten years we retaining parcels post will endeavour to carry through scheme No
chance of obtaining the money on any other terms.
4 Gbeat GEORaE Street, London, S.W., 27th May, 1891.
Dear Sir John,— In the letter herewith I have placed before our mutual friend
Sir Charles Tupper, the present position of the proposed Imperial Steamship Com-
pany. I regard it as indispensably necessary that the Messrs. Allan should under-
take the management, and encourage the subscriptions of capital by others bv con-
tributing themselves. •r j j
I think that with better terms and some pressure frpm the Canadian government
the desired co-operation could be secured.
The adhesion and support of the railway companies would be a new and power-
ful inducement. If I may venture to tender advice, I should say be liberal in startinff
the new service. Once a traffic has been developed it will not be difficult to reduce
the subsidy. The railway companies ought to lend material aid. I only take up
the question on public grounds. ^
Most faithfully, etc.,
Nobmanhurst Court, Battle, Sussex, 25th May, 1891.
Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., C.B.
Dear Sib Charles.— I know that you have been taking great interest in the
proposed new first cIpss ocean service between the Canadian ports and London
touching at Southampton. '
As deputy chairman of the Naval Construction Company which has recently
turned out the highly successful ships now running across the north Pacific I have
taken a personal interest in the scheme. As the result of a long consultation Lord
Hartington recently sent a telegram to Sir John Macdonald informing him that
without the co-operation of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Trunk the
subsidy, as at present proposed by the Canadian government, would not offer
adequate inducements to shipowners.
I may explain that I had from the first, urged our late manager, Mr. Bryce
Douglas, to endeavour to induce the Allans to take up the new service.
It is most desirable that the Canadian government should exert its full influence
in order to bring this about. The Allans have a completely organized management
both for their traffic and marine department. They can administer the improved
service more efficiently than inexperienced people. If they will interest themselves
to a substantial amount, there will be little difficulty in raising the capital required
for the new steamers. The Allans have given their careful consideration to the
proposals, and they have come to the conclusion that the terms offered by the
government are not sufficiently advantageous. What increase of subsidy they would
insist upon I do not know. I presume that the railway companies would do some-
B5ffi£auxSn5^Sr"""^"^"«"''^P'"°°^h^ "- vcs«el« on the list of
cBtabL^rth^^niwrvr ;;^rsLS o^hrsr ^^^^''"-"^"^ «^-"^ -^ to
line. If this eun bo «ccompli"hcTit Hhould L^l "k '"^ «"mp"nios with the Allan
for building the new Hhip7 f^o ^0^ hi hK^hJ^ to ruino tho money required
whenever required by tL Nuva? Col^" ctfon or„nan^ '''^°'"' '" ^''^''"^' '^^^'"^""^^
ideas wKU; C hn'p"LtfoV^;ird J,!'""'< ^-ogiven you the leading
consideration. "P'ossoa on my mind, as the result of much consultation and
Yours, etc.
mu B- , rr Montreal, 28th May, 1891.
The Eight Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.B Ottawa
If the Canadian goZnmrtftinfavo^^^^^^^^ 'T'l' ""'^'i^ ^'"' ^^' *»'« contract ^
I, with my friends in^GlST Live ' ?^^^^^^ '^"«l'* "" ''^^r I ^hink
tract for the requisite num'ber'of^uTsS ;« lo Ts b"si7;of £^50'^*"''^ '' ^''"•
If you think you and your collonirues wonlH il-f ! • ' "^ f*^"' ** ^^y^go.
favourably I shall e^Uer into communicatS V So 'v tS mWrZ.l \ P^«P««'^'«»
An early answer will oblige. ^ iriends at once.
Yours faithfully,
Andhkw Allan, Esq.. Montreal. '"'''"''' '*' •'""^' '^^^•
Atla?ti:'m'JS-ir'vr'h';s''be"eVU^^^^^^^^^^^ ^« Sir John Macdonald r.
government is not prepareHo incur so JariVn^vn hV'P'^ ^ ^^ '« '^'^^ ^^atthe
fetter The sum pPace'd at its disposal t^paSaSlrSSVoo"?^^' '" ^^"'•
named by you so far exceeds this limit as to nZhirll „ '^^O.OOO, and the amount
an agreement upon the basis of £5,o"o per ?rip! ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^"''^ ^'^^ ^'''
Yours truly,
Hon. G.o»™ B. Post.., Ottow. "°™"" '""' ''""■'• '«"•
mornta7 ""• i?"™".-'''-^ <•.'<.«.■ ofth. eth i„,.a„t did uot roach „o till thi,
mons aiso, that you made a "mail anntrant ^^ut iu i . », ' ^.^^'^ """^° "^ com-
«750 000 per annL. and we alTkoow how compltelv Le'a^d" ^'^'' ^'"«'*« ''''
in their attempt to carry out that contract. ^ ^^ associates failed
If you nro willing to give us $7B0,000 a year, T think we might give a 16 knot
service for that num, ami if you think the govornmont would look favourably on
such a piopoHitJon 1 Hhall put thingH in train for building the ships, if ray friends in
Britain are willing to join mo in the enterprise.
An early answer will oblige.
Yours very tiuly,
Ottawa, 17th June, 1891.
Andrew Am.an, Ewq., Montreal.
Deab Mr. Allan,— lam in receipt of your letter of the 10th instant re trans-
Atlantic service. The government has had, and still has, in contompiation a service
of a speed and equipment about equal to that between Now York and the old coun-
try, and could not agree to pay so large an amount of money for a 16 knot
service as you mention in your letter.
Yours truly,
Sealed tenders; addressed to the undersigned and marked on the outside " Tender
for steamship somce, Canada and Great Britain and France," will be received ■ tihe
hnance department, Ottawa, Canada, up to and including Saturday, the ninth oay of
January next, for the performance of a weekly steamship service, including carriaw
of mails, between Canada and Great Britain and Franco, by first-class steamers to
make an average speed from port to port of not less than 18 knots an hour the ser-
vice to be for the term often years from the let April, 1893, or as soon thereafter
as possible, and according to terms and conditions, particulars of which may be ob-
tained on application at the office of the high commissioner for Canada 17 Victoria
street, London, S.W., England, or at the finance department, Ottawa, Canada
A ternative tenders are asked for services with steamers to make an averajre
speed from port to port either of not less than 19 knots an hour, or of not less than
20 knots an hour.
Deputy Minister of Finance.
Finance Department, Ottawa, Canada, 27th Nov., 1891.
Terms and conditions of Steamship Service between Canada and the United Kingdom
and France, referred to in advertisement signed by J. M. Courtney, Deputy Minister
of Finance and dated Finance Department, Ottawa, Canada, 21th November, 1891.
1. The contractor to establish by the date hereinafter named, and to maintain
during the continuance of the contract to the satisfaction of the postmaster general
of Canada, a regular line of staunch and powerful steamers ' perform weekly voy-
ages each way between Canada and England, making direct connection each way
with a port in France, to the satisfaction of the government. The first and last port
of call m England to be Plymouth or such other port as may be agreed upon- and in
France Cherbourg or such other port as may be agreed upon between the govern-
ment of Canada and the contractor. The ports in Canada to be Quebec in summer
and Halifax, or Halifax and St. John, in winter, the first and last port of call durin.^'
winter to be Halifax ; the steamers calling to land and embark mails at RimouslTi
dur^ug the season of summer navigation. The contractor to have the right after
landing the mails, to send the steamers on from the terminal ports to other ports in
om.ttin, any .oHtnctio.'aH totLu'u a^/at;^: ll^in^ aI'" '""^ '"^ '•"^'"'''°"
Konoral of Ca.La fb" ';: ^^^^ « ' iom" CwLdu t '"fl" ",r'l«'''/r^' ^''0 postmaster
continonlof Ei.ropo, iiroHpectivi of f. ? >.V / ' ^''?' ^"''"'^ K'inKdotn and the
post office authorities in Kn."h n 1 o Kmnc hM ' "^^^f' ""^'■*^". "'"» l-X him or l.y ho
*Jon, a... Fi anco to Canada, tr'sp otive o ' h^ r 'uErr' '"'"• '''" ^"'^"^^ ^'"^-
3. Tho term " mailH " to infl,.,!,. ..ii i . '"'"""'" ""«« "lorein; and tba
»nco oftbo .ail, ,0 a„a frortrm:!","!'::. JTa'" '""" "^ t''™" '" "'» -"""J^
njastov ™:;,s:„:;;i' ,tz::sr;„''■r2^br J'-'"'? '- "", "p"-"-^ "j- "« p-.-
iiionlbH noiiMi,, ,vHii„Ki„,j^e„„„7,.™™8« hy bira from tirao to timo on throe
mado thoroi,, to bo advorti.oj brthroS.a, ,^, h,?,l," 'V"^' "'"' """V "''•^SO
.uch n,„,,,,„r a» tho po.traaslor ««nor",l ly di™ot """""r^ '<"> >" Canada T„
of any .iX"r:';?rrtt:„X''t'::i,tV'' t- "' ■■»" «> "»'">"'"' -""«
contnto^or b „,Ul.d to oxtrr^a^rn'oil iTr^o Hf uTdeTi'"" ''° ""^ """" '"»
?o h-CTo'S^to-^rsiSS^^^^^^
notice may bo given on tho ex^i v of n^,„ f ' H?" °* ""^'' ^'^^'^e months. Such
8. The vessels employed to^be^o/n'"?/T' ^'^"^ V'® **"'•' ^^^^ ^P'''"'. 1893.
fliu tr. K„„„ u 'p'"Jou lo DO ot not less tonnatre tuin fi ^nn '., '..-. .
8. The vessels employed" to bo of .Z'UT" "'''"' V® **"'•' ^^^^ ^P'"''. 1893. "
oTby 'W^ea '• buillr^^^ 'Y'' ^'^^^ ^'^''^ ^^S'«^«'- tons.
^ato^trenSh^rnd p^^^oS: TJrJiT.-.^L^^ .'^""-^^
and to have been proven ov -lonL' soa " hniMn,.'. .-■-'i <• .'""" "'""" -^Kioior ions,
open sea to beof .Idequate streSb and Dower lo''""! "' '"^"'^'^ consecutive hours in
than eighteen, nineteen, or twenty kitranho^rf" "'^-^"^^^^^ Jess
from port to port across' the Atlantic anAnh ("f^"''^'"g ^o tender accepted)
and lurnisheJ and supplied wiUiufficVnie, sto.r*''";''^'^ «^ '^' ^ost matoHals
things necessary to enable them to S>rm fh„ " "'"' P''0^'«'On«. tacklo, and al
the safety of tho mails and passm.eors am^n h ' T^" ^'""^'-^cted lor, and to secure
and equal in equipment to7ebe?t A Jantc J.'? "" "'Pf '' ^^^^^'''^'^ '»«*' "Reamers
qualified and competent officers Somn« f "'""f «' «"i ^P be manned with legally
and other men, an^d a competent surgeo^^^ '"^ ^ '"®°'°'»' ^'^^^ ^^ able seamen
offlcer's, or'agTn^rre'aidSL^^^^^^ "" discrimination shall bo made by him his
dian railwa/ rout "s i f SlS or sT'lThn''' ''rf;;'^r inaireoily, agaJlist ckn^
Canadian railway, and ho is Sho^. tl" ' "'"^ ■*^''. Intercolonial or any other
Quobec during th^o' St. Lawronc ea o on3sl' nf'tr"-"^^^^ ""'^ ^'^^^bt al
for every t^rip ncft perS.Sacco?3S\o t"he "c^o
right of the &m;:[e?getXf^^^^^^^^^^ "tXlTi'r ^V'' "^>' *« P^^J"'!-^ ^be
vessel at the appointed time oWo L^ '"** *^® ^"''"'"^ *» provide a proper
as a breach ofSniract "" P*^"^"'™ * voyage at or within tho appointed Jeriod
12. Tho contrnc'i.ir nc* io bo called upon to pay to the ^ovornmont of Canada
any Dominion light diioh ., jthor Biniilur duoH cxtcpt tho rato or duty payubie in
rohpect of every v•o^Hel to inc nick mariticrH' fund, and except harhour (Iuoh.
13. Tho mailH to bo received and dolivored respectively by tho contractor at tho
poHt offices at Plymouth or such other port an may be aKfoed upon, Cherbourg or
other port in Fnmce, Quebec, Halifax or St. John, an tho caHo may be; and the ox-
penHOH of convoying Mio mails to tho Mteam»hipri from tho post oftlcos at tho said
places, and from tho steamshipH to tho same, to bo borno by tho contractor. Tho
BteamorB to stop in tho river St. Lawrence at itimouHki during Iho Hoason of Hiimmer
navigation for tho purpose of landing and embarking mailB and passcngerH, to
facilitate which a steam launch provided by tho government of Canada will bo in
14. It Hhull be at tho option of tho government of Canada to put an end to tho
contract and render tho same null and void at any time, should tho terms and con-
ditions thereof not be fairly fulfilled and carried out in their true and honest moan-
ing, and this without being obliged to have recourse to law ; but tho contract shall
not be voidable by tho government so long us Cie terms and conditions of it are
fairly fulfilled and carried out in their true and honest meaning,and tho right of the
govornmont to annul the same for any cause shall bo decided by some tribunal in
Canada having competent jurisdiction in such matters.
