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Maps, piatas, charts, ate may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antlraly inciudad in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baginning in tha uppar iaft hand cornar, lafft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams lliustrata tha mathod: Las cartaa, pianchas, tabiaaux, ate, pauvant Atra fllmfo k daa taux da rMuctlon diffArants. Lorsqua ia documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saui clich*, II ast ffilm« it partir da i'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha it drolta, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nteassalra. Las diagrammas auivants iiiustrant la mMhoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i,1 ■* '' It . i Andtboi ^ and VI lieft ( Search Priri [pii ^^fOHWAmmo QUESTIONS mSTOItiPCXt fAfLT ■if. ist cBthvm$^m G4fmi^ ii; IH>CTKINBS AMI PI ACTS ov mi *,. camSTi AMD fW .i^^rf m fiUPHAtE I A; M* .ah' Andthov tlislt leael them 4||piitV ^^ U17 el|flc(r«g' iiiid fludt taHc o^^uMim ^heifuioa iittest In iby hoM^ ai>d wbea tbof^-lirpllBest by the way, and whea Mf lieit dd«r|, aii when thou rlaest up. deut. ii^.,%^ Searoh the ScilpCiifef : for in them ye think ye have fUrf nallifa: aqdthey are they which testify of me. r WBBEB NUMBBBS. (NO.. I.)..:ll:-.:--. ^.r% Rirra BDiTtoff. ' NEW-HA frbvUdatth$ Q^o/I/M l^^^^in £itf%€»ctr.. I r "^ «*.,'. . ««*Man«ia> [Pric«i to eipBt9 flinj^a-^f 1 Adocea-^f7,60 ft ii«!^iiN^ # I :^^^-' I t <^. '•■■'^^'•'wiaaN wt'W W qi tSgll'!^^ liT'^M' ... . ,/?/? C^) : '■ # I ^■' J"'^, BE It REMEiSlBEM:!) ; that en< fli,S. iday of Aufitfst in the 44th year ^"^^ pbaiet B. Ci^eiaibhath depisIM in^ tl the title of a Book, thi»{|{^t whereof he chuii;itet| ihoiv in ihe wor^ foilowlftg) to wit : ^*^^ «l|i^ SfibbiUb .9i;Jl0(^l Ct|^l^chi«0« cpntaimog ^uei tionslii^e Hkoricar partdf the New Testameii^- •igh^dr t6 'assist ehildt^Dlli gflAnli^ an iiitiikilite ao<|iilm' lutce with. the lifbf chume|«r| doctrines and pi«cepts of ^^ Bjr miphi^^t B> Colt* taieli mm oil^ently unto ' IHi when thou sittest in it%y tis Wiiy> M when rieeflt up. Deut. vi. 7* _ th^HI- ye titinlc ye l?aye, i^liicbtfstifyofi^e. John ». • "Christ) and die acts^of many A. M. And t thy Children^ and thy houae» and #hen thou liest down, and 4Nareh.the Scriptures, - Vernal Ufj^»andtbeyarL ,_ , v.d^. fu ittt^ee nuinberti. (No.r.y* , In oopfotmlty to the act qf the Coiki^of Hie tJ^d States, entitled,/* An act fo^ the entoiirdlmj^ntof leara- iiigrliy MCuring^he coipies of Ma|)8,€biutifUld Bbob, to the authors and prppnietois of such copies, during the tiiMStlieteSn mentioned. CHA^ A ^rmG»RSOLL, Cktk of the District of ConneeticUL ieianriT^d and sealed by me. CHA'S A. IN6ERS0LL, q^k^tktj^^rkt of Conneeliem. A tme copy of f< .j>"'f0iH^:^tk'^%-'';»i^^}, f ' V, .. :i\^iT,i:AAi^:i\ ^'^k^fdM M ^S,T|-' ;iv''# ■■a^,*f^0^>r^^ '■■ ;■ m'r^r>:^.b^ i ■ '% mm w. PREFAeE^ The rising generation U the bopie of tfit Church. To assist the yi)irUifd.mmid^tnece# fore^ in obtaining an early ^cqaauatanee wiib e sacred (ruths of the Ootpeit ^nd particulars with the life, character and precepts of the aviourand his apostles, is an object worthy the atteintion of ail, aiid especially of those who have thecl^arge i^unmortal soulf. Deeply impress ed with this triith| the Au has noticed wit|i|auch attf^ritiq^|lll^hlj|p Ministers of tHe Gospi {parents and heai^ of fanii Instriictibri of^jie^^ c||ilJiS has he bieheldaBy^uliar pleasure^ ttie rapid f tills catechisn) , the increased Sirs l)een paid by uqtors of yoqth| ^ the early p]ou$ And es^ciaUyi inuHtp1ic|it|(^ipW^bbaih Schools, which he conceives to be peculiarly adapted to the accom- plishment of tpis most important object; and promises^, not oinly to be highly usef^l to th^ rising generatiori/but a distinguished blessing txy the Christian Church. The first objecf of Sabbath Schools, (espOf cialty where iitera^ure is not particulaiiy attenidf ed to,) is to enrich^ the minds of youth with a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and to im- press their momentous trutns upon the heart and conscience. To effect this, one of the m^* ercises in these Schools, generally has been, foir the children to learn to repeat lengthy pa^* ges of Scripture, and even whole chapters^ y^ "■'Mi i ^:* mn^mm^'m mtm^-mmmmiiim " i» " * " 4, ' n :.' ■■ |r rFSFAGS. But| this batiin. of view, is highly useful and important^ requires loo great a streich of memory for the capacities of children in general. The conseqence of which is very Injurious: for this study, which should, siboveall others, be pursued with pleasure, soon becomes ati irksome task. And it is from a strong desire to remedy this evil, that the Author has heen induced to form the subsequent cat||ir chism, which is designed to asbigl the young, iit'^ committing to memory the interesting historical facts, and important doctrinal and practical truths of the Gospd, and to impress them more forcibly uppn i hj " ^" • "^"^ tli^aP^ view of this fnteiima fo^pi partic- sect of Christians; but children of all descrip- ^i as the ques- answers al- It will be.p Catechism, that ular class of Chi is equally c<»lcul; tibns, and of all C^fiumi tions are geniirally asked,^ ways to be given, in the language of Sdipture: and that, not by selecting some detached pas* sages, but by taking the whole text in a con- nected chftia of questions and ai^swers. That the child may neveriie it a loss to find the answer to any qaestiou, llib verse or verses Ip which it is cbniained, are referredi to at the end of the question. Where two verses are re* fetred to for the