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Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly includad In ona axpoaura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar iaft hand cornar, laft to rl^ aiMi top to bottom, aa many framat aa. raqutrad. Tha following diagrama iliuttrata tha mathod: 1 . t 2 3 Un daa aymboiaa aui^lnta apparattn aur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua miorofiena. aalon la caa: la aymbola — »>/aignlfia "AjBUiVHE". la aymbola ▼ aignifla '/RN". ^ Laa cartaa. planel fiim#a A daa taux ^oraqua la dooumi raproduit an un da I'angla aupAriai 'at da haut an baa d'imagaa Uluatraht la m4tl tablaaux. ate., pauvant l«ra riductlon dlffAranta. int aat trap grand pour Atra il clieh«. II aat fllm4 i partir ir gaucha. da gaucha i droite. an pranant la nombra fira. Laa diagrammaa au^anta >fe V ' > 4 MKIOCOPV ilSOUITION TBT CHAiT {ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) *,* •■/ :vV 1.0 Mmm ■ 23 1^ 1^ Itt Itt tim 7JS ■ 2.2 1.6 ■:v,-. ■> >^^ vIPPLlED IIVHGE Inc Ki 1653 East Main Street MB Rochester, New York 14609 USA t716)-«2 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 -Vox f * 4, ' nMAk "\.(IW ^••■m-m .^-a;s-''C .AiAii ^♦i-'f^-MM-'i&'s-j.-! CATALOGUE^'OF BOOKS .j///y, ^^\ { if:- '!p>-;. •■^ S'---' m ' ■*" "* ■ : ..*«*'*** // ■•>v- 4,.,\^ y / ,.^^ I iii'** •ii ^^tv^ OFBOOKSI ^:'{*-^:.y^,.' Jy^*^^ rc AMD lOLBS Am IBMHJkTItli Of-THB ./ •■. LIBRARY OF SCHOOL SECTION No. l. XOOATXD n NEiraUREETi ::-.:r ?«•■; ' V V H ■! * - v;. IfEWMARKET: I Prditsd at thx Nxw Era Book jmd Job Omcx. l() Aido:ww^ U'V*. I X mm^Mi^QEit '•.'^-- A» • "^ • s* '.1. .S"-.; ■■• .. .r .>z zoa'a:-'c3 ;i'.m:m::'-, :>,' 7;iA.r^!,u v 'I > . ■■.;'.. ■ "-. ' ■ - • "^^ 'ij-;cf;'..'''^: . -. ' -^ . ■ ^ r . , . ' .. tUniM It fhXf ■■ ■■• . . .. • . ■ • ■■-'-■■.-■ '■ • - ■ -■• .V ■■ ' '■.■.■ .. - ■ ■ ■■■■■.■■■ • ■ ■. , ■ ' ■ -■■■-*' :'■{'■>*'•■ ■-■^■■vC^ ^ 1" ■ ■■ -V • '■ .♦'■■• ' - - -...-•■.■■' ' ■ ■ ■ ■■* : \ ^./';> ;::V:>;-'.3o:w:vriv^ - ' 1 , ' •^■v^fv:^-^'^^^ 'J ^ :■■'■■■ :■-■■ ;V ■■■■ ' ■ -.■■/-'•/■':. ,/ ..'l ■'■:.;.■:"■■''■ '"■■./■■'" ^; .J.", t' - ""/W -V; '' ;■. ■ .-..'.; ■•■.'■■'..■■.■ ■]' ' '- '■ ;. ^■.' '■■'■. i ■ 1 ■•Si, u*-^ i. A > \ % t '" I ■kr- RIA£$ANDtlEQUlATIOil$: ' or TH» • vt .... Library of Scfiobl Secttoni No. 1, .'■ ■ . ■' , . ■ • ■ ' ■'.;•■.' '' •! . ■ ■■.',. f'.. ■ . '. ■ ■ • .1' • ; .■•■■., ■' :. ^ • The followinff are the regulations for the care and use of the books in the Library ;— - ^.> • 1. The Librarian has charge of the books, and - iH responsible fpr their preservation and delivery V to his successQ|||Mr to the order of the Trustees appointing hiraO^-. " 2. A copy of the CataTogue of the books is to be made out and kept by the Libiarian, and open to the inspeetion of all persons entitled to get 'books from the Library, at all seasonable times, V or at such /times as may be determined by the .'"Trustees^ : .'