15. Payments under the contrrfct to be made quarterly.
10. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily to be accepted.
Note.— Parties tendering will be required to send with their tenders the names
of two persons as security in the sum of £20,000 sterling for tho duo performance of
tho contract, with references as to tho sufficiency of the sureties so ottered.
Montreal, 18th January, 1892.
Tender for the conveyance of the mails between Canada and (Ireat Britain.
Sir, — Tho owners of tho Allan lino of steamers have up till the present time
provided steamships for the mail service between Great Britain and Canada, and now
that the Dominion government calls for a larger and more powerful class of steamers
for this service than has hitherto been provided they are desirous of supplying this
also. ' ' "^ =•
The Allan lino as is well known belongs in a great measure to Canadian owners
and constitutes tho largest tiading service of steamers on tho north Atlantic. Ithas
five hoparato ocean lines of steamers to Canada (from Liverpool, Glasgow and Lon-
don to Quebec, Montreal, Halifax and Newfoundland), and os a means of preserving
a continuous service to Canadian points during winter when tho direct navigation is
closed it also runs four separate ocean services to the Atlantic seaboard, viz., to
Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, augmenting these services in winter
via Portland. The Allan line is thus better equipped than other lines for maintain-
ing with the mother country tho cargo and oidinary puesenger services of Canada
which the Dominion requires. It has also established a claim upon the government
of Canada in relation to its trans-Atlantic mail service by the circumstance that for
agood many years it has supplied steamers for that service at groat pecuniary loss to its
owners, the postal subaidy it has received having in the changed circumstance of
trade been inadequate.
Tho new swift service now called for involves the expenditure of a large sura of
money in the building of a fleet of large and powerlul steamers. Different from the
mail steamers of the past, these vessels because of their power and form will have to
r«ly almost wholly upon passage money and government subvention for thoir
revenues, and from the nature of the route and its terminal ports the service is beset
with difficulties and with uncertainty at- to the revenues it will yield from which the
mail service between Great Britain and the TTnlted States of Americ". arc risompt.
To give reasonable hope of its successful establishment and maintenanceit will there-
fore obviously be an advantage that the new service should be conjoined with the
servico an.l un.ior c..„,lii onn ravo, n.h jl^^^^^ """' ^hutof tho now hw ft mail
part vvi.h ,hom in th.!' u'Sikg'" Wi h X?vi';,V" r''V--<>^''''o.. ,o ^0
formation „r tl.o company and tKo-olm ' fio^of r."'''' 'l^^^'''' '" ^''° ^'"'■coHHful
to ..rovido tl.o now nmil service on tUSMnl of?' •^'"^'•"''^ '^^Y offer
""d thoy truHt llw.t these propoHit ,,uk vM^ ^
preference at the hands of tLgZrnmont '"^*'"™'''>' connide.od and have a
Wo have, etc.,
H. & A. ALLAN.
Projjosed cvnfract- Canadum maih.
and the Allan SteumB?,ip C,,la" y j. 'mitS wlir"' "^ 9»''«du.%f the fi'rnt ,2(
partioB horoto'in man;.i"rSt;inl^hltlH':t?.!?^^'''' ""'* '^««'»-'» ^>"^^^«on the
horoi,;aft^ZTdXot1y^^tL'':.f 'L «^ ^'^^ "^-ment as
<;apucity, po'wer and Hpee-^frl C uada l^G oS ^/^^ '^'iT ^«''««'«o*' adequate
Canada as hereinafter mor^ pa.TicuiX Vot for.K ^^"""" ""'' ''•«"» <^reat Britain to
as may bo mmually arranj betwoSn .hn l?r ' """"u^ 'V^^^'^ ^«°'^- «" «"^f' days
the purpose ot such conv^Jance br^niero'^ 0!""'. f ""' ' '""";! "« "^'"' "'^ ^^Y '^r
departure or call of the stoamLsels to th«^^^^^^^ "* ^''^^ ^"'•'°"« P«'-t« of
or servants by the postmaster ^neml of J. 3 oiV' r^R ^V^^'"" «fe'«"ts offleors
officers or agents. ^ ^-anaUa or trreat Britain or any of their
viz. :}l^errcraSd:t (W^i^ril J'^^r^o' ^"'f' «^"'' ^« ''^ '^^^o.in,,
Halifax to a port in Ireland and thon.o nf { ' ? ^"°^'' ""'' R'^ouski or from
and Cherbourg or Boulogne o. to Sn,.,K ^/^«''l'««'' «'' alternatively to Plymouth
in Ireland and thence to 1 imousk o'!.!''"- ^T?.']^'' ^'■«'" ^'^«'P««' ^o a port
Plymouth and Cherbourg or SEoor"^f. ^' S"''^"^' or alternatively f?ora
or Halifax. ^ iioulogno or from Southampton to Rimouski, Quebec
const'ruS^f ^l^^pPXnTal'Sxef rrVa'cUr" " •""'^" «''"" '^« ^'^'^ -^
cards, newspapers, books or pfim^'nh!.' ''''''»^^'^ "'' P'^'"^^'^ of letters, post-
{other than such postal packets aitvffi' *?" "'"^ "^«a'»P•e«, and all irticles
n pursuance of the Po t^Office Act aTo d!fif 7^1^ ^^ '^ ^^'^ish treasury made
Itttions of the post office for the l?e bS 1'" ^ Parcels) which, under the regu-
regard either t'o the place to whicrthevTSVra.Z''"r^''' ^l '^' P°«' ^'^^out
may have originated and also all «mnL k^ addressed or to that in which they
^nd other sto^res and articles u d'7 To t^^UeTK^n""'' ""' "*\«^- '"^^^P^^^'^^
service. """^ "' ^o 00 used in carrying 'on the post office
thecompryTtt"i:;«^.tSiZ^^^^^ ''^'^ ^l^'^ '« be employed by
day as may be arrangedTu toseXm cS^^L""'' »f.''««'n«"t«hall,every week on such
Halifax, and, when theS toS«/h«r ^ 1 l'''^^
ehall thence fromRimoiBkiorHalifav?^!''"^^ ^^^^^ *^««" '-^^^ived on bS
to the norfoV""""^ T f • ""'^ and Without unnecessarvdnl«.rp..^( 1 ..::';
ternati^veiy ma^Vroc^eei^with Ih'r^^-^ T^^'^'t' """^ ^'^«'^«« to""Li^erpool orl
Southampfon oJ t? pTymouTi Ld thSt^^to ct T'' '' tfeeir embarkation to
to a port in Great Britain, disembarking ^„ii^ Cherbourg or Boulogne, returning
84-3J ' ^'^^"''"••king mails as directed. As respects outward
mails one of the said Hteam vessels to bo employed by the company in the convey
ancoof mails under this airroeinent shall, on such days as may be arrancred nut to
sea every week from Liverpool to a port of call in Ireland (or alternatively from
Southampton or from Plymouth and thereafter to Cherbourg or Bouloifne) and when
the mails are embarked at such a port or ports, shall from the final port of call and
without unnecessary delay proceed direct to Eimouski, Quebec or Halifax and
disenibark mails as directed. And the company and their officers and servants shall
use their best endeavours to complete the voyage of such vessel between the said
places respectively within the shortest possible time consistent witli prudent navi-
gation. '
4. The company shall at all times during the continuance of this agreement
employ in all and each of the services to be performed by them in pursuance of this
agreement the largest and fastest of the steam vessels for the time being belon^'injr
to or chartered by them, except in the event of any of the said vessels to be so^em-
ployed as aforesaid becoming disabled for the performance of the services aforesaid
or being engaged by the lords commissioners of the British admiralty for the service
of the empire, or being temporarily withdrawn for the purpose of the annual over-
hauling requisite for the maintenance of snoh vessels, in which case the company
shall despatch and employ in the said service in lieu of the said last mentioned vessel
the largest and fastest of the other vessels belonging to or chartered by them whick
may be available at the time.
5. In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the preceding pro-
vision, the company shall and will, for the purpose aforesaid, construct and pmvide
at least three new steam vessels to be ajjproved in all , respects by the government
of Canada, and, if found necessary, a fourth, of not less than G,500 tons gross register
tonnage and proved by a sea trial of not less than 12 hours duration to be capable
of steaming 19 knots at sea in ordinary weather and to be in all other respects
equal to the best Atlantic mail steamers and to be manned with legally qualified and
competent officers and engineeis, and a sufficient crew of able seamen and a com-
petent surgeon.
6. All mails to be conveyed under the provisions of this agreement by such vessels
as aforesaid, shall be conveyed by the company during the continuance of this a^y'^'^^^^^^^^^ Of any of the ve.els
mnHter general first had and obtained rSve or ^'--^^^ """'""' "^"'' P"'"'
of the ve8«olH employed undor tbi.Vrol^^^JJ^^^^^
way pons other than those duly in cKr-re^f .!,«? f '"'^ *?' ^'^"^eyanco between
ively by virtue of this a-.reement or h .oh ""'^'"" ""f '^° "'^'^ vessels respect-
the exclusive privileges oV the"';L\ma:;e,'ge:er" ''' ""^ '^'^ "^«"''^'-' ^^ '- ''o-
agreement LyST41'nrorX'^r'["^:^^'*u'^«^'^«^«'« «-P''>3-ed under this
Bpecially dan/erous. "^ ' ""' ""^" '*'"''^''" ^^'^'^'^ «hall have been legally deelared
po.t^S;:i:^,"iti^l5:!;rr^.^,X^^ ^^ '- '^'"-'-«'^ ^^ ^^o
months' notice in writing to the cimpany tEi^^/' '" ^''•"" /""*^ '« '«'"« »" t'lreo
rnade therein to be advertised by the^comoinv S ? ^','"^""'^^ ""^ «^«'y change
the days appointed shall be fixed withTe'^sonal 1 rl ,'"'"P' ""^^ '" ^""'•^''». b«t
n.ade under this agreement by meanlof ^""s. un '.t ^m ? '" '■'^'"'■" ^"^"^'^'^ ^« '^^
Of an;;;t^::^rj^-;rfr:i^:i^- t^;?-^^^^^^ - ^eh, the samng
companye entitled to extra paymellt^nrsJeVtt 'su'ch'Sh:;" '" "" "" "'^" ''^
■ joon theS-ti'tt:sTbrrnhrclt^tt^tr;rf ^?" ''''^'. ^^'^■•"- 1««^^. - -
fixed term nml to continue there tcinn?! ^^ ' '*^".3'««'-'* f^-om that date as a
months' notice to the othe the ronfr .. I 'letcm.ned by either party on twelve
•months. Such notice may b^gi^ or he' ex2f ;.''^-^P'-tion'of sl.ch twelv^
April, 1893; provided always that the serviop ri Jh "'"^ ^'"'' *"'"' '^° «'»d l«t
the new vessels to be constructed under thL ^I ' ?T*??r' "^ ^'^^n as two of
to commence a fortnight! v service navme^n nfhf'^^ ,'^'' ' ^' ''""^y ^''' «ea and
after the rate per voytgoof the sub's i/^« 1' f^ m«Je by the postmaster general
the company rhall b^ P^evlnted by sti leToltmllh^nr''"'- e^'^l''"' ^'«« ^'^"^ '^
viding one of the new vessels to be constmnfl. . ''V""' "^ workmen from pro-
ment on the day appointedtr the comm^^^eemen^ P-'ovisions of this agVee-
raen the company shall not be liable to m„T« 'V^'"" '^'*'''^«« »"^«'- ^hin agree-
P-'ovided, if the company provide uch new v«^ i r^ payments as are hereinafter
services within such^ime'iftri tirsaid annoii^ '^"^ P«''''«''»ance of the said
may think reasonable. (Notwith tlndiljCrf. ^''^ fu '^^ I'O'^tmaster general
on >ts part undertakes toVel ^ve thrcl^y f ^'^h^^^M^ "^ ^""•''^*
service on receiving six months' notiSe of th^ comn. I' *'';''«'"^'0" to continue the
the service, provided always that the comnMnvT^.,' fJ«s"e to withdraw from
des.re that on a true statement othetcouTS.tin", fVu '" ^"'^^'"^"tion of this
.ncun.d e^. , eo thirty per cent X:!^ i n ve^JS Tn^hr ill^ sT '''' ''^^
offlc^ J^jr S^ -3:^:l^^;^S^!'£-hall be made ;;:-lhem. their
d.an railway routes via Halifiux or s Joh^ ' '^^^^^
Canadian railway, and they furthe. enJai to l,.nH ^'^^ ^"f^^-^olo'^'al. or any other
during the St. Lawrence season on Zl^l^o?ffr""^"^''' ^"'^ ^'^'S^' «* Q"«bec
agreed upon by passengers and shippet Sre^KVGanad: "'^ '' ^'^^'"'^'^ ^"'^
any hUtnl^ll^'.^^l^ ^^^Sr Xes ^^^V^ ^'^^'^o—ent of Canada
respect of every vessel to the Fck Sners' ?und ?n l^ '\ 'u''\°'" ^"'^ P'^^able in
they be called upon to pay mvduTfnTJu p ""'^ "'T^'^P^ harbour dues, nor shall
docks at Halifax and Quebec. ^ wharfage at the government wharves and
startltor?halfstantottrof1ht^ --• - -sels shall have
conformity with this airreemont «,,oh'l hereinbefore mentioned with the mails in
formed an^d ^u.k rr^:nTsS^^^^^^^ continued or ;';r':
terminate upon dne'delivery ^'thT^S m^aTtre riel iS^^^^^^^^^^ atlTd^ '^
r^aJ*^' ft"^"^^^ '?!?'■ ^^^ detormination of this agreement, as hereinbefore provided
may on the part of the company be under the band of thei^ secretary for the time
IZiZi -n n.f® '^'■''^1 ^y Y"'^ delivered at or transmitted by post to the general
post office in Ottawa, and on the part of the postmaster general mU be either under
h^ hand or the hand ot the secretary or one of the assistant secretaries of the post
^Sn'inoTffl r.^ '''"'^'^ ^y. ^^'"» d<-^Iivored at or transmitted by post to the
principal office of the company in Great Britain, and ail other notices and all direc-
tions or requisitions which the postmaster general or his officers, agents or others
are hereby anthonzed to give the company, their officers, servants cfr agents may
at the option of the postmaster general, his officers, agents or others, either be
delivered to the master or' commander of any of the safd vessels or other officer
or agent in charge of management of said vessel employed in the performance of
this agreement, or left for the company at their principal office or house of business
Snif k""i? ''^■' ?u ° ^^'^ company), and any notices or directions so given or left
shall be binding on the company. 6 vu ui lojt
r,...f J^/i '^^'^ r?"Pu "^, 'I'u •' "''^ ^'*''^'"- ""'ler-let or dispose of this agreement or any
^nrtlv K T^^^''^'!^'' *^' "°"''"' °^ ^^' postmaster general signified in writinj
Tr the time'^bein / ''^^''«'^''>' ""' "'"^ «f ^^^^ assistant secretaries of the post officf
4U ^^\ ■^?. consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, and on
and wii tl^'ZlTV' ^" ^''^'V^'f ^'^^ performed, the postmaster general shall
and wil from time to time as hereinafter provided well and truly pay or cause to be
paid to the company, out of such aids or supplies as shall or may from time to time
ratfoT^ 'Ar "l^PTP^'^^^^ by parliament L the purposo, a subsidy o.lm at t^e
off .nH r "'7^^ pounds British sterling, for each and every completed voyage
?nU vi r/''H""'"f .""•^""u^'?'' agreement, a trip performed either out or home
JihfJ^ k'*^ ^"I-P'"'^ ^^' "' ^''* '"^ ^«y"-<^' "'•*" ^^^ «^«»t of any such defaulter
^illZ.t ^."''"'"f *'; "^""tioned HO much of the said subsidy or sum shall remain
payable in respect of such subsidy after making such deductions therefrom ("if anyV
as hereinefter mentioned in respect of any such default or failure.
