IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) wb A<^. S^- • i * / . / If ^- ; ■ ■i •-*^ ,' .•• ,/ .*^ ^ Ji ^' ^ * o y^ 1.0 t lu Ui 11.25 «• Hi 122 1 • S^ITI I^U^ I I Sciences ion 3) WfST MAIN &TMIT 'WUSTH.N.Y. 145M (716) •73-4S03 ^ ^- ..i; ^''<^ y.^ ST <^ CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) iCMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) ■^. ■ / Canadian Inatituta for Historical Mlcroraproductlona / inatltut Canadian da microraproductlon. hittortquaa a/ ■ J r - il» .- \ \ of f Mmm^ 9ltW Cotourad covart/ Cowvartwr* 4t coM<<«ir □ C«v«r« rMtOfwi Mid/or IwnlMMrf/ Cow«^Mr«wra rMttMr*i ai/ow pal l laMl to PC««tr iHii mMfif/ U UM <• MMMrtwr* □ ColMN^ kli (i^. oHMr ro«,iant: TitIa pafa of ittua/ Pafa da titra da la livraiton lion of ittua/ t^ da depart da la livraiton Matthaad/ Qiniriqua (pAriodiquat) da la livraiton D Additional eommanu:/ Commantairat tupp l tmantairat:. Wrinkled pages There are some may film slightly out of focus, creases In the middle of pages. a:^- TMi iiam It ffHmad at tha raduction ratfH Hiaaiiad iwlbw/ Ca documant att filmA au taux da rMuction indiquA ci-dattoui. TOJT ^mr "liir T2Jr ~2Sir ^snr 12X ifx yf aox 24X 28X •^ J. \ 32^ / TIm copy fNm«4 Imt* Km |M«n rmpfJd%tc94 t^tnll• to the f««i«ro«ltV 0#: , 1 ^ . TIlMMS PMmt Mar« looli Library, •a Th« lma««« appttarlng h«r« ar* tha baat qualHy . , poaalbia oonatdarlng tha oorHlltion and laf ibillty -^' of tha original copy and In haaptng with tho filming oontraot apaoHloatlono, , -^c Original ooplaa In printad papar oovara ^f fllmad baglnning with tha front covar and anding on laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa* a(bn, or tha book covar wtian approprlata. All othar original coplaa ara flli^ad baglnning on tha first paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- •Ion. arMi anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraaaion. ■*♦ Tha last racordad frama on aaoh mioroflohf •hall contain tha aymbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"K or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"). * whiohavar appli*t> \. Maps, platoa. charts, ate. may ba fllmad at diffarant raductlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba \ ontlraly Includad in ona axposura ara fllmad bagioning In tha uppar laft'hand pornar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa m . rgquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: 1 2 3 7 "^■^ L'aaamplaira fllfn4 fut raproduH g4n4roalt« da: T tM wwi f lihsr flafs UniMTiMy af T grioaAli &*.* Lm hwagas sulvantaa om Ai4 raproduHaa avoa la plus grand soln, compta tanu da la oorMlltlon at d«t^la ftattati d« raxamplalrf fllm4. at t* oonformHi avac las oondltlona du oontrat da fHmaga. / ' Laa aKamplalraa orlglnauii dont la eouvortura an paplar aat Imprlm4a sont fllm4a 1% oomman^nt par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnan^ solt par la darnMra paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'impraaaldn ou d'INuatratlon. aolt par la aaoond plat, salon la oaa. Toua laa autraa OMamplalraa originauK sont fllm4s on oomman^nt par la pramMra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'Impraaalon ou d'illuatratlon at an tarmlnarM par la darnMra paga qui oomporta una taNa ampralnta. Un daa symboloa auivants apparattra sur la darnl4ra Imaga da chaqua mioroflcha. aalon la eas: la synrfbola —^ signlfia "A SUIVIII"« la •ymbola ▼ aignifla "FIN". Laa carfaa, pfanchaa. taMaayi. ate., pauvont Atrg fNm4a A daa tauK da rMuoflon dIffAranta. Loraqua la dooumant aat trop grarul pour Atra rapr«>dult ^n un aaul clloh4. II aat film* A partir da I'angla aupArlaur gauoha. da gauoha A droit*. ' ^at da haut an baa. an pranant la fM>mbra d'lmagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suhMinta jMldiitrant la mfthoda. H 32 J( 6 "tfe-j. ^» . #. •ffv^ ♦ >,f» ■ .*■ fe Vi. •% rf , ■«»*• x'^ ,r/ J i *>, // %■ K tJ ,v- ■JS.: 1 "--^s *Y r • • ■ ■ - -■■ ■ , ■;■■• «"P^ ■■■•■.■ ■ " . 'W ■'■■■' ■ ' ■ i:-.4r I' •'■■ ■ - »"»!«... . t. '■ .h:':\^ r-"^ ■*;■■• v.. ^.,.,v ■ ■ • .1,", .■■"-' u ■! '.-■ :' ":;•■-., ^ '■;■■:'• -^ '■-.;■ a.- Ball'''- ■ y^l ^ It:- •:::■■ . • • X ■ 'J V-' tH ^•i»'i> ■MaipMi ■ iWl*' SON'S :<'■ %# '**'•• %-t ^. k » • 1» iT r ^ •^- Iff ■^W»0»A»T, AJJft _ . TALES OF THE AND OF eOOTUANP. ^ • ..'f- '[ ...•■-,■. If; 1 ^4:- VOLUME I. 'mm. PUBLISHED BY RICHARD tkt^iBE N*. K8. KINO ■TRECT. ^ ^ ^, 'iV: J I . |) t H I i* < I If ■ ■ ■ ■ - '*.■ "'^K C^ .»•' ♦*. A ■J- ■r. .i^' t- --bH^&u^ . v,^ j/ ■ ~''.-. ? ;• . ♦ ■• .'i, i:r: ■ i4. U 1 ^ # '■. T^^ \i f* • "* *^, «**,* '4 N I .. .: " *'"■ •■l* r CONTENTS. . -•r-««v or DUOALtt UUU. TIIR ilHrfllMO OT BMJTUP, ....y ffiK rrtrtiv or puuaw m**;^ akMtiA ^*'* * MNna.iAi.rut :":'^*:^;H.yv^mm...uf> ^ • tTAvr* r«oi* TMR OlAlf or A" M»M> •««*»■. aw^M.-Hf/^ y • iittftctt Tiir. «MC.Am«r.» tai. •kw;;V^i^iw€ii"."M"t." MAiiY MrjiT«m. .^.^^. .^■.^— — •;^-^^^^^^^ M THr. wATr.M;A*r'Rit A LRar.«u ur 1" ^^ Tiir. iJinA»uTr« ;;;!"..!.!» ...... uLu^r. «r ROEcuuflii. ««. Tiie ...ltoh raoPH^^ftr ^,.K. moHircv. ««. T..K UAH. or fUJt. '-'-----^ cROMr.0 i/>vE. :^";;:;;^i^i^i;iiAfi...., ^.-.s... / TIIR WIDOW or • >••••••".. Ill III ^', ,, .(•••«••• ••?• . ki'n^*, ^.,r «i VEN UOIITR :. -•••• • •'•* " Im Tlir. -AID or ANCRUH Mm ' ••; ' ,g^ THE CHARR. A FAiRAOE rROM THE IIIRTO^ f^^^^^ ill , - ^ ^, _ ^THE BATTLE or DRvrrT. -^«'»"-- ' ^^ f ."w^^^or rArr cArrtR. vn^H'^ , THE cDRwirR or -u>.«<;;-/J^ --l;^" ^ ^TIIR COUNTRiR or CARilUR. Vi/.(fe..^»«*'*^f'f »*^*'"^"^ ,^, I^THR-bWROrDRYIIURaH. •^'•^••' .V ".•.•• ^i^^ iH V' THR CLRRICAL MURDERRR. ..M.AS...b.lrf.»...V«»J-%*»'^ .■,i*iP'. ■ • V : ! ' ■ •N . *. .^:^: WS^*E- t f^^ t Jl ,*ll ,'l Jt^ ^ > #■ ■•" 't m 1 iB^ *:, fct ""-W^fjT^^^^tMjf"* 4 jNn *#i • 4<*'** TALES or THB BORDERS. ''''V K*. I. Mi* H»»i«« T.»«..»if.», J«iiu«BV, l**l MA»vMi.t. •« (par V«r> iOVINTIJilltf UIWCILOT KRRINUTON AND Mill NerVEW MARM. 4 TAUI or I.MIiUiriERMK ■vnv p*f«»n In lilaiMiatitra Hm NMrtI of ^ advif** tafH af b«M UiMHMkit r^ngiMfl smJ ht« •••phtw MM^. TWf w«ra h«iU| MMitMn. i<«MiiraliH wm riUMtr tlMl tmmr nt » mimII rn«*ili«g l>rtf, •ml hta KiilMw w«M l«i« m«i«. Thar ««r«f« rvlaliHl In Iho jB^nn«i»»i*< of lwv«ifriifit| •!! Sflc Willi rfrtf^HuMif>f iBt (kwily i««iMrli«M« (»r thi ihinrtlon tn ih« Mixian of ilMrt. Il WM In iim OrUiliwr of 17 1 A ihal Uunrrloi An III* Mg inbi l|«il^ M«nil nM>hi, ami rati ant h«if l l Mw rt mlrm<*n hy ^■•Nnf mil (a Ut«m a rarf*'"^n||M ilinr hartH>«ir lh<>n, ihritt tiring no Wind or a|ipMiran(w f)r«v Hon hoar that V* - Af», ay*, air," rapliad the bojr. In l«aa than a miniiM, Mark Rrrlngion, a tall, pow- •rfljl, and flne'lo* mid wn, anq yott are niy eeaapeFe aaakp Mark—and I aey, my lail, that n>Hil« ymi are hie mt§ jr««» -ere my h»tr. 8o make yowre*)^ naefid, mf tienrty, drew a rnit, nnd lei la ha»e a p > ••With ail mv lirarl, nr,** aetal the mheri <*«iilf before I do m, I thould like |o know wdat king ye* mean, imale. I« H he that remo h«>r« from HaniMif laat year when the rpiren iImhI, of Im UMU kl MTMI tV water and that thould le kingf* •« Mma^h U t Mnrk,** aetd the Bklp|ier. «* 1 1 thoi) waa iho lad that wmitd hao nrriM ki hee i •urh a qoeaiipe. Why, tan't yiur nam* Krfll Anyi't you my brolhrr'a aon ! And you )>« me what h^g I mean t Why then I mean MirJ — king Janteat and here** luck lo him in af ~ *' So'Im It,** reaponded Mark, and aAacj* hie glaaa, lie addeta*Mi^ there would be any ahance Tor hfm If ■• 4 or if hia eauMP la realty kefit alivo f •• Why, Mark, man,** nrturned IjHmarInt, «li Aii all thou kiiowB ahoot itt Llal>m, lad, audi wW Mt Ihee aomrlhing if iliou art a Inm I'rringlon. Ton kafHk that I WB« atluiro whon vtt were at Shielila laillMWl^ for four or Ave day* f •* I mu»t know that," reptied the nephoor, f mym leA the brig under my charge { hut I diila^ lUMvr VMM yiiu were or what yiv weredoi«Ci and aa I aaf»1ti»lt no buaineaa of mine IA aak.** « Ri|tit ngnin, my lad,** oontiniMd LawaMtl^ <*^|| ahnit havp the »hip, ft>r thon doet deaerve hl^ _^ will tell thee what I waa doing on ahora. I wli j the king'a aerviee — I wma aeeiog whrt I «ifil Mm. Va aA ma if the o«im b« iMpI ilNvl th e win d M « %mt A— Vot. I. :X:^, ffttm ■ IW ■■iiW^ HBP* »^^^*» ^^ WSW^^-^55=5 r^B^ Sff sW ••••^^ IM Ml nmM a^ rw h>«>i <*« # ^i»i •■>'» If I i m li wttM fmmM^ ti.«*ffi.,.«».l ihtl MM It Mlt ■# *** Mmm ta tH« •!•?« of "M t« A* iiiiiiii I i n, atl ih« f.'haHvli-na 4|MHM W IMfr iNtafl** "^ By'laflMi, •■»! hi* tnn J^f wt ■mw«U. w ih «w«ny oiiMf*, aiMl all tiMir mtttU, anMa•»• of ih* indan Hn>tar If I aaiMMt Iw naaful aow | my haart la aa warm )*• l« IIm eauar, an«i mv arm la ntm* »( ih« « Ak I aajr old Mawl Launedot.' aakl ha, IB tad yoM kara. W« J«wl want aMcK -«ou eaa ba of mwik aarric* l« tM.* Ihmmv yotir iMHmir,' aaiU I, *llMt I •H VinMKtnMll 1 ahowld raihar think that I am' a fkam m gttj^mWm ka b««vy A'vk "mI IiI'mmI aa iha HMilsfMwvlllk ksMMar, aai/lall ma how I ran U aT Mvvlllto *• «MM» •ad bv St. Omtp I G««- «l«li4M«P JUd aa. Mark**- •• iVrfL «iM tM* r Mkad tka naphaw. 'will ikM r amMfatiad Laaacaloi, " wkf, Ha told m Mwl any ka of aarvlaa to him, lo ba aiira. Btit mmmt M, 1 tfllak wm wowidA't. lie ih« worae of ano- HV iMf af Um • mooaligiil,' juat lu brighlan iioth ■MIA •••* eat aiwHkOT, aad lai u« drink--* Ltick lo mWm m Mar aad ika right ««iiaa/ ** "Wlk a mj kaart," mid lfa*| mIINt #Pk mmmt ta *• bri af Mar. *l aui^ ttmrjJ* iWfaMd Laimealoi dtW a paaia, "UM «i jraM nikik of tba CaaUaoa tha iatWKl kara— iljgAMvtnaaaieuMldtafcaitr ,; ' ]Mf* laodiad Maik« Mikat Ma pal -^^^^ f ew tkair Ul ' " " •|«*fa«lfl«lM««9ipPfPP'** **"Vi at..CMlka»llM»h|MBaiit IK «ift. I Aat «!» I kal kal wa w i awl »«««a'" fiM NMi| I ,«rk|. t»w wiia <• k«« •• afaclttally aa lunfowdMr.'' " llai ka r addftl Mark, " i i»^n loa^ ** Pfa^^ar aiHM waat Jfti MP|| PipPBB ** aaad a man aakara^** On tka fdlowint day LitMcalat waat apan Aa laland, and «tmlli(i| iaaala«al|: ainna lowanla tka caatfOy with hia pifta in In* laalh, ha nMt Ilia aarftaai wka kad Iha command of iha gamann. " W#ll, aafaaant," aatd tka aklmiaf, ** wkal nawa hava ymt ihia mtwMttmV - Wky, ha*M yo«i haard tham, maatar T mllad llM atkar i ** I kaar aa how iha whoia Matnlaad la la ar«M. aad aoma aay iha Pralandar baa arrtvMl In laodaad." " Ay, ay," rataraad LauneaUA, laugking, " ikat alary may do to IVkhlan old woman, b«il H woa't ga dawn Willi inan. I aay, fnand, iha paopU oa akota •l« aot quite aurh foola aa thai would 9* ba \ naitkar do I haliava ikal Ika Ptaiaadav la aa 1 of an aaa aa lo vantuia hia kaad la tkia oooatry •gpla.'* " Wall, wall, you nay lau^h, aHMtar,** ra^daad tka aargnani, *• but I know it la no tauahing aiatlar. 0«r commanding oAcer maniioaa It in tka iaatraallMS which ha aani m» from Barwick ikia nforaiag.** ** Why, aia tka paof^a wad T aaid LaaaaaM 1 -im Ikay Intaad la piuafa UU couuirv in oivU war far lk« iaba of any aian I Hang tha, wkota laaa af faal% mj 1 1** and, aa ka apoka, ha daahad ki| plpi iftm fW graond aad broka It to piaaaa. M Wait doaa, maatar,** adda^ ikaApMrti **l Mi gM to And yoor priaelolaa ara af tka lig^ aw« t * MVNGlUn* #lilS|»*M«* MM! Mi ■■■i#f1 4«|it MPS tftani ■* iij »»^ "-^ '»••• •»«••*»§ feMN- a# fMV MM <**«« f«« ill*« •mm'% MfMM iMf | • fvlmfc to llM •IV iM itMBMf b» ••fci«if hM mum wHk •»■! witfain !■•• «itiiMt»« iIm w y wi *Mp R^IWUM^ INF IPiw ■i«PIII^ WWW wWP ) Hitik ttaA M dfimpMr. Tlw mIumm ai*l#bl)» fentl lh« Irranni) (••Ml ttMmil|r r>flt<>nl« af • ImiMJ* >l-MlWWt, Im ry«lial»niiti«M, (iMNii^ iMtog iM«4 to liM lk|Mar, tr r«(|Mir««l n» amalt ^ fMMMU I* pw J i w • vtaibi* aibci u|iM»« him. H«M tl ««•• twl fM«Ml (kl* IIM aoltitVfti. l.,«MIMWlal aa lifi|Miftoii.'* Th« liftg . ton, IwgaN III h««ir« • IhU«, few an oaataHf brmim had afMung up, ami aka lirgan ki Umm un anal ikiwn, Imw •imI aana, ani« la n«i«k)nf Wk» • 4mp oI 'M raal aluN* fur aaa ai a fcwaaa.** TIm wrfMM haf pMMMi U aUk'naaa (laadly aickncaa. Thrir eompan- MM laHghail al ihrir diaaalrr, and eotnmtncrtl in full >kiiKi 10 aing a haci-lianalian ao«f-— Laiinrrloi joint^j la Um aliorua, and crMid— " Fill agsin. my tmra l-All ■gOal— «wvar mind lk« MffMA^ lirll iooa eooia Emt at him.* MwAi. ' i^Mi, ana Um ^MiknMtkFm oo^i P^ I iIm liaalrad aflbM. Cvarjr foWUf'* kaad rMl«d J tkn iMgM lo tm d«tibt«. « /* W. OwHfi r tEolaiffMil Launealfli, •< hul I mual -4Bi a ll« ia « I Im«* aoaMlitiMg to du." And aa he aacaiM^ Igl UhMAkia aMlra, Mark rgaa and fullowad bin. ** Hollo, wata r I — wbora u« f ou foiaf . oh f* orM ibt mUIm*. " T0«'i« M4 amiM lo Umw i|i in I^f ~ !:__ ^ ^ ylwHfi, down 'Wo^ ptiy iii i II 1 1 i i i»t> ^j^ — i iw>* __ - ^, ,j»,f. i*lilM laa«> AMi MMM te te «|ll Am ^^ alPBp w*^ IBM • Vary imII. fi'.** aaU ik« ahi i iflog 0*4 Urbaf a haw km ka aa Mtot." in [••WiAtdM^ "«k«ill«| lUiwwod MM, •*«•«. Madi, wy tod,** aMMlMMrlf^'. •• n«>«* r..f a taMali at glarf f* Thoy w##a Utmtai ' "" a ktHMlrvd farda of A* aaaiLa, a«Hl ii««Ni«illa«olf |M> vaw-kxl (.iwarda 14. Tlt« MAItraai at tko gate hi^^vWlag thaiH aa tho iMto* aumpaaiiNia at kia iMl<*W gMAtrmI llMtn to a|>pr<>«« h Kmm. " Wad, mj tno re(l«w,** Mtd Ummrt^ kirn, - 1 MttMro^y it la loe kM to koa^ f •« iMi «^ h$r9 tika « NUMr, w lark In • aaft^kMo p$mf Mli> r«|Mn^ na iko butila. awkianly graapil ■ahod ktoi on >dM ff a iia d, awl Mark, Into ««rtMral T" ■ , , 4- Tho aokliaff WW M • '4M M $m ln 'jw plH'|(F UunraUM Kningtoo. who, f (il1iW)| • quoM^ of MBit jrarn fnNtt hia hvaaa*, imhI kta prwaoar haM tiMiHl^ •nd un kim on iko gmund. liw napk#w (a tiMi lima had kurrtad Into ih«i f 'aado, whora, a orpo m i, ko ■■ oaally ovoreonM kim aa kio M diaariiMNt Iha aanllnal. Tiam famalMod feM a<>lt'lBtqra ri'«|H>nilril not lu Ihrtr ahoul. Hoai« Mui, " Wh]r« lH« old (htpiwr ami hi* mala ttm drunk, niid il la nnljr • (mUc, but th«]r am carrying Um jolM Iwu far.** OUwini aaid itwy «vi>r« mad. Uut Mark aaid lo him, " VVoH, uiuJc, w« bar* |0l lh« CaaU« inw> our own k«0|>ln|, ami what ar* wo to ilo t\lth it now that wo Iwve gut il. W« ahall havo ■ wliuie rcgijfiont of MildMni againat u« (Wim B«rwi«k ttt-niorrow, I hav« no duuliti and you ami I cMiH ttcffind It." •* I^H)k yo, Mark," a«i? r^Mporal i(il>i ao|Ni- IftlM a|Nirtiiieiik the keys, and Im and bia nephew, ■kutiiiig die gulea, torketl lliemaelvua within the walla •f tiM Caatle, I'liiiatiuitiiig llieiiiwlvea iu goverikura and prrioon. Again a-Ur^ing the gunner, tho akipfier ■ihlad "Miinr. oM one, I have ju«t anollier piece of Itlas for yuu to (wrfurm, and then I ahall lock juu up •s I havo ilru<^eeding acroaa the field ibat lay between Ihe Caalla and the town, and judging thai Ihe alfrin would ■oon bo given to the aergi^ant and hia men, ho "took aouragn, and ventured to grumble between nis, leolh — M No, confound mil if I ilo !'^ **0, thou won't ahnw me lo them, old lad," aaid Launcelot, •• you won't, eh T — Well, take hold of hia foet, Mark, — I havo a abort way of dealing with oil fllubborn reliela." Mark aeixad the old gunner by the feat, while his -^Bcle pulled tiack hia ahouldera, and lifUng him frooi the groumi, lliey carried him lo the higlieat |ioini of tlift battlementa, and immediately over the per[MHidioular oliflTthat rose from the licach. ••Once I — twice! — thrice !" cried [^uncclol, while lie and hia nephew awiing the gunner in the air, auo- sending him over the piled bottloinent and clifT. — 4^uncelot paused, and, addressing bis victim alcmly, ■aid, " Do you conaont to ahow u.i all now T Refuoe ' 4|aia, and I will hurl you headlong over the precipice, '49 ba k morning meal to the aoa-birds from the r eni 'Jrisal" The vrttnran waa no coward ; but his heart ftUed as he felt himself tossed in the air, with death .^iwning beneath him. \ "I will, allow you — show you every thing," he^ fiiMU \ Bt look them to whare tho orms and the. powder wamkapt, and F^auncelpt and his nephew, having loadad tha few oannpn nppn thn rnmparis, loaded also •very mtiakat thatJliiy oouTd find^in the Castle, and plaaad them oit tiMarrela, ready for defence. Above a hundred inhabitants of the island, men, woaen and chiUran, now stood before tho gate of the ^ QMd«f martelling at the d^ngs of lioid skipiier Erring>- IM and his nepheViT Mark. ' But he kept them not long ia saiMnse atf ta his intentions, for pulling down the wsien lag of the united .kingdom from the pole Mekijka rampkrta, he hoisted in its stead the symbol Oflke heiMa of Stuart,, aivil inking off bis bal, waved it towanlatha people, and cried at the utmost pitch of his -"-^* ian voice--" I hereby proclaim our only lawful ign, James the Third of Ii^ngland and Ninth of land, King of these realms, and let all good mien etMdaid I G^l save .the King ! say I, and let every .ilniitor be ehoked that won't say thp-nnme." |1^ Laiinceloiud hia nephew fittd two pieces ^f shouting aroused them from their death-like slumbera. Rising on their hands and knees, sick and ahiverini^ or.0 by one they begsn to be cpnsciows t^thetr i ' '% LAUNCIXOT miRINaTON »■■ilP^^P^lW^Wf^■■^■■^*■^ww^«^Mi^'^^■^^■''*^^ liaai »mA mm of them venluilii in a«i<«itl iha eabin ttmkn. Hui no WMinur h»it h«i MiMfd hi* ho^A u|miii • Uvai with ih« (Well, wlitni tlio ik'umun, riiililul Ui llto Injuar.luma ol hia coiiiiunintfr, iitailn IIk' liaiiU aiiit «luwnw«riU aiiKHigat hi* oomnuifla. Another att^mptMi tu k>a4 tlw way, aiul mat with Ihfl Mnia fata. ** Vira ahil thuntkr !" ahoulail tha valaruua ■rrgeani, ** what i« tho iiieaninK of ihi«. Wa ara in Frami*, or tha liighrniult, atiil iii the haiiilM of tho I'relanJor ami hi« caniulial Scotchiiivn, I'll bo aworn fm it." Ho draw hia awnnl, ami niiuH«lKrtraaa waa Wl ft part of, or a dapomlrnty on hia, and ho as wril aa IIm anrgpanl ft'lt liia b-.:iuur ini|>lirat4-d in lh« iranaacUoN. In a fow nitnutca iho iinvv* aprimd from alrrot Ui awoet that the rebela wero in powKtaaion ut Hulr Island, and grval was tho oxcllvmcnt that prevailed. Early iharaforo in tha morning thrri contpanlea of InfaMry , |>r«c«dy diroctvd their marvh upon tho Islantl. Mark, being told by hia unrle to keep his eyea in Iho morning lixed tt|H>n Heul Hushes, was tha irst to pen^eive theiti, and calling to his uncle he i n t d ■ '* Well, yond«c is a gmidly coropan* jo( rad utmM coming toward* the iaiand, but I donS think, un«l«, they Ufo the guntlomen that Mr. Foaior waa to send io our nsaiaranvo." Mark spoke this in a tone of what may be callo«l suUUiod irony. " Not splice mo if they are, nephew I** anawend r.nunrelol, ** Vd bet a stiver they ara the elector'a lolMlrra Ooin Berwick. But never mind, my bov, I am governor hcra in the name of the king, and ttmj - 1 compel me to give up the keys while thera la ■ shan shot left III the lockers of the Castle." Aa the tide began to eblt, wliati a abort time befoiv, had laien a sea of two or throo niilca^ width, aepn- raiing the island from the .maiii-tand, Wcame a drt sniid, with only the streaiiilot {.k, my Jioy," «i«i Uuncditi, •• tliM^ il k to Iw, I M ppOM ii mwit Im— bravo man huve lisiJ lii •M \Mt html* u woll M tfaeir hoatk twfuni Uh\bty, follow ■M.'*! Boeaplof thmi^ « miioII windntv in iho CaMlo, iiun eluQi U> Itio Mikii of Iho •Imoal |HVti|iiliiU4 roobii, totlaAoro moai |Mril<*)r aliriniiteil Ui conical ttieiitaelvea ■mong ih« ar* w«<*wanla Iho nialn>llinil. TIm wb hail agoio aot in, ami communicaiion with tho O|i|)O0ila eooai waa cul off. And wh«n Louncolot aaw Ihio, Im rriod — ** Tho ao« ia in, but mivtr mind, Mark, H io ao much lh« boiler, w« won't drown ] wo can •trim for it, and ihejr darrnS follow ua." Thoj had rrachod wiihin a hundrod vardu of the point wh<>m thojr propoood to pliingn into thn mo and MoIm for Iho main-land, whon a allot Troni one of a Mfty of aoldiera who clooeljr puraued thorn, piorcod I onocolot through llio lliigh, ahalioring tho bone, nnd Im Ml unable to riao again upon the aond. " Run, Haiti run, mjrladl" he cried, "never mind mo." , Bot Mark lurneii, and roiaing hia uncle upon hia ilMKoldera, ran with him to ihe ara and pluiigcil in. Ho however had not reached beyond hia own ilopth, wlwii a doaen ■oldirr% ruahing into the water aftrr klai, aurroundod, and pointing their muakela at hia haad, bfought him with hia burden to ihe ahore. ** Keep a good heart, Mark," aaid the wounded uncle «l flmling that they were priaoneni, " you know tho Mjing, ' they who are born to lie drowned will never bo baagod,' and i ahouid like to know who wore Imrn to bvdrownod if you and I were not. Fear nothing, liafk— I ay fear nothing. When the King arrivea, iC ib» bo a naan at all, he won't bo rurgetling Mark and Xaunce Errington and thia day'a work. I aay, you f aLi," addea he, addreaaing the aoldiera, " if you |MI*ba«o me Air a priaoner you muat carry me, for I Mii*t ae( a timber to the ground." And he muttered Mpjilbiai about the cowurdlineaa of a|ftoting a man kJmA ba(}k. TIm moio and nephew were fettered and conveyed la • MTt to Berwick gaol, where, notwithatonding hia Laancelot'a wound healed mpidly, and atrength. Their trial waa to come «• at (ho eoaaini aeaaiona, and aa death at leant waa eartain doooi, tbeir fnte created a wonderoua in the town. BurgfM and aiallenger apoke C^iM(hing olae } and aooM oven did not think the town «lb wl(b two auch terrible rebela impriaoned in it. , I an perauaded that thoy had frienda in (bough their namea are not reconled. Be I k Miyt (be fkipjier and hia nephew tooke-oivin|| th<< cIiimiI, |irO|Hm*d to throw it over tho window unnin, but (.auncelul, who l»a«t novar boon a (lartakur of tho aim* which they reooivod, aoiaod it, and concealing it in hia boaom, axciaimad — *' You lake the ponoo, I Uke the ehiael." Mark amiled aigniAeanV' ly aa tlie latter placed the iron inatrument in hi* lireaot. (irrtal Waa tho conatemalion of tho gaoler about a fortniKhl alVr lhi«, when, on vii^ling hia warda in the morning according to cu«toin, tin found one a(W an- other duiirrteii, and on entering that in which Launoalot and hia ne|iliew had been confined, th« raya of (be morning aun and tho morning breeae met hia fa«0 (o- SDther. Tho man ofkeva, bolUand bora, atood potri- «d, horror-airicken I A flag-anme fnnn the pavement of Iho floor wan nnnovod, and there yawned an anor- liire auflicionl to admit the iMHly of a man, and Irom which, aa halii been atntod,' iaaiied the morning li{ and the niorning air. There waa an old ovon in cell, the door of which atuod open, and tho ovon fllled with atonea and eart'i I Of all who had under hit charge, Iho gnnler found but one or two peaceable >lvAAor* leA. lie liaatened to the atraet, and gave tho alarm to the mngiairattm and the garriaon, and, within hnlfan liOur, crMrU Iho wHin4 of Um votoM, anU lh« tii|t|ti«( <>f UMt Mr* In Ik* wMrr, but ' UinNi|h ih« liailinvM ol ilit ii gitt tl|i«y rtttilil |mrc<CM«l«l (Wiin •miMi vmmI alMiwi lu aa^l with the nii>riiiiig iid«. Launralul aiiU Mark pull**!! aahons al wtiat ta rallvtl Um ('arr Hock, ami |>rii4*<^iRg to Niiiital, tliry railed %i iha houan of a lUlirrnian, wiili wnoni ili« titrnu'r in kia capacity of amugglrf t»«lil to aea. After the gaoler had aprvad (he alarm, lo diligent wu (he aearch (hi( had been made, (hA( williin aix houm every priaoner who had e«4^a|M'd, »avc Mark f nd hia nephew, were captured and brought liark to' gaol. But they »vere (ha pnnci|)al olijeria of aearrh. The commander of (he garriaon oAi'red a reward fur (heir bting aecured, and • price waa ae( upon (heir heiida, while (her remained aecuro in (he a(ow-hole of the Spi(Ul finherman, and from night to hight he brought them (idinp of all that had pawed. One niftht he en- tM«d, after ihey had lieen concealed al>oui ten' dnya, ■nd the dim lamp revealed (ha( hia countciiance waa Iwjrond expeeoaion rueful. ** Ah ! Ma^r Errington,*^ aaid he, thnking his head, , ** I doubt you and your ncvy can't bido here in aafety ony langnr. I waa owre in the town the day, and I •M prented billa ultout tlieiilreet, tnd government ofTer- ing a reward o' five hundred pouniU (o ony body (hat will diocover or oppreliend oulhcr (ho one or the oilier o* ye. An' ye knaw Jem PhiUipi<, — him that re rafuaed to truat tho brandy to laat year,— I knaw he Hi' *a you ever tinco ; 1 aaw him reading the prented bill the day, and 1 hae my awn rcaaona fur thinking that ' Jam knawa where ye arc Therefore aa a friend I would adviae ye liaith (o ahtft your quartern (hia very night." They deemed it prudent to take hia advice, and within half an hour left thoir place of concealment, but not until from the wardrobe of hia wife he had arrayed them aa Aah-women — ond with their own jack- ela over the gowno, (heir heada ornamented with red •nd yellow handkerch^ifa tied beneath (heir chinr, and deocending in a Icoso down their necka, and each • with a creel upon hia alioulilera, they hid farowflT' to thair friend, and wandered fnrth upon the (Dow, ' ** Now Mark, lad," aaid Laun<;ak((^/* what road doatthou think we ahould ateert U Wve a thought ItMit Geoeral Fuater will either be aboiitWooler orKelao, •nd t think our beat way will be to o(riko weif«nd try to lad him. What doat (hou aoy T " Why, uncle, I 3r that wa might aeek him until we were found oitr- v«a, and that I ouppoae ia what neither you nor I viah. No, if there ia any one that will prove a friend II «■ now, and not betray ua. It la Sally Beadndi, and ji_| ««(ild traat her father too." Laiw aalw t aeiMiniMii walkin *»• llag ■ few miflittaa in atlenee, and a( length reptie4i->^ W«N, I believe y«Mi are Hght, Mark-Uiamberougk be It Only you knuw dajriight will he in, and every pa waa aailr bafbfe «ve eould reach Belforl. Now I prapea* that we airike acre hilla, and conoeel a«r> aelvea all tlm v«n( water." •• Very Ukely," addeil Mark, •« but we don't know" friend from Cie, or who (o inquire at, and I prafiw pM4« ing un (0 Sally Headnell'a." So Ihey continued their flight through Ckaawiak, Haggenrton, and I<»wlin ; and,Tiefora day dawned, bodl aat down in a deoolale place, behind a grey rn«k, tm (he Kvloe hilla. When ilie aun aroae, Launeel«« raiard liia head over (he l>are rock, and from hia aitua- (loo ho bad a full view of Liinliaferne and i(a bay | and ofter gaxing for a few minu(ea, he aaid wi(h a aart of aigh— •• I Mr, Mark, look ! the raaeala bava our M| awry front (m iaiand } there ian't a aqaar*^ifl|ad raaaal in (he roada — nothing but a 8c«tch oloop from Srai^^ mouth or therrnbouta, I know by her btiild." Maik looked over the rock, and half pathetically, half indi|B nantly; oxMaimed — "Jingo! ao they l.avef TboM- lOwa could'nol Mil without your order*— who can bar* taken hrrf' •* O I lh»E1ector*a abarka !** Mid I^une*. lot, " but naver mind, nevr, let her go, aad aink wHh them too. If w« get out or ihia acrajpe, I can atill leara you aoniething hnndoome that they can't toueb." «* Don't talk about that, uncle," Mid Mark, *" bat ikw ahan't keep tho brig when I Iram who bM bar.* Launcetot gave hia nephew a alap upon the ahoaldfMk' and crie.l, " WeH Mid, boy I— I like you bMar wnk fceller, Mark." The day paoaed on, and they had aeen p«opl« at ■ diatonce, but none oboerved them. A llltl^ bafcn midnight Ihey left their retreat among Ihe hill% wak l>egan to deaeend (owanla Bamborough. Now* tk^f^^' fa(hcr of Sally Bbjidqe'll waa a farmer, and hb b« lay nlmut a mile dptant from Bamborough Oaalla, i it waa drawing towarda -three o'clock in a winter i ing, when a gentle Unping Wu heard attba wiadoir of the room in which Sally alept. «Who'a there r* aho inquired in • low aad linMI voico. \ " It ia me; Bally— rMark I" «raa the anawar. "Markl" ab«L roaponded in a low faint iam ^ aitoniahment, and approaching the window, ■nxloiMlf whiapered— '•Dotf't apeak, dariini. {— don't alirl It, you be heard ! I will como to you in a niinaltr BM O ! wht^ave you ventun-d here 1" . "Tflere ia to bo danger Launcelot. Mark ahook hia head, and in tbe \ awered, " I doubt it." In a few minutea the door waa gently tuiaad < hingea, and a female inued from the hewk. , ~ dim itariigbt of tbe moraiag revMlad bare, too," maraOTid \. •«/j % fAlMM or THE VOIDCItt. ■1 lii««tiii| hrr lu||illv« l<>v«r, «ha Imi)i«IiI iwq tall, un- MUt^ttMtking A*h-«*unt«i^ With cfwHi iipon Ihatr kMk^ licrora iMr. •• IKiiiH tm •(Valtl, Halljr ikiar," «vhUp«ml Marti, an- prwehinglitr, "UlaitMi. YoumiMiMivem7tirii,!nv«r Mm thraw h«nwir (n hla anna ami aaitj, •' () Mark I --d*ar Marh I ,»rh» have you vsniurmi ham t How mn I a«v« you I You am aurmundotl by ihn gtuprn* in«nt Midliiifi. VVn »n> •u«|) billHi-il, I iliinli thoy call it, in iha hiiuaa. O I whmt< ran you go t wh«r« nan I kkla you f | have h«ani avan our atrvanta aaying ■niongal ihnmMilirra, that lh«y wlahffU thajr enalil got Iha tv« hundrad puunda (bat ara Mt upon jrour head t" MbiIi wm ail«nt | and hla uncle odtlaU — " Thia ia no harbour for u«, latl -wo nutrl piwh our hoal off in ano- Ihwdirwrlion, though il \m through iho lireakira. Thfrtj la no help ktr it nowr. Il )■ only dying at ih« wont, •a4l Mr« have nie| death in tho face many a lim«.'* Sally clung around Mark 'a neck and w«pl. •• Don't cry, dear," laid he | "alnce it la ao, and we (MM hair* no ahiiller hero, we muat juat riA every dan- |»r, wd try to And ^our way to Foaler'a army. Il«like you can mil ua, love, tvhera it nmv iaf** ••Aleer replied ahc, and aho wept more liiitcrly, ** l« haa no amty now. I heard the addiorM in llio -^hnn tiling my faitu^r how the rcMa, ta they called them, had all lieen defeated and mad* prioonera, and tliat the gallant Derweatwatrr waa in the Totter, and 8«|uirB Footer in a place they rail NtAvgain." The uncle K«d the nephew e«changeii looka with each other •plhey were luoka of grief. " l«t ua flghl for it, Mark," aaid Launeslut biltcriy, ■ and if we can't eacnpe from ihp country wo ahall ^lie in (he attempt. I aay, girl, itia not in your power to •ohoeal ua, but your father haa arma Ui the houae— . Pteola, powder, bulleta— get*ua them I If you love Mark^f you would give him a chance for hia lifd,— go bring thorn T* Her heail fell' aa if lifeleaa on her lover'a arm. "Sdly! Sally defr!" aaid he, and ho kiiwed her «hMk aa^ he apoko, " look up,— aneak to wu— we can- »^ ■•■y,- gel u« tho piotola j we ihall m*et f^ereafter !'» •* HerMHer !" repealed the agunimx) girl ; •» no, no, »•« Manot fo — you could not i^ocape. They aro alill in «Mrch of you over the whole couiitry." She waa ■ileat for a few momonia, and again ndckvl— " I think, —-■I think I could coneeal you for a few doys^-pcr- ■B|w until they hnf« done aearching for you in theae ptfta. There hi ■ pea-atack behind tho houoe here 5 tho atraw i« looae on the top of it, and tho wind can't IMOh it I think no one would find you there, and I fMld bring you fooU every night." m «aeaa Ihee, my own aweot one!" aaid Mark. # Ay, Uaaa her indeed !" added Launcelot, « ahe is • foed girl." V* fc She c«i«ducted::^hem to the pea-atack ; and vvhen Me had dfawn the atraw over them, alio atole again to Iho hoive^ £ach night ahe visited them, c()mmunica- ^H to l^*" ™ ■nxi'MW vvhisperings. all th ataho had hMMdtMagtheday, andof theaeartih that was still ■hdtndlkrihem. But although her father was fond wMtrit^At tmai lo coitmninicitc to him wbi^ aba had *lono, f.MT a Irallor*. .bialb WM denooiMMd afalnst any iNW who should (« ruua4 gHlltv of hoftourtnt et eoneeallng Iho KrHngtono. On the third day aA«r thetr oonMaliiMnl, lh# two mi- diert, who were biUoiml In lh« hou»>, rame forth, and, leaning agalnil ih« Hark, l/egan ki pull the peas (Wnn It. " '« •• |'l»r»y ■«n>ngB," said the onn In Ihn iMher, ♦« that nothing lia« ha>lnell and his family «al snd inquired, ♦• what staok ho riiouM begin to thrash next t" ..." !! P". I^' "■''''• •''*"»•* •"•wwd Mr. Beadnell. "Mo I O no I it miiM not be thrashed Uvmorrow f exclaimwl hib daughter hurriedly, and her looks y«| mtJTB plainly liesfioko her agitation. 'Ihe barn-man was a shrewd man, and he failed not to olwervo her corffusion, and while he kept hlsov* Hxcd upon her, he liegan to ruminate on ita cauoo. • What do you mean Sally, loVo,** inquired her ft. ther J " why pay nnl the slack he thrashed to-morrow f* .. ," 't"'"* ■ «-«tise," aniiwered she falleringlr. " I wish-: John to go to Alnwick for me." " O, very well," replied her father, " he may go.»» " Very well," rriKatcd ihe barn-man, "at ivhat ho«r must I Ih) ready, Ma'am f But there waa a with- ering smilo^n hisihMti^he spoke. Ho looked as • mor| who haa found a treasure and whihea to coneoal it. wu ''*'" '"•'♦"*'' '•»* trembling giri. When the barn-man withdrew, Mr. Beadnell deoirad his other chihireri to go itito the kitchen, and said—* I must snesk lo you, Sally." She placed her hando lioforo her eyes, and Robboraf cr C-r lli«(r |tm<(al, biii neilli<>r lh« niih<>r ni>r hU tlau|ntiaint<<«i In Aniltn^ (hair exiMClril prey, (hey pmceeiM to aean-h the honaft, which Mr. Hrv«nl by lh« ihroai, ho draggrd him to lh« door, in lh« prukunoo o( iho «ildi«f«, (Imgtng hi* wa^^a aOrr him. (!nnr<-iiling lh('inMr wvery man has a right for bia own." So wrote Salty Deadnell. Mark ahowetl the letter to Ilia ancle.' ** Nevy,*^ aaid Launcelot, after penning it, ** I alwaya aaid Sally wai a aenalbla girt. Ill buy ner weddingndrraa for that leKer. We will ulT (o Hnmhurgh to-morrow. The brig i« mine t No man, no king, tiettodjr had a right to Inke Iter from me. I bought her with. my own money — I have ventured my life in her. She tAo// bo mine again. I aay it ! Lei ua make ready Jbr Hamburgh, Mark.** Two daya before (ho t)Hg wti to aall from Hnmbnrgh for London, two atrangera, opparDntly German mer- ahanta, wearing beard* and ninatacbioM, came on lionnl, •fidjn liraiien Engliah bargained for (lieir imsMge. The lerma were agreed upon, ond the money paid. It was a beautiful moonlight night, and the veanl had not proceeded twenty milea from the land. The two meffsbants were walking the deck together. They Mparated, and the one su«klenly daahed the m aeixing Um B— VoIk I. haleiiway. ytaaad It oirar iha fm iaaati*, and, ataadtoa upon It, draw a ptalnl and piaaenaal M at Itia head ar Ika araman itn wairh. Il ««■■ iIm work a( a w m i n iiit -^^* ytMir prMKMM>r, Mark," rriMl Ha who *tand mrae llta r<ad aboaa lha deck, Mark btirit Intti hta wohunI l«i>J|^r >ad, grasping him by (bo breast, aaid, " f'ome up, oM bay, and I wiU ahotv you what wo ara alVarP Thiia aa him pi •kipiH'r Mark (- on hia el him i(« r he auddeni bis hamia Maih ■(ood a*i (he rt'»t of know ih Um «!»"• Iho d«<'k, and laM •Ml tt tlie hcliiiainan, Tha PriMtM' *i|(** "*<>"* w>< kmlly. Rut Hm 1* M ••««>i4 uiussli' of a pialot rami llMliillpt •* (k* •*«"• X"><^ >« |i** \ it ha alni|glni morak liMf tMufSNlity, aMi BuffinW Ma mialaf wh« *SM ^^wBWBp«lfi. ■*'t W Lauii«« Errington, {fii|^^MNi|W|r||M ■ MiM | Miia ahip i* mine j I boiim nar |M n<#l*iif ktff ind death la the llrat m*n v^<» l(t« *fiiril M^lheir dMam.** . " My old ttasMr'^Wicdthe man who had been an the watch, and w' t rlx aa head the pisiol had till now been levelled— •* Poriitt nvftit sir,^ added he, •« I an your old rabin-boy, Kll R^dh of Nordi Shielda, that sailed with you twenty years ago, and for your kind* neas to me then I am readv lo fD ta Davy JtMMt wMi you, if you pay the word,** , fc • <'»• r* v "Bravo, Dill, my lad f— give ifiVfiHif haM,** tM Launcelot, *' I remember you now }** and he (Imiat ib^ pistol Into the hreiint-t)OcWet of a gr^-coat which h« wore. And ns the senmaiip shook the bands nf his old master, he added, ** And Ite thiayour nevy, Master Mailr, that look Holy Island with you^ir — the Oaslle I meanf* ; «• Yea," replied Launcelot, " this la my navy, yaw oomn\ander (hat will be, for I don't intend to aail the brig myself, and neither will I part with yon, Bill." " Ah master ! you'rri'the old mnn,^ said the seaniaR* ' ' " Never beard an ill word .of you. You weie alw*fi a-doing good to somebody." Mark' ahook BiH Smith by the band, and said he ** liked to meet a feliow that had gratitude aboard, and didn't forget old frienda.** For some minutes (he crew, who were cooped up in the forocaai.V, ivere silent, liateaing to what waa j ing over their heada. -^ iSKOiai*.' |;|^tj^.