^i'-' \-\ s^ ■■•.;-« .,i . -i- -^ur ^ v,.i ':■■■..•. -.j^r :\ 3. Books are to be delivered only to reBidOnts - of' a School Seotion in which. a Library or iiiranch Library is vestablished ; or to tht} residents of a ' Towiishi|>^1vhere Branch School {i^ctioo Libraries '■■'do riot exist '-'/ '^:: ':*^••;.■,-^^vA^>•;,-fK,M^.;■;^-^^.^i^;...;v,^,:;:.*- V'\4v Not more than one book can be delivet'ed to a person at a time; and any one having a book out of the Library most return it before he can receive another. * \ v^ 5. No person upon :vrhom a forfeiture has boen JHVi*. ^•.ms ■"'^ I. ■/■ f ■'. ./' j^ iUi«B* AND lheUbn«y»haUb6enl.lle!!?,J''Jlh^mW resides, that' guardian, »' I""'"" * St ft^w^ts deUve red ts ^ r mrlK-^^Win" «n d?.^ a book ^S^i? IS^rbcok a. a Um, fpre«>h family. . <^ r_^ ; j letumad to the Libi»ry •withm as many 'f*®*'. "" i,„_jMd, of. pages— „kett out as rt^f"!" "" ^Xg of a SSSdred allowing one week^for^Wreamngo^^^^^^ I •w^ I i.r J rece'iTe a )ol Section, lonfl(ing to anniits and na relative rson under out of the inhabitant e leoeive a parent, or »side8y that' lelivered ta raw a book icpt of auoh number, of J. late all the \ wish to bor- i raeinber of tired, as long ind fully ob- Mks enough te ° Librarian / )088ible, by rtion to the orbydeliver- the Library ill have been la ofpages-- of a hundred gain take the ^en made for it, while it was so out of the Library, by any. per- son entitled who has not previously borrowea the same book — in whioh case such applicant shall have the preferrenoe in the use of it. And where there have been several such applicants, the preference shall be according to .priority in tha time 6f thoir applicatioaS| to be determined by tne ' Librarian. 9. If a book be not returned at the proper time, the Librarian is to report the fact to tne Trustees, and he must exhibit to them everv book which has been returned injured by soiling, defacing, tearing, or in any other way, before such boolc. shall be again loaned out, together with the nam* of the person in whose possession it was wheii^ ifijurea«'; ' V'.'' ' •;,; '••■'. v ."'-^V- '' ^^•(■^-- ■' r- •■ id^ For ecuik ranaB ^o rive n"i^ to theWwer if a book.that shall be Ked ii,j*red, to show cause^why he should Tot I^r the fovfeiiure incurred. Such i»"«\c». «»»£ b^ live'n to the agent or child, orsent to h.shou« ^tle^orroWer who returns the book; and it -ehould always, if possible, be giv*n at the time *^J^rlS^«^* to infirm th^ ^ ■ ' * ■ ♦^Thefte ftrfeitiires are the same as in the Ste*^^ of ^ i ^ sfiemsiSimimsmamtmmmem EBOULATIONS. VII icing atnjr the bindr ;e or more 1(1 or mulj- ythinac V>e ijuVy done . il circula- lestniction )e incurred ase of the .