h« «f?"f5"' ""^ time the company fail to provide a proper and efficient vessel to
.hTlt r ''" ""' "*i^' appointed day or hour or if at any lime or times the mails
shall not be conveyed between the ports of Canada and Great Britain within the
2Tl^Z"^"\'f'''^uTr\^%''"'\'^^^^^^ «« often asthe ame
8l a happen, there shall be deducted from the subsidy which but for thi. provision
Tunds pP.:-^"h''. '? '''' TTr^ ^■"'' the current .i^ear, the sum o. five'hund ed
Cs iL« . r*" r^'" ^^.^^'^'"l company shall not be liable for detention caused
by strikes or combinations ot workmen, and provided further that the enforcement
or remission of the penalty «hall be discretionary with the postmaster general
«, .^^-^Jfch of the deductions hereinbefore mentioned and hereby agreed to be
made shall be made and the subsidy before mentioned shall be reduced ^iccordLly
although no dam.ge or loss shall have been sustained by reason of or in coniec fon
w h such default and no such deduction shall in any cLe be deemed to be a penalty
«L llon?r"'',''^'^P'""'*^?'"^'''^P''^'"^"' ^y '^^ postmaster general of wha^
tfLtT f ™H 7"]!"" ''"" '" ""'P'^''^ "^'th*' «»'i «»l>«idy affer making such
?n trpr* 1 rhrV^.f-"" '" "° «««\P'«.i"dice the right of the postmaster general
to treat as a breach of this a.^^reoment the failure of the company to provide an appro-
iK;;sL";:rior'"'^'''^^^"-^'"^^"^ *^ p^^^^^-^ ^'">' --•- ^^^ - ^^^
addifio;«^W«?r"*'K'" ■^u^i'"' ^'' ^^^ I'^''' '"'^''^y «"^ deduction therefrom or
S Zl m' T '^^'■^'"bejore provided, shall be made up to the dates ibllowing^
S^i /I 'fi^^ "u" u'^n^f ? °'' ""' «°°" «^ conveniently may be thereafter, saf
the 31st day of March, the 30th day of June, the 30th day of September, and the
31s day ot December in each year, and the amount or balance (if any) which shall
be justly due to the company on each such quarterly account shall be paid by the
Cw^ilfTdti^uVl"'' ""r ''h^""P''"^ 4 '''"•''''''' upon a sUtiemJnt o'f
sue_n acvv-unt "Hd toi the purposes of such accounts the said subsidy or any increased
or decreased subsidy which may become payable under or by virtue of Iny of the
this .,J:i:^:^^:^ ^^^::l:^^i^{^Sr'T r:^' ^^^ --^'--ce of
under the power in that bfhalf conTa n^^od in the TS^^ o'T'^« *« P'"-«hH8e
any vessel for the time beini^ employed or intemil^^K^''"'?'' Subvention bontract
mentor tochartertho«ameexclu«ivek^fbr he S^^^^ employed under this agrce-
iTiU^ '^ ^^ performed shall if poi^ble be PeSS hv 7'?^*^
by the company to the Hatisfaction of th™m^^^^^^^ Tf «' *" be provided
the company, in consequence of any such, mfn?^f«„ J ^p'''^'*^, ,^"^ '" the event of
or in part) to perform such services the 8n-^^^^^^^^ a^ afo.-esaid, being unable (vvhollv
*:;^/^'Jor(-theca.ema;™he;esS^^^^^ "^«ntio„ed shah cZl
subsidy such annual sum of money as sl,a i be a..?o« , the company instead of such
general and the company, or in caVofd?ilre„;f shall be'S ^.T''^'^' postmaster
2o. All matter, which in the pursuance of ih«^L- '?"^«'^!"'"«d by arbitration. '
tobedetermiuod by arbitration shaMbr,Xred to t^J^rr /''''"'" ''«"*"'"'^J «'•«
and every or any such reference shall, with 'SrVr f:^"^'''^^?'-« ^'^ their umpires,
thereof and in all other resnects hn m.JI • '^'S^™ to the mode and consequences
provisions in that behalf Sn'eSirthe CommoTT '^ T' ""'^ P">--ant^to the
any then subsistino- statutorv mnHm.„f- ^«'Pfno» Law Procedure Act 1854 or
reference the arbitnito'saYunZtshaTl'L^^^^^^^ "P^" «^«''^ or an? tuch
parfes and witnesses upon outh ? Xmi ion E r'^ ' P'^''' '"^ ^^^'"'"^ ^be
he made a rule or order of any divi^Z7hevZL7JZ ^'.^"-^ '"'^ '"^^^''^^^^ ""ay
application of either party and such m,.?t r^ > majesty s high court of justice on the
for the other party. ^ ^ ^ """'' P'"^^ '"'^^ '"Struct counsel to consent thereto
^o^^^:^^l:s^^^:^;!zr^.j^ zj:rr^ ^' ^' -^ -^"'- the
contained which on the part and b^hSf of th« -o--'^
performed, fulfilled and kept the com, anl nL ^k P""^.'*'"* ^'" ^"^'^^ to be observed,
themselvesjointlyandHoveiillvandToh^. 1 ^^! «aid securitiss do hereby bind
successors, teirs or executor SnSrSto. TT '^^ "^ '^^"^ ^"^ ^heir respective
Canada in the sum of twenty l£Sioud/.n Tf''' ""'o the government of
dom to be paid to the government of nS^ -""""^^ ''^^^^ ^"''^"'^ ^'"^-
damages he!-eby agreed^ uporb^ the potmusto^r Z7 '\ ''TI'^"''^ '^^ ascertaine^d
hereto respectively in case ofT^ie faiCT. the^n?r'A"i? '^^ ""''^ other parties
execution of this agreement or any par the. eof li^^ . "^ '''I ^'^"'^^^7 in the due
^^^'{^^^^^^^^^^ «eal to be hereunto
year above written. " ■ hoieunto set his hand and seal the day and
The common seal of the Allan steamship
company is hereunto affixed in the
presence of
Signed, sealed and delivered by
the above named
Postmaster General in the
presence of
FnRNESs, Withy & Co., Limited,
West Hartlepool, 18th January, 1892.
Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G.,
High Commissionor for Canada, Westminster, London.
Dear Sir,— For sometime past our designing staff in the shipyard have been
engaged in getting out the most suitable dimensions for the fast mail service and
have now got out dimensions for steamers of large tonnage, say 300 feet in lenuth,
54 feet beam and 38 foet in depth, to carry 400 first, 100 second and 750 third class
passengers, and to steam an average of 18 knots, port to port. These steamers will
carry 5,000 tons on 27 feet draft of water. We estimate the cost of such steamers
fitted up with electric light and in a luxurious manner both for first and second class
passengers, and all the latest improvements such as are found in steamers like the
"Teutonic" and the " Majestic," the latest additions to the White Star lino, at £300,-
000, possibly £295,000 oach,so that the capital would be say about £l,250,000,cquipped
ready for sea with the necessary facilities at ports of loading and discharging.
Although I have had communications with Mr. Foster, your finance minister, I
do not see my way to undertake the forma'ion of the line unless your government
would bo (iispoocd to guarantee, say 4 per cent on the subscribed capital ; with such
guarantee my firm would be prepared to undertake the business in lieu of subsidy.
I should hope that in ten years the business could bo made a very profitable one
independent ot' feiibsidy.
Should you entertain this proposal I should be glad to hear from you.
i Mm, yours very sincerely,
27th Febiuary, 1893.
To His Excellency the Governor General in Council.
The undersigned petitioner represents that he has been entrusted with the care
of carrying to the knowledge of the government of Canada, that an oceanic naviga-
tion Company having the intention of running steamers between Eouen and Havre
in France, and Quebec, Montreal and Halifax, is now organizing itself under the
name of " La Compagiiie Franco-Canadienne de Navigation h. Vapeur," with head-
quarters at IJouen, in Normandy, t.nd a local board at Montreal.
_ That company begins operations with a capital of 8400,000, subscribed partly
in France, partly in Canada. Two steamers of 3,000 tons each are now under con-
sti-uctioit in England and will be ready for the fall service. In the meantime the
company has chartered two French steamers, the " General Chanzy " and the " Jules
Chagot." The former will leave Rouen for Montreal about the 25th of April next
Halifax will be the winter port of the company.
The promoters are ship owners, importers, and merchants, all men of means and
energy, desirous of promoting a direct commerce between Canada and the continent
of Europe.
There exists a trade of over $40,000,000 between France alone and China and
Japan that could be brought over via the Canadian Pacific Railway, if there was a
direct line between Canada and France to carry over sea these goods' from Montreal
or Halifax to France.
Up to this date Canada has had no share of the immense traffic of imports made
by France of articles produced by Canada, such as cattle, horses, grains, butte. ,
cheese, eggs, fruits, fish, furs, lumber, etc., although these articles are in demand in
France to the same extent as they are in England. These products could command
on the continent superior prices to those obtained sometimes in England.