answer, the figures are sepa- rated by^ a com ma j; and wher^ indite than two, the first and last only are put down, and a dash (— ) substituted for the intermediate verses.. . n ■a \ ■ A ■& A ^m wm m W ^'1** M ■ /.I »'*' »»4iS r point K|uire8 lacities r which ihould, e^soon roin a Author itcat||r ung, iit'^ ^torical actical III more of this partic* 08; but lescrip- e ques- vers al* ripture: led pas* 1 a con- r to find r verses ) at the i are re- e fcpa- an twO| I a dash rses* . ■n QUESTIONS '■''•■ Oir TUB » , ■ . ' m)SP£L OJF ST. MATTHfiW. CHAP. I. VeiiiEk St. Matthew - - 1 [gin the gene- , alogy of Cbri^^ ^V • 2^ a. Who wgHMBjiilfflmf Christ f 1& 4. Who mK/K*^ husbandy and the reptitedlat^r of Christ! - «#- IB 5. In whose line of descent did St. Ms^p thew trace the genealogy of Christ, in that of Josephf or Mary f - jiS 6. How many geiieration^ were there from Abraham to Bavid ? - i;^ T» How many from David until the _ carrying away into Babylon ? - 17 ,^ 8* How many from thi^ timo nnto Christ? . . . \r 9* What was ttie relation subsisting^ , (, between Joseph and Mary before the birth of Christ 7 - - - It 10 What was the cbaracter of Joseph? ,lj^' o Questions an the 11. What was he disposed to do with Mary? - - ... 19 1S« Wlio appealed unto him in a dreamy and forbade him ? ^* • 20 13. What was the name* wiiich the an- gel directed him to give to the child^f 21 14* What was theDi^asoi^ wliich the an- , gel assigned, why lie should call the child Jesus .^^ ' • • - 21 15. What was the liame which the pro- phet said should hf given to the child P^ 2S 16. What is ynJfnterpratpttip of J^m- manuel? ^^Hj^ "^^h^ '^^ ^^ 17. What wi^^pJiHM||i|lh, wheii he ar^Hb ^U^ ^^ 24 % -/ GHAP. 1. "Where was Jesus born ? - • 1 2. Who was liing of Judea at thait time ? 1 d« WIhi came from the east to Jerusa- lem to find the infant Saviour ? - 1 4. What did they say wbea they came: toJerusidem? - • - 2 5. How was Herod affected^ when be . heard the^e things ? - • * ^ 6. Wliat did be do, when be bad gath- ered all the chief priests and scribes df the people together? • « 4 ,V'^ "Isdalii vii. 14. .^«*; m Gospel of St. MaUliew. 7. What was their answer? 8. What is ^he prophecy whiqli tfdi event fulfilled ?* - - - ^ 9. What was Herod's enquiry! whi;ii M had privily called the wise mea? ^ 10. What was the command he gave tlieaiy when he sent them to Bethlehem? S 1 !• When they had departed ttom Her- ^od» what 4M*e^ted them to the ahode of the young child ? • - - ? J«. How were ftiey aflTectedy when they saw the star statidingtipr the house? 10 13. What 4i!l^y dO|/^en they ^^^ come intdl; 1§e h(M^ find saw the youngchiId^W{t^lii|ry bis mother?' 11 14 What gifti^ did they prese>nt unto him» wheft; ;t)k|^ had opened their treasurcftf" • - • 11 1 5 Why did they not return to Herod ? Id 16 What was the command which Jo- seph received fl*om tlie angel of the Lordf when the , wise men were de* - parted?' - - - - is 17 What reason did the angel assign for giving this command ? - - 13 18. What regard (Aid Joseph pay to the command ? - - - • 14 19. HowlongwasheinEgypt?^^..S dO. What prophecy was f^fill«%iliB" residence fa Egypt ?t - >^ j^ tBoseiill / * Micah, V. 2y 9. '% .% f •i <: i ; ^ueBiio'M on the ^1. . Bo]|9ir wall Herod aflffected» when he iraW that he wa» mocked of the wise .men? - • a - - 16 2»* Row dfd he expre^la nis anger } 1 6 ft3. What prophecy was fulfilled by this horrid deed?* ^ - - 17,18 24, How did Joseph know when Herod was iKeadf and when Ue might return to his own country ? * ^ 19f 20 25. How did he regard the command of the angel? ^ - - - - ai 26* How was ilh'leirected when he h^ard that Arcbelaut M reiM in Judea '^n the room of hiii ftther Herod? M ^7» What wad the cdnaequeuce of this fear? - - ^ . ' - 82 £8. Where did he dwell in Galilee ? 23 S9. Wliat prophecy w^ fulfilled by his reiiidence in Nazareth ?| - • fiS 1 1 CHAP. JII. ■ ■•*.■'. i; Where did Jolin tbe Baptist first preach the 6osp4 ? ^r 2c What Wan his firittHI;? 1 £ ,% What prophe^ was fulftUed by^ the / ^ freacUngefJohii?^ j. ,^ . - 8 4. 0|phat wasJohn'^ ratlhentmade? 4 5. W^what was be girded?* • 4 tjeremtpdilKilvJU^. i Isaiah ii,t^ trdaiahxl.l£i: *.. Ooipd of St. Matthew. Verse: in he wise - 16 16 this 17^18 erod turn 9,20 Ml of 9apd this 23 his fiS Inst 1 the - $ le? 4 • 4 ii.ifi; Vene. 6. What was his meat ? • • « 7. WN went out iiito the wilderness to attend upon John's preaching and baptism? - - - - 5 8. Where did he baptize them ? • 6 9. What did he say, when be saw many of tlie Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism } « - 7 — 12 10. For what purpose did Jesus come from Galilee to Jordon unto John 7 IS IK What did John say (o him ? - 14 IS. What reply- did Jesus make to . John's refusal ? • - - 15 IS. What effect had this reply upon John ? - • ► - 15 14» What event took idace, when Jesiis came up out of the water f 16^ 17 ■ V CHAP. IV. 1. For what purpose was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness 7 1 fi. How long did he fast, before he was an hungered? - - - 2 8. How did the tempter address him» when, he came tojhim i ^ - , -^/^ 8 4. How did Jesus answer the tempter ? 4 5. What does the Devil then do with him i -^ „ • - ^ • 5 ^ ^ ip fluesikw on tA# ^ Verse 6. What doM be sajr unto him - 6 T0 What reply did Jesus then make to the tempter ? - r - r 8« Wliere does the Devil then take liim ? - . • - * s 9. What does he aay unto him ? 9 10. How doesJedusaiuiwerthe tempter? 10 11. What was the consequeiiGe of this answer? « • . «. n 12. What 4id Jesus doy when he heard that John was cast into prison ? le 13. Where did he dwell in Galilee t 13 14. What Scripture was fiilftlled' by bis residing in Galilee ?