■■;;.;y_, -v.;-'-' .; n detained by thtese i otice to the hree -days* book iKay re iiii >raTian/any ^rsion wnder deliver any • Ity.. . 1 :■■:■: iibrariah to bat shall be f he should notice may to his hou»8 )ok; and it at the time ever^ such notice giTen by hioEy and^hey shall assemble at the time and place appointed by him^ or by any notice given by them, or any one d ib/om, and shall heat the case. They are to keep s^ book of minutesy in v^hich every forfeiture which, in their jud^ent, has been incurred, shall be entered and si^ed by them, or the maior part of them, or by their Secretary on their oraer, and these minutes, M.a duly certified copy of them, shall be conclHive eyidence of each of the facts recorded in them, 18. It shall be the 4uty of the Trustees to pro- seci^te promptly for the collection of the foifeitures adjudged by them, and all forfeitures shall be allied to defraying the expenses and increas- ing the booksof the Library,* ■ i - • , • ■ ' ^ ' '' ' " -^-^ — — ' * Forfeitares incurred under these regulations must be sued for in the Division Court, according lo the Interpretation Act, 12 Vic. eh, 10 ^r \ Trustees of - ■ I * r- ' V the Stak^ of I!/ (,« 'I flri r tm " -9f i Ijr ■^^^^ • ■» . t •» -.1 ,..:', * 1* ' ' . .-it .^-'. / *'^.^ w tiJ t r L )• 4r I* ^ r iNJ -/ . -: I'l- > '^ ■.'i'j: ' CATUOGUE OF BOOKS LIBRARY OF SCHOOL SECTION No. 1, ^ VEWXABKET. ' ■.'■■■. '. '■ * ' ' HISTORICAL WCiRKS. 1 Josephus. . ^ .- '•;: .^. ) , 3 History of Greece, bj George Grote. ; 4j 2iidTol, do. 5 3rd Tol. do. 6 4th vol* do. ^ -7 5th vol. do. 1^ 6th vol. do. ■ I '■ 9 7th vol. do. ' ; 10 8th vol. do. 11. »th vol do. : I ri 12 10th vol. do. I : 13lUhvoI.do. H fibtory of Egjpt, from Eollin and others. 15 2nd vol. do Aufria. ;t8 ySrd vol. do Pe/iia. ^ : ; 17 4ih vol. do Macedonin. 18 Athens— its Grandeur and Decaf. Ol 11 10 CATALOGUE. 19 The Historj of the Decline and Fait of the Eoman Empire, with Notes by the Eev* H. H.Maraan. 20 2nd vol. do. V . 2i 3rd vol. do. . 24 6th vol. do, hirrr: »' ; ' 25 The MpiW»ment8^of Jlgyi^, by E. Li Hawket 26 The Histiory of England,\by D^ fiume. ,2i;-.:2ndToi..doi'^ --?^:j^^^--'-^%'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ;■' : 28 3rd vol. do. V 30 5th voi: dol ^ T: >r' '* > . • 31 6th vol. do, / A 1 -• I 3& The History of England, by T.Bi:Macaulej. ■33 2nd^^vdl. do. ' .x•i;vV^^>^^iU^ ^r;/.oifnl .€; . 34j History of England,by Jno, liirtgafri, D. t>. 35 2nd vol, do. ..!. .ff t ! d: •. 36 3rd vol.do, ^ .. ' 1 ^ i i v ■ 37 ^ 4th vol. do. .. - . .(■■<> ^<■■rir'^ ^^i.: 38 Great Events, dekribed by distirtgiiishfed - V - : ■ Historians. •■ -V; .