- TALIS or THE lOIDEIt. liM |al iIm \kiffm •( Um I»% um4 wm« Mtd lit* «•!•» IM f mh m(i li««r« t •■wi i am Mif«,lli«if !• otiljr an« M I wai.** Tlw hatoliirajr WM npraovvil, antl Um oniw wrw* M t^M* l»y one, aiich ulitn( • vuw, IwftifB li« wMii«r- ■Mtoil to p«it hta ItMit M|N>n Um >Uk k, ih«t tta wruulJ Im InM to lh« fMt awfMir an«l mMtof o( Um vwmwI. 1Iu( M Um laM Mian Mia4* |i« tfipmnaM — " Ah I io»*% ImM htm," Ml«i UM dwiiih, •• Utat ta him I iManl, I tmMild'ni lailMtva htm *>«t hta mUi. )i«t him Mlrid wiUl Um ■hl|M>*>'' "imI niato." •* rU UuiM ui yon, UM," rafilwtl I^uiMs«l<«t. TIm atofd-twHil waa ltiw«raiC biMiuita, tiMif, wal«r, anti rum. Th« •hi|i|Wf aad niaUi war* hotawtl uvvr iha aMo U Iha v«a- M( into It, •atl aAvr tbMn iha imNiaii whom Kill Smtih mUI waa not I o Ik trtti^td. Laanoaiot Mc«rl)r wmrni Ik* halm oC hi« i>l'ii|-abacnl •on wouM l aain>r«M| Arefit 10 Loiklun, iMiysr Um '^'VjB^BP**^, ami I •m off with my v«Mil H*te-*«af«|PR« ^y own, wh4> dara aay Ihal I roh any mm f* ^: TiMy arnvci in LoimIoii, Um mifjl^mut cWivere.1. Th«y vvwa rM4f to Mil for fniimitWmn Uuncai^it kaatnl UmI hia old lri«iU| Mr- f oali^ l«li viombat for Northamtoilana, MdOtfMnlef (h«Cltanr«|i«r'arorc«a «(Hi(h of Um Twa«hl, «vm HUl In NanrMla^ and that in • r«w wMka h« would h« led to lh« acaKild. l^auncoUrt Md riakod hia liffl frwiuaaUy, and h« waa ma*. Ww man Ivho would mil rink it n^iiin to aavo a friend. In i\\o dJI^guiaa of a Northumlirian rarmor hn gamed adniMoa into N«w|al«. Hnw ho aMompli«li«d ilie i«at of hia feMk romaina a myNlory \ but certain it la, that with him |iU««nl F4ialBr ra«-ap«d from hia «A ■ill in Um brig 4VM convevod aafi'ly lo Frsnr«. * '. , , I havo but tilllc more to add ; Launeolot Firrington Hi** lifl tlia brig t'l Ilia n<«|iliow, ^ho contirued to Irado gitb auccMfl fnira the Fr«Mich porUto the Moditurranean. 'Whijn a pnnlon tvaa granted to oil who bad bMn ongagnd in the Chevnliar'a cauao, th« uncle and oaphew rclnrned to Utair native land. I^nuncdot lived for niiira than thirty y^ara afier hia Uking oC Holy laland fiKtrva*, and di<^l in Newca»ile in 1746, from prief and old age, on lioaring Uio reault of the battle •r CuUoden. I have but anothor won! to add reapectlng hia nephew, Mark j when he returned to hia native land, Sally Beadnell gave him her hapd, anil to Uieir children ipd Uieir grand-children, when half a century had MMed, tfiey told the talo of Holy lalnnd CaaUe, of Berwick gaol, and the pea-atack ; and if Uiera be aught imiiiia la it, it la aa true aa atrangt. « ■ ■ ■ . »« «-i',- ', ■■, ,;■)'., ' ■■.■ ' . TOM BERTIAM. PoMiTam IkriraM I— Ilie alecy laaMd MWianrffMl luva to talk uf M. It afforda ii>« • m«laii< holtr pteaauM^ In my old aai, to e>>NjMr« up Ilia meiBuriaa vl the pMt* ami ki rvralT iIimm liam y daya whea T«nii and I e*> »»rad lugather the friMiineaa ot yetrtli and frWwAiiilpb We were burn ia Um aaiiM vUlaga of R<>«b«irgHahM<% odu«-ftled at the ■am* llonlrr acliuul, antartnl aa » — g<-th'-r in lliM llooouraliln llaat India ('<>m|Niny'a aei^ v»i»», and for r»urteen ynara tva w«r« ahipitiaiaa and Arm frlaiitla. //i« vnyage uf life haa lung lioen otrer | aa4 my craay old hulk mual (uundnr rre long. Ilul a IniM to roAevtion. i mual priM:Mid willi my al«ry ( aad, \t\ do make m^aelf Ivdioua by my digraoaitma, f<«|tv« tiM fund garrulity of an old aador, who luvea to linger umm ovary iriHing recolloclkin of a luai and valued Irtrnd. Turn Ue«tram waa an nTfihan, iha aun of a reap ee l e . IiIr farmer in Koiburgltaliim, who, on hia dealh4Md, < loA bia >t»y lu iho r^ro and prohH^iion of my maleraal uncle. It waa iuipin«at youUia evar liehold, ren it be wondered at that \\a ivaa mn uiiutct uf favor and adaaira- lion to all our villagn liellea 1 I'oni, however, laughad, and joked, and talked M<*iiiHnf)ni wiib them all— but hia heart remained untouched, hia /f«M hail notyatOMM | knd it waa with a merry iMarl, and pleaaant aaUeipa- tiona ofUie future, ihat he look hia leat beaide me on Iha coach that iVka to convey ua to Iatea( inlimacv and familiaa- ity are with the ntricleal diacipline ; and now habilually and inalantaneoualy Um frankneaa uf friendly intorcouna givoa place to iho formality of nautical etiquette, whaa- uvor the duty of the ahip roquirea Uieir altemaUon. Tom and 1 were like linithera; but he never feivot that he waa my junior officer, and never, by any tsk^aoa, look advantage of my friendahip for him by ill-tinaa4 fkmiiiarity. One ,fine moonlight night, we were lyiag becalmed wiUtin the tropica, whialling and invoking Si. Antonio in vain, fur no breeae came. BaaoUful ava thoae calm tropical nighia to the lovera of the pictar- eaqiic, though aadly trying to the patience of tba nariaar. The-KM/cA were all lying in vnrioua attiludea about iIm daeka, in deep alumber ; Uie iMlnwman waa atanding at hhi poet — but wheUicr aileep or awake waa of littla conaequennr, for Uie rudder waa powerlieaa ; th«re not a oioud in Uie dark blue aky, and tba moo» ataia wei« abtniog with almoet da^aling bngjb(||«f% 1^ TOM aillTiAII. itm mf «*•• •nitjiidi •• Um MlVMHliral glMi, •«>1 I* tM Mli4«l«Ui^ MiirrtM |4vi« l«it k « «i»wl lria«lli>« of Um lir«lll«nl ra"ii|«)r atHnii i xUftn t«M • l«Nif Mlvvry |NlUl >if llghi from lh« hll<^»r uf iIm wtick Ao>i «h«r«, In iIm Midirt «<' all ilM ((ttMiKlour antl b««iii)r of naiun-, lay mu mtMm ahi|H mM ol tli# An«a( aficOnMriia uf RMfe'a |inHM| Wt, ImI|>I««w kiuI powrrUaa aa • Mwlmrn balw— r<«lli*if -f •ml Umi»|, an.l tonil4in|[ alnMil-'-lnsr U*Ajr pruw riain| •nJ railing aa il itoliig liiMiia|K lo 1I10 niajriMjr »f •M'aan, wlitl« iIm nKKHi anil atar* mi« "ForllMn a***! ilr>i«m4 nf MK«r A»f* uriia, Aa4 MMin'ry litntiM* har t»»|Mr Mgh lo Ihaa." * Aiii Tom i aenU m n n tai ini ng I I lwv« mmm ttofMia nt you now. Who ia Uifl ubj««t of your veancr aigh, ir it ia a fair quaadon T -^wliii h of iIm tliouaami and un« •owen in your ganl«n uf luv«, liaa kl\ iIm nt«niory of lit frMraney in Tour h««rt V* * Nunaenao, Harry,* isid Im, colouring { • I have MMiMthing eta* to do than to pin« and aigli fur • l«dy*a low. What a lovely Highlit ia!' , * YoaT aaid I — 'lovdy enough for a hrgli-flylngaen- (iaMnlal lover, hut anything hut jilnnaing lo a plain, ■Uaight-forward fellow likn inyaelf, Ihil, joking apart, Tom, you hava not hMn youneif ihia yofkga ) you gn through your duli«a aetiroly enough, it ia true, but tvi- d«nUy quite merhanically. Your heart in eJMwhem. Do not Iw afraid of making vntt your conlidani — I will BOt betray you ; traat your aerrvl anrruw, whatever il may be, to m« ; if f Vannot avaiut, I can at all ovonii ■yaBMlhlae with you.' * Thank you kindly, Harry,' aaid he-^« I believe you Awn ny heart. You have inado a right gueaa fur enoe In your life. I aai in love.' * Well, make a dean hrraat of it at once, and tell me who your Dulcinea ia ; thai, if I have ihn folicity of hor aequainlance, wo may hold olo«|uont diacdurao of hw elianoa together.' * Well, Harry, you remember Miaa*— ^ — * Hollo I there'a a brcexe coming al laat— beg vour panlon, Tom,* aaid I, apringing up on the poop for a better view t and there it waa, aure enough, coming up on iIm larboani quarter, with a cool, freah, rippling •ound, roughening the aurfaca of the awcll before it *Fot«eaatle there I' f 0;r r replied Tom. * Big out Itie foralopmaat and topgallant-atudding aail t a wi e, Mr. Bertram, and bear a hand with the aaila.' * At, ay, air. * Maintop there ! — rig oat Uw topgallant-atudding aail Hi tlmA «•" * All raadf with the ataafctla farwanl, atr^' uk4 ' V»ty welt. faraaMl there the wal^ !• ■lunaaila up. fluetaaUe tlMf* I— ewiitg the Imiomi f j ^ * Ay, ay, alr.^ In lw««ly mimMee, the ahlp tfjM HwAvr a ci^ ranvaae aaU amoving ra|4dl|r iltrutigh the water, the rupee were ail trnku down, asd iku wateh ay la «tt their li^aHiemla. « * Hira- d) I' ralUnl ili* qiairt^rmaairr. * Hiaady It la I* atia«%aml ih« men at llt# helm. * I told you Ml, Uill,' meiicred one of the aflorguerd ^ lu hia iitiighlMiur, ' I know'tl aa how we'd have • ^ breeae when I throw 'd my old aiMM overhuarU.' * Now, Tom,* aaid I, * make an rml of va«« M»> Aiaaion. You aahrd me if I rememUrrrd Mtaa llrhat'* her aaein t' ' Kaioi Voih«ringliani.' If a iliumlerboll had fallen al my fc«>4, It eearitl hartlly have atartlnl mo morr ihan tlul ilio unempecled mention #C that name. I fill niyavif turn |)ele— the Idwid teMMd lu i-.rveu ami oHnlle In my velaa, emi a Miiaatlo* araMrtal atekleaaand bialneaa vaoM me. Tom oil alarm, with you 1 * Nirtliiiig,* aaid I — ' a audden apaam— but it ia gon«.* Ami, with 4eap«rale n low I ho little knew that every kind expreaaion of hia mittreaa went liko a dagger to tho honrt of hia friend I And yet ao it waa{ for, in the innermoat receaeea aC my heart, hidden from all mortal knowh-dge aave mf own, I had enahrincd an idol — and that idol Kate Fotlieringham. *Tia true I had bowed liafbre it In vain. I had oilered up to her the incenae of my Ural love \ it had filled tl{e temple, but made no imprraaion upon iha divinity. My love waa hopeleaa but conatant. But i| la neceaanry that I ahould explain uiyaelf} and, to di^ io, I muat go hack. i The Rev. Thomaa Folheringham waa miniatar ofllll pariah of L ' , and the father of two lieautooVi daughtera, of whom Kate waa tho yoiingeat. She < indeed, a lovely creature-<— full of life ahd aniinati(% aparkling ami joyoua ; her complexion waa deliciMf brilliant, and her bright hluo eye* »hot forth their plaj* ful glancea from the covert of the iiioet hoautiful flaxM rin^eta in the world. When ahe ai^Mll. haifc ll||.|»lll' from her forehead, and her lau^, j ^^14?^^ ■«Uwi fc1» " .^f* %' MiliBiWi WmeM^ iint SaTTSCf i» It wJSmm •«! ■■iw . t wi Ih^ fMiMftaillkMa iMkI kmm •* i«%tiiMi« Arl»M4 if ay MtoTi aM I hM fmt *• ^mn4 • few wmIi* •« L " ■' ■ Mmium, mm Mf Im( M«ufn h<>«ii«. Wlkan I l>«, la rail mm> mMti ^tmtt^mtl I ham fTMi wma my »tir\Himm mhmn I mm tH^ii, t.» iml III* (tlavAtl rliilil (ftnafuriaad li|l«i||lN| jW—ft *!, «*i»g»iH Mrticnan f tl wm impMattJa »• ■» >••■ f tttlMinnflMM wtiliiNH a^MMng twr W«ii«f < iWMi (umn4 ihmt M vru lm|Mi«iM« to know h#» with. Ml l«vlNf luw. Sh« waa a« |imi.| aa aiw> wna lnvi>lr, MM *r«4i alm<«l aikifVtJ hy thm fvtnr nf lh« |i«rt«h, li. Wtl«•« annla and aMMtiing •on* of tifmpmthf w9rm halm tn iha tfMilanrlialy «*«|ft«r, aMi to III* bniiaaU ami lir.ili#N afMrit. Waa 11 wci«i,|iwAil «•(, ll«t>HI M f ittd In lfc« RMMl fHMMMy tiMtmaof with HN^ • twint, IkHnnlni lb har prataaa (Wim all c|uari«ra, hMltag iHf ■««>««t miMHc nf kar «r«NMi aa ^» v%«rM«K| Am ai««pla m<*l.i mn , I k«aw thai I wa« williill)r ilMi«ivi«| myarlf, ih«i ■k* lookMl u|i"| •upf>r«iBa«l fiMlv« to laar hrr imacn from mf kaart fi«#»vrr. Weak anti vain rraolutioo 1— that IpMa will go Milh mn tn my gravn I Tim want on lo i«|| me that h* had gmta, with my •aela, hia (uardlaH, an a viali lo L , Ihrao jemr* tiafora, and that h« had not hean long dpmraliratMi tkofa, bofore ha fnlt llw in(lu<«ncr> of thoae charma which ha4 provad au fa(nl lo my \wac.ii. H« waa the r^malant aaaapanionoftho young lailica in all tlusir ramhl^a, had wHwaaaad their varioua il«««>da of iinoalentatioua cbaritv Mdbanavolanee, and waa in the habit of liM<>nin| with ■Mifivto Iba warm and unaonhlaticalod praiaM laviah- i#V|pM tjtam by erary deii«ndant and C4itla|ar around y y*' " i* Iwan had hitherto reaialad Hio fkarinaUona * ^*yP *y» •"•l *w fcad l^amad to look upon It aa a "pMljr fifaytWag," accompanied, aa h« had hitherto •*• •'••''•k •up'^cial acr,oa|iliahfflM(a and fHvoloua ffJU f ■',"»; ba* bare waa all hia Ikacy had ever pic- Imm m tm^ lnwU faa aii4 mlrtlliij oomWned ; 4)1 thai, wHh atM^h a 1W7 oaiMal •• raallaa hia U *• KanMNM*. Ma «a«««ltMl mf «« , , ha.1 alMata l«*«4 htoi aa a ami. ami wh» inia«Mladl tn U Urn hmt 1 ami, U(lnf haf.H« him lh« alala af bio aSwlMtna, tiilil htm that h« waiiati I>hi tmr hi* awnaam to |>r«M. ula h.a atiil. My anal* waa^ igh lo d wMb hi* WNH-Mian, ami with Uta «rfi)a«<« of hi* «Hm«<>*, andpi** ^2 ** * "* * " ' '** '••**•• » •« *^ •••«' M«i». •♦•••• Mm lo Mil Airataad thai Kaia ahoMM hM marry a l^aiar. ■aia'a haan, alitviat Mnrnnarinaaly U» barartf, hati laag baoa bt«i| and ah* waa t«il ona r»Araalm#N«-. ho whom I had Imrail m* a linilhar, ami wairhatl over wMl mora ihan a lir«»(h«r> love waa ih* liotng who, aooan* a«!toual|, aiiNNlJiaiwaan ni« and h*ppln*a»— wbo bad Miflilr.l an.i wilharml th* fundoal aaniratioiia of my heart. Oh, th* wmllif t ..f faehnaa' within ma I lfa fkngled aupeMiitiun, aa we thotight it, aa we had n«w*t before hiQpnl of thia. ^ ' I have Iteen Uild a alary, aaid I, of ■ cat ia4aea«lag the dentiniea of a ahip, but I af»tt hfHd % W0m highly lion«)ured before. -»?=^ • A eat I' aaid Tom—' what do you meanf ^^'^ Irt an old alory, aaid I ; hut, aa you aeem aal |» hatra heard it, I will enlighten youoa the aubjeet t-^ •• Some yeoni aince, <)ne of Hia Ma)ealy*a eraek Wf. alea had greatly duilingtiiahnl horaelf, oo liM MatUar- rknean atation, by the amorlneaa and aetieHy at har craw, ber atale of exaeHont diaeipline, and W gMat anocaaa in rapturing priaea. For aoma Una bar good fortaaa aeemed lo have deatftod har| day after daj paaaad away, and not a faHfiH* aail if^ to ba aaMl^ '••«? . ^ v»- . m- TCMM miTBAM* M llM |§ A^ — )!■<■»»■ ma—. TIlM MSWl n< ikiil^ riM«(«l MM IM lHk|> TIm ra|>«alM, • 0mi aiMl (ntUni MraKiaii, Kv«4 llMt Um (ftirtl uf tliMiMMUM* MM liuaf •■■uKg ■w, •*>( ikptormliMrf la ch««^h it in ilw hM4. 'Crii 111* iMiMto wt, HyM piMM, Mr. im l y ,* mW hi (■ iIm Am liaut«iMM<. «* TtM haiuh ¥nHm rattMl «*t4 | aiifl, wImm I W i mt it * ! ! M tlMi n«»«rt»r <■■>, llM rapUMn aji lnm a 1 IImm in Um Mlvwing •Mm* t • • *My la>ta. row *<«"l <" >•« ■" •'•*«• •"•! chMirAtl • Ml af Ml««ra m I wmiltl «*t«li Ui piimm«n<| | I mmhI in h* fnmAt/Hm% ht pm tm m mt •• i«k« pImmmm In jmm d^Hf I MH iwiw y*m §a afaoiH lh« iWIra aatitan antl iHMMUMMaJy aNdl iMilf m»*k tMH-auaa ymi iter* unt Jla- «fe«y. If jroM HavD anjr arttivanrva in rninplaln itf, m»mm f«>rwtM«l IIIm mmd aail amy an, anil I wtll r»<|r«M thmm. If I ran | hut I It'll jrcni, an<>« for all, I will liav* iMaulliinMMi anJ Haavaa I If I raa'l < nut «f M« lA aajr a«ii«r waf, I'll iog ii o^i of jroit.' " AAar a ikaH paiiaa, mm m Iha «a|i4aUM at tlw fc»a a a il < m»pfml out fimn Um «raw, and, iwlHIng lila liai In on* baiMl, ami arral«hln| ina tMi«ll of kla Mr wrllh tba ulhrf, aai«m von.* *Wlif, llMn, air,' raptlcHl' iha aaptain of tha f u w aa a dt, • «ra*va navar had no Itieli unaa ytm look thai 'art blaok aal tm liaanl.' M Tha r.aplaln roiiM no4 halp laugliing. ' Wail,* Mid h«, 'that avil ean aoon lia mnH* lat.* * What a Mi of ourwd nlnniaa !* muilurad tha cap- ' * Wall,* laid li<*. * yon hava oAon exarleil youranlvoa M plaaaa me, ami it ia hut fkir that I ahoidd do aomo' Ihiagto piaaaa you for onoo in a w«f •' ** Th« frigate atood in ahoro ami hove tn, a boat waa lowermi, ami the unlucky cat, aarrly il«'|MMil«*d in a braad-bag, waa annt uml^r rharge of a mi*. Ha agf«*t| in thinking that thMo woo oo (dgn of rhanga In iha w*aih*r. • Wall,* aatd lb* raplain, < aiy glaM (laivail ma y*<, ami I will h*tl«r* II now agatnat loy I opinion, ami In aplto of favnaraMa ap(<#aran<<**. fmg Will pi|Mi lo dinaar, If pm ntoaaa ) and, whan Iha poaf^ hava had their Uma, rail lh« lianda oM lo ahorM* mIiM • Ay, If, air I IHpa lo dlaoar I* Tha broaaa h#gaa gratloaHy to fl ai liaa | aad, hf tfkf time Mtt< hod awallownl inir dinner, wa wore glad to 01 our aiunaMlMMd lafty ■■§ hjl jlMH j jjil M^ A ■mall darJfct tod ppwiit III »| wtilwliHifc^ wblrh fra4plly ipraod ami tprvod, till fho wb, daoth AiHowod In Hi footatepa, ami Ihe mortalliy h«»<;onio qajw a N ir M lW| Mid diapiriling to the mrvivnm << the eiow. TlMMlr officer who waa aaiaed wUh tha dlaotdor woo mf MmN Tom, who had hardly w rftva lo d from Iho w«>lM|M[ oih^ ofloaa of Mood, and whoaa eooatitutioN hod MM maoMhaken hf Mvara illneaa abroad. l/oog MMl doubOmWa dM atrufglo between lilb OMi dMNi 1 M at length ih« mMo oT tho dioMMO woo o««r, wHtim began alowdj to recover. Oh i hoor oAoa did t4#l% while watoJyM by bia liek-bod, aad bodilof Mi MM* Inghan^MriMMKr, oovoaagoin togoMooo laMtf j lor wbomlldliMtoihonaooMMoaMMfdl II' it would bo MMMl hotlor to of inim -m, .i. •^<(l« of T«|^ 1^#¥«« ^r«. imm,' I !!•*• .TtM iMi, • MMl I Mm •f«iAMiiM.l»f. iiMryl l«^Nf«wib9ri hat If •^««k». « Hi f h« NM l«ik onw .TMf ..HtiNi .r Uf .MM «• itiM mmm It Mr 0m. M^ lUlR ItfyWlKCfeMA-xM » Ml • MNM tint. Mbwyf ' . • Tfec M«wi« prMly MiMill t IM, Mf iMf fellow. m to rMtrata iHa vuiIimiw uf your M Kali riHlMinnf»MNi'« Iw** rvmsin* b» umi. II.m, U ■Mrjr I If I mm* to Um Uici, wh«i wmkJ U. xm* «f ■amr I ir i ««»• to Um ilMfMwd by «h« «a«« , bwt I IhiH^bl H b«t«n« bi bai Ui »K|M »uor>m «• ywfc •** wfi«i ihflni. Ain4i«if criiMr plana for th« -*^ •?•% ^ «!•»••• ««"»b wMHihplwMMW ugm iba|i*«apM» % i.f'iiai Miy a iNT Milaa, Harry I Waggnwalk.* ,«AiK I Wy pw iW I Mato^'^ aaU I, 'aHll gn gxartion • ^^■vaiM •• 7Wi« f9Ml4M*iUk«toaln(«Iiyowlip^Jiarry. I qr I^WlIf i T*v can Mlow l*.««|pg» |* iilMMli AiMlwr lo aav { an — il > iik »r«.> our linlgAeriia,aw{ai*«f|H^bgf. Whan ri^ •# MHlMf «• ling te flm IMii^ ^ § #«• atN •• aiMi* g«iS te fiSTJi Th» mmm mm ttmrn^T^fOf, . -.-J WW t i l ii i toil wtUi ligbi. tlN gto «HMia»M *f a gp«M« baa*, ttmftmt 4..w« i« tfca rt«ar, to* •raM* Umtkut b«i.l4«Mf. ifcitiJ by aM aaaf l«.».«g inw., aiamlaig Uba apatatiia m^mi iM i afifMiMMb < Nm paiii to tfto toaaaa hU ali«tr«li)anlt a**! • IwlMig a/MhltoMi aaJ af aW^u.— . avav Ma aa Ma mm IM »«(4 baatttirwl miialtobi laattM ••.*• "^*"-<«* r*"^ ar a»a, ar a-» ^ (mmSl • Ak I* aatat I, • lU abMoaliyanl ba«, ai laaal, a** >M«M« gM« atova •MMT tb>|MM«M«. >lbaa» gt» lblt Mr •r» g>aa*N| al tba .aa.«^a«, mimt^ gkaif •tot •mmm awf Mi«. r J 4alI£lL?' ^"^ ■** "* *•• '^- 1 "^^ • L*< aM MMii iMa a^Mk ImI»* • N*. a-H* m\A I, Irying i« im*m \>\m away. BmI H •aa toa toto— ba lta«l amn an.Mtgh | aaU, wtib a mij a^ waMl^rabia .nc»..|,, b, fall faiatlflg ••. my •rf»a. fmt Too. tk^tra.n t |..,ng yaaia ba*« paaari^kat tlia« aaaag * frWi ,n my ««im«.y-.«iy iMaM UgA (W Um aligl i laM b4ai ganU* on MM MM ka|M» Ikg ||i| Ju <>r^ N i iHatigfti, liMiwliK^KvSMilliii^ Ml aiv •;•« M I nmlMvawatl to Matt Aa mA iaaafifHiaa •a IM atoMa— • Marr» ^ ' IVIi«n« am I, llarrrt* . -^ ,. • Hare I am, «la*r Tom f ' ' «.; 'Obi I hara l.a.l ■«!< h a daram T Ilia ay»f|aa«« Wl apofl lh« lotnb.- • Marrifiil llaavaii I la It Irwa f Anil Inaning hia haaartiriilara of onr^Mb . Kato had ralt«>n a viciiai to conaumhiloa aiNna aNiWa hafora | Iha latiar contoinlag lha aJanoboly natoa bad not raadtod ua. Poar Tom, axhaimail by pwvtoMk illnaaa, ami owreoma bjr tho ilr«adful ahor^ Ito ha4 eapartaiMWl, waa ahligi>(I ui toba to hia bai. I liaak> enad back lo mv ahtp, whara I waa iktolna^ aaaM waaka. Whan I mluniad, Tom waa dying. Ha bMW m^i and, with a faint. amile, and a Imm^ ft MRHfilli pwaaure <:^ my hami, ba reurrogfaA « - ir ' '--^t A WHBIVD 09 IIOI.TK}OI>limitt» It m ♦•' I UUiUHU or iOLVlUUMIUlJiS i^mn W^*m OiMMf MM • Ml «| •M ayati r«w iJm (^imm*** ImnmmMmM. W41iM« «»«• • •mmAwlMi AtUtct**! bi ii»«ki«f two** iImh • |>««f«*« 4m ylaif •# iiMi fW^m ) In MdMW «*«r«««r, • mmmI Uyi M(liyr«l «( lixi I^MiNi, MrivHtt hm HM4 !•< Iia • ftmtn^m mi IhnimIj. ||« MMI II ma •WM wliMwra^ Ida! I|« k»4 amif lil Hi mhw • MMM* I«M«*«l Nti» iIm-i* wm a hilttm k«|rf aa a tawni m »\m kmtm hj a (MnaM »t Umi hama uf Fatar €<*«iid, rarr Mr«U biiwwN m lliaaa >lB|r4 *• * H*** of ^^^^Ijjil^^ g^r _^^^j^g||^_ A~^K||jka iIm afti o« •r« IpfiiTiS •«•# tft« itouf , la Um a«ap« uf a4i>|. by tiKiwiitg lh»m Iha lt^«HMr ttaaif, ta a r*«l i|«M»|h, aa4 In Um aot of batag •wailowati >>* a raal •«>t*aj,1 at laaal l*al«f fiva mit aa • nNMon (*M mm a«ttlnf aa a liarrti al kla ^mh tlufdig a ipaat (larl uf iH« lUy, ilrtnkifg hia al«t, Uiat lia waa nvrwljr aliowlni tM pUUir a |ihii1 »>ani|i>#, awl ««rr- niaing tka runrtitnlaof ki4 ealllRI in luch a mannar aa Itf ftirhia puna ami bla •tomadi al iha »ama iinM — a roaaun which |MiMi>aaeil aa Murh uT plauallallljr, thai his wtfa, Janai WilhlnaiMi, waa not, liv tha mafv |m>w- «r o^logk alsna, Alila to ahow any fallary aUarliad io te. fm*t ha4 a aun nani»hn~ a vary Ana yuiiag ■MM, who rulluwml hta falhvr'a irada, but ilaiaurrad anaiawhal aa U> Iha iinifirirly oC Imiiaiing bia faih^r, whan hM •liouM riinta Io ■tirr««(| him, iii making him- •tif • living iign-bl#«a oC •atf-willnl praco- oiotM aonfldl, on Um put oTUm l«d, wUkak i^Mtr iIm- • Um callania o' thir A*p,* Pttar would mr, ' puff- #4 Mp wt* nawlanglaii mHiona o* imiMrtivamrnl, Uiink tHatnaala Ikr alMMm tha lika u' ua. I ban ma«ia my bread by dHnhin my am drink | an' ihia ahap, in iha c«««0lt o* youth, ilimka ha will kaap a wifa, an* bring up hia baimr, bv wmlkin' aboot a drj giascnaj hiekmr,' miWk can only h«a the aflbcH o* vriliag Uw ralli o* tha Abbav, tbal an ba lioea, aa« ahould lh«y do. Tba lad- dla will fM Io ruin. The AJk will avoiii hia ala, aa (hay woald avoid Um puiaon on Uio Uid'a hack- an' wharafora noT • for ikn Ui -■^ wfcMHaai wi' Umi italMii. I«% ••• raaiMikiy, tiMl taf •■•, J a> » n w lM ^mftam Mi JrM»k, All* tiM« Iw |»~i»w ilM <|mra m^ ktm ■mmN in iMt ■wfmy ipnMMi ■•w#<^| tti King'a oralMfU, ya»' iWwIay t N* I aa I* • CalMtal iliy aan tMli Im in bla ikrwt,'* IlM alMlafla Italian. 'My n«ti»« >a*«wwfi|ial>a d ganrtawan In tiHa •ffwyali 1^ lUlad < An* May ha ihaa kifiaj karfHM may wvi«a w^ liM initlly p«n Mm wmtl " <, |Vl#r, wha'a living rotaaa fhi* ika palaa*. If |»g|p M«nl «|i«aking ill •' Riraio and tha t^wmm.' * I itiat wiy wImi I Uilnli,' Mid l^rtav, | •That liaiMn pipar wmiU ba Mark wuddy up iha way y nnd a n iiaa al o«*' tall.' And h« i|Mn»Uy tjttafM a# a )«g nf Ma ih» On baaring ihaaa w«r«ki, (it «|m aaaM ao la«pr »• ■iraln hiniM>lf7 !(• alartpd Troni hia a>«l^ mdi. aSrillM hi« Aat in Iha (liaa oT Fctar, (araad on (^iH gj di»a|i|iaarfd. Tbia aroM^ tknagli maai ft MIft oMiaoaa hy 4i^ ll#rr« aapraaaitm of lb* Iteli«a>a Ihaa and aManar, «MB not long rxnwd. |*«i#r conlinuad la dHnh Ua alA, and did noi hnmiaM Ui apaak Ma aMad aa a i which had, apparanilv, baeoaaa of *ia«a Uiaa ^ inlartat in him. Tha InttaMoy bat* William Ulamtav ooa|>i«nr», 4|MmImI liM4 km p«aai<>n rry rflitri ha lka«l 4MMliWMI Ma*y, Oialin ai laal r«an nMili« an «ilpiMi«i «* har M»*t 1 aiM lia tfwatail thai tha aliaw «r waalA, «*M<4», 1^ iM mtaplaMdl lrtn4MMa of Umi ,ikiiim« aaahM *<• maka, might Hava 0f f filtaf ,^illllini (iiafitUy i» ai*«ir dM aMwikMnrhia 'laMAlar M awmlMfc < thai I l»*i • |b*«a ar aCNakM « M bMT lawvHa < wAaii avary nM>th Imt In ferago tha #i«r «tMlty an liar Invar f M llial I ih«n ilm m ay.VMtif Um ttalkin, ttiafi Mary, with ^t !%#>«< lavar ( an^t ounlri tha niiea III (hr viriifn iif a |iaaiit«fi I ■ — ■ ul aofilral. Yat, If ■hn on ■ ih« •««■ ifai efc , w^M-h waa, hka ■M iMMiMM^ •fRMM Imitation WiflMM WW adwraa to hia I IhH Om rwlWJ B W t i i ii of Uiia •t«. I *•*•* a te yat HkMMmi aiMta, wMfe, i# HMf imhi tn ri»»i« fftmm^ aftauM aMyHa Im ta aw •*• laaMll Mill*. ffaiilM* oara t mm i«al%h» aa aa a*«M mag |hv •mm ayaaah, arhilfe, naa •taM<« aamoa, Mto tat |Lm»> ynwuM OHf MMl* ikl* (hiirtaM warl ^ whlll, l« miwM MMif f* aiMllaiia hy aiahl tm fkm aMf* ^ aiMiiMlktM Al^ Wr a »» a aa« li«a ar, mm mm waaltl aay, aigHiMiS ••"tB <(MM( aa la ih« Itahl »* ilay, >>* a mmaiaM mm if Iha* Ma«b mm li ym t« a' ihia, i«*a CawMl **** laM*"'^ "^y (tMrhtor't l*«ar f aa'. Il llMy «1|i |» ■wtei P hi a h u1, it ahaana ha ma ihanl p r a ^a i tl* ^pKi fWim and |N(f MilMaiaial tmMua, w rml aaa* ! a« lit WaMl nn lH« a|it*a n( avafy a|>afk, It maal h« •tinkMaHl itiai f>*«i« a Ht)i«rhman wwttltl hava raaania^ ifia liltiia nt Wtniaai, rainaMa, aalm, aad aatf raaJrfMH > an««. gnralil«> a«i Tor jl|k[initt )•»• plara la iha '"I''4m0|h^ 7h* inhta Ixiaf^lbf Iha Aliha* wa«« pr^n^Bj mani In Wilttam ilUm^fJ^^^^^mm «lay lookml rWwanI lo hy all ami flH^Mimi nf halNtof . Thar* waa, lan>mtmf. Tha pf«>|mniii a«-.ia an a< tMHik Mta <•««• *•«• Wt 1^ > iiiW I antlt «I|MM ilk W#tlM W«t<4, ««« lila •IPM wi t f ll M i|pt<Mi«M|l rriMM h«>*«l bi f'WM I •ml, «iM«ti<« IM MiMMt • •I'iN foil N«'k >•«*•• • *li«i» wtiivik •«««mI nmm» WW^ MHI •(«*•• •h'*^ with •« af fi*»l«««i««nn «rht< h tlM ••mI'I not attrxiMK fW. All ih«M ■■ to, ivIimIi aM h«>l j^f < »< ilMlitg 'IM l«M Nil mt«Mti<«, aitfiVortHi In iMf M WMIIlAt t'** ft**)**? M h(«. N)W h««l tkMM INHII MI- MiMMly t Ml4 M M )i» t« f r . tw^U-tkAiMU iiiu«iv« Mwl ilM pnMM I* INW flktM l •»•« lm|tr<«iiil.l -o^ oTil '•• «i«n llrfiMeM« WMgMlliy <>rMi>i« wm» ikNi knovr if her fa^isj Wl r^ >i«>eii ac»n. ^4k« wmm unalila to a(M»«k l<< ih^; mmmufft, whfl nvnl •«ir«y wtlh«Nii an aiMw«r. Mmm e<(ii(in««il lo tit wai4- iag frMb IwiMihkMi ^|Mrt««if htfr pMWM. !IIm htMrtt ttM (MMiki in ih* Mft**! induaNf A* tlMf. <)era«M>fi«l ifM|u)rMw «v«n> wa^ hy thm Car WilUaM (ilarMlay, fmm vrhtim thfly •li 10 4*1 asnMi aaiilMiilion of lh« o lira onti nary rl but tM aa ry ant anawrrail Ihem, ami ainUni lliM VM Mt •••• kMil« wui Mary waa iiuHmmm^. * fliMB MMBAy MM flUU Ml ^A^otfu Of ll#f iMllMfe I kMtfri SIMM pmifkl M Ul« atnwtt fniaf Ihmih}, ?•• |M M ilnnti fkal WiUian GUfuky ttioolil to C«<*Vefc. I. .-.■■■ ■ MM* IMM^ iiii^ |M» ^ IM'M'k ^'W^ I ••Sriv if awf -wNia km* liiMi iH|M4 l»tfM I *mmfimmm^^*,^t «iw (MM* Mi |«l Hit | lla IU^mI Mwf iWWif ^iiiMi •!«■# MMlirf^ •inI aii»ti.4«»4 IMW •)^i»«l tmmmm m ik* ►♦ m winw wHiak b«a MflMHW^'^ MNi Imh^mI m., m4 mImi* MMI mkm IM MilMlifto* M-k a«f4 * Ml «i;kka N<« rit*tt«'. K«»t ***** ^** **^'* •«•*? Af|^«M»«t«OT if adtriMM t IxH, a«ir«*Miili«g \m iltMaa aa*l •>»• (^ll»«Ha4 l>r ih« iliaili (if !*««■* tl m i w t . It imaiad i« Mr n wiiiy f«|i»v*rf, wkan iM (MirtMi«M* aii H a[ « mm* |mi%IU I klMwM>t tM*HlMra,«iMVHliin«.i again Hrmk Mr, *ll»aUfWil|f|Wl# all 4t«WMl l|M>«« «NM a n##«ia»iiv (Mr MMitftkilif Mm^ i rUM iiinil \m iMrlMllr C!atn»«| Hat «fia«>>ii and >na»n«ii>. Iic,«n«n *km fll^^ r«tr llMt twil f ai^i jfc» #ra<»aM hnr niitwr In tat* «#||i (HMI, wrlnrli n f#M | and imi ■» anotl^r, IW ikatMMi ^«M afMiiiic (WW !• Ntw l;i«Nwl% Immm. W i >ii|> t •NMifilWd, rtmafklnf fwHiwwt »Mi«»lNliif t^ MMiS IT^ bUmil wliirH war* laili«n>l) ihai Martnn Qffx^ •if itrrgiitar hahiu, trlla U*«il in Ihn prrri AMiar, aa»l waa wril ki«/i«rn al lliwl Uw by Mary*a Marto^i in ron^i^tmnrm iilf Kavinf, IH t|*ya^ n t m t vmt coma aU«n(t# ft*«r r«((inMd« Miry aaM M« !■» Mlib«««*^<|MMMiiil.|iir«*Nii» «M*ilMl Hkif tny dirtilii IMWI pi I* lb* iranbUd aa Nflil ~? V « « « 1 ■ %- •• f 4 1 * 1 «• •• , f > ■i « ' <«* - 1 '1 r *^ ■^T'rts'il^r' tel* v. •'Ji * ■ » ft^ lt% i La», ' i«-jj r .4. & ■ f***' i>< ihe ■ypiiiiin liorw iH'avy mMiii liwr SIjH know llMt William atxl Pairr haeb«r, kM alill ahe UUt not aiMMd Itar rallirr. She fait il avan ' liapioua lo aajr to haracli' Uiaikha «li«l not •(ia|i«*rt hiori | for aha cionotfivsil that the mam ronntiicMi of the iiloaa •( llta iiiunfitr and of har |tar«nt, otiultl ha nothiri| liul • ftrmk of lh« IVvil. Y..I, ahn Connal obaerved a diflbrence in her manner. She f«lt #pil«etMM*Jo fix another day for the marriage 5 and .iMiMportaAitieaaf John aeemed only to increase it. ' • Noo, my dear Mary,' alu'il John, « when oor grief •Mrntf faither ia, by the ooofse o' nature, aomewhat <^a»t*tedt n»y we no accompiiah that which waa in- iMnqttod by that melancholy catMlnipbe t Twenty Mmmn has gane owra oor heada» and Afieen o" thae •llM^noheerodbythobenUogo'oorlvra hearta, aa W»MM» 9' birds on a aunny daf. ffft) lieht o' yer mmm mptM hewn fny only aoloca amiMI|4nony waOa ; W4 evwi mme oecaaion which haa fllM oor hooaea '^ ■■^f?*'*''*' *^ •'••'*■ "•' l'*^*^* J"«'»ed frae mni^M0d huda the oopa o' plenaw« which hae be<^n M»oatiaa mAH covenant betwMn MkCw a fourth pairt 4fr ^ ih uiat gak. And, oh, tail nM>f •'•-•tiai, lof tha riaka of Haavan, wbj ye h*- i^^n ■•• e)ian|rd to ma o' laio, and why y* Winna again pt«t>ara to gang wi* ma io tha altar.' • It'a no for mo,' said Mary, « to iaiariirrB wi' dM waysu' God— wha, having aliened ua, in kia , high |ilrasur«» to bo ioined in oor IteaiU for aaa lang a lia«« — even oor hail livea— ihncht proper lo pairt us in the end by aio an awfu' token aa the deatii o' yar faidiar, on the vera day afore oor maniaga, Thora waa • sign and a meaning in that token, whiolf my heart haaivad in taara and interpreted in agony ) and saa lang aa it pleases Heaven to conceal frae ua the hand which atruck the fatal blow at yer faithrr's life and aor hoMa, aae lang, my ht^art whii|ieni, maun oor union bo dalay- ed I Hut when that time shall rome«-and, oh, that it mav come aune I for it will be as tha daw o* Haawn lo ilia parched and gsping earth— when the bl thai i.unf that iliar.ivpry wliMher ahfl wo«l nreaerved to fteelw or ahe to Impart them. William Olenday waa «s(r«mely ptined by the change which Imd taken place OB kia daughter. He could not go out without produ- eing terror in her mind. She waa even at timea aeen fallowing him ; and, when he would turn mtind and ■ifcalire her, ahe would, aa if caught and aahamed, alip am of kit eight. If any penwn linocked at the door, ake tf«««lile«T ; and if a queation waa put to her, aa to wkerv her fcther waa, her answer waa ao ronfuacNl that vwy ot Willient GlenJay waa in the ifcgM}alidhiiMMttHitttlwrftiher»iriio beud the 'O noiae. eat^ o«(, tha( (ho i n saaaagir eaadd know whe# waa the (ruth. The poopio of the honaa eowld n^ aecount finr her conduct on any other M(noi|iU th«« that ahe waa tleranimi. Tlie maaaenMr Imm« a raqoaal ihat William ()l«nday ahouhi inrianlly m|>«ir to (h« Palac* I anil' having r^imniitied Mary Ui the ohargn tt hia ArieVida, he «lep«runl. Mary raturned home in the evening. The weatlioir waa calm and dolightftil, and the aun waaaaitinglntMat fine amber-coiourM radiance, which, in Somtand, la oU ten ao remarkable on an autumn evening. Wsariod bj hor day'a fuUgura, ah^ aat down t«i raat horaolf. A train of imagra r«iae in her mind, which took away all perrqtilon of lime, <»r ofthVlnceraaliig ahadeo of evo» ning that gradually cloeod over her. In iIm mi«la» «i her reverie, aho waa auddenly itartletl by a hums* voice. It waa that of Giulio Maaaetto. • Anima mi« t* cfled the Italian, when ho aaw hoK ' Mary GloMthiy here, on the brow of the hill, In th« tloom of approaching nlgh( I lo Godo I lo Oedo I am well pieaard. And now we ahall, if it pleaa» (her, have some converaadon on a •ul)jflc(, which, n<^ withatandhig thy coldneaa, atill Ilea next my hearb* Thou knowMt how I love thee, my^aweet Mary ; an# I am well plefaed to know that thou haat diaeanlod thf old lover, Connal, who was not, indeed, worthy of thjr love of such a' rtlai.len. Thy father, I ahall yet apf and pemuade, ff thou wilt but anawer to my And he held out hia hands lo embrace lier. • Stand back, zW said the indignant Mary. • The power il.tea not OKiat on thia earth, that can eVr mak Mary Olenday lovo Ciiullo Maaaetto | an' heaven wln- na interfere in aic an affair. I hae tauld ye aften— «# this, I hope, will be the last (imo— that it la wtm ««i uaeleaa (o persevere in a eui( which I can ne'er gie on/ fayour or coon(enanco to. Ye may perceive, sir, tiMt I sm very for frae lieing in a guid state o' bodily health | the* tMk place wi' llie criea o' e determined and deapkMlf woman.' _a^ ' « I cry thee mercy, maiden,* replied OioHo, puAM ly unmoved^ except by hurt pride, and bittemee*^ « rooservo— I perceive that aomelhing trouMBi tbiMf and (hou makeet that a reason for rewcting my ^^^j ' but what w^«Mat thou say if GioWo Meaaetuv»»l»g* thou deapiaeal eomach, could tell thee of ^UJ'J"*^ thy illneaa. It la aometimee more easy to Mfv^jgm from the heert ot n/n unwilling maiden *»*2SSH2f gore from a ewerd, oc from a garment whiik' WMHI drenched in (h« hearfe Wood of a friend.* , ''«'' > '•»■■ ^ *','. i ».. Etv,. n _ ftir Ihtaia bimI |mww to tprnk, and con- v^dd^y MTMflMil. * Tall— Ink back Uim wonJ% •ml tali MM tiMl y« Mww u(Uir««i «h«Hi— My Ihai jra^didna M« HM ««aah iImi aword, ami aeour U, aiin Mary rocuvtsied, hImi luund harrrll' in ili« of httt iath«r, who l«d her atowly home. Whan examinod by h«tr father, Mary paieiided thai •• HMknown pamun lud aurpriaed her oo tha luH..^ Ifar r«Ui«r alai«d thai h«. ihoii|ht bs pcra^ived Oiiilin | i >awMo part rroaii her whan ha cam* up. To thia aha fltya no very diatlact anawer, prrtendiiig thin ahe waa M( veiy mum whether it wna Giulio or not. Thia woa 9«t «t all aatiafadory to her father, liecauae he waa •WW« thai aba bad fainted in conaequenc«> of tlie vio- IfUM of the peran bia ■Pfroach | and if Uiulio had beea the individual, ahe tmid MM hare failed to know him. He f^t unwilling, r, to preaa bia daughter farther, licrauie aha i^uile incapaMe of aupinirting any lengthened •Wivy a etion on thia aubjoci, wiiioh eeeoied to be one «f jmet pein lo her. The weight upon the mind of Mary increaaed ; for Ai WM now overoume by a feeling of total dependence the will of another. The depreaaion of apirita by Ihia aoceaaion In her diaauictude, acted iMreaaad force on her frame, which daily liecame I •nenualed. It waa obm'rved that abe novn^ceoKd faliwiy (rmn apeaking of (ilent. One ni|kl a noiae tvaa Mid at the window, aa if iome peraon had tapiicd at' ll i« • peculiar and concerted way. William Glcnday Itotod at bia daughter, and aaked What it waa ; ahe re- ittiM Hwaarata, and thai ahe hod htard thi" »ound often. IR H^iMA interval, however, ahe aroae from her aeal, ii4i4||ti«l to iier father that »Ue had occaaion to leave flt.iiiHi fa a few minutes. Tl>o latter oaked her M iatcoded to go, adding, that, in her pre- «|ite, aho had ubtter re^in in the houHC. 1,'aiM wa* juat going |to viait a neighbour ; 9 ftllier net bMriilg imapected any connexion be- Iheaound at the window ai^d the departurv of hia 4m(Mm» «fti«d no further opposition to her cxpreaaed ^ , lUvMaboot ten o'clock when jff ary went out ; eleven Md abe waa not yet come boi«e. William* beeame alarmed, and aent to uimi^ie if ahe waa Mi#>hoaf*a houae abe had jBgyMponed. The tjlw^ hw* »nd informed |iii« A»t ahe had not 1NW» m mttj mentha. 1>^ Wiraaed bn , , . »*H"%J»«»A|W «•» Jinintdialely ovar to thg houae .?^ P*^^ '"lo'^'f •»>• w«» ther day for their iiiairiaKe. Her sUlementa nitoul lh« murder of hia fulher werti used ar a device to gvt qui| of her obligation and iiledMrlo him, and leave her a<, liberty to wed hia rival, tier bad health waa produooi^ by tlie inicndly of a new paaaion, and the struggle^ , ^ iween conacience and inclination. Her diafrcMy'o^ , being surprised by her father on the nlchl of ihc^^l^bU' ji^ to Duddingi«ione, waa oil aflVriation ; lur, aa hafUwm himself had aintcd, she had been in the company Of tM) Italian, and wished lo conceal it. Slung to tlm lieort by thia aiippoaed Leneneaa on tha part of hia lover, John went forward, ilelermined that either he or Giulio ahould die o*i die apot. Before bo came up, ho^vcver, tli« pair aopa rated— the Italian go- ing one way and Mary another. John followed Mafjr, and overtiM>k her. * U thot you, Mary Olenday f he cried. * Whtt am yo dning here at this lime o* n'lcht f •O John, dinna asic ni« what I'm doing her*,' afi« iwcrcd Mary; • hut let me get hame, where I ha« meikle moir need to be than in thia place al tic an ««• timeoua hour.* •Why arc ye here, then, Mnrj-f aaid John, with orperity. 