Up to the 30th of June. 1892. Canada has exported to Great Britain thA abo""
articles to the amount of 864,906,549, and to France $367,539 only, for the last fiscal
year. ''
4 ,
DrodI!;ior'?h/Th*''"*'^^^''?'^''r'"**'«^'*^^ ^hat Prance ignores, almost our
fn ovnnr? .M ^/'''^"'^ °^.'' '^"■^'^ ""« "f «teumer8 obliKini; theCanud an produced
^«r ICo that country via the U.iited States or Great Britain, tlms S „Sct8
per 00 pounds of weight, to cover what i« called in France iwrS Sre»1i In
"arwith £nt.''"P"'^^'^ "■" " ^•^''«'^'" ^"""^'•^' -.--^ in^Td^rto'forcnn'e:"
♦h. «^^'•P^"^'''"SV'®°"'y'^"y''^''P°"'"g «"^'' immense markets for Canad-i as
those of France, Belgium, Holland and the whole continent, th^ J>m co Snadian
For 'ihffi';^"'' "?,'" ^' "" ^'"' "^"'"^ *" ^'^^'""^ immignttiun fmm Eu^o,
hof™ r <^f^' ^^^'^i;- tho new line intends to make at least twelve round trios
between Canada and France-that, is one departure a month from each side ^'
ine company has empowered the petitioner to represent to his excolionov thn
frarrSn-r;;'-'" """•"•' ''"*' "^'T^ ^^« inten.ion'of establisllg f e y^a ge
trade to. Canada m opening new markets in France and Europe the bcirinnin.rs of
Zt Ul tZnv!;ro7a7i.:tesiSr'''°"^ ''"' "^^^'^^ -'' --^ P^ote'cUc^n^rol^tht
uSxisteVcV """'' '' ^''° Franco'-Canadian StLmship Lir,r'the first y^e^ of
yearlSmim of'"f3r'"*' ".""J '^' 'TP^">' ^^'^'^ ^'"^ 't'^^'^'to ™"ke the first
Sb ?CSuZtl ''""'^ tnps; the second year, a minimum of eighteen
tups , the follovving years a minimum of twenty-four trips, with the hone th-it
8tanclinr,tr''*''"P''""';'!^''^''' '''•'''"« ^«"'J become Seeldy, w t^ the'^unde!
f f™.^n 1 " "f ^*?'' V^*" company could expect a subsidy of ?2 500 per trip fbr
And your petitioner,- as in duty bound, will ever pray.
For " La Compagnie Franco-Canadienne de Navigation h Vapeur."
Montreal, 24th February, 1893.
To His Excellency the Governor General in Council :—
The undersigned petitioner humbly represents :—
b.inJmUlV Compaignie cie Navigation ii Vapeur Franco-Canadienne" wishes to
bung to the knowledge of his excellency the governor general in council, supple-
mentary facts to those contained in his petition of the 24th February, iS :_ '^'^
,-„f \^^' "^^ C«rapagnie Franco-Canadienne de Navigation k Vapeur" has the
mlnliSnln'' h"^'/*.<<^^"°" a^ permanent exhibition of Canadian natural and
manufactured products ("Musee, Commercial Consulaire ") suitable to French con-
Si^?'/" ^"^ ^'^"^^'t ^ ,*'*'^«' ^^^•'^^^ V'oVm^ the fact that Canada is not
merely a consumers country but also a great producer.
TT i-?"'*" ^^?, company will run its steamers direct between Montreal, Quebec
Halifax and Rouen but intends to complete its cargoes either in leaving Canada or
Holland " ^ °' ^''''" ^"f^^^'-P i" Belgium and Rotterdam in
«,anJ'*1'.''^l?f ^TPp°^ '^,'" .^'"^ ""^'^ *° ^''"y "'' emigrants from Rouen (Nor-
mandy) to Canada for only sixteen dollars per head.
4th. The speed of the steamers will never be under 10 miles an hour.
And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
For '• La Oie Franco-Canadienne de Navigation A Vapeur."
Montreal, 16th March, 1893.
* r
To His Excellency the Governoh General in Council :-
The undersigned petitioner has the honour to represent :
ing peSio^n ''To1£''Ex"erie^ov'tL'L';' '''' •V?--- f.-idressin. the foliow-
petiti'on preceding.) ^''^^"«"«3^ ^he Governor General in Council," viz.: (See
with^he foUow[n7atwr\L'"" P*'^'^^ the 29th March. 1893,
" Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada,
" «. A. Dholet, Esq., " ""'"''''' '''™'' °'^""^' '^'^ ^'^''^h' '''''
"55 Dubord street, Montreal.
a dirl'li^'ofram^hi^rbTtw^^n Eo^n ^.'^^^^--PP-'cation for a subsidy for
and after discu.sion^tZ decS ,S to re^l'^'.T' ^^V^^^'^^^ht before council
any further subsidies d u ring The present s^ssTon '' P'''''-'*™«nt the granting of
and theC^ShTo^onTfor'tr SoT ^1" ''^'l -™---"er in London
sometime, and ilthougra, 'a, an^emont^ ^r^". ^°"" '" V'^Srens for
ratified, either by the French ihaSron^h',"'"'''''*''^ ***' '* ^^' "«* y«t been
circumstances, i{ wL , ordVeS adris- bfe Ctal?"' "^. ^'""''^'*- ^"^«'' '^''-
szr-''''' '' -y "- «^ ---li;o^ditL;"^SeThtrreidr^^^
" 1 have the honour to be, &c.,
"Minister of Trade and Commerce"
oTa s'isr "'•^" '"' " ^^^"-' ^^^« ^eLtrs' ct"3ci7a:rhc^vretf^^
general inTu^S fhtt^rwa^^'Srh"^^^^^^^^^^
Ca^p^and by the honou^Se^C/ii-ra^r^iari^^^^^^^^
oouJZCt:i^X; Z7Te !:as?n's^:""^"^^ \^^ ^°^«^"- g«--' -
vinced of iho necessity of renewin^^ itsrni;. ^^P^T*'"^ '" '"^''^ than%ver con-
subsidy, same as previoUv Sd^n\i«n.?*'^'''" ^^'i^*' gmnting of a yearly
1893, as above related to Lkeun7„,'P°;'t''';'' P^'«««nted on the 24th February,
the establishment of a regXr newl^ni oTll t '"""''■'•'^ ^'?''^"° *^« ^''' 3^««'-« of
You,- petitioner furtlfor dociaresThnMhl P ««"?'n'\n'cat'on with France,
ready, fifteen days af ej the sranuZ TthlluT'^-^'' ^'''''.'^ of directors would be
service two powerful and^ first d^^^^ m question, to put on immediate
F.-ance, with privilege to call afAnmern Tn'^'n ^""""^ ^^'^^°" ^^""^^^ ^^^
month, minimum, fo" the first vea'^anTn^n'n^^^^^^^^ ""^ Hamburg once every
excelltX''n^:::CdlmiS "ot to 1,J inferior to 3.000 tons, with
eleven and^twelv"; knots an ho1[r ^''''"'"^oa.l^on and running at a' speed between
Complying with the terms of the letter addressed by the honourable minister
oftrade and commerce to your petitioner on the 29th March, 1893 above Sed
and Raying "I may add that the question is not definitely set led and shoul'l Youi'
application be renewed, ,t could be considered when parliament meets aS '• yo J
petitioner has the honour of renewing his application, praving his exco lencv the
governorgeneral in council to take the same' in his fa^oLble consfdeSion ^
And your petitioner, as m duty bound, will ever pray.
Late Commissioner for Canada at the Paris Universal Exhibition (1878),
Knight of the Legion of Honour.
Montreal, 24th April, 1894.
Depaetment of Trade and Commerce,
Ottawa, 9th May, 1894.
P r'^^«f«I'iT'^"'''^ioo'!"f^.''°^*''"'^^""^ commerce to whom has been referred
«ii,;i:!H M n * ^ ^emg a copy of a communication of date the 24th April,
addressed by Mr. G. A. Drolet of Montreal, to his excellency the governor fjenera
Sfdv^Cn^*^"'^"V'^^''^'''""''"-^'^^'^^^«""« ■'« Navigation \ Vapeur '' ?or a
TrSJof o ir '^^^^fr'"' ^^t!:"° T"^*^'^ ^^^^^"^'^ ^^"'^'i^ and Prance with
privilege of calling at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg,-reHnectfullv recom-
mends that his excellency the governor general be moved to reply in effect that the
application will be brought up for the consideration of council at the same time as
other applications for mail subsidies and steamboat subventions.
Minister of Trade and Commerce.
Minister of Marine and Fisheries,
Ottawa, Canada, 3rd May, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Trade and Commerce.
„HH ^^ ^T^ ^\ ^'lT^^^^-7}' ^^^ ^" '"^'^'^^ herewith for your consideration a letter
addressed to me by Messrs. Robert Reford & Co., of Montreal, protesting tn the
?o a nronlr"^- ^T ^^"""^^r *^°"'*' "^ ^^""dee against the gra^ntingoff sibs dy
Yours faithfully,
Montreal, 3rd May, 1894.
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, Minister of Marine, Ottawa, Ont.
Dear SiR—We notice in this morning's Gazette that r, Mr. Drolet is agitatine
for a subsidy for a proposed French line of steamers, with privilege of calling at
Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg. The newspaper report herewith. We beff to
protest in the name of our friends, Mnssrs. Wm. Thompson & Sons, of Dundee, against
any subsidy being given to any line for such a purpose, for the following reasons :-
A steamship line of two steamers is an absurdity. Two such lines,^he Bossiere
and another have already attempted the work and failed; the Bossiere line failing
even although they enjoyod a subsidy. ^
The Thompson line, with seven steamers, have now and for nearly thirty years
given a French service, and if any line is entitled to a subsidy, they are the one.
They fii
rvice not only fiom northern parts of Prance, which is all this Drolet
line speaks or, but also from the Mediterranean and eastern ports of France
biibsidizin^ this or any other line would be a most unfair handicapping of the
l.nos now running betweer. Montreal, Antwerp, Eottordam and Hamburg, which
have no subsidy, and do the work certainly better than could be done by the nro-
posed Mno of two steamers. -^ '
The line, besides is quite unnecessary, as the Thompson lino with direct boacs
re uiitd ''' "' ^^'""^"'*^'' "'"^ connecting lines via England give all the service
..aHn^^T"®",^''"^"''!"!""^'^"*^''"''''''''-""^ ^'«'"" tho French and continental
Sn f "'^' i^'. r'"''- "1 ^""'''''^ and Great Britain, whereas, we presume, this
Drolet line would be entirely owned in France, consequently subsidizing such a line
hands of fordg^.er.'' °"* ''""'^' °^ °"' *''^" '"'"'''^ "'"^ ^""'"^ '* '"^° ^^>«
The former so-called French lines, when running, could "never get sufficient
cargo to load their steamers either to or from France, consequently were obliged to
load largely to and from Great Britain, thus still more c^irectly competing with
already existing lines, and to their great prejudice. ^ F 6 *vit.i
For the above and other reasons, the subsidies once enjoyed by the Bossiere and
also the Ilansa lines were discontinued, after the whole matter had v^een fully and
Sir tI^ a''m''? ^t^'*",^'' Charles Tupper, then minister of marine, during the
bir John A. Macdonald administration. ^
For these reasons we hope that no suisidy will be granted, and that before the
thing IS even considered, -^e and others interested in t,he Montreal steamship com-
r.mhir V!rVi"^P • «PPO''t""*'^y of debating the matter before yourself and other
membersof the Canadian government.
We are, yours truly,
Extract from the Gazette.
A neiv French Line I'roject.
Mr. G. A. Drolet is moving for a subsidy to a steamship line between Montreal
and J^ ranee. In the course of a memorial reciting the history of last season's enter-
prise, he says the company, after one season's experiment, is more than ever con-
vinced of the necessity of renewing its application for the granting of a yearly
subsidy to make up for losses to be incurred during the first ylars of the establish-
tnentofa regular line. It is further stated that the Canadian board of directors
Iwirfni^/^ f T'^ days after the granting of subsidy, to put on service two
powerful first-class steamers, direct between Canada and France, with privilege to
call at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg, once every month. minimura;for the first
^J- *!!! /°?u Vu^ ^^''^^ '^^•''''' rai"'™"", for the second year; and once every
fortnight for the following years. The freight capacity of the steamers would not
De interior to 3,000 tons, with passenger and immigration accommodation, and
running at a speed between eleven and twelve knots per hour.
Minister op Marine and Fisheries,
Ottawa, Canada, 5th May, 1894.
Hon. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Trade and Commerce.
MyDearMr. Bowell,— T inclose you a further letter I have received from
Messrs. Robert Reford & Co., of Montreal, touching the granting of a subsidy to a
proposed French line of steamers. uo uj- tu »
Yours faithfully,
Montreal, 4th May, 1894.
Sir Chaklks Hiubert Tuppeb, Minister of Marine, Ottawa.
tion ?,uf fnf wT?^® haveyours of yesterday, contents of which have our bestntton-
nhLT^ k' ', "^^'«PV«"'- thanks. Your reply would seem to indicate that we
object to a Hubsidy to the proposed French line mainly on account of as o.l for
pr^. ego pf. ailing at Antwerp a'nd JRotte.da,n~and we w^ould Mk Zmal e t It
that th.8 IS only a minor objec ,on although an important one. Our main obiec ion
18 that a subsidy such as asked for would ^e most unfair to all the p -esont 1 nes
Tlmnfoi^Iif^'^r' '"■ ''Jf ••'T"« '''}''' ^'^^'^ you, and eipeda^lyr to ;:
We are, yours respectfully,
Board op Trade, Toronto, 17th January, 1893.
The Hon. Sir J. S. D. Thompson,
Premier of Canada, Minister of Justice, Ottawa
At the same time permit me to place in your hands a copy of a notice bv the
board of navigation, treasurer's department, Washington, Acf lOth Januarv 1892
which has been handed to me by a friend, and from ^hich^twouMappTar very
I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,
EDGAR A. WILLS, Secretary.
The Board op Trade op the City op Toronto,
Secretary's Office, 16th January, 1893.