«;^ « 14—^16 15. What was the text which Jesits first preached from 7 V - - 17 l6» Where was be when lie ofl^Hd his two .first disciples ? • /- - 18 17. What were their names ? - 18 18. What were they doing? • 18 19* What did Jesus say to them ? 19 ^0. What regaM did they pay to his words f - - *• • flO fii. What were the names of the two next disci^es whom Jesuscalled? SI ^2. Where were they when be called them? w • - . SI is. What were they doing ? - 21 24. How did they regard his caH ? 22 25. What was the employment of JesuSf wbUe in Galilee ? • - . fi3 Verse - 6 teto 7 take t 9 :er?lO this 11 )ard le 13 this 4—16 Prat 17 two 18 18 . 18 19 his ' 80 I wo 21 led 21 K 21 22 23 6ospel df St. Matthew. it Verse. 26. What was the effect of his preaching in that region f « * 24, 25 CHAP. V. . • • ■ 'i. '* 1. What did Jesus doy when he saw the multitudes about him ? - - 1 2. Who came unto hlm» in the mountain ? 1 $• What did he do^ when they had come to him. ^ - . - - 2 4« Who are the persons whom he pro- nounced Uessedf in his discourse with his disciples ; and what are the reas- ons which he assigned^ why they were blessed? * ^ - S— 12 5. What did Jesas say of his disci- ples? « . ^ • 1S^16 €• What did he say concerning the • law? - - - - i7"-~20 7^ What did he say concerning the sixth commandment^ and the reconcili- i^ion dof ffiSteences between breth- ren? . - - . 21---26 8. What did he Btif concerning the Seventh cofllimandment.? -. 2T-<^32 J9. What did he say conceiming swear-^ *«*?■ . '^-* ' *' -*■ .- »0H53f lOi What did lio-sav conceiving refunr- [ iiig e^il for «yi|l^ - ^ » 58— .42 ifl* Wbal £d be^ay vdimeeniing lo^ttg our enemies 7 . - - 43-^^^ % ■ • 12 ^utMonz m (Iht CHAP.VL VerSte. 1« What directions did Christ give res* perting lUmsgif ing ? - - 1—4 S. What direction did he give upon the subject of prayer ? - - S*— 13 3* What did lie say concerning for^^v- ing nien their trespasses f - 14, 15 4. What directions did he give concern* ing fasting? - * • 16^18 5. What direction^ did he give concern- ing laying up treasures ? • i 9 — 21 6. Wliat did he siiy concerning the light of the body? - - - %2f 23 7. What did he say concerning serving two masters ? . . . 24 8. What did he say concerning our anxiety about future provision f 24<^34 CHAP. VII. 1. What directions did Christ give con- cerning judging our brotlier ? 1 — 5 2. What directions did he give con- cerning casting pearls before swine ? 6 3. What encouragement has he given U9f to ask of him those things that we need? - - - . - 7—12 4« Whatdirectiondidh^ giveconeaii- iDgenteringinattbeslniilgate? 1S|14 J VerSfe. iveres* xmthe S*— 13 V- 14, 15 K>ncern* 16^18 incern- i9—2l he light ^2, 23 serving 24 ing oiir a f 2^<^34 ivecoit- 1—5 tvecon- iwine ? 6 \e given igs tbat 7~12 :onea*n* tef 13,14 t r Bospel «/ 8t Maithew. i ^ Verse. ^ 5. Whatc?r jn did he give concern- ing receivli;^* false teachers ? 15 — 20 6. Who did he say sb9ttld,^nd who should noty enter into his liingdoni f SI — 23 7. To what did he cespectively liken those who should, and those wh» should notf bearlcen to his words ? 24 — 27 |i« What effect had these sayings upon the pedple ? . « • ,. 28 9 Why were they astonished f ^ ^9 CHAP. vin. 1. What took place, when Jesus was come down from the mountain ? 1 fi« Who came and worshipped? £ 3. What did the leper say to him ? 2 4. What regard did Jesus pay to his request f - • - - 3 5. What followed? - - - 3 6. What charge did Jesus give him ? 4 7. What took place, when Jesus was come into Capernaum f «• 9, 6 8. What did Jesus say unto him ? • 7 9« What was the centt;rion's reply 8, 9 10* How was Jesus affected by this replv? - - . - - - 10 11. What did he say to them that fol- lowed? - • • . . - iOp-.ii^ 11^ What did h^ say to the centurion f IS ■y*' m' iMx 14 ^esHons on the Verge.. 13^ What wa« the result of the centuri-. 011*8 application to Jesus ? « Id 14* What took place, when Jesus was come into Peter's house? « 14, 15 15. What took placoi when the eren wa9 <€omef • • .. - . 16 16. What prophecy was hereby liilfil- led?* ;. . . - -it 17 • What did Jesus do, when he saw great multitudes about him I - 16 18. Who came to him, at this time? 19 19* What did he say to Jesus - 19 20. How^ did Jesus alkswer him ? ' SO 2U What rtaid another of his discipli^s unto him? • . * * ' * S^ 22. What did Jesus say unto htm ? S3 23. Wh6 followed Jesus into the ship? ^ 24. What event took place while they were sailing? ^ - «f 2A 25* In what situation was Jesos at fliat time 7 , - • * •* «• S4 26. Who came to him, and awoke him? S5 27. What did they s^y to himl ^ 2$ 28. How did he tmyf^ them ? ^ 36 29« What did he do, whei^ he hadre^ proved them for their unbeUef 7 ^ £6 SO. What effect had tUa miracle upon. the men who sailed with him 7 • . 27 d\. In what; CQuntrjr did Jeaua landy. when he wa8.come^to the other aid0 i^th^SMf , • ^ i, -IV «l «»|il#liUII.4 ,..•) 3 16 I. if n 1% 19 19 80 S3 23 2« S6 IQ %7 m 52. S3. 34. $5. Gospel ofSL Jfaatihew. 15 '*'•■■ Verse. Who met biiii when he had landed ? 28 What did they say to hio ? 29 What request did they mak^ of him ? 3 1 What reply did be make to their re- quest? - ... 32 86* What were the consequences of bis permission? * - - • 32 37* What did the keepers of theswine do ? 33 S8. How was the city affected by these tidings? - • w m 34 CHAP. IX. I» Whiit did Jesus do when 'i\e was re- ' quested by the Gergesenea to depart , out of their coasts ? - - 1 C. What took place on his return ? 