■•.•/.■• . ■'• *; ^'^^-^•^■- j^* • f, 39 The Empire of Japan, by C. MacFurlaiitf. CHURCH HISTORIES.^ "' '*^ -^ 40 .Neander'^ General His^oi^jr;^f; .the.,Cl^tifi|p Religion and Cburclu, f , i ,!o;!ult (t 41 The Antiquities of the Ang1b«Saxon Cbnlr^, by J« LingardyB. D." ' ' •< ' ^^ ^ ^' •S.^' ^f . " ^ • •■ > \ . t . -.1 < ! ' 1 i i . r. Pall of the J the Eev. A-3- ■;■■;:■. ^. , »■•■ i '■. ' - XiiHawkei iumet ;:f. / ;Maeiauley. {■■•/■ If .'-'i. l- : listiAgiiisfa^d (fac^Iaii^ ■:';i(-rr lit- " ■ _■ >■'■-»< '■• ■■/■, t- CATALOOUB. ^ H \. . ' ■ ■■,■■.''■''"'.. ■.■■.■■■"■■■■ 42 AX:ompendious'!^siAfcl'of the History of \ V theGhpistianChureb,bjrRev. W.C^hao. HrSTORlGAL BOOKS FOR CHlLimEN. 43 Modc4 Jerusarem--ReIigiou$TractTSocietjr 44 The Jordan and Dead Sea— fdo do .. , 45 Ancie:>tE«cypt— its Monuments and tlistorjTjf 46 The Egyptian.— Refigiou^l^ct $oc\et^ , ^ ? 47 Th« Arab and his Country .do do ^ ,. \ 48 Short Stories from (French) History do ^..-^ 49 lona Island, bv Rev. W. S.>lexander, D.D, the Euphratesf. S. S* tJhipii. I do do ^ 50 Babylon and the Banks of 5 1 Nineveh and the Tigris^ f)2 People of Persia. ^^-;; 53 Court of Persia. , • 54 The^ Tartar Tribes. Tract Society, / 55 The Pepple of Ghjiia. dol do . >r, j 56 Tdumea and Arabiafi do 1 d^ . >, 57 Stories from Scottish Hititoty,^ ■;■•■:' •; Scott. ■;\-^''''^:i-,o^'--^^r^ -.iri'/r- NATURAL HISTORY. --^ZKSC^^ ; ::; . ::■ ;; ANIMAL;-.KIJ^GDOM./dr. v. 1^^ : ' Firtst' BboKs of Natural Histcmt^:^^^ by W. S. Vy:. Ruschenberzer, M.T). -^ 58 1st. Elements of Anatomy and IHiysiolo^^ 59 t>nd do Mamipalogy.. ; '-.y, ' ^ < y 60 3rd do' Orpitliblogy. ' . ■ ■ 61 4lU do/ Herpetholp^y and Jchthyslpgy. 6!2 5ithr^ do Entomology. ^ ^^^^^ " ' " 63 ett do Cdncbology. ^ > ^ ^ \ . ' V . \ ■ ■ - iij!"" i-x'?;.. ■i^ ■.Tf CA'^ALOOUS. ^*»t: ,'t ,, :'. ■• . , ■••'. : • ■.■-...■. 64 7tli do Botany 65 Sth do Geology. 66 Principles of Zoology, by L. Agassiz and ^ A. Gould. y 67 Nati^ral History of Birds, by London Reli- V gious Tract Society. , tiS t^atural History of Mammalia, by Goose. 69 " dci|v ^0 Birda^ 70 All .do fleptiles. 71 do do Fishes. L 7i British Quadrupeds-— Illustrated. 73 Birds— Illustrated. 74 History of Insects— Illustrated. . 75 History of Remarkable Insects— Illustrated. 76 Shells and their Inmates— Illustrated. ' 77 * liessons derived from the Animal World. — i first series.) vol do. O^nd serlei.) 79 The Boy and the Birds. 80 Natiiral History of Mankind, Illustrated with 7 Maps and Engravings. fl The Senses— tlie Eye, the Tongue, the Hand, [■-■:- the Ear, the Sense of Smell, 82 The Senses and the Mind. ^ ^ 83 The Houius 1 Live in. 84 Good Health, (London Eeligious Traet So- ciety.) ^ 85 On the use and abuse of Alcohoflc Li^ora. 86 A Practical Treatise on Ventilation, by M, ;■;■■■ •:.:Wymaii-. ";.