He "Fast Atlantic Service."
boar?,TL'?6rhtnr^^^^ "'^^'^^ ''' ' ^P«^'^' S^-^' --^-t' ^^ the
f.n^^^'n''"''?"^ '"^^''"^^ of Toronto, having considered the question of transportation
?ortrvKh'L";.*H''P"'"H'""^'^"T« ''F"^ *« *he enormous resources of 2e
country, both as to its producing and purchasing ability, as shown by its steadily
increasing exports and imports, especially to and from Great Britain Jnd ^
ways^'and'c:nat,"ar '"^''"''' '^ ^'^ ^^™'"'^" ^" '^'''''^''^ '^' «^«t«- «f -'1-
To the fact that this system makes direct connection with Canadian oorts much
S ne:,^rS?Tohn'?S ""7 I^^ ''1 ^''t'''' ^^'"^ ''^' hund^ei'aEd seventy
dlidVnH Tff; rl-i ™^ hundred and eighty miles nearer, and Halifax six hun-
neare^ aild ^ "'*'^'' "" ' ''^^^' "''"" '"^^ '"'^"^le ports may be found still
of the toSntryf "" ^'*''' *^''* '''"' Canadian Ailantio service is inadequate to the want
Therefore be it resolved :
and I^.'*i.i"«r'^? *^°^*f '" ^""^ ^"" *''"«^* «^ «'^'' ^^^^^y enormous expenditure
tnitf^ ^Hf* •^^'"'** advantages, and render the nation independent of foreign
ports for Atlantic transportation, a fast Canadian Atlantic steamship service is a
necessity and should be encouraged by the Canadian people and by tiio Dominion
And be it further resolved :
That this board of trade is of opinion that a first-class Canadian fast Atlantic
Btenmship service would materially increase the value of our European exports, and
decrease the cost of delivery of our European imports, largely augment the volume
of our passenger travel, improve our foreign postal service, and otherwise be of great
national importance, and would, therefore, strongly urge the government and parlia-
ment of Canada to render such assistance, and make such arrangements as may be
.equired to secure such service, and give it control of a railway service as the pro-
posed steamship line would require,
That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Sir John S. D. Thompson, premier
of Canada, and the boards of trade of the Dominion.
Vancouvee, B.C., 4th February, 1893.
The Bight Honourable the Premier.
, Sir,— At a meeting of Vancouver board of trade the following resolution passed
uuanimously, viz. : — at
'' ^j}"** **^''* ^^^^''^ f"l'y endorses the resolution re fast Atlantic service adopted
by the Toronto board of trade at their meeting of 16th January, 1893, and would
desire in connection therewith to direct the attention of the right honourable the
premier of Canada to the special advantages which would accrue from such a service
in the further development and increase of trans-Pacific traffic entering the Dominion
at the port of Vancouver."
I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Brandon Board op Trade, 6th February, 189.S.
Sir John S. D. Thompson, Premier of Canada, Ottawa.
Sir,— The resolution of the Toronto board of trade of January 16th re "fast
Atlantic service" having been placed before this board, it was resolved:—
"That this board fully endorses the resolution of the Toronto board of trade
and that a copy of this endorsation be forwarded the premier of Canada."
I have pleasure therefore in plasing the same before you.
Yours respectfully,
Winnipeg Grain and Produce Exchange,
Winnipeg, 8th February, 1893.
The Honourable Sir John Thompson, Ottawa.
Sir,— Under directions, I have the honour to enclose a copy of a resolution
passed at a general meeting of this exchange held to-day, relating to a fast Atlantic
steamship service.
i have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,
a, pad
ay be
I pro-
9 the
" fast
He^ofntion pa.sed at a General Meetin,, of the Winnipeg Grain Rrchang., held thi. day
the tS3' ■o":!;rer?i^\'^2,rlhi'';;.rv^I;» ^oneHt to
. Thorofore, it m roHolved Ihut thin exchange desireH to exiiress it« ««««« ^e »k
importance of securing the establiHhrnont ofHUfh fLV Ari„nVi,' . . ? ® ^^ ^^^
the earlient poHmblo dSto. and woulS Zpe Sy Irge^he ptllTent o? p"'"'?" T'
Certified to be a true copy.
Winnipeg, 8th February, 1893.
The Boaud ok Trade op the Town of Owen Sound,
Secretary's Office, 28th February, 18^3.
Be " Fast Atlantic Service."
by the Toronto board of^rade.) (««««1"^'«" '^lenticai with that adopted
ReHolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to James Masson Esi
M.P., for presentation to the government of the Dominion. ' ^•'
J. McLaughlin,
London Board op Trade, London, Ont., Ist March, 1893.
Sir John S. D. Thompson, Premier of Canada, Ottawa.
I am, dear sir, yours obediently,
London Board of Trade, London, Ont.
(Telegram.) Toronto, Ont., Bth March, 181)4.
PatroriH of InduHtry in Krnml uMHOciation oppoHo ^'ranting boniiHeH, hut if Hubsidy
is givoii hy govornmont to fml ocoan HtouinHhip Horvico, thoy iiivo that it bo j/ivon
to mil fast fiuighl to cany Cuiiadiati produetH rapidly to eaMtorti rnaikots.
Grand President,
Ottawa Board of Trade.
Ottawa, 11th March, 1893.
The liononrablo the Secretary of State for Canada,
Ottawa, Canada.
Sir,— I am InHtriKitod tooonvey toyou a copy of a rosolutiou paHsed by this
board at itH hist meeting, which In art follows :—
"HoHolyed that this board conwiderrt a f,wt Atlantic Horvice as complomontary
to t he cxiHling HystemK of inland tranHportation on which this country has already
made a largo oxpondiluro. ^
"That it is therefore desirable in the eommorcial and general interests of the
country that such a service hhould bo established, that consequently this board should
urge upon the attention of the government the propriety ot rendering such assis-
tanco ami making such arrangements as mav bo duly required to ,*ecure such a
I have, &o,,
Privy Council, Canada.
To His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir John Campbell Hamilton
(tordon, l^ARL OP Aberdeen, Governor General of the Dominion op
Canada, in Council.
The memorial of the St. John board of trade, of the city of St. John in the pro-
vince of New Brunswick, respectfully showeth :—
Whereas, this board is informed that it has been proposed to subsidize a fast line
of steamers to carry mails, passengers and freight, making weekly trips between
ports in Canada and the mother country, and that the propo^sal has not mot with the
tavourable view of the government ; that the steamers contemplated are to be of 20
knot >pe(Hi, and to freight accommodation for a general cargo of about 3 000 tons •
and that it is in contemplation that a yearly subsidy <.i' $750,000 for an' extended
term of years, shall be paid by the dominion of Canada in connection with such fast
Atlantic line.
Whereas this board has on former occasions expressed an opinion favourable to
a lust Atlantic service established under conditions which, without proving too
serious a burthen, may tend to develop the trade and resources of Canada and to
divert through Canadian seaports such as Montreal, Quebec, Halifax and St. John a
portion of the traffic now carried on through the United States : '
Whereas, this board belioves that steamers of 20 knot spcod cannot compete
successfully for through mails and passengers with the steamship lines from New
York, which havo already attained a speed of 22 knots, which speed in the near
future will bo increased. In this connectior, this board is of opinion (hat the greater
discance between the Canadian winter ports, and the great American centres and
New York, should be considered, and t is believed that unless inducements as to
speed and accommodation fully equal o, if not in advance of the New York linos
I a' c J •' 1' . \"' ;\",^ ■ ■" -^ivei L— ; jiiTt tiio cr.;;nnois it, nas
already formed, and that, should the Damininn become bound to a subsidy of such
large amount for steamers of but 20 knot spetd for an extended term of years there
will in this respect be no adequate return : '
o,,i„™ ,,,■„,. .„^^, ,„„,;;'„ r™r;r=:ai;Ve;:E,."fi ii'^i:
up"i. tho ru.ou,c«,, of iho country „,„ l.in, ^■,. 1 I ,, l!,? , '"""' """"" ''"""""1
pn.™ tei,,li„K more materially (.X ™tl.il „!.'"', ','/''"°''.' '"""""onlsr.
paH«o„ger t...,fflo which thin blr I Cvriiot^^b^^^^^^^^^ ('" "'<^ '"'1'° ''^ "
wo..ld .nvolvo a heavy bu.-.lon upon the reJoirc^H of fh! '^ '^ !^ " °?'!^'"'"'^ ^'hich
tionato return. ' lesourtes of the count.y without propo.--
And your memo.ialists, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
IliA COIINVVALL, Preaident.
SaintJohn,N.B., April, 1894.
' i:i>AK iMENT OF Trade and Commerce,
m. „. . ... Ottawa, KJth April, 1894.
P. C.'^£:i:olC oT'm^^^^^^ r, -^om ha« been refo..,.od
president of and o..behalK'tS St XhnN^^^ ^«'*'*. ^'O'" the
to hiH exeelleney the l^oZ'olL^^^^^ board o( trade, add.^.ned
for a fast Atlantic steimsbipefvice between CaLl JT'u''' '^' ^''^P"^*^'' ^^^eme
LoNbr».v, 7th Februaiy, 1894.
The Honou..able Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Trade and Con.merce, Ottawa
tion fc,; o?lanra;?eCtlTnTSan?T'^ J"'^' "'^^ ^^^ ^^« «-«P- -
there, to submit toJheToverCerof Canaj^ °''"''^' corporatio.t
steamship service between Kancea»d Canai'^t^^^^^^ ^'-^^ P'^P''^"' f«'' » direct
have cabfed you the outHne ofTin tSe'^fXting wo.d^"-^"'^^ ^^'*^«^' «"^ ^
"Bowell, Ottawa. ^ vvoius .—
treal, monthly, winter Halifax more ?f f.n^f •' ^"'"^"'^''t'y. ««mmer, to Mon-
subsidy, fifteen hundidpoSrZnd dp fi,8t3s'suit«hl ^"^''"r'"* *«° y^"'-^
early promise of subsidy by eove.nmont^'««itt„ I -..'''* vessels gua.-anteed. If
possible cable views of ^vJ^-nS." ' "' """ ^«'"'"«"«« t^" «pring. If
The D.'onnsif.ion >" •
12 knots on trial ; the points of departure to be either Dunkirk, Havre or La
Eochollo (with privilege to the company of flying either the French or English flag,
and with privilege of calling both on the outward and return voyages at St, Pierre,
Miquelon) with Quebec and Montreal in summer and Halifax in winter, and making
regular fortnightly voyages both to and from France and Canada to Montreal and
Quebec in summer and monthly voyages to and from Halifax in winter, making in
all not less than twenty round trips per annum.
The Canadian government paying a subsidy of £1,500 per round trip or Bay
£30,000 per annum for a period of not less than ten years.
If in the view of the company the state of trade demands additional voyages,
the company may make as many additional voyages as they please, but in the event
of the government demanding additional voyages they will increase the subsidy in
the same proportion.
An opportunity ofl'era at present which must be availed of without delay of
acquiring a splendid fleet of new or nearly new high class vessels exactly suited to
this trade, all ready for immediate use, and my friends are prepared to purchase them
if there is any assurance from the government of a subsidy as above indicated, and I,
therefore, ventured to add the words to my cablegram as to commencement of the
service this spring if early promise of the subsidy can be given by the government,
subject to any reasonable terms and conditions you may require.
Please address your reply as above, care of F. A. Bowen, as I shall have left
before a written reply can reach me.
I am, s'r, your obedient servant,
London, 16th Februaiy, 1894.
To BowELL, Ottawa.
Wrote you seventh, French steamship service, thought better delay cabling till
letter received, friends will purchase fleet, four steamers, two years built, averaging
2,500 tons, triple expansion engines, electric light throughout each, with 30o"'ton
refrigerators, exactly suiting this service. Please cable government views about
subsidy fast Atlantic English service arranged here, delaying my departure for reply
about French line.
Care Bowen, London.
Ottawa, 16th February, 1894.
To Cameron, care F. A. Bowen, London.
Proposition steam service inadmissable. Have better off'ers.
» Russell House, Ottawa, 5th April, 1894.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada.
French Steamship Service.
Dear Sir, — I beg to direct your attention to a letter addi-essed to you by my
friend, Mr. Hector Cameron, and dated, London, 7th February, 1894, which I confirm.
i.n that communication you are informed that certain friends of ours will under-
take the formation of a company to work a line of suitable steamers between Dunkirk
and La Rochelle, (calling at Havre if required), in France, and Quebec in summer,
(calling at at. Pierre on the outward and homeward voyages), and from the same
ports in France to Halifax during the winter months. If the government of the
twelve months' notice fVom either party renewable if not cancelled by
They are propelled at fhe rX If 2 C° a-Tea bv t in"""'""" ,■;<""" "'' '■"''''»"<'•
wilh abundance of refrigerating ob^mCs i ,d have Zv i, ? ' "">" »'1 l'r"''"''>''
flrst olase passengers and immilranls' '■ory good accommodation for
your earliest possiblo convenience, and, ""^^ ^^ ^^'"^ '*'"«'■' "^
T remain, dear sir, your obedient servant,
36 Walbrook, London. TATirr.« ^^L
Department of Trade and Comme (ce,
James Bruce, Esq., Ottawa. ^^'''''^' ^'^ ^P^'"' l^^^"
French tL'ms'hTp IiS:%''d%m rt'^n^foSnlf /^"'- '"^^""^ ""^ ''' «^^ ^P"'- -
. soon as the question oHhe trLy betweeKanV« a^nTr^'''^' '^'""^'" r'"'^'' ^'
government has taken action in relftZ ?o a S^.^'t^Hn^ nf"'?'' " ''\'^^^' ^°^ '^^
.to communicate with you on the subj^c" steamers, I shall not fail
Yours truly,
Th« TT .K vr • . !^7'''''' Chambers, London, S. W., Uth August, 1893.