2 S» What did Jesus^ seeing their faith, saCy unto the sick of the palsy ? - 2 4. What did the Scribes^ who were pre- sent say within themselves ? *» 3 5» What did JesuSy who knew their thoughts* say unto tbeni i • d. What was tlie event? - - r. How were the multitude affected when they saw it ? - - - t. Where was Mi^thew, when Jesus first saw him? - - •, 9. What did he say to him ? - - ^1 3 6. What prophecy, did he say, was bcrcby fuimied ?* - * 14^15 T. What did Jesus say to his disciples when he h^d quoted this prophecy? 16, 17 8. What was his expositioii of the par^ mbte of the sower ? • « 19^23 9. What was the parable which be put forth concerning the wheat fuid tares? - - •c ^ 94—^00 10. What was the parable wbkb lie put forth concerning a grain of mustard , scedl - •* - r s%^ 52 11. Whiit was the parable wbicli be spake concej^ning leaven 2 ,4 i. ^ 9J 12. What prophecy was fuIfiDel bjr his speaking to the people in parables ?t 55 13. What did Jesus do, when he bad 4 spoken the precedii^ parables ? 56 %4. What waa th^ Bequest, with which bis disciples came unto him ? - 56 t5» Whal was tile esj^kmatkmi which begavetben^of thefMraUe? 5f— -43 « Iiaiiih vi/9,.10. i Psalm lxxv& 2* \'* '^.d'U-iJ^ 0o$pil of &t. Xatihtw. 31 Verse. 16. What was bis parable of tbe hid treasure? - • . • 44 17. What was bis parable of the pearl of great price ? • - - 459 46 18. What was his parable of tbe net ?47 — 50 19. What question did Jesus put to his disciples^ when he had ended this par- able? • • • - • 51 20* What was their answer 2 • 51 21« What did he then say unto them? 52 22. What came to pass when Jesus had finished these parables ? <»n 53— •ST- 23. What did Jesus say unto them ? 57 24. Why did he not many mighty works there i - • - :* • 58 CflARXIV. i. When Henid the tetrach heard of the fame of JesuSf what did he say v unto his servants ^ • - 2 2. What had Herod donr to John ? 3 3. Why liad he dorte that ? - - Sy 4 4. > Why did not Herod put John tadeath ? 5 5. What took pli|ce oh Herodlsi birth- day ? - - - - - 6. What did J^sus doy when he heard of John's death ? : - - - U r* What did the peojple do^ when they heard of his departure f - .^ A 6i-^12 /■■ ^%. .^ *^y^ r ■■ ■ " ■ : fZ ^»Hons en the Verae. d* How was Jesus affecteili when he saw the multitude f 14 15 15 16 IT U 19 9. Who came to him at even ? 10. What did they saj to him f 1 1 . What was his reply f - - 12. What did they then say to him } 13. What did he further reply ? 14. What did Jesus then do f « • 15. How many basketekfnll of fragments did they take up wheir aH had eaten ? 20 16. What was the number of those who * had eaten? « - - 21 17. What did Jesus constrain his d!sci« , pies to do while he sent the multitudes^ away ? . . ^ . 22 18. Where did he go when he had sent the multitudes away 7 - - 23 19. What was qow the condition of the ship? . - . 24 20* What did Jesus do in the fourth watch of the night f - - 25 21* Hqw were the disciples affectedf when they saw him walldngonthe sea} - - • * 26 22* What did Jesus say to them ? 2f 23. What was Peter's request f » 28 24* How did Jesus answei* him ? « 29 Zh* What djid Peter do, wbea be was come down out of the ship i -> 29 26* How was he affected^ when he saw the wind boisterous ? > - 30 2r« How did Jesus regard his cry i St Ooipel of St. Matthew. 23 Verse, ins. What took place, when they wore come into the ship r* - « 3S 39. What did tliey do who were in the ship? . • . . . 32 30» Into what country did thev come when they had gone over the seaf 34 M* What did the people of that place do^ when they had knowl^ge of him 1 35, 36 f^ CHAP. XV. 1 • Who came to Jesus from Jerusalem ? 1 2. What did they say to him f 3 ^ How did he answei^then^ ? 3— »7 4. When he had called the multitude, what did he say unto them 7 .10,11 5. "What was the enquiry, with which his disciples came to him f • 12 6. What was bis answer? 1^» 14 7. What did Peter then say to him ? 15 8. How did Jesus answer him ? 16*-«20 9. To what place did Jesus then de- part? - - . ^ - il 10. Who came out of those coasts, and cried unto him f ^ • 22 lU What did she say unto him ? 22 1 2.. How did he regard her request ? 23 13. What was the request of his disci- jiom f • • . . sa 14. H sent away the multitude ? ^^ 39 24. 25. 26. 27. CHAP. xvr. 1. Who came to Jesus, and, tempting, desired him, that he would show them a sign from heaven ? 2. What did ho say unto them ? 3. What did hp do, when he had thus spoken? - - » . . 4* When his disciples were come to the other side, what had they fbi^otten ? 9f Wtott did Jesu9 sftjr wto tbqin f 5 6 Verses . 26 27 ? 28 2B de- 29 SO, 31 isci- i to 32 £6? 33 . 34 34 35,36 bas* iken - 27 ? 88 had * * 39 ting, them Gospel of SL Maitiiew. 25 . V« rse 6. What did the disciples do when they heard these words ? - ^ 7 7-. When Jesus perceived that they rea- soned among themselves, what did he ^ say unto them ? - « - 8— '11 8* What effect had these words upon his disciples? - - - 12 9* What did Jesus ask his disciples, when he came into the coasts of Ce*" sarea Philippi ? - - « IS 10. What was their answer ? - 14 1 li What further question did he then put to them? - - - 15 IS* How did Simon Peter answer him? 16 13. What did Jesus say unto Peter ?1 7— 1 9 14. What was the charge that he then gave htfl disciples? • -. 20 15. What were those things, which Je- sus, from that time forth, began to show unto his disciples? - . 21* 16. What did Peter do when he heard these things ? - - . 22 17. What did he say unto Peter ? * 23 18. What did he then say unto his dis-? xiples? - - - - 24—28 . i\ thus 4 otbo en ? 5 ? ^ ^ CHAP. XVII. 1« What took place after six dajrs ? 1, 2 2. Who appeared unto them in the mount ? C a ■ ;-. 