-,■>:'■ .:,:^''-,;; ' .;. % 'i. "•^.^4^' CATALOOUB. IS assiz and don Keli- Goose. llustrated. ed. ^ World.— rated with theHaiid; Tr»ct So- e Lifuorik ion, bf M* ■■ I- *kr • 1 BOTANY.-^EGEt ABLE KINGD01*li 87 Botanical Text Book— Illuitrated-^by A. Gtajr, M. D. 88 The Plants and Trees of Scripture, (Tfict 6ocietjr. * fi j The Geography of Plants, (London Tn«t Society.) • ' 90 OutHnes of Botanjr. ' i 91 The Book of Trees, t [ 92 The Vegetable Kingdom. PHENOMENA AND CURIOSITIES OF 93 Natural Phenomena. 94 The Surface of the Earth. . 9$ Guriosities of the Vegetable Kiftgdon. 96 The Starry Heayens. 9t The Frozen Stream^ 98 The Rain Cloud. t 99 The Tempest. > ) V : . 100 The Thunder St<^ntf. ' ' '" > < 101 The Wonders of the Sea Shore. ! 109 The Dew Drop and the Mist. . 103 The Ocean. 104 Aspects of Nature, with ScifBtifie elvcila* tions, by Humboldt. \\ 105 The Life of a Tree. 'f ;i 106 A Winter Ramble jp the Coimtry. i 107 A Ramble in the Sfrrifig. 108 The Face bf the Earth— the lyionntain, the V Valtey, the Pntfie, the Island, tiie Desert* 'A \ ' ;>: m r %■ i 1i I m ,.n-i i t^i ■''-'>' -'■'( . '' -' ♦ !■ .:|^;-r- i.,V.i:V/,.l 'J' 110 The Atmosphere an'Mt^t^n^ ilrTWa Wrtersof the E*r«i. .1,1 • ";"?KSes of U« Earth... .'^ Vila Si^t«!h Winter. 114 Sights in Spnng. 115 Sights in Summer, 120.TOr > ;A«» l!«W' ™^ , , ■,. . |,v, ,,V1V .»« .' *®| ^ 7 .Celestial Scenery. ;;■ 4 1 ^ «S 1 Sidereal Heave«. ■ ; « ^ 124 vol o ,p^.,:.,i Astronoineri U. iS T&ar System--firstjf.rt^' ;^ \iL- ■ jLn ad. »econap«rt.,«.. 129 Elements ^fMeteJologjr.^^^,^^ 134 E.e»^^^ 133' do °° "^ 1 . MiV oa. VI .•■ ■ ■/ •< (' . t , ,. , w- •r*. 10 Vols. ture State. ler. ••■■■■: I.-' • igioii. ' *• aveiB^nt of of ntankiod ilesi*:^"-' Atmwpbtre rt. ;'!^-> -';-'^. ;lo:l\'"' ... r S*mcftl!le. doi- Chriitian , Loomis f 184 Tlie B*#)« of (Si^, rtffii Wl)|^«^cttd .>! 'o.'.'-'-ScieniBfet: '. • ;- ' . : •:! :,t,54 ■ : ^ . . ,: . WS tte Old Itfea feiiftasfonei^^^^^ .^ ^^t H. Miller - '\ , „ . 136 The Foot-prints of the Creator, >/ Ilu|fh • '■ :)ol^"'' Mflletv .;-:,^:::^ ; ':;,,,:,i£ ' '.\^ . ,:' v -...;:v '[::*".- NATURAL PHlLO^OPHYv^ 138 Bi^'ll V, do V / . A^ . 139 ftcnwiclrsdo /^ fl^^^^^ 140 ParkerV do - 4<^/ • ; ^ fe. 141 MecMical Pbilosophjr, bjr S. E. Cowfi •14a' Eeadiigs in ^i^nc<^ ^ o ^^^^ V.«iLt 143 Jbilbsophy in Sport made SQietteemeafttcit mX"^ C^ejoptry, iiy E. I^ V vV^-^'^^IToiinans :-^:., .. -^ ::■- -:r J. Stockbardt -.^> u .v ^ . . . 148 0h^i«^ Fiji Ike^urfes for Africultan^ts, ** V ''' by StoclJBdt 'i^;^, v-%^''---^ ;'■.;•:■• 14i^inienta of >Phii«tical Agriciilttiri;,^^^^^ . JP. MortQii 150 Rural Edouomy, by J. B. Bousingnawlt. >■-<■ V ■vf ■■'/, |i| r CATALOOUSJ r PRACTICAL AGRltiULTURB. 