The Hon. the Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Canada
between France and Canadi '"'P''^'"^ *^« establishment of a steamship service
I have the honour to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
(Translation.) ^^'^'' Commissioner.
^ ^ ^ Paris, 5th August, 1893
6IR Charles Tupper, High Commissioner of Canada at London
«^p7or^rrLi^\S\tSS ttlrrS^^^
this i:Sa?.\;rFr:rd'=a"«i?i^.tfr:,°:,L'3T' ^
This tirst sailing is effected by a French steamer of 3,000 tons
ha aufii'T ^T ^i;' "kindly extend your good will to our undertaking, and we shall
relftion themo.^'"^ ^'""'''^ '' should you desire any further information in
Receive, sir, the assurance of our high consideration.
Le /'resident dii C.
Franco-Canadian Steam Navigation Company.
(Capital— 850,000 frs.)
Head Office :— 9 Rue de Londres,
Paris, 24th August, 1893.
To His Excellency the Governor General of Canada in Council.
May it please Your Excellency :
We have the honour to inform you that we have just formed, at Paris under
the name of" Franco-Canadian " a <,ompany having fo.- object a regular steamsh'i
service between France and Canada. ^ eieamsnip
Pip...?"n!I' ^- '' ^f ^^^ "^uT «f.f«P«''t"i-e. and the steamers which shall call at St.
Pierre and Miquelon will be built so as to run at an average speed and fitted up for
cabiu passengers and emigrants and will be of a capacity of from 2,500 to 3 000 tons
A.utV^^- '^ ^""^ *." secure good ships, and as, on the ,other hand, we o not wish to
?h^' ifbia ''of 3 00r.n^ '^T^ ^r'T'i'T ""^r"'''^ « «^«* ^''««« ^^«"«»^ «teame?
the Olbia of3 000ton8, which starts to-day from Rouen, and we are still cor-
responding for the purchase or construction of the other vessels
«.to Jl P®/''^ ^"'l]?^''"' ^"7®''°'"®"*' ^''^ account of the interest taken in the
establishment of a direct and regular service between France and Canada w H
sfmUar servS. ' " ^"^'"' "' ' """^'^^ "^*^'^^^ ^'' *"P *" ^^''^^^ voted foTa
X • ^} 'j ^",*^° ^?P® ^^ obtaining this subsidy that we have toirether with ou.-
hr±' '^r ' h'V' '^'- "? '^' l^>««co-Canadian Company, and we feef sure tha wiS
i^Lr • It ^"^"''^^ '"PP?'^ ""^ ^^^ Canadian government our own company
developing the sei-vice, as the commercial relations between the two countr es
T'Zl^L^^h '\^.««™P'*''«tively short time, to make more frequent trips
fon. ?T ' Obligations the company has secured the financial means to
^Zl "«°«^?^''y «^/«"«««' ^f it «a" '•^'y on the aid of the Canadian subsSy as it
does on premiums of encouragement granted in France. "^
We have, &c..
G. NA7AME, • E. B. LeBEUF,
Adminisirator. President of Company.
Downing Street, 5th September, 1893.
The Officer Administering the Government of Canada.
Sm,-I bave the honour to transmit to you, for the information ofyour jiovern-
ment, a copy of the document specified below. "^ j'^urgovetn-
I have, &c.,
R- H. MEADE, for the Secretary of State.
2<), 8, 1893
Dkschiption of Document.
'''''t.^^^^l:fiZ^' •^-'°-- -P-'-^ the steamship
line between Rouen and Canada.
Foreign Office, 29th August, 1893.
rrr.» f«\~"i • I"w''®^*^.^ bj tfag secretary of State for foroign attairs to transmit to
Sw '.k"* before the Marquess of Eipon, the accompanying copy of a deZtch
reporting the establishment of a direct steamship line between Rouen and Canada
I am, &c.,
Her Britannic Majestt's Consulate, Rouen.
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Mr LoRD,--I have the honour to report the establishment of direct steamsh-'n
communication between Rouen and Canada. The company formed for this obic'ct
.8 a Pans one. and is entitled "La Compagnie Franco-CaLienne dXvtatt'r^^
\ apour and their agent at Rouen is Mon«ifin,. Vinnn.t ^,," m1"!. ®„ 'VV^'^A'?",^
announces its
with Canada.
•"'"' Htse f !;'b?th"« f f r" "onsieux- Fiequet, Rue Monteuse. It publicly
Mtselftobethefirst French steamship line connecting France directly
«nw I f ^ "" 'T^' ^"""^f- ^^« ^^P^tal is 8.50,000 francs and so far thev have
only chartered one steamer the " Olbia " recently bought at Glasgow bv Fabr J& Co
of Marseilles, and constructed in 1873 by W. Denny and Son oT D^im barton W^",'.
gross tonnage is 2,623 tons, net 1,698. ko is fitted for both paslenger and ca^gi
fiv^fUTt'" '^P**^^'. ."'"'^V"S ^^«"* ^^^ ^''^ ^"J ««<^«»d class pasfeni rs He?
first trip commr-n:;:.^ to-day, when she leaves Rouen with about sixtrSen^^rs on
'Xe^efLl : V:^ ^^ «°°^°"^' «* ''■ P-- -^ Miquelon^ari^Sing
prac^.^ J^bu^t; is^n^!;-! rts^^^r i^^j^ Kri^-^^X^tES
promise held out by the Canadian government, in the convention concluded last
tol^bS^elre fiisfr^on"' ''rt ^""l' "'1^«^ '^''^'^ ^y the ?ren"h chamb:r1
to subsidize the faist diiect line of steamships between the two countries
Its object 18 also to develop the direct trade between the two countries to which
t on i?l- "k'p P" h' ^"' ^' 4^'^" ^y *he reciprocal benefits Sredbv the convey,
tion in which Canada obtains the advantages of the French minimum tariff for a
certain number of her exports, and Francefon the other hand, gainTa reSlon of
about 30 per cent of the duty on her wines. leciuction of
I have, &c.,
Her Majesty's Consul.
Tj- ^, ^ . Ottawa, 15th September, 1893.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Dear Mr. Fo8TER,-The only other file in this department re the Franoo
Canadian steamship service is the enclosed no. 644, which simpk- Announces the'
establishing of a line of French .teamers between France and C^fada
repo^:&t?e7a:fng^^crrt"ohL^d" '''' ''' '^"'^ *"^--^'«"' - -"--•
1891,\la'!ih'e''^'''°''*°"^'''^''*'^'^"^''"''"^^" Commerce de la France" for
T 1* relics
Imports at that port for the year aggregated a value of. 271 781 308
And the exports .... R,'«sR'n,-T
The number of vessels entered during the year was—
JS 1,003,523
Total.. 3,715 2.001,795 average 537 each.
Of these o.,tered 801 tonnage 301,782 were from England.
Of these cleared 1,279, " 635,161 " for "
Total 2,080 936,943
indicating that half the business of t) , port is^n^Eiigland
the,St9'nrS''''Th«T"'"""''^^^^ ''J'"'^'^ «f ^«««e!« frequenting
P„„E V D •?• T'^*' <^"^'"a"^'e8 and clearances for that year as given in the
Encyclopiodm Bntann.ca wore 5,189, tonnage 1,438,055, average 278 tons each at
ZouMTJ-"""^" drawing over 21 feet couTd not cUer the poi?, bu dredging opera
tions then going on were calculated to give 25 feet ^""K't'fe "Pera
,„iii J'^^ »^'^^rago tonnage of vessels frequenting the port (in either case smalH is it
ber, 233, tonnage, 30,639, or an average of only 132 tons each
I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,
W. G. PAiniELEE,
Deputy Mmister.
Post Office Department, Ottawa, 14th 8eptember, 1893
^„^^^'^^^^^' ^'«q-. I^eputy Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa
r.c, •'^5^*=^^-^K-Parmelee,— I enclose you a telegram from C J Macdonald
Yours faithfully,
Deputy J'osfmnxter General.
To Arthur Lxnbsav, Esq., ''"'"""' '''^'^ '^P'^"^^'' ''''■
Supt. Mail Service Branch. Post Office Department, Ottawa.
Gove^nmen?fot Tv^t^ between Anglo-French Steamship Company and French
pZe S ^rPiiV^i T.'"'!-'" ,^^« «^Pi'e'l «nd contract made with new company
riease wire fc>t. i^ierre authorities for instructions. 'F»".y-
i'ost Office Iimpecfor.
Department op Trade and Commerce,
rni w« w r. ^ Ottawa, 15th September, 1893.
Col. Wm. White, Deputy Postmaster General, Ottawa.
re co^tTZu.^t'JIin'il~I '^f V««V'S^« of yesterday's date with enclosed telegram
m^rfo^"ii?^rvic:t i"^s^^ '^^'^'"^^'p ^^^p'^^^- -^^ ^^^ ^^^--^^ «-«-
T knL^ ofTt*i''^w V^ '' '^ ™^"'' n ^'"^ "°"=«"'« t'^« Canadian government. All
l^:l^^^/^ZJ:^l7^^t^J^^^^^ ^--e^l.for direct service
I have the honour to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
Deputy Minister.
in the
ich, at
) is, it
ny is
r the
Paris, 6th October, 1893,
Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister.
Sir,— Wo greatly desire to thank you for being good enough to attend the
banquet given on board the " Olbia," and for expressing thereat your interest in tho
development of the commercial relations between Canada and France and in our
undertaking in particular.
As we had the honour of stating to j'ou in Paris, La Compagnie Franco-Cana-
dienne has had in view a rapid increase of interchange between two countries linked
together Dy so many historic memories. May we not hope that the Canadian govern-
ment will promptly encourage our efforts, of which the first voyage of the " Olbia "
already indicates the success. We should be only too glad to see the realization of
the pleasant forecasts expressed by some of those who spoke on board the " Olbia "
in relation to tho granting of a subsidy to the new French service.
We venture once more, sir, to call, to your kindly attention the Compagnie
Franco-Canadienne, and beg that you will accept the expression of our respectful
1685, Notre Dame Street, Montreal, 3rd April, 1894.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Hon. Sib,— I would deem it a great favour if you would kindly let me have tho
date and nature of the tenders which were called for by the government in 1890 or
1891, for a rapid transit line of steamers between hero, France and England, and to
which Mr. A. Frasor, representing tho Transatlantic Company and Mr. Bryce Douglas
answered. By letting me have this information you will greatly oblige
Yours respectfully,
Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, 5th April, 1S94.
Viscount de la Barthe^ Montreal, Que.
Sir, — Your letter of the 3rd instant, addressed to the honourable the minister of
finance, has been transferred to this department. In answei-, I beg to state that the
only information I can give you with reference to the date and nature of the tenders
which were advertised for by the government in 1890 and 1891 for a rapid transit
line of steamers between Canada, England and Franco, is that contained in the en-
closed terms and conditions which was advertised on the 29th May, 1890.
I am under the impression that another advertisemeufi was issued and the con-
ditions were slightly different, but I have no copy. In fact, this is the only available
copy I have of the terms as advertised in 1890. I trust this may answer your
I have the honour to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
Deputy Minixter.
34, Vernon Road, Bow, London, E,, 24th April, 1894.
The Hon. Sir A. P. Caron, Postmaster General, Ottawa.
My Dear Sir,— Your esteemed favour of tho 11th instant, enclosing a letter from
the Hon. M. Bowell, of the 2nd instant, received this day, and for which I thank you.
I see the time in transit is thirteen days from Ottawa and twelve days from Halifax.
Would you kindly note ibis, us it is nearly double the time that I name in my offer.
After carefully considering the subject over, the capital to be invested is so large,
that I think the contract should be for twenty years from the date of the first sailing
of the Bteamers
Bteamern eq
i&fd of six
ork." and
Sn ^ '^""•'^ *''^" *^ *'"^« contract for the building or nurch
at the Hame rate per pound tLt was na.d laS /;;: i' Ti":'',-*" be carried by weight
by the English government to L^Cuna?d^\%U«.5 ''''''^' '5' '^"« *^'« y««r,
steamers, from England toNew Yo.l! wit ha ' }^ f^"?" ""'^ American line of
each tim^ the mSwere efrrfed ' ^ ^"^''^"''^ minimum subsidy of $15,000
riskfnTce'ptntt&Sl^f aV^tHh^^^ ^^ --'^ -" --h
would nearl^y airway \f:quS Ztl^llt^^^l^lZ'^fJ °^^^ ''' weightof mails
andi^rntfrnl^rEl^Iar^^SuTtTtK^^^^^ ^^^^^^^'^^ ™-^ --'t^y
this reason .- From the sp^eeche's oJmx^ HuSdaras repo'tl^d in"Thr' ''"' '° 4
conclusion tliat he had ohtah^Tfl.' Z^T ^^i'"^.}^^.. ''^'''P^^^^^^^^ I
Yours truly,
Men^oranclnm/or Fast Mail Line of Steamers letn.en Canada and England.