26 questions an th6 Verse. $0 What did Peter say unto Jesus ? 4 4. What took place whil^ he yet spake ? 5 5. How were the disciples afibcted when they h^ard it ? - - 6 e« What did Jesus then do f - 7 7i Whom did they see wheii they had lifted up tlieir eyes ? - - 8 8. What was the charge which Jesus gave ^enif a$ they came down from the mount f - - - - 9 9. What did his disciples ask him f - 10 ] 0« How did Jesus answer them ? 11,12 11. What information did tbey receire from this answer? - - 13 12. What took place when they were come to the multitude f 14~l 6 IS. How did Jesus answer him f - 17 14« What foUowed f ^ - 18 15. What did the disciples ask Jesus, when tbey were come to him apart ? 19 16. What was his answer? - 20,21 17* What did Jesns say to them, while I they abode in Galilee ? - £2, 23 18. How were the disciples affected by these words ? - - - 23 19* What took place when they were come to Capernaum ? v 24«-*li7 Verse. ? 4 ake? 5 ;cted 6 r had d Fesud from 9 - 10 11, 12 ^ceiTe 13 were 14—16 . 17 . 18 fesus, iHi 19 20,21 while 22, 23 ed by 23 ' were 24— -ir Oospcl of 8L MgAthew. CHAP XVIll. 27 Verse. 1. What wsMS the question with wbioh tlic disciples at this tinpie came to Jesus ? - - - * 1 2. How did he answer them? 2 — 6 3. What did he say concerning aSen ces? . . . ^ 7^-^ 4. What caution did he^gite them con- cerning despising one of those little ones who believed In him, aitd to what did he liken the Father's, care of them? - - - 10—14 5* What directions did he giv<|, how to deal with an offetiding brother? 15— IT. (I. What did he say at the conclusion of these directions ? - - . 18 7. What did he s^y concerning tfie agreement of two in pr ayer ? 19, 20 8. What question did Peter then put to him? - - - - > 2l 9« What answer did Jesus giv^ him ? 22 10 What was his parable of the unmer^ ciful servant ? • 23-— 34 1 U How did he apply this pa-rabFe 7 35 ^ CHAP. XIX. 1m What came to pass, when Jesus had finished these savings ? - -. 1,2 % Who came unto him tempting him i 3 ^ .i< — . [/; ^ .1 38 ^nesHons on the * Verse. 3. What question did they put to him ? 3 4* How did he answer them f - 4 — 8 5. What did th^y th^n say to him.? 7 6. What was hi s reply ? - . a, 9 7* What obiftervation did his disciples malce, on hearing his words 7 - 10 8. Whatdid he say unto them? - llf 12 9. Who were then brought unto him f IS 10. For what purpose ? • - is lU What did the disciples do^ when theysaw it ? * . . 13 1 2. What did Jesus 9ay to them ? 14 13. What did be do^ when, he had thus^ spoked? - • • - 15. 14. What was the question mtii which the young man came ta Jesus? 16 15. How did' Jesus answer him ?. IZ 16. What did he then say to Jesus? 18 17. How did Jesus then answer him ? 1 8« 19 18. What was the young man*s reply ? 20 19. Whgt did Jesus further say to him ? 2L 20. Bow #as he affected^ when he heard that saying? - - - 22 21. What did Jesus then say to his dis- ciples? ^ - • - . 23, 24 22. How were his disciples affected when they heard it ? ... j^s* 23. W'hat did Jesus say when he beheld! them? - - - 26 24. What did Peter then say unto him ? 27 25c Whatanswer did Jesus give him?28— 'SO (Terse, n? 3 4— fi r », 9 pies 10 11,12 IS when .13 14 1 thus^ 15 which 16 n 8? 18 m?l8,l9 reply ? 20 o hiro ? 2L le heard 22 hia dis- 23, 24 ted when - 3^ le beheld 26 itohimJ 2r hiroJ28— ao Gospel cf 8L TAaUhexv. CHAP. XX. 29 Verse. K "What was the parable which Jfesua spake concerning the labourers in tlic vineyard? - - - 1-— 16 2. What did Jesus say to his disciples, wiien he took tbem apart in the way,, as jthey were going qp to Jerusalem? 1 8, 1 9 3* Who came to him at this time, wor- shipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him ? - -k - 20 4* What did he say to her? - 21 5. What was her ansvA-ei'? •* 21 6. What reply did Jesus make to her request ? - • - *. 22 (7* Uow did her sons answer him ? 22' 8. What did he say to them ? - 23 9* How were the ten affected, when ■ they heard it? — - - 24 l6. When Jesus had called them unto him, what did he say to them ? 25 — 28 1 1 • What came to pass, as they departed from Jericho? * - 29 — 34 CHAP. XXI. 1. What'did Jesus ^o, when they drew n%h unto Jerusalem, and Vverecome to Bethpage, unto tlio mount of Olives? * - ^ 1 — »3 C2 ( i f r 30 i^sfioiis on iM - Verse* 2. ' Wliat prophecy was fulfilled by this crent?* • . . . v a^ 5 3. What regard did the disciples of Je- sus pay to his words ? • 6, 7 4. What did the people do who were with hiihr • • • 89 9 5. When he Vas come into Jerusalem, how were its inhabitants affected? 10 6# What answer did the mtiltitude re- turn? . • • ... 11 r. What did Jesus do, when he was com« into Jei*us>iilem i . 12, 1 3 8. Who came to him in the temple, and were healed ? . • .14 9* When the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did;^ and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David, how were they aiibcted ? YS 10; What did they say unto him? 16 How did Jestts answer them f 16 Where did he go to lodge? , •. 17 What took place in the morning ? 1 8, 19 What effect had this miracle upon his disciples? . • * .20 15. What did Jesus say unto them ? 21 , 22 16. What was the question, which th^ chief priests and the elders of the peo- ple came and put to him, as he was teaching in the temple ? . « 23 * Zechariab ix. 9 11. 12; 13. 14. Gospel of 8ti Matthew. St ir. What answer did he give them ? 24 , 2^ 18*. What did they do when thejr had re ceived this answer ? . - - 25— 27* .19* What was his reply? - - 27 20. What was his parabte of the two . . sons ? • - - - 28 — 3a 31. What was l^is parable of the wicked 22* What was the question which he put Husbandmen? . . 