'Becouae I have need to be here,' answered ahe. ' An' if yo love nic, dinna, for heuven'a lake, aak mo ony mair obool it.' ' HadGiiilio, the Ilalian, need lo be here too f aikcd John, aignificantly. * I winna ani«loiiay — and y<^ aatiafied fay her extraordinatTr condnct that there wif ."i :a.. . , •aid John, with I,' thnverrd the. n*i Mk(>, atk me here tuo V aikcd r ■'■■yw«^^w^^*-Bi|f^>n«' %i fWi' HI II 0Mrl*l T'g"«', A L£QIIID or HOLYROODHOUSC. Vm •■wMtoM mI dMir k«r eoatmamla — wviil lalao. la iIm nonMOf, Wrlliam Gloitdajr callail at Jutin*a IwMMa to in<|uira if ha hail M>«n Marjr on th«f prvvioua •i|tii. 8h« haii tioan, liO aaut* lalo In rt^turning -ti«r apiriu ware geUma worao — her health fart il«ciiniii§ — •a«l avarj tt»lQ| iaJicatMl aomfl nianial diaaaM, oramiie •aoraloTaM exiraarUinary oliaracler, praying ujnw h«sr Mind. John danitid having aauii hrr, ami gav^a con* fuaad aaaent Ui what har Tathcf aUteJ. Thia arcogni did notagraawilh that givan hj Mary, who had M4d iliai ahe taw John Connal im th« pmvioua night, William OUoday boraaio, in bia turn, auaiiicioua uf John, and BOW began to think that ho waa acting diahonourablv by hia da^gblor — a eircumaiancfl that would, or iladi, •ooount fur Umt • health and apirila. Il«, how- •var, aald nothing, aivj iWpartoil. Two nighta alterwanla, wh«n Wiiltam Glonday re* tunie4 homo nhout ton o'clock at niglil, ho wua told UmU Manr bud gone out} and tho arrvani aaid ahe thought them waa aomo airange noia^Jit tho window bafora ah« dapartad. Her father waa now aaiiafiod that, ahe had luft the houaa to meet John, and nwolved to go himarir and aacertain the truth of hia auapicioiut He want and railed at John** bouae ; and having found thai be bad n«>t yet coine in, went away to the darkcat perta of the neighlMwrliood to aee if he could diacover whither Ihry had gone, lie had not procredoil fur whan he met two mm carrying a female. Thia waa hia 4»il|;hter in a alate of inaonaihility. She waa aiipported bjr John and another peraon. Thay convoyed her to iM hftaae ; and having applied aome atimulanta, ahe raeovarad. William Glenday, witli much aupcrity, hlanied roung Connal fur not acting honorably toward* hia daughter, whoao aiToctioni* he aaid ho waa trampling on* The other d«sfended hintaelf, aa far aa he c^iuld, without betraying Mary. He aaid he had met the atrangsr bearing her in hia ahoa, and that he aMiatcd him'meiely in oorrying her homewarda. Tho tirangur, on hia part, aaid he belonged to Leith, and llint, aa lie went along by tho entry from the aouth back of tho CaoonptD to the Abbey, ho law tho young woman •tanding with a man — that she waa aupplicating him not to do aomething which he threatened to do'; wherc^ upon, he aaid, in a th-.eatening and angry tone, that utileaa ahe yielded to him within an hour, he would lotlfa an information the next day ; and he awore he would fulll hia threat. On hia awearing, the young woman fi;ll into a Hwoon ;andlicrcomponion8iidd«;nly . dianppeared on aeeing the narrator come up to her aaaiatanco. William Gilenday could moke nothing of ^iaaldigr, nod Mnry rafuaed to any anything in oxplan- •tio«. • On the following day, twoofflcen called at William CHenday'a houae, and qhowed him a %varranl for hia ■npcehenaioii npum the h^tne, and by pa«wng«^ni going along the htreet. In quieter momrnip, she cned for Giulio Maaactto, and aaid alio would now conaent to hia oon> diUona. The people around her conceived ahe wee raving, and (wid no attention to her wild requeal | though they could nipt reatrain their leani when they thought of the extraordinary fate of the unfortunate girl. Her early and romantic lovo for Jolin Connal — the in- terruption of her marriage by tho death of her intended fnilierHn-law — hor aufTeringa under ilie terror, very far from being cauaoleaa, that her father would expiMe oa the Bcallold the crime of murdering ^er love^a pwtM,f Iheae thinga becaQie top'ica of ordinary converaMi«^ and brought tcara to tho eyea of many ; hnt no one Mi earth knew oil the aulToringa of Mary GHendey. Hm n^ftloRfl iiightH — her frightful dreama — her flold ahiawing fenra, reol and imaginary— ber dependence on lh« w«M of a villain for the life of a perenl — the ooadiMt eh* waa obliged to punnie towarda her lever for whom bar aflection had not dimiiviahed— and the nervoua atato af bo Nor waa tba poor maiden now far rran thut pMli of reat No nxlenuating evidence coold he |WapiiMi for her father ; and ihe «rial waa fix«d lo lake alMi witjuin a fortnight. Every day of thin 9«rM kitm^ her more near tft,tlie tennination of a aartaft ilmifl She gradually '^nli lo the laat atage of lift* cal gentleman who attended her^w that i " •urviwibyp^oflbatnal. )ttmr ^i, »•■■ \ ■ iPAtiS Of mE BOlfffilS. ^mmiXfAf hw ti«Jirt«ir. Ma hstl (brfodon ami raq|iv*fl •n I lho«^ h« h«il n( her — yatiiiom ciimluol. A fttnl ||liniiit«!nn| ol' lighl, hnw- •var, Ibumi ita wsjr into hm luiml ; but any htMia pni- durcd hj It WM m ■ monirnl i Icniitrd l)v ltir> iln atlful |M'ci<^i lirr ('ailiar lo b« tim murtlrivr of hif parei i, aixl liaU even taken to conceal it, If the tlld not, by waahinf the and bar (k)hcrVi eoal, afaaolutttjr approve* u( It. Wlten (h«aa ihotifhta ftne aetnaa joun^ Connal'a ■i!nd. Ha Aew (rttm iImi obji^t ofhia lavn', iieatiiig hia braaat In a|<>ny ; (tut piijr agnin rrcallcid hiiii | aaaklaa. t MrfM U) »iop hia ilaufhtri'i marrtaft wiih John CiHinal, whtah (ho •ua|ii<'tuii atiachini lo huu ctiulil n«i< fail i«# do. I waa, Leaidra, frrrd from any a«wpirl■ '.; ■ .; •«n»i»''') J^ aliliMgleat to at. Si? • •MM tff Hr«>.lM. I MrfMi hn <)«»nnal,whMl no( fail Ut do. I Inn of dain| A* roM from flhauM^ irat lipon Mary^ W fMhffr^l (MWt, I •vt4enc« agphMl hiould trrat mf m r |iiee« M« |Mdy ng Up lh« MM( ' mall ■ cMlfMt uffl Ma AwMM* d CUMlo, •Mrnlr. «va oot a i^ii MlcUfo. ^^^- , 'wfk^ti I gatMjf nth o* an aNfnr rd that will mik •r ain whHMllaf. •vo ye, if Maly lenllr, who 9^ >iwial mthad fbr- ■ta and inpiwe*- wfa grateiy to ce. sd by (hepnieu- ouni oT Cfiolio^ lenday^ awiirj; Peter Coanal, to paaiad her ihior. the eonvwraation nd Mary Oray. prov« OiulioS itnam Glcfiday ] uined lh« people to aae the ftty, (l«, aa if he hid I addition to ill 1 in bed, gam e they have been tpd. Wnitam MA in hia place. f, and htnged. sd ev^rythiftg to ahe waa aAer- •I ..0 '-If >l '* '• ' ■ ^ .•K»<» •.' >"1 ff .,'f . i'>10« « ■; ■ •»rf*l V»lt}jr ►^ T. ._ COLDINOHAM AABfiT. 4- COLDINOiTAN ABBRV, THE DOUBLC REVCNOl!. •tlheaaMMh ■J t***!**" Moot «f oar leoikMi wo doio venlura to aart hove ttltm heard or read of Coldlngham Abbey | but, for Mm eoMghtaneMAt of such •■ may ikK, wa may bo pannitlad to add, thai for Mvrfal cenluri«>a it mniiiiuxl lo ho one of the m^»»^ » Hm ••■leal •i»ha> b««r vf »[a, ~ - At laaa M Ikair ncisklMaM' iMta^.** Unlike the graver churrhinrn of moalarn timeai tkof engaged engerly in the aporta of the thaan. Siertii^ forth from i>i«r cella by breah of day, they pursued llw stantsd dear f|i>m hw corort in the wooda which ahek> lerrd tho beautiful vallev of the Eye \ and, wiMn 4ko ohaae waa over, plniilr«i in Iriiiiiiph his anllerrd head upon (he feative boanl of (he rrfnciufy. Then, erew4- ing around it, ihey <|ualifiiHl ilieir jreahloo with Hfor frooi gohleta which mantled jht|^i with the pan aod unadiilleraled juice of the grape { and eoneluiled iko buaineea of itM do| anid the dia of ** twtuaailf ro««, mi revelry." Now, H happened about the mhkMe of Ike AAaeaUk oenlurv, thai there aiirUHg up the powerful and wOfHlMf \ rian of the lloniea, who aoon licrame pr i ierio t ers ef many estalaa adjacent lu llie abbey landa, and amereiaod the authority of more than Borth*r barona over (he por- sons snd property of the greater Mft of (he inhahitaaas of what wees called the Laslent Marches. They aaoo began lo east invidioiiaeyi*a upon the rich pnaasaalmiaef the monks \ and, a favourable opportunity havieg at Irngtli occurrOil, they auccerdeti in jetting one of their family inttalled into the Mjhative oinre or BaililT lo tho Friury. From (hat (irrioirtney began gradually to ei»>^ croarh upon the power of the other offioiala, and lo approprialo the revenuea to the Airtheraaee of their i ambitious aehemes ; so that the persons of the monks, once plump and roay " with good capon lii dwindled thtwn to bo the very ghoala of what they i by reason of the acanty manner in which (heir la wna aiiiiplied. Abou( the year of grace 1487, the kief formed (he deaitn of applying the revenuee to Iho ao»- port of a splendid ehapel-royal which he bad s aeoo iy erected at Stirttag — a propooal which, if It had boM carried into eRhiBlt would hav«> for ever blasted the ari^ fiMh viewN of the usurping Homes. Thevt bowofUr* resolved not to lie so cnnily forced to ndinquieh thor which (hey had been in the hsbit of oons«defiii( ao their own ; and, forthwith rallying their vaasahi onraad them, and contemptuously unfurline their boa the batllementa of Faat Caalle, Wedderfaqfo, oad glass, they impetuously ruatied into that vtWIioii wUell cost the king his life. Hia gallant son, Jaaao iho FoorA^ though certainly indebted to tliem for Ma pwiolwg elevstion to (ho throne, when ealmly sea l ed ihev^ tmi left to meditate at leisure upon the odiooa which he had attained it, eberiahed such an ini hatred against them, that, while he .lived, he allow a single mooiber of the bmily to heU within the abbey. The fall of Prior Stuortol] by the side of hia ill-fated father, the kiii|^ vacancy, however, which the Homee, at al < reaolved upoo filling up, by installing their David HonsOy o younger brother of their obioftii«a lllo the Priorship. The Regent Alboay aooriit ia ««fak m ozeuae for auhjee ti ng him to the aaaio bleedy tUit- Wt hia two brotbeffa hod expefientSod aoon aiW mm i MP ^^»W IWI^p IMH^^R ^R^IP^^^^^^^P^ j;^ *»-i^ ^ TAUn OF THE liOllli:!!. 'm^^ia a» JsjS^ M,J :xit-i i ; 1i* •illvfVsiii uf li«jtM,aiitl •fOwr*, \%iUi w l>— ll» tl iiw kl« le to •! •flMilf, to IihI u«m mmim wy o( fnnmty iMuninaltng bim. Thta horrt •••jr l«» ■i'«4*r>l tm ika •tiMtvt <>f iIm wMnrmi ol ••(r«>la|]r antl nrcriinian •f'—^f, liMMad, w« ma^ ti« allowed to tll^nlf* with like ■■iiMi of aiii«n<--«, afaUiiiM whUll W«A bMM la Ifiior- MMMi ami auiMKatiUon. • ''< . t, |tc<-aa«<>n Ui mall* a ahort •anurvtwi (Wmi tlia munaairrjr, waa nHiirning hoinrward wilh hia «*«lr ail#nlioR waa attraolcd by ih« bodf oT a man, lying •lretoh«>d uit hia baeh u|>on th« llMiMli. II* aitpMhtd IM ha pt^feclly inaanaiM*. and «llf i«|ill«d to Ilia qiw«(lona wbidi war* pul to hint by HtMrtag rnrqucnt;an4l d«f>p groana. Ha aaaiB^d ui Iw ahaai Ih«'mi aga, and waa dfraaed in Uw garb of • Wamiiranl, ihmigh Inapaol the l«odr of the ni«*ndiranl, • do jraii aeo lo gel tb* poor wmlch placed upon a liller, and convevitl With Ba much raae aa may l>n to thn Priory, whither aetne of ua ahall ride on itrfnm, and '{"natruct I'alhfv Baiiediet to gpt auch meilicamenu preparail aa b« may dtMM moat meet for hia raatoraUon.' Having given iheae inatrurtiona, tjhe Prior rtapt uptira to M* Meed, and apeediljr arrived with a fa%v of hia re- tlHiM in tlie courtyard of the Ahhey. We waa jiiat on tka point of entrriiig into the cioialen, when he felt MoMtif auddenljr niilird hy the akirt of hit riding rlonh. Om faming round, ho diaco^Tred atandmg liehind him •n old man. who uaoally formed part of hia «*eort,the ^rtoful aapect of whoae countenaneomado him'jooli *NlM one who knew himaelf to be the^benrer of tidinga Whioh he eofiaiilered ihight lie far fntm agrccaliln. * Wbal ailcth you now, Lumadt'im V aaid the Prior, ttWMlf aMe lo reprraa a amile at the Iragi-comio ex-> of Mm veteran'* Ibatiire*] 'you look liker a |iMHl wito hto made up hia mind to go lo the gibbet, ^4lMli it Moi^ Itornought Bordaiw, aa you have liereto- ^kto awted yiHinelf.* * riWbn me, rtiy Lonl Prior,* n>plie o* ait* ) and, that, I drea, 'ill be ovret aune kamii to th* aorrow o* mony, gin yoa*H no let' me gang Itoto ii l toely to tie directioM that he i* nolo be brought ' ^Wfcy, Lumadean,* rejoinod tho othor^ * yoo'aeem to I to Uff b aeoHW dMatrd, old fool ; your laagwup it ahrouded li^ltoatei myatory than are the writing* of many of my «M tMCMnantie author* ; and Htovm knowa many of IfcMl Mt mfc i finllj i i l m iii ii — Bxpl a la youiaelf q ui ck — tfi mi latola na Mt ) otherwiae hia-li&, ba ha meii- m t aad waat of liniaoua aaala t an**." • Call me diiiard, «r balMder, or worae, an tho* IM, »y Itege \ bul I n.ay noi f..,hr«r to warn ihM againat him. Th<.ii knawr«l Janwa IUt.|>win, iha • hwAaia of Hailra, and nhat Ihuu haal lo •ipvci al)o«il4 Mmmi and h« ha|i|i«rv*|ian and ainmtor, «MM by hi^ln apeni in almly and nnrlurnal vigila. ITndanMaHi a Mt of huahy grey eyelirnwa gleamed two dark, f»mt>- Iraling eyea, IwlokenltiK iho aiipenor aharn of inlelleoMal ariiteaeaa which their owner |M»a*eaaed. Ill* er4A, and inainualing mannera, had often proved eAelent to tho llomea in quelling >he diiaenaiona wliiah Itot ' unrreqiienlly Imtke out among the monki during tkft turbulent ago. He rule from hia ae*t and mtda tlto i^uatoqary obaioanco aa the Prior entered ; and, on licing apprimi of tho object of hia viait, ho proceeded with great complaiianre, to remove from an o«|;«n chrai vnriou* iM.ttlea, conlainipg liquora of dilK>rtnt colour*, the name* and virtuca or which ho explained to the Prior an he aet them oarofully down npoii tho fable: At length, he produced one oonaiderably laryrr than tho other*, and holding it up with great HtiafactMNi before the Prior'* fare— « Thi* containeih,' aaid he, • one of the beat etizira in mf phnrinacopwin. Tia the diicovery of Henry do Cretham, a brother monk of Durham, who happening, • iome yeara bygone, to be aent hither on secular buaT hea*, imp*rtcd unio me the valued •ecret ofil* compo- aition. It i* by far the beat of my modinimenla— Ike Elixir Elixorum, aa I might call It. When Abbot Forman preaidcd in ihia houie, it never failed' to briag hhn forth out o^^a fiia of atupor whcreonto he Often* tiirea fell towanhi nlgfitfBll ; and I doubt not that it will prove equally efficaciou* ui^ the variet whom thon fountleal lying aenaeleaa upon 'the moor.* While he apoke, a noiae waa l^eard at the entrance to the cloiatera. It waa apeodily Tollbwed by a Mioek- ingat the door of Benedirt'a apaHment, ftmn iha exterior of which nn announcement wa* m*da that ikt aick man had been depoaited in the hoapilal.* TMlktr Thar* waa an hoapiul or inflnnary aUaalwd to ijtmmm tka '•>" •<'|»rinlan(trnr» of wliich waa inir Tha AlOiry of CaWKaikmn had Iwa t of iha mofiialKrioa, ihff ■uiwrintaridrnra of which waa inli one of tha monka. — rhich alood within in ttovtolB' raatadto wnirh .Innrf ..It... t.. p^-^. -Ij-i^.-, y , ^- ,[,(,! ,■, , 1 - 1 olhi«r, baiBii a hm uiilea, at Atddcaaitoa. w*a fcuWd acahMivalytodMracaplionaffopata. . 1-*« ^ »^-? . v^- ^ COU^muMAM ABlBf. I *•« liiUmit, flHlll
n |hly rami t far, •«« Um mmmt ball k»l ranf , Mc fMttaai ftati au (kt raeevarni aa to ha feMa to aaMpiaia •f ■ awiaa at aufluraUaa, wtilflti lad illni la n qu x liial dia aa aa m awl o( ih« f»in«lnw miflil ba itirtiwa tftf, to Mwtt Uia ffMili air. Wnun (liai umr, ha raltiatl mi hm fkaf (tia monk , ilnatniag il uniHH-Maary U> bIMmmI u|mmi IiIm l«Mfar, loekad iIm iloor, ami l«A liim to cwm|M«a ktiMairAK iIm ttiflit. On laaving iha apMlinaiK of l^athar li*fMiitfl«. Um pHav praaaailad UirtnigH U«a (ardana o^nut monaalrry, la«rafUa a prtirabi door, by Mhkli Ita waa la liia habll •f filnUtf ac<^aaa lo ilia apartment In wKm-Ii tia proaa- tMilad hia atngwiar atudtra ; tttit, An n>lracn In* atitpa, and rniar hj Um ncinrlpal diior, wliich opanrti upon tli« rotart- I^ard. Ilia flambeau baing ligKiad, Im aat himaalf down n kit vttilM tihambar, lli« walla af wbl«ii nrtft lln«i wMl alMlvaa of hooka and aMieni portralla of nmlnant MMlaaiaalioa and warnora. Immedialnljr oppoaila to Mm htmg two paintlnga, of much mora miNlarn dalo — iIm Itkanfaaaa of hia two unfortunaia brotlirra, whom f Kdlnlnir||h. Ho rpflorled, too, dial tha aame aknguinary meaaurra wotild bo doled out lo himaalf, ahould a fitting opportunity oeetir n( l*- vaigllng him Into ihair anarra ; and then, for th« Aral tima, did h« beatow a anrioua thought upon lha warning of tha alranger Invalid, and almoitt rrpanled of having allowad him lo he brought ao near him. Still he did not aoe, for the preaani, how any evil could aocrtie lo him from ooe apparently ao much indiapoaed. Ha Maalv«d, howvver, lo havt hl>n diamiaaad from tha ■HMiatary aa aonn aa he ahould appear to have renov- aaad auAnient atreng*h to admit of hia being removed. H« «MMKinued to revolve theae Atatiara ovtr in hia mind tHI the gloomy hour of midnight approachetl. Before rttiring lo hia couch, he thought of trying that celebra- lad •zperlment in the occult aeiencea, by which it waa iat w a d noaaihln to ^lermine the exact durMiun of an hMNvMaai*a life| and he reaolved that hia own ahould te the aubjeet of the eaperiment. He accordingly p afii l eJ to errange npon the ubie a variety of glaaaea mmI inatniiDanla oanai«iered neceaaary to ila auceeaaful paiflMmahc*, and lo delineate large circloa upon aome riwrta of (Mwdiinent that were apread out beA>re him. fiaviiw eonduded theae preparatory amngemenla, fmmt ^buimmmkkmm, Md aaid aloud to /•I aiMll iM«ir Ht htm mmy jtmn hav« yet to ravolve Up Ma head of niM ahall ba gathered together with P^m «f my teved ralativaa who have gone before «•.* *Tk«a nM»y *H Vm tpTe thyaelf that irnable, my jmA Frier," exeialmed a voice' from IwhiMd him'; all - m.$ mi kvm •Incdy iwrolvcd, Md ftw, indmid, v m C il* aand-ffataa bi Af §»m ^kmi baa* fal tilMII Knowing thia, I itaaaMM II hmw« Ib rama ih«« r«r iIm aavviae il»o« haai ahana aM •arm nf diy brtaf eitaMnra* l>a ihaaa wo*da hml baan r«fwala( wbleh ha had ImI, Mi upon whi'ioa lace pinyod a imlla of lha inmM dtalMMaal Impofi. On taaovarlng ao«i«whM from liia aMtaftaa into which an uaaapartati a vioitor had throw* mkg^ IIm frtor Ihua broke forth I ~- . $ * H^w, bnava, dur* ya« vanluro lo iamtda fiMMlf Ihoa alnMMly Into my fwivato apartmont, and at anail an ho«ir f aaid, at lha aame ttme, ha hurried to ttw i wh*fa tti« !■•« alood. In Marvh of hia rapiav. latlrr now bofal out Into ■ Aondlah laugh, and llirowiag aawia hia aloak, ami inaatng off lite mrtndiranl'a oowl, with which hia fa4-a had proviotiaiy baan in a ITWl nwaavro eoaeaaWd, ha inaianUv diacovarad hi m aalf Iv b* H itikM i u «)m chiaAahi «f Hnilia, Qwm wImm te Prior had aa much to drrad. •What aeahrot thou, my I.oril Prior f aald h% ' perrhanea thy rapier t ham it la | I fuund it lying bf thy aiiin, and a go ' diahing the rafMer, and hia eyea aparkling with llto fary of a Mfflon, * I*v« aought thee long, by night and by « mvwmI mtmH* pi«MNlinf iii« •r jravng M»dM44ii MM* km mm 4tmiminmf IIm fMad (Wnfibi •( (.'rtUia^ham «hm« all itmtty MMMglMi ^IH Mslilitf |i«wiMfaii« III* ranMiionf. AiaMMl Wtm j Indivltlimi in Itinl iti«n far lrliMln«aa RMvin^ixi iim««i briallljr ifcun iMil, in vat%mm^m>ntm «f ihr •nti<! iha r»wl arMl tf pw te r jdM>r artlaaiia, ww« bvailr o«a«i|i4H in ■Mking rapalra u\*on- iha monaaicry itaalr, U waa Mriik Iba amall vauhaiioA thai Mialnraa (irtaari Tumpnnnjr 4VM miyiitKl. DIM* i*voiiin||, l<> tieclara Io a * wpt-l-atowml fMOifu' "Char ncinhlMiura, vvh<>in Ihc briaknrM ol Iratki IMmI liN{«ir« ihn alaUM, wbrre, aatiillitiR poNjr, bn ImI iI lof^ly in lh« eourt-|nl« af Iha Ahbay. 1MM, «( cowm, at that lime, aliut, whirb (iravriiifii Io a borWinan, ihougd feni paaaengrra yald >l ail Uaiea itain admitlanra ialalha Abbay yanla % what waa called tli« Kirk-alyl*. V ' Who go«a Ihcrr, and what tUmH tvant t' lHiwl«fi mH IN Stoinaoa, lh« fiorter, who waa oruuaMl rmin hia iinbara Itf a r«w amart appliraliona of ihe faUwr'a ff to thfl tloor of hia lodge. * I *m Pathor Baaodlct, wko Wih been aent for to ■iniator th« laat oAcoa ol* the church walo a dying ; I pray th««*, Robin, arouae ihyarlf quidily; poor fellow wilt be let die in hia aina,, fftuponalWe.' / toyOA the drowny portor, whoaa brain waa atilf nvm tho «flfrito of i t « battl e m e n l a. — It waa a itohte ianic Uil tMM il«r •*nie aliriuation tvuh iho wanbra, a«4 W|li^ gn4iig a alrirl MKUltny, llw dniMrkrt« vuwrV faaj* llaw Im waa lalt lu hia wadilaiMNia (•« mom Umm. llM • MHvant appoarad and aandoatad bim into llM alMfl^ Mtin'a imManco. lie waa aitilxg by Ike window la m apartwaql al the li<|p a<' dm Iwwvr, browling aver 1I19 NirUnrholy All* M-h><-h bad Jalnly liafallan an waay o^ bia kiaaUMN, and ff«r«*lvliig bow Imi uuiUiI nMiai aai^y levaiiga 11, wlM>n iha iiiouli vniaraU. Ilia ivolio^ waaa Iboat) of i*b«; iNiiarrd rtwgrin labon k« li««rd i*f iIm auntp(ti)|Ma krrangrnionia In pro|p««n for lb« lBaiig>ia» Uun of kla blnanian'a aNceeceof. Ilia prida, loo, waa mortally hurt when lie Uiougbl nl iho |<>y wbieh paa« vailetl anioog ibo inhaliilanla of Caldlngnam, wlU| ■! any nUe, had bean no auAirvra durlag Iha nila «^ Ito fauiily, though, prrhapa, ilM>ir r«Joiriiig waa ra|iMr^HI>^ du4-«d liy Iho au|>|Hiard advantage that wutdd «|il|l fri>av,tlia iireaent in«f«a*e of trade than lioaa mf pteaai|ra felt al Uie downla'l of ihoir old awporiora. d ibta ifiooiny mrtod be had paaaaii th<* precrding part «# Ibe night, and ha«l reaitlveil-^and wlivn did a HmK$ rraojvt) In vain 1— dial Ula4'kadilrr aliould fell by Ml awiWkl. • Knithi of WedJetburn,' aaid the monk, «halk ika apirit of Ihe Homra (Mriahed with ihoea whoM tk« proud furetgner and bia immon have alain 1 la tkera BW on* atilt loA to tell bini that Scotland may nat h9 turned into a alaiiihler-hoiiae for thy race f T«ro dsya mora and Hlar^adilfr, tbine «»emy, will ba Pliof aT Coldiiigham.' > ' Ami in two daya more hia heat) ahall ho tmmi W|)oo ilie highrat |»|nna^le of ita lowtra,' interrupttd Iho ruthJaaa knight ; *»y^ and turned lowaida the waal, too, that when the Nf^nt ahall come U viatt ht», M» winiun may not be iIm> laat Io frret him I* The day AsimI for the inaialntent at length arrlaa^ AH the rminomrea, fur mtiny niilea around, were occ«r pied by groiifM of ()eC Iha appaoMhiaf e*vai| oade. Al length it came ao near aa Io ba du|iMg|r viaibie to ail, and waa greeted with load and I liniwsl cheering. — F i nt of al l * Sir Darid H Baaala^tW'aaliiaM t^" : / tt -ki i "^ET-^ f^"'^«lp iHNdHAM AURBH ii m ril rf _ ml ittm Mtnl*. Mn>w(t)l in fi><<) tlMt •*!«•», ••4 4nwil l»7 f'MM mllh ««k>i« (tvaxK A-«4f llMMWi'ii tN M VMM Iww riMMill*, »M l« •«••* «♦•'♦• r.>»dk fciNwri •Jtarf •« llfMwlii««»» •!"•• ** •••• *»•♦•*'• M*****^' «Wle««*!'»•», in fr""* "f whlrK AMhlt^ I III* «4i«t«i tt l^ithlAH I llw> IWan ••/ iho Mew I •««l Umi iww Prl«ir— all «i^ iMtr horw% •Air«#tl fMM M|t|>"r«Ml by (fHtf fmpm wha Mnitir«l by iM ■f MKih. Th« fwi^h-r p«H of ih# htwwmrn w«ri» aniMM, M • |»f»w«M«tnn»ry rti«^«im •pttnM •«▼ inlM- r«|>tt«"••« CkaMc ■nrf r>4in|U«i w#r« liirt IKIU rvnmvoti rrooi lh« itmH whieh i^j liatl to punHM. r, iha |T»ml aMn «»f ih*' H»iir«'h w«« tpl««ill«Ny ith the Nittrr* of lh«t ••!»••, nfHin.l whrtw" ■|iMf«| ami (n««i»«il «>f ai»me ■niiitviali^il fitll-l^nfth MrMlta af ika H^rnM, whl prtnta nf «Mar date, whioh, (i*r iiMira than a rrn«ury. ha*i tTfaart)* ■lrtp)M>mant aftlM cntfimnnj. AAer thn r«»l«*tinitlon of i«i«*i, at iha high altar, by tha Arrhhi»h»»p "f S«. Andrnw'ythe «mI oatha were adminiatered to, and papara munAI by ttw Haw di|nitary, In nfaaenro of the whwla aMrmMy. Ifrtthing orrorred to braak In upon the ordrr of lh« Hhial, till that part of it intar\-«n«»d, wherein it waa dKlarad by lh« hailia, or iub-prior, that the flection had taken nlar« withmR one diaaenlinK voico. At that fMtant, a Karah-toned voire rep1ia«l, from the upper of the bntliKni iMI llvw to ptin ing, * A Home ohjecta, and a Home iah j' and, on looking upward in tile i'nf.X dlraetion whanp« thia omlnmia declnratiop aefcmed to gncaed, the rpll?rted •hadow of n man in armour w»a •merging from behind one of the flulfd huttrrtwra. •alontahed liailie itood aghaal; the parchment fWim hia hand upon the pavement, while a I * Sav« ta. Holy Cirthbert V eacaped from hia 11^' Tke raat of the congregation remained for a ■Mfl^tK mttta aatonhihment. At length ailenoe wia vtlktm by Hepburn, of Hillea, demanding, in a atern tMfl< irho he yraa that dared thtia nrroganlly to inter- ItetiM Miemofiy ; at the aame limn ortlering the gatea Vl|lH^«d, iA«d the whole -monaaterr aear«he«l for Ihe I intruder. — Encouraf e i l li y h i a e x- • Koiidrad MiboeAnatea were quieklr aH in *t the liUliiil M m iny«*Mt« • kn/rh, mtd llM MiMatMlaa a4 t«»a omtmmtm^ ^•^ fw»a iht^i ^ t >"» tlia aiitrlli nf all praaaat ha\*r* aa i.> •»•• in wbidi « ntow bty aa t«auB|)i«Mi| ha|^ larmlnalVt ' _r2 On ibaMlMwtMffnianiing. the nfavt a part of lh« rauntm arbirh had ailaadad al <(«• I lati'in. In aae^claKra with lhaarvlBg the general practice of falling of t* the IffI, li.ey eonlinueti advancing onward In tha aM- ill« of the read. Perceiving lh«* liic.iinalion Ihaa n^anl- fcatcd lo n«|)«et tbta point of etiqiirtia, warn of tha horaemen (4«Maetod wKh the cavaloadr gallofrd tip Ui Ihe itarm| and irreverent e<|ue«iriana, lo ex|)oaiiihMe with them oh Mm impmprWty of non-compHaaca ih«»» wjib. Hia eihortationa were, h«mever, utiarlr diaf»- . ganfed j and, on tiaing certain lan|iiage deemed ina«M> ing by ibe parly, a acutlla enatiad. and ahonly larmliH alcd in Ibe overthrow of the uniortunaio madiaiorH— In the meanllme, the monaMir aawmMafe looked on with indilferenc*. The irmed eacort now abandaM«4 their poaition In the *•», and planteil ihemaelvea la • ilenae l»o«ly in the mitklle of the path, determined «b avenge the inault thiai offered to alaftett dignity. TW monk*, at Ihe aame time, retted to an ffltttypi • iHth removed fntm tlieroa«l to await the fCMlMi^pilMMllM. Nor did the recuaant horaemen aeem lo hlw toM. U Ikta M|»nM« (a iMM^ «a^ iIm All*) Muw, tM iiuail4«ti, aiui iM4Ma«l)r •IwrMi IIhi Am* Iff liiM whom ha had c««im to ■•*•. HmA M IM 4411^ «lMt liM tMlivkknl wk* Mlii***^ W titA i t iuTw, irMi iliai hta vtrlima w«m HvfiNtrn ih« •liWUin, •»<( Mla<^kati>l*T Iha Frtof f TH« r«ml«l, trillch waa liuig aiMrwanla know* «fw« Um |lb>«« M tfta * toaxi of I.anihpr1<>n,' ttfrmiaalatl la favntir of ih* Ma a ag . TH« h«at» ■pN-toW* In Mm nitluiuiia. . . ■ f. TgE STORY or DUOALO OLEN, ■m-* Tm tHSFHCBD Of MliirOJf. SiVltAfc yMra Imi«« now •t«pil4 iliil«ff T rMolv«ii lo ipMNi • MkMiih of Ih* MimiiMr'a vMNIIkmi in makin| • pUgrMMf* *« •onia of tba •Minra r«««nhuii|^ 'mai. Rijr •|>p* h » a v y « T* • * dwkiifr* I fimnd mfaaif eom- ia *• ia««i«r «r a ^00*7 vmM, aaad aa • iNnial frtam by *^ ap*!**! . llaU, Mi, aa i aattrtaiaad Wwm iIm # p#w pw aatf^Vb ai4<»«Ma, t^ brtmh, wkiclt latad ika Itaaa af aa wl»*>l» ihr taitll Maiitl. raina Arawllnf •!««* wttkl aalaa aatl tviutaMiar* u4 « hirtaa* Na •l««f«ai««« ' ih«a wn mm, U*4t (A •«•«** Riyaal'. aa beat ( MlNi t* a«toit.|.4ii.g to dvfiiMMf t tNV af *• •■»>«f|| aiMki NwMat toUata thai wtm Iwk aiii d la itomi'tl^ W aa«Nbaa iMaataii aT llM 4nd. t had afNff Mm M« la Uariag ib« Marealy WgiUa rb*ra«tora th«|.'4ry af lla tfeaUa an«l •* hiavritivtila u( iba ti>tmiti tmitiit df D(lMM| wtMaa awHiltivriKg aali^a rrutnl^il lMin#«iti mftftt^WI0 »•• |iru««««l Uanator to a trrap tU l—fm lit h^ •«ri|in uf«Mi iha awtai rarani af ibata MMMiaMMl^ artawU L7 Aana. Caitat^aa of Darwanlwalav. Miv RMiMiry of bar brava bail aabftwaala aa«h wImS flil «a«iH h4fmm» awldawU darbi-ttrd. I>a tamiai mmk to aarariain ih« fauaa uf iltHi. I foaad ii to b* aaaaatai^ ad bjr an okl alMiiilirtd, wMbAfMid al iia aairaaaa,. M^ liaraaU^ a gtHMi daat aa«f 1 iiaia«aa||iail ^Md having tolUd of tha (ato of Om taai of ila aa«la, I ww lad to apaab of ih* aybaaquanl laaMrvaaiiaa af lt«IL wbirh had fnnitrar Uaalad ih* hnfiaa af Iha Naaw tf Slaart. Talking of iha haula of Piaaton. tvbiah, Im a ttaia» had inanirad tha adlMrania iif iha Chavaltar wMk aiprrtolMMia of aucraaa. ih« n(d man'a fara brigtMaaad up, ami, wiUi r«*a«d*r«lil« pnila, b« U>ld m* thai kk falhar had liran ona of th«Mii tto^MMl* m««ili«iMl«. Ih«n. k«*tii| ^iimmI M «MMf cf UM Ma«t«i«M)i «<• iK«if kantUt in lh« ••!• bvltn*, Im ■l«MB In wlanw* imi iIm (MriniwanMifpcl** thai «*•« taking tiMr f«laii««« ' ••*• fraa llif Inn.t fiw»«« oraiiptail Iha |anil«> aluiMi af • hill a litila Ui tli« north wani of ihai villa^ mn •atanai»« an*! Iiiiri<:ai« mi>ra«a, ivhlrk haa now diaap* pMuad unJaf Iha intiiravamania of nio>iarn agricullura, atmehing baiwaan iHam. Thua wara iha ilval armiaa dtMsM on Iha w«i an«l fiiggy nl|hl of iha ?Oth H|wU>inli«r 1749, awaiilii| Owi a|<|irr, arriHiofiiaii to>tr«iU •fataafHlar an |TO«in(l, in |irufi)uni) r«|HMa ( whila many a \tm eourageou* Lowtamler, who hail aiihrr joinait in iba ••larpHaa tn a It nf anihiiaiaain, or (Wy rhangMl §Mr4, an loail of years, and (ha •Ward which hung unahaalhed Ity hia ■Ide wa« radd(«ned with gora, ihai llowad in a dart purpto alrDam from a In hia aido. Hia (hre mrai unaorthty pale, th« kaing eofl(ra«tod into a convulaiv* gria, reiber, r, bfiokenlng a feeling of acttte pain itian of The apaclns (for aur.h it waa) gfidad to- ' a^Mit where the chiaAain waa ■illmg, and then §lti*f hia loHralaaa eyea upon hint, he pronoun<'e« MiiMtt, aM4 r«ftal>rr*«j •*•#! »tut% •iHiM Uim aNMTliva, lhf1M Ml •Iranga a ttghl. Plifltig iM *k an ikM aiiatif*, aad la t la ad af daiHiiad at Iha afi|»alUng annMii«la»i«Ni, a Mi4a itt m^ ■Ma |rfayail %»p*m hi* aga,! frainrvai and, a« rapMain hii afwa* h, |M*i aa itu* a|t|i««MMMi waa f^idii^ MlW algM, h« caltfily •irlaiUMNl ' HfMi«iM ' fihaaiiNM I Ht whwva* Ukhi an. wtm kttk ihua kiiMMf aoaia lu warn am of air ifg>irt^h way iIm in \wmr0.' W^il« ha a|M>k4i. ih« «|MitiM im^if »awjd>fdi>i^ •« ii» kmm »«d a Iha opmimm ii* ftwif • li^^ l« Imiw|m4 hi deep WHiriiing, mm mm l | ipi M l l l M a gloomy aMivant, at the ponal of wkiah liiiad • tf awna atMiad in iha wnaaksMaOtHai gutt of tfi* hood. Aa tha Agiini id«lenly diapellod aa _ inaaier overcast with a Itxik of unuauikl aadafaa WMh* out paying mueh attention to the old man, arhoka^Mir iniruiled himealf into hia praeenca, Olai^reaall MBl^ aued hia perambulatiuna, anfagad in the aaaa #*MV reverie aa pravioaa to Dugald'a afipaaraaea. BfA time, daylight ha^advancojao far aa to I which continued »o U»m on tbc flaar af ika i ailOfeUier auperfluoue. Tbie qniahlf i aotiea, who remarked, aa ha rBltaguiakwi llM WMIh Agfoi. that it M-aa •< aaMher laair »or laa liMa ^mV ane'a menieo to .uee baiih day aa* imeh Mfb* tlklm aama time ;" and thia ha did ia a laudatt "C ohiofly with a view of rouainf bia riae, that he mi^^t aaearlaia rtii^ & ' %. •♦ g l fAUt tMMIlii^ It mbM^ mm mm§ Mmni •" ^ ^t^m^mhi iBMl l)M*i*f wii n t 4 . aMt i p witt y m»«h«»*« •••• •*■»• •iMMlik mM u> «M vMfMUa ««*•• • Sm, IIw|«M. ]f«M M« ^«»«%lf aCoM* I •!*«, rw «•••, •MM AMMMlMa MMta ka*i<*«Ml tn HM ll|^. M>H» MM *• IMW, '^^^lili pam kmmm,' mftaml iMfitU, iNiw i i n •«•• aa'f I j»i* K <^u^ will '■■ t*!* fnm ll<>a«iir'a Ibiw ^ t fW llMl Im4 hMn < lH|WWWt t»V tlM ftp- I «f Mt tMMMtflMt I ' axii at no i»*Ut4 •liiring mf > lA SA I £mi4 iMf<«lf iii>in< aM« •>? (HMinf i*|>l JHawuftl i«anf«ttiy, (ban lf»ci«]r. Hiit, If ni)r fittw Iw, |M»i|iiirat| I A» 4H«« tiM «dln«r fivm mf Am« ( ai^ aUal il kmwf tttmm mm aitkNtgh Im funli* vvitry ttrnft nf Mrtttil )n My ««4na i b«( lhq«, an* !■ that fearaonM nmMMV juat whnn youV on •* Mag laatanMi I0 ft' your ancMNii honmira MmMm. O my^Hir ittBiai#r, lull mm If any or thino, an' aulwM' worn I* amita nn our ill-atarrtMl Umtm ; but IMm cllMrwiaa lirUtrmtnmd. Koweirer, my i HMl, U kt mh bath Umn leA fropi tb« wreck to iww t» apMid ika ratmlnilar ol^ thy tlaya in p«af« I take Ihia, I)«MM'~haldin| oiit to iha old at whksb, bowvvvr. h«! fnand wilhoMt it — • Ihia ia all I will bn ililc In l«av« ■ltd fatlbful Urtrictm : t>m I »»ill ap^afc %f htkmll, Midi br, I doubt nnt, will I MM (Maf* adl I «»b«l I bam aitaM hM ki«i NwitoM Ihr Nbi bMi 119M bf iba ha««| tHk* •««r lb« •kMinfa «/ iMir nM4' Taba lb« MMb* yt j h ij|i fc» t jr win Ma tt yrw i «»k«n »««• •«• «Mt O Mf f^» imum I M* h l^w y«m ihtnb itf liliijl ■ 7S^ a a>« M I* |M< a«.| h«f«|»n tf P* Ik. ytw Ihlab tli«i H S>rJ I l«..-._.i.t «li__ -^_ t<. n ».,- «- • .' ■ . ^B "■a ■ ly llnd al4 tMltl Ihif*!'! tiii<«i ean lUa afWr Hia Aral atNlonly tar b»« |Miriab<-| f Ha, n«», my l^wl j lb* aan** Mitt ihtli ^tttLtate ihc nkm at (Ikai^vncli •''oiial|ii In MMl MN«bi to Mf |>«itr t^ttblT |M#N. O ntv pitir mtkmi\ mttm m»i ali««itil ba« n»#d m mm ihia ifay f^ • TV'« •« wn»«|,' aald Olcniiirrnrh, al ronraal lita ani>iil»n, *iii0» ui wnrng, aHy man j ih->M nxf rat yrt liva Iq «■• mafty a rHi|>fiy 'hi, an.! II wjm futly In lh#« M hMllft* Ihywir l<> Iha UA, waotvad In ahar« t%| IblM in|>iiWaa no«ir arr«*«i0ch««itd<>r, Vrhll* alhlaabla afiglad a nmaay allvor hiliiHi br«ia«Jawonl. Ilia cotin- trnanro waa li|htcn«xl up hy a Mnila ( and immadtattly h« hrgan to diaiiMHrw wHh iho rhltf mapMtlng lli« apprtmohing rontfat. During ihla Intorvlow iha'^aNar at^nwd to havi* rr|tiin(>d liia furmfr apirtln, amifing, ami fv^n laughing at iIm^ hurnordia(i>ly. Th« fttlit, hoVKring In dvnaa cloodl over Ihfl.intarv^niflg itioraaa, prrvrnlcd cither army fftim diatinrlly nliarrving lb** movcinrnla of iha oUiar, ao that, bv Ihn aid nf a firrann wfll ari|uainlrd with (lk| gmund, ih« Iri^opa of Prinro Charlea wtrr onabM i^ Cfofa the m*nh without ohatrvalion, and to dmif | aelvpa op in onler of btitia. A aeeM of f eonfuaioii p(*rv*d(Hl Ihn royal nrmy, wh«n lh«, yellt M^neby tho Highlamlrra rommonrcd th« ar too truly pmwd that the h<>«lgir. whirh they (kneli ihfT aaw hr-foro thfm, grailually liornminj morr rnnapin i mia aa t ho d a j apprw«••( Aitio** •*m4^ Ifc* AHv alMMWMH rtt^ «^ 1^*' «•««»•••») WMtof, wlliate twiliai pffirTiriiiB|i i*' nHMMiiiiMM. TM k«»« «l»««g*»iim m< H«toi. An4 «l Him wn i1«« tKMk,WA m liM MW'UMllanM •!•«( wNw tM Ml* • Hlir"iM>'i>* ^""'^ '"^ '^ lM«v«il rim tmmfKif tniMfA Nf ifnfMy wtinW«t pomMr nttf m « Iw) rM««« fV<>ti« tii4 w«H«r« i «•«' tvlilf h • awiiiary inuMffi fiMlfW* Hid l««i*lir «l|>«t«hra nf li)« It'ihful Mi««ttr, IlnfitUI iii«n, AM Ut* ^ya Ik* •WMlng «i4' Umi iky wNimm wtif n- h«d (irMwl «• ntot If Ur fwrant, iM lH« Mr lUbn Umt* Um k»wg« «f fli«Mifan•! «r'i«*! Iha |»nir«MNli«g< of iKn t'riai lak« uf Oiirrwb, wIi'« •»<■, iho Mnai« tnm bar aarlimit chi):r<'aaiHl ■ « tha atgnt; — tt iiir.H'aaiHl n oncfl moft obacufed by a licnao niaaa of Ij. ikmimk interval baioi rtatkrcii y«l more «li»> dk* «•!, «Mi iM 0tm i«a4 >« t*iii||^atMM, IM mhmk iffH ••natMMinf A« •pt* IImH h«4 •««« iMsl ll« a«M*a««f llNii wklil r*|^^ fM*i«« llm >Wi Mt ^li^ w^^K^^t^ ^ ^^m^K ^■www'i i^^^^p 1^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ iMIaba^tlM aawlaf ibaaiMllliltlliglli MiM )iMi niMi m •!■»««« ib«i iMH^iwr laM Hi tm fMM nNMMwrf UI «Mty ifcta wytMr •iwi UMMAPf M fcatMft» ttkh* •>« hi* way iM Um ati»««, aii>l l« in(hf ibal iMW ««h«r ihait t)iir |Mtt«AniiMr»a, Mta miiI««t«<.ii UMnN* MM IMiM to p niiMi nara to tli« fatrM* wauWa of tiUMa MiM* Vitna Um iat« whueh haa lr«t>HiWf aiarilMl hy iIm l«ai lotMi 0^ ik» aiiailbar. or au^riiat«rally influ«n«*4, nimt km lM>a<>|imI wiUi i*oinfWr»ti«ni><>m|Mia«if« iifwi tb« Iwing wb«M« vmj ■^itroai It haii w NKiriai* »«b«n in tKo |iraaanc« of tM ihf plaro t Thdy , ind UmJ^m wbom Ao« art qpaWi^ have found a aoiiuti-brn^^Hiba baMknAald af tb< ht m laiuWr, and itwra in fivaea akall tba laal abMW* «f Glangorroc^ raat frum hia warfaraf Tbf wvrit af Dbomch nan Dbu ia now at a rioaa ( and wMb j e« | iifi i ig. i amff,' fiintinyed ba, atU> poii rtHift wb<>f« iha fim wna now naaiiy mnUn^pit'ti*^ *< pai^ tba loat mt of thy foihar'a clan \* M' .% <^^ 4^ nt *m V "Ugfif ' e TAIJW *W Tfffi Bffliwms. *^'B«vfng thw wpakmtt hm pUngJl, hMii-fomnoat, Into ft* tthc { ami (U nivertmraliitn of on« •nlitarjr ahrtek, MB» g Hi* •«irn>un iafonuad. Certain il ia, however, that Trunt that period bar health and lieauty began to wane, nolwiihilanding «11 the efloria of U.owt who lent iheir akitl tu ullrcl ■ eura I ami prior ^o her rntcring a fiiroign riinvnnt, not mmay niuntha arierwaniii, buiIi on wrrn latiiillar witii kUf incod in ihe incohrrrncy of lier diwourW| which tlwatft had reference tu that fatal meeting aiMMfitable ^^ — in her mimi. ' . .V I THE tOCntr WAIT. ~ iliwatook upon the title of o«.r tale, now t+i|t we , kaw written it, we cannot luppreaa athuddt;rofharrar. LMtMm handwriting on the wall, Il aeenia typical of I mtmry, ravdutiiMt', and death. Kevolution and death, t i* we aajr t What revolution, in tho common aenae •f (be tttrord— tfre mean in a political one — was ever pnedwctive of mich deplorable elferta, aa ihut moral rev- aliMion U» which the bottle bean the aocial manT— what death, viewed merely aa a phyaical evil, ean be - WMi pared to that moral and inlettectual deatniction to #Mch Ihe gootirfetlQw ao often aubjecia bimaelf 1 It ia «o pdMlion o^ the evil to "aay that Um aocial man ii M by Ihe beet aualitiee of hia heart, by the nobleal ftrnmea of hie intellect, into the (wth which lead* to utter NNtubedneaa — to (emorae,diae«a0, end premature death Ib IMo «rart«l ; ami if the combined tnalimony of reaaon ■ Md M««lntfon ba alMcient to eetoMiah any fact— to pimMii^anl iA the next. Oar faoukiee are good or bad •oearding ae they era cultivated or^ controlled ; and w^ , Mmiotwethnt the onreguliied locial feelinga which jjj* •«!»