34, Vernon Road, Bow, London, E., 24th A ril 1894
to thI^."M;|;st,- ^^e'uttic -'^K^^^^ «^-l - -e'ry respect
from England to New SkHdasToonLVh^l^ ?'''"y'"g ^^^ '"ai's
tract forlwo more of tJL'sLTcIaT-alfing'etfhrin'Sif"' working order to con-
-^onlt,:S:M:.'',^^ZtZw^^^ ^^^^^ -7 - the steamers
make the service good ^' ^^ ^ ^^'^^ ^^^ ''P*"'" of hiring steamers to
beleSr-!rde''cr,tf'o^^^^^^^^^^ the'!,"' ^';%P%*^ 1" ^ ^'^'^ «^->^
Bummer, very often, dense fogsLevariTn the 'ulf of t^flt '^ '\ ""■^'^- ^" ^''^
absolutely unsafe to run a steamer at 2ntwf u ' -^^aV^nce when it would be
of the Allan line detained in thTSrSts of B^rii'^T^lT'"- . ^ ^V^ \"«^" ^^^ ^t^"'"^'^
would not object to R mouski or Met s lateen . hi ^''' ^""^ t'^^ ^^ ^""^^ "^"^ '«•'• I
comparatively left. What I wouS ^ ololVis tn ln"„H ?h ' '^''"" **"" ^^^ ^"^ '^^ ^»^«
Quebec and then sail or steam vey ? oTdlwn tL Sf o' 'the'TV' """"''"'"^ f "'^
the weather was clear and call at ffftlif^^ f«l +h ^ -i r *^®,St- Lawrence, unless
clearofaccidentsaS to keertime IwLw ?^ mails.. I wish, if possible, to keep
don in a time not exceeding « daTs andl^ hnn^rr°''.V'' ^''^^^[ '^^ ™«'=« >° I^«»-
on board steamers urtU hty weTe delivelSTn t T '^^ m[^" ^^^^ ""^'^ r«°«ived
Englltgt^e7nl\rt"'thl'o^7^^^^^^^^^ ?/'^« saL ^ate ^s pa?d by the
a g?aranfeed minimum ubs?dy ofai^feo eac'h ^1^^''^ ""^ °^ «te^ame./with
the time exceeded 6 days S 12 ho.irs onlv h„ST *'^«^."?'?''« ^.^^^^ carried. When
the fare of saloon passTgei^tfbe return«H^n th ^' ""wu^^^ '? *'" P'*''^' ^"'^ o°« h«'f
less than 6 days to' LonZ a Lnu« of £ 000 ^I^h"' 7^^"" *^^'™' """"P'^'* '^a^
This might be doneTS^uniZr h,S in •?''"^u*° ^' P^'^ *« '"e ^'^cb time.
exceedeJand the tVo^etonTZ d^tut^barant^^^^^^^^^^^^ T'At .!,^"^^'™^^
in commencing the servicp on nr K^fi^-^ ioor i ®*°"„ other. If I should succeed
to me. This is rathi doubtUas ?he time^^ of £10,000 sterling to be paid
fror^ T P T!-- V ""^"wui as lae time is so short. I havo rA/.ojved on Aft'or
Thanking yon for your kind coi-respondence.
Department op Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. 2nd April, 1894.
Fon. A. P. Caron, Postmastor General.
wrhotfer parts ^'""' '°""'^^' '' ^"'"^ ^« '-P^^-^Ie to enter into negotlaSs
I will place Mr. Fry'8 letter on file for future consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Bow, London, E., 1st May, 189-1.
Hon. Sir A. P. Caron, Postmaster General, Ottawa
Believe mo, yours truly,
To the Hon. Mackenzie Bowel., ''''^''^' ''^ '^"■^'' ''''■
Minister of Trade and Commeice. Ottawa
pre.ent year i. to be co,nMa«J a. fjl„ J. .."',. ''°,,Ti°?,''''^r"'.<'» i"P"S "■»
One half of this fleet is to bo phicod under the Belgian and the other half under
the British flag ; and said fleet is to bo ultimately changed, if necessary, to meet the
requirements of the service as definitely organized.
In this connection, I am awaiting with interest the result of your examination
of the propositions and requests made by me on behalf of tho now line.
And I trust that our initiative in the matter of Halifax or St. John as a winter
port will prove an incentive for not disreutrding the precedents I have recalled as
established by previous negotiations between the two governments.
Should you consider it desirable that there be a continental port of call in
Europe besides Antwerp, this question, although unwelcome from a Belgian point of
view, would, if introduced in time, be entertained with the earnest desire of meeting
tho views of the Dominion government.
With expressions of high esteem,
I have the honour to be, sir, yours truly,
Department of Trade and Commerce,
Ottawa, 25th March, 1893.
P. Van Brdyssel, Belgian Consul, Ottawa.
My Dear Mr. Van Brutssel,— Yours with other applications for subsidies was
fully discussed after I saw you to-day, and the decision of council as almost unani-
mous against granting any further subsidies, and particularly because there are
other lines upon this same route.
Yours truly,
Ottawa, nth April, 1894.
Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa.
Sib, — Permit me to call your high attention upon previous correspondence I had
the honour of exchanging with you on the subject of a freight line of steamers to and
from France and Belgium.
The Belgian proposal already submitted to you was originally based upon
Canada's offer, extended through Sir Charle. Tupper, then minister of finan e, and
this office, namely : a subsidy of $40,000 u year for a monthly service in winter and
fortnightly service in summer, from An verp to Canadian winter or summer ports,
the frequentation of United States ports being prohibited under the contract.
It Vf&a more lately suggested, both n writing to your department and verbally
to the honourable privy council, that the Belgian line should regularly call at Havre
both inwards and outwards, thus affording such direct means of communication with
France as would be required to secure for Canada the full benefit of her recent com-
mercial convention with the republic.
Thus and otherwise umondod in deference to what are supposed to be tho views
of the Ottawa cabinet, the proposition is now expressed as follows :
When navigation is open on the St. Lawrence : 1st, from Antwerp to Havre,
Quebec, Montreal, and from Quebec, Montreal to Havre and Antwerp :
When navigation is closed on the St. Lawrence : 2nd, from Antwerp to Havre,
Halifax and St. John, N.B., and from St. John, N.B., and Halifax to Havre and
3rd, the number of sailings to be so established as to ( ^ 3 the amount of subsidy
to be -exactly proportionute to that provided for under the Dominion contract with
the i urness line — to be taken as a basis for all unstipulated conditions of the present
The Columba lino, now placed under the patronage of the kinir'sirovornment in
prepared to enter into the immediate execution ofsuch an a^roeS^v th "Tee 'if
Hteamere now registered under the names of Belgian cities, such as the " Br xelles "
ine ' Anvers, etc. •"^vnco,
With assurances of high esteem,
I have the honour to be, sir, yours truly.
Department of Traheand Commerce,
Ottawa, l«th May, 1893.
P, Van BR0Y8SEL, Esq., Consul General for Belgium,
To the Dominion of Canada, Ottawa.
Dear Sir,— With reference to the line of steamers to ply between Beltrium and
Sv"e"rnn;i"1'^ '^" patronage of the Belgian government, anVaction of the Dom^n'm
f?f?r?S ?'""''^"'"S''y/^'"T.""'^«^'"^'*«^ but reserved for
fu ure dehbomtion. Meanwhile, the Dominion government would view with interest
and good will the progress and success of such service, particularly as regards the
exclusive t.equentation of Canadian and European por'ts during bJth Bummer and
winter, and as an evidence of said interest and good will, said line beintr already
?b«l •'''/• """"r^'^"^'^" ^«'^"'*" government.^is authorized, so lo^, a i^biTve^
the obligation ol visit.ng none but Canadian ports on thin side of the AtlaS to
consider Itself to bo under the patronage of the Dominion government '
to th« fln.^fK Ta ^? ^"^«"''«g*"^'? exports from Canada to Belgium, and having regard
PvflnH- A ;^"*'^t-P '^«'^P«'-t of transit aflbrds exceptional opportunities for
nnmJntn ^ ^ 'f ^ P"'"*' -^ '^ ^^^^^'^ advisablc that a commercial agent of the
Dominion government be appointed and stationed at Antwerp, with instructions to
inquire into and report upon the best meann of creating new outlets for Canadian
Stril^^^Tir^ct^"^' '''-' '''''''' - ''' ^"'"^'- department'orS3"e
Domiiil^n"'"'' R «o."templation to constitute this officer an emigration agent for the
Domimon, in Belgium with special instructions to divert towards Canada the largest
Kw« nP'T^'^v " "^ -^^ r" ^/. emigration, both Belgian and foreign, thrS
tepanm'ent of ^^S^'' '' "'' "* ''^"''^'^ ""'"' -«^-^'-- ^-^ tL'Canadifn .
This appointment is to be made upon the assurance of the consul general for
Be gium in Canada (anv special objection as to the question of person not arising)
that usual facilities will be extended by the authorities of Belgium to the Dominion
agent for the pursuance of his commercial mission ; and that he will be -iven the
emig^ants.^'"' ^^' ^^'" '° '"^'^' ''^ '^' rec;uitment and transportation of
I have the honour to be, sir, yours truly,
Minister of Trade and Commerce.
Ottawa, 7th May, 1894.
Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa.
..n,«.^!f ~l" ^''""u^r ^^^T""® ^""J:^^ proposal for establishing regular steamship
srtrnn.. t'V^' 7"? FT^^V?''*^'^" ^"^ ^«'g>""^' *« tbe exclusion of the UniteJ
States ports, I beg to state that the Belgium company offering to undertake such
Bervico is duly incorporated under the lawH of the kingdom, with a paid up capital
of 2,600,000 francH in atock, and a bond issue of equal amount, said company beino-
under special treaty wi(h the Belgian government, whoso patronage it publicly
enjoys. Tlie present fleet of the company, now engaged in regular traffic between
Antwerp and Montreal during summer and United States ports during winter is
composed of the following Belgian steamships, namely: — '
88. "OIIiikth" 2484 tonsffroHS 2deckM.
HS. "Hruxel]eH"2r)SB " " 3 ducks.
E.\-.S.S. '• LouiHana " 1!)15 tuns
groKH I 2deok8.
Ex-SS. "State of Alabama"
2333 toUH groHH '3 decks.
100 «1 Sjiecial survey 1883
1(X)»1 " " 1882
100.(1 " '
100 (d
This fleet may be enlarged and improved upon in accordance with the require
ments of the Canadian government, and the amount of the subsidy granted.
Under present conditions, the subsidy petitioned for is mentioned in my last
With assurances of high esteem, I have the honour to remain.
Yours truly.
* ♦
Ottawa, 8th February, 1893.
The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell,
Minister of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa.
Sir,— You have favoured me with an interview for considering the means of
developing the trade of Canada with Belgium, and the large section of continental
Europe which is more or less tributary to the port of Antwerp.
This subject of mutual interest occasioned both statements and suggestions which
I now have the honour to confirm.
But first permit me to recall the importance of the commercial relations which
it IS proposed to foster by any practical means within the legitimate sphere of
government action.
Taking as a basis the calender year 1890, regarding which all returns are now
corrected and completed, it being, moreover, as to business, an average one in the
last decade, I will proceed to quote a few figures amongst those best answering the
purpose of my description, namely : —
(Jeiieral trade of Canada.
Imports.. 8119,967,638
Exports 98,417,296
Total $218,384,934
Special trade of Belgium, imports 8334,420.000
do do exports 287,400,000
do do total 621,820,000
General trade, Antwerp alone, imports 294,380,000
Special do exports llo'72o!oOO
Shippingat Antwerp, 7,357 vessels, 5,785,980 tons, inwards, and 7,381 vessels.
5,803,168 tons, outwards. '
1 r
Cabin passengers sailed from Antwerp 67 794
Emigrants do do to CanuJn .'.,...
Congo Free State
U.S. A
H, African R....
. do
Total cabin, passengers and emigrants.
^ Regarding the volume of trade between Canada and Belgium both the n<.
minions and th.; kingdom's statistics are inaccurate: the firstoftene'ro-litinir Beltrian
goods to the nationahty to the vessel bringing them ; the second crediting to he
United States goods shipped through American purts to or from Canada The fnl
lowing IS in accordance with the kingdom's trade returns, viz. :— '
Actual imports in Eolgium from Canada $ 229 905
Actual exports from Belgium to Canada ".'.' 1,(J4g"s2«
Total, imports and exports 81876 731
The duty collected on these imports for the calendar year 1890, Irom Canada into
Belgium, amounted in all to sixteen dollars and eighty cent« v^anaaa into
"^i^Ql^nl'^^**"' by Canada on imports from Belgium amounted, durintr the fisoal
year 1890-91, to one hundred and twenty-six thousand, one hundred tndeiS
dollars and twenty-three cents. """"'eu anu eighty
„-.T.'"^l'"P'*'*^ '"*•' Belgium of some staple articles of interest to Canadian
exporters, to wit : —
Live stock, Bulls 7 968
do Oxen 24,258
do Calves 33,322
do Cows 30,857
do Heifers 17,208
Total, beef, cattle and calves. 113,413
Live stock, Sheep 287 363
Lambs 71^959
Horses 23,384
Colts and fillies 1,704
Timber (building, etc.) —
34,150 tons of 2240 lbs.