3V— 39, to them, at the close of this parable } 4(K 23. What was their answer ? ,- 41 24. What did Jl^sus then say unto them? - . . . 42—44 25 When the chief priests and Ph^iri- sees had' heai*d his parables^ and per- ceived that he spake of'thcim^ wliat did they seek to do ? • - 46 26. Why did they not accomplish tbeirgi wishes ? • » m m . CHAP. XXlIi 1« What was the parable of the maiv ria^ feast which Jesus spake ? 1— -14 2. What did the Pharisees do, when , they heard this parable f^;; 15 — 17 3; What did Jesus, pcrd^^ftg their wickedness^ say, unto them? 18, 19 4*' When they had broiisrht utitrt biiti a penny,, what did be say uiito fhein ? 20 5^ What was their answer? ^a'*^fi t I I ! «i N1' *4^ JHutdious on the Verse. 0. Wh^t dill he then say unto them ? 21 7. ,Hqvv were they afifectedi when they heard these wordsk? 4 - 22 j$. Who came to him the same day ? 23 9. What did they say unto him f 24—28 10. tiow did Jesus ginswer them ? 29—32 11. How was the multitude affectedi when they heard this ? - - 33 12. What did the Parj^ees do, when they heard that he bad put theSadu- cees to silence ? ? -, - 34 iS, What w8^8 the question tvhich one of fhein» who was a lawyer, put to him, \ t?5mi^inff hin) ? -, - - 3d 14. ' How dii Jesus answer him ? 37" — 40 15. What qujestion did jesusputto the Pharisees^ while they were gathered .^together? 7 - -, - 42 $^ What was their anaiwer ? . 42 if. What did Jesus 'then say unto them ? •* . - - 43 — 45 18. What was the consequence of these interrogatiQUs 7 - • 45, 46 f'i'ru ( CHAP. xxm. 1. What did Jesus 9ay to the multitude, and to tua di$ci|)le»9 co^neerning the doctrine^ and example of the Scri|>es and Pharisees .^ - , - 3 — 12 i'. ^at were hia.d^nf^cialtt¥isagain^t i ^, iiipli ci^araacteja f S- ■ '*». ''iy-^ Gospel of 8t. JUatili^w. SS Verse. 3, What did he say unto them concern- ing sending th^iki propliets* &c. ?S4— ^6 4. What was his lamentation ov.er Je- rusalem? •. •. . • 37—30 CHAP. XXIV. !• For what purpose did tlie disciples of Jesus come to him» when he de- parted from the temple ? • • i 2« What did he saj unto them ? 2 5. What was the request with which his disciples came to him privatelyi as he sat upon the mount of Olives ? 3 4. What answer did he giv« them ? 4—28 * 5. What did he say should take place immediately after the tribulation of those days ? . ' . . ^ 29—31 6. What is the parable of the iig-tree.''|32f 33 7. What did he say at the close of this parable ? . . . ♦ 34— i.36 o. To what did he compare the com- ing of the Son of Man ? • 377-^1 9v. What was his exhortation to them, il). Tiew of these things ? •• 42— ^t • 34 HuesUons on tlie CHAP. XXV. Verse*. ] • Wliat is the parable of the ten vir- gins which Jesus spake ? 1— «13 2* What is his parable of the tal- ents? - . - - 14—30 S. What is the description which he gave of his sei^ond comings and of the final judgment? • •' 31—45 \ > 't CHAP. XXVI. 1. What did Jesus sajr unto his disci* pies, when he had finialied all these sayings? • • • • • ^ % Who were {issembled togettier» at this timcy upder the palace of Cephas the high priest ? • • ^ 3 S. Upon what subject did they cqq^ suit? If <• - - • 4f5 4. What took place when Jesus was in Bethany^ in the house of Simon the leper? • • . . . . 7 5« How were his disciples affected^ when they saw it ? . . 8t 9 6« What did Jesus say unto them ? 1 — 1 3 7. What didJudasiscariot then do? 14^)6 Z. What was the question with which^ the disciples came to Jesus on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread? . . • • \ \7 ^. What did he say ? . ^ 18 s^::. "t? Gospel oJI^L Matthew » $n Verie, 10. What attention did the disciples pay to Ills command ? • • • 19 11. What did Jesus do^ wlien the even was come f • • • 20»2C 12. How were the disciples affected by this declaration ? ' • • • 22 13. How did ha answer them ? 23» 24 14. What did Judas^ who betrayed him, then say tb him ? • • • 25 15. How did he answer him ? • 2S 16. What is St Matthew's account of the institution of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ? • • 26—30 ir. What did Jesus say unto them, while they were in the mount of Olives? I . . 31, Si? 18. Wljat was Peter's reply ? 33 19. What did Jesus say unto him? 34 20. What further reply did Peter mak ^^35 21. What said the other disciples ? 35 22. Where did Jesus then come with bis disciples? _• • • • 96 23. Wliat did be say unto them ? 36 24. Whom did Jesus take with him ? 37 25. How was be affected ? • • 27 26. What did he say unto the three dis* ' elples who were with him f « 3S '1». What did !ie then do ? . . 39 S8; What did he sny when he came unto the disciptes, and found them a- flJeep? * . • >*^ 40,0 r^ 29. SO 81. 32. 35. 36. 87. ^ ^yLt9lion% on the Verse. What did he do When he had thus spoken? . • . . . 42 — 44 What said he, when lie came to them the ' third time, and found them asleep ? 45, 46 What took place while he yet spake ? 47 How were they to know Jesus ? .• 48 33. How did Judas address Jesus when he came to him ? 49 34. What did Jesus say unto him ? . 50 What then took place ? . • 50, 51 What said Jesus unto him ? . 62 — 54 What said he to the multitudes, in that same hour ? • • • « . 55 38. Why was all this done? . . 56 39. What did the disciples then do? • 56 40. What did they, \iho had laid bold on Jesus, do with him^? • • •57 41. What became of Peter ? . . 58 42* How was the trial ofJesus conducted? 59 — 63 43. How did Jesus Answer him ? • .64 What did the high priest then do ? 65, 66 What was their answer! • .66 What did they tlien do to Jesus?] 