••»•• plunge into diaeipalion, and to drag hit ■iMpMiiMMf with him into the gtilf of vice, are a whit MM iMHHnitW fenHtil than the uAiverially execrated "^ tf[|i«le him'' to plunge a dagger into hia .. . . , bwy il in the boeom of hia fellow-cm- 'Wm' On liie contrary, they aeem calculated to produce •||MgiMi(eriniMhief, and, therefore, are more worthy OT fMMml deprecation, in the same drgiee that a aecret 4ll|MMia naoro daerving of aniveraal abhorrence than an MmtNtW «N« : Ihe one ataiida forth with an open defiance ill§lilflll|N>lil dnwn beftire the eyeeoT hia victim, who t^ftlUtV%imMtbf flight or conflict— the other ** amilea MOTWkUJM| knd mnrdera while he amilea." C_|5^ ^"y "•**• helnga have we known, deatroyed Mi»te^|||*4lapew waa but a dight » - : ■ by OT1W rareawt | hm, jwiwllj, t>d with m4<(ir.n, Ihe victim revolved in a wUiar mIhi«i mora remete from the orbit of virtue, unt^l/ai leegll^ etraplnfenltrely from tti« attrariion which had held him in mt jiMt |talh, he ftll, with and Irrvai*- tiUe veltMity, liit.1 (tio (haiirlcaa void uf vice— die dB|| chaoe of crime. ^^ Oiir heart «ickena aa we paia in ravlew befoM W9ll^ nNiiibera of o»v early fnenda who have run thie tenila e«reer,whu now ftll timelcMi gravea, or era vol in llM tend of exiatence, bearing about In (heir beaodia a living hell- whoite hrarta am already aepulchree. And, bm that we Ihoinht the relation we an about to delivOT, may be of wrvice to some who, already tUndingon A« brink, are not fully aware of their danger— but tliM W* conceived the lain of latent, generosity, and weUlL niiacrably deatroyed by the unrcgutaird aoeial le«lia|% may arrvat aome kindred apiril in ila path to.unanltol|i4> li*d miaery— we ahould yield to the A^ipfi which iif|i in to fling down our pen, and give u^netvea md la •orrow Aw the departed. William HiJdell wa« the only aonaraahephcfd,wM i^lwitti ii|M>n Ihe moortanda that overhang ona of IIm inhutariea of the Tweed. The old man waa ona eT ihoae obaracten which have been ao oOen and ao wdl deacribf'd— a atem, grave, intelligent, raligioua Sootdoll ahephenl. The broad Lowland bonnet did not eovar a ahrewder head than old David Hiddell'a ; nor did tkt hiMldon grey coal, thmughout wide Scotland, wrap • warmer or more boneat heart. '■■ Hia honenlv waa inanileat to all-^lha warmth at Uk feelinga- waa latent, and required to be atnick by atrong emotion, ere it waa developed exlereally. .Theoollta^ Influencea of nature, when hahilvally contemplated la M« more wild and aolemn aapecta, aeeiin'ealoulaled to ■» *' mind* of g.Hjd natural rapabilitiea, biit which aia out from Ihe aocial arquiaiiion of knowledge, intof like that of David Riddell'a. If ihey all, lika the natki* which haa breathed ila apiril into then, wem oon** what rugged and atem, they aU^lihe her also, baar tl^ •leitipg eump of wnceriiy. The «lementa, whiab » wm nol.'flatlerera, but rounaeirora.t||ilit feertnglf nar him what he ia," jire hia faoiitW rrmpaiilonB a the rertiote valleya, and along the precipifooni ■idea, ond upon the wide nioorlanda, their ' power leada him to look with awe ap to tMrCiaalpe •nd ennlroller, ahd homility also ia ImpiTaaiid apaa him ; but with these, a confident reliance on tha m«m and l>enevulence of the Being who rrgalatea titem, U naturally nroduced : and thus it ia, that, with thig aw* and humility, a alavtah fear ia no portion ofhiachanie* ter ; for he has been in the heart of a Ibaqiand atliilL and has yet relumed aaMy to hia eottace ingle^lirlSi braved the atorma of many wintera,andallNlDok% wMi a prophetio eyojMpon the freah gre»n of apptaadi^ ■pnngs, and Ihe Virp4 Ut-nm H«w «vi^ M tiiia mT Um IniUi t— The «w« bnlial «hal (Hivartv ami iml ahutthaahyp- hcni'a mrm h> tha l«v«liiiaaa of iiatura -ti»r i« it inia, liiat, bceaia* Ha ia ruda in M|iee4-h, and p«i rxitraaa, that wt ahali, wilhoHi ■pnliigy (^>r tha length uf tli« quuUtidii, rvpaat IritworiU: — - -^ ♦* Oi'ojBii tnut hmh •! rtt •w* •nouhl wppoaa "ti^ la* gr««n ••iUyi, tixi ih« (Iraaaw and riMiluit i Ara tking* iiHla : ' Pl'M*. wri«r< wllh rh««-r'ii<)>a — whiob hair* iai|>ra a» ai Mo many lnai<4«nla iipna hla miiid, Of h4nl«hip. akill Of 'o!a a nn ; >h«a« lalila, Ui*aa hiila, Whieh ara hia li»io« Bfin«. a»»n mora Thaa hia n«n Mmid-whai could ihay laaa*— ha*« laid Hliwiii hnid OH hM alTrniiona. ara to hiia A (daaaarahla faalliw of Idind la*a— Ta« plaaaur* whiih Ihaia ia ia lifa ilMir." It was with thU wall-wnrinji of quiet happinaaa in his hiraaM,th^t David Ridtlrll hadgtioe from day tu day Bjaoiif hia flock, and returned Ui hia cottagr fireaitle. Hia wife Banhel waa one of thtMO wnnten ff wi o n. Mtaritlwtanding the hadi ual diaoontrtit and aneen of ■M, iImmv ara thouaanila in Ihia wnrid, iii thia kingdom, Mf, nioaong our own B«>rder hilla^-who, like the etan at hMv«n during Uie daylight, htild An their courae ■oiarleity^jind unaren, but ara, neverlhele««, ahining .with MMirMt and aleady radiance, everr one in itaplare, ^ip tbe flnaaiment. Plai*.id, pioua, and cheerrul; with a i^iilUl but kind heart, that ever and anon dittjilayed ita wroffcing^ in tlie aweel light of her eves, or in the * Iwrt— ii»i» * amilA that arranged her ■till lovely fealiiraa telo the afMQtetfy of brnevolMnoe ; in adveraity— for •h* had Inat ohildran, and had known aickneaa — in ad; waiitjt p«>««at and reai«ned { in praaperity — foAhf ir toaka biid flouriahed, and many of their harvf^itii had hMM abundant^n pmaperity, not loo much elated, but kappf with a eatm an' I grateful joy } finally^ poaaniard flf • (BMtla and trtrbeanng natura, which randered foaaroiMM tha ooeaaional atrmnera or imtihility of h^ r i ipi b aad, and tarned inaenaihiy aaiiie the ahaAa which ■ii|hl bava otharwiaa atnick dratHily at t^ir doneatie pnaa :•* aiiob araaihaiiaftnaroflhejpyaandthaBharer iCIht aannwa at Darid Riddell for abov« a quarter of l^jaMtatj^ ThiMWtualed, it cnuld not ba but that h« 1 (Iwit y^appy maa. for, thouih cara aad trouble kia diraUii laiig ramainaid | nor da (bey avtr aaw t laaa le hauiii $ lutiia* in «vhu-h |M> follow hia father amofin the (Wn^ka, they became iaaeparnlilc ; and it waa licauiiful to tiehold tha old man laying aaide iha gravity and aleinneaa of hia natura, and ranewirg, with h!a lillla boy, tha afNUta wliioh the lapaa of h>*|f a century had wcllnigh awapl from hia memory. They amiglit out lO(>e(her the n««f of the lapwing and the miNirfowl ; they ohaaad tha humble bee over the heath ,in Company ; or, loitering down the mnuntain atreama, aKniaied each other ia tha purauit of tha a|irckled trout. The old man taught hia boy, amitl the aacluded glcna, or ii|^n the naked hiU- topa, to nintlulaie hia voire to the hymna conaecraiad In rrligion ilifiHighnut Scoltaml { the rich melody of tha ' Old Hundred,* or the * Marty ra,* roaa m concert from Iheir Mpa ; or, perhapa, the ageil ahepherd played on tha ainiple Scoiiinh flagenlel, on which he had l>cen, in liia ruuih, a akilful' prrformer, anme of the touching aira of hia mother-land, and then, placirgihe pipe in William'a handa, aaaiaird him, by kind rncnuragrment or '•kilAd rabukc, to follow o«| tlte beautiful atraiu. Thua tbay lived Uigetber — > r ,; jl,^^.% " A pair of friaoda, llMHh MM Waa yeaii^" ' '<-■'#), And Mattbaw MVanty-lwo." /> Linked cinaer and clnaer together hy thea Mfat aafu- ral liea, they wrra happy, and their all fati a * IM* tba grateful theme of all the inhabitantaof the valTey. A little incident, which occurred, in William'a child- hood, bad determined hia father to raar him for the mia- ialry. While yet only five reara of»f», he waa fouqd one day by hia father, with an old family BiMa upmi hia knee, anme of the leavea of which he bad Inr* out, and waa arranging aAera faahion of hia own. Olt^ be ng aaked by hia father what he waa doing, he rs- plied— ** That he thought the Evangeliata diArad > aome portiona of their hixiory, and that he waa lr}(fl|g to Jliacover wherein the diffimnce lay.*** The old 1 retired with ■traaming t;ca } and, froal that laa w^-^ '^'S'^^2^'''- •*■ fMMmmM itts. \(k* •f «iil, vowvd lu Willwin iUl.l«ll MmhttIc* of Uod. An Iw gfww in yMra, h« tliaplajrcd proofi of taUnt «rh)oli MionialMHl ili« •ti«|ih«nl, ■ntl lo hia MIImi btlla, which h« hml not c«U«l>niU>«l in wmg. Hit pM WHM alwajra i«aily to aMHit (lie ■he|ih«ril l*iii| Utile tyrwita of iha vallny had, nidre than onca, winc«)d •Mkr bia aatira or ridicuta. Tha old man, aa wa have ■aid, rvjoioad in the geoiua of hi» aon, a|M| had alwaja, til bU anipla pu«l Mora of lim young pMI** aroduoinina, wlt^rawilh to rvgalli aut'li of hi* com|Mn- MNM aa choan U> li»iaa. H«clu4|,|io\yiWer, with a niont prophatic eyr, aaw,tn the vivaciiy^iir liar boy'a naluw, Iba germa of aa much grief at joy tnV ahakn lier hond ami Mghr whittf her hu«- kuid and hia l'ri« doep a debt of Uive. The laM word« of Davln lamplaiiiHi, LuU, I ptmf ||mi ikoa ijr«»t tw«i in mind the life th» fitlhar* h*ad, ihalaauia, , bcinf Inaoeenl, did, for Baatir ilwai in good daads ' :%'■ .Tho old elMphar^ and hia aoajmd never been aepa- nlod kr a aingie night} now Ihey parted, knowing «liat onanr montha muat el^ae before they could l>choid ttn« another again. \t woa a bitter moment, though t^ of Um aamu of joyful anticipation. TlQWIl? llid token hia farewell embracej and, with .^nmpM itrfM, had walked haatily away to a little -^^■HilMe ; he turned and beheld hia aged father itill "*J>^it»f on the apot, with claaped handa uplifted, and ;«jr«i fixed intently on hia own receding form. He waa ig f il l to withatand the eight ; he ruahed back aiain, %id thraw himaeir in an agony ot affection op^ the |M iUB*a acck, weeping— though a manlier hwirt WMbted MtVmeping like a child. Bqt, at length, c*''^f ' "^Ater heart never entered into the IriiiMM oT iUUir<> than old David Riditell bore into the _1IMNi9t«int «» thai •venihg^-a purer never left the 'ltao«Mee of the country for the crowded city, than hia '«« mnMd with bim to the metropolia of Scotland. Tor fiw 7«arB William attended college during the ^»llur waa rrmiirad by tha aid amaaaed a aulk-iMit auaa, with It waa not that man | hia m«derat« habilo, to make him indc^MwdMili b«t the aight of William waa plaaaant to tha agad ahayhatd, among the hitU whrre they had ulayed tufithafv aad which wrro coiiMcraiiNl to (hair aflrctmna. Th« yowig atudant had
  • iiiigtiiiihreaa«fVd an4, upon the whole, happy, ao tier dealli-lMMl waa tranqoll and reaigned. She had rejoiced with hrr huaband, i« the promi|iAf^rare«r of tlieir aon ; and, aa her dim oyfla deavriodhiN mistily Turm bent over her in an atlituda of do«|M?at grief, ahe could icarcclv but feel her natM*! oorrow at leaving'^im, quenched in the glad aaticip*. lion of hia fHture fHumpecta in lift. Yet the mioary whieh hia anient and' inMginalive nature migkt iallol unon him waa atilj nqt ahut out from her mind, aai almoat her la»t wnrda WBro to warn him againat iodal- |iiig it too fiir. She died, and the uldahepheni and hia •ili»n woro'lefl lo otiempv to comfort each oihor. Wil- liam woa about again to depart to Collefi. and iw Votdd fain have had hia father to give up hia dutioa aUd accompany him to Edinburgh. He dwelt upon hia VreaainK U>eblet>eiiK, hia age, already beyond the commhn lot of iimn, tfio aolitude to which he would be lofi, tlio-x|oinfort Ihey would be to each other if togeth- er. To nK, ihia the old man replied—" Comfort, my boy, there ia none fur ine in thia world, except in iIhm. (Jradually the circle' of my love haa been narrowed : flral, ray own parenta, then my children, lent, my belov- ed Rachel, have Iwen awe|)t nway ; and now thou only art left for my corthly nflfectiona to embrace. Gladly for thy take, would I go to the city ; but I think theoo hnia could not l)car to look on another while I lived — thia cottage to thelter another ahepherd while I am able to fling my plaid around me. It ia a foolioh (hney t^ an old man lo cherieh, yet I cannot l>id it depaH. Go then alone, mv deareai lad, and leave me in Ibaw ooener, which have become part of my being, to per- form the duties ia which my life haa been apent. And atill romenit)er, William, when tomptationa aaiall tlioe, or bad men would lead thee by the coida of venity or friendahip into vice, that there la a grey-haired men among theae hilla, whom the tale would kcnd in aorrew to the grave — n heart, .that for twenty yean haa beta fed by ita love for thee, which would break to know thou liadet become unworthy of that love. Firewed ! ■nd may that good Being who haa brought me in oeftty out of the heart of a thouaand atorma, preaerve thee Ax>m the deadlier tempeata of tt^ world of vice." William returned to CoHege, With a heart aofta^id both by grief and love. Strangft, tfaatont pTAiiavilflte- aome state of mind ahould have BprungtbeeieiikMite «f wretehedneaa and vice! Yet oo it wia. Ho had written a poem on the auLject of hia late eflietioKMd had breattned into it tlie vwy aoul gf iottow. TU wild end beaatifuLaeenery amid wbksh be dWelL and whieh he loved and knew ao well; bnd alaojiv*^ i«i htiet to the language and the thoB|hte4>gj ' ri«A end nowcaUivcted taate ii .1 _^_ 'ifV» I 4 ■■...-■ ■■ THE lOCIAL HAN. m. ■f !• k\t ««mli«ra MiNb fMMia wm at MM arigj- ad, eliMW), and tmacinM^ i it |piinnr< iful ailnii- ratiM. H« ainariiMl'into a •«» worid, Uhi bMuUful •ii4 datalinf fiir him at Unit lo a«a hi« tvajr ciMriy ikoMtih lU maam. Hia umioul>««d |eniu«coiiiinaiM(«d the nMiMct of «h« m«n— bi« manly (celinf, and th« iiiltfinuouafiloiiiwncoorhia addreia, |irraeiiily madehira • diMnfiiiahed f«v«(iri(a with ihn rumalo portKin uf hia •cquainlanre. TU/t tone of hia thmighia and fcalinga undartwnt a parfeot ravotulioo. ()i«c« iiitru-. •ia of inaecU. He fell aa if he were a deniwin of iho clime in which he now luxurialvd^ and aa if, till now, he had been living in a foreign (and. He diaoovorad, l« hia amaxement, ih«t thoae great atien, whoee very MiMa he had been wont to utter witli r«vorrnce, and before whoM glance hia eye had been acruatomod to fall abaahod, were the moat eaayt familiar, and com- munieative companiona poaaible — (hat acarcely one' of them tvaa a<) nevere in ihnir moraUtf aa hia old father — that they liatened to hii« opinion* With attention, and replied to them with reapoct. Then, agnin, among the ■atellitaa of (beae literary^ juminariea— tlioae whom, till now, ia the reflected light of (heir primariea, ho had been wont to behold with re«pect, and tlinoat with envf — he preaenviy perceived weakiHiaa, dimneas, and aberra- tion ; and he perceived* alao, how copable he waa of oiilihining them all ; or, to apeak in lesa metaphorical phraae, he found among the leaa diatinguiahed literary paraonvwho haunted (tas Ubiea of the great, a (iegree of ignMance on aubjecn of general acienco, a alnviah- Mia of demeanour, and a neUy jealouay which he eould not but deapiae, and which it required very little poMtratioo lo perceive that the great man deapiaed •Ian. He aoon acquired, therefore, a coiifidenco in hia oarn jtowera, and a conacioua reapect for, I had a I moat aaid pride in, the rectitude of hia feelinga, to which, till ■oir, ba had been an entire atranger. And if auch waa hia aueceaa with the men, hia conqueat over hia owa timidity, in the.preaanee of women, atruch him wMh jrat grealar aurpdgi, He who had been ncoua- lomad to faluah and look down liefore a peastant girl, p raae a tly found himaelf able lo gaze ateadily into the ttjm «t a aoble matron or maiden, uridazzletl by the feweil«d coronet upon he^ brow, or Uie yet more bril- lat eharma in which nature and art had arrayed her brow, and oack, and boaom- The witdherr of woman iaaU hor loveliaaaa, inatead of, aa he had often ima- (IMd, eanaing hia heart to aiok, and hia cheek to bum, Md hk toague lo be dumb in his mputh, awoka the latent powanf of hia nature — it'thrilli^ hia heart with MnHii^ admiiation, and filled his eyes with a hold, ilMdr radiaDM, and poared fron} hia lips the eloquence wMeh fNiialo loTdinMa mh alone call forth. His i waa ohMgad — that ia, the external develope- for hia hMrt, rnmained the same ; o»»a«fi. rich pMla of it oallod on hia loMgiRaiioa to Mfi tray tlt« old aolilarv ahepherd, amtd lh« hilla of hia Mf* ' hood, or to racali the aimpte atralna which hia fa^bar had taught him to play u|M>n ihn riNle H<-o(tiali pipii. At lh« puriod lo which wc rvfer, the lileraiy soetaty of Kdinliurgh waa by no maana diMinMiahod for lla. atiMtomlouaiieM. A " good*^ fallow, and a e1«ver o«0k wrra almoat aynonimous tcrma. Sir Waller ScoM, hi his novel of ** Guy Mannoring," has matchlaMiy il|». QribotI the convivial habita of the Seottiah Advoeaiaat Iha habita of the whole literary aoeiaty of Edinbuifh ware pivily aimilar. Why ahould I detail tha rircuro- atanoaa of Wnliam'a aaduciion from a«liri«ty 1 Tha example ,uf tliow whom ho had l»e«n accuatomad lo adniire, raapect, and love { the gay aallies of hia yeang- ar aa«>cialaa i the witchery tf tha aoeiaty of ganioai the flowing foaling which followed tha circulation of thn Im)wI I th« aong, tha apeoob, the aiory, the flaah of wit, tlio joeoae roll of humour, and, above all, tha fo^. giving approval (for how elae ahali we deaignala ill) of lh«* jjuliea— all anaailed him ntonee, and, beneath iMf, altacka, hia reaaon ami laaolve, -^ ^ < . _ ■ 1 >• ' "Tttat aolumn of Iru* OMJMtT i" Niaa," ' 1) ' fell. Aga, wiadom, youth, wil',^ humour, friendahip, love, and bMitty — what could a raw ahepnerd-lad op- poaa to all ihoM t *' The rcqueat of hia aged father, the injunction of the moral law, tha direct command of God I" aoino stern, tufkapt good man may reidy. Wil- liam Irird to oontroi hia career by meank of iheaaj^^bttt the attacks were unceaiing, various, diatracting— th« defence waa in the hands of one, and be, alaa ! too ol^en dispoMd to admit the en^y. We vyill paia rapidly over thia part of our de|)bned friaftd'a ealMT. He mingli^d, at flrat aparingly, at length more fteeiy, in the convivial habita of hia new frienda } he bit th« thrill of friendahip} he waa keenly alive to the soeial glow which tha bowl awakens ; his heart also waa elated by the love of men of genius, and his vanity g|f> tifiifid by their loaidy expressed admiration. Unfiwti»> nately, he enngad to write for a new periodical whieh some of his fnendi were then altemptlnc to establish. Amid the solitude of his nadve hills he had experienei||l the grateful and rapid awakening of noble ideas ; ha was surprised to find that, in the city, amid the distrae- tionl of ambition, music, love, and wine, ha could onU now and then call up bis natural powera to hia aid. Ha had pledged bimaelMo support the new miM|m1 to § certain extent ; and, in order to fulfil ma prMilM, n the instigation or an acquaintance, he stimulated uiM» self to its accomplishment by means of brandy. Thta wan the first time he had ever drank ardent spiritt for the sake of the effect which they produce. Tne Mpn which he had written was universally admired. Mi sale of the periodical was varr much incrraaed bjr Ha influence, and he was plied by the propriclon with new and lucrative engagements. On the very morning on which he had received (bM* proposals, bo also received * latter from bis aged hdMr, Informing him, that tha brother of the old matt, wba was enpgod in commerce, and for whom he had aoOM time a|o become sure^, had failed, and that the whde of the little earnin g s of hia paK life would Ui imdwl •■« . toiiquidatathedebU ^*^.' «<«; % '1».. ij^-ihiV ^ TAttt ' J^WWIiW MMM WMl tM pfn|MMBl 6f tM prapHMnra "W Um magaatna, •rd wMto lo iha oM man a laiMr, pinijr ol roiKtolKnra, but mom itf iriuiii|>h. Ii« «viia «)«iNMl |fnenl ; thn wardith of friaod- ■llip wUh which hw waa iiial, Ml gralclull/ on hia ap(ril| tlM I^M and glory of all«etMl power, combined to malia the ■peiM faaninnling ; M went mora and inoea'inbt ao<>i«i- '. tji H beeama mora and more neceaaary to bim— he ra «onW man. Hia (kther waa a aiiwifR, I ^ad Mt a^id a lampular uae oTlhe wntd, it waa imfp»9ibU /or him ^^^ reaiai the impartunitiea- of Ihnae who preaaed him to pa«(ake of their bottle pr their . They graaped hia hand Qoniiatl v ; they aaiig the which he loved, or pertiapa hnJ written ; they ink hia health with eheeni of enthuiiiMni. It waa hifottUU for him In reaiat the entreatiea of thnae per- •Boe^t WM'iR^tnMc for him not to Mieve them ain- Nnr were they oiherwiae— but the value of the of the intemperate and the immoral, what lit •• AiIm* wilhia baantifttl frail." Winiani Riddell paaapd the whole of hia examinetlone, nd wts, M the atudenta i^y, •< ready for a church.** — ■or waa he long in procuring one. Among the frienda to whom hia gem u« and chararter had recommended Mm, waa a nohMinan, who had the gift of the very IM to which William and hia father had been accua- tMBMl to reeort., The incumbent died; the noltleman pm rn n ktA the living to William. With the new duties whiek now devnivet) upon hin^ came a crowd of new AeUnfiand apringa of action. He pive up hi* en- itt with the literarr periodical, he retired from . i nion a, a hd he d avo to dh ia aa e lf to g r av e ted trertby abtd/ «ad oontooi^oB. The «tM|^ ri>«>ii««t \}( Ihf neiv nMfMMati.iliiy wK oAriated ai kia ufibnatinti. A (fiHi^ ■ iMineiuMUaly ha|ipy day waa It for old DavM RlJd||% who, With tvmi^r andak\e, felt hia homy hand graip ed ky thi* gntat men whuae very nam<^ he had ronai- dt*frd ■uhM'rvient to hia happiiieaa of olbiilea that lie there— liMield him holding hifh di» courae with theaa a«me digiitanea, aa w Dial hia opinioea tvete lialened to with raapect, and that hia llio«ghia^ according aa they were ademn or ludicmue, ware r^ aponded to hy theaa treat men with gravity or benad gnna. ' A delightful day waa ii to the old ahepheni, aa he beheld the Aral man in the (General Araembly — «iM gmateat man >in the S<'^>tiiah Kirk— lay hia hand Uie youthful head of hia beloved aon, and him to the care o' the anula who dwelt in tho vary vri* ley w;^eie he had been horn and reared, in whieh Mr geoiua it^a known, and hia (kmily, thoogh homUa^ iv«|iecied. There waa another, and an equally airona eaaaen for Witliaiii% giviiii ^ ' -'-' -- ^"- --" *- "^ and buialaraw ?^" hia convivial habita ro.npaniona. Fie waain li've. ' It waa at that leant roniantir of all placea for a loear, ahall ip Edinliiirfh, that William" Riddell, the new j>,a«lor of Moaakirk,. had flral met Ellen Ogilvie, Ilia daughter of the princirwl heritor of hia pariah, tne < of the hilla on '.vhich hia father hnd watched the fur above threenrore yeart. Ellen had beliaM h^il moving, a gay and welcome viaitant, in noMa balb| her hand had met hb in the dance, in exchange wtik thoM of eouhteaaea ond ducheM^ | ahe had beard kla praiae echoed fhim hooae to houae, and fmm ninaik to mmrth ; the waa now alone i^-lhe country, wllll nothing hut ignorant or cnane ruen amund her; let it not aeein wonderful that ahe, though the only daughter of a wealthy landholder, yhouM heatow her lovaDtntlw ptted, and ignorant lather of EHen aiioiild forMd the matrh, and' OTotdd threaten with hia vengeance the uanrper of Ma . daughier'a love. ' Hia vengeance I How weak a word to aorh • Mw aa William f Nfld thai he would not have rejoirvd, fiir Ellen*a aake, and d-r the aaktK pf tleeonmt« to have hn|r the old gentlemnn*a ijmmvaU. not, that h« would n«| have tned every pnatihie ineana, coni^aiei>t with bonar and the dignity of hia own character, to have gainnd, the good opinion of the father .of hia beloved ; bat tht lainl waa a man of the world, of nrftt, and nf Nil* dreda; hi* litany lay in pounda,'ahilHnga, and p«ilwt| hia nlfi>rtiona we<^ wrapped up in rente and loroahipt} and that a pnor,parpan, however God had ehoeiv •» ennoble hi^ by geniua and genennia a e i ifim ei ii a ! U i W a poor paraon ^ould have £ired to look npnin n'cMM of^ hia with the eye», of aflitctinn, upon Iha 'cfiild ulto wa« the natural heir of all thnae ritshra which Ik* Mrf fabugred fo i half ■ cen tu f y to ni i ia M, wwitojilin §§■% panenal inault, aa an bidiiBf^ wMeh DolbH^lMlliMl ^1^- i* x; ^ TIUC lOCIAL MAM. lliu,^i.tif iv.iUf t ■•hI Iru u itM H>«i « •iiioni M' wiiMi ■iM tHwi {•^roi'iviiKi iha «iMiU<>ti Uiai «ti«MHj ImH»v«ii ltM««« (maJ. o«w mvusU- «|ktiuk«r wuuMn «• ilw« ■MM ka *ra« iMKnfMllaJ to lia aaiia- ftaJ MfiUi ilixuhfriiiiii IMao. wh*^ uiiU^r cln>ui«a4ano«4 artiHili fulif pE«ir»«r«i»l har from har Taihar'a lyranaiual wia^ baaaina* m(: ^ iky rrifmi, William, hati alwaya liaan ona of ihoaa ^•raiNM wlxi abhorrad Um uaual Utrma on whiofi «invaa ■fa ai>u|ht and hu4ban>f r, a mailar of the aamo |>fMnil im|M>rt, ■a Ida ctierixbing a balovaU partftar of ail in tvhich iha tea-Man haart ialia« an intoirMM. Nor, alUiouch ba waa a alMplianl^a aun, OoulJlta p«rui|t)a a-yaar, by tookinf after Iha apiritual inlaRMU of aiiile to ihia moda of pttniahmant, and that ha bahald tKa whoia of the Aid C'tlamaaV p o w w aioaa oonveyad oyer to a charitable liluiion with «■ much pleaaura m if ha had aignad them away af hia own aenord. ^ ' In the pariah of MiWaliirk, aa in moat of tha country pariahea in Snotland, there were a number of intelligent iMaii who MBiiciaied frequently bigether for tha aalte of eahivaling icianti&c ItnowleilgB^ and eonvdrmng on varioua auhfaeta of inU'real in literatufv and philoaophy. At tha time whnenilly hield on ■ onnvivial (noting. Snme.of tha membera Jpma from ■ diaianae, ttk^t* were j<4ly fellowa ntturaUy, and tbue it happened '"that their diacuaaiona, frpqiiCnlly dipped dnp into the night, and ■MnetioMa weie'ihot aMdad' mm eoek««n»v. , Into thia aneiety William Biddell waa welcooMd urith ■ mh i k i i aatic hniMHua, and win at onca made pe^ietuai "at. Hia (hnie ■■ • poctt had' gMe befora hi«^ j_« L A. /■ •• M lip with i piK had ■•Kmi y iwH t ■■(«'<*• *^ aphiPre to which hia ri'iMiialion ha hud Wit, humour, |taihoa, and lluriicy earn tita liind upiiiion of hia panaliiun«ra. III iw raiaml hiai. !!• -aad, aafar t» ira, M aBar«a4 hinMalf lu gam it, ami Ita •u«'4-«r able moral worth, and twloved aa a friaad, who •hara4 aiiicrrviy in ihe'gla>liM>aa, and ayuipaihiaad in Iha aot^ niwa III hia lloi^k. l/iihirliinatriy, tha halHia of aMMjf of hM iMiriaiii.iiiiioi, aa well aa of th dutging la aoelurnal potationa. Bui a ft w w rdi ^ktam. atlractiuiia laat thair forea \ iba glory luid tlja dim nt Iha niMMcal aad literary 04mclava uvarrama aU aiia ••■ aolvaa -y and, aight af^ar nigM, it ha|>panad that ha ■•• turned hi tela manae at u n aa a ii o nalila houra, and graala4i> hia wilii wkk Iha laar of tnUixioatiun, inalaad af llkA, aieady glaaea of allaeiion. We ahoaid haaa aid ii«%i bafont thia, aid David Riddell, moved by hia.aea'a mt^- traaiiea, h«d giv«n up hia duttaa among tha hilla, aiiAl had coma lo live with him al Moaahirk Maaaa. J^ tvaekly delight waa it lo tne old man to behold hia a*% arrayed in hia blaok gown, and with ihe amootb wIlMV, hand* drooping daulpii af bia native pariah the woraeof aWfiM truth { and plaawnt waa it hi the oldahephaid avaraa^ anon lo raougitias, in the elegant but ainpla langvafit of the paaior, ao na of thoaeaanti mania which ha niM<*i aaif had tnatillad into hia mind, while ha waa y«( ft; ahepherd-lad upon the moorlanda. ^^^^^r But it OHild not long ba concealed fmm hial 4Ht William waa Imfular in hia habita. Wh«n'th« ft«l llntt atruck bim, ha almoat awuoned away i (ar thi forebodinffi of Raulial ruahed into hia mind, and ht'«# •a it aeemed for th» i|at tiosa that hta immi** 4titmtlk9tt waa araled. •' ...",.«» Ii waa long, hotMvar, before iHMMd brUg Miiirif to apeak on tlio aat^iaot to William { ha fait ibf ihat which hia aon appcaivd lo hav« ibaadooad } afid tela own lemperaie blood eant a bluah into hia «ritteaM|| ctiaak, at the idea uT addrMaing iha ehild of hie h«% the miniater of Oud, on tha euhjeat of Ma iaiMipaiM K anca. Tha miaerable atnigglaa of tha old aiM, tenblte be gave utleran<« to hia aeoiimenla to WUiMli 4W ■• utterly unalile to deacribe — we leave tte«« IV «Hf$itiA* era* imagination. ' At length, however, qn i MlM||h|g after the miniater of Moaakirfc had ahameAiUy Wmi iupfkorted home by two of hia pariahioneia'in • i de| lurable inUixieation, the old aheoherd gatlMDaf m Heaolulion to tfieak tn-hia aon.' lie did noC dlinnim<| > inaull. or pven upliraid bim ; but, with trara in I delieaiely. alluding to hia miacondtiet, ■aaii wd telW ikH| ■uch another ocourrencp would cauee hlM to liil*9ij|M manee for ey:rr ) for ihat, thoiJgl) ha might Ml l» «kli to prevent, ha waa reaolyed iiev«r,toaawaliaB <|» ft^ft fill imm6ralilj,which drunk««M«i flirriw It ito't|irf|| . man hidabua MiH when attadMd to « aiaiaMr •Tlli^ OoaiJel. ' William, alfvady di^Mled wHk MnMNr, i Ilia own f V Ji'jeai^Afi^t,ssa^ ^ ■ mm TALn or THR 101 w^tttf •iPwiPIWi^W^Pi WPP NW^^W^HBir OTtIIP* Mf boT t* rvflMKl lH« ■hcphwd | * fO« atiMWt M|ilt'M*« ••mI UMrafnra ilU vain bi mA fur mjr r»r|ivn- iii|»'. Mf ^MMft !• •>• irttoHjr bouiul up ti» ih4n«, thai, ilM«|ll M Mtf il«plof«, II canniK ilAnouiiffl any rontiur.l <^ llWa«< it ta aa It wara liul a aarvant of itiina, an ; bis eyes were red. and dim — he a- BMa who waa only thrqe or four steps paa grav^ WbeA^ after the service was WQItaUB bafia to read the humiliating apo- ha' hid wflllaa, iha aged shepherd eivpt sra npop hia knaaa, and, burying his (aoe Wads, laiBaiaod abaorbed in prayer>— itsharsh. fbri _ aa4 ihama at thA j grar«, wh«»n a ikiap groan lir<4« frotii Ilia oiU an4 •tadltxl lh<< <-on|f«giitii lowarda ika old niaa i liia irama raiAa'incMl'ii'or a moment In tho altt* inda whiuh'wa have doaenbad, and tha noai taalaal k IkN haavily upon ih* floor -hi eorpaa ! Wa shall not give pain to our nmimn, nar harfoar.ap our own faetings, liy altamniing to dmrrib* di* ^pny which Ihia avant rauMtl WiHiam Uuldall. It aaaoMd Ui Im one of llioan grmfa which r,anno(, and ought m**^ tn ha ouUUrtNl — « puniahinant gr«al«r than hian is able to iMaf. .S41 thought William— if ih* Aaah af thia aoa« vietKNi aeriMM the aeUled gloom of hia s|>irtt iwuid bo aalled thought. Yat days, woeka, mnntHa, pasaad away, and he lived on, nay, perftirmMl hia dutiea ( and, at length, by the carrawa of hi* wile and ebild; baeaaia «v«n, a« It wnm, ■iillnnly n«connilnA|il«mfl' | km w%m but |Mrti»ll)r nxuiwrMl rn>a« rl^l^nU i^tmlil (Nify, hi k liim maancr, rMHapr«)i«nii tha |iurfMW1 of lh« inna- Mgp, whnn, wtth hia wifa and rhiUimni hm waa r»- ■mvU fnHn th* manaf. A friaml alMilMratl him fof a MflM — aAarwania, h« waa oonvtiyatl otrm Ui Kdiabttrih. Wilkin a iw«tv«mlh«rwiaa invaluable faalitiaa had Uwn alt sunk or acatt«rad by lh« apaatl- UiriA extnivamncaa of tha Social Man. Il ia now nvo yeari ago, aincA, aa we ware hurrying paal Caaaala'a Ilaofi, at the foot of I^rith Walk, wa wera attracted by a crowd who had gathan^d round a poor iatoxloated woman. Sho had fallen lieiiaath tha whool of a waggon, and' bath h«r Irgi wore crdahed in a terrible manner. Aa two or three aaaiatanta carried ber paal a pa-ligbt towaxla the nearrat houae, we,«vore ainiek by the reaomblnnce — hideoua indeed, and Uoat- «d— which her fraiurea wore lo aome ^ne whom he had known. We inquireit her hiatorr, and, to our horror, dianovered that thia waa imleetl Ellen Ogilvie — tha widow of our|,poor friend, Willianv Kiddull. It waa uaa t eaa attemfhing lo nave her ( her vital energiea wmi ainhing rapidly ben^tath the injurica which ahe ami laoaivad. Sha^revived a little fmin the eflbct of WMIM wine which we gave her, and began, incoherent- Ifi ack on the CII«w->-her lower jaw /ell — the death rattle aounded her throat — and in a few moments the unfortunate woomB expired. - >;.! '-■'■.'.- ■ ■ . ■■• .... ,jt ; t-.^<» •■■< ; ■ ; ; ' ■ ^ . - " ■ . ~ff^ W tANPAL IAICL4T. " O U>*«, ihwi MMiMt r O «fW, ilkH iMMlat af th» tmm»m IimM I bttat kHlM# all (•••Immmm" 'Ma*. Jtaaatfa. I O ih a liiile iwwa as In tha autumn of ISIB, W I lieauliful burial plare, nmnavtad wild th« Hrulliah aide of ilia Uacioua (iothi^ ehurrt, l^oa^ aoarcely mora than ^ne gaUe waa now antiaa^ I apiiroacliod the airangar { lor my impraaat u a waa, ihel I could aol lie intruding on grief. Tha inaariplle« waa much ttefaoetl { tall neiilea anil weada had ipr— g up beneath | lh« auriare of the ground appearad lo kt quite iUnmiA t m mH atoata which had (k Ilea athy. . '>^'' ■ Situatetl aa I waa, f coneeive Jimrt my attention, in the Aral place, in the inactipn lion { which, ^ 1 have aeidi was nii«h oblitaiaiad. J| waa as.followaMiV'.' ■.»•■, '//• April 1784, a^ 9S. /' •^•' ••Wadoradaawayaaalaar.'* / "' ' 'T * I have of^n thoa|ht«* nid I, * that a ahott paaaifl from Sci;ipturo, mch aa thia, \^ much mora aultalile le a tombatone than any' e«p i e>rt o ii of private fca th ngi Ajnong othA rcaaena, thia la obvioua, Inatkt laaaf al^ aea, aurvivora mutt be apt to he l«ml«ted W their Uibutea by' the ArM impulaea ef fiM; Mi epftUMf but tha aevereat truth ia inconaialaat wiili/llM «bMM|tor of f place which lenda to remind' ua ao anerfalMl* that all ihe exceaaea of hamiTn paaaioe HMat deaey.' . . , *^it,^ he replied, * that is the vary pdadple ea which As requeaied that no other inocriptioa sheeM if placed over him.' . uMi ' • Yoo knew him, thep f aak) h >» "■ . %W « I did. He and I Mid^ i« llw IMM ImwIi several yearn.' iTJ * I ahoirid wish moeh,' rajdlMlI, *\a hear iiMe- thing of hia hiatory, aa I suspeinll^llMH^ I kMw M( MIL that it involvaa melaacholy ptiwsfcBtw, Ini SIURBA& BARCLAt,>, ,Sd hi^iiiml dfMlh.' •hi that,' he fiB|died, « tfyo u willlak e a Iriiall willlD^y satiaiy roar cvHoahy.* to heat down the w«eda wHh hia eauei' TALit Of TNe lOiiftKm. */ J^,*^^ '^^ kirn, *\mm4m;mtmmt4,' thai ^ ^ to VM< llM •k«f«ll]r*nl Miftll tm aUwrk Willi il (Ml ■ B i n* frMMi•«• llu«m I iMii I Umm*— m imtmmtmd m dM •MfaUv« a/ iNjr Mw i<*^iMt«toniM, lh«l I •«r<>«iiiMint«>«| Wa to tk* Inn, wrh«« th« Mhl^ wm eonUntwil i and, t^m %h rMurn Ui |'iilnh«ir|fi, IM Mra* ae kin■• ihliiinc Mj|k(lf «« ll#tiMt nf ^Um (litt wrvvntl iho (triMn m • umiim, III whirh lh« ^ willow nfa !tr4MU4n clorgf man •*•• iwiMiH v •Irtiig , , ahoui alAvmi jraara ..f (|r, waa «>In|| Im^kIx a IM«(' al a liUl« diaianoM flnom tha li«d, wMl Um OiM* htfium kirn. * Uvthrr,' aid ht, • what other chaptor would fau Willi to hMr r * Bm4»I,* rapliad hia mothMr, in a ton* ao maladl- Mm that It mada hia haart awrll-^* RaiHlal, my r, bt M kind now, ir 70U am not faligiMd, aa U» r«ad • \mtk ahaptof of Jith. It la fu'l of anrouniMnHint lo l|tver, PM«pt I aeianitf in her lar|a, Ihouf'itAil cjrea, and ha to ipaah. * Mathar,' h« aaid, • I don't N part of tha oliaplar. Though Jiib had now Jt what ha ImI, b* had only tiktr turn and >Mf diar h«r,' lafiHad Un. Baralajr, • I aaa how ijk k .f t m tn lIlMhfag that you and I may aa-lh»o|h a ainful mother — whom Klw«« aavar diaohayad." Tha bov haatily thruat Mad thmugh tha thick chentnut curia that fell over III M^ fcia h aa d ,. rtoopad for a aiomant, and f xad hia «fW wMl • •IridlMii.azpnMaion upoo hia dying parent, lal mmi» m raplf . JhMli «af ha f0MMr to giva a brisf oiriHna of Mra. B"!^** Mimr* kmj Hwhart waa tha younger JnilMWiaf AfMillMHa arha had aaaoaedad a long train if tvaaiilapi ia tha p aii n ilimnf aftartate,(laUariy wo- k mtd ithm pifatd Maarif ascaaoivdy apon hia death, whirb had 'to thia pariod, Mary titu a^Mamg pamk, iMta* ai««lii iia«H faniMKl ta>«<>«r««« iImiw, M* w«« a oMa a# Mm wirf kighMil tal«nta aitd a'^tM itlaiMMiiMMi | and, in laet lll««« waa «• »ti|«riHwi which Mr, W»it> »» l*aaa|it that Iw waa t»MMp«rati««ty af artgtn. Vat, whaa Mr Barrtay apfMlad few Mi Mr. HartMrl aMWIf darlaiad iliat, ih««^ ha would n<4 make aay afpuaittiiw, aa anAwurafrWMM ■ntM( Ihi fliprtwd frinn hii«i | and k waa aA** waay •rrioiM alrufgli^ tm ih« |ian »l Mwa liioflivft, wIm M Aral rwiHlad frnm i|w> ihKta« rwadliig (mv«l haaahM., m *l*^ liMi uf Om nniBil, whila Mary 'a |M>Hian at ih# it.hrrtlaaru waa cunflbod U> fiHir UitiuMind pmnda— 'lh« auai \if - videil Ui toungarohildran br h#r finlwr'a uiarrlage eaa- iraet. lAimthaa, who had haen inl^trit wiUi aM tkm arinioaraiM pi«>jiMlie#a of Mr. llartMifl, k«pi au I1UI9 • inWrcouna with har woler during hia lifii | and, liaviag auhar^iimUr itiameil Hir William Mw«gra««, a OMa whrMM mind waa equally ei>nirai^tad, iha altoaalWai Iwrainecoiiipliila That thia waa moat arwirly Ml by lh« young wife, may be eaaily imagined | and. thaagli aha nm^ every eiartHMi to rnaeaal har lawmal aWtlh from Mr. Barrlay, hia par«-ap«ion waa not 10 ha •lareived. Their union, howevrr, waa aia-nded with no other aliof than iliia unilermininf prewaute of paraa tnl diaai prohalion and haughty neglerl on ih« pearw af Mra. Harrlay, and the reArs influenca whieh il hait nn her hualiand. Hul their happmaaa w aa not dealinad t|a hf af long duration. A cidd whiah Mk Barrlay had eaiifht, on rrtartiing late from v^aiang a titJk paHali- ionar, had lieen fidlowed by aa inflamtiatina In iha liinga, which r.arne«l him off «Aer a wae k 'e iilneaa | and hia wife'a alirndanr« on him harmg haaa to* aaaiiluniia for Iter drhcate nonalilinion. a rapM daelina - had reduced her, in the rourae of liiur montha, to llw alato in which ahe haa haan ptcwanted to my wadaia. But, lo return to the bedaida of tha dying nMithar. • Randal,* mid ahe, * coma near ma end ait dnww.' The heavy-heartnl boy ntiniplieil. • My dear RandaK' aha continiioil, ' I know your nature la an afiNtlniiato, that there ia one admoaition which I would la u|M>n you. Beware td* loo great an intitnary with 1 wrho aiv much auperior !<• youraairin pwitt nf fortwwt I do iin4 mean that you ahnold ahngether ahaa thair aociety ; but that ymi ahould conaider well hefoea ya« allow them to arquire any imfmrtant influenea ofar vour ilnmger afleriiona. Above all, do ni4 de p awd lae haatily upon thnae who have riaen to wealth and \ coane habit* and contracted feallnga have not reflnad and expandeil hy reflection and religi\ f £^ ^ «.-;•■ ■ ^ »'!«- .MNDAL lAIOUtf. MMM Ik Mrttn <« Hi MHi to tNiii ••■ •|>)HNil. |(« (•(! tlM rl i l l% MMV-lakM w«>rv 4rtAint f)"* ***«' i*"*^ •(•■»•< iIm WIN* 4bWi>^«m«», •ml iImi wind al inl^rval* whistlrtf krmnif Ikmufh th« b«r« lwug>ia «f an <><|irafi«1al«M*r of •tyinlMr i •ml, utifamartoMa of lini*, h« nmiliHuMt MIMng hf ht* ni<>nal1y aUmint*- lartitg • l)til« MMM anil uthf r riinliala. 8|ir««-h ha-' poamlto act nwial powiTfullyt we aiajr incliHlaihai iM a •Hikl who haa hecn dupnyril of a iH|n>n(. Th« \t*j «rauM ait for huura baaiiki Iha kotif of hi* mulh«r,» coiii«in|ilBiing, wilk wiulUvalila r«««i«ne«, Iha aalnlljr IVfioaa of har fflaiurea, and ralWcitnf Itow hind ahn kati tMiiiarmlf htan (o hSni. • A Irar.'aaya R|(M>inn<>l.l, li«>va.'* Rut Rim* ara ao fcr ramovad (t%tn\ aaapifion aa ihoa« whinh ili« dying akfld in tkair anxiety ali«ut lh« loioftlifl living { and it «vaa only JIm houn hefora Mfa. Harrlay'a death, that, wkila aha waa banding over Ramlal, (who kad laid kia iMad on tlM pillow,) and uttering aonicwonJa of encour- afaaienl, ha felt a burning drop fall upon hia brow. Ift alW yearn, ka thought that thia waa, aa it were, a lid baptiam, to prodaim him * a auNbrer,' aa tk« waa inlendad to proclaim him * a rhriatian.* He waa occupied in the manner we hav« deacriheit, whea, after a gentle tap at the door, a man entered with iaapfomanta for faatening the coffin -lid, accompanied bjr a gentleman whom Mia. Barclay, with Randal'a e a w aa a t, kad appointed to be hia aole tniatee. He •ppraaotiedtkeboy, and, expecting thA he would be qoNft overeome, attempted In My aonieiliingin^lM way «f coiiaoiatiofl->-an elTort which hia nwii (fVm^ ren- dand extreonely dUHeall. In thiaauppoaition,Vowever, Im waa deceived. Randal'a grief waa too profound to Iw ftiamoroua. He gaied once drtnre un tke counle- • of kia notkef, then took kia frieiid Mr. Limont f frww ' Fw.wH r«a I at ityai^ * Mp waaji tnif~ F-r-Vot. I. wfl iwft aaatfy aiM walawl fft iwft wHiMiw, tittuA wiih ajifianinl •MRfmawra lilt lk« mtrttnthk ««r«n«l««dml | and »«•« ««ik«A llM WUttt' lafc«« h«ri>hKn btmi • flow long II aaawia Mnca wy maihcr •lie^l' Tkaea kad been a thaw Im' amna liaya | k«l il mm a*w a hani Ihwi, ami ik« a«*M waa ahlNing keenly, •• As auicmn |irM-«aalo« nwivvd along ika lane that lad la fM «|iu«eh)ranl. florka ul aitamtwaiUial ha4l liMin jgH Ik* k««*a and brier ln«*l ware occi allr iMtnl Ir^xii Ika atnokmg tMiogha uf iIm haaeta Mfi akftMa. ; R«H the |iaftial fsaiMimlion o( nature kad a* «• iM kaart of tke kof , aa tha mffin waa batM Ike fHk liMl h»A hmm em iiir It ikrou^ Ik* crykii)llaa4 ■Rewwiafeika. W« maal now paae over variova Natalia ronne el ai i nrllb pTMMI KamJal'a Inal aillau lo what kad unre keen hia liajipy iMNne, - the •rranar'inanl «»f hl« peUinMNiiai •ffaira, and kia rcmaval lu Kdinlturgh. wkwe ke Wtft _ received wWl almoai mitTernat kimineaa by Mr*. Lini€Mi4, wlioaa ontjrann waa prMtiMng aa a turfaoa In Kngland. Kven In hm kMilalail atata, Mra. Harclay kad aeleciai Mr. Umeiit aa a panmn to wkoaa oaf« alie Miukl e«»» atgn Randal with ibe ulmoal conAikince. Ha kad loag been Iter (Wtker'a factor, ami waaitiMinguitked, not only for grvat praalk-al lag^i ily, but for the ttrlrieal piety-* with a ik-gree of native annaibiliiy whirh dartvM aiUI* Uoftal forceOnaai the komelinMa of hia tangaagp and laamwra. Mi*. Limont, loo, IVom tke suavity and benevolence al her dtanoalfilon, apMaied likrly to anilt with her huabftiiti in doine evnrytking to pnNnoia tiM intereal and kappineaa of W charge ; and in ikia, M the aetpiel will alio%v, Mra. Barclay'a parental iaatlMl did not lieceivft har. Il may br eeaily imagineil that, to the mind of a boy •uek aa Randal, nattmlly aenaitlve, the irtnklnf eoa- Iraat, in convnraatloa and mannera, between iha iaaMM of hia late ami hia aMaant home would be rather IffeaaMl for acme lime. Hat Iha unrcaaing aaaiduitiea af Ma kind frienda leniied araduatly ti> mco^cile kini ; aarf ka aoon Itegnn to reganltkem with almoat Mlial raa p a rt . Mr. and Mra. Limoni, on their pars enggaratad •imtf good qualilT he haool the aanie aye.' < Na, na, guMwifiaJ^^id Mr. rimont--« ke'a fiw bohnier, and far quieter, and he haa far lietier abililiaa. Do yi» think that Willie could baa bmagkt kanaa aa« muckia if Dr. Slnnd'a diacourae aa Randal HA iMl Sabbati^f « Dead, Jaiaea,' replied the worthy Mia. UwmH^ * I eanna aay that ya'ni that (kr wniii|.' . But hara it mar he aa well, i* oaitr to Uluaima tka rpeciea of aanaibilily naeuliarlallr. liiMat, to detail » aeene at feofiily worahip, wMA «a Maaeriha fkaaa • memorandum by Ramid. Ma. LmowT— (readinf tha caadwHat 9th chapter af let ft kiM of «i|Ml^<' YraadJ W-* — ^ ')— <0i«8ljraaM afiha .V ' .1 TMiii «f tNK lOllii;**. — — I tiMl At* WH» liVitvik* uf tltakii^l l>«M•(#<'"'*'• *" wurviiii* lit. I tn tmmptimr- llNuMHHfR i»' th« •i^ipnvi'iito af>«*ftl ha%ingl«ilH|lth«f Mi* • i^m/Mthj iKai mm NMir «iiira>'r 4inar than Iti* *l«r« fmmr ii' Kl>aa ••# lk« ||a|««t««, Mftii Mmi (f\a)r avi-n ■mn *ttf»¥^f0mr* \n th* NMo* lai I llmi ^tMbrfiit ta tfi* irarfit nno-a-ifaya f 1 h« «4>«RT^rat |im- HM to' folk ihti atiiMiUI h* iiur bcM rrr*«iwra mliHiMftl frM \hm NmH | ihcf d(V« 'tvnitnd mm V ttM r*|M ihl^> •• )* •"". Imm h**M Mir Mra*Hiiig.*p hrr ctn -0 J»an, la It la tMr War tliat y« Um inid, a«4 Ui« ilimigHia that it ■iigt»«(« t Ltnia t I^ala I (H»ra Ih* a*f«anl gWf nfirni hrr ««*•), aa«J Am ih«in, «< iriMtli< faM-inaiiuti, an Mr Dnioal. ) film'* t l*i ii»« raaitml y* o* what an* o* Ih* aiilit ilivinra liaa mkI— • t%»t9 ta mi ai«i>|i la Hall I' Think n»air, my woman an M'*««««nh ami pighNwnthjraafa— in III* rounw »< wtl4«ti M BU«nnl wliiih hanilrinan, who liad jiial returned In ScoilaiMi aflvr acqairlng an immen«e rurmn* in ih« W*a( In«lNM^ «all«>r aaltf. Hia namo l»«ap|ilvi«, an*«ly i» « tu at *4tea 4 t aMi • ttumi^ la •tm, •*►'• «^ a»w(i««.>«ir, •• k>« «>f«h»>a»f ••••#» • tag »v*nM»g iMftMMi ik^mmi h* |iwr*«i*tl hM way 4aara itm I liiv**!. «kh«r« Mr. and Mfa a qii a lity, waa tiniiiid with !"•**• ■ ■ — • T > — ^— — Ihli awtt^l •»# ihMMl atMivlla*. A •Mrrun**t*|i«>* whwh •hH*iM*tl hitn lH« Muwi ti'xir «•! Ira ( aiMl, aa h« riraaair* lo hi. J»lin liiv**t, «kh«r« Mr. and Mfa (Igitvt* Irnigad, ik* maawka a w** «»*r* falii** i*«tfy u|«Mi lha jp**« (lofMa a# Afth«r*li Mmii end IwHatMVy I ra«>. M»r* I nhmM MN*a, llaw«hri Waratay, I gyWa t Mh«M I ihiab aflhaaf l^lit* itkiat ih««i Ih** a«apaM thai, hh* th* ahrpUrd In Vtrgil, ih*M wmddai tad |.«Mg ih*** • wh* h««« th*TnkPiH th*Tr yrmth,*^ ^^ — , W hrn Haaihil «Ni*r*«i My* OlIMa^ ■ ■ ■Kili«l <| #• camHai^wtMa nM y*« IM| aad, afkar Mw tailaiai) •aluiMiuina had paaard, h* waa ah**n, aa4 alH- kingly bratHifid. Hha had lircn rOucai«d a* akawitog arhcMil IM Uvvonahire, iw which ah* «%aaa*««l at ih* aaa of a*^«n, ami had rrjtunrd Mr. and Mra. Ogdvi* nSj am niooiha iHWviMM In ihia p*rt(Ml, u|inn ih*lr avtWal in llnglaiid. tn lha grnrral raai of h*r (Hmmw, Kandal ihinif hi ah* airuKgly mrmliWtl ih« pr»li#ad waa iiniad and high, and af Mm piirrnt whit* I and li«r «yra of a drrp vi«l*i Id**, wkh that aort n( tvrrnm (d lh«aynili«il of jiroAtund l«*ding ) and, haa i« ant hrrii for a af«iln*a« in her mnaaiwali, ai«d an n«caainnal play of hunMMir ahont. b«.>r Npa, aha might hava appaarad ton grava M har aga. Her mind, liio, wfl* iiiit only poHfrftd, hut highly ruilivalarf | aiMl the clrgani aimpiirity of her maimrra f<>niird aa aMug a roniraat lo Ihnan of her partnia, aa llandal*a !• IImM of Mr. and Mr*, liimoni. Hut hrra il ia prnprr lo ataW, that Mia. 0^vl**a riwirnaiona wera varj diArani fromlhoae of karllaaia- y friend. In a ironl, har charaetrr waa lhuraB|^y artificial ; and h«r nnly rrderming quf Uiy waa a aart of inttinrtive tirnevolenr*, apiilymg lo caara what* ah* hml t\c prrjiidice or iil^el lo aarnftna. With dto vlfw of creating an iraprvaaion that EHaa*a lalaata ««■■• dwvrtlj inhriiied from M't ^b had iMtiy hffHl ta aaaHRW credit for aiiparior acquireaMMla, tkoajii aha had lii'J* mom lo lupport her than an imaarlir laeiion of aomo old nnvria, whirh aha had N>w hrr voyag ff lo th e VVi - nt Indi i' a i atwl ihia amhilL itiinulate«Mii- bMtM K<*4l • pmi >im*l at tuiloMr, whtoh fwiKiMrvU ItMtr |>tww«l afot'l^x-Mint. p«r*t>Mlarlf In U»f y'WMf- ,«r f «■«». Whmn WW »«• ••^♦nf m m)*^*' ♦Vt tt HuiMxl MpartlM*, h«r onKrt (t^tllr.pM Un t i>n|i|«iii|iM|4 waa yai wnnffcalila f-w grpal ««mplM>il» »( rh^r- l ami. alW-a umioo ..C *j»i«nn ypiira.^iH •'•'ilta^M M ••«•» a»ni»»f(ir, not unljr •<• ••»• o'>»«»u« .I*»nai>U9*«Hl har aalMnidf tngviinniM yfiWi IUm who ar* lUftriaiil tn r»al ••wrgy d" pntM«l» I •!!( to r«ah ^wriicUMlly inAa Ml "*»•••? »lil»(ll «»♦•»•* »!»'•. ^v .. Tk«l •*••? «»'>l '" "^h ••'^'' • «fc«"k«l^l^nialHf fif U«to. Thi'jf had l«^n ap*Bktn| <»f Milton, BiiJ «ti« formff liaJ l*roii(« eiitwm«»ry aoimn- UnJ. ' II. nv natural il waa,' a^i>l thti, • Uvr Evo to aA An Mtl llitf nUra ahon* ■( '#fc»ai|aa»MaMitallaiW>tf ■ ■ , ;_ •■4 i^lli hmtrtirul 4' MKlnea* In tha \t*mnfn ; for, at Ihal li/tia. AtUin liati tin iil«« n( • pwrpoM vrliich Itila liitht woulii alWrwnnla aarve — Ikal it 4r«ititl \m th« moat aootMng an Irr « ■iMMitl in aiianca, and WM about loV|ttn4rhen Mn^ Umtut, wha Im4 hMo aonM timn iMwDinR to lb* * TM •Mon'a • ln« thing (or riprning th« com In * Afl4 iwmi* ••> (K« huabandrtHin in hHn|ing it hnoM, «Am dt* anMoa'a Intv,' rcjotiMa the wurthy Mr. U- bj Mf. f^ I* ,lS..'% Aikl Mala »^'Mi(#tM«t«| Ik* |k*«Mi« TMi WM |M4ato»li4l I* IM • ibw A||t t«l| MlitllP • I uw v*** '^•"' 'V '•^•' *'•• ^'*'*» •• ■■•; 4»i*a M«l (Mtii^Wi*. * Uh, huw f»n4 I ani mI nrtdlMt WiMM I «•-• "^ »»r '"'•f •*• '•^'•' * •**•' -T**^ ,i, t •jflp ll»** •»« •««•••* "F •»«»• •>»•, *»w IMM .«»iM ml/iM |rw««»»». •'i»>»»J, •••««*» M» N«i wjrj^^ «»iin.^iM||»MMl th.'* iU«U at IUn«l|l, ttlpii •»li)it« y»»r»-' ••'• fHUng i«l«. rK, I- HO ihJofc nil u« ii« *fi l^n I'm • (N«imI to ••flj^^Niifil/ >k« • g^««" o* M * tboMfv' Mid Rnndd to Elian, ^ipenm toha i^ 4atll0UMMA'« ryiig aii.l #!•»«»" n ' !•••'•. ' I «ani»«M alloi* TOM to §• WitlKNit thai. I 9IM »ut0 It will ilo V*" •*' *"*■•* Aw4 •h« han !• I wl"W "[J^*"*'! «<«'» •***»»• ♦•~^»»*^ -^ •*«•■ m4 awrtJfi^lHMffan'ltil a.'arf#ly kiww wh.',n( to Uiotl, I y Ima hennJ notliii'g "f h#f hutof » j hul Im» ft-ti aaa«i»«4| fro II tha aMj^ot iiM|>ortaorn whivh alw attar h«H« • riwiliiy aw r.iinitKui m tha hmM if hia falfeafi tftM •>• ■ omUI not hrt*« »»•"» UriHight H|i Ml • Mf On Mi .WtHirtur*, li»wnv«r, ha nBt« «•<•* >>dP"»' I* fanlitfil v»Y ••«'•■• T'*'* **•*' "P '*•'*"' **"''*' •*"*' *' *"** alm'M nnVr b« hkn AmJ/. The liiiT« wn^ »h# l«M, !• |usl .lr#iri.y«»l wi' iAnt«»»— lurwift up hrr iwn and •"!•>• hKf hi'ail ax if iiho ilfw gaun to &' into a ilwnro. **AC <|uiei man, Mr. Og>lvi*, an.l I wu«Hkr Iw »kiran« rfff^m^^ har, wlicn In* ••♦• her mahin ai"* • ful« o' Hannl. ^^^ Ran«lal, howewr, waa |>rev«nt««l, kf p»rt t«'M>*«' ^ly ,. aoaa, fwin nmktMI «ny r^pi* ) •"«' .^^F f ^^ffSt ilMr«r«irt, in a1^nc4, inltfrnrnted o<»ly '7 ••••«• ••■•■ iroai Mr. Limonl on Um full/ of *•*"•!; *» '"J 'J** , InJiea to ••«■#• « 6»tM»e, ■■ M few •njoy«d llM fhiR of their lohoura on ih«-ir return. / ... in lh« votiran of n fo.v ninnlMi oll.'r lh« pHioi M which tM hM bc«n inttwluccl, Mr. Ogilvie purrhMM • beaiiUrtil vilU ncnr Collinion, to which «^|^' wj? in III* hnWl of t'^ini '*^o *>' ''"•• '''"'^* •■**••■ I ••■» kniiU lh« row* of »t«lrtr «Iin« or •« re* «*• "*"•■*• kitU in a» vitinity, EliM wai hi«roM««nlromp«H^ About iMa linie, onn iif Mr. Liwont^i old ''^tM< »► «|iieai.-.| that ho would Ukc rh«»W of llH ^WMiW. Iliiitiilton, tho gcntlivrnnn m«ntio«^ nt the miiaeixajy^ ing hia oppn>nlti<^hni aa n w Plfi !• Uw »«»»•<• . P* wSawnHy of the wiP* ofi •• Bwi^t "lllfyijfe^ bMo n ««»l •«|ikil»«« to W». •• ■• p«"«<*Wipit y A ■^irr T.^5^;^ir^^ TAUm 0» TMt IBllWtt*. »;. * w »Mii«a • wmmm m Mm. (%ti.M. (i^ nM(w#t r<« •*"— ^mKUm tn r«4«ng Mtn.UI ».» .•*i«4«it«w f -.«» «vM MM, aUma Milh what Mr. llgtlvM IMmM «M»« ' HWKi. Ummktl WM MMTt Imw «# tMMI • •f IV«irt«rt«Mi, M Utif Mwipi«« mm MW kavtuf. 4m\n§ Um A#«4 MM 4ir tlNOwi'a iMM Mrtih iIh> Ogil.NM. UiM la* • Ml an.! • «w. HMt.hM, Mr* <»ttl,« Ml « ptHUr ••! <>«ig«UiMM. A* IW Mr 0|«l*|«, km waa rvaliy ailAtilUMl l« llsiKJal. an«i •iMMUIMl <|tttl» liMUMMlva Wi iIm (iM*il«M««i<>«i«»«tii»n MfttflWh • iMNWlaiil aaaprlalKm h«(ia(>p»iMHt «» M««l«M day, th« 3n.l of Jurw, l7Ha. In ihm inornlng, k« r»»«««ir»l iHU>lli|an(« thai hia awiM haid pivan liirlh lo • t*m i and, ai>nMi Kour* aft«rwar Eliaa ia Mtm atljointng wimh! , And to ihia, IHi^ fcr A« ifat onp«l aoma ^S r ^ A ^ yy **! *!** ***** *'^ * "^cfc niaalar, I Mr. il|lma kad bean aeatiaintMi la Aa 1«4t«a, hmi MMiitljr aatllail in Edinbiugb { tni. tm Mlaa {||M«ia Mai a»a>«'« a»<>*>o, •«.! *# ilyla af b*a aa*..M. ^0w»llj af<|HM»d 1.1 bma Ma ,m<»», ,n $,»*, a hmw wmm%. •ballrtW, mmm^nmt*^ a«t.| vaJga* fMm^ *^ •^»^*"« •>>• ali^iatNm Ml ba* •a»Hb«**. 4»|M*iflw»« «• iMAdal. ami battaf afavtlma^* «MMba<«d all aialMlM la IM t'»" » " M» < •»*'i| «*«•» fu«> Uf Uaiiai an^iMMMi k» ^ roMii. iMtM tMl •ba ib«a taHi tb« MW4 h» a ti*«M*»»iM twmm 9t^kMt% n»ar i»M (k*** «uia ll waa a awt ..r «anit»i«w««lar wiwniMg m iha «w.|, |M«i»n (pvnn tuii winm inlaid witb a f,f„tmtnn af |i»t«Maii an«fMiw«l«a af'dM ft«W h#i.»ar Mra* i«aUN«tl)r bmint, Mr|ib nigbi,' aatd NaadM. • WHI foil alluw m* iy ifldMid ki kMf ffM M« M/ mt*ml Namkili M«»«y* •cla.l i»([»«^il» towarda you, and t raniHM «<««»bI itial tlixia »^a* a eul '^*<*t tamlnf alifMlf fraft ' | aw Mir«> Aai thrra i* no rhan|>a in my motharV fral M^ a* xhem ««n Iw mi rraaon f.if tmv. Do nat ailim «•«" an itlaa u» dia* oniftuaa yoo. Ir yiwi aoliaa har whan wa f»i«m to ih« kooaa, van wilt «• A* te i^ MiRMtofniiaa am.* . ' ■• t-'-M''- • Sinca y'wi hava iwt obarrvnl arhd t a«a*rf'C} Igeiwd Ra«»dal, « I mtial r4«iaialy fm utn'ar an«n« iMuaion i Uml lh>a I linow. ihal, wmm anv aM4-nali**a in tab* placa lir^mn na, iMibingrowid eaaa«4« na.iMeb "•■ rvanpaaaate m«.' ., ' • I wouM rai^ai mmk m liMUd* «M llkm, •«• ■MKb—fMrbapM na iMMsh aa yoaiaair. Bm tl la IhHMI ** *y, * **** •'•^ - ••y •V^^ of ralaniHf tn* wbM'a "■■•j o»«a«i Im foand. Do yoo nMaOarl IImi «aa •a»<4ota in • TIaa TaUar,' of a |MMla«Mn wbo. aa aba ing a young la^y. to Whom ha waa inw^J, A^ «*«r « eliir, ax<;latmoii, • It it ftmt in l*ifmmm^Wmm tm rttitim m» ;' and, when ba had mrnn^^SSut^B worda, aaioAa f I hare ofWn thoaght «/ fbia, BmmM Hare, laiaing bar ayaa, wtlh an attaaHpi a« a aMHa, At "f^* '** ■ Hi«t«*r«» .h. k..! , ,^ ,1 ,f ^^^ 1 1-111^- -, that wi»«. hH»y at her baan ; but lb« mooraM a^l aidb- Quad anibwawan «f liiat ijima mrmtmmm Imt ^, ■. rt. i»M« ^BP*W?p^^^w ' to • til* SSm> NUM^ wkM MNM(«i| MiMl ■•• *«•« t^ Wim »| •1(4 ttM ^m*f mmmimm4 it*«i Ut* WMMtlff •b>l|M irf W<»mJ •« •* ••«»«• )f MMlb** I tHj, r««MM «>#• mil turn, iMMirliiiaMiwItMg all km mtknUt W* r««kv« to* r«i, dm •mkhimU ••4 atHl sImmmi**!, tiki* •«•« Imi Umm «h«l (ttM M«iiil«te aiMiM to I.»m mith %f^nm*tm»kimm,tm4dH»*m4»ffum har bwn •aiwiMttir an^ Iwf MNgular iftill Im niaaagtaf a KmaHthoU. Hu l||«ni «*#*• l«*a ihin^i whirli atira* l««t A«>•>*> iMa !«•«•• . Tha ima nva*, ibal M^ft 0|(ilviti> Uiirw tt«»**» vai|i%rtt ^wt omiHiiii «*n Mr. ftMlMf^ I)i|ipto t Ika Mitor tN^ m iMultac t» Wantlal'i Hirtiig, aM Mhi, ««iwMiMi]r» ' I'm iHiofetnf «M alMa't aMi ao win h Of f ott «<»w Mr. Marrkijr, M fl— fai t i uia l mall^ra «vtll ba «alli^>| Mp ^1 jrutlt liM«»* Rant iha l*«l ramarh | kwt II rfMiArma*! Iilin in tha Mtafil'-ioiia Iw hail a«|irwMPlvMi | Imt ««aa l«4>r Uial llliim cimUI n<>« laava har rtMHn. Oturing Ihta tnlrrvlaw, Mra. (IgilvM |>rra«rviiii Mr ntuiif apji««ran«a of fianknaaa atill Uwra wa« a aoaMlAiNf (hat itiU n«H Mixifjr Hamlal. But li« twiy Ml aMm»w, ««•• wImii tlw Btl»ffl|>4«N| u> rithr.ulo a rainaft Oiat Iba kad mutAr, aiMi, laufhing moat vm- Cwtiahlf tl N«f (Mm aail, I«m4nmI for a(>|trii>Mitir. (tiria who Imvc iMll l»4» M« nlwaya fMcying thrmwivea ill.* * I dam aa|r it la trtta,' aald hia wifif*, with a hjririftrl- iial gifgUi, glad that aha had got aunuithing tikn a aiitilcr' Tufa in h«r huat>an«*«l* fli l^^^a u^^^ ^ te te i^^ ^d I a^k ^^A £^M ■mMM ImiMM%i aafM^nf to i«* t»»lM4»l Ml Ml wW pat Iba^ Mm! ■»%fMr«.U||rt«lt| pMvantakl Iww i|iiii|^ta« IVtta^ amiaf l||a4a), II RMiy isM tn a (>w w*>l« ^^ ¥"< ^ ' **'^> ■'^ '**^ **** iMfl Hbaa whH liar )ia«H^>tr M btw | and, Ihii w|Hiiilf avoiwvdt «l/«l»*laM*l iIh* l|^« waa a ««M |M>««a»4M toaiMi*a| ••( •4arai>t«#) 'thai ftto w««M gjp drtwn mtm tad MlH>l Miw to *Mtit Uta Immw t^if * iliH h«f iflfll b*A afcr^nll wl»aN aM aa^Mi tolM li|l |M««Mii>r, iMi alk* MfMl thai b»r imlt r^a nwa a A« aai mpl iatitog bar tttiMMH waa tlw arinit t|N>atoa ••M* wIMb wa ba»a Ij#«rHl.«Kl. VnM IkMNUI'a r«t>|t'<, Mfa. LiimMil .^ ■ I ' ... J- .. , .. . I .. t . .^ . I- .- . . - > Ifia iii3|arttiaat "i^ ratnttr^ tnti- iiitai wlH»h Itai ImlMrtia mtllK-atiptl. *Wb«tteltMi Ntaltof w¥ ftt httifiif m\d alw^'y* apiiaw utkmmit Mai Am*. Um #|tM«f NffMMl to ••« ♦•?• , Jl;' , - i\ ^„ Kandal ^kmfif WflH S IM t*M tkttfMi t*ftfc>i walk . ■ , _ '^. V • Naa ithar w«t««idar,' rfjrtinMi aii* ' jra haana aalM^ aa' ntHrlkia til* «biy M wmdd |ia« aarvatl a auarf«HVa Thai wMfy fMailll baa d«M ya na*gut<|. JM Wm Mug f* • fliPi n' wiM * thia aito acrtiiftMiidy 4t4> IbaM «llMl«#riil Mra 0|)rti«'« miM|k '% • Will, ir ra a In* 4«y» I Im na* oQmiM Wb«lli(M«»ilauMf«Mlf \ • I art* m* MliKi? r»iili«Nl tanitaf. • N* (felk^d ^ -^rM Mra, f .tintmi > wh«i bad loM barn tw*!*, fr^im iter own olwarvatiot*, of hIa atrong •U.-efcm«il Ih> Kltal^^ 'no aaki^d t I iiitn<| n«a f lAAfs* vwv dbaiaabtll laal nkhl whan ff ftwil hUHHI. YaM tw tctUng Ml* OgMtria, na« diMl, A*l )r«r Mfl halt gnt a a..n r ■■' I ' ^^ llandah, ratb#r aMflM, mpllnii in ih«t afRrmaii«v. • I aee It a* now. Hrrh I what a thing waridljr pddia ia f linn oft^n it inak^a a bmly arl nM)aal|r I And that lll-faunNl ted, PlppiS} ***** •'■m^, unA f* alighUMl { H«*a juM « ■ttmph. I dtniNi wani to bM ony malr •bom hlln ( b Igfe irft ||m M bcrarl I I mind hrr a ditly-pi«, who ««^« W »l»ti | wiUi lit NMMl fl«*«il aaprtnMoM uThinrtiMMi by Mra. OgHvia, a«««MiiH| bf tho' fhtittlur nama of '• RlrKard,** iKn nm)n, Kliaa, aArr i-olilly rrplyir«K l«i hia lR<|utnM, roaa fhiin hi^ <li'i)n Iha tofa li^iwt'on Mra. iJiiimil Mil hrr hiMbnnil. Mra. lAmniirii niaii- Mr, ilurin| hrr ■hurt viait Ihm avoniiiK, tvaa verj dilK*r- afrom lU iitiia^ nlnnUity. Hho llirianMl with' marhail tflkfenre to all Mra. Ogilvie'a allompta at ainllrtMinlal EWfiratton aftii aeir-«uhigtfa ; ami h«r rrul warinlh ot r% waa onlj- dirn'ovi-ruhlo whrn Klina h>ili(i>ilto kave ihirronm. 'I'tfls Iwi' eireuniriUincn wmrtH-rniiionctl hy aomfl rutte •IliHtinii kfttifpiri ahotit R^mlal having iimn " emt gut** of (b^ 'W«alwmMl pn)p««rty. ' »lr^ • But the bairn may .loo,' mid Mw. iMont, agiln Mating haraeir afUr MiM Ogilvic*ailepartiin>, ami having Mcourao i«> hei- •niifl'-ltox, aa • aort of mt^tifive —* an MlJ «voinan'a tvi^nn MjlJuin Uvea { and f^dr Muagrave, to mj certain lino\vl)*y llie rudencMofDippie'a ailuvion — '■ * I think ye'rcncht, Jifan ; and nno guid can cvor t-omo •^rni Leddy Muagrave. If alte didna excite auld Hor- Mrt ag«ina4 her aiater, »ho, at ieaat, never made ony attempt to leaaen hia reaentinenl. I attnietiniva fancied IImiI, if he had ha J ony honeal freend abool him, mailora mignt hae l>e«n mudo u|> between him and the harrlaya baiure hia deatli, aa Mimt Mary \\Vi% ojre hia favourite ; and I never can think o' Leddy Mutignive wi' onytliing Hka patienoe, when I rrmrfnlier the deaolate itate o* tho puir young creature, aa I found him aitling beaide the cerpaao'nia mother, wi' no a relation in the houae, Utough hia aunt lived only Qve milea off. They aay, too, tliat Str William haa had twa or three apoplectie atrokea, and thai hia leddy \'to ilfs. OgHvie. Here Mr. Ogilvie, appre- lliiMt LImaM ahould dilate on this otmoxioua >*l|iiHw AamMMMA •# Dippia, propoaod that tba flpMMW ahMM lal» 4i walk in the garden. Mr*. l>lpHpi» IIMar iHri ihK do«r eloeed, than Mra. Limont ^»»^*lMtil i oailvaMnttth which ahehad had, aoaw ^fflr?^ *** i»lp that la what I mJUn n«mi«« fiilh hae, that they dinaa ham o' ' continued Mra. Limoat. • Aa anld leddy, fi«a PaniQiitk, ea'd on ma tiw ithar day | and ya baheve what an ill'Will aha haa to ya, and hi went on alMNit ye.' ' She tniMt Iw a low prraon t and I wtah to hear nothing anoiil tier," erwd Mra. Ogilvie, haaliiy. •Sht-'a no exactly what ye may ea' that,' rej the Miaa Habby, onything for tho hoiioat penny.' " Ay," aaid ahe, " I wad be tho Iwt to caat up onyb«Mly'» forheum, If folk to<* nae aira on ihemaela. But, when tliey do, merely becauae they'vw I fot' ailler withont ony merit o' their aln, I canna hae j ony patienre wi' them. To think o' J?W/ Rijtftmlk turning u|» her noae at a 'aponaihie man'a dochlar liko ; myaelT a laaMe that uaeil to be glad to get an auldfoim frae roe, at an orra time, to gang daoent-like to the kirli I Do yo no mind that auld Elahie waa At for naelhing biit to cobble herda' and cotiara' ahoon ( for neither my faither nor ony o' the farmcra wad lippen thein to him, the donnertjdaidlln body Y" , ^ ' I wish tq hear no more of thia,' aaid Mra. Ogilvi*, filming with jrage. ' Ay, hut I haena come to the went o\* continued peraiBverinf Mra, Liittont. «♦ She ma on hae been tine« fond 0' ailler,*' qoo*''Rabby, "an* aweethearta maun hao been acarce, wh<§n ahe took the like o' 0|ilvie, (for ma natrt, I dinjiia believe fhe ever had ^titnf offer,) wi' hi* ggem leg and hia gteo'd een." * i ';-f<» 'I really cannot aubmit any longer (o Haten '^^ impertineru|e of thia Mixa Babhy,' exclaimed Mra. Ogilvie ; and then, for ahe had oboerved Mra. Limont'a dilllike to Pippie, and had guecaed the cauae which iiicreaaed it, ahe roinarkedi>-'< What a fine lad Mr. Dippie ia I He ia likely to be every day a grektar favourite with ja all . What a fortune he haa I HO«r much do you think T" "^^ -. :., 'Indeed, I neither kM nor P$t^\^^tifftfi^.Mt ' Iwll wlinn hi* fntthM wm uai %>' IIm waf . anil ran oM to ara. U>t Irnr o' a |iiM itira^iing. H— ha |al U> Janian-ji, liadlijr <^ia imII. iliri, aha M^ M «ra« WMi kanl Iteal ha niatfe lim mtmry by Bartviac mm Im* Uian llirto filanicra' wiUowa. iU>6iiirrd woaian { anil, aa fur iho laJ, ha haana a m onl Ui Uvaw •I a il<)«, aa« JUfanJul ff»fl Mr. Uarday.' Hera Mra. Ogilvia aia|ilay(>il that paeuliar anMr wktch waa Iter uaaal diftlmnacy wh«n •!»« fouiui haraelf liaMwmAiad I anwUi pn^babljr hava pnivokad a AmIi ivtart frr>m Mia. Limoiit, ha«l the |an(lemen not ft-anlerad Iha room. *AimI, O aiia,' aa Mra. Limont aaid, when afWr mnVi rroounling ihii cunveniatiMn, * With what a ■■MMMb, coiii|u)ard oouiilKnaiirn ih« cratiir UrII rtii-rived dMHit, whan kcr heart «ra« flaming wi' puMiiin I I e^lna iHit think hixi littla natur there la abont bar.' BafoTB t\ifi party diMprriMMl, MiaaOgilvIo rnma into th« parlotir { and, whila MrM. Ogilvia wna nngitfad in Modueing wrine and eik«, aaid ti> Mra. Liinont, in a low vaire— • Dander wii iifll «»M dH Aithl bifiu* iut. I hope Im ia better now.* ._, •He'll be happy tcpHeir that yon are better,* whla- pered Mra. Limoiit ; ' liut, pi^ir fuilow, he ia very, very low.' Randal calletl a Tow daya afierM-nrda, that he mi|ht net appear^oflendrtl, and unwillin| to abandon nil hope ef being permitted to viaii the family. To liia great Might, Mra. Ogilvie received' him with ipparently more than iitual kindnt^. But Eliza, who wM alRo ie Ike mom, appeared In he much embarraiaetl. Her voioe faltered na ahe retnrneva secceaaCull ktit dvrlarMig thai, if it Maa, >ho nover wwmM Wmm* . the wife ui another. Mra. Ogtivte'a *io|> waa omm iieenl om Ike alains m« (reluifl of ■olanclioly nivsctence,) having Itaatdy liegMd ht • lock of her Mur, •>(« instantly cut of one of the Imm beautiful curia which flowml down hertempleai mI km had only time to aevrale it when Um door t^/mmi. Mo tiiaa roae ami look his leave. InuMidialaly en kla return lionie, he wrote to 34 r. Ofilvl*, a e eeviH W» ■ttachnicnt between himwlf and ElMa, def iM a g Ua oinruoMlencea and pfoapecis, exwvsaing a he^ llMt he i^uU awm aurceed in hia proHpaMon. and entraeliag that, in lh« meantime, ho might be |teMBilied to MMer into aa enfsgatuent with liei. Tu ilile note, Mr. Ogilvie fMurnod a rohl and final refusal { at ihe seose tiuir slalil^[ ttiMt lie and liia wife nmi iliiii|tblW won to set off next morning for the aouth uf tlngland. From Ihia time, Bandal Idat al! inlsraat In the mmI occupatiotM of life i aeldum stirring fni« Ike kotwni except IM* in tlie evening, and frequently retuniiag wet with dew tr rain, in tlie great terror of Mas. Lininnt. It Was impossible (or him to coooeel wliat had happened from her and Iter worthy hwband } nml he had, at (Mat, the comfort of real sympathy. • Haud up yer head, my bairn,' she exolaiowdt 9a one (Nxasion, ' there's as guid Ash in the aea aa eevr cam oot o't{ and hne but pniienre — the lassie will k» her ain mistress some time or ilher ; and that tip ae lti n l>ody, her mother, will hae but little power ewee her wlien the auld man'a dead. Ye may lie sura, Randelf they maun hae had feeht aneuch wi her, ainee llieyV* had lo ink Iter to the south, and haena returncil jet, though ihia is November, and she baa been iheM aiiie* tho beginnin o' July. Puir, lionny lanaie ! I'm tkinMa ahe pines na niuoltte 6tr the wairt o' you aa ye hae tluM for her.' -,;m ••, : .. ■• ■ /*♦,,. , In the coarse of tiita month, Ihindit feceieed iiil^- lieemro of the death of hia infant cousin, ot which efveat Mrs. Limoift could not eonceal her satiafaction } tnd, witliout mentioning her intention to Randal, wrpt* t* Mra. Ogilvie, eppriaing her of what ked happenMl. ' •The puir lad,' said she, afWeke kad disfiaMM the letter, < will soon be himsel* again, m i|f%m* tiM want o' that weary estate thot'a brougkt Mm % ttiia paaa.' 'I really wish that the heart o' that woman majr ba turnerd lo him t My vera aeid'a waa for Imili, I ' hae often thought o', a keying o* Dr. Strang. i»ka» ha waa lecturing on the ilood— ' Tko rave*,' mio* kd^ * *•!• aphorically sfwaking, finds ilael at hame in ihki aNMtti. but the dove canna get a spot whaia to reitt itBiwMgr My fear ia, Jean, th^i it'U m h» laiif h«(bea VVkktm^ lay his head in tbepuvaJ^' -i^ 'Mfi**! f ..(,*« ^m 4 ^^ .%:, * . , (itf wmUm | aai • www eoid wklek ii« bad naiighl hsvinf w«il«it mi hh luntp, m«oliiU«< a ■■■■■> ea poaaibl#, b>ln, when alone with her hua- band, conaialed of prafotind lamen'nlioiHi ftn- Nnndal, and execmt^a againat Mr». 0|;ilvre. ■•*yU the courae ff ahout three weeka «(Wr Ihia diarto- iiVt, he waa removed, by ahort atagra, t« the email BoMer town whieh waa menlianed at the ohtiwt, aa ii wae much reconimende«l f«*r the puritjr of it* air. A fter Ike immediate fiitigue of hia journey waa ovefcome, M W* aomewhal alrongcr, and was oven able, on two or , { Aiee ocoaaiona, to go, accompanied by hi* (Hend, Mr. '• Hunlltoa, to the pictureatpw churchyard, which Ilea at • little diatance from the town. He had never aeen it beTora ; end He waa ao atrack with the aniiidcd beauty efdieaitiHition, that he frequently enjoined hin friend In veee bim buried in the very rinM which we have de- eeribed, end to cauae a iiiiupin slono Ip lie enxlQd, beering nothing but hia name, the date o( hia death, hia aae, and the ahort |>aaaage from.ScKptur*. It waa only 1 Moyi-ik^week. however, after the citange, that all hia > aymptoraa became alaraiingly worae — ao much ao, ihat ■ Mr. Hamilton conaidered it indiapenaaUe to eend for ;lir.and Mr*. Limont. On the 2d of April, thoy ar- • rived I and the angiiiali, particularly of the latter, when •he aaw him rapidly sinking, waa quite indeacribable. t * Uf poor baim,' abe exdaieMd, her old face atrtam- let with tears, « thbt mav^ KIU.«o T1 at last : but .^TU repent it.* ♦ « O BifB,' Mid Mr. Limeqt, ♦ ye've got but a puir , wweid for a' yer confidence i you've been luafiug ■;t imitr the wing of a tmUmn.* «_* Do iM« dialNM yeurwivea, my deer friemle,' said i BmmM, m a fidet tone. < How thankful I am that I've iMffti to aw yatt once mora ! This will be the laM thrill :^gjM*y eajoyroent, except perhaps out, that I shall ""Vltliafore I die. Be sure, Mrs. Limopi, to get your ■ warn home— practice will be of comparatively small wwe q umce to him now.» Then, atter a |>au8e, he ,«|Mtiirard»in aatili lower voice— < Mrs. Limont, I wish 1^ Ip wh a Aw words with you alono.' Wr. Limoet and Mr, Hamilton then left the room ; •adlaadai, raiaing his head a little from the pillow, I finished oat hie cold, moist hand to Mrs. Limont, which '•At pwpad eoendaively in her own. '*^^*^Um. LioMnt,* he aaid, « have you heard anything of IHw aince I left Ediilbivgh f Here he observed thai lie «im«ihing that f rnuldna wrel mak •Kit, aa she waa ai^ialai nhokpd, aliool a (inmraae ye bad gien her lannyne, and ahe bi ihatthia is not removed j and (ell Eliza what Ideaired to l>e buried with me.' Mrs. Limont promiaed m arti- oulatoly aa ihe could, and he aoon aAerwards fell into a aleep which laatcd till about. ten at night. When he awokn, ho found Mr. and Mra. Limant, nml Mr. Hamilton, sitting by hia bfdaide ; and, though ■lie waa faat ebbing, the benignity of hia nature aull contmued lo unimpaired, that, on hearing Mia. Limont cough, he U-gged licr ti> go lo IknI, adding tliat sAa had a hiialwnd and a aon to 4^are for. But it may eaaily be ihouuhi that hia rtMpiest waa not complieon both ; out he gently removed the right, and whispered, • TM one it clottl alrmufy.* The difficulty of respiration soon became greater and greater, and the only wenis which he spoke were — ,„',j 'I blew God that I die in peace with Rim nia wMl all. And, before midnight, his spirit had aaeendadto thatplace where • Uiey neither marry nor an given in uwrrtagc, but ar^ w the angels in Heaven.' AtimiUr Inoidvnlia raeordod of Iha Bar. Mr. Wolff. •.=rf:,>:,r •^ iid*S^ kM- "'^r*^' 'i ULL STANLEY. BILL STANLEY! *:i A i^tLoiri iioBY. ^ ■■AMt, ir llMa bwl ntmt vMtiJ llw reni Trfw, bat lalMldHi to vWt UmaIi thnu haat ■ pl«Mura tn rnaervw— • • pMM««, A>wiiHgHl, praAtohlA pleaatir* '-|>roAlatila aa PHiaiih Um lM«l(h of Um bodjr, for a Inp U|M>ri the •«•« nskM iIm blood feai ton yoari younfer, ami daneo In Um voiiM M morrilf m th« wayM around ua { and ■iiiilatila alw to the mind, bv lUing it with frMh objocta br vrondar and on<|templa«lon — and tt la i fact vwj ywallj overlooked, that the poor jaded miml atanda ■■ aMli in need of new ohjeou to worii upon, aa ila ||tMM neigbbouj^MM ^Hxijr, atamU in need u( reat or 9tmim o( ilM.J 0il^ e matter of amall eonirB_a atrong iaa>mbtanc»*t& St. ■vo of Etwepo'a ooti^oerDr. The pin- O— Vot. I. mmIoo an* a ma* of perpendicular rooks i towera, balilementa, and furtiflraliona, appaeaMly perfect to the eve aa if formed by the haiida of Man, htk tliai their lerriblf atrsngth aaema to (Vown In meakety on hie puny eSwla. T hoy alone arr* worth vidtla|[ again and again. Th4y make man feel his own inal|^. nilcaaeo, awl the power of the Omnipotent voiee thai called into exiatonce the mighty ocean and the wondail of ila boeom. Buma, on viailing a place In the Hlah- landa, aaiii it waa •• enough Ui Make a blockhead a rawt," and we say that llie man who could vlalt th« Pern Ues witliout foeling ihe influence of poetry within Mm, has a head aa stupid aa the sea-fowl thai inhabit them, anl an imagination as impenetabto m the rocks that compose tlie pinnacles. About ihfao ymis ago, a mixed party leA Newea*^ lie in a steaiMr, on a pleasure exruntun to Ihe Islanda. Aasongst the eompanv ihere waa a man of a weather- heaton but happy and intelligent ou|intenanoe, whoa* age aee m ed to be at least sixty, snd whose general a»* peaninca aad manners Indicated that he waa an m| aaaman, an4-pwha|M had been a puiaer or a saHinfi master in Ik* navy, or the eomfninder of a mcrohaal*— man who had matle qnough to ensMe him to caat an* chor aahore In peaoe, quiet, and plenty, for the remaiai* ■ der of bia days. Hia ahrewdiibaa, his knowledge an4 his humour, aaon rendaml him a favorite with Iht company. / " ' < On arriving at Ihe Mbadi, Iha parly 'f**^ M dMNl and, dividing themselves intQ groups, sat down, aai| spread out their provisions on the rocks : about a doaaa prevailed upon the old aailor to accompany them, and to be their meaaimto. Ader dinner they liegan to ain§|^ and the old tar was called upon for a aong. • Gentlemen,* said b«, ' I never Im(. ■ehm in Um. Id, wuuM Iw.ui tti« bi night IiIm a land- 3; • laMw aitbiii •miUng and |»i|*iiig ufwii ■ flu(« on Um M*4Mnk«, wliila I waa tiwiig dtuliad U» pma. with • , M»« wrniHW '.fa »«© vear*' {r..ya|«in my pockft, and ^. 1 rotflld — O aliiuiiiato 1 vv|i«^ I •xiMnlad I* hava fluHg J»7^vingj inU iny in»Ui«'r'a:'la,»; 1 found Ik'r dying iu • miaoraMd girfiJl. with ackr(v • blaitjiat t.i cover livr I ■ ' ■ Wj* '••J baoa \bt\g ill, ond Uie rich uld taa^aJ call««i Walea, (who iMima to ihia part of tha aoumFy Mnie r »•!*,> aoiaoj all but' tho alraw on whinh ^ihe lay s j: *>«»wr«?M. IiJ'oMgtu my lioart,h%d Ijmataf I flung • iiyaelf upon iho by h«r aid*. , A taiat teame , dver my ey««. ' I neither knew jtvhat I aaw nor heard. ^ • I fait her cold acina-^iilingi^g routed my nock. Siie ,., J^wka— ^la told inoaiy /•/«/*«,'* »a»M/ Comratlani ■£ . : waa the ^ml time [ had ho iVd k ! Tha wWU f-iher - ^ |«artwd mir heart Iik6 a digger, and ta my ag'Miy I tiwwr not «irh»t .he aaid.; I atarie.l, I animated her to Mpaal it again I But my mother waaaiient l~ab(i waa •••dl— the arma ofa oi.rp'ie were faatened round my , . ?^ '. *'''*'' "j« Imw**'* whii;;H uttered the name abe - Kail not a|mken for mora than twewtv year*, her apirit "•«•— •nJ I — I cannot rvmembar it !'* ^ ^ • Vaat tncr.>, Bill,' crio.l Jnak, wiping a tear from hia J^ ' 'ii'" '* "■"r'Jy enough without going to (he play ftrit/ Buj fi.r the aako of Mary Daiiver., the proltieal gri on Tyne«i(tp, (not oven axcepting my old woman,) j^aar up my lad l* > ^ »/ ^ ,^ « If that MhouM chM^ B»cj' aaid he, « I beliaira it ia ■-f ••PjncipaL.o.iuae why Ijim aad'tiHday.' • Why then,' aaid Ja.k, • d.m't you ake an example lltt^kl^ "*" ^*""" ^"V^^^° .'hurch at onca T You friU lad * plain gold ring,ie a precmua" faat anchor ' .^« »ut what,' replied Stanley, « If the old #ommodort, Mr rather, won't allow me to take her in tow ?' .r-. _^^We won't!' cried Jenkina,~Mbat'« a goo,iun ! Old didDanvem won't aHow jlou to apli^ With her!— What a hifl reason t Vm aure he can't lay but you •!• ■■ "^ber a^ the thief judgo of the admiralty.' •To-niaht,' rBplip,r Stanley in a tone of agiuUon, •MfoWMlher in n,y company, and called, or rather £!9S?t!.17^ ' "."'' f" •'•fy "^"». I board him Jip- pMOfiaf bil|erly,and aak if the meann^ of her apirit 9«M permit her to throw herself away upon -'' W'Hi. J.y . ^i"'"'" d^«<"««ne more agitated^— the lNf*it» liajl «o flyer ^triocl lo atirk in hia thrv)at,and »• *lo«* Jonkina oxclaimed— • Upon a better man •who waa in hia life ! But what did ho aay Bill »■» what waf ahe g Qi n gto throw h a w a lf away f * f} ■ }« ^4- • Vfp» • Iwgnar'a NOMalMi lo afa rrf I fco mU,* mm> ' •A |MHif Sunk), IHnkinl bw hand i.p,« hi* brww. . / Vt"' '' >• "' ** *'"*' J««k»"», elarchii.g hia ••« i *> ha«f Ika old Callow'* riba ni>i Urn mmuv«d of iW Ar*t lfli<-r,, ihia lian<| iham I Flaak aa4 Uotid, Vitanlay, hoW did ve ^ndOrw i| |» • I *lart«d lonijf frn,' aaul he,- • ifty ||p,ih ^,^ JOiriherj but "I livanJ her genila voire rapniviiit feiai fur the wurd, and il fall upon Iny koari like iho imnb .Upon Iba MJ, Jai-k, al^ar a atom. My hand Ml by my aide. |la ia A«r hgior. UiMghl i; and (W «ho liM Hjiiie in hia hia Will Slanlay brm/M.! an affrmn.* ,^|« „ Jualaa hawaa ■■leaking, a ginile lap caiMlfilg dr \ •'Guoee, he determined to have bim i«. movffd. Ha alao pcmiindrd old 'Dan vera thai ho wiahed Ui rfTako hia «iuughi«r hia wife. CMigaioMol — aftei-half drowning auch a boary-headed knaw, I would hove hung him up at a yard-arm withlwl JudM "SJ"Cy» ""J buried him iti a Jungliiir wilhmit baaeli of clergy.' He employed a fellow of the name of Vl^ lara aa • ctmfederalo in hia baae inlomiona^— oao who had been tl)i'icr a banknipt, without being able to ahow aloaathat he had-.u,.tained, or pay a ahilling to kk creUiiora. Thia creature be profowe,! to aet on hi buahiewi,— in aoi4llhii>g connected with (he Wool la- dia trade,— and he prrtvailcd nn landlonl Danveia to embark in the apeciilation, and to riak all that bo bad aavod in the OU SAia fi.r five and twenty yeara. So that (he -firm,— if auch a di-gmceful (ranaaetirtn inigbt bo called- by that ap,Hf|lBtion,— went by the deaigiMiioii of Vtltar, and Danvtr: The firp, however, jaae altogathor an invention of Waiea to promote hia d»> aigiia. There vtraa another whom they engagtd in their ach9me,— a fellow who waaa diagrace totheaoa,— (ho very epownof aalt water,-* B«*a low Tyn«iW5uth Caatle, afid aweMhearta and wim i were accompanying the cmw to the beach, wlwi*i> boat vvas waiting to talto them aboard. "* ' M-„ V.mA wm^«.^^ .« ... — J.— \ymj„ 1^1 iif- *'^t- ■•■- *pfl^; aiu 0rAifL)e«t Mk Wi IW ■•••■» t8 Ms Win wilMS ikr^t^h (tar <>/ h«h«r, alM wowM U»\« n-Ufnrti, h« MJ tMr lianti itiV*MttrMV«r|^i<»»liitt lovr i'l» *• '••• lMt4iilM W0 •hall aro t^avh o(>wr i<(r Iw>-I4p mwniha. C k) «*av« g0it4-tft l»,-**ttotm to ^iru)i a War Anr li^ «la|>anuf»i, nHi««^ihaii if Ita weru a lUif. If I bn •lun« an4 an uuicaal m Uie worltt, do^iiOt l«l me feet it • Wiihnglx,' atM trfi\»df < wnuM I follow you, not ••ly iJmm, but lo thflOiMlaof t>i>)Mrth. ^Buimy father wiUb«an Um boaek, waldiiiti iIm \ mjr itenaegtioa the graatr^ during your alMenCf.*'' * What J* eaclaiitwt) he, • liavn I then ■ rival for fwir *&«tioMs one that 1 know not of, and wh<>«e ■AJreuaca are backed by your father'* influence 1 W ho la he lj~pr what ia liia name I Tiighl. When laiuva Anil when • billows H« till ihen^ the iiiimt vir ■nil. I lifw'n garbage, by placing It iii oonipBtilioi^' with • lifpaiDr«i« aa baaa and niean !' A rivall-H«,ther wwihi 1 brMth» liie vepoura of i plougli^d ebamel^ hoM* <«r ever, th^ii be blaKed* nvilli bia breatt» for • ainglalMrl No—my be«rt ie youra^itia' wholly fmtr»— 4)Mrnoi.' -j|> • *rM«ry,' aaid he io|«mn^, * if I em wortify of yotih IvVtW I ,*■ "o* unworthy, of your confldeoeet ,iou wtttiltl 11(4, y^ou «ould- hot beato'v^ "uch Janluagi on the moet werfliliMa, Where pefaiHiial indignity hadwol.bwh offend or intended yoi^. Name him { adjura-rM'yVI' ANMMiu/ you;' he atkied wildly, * i^ will .yet be'jih'ree •lioura till the veatel sail, and in ilint period J will •trttiM the jiidiuiiiy that ha* iWn olTored to you.* ■* Speek na<«li|iieb • thinp,'«uiil all* { [ whaiaverbe ■kia designa, againat auch. ■ peraeiiutor alie ia * weak womliA who oaniiot dtffend hefnelf. Would you raiae yatir hand a^inat a w.k.not ao ; •would a Veeaol of the line throw, ■ bm^dVule into a. pailnr conk-boat t * Puniah him ! no — denpiaf htm !* * nnaT bo ao,' he rejoined, '^ but my heart Cmaa ln« eyelid iiT to 'the eyr-lwll. and even a hinth ivcen Ihem eauare ag>« exclaimed wil(ay/'*. ITaMt / the iQnr^. Mif if nifimoUi^ri — vrho aent hia miniona to fell t^e wrjr kod frotn henaalh her, aod lel\ Iter to '^ipriah on. »4lM||"Pund! Juatiee! where alee|f^ thy thumlei^lta ! Mujf.'f* •MH ifttipi,--! go' out to ^ea tord»y«^ "' I I il WtUlai * »»"* -^^ »J1«»«I»«»»*»I» « Am mm «ha» tamr darkii I Vili doubt vuur aA;i lion | vttbirlwind ~ii^PT*Tnn% een<-e of your own ho&rl-, you lu*) rrt not the liila .of which autiie ar« capnMe. " (^t the nahie i>ra Ii '^tlnelie atlkchedtto ll)e clikraeter of m 'mad, and «k|M« daily oCa ric^iriafn, till liin crlmoa »rv hea|»ril up, Uhi a wovid^airMipon tlW■^otlldpra of their. rontemptiNfi author, uikd the nex} 'itMii' thut rii«». In the eye* ^ tiM w^>r|d, mellB away their oiiurnilty, \f not their Ameni- tiraftce ; Itut If the iiuti* ttiailow.of aurh a villain*t brefih pa»« over the ('h,arl|iMrr .of a woftian, lla ataiiM \ will^nBhiain Ihtod'and Itnutov^lld, |rowing in MachnMI and inthertng onla^ry,' until life' and meioolw have innl» th«ir iatf.port. f/wiUnot apeak'nf rovenge to dlotfOM you,->*-but I ahall not underta'kb thia' voyage. I will rftinaiiton ahoro, not to fu«Td your Innocence, but Ift protert youf nbme from nlunder.*' • WiUiaHi,!lh« 'aniwered; Mynorant of th^ wwtd t may bd, butCl,kiiow,{th'at your rumfining oo akor* ,1v<)utdonly giverii^ to the calumniea whieii you w&uld with, to prevent. You. would make j'uumejfan object for tho Ipugtiter and reniarl^ of yourHhipmalea } and would dinob'.ige your owiicra, who. afler thia voya|«, hav* (>mmi*MU yout the command' of a veiiMl. ,Andforwhat < would yoi» do thia, but through fear 4tf a wrofch on vwioni I would, not waal* k aiii|le tfioi^ghl, and wtV wnom I regret that I hav<«i thVowiTavvay a single word** \ " ','h^^''.^'- oaPu. At that moment Jttck Jenkina, wUh hia wife Betty, ^pi!ig like a;meriiiaid'Undi*rl ja'arm, hove in aiMtt, the moment .|ie beheld his comrade, lit called Hollo'Billi how did you and Pollr ineaf|f to liaks the. old Cononoilore of * lh« iMpy'l aee ftkk keeping a-tooj^-out AtiaA there.' But his "wife' aotibed while he wlia ii|>enkiiiir, and as ho npprodtnhed hie shipmate, he roiltin^ih^d — ' Take nimi-k in lime Bill,' anUMtioii't miirry.^1 ^fk your iwnlon Polly, and yow* too, Betty my UvVj?,' kissing his wife's cheeks, ■* I dn'et exactly roeaji tiut to.-mnrrT citliftr,— bui thi* pertiiig compkny breatiar up one's heart, lilte an old^lr<>lH|Ut .craft that ia not fit for firt)-w«iod. i wiah llie iyimn back had « round dozen, that invented the |rw^^ ^rda^UlB ^ ' ItfWays micks in toy Ij^nwt like p«iik|Bg ^piWFf oW junk- dovrtt It.* While he w^ s|>eaXtitt, a kln|^ cfQtlfr diot i««ttd • point of i^hd, with a |)ack of lobaters al«A; ead tk« bleck lellow, boatswain Rigby, set in k«r ko«r. -s^i. in -f- >- v> '\ , TAL«t Of THE tOtt^TM. wnaiT, ♦*« not ihliili M lotipa*- T' • K«n ! why Irt f "^ J7jj,,,„^ „„ v. .th U-tf I-PPf" tS, boi« Ux* »h« |r.Hin<». .na H.|bf , «!» IT- » »t motion •nd ni«nnim, •«•«"• "«' "''**3*,. (,^ial£w ' Jfc^ii h.r hina upon U. ««lh. -7-1"' A» V^v* fool Jack r »^,«-i- «iil •■l««««<»«' ^. What I* -id «»»• ^'^^'•iKi. irtJi;.n.' wul - " O f crWKl Mary, •^-r^?* ''^ Wm ti-"' him I gtonp««<> «» •'"'i •"" V^^'u i«« orl defy ih« won* - iMt you can do.' ^^^ „ot w»l» -^ « Quick Atn,* Mid Wr>y» »•• ^T"" laek; -id h.. wMh J* "^irtnd^^hi Tou «.t!.r« .«d hi. heort -^yjo bur^ ^l Uh. I.n J-h.rk. off •'^Cr.t Kl' cS ;.«hiJL, • my hoorfi .flojt. • • B«i«y wii I ^ J ._-i Im >t MM r««pecun« Pwiy. . JlMt^n Me- y«« '■^'..•l^'lSLrrySo'. not J^- ' . tboold any iuhber P^'T^Sj^'hT. colour,, «mI rfiov. ,.SSr."lowt blurtwinfoul of i room, cryinf, ^'^•rjj.^ 'i-,, „ .Show dere ybu in wch . ^•^^^^^ *^,"» VxZ t W h.i i. your bu»i«.«. '*'"\^JV„„-j|,p,*ii TbetU,, fellow .h.n evrr •J-^'-.i^'i^'S'^Xwi •our q.i*»t.on«, .n-wM ««e to me. VoJ^ I l.d of th« n,me«f »!" «;-;t7";;5-den.«iHH •• The Muire .hook with terror, nw '"^T , M*-Laa . Jume1!n .ir of .uthoh.y, i..mmj« o^;^ — fcllow J I— I know no «ich pe^. »«r»^ -^ B«-|one I -y.* Jenkln., ♦ end he»k«T«« don't know P..lly n«nver. «•«!'« t ^eWj^P "^ pJieofbiaj«nU,.y.h.rreny.H.rm2^J^ ,.^ •^ W.le* celled upon h» -f '^"'T^'i^S^ .W.I him, there' tttemf with vou yet. Now, you «^ • m -"":•,,, w. ,,«. Ipl^lf Bill S.-nley-.l •"••■■ "^ ■»; '% \ Mil. fff AHiif. tlwKlf. 'to II Of w« eaii*t mate • ' ^m lia* Jl**^ ** ^i^ '**' ''"^ would brMk Hm pfoaiw r i laM y«»» •» »••• • P«rt «»' **»• !»••* "^ Wti^t, Ui«» Ilia ^a«IM«r«Wi VilUm wm to rmmx »iA I>«n*#« U»»» *(|M«, Ml •€« owm iif «h« prttaiii.»*l «»••'« /5^ "*•' luMikira wM wium in Um |»«rl..Mf «f lb* OW »*- ■Uit ikZ •nUinc« oT • •!>••»*'• "•««' '«» •"*•' •»"•• wbit« hM wif« ••Hi a«ufh«« •mlwvo«ml to cowl.wt Mm. tml h« Mfi in..urnliillr-* Wife, •fW b.iiit «»«- fM ih.Mv »••« •* «»• h«v« h«««, I aiU HOI vnj«» ih«» «« •k.HilJ b«v« l*«n l*rt«> •" »••'• *♦•»• i *•* "** Ikiok UmI alW to.Un| <./ Sk,p h«f« for lw«»iiy VMn to •»• • ■»•••«' "^ """^y ^'* *** «!•»»«««•*. "»•« I tliaMtd l«i«« •III ••»«* •»»y' •»•"' r"* *♦'•"* '" ■ I"'""'"- Hul ii i« (!<' no uM uiouming' •btiul It, f •• — ' -»■- - . % . m. f*'!KBrrT..«ihu..^i .- «.«rf«c«Hhj»p \^-^:i-^rt^^^tvrJ*l: "'• tiMVlato we •OImAm^I k«akMMir «M Mm. rnmi* Ihy high ntrttona, •« hard (o bare laa( (k* taminga ef jweely yeara, and to be parted from iwlfc and ohdd. !)«•«'« I* aafry with w#, daughtor. Ya«V fethar meant alt ha haa mmI or done fin jmmjmA^ Coma, gira yoMC old feihfr a kiaa and forgj** MM. ft may be «Im laal ha wilt ti^* ract4w»#M» fMl1l»lli own hrtoaa.' __^ {^ She ibr»»-w brr •rme amiind hia n*rl ana iitpli ••■ whjle lh«i falhar and daiigbUT aoibracad aaefc elbar, • aharilTa aOeaf antarati tba hoiiaa. • Wall a^y I wall a -day I' erwd Mra. Dannm m ■ha parc«vwl him, • ihy trrand, and iha dtagraMin^ will brwak my heart.' ..... • Don'i be dialraaaed ^mA wonnaa,' hM U»«j *'\i la no a«iah dlagni''* b"* «•»•• •"••»? •^ ** "^ i^uutnirw m^aa uiLmii to it evrrv day. * Mfi ,mm wm^ "-J •"> OHluofd lo Bny more than I can. But I alwafa.aaia what all .your jobbing and Iraffickinf in MMpany with the 'Unkrupl Vjllam woul.l cm| m. I kaow IhottV ••ilfcring eiRtiigh, and we are all •uffcf ing, but don't ba irefleciing ufHin our daar Mary, for a bat- lar child never parenU had.* ^ -• • 1 an't niakHig raflecUona,* ripliad ha paair«p»iy, la partpur.-whaw I have Mt for Ifranty yean,— (0 a dungeon l" • i"'l*' ^ ' . , • Falhar !' laid Mary, • what would you hava ma do I Would you have roe become an object for the *"^>>f*|* <« ahun, for your Anemic* to lriumi)h ovf r and daapiaa, and for the aliahdonad Itf inault. Would yrtu have me lo aall my purity, my p«ac©, of mind, my ^»reaent and atamal happir((>M, to a raiacreant who carrtea MDotily on hia brow and monlily between bla l«eth, while hla heart ia a putrid aepulchre. Would you hava m* to do Ihlaloaava you from a priaohl— and to which you hav^ baan brought by yo»ia^n aimplicity. To aa«»M you I will become the aervanl of acrvanUi— I would hniah | «• >>«f ■« mUffW"! added ha/ • I am sorry, to inform you, y««i saual with n<^. T^ WH** *"• *"*^ y*"' jron « iif •"h b very l»ard,' said the old »■« | « I sty dff H || vary hard to lie called a priwmer lo a free omiatrylllf doing noUiing at all. Heaven knowa about *^ ^ debt thai is liroughl sgniiist me — for I don t. IM I know that lockii« me up In a jail wro't pay ii.* ^^a • O cruel lairr exclaimed Mary, * fnmad kyWW|> ind put in force by usurers'. l«t juallea laH^ at Wl wise legfslators, who ahiK op iho springs, and i the refOfvoim (o tw fiHed.' • Why Miss,' said |he olllr.\al, • I didn't law,— r liie only the o(lo wiih yau. Bear with misfcrtune, my dear flrtkefi i^ a man. I will accompany you— lake ray eras. If I have hung upon youra with pride upon moaa oceaeibns, it shall net be said that I waa a-' you to real upop mine when they led yow ' ^ ,__ treeti to a prif^.' And die accumpf nied hl«4» ll» llace of confindmanl. ' It vaas. two days afler dd Danvers b*d fcet* likiB to priiioa, that the frigate ihto which Williana Slaalef hadbee* impreas^ n^ade. towards the liiiid, aad nit off the mouth of the Tyno, while a boat'a crew ordered on shore. BoaUwaia Rigby, apprr^- that Willium would requeal to be one mUwM, his request might be granted, bad, pn»vM*a lelka kaM leaving the vesad, aought to qaatfd wWI Mw^ •■< atruck him j and rM|ueded of tho lltalia^it, IMI HI eonaequence of the indaleooo ho had a ho should not be permltlad to, fo ott I y« \ to puniahroent, placed on duty Poor Stanley ley waa. walking A* ' permlHim tAiitlM MtlMWHt«*ii»lll i^^. '' ^ I^U^^iJUfL -% ^i*^" % ThlMM Of «• ny torn "1 L.,ttii4|. IM ■ tr9mU*n» I »I»«P"» ' " iift: 1L*nU fro,.. .I...M.n. . »-» "»'"«>;; I I* ^ 'fltt^.M.ry!' ho cried, .n^ .F«"l J^rll* l^iii^#21!MMfir^ frWml.'erkd fc^ **? ■ r.^ JEim h^nil. •««« Willi the other ^^ *55^?L-II!t^rtr ' My hencl •lid h^iitl •« ttTuTl •«•■'" h'" yo«r v.Hce Uml...| ikr ,h.H wither in y..ur -.l»i«- ^^T'J^JT.U •• • ^T -,,. K«epU-i«yout««M«J'.k«-pk^~»»^"'^ ;«h«me4 lo look In your *<•. ^^ him lh« IM>U»J • do wilh 11 •• > •»»•"•. BuJr—S know not wbail iSflJlSwrC-** " »• •* *• ••* •*' hoirtefouiriy«ld--'Who h«v« yo« i^ jM»iH«f- . Who, .iN P- y«" ^;^:^ tLTZn^plim .h-C with to« ! Off i...«..»d^ TH;t^Jr.«r 1^ ui fc-^»- I You, |ifl, mu«t reninip.' .nd ►«« •JPjJ'.'j; ft^«|. I .Hy 10 l.k« h'^„»'J,*",rV; i You h.Tlii*«» »« .e«|^'-H.W ..r ! hold »"" ''^^j „,^ » - br your woid*, hill Vmrh not, •• yoa wow« '— — , uli;, man, the hem -^ »»" jj);:^;*^ rf.^P «.M the bo«t«w«in fiercely. be«one i "r*,^ ""^ , MiMd hit h.nd und irtfuck him on the ^^- ,^^ demon l.ufhin« throu-*- — «f ""^-"^ ^"^ ^ h«vR etru^-k ine Ri«^' ■enre of her who heaven hav e m er fey on i im w > ha « h« '/ excleimed Williem. iT^y trough exce« of «,«•«, l^'iTST lighv io^i«y '-^"^1"*, 1 , C ,«'«de.« «eth«iUfcl .P*' ^sss^i^s^^ rs^tC f (V hffft hi, and > failMff II rtrtfttijr llM 1^ ly^Mlllkllf r«, follow, iMiaiillf. y*»»«l •••• <<**f*^ mnnnmr, <«h.niM»« • •wu*k •"t tlw •►»•!•'• -mw •(•'■•HI (-mwf^i U iw rtMn«M wf «n« bM«»««*«iii, wh«» «•<«♦«, •'"•* •' TH« * ttmm tMiantfy I iM • l« «l( aq wA- Mf^ M>lHHi •hiUI Im ih» ir«nl arM.' WliiU th«f mmm (tlsMlnf iNm Irnna upon Mm, Msrj dirww h«f»itf •• Hh'«t'» r«N»«, •*rilaimt.ig -•O • IWml —•ava ih« tifo ttt my Willian*-— tijr H«r llial Mu, o< ih«i l'>*«Ni f'Mi, •a»n lii-H ! /wva him I* • Am, Miry I' rnal WilUam. ' (ha« ihw raHnrall. gtauM Im not w» »( rapriistnh. Prajr ("t yri ig a aiww w ■i»««M>nft rtfrawatl,J*«k-~Aira««raiwiilHMt iM my M vy aaA* t* Aii| on •liura by Jimkln*. Tha fHfala wa« ihimmaml »>l by Captain JitMrlitfarM, ••i4 «i^han tba (^i'«r« worn aMirtnblait to holil a cxivrt ■larti*! «v«r jt^i-tr Si«ul«y, hir mikI, ■iMrcMinf HuHy— • Thara •• ««t « man in ih« Hnliah f(«»y, bmuwrain ■• lii^f . mnri tl4t«m«in||niiltng laah, nor can I wilh inilK* , ferancfl •«ni«nctf ■ Itrnvti ffllnw lo ^ho hiiciK up f'lr 4oin| thai whieh' Iha l>'«l ('••alirvK* of hia natiirv, ami Iha MiniimanUi (hat tnal(« a han>, |«r^ iiriaonor, anva your- Mif. Are you ihon roaolvod and preparoJ to |iruae- I your ehargr I* ^ ' • t aai both rewilvad and pr«iparer- I,' aid Rigby, * ami Itlemaml the aatiifarttoii of I of my country and the •ervice,-not mly aa an ottnor who ha^ bonn inxultrd' ami injorml, but na a BnUMi oAo«r and ■ubject wluMolifo baa iMwn atteinpi- " *THWta a aarioua charge, boatswain,* a«td Captain SW a r b ni ime | *l«i thf priaonMr be brougbt Dirwanl.* Tba eulprit wa« brought up, guarded and in fettara, •nd being plaeed before In* jU^m — ' Priaom^r,* began Ike Captain, ' I daeply rcgivt lliat ono of your app^ar- MMM, tMl of your unifurmexoellent conduct ami cour- « while under my eommaruJ, ahould he brought he- ma undar aaoh oiraumi(iino«a m tboae in .which fN Mw atand { and I rrcrel the 'more that if the be prov«l ami a* bavin a« tt|i««i iba nrtf dia>. Hut " the ilMMl and front 1^ my .»«»n»ling heMi Mi eaient, no mtwe." ' •11a apc^ba h»*»»l»,' mi»tlwa , * Captain HbarliournA/ InqiuMi the bnatoWttlll Ui^ 6ir«mU>d''l'ine, • do you tpieetion my honour f •»' ^tllMrinit no auch indprrupiionn, air,' aaid the ee^ l«in, ' we ait hem to deal wii^lacte, eel wi^ h aMf» Clo on with yotir cha»|pi.* , ' " , '••"'Ql < Whan,' rmiumed Righf, «l«mHeaf(l Mm ptMlH hia eaeK(ie from the aerviha, ^nd eofflmanded Mm # hit duly, ho haughtily mMled | and ee ^f < the •irangeni no aliore, he aprang forwaid, »m < me on the deck, ■ ■»tw»n,»* J Ml im the bfHitawain waa lying uptm the deok, yA thai M them lia-l hi* foot upon hi* brraat.V • Do you Ml ,ipoae.* inquired lh« Ciqpttia» *im M • deaign up^o hia lifef „ ' *^?' '• • PIcMO your hono^ir,' itili t i P l i tflf I W il W , * I eiH aay t but ypu had belter iak hlmatlf. Uhm\ won't deny it { for HII take my Mblii eMh til poor fellow, never hove the hatchet in I don't I I; ' — It — _,, J • ^^ ff^ 0f tut >o»»' t^wmy f£s|is • ^^ .... t - 1 .«5*^ «Z>- ..«--W««. "i^-^; . ,^. «M l^-iUlifi ^j!rSb.«^ I will I- .«««i «- *• T— - but MUM UwM UciMi* »hfr« Jo«d, iwi^i ^^ Uii«| •»#• "■■■ ^ ..^^ f ... «Ri M«« htm I p»hM Mill* ••Ni h« H*f»ftf. iM««lk Amnm^i *o be| dihI klM Km (•••M lfc«l tlwwNi ■M (h*w lK«rm,' Thaalwriir'* o««ift*» ■! ihto «#- •fdttminf 'U hnilMMtM hiM(i«nw«M« wkail a hani h xi w i m l ami wiekMl wofM w« M*« iat Mumaniijr anrlant mamafa, and nothing alaa but marriage,— and wna not I right t [Thou aball hava bar, air, with a Taihrr'a hieaaing, and I rill pray fcr thM th« longrat day 1 hava bt lira.' ' For iIm aaka of human naiuiv, Mr. Wataa,* aaid ^Mwjr, < I will auppoaa thai yotir intentlona aia aow arabla. Bat, oo«dd I avan fixfat all ibal'a paat,-^ I TorfM that far many aaonUia you hava aoafht ■f iaa l niction, and hava ilrivM to mak« ma becaaa whieb would hava mada om to ba daapiaad in my ) Cfia, and an outeaal In Ihaaa of olbaia,— If, Mr, I I ftirft thaaa thin g a, I «ymld wot gi wi my band my haart haa^aM a wl oi i ied to ilBlaat, Far v««r aflNwd ttarlaoaa t v8t l«« I •«« aw4y MifMif fMt wiihipmti fc ai i n«« IM «Nf ^ranto •<• ««ly <« aj >a n'p a**ag tw vmw wm4>««, •MtoliitoMPIMilM"^ M«a4flMlt i l Mini •wilMMlaagidriaadlbat aftiMawr 4i«h|a«Y-|||i ^ Awih ami mimt^'m, tbMwAi** ihlai *«« M mm} ' - ' DatigltiiM !* 'rt*• •««•♦ «•••» y«a» (k- lh«r In dl« in a ^m tiba ibia, and y«ur m a lb a r ta I4| uiMMt iha alfvvta,' • Mardmi ' MNd wlMly, but •gali enrd •u.l.lfnlr ' No!- • wirti-h, yt» n «»rl mat* ' Ya», \\r in.K-lia yni«inH|, ■ I aoulu And in my h«^rt In kick thaold mwd«^r ihrmidk ihoae Irun gmlingK,— for I know il hi all ihrm^ih hhn that f^aor Dill moat, twAMi Iha win gi^down, !«•«> Ma Ufa.* While Jnrk w aa iiiMHiktnt, tfca lock* «f lh« rirlai^ doom wrrn aiain hc«ril rn*akinf, and in fimlif^l Wil- liam, hia faihrr, and tli«« olfiivni "C iha frigatr, and tfiajf drajwid th« raaralyfUaliy along wiih ihetn. ftMn«i wnaarry of' Mary T • William f ani^nil to maal parh other. Rut thn baal ar«o« waa ihia «••- rumon of Wal*w, wh«'n hia l>rt>ih«>r-knav«« fxpoartl Mi villainy } and f^apiain Sln-rlwnrtM" >^\\it't\n^ ih«*m to bi gnoi>, Jack J<*nkin« rmhad aflf*r Ihiini, fiir the |il<>att|B ofkieking them down the \t\m>tn ataimi but Hill raialp ing him by Ibe arm, aaM— ' Meaamale, lii ma MrodiMf you lo • MV /afArr /' • Yourfaiktr I* aiolaimed Mary { and il wmitd bii| been hard to aav which of the two waa r^araat falNt* ing. Mary and Bill wrro ao«»n aplieati. Thay waw Iha happieat couple alivt. He mae to ha peat-oafMikl, and I nofM to aee him an admirti. So, pjlliiiM^ thal'a an ehd Ip m» yarn. 7 . V But, inquinnl the company, what b*4^aMi if |mI JenkinaT Why, I am Jack lenkina, aaewMtd bit aailing-maaler, with half-pay of flvo and 4tpinc« tm day, beaidaa two ihillinga^aa intefWl for priji mm m —- W thaaha to my aM fHend Bill. - ..K g ^. - iW AUKII ^ crz. -,,11 ..«. tt«j • T!!! T^.rf iAf, «» "^ ,^y wM« WlW, *"*•' 1^^,^ ijMfU. "wr** '«•'»' •*** U«l^ •• •• '•'""f*' ' '"*:* '*^ aL„ Ly Utui under «. - was • »»«m«" "^ •"""' "~; , . ■ p« • ptow" _■*/ ^y^ ,^ f«th«« •»'•»»» *<»T .„d ind*«» I •*;j'' '**i^:;l^.nd^ m.t J.«- h- .l..wn by »^r'"'*T«. Uw" lh« .«•"—' "^ •"""« rhl wi ^pSr^T h*. torn., ..a . v«T i«--y 8« w« Mid «•• "'•i*T,!!rhl «.d~' Wtotdof* y^» Mid I. •««« » W-*"^. '.2 • taki H for ■•«» Ml m4 Hi* • «»•* •**• »• r< r"" '"'"^ '* • • I, to ^ ikMi «•• « •»••< • •«'♦ *»' •'»»*• i , * tlMHs' mM fe% * I*N ka •« *M rrawf f *■< ■§ M I «MM fM« Mil- • W|M*« •«« f« fM« IMmI* f — • M ••»| 'il'.' •••J J. ••** •• *** " »l"*'1 ' «••' J««l«t Ml flPS 'liV vbib vnhv mi VMS w Mi m% vph m^p^* • T« b««« immm «• fpii*! •• r«M»» w«i*il, fM#n*.* W« wwMbr««l •w«;r '^wn t»y WmklvflMini ifyto Ull W MMM t« tiM ill««ll ••<<*•'. •Ml tlton «M (HtMtNwl 4m*« Wf fh» r)t#«Mnt afVifntMMi. I'v»f| tliliM aiMHi« ii«, •Imiwm m*. tn"! •m^ng «»« f<»iH «>«>iwa J n WW SumUf •vwff ihinf but J«i«MKiiinr (liM y inigli« l«^rn thoni ll wwi Um I«t|;p««a4 altrrnoim I tivor dti^ni. Jaimw pat, mmI i |mt. I fM • M!«>i«h)>f Arm my fktih«r antl mf iMMlMr wiMfi f fMii hmmm, antl llMy tli>man«l«tl i«i km wW« I ImM>r*a iWaih.) (iMt Jam^a >alM at my W**, anil, aa ha mihI, In M ua fmrtv^t I If* I mj BMHhif'a hand.- I iinml I aaw him ralaa « !»• 1^ wMto tha <«ara wrra on h^ chaaha ) anil ha Itiaa «Madf pat about ta p$i% wl* my iktmrn | hM W ka Bal4-~ JITall •( n« i«iia l>a« /<«#•»««•/ lAaf IJUa «Mii ^MM. «4#f a^-W *^ flP «^'' •t/«a«at fllM IMM» ahaaftaf waf4a la aia, aad t ttvad m (b« f«af« av«fl a(W« mf toaniPr alatava »«•' ,ai»#|liai*Faaawlt«lwBrl)|^i«d k) ma bf ika •Ma a* lh« BlarkaAkr. And althoagh ha hadna wf|^ ta« la aw r.» wMna yrara« I axtwldna ihli»k thaianip mim ♦MHild b« Ml wirkad, aa to wiHta woftkio' r»li»hkitlanil9P*t •>mI ha Nad wi' hint a mulaHa aad ihrvM Iritir^i Ihat aallad htm fmiiAtr f If* waa n« lf nxf Jam«a ! Mf mn:,^ ''Mff TAUBS Of THB ■OiptM. t • / v.- .KiL .«d th.l i. «. '•le when il i«n. pfu.henl In « SS.r'S'i'l.lowi^, fhe p<.u,y «a. «' Mr lip to ijn, I, olih^ 'fid I «»»«nk o' lh« |«hmI l*r|«.ni I h.d l<««, for SL X ..' my f..-- J.n.«. L.iai.w } .nd otW„ wh«n I Tw^me of Ui«m ll..t H oom« ,.«y;»| to -ne, p.M i«.8un.l«y. w.' U.«.r htn.k Imlf Si«" .heir w.i'; on lh« h«r.« '•«';-'/'? rl'^vr^d ;r««l7hM,b-n n« ^ *»"''* '^" •'•^»**"' '"""■ •^ K Hud'Tiir^y ftv. b«ndr.d pound., "^ «« f^^:^ And .bout thi» lime. th«rc wm <>"V''m.5*1. « \V.l"r 2ii«r of beinc I very re.pef.ul>!" wrt o l««l, one wmier £nde«onT he wm . farmer, very ne.r .bout my ojn JLoX together . n.0.1 n,«,H»«'« M.i ' SL'uM .r*^! fir*, met wi^ hfm .t .«y younge.! ...«r . . Ki' dancer I never «.vv upon . «;;*»'• »J.'''"j !^r lb. iumpi..| o' • luountelmnk, nor thedidingo ■■■ avan bettor Jame. Loidl.w ti»d «« Jo.-"**"'*^ • SJ^Ih.ddoubu.t«..tit. Ho^vevor, ho h«l topped ' „d whe J I .; t up to gang ham. the ..oxt day . ho ».d I JlroSigcd to him, never thinking that ho .would .t- ..^t .uT a thing. But ju«t a. the pOwney wm . -Sht':' fJr 1 1 ride -f and jhe c^^"^^ eoftle up to Dunso for it .t n.sht,) Mr. Walter Sander •M mounted hi« home, ."d My. he— h" « * Now I^' ypur pcrmiwioH, Mi« Darhng, I will KO ^"it word'hae be*n very rude in me to .aid-- • .£rr.nkyo«.ir,' aoae.,«ciallyatmyumeo^l.fe, . J^wn vounger .i.terH married that had fnj'l'ff > -^J ' tiuZi a. it were, and gicin my powney . twitch, he Ji^ni on to hi. «:ddlc, Kod came trotting along by my . !Ge He-'wa* very agreeable company ; and when he • 3; '".Sail \m ni«t' happy to pay you » M,^ Dwlinf," I di'dna think o' what I had wild, until after - SJ Ttad •na^vered him, ' I .hall be very happy to aee j!m: •nd'When I thoughtV;.t, my very cheek bonea knmed wi* .h»me. • „. ji *^it howwiever, Mr. Sanderson was not long m cbH- iJwiin-.nd often he did call, and my «•<«"•««* - Sir gudemen began to jeer me about »•""• Weel, he eSed «d died, furl datewy « good ••»hree-qu.rtc« time thel I th««|ht bim a very wweAiMe ■»• » WjJ* I boMato tb»B>. ^'i" »*•'' w.y .ui«iw «• Jaw» But a't IMI fci wade pr«po«l.--l '""•^J*"!!! we.ldi.| d.y w. «t, ..a we had »*«n crkd in Am kirk. It WM the r.irday, juat two d.j».bef«« *• J2. to L marned. .nd ho cm. [Y" Sli^JIT' Jl^ liw ho had bMO «ated .while, .nd crocked in We ««i« ^'" OZ-i^h*. ' wh.t. I »••* ""-VttJSl; Thwe .re four lot. o' cattle •« i»w m.rket, and I mi«kl haTclMred four hundr^l pounda-eent. p.* —»• M '^'TiLu me I W Jler, then* mjn I. • why «Mn. ,e d» U t ^ow":;ii yo^uch . E^ln Jip thn,u,». ,-« . ''"fwoL.n r Mid he, • I dinn. k«. but . man th Jto to bo married trfflhin eight .i-l forty »•"«««•"«""•• camrto the Fair without en, thought o' •it^.r bejin. orMlling,-hutiu.ttoMeyoo Diana,--.nd I M*n«l there WMna mcikle .illet necewiry for 'hat. _ ^^ ♦ Lo.b,,r, man,' Mid 1. ' »"'V^ ItClliir^ ye My ye^ouKi rent. cent, by »»•• he..«T ^ . lied could I,' quoth he, • I am «"•;»;•«• • •Then Walter,' My. I, ' '^'''V."" ut M .Lw2 be your, the morn 1 may My, and it would be • ptiy «• '"•wo'retPlto hi. hand, an .-jler on . Bni^ch B.nk that had l«en e.taUi.hed at D""-J,« J^ .•^J farthing th.t I wa. worth in the «""'*'' "•^^JJ'''*';'^ m*, «nd went out to get the money free the B#nfc, Mf *^iSC;. been out an h*«r. when - V^ Uother-in-law'. called, and I thought he »««**« ,'*^ dote So I began totell hi™ -b-t ;h.««llei.. tar- gain th.t Walter had made, "^^^ il!f -TJl ^ So m.n rtarted fij» hi. «at a. if ho were f*«^iJJ»f without aiding « ooy «i»«?l°"'' .»»• J* l J?^ •Cra«oU«f Diana! hae ye been «c ■# id^tHT «« ru»hmg out o' ilie houw rAn to the »•«''. Helefi me in a. tale th.t 1 """'V'^'^f ».| "JtSf kenned what to do nor what to think. But withJ^C an hour he^turned, «"'«,^\<'"*?,^"^" ^l^TZ^ • Diana ye are, ruined I He hM Uken m X««J«ry b«lyel^. The vill.% broke yeateriay^* to ejn Ye may Wd fareweel to your ailler !' • Wh. JM«T cried l7and I wailn auch a rtato I v^» WjjJ^ ■peak. • Walter Sanderron 1' answered my br«««»**t '*Tbelieve I went into hyrteric ; for .«»«»J"; •"JJ^ mind o' nfter hi. Mying «>, wa. a ^j^r^'SiW^^ ing round about me,-aome "^'PP'nwVl . r!^^^!! hand., and other, laving water on my J«J-» "^^JJJ^ until they had n^c a. wet u if tlwy had dotikef *• »■ "It^llm^i how I -cod -^^^r^f^irSs^i It WM near getting the »^»«' «f r!\,5^Sl really hated the very wA the iifWo' aiw^iiii« •aid M thewng Mya, thai; - - ;- o^^-?^r^ But thiB wtt not the worrt o» it— I h«d loft m - I WM no w fo r ced into th e acqu a int a nr^of poM - and dependence. I-fintw^rtoUve under thfigofrf .'.^ TttK Omt-ABIIBD TAI. id Ik tiM >uM, •nd idnay«do nanlkatto escu ih«r bnjing bcaaMf ih«l.' Ii«] day k.lo beapiiyto Ml ■ Branch (, for every ;r alter kiMed B B»nk, MMI WM ffmj looked «•€• xc«lle«tba(^ I done. But ivaaed, and mly etied-^ idfotr ud Lit withii^ ImK he entered^"" • li^cieaffl Wh« Hofff B fimtftefl people iMad- lepatneoray ■tand4«aifle% dMkkcil!^ OM ia elapo^nieery. For;* time I lo? maOf alMlI loitmr ahifuiL. ndcF tbt^ ^ ■is mtHUlia went ruund, I fownd that alM be- gan t« tnat ni« jual af lh I had l^it a iMtf nl, ordanng ai« Ui du tbia and do the iiiher (ami ■(>iiMr(nn«a my iimnrt t^aa annt Ixtn to mo inio ili« kl'tthfii. And , eoeaidentd that they would lie jnatiflihl in doing „tlM Moif— end they did the aame. Many a weary time have I lain down upon my bed end wiahed never lo riaa ,. i^in, (n€ my aplrit waa wenry o' thia world. But I pdt «p wi' inautt aOur inaull, until floali and blood cojild •ndure it no loiignr. Then did I g»» ♦« I"'/ ♦»•••«"' •'■'«'! end ahe hardly opened tier mouth i<> nie aa I oiiiercd her I aaw that I might gang whero I liked, I waana there> Before I had been a week under her Kwi; I found that the berd'a dog led a lady'a life to mine. I waa forced to leave her too. And aa a aort o' laat alternative, juat to keep me in flxialenee, I began a bit ahnp in a ni-ighbouring town, •nd look in aewing and waalnng ; and ofter I had tried tiiem awhile and found that they would hnrdly do, I commenced a bit achool, at the advice o* the miniater'a wife, and learned beirna their leUisfa and the oAUohiam, ud knitting and aewing. I alao taught them, (for they were »' girU,) how to work thotr aanipleni, and lo write •nd It cast acrount*. But what vexed and humbled me more than all I had auifered, waa that one night,— ^ liMafftr I had let my acholara away, — an'auld liedgor and ditcher body, almoat sixty yeara o* age, came into the houeo, and « How'a a' wl' ye the night T anya he, though I had never apoken to the man before. But he took off hia bonnet, and pulling in a chair, drew a aeat to the 6re. I waa thunderatruck I But I wbk yet mair aaloniahed and aahamed, when the auld body, aheeking down hia hair and hia chin, had tb« aaaurance to make l«««to lael * Thara ia the door air !' cried I, and when he didna aiBa« willing to undenrtand me, I gripped him by the ahoutbera, and ahowed him ^vhatl meant. Yet quite composedly he turned round to me and said, ' I dinna aee what ia the use o' the likcT o' thia — it ia f-ue I am'aulder than you, but ye arc at a time o' life now that ylB canna expect ony yoang man to look at ye. — TheraTore ye had better think twice before ye turn me to the door. Ye will find it juat aa easy a life being the wife o' • hedger aa keeping a achool — rather nnir Mfi I apprehend, and iDair profitable too.' I had oae patience ^wi' the man, I thought my aiaters had - - - insulted me, but lunded me mairtha|| i^l that thia offer o' the hi 4>ad.done. ^OMbmea Laidlaw!* criM I, when I waa left to nyael', *>vbat hae ye brought me to I * My aiaters.dinna look ader 00. My partingwjf them haa gien them nn exoqae to fwgattha^J^Iiiir My brother is farifrae me, and he ia nSe^by a wife ; and I hae been robbed by another o' the little that I had. I am like a wi1l«i^ ed tree in a wildemeaa, standing by ita lane — I wUI fa' and naebody will miaa me. I am sick, andilhjere are noo* to haiid my head. My throat ia parehet}, and piy Spa dry, and tbm are noneto brin| me a: cup b' wator ! Then ia nae living iAing that I din ca' mine K And aome day I aball be_ found ^ Btiffenet) corpse in my bod^ with no one nw me to close my eyaa in death, or p»^ aai by. myaelf— I am flM|MM l«lh laMer yearat if 1 have a long li(«, will ba a Biraiigrra.' But Diana Darling did not ao die. Her ganitoa«i% her kindneaa, eauaed bar to-be beliiM^l|||^iany wbe knew not her hii>Uiry,,and wlien ibollM Aarnlneaaaager came to call licr lifence, many virairhetl Mnth laara around hiir bed uf doalh, and many mora in Mirrow M- lowed her to the (pave^ So ran a few leaves in iht diary of a spilMert ant) the a'ader will forgiva our la* Isrpclationa. *' ■wi^Bap— ■ III « i fn^Mlfkllli, ofioa of. hiunaaity I Far I am aloMf-rT Tp ONE>ARMED TAB. _ Am - . - ■ Old T«m Moflat waa the Aneat fragment of a |D|lr» tood-naloied, fearleaa seaman, that 1 ever met wmi. 1 aay a fra|inent of a man, for he waa mi»u» hie right arm. It wai pleaaant to look upon hia merry old Um, and te aee hia flaxen \6cka descending over his brow in sea-mode ringlets; fur, though he waa turaed thMa- score, theri'^vaa not a gray hair upon hia bead. Ma apiieared like an image of contentment, that onvioaa mortals liHid deprived of an arm, and left him laugMff at their malignity. But, above all-i-though Tool neither given lo tRiSthrowing of the hatchet, nor 1 spinning of long yarns — it was delightful whan be about half-a-sheel in the wind, to hear him raiala#%tV acropa of hi cer'a widow, and her (jbther a cfe ifl f Ma a. I aajf iha waa a widow, because my father alad' hafiM* f waa born. I had a sister, but I do not remembw har ) had I was hnitight up by my mother beneath tlWMif ef her father. He waa a good but a severe old aaaii^ I triedvto likb him, but I could not, for t abeok ah I heard him crjtr— ' Tbomaa.' He gave in*' a ||a6d e^Uf^ation, and wished to make a parspn of me, tbeaeh f'°don*t think^ I was any more parson-like then tlMort Jim now, and that's not much, I take it. The, old Mi% did'nt belong to the church-^he waa a disaebteri aiit he o ti M I< t la j^ pulpit which he eceiipied | aail hr Hilili lHHim wiiwiH the salt water intomy e;«^aii4 dneat upea iif alMpV^ of livioi to aee ifne pMiaiiihin^tt Ibada»l fot the honours which he eeetaad'trfhaDakl < mtt ■ HomMrair. aa- hfr'.wai tiAtf:.i0lf<$KH^' / . r^ ^^ 'Tj';' ''■"■;; f .- (, ■ P tALBS or THE ftOtDERS. I imMinl un.lcr which h« kepi me, and lh«l All I kMW ••»«« i**^ «"«i»«r J ihoMijh, hhe «n *■ ■' W«*, «nr |rai..«r»thnr had a w«tcli— Jt.w«« iwl » ^ iJliA —ij „„,^ tiui II vvM • very exwUenl diver one, •«« ll 'd «jh»i« •n.l •••In •UwKJH «" »*— '^ '»•'* ''*^" !• him M « tokPi«*j|»ec,t on lh« day of _rinliMliofl. by a family InlJwPW I'e hfd »««« f.r :'Mx ye«r» tutor and chaplain. And, on iKfe day •» my v^muUm, when I had kiaaeJ m mother'a chMk and ■Bt h«c Una upon mine— for I loved her aa I did mv ' •»■ ao«l, and ahe dwwrvrd it all— the old man took Im pM K lalo my hand, chain, aeaU, and all, and —f^ ■» * Tak* thia, Thomaa,' aaid he, ' for your nindfaUier • mtun I iMi, "a often aa ye look at it, r«m«mh«r ibat time I «#iPCWtloua---apeBd it not in vain-.' ^ If I Mv«r loved th* ol«l man Iwfoee, 1 brtteve that! — r~r^y^ Vm than. fM prwaanta are eaoelleirt temporary ■ iBjBin of the heart, either of man or woman. If IC^ _„jnlhiitn be ahy, it la wonJierful how a prcaent wUI iMlUry her— but it if not tho real*lnn and lier im afaotioii, ao produced^ wont ata»d the teat, or 'iu: panlod them to Uilh, and want on board the I. li h.«h I iiH>uani II WOU1.1 ."«. n» vviih th«m. It wai^ right when they aalM. "•V'* HmTlm «lra.«t under which j« kepi .«e, andjh.^l a ^ i^ ^^^^ ^^^^ I^^ .^^^^ p„«„,er,, ^naeon. and Ulkinf wonU of. tondernrw I.HTther. She pry ni"* •"4. we weat to th'^ pit together. Two ydungladiea took their !keaU beside ua. They were wondrouaraffiiblo, r!ir»rLri^lU^^'twei*^'rtonthO^^^^ ^^^ «"« of them ^f .-.a almo«t«a beautiful aa Margaret ^2£wS about to emigrate to America. Theirnamo^ but then they were pol.te-a^d^th^ fM»liMMyf Mid they had a daughter called Margaret,. M«w i* tho gift. However, the firat aeaaion panned ow talH»blr enough. I waa not kept upon abort allovP Mee { bat, tiMWgh I did not want for vicliiala, I hod pel • eixpeaee of pocket-money ; and I ftlt thia the my, beuuae I tho««ht that aome of my fellowntu- ^Mki poneitvd my circumatancea, and deapiaed me ev eeiMMtef ikem. , ■ j I NMRMd home honourjd with a prize, and received. At aaiMHa of ny moth'^r, and the congratulationa of [medrather. The old rtian predicted bright- daya Hio elrrady, in imagination, he beheld me in the pgUlMltich he had occupied fq|rjhirty yeort. "■- iU^with hia first aeasion, en«feil the prudence of ^fJNilfofiit and hia grandfalber^a hopes. About the Md ef the aecond, a cii'cuinelance occurred which put ^'oCaeventeeit. I never saw ber but my It tiM nta of tea knoU. During my second to walk in lh« Meado«^ or around Virotaook-the study wordk iHat fell from fimeLoeh, togrth^f,^ I fotaook the study ■Md Utiii. to iliflif ijL . Bat« H I was saying, lo AnH|#V«» and I bccooh . ' ■■ N.. . ■ • smiled ao sweetly, and thatiked mo so kindly for every anawer I waa abl6 to give to their inqairiee, «*atl could net think evil of them. They wiabed ua gped ■ night at the door of the theatrejjmdmt *'«™ "JJ ' proceeded to our lod^ngs* BfiTMWe were paaalag along the South Bridge — . ~ . . « ' Moffat,* a aya he to me , « whafa the docfcr — I put ipy hand to my t»»tch pocket, bat ■*..- ..-.i. *■ -■^-4- .M ..>n- ■■i,^.'"*,;'-/; t THB 0NC.AlMtO TAB. I Mr w«t«h w«r« lh«««. I rt-nirinlMtrml having hii tt in «x hM I • MindiMM MOM ov«r my ayMi . I \\tt^ Ui« I of roy |rBml(iiihliaUi I i«pr6b*l« I' 'W« gava iiifornialiun lu tiM ivalchnicn at the poliot- ioAm, aiiii at l>Mi hoiwM wheru auch arliciaa are n- Miv«(|, Hut, prttto! my gibntiratiift'r'a watch, chain, and acali, w«r« |Ofi«;. U hml vaniait^ like a raknttow, mmI w*» nowhMv lo h» fbuiiMt llvtry aucceading day «f the aaMion Wat one of agoAy aitll reproach. I loarnod no. niorv. If I opened a yfn, imagination heard Ihfr (inking o( my grandriither'a watch, ahil 'it ticked in my yeara eternally : or, a» I alrgve to read, I put down njy JVngcr and thuhiib m«Mhonici(illy to fuiiiLle with the ch«in and the ieali« «nri ibay rubbed ogainat Mch other, and I atarted and cried, • What ihalT I do for the watch V , ' ^.^j With « heavy and Toivboding'fMiart, and a counte- nance that >)eii|>oke di«aiU>r, I returned lo Hrxbam. My welcome wo« l)e)-und n>y dctervjng ; hut Mipper- lime came, and my grandratber, my rii|lber, and royoelf ■•I in hia little purluur. •What o'clmik ia it, Thomae dcarf aai