Hard, Square 0*7 ckk „, a
' i^},]:t -v,6o5 yards.
5P"* 7,783 "
S«^^"- 99409
iy".»''« 90,907
Split 15
'S and square 6,343,904 yards.
9,417,755 "
of which timber only 507 yards were imported from Canada*
Timber (cabinet manufacturing) —
Timber —
Ail other .„ = .,..... 9 548.5.^7 "
(Manufactured) about 8850000
^®««e. 11.808 tons * of which 39 tons from England and none from Canada.
• Tons quoted equals 2,240, lbs.
ilonoy, 1,H73 toiiH, of whioli 64 toiH from Englund and flSf) toiiH from United
StatuH nf America.
Moat, in carcuHHeM ami iiulf curcaHsiH, 3,877 tons.
Biittor, 14,500 tons.
Wheat, !>00.r)0() toim, of wliich IIO.SOO fon« from United HtatOM of Amoricn (ISO
tons from Canada, 9,000 to -s f,„ni Krigland, 80,14: to„H from Arj,'eiitirio Kepu'blio
103,700 toHM from India, fi t tonn from Uruj^uay. '
liyo, !»2,.')00 tonn, of which I .'jOO tons from Canada, 34,800 tonn from United
StateH of America.
Barley, 1^2(1,300 tons, o! whicli 2,()00 tonH from United States of America.
Peas, 24,100 tons, of wliich 2,800 tons from Canada, (JOS tons from United States
of America, 775 tons from India.
Oats, . -{90,475 tons, of wiiich 5«fi tons from Canada, 160,300 tons from United
States of Amorifa, 1,350 tons from England.
Pearled barley, I ',130 tons.
Flour, !l!),000 ions, of which 24,120 tons from United States of America 710 tons
from England, tISO tons from in.liu, 1.712 tons from Ar^rontino Ropuhlic
I'^gs, 2!nt,742, 37!" pieces, of which 405,235 pieces from England, ti,02V;.150 pieces
from Russia. '
Phosphates, etc., 125,000 tons.
Apples, green, 8570,720.
Iron ores, 1.745,000 tons, of which lfi,850 Ions from Algeria, 106,.535 tons from
Spain, 1,153 tons from Portugal, l,(i37 tons from England.
Hemp, 10,171 tons, of which 2,5(>9 tons from England.
Wool, 30,150 tons. .
Flax, 830,000 tons, of which 30,313 tons from Russia. Canadian samples of
scutched flax have boon found to compare favourably in quality and price with the
Russian article.
Copper and nickle, raw, 7,770 tons, of which about one-half from England.
Same, rolled, forged, di awn, 4,2-'2 tons.
Silver ores, 217 tons.
Zinc, raw, 16.000 tons.
Raw hides, 50,000 tone.
Hay, &c., 69,000 tons.
Petroleum, raw, 191 tons
Petroleum, refined, 140,000 tons.
Tan bark, 23,000 tons, of which 617 tons from England, 256 tons from Australia
Fish, herring, 11,500 tons.
Fish, others, 12,000 tons.
Amongst other goods which, being available in Canada, might find an outlet in
or through Belgium, I wdl mention the following:— Asbestos, mica, alkalies, animal
fats, bones and horns, malt, tobacco, agricultural machinery, cheap furniture wood
pulp for paper mills, etc. '
From what has just been stated, the possibilities of fHrther commercial inter-
course between the two countries can readily be inferred, and immediate progress
would bo achie%'ed in this respect by the adoption of the simple and usual measures
to be hereinafter considered.
Ist. Improvements of the present means of transoceanic communication from
Antwerp to Canada and vice versa. They are now limited to the regular calls of
the " Hamburg-American," formerly known as the " Hansa " steamers, which take
a large proportion of their west-bound freight at Antwerp; and to the irregular calls
of the so called " tramp " steamers. But the occurrence of the latter cannot be
depended upon in quoting goods for future delivery, and fails to introduce sufficient
competition in freights. These, in many instances brought under my personal notice
have been so high as to completely paralyze transactions otherwise natural and
susceptible of becoming mutually remunerative.
This state of affairs has long been ap|)arent to the Dominion government, and I
need scarcely dwell upon the strenuous efforts made of late years to promote the
creation of a new service. As evidences of the various schemes entertained to that
effect, I will moroly make ii piisninn roforonce to the following; — (a.) Draft, of con-
tiuot which Mio Hhip-owiiorn — being Kiiy & Co., of Atitwoi|), and Jolumton it Co., of
Liverpool, introdticod under my auNpicos to the lIonourahiK Hir ChurIcK Tuppor,
then miniMtor of finance — rotuned to sign owing to the pn>hil/iti(Mi of calling »f
American ports on tlio oaslorn bound voyages ;
(b.) liotUir fo this otHco from the tinunco dopartniont and signed by the Ifon.
Sir Cliarlo-. Tuppor on 7tli April, IHSS, ottering under -luted conditions a subsiily of
$30,000 pel- annum e my
best endeavours on behalf of the enterprise.
My first duty, in accordance with these instructions, is to express the liope that
the Dominion government, whose gracious intervention in the past has beeu
thoroughly appreciated, will not fail to co-operate with us in promoting the success
and efficiency of the service.
My request has been purposely postponed until it became possible to invoke
not mere intentions, but actual facts, and, I trust, that it is presented at an auspicious
moment, considering the recent creation of your present department, suggestive of
renewed otHcia! exertions in the cause of the national trade and commoreo.
Dominion patronage, an uimual subsidy, fortnightly sailings insummer, monthly
sailings during winter, interdiction to frequent American ports, would bo prominent
features of the arrangement which, under kind permission, would bo submitted for
your high approval.
2tid. Appointment of a commercial agent of the Dominion at Antwerp. His
immediate usefulness would be to procure those new outlets which J have shown to
be available for Canadian goods. It is needless to add that every facility would be
given to this dolejiivte of the Dominion government for obtaining information in
pursuance of his mission. I do not doubt of its success, judging from the practical
results which I have myself secured in Canada as to the introduction of Belgian
merchandise. And since the promotion of commercial intercourse necessarily
implies that of mutual exchanges, 1 have constantly endeavouroil to favour the
development of Canada's exports to Belgium. While enough has thus been accom-
plished to demonstrate the benetioal effects of official intervention, it is felt that
better opportunities for doing this work would bo enjoyed by an agent whoso special
duty would be to act accordingly in the projected field of Canadian enterprise.
In ordinary circumstances, I must carefully refrain from making any sugges-
tions as to personal matters connected with appointments under the govi-rnmunt of
Canada. But I would fain point out that, should the desirability become recognized
of a commercial agent in Belgium, his duties would bo in perfect harmony with those
of the Antwerp manager of the steamship service, and if this manager, Mr. F. Fatio.
became the Dominion agent, he would have exceptional opportunities for the accom-
plishment of his official duties, while looking after the interests of his line. Thus
also, would additional encouragement be accorded to the latter.
Mr. J. Fatio is a subject of Switzerland, in good repute and sufficiently proficient
in the English, and probably the German languages, his nati^'e tonguo, boirs" French.
With expressions of high esteem, I have the honour to be, sir,
Yours truly,
Department of Marine amd Fisheries,
Ottawa, Canada, 16th January, 1894.
Th« Hon AlACKENZiE BowELL, Minieter of Trade and Commerce.
''' rO^^R. BowE..,-roueMn^he«^.t^of^-^
enclose some correspondence from Mr. C A. Aimsuong y
Yours faithfully,
Atlantic and Lake Superior Eailwat,
General Office, Montreal, 9th January, 1894.
Sir C. HiBBERT Topper, Ottawa. Fn^rland have written me with reference
MYDEARSiRmBBERT,-Somefnend«mEn^andhav^^ _^^^^^^^
to the proposed f'^^t ^^^^^^'P^T^^^^ ^at^er
tnTstl exje^tt To ove^ to'^^ng^LTd this m^onth and I would interest myself in
''"fhrewrUre"totrmr:ster of finance ab >- may perhaps
h« able to give me some advice in the matter.
^' ' Wishing you the compliments of the season,
^^ "^ I remain, yours very truly,
10th January, 1894.
C. N. Armstrong, Esq., Montreal. ^^^.^j^
Mv DEAR MR. AHMBTRONO I hav yo r^^^^^^^ The govern-
Sis^Kn^to'^nJ "Z';:^^^ Xtofglad to deal with responsible people on
'^" iStrther information you require I shall be very happy to supply.
^ Yours faithfully,
Atlantic a.^d Lake Superior Eailway,
General Office, Montreat,, 15th January, 1894.
Sir CHARLES HiBBERT TuPP^R- O^awa ^^ ^j^^
^^/^^^/fL'^oTera'slS intlrmrtrastthe^o'nSons etc^ which the
S? ^» fouTe- = Se XiSmSryou can ? I will probably call on
you in a few days and in the meantime.
I remain, sincerely yours,
Atlantic and Lake P'perior Railway,
Gf.nebal Office, Montreal, 9th January, 1894.
TT r'»« p T^'nqTFR Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
Hon. Geo. K bosTm, miuisto . England in reference to the
to the government, and if not up to what date would they be received ? Can you let me
know the conditions imposed by the government and any other information which
may be required to enable the matter to be considered. I wish to send this informa-
tion over and if the matter is still open I shall be pleased to call on you early next
week with reference to it. J J
I have the honour to be your obedient servant,
Post Office Department,
Ottawa, 16th January, 1894.
W. G. Paemelee, Esq.,
Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, Ont.
MtDearMr Parmelee,— I enclose you two letters respecting the Atlantic
mail service. Will you .kindly attend to them ?
Youi'8 faithfully,
Deputy Postmaster General,
Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway,
General Office, Montreal, 15th January, 1894.
Sir A. P. Caron, Ottawa.
My Dear Sir Adolphe,— On my return to the city I find yours of the 10th. I
understand from another source that the steamship matter is still open and by to-
days paper 1 see that the government is prepared to pay 0750,000 per annum for a
proper service. I am certain it can be got for that. I will be pleased if you can
Obtain full information for.me, and I. will call on you in a day or two about it.
I remain, yours sincerely,
Montreal, 15th January, 1894.
Postmaster General.— Will you kindly let me have the conditions of the fast
Atlaulio service as I am in correspondence with parties who may tender if conditions
are satisfactory on the $750,000 basis.
Yours truly,
F. X. PERREULT, 80 St. Denis street.
Department of Trade and Commerce,
Ottawa, 2nd February, 1894.
C. N. Armstrong, Esq., Montreal.
Dear Sir,— I have to acknowledge the receipt of your two letters of the 27th
January, and would have replied to them earlier but for my desire to lay the matter
before council. *'
In reference to the subsidy of $750,000, the government will be prepared to con-
sider any propositions on that basis for a fast Atlantic service.
e ^1.^1 *° A 1 **''' *®^^'"g ^^^ feasibility of making New Carlisle the western terminus
of the fast Atlantic service, the government does not see its way clear to grant a
subsidy for that purpose.
Yours truly.
o. B ' M. BOWELL.
o4 —
Blompield House, 52 New Broad Street,
London, E.G., 19th January, 1894.
Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., &c., &c.
Sir, — We have the honour to enclose you herewith a letter covering our pro-
posal to Sir John Thompson with regard to the establiMhraent of a weekly fast mail
and passenger service between Canada and the United Kingdom.
We trust this proposal will commend itself to you and shall be obliged if you
will forward it with such words of approval as you may deem it worthy of.
We aie, your obedient servants,
Be Canadian Steamship Service with Government Subsidy.
To the Eight Honourable Sir John Thompson, K.C.M.G.,
Prime Minister of Canada, Ottawa.
Sir, — We have the honour to submit for the consideration of the government the
enclosed proposal, relating to the establishment ofadireet weekly steamship and
mail service Detween Canada and the United Kingdom.
The subject was brought before us by Mr. Leo Norman, of 3 East India Avenue,
London, on his return from visiting the Dominion last autumn and it has received
most careful consideration on our part and on that of our friends.
In formulating our scheme we have kept in mind three important consideiations,
which we believe will no doubt suggest themselves to the government as being
essential to the success of such an undertaking.
Firstly, — That the persons connected with the formation of the proposed com-
pany should be in a position to guarantee the provision of the capital necessary for
the building of the ships and for the successful development of the business.
Secondly. — That the now service i« P'-oJect elaborated
by the legal and financial advisers in time for the October financial market.
Sir John Thompson, to whom I mentioned these facts has agreed to this nost-
ponement, if we shall find it to be advisable. ^ ^
Yours faithfully,