67, 68 WberewasFeier at this time? • 69 Who came to him ? . >• .69 What di^ she say unto him ? • 69 What was the reply ? . . .70 Who saw him when he was gone out into the porch? ...•,• . 71 i5j2. What did she say -onto tbem that weife there ? • \ . • . . . .7? 6^. How did he r^ply to her declaration ? «7^ What did they who stood t^y say to him ? 78 What did he then do ? ^ * .. 74 What then took place ? . - 74, 76 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 51. 54. 55., 66., Oospel ofSU. MUihew, ar CHAP, xxvir. Verse. 1. What took place, when the morning was come ? . . • • .1,2 2. Wl*at did Judas do, when he found that Jesus was condemned ? • • 3,4 3. What did ibey say to him ? . . 4 4. What did he then do ? . • 5 5. What did the chief priests say when they toolc the silver pieces ? • • • G 6. What did they do with them ? • 7 7. What was that field called? . . 8 8. What prophecy was fulfilled by this event ?• 9, 10 9. What question did the governor ask Je- sus, when he stood before him ? .11 10. How did Jesus answer him? . 11 11 . What did he do, when he was accused of the chief priests and elders ? . . 12 12. What did Pilate then say unto him ? 18 18. What regard did he pay to Pilate's ques- tion? . • . . . .14 14. Hoiw was the governor affected by this ? 14 15. What was the governor wont to do at that feast ? • . . • .15 16. What Prisoner had they then ? .16 17. What said Pilate unto them, when they were gathered together? . .17 18. Why did he ask that question ? .18 19* What is the- word which his wife sent ' unto him, when he was set down on the judgment seat f . •' . . 19 . *^ Jeremiak zuii. 9. & Zechariah xi. li, 13. «m m V ••£ 38 ^nesfioi^m the Verse. What did the chief priests and elders do ? 20 What did the governor say unto them ? 21 What was their answer ! • .21 What saith Pilate unto them ? .22 How did they answer him? . .22 What did the governor then say ? , 23 What did the multitude then do? 23 What did Pitate do when he saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult wa3 made? • •< .24 . What reply did the people make ? 25 What did Pilate then do? . "" . 26 What did the soldiers of the governor do with him?, . . . . . 27,28 When they had plated a crown ol thorns, what did they do ? . . .29—32 How did they insult him, when they were come to a place called Golgotha? 34 How did he receive it? • • 34 What did they then do to him ? . 35 What prophecy was hereby fulfilled ?* 25 What did they further do? . 36,37 In what situation were the two thieves crucified with him? • • .38 38. What did they do who passed by ? 39,40 39. What did the chief priests, mocking him, with the scribes and elders, say ? 4^, 43 40. What did the thieves do, who were cru- cified with him ? • • • . 44 41. What remarkable event took place at this time? - • . • • .45 42. What did Jesus do about the 9th hour f 46 43. What did some of them who stood there say, when they heard him? . . 47 ♦PsalmMti. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. « 32. S3. 84. 35. 36. 37. ^ <^,f Cbspel of 8L Maithtw. 39 Verse. 44. What did one of them do ? • .48 45. What said the rest ? • • .49 46. What did Jesus do vi hen he had cried again with a loud voice ? • . 50 47. What Chen took place ? . . 51 — 53 48. How was the centurion, and they that were with him watching Jesus, affected^ when they saw the earth quake, and those things that were done ? • . .54 49. What women are particularly mentioned as beiiig tlicre, beholding, afar off, who fol« lowed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him ? • * • . . 56 50. Who came when the even was come ? 57 51. What did he do ? • . , 58 52. How did Pilate regard his request ? 58 53. What did Joseph do with the body ? 59 60 54. Who was there^ sitting over against the sepulchre? • /. . . • 61 55. What took place on the next day, that followed the day of preparation ? 62 — 64 56. What said pilate unto them ? • 65 57. What did they then do ? . . 66 CHAP, xxvni. 1. Who came to see the sepulchre, in the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week ? 2. What took pl&ce at that time ? 3. What was his appearance? 4. What etfect bad his appearan(ie upon the keeffers? . • . • * • 1 2 3 40 Explanation* Verse. 5. What did the angel say unto the women? 5 — 7 ' 6. How did the women obey the command of the angel ? • • . • 8 7. What took place as they went to tell liis di'^ciples? . . • . 9 8. What did they 4^ when they heard this - salut^ition? - % . . . 9 9. What said Jesus unto them ? • 10 10. What took place, when they were going ? 1 1 11. What did they do, when they were as- sembled with the eiderS) and had taken counsel? • . • • 1)^-^14 12 What did the soldiers do ? « • 15 13. What credit did this saying gain ? 15 14. Where did the eleven disciples go to meet Jesus? . • . . 16 15.^ What did they do, when they saw him ? 17 16 What did Jesus say unto thism ? lB--2f) ' END OF ST. J>f ATTHEW'S OOSJPElt. EXPLANATION irOR THE THREE SUCCEEDING GOSPELS. As a considerable part of tht succeediDg gospels is eoniained in the preceding, it is thought to be unneces- sary, that the questions on those parallel passages should be repeated. They will therefore always be o- mitted ; ex;cept as some particular questions may be necessarily repeated, to maintain the sense and con- section of the remaining parts of the text. But for the child's amusement, as well as instructiont the pas- ssges which are omitted will be noted ia their place, and eonnected with references, at the bottom of the page, 49 thobe parallel passnges npon which aaestions have b^n previously akked* p|/^ • ' / QPESTIONS. ON THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK, CHAP. I. 1. How did St. Mfirk introduce his Gospel ? I \]^or these verses (^ — W) see the ref^ 2. What person In particul^tr did Jesus find in the synagogue in Capernaum, as he en* tered on the Sabbath day, to teach ? 