    ointed • Wl»l ewM be kaeiiing Jama., aad l|p leal of «h* p«.>pl* i' and, t-. MuXhe h»r .l*«Kra««ad new rraaooa.Wiit fwry d^r «*r»4 *" ^ appe«ran««» ; ^ ,, • /',y^-i . •"^j^^^.^i'jtij^^ ^^ , In couraa of Ifiiil', ha«r««er, At mf^'ifitmmfm d«Mat from arraying hanalf In thia mmmmmi j HmI, far tan year* aftrrj wb«'n h«r (Wlh took |>la«e, rfM am- ployeil li«raeK r.onaUnlJy, an.1 fo* whrii«tM(la. 'T. - ./-.,,'■.:'•-■•■ ■ ^^ •• ^ v '■, ■' ■ ■■ ; .*■ . Awi I Imo* MMl to m ITM km ■■' IfU wiUtai UiaN IM a» ; •:.■■,,■■ ' ■''. . \ Aad 10 KiM pro'* • , >. ,, i|j»t»Hfc»d»f iu««|.. ' ;•- "4Pe the meiaaehely elory of Mary Meitott) tjiera felb now Uuta to bea.UB4 \ f*. allbougb .a prjaeipel par- aoaaga of the lale, who«> aubmijtj-n* nito the raadar, it ia pftwunietl, will feel aomo curioaity lo k now, hae M( been aecuanteil for, hla alory, the nmaiaimfiJ^^ any iraln> >• abort. Ifom the aight ef the murder, Jaeiee Broaka waa never heaid toll of j ami he ihea, at all cveniv.eaiiaped the laat penalty of the law, which he woeld aaaurrdly have auirerwl, had he been token; It waa awjipoaad by aome, that he had found hia way abroad ; by otbeta, Utat ho had been drowned, either by accident, or by hia own act, and died 00 ibe yery night Ao mufdfci waa oommitled | 4a» Croaa Ibal hour, he b«d »*vm been leen by any one. Aa neltfaer of ibeae cOAjet;- turoa, however, w«ro ever aupported hy any avMaaca of.lbetr accuracy, tJio aobaequenl fate of Ja«aa Brooka miSalnt A myatery, aud wtll, ta all prob^Mltty. ever coiitto|e IP be ao. ■■..■./:';>'';" "r.-'V O. * * A * ^ „ i 'wT'f^ir'*" fUK WATIB-OAmUi:!. ■I .> TIE WATER^ARRfKB » ; ;; • 4 UeqCHO or the CANONOAti. Ih llwiM |oo\vmt, %nA o(Smn f«f lh#ir rtimiliM, wlwn tlMi^ hiuUmU «uMld a.) Mrtiher -Uk» chanMslw of ih^ Ibmala |Mirt of our jwifulBlion w««, il may fairly \m frttmtmmA, of a mmt> t(Mk>j»mlnn( naluro than N la at MMDt I ahowiM •(rw CanoMltt^ wkhM dki fantipd, to bogtn h«r labooft at the rotM|iit) Wall. Nha laid jown t»r pitohoMat lk«t«f eftl* Mary'a Wvnil, with th« inlandon of aalltng ep (h« aarvanW ore tkm^j in the natghtMiurlMiod, who t^ iftUmd to be awakenad oarly, for the ptirpoae of weate* log. Having MrforiMMi thia dtiiy, ahe ratomwi aa4 prae^dad to toke up har pitehera t. but lipdlng oao «f them heavier than II ooghl to have baan, alio Iimi|«<| down har iMeilrd to etamlne H, ani ace what it contotnod. On moving thtf bundle, a anan4 piot :aod«^l froan i(, which Janet lmii»a«liaU'ly r*. ognia^d af that of a lialw emliravourtng lo rrv, but 4>r«v«iiUMl l>y the eMhea covering Ha rte«d. Wiihcjut taking liine to umlo the bumlto where afie waa, ahe burripfl lioroi«, an4 u|M>n gelling into her own litlle dwelling, nro«. TIhj chihl waa a fanialo «f ahoot fimr mooi»i al4, pnnwntirg all th«»an fwdily chubby app4>nnifir«a of a Marty atpialkr, and turning upon tho old (tm of i(a pmaerver^a pair of large blue eyea, Allad with ihat amil« of innocenee that hae turned away the deelmying haai which nirthing ehw in nature could have averted. Peof- innocent 1 that aniilo— an unconaeiona exereiaa of oM o1 iiaturtf'a rarlieat inatincia, ni whioh the will hnd no pert, and of which the inomory could rucioi\l no irere — waa r)«rha(ia the moat impnriant aict of (hy ejiia(«nre I Janet Uickaon could not reaiat (he aweet and innocent appeal. Bunting out in an ejacalattoo of pitr and af- feetion; ahe flriei and hardened conntenaneao -^ortiel, fruel, indoed, eiy puir lammiv, if indMMi they ever dared to look • into your awcet and innocent fee*. B«it it*a no poaaible that a milher'aoo etrer irooeived (hit liohti for there ia nae power oiv ««Mi WM oeuld hgg prevented Ita getting to her heart, ae It hae got to Buld aa it ia, and ahnvetled up wi' the boming wrai 0* a ainfii* warlfl. Hut rome jn fnm veheen it iN# pleaard Heaven hi bring sf, I ahell h<^ M ye aa (IM mither ought to hae been, if j»he had bren formed 4^ (Common claf,ort>njrihinf lofthtud tha» tho wbio H— i o' A(rthMr*a Sato* ' * And, with theM teofd^ „Jan«t DtekiOO got thelttllo foundling rliaengagrd from the ctotho" with wMeh it waa encompeaaetl, and having auc^eeded in getting it to take aome mil|, put it to IvhI, and again «^t fortti to aupplt her cnrtomen with water. ' ^, In a little time, il wa« eircolaled throughetit the pi ongate, that Janet iXckeon, tbo' wate^woman, . hod^ found a child in her nnicr-buckei, and leAiaed to e o n ai gn it to the pariah in conaequenr^ ^f having eoneeived an aiiMtionforit. ManyviaiteN oame to aae H, and OMay "eontribationB were made sii^ accepted^ lowardod^ftay- tim th«,e«penaBd' hriitging it op. Janet, Iwwoe*^ aoon Ibund that ihe might have diapoiiaed wi* thie oo* aialanee { for, on thf , aeco>n(i evening aAtr the ohiht hod boeiil Ibtmd, and white ahe aat with tt in her tap, atngiiig to tt one of Her me»t fAvourito SeMob aira, h«r«iHiN»», , whkh looked ii>to tho Mxt^^eiHHHia h «Ati ^^m - ,f .■.■'■'->.\ ','"^f»'^""f'i^. 'W^^lf 't^- «lik lit* CiNitaHil k^M»-'«fMM4 mM • fc„«^„ „ h^. ^ Ml • Nh^ li*^ ♦ Y«. k^ «i-j If Jo^t •lli»w»*«»«» '« ••■* •»«* ''^ I>»»»>" »•♦»• l»- II, iIm (»«•«•"•• ••'•II ili«'>'*'f"^n •••••.* Th« ih« ehii.1 • TtM. iM •** «•!• "»• "»«^y. ••»'• ••«*••»- •d, M the h««.» wty***, • J«««i r).«k«wi a^"« rwiulni •m)«>»i#»ff»»n«»»r u« a« lh«l »rh»«h hm mmmmne* tailU h«r t« •ceofil.iii Wi (J.«l'« l«w. I kMM la vhom «iM bw^'J lwl<»»f^ •«»■♦ h««|»v«.n itMi Iht* ft A i Mn Ihi. | I Urn, U»«l •»• •o» »•>•» h*"'' «*"" p^f'wn -"r. 'I><««ll> H «vm« to JKMir o«l fmU pM«-«« in ihou«in.h an.! laim •F Uio«iMn«k— MR •vtr mak •pKwta for iiii|»><>oa. ■uokan afW ih« piMM IflM kmi 4ro|»p«J liM moiwy h«a«wn » fd* lh«« wa« dlaplayoJ an •viii«nl hurry Ui ««.:a|.e, and It wm clwiHy not hia or bar aWact to lirtan to wh»l iinghl Imi l«rm«'d Ut«i rroon- aVan old woatM. Th» u»<>n*y w«« |r«wfully ro- «il J ind Uw diaoraal wattr^wruman, |>rMn hnd contri- iMlad the laai money, the Mina hand nppoardl nt the window, dropping the name aum j and apf^rently the iinM voir* Uian^ttl J^n^t Dickson fcr h«r attention to Hm child, and cnjoinad h«r to.raar it in the fear of that „Ood which iln muiher had dinolwyeti, In oxjKiainf il to ' Ibe roarcy of Iho elemontu an.l llie rink of death. • Ya may weel 8|>eak in that way ,»«rejoined Jawrt, Aough the peraon did not wait far the leply, ' wha hae iMd al leaat aoino pairt, either aa principal or aaaialant, l« aoa ««ai •« act. " Burnt oflerinp of faUings with tha inewiw of rams," aa Dauvid aaya, winna atone for dM ain (^ laavirt' ye, my bonny bairn,' (addrcaaing her- Mtf to the child,) ' to the tender merciea o' a cauld wwfd. But * ** (kithor to the faitherleaa ia God in H>a IwIt habitetton ■," and Janet Didkaon, thou«h puir ami Mild, aball be to ye aa a mitber.' And ahe kiaaed Uie HoeonMioiia objeol of her aimple addreea, while lh«j lenra Iriokled down tha furrowa which aonrow and oge bad wtira in lier old ebeeka. ^ , TKpra paaaed o|t*|lltou» .«wli <^^ »» ^ *»""» ., iMl p»*Im4ii| hi tk. ftHMMBiaf •mm ta^ium «if beauty • »« y j -ar . fhim mmmhtt4 •afflM tha aaai««an«a i h— •" a«»i«a*(y ••• Aafl-r*^' *• *^ tha •k*»«'l »( •« •"'•'*» •"li«"««"*'. •'"•. " "'• ••"'* ""^' •4. mu^ aanatural Wng. Tk»- migt.l bate 1-i.n •'^ em,«t«d for by a auapicw .n»..l-l«^l by J«"*'J-' 'i* tMfaaia of m, fair and ao fn«d a daaghlar *•»* a^ wtU»- Ina. wb#n o, r«..»« oI&kkI. lb- .nt-n-.ti«g aiuJ l-awUfal ■Irt. Tyatn»d III. tn th« pimfli'liia "( f "i'"" •'•'••«aln«l If Umi lhek«>n. whi, b w^rt, d..l» M >.T "f*** drauabai fra« iha feuntam l«ad »f all l-auh and pm,i»m^ M^ry waa aa wall groumWd in bar ia.*al. a. .b« waa -,„,(. In b-r manwim and »»aul.f.d in b*r a,.|.«ifan«a. 1»«i b«a.ny of Mary, and Iwi-r wtora^H hiatocy, brought many v.Miara U, lb« humlJa dwelling "«J»"«» |),cb-.m. A««ag th« f^, a d.ugl.Irr .»f l-onl Ml-t«b . who then ia«*.W.I in ih« t;an....»flt*. .i»d M.-a Jana M^Ualff, U.a daughlarnf Sir John Mnralf*, an l.ngl»al» knithl abto that* wai.l«nl, r ama ofian u.rthrr to aaa Jan' I. Mlaa Elliol waa of an amiable dia,K-iii«n, and r,,„.r«d in Iha ad*ar • cmaal o( Marr in bar adufalior.. mL Metialfe. who waa .onM.laraldy har a«,«hor h^ p.„«|of ya»*. waa al- v«ry ...l.riij.u. a»K.ut Ihaadtt- eation of lh« i but it nitght haire Urn ol-erv^ that Uio two ladi*., though apjHiwfltJy .«»i ff«ndi, oflan a»hiWt«d |r*al Jaalouav of earh oti.rr a arcom- pliJumsnta. fn |*nl.Ailar, Miaa Mcfalfe did not haai- laln to ridieula the work which her friend and co-^Ijanio" hml l«ft f .r Mary ♦« '••"I'T i •"•' •H"*"." r*"' i -iS or...metime. riaicul.n, bar Ji^rao,. 5 while, H^'"; ^^T. the tv»« ladir. met. tRry mdulrd .» tha moat turgbl e,pw.aio«. of prniae of .^ch other, waling thair ,^- feJlilon. with enargelic klaa«. ami «•"»»«'•"' "'^.P;^ acnting all the appearancea of alrongaferiioa. It waa rilrJid .hat thl; more rancarou. 'P'-il -" ;^;:»^V^ by the olibir , and it waa only wban M»- J^*'}^ diacorei^il m)melbing wn>ng.n the conduct of her friana lowa»U her, that her .pint encited her to '•'*l'*j«"- All thia appeared very wonderful u, the •••"l^ '^•'^j and even the aa^eioua and i« Jaw-t l>ick«« thought tha conauct of the lailiea atrange and incom- ^Z.JZ. Yetabeibd not loaa «>- «n^»-'y »' wtracilng from U « leaaon to Mary to avo«l wivywd kvDOcriav. tw« '»< ^ ^"""^ '"'^** "^ '""^^ naluf*- .K Shm h. a.mpl.rity nnd truth, tb. true aaurc-a Of happiM«« •»! «b« Cenndtuoo of a rel.g.oua educa- *"'po«tieenyaari!l»diKm|««»d ««'^»'«' ''f^*^ the affrction h«iw>en tha tWo heinga who had beeniia mirarulooaly broughl toRrlher, "I'pnrowt T for tlie goad of botJv ripened and .lnn«thened tiU it aoqu««l tkj fqn» of *at lo»« which only m.Hhera «" f««. "* daaghteta, when dutiful, c«. experience. M«nr «*| ^re, ai fcr aa her youth anaWeil l«r to ""dwatand them, of tho drcumataneea of lier hlatory 5 hirt, aob- bing on the bo«>m of her good and kind P'^'7'',T! waa ar^uatomeil to Pay in her own aimple way, that l*a wjoiced that ahe had never aeen or "jn^" J«' rJ^J, f<4aha would not and could not dmdo l!«^-*«J^ which ahe entertained for her »*nf "^'''Tli' <*"|l!!; had brought her into the world wd *»ertej f/l J^ did not nourish in the breaM ^ the ^^^^"JJ^ UV7 fc«l'"P wwaids her. parcnte j on the cootiafy* ,4X^j^. .. ^'._~r^ '.*.^^- . s 'v\ i J. Jv #•* ' "'-M' ■ / Ml WATU-CABIIKI. m ^ tAM «iM IM9 4m «*w ImmI M Km* HMMit Mi »• lar« goMl Ihr •«•! IDmi hinhMl M iMf that iM Miftit Iw •r>.iml, If n«« n««.l« birth i Mi«i -i"!, •«•• • •**"• '»♦•♦«* tl»iiir«l«Hl hir ftum Hmi |»*iI««, • Th.>«gii f* h«»« bMn IM fteth fm rf»«M »«••«*»• """€• "( • *>••. T»M*» rt««i.«« |>*mli»*«l •« ••«*« MP0« »*• JP««ihfMl nMmt of Mart. .«r«'»«'«"f i-l«nf« •^^ ***** ^* ■llualuin h*««» r*r«U«i, •ml linp«r(*>l l« %0t »n •4^vi(iqii of mtniwr »»M<"h n.l«l»|« w«t In ••»"•• 'W-twe •fri*«Wr ln«»mi|»u>il W • isMum lA »h« ciMuw«uin«i*« •UfliMlini! lh«i Uavlnj of ih« ywtU •llowwnflf. On lh« Hftn, «n W»i«f Uio M«M«I *«•'•» "f ii»"n*jr. with •oino wi>fil» «f «iiir<»»i' r«rim«nit vaU Vhniika to J«ii«t, WiUI*-.! ih«n, «n «li« imujiI o<*r«Man. « rcimmuniaallun would \m m»^ •• to ik« Mr>>nl« of li«r younf (hv(t||ril*> • ThU eommuni.-aittin,* rWfonikKl J(M»t«, *hM wKtn l«i»i««pwW«l,pri.ll«nf«»rih« iwlwn it eunttM l< ifiall tw •• likn rnirt Hi«Hrflifl mown Jft«»'"«« rft«w#r» Ihol wstor thn Mirth." Htit M iw, wh» •«» W«t « |»mr wimimp. Inform jm, hn jr« |pw»»l« or b« y^ •«»nii>l«, llitl Mary DickMfi wlnM l(»»»tU« hiiniMe h«m« o^ h«r nrf««* h«r gmitia and aOnctionalii aoul, aiie hanwl will «cnd forth " tlw nrayrro' th« humble whlf h niercoth U»« chMtda," to be allowetl to hvo wt' Iwr auld frwnd, till that d*x ahall come when ahe or I ahall become wetfcled -ahe lo a ■ojuurner HftNl «lU^ Mwl 1 lu tlM klnaikim o' heavon.' Janet, aa uaiial, got no nhawW l» hw ffJaooUrttlMti frtim th« peraoii in whom tliey wf m addriNaied \ but ah« waa pleaaml by the promian which hail tlnw Ijwn made to her. Her hoi»ea of an emailed pitrpntage for Mary, b««t high, and (ho girt beraelf imhilied a (tart of Janet'a enthuaiwitic expecutiona. The year paaaed over, and the cky came when the important diacovery wm* to lie made, which would, In all likelihood, deeide wliether Mary Dicknnn waa deatined to be a lady iir a water-womanV adopliHl dniiRhter. At ten oVIock of the evenmg of that day, tlu« window opened, ami the following worda were pronounced in a aerioua and ■omewhat tnmuloiw too* of vijicCf appoMBtlr thai ai woman i— ' *Mary DIakaon haa been loo long lefl in \^noTtk tt'^m true parentage ; .but reaaana exiatcd ffor ■aerWy, which may one»'day he communicnted to hei Lonl Spynie of Forfarahire, who reaitlea in the Ibln) houae down from thie eloM, la the father of Mary DiekaoB. Farther thanv thia it ia not permitted me mj. I When or how^thia noble birth Rihy be ilMde of advantage to a LonTa daughter, cannot be told | nor eaa the wiab, virhieh paint lie neareat to the heart of Janat Diekaon, aa a laMfpoue keeper of God*aaaera« manlai bo gratified M|I*"T infomaation aa to whether Mary Diekaon it legitiaiate or a baalard.' Ob dallvw- 1*1 ihta ifaweh, iK« ftmm .Wpmited th« aaaal iMI gf mum»j aad •l***M)r di-upwarwj. Tliia l.itelllcBNee Ailed Janet DMlOM WM ^T* That h*» l«a ( awl, aa ah* now fibtmi «hia etKoiiMUnce autperttM In lh« l*Niaeo el dewlM. her iw».>n of It h» that •l.j#ft whe hod tko irvaiMil intewat In »h«« lnu;ll)gnni<«. Y«i ahe reoaltae lc<| hvnmlf. l^d HpynMi, to wtwm hwiiae aho earrttd water, waa «.mporii»(*rly jooKg, "•"! ki»«»wn te be a lia«M«r. How could l»Mfre lie any d»MiN, than, aa l« a . fliilid «»f hhi being Irgillmala «»r m*g»»(m«w I lleaidea, ho wa* r«p«rtiNl aa Ming the alitor t^ Mlea Margofot r.lHo* • having giv»'« «ip l"r he* an old lowi affiitr wHh Mlao Motralfe. Thia mirrly w«iov».l all aa«m *a dowht hia Um\^ ahlu being Mary'a fiither, lor hia diaadOte lielMfe migM •well ntake that an ortllnary Hrcumetaneei fcet even thie'waa not altogether ruooneMablo wHh tfia toot of tih> eapuaure of iIub child, iJiiee Anw inethofa who MMM claim 8« g»>o«l a fioyinaaltnr for a fb'her, would Ihlo* W throwing a ihiKl M|>on the puldiCf anu «ne»wanla l«lt thofita father. waa a nobleman. The whole a«kir*«i my)Ml|ii«, ami n4)t uuite Mltafactory to Jnnot t>ickaa«. ItlM I III I. beforo making any mMiMon of th« cIrcuiShinee to Mary, to teat the truth of iho al«l»> in«4ll in a way which occurred to beraelf. Wr«l day, Janet Diekaon waa viaited by Miaa Elllel. Their convcraatiim waa turned, adroilW enough, bf Janet, on lionl Spynlc, whom ahe aaid (the would llko to aae, to aacortaln if he would recominend Maiy Dick- amw to hIa aiattra, «a well akllM ia (ho oh of li» needle. Mlaa Klllollaoijhed at tho opfMrrat aimitlleMjr of Joaett and ol»»erve«l, arcidy, that Mary waa not a peeMn to l>e ahown f^' adofit in«jth \ .'r* \ 'W 4* ,„ tlNI* M*l *• ••* •^ • an try. ^hm t »■> ^^■. N ggn af IHM b>A ay*. I-«»«I 1*|»f ••• « l4Wtl Hv»"»* »•'•«•«« **> «•»••••»»•»•<« iMMy, wImOm^ (« *• ^uMMffi "t • W«l, «« In (t>« CMlloii »4th whmh II r««rlud»i -'•• Ilka |««wl •• w^m» (i*th mn4 Uuut <•» m»k Mr. Mm! ]r« «•» ^ »nA, \( A« JlM W* !■(«»«• y». bMMi «y «M* f«r m«»«y • i*"^ J^r. ^ • |*i*• «•«•« 'Z •!«<■<»•»<•» I* '•'' I •"« " "WOuiU ill li«rom« ni<» Ut *Unj -t Hnm$ m ol«l« to rrMn^et mm •« th« Wlii(« llofw* ( Iom ^*«ltMli, wh«« y«»« ••<"•* b«.»« ••»* »«»-•'»«* ■ "* IPIQ n|>>r iluutiUnl that ihti \n(f>fmm< |«Mlv«4 WM corniKK I ••••1. havtiia again Ar«c*Ml har atniia «« tli« WhiUi Unnm Ci Ipib M aU w»nl, on ihar.trango •*««»« of liuman III*, •Ml a«tN^yi|« hmrmtr, worn and mora, iluit ihf rnuUt ml ba wrong in imptitlng iha palavnily of Marv tu l^inl flpynia. • For, if Im ia no» iha father of my •larllni'— ao aha a«rrti..i»«.l haraalf wlUi thai aUjf Inrai which a paraiMi AninrniincHl U» Iw convincad, ami tJrliahdng in Um (MMNng nalum of a which loal Hnynia wiahml mornlv to iraiify a yoiilhrul curioaitjr. Ha waa Ignorant of tlio iiiimilion of tha old woman in nquaating him to viiit hrr houae ( l>ul, Ibnd of frolic, IM affraed to comply with bar ■tranfe aiMl moat unuaual aaquaat. _ In iho awning, nt the hoiir apppintrd, Janat DIok-' m» waited at the doof f"r l^ird Spynie. She had ■§ Ctold Mary nothing of her imfiirti! parentage, uae aha wiahed lo a«c«rt»in tha true circumitaiicea of the whole myalcnoua buaineaf liefore aho comniu"'- oatad any Mrt of it ta Kor. t»rd Spynie waa aa good •a hia trord. He fiama fluahad with wina, and dreiMwd in thA fliidy alylf of nobli>iiinn of that d*y, with a aw«r4 hanging by hia aide (tittering with thtt apfk Mkiaftiktiii M0t«ad fNM Mtaa Matfal*. Mar apfaw#aa*a Waa a«riliiag. Hat «»aa#al«uiaM>i in Iwiog awl Imw m*mt naaMlMa haaaHaa. A email aeullcap, rwtamoa la th^aa daya, laft ha* baatrtilUI hair, braidad •♦« bar braw, t« add .ta itaifla aftMt h* • kaa whaia aw»f Haa waa m r"*>r •*• alagandy aofivolvad, *at an admMar of HaipliaHy and (Miawty would ha»a tiamWad fu* th« dara«a>ag aAM •wn uf a amda. ApiwranUy awara «f ih* a»thhn atboi of h#r far* whan l«A U. tia aaiutal aoa to a a unmovod, )•■• b.iw m«*i»tt Mary, whaa iha roaa ■ml rwrtated, l««lia«l ai l..ini Hpyiu* aa h# antorad, aa a Matua rf praaaaiad with i«a view Aaad on a«>M>« ob^al. Nat a muaala of bar faea waa mavwl, and bar aya -an ofpn whMth ganarally «hi«aa all tha aftwta ai Ha vula*- lary mitaclaa lo ka*p II la onlar-- Wl aa «>alwly and •tra.traaily ii|M>n hiiii aa iba light of a plaaalary atar wlioii aur«>ra la rtatag from ih« ara. Spynia, aliH uadar Iha tifect af hia iurpriBP at tha un«>i(i»« tf-d aptwaraneaa, waa tittmi MM mm* by tha a*«t of Mary • (Mrubar and w t w a H tBi ty nannar, and «o«t for aoma om« fining u|KW har aa If ha had baan aaddaalf aairaarad. I waa aama Uma )iefuipa ba could, by. tha afbna of Janat, l>e maiU to ail j ami, whan ha bad hataka* himaalf to a chair, b« waa avl.lanlly enliraly ai a laai, and vi but my iwmory nerda g)**"*, lik my auld een. It'a a braw paalm that, my Laad | and, if yar Lofdahip likaa, I will laad it again.' • Wa will gat It Boma o^har tima, lav good lady, ■aid Spynia, whoae ayea jnm altll Aiad oa Mary •• on an apjwiriiion. « Woel, w»-«l, my Lord, l«^ mm tin ia yar LotdaUp preferring, en aiftt an oct^lon aa thi^ to Mitiafy yoar aln ean — aa truly ye aeam to be doing — o' tha troth o' what I aoid lo jre tha day t but peopU i« your ^toation •re no aaa guid judgea o' ibao thing* aa frepiaait folk, wha can aae baiib, and cwmpare tba featuraa o* tha aaa wi' tha faatona o' th© olbar, and Mtiafv thaiMal»aa.* • I eertaiai^ do feai • difcaliy,' rafdwd SpyoM, al*. lo«i whM to wiy, 'to taka «y ayea of tha youag maiden | for aha haa nnora baau^ la than av«r balooffid to the Spyatai/ *» Hia I^ordahip, having mMtf mv tm i MaMf. bagaa to look npoa M»MM m dlik*#at UAt, aad appaivniiy to blaaa hinMriM l»»5 daeaiaad bylha caJMii^ ■ppUaacaa »t aa Mfiriipa«ad woaaa aad .» ♦ TMI WkfU^ U ^.^Li •fiw^rn. h*l M**T. •"^. •"" •"•*" ^^ <*«—<«• •f «iM, Im «««! •>'• ••'«• •'»^» ^*' '^^ ^ '" •"* a«|i 1 ••4. fr»«i th« ■*•»• "♦t^«» •»* »•"••«, > flHialk oMftKimi anwtf ♦«•«» M» f«*« ••a au. I aAMcMlly M •(»«•* •*• lUMfitM, aaMt imM • II•, MMfi ••"«■•— T« •••■*• ■• ^ !«•• /» .mi» u««. p— »*'•«. f"* ' ''••"* i-'t'*''; Nnyiil* agam »«i^ •"J. '•l«»»'«t "'• ••1"«««.««. wm uH,m.\ •• .lfc«wti««. thai ii •*lnw«»»l*%»«» ^ •« <*•• • •«,«ii«»» 'lM«y. •• •»>* »•""'"' •■r'*'« •" •»•' an.rtli«^ »•«•, U, ff*ir* k>m*\i th« oT l4J»a tl»ynt«i Al »h»« •»«»••«*. • n«.4hlHH.r <»iH.| iha h««i«s MmI L^ Spyn»» *•»««*•'. J^"""*"« •• "*'"" **Thi fWM of Urn DteUw »>*» •««*k ««^P '"«" itM. wimi «r Snyn... who, H»«M|^ M uHl tolM»*» •»« waa a lrai(»«Ml aairaaa, coul'l "»»♦ !•« '•'*''•'••*'**• mianvtnga, wh** !*«• t«.MJ«til »»» I>1« rf««4l«iili» WJi* of h«r nvLU aHHiul«a of l.w«l »•*>■»" •««> •*fl''*l["*»j|- MlKM. whieh IM» art otMil.l jHwaibly laiiM^PM • aid IkH hvaiiato to dw«ll o« «*»• r..rr,.ima«an««, Ihal i»o Mraon In lh« a«««aUOii whioli ••« «!«-u|m«.I, tomJ.! .Ian. tolwyar^U'in..«a. o* •*•• |»*»««iMWd U» ha»« con- immn*4, lh« aiUlr-aa^a of on* .)f Sw^laxl'a iifwid lufJa. To '»*"«»• hia .l4.uM., hm iiMtitiil«J M«|««.nr*, ApJ ««• .mm lnf.»in*l lh»* Jan«l DMiiwn wa. a rraf5«««alilo and lodly »»«man, who«i»iw4 aa honoai I.v«I.Iu"hI l.y flMrytng w«lcr lo Um tnhabilanl*, ami, am.xii th« rval, hk Unkhlp himaalf, UM.u,h ah« h*.l aarapa.! hia noliro j and thai Mary DmIummi, hor adoiitiKl (lBii|k«ai', «*M a foumllinf of (rral lioauty ami unl.l««»lahod Utioa, who waa au|.j>.i«d to b* th» dauglitw of cM>raoii of rank. Thk Intolliiinco aurnriiwl Spynto htyond mMaura. * Wk*,' M Im Mkod hiAaeir, ' did tho old woman IbvIM IM to hof hotiaa— 1«« m« th« girl waa inaUucled to rwiai¥0 my addroaMt, ind anoourafa om to ctnm hit r Th«ro apfwrfd aomethlni atill to ho aKplain*] | •1)4 that • l*can»« nwMaary from tho dnop •■a aoriow impcfaalon tho haauty of Mary had ipailo on hia heart— «ow mafnifW'.l ami aancurird by tho Intallifanoo lU* aho wm virtuoua M aho waa bMutifiil, u4 tti wholo «nd«wd m aubjoc* of myatery by tho atory uf hoc lifo. A»h«BB«d to go bMk to tho ho«M», h« ■i«p( noM during the anl aotiuont night : tho calm, %4icnilad, aUliMHtiko faoo and form of th* ataidan, ImwiikI him m « eraolion of nionomania. Of aJI tho ntmom tw had aa^iH ah« allbetod hia to tho gnwloat dtM* I and, in ihdrt, Ioy« in ita alrongMt, t)«witehiag, Md ■Mwynnint fonn, kad tokon poaaraaton of hin— driving balbro it all liw woak fancieo which oA«a, Ibr WMl of a hmn aaM, an oallad bf that «fpallatioa. Md af whioh Miaa Ellkel had, hafiira tha aooeaaion of ikkMal paarioo, baan iM oliiaot, aa otkara, baCoia tiar K^niiaa ivltn, InJ^mH^ tk* mrm privilaia. WhM wM Ike r«rai of Mte Marg^nt EUiot to ibtt of What w*««r«4*, aattaf p iO fca id a«aH#1iN«nl #f a« n#<»)iM>i*>f. aa •• a«li#« I Ui ih*4 •l««a«til, •»!•«•«, «a)lll« «|iiftl «««*ring t*m»*»nmi*»lb, mktith I k* .)>« i(iag»« of a afMiH, aad *mM I I M (vHKiy hy all tho aturta af MMM t ltu«h «iV Iho a«*< piokNM «f hm viriaa, ha laatod, f»« ilw IrM iioio. Mm nialkiioa vt ftm Mla| I •»! tlM» aaattMMM tk«M« IkmIikoiI 0i«« a a«w loiM tad ImmiIw *o ' l>ar< .if hi* natuoi. Ho Mt a« daaiM to praaUoa ot amiurii.nt iwi ih« ab^« of kta aflMMloM. Tho futm of (ho inal.l«n waa aanoMlUd bv a MUg^M Mo. wMoll ahod Ma l^^bl «-i«a whieh norploaod lual« III* waa apovdily aeconi|»liahod. fotiml tho two inr brhind hrr. N*A a word paaaad daria^ ihia aoramony | and Hpynia lookad aAar kar ■• •)« want, with tha original aipraaaion magatlftf wd llM perturljallon of hln apirila Inrroaaad. Thu i ' of ht.r dopartuni, and tho oiitraonli witliotH a mtiaolo of h«'r rounlrnai without a wor«l baing apokon—niMtoally olliar in pmduoing aii i turn of a froling of lova to work on, havo prtiduocd • iloairo to be rev«ngol| and tho iloparture of Muf «n% to Spynie, aa MHHiMLJC raiMct and affiKtion. ^ j - j '^&t»f" . Overcoming, u> aoii»« ntont, the eflkrt tr-llMll depariura ution hia ipirita, Hpynie aal doera kntde Janet Dickaon i and, in tho atiH exeilad 4M* af khl mind, bural forth into torma of admiraliiM of bar tdtf^ ad daughter, and derJarml that he leved iMt* <« • Naa doot, ny Lord,' replied J«MI| •l^mtf doty. He'a no worthy o' tha a — %<^ • ' ' oouldna like hia dodnari and itfttmfm that love ia the AdABing «f (M lawbP ' .-•■■ * Spyaia aooeaivfd iImI tkii ataMaMsl af Jaaal^ linary maiMM* ttWm nmnm fha n fid, aMi mutually aidNl aaak (kalWMf ^'- "Ti. tj#4'- ^^ ,^^ \ r 1) ••'.v 1 J ▼ **' «V , , Pfe ^Im"* i rw^'9 1 .^ -<"■■ .. . - ' ' ^) ' . ««), ^ 'if • ^IT. v^. •< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i ■' '.'.' ^ 1 t.O Z^Vi .■ -f\ 1 ^ Sj* lii i II ^''■^ . i!i2Sliil!i llffl^l^^H^B i^^BI^^^^^B ^w^^^^^^^ 4 ^ * - . ■ 1..' : ■ • / / y" - ■ < X~^^ ■ '1 '■ X ' " , :l-._ r— h- 6" ^ — \ i-» o ^w ^^ ^^.^^ -"^ V*- // «• • »• •i 4^ o A — w^^^ — Sciences ton as WIST MAIN STRUT Vn|MTn,N.Y. UStO 4?U) J7W503 '^ ^■"■y- IM-^ V .., ^ ^ ^ ^^ 4 ^ ^ ^ '■^■v,, •"■.■„■ /' [ ■ •' - - ., ■ ■ r " i ■'. __ ._ _. ■■ jt ■ • ■# t . ' ■'".. »S»- ' '- ■ %■ / ■PIk,. TAliM or THB BOtOCM. / balwwn kla •§• and Marf, mihI ht« nrtda w«a Iwft | but taniinf hi* mfm ■t»i* «>p<*" t''<* o**' woman, aad aaaiiif no appnar- IMIHmI alliMtwi la Iha di if Ml ofMUf^l ar humorotM Owtiaf, ka Ml at a I la ««dantaAafhaa» «Aa raaidad abova hia lionlakip'a alablea. « You know, Joha,' hagaa hia l^ofdakln. drawtaf fi a chair, aad aitlinf down alongaida af kla rUiaKb— batne nolking laaa tkaa a da by vouraJr to ata, thai Hjbm time that aha had homo a cWM la^ •what my raaaon waa for withdrawing my aHanttea from Mmm ten* MeUMlfb— batn| nolking laaa tkaa a eonimunlration ma ' ' aurmiant about that h«r fatlMr'a buller, a t'rrnrhmaa, called Jean D'AlkM^ who aAerwartU died, and that the child never made Ma apfiearance.* * 1 kan that, my IxNd, weal | but naehody, ana (hr aa I ever heani, ever knew onylhing a* thai aikir, aa- c«pl myael and your Ijortkihip i for iVAIbert tavid mm tha alory on hia dealhliad, and I tankl it to yer LardriMp to aava ye (Vae thoniln whieh a mairiege wi' Jean M i> ■ calfe would hae brought upon the braw houae o' SpyalaiP * Well, I may be wrong in uaing the word auraiaa t but tltere ( I haaa reaaaa to belteve that Jana MatcaHe'a child b jaal taw raaidlag wNV a*ftoor woman of the''nanM( of Janat Dickaon, fa «i» White Horae Cloaa. I whh to maka aiyaalf t af thia, and you mftt aaaial ma in my ladaavaiaa.' Lord Spynie and hia coachman inada avary iacpdry in their power to get at tha tiuih df the aMpiniaii entertained by hia Lordahip { hut^ waa not agpatted that any real and aatiafaotorr avURinoa oaoM ba gal, until the Uma arrived when tha unknown peiaan aboald viait Janet Dickaon. In tha meantima, hte Loidridp continued hia viaita to her houaa, wbara ha gradually aueceaded in acquiring tha cooAdenca and rcapaa l m Matf, who onlv waited Ibr a aoatpteto rafulaliqa of the atetement that he waa herfhthar, tp allow har heart to open to that aontiment with whkh it waa L«iA$ff9ltf» graatelt ambition to inapire her, '. > * Alter the requisite pwiod of Una had paaad, aad when Hie period of the yearly Vialt i^the amagardraw nigh, Spynie had again reconrw to John Sl aph aa , to whom ha had aoaBniinieatod hte plaaa. He i qaeated John to aatiafy hiaiaair af the p of Jaoel Dickaon'e bade wiadew2.aAd keep w«m« Hnm for a week, b e t wa ea Aeheanaf mm» nd %m af Iha eTeaing,|fo Aacover, if any one, and whot ■('•■H there haad ia tveaay, aad aealaniatavto tohblka i0 weataa. t- • >.. ..».-^, ._. r^ ^ , .^^ ~. , •~yt|i € WIDOW UNDiAri DAUGHTEii. lay ki« ilMt ha iMd MiMB Mia Imm M«(Mlfe I* tU Ml aT IiwiAm In »o««n to U>« oW wilw wo«f n, J«i»«t gW«^«d l*|M Aw I artdl • AuNllMr (if pOTMM. ttwrna^ fl4 iTom bAm, m"* •"d l«»«r«Kwl, .-a u»k haf on* «r Ma ka«l«, but no* bafora alia waa raeflgataad by MMT P««l»««» !>«»««• Thia aiaiafnanl MliaOad Lofd iMto I aiMl lU light wh»«h i» aflorlad daaraJ up th« •Am pVU or Um lATalary. Jana Matr«lCl, haviaf baan ranoiinoe.1 anJ foraakan by L4ird Sprnia, who Uanafoirait hta aflaotlona In tdim Mar«irat Kllkol, waa ■koMly ineanaaa againal him >4wmI, in menu anvlad •mi iMlad bar rivaJ, wboaa pnarrtafa with bar oUl lovar ■h* 4alar«ilna(l to do avarything in bar powar to pr»> ««•!. 8ba baa oiraulalaa a w|K>rt, which had c«ma to asyaia'a aaf< that Mtai Elliot wai aAiclod with king'a •vU I and knowing that Miaa Elliot had a atrong avafaiun fioM whoaa rraiarnily aha daclarad •!•« navar to rakaa, ..— , ^fi^ toko • hoabond, aha conoaivoil that aha would ■(fcoliiil'r pravont a union with Spyaia, l( aha couU lomnaa Miaa Elliot with tha idaa tiiot her lovar had an Ulaflliniala ehiUl. With thia viaw, aha told Janat Didiwon that Mary Dickaon waa Spynia'a daoghtar { kopiag that, aa Miaa Elliynlo WW daviaing aoheraaa Tor foroing Miaa Mai- eolfc lb fbo Uoaamti (VtMn tha imputation with which dho kad luaitl#H } but hb waa inforinad tliat aha had ■oddonly diaap0Wi«d, and it waa auppoa«d had gona to Fnaoe. Har aBaenca waa, howavar, aunplied by the MrtoMNiy 04' »n aecomplica, who, whan her ggioeipal hod diwppaarad, cama farth aod oommtlniaalad whaf^ "J^^ kriTmJfhiir paraon** mom waa Ball Slinaon, who kod baon • aorvan||i tko b6tMa whan Miaa Mtrtcalie t tf^ okUd MOTwho woo aOprifranla employed, on ^ohand io Iho nmtey to lanet Diokaoh. I alLin proaanco of witaaaaea, admitting ftnatanm that it waa aha who eon- . ._. four moatha after it waa born, and who llta(wonk dapoaited it in tho water-bucket belohg- tof to Jonat Dickaon. i AU tfwaa eiroumaUneea were eommunical^to Janet ond Mary, and put o either guile or want of aReclion. It i ,t)f conreivod that a young girl, peaaaaaing thi , liiiB, groat Itoniity, atrong aympotkieo, aod ihf mm^ emld-liko aihiplicity,» could acarealy Adl to |M4hb I» h^nelf and her parent'aomo eauoo of (Balioaa | m4^Imv mother often oaid that ahe wiaked tkot. Stam ka i A ai leaa Iteouty, more ill nature, or o horior hiirt. Jtia herwlf, however, aaw no fault in o Mr Im%« ing wroi^ in an aflectiona. **WS." '« , j^rwmwm^ — -r— 1 — '■■■"^■'■-'-■...1.7;, a — ' — ' "^ fl whoae^amilca have changed into tho fvnfK^m and wlioae hoarta tiavo felt the benumbiaf lipHM th« exfiorionce of a bad world, who can aay, lo aaav ao ' Jean Lindaay,' Il had been better for thoo that MfMM had been losa kind in beatowing upon thee gifla mivpr- laily prized, and yet continually working ruio.* Kaiharine Lindaay waa a diflerant kM of JMMi* Not oo beautiful aa Jean, though alill W»odnii|t( formed, ahe had iuat enough of hoaatjLip wia-wi pleooe a faoUdioua lover, bat not ta'daxoio OiidaDan dangeroua aultora. Capable of atrong aflkoUooa» her aymualhiea were quick-aighted to .virttw and worth { and her antipathioa followed eloao upon her obaarvotioa of what waa wrong. With atrong moral teolingit iIm had the fortitude which iaalwaya allied to •• altiladoof moral aontiment, and in gireat emeroeneioo wo«ld haot exhibited the high qualiliea for whioo tho a ek te at of hir aex have been ao remarkabie, ahowing a high ew tha J' nam in the exerciae of tho tenefow vktoea, owl a withering contempt for what ia giromUiaf or poip* Cast in an humble aphere, theoe ten; but it is the beauty of virtae, that, liko lh»«|r> mond w h i c h B bi a ci a a bright in t h a ' '% t Ifil^-' / . I My \ r~^ jl i^^^ii "^T ^ALM or Tin MftDIM. ''^■■i Mi «liMMMlMMM kr Um moUMT •• woil m *< doofh- •0 wUI opMor, hlo olIoirtlMM to Um ywMM wwMB woro v*rf dlflNvniljr i>w l »» l . *|f«* kla tkoughto aa *•«■•* Mo iMMrtMMr. Tok 7* tlw advtoo LaMllHodtoMWM •* O toMwfwMAMlMllIt Ita^ilMM^ «• awy Imo aoiiv • lovor, yo «on ha* ImM m alMto I Mi tolnd OM Mir tfw bloat o* (kol bnglo aplMtal ■iih wHMI oiooto l» M* TOT hoort kinp to mMH •• • wM iMTp ooowon to Um itanii Uial la to Iflk Mi tttimmm, TaM< turn lo tioM to Um votoo o' I lanmf* to 1^ i* Atreo, 1^ H oHwmUi, oad IhlUi and tradi to #i II lMi klfk tfimmw hi afai ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ IaMK AMV flfl^^ ■ Al^Afl4Ad ^^^ ^tftf H^ ohHid aayaAniM imwii John HaMaaai bal km •M Ah to ana ■•• gold, ia« bnnid, wm t >alM iiiiiaikliia to adomlw oT Um ehafooM ha ImM hi «M Um Md aaii kv wMik. Ma naaM ha< kiiiii >aii w In AngM. KakaihaiaairdaooaHHhtooaHNMahla aAeUiMa | k«l Ma ay* laoltaad to tho hf aH* IMV iha ■MW MEtfMfVHMM'f'y iMkl MM MSf 4MI MM € •«v«d liU Ulb. Amr (Im fciainf ftih«Ta Mt«i4 h daao had parlkrwad aa coaap lw imia a parU m talriw wha hm ktm MaalMai |Piat < la SMaUiaMaik and to wham ha had ai okaosloaa by Ma JiHaiai la ddkaUng (ha* f • two Ibia y a \ tt li*M|mir hia IMh. Oat of Umw woaM nondaet of EaUdHBadMy, who fcllowad < and warnod flk#, i a to adad vloim a f w tor of an kolhta ika aUfMh. 8ho dM UUo ai Iharhaaard af har ofvn lilh I for aha waa aaaa havlnf Bw w k aa h hy iIm fVDQBfV| WM vW9 MMVB w4W9 ■P9B ■MB* B9« Ml SMI Iv" keilhtlo toKoat aad iahn Haldaaa olaiwi Uwt, If ha had aa« ■>( Um wanio^ k» mmtk iaavitokly hava nailthad|M||| Iha Han iitrfhi al OMi hiadoolruodM. vfP¥l|> '"' • Tai how \M^ha^fmtk%r araiaaworUiy aa Ihanr KaAtfIa loval A fortoithl had wa w aly j tore now aeUaad, whM iM' I Hatdana, rotaming horn Aa hHi < takaa br Um party wba had haaa m hrtaat in liAMg away hia lilh. Thar law oa aaalag th ia i ialraa M- Mwadf aad axpaeiad to nad ahaltaf la a mHffut&n^M hoaaa} bat kafofa Umv aoald anlva Ihaia, the alMaflh of Um Ihmaioo waa ashaMidi aad lliHwi, aaialai UMm ia hia afBH, thangM UMt, hy Mi aataMiio atraagUi, ha woald ha aMa to haar Umnb ««ar 4m oMdl aan^ Umi UMaa vary oMIdiaa af Um aaial M aadir Um NbokeaadanewadhavtodaaM. Kalhailaa Ml UUa eroal nm* of a Io«h% partialily, aad lamaai h aia d Um poraoaal riak aha had ancoaatotad ia wvla^ naai lavaafa of Um aame mea, %||l of Mai who had I lafajeot wta ya at a My vi ittoaBpafUaa. -i •^ia ^^^ ■> -"J ;-?-*«^ piMI Ml « . .. . ... . . M *• «ft« ilMi hmtk lUtmf Im4 ftM« mm, m ■My limy—. aMl «• mum ptMM, wkikUg w^l • mum-. •Mat arttli >>>•■ >■ flP^ tlMwa, iMatnf m hto MM, m4 avM bM#iif M ftla iiMk« mU itafkmi\m% «iMr «Mwka ^ • •««">• u^ iMlMlm' MMhMMt kM^MV^^H^"* to M •IWB^I^I^^B WIUMI •M8I. i|l|^tt( wHm ui# (frMnl aMW* ••••• •• ■ Mt« «f MkMT wltMlMM4 MW OM IMMW, 1WMMlf<.0»—t»»4»f»— I I I IIIMltffr— aM. kH MT aM, liliinTl ma kn Um MpHflMf MrMa t~ • • WWavar tc ba, wltaUiav pat, tka hatft a»4 happtMta a^ • Mkaitaaa balm. BiK kM ~, air, *•• *«i|>» y« My iitaik n ^^ ama'^iiW U «»ift«| w** «»m afba- tfMa«^*alii«ptoefMMra, wka'kMflM bar kavt *r *• aakiai, awl Mvar.rtq^riiwl Ma aMlkla ia nHnra Wftfl*^ a^fcMh, whaf alMMipa«aiMa|iiila»Ta ■V^ JM^IHm, If y« thiok tkai ravanfa far (U S«P rSSTwlMa 1m iha boaMi bHN JtJ aaM M Joka Mw Ka*a« that (ha kara wm rat In tka kait af dbiNMf •«■ «»kiek aha had na dm^hat thai wM **^N«H# J«an*a appointtaeni w^il^Mr la«alf« Aa I^MfeMlM tamail «mhmI the ed|B nH^Bto"***!* ''*■■ "■**•!•■#• aalHary aah trm atned afMfUw atw Jaha HdMwi tarn back, axamino lha mnfk, and iala#y. il | >im mI ftaHlf wtf olasy brain im tomd M if la;#tHM Am v^ wi At (HM o elook, Jaaa undHW w^R aMa a^HH aftw ihk dapartad, Eatk^ihM fbhaMNd kar, %M IMi jv"it^»^i JS* 'TQtXJtj^^Jt A ■ f*- / . MMNltiic «rWh bU bMk u> Imt, m4 •f»«iiii« -«4b* iiM kM»w ttmi wlMf* Omm l«r« MM, Uvw miMl Mr tM lk««i. TiMMr wMik MMMilMlif^ kaliMn Mr iM ikmm* TMtr wank Chilli / n Hyibry«^*"^f I" ^ »» «<• '"Mh ■Inl #>iiMiig Mdbv tmmt ililMMnl of Haltta««*% iM ■ li^M^ wIMk k* WM W Will* ! Miilna bte Uek, and, m^ m4 iltrtiM kMk. »«• Itj^Ml^ "^~ ' ' lifcaiJit mJ in •^MM fflW llM WHMfvMQ , ^ . i«d I* ilia aiMNiiTt •Ihm«Ii riM waaO, M iiiaK|if«ir«i. John ,.jwiiili4p< lliM Im IM^ ■ WMMd liHM ktoMb Ami I/MMiiM LliH|aay i and. m M till nil <§■!■<. iw i«nMd, widilM law hi aa» IT Im «mm fit Jlmdm^imf^mf Imm of M wanH iMMr Mtmitting, ihang k witk «f dMp anrrow, Uial M wm noi MMii t* KHM* aecrai impulaa, . ki avil, Hr«vaa««d (ram af- , ami MinM lo Itw •vitlaMW ' , AakaiiMd to MlmU that h« ka«i a iMM ftwi' walebiaf J«an, ha avadtd iha farliT MfHrilMg tk« unaawal ««M iM la iM wMd I wiri. whan KaUwfiab ,., aM mmdm aa liiUc prngrMa in her tMi«t ibr JcM batl latMrlv hacoma mora 10 litl MMfciHff about bar luver, aiMi aM a^wwaa aaUUng ibat wMi in any iUaU. •Aav tha pnaMdBaffi Mw datailad, {a^K-^, Aaoi tha eonduot at Jaan, to lfifMptkaii«Ml lfaa(aiul»aiMrdaj ky aha waa antpriwd to laa" Adap ^tmMfcj M if «M|hi it HftMTA tmktd aMHl aMMfe I aad. hMkl«f m Um traa. aha ««a aaaa* ftkmdt^%td iha lM«r a k aay rf , (V«ai iha aaial aa* «f aiaMit«(M»«*ih«aa. tka «•— U at i ia af ik« f aMaw t ag laovaUif afpaaiail w i nary an K»m far an •mMitninMwi, ikol • •aarraiy rrMliI Iha piata imliraiKMi a4 ika nodaa. 'I raaalvad to mj aatking at iha cirruniaiantia to ntnUiar, bat torawaiaaiilaf kadaad waicii thai afkaviialM Aaaaf«aglf, irka* aUM aMRa, laikaHaa laiifad <• kaf r o aa t, atoling Uiai aka araa auniawkat tadtafioaad and dkl not wiak to ba dial,Nrkad. tUr atotor dap* l« • wnall cloaai a ing lakan iM p iaaaa t iea af a«l taking a# kar oielfca^ iv to a«l apaa iha ■iigktoat wovaaMai at kaf Ma faai^halafa praton d tiHl lo ^ to bad, thai kaf aiatov a < and, not i aliaiad Jaa* ^ Tbta waa laiilmit to Jaaiiry bar appaahaaataaa, bar Ant raaaiatfaa waa lo aaeure tha bay of aad pravaat bar dram going outj hut aha waa i^nmfjlf iaiaaaaad bv a wiak to diaoovvr ilia -tvrrm aad atoaa* lag of aU tlita aiyatory, (or aha aomatimaa tkoagh^ tmm wWt bad lattorty bappanad, iMl John llaldaa* kimaatf \^aa iha partoa whom Jaan bad baan pHvalalj niaating, and thai ha ami ak« kad, in oonaaquaaoa af . knowing Kalharina'a lova for hin, antorad into ihaM aakaiaa lor iM parpaaa of Uiading bar, aad ara^iyiaf thair aAaliaa olandaaliaaly. Sha ranMNibarad, la ■tor'a aUkflllMaot lyings In ikair aaaal plaas^ n<>t «atM pHb^Mr* in iM iaa« ,th»ai>» d JaaTlirpPriad wiihaak iBBBiiif waa laHiilniil to taaiiry bar ap w ia h w u laaa, iM oarroboralloa of thia auapiaion, bia tfppaaranaa at tha aigaal tiva, and bia attonJanca thai owning whan aha ■avad him froai iM fatal handa of Stawail. Aaaia aha lha«^l, aa iM had ariginallr doM, tMt f id n ■Muat waa iM la««r>-« aHaaioioa ahUMfhaaai V maay oiiteumaaiMiaa, aad parttaalariy hf m» aMaaaff of Adam Hall iMt aAamaaa, when M appaaaaii ta hava baan ikulkint away aAtr having mada tM aigM. Har aaaptoiaaa did not laal on Stowart. baeaoaa tha aaubl not aooaaiva that Jaan, aimpla aa Mft araa, w aa W hava any intaraouraa with a raivar aad aa eoUaar | aa4 bia appaaianea on tM night in qaaalion waa a a ei a ala i br by hk hatrad towaida Joha Haldaaa, wham M ha4 r<4lowed for tM paipoaa of ravaaga. la tMa atola af doabt KaiMrina waa d atanaiaad to hw iha aad af Ihia myatory, aad mait»d uoaa lailowiaf Jma wfewMPV aha weat. ' %''«'4|M|k^-- •• A liflla baCwa dMat^HBUwa naa oaMf Aaa bar bad, paekad ap a dE9||PPa of oiothaa. aad* loii^ down atoifa,aaaUy ayiaMtln^araad waataat Kathariaa foUowed har eloaiy fpnl ailanlly. 8M waat dtiaai to tM Kellon wood, ai tha ahirt of whiah iha aifnal baa Hoad ; from that to IM aignal Uaa* whiah aha examinad ; and, taming round, aaa iaeiaaaad har •paai ton rapid lighl, and lUHy oatrtoi Kathariaa, who atood, taAaawikc what pa|h4a aanMM. Sha waal Int ona way and ihaa a n athar, aaa haaaiaa alanaad* lMl» byharna^ifMiaa.aMhnilfcataarlMhirrialari a eriaiaity whiah weaM aadl i jii J jga a^ j>y >■»* — ^ af Mlo««diaa«her^"f .•«- W Im hia, ani tka om la Ik [ llMmnichMta of iIm ib*i Uia« r«#Minoii«t I Mihar by J«h« H«M»iw «r fcy KallMrtM Uitdaay, wb« ww. h«Hh •« AM P**^"*^ hMr«r Um mofi»li»f whaa U»*y wif^ *• ^^^ '••^ ^^••B I* thak b«4. T1»» »%•• iiwii r»«io**J Jahii liaMaMtoa Mifliboaf^ lag til nil. alliNV^nt KaUiaiiM la go koaM, aa tb«y •mM mm bring ihamtal v«a lo ihiak iHX a yo-nf wwpan •• «*all MalMa of aa aba *»aa, eaulil ba |alHy «« «ia «flaM aT aMmlar. Tha aawa a^ »ya aiy^wWMia iaalb mmA Ilka wiM-ira ibKnafkoal many WmIIm, a«4 an laiaalltatliin waa ImntadlaMly art aboart ta ma aaiaaa ^^^tJ^Ill'rwElI and ImnI tba oibar. A |MMM af lh» WWW af W IIH«» Bail bad |.wHi avtdaaaa ♦• *• •••• •* ■• »^ »•■•■ Joba Haldaaa ibiraiaa I _ If ba aw i waw i atd la faWoarl •ad bla afkailaa fc* ibal Adaai Kara laallmaaY wi for ba aa«M aay Aa* Ma „-, ,.^-, -- . ^, «br«a oaeaaloaa, u. wab* iM wataaj f *>■■ Mf^ ^ aad, ta (lartirular. lo bHaf M« fflf IMMpM W aanain narba, wblrb waia fefMd »• ^^f*^***! (ba akia of KaHaa wood | and H waa la •■■■■■f*""'?*' a aicnal oahiUiad by a «aHi •• *•• «»^;jv*J* JjfJ^ daatb. Ad a ai aia»it afao IN a l f a awi^aaa af — fbiww af Ka*ariaa U»d»y, wN^. »• |* *^*r* ,^ *? wwioaaad larar of bar alaiar. fkm a nlU wid by >!>»»> HiTaTbalai • r»«babla ai*l adlilN ••#« "C • lijjj ravanga afilnai tba amaanl arf««^»ww«(|» "*«««» wMMla^IlT an«.«U bjr Iha W»ar rf h» •^•J* ■adarad, and Iha (Haad a< M (bailly nh« Mii«i h« On Iba olhar haad. KalhariMa J w U l i m ••^^ rorfcr lo varloaa aourcaa af avWkaaa Iwfli^af tr^ nriwNiar. Tha raftylafoff of bla fan by OliMaiiaMM ba aiada oal by Iwo wHnaaMa — a rlrraRMMMM « ■• giaalaal Imniiflaaea— aa wall aa tha lawdlM rf #■•• Lladny^ rita to Iha pHaaarr whaa ha kai If* JJl own. iTaiy atlwnpl waa'mada to prata that mmm waab tovar of Jaan'a \ but tha gfpaMt ^^^"1^ '*'" axnarlaaaad o« thla point, ■•♦aral pannia hid mm ^a walkinf with a man in dia. rioaaitaf ab^i* tha •abhboiiflng plMHiaca at KaHon, bat ao aaa aMdd apaak la that man baing Stawart. Kitharina ^^ *^ Impoitaaaa af ihia fact, and waa ipt^Af at tha want of ■ u oeaaa ii " Strafghnf wHh thaaa %■ in gatlinf W aalablUw* ) dtttaoiaaiv ^Mt ftiiiitfM b * *f liana to bar mMhar I hot Iha kp m had^vM tkalMt ihiihtf^ Mlitary fend har Miiv* •tranrti rf maal aaMmMIni ettoationa to ha af harlbvMirH* daaafitar hadfi Iha MMihaifd anda In tha rfaia mtm. Thnl- f narglwof lift^ aMrttarinti or* I««i, mn, mj ' limaa Aa whiaearad low and that baanty wMoh had •hoaldhavahaanAaM dMth. Any aMMnpla w»im^ hsr, w«« wdftrmly»ngjliW«^iV^HM| KilltefiM tvMtoAdMMMiUfigby |WIiltaMllwauUiMbaaa*aaMwhalMaMMia I Imt, aaM la amiaaal Imt, aad wim I* aid aad l«Mk kar iiaaft i raaigri krraai la friab wMak aia lilia avMiaa aliadoww ia Canyafftai, aad iiaaft wi* tha laiaMiM a' har ate aallakaaiw fMT* wkaa llMra aia mnny la ihia vala o' taani wlia aia •qrkll fcr • Mpiaf baad u> Tim laa kii aaaaad kips kf j^daaik aT a Ikaa adiMai kiMf* Omi fJH^ikM kaat « VBMNlr 10 4mVmI9« « AmI ««aa (k Tfwa kar afa, * aM gaaat m la la lkaHM Umimj la daaida ika (bw a' ktafAaaw iHf MM^alk^A jl^MMI J^ 1^^^ A^^^ ^^^^A a^^a ^ m^^m* ^uh^k^B^wi l^^W^i^P V^^W MV V^^ iWPWV ^^^^ 1Mm« W jwwr M^piMl^yVi pniai afdfto cm « daaa, ikaa a fralkar aad Ma dio '^^ ' wtwm uMtArt SAUoirrtti wIm iMii Jnr-1 «•• • T***"! *"*''> * *•*•••' ** >*■■*■•■ | pMMTiaa •»».«•"«• M ill* |.»»*i«w. TW •*" ""^ Mw twrf «• tolw ftm— w • t. »*»• fMuaaialM iMal * What i»«mW«« th<»« wth »••, ll«ili«»<»« UmimfT • I ll««« r«m« h«*», tir.* ••■'•'•• *'**7'*'. * IMAm* t. M« ••.» fixy o* ^»»* "*••* •' "t^ ""'"^ «aM Msn, iImn ta »»»• ■»•••"« ■'fc" ••»• ••■*• ••«*• T«- < ImImO. wy P«Hir m«Nl*.. th«« •• w"^ •»«••« *M tail* M ••eh •««•* t*^ •• ariMl W«^ iMt Mkl llMl IM hMni m« «k»wi« •• •* "yJ—J ftl* aMtMl itM lib o' %m %\nm mnu W Im iiinimi te MJiiTiiiiiin--^- »; •i-^- • '^" fa— **_*t *r, MM, whlU Ml tiM h«iy •• i:H'«w"»«»»'.*7rT CSf32 2 JiM. w«M. kMl «i-J M« *-.^Md IrbMiZiM. KM «•• iW •^•-Mf M(pilft4B\ '^j;!'!^: ,f I -- r- -^-^— ^ toM. a»« M^-t* -r H- art •! fi-ltoja^ "SllJZ wfc.Mky -taM.. ""^^ ». •fl.^^r' .'yy*^ r wHiiJU ilMiruUr KaHmMm Ll«4Mt «i|M ««i» wWl of HtkM HsktoMk *r of EnClMmMMl, *••>• •• aTHMtir iIm Crwra «VMM WMr «k« *««MHMlfti ■• «Mi«at liy »»!• body of Ui« m«i* Hri^M Mn««a ny fiillMr'a f«ia, m4 ■MM. J«)m iba t«M m«« Im* •Inady .iMakM, M M»4lii« »• »wi» iM |»U> •# <• Miami tT H« aMiMi kto U*« »"» *•• "■■■» ."" C,],^^ aC raataawrnnl ^-^ UwMla l» 4* Mi h^afT rhlTliiat fowia al llM aaMM •* Uw —i*W I w p i i •r viil M»«»». •»»•* »'»Tf ^"^ **^ •>' Um* MfMl haf* OMM AfW kMi^ h aMla4 Uiat Dr. Q iw Mi •' ArUoaih 4ia8«v«rad •iriy M MM in ••- borfy o* Caflaa»oiMt, awl wW -^ tiMl kaa <^«M fra* bal tU r» i,»>^J" "7. or «lMt Wkirh Jobs Hal4aM bad U bia 1 If Mm HMmm ab K iaa iMMd al »c iZ »i. jzt-^ atoiy artor It waa awamlMad. wMk a MS to Ht HMi aad Mbaf ainWMaiaNaaa t« Mafaa o«« Mt MI^IOT witiMaaaa aallad «mm ibaaa «^ ^f' ."*" f"'9P*' «d. Tb.t«»MM.wlMM*.adHabb«aafal«^ a maw lannnilnm tb« (bat aT aaaiaa KatbaiiM Lllli- ■ay by iha lUa of tba body, wKb Mm HaMaaOiW UlMrband. Aad Ada« Mall alao adMUlad, a^ i.laff«^llo«. ba baaid Katkariaa LiMtef Ml to^kor raibat'a ri«a afiiaal 1km Hfc r«.«.|». InM Mly a* WIm »■■ (a«l aJM— (i» BtkBm U ^KillMt Or •• tiMf* Mir Imm Mt IM«M UiMlMiy roMldM dU iMr MMk 1 1 Varity. anir Lonks lk«i|fl K«(lMriii« LiwtMf — (llMifea to MMAtrWi f«lh«r, aiMl ■ apiril t« Imt Hw team a' har aai— <•« Moa tlto £■«•% iW ^HtrkMl wiMri d' tla |B|«M piMbJ, aMd H Mtl ki iIm 4mim o' iteMh. I. m^ Lnnia, •IH LMMy o' KalUM., am alaM fiuliy V Mm ■ vHi MntHlsAi wMali •••■• i^Am Im acwt b^ (m H H^plM. pradaMd a atroaf MaM l liB In (Im r«f Htm anatmea, a* Mr«ll aa thaas of lh« Jury. «rHh«wt (Im ate tw a a t of KatlMfta*. 4n«UAll i but Ihia (MwAMitMl MfMii In Ibvotir nf ik« priaonar, In whoaa tkwmu 9t * not guillf* wM very apaadiiy wH tiw ^ . •MAmmpknt, (ov iIm llMHight ihal KallmriiM Llad- tflWal* Ma HifW tfaMa aaiNidl hb life, aioail n»w in ^iBlW *l Mr •wn, for Um aato of ««• whw had ao l«nf jnat lyliftilly i^iiaH Imt hi* aAatiMi, MiMg hi« j4K«I !• HMiliMwa. H« daaniaad iM boo* «f liiia Uli ^•ljni'4 4mmIMIm ■• aral mmi nvoitlng la lii« | —r a i M ifiini Mi • <»B— 4 lifMa wrlAajTitiaalf agpia la Jitiiiifjllai. »a>a la aavo hmt l a»a>^ aaiaAMtwariia «»«m< i« ikm(«ml,n^0l iIm rn«r< la Aiv«ar ala V--M "*'! MatMifitl (•mat*. Tka |u<%*a wawi ■pMinf aatHkiM*! mt ikm mi*etm ImalNaai, and (Mrfinga ajf iiiapteaaitfa «««f« alr w if l y aMrtad am ihmit I ■iiiiiaaaMaaa, A » aBi a i m a awa Hataai iIni «iilka|i|iy KtmkaUm*, mnJ ika i— Mwllaiii «•! tmkm llaMa««, wli*, la Mi Mm 4aMlla«rai ia p ai a aa a a a of iiak la to alt uw arbaa tb^ mmI, a# IflfMbar lo a Maall boaaa oa iba lalaai of Mai^ wfMia Ibay had laaiJa j •^rtr tinea | aiMl iba« b««|||| baa*IU-«aaiad by 8«a«*art, who bad aaaa to rraaaa,aiM baaia nad to ba pcaaaal al Uia (nal of bat atal a r, and ««a bar Ufe, by Iba alalamaoi ab« naw aiada. Iba ax> p l aiaa d fenbar, Ibat Jobn ftaldana aAan ta feliaw bar arbaa aba wttnt to aMat Siawart | i ■•M|iialaaa waM alaraya polnlad to Ea|^aaaMiMil« ba oAm Mw la iha ao« af feHowiag bar I ani Aa Mak *• iMlaa to raaMwa ibaaa, aa iba anM adMawi a# haV aaaMaas wt mtttnf*t "'•■■i,flip>aMi ■• aaMar m lai ab% ivlMwan^a ...«i.r. Aiaai HaU| Mi la^JbMaM iiaa^ Awn baviag •MMllMiiilMr l» Iba ai Tbia Hayaaa^Mibofa M Maa feMtty. thaf llaai M Maaa avaMfiiMi m im pwaaMa ai a MlMaM M aAM piaiMMiiAii • aaai iHMt bf iM i«i» mm aTMi «M»«wim< fla|Hi«UMi, r«iMi)rVi !»••«• iM«i ••»« 4«*«MrtMa by l«*«. TM n»»«l «•«•» «^ hw *if« k^ pMMawi •wmf m ll»« •i»j«»ym«iii <»C Atiaiaailn b«ffi«««, mm! t« iIm InlKrdhsiifn tU •n« lMd« raw«4 «/ MUiUy orvr mlff^ th* pw« •ii4 iMMphUUMMl Mini oT iIm liapfir 1m4 taa»- |iH. V«( iht* wM • kapptiMMB Umi WM ■«« to L>o««, liiat UiM •« MMHnff <^ wnmaii'* mim*- M iM «tiMa( ia ttnwtwihj or olKevwtM, •! Im»c(k IM way Into ilw g wM — h — m o( fm^ Um\k- I mmI, oh t wiMl • uB i i i mmiim mwwktmA ikal f fa twifto aiuifihaMMl I At Uto A^mmmm at cImmM • i^ flwm Mr. VtotfMr- IM^ llMn ll««l • youof nun of iIm mrm of IUi>b«ni, IIm CM af > MtiUonian in wmiUr oircuntatanro* wtlh iIm rornMr— Ui«( (•, ■ mmII tnmlMi proprtotor. Thk j«w« Msn, wtio ImiI mmiimi • vwy UNtral MkNoUon, ] of M ■IPMMMa pwMM nna of noMiMMgly nan i bu* ih«t« wmn oc«mIomiI - I «rfllMimetor tlwl bat wmj iMBAwnfly karmoni- •■4 wilb diM* qudtlWw I Md ihcra w«r«, bsaMort, I thM ON* liula IncMtont in bin 1Mb ihni bntrnyvd • of nIArfinnan. not to My bwr ^i — nnn , Ihnt w«ri^ bf •• ■• — ■ hn«« bnn nmBMled In om of ao f niinr ebMffWI n diapoailkm. Still tb«n nyMptoma ««•» nAat niU of nn irlSnc « flbarnclnr, that tb«y fl«rald bn anid to hnvn iJbntad •kwfi nt* tha m m toio w wbl«k witn a pfi m»wf •«WT m i fW' T "^ r-«»'"« »•«• ^* **^ "f *** « ikal l» »•• ^'•^ f» •y*^~mt^ ite iw ito*^ Hia anwraa, lita fmf fc«|M to ««haf KaalMirn oaa •!«>•*» to M* aitorhmani la I'aany ll«ib«i*i*i» a* ibiB Mi| a«<{«n«niaaaa^ «N» aaMMt Wf, ftlMl Na«« n« a«r«riaiat«t. Tbat waa a CiaabW aoll hlmaalf a Tha yiMing (ia«f>w, HiHttvaf, laa^ aa •oX aho ha*a oa It i ba« wnaa af aad iWtaaav "f faotini wo«M aat Mra Fanny's lalhar an«l nwnho**. 'h#ialb*n»W awaro of tho aiiachot'oi alluitod to | ab4 rourw, ih«R man**!" of iho partWa wan a tio thnu|hl bf 111 lh«'ir praaoni tXrtm Hanry wa# liValy anon lo ahiain a tai>««tl«« In India, It wan a «tfT |>'«l>'* •'^i ««iT onntlngafMsy | and with (hia pfao|MHitl«a aaM ranny'a Ai ■■ ; ,—! particularly to rannf — but in iIm lallwtw«|>b>i>wai WW ahrayn aaoofn|to«iad by lia MMal mtm «MM|% iaM ¥ •»«li«n fcr hafwir, aa if to MMMMflhlM it wa a o n her aa cn—l ala— i hn i h a a *' * ■■■%■, yii ""^ ^j^^fc- J} BJil «Ml • yiMr mm. * Wtlt, piHiapa t( la all gyMiflfMay,' km arMl m | « I aM^ !!••• 1«-««M htwfcl r if t Ml^ I M«W «»M IMM mHMMI I« • MM kl «f H* jpi Mm n *• M aartk, Kava yaa fbr BnlMfa«i«C •• rraaila{ yoaraatf la thka fti«M(iri . . _jM Ml aaU dtai I anUcipaMil aayiMat, faany, -nai^ (IHa allacliiiNMH oT yowB«'««l^ia4 har b w nb ar. i nwht awlf kjri»kmik^. Wl, *«■ nut kMT, f «■* M awa mm Um aulijfaaC I iMi^ i» W »W, th< jIlUl I kM« Mi< wW Mite fiMMM III C^ ' g4»i liiiinhw iM4«f Omi r.M« iMta ('iBn4 ta paaaaarf tmm>u 4 imtmty la l ^ aJia , li aaiteHl tm Itia aaw n— a« •a h» tfM* aa4 ^ft/Hmm Wtm tHvy, waa Hkawlaa aMiia, liML aa awHi aa ftMf lihMM ha HtlHy aMilad la la^, awl Imi«« aanattainvtl that bia tM«> T ^^ raldlM la hia pramtaa, lUnry, aaaii aAw lb •••"*»» wmtt ta fa«<^yMi4 |ava a vary tattHtaf •a«awM af #— tillft » TMa laltar ««aa fallawwl, la y aaothar, hi «i4liflli tiM aama aa«nl«»««la of l«va aad aflM««« aMPa aayiaaiad | k«t H aaaialnad a laaa •attartaf a ae aa a t of kla eli^MiiiMaa. Tkaaa, Ika wrilar aaU, hm6 anrra- « iy aiiiaNMi ''^ aaiMctatiaaa ha ha4 f a w aai ! (Hm \kmmt m Ni tfw" ■' t "(^ ^ '^***'« ir dMy »*••• ><« >••♦ •«•"•• •»- r*nn^. In •!« »!»•«••>«, 1^ W«">J •''"•^•» •»••• kMi fflfMkan lh« iMMT |iH'« rlMnto, rM«»»t*r own •ftrtmmml. bnlMd lh« l«" h«r In »«'niiif<» on lh« Melttng UMh of nuruaieig ih« Um»r, aha afow, mIwiI It M«v«Wv«ly, an4 atagr'^'i •'*'« " «««f^"l''*<' '•» h«'r"«P lowank Um w«ruMil ft ttil«. r I. Wmimt m I iMv* tMC* for «Im <••• <* •MlfhMloylM0,MS|F«l«ilMfM«|iUt«t| t^a | Nr, iiMnH |^l>rji»f Mw» ihai t*. ari»» •♦»• h»ii f««4 UalWKMMa li>w** «tv» «l»* h ia»a d wiMly 4im» Wtlw irt .{Mirt U iMr li»H«»i*r fcluMMd I and. h««t g *t dra y<| IM. I Ml a^HiMd lh4M hta atlani-a and aaaaiing M^Wt wtHtId, (KM tlay, U MliafarWily MMMMHI AW| tlA wMhoirt tinp«>g«>')g hi*hnn(mr,* T«» !!»•• •»in»»«r maul into hi* han^a | •wl grMily Uwap(wMni«d waa iha |mmi« 0H, who wM wvicMng kla roiinian«ni!0 with ih« moat liMfM IMMlM huU> ha »«i«l, lo And Ihat th« ronlcnia •••mad !• #»• rlM> in him no vmoiion whaiavrr. Whan- ha dn " •Wall, I'annj^,' ha •••d, drily, at Iha tarna llaaa |r«K»« nva r again rr|iaale«l Uia unatjafaet^ng ^14 •daliihiati |id. > Edwapl. aa wa h^*« atraadir aald, »»p«Wr1y lo»ad hb •iiltri awl H w«< Ihia rryird ftif hr^hal i.»avanlrd hlai nylnf all b« thmighl of iha Irtlrr ha had j«iat rMid.— • 'ita would not, for aTgr'(»>iiaid»ra(ion, hava damfad iht fi^linga of joy and happinaaa whirh It had lna|«li«d hi Iha boaom of ht« aiat#f, hj making any ramarka tkll might ha»a a land^nry of ihai kind } Nit ha iwuld M«l halp obaorvina iiiik-iaat grounda for aMch ohatrvaltontii He NW, .In Ao «ral plae*. thai RaoMra'a l l WI that ha had writlaii aayanij kmn !• Ft My, iiiM» r a collaci :\ "f*'*! %■ ■* J^ , ^ ^p^ tAiii Of T« lOlDtM, * .' t- m4 wltJiw IM „ in*J« •njr eom|a«lnl of ifir lnl«mip»loiw In ktt « eiirrM|ioii4l«in4» ( and h«, E«lw«r«l, murvovvr kiMW that llrnrf'* ratlinr li»>l rrcMivod mmnj laltar* fninihiai during il»« «iry |»«riu«l of ihn iMapwn'ion of hl« onnw- pon«l«n«i Willi I'^anny. It th«r«iri>n9 ■|>|M)ara>> Mfoij and in diw «i>ura0 of timn. In th« noKl |>lan«), Kdwa/a W«r. or thoucht he Mw, (hat ihe |itneral tenor of the leil«r waa forp«l tnd unnatural ) and. tailljr, that |inM!nMiiiiatiun W» apparently itill the ohjnct of the writer, iioltyiih- •Unding hi« hiiving vagiHily .naiiiml a \wTHf\ wl|en he •hould invite Fanny u> aiiare hi« fortunea aa liia wife. All tkia £d«w«l percalv«d la th« letter in queaiiun i ^l the worA he thought of it waa, that Kaeburn had Iqr e time forgotten hi* aiakT, |irol>ably In a temporary ivgarti for another, aad that hi« alffclioii for her having manned, he wee row anxioua to alone for hi* m^gli- MM* or infidelity j, and, und«r thia impraaaion, he wa* ■ifflni to overlook the auhlerfuie tu which Kaebwn had {MMfiMo«rae to account fur hia ailenje { and, in theae vlawf of the matter, Edward'a father and brother c«n- J Tiro or three day* a(\«r tho roceipt of Henry'a letter, Vknnj, though in a verf IndilVorBnt aUto of health, nro- oaoded t't Edinburgh, and had lier likene«« t«jien there In miniature. On her retom, ^le picture vraa carefully Mflhed in a amnll box or caho, and, accornpenii^ kj * Mtterfrom Fanny, diapatched to itn remote deatinalion. In thIa tetter, the jwor girl, in alluiion to tho pi^nrait, Mhl ' \ hate, in cproiilianoa with your wiahea, Henry, ■tot jrott mf portrait ; but 1' fear it will aadly diaappoint , mtf} for n OMre unpropitioua time for tranaferring my nleemUe eotmtenance to canvaaa, (I believe, however, it ia ivory,) could acarcejv have been for I have been oxiroinely ill, Henry, for a ' past, and am yet very far from b*ing well.— Men broken-hearted, Henry, and have beea iof nnder the wurat and moat hopeleaa of all tfo- , oruahed* and broken apirit.' » *a,.\. Thna did -the poor giii allude to the mim^f'wV^ . Baebom'a neglect had entailed on her. Her detteacy Ibrtede i\g.t aaying more, and her candid and oonftdinp lHapStHirr would not poniiil her to aay Icaa. Lef ting matten in thia ataje at Roaa Valih, the name pT Mr. Rutherford^a reaidence, we will, withthe nad- e^i eonaent, embark in the adme ahip with Fanny'a |Mirtf*it,'and proceed to the East Indiee, to ae^, wil^ Qur own eyea, what, at this period, waa the general mm4^T^ character, and eircumatancea of him for whom tlli^ pieture was intended. Having done thia— an eaay mSlAt with yon. and ua, good render, though nolrtiUng dhir to othei»— we Bbtllfind BaebutTi reaiding in a MnrkandaQiM house nt Calcutta ; and in one of the pfBtt fttipaj pi cac w ^aow in one of the principal roojna ^^tlwlf honae^ we ahall flnd-4(M. portrkit of Fanny ffwAairfeird ai0pepded-— and iteitSimlhy of the di»- (ialbiMi WW fbia Kkeneaa of the lovely plH,,^Beautiful ! a icit a il hu ll jr h rt r ' M '■ t-y r --*- — f — For1h«j>aintar 4^1 imw fclA^il ; and but too (Mainly did that ], . MA it aoiKNr tad of ndferiag~*or mm dtfcne4i < makMh tho h«Mt aiek.* NoriM Hewy Hm^mmwmm*.: Inaeni^ble to ih« beauty •apraoaa" '•''• "••" «"* Much, niucS if means i and a darker or mora ■<">•'' oua meaning never tlitgrored the art of man. But W« will leave the fiill explanation of thia atrocity to ba d»» velope<| by Ihe progreas of our story. •Ah I you dugs, you!' Baeburn would «8v, with well alfccted jocularity, to hia frienda of the deac»i|j- tion already mentioned, when showing them Fanny p ptirtraitr—* isn't lh«t a pfctty girl, now! and am not I a lucky fellow to have aecured the alRBctlooa of tf charming a woman ! What would you give, yoti rogues, you, {\>r suph a cr^ture as that for a wift f— t Then, holding tlie portrait aloft—* Come, say now. gentleipt n, what you would give for her, sunpose I waa willing to part with her | which, perhaps, 1 am. If 1 could get a fair price for my right. Bid for her, gen- tlemen, bid for her I' he would say, Isughingly, and afftcHng to make a joke of tho matter. • I will pu| her up lo sale, and warrant the stock to be equal to the sample I* * A thpuaand rupees I' ' Thank you, John. Very well for a beginnint I , f«»t on, gentlemen, gat on.' 'two thousand! three thousand!' 'Thai'* 1$. Oo it, my spifited lada, go it ; but she's worth six tinep the money yet.' Eigjit thousand! ten thouaand.'— • Ay, pow you get on bravely, and are approaehia| the mark, though still at a great distance from it.'-r • Fifteen thouaand ! twenty thouaand V • Very wp|l-- twenty Jhouaand! 'Twenty thooaand, gentleneal Will no one bid mote I Why, Tom, I thought Ttw were a better judge of female beauty, than to allow such a bargain aa thia to alip through your fingera I'-r • Twenty-five thouaand I' ' Well done, Tom } I knetf you wera a lad of apirit* ehd hi|d too much of the knifhl-enant in you to allqv a Ikir lady like tbia to be knocked dowp belo^ W vilgt. Twenty-five ihoiMn^ rupeea— once, twice, thriaiB There, down abe foap — ahe'a youra, Toip | pay me the money, and Illeidaf her out for you by the frat ship*' ^ , _ , Thia waa a scene of frequent occurrence In BaMNVB> hquae, when a number or yopng fsllQwe ^d got toea- ther there, and something very^like it «r»a ifMm\»A}o eaph of them individually when they ^hwe^ to ai\ alone ; particularly in the caae of one oTlMft-^a ilf. CieaJinihain, the eon of a gentleman whe held one oT the higheat civil aituationa in India, aitd.who ynf enonnouply wealUiy. Thia waa Baebum'a ffiead, Toah H be Aniliarly called him ; and to him he waa capad^ ally rfoi^i^ vd importimate on the n^jeet of FaasyV beauty. ' Well, bang me if ahe anH % deviHah pwy that, after all!*" aaid Tcm CieaaSBghart to BaetaM, ■# tb^eMdayfal alona amokifPi their ho^Mpi^J|| J f .-iife^.. 41 ftETBllUTlON. no«r. DJWM w|y«b Im wm hallnwty P>ln|- , . , • Tk*t •ho i.. Torn,' «pli*l R-bun. I ;»»»J'I««"» ««l (bMV meh t |»rl >• Ulil, now, for • »*lf», Tom ? ' • r.ilh imi I would, Htfrx | I'i #*• iM «h«i«od MMM f<»r WCh • wife.' , -. t 11^ rTYou'ro coniini dowrt In yeor pri"** •>"* ^ •**»"''' •'*• '*"* •""/*!' |Mn> .Aer .11. lUrnri for iW. c.rul-ly . .WithlAil- looking cr».Uiw. 6ul vvl,y4.'tyou bfingoul lh«|lrl ■nd mmny her-tt once youmXTT, Uwry / 'Uiiipiil' eJMul^ted lUeburn— • Ihfl wouldn t be •HflMther bo convflnieni jiwt nftw. You know I ro etfMoundedly In debt, Ton.,' (lli« WM bgt too tru«j fot ho w«. iro«dy di-ipalcd, and wm liv.i.| in « tlyle fltr beyond hii in«»inr,) ' and m.iat clear my feet • bit beroro I think of art of the Iranaartion— la othlf words, should bind himsflf «o pay the XMlOO on tM day Fanny became hia wife } alihougli wuh what IhM he could pcedace auch a documeni in a rourt of juati*e lo enforce hia claim, lo the event of Crvesingham evading it, U eertalnly ia Hot easy to oonealv*. Ot^ deairuua of bring nenim in the meantime, on aaeh • document at that alluded lo, he inaiated j and It wit ii'Slnntly |iven him. « . «. This part of the transection settled, it was Raobu™-* bttsineas to manege the reet :— the first sIm. of which wssto get Fanny out; the ne«t, to g.t her I«ln»*» u|>on Cressinghsm j snd he lost no time in aettia| about it. I .J. As the subopquent iwocefdlntu of the villain, hoif' ever, will be more sinkiKgly e»hibned by shlCUng IM icene once more to HfMi Vale, we rcqueat the t—Ott lo acconittany tis thliher for a moment. The year ha(d a good while expired, which RaebaM hod fixed on. In bis Isst letter to Fanny, aa ^ 9f^ when he'shi.uld afcnd for her »o join him at Calcutta! and the poor girl wus looking fondly and anxiously nff the promised invilalion ; but, for several montha, ah« waa again doomed to suffer all the poina of auapeaaa and disappointment. From this, however, she was M length relieved, by the anpesrance of the longexpec* ted letler. Thia, like all ita pretleceaaora, waa Blled with the moat ujndcr expressions of regard and r^a^ • II is now,' said the writer, « with the most heartfahr-- hay, Uiis is far Um Uine a phrase— it is with adalig^ my beloved Fanny, which I cannot find languaf» td expiese— that I inform you, that the circumatanoaa la which t now find myaelf, warrant me in •"'j''"^/*'' out to ahare my fortunes. I enclose a draft »br «10*» to defray the expenae of your pnsssge, and other eoa^ tinienciea connected with it; and 1 beg of yo«, my dearest, ilearert Funhv, ns you value iny happlnem^ nay, my existence, to loae no time incoming oul to oi«| for I will be mlaerable till you arrive.' To Ujia wM added a great many particular directiona, aa to Faaoyf best mode of proceeding in the businesa of her embari^ at'ion; and again the writer resumed the atrain of ■dtilaiion with which he had begun; and with tU« atrain, alao, he finally ended, . , ^^ .^.^ Aa in the former casf, Tanny inatanUy t»«n »» letter into the hands of h*r brother Edward ; •n^agaia •ha was di«ppoint*d to find that it was read wttbool the amallett aopearance of aatiafaoUon. Neither WM if much mpri gratifying, to her father y*^ J^^^tJ brother. But their feelinga regarding it praaaadai chiefly from their reluctance to part with Fanny, aid to her ^Ing alone on so long and dreary a vftyage) M neither they, nor Edward, even with hia more amoaf ground* of diaeatiafaetion, felt that tliay WW warranted in preventing Fanny from availiaf »— of the apparent good fortune which ahe waa Mir ^^.- ted to partake, t hey f elt that it would b * im t^l ^ injustice towards the amiable girl, to ezeraiaa AjhMp kufbDriKR9. fbn, llMMgli It wa« not wtlhout grmt raluctenc*, th« I, IMT •iid awry ft«c«**arf prcp«r«liuii for th* vuyaga briitg In • faW aiiir«l Fanny to LMiniuii, aaw hrr un IxwriJ of an Kati Intliainan that waa about lo aail for Calcutta, and having oon- •^n«(l tM>r to th« cara of tha rap«i«in. bad* h»f an af- IbctionaM adi«u. In laaa than an hour afWrwarda, ih« l^ip was weigh ; and Fanny Ruihrrford had floiiimonccd her tll-atarrcti voyage to iha Kimf. On iha alii|)'< arrival at CakuHa. whu h "ha rcarhad in aafuiy and in diif counw \iX lime, among ilio (Irat paraona who oamo on board of her tve ra Knebum and CrvMinghaai. Fanny waa down below in lli« cabin, •nd In th« art of packing a amall Irunh, prv|>aratory to kbr going aahore, when Kaebum eniarad. Tlw mw- aitet the puro Mnduol »h« uiih«|)(>)f virUin of hi« »lll«ny. To Ills own «|4enJi '^^ The medleal gentleman aOnt for instantly attended, and ordered Miaa Rutherford to be put to bed. He then praacribed for her aa for one whoae danger he oonaidered imminent; and he waa not miataken. Deeply intareated in the unfortunate girl, from whom ' he had learned a good deal of her melancholy atory , the Bkedical gentleman who had been called in did all that man eould do to arreat the progieaa of the fatal diieaae uaJ e i which ahe w aa lab e u ri n g i Night and day h e hoar «• ofaooMof Om moalMlliMMal^Mi In the town, whom he brought tahia aaaialaaea. But all human aflbrta wrre *aln. Fraoi hour, (he faver weal on, inrraasing alartainglr, accMB> Iianied l^ a imiportlonabie diminution of tha poor latirnt'a atrengih, until, at length, th« awful and illtal oriala arrived. On the evening of )^« third day afWff her arrival In Calcutta, Fanny Rutherford brvathetl bar laat, aurrounded with atrangara, aad in a foreign lead. But whrra waa the maater ruAan all thia tiaw f How waa he employed, and how did ha feel, whila thia dreadful and afler.tmg acene waa enacting 1 Why h« waa giving himaalf very hitle conwim alMtut it, fuiihaf than that which proceeded from hw foam for hia £5000, He h^d indeed called two or throe limea at Fanay** lotlginga, during her illneao, to Inquire for her, and htd even oent her aoma cordiala— cordiala, alaa I of wbleh ahe had never partaken— from hia own houaa ; b«l more than this he bad not done, nor in any other way had he evinced the amalleat aympatby iur the unhappf victim €>f hia villany. ^ j — : . , Raebum knew that Fanny'a illne* WW af B oua nature — but he bad no ide% that It waa to lanma* ate, aa it did, ao aoon ; and It waa undetr thia mialalM| impreaaion that he and Creoaingham called at Fanny\l iMliiingH on the very evening on which ahe died, ^nd^ aa It hupiMfied, within a few'ttiinUtea after that melaik* choly event had taken place. Having topped gently at the door, which waa alowly ; opened to him by the lodging-houao keeper heraalf— * How la your patient to-night, lady f ha ■Mf addreaaing the latter, amilingly. <- . * She ia well, air — ahe ia well,* replied the wonnaii, in whom Fanny'a gentle nature and hard (kle— of which alie, too, had galhrred aomeihing during the unfortunate girl'a flta of delirium— had excited a atrong feeling of ay knpathy. • She ia well l-^ahe ia well V ah* aaid, wiping her eyea with her apron, aa aha * Slie'a in heaven, air I' ' *» it ili ■4 U:ftmiL*t. tnJin Jll^uA^I^^. <^^'^i^.- i ' *■ piKf lOP TALCS OV till tOlDlM. Whf, Am. II«T. /•» *M« Ml |M» fid |«a 1mmi*«. hi. in« !»•»«» •"«« ij*'**:*"! ••.'^..T^.*- .. « y.., •• , « vllUtn ^-« «k)«hto-4ytrf villain I ral W» I iIm ranMr. • Dl«« y«« •»« lni«il»« r«»« www tny (M«talMt Myth«f«liiih«lr«nMotloniatMwl«nough, f«U*w U I hut !»•• i»oUiin| to your*, lUAuiH— flolh- Imi for I wouia M«uf.Hlly li«v« mtrrW Ih* |lrt ir«h« 4»«liM kawi \*m\ m#. My «4in«lurt In tlM burinl« wm MftiaiM ih«i oft HMiflipiWt b«nyour»,yo«r«, H«eburn, «rM unqui»iton«bly llml— I wp«MI I* ■••burn, rmilly ■lid- eo«iiri4lenii«fy— th«l o( m 4wiltl«t-*iyd *ill»in.' iitlng tlil«, h« lurwHl on hi« hoel aiMl klX l|lm. • TIm InatancM Ju«» BwiitlonBd ww* ihf Aral awd Ika Uly oMi in whirh RMbufn had y«l ■wikrcd Um mar- ijj(4»in of hearing the omnlon of olh»«», of hia conduct wtak i«l«r«l «o Miaa Ruth«rf«H ; »»ut fhia waa a Mm\m il^tmt Uft to which h« wta now to Im frrq u^ntiy e«- pfaHl.' On ihia verr oe«*»li)n, he htd nOt p^oc«ed«d t««irtf yMda from lh« plac« wher« (^mainghain had MV Mift, wMn tin flnoountMvd iha awdieal gentleman 1 bad been atlaniling hla vicelm. Thia perw>n, cm iho aWiion whence Kaeburn waa MalOfiat, irotn »"« atr»!Cllon wneni^ nwuuin TTB> «oniN|, Ihat he h«ped frum> time to liine, and eepecially by marking certain e«preaalo«a which eara|)etl hr r liuring her leiiiporory fH* <>f delirium, anived at a kiiowkilgo of thi< whole truth. Having executed Ihia part of hia threat, Pr. ilenderaon ae( diligently about lha remaining portion, whirh waa to (Ive all tha publicity he rould to the adtry of Raebom'a «fa»y I and ao aucceaafol Waa ha in hia eflTorta in thia way nxt he had the aatitfaction in a very ahort time of aee'ng him ahunned by ail hiaacqiiaintancea, and oom- pteCely ilclwirred from rr»n*«-i8l.le a^n^ety. After Fanny'a death, Kufburn ha»l evinced a diap»- tiflon to loke an |ctlv6 part in her ol)ae•'' w*"^- ■""'"• •''*"•• '** «M lliU oM of • |>*.r of p.iM.»l« which l.y «n • i«W« y, tiM mi.l.ll« of »h« room, •lul t..»in* lo..k«l ih* .««» 1. llM in«ule. h« fl*rr*ly oonfW.«««a H.ebyrn, who, C»W-«'hn..thi, inrt-nily r«cu|ni«*l, l» •!»• p«an »»r„n. h.m, liwtra BuOwrfofd, lh« broth.* of Um unfu(i«inaU) I'aniijr. _ • Do you h»«w !..«, vilLin! Do you know m« f ■bout*.! ovt E.lwinl, fint •e>i««"i »»'«»• '7 '»^« •"••••• •"« him rt^.lini I.. lh« f.rth«r and of iho •,«rtm«nt J Do ou know U.0 hfrfher of F.nny Ruth,rf«ml, nvuntoror t »)id you Ih.nk, rum»n, lh«» you wi>n wfo from my Mil If youdiJ, you mi.iopk Mw*rd R.nlicrfoftl.— Bui I will wtlrto no ntoro worJt on you, villtm 1 Th« ■hade of my murdtjiwi ii^uir— murdered by ih« cruel«t ol til dcith.— 1« c«lli«| •lou.l for retrihution, tnd, in W n«me, I .it H*r« to demand It! Hero, dMttrdl hoMHi-ukini up the rther plrtol, and pr«aenUn| it to K«eburn— ' here, uko lhi«, iM|d .UmW. nie lik* • rnon } el would not iml.rue my h«nd» in your BUhy blood, I upon equ.1 term.. Ahl...g|h you but Utile de«rvo il. I will live you a chanco for your llfol t-omo, «r, ho women, Raobuni declining to uko the piatol-' i«|o It, taka It} f«»r, by tho heaven above ui, one or oUicr of u«, or both, mu.t die } and your oniT <'|>«n« '• «" oppoaing mo { for. If you do not fire, i wdl! By all thif. Mcred, I will !' At thia moment, R-ebum ruah- tib the windows, with the view of calling for a-aiat- ■Mot and one aupplicatory err, which, however, waa unalllmdfd to. ho U emit, bu^ ere he could fulW ofle^t hia objec^ Edward had him b» tho ^««t, and, holding hia pi«tol within a few inchea pf hia Jiead, threal^ned, if he ^tlrrrd pr repwted hlaoutpry, tha> that moment ahould he hia laat. . , l u- .~. Seeing the deaperale ailuallon ip wn'^", !>•, T^' placed, the tremWing wretch npw took the pi^ mun iftutherfonTp hand, being «ware, fa he hfd beoft told, that it waa inijeod hia only chanpo for life. Jhe partiea now took their atations, one at MOB OM of the room, ami confronted each other. j « Raiae your weapon, Raebum, raiaeyour wOapon I fXcUimed Rutherford, on obaervlng that Wa anta^mat waa not proceeding to aaaume a hoatilo attitude. • Your jwt iring v>>) ««* "« yP" f"*" "'"^ ' '**' y™ warning I' ..... ,^ . Baebum elevated, f nd levelled hia plrtol, • Ai« yo« loady V aaid hia terrible oppoMnt. «theo Bfo, villain P exclaimed Ruthorfofd } *»d both pialola wofit off at the aamo InaUnt, but with very diftrant o&ct. A ralribullvo power had directed the fatal ontinoo of doatnictlon. Baobum'a bullet alniek the w*n wWo of ita mark, while Rwiherford'a pMwd jhroiirii the heart flf him at whpm U ^f|o *lip«J, »wi he MIliMeaa on the 8oor. . ,^. ^ . . . ., " Rodwrfoid threw himaelf on hia knee*, and hoWlng doft%« otill reeking weapoA of deoth* thanked he*Ten I h rth e had b e en p e rmH li ^ t g jW «^• |i von|er of bj* mmmmmmmmmm Tlw howM in which thia dioodAil waa a laqp om, and iha apanaiMt, lap n lilly on that acrouNi by Kuiliorfurd, waa a re wt o mm \ •• that Iho Unng wsa no* h^rd by an* of tha iaotaMM, il least n«K an iii»»ina after tho oflandtr \ but, aa the who*o nrcuinatanrij^of th« caao gradually tranapired, it la a«im>uaaa thai tKTpuiauU woa nollhor a vary «aga» nor a vary willing on*. C*fta|t It ia, at any rale, tliat Rutherford could nowhor* IM found, although it la eiiually certain that aavoral knew very well where ha waa for nearly two afWr the death of Raelnim. r- To theao it waa known, that, Immodialaly afWr mk fata) oceurrenco in the hotel, a peraon claaaly wnpfMl up in a tiavelling rlaak, called at Dr. Hender»o«\ mU deaired to have a private interview with the Doe«or.*x When that gentleman entered tho aparlmeait into whMk the ttranger had l<4(• kt Mlnowl«lfi H otiMirwiw llMH b« ^faw bvnlian MnlMieM i but Ui«f« WM In llMa*, ••Ml m\\ itmim in iIm mnnrnv In which ih«]r wen ttMkfnt •«MHi|h ui ahow Dr. ll«n ihni hi* (liitnittj ruiuluc.l .. WM iinuMwIjr •p|iiTri*««Hl. 'J '<^Nnthin| al all, my •l<>ar air r -n«Hhlng at all t* aniil A* I)ei3tor, In rrply to KUwanl'a altMn|ia yiMir nglii to Um ■trp yuu havo lakan — Jrou havff, I aay, n4(lwithatan(liii| ihia, a dalni on lh« rtoiKily arrvirra of avery man who ran frrl fur lh« WfW^pt ot Mothar, MfMclally, moat Mfwoially, auch grtovooa wronn «a ymira. 1 1 waa a juat, and, on Iha part of hlB who baa auffiarod, ■ «v«U-aMrl««d ratrlbu- VM' •ko(«ly aAerwarda inlrodiiocd Into tha plaeo ot fonr#aimonl, a romfi>f1al>l« lilllo apniiinrnl, which had biwn prtpaitNl for him by llw* liiniln«*« of IIm worthy Dortori and here he r*main«d for aboui wvmi woeka, ax|wHenring every kindneaa and ailan- §om (nm hta b«n«vol«nt hoat { wtian h« waa ■Mratly ««nv*yfld on bi^ird of a ahip about to aail for London, Wkara k« arrivfHl in aafntf at th« eiplry of aomawhera •boot tha ua«»l p"rio«l oorupicd in iiurh a voyaga. On bia return homo, F.dwartI fo«ind liia fallicr al tha .^^fllhM of death. The fale of hia unfortunate daughter ^wi» bunying him to the grave. Edward had nni told Mm wbal waa hie objrctln going out lo India | but the ail Min bad gueaaed il, and had made aewral Inefler. 1 attaionla to diaaua«ie him fVom hia purpoaa. On I fcmara now approaching hi* bi^laNk*, ihrrffori*, '^liiMk Ood r he aaid, ■trctching out hia hand lo VA- 'W&ri, ' :dwar>l Cilandunwya, In a»m« ilrgrve rf U«