151 The Farmer's DictiontryiBr Dr. Gtrdnwr. 152 Gardener's Teit Book, Bjf P. A. Scbenck. 158 The Famitj Kitcbeo Gardeiier, Bjr R. BuipC. 154 Lectures on Practical Agriculture, Bj F* -/^^ W. Johnson. I ^ ^k. iMTThe American Fruit-Book, Bf S. W, Cole. 156 On the Structure and Diseases oMht Horse, Bjr Youatt,: 157 The American Veterinariafi^or Diseases of Domestic Animals. , 158 Stable Economy, A treatise^ on tbe nan- a^cment of Horses. \ . 150 The American Cattle Doetoiv 160 The American Poultry Yard, By S* Allep. 161 A treatise on the Codstrucjkiott of Hot- Hduses. • • \ 162 The Cottage and Farm Bfee Keeper. MANUFACTQRJES & USEFUL ARTS. 163 A Dictionary of Ajrts and Manufactures, by . . IJre. ., ■.■■:;■:.■>:./.,:- ■-. -?->:•■■-•' \4-.r-- 164 -and vol do.^ -•■>■■ •^"^^■V:'^->;'::-^:...--:-^ .;-- 165 The Ppnaiplea of Science, applied to tit D<^stic and Mechanic Arts. 166 The History *of Silk, Cotton^ liineas) Weil, ■■■■;/■• ■':•>.•, dec. &cr ..-•:■•,:/■ ..; -^-i'- •-■■•'■.;■:;' ■••■■, ■■,/:''-^-; 167 History of Propellers and Steam Nata- tion, by B. McFarlane. . ^ ^ v 168 Painting, its Rise «nd Progress firomtbe : earliest Ages to the present time. •i/v URE. hr. Gurdotr* k. Scbenck. 37 R. BuipC. tiif«y Bj F. 9. W, Cole. kset of^ht DiteaiMof in tU BMUI* 37 S. Allei r 5# Aiieik of Hok- eeper. JL AB^?. ufactttresi b/ iplMl tottt ■• ■ ineB8|Woil| • ■ •■ ■"* •, ' '. - m Urom tiie time. •I I '% 169 A Cyclopedia of 6000 Practical Rcceipta^ ^. by Ja%. Cooley. ' V » • - y ItO Sculpture and the Plastic Art|^tt riw and prou;re8s. / 171 The Book of Bridges. 172 Popular Tecbnolo^y, or Book of Tradea and the Professions. 173 2nd vol do. / 174 A Book about Pictures, Seals/Coins, Moo* uments, &c. 7. 175 The Book of Houses. / 176 The Telescope and Microscope^ by Tboi* -■•.■ -l^ick..,,. ^ ,,. /'..•■ MODERN LITERATURE, ESSAYS fitc. 177 The Modern British Es$ayitt, by S. Smith. 178 do do do by GifTord and Stephens* do do do by Macintosh, do do do by Carlyle. doi do ; do by Alison, do do do by Wilson. ' do do do by Jeflfrey. do i do do by Macaulcy. ■ 186 The liCtters of Junius. 186 Readings in English Prose Literature. 187 A Coiidpendium of English Literature. 188 English Literature of the 19th Century. 189 A Dictionary of Science^ Literature &. Art, by Brando. „ v / 190 A Pronouncing Gazetteeri by T. Baldwin. 191 fWoroan in France. ■ ' \ ■■ i '■\ • -' ^»,»wi-iqi^Y ^|,mii >w™"-#^p- ^^r^^" ^^ Ti^ ( ' ^^^^ OATAIiOitll» ]J|2 Womao ia Anifriei' 'II U 'kVi'^ <^fi|| 193 France,-^Socitl,LiUAryiiitlPo|itAby ,1/ 104 2ncl fol do. 195 A Hand- Book of Mddfera E^^opeto LiUr- .V/k»i>vi: Wure#i »«:.„'■■ ^ .' .■■..•■. ,i. 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