23 3. What did he say fo Jesus ? • 24 4. How did Jesus answer him? • 25 5. How did the unclean spirit regard this command ? • . • • 26 6. What effect had this miracle upon those who were present ? v . . . 27 7. How did the miracle effect his public reputation? • • • « *Ver8e2,Matth.u. 10. v. 3, Matth. iii. 8. v.4»Mattb. iii. 1. V. 5, Matth. iii. 6. v. 6, Matth. uiA, v. 7, 8* Matth. nr.n. v. 9 Mattu. ti}. la «. lo, li^th. m. id v. ii, Mattb. iii. 17. v. 12, Matth. iv. 1. v. 13, Matth. iv. 2, 11. V. 14, Matth. iv. lA, 17 «. 15, Matth. m% & x. 7. v. ]6~20, Matth. iv. 18— ^ v. 2lrMattiMvJ8i28. Vr$22i Mfitth4irii.28|29« D2 .-^li 42 ^uettions m the Verse. [For these verses (29 — 44 j see the refer' ences."}* 8. What did Jesus do, when be arose in the morning, a great while befbre day ? 35 9. Who followed him ? . , . 36 10. What did they say unto him, when they had found him ? . • • . . 37 11. What did he say unto them in reply ? 88 12. What did he do in Galilee? . 39 IFor these verses jf40— 45^ see the refer' emeJ]f CHAP. II. 1. What took place when Jesus had enter- ed into Capernaum|«nd it was noised that he was in th^ house f . • 2 2. Who did they bring unto him at this time? • . • . 3 3. What did they do when they could not come nigh unto him for the press ? 4 [For these verses (6-'-'2B) su the refer' . ence.]| ^ CHAP, III, ' [For ir^e verses ("1— 12^ su the refer- «ncs.]§ , 1. What did Jesus do when he bad per- ^ V^n^ fi9--^, Mittb. vili. 14--ld.^ t Verse 40U.46, niatth. viil 2-^. t Vene 6— 12^ Matth. ii. £-«, v. 14—22, Matth. U. 0—11 «. 28—28, Mattli. ui. l-*-4, 8. § Verse l^ll^th. xii. 9— 19. Ooipel of St. Mark. 43 Verse, formed the miracles recorded in tlie first verses of this chapter? ... • 13 2. Wliat did he do^ when he had come unto him? . • ■ .- • 14,15 3. What did he surname Simon ? * 16 4. What did he surname James, and John the brother of Jam- ^ ^^-4- + ^«"C i*^-80, Mattli. ^'FJ^' , "• ?»-^» Matth. xii\ 4^-60. i Verse 1^20, ^S2'';?"\^":^^- ^' 21. Matth. V. 15. V. 22, Matth. x. 26. % *nI^^^'Jl'^^\ «'• 24, Matth. vil 2. r. 2$, Matth. xH. Jo ^-^l^^ft, Matth. xHi. 24, &c. ». 8bu^, M«yi. xlli. 31, 32,^t;, S3, 34, Matth. xiH. 34. i\ 8a-41, Matth. m 10-37 ^1 A i 11 ( r 11 k M 44 ^uestioM on the Verse. 2. What did he do, when he saw Jesus afar off?, . . . . . 6—7 3. What had Jesus said uiito him ? • 8. 4. What did Jesus ask him ? . . 9 5. How did he answer ? . . • 9 6. What request did he make of Jesus ? . 10 [For these verses (11 — 17) see the refer' ence."]* 7. What toc^k place when Jesus was come ' into the ship ? . • . . 18 8. How did Jesus regard his request, and what did he say unto him ? .19 9. How did he obey the Qpmmand ? ^' 20 JO. What effect did his declaration of the miracle produce ? . • • 20 [For the rmnaMer of this chapter see the ^efereinces.']^ CHAP. VL ]For this ehaptef su the refereiniCes^X CHAP. VII. \For tfiiu terses (1—30) su the TefBreme.']^ .](• w her^ did Jesus go, when he had depart- '^ froni the coasts of Tyre and Sidon ? 31 •Vew© ll-«17,Mfitt|i.Tiii* Ji0--34. tVerse2J, Mattlp. ii. 1. ». 22^*^, Ml*th. ix. 18-^26. t Verse a«-«, Mi^)^. iiii.M—d8. v^ ly Matth 1. 1. «.8— 1^, Matth JiM-^ «. 14—29, Mattb, xiv. 1—12. v. 30—66, Matlh. xW. l3"iW* § Varse 1-30, Matth. xv. h"2Bi X. '■W. Gospel of St. Mark. i. Who did they bring unto him ? 3. What was their request ? 4. What did Jesus do with him ? 5. What followed ? . . 6. What charge did Jesus give them that were present ? . . . • 36 7* What regai d didthey pay to his charge ? ^,37 45 Verse. 32 , 32 33,34 35 CHAP. VIII. [For th€se v$r$€8 (1—21) su thg fefer- 1. Who did they brinr to Jesas when be was come to Bethsaida ? . .22 2. What did they requestor Jesus ? 22 3. What did he do to the blind man ? 23—25 4. What did he do with him, when he had healed him ? • . • ,26 [For these i7€f«w {27— 37) see the refers ence.l^ ' 5. What did Jesus say of tbpse who should be ashamed ef hrm^ and of his words, in that adultei'ous and sinful generation ? 38 CHAP. IX. {For these verses (1—32) see the refers 1. What did Jesus ask his disciples, wheir he was come to Capernaum ir *^ 33 ^ *Versel— 10,Matth.xv.3a— 39. «.l^|21>Matth.¥Ti. 1—1 1 t Verse 27— S7, Matth. xVi.jltipi6. fc 20-^6. t Verse 1, Matth xvi. 28. v. 2—32, M«tth. fei. 1—23. '( » ■*^ -i i i i 1 ! a i l- • i! ■1 i 46 ^uesitons on the Verse. 2. How did they answer him ? 34 3. What did he say to them, when he had sat^down, and called them unto him ? 35 4. What did he do when he had said this ? 36, 37 ^. What did John say to Jesus ? • 38 6. How did Jesus answer him? « 39,40 fFor theremainder of this Chapter see the refertnus.l* CHAP. X. > J \Tor this chapter see the refeteihces^JX CHAP. XI. [For this chapter^ see the 2lst chapter of MaitheWfJrom the Ist to the 27 th verse.} CHAP. XH. {For these verses (1 — 4ff) see the refers ences.li 1. What did Jesus see when he sat oyer against the treasury? . . 41,42 2. When he had called his disciples unto him, what did he say to (hem ? 43, 44 • •. * Verse 41 , TSUmh, i. 42. v. 42—48, Matlb. xviii. 6, 8, 9. V. 49, 50, Matth. v. 13; f Verse 1—31. Matth. xix. 1—9. &tl3— 30. ».32— 62.^M[atth.xx. 17— 34. t Verse 1—12, Matth. Mi. 33-r40. v. 13—37, Mattii. \m. 15^-46. v. 38—40, Mattb.'xxiii.5,6,14. u f:4 <■:! •«i II ' II r iil Verse. 134 had 35 I? 36, 37 '38 39,40 ke the J n ►*••'■ pter of \rifep^ if- v^ ,r'vf| It over '"i 41,42 (■ 1 ) unto 43,44 i^iii.6,8,9. f^^l xli. 1—9. j